Ultimate Minecraft Chillstream: AOF7 With KirinDave

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Ch For all right all right let’s balance our audio and hello hello folks hello folks in the VOD hello folks who are live welcome to uh the server this is the casa de Dave House Server um it is duplicative um maybe this is still a little loud yeah it’s still a little overwhelming my

Voice let’s just turn that down a little bit um so this is a server that I set up to play with some local friends they saw you can see someone lurking in the background um they saw me playing single player and they were like hey Dave I

Would love to play too and I said sure So I set up a server um it’s also a special server because this person running around down here uh where are they this is my daughter Vesper and um as you can see she’s delightful and uh is running around

Having a good time on the server uh swimming mostly and so this is not the same map that you saw before um but it is a good map and I hope that uh we can all have fun together on it uh there are some other people playing as well and um

Hopefully she will not try to stab me um and uh that should be good so uh let me just take you on a little tour of where we are we’re actually appr approximately where we were before oh that’s good coffee which is to say um we got the same robot Tree Farm

Are you working little buddy or are you dead did you die oh buddy did you die need more fuel did you run out of fuel oh I see what happened uh here um we got a that’s interesting that’s a that’s a real problem we got there uh okay well task number one while

I talk is we’re going to try and revive my little buddy the tree farm here not that we’re like low on wood now but I feel bad we sitting there complaining the way I have it set up he can’t refuel himself which is it’s a real shame um

But but yeah we’re approximately where we were before but this base because it’s the product of multiple people is much more chaotic and bizarre um and uh generally uh I think uh is sort of a wonderful example of what happens when you get a bunch of people together playing moded Minecraft things

Just don’t make sense they stop making sense oh we should turn up the uh there we go there’s a lot of ducks there’s a lot of animals right here so it’s actually going to be kind of bad but uh I mean that’s sort of the the chaos that we’re

Talking about here um all right we got some fuel we’re going to run back over and save my little tree farm boy one two ah dang it the tree I’ve always trying to make this jump in like one go I believe in myself and my speed I believe in speed speed is

Key you going to wake up and uh and take that yeah there you go now you got all the fuel keep keep working cuz we’ve got a fair amount of stuff here uh I’ll actually grab a bunch of this and we’ll cook that up while we’re talking um options there’s so many

Friendly creatures we’re just going to turn them down for now uh there’s only so much quacks I want um anyways uh so um I still have my single player world and I’ll work on it but I figured it’d be more fun to show you this today and my daughter’s running around somewhere

Doing something and she may attempt to pull out her very good knife and stab me uh my one of the other people who plays on the server gave her a really excellent knife I don’t know why he he did that it wasn’t a good plan but now

She has a knife and she’ll just stalk and she’ll chase us and she’ll be like stab stab stab um the worst part about that knife is that the more she hits with it the stronger it gets this is really painful for a variety of reasons um this uh this machine’s

Loud going to turn down a little bit on my end I think now we’re at the point where it’s my volume that’s the problem um I don’t know what she’s doing right now she up there now no she went down I no you got a sword no no no we

Don’t I so this is like the challenge is me trying to do things while she’s like waving her sword at me just menacing me um fortunately I have invested as I always do as as is if you’ve been on my uh content in my Minecraft content before you know right I’ve I usually

Invest in speed uh I believe that speed is key and so um you end I end up with a lot of opportunity to just run away from her like I have a lot of no no why no please I’m just trying to cook up okay we’re going to get this right

And then we’re we’re going to run over here and feed the banana the original batania system so Bania is what I’m working on right now just cuz it gives a lot of like good stuff you know it’s not the best stuff in the mod pack but it’s really good stuff especially for the

Effort um and I’ve got some Dave firsts over here I’ve got I’ve never actually done a fully automatic Rosa Arcana system um but this this is it this is a fully automated Rosa Arcana system it uses a computer to control the timing and to do the Redstone logic um and and

It eats uh experience from our primary experience system here I actually wanted to see 25 levels how much how much juice is that six six buckets 6,000 M buckets she doesn’t know where I am excellent anyways uh we’ve got a little mob farm down here it’s huh is there did someone break my

Elevator best bur we have this elevator but we also have the shortcut elevator ah cuz as um as fun as this elevator is it is not very fast and as you know I believe speed is key what’s the deal with that I wonder what that’s up what’s up with that like Well I don’t know um that’s weird but I guess it’s fine um anyways that’s the mob farm down there so so much going on anyways um I uh want to solve my manaos cuz as much as I like this Rosa Arcana system my experience generator just

Can’t keep up with it so I think part of what I’m going to work on today is fixing that problem um before we do we’re going to do a little bit of dad stuff though uh so let’s go ahead what we’re first going to do is maybe maybe it’s

Evil but um we’re going to take some tag locks you know and and tag locks aren’t inherently but uh Vesper has been really struggling she dies a lot in the server she falls uh so we’re going to make a bunch of hi vper no just got to get her to hold

Still no no hold still this is just normal no no okay there we go uh and we’re going to make some protection pops for her um six should be a lot that’s quite a lot of iron I mean it’s not a crazy amount of iron but it it’s it’s a

Lot for us um we don’t have Auto mining set up but you know I figure that as a good dad what a good dad would do for their daughter um is a good dad would make sure that their daughter is safe a good do dad would protect their daughter

A good dad would use Arcane rituals and cruel Wicked magic to protect their children right and I think that’s very true I think that’s the most true thing I’ve ever said in my life um and as such I’m going to to work on that before I do though I did notice

That our our last little raid um led us to have 68 Gold Blocks just found a ton of gold in the world and uh um that’s good so what I’m going to do is finally upgrade my bank to bank four right and this sucker that’s a bank that’s what

They call a bank oh no this is yes poop poop indeed um so we need a bunch of spruce bark we have six there so that should be good so um let’s go Harvest all the wheat cuz we’re going to need a whole bunch of wheat to make this happen and actually

Uh with my plans to for uh sorting out Mana um going forward I’m going to need to do better than this little wheat farm that we’ve got here this uh wheat Bridge as we call it the bridge of wheat oh uh I didn’t even see my my my chat over

There is broken chaos fir maker thanks for joining the stream dark preacher it’s been a while how’s it going DP it’s great to see you DP is another one of those um folks I put in the category of just excellent people uh has consistently been doing good things uh

Excellent Entertainer and uh runs a really really nice Community one of the best uh but good to see you both welcome to the Stream and yes I’m just taking my daughter’s blood and hair samples for perfectly ethical reasons I want to sort I want to stress how ethical this is to

The reality is under American law yay poop poop she’s uh she’s very happy to be on the streams I can’t even tell you for how long she’s been asking for that so um you know we’ll just make all seven of these four 5 six s please please I’m trying to do witchcraft for

You she just follows me see she just menaces me so what I’m going to do here we’re going to we’re going to lose her I uh am fairly far in uh bewitchment on this oh H why can’t I get on it this is weird is there some reason I can’t get on

It I feel like something’s weird is going on here the other server couldn’t move me either it’s like I couldn’t ride things um real quick let’s just retrieve this and let’s try it over here maybe out of the claims wonder if a claim borked the claim mod for all of fabric I

Is not my favorite thing no interesting there’s something uh something wrong here oh god listen you don’t want to mess with the got sword please I son likes to Menace me in Minecraft too yeah yeah I mean that’s what that’s what they do right they just follow you around

Uh man there’s so many funny little stories I could tell like all the pillagers kept attacking us they start just making making tons of noise so we built this little thing where they could think they could pathfind to us right and they can’t ow and then they fall into that pit and

Die um we like there’s so many things and it says Casa die you bastards everything here is a casa day uh that’s from my friend Trey who I um what do you want I why uh yes um yeah so but I added house because he doesn’t like that anyway so yeah you

Go up to the next floor goodbye uh Hey R Walden fine thanks thanks for catching up with us you made it live it’s true um all right uh we got a lot of things actually those uh some of those things weren’t so bad to grab um so let’s

Finish up our little project here we’re going to make uh seven bales of hay we actually have to bind them in this all right um put those all in the system and yeah follow you around sword in hand and then they ENC case you in Cobble when you’re sorting your inventory

Yeah fortunately I’m like very very um very agile so like yeah you can see I’m she’s down there being haunted by a ghost the ghost disappears uh so all right uh what we need now are um at least we need some blocks of iron right and this is to make the

Puppets so it’ll all become clear in a second 1 2 3 4 five six how much iron do we have right now like H 300 not very much but it should be enough okay protection poets uh I think everything else we’ve got in handy so um I literally say that and oh no

That’s that’s two three four five uh we’ll make the sixth one for myself okay now uh we’ll save of course um some of these for later we don’t know when we may need to discipline my daughter maybe I could keep her occupied with the curse of insanity is that

Unethical I think it’s probably fine right all right this is for heart hoot I wonder if Vesper will be embarrassed about the name heart hoot please stop corroding my armor how did you get up here we’ll get away from her now is it wrong take bets on how long it’ll take

Her to burn through all the puppets it’s not wrong at all chaos it’s not wrong at all anyways this is like my area it’s actually like because of these uh Ender brambles which I’m very happy to see her back uh it’s fairly difficult for oh yeah something just got teleported away maybe if

I huh I can’t be teleported right now either man that’s weird I’m so confused anyways um oh she’s over here something is up with my character right now but that’s okay as long as she doesn’t know about where this is we’re fine uh sir oh you survived a whole hit she’s

Over there in my demon summoning Circle um I need to get one tag lock of myself for my puppet like so please go away look at all these nerds coming up to my bed like this are you going to shoot a a crossbow at

Me okay well I guess um all right we got some poppet shelves here and my understanding is is that uh as long as I put these in a poppet shelf they’ll just work so I don’t have to keep them on my inventory or even a trusted veser to keep them in hers

Sir right it should be fine oh a blue go recycle that all right and then lastly will um get this one set up for myself there we go I have been a really good dad right one of the best really one of the one of the best fathers of all time I if

You think about it I am using witchcraft to protect my daughter you’re not supposed to be here you’re not supposed to be here you’re not supposed to be here you think I can knock I shouldn’t punch her I probably could knock her over but I do feel like that’s kind of messed

Up anyways uh okay so um I think what’s next is figuring out where I’m going to put I want to make a cake factory with create I’ve never done a cake factory with create before and I think it’d be fun and so I think that maybe this

Building here could be repurposed to be a cake factory I don’t think we especially if I knock out this wall um first I’m going to disconnect really quick and then log back in and see if that fixes the problem I’ve got but you know um um okay back

In can I take this now it was working before okay do that mean I could be teleported now that was a weird bug uh it doesn’t okay it does teleport me excellent all right I am no longer immune to motion do that mean I can ride my

Broom yeah yeah oh God this broom by the way uh this broom is great uh beitchman is a great mod because of this broom and now I can sort of give you the fly around of the village we’ve taken over uh it’s a it’s a pretty big Village

And uh because we hung out here and weren’t very careful all the villagers have died so it’s ours now over here we have like a pagot um it’s pretty dangerous we have a sky City and uh we had one of those Mesoamerican trap pyramid uh World gen

Things which are the most fun uh we rated that early on early on and also this like Pillager Shrine over who there’s like a Pillager spacing over here um pardon me yeah one of these and this is like crazy dangerous the sheer amount of evokers that are popping up in

Over in there really too much uh I also feel very um I feel a little bit like I’m on a land speeder whenever I’m on this I’m like going like right and oh oh um wow see just like a land speeder right like I’m in Star Wars and I’m like being chased by

Stormtroopers it’s pretty great actually um you may be too young to know what Stormtroopers are or Star Wars um it’s kind of an old person thing but uh you know I think you’ll be fine uh let’s go recycle this um actually while we’re on the theme of Witchcraft uh there’s a little

Experiment we’re going to do we’re do a little bit of science because it seems like no one can tell me the answer to this unless they did and I wasn’t paying attention which is entirely possible but we’re going to turn it into content all

The same um if is we’re going to make an Ender lasso or lasso um one of the lead and Ender lead um we’re going to make one of these and I think everything is craftable in this right now this says it can hold passive entities yay Bad

Dad I’m a very good dad if you want to see how good go play with fire and see how it doesn’t hurt you because of my witchcraft this is just good good parenting why is this here if you get knocked off your broom will you get kicked out by teddy bear

People have to be saved by a snoody gold Rob robot with your twin brother yes that is a thing that consistently happens it’s just known to happen and so I I thank you for asking because I was afraid that we wouldn’t we would leave it unsa all right

Um let’s figure out there’s a thing right over here by our topaz geode uh she okay she’s going she’s got her own business now she’s no longer just simply menacing me which is great we definitely don’t need to be menaced any further at the moment neat view what would I put

There right somewhere around here there’s a house yeah here’s some houses all right we are here to abduct we are here to abduct I want to abduct I crave abduction um let’s abduct someone who who’s not going to give us so much trouble abduction I think the green ones are

Passives and there are not there’s like most of the things in this Village are you’re welcome are are not oh God the hippos okay at least they’re not aggressive last time the hippos were aggressive it was really quite quite stressful being chased by wild hippos hippos are dangerous you

Know um all right hi this is normal if it doesn’t work you shouldn’t be doesn’t it doesn’t maybe it has to be a villager without a job maybe the job protects them cuz I know I can do this right oh wait um is this okay you you left

Click okay um this will go really bad for me if it doesn’t work I’m sorry all right science says this doesn’t work I’m setting my bet for 20 minutes then giving the fire ooh what’s this oh uh cool I guess um yeah I don’t want any trouble I was

Just trying to abduct people you know all right so you did it what did you do oh actually um yeah they have three cows so if we’re going to be here and we’ve got this lasso anyways let’s do that I really need a way to move

Villagers and I don’t know how it’s not working right for me um like I managed to lead one all the way back to my place and it was so harrowing um I don’t want to do it again 20 minutes huh all right well let’s uh let’s answer that question let’s start by um

Let’s start uh let’s pick up my broom cuz if I lose it here never find it there appears to be a duck stuck in there the fire you jumped with a fire it didn’t hurt you right did it shouldn’t hurt you yeah look this one’s already started

To you’ve already started using one I want to do uh well I’m running around I’m I I’m doing science I want science to do well look I’ll I’m I’m back at the base now I was doing something I will get you sp no you don’t want to you don’t want

To be part of all of Daddy’s evil I will tell you I was trying to summon a demon okay I know you learned it by watching me right but go ahead and get back otherwise you who knows what’s going to happen to you ladies and gentlemen my daughter she

Was quite angry at me for summoning demons earlier but I can’t do it again CU I can’t get another villager over here I don’t don’t know what to do about that I wonder if this Ender lead can move boats that’d be pretty funny if that worked right all right let’s do

This I wonder whether an anaso can hold the broom excellent question um hey uh okay first of all cow you can wait in my snake pit just wait down there in my snake pit it’ll be fine in my snake pit no it can’t let me go get the uh oh

Actually I need to leave it over there anyways cuz we’re going to make a boat we’re doing more science cuz we really I probably if it can’t take the if it can’t take that it probably can’t take the boat right it cannot let’s just go and get the boat in the

Water I just don’t know what to do h ah God this uniper broom is so fast okay um well I mean it was a lovely idea I still don’t know how to move move them um it’s really challenging uh is there like a villager thing can we make a villager bottle of villager

Fright mob filter cooler forsaken Idol can we make a spawn EG no okay I I don’t know um if anybody has any good ideas on how to get villagers to move a long distance um my next best thought was to do the boat trick and then get

The boat on create trains and then run the train over there and like but that is a little messed up I mean anything involving sacrificing villagers to summon demons is going to be inherently messed up but I feel like also involving a train just evokes some bad juju so I

Don’t really want to do that um I was hoping to summon a a demon though but the way I did it before was I led one over and then I I managed to summon another one cuz I found a villager egg which maybe I should have kept there is

No capturing enchant in this mod pack so there’s no um no other way uh I don’t necessarily want to um spend the time trying to fix that while you’re all around my friends cuz it is mostly just killing monsters and hoping that you get the extremely rare drops that you need

All right um so in the meantime though let’s um let’s figure out what we’re going to do with this house here um we’ll sleep and let’s see if we can come up with a good way to make a cake cuz what I’d like to do is I’d like to be able to

Mass produce cake uh for botania I feel like this is really straight really straightforward really you just compact the things unheated and it makes a cake that is completely insane or we can make a baked cake base I need to see this again I I don’t believe that first of

All okay there there are cakes in world is what that’s telling us um so you put milk eggs sugar and wheat flour and you just compact it and this is a default create this is extremely funny cuz we could make the sugar and the wheat flour with

Um with a millstone and we could actually just kind of like make a little saw roof with just enough stuff and some ducks right and have them up there and have a supply and we can get milk from milk enough cocoons of Capri could net

You a villager that’s not a bad idea but it does feel a little bit like I’ll be at it for a while you know but you’re right I shouldn’t overlook cocoons of capric chaos fir maker that is they are good all right um are there any other ways to make cake

Let’s take a look here so there’s this compacting method which is just absolutely Bonkers or we can Frost the cake with milk uh a baked cake base is cooked Lucian hey you don’t heat the cake you don’t heat the cake in regular crafting I guess that’s true it really

Is just a mush um this is more steps right we could we could bake the cake uh what’s this cake base look like so this is wheat dough so that’s more efficient it goes fine Lucian and uh I am on a server and you missed my daughter I actually um so I ethically

Took uh tag loocks of my daughter for good reasons namely to do witchcraft on her namely to do poppets of protection we’re seeing how long it will go before my daughter actually is consumed by Hellfire because she now she’s just running around playing with fire right but here let’s

Um let’s just uh like test really quick where’s she at over there come here vasper I’ll show you my daughter this is her first time playing um Java uh Minecraft like modded is in this mod pack she’s just standing in this boat menacingly come out of the water so I

Can light you on fire oh God doesn’t Hur SE doesn’t hurt at all yeah ow she can’t drown Either so that’s a really big cavern I’m not sure that’s a great idea but you see I’m such a good father anyways um all right so let’s think a little bit about um what we should do then so either we’re we’re need we need more wheat per

Cake um either we need more wheat per cake or alternatively we need less wheat for cake but more steps I’m inclined to say that we would like fewer steps um cuz we can get the resource problems sorted so I’m thinking that what we’re going to do is redo the roof

A little bit here uh do we have any scaffolding no can we make some scaffolding probably we really can’t make any scaffolding what kind of dingy ramshackle operation is this where we don’t have some bamboo I know there’s bamboo around here just imagine the Popp is spewing up

Water yeah like it’s supposed to be cute and funny right chaos but it’s not cute and funny it’s like horrifying and like my daughter is in terribly dangerous situations but I mean I’m giving her lots of room to learn and that I think is the

Real the real gift I can give her as a as a Minecraft Dad uh thought that was her coming after me all right um we’ll make some scaffolding here I’m not sure that I care about this uh this playlist anymore how about this one no that’s definitely not that

Right there we go uh all right um despite the fact that I am strong and fast I still need I too need these little uh scaffoldings to get up where I’m going so if we cut the top of this off get rid of this ornamental ow um

This ornamental uh roof we should have a pretty good space for ducks and wheat and a little bit of um just a little bit of stuff and we can uh use batania Mana to accelerate so that’s what I think let’s do that we’ll also need a little bit of create power in between

Here I think that um that’s maybe where we’ll start first uh okay um let’s do steam steam seems fun um and we can reuse some of the existing stuff we we’ve got here uh we need copper tanks um where are the tanks and all this that’s a window that’s a

Wire what is the wire for a portable energy interface what the heck is that uh create additions I believe that Vesper is locked in chat mode oh we have electric Motors Tesla coils accumulators what do accumulators do a multi-block structure stores electric energy wow that’s so cool actually holy smokes I did not even realize okay well uh I’m getting distracted though um that’s very fun looking though um so an alternator then would turn energy into uh into it would turn rotational energy

Into that interesting interesting okay um well let’s get back to create tank we need to get a fluid tank um what do we need to make that do we just have the stuff lying around or you have to go back to the workshop okay

Uh we have some of the stuff but I think we should make maybe a three High tank and uh start working on that yeah just tank I will Pro take your word for it I’m too young and far too poor to be a father you know um ironically Lucian uh

It’s you know uh more likely to be a father when you are poor rather than wealthy I thought that was interesting you know you would think but uh strangely enough poverty and large families are correlated so like like just obviously so I guess three four five that should be plenty of copper

Tanks for now and I don’t even know how many copper plates we have two three all right that should be enough for now um and uh we need the steam arm IM mention uh what what is what is that going to take for us we’re missing the block of

Copper and we need gold plates let’s grab a little bit here we are with a uh bonking machine as I think the community has come to call it but I call it a DAV anoer I’m also too gay to be a father without putting serious consideration in making it happen

Listen I uh am in a city I think where perhaps it’s more common than others but I would say that uh that’s that the only obstacle there is the obstacle uh that anyone adopting uh e they straight gay sis Grand would hit it is hard to be an adopted

Father it’s hard to adopt but uh I I guess I would say everyone I know who’s ever adopted thinks it’s very worth it or what it’s worth they find it to be incredibly worth uh doesn’t mean you will um how much anite alloy do we have can we make some more

Please okay that’s all that we can make and let’s grabb it all right so we’re repurposing this house and uh these windows are going to come through so um we’ll pick some building blocks in a bit but for now we’ll just use Cobble so I feel like what we’ll do is build a

Little platform here and this will be the basis for uh for that we’ll knock the middle out okay so and um we’ll put one here for now and then this will go up like so now uh next thing we need to do is get water in there and get something up there our

Decorative um our decorative de up here I think we can silk touch this with my little silk touch uh steam mining drill yes yes we can and I think that these do a fairly good job of of like producing basic power cuz we’re not going to need very

Much we’re going to be running a compactor uh and a millstone no these are all fair things I don’t mean to uh Lucian to denigrate your concern it’s definitely a big deal to have a kid um for what it’s worth I didn’t know I didn’t own a house when I I had Vesper

That came much later I do live in one of the places with the most expensive real estate in the world okay so um next up is to get water in there um it might be best um what kind of pump options do we got

Here I don’t want to do it I don’t want to do it uh this is an electric pump uh um teack reborn pump and add Astro water pump but it requires Dash which unfortunately we don’t have can’t make it either uh we have to go another planet to get

Dash all right um well in that case probably the best way to do this is to just do the create pump stuff we’re going to need a lot more copper plates I think um so let’s just get 32 of those Brewing right now and we’re going to say create

Pump well yeah I know what you’re saying Lucian um it do be tough out there um let’s go ahead and make three batches of uh those and we need um some Wood just so that we have a little bit to work with you know uh one thing I by the way I love about these great roofs they don’t obstruct there’s a there’s an egg up there slowly leeching my Mana they don’t obstruct um rain which is very realistic right a

Little great thing wooden obstructor uh okay um make the pump and we’ll make the creative water source and then we’ll try and get all that sorted the goal here is to get I think I have a hand crank I could use to like pre- prime it I went the wrong

Way okay uh we’ll put the pump on this side will work similarly I don’t know it’d be I think it’s really cool the like I just like having kind of like that like little bits of Authenticity this is maybe too much I don’t know I may be could could we do the obvious thing for once in our lives cre8 where did my uh wrench go it’s in here I see it I’ll grab that while I’m here um I might have there you are I I don’t know why

But for some reason this backpack in particular I can’t see a damn thing in it um go that should go up I don’t know why it is I just can’t see anything it won’t turn yeah one two three all right and um we should have a bucket lying around here

And there’s water right over there so we could almost run it all the way over here fortunately I’m fast like the Dickens and Boop all right for the moment um we can make a cog wheel real quick and use that um should be able to use that to sort of like um

So and this and let’s just fill up the tank really quick un Under Pressure traveler’s backpacks are finicky and how much home automation experience do you have you know funny you should say that I’m in the middle of installing switch Bots all over my house so that our lights automatically turn

Off at night um I’m I published in hackaday for some home animation stuff um don’t know if that means anything to you I’m very hungry uh I know a little bit about it ask away home automation it’s funny like you wouldn’t think it but it is actually a very very

Fun uh very fun thing to do up we go okay yeah it just needs so it needs water to start right uh cuz it consumes the water okay uh we should put it at this height I think and then we want to run a shaft oh

Interesting it sticks out to do I got to move this whole thing over I thought it only stuck out one well if that’s the case maybe it’s okay to put it over here and um all right you know it’s fine all right so do we have to turn this to get it to

Go all right we do Alexa media integration all right and it’ll go for a bit all right this is workable this is workable this is workable um we definitely are going to need to make a little bit more um gearbox stuff though I think yeah we’re missing I almost wonder yeah I should

Just make a whole bunch of these right right can craft more of those other things anytime um all right uh let’s make a gearbox and we’ll make it a vertical one yeah so this actually goes this isn’t too bad um exactly not I wanted it right there okay now this can

Go can I can I go like it would be amazing just going to say it’d be amazing amazing if I could like do a diagonal belt can I do diagonal belts now let’s find out one here one shaft here that’s not what I wanted might have overdone

It yes uh hi magi1 163 it’s going well and so far my where she’s hiding in this building I don’t know if she uses this building but I guess it’s good that we’re not going to mess with it we’re messing with this building for sure though um okay

Belts I think we have enough we have a lot of dried kelp all right so this is the question the answer is no I mean I also think the Min the minimum speed enough for water is twice the passive engine is that really true so we’d have to get like

A we’ll have to get a water wheel is what you’re saying cuz if that’s the case wouldn’t it just make more sense to have the water wheel I guess the water wheel might not do what I want uh okay well let’s make a water wheel I could fiddle with this a whole bunch

More but I think that it might make more sense for us just to do this um let’s pick up the water and just put it over here big Cog small Cog gets you on the diagonal I hate the way that looks though what what see here’s the thing

Though what uh I I I think I could make that work and Fiddle it but it sounds to me like it won’t work is what um art was saying there I think I think that’s the that that’s why I’m not doing that right now so we’re going to go like

Um first we’re going to dig that out right and this will be where the water wheel lives and we’ll go down just a little bit more okay and we’ll put the water wheel right right where I’m standing is this the one no this is the one we’ll put a thing right

There now we should be able to get that running I don’t know if that’ll be enough to run it we might need more uh that’s fine if we need we can um do some some belt drive Shenanigans belt drive shanis as they’re known and bring this up to here put one

Here well that definitely runs it now let’s just get the water in there and let’s hope that that’s enough to make some stress units I really should make the batania infinite water Rod okay now um is that not fast enough what happens if we add the crank then does it go

Okay so that’s not enough water uh all right so what we should do is increase this I bet you just one doubling will do it um so let’s try that we can uh put something there for now right what I like is is um first of

All I’d like to make a bunch of iron nuggets cuz what I want is the chain drives and if we add the Redstone to the chain drives right that makes the by the power of Gears oh I am okay well um uh we need some logs what logs can I use without making

Anybody sad we’ll use the Spruce as we have thousands of them over there I still have not automated this I really ought to but part of the reason I haven’t which you’ll see in just a sec is that I genuinely love pulling out my chainsaw and being Like actually um I shouldn’t I genuinely love my chainsaw and I love going BR but I really should be doing it with a more delicate tool and collecting uh that very important Spruce bark okay we got a bunch of spruce bark which is excellent we love Spruce bark

In this household we love Spruce bark and um I don’t know let’s make eight of these for now should be good pull back out my chainsaw which is once again in my inventory somewhere here it is don’t laugh at me all right um these we would need at least four of these right

To to pull the spring back all right how many of these do I have I need more of these make that I need more of these let’s make some of those just for now uh my inventory is starting to feel sad just going to put that out

There uh can’t say that I’m in love with that all right um think I have some sandpaper right there why can’t I find the sand paper like [Laughter] instantly by the power of gear skull oh man well I don’t love that but okay uh four should be

Enough or should be enough for the moment um okay one of these Bec um yes let’s see if doubling it is enough and um D Dres me sad I’m even playing look I got stuff and I’m trying to I have like just a tool backpack and this is still not enough there just

Aren’t good backpacks um don’t like it either Please Release Me From my tool related pain I actually don’t understand why it’s so bad in this pack it isn’t that different from other packs but just for some reason it’s been really giving me a hard time um couldn’t tell you why that

Is all right uh we do like this uh of course it somehow does exactly what I don’t want it optimizes for disappointment okay and then we can put that these two up one uh then they both did exactly what I don’t want right this goes

Here and I hope that’s enough if we if we get a lever and power this it will uh should juice up the energy okay yeah that’s going uh twice as fast so um that should work this is a fabric mod pack So Sophisticated backpacks don’t work this is not

Enough okay well uh what we could do is break this upgrade it uh with an iron plate which we’re very close to running out of and then we can get the double double we’re so close we’re so close chat uh I another lever but yeah I don’t actually

Understand why I have more inventory problems okay is that enough how is it not enough that seems like as fast as I could turn the the crank oh the reason it may not be enough is because I’m an idiot all right okay there we go uh let’s put down some some Cobble

Here for now all right there we go we’ve got a boiler it’s powering that so what do we need to do we need to hop up top and clean things out and then make we need the acquisition of the ingredients and those have got to get kind of tumbled down

Into this so we got a hole here which is kind of like ideal right so the the things can come down a shoot into here I try really hard everything flows like a fluid if you try hard enough right um we also should get rid

Of here we’ll just do this the slow way since we can quad it we’ll need to make an actual sort of like flat surface up here for ourselves right it’s going to need to be a little bit bigger than this so we can get rid of

These I don’t know how I’m going to make it look but I’ll worry about that later like the fact that there’s solid Spruce under this does suggest to me that someone’s done a good job thinking about how I’m going to modify it God so we could put the millstone put a

Chute here right everything will go down to a central thing one thing we’ll have to think about and I don’t know how it’s going to work at all is that we’re going to have um a balancing problem getting everything balanced in here and that is is just going to be the way of

It we’ll have to accept that all right and we can make a bunch more room up here with dirt and and maybe what I’ll do is I’ll I’ll cover up the bottom yeah I’ll cover up the bottom um with some natural uh like weeds and stuff and also with deep slate make it

Look like support so this will look a little bit Jank now and I’ll clean it up later but I think this will be a fun idea cuz once we get the we’ll have a bunch of ducks up here oh by the way um I uh have a terrible awful duck name you

Don’t want to hear it so save yourself um don’t allow me to name the duck so come up with a good duck name right now if you don’t I’m going to name the duck and I promise you you won’t like my name you know do feel kind of moot given

The me EXs well I mean here’s the thing thing it’s a shared server and this is a shared system Magi so I kind of like don’t want to put my custom Tools in there CU they’re good it’s not that people will like intentionally steal them you know what I’m saying it’s just

Like it’ll be confusing for them and it’ll be awkward for me and Sir quacking ton quark I like I do like Quark I won’t lie um all right that’s good there uh let’s do this let’s make a millstone really quick malard key I like that too I love duck

Names Arch bib vellum or meest wow is that your is that your plan you want to hear mine mine now stipulating of course that you won’t like it let’s grab that belt stipulating that you won’t like it I haven’t used uh those yet interesting

Um right so we can just have a chute go down um let’s make some shoots and get that done stop talk about it less do it more we are out of iron plates so we’ll go do that uh my name for the duck was aquacate I hope you don’t

Mind so here’s a bunch more of these uh aquacate I think is an amazing name uh all right um make a bunch of of iron plates all right while that machine is annoying me um we need an anvil three uh chat’s being suspiciously quiet about my decision oh wow

Yeah everybody’s speechless about my my duck name Um what was it a jar a milk jar oh uh I need a bucket with milk in it Bill my flight was delayed so we’re probably going to we would have to miss the show my friend I didn’t expect my friend uh Trey to be on the server actually

No get back in there no oh oh okay no damn it um I don’t understand why everyone’s so surprised by the idea of the name aquacate it seems to me like that’s a good name all right I uh I’m going to go grab the Ender

Lead uh because if you recall we left a cow in a snake pit uh here he is hey buddy how you doing down there in my snake pit everybody keeps coming over here and they’re like oh my God there’s so many snakes we need to kill them and I’m always like no

We don’t no we don’t just relax okay I think um this will do put it down there and then this probably won’t kill the cow this will probably okay great all right now we have an infinite source of milk which um is what we need I I love that fabrication

Method actually pretty I think mine is better uh uh Ender lead so this so let’s think about where things are going to go in here we’ll make a um what is it the create cauldron mixing this pairs with Whatchamacallit um that I’m not going to not going to save

The Sheep I’m not doing it that sheep needs to learn the consequences to its own actions Basin Basin will do it okay so where are we going to put the basin I feel like we should actually put it like more or less directly well we can’t right we should put the Bas in here um I think we can just make the

Mixer if we make this oh did I not put those in I am making a cake Shack it’s powered by steam now I think that my steam engine probably is insufficient to run a mixer if I’m honest um is there a little place we can get to yeah right why are you like

This my steam Shack oh hi he hasn’t seen my new armor yet Trey though here’s the to be fair you look like a fre no no they’re all getting out Trey hey this Ender lead is like dramatically Inferior okay uh well that little crisis is fixed um let’s go ahead and make the mixer we’ll probably have to make um some more I feel like they need less room yeah you know it’s like the Minecraft code right Thou shalt abuse the animals all right

Um I’m willing to bet you that if we change this for a blaze in a cage we would uh immediately do better even if we’re not feeding it and we’d probably get more of those things as for how to like keep it stocked the cow got out too

Uh well you know what um I’m not going to solve every problem I’m not going to solve every problem I don’t like that it’s not um oh I don’t like how it’s has brown up there so we’re going to make it green haven’t I turn that on so why is this isn’t this

Inhibited that should be that a little confused why that’s firing still oh you know what it is uh he walked over uh one of the you can you can pass your levels onto it manually I don’t inhibit that all right let’s um it to be nice and green up here we’re

Going to have some ducks living around up here um so the Chute will bring things down right into a chest right here I guess we could even actually as a joke not very good for the server but it’s my server so it’s my problem um we could have a

Barrel and I’m pretty sure this would work just fine um put the choot here now like let’s just grab some wheat and just test the system and see what happens here cuz it ought to it ought to be the case that that works Right all right it doesn’t get let’s go wa down here it should take just a sec yeah all right perfect um and then we can also so we can do um let’s make a few more shoots and you might be like why do we need more shoots

Dave uh just trust me on this I I have a plan so one will go on top here and one will go here um yeah I think I got to go like this okay and then um we’ll also have we’ll make another batch and then one will go here

Now the reason being is I’m going to put a hopper Hawk here and all of the harvesting going on up here the micro harvesting will just magically work because we’ll uh have the hopper Hawk with item frame restrictions um let’s before we end the stream CU I will have

To end it kind of soon let’s actually build that part of it and get the duck eggs online and then the goal is like this this Barrel is a temporary storage um but the barrel the goal of the barrel will be to uh the goal of this will be to like

Have this actually be a bank and then we’ll put something that can regulate I think um modern industrialization can do it we’re going to regulate the amount of eggs wheat flour and sugar that goes into that actually even you know the thing is we only need really one of these

Um so we can get rid of this it might be better for the builds look something was just purple well anyways like so I’ve never used shoots this way by the way so I’m kind of excited to try it um oh we should light up this

Area I guess we put that there since the hopper Hawk’s going to be right there all right um so let’s go ahead and um we’ll make make the hopper Hawk and we’ll make it an aerial Hopper Hawk uh we need um two light gray two dark gray an air and a redstone

Route I don’t love that cuz I’m out of um I’m out of the things I might use to make that like the air but I can make one uh and I will do it for you folks because I love you uh to make a redstone route though we need grass so

Um we will need to grass and Redstone it and I think I think we made a good start on this Collective build I think it is a good start I really should like automate the creation of ruins there’s one thing that is just sort of famously tedious in batania right it’s the

Runes all right uh I have my crafting Rune of air over here but I can always replace that and um then we need two light gray and two gray I think my petal uh petal my flower pouch has plenty of that so the problem is I’m very no I’m fine on

Gray one of these and one of these that should be sufficient you know it’s actually funny I was thinking the other day I really need to change my mentality about batania I have like the sort of like feeling that it’s a big pain in the

Ass to do but you know I was like Trucking through it and I realized that like compared to lots of mods I play with it really isn’t and in fact it was more just that it was like doing a bunch of different things um that that kind of it gets that thing

I don’t really know how to describe it it just it kind of like I think there were a lot of subtle design mistakes in early batania that made people feel like it was bad such just a bummer they were going to see such a cool show okay uh we need

To make a um floating Hopper Hawk um Where’s the floating here we go we want a floaty flower I want a floaty flower um Floating white flow okay I just want this I need to grab a flow out of my pouch it really doesn’t matter what do I have the most of um Reds maybe or or Browns but Reds are fine accidental double negative what are you talking about um oh this flower needs to be

Gold or uh glowstone all right boop boop wait how do you make it glowing oh it’s two I guess that’s an example of how batania gets its um bad reputation dumb things like that why does it need to be two what’s the what’s the winning proposition of

That um and then we will give it our Hopper Hawk bam floating Hopper Hawk now item frame I think we should have enough of everything to make the three that we need we need three I think let’s think it through okay so this one goes here okay so this one

We’ll put our reads and then this one will put our duck eggs uh let’s get this in bag mode I I get so many duck eggs I put in my bank uh welcome Nova clipse thanks for the sub always nice to see new folks around fresh meat and now as is our way

On this channel your soul will be devoured by the remainder of chat chaos fir maker will use it as kindling to fund the great work to fuel the great work rather um and that will be good so now the question is does it work yes optimal and now there should

Be yeah look at that look at us look at us we’ve got a ridiculous Contraption going on all right and then we just need to get a little bit of um ow where is our is it over here yeah little bit of this I’ll use it to fuel your Android body yes yes

Skibby okay so like all we have to do is get some ducks up here and they will poop out eggs and that’s the egg sorted like there’s no more nothing required then we need to get the sugar cane online um what does that do if it ain’t too

Much to ask which which thing are you talking about Nova because my daughters on the chat and here I have a fairly sharp DeLay So do be aware of that my apologies that’s annoying but it is for her safety and for mine um okay I am very worried about our speed for the

Mixer which we can put down by the way to clear our inventory yes um I don’t think this will work if you mean by what does it do to take your soul I mean the usual and uh one right and then we could belt that

Over and we’ll see if that works but it looks too slow it looks too slow that to there for sure that’s to that’s got to be too slow like if that’s not too slow yes that must be too slow however um we probably don’t need to increase it all that much more

Ironically I almost wonder what if we were to upgrade this right now let’s let’s Okay so look we’ve got the collection I can move the duck up there to a seat and I can move two or three Ducks aquacul Will Rise um then it’s just a matter of

Uh figuring out how to harvest really the wheat I think is the big open question and this doesn’t have to run super fast it just needs to run consistently right so if we put like uh you’re right the cake was a press what am I think I’m I’m thinking

Of the other recipe that we’re not using so actually the um it doesn’t matter does it like we’re it’s actually a Press thank you for reminding me chaos I got so wrapped up I was thinking oh it’ll be such a pain to get a mixer going but it

Won’t all right for now we can put these here right and they’ll grow and we can probably just raise the walls on this little Roof Garden a little bit and then have some um timered Pistons we don’t need anything fancy like uh Observer Pistons actually would work just fine

And that’s very cheap so that is probably sorted in just a moment of work so we’ll maybe we’ll get a chance to do that before we’re done um so eggs and sugar canane really it’s just wheat and how we’re going to harvest that right and we have plenty of room here that’s

Hit by the water and can we amplify the um the rate at which the wheat grows is the other good question um but yeah let’s uh let’s fix let’s get rid of the mixer um what do we need for this we’re just mixing a missing a block of iron

Rest we might just be might just be fine the thing about um that I know about the the Ki muris which is ultimately why we’re doing all this the reason that we’re doing all this k m is BEC the thing that’s good about it is that it is um

Would be good to have these here just to place this against we’ll have to remove these now uh is that you really don’t actually need a ton of cake to make a lot of Mana um unless you want to have multiple flowers like they go a long

Way um if we just get one vertical gear box right this will be enough are we really out of an aite casing okay grab some strip logs we’ll make three more I really got to I really got to automate that I’m out of all of the things that I need but

Still all right thank you for reminding me all right and then we just need our Cog wheel again or I’m sorry our gear box which will turn into a vertical beer gear box a vertical beer box after after its completion and boom okay uh as for

Milk will not use create for that first of all if I put it there does it does it eject it’s so disgusting um actually you know we could save on Space here by putting this down Here all right now um we should be able to uh get some fluid pipes out of my system we could do fluid we have just one of these if this will work that’d be great because these are actually really good okay uh we need a specific wrench

Though to work with them that is one of the paines that’s not that one it’s this this one I Think okay that goes in there uh does it okay well I don’t want to make another one of these and we’re not using that it obviously doesn’t go into the top okay um uh just cleaning out my inventory maybe it’s just better to put it in there um

All right let’s get some other fluid pipes the other fluid pipes uh I know I can trust the and I have more of them although I meant to grab more not drowning in a Glass Prison but doing so not only drowning in the Glass Prison but doing some of the dark look

If the cow doesn’t want to be milked so much it should stop making milk um can we please hook this up to fluid pipes though does it just not want to unless it’s on the bottom or did they undo this so that it wouldn’t I would be pretty bummed if this doesn’t work

Anymore I will say um like what is this no longer so many of these things got changed to not be effective for automation but only in Fabric and they’re like it’s not good for fabric this is like a thing that they actually did for the sink it no longer is good for

Automation um do these connect it to you just checking no that’s that’s Bonkers um how about if we try a fluid Hopper these things will pull fluid out of cases where there’s often times it seems impossible that would be great okay go there you go on Top I thought the milk was going to be the easy part is it just that it needs to have a whole bucket this is sadness Cuz like I can definitely bucket it out all right stand by we are not taking no for an answer on this block we’re pushing forward we’re going to make it happen and if I need to use computer craft to do it God help me I will all right

Um hello can you carry a bucket um isn’t there a fluid Turtle fencing felling digging melee crafty farming Wireless noisy isn’t there like a fluid API um okay let’s go Lua P equals peripheral wrap front really so it doesn’t even see this as a thing all right well I think if I

Go like this and I go um turtle. use isn’t there a use let me look this up computercraft use uh Turtle use Bucket uh oh okay place will work okay and then um here’s the thing then we can go uh Turtle place down cannot Place item there um hm uh Minecraft Turtle right click item that’s not great cuz we can do turtle place so now we’ve got this full bucket

Of milk and it doesn’t want to right click It I’m surprised that this is so hard like this is supposed to be the easy solution and yet here we are not drowning in a Glass Prison but doing something dark or just move the turtle and place just change my window place up the Basin will that work

Uh let’s just try it okay turtle. up oh um turtle. select to Turtle do refuel turtle. up turtle. forward turtle. turn left and then turtle. place oh turtle. select one and place uh did it right click oh no it right Clicks in the middle of the block okay okay okay

Okay maybe we’ve been relying on other mods too much turtle. down I can’t believe I’m doing this turtle. forward oh no Turtle forward I cannot believe we’re doing this okay turtle. place up please no yeah it can affect filters that’s uh can if if I place it there what happens all Right I have no idea how to do this yeah I’m losing my mind for sure I have no idea how to get milk out of this and into buckets like this really like at this point you know I I I almost wonder like while this is in my hand no it doesn’t do

That stuck with drains yeah um can we make one of these really quick and just see I mean I don’t suppose this does it does it uh this is a fabric pack so there is no Ender iio um although tanks some some of these tanks have like Auto input Auto

Output right so that could be a good call is this one with auto input output it is Not I’m just shocked that like this is not supposed to work anymore ah why is it like this I can’t I can’t I I mean I I tried earlier no pipes seem to connect to this right like they don’t want to connect this thing is pretending not to be a

Tank right and I if I if I um I think I have to find way actually um can we do this need more room down here man I did not expect this to be so hard all right so we know that um turtle. Place gets the milk then what happens if

We turtle. place down can’t we rightclick um things onto this and then cuz like it would be cool if we could do like this right right like that would be really cool cuz it’s a milk bucket I thought that we could like right click it and then we we of course we’ll have

To get power down here oh can we do drop down hurdle drop down so that did do something I had my magnet on so that might not work I thought that dropping it on these wouldn’t work that way I thought that was like they don’t like it yeah see it pushes it over

There oh that’s an interesting idea can it right click into a tank I don’t know what is this very oh it’s a path block very specific thing um I don’t think it can though uh but we can try Turtle right it seems to be uh bad about clicking buckets into things turtle.

Place um do we have a hopper this is going to become the most Jank thing in the world but maybe that’s good okay where did it where did it go you see drops over there with push to an inventory uh actually that might have actually been what needed to happen here okay Turtle

Forward turtle do turn right either one’s fine hi turtle boy okay um because it seemed like if it dropped there okay so here we have uh Turtle drop and let’s go ahead and put up a little blockade Here it seemed like dropping it on there did work it just spits it too far oh I need another bucket get this out uh okay my God who would have thought okay so you’ve got a milk bucket you drop okay and then um if you rightclick it then you get it back

Um okay go forward my friend I cannot believe that this is the thing all right so here’s my question if I go turtle. place down it says no item to place um cuz what I really like is for it to right click down Al I’m checking to see if

They’ve and there’s really no use so now we’d have to have a way to get like we’re close Okay so what if okay just just work with me here uh chat I understand this is a hell of a lift will a funnel plac into a turtle inventory it’s a really good

Question but here I’m going to try and get item pipes I have a bunch of these it is a block it has an inventory yes okay now if I get a Servo right and I pull uh into connected inventories and I make it only pull in empty buckets okay

Then this item pipe filter this should be the go list okay so now um okay now uh we do need to make this guy uh can can he drop safely um how okay we will need to think a little bit about this um maybe this is the side that it should

Be on this is by the way the worst possible outcome for our friend the cow okay turtle. turn left twice please okay Um so I don’t know what’ll happen here so turtle. use or uh Place wait didn’t this just work oh crazy it only works with place down okay what happened to you I’m glad you didn’t crash that’s like a full-on that could crash moment okay turtle. turn having to produces infinite milk

You can pull from yeah I mean this is I should put this I shouldn’t be going to this I should put this build somewhere and put it in a an entangled tank to have Infinity right like that should be the thing uh I should have infinite milk on tap on a channel

Okay so now it should be Turtle do place down okay then Turtle dot drop now it didn’t work there because I didn’t uh filter it so it didn’t have time this is a create machine quote unquote feature okay uh this is white uh although okay I think it’s

Fine if it doesn’t have a ton of of that all right so now we just need to get a pump I did not I sued this to be the fast thing and we’d work on make making the system faster as a whole um but no okay oh you know what the these can’t

Turn like that so this has to go here and then this has to go okay all right and then we just need to get some uh and look at that would you look at that um we can do exactly that real quick in fact we can do it even more easily

We’re getting so close so trust what is this system even for that’s a good point I we haven’t talked about that in a while this system is for making lots of cake um I trapped myself I mean it’s a good question why are we why are you doing this Dave so

I’ll write the computer craft code off camera but yeah so this system up here including the steam pump over there which I think actually may be the weakest link in the system right now um we’ll have to think a little bit about how we’re going to cuz maybe we

Could accelerate it up and then run it back down but yeah so the goal here uh we don’t need this do we um is for us to be dropping uh um wheat ground up wheat and sugar cane through here and eggs up here so we’re going to put um my my duck the

Names we got for the duck we’re going to have three Ducks up here and the names include I got to scroll up and see um mine is aquacul um quark and Mard key and Arc archib archil vum abore mallister which I don’t think will fit in a Minecraft name and so unfortunately is

Disqualified but as you can see this will be the finest Cake Factory the world has ever laid its eyes upon there simply won’t be if only because you know uh we’re in pretty good shape here all right um label set milky Joe oh uh exit so just milky Joe hanging out down

There I always just let’s see so with the goal of cake oh hi lying uh how you doing um okay we’re making the world’s most complicated cake machine in part because the fabric ecosystem hates Automation and I don’t understand why look at this I’m trying to make a cake machine and

Part of a cake machine any good cake machine by the way this box is we should change this to be um like obviously load bearing because it’s definitely that block must be there or the build won’t work so it turns out that in fabric they don’t like us

Uh they don’t like us period they don’t like us piping out of the cow in a jar getting woozy for meds so I’ve had to make we just spent fully 30 minutes working out given that there’s no good Auto clicker for this um how we’re going to

Get have you tried cons well is is it on fabric the answer is no so no I have not you know this um anyways this um but I I wish right I wish that I could do that for the farming upstairs um but yeah as you can

See this is Way Beyond what’s reasonable uh but so what we do is we’re going to have milky Joe here I’ll write the pro code offline use the bucket by going calling place down this correctly works but then milky Joe can’t empty the milk bucket in the tanks with place and there

Is no use um and so oh it is onf I have’t didn’t even know that wait I thought it was another Forge mod I asked you the other day and you said Forge you said Forge Forge well okay I’ll look into it um maybe I can can the fox’s Farm okay

Other question if I put the foxes up here in this tiny roof sod Garden will that be a problem for The Foxes cuz I’ll do it I’ll do it for sure never said Forge I mean I guess that’s true all right um real quick last thing we’re going to do

Before we call the stream is empty out a bunch of this stuff um um only if you tell them to move too much box based cake generation I don’t hate this I got to add another mod anyways trash slot is like really essential um can we throw these out thank

You but all right let’s make a blaze burner really quick a blaze cage okay and let’s go grab a um let’s go grab a blaze uh I know where one is in game so I won’t go through the trouble of making one with batania but those do work even in F

Fabri lying only mods in fabric I’m not sure that that’s True I I make a lot of mistakes in my life a lot of mistakes but I’m pretty sure that what you just said is false uan I’m pretty sure that lying has in fact whoa there’s one right over there hey buddy calm down how smooth am I woo so smooth so Smooth H but this is a bit of a problem I did not expect isn’t there another way around that is not the way around yeah it definitely did make a forge mod with near near 200,000 I’m just saying yeah but yeah lying I will I will consider um oh it’s over here I’m

Lost all right let’s see if this just runs hotter than a fireplace as fun as the fireplace is this guy is great you know that definitely does seem to be running a little bit faster and I know that if we give it fuel right like if we were to give it

Charcoal or coal yeah it becomes turbo powerered all right well folks I am your robotic batania friend dulon and uh yes well that’s not a problem right this is actually this is hovering all passive sources are equal well I probably once I get um so the tree farm over

Here which is literally just a turtle so smooth is produced what we would call sufficient wood where’s the little turt yeah he’s over there uh he’s produced sufficient wood so he’s good um okay yeah guys I appreciate it but um can we look I’m trying to give anyways we got a lot of

Wood and we could turn that all into charcoal and then we could like you know do that actually it sort of leaves me with a question how hard is it to feed those guys can you like do it with a hopper or must you do it with a right click simulator

You can just feed the blaze forever that’s my thinking right like can I can I Hopper it or must I use some sort of Fancy Pants robotic arm I the only way I’ve ever seen anybody do it is robotic arms which is because it’s sick um but I I I

I do think that I don’t want to do it that way so you must use something to simulate it and you can’t just like throw it right guys are you joking did you follow me all the way damn ow I know the arm can do it but I’d be

Shocked if you couldn’t use a con a conveyor there appears to be a very angry Enderman all right well folks I think that that is probably going to be the end of this little setup right um we’ve had a good time together uh Blaze straw Blaze straw what is a blaze straw

I don’t know uh straw there is what does it do okay oh interesting can it take lava is lava count as of fuel you guys are distracting me I need to go look I will find out more um I will find out more but that’s a very excellent idea but

Um we uh just need to do our final thing while we talk thank you very much everyone for hanging out with me and if you’re watching on the VOD also thank you very much for um I don’t know maybe falling asleep well I didn’t talk for 20 seconds just being perplexed

Passa de Cake House lava is a fuel bye everyone and uh I hope you have a nice uh weekend

This video, titled ‘End of Vacation Chillstream – Minecraft All of Fabric 7 (AOF7)’, was uploaded by KirinDave on 2024-01-07 13:47:41. It has garnered 106 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:43 or 7963 seconds.

It’s my last weekend of vacation, let’s chill and enjoy some Minecraft together and hope that my daughter doesn’t stab me. Because lately that’s what she’s been doing: trying to stab me (in minecraft)

  • 99 Days, 0 Slime: Minecraft Fail

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  • Roads Unfold: Solo Showtime – Stream 6/15/24

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  • Dangerous Block in Minecraft Skyblock Survival!

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  • Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore!

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  • Bandit Adventure Life – Episode 33

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  • Building a Modern Underground House in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Piston Trick

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  • Beating Minecraft Hardcore for the First Time!

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Update 2024 Review

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  • Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server!

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  • FREE Minecraft Java Install with TLauncher!

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  • Sneaky Pro vs Noob: Hidden Chest Build

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  • Asan Gamerz: Insane Minecraft Trap for Friends! #shorts

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  • Take on the Savage Viper Challenge – Join Us!

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  • Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMatt

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  • Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!

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  • Craft2

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  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

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  • Minecraft Mini Game Madness

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  • Rainbow Beacon Madness

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  • From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!

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  • Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious Caller

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  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

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  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

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  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

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  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

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  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

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    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! pyonmc.my.id Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: play.minedhype.com Website: https://minedhype.com Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by PUBCS.com Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bed is for losers

    Minecraft Memes - Bed is for losersI guess you could say this meme is bed-der than most! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun!

    Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From mining for diamonds to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. But sometimes the logic can be quite absurd, Like pigs flying high or villagers trading with a bird. Players bend the rules, creating their own fun, In a world where imagination can never be outdone. So embrace the craziness, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, there’s always something new in store. From redstone contraptions to epic builds so grand, The possibilities are endless in this blocky land. Read More