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Yeah okay carrying several loads of laundry up the uh what’s it the uh three flights of stairs is not as fun as one might describe it to be I’m pretty sure you can’t hear my air conditioner but I can it feels very loud anyway I haven’t played Minecraft in a

While I’m in a better mood so I’ll catch my breath here in a second okay hello everyone hello everybody my name is Mark I know what I’m doing I don’t know what the new snapshot is I didn’t know Minecraft released a new snapshot so maybe we’ll encounter something

New I don’t I it’s been so long since I played this world I don’t know what I was doing what are we doing here craft are we going to yeah video settings yeah it should be fine I think it was just that initial loading ah I’m down here for some

Reason I don’t know why I’m down here but I want to go up I want to go somewhere new by frankly like to remember where I was at all right oh you will not get out of here okay that spider really felt special felt very important at that moment I just reminded

Him he is not the protagonist okay so I know where I am but YouTube is not receiving enough video why is it not receiving enough it should be guess I could go for some sometimes it gives me that message for no reason though is it is it going

Slow for anybody CU I I don’t think I don’t think it is Chad is this real I can actually say that almost I don’t have like a super chat here I guess but well chat but I don’t know we’ll get there one day one day we’ll have like 10

People at a time that’ll be really cool okay um so I know I’m Invincible been playing so much ginin I’m feel I feel weird that I can’t just teleport back home so oh well execute you bye okay so where just out of here I wonder why I went all the way out

Here last time I I probably should have watched the last uh I should have watched my last stream before I did this so I could remember where the story was going because I I don’t there somebody please tell me of the stream’s being weird and funky because it looks perfectly fine to me

But I don’t know I can’t particularly tell anything wrong with it or not YouTube saying some nonsense about uh uh not having enough video but I and did I set it on ultra low latency CU if I did that that might have been a mistake but [ __ ] it weeball I’m sorry freak

It got to be very careful of my language playing such a child friendly game as Minecraft honestly I don’t believe in YouTube metrics for live streams they seem they seem to be specifically designed for larger numbers cuz when it’s smaller numbers YouTube just doesn’t know how to

Keep track and it puts together numbers that make no sense at all I’m going to kill this pig hey you all right I love I love free meat flush cave here oh fantastic it’s [ __ ] raining snowing Snow’s not so Majestic anymore now that I live in a place that snows

All the time whole outside is white right now from just a little gentle snow oh interesting I is this Herobrine he exist in Minecraft 1.21 now they really should just do a uh they should just do an update this says added herrine cuz the amount of the amount of people that would freak out over that would be very very hilarious to watch also I think I’m lost C hey you it’s been a long time since I’ve

Been in McDonald’s please understand I’m only awake when they serve their breakfast menu and I want a cheeseburger I haven’t been to Olive Garden in forever I’ll take you too yeah I get you oh yes out 14 viewers who watch for 0.1 now you added a bunch of zeros

But it’s still point one Nan seconds YouTube metrics is look now we got four consecutive viewers true funny thing is they did once forgot say removed herrine in One update like oh [ __ ] they didn’t remove him this time they gave up I I believe um I believe I’ve made a light boo

Boo uh just a a little Oopsy Daisy but that can’t be right because I should be able to see that spot okay I have an idea we’re going to get up on a mountain kill a dog for no reason at all um because I’m a cruel sadistic person

Um and now we’re going to we’re going to pull a magic trick we’re going to we’re going to pull a little bunny out of the hat called turning my render distance to 32 chunks and then we’re going to [ __ ] crash my game okay oh yeah see there it

Is okay so straight ahead bro do bro’s doing a he’s going up on the mountains yeah except I succeeded let’s see um let’s go back down to eight so I don’t destroy my computer because Minecraft now requires much beefier computers to run that highly uh beefier

Than the one I have and I have a very good computer sorry guys can’t play Minecraft at Max Graphics at some point I want to invest in a in a ryzen 9 CPU or maybe an Intel Core I9 or something like that but um

Well no I need name the chip set but uh okay so we’re back here now uh there’s nothing in my inventory that really directly tells me what I was trying to do here all know the slideshow is it it is it is it fine now or is it still funky

Where did I put this do I still have storage down here or do I put this yes I do still have storage um agriculture dead animals oh no this is all cooked food I can keep this um this okay yeah yeah 32 chunks that was on okay yeah yeah that’s fine cuz

That was on my end as well I guess put some gold there um put coal in here oh I have more coal yep yeah do I have anything no bone meal no what no okay now I know I know I’ve got a spot for stone and Cobblestone and

Everything um at the other base so we’ll probably go there uh oh no I don’t want to put come on now armaments no misscellaneous M loot um or a chicken okay uh I don’t think I’ve got it space for the uh gunpowder maybe um maybe the dead animals chest has a

Uh yeah yeah I’ve got okay I can put leather in there cool okay this is all food I’ll keep the Food oh what’s this oh yeah thank you for subscribing just now all right cool oh I’ve had this world for uh quite a long time I mean this is number 16 in this live stream series I’ve been doing so so yeah I’ve been here for quite a while

Outlet this this is the part where I forgot I’m not playing modded um okay done it ages ago yes you should have and so should everyone else who watches the stream you should also join the Discord server if you’re not already there if you came from there you should invite your friends or

Uh or die and that’s oh yeah the ice the Ice Road is GRE convenient oh I never finished building this all oh uh yeah yeah get I uh I also did a little tiny amount of mining here fact let’s go take a look at this small insignificant amount of mining I’ve

Done and okay I’ve got I’ve got some garden stuff here I remember it’s been so long since I played this this is a trading Port because I’ve got a I’ve got a there’s a village out there that I trade in I think I got too far doing this yeah

No I didn’t I haven’t gotten close to finishing this thing I think this is what I did want to do though and I’ve got everything’s the way it needs to to be So I need to send those chests back don’t have a mine cart down here so I’m going have to go back up here I need to I need to beautify this area I think that’s I think that’s what I’m going to go for here oh yeah I made

I made a quy mine uh that’s that’s the large quy mine I’ve got a smaller one that’s just one 9×9 square that I dug straight down uh it’s to bedrock because needed it um this here really um okay cool cool okay I’ve got room for stone I have room for C

Cobblestone in the andite okay all the other things all right cool here I don’t think I designated anything for this area yet I did not hey cool so oh blind me I should probably put the uh Stone in here cobblestone in there my inventory a little bit then we’ll ride back

Way Minecraft just requires a specific mood to play and on top of that streaming requires a specific mood and it’s been a while since I’ve been able to you know really experience that um that mood properly so oh I have arrows oh cuz I have a crossbow that’s

It what’s this for why do I have this oh I have coordinates that’s right okay that’s that’s that’s my coordinate record keeping it does because you have to you know it’s and and especially if you’re if you’re streaming trying to get other people to come in and chat cuz like if

You’re just streaming by yourself like sure some people can keep up the pretense like I’m a popular streamer it’s just that you know no one knows yet you know some people can keep up that pretense I cannot you know I’ve got to I have to be very firmly [ __ ]

Convinced of uh the fact that I need ladders if I want to those down oh there um I should make some ladders that I can do a little bit of deforestation that wouldn’t be a problem probably sleep too honestly fact I do believe I will do

That but yeah you know you got to you got to have a certain mood you got to be able to keep talking to yourself you I’m usually good at that but a lot of times when I talk to myself it’s not things I share with other people so uh so you know it’s

A it is what it is stop all right but uh but yeah aside from that you know when it’s when when everything works out it’s really fun to do it’s really fun to chat with people and do silly things and and all that just as long as you know everyone’s talking

Stuff most guys nine dudes from nine dudes from Germany No One mentioned theand Al yeah you think of it I have uh I have I think I think one or two Germans maybe I know one guy speaks German I don’t know if he was German but he had a German accent so I

Figure he is uh yeah no the Germans are always fun to talk to don’t you dare that was almost a disaster okay so now that we’ve slept we can go um acts of uh treason cuz trees soe slow yeah no I I don’t go insane slowly I’m already there it’s just you

Know how much longer can I hold on what little bit of Sanity I have left probably not much it’s a dog eat dog world Batman I’m a little [Laughter] kitty no no I don’t know what that means I just said it sometimes I just say things guys we’re

The M the Minecraft stream was a bad idea I shouldn’t have streamed Minecraft this was not the way to go at least I’ve got an efficiency before diamond axe which makes this a lot less egregious having to do this with a stone axe would have been reprehensible it would have been

Absolutely reprehensible in the highest degree well I hope so it’s I try to do that I wish everyone would laugh laugh with me not at me well no one’s laughing now all right guys I totally relate to the Joker we’re the same person I killed three guys in a Subway

Just getting in a say agent that was a joke I saw him Scramble for the phone really quick I was like oh he’s about to tell somebody I better I better shut him up turn British what oh didn’t turn British I have not turned British I

Assure you I would never do such a thing my grandfather would disown me my grandfather’s really happy about our predominantly well pretty much 100% Irish heritage on his side and uh and he’s looked into the history and stuff and he’s just developed an absolute hatred for Britain like he hates he

Despises Britain all the way I think it’s so fun and I told him I said well you’ll be delighted to hear that a lot of the internet hates Brit too I don’t even know why they just nobody likes Britain anymore not as much as France people

Hate France I’m not sure I’m not sure why but it’s a fun bandwagon to hop on like sorry France is not it’s it’s not just a bunch of TF2 spies walking around but it would be cool if it was be be the France be be the French person

The Americans want to think you are the one from TF2 my advice to all French people become the spy oh I could get some honey from this this off a bunch of bees oh Nicholas Cage you’re a little bit later than 70 minutes yeah but it’s okay you’re only 24 minutes and 56

Seconds late all right I’m off work tonight so I’m I’m going to I’m going to give myself a little bit of leeway to enjoy living just a little bit at least I don’t need to enjoy it too much being happy with Life Is A Dangerous

Drug you got to you got to take it in a in small doses otherwise you might overdose on and end up becoming joyful or something you don’t want to do that that’s it’s very bad for your heart I’ll tell you what though the best thing uh is

When people in the chat talk to them Talk Talk Amongst each other that make that makes it a lot more Dynamic and fun because um because like that I mean at least until a certain point cuz you know after a while it’s like there’s so much

Chatting going on if you’ve got a whole bunch of people um that it’s it’s just kind of difficult to to pull that off but uh where the [ __ ] am I going oh that’s right I was making ladders but you know if you got enough you got enough people it’s like you know

It’s just going to get crazy but um but and aside from that the um it’s it’s nice to have that for like small cuz you know it’s it seems that with with streams it’s like everyone’s trying to talk to you directly and it’s like it’s like a one-on-one conversation with x amount of

People and so to so to have people like actually talk amongst themselves it’s nice cuz you know there’s there’s a there’s a delicate balance between trying to play the game which you all lost by the way hahaha LOL funny um and uh and trying to reply to chat

You know espe especially at points it requires a lot of focus but that’s another cool thing about Minecraft because I don’t have to really focus that hard um I can just I can just play and enjoy it and then occasionally look over without you know worrying that my that

Something drastic is going to happen in game very cool know what process I was doing with this I think I just need to like dig one spot down all the way and then just like do this little pattern up to everything else um I think I think that would be

Sufficient as long as there was a ladder to get up to properly before I go can confirm the Jour were all friends but it was fun mingling what they were doing get some food too back okay cool cool great some nice food to watch food to watch

Yes is this is a cooking live stream now we’re going to be we’re going to be cooking um going to be fun speaking of cooking gch and impact has cooking guys better be very very glad that I’m not streaming that yet I don’t know cuz like the that Ryden

Shogun theme I did got this just hitting some big views pretty quickly um that’s a recipe for disaster you know that that could spell the end of Resident tonality uh as a decent person all right so let’s um do this right yeah let’s do this well should i h should I dig in

A in a square like like right here just this one Cory all the way down boink you know like just down the bed and then and then like start moving over or should I just dig everything down later at a time what would be what would be more interesting to uh to

Watch should I dig horizontally or vertically super engaging Um digging simulator I’ve notic the interesting thing about games is people people enjoy games when they have to work more in those games uh which is interesting because you know you do everything you can to escape work or to get out of school and everything and what do you do you play a

Game that requires you to work harder or in some cases even think harder like it’s like it’s like a guy goes goes to school he like oh I hate history class but uh I [ __ ] love hearts of iron I’m now going to spend 13 hours straight playing Hearts of

Iron but I can’t stand history it’s like dude you like history you just don’t like the way it’s presented I don’t really care the way I just like you know committing war crimes and and taking over countries but that’s me that’s that’s that’s my personal truth that all countries are subject to my

Imperialism and you can’t deny me my personal truth it’s real for me well Geneva is just intolerant mhm stream goes hard what is there to really do in Minecraft that’s extra engaging um aside from just oh have fun zubie thanks for thanks for coming well at least this is satisfying you know

It’s it’s nice to just do this very easily don’t want to try to get everything on an equal level here and then well okay well except for that just want it to look clean and nice I I like it I like when it looks very clean and nice clean and nice is a

Very good combination as it turns out cuz get the cleanliness and the niess all at the same time see I think it’s night time but there is no night time here there is only work there is only the Dig to live for the Dig okay was I trying to find a Wither at

Some point I don’t think I was because that’s uh that’s something I’ve never done in vanilla Minecraft before I’ve never um fought and defeated a Wither I quite frankly I don’t know how to that was quick cuz a beacon would be pretty useful here um considering the

Insta mine but at the same time instamine beacons have been the sole culprit of causing me to literally destroy mending tools over and over again it’s looking really clean and nice already got to reposition these glasses I love these glasses by the way they look really nice they were pretty cheap

Too 14 bucks I think which is decent for a pair of sunglasses nowadays especially ones look this nice and Sleek I like it and they’re they’re a lot better than the other ones I had cuz they’re they’re darker a lot easier on the eyes been trying to figure

Out exactly what I want to do musically over the next couple of months um cuz I’m I’m I’m working on a couple of things off the off the uh off the Record and I’m of course I’m working on a uh I’m working on a thing right now I’m working on the

Uh Roso sang mix or sangu sangu I don’t know I I I don’t speak that language I don’t speak Latin is that even Latin I don’t think I don’t know if it’s Latin anyway I’m working on that and it’s uh it’s sounding pretty decent so far uh which was a suggest question

From one of the one of the viewers one one of my favorites and so um so I’m working on that and after that I think I’m going to do a ling theme because it slaps so re orchestrating that would be fun um this is interesting of dirt here a big patch of dirt

Here might be digging into one of the ladder spots here but that’s fine build it oh my inventory is full see that case go up and try not to get killed by a mob that’s what this is for don’t know if I got a thing for

Dirt I think I just yeah I just put the dirt in the and I put the uh oh I need to do something with that dirt some like landscaping or something cuz I’m running out of space for that and i’ have no Shuler boxes going have to do without that for the time

Being which is okay they’re not an absolute necessity right now it’d be nice but we don’t need we’re better off without him being very careful not to destroy the pieces flatter there you know we’re doing that okay so that’s cool we’ve now got this little

Spot carved out which is going to be fun to rectify oh and good news is I didn’t dig any ladder things or any um okay but I did I kill this a little bit put this dirt back there we go cuz what else is dirt going to go

To oh say you can C be the dawn’s early light oh I need a larger word limit no you don’t CB the dawns early I thought you had something really interesting to say like oh and now it’s just the American national thank you I appreciate your patronage all

Right we’re just we’re just being uh working class Americans right now in Minecraft it’s great we’re having a lot of fun doing fun things um Mass excavation is one of my favorite things to do to the environment in order to harm it no it’s not interesting because because like most

National national anthems are just why I say National like I I say National National most national anthems are I mean there some of them are literally the same like I think I think the like the German National Anthem right now is like the exact same tune as like three other national

Anthems they’re just not very original sounding they’re kind of they’re kind of dull in general you know I like uh I like something cool like you know as much as I despise the Soviet Union um their national anthem slapped like you know sure you know because because the villain always has

To have the best theme of course so so they they had this really cool you never heard something like it before is very it was patriotic but it was also it was also uh very big I guess kind of big it was it

Was it was good it was fun it was uh it was I don’t know it was it was just nice and and then you’ve got like these sappy little songs that you know some 9-year-old kid sings at a Super Bowl game it’s like I I don’t know that’s

Just musically I feel like the whole thing ought to have more of a shebang to it were you listening in original without translation um you talking about the Soviet National Anthem um I mean I don’t I don’t I don’t know of a non- original version of

It and I wouldn’t go through the time to to learn the lyrics All I I know something like that after that my my memory of it dissipates but yeah all I know is all I know of is the original I didn’t what is there a Soviet National Anthem techno

Remix I mean if someone put the Soviet National Anthem with uh what’s it called uh with like the Soviet March from Red Alert that’d be pretty sweet I think more just a techno remakes guys should I do an ultra kill style uh break core remix of the Soviet National Anthem there was

Okay oh yeah the only reason I played Red Alert 3 was for the uh for Tim Curry I’m going to the one place that hasn’t been corrupted by capitalism space Red Alert was such a such an acid trip in the best possible way we have a guy who has a huge Channel

He is doing covers we have a guy who’s we need to cover Red Alert Soviet song oh yeah dude I I don’t know I’m I’m hard pressed to touch Frank kak’s work because you know there’s just some points as as a musician you got to be like I can’t top

This and a lot of Frank Kaki stuff it’s like yeah no I I can’t do a different version of this that that matches the purity of of this musically cuz uh I haven’t done I haven’t done a cover of anything by Han Zimmer either you know surprisingly enough I I haven’t

As much as I love Han Zimmer I haven’t done a cover of V’s music CU like how do you top that how do you even pretend that you can you know and doing a reorchestration is not about topping it per se CU I wouldn’t say I’m topping

Hito when I do an ultra kill real orchestration but you know and in that case it’s it’s a lot easier because because you know uh is sitting here writing a break cor song it’s like okay I write orchestral people like the breakcore song so what

If I took the same Melodies and gave an orchestral spin to it same song Same Same listable material but it’s got a little bit of a Twist it’s a different song that doesn’t in any way say I’m doing a better version so I’m doing another version and that’s that’s to me

A lot nicer than um you know taking an orchestral song and covering it orchestrally and then of course the other way for that would be like uh doing doing those little you know combinations right so I I put lady Maria’s theme with the rid and Shogun and that was

Fun and it wasn’t it wasn’t like I had uh you know was I was like yeah these guys over at gench and impact they they can’t write music I’m going to have to do better no it’s it’s like I thought hey what if I put these two songs

Together how would I do it how could I make it sound good and of course doing re orchestrations is great because it you know has it has me looking at things and and looking at combinations of chords and stuff that that I haven’t come up with on my own that I haven’t

Used before and so I I get these new methods and and stuff that I can employ because I haven’t taken I haven’t had any uh professional training under any means um and so that allows me to actually you know go through and and look into some different ideas and expand uh I guess

You could say my musical vernacular and then I can I can go in and do some other more interesting things like that we post Soviet dwellers oh we WE Post Soviet oh Russians great I there’s a lot of Russians uh that that watch that listen

To my stuff and I don’t know know if it’s SCP or eaw more predominantly I just know that like my top city is still Moscow my top geography is United States my top city is Moscow Russia and Russia takes up like three of the top

Cities it’s it’s so silly to me I was like I I don’t know how I did that but I’m glad I’m glad to have you all on board Iron Sky 2012 Iron Sky the coming race music I don’t know why Iron Sky is B music I have to listen to that I have

To send it um in the media channel Discord um or or just DM me but send in the media channel on Discord get that activity going we got we got to look we got to look we got to look like the server’s not dead half the day come on

We’ll get there we’ll get there guys we just we just got to get a couple more people in and and people got to make friends with other people that aren’t just me they can talk to each other cuz you know I have to sleep and work I

Can’t be in Discord all the time to facilitate its activity please make friends please ask someone what their favorite color is or something I don’t know hello welcome back Turtles welcome back to um uh dwarf simulator my favorite game um we’re we’re still digging we’ve been digging for 49 minutes well we’ve been

Digging for about 30 minutes minutes because I spent the first 10 minutes trying to figure out where the hell I was me and [ __ ] would talk a lot for for people who don’t know that it just sounds like a really weird nickname for your sister me and [ __ ] we’re talking about

[ __ ] piss it’s one of the server mods actually Char’s one of the server mods too um because he’s active I mean MC yeah me we talk a lot there we have uh DC with our other buddies trying to make friends the other [ __ ] yeah trying trying is the key

Word if at first you don’t succeed um rise to power in Germany that’s what that’s what my what my grandfather always said he was Argentinian so just kidding my grandfather’s uh he’s dead one of them um and the the other one’s fine and most definitely not German at all another brother L

L I might want to I might want to put my political ideas into reality oh no that’s no good sir FL for legal reasons I must tell you not to do that I must discourage you how you go wrong I bet I can rise the power in

Germany I bet I could it be awesome I I’ll come in like the Joker and be like uh let’s wh the clocks back 8 years ago these these poles and Europeans wouldn’t dare touch any of you I mean what happens your balls drop [Laughter] off that that’s a very complicated

Joke sometimes I just tell jokes for me to laugh at honestly everyone else is along for the ride oh my VC did a little weird poppy thing for a second there very simple thing you need to do to become a politician in Germany have M that is very good at

Talking they do nothing basally basically talk that’s that’s every Western Nation isn’t it that’s like I knew it I knew it I it it only takes it only what 52 minutes into a Minecraft stream we’ve already gotten political I’m speed running ending my career and I keep accidentally

Failing anyone going to cancel resident tonality yet get political in Minecraft put that there you failed hardest guys I actually like Hitler’s paintings I thought they were really cool imagine being failed or imagine being denied from art school because you’re not already an artist like why the [ __ ] would you go to

School if you believed you could already do it like what’s the point what are they going to teach you how to manufacture the artist ego if you I mean cuz if you’re if you already know what you’re doing then don’t go to school why would would you go to

School I don’t like has anyone ever talked about the actual reason AR yeah like did has anyone actually talked about the legitimate the real like no jokes reason that Hitler was denied from art school like Ian aside from Hitler himself I’m pretty sure he wrote about it I’m pretty sure

He had a lot of pretty words to say about them um but like but like is does anyone even know why he’s like oh yeah he failed art school well he didn’t fail art school cuz he didn’t start art school he got denied from art school and

It baffles me like how what was the rationale behind that was the guy just like bored one day is like we should we should we should deny this guy why I don’t know I feel like he’s going to do something wacky if we do I think it’d be pretty funny to see

They says are lacked the human life inent Humanity itself and they look land German liked a little bit of human Germany liked a little bit of human life after that good job College see I I wouldn’t if I could go back in time I would I would I would have a good you

Know manto man talk with it and be like listen don’t go to Art School don’t even try to go to art school because college is not good for the Arts your what’s good for the Arts is your mind like uh you know so um you know

Like this don’t don’t go to Art School dude just paint you know work your day job like we all do and and and you know and be hey move to America there’s a lot of artists coming up there it’s okay no one uh no one knows about that thing you

Did in alternate timelines us it’s like oh don’t don’t worry about it don’t worry about it Hillary just uh just uh why why why don’t you uh I’m going to draw you a picture of V1 it’s going to be really cool this is going to be crazy

In 80 years in the future trust me it’s going to be super popular he bad at drawing ads bad at drawing heads it’s words of someone who is supposed to take well yeah like okay that like yeah sure granted may maybe he wasn’t proficient in one thing or another you know he he

Was very you know he he mostly focused on architecture however my point still stands why would you go to an art school if you’re not learning to do art if you already know how to then what’s the point of going to an art school so how

Could they deny him on the grounds that oh you you need education and art well too bad like that just that just sounds kind of silly to me I mean and maybe I don’t understand you know the colleges and stuff but and I wonder if there was any political

Implementation like aside from all the Eugenics and stuff the Nazis were like all right you know now from now on federally you’re not allowed to deny people art school for any reason it’s like why is that he was just sitting there fuming just something personal

Yeah so I I don’t know I I have a I have the I have the stranger Curiosities about the slice of life things that that that may or may not have happened in not see Germany it is need a proper explanation of stuff yeah I mean like it’s just I don’t

Know I I just in the end I just told him like go go to Art School just you know just look at other art be an artist you know don’t intend to make a living off of art because good luck doing that uh but then again I don’t know how America

Would have coped with a Great Depression if World War II didn’t happen cuz that was kind of that war economy is kind of what jump started America as far as I know so by by preventing Hitler from um starting World War II for any

Reason uh or by or by any means would I then be destroying the American economy permanently or would they just find find another way around you don’t think about that you say I’m going to go back in time and and kill Baby Hitler it’s like okay that’s

Kind of [ __ ] up cuz he’s still a baby at that point but um but you know what are you going to do to everything else cuz you know there’s the there’s a Geo appended to the front of politics in this case and you know you got to think about what

That you know forget the forget the general temporal anomalies you’d create by changing such a point in historical cannon that uh that you absolve the crisis of an entire war and whether or not the universe itself would go back to correct that or if it just wouldn’t care

Cuz time’s a little bit more malleable than that of course it’s more malleable than movies make it out to be where it’s like oh you you killed your grandfather well now you don’t exist like no that’s not true you’ll just have a different grandfather that seems to have been

There the entire time cu the universe isn’t going to let itself break like that by black holes you can’t see them because the singularities break the universe they don’t they don’t make any any sense so you can’t see them as long as you can’t see them it’s okay it

Doesn’t break anything it’s literally the universe itself literally just sweeps his [ __ ] under the carpet the pl yeah yeah Ein yeah yeah and then you know you CLA Red Alert one uh you go back and kill hit and then all of the sudden the Japanese have mechs in the Cold War

Like where how do we get here guys how do we get here Command and Conquer team please explain to me how in the world you made sense of this scenario some guy some guy sat in his bedroom probably high on pot and just went hey bro listen

Listen what if and then the Red Alert 3 was invented or or the Red Alert series was was invented like I don’t want snail crisps I love French frog soup pardon what what what the hell is that what is French frog soup what don’t the don’t the French have

[ __ ] like snails don’t they eat snails snail crisps yeah yeah like what is French frog soup is that a thing did you just come up with that oh oh wait I can say it again there’s five people here chat is this real what the [ __ ] what is French frogs

Please someone [ __ ] answer me unless there’s ads you might not hear me if there’s ads and I’m probably just talking talking to a wall here but someone please the love of God explain what French frog soup is that sounds horrific that sounds like sounds like something to be added to the Geneva

Conventions by virtue of its mere presence as a word mfw Millennium Dawn I puppeted the US Russia that does not explain to me what French frog soup is explain to me right now what French frog soup is good for us they have other food too I definitely use that line some because

As long as you don’t see anything does note itself sweeps it [ __ ] under carpet that’s true but what okay that that should have done the trick yeah I think I think my battery just died okay um now can someone please explain to me what frog soup is French frog soup I I’m

Still that that still hasn’t been explained I I need to know I absolutely need to know what is it frog legs and also it was frog legs it’s called that frog legs and soup water get ready until it’s 2025 do not exit your home when it’s 2025 I’m not coming out

There as a day oh something’s going to happen in 2025 but uh we won’t go into that on stream we’re only allowed to get political nothing else we we won’t go into the real Hunky hunky dory is not the right word I keep wanting to say

Hunky dory but I don’t have a reason to say hunky dory continually wanted to use it in the in the wrong context and I and I can’t misappropriate the use of hunky dory it’s such a beautiful word such a it’s such a nice thing SCP reference Michael it’s okay it’s

Fiction the SCP Foundation is not real it cannot hurt you I can but I won’t cuz I’m nice most of the time I’m more afraid of uh I’d be more afraid of water break than I would Daybreak in this in this economy that’s a disaster right there except that can be

Helped I have SPF 69 the sun will get me but it will say nice what are you yapping about drinking 90s in the day break but I think gamer listened to like one e simulation video and it just stuck with him forever beb getting water oh you know

What I have tea can you please please stop getting water the water is Tainted digging is going along very well everyone I I’m I’m feeling very optim Mystic about um about what I’m going to find once I get to the bottom in 26 days not Minecraft days real life

Days it’s that [ __ ] from it’s Angelo n the desert the desert boy oh the [ __ ] the sun oh yeah I can imagine that would be a horrifying nightmare yeah it it would be I’ve I’ve had a I’ve I’ve had a far far worse nightmare but I know what that type of

Fear that’s a different type of fear that’s the uh that’s the type of fear that like HP Lovecraft can sort of simulate that existential horror and it’s well simulated in books but there there it doesn’t beat actually going through that that that is that is a fear that

Cannot be made that can’t be reproduced in the game or or a book or anything it’s a it’s a whole different kind of fear be cool if you could reproduce it but at the same time that’s that’s that’s not really a fun oh I want to play this scary game sort of

Fear because the fun of the fun of games is the thrill and the shock you know like the oh goodness that’s that’s not where that limb goes or or something AK to that what am I doing I just realized that was a mistake I need to put this on the rail before I

Can actually use it there [ __ ] in here what’s up we go and that one exploring Series has such a calming voice that’s what I did once I had a mini heart attack when I woke up sp001 logs it just happened I’ve I’ve went to sleep with thunderstorm sounds it’s noises very

Rarely affect what I see in a dream Um sometimes they’ll affect uh what I wake up from in the dream I suppose how I wake up because um you know right fresh after wake up you’re still in a hypnogogic state um so you can you can hallucinate right after you wake up and especially if it’s

A nightmare it’s kind of dark and you’re extremely tired but you know the the basically you’re so tired that the adrenaline isn’t enough to fully Rouse you from sleep then you can see something that you saw in your nightmare standing in front of you in the real

World and it will scare the piss out of you um because you’re still in that hypnogogic state for just a little bit it’s like a sleep proc hallucination but you’re not paralyzed um and then other you know but but like in a general case when it comes to like

Uh you know the the weird [ __ ] like the symbol crashing and the explosions or something you know that wakes you up that’s that’s hypnic my clonia um which is pretty much the uh the the the brain sort of activating every [ __ ] muscle you have to make sure it’s not dead or

Dying it’s it’s a it’s a brief um skeleton muscular skeletal muscular um diagnostic test pretty much you could you could describe it that way and then and then of course you sit there wondering like why the [ __ ] did you do that brain and the brain’s like I

Just had to make sure we’re still alive like why are you doubting it I don’t know but I won’t tell you your unconscious keeps track of a lot more than you do I can hear my dog barking let me go check that I realize how much show be your Channel

Game to content some background backs Let’s Plays video probably led to SCP music yeah a lot of things lead to SCP music that’s what SCP has been a huge Cash Cow for me I’ve a vast majority of my music income has come from SCP of course it’s not livable otherwise I’d be

Streaming a lot more cuz I’d be a lot happier I wouldn’t have to go to work I could actually you know get some sleep for myself a specific schedule for my own hours to work on music do streams and everything that’d be great oh that’s Minecraft noises I I

Thought there was a horn going on outside and I was like oh [ __ ] that’s uh not what I wanted to hear I kid you not guys when I was when I when I the first week I’d gotten here it was in the apartment and I don’t know

How I didn’t hear this before um um but when I got in the apartment there was this one that I woke up on a Saturday and I did not know that on Saturday every Saturday of the week they at around 12: p.m. uh midday they test the tornado sirens cuz

You know I’m was right in the middle of Tornado Alley so I I didn’t know that uh and then they did that and I thought that it was real I thought something was actually happening and what scared me more was the fact that I did not see any clouds

Outside it was a clear sky so I was like why do I hear a tornado siren when there’s a clear sky and I figured something really bad was happening like really bad because all the only other thing I knew is that we have an outrageous amount nuclear fallout

Shelters and the sad part was I did not have the will to get out of my bed and make sure and I just accepted my death until until someone’s like oh no it’s fine it’s uh they just test the sirens I was like Jesus Christ I wish someone told

Me that was that was an unnecessary amount of panic I just went through thinking that think that I was about to die was terrible that really sucked yeah like the post office is a nuclear fallout shelter so is the hospital and I think a couple of the larger churches are Fallout

Shelters I live in South Dakota dude you know you know them them uh them silly Russians are going to be targeting our corn they’re going to nke our corn it’s going to be terrible yeah I realized that I had a dog bro I have three dogs what do you mean your condolences

This is the best state this is the last part of America that’s still America I love this place I deliberately moved here like I drove here this was my final destination I passed through some of the nicest richest most beautiful cities in the US and I went here

From across the United States and I don’t and I don’t regret a second of it I’m extremely pleased with the fact that I can buy my groceries without tabulating them to me that’s like that’s living like a king right there you can buy groceries without thinking about it

You just get food because you’re hungry not because you made slightly extra on your check today and you can afford like a a McDonald’s meal and a half eaten burrito you know that’s that’s that’s pretty luxurious to me cuz I’m used to you know I’m used to not having that

Luxury of being able to afford such basic uh accommodations or Commodities and so now having that it’s like yeah it’s this is this is [ __ ] Paradise here ship what are you going on about I’m British no you don’t get a cond condence you’re British no one no one can no one no one

Gives you a condolence they give a condolence to the people you talk to what if I told you that something is toxic in the snow I’d eat it at least food don’t yeah okay I need to okay guys the stream’s going to get interesting now I

Have to repair my uh I I have to repair the silky one the the fortunate sun will last forever um but I do have to repair the silky one no oh I have 56 now I had I had more [ __ ] for ladders okay cool well yeah why not why wouldn’t I

Eat it it’s just toxic not like it kill me 125.638 all right guys we need to go to hell oh [ __ ] he lives he lives at the world origin oh well oh wait I can I can do a little bit of repair like this okay we’ll probably still have to go to

Hell to go back to the original base and um a little bit of XP but I’ll do this just to do it okay can’t take British race but some are stupid I can’t relate but for us it’s something very different come down to Birmingham yeah as for

Danny purple Turles double G know knock your block off I’m going read all of ts’s text in British [ __ ] European I can’t take the British rage bro some of our [ __ ] are so stupid I can’t late but for us it’s something very different wowers a bro

Did you know I have an IQ of Z . 267 question mark the [ __ ] you guys going on about all right I have gravel I Flint I guess we’ll put it there okay uh put that there aha okay yeah and I’ve got a work e that is not

Existent after a number of a number of incidents bro don’t worry we’re smoking that Boulder roll [Laughter] P hear me out slaves but machines we don’t even have to feed them hook them up to a solar panel and bang I I did I I’m not going to ask anything about

Those uh that that line of statements YouTube is is not receiving enough video my ass it Copper from your copper from my what got a copper popper copper poer right okay so yeah okay that works that’s good enough for me put uh put this in here almost full

Almost got plenty of stone here you stick in there yeah very good machine look me up on that lust layer pack I’m top long what ah why did I even say that why did I entertain such an ocean I think you have a problem and perhaps you should Rectify it with a

Pistol am I allowed I don’t think I’m allowed to say that it’s okay it’ll be our it’ll be our little secret everyone all right we’ve almost filled up all the stone barrels that’s pretty cool then we’ve got all the other [ __ ] barrels to fill up after

That I’m going to use those for lumber storage I just haven’t finished them yet by the way this is my favorite song in the soundtrack now I feel like I’ve got a um I’m fairly certain I’ve got let me let me go ahead and harvest this uh agriculture

Here they should add corn to Minecraft they really should imagine corn in Minecraft and you know what would also be really cool if they had a separate an entirely separate function um of cooking like a like a different [ __ ] uh method for it instead of just crafting if you had to actually like

Cook the food I think that would be really cool like going with different recipes and stuff maybe I’ve just been playing too much ginin um not that I believe in such a thing too much but uh but I I feel like that would be kind of

Cool to have a have a very like a very specific Cooking System that could be more diverse uh than just the crafting recipes that would be fun somebody s should suggest that to to Mojang corn and MC yeah yeah corn with a c you you insignificant [ __ ]

Okay I can’t I can’t wait for YouTube like you can’t you can’t say that that you can’t say it’s very bad okay YouTube I don’t I don’t have ads on my uh stream replays anyway because they are member only because who except for a member who paying money to the channel directly

Would be interested enough to rewatch a stream if they weren’t there in the first place like come on I know I’m cool but I’m not that cool I doubt someone would want to actually go through the effort and watch a stream that they either weren’t a part

Of or just you know aren’t a part of anymore because G’s over I have an thing I have a thing that automatically does this at the other spot in the world but [ __ ] I just want to get this out of my inventory okay grab this real quick okay now let’s go to

Hell do this so I’m not wasting golden carrots doing mundane [ __ ] I’m pretty sure I have just a little itty bitty bit of gold B piece of gold I got to I got to look back around CU I don’t know if I’ve got let me let me look over this spot

Here oh that’s right I was going to I was trying to find another [ __ ] place um I already had this house built but I don’t have any storage out here well I have storage but it’s not official storage yeah cuz this was supposed to be self- sustaining so I didn’t take any of

It back okay this is ah this is fine this is acceptable take it um okay uh but there’s there’s there’s nothing here as I suspected so we go back those were serpent hand ways didn’t pop out in the library though let’s The Blaze sound with the piglin

Sound like the piglin had like a [ __ ] we after taking a long drag on a a cigar sounds like me that’s me for real I’ve got bones in here that FL Pig and ripping that b got the piglin with the oh meal we just make sure we understand that’s bone meal

Okay no not wheat agriculture put all this [ __ ] in here okay um Mel goodness gracious I was going to say melon I guess not I don’t know if that was a hiccup or what I think I think something I ate was still alive and just tried to escape what the

[ __ ] okay that was an interesting experience I’m glad I could share that one with the class oh here aha I found you and I got a little bit of redstone I have a little bit of iron I have a little bit of gold I don’t have very

Many diamonds at all I have just a few emeralds and a tiny amount of lapis Luli and a little bit of coal and then a little bit of copper I have a poisonous potato well um oh hello sauce pan how are you doing you’ve been waiting here the whole time

That’s crazy I should treat you with with love and affection I bet you’d like a piece of meat wouldn’t you you’d love that I’m not going to give it to you I’m also going to leave and not speak to you for ages look how sad he is because of

Me I made this dog depressed wait what are the what just killed the Villager how how did he die oh I don’t have a name for you yet oh that’s where all the chickens from okay see the automatic sugar cane going pretty good oh I do have a storage for

Wood um in here yes that’s right I built this to store wood um what else have I done here oh and uh here is the um see the yeah this is the uh the Quarry first Quarry that goes all the way down um we’ve got this area that I still haven’t

Finished cuz I don’t know what the hell else to do i’ I’ve pretty much gotten this Village exactly where where I need it I don’t I don’t need it to go anywhere else as you see I offer my villagers Freedom got cramped housing but they have freedom to go about I

Extend the village out this way build all these little houses and stuff to make it pretty big I need to I need to add some more Bells so they can make more villagers um plenty of children all that good stuff and we’ve got this uh this uh this place here

Uh which is just an extension go and I want to I want to expand the village all around but I just haven’t been doing that lately cuz I’ve Haven been playing this forever uh jump jump jump trust me jump the intrusive jump no oh um we haven’t seen this uh thing in a

While go up these stairs here got Hearts because the um this entire structure is on top of a gold Farm by the way that’s why there’s a bunch of portal noises got a nice view from here this is the enchantment table room see the portals oh yes the there 16 so they don’t

Despawn hey and then uh I haven’t I haven’t made a purpose through a lot of these rooms um we won’t worry about uh this room so anyway hm we’re we’re we’re going to we’re going to go somewhere else we’re going to go up it goes around that way this little

Underground area or under underground Under the Stairs uh little storage room that I don’t use uh this is where I ideally would put the beacon it is designed preliminarily in order to sustain the beacon but uh I don’t have a beacon so not yet it’s just a decoration room and it

Would look really cool all that’s just hallway there’s there’s nothing there uh these are rooms I haven’t made uses for yet except for the staircases this would eventually extend to that and then um same here these rooms would eventually be used for something but I don’t know

What and uh you know the current current view is loud um and then we can just go up a little higher the very top floor and it’s uh it’s it’s actually kind of a shitty view because of the way that the the windows are you got to have extremely good

Render just or yeah I have a lot of computer power to to really see the view from here um because you have to do like 32 chunks so it’s a pretty good view it’s just good view for a beefy computer does look pretty pretty nice pretty good

Good know where the fog actually stops here anyway um we’re not going to do that to my computer today just going to stick with eight really need an elytra um but uh yeah that’s probably not going to happen anytime soon Minecraft ASMR heart emoji so if we go down here what I

Needed to do was I needed to uh need to go down here with the hand of God us see Works a little bit better um but it’s it’s not incredibly fast at spawning and I think that’s because of the amount of villagers I didn’t really think that

Through um and I’m just now realizing that’s probably probably the case get him angry maybe maybe they would want to pay some attention got two pings in Discord oh it’s just a message M it for fleing uh Li Iron Sky V Machina in a verion music video oh okay I

See come going attack me I need to kill you quickly taking longer than it should oh well there’s a little bit of gold down there that’s pretty good A tiny amount of gold in there fact let me just uh do that yeah know just uh we’ll just do that in

The go down here put some gold in the in the thing yeah okay uh miscellaneous there it is how do I have gold in here oh I bet I put it in there being silly oh it’s that’s why cuz I don’t have I I have a netherite in I can’t I can’t

Upgrade to netherite though I don’t have an upgrade template that’s something they added oh hey guys getting a decent amount of stuff here a perfect opportunity to take a slight break and focus on the Chat stream’s actually been pretty active I’m pretty happy with it I might stream a little more often cuz I’m very pleased with a turn out I didn’t expect a very big turn out in the morning Chad is this real this for real on God With No Cap ow you stupid son of a

[ __ ] no more that’s true M Roblox shorts really uh really do get decent amount of views G willer’s who got like 2,000 but the thing is shorts get disliked so common like I get like a bunch of dislikes on shorts like that not is not I don’t get ratioed by any

Means but like like I’ll get like I’ll get like 36 likes and then like like nine or 10 dislikes I’m like what the [ __ ] why would you go through the effort of doing that it’s not like I you know I mean I don’t know maybe I’m just not good at short form media

Because I like thinking but you do commissions for Roblox games and make music then perhaps that all feels yeah if I want to develop a fan base full of like 5-year-olds there there’s a reason I turn down Roblox games now like some people will occasionally

Ask to like use a song I’ve already made but I don’t write exclusively for Roblox videos or Roblox uh games because you know I don’t want to draw in a bunch of young kids especially not with the the amount of foul language I use on a regular [ __ ] basis and and

The and just the just how insufferable that generation is now it’s it’s very rare there’s there’s kids that are actually you know interesting to speak to will ask you really interesting questions about like like back in the good old days you know you some kid come up to some random

Adult and be like uh do you see the same red I do and it’s like that’s a really cool [ __ ] question now it’s like uh they’ll go like skib guon and you’re like please [ __ ] kill yourself guys do not do not share the resident tonality chat don’t don’t share what happens in heavy

Topics oh you [ __ ] CH I’m going to kill you die die you stupid [ __ ] Jesus Christ this is taking longer than is should don’t don’t tell people about how political Minecraft gets like oh cool look at this guy’s streaming Minecraft bet he’s talking about something funny like calling gold

Butter or something and you walk in like you know geopolitically speaking I think that back in World War II is like oh wait a minute this is this guy probably plays Hearts of Iron Okay the villain had a good point and said I want you it’s okay guys I was talking about hito talk about hito not Hitler was not it was not I think hito was the the guy over Japan right wasn’t that his name hero hito elu my beloved bald man what are you yapping

About I don’t really need more emeralds but you know what I kind of feel like getting some because cuz I’m a greedy bastard so go down here where do I find the most clay not on this level believe it was on this one yeah yes it was think

Maybe let me check and see what the M shaft has here ah yes oh yes very much so but water water there’s water here I don’t want to deal with the water want to outrageously instamine a bunch of clay and then call the day Minecraft day one might

Say welcome to Minecraft where we write a Dr Seuss book it’s going to be a lot of fun fun with with friends and family mine is family and the friends which uh know probably m is the fun too but you know we tried we did our best it wasn’t enough

Uh and uh and we Darwin for the results oh goodness gracious Good Golly Molly oh no more Lush cave so so go here A bunch of clay there’s a reason we get clay good reason we get clay We like clay clay is very cool we’re not making

Any pot pots we’re not we’re not making we’re not making a vase with the stuff we we’re making bank we’re uh oh holy goodness oh dear he didn’t even oh I have the wrong sword to fight this guy I have the wrong swords I entirely have the wrong sword okay come

At I’ll kill you that did not go according to plan okay so um guys I’m good at Minecraft I’m very good at it in fact um just uh still with this uh aquatic um issue here light little dark all right get rid of this water we can take all this

Stuff all this absolute bank here be arm every way to getting more money this is called the um defying all physical law for physical gains Strat almost got this stuff cleared out you even have that realm the the server realm it’s still up yeah I I brought it back up

When I got moved in um so it’s still there I I believe it’s still on the same world but yeah we there’s still the resident tality realm it’s just that I think everyone kind of just forgot about it after I went homeless for like you know a month

Because cuz I wasn’t able to keep it up or anything okay take care of all the water just got to take care of the lighting here cuz oh there’s even more clay Wowe okay I have sharpness so why did that [ __ ] not die on the second hit I have sharpness [ __ ] four on this along with fire aspect and sweeping Edge sweeping Edge doesn’t really do anything about the initial damage but still okay whatever we we lit this whole place up

It’s time to tear it apart using asit such as feeling the military industrial complex that’s the benefits we look for what we been waiting for what it’s all about I could grab the iron and the coal and stuff but uh right now I’m grabbing emeralds H okay that should be sufficient this should

Suffice that is good enough for me now we make money we save money we live better and we do not Walmart Walmart’s very friendly to people until they start working at Walmart he’s going to be an [ __ ] we go to this guy now oh wait that’s it oh

Okay is you can repair your [ __ ] this way as you can tell this is the system’s a little bit broken cool and our pickaxe is fully repaired we can go back to digging best part of Minecraft just digging a hole I don’t I have a thing for a flint I thought I

Did yes I do right here back into hell favorite place to go by the way six people hello welcome thank you for coming to the stream please join the Discord server please make friends we we don’t just need server members we have a lot of server members we just need people to be

Friendly with each other and actually talk so uh if you’re a friendly person you like meeting new people please hold them at gunpoint I mean uh entice them with lovely conversations and fun things I’m thinking of doing some I’m thinking of adding like a question of

The day or something like that just toti people to talk a little bit more cuz you know you don’t you don’t just go into a server just say something you got to have a you know a reason to some point you know unless there’s automatically conversation but

Um but yeah I’m thinking of trying to do something that would sort of instigate that behavior more directly um went all the way down here and did not grab my mine cart this is the ads are about to run where they are already I don’t know I don’t quite know how that works

I’m going have to make me some chili beans here after this stream I am hungry pretty much live on Chili Beans by the way about all I eat when I work I have to drink vitamin C drinks because because I genuinely not eat enough I don’t eat the right food I

Go to I got to work on buying some actual stuff to fix real food I can cook I just don’t cuz you know why would I don’t really have anyone to cook for except myself and I’m easily impressed by a by a well prepared can of horel chili

Beans I’m not difficult to impress at all when it comes to some things other things I’m very difficult to to impress depends on on what I’m supposed to be impressed with and what the the anticipated result is and what might exactly automatically constitute being impressed with any

Specific given thing so yeah know it all depends we’ve been going on 2 hours I think I’m going to go on for three I feel pretty good today so we’re going to we’re going to go on until 11:00 a.m. my time which I kind of want to go to sleep at

10 a.m. from now on but uh at the same time uh that’s not quite going to happen yet because I got I got to get my sleep do that but trying to work on getting a a better sleep schedule better work you know um a better home schedule like

Having a specific day to clean [ __ ] do laundry and all that uh and having a specific time to you know get up and read or work out or all that stuff so um I’m I’m trying to work on work in my head how to how to get all

That down cuz I’m I’ve never really run by any kind of schedule except for when I was a kid you know you know bedtime get up school church all that nonsense um but uh once once I gain my freedom I immediately abused it and you know

Became an nightowl and which I I love being an owl that’s fine with me I don’t okay staying up during the night because I like it better than the day I’ll still wear sunglasses at night too cuz you know sometimes it’s still a little too bright outside uh but know it’s

Uh but all that to say I’ve never really committed myself to actually something that might improve my health mentally nor physically so I’m like oh you know maybe I could try that I feel like that might be better for music I might be better mood more of the time if I didn’t

Always feel like I was dying that probably would increase my capacity for you know my creative integrity and my capacity for um producing um more of my content uh in a in a way that’s not just you know streamlined and mechanical but that’s natural and so if I could sustain such a

Mood uh then I would be able to produce stuff faster than anybody else can and I’m I’m rather certain of that it’s just a matter of it’s like I’ve got a car right I’ve got a car it can go it can go 2,000 M hour without crashing cuz

You know let’s just say it’s an automatic car it go 2,000 m per hour without crashing and so it goes 2,000 mph but it only operates for 5 seconds at a time that’s pretty much how my creative Spirit goes um it runs runs empty on fuel very very quickly um you

Might say well maybe you shouldn’t go 2,000 M hour that seems a little dangerous and it’s like no you’re stupid I don’t want to listen to you but in actuality it’s uh it’s just the case that you know what a bigger engine needs uh a lot more gas and perhaps not just

More gas but better fuel a better fuel source you know uh it’s like do I want to run my power grid on [ __ ] windmills and solar panels or do I want to use nuclear fusion energy that sounds a little bit better but a Dyson swarm’s unaffordable

And I’m getting lost I’m kind of losing the metaphor here but you get what I mean uh I’m trying I’m trying to improve some things so I’m I’m hoping that can all work out all honky Dory um cuz that could that could be very good of course then again despite the

Fact that I write music so quickly when I’m able to um it’s like you know I I feel I feel like if if if a video is getting decent amount of views I publish another one then that other video stops getting views and the other one gets views

Instead it’s like that’s cool I like that you know one of them still getting views but you know I’m not very good at letting things sit if I write a song I publish it the day of I don’t wait to publish it but I feel like I don’t need

To do that I feel like I should be waiting a little bit and Publishing a song later because if I do that then uh then it gives a little bit of time for that uh for that first song to kind of marinate a bit uh you know to uh I’ve

I’ve I’ve got a I’ve got all the ingredients but I’ve got to have them prepared first you I’m not I’m I’m I’m make I’m baking the right cake but I’m not uh I’m not letting it rise quickly enough I’m not I’m not giving it enough

Time to rise so it’s just you know I’m I’m dishing out it’s the cake it’s made with the right ingredients but it’s like all right I baked it for two whole minutes it’s good so maybe I need maybe I need to uh work on doing that and of course I also

Want to expand into other content and that kind of goes back into the whole um nuclear powered car metaphor cuz I’ve got to I’ve got to you know I got to I got to figure that out too so uh but I don’t know it all depends but we’ll see what happens I’m

I’m feeling optimistic at the moment not sure how long that will last but all things considered it’s I’m feeling optimistic about my optimism it seems like this would be uh more viable um in the in the long term and I think it’ll last we’ll just have to see has anyone joined the Discord

Yet I can’t say I don’t want to check I want to leave it in I want to leave it in Quantum super position until I I actually observe it someone just tell me yes and then I’ll look and then it’ll be so trly that’s how it works I read one

Wikip IIA article on quantum mechanics and I know how to control the universe guys believe me please I swear I’m super intelligent okay Terraria is so fun if you’re having a bad day remember I could have been streaming ginin instead I decided not to I love you and

I I don’t want to hurt you my my my beloved viewers I I’ve been I’ve been tempted but I get I get way too immersed I’d stop talking and I’d be like no please don’t don’t do that this character X and character y why can’t you just get

Along well no a sad tragic death or something another people don’t really die that often that would be too cool be able to Bear it put water across this floor here cuz there’s a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] uh that could get me killed in this world

Now and I haven’t died di in a while so I’d like to not die ever again I’ve made a decent amount of progress on this little Quarry though it’s not really a little Quarry it’s a it’s actually quite a sizable quy but I put a lot of effort into it I’m

Pretty proud of it we’re very happy with it okay at least little bit of work down here and there and uh and we can uh see what we can get afterwards that’s right now it’s really more of a decoration it’s not really yielding very much except a lot of building material

In which case uh having the building material will be very good in the further future but not right now don’t think um I don’t think I have’t quite prepared to do the same thing for wood yet but they don’t know if I have a spot built

For that already or not I know I have the initial wood storage but um don’t think that’s exactly what I want to do with it cuz I want I want this area to be my main storage area uh because the the village is more residential it’s got a little bit of

Machinery it’s more residential this is more industrial I want to Outsource all of my all of those uh efforts like you know big storehouses warehouses stuff like that I want to Outsource that to the this little area that’s built more like a bunker rather than the um rather than

The village which is really residential and then the other areas more like a Retreat area it’s like just just my personal estate for this I I I feel like that’s that would be a good descriptor of it which sort of delineates the three areas and then i’ connect them with a small

Nether Highway which which makes things all work out just fine um but I don’t know we’ll see would rather revive the Roman Empire I mean I could I could get on board with Reviving the Roman Empire not the Christian one the the Pagan one do a little bit of work on this side

Now uh okay up here looks like is where we need to begin sort of cut this down a shape make things look nice and pretty as AF mentioned um and depriving myself of chili beans time being to that point I should have just called this digging stream at least people least people would

Be uh more reliably led to what content they were about to consume for the subsequent 2 hours 13 minutes and 35 seconds oh okay weird it’s counting the seconds five at six at a time it’s not counting by seconds on YouTube that’s interesting I don’t know why it’s doing that I don’t

Believe I’ve ever noticed it before the Bell just go off outside that must be the church right bes excited look out the window and see in my bedroom not very pleased with that but acceptable enough I suppose okay um oh boy rain lovely Dr okay um I don’t like

This this I must fix there we go fix this too h Might actually stop the stream at to two 2 hours 30 30 minutes about 15 minutes from now because going rather tired I’m not a happy sport when I’m tired nor hungry we could rather I eight very I will probably do that I’ve pretty much discussed everything that I need to discuss

Um I don’t I don’t have anything else particularly special to share unless someone ask an interesting question in which case I will share an interesting answer you ask a disinteresting question I will make fun of you but so far the stream’s gone very well I’m very pleased with

It and like I said I would definitely be doing this more often in the future I’d like to just do music streams but I’m not popular enough that my opinion on music is really that important to enough people we’ll get there one day one day soon I hope I anticipate

That it will be before September of this year going to the bettered of course but I don’t want to get too up I would say it will be before the end of this year comes to pass that uh I do believe that the channel will grow substantially we’re about to hit 3,000

And that’s pretty good uh for a subscriber count that’s exceptional Beyond exceptional in fact um so hope for the best CU um once once once five digits once we at five digits that’s good that’s good 10,000 um is the sweet number where everything begins because then we then we’ll be

Able to pulling people out quicker and uh and it’s going to it’s just I don’t know it’s just a much nicer look it’s sort of the minor Celebrity Status that’s that’s when that’s when people like oh you’re actually kind of important or or you’re kind of important

Without me having to speak to you to um logically assimilate uh logically ascertain whether or not you do have any um intrinsic material value as a human being just oh you’re popular welcome yoso you’re 2 hours and 19 minutes late where have you been for go I don’t have feather falling I need

To be careful I would like to imagine though that African children in lithium mines have diamond armor Tesla funded diamond armor that glows with actual real working magic and they’re fully armed to the teeth with [ __ ] medieval weapons I feel like I feel like if child

Labor is legal was legal I feel like Elon Musk would actually do that they even have clo of course you would I wonder what I’ll build in these in these quaries once they’re done cuz I I mean I I’m certain I will construct something um not just have an empty

Quarry I feel like I build something but I don’t know what I would build down here what would be functional and viable store such that it would actually be worthwhile to invest in creating an elevator or something probably out of water because how easy it is to make those

Now villager dungeon I already have a villager dungeon I have an entire prison in the main encampment h oh well water goodness lot of water greetings hello welcome you are 2 hours and 26 minutes and 52 seconds late we’re just we’re just wrapping up here but U I’ve got three more minutes

Hello I was talking about you earlier did you you’re this you’re the one that suggested the Roso saying remix if I’m pronouncing it correctly of course um yes so mention you you’re welcome no not about you eating [ __ ] snails me you’re Frenchman no I meant I did mention that I would

Like to try eating es cargo but um out that I good how is it disgusting oh this is a quarry hang on I will explain it in a minute God forgives but I do not through I what are you doing in my house my home going to take some of the I don’t

Like not Obama llama I don’t want to my shovel right so I have a small Cory here yes what do you offer um Coral Vines wheat seeds packed Ice uh the packed ice would have been useful earlier no no no don’t get get get fall down Behold The Power Of An

Angel oh there’s almost said wheat grab these e those yes very good Mr Potter I’ll take this leather and this whip a lead I mean this lead person say to V property yes precisely what occurs in real life they’re not the most useless thing tough blocks are the most

Useless unless they fixed the thing where it’s now actually not an experimental feature anymore because oh I actually need to see if that’s the case is it still not craftable after all this time nope oh this is why level 13 there should be diamonds in this area

Starting soon and then getting a little little bit lower I should be able to get some more but I don’t think the tough bricks have been added which would be a shame because that’s the only T looks so good as a brick or polished it’s a very nice different shade of

Gray it’s very good for the environment but it has not been added yet maybe I I to check and see later once I’ve finished demolishing the staircase I’ll go check that and I think that’s when I’ll cut the Stream CU we’ve got four viewers now so I don’t

Want to get that up by the way if anyone’s here and they haven’t joined the Discord server I once again we’ll remind you to join the Discord server it’s optional right now soon it will be compelled Gazo is our local uh terrorist he will deal with those who do not join the Discord

Server we’re almost there hopefully this should a bit closer to the Deep slate ratio profiling you profile yourself yes that’s yes that is what I’m doing I’m mining in Minecraft can you believe it like what the whole G what’s the game’s entirely about the fundamental purpose of

Minecraft is to mine and then to craft I’ll be crafting in a minute maybe depends on if I can craft tough bricks yet the painter oh I’m not on an island stop comparing me to Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself by the way that’s not a lovely idea don’t encourage him

Gazo stop comparing me to Jeffrey Epstein I don’t own an island you don’t stop I’m going to give you the stick you’re about to pull back down boy boy oh boy stop stop harassing my moderators I’m going to time you out I’m going to Tim you out for a week you’re not going

To be able to speak honestly I’m I’m really tempted to give you a role that locks you off to specifically the less General Channel where you belong you’re a threat to society I’m going to lock you in a rubber room full of rats they’re going to drive you crazy the resident

Insanity no you don’t get a First Amendment you’re not American that’s go bit that’s not how the Second Amendment works and that’s not how the none of you understand the Constitution but then again most Americans don’t either w still can’t do anything with it damn it literally just a block why is it

Still a [ __ ] experimental feature well that’s a shame well everyone I have a migraine currently and I we’ve streamed for 2 hours and 44 minutes and 30 seconds 39 seconds or something 46 now what the hell named boot what a what a stupid name but uh I’m hungry I’m ready

To uh work on something so if you’re not already in the Discord server join the Discord server and I’m probably going to be streaming again soon probably at the end of this week I don’t know we’ll see but until then everybody have a good day and I’ll be sitting in the Discord

Server if someone wants to tester me with something so have a good day good evening or good night goodbye

This video, titled ‘Starting a new Minecraft World in Hardcore – 16’, was uploaded by Resonant Tonality on 2024-01-07 17:13:12. It has garnered 57 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:51 or 9951 seconds.

I haven’t played this in a while, I also haven’t streamed in a while. Come hang out!

DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/hbpdBN7CNq

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQh81TeBMBhrv98PckcUttQ/join

PATREON: https://patreon.com/resonanttonality?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

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Title: "BABY WORKER & HASAN MASTER CITY BUILD! - Minecraft Minecraft: Hasan Usta and Bebek İşçi Develop a City! In a recent Minecraft video, Hasan Usta and his son Bebek İşçi are seen working together to develop a city. The duo transforms their city into a bustling metropolis, attracting a plethora of new residents and filling the city to the brim with life. City Development in Minecraft Hasan Usta and Bebek İşçi’s city development project in Minecraft showcases the creative and strategic aspects of the game. From constructing buildings to managing resources, the duo’s efforts result in a vibrant and thriving cityscape. New Residents and City Expansion As Hasan… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Artyom Pushkin Goes Insane!

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  • Heart-Pumping Minecraft Speedrun Challenge!

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  • Join Froggyarmy for EPIC Minecraft battles! 🔥

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    ULTIMATE WISHING WELL LOCATION IN ZOMBIE CRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE RIGHT WISHING WELL IN MINECRAFT ZOMBIE’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-03-20 13:00:39. It has garnered 2875 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:50 or 1670 seconds. THE RIGHT WISHING WELL IN MINECRAFT ZOMBIE Read More

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  • PvP Network

    PvP NetworkPvP Network Factions, Events & more Discord: https://discord.gg/ESdZNG8VWy Store: https://veikals.pvp.lv/ mc.pvp.lv Read More