Ultimate Minecraft Fortress – Safe House Secrets!

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Oh no Zoe it looks like we woke up in the middle of the ocean and there’s a giant toilet over there this is not good I can’t see anything for miles oh gosh and oh God no there skib toilet right here quick take it out ah die oh my

Goodness that was so scary Zoe I think they’re going to come attack us at night time we’re going to have to build oursel a little bit of a base okay we got this well the first thing I think we should do is actually expand this platform out

A little bit cuz we’re going to need a really big home in order to have a bunch of stuff in it yeah that is such a good idea so I’ll just build the blocks going in this direction and then I’ll make it turn over here and then I can fill in

All the middle and honestly I probably want this to be a little bit longer so let’s keep going out right about here how does that look Zoe this is a huge platform okay perfect now let’s just go ahead and fill it all in with a bunch of

Oak plakes and the part should look pretty good and since this piece is basically going to be the platform and then we’re going to build a house on top I should probably go ahead and grab a little bit of oak wood so we can actually make the pillars of our house

Right about here wow is our house going to be super cool hopefully our house is super cool I’m honestly not the best builder ever but I mean I think we can make it cool if we both help out with it let me go ahead and add these Oak locks

To each four of the corners and I can go ahead and connect them all at the top just like this let’s also make sure to grab ourselves some glass that way we can actually see the ski toilets from here let me go ahead and cover this whole entire side in this Direction with

A bunch of glass got to make sure it goes all the way up to the roof just so we can see everything and then we can start filling in all the other side with a bunch of Oak planks now for part of this side over here I’m going to throw a

Bit of glass and around it I’m going to fill it all in with a bunch of Oak planks but I’m thinking this side over here we make it a little bit unique Zoe what are you going to do Dax I think I’m going to add in a bunch of fences just

Like this or house going to have a really secure exit wo this is going to look so good here we go let me just smack on a few more and perfect this side looks pretty good now I can go ahead and finish up all that glass I was

Talking about and perfect just a few more pieces like that and the inside of our house actually looks pretty cool what do you think Zoe I think it’s starting to look really awesome but Dex do you think we can incorporate some purple uh no we can’t incorporate any

Purple that’s a super ugly color what the heck it’s like the best color ever oh fine how about this whenever we actually make our rooms you can make your side all out of purple and I make all my side out of green perfect my room

Is is going to look so good okay next up I want to go ahead and get a door for the front entrance so let me go ahead and break that part out and then I can smack these doors right here in the front and I made sure to use these one

So that no one can actually see inside if they’re on the outside besides all this obvious glass right here yeah I was just about to ask about the windows but you do you okay zo the next thing we actually have to build in is a little

Bit of a roof so let’s go ahead and cover this with a bunch of Oak plate on the top of it we’re actually going to add in some slabs that way mobs won’t be able to spawn in on the top okay now like I was talking about we can go ahead

And add all these slabs to the roof this is going to make it impossible for Bobs to spot so it’ll be totally safe inside our house wow that is so smart and actually just looking at this I feel like I should expand the platform down

Here just a little bit so we have a little bit of walking room that’s a good idea let me go ahead and build one more layer is this is supposed to be a raft I should probably add like some Oak log to the outside to really make it look like

One and perfect Zoe this house is looking pretty good but I would make it a little bit nicer so why don’t I go ahead and add a little bit of quartz on the outside ooh quartz that’s going to look so fancy okay let me just go ahead

And throw a few blocks on the side like this and then it should be able to connect all the way to the back and this will be looking pretty good and I also think what we we should do is add some fences like this so we can actually

Connect the ground to the top of our house and perfect that pillar looks really good that does look really good okay let me go ahead and add these all the way around our house okay zo I think the next thing we actually need is like an underwater area that’d be super cool

Ooh like an underwater cave exactly okay let me go ahead and break a little corner let’s go ahead and break this corner out and then basically all I have to do is match the outside and let’s see how far we probably want to go I’m thinking right about here would be

Pretty cool so let’s go ahead and build a border of it first here we go just one more Block in perfect okay now I need is to go down like three blocks so let’s go ahead and extend this down a little bit next up we can go ahead and add in the

Floor and after we’re done with the floor we need to add in a bit of glass just so we can actually see everything from underwater let’s go ahead and grab some glass it will also grab some sponges and if you didn’t know Zoe basically wherever you put a sponge it

Drains all the water so we can go ahead and add this all the way around our underground part I had no idea that is so cool okay now we can added a bunch of that glass I was talking about and I think we should have one whole entire

Wall made out of glass that’d be pretty cool then we can see all the fish swim by exactly Zoe that’s such a good idea I also do want to keep some of the theme from above so I might add some fences to this side over here and wo look how cool

This looks Zoe this does look super cool okay Zoe and now we have our underground part and I think for this purse part we should actually make it like our Armory room really what type of Armory should we put in here well let’s see the first

Thing we probably need to do is get some armor STS and how about I make this side over here my side and you can have this side over here be your side so you can make it all purple if you want perfect I’m going to start making it purple

Let’s see what type of armor do I use I honestly think I just want to use the normal diamond armor since it’s super cool and really shiny what type of armor do you want to use Zoe I think I’m going to use gold armor cuz gold goes well

With purple oh gold armor will look super cool the next thing I actually want to do is grab some dispensers so we can put some items in it that can shoot out to us instantly so let me go ahead and add a wall of dispensers on this

Side and then I’ll go ahead and build your own wall over here next up we need to grab ourself a few different pressure plates that way that can actually shoot all the stuff we put in them and I’m thinking we got ourself like a shield some golden apples a weapon and huh

What’s one more thing that we can add in Zoe Dex why don’t we include a strength strength potion oh a strength potion would be super super smart okay let me go ahead and find a strength potion just like this and you want a splash potion

So it can be pretty much instant now all I have to do is fill out all these dispenses with all the items that we just grabbed and perfect with this last sword both of our sides should be pretty much filled in this aror rooms looking pretty cool it does look super good

Actually I feel like we’re going to need a secret way to get down here so why don’t we make a little Redstone Contraption a redstone Contraption what does that even mean well the first thing I need to do is get our a lever along with a sticky piston so let’s put the

Lever right about here and now I need to start building up the Redstone area in order for this to work I kind of need to show the Piston right here so I think I can just cover it up with a bunch of stairs that way no one can actually see

It and just to make them both nice I’m going to go ahead and also add it to the other side and then I can start working on the actual Redstone okay all I have to do is put down the sticky piston right about here cover that up put a

Block on it and now once we have repressed this it should go back just like that which reveals our secret underground armor area that is awesome how did you even learn how to build that I’m like pretty good with redstone but let’s go ahead and cover this little

Area up that way Noah can actually see it and perfect we’re just going to need some ladders to make sure you can actually get down here and perfect Zoe just like that we have our secret Armory room wow that was so good but what are

We going to do next I think for the next thing we should actually build those rooms I was talking about and how would we make them on the second floor that’ be pretty cool wao we’re going to have a two-story house this is awesome but in

Order to make a second story we’re going to have to break apart this outside and then we’re going to have to rebuild it once we actually make the Second Story let’s go ahead and add the oak wood going up like this I’ll build it in this direction over here and then after we’re

Done with this we should be able to connect everything and Zoe this is where our room and stuff is going to be so you can make your side purple if you want this is going to be awesome okay and now that we have that built I can go ahead

And add the quart on the outside again and then I can go ahead and add in those fences just so we have a nice outside for our house of course we need to add in that same Oak plank roof and then we can finish this off by adding in a bunch

Of slabs to the roof also make sure to add in those fences because that did look pretty cool the first time we made it yeah it did look super cool and perfect I think this upstairs is looking pretty good now we can basically start building it out Dax I think that this

Room should be our gaming room and our bedroom should be underwater Oh wait a second zo that’s actually a really good idea we can definitely turn this into a gaming room let me go ahead and add some more fences to this wall since I want to

Keep the same style all the way around the house let’s go ahead and added a bit more glass because I really want to be able to see all the way around whenever we’re up in the Second Story okay just a few more pieces like this and perfect

Now we can start actually building up the gaming room okay so the first thing I want to do is build us a nice pretty big desk let me go ahead and do that and then I’ll put some storage in both of the corners and how about I have this

Side over here be my side and that side over there can be your side okay I’ll start building okay and for my side I think about add in three monitors like this and on this side over here I’m also going to throw in a nice big PC so let’s

Go ahead and smack that down and perfect that looks really good o Dex check my side out it’s just like yours except I have a purple PC wo this set actually looks really good you know what I feel like we’re missing Zoe what is it Dax I feel like we’re missing some gaming

Chairs let’s see if we can get one I’m going to go ahead and throw myself a nice live chair right here and I would imagine do the same thing except purple Zoe yep I already have it and I also feel like we should have a little air

Where we can relax so let me go ahead and bring some of these ladders and this is where our TV is going to go a TV does that mean we’re going to have a couch yes of course we’re going to have a couch and how about we have one of the

Sides be purple and one of the sides be green perfect I’ll start building the couch and perfect this is looking pretty good I feel like we should also add in a bit of carpet I’ll put some lime gream on this side and then I’ll put some

Purple on your side wow this looks like so much fun are we just going to hang out in here for a little bit no Zoe we have to get building the rest of our house and actually we should probably go ahead and build the room so let’s go

Ahead and add somewhere we can actually get downstairs from here okay and perfect that looks pretty good now we should probably head downstairs and start building the next part of our base and this is where our room is going to be so let’s go ahead and build in the

Middle like this and once again I’m going to have to start building out the border of it first let’s go ahead and make the floor out of Oak planks and actually we should probably make half of it purple and the other half green so let’s go ahead and grab some carpet okay

Perfect this looks pretty good now we can go ahead and add a bit of the glass okay now I’m just going to grab a few different blocks that we can actually use for our bedroom I think I’m going to throw in my bed right here in the middle

That way it looks really cool and then on the outside I’m going to have like my closet and stuff I’ll also go ahead and throw an alarm clock just like this on both of my sides another that both of our sides are coming together pretty

Nice I need to go ahead and add a ladder right about here just so we can get back and forth just to make sure this is super secure I’m also going to add a kead door and we’re going to make the passcode super super strong with 1 2 3 4

And perfect arms are looking pretty good let’s go ah head back to the outside and add in a few defenses and oh no Zoe it looks like it’s going to get a lot darker okay we’re going to have to be really quick about adding in our

Defenses this is not good what are we going to add I think the first thing I want to add in is a bunch of laser blocks on the outside of our base and basically this is going to make it hard for any of those Skippy toilets to get

Inside ooh this is going to be such a good idea okay let me go ahead and add these all the way around our base and then we can go ahead and connect them afterwards and perfect this is actually looking pretty good right now our base is going to be Totally Secure you really

Think so yeah I hope so but we should probably add in a few more things let’s think of what we can add in real quick okay and I actually want to add in one thing to the outside that I think would be pretty cool what is it we’re going to

Add a lava mod but in order to build this we’re going to have to make sure it doesn’t touch any of the water otherwise it would just turn into obsidian yeah I was wondering about that and now that we have this big boat Dugout let’s let’s go

Ahead and grab oursel a nice little lava bucket that we can fill in all the sides with okay let me just start filling it up like this and this is going to be super difficult for any of those toils to get inside since lava is super super

Strong yeah I don’t think they’re going to make it through that okay and perfect now that we have all this lava added in I think we should add in a few different turrets turs what are those well they’re actually really really strong things we can use to defend our base let’s see and

Oh this laser one looks pretty cool all we have to do is put down a turet base and then the turet on top of it just like this okay this should be set up he just spotted a skeleton and oh my gosh look at that zo our laser turret just

Went sick dang did it really just take that guy out yeah it took him out so easily okay we should probably add these all the way around our base just to make sure we’re super safe okay just have to throw one more in the quarter over here and perfect these are actually looking

Pretty good this is going to be so awesome I actually can’t wait till those toilets come over okay Zoe the next thing we probably need to add in is a little bit of a self-destruct butt just in case everything goes bad seriously you want to blow up our whole place

After we spent so long building it Well yeah if the skim toilets do take over it’d be better for us to blow up our base than them actually to have it I guess if we can’t have it then no one can okay let me go ahead and get some

Iron blocks just to make this look a bit nicer and we’re going to put it all the way in the back here but we’re also going to put it behind a paint of glass just to make sure you don’t accidentally press it let me just cover in the floor

Like this and now we have to figure out what TNT we want to use and I think the black hole TNT sounds really cool I bet it’s like super super destructive that does sound super crazy we should use it okay now let’s go ahead and get ourselves some glass like this we’ll put

The black hole TNT behind it along with a little bit of a lever just like this and now we can go ahead and add the glass so make sure not to break the glass or press it earlier otherwise it would just blow up everything seriously

I can’t break glass right now no Zoe you can’t break it right now we still have to defend our base from all those skiy toilets fine but Zoe if that TNT does end up lighting off it’s going to blow us up too so we’re probably going to

Need a little bit of an Escape Route an Escape Route what do you want to do about that let me show you real quick the first thing we’re need to do is get a bunch of packed ice like this let’s just go ahead and make oursel a little

Pathway and let’s make sure to extend this out super far we’re also going to add in some Wallings to the side because the goal for this is that’s going to launch us super far forward and we don’t want to accidentally fall off okay now this is the fun part let’s go ahead and

Get ourselves some sticky pistons out just like this because this is what’s actually going to launch us next we need to make sure to surround it with some blocks that actually won’t move otherwise the system won’t work then we can go ahead and add a slime honey slime

And honey block like this okay next we’re going to need to throw oursel in a little bun so I’ll just smack one right about here and then we can actually run the Redstone that’s going to launch all this stuff so let me just extend this platform like this connect all the

Redstone going in the back and now whenever we hit this button they should go for it and that’s going to launch us all the way into the ocean let’s just make sure to add in the boats just in case we do have to escape because they’re going to get launched all the

Way down this platform and then we can run off into the ocean and oh no zo it looks like it’s completely night and look all the skiy toilets are out this is not good and we were put in survival I know okay the first thing we need to

Do is get down to our little Armory room and grab all of our stuff so I’m going to throw on all of our diamond armor okay and I’m going to throw on my gold armor I think it was such a good idea that we added in all this glass cuz now

We can see what they’re actually doing without having to be out there okay so I also make sure to step on all your dispensers so you get your shield and you also get your strength potion this is going to be awesome and actually I want to grab a few more golden apples

Just in case it gets a little crazy so I’m going to manually grab them from the dispenser now we can go ahead and head back to the top of our base and we can see how these actual skiy toys are doing and oh no it looks like all of our

Lasers actually ran out of ammo early this doesn’t look good Zoe are you serious DX yeah I guess we ended up not putting enough ammo in it but don’t worry we have our diamond sword so we should be able to take out all these toilets once they get close enough yeah

But there’s a bunch of them there are a bunch of them but just make sure to stay behind our lasers and then we should be able to hit them without taking any damage okay I’ll take one side you take the other oh no they’re all falling into

The lava right in front of me but hey this is actually pretty good cuz now they can actually get to us exactly them falling in the lava is a good thing okay let me go ahead and eat my golden apple just in case so now I can actually stand

Inside the lasers and not take any damage and just hit a bunch of them man this is so good so we added in such a good defense to the outside of our base this is like impossible for these skiy toyss to get through okay come on how’s

Your side going over there Zoe I’m taking out a whole bunch of them um it’s going pretty good there’s still a lot in the water though yeah there are a ton of them but I’m sure at some point we can actually take all of them out and

Actually since I do have this Golden Apple I think I’m just going to jump through this jump through the lava and now I can start fighting them hand to hand all close me too I’m in the water oh gosh wait I accidentally stepped in the lava and it started to do damage

Maybe this wasn’t the best idea there is still so many of them out here oh gosh he probably should have given oursel a bow and arrow or something I know that would have been super smart come on okay let me just swim underneath the water and get back to our little platform and

Man I really need to get something else to help me out because this diamond sword is not doing a lot Zoe did you add in anything else that can help us no my and my gold sword is being super weak oh gosh this is not good well I guess we

Have no other choice than just start hitting a bunch of them come on we can only take them all out at some point they’re not going to be enough numbers and oh my gosh my diamond sword is going to work right now I’m completely destroying them Zoe that’s good maybe we

Actually get to keep our house I know but oh gosh make sure to eat your golden apple cuz this lava does do a lot of damage and you definitely don’t want to step in inside of it yeah I already stepped inside of it okay there’s only a

Few more on my side come on and then I can run over there and help you out and then we’re looking pretty much good Zoe wow this is such great news okay I think this is the last guy right here and perfect Zoe we just took him out I think

We actually defended our base yay we get to keep our home huh you fools actually think you won wait a second who in the world was that oh my God Zoe it’s the Gman this is not good where did he come from you fools that was only round one I

Have millions of minions to send at you best of luck you have 30 seconds oh no Zoe he said we only have 30 seconds quick go ahead and get a little bit more gear if you need it and actually you should probably take one of my diamond

Swords that way you’re actually a lot stronger yes I’ll definitely do that look here you go there’s a diamond sword and let’s go make sure our room’s looking okay we haven’t looked it there in a minute okay it looks like all our posters are still fine my bed’s all

Attacked good as long as those skim toilets don’t mess up our room I think we’re going to be okay and oh no zo it looks like the second wave has started and these guys are really creepy these look like TV toilets let’s go Dex come

On we have to take them all out but B he said he has like millions of minions I wonder how many rounds he has for us is this even possible to win this is not going to be good oh no Dax be careful wait what happened oh gosh there’s a

Bunch of them behind me Zoe you have to be careful oh my gosh we actually doing pretty good this round I feel there isn’t that many as the last one but they still look really really scary yeah they’re super scary okay let me go ahead and take out these people in the front

Like this perfect okay these guys out and I think there’s only these last two guys over here and I think we’re good wow we can made it through another round perfect and we took those guys out that was no problem at all and oh NOS way it looks like the third round already

Started oh man this Gman was not lying he has a ton of soldiers to send at us this is not good and these guys are super scary these are like zombie acid toilets this has to be the scariest one I’ve seen yet zombie acid toilets that is not good I know they’re absolutely

Horrifying but come on so we have to defend our base and man they look a little bit stronger than the last one do you think every round gets a little bit better yeah probably so this is not good oh gosh okay I’m going to go ahead and

Back up a little to make sure I don’t fall in the lava and Zoe make sure you eat your golden apples you don’t want to take any damage a I fell in the lava oh gosh I quit get out of there before you burn okay let’s take out all the Woodes

On this side and we’re doing pretty good perfect it’s only that last guy in the water over there and I’ll take out the two guys in the front perfect we’re doing so good there we go and perfect looks like we took out another wave awesome do you think he’s going to send

More probably Zoe and I honestly have no idea how many ways we can actually keep up with you fools this is the ultimate wave millions of gmen what in the world way do you see all the gmen outside yes this is not good he said he sent

Millions of them if he sent millions of them there’s no way we can win I can’t even see that far to the ocean Dex do you think it’s time to hit the button yeah I think it’s best we probably get out of here okay we’re going to have to

Go ahead and connect this Redstone again since we ran out of a bunch of pieces so zo go ahead and hop in one of the boats and I’ll get you launched down to the ocean okay ah they’re attacking me Dex quick go ahead and hop in one of the

Boats zo we don’t have that much time oh no zoy there is literally so many of them and wait they broke a bunch of my armor I’m already running out of gear this is not good they’re pushing me into the lava quick zo you have to get over

Here and hop in one of the boats so I can press the TNT button Dex I’m being surrounded oh gosh I guess I got to come back in there and help you where are you I’m right here I got it quick go ahead and run to the boat and just get out of

Here I’ll worry about pressing the button okay oh no I have to eat more golden apples I’m getting completely jumped in here be careful Dex come on come on let me run out to the water so I can go back and press the button but

There is so many this is not good at all Zoe stay back heathens they’re on my boat oh my gosh come on we have to get out of here somehow okay quick zo it looks like you’re all in the ocean I’m going to run around and go ahead and

Press the button real quick make sure you’re far away hurry Dex okay once I flick this lever the TNT from underneath should light up and there we go and oh gosh now I have to find a way to actually get to the boat come on it should be somewhere close come on and

Actually I think I’m just going to swim out to the ocean way I don’t have enough time to get to my boat hey I can pick you up in my boat come on so zo quick get over here quick and oh my goodness Zoe it completely blew up our entire

Basin wao look the toilet got completely destroyed does that mean the Gman is gone I think so I don’t even see any of the Gman or any of the toilets anywhere Zoe I think we actually might have won woohoo we’re winners man looking at it now Zoe our base is completely destroyed

I think we’re going to have to rebuild everything no I love this base and perfect Zoe we just finished up our brand new house this thing looks so awesome yeah it does look super good but Dex what is that behind you uh Zoe what are you even talking about and what the

Heck is that that looks like some type of giant toilet it looks like a giant skib toilet oh my gosh and it’s straight across from our house quick zo we have to get over there and check it out let’s go well I’m not really seeing an

Entrance inside of this it’s just like a big toilet I have no idea how this got in front of our house this is like the weirdest thing ever Zoe uh Dax I found a hidden door over here wait what are you talking about you found a hidden door

Zoe that was like a bunch of white wool it wait what the heck you did find a hidden door exactly follow me in let’s see what’s going on what the heck there are so many different ski toilets in here oh my gosh look at this there’s a

Bunch of spider toilets and holy toilets and there’s a bunch of normal toilets Zoe I am so scared this is not good do you think they’re going to attack us I have no idea but wait look there’s some signs here and they have some fancy words on them should I probably go ahead

And read it yeah go ahead and read it out loud okay it says no need to fear your end is here oh gosh this is already super scary okay once night appears you will cry wait it just ends on you will cry that doesn’t even rhyme at all oh no

I hate crying well these SK be really stupid because this doesn’t rhyme at all but wait if they’re going to come for us at night Zoe we have to get back and defend our brand new house come on Dax we got to go put up defenses quick run

Well Zoe I think the first thing we need to do is get rid of this wooden door because look at this this is basically like a piece of garbage yeah that door is pretty puny okay so what we’re going to do is break that wooden door there

And then we’re going to get something called a scanner door and we also have to grab a couple scanners if we’re going to be using it wow that sounds super cool so if I go ahead and put this scanner door right down here in the front and then I put one of these

Retinal scanners down as soon as it scans my face it’ll just let us walk inside the house but Dex it looks like it’s only going to work on your face oh well yeah because that one’s lined up for my face so if I go ahead and give

You one of these as well and you place it down on this corner you can do the same exact thing Zoe and perfect Zoe look at that now your face is right there so if I look at it it will let me in but if you look at it it’ll let you

Through a secret door wow that’s super cool what else are we going to do well that’s the only the first step that thing definitely isn’t strong I’ll hold all those toilets there was like a million of them over there so the next thing we should do is probably add in

Like some super strong Lava Moat so when they fall into our Lava Moat they’ll burn to a crisp pretty much Zoe so let’s go ahead and break out a few different blocks and then we can go ahead and grab some lava and then we can start placing

Lava all the way around our house and I’ll go ahead and do this side over there and you can do that side over there Zoe okay but I’m going to beat you what you really think you can beat me around the house Zoe I’m like the

Fastest lava Placer ever look at this no way Dax you’re like the slowest person ever uh Zoe considering I’m already like almost all the way across the house I think I’m the faster lava Placer and why are you like all the way in the floor did you like fall in or something um

Maybe okay well let me go ahead and place down the breast of the lava and this should be looking pretty good and perfect Zoe our lava mode actually looks pretty good I think this can take out all the skimy toilets by itself Dax this lava mode sucks wait what are you

Talking about this lava boat sucks Zoe this lava boat looks super super awesome this is just not going to be enough to fight against the skibby toilets I think I’m going to have to call on my friend the speaker man wait you said you’re going to have to call on your friend the

Speaker man what in the world is he going to do for us well first I have to make a sure shine so then he comes wait you have to build a shrine oh my gosh I love building shrines I want to see it no wait Dax I’ll get way too nervous you

Need to go inside otherwise he won’t come wait you’re going to make me go inside while you build the shrine well I guess that works I’ll hop inside while you build it it better be super cool Zoe it will be just go inside and don’t pee

Okay Dax you can come out my shrine’s all done oh finally zo you’ve been taking forever I can’t wait to see how bad of a build you made and what in the world do you actually built this thing yep doesn’t it look amazing how how in

The world did you even build this this is huge yeah it has to be pretty big so he can come well I don’t really see him anywhere yet Zoe where in the world is he well we just have to wait for the lightning to hit and then he’ll be here

Wait what are you talking about and wait what in the world the speaker B actually spotted so you weren’t lying at all I told you Dax me and him are tight it’s it’s so cool but wait is he going to help us actually defend our base because

We obviously need a lot a lot of help um of course he’s going to help that’s why I brought him here hey Mr Speaker can you please help us defend our base from all those skipp because we’re going to get absolutely destroyed well I’m sure I

Can help you guys out but that’s going to cost you at least 64 diamonds wait Zoe your friend’s trying to take 64 diamonds from us I’m completely broke do you have any diamonds on you of course I have diamonds well if you have diamonds can I just have something Zoe of course

You can have all of them oh my gosh thank you so much okay Mr Speaker man here you go here’s some nice diamonds for you and now you have to help us defend our base okay I’ll meet you guys over there this is so cool Zoe you’re

Speaker man’s actually going to help us defend your base there’s no way we’re going to lose now exactly and those skiy toilets won’t even know what hit them okay Mr Speaker man now that we’re here and you said you would help us out what’s the first thing that you can

Actually do to help us upgrade our base well the first thing I think you can do is add in some super cool lasers wait what in the world even are lasers I’ve never heard of anything like that before I don’t know Dax but just listen to him

This guy knows what he’s talking about okay Mr TI speaker red well can you go ahead and give me some lasers so I can at least see how they work yes of course here you go take this Redstone and take this laser and once you place it down a

Huge laser will be created okay and you said if I go ahead and place it down it’ll work so let me put the red stone here and then I’ll put a laser on top and oh my goodness Zoe wait do you see this thing gosh DX that’s so cool oh my

Gosh thank you so much Mr Titan speaker man okay we’re going to go ahead and place these all the way on our house Zoe you got it I got it okay Zoe and since we have all of these let’s go ahead and place them all the way on our house and

I’ll go ahead and do this side and you can do that side and I bet I can beat you all the way around because I’m way faster than you no way Dax you lost last time uh no way I lost Zoe you didn’t even finish what are you talking about

Um I’m pretty sure I won okay whatever Zoe well I’m already going super fast and then all I got to do is put down the lasers and honestly so I still can’t believe you built up that super huge build that’s like probably the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my life I know

I’m probably like the best builder ever yeah you’re at least one of the top five Builders ever but I don’t know if you’re number one yet I definitely am number one but whatever Dax and oh my gosh look how cool these lasers look Zoe our house looks extra defended now yeah it does

Look super defended but I still don’t think it’s enough yeah probably not and also you know what I didn’t realize Zoe what did you not notice it’s going to be super difficult for us to get inside so we should make like a little bridge over here or something that is such a good

Idea but don’t you think that the skibby toilets are just going to go across the bridge you know what they probably would go across the bridge so what we’re going to do is adding some ghost blocks to the front so that way they’ll just fall the void and they accidentally walk into it

That’ll be so funny so let me go ahead and grab a few ghost blocks like this and then we’ll just cover them up and there you go go ahead and step on it as zo so we can make sure it works okay here I go and perfect look at that you

Just fell through the floor oh man but just to make sure that we know where the ghost blocks are I’m going to add in a big gold ring around this just so make sure we don’t step into any of the ghost blocks when we’re trying to run through

Dang Dax you’re super rich I know I’m like a super ultra Rich GDs but yeah we should probably go talk to your Titan speaker B friend again and see what else he has for us okay let’s go okay Mr Tian speaker B we actually need a little bit

More help cuz we don’t think those lasers are enough well the first thing I recommend you do is go check on all those ski toyss to see if they got bigger because it’s getting darker wait it’s getting darker it literally looks the same outside what are you talking

About wait a second it just got darker out of nowhere Zoe what in the world this guy’s like a super ultra genius or something I know he’s super smart we better go check on those toilets okay let’s go ahead and head over there real quick wait guys before you go over there

I need to give you one thing uh okay what is that one thing you want to give us just so you don’t have to keep running back and forth I’ll go ahead and give you some cameras to place inside oh my gosh Zoe he just gave us cameras okay

Quick let’s get over there and place these cameras inside so we can spy on them wow this guy’s super nice he’s like a spy with these cameras and stuff now if I remember correctly you can just open these doors here and oh my gosh there’s still so many skiing toilets

Okay quick we’re going to go ahead and place a few cameras inside up here so we can spy them from the safety of our own home and with these cameras we can hide behind our walls and spy on them exactly we can hide from the safety of our own

Home okay quickly let’s go ahead and run back and check out all the security cameras okay let’s go ahead and look inside our cameras and wait a second Zoe it looks like they got a lot bigger what in the world just happened yeah it does

Look like they got a lot bigger but this is so cool that we can see them from here oh my gosh this is not good so okay since they’re getting bigger we’re going to have to get bigger and better defenses so let’s go back and talk to

The tide speaker man cuz maybe he can help us out sure let’s go okay Mr tide speaker they are a lot bigger over there and we need a lot more help if we’re actually going to win well the next thing you guys can do is add a big

Fireball Cannon to the top of your house oh my gosh Zoe a fireball Cannon would be like the smartest thing ever that sounds super dangerous okay let’s go ahead and get some dispensers and we’ll also get some fireballs and we’ll just put them on top of our house and then

We’ll have a big lever that we can press to shoot them so cool how do we do that well what we’re going to have to do is put some dispensers on top of our house just like this and then I’ll go ahead and fill all of them up with some

Fireballs that way we can just shoot them at them that way if they get past the lasers and the lava M there’s no way they’re getting into our house exactly and we can even shoot them with Fireballs before they even get that close since they’re super powerful and

The next thing we’re going to do is connect some redstone on top of all of these and then we have to build a little Contraption to make it go down and we want to put the butt inside of our house just to make sure n those skiing toilets

Accidentally press them so let’s go ahead and run the Redstone like this and now we can put a little panic button on this wall right here so now Zoe whenever you want to you can just hit the big red button and shoot all those Fireballs Out

Ooh I love hitting the big red buttons and wao look at that it just shot a bunch of fire and oh gosh so wa hit the skiy toilet they’re probably going to get mad at us well they’re already going to attack us STX it’s not like it’s a

Big deal if they get mad okay that’s probably pretty true but we should just add in a few more things before they actually okay so you know what that’s actually pretty true and we’re going to make our base even stronger that way it doesn’t even matter what we do but

What’s the next thing we should add in zo way I actually have a really good idea for another little trap we could add in what is it Dax what if we just go out here and place like a bunch of Mines all the way across the floor so whenever

They step on them they’ll all just blow up that sounds super and they’re definitely going to fall for it exactly let’s go ahead and place a bunch of these mines all the way around but zo make sure not to step on them or hit them because it’d be really bad if they

All blew up right now okay I’ll be super careful I’ll place a few more down over here and a few over here and this is going to be like the perfect trap ever they’re definitely going to fall for it right Zoe they definitely are and wow

Look at this Zoe our whole mind feel is complete and this looks super super cool this is look super cool and I can’t wait to watch them explode and wait a second I actually thought of another Ultra jeta’s idea that you’re definitely going to love Zoe what is it we should go

Ahead and add some Iron Golems to defend our house I love Iron Golems okay quick we’re going to go ahead and run inside and then we’re going to use all of these little fence areas to put our iron golems in let’s go ahead and break out

This wall here because I want to make it a bit bigger and this should be super cool and I think we should also add a little contraption that drops the wall so the Iron Golems can go out whenever we open it wao you know how to do that

With redstone oh yeah of course I’m like a Ultra genius let me show you how to do it Zoe okay Zoe the first thing we need to do is break out some of these grass blocks and then we’re going to place sticky pistons on the bottom of them but

We also have to make sure our carve on the ground so we can add in some Redstone torches that will actually activate this okay and the next thing we have to do is put down some Redstone repeaters like this and then we’ll just grab some redstone dust and now if we

Connect a lever to one of these it should work properly let’s go ahead and test it out and oh my gosh zo we look at that it actually dropped the fences so now whenever we put the iron gold in there they can get out whenever we drop

It that is insane I’ve never seen anything like that but we need to go ahead and put this lever inside because we don’t want just anyone to press it so let’s go ahead and run some Redstone back to the inside and perfect now we have all the Redstone connected so once

We go ahead and press that button from the inside this will drop but the next thing we need to do is actually add in those Iron Golems I was talking about and in order to spot in some Iron Golems you have to throw in some iron blocks

Like this and put a carve pumpkin on the top of it wow these guys are definitely going to defend our base yep and I think we should have three different ones of them just to make sure we’re Ultra secure yep I think that’s pretty thorough but now let me go ahead and

Test it out if I go ahead and come inside and I flick this lever and oh Go ZO I think I broke the Redstone are you serious Dex let me go ahead see it oh this is a pretty simple fix since the Redstone doesn’t go far enough we just

Have to get a repeater and make it super strong and perfect look at that now it works okay Zoe and now that we have all that built out we should probably check up on those ski toilets once again so let’s go ahead and use our camera to see

What they’re looking like now oh my gosh wait a second zo they look completely different now what in the world they’re glowing oh no that can’t be good oh jeez zo this is not looking good for us we’re really going to have to add in some Ultra strong stuff and we’re going to

Beat them Dax it’s getting darker I think we need to build an Armory room just in case they break got early wait what in the world it actually got darker okay Zoe that’s actually probably a pretty good idea so let’s go ahead and run our side of our house so we can

Build an Armory room and in order to build that Armory room we’re going to have to carve out some blocks underneath our build so I’ll go ahead and dig us out a little tutle right here and this is where all our armor is going to go

Okay Zoe in order to get our armor we’re going to make a little Contraption out of dispensers out of dispensers how does that work so what we need to do is added a bunch of different dispensers like this and then we’ll add an O fence and

Then we’ll smack a pressure plate on top and now we can add any armor of our choice on the inside and I think I’m going to give us both diamond armor that sounds so cool and then when you step on there the armor is going to automatically be on us exactly Zoe so

Let me go ahead and get us some armor some weapons and maybe a few different golden apples so I can give you an example okay Zoe I went ahead and filled all of them up so you can go ahead and step on that pressure plate as an

Example okay here I go and oh my gosh look how cool you look Zoe you have all diamond armor on now I feel so cool right now and I feel like I could take on the world yeah you probably could and we really need your help if we’re going

To fight all of those Skippy toilets but I got to go ahead and build another one for the other side um Dax how about instead of doing that you just add a chest with some super powerful stuff oh that would actually be a really good

Idea okay let me go ahead and get a chest and then we can grab some really cool stuff like some golden apples and we can get a few pieces of dynamite that we can throw at them W what type of dynamite are you going to put in there

Oh I grabbed some lightning dynamite and Zoe do you want an example of what it does yes okay quick let’s go back outside okay Zoe so basically if I go ahead and throw one of these lightning dynamites a bunch of lightning will get spoted into our world and wo look at

That wo you almost hit my Shrine oh yeah but I I mean it’s not like it’s going to do damage to your Shrine your Shrine looks super powerful it is a Titan speaker man after all it is super powerful you guys need to have an extra

Explosion bomb wait what in the world is an extra explosion bomb I’ve never heard of anything like that before well for some reason if the skimy toilets happen to take over your guys’ base you should have an ultimate destruction butn that destroys everything oh my goodness Zoe that’s actually a really genius idea

Your friend’s super smart I know just like me uh yeah for sure but we’re definitely going to need some TNT so I need to go ahead and get a bunch of redstone so we can make this TNT okay Zoe so I’m going to put this super cool

Panic button on the wall and I’m also going to add in a sign that says Ultimate Destruction so we don’t accidentally press it what you want me to press it Dax no no you can not press it yet this is only if we happen to lose

Our base but I haven’t even built up the TNT thing yet so it won’t even do anything yet oh dang I would love hitting the red button but what we’re going to have to do is make a huge TNT Tower and the way we’re going to do that

Is by placing a redstone torch and then an oak Plank and then a redstone torch and so on to the very top wao does that carry the Redstone signal so we can light the TNT exactly Zoe that’s exactly how it works so let’s make sure to make

This super high and then we have to add a huge row of TNT at the top and now once we at the top of this we have to place out a bunch of Oak plakes that way we can put TNT below it and all the TNT

Can light up and now below all of this we’ll go ahead and added some TNT and now zo we at the very top of this we’re going to add in a bunch of redstone and we need to make sure also added some repeaters that way the Redstone signal

Doesn’t get carried away okay and perfect Zoe now all of that is placed the last thing we need do is add in a little clock just to make sure it goes super slow and the way we make a redstone clock is by throwing in these redstone repeater and putting them to

The tick of four so it goes super super slow and of course since we wanted to go really slow because we want to escape we’re going to make like three rows of these now we have to add some Redstone going all the way to the button over

Here and we should be good to go but then when we light this up don’t we have to have an Escape Route oh yeah but I haven’t really thought about what we’re going to do for the Escape roof yeah you have any ideas Zoe um what about couch

Cars wait couch cars would actually be super cool so how about we build out a little Railway over here and then we’ll break out these and we can add some couch cars to the corner over and just so we know this is a big road I’m going

To make this all out of black concrete really far away and you said you wanted to add in couch car so let me go ahead and throw two of them on this side and boom look at that Zoe we have awesome couch cars we can escape on now these

Are so fun I love couch cars and oh my goodness wait a second so wa all the skiing toilets broke out this is not good but it’s okay cuz they’re going to hit the mines first yeah true but we need to go ahead and go inside and grab

All of our armor so we can fight them off let’s go okay let’s just go ahead and hop inside of here and oh my goodness I have all the diamond armor now I’m so over powered Dex they just did the mines wait I heard that it sounded super crazy oh my goodness all

Of our mines blew up zo there is so many of them out here ah Dex I’m on fire oh my gosh make sure to eat the golden apples though we have to try and take them all out it’s not working come on we have to keep fighting them come on come

On we can definitely win this Zoe and wait a second your speaker man friend’s getting jumped over there by our house come on he needs to try harder come on fight them all I’m going to keep throwing these lightning dynamites and hopefully it does a bunch of damage oh

Gosh I just Z myself now I’m on fire this hurts you have to try harder I am trying my best wait a second I’m going to let out all of our Iron Golems quick I’m going to run back to the house I’m going to go inside and then I’m going to

Release all of them let me just click our little lever oh gosh the skim toilets are in Our House Now Zoe no how did they get past the lava I have no idea but there is so many of them this is not looking good de I’m being

Attacked come on keep fighting them oh gosh I fell the lava but thank goodness I have these golden apples cuz I won’t die just yet okay I’m going to jump over this and perfect oh my goodness Zoe look how of them are in our house right now

This is not good you see all the ones following me this is not looking good oh gosh Come on keep taking them out keep taking them out these things are so powerful I’ve never met skiy toilets that are this strong and wait a second the holy toilets are flying oh my

Goodness what in the world are we supposed to do about this I don’t know should we shoot off the fire cannons yeah but I don’t even know there’s so much fire everywhere I don’t know the fire cannons are going to do anything for us I think it’s time for us to get

Out of here zo there is no way that we can beat all these skiing TOS back even with your speaker man friends help Dex I’m stuck I’m being cornered oh my gosh wait I’m coming back to the house Zoe I’m going to help you out by throwing a

Bunch of lightning Dynamite wo come on come on keep fighting them and Zoe I think you need to get to the couch car and get out of here I’ll press the big red button quick Zoe get out of here I’m going to press the big red button right

Now I’m going Dex but you have to hurry come on come on let me hit it and I got to get in my couch car and get out of here and wait a second I don’t think I have time for the couch car I’m just going to run hurry Dax the TNT is

Lighting off oh my goodness all the TNT is blowing up so wait what in the world wao the TNT took out everybody but look my Titan speaker man is still alive oh my gosh our friend is still alive thank you so much for helping us of course I

Hate those scoy toys just as much as you guys it was a pleasure let’s go Zoe but I think we’re going to have to move areas because our entire house is kind of destroyed man why does this always happen and perfect Zoe with that I think

Our house is basically done yep it looks super good but uh Dex what is that behind you wait what are you talking about who wait what in the world is that it looks like a huge toilet this is not good do you think that they’re going to

Attack our house I have no idea Zoe but we have to go check it out and wa wait Zoe this looks like a bunch of different skim toilets these guys look so scary and they look super realistic this is not good what in the world wait there’s

Size here too yep what do they say it says you two have messed up at night we will turn you into toilets you have 15 minutes Dex I don’t want to be turned into a toilet oh gosh that means we only have 15 minutes to defend our base quick

Zo we have to get back and make some defenses well right now Zoe our house is looking a little bit weak what should we even add in to help defend it I know exactly what we need to do we need to make a wall out of dirt wait a wall out

Of dirt Zoe do you know how weak dirt is it’s not that weak it’ll help defend our house no zo all those SK toys can just break this dirt we need to use something a lot stronger Dex we’re wasting time stop breaking my dirt wall no we should

Just use Bedrock cuz it is way way better and way stronger nothing can break bedrock okay let’s use Bedrock all right go ahead and make a Bedrock wall on that side over there and I’ll make one over here and then we can race all the way around the house to see he’s

Faster okay you’re so going down okay Zoe we have to put down a few more blocks and then our huge ban wall should be complete and perfect Zoe this wall actually looks pretty good I think we can be pretty well defended with this thing yeah but I think we need to do

Some more stuff so do you have any ideas well I do have one idea maybe we can hire someone to help us make some even cooler defenses who do you want to hire maybe we could call the T woman and get her help that’d be awesome ooh I love

The TV woman but how are we going to call her up well the way the way we’re going to hire the t is by using this super awesome phone right here wao Dax you have a phone you must must be rich yeah let me go ahead and call her oh hey

Tvw are you there oh hey is this Dax yes it is Dax and tvw we really need your help right now we are under attacked by a bunch of skimy toilets oh my gosh that does not sound good yeah I can definitely help you for a stack of

Diamonds wait are you serious you’re going to charge us to help us of course I’m going to charge you helping isn’t for free oh whatever just get down here and help us out okay I’m on my way Dax what did the TV woman say well she says

She’s going to come help us out but we have to pay her a stack of diamonds do you have any diamonds on you yep I do have have some diamonds oh perfect okay you have to give it to her when she comes here and oh my gosh Zoe look at

That the T woman actually came to help us out yes and she’s even prettier in person Hi TV woman hi Dax hi Zoe what do you want to start with uh I have no idea we literally hired you to help us what are we going to start with we need your

Help Zoe I don’t know how you put up with deck but I think first thing you guys could do is probably change the blocks that your house is made out of change the blocks that our house is made of wait they are pretty weak blocks and if they break in they’re totally going

To destroy that’s a great idea TV woman yeah I know I’m super smart so how about we go ahead and get some obsidian and get some bedrock and let’s go ahead and make these little pillars over here at a bedrock and then replace all these Oak

Planks to be made out of obsidian that’s a great idea DX okay come on we have to do this super super fast cuz we have no idea how much time we have I know I don’t want to be turned into a toilet and perfect this is already a lot more

Upgraded but we should probably also change up this door since this is just a wooded door and literally anyone can break this with like one punch yes I was thinking the exact same thing so how about we go ahead and get oursel a nice iron door and we can place it right in

The front here here and we can even have a little butt that opens it up wow that’s super highte okay so let’s put this butt in here and then you can walk inside and then on the inside we’re probably going to need like a little pressure plate to go back out yeah

That’s a good idea so once I put that down it should be all perfect and look at that our house is all upgraded now but Dax what else should we do um maybe we should go ask the tvom yeah we probably should ask the TV woman hey

Miss TV what’s the next thing we should probably build for our base do you have any good ideas well every good base should have a lava moat wait a lava boat like a big pool of lava around our base that’s actually a really good idea lava surrounding your base will surely stop

The skibbidy toilets from getting inside okay Zoe let’s go ahead and get ourself a lava bucket and then we can start breaking out all the way around our Bedrock wall in order to make like a big lava pool this is going to be awesome exactly with this big lava pool it’s

Going to be super super difficult for any of those skiing toilets that get inside since lava is super dangerous after all okay and perfect just like that our huge lava boat is built out and man this looks way cooler than it did before Zoe yep it looks super deadly but

Uh dax’s lava M can keep the skibby toilets out out is it going to keep us out oh yeah it probably is going to keep us out huh I wonder what we can do and uh wait a second wait did it just get way darker outside oh no that means the

Time has passed and they’re going to be coming soon okay quickway like you said we’re going to need some way to get inside since there’s a bunch of lava here so why don’t we make like a little bridge that we can get inside of perfect okay so let’s get some Oak plakes like

This and then we can just build oursel a little Bridge across you know we should probably have a door in the front just to make sure those toilets can’t get in as well ooh a double door that’s going to be awesome okay how about we get something even better and we can get

Like a scor since sors are super super strong that sounds like such a good idea and then we are the only ones that can use the doors so what we need to do is put one retinal skater on this side over here and that was for me and you can put

One on the other side and then I’ll put an iron door here and once we look at it it’ll just open up this is like a super high-tech way in order to get into our base so this is going to be perfect to keep those ski toilets out this is

Perfect that was such a good idea Dax but we are a little bit clumsy so let me go ahead and extend this bridge out a little bit also put some fences on this side side just to make sure we don’t fall in okay T but our base is looking

Pretty good but I still feel like we need some more things in order to defend our base what’s the next thing we can probably add in yes you guys definitely need some more things the Lava Moat won’t be enough so I think that you guys should surround your base with lasers

Wait lasers Zoe do you know what in the world lasers are no I’ve never used a laser before TV woman what’s a laser I just dropped the laser on the ground so you guys can start surrounding your house with them uh okay well I have no

Idea how to work this but I guess we can go ahead and figure it out Zoe let’s do it so it’s supposed to be a laser so what if I put one of these blocks on the floor and then I grab some more blocks to stack up like this and then I connect

It with another one that work and oh my gosh look it actually works wow I’ve never seen anything like this but this is probably going to get a little bit higher because our wall is pretty tall so what if we make this like all the way

Up in the air like this and then this should be pretty much better to defend our base wo this is going to look so cool when we have all the lasers surrounding our house and uh wait a second it didn’t work why in the world did it not work Dax you’re terrible at

Building lasers what the heck do you mean okay let me to try and put another one down it oh wait it worked that time maybe it was just a little bit too tall weird okay so I guess that’s 1 2 3 4 about four blocks high is how much we

Can build the lasers all right well we should probably put these all the way around our house like the TV would suggested it quick so we have to hurry up let’s go and perfect I went ahead and added all the way around our base and man our base is looking so much cooler

Now that we have all these defenses yep it looks super good do you think that there’s anything else we need to add Zoe there is always more cool stuff we can add let’s go ahead and figure out something else we can throw in wait a

Second Zoe I have a really good idea for something else we could do what is it Dax what if we made like a big Fireball wall right about here so we can shoot a bunch of fireballs at those skiy toilets that sounds super awesome but how do you

Make a fireball wall okay so what we’re going to need is some dispensers and we’re also going to need some Fireballs so let me grab those dispensers and then I’ll grab some Fireballs like this and then we just put them all in the front of our base and connect them with a

Bunch of redstone wo that sounds super cool okay I went ahead and added a bunch of fireballs inside and now I have to put the redstone on top of these and you to leete all of these to go to one single button just so we can press it

And light everything up ooh can I press the button oh yeah sure you can test it out once I connect everything yay that’s going to be so much fun and just to make sure we can actually see everything whenever we light it off I’m going to

Replace a little bit of this Bedrock to be reinforced glass cuz I want to see where all the fire is going to go you are so funny Dex of course you want to watch the Firefly okay now at the end of this Redstone thing over here I’m going

To place the panic button and whenever you’re ready Zoe you can go ahead and flick it just to watch all the Fireballs go off okay on your mark get set go and wo that was so cool and it shot a bunch of fireballs at the toilets yikes that

Was right at them do you think they’re mad uh yeah but they’re already pretty mad cuz they’re going to attack us anyway so it doesn’t really make a difference now okay then let’s do it again oh so wait don’t shoot that much why not you know what do whatever you

Want to do again and speaking of stuff that actually do a lot of damage that way I have another really good idea what is it Dex we should go outside of our BAS and place down a bunch of Mines that way whenever these skim toilet step them

They’ll all get exploded that’ll be so funny they won’t even get to our base yeah but hopefully we don’t step on them or anything that would be really really bad it probably caus a lot of damage to the whole area yeah we’re both kind of clumsy okay let me just put this one

Here and that one there and I think this is pretty much good to go what do you think Zoe I think these look awesome okay well since we have this I guess we can go back and Zoe what the heck did you just do oh no Dex I fell on a mine

Oh my goodness and look at this now we have a huge hole here what in the world are we even going to do I mean we could fill it with like acid or lava or water yeah I mean I guess we could fill it with a bunch of that stuff now we really

Don’t have a choice do we nope so actually I did us a favor and perfect so I went ahead and fill this all up with lava so this looks a lot lot more protective with all those Minds anyways right this really does this is such a

Good idea I am so smart hey guys I actually have another good idea oh well what’s your idea TV woman I actually have a bunch of TV women friends that said that they would help fight in your battle wait they’re going to actually help us fight oh my gosh that’s so

Clutch wait where are they they’re on their way they’ll be here in a few minutes oh perfect this is going to be so cool Zoe I know Dax we really got lucky with this TV woman and before they get here Zoe maybe we should make out

Like a little area where they can all hang out good idea Dax then we can release all of the TV woman when the skibby toilets try to attack us exactly it’s going to be the perfect idea but we should probably have a little system that brings down the wall right yeah

Probably so how are you can do that well what we’re going to do is get ourselves some pistons and we’re also going to need a bit of redstone and then we can just light it all up together to pull back okay I’ll just connect some Redstone to the back right here and then

We can cover all this floor up and then we can test it out with a little lever let’s just go ahead and test out our little lever oh my go Zoe look at that this is perfect that does look perfect Dax you are so smart I don’t even know

How you know how to build everything it woes away look at that all the TV here they’re totally going to help us with this battle this is awesome how did we get so lucky I have no idea but you know what we should probably also build Zoe

What is it Dax we should go ahead and build an armor room inside in case they actually do break through our walls ooh that’s going to be so cool can I have diamond armor uh yeah I guess you can have diamond armor if you want okay

Let’s go ahead and have a ladder going up back to our normal base like this and then in our army we can actually added a bunch of cool stuff that’s going to help us out this is going to be so cool can we add snacks in there uh snacks I mean

I guess if you want snacks we can add snacks woohoo okay Zoe in order to get our actual armor we’re going to make a little dispenser Cannon seriously you know how to make a dispenser Cannon yep all you have to do is put dispensers around a little thing like this put one

Dispenser on the floor and then on top of you have to put the vence and the pressure plate but we need to go ahead and throw stuff inside and you said you wanted diamond armor right yes diamond armor it’s like my favorite okay let me go ahead and grab you a bunch of

Different diamond armor I also grab you a diamond sword and I bet you want golden apples too right yes for a little snack okay let me go ahead and throw in all the armor and the last thing I’m going to throw in is going to be your

Shield now I’ll go ahead and put the pressure plate with the fence and then you should be able to step in it and see how it actually works okay here goes nothing and wo look at that Zoe now you have diamond armor on instantly do I

Look super cool yes you do look super cool and I’m going to go ahead and build mine on this side over here what kind of armor are you going to put inside let’s see what type of armor do I want to use it wao what if I use some super shiny

Gold armor that’s going to look so cool and perfect it looks like my side is basically built out now so this is going to be a pretty good Ary room for us Zoe this is going to be awesome and we’re definitely going to fight the skid toilets okay I really don’t know how

Much time has gone past so we probably should go check outside and see how dark it’s gotten okay let’s go and oh my goodness the it is so much darker outside that means they’re going to come for us any second now that’s not good we should go ask the TV woman what last

Minute changes we can make to our base yeah that’s a good idea okay TV we’re already at a time what’s some more things we can add in really quick to help us out I think the last thing you guys need is to put a self-destruct button wait a self-destruct button wait

That’s a great idea yeah we definitely need to do it but where are we going to put it and wait what if we just run like a big big button to go all the way underneath our base all the way below that toilet and then we can light off a

Super huge TNT that’s going to be so cool okay let’s go ahead and break down in our base out here and now we have to dig all the way to where that toilet is let’s just go ahead and break out all the way in this direction we have to be

Super super fast cuz we’re running out of time oh my gosh this this is going to be insane if we actually have to use our self-destruct button yeah but it’ll totally be worth it to get rid of all those toilets okay let’s go ahead and

Check how far we are I think we might be under the toilet by now come on let’s see and wo zoy look at that we’re right underneath the toilet that is insane this is exactly where we need to put some TNT okay so how about we fill up

Like a huge room with a bunch of TNT and then we can light up Redstone all the way back to our house to light it up perfect they won’t even know what hit him so let’s go ahead and grab oursel a bit of TNT and then we can start to fill

Up this entire room with a bunch TNT this is going to be awesome yeah it’s going to be a super huge explosion hopefully it doesn’t even go all the way to our house that would be really bad yeah that would be super duper bad I actually really like our house and W zo

Wait I have an even better idea on top of all of this TNT what is a DEX we should throw in one special TNT and this one’s called TNT 500 to completely blow up everything wo that’s going to be super crazy okay now that this room’s

All filled up with TNT let’s go ahead and get some Redstone and some Redstone repeaters so we can wire it all the way back to our house okay the redstone’s wired all the way back here here now all we need to do is get ourself a little

Panic button that will press in case everything goes crazy yeah but DX shouldn’t there be some sort of Escape Route for us oh yeah there probably should be some sort of Escape Route why don’t we go ahead and build something real quick what are you thinking well

The first thing I think we’re going to do Zoe is build oursel out a little tunnel all the way underneath our base and this is going to take us to a little airplane strip an airplane strip I don’t want to have to fly a plane Dax well

We’re going to have to fly a plane if there’s a bunch of TNT going off there’s really no other way to get out okay okay and perfect now we’re all the way from under our base let’s go ahead and light up a bit of railing that way we can just

Hop on a my car and get through super super fast ooh kind of like a roller coaster oh yeah basically it is like a roller coaster except it’s going to be even faster than most roller coasters o that sounds so much fun let’s go ahead and get some railing like this and then

We’re basically just going to run a bunch of power res because like I said I wanted to be as fast as possible okay and from here is where our little railing is going to be with the plane so let’s go ahead and get ourselves some black Creek so we can actually make

A PL strip and of course every little plate thing has a bunch of these yellow blocks in the middle so let’s go ahead and add that and then we can go ahead and add in our super cool planes let’s just go ahead and smack down one plane

There and I’ll smack down one plane right here and then we should be pretty much good to take off wo these look so cool yeah they are super cool but now we need to go back underground to our base like I said this is going to be a little

Myart thing so let me go ahead add in a chest where we can get some Minecarts to take off and oh gosh wait wa it is so dark outside this is not good does that mean they’re coming soon oh no Dex look outside what the heck there are

Literally so many of them Qui so we have to go get all our armor okay let’s go let’s go run back into the house go down to these dispensers and get your super cool armor wait I don’t even remember what side mine’s on zo do you remember

No I just know that I have diamond armor okay let me just go ahead and walk in here and see it oh perfect look at that I have all my gold armor and I have all my diamond armor and actually I want a few more golden apples let’s see where

Did I put these and oh perfect there’s all my golden apples now I can eat a bunch of these and destroy all those toilets let’s do this okay all we have to do is run back up to the surface and then we can start fighting all the B and

I probably should let out all the TV over here to help us out yes that’s a good idea Dex and then we just got to go through our door here and let’s go so we can take them all out we got this hey none of them are falling in the lava H

Yeah none of them are falling in lava and wao these guys are super super freaky wait some of them are even fighting each other what the heck is going on I don’t know it doesn’t seem like they’re very eager to fight us uh it definitely is a little bit weird and

Wo these ones are super freaky these are like TV toilets this is pretty crazy why are they so tall I have no idea and I don’t really like this but come on we have to take them all out come on Dax we got to attack them okay I took a few of

These and man these one with the bow and arrows are really annoying and I just hit one in the lava and he got taken out that’s pretty funny come on we can take them out there’s really not that many left we’re actually doing pretty good so

Far Zoe we are doing pretty good okay I’m taking out one in the back of the toilet and wait there’s still a few of them inside and wao this is like a zombie one that one looked really creepy that one was pretty creepy I’m glad we killed him super quick wait there’s just

A few of them in there but zo did we take all of them out are we like pretty much safe now yep we’re pretty much safe we got to break in so we can kill the last of them okay let’s go ahead and break into this toilet here and then we

Can jump jump the last two of them and then we can go back to our house and relax and wo wait that one just blew up what the heck serious oh no I hope that explosion doesn’t cause the TNT to go off oh that would be super super bad but

Hopefully it doesn’t do that to ball there’s only a couple of them left we can do this and perfect Zoe we took the ball out now we can go back to our house and relax let’s do this it’s party time okay let’s just go ahead and hop back

Inside our base and I’ll start making us some food Zoe uh Dax there’s somebody out there wait what do you mean there’s someone out there and wao wo wao wait is that the Gman yeah that is not good he looks super scary what the heck are you

Doing here G we can totally take you out oh you might have taken out the first rate of all the Skiby toyss but I have hundreds of waves left wait zo wa did he just say he has hundreds of waves left no way this is not good Dex see I told

You fools we can definitely take all of you out oh my gosh so there’s so many more now this is not good Dax and look they’re coming behind you we better get back to our base quick come on Hop inside I’m going to start pressing all

The Fireballs right away we have to take them all out do it Dex come on come on we can definitely do this but oh man I really don’t know there is so many of them out there W wait they’re right in front of our base too that is not good

Start shooting the Fireballs wait a second where did our TV woman go did they get taken out while we weren’t paying attention no way they were too strong for that oh no Zoe this is not looking good in our stuff isn’t even affecting them That’s How Strong they

Are Dex how do they even get in I have no idea they just opened our door and wao wait they blow up the front gate Zoe this is not good should we go back into our house oh my gosh that’s the only thing we can’t do right now Zoe retreat

Get back inside of our base let’s go let’s go oh my God wait they blew up the front door so wait what the heck is happening this is not good okay so we have to find someone to get to our basement we have to get out of here and

Press that button come on Dax I’m inside I’m trying my best but there’s a lot of them fighting me off let me just go ahead and Bridge myself over so they can’t attack me come on I have to be super super fast and wo I fell back down

Hurry Dex I’m trying there’s way too many though this is not looking good for me I’m just getting jumped out here okay I made it back in go all the way down the ladders come on so we have to get out of here I’m trying b dex one of

Them’s following you what the heck there’s so many of them Zoe go ahead and take one of the my carts and get out of here I’ll go ahead and press the button okay I’m going okay now you’re out of here I’m going to go ahead and press the

Button I’m coming right behind you zo we quit get out of here and get on the planes Dex our airplanes are gone wait our air plates are gone are you serious yeah do you have any more oh no just back up as far as you can cuz this is

About to be crazy what the heck who took our airplanes the TN should be liting off any second now Zoe I’m actually really scared to see what this does and w Wait the ground just blew up what the heck was that and wait it just took off

All my armor what in the world just happened do I still have my armor uh yeah you still have your armor on it oh gosh things are still blowing up Zoe back up back up oh no okay I think everything’s done blowing up maybe we should go check out the damage now yes

It looks like our house is still standing I would hope our house is standing it was made out of bedrock and stuff but wo look at everything below our house everything is just completely destroyed but wait I think that toilet got completely taken out but yeah you’re right our base is completely destroyed

Zoe a man all of our hard work done for nothing yeah this does suck a lot let me go ahead and build to the top of it and see if I can see anything but yeah hey at least the base of our base is still grounding but we should probably move

Because there’s like no ground around us anymore yeah and there’s lava everywhere and these random blocks floating so we probably definitely should move and perfect Zoe just like that our brand new house is finally complete yep and it looks super good but Dax what is that behind us wait what are you talking

About wo whoo wo wait that looks like a giant toilet Zoe I know this is not good do you think they’re going to attack us I have no idea quick we should go over there and check it out oh my gosh wait there’s a bunch of different ski toilets

In here look it’s the zombie toilet the knife toilet and it’s the Gman yikes this is not good and look they left us a note wait there’s a note okay it says you have invaded our land in 15 minutes we will take it back be prepared what

The heck Zoe we invaded their land we didn’t know oh no this isn’t good and they said they’re going to take it back in 15 minutes quick Zoe we have to get back to our house and build some defenses well Zoe we’re going to need to

Build up some defens cuz we only have 15 minutes what’s the first thing we should even add in I think first we need to build a wall oh a wall would be a great idea what’s a really strong block we could use how about dirt uh dirt Zoe why

In the world we use dirt because dirt is like super strong there’s no way they can get past a wall of dirt Zoe they could literally get past a wall of dirt so easy dirt is like one of the weakest blocks we are not using dirt Dex stop

Breaking down my wall you’re wasting time no we’re going to use bedrocks away Bedrock is so much stronger everyone knows that fine we can use Bedrock but only so we get to working okay I’m going to go ahead and build on this side of the wall you can go ahead and build that

Side over there okay sounds good I’ll race you around and perfect we’re almost done with this wall and actually this looks pretty good Zoe a Bedrock can totally protect us yeah we’re going super fast but what else do you think we should build I have no idea Zoe do you

Have any good ideas I think we should build a moat a moat oh that’d be super good like a big defense around our house that would be really smart yep so I’m just going to do it right here and then I think we should fill the moat with

Acid oh acid would be super super smart and wait Zoe this looks like normal water Dex just trust me this is definitely going to hurt somebody how about you go ahead and step in it uh okay I guess I can go ahead and step inside it ow wait it actually does hurt

What in the world is this Zoe Dex I told you I was going to put acid in there why are you so surprised what the heck that is literally so cool okay zo let’s go ahead and build this all the way on the outside every our want so the skiing

Toilets can’t get in and since it looks just like water they’re probably instantly going to fall and thinking it’s normal water yeah they’re really big dummies and perfect Zoe I think our acid wall is basically complete but Zoe I am totally scared that this is not

Enough I think we’re going to have to do something drastic yeah we’re going to have to do a lot more what did you have in mind we should try and hire the tri Titan the tri Titan how do we even call him up well the first thing we’re going

To have to do is make oursel out another portal so let me go ahead and get myself some obsidian and I’ll also grab myself a flooded steel so we can build the portal and then I’ll go ahead and put the portal over here in this corner like

This STX you know portals can’t work on the ground Zoe trust me portals do work on the ground if I go ahead and click right here it should open any second and oh my gosh zo way look at that the portal actually worked wow I can’t

Believe you did it d actually you are so smart yep and now we have to jump inside and we have to find the tri but zoy we do not have that much time we only have 15 minutes so we have to hurry up yikes we better hurry and wait a second so

Wait where did all these parasite toilets just come from there’s so many of them Dex we have to beat them in order to get to the tri Titan what the heck there’s literally like hundreds of them oh my goodness this is so crazy don’t worry Dax I’ll save you come on

Just keep beating them up use your diamond swords wa we can definitely take them all out only a few of them left and then we should be good and this is the last one and perfect we took him out yay we did it we’re such a great team Dax

But now we need to find that Tri Tian I wonder where it could be oh Zoe I literally can’t find anything where in the world is this Tri Titan we’re running out of time uh Dax have you seen these weird looking blocks over here wait weird looking blocks over there Zoe

What do you even talking about right now they’re a different color than all the other blocks wait a second why are they a different color wait this could be like a hidden door or something seriously that means I actually got as closer to the tri Titan all on my own

Maybe let’s see if this does anything when I flick it and oh my goodness Zoe look at that it actually was a secret door that is awesome I am so smart and wait a second Zoe it’s the dry Titan right here oh my gosh yes we can finally

Get some help yay we did it do you think he’ll actually help us I don’t know hopefully so hey Mr triti we’re going to need a little bit of help do you think it’ help us out uh yeah I’m sure I can help you guys out for a small fee wait

So wait did he just say a small fee are you serious X we have to pay this guy oh my goodness okay well how much is your fee going to be well you know what I’ll just take five St of diamonds I’ll give you guys a good deal wait five stacks of

Diamonds I don’t have any diamonds Zoe do you have any diamonds on you I have no diamonds what the heck how were we supposed to pay you we have no diamonds on us well I saw you guys built a Bedrock wall earlier so what if you just

Give me like a stack of that Bedrock wait we did build a bed rock while earlier I mean I guess we can give him a stack of Bedrock that’s not too bad right Zoe no that’s not bad at all okay let’s go ahead and throw that to him and

There you go there’s your stupid Bedrock ah perfect okay now I can definitely come help you guys to feed all those toilets Let’s Go ZO a quick we have to get back to the portal fast we’re already running out of time okay let’s go and perfect we’re back to our normal

Base but hey we’re going to need a lot of help in order to defend our base I mean just look how toilet toilet is over there what in the world can we even do well have you guys tried adding in a laser wall yet uh Zoe have we tried

Adding in a laser wall no Dax we haven’t used any lasers yet no we haven’t used any lasers what you guys really haven’t used any lasers that’s like super overpowered here take this and wo wait a second what in the world is this I literally just told you to use lasers

They’re obviously lasers wait these are lasers and oh my gosh so wait we can use to actually defend the outside of our base along with that super cool acid water wow there’s no way that they’re getting through that okay let’s go ahead and test one of these out I think I’m

Going to put the Redstone down in the corner and then we can just smack the laser on top of it let’s go ahead and see what this laser looks like and oh my gosh zo do you see how cool this thing looks that does look super cool but the

Laser is pretty thin yeah the laser is pretty thin I wonder if we could change it let’s go inside of here and wao wait there’s a thing that says options no way let’s see this is the new power mode and wait wao there’s a Beam mode and this

One looks way cooler yeah this looks way more protective we need to surround our entire house with these okay Zoe you go ahead and do that side over here and I’ll do this side over here and once again we get race around the house to see who’s faster okay you are so going

Down let me just go ahead and break all these blocks on this site here I’ll put down a bunch of lasers and Zoe I am definitely going to beat you all the way around I’m like the fastest block Placer ever yeah I really don’t think so I’m practically done Dax wait what there’s

No way you’re practically done zo I’m going as fast as I can I’m not even all the way around yet well I think you may have to be a little quicker than that because I am almost done what the heck see Dax I told you I was done wait what

In the world and how in the world did you already get all the way around Zoe how are you possibly that fast I’m just super duper quick you need to try harder oh my gosh okay whatever let me go ahead and finish up these lasers and then we

Can go on to build our next thing all right Zoe well now that we have all these lasers what’s the next thing we should build and uh wait a second Zoe did it literally just get darker outside oh no this is not good that means that

The scary skib toilets are going to come soon oh no we’re running out of time and wait a second wa I just realized something what did you realize how in the world are we supposed to get in our base with all these huge lasers and acid

Thing here oh no do you think we should build some stairs or an elevator or something well stairs and an elevator are going to be a little bit too risky cuz the skimy toilets get over wait what if we add some fans to the front fans

That would be perfect then we could just fly over the lasers let me just go ahead and grab oursel a little Diamond fan like this and then I’ll light it up with our door and now once we step into this diamond fan we should be able to fly

Over the wall just like that and wait Zoe that did not take us high enough yeah I fell into the acid water well maybe we should go ahead and upgrade it to like an emerald fan cuz that one will shoot us super high in the air okay good

Luck Dax let’s see and wo that one shoots us so much higher that’s perfect and then I’m also going to put a little bit of water on both of the sides just so we can actually land somewhere safe after we’re done I’ll go ahead and add

Water there and then I’ll go ahead and put some water over on this side and then we should be pretty much good to go Zoe okay Zoe now that we have those fans we you should probably ask the triti what else we could do to upgrade our

Base okay let’s ask him hey Mr triti what’s the next thing we could do to upgrade our base well I think you guys can use like some Fireball canons in the front to wor off the Skiby toilets that would be pretty cool wait some Fireball canons in the front Zoe that would

Actually be really really cool yeah that sounds super destructive but I don’t even know how to make those oh trust me I know how to do this let’s just go ahead and break down our wall a little bit lower that way we can actually see and then we’re going to have to grab

Some dispensers At Redstone let me just go ahead and added a few dispensers like this and then on the inside of all of these I put a bunch of fire charges the next thing we have to do is add in some Redstone Dust to the top like this and

Then we have to go ahead and add in a few Bedrock blocks so we can actually have a lever that activates it all let’s just go ahead and put the lever right here and then we can try this out to see if it works and oh my gosh wait Zoe did

You just see that it shot a bunch of fireballs yikes I think you’re going to make them mad uh yeah who cares if we make them mad Zoe we’re way stronger though we can totally take them out especially with the help of this Tri Titan here yeah hopefully that’s the

Case but actually I’ll also want to be able to see outside whenever we shoot this so let me go ahead and get some super cool reinforced glass and then I can just place it all the way down in the front so we can see through and wo that already looks so much better

Doesn’t it Zoe yeah that looks super good and Zoe I just thought of another really really good idea what is the Dex well it is getting darker out and instead of going over to that skim toour to look at them we should throw some security cameras over there so we can

Look at the cameras and just watch them through it Dex you are so smart how did you even come up with that I know I’m like an ultimate GDs but way in order to get over there we should probably grab ourselves an invisibility potion that way they won’t actually see us another

Good idea we should definitely do that okay let’s go ahead and splash this in perfect now that we’re completely invisible we can just fly over there and place out a couple cameras this is going to be so much fun and Mano there are a lot of toilets here now this is

Definitely not looking too good for us I know these guys are kind of giving me the heie jeebies but let me go ahead and throw a few different cameras on each one of the sides like this and now we should a to watch them from the safety

Of our home come on quick let’s get back to our base okay Dax let’s get out of here okay that the cameras up up all we have to do is click on this here and then we should be able to look inside and oh my Go ZO look we can see all them

From the safety of our own base this is perfect this is perfect all in the safety of our own home yep that was a super super good idea you guys should probably also added some Archer Towers just in case there’s a lot of them wait Archer Towers would actually be a pretty

Good idea Zoe I didn’t even think about that yeah this guy must know that I’m like the world’s best Archer are you the world’s best Archer okay I guess we’ll have to see about that but in order to make our Archer Tower I’m going to go ahead and grab some lime concrete says

Green is my favorite color what are you going to use Zoe I’m going to grab some purple concrete oh that sounds super cool okay I’m going to build my Archer Tower in this quarter and you can build yours over there all we have to do is

Build up a floor block square like this and then we have to stack it super super high in the air we’ll also add a bit of walls here and I want to make like a water elevator going up to the top that would probably be super fast and

Efficient right Zoe and it would be so much fun and all we need to do in order to make this water elevator is just throw in a few slides like this and add some Soul Sand to the bottom and now inside the tower the next thing we need

To do is just fill it all up with water and then it should be good to go as a water elevator okay perfect and now that all that water is filled up let’s go ahead and go to the bottom and then I can just walk inside and boob look at

That the it put me right at the top wow it worked really good yep that was super efficient this is going to be our Archer Tower we should probably added some fences The Edge along with the chest with some bow and arrows inside yeah I’d probably fall off if there wasn’t a

Fence okay now also throw in this chest with a bunch of bows and then I need to grab ourself a few different arrows to throw inside this chest as well and zo actually thought of another really good idea for something we can have inside of

A chest what is it Dax what if we throw it in a bunch of different dynamites dynamites so we can throw it at the skibby characters and then they’ll blow up exactly like I can use this lightning dynamite and then I can just throw it all in the middle of the battlefield and

A bunch of lightning will spawn in yikes that is awesome yep it’ll be able to take out a bunch of them I’m going to go ahead and fill up a whole entire chest with them and Zoe since I use lightning Dynamite what type of dynamite are you

Going to use I think I’m going to use the physics Dynamite wo the physics Dynamite what in the world does that do Dax it’s super we deadly come take a look uh okay let’s see what this does it wait where the world did it go it oh my

Gosh wait that was so destructive there’s no way the skibby characters can avoid that Massacre okay that was super super cool and you’re going to have a full chest of them I think we’re going to be pretty well protected Zoe yep those Skiby toilets are definitely going

Down and oh wait a second zo wa it just got even darker outside oh no we must be running out of time this is not good Dex that means they’re going to come soon okay quick zo in case they do break through all their fences we should

Probably have a little bit of an armor room with a bunch of different armor inside that’s a really good idea let me go ahead and break one side down for me and then I’ll break one side down for you and then we’ll have some ladders going down to the bottom perfect and

Perfect Zoe now that we have our underground Armory room complete I think I’m going to go ahead and fill in all the floor with a bunch of different green blocks just to make it as strong as possible but Dax you can’t fill all the floor with green some of it has to

Be purple oh fine how about this Zoe you can have purple on your side over there and I’ll have green on my side over here sounds like a deal to me okay Zoe and now we have both of our colors chosen out we need to go ahead and add a little

Armor area an armor area what does that entail well what we’re going to need to do is add in a few different dispensers where we can automatically get armor dispensed to us just so we can be extremely fast whenever they’re all coming at us wow that sounds super fancy

Inide a myy armor stand I’m going to go ahead and grab some diamond armor since I know that’s like one of the strongest armors you can get I’ll also go ahead and get a diamond sword and I need to get myself a nice shield and at the very

Bottom I’m also going to throw in some super enchanted golden apples that’ll be awesome and then in order to get everything we’re going to need to add in a little feds like this with a pressure plate on top and zoic you can go ahead and walk into it just to see what it

Does okay here I go and boom look at that now you have full diamond armor with a diamond sword and I got a golden apple this is awesome but Dex uh what’s up Zoe can you build me one on my side I want to be just like you yeah sure I can

Go ahead and build you one on your side Zoe what type of armor do you want I think I want gold armor oh gold armor that is a great choice okay let me go ahead and build this out for you okay now also add in the fence and the

Pressure plate on this side and now your side is completely built out Zoe yay it looks awesome should I do the honors uh yeah go ahead and walk into it just to make sure everything works properly and wao look at you you look so cool with

All that gold armor thanks Dax I feel super cool okay so now that we have our Armory room built out we should probably check out those skimy toilets real quick yeah we probably should let’s go ahead and see it oh my gosh wa wait they’re

Still there but wait a bunch of the iron bars are getting broken they must be breaking out this is not good do you think that they’re coming early oh no they might be it probably means we only have a few minutes left we need to add

In a couple more things but what should we even add in I don’t know we should prob go ask the tri Titan come on Zoe we have to go ask him quick okay Mr Tri Titan we are completely running out of time what else can we build on for our

Base well I think you should probably add in a button that lies a bunch of TNT on their side just in case things get out of control wait zo wa that would be a super smart idea it would basically be like a big self-destruct button that sounds perfect that means if we can’t

Have our house nobody can exactly in order to blow them up we’re going to have to dig underground just to make sure they don’t see us so let’s go ahead and go back to our little Ary over here and then we can start carving out inside

The ground and we’re going to have to go super super far in order to get over to that toilet over there so we’re probably going to be digging for a little bit okay just a few more blocks and then let me go ahead and dig up to see where we

Are I feel like we are pretty close to the toilet okay and perfect Zoe it looks like we’re right underneath the toilet and oh my gosh look we’re right inside the toilet now Zoe wao this is super crazy that we’re inside the toilet right now yeah but we’re going to need a bunch

Of tea and tea in order to light everything off so let’s go ahead and fill this entire room with a bunch of TNT so it can completely explode whenever we press a button wow that’s going to be so funny yep it’s going to be super super destructive and it’s

Probably going to take out all of those skiy toilets and Zoe in the middle of all this TN we’re going to add in one special TN called the death ray that should be Ultimate Destruction Dex do you think all this TNT will be too much no there’s never enough TNT but we are

Going to need to r a bunch of redstone all the way back into our house if we want this to light up properly so let me go ahead and cover up this hole right here and then we can start lighting up a bunch of redstone all the way back to

Our base okay perfect now let me go ahead and seal this up and once we press this red panic button right here way everything will completely blow up wow that’s going to be super cool I wish we could see it from a cool view wait that

Would be awesome what if we build out like a little platform we could watch the explosion on that sounds awesome we need to do that okay let’s go ahead and break out a little area here all the way to the surface and in order for us to

Get to our platform I think we’re going to added like a little roller coaster railing system so we can get there super super fast wow that sounds like so much fun yeah so we’re going to have to added a bunch of power rail it’s some redstone

Blocks just we can get to the surface as fast as possible and you know what we should probably make the platform at a Bedrock just so it doesn’t blow up yeah that’s a good idea okay let’s go ahead and curve this back in the direction

Towards our base so we can get a nice view on top of it and this is going to be the ultimate final showdown ever let’s go ahead and place out some of the Bedrock just like this and then I’m going to add some fences to the outside

Just to make sure we don’t fall off or anything now let’s just make sure to go back and add it all the raik and then we should be pretty much good to go Zoe and perfect Zoe now that our roller coaster is basically completely done our base is

Totally Secure and oh wait a second zo did you see it got super dark outside this is not good deck that means that they’re coming soon what in the world Mr Tri they’re coming soon what in the world are we going to do don’t worry guys I will help you defend your base

And we will take down all those skiy toilets oh my God Zoe he’s actually going to help us defend our base there’s no way we can lose with him on our team exactly the odds are definitely in our favor this time okay Zoe quick let’s check on the cameras to see how all

Those toilets are doing over there and oh go so wa it looks like a bunch of them broke out this is not good DX we better go put our armor on come on quick we have to get to the basement okay let’s go ahead and go down our ladders

And then we can go to each one of our sides and we can grab all our super awesome armor and wo I look so cool with all this diamond armor you do look super cool you know what I also think I’m going to grab a few more of these golden

Apples just to make sure I’m super super safe when I’m fighting all of them yeah I better do the same let’s go ahead and eat them and then we go to the surface and fight all those skim toilets back Zoe let’s go and hopefully the tri tide

Actually helps us out a bunch but okay let’s go ahead and use our fan right here and we can fly over and make sure to land of the water wherever you go on and wo there are so many different scy toilets out here zo I’m actually kind of

Scared be careful Dax wao wait there’s a bunch of the zombie toilets already attacking me wait are there some scientist toilets now Yik cuz it looks like you’re getting jumped what in the world there are literally so many of them this is crazy but it seems like

They’re going down pretty fast are they going down pretty fast I haven’t even taken out one of them they’re so strong Yik sex you must be super weak I’m trying my best they’re just insanely insanely powerful I’ll come help you I have never even seen this many skimy

Toilets before Zoe this is absolutely insane I’m getting jumped by the G and the spider multi-head toilet right now this is not good Dex you look like you’re swarmed yeah this is pretty scary so I think we should probably Retreat to our base and use our archery Towers okay

Let’s go okay I’m going to go ahead use my water elevator right here and then let’s see I’m going to go ahead and grab my lightning dynamite and then we can just throw a bunch of them down over by those toilets wo they are all getting

Zapped by the lighting this is so cool Zoe that’s awesome but I think you’re making them mad oh gosh wait they’re all breaking in Zoe quick use some of the physics Dynamite all right let me use my physics Dynamite come on so we have to

Take a bunch of them out and wo there is so much lightning everywhere here goes nothing and oh my gosh wait so wait did you just blow up your Archer Tower yep and I fell into acid water what the heck so I get out of there and get back here

We need to fight them off I’m hurrying and wait the tritide is literally sitting here with my need not doing anything Tri tide go help me out oh no I kind of just like the view from up here what the heck Zoe he’s not even doing anything man there are so many different

Kinds of toilets out there Zoe this is not looking too good for us I know Dax what are we going to do I have no idea I’m throwing as much lightning Dynamite as I can’t I’m actually going to light off some of these fire charges too okay

I’m going to light some more physics Dynamite come on we have to do something so we cannot lose our hope to these stupid toilets I hate these guys ZX who is that up there wait what are you talking about and wa wait is that the Gman you fools you think you could

Really beat my Army this is only the First Rate out of 100 there is no way you can survive wait so he says only the first wave out of 100 waves how the world are we supposed to win I have no clue but Dax this is not good you know

What zo if there’s going to be more ways of these toilets we should probably just get out of here and press our panic button there’s no way we can win this okay we better go come on quick get back to the house okay come on we got to go

Through our AR right here and make sure to hop on the roller coaster Zoe and I’ll go ahead and press the button just get out of here as fast as you can okay I’m coming Dex go go go I’ll beat you up on the platform Zoe hurry Dex okay I’ll

Hit the button and I’m right behind you Zoe I’m coming as fast as I possibly can we need to hurry I don’t want to get caught in the explosion come on we have to be as fast as possible and wait a second so is that the TNT noise going

Off yep it must be oh my goodness look at that huge explosion it just caused wo it’s destroying everything there are still so many skimy toilets down there way quick we’re going to have to get down there and fight them all off to defend our base once and for all okay

Let’s go come on zo we have to take out the rest of these guys but oh gosh there are so many there are so many hopefully some of them fall into the lava okay I still have the lightning Dynamite let me go ahead and throw it down and wait a

Sec it’s not even lighting off what the heck that is not good Dax where are you I’m going to throw the physic phys Dynamite I am getting jumped by all of them zo what do you mean where are you at okay well I’m throwing the physics Dynamite throw the physics Dynamite as

Fast as you can I’m trying to take out a bunch of them and wait the tri Titans here helping me out awesome I’m going to go after the Gman and wait we’re beating them all up we’re actually doing pretty good Dex I took down the Gman there’s

Only a few of them left and then we’ll have successfully defended our house watch out Dex and what was that a physics Dynamite yep and it almost took you out this is perfect there’s only like five of them left and we’re going to win perfect so I think we took them

All that is awesome I can’t believe we did it thank you so much for your help Mr Tri Titan of course I hate those skim while it’s just as much as you to it’s wa wait do you think our base survived yeah I seriously doubt that come on we

Have to go check out quick wait a second it looks like our base actually kind of survived no freaking way this never happens let’s go we actually were able to defend our base this is awesome this is awesome and perfect Zoe look at this our brand new house is complete wow this

Is awesome show me around yeah so look at this we have your purple SL over here and then I have my nice green side over here and look we even have this super cool painting at the top wow this is awesome but uh Dex what is that uh what

Are you talking about Zoe and whoa what in the world is that thing I have no clue should we go check it out yeah we probably should go check it out and wait a second it looks like a giant toilet why would there be a giant toilet here I

Don’t really know but there’s doors in the front and since it’s super close to our house I really don’t know if they’re dangerous or not well let’s go inside okay let’s go inside and see and wao wait a second why are there a bunch of any toilets in here this is so weird

Yeah this is super weird well they do look a little bit dangerous look this guy has like rocket launchers and stuff rocket launchers what if he shoots at our house oh gosh okay maybe we should go back and build a few different defenses that’s a really good idea okay

Zo well let’s just go ahead and go back to our house and uh wait a second zo where didd you go DX over here there’s a door wait you found a door what are you even talking about there’s a door over here we have to go inside wao wait what

Is this let’s go ahead and look inside and wo this is so cool wow it’s all pink yeah this is so cool wait there’s like a desk with a computer and a bunch of drawers and wo this is such a cool painting uh Dax is that the Titan

Speaker man in there wait what are you talking about it who wait why is the Titan speaker man in here I have no clue but it’s kind of creepy yeah it is kind of creepy and wait what are these things on the wall right here it kind of looks

Like a wand yeah they do look like wands I wonder what they do let’s go ahead and break them off and see and oh wait a second wait it says invisibility staff that sounds really weird wo that is so cool I wonder if it makes us invisible

Oh I can’t wait to get back in my room and play my guitar wait did someone just say they can’t wait to get back to their room and play their guitar uh zo maybe we should use this wand really quick okay let’s do it and wo look at that it

Made me completely invisible and wo you invisible too and oh my gosh wait a second who in the world is that oh looks like some stuff got changed around in here wait what in the world wait did we change around anything Zoe I don’t think

We did at all oh gosh this guy must be really aware but who in the world even is this it looks like the Gman well looks like I can relax cuz in 30 minutes I’m going to destroy that little house over there wait a second did he just say

30 minutes he’s going to destroy that little house over there Zoe that’s our house we have to go put up defenses right now oh gosh quick let’s go ahead and open the door and get back there wait how did that door just open oh gosh

Zoe quick run oh go Zoe that guy was super scary and he said he’s going to come blow up our house in 30 minutes this is not good what defenses are we going to put up I have no idea Zoe I’m not creative at all do you have any good

Ideas yeah I know exactly what we need to do we need to make a wall of dirt wait a wall of dirt that’s going to be so perfect no one’s ever going to be able to get through this exactly dirt is like the most powerful block there’s no

Way that anybody could break this yeah I heard it’s the most powerful block too okay let’s go ahead and place a bunch of these all the way around our house and I guess we can make it like three blocks taller or something perfect and perfect Zoe our dirt wall actually looks really

Good yep we are completely defended now okay since this supped to be like the strongest block in Minecraft let me go ahead and test by putting down a piece of TNT and let’s blow it up and see how strong it is come on come on and oh gosh

Wait a second wait it just completely blew up our wall what the heck this must be like expired dirt or something oh gosh well wait a second if this is is going to work what in the world are we going to do I don’t know DX maybe we

Should call in some reinforcements wait maybe we should call in some reinforcements wait that’s actually a really good idea and I think I know the perfect person who is it I think we can hire the Titan cameraman that is such a good idea but how do we call him up well

So we actually have a phone right inside our house so let me go ahead and pick up the phone and then we can call him okay come on come on pick up and oh perfect hey uh is this the Titan speaker man yeah hello uh yeah hey I really need

Your help to uh protect my base because we are in a little bit of trouble right now yeah I don’t know about that one I’m way too lazy for that kind of work sounds like a hassle wait wait wait no I know you’re lazy at all but wait there’s

Skib toyss that are attacking your base and how about this if you like help defend us I’ll throw in a stack of diamonds for you skibby toilets well I do hate those guys and diamonds all right let’s save your weak little base oh okay perfect well we’re right across

From like a giant toilet so you should have no problem seeing it okay okay perfect ax what did he say well he said he’s ask to come help us out but we do have to give him a stack of diamonds is that okay yeah you can give them your

Diamonds I’m going to keep mine oh fine okay whatever Zoe oh look Dax I think he’s here and oh my gosh look it’s the Titan cameraman hey what’s up I heard you need my help yeah we do need your help I mean do you see that giant toilet

Over there they said they’re about to come destroy our base in like 30 minutes and we don’t know what to do well the first thing you need to do is get rid of this dirt wall why’d you use dirt that’s like the weakest Block in this whole

Game wait I thought dirt was like the strongest Block in the whole game what are you even talking about no the strongest block is bedrock why’d you use dirt what the heck I thought dirt was supposed to be super strong but I guess we can try Bedrock yeah I guess we can

Go ahead and grab Bedrock if you say it’s the strongest so we’re going to have to replace all this dirt with a bunch of Bedrock then oh my gosh okay zo let’s go ahead and Brak off all these walls and then I guess we can start

Building in a huge Bedrock wall okay but we have to hurry so let’s race okay now that we have all of the dirt wall basically gone let’s go ahead and start adding in a big Bedrock wall on the outside this is going to be so cool this

Is going to be super cool and then I guess we can test it out s he say it’s like the strongest block maybe we can grab some more TNT and try to blow it up DX I don’t know if we should keep trying to blow up our house well I mean it it’s

Supposed to be strong it shouldn’t blow up or anything right I guess you’re right okay perfect Zoe and now we have our huge bed walk will but I’m going to go ahead and try it out with this one piece of TNT okay light it up come on

Come on this better not break I swear if this breaks tight camera I’m would be so mad at you and wao look at that it didn’t Brak it all perfect okay that was definitely a really good idea but is this enough to actually defend our base

See I don’t think this Bedrock wall is going to do it so you should break the blocks and then refill it with lava to make a lava mode around your house whoa wait a second a lava Mode’s actually a really good idea why didn’t we think about anything like that Zoe I don’t

Know but that’s why we called in for some help yeah this guy’s like an ultra genius okay let me go ahead and grab myself a nice little lava bucket and then we can start building this all the way around the house this is going to be

So secure and I guess I’ll go ahead and start doing this side over here and I guess you can start doing that side over there Zoe perfect sounds good to me and wo guys look how cool this lava boat looks there’s no way those skim tours

Are going to get inside yeah this is super cool but like how are we supposed to get into our own base oh wait a second I actually didn’t even think of a way we could get inside maybe we could build like a little Bridge here or something you think that would work yeah

That would work pretty good okay so let’s go ahead and get some nice cool blocks I can just use like some Oak planks and I guess we can build out a little Bridge right about here and perfect and wait a second maybe we should add in like a super strong door

To the front that sounds like such a good idea okay so let me go ahead and build out one more layer like this and then I can go into my inventory and I can grab something called a hanger door these things are like super super huge and they’re really difficult to open

Look how cool this thing looks that does look super cool and it’s going to be way more difficult for anyone to break it since we have this ginormous door here and now that we have that basically built in I’m looking at our house in Zoe I’m a little bit concerned that it’s not

Strong enough yeah it’s made entirely of wood that’s not very strong at all yeah I have no idea what we’re going to do hey uh Titan Cameron do you have any ideas what we could do for our house yeah I think if you replace the wood

With obsidian it’s going to be a lot stronger and it’ll look a lot better oh wait a second obsidian we didn’t even think about that Zoe that’s a great idea that is a super good idea okay so let’s go ahead and replace all of these Oak

Blanks inside of our house for a bunch of obsidian and then our base should be super super strong okay let me add in these last few blocks and perfect our house looks so much stronger now it does look super strong and it’s purple yeah I

Mean I guess it is purple which I really don’t like that much but I guess is whatever it says I still have a little a bit of green inside and actually I just thought of something that we kind of need for our base what is it Dex well we

Do have this huge door here but we actually can’t see outside so maybe we should make like a bunch of these walls glass we should use reinforced glass cuz that’s super strong oh wait a second I didn’t even think about reinforced glass that’s a super good idea let me go ahead

And grab some of this clear reinforced glass like this and then we go ahead and place a bunch of it down all the way on the outside wow that’s going to look so good it just if you didn’t know reinforced glass is super strong so if I

Build out like a little cage here made entirely out of reinforced glass and then light some TNT nothing around it should even get damaged and wait a second it still kind of blew up the grass but hey at least the glass didn’t get damaged right yeah I guess if the

Glass didn’t get damage it’s still pretty good yeah it must be like indestructible to break but things around it can still get destroyed so we’re going to have to be a little bit careful with it okay let’s go ahead and fill out this wall on this side with

This reinforced glass and then we’ll probably do the same thing to the other side over there okay I’ll start working on the other side and perfect this looks super super good now we have all this reinforced glass here we can see everything on the outside yeah this

Looks super cool but I think we need to add something uh okay well what what do you want to add Zoe I think we should add some turrets oh wait a second if we added turrets on this it would be super powerful right that’s what I was

Thinking okay so let’s see what type of turrets do we even have and whoa look at this okay we have the turret base but wait we need some type of like weapon for the top what can we use know I think turrets are a good idea but I think you

Should use this laser gun inside them wait we should use a laser gun inside the turret that is such a good idea that gun looks crazy let me just go ahead and test it out and wao Zoe look at this I can Sho lasers everywhere that’s crazy

What in the world this is so cool okay I think in order to put this on the turet what we need to do is just connect it to the top piece there and wao look at that that’s perfect we should test it out oh yeah we should definitely test it out

Okay I think I need to get something to power it so let me go ahead and grab this energy Cube here and then I guess I can spawn like a skeleton or something perfect let me go ahead and grab that skeleton spaw it and then I can just

Place him down right outside here and oh my gosh he just got destroyed the skippity toilets won’t know what hit them how about we go ahead and put a few of these on this front row just to make sure we’re super safe and next to a

Bunch of these we also have to throw those creative power cubes just to make sure they have enough power to actually shoot the lasers I’ll go ahead and put two of them in the middle like this and then I guess I only need one more on the

Side like that and perfect they look pretty good now yeah this is looking super secure and wait a second I actually have another idea for something that we could add to our house there’s a DEX what if we had like Iron Golems defend our base that would be so cool

Okay so what I think we can do is place down a bunch of fences like this and then I can get some Pistons that basically drop the fences whenever we want so they can go fight all the ski toil yeah that’s a good idea okay so let’s go ahead and grab these pistons

And then I guess I can start connecting to a bunch of redstone and wait I think we’re going to need like a lever inside of our house so maybe you can find somewhere to put it okay I’ll start looking okay let me go ahead and carve

Out all the ground like this and I also need Redstone repeaters and then I can just connect them all to the front of these I’m pretty sure all I have to do is connect the Redstone like this and then I can wire it all the way to go

Inside of the house and Zoe did you find a place for this to go yet yep and I even left it a sign oh you left it a sign too let’s see where is it and wo that’s perfect so I guess I did have the brake underneath the ground to go all

The way to the lever and I think it’s like right about here maybe Zoe that looks perfect okay so let me go ahead and connect all the Redstone wire underneath this and then I can connect it all the way up to this lever okay perfect now let me go ahead and cover

All of this stuff up just to make sure no one accidentally walks inside of it and then we can go ahead H the lever to see if it actually works and wao look at that it actually goes up and down as soon as you press the lever that’s

Exactly what we wanted perfect you are so good at building decks okay we also do need to add in those Iron Golems I was talking about and I think you make them by getting these iron blocks and then you put a pumpkin on top a pumpkin

Yeah I think it’s a pumpkin uh is that right Titan speaker man yeah that’s correct okay so let me go ahead and do the iron like this and I can build it out like that and uh wait a second it’s not working that’s because you built it

Wrong oh wait what do you mean I built it wrong to build an iron golem you need to build iron blocks in a T formation and then put the pumping on top in the middle oh wait a second okay so I was actually pretty close then right sort of

Okay so let me go ahead and build a few more of these and wait a second let me replace the pumpkin and perfect look at that now we have iron golem guards in here and how about this we can each name one of these Golems so go ahead and get

A name tag and name whatever you want I think I’m going to go ahead and name mine Iron Golem that’s a pretty original name I want to name mine wait you want to name yours what in the world does even mean it’s like Zoe but

With a G uh okay I guess that’s a cool name Titan came do you think of anything yeah I think I’m going to name my iron golem skibby Destroyer wait the skibby Destroyer whoa that would sound super powerful yeah that’s a cool name but it’s not as cool as and it’s also

Not as cool as Iron Golem that’s the best name on all three of these yeah I don’t agree with that but let’s move on uh okay let’s go ahead and see what else we can add and wait a second what if we added like some electric fences to the

Outside of our build just to make it a little more difficult for anyone to get inside wo that is such a good idea electric fences are so dangerous okay let me grab one of these electric fences and I guess I could grab like a pig or

Something to test it out so all I have to do is put down a few of these fences and then I can put the pig on top and wait this pig is like immune to Electric what in the world is going on what the heck that pig is so strong he should be

Defending our base uh how about I just punch him into the lava and then I can go ahead and try to another Pig and what the heck it just turned into a zombie pigman but then it got zapped by the lasers that was crazy you know what I

Guess that worked right what do you think yeah I think it worked okay so let’s go ahead and put a bunch of these electric fences all the way around our base just to have an extra layer of Defense okay just a few more electric fences and perfect I think the outside

Of our base is looking really good yeah it does look super defended yeah but this probably won’t be enough to defend against the ski toilets wait what do you mean this won’t be enough we have so much stuff right now yeah but they are really powerful look we can add another

Thing by placing sand down and placing some Cactus on top whenever they run into it they’ll take damage wait that’s actually a really good idea so we could have like a cactus maze in front of our base that’s going to be so cool okay so let’s go ahead and grab some of this

Sand from here and then we can go ahead and grab the cactuses as well and then we can to start placing a bunch of them around their build okay and perfect I think these cactuses are actually looking pretty good ooh Dax I have such a good idea uh okay well what’s your

Idea Zoe well you know how I’m really good at archery uh I mean you’re like okay at archery but yeah sure whatever are you kidding I’m like the best at archery but anyways we should do some archery Towers wait archery Towers like we can see over the top of our build and

Then shoot a bunch of arrows at them exactly oh that is such a good idea and wait a second can I build my archery tower out of like lime concrete of course and I’m going to build mine out of purple concrete e why would you want to build yours out of purple concrete

Lime is so much better no lime is like the worst color ever let’s just see what the tight speaker B thinks hey tight speaker B which one do you think is better purple or green honestly they both kind of suck Blue’s better wait what you actually think blue is a better

Color of course honestly blue is super close to purple so think that I win blue is literally not close to purple at all they’re like completely different colors they’re pretty close okay perfect now that the base of my tower is built out of course I’m need a way to get up there

So let me grab like a bunch of ladders and I guess I can start stacking them all the way to the very top and how about this zoy maybe we should have like our Towers connect in the middle that way we can actually like run back and

Forth and they come to attack us that’s a super good idea Dex okay and how about this just so we’re completely even let’s make the middle out of like Oak planks that way we’re not picking either one of our colors yeah that’s probably fair and perfect this looks like a pretty good

Base now I think the next thing I need to do is go aad ahead and added some fences just so we don’t fall off cuz uh Zoe you are a little bit clumsy are you serious Dax I fell one time yeah but I mean you’re still clumsy regardless and

I kind of don’t want you to fall off so I think it’s better if we just add in a bunch of fences you’re probably right and perfect now that we have this whole Archer Tower up here of course we’re going to need some bow and arrows to

Actually shoot the Skippy toilet so why don’t we add in a chest for ourselves I can go ahead and put mine in the corner and then I can grab myself a nice bow and wo wait a second I have this one called the electric bow that sounds

Really cool wo that sounds super deadly wo look at this whenever I shoot it they come out like super fast but wait they look a little bit weirder they come I think I’m just going to use a normal bow cuz this one kind of scares me and maybe

I could add in like a super special Arrow like uh these arrows of heaviness that sounds really cool that does sound super cool guys it’s almost been 30 minutes now and I think we’re going to need an option if we need to fight them in close quarters wait we’re going to

Need an option to fight them in CL quarters well what are you even talking about well if they enter the base I think we’re going to need an Armory room oh wait a second we could have an Armory room inside of our base that would be a

Really good idea yeah how could we forget something like that okay so let’s go ahead and go to the inside of our base and let’s see where can we build this armor room where’s a cool spot in oh wait what if we just break this chest

Out and then build below it perfect so let’s go ahead and dig all the way into the ground like this and I think this is pretty much deep enough now we can carve out a huge room we’re going to have all of our armor inside of and perfect this

Look like a pretty good Armory area but I don’t really like the dirt everywhere I feel like we’re going to have to change that a little bit yeah how about you make your side green and I’ll make my side purple oh I mean I guess that’s

A pretty good idea except this time I think I’m going to use like lime green wool instead of lime green conck creete cuz I think it looks way better that’s a good idea I think I’m going to use purple wool okay yeah that is pretty cool and what should we do for these

Walls over here should we keep them green or should we make them like Oak planks M we should probably make them like Oak planks yeah just to spice it up a little bit okay let me go ahead and fill in all the walls with this okay and

Now that we have both of our sides built out I guess we have to put some armor in and I think I’m going to add like an armor stand and grab some really cool armor yeah I think I’ll do the same okay so let me go ahead and put us both and

Armor stand in the middle and let’s see what type of armor should I use I’m going to use diamond armor oh wait you’re going to use diamond armor that actually sounds kind of cool yep I know but don’t copy me yeah I’m not going to

Copy you and wait a second this is one armor called the emerald armor and since it’s green I’m definitely going to use it ooh that one’s ugly what how is it ugly it looks so much better than diamond armor cuz it’s that ugly green color oh my gosh so you have no idea

What you’re talking about but let me go ahead and also add some dispensers where I can throw like a weapon and probably like some different type of enchanted golden apples just to make sure we’re like super super safe whenever we get attack oo good idea I’m going to do that

With the apples what no you can’t take my ideas away what are you even doing I can do what I want oh my gosh you literally just said I couldn’t copy your idea and then you’re over here trying to copy my idea it’s cuz it’s different

When I do it okay that doesn’t make any sense but whatever you do what you want and the last thing I want to do is grab myself a nice little Shield that I can just throw all in the dispenser and perfect so now once I run over this I

Should get all of my stuff and yep look at that I have all of my stuff right away this is so cool but let me go ahead and fill these back up just cuz I’m probably going to need them a bit later and perfect this is all good now let’s

See what else can we add into this Armory room what’s something we really need Zoe ooh Dex we should give ourselves potions wait potions would actually be a really good idea and Zoe stop taking all my diamond swords Dex stop yelling at me well I don’t want you

To take all my diamond swords what I have to fight them and I don’t have a weapon then I’m going to get like jumped by a bunch of toilets is that what you want well I’ll give you one of mine okay fine fair enough okay let me go ahead

And make us both a little chest area we can get some potions and let’s see what type of potions do we even want there’s so many of them I think I’m going to get this potion of diamond skin because it like makes you super super strong and

I’m also going to give myself a potion of Health boost just in case stuff gets really crazy I want to have two things that make me really really strong that’s a super good idea so far I have a potion of swiftness of Leaping regeneration luck and strength wao wait that actually

Sounds super cool you picked out a bunch of good ones I know and wait a second I honestly don’t like this wall behind where all allarm is I think I’m going to change it a little bit what are you going to change it to well what if we

Have like a big thing of lava going down I think that would make a really nice touch to the room Dex are you really focusing on the wall we’re about to be attacked well yeah I mean it’s going to look really nice though look Zoe just

Trust me let me go ahead and added a bunch of lava to the top like this and now all the ground should be pretty much open and look doesn’t this look cool yeah I guess that does look super cool yeah see I told you it was a really good

Addition it’s something we definitely needed and oh wait a second Zoe I haven’t seen the Titan cameraman in a minute yeah I haven’t seen him either yeah I wonder where he went and wait a second do you see this sign over here yeah it says TNT room what do you think

That means I have no idea let’s just go inside and look and whoa Titan Cameron what are you building out in here well I decided that you guys needed one more thing as a last resort in case the base gets taken over we need a TNT room to

Blow everything up wait you want to blow everything up in case our base gets taken over do you actually think we’re going to lose there’s always a slight chance well I mean I guess that’s a fair point well Zoe are you okay with blowing up our whole base that they end up

Taking it over yep I kind of hope they do so we can see the explosion what in the world we literally took so long to build our house and you’re okay with blowing it up yeah we can always build another house oh my gosh well whatever I

Guess but if we are blowing up with a bunch of TNT we probably need a place to escape so we don’t get blown up by all the TNT ooh Dex what if we build like a little roller coaster up to a viewing area oh actually that would be kind of

Cool so whenever we do blow up the TNT we can actually see it all explode so let me go ahead and start carving out a bunch of this and then I got to go ahead and get us a bunch of railing and why don’t we just use a bunch of power rail

Since it is like the strongest railing after all that’s a good idea and of course in order to build a coaster we’re going to use some of these Oak planks and I guess we can start curving back in the direction of our base so we can watch everything okay I’ll go ahead and

Curve it out in this direction and Zoe do you think this is safe enough yeah I think it’s pretty safe okay and how about we get some of that reinforced glass since it was like super strong earlier I bet if we have it we’re not

Going to get blown up at all wow that is such a good idea and then we can still see the explosion exactly okay let me go ahead and build us a huge room with a bunch of reinforced glass this is going to be so cool and perfect Zoe I think

This actually looks really good and there’s no way anything bad’s going to happen to us in here yeah absolutely no way but the next thing we need to do is actually added a bunch of that railing just so we can get here so let’s go

Ahead and fill up all this track with a bunch of powered rail okay perfect I’ll go ahead and put it all the way back over here and oh my gosh there is so much TNT inside of here that’s going to be crazy oh gosh I honestly am a little

Bit scared if it blows up early but I guess we should be okay but I guess we also do need a bunch of mine carts so we can actually drive away whenever we do have to blow everything up so let me go ahead and grab some mine carts and I can

Fill this entire chest with a bunch of them uh I think the toilets are attacking quick we have to grab all our gear wait the toilets are attacking let me go ahead and check outside and see and oh my goodness wait there are so sobody outside quick Zoe get all your

Gear okay we have to hurry there was like at least 100 Toilets outside this is not looking good already we haven’t even started yet okay let me grab all of my emerald armor and then I can step on all my dispensers and actually I think

I’m just going to take a bunch of these golden apples that’s probably a better idea that is a super good idea I think I’m going to do the same okay let me go ahead and eat my golden apples and oh gosh okay let’s go ahead and get to the

Surface and then we can find a bunch of them okay quick let’s go ahead and get outside of our base and oh my gosh there is so many of them out here and they’re already coming inside oh no make sure to eat your golden apples away there’s way

Too many of them I’m trying da come on come on and wait our laser turrets are slowing down do you think they’re out of juice they might be oh gosh this isn’t good this isn’t good quick hurry up we have to kill them all we’re trying but

There is so many of them do you see how many of them are inside of our base there’s only three inside of our base but they won’t die there’s only three there’s like a million of them outside of our base come on come on we can

Definitely beat them up and yes I just took one out good job Dex but man there are still so many left this is not good at all come on come on we can definitely do wait a bunch of them are starting to drop now perfect maybe we have a chance

Yeah maybe we’re actually going to win come on there isn’t that many of them left okay there’s only a few of them left on the side of our base and I think we’re pretty much good wow I can’t believe we won so quickly yeah I know

That was so easy and wait I think that was the last one Titan cameraman yeah it looked like it in perfect zo I can’t believe we actually defended our base that was so easy yeah Dax that was super easy but uh is that that guy from earlier wait what are you even talking

About and oh gosh it’s the Gman again yeah that was the first wave out of a million your puny base will never be able to survive wait did he just say that was the first wave out of a million this is not good I don’t know if we can

Last a million more waves and oh my gosh there’s already so many outside quick we have to get down there and fight them off okay let’s hurry come on come on they can’t took over our base and actually I think I’m going to let all the Iron Golems out that’s a really good

Idea hurry let me go ahead hit the lever and then I guess I can open this door in the front and oh gosh they’re storming through our base that’s not good come on iron golems take them out take them out but wo there’s so many of them and these

Ones look way stronger than the other ones come on we have to defeat this wave but wait did he say there was a million waves yeah this is not good oh gosh even if we beat this we still have so many left what in the world are we going to

Do oh gosh it looks like the third wave already started wait the third wave already started oh my goodness now there’s scientist toilets outside too that is not good guys I think it’s time we get over to that TNT and blow everything up and get out of here okay

Sounds like a plan to me okay quick let’s go ahead and get to our armor room and then we can hit the button quick both of you guys get on the minecart I’ll meet you up there I’ll be the one to press the button okay but hurry Dax

Okay come on both of you guys have to get out of here as fast as possible okay I’m on the mine cart okay let me go ahead and press the button then I can grab my own M cart I’m coming guys I’m coming come on this is going to be so

Crazy and oh gosh I think everything’s blowing up oh my gosh our base what in the world is happening I can’t even tell everything’s lagging so much and wait a second guys we’re perfectly fine inside our little Cube but wao look at our base it’s all destroyed that was awesome look

Guys all the toilets are gone too wait a second all of the toilets are gone we should definitely go down there and check it out and wow guys I can’t believe ax offended our base that was so awesome well not really Dax because our base still got blown up and you still

Owe me a stack of diamonds and perfect Zoe we just moved into our brand new house this thing is awesome it is awesome but Dax what is that thing behind us oh what in the world Zoe it looks like a giant toilet a giant toilet it’s right across from our house let’s

Go check it out uh are you sure Zoe these things look really scary we better check it out to make sure nothing’s wrong okay come on Zoe and wao look there’s a couple of skimy toilets in here and even the infected speaker man the infected speaker man that guy’s

Scary oh wait and there’s some signs here let me read them real quick the toilets have arrived it’s your time for your demise at night we will rise and you will cry Zoe what they’re going to come attack us at night that’s so scary I don’t want to cry okay quick so we

Have to run back to our house and make some defenses okay let’s go come on come on come on Dax what are we going to do our house isn’t protected at all it’s so weak yeah our house is pretty weak so what if we just start by adding like a

Ginormous wall around our house that’s a perfect idea let’s go ahead and build our wall out of dirt wait add it dirt zo dirt is like one of the weakest blocks in Minecraft why do you want to build it out of dirt Jax this is definitely going

To defend our house uh I don’t know about that Zoe what if we just use like some Bedrock or something that’s a way stronger block Bedrock that’s so lame okay whatever well you go ahead and place a Bedrock going that way and I’ll go ahead and place it going this way and

I’ll meet you all the way in the back okay I’ll race you all right I’m going to to beat you Zoe let’s go okay just two more in perfect Zoe our wall looks really good but what in the world happened to our house what the heck what

Happened to the roof oh gosh I have no idea Zoe but since our house is already kind of messed up maybe we should go ahead and upgrade it a little bit let’s do it what are we going to do let’s see what if we just replace some of these

Oak log pillars for some Bedrock just so we have another strong block supporting it that sounds like a good idea okay well I’m going to go ahead and clean up all the inside of the house cuz this is really weird I’ve never seen anything like this before yeah that must be a

Really weird glitch but Dax what are we going to do do about these Oak planks they’re still super weak yeah they are still pretty weak it wait a second Zoe I have a great idea what is it we could show all those skiy toys we’re Super

Rich by replacing all of the wood with diamond blocks that’s so smart they won’t want to mess with us then exactly cuz like I know we have so much money okay let’s go ahead and replace everything with these okay let me finish up these last few blocks and I think

This looks pretty good Zoe uh Dax come outside real quick uh okay what’s wrong Zoe it’s getting darker that means they’re going to come soon wait what the well it already got darker oh no we must be running out of time DX since we’re running out of time I think we have to

Do something drastic wait something drastic what are you talking about so Dax I’m actually kind of friends with the Titan cameraman uh okay and how is that going to help us well I can summon him and maybe we’ll be able to get some help from him but you can some them how

In the world are you going to do that well first I’m going to need you to go get some blocks because I have to build him a huge Shrine uh okay I guess I’ll just go grab some stuff from inside and uh Zoe we’re in Creative why don’t I

Just give you some blocks from the creative inventory oops I’m already done wait you’re already done with the shrine yep I sure am okay let me go check what you built Zoe and what in the world Zoe you built this huge thing yep I’m pretty talented how in the world did you just

Do that it was like 30 seconds I’m just a really good Builder Dax but I do have to throw some lightning at him so that he comes wait what you have to summon him with lightning how in the world does that work here we go oh my gosh wait he

Might be coming in and oh my gosh so wait you were right look it’s the Titan cameraman hey guys hello Zoe why did you summon me in well do you see that big toilet over there uh yes why is it across from your house because it’s

Trying to attack our home and we need your help to stop them wait it’s trying to attack your home okay I’ll help you defend it what in the world Zoe you actually got him to help us out yep Dax it pays to has friend right oh my gosh

Okay thank you so much Mr Titan cameraman of course we’re definitely going to save your guys’ house okay Mr tit man what’s the first thing we should do to our whole base well the first thing you’re going to have to do is add in some lasers wait some lasers What in

In the world are those well just go ahead and take those two blocks uh okay and then what you have to do is put one redstone block on the ground and put the laser on top of that okay well I’m going to go ahead and start adding them all

Around and perfect I’m basically like all the way around the house let’s see how Zoe’s doing in this second Zoe hasn’t like placed anything yet where in the world is she uh let’s see Zoe is she inside the house and oh look there’s her name tag over there let’s go see what

She’s doing let’s go ahead and see and Zoe’s Zoe are you sleep Zoe wake up Dax why did you wake me up you haven’t done anything and it’s getting darker and darker and those guys are going to come try to fight us any second now I was

Tired what do you expect from me oh my gosh okay well since you’re being completely useless I guess I have to go ahead and build your side Dax you can’t say that to me I’m your girlfriend yes I can and I just did you’re not doing anything Zoe that’s not nice okay and

Perfect now that we have all this built out Zoe I guess we can go ahead and ask the Titan cameraman what else we can build okay let’s do it all right let’s go inside and go talk to him okay Mr TI man we went ahead and built all the

Lasers but I think we need need a few more things so what else can we build well if you want you can go ahead and make a big lava mow around your base so that all those toilets fall in it oh my gosh wait wait did you just hear that

That’s such a good idea that is a good idea let’s go do it all right let’s go ahead and grab some lava and then I guess we can just start placing it all the way around our lasers and let’s make it like two wide just so the toilets

Have a really tough time perfect I’m going to do this side and perfect Zoe I think our lava looks great and these lasers make everything look even cooler we’re going to be so defended exactly this looks so strong no way they’re getting it but Dax if they can’t get in

How are we supposed to get in oh my gosh we didn’t even think about that I guess these lasers and lava in the wall are like blocking everything well maybe we should put some fans down that can help boost us over yes let’s do that okay

Well how about we go ahead and put two fans down just like this and now once we step on them they’ll boost us over the wall but shouldn’t we put something on this side so we don’t fall on the ground oh yeah that’s probably a good idea Zoe

So why don’t I just go ahead and grab some water and we can make oursel like a little water pool right about here and now that we have the water here of course we’re going to do the water on the other side just so we don’t break

Our legs so let’s go ahead and place that down right here Al I feel like it’s really hard to see what all those skiy toils are doing say we have this ginormous wall right in the front of us yeah that makes sense what are we going

To do about that well what if we just go into our inventories and we grab something called a camera wao a camera that sounds awesome yep okay zo now quick you have to follow me but we have to be super super careful we can’t get

Seen okay what we’re going to do is just sneak all around these skiy toilets in the infected speaker and now we can fly up here and we can put down a camera just so we can watch see exactly what they’re doing this is so smart okay I’m

Also going to put one like at the top front right here and I’m also going to put one at the very very top just so we can see everything okay way and now that all those are placed quick we throw back to our base to let them see you hurry

Hurry hurry all right now we can just go inside of our house and I’m going to look through the camera R and see what I can see and oh my God zo we can see absolutely everything with these that looks so cool this was such a good idea

Wow and I can even see the big statue that you built this thing looks even cooler on the cameras yeah I know Dax I’m such a good Builder well now that we have that we shouldn’t have a problem checking on all those toilets every once in a while maybe we should build like

Some Arrow Towers just so we can shoot all the skiy toys when they’re trying to come at us that sounds awesome let’s do it okay well I’m of course going to make my side out of lime green since lime green is like the best color ever lime

Green that’s like the ugliest color are you serious what are you going to make yours out of Zoe I’m going to make mine of purple obviously cuz that’s beautiful okay whatever Zoe okay now I’m just going to go ahead and add a little ring to the outside and then I’ll smack on a

And I should be good to go Zoe yeah my side’s looking pretty fantastic Dax and yeah your side does look pretty good ours look basically identical these are awesome yeah except mine’s better okay whatever Zoe but wait a second how in the world are we even going to get up

Here when we’re trying to fight them maybe we should build like a water elevator or something wait a water elevator that’s a great idea okay so all we have to do basically is break into here and then break all the way up to our platform like this then all we

Really need to do is put some signs down like this some soul sand on the floor and just fill it all in with water so now once you walk into your little Tower you get shot straight up to the very top that is so cool and of course so I’ll go

Ahead and build your side for you just like this I’ll put the Soul Sand down and the water and now you should be able to go up whatever you want wow this is awesome okay well since this is an Archer Tower we’re also going need to go

Ahead and put some bows and arrows let’s grab ourselves a chest and put some cool stuff in there and man zo we have so many arrows to choose from but I think I’m going to go ahead and use the diamond lightning arrows cuz they are so

Powerful I think I’m going to use the explosive arrows W the explosive arrows that sounds so cool yep that’s surely going to protect our house so basically now if I go ahead and shoot my bow and arrow lightning will spawn wherever it lands wow that is so cool okay so I want

To see what yours does all right here I go and wao that was super cool Zoe I know that caused a lot of damage yeah that’s probably like one of the coolest arrows I’ve ever seen and wait a second Zoe that actually gives me another great

Idea what is it why don’t we go ahead and connect our platforms up here and then we can put like some lightning Dynamite on the top of him that sounds so cool wait a second instead of lightning Dynamite you two should use physic Dynamite wait did he just say

Physics dynamite oh he’s absolutely right that stuff is so strong this is going to be crazy okay let me go ahead and grab some phus Dynamite just to show you what it looks like and now we’ll just throw it over there and look at this and boom wow that caused a lot of

Damage yeah thank you so much Titan camera band of course you guys are definitely going to be set to defend your house okay Zoe So what we’re going to do is put three dispensers on each one of sides like this and then we’re just going to fill them all up with this

Physics dynamite and now all we have to do is connect some redstone on the top of these and then we can just have a little lever that we can flick in order to make all these things go off okay this is perfect Zoe make sure not to hit

The butt right now cuz if we make those toilets mad it’s going to be really bad for us STX I want to hit the button so bad Zoe I swear if you hit the button I’m going to be so disappointed in you and uh wait a second Zoe did it just get

Even darker oh no it’s starting to be night time oh gosh we must be running out of time but quick we still have time we should go ahead and build a few more things what are we going to build well what if we just go inside of our

Inventory and grab these things called mines mines and what are we going to do with those basically what’s we’re going to do with these is put them all around our front yard but if you step on any of these they just blow up so why’ you come

Test it out um you want me to step on it yeah Zoe you’re creative it’s not going to hurt you don’t worry okay here I go wo look at that Zoe it just blew up everything that was crazy and we’re going to put those all in front of our

House yes just so those stupid skimy toilet step on them be careful not to activate any of them cuz that would be really bad that’s going to be so funny when they step on them all right and I’m thinking this is a good about I don’t

Want to go anywhere near our base so what do you think I think this is awesome all right perfect but it is getting really dark and I think we’re running out of time so we can only build like a few more things Zoe okay what’s

Next well what if we just go ahead and build like a little weapons room Zoe that sounds pretty cool but Dex we built our bridge over the fans in the pool oh well I guess that’s not a good thing okay how about we go ahead and take

These fans and move them somewhere else that sounds like a good idea I mean I guess we could just place them in the front like this and we should be pretty much good to go but you are going to have to be a little bit careful going

Back since it’s such a tight space yeah this is going to be dangerous but I think we’ll be okay okay well like I said we’re going to go ahead and build a little armor room next so why don’t we go ahead and build one on each of our

Sides oh perfect and since I’m a much better Builder mine’s going to be so much better than yours uh okay Zoe we’ll see about that um Dax what are you going to put on your side uh well I’m thinking I’m firstly going to go ahead and get an

Armor stand just so I can have somewhere I can grab all my gear at very cool what else well I’m also probably going to have a few different dispensers for like golden apples and like Shields and stuff that’s pretty much all I think I need sounds pretty cool I think I’m going to

Do the same oh very original Zoe I’m getting inspiration from you Dax okay whatever well for my armor I think I’m going to go ahead and grab some diamond armor since it’s like the strongest armor of the game diamonds yeah right that’s so weak uh then what are you

Going to use Zoe leather obviously wait are you serious you’re actually going to use leather armor that’s like probably the weakest one in the game do you know anything Dax leather’s like the most strongest oh my gosh what ever you know what I think I’m also going to throw out

Some lightning Dynamite Just so I have a lot of explosive power wao that sounds like such a good idea I think I’m going to do that too oh my gosh okay Zoe imperfect Zoe I think our stuff looks really good yes but Dax it’s getting darker I think they’re going to come any

Second oh gosh we can only probably only build like one more thing and wait a second zo wa I have a great idea what is it what is it what if we go ahead and build an underground tunnel and then Place TNT below their build that sounds

Perfect okay so what I’m going to do is dig into the ground and now we trying to figure out where their thing is so this is going to be a little bit risky okay now I’m going to keep digging it hopefully we’ll be like right under the

Toilet pretty soon and oh my goodness zo we just dug straight under the toilet this is crazy we’re in the toilet okay well if we want to blow up the whole thing what if we get like a super super powerful TNT like what let’s see let’s

Go ahead into our inventory and then we can go to the doobs day TNTs and what do we even want to use x why don’t we use that cool laser one oh wait are you talking about the death ray yes oh that one is super cool okay what we have to

Do is go ahead and place it down and let’s make sure to cover this hole up so the toilets don’t see us and now all we have to do is line up some Redstone all the way back to our house and we should be good to go this was such a good idea

Okay perfect is Zoe and now whenever we’re ready we can hit the big red button and blow up their thing completely wow that is so cool I want to hit the button no Zoe you can’t hit the button yet a Zoe the toilets are breaking loose you guys need to get

Ready now oh no okay quick Zoe get to your Armory and grab all of your stuff okay okay okay I’m going to go grab all my diamond armor just like this and I’m even going to grab myself my super cool diamond sword and all the stuff inside

My chest okay so wait quick let’s get to our towers and see what he was talking about okay let’s go let’s go all right go up the water elevator and let’s see and oh my goodness Zoe they’re breaking out yay they’re being struck down yeah

That is good but wait there’s so many of them I’m going to kill it woo okay I’m going to go ahead and grab my boat wait Zoe did you just blow up your whole entire thing this is not good what in the world is going on over there Zoe

Something’s attacking me oh my goodness okay I’m going to keep shooting my lightning bow something’s attacking me inside the walls wait I’m coming Zoe I’m coming oh my gosh wait it already broke it and good job Zoe you took it out thanks that was really scary Zoe there

Are so many of the skiy characters over there what in the world are we going to do we just have to keep shooting at them oh no they’re getting in no Zoe they’re so close to us quick hit them back hit the back and wait you blew on my side no

This is not good quick I’m going to call and reinforce for you guys please help us oh my God Zoe they’re breaking in Zoe there is so many I don’t know what we’re going to do it wait a second he called in a bunch of ninja cameraman oh awesome

Let’s go reinforcements wait a second Zoe I think they’re actually attacking me what in the world this is not good I made a deal with all the St toilets to take over your guys’ base we want it for ourselves wait Zoe your ti camera betrayed us what the heck you can’t find

Real friends these days oh no zo I think we just have to hit the button and try to get out of here let’s hit it let’s hit it all right come on we go ahead and press this and now we have to run Zoe quick follow me I’m running I’m running

Oh my goodness Zoe wait do you hear that sound yes I think it might be the TNT so we might be okay let’s see and wo look at the sky wo this is going to be crazy oh my gosh it just blew up straight in

The middle of the toilet oh my gosh that caused so much damage wait Zoe there’s still a few left we have to take all these guys out we can do this easy all right come on I have a bunch of lightning D baby it can zap all them Zoe

There is so many of these guys still I’m going to help you Dax come on I’m throwing lightning Dynamite down please do something and wait it’s not doing anything okay I guess we just have to fight them all ourselves Zoe why are they not dying I have no idea they’re so

Strong come on Zoe there’s only a few left take them out I’m hitting them I’m hitting them I’m going to throw some more lightning Dynamite please do something and wait I don’t know why they’re not exploding I have any other types of dynamite and wait I have this

Bow and arrow maybe I can shoot that lightning will come down wao look at that all the Lightning’s just going okay so way imperfect there’s only like a few left and wait I think there just this ninja guy left this guy’s going down come on come on this is the last guy and

Then we have to take out the Titan cameraman we’re killing this traitor wait a second why did you betray his Titan cameraman I betrayed you to cut a de with the Skippy toilets and now it’s time for you two to perish and oh my goodness Zoe he got so big this is crazy

We have to take him down come on quick quick oh gosh he’s so strong I got him come on Zoe keep hitting him keep hitting him he’s distracted on me right now you should be able to take him out hurry Dax hurry in perfect Zoe we took

Him out we did it we did it we’re alive yeah we took out that stupid Traer but it looks like our house is completely destroyed well good thing you’re friends with the best builder of all time I could just build us a new house and perfect Zoe I think our house turned out

Looking really great this thing is awesome it does look really good but why are there so many Enderman soldiers around Enderman soldiers and what the heck Zoe look at this little thing this thing is disgusting uh it’s kind of gross to me out wait Zoe are you

Attacking it Zoe no you can’t hurt it oh my goodness Zoe you just took out an Ender Soldier what’s wrong with you it was giving me the heie Jeb’s I needed to get rid of it oh my gosh whatever Zoe and wait a second what in the world is

That thing over there I have no clue let’s go check it out uh Zoe there’s a bunch more of those Ender soldiers over there should we just leave them alone no don’t worry about it I got it no Zoe why are you taking them out why do they get

Mad at us and S like a whole Army to attack us a they won’t do that these little guys uh okay whatever Z but this looks like some sort of Enderman head why in the world is this right across from our brand new house we just built I

Don’t know just our luck some new neighbors move next door well I don’t see any door we can knock on or anything Max I found an entrance wait did you just say you found an entrance where in the world did you even find an entrance at and what the heck are these like

Hidden doors pretty crazy right that is really crazy but oh my gosh wait Zoe there are so many inside of here don’t worry about it D I’ll go get them all wait no Zoe please do not attack I don’t want our neighbors to be mad at us and

It’s like a whole Army after us H I’m going to go take a couple of them out oh my gosh zo what in the world is wrong with you uh wait a second Zoe did you just hear that uh what was that Dax that sounded like a big lightning strike it

Oh gosh wait all the endermites Disappeared oh no they must be sending an army after us DX oh my gosh Zoe but it’s okay Enderman can’t attack us till night time so I think we have a little bit of time to go defend our house we better go put up some defenses okay

Quick Z we have to run back okay Zoe we’re going to have to defend our house before they mate and come for us at night what should we even do first ax well the first thing I can think of as soon as I see our house is we have this

Super super weak wooden door that basically anyone could just break inside of yeah we should change it to something more powerful well what if we got something called a retinal scanner out of our inventories a retinal scanner that sounds crazy yeah a retinal scanner is basically something that tracks our

Face so as soon as I stand in front of it the door will just open up for me yeah that’s super cool Dex but it’s still a wooden door and anybody could just break through oh yeah that’s probably true so why don’t we just go inside of our inventories and we can use

Something called an iron door which no one can just punch through that’s perfect I need a Ral scanner too oh yeah so here you go here’s a retinal scanner for you and you can just put it on the other side of the door so both of our

Faces get recognized this is awesome yes this is definitely like one of the most secure ways to get inside of our house there’s no way those Endermen are going to be able to get inside after they mutated a you know what we should do next uh what’s the next thing we should

Do Zoe what do you have cooking up in that brain in there we should make a ring of lava around our house so they can’t get through wait that’s actually a really good idea but wait Zoe didn’t you know that Endermen are afraid of water water I had no idea yeah they’re like

Super super scared of water so we should probably make this whole thing out of water that’s such a great idea okay Zoe So what we’re going to do is break out two blocks wide so the Enderman will have a tough time going and then we’re going to break like eight blocks in the

Other direction just so we have it go all the way around our house sounds good to me I’ll even race you you’re going to race me you really think you can beat me all the way around the house zo I think there’s absolutely no way that you can

Beat me just watch Dex you’re going down okay well I’m going to go ahead and stay breaking all of these grass blocks on this side and then I think I’m going to go back and do all the water last after I break out all the ground oops I went a

Little too far with past eight blocks but I’m practically done with my side deck wait how are you practically done I haven’t even put it in water yet and wait it looks like you haven’t done any water either so that means I can catch

Up and win no way let me place down all this water over here and I have to make sure it looks all even because we don’t want uneven water that just looks disgusting yeah that does look pretty disgusting um um speaking of uneven I don’t think it has to be perfect uh wait

A second it looks like we completely messed up our counting but you know it’s like it’s okay we have to defend our house we can’t worry about it being absolutely perfect exactly exactly let me just break out a few of these blocks and then I’ll fill it all in with water

And our huge water circle is going to be awesome there’s no way the Ender will be able to jump over this that’s the whole point just protecting our house it doesn’t have to look pretty or anything you know what Zoe this actually looks pretty good there’s going to be no way

That those mutant Ender can jump over this water it’s too secure yeah this does look pretty good but I think we’re going to need some more defenses in order to protect our house yeah you’re probably right we are going to need some more super super cool gadgets but before

We start building some more I’m going to go check on them real quick just to make sure they haven’t mutated at all ooh good idea let’s see what’s going on okay and this place looked a little different there’s these weird lanterns but it looks like none of these little guys

Mutated at all so I think we still have a bunch of time left Zoe uh Dax I don’t know if that’s right come look outside uh what are you talking about it wait a second did the Sky just get darker yep it’s getting darker that means that

They’re going to be coming soon oh gosh quick okay zo we’re going to have to build a few more defenses and stop worrying about these guys we have to make sure our house is super super strong since it’s getting darker and they’re going to come soon what’s the

Next thing we should do Dax well what if we use these things called lasers to defend the outside of our house lasers how do they work okay so what we’re going to do is put a block of redstone on the ground just like this and then we’re going to get this super fancy

Thing called a laser it just smack it on top and wo look how strong that thing looks wo that looks super cool and we’re going to going to surround our house with those yes we’re going to be putting a bunch of these around our house so those mutant Enderman won’t be able to

Get inside if they try to get inside they’re just going to get zapped by these super strong and hot lasers and if they don’t get zapped they’ll just fall into the water exactly Zoe your house is looking so good okay quick before it gets too dark let’s go ahead and place a

Bunch of these all the way on the outside of our houses y let’s do it wow Zoe look how cool all these lasers look there is absolutely no way those Mutant Endermen are going to get inside of our base yeah it looks super cool but we

Need some type of entrance in order to get to our house oh yeah honestly I didn’t really think of an entrance we can’t really walk through the lasers whenever they’re active that means they’re going to zap us and just completely destroy us so we’re going to

Need to build some type of cool entrance right here okay so what are we going to do well let’s see what’s something we could do wait a second Zoe what if we got like some ghost blocks and place them all around here as like a hidden

Floor that’s so awesome okay Zoe So what we’re going to do are grab these ghost blocks and we’re also going to grab a water bucket and just place a bunch of water below cuz if any of those mutant Endermans fall in they’re going to fall

Into the lava and take a bunch of damage that’s such a good idea but but how are we going to get through okay so watch this we’re going to go ahead and fill up the ground right here with ghost blocks and make sure not to step on these cuz

If you do step in them you’re just going to fall inside since ghost blocks aren’t real and then the next thing we’re going to do Zoe is build ourselves out a little Bridge just like this but except we’re going to know that we’re going to

Have to jump over if we want to make it inside and then what we’re going to do is round out the edge of where our ghost blocks is with all these lasers just so we know where we have to jump from and see Zoe you just fell inside if you were

An Ender you would already be gone I was just showing everybody what not to do uh yeah I’m sure you were Zoe but see now we have all these blocks right here and this is the end of where the path is so we have to jump from right here to make

It inside okay here I go come on Zoe you can make it inside please don’t fall in the water and oh gosh you fall water right away Zoe if this was a real battle you would already be dead that’s not nice Dex well it’s the truth you’re

Going to have to do better if you want to survive and honestly Zoe I think this makes our house pretty strong I don’t think there’s a lot of chance that those Mutant Endermen can get inside yeah the chance of them getting in is pretty slim

But just in case they do I think we should build a hidden armor room wait I hidden armor room would actually be a really good idea okay let’s go ahead and use our scanner so we can get inside and then we’re going to build a hidden armor

Room inside of here awesome this is going to be so cool and what I think we’re going to do are use more of those ghost blocks so we know where everything is but no one else will really know where it is and for us we’re just going

To put it straight inside of the middle right about here perfect and what are we going to put inside our armor room well we’re going to have a bunch of super overpowered armor so we can fight off all those Ender but first we’re going to have to actually build out the room so

Let’s go ahead and start digging out a little area where we’re going to put all of our nice armor inside of and also so we know how to get back up I’m going to place out a few ladders just so we know exactly where we have to go up from and

Just so we have a little bit of different coloring in here I think I’m going to set all this Bedrock floor to be diamond blocks just so we could show those mutant Enderman that were super super rich yeah diamond blocks are pretty cool but Dax can you make my side

Purple wait why do you want your side to be made out of purple Zoe that doesn’t really help us at all because purple’s like best color ever and I think that I would feel a lot more confident in battle if my side was purple okay well I

Guess I can make your side out of purple concrete but if if you’re going to have a purple side that means I need to make my side out of lime concrete ooh lime I mean to each their own but lime’s kind of a weird color all right well I’m the

One building it out Zoe so you probably don’t want to talk trash to me otherwise I won’t build you out a purple side ZX I just wanted to say thank you so much for making my side purple yeah that’s what I thought and perfect look at that Zoe now

You have your nice little purple side and I have my nice little lime green side over here this is awesome but how are we going to include our armor in here oh the way we’re going to have armor is by using things called dispensers and pressure plates ooh that

Sounds super cool but how do we do that okay so what we’re going to have to do is place down a few dispensers up like this place one in the back and then Place one on the side now inside the middle of this we’re going to place down

A little fence and I’m also going to put a pressure plate in okay Zoe now that we have this whole Contraption built out we’re going to need actual gear to put inside of there what type of armor are you going to put inside Dax well first I

Want to go ahead and grab some nice diamond armor since that’s basically the strongest armor in the game but we’re also going to need to grab oursel a sword a shield and I’m thinking we also grab a few golden apples just so we have a bunch of strength when we’re fighting

Off the mutant Enderman yeah that’s super smart so now what we have to do is fill in each one of these dispensers with all of our gear and once it’s done I’ll let you test it out by stepping on the pressure plate yay I get to go first

Okay Zoe now everything’s placed inside of there so you can just walk straight into that pressure plate to test it out okay here I go and wo look at that Zoe you have all your armor on and you look super super powerful I look super good

In my armor yes there is no way any of those mutant Ender are going to be able to hurt you but just to make sure you also have armor when this happens I’m going to go ahead and build you one on your side do you want diamond armor or

Do you want to use something else diamond armor is pretty cool but I think I want something a little stronger like leather armor uh Zoe you know that leather armor is nowhere near as strong as diamond right dck stop being silly that’s not the truth at all uh okay

Whatever I guess I’ll just make your side out of leather armor if that’s what you want okay and perfect Zoe your side’s built out you can go ahead and test it out real quick if you want to okay here I go and wow look at that you

Actually look pretty cool you have this really strong leather armor on in your shield and you even have a netherite sword netherite sword Dex this is a leather sword uh Zoe there’s no such thing as a leather sword I don’t know what you’re talking about this is a

Leather sword okay well let’s go check back up outside and see how dark it is I see if we have time to add anything else hey let’s go okay Zoe let’s go ahead and check back up and oh go Zoe I think it got a little bit darker that means we’re

Running out of time this is not good what other defenses do we need to do Dax I’m honestly not too sure but before we edit some defenses maybe we should go see what happened to the Ender maybe they’re like transforming now that it’s getting darker or something okay let’s

Go let’s go make sure not to step on the ghost block zo we oh gosh you fell straight into the water man I really forgot that those are there oh gosh zo it looks like all those Ender mines turned into Endermen you know what comes next this is not good deck okay quick

Let’s go ahead and close these doors on them so they don’t escape and we can go back and build a few more different types of defenses before they ultimately turn into their mutant Enderman form what else should we add Dax well first off I think we should go ahead and add

Some mines into this field it just in case those mut Eder do step on them they’re all going to blow up that’s such a good idea but I hope I don’t step on any of them yeah if you step on any of them it’s probably going to be a big

Problem cuz we’re going to have a lot of explosions go off everywhere this battle is going to be crazy and perfect I think our mine field is actually looking pretty good over here Zoe how do you think your side’s turning out and Zoe did you just step on a mine I didn’t

Mean to Dax I swear oh my goodness quick we have to clean all this up Zoe it’s getting darker we can’t be messing around by stepping on mine I’m sorry DX I didn’t mean to okay and perfect now all that’s cleaned up we’re not going to mess with mines anymore because you keep

Stepping up zo you’re getting too close back up do not step on them again don’t yell at me I’m scared okay well if you’re scared don’t go anywhere near the mines cuz you’re going to blow up everything and then they’re going to get mad at us and destroy our home do you

Really want that baby baby what in the world is wrong with you come on Zoe get back here we have to build a few more things man I honestly have no idea what we’re going to build we’re really running out of time here Zoe de did you

Ever realize our house is made out of wood oh yeah I mean I mean I guess our house is made out of wood do you think we should upgrade that we should definitely upgrade that wood is so weak uh yeah maybe we should get like some obsidian blocks since it’s like nearly

Impossible to break obsidian we can break all of this wood and replace it with super strong obsidian that is such a good idea and I love obsidian cuz it has a hint of purple in it uh yeah I mean I guess it is purple color but go

Ahead and help me start placing all this obsidian everywhere we need to replace the whole entire house with it wow this is going to make our house super strong you know what Zoe there isn’t an obsidian slab but just to make you happy why don’t we replace all of these slabs

With these things called purp slabs and they’re basically The Color Purple per slabs those are awesome I love the color all right well I’m going to go ahead and replace this entire roof with these purple slabs and Zoe while I was building the roof I also thought of

Another great idea that could help protect us what is a de why don’t we go ahead and put some electric iron fences all the way outside our base just to have an extra layer to fence so those guys can’t get in that sounds like such

A good idea and let me just show you what this does if I go ahead and get a nice little piggy and put him right here and punch him into the fence he’ll get zapped and turn into B bacon no not the piggy but I do love bacon so let’s just

Go ahead and place a bunch of these electric iron fences all the way around our base so we have an extra super strong layer of Defense there’s no way that those guys are getting in yeah hopefully not but if they do I’m pretty sure we’re strong enough to beat them

Back and wow Zoe our house is coming together great this is going to be like the best battle ever I want dogs uh what do you mean you want dogs Zoe I want doggies you want doggies why do you want doggies for doggies to help defend us oh

I mean I guess we could use wolf to defend us so why don’t we grab a few different wolf spawn eggs and I’m going to make mine green how about you just make yours purple so we know who’s is whose’s that sounds so cool a purple doggy and we should also probably get

Some name tags so we can give them names what do you want to name yours Zoe I’ll go ahead and make you a name tag mine’s going to be Mr doggy you want to name your Mr doggy it’s a dog it’s already called Dog why do you want name it Mr

Doggy Mr doggy uh okay well I guess that’s a good name let me go ahead and name mine also what should I even use for my dog’s name how about I just go ahead and use some inspiration from you and call him Mr Puppy Mr Puppy okay Zoe

Now that we both have our dogs I’m going to go ahead and put my name tag on him so he’s Mr Puppy and you should go ahead and do your for Mr doggy Mr doggy this is going to be like the Ultimate Defense ever I’m so happy with Mr Puppy and Dax

You know if you give them cake they grow extra big uh Zoe that’s not a thing you can’t feed dogs cake look behind you uh okay Zoe wait what in the world your dog just got so big Mr doggy uh can you go ahead and give my dog some cake sure

Here you go Mr Puppy what in the world I can’t believe he got big that is so awesome wait Dex it’s getting super dark I think we’re running out of time oh go Zoe maybe we should build like a self-destruct button just in case everything goes bad while we’re fighting

Those mutant Enderman that’s a super good idea let’s do it and what I think we’re going to do is make like a huge TNT roof so the first thing we’re going to have to make is a redstone Tower Redstone Tower how do we do that okay

Zoe in order to make the Redstone Tower go all the way up to the sky we’re going to have to place a a redstone torch down like this and then another block of obsidian on top of it and a piece of redstone and we’re going to build this

Up super super high so we can make our ultimate self-destruct button wao this is super cool yeah but we have to make sure to make it super high and we also have to be careful not to light it up because that would be super bad okay and

I think this should be high enough Zoe So now all we have to do is place a block on top and then we’re going to make a huge obsidian line all the way in the sky this looks insane I’ve never seen anything like this okay and now

That we have all this set up here what I’m going to do is stack this out super far like this and then below this we’re going to place down a bunch of TNT this is where we have to be really careful Zoe because if it accidentally blows up

Our whole house is going to get destroyed early that sounds a little risky yeah but we should be okay as long as we don’t let this touch any of the Redstone signals and perfect now that we all all the TNT lined up what we have to

Do is get a little piece of redstone dust and we’re going to place a bunch of redstone across every single one of these blocks Zoe So once these are activated all the TNT can drop yeah basically that’s how it works Zoe so let’s go ahead and fill up every block

With this red stone that’s insane our house definitely wouldn’t survive that explosion okay and now we have all the Redstone place we’ll add in a few different Redstone repeaters just to make sure the signal can actually carry out across all the TNT and perfect Zoe this is basically all built out and it

Looks pretty good um I actually don’t think it looks good at all I think it actually looks kind of wait you think it looks kind of ugly well what else could we even do Zoe why don’t we make a TNT block at a different color of Woolf oh

That would actually be a really good idea okay so what we’re going to need to do is grab some red wool some black wool and also some white wool in order to make the TNT so what I’m going to do is build out a few red block layers like

This and I’m also going to build it super high so that way we can actually make our TNT perfect Zoe this is actually looking pretty good but in order to make it look like actual TNT we’re going to have to make a big white stripe in the middle okay so let’s just

Go ahead and carve that out then and wow you can already see this is looking so much more like TNT but the final thing we actually have to do is spell out TNT on the side so that everyone knows it’s a big TNT explosion wow this looks so

Realistic okay so now we have TNT spelled out on one side Zoe but we’re going to have to build this all the way around so let’s go ahead and spell TNT on each one of our sides shees this is taking a lot of work oh gosh and we

Don’t even have enough room on this side all it says is TN but I mean I guess that gets the point across right yeah good enough for me and perfect as soon as you look around all of this we have TNT spiled out everywhere so no one’s

Going to want to mess with us okay Zoe now that our whole TNT block is built out we’re going need a button in order to activate everything ooh I want to push the button right now uh Zoe if you push the button right now our wolves are

Going to get blown up so I don’t think you really want to do that no Mr doggy Okay so I think I’m going to put the button right here on the inside and then we can go ahead and connect redone to the outside but make sure not to press

Anything too early that would be really really bad okay okay I’ll keep my hands to myself but Dax when we push the button how are we going to get away from the TNT so fast oh well don’t worry I’m going to make a big Redstone clock that

Takes forever to activate so we have enough time to get away okay Zoe and now that the restone is all connected we really have to make sure not to press the button cuz it’s going to blow up everything okay okay sounds good to me

But we do need a way to get out to watch everything have explode so I think we should make like a little t a cannon that shoot that’s super high in the air oo I love cannons so what we can do is go ahead and break out some area here

And place some ladders on the inside of our house so we can have our TNT canon okay Zoe and the way we’re going to build this out is by building ourselves a little platform right here that we’re going to have a bunch of water and TNT

On so let me go ahead and start carving all of this out and then on the outside we’re going to have all of our dispensers that are going to displace the TNT next we can go ahead and run a bunch of redstone across all our dispensers and then on the middle we’re

Just going to fill it in with water and lastly we’ll just put a bunch of T andt at each one of these dispensers and then we’ll be good to go okay zo and if you want to go ahead and test it out just jump right here in the middle of the

Water and I’ll go ahead and hit the button for you hey I’m in the water okay and here we go let me hit this in any second now you should go flying into the air cuz of the TNT wo yeah and you went super super high but I’m also going to

Probably have to move this over because you did hit your head on the TNT part yeah that wasn’t very cool okay and I went ahead and moved everything down into this corner now I’m going to go ahead and put the Redstone down and then

I’m going to test it out to make sure it works perfectly fine and here we go there goes the button and I should go flying into the air now and who look how high went Zoe wa that was super cool can I go again uh yeah if you want to jump

In there and test it out you can but I’m over here in the air I’m going to build us out a little tiny platform that we can land on and wao look at you you just went so high too I’m going to land on you uh Zoe you can’t land on me over

Here in the sky is where I’m going to build us our little platform that we’re going to land in and of course I’m going to place water down here that break our fall and perfect there goes the water that we can land in and this will be the

Platform that we can watch everything get destroyed on oh gosh Zoe and it’s super dark outside which means those M end are going to come attack us any second quick let’s run inside and grab our gear okay let’s go let’s go come on go ahead and step into your dispenser

And grab everything you need and wo I look super cool over here wow I look super cool too and actually I think I’m going to go ahead and snag a few more of these golden apples just in case things get crazy out there now we have to go

Ahead and check up all those Ender Zoe come on we have to be super strong when we go out there and oh my goodness Zoe look at the mutant Enderman over there they look so scary this is not good they’re coming to attack our house okay

Quick so we to go ahead and try to fight some of them off I’m going to go start attacking them okay let’s go let’s go oh my goodness they have like 20 hands and wo it just threw me in the air what the heck is happening zo I can’t see

Anything it’s completely dark now are you okay no I’m getting completely jumps zo please help me where are you I am getting jumped on the outside of our house and wait you’re fighing them over there too but it looks like you’re doing okay yeah these guys aren’t even that

Tough oh gosh Zoe there is way too many I’m going to quickly run back to our house cuz I’m super scared now I can’t see anything but they’re coming to our house Dad oh gosh oh wao a bunch of our minds just blew up quick I’m going to

Let our dogs loose and there we go Mr Puppy is fighting the mutant Ender hurry Mr Puppy hurry come on take him out take him out wait he’s hurting my dog no he just killed Mr Puppy no Mr Puppy oh my goodness Zoe this is not looking good

For us these mut Enderman are so much stronger than us wao he threw me up on the house come on keep fighting keep fighting and zo you should probably let your dog lose so he can fight as well come on here we go and oh they’re

Pushing me into the L there ow I’m on the electric fence this hurts so much you okay Dax I have no idea I can’t see anything and they’re making me super slow and look they’re even on fire but they’re not even taking damage That’s How Strong these Mutant Endermen Are Dax

I think it’s time to call it what you want to get out of here already yes but make sure to grab Mr doggy Mr doggy I don’t even know where he is that’s your dog you need to grab him Mr doggy where are you oh my gosh the way they just

Took on Mr doggy quick get to the TNT canet so you can get out of here no Mr doggy okay go ahead and jump in I’m going hit the button for you I’ll meet you on that platform here I have to go light up all the TNT hurry Dax hurry I’m

Trying with these mutant Enderman are so strong okay Zoe I’m going back inside and I’m going to light off the butt and get ready to see a bunch of Destruction soon as long as they pay for what they did to Mr doggy and here we go I hit the

Button quick I’m going to run back up there before everything gets too crazy run Dax run let me go ahead and light off the TNT and I should be flying to the sky any second now here we go in perfect I landed in the water now the

TNT she go off any second oh my goodness Zoe did you see all that TNT that just lit up that was insane do you think they’re all dead oh no Zoe I don’t think it worked there’s still so many left what in the world are we going to do I

Think it’s time we pull out our secret TNT wait what the heck is our secret TNT and what in the world is that don’t worry Dax it’ll destroy everything oh gosh I guess we’ll see uh Zoe is this the TNT you just placed down what in the

World is it doing and wao look up in the sky oh man I think this going to be bad oh gosh I just fell but good thing we had all those golden apples and I did die wao those golden apples really came in clutch and look our fence is still

Here wow our fence is still here but Zoe wait do you notice what else isn’t here the monsters yes I think we took out all the mutant Enderman with that final TNT good job Zoe yay we did it we did it but Zoe I think we’re definitely going to

Have to move houses look at our entire base it’s all destroyed that’s okay I didn’t like the last house too much any anyways and perfect zo look at this our brand new house is complete and this thing looks so cool yeah we did such a good job and I even have this super

Awesome shopping car car that we can just drive around on and have so much fun with are you serious can I drive around on it uh no way you can’t drive on it what are you doing I’m driving on it obviously oh my gosh well okay I have

To give you a tour of our brand new house since I spent so much time making this whole thing okay show me around okay first we have to open these ginormous doors and uh wait a second who in the world are you I’m a smiling critter what in the world wait why is

There a smiling Critter inside of our house Zoe wait Dex I think that’s catnap wait that’s catnap uh hey are you catnap or what even are you I’m the cat and I like naps I’m catnap uh okay well what are you doing inside of our house we

Live here and uh you don’t live here but I do I live here with you wait what you don’t live here with us look you don’t even have a bed look this is my bed and this is Zoe’s bed and that’s Zoe’s other bed but I’m purple that’s my bed right

There hey back off catnap this is obviously my bed because I’m purple but I’m purple it’s my bed yeah but this is Dax and I’s house you can’t just come in here and claim my bed what do you mean yes I can you know what catnap why don’t

I just give you like this’s little couch over here since you want to be like a pet or something you can stay there a fine okay Zoe well we have some more stuff to do outside of our house and uh wait a second what in the world is that

Flying base over there oh that’s where all the other smiling Critters live wait did you say all the other smiling Critters what in the world are they doing here and why aren’t you living with them and that’s where they all live oh I wanted to live with you guys um Dax

Who are The Smiling Critters this is kind of scary honestly I don’t really know but considering they live like right across the street maybe we should go introduce ourselves to them yeah I think that’s a good idea that way we can get on their good side and wao look at

This they have like a huge Rainbow Bridge leaving up to their base this is actually kind of cool yeah this is awesome let’s go up there oh but I hate this stairs I’m literally don’t feel like doing all this Zoe this is way too much working out for me DX you need to

Get your steps in stop complaining okay whatever well now we’re at the top so let’s just go ahead and go inside and wa wait are these all of your friends tnap oh these don’t look like my friends at all wait what these aren’t your friends

Then who in the world are they I have no clue what the heck you said that your friends were over here and wait a sec what do these signs say wait there’s signs over here oh no I can barely read but I guess I’ll try my best let’s see

We’re just Critters tiny and sweet but Danger’s coming we will not hide in 30 minutes we will come out prepare to fight once it turns night will you win or will you not win what in the world guys they’re going to come attack Us in

30 minutes this is not good what are we going to do what the the heck catnap I thought these were your friends why are they trying to attack us and look how scary they look they’re so creepy I don’t know what happened to my friends

Oh my gosh guys well we only have 30 minutes until they come attack us so maybe we should go back to our house and add some defenses in absolutely and we better hurry okay zo well we’re back to our nice little house over here and we

Have to add in some defenses so I’m kind of thinking what should we even do why don’t we start off with making like a lava moat or something oh wait a lava M around our base would actually be pretty cool we could like place a bunch of lava

Around in a catnap why are you holding TNT you know I think we should just kind of restart from the beginning and just build a whole new base you think wait restart from the beginning um I don’t think that’s a good idea and what the

Heck you just lit off TNT in front of our base Kap no I told you we got to restart oh my gosh you just blew up the whole front of our base but wait what do you mean by restart Do you want to build like a whole new house absolutely that

Way we can design it to have defenses from the very beginning what in the world well I guess that’s a pretty good idea okay everyone how about we all just grab some TNT and then we start blowing up this house since we don’t really need it anymore sounds good to me me sounds

Like a lot of fun I’ll play some TNT on the top and I’ll start lighting them all off and perfect our base is going to be pretty much destroyed in no time but guys we have to go super fast we only have 30 minutes watch out and wa wait

That was so much destruction okay let’s go ahead and break these last few blocks and then we can start building at our house okay guys and now we have this big hole the first thing I think we probably need to do is fill this whole entire floor with grass that way we can

Actually build a house on top of it yeah that sounds like a great idea why don’t we just fill it all in okay actually I can fill this all up with one easy command all I have to do is type this in and perfect look at that all the floor

Is basically Gra except there’s one little spot right here yeah you missed a spot well yeah but you didn’t do anything Zoe I’m trying my best over here how about you mind you mind you what in the world this is ridiculous Zoe we’re about to get attacked by all those

Smiley craters and you want to argue with me okay then let’s move on what should we build our house with well I think we should build our house with some type of wood and I think that the best wood we could use is like this basic Oak plank wood since it looks the

Best seriously Oak that’s not strong at all we need to use something strong uh well if we got to use something strong what do you think we use why don’t we use like Bedrock or something oh I guess we could use Bedrock for the floor that

Would be kind of cool okay let’s go ahead and make the base of our house all the way over here and then we can added like some nice turns and stuff where we can put like rooms that’s a good idea okay this looks like a first pretty good

Basic room and then maybe we should make a couple more rooms going off in different directions but after this we have to add in like the walls and stuff what do you want to make the walls out of well I think we should probably make

The walls out of planks and oh look at that cnp’s already on the job Zoe he’s way ahead of you I’m on the job too oh yeah I love building see look at that Zoe he’s like a professional builder I told you it was a good idea to have this

Cat around oh my gosh I need to kick it into hi gear otherwise Dax is going to replace me for catnap just you wait Zoe I’m coming for your spot what in the world wait he’s actually coming for your spot Zoe you better pick it up this is

Not good okay while cat’s building out those edges I’m going to start adding some of these oak logs CU I think they actually look pretty nice and oh gosh I already messed up some of the corners I don’t think this is even at all catnap what’s even oh my gosh I forgot you’re

Just a dumb little cat you don’t even understand like numbers and stuff you know what I’ll just fix the corners you don’t even have to worry about it yay I love it when things are simple for me okay let me go ahead and build in a few

Of pillar like this and then I guess I could connect them all with a bunch of oak logs except I want them to be facing sideways but this is kind of difficult to do I’m not a great Builder I think it looks pretty good and Zoe what are you

Even trying to build over there it looks like you have something cool making yep I’m building like a little garden back here wo you’re building a little garden that actually sounds kind of cool I’m a little bit jealous yep it’s going to be super cool well whenever it’s done can I

Visit the garden of course you can oh perfect and we’re going to have so much food can you place like cakes down so we can have cakes in our garden sure I can go grab some cake plants oh perfect I’ve never even seen a cake plant before I’m

Actually really excited to see it ooh cake plant I’ve never seen that that sounds really good yeah I know I haven’t seen it either and I’m super hungry so she better have a bunch of cake for his catnap I don’t know I don’t really want

To share I think I just kind of want it all for myself wait what you don’t want to share with me you’re literally like my pet cat you have to do whatever I say that means you should spoil me give me what I want uh I mean you’re still kind

Of new to the family so you have to like prove your worth if you don’t prove your worth you’re not getting anything fine but now that we have most of these walls built out let’s go ahead and add a bunch of Oak plakes that way we can actually

Finish off the main part of our build it’s starting to look really really nice yeah honestly it is looking pretty nice but I think we’re missing like some windows or something it’s going to get like super dark in here so maybe I should add in some glass all the way

Around that’s a great idea I don’t want it getting too dark otherwise mobs are going to spawn yeah exactly and we don’t want like zombies and creepers spawning inside our house whenever we’re trying to fight all the smiling Critters off that would be really bad okay in perfect

This is looking pretty good and actually for a door I think we should add in like a special door instead of like those normal wooden doors ooh something cool what are you thinking let me go ahead and type in door and let’s see what do

We have in who what if I Ed one of these super awesome hanger doors this thing looks so cool let me see let me see put it up okay let’s see all I have to do is smack it in the middle and wo that actually looks pretty awesome now we

Just to fill in a bunch of wood all the way around it it does look super cool and super strong yeah exactly it’s going to be like crazy strong let me go ahead and test this out once I open it and wo it goes like right into the oak block

That’s actually pretty nice okay and perfect now we have our door and we have the base of our house built we should probably build some type of roof cuz we don’t have one of those and if it rains we’re going to get like all poured on

Yeah we better get a roof in soon okay let’s go ahead and start adding in a bunch of these Oak planks like this and wo Zoe are you adding in a bunch of reinforced glass for your garden yep that’s way the sun can come in and it’s

Super strong so nobody can break it wait that’s actually super smart reinforced glass is like one of the strongest blocks in Minecraft right yeah pretty much okay I actually want to test that out real quick so let me grab a little piece of TNT and I’ll light it up on top

Of your garden and if your garden survives it’s like Ultra strong no Dax don’t put TNT on my garden well I already did it wo look at that Zoe nothing even broke you really do have super strong glass thanks but I think I kind of got lucky cuz I honestly didn’t

Know if the TNT was going to break it wait what you really didn’t know I thought you thought it was super secure or something I know I think it’s super secure but I wasn’t really sure uh okay whatever well I’m going to go ahead and keep building in this roof and what are

You making over here catnap it looks like you’re making some type of living room yeah it’s a house we need somewhere to live wo this is great and wait I think you made a great choice by adding in this lime couch that’s my favorite color how’ you know that Dax you’re

Wearing all green of course slime’s your favorite color wait are you serious I’m wearing all green and oh my gosh I’m wearing a bunch of green honestly I didn’t even notice um Dax you’ve been wearing the same clothes for like a year wait have I actually been wearing the

Same clothes for a year I thought I just put this on like yesterday are you serious you wear green every single day but in the one I literally had no idea Zoe why didn’t you tell me that because I didn’t want to ruin your fun okay well

Thanks for not ruining my fun but now I’m a little bit sad since I’ve been wearing it every day are you okay uh I guess I’ll be okay okay now that I have most of the roof built out I should probably added some stairs that way the

Roof actually looks nice cuz right now it looks a little bit blocky and it’s kind of ugly so let me go ahead and all of these stairs all the way around like this and then I’m going to go inside and make a bunch of cool stuff on the inside

What are you thinking about building Let’s see we did have a nice room in our old house but we kind of don’t have that anymore so maybe I should build me a Zoe out of room yeah Dex our room’s going to be so cool but wait what about me uh

Let’s see what can we do for you and wait what if I make you like a little cat room would that be nice for you yeah that sounds super cool I want my own room uh no you’re not getting your own room you’re getting like a corner inside

Of our room a well maybe if you like behave and you help us take out all the smiling Critters then then I’ll give you a nice little room but for now you’re going to stay in like a little box in the corner all right okay Dax I’m done

With the garden wait you actually finished with your garden and that’s pretty good time because I just finished off the roof do you want to give me a tour yep come on over and wao wait you have one of these super secure doors too

Zoe yep sure do now let me open it for you so you can come on in wo that is so cool and wait is this the cake Farm yep it has so much cake it’s growing so fast oh my gosh there is literally so much cake but Zoe is actually missing my

Favorite cake do you mind if I add in like one more cake over here sure you can do whatever you’d like I want to added a super cool Creeper cake because they’re super tasty ew a Creeper cake I bet you only like it cuz it’s green uh

No it’s not even green Zoe that’s obviously blue blue I think your color blind Dax what in the world catnap what color is it I’m not going to lie Dax I think that’s green wait what in the world oh no so I’m actually color blind

What am I going to do well the first thing would be go to the doctor oh no how am I going to go to a doctor if we get beat up by all those smiling Critters and wait a second guys those smiling Critters are going to attack us

We haven’t built a need the fences oh no we better get working okay guys I think the first thing we should actually do is what Zoe said earlier by adding in a huge lava Mo all the way around our base perfect let’s start digging then we can

Fill it up with lava yeah we could do that but oh gosh wait a second I forgot to fill in the hole down here I guess I’m going have to fill this in with a bunch of dirt oh no that’s going to take forever I’ll just start digging and you

Can fill the hole well actually Zoe I can just run a really quick command that actually fills it all in for us that’s not going to take that long at all oh perfect but I’ll keep digging okay let me just go ahead and type in SL set dirt

In perfect now all the ground is set to dirt and we can start building out where the lava is going to be all righty I’ll race you to the other side what no I’m so much faster you catnap please you have to help me at this and wait why are

You holding TNT put that thing away oh you know I was going to blow up some of the dirt to make a new space you said you wanted to beat Zoe right nothing’s faster than explosions well yeah I want to beat Zoe but you can’t place down TNT

You’re going to like ruin our house and stuff ah fine okay look just help me break it with like your fist or something and I guess since you’re holding glass you can punch it with the glass too okay Zoe I’m almost all the way around I’m definitely going to going

To beat you seriously you’re all already to the other side yep I’m already all the way to the back and I did this all by myself no help at all um where’s catnap uh Zoe I don’t even know where catnap is right now so I don’t know what

You’re talking about oh I’m inside don’t worry about me just decorating he is right there he’s not even inside oh no I’m hiding behind glass why am I so stupid oh my gosh catnap she literally caught you but look he was just hiding there he didn’t like help me at anything

At all yeah I don’t believe you at all because you already lied to me well it doesn’t even make a difference look you didn’t even finish your completely so I still win yes I finished my side I think you just placed a block down whatever Zoe okay let’s just go ahead and fill

This all up with lava we’re getting like distracted arguing with each other and then we’re going to get like completely attacked and lose I’m already pouring lava maybe you should get to step in I’m trying as fast as I can Zoe there’s no need to be mean I’m not being mean I’m

Being assertive yeah perfect so it looks like all the lava is placed and I placed it way faster than you so I’m the winner yeah I really wasn’t trying that hard but how are we supposed to get across the lava oh wait a second I didn’t even

Think about that let’s see do we have anything cool that we could use to get get across oh wait a second so wait I actually have a super cool idea for something we could do what is it Dex what if we add like some bouncy castle

Blocks right here and then we like jump over The Lava seriously bouncy castle blocks this is awesome yeah this would be so fun oh gosh so he look he already missed that’s not good I know I don’t know if I’m going to make it each time

What in the world zo way you have to try super hard cuz you fall in the lava it’s going to be a big problem for all of us I know especially when we’re in battle okay here I go okay and perfect look at that Zoe you actually made it woohoo

That was so much fun okay now that we have the entrance maybe we should add in a couple more layers of the fence like an electric fence or something ooh an electric fence that sounds so deadly okay let me go ahead and see it should be in here somewhere it oh perfect look

At this is an electrified iron fence and maybe we add it to like the inner area what do you think I think that’s a great idea but shouldn’t we do something on the outer area too yeah maybe we should do something on the outer area too what’s something cool we could do ooh

Why don’t we do a laser wall oh wait a second a laser wall actually might be super cool okay let’s go ahead and build in all these electric fences and then we can add that laser wall you were talking about okay here we go okay perfect and

We’re already almost all the way around and uh catnap what in the world are you building up here I’m building a vault for all our shiny things wait you’re building a vault what in the world do you mean you’re building a vault what’s going to be in here gold and stuff wait

Gold and stuff you make like a treasure room yeah uh okay I guess that’s kind of cool make sure I put all of my diamonds in there and you better not steal any of them I definitely won’t unless it’s you know shiny but maybe the world catnb no

You better not steal anything otherwise I’m going to make you sleep outside a fine I’ll leave it Dex I don’t even know why you’re mad you’re broke you don’t even have any diamonds what in the world oh wait a second you are right I actually don’t have any diamonds yeah so

Stop your complaining okay fine whatever you can do whatever you want catnap and look at that Zoe you just missed a lava jump and you’re making fun of me how about you mind your business and start placing some lasers down oh yeah I kind of forgot about the lasers okay let’s go

Ahead and grab some of these and W look at this do we can have these super awesome lasers all the way around their base wo that looks super cool is it like a white laser honestly yeah it does look like a white laser and I think that

Means it’s like ex extra powerful that is so cool okay let’s go ahead and add a bunch of these all the way around our base since we want this to be as secure as possible and actually I think I can make this a little bit easier on myself

By sacking this and wao look at that Zoe this command’s made it so much easier good for you Dex how about you do it all the way around uh no you can do your side Zoe what the heck come on Zoe it’s literally not that hard all you have to

Do is like click a few buttons and then click a few more buttons and then a bunch of lasers place down you know as simple as that sounds I just think it would be so much quicker if you did it ah fine whatever just because we don’t

Have that much time left I guess I can go ahead and run the command myself perfect that sounds like a great plan to me I’m so glad I thought of that okay let me add in these last few blocks and perfect I think that actually looks pretty good except I don’t really want

The lasers there otherwise it’ll actually catch us on fire but I think this looks good for the most part what do you think Zoe I think our house is starting to look super secure yeah this is looking perfect and it’s going to be super hard for any of those smiley

Critters to get through okay let’s go inside of our base over here and wo look at this we have like a whole living room with a nice little couch and we even have a drum set over here wow that is super cool but honestly there’s not enough purple in here yeah there’s not

Enough green either so what if I get like some lime carpet and then I place it all the way down all the way across the room no you need to split the room in half and do half purple half green cuz that would be what’s fair uh why do

I need to do that literally my favorite color is green why would I care if it’s anything else because I’m your girlfriend and my favorite color is purple ah fine whatever Zoe okay how about I’ll go ahead and make all this green over here and then you can make

All that side over there purple sounds good to me I’m going to place a little purple tent and then a few couches and it’s going to look so cool in here okay and actually you probably also want to throw in some purple carpet so while you’re adding in all that random stuff

I’m going to go ahead and add in the carpet perfect thank you Dex that’s so nice of you okay cool this is looking pretty nice okay now that we’ve made that I’m going to go ahead and check out whatever this treasure room is supposed

To be and wo this is like a huge gold door catnap oh yeah it’s my treasure room it’s got a big old vault door on it so nothing can get through it well I doubt you have anything cool in there you’re like super broke too oh yeah

That’s my pocket change what in the world you have so much gold inside here catnap where did you even get this from uh I mean don’t tell Zoe but I stole it from her chest wait you actually stole all this gold from Zoe’s chest that’s so

Funny oh yeah it’s mine now oh my gosh he’s going to be so bad okay you go ahead and keep building this I’m going to close the door so Zoe doesn’t catch on all right see you soon and then I just want you to be like Zoe catch on to

What what is Zoe not going to catch up on oh nothing I was just talking about a room we were building and that you probably wouldn’t want to know about it at all since it’s not that cool what’s the room oh uh it’s just a big room with

Like a bunch of snow inside yeah that sounds so lame don’t talk to me yeah I told you it was LA zoy and oh my gosh guys that was so close she almost caught on okay let me fill in a bit of the lava

And then I guess I have to get some rid of some of these lasers since we had a little bit too many um Dax I think we need some more stuff why don’t we do something like um Arrow dispensers wait Arrow dispensers what do you mean by

That Zoe well you see we can place down some dispensers and then fill them with like a bunch of arrows so then we’ll never run out oh I mean I guess that’s a good idea so if we’re getting attacked by all the smiling Critters we can just

Like press a button that launches all the arrows exactly this they won’t know what hit them okay that is actually super super genus Zoe so let me go ahead and grab some dispensers and then I can grab a bunch of arrows and I guess we can set these all up right above the

Lasers that’s exactly what I was thinking so the first thing I need to do is place out one of these dispensers and then I can fill it up with a bunch of arrows now that we have that I can just make a copy of this dispenser and I can

Place a bunch of them down this is going to be so cool you’re going to place a whole bunch of them down and then there’s going to be a lever that I can flick and it’ll shoot all the arrows well wait a second that’s going to be

Super cool okay let me go ahead and add in a few more of these dispensers and then we can add in some of the red stuff we were talking about this is going to be so cool it’s probably like one of my best ideas yeah I think I came up with

The idea Zoe you came up with the idea yeah right you’re not that clever what though what it was literally my idea Zoe and you’re just taking credit for it it’s not your idea at all Dax and you’re taking credit for it whatever let me just go ahead and add in this Redstone

So I can take partial credit at least okay so I’m going to have to get us some Redstone Dust probably some Redstone torches some Redstone repeaters and then probably like a few Oak blocks that way I can actually place down the Redstone so let me go ahead and make a big layer

All the way over here that I can just connect with redstone and then of course I have to build one on the other side and now that we’re done with that I think it’s probably a good idea if I make the Redstone go up in the air since

We do have a little trampoline right here and I don’t want to get caught on this that’s a good idea Dex now let’s go back and added a bunch of these Redstone all we have to do is basically run a bunch of redstone repeaters into each one of these dispensers and then run

Another layer of redstone wire behind it okay this is looking pretty good now I can add in that second layer where all the Redstone wi is going to be and then I have to connect it all the way over here in the middle something like is

Okay now the last thing I need to do is add in that lever so let me go ahead and make a little butt area over here we can put the lever on okay perfect that looks pretty good let me go ahead and activate it oh gosh wait a bunch of arrows shot

But it looks like a lot of the power went away so I probably need to added some more Redstone repeaters D I wanted to flick the lever first well it wasn’t even fully set up Zoe so whenever it’s fully set up you can flick the lever

Sweet okay let me just add a few random areas where I can throw in repeaters and then they should be pretty much good to go okay so does that mean I can flick the lever uh yeah I guess you can go ahead and flick it just so I can see how

Much power is actually there okay here we go okay and perfect it looks like all of pretty much the dispenser shot except a couple here in the corner but I can fix that real quick that was awesome that’s going to be my designated job when the chaos starts uh okay I guess if

You would afflict the levers that’s cool let me just throw in one more repeater on this side and then this should be pretty much good to go way but you better make sure to press it whenever we’re going to get attack we need all of

These arrows to shoot so we can take out the smiling Critters I’m going to press it like a million times I mean yeah press it as much as you want to the more destruction the better okay perfect but actually way seeing all these arrows out here actually got another good idea what

Is it Dex what if we put like a bunch of cactuses out here it stacked them up super high that way whenever the smiley Critters come they’re all going to get stuck on the cactuses that is such a good idea but how do we place the cactuses down well the first thing we

Need to do is grab some sand and then we obviously need to grab some cactuses and once we do that we can just place down the sand like this and then stack some cactuses up wow this is a perfect defense I’m so glad you thought about this deck there’s no way that they’re

Going to get through yeah this is going to be like super super cool and especially if we put this all all the way in like a little front yard area there’s going to be no way they can run through all this destruction okay just a few more and perfect Zoe I think this

Little Cactus area actually looks pretty good yeah it’s like we have a cactus garden and actually wait a second I just thought of something U I haven’t seen catnap in a minute have you seen him anywhere no I don’t see him at all but it actually looks like he’s on the top

Floor wait he’s on the top floor catnap what in the world are you doing I’m building my bedroom since y’all don’t want to share wait did he say he’s building in his own bedroom catnap I literally said you have to sleep in our room that cat thinks he’s getting his

Own bedroom I don’t even have my own bedroom look it’s mine it’s all purple catnap what in the world is this this is totally ugly and there’s like no bed for me either you know what I think I’m going to take claim on this bedroom it

Is purple after all and purple is my color but I’m purple too it’s my bedroom I built it no you’re more of a blue oh my gosh guys this is absolutely ridiculous and there’s no lime anywhere in here we have to expend this room a

Lot and then we have to put some lime in and uh wait a second uh catnap what in the world is this uh that’s my secret room uh wait a second then why does it say Zoe and who in the world is Zoe with

A z what the heck Zoe with a z were you trying to spell my name ooh I’m not that good at spelling am I what in the world catnap you can’t even spell Zoe’s name are you serious I’m a cat what do you want from me definitely not Zoe’s gold

What the heck oh gosh catnap I think she called on to you if she goes in there she’s going to find all the gold you stole yeah but it’s definitely not Zoe’s gold it’s not even her name it’s the other Zoe the other Zoe what the heck

Are you even talking about I knew I was missing gold from my inventory no surely not yeah I don’t even know who the other Zoe is but yeah you can definitely not go in there Zoe there’s like a big door here and there’s like a big passcode

That you don’t even know the code to somebody needs to open this door in 3 seconds oh uh catnap I’m not going to open it I don’t want to either she’s going to get mad okay then I’m going to have to take measures into my own hands

What the heck all of my gold oh my gosh catnap she sees all the gold down actually this is all you’re doing I have nothing to do with this are you serious catnap oh no no no no need for violence no need for violence Dax I’m about to

Hit the this little cat what in the world Zoe you can’t hit our cat you have to Cal down no he stole my gold he’s a thief Zoe he didn’t even steal your gold he literally just put it in this room that way no one can actually break in

Then why did he say definitely not Zoe’s gold oh he’s just a cat he can’t spell Right catnap This was meant to actually hold all of Zoe’s gold so no one else would take it yeah totally it was definitely supposed to be hers see Zoe

He had this whole thing for you a he can’t spell I guess that’s something you both have in common Dax what of the world I can literally spell Zoe I’m like a super genius okay whatever you say okay guys we’re literally running out of time right now and we have to add in

Some more stuff what’s probably the next thing we can add to our secure base Dex why don’t we do like an Armory room oh wait an arm room actually might be a pretty good idea and wait we could even build it underground that’ be super awesome wo like an underground base like

Super spies exactly okay I’m going to go ahead and break this all the way under the ground and then I’ll make get like a huge area we can put all over our armor at this is going to be so cool can I do diamond armor uh yeah you can do

Whatever type of armor you want I guess okay so wait and now that we have this huge little Armory area built out we have to make the room actually look nice so why don’t we add in a bunch of different planks to actually make this place look cool yeah Dax I think that’s

A great place to start okay so let’s go ahead and make all of these walls out of plates and o wait a second I actually have a really cool idea for this wall what is it what if I bring out all the dirt here and then I grab myself a nice

Little lava bucket and then we can place lava going all the way down but won’t that burn us uh no because we’re going to have like a big glass wall in the way wow that is such a good idea okay let me go ahead and fill this it with lava and

Then I can grab myself some nice little glass and then we can just sack it all the way up this is going to be so nice that is going to be super nice and then we’re going to do the rest as wood yeah exactly we’re going to make all this

Dirt right here wood and perfect okay everything’s basically filled it with a bunch of plakes now we have to add in our little armor stands area okay should we do automatic armor stands or just plain and simple armor stands oh wait a second automatic would be super cool and

Uh catnap what in the world are you building right here an escape ramp in case it goes south and we lose wait what you’re building an Escape Route you think we’re going to lose this I mean I don’t think I would lose but maybe you

Would what in the World well I mean I guess an Escape Route is still a pretty good idea good thinking catnap y I did something right okay Zoe and if we are going to add in a little automatic armor thing what we need to do is get some

Dispensers and line this up like this and then we can place all of our armor inside of them this is going to be so cool can you build one on my side too uh yeah I mean I guess I could build you one actually why don’t we just put ours

Like right next to each other that is perfect that way we can do it at the same time like we’re twins okay now that we have this pretty much built out make sure to grab a shield in whatever type of armor you’re going to use and I

Actually think I’m going to use a super cool armor but I don’t know which one yet I think I’m going to do a diamond armor wo a diamond armor that actually sounds kind of cool right it’s going to be awesome I think I’m going to use this glowstone armor since it sounds way

Cooler than that seriously glowstone armor is not even that cool what it’s like gold and like super shiny it’s way better than the diamond armor and I also think I’m going to grab a super awesome sword and wao this Frozen diamond sword sounds super cool Frozen diamond sword

That actually does sound super cool yeah we have a bunch of super cool swords Zoe which one do you think you’re going to use the diamond sword obviously to match my armor what you’re just going to use the normal diamond sword that’s so lame it’s like the strongest Armor Deck so

Why wouldn’t I use it okay whatever Zoe okay Zoe basically our armor stands are built out now so all we have to do is walk inside of it like this and wo look how cool I look wo we both look super awesome wow your diamond armor is so

Shiny and my glowstone armor is super shiny too yeah except it’s that kind of weird yellow color but other than that it’s super cool what in the world this is so cool Zoe you don’t know what you’re talking about and Zoe I actually have another really good idea for

Probably the last thing we should add in what is it Dax we should add in a self-destruct B just in case things go bad we want to blow up everything that is going to be so awesome and then we can race away on our Escape Route yeah

Exactly it’s going to be so cool and what I think I’m going to do for our little TNT area is put in a bunch of TNT times 100s and then we’ll just press the button and light everything off that is going to be so cool I kind of wish we

Could just do that from the start uh no Zoe you better not hit that button otherwise everything’s going to blow up right now please I really want to hit the button no Zoe you’re not allowed to press the button and uh catnap what in the world are you doing right now the Escape

What in the what wait is that a bathtub he just flew okay let me go ahead and try this out I’ll just hop inside of this bathtub and wao wait this is so fast what in the world cat now oh my gosh I got stuck where am I it’s super

Fast what in the world I’m flying in the sky in a bathtub right now this is so cool oh my gosh it takes you so far okay guys I think we pretty much did good defending our secure house let’s go ahead and add these bathtubs in just in

Case anything goes bad we can actually use them and oh my gosh guys all the smiling Critters are coming for us oh no oh no they’re going to hit the cactus okay quick we need to go ahead and grab all of our armor so we can actually

Fight them off ooh that means we get to use the dispensers I’m actually kind of excited yeah I am too and I really want to throw my super awesome glow stor armor I’m going to look so cool Dax I even filled a chest with some golden apples you better grab some oh wait

That’s actually a super good idea I only gave myself one from the dispenser so this was good thinking Zoe thanks SE uh guys did y’all build an armor dispenser for me uh catnap we didn’t build anything for you I just want you to fight them with your fist or something a

Don’t worry catnap you got at this oh my gosh guys there’s Lally so many Smiley Critters out here why are there so many of them oh my gosh and they are so creepy oh my gosh they’re so scary but what they do to my friends what in the

World this was literally supposed to be all your friends and now we’re getting attacked by a bunch of smiling Critters what is wrong with you catnap I didn’t do this they did something to my friends but in the world this is absolutely ridiculous and oh my gosh these big blue

Elephant guys are totally beating me up oh no not big blue elephant guys but Dax you can’t blame cat he thought they were his friends the what he’s literally like just bared into our home and then he said a bunch of her friends were over there and now we’re getting attacked by

A bunch of his other friends I don’t even believe this guy for a second these guys aren’t my friends I don’t know them at all yeah maybe these guys actually ambushed his friends and now his friends are gone so we’re his only friends oh my

Gosh this is so dumb but man these guys aren’t taking any damage at all maybe we should get back and start shooting a bunch of arrows oh yeah my job quick Zoe run all the way back over here so can shoot all the arrows off I’m going quick

Zoe go ahead all the arrows there’s so many of them outside it seems like they’re too close to our base are the arrows even hitting them I don’t think they’re hitting them at all and oh my gosh they’re just so strong they’re just going in the lava and they’re not even

Dying that’s okay at least they’re staying in the lava I’m not complaining and wait a second guys they’re going to our base now what in the world they broke through no guys I don’t think we’re actually going be able to defeat them none of these guys are taking

Damage and we’re already all the way pushed back to our base oh no they’re coming into the base what are we going to do oh gosh quick everyone get to the escape room but we have to get out of here oh my gosh this is Mayhem okay both

Of you get inside the bathtubs and go on the ramp and I’ll be the one to press the button just get out of here as fast as you can okay we’re hurrying come on guys quick get in your bathtubs and I’ll press the button just get out of here

See you save yourselves okay here I go okay come on go okay I’m going to go ahead and press the button let’s get out of here quick okay come on now I’m coming quick let’s get out of here as fast as possible oh my gosh guys it’s

Lagging so hard what’s going on oh my gosh the TNT * 100 really did it job see anything there’s so much destruction right now and wait a second what in the world happened to our bathtubs I just lost mine I know I lost mine too it must

Have been the explosion but wait a second guys look all the smiley Critters got taken out sweet that means we won the battle oh my gosh this is perfect but H guys our house got completely taken out my bedroom I worked hard on that okay DX I think we’re going to have

To move

This video, titled ‘THE SAFEST Security House in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Daxx’s World on 2023-12-27 15:00:30. It has garnered 800 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:08 or 10328 seconds.

THE SAFEST Security House in Minecraft

More Daxx Videos!

I Hired UPGRADED CAMERAMAN To Defend My Minecraft House! by Daxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFQv8HpglFM

I Hired SPEAKERBABY In A SKIBIDI TOILET BUILD CHALLENGE! by Daxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Oj39j30dEY

I CHEATED IN A YOUTUBER SKIBIDI TOILET MOB BATTLE! by Daxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxQ8MUfXeZI

I CHEATED IN A SKIBIDI TOILET MOB BATTLE! by Daxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng7h2TrvA5A

I Hired UPGRADED TV MAN To Defend My Minecraft House! by Daxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ74wFJwCSY

#minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx

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  • Death Maul

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  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

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  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

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  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

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  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

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  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. server.limified.com Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More