Ultimate Minecraft Chill Session with Isadora Heart!

Video Information

Hi whoa it’s been a while um first of all is the audio okay can anyone tell me if the audio is okay am I quiet am I loud I didn’t have time to check hello everybody audio good absolutely wonderful that is absolutely marvelous anyway um wait why is the stream why is

My stream rate like dying what the heck can you not I hope the stream’s quality is okay because apparently it’s like really bad uh sh don’t don’t no one breathe too hard otherwise it might break anyway bit loud uh yeah I’m always loud that’s the issue anyway um so oh wait

Hold on I’ve got like a list of topics because this is kind of like if you did see down in the title it is half zatsu as well as Minecraft um so we will get on to I wrote down the word zatsu instead of the word I meu what was I forgot

Now ah that was it I need to talk about the karaoke stream oh sometimes I cannot remember how to spell Lord karaoke and I have to say it like the Koke otherwise it’s like weird anyway um let’s Paradox live we could talk about Paradox live still haven’t watched it

But like don’t fight you no um gaming I thought that was already set up I thought I set that up already yo hello ah oh my God it’s here oh oh that is not a nice oh oh you okay hello Minecraft can I have like wait hold on options video settings uh

Graphics uh we’ll keep that as fast but we can increase the render distance a little bit I don’t know is there anything else I can do particles minimal maybe clouds fast done okay a it’s been a okay there we go kind of oh it’s still a bit iffy anyway

You’re getting back two assessments oh that’s fun of course you got 100% on that’s we know you’re oh my God my kitties look at them remember when I named them oh that’s upsetting um So the plan for Minecraft is to just kind of like do stuff I don’t know maybe I’ll make a

Farm or something didn’t think that far ahead I just wanted to say hi cuz it’s been a while get back into the swing of things you know um ignore the fact that I start streaming immediately after fara’s Banner ends genin has nothing to do with my lack of streams I

I I well um anyway let don’t think too hard into that uh we are going to get some nice things out just some uh bits and Bobs um so yes once again it’s been a while it’s been forever I should probably go mining I need some iron um it feels so strong

Even though you haven’t slept in 10 days Luna get some sleep honestly sleep is kind of important a little bit crazily enough okay let’s actually cook some potatoes as well it’s crazy maybe I didn’t cook potatoes cuz I don’t have anything to cook it with yeah um maybe sleep is kind of important

Crazily enough and I need an axe when are you going back back to the genin jail um well Navia is I wasn’t like super interested in NAIA at first like she was a pretty character that I wanted to go for but it wasn’t like a case of oh I’m going to I

Can’t wait to get her and I’m going to save up for her but I had a little look online and um I had a little look on mine and she’s got a really cool like skill set um I don’t know if anyone’s particularly if people don’t like

Listening to leaks just like I know cavas or something for like 5 seconds but she’s her umbrella turns into a gun like yo her umbrella turns into a gun and her signature weapon is like a huge axe like so yeah I’m going to get her um get gen and jail is a crazy

Term it is but it’s accurate isn’t it uh so yeah I have been still playing daily and I did um I have still been playing daily for the uh Primo gems cuz I’ve got some welome Moon left over and also for obviously daily commissions and just some general farming like uh doing uh

Nav’s boss which is the uh clock celus dude dude bro you know um um and I’m also working slowly through the Aron Quest um I did just for pra gems not even for like the LA and stuff however that ties nicely into it that ties very nicely into um another

Conversation topic I wanted to talk about which is going to be a second channel of mine well ignore the fact that I did actually plan to have a second Channel but I didn’t go uh and I kind of make a video for that but I don’t want to talk about that one cuz

That just kind of flopped not flopped in it didn’t get many views flopped as in I only made one video for it but yeah no I do want to make another Channel I feel like it um it makes sense just in terms of like a YouTube

Algorithm if I want to grow more viewers uh doing things other than streaming it makes a lot of sense to um make another channel for that sort of stuff uh so that will be coming along soon uh I proba won’t announce it immediately well like as you know I’ll

Uh I’m hoping to get like you know a good five videos on there before I like properly announce it you feel stronger than ever no Luna Luna big no no please go to sleep you feel like a villain uh that’s not a good thing particularly sorry um it I know I took a

While to to like reply to you it will have it’s been like 2 2 months no not 2 months oh my God it hasn’t been that long it’s been about um how long has it been aie hello how are you how you doing no sleep only awake Golden

Dragon have I seen you before I don’t think so maybe but no please sleep everyone has to sleep it’s important sleep is very important thank you um but yeah the other channel that I want to do is focus more on like theories and stuff and not um like

Discount Game Theory uh or anything but like more things just my current obsessions basically just a place where I can talk about my current obsessions like Ariel mentioned earlier I don’t know if Ariel’s still here but uh Paradox live I’ll probably do like I’d love to do a video on that and

Obviously mgram and genin and you know I’m doing great how are you I see I’m doing wonderful I’m a little bit like all over the place because this is my first stream back for in a while like especially since like uh recently especially like uh when I was

Obsessively playing genjin I was very socially drained and I think because I know I did for a while sit on in on like a bunch of um I I don’t have audio on sorry I’ve just realized um you’re new or welcome welcome uh dragon would you prefer to be

Called dragon or golden or Golden Dragon or maybe you’d like to be called 5822 um but yeah I went through like a really awkward phase where I was just very socially drained and I didn’t want to talk to anyone so I just like didn’t go on Discord for

Ages um and I felt really bad because I had a bunch of Mis messages and it was like oh I’m sorry but at the same time I just couldn’t it’s just one of those things my silly goofy brain was like no thank you oh I could talk about

Encyclopedia oh my God I could should I should we should we talk about encyclopedia I don’t know um would it be awkward if he was actually here no the likelihood that he is one of the very few people who watch me it’s very it’s very small hopefully hopefully I’d cry cuz that

Would be really awkward um selfcare is important wait any and all wait any all okay Wait why why can’t I read it’s been a while since I’ve streamed so you know deal with my lack of reading ability uh do it do what uh calling you uh 5822 no F I can’t even read I can’t read I’m incap get up genin oh my God actually that’s really funny

Um um I did in fact the only game that I’ve been playing recently is genin so um when I went to open up Minecraft for this stream uh I opened up genjin first of all so uh that’s embarrassing I was just like just absolute muscle memory at this

Point just opening up genin and that’s so depressing like excuse you I was and it took me a second to realize and it was like oh yeah I think I think I’ve got a bit of a problem um but I am mice hello mice I am

Remot oh my God I was also making like a little goofy little song and I just didn’t do that I’m going to have to like I don’t know if I can oh my God and I want to walk on a cover with someone I wonder if somebody from I’m not good at

Singing obviously uh I’ve talked about that and I oh ties into the karaoke but I think um it would be fun to do a what whatam call it thing a bob yeah you think um okay my brain’s blanking yeah a cover cuz that’s just fun particularly I would love to do a

Cover of a um milgrim song did you see I posted my Spotify wrapped on uh Twitter earlier and it was it was so it’s not what I was expecting um I wasn’t expecting Diamond City Lights to be the top song also Um yeah Diamond City Lights was top song which wasn’t expecting but that’s valid um luxium was my like top artist I genuinely wasn’t expecting to get so many vber songs cuz I listen to a lot of different things according to Spotify I only listen to eight genres though which

Is kind of funny like I don’t know how many genres exist in um on Spotify but I feel like eight is quite a small amount um but yeah I didn’t get as many minutes this year either last year I got 42,000 this year I got 35,000 and I’m

Like I’m going to need to like work on listening to more songs uh next year also I would like to get um uh the barbatos song barbatos is that is that the right yeah that for some reason his brain just my brain just was like is that his is that his name

Yeah the Aly that one cuz like that a good song and I’m ready to like and it I listened to it 600 times last year and this this year apparently less than 300 that’s all I know because Diamond City Lights was about 300 does anyone have too much

Blood they want to give me uh I have some in my cupboard if you would like to have some just some spare blood lying around have I not even finished my roof what the heck I thought what did I do what the heck is that pass is he what did you Do okay um oh yeah I will talk about the karaoke now that I’ve been reminded hello sir there’s a spider in my tree there’s a spider in my tree um yeah so I wanted to do a karaoke tomorrow it was going to be like um in the middle of the day so I

Didn’t disturb anyone sleeping and also uh you know issue is issue is uh something came up last minute and now I’m going out and doing some Christmas shopping tomorrow so uh I’ll try and do it next week either Tuesday or Thursday it gives me more time to learn the songs as well I

Did a test and they sounded awful the devil is back oh my God it’s am hello am how is am doing on this fine day also those leaves are depressing I’m I’m changing those leaves um options video settings I think it was just like freaking out for a bit

Um Graphics fancy Done Right There we go that looks better that looked so ugly with the black oh my gosh and Michael’s here too everyone’s here it’s so nice seeing everyone again I was actually nervous coming up to this I was like like oh my God what if I’ve just forgotten how to

Stream it’s been so long what if I don’t know what to talk about and also obviously I mentioned I was being very socially uh withdrawn recently because I I just felt kind of icky so I was worried that this would make me feel so much worse but it’s so

Happy I love seeing all you guys it’s so nice you guys are great oh that’s another axe gone um I want to say this is going to be a bit of a shorter stream but at the same time I having a lot of fun already talking but then again it’s only been 17

Minutes I think I’m going to oh goodness me my throat’s been hurting a lot recently though not hurting but like I don’t know how to describe it uh not even a I think I’ve just got a cold I think it’s just like a cold sort

Thing I I barely go outside I don’t know how I get colds although I have been trying to do that more recently um there was a new Starbuck that opened like close by me so I thought oh my God why don’t I be like an aesthetic it girl

And um I I dressed up I had a jumper a cute little like hair bow my hair was in a ponytail with like a bow and it was like I look I looked adorable uh with like a jumper with a collar and it was like oh I dressed up and I was like

Right I’m going to challenge myself going to this brand new place I’ve never been in before and I got scared and didn’t go so I just went to my usual Costa um I I stood outside for like I stood outside of the like uh the Starbucks for like

Literally um 15 minutes going like okay okay okay repeating what I was going to say I was going to be like you know hello can I please have um well first of all I wanted a green tea no no oh my God uh first of all I was like I wanted

A green tea but apparently they don’t do green tea they have a bunch of different teas but not green tea and I was and I wanted green tea and then they had a match of latte and I was like hm maybe I should ask for a match of latte but I’ve

Never had one and I don’t know how they’ll like then and then I thought maybe I’ll order through the app but I don’t know how to order through the app and I was panicking so in the end I just um there’s like three Costas near me

Costa I don’t know if they have in them in America but they’re basically just a coffee shop uh they have three custers near me and I can only go to one of them cuz I’ve been enough s that I’m not like uncomfortable there so I just went there

Instead and got a nice um what was it it was like a roasted hazelnut latte it was kind of gross cuz I don’t like coffee but the cream was nice on top Michael are you from FEPS what feels like a while since iau a stream it’s been a while since I’ve actually

Streamed to be honest it’s been forever sorry once again uh it’s been a while since I’ve streamed so I am kind of I don’t know I’m kind of being awkward with the whole like responding to messages it does take me a while I keep going off on

Tangents I just need to get back into the swing of things don’t worry I’ll get back into it um oh why you trying to get colds uh I’m not trying I swear they just happen oh I should probably get Um um Michael are you from no Luna I think that’s another Michael don’t cry Luna I’ve actually never been to a coffee shop really it took me a while like um I’m I wouldn’t I don’t like saying I’m I have social anxiety I don’t like saying that because I’ve never been like

Officially diagnosed except when the doctor put it on a letter but like they never said to me like oh you have social anxiety but they were like oh you can’t go to work because you have social anxiety but they didn’t say that to me

Directly they said it um like I I got a sick note so I don’t know I get paranoid that people are going to like call me out and be like you don’t actually have it you’re just self diagnosing so I I love overthinking everything uh but yeah no there’s only

One coffee shop that I can go to comfortably on my own I’ve been trying to get like um like somebody to go with me to the other one um uh to the Starbucks cuz I’ve been like I can’t go alone the first time if I go a couple times with someone else

Then eventually I get comfortable and I could go but you know um uh I’ve actually never been to no worries it’s all good for the um taking a while to respond I hope that’s what you meant because thank you um don’t leave me here Michael Michael help me what are you okay

Are you anxious to be social yes but like I might not actually have social anxiety I might just have I might not actually be anxiety because I don’t like Panic as much as other people might that’s how we sound who what who sounds who sounds

What I feel like I should cover up this lava pit but like I don’t want to I feel like I might need it but it’s going to I’m going to die oh I will this will be my death eventually believe me did I Let Die last time in this I can’t remember Um hi okay yeah that uh that’s what I was I meant and then am was quoting a for nothing oh okay I don’t know everything about FNAF I might eventually it might who who knows maybe it’ll become a genin thing where I get like obsessive over it and then I’ll learn

The entire law but for now um U actually I don’t I don’t want to um uh I was talking about the voice you made I have no idea what voice I made um you introverted because you were shy I’m introverted to avoid people we clearly are not the same people are

Stinky I don’t like going near near people online people are fun for the most part 99 80% of the time online people um uh socially anxious equals social anxiety yeah but I might be over exaggerating my anxiousness I might not actually be like actually anxious and I

Might just be awkward I might be socially awkward not socially anxious and people might get mad at me if I try to self diagnose so you know the the lava hole of content GS it will be funny if I die and lose all of my stuff that’s that’s the good thing

About I’m just introverted in general I’ve always been super introverted um even like when I was younger when I wasn’t like scared of people uh idea for the lava pit you could fill it with some stuff into a heart formation that’s so cute oh my God oh my

Gosh okay right I will figure out how to do that um I will have to like H I will figure out how to do that oh God I almost died um I think if you think so much about it like whatever you have is sp no no no no I don’t want

People to get about at me uh e is the biggest and scariest prin I am very big and very scary and intimidating and everyone’s super duper scared of me um oh wait hold on uh isn’t that just wait isn’t it just that people can’t handle the intimidating all right yeah

People are just scared of me people are just very intimidated and scared of me all the time M I’m not moving around enough I I got so used to just sitting in one place when playing genin and not moving cuz I used to have a PNG when I played genin

Well when I do play genjin on stream I have to use a PNG so I need to like move around more cuz I’ve got a movable model I’m actually extremely extroverted and the equivalent of s from SpongeBob I wish I was extroverted imagine being able to talk to someone imagine feeling un comfortable

Being and like actually being able to talk to people that’s crazy that’s crazy um actually uh an awkward thing happened awkward a thing happened on genjin when I was farming for finina artifacts because oh by the way I got C3 forena I had 18 pity no not even 18 I

Think it was more like 10 actually it was all like 15 I know I had like less than 20 pity and I was just like I had a I was grinding out the last few wishes that I could like you know doing everything I could to get you know a few

More Primo G and I got her and I was like dying that was mental I I’m so happy um so yeah I got her to C3 I’ll be saving up for Navia I’ll try and get Navia once and then I’ll save up for F’s rerun where I can see six her and get

Insanity to do whatever I want insanity will become my slave Forever Wait hold on yeah no Insanity said if I see six finina uh he’ll do any favor for me so I could just be like for my favor can you uh do whatever I say forever thank [Laughter]

You hello Jesse how are you can you talk with the ground for me huh I can talk to the ground hello Mr ground how are you doing today Pat Pat Pat oh you’re feeling very well that is very good you know I hold on did do okay actually

That’s sorry for punching you Mr ground I’ll sit here so I can get eye contact you know eye contact important hello Mr Grand yes yes how are you yes you’re doing very good yes yes yes yes I’m sorry I know life can be hard sometimes I know it’s so hard with people stepping

All over you but it’s okay I believe in you Mr dir you can do it you can get through this you are strong and independent you know and you’re so pretty looking you know you are the basis of Minecraft like you are like the mascot of Minecraft you Happ them to

Have more uh what’s the word self-confidence Mr dirt block you are amazing and a wonderful person wonderful block and you’re great and amazing so thank you so much for Existing there you go I talk to the ground for you who has remark uh I wait I know I’m about to raise attention in the room where I was wait what I know how to raise tension in a room without saying a single syllable I also know how

To uh no hit how to make people feel insecure oh my God no I I feel guilty like speaking I’m like oh no what if somebody doesn’t like my voice and is like oh no um are you projecting to a death like no Clen hi hi Clen we were um I was

Asked to talk to the ground so I did um I will get some more iron to get some before I F this into a cute little heart shape I will try and get some iron so I can get a bucket to you know uh scoop it out a bit more

Guess you could say that was pretty down conversation it was indeed that’s kissing yeah I was giving it like a motivational speech and then gave it like forehead kisses I was talking at first you may have missed the talking path but I was giving a little pet talk cuz the you

Know sometimes it feels like you know it’s just being stepped all over and nobody really cares about it everyone’s all like o diamonds and netherite but no one stops to appreciate the dirt and I did that I make the dirt feel appreciated in life because you know not

Everyone in life is a diamond some of us are just a block of dirt and I think everyone deserves to be appreciated including those silly little blocks of dirt uh thanks the grand is now happy yeah you only done to kissing [Laughter] I promised I was doing talking to oh my

God and CR gamer everyone’s here it’s crazy everyone’s coming in and it’s like it’s been so long I was worried that no one would join in I was worried that like no one would join the stream and I’d be talking to myself for ages because I know I just haven’t streamed

For ages but I’m so happy that everyone’s here I’m so happy I appreciate all of you thank you so much for coming um I’ll give you guys forehead kisses next um I told you I was the devil no hello dude goodbye dude bro we do not although I appreciate everyone I do not

Appreciate Mr zombie man we sir please I’m just trying to live my life I’m just trying to live my life a happy little life in Minecraft can you please leave me alone can you please leave me alone hello sir hello would you like fore kites too sometimes even zombie ah nope I was

Going to say sometimes even zombies need to be appreciated he did not want farad kisses he did not want kisses he did not Oh wrong button he did not want farad kisses feel rejected like okay I was going to make you I want it to be helpful and you just

Hurt me toxic relationship honestly dude I I I don’t think we can see each other anymore I don’t know I’m I’m prioritizing myself here look so hugs no no get now toxic relationship Leave Me Alone um run run run run speed okay I probably shouldn’t get oh more toxic relationships me no likey

Toxic do I have any I have torches I have no weapon no he’s coming stay back please please just die thank you I panicked um car would come see you when your oh everyone stop she’s after the red flags again no I I understand the toxicness of this one

Hug the creeper forus now that zombie was you Luna I just wanted to love and appreciate him well I’m going go okay bye-bye Clen thank you for stopping by it was very nice to thank you it was very nice to see you I’m sorry that you came in at a very awkward

Time can you hear how clicky clacky is my clicky Clacks this is why you need weapons yeah I had an axe earlier also I was going to look for iron but I didn’t find any that’s upsetting but I got coal so I can now make jacket potatoes can’t you

Do you could do English UK yes please oh I’m still crying I remember I just remembered that cuz I said jacket potatoes and I think that’s funny and I think we should do the British the British Minecraft your keyboard is ASMR that’s I do this keyboard was um marketed as silent uh

So that was a lie but it’s very nice it’s a very nice clicky clacky my mouse is silent though which is which is nice I did before this have a very clicky clacky Mouse as well but I’m glad it’s a a silent one now clicky clack click clickity clack

Clickity clack the train is on the track huff and puff huff and fluff clickity clickity clickity clack that’s a Peppa Pig song in case you were curious I have a lot of Peppa Pig songs ingrained into my mind like noar North Star are you near or are you

Far can we get there in the car what else what else we’ve got what’s the airplane one um Flying high in the sky flying high and high and high uh yeah that’s what uh three younger sister does younger sisters does to you years and years of Peppa Pig

Um this one’s this one’s the yeah okay okay and then we’ll go here here here we’ll make a nice little fence gate uh I am from FNAF now okay uh Luna from FNAF for real real not clickbait hashtag hash not clickbait let me sleep I don’t know what

That was but f it was Peppa Pig songs oh I hope Peppa Pig doesn’t like strike me or something oh no what if I get a copyright strike from Peppa Pig actually that would be kind of legendary imagine being like yo Peppa Pig demonetized my channel forever I don’t get money from it

Anyway I don’t get money from it anyway so it’s not like it can particularly demonetize me but you know they can try Peppa Pig try to silence me I will not be silenced I don’t know I don’t know anymore I forgot how like mental I feel

When streaming like I I don’t know what happens I feel like my brain just like collapses in on itself and I just start speaking nonsense um you’re giving PTSD from when I had to look after from when you had to look after your nephew oh I have as I said I have three

Younger sisters children are adorable and amazing but they’re oh 707 defender of Justice group up this is you guys this is chat m and then obviously the others being Mystic messenger references is just typical absolutely typ I ate all the stupid carrots didn’t I I need I’m planting the potatoes silly goofy

Isador Peppa Pig karaoke okay what the heck were you doing um what was I saying oh yeah Peppa Pig karaoke for real we’ll just do my karaoke today uh what is another uh Grandpa’s little chain Grandpa’s little train goes cho cho ch ch ch ch Grandpa’s little train goes cho

Cho day long I think all through the town I don’t know which way it goes but yeah Grandpa Pig has his um G the train you know we all know G the train right uh and me when I try to think of other um PPP songs but I’m blanking what about

Birdy buddy woof woof what the heck oh my God let me get the lyrics up um birdie birdie woof woof song by the pig family the bird goes woof and the dog goes tweet woof tweet woof tweet woof woof woof the sheep goes moo and and the

Cow goes ba moo ba woof tweet woof ba moo tweet woof woof woof the bird goes woof and the dog goes tweet woof tweet woof tweet woof woof woof the sheep goes moo and the cow goes by moo ba woof tweet woof by moo tweet woof woof woof best

Song that’s my uh favorite song for real wait hold on uh an intruder in the bedroom report him F kill it’s a reference to a g is it among us there is an imposter among us three I bet they love the path of girls I bet you thrill what huh three

Oh I was the one who was really into Power Puff Girls um we’re all quite far apart in age like uh my old oldest sister is almost 13 and the youngest is fall that took me a second so we’re all very far apart in age

Um but yeah I was the Powerpuff Girl L Blossom commander and the leader bubbles buttercup she is the toughest fighter Powerpuff save the day fighting crime trying to save the world here they come just in time oh my God and I also used to watch pal of Girls Z oh that was

Don’t care whatever anyone said I don’t even know if that’s like widely appreciated I don’t know if people like that but I did I loved the PO of girl Zed that was so good hey look there’s more lava what the heck I love my little anime girl girly

Pops you know it’s just it’s just built different I pull a damn good mojo jojo impression oh my God that is and him oh my God that is such a flex I actually haven’t seen the new one though uh I’ve seen clips from it and I

Didn’t like it cuz uh like the only re reboot that I accept is the pap of girls dead because that’s like you know it’s taking the concept and uh messing with it a little bit so you know there’s nothing weird about them being in as Secondary School High School uh in Zed

But in like the new reboot it’s just kind of like weird why are there so many Iron Golems I feel like I I should be allowed to kill some of them but iron oh my God there’s so many but he’s going to hurt me he’s going to hurt me okay huh huh

Huh huh please die I will make him die uh this talk of Pap girl remind me of something funny you remember the group of green people the like amoeba Bros or whatever they were called was that the first time I got iron in this world oh my God that’s kind of

Embarrassing the amoeba guys oh they were literally like the amoeba Bros or the amoeba gang or something right go give it hug and the power of friendship will kill it I’ll pass this one time maybe another time sadly the power of friendship only kills some

Things um why should I do this I feel like I should do the I’ve been I’ve been trying to like figure out a way to make this cute little uh I’m going to sneeze again again I haven’t sneezed once during the stream why did I say

Again yeah I need to do a farm uh I don’t want it to be quite big oh do I not do an underground farm I like being able to see things from on top of the world how about we do half above half below I think so but I remember when one

Of them became wait huh maybe it wasn’t wait the amoeba like the little like green Wiggly dudes hold on can I get a picture up Um uh hold on let me a Power Puff Girls villains villains I can never I can’t spell the word villain oh yeah no they weren’t the it’s not the IM am gang what I completely forgot about those dudes I do not know the name of them I recognize them so much what are

They called can you tell me what I’m literally looking uh I I found I found images of them but I cannot find the name of that little group and it’s annoying me the green the Gang Green gang that was it the Gang Green gang there you go

You know you know I remember them a I love the powerp girls I want to rewatch some of them oh my God and fuzzy Lumpkins oh they had some very pretty characters anyway oh God I missed I think it was Ace was that wait do I need to go find it now U Ace was is was that the main guy he he sounds like the main guy Ace is the guy with orange blue vest

And always we sunglasses yeah he’s like the main dude he he’s a bit of a charmer is he now um wait oh God uh I got history homework for tomorrow oh my God remont remont no annoying little what annoying little bread you must wait your

Since I moo I’m the first and you is the other no I am first and you are second I I almost knocked over my PC maybe I am maybe I am just sad but yeah I think it was became like a place that’s so cool oh thank you m I’m assuming little

Arturo is the tiny one big Billy is the big one snake is the snake one I don’t know who gr is I don’t know which one he what he looks like let’s just start building Now why am I just in like a singy silly mood today I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know do I do no two two is fine um now I do want to do a little fancy fancy little schmancy little guy here so we will uh I think yeah keeping the wood

Just to add a little bit of difference in Whatchamacallit in colors because there’s going to be a lot of pink which is valid we appreciate a lot of pink however it is nice to have a little bit of color difference with the like purpley color uh so right also make make

Uh planks I don’t think we need stairs I don’t know do that does that look okay I don’t know three four 5 six seven eight let’s got eight across there um what else was I going to talk about uh web comic I wanted to talk

About my little web comic I have so many ideas now I have um two by so many ideas I mean like three in total one of them being wait 1 two three 4 five 6 7 8 one of them being like a really old idea 1 two

3 four five six uh that I’ve had for like literal years um well the characters I’ve had for years but um funnily enough uh the story has changed and it’s been everything from a Sci-Fi murder mystery to a medieval like fantasy Adventure like the characters

Have stayed the same but I do not know what to put them in oh my good Ariel welcome back um oh not wrong thing but yeah and the other two are cute little romances that I want to do one two one two one being um I I have

Shown a picture of the characters on the in hey Isa want a game idea sure go for it give ideas oh maybe a collab idea I need to do more collabs I haven’t been streaming much anyway so there’s not it’s hard to do collabs when you haven’t been streaming

Is it going to be that new new game that’s come out recently uh what’s it called I forgot his name the horror game that cuz chess and the other members of Wonder light were talking about it uh the new y Le and Company chess was like eat this I’ve

Got it and I’m scared and I don’t um oh my God I it’s Miko hello hello Miko how are you it’s always scary having you on here cuz you’re so cool um what was I going to say yeah yeah yeah no I want to play the game but

It’ll probably have to be actually no it wouldn’t have to be after Christmas it’s not that expensive it’s just I spent so much money in finina and now it’s Christmas and I have to buy a bunch of Christmas presents and I don’t really have the

Money to do much else well uh I don’t think so I don’t know I have to get like I spent I can’t say out L just I spent about $160 on um on my on a joint present for my uh two younger siblings I need to get

Something for my mom still and my youngest uh sister I almost said daughter like uh I I I don’t have a daughter uh I was so confused I was like I couldn’t think of the word sister and I just kept thinking daughter nope I do not have a daughter

Um but yeah and then I need to get a few extra bits and Bobs also yes lethal company is amazing it’s it’s cheap it’s probably like £8 I’ll I’ll get it when I next get paid oh maybe I should um I have some things that I’ve been

Needing to sell for ages I could sell them I just um oh Sorry my brain’s just not braining today I did say that today was going to be a slightly uh shorter stream maybe I’ll go for like an hour and a half literally just because I need to get back into things you know you know I need to get

Back into things it is VE okay hold on it’s very difficult to stream like get the mindset of streaming I feel maybe not like when you’re used to it but I’ve had like two whole weeks where I just didn’t stream so brain says no okay that’s perfect oh my God I’m so

Good at Minecraft I’m a Minecraft pro oh that was a chicken coming towards me I thought it was the creeper and I was going to cry I’m not scared of some Silly Billy Monsters the Monsters can’t hurt me because I have a secret weapon wait it’s been an hour already it has

Well not quite it’s been 50 minutes not quite I am going to make these into iron Nuggies okay um me when I throw a fit cuz I don’t have a center here like that would have been cute if I had an actual Center and I don’t have a pickaxe I’m going to kill myself no I’m not it’s fine sorry I said it stop making the joke I’ve been trying

I swear I’ve been trying it’s just it’s it’s just a habit it’s just a habit I’m trying um actually that leads me into what I wanted to talk about earlier uh itchy itchy itchy there’s like a friend that I’ve recently made on genjin I know crazy I was like farming for finina um

Artifacts and you know as usual I did a I went into Co-op world just you know makes life easier doesn’t it and um they were like yeah no no we’re not we’re not going two people like started talking and we like yeah no we’re not actually

Going to do the domain we’re going to sit here and ask you some questions and it was kind of really weird but um now we’re friends I think unless they hate me and they’re just pretending to like me but you know it’s it’s fun it’s fun making new

Friends and we did like a thing uh recently where they were like it was like a game uh to see who’s done the most cooking in genjin so we take it in turns the three of us would take it in turns to name a random dish in genin well not um and

Whoever had the uh oh no whoever had the most of that specific dish got a point uh I didn’t win cuz apparently I didn’t cook enough so I’ve been obsessively cooking just in case we uh do a rerun so I’ve got so much food in genjin it’s

Crazy hello there record gamer how are you doing how’s life are you are you vibing are you living life well um we I knew it I just knew it wouldn’t line up perfectly look at that that’s annoying I heard wait huh Co cane oh genjin oh oh you

No uh I would offer to let you talk about it but if it is like oh this sounds so mean to say but um you are free to talk about it uh but just try not to let it uh overtake the stream or anything you know you can you can uh if

You do want to talk about it you can but just try not to bring the mood down too much this sounds so mean this is so mean of me genuinely not for any like rude reasons just because this is an entertainment hopefully you don’t even

Have to talk about it if you just want to vibe that is fine we can Vibe and try and take your mind off things hopefully that’s what we’re here for everyone just be happy well okay I can’t make you be happy it’s not like I’m going to hold a

Knife your neck and be like be happy or else be happy or you can smile smile for me I’m going to head off for a bit got things to do if you’re still alive a thank you so much it’s very nice to see you again Michael thank you for stopping

By and I will definitely uh see you next uh see you see you another time if you decide to come again you don’t have to no pressure I realized that sounded like a you have to come it’s not I swear you have to come next time

Everyone you have come once you have uh you have come once there you have to be here forever you can never ever ever stop coming to my streams I’ve trapped you forever um yeah it was fun being back it was fun for me it was so fun for me to be back

Streaming oh my God Right Touch run doesn’t YouTube sensor something like that though oh yeah no I don’t mean like like genuinely it’s just another have been times where um some people have ranted some vented not ranted more like a vent and I not like unprompted

I’ve been like hey if you want to talk about things you can but uh then I feel guilty because uh it brings down the mood for other people on stream so it’s like it’s a it’s an awkward thing because you want to you want to make

Everyone happy and you want to listen to people’s problems but at the same time you uh want everyone everyone to enjoy the and some people might feel like Especial you don’t want anyone to feel triggered or anything and it’s like ah how do I make everyone happy knife to my neck no

No I actually can’t really say anything I’ve been making those jokes way too much recently um that friend in genin actually uh it’s gotten to a point where he’s just like he just expects me to say um stupid things about like o yes I would just I would that cuz he

Was I forgot what it was but and he was like so you’re saying if like you know if I jumped off a bridge would you jump with me uh as a like you know that saying and he was like wait never mind cuz he’d probably do it either way and

He was like you don’t like those jokes too much oh I’m sorry Aqua I’m sorry I have been uh in uh on stream especially I’ve been really trying to hold back there’s the sudden unprompted I’m going to myself uh but I have been trying to

Hold back on those and I will get to the point where they stop um where they stop slipping out uh just got a CU trying to sense myself it’s like it’s one of those things where I personally find it really funny but I know that other people can

Feel uncomfortable so I’ll do it with friends but we do my best to stop myself from doing it to in just in general I’m literally Ryan golin from Drive 2010 I do not understand that reference I am so sorry I do not get that um oh my God it’s almost

Midnight ah thank you for holding back it’s okay it’s just a general thing cuz I know lot not like everyone uh likes that sort of thing and it’s it’s easy to just be like oh yeah I’m I’m okay with it so everyone else must be okay with it cuz you

Know but yeah it’s obvious that different people like different things and um you know just just another form of humor anyway talking about humor let me talk about something really funny that happened recently something absolutely hilarious I was crying on the floor with laughter um it’s midnight and now give

Me cool points and I’ll be happy everyone here gets immediate five cool points five the six I think people who are here you get five cool points each um if you type in the chat Izzy is awesome then you get another another 20 uh so type Izzy is awesome and you get

20 extra cool points just forcing people to um oh my ego uh what should I do for a path do you think wood Iz is heck yeah I reckon no no say Izzy is awesome oh I can do so much with cool points if everyone’s so desperate for

Them I need to like actually I thought I remember when I first started streaming I was like yeah I’ll pass out cool points every stream I didn’t do that easy easy i z z y oh you can use my full name if you’re feeling fancy Isadora heart I will I’ll cry

Um anyway I’m actually really happy that you’re back I’m really happy that I’m back it’s been so long and as I said I was kind of like panck before the stream I was like oh no I’m going to be like really uncomfortable I’m going to it’s been so long since I’ve streamed and

It’s going to like make I won’t know what to say or do no one will come because i’ like I basically just disappeared of the face of the Earth everyone’s going you know and I’m here now and it’s like yo I’m so happy it’s so much

Fun um we’ll add some Cobblestone I like doing this kind of like a rough looking path and also it allows me to add some Cobblestone stairs without being too jarring I’m that one mysterious viewer that the stream needs sorry no sorry wait what oh yes it’s okay you add um it’s

Okay it gives me someone to be angry at no I’m joking I’m not angry I love you um it’s been a while since I visited one of those streams it’s been a it’s been a while since like I’ve I haven’t even okay just don’t don’t don’t say anything uh I haven’t even

Been watching my friend streams like usually you know with Ariel I’ll be in like Ariel and chess and like a bunch of other people I’ll always be in the like chats and stuff but I haven’t even been watching them because I’ve just been so socially dead and genin has um ruined my

Life so that’s fun thanks genjin thanks so much genin really appreciate it it’s gotten to the point where like uh genin’s like absolutely taken off my life it’s it’s g i will be maybe I’ll play some tomorrow night on YouTube usually I do on Twitch but you know I

Prefer streaming on YouTube in just in general so but yeah since I can’t do the karaoke tomorrow maybe I’ll just play some genin I don’t know what I’ll do on genjin though I’ve pretty much like pretty much all I do on now he just wait for my resin to regenerate and just

But oh I should show off my finina I can show off my finina I can be like yo guys look at my finina and you guys can be like oh my God she’s so good and amazing karaoke yeah I was going to do one uh but I can’t do it

Um since I’m going out Christmas shopping tomorrow so what haven’t you don’t engage well I haven’t finished like the uh quests and stuff so I could go through the quests thing is I just kind of skipped through them um I have another account specifically for paying actual attention to quests and stuff

Um so on like my main account I just skipped through a bunch of things so it was not very interesting so I don’t know also my sumeru Um my samaru exploration is like 40% or something so we could explore samario a bit more I’ve been going through like the king desat uh pyramids and stuff which there is so much law in there and I’m just like I I I haven’t been paying attention

To the story so I don’t know what’s going on but it’s like so cool and while I was like going through them I was watching uh wend goon’s 9-hour long conspiracy theory video and I was just like overwhelmed with just um brain stuff it was kind of funny cuz I was

Like trying to pay attention slightly to the law of like King desat and uh genin and at the same time I was being like bombarded with mental conspiracy theories and I was was like oh okay wait did you finish the Aon Quest I’m still um like halfway through suu’s Quest so no

Um I am slowly making my way through it but yeah I’m still in samaro oh my is my pockets my pockets are full what the heck uh where is my lovely little farm there it is so oh my God Christmas shopping tomorrow I love Christmas shopping I kind of wish

I did it a little bit closer to the time but I like being organized and I love wrapping up presents oh it’s so much fun I always go like overboard you know I have ribbon and like you know make little bows and it’s so fun I love Christmas and I’m

Going to bake gingerbread not tomorrow but like eventually oh I also need to make some Navia cupcakes I made some finina ones when she first came out so I should probably make some Navia ones too it makes sense since it obviously brought her home I got four Finas in total like that’s mental

Four of them who first five star that I have a constellation on likeit first nonstandard Banner five star so you didn’t meet fora yet you love her I will love her I um I got my friend to spoil the um hold on let me get a drink quickly uh I got

My friend to spoil the newest archon Quest the one where it kind of like goes into finina and fos and the actual like um what what’s going on there cuz I was like I need to know more cuz she is my wife I love her so much she is literally such

Wife she is my favoritist and I’ve um I’ve gone through she’s one of the few characters that I’ve gone through all of her voice lines I’ve read all of her story I’ve just been obsessive with her I don’t know why my model does that when I drink

I was thirstier than I thought but yeah no um finina she’s so cute oh my God she’s so cute oh my God literally obsessed with her she’s my top three characters in terms of story hm like in terms of story or personality cuz I could tell you

Personality you’ve seen F in a wedding dress oh my God I actually I did post a picture on my Twitter of um a at one point of a very shly photoshopped uh picture of me and finina getting married that was wonderful um I was going to like draw

It oh my God wait hold on I need to get this actually uh for a video that I was going to do uh Serena I don’t have the little like I don’t have the gift of it hold on where is it I don’t have the gift and it’s going to annoy me but Um where did I put it would it be it wouldn’t be in fan at would it no genin that makes sense no it’s not in genin is it in vtubers it might be in vtuber Isadora genjin PNG it is in genin PNG [Laughter] um I forgot how stupid it looks

There’s like lots of different um versions so it’s basically animated to look like there’s like a te is building up and this is me throwing tea at finina because I don’t know if it’s I think it’s in Fin’s voice lines that she says that uh Risley brings her tea and like

She appreciates the tea that um he brings for her and I was going to make a video uh and in it I go like I can bring you tea fora I have lots of tea as well I like tea you don’t need risley’s tea you need my

Tea it’s so silly and then it’s just like a gif I don’t have the actual gift but like yeah no it like builds up into a pyramid of tea uh of me throwing tea at her it’s great I think it’s so funny wait I it’s cute but it also looks

So silly it looks so silly uh that is just me in a nutshell silly oh I got lots of tea too yeah it’s just me going like finina please give me a chance I have tea too you like tea I have L you don’t need risley’s tea his tea probably is

Stinky you want my tea honestly finina would be my my wife I was going to say my best friend but you know we all we all know deep down mhmh you’re now competition oh are we are we Rivals now Rivals for uh for Arena’s hand in marriage I will fight to the

Death is it annoying if that’s like uneven no it looks uh intentional actually maybe if I make it a little bit more like hold on I’m doing brain my brain is braining Uh oh no I want Risley on that one but fin is best oh okay good you have although resley is I really wish I pulled for him I was saving specifically ferina at that point so I didn’t want to pull for him uh but on his rerun I’ll definitely go for him

He’s a tea lover he’s a fellow tea enjoyer which is absolutely amazing anyone who likes tea is like great but he’s like a pretty man who likes tea nah he’s pretty but um I prefer finina over him because as I said finina is my wife it’s been decided can we not thank

You I spent so much money on her so she uh better be grateful and marry me as as soon as possible although um one of my friends was being like was being mean to me and being like Oh so does that mean that uh child isn’t your favorite

Anymore I was like no I like child too and he was like okay choose and I was like no I’m going to die I’m okay I’m not cing you’re crying I’ll sleep you may not rest now there what was I going to say I was in the middle of saying something oh yeah

My friend was like choose between finina and child and I was like I can’t do that please I eventually had to choose forina but I don’t know if that’s just I don’t know I’m just it’s mean to make me choose uh all right hold on let me pick

These up ow can you not literally perish literally die literally leave me alone literally um off yourself literally leave me alone uh thank you Risley could have protected you if you no he couldn’t don’t be silly don’t be silly now Risley is a wonderful little guy but he cannot protect me in

Minecraft he could not protect me in Minecraft okay finina on the other hand finina as we know is a pro Minecraft player my sauce is that um I’ve played with her before uh why am I what why did that take so long um and yeah finina would have protected me

You can Flex can I oh can you Flex I like by the way I can flex and it was like good for you I think yeah feel free to flex it depends on what it is if it’s going to be something that makes me cry then maybe I don’t cuz I don’t like

Crying it won’t make me cry I’m joking in case you couldn’t tell please go ahead Flex all you want I fell I don’t know why I felt the need to say that out loud I’m sure everyone could tell my cute little aesthetic Farm I’m still wanting to like

Specifically get an emulator so I can play that game on um stream because I think it’s funny Oh my God oh my God what what what what what what oh Skelly Skelly boy I think we should go on sleep I think that’s a good idea I started playing a few weeks ago this game is my life you got finina Risley venty Jean Mona BYU oh my god oh

I don’t even have Jean yet um out of like the standard Banner five stars that you can like you know uh you know that you can lose your 50/50 on whatev uh I only have um I only have duuk Chi-Chi like du and Chichi were the only

Ones I was getting for the longest time I only very recently got Mona um and a five star Catalyst wait most of my five stars are early oh my God I got F at like two of my FAS were early that was crazy I don’t know if you

Were you there for my twitch stream I don’t think you were when I pulled for finina I got uh in about thir in the span of 30 polls I got two Finas and a duuk and I was like this is mental look and then I didn’t get her again until like 70/50 so

You know um I don’t want to go outside thank you when is oh my God the creepers what the heck I’m going to cry the pulling on top yeah when I pulled on top of the tall building and like stuffed cake in my mouth I think I I did uh go back and

Clip that I didn’t clip the duuk but I CLI the uh I clipped the two Aras if you did want to go check him out I me like I was like literally I had cake in my mouth go please for please come home I’m hoping that I get lucky with

Navia and I don’t have to do too much as I said um I want to get Navia but I also want to save for I should get some water first I want to save for finina but I also want to get um Navia so I’ll have to very

Quickly hope also I’m on 50/50 but you know I’ll pull for Navia and if I get her once then I’ll start saving up for f now climbing on a tall building and eating cake that is so valid um no no no no I’m going to cry um

Okay let me just put that there no there’s a zombie there’s a Mr zie hello Mr Golem do you mind uh killing that zombie for me please can you kill thank you at the moment you’re saving for R and shun that’s valid um I don’t particularly ever want ryen Shogun I

Think okay I’m not going for that one I don’t know uh she’s like chill uh but she’s not like I don’t know out of the arons the only ones that I really consider pulling for uh is naha obviously fora and veny jei and Ryden just don’t interest to me too much

Okay you can put a Bo between your legs and the creeper oh deal half damage I didn’t know that me when I’m been playing genin for years do you mind killing the creep can can you um um um um okay I do want to how much oh I got

Five okay that’s enough to make a bucket and start my oh there’s an Enderman should we kill it should we kill the Enderman I feel like that’s a great idea oh you just teleported away oh sir sir may I please look into your eyeballs may I please look into your

E sir I’m looking sir look sir sir over here over here could you please do an interview for the uh oh sir sir a quick interview if you may the uh life of an Enderman a quick a quick interview if you yep okay see this is how you kill an

Enderman when when you’re scared when you’re scared of them this is how I’ve always done it either this or oh my God Ender pear Ender pears are great because funnily enough I did start this world to kill the ender dragon that was the original

Plan and I still do plan to do that in this world eventually I have killed the Ender Dragon in Minecraft a total of one time and I will do it again it’s for the steam bird yes genin references everywhere oh my God actually hell how it’s just like completely gone actually

Um you I think it was from the camera event but from the camera event or something you get uh this like uh what’s it called a weird lens thing uh for charlot and it’s when activated it causes charlot’s skill to not do damage to enemies but take actual

Pictures which is cool but I didn’t read what it did and I wasn’t paying attention when they were telling me so I was so confused as to why Charlotte was just taking pictures all of a sudden I was like why won’t her skill why won’t her skill work her skill isn’t working

Cuz charlott’s on my main team now I was so upset like I didn’t know what I did wrong I thought there was a bug and genin was like was going to have to fix it and two three and then I was embarrassed that I didn’t read it

What’s your party my main party is um finina child Charlotte and Kaza although that’s like although I try to I want that to be my main team I keep having to switch especially in suu uh cuz I need a dendro character a an electro character okay dendro Electro and

Pyro to like for a lot of sura exploration so my team for more explor things is Kaza Yao ya uh Kaza ya ya who else do I have one not team fishal and who’s my and Bennett that’s it you see it’s annoying to have to switch constantly but you know I am Considering making a party where I swap out uh I’m considering a party where I swap out Charlotte for like cooki or something but I don’t know I love Charlotte I’ve become like quite obsessive over her she’s very cute okay kot wheat okay this entire side can be

Wheat it’s not like super duper um big actually I made this big space thinking that I’d um you know use all of it but lot of an EXT I don’t know if I like that hold on it’s okay no I don’t like I don’t like

It uh I do also want to make a team for Navia when she comes out since I’m already collecting all of her Ascension materials and stuff uh where’s my little thing I have it here it is I have a little sheet that I keep on my desk and

I have all of her gemstones obviously uh all of the topaz gemstones and stuff I need 36 transoceanic pills 96 trans Oceanic chunks 129 zenal chromatic crystals 46 Clockwork components cellus 168 spring of the first D yeah know I’ve got it all there um and I’ve

Got like some of the things uh sorted out but oh I picked up my controller but obviously I don’t have them all yet but you know there’s how many days until she’s out like uh a week not a week three weeks I think till she comes out so I have time

I will do I have the potatoes in here or are they in my other chest no I brought them good I’m going to decorate with flowers oh my God I’m going to decorate with flowers oh my goodness gracious me you’re going to decorate with flowers I I need to stop just like

Randomly bursting out into like song what the heck um then again is it truly an Isadora Hat’s dream if there are no random singing involved I don’t know why I’m like this why why why am I like like this Charlotte works good in my party because

Uh cryo resonance with Riot yeah um with like I have my team works pretty great for like forina dealing loads of damage cuz naturally fen’s got about um 38 HP although I am artifact fing to hopefully naturally get her into the 40s but with um having child on the team as well it

Adds an extra Hydro character which causes obviously uh the having two Hydro characters gives your team more HP which is great cuz finina scales her most of her attacks on HP with her little like guys she scales her attacks based on her own HP uh that combined with um

Her her burst is it burst skill the big move that she does and charlott’s healing and plus her special dish which gives like 30% extra HP her HP can be up to like 70 at times it’s marvelous and her little guys are doing like 60k it’s great it’s wonderful I love it

Her little guy is just casually doing like like um madmoizelle kraal lettera does the most damage obviously and it’s just crazy she just does so much damage and I’m like wo thank you um Krab lettera you’re doing so great also of course of course I have

Learned all of the names of H little guys the crab being mmis Keta the um the what’s it called Seahawks being s chel Moran and Little Octopus being um not it’s not mon what is it wait hold on me when I say I know all of them and struggle what is this

Gent Usha that’s it right let’s let’s add cute little cherry blossoms I love the cherry blossom addition to Minecraft it was the best Minecraft edition in the world thank you it’s so cute so extra pink and adorable and I love pink so much my God it’s so cute what the heck

Oh my God it’s so hecking cute add some penies I am going to move they are quite cute there but I want to be able to actually see them so I will put them in front of the penies did the greens Clash a bit no no no no no no no

Um I need another hoe it looks actually adorable I know it does I’m an incredible Minecraft builder I’ve decided it’s so cute I love the pink I love what they I love Minecraft for adding it I almost said genin I’m so addicted help um yeah I love Minecraft for adding the cherry

Blossoms like a lot of the time I’m one of those people who are like H Minecraft shouldn’t add too much I think Minecraft’s going a bit overboard with how much it’s adding but with this it’s like nah nah nah pop off fam or whatever I don’t know why I said that I’ve never

Said that before in my life but like yeah go off that’s awesome it’s so cute I love it it makes me so happy um okay wa hold on same on the whole they’ve been adding too much thing because yeah I think like the cham of Minecraft is um you know the

Simplicity but I do understand the whole like you know there are a lot of like younger people playing who don’t have that Nostalgia for it so they need to keep adding new things to keep them interested um so you know it’s valid you know what they’re doing is completely

Valid um but yeah now the cherry blossoms was such a good addition like they really yes they really did something special there um oh I will do a line Here I will also add a couple rows of I’m going to get rid of all of this I think I’ve got enough now for like a while probably if I collect all of this I’ll have like Lads and so I’ll put just like a small amount in my

Farm because uh a lot of the time in Minecraft uh I have learned my lesson a lot of the time I will get to the point where I just do not have enough sugarcane for like um enchantment tables and bookshelves and stuff so I’ve started just planting an absolute

Ton um in at the start so I just don’t run out easily which is wonderful but at the same time like it’s just where do I put all of this and it also looks really I’m sorry sugar cane but you do kind of look a little bit gross and I’m not

Going to set up some sort of automated thing cuz that’s Redstone I do know a little bit of redstone actually um a surprising amount but I’m still not good at it it was like I tried to um learn completely and they learned like all of the different things I literally made

Flash cats that’s s like depressing to think about I made Flash flash cards for Minecraft Redstone I’m such a sad person like what the heck um but yeah it’s funny to hear the British accent again what’s wrong with my accent H what’s so funny about it leave me alone me when I cry

Um n it’s one of my few charms I’ll take what I can get um I do need a few of these though to plant I just haven’t heard it in a while yeah because so so what you’re saying is you don’t spend all day every day re-watching my old videos wow Aqua I

Can’t believe it so what you say how dare you not just constantly be re-watching my old vods honestly I’m joking I’m joking obviously I’m obviously joking um Um okay I will add like a couple rows finina got the British accent for a while wait does she have a British accent I know she’s got like a a bit of a she’s got a bit of a fancy one a fancy accent but it’s like I don’t know if it’s

British I must leave now and rewatch two times speed not Aqua Aqua Aqua you see two times speed isn’t as good for the algorithm because he has some fun Insider not Insider knowledge it’s just general YouTube knowledge if you look into it but uh if you watch at two times

Speed it doesn’t count as like um a full watch time obviously it bases on the hours that you have watched and if you watch it at two time speed say you watch an hour long video video it takes 30 minutes to watch and therefore it only contributes 30 minutes towards total watch

Time I don’t know if I like the sugarcane I I think it’s kind of like ugly looking what do I do over here should I have some chickens I feel like I should do do some chickens I’ll just do some chimpin chimkin are cute oh um

The thing is do I care about your watch time do you want me to uh start earning money that’s what I thought yes you do uh I need 300 hours no not 300 3,000 hours to start earning money just saying so just uh watch 3,000 of my videos thank you

Uh yes watch 3,000 of them thank you and that that would be wonderful um oh what was I going to say oh my God I replaced but yeah slowly making my way towards that and stuff but uh uh I was going to say something yeah that’s the whole reason I’m kind of like

Making another Channel though uh because this one’s once again YouTube algorithm stuff I’m going to sound so smart but uh due to like the fact that nishia is more people who want to chill in live streams uploading um videos like Theory videos on this channel isn’t going to make much

Sense as the people who watch my streams might not find the other ideas appealing and if they don’t click then YouTube won’t recommend it to more people and blah blah blah blah blah blah um so what was I going to say you know I’ve lost my train of f

Already what’s going on in my brain something about YouTube second channel oh yeah because YouTube won’t recommend it to people because uh my current audience that it recommends it to isn’t going to click on them so in the end it’s just more it just makes more sense to make a

Second Channel and direct people over here and be like yo you should totally check out my streaming Channel please do that little guy gu okay great absolutely marvelous I was a little bit worried that I wouldn’t get any little guys cuz if I didn’t get any if I didn’t get any

Little guys why is that so hard to say if I didn’t get any little guys um I would have had to like guide them in that’s just effort I mean I don’t think you’ll make money oh yes pppa Pig will demonetize me you can it does

Actually tell you um even if you’re not earning money it does tell you if you got like a copyright strike or something and I I kind of want to see if it does copyright strike me today I think I have gotten a few um like and twitch twitch gives me

Copyright strikes for using mozat which is kind of funny um I got a copyright strike on YouTube for straight up watching YouTube videos that was funny you want to do Theory videos more just me talking about my current like obsessions but like you know I want to

Go through and talk about genjin law and like theories and stuff on gen less theories and just like deep analysis on things like I want to talk about mgram Paradox live uh obviously genjin and uh I don’t know I’ll go into a lot of things maybe I will talk about Peppa Pig

Interesting yeah uh just like as the thing is though I’ve had like this idea for ages and I’ve just not been getting into it which is really annoying um what weapon do you have for finina uh her signature her signature weapon that I got in about 30

PS I have never pulled on the weapon banner and I got it her weapon in about 30 PS so you know I love flexing my current Obsession I but I did spend about 100 on um wishes for finina so I did probably you know I

Didn’t save up all of those wishes I did pay for a lot of them but still it I was so lucky let me get seeds for the little guys do I have any more carrots in here and potatoes no do I have bone meal no I have nothing hydrate redeem thank you I

Have it’s the first time in forever since I’ve actually had a drink next to me uh but it’s not like a it’s a Bluey it’s a Bluey bottle I’ve never watched Bluey but I saw it and I was like H that’s funny and and got it I

Got it when I used to go to the gym I don’t go to the gym anymore because uh I can’t drive and the gym is like a 40 minute walk or something so it’s just like if I don’t I either have to like pay for a bus or get someone else to

Drive me and it’s what’s the point when I can just do like home workouts you know oh I do have a bit of buone meal where did I get that from Chimp kins oh poles are off well that’s awkward well that’s a bit awkward uh oh ooh oo anyway uh uh

Options yeah and I’ve like fully leveled up her weapon as well um what what am I doing video settings particles all done done back to game go on be big be a big boy hurry up how many seeds are you going to take what the heck could be that way my god

Oh I forgot what I what I was saying before this something about finina probably something about how awesomely amazingly cute she is and amazing and I love her and she’s so amazing and what she’s been through like excuse you she deserves the world I do want to do more

Drawings of her I’ve done like a total of like two and it’s crazy crazy that I haven’t done more drawings of her oh okay one of them is big one of them became Big Boy probably the one that I fed like a stack of seeds too no not you no get back

Here no he’s not going to grow big because he hates me yeah yeah but rley yeah I mean like right that’s valid that is so valid you don’t it’s like you know like I love kayot a bits but he’s not my favorite but I would sacrifice my life if it meant I could

You know have a real life K same thing with same thing with um with Risley you know he’s you know he’s but but I still love forina M and I don’t know why wait I don’t know what I think I think person in terms of personality type I think risley’s just a

Little bit too chill I don’t know but I still love him I’d find it so funny watching this with a static camera showing you running around with fixed views wait huh what do you mean running around with fixed huh I’m sorry I’m so confused what you

Mean by the aqua I’m so sorry I genuinely don’t know what you mean like with a camera on tripod like like an IRL camera also net story Quest is so good got to be one of my favorites obviously I haven’t gotten to that point in the Aron Quest forget it I’m sorry sorry

Didn’t know um yeah no I haven’t gotten that far so I haven’t even locked like story Quests for those guys for the Fontaine but I’m so excited I’m so fontaine’s my favorite region I’ve got to be honest I love my little French people I love my little French people make

Children uh yeah like uh it’s the first one where I’ve it’s first region in a while that I’ve been genuinely like first region at all I’ve been like excited and wanting to spend money on the characters Navia Risley um Navia Risley sieg win and finina obviously are just like so

Perfect and I would like sell my soul for I don’t know a lick of their shoes I don’t know where I was going with that basically I adore them I mean you can sumarize hisory question net racism is it is it all about his like his thing with the um

With the melines cuz that’s so cute now um I’ve seen his voice line where he talks about um talks about weird laws in Fontaine where he’s all like you know you cannot directly drink ketchup from the bottle otherwise you get arrested or something and uh that’s all like the the weird

Ones came from finina but the one that he added to like the legal system was that like you may you can only address um you should only address the melines by sheha and not by it because if you you so cute yo Isa you good I think

So I don’t know what I said yeah I’d get arrested oh for drinking sauce I forgot about the law I’m sorry but that was just so so cute it’s just so sweet how how he you know he cares about them a lot I also love the whole like nlet is an otter

Thing I I don’t I don’t think it says um directly in the in the game I don’t know but people like you know draw him like turning into like the little OTS and I love the OTS like you don’t understand I don’t think I’ve um I don’t think I’ve seen them during a

Video so I don’t have like my reaction but I literally like that’s so cute I’m like a baby I’m the baby they’re just tiny babies I love them they make me like cry with like cuteness every single time giving a life full liing shoes oh I did say that didn’t I but

Like but that that pretty characters anyway that’s my little farm pretty cute pretty cute pretty cute what now I don’t know what should I do now I’m tired I think I will go for the day well thank you for stopping by Aqua I think I’ll be ending soon anyways I

Did say it’ll go for like an hour and a half but then like that didn’t bye-bye Aqua thank you so much for coming it was wonderful to see you again after so long so long of loneliness bye-bye see you perhaps next time Aqua but no pressure no one should ever feel

Pressured to come anyway uh next stream is probably going to be a genjin stream woo oh I don’t know what should I do tomorrow I can’t do my karaoke that’ll be the week after so what should I do instead we’re doing I can’t do art cuz

I’m not doing art twice in one week genin yes okay and I can show off my Superior forina builds genjin genin okay genjin it is I’m not against it uh I love playing genin and I’ll happily play tomorrow Um I I’ve been saving up Prima gems as well so you can see how many I’ve got is tomorrow Yeah tomorrow’s still November uh cuz on the mihoyo app you can actually check how many um Primo gems you’ve um you can actually check how many Primo

Gems you’ve earned in a month and this month I’ve earned about um 16k 16,000 Primo gems just from grinding out the game and it’s like kind of funny I think I average over 10 hours a day now oh my God I was the same I say was

As if I still haven’t been playing obsessively it’s probably averaged out more to like 5 hours a day though now 16 six did I say 60 16 including purchases I think it does in include my purchases but I didn’t like oh oh my God oh my God oh my God no no please

No in total until I probably bought Around it does it does tell you it does break it up but I don’t I think like probably about I’m trying to think maybe about 5% of that was bought oh there’s a wanding Trader o intriguing but yeah no I oh I don’t need any of these thank you

Sir but I do not need them um well I’ve built my farm that was the plan for today what should I do now end stream I don’t want to end stream I’m having fun I’m enjoying myself mother I don’t know why I said mother um no one’s telling me that I have to

Stop ooh has my stream quality been really bad can I ask that how bad has the quality been cuz like according to YouTube like my bit rate is dead it’s like so low my bit rate is like so low Hest like oh oopsies and I don’t know how to fix

It oh yeah by the way after this stream I will be playing a little bit more genin as soon as I end stream I am opening up genjin cuz hold on I have the um the widget thing on my phone where on my like home screen stream Good

Wonderful on my home screen of on my phone I can just check how how much resin I have it’s great when it decides to work sometimes it times out it says Ed out please try again and doesn’t work but if not I can just quickly pop to the app ho

Your lab that’s it um let me check how much resin I have oh my God I’m also excited for exam tomorrow go Eeps go Eeps already I’ll end off soon I currently have 304 resin okay actually I can probably not go on tonight um yeah I’m so excited for natland though apparently

Um apparently there’s a lot of pretty women in that land according to leaks going to put my Riz face on when I go through that story Quest oh my God I forgot I was also going to do a thing where uh one of my friends teaches me how to like rise and

I’ll probably do that at some point that’s going to be a like a collab stream at some point so that’s going to be fun um I have to playing Doom Eternal I think I had enough fire for a while I’ve never played Doom Eternal but net L’s going to be so much

Fun like dragons there’s like a bunch apparently there’s like they’re supposed to be like dragons in the region and I know there’s like you know oh dragons in there’s like you know a singular dragon in monstad there was a dead dragon in Le uh I think there’s all I think

There’s a dead there’s a dead Dragon like Dragon spine and a dead dragon in inauma there’s lots of dead dragons but apparently there’s like alive dragons in that land and not just one like dealin not just a singular Dragon hello good sir do you mind if I

Kill you thank you I’m so sorry about this I know I’m trying to make it as quick as possible though sir sir sir do a pol oh I’m sorry I’m sorry get back here stop stop running stop running stop running it’ll just hurt more um I will

Kill some horses as well for the sweet sweet leather I feel bad killing animals but like at the same time it’s like deal with it I remember um there was a YouTuber who I really liked who I did steal my personality from for like for a while

Like I was just like no she’s cute I want to be like her so I just kind of stole her personality that was great um but yeah no she did a Minecraft thing where she said she felt like bad for killing the animals so she went like full on like

Vegetarian in Minecraft and it made me feel guilty for not caring I felt guilty for not feeling guilty about killing Minecraft animals I felt like maybe I’m some sort of psychopath because I don’t mind killing Minecraft animals but she says but she’s a really nice person and

She she gets all sad when she kills Minecraft animals so I must be a bad person because logic in my defense I was like 10 so I was like you know this really nice person hates killing Minecraft animals and I don’t care I must be evil and Psychopathic I think you’re a psychopath

Either way that’s so valid though that’s a valid thought I would also think I was a psychopath if I well that’s a waste of eggs I will just start breeding them instead of um what’s the word instead of throwing eggs I’ll just like keep them from now on I think and

I’m not going to create Contraption to like trap them and stuff cuz that is effort wait favorite tea um Thai green tea right now I also enjoy wait hold on are these grown no those potatoes are not grown tie green tea is my favorite favorite but I also

Like El gry and a little bit of Um I’m trying to think I like um I’m not a big fan of like fruit fruit teas but like flower teas are nice like flowery teas those look great um like I feel like fruit teas often have that like weird Tang like a very Tangy taste to them anyway uh that oh

I’m going to go to just chatting here still haven’t figured out how to get like chat to stay hold on I wonder if I can always show messages enable emotes disable show platform icons disable message animations chat delay yeah like I don’t know how to um fix it so that it doesn’t like

Disappear when I switch things anyway let me close Minecraft up well this was a fun little first stream back it’s been so long since I’ve streamed so it’s like oh sorry I’ve just realized that my um some of my friends are in a VC together and I was like oh

Interesting shouldn’t be looking there but Coy anyway stop looking at memes I always do this on like my um ending screen as I start looking at like Twitter and stuff and I shouldn’t but anyway um oh thank you ever so much for coming um twit I am going to be working on some

Artwork as well as um some artwork and second channel uh artwork artwork second Channel what else do I need to do I want as I said I want to do a web comic cuz oh my God actually I did want to explain my little Concepts I’ll quickly do that um

Do I have it I might have it on here no that’s child nope that’s Mo oh no wait hold on NOP there’s a lot of men um no here it is he’s one he’s my characters aren’t they so [Laughter] cute I want to make a little web comic

With them both but like stop laughing I don’t name them I don’t name the images so it’s just like image image 10 image 10 is nothing image one a man this one’s called kogi some of them are named but like not all of them I do want

To make a little web comic wait where did they go cuz they’re so cute I also have like another couple characters who they’re new characters so I don’t can’t remember the names but this one’s for these two this is Felicity and this is Tyler Tyler and Felicity it’s very cute

H Felicity is a vampire and she goes in and eats the blood of lovely little Tyler there because my other ones I think I’m more into like the story of my other one though because okay to set the scene um medieval fantasy world where humans are

Currently at like um um at in like War SL odds with a um with with a demon race and um a what’s a lady a lady of high standing is kidnapped by the demon people and um she’s like taken as hostage so that they can get more information from these

Like this like family and from this like high standing family uh so I forgot her name it’s gonna annoy me it’s like Clara I think her name is Clara uh and Clara is taken hostage and whatever and the uh demon lady who is set to uh guard her

Slowly falls in love and I think that’s so cute just like the idea that um the guard is like is the one to fall first CLA is a little bit oblivious to her and just like vibing she’s like you know what this is this is this is a Vibe I don’t

Care and um and the like her prison Warden basically is just like madly in love with that anyway um enough of like oh maybe maybe that’s what I can draw um on whenever I stream my art stream what’s my art stream hold on I have to

Go check I have an out stream coming up and I don’t know what to draw I just put it there Saturday um yeah maybe I’ll draw them maybe I’ll draw filicity and Tyler I don’t know anyway it’s gotten about to the 2hour mark and I think that’s enough time I’ve

Blabbered on and off I need to ease myself back into this so I don’t get burned out so thank you ever so much for coming uh remot Aqua Luna I know that most people have left but I still want to thank you all Rea crooker gamer everyone thank you so much and

Bye oh oh wait never mind apparently not bye apparently hold on okay uh turning off my audio now Bye I

This video, titled ‘Lets chill in minecraft! [Minecraft/ zatsu– Isadora heart]’, was uploaded by Isadora Heart || WondaLight on 2023-11-30 01:07:46. It has garnered 63 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:12 or 7212 seconds.

Back to streaming regularly! Woo!! Starting off nice and simple with some minecraft. So its kinda a Zatsudon too where I can just chill and talk. Lets just vibe together. #vtuber #IsadoraHeart #Minecraft

‘–.♥.My Chat rules.♥.–‘ ♥ Be nice. No icky topics please ♥ Please stay english. I need to make sure you aren’t being mean. ♥ NO SPAM thank you ♥ Stay on topic. Thank you. [Socials] twitter – https://twitter.com/IsadoraHeart

-♥—–Ether——♥- 【Akio Spade】 https://www.youtube.com/@spadeakio

【Caspian Shiro】 https://www.youtube.com/@CaspianShiroWondalight

【Chess Katlaier】 https://www.youtube.com/@chesskatlaier

【Yuki Hatta】 https://www.youtube.com/@YukiHattaWD

Vtuber, Alice in wonderland, Envtuber, Queen Of hearts, Cute, Anime, I dont know I’m just adding random words to hopefully trick the algorithm into suggesting this vid to more people Debut vtuber cute princess heart love sweet AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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    Ultimate Minecraft Stone House Tutorial - Build Like a Pro!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to Build a modern survival stone house: tutorial’, was uploaded by Hunter Sky on 2023-12-20 23:19:29. It has garnered 416 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:10 or 1270 seconds. learning how to build a modern house in minecraft learning how to build a small house in minecraft learning how to build a survival wooden house in minecraft please like and subscribe #build #minecraft #tutorial #minecraftideas #survival #learning #modernhouse Read More

  • Exclusive Minecraft Server Live! Join Now for Giveaways!

    Exclusive Minecraft Server Live! Join Now for Giveaways!Video Information आ जा आ व आ र हेलो लेट चेक आ रही है कि नहीं आ रही है स जस्ट एक सेकंड हेलो यस परफेक्ट लाइ पर ओके हेलो आ जा आने आ जाओ आ जाओ मैं बुला लेता डिकोड से हेलो ब्रो मैं आ गया यस तुम आ गए अच्छी बात है या यो विवेक भाई व अब ठीक है ना यार अब तो को दिक्कत नहीं है ना सब को बला लेता हूं हेलो हेलो व आ रही है मेरी गाइस भाई थोड़ा यस या नो तो टाइप कर दो यार तुम्हारे पास पहुच कौन सा मोड… Read More

  • Insane!!! PS Plus April 2024 Free Games Revealed!!

    Insane!!! PS Plus April 2024 Free Games Revealed!!Video Information well hey guys how’s it going I turned over the camera so it will be more obvious what’s going on here it is mind bugling because left is right and right is left for me right now I’m going to do this for this video we’ll see if I continue with that I don’t think I am cuz it it is already kind of Wy let me just a second do this it’s so much better so much better we’re going to suffer through it together I already decided so we’re going to suffer through it together like… Read More

  • “INSANE GAMING: HIDE THE EVIDENCE” #clickbait #trending

    "INSANE GAMING: HIDE THE EVIDENCE" #clickbait #trendingVideo Information they call she smile on her face she with roll This video, titled ‘GET RIDE OF THE EVIDENCE #youtube #dop2#trendingshorts #games#minecraft#viral #totalgaming#gameplay’, was uploaded by CRAZY GAMING on 2024-01-04 01:43:55. It has garnered 2605 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT TIME MACHINE BATTLE WITH BASTIGHGVideo Information wir befinden uns in einer 10 Jahre alten Minecraft Version hier in der 1.8 machen wir eine kleine Zeitreise und machen heute ein dre gegen dre Boss Monster Battle welches Team wird heute als erstes den wither Enderdrachen und elder Guardian besiegen wer es als erstes schafft gewinnt das gesamte Battle es wird super interessant denn diese Minecraft Version und die gesamte Welt ist echt sehr sehr alt lasst unbedingt einen like da schaut bei allen Kanälen vorbei abonniert alle Kanäle abonnieren vor allem auf diesen Kanal wird mich unfassbar freuen und schreibt gerne in die Kommentare ob… Read More

  • Surviving 500 Days in Minecraft! Epic Strategies Revealed

    Surviving 500 Days in Minecraft! Epic Strategies RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft surving 500 days in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Coolgamersminecraft4 on 2024-02-26 08:55:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello guys welcome to my brand new yt coolgamersminecraft4 this is my new permanent channel please subscribe to it thank you … Read More

  • HunterTales

    HunterTalesStart your journey now on HunterTales! Hello and welcome to HunterTales! This is an anime influenced RP server where you get to customize your own character and path through community events and more. While it is anime inspired it is completely original, the server has plenty of content to enjoy so we hope to see you on! There will also be a $15 store credit reward for the player who manages to get the most players invited to the discord! We do hope to see you on and help this community grow into something great! Version: Minecraft 1.17.1 (No Mods)… Read More

  • Pixels SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP

    Welcome to our SMP Server! Features: Simple voice chat Temperatures with seasons Daily crates Grief prevention Custom armors Minigames Compatibility: Version: 1.18 – 1.20.1 Java and Bedrock support No mods required “Simple Voice Chat” for proximity chat “Cinemamod” for cinema We value your feedback and aim to improve the server for everyone. Join us at smp.playpixels.net on port 19132 and our Discord server. See you there! Read More

  • Cave & Tools

    Cave & ToolsA Semi-Vanilla Server with Minigames and a Player Based Shop World! Custom Spawn, Custom Vote Crates! Helpful Community. Anti Grief land claim! Events and MUCH MORE! (Some Custome Plugins made by the staff team). We want your input so let us know by joining the discord channel! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The two sides of every player…

    “Ah, the duality of man – one side wants to build an epic castle in Minecraft, the other side gets distracted mining for hours on end. But hey, at least they’re both scoring high in the game of life…and apparently memes too.” Read More

  • Wolves vs Sheep in Minecraft Showdown

    Wolves vs Sheep in Minecraft ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Wolves Try To Catch The Sheep #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Dragon & Valkyrie on 2024-05-19 17:00:29. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Bored are you? well then see below! Join Dragon.minewind.com for Free Gold rank on Minewind a really fun server to play. Words: Minecraft hahaha #shortsbeta#Shorts#shortvideo #technogamerz#arishkhan#akworld#ujjwal#myphat#liveinsaan#8bit#mortal#rebel#soul#ajgaming#smartypieMine craft HAA HAA #Shorts #shortvideoyoutube shorts,short video,shorts,how to use youtube shorts,how to make youtube shorts,youtube shorts beta,minecraft shorts,minecraft short,minecraft tiktok hack,minecraft short video,mine craft,minecraft survival,tik tok,minecraft live,minecraft music,minecraft hacks,minecraft house,tik tok songs,minecraft… Read More

  • “Crafting up a storm in Minecraft, hotter than a blaze!” #minecraftmemes

    "Crafting up a storm in Minecraft, hotter than a blaze!" #minecraftmemes “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #gaming #lol Read More

  • Minecraft: In Search of the Cow

    Minecraft: In Search of the Cow Minecraft: In Search of the Cow in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with S5João as he searches for a cow in this thrilling gameplay video. Join the adventure, explore the vast landscapes, and uncover the mysteries that await in this popular sandbox game. Exploration and Adventure Await With Minecraft’s endless possibilities, players like S5João can immerse themselves in a world of creativity and exploration. From building magnificent structures to surviving the dangers of the wilderness, every moment in Minecraft is filled with excitement and wonder. Building and Survival One of the key aspects… Read More

  • Experience Thrills and Chills on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience Thrills and Chills on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about an exciting Minecraft server that is taking the gaming community by storm. If you’re a fan of the game and looking for a new and thrilling experience, then Minewind is the place for you. Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive in a vast and dynamic environment filled with endless possibilities. That’s exactly what Minewind offers to its players. With a dedicated community of gamers from all around the world, you’ll never… Read More

  • Minecraft Java vs Bedrock: Spot the Differences

    Minecraft Java vs Bedrock: Spot the Differences Minecraft Java vs. Bedrock Edition: Exploring the Key Differences When it comes to Minecraft, players often find themselves debating between the Java Edition and the Bedrock Edition. Both versions offer unique features and gameplay experiences that cater to different preferences. Let’s delve into the key differences between Minecraft Java and Bedrock Edition to help you decide which one suits your gaming style best. Graphics and Performance Minecraft Java Edition: Known for its flexibility and mod support, Minecraft Java Edition allows players to customize their gameplay experience with a wide range of mods and shaders. However, Java Edition may require… Read More


    SHOCKING: MINECRAFT's End Update REVEALED!Video Information This video, titled ‘What Will MINECRAFTS End Update Look Like?’, was uploaded by Techbot Gaming on 2024-04-30 18:00:17. It has garnered 17807 views and 981 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:13 or 613 seconds. Today I go in-depth on what an End Update could actually look like for MINECRAFT!!! ENJOY 🙂 If you enjoy this video, I would appreciate a like and subscribe to help me reach my goal of 2k subs! Wanna see more? Look Below! Every Update We NEED In Minecraft:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnlP90B6bwk WHY Minecraft 1.21 Is Pretty Great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSpaLHvoovk Is Minecraft Getting To Easy?:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5jYcr3H1lI Why… Read More

  • Shulky’s Hardcore Minecraft World Catastrophe!

    Shulky's Hardcore Minecraft World Catastrophe!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW I LOST MY “OLD” HARDCORE MINECRAFT WORLD I #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shulky Playz on 2024-04-07 11:43:46. It has garnered 11683 views and 330 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. minecraft minecraft hardcore hardcore hardcore minecraft funny shorts prank lost hardcore world lost world 100 days april fools sb sb737 minecraft but minecraft mod gaming twitch minecraft base memes minecraft 100 days finnacraft viral lost world #minecraftharcore #videos trending minecraft hardcore deaths hardcore deaths 100 days on one block acookiegod one block one block minecraft acookiegod series we have… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Pixel Adventure! 🔥 #ftypシ

    Epic Minecraft Pixel Adventure! 🔥 #ftypシVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pixel | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #ftypシ’, was uploaded by conmc on 2024-04-11 21:58:53. It has garnered 417 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft House Build – SECRET Features! 🔥 #shorts

    ULTIMATE Minecraft House Build - SECRET Features! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🏡 Minecraft Advanced Survival House 🏡 Build Tutorial #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by Minecraft Builds on 2023-12-25 16:00:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Builds – Inspiring Guides to Create Creative Worlds! Hello Minecraft enthusiasts! Welcome to the “Minecraft Builds” … Read More