Ultimate Menril Automation | Master Arcane Engineering | Modded Minecraft Madness

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Time to realize we’re going live helps if I check my audio love thank you for buzzing test training test yeah Wonder Bar uh not on that uh oh good YouTube the analytics page is bked let’s try reloading that I’d like to be able to see some analytics no no no analytics today from

YouTube a not L analytics who knows if anyone’s watching at least fingers crossed we have a train controller something else will be working right what was I going to do today do we do a loot box opening first yes cuz I need a lot of train stuff in

Order to do what I oh you want train stuff come over here oh God train stuff is training other stuff is stored over in this bottom chest that’s n of that is useful but thank you I need a train station I need Train control so and that’s it oh that’s Sushi

Sui so if you can WIP open a bunch of those I will be appreciative we’re just going to collect some rewards here Nick what do appreciate your reward yeah wait what did you do to me oh hang got to say what did you do to me thank

You collect seven raw iron I can do that both doors oh we’re getting more Emmy stuff create a separate chest for Emmy just because are fly wheels massive fly wheels are purely cosmetic oh they’re way too big no you know it’d be funny it’ be really funny if you I don’t

Know what it’s up to it like scars me around a sh of those no all the brass is sheets okay right uh fine this is going to be one long long opening what oh train I need a train control and that’s it all my videos have processed I

Can actually do stuff now yay everybody say yay woo there is the total oh my we have two e Drive controllers at this point nice one for each base we connect together my loot why can’t I craft the vertical no thank you you did craft

Oh plastic F we got our first piece of plastic damn life is fantastic in to be honest it’s probably a disaster now the world is going to be absolutely polluted to high heaven I have so many sanity meters my dude I’m not going insane anytime soon what’s assembly

Platform that didn’t sound like a good noise that’s new M craft you M craft any train stuff probably let me just just actually you don’t belong in there you have a you have a box yeah this come here neck this drawer here yeah periodically it just keeps

Changing to Shimmer sand I keep draining this watch I’m I’m going to show you me doing it in front of you so I’ve unlocked it I’ve taken it away yep I’m not going to put that’s glow stone in there right yeah yeah at some point probably tomorrow that will have turned back to

Shimmer sand H is there like a goblin on the server that isn’t me wait a minute is there another Goblin on the server is that a train no I need a train controller which otherwise if we don’t get anything I’m going to need well give me a minute sturdy

Machine have we got sturdy mechanisms yet make them sturdy some sturdy sheet squish squish is that is it rude if I set that up be considered it be considered wait have some restraint you asked me to open these and I wanted to open these so we’re doing some loot

Opening quickly can go in the oh no neck yeah I’ve lost both my time in the bottle and the loot thing and I don’t know where it’s gone my loot thing or XP thing I’ve still got mine po thing what have I misplaced there oh I know what’s happened to

It there’s some in storage isn’t there so it’s got quick stacks of those storages over here cuz it’s not on my hot bar I wish thanks to this this this mod should have the ability to lock a tool slot an item slot yeah that’s do you do have two hot BS much

Effort said I don’t know where the XP one’s gone and that sure probably find find it for later oh my gosh why why is all this memoral here did you go get a bunch of memoral oh I see what you found oh no what oh no I didn’t find anything

I see what you’re creating no you can’t have looked in that chest that’s that’s literally spoilers can you stop looking in my building I was looking for where it got stacked too look that’s literally spers I’m so mad look I know what that’s it so mad no

Fire are you all right that was half a heart I was half a heart leave me alone leave be alone I should have jumped in the water yeah you got so you survived that that’s a good weapon that is stop looking at my name right I went

In there because I need to hide my things for all I know you put one of the XP crystals in there and that’s where it got ped back to at least don’t tell the TR I’m doing cuz I think it’d be funny if I rock up to their base

On that thing yes build it I just need a train controller to make the damn train which requires sturdy mechanism I don’t think you can get a sturdy mechanism for a loot bag ah I just quick SED all to one chest where’s the green chest this one I hate that

Feature God we have so much am I’m loving it will you just stack no that annoys me I should really just grab grab all the bags and just do it all at once all at once all at once prepare for the server to lag from here can I reach

Both from here can I reach both do I need to on doesn’t quite reach that’s annoying what do you make Ms aren’t that hard to get it’s just sturdy sheets oh you need explosion crafting are you ready for explosion crafting stay out of my stuff stop touching the things that I’m

Doing we could play uh lethal company with up to 32 people do you know 32 people no would it be really tragic if we invited the train boys and did a massive lethal company oh gosh help us could you imagine playing lethal company with the train boys I don’t think it

Would literally be like simultaneously the worst idea and the best idea what don’t like the giggling there’s a fight going on what’s he after what was he after I saw it but single Train control sturdy machine oh we need St sturdy mechanism what’s he moaning about sturdy mechanism combusting the

Iron neck one you’re not making it yet but two we have a bunch was it this one that’s he punched me and he got corn fire don’t I have a bunch of St yeah I have 26 sturdy iron lying around and F and 100 two and a half stacks of sturdy

Mechanism which you should be able to get more if you’ve completed the quests one second uh I have to where’s the Station train station oh we don’t have a train station how do we make a train station I need the study mechanisms again just stay away from it for now no I really

Need to build this train no you don’t you can build it later and be proud of it later I don’t have anything else to do today so I either build this train or I [ __ ] off to the vanilla server please how do we make the St the stury

Mechanisms do we actually have any no we don’t we definitely don’t I just cheat you are terrible listen buddy at some point you have to say the mod Pack’s gone a bit far and trains shouldn’t be hard I don’t know considering what they’re capable of traveling through Dimensions isn’t

Difficult no do that with star bules the rest of dump stuff you can do with it take you up there can you build the train for first and then add the the structure to it I have no idea I’m Googling it give me I’m talking to myself well you are talking to

Me right place the track right click it with a station place the station block right click and click create train no you have to have the TR I’m pretty sure you can disassemble the train at any point no he’s going to die right opening all those loot crates

Just got me a bunch of more Quest we need radiant so I don’t think we have any radiant L around do have the radiant mechanism we have the stuff to complete the radiant mechanism Quest but we don’t have the prequisites oh I love these mod packs sometimes right train station do this do

This right and then right click on the station and click create train to enter assembly mode all right place one or more train casings on the track they turn to wield undercarriages okay mind I don’t need wheels wheels can get [ __ ] so where was I up to Ah

That’s what I was up to I was going to be expanding this bad boy again so it’s been expanded already from last time we’re going to finish it off and then I’ll explain what it’s actually doing why everything is like oh did I not probably who spoilers my

Train you just left it lying around in the open don’t expect people to just go and open all the chests in the base but it’s fine if you play Minecraft it’s not labeled it’s not labeled exactly which means it could be a dump chest which means anything could be in

There oh and you know that not how dump chest yes my dump chest says literally no idea what the hell and it’s full so any chest becomes a dump chest to that point any chest around it is a d chest oh we got so much Stone and none

Of it is actually Stone which mean in over here not in your base we have like an entire chest full of stone and not a single one of it is actually St me I have more Stone than you can ever I don’t need Stone I’m trying to find a place to put the

Stone right come to mine there’s there’s plenty of space right so I need to expand this two more one two this is our new outer wall here also do it this way I might as well think do I need to make this bad boy and then we just go one

Two sorry biscuit here I can’t not meow back on hello Sweets what do you want I’ve given you your dinner what could you want from me more I want it all already she’s on a diet do not encourage her oh my God putting my uh quiver into my backpack deleted all my

Arrows it’s happened twice now twice so gets reset and then of course my quiver goes reset what is this biscuit can you not be such a pain in the ass have you ever considered not being a pain in this consideration they are your pets so biscuit stop it if you your claws

Into my leg one more time I’m going to put you in the kitchen she abusing the baby the worst it’s the worst punishment because guess what there’s no food where all the food and water is how dare I lock her in a room with all the food and water oh you’re

Torturing her oh how cruel I’m the worst you are a monster can I make this less then I think I can right brain brain’s not fully in functioning motor oh it just mean that I’ll need to put this higher and that’s the minimum size I realized I done this

Up bam I’ve made a Cho impressive I know inkle bunkle boo what is wrong with you ble what there with a mouse not my damn leg but your legs are fleshy they are fleshy keep digging her damn claws into them hurt feel like I’m being M you know well you probably

Are how consequences of how cruel you’ve been to work inle is the meanest uh brain I need I need to go to so one two one two two one two one two one two get rid of that I should you need to go and then here punch a new hole too thck

Yeah you’re too thick no the the thing I’ve made is too thick oh not thick whoa whoa hang on a second actually need to make some I was just you what you said and I just had to I was just double checking so mean just double checking

Whether you worth it or not honestly how you guys check so right friend blocks slab Edge sometimes your brain don’t work my brain is perfectly F oh planks and well and sticks oh my God we finally have a use for sticks right so now we need the corner

Here so we need right after I grab my St stuff we need this we don’t we’re not putting the other one in just yet so we need to go so with this we’ve created a 512 one which means 11 blocks away so we need one 2 3 four five six 7 8 9

10 11 it’s increased by two so I need to do the building by four not wow not two so I’m ready to shoot myself from stupidity yeah Fair me too shoot you not me no offense how cruel well yeah but I’m useful so really no but if I lie enough it becomes

True how the world works right I don’t think it’s it becomes true I think just that’s how the world works right I think people believe it people will believe it there too I love these boots but I also hate the fact that’s how they work I could get rid the water seeking

Aspect of them these would be the best boots for me for a long time okay so let’s actually go uh I need blue pull you out and let’s just break that for now put you in there so let’s count this properly from

This corner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 so we need that there that there and then there and then we need one two and then roof I’m going to keep that there to stop blazes spawning on top and we’re going to get why can’t I more we

Want bra not working at this point is in here the Redstone I need two of these three buckets so I oh you’re not even visually I was thinking using that for Blaze blood to to represent it but Blaze blood doesn’t actually visually displaying it uh be another

Option blaze rods you know what that’s close enough so toble that up and before I forget I need need that there to make this a receiver cuz this one can respond to Redstone nice so then we need to go wow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 internal and then 12 for the outside oh I can’t strip log this stupid matok thingy no it’s not stripping we could get this what is the point in the matter it’s a shovel and an axe but it’s not an axe cuz it don’t

Strip it is an axe cuz it rips a r wood apart make a wooden ax I can’t with this life I would have made an Axe and a shovel however Tinkers doesn’t have a shovel oh that’s it has an axe but it doesn’t have a shovel the oh also the M up to

Hoe but only for hoing not for call it that only for tilling not for um harvesting which saddens me I wish it also counted as a harvester that would have been like real cool for them to do so sorry I was in the middle of actually just chopping a bunch of wood I

Genuinely forgot to talk you’re not the brightest for conversation was an actual thing for a minute a I keep falling off I keep falling off and it’s going to get me peeved do you know what I should really work do you know what take a moment take a moment to breathe take a

Moment take a moment we are DET that yes we wee a Nintendo we or French we or like we I this is pretty good so far genuinely I don’t build trains ever in Minecraft because I usually build High fantasy I don’t think this is going too

Poorly it need to be on the same level you’re lack in imagination if you can’t like a fantasy train well I never had the need for a fantasy train nobody’s really come over to me and go neck will you build a fantasy train just going to put it

Here long as the train boys don’t come over and ruin the surprise I think it’s going to be pretty good raided no you’re being raided I’m not over there not my problem not my M they’re at your Island part your part of the island is they’re

In the river they’re in the river having a problem river is also not the mountain problem it’s your problem right actually you know what leave it to Ginger should show up eventually two feathers and I need to um command deer and elytra thank you this is the thinnest train that will

Exist it’s a thin boy I didn’t want to make it too thick I don’t want to make it more than like a block thick is the problem I mean I can make it thinner if I put actually you know what I might I might if I when I get the structure I’m

Going to swap it for half blocks other problem with trains is that they [ __ ] squares T to be oh yeah this one kind of do magic feather magic feather why you singing that to secret Tel I have flight I no longer have flight don’t you have to be near a

Beacon for that to give you yes we have a beacon no we we have a beacon we don’t have a beacon definitely not get Beacon I need to make it bigger B that’s not no no no no when did we get a beacon you forgot to tell me about

This what 525 thank you so remember we killed those waers yeah and there are three nether Stars still in the bloody case did you finally get R to use them two NE Stars yes I already finally got R to use them good job you this is where coal goes in a

Train isn’t it want something smoother I feel like would not that should allow me to go out further excellent now it’ll be wood I’ve just made a five Bas Beacon that good or bad it’s only two layers just so I can fly around this construct and never think I’ve got the of this

Unnamed popular train down I just don’t know if it’s any good I hate the wood is the problem I thought that the wood would be good it’s easy to build with um I hate I should have stripped the logs instead of turning them into who would Mojang F beacons have S A short

Radius they do not have such a short radius what the hell are you talking about they do at low tier oh low Tia yeah that’s believe the top TI it doesn’t feel what’s the word have you ever considered that maybe you just have to get good oh wait wait a oh I run

No I should just be able to actually no we do we’ll do that one it is it no G there is an undo button and I cannot remember what it is in in Bild Gadget and I not going to look it up prob there’s an undo button in building

Gadgets yeah I can access it from the gadget menu but I’m pretty sure that would have been helpful to know when I built nine houses out in the wilderness you never did you know luk at the interface nope you say that like I’m intelligent and have a semblance of

Common sense no I didn’t look at anything I didn’t look at anything door door can go here yeah train door the other side another train door more cherry logs these ones to be to fly was my best decision I ever made that a completely different Cherry log why the hell are there four

Different Cherry logs on the server oh God which want of these from God question why would there be four different flavors of Cherrywood flavors yes flavors you heard what I said cuz I need this specific cherry L cuz it’s the right color this one so this is all the biomes

Your go Cherry loads uh where’s my big my big boy sweet cheese where is he hang on and that should have it powered so this Beacon a beacon this should not activate I don’t want it to activate just yet there he is does the BR with the broad

Ax strip logs you think I think it does have strip Pap yeah all right I’m going to use this for now I’m never ever going back to that ridiculous invention of the hoax hoax shovel do you not like the hoax shovel no not at all does it sound like I like

The Hox sh you are late lame lame uh how much power 256 why does Bome so plenty have two different Cherry uh where was the to think that I’m going to have an aneurism purely because of the um was the you were sping at Max Speed

Let me out how many stress units do you use right she you need to run a quar the other Cherry so what’s a quarter 2 what’s the quarter of 250 what half 250 is 125 Half of 125 is oh sorry no s I’m saying that wrong 128

64 thanks I justed maths and it didn’t need to be done you too slow I won’t take that personally my brain got R to doing it quicker and my brain was also trying to do something wall they are in I need the other one I need there chimy mod oh the biomes you’ll

Go cherry blossom forest or bamboo forest we have one of those this this ocean is killing that’s probably where all the trees came from actually that ocean is killing um the hell was on top of this mountain so to bring it up to oh [ __ ] all right I just fell C Tails 64

What did I do with my compass again why am I so bad at keeping track of my oh 32 times RPM so 6 we have gravel 32 get some else fine 60 4 right Cherry Boss in Forest 1,600 that should be 6 before anyway just test oh gosh what did he

Want oh that’s so good want to off you might want to offer him some gravel you might want to offer him some actual gravel I dare you to say that you got tons of gravel and then go give him some andery or better give him some tough to be honest we have infinite

Gravel yeah but it’s really funny if you go over to him and say yeah I’ve got some and then give him not gravel no that’s cruel yeah but it’s funny and I allow you to do it cuz you know sibling energy we could extort him I’m going to do

It doing it and you can’t stop me where’s the tough oh so that was been to be we we you’re cruel that came to me but hey uh where’s the actual gravel this way follow I’m the nicest you saw when I push him in the

Pit the other day I’m not you know want to hand him but he can’t get yeah they can’t uh wait I’m just remove my mic before I mess everything up do you think he’s got a enough giv him too much C was he ready oh you ready for I’m that

Trouble my favorite thing and I’m so sad I’m not recording is that when I handed him the tofy win just looked at did you say I I changed our thing to use barrels now instead of um chests it looks so much better with barrels doesn’t it yeah also

It means that I could have I don’t have to do some weird Shenanigans here it now just goes directly is he really having that much trouble to carry like less of invent invent is worth if you TPS to me now I’m in the middle of a forest it’s just going to be very

Confused because I’m now 6,000 blocks were uh what did I need here thanks to that I’ve been distracted from what I was doing this is it this is the entire cherry wood but hang on a second this is the wrong Cherrywood I do that ah I needed oh no the Nature’s Compass is

Desyn do you know how my maps got desynced the Nature’s Compass is desct the same as the maps oh no yeah sorry that was c not it oh no all right I’ll do locate biome and then uh oh do we have all the biomes you go biomes you go

Biomes you go no there’s no cherry wood biome cherry blossom forest biomes you go Cherry Bloss yeah 61 blocks away the entire the entire server is desynced this is brush land this is the actual opposite what the [ __ ] well there goes RPG rating don’t have a media rating and I’m

Not recording plus anything that isn’t Minecraft of mine doesn’t have I’ve just tpd him twice where the hell did we get all that cherry wood then you the I genuinely think that the entire thing’s blocked because there’s two and one and what’s going to happen here is uh of course the the Cherry

Biomes are just going to overwrite each other so we only get one of them sometimes and so where the other one should spawn is a completely different biome that’s probably the issue that I’m having shaftless C becomes half Coke which comes back to a CO whe good you you so we

Want I don’t understand why both of the bi mods are in the mod pack we don’t want that that doesn’t work there’s a reason mod only had bio are plent and not bies are plenty are the biomes you go first of all because biomes are plent not no

Offense bi U but also because they conflict horrifically I don’t want that I needed to sorry I got stuck I now need to replace all of these oh the Cherrywood yay me I don’t think this one’s as red yay me I’ll probably change it to concrete actually this one this

Way we want this down bam all right there Then There to run that in reverse excellent this is the saddest day for all of Minecraft already to that’s 64 128 256 what is the maximum perect I got this falling no not now I can’t tell which way that’s

Going away let’s see what the other ones doing before I making a decision oh I prefer the other red but you know I’ll live with it this one feels more C if you can get is there any way you can get men R log is that out of your price

R second get what men real logs uh give me a second to finish up what I’m doing cuz I’m going to be working on memoral in a second right you’re going the right way now at this point we need to just uh patch this up because we can’t allow any light into

It cuz I’ll stop the mob spaw we need a statue in this bit this feels like a place where a big statue of me would go you can have you gosh we’ve fallen from Grace wow all right I’ll have you know I’d make a great statue very good at staying still

Not lie I be oppos of good at staying still I make it terrible without CH uh I don’t know what that’s doing oh is it showing the direction it’s rece power from and these are being funky cuz they receiving power from two directions okay there are some interesting debug

Stuff wait I got a second water wheel now question who remembers were I left my toolbox not clue do you need power for a train does it need like a steam engine or I have no idea just go I have no idea I haven’t used them do you know what I

Keep telling you I haven’t used ites yeah it’s been added like pretty recently to create well pretty but it’s it’s funny because it was in the create that we had in Mo and you just never did train I you just decided to complet completely avoid train I didn’t get round to it but

It saddens me cuz I wanted a train well it was I w’t it was on the list of things I wanted to do but then do remember when the server just bugged out and wouldn’t let me join anymore yeah that happened to everybody that was literally why everybody stopped

Playing the server just decided all right it’s over now everybody that wasn’t yeah that was an entire server issue I’m surprised I managed to get on and record my outra CU otherwise the law wouldn’t make sense not the law oh you are spinning the wrong way

You can’t see out of this train is the issue what way are you spinning you’re spinning that way you’re spinning the wrong way we can’t see out the train is it an issue windows in that’s probably a minor issue it’s just a small I need blue dye for window two three four blue

Flowers green uh no make it it’s fine we got the piece did I leave Al down here oh excellent one two take you hello you know what I should I should have probably actually that’s dumb what I’m doing here very dumb give me a second yeah you are sorry

What I will kill you and you know that a lot of people say that but so far nobody’s gone through with it and I’m kind of disappointed cuz usually it stopped you no it’s never stopped me before you know that’s okay you can see out of the train

Now I’ll make the carriages one thicker I just think this is funny if the beginning train is very thin also kind of right they’re going the right way now excellent okay crack on you you’re patched up wait why have I got the Blazing blood there I want it in the corner

Ideally would be far this one two three four five six seven eight 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I’ll there for it’s dark enough okay then we’ll just do a few of these speed controller away I think I like it I like front Act Right be you away and you

There right so now that that’s set up again and we got blazing blood storage and automation can turn it off so Contin spawn blazes and kill us all make sure youve reset uh let’s see so you wanted men real so memoral log uh I don’t have a way to produce memoral

Logs H you already are producing menil logs no I’m not you were making bloody mechanisms out of them I’ve got a whole video of you explaining how you make the mechanisms out I wasn’t making M log you were just using all the menil log yes why didn’t you make a sustainable hang

On a second we we need to know about sustainability come on we’re all about sustainability over here I’m still here I’m just testing me will grow in a they grow in a 3 by3 but plus pattern don’t they no they grow in a one yeah but they

Put plus the plus plus at the bottom so I want so I want to utilize that you know if I if I that the wrong world where the [ __ ] have I ended up oh my God wait our what was it to do memoral saplings rejuvenated memoral

Sapling we just need bunk washing so we can do that with ease might have to make it thicker I’m I might have to make the train thick thick so we have a way to make memoral chunks any we it was a use with memoral resin we could turn memoral resin at drying Basin

Into blocks of crystallized oh if you Electrify it it takes 05 a second wait why have you put glass in there does it take a lot more energy longer why would you want to do that what if you put a piece of glass in it takes 2.5 seconds

Longer oh compared to having nothing in there interesting blue uh we have more memoral saplings right yeah there’s some in the magic chest on uh backck in not home bases in the shop the home base I live mudroom h so you should just wash until they to a memoral

Sapling wa what’s the difference between a memoral shrub and a memoral sapling uh oh now I need to mix it with eight berries you have a bunch of those meal berries don’t you you’re used the food apparently oh yeah they will they will be in the food chest cuz they are

Technically a food item but I don’t use them to cook with good cuz the I’m much better use as so I need my mixer I just need to I wouldn’t use them to cook with cuz they’re hard to get is there easy way to get no there’s

No how do you get memoral berries did they just get dropped from the leaves yeah I currently have 11 memoral saplings so my plan here is to basically this whole thing apart here this this and this and rebuild it I need like I had over here memoral extraction to make theal

Blocks crystallized memoral brick can we build out a crystallize memoral brick no what a dumb idea but then again what a bright idea no wait you there okay so let’s get myself two of the these two and two of you pour out these into here also you should not run

On lava anymore you lock the key upgraded to use use that right do that and make a big platform bricks over here there I just realized something I never talked about neck other not back what I am here I’m I’m in my single player world I never talked about getting the bunny

Py Hoppers oh God yeah we sacrificed so many things so long so much stuff we got the gods were were appeased we got them the gods I wish never do it again what appease the gods yeah they’ve already got too much UB anyway I think that God that helped you

Out was really friendly actually I think maybe you should give her more I think she was I think she was nice you know friend they have quite the superiority complex no you see I don’t think they’ve got enough of a superiority that is the wrong [ __ ] color all

Sorry guess we’ll have to agree to disagree I’m come right so I’ll do my memal extraction here so there’s sapling there while I need to me so I need one of you we got a bunch of now I don’t know where we got that from we need to kick that into gear

That you can go in there no it was a bucket wasn’t it it needed a bucket in what what where has my yes smithing table gone how your smithing table gone I had a smiing table in my face those jokes please no I need one now an annoying recipe put that

In oh well be nice to the recipes they’re trying the hardest do I have a bunch of bone meal should be over here let’s force it to grow do memoral saplings have anything weird about them for growing they got to be watered so that they actually become Minal saplings no

I’ve got I’ve got actual memal saplings cuz it’s just at half a stack of bone meal my other ones just grew I’ve got them here why are you growing why would you grow quartz we’ve got lots of quartz don’t we yeah what white blocks do we have that

Are real easy to get Quartz iron of iron no bone concrete we have gravel we have sand and you just need white guy which we have lots of Bones plus you can just bulk wash it this is going to be very tall I don’t that’s a good thing on

It do they need to grow on grass I mean probably instead of dirt is that a menal thing is that on a second put you up there the way why why going this is either going to be the best train or literally the worst thing

You ever seen so far I don’t think it’s going in the second Direction why why I can’t build no no why is it not converting why is the sapling not growing sometimes they just don’t want to and that’s okay you come it’s just eating a full sack of bone

Meal maybe bone meal doesn’t work on menil are you just for a second could me you is it because this isn’t a plus pattern of dirt watch it be that it needs a plus P of dirt to Crow funny if that’s your entire answer to your burning question unlike every other tree it

Can’t stick it stuff out in the air I think the word stick it stuff out in the air ever been used I might kill the developer it’s all right you’ve got this feels way too high up it’s like empty that’s like wasted space now though I’m going to compact the base of this

Train genuinely just annoyed at how this train is built in cartoon form and it’s just pissed me off enough to actually just change it you there put your away okay so to process this we need to come out to come out yes so we need a drying Basin and that

Creats it so a drying Basin is made from black dye and and what is it stupid if I make this entire thing out of bouncy guy root wood possibly but then again it’ll stand out that’s for sure gosh I forgot how much he armors have they’re like the most powerful

Creatures in the game dude there’s no reason for it they’re just the most powerful you shouldn’t mess with a l this is the most stupid thing I’ve ever built and I don’t know whether I love it or hate it no cuz I need to go get something I

Went over there for a reason I went over there for black Dy we have black Dy lying around don’t we probably do we have to proess that’s it probably best way juice we get oh you can process charcoal into black dye and coal that’s actually quite useful let’s take a piece of coal

And let’s throw it through the industrial um muncher two black Dy means we can create dryer this is this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever built legitimately why am I doing this what was that dry like a boss this is so dumb I don’t know if I hate it or

Not I think it’s crowing on me I’ll do like that I can put more over here if I want to the left if I decide that I need them okay so I need pipes the the the face of the train is actually too small you’ve oversized it why would you do it to

It it’s fine I can actually I can fix it actually not hard to fix it does look a little janky at the front but I feel like the adds to its horror this is so horrifying got a bucket of men from there let’s just test

It so you go in there and then over time over 7.5 seconds you’ll be solidified then I’ve created mon all right I’m in this is the stupidest thing why did I do this why did I think yeah this is what I want people to see

That I’ve built on the this is how I want people to remember me as a builder you are a walking disaster so so sh bra just gave up while sh actually I have those here got the barrel no no I don’t want a barrel oh well it’s a compacted draw do

I I have this compacted draw I’m going to hope this works then I just need to figure out how to bring power along here I could really really do we bringing proper highe speed power over to the hole of the base but he doesn’t have a lot of effort

He doesn’t need it but I could CU this a nice slow pump using one of these all right yeah now that makes it scarier I think it’s funny if it’s scarier you can run that very sad that it’s not big enough but scary oh you’re face way anymore actually no you’re facing

Perfectly the right way kind of incorrect you grab you it really shouldn’t be one of those I should really rotate you the wow then you like that can only go so far and I can’t remember how far how far could kind of BS go this is it limitations oh you could use that

Thankfully that one’s being utilized there I think there’s somewhere over here where next done it that I could probably used that well good to remember for the future have I done no improvement I was trying to remember what mechanical belts L was what did I do now what if thought it would have

Explained the distance on the first one you can D mechanical belts for athetic purposes interesting interesting good to know for future reference not that I’m going to do anything but you know so you know just so you can never say that I’ve I never told you but is there a limit there’s a

Limit I don’t know why I did try to do it the other way this is the way I should have always try tried to do it where you just build it along especially now that I have the have the I don’t stupidest thing I’ve ever built must be quite something so

Bad is it possible for a company to sue you over creating something so horrific it might destroy that no having seen what’s been done with it that IP I’ve seen what’s been done with so I feel like nobody can well po became public domain anyone can really just destroy a brand more than

That actually why am I doing that I can have that I can have that I can just do that the worst part is without the face it could actually be a legitimately okay train it’s just [ __ ] horrifying I hate him him so much it’s so

Bad why are you not going in there is it cuz you haven’t got anything yet let’s just uh lock it it’s just the right col yeah it’s cuz it wasn’t locked right I need to go grab where’s all my memoral I know I have a bunch of M lying around

M what wrong uh I’m I’m creating memoral memoral um crystallized memoral chunk of block of crystallized memoral well I’m producing blocks of crystallized memoral God that is hideous coming down there you you don’t know the meaning of hideous buddy but it feels so techy so

We’re going to keep it you not met the meaning of hideous yet right so now we get actually you and then look at that you that’s oh cuz that makes that doesn’t make memoral that makes memoral glass ah do you want blue glass you would that be helpful I don’t

Need the sword because that’s point because I can just use um this like just get the chunks directly so then the chunks so these chunks can be used for making andesite alloy I think it’s the best way to make an alloy that’s one to one that’s two to

One is there any easy way to make anite diorite and Cobble you could smelt gravel into and theight o o one moment my base is about to have a moment as I realize that this has been poorly designed for what I am attempting to do because why did you turn into the

[ __ ] villain from Harry Potter sh we don’t talk about that franchise it’s dead to us I mean I didn’t enjoy it to begin with it was always dead to me f right so I’ll have I I read fantasy books that’s not a fantasy book oh I don’t know whether I hate this

Train or not who knows we’ll find it’s going to it’s I mean it’s going to be horrific anyway and I’m not intending to keep it it’s not supposed to be a permanent fixture hopefully hope that is the line of last Wishful words right I’m just going to check for this and theight

Recipe and theight can’t be further cooked into anything can it this becomes a permanent fixture on the server I’m going to just blow it up or you could just get what’s the recipe for plastic plastic we almost have you’ve already got plastic you got some in that loot bag do you you know

What if we had I think we need like five more plastic yeah we could actually skip the entire complicated weight and just directly Ignus extrude and theight as of now we have free plastic and the theight we can directly this extrude it plastic uh the other thing is molten

Plastic oh we need even more plastic yeah we just need a magic but on a plastic we’ve already got some radiant mechanisms we don’t need to see out of the train to drive it do we it goes on a it follows a track who needs to see out

Of a train fine then good cuz we’re not going I mean in seriousness right just remember 190 for me please one6 you far back one wasn’t it6 I guess I’m correct cuz you said the wrong thing again you said the exact same thing when you were being deliberately wrong

So oh was I just I thought we were meant to work together I’m building a damn horrific monster of a train next you think we’re working together vitally important question where’s my excavator that I lent to you uh sorry our exavator either my inventory or one of the chests well I need

It hold on for a second well you’re going to make a very Bor stream so I’m I’m building a train I think I might have made him to Stompy I’m going to try going through all your chests and if I expose something go ahead no no there’s nothing else in there there the

Exavator sty oh my poor boy my boy have you abused it oh he’s Stumpy so I just want to clear out this is it literally a one block difference change this an actual it is that’s so funny I love that for him my stumpy boy leave it though I don’t need to I

Don’t actually need to go that far move the wheel how hard are those fly wheels to make are they like brass brass I have no idea we got given that for free I’m asking if brass is difficult brass brass is copper I should basic basic Metallurgy basic Metallurgy zinc that’s fine easy then

Yeah yeah Z CU bronze is copper and Tin brass is copper uh copper and zinc H do you remember when I was collecting a zo bullet for um resid to make rubber ah those were the days those were the days yes not too long ago this all moderate no that’s was this

Pack remember I was also using Vines you definitely don’t forget the Vines um where’s the s g where’s my oh it’s still in there I got it out right any uh so I need that and I need all St brick DEC with coal blocks is not like

Weird and going to backr it right coal we don’t I don’t think we currently use it not to bankrupt or you probably do that with something else or something useful so I think we’d let you off for now oh for now there oh I don’t like the slapping noise

It makes when you walk across him but you know it’s fine I’ll get over it you’re dealing with the consequences of your actions I’m dealing with the consequences of my actions five minutes man this is both the most horrific thing I’ve ever made and it’s going to make the people on the server

Giggle I hate it as a design as a meme it’s actually not bad I don’t like the fact that it’s not bad need maybe this needs to be high no I feel like if I put it higher up it’ll looks stupid I mean it already looks stupid this isn’t a good build before

Everybody gets excited this is literally not a good build this is the worst thing I’ve ever built and I built a real [ __ ] Castle yesterday there are no windows in this bad boy windows in this Bo I’m going to ruin the a I’m just going to get rid of a bunch

Of quests that we’ve got but I know we can do because can we I I got a metri Buton the quest I don’t believe in us like that you I believe myself yeah but I don’t believe in me so do we not have more we should have

More tough you should have a bunch of tough with I know there was 18 tough and I gave it to Theo as a meme we should have had a should have mind a bunch of tough should be here yeah you would think that no doesn’t torage 96 Spruce logs I can defin

That like that it’s asymmetrical but you know it is I don’t like the fact that you have stalled why have you stalled sto I haven’t stole anything thank stall doors I hate it I hate it so much I hate this and I’m not I’m not bringing it over it’s literally just

[ __ ] like the front the front gets to stay back does not why is it not working out wait a minute where has my what what where has that gone an entire mechanical piston and I lost two piston extenders have vanished yeah a lot of things just keep

Going missing on the server I think there’s a server Goblin I’m going to take a break froming I mean blocks that have been actually physically attached I’m going to go get some food I’ll be back in like 30 minutes what what D disappeared H you have a day two eggs EG 16 melons

Tomatoes name tags that should Prett much name tag take about seven more IR one oh my gosh NE take here oh well being blind what was this seven R we have a lot of Sil for 600 OD you can go there to just clean up that bit of the inventory what you can

You’re those just going to put you there for now right bra you wanted to smelt that so you need a fat I got destructed with that I wanted I I think I came over for gear boxes where did I put the uh oh oh up there yes so one

Two three cuz she’ll be going the right way then I need the fan that we can have it coming this way you the way right I need you there that there then I need to pull gravel out what’s the best way to pull gravel off you know what we’re going to change this

P you no you put that there then we can utilize this one and that one down here to here to there right so we can that to there uh that’s there that that up to there CL you all across take you away take you put you the excellent then here we just have

You there to power that one you there to PO that one but we want to hold that like that we need two tunnels to do our splitting ideas are happening is this entire base Jerry rigged yes is it a bodge yes but what is more fine than the art of the

Budge wise words Tom Scott wise words but the art of the budge is the greatest thing actually do I even need those or can I use regular tunnels I’ll use these why not I think The Regulators don’t do they would work for this situation but you

Know oh you’re not going to do what I wanted to do wait you should be working yeah you should be who’s in the way what what C serers like I should just spit it out between the two should it not I’ll get rid of you you should just

There I’m just going to double check just back you up yeah you do work oh wow I’m just throwing it no no that’s a dumb idea uh I need to remember to change that right so you should just start working once I pull you no you thank

You gosh does this work yes could have been made better oh most certainly am I going to make it better probably not I believe we’re at the point of the sun cost policy where I’m not going to change this cuz it works that’s all the

Matters go I’m so glad I can walk on belts right the F off me it’s provided with fluids hydrate I’ve been told to hydrate I’m in danger so I want to put and sight we can’t compact it or anything can we no there’s no compact wait no I

Look for use actually you know there was no uncomp compacting recipe so there’s definitely not a compacting recipe oh there’s actually a wind set oh that gets harder as you get closer let me up that’s cool that it gets strength changes based on proximity I don’t know why I put you away

So it’s very clearly got to need you again could not be a SL there could be a slab on this side sure right let’s get clear SL clear slabs clear glass and more slabs I changed a bunch of things out to be Bel uh to be to be to

Be you’re going to have to give the brain a minute it’s just given up to be barrels to be barrels hi in Zelda Panda good day good day maybe a bit delayed there cuz I was highly engrossed in a very simple task shame on me

We just B undersight so we never have to mine it again I didn’t know this this is why you check your recipes I never got the stairs the stairs slab slab got the stairs in the bit that that leave you open for now cuz I need to go get a bucket of

Lava uh I want to lock just in case if I broke anything where is my tank the put you in there and I’ll get you gauges later and I’ll fill you full of scotch blazing blood because why use lava when we can have blaz blood so then we put this here that

There that should be this functioning question mark you there and the site production oh good how good oh good so very good you two you there and you there so I just don’t have to have you my inventory and this B the I do love the little melter just for

When you need to do some things I wish there was a CO that for the actually no you can run the little melter of high powered stuff yeah I think the melter card could do mixing which is good right that chest is annoying me so we’re now producing andesite with this

Andesite at M chunks we can make something so shall we have it go into the a o very much can no that will probably require me y that put that there and then we need that you can go down there then we need that cuz we want this to go up

Up and one more for nice height then we can have that there and that there and keep it going we’ll go sleep I need to move that Beacon to the center bit I’m moving the beacon to Center base I don’t know why I put it all the way out

Here well I know why it was foty it’s not even kill here kill here we’re moving you I want flight over here cuz it’s annoying me not having it put it somewhere in the center and I’ll probably kick it out one more so that’s a 7 by seven so seven squ is no

Brain no 8 squ is 64 so seven squs come on really really not wor not work at all I think this we’ll do it here since there’s going to be nothing beneath us we let we’ll do it over here will have and then we need to do it one more

The take the last withs can’t remember what seven square is 57 is 35 32 no 42 49 thank you just need to reset my brain apparently I should be ashamed recently taught the kids how to do time tabls excellent and then we can fly again how far out does it

Go that’s most of the base how far it’s over here most of the way across the island H there is a cool I think it uses the same 5sec cool down as there no oh well doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter we’ve got flight around us again and a pretty Beacon a pretty

Pretty Beacon right that was to do a detour and we probably can’t do that again cuz that’s a lot of iron we’ll need how much gold do we have we could do it with gold I could set an emerald farm that would be the most ideal is neck the no neck’s

Gone you there we use this for power and then we’ll just go along here actually do we want to go along there because we want to bring it down to somewhere over here let’s build this end first so we then need to I’m going to need cuz we’re crunking it down I’ll

Need a brass funnel the brass funnel will have to signify which one we want if I do no that’s wrong way I do that exactly one but if we just turn you around no okay so to make and theze alloy we need to mix it we’re going to mix

It we’re going to actually use a mixer so we just put you there you there actually for this to save a little just why don’t I just you know ah back up back up oops not thinking not thinking dangerous thing when you don’t think that’s how people die oh you waste resources you

There you there you there right so that’s that I can pull you along so we need the Basin uh Bas what’s our Basin I’m going to pull you out cuz I’m going to use you in a second Basin basin and we should have a lot of mixers because apparently this game has

Just been want wanting to give me loads of mixes so you there and you there good I’ll probably utilize some sort of horizontal conversion you’re in a horrible position but hey right probably go out the back with a belt stop thinking any stop thinking where is this bring with

You uh right so you want let put away you want one of those to put there and then you want that and you’re going to go you’re going to stop doing that and we want just that recipe at this point I think we have it come over the top round and into the

Back or we can have it come to the side those are our two options where do we want this andite to go from here we want it stored and we also want it shuttling off we want it shuttling off to make this automatically and all also and theight

Casings do I want it fully automatically yet these are all renewable resources so I could I might just set it up for a storage for now I will want to back stuff cuz there is a small chance of trying to think there are some recipes that use it so

I’ll want to back stuff of it h don’t care about you you’re useless plastic wait wait we can have a plastic base oh I I need the ability to have enough plastic yeah so you there actually we won’t we should actually need to do that because if I remember

Correctly you there you in there helps if you actually get those you you nope rotate the right way there you just Boop out onto a belt so then we need here not you need that I’m just thinking how high can we Go we inline there that put that there and that there you there we’ll clun you back one might as well un like that so that it comes along very nice so here we put that there is it really too far away we grab a gear box if we put a gear

Box here you go the right way we put a gearbox here you’ll go the right way then we just need we can either do it with with wave now with belts all we can use we show it before what was it it was this this see this one inspect en case chain

Drive what’s your recipe oh you’re cheap enough I think it’ll look better probably right I like how I’ve got distracted doing this so you can come down there oh you can’t go past now okay and then you there excellent right you there you there you there you

There then we just slide in there convert all those okay okay and then we just need power to this thing just oh my God hello Charles are you screaming is M be not providing the attention you so desperately desire I know such a horrible thing to do to you

Will you be diagonal there yes you will y just because I love the vibe a diagonal belt oh wait can you oh you can’t go diagonally that way can’t you oh that saddens me cuz if we look at the belts if we look at this it doesn’t give you

The option for that I think they’ve got a great example the end of this one has an example of all you can’t go diagonally tilted on side these are all possible directions belts SP any length between two and 20 blocks oh 20 blocks why 20 what a weird

Number I can’t go diagonal how setting are you at the right distance for this to this you not don’t you don’t directly connect see could do that but uh no okay the other option is come out here none of this pleases me at all that’s the best I guess let’s do another memoral

Production just you know why not so to do this we need enough one of them eight what David rder what you mean what is my description just completely broken your brain I can attempt to catch you up on what’s going on but I’ll need context for I need clues for where you’re up

To um what’s I put the sapling the sapling that I had a memal sapling there get rid of you get rid of you since you sp with that inside of you you can’t have that uh we need to make ight machine and turn it back

Into no want’s get a bucket this is why I keep the endless stacks of buckets on me just do that home home sweet home put you there and then get like look it I don’t like that clipping in but I don’t think there’s much I can do about that does sad

Me okay um I was looking something for that pipes pipes put your no away the pipes and then have some pipes come across here double our production cuz the recipe for no the recipe for memal that one is 25 mil buckets every you don’t tell it’s a tick rate you show it but

Not the number right so that will start producing more and theight then set andite could be used for stuffff how long are you one I do want to farm and I can put the farm back here for remember I’ll step it up onto the platform yeah what on Earth is

This who went on a line to dig why the to Terra Cotta just goes to a Terra Cotta end there a Terra Cotta B did neck just go digging for stone and then hit the terter bi and give up when we have infinite ter Cotter some

Going put that I’m going to fill this full of dirt so I don’t have to Lo at it again it’s no longer my problem actually we have a building gadget for this oh you need to go CU like that excellent we just need this to produce More I feel like this area here just needs somewhere else because by gosh it hurts me it hurts me being set up like this we are going to be Slimer fying this I’m probably going to get rid of this tree farm we’re refactoring the base but it’s going to be a thing

Right the locks stuff on here let’s what we’ll snap that off yeah we’ll do that and what we’ll do is we’ll grab two stacks I’ll just SL these in here for now and that will just allow us to ignore the problems because instead of picking up

All that junk that’s lay on the floor we just process it away very slowly we might need a second patch but hey future new problems for now we can keep building so I want to bring actually I don’t know if I want to bring it out that way just put that back for

Now I want to put a memoral farm up here that’s the plan we got some teers to this base I’ll probably have some stirs somewhere around here we have the farm over here and maybe some stairs on this side as well there six there Wow Let’s go get another two stacks do

We have enough for two stacks yes we got lows at this point it’s a satisfying thing to watch this thing just go it un said it feels good plus this will give us a bunch more of these for now right you can go over here I like how I brought over power

Here and I’ve also brought in power here you know what just to make this look better you you you you that is much better that is a lot cleaner so much cleaner then you can popped out there sorry there is some aesthetical building at this point as well just a little just a

Little right about getting distracted by that you going there so long but I don’t actually need why are you not pulling out you should be pulling out of there mechanical pump mechanical pumps go on the floor the arrow indicates direction of flow the network be it is now pull

Pulling fluids direction is unaffected by input rotation instead a wrench could be used to reverse its direction regardless speed mechanical pumps effect pipes connected up to 16 blocks away yeah 16 blocks so you should be pulling out of here one two 3 four five right if we

Ever see that fact it might just be Sur Side official glitch also you don’t get to see this progress barile which annoys me well what o what Oaks do you accept put down this I wonder if I wonder if that would work in this do the RF machines tell you

What it doesn’t tell you what augment it works with can we see the or it allows no oh well oh well I was thinking and I’ve given up because well as you can see that wasn’t working okay so we probably want memoral logs probably about here do we have enough space for

SS actually do you know what we’ll have it up here we’ll do our soaring up here you yeah yeah that’s what we’ll do it we’ll do it like that how are you doing you’re paring that that could go that we go gosh this base is going to have space in

It we’re going to be able to trans move around there I’m not going to have a death trap here and then there so strip planks slabs then down into here and then we can use the crafting for that so then the planks get boop boop booped is that what we

Want or do we want the planks here this like that put you away just thinking I’m just thinking I might want to switch that around so they come down into here so above this we have is that the right height yeah it need to be a head height

Cuz have a gap between it then that and then is this actually another Punk and we’ll get this we can’t get this all server restarting Preposterous who woulds to restart the server at this time I’m in the middle of something oh it’s a wave you have six to excellent excellent oops uh uh

Do that there problem solved disaster reversed I’ll leave you there for now you’re not the current problem uh put you away right click on you to tidy up inventory I’m getting ideas I’m getting ideas I’m liking where these ideas are going okay so you l no let’s do it from the

Top like that so do I ask right you no we need that and that there CU you go there then you go there I said the excellent you there so go up up with a block there to stop it I’m going to put glass I

Think I think we put class there so we can see so put a Leever on it here where’s my LS oh there’s one I also need is you you there and then you and you then I also would like the S to go there you two to have that and you know

What once at it take you out and make sure that you can never get anything else in there now you are just not one more forward and you would have been at the right angle okay nothing ever Works ideally so I’m thinking there like that yeah no unless I move the SS back

One yeah we’ll have to move the SS back one if we want it to look nice why we have the oh we could have the belts here and the swords exposed we could we have S going in s going into there there yes it will have gears in Fr but I don’t don’t

Care I think this will look nice you there and you there and then we can have that there that there that there that there this go Sor where did I just go there oh we’ll need one more this can go here have that there that there so you

Into there then you into there then you into there then this will have to be powered another way but that’s the problem of the future excellent I’d love to just be able to grab power from there and actually I can I pull you out you out you out and we just

Put that there that there that there he’s done who’s done the Abomination yes the absolute horrific creature that I’ve created the gromlin he’s in Holiness Jeb the 7th it doesn’t work I’m just going to delete all the items that I would have used right I have a goal to set up a memoral

Farm memoral Tree Farm sorry oh my gosh this thing processes fast oh NE do you remember how slow it was to uh chop wood before uh was that bad not Chop I mean um saw with the with the saw Ms the mechanical saws like it wasn’t

Bad it was rough yeah it took its time like yeah it wasn’t like incredibly slow would you like to see I’ve showed up at the worst time haven’t I would you like to see pure fear uh yeah just one second EXA it’s not spinning I do hope

It’s that and I don’t have to refact this entire thing get this spinning it’s no idea I just you know slap on there slap on there that works for building gges setting how in the hell do I rotate something with build I don’t builds Gadget uh I haven’t used

Building Gadget as you know so I can tell you I I’ll just wait for the server to restart oh yeah disconnect I have just I have ripped out an old build to redefine automation for it oh I am Jo that you can make make and theight MH so I’ve backlogged

And I’ve nearly gone back to the route I’ve been able to I can make the memoral for the ansite yeah to I can make so ansite alloy I have fully automated we got from the cobblestone generator to and theight and from the memoral resin to the and side to the memoral

Chunks okay um so remember that did you show the blue mechanisms yeah mhm I’m currently using I’m currently automating the cuz now I have the automatic production of the andite that means I can automate their production if it wasn’t for the lack of automation of memoral logs I rebuilt The

Sawmill in a different place and we’re adding more tears to the base oh god look rule one it can’t be flat and do you’ll block the view of my nice house no it’s basically going to be a slope away from the thing cuz the hill goes that

Way we’ll put a little Factory on top of the hill we we’ll we’ll Factory it and we might have to terraform the ocean um River a little just just that little bit where I stuck out a lot really should just dug you a hole I could have lived in your basement

You wouldn’t let me have the basement I could have cook out a I didn’t have a basement when you started to be honest the basement is actually flooded isn’t it m that’s where cthulu lives and I’ve got the basement cuz it’s already occupied it might be too it might be too

Big to pump out as well we might you in theory I could could chop it in half and then pump it out no but the good thing about me doing odd shapes and ups and downs is when we actually build the shell around this place we won’t have a square box we’ll

Have a bunch of boxes stuck together I don’t know what’s worse so it looks like a factory that’s been expanded over time it’ be aesthetically pleasing boxes you it’ll look like it’s a factory that’s had extensions is this cuz you’re going to build it or are you trying to suggest that I build

It I’ll build it I’ll get your imputs cuz I know how good of a builder you are you you KN you know the theme that we’re going with not a good Builder oh he teleported over here I’m like no no no no spoilers right two curves the TR TR all right that’s why

Oops turn too sharp is that turn too sharp we’re going to change that we’re going to pull that off there I need to I can’t put train [ __ ] it’s the wrong way oh I I I’ve got a feeling that I might be wasting power when these deployers like using a

Thousand odd stress units on the road I don’t need this speed but let’s have a look how much we’re actually utilizing I’m trying I’m trying to make a train do uh oh no 200 900 400 degree turns don’t come over here you remember the steam boiler remember when I said we

Had loads of power we don’t have any power anymore do we we do still have power um I’m already utilizing 50% sent I might need to rip out the crusher and put a second uh how is this turn too Shar we we going have to start expanding the power that’s

Okay we might even do a blaze powered one since we’re at that point what do you mean turn too sharp well the turn is to up not that sh is it though it really isn’t I mean if this was like a scale really just I would like it to

Connect to this train track I’m going to be honest so that I can send it down and then I can fix the train track well what you need to do is build on it build the train track the other way reverse it rip up the track in front of it and then

Connect it up it’s a straight line and it’s still saying turn too Shar I’m just going to your next problem I’m legitimately so because it’s next personal problem and they don’t want support with it because I would like support actually it would be spoilers no actually it would be

Spoilers so next getting no support it’s not a [ __ ] 90° turn it’s a two block angle a great I hate create oh [ __ ] this is just so bad there’s no way that that is too sharp of a turn listen buddy I did sneak click it I did thank you I’m in

Danger I’m legitimately about to just uninstall create from the L pack I I think no you can’t is all cre it’s a fundamental part of this mod pack and you know that I don’t understand why it’s such a fundamental part of the mod pack it’s probably something to do with being in

The I don’t know name why why is that too sharp real trains can go way sharper than this Buddy I’m about I’m going to have an Anis doing this please don’t I’m not currently equipped to save you from an an I don’t understand why the sharp is to turn the sorry that was the best English I’ve heard in a while and I work in a primary school I’m very mad right

Now buddy really I could tell I’ve destroyed the train boy train track I hope you understand that do that I want to understand how much of the train boy stuff I’ve just destroyed you’re an absolute why would you go that way around what the you just okay so the

Turn previously was too sharp but this [ __ ] Helix is perfectly fine this feels like I’m playing City skylines all over again you know with the roads that just don’t that’s why you need Road Anarchy well prop Anarchy I should say I had Road Anarchy and create screw your rules

Right this should I need it to connect to the other train track it should be working so I’m just going to PL so if I just uh ha oh my God to fill up first necho has an aneurismal break but not because of CZ well it’s because of the mod that

You’re like attached to so right now how do we make trains go I need a train control how do you make trains go I just if I put the Train control in will the train just go right and then if I do what’s frm bogy must be at oh front most that’s

Why what’s that act functional was there a downgrade iron downgrade it requires no I’ll just leave it who cares if we have a stupendous amount of them it’s overd doable resources anyway but since we’re here are you actually pulling out just still 25 so I’m going to presume you are

Working this isn’t going to super glue the tracks to the train is it two Bogies uh yeah build carriages okay assemble train all the bo sorry oh my God I think I did it PE I think I peaked a little though my audio oh I can’t actually do that

Second a carriage has reached the end of its track that’s cuz I’m going backwards oh no it didn’t attach any of the micro block how do I leave [ __ ] [ __ ] right how do I turn the train back into build mode it’s fine I don’t need them they’re just an aesthetical Choice

Um is that the still gives the same effect is that the point that you’ve actually reached where you’re willing to allow it to slide there no cical choice yeah yeah he is right uh uh right you’re going to get tpd to Tiny so that you can see this in full

Effect I need I need I need what’s it called trade too expensive are you done no what my oh oh uh let me just put this back I just realized that L running memal destroys water an absolute mistake to do it like this but hey are you good to be tped yet

Yes right okay let’s see if this works and then if I press this control it should control me one second why can I not control the train oh cuz if I free cam it kicks me out boring right I’m coming oh God hang on a second the train

This the train just kicked me out what I’m coming please tell me please tell me you’re going to get like a good angle of this you should be pointing you in the right direction to see it where’s platform wait I’m going to Danny’s oh yeah whoops vehicle reverse sake vehicle

Reverse oh my God beep beep beep beep oh I’m going to be reversing into his base you need to reverse holding right yeah I’m trying so is it that way yeah right so it’s reverse controls EXC oh it reverses the controls when you’re in Reverse

No oh yeah I guess it’s cuz you you could have a train technically doesn’t have a front right okay I’m going right since he does know circumstances driver got lost right I’m coming it’s too big I think he’s I think he’s needs to look at this poor poor smoke p wait wait we got to go stand in front we need I need a picture with my creation oh God screen look at him you got to look at him beautiful 10 out of 10 that’s why I

Love the particle effect just constantly coming off you right so we can ride this boy back right where do they save what does that mean it’s quite funny I which one did you use did you use you use regular you that’s the normal one yeah there’s no bigger one

Got that to be honest that’s probably about the right side for it for the scale to the player character hello uh they have they still not lit up the train tunnels right are we riding the train back yeah do you know what they’re missing a turn tble yeah

Oh also I just but while you’re while he’s uh pick it up and turn it around can you do that I got to fix the I did not break the track oh gosh this just his base is so poorly lit up yeah oh he just he just literally

Picked up okay right I’ll be there in two seconds I’m just fixing I have no idea how this thing works I will come to drive it in just a moment this will be our what’s it called station it’s too tall for the tunnels but it’ll work I think it’s funnier that he’s too

Tall for the tunnels to shot it’s a straight physics all right I’m coming back can I have a request that you add a um a seat to this cuz Hills yeah it’s not it’s not decorated yet oh no Hills are hell on Earth they throw

You about what happens if I come up the edge of the truck at full speed uh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I got to get it oh God no it threw me out you’re got to come off the it’s stuck it’s stuck what’s stuck the train

It’s stuck on the corner oh it’s not no it’s it’s over here for me oh it’s on the corner for me oh I hate that that’s so gross oh I’m I’m on La yeah okay it does just stop okay also here’s an important question which handed Drive is our train

Track going on are we doing left-handed or right-handed Drive I think this is the correct side so that way is that way and then this so we would need a turntable at our base to do a turn uh we don’t need a turntable since it’s going nowhere else we can do a

Uturn true we can just make it U-turn he he need he doesn’t actually need a turntable unless he’s storing trains he would need a U-turn if you ever wanted to stop at that station and go a different way now how would we pick up this train so that other people didn’t

See it cuz he wants it to be a surprise for the other train boys we build a block around it we just build around it last time I put stuff in plain sight somebody looked at well this time you surround it and put big sign on it said

Do not Peak on punishment of SL ban from the server it’s his server shh on group voted slban from the server Democratic demotion we have we’ve we have voted you out of charge of the server sorry goodbye you are the weakest link right would you like to see speaking of

Links if you look at the back of the train there’s actually a link so we can put carriages on it would you I know would you like to see something cool one second just let me eat the rest of my pasta so I can get on with the rest of

The build also should do you want to build yourself one of those feathers to go in your the magic feather since since a lighter apparently useless to us they used in making jet boots High tier jet boots from pneumaticcraft wait pneumaticcraft repressurized oh God is there anything else you can make

There all the other recipes uh the glyph of Glide slime TR yeah yeah we’ll make a a UI at ours right I mean I need to build an act unless unless we could have a actually no it probably better I’m just trying to think yeah it’d be better going from I forget

Which one’s cheetah do you want me to build an actual nice train or are we sticking with Thomas the we we are going to mass produce Thomas Thomas the Tank engines we’re going to recolor it for each of these standard length trains you know the ones are long you want multiple

Thomas the Tank I mean if they’re different colors Thomas a yeah and then there’s an Emily yeah I’m trying to I’m trying to think of the ones that are in his style and just a re a re paint cuz you got a few different models but uh the the the woman train

Emily is just a like a brown version of him isn’t it we need a few more versions of him have fun finding more actually we should make him out of concrete cuz that’ll make a nice color oh the red one what’s the red one the red one and the

Green one are recolors yeah Percy Percy is the green one red one is is it Henry Henry he’s the one that gets locked up in a tunnel can we have Henry locked up in a tunnel yes you need to lock hry up in the tunnel we’ll just have a secret Hideway

Where Henry is just no no Henry needs to be in a tunnel looking into the factory he’s just there Perman look into the factory Gordon is and Edward are also similar the longer longer boys Gordon’s longer Edward isn’t Edward is literally the same as Thomas I thought he was

Thomas a bit longer number two I thought he was a bit longer G’s gord’s long right okay but what we need to do yeah we need to have him in the factory in the factory stirring at the steam boilers did you know Thomas the Tank Engine got canceled in

2021 how it’s it’s no longer it’s no longer being ran I just learned this I can’t wait till so how long is that until it goes public domain till we’re dead apparently Netflix might have picked it up in 2021 I fear what Netflix will do I fear what Netflix will do with

It Netflix is literally the worst I canceled my Netflix ages ago Netflix is going to make an anime reboot oh no it’s going to be a live action Thomas the Tank Engine wait wasn’t the wasn’t the original Thomas the Tank Engine technically live action cuz it well it

Was like stop motion it was stop motion it was all real stuff but through stop motion it was stop yeah it wasn’t live action the actually the live action movie wasn’t too bad I have fun memories of that we could use aom Tank Engine to transport

Lava CR can be named in the station’s interface can it right stop distracting me I’m going to keep doing productive things you can start keep doing St things productive things I’m literally re naming this to Thomas the Tank in I know you can do prod you can do stupid things I’ll do

Productive things it won’t let me name him it won’t let me name him shame how do I pick up the train do I need the where is my R I’m stuck in the train I’ve become one with the train where’s myen on a second I’ve been carrying that thing on

Me just going to throw two more buckets in here you are yeah you’re right you’ve been working you been taking BS where my wrench have you got to spare wrench possibly I legitimately don’t know where my wrench is it’ll cost you one two three four five six seven 8 nine I can do

That it can only be disassembled when aligned to the train station now revert to crew do I need to drive back and then press space to oh yeah I need to S them to make shafts if I ever make them right I do this you wanted oh no it’s over here now

Why can’t I approach the damn train station I just bit into into an entire pepper good for you not smart right how train station actually go could you imagine elytras with the bunny boots the elytras weren’t n that would be quite fun actually right train station BR reserve station before

Approaching train has arrived more evenly space TR multiat station Thomas not let me drive and then towards the train station Thomas the Tank Engine can you sorry I feel likeing poor Thomas Thomas needs to behave listen ah I did it hold space to oh my God we’re doing it we’re doing it I

Forgot why I came back here that Thomas you genius stuck on the train the Tank Engine he is secure package secured package secured all right we’re all good doors closed uh disassemble train right assle train name train good t oh I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to

Show right now how do you pick up how do wait I see a progress that comp was on the floor for a bit do chromatic compounds have to be lit for a bit oh God gosh she screams she yearns for the mines Ys for mines why uh have you got

The I think there’s more in storage somewhere another wrench in storage yeah there’s two in my chest to the side thank you what those might actually be mine possible you could have you could have quick stacked it right I’ll pick up gift click yes I can’t a track to relocate

Him you have to relocate him you can’t I did it so we doing right-handed drop he’s not it then her brain just gave up oh get distracted oh yeah I’m those will be too close right let’s just take these out should be coming down this track

Here oh his train might be in the way there we are it shouldn’t fold it’ll be all right uh one two 3 four why out find him the stupid train sorry look at this look at this what oh my god oh look how fast this thing is soaring up here oh

Jeez yeah no just a little bit so you said you wanted more um of those what did we run out of first and the site ch ch ch chug ch ch chug chug ch ch Ch suar why can’t I control is really quite a money chug chug chug chug chug chug chug CH Choo I’m having a great time now I’ve made a train I’m all right it’s not a good train but it’s a meme train and that’s what count it’s the memest trains what more

Why does it keep kicking me off of controlling it oh we’ve gone the wrong way again I’ve gone the wrong way again vehicle rever oh gosh one day you’ll learn I I I clicked the wrong I pressed the the wrong direction all right what did I

Put so we need this to be produced Next so to make these you need it to variable card which requires paper his face has fallen Off is his face gone what what happened oh oh it’s rotated one second I will fix this the second recipe that just uses electron station that feels too expensive station got to move him yeah it requires more Redstone where this requires paper and memoral you can

Just do memoral oh he’s facing the wrong way now St to make it we need you fre there right so he needs to be there yeah right there we are okay okay okay okay okay I do this oh I’m stuck on the TR stuck under the trade help help I’m stuck right

Oh my God I broke the train station cuz he’s too big of course she Did no no place it back on that one and then that one he’s great he so stupid he’s so stupid I broke I’ve broken the train station because he’s too fat poor Thomas right put you away so we have one there I guess we could have it come around the

Corner here there’s nothing sing us I love the have few there B Be train station it’s attached to the train one second I’m coming back I’m coming home have you stolen like the entire station I’m stol in his Ro because of the way that I’ve glued the train

Together it’s a square so anything that gets put on it in the square is immediately stolen and of course his roof is part of that square oh God we’re also we’re American now cuz he’s on the wrong side of the tracks and I can’t bother fixing him if he goes the

Other way because he breaks I’m coming back when did you get here oh gosh you have just sto FAS mine now mine now PCH I can take it off as soon as we get back to the station the station’s on the wrong side isn’t it no it’s on the side is it yeah

Everything’s fine everything’s fine everybody likes this train oh good job welcome to the train we need to get seats can we not go faster he’s in Reverse this is as fast as he can go he’s in Reverse I love that this was cherry wood a square of cherry wood now

That theyve plowed through that house oh yeah I still don’t know whose house it was I don’t like that the train tracks getting wider here to go around the trees that’s why I said we should put something in the middle I can’t approach the station from

Behind I will in fact have to get out and move let me out let me out does his face break is his face still there excellent all right station right put the station here and then we move him back to squares he should good fit right brain so now that we have

That in fact does not fit what’s the best way to Auto Craft these I guess he’s just called train Thomas now his whole name on the train name love that for him wait how do I is that that’s cuz it’s going the wrong way oh my God I’m

Learning the chain station didn’t work cuz it was the wrong way it’s terrifying that you’re learning I’m learning create you learning means something is going terribly wrong CH Cho bches oh there we are arrived at track station so when I’ve got the train station actually set up we can name our

Base so I should be able to do how is it that you I need to look at this so there was a way where you link these this is simp oh I stole so much of his train station by the way oh they’ve been using copycat steps I’ve been using fr so connecting

Inventories ah it’s back there is it t right back here so if we do that that that that that that and that just introduced him to the Hammer oh have they just see the she size of it I just he said can I borrow the hammer and I’ve just handed him the

Hammer man’s never seen digging this much tell him we could have made it bigger but we made it indestructible instead wait do I no yes I do want that going like that this man has been missing stuff to be fair I think I can dig more with um

My magic powers but it’s funnier that there’s a giant hammer yeah plus digging takes a lot of magic I think he’s enjoying the hammer he’s digging his entire FL he just been putting off digging because it takes him that long and he’s literally been putting off digging up this entire

Mountain because it takes him too long i’ we just giv them access to unlimited power yeah effectively we just revolutionized digging I love the fact that they’ve got automated digging and US building a hammer was what revolutionized digging for them oh I need the other one can’t use that we need the

Smart we can it so it only pulls out the other thing I’m H I’m happy I’ve got a stupid actually it’s so dumb cuz it brought you great satisfaction it’s so stupid it’s not even a good train build it’s just Mei I think it helps that it’s Mei there we are

All the train tracks are back to normal mostly um sort of and there’s no better way to get liquid memoral is you can smash down the blocks that does require a mechanical squeezer does it now you cut that into six yeah that would be uh yeah that would get you more soaring down

So yeah it’ be better to S it actually better just manually CRA but you can s it down to to more just go into the squeezer as well don’t get your chunks just get your memoral but again the crystallized memoral chunks would help I’m hate but it’s okay get

Over you’re spinning the wrong way actually why am I worrying about that the rest this is crazy stuff wrench I’m keeping the wrench pinch oh god oh no uh oh it’s fine fine I bring create stuff I stuck in my head you’re going that way good for the brain is it

What do I do now my entire project was building that train what what do life without train I don’t know meaningless go back to ours guess so get back to what you meant to be doing oh but I don’t know what I’m doing

Oh I need to kill the W do you want to kill something with me do we want to kill something I’m just it’s not hard to kill I just need to probably do it like four or five times is the biggest thing it’s not hard to kill it’s just

Tedious and he can onot you if you’re not careful fun though you get thrown around Prett sure you farted with me last time possibly did I’d love to slide it through though but that’s going to clip into those isn’t it guess we’re going over the

Top are we going over the top neck of what just over the top up and over yes sure I don’t know what of but yes going over the top I’m over the top curious it it’s be a good idea to have it ah put my boots back on I took my boots

Off to test the direction things were going in cuz they when they’re at this speed you can’t actually say put oh that’s enough space for that to Glide there so into there comes paper no Wren I found my wrench it’s Auto sorted into the arz draw um with Source buckets so I

Assume they’re the same thing they are the same thing definitely do you not know a b the hold sour of sauce limited sauce create to be fair I am making unlimited source with creators so does it is happening let be do how be things work say oh

Think you can repeat that that be do that be that do be how be things Works no I can’t do that Sher Sher what no that’s going down don’t need to Sher yet CH later are you all right are you feeling all right are you having like some sort of Germanic

Crisis you can’t have a Germanic crisis you’re not even part German nine you are going the right way I want just to go that way why can’t I have a crisis you can have a crisis just not a Germanic one fine what crisis can I have

Fath I gave up on that years ago we all did but that’s the only crisis you can really have these days hell are all my water sources for this damn thing no brain brain just gone oh you had a brain this whole time fully just ceased the function what did

I come over here for really not a Brin chainless chain drive chainless chain drive encase chain drive two of them it’s how you make a bunch of things power in the same direction without using belts so do you know how you put belts next to you finish your sentence so I can say

No B when you you had two belts next to each other in your little creation yeah and you wanted them to Output output iput what output one way you consistently having brain issues there yeah brain’s thinking about try brain’s trying to do one problem whilst also thinking about

Another problem and it’s it’s a dumb thing to do but hey uh so remember when you had two belts both going in the same direction like Jo you going horizontal and then you went up diagonal and then you had to connect then you then you had to connect the

Belt off to the side to keep the power going right mhm definitely I don’t need my umbrella anymore whenever I’m in the sky I get slow falling oh look at you it’s part of the charm of the the magic thing I did I did offer you a belt you

Said no I don’t like the sound of the unstable belt it sounds a bit unstable I don’t need that bit because I got um I said that’s kind of the point no fall damage there way more than unstable though this build is a little compact should all have been

Compact I don’t even know why I’m Hing I need more lily pads of fertility I just need to cover this Farm I need to move my horse at some point po seeds in the way two more my miles there we’ll create a menil Abomination you’re a menil Abomination how

Rude is it really rude yes right are we actually back stuff on other site already I broke an entire iron hoe just by harvesting crops that’s devastating right PR so they can come in I’m going to leave that there for now I can easily bring in power

What just to prove it we’ll have that there we’ll have it come in there so you can just walk underneath don’t have to jump over or anything that spinning is absurd by tomorrow we should have a metric Buton of memal you what I’m going to that expansion

Now or at least I’m going to put down the saplings so they’re ready to grow so they St growing on the road people keep trampling on my farm well you did put it in the way it’s quite big it’s it’s it’s not like you can EAS that’s the problem it’s

Big it’s in the way go around that’s the problem why would we do that or we could just go well we could just go straight through it what if you go through it can you at least replant the crops that you break no that takes to much time and effort literally

Doesn’t it’s taking me more time then it would have taken yeah that’s time we don’t have to spend doing it you know the things I do not nobody nobody will put my crops back what have you really done for us anyway made the house and the train was they

Significant I mean you don’t have to use the train if you don’t want to but I was going to offer to make you one to cut things to and from the nether but iess you don’t need that what do I want from the nether at this point lava but I have Blaze

Blood I use Blaze blood for everything that’s not how that works can I power the steam boilers on Blaze blood yes can I power the smelter rein forge on Blaze blood yes can I power our electric gener RF generation with blaze blood yes you get your life together with

Blaze no I can get rid of the problems with my life with blaze blood is that a threat no just a statement of fact or intent I don’t know maybe statement of intent we’ll go with statement of intent that’ll hold up in court a statement of vague noncommittal threatening so thre vague

Noncommittal I need a better sauce I really need to set up my unlimited Source generation oh my God actually I do cu the lily pad of Vitality is wild isn’t it right we got rid of that how do I make an electron tube why are you making an electron tube

Are you making like a bloody mass back we’ve already I’ve already made these in the past some dust and I’m not setting a redstone dust fabrication because screw that at this point I’ll just use that was our plan was to use the mass excavator wasn’t

It what sure your plan we were going to go for excavation and not use the other method that Dave used with the infinite resources one so we need this stuff all right I need a place to fight Z Den isn’t anywhere near here always go back to that island in the

Sky I don’t want going back to that Island I’m having flashbacks after your lasted stood with us there the weather pip was very easy actually very was very surprised that you mad at that I felt in a lot of danger haing to the ocean the Wither destroying the platform that we were on

The withering not kicking in is quite safe actually the withering not kicking in was a miracle summon Wen of possibly divine intervention one thing that I do like about Creator mhm if you go to place like a spout or a deployer or one of those things on top of a belt it’ll actually

Give it the automatic one block Gap it needs to function you’re not see be impressed by that what I I didn’t hear anything you said you stopped at but and start again at function oh so when you go to press Place something like a spout or a deployer or a presser from

Creator on top of a Depot or belt screw you screw you screw you you you went if you then started again it deep po or B right let’s try that again the deployer yeah the spout the presser and other things like that if you go to

Place them above a belt or a Depot yeah it will automatically give you the one block Gap you need okay yeah I heard you this time great why why was it so why did cut out so you need molten iron so you are my molten iron check we got arrows yeah we got

Arrows I need to remember not to put the quiver in wait I don’t need that backpack destabilize Redstone no iron comes last good crap all right place is on fire all right I need W horn W yeah yeah I’m going to go fight this thing without you if you don’t want to

Come give me a second let me just bam oh these drmies are so dead just filling up two sear fuel gauges with blazing blood for now I’m just going to manually shuttle blazing blood about inor I could just go over a single smelter here floating in the

Sky and then use floating smeltery that doesn’t say and then use the smart thing smart thing it’s name’s not coming to me the smart drains uh SE which one is it it’s the SE SE duct which filters the input and output using copper cans or buckets so I can filter

It to say only this liquid I feel like this feels a bit more personal why would you want it to be more personal shut up oh what a deal what a deal I’m just going to put a barrel here for now and I’ll make a decision what I

Do with that later I might just I could just ship it yeah I’ll just ship it through there can I you the right height I do need to go W higher actually no I don’t I could just actually I want to be able to run along it yeah I guess we do it

Holding off the ritual one second I’m just planning something I mean I can do it without you I have to do it a few times but no if you will let me do the blaze you let me do the blaze you can probably one shot this thing to hit you

I I’m fearful what they’re trying to come up with for fireworks Stars I probably should do this on the other side to be honest switch those over to here CU then it feels a little less cramped yeah that’ll be better gravel gravel gra TPA neck what the

Okay why did it suddenly oh okay Chang slim sh good use mouse cursor or tab button to narrator let’s fight I accidentally enabled the narrator give me a second oh it’s too late I did press the oh we might be able to actually too him re he has phases Dam this

Be jeez can it be slower I’ve never fought this guy you never fought this guy oh we fought this guy a lot me and Ging what oh careful be careful what in Yep this is the worst pH one second diry hell apples eat apples God am I juggling him harshly

Probably oh he’s T posing for dominance I’m out of apples going for the kill did we do it we did it oh you picked it up no I haven’t got anything you should get a white you have magnet picktime no I haven’t got the magnet on

Currently oh Sor God yay I need like seven of these but I can only I have to go make some more w back he a bit of a nuisance to fight yeah now you know why I said you want to help also I’m I out of also you said you

Were going to get me a ammo for this I am I’m got to set the bombs up yeah cuz I my unlimited Source well I just used I think I just used the last of my apples I’ve got two apples left next next time I’m on I’ll sort it not hard to just

Right I’m slowly weeing myself off the old base how do make Eternal Stella I can’t do that that’s fine repressurize my um never right back tank we’ not got any eternal got you just need a piece of redstone got so many ORS of temporary flight we

Have alt I’ve got that many like buttons that I can use I I was just fli looking through trying to find the right one just have like a whole chest ofs of temporary got stack of redstone into there actually we probably want to pull the Redstone out as well and into there don’t

We yeah got Catholic School song stuck in my head what this L of M I’m going to let it shine God you really do all right I go now no you can leave me it’s not late no we’ve got to stay up past 12 again no

I’ve got nothing else to do today got stuff to do tomorrow I have to pass an exam on shoes just a little p time Doodles run our own again boys and girls that’s not the first tank I filled with blazing blood probably the first full tank I picked up I

Guess is that a hidden achievement no advancements was create not create uh Tinkers Tinkers Rich lighting I hate to do that something create every Tye of SL SCH oh that just sounds like hell on Earth you should just work I think you there and then we get ourselves all of

You okay she SP that way down here we can just have that and that you going the right way no you’re going the wrong way cuz you two need to spin the other way oh what if we put that that works cuz you’re both spinning that way cuz you’re a linked gear boox

And then here I can make this work by coming under here sending you wait you’re going the wrong way which way are you going you are going the right way you’re not really why why would you do that okay I’m pretty sure I have you and you’ve kept the r going you can

Go there keep that filled excellent so I just need to bring Redstone to that smell three iron in there working we got that and this we’re going to leave some space here so I figure out how to get iron this I think yeah i’ functionally done that perfect spacing here but

Hey have some stairs up here I will need to uh relocate our Hipp friends but hey we can actually I think we’re going to do I’m going to do this I think it’ll look better there have that stick out a little bit and have the stirs out a bit I think no

What was that where’d you go no actually let’s get let’s get rid of that for now decide that later yeah right then we grab you put you there you take paper actually why am I doing that you could just go can’t you just you know go directly onto a belt think we Can and I think we’ll do it like that we’ll have our belt there and there I don’t think we’ll see will it just output it defly let’s find out let’s grab these so we want that the no you do need to go to some sort of storage shame shoot kids my inventory

First oh well just trying to figure out to fit this this the do you do shoot pull out the chests I cannot remember sh shoot shoot yes you do having two chest feels wasteful can we have uh it run into a shoot question shoot what is the re for a

Shoot a bunch IR oh easy yes we can okay okay so do that and that then we get ourselves bu extend you you to you that’s it running out of ight and stuff again oh that one’s done I should really make make some more and theight machines so we need two of

You two buckets and the two not two to 16 of those and they wrapping around no I can’t TP back to there cuz I TP home there no not you there get the pipes I’ll go get B whe where’s the B just F Ted there actually that’s

Enough you might not want to grow here I need to put some leaves let see it might actually be that it’s too dark I don’t think that would be it there we go put in like 16 oh there we go it was just water off there’s the memil Grove extracting

Memil quite satisfied to look at okay so you’re going that way to look for where I could grab power from I can grab power from there you’re going the right way or I it look a little little better let’s have a look I wish when you looked at it show the direction they

Spinning just wonder where I can get power for this one I might need to just use ch drive again for this I can just run power like uh that but using a gearbox so L there for this just do that you if I connect you which way are you going wrong way

That get chain drive on the other side do you keep it going the same way is the question yeah so you can’t I can’t do a you and you so you’ll have to go there and you’ll we’ll have to go there okay so we need paper to come in

There to fill that up and we need the memoral farm so we need to do some farming next time to extract some resources but I think we’re at a good point we’ve utilized the memoral like I said I would M lock by next time we should have just huge volumes of memal resin

Sh big the important word there I don’t think we need to create a fluid backlog because we’ll have a massive backlog with this this will be able to store so much especially cuz here we create blocks the time uh CL Chun just force truck load that

Lock so far into our truck load we’re going to have to start creating extra higher layers I feel like we’re going to need like a hole in the center and a hole over here for this oh gosh what are we doing gosh it looks cool from up here oh what why

You you stop R oddly sued gosh all the items everywhere cool very cool you need to go oh before to get should probably have to finish off put you there and give it a quick try that works now we don’t have to manually move stuff we just flick a

Lever put you back pick you up keep you in there put that precis mechanism away okay uh I do need to reset up the other one but you know what we’re at a good point tidy you up T you up pants can have some more stone brick because why not

Why not at this point you can have that and those those could go to neck next food farm apparently I would like to set up a memal one the automated memoral Tree Farm because it’s going to be complicated cuz it’s going to have to recycle it’s going to have to involve

The sapling Rejuvenation program it’s going to be up here o I like it I like it a lot just the two little sa tree Groves a spruce little Grove over here full of resin you’re feel this he’s feeling oddly Barron now since I you know stried a buch I’m probably going to

Move him and I’ll move I’ll probably move this creation and put it on an edge I might have a nice open section over here for like farming maybe on top of the hill thought I can’t go too far cuz we can only Force load these chunks but

Hey but I will but that will th fre up a bunch of space in here especially once I get the water wheel and all this you can go into storage sure do but but yeah it’s going good any who that’s where we’re going end it thanks for

Watching I hope you enjoyed if you did so hit that like button going any comments questions drop them down the comment section below I’ll answer if possible new channel hit the subcribe to stay to dat don’t forget you can follow me on Twitter and support me on patreon

Links for those are down in the description stay well and survive out solidarity forever

This video, titled ‘Menril Automation | Create Arcane Engineering+ | Multiplater Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by CZSurvivor on 2023-11-29 22:50:33. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:11:02 or 15062 seconds.

Today we will start work on automating Menril Chuncks and other stuff, with friends in multiplayer minecraft using the Create Arcane Engineering (with extra mods) enjoy. Including: @nekokittu , Ginger

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2448248&ty=h

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CZSurvivor?lang=en-gb Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/czsurvivor

Music by Approaching Nirvana http://youtube.com/user/approachingnirvana Buy the song on iTunes: http://bit.ly/R8hVSy

Recording/editing equipment: OBS / Shadow Play (Computer) Audacity (Voice Overs) Hauppauge HD PVR2 Gaming Edition Plus (Console) Sonyvegas Pro 13 (Video Editing) Blue Snowball ice (Mic) Gimp (Thumbnails)

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  • Xylo Network

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  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy Avg. 15 online

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  • Astral SMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – Why Do I Relate So Hard? 😂

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  • Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore!

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  • Hotter than a Nether portal: You are my lava meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: You are my lava meme “When you’re playing Minecraft and your friend keeps stealing all your diamonds, but you still have to sing ‘You are my sunshine’ to them to keep the peace.” Read More

  • Bandit Adventure Life – Episode 33

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  • Uncover the Secret Luminous Stone Powder in Minecraft!

    Uncover the Secret Luminous Stone Powder in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minerales de Minecraft [Parte 2]: polvo de piedra luminosa’, was uploaded by Leant_23 on 2024-05-09 13:44:42. It has garnered 57 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Good morning students, in this #guide channel we cover all types of games in an easy and simple way for all of you, mainly games like Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew valley, among many more that will come in the future, if you want to support the project, You can subscribe, like the videos or comment on something. #minecraftshorts #minebuildersa #leant #pandarojo #junimo… Read More

  • Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New Episode

    Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New EpisodeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MUST Place Down HQ ASAP | MINECRAFT | EPISODE: 46 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-05-28 23:51:00. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:18:47 or 15527 seconds. Been looking for a while, but I must place down in my new location asap. Will be searching for a location with surface and underground structures and close to a Lush Cave. Read More

  • 🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!

    🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Diamond Dream 🤣 #shorts #minecraft #viral #shortsviral #trending #youtubeshorts #ytshort’, was uploaded by KnL Shorts on 2024-05-04 13:30:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP – Join Now & Explore!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP - Join Now & Explore!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | 24/7 SMP ANYONE CAN JOIN PE + JAVA’, was uploaded by TECHNICAL GAMES on 2024-01-17 16:14:19. It has garnered 83 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:43 or 7543 seconds. Discord = https://discord.gg/XXpsb45KPe #minecraftlive #minecraft ————————————————————————————— PC 💻🖱 IP = play.dgnetwork.fun RAM :- 8GB processor :- i3 10th GEN graphic card :- GTX 1650 4GB VALORANT ID = GANGSTER么 ISHAN 5375 DIML VOTE LINK = https://minecraft-mp.com/server/315738/vote/ DISCORD LINK = https://discord.gg/XXpsb45KPe Join me as I embark on an epic Minecraft adventure, exploring vast landscapes, battling dangerous creatures, and unraveling hidden… Read More

  • Demonic Minecraft Son – INSANE Realistic RTX Shaders 😱 #shorts

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  • Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE

    Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE’, was uploaded by Arkace on 2024-05-18 03:47:41. It has garnered 53 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:19 or 7039 seconds. Hello there and welcome! On my channel I play a variety of different games, from games such as Subnautica and Minecraft, to other games like Phasmophobia and Sons Of The Forest. I’m a big horror fan so expect a lot of highlights/streams on various horror games such as Resident Evil on the channel as well! #houseofashes #gaming #playstation #playthrough #entertainment Read More

  • OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren Ivory

    OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren IvoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Lanjut bikin rumah lagi || Ren Ivory’, was uploaded by Ren Ivory Ch. on 2024-05-10 14:42:28. It has garnered 60 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:28 or 7228 seconds. 【Support me】 Treat : https://trakteer.id/RenIvory Ko-Fi : https://ko-fi.com/renivoryid ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 【 Rules 】 – Please remain polite to both streamers and fellow viewers as you would like to be treated – Please do not mention anything related to SARA, Politics, NSFW , etc. – Don’t spam the chat or comments column – Please don’t mention the names of other Vtubers/Streamers/Livers/Youtubers (except Ren… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 2×2 House Build 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft 2x2 House Build 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2×2 House😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by Tender Gamer on 2024-03-06 11:39:37. It has garnered 8642 views and 235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft: Which cat did it better? 🤔 In this video, Tender Gamer shows the Chipi Chipi cat making music with Minecraft game noises, blocks, mobs, items and more. Who do you think won the competition? KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: 🔥 Tender Gamer creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Spiky Hair JJ

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Spiky Hair JJVideo Information This video, titled ‘Episode 1 | Minecraft: The Woodland Mansion | Spiky Hair JJ’, was uploaded by Spiky Hair JJ on 2024-01-18 13:53:12. It has garnered 71 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. Episode 1 of the Movie Series Minecraft: The Woodland Mansion 4 Kids, Mal, Lenna, Chug and Lizzie discover a mysterious creature enter the town of Cornucopia. They break the town rules and adventure out to the outside overworld. While adventuring, they face many highs and lows. But then they discover tracks leading to their town? Can they… Read More

  • Ram War

    Ram WarWelcome to RAM WAR!!! Minecraft’s up-and-coming FPS!!!!! Ram War is an incredibly fast-paced team-shooter with several awesome weapon classes to choose from! Work together to claim the RAM and take it to your enemy’s base! Claim the colored tiles of the arena to gain speed, invisibility, and ammo! Pick from weapons including: Bow, Scythe, Bubble Bomb, Shotgun, Chain Blades, Railrifle, Gilseng, and Biped Bomb. There are over 20 playable maps with many more to come! Come be a part of the universe’s story and lore! Where everything is completely normal :))) mc.ramwar.net Read More

  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Competition Prizes Discord

    Ultra-Hardcore Mining Competition One life to live your best life. DoN’T DiE! About Mining challenge lasting 254 weeks Earn a revive by winning Sunday competitions Special Team Competition on Sundays Prizes Revive on ultra-hardcore world In-game advancement shout-out Details Server: gapple.mchost.pro Direct IP: Goal: Stay alive and earn points Scoring: +1 per minute alive, +1 per experience point Rules Play fair and friendly No unfair advantages No hacking or hacked clients Apocalypse DataPack Features Players killed by zombies turn into zombies Enhanced skeletons, biting bats, spinning spiders, defending Ox-Heads, and more Your Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/EP5Y9C7 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Woah, Minecraft wolves making baby wolves?

    Me after finding out I can breed wolves: Sorry ladies, I’m taken by my pack now! Read More