Ultimate Minecraft Desertopolis with Gigantic Crafting & Neutron Collectors! #15

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In the last stream we were working on killing any and every husk that appeared in our base but more importantly we were also working on setting up our first bit of refined storage automation we got our first crafter and our patent grid and we also added Crafters to one of our alloy

Smelters and our mechanical squeezer you can see here that between streams I have done a little bit of work here crafting up any more alloy smelters because as I mentioned at the end of the last episode we are going to need to do a lot of alloy smelting to complete this pack

There is a ton of Alloys to be made we need end steel we need dark steel and then if I type in alloy here we need all of these Alloys we need copper Alloys energetic Alloys vibrant Alloys Redstone Alloys conductive Alloys and pulsating Alloys they’re all required in copious

Amounts to complete the pack and so I figured that having one alloy smelter or almost one one alloy smelter per resource would make it just so much faster for us to get those resources and we also of course in the last episode we’re working on the new melon setup

Over here which has been chugging away since the end of the last stream and we now have 4,700 melon slices effectively 4,700 melon seeds worth of melon slices and between streams I have gone ahead and developed a few new chickens so first things first I got two more iron

Chickens we have have three of these three 10 101 iron chickens this wasn’t too difficult we did have to spend 250 iron on getting a second 10 1010 iron chicken but as soon as you have two 10101 chickens of a specific type like iron you can then just breed them

Together and because of their 10 10 10 nature their cooldown is super low and so if I were to for example take one of these iron chickens over to here you’ll see I have another iron chicken ready to go you can put these down you can give

Them both a melon seed that produces a big baby 10 10 10 iron chicken and that baby only takes 120 seconds to grow into an adult and these guys have a 30-second cool down so they can make another 10 10 10 iron Chicken in 30 seconds and of

Course we can use melon seeds to speed up the development of the smaller chicken and so at this point in time we can really make as many 10 10 10 iron chickens as we like and use them to develop really as much iron as we like that’s exactly what we’re doing I’ve

Also gone ahead and of course set up the ancient chicken he’s good to go I’ve moved the copper and cold chickens over to here just so all of our iron chickens are kind of right next to each other in the middle I did go ahead and get a

Glowstone chicken this one was a real pain in the backside because it turns out that you can’t use glowstone dust to make a Glowstone chicken you have to use glowstone blocks to make a Glowstone chicken and so we had to get 250 glowstone blocks in order to get the

Glowstone chicken but thankfully it wasn’t too difficult uh with the anoy smelter over here one thing we did do between streams is we did invest in 24 of these vibrant alloy grinding balls which are fairly easy to make it’s just vibrant alloy because these allow us to

Get eight glow stone per dull Stone as opposed to four so that effectively doubles the amount of Glowstone that you get from each dollstone which made it substantially easier for us to get the 1,000 glowstone AKA 250 glowstone blocks required to get the glowstone chicken and then finally I also got a quartz

Enriched iron chicken as well now that we have all the iron spending a bit of it on quartz enriched iron wasn’t too bad and so we fed 250 quartz enriched iron to this chicken and now we’re generating all of these resources passively so that hopefully we don’t

Have to manually make them going forward and so the plan for today’s stream is going to be to try and complete the end steel and neutron collector quest lines one other thing I have done real quick actually is I have run some trim over to our obsidian drawer and to our mineral

Drawer I’ve also upgraded the menal draw here to a compacting draw so that the manal is available in both block and Crystal for form and I’ve also doubled up the number of fluid generators here so that we now have the same amount of water and lava being produced so that

Now we’re producing the obsidian faster and we don’t really have that much of an excess of water and the way I’ve done that by the way we already had trim behind here for all of these drawers I just put a bit more dark oak trim under

The stairs and then you’ll see here if you look at the top there this is marble this is trim so if I break this it does take a little while because I should be doing this with an X but under here is dark o trim that dark o trim runs down

And along and I guess you don’t actually get your trim back if you break it with an ax that is my mistake thankfully we did make some excess uh again just like with anything else you can craft the framed trim and then just craft it with

Whatever block you want and it will look like that block and then I’ve just run that along all the way to here and then it goes kind of that way to get to the menual and then all the way along here and then that way to get to the obsidian

And so all of those are now connected up and if we check in here you can see the obsidian and the Minal nice that’s ideal because it now means that we can alterate things like end Steel because the end steel requires obsidian the dark steel also requires obsidian and so we

Do need a lot of obsidian for that but we can actually automate those resources now over here things are currently not online and that is because we have not connected them up the reason I’ve not connected them up is that I want to

Craft 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven more Crafters to get this going one thing I did start working on down here that is now done is I did start working on producing 250 silicon so that we could get a silicon chicken this also wasn’t too bad it was

Just a case of crafting 250 silicon blend which is just a ton of sand a little bit of gold and 125 nether quarts we’ve got like nearly 1,000 nether quartz I think and so this really wasn’t too difficult and then we just run all through the charger and we’re good to go

And so now we can just go ahead and once again grab one of our 10 10 10 chickens boom pump this guy full of silicon and boom we have ourselves a silicon chicken nice we do have a spare stasis chamber over here let’s go ahead

And WP back this guy in it is the wrong way around which I do every single time let’s do this and this let’s go ahead and lock the drawer as per usual and we’ll throw the Silicon in the top and ideally we’ll also put some feathers in

The bottom there as well because I believe feathers are produced by every single chicken I did also set up a little bit of a grass patch over here to make it a little easier for us to get the uh the grass required for the stasis chambers that wasn’t too difficult

Actually let me do this and let me just check that you’re set to extract which you are fantastic so that’s basically good to go the grass blocks are just dirt and grass and so we just crafted up five of these place them down and then fill the rest in with dirt and that

Means that now going forward if we do want to get more grass for more stasis Chambers we can just take some of our bone meal and of course a pair of shears we can just bur me all the grass and boom we have more grass ready to go nice

And of course we could use that to make even more grass if we wanted to and I think I might I think I might put down some grass in like the sections around the uh the cacti here I think that could look quite nice but it’s just a little

Bit easier than using the Moss blocks that we were using previously because the Moss blocks we didn’t really have that many of them it doesn’t spread as easily and it also produces a lot of stuff that’s not grass which makes it less likely that you actually do get

Grass and so it’s all kind of a bit of a pain anyway let me quickly see if we can’t make like seven more Crafters I think at this point in time we should have the ability to make these fairly easily so we need more processes and

That kind of leads me to another thing I do want to automate today the uh the inscriber here and so it might not be a terrible idea to quickly get a second inscriber and place both of these down the reason that I want two inscribers I’ll put them down like maybe here and

Here the reason we want two of these I think we want to have one of them set up to automatically make the Pressed silicon using the Silicon press and the other one I think can basically make everything else and in fact I might temporarily steal these two Crafters

Here and get that set up first so that we can set up kind of the crafting of crafters and therefore we don’t have to kind of manually do that going forward so if we do this and this we can connect both of these up with a cable to the

Back and we should have some refined storage cable pretty close by we of course have the cable right here but this does go a weird way about it I’m actually not quite sure I think it goes yeah I think it comes straight along here so in fact I think yeah it’s right there

Fantastic so if we do this and this and this that’s going to bring the Crafters online and then I think what we should be able to do for this crafter here that has the inscriber Press with the inscriber Silicon press in it we should just be able to teach our system over

Here with ideally another pattern and it does appear that we are out of patterns now and so we are going to have to get another batch of those thankfully super easy to make we’ll do maybe 10 for now and throw them in we should be able to

Teach our system how to make the Pressed silicon and I am going to make sure that we use this silicon from refine storage just because that is the Silicon that we’re going to be producing with our chicken in code and we can go ahead and

Place that in here like that and now as soon as this gets power I think that should be good to go in terms of producing silicon we just need some kind of impulser of course to pull the final product out and then the same is kind of

True for the other inscriber as well in that I think if we type in processor here we should just be able to go ahead and teach it how to make the three different tiers of processor this used to be a lot more complicated oh Chad is

Right I have made a mistake here let me put these three in these will work this one won’t work because I did not adjust the recipe right here it’s going to think that it has to send silicon and an inscriber press we want to get rid of

The inscriber press for that just shift left click it gets rid of it re-encode and now we’re just telling it to send one silicon and you should get back a printed silicon that’s the recipe that we want to uh to place in here these used to be a lot more difficult to work

With it used to be the case that you had to send specific items to specific sides on the inscriber but I believe in the newer versions of Applied elogistics this should work and it should be substantially easier now in terms of importing last episode we put an

Importer on the alloy smelter and we put an Importer on the mechanical squeezer but if we keep doing that we’re going to need a lot of importers which is fine but we can do this in a much easier way if we just get one single chest that we

Use to import everything and we can then just use some item conduits to pull everything to that chest so you’ll see I’ve already placed some item conduits along the back of these alloy smelters here the idea is that we’re going to keep running those item conduits which I

Believe I have more of in here I do indeed we’re going to keep running those conduits along like this and around into the chest right and the idea is that we can set all of these two extract apart from the one that’s on the chest and

That way everything made by all of these alloy smelters gets set around to the chest same true for the mechanical squeezer as well and then we just put one Importer on the chest and that’s going to import everything and then we can also do the same thing here with the

Inscribers if we do something like this and I’m going to go down just so that we don’t have a rug pipe sticking out but if we do this and this we could then kind of run that up and around to the bottom of this chest as well something

Like that and if we set both of these to extract here and here I think that should just work we’ll then Place one importer down like this we almost certainly going to want to make that importer faster because it’s going to be receiving a lot of items and it’s going

To need to import very quickly but I think that should mostly work now we just need to get power to these two guys and much like we’ve done before by the way the power for these is underground I moved the the battery down here so the

Batter is here with the uh logic cable and the omnidirectional connector but I think we might just get another omnidirectional connector and kind of place it here between these two because that seems like it’s going to be the easiest way to do it without running a horrible cable all over the place okay

So I made my first set of three here I’m going to make another set to give us five in total that’s going to mean it’s just much easier in the future for us to add more power without having to run horrible cables all over the place so

These are all group 57 which is fantastic we now just need some regular cable as well as another energy exporter I think we have managed to use all of our energy interfaces that is completely fine making another RF battery is easy enough making another energy interface therefore also easy enough and boom we

Can then go ahead and make under the energy exporter do want to make sure we have a variable card with us and we can then go ahead and just place this down actually I want two of these now that I think about it again thankfully very

Easy to make because we’re going to put one down right about here and I did have to temporarily move the inscriber because we needed to make more fluix to make more corus rout to make that omnidirectional connector but if we put this back down here we can do this we

Can do this we can do this and then we do need one more of these as well actually so that we can connect both of those to power and that point I think we are basically good to Goat a little bit of a convoluted setup

But I do believe that’s going to make it a lot easier for us to produce some of these processes going forward let’s give it a try so those are connected up back over here if I now type in processor it shows that I can craft it so let’s say

That I wanted to craft this one let’s say I want to craft five of them start it says it’s missing the RO processor that makes sense our system currently only knows how to make seeds if we go ahead and type in processor again we can quickly teach our system how to craft

The raw basic the raw improved and the raw Advanced nice now we’re going to have to go further of course I do think that the Silicon should be interchangeable and so maybe not you know we do have this exact box tick which is um maybe not ideal so you know

What let me untick exact re-encode because if you leave exact ticked it means it’s going to try and get this specific piece of silicon whereas if you untick exact it will use any silicon or ideally it should use any silicon that is possible to use and then the final

Piece here should just be to teach you how to make the process of binding because that should really be the only thing that he doesn’t currently know how to make in that equation so now if we try this again let’s say I wanted five of these Advanced processes start and

Start over here we should see this inscriber look at that begin making the stuff fantastic of course we do want to get our acceleration cards in there and we should also probably look at making some more acceleration cards thankfully they’re not that difficult at this point

In time to make do we have what it takes to make I guess four more of these ideally we totally do and then if we got into fluix here which I think we do fantastic we can then fill both of these inscribers with acceleration cards to

Make them just that bit faster oh never mind they hold four not three I thought they only held three uh does this work did I set that to extract I did not that’s my bad uh that’s because I broke it and replaced it if we do this I’m

Hopeful it pulls them out fantastic and that is basically those processes automated so let me uh undo that I meant to put down marble and not omnidirectional connectors but if we replace down the marble like so we should now be able to automate those processes going forward which means we

Should also be able to teach our system how to make the crafter so if we do this and incurred we then do need to teach it how to make the machine casing easy enough in code and we also need to teach it how to make the construction cause

And the destruction cause so for that we’re going to need some more pattern we could also look at teaching our system how to make the pattern as well unfortunately we don’t have any of the higher tier Crafters in in uh in this version of Minecraft so we only have the

Basic crafter sometimes you can use an add-on mod that gives you iron gold diamond and netherite Crafters that are much larger and much faster for now though we’re going to have to stick with the basic crafter for our construction core and for our destruction core and

With all of these in here that does fill up this crafter so now if we want to teach more recipes we’ll have to put down another crafter but I do believe that we should now be able to just request crafter so let’s say I wanted seven of

These look at that it’s going to do a lot of crafting there’s a lot of stuff that it needs to to craft but it should just make it happen five of them should get taken care of pretty quickly but if we go check over here we should see

These guys K plun away making stuff happen which is very good I’m very happy about that we should also look at getting two more acceleration cards there as well just to see if we can’t max out the speed entirely on that front what we missing just two more of these

That’s completely fine we do have more of those improved processors fantastic we’ll drop that in over here and this just makes our life so much easier because now going forward any Crafters we need we can just request and look at that we got seven Crafters nice okay so

Let’s do 1 2 3 4 5 6 and I’m going to do this one over here seven for now um although I think basically right away here we should go ahead and whoops rquest two more Crafters just so that we can get these final two connected up

Because that way we’re not going to need to run our cable too far to get all of these connected so here we are out of silicon which is unfortunate our silicon chicken is working but uh not really working as fast as I’d like it’s not the

End of the world we can of course get some sand here and just kind of throw that into the SAG Mill and we could also potentially look at maybe teaching our system how to do this as well like how to turn sand into silicon it’s not guaranteed wait am I smelting this no

I’m I’ve got smooth sand so that’s that’s why this is not the right stuff hold on let me put this back I think I might have used too much of our sand in between streams yeah we only got 517 left I mean it’s not terrible we can obviously just

Go and mine sand if we need to but if we do this that’s hopefully going to get us some more sand and real quick here one thing I am going to do I think we’re going to make some more capacitors right now we have two capacitors we have a

Basic capacitor and we have this one loot capacitor which has a base modifier of 2.5 however we can craft these Octan capacitors which have a base modifier of three so they’re even faster than this uh this loot capacitor and I think ideally we want to have an octad

Capacitor in every single one of these machines so 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 eight if we can make eight octadic capacitors that would be fantastic to make that happen we need eight basic capacitors as I mentioned before right now we do already have one that’s fine although I say

Eight I think you might need two yeah you need two per double layer and then you need two again there so if we want eight octadic that means we need 16 double layer which means we need 32 of the basic so we actually need a lot more

Of these we are out of grains of infinity however I have been told by the twitch Chan that if we use obsidian instead of using the grindstone that we don’t actually use the Flint because right now we take deep slate and we take flint and we right

Click on the grindstone and it sometimes uses the Flint but it always uses the Deep Slade I’ve been told that if we use obsidian instead which I’ll place down over here for now because I did between streams set up another resource generator for deep slate just for this

Very purpose if we take that deep slate and we do this and then we shift right click like this look at that it doesn’t actually use the Flint our off hand so we don’t have to make an infinite amount of Flint we just produce the grain of

Infinity at the cost of deep Slade which is much much nicer and once we’ve got two more staks of grains of infinity we should be able to make quite easily I think the uh 32 basic capacitors we can nice then upgrading those to double layer is going to

Require 16 powder coal which I think we have and then 32 energetic Alloys which we definitely don’t have we’ve got four of those so let’s take half a stack of gold let’s take half a stack of redstone and let’s take half a stack of Glowstone you’ll see that glowstone chicken

Already paying for itself we’ve got over 1,000 glowstone at this point let’s once again steal this capacitor for now place it down over here boom boom and boom and then we can do something like this to make that a little bit faster the limiting factor here is definitely the

Speed at which we’re extracting from this battery so around here we currently don’t have a pipe upgrade in this pipe and you’ll see it’s transferring 256 Redstone flux per tick despite the fact that we’re making like 3,000 so if I put this in it’s now capable of extracting 8,000 Redstone fls

Per take and so now we should be able to really accelerate this as much as we like because we’ve got way more power coming in and as soon as we have the 32 energetic alloy we should be able to do this and this that gets a 16 double

Layer and then to make the eight octadic we need glowstone and we need vibrant alloy right now we’ve got seven vibrant alloy we of course are going to need 16 in total and so we do actually need now that I think about it even more of those

Energetic alloy as well as some more of those ender pearl fragments let’s take a full stack of those back over here let’s do this this and this and again let’s give that a quick tap with the time bottle to make it faster once those are done boom and boom and again that’s

Going to get us all of the vibrant alloy that we need nice uh we do want to make sure this is connected up like this and of course this is set to extract so that eventually things go around into here and we’re going to want to put Piper

Brids into these as well to transfer those items out faster to that import chest but back down here we should now have everything that we need in order to make eight octadic capacitors nice and then now if we going and put these into these machines we should hopefully see

And you can just right click these in which is nice we should hopefully see them being a lot faster than they were previously which is good and with that I do believe that we’re now in a position where we could look to these compressed crafting tables so down here let me go

Ahead and request another crafter because our first Crafter is just completely done it’s full and so we need another one if we’re going to craft more stuff again hopefully doesn’t take too long here look at that fantastic I’m going to put it down you know what I’m

Going to put down directly on top of the pre-existing crafter we could maybe do with finding a new place to put these but let’s do this and then let’s go ahead and teach our system how to make these compressed crafting tables so this is the first one we need it’s one and

Steel four stone crafting tables and four regular crafting tables we can incode that but we’re also going to to want to incur regular crafting tables and we’re also going to want to incur Stone crafting tables as well for the stone crafting tables we need to incur regular stone bricks that’s fine let’s

Put all of these up in here and then before I forget let me also go and put the the end steel and the pulverized coal back where it needs to be and you know what let’s split the dark steel and the end steel like that so that we can

Do kind of twice as much smelting at once so back over here that is basically everything for this taken care of we should then be able to this recipe here and then from there I think that’s basically it we only need the double compressed crafting table for the

Resource generator so let’s do this and then let’s see if we can’t make this work oh did I not incode planks I thought I did that’s fine let me quickly encode planks like this uh oh no I did encode the crafting table I see I didn’t encode planks that makes sense let me

Get another patn and we could potentially do with encoding a pattern for patn so we can just request more patons but if we do this recipe here so our system knows how to turn our logs into planks we can then Place those in here and it’s possible now that we might

Be able to just request the double compress crafting table we do need nine of these nine of those for the ultimate crafting table and then we need four more so we really need 13 of these in total let’s see uh if we have anywhere near enough if I want to make one of

Them we’re good to go if I want to make nine of them we’re missing 296 Stone and we’re missing 69 end steel ingots now did I oh I didn’t connect these up of course did I I requested more C did I request more Crafters I might not have requested more

Crafters hold on back down here I’m getting a little uh distracted get me two more Crafters start we’re going to put those Crafters down over on the sillon the alloy smelter over here and then once those are down we should just be able to do something like this to

Connect these new Crafters up to our pre-existing connection and then that’s going to bring all of these online which is currently what’s stopping us from producing that end steel are those Crafters done they they are indeed you love to see it and so back over here

Let’s do this and this and let’s of course make sure that points down correctly nice so now that all of those are online the next problem is definitely going to be endstone so let me go ahead and we we’ll go ahead and try and request it we’re definitely not

Going to have enough here for nine of these the End Stone is going to be the problem yeah and regular Stone I guess so regular stone is fine over here we’re producing regular Stone just not fast enough apparently one thing we can do of course is we can go ahead and get

Another vibrant alloy block and just place that directly on top of the resource generator set up for stone and that is going to massively increase the current speed cuz right now it’s uh 220 ticks yeah it’s 11 seconds that’s going to make this 11 times faster just by

Having that on top and so we should get the remaining 200 Stone very quickly as for End Stone that one’s going to require a bit more of an involved setup because here we need to take the endstone and I think we need to get one

Of our alloy mels here and we kind of need to Loop the production of endstone so right now the SAG Mill is not doing anything I’m going to take this sag Mill away from here and what I think I’ll do is potentially tweak this a little bit you know what

Actually no I’m going to put this back I’m going to put this back here let’s go to bring this back online I’m going to make another alloy smelter and I’m going to put it down over here for our end Stone production okay so over here we have our new alloy smelter we’re going

To run power to that my thought person here is that we can extract from the alloy smelter using the conduit and the benefit of the conduit system here is that we can round robin the products and so my thought process is if we set this

To extract and we set this to insert we can put down an expart which we’ll make it a second to send Stone over here automatically then we’re going to take the End Stone that we already have and we’re going to place that in here as well I did make another Octan capacitor

And then from there all we need to do is just connect this up to our pre-existing power setup although that’s kind of what this is annoyingly you know what that’s fine let me go get another energy exporter I was going to run a cable over

To it but uh we do have a couple of these omnidirectional connectors spare so I feel like we might as well just go ahead and make another one of these and get another one of these variable cards we can probably just power all this up I’ve not used the self feed feature this

One right here we’ll have to give that a try cuz that might do exactly what I wanted to do but if we do something like this like this and like this we can get our power to our alloy smelter that’s going to make endstone perfect we’re then going to

Extract from there and I also want to get a storage draw to actually hold that endstone so draw wise we do have a spare draw here fantastic let’s take that this was our old manual draw and we’ll place that here so if we set that to insert My

Hope here is that once we set this to always active it’s going to take the endstone but it’s going to divy it up in such a way that there’s always end Stone in this draw it used to be the case that you could set the priority on these cables although unfortunately it looks

Like that’s not the case in the The Cone version of endio but it looks like here this is working it looks like we are sending endstone to both of these and I do kind of want to test if we can get rid of this because I think what we

Should be able to do is set this to insert and extract and then if we set self feed to enabled it’s quite possible that at that point it’s going to do the same thing but without that cable on top so if I do this is it able to feed

Endstone back in here it totally is look at that so we do end up with endstone in both of these and the round robin should in theory kind of divid this up 50/50 so that half the endstone goes here and half the endstone gets fed back in to

Produce more endstone which is perfect and so now all we need to do is grab an exporter to export Stone continuously to that setup and you’ll see here that the system now knows how to make those construction cores and so if we go ahead and control click it will just allow us

To start requesting the required item in this case a construction core and then boom we can craft it nice so let’s do oh I guess let’s do this and then let’s connect that up with our cable like so and then we can just take some Stone from over here and we can throw

That in here uh right now this is not connected to the system but using the same trim setup as before we do already have a draw controller down under here that is connecting all of these drawers to our system and so if we just run a

Little bit of trim around to this drawer we should be able to bring the endstone online as well 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 perfect and you know what eight nice okay so our system should now have access to that endstone it does and so let’s try this

Again if I wanted nine of these crafting tables we’re just missing Stone again it kind of makes sense the stone is being used over here now as well as elsewhere in the base and even though it’s coming in Faster I guess it’s just not fast

Enough but we can give that a quick uh kick in the butt because we do have over 12 hours sted away in our time in the bottle if we do something like this we should hopefully start to see the stone coming in nice and quickly and once we

Have enough we can then request those nine crafting tables start and start nice that is going to take a minute because we do have of course a lot of alloying to do over here but all of this does seem to be working over here right now this is importing somewhat fast

Enough although we will look at getting speed upgrades I think sooner rather than later and you can see here this is why we definitely needed more alloy smelter so that both of these could be going at the same time once those are done though we should have everything to

Make the ultimate crafting table and at that point we can begin looking at the resource generator here that I don’t think is going to be too difficult end steel is easy enough diamonds we’ve got a ton of the resource generators are just lava and water they’re a bit of a

Pain to craft with but they’re nothing too difficult the ultimate crafting table is what we’re going to make from these nine double compressed crafting tables so those are completely fine and then it’s really just a case of getting this much netherite which could be tricky just due to the fact that

I don’t know if we have enough netherite scrp right now we got 410 netherite scrp it takes four netherite and four gold to make one netherite Ingot So in theory we’ve got about 100 netherite ingots worth which is actually fine it doesn’t take 100 netherite to make this resource

Generator here not that we necessarily need this resource generator just yet this is used to make record fragments and netherite meshes basically we can use this to duplicate record fragments and duplicate uh Unbreaking netherite measures which is going to be useful because the record fragments are

Required I believe in the making of the infinity catalyst they are indeed as are the netherite measur so that’s why we do need that eventually but my main goal as I mentioned before is going to be to get to the neutron collector here which doesn’t seem as bad the diamond ltis is

Not too bad and then the neutron collector is is just a bunch of these processors and Crafters which we’ve already taught our system how to make and so uh let’s quickly see is this crafting table craft done not quite we’re at six out of nine uh one thing we

Could do here is we could make a crafting grid there’s like a crafting it might be called a monitoring grid actually yeah the crafting monitor here this thing is pretty cheap it requires two patterns and then we can just request our system make almost everything else the only thing we can’t

Request apparently is glass that is fine though we can do something like that and that glass will make its way back around into the system the benefit of the crafting monitor is it allows you to keep tabs on what is going on inside of your craft so you request a craft and

Then you’re kind of waiting for it to happen and if you want to check on what you’re currently waiting for you can use the uh the crafting monitor to tell you what it is that you’re missing and so in here you can see that we’re currently waiting on Co by the

Looks of it which seems unlikely we are it looks like the uh the problem here might just be oh the problem here of course is that I’m a Fool the whole reason why the reason why this mechanical um squeezer is off to the side is that we actually need to put a

Impul pipe on the bottom here like that so that we can extract from the bottom like this and then now it’s going to pull out the coal and everything should come together and then we go nine double compressed crafting tables the only downside to the way we’ve just done

It is that we don’t get the quest completion here so um I will go ahead and request one of the first tier of compressed crafting tables again this one hopefully is the faster of the two to produce and hopefully once that’s done we can complete two quest lines at

Once’s Fantastic we can then do something like this to get the ultimate crafting table and then from there it looks like we do have to upgrade this with eight Hoppers which we’re going to have to do with some chests that’s fine let’s get a stack of chests we’ve got

Loads of wood that’s fine and let’s go ahead and make at least eight Hoppers here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 again those iron chickens paying dividends with over 1,000 iron and if we go ahead and do something like this it’s going to get us

The ultimate Al crafting table which is what we need to make the resource generator tier two so we’ll take this and now in terms of making that ultimate resource generator tier 2 we do need four more double compressed crafting tables and we need a bunch of netherite

But for the most part that seems kind of fine netherite wise I think the alloy smelter is the way to go right it is and so once again I think we probably want to look at teaching our system how to make that so let’s do a few more of

These we are going to need way more glass as well but thankfully we did just melt some up and so netherite Ingot let’s do this in code and we’ll place that down over in here and so now if we go and request however much netherite we need for this resource generator the non

Two version we need what 5 10 15 20 plus 3 6 9 12 so I think we need 32 nether right let’s see let’s get a stack just to be safe while we’re waiting for that let’s pivot and look at these Diamond ltis so oh of course this is where we

Need the um the ultimate crafting table interesting so I might hold off then in that case on making the resource generator until we need the record fragments and the netherite meshes and and instead we can probably use the ultimate crafting table that we currently have for some of these other

Recipes so let’s go ahead and place this down like here and this is just a giant 9×9 81 slot crafting grid that we can use to craft different recipes for example the next recipe we want to craft here is the diamond lce this is made with end Spiel bars and Diamond meshes

So if we want to get that how many Diamond meshes do I need here I need eight Diamond meshes and then I need 5 10 15 16 17 n Steel by the looks of it can I get like a stack of end steel I can let’s request that as far as the

Diamond meshes goes those really should not be a problem we could of course teach our system how to make the diamond meeses as well and you know what we have space let’s make it happen Diamond mesh I do also think that there’s going to come a point we should also teach our

System how to make sticks as well and I’ll do that with the logs I think that’s a better recipe to teach it but um I do think we can probably get rid of these pentons soon we are going to need four more of these double compressed crafting tables to get the resource

Generator but once we have that I don’t think we need these again so we can probably kind of get rid of those patterns and free up some space as far as the diamond mashes are concerned give me like 32 of those that’s more than we need of course but I think we’re going

To need a lot of neutron collectors like a lot of neutron collectors I think are going to be required to make this work everything else here doesn’t seem too bad we do need a fair number of advanced and improved processors and we do also need five Crafters was it yeah five

Crafters in the middle here so processor wise let’s see if we can’t request had do 32 of these no again silicon is our bottleneck we could go ahead and tap on our silicon chicken a little bit requires seeds is that not set to insert have I

Been a fool I have been a fool there we go that is why that is not working that is my bad hopefully now we’re going to see our silicon coming in a fair bit faster still got 11 hours on our time in the bottle so we can probably go a

Little bit faster on that and really try and get those seeds coming in there we go now we’re going to get silicon coming in Faster back over here let’s try that again can I get 32 of these Advanced processors I can and can I get

32 of these guys I can nice that might take a little bit of time mostly because it’s going to wait on the printed silicon here I think but for the most part that seems like it’s going to do the job just fine how we doing up here

Again you can see all of the different crafts being taken care of and you’ll see that this end steel is almost done and so once we have a full stack of end steel we should then be able to start the crafting of those end steel bars I’m

Not quite sure why that’s stopped with three to go although it’s possible yeah we just need to get some speed upgrades into our importer or maybe even a stack upgrade honestly into the Importer to make it much much faster than it currently is that should be fine at this

Point we have the ability to make a lot of those improved processes but we are kind of waiting for those to come in that again is completely fine let’s do this and let’s start making these n steel bars that’s loads of them good stuff and then in here I I think we had

Something like this like this like this like this and like that and I think we had three three and two in the middle there of the diamond meshes so let’s go ahead and take hopefully at least eight Diamond meshes and then in here we can

Go one two actually I think we can shift click this recipe in let me quickly do this look at that boom eight Diamond lates nice now for the crystal Matrix inot we need even more end Ste ingots along with vibrant crystals and pulsating crystals so I think again this

Is one of those situations where we’re going to want to teach our system how to make these because going forward we’re going to need so many of them we can also teach our system how to make stuff using the Ultimate Auto crafting table but you can really only teach it one

Recipe at a time and so it’s quite possible we might want to set up multiple of these um ultimate Alo crafting tables so that we can ultimate this recipe maybe ultimate this recipe and and then potentially ultimate this recipe although I don’t know it’s really going to depend on how slow these

Neutron collectors are and just how many neutronium ingots we need so I think what we’ll do is we’ll make our first batch of neutron collectors and then we can do some kind of back of the napkin math to figure out just how many of them we’re going to need or just how much

Time we’re going to need to get all of the neutronium ingots and then at that point if it turns out we need you know a 100 of these Neutron collectors then of course we might look at getting automation set up but if it turns out

That we need like 16 of them then maybe we’ll just do this craft four times and uh we might be good to go so how are we doing up here those processes are done let’s go ahead and get at least five Crafters start and start uh the processes yep completely done fantastic

What else are we missing oh real quick let’s do that um encoding of the crystals so Crystal wise we need pulsating Crystal and we need the vibrant Crystal both of those are going to require that we teach our system how to craft the ingots down into nuggets although that’s not necessarily the case

Is I think it might be it’s possible that if we got a compacting draw for our vibrant alloy and for our pulsating alloy that that might not be true but I think the refined storage system is not going to know that ahead of time and so

I do think we want to teach it all four of these recipes which means we do want to take one of our Crafters here and then quickly request a another crafter so we can fill its place and kind of place that down up here and of course

Just for aesthetic SE let’s do something like that and like this and then let’s see how many of those do I need I need five 10 of the vibrant crystals and I need three seven of the pulsating crystals okay hit me with 10 and 10 we’re missing pulsating iron

In that case we need to teach our system how to make pulsating iron that’s not a problem uh it’s something I thought we’d already done but I guess not and for that of course more patons are required probably like I said a good idea to teach the patons to the patons and for

That we’re going to to teach our system how to make glass as well which would involve sending sand automatically to one of these alloy smelters for now we can do that manually of course and it looks like we’re doing okay on the import speed for the time being so not

Going to have to worry about that just yet let’s do few more of these let’s do this let’s incur this let’s place that into yet another alloy smelter this one right here will do just fine that’s doing sand and at this point we should now hopefully be able to request the

Crystals I would like 10 of these and start these are done fantastic in here let me check the recipe again for that Matrix Ingot it requires the four Diamond laes again we do have eight of those you make eight at a time which is very nice indeed and so we’ll do one two

Three four I think that might be right no it’s not correct I think it’s like this we then need the end steel of course which we have that’s going to go across the top and the bottom like wait that’s also not correct hold on oh no this goes here here here and

Here that it is endstone along the top and bottom I believe like this and then we just need to get the uh the crystals which I do believe we also have boom boom and boom nice we’ got eight Crystal Matrix ingots and it only takes four Crystal Matrix ingots to make the

Neutron collector and so this should be kind of fine we have the redstone blocks we can take those out of here and we can put them in uh let me bookmark the recipe that we’re actually doing which is the neutron collector this one right here so those are going

To go in the Middle with our five Crafters which we do also have let me grab those those are going to go in the five Center slots like this and then we have around those the redstone blocks the full ring of end steel around the

Outside is’s a lot of end steel let me go and see about getting another stack of that stuff perfect again the stone and the endstone all coming in real fast now obsidian’s probably the next thing that’s going to be our limiting factor we do need eight blocks of quartz

Enriched iron please tell me that I set up my Quartz in ding correctly I did we have enough to make just enough 11 blocks although if we want to make a second banch of these we’re going to need more of that uh that’s I believe here

Here here and here and then from there we can take our processors which we also have these guys and these guys I think 20 is is fine and it looks like those kind of go here here here and here with the improved processors going here here here and here good stuff then it’s

Crystal Matrix ingots in the middle like this and then I think it’s basically Redstone in the remaining slots here like that I believe that looks correct oh no it’s not this one this one this one and this one are tier 2 resource generators which we’ll get in a second

As for our end ingots those are ready to go let’s do this and now we’re just missing those resource generators now I do believe there’s a better way of us making those resource generators is utilizing the uh the fluid crafting capabilities of refined storage but for

This first craft we only need four of them so we got one two three more of those and then let’s do one two three four of those uh and that should be everything that we need for four more of these resource generators one two three and it looks like we’re

Missing one bucket that’s because I didn’t have the inventory spares okay fine and four nice and with that chat I believe we have everything we need one two three four to craft this insane recipe for the four Neutron collectors and now we can use these to produce the

Neutron dust so we’ll take these and where we put them is a good question let’s set them up over here I think if we place down our drawer I’m going to put the draw down like here I think because I believe that we’re going to need a lot of these Neutron collectors

And I’m fairly certain that we should just be able to do something like this and set these to extract so look at that it’s producing a tiny pile of neutronium dust very slowly so if we type in neutronium here these collectors don’t require any power they don’t require anything at all they just

Passively generate neutronium piles nine of these neutronium piles can be made into neutronium Ingot and then nine of those neutronium nuggets make a neutronium Ingot and so we need 81 neutronium piles per neutronium Ingot and you’ll see it takes a while it takes about 2 seconds per percent by the looks

Of it here so we need 200 seconds about just over 3 minutes per dust you can time in the bottle it of course we can take the time in the bottle that we have and we can uh I think do this to make it faster yeah that’s much quicker and then

Presumably we can do this this this and this to pull those out into the framed draw here but even if I pumped all 11 and a half hours that I have it’s going to take a while we’ll of course lock this and you’ll see that it makes it

Available in all three forms and so now once we have nine piles we’ll be able to make one nugget and once we have nine nuggets we could pull out one Ingot and as I mentioned before the question now is how many of the ingots do we need and

I think the answer is a lot so we did some calculations last time and I think we need about 80 Infinity ingots in total and these alone do require neutronium ingots and neutronium Nuggets but on top of that for every Infinity Ingot you need one Infinity Catalyst it’s five Infinity catalysts to five

Infinity ingots and these do also require neutronium piles and they also require neutronium gears which of course require neutronium ingots now you do get nine of these gears at a time uh but unfortunately it does take 2 4 six oh no eight okay so it’s um one craft basically per Infinity Catalyst and

Again it’s one Infinity Catalyst per Ingot and so if we need eight infinity ingots we need 80 Infinity catalysts which means we need to do this recipe 80 times and this recipe alone requires what 6 * 4 24 of these neutronium ingots and so 24 multiplied by the 8 is

1,920 neutronium ingots that doesn’t include the fact that we’ve got what 3 six8 here eight here plus again uh we don’t quite have to multiply this by 18 we only have to multiply this by 16 because you get five at a time so it’s going to be a lot we need basically a

Full draws worth of these neutronium piles and so I do think that we’re going to want to get get a couple more of these neutronium collectors maybe even kind of fill in this area here with neutronium collectors to allow us to kind of get them at a at a faster rate

And of course chat is right here that the armor also requires neutronium ingots every single piece of armor requires neutronium ingots and the pickaxe as well neutronium ingots so we definitely are going to want to get way more of these Neutron collectors and so I think it’s probably going to be worthwhile

Getting more of these crafting tables let me see here if I request another nine of these do we have what it takes we don’t but again it’s just stone that we’re missing Stone surprisingly becoming our limiting factor we are walking very slowly here let me quickly

Go and charge up my leggings and then let’s uh see if we can’t get another Alo crafting table made and then we’ll look at actually automating the uh the Crafting with our current Alo crafting table on pause all right try that again start and start that’s going to make us

Another nine of these to get another one of these so the idea here is that if you want to automate with this crafting table you do need the auto version which we have and then you can place a chest on top like so and if for example we

Wanted to Ultimate this recipe here we just have to put the nend steel bars and the diamond rers into this chest after we’ve taught the table how to craft it so I have the NL bars how many Diamond rers do we have we got loads one 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 in here I am going to go ahead and basically recreate that recipe so it’s five five and then it’s like this and like this with this here I believe so we’re going to go one two three four five 6 7 and in a second we’re going to

Go and put the eighth one here oh actually this is fine and so if we want to automate it up here shift left click to save the recipe and then left click again to select the recipe so now if I take all of this out you’ll see that

This recipe is saved to this table and so now if I put the required items into this top chest what we should see happen is it should pull them down into here the reason it’s not doing it currently I believe is because we don’t have any power going into this table so obviously

If you’re doing it manually no power is required however if you want to do it automatically that is where the power is necessary so if I were to go ahead and do something like this you get the gist with this guy and then of course you put

In the variable card and we put down the power we should see it pull all the items in and it should complete the craft automatically look at that it’s going to toggle and it’s going to complete it perfect so with that in mind what we can do is

We can move this cuz I’m not going to leave it here of course we’ll take this away and I do believe we’re going have to import from the bottom there but that’s fine and uh what we should be able to do is kind of just take this

Away and basically just put a crafter onto this chest so if I where to go ahead and request like another five Crafters here start and start over here we could once again place down the crafting table and you know what we got space on the back here let’s put it down

Right about here let’s make sure of course that none of these item pipes go in there cuz I don’t want that power is being sent over from here which is good we can place this chest on like that and then if we go and grab one of those

Crafters that we just requested we can then place that down anywhere as long as it’s pointing at this chest in fact we could do it like this for example that does work and it also allows us to connect to our pre-existing setup and then from there we just want to make

Sure we have a um an extraction although I do think that you don’t have to extract from the bottom of this so I think that actually even though I just disconnected this I think we can do this and this and that should just work just fine thankfully this did save its um

Recipe here which is good but now back over here in our patent grid can I shift click in the recipe for the diamond lattices I kind of can but not really so I think what we want to do here let’s clear that out I what we want to do is

We want to grab a diamond mesh and place it in here and then can I change the amount I can so if I click on it I can change oh I can’t change the amount okay never mind I’m wrong on this it has a scroll bar here on the right hand side

Interesting okay so when you shift click it in it does work it looks a little janky but it does work usually with items that you can stank you can uh click and then you can change the number like this um unfortunately that doesn’t work with the diamond meshes here I

Think this is fine now I’m going to trust in it I’m going to click in code and let’s take it over to here let’s put this in like that and let’s give this a try so over here if we type in uh ltis we have four let’s take them out if I

Want to request just one it’s going to make a set of eight it says it need 17 is 17 the right number there I think that’s right 5 10 uh 15 16 17 is correct start and if we go check over here of course it’s going to make the bars and

Everything but we should see look at that it’s going to craft it and then it’s pull them out send them around to here and then those are going imported and we’ve done it we’ve automated the diamond lce nice now the crafting table does have three recipe slots that you

Can use but I believe you can only have one of them selected at any given time and so for all intents and purposes you can basically just use one AO crafting table per recipe and so I think what we want to do now is kind of do the exact

Same thing that we’ve just done there but for the crystal Matrix Ingot so we’ll get another autoc crafting table which again we should be able to do now that we’ve got nine more of these guys we can just do this and then craft that with eight Hoppers to make it alter

Let’s request another nine of these though start and of course we’re missing Stone we’ll go and speed that up again with the time in a bottle there we go to get enough Stone once we’ve requested another nine of those then we can make another Auto crafting table and we could

Potentially use that to aultimate this the only thing that we don’t have the ability to aultimate here currently is the resource generator Mark 2 we can of course teach our system how to make the um blocks of quarts and that’s not could be difficult at all and again the

Crystal Matrix ingots are not bad either and yeah let me do that let me go ahead and request 10 more of these my 10 I mean nine like that let me get two more autoc crafting table setup we’ll go and duplicate the same setup we have currently one for Crystal Matrix ingots

And one for the neutron collectors and then we’ll come back and we’ll look at automating these resource generator tier 2s cuz I don’t think they’re going to be that difficult all right so we have our three ultimate crafting tables down each one has a chest above it and each one

Has a crafter pointing at that chest this this one has a pattern for the diamond lce this one has a pattern for the crystal Matrix ingots and this one has a pattern for the neutron collector now these two are set up and ready to go they don’t have power which is something

We can fix very quickly by just running some cable under here we do have the power cable ready to go and so if we just do boom boom and boom that’s going to get power to all of those and that’s going to start crafting these ingots

Perfect and we do have them set to extract on this side so that’s all good this one here is not set up and that’s of course because we don’t have the resource generators so if I go to request a neutron collector my assumption here is that we have everything apart from the resource

Generator that’s almost true we uh we do need to get I just clicked X there but we do need to get a few more of these blank pens because I do need to teach my system ideally how to make the quartz enriched iron blocks like this um although again probably not necessary

Actually I’m going to cancel that shift right click by the way to clear up p what will make more sense is just to put the quartz enriched iron into its own compacting draw which we should hopefully have space for over here we do indeed boom and then now that’s going to

Be available to the system in block form so we don’t have to do that manually going forward and don’t have to have the system do it either let’s do something like this just because I think we’re going to need more quads which time than what we currently have and back over

Here we can now focus on those resource generators because now those are the only thing preventing us from autocrafting this setup so I believe that we can teach our system how to craft the resource generator tier tws like this and incurred now this requires a bucket of lava and a bucket of water

But I believe if I’m not mistaken that we can take tanks uh let me make another small fluid tank here ideally two of them and you know what let’s upgrade those to medium if we can do we have enough oh we need two tanks per tank I

See that’s fine boom and boom so these are two tanks that can hold 64 buckets each of ideally lava and water so if if we go ahead and place these down let’s say here and here I think what we should be able to do is put lava and water into

Those and then Place external storages onto them so for that let’s go ahead and get more of these which shouldn’t take too too long fantastic and then ideally we do that one more time start and start and we’re going to put these down I guess here and here we can’t really put them

In the middle cuz I don’t think you can put two of them in the same block space unfortunately but let’s take this and then let’s do something like this and like this and I think if I’m not mistaken that if I put water into here that should allow the system to use that

Water for the camp to make it work you need to open up the external storage and on the left hand side change it from type items to type fluids and you’ll see now that it shows that the water is available if I type water in here it

Doesn’t show there I think we would need a fluid grid to actually see the water that we have available but I’m pretty sure that is accessible to the system and if we do the same with lava let’s say we take one bucket worth of lava

Here and let’s put it into this tank and we’ll do the same thing we’ll set this to fluids now in here we currently don’t have any buckets of lava but if I go and try and request a resource generator start and it’s not going to work okay so

Unfortunately this does not work I think there might have been an add-on mod that allowed this to work at some point um and this might work with applied energistics I’m not sure but unfortunately this doesn’t work um I thought that um with this in place it

Would just Auto do the craft even though we don’t have the buckets because the liquid is available in here but apparently not the case that is unfortunate but we don’t really need that many resource generators and they’re not too difficult to make so what I think we might do instead then we

Could do like a convoluted system where we send buckets to the the tanks and we have the tanks fill up with lava from a a fluid generator and and and all that but I think what probably makes more sense is just to kind of go and fill up

Our lava generator here which we can of course do you know like this we can fill up our lava tank uh very quickly that’s got some lava in it can I take there we go 16 buckets of lava out and then we can also go ahead and take 16 buckets of

Water uh somewhat quickly if we do this we can just kind of do something like that what will probably do here and again you want to make sure you’re not shifting so you don’t water log the thing but um what we will probably do is set up some more water and lava

Generators place them in such a way that they feed into these tanks and then whenever we need the resource generators I think it’s honestly just going to be quickest for us to just pick up the two tanks like this go to the crafting grid and just craft the resource generators

Because it’s possible I’m hoping that we can do this craft here with this and this you can’t that is really unfortunate okay in that case then we might have to set up some kind of convoluted system involving buckets because the alternative now is to make just a bunch of buckets and then use

Those to kind of grab all of the lava and all of the water and then do all of this manually which is is much less enticing than the initial setup once we have done all the crafting it’s somewhat easy to craft these down but it’s still

A little bit tedious let me get four let me put that in and then let’s go ahead and see about requesting the next batch of neutron collectors and start that should start requesting all the items and should send them all over to here once we have them all over in this chest

We can then uh teach this ultimate crafting table how to actually craft them into neutronium collectors and then that’s basically good to go at that point all we need to do is actually figure out this setup so so what we can do for sure here is you can

Automatically send oops let me get this wrench back in my backpack you can automatically send buckets to these tanks right so if there’s lava in here we could have a crafter send a bucket to here that fills it with lava and then we could pull it out that’s probably just

The best way for us to do it so if we were to put these down and again I’m going to put them down over here just because we have all of our stuff over here so if we do lava and water we can then take take two more Crafters Place those

Onto the tanks and then just incur recipes that teach our system how to make the uh the buckets of lava and the buckets of water in this scenario we go processing and we just say bucket equals lava bucket in code and we just say bucket equals water bucket in code and

Then we place both of those in over here and then I’m going to put the fluid generators on top of both of these with some vibrant alloy blocks to make it nice and quick and then that’s going to allow us to um hopefully produce what we

Need we’ve already Tau our system how to make the resource generator so it’s going to try make it when it realizes it doesn’t have the buckets it should just send buckets here and here to get the water and the lava required and then it should do the recipe the leftover

Buckets should just sit in the system and then it’ll do the same again all right so we’ve made some changes to this setup because it turns out that the pneumaticcraft tanks are not that good um unfortunately at least not for this specific setup because if you put one

Bucket in you you get a bucket of lava perfect however if you put multiple buckets in let’s say I put 15 in it doesn’t do anything you don’t even get any buckets of lava despite the fact that it could fill two buckets here it just doesn’t work thankfully that’s not

The case with the Ender iio tanks so here and here over here we have these Endo tanks they are super easy to make it is just iron glass and more iron in the form of bars over here if I put some iron in like this and we put in a bunch

Of buckets over here this will just make one bucket at a time which is exactly what we want the problem with the N tank though it has its own problem is that by default when you try and put an item in here so when our crafter puts an item in

It’s going to put it into this slot which is the slot that kind of puts stuff into the tank not takes it out we want it to go into this slot here so it gets turned into lava we can make this force it way into this slot though if we

Put something in this slot so if we put a tank in here now when I put a bucket in here it goes into the right slot again a little silly but it does work and so what we’re going to do is we’re going to put a a tank in here that’s

Going to empty it out we can put it back in the top we’re going to do the same over here this one’s going to be for water and we’re then going to put down our Crafters which I do have and so let’s do something I guess like this and

Like this we’re going to rotate both of these to face into the tank like that and then we want to put water in here and of course lava in up here so that should start producing lava and water placing them into the tanks ideally it does of course

We’re going to want to put some vibrant alloy blocks and we’re probably also going to want to get more of the the fluids to make that work in fact what I’ll probably do is move these Crafters I’ll probably put them on the side like this just because that way if we do want

To get more lava or water going we can add floppers on this side and we can just add like more and more fluid crafters and more and more floppers to pump more and more lava and water in and that’s not possible with the Crafters in their place so let’s do this as well

Make sure we rotate that to face the right way fantastic and at that point though we should be basically good to go now we need put the patterns into both of these and of course make sure they’re connected up which should be fairly straightforward if we do this this this

And this so with janky but it gets the job done over here it should just be a case of doing this and then the only other thing we need to do is make sure that this here is set to extract like that and then we need to do the same

Thing with this guy so for that actually I might go ahead and break this and this so that we can run item cable here and here to connect up the other crafter as well so we can actually pull those buckets out and use them to make our

Resource generators do we have any more item conduits we do indeed let’s Place those down over here boom boom and boom okay over here we do finally have all the items required to make the uh the neutron compressor so what I’m going to do is I’m going going to take out the

Items that we need down here we should be able to shift click this in we can uh shift left click up here left click to lock the recipe and boom we’re going to make four more of those Neutron compressors I can then take all of these

Back and did we I don’t believe we made the patterns for wait I I think we did make the patterns we typ pattern here yeah I was going to say I thought I made the pattern for the lava and the water bucket let me go and put those into

Their respective Crafters so over here lava over here water and now is the real test because now if we try to get more Neutron collectors can we do it if I want another bch the system is confident that we have the capability to make another batch start and start so we

Should see buckets being placed into here again water-wise I don’t think we have enough water currently or enough lava for that matter we can use either netherite blocks or vibrant alloy blocks to do this at this point in time uh netherite is the resource we have more of and so I guess

We can go ahead and make two of those and place those directly above our lava and water and like I said uh between streams I’ll probably look at um adding more fluid generators to make this faster cuz it’s almost certainly not going to be fast enough but hopefully

This works and hopefully this allows us to produce as many of these Neutron collectors as we need 1 2 3 four we’ll Place those down I’m going to pick them back up again because I want to make sure they all face the same way annoying you know what I’m I guess I’m never

Picking them up because they um they seemingly don’t get picked up fine in that case then they’re staying as they are 1 2 3 4 let’s go ahead and 1 2 3 4 in the time that it took us to get all of that taken care of we have five

Nuggets can I rotate them with the range I can okay perfect good uh in the time we took to do that though we got five nuggets we need a ton of nuggets and so we’ll leave this going at some point I might have to look at um potentially

Just chunk loading the the little area these are in to keep them going between streams so that we don’t have to wait just a trillion years but next time we’ll come back hopefully we’ll have more of them between streams I’ll just keep crafting these and place more of

Them down next time we’ll come back and we’ll look at setting up some automation for the infinity Catalyst uh we do want to make sure we can get of course the resource generator here to duplicate netherite Catalyst we want to set up the automation for the gears so we can make

Those we need to work on these singularities we need to work on these singularities that are different to these singularities as well as stuff like the St fuel here and whatnot but uh it doesn’t seem too difficult I think it’s definitely doable it’s a lot of

Crafting but I think it is possible uh and I also think that it’s a problem for future Isaac for now I’m going to go ahead and wrap up this episode of desert opis Bam

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Desertopolis | NEUTRON COLLECTORS & GIGANTIC CRAFTING! #15 [Modded Questing Survival]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-12-07 23:00:23. It has garnered 16009 views and 570 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:56 or 3956 seconds.

Minecraft Desertopolis | NEUTRON COLLECTORS & GIGANTIC CRAFTING! #15 [Modded Questing Survival] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Techopolis 2 | A NEW KIND OF FACTORY AUTOMATION SKYBLOCK! #1: https://youtu.be/p_MCqF01VTI

★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine

★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC

★Join the GOC Discord: https://discord.gg/goc

Techopolis 2 Mod Pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/desertopolis

Desertopolis is a questing based Minecraft mod pack for Minecraft 1.20.1, can you survive in the harsh desert?

Desertopolis is a completly custom world featuring custom structures and Yungs amazing structures as well. Has thirst and temperature, and has loads of custom recipes and automation things

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

#Minecraft #Desertopolis #Modded

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  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

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  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! pyonmc.my.id Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: play.minedhype.com Website: https://minedhype.com Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by PUBCS.com Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More