Hello everyone and yes this is me banana pony I am back uh today i want to show you all something that wasn’t really addressed very well in video um i want to point out that this design for a duplication glitch in the new snapshot 13 wo1 be this was created by my friend Logan his name is yucaipa warrior he’s on my channel I’ll put a link to them in the description basically what happens in here is and if I can select whole bunch of these what happens is with the two hoppers on top of each other there’s A glitch that it when this get item get hacked this item where when this item gets stuck on there it tries to pull it down but it can’t because it’s stuck on the ledge so you can see it flashing in and out just drawing it through here and Your number keeps growing in the chest you can do this with any item the only bad thing with this glitch is you can’t duplicate multiple items at the same time so if I were to do that see it’s still duplicating the same thing even if I take it out but if yep there you go I’m then use do that for the locks or items you want to duplicate in this case diamond blocks and yeah that’s pretty much it um I think the setup is pretty self-explanatory you want to make sure you have a backing to throw something Against so that way it for sure lands on the side oops that was bad so that way a because if you throw it straight in like that it just gets sucked through and its duplicate so that’s all it for today hope you enjoyed this I will see you next time Video Information
This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.5 13w01b Duplication Glitch ***infinite items!***’, was uploaded by MrDrProfPigman on 2013-01-08 21:09:09. It has garnered 450 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:34 or 154 seconds.
logan: http://www.youtube.com/user/yucaipawarrior this video is recorded in the minecraft 1.5 snapshot 13w01b! patched in the current snapshot
this no longer works