Ultimate Michael Myers Survival House Tutorial

Video Information

Hey guys a DHD here in today’s video I’m gonna be showing us how to build this awesome Michael Myers house block per block it’s a little big yeah but big gruesome I guess but it’s all the wean time so I decided to build this and I actually built this last night after

Binge watching the Halloween movies at work to prepare for the new movie that’s coming out so I decided to build this one for you guys it looks freakin awesome classic Michael Myers coming out of the closet in the dark with his giant knife it’s really really crazy looking

And I’m pretty excited to show you guys how to build it I’m gonna get started right now guys but before we get started using a huge favor and hit that like button I would greatly appreciate that would be so awesome and I guess I’d appreciate it a lot so let’s go ahead

And get started right now on building this and if you guys like this Michael Myers build I also have a Pennywise in gutter build that I just did last week that you guys absolutely love so if you like the horror build check this one out

Of after this video out as well and let me know down below what other horror builds do you guys want to see anyway let’s get started on this so for this build guys what you’re gonna actually need there’s only a few things red stars Michael Myers and once we get the door

And like the closet way and everything like that we’ll need a few more things but starting out all we’ll need is black concrete blue wool red concrete white terracotta white concrete light gray concrete brown wool and polished out of sight and the grass block you don’t need

So just that stuff for right now if we need anything else I’ll make sure to let you guys know we’re gonna start right now so go and get that stuff out guys pause the video and get that out and as always guys if at any point during this

Video you feel like I’m going too fast you can always pause or rewind the video at any point in order to catch up but anyway let’s get started iced I’m gonna be going very slowly black for blocks you should be fine but if you need to always remember that so starting off

We’re gonna use our black concrete and we’re gonna work to the right here it’s gonna be a total of eight blocks of black concrete going to the right so one two three four five six seven and eight so one straight row of eight black concrete right here then what we’re

Gonna do is another row of the exact same thing just like this right on top of it so two rows I’ve just eight black concrete just like that next row we’re gonna get our blue wall out and it’s gonna be a complete row same length with a blue wool just like

This boom told you guys this was easy so that’s good things are gonna change up a little bit on this row but not by much so the next row is gonna be total of six blue wool one two three four five six then a one red concrete then a one blue

Wool next row is gonna be one blue wool three red concrete one two three one blue wool then two red concrete one two then a one blue wool next row is gonna be two blue wool one to two red concrete one to one blue wool then three red

Concrete one two three next row is gonna be a total of six blue wool one two three four five six then finish it up with two red concrete boom and boom then our next row right here guys is gonna be until a five five counting five rows of

Blue wool so one two three four and five just like that so now things are gonna change up a little bit right here so we’re gonna do is go on the left side right here and we’re gonna actually start building his hand so we’re gonna got our white terracotta and we’re gonna

Go to the left here this way a total of three are gonna actually two white terracotta one two and then two red concrete for somewhere that’s splatter right there so that’s the vias left arm right there and then over here we go same thing on the right side but a

Little different it’s gonna be one white terracotta two red wool or red concrete one two then one white terracotta and then now we’re gonna be doing guys is actually working left to right on top of this whole long thing right here finishing this whole front so next row

Is gonna be for white terracotta one two three four then a full row of eight blue wool one two three I’m sorry yeah I’m gonna make shirt one two three four five six seven eight sorry I thought I messed up for a second there but it’s a complete row of eight

Or actually did messed up this first blocker here guys sorry is actually a red concrete there you go and then over here weirdos if you continue on from arm right here it’s gonna be one white terracotta one black concrete which is gonna be the handlebar to the

Knife later guys then one red concrete and then one white terracotta just like that alright I’ll back up sorry to have ro messed up guys so just an overview here it was for white terracotta one red concrete seven blue wool one white terracotta one black concrete one red

Concrete than one white terracotta sorry about that so next we’re guys is gonna be for white concrete one two three four then it’s gonna be a total of eight blue wool for real this time okay one two three four five six seven and eight then it’s gonna be another row

Of four white concrete so one two three and four next row guy is gonna be eight blue conch blue one two three four five six seven and eight and then it’s gonna be one black concrete and then it’s gonna be the remainder blocks left which seven blue blue one two three four five

Six and seven just like that so basically just always just blue rule except for that one and then the next row guys it’s gonna be the exact same thing for two rows the exact same thing so all blue wool one black concrete all blue wool then the next row so there’s

Two rows of that exact same things as an extra the same thing just all the way across blue wool so you get this black then one black then all blue wool so basically three rows of that exact same thing once we get to this black part

Right here just like that guys so the next row guy is gonna be like this a little bit different eight blue wool one two three four five six seven eight then a one black wool then a one blue wool then one red concrete then a total of a

Five blue wool one two three four and five and then our next row is gonna be exactly the same guys the exact same thing very simple build like I told you guys so it’s gonna be the exact same thing just like that all right perfect next rows would be a little difference in

Before blue wool one two three four one red concrete three blue wool one two three one black concrete one blue wool one red concrete and then five blue one two three four and five perfect next row guys is going to be four blue wool one two three four

One red concrete then three blue wool one two three then a one black concrete then the rest is gonna be a total of seven blue wool guys one two three four five six and seven just like that then our next row guys is very very similar it’s very simple actually here it’s

Gonna be a seven blue wool one two three four five six and seven then two white terracotta one two then another seven blue wool one two three four five six and seven then the next row guys is going to be six blue wool one two three four five six then four white terracotta

One two three four then the rest is gonna be blue wool for six blue wool guys one two three four five and six just like that so that is our whole fronts right here guys and the sides are super super easy to just follow along with me guys so that’s our front right

Here and then working to the sides that’s coming over to the right side what we’re gonna do is get our black concrete out and we’re gonna take this part right here this first block Romero sorry I guess it was last walk of the first row over here and bring it back

Until five blocks guys so one two three four and five next row the exact same thing then guys we’re gonna do three rows of plain blue wool so one two and three then the next row is going to be one red concrete then four blue wool one two three four

Next row after that’s going to be one red concrete then four blue wool one two three and four and then the next word guys is gonna be four blue wool going straight up so one two three and four then what I want you guys to do is turn

Left to this hand right here we have created right here we’re gonna take our white terracotta and we’re gonna this back all the way till it matches the same length as our blue right here using white terracotta in a straight just straight rows all the way until it

Mimics the same length as this arm over here this back piece right here just like this they should line up perfectly all right and then what we’re gonna do guys we’re gonna go around the outside layer of this with our white terracotta just like this this is what’s gonna be

Exposed all right and then what I want you guys to do is get the white concrete into the exact same thing on the next rail and then for the rest of this all blue wool the exact same way is just take your blue wool all the way up until

You get to the top all right and I know that this part right here is like you know kind of playing this all blue wool the rest of the way up but if you want to you can add more blood splatter or less it doesn’t really matter I think

That it’s you know I didn’t mind in a certain way because I thought it would be more realistic so and also because the door is right here and blocks off a lot of this bit so I didn’t really want to had too much detail with more work

And you know we’re not even gonna see it so I didn’t want to make it overly complicated for you guys just to do something that we’re not even gonna see like in the back you don’t even get to see Michael Myers back so there’s no real purpose and that’s doing too much

Detail in the back so you could add more blood splatter over here if you wanted to whatever you guys want to do but I think it looks fine like that so now we’re gonna do is come to the back over here we have that finished and that’s

His arm right there guys you just finished this left arm right here now we’re gonna do the same thing over here on this side and all we’re gonna do for this is get our black wool same thing about concrete I mean come to the left side now and you’re literally

Gonna replicate that side except for this red it’s even easier just all blue pretty much but I’ll do it with you guys so bringing us back by five blocks one two three four and five and then what you just do is you another row of the exact same thing then you’re gonna do

Blue all the way up until it matches this exact same height as this side over here so just all blue wool and again guys if you want to add more blood splatter using the red concrete go ahead and do so like I said you’re not really

Even gonna see the sides of that well because the way the he’ll like the actual building is built so you don’t have to do that but if you want to feel free to do so all right and then this side over here all I’m gonna do different

One red concrete in this corner right here and then the rest is gonna be all white terracotta this seems like some of the splatter kind of pulls around a little bit so just all-white terracotta and then say they’re done the side or take this corner bring it all the way

Back connect it over here as well and then do the same thing with a white concrete part bring this all the way back connected over here and then a blue wool all the way up until the top guys you guys knows to do at this point it’s

Just all blue wool and it doesn’t it takes a little bit time but normally that’s compared for this part but I’m just do this with you guys we’re gonna see how close to one take we can make this video I mean I’d probably have to edit out

Some stuff but you know I think I think I think this bill is actually easy enough to where I can do it probably close to less than three cuts I don’t really know so we’re almost there a little bit more left to go one more row here and boom so now we’re

Gonna do is we’re gonna come back to the bottom back right you’re gonna get guys you will not see this at all that’s actually like not a perfectly same way that one over there this this Pennywise one my display one this is like my template for the tutorial and

Then the final one comes out better you’re it’s not gonna look that weird in the pack but you’re not gonna see Michael Myers back at all so all we’re gonna do is this where does I do two rows of black concrete and then literally blue concrete or blue all the

Rest of the way like for everything else so I’m gonna deal with you guys and again the reason why I did like this guys is you literally will not be able to see this at all so there’s no real purpose and doing too much back here so

We’re just remove all this like when I first built that I actually added like his on utility belt and stuff like that he has like a little pouch in the back here and like some of the movies and stuff and I decided to keep put that in

There and then I’d remove dicks I was like there’s no purpose and like making it harder for them and you know for you guys if you’re not gonna see it so I try and make them as simple as I can and remove anything that’s too extra that

Doesn’t need to be there just because like I know it can be harder and I know you guys just want the same build so anything is not gonna be seen is definitely not needed here so we’re just gonna move all of that and we’re sundew

Plain blue wool for the rest of this so just take it all the way up until the top and boom that is the back right there and now what we’re gonna do guys is really simple we’re gonna actually work on Michael Myers head so what we’re gonna do for Michael Myers is actual

Face says we’re gonna get out our white concrete right here and what we’re gonna do is on this part right here we have a white terracotta these four blocks we’re just gonna go ahead and do the white concrete right on top of that the exact same length just so we can get a

Starting point here and then what I want you guys to do is go left to with the white concrete one two and then right to with the white concrete one two just so we get our starting line right here okay so they don’t know what you guys to do

Is take your white concrete and do the exact same thing one more row on the front of that just like this then what are we doing is building Michaels face on the left side here front to this way so we’re gonna need our light gray concrete and also our white concrete and

Then a little black concrete later and some brown wool that’s all we’re gonna eat for his face so first row is gonna be one white concrete again he doesn’t really on the front here one white concrete one light gray concrete then it’s gonna be a total of five white

Concrete one two three four five then one light gray concrete then the next row guy is gonna be one light gray concrete two white concrete one two then a space of two right here then three white concrete one two three and then behind that space I just want you guys

To place two black concrete just like this boom boom and that’s just so there’s a hole and his actual mask for his mouth next thing guys is gonna be two light grey wool one two then it’s gonna be all the way to the other side six white concrete one two three four

Five six just like that next row is gonna be one light gray concrete two white concrete one two two light gray concrete one two then three white concrete one two three then the next row is gonna be one light gray concrete a space of two two white concrete a space

Of two then one white concrete and again behind those spaces I want you guys to place a black concrete just like that right behind him just like this that was or his eyes in the mask right there all right and then the next row was gonna be like this is

Gonna be one brown wool then it’s gonna be six white concrete one two three four five six then a one brown wool then the next row guys is gonna be one brown wool one light gray concrete five white concrete under sorry six white crunk REIT one two three four I’m sorry five

Five five over country guys start with that so just go and go back to make sure your many states they’re right to this light gray five white concrete one two three four and five and then a one brown concrete just like this and then we’re

Gonna do his hair which is like kind of weird and all we’re gonna do is done this left side and this right side we’re gonna place one one brown wool outward on both of those and then Paul while he’s in the left one we’re gonna bring

It out one to the left then down one on that block and then on top of this broccoli starter we’re gonna go up one and then straight over to that one till connects like a little weird like hairdo he has it’s like that and then over here

On this one we’re gonna bring it out one then down one the same way and I’ll back up CJ look at that our groups actually removed one right here to mean to just like that till it connects like I said so so this little like like Seagal

Haircut yes just like that once we have the sides that’ll look a little bit better but right now that’s what he has going on there all right and then now we’re gonna start on the sides here and then we’ll fill in that other part as

Well so what I want you guys to do is get the white concrete out and all we’re gonna do guys we’re gonna take this back a total of three blocks I say two white concrete blocks like this one two then we get our brownlow and you’re gonna do

Three brown wool so one two three just like that next row guys just follow along with me it’s gonna be a total of three white concrete one two three then it’s gonna be four brown wool one two three four just like that all right perfect then the next row guy is gonna

Be like this is gonna be one arch I three white concrete one two three then the same thing for brown wool one two three four then the next row guys is gonna be like this it’s gonna one brown wool two white concrete one two then four brown wool then the rest

Is brown wool all the way up until the top until it matches this piece right here and then we’re gonna cut that piece right there and boom so now we have Michael Myers hair right there done and ready to go now we’re gonna do the left

Side over here guys and the left side is identical to that side over there so we’re just going to copy that if you want to or you can just follow me and it’s gonna be like this it’s gonna be two white concrete one two then three

Light our brown wool one two three just like that next row same thing three white concrete one two three then four Brown wool one two three four next row the exact same thing three white concrete for brown wool one two three four next Rosen b1 brown wool two white concrete one two

Then a four brown wool one two three four and then the rest brown wool just like this so we get to the top all right and perfect just like this and then our back is just gonna be all Brown I know normally guys his the head would come

Off one block but the reason we didn’t do it that way is because again you’re not gonna actually see the back of his head so that’s actually connected with the darkness in the background so again just brown wool just trust me guys follow along with me so we’re just gonna

Fill all this in do we get to the top with the brown wool and this is gonna be a house so you could replace this part up here with glass you can Brown stained glass as a sunroof or you can just fill it and I’m just gonna fill mine in to be

Honest just to give it more of a classic look but you could easily put a window up there so that way you have a little bit extra sunlight coming through in the Minecraft world if you know what I mean so we’re just going to get this filled

In all the way I don’t know why I said if you know what I mean like didn’t have any other meaning besides like literally what I said but for some reason I said that all right so now why don’t you eat your blue wool and fill in these cracks

Right here just like this the reason why we did like that was just that way you know exactly where to add you know you don’t black blue wool this whole way and take a more space than we need to and more resources to just cover up the parts

That actually show just like this all right almost done here and boom okay so we are almost finished with Michael Myers now we’re gonna add his knife his you know his famous knife and then we’re actually starting on the door so we’re gonna do for that as we’re getting our

Black concrete out and right where we put this black dot right now we’re gonna put one and then put one right below it just like that so it should be two blocks wide just like that or you know what actually we’re gonna place one right there and we’re gonna do one

Outward and one downwards that way looks at the handle gets thinner and if we don’t like that we can change it but just a little hell right there on that piece then we’re gonna do there and getting our Polish out of sight in from the top we’re gonna go down three block

So one two three and then we’re going to do that a total of four three more times so one two three one two three one two three so three four rows of just that polished out of sight and this is where things get a little different to be one

Red concrete then to polish out of sight one two next rows gonna be to red concrete one two then one polish out of sight and then it’s gonna be three red concrete one two three then next it’s gonna be two red concrete one two then we’re gonna do that again

One two and then we’re gonna do one red concrete and that is his chaya knife right there it looks friggin vicious if you ask me or if it’s that you want even just fill this in right here this last box make like one solid piece I think kinda looks better just like

That so I’m gonna leave mine like actually does kind of look better it’s one small piece so dancers knife right there I think it looks awesome and you could make it smaller because you know there’s almost a machete but I don’t I wanted to

Make a big and giant so I made it like that so that is the Jason Voorhees guys now let’s get started on actually adding the doorway around him as which makes it look just so much more intense and so much more creepy can you imagine yours walking around in Minecraft

Oh my gosh I’ve just run so fast I’d be glad if I just turned I saw this is my world it oh my gosh so we’re gonna actually show you i’ma show you guys now how to build the whole doorway as well and trust me guys it looks difficult but it’s really really

Simple it’s really big that’s all it is okay guys so for the actual door we’re gonna need brown concrete white concrete block of gold and also black concrete I pretty sure it’s all we’re gonna need if we need anything else I’ll let you guys know we’re also gonna need some red

Concrete later on in order to do the blood come out of the room so keep that in mind as well guys so just go and get that stuff out right now and we’re gonna start on the door and again guys the door is super easy just about getting

The placement and then making a bunch of lines basically so we’re gonna do is come to the left side of Michael Myers again guys possibly need to get this equipment out still this is what we’ll need coming to the front left corner of him and we’re our red blockers any

Blockers account and we’re gonna go in like from his inside block right here three so one two and then this is the third block right here so from this block right here this would be the third one we’re to count outward 13 blocks so

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and 13 all right and then store to remove those two placeholder blocks right there on the 13th block it’s in a place of placeholder blocks so we know exactly where at and this is where our first

Arch where the door is gonna start going around him so what we’re gonna do now is get our white concrete and right where that placeholder block is we’re gonna remove it and we’re gonna go up guys we’re gonna go up up up up up and we’re

Gonna go up a total of thirty eight blocks guys 38 so count with me guys 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Oh okay so once you’ve done that guys now what you’re gonna do is take this one right here and you’re gonna work to the right it’s one of 29 blocks so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 right there woo so that’s where our tour was gonna be right there guys that’s where it’s gonna come right down on to mr. Mike so you can see the other one over there for example right

There and that’s how it’s actually gonna work so now what I want you guys to do is on that 29th of walk what we just did I want you guys to go straight down to the floor until you meet the floor you don’t need to count these ones they’re

Just going straight down until we make contact and a boom contact has been made so now that we’ve done that guys things are gonna get a little bit interesting because what we’re actually gonna do is as you guys can see there should be about let’s see it should be about one

Two three and four rows between Mike and this one of the rows we’re gonna actually be going through Mike’s body so we’re gonna take these ones out but only one row so how we’re gonna do this guy is we’re going to go on the inside of this six times so just literally don’t

Have to count it we’re just gonna go straight around this six times so we’ve already done one so we’re gonna do this five times this is one right here so again guys five times so this would be six blocks fake this whole little archway we just made this is the second

Of five or seven second of six just like this guys so now you should have two it’s a two of them so we’re gonna do that six sometimes in total guys we have two already we’re gonna do it four more times and we’re just gonna keep going

Around this archway I’m gonna skip ahead while I do that but again guys when you get to the last row I know it’ll seem like all right maybe I’ll just deal with you guys all just like fast-forward or something I’m not really sure just I don’t want you guys to miss mess this

Part up because I know can it be kind of confusing for some people just in this little just to have to go through it and not explain when so I’m just a dude with you guys so we’re into this again this is gonna be this whole hard for you may

maybe six blocks thick so we’re at three right now so now we’re just gonna go ahead and keep doing this until it’s six blocks thick so we’re now this will be our fourth one and if you guys are like expert builders that know what I’m gonna do

Yes go ahead is good bad but just good person you know just so everybody can build this thing we’re gonna go ahead and old it row-by-row I’m not gonna skip ahead during this part so now we’re at four now we’re gonna go ahead and do this another two more times this will be

Our fifth one right here guys and this is the one after this I was saying it’s a little bit tricky not too tricky but it’s a little bit so we’re gonna go and go down again all the way and now you see we’ve made contact with Mike so the

Next row is actually gonna go through him just kind of like he’s leaning against it so the next row we’re gonna do against this will be our sixth row guys and this one like I said is going to go through mr. Mike Meyers so bring

It to the top here then we’re gonna go all the way over here and then we’re gonna keep going down the same way you’ve been going down guys just like this except for now we’re actually gonna remove through Mike just so we can actually build through him so I’m just

Like Oh straight through all the way to the bottom right here and then take this all the way back up until it connects and boom so now we have the archway actually done of the building it looks a little wild right now is you having out

Of the door yet so we have the archway done let’s add our door alright guys so for the door this is how it’s gonna work what I want you guys to do you’re gonna get the brown wall out right now and all we’re gonna do is this guy’s you’re

Gonna come to the bottom area again guys your archway should be six blocks thick so do not forget that guys you should be exactly six blocks think so what you’re gonna do is on this left side we’re gonna find one space I want you guys to go right here this left corner lists

Like right corner of the left side of the archway and go to the left one block and place two Brown concrete going to the left so boom boom literally just like that guys then what you have to do is go down agonal to the right one concrete then go diagonal to the right

One concrete and then to the right straight one concrete so it should be 2 then 1 then 2 then the next one’s gonna be two diagonal concrete with a brown concrete one two and on that second block is just gonna be one concrete to the left to the right just like that

Then after that we’re gonna do the same exact thing basically two more times so two diagonal concrete one two and then one to the right then two diagonal concrete one two then one to the right so that we has gonna look at didn’t idea what it looks like

Again it’s just right here one space away from the outside of the crack to one to the right to one to the right to one to the right to one to the right to again guys there’s a look at it you need to copy it you know trace it exactly

There’s what it looks like so now what I want you guys to do is go to this left one over here and you’re gonna go straight up with the brown concrete until it gets to the exact same height as the inside of our archway and I’ll

Show you what I mean by that so we’re gonna go all the way up just like this until it gets to right here the exact same height as this opening right here and now what I want you guys to do is do that for this left one as well and then

We’re gonna do the inside pieces to finish this all up so we’re do this right this and now let’s do the outside place which is the only thing that’s not just all Brown so we’re gonna do the door handle real quick on the right side

Here so what I mean by that guy is what we’re gonna do is really come we did that row right there it’s all the way to the height we’re gonna do this one right here because all these ones are just Brown so we’re gonna fill those in we’re

Gonna do this one just the only one that has any difference so these two blocks are here you’re gonna go up a total of 16 blocks guys so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and 16 and then from

Right here guys you’re gonna go ahead and do for black concrete 1 2 3 4 and then you’re gonna do brown concrete all the way up until it matches that side over there so it should be the same exact size as the one over there so just

Make sure they’re the same exact height which they are so we’re good next row you’re gonna do the exact same thing you can just go ahead and just just wing in and when you see the black just stop then do for black concrete 1 2 3 4 then

Just do Brown concrete the rest of the way up until it matches this one again all right and then know what you guys to come down to the center of those two black blocks and all we’re gonna do is we’re gonna actually I’m not flying by

Mine uh I need to fly ok crew you need to place 4 blocks of gold in the center of those black blocks who plays black concrete and that is our little door handle right there should be perfect and it is and now all I want you guys to do

Is get the brown concrete and take all these rows up to the same exact height as this front right here was just like the other pieces we just did just like that so this is all brown concrete we’re gonna take all of these all the way up

I’m gonna skip ahead for this part guy just it’s a lot of filling in but again guys just brown concrete all the way until it connects to this side so I’m gonna I’m gonna skip ahead for that go ahead and pause the video right now and fill this into the Brown concrete okay

Guys so we added our door and we have our doorway now it’s not looking exactly just right same way the penny wise house needed to be done we need to add some black concrete in order to give it that depth that darkness where you don’t know

What’s back there and then we have the blood dripping out that’s like oh my gosh what is in there with him we’re gonna never know so that’s why we need to actually add that otherwise kind of look like he’s winning I didn’t look that scary channel looks like a nice guy

You know walking through a door except for the night and you know blood all over him but I ignore that so we’re gonna go ahead and get out our block of our black concrete and once you guys do is come to this side right here and take

This back a total huh let’s see four blocks should be good so one two three four and then do the same thing over here on this side guys on this side of the doorway one two three four and then I want you guys just to connect them

Over to that side and like I said you will not see the back of Michael Myers that’s why I was saying I went to too much detail back there and we’re gonna connect this just like this now here comes the boring part guys we’re gonna need to take this all the

Way until it gets to the exact same height as our top here so just take all of this big giant black frame we made and you’re gonna take it all the way up until it’s the same height as this I’ll show you exactly what I mean and again

Guys I am going to skip ahead for that because it’ll take frickin forever so I’m gonna skip ahead real quick and you guys are going to fill this in right now too so all of that is black concrete again guys one pause the video right now

And fill this in with me okay guys and then just cuz like in case anybody might need you know some guidance in this part you’re gonna leave Michael Myers aren’t actually exposed right here in this particular spot so you’re gonna take a black hole up until you get connected

Right here and then just take a black hole up the rest the way we’re actually to cover this in a white shell later so don’t worry about you won’t be seeing art Michaels arms like randomly sticking out there so you don’t have to worry about that summer tick goes all the way

Back just like this until we get to the top like I said and then we’re gonna fill the rest this in just on top just like this just filling it in completely with that black just like I said so it gives it that really really scary deep dark abyss to it then

You know kind of feel to it we’re almost done here okay so now you guys can kind of see is a lot more creepy now that we have that darkness back there but we’re still not done so now how we need to do is gonna red concrete out guys but I

Want you guys to do is come over here to this backer right here and you guys know I like to add stuff to all my builds kind of like Pennywise pond or the sparkles on in the hero Brian nether herobrine over there I like to add some of the builds that

Gives everybody’s house a little bit of like a unique difference between these I know a lot of people are gonna build in this house so I want to give yours something uniquely different from everybody else’s so I’m gonna be showing you how to do the blood on the floor

There but I want you not to copy me exactly block for block but it kind of give yourself your own blood puddle so that way everybody that builds does will have a different puddle that’s not exactly the same so here’s how we’re gonna do it guys I’m actually block for block but here’s

A rough way of doing it so come out here to the edge right here remove these blocks right here and all you’re gonna do is just make a random jagged like you know shape up until you get here so I’m missioner move randomly blocks right here and you’re just and remove it all

The way out like depends on bad thing I did mine pretty far out I want to make mine kind of like leaning that way you’re just gonna make a jagged shape that goes around this all the way however far you want to make it and again guys do not you know follow me

Block or block you know you don’t have to if you want to you can but I recommend doing it this way it gives your I said your build a little bit of a difference between everybody else’s and it’s really not that hard all you have

To do is just remove like I said random blocks until it gets to a unique shape that matches your own like you know just random completely random so that’s my shape right there I just made a random shape and I don’t really like that one too much I’m gonna adjust it a little

Bit by expanding it a little bit over here and all that’s all I did for that one over there it’s no secret technique to it guys I literally just removed a random amount of blocks just like this until I got a shape that I like and

That’s kind of a good shape I don’t mind that shape too much right there so I’m gonna go that right there maybe give it a little bit of an overhang right here where the blood comes in here and then now we have kind of a shape going here you can

Either change or adjust it however you would like to do yours we’re gonna remove all of the I’m gonna fill this in right here because you don’t want that open right there we’re gonna remove all of the grass or whatever block you have inside of here

Now up until the black bowl so all of this grass outside of our frame I’m gonna go ahead and remove so again guys pause the video and remove all your insights that after you’ve made your frame alright so go ahead and do that again guys I’m gonna skip ahead pause

The video right now and do all that okay guys and once you’ve removed all that dirt now all you’re gonna do is get that red concrete and you’re gonna do the exact same thing you just did pepper opposite now you’re gonna place the red concrete everywhere guys so again I’m

Gonna go ahead and skip ahead because it takes some time you go ahead and pause the video right now and again you’re gonna fill in with red concrete all of this excess stuff out here you just removed just like this guys so go ahead and do that guys again I’m gonna skip

Ahead but go with pause the video and fill this in with that red concrete okay guys so like I said this is how it should look now the blood is kind of splattered I love this like I love I know some people want to do block for

Block but this is why I do like this I do everything else for block for block but I like giving something that separates out you know this house looks different from that house over there like you know they look the same but the blood splatter is different I like the

Builds being like that because that way you know no matter who builds it everybody’s it looks a little bit different so you’re if you just got done building this your should use the would look uniquely different from anybody else who watch this same video I like giving the little things to separate

Them like that so that’s why I recommend you do it as well but if you want to you guys copy mind if you want to just look at me and slow the video down or wherever you can but I really recommend you do it that way but anyway enough

Rambling so now we’re gonna do is get the white concrete and what I did on mine is I actually measured a little bit of an outside frame but you can actually bring it out more basically it’s your white concrete and go around this entire black right here just like this I’m not

Gonna do just rows to table a lot more time and it’s nothing really too complicated take this all the way around just like this and just let me do the black take it all the way up and cover the top or what you could do is you could take this

All the way out here as far back because you really want to connect it to that side and then this whole back piece could be like an attic or a living space that you don’t really go to that often but has a lot of space

If you want to that’s up to you guys or you can what’s called just leave it the way it is that that’s work that works too but I recommend you at least do the white wall around this outside area so you cover up Michael Myers arm

As well but this is how I actually made mine on that one over there is I actually create the door over here on this side and like I said guys you guys haven’t liked how I’ve been actually skipping some of the interior parts just because a lot of you guys want you know

Want me spend more time in the outside and give you more detail there so that’s what I’ve been doing and what I would do recommend though doing on the inside it’s good like a beacon or something for some light real quick we’re gonna do this I recommend doing a floor down here

Then taking it up here creating a floor across this that could be a living space right here if you take a floor and bring it across this whole area right here you can make dis a living space out as many floors up here as you want really and

Then turn his head into your actual bedroom right here backing a floor right here you can add a bed all types of stuff up here and then if you extend that back piece like I was telling you guys all you have to do is go through

Here and if you had an extended back this could be like your whole warehouse if you wanted to which be really really cool but that’s stuff super easy it’s just building a lot of space basically as you guys know so that is actually with the actual tutorial part guys I

Hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys did make sure guys hit that like button I would greatly appreciate it I’ll be so so awesome please guys do that helps me out a lot and like I said I really really appreciate it but that is actually yet for the tutorial part of

This video guys thank you guys so much for watching if you do me a huge favor and hit that like button I would greatly appreciate it if you guys want to extend the doorway a little bit up you could maybe like three more rows you have to

Extend this as well but I went for more of a Minecraft design where you’re like the exact same height as the doorway which i think is cool but anyway guys I’m gonna stop rambling and as always I’ll see you guys in the next video adios

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Michael Myers “Halloween” !! (Survival House)’, was uploaded by ADHDcraft on 2018-10-18 22:00:00. It has garnered 229289 views and 3267 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:28 or 2368 seconds.


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Please subscribe for tricks, tips, and tutorials on how to become a better Minecraft builder.

On My Channel I upload mostly Minecraft, but sometimes there may be some different stuff.

ADHDcraft https://www.youtube.com/EternalHatredXD

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  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

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  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: https://profile.turnip.gg/PnUj8Wn5U3LZz5V6A Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: twitch.tv/X33N Read More