Ultimate Mind-Blowing Star Wars Mod in Minecraft

Video Information

What’s up guys welcome back to the channel my name is dean aka the blue crusader and today we’re back for another minecraft video but i’m gonna be doing a mod showcase again in this video because it’s been quite a few months since i’ve done an individual minecraft

Mod showcase and the last video that we did on a minecraft mod was the my nautica mod which was a subnautica mod for minecraft and that video did crazy well and a lot of people really enjoyed it so i thought i’d do another individual mod showcase

But i thought it had to be a pretty special mod so we’re going to be reviewing the part c star wars mod now this is a really awesome mod which adds star wars content from across all of the movies in the saga from all the different eras

And there’s so much content here that’s so awesome that i just wanted to show to you guys so let’s get into this mod showcase and let me show you how to play the mod cover all the features and let’s just get into it okay so we’re going to jump into the

Part c star wars mod in this video guys so there’s a few things to note before we jump in we have actually already created a world here so i’m just going to drop into the world now there’s a few things to note when we actually play so the first set of things

Which we actually need to do when we first run the mod is we actually need to go into peaceful mode now the reason why you want to go into peaceful mode when you actually play with this mod is because all mobs in the star wars mod will still actually load into the world

Even if you’re on peaceful now the only pro side of putting it on peaceful is actually to disable all the vanilla mods like skeletons creepers and all the tough mobs which attack you at nighttime to not spawn so it basically prevents all of the bad vanilla mobs from spawning

So you can kind of have better immersion when actually playing with the star wars mod so that’s the reason why you first of all want to play on peaceful mode and the next thing which we want to cover is actually the hyperdrive so this mod has a set of different hyperdrives in

The game and basically these are used to visit all the planets in the game so i’m going to briefly cover all the hyperdrives and then tell you about what the planets are so as you can see i have a set of different things so i have the

Hyperdrive block as you can see which shows a picture of earth and it actually shows the surrounding planets that we can actually see in the different areas of the game so we have the outer rim the mid rim inner rim the colonies core at the decor

So this is like a galactic space chart and you can see there’s like an animated x-wing on here and stuff and we can actually click on some of these islands and we can kind of take a look at them so it shows the information about each island what mobs are there

What vehicles you can find and basically what you can do on there as well some of the materials so that’s what you can do in this hybrid drive block and usually i’m pretty sure these hyperdrives are actually in the spaceships themselves what i’m going to do is i’m going to

Show you the different hyperdrives these are all the planets we can visit so if we just jump into the creative inventory we have the earth hyperdrive we have tatooine hoth yavin iv space endor dagobah illum kashyyyk and the normal hyperdrive engine and motivator so these are all the planets we can

Visit so obviously if you’ve seen the movies or seen any of the cartoons like clone wars or rebels you’ll probably know what most of these planets actually are and the reason why you want to use hyperdrives first when you jump into a game in creative mode is because it will actually

Speed up the loading of the various areas when you do actually decide to play so as you can see we can kind of go around and find all these items we were talking about before and you have to be in a spaceship to jump to all these planets in the actual game

Now another thing what we want to configure in the options is actually you can change the render distance down to eight chunks now this is pretty important because it actually lets you play the game on low end pcs if you don’t have very good graphics or very good hardware

I’m going to keep on 12 because it seems to run pretty fine for me and remember this is on 1.7.10 but if you have four gigabytes of ram that’s where the game will perform at its best so at least four gigabytes of ram and it’s recommended to have an eight

Render distance now having a quest log in your inventory will sometimes prevent you from having to buy or actually in the hyperdrives depending where you are actually in the mods progress which i’m going to cover a little bit later so as you can see if i just right click on these hyperdrives

They don’t really do anything you can see we just right click and we can’t actually go anywhere so when we click the planets it won’t let us do anything so what we can do is let’s just spawn a spaceship so as you can see right now i’m flying

At x-wing ship which i spawned if you shift and right click on the ship when you’re outside of it it will show you the same star chart which i showed you on that block at the start so over here we can click on the different planets we need to go to or

Want to go to and then you can select which planets you actually need to go to now as you can see we do actually have a ship over here what you’re going to need in survival mode and probably creative too is this quest log if you don’t have a

Quest log you won’t be able to travel to space or use spaceships so when you drop into survival and you try and use the hyperdrives they just won’t work so you’re gonna need this quest log which you can make out of a book and some chromium dust

Chromium is one of the ores which you should be able to find on earth i will go over the oars a little bit later in the video but basically you can craft out of one of the new ores on earth along with a book and then you have a

Quest log so that’s one of the pre-requirements you can’t just jump into space in this mod you do actually need to do a few things and then obviously you can craft all these hyperdrives as well now these hyperdrives are only craftable in survival mode so for example the tatooine one is the

Only one you can actually craft and that’s made out of the sand block which you can literally find on a beach anywhere and also the hyperdrive engine which is made out of various other things like a titanium chromium ingot for an example titanium is found on earth and so is chromium

So you can make these out of the different blocks in the game i would recommend using what i’m doing and just using not enough items so you can actually view all the recipes otherwise it’s going to be a little bit confusing and then you need hyperdrive motivator and containment field

So here’s a few ideas of the recipes now once you do actually have these hyperdrives you can actually then go out of the galaxy providing you have the quest lock now you don’t just right click on the ground like some of the older versions of the mod

You do actually need to get inside a spaceship so if we jump in a spaceship for example we can press the u key on our keyboard and this lets us access the star chart so then we can press tatooine and we can click on jump to light speed and as you can see

The spaceship will go a little bit faster and if we press y on the keyboard we can actually go a lot faster on the keyboard and then press jump to light speed you have to program the course first on the nav and then press jump to light

Speed and it’ll jump you straight into light speech of the galaxy and then teleport you to the new dimension so kind of like galacticraft it will actually send you to the new dimension but in a different way so it’s like like to craft in the sense that you can actually explore stuff and

I got killed on the spawn it spawned me in a bad place but it will actually then drop your items so now we have the earth hyperdrive the dagger hyperdrive and any items which i actually brought with me one thing to note in this game is your quest log

Doesn’t drop when you die this is really important to keep it i will cover this a little bit later in the video but now we’ve basically done all of the beginning steps to actually start off the mod now we’re actually in tatooine right now close by to moss

Eisley which is one of the main places in star wars which is in episode four and this is the main place in tatooine and the main hub world where we actually start off this mod out so the planets in the game like i said before is earth which is the main galactic

Trade hub of this mod tatooine which run right now which is the desert planet in a new hope jarvin iv which is the jungle rainforest i believe from episode five where it’s the headquarters of the rebel alliance then you can go to endor which is the forest moon from return of the jedi

Where the empire are held out you can go to hoth which is that snowy tundra planet in episode 5 empire strikes back where the rebels have the echo base and then you can also go to ilum which is an arctic planet that you may not be aware of if you’ve only seen the

Star wars movies that’s basically a place where all the jedi go to get the kyber crystals to actually create the lightsabers so that’s in the expanded universe and the clone wars material and then dagobah obviously is from return of the jedi where yoda exiles himself too that’s that swamp planet

And there’s two other places you can go to the first one is kashyyyk which is the jungle planet which is home to the wookies you might have seen off episode three revenge of the sith and then also wild space which is the unknown region of space which is basically littered by asteroids

And it’s not being fully mapped i think the hyperdrive to go to that is just literally the space hyperdrive although i’m not entirely sure so that’s all the places to visit in the game so now let’s cover the oars now that we’re already in tatooine and we can actually begin in the mod

Let’s cover a few of the items so let’s cover the oars which we can actually get inside the game okay so here are all of the main ores in the game so the first one is titanium which spawns on earth and tatooine then chromium which looks basically exactly like diamonds and vanilla

This spawns on earth and tatooine also then there is rubindum which spawns on earth then exonium which is a hoth or helicite which is from endor thoralide which is also an endor then we have calarium which is a yarvin iv cortosis from kashyyyk and this diatium which is from illinois

Now there’s quite a few different things on hilum not only do we have this diatom on ireland we actually have a whole bunch of other stuff you can actually discover there as well now this stuff on hilum is really important so not only do we have all these ores but

We also have these special types of ores which represent the kyber crystals so you can see these kyber crystals are in multiple different colors i’m just going to show a few of them being placed down as you can see they’re all really colorful and these are going to

Be the colors which you would actually use for your lightsaber so as you can see here’s the actual crystals which you would actually get when you mine yours and you will take these back and use them for lightsaber crafting which we’re going to cover a little bit later

So there’s a lot of blocks in the game these kyber crystals are also found on illinois as well and not only are kyber crystals found on ilum but the focusing crystal ore and the focusing crystal is also found on illum too so anything which is important enough to be for lightsaber crafting

Is found on ilum and the rest of these ores are from the respective planets which i mentioned before there is one ore that i did miss though which is ionized which should be the final orders in the mod so now we’ve gone over the oars

Let’s cover a few mobs in this mod so obviously we’re going to jump into tatooine what to do and all the content here but let’s just take a look at some of the mobs in the mod first of all so i’m going to go through a few of the mobs right now

And i’m not going to talk too much about what the mobs are who they are or where they’re located that should be pretty self-explanatory if you’re into star wars but i just want to show you some of the variations of the mobs included in the mod

So as you can see we have quite a few different types of stormtroopers some of them have the helmets on some of them don’t we have things like scout troopers snow troopers 8080 pilots or tie pilots imperial officers different pilots we have different types of endor rebels rebel pilots obviously they will also

Fight each other because it is like a civil war this is the galactic civil war then we have different types of rebel pilots which are based on the vehicles like the y-wing pilot or the a-wing pilot then we have rebel workers and technicians from the hangars and then we have bounty hunters

Like boba fett over here who is in his armor which looks super cool we have wookies from kashyyyk tuscan raiders from tatooine where we are jawas ewoks Along with the jewbacks these dewbacks are the lizard mounts to the sun troopers ride that you may have seen from the movies the tatooine villagers these are just normal guys that hang around mos eisley and tatooine they’re just the natives and they’re completely neutral and they won’t attack you

And that’s it that’s all the mobs inside the mod and all these mobs obviously spawn on different planets i’m just spawning them all here just to kind of give you an idea of what everything looks like now you may have seen some of the structures on tatooine right now as we’re walking

Through but there’s a lot of different structures on all the other planets now it would be kind of hard to venture to every single planet and show you every single structure on each planet because i’d have to spend hours finding all of them but i’m going to leave a little video

Clip on the screen right now scrolling through the webpage showing you all the structures which are actually in the mod these structures are obviously found on every other planet and they offer a lot of content to explore which is really fun so let’s go over a

Few of the special blocks in the mod so the first special block is the bacter tank this is the thing that luke floats in when he’s been injured after fighting darth vader for an example and you may have seen luke floating in this on the hoth

Echo base in the movies and basically if you jump in it you get spun around two times and basically just get healed so this is basically just a healing block and it removes all active effects like bad potion effects on you and cures you and basically you can enter and exit

This block then there’s the antenna okay so this block actually requires a little bit of space to place this block needs fixing so what you would do is you’d use a an item in the game called hydro spanner and when you right click on it this actually fixes this antenna block

You saw the actual front of it opened up and then this can actually be used so that’s how to set up that block and when you right click on it it does actually show an interface here and we can kind of change the x y and z values to kind of rotate

The area around it this is a really cool block i don’t know how this specifically works this way but basically you can kind of use it for navigating the area for security purposes and kind of just getting an idea of the blocks which are around it this is basically a fully fledged

Changeable position diagram of the current chunk that is placed in so this just shows the one chunk that the block is actually placed on kind of pointless but also really cool then we have hollow tables so we have small medium large and the war block okay so this really depends what it’s for

This just shows the surrounding area yet again and it really depends you can put this in a control room to kind of plan a fight or something like that or you can put it in a small base which shows one of those cool graphics like in the movies

And basically this just creates a 3d topographical map of the surrounding area that is placed in and these are the four different sizes which you can actually see in my inventory and by right clicking on the block we can actually change some information about it so we can go into light mode

We can go to dark mode we can change the actual offset of all of the different locations and it will kind of customize where the hollow table and holographic is actually placed so there’s a lot of customizability for that and it’s just kind of another cool block you can use for decoration

Then one of the ones that people are going to be super excited for is the lightsaber forge itself when we right click on this we can forge our own lightsaber using various components so we can go over the hilts we can have darth maul’s hilt for an example to have

A double-sided one we could use some of these awesome other dual sided hilts we could use this count dooku style curved tilt and there’s so many different hilts from the movies for example there’s anakin’s hill which we could also use there’s a lot of different ones and then

We can go to blades and we can select the blade color and make it red there’s some presets here but you can actually change the rgb sliders so you could make your own custom color that’s not on there for an example and you could just kind of customize

Your lightsaber you can go in options to toggle the blade change the various secondary hilt textures make the blade long or short we can make it waterproof i don’t know why it wouldn’t be and change a few different things and press save and then it will actually give you a lightsaber

Which is pretty cool so now we actually have my lightsaber over here which i can just pick up and use now i don’t think it works like this in survival mode basically you build lightsabers here in survival mode but you have to have components to actually construct them

The only reason it worked like that is because i’m in creative mode so i can kind of mess around with things and obviously this lightsaber is extremely overpowered so i don’t really think it’s fair on these simpsons to just one shot them but that’s actually pretty cool along

With the lightsaber forge you also have the crystal compressor so basically this block takes three synthetic crystal shards and it makes one full crystal so as you can see we have kyber crystal here and we can just plop them on these slots and then it will take it away and that’s

How it’s supposed to work so basically you would put them in all these three slots and then after doing it like i did they’ll be kind of like a charging meter here and eventually it will actually compact them into one main crystal which you’re gonna also use for lightsaber crafting too

So everything in this mod all has a purpose and it’s super important and useful then you have base doors so for example these which are kind of like those hangar doors which you see in the movies too now i don’t know how on earth i’m actually gonna break this you have to

Break it in a specific place but they open and close and you can walk through them and obviously if you go further away after a while they should also automatically close and there’s a few different types of these so you can see these kind of rebel blast

Doors and then also these imperial ones like what you find on endor for an example so some really cool blocks in this mod guys that are really useful then you have all of the vehicle sensors so these sensor blocks basically are spawner blocks for vehicles in the mod

Now you can see they have like a really weird texture because you’re not really supposed to see these these are basically used in the structures in the mod to have an infinite amount of repopulating ships which spawn on the planet so you’re never actually going to see

These these blocks are going to be invisible they’re just so the mod can actually control the spawning of vehicles in hangars and bases two other blocks are the gun rack so we could actually put a weapon on this gun rack and then also practice targets

Which are based on the faction so as you can see we have two rebel practice targets and obviously you can fire each target this is just a target practice pistol i’m using and you can fire each target and as you can see it doesn’t really do anything other than just practice your aim

But the gun rack you basically right click with a gun in your hand and you actually put the gun on the rack and then when you right click on it again with an open hand then you get the gun back as you can see this blast tech heavy buster rifle if i

Right click on the gun rack it will go on the racks and then if i right click again i’ll actually get it back so this is just a way to actually store your weapons if you have multiple through the mod now if you use a real weapon these

Target dummies can actually be fully shot down and then you have to right click on them to actually repeat them so now that we’ve gone through blocks the next important step is to actually cover the quest lines in the game so the quest lines in this mod are super important and super interesting

There’s a lot of things that you need to learn about them so basically there’s a few different optional quest lines in the march you have the rebel alliance the galactic empire the jedi and the sith so there’s four different quest lines you can actually take within this mod and basically each of

These quest lines they all have their own perks they all have their own progression systems structures for each faction vehicles and their respective characters that you can go talk to so basically every quest line will begin in this place where we are right now which is tatooine so

Within mos eisley which is this city you can begin all the quest lines and all the quest givers are shown by their faction symbol on the head so basically you just would go around and walk around tatooine until you find the right characters you need to talk to

And obviously each building is different some of them are open and don’t have anybody inside them but some of them will actually have faction leaders in them and it will show a little icon above the head as you can see over here these characters have a little icon over

The head too which means that they have a special role in the game now these are obviously just vendors that we can buy things from like all these items for an example by buying them with credits but this is the exact same system this is the exact same system

So the vendors have icons on the head but also the quest givers do too basically you find the faction leader you want to actually locate and begin the quest line and they’ll give you a hyperdrive item which actually lets you visit their planet now the ship we used

To jump into space at the start of the video to this planet i’m just going to take all these credits while no one’s looking the ship we actually used to visit tatooine is the ship that you actually find on tatooine i was just showing you that as an example

On how to use space travel so we use the t16 skyhopper spaceship to actually visit tatooine now the way you would actually jump to another planet using one of these hyperdrives that they give you is you would actually use the t16 skyhopper now as you can see this guy will sell a few

Things like land speeders or race speeder which is a sweep speeder so you can’t buy different things from all the vendors here there’s a lot of vendors in mos eisley there’s still different things even these hyper drives here you can actually buy them from tatooine as well and they only cost

Pretty low in terms of credits it will tell you how many credits they cost in the top left and obviously you can take some credits from people’s houses and in creative mode you can basically just buy them for free so there’s a lot of vendors in tatooine that you would use

And basically to find a t16 skyhopper you will actually have to venture outside of mos eisley okay and the way to find these is you find them kind of like in the wasteland or you find them in camps outside in the desert now it would take a while for me to find them

So i’m just gonna spawn one again to show you what they look like but basically that’s what you would do to actually locate them so the sky hopper is basically this basically just a neutral ship which just is really fast and is basically from tatooine that you can use to fly

And this is what you’re going to use the hyperdrives with in the exact same fashion i showed you earlier so basically the jedi quest line begins on tatooine but not inside this city you have to find the jedi hut on the outskirts of tatooine to actually begin that storyline and

When you actually find the hut there’s actually a jedi master in there and he will begin you on the jedi questline now the sith quest line you actually unlock a little bit later basically you have to build a jedi lightsaber you have to reach level 35 in the

Progression system in the mod as a jedi and then you can choose the dark side and renounce your jedi values and become a sith and you become sith in mos eisley once you reach all of those pre-requirements so there’s quite a lot of steps to become a sith in this mod

But you can just become a jedi straight out now there’s a lot of vendors here which can buy blasters out as well which is pretty cool there’s even places like cantinas and small bars we can go inside and obviously if you want to change faction in this mod for example if

You’re already a rebel and you decide to actually become a imperial the only way to do that is to go to your faction leader and talk to them and then you can renounce so for example become that faction or denounce meaning leave and declare you’re no longer part of that faction

So you can join the opposite one so if you’re role-playing as an imperial and you decide to join the rebels that’s basically how you would do it so there’s a lot of things in the mod which are kind of like the movies in that respect so basically the faction

Leaders which you find in tatooine they actually consist of one recruit or recruiter because they recruit you into the faction and then they have four standard quest givers which are located at their faction bases so you would actually go to those quest givers and start the quest line

From those four different mobs inside their bases on the other planets so let’s spawn this sky hopper and let’s try and jump to another planet so we’re going to open our star map here and we’re going to take a look at the other planets now hoth for an example we can program

The navcom here first of all we’re just going to spawn all these hyperdrives because we’re in creative mode but we’re going to spawn all the hyperdrives and we’re just going to go to hoth for an example so basically hof is the rebel space base which is located

At echo base we’re going to jump to half just to give you an example of what these other planets are like when you actually jump to them now obviously if you have the right hyperdrive sometimes it will take you directly to their base we just hop to it without

Actually being recruited or being part of the quest line so you might actually need to find the rebel base when you actually get here but this is what hoth looks like for an example this is what one of the other planets looks like this looks really nice it’s just

Basically like a vanilla minecraft snow biome with tauntons walking around and this is obviously where the faction base would be for the rebel alliance now there’s quartermasters in all of these faction bases so these serve as the faction merchant so as you saw the emergence in tatooine where we could buy all the

Weapons buy all the different items with credits it functions exactly the same here so here is a base for an example so i’m going to go inside this structure but basically the quarter masters inside these rebel bases will actually buy things from you now this particular base

Is actually an imperial base but they won’t attack me because right now i’m actually neutral so if you want to buy things from these faction quartermasters you basically can buy them but you have to progress in the quest system to unlock more tiers of items and that’s how you do it

So these guys would sell guns armor items and planetary hyperdrives the ones that we’ve spawned that you actually need to get legitimately when you play survival mode so let’s talk to this guy okay so this guy is a quest giver and you have to complete the site the

Assignment before returning here so if you just jump to the planet in creative mode for an example without any recruitment into that faction they won’t attack you because you’re not part of the rebels or any other faction at the moment but you can’t actually accept any of the

Quests until you actually get recruited so you’re gonna have to do the the requirement on tatooine first like i showed you before before you can actually go to these other planets and technically you wouldn’t be able to go here anyway unless you did that because there’s no legitimate way of jumping to

This planet without actually getting recruited because that’s how they give you the hyperdrive item but this is just looking to one of the hoth bases this is the imperial specific one so on all the planets there’s usually a faction base from both factions obviously hof is a rebel base

So you would expect the rebel base to be here but this is obviously the specific imperial base as you can see these guys have symbols up overhead we have steve here who will actually sell you pilot body armor for an example and i have more than 60 credits or 64 credits

If i was in survival mode i wouldn’t have been able to buy those it’s only because we’re creative that we can actually buy all these sets now it’s actually really cool though because you can buy armor sets from these guys and you can see i have stormtrooper

Armor here which looks really weird on my minecraft skin but we also have atsds so if we jump into third-person mode we can actually use these ats here which are actually on base so there’s a lot of vehicles on base too a lot of soldiers we have one of these satellites which i

Showed you earlier and through here we have speeder bikes and as you can see i will go over some of the more landon air vehicles later but this is the imperial speeder bike which we can actually take from the base there’s a lot of different things you

Can do on the planets and to keep track of all the quests when you do actually begin the quest in this mod you’re going to need the quest log in your inventory which i have over here and as you can see right now we’re not in survival modes the quest logs kind of

Pointless but that item the only purpose it serves is just to store all the data and that’s super important because you need to craft this before traveling into space like i said before because it won’t let you and all of the game data stored in here so if you lose this item

Which would be kind of hard because it doesn’t actually get lost when you die if you drop this item in the water if you lost it or just accidentally deleted out your inventory then you’re basically just going to be messed up for the rest of your time playing in this mod

Because it literally has all your quests in and losing it means that you’ll have to restart all of your quest lines lose your rank and all the faction progress as well as any hyperdrive items that would usually be kept in your inventory will probably finish too

So this is super important and also when you switch allegiance to a different faction it will actually use the quest log to actually switch the data to that faction and it will wipe all the old data from the other factions so you would have to start again if you hadn’t already completed that

Faction’s quest line before switching so it’s really important the quest log is an item so keep it safe when playing with the mod so i’m going to jump through a few of the weapons in the game so let’s first talk about the types of weapons and then

Let me show you some of the weapons so there’s weapons from all the different areas in this mod basically there’s blasters and there’s lightsabers so some weapons are dropped and some of them are bought from the different faction quartermasters or some of the vendors on tatooine which i showed you also

And each tier of weapon offers more damage and of course pistols are a lot weaker than the rifles in this mod now lightsabers are really interesting too so let me just show you some kind of lightsaber as you can see we have a lightsaber over here to open

It we block we block with right click to open it we press the shift key in some versions of the mod or in certain versions of the mod you press ok and that toggles the lightsaber blade now one thing to note is when you put it away and then take it back out

It will still be out the next time you draw it so if you kind of want that cool style of having to draw your lightsaber every time you would obviously sheath it put it away and then take it out again now the interesting thing which i can’t actually show you because i’m not

Playing on multiplayer is you do actually get to deflect blaster bullets so i’m not sure if i can just spawn some kind of enemy and attack him i’m not sure if that’s how it works but let’s just spawn a bounty hunter and see if he will attack us

Okay he doesn’t have a weapon let’s try and spawn someone with a weapon maybe a storm trooper or something okay this guy is a weapon let’s punch him and go into survival mode okay punch is he gonna attack us he’s pretty neutral right now so i can’t show you but basically

If he would attack us you would right click and you can actually deflect all of the blaster attacks that people fire you in this mod so the lightsabers actually have a purpose and not only this but you can also block lightsaber attacks from other players and clash

Just like in the films so it’s a really advanced minecraft mod in terms of the actual weaponry and lightsabers okay so let’s go over a few of the weapons so we have tons of weapons in this mod we have things like ewok spears gamma-ray and guard axes we have

Different kinds of pistols and blasters like the stormtrooper dh17 han solos pistol boba fett’s rifle some rifles from the new star wars battlefront games we have tons of lightsabers over here which are all labeled now these lightsabers aren’t actually labeled after the jedi that holds them but they’re obviously based off all the

Iconic movie lightsabers so we have curved ones we have double-sided ones we have ones from inquisitors we even have i believe this is the dark saber i’ve not tested this one out yet we have anakin’s and obi wan’s and all these different cool oh no this is the dark saber

And all these cool iconic lightsabers from the movies so we have this curved one this really nice one we just have tons of lightsabers this is a blue one a green one purple which is mace windu’s and tons of different types of lightsabers and obviously here the darksaber

Which is possibly one of the coolest thing from this mod okay the dark save was obviously wielded by pre-visual and clone wars and then obviously the moth in the mandalorian actually wielded this too and this is a really cool iconic weapon with a lot of law in mandalore so

There’s really cool stuff in the mod so let’s talk about how to level up in the mod so how do we level up in the party stars mod now the way to level up in this mod is you have to gather the same type of xp that you would in minecraft survival

Mode in vanilla so as you can see above our item you can see we have a certain xp bar which is in green if you’ve played minecraft you know exactly what this is but basically this is the same kind of system in the star wars mod so each level gets

Harder than the last one and when you level up it shows in the chat as you advance and obviously with more xp becomes more power so to access the force gui system in this mod you basically press the v key in game and that explains a little bit more about the mod

The only way you can actually access this is if you start the jedi quest line and if you have the quest log in your inventory so obviously i don’t have the quest log right now but you need the quest log and you’d also need the jedi

So as you can see this is the jedi and if we right click on it it says fulfill your destiny i’ve been waiting a long time for you you must go to the dagobah system there is someone there who will help you fulfill your destiny you must make haste the empire spies everywhere

So this is one of the npcs you first find and then obviously dagobah that’s just yoda so i’m just going to spawn that guy just quickly and you would talk to yoda in the mod and then he says you’ve completed your assignment you have not return only when you are finished so we

Have to actually go to the real yoda on dagobah but basically that’s how you would obviously start off the jedi questline on tatooine and then go to dagobah with yoda and then complete the initiation so you need to do that first but when you are a jedi you would press v

To actually view force powers and then obviously at level 35 when you actually are in the mod this is when you can actually use this force power screen to become sick that’s how you would actually join the dark side in this mod so now i want to show you

Some of the armor sets in game okay so we have the first order stormtrooper sets we have the captain gear and the normal gear this is obviously from the new movies from the disney movies as you can see this is the stormtrooper first order captain gear and this is the normal first trooper

Order gear now most of the armors in this mod won’t actually work if you have a new minecraft skin like me because some layers of your skin will overlay over the top so it will start to look really weird so i would recommend having like an older skin or more

Outdated skin if you play this mod i know that sounds a little bit weird but otherwise things just kind of look strange like they shouldn’t do then this is the boba fett bounty hunter gear obviously there’s bounty hunter mobs in the mod too and the i like gear too so there’s tons

Of different suits in the game from stormtroopers to jedi robes bounty hunter costumes rebels first order stormtroopers everything across all the various original trilogy and the sequel movies too including all the weapons so let’s jump into some vehicles so i’m going to spawn some land vehicles and some sky vehicles

So the first thing i’m going to spawn is the set of speeders on land so i’ve shown you some of the brief speeders already so the first one is race speeder which is obviously from the force awakens which looks pretty cool you could buy these on tatooine you probably saw me

Actually trying to purchase these earlier and they go pretty fast as you can see if you press y it deactivates the hover mode in vehicles which i’m going to talk about in a moment and it makes it go a lot faster so as you can see we’re going super fast

In comparison to when we set off we can even use luke’s lan speeder from the movies too and then there’s two types of speeder bags there’s the normal one storm troopers use on end or even with the handles that move that’s just how well this mods made and

The same one but in a different colored skin which is actually the half speeder bike which you probably saw in the imperial hangar a little while ago so in this mod there’s the land vehicles like i just showed you and flying vehicles basically flying vehicles they hover by default

Just like the land vehicles but you can actually fire projectiles in them too but you need flying vehicles to use the hyperdrives and go to travel to different space planets to do quests you can’t do those in land vehicles so that’s super important and you just use the normal keyboard steering to

Actually move in spaceships so you can see over here we have multiple types of tie fighters we have the thai advanced the bomber the interceptor and the normal starfighter then we have the x-wing starfighter and the y-wing bomber and the a-wing interceptor as well as the hot snow speeder

So these are all obviously the flying vehicles and then we have a few different carrier ships as you can see so we have the rebel carrier ship and we have the stormtrooper carrier ship which has all those stormtroopers in that you might have seen in star wars rebels

And this is the normal x-wing which we can shift and right-click on with an open hand to access the star chart and then when we get in the ship we can press the u key and access the star chart again and then we can use that to map a course

To a different planet so if i was obviously to get the dagobah hyperdrive right now because i was told to go to dagobah as a jedi then and click on dagobah and i have the hyperdrive already get my quest log out and then we can program the navcom and jump into

Hyperspace and go straight into dagobah so basically the ships in the mod they’re all linked to the various factions so depending which one you’re tied to you may not actually be able to ride the ships if you’re not in creative mode i’ve been in creative mode throughout

This video so i’ve been able to basically fly anything but you do have to be in the right faction to fly certain ships obviously if you complete the full quest lines in each vaccine you’ll be able to just ride any ship but it just doesn’t perform like that in

Survival mode if you haven’t completed them you basically have to complete the eighth quest in a faction to unlock the first ship that you can fly and then you have to buy a quartermaster license from one of the vendors the quartermasters to actually fly that ship

And then the rest are unlocked as you progress further in the quest and then you have to buy them with credits so there’s a large system of actually obtaining ships in this mod so this is the day giver system this is just loading a little bit slower because we’re a minecraft 1.7

Which loads a lot slower than the newer versions like 1.12 but this is what the daguerre system looks like so i’ve shown you three planets four including normal minecraft earth here and this is where the jedi quest line continues so this has been my mod showcase of part c star wars mod

This mod has been slightly longer than usual so this video has had to be longer than usual as well because i wanted to cover all the features and even though i didn’t show everything in the video i did touch over everything in my commentary and explain everything into depth so hopefully now

You know how to actually play this mod and you recognize all the features because it can be kind of grueling and a little bit confusing when you first install it but this mod is so huge that i felt like i had to make a full video on actually playing it

And exploring some of its features if you enjoyed this minecraft mod showcase make sure to subscribe turn on notifications and drop a comment below why you like this mod and also let me know in the comments what mods you want me to do a showcase on next because usually on the channel i

Do top 10 videos showing 10 of the best mods of each category so i can cover a lot more mods than this but when there’s a mod that’s really special and really great it’s nice to make an individual video on it so let me know what your favorite mods are that i

Should cover in a single video thanks for watching and i’ll see you next time oh

This video, titled ‘Parzi’s Star Wars Mod (Minecraft Mod Showcase)’, was uploaded by thebluecrusader on 2021-01-05 21:36:34. It has garnered 87679 views and 1691 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:16 or 2416 seconds.

Minecraft Star Wars! In this Minecraft Mod Showcase, I show the Minecraft Star Wars mod Parzi’s Star Wars and show the hyperdrive system and more

In this Minecraft Star Wars mod video by the blue crusader (thebluecrusader), I bring you a Star Wars Minecraft themed showcase of an awesome Star Wars mod in a Minecraft Star Wars map with a cool Star Wars base build. This Star Wars Minecraft lightsaber mod is awesome. This is my Minecraft Star Wars tutorial and Minecraft Star Wars mod showcase lets play showing the mod. This guide tutorial covers the original trilogy and prequel films (prequels) not the Star Wars High Republic material or Old Republic.

Parzi’s Star Wars Mod Download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/parzis-star-wars-mod


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►Credits Music By Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

►Title/Additional Keywords/SEO Brand New Update Funny Cool Awesome Daily Epic Moments Gaming Commentary Pro Vlog Vlogger UK British YouTuber family friendly pg clean #minecraftmods #modshowcase #minecraftstarwars #starwars Parzi’s Star Wars Mod (Minecraft Mod Showcase) Parzi’s Star Wars Mod (Minecraft Mod Showcase) Parzi’s Star Wars Mod (Minecraft Mod Showcase)

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  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More