Ultimate Mine Adventure with Cassian Floros! Enter now!

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Hello hello hello hi hi everybody how’s it going my name is Cassian florals of First Stage production Ian’s first generation avalum hi hi everybody I hope you all doing all right uh today we’ll be playing Minecraft yeah it’s it’s been a while um when was the last time we played

Minecraft like 2 weeks ago I think so um I haven’t really played in in the free time either so um my house or anything that I uh left there has not been touched since the last stream but yeah um I I just wanted to you know join a little early so I could

Catch catch Gale you know and um I’m already like uh apologizing for uh the low energy today uh because I probably didn’t get enough sleep last night I’m I’m just feeling a little tired today but um yeah I I still hope you enjoy it okay this is going to

Be a very chill stream we’re not going to be yelling or uh whatever okay so uh you can also treat it as a uh ASMR yeah wait let me just turn up the mic a tiny bit okay there we go yeah all right um how was your day did you do anything

Fun like I said I didn’t really do much um I was busy until like uh noon today I didn’t do much since then yeah I’ll eat while you play oh my God you guys um know what I watch when I eat lately um I watch lonus Tech

Tips I was like watching a video where he um he built a PC uh from only products that he bought from uh what’s it called teu and I thought that was really cool cuz um you know temu is like well known for having like super shitty products at least um

Electronics so it was really interesting seeing how he made actually a half decent PC I don’t know how much he spent in the end but um yeah it was really interesting um anyway I’ll be opening Minecraft now did you see the temu ad which ad uh let me just go

Here and then I’ll wait for Minecraft to open real quick there it is uh okay there we go nice yeah TAMU is an interesting app I have never actually like ordered something from TAMU cuz I know they rip off a lot of stuff so it’s a little

Unethical to um oh oh God it’s a little unethical oh okay apparently I need to restart my game uh excuse me for a second uh let me just fix that for real quick yeah uh they rip off a lot of stuff they copy it and and just make it

Cheaper um basically like UND undercutting the um the you know the contenders um so I don’t like buying stuff like that I I do like to buy the the original source so yeah oh now it’s working okay perfect okay all right guys we didn’t really do uh much it’s still looking uh

Roughly the same a it thank you so much for the super uh going to have the stream as background noise while I do ma a maths paper against my will might I had good luck good luck with the math paper wait I like math I hope you enjoyed to what the hell

Is this I remember wait I I remember [ __ ] Lucy came into my house and and [ __ ] uh planted some what’s it called some dirt blocks and then got freaking flowers I need iron there we go there we go all right I don’t know what what he came

Into my house for he could have done that outside and I think it would be more effective too if he did that outside the dirt blocks give very Elish elfish Vibes though what do you mean there dirt blocks right in the middle of the house so Random where’s Gail where is he right

Now where are you so um today I actually wanted to um either Farm or continue building something and um I might I’m behind your okay and I wanted to like maybe build a second house maybe a tree house that’s what I was thinking but I would need

Like a lot of wood so i’ need to like get all of these so yeah hey what’s up what nothing I just wanted to see you here a boner all [Laughter] right wait uh let me see if he’s if he’s in call he is in call okay wait let me join

Him real quick uh let me see if the fugie is active it is active Okay that’s look 10 times cter than he already is huh huh huh you didn’t hear that yeah I didn’t hear that hey good what’s up so I didn’t think You’ join me

So soon I saw you like sitting in the VC for like two hours but I literally just joined you were there for two hours oh my bad my bad you know better than I do I’m you know better than I do hey how was Minecraft so far uh

Pretty good you want to see my progress so far yeah I saw you build a ship right or start building a ship oh yeah did you uh oh yeah that’s right you uh you were in chat earlier yeah oh my God you wait holy [ __ ] yeah it’s big well you

Know shut up you know yo chat says Hi Cass hi chat how are you doing my chat says my cast Gil called you cute that’s true you are cute yeah yeah how long do you plan on building the ship like this is big oh this is so you

See this little stick going outwards yeah that’s that’s the length oh my God yeah so like if you go up higher if you see the boat from above yeah looks very CH like okay and um I didn’t like that the way the the the girth that I’ve

Given this so far I don’t I don’t appreciate it looking chy so I made it longer okay yeah this is a big project like you remember when monan said that our Minecraft Builds suck our Minecraft wait they said that yeah what the hell oh that was during my personal meeting

Yeah that’s right what I think my house looks good no your house looks yeah I agree I agree yeah MH what the hell I never I never heard that you mention it now well I heard it on Tuesday last Tuesday oh well CU still told me well I didn’t want to hurt your

Feelings until today oh okay yeah but it hurts more yeah I need more actually guys I’m going to go dig for coal I need I need a ton of torches I I have all those lanterns but I’m going to use them sparingly throughout the rest of the

Boat my um huh stream deck doesn’t work so I’m sorry I wanted to uh build a tree house I need a lot of wood I mean there’s a lot of wood just make sure you replant the saplings and like we’re Gucci no huh but I need that wood too well sucks to be

You I’ll show you sucking huh hm I didn’t have a follow up for that oh okay I saw you were um also on lower energy today you said oh you too yeah yeah I’m um I’m just trying to make a buy D it I I literally stayed up like

Really late last night I got a I like had to come up with a new Minecraft playlist to play on stream I was um working on like making sure that like my schedule’s updated on YouTube I was like double-checking tweets and making sure that I do my best to respond to people I

Um had to work with another friend on something afterwards oh gosh I I had a lot of homework dude I’m proud of you thanks d wait where did the torch go oh I saw you were um talking about your puppy mhm before can do you mind if we

Um talk about the nickname that I gave him oh no I um their name’s pup okay her name’s pup so I shouldn’t say it yeah not a okay all right all right I mean technically your nickname wouldn’t make a difference because it’s just your conception of your own

Machinations yeah I know it’s not even any any related to the real name yeah but uh yeah if you if you want it go for it yeah go for it if you if you’re so proud of that nickname go for it it doesn’t it doesn’t make I’m not proud of

It you sound really proud of you sound like you really wanted to bring it up so I’m not gonna stop you well um guys uh when Gail and me first met and the first time like that I found out he had a dog I I was like oh my God is his name

Maxi and that was like out of nowhere I I didn’t have like anything to like go with it was like your version of calling him like Rex yeah yeah yeah or like R yeah like name Maxi don’t worry guys it’s not it’s not really Maxi cat said better keep it at

Pup what the hell I think Maxi is a cool name maxio is a Soul Caliber character dude he used nunchucks what Soul Caliber the hell is that yeah hello what what the hell Soul Caliber Google German name for soulcaliber what it’s the huh probably the same I I don’t know

What is that a game yeah it’s a game yeah yeah okay are you trolling me I’m not trolling you you’re trolling me I’m not trolling you I’m I’m telling you I am not of nowhere uh it’s a fighting game a fighting game okay yeah it’s a fighting

Game that came out back in the day it kind of play like Tekken oh I see I see yeah it plays like Tekken but it’s with weapons instead of like martial arts oh I mean like weapon fighting is still technically martial arts but um it was really cool because soulcaliber 3 on the

GameCube um no Soulcalibur two I think actually no it was either three or two I think it was three actually Soulcalibur 3 if you play it on like the Xbox mhm you would get like a really cool like bonus character if you played on the PlayStation you would get a different

Bonus character and if you played it on the GameCube you would get a different bonus character from all the other ones oh sounds interesting yeah and um if you played it on the GameCube you could play as link um if you played it on the PlayStation you would get

Um some some Star Wars character can’t remember his name it wasn’t cool and you play it on like it wasn’t cool no if you play it on Xbox you got Yoda oh that’s also Star Wars oh know spawn on H boox say you on PS2 well

Which one was Yoda which game did Yoda have a soulcaliber in tree I forget don’t ask me but yeah you yeah I’m not asking you bro I’m talking to the smart people whoa you’re saying I’m not smart I’m pretty smart I ain’t saying you I ain’t saying you ain’t dumb

Okay four it was four okay four had Yoda my bad guys I lied oh okay but yeah you can play as Yoda in Soul Caliber which is stupid have you considered um wait do you have music for Minecraft by the way oh I don’t actually sorry uh I I just have my regular

GM I decided um yeah last night I think you should look at some um stuff that you can get to play as a playist or minec I should yeah yeah it’s at it later after stream yeah seem like a lot of chat liked um the playlist that I

Picked out I picked like five songs out I think that was enough from our like regular website or yeah from our regular sources okay you should get some like goofy Penis music to play on stream guys do you know if the penis music it’s actually called it’s actually called Penis [Laughter]

Music you know it right me right yeah yeah I know penis music yeah it yeah the what no it’s actually called Penis music you can look it up yeah you can look it up it’s actually it’s actually a slapper yeah it’s like if you yeah some like Chad is

Saying like what is it it’s like if you had like um like a bibliography of Cartoon Network sound effects and you just you said yes today I will listen to sound effect number 23 from uh Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends uh where should I put my treeh

House am I talking about the Beautiful kzin music no not even kzu music like real real sound effects not that fake stuff that kzu is gaslighting us into believing is real gas girl gate light keep boss what gas girl gate like gate like heat boss the name of the song is rubber band

By Jackal Quon wait that’s the Penis music that it’s not called Penis music actually my life is a lie oh my God I always thought it’s called Penis music it is it is don’t listen to them chat’s wrong chat’s wrong chat’s wrong chat’s never right it says it in the

Description damn it no no no no we don’t Source things here yeah it’s Penis music guys it’s Penis music it’s funnier uh why do you have diamond blocks in your house read the sign in front of it okay Cassian you can say you can okay I

Can I can take some it says wait no no no no no no you don’t know English no I no show off I I first I read dick and balls I don’t I didn’t know I didn’t know which sign you meant I don’t know who wrote that I

Think U it either Rosco or Lucy then I think it was Rosco I saw him I saw him uh right balls there’s there’s another hidden sign inside of that area too I see it wait my balls hurt chat that’s definitely Rosco right yeah SpongeBob open the door my balls are

Stuck hey you did it you did it and you’re uh 10 Bob open the door my balls are stuck wait 12 diamond diamond pants you don’t know I I knew but I thought it I thought you made like eight or or 10 you made 12 Jesus I made an extra

Pair afterwards cuz I didn’t want to get rid of the ones on the stand oh my God I’m I’m going take no kidding no no no no no my armor is really good too and and it’s Emerald or it’s Emerald infused yeah trim yeah you got trim M so you’re

Like the the green man I am like a yellow trim personally what was you oh gold huh okay gold yeah gold and and Diamond color I I don’t know would that look good no probably not but it’ll look good on um netherite eventually oh maybe yeah

Actually oh wait what the H we don’t talk about the diamond pants we don’t talk about the diamond pants situation what it happened and I’m over it all right I’m going to start building my treeh house I don’t know where though one second I’m going mute really quick

Okay hey guys today I’ll be taking over Gail’s stream my name is Cassie of Flores of First St production Ian’s first generation avalum I’m your host um what does Gail normally say on stream um he’s talking about my peanuts or or what does he say

Um ball is pro balls is probably what he says balls balls balls balls I know he has like uh go XLR so he he he can do like the Reverb I can’t do that balls balls balls balls Ahoy yeah Pirates say aoy okay I got some wood wood let me see

How where I should start I want to start like either uh bar in the back like there or I’ll like move towards this side what do you think my house is here right now but it’s it would be a little Annoying to always have to go over there uh

So I’ll probably like start here somewhere let’s try let me get rid of these in the vicinity today I’ll be going to sleep early I promise I need the energy for tomorrow I really do you guys have any plans for tomorrow wait ah oh my God your first time watching the live

Stream hi welcome welcome okay get rid of this as well you have leur ooh come on there we go thank you for being so godamn entertaining am I entertaining yeah you are entertaining sorry Chad I’m back welcome back thank you there’s just something urgent I to take care of really quick okay no

Problem UPS daisies oh my God thank you Chad thank you thank you I’m back I’m back welcome back I I’m glad I actually got up because I was starting to like get really tired playing Minecraft wait what like I was getting really sleepy oh yeah my um my energy levels were

Slowly declining getting up was um a good a good workout really not workout but like got my blood flowing a little bit again to keep me awake What’s um what kind of wood are you going to make your treeh house out of out of curiosity I mean we have a lot of

Dark oak around so I’ll probably just do dark oak uh I see yeah you don’t want anything else or do you think the color is like perfect for what you want um you know what I was thinking I was thinking like I do um like one huge tree that I would like hand

Build M and then um I’ll just put my house in or like yeah my second house I guess I think you should blow up your previous house when you’re done with it yeah mhm okay with the cat ow I snorted through my nose really hard and it

Hurt it felt like you know um you know when you accidentally like breathe through your nose and while you’re in the pool and then you get that Ching e yeah yeah yeah it felt like that oh [ __ ] that was funny though blow the cat Chad do not blow up your

Cats um what um what kind of size are you thinking of like size um yeah like how tall do you want to go like uh probably like your Lighthouse no probably a little shorter Shor shorter than the lighthouse I mean your Lighthouse is huge for a treehouse is not that’s all

Though uh well at least like taller than the forest oh yeah for sure like at least three times taller yeah yeah would be a very cool Treehouse if it wasn’t sh like shadowing the canopies yeah I’m going to have to remove all the trees in in the forest though that’s

Fine um I mean okay may maybe I agree maybe I agree maybe the um the size of the lighthouse is pretty good yeah I’m still wondering what the hell Lucy did like building his altar all the way up there it looks so tacky I’m going to be

Real it looks good and yet it looks so tacky at the same time oh oh the the Moon the moon the the everything up there yeah I don’t know where he got the um sea lanterns from I helped them oh really oh do you need to know where to

Go I can help you I mean I don’t need them but uh they look cool yeah we had an adventure he was um doing Minecraft one night and I um I hopped into call because I was trying to see what he did and then in he mentioned that chat said

That sea lanterns would look good for his project and so we were going to do a really long like Adventure to go find a temple but there’s one really close to us oh wait that’s great yeah so we had an adventure and we died

A lot but it was fun we ended up with a lot of uh sea lanterns I’m really impressed with what he did actually like we tried to make them well I tried to make the Moon look good and I I could not for the life of

Me figure out how how how to do a crescent moon what you can’t no I can’t in Minecraft I couldn’t it’s it’s actually harder than it looks oh it doesn’t sound that hard but uh it does look good it does look really good I was like um making it too skinny

I think I was I was not ambitious enough to make it bigger you can always add to it if it’s too skinny you can just add to it um So you you’re saying you were on an adventure yeah I was on an uncanny adventure together with him let us pursue this uncanny adventure

Together do you think Lucy feels as though this this time in abl’s been an adventure I think so yeah I think everyone feels like that no I don’t huh you’re the adventure it feels like I’m smooth it feels like I’m sailing on home turf baby oh okay it does it it feels

Like like home for to you it does I feel very comfortable a go bro he’s so cute I want to cuteness aggression uh let me my [Laughter] balls I want to have like the roots of the tree come out of the ground oh you’re going to make Roots too

That’s going to look really good I’m trying to like make it look really cool but um I’m not like a profession professional Minecraft builder so I mean give it to your all and then when the dark overlords come and see it I mean if they fire you you understand

Why whoa what the hell fart because of Minecraft that’s crazy said fart fired what the hell chat did you hear fired or fart like me you did not hear fart yeah you said fart like me or fired because of or fart because of Minecraft cuz that’s crazy

I heard fir I heard fired what the hell you guys are even your chat said it my chat’s mostly saying fired actually there’s like a couple of farts I need sleepy I need sleepy everyone heard fart in my chat what the hell y all freaking ESL am I right me or

You not me can we uh can we sleep in game oh sure yeah thank you the ship is so long yeah I’ll say it for like the fifth time cuz it’s really fun too uh my my ship was looking chy it had Cho energy really bro or not broad it’s uh wide yeah

Wide good Night there we go this looks so good dude your ship mhm I have a lot of wood maybe I’ll have some spare if you need oh dude I’m going to need a lot of wood I’m going to need a lot a lot of wood yeah how many wood chuck Chucks can a

Wood chuck I I can’t I don’t know how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood damn what you wanted to say yeah that’s what I wanted to say that was fast are you like a professional do you have anything non-dairy anything

Gluten-free all right TR to like level the field here oh you’re um you’re finally terraforming yeah I guess the nice thing about my build is that obviously since it’s a boat goes in the ocean so though mhm saves me a step oh right it’s like it’s

Like on the water right now like super on the water not in the water yeah yeah yeah I’m going to build underneath um eventually to to give the impression that it’s floating okay but that’s like a I want to just build the foundation first make sure everything looks good and then like make

Adjustments afterwards cuz um the the sides of the boat that you’ve scen so far was originally the size that I like stopped at I’m like okay this looks long enough and then I looked at it a second time and I’m like oh wow o

O I decided to go wow oh it’s ugly oh oh it’s ugly oh God it’s like I’m looking in the mirror oh I think I’m going to stop here not stop here but I’m going to stop building at this point okay bye K stop trying to get rid of me so

Fast you can’t stop me dude I’m the scourge of the avalum cord the what our avalum Discord oh I should have said the fsp cord that would make more sense no that doesn’t make any sense actually you know what that don’t make any sense yeah I’m going

To although I am still the scourge of the avalum Discord why 2 a.m. thoughts be like hey guys show me what you guys are talking about in there and then you happens I was craving that last night but I decided against it I was too busy

I couldn’t keep up with it if I wanted to just have people out each other for no good damn reason remember guys curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back so share yes sir hey he so right true I never heard that before it’s c puppy what’s up what’s up what’s up

Pupp you talking to your dog mhm dog got that dog in you do you have that dog in you I do actually I’m giving him scratchies right now and his leg is kicking man I’m so jealous of what huh you want to kick your leg what no I I

Also want to dog oh okay what did you think I thought you wanted scratches I’m like have you gotten your furry Sona yet what your first Sona it’s going to happen eventually no I’ll find out what your tags are dude my tags yeah your tags

Yeah I want to make after your BDSM test results mhm what what one tag would you ensure is on every one of your pieces you know what I mean what one tag what do you mean yeah what what tag you like um you know people label label like fan art fan

Fictions and stuff like that with um tags uhhuh according to your BDSM result what one tag would you ensure is on all of your properties I don’t know I’m not really like into that all right well if you don’t come up with one I’m going to come up with one for you

Yeah okay go ahead do it inflation for ones I know what that is oh God easy uh lean thanks thank you so much for the super by the emperor be greeted SE of your base that’s get expanded today friend I don’t even know what that

Is oh sorry what did you say I said it’s not just your base that’s getting expanded today friend anyway guys um I’ll be continuing with the with the house poopy why you looking at me like that what me did he just leave wait this guy just left me who oh nothing me

No I’m here I had to distract the baby oh the baby the baby the baby I had to give him a little bone so we can stop trying to eat my hands he’s just like me wait what should I make the joke or should I

Not make the joke wait what what kind of joke you said you I said I gave him a bone St my hands just like me you you said a you said what did he say a treat or something like that you didn’t say bone I said bone you did Chad he didn’t

Say bone did he I think you interpreted it as treat wait did he say bone I said bone I said bone chat my chat’s got my back he said bone I said bone you said just like me [ __ ] why am I hearing things what the

Hell I said he he was chewing on my hand so I gave him a bone the hell you’re lying to me everyone’s lying to Cass right now Cass would you say that we are trying to castle at you yes fake memory yeah Mandela effect I feel like I made my boat too long

Guys oh you know what it can have a fat ass and then I’ll make the middle skinnier here that’ll look good so I’ll build one up higher Here how do I make it look realistic cuz if I continue to build like this it’s going to look like your Lighthouse literally um you have to put like random pieces on it okay like random pieces of wood that just stick out and jut out um you know how the dark oak looks

When it’s growing uh yeah try to try to replicate that I mean the good part about you being being in the forest is that you have plenty of references that’s true I should try looking at it from above to see you’re right I should actually take a look at

It you’re so right let me take a look let me take a gander and see what kind of progress we’ve made so far ad Vines maybe yeah that sounds good oh that is a good idea you’re so smart yeah why can’t my chat be as smart as

Yours H I guess that comes with being a DW drop man guys you should become a d drop today then you’ll be as then you’ll be as smart as I want you to be damn it’s so messed up that is messed up guys if you want to become a dude um OU Someone in my chat said am I in the wrong fat [Laughter] base no you’re not my my chat said n the chat has to reflect the streamer God damn they keep getting they keep getting me dude they they literally have a no you card every time every time I say anything mean to

Them it’s a there’s a there’s an immediate know you that’s F can’t tell if this is good or not that is good oh mean my boat not you oh or the chat like 10 blocks shorter I’m thinking that too right here I agree I’m going to take it off at

The second row of torches okay looks so much different when you get close to wait how do I get back up you should do a water bucket technique I okay um um I should Spread spread it more yeah you should also build scaffolding actually scaffolding really helps with

Um working along like the side of things because you can build like horizontally and build I don’t know it’s have you used scaffolding before actually I never used scaffolding I just I don’t know just build up I think you should look into it I think scaffolding is really helpful um

We have bamboo in front of my place you can steal some of that and um ex gaffling okay I can’t believe dark the dark overlords we’re making fun of our Minecraft Builds when we were like limited on our tools like we we can’t just go out and keep building we were

Trying to build small scale yeah we if we go big dick energy from the very beginning we’re going to burn out we’re going to be like my my wooden pickaxes keep breaking when I’m trying to build my thing you know we need the we need

The good stuff also like if we went out full like full ham at the beginning we’d have nothing to like top it we have to like build it up exactly it’s like it’s like a Pokemon evolution you don’t start from Blazin and then you go to Torchic yeah just wouldn’t make sense

Exactly how do you make scaffoldings um I don’t know the recipe for it actually [ __ ] oh you need strings okay oh it’s string interesting makes sense wait String’s kind of hard to get I have 10 uh this oh you get like six scaffoldings per thing you make okay that’s great

Yeah okay that’s not bad make string from wool I thought it was vice versa I thought you um could only make wool from string can you can can you revert wool into string no I don’t think so I didn’t think so either wait Gail someone someone’s asking are you still going to steal

Cass’s house Gale what what does that even mean wait I don’t even know what they mean I know um when I was helping zany yesterday get home he was going to sleep in your bed I stole zy from sleeping in your bed I don’t want your house your house

Is gross what the hell my house looks nice it’s got a it’s got a bush in the middle of it that was freaking Lucy okay I’m not taking my comment back cuz I’m not I wasn’t wrong he okay I removed it since then anyway like

Um look the a little ugly not going to lie it was pretty ugly ah what you know what wouldn’t be ugly is like a like a coldren in the middle cuz like a witch I’m not a witch you’re not what are you I’m an elf okay Albert okay this is getting

Personal it’s been a month you missed a lot of streams because of the time zones I’m sorry but welcome in sorry that you have to sacrifice yourself to see this stream hiccup or maybe today you’re not sacrificing yourself in which case um darn not sacrificing yourself for

Your Oshi it’s like you don’t even love me Cass how how pair of social are you going to get today with you or with chat with chat I mean why would I why would you your chat’s pretty cute dude if you don’t I will

Huh d drop what do you think of this Gil taking you on a d hey hey D Drops hey hey girl hey you to be you want to be taking on a date with Gail huh they’re saying Hell No ew e is no damn we’re loyal to Cass oh hey w Wait I

Didn’t expect [Laughter] that that’s that dud drops his smile is a lie wait let me work my magic chat I’ll build it a little bit taller a little bit back off Gale okay guys back off whoa that’s so mean that is mean why is your chat so aggressive when I’m trying

To spread love and positivity love what do you do when you need energy except for like drinking coffee or whatever um well yeah you’re right cuz today I didn’t do anything to to spike my energy levels for me when I when I need energy I just give up I just give

Up and sleep yeah but you you didn’t give up today almost did WOW but he’s pulling through I am pulling through you know um I was actually to a buddy of mine just a couple days ago and in in terms of like um recreational activities that um

Create like a hor or like that like help produce a hormone in your brain that is produ like it helps you like recover uhhuh I think it’s cortisol as in terms of like things that help you generate cortisol rather than like an adrenaline um among them are like relaxing creative

Hobbies like um building things um like cleaning things that that are active but are productive help you like generate cortisol oh um and among those things among those activities one of the active things that you can do to regenerate cortisol is actually napping and sleeping I mean I would have figured

That out on my own as well yeah but it’s just funny to hear that like among active things to do to generate cortisol is sleeping so that’s my activity it’s either that or Minecraft Minecraft generates cotol to you uh yeah it’s a it’s a creative um Endeavor so like oh you’re right you’re

Using the creative part of your brain to um to play Minecraft unless you’re doing like something like some like drinking challenge or something like that I don’t know why you would do that but um oh [ __ ] okay correction my chat says they would go on a date with female Gil valid

I mean I would too you are you are hereby forgiven you what huh you got male gaale right here dude and you said you should go on female date the hell my chat likes likes whamen oh I get why they your fans now what what does that mean I get it I get

It what the hell you you should have seen um my refin self stream there there’s like 95 I was there yeah I was there there’s like 95% female characters right and they were down bad to each and one of them dude it’s cuz they’re hot yeah I guess kind of the doctor dude

The the the professor dude I’m just saying okay yeah the professor was really hot but the rest was looking very similar hi what’s up what what’s up did you see my [ __ ] today your what a [ __ ] your what okay you didn’t see it where oh it was out there

Okay what Chad what is he talking about huh Chad Mike Hawk wait what are you doing um that one art oh the one art yes wait The Challenge from H yeah yeah that I saw yeah how do I do this that was um the shampoo ch

That was wild that was wild I was choking on my thing on my uh spit when I oh your spit okay what what were you saying oh you missed no d i I did not expect to see something like that first thing in the morning I’ll be taking

That what you no no no no no no no no no you don’t need refined wood I need refined wood for my ship you need raw wood yeah I’m I’m like placing it back oh thank you yeah look at this well now stop stop stop what what

What isn’t that right no I’m I’m I’m undoing this because I’m making it skinnier on the inside actually okay I’m getting rid of it for a reason dog I’m just going to collect these and give it to you thanks Dad no problem sir you don’t want to work on your own projects

I will I just wanted to visit you but I’m like already on it so okay I appreciate that I appreciate it I want to spend time with you oh dude if you want to spend time with me I I mean my door is always open no it’s not oh yeah you’re

Right it’s literally not wait who is the person who is hard to wake up is it Lucy we were waiting for Lucy in the in the lobby do you remember when when we were supposed to meet manisan in in the lobby and I think someone was still sleeping I forgot who

It was I think it was Lucy no it was always Rosco was it no yeah no no no no no it was no there was a day when when Lucy just didn’t appear right was it the second or third day in Japan you’re talking about yeah in Japan of course in

Japan I know but like trying to trying to fact check you but like I’m pretty sure it was mostly Rosco H we were waiting for Rosco a long time cuz uh he was doing his hair Rosco always got to be on fleek yeah it does look good though he does

Look good though and it pisses me off it pisses you off you jealous I mean he’s a handsome dude that’s true that’s very true like I’m not I’m not saying you know I mean like you know me I mean if I had to you know if if you force my

Hand he literally takes like 30 minutes in the morning yeah that’s like when I um go out in the morning uh or at least in Japan I didn’t really do that much I just you know changed my clothes brush my teeth wash my face and then leave yeah I

Literally just wake up like that I just wake up out of bed you’re just a natural beauty mhm that’s true um but yeah and then we all like wake up almost at the same or like uh go out at the same time Gail Z and me um yeah and then Lucy

Takes a while I think and then after like Lucy joins us there’s still like 20 minutes until Rosco joins us yeah he’s always late like we’ll have we’ll be having breakfast at the the hotel we staying at and we’d be finishing up putting our tray back and then we see

Rosco like shuffling in after us yeah he like what’s up gang we’ be already we’ve be already finished with with um breakfast yeah we like I’m so Ser we’ literally be putting our Trace back walking towards like where the elevators are in a hotel M and we’ll just pass by

This dude this handsome son of a [ __ ] he looks good but he looks dead on the inside living up to his name and yes Chad I do brush my teeth thank you very much for asking are you a type of person who um takes a shower in the morning who oh I

Actually talked about that on stream today um no I I shower at night I showered last night actually yeah same I am I am a night shower I don’t know um how people do that they can just wake up and immediately shower cuz I used to I used

To do that when I was going to Pirate school I would wake up and shower in the morning um and I regret it because back in the day when you would do that you would be for well me when I was going to Pirate school I would have to take a bus

And I would have to wait outside in the cold air mhm for a bus while damp oh yeah so you know I’ve got a little bit of paranoia but not paranoia it’s not that sphere it’s just like I don’t want to do that again that’s well you just got to dry your

Hair little baby just peed himself I got to go real quick oh no the little baby all right let’s go back up there’s pirate School apparently I think he’s one of the smarter PIR Pirates yeah oh wait let me grab these yeah Gail is one of the part uh okay smarter

Pirates yeah how do I do this yes um continue the branches just like that all right and then this and do that go a little bit higher okay we get much higher so high we need so much wood it’s crazy Cass will be our teacher the only thing I could really teach

You would either be math or math or or art yeah yeah I think I could only teach you math and art and not because I’m a I’m like a good artist um it’s because I um I did like study a bit of art for one

Of my projects or like one of my um final projects which had like a really high percentage for the grades so you know I know some history you know but I’m like all right in art have you seen um have you seen a date with death stream yesterday I did like all

Right it’s nothing crazy I know but like it’s good enough we did a math teaching stream you you would want that really wouldn’t that be tortured to yourself let me drink some water I’m parched yeah you did so good with the mous art thanks oh Aon light thank you so much for the

Supa have to head back to work now but thank you for the Cozy stream thank you for watching and have fun at work uh let’s a more there we go and then this as well ouch pogging pogging welcome back thanks I got Dr Pepper too so I was a little

Bit slower sorry chat Dr Pepper I’m sorry Chad I’ve been ignoring you guys all day today haven’t I I’m such a bad streamer if you could make us like math that would be awesome ooh that’s a lot you’re asking for I know how to make them like

Math yeah yeah how I know a really good equation okay it’s me plus you it’s a formula for [Laughter] love so stupid thank you there was actually like a um it was actually like a formula or not formula like a math problem that if you solve it it would um oh what oh

Z but yeah it would um result in I think just um I and then is bigger than three time you which would look like I heart you you know mhm I I don’t wait I don’t know the uh the the problem anymore I’ll look it up later me I’m the

Problem you’re the problem I know what you’re talking about but I thought you were going to bring something up different I thought you going to talk about the one equation that if you erase the top half of it oh yeah that too I guess yeah yeah did did Danny um arrive

At our village or did he settle hello oh wa why don’t himself streaming I’m streaming I’m on Minecraft me too me too me too me too oh you three yeah let’s go hello come come on let me let me uh enable the audio for you guys so you can be heard there you

Go there you go good streamer you’re a good stre good streamer professional indeed indeed so how are you both doing how how how’s your time on Minecraft been oh barely living yeah me too bar we’re both so low energy today oh no this is a

CO where are you both at I’m in the middle the ocean r Wait I heard two very different options there yeah well ga yeah Gail’s in the middle of the ocean yeah I guess you could call it that I guess yeah not really the ocean he’s like right

Next to my li yeah oh you’re next to your Lighthouse yeah but I’m building something oh oh what are you building oh you’ll have to come see it’s kind of hard to miss all right well I’ve got my Mojo Dojo Cara house all built here with with

My with the uh amethyst that I legally acquired legally mhm sounds sounds like um you made a stop at our senpai’s place what are you what are you talking about I don’t know what you’re talking are you making accusations at me my good sir no no it just sounds like it just

Saying I don’t know why your fogies aren’t showing up why are your fogies not showing up what did you do yeah it is uh yeah I blocked you I don’t know my f are showing up do you not have the group one on the group one the group

Fugie um code I I have the group fugie code it’s just not fuging wait Z are you close to our our uh our village or did you settle somewhere else I I settled a little bit away I wanted my own space I don’t like being too close to you he is a Dennison

Of the dark after all he need live in the shadow what does a little bit mean how far are you I I can show you where it is yeah yeah partty at my Mojo Dojo Kasa house sure let’s take a let’s take a little break guys let’s go see how the

Zand is is doing there we go that’s pretty sure thing come by come by I don’t know why the fogies aren’t fuging I’m trying to like fix it live but there appears to be no reason why they’ve decided to randomly break oh my God there’s never a good reason for anything breaking in

OBS I mean it worked with Rosco earlier it turned him into a nerd so um actually actually bro I made Rosco feel bad earlier yay because he kept correcting my spelling on things and I was like Rosco you do realize that I’m dyslexic right and he went oh you’re fine then and I’m

Like with the one two thank you so much for the super I muted myself I see what you’re doing actually let me uh try and solve it on stream okay so um we have 9x – 7 W is I got to take the C than three times three like in Brackets 3

Xus I think maybe talking to his chat actually at the moment yeah give me a second one second yeah my all right we can solve the the bracket first which would equal to 9x – stream with you got demonetized completely which means we can delete 9x sides we’re left withus actually I

Know no is bigger than three denominator uh minus 21 you said demonetized it’s not demonetized you still make no I only had one stream get demonetized you you can reverse uh the plus and minus minus I got also reverse something which would now be seven situation with the the and did the demo

Had was iding on it for while and so that cross out seven divide the right side by seven always always w Wait for the 30 doing bad things which is we love you well I didn’t know streaming the demo was going to be a bad thing if I was

Going to be a bad boy I’ll definitely take that into consideration no no no always turn around and wait 30 minutes before you turn around and do anything sussy on stream always my chat knows my chat knows chat do you wait 30 minutes before you do anything sussy on stream

Hit me with the yes if I’m correct huh wait I’m back by the way I’m back uh come to your your tree my my tree oh okay twe my twe twe according to me that people doubt my 30 my like sussy 30 minute rule but it’s a thing cuz I’ve

Say I say some really runchy and Grim stuff on stream and I’m yet to get me like demonetized or limited monetization on anything and it’s cuz the Bots only check the first 30 minutes oh really that’s true yeah it takes too much processing it’s why um super I’m I’m going to turn around

And like say a thing but I’m going to do it okay it’s it’s why a certain um Creator who is reminiscent of an onion was uh allowed to create such crazy content for a very long time because Bots only check the first 2 minutes of videos and the first 30 minutes of live

Streams so basically I have to just not talk for 30 minutes straight every stream that’s my that’s my only golden ticket you you keep your loading screen open for 30 minutes guys hope you like my loading screen we’re about to get it even longer you have a

Sheld also tonight is the big fight night I know I can’t wait to see that I was really weirded out because I saw Mary tweeted out and I like wait tomorrow and then I saw the time I’m like tomorrow oh that’s right he’s different yeah he’s jst he’s jst wait he

Is yeah he’s jst oh that’s crazy it’s cuz he has jst on all his schedules m guys I’m getting s super nothings at the moment oh I see it oh my god oh no guys I got to mute for a while I’m about to freak out I’m about to

Freak what the it’s okay we’re going to entertain you chat zy and me okay it’s it’s all good no no Chad no I’m still I’m still here but I’m going to freak okay I’m getting I’m getting blue ball or not blue bald I’m getting um tickled right now they’re tickling me

Huh what is happening this a fetish thing what I’m coming up your house all right sure thing why do you have seven dogs I don’t they’re not my dogs [ __ ] Gail left two of them here and Lucy left five of them here God

Damn guys if I get a if I get an AA Chaka in the next 5 seconds I’m going to jump off the top of Z’s house what the you’re you’re bribing them no I’m not no I’m not actually I’m actually going to actually jump off oh sleepy time be

Wait that’s my well I don’t have a bed now fine I’ll make another bed no it’s fine it’s fine we don’t need to sleep it’s almost morning see I like how you all dressed up in your fancy diamond armor and I’m here using the lovely skin someone made

For hang on a sec speaking of my lovely diamond armor um I have a I have a commitment I have to fulfill no freaking way oh z h i didn’t die that’s it I didn’t die you should have jumped off here wait do it again here here here do a flip yeah

Do a flip do a flip do it over here wait wait I’m coming Chad I’m coming do a flip come on how do I how do I get up there again where is he thank you so much for the super chats I really do appreciate it so

Much I will literally die for you now how do I get in there I know how actually I’ll just destroy his house oh what the [ __ ] stop breaking my house okay come on do it over here or over here I guess isn’t it up here better you can you can throw yourself

Off the roof uh wait recommend if you’re looking to die um I would pick this corner and throw yourself off here cuz it’s the furthest fall oh you’re right yeah just avoid the water just make sure you you hit somewhere really hard okay good luck bye that wasn’t even that tall like I

Think that this side was even uh higher okay I’m going to go pick up his experience now no what the hell I was level 45 just so you know oh uhhuh that’s great leave my armor back by the way [ __ ] I don’t have it I didn’t say your name by the way

[ __ ] my all over the place got my wood thrown everywhere did you do a flip well we we we pushed him I felt like a a Family Guy character does I got abused by my family how many hearts would I take just gave you a little shove it’s not our fault how many

I I wonder how many hearts damage I would take with my much in full diamond armor oh yeah it’s not much all Lucy’s Tower and I didn’t die with um feather falling four oh okay wait that’s four I thought it three is Max four is Max oh God damn mhm that is

Crazy okay I’ll worry about making this place safe later I don’t I don’t need an oer approved home though I would appreciate doors I think doors will will look really good on this place sorry okay doors oh doors yeah Cass did I show you my amethyst mine your

Vine amethyst mine Vine yeah I was I was saying like huh what is he talking about yeah show me yeah you haven’t shown all right let’s go we’re going on an adventure Okay that’s copyrighted music all right so we just go down here I spent so long looking for amethyst last SC stream everyone in my chat can attest I spent so long looking for amethyst last stream and I went all the way to the JP senpai’s place to borrow

Some from them and then it turned out there was amethyst down here right below your house right below my house there was literally on an amethyst mine oh my God amethyst mine I’m sat on an amethyst mine and it’s all mine and I’m leaving the like cross blocks so I can have like

Infinitely regrowing amethyst oh you’re smart right cuz then as long as I’m like rebuilding stuff from the house I can have this place as my mine you know hey cuties where’d you go I need an escort and we’re in my amethyst mine if you want an escort just front the money yeah

Oh sorry I meant I need to know where you guys are oh wait I’m I’m here I some people will say that stealing and then finding what you need should it mean that you return the things you stole but I would disagree what you’re not going to bring bring the

Amethysts back why would I do that cuz you’re a good person Cass we both know that’s not true either there hey I’ve never claimed to be a good person chat rewind the rewind the vods check if I’ve ever claimed to be a good person it’s actually the Cal site I’m

Really interested in cuz it’s a it looks like a really nice block and it’s almost like marble not even bad do this it’s not even that ah okay listen listen you’re YouTube baiting me right now what are they do what what are you two doing he was hanging next to a ledge

Staring at me he he was literally begging me to push him off no I wasn’t I wasn’t nuh your reaction suck dude never become a YouTuber in your life okay the lowercase scream someone why am I stuck inside of you you don’t like that are you boring me with your

Butt oh oh Grim Grim very Grim yo Grim mention yeah hey leave my man alone you [ __ ] just said his name sir sorry leave my man alone keep my man’s name out your [ __ ] mouth wait grim and I had something yesterday what are you talking about shut up what are you talking I

Litay I’m sorry that you’re a side piece you should get used to that though what the hell C where’s the mine you’re just running around like a oh I I didn’t know you want to go there okay wait come on list I was trying to Hey Hey Hey listen

Okay do the developers follow you does grim follow you on Twitter yeah well you know they follow you and you follow me you follow me though yeah that’s like you saying that you’re not a bottom to me again and then not knowing the difference between the sub and a

Bottom I know what the are we done are we done down here are we leaving wait it’s right here uh I’ve got enough calite for now I want to do another calite layer on my house okay to do a calite a calite yeah wait which block is

That it’s like the white one that looks kind of like marble oh is Cal the white one oh okay okay it’s a soft rock it’s really soft yeah yeah it’s a soft rock that looks kind of like marble and the only reason Gail’s following me right now is because of the

Fact that I still have his diamond armor yeah you mind give that back anytime today yeah sure I’ll give it back right now stop hitting me I can’t give it back if you’re hitting me what’s up I’m going to slay this man no don’t here have your diamond armor back

Yeah you don’t want them they’ve got stains obviously you own them stains of blood stains yeah sure blood but anyway Cass you can um go past your house past your treehouse and then you’ll end up at Z’s place every time okay someone got so like I wonder what can you

Actually make anything with calite uh I don’t think so I think you can like cut it with a stone cutter yeah it’s like I don’t know I think it’s a dirty block I don’t like it it’s a dirty block jeez I didn’t think I’d get like I

Didn’t think oh okay I would [ __ ] pure blood elf type work there right I I don’t like those blocks they’re dirty it’s not that it’s not that like I dislike them it’s just I wouldn’t want those blocks around my house okay let’s stop there let’s stop there

Let’s much more aggressive than I said it who okay we block shame now cian block shaming how did I not die I have ankles made of titanium titanium ankles actually if I go to cass’s place I could probably steal some of his mithil like what no don’t worry about it wait we’re

All stealing from each other good thing I have nothing worth stealing takes your amethyst literally R the Amethyst from your walls I have a mine of it you you could just ask to use the mine min’s your mine takes your amethyst walls too takes what’s mine how do you craft your ankles are

Made of chalk sorry to hear about that oh wait how do you craft hit shears two iron bars oh just just like that okay diagonally oh y diagonale diagonale I’m a wizard you’re a wizard Harry You’re a hairy Wizard never gets old You’re a hairy wizard you’re hairy

Wizard please don’t laugh at that dude I did not come up with that you break your bones so much you want me to tell you my secrets sure um have you seen cyber Punk 2077 red Edge Runners trigged his nerd I triggered your nerd it’s one of the things that

I’m nerdy about it’s one of the things that I’m nerdy about like pick pick a cyber Punk which one um whichever one you replace your bones with yeah that’s my suggestion to you I mean you don’t don’t replace individual bones in cyber punk you replace the entire limb yeah no you’re [ __ ]

Chum yeah yeah Chum why don’t you turn around and know before you speak on 2077 all right Chum bro all right chumba why don’t you cool it and go find your outc okay what’s that do you know that one cyber Punk meme that got posted where it’s like it uses every single Jaron

From cyber Punk inside of it you know what I’m talking about I sent you that I sent you that do you know recite that off the top of your head off the top of my head I could paraphrase yeah go for it that’ be fun when you just chipped

Some uh when you just chipped some new Chrome from the local Ripper Dock and then your chumba realizes that he’s called arasaka down on him so you have to watch your net Runner get hit by a pack of black ice and now you’re turning around on the run while arak have gone

And sent a Kill theme after you and you’re there trying not to get flatlines just a day like that what the [ __ ] what the hell is he saying guys I will let you know that was English what the hell is he saying what am not talking about you mean that you

Mean that that nerdy thing when your chb hits you with the whatever the hell no your RI a dock hits you with some fresh Chrome what’s Chrome bullet material it’s no no it’s it’s slang for like a new Cyber limb oh gotcha or like a new enhancement like a sand Deva stand would

Technically be Chrome even though it’s not an outright limb it’s actually a spinal attachment what did he say you watched Edge Runners you know what a sand down is I did not watch Edge Runners did you no I didn’t don’t worry I watched it thanks can you translate

It’s um it’s like the device that the main character uses to like temporarily move super fast oh that’s cool it’s like the the high octane switch Yeah but it’s like almost like time stopping it’s like super super fast yeah yeah so there’s a cornov which is slow

Time and then there’s an sand Devan which is a stop time oh is it’s actually stop time it it’s semi- stop time it’s moved so F that it’s like time stop okay it’s like flash logic from DC Comics I love how C put some of the

Leaves back so the trees can still look pretty yeah but yeah um that’s the it’s not like the flash from DC Comics because the flash relies on the speed force from from DC Comics so that’s very very different the sand devaan puts a mental strain and physical

Strain on its user yeah it’s actually a piece of military hardware that can be chipped oh it’s a it is an attachment mhm it’s like it’s like Gail as a device think of it as me plugging a battery into your spine to make you go extra

Fast ooh wait why don’t I just yeah why don’t we get like uh outlets and like Outlet cords plug them into outlets and attach them to our spines and then we’ll just be like battered powered humans I I feel like that’s a terrible idea for a variety

Yeah that sounds like a super bad idea like an awful idea like the kind of idea that like I’ve lost IQ for hearing [Laughter] God I’ll promise I’ll get your IQ back we’ll play chess again sure fa sure thing but yeah no there’s a variety of attachments in cyber Punk and different

Cybernetics that people use you know there’s everything from like uh from the sand Devan which speeds you up to replacements for limbs to like the the Mr stud XL which is a bedroom attachment okay Mr stud XL Mr stud that’s what they call me call that they don’t call him that

Chat yes they do lie Gail I feel like I frecked up my boat again I think I need to oh no I’m going to do that down this way okay I don’t know I don’t know what I’m doing uh I haven’t for years but here I am it’s why I joined

Fsp here I am I was almost about to yell the wind is blowing through huh this is how it starts to set your free tonight alternative Universe uh MP where we actually sung here I am I have seen I need to like Ambush you at some point as well about turning around and

Arranging like a launch party for my track you talking to us yeah you two okay cuz I’m trying I’m trying to like make a little event out of it because why not you know it’s very Hollywood of us and I figured you know Let’s Be Hollywood about everything

Let’s be mainstream sellouts so I thinkig it might be cool to get everyone together for like the first ever like play of my track in the live drop please we already got guys we’ve already heard it yeah we got a sne the version you’ve heard the version with the the

Composer singing yeah yeah you’ve not heard the me version the worst version wait did you record it already uh we’re waiting for the final contract signing okay which is so business I know oh my gosh business is so I’m surprised I didn’t get in trouble with how I went about it to be

Honest did you already confess that I I I to to to to the chat well at all I don’t know if I I I confessed it to management oh okay then you’re good like management know what I did they know also one second I I have to go

Praise someone okay it’s me by the way he’s going to give me head Pats why you because I’m a good boy man bro your Twitter said you’re a cat so can also be a good boy I voted for dog oh really I voted for dog I voted for bottom okay

Huh that was not an that’s not an option I know I know I added it for as an op and it got like 300 and something likes okay wellth they’ll like whatever you say anyway an because I say it in an accent for once I’m not stereotyping you

As the accent that you are for once for once listen we all have our viices wait yeah Gail’s addicted to my accent you’re no I’m just a dick I was going to don’t I was good on stream the other day and said that you didn’t know what I tasted like then you

Said it this morning with with Rosco well yes I said it this time with Rosco but that’s because I’m stupid that’s true that’s true Chad that’s true he’s true yeah I’m just I’m just this I’m just the silly little Incubus didn’t you know so silly he I’m so

Silly hey do you guys know that if you get a ton of feathers and a ton of uh iron that they’ll weigh the same yeah no explain yourself well what is a ton of feathers right mhm and one is a ton of iron right oh my God Gil but they’re both a

Ton well I was trying to think of a way to like SP spin into a joke but I’m not stupid guys I know Gail I don’t think you can spin that one into a joke I don’t I don’t think there’s a joke pull out of it there is no joke the joke is

There is no joke I know it kind of pisses me off actually you need everything to be a joke otherwise yeah you and your content brain humor is my humor is my coping mechanism guys true though that’s why we get along we deflect everything with humor or sometimes I do it with flirting

Or just outright sexual banter I’ll show you some banter oh please do whoa that two out of 10 why you rating my burps bro yeah I mean I was just rating the interaction in general actually true this is probably lowest the lowest aims ever gotten I this is it we’re we’re with

Content cast over here wait what content cast c does it for the content it’s content I do it for for the content yeah Cass is Cass is all about content it’s content this is the guy who’s begging me to push them off a cliff in Minecraft just that’s not even

True he so desperate for to get shoved he was like he he was literally begging to get like pushed he was like please shove me yeah I was on my knees content M please please bro please please I need the content I need to ma man was like a man

Was like a YouTuber in there in the 30s who started losing their views and realized there was a chance to gain some popularity in a boxing match whoa I think made a reference an obscure reference most of my references are obscure I don’t think your references are

Obscure yeah maybe I think they are I don’t know okay I agree I AVN boxing match when I think so well I mean I don’t hm I mean I have always been very into Combat Sports oh never mind I don’t want to do box anymore I feel like Cass and zy would

Actually beat the snap out of me I feel no I feel like if Cass and I were to ever have like an actual like combat sport match it would actually be the most drag out like knockdown drag out B that would be so enjoyable for both of

Us yeah that’s true I think I feel like we both have fun beating the [ __ ] out of each other I do have a friendly way I do have combat sport Sports Experience but like I don’t know we we’re friends I did self-defense training yeah we Doo Oh bro

I feel like we’d have fun do you want to each other out sometime beat each other off one time do you want to knock each other out one time do you want to beat each other off I feel like f yeah just for fies just like a little sparring you know I feel

Like you’ve got a good job wait this house is so annoy annoying cuz all I got is uh Street smarts unfortunately Street smarts that’s fine Street smarts are a valid kind of smart yeah so like I wouldn’t wear the protective gear but I will not play fair you would spit in my

Eyes I’ll show you why they call the speed bear the speed bag what Gil why are you like this it’s Gail galling everybody it’s Gail g it’s just Gail done is that also copyrighted music so ugly it’s not music it’s a jingle oh okay isn’t that the

Same no okay that’s better the paintings in the game are so ugly oh what do you mean by that wa what do you mean the paintings that you get when you when you make stuff with like the wol stuff they’re so ugly a there’s that giant skull one yeah yeah

That one’s actually cool ugly he said it’s ugly it’s ugly he said it’s ugly I need more Le that’s why do you guys just lack taste oh I tast pepper that I’ve been drinking professor beepis beepis yeah uh well we’re not meant to say brands on stream anymore are we no

Yeah I had a self-defense lesson in school and was taught how to how to take someone’s eye out what the hell oh that’s a good one I you want that what do you mean why you want that it’s it’s not even self-defense anymore that’s just damn

Maybe by take an eye out they mean like you like poke their eyes yeah yeah well we had we had a thing when I was in school and this is going to show like my age for a quick second but it was called The Never Never club and it was

Something they taught you when you were a child in the Underworld and the idea behind it was to not get lured into Vans by strange men and um it was literally just a rhyme they made kids repeat to not get abducted and and it was always say no never

Go I’m the I’m part of the Never Never club and they gave us all like special little like kind of they weren’t police badges but they were like Club memberships to not get carried away and like abducted like G where are you wouldn’t you like to know

Wait huh where are you where’d you go wouldn’t you like to know are you setting my house on fire oh that’s a good idea no going to be a huge ship yeah okay someone just told me someone told me I was their Koshi and that always hits me in the [ __ ] feels

Every time yeah same right it’s I I feel like such a and I’m like ha I never expected that from anyone get this [ __ ] Bush out of my goddamn like it’s this isn’t even like super serious stream this is fun Minecraft stream I’m trying to relax before I have to beat Merryweather to

Death but you know okay that so much I so what do you mean okay sometimes you just have to you know sometimes an incubus has to do what an incubus does [ __ ] people what what does it oh I I said what I said what is blood thing about all the

Time okay as as as several points of reference here okay I am not simply that kind of Incubus I am not just a bedroom Incubus I am the Scion of the House of nether brand okay air to the Divine or air to the infernal bloodline of nether brand and one of the mightiest

Tacticians of the underworld educated to take over a dynasty spanning back Millennia so what you’re trying to say is you [ __ ] people I that’s cute baby if I do engage in those sorts of relations with anyone it is for my own enjoyment rather than that of some

Pathetic bedroom uh Harlot oh okay I see some Harlot need that I feel that I have to quench I really should put ladders in here Dany it’s okay we accept you for who you are thanks Gail you should change H what wrong with me what the hell you

Mean I thought you were going to say something nice catches people off guard when I do that and when nice zy suddenly says something like that it always catches people off guard when I do that Cass I think you’re perfect the way you are you think so or is there a catch

What no C is perfect the way he is why does he get the special treatment because he’s not you whoa I think you I think everyone in avalum is perfect the way they are I’m so sorry oh yeah ex Rosco Rosco should actually change yeah he should definitely change like Rosco should

Actually be better yeah he should stop being so handsome what hey can you guys clip this and send this to him please I don’t want to reader cuz I hate talking to that guy yeah I mean it would just save us all time if someone just clipped

This and send it to him an entire like conversation I mean i’ I’d kind of prefer it without the context as well because then people would then Rosco might actually you know really get the message that’s true yeah just send it without context yeah yeah I don’t really

Feel like context is necessary with this we we sort of have said everything we need to for it yeah yeah he should he should Ros go Graves himself he he should put himself into the Rosco grave he should damn damn Rosco is the reason you even found any of

Us I’m really glad that’s good you know at least he’s useful okay I was going to say at least you got the chance to wash the bad taste out of your mouth that’s Savage we we really are mean girls aren’t we Mi thank you so much for the

Super uh thank you for the chill stream I need to head out though but I hope you have a nice rest of the stream have fun thank you I hope you have a nice rest of your day that’s true this is just turning into the roast of Rosco Graves several

Days early higher here higher I mean you have to do a fight with Merryweather tonight so honestly you’re pronounce your name for Special elf thank you so much for this to the fight mhm I want to get it right how you we’re just bad

People in general so I mean I have to be ready because you know once once that fight starts I I need to win wait what you’re not going to lose is the thing you’re not going to lose I can’t lose losing is not an option I can’t actually

Return to avalum if I lose mhm did you just make that up on on the spot like you you like oh hi okay oh no I meant to the group of boys like to you to you you going to just like have an exodus like I

I can’t be part of this gen if I lose because I would bring shame upon us like I’m fighting for our good name yeah you have to win you have to like or you are if I yeah because this is the first time a member of avalum has like competed

Against a a another vtuber from a different thing I believe oh yeah this is technically the first comp this is this is the first time that there has been competition between us and another group or another should I say party if I lose this then I set that I set a

Precedent that we’re losers okay we’re losers and we all know that that everyone forgets losers okay yeah you can’t afford to be forgotten C sing that song you’re a loser baby godamn baby you know um you know wait zy do you know the YouTuber night mind no I like horror stuff I don’t

Watch much YouTube I have to be totally honest no that’s okay no it’s okay um I was surprised he’s like a like a documentary type YouTuber I didn’t know he’s a part of astroline which is very group oh I I okay so I used to be an

Avid watcher of Frederick n right like I used to love his down the rabbit hole thing I used to watch that like everything okay so when me and one of my former lovers would would spend time together okay we would one of the things

That we would do is we’d throw on one of the one of Frederick news’s documentaries and it would be kind of down the rabbit hole and chill as it were mm and um and uh uh yes uh and then I wondered where he went because you know there was

There was a cuz like I didn’t we didn’t see him for a while and he stopped posting as often and then I was like wait a minute and I was looking through the as thing and I wait he’s a vtuber now that’s that’s insane dude everyone becomes a vtuber at some point the

Rabbit hole dude he really did fall down and I was like whoa the down the rabbit hole D the the guy that would be down the rabbit the down the rabbit hole and chill guy became a vber down the rabbit hole and chill guy is crazy and I’m

Like so I was I was I was shaken by that I’m I’m hoping so much that Mary didn’t hear that I’m hoping so much that Mary didn’t hear the down the rabbit hole in jail yeah in my case like like night mind he’s like he does like horror

Documentaries and like tells like like crazy stories that are like sometimes true and sometimes just myth um anyway he’s got a really he’s got a really deep in like Raby voice and he’s really good at talking is like basically the master of it yeah but he’s like he’s very

Wholesome the way he does it like it’s it’s just his natural voice his natural oh yeah no no no I didn’t imply it wasn’t wholesome but you know that there are people who use their good that that kind of voice for for good and that kind

Of voice for uh you know yeah but I just like I hadn’t seen in a long time and when I saw him reply I think I I can’t remember where I saw it though I saw something on Twitter about night mind I’m like oh I haven’t seen that guy in

Forever and I clicked his page and I saw AST Aline I’m like what the hell all this time I didn’t know um I’m going to probably hop hop off of Minecraft today guys all right are you going to just leave me in Cass mhm yeah I’ll give you guys your space

Since you guys hate me so much you guys can make while I’m G or something like that oh true yeah okay cool yeah some LX Incubus action we are the two prettiest members exactly I don’t know why you guys to me I’m so gross and disgusting

Well I mean you were already here and it was rude to ask you to leave well technically I didn’t invite you we just joined you you joined me yeah I mean and then Z clearly was chasing your ass I mean it’s a fine ass to chase that’s true that’s true I got the

Have good um have a good day goodbye D Drops goodbye nether I’m stepping out have a good day with your cheio bye-bye Gail and the PIP squeaks and the ne squeak he gone all the squeaks okay he’s gone goodbye all right so what do you want to do

Now um I was still building my my uh what’s it called tree house oh can I see your treeh house I haven’t seen your treeh house yet yeah sure uh let’s sleep right now though oh yes let’s sleep I’m currently on my roof I’m building a

Second layer to my to my uh amethyst Tower ooh sounds nice yeah I wanted to make it like a um a really cool kind of multi layered almost Castle nether Brand Castle nether brand like the one in your in in um in hell oh yes yes that that castle another

The brand the one in from the underworld in the second circle of the underworld where I am from is is the underw is the underworld something different than uh well it’s technically different it’s two different places so hell is where the Mortal Spirits go to be condemned and

Tortured whereas the underworld is kind of a secondary layer put on top of it where the demons fiends and you know various diabolical entities uh are able to have a bit more freedom so consider the hell to be like an under City to the underworld you know one is a place where

Demons go and one is a place where squishy disgusting Mortals go wait I’m a mortal you’re an elf some I believe elf souls are different to Mortal to human Souls if if I remember correctly of course of course I I think there’s something to do with them getting

Reabsorbed back into nature mother tree something like that I’m I’m not quite sure I don’t pay attention to elf culture wait uh I’ll get you I’ll get you real quick could be right here somewhere of course don’t get me wrong some demons do have an interest in human

Some of them are are are that way inclined but you know most of the time they just enjoy sitting around and tormenting the bad ones that’s too dirty a job for me though never like doing that I’m on my way to your house we’re actually super

Close to each other I thought you would be oh that’s good I have a neighbor that’s so sweet never had a neighbor before my estate in the Underworld took up too much space Gail thank you so much for the raid hello pipsqueaks hi how’s it going okay the glass blocks are nice I’m

Filling out the the area with little glass blocks wait I see the the start of your second floor yes it’s it’s starting really nicely it’s looking nice though you probably want to replace the Cobblestone right you can like make nicer blocks oh no I’m thinking of I’m thinking of

Keeping the Cobblestone initially just for the layer and then so I do have I do have some Grand designs this is yeah it’s up here so I do have some Grand designs so I like the Cobblestone simply because the exterior uh aesthetic sits nicely in my mind with the amethyst and

The wood okay and having it you sort of turn into the calite on the second floor kind of works nicely so if I go layer by layer and go cobblestone on this layer and then I go calite for the second layer and then I sort of make the tower

A little bit more Majestic the further up it it goes with the amethyst sort of overlaying all of it that would be really nice nice plus I’m not thinking plus I’m thinking I won’t just keep to this initial Plateau here I’m thinking I will actually expand and have like

Individual hanging Wings on this far side over here and that far side over there and that way I can have like towers as it were that connect to the main body via sort of um a little entry point and enjoy you know okay that sounds like a nice plan

You know the cowside looks better than I thought right it’s not a poor man’s block it kind of just looks like it kind of looks like what’s what’s the word uh it kind of looks like New Jersey marble you know it kind of looks like something The Real Housewives would

Have yeah that’s true yeah a little bit like that like it’s like that hellside yeah calite it’s pretty um yeah you want to come with me I’ll show you my Treehouse or sure let me just put some armor on and I’ll be ready to go okay there’s a some elide wait wait

Here take the calite take the calite the calite okay I’m just going to smell down some I’m just going to smelt down a few of my uh raw bits of iron and turn it into some iron armor really quickly okay and then I can come along on this magical little

Journey I don’t want to I don’t want to burn the I feel like that’s rare Magic the very essence of world Ence of yes the very essence of this world I also need to try and make the exterior balcony safe in some way but I don’t know I’m I’m I’m thinking of turning

This into like one of the hanging Wings you know turn this into like a little walkway here mhm and then build an entirely different separate Tower just off of this that hangs in the air ooh a second tower would look nice right it would be so good wouldn’t it yeah I also

Had a thought where if I get a bucket of lava I can create an entirely like extra Wing to this place and no time flat oh okay okay the the the I know the ttic you know the trick do you know the trick and then you pour down water I was

Thinking yes I was thinking I do the bucket of lava water pool down to create an entirely separate Wing to this place and that would look really beautiful yeah that would look cool right it it would be creating like giant Wings this I don’t even know what

I’d fill the space with I feel like did you fall I’m fine I I feel like I’m eternally jealous of like a my tend place here yeah I mean it’s so nice have you have you actually taken the time to look around her basement uh oh is it the underwater way

Is that her thing uh it’s the one well her basement connects to a mine and spreads underneath half the map pretty much oh yeah I saw that I saw that yeah she’s crazy with it I don’t know how she’s done that like she must live in a

Separate like version of time to the rest of us yeah I don’t know they they’re just so efficient with their things I when I build things I take like an hour for a regular like 5×5 house right and like I don’t want to turn around and be like oh it must be

Like a it must be just a thing that they’re able to do because they’re just so because like the I don’t know because the Japanese have [ __ ] superpowers or something but like I’m like how have you managed that how have you done that so efficiently and intelligently yeah my dble ass could

Never right my creativity so limited in Minecraft like I I feel like I’m I I don’t know I feel like I’m not I I have the creativity but I’m not smart enough to realize my vision all right I’m almost done I just need to wait for what like another two

Pieces of of iron to smelt and I should be able to build a little iron hat for myself no worries bucket hat that was so hot for no reason what do you mean me falling down from there Oh you mean the water bucket

Okay you know I used to play a lot of um do you do you play oh wait oh you when was the last time you played Minecraft before fsp 12 years 12 years oh God 12 12 years ago you know um there are servers where you can play mini

Games on right and um I’ve played a lot of uh like some there’s something called bedwars and it’s like you basically um fight other people Island to Island and they have a bed if you destroy the bed they don’t respawn anymore oh it’s like capture the flag similar yeah similar but destroy the

Flag and make the other person feel bad also someone in my chat just said that people when they play Minecraft tend to like make us like have a song play over the entire game a song and that’s like a common thing like people play music over

The entire game well I I have my bgm in the background and Gail as well yeah Gail has like let the music play in the background wait I just let the ambient Minecraft music do its thing oh okay oh it’s this way oh okay yeah should should

Should I be doing that should I be turning around and if if you want to I don’t know I I I don’t know if I should have a playlist because if I if I I don’t know maybe I should like I I mean we’ve got access to an entire music

Library am I being lazy by not making my own playlists but then I have to pick through like the random artists that they have on there and like you know how it is on like uh licensed music TM I lost you Cass where’d you go I’m right

Here uh well you know our usual source for music and sound effects so audio stock I don’t I don’t know if that was I don’t know I don’t know if we were supposed to say that on stream but like whatever we haven’t been told not

To my rule is that we don’t that I just I I if we haven’t been specifically told not to say something on stream then I’m allowed to say it on stream okay you can already see it which really ugly right now I’m not I’m not even halfway down

Yet is that is that your house it’s not really my house it’s it’s like a second house house that I started oh wow you really are expanding you’re gentrifying the neighborhood yeah my real house is right behind it I don’t know if you’ve seen it before probably I have I broke

In once when I needed a bed to sleep in oh oh yeah Gil said that before I I mean it’s not really my fault it was it was dark it was night I just made it here I needed somewhere to sleep so I wouldn’t despawn if I got killed you

Know I just finished the long journey from the land of the Senpai over to here and you know yeah I need to like put more leaves on the tree make it wider right now it’s looking like a I don’t know how do you get in how do I get in

Here it’s like a little hole oh um oh oh there’s a hole you’re like a hobbit yeah no wait and then um I like a Rosco sized house this is cute it’s not really a house yet it’s just a tree for now it’s adorable look at us going on a date in

Minecraft just like you and Gail you’re two timing him um okay but this is a sweet view looks thick and still balding at the same time hey I’m still working on it I need more leaves and they I don’t know farming leaves is so annoying cuz I don’t want to keep

Having like ball trees around what’s up no well if you want feel free to farm any of the trees near where I live because I just take them for the wood oh yeah I I was actually hoping to have a desolate opening it’s all right we have

So many trees here as you can see I I want like a nice desolate area around my house someone said my my tree ouch my Treehouse looks like a peeee your tree your tree house looks like I it doesn’t look like a pee pee it doesn’t look like a peeee doesn’t look

Like a peee take it from me huh I mean uh I mean okay maybe maybe it doesn’t look like a no no no if anything Gail’s Lighthouse looks more like a pee PE than this true wait a be okay GA Gail’s Gail’s Lighthouse is far more phallic than

That have you seen Lucy’s um I don’t know what to call it structure oh yeah I broke in the other night you broke in everywhere yeah it looks really cool I’m sorry I have I have I have no comprehension of private property I haven’t gone up there yet I

Don’t know how it really looks like oh let’s go yeah let’s go we’re going on an adventure I’ll take a boat okay too lazy to swim huh yes wait why is it flooded wait I mean I also need to get some lava from like a bucket at some point oh you’ve

Got a boat huh too lazy to swim huh no I I literally like too La jump into the boat typical C typical cassan all right oh it’s too lazy to swim your judgment is terrible your judgment is awful I will judge you on my Incubus judges your s stream this week which I

Need to put the marshmallow out for soon wait Sim stream you’re you’re doing Sims this week Sims Sims not Sims oh no no if I was if I was going to I wouldn’t buy The Sims that’s like three months of game budget actually no that’s more than

Three months that’s do you realize to buy the entirety of Sims I did the math to buy the entirety of Sims 4 and all its expansions is over a year of our games budget what really yeah that is crazy hey that looks the Bas game you can get for free but the

Expansions but all of the expansions so much so much that looks really nice hey look there are monsters up here oh let me clear those up I I see uh Lucen has not guarded his home very well where’s the SP oh hey yeah you show that spider who’s

Boss you show that spider who boss I love how this is liter why is look at the size of the boat Gale’s building yeah I’m I I already saw it’s huge what the hell that’s so big kind of huge holy like that’s such a large Venture

How much wood has he used for that he had to gather all that wood a yeah wait someone said Lucy’s Moon looks like the wand of Sailor Moon not the right color but uh I see what you mean have you watched saor Moon I’ve never watched Sailor Moon really

Before my time yeah I was I was uh I never watched Sailor Moon I watched carb cap to Sakura wait what do you mean it’s before our time before my time oh okay well I watched it really yeah I I never watched it I don’t think

It was on TV when I was a kid I remember that uh card cap to Sakura would come on TV at I I remember specifically actually it would come on TV at 6: a.m. uh every day on the CH on the Children’s Network like at a very specific time and um and

I would would always get up and I’d run downstairs and I would turn on the TV and I would watch and I would get really excited and then I remember the second season was the most contrived thing ever because for some reason she lost all of

The cards again and I was like that’s that’s kind of dumb why would you do that what like H how how do you how do you do that why would you do that are you excited to uh meet again in Japan I am excited to meet

Again I I feel like you and I are going to get up to more trouble than we did last time especially when we when we’re alone oh yeah like if we if we’re left by ourselves we get up to things see I know that uh I’m going drinking with

Gail yeah and Gail has told me unequivocally that we are going drinking he needs his drinking buddy oh this place is cute yeah I made a little little Zen Gardens on your little Zen Garden on your rooftop top yeah drinking that’s cute that’s uh but yes Gail and I are going drinking

Together which is something that we’ve agreed because we didn’t do enough of that the first time um so I’ll need to prepare my liver for that and but then again he he did knock back 11 shots of oh did you see the stream did you see the stream wait oh yeah yeah

Yeah the Minecraft stream where he drank the Minecraft stream where I was there yeah he drank I supported him it was a time oh God it it was it was it was a time I don’t I feel like I’m not going to allow him near alcohol again anytime soon you got

To like also I went the wrong way yeah no uh you want to go home yes I I think I did go the right way actually yeah that’s that’s this way um but yeah no I’m I’m Banning him from Club nether brand he he’s not allowed to drink at Club nether brand ever

Again but you know people say it was a very cute experience seeing me look after Gail for a bit but I stayed with him like the for most of that night just on cool making sure he’s okay and like talking to him you know what surprised me a lot uh oh my

God uh let’s watch no you can come ah no there’s four three four five creepers there ah there’s one coming from uh on your on your left on your left on your left on your left anyway um I wanted to ask you if if you knew that Lucy actually has a

Really I said on your left high tolerance for alcohol yeah I didn’t know that and I also doubt that no he actually has a really high resistance but he says he doesn’t drink he was um I was there for a little bit when he was uh uh doing his jump King

Jump King stream and uh apparently he had like 30 sips of vodka which equal SI yeah sips I don’t know he said like they’re like a third of a shot SI cassum buddy what C even if they just zips it’s still quite a lot still vodka

I you know you know I may maybe maybe I’m just a bit of an incubus maybe it’s me knocking back like a bottle of laela whenever I do a drinking scream but I don’t know I don’t know paced out spaced out quite far the oh my chat says it’s still a lot I

Think that’s a lot but I don’t think it’s like like like like get [ __ ] up amounts God damn I don’t want to know about your resistance well yeah you’ve got like you’ve got to be ready to knock yourself out yeah I I don’t know I want to join

You guys physically but like I probably won’t drink why don’t you drink elf juice you can join us and drink elf juice juice I’ll order an orange juice yeah drink drink elf elf juice yeah yeah yeah like don’t get me wrong 10 like like 10 shots is a fair amount

Yeah but like I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t I feel like I feel like I could I could I feel like feel like my core abused liver could handle that as well yeah yeah elf juice yeah wouldn’t you like to have my elf juice I’d love to

Have your elf juice would don’t you get me some huh did you on offer did you get back I made it back okay I made it back did I I think i’ I’ve been walking around the wrong Tower yeah that’s such a classic me thing I’ve been walking around the wrong Tower to

Find the entrance when I’ve actually been next to my place the whole time I was like oh where’s my door gone where have my stairs gone and I’m like oh wait there it is I’m next to it there’s like a little bit of Forestry next to my place that always always

Always has like creepers roaming about and I hate it I need to Deforest the entire area all right I’m going to farm some more leaves go for it I want to finish this tree house or at least the tree for now yeah I need to go get a bucket of lava

Uh and by a bucket of lava I’ve got the bucket I just need the lava I think you can just go to the ne yeah I was thinking I could go to the nether you know my Adventures to the nether as my chat knows always go super well they’re completely uneventful I get

Always exactly what I want and then I leave without any incident was that sarcastic that was dripping with sarcasm so much you’d think it was it was from a yahi um it was a it was a y SC yeah no uh I the nether is a is a

Place where everything goes wrong for me so if you hear me screaming in like 15 minutes yelling help C I need you um then that I’ll be locking off You’ literally just be like I’m done goodbye good no um I’m done someone in chat just mentioned um someone in chat just

Mentioned that there uh there is a guy in Japan have you heard of the guy in Japan that who dated like 30 women no a guy in Japan who thir who dated 30 women and and like he told all of them a different birthday so that so he would

Get a series of presents throughout the year that genius that’s not genius don’t don’t praise it I well I mean I don’t get me wrong it’s a horrible thing to do right and it’s extremely manipulative and it’s very very bad however right you have to respect that he put in that effort and

He was actually able to rise 30 individuals Jesus CHR like he was able to do that to 30 people who all who he managed to you know like on some level you have to be like yeah that’s a scummy thing to do but it’s an impressive scummy thing to

Do I mean I I guess I can’t really um support your statement that much otherwise I’m going to get cancelled I mean no no okay it’s it’s a very impressive thing to do right it’s not a good thing to do it’s a bad thing and I

Condemn the action itself but I can find an action in impressive and condemn it at the same time it’s sort of like cheating at cards you know I I don’t condone cheating at cards but if someone’s got the slight of hand where they’re able to do things like cheetah

Cards it’s impressive you know yeah I mean I guess so there there’s a fundamental difference between finding something impressive and approving of it okay and my my this and what I say does not equal tacit approval if if you catch my me meaning yeah I I know what you

Mean exactly exactly I guess you’re right yeah I mean there was a there was a guy no actually no that I I don’t know if it was a guy or or a woman but um they did something similar at Starbucks so you know how online you can go at

Starbucks and you can enter your details and you can pay uh like five bucks and get like a card that said that’s like oh and get like a Starbucks card and oh no it’s only even five bucks I think it’s almost free it’s like a or something

Like that but you can do that and you can get a a card at Starbucks that says it’s your birthday right okay and you get one free drink on your birthday and some guy turned around and uh or some I’m not sure whether it was

It was a dude or a dud that but they turned around and entered their uh birthday in the rep like 365 times right and they got 365 Starbucks cards and went to the and they went to there every day and they had each card lined up for each

Birthday wouldn’t they know this though and they yeah the person there knew it and they figured it out but there’s no but they couldn’t do anything because they’d found a loophole for it they were just like oh we can’t actually do anything in this case like as if cuz

They can’t challenge for ID can they because it’s not like they they have they don’t have the legal right to challenge for ID can they not I mean every like restaurant can ask you for an ID if you if you’re trying to buy alcohol no I mean like when when there’s like a

Birthday special at a restaurant they can ask for your ID can they yeah they can always like say you can you can get a free meal on your birthday if you can show us a legal ID I I don’t know this was from years and years back like the the 2016 is but

W hm I’m pretty sure oh [ __ ] me [Laughter] That’s Country specific really are you okay I just entered the Nether and immediately died you were blown up yeah in the nether in the nether there was one on the other side of the portal that was just sat there primed to explode that’s

Crazy F you need some help to get your stuff or yeah just go through the nether portal that’s next to yours just go through the nether portal I want to that’s that’s not even embarrassing I couldn’t have done anything about that like there’s no way that I could

Have known I couldn’t have done anything about that you could have had better armor I had iron armor on and it was a creeper right next to me in the portal I would live that I think I’m going to check for myself go bring some bring some of some

Of those nether blocks those obsidians whatever if you if you can portal might have got blown up oh did creepers blow up the the the nether portal things yes if it does yes but if I go in again it will just recreate a portal okay okay

Then then go in um that was [ __ ] there was nothing anyone could have done about that at all wait where am I okay I’m at a different location now oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] that was ridiculous that there was no way I could have survived that anyone

Could have but uh yeah we’re we’re at a different location uh I don’t know I don’t know where your stuff is wa different location in the nether yes because it creates it automatically creates a different um portal oh wait oh [ __ ] okay I see what happens [ __ ] it I’m coming in

I see what happens oh uh oh um oh it’s this place well if you know there you are yeah if you know where your stuff is I’ll escort you okay I need to figure out I need to get my bearings um cuz this isn’t the regular nether

Place oh I I we we did this last night let me see if we can do this again um maybe this way the manmade block okay okay it looks so if I if I remember right if I remember right Cassian you’re with me it’s this way okay one second I’ll be right with

You okay where you at okay there okay this way okay and if I remember right it should be that’s a h a thing okay oh oh pork NE lost okay so yeah in the if I remember we had up here okay I I remember some of this journey that I made yesterday and

I’ve become somewhat uh somewhat uh aware doing well wor I see it I see it okay I see it yeah okay so Gail has built our path kind of on top of itself which is fine totally fine but it means that there needs to be a

Little bit of Ingenuity to get to where we go oh this way so wait yes so the idea is that oh we need to follow the Torches that’s your stuff that’s it’s right there yep there it is there it is okay see here’s my stuff I had all my pink blocks here as

Well I couldn’t finish my Mojo Dojo Casta house without my blocks my pink blocks which pink block yeah my pink the the the Rose Wood what what the gas almost destroyed the portal I don’t have a flint and steel with me I don’t have a flint and steel with I have

Steel steel but I don’t have Flint oh [ __ ] okay we’ll drop this really quick where’s the GH wait hit those Fireballs back at the gas that’s what it says on the loading screen I always try but on this server it’s like super laggy so we can’t yeah

It’s like that little little bit of blle you got all your stuff almost almost I just need to pick up the last few pieces my chicken my chimken and my bows my my pickaxe my steel my steel my steel okay I’m good okay do you need um the lava

Now oh God I even forgot the reason why I was here honestly that became so much more of a more of a trial than it should have been chimpin chimpin chimpin stay from up there okay yeah I’m right here I will build my way up to you very quickly yes

Sir and and then we shall get the lava and be on our merry way I built wrong there’s in here don’t you shoot at me you little punk oh I got some nether rock you can just come up here I made a stair yeah oh there we go thank

You and now we got to go up here okay here look at us we’re on an adventure in the nether together you and me our uncanny Advent C and zany oh and there’s there’s there’s uh there’s some lava right there look at that yeah give I already went back lava

Oh wow you left me in a bad part of town by myself y oh [ __ ] that’s fine take take take I need to go to like the source block to take this goodness I’m in a bad part of the nether by myself I do hope that I’m not ambushed by Pigmen don’t jinx

It goodness I do I do hope a goodness I do hope a group of of angry yet strangely attractive Pigmen don’t Ambush [Laughter] me I mean how do you there go how does this wool machine work I guess like there’s like a some sort of thing mechanism that just shears

The Sheep automatically as soon as it switches I don’t know I thought they just murdered the Sheep No I don’t do you not just murder the Sheep [Applause] No zy live during work hell yeah hell yeah sorry I’m being awful I’m reading my chat because someone said that I was

Live during their work and I got excited because I I always like it when people who don’t get to see me get to see me or people who watch the vods get to see me live that’s what I’m trying to say oh my God thank you for the gzy [Laughter]

Okay I’ve got the lava I’ve got the water how many water blocks do you need uh lava Block H sorry fck I should just need one if I do this right okay oh bloody hell oh bloody hell there are creepers creeper all man in the

Nether no no I I came home oh up there at Lucy’s Place uh yeah I’m I’m I’m outside of Lucy’s place I’m I’m by oh gzy Lord thank you for the Gizzy I’m currently swimming to I don’t know where to to to your tree

House I I see your tree house oh I’m in my house right now oh I see you yeah look at you in your diamond armor looking damn fine did you just shoot at me no did you just shoot at Me why do I have 64 wheat seeds I guess I could make a farm I what do you think a zy farmer Au working every day but sweat of my brow a handsome young farm hand in some some seven 16th century Italian Village dude I think you would slay an outfit like

That as like a farmer yeah be like and then sweat drops down yours seor oh soil she gives me nothing hi thank you so much for the supera Hi Cass I just wanted to say you your voice is a good compan for me when I work at late the to me catches thank

You so much I really appreciate it and good luck on your work you’re even slaying the accent that was crazy I I took Italian for 2 years wait really yeah and I lived in Rome for 6 months huh that’s new did you not know this information about me no you never mentioned that

No what the hell oh what the I love how I just Dro this information yeah what got to keep them guessing never let them know your next move literally never let them know your next move oh my god oh the the Italians have popped up in my chat now

But yeah no I I I lived in Rome for about five six months uh when I was about 16 um in demon in human years that is in Demon I would have been about 82 give or take but um yes I I spent a little bit of time

There because my uh my at the time my demonic parents uh needed to travel there for work reasons and the place they were working for wanted them to come and I went over there and I stayed in Rome for a little bit and I got

Gelato and um things were it was a much different time then and yeah it was the I remember there was like a football World Cup on that year and you know as I said little demon zany has uh has wandered the planet many times that’s interesting dude you you’ve been everywhere

Really yeah I’ve been to where else is a cool place I’ve been to Egypt Egypt’s cool oh really I’ve never been to Egypt yeah it’s EGP is is is is very cool it’s very cool uh I got to see the tomb of Tuten Kon and all of that oo I I don’t

Know if it was if it was dtin Caron or if it was Ramsay’s uh but it was it was one of them and um that was very cool to see uh what’s really interesting is like in the Valley of the Kings they actually have left most of the sarcophagy uh

Intact like completely intact oh really to the point where they haven’t been touched since they were first opened and it’s really interesting because the bandages that have like fallen off are still in the actual sarcophagy and the sarcophagy just held open with like wooden planks and you can look inside

And kind of like stick your phone torch in and see what’s in there what the hell wait that’s crazy though they they really use it for like tourism like that yeah they really use it for tourism like it it really belongs to the people obviously they say don’t

Touch and all of that stuff but um but yeah no it’s it’s it’s completely uh uh just very open to to the public it’s it’s really nice and there’s none of that like weird uh I I want to say like almost like overprotective safeguarding if that makes sense of like any of the

Uh any of the relics they’re very they’re very much like oh if you want to like get a look at the walls obviously they they have guards at the tombs and I went to um uh what was it called the Temple of carac and they have guards there and they go absolutely ballistic

If you like start touching the walls there was some tourist that started like touching up the walls and like he he he was about to do the Mortal thing that I hate he goes to write his name on yes where he goes to write his name on the wall ah

Yeah right ah why do tourists do that all the time why do they do it’s so gross I feel like I’m blaming Mortals entirely I’m blaming Mortals elves don’t do that yeah yeah yeah elves don’t do that elves are history okay elves are living history

It’s just humans that do it I don’t like like I really don’t like that either cuz who do they think they are do they think they own the place like damn like it’s it’s like oh Bob was here congratulations Bob I don’t care get out of the way stop writing your name on

Tutton carmon’s grave like it like I I I I understand the impulse right because you know it’s it’s a thing where you want to turn around and be like I was here I mattered you know I saw this yeah but like bro you’re not Alexander the Great okay and

You’re not you’re not Alexander the Great you’re not the most infamous boy kisser of all time okay do do not wait he he’s a boy kisser he was a boy kisser but partial boy kisser partial boy kisser oh okay he he took partial stats kind of like me he decided to he decided

To multiclass multiclass he took he multiclassed into both Warrior and Bard but yeah see it was cute it was cute should have turned up to Earth a few centuries earlier should have met him he and I would have had a riot together you know conquesting conquering kissing boy kissing boy

Kissing it’s key part of any Conquest this seems the perfect place for the next wing all right so we’re going to try the the Minecraft thing now which I’ve seen people do the cool thing the the life hack yes the the M the # cool Minecraft life hacks which apparently is is

Something like this and going to attempt to do it but I’ve only ever seen 12y olds do this on the internet so well 12y olds can do it then someone who’s like what was it 127 1266 I’m 127 next month okay well was enough I know I’ve still got I’ve still

Got some life in me actually we don’t even know how you how old how old are you Cassian um I think C h c i I think chat knows and uh I’m a little bit a little bit older than you guys just a little bit I just a little bit Yeah hundreds

Single hundreds double two hunds oh [ __ ] uh I’m going to the four digits you’re going to the four digits yeah kind of hot um very nice up to the four digits yes sir interesting interesting okay so if I if I’m doing this right I may need more dirt damn I’m

Disappointed in chat I said it on stream once well not once but multiple times probably I said this on stream one time how dare chat not remember immediately everything that I said said to them ever I think it’s also on the wiki on the vtuber wiki there’s a Wiki I see one correct

Answer wait there’s a Wiki yeah have you not seen the Wiki of all of us like you mean the one on the on the on the company website no no no a different one like a fanade one yeah oh that’s so cool yeah there a fanmade one okay so um yeah the fandom

Yeah okay okay I didn’t know that I’ll have to check that out off the stream I remember when uh I’m sorry I don’t ego search okay I remember when Lucy called me Albert Elfman on stream and and said like oh yeah this is his uh real name

And spread like false information on the internet and then a few like hours later um the website got edited and then it said like or on my side it said like original name Albert Elfman I was like bro that was that was before that was your PL yeah okay I

Think I think that’s half right maybe um all right if I’m doing this correctly I’m going to be a very smart in all right and if I’m doing this wrong I’m going to be a very dumb Incubus but either way I’m an incubus and that’s what counts so the goal is here

That maybe I’ve done this wrong can I I feel like if I do this right I pour lava on this top block once we yeah these blocks all the way to the ground once the the lava hits the ground we pour water over the top causing all of the lava to solidify into

Stone and create an entire tower all the way from here to the ground in one Fell Swoop sounds like a plan and yet I find myself unsure if I’m doing this correctly I watched I literally watched like an Eastern European 12-year-old show me how to do this on

YouTube at like 3:00 a.m. the other night and I’m having to like sit here and be like and and like try and recall what this this this child taught me and he like it’s like we put the blocks on the corners and as we put blocks on the

Corners we make sure that and I’m like you adorable little ragom muffin please teach me more about Minecraft please please I love you so much I’m like you please teach me more about Minecraft I am I am I am terrible at this I’m taking lessons from kids and he

Like filmed it on his phone at the screen and I’m like I I love this kid so much like Eastern European Minecraft children show me your way they just have too much time I wish I had that much time H can you imagine growing up as a child in this day and age

I I think I would hate it I don’t know I I hate it I would hate it turn out like Rosco that’s a warning I mean you’re you’re an elf I think you told me you eat dirt [Laughter] yeah come God we’d grow up in an age of skibby

Toilet skidy toilet wait uh what was it sticking on your for the rler for the rler you’re so SC I don’t even know where that’s actually from I just I I I remember a vtuber sang it wait really I thought it’s just a kid no I thought I thought like some

YouTuber did like a cover of it oh but I don’t think that’s like the source of no no not the source but I I I heard the the the source I originally heard it from was a vtuber who um who did like a cover of it because

Ever since I I joined fsp I now only get vtubers in my recommended and I know the algorithm is listening the honestly CU like I I it’s a thing I know they’re watching it’s like you know hey hey big YouTube you know I’d really like some

Cat food right now and then the next like five days all they do is advertise cat food to me um so so what have I done here what have I done here um what this is this is so nerve-wracking jumping up these blocks I want to say that jumping up what I’m I’m

Like jumping up my my own blocks oh I I put a bend in after one more block I put a bend in after one more block okay uh I’m I I’ve made like a diagonal set of blocks that I have to climb and um it it it it gives

Me that feeling in like your your your the pit of your stomach when you jump to like cover one block to the the next and um I don’t know what you mean you know the the little drop feeling yeah oh okay I guess yeah the the and

And you sometimes feel it like like like in in your junk slightly yeah yeah that one that one that one like I have to jump the blocks to go from one place to another and like if I fall it’s instant death because of how high I am well you should just enchant your

Armor get something better I well I’m I don’t know how to enchant I’m too poor uh we have an enchantment table oh yeah we have an enchantment table right next to our XP farm elves with their [ __ ] enchantments I didn’t even know that was an XP farm I didn’t know

Those existed until you just said it yeah it’s it’s like right next to Gail’s ship it’s been 12 years Cassie and I know what none of these things are oh what the hell I’m pretty sure XP farms and and uh what’s it Called and enchantments have existed 12 years ago I know I know enchantments existed 12 years ago I didn’t know XP listen okay I’m not listen cassan I have sex okay okay I don’t know what these what what the hell is that supposed to mean what the hell what oh so unnecessary yeah hey

Yo I’m I’m four blocks short of dirt four blocks I’m four blocks short damn what do have S that means I have to do the drops yeah yeah yeah yeah what are those sounds it’s so weird out of context ha okay [Laughter] good audio material okay someone’s going

To someone’s put that in the comment section after this video is posted and be like ha we’re eating good my Chad’s saying for free for free I do so much like unsay so stuff for free though I do so much cuz I I have no problem being unsay

So like cuz it’s not even like that unsay so like really yeah you you tell tell yourself that it’s not though it’s not like it’s not that unsay so it’s just sort of like playfully unsay so uh-huh listen everyone else in fsp can be the good boys I’m not afraid to like

Actually have like joke around and make some stupid lud noises and like make it a one big joke have you seen come on have you seen Lucy freaking moan on stream he’s no there’s I have SE today that was today I saw a clip of Lucy uh

Moaning into into his mic I I don’t remember the context but he he moaned into his mic and and then was like anyway and then just moved on or something like that what play it I won’t play it what the hell there’s a there’s a zombie in my house kill him ow

You’ll find it somewhere when you uh look hard enough there we go I killed him ears wait I can make them in my inventory I’m sorry sir there was an intruder in my house I had to kill him it was simply an act of self-defense

Kill him with love kindness I mean no no actually kill him actually just outright murder him in fact go a step further you hold him hostage in your home damn oh and then you torture him you said that not me you’re Mr Elfman I thought you were meant to be

Love in peace am I loveing peace thought you elves are meant to be hippie types no what the hell um okay okay I made the careful jumps you’re a war elf okay okay okay okay so now I need to not set myself on fire easier set than done right I’m like

How how do I not set myself on fire in this moment so I just take the lava bucket I I hope this works if it doesn’t work I’m going to look very stupid but if this works I’m going to look so smart on stream everyone’s going to be like zy Pro fsp Minecraft

Player yeah all right let me uh which side needs more leaves all right not this this one H try try try that um perfect um what um what’s up is it working um no no no no I think I might have built it wrong uhoh damn it Misha from Eastern Europe

You taught me wrong don’t blame the kid I will blame the child all I wish the hell I I might have not needed to remove I might have done this slightly wrong and it was all the child’s fault um this is not the child’s fault it is 100% the child’s fault the child’s

Not here to defend himself I will defend him I Cassian please okay so I think where I made the mistake was I left the blocks free standing okay I should have connected them via dirt I should have dirt connected them that’s fine that’s fine we can fix

That really easy we’ll need like we’ll need we won’t even need a full stack of dirt we’ll need partial dirt okay uh I think I have a little bit of dirt left if you need some if you have some dirt I’d happily take that off

Your hands all right let me go know I’m already a dirty little Incubus but I could use way more all right I don’t need obsidian I just need regular reg regular terrible blocks the idea is this is saving me time building a tower and Gathering materials how many stacks would you

Need uh just one would do oh just one okay just one just one I can come meet you wherever you are no I I’ll bring it to you don’t worry oh you can just stay there hey what’s that oh there’s an end next to my house oh what a little

Weirdo what a weird I’ll bring you the dirt and then I’ll probably talk to chat a little bit and log off sure thing sure thing sure thing I’m going this is this Tower is close to finished I know it is I know I’m smart enough to make this work

Maybe oh oh a forest fire because of why is it still falling oh there there’s a forest fire because of of what I did uhoh that’s what I feared that’s fine it’s just clearing the land oh God you’re you it’s fine you’re an elf where’s the LA understand forest fires

Are a part of natur are a part of nature where is it burning I mean it’s it’s it’s burning like next to my house I don’t see anything um do you not I might have to check out myself let’s see it’s it’s it’s right here there’s a

There’s a big pool of lava it’s the it’s only the second lava related accident I’ve had oh [ __ ] it’s spreading it uhoh it’s fine it’s fine that thing is worrying me the most what thing that one block of fire that’s like spreading to each one of these trees

Now oh it’s fine which is I’m I’m clearing space for me to expand into it’s kind of it’s clearing it’s clearing the way for my home here oh yeah oh thank you for the dirt thank you thank you thank you okay I promise to make really good use of this I’m going

To make really good use of this all right and now we go here skib let’s watch it for a little bit all right all right all right all right all right I have I have a live audience uh all I have another live audience I should say Cassian counts

Um yeah that makes sense uh and then we we put this here and here and here and here okay everyone bear with me bear with me I’m having trust the process this is me trust in the process trust in the process it’s like what management

Told us right if you believe in us we uh that’s all we can ask yeah all we can ask is that you believe in us wait that you trust us okay I’m I’m trusting the process good good trust in the process trust in the process think I might have

Done that on the wrong side but we’re doing it anyway yeah I think you did it on the wrong side I was just going to say it’s fine it’s fine we’ll double up we’ll double up we oh also baggie in my chat just said a super thank you baggie and they said

Zany and Pyro Maniac activities name a more common Duo much love Pyro oi I should have had I I should have had like purple heart fire as my ooshi mark actually no no the horns work they match my womb tattoo yeah they do they

Do all right now now how do you drop the lava here now what I do what I do is I go to the yeah this this top Point here okay but first I cut myself off so it doesn’t fall on me all right I’ll watch from a third person perspective

Right here here oh nice nice all right all right I’m curious watch from a safe distance you mean we’re going to watch from a safe distance as zany does something stupid all right and I’m ready go okay okay we’re going to stand back o stand

Back oh [ __ ] your stuff you got to pick it up wait it’s oh uh uh the lava the lava wait wait the lava oh no oh no oh no you’re on a timer you’re on a timer come on come on I’m moving I’m moving I’m moving I’m

Moving I’m moving I’m moving you know I could save your stuff but that’s funnier I know you bastard oh God and it’s not working either oh no did it not work oh no no my stuff no no no it’s there it’s there yeah take your stuff I was about to save

It did it why did it not work okay okay okay okay I got some of your stuff don’t worry uh well we have to worry about that uh we we we have to we we we should move we should move now yeah wait let me drop your stuff here

What’s your stuff I don’t even know what’s your stuff uh uh uh H you might have a no I don’t think you have anything that I care about too deep IR sword think that’s yours an iron sword yes right here a bow oh oh that should be everything yeah all

Right yeah perfect okay let’s let’s I’m going to walk away from this now thank you you I’m going to walk away from this now and act like I had nothing to do with it okay it’s exactly the same with the fire I set with the JP senpai’s

Place wait you set it on fire what when did that happen there was just a small lava incident where I sat where where there’s another lava fall near their near their home oh my God zy no what no no no no no no no no added character to the

Place oh my God stuff it down exactly chat stuff it down stuff it down also I missed a Super from tulip I just wanted to thank you very much Tulip uh I just debuted I was so nervous how did you survive I only had three people props to you s oh

Congratulations I’m going to log off now zy all right go go speak to your chat enjoy I’m still going to be playing for a little bit but uh good luck have uh have a relaxing little e evening wherever you are and of course uh you

Know I’m going to be still here doing my Minecraft thing for a little while and then I’m going to go punch Merryweather to death I’ll be watching I’ll be watching and by that I mean I’m playing a fighting game against him but you know yeah yeah yeah I know PCH punch punch to

Death okay thank you for joining me zy I’ll see you okay bye bye-bye okay uh let’s talk for a little bit H okay oh did you guys see I changed um I changed the thing the ad Banner you see it it’s now all um more like a rectangle so it doesn’t like uh

Change shape and I can I can display it a little bit bigger the other one was a little bit small so uh now you can actually see it a little bit I can actually make it a uh a little tiny any bit bigger than that as well all

Right ah guys what do you think of the Treehouse you think it went well I’m not quite done with it yet I think it still needs a little bit more leaves um but I I think it’s going well I think it’s going well and uh we’re

Going to be continuing it next week as well so yeah look forward to that the Treehouse is coming along well yeah thank you it looks less like a wood pee PE okay yeah I hope it’s going to be pretty in the end H guys have you um have you seen that I

Think I’ve I retweeted it uh have you seen that one artist that that wants to make a standy like a fan-made standy that would be our like our very first merch or like fan-made merch I I’m really excited for that yeah I might like maybe buy one too secretly they wouldn’t know

Right yeah it’s by uh the username is called Mouse I think it’s pronounced it’s so cute yes I want to eat their art in a good way yeah but yeah guys uh I’m already feeling a little tired and uh I think I’m going to go rest up for a little bit

And I wish you guys a wonderful wonderful rest of your day or Good Start into your day yeah don’t forget to like And subscribe all right if you’re new here please consider subscribing and activating the notification Bell I’ll be streaming much more this week and uh also I’ll be streaming poppy play Time

Chapter 3 I know you guys really like poppy playtime it went really really well for like most of the most of the stream yeah so uh I’m really looking forward to it even though I don’t like horror games I I did enjoy the game itself yeah

Yay all right so I’ll see you guys uh in two days yeah tomorrow is my rest day I usually like try to get a rest day in between the week so I don’t uh burn myself out uh so yeah I’ll see you guys in two

Days I’m not sure what I’m playing on in two days I forgot let me let me check real quick oh yeah I’m going to be playing OverWatch to yeah I’m going to be be playing OverWatch 2 with Gail and Rosco if you guys don’t know uh I used to be a

Top 500 player in OverWatch one and um yeah I am I’m kind of washed but I was top 500 in each category so uh yeah you can expect some high level gameplay but yeah I’ll see you guys next time all right Thursday I hope you be thereare byebye Guys cast Out Don’t forget to like And subscribe and leave a comment if you like the video tell me about your favorite part okay see you guys next Time

This video, titled ‘Come relax with me, we’re going back into the mines~【Minecraft】’, was uploaded by Cassian Floros【FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION EN】 on 2024-03-05 22:12:58. It has garnered 5550 views and 584 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:25 or 10825 seconds.

Cassian Floros, Elf Sage from FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION EN’s #Avallum! Make yourself comfortable, let’s have some warm tea. 🌿✨

This game is being streamed and monetized in accordance with the terms and conditions set by Mojang Studios https://www.minecraft.net/ja-jp

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【Twitter】 @CassianFloros

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【Donations】 https://streamlabs.com/cassianfloros

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【Rules】 ✧ Please respect everyone’s boundaries and reduce spamming to a minimum ✧ If you encounter spamming or similar, don’t interact with it and just report it ✧ Please don’t hold conversations between viewers in the chat ✧ Please keep the stream language English only ✧ Please refrain from bringing up religious or political topics into my streams ✧ Please don’t mention any other VTubers outside of Avallum, but only when I bring them up first ✧ Same goes the other way, don’t mention me in another VTuber’s streams ✧ Messages that seem inappropriate or hateful will be deleted and the user will be timed out

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【Credits】 Mama: @yamashiro_k Papa: @omaehadareda Zatsudan room: @tsuki_ayame2021 Logo and Gaming screen: @azatomomiage44 Opening and Ending Screen: GURI Art Transition: @yujureal_works Schedule design: @harumaki03161 Chat design: @chrone_co

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【Hashtags】 General: #CassianFloros Live: #BroadCASSt Art: #Cassthetic Memes & Clips: #ROFLoros Assets & Thumbnails: #Cassets NSFW: #Casscheeks Dewdrop Persona: #Dewsona Oshimark: 🌿✨ Fan Name: Dewdrops

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Gale Galleon 🍺⚔️ Twitter: @GaleGalleon YouTube: @GaleGalleon

Lucien Lunaris 🎸🌙 Twitter: @LucienLunaris YouTube: @LucienLunaris

Zander Netherbrand 💜♈ Twitter: @ZanNetherbrand YouTube: @ZanderNetherbrand

Rosco Graves 🕹️🩻 Twitter: @rosco_graves YouTube: @roscograves

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Follow our official accounts to stay up to date with the latest news! ▶ YouTube channel: @fsp_english ▶ X/Twitter: twitter.com/fsp_english ▶Official Website: firststage-pro.com/

FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION is a Vtuber agency established by REALITY Studios Inc., a virtual talent management company based in Tokyo, Japan. For Business and PR Inquiries → reality-studios.inc/en/contact/

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    Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Build Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock! Join the adventure as our protagonist sets out to explore, gather materials, build a starter house, and make new friends along the way. Gathering Materials and Survival Challenges Our hero starts by gathering essential materials to survive in the vast and challenging world of Minecraft. From mining ores to chopping down trees, every resource collected is crucial for crafting tools, weapons, and shelter. However, the journey is not without its challenges. Venturing into dark caves, our protagonist faces dangerous mobs and treacherous… Read More

  • Random Disaster Minecraft

    Random Disaster Minecraft Surviving Random Disasters in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? Look no further than the latest challenge sweeping the Minecraft community: Random Disasters in Minecraft! In this thrilling twist on the classic game, players will face unpredictable events that will test their survival skills like never before. What to Expect From meteor showers to floods, players will need to stay on their toes as they navigate through a world filled with chaos and uncertainty. Each disaster presents a unique challenge, requiring quick thinking and strategic planning to overcome. Key Features: Unpredictable Events:… Read More

  • The Sneaky Logic of Minecraft

    The Sneaky Logic of Minecraft The Secret Minecraft Logic Welcome to The Secret Minecraft Logic, a channel dedicated to exploring the hidden mechanisms and logic behind the popular game Minecraft. Join us as we delve into the intricate details of redstone circuits, command blocks, and game mechanics to uncover the secrets that make Minecraft such a unique and engaging experience. Exploring Minecraft’s Inner Workings On this channel, you will find tutorials, guides, and in-depth explanations of how various aspects of Minecraft work, from simple redstone contraptions to complex automated systems. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics of redstone or a… Read More

  • Minecraft Makeover: Fixing Offense with History

    Minecraft Makeover: Fixing Offense with History Minecraft: Exploring Historical Objectivity in a Virtual World Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft as we delve into the concept of historical objectivity within this virtual realm. Join us as we uncover the fascinating intersections between history, creativity, and gameplay in this iconic sandbox game. Unveiling the Past Through Minecraft Within the vast expanse of Minecraft, players have the unique opportunity to recreate historical settings, monuments, and events with remarkable detail and precision. From ancient civilizations to modern landmarks, the game serves as a canvas for historical exploration and interpretation. Historical Accuracy vs. Creative Freedom… Read More

  • Roofing Woes in Minecraft

    Roofing Woes in Minecraft Tetőfedő Problémák (Solo Minecraft Ep.3): Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the latest episode of Tetőfedő Problémák. Join the protagonist as they navigate through challenges, build magnificent structures, and explore the vast landscapes of this popular sandbox game. Unleashing Creativity In Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and build anything their imagination desires. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. The protagonist of Tetőfedő Problémák showcases their building skills and takes on exciting construction projects that will leave you in awe. Surviving… Read More

  • Minecraft Live Stream with Subscribers – GodArmy SMP Live!

    Minecraft Live Stream with Subscribers - GodArmy SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft live playing with subscribers | minecraft live | godarmy smp is live | #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by GoDBrothers YT on 2024-05-22 05:41:32. It has garnered 3362 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 05:28:43 or 19723 seconds. minecraft live playing with subscribers | minecraft live | godarmy smp is live | #minecraftlive discord link – https://discord.gg/u9GdbvbmVn discord id – godbrothersyt SERVER IP MAGICALSMPS6.aternos.me:14306 🌐 Welcome to Our Minecraft SMP Adventure! 🏰🌳 Embark on an incredible journey with us in our Minecraft Survival Multiplayer (SMP) world! Join the community as we navigate… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Mc Gamer’s INSANE Minecraft Parody

    UNBELIEVABLE: Mc Gamer's INSANE Minecraft ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘BLP Kosher – Virgin Ears (Official Minecraft Parody)’, was uploaded by Mc Gamer on 2024-03-07 04:47:53. It has garnered 1555 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:13 or 193 seconds. BLP Kosher – Virgin Ears (Official Minecraft Parody) Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft POOF Moment! 😱🤯 #shorts #twitch

    INSANE Minecraft POOF Moment! 😱🤯 #shorts #twitchVideo Information This video, titled ‘I WENT POOF! #minecraft #twitch #shorts #memes #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Toopy on 2023-12-31 12:27:57. It has garnered 2176 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. I DIED IN MY HARDCORE WORLD! Read More

  • “Ultimate Armor Upgrade – EPIC Wither Battle!” 🛡️💥 #MinecraftBattle

    "Ultimate Armor Upgrade - EPIC Wither Battle!" 🛡️💥 #MinecraftBattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Upgrading Armor and Fighting Withers! ⚔️💥 #MinecraftBattle #EpicUpgrades’, was uploaded by Error Gaming Nepal on 2024-05-27 04:39:16. It has garnered 35 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:43 or 5563 seconds. 🏗️ Welcome to our Minecraft live stream! Join us as we dive into the world of Minecraft with exciting builds, epic adventures, and creative designs. Our streams feature a variety of themes, from constructing innovative structures to exploring the vast Minecraft universe. 🐑 Live Highlights: Building Projects: Watch us create everything from efficient farms to stunning architectural masterpieces. Redstone Contraptions:… Read More

  • Shocking Finale on DeceasedCraft with CaptainSparklez 2!

    Shocking Finale on DeceasedCraft with CaptainSparklez 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Finale | DeceasedCraft Ep. 24’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-05-06 17:00:16. It has garnered 34936 views and 2099 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:57 or 4677 seconds. DeceasedCraft is a Minecraft mod pack in which we must survive a zombie apocalypse while searching for a cure. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez Deceasedcraft Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08Zz1KFfuzhvCtvxNyc0LWpKH My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realcaptainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez… Read More

  • F3 Vanilla

    F3 VanillaThe most common Vanilla+ server without donation, located on the territory of the Russian Federation in the city of Moscow, the developers themselves from the same place, but support communication with any international players. If you have any questions about logging into the server, you can write in Discord. foreverfunface.ru Read More

  • Kleos Modded SMP 1.20.1 Whitelist

    Welcome to our modded server! If you’re looking for a fun and enjoyable modpack experience, look no further. We prioritize adding mods that the community wants, ensuring that everyone has a great time without feeling overwhelmed. You can request mods through direct message or on our Discord server. Join us if you enjoy grinding for hours and exploring new content. Our current mods include Alex’s Caves, Iron Spells and Spell Books, Twilight Forest, and many more. Feel free to reach out to be added, and remember that everyone is welcome to join, regardless of age! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “KEEP YA HANDS OFF MY CRAFT!”

    Looks like Billy really scored big with this meme, unlike his skills in Minecraft! 🤣 Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Too Loud to Handle

    Minecraft Mayhem: Too Loud to Handle In Minecraft, the updates are on the rise, Trial chambers coming, a big surprise. Behind the scenes, Mojang gives a peek, Creating a buzz, for all the geeks. I built a house with my Twitch chat crew, Not your average tutorial, but it’ll do. Loud sounds they mentioned, a funny jest, Maybe it was rain, for a peaceful rest. Join me on Twitch, for more fun and play, In the world of Minecraft, we’ll make our way. Funny moments and highlights to see, Gaming with friends, just you and me. Read More

  • Villager server hotter than my ping 4646! #minecraftmemes

    Villager server hotter than my ping 4646! #minecraftmemes Looks like the villagers are on strike until they get better wifi! #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Secrets of CarboNight Unleashed!

    Secrets of CarboNight Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘continuing the summer minecraft grind’, was uploaded by CarboNight on 2024-05-10 03:39:27. It has garnered 106 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:50 or 12170 seconds. welcome to the stream yes i am bad at video games and yes you can pay me for it too you can do so here: https://streamlabs.com/noahw-UAckAH/tip like and sub for moar “content” Read More

  • Karanisho Minecraft Movie: Warden Army vs. Vow Army with Shocking Ending

    Karanisho Minecraft Movie: Warden Army vs. Vow Army with Shocking EndingVideo Information This video, titled ‘فلم ماين كرافت جيش الواردن الشرير ضد جيش النذر و والوذر بوس ونهاية صادمة😱| Minecraft Animation Movie’, was uploaded by Karanisho on 2024-03-02 12:00:40. It has garnered 16195 views and 477 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:04 or 1024 seconds. Credit Cubus Maximus special thanks https://www.youtube.com/@cubus_maximus Support Cubus Maximus on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/CubusMaximus https://www.lumenscript.com http://www.animationgenie.com https://animationgenie.artstation.com https://www.cubusmaximus.com I watched the Minecraft movie Rich and Poor/Comedy, the strongest monster in Minecraft Minecraft # END I watched all the clips of the clock head, i.e. the clips of Skibidi Toilet Multiverse, or skibidi toilet multiverse, and… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Desert Glitch Revealed!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Desert Glitch Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘how to make a desert permanent in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Grantplays on 2024-06-03 17:28:31. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:43 or 163 seconds. www.com Unspeakable merch Read More

  • INSANE tiny house build in Minecraft! #epic #tutorial

    INSANE tiny house build in Minecraft! #epic #tutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Small house 🏡#build #game #minecraft #tutorial #house #small’, was uploaded by Kliver44 on 2024-02-15 21:26:28. It has garnered 2443 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • “INSANE! Surviving Minecraft Backroom in EXACT Seconds!” #shorts

    "INSANE! Surviving Minecraft Backroom in EXACT Seconds!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘¿Cuantos segundos sobrevivo en este backroom de Minecraft? #minecraft#shorts #humor #videojuego’, was uploaded by Gabigamer4771 on 2024-04-06 16:17:21. It has garnered 118 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I don’t really record more because it doesn’t fit in the shorts. Read More

  • Wither Storm VS Lộc Zutaki ALMOST DEFEATED *VOLUME 10

    Wither Storm VS Lộc Zutaki ALMOST DEFEATED *VOLUME 10Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT THỢ SĂN WITHER STORM *TẬP 10 | LỘC SUÝT NỮA THÌ HẠ GỤC WITHER STORM???HỒI KẾT SẮP ĐẾN’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-03-19 03:00:05. It has garnered 293950 views and 6472 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:31 or 2251 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT HUNTER WITHER STORM *EPISODE 10 | LOC ALMOST DEFEATED WITHER STORM???THE END IS COMING 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button and subscribe so… Read More

  • Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88

    Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88Video Information This video, titled ‘Steeped In The Past { FableSMP S3 EP 88 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-02-23 22:41:34. It has garnered 643 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:21 or 2781 seconds. Hi Hi! This is Episode 88 Season 3 of Wolf’s journey on the Fable SMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today the Wolf and Ulysses have a long awaited talk and after Wolf finally reads the note from Centross.. Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/artfulrenegade Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! Season… Read More

  • 5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯

    5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Redstone Viral hacks….’, was uploaded by FALCO GAMER on 2024-03-15 06:59:14. It has garnered 6327 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #macaddon #steelwing #falcogamer #lucon #technogamerz #minecrafthacks #minecraftredstone Minecraft challenge #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftredstone #redstone #redstonebuilds #redstoneviralhacks Thanks for being part of our Minecraft community! Your support means everything. Let us know in the comments your favorite Minecraft moments, and don’t forget to share the love by subscribing and exploring more of our shorts! #MinecraftShorts #Shorts #MinecraftGaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #macaddon #falcogamer #lucon #dream #steelwing #senpaispider #nizgamer #lapatasmp… Read More

  • Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODES

    Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODESVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Godzilla Minecraft on 2024-02-25 10:24:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation … Read More

  • AKSH

    AKSHAKSH.lol is a 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 True Anarchy Server that provides a interesting experience with a small yet loyal community. aksh is the perfect server for people who are overwhelmed with 2b2t and want a less intense anarchy experience. Join now while spawn is easy to escape! aksh.lol Read More

  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

    PaduaMCC Bedrock Faction Server Choose from 6 different kingdoms with unique build styles, goals, and opportunities. Explore great add-ons that enhance the Vanilla style in unimaginable ways! Join the Discord server today to become a part of this exciting community. Message for the Discord link. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

    “Looks like this meme has achieved a high score in both comedy and problem-solving!” Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

    Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back! In the world of Roblox, a cursed spirit boss, Ian and Ethan face him, no matter the cost. Their skills put to the test, in a battle so grand, With teamwork and strategy, they make their stand. Dodging his attacks, with precision and speed, Their determination, a powerful seed. To defeat this boss, and claim victory, In the world of gaming, they make history. So join them on their journey, subscribe and see, The adventures they have, in Roblox and BTD6. With laughter and fun, they’ll entertain, And bring you content, that will never wane. Read More

  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

    Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale! When Masha and the Bear team up against Banana Cat Spawn, you know things are about to get wilder than a jungle gym on a sugar rush! #minecraftmadness 🍌🐱🐻 Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

    Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 - Danger Lurks! Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Relaxing Journey Through the World of Blocks Embark on a serene adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG, in his Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play series. This vanilla survival experience offers a tranquil escape from the chaos of everyday life, inviting viewers to unwind and explore the vast possibilities of the blocky world. Immersive Gameplay Experience Join Solomon as he delves into the intricacies of Minecraft, from building and exploring to caving and collecting trophies. With natural regeneration turned off, the stakes are higher, requiring strategic use of golden apples and… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD https://discord.gg/ktsgevykzT #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/ ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_ ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More