Ultimate Minecraft Freeze Challenge

Video Information

Of the streaming service Max is doing a rat cousin intro we’re doing a ham freeze intro and we’re not even going to do the we’re not even going to do the song that I usually do we’re gonna do in know Sunshine a setting oh I’ll go do it I’m

Gonna look up for the echo cancellation what hamre is showing his picture at the same time picture of picture tie oh next time we got to do co- stream or whatever I know I know I know know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I

Know I know I want you I want you thank you KP cyti get okay this is the new content for the day is everyone excited to listen Anna and Tina are here just so you guys know everyone I’d like you to this is my new thing that I

Do I I have a clip I have a clip I have a hair clip do you see it I’m wearing a clip I don’t see it you didn’t see oh I see it does it hurt no it feels good it’s like a thunder blanket for your for your

For your scalp it makes me feel secure what kind of um what kind of um tell everybody what you call that clip monster mouth uhuh the hell hello you want to see his monster clip go to mon go to hree it’s not monster [ __ ] everyone you know what

Pisses me the [ __ ] off is every time AJ is like is this your new time is this your new time like what what [ __ ] it says Minecraft Mondays maybe this is a special event you little [ __ ] piss an we don’t you haven’t explained it yet so

Maybe it is join me on the line I’ve got a few friends bu uh name Christina Ty and you might know Ty this stream that’s happening right now if you want to watch both it’s allowed to put me smaller than rat cousin if you want it’s also you’re

Gonna hear me twice no matter what this whole thing well you can mute one of the streams well I’m allowing everyone to mute my stream if they want but there’s an echo of them M me you might regret it though they might regret it they might want to play both both the

Same time full volume if I think that’s proba full HTML volume and tia what’s your plans I know I know I know I know I know you’re really Qui I know I know I know I you’re really quiet Tia can you turn yourself up I have her at 200% would you believe

Don’t worry I’ll turn myself up voice I could go do it in I would not believe that I would never believe that all right I’ll send a screen capture then I’ll horny noises oh no but what’s the horny noise he’s making open the window they probably open the window I don’t like

That yeah was that a Ribbit yeah I just heard her fly around I have to go check on her that was something else I think I heard a Ribbit in a game I had open I I think I heard someone unlatching a door and then flying out oh really

Damn I wish we could how do I turn I want Tina higher I’m going to turn myself up don’t worry I’m doing it I’m I’m rerouting myself I’m working on it I’m coming I’m echoing it’s a filter I’m on my way filter called two microphones

At the same room bro get your ass over I’m sorry is anyone else’s Minecraft showing a thing that says your gender is valid it is valid I just that a prank on me uh no your gender gend is invalid they’re Minecraft is tell we all here say my gender is

Valid yeah okay let’s go I mean I can’t fix this Echo unless unless I kill myself uh and then no one will be hear me ever I mean it’s an option I think the solution’s right there I’m going to press multiplayer let us do the inaugural moment what I press how’s this

Yeah that’s perfect that’s perfect Tina I know I know know I know you’re I know I know I know I’m hitting I’m hitting BPL that I’m hitting rat craft I think we need to count down as a group of friends yeah let’s count count it down do you still

Hear me what do you still hear me wait what’s that interrup you I can hear you yeah no hear you okay it’s time to wait are you echoing now keep talking so I know you’re not gone don’t leave Tina keep going 10 1 2 3 testing testing 1 2 3

4 double click on the rack clap I’m going into the server this is com this is going I’m already I’m already ready to encryp oh we’re all here okay okay okay we’re in the desert at night where is everybody see joined oh fo to you’re a naked

Simpson so happy to have you on here Cactus going get hurt oh hi tin oh don’t touch it yeah you hurt what’s that guy what is he doing wait I don’t have says Co cocka oven boy on it okay don’t kill the one that says COA oven boy on it that’s my day

Is oh my God you look at your skin wow hit F5 your skin I got poisoned by a rat a rat cousin that’s a cool oh there’s so many zombie you seen my skins this is bad time to join the game nice for joining the achievement Monster Hunt

So this is our server we’re starting we’d like okay I’m dead uh we’d like to do on weekday or something like that how do you make it daytime you wait uh sleep we have to wait the night we don’t have a bed okay how do you sleep this is the

First top figure control W okay control W don’t listen to her I thought that said she left Hunter I would have cried creamed if I’m sorry I would have cried if she if it said Anna left the server cuz she hit control W well we got to

Start getting some wood I mean we need to build look I this is not even wood just wait go chop up this wood chop up this wood over here chop up this wood everybody let’s chop this obvious wood everywhere that is everywh M route what does that

Mean this is a terrible spawn we got to get out of here I died by still everyone’s upet they can’t they can’t hear or see anything they say what’s up they’re just messing with you don’t listen to them you oh turn your light up I like to turn my light up

I personally go in my video settings and I turn brightness on bright cuz like I don’t want to be in the dark yeah this is our first modded server we have we have map functionality we also have new uh new animals yeah everybody hit Z Zed

I mean there we are very very bright it’s way brighter it’s morning right ow oh that’s you I thought you were a zombie you my God and I’m you did that I like your SK are you you a zombie Devils how do you look how do you yourself

Nobody show Anna streen uh skin I don’t think she’s supposed to that’s who put her as this you have to consent as to do that I don’t think this is what she meant to be dressed as hit F5 we where or hit e there’s a jungle domain

Directly south where we can get some W I don’t know watch this everybody look at my character can everybody look at my character for a second it’s how do you change everybody can everybody look at my character why would you change it I can’t stop I can’t stop wait watch I

Want to show you something stop everybody look at mine watch look at me look at me oh wow you guys are so is that a green hoodie that’s what I wear all the time what’s Haunted Mansion K like that crazy how do you do your clothes and

Like your maybe your skin color I don’t know feel like I’m misrepresenting I think I’ll just stick with it wor you look like a zombie I think you’re a zombie skin that’s not okay to saf no no there’s a randomly spawning H haunted mansion that’s cool well we’re not looking for haunting

Mansions we do any of these trees have wood that’s what I’m saying is this we need to go go directly south there’s a jungle domain there’s a jungle biome domain oh I see on the back Ain a website this ain’t no website no oh everybody’s gone where we where

Are we going I’m going south me on the map hit me up rap doesn’t St we got everyone in we got the voice chat everybody’s having a good and taring is CLI for the first time right now we anybody chat like from xed we need to see some daes my [ __ ]

Okay oh damn the skellies of these damn Woods like a rabbit oh look there’s a bunny hey bun there’s also dust devils watch out for them they’re scary watch out for dust devils so we have a few dust you guys tell tell everybody what we have installed yeah t left though

Let’s all take a second and teach Anna the main buttons oh no girl no you were trying to left I left um I was going to make my guide I died oh I it’s really easy to make your guy different you just need to download a skin if you look at Minecraft

Skin downloads you could or there might be some preset ones there might be some there might be some preset ones [ __ ] dirty we got to cancel her let’s just cut to Anna making her Avatar where’s Ty I’m collecting W for us where we’re going to lose Anna she’ll be

Fine where’s the wood I’m only see grassy vies brother go south brother I don’t think I can figure out how to customize so I’m just gonna they have prese you see the preset ones no I didn’t see anything oh it’s okay it’s in like the first Launcher not the second launcher it is

Complicated God damn it we need we step we’ve accomplished nothing so far except for Ty oh it’s been five minutes it’s been five minutes and I’m nervous T ran off and it’s scaring me and an is to be found you want me to come back I’ll come

Back I’ve got a bunch of wood now we can all make tools oh I want to collect some resources that sounds like I get use of my time yeah that’s one the main thing you do with this game wow it looks so cool underwater I wish I could find

Everybody just I’m coming look on the oh there’s a frog I don’t know where everybody is look on the mini press Z are you D are you D no hi little monkey I found a main prop gate what what do I do with that there are two R oh I see somebody

God this oh ham freeze okay can I just pause here for a second there’s a zomb and it’s not dying a live game T I don’t know if you can pause I’m pause for a second you can up I think it’s like um I think it’s like a game that you you

Just keep playing forever and you I paused my game so I should be fine I’m going to tweak some sound you absolutely cannot do that look at the Desert Rat oh my God it’s adorable the the [ __ ] desert brat bro what the [ __ ] I’ll fight him don’t worry

Ty thank you you’re safe now wow I got all the XP oh not very nice do you want some wood I’ll trade you some wood for having help going to get my own wood I don’t care that’s not wood that’s M that’s root it’s not going to help you wa why

Is it brown it is confusing right Ro are brown like roots are brown it’s confusing what are we going to do about it um how do I open my inventory probably hit I right e see Ty doesn’t know this game nope does even make sense Tina Tina you’re lying no

It’s e why would it be e no it is e actually why would it not be I there we go I so far away you need e cuz it’s near W it’s w that’s you need D and don’t hit Q cuz that’s drop place I’m lost Ty me and Ty paused our

Game how did you pause your game control F4 probably P or guess P oh P button on your keyboard you probably everybody’s looking at this beautiful world oh y’all drunk like how I sound what are we doing yeah you sound so big do you like it when I put the

Echo on hello is it too much hello wait why is this guy what is this dude he’s got a hat I don’t know where everybody I’m not we’re over here he looks like Squidward and he has a little hat on oh a villager what the heck is that a

Bee I forget how to craft things in this game what’s a how do you make a I found I found wood you can cheat with wood I mean crafting you the book guys are hit the book tie on your e menu confused oh oh I need planks you

Guys are you guys red iods what am I doing there’s a miso in here guys find us hey dude your health is low no I’m going to eat I’m going to eat some wood you’re right I should but I think I part of me wants to die right now I have no

[ __ ] idea where I am okay I’m going to make an axe I’m going to make an shovel temp perhaps we should make home in this temple pick I’m going to make an this game doesn’t make any sense okay let me tell you why this game doesn’t

Make any sense if you cut down if you cut down the tree then the the leaves just stay there yeah they despawn actually Anna so what happens is that um I think like a few blocks from a wood Source it stays but if you get rid of

All the wood Source it despawns it knows I will go east and follow my re why wouldn’t it just fall down immediately hey chat tell me if the echo’s a little better you know there actually are some mods that are really I’m seeking I’m seeking Enlightenment

While you guys have abandon me as I’m seeking home and Enlightenment in this Temple wait just give us your I we need to find the temp temperatures 15 hey there’s a cat what do you do with it you if you feed it it’ll love you forever

Yeah it’ll it’ll turn into a normal cat and it’ll be tamed to you how do you get food you’re at 164 all right I give up sorry kitty cat yeah you more later though it’s because we’re in two diff two bikes of the same room guys I’m sorry there’s I don’t know

What to do about it Max couldn’t figure it out and I think I feel like he tried a little harder he could have but he didn’t I got the mics to work I just don’t know how to make it you know what I mean AJ what would

You do should I put a big screen between Anna and I I’m at 164 where where you at Max uh 166 164 are you right here are you right de no I need to put in my order for the PoBoy shop oh i’ like uh I’m I’m not taking orders I’m putting

My own orders what SS good at the address can I have a Diet Coke o in the same room Jesus [ __ ] Christ I just feel like if I had a Diet Coke it would be better yeah you’d be more sipping less talking speaking of sipping Minecraft uh drink of the

Night it’s a it’s a vodka pomagranate you get it ooh pomegranate VOD Kaba gr that’s you know some of us in this chat can’t are are not drinking on week nights no I was did you see what I said in the chat ear big sacrifice man I said

You should have a little on one drink on every Monday to celebrate Minecraft Monday and Max should be I mean rat cousin should be making you a cocktail make it [ __ ] that yeah go for it yeah Ma should make you a cocktail I like that I

Think I do think I need one only cuz a kid uh bit me today whoa guys I’m out a village found a order me catfish I’ll pay a no I found that fcking [ __ ] Village shut up shut up I found that way before you I said what are the Squidward guys where

Are you guys I’m just walking in circles trying to just take it everything that’s so funny and I didn’t know you me a villager for some reason I was like what are you talking about I almost killed I was like girl what are you talking about of course no okay everybody everybody

Come to this Village this Village is where we need to be okay tell me these coordinates cuz I I’m going to wait at the village island okay 238 238 2 238 so do 240 – 240 positive 70 that’s all you need to know – 238 POS 70 I think the middle one

Is the Y AIS are you sure that it’s that one you’re right it’s 197 I thought that was the 240 positive 197 195 middle one does it matter no I forgot it was T Stone but it’s taking a long I ring the belt oh you need to pick

Anna by the way TAA Zach sent me $2 to ask you to order him a catfish sandwich I don’t think I could get him a sandwich it’s a restaurant in Atlanta how would he possibly get it I don’t know say he sent me $2 and I can’t I

Don’t think I want to I can’t mislead my followers with promises that you’re making whoa I got some bunny food I got bunny I got bunny meat so funny and I found this Village I want to go live in the village it’s pretty epic wait I don’t know how I see y’ on

This I know I think there’s ways I’m going to look into ways to make it work welcome to Minecraft Monday with a ham freeze and rat cousin co-optive experience wow so much is going on uh I don’t have wood I have of I have a [ __ ] ton of wood bro but

I’m I think if you really cared you would have gotten your own material that’s I’m going to take that stance I think I can’t find the trees unless I think that you’re an equally hard worker but I possibly got something okay well I I don’t think we

Should raid the village yet I think oh my God there’s like a a a a a an oil Derek at the distance oh no those are Vines um oh I think the V where fish oh that one looks scary what is that a zebra shrimp oh they’re attacking me oh

No oh no oh they hate me I don’t like oh taking this bed if I’m taking a bed the man shrimp got me it’s okay T just come to the coordinates is wibo broken right now Zach says a p Freez stream might be better right now what’s what what’s so

Wrong about oh no yeah I’m seeing errors in willb I’ll have to fix that another time where’s the other person at this Village CU I don’t see you I’m here and then M Square do you hear I might give up M Square I’m ringing the bell andna

Come to dinner the where’s the dinner what the hell I’m [ __ ] hugry too let me be oh I see you too over there so hey welcome to this Village I’m doing a mission trip here right now basically basically this is how women like they say oh we’re going to go to the bathroom

Together and it’s like what the hell and then we’re hanging out at the Village they’re go into these houses and steal from them oh oh let’s go to the bathroom they’re actually on Minecraft on their phones how do you open the no I’m breaking the door how do you just open

Right click tell me the coordinates again negative 90 something uh negative 250 what’s this 200 250 200 okay you’ll find it yeah that that’s like a a special design block oh I’m taking oh maybe I don’t need to take this I like the culture of

This Village me too I’m so glad to be teaching them Christianity so what’s your first lesson at at which sect there’s crows I love the animal mod everybody so the mods we have are answer my question uh Amo which adds a bunch of new animals you answering my question for five minutes

Ago oh just asked it and then um we have on a mini map mod as you can see and also as well we have um this game doesn’t have a mini map no not stand no isn’t that crazy that is crazy Anna do you see this don’t hit

These giant um Iron I’m just going to hide inside that’s what I’m doing I’m hiding inside come here if you want but uh scared guys I’ve got a question pillaging uh Max is here I’m here at the Village we need to find some sheep ASAP

Peep you know what I mean little B no but I we can take their beds I already have three beds oh well put put them okay let’s put them ins building all go to bed so we can skip the night well Tai’s not here I’m coming I’m almost

There Dumbo Dumbo I died by mantis shrimp okay I’m sorry I died here I’ll I’ll put us all beds in to where Anna’s at Anna’s in the safe room okay we’re all going to it’s nice in here we have a chest we can put garbage in yeah I’m hiding in here here

This is for Anna and rat cousin to sleep in Matt Ty’s here I’m get one more bed is this our our dormatory now in the same you can be in the same bed yeah okay I’m going to get one other bed for me oh well well who are these

[ __ ] oh they’re tired dude them sorry I love taking their bed while they’re sleeping on it and then they wake up okay wait hey I’m going to bed me too Ty come to the dormatory no you’re in the wrong bed up to the dormatory guys so we can make a move on

There’s one bed for couples and one bed for not all right can night every right on a bed on the other one next so excited to have a do the trip at this Village can’t get in here there’s a villager in there right he’s sleeping right click the bed

Underneath I am it says this bed is occupied wait they’re making love or something why why is everyone Making Love On Top Of Us why are they on me oh we’re up in the morning good morning everybody I SLE really well with all hats around in front of us yeah did you

Guys could you guys hear me snoring from the other room we were in the same other room he didn’t stay in the dormatory I went outside now okay whatever I wanted okay guys let’s come to the town this is the inaugural moment We’ve Just beened Around up here

We trade with them up here BTW here and look at me in the eyes I’ve got got where the [ __ ] looking I’m looking at you in the eye okay wait wait let me go in here first there’s a vast desert of spance uh behind me to my left there is

Water the channels of this area to the right it seems like there may be grass land is this Village which will be called in honor of uh Anna is Anna Village I don’t like I don’t want to be I don’t want to be name I don’t want it you did found it

You found it its old name was too hard to pronounce so we have to change it to Anna Village it’s now called Anna Village we’ve taken their culture and we’ve ched it into our own yeah do we will make music videos wearing their outfit there’s a c up

There uh so now we go find wood right yeah let’s go Adventure now also way to Wood wait when we die we’ll land in this Village Wood so let’s just stay close to this Village I want to go I want to go find a source of wood yeah you can see the

Trees in the background there can’t you Max let’s [ __ ] find the trees I I’m doing it I don’t even know how this game works just talking about it baby good on everybody what everyone coming after me list can wait I got something to say okay okay okay I’m reading this menu for

The PoBoy shop cjun nachos a large basket of shop fries topped with beef debris what and gravy and gravy isn’t it funny they called it beef debris you know one time I went to this so I went to a college in Millville right my family came by one time I think to

Help me either move out or move in I don’t remember and um cuz you know in college you like move houses like four times in four years czy all right anyway so they came to this Chili’s in Millville Georgia and this poor waiter was like trying to do fine dining and

Was like oh yes this salad and it was like the Cajun chicken Blaster salad or something the hell it is and it’s like in three parts right so the chicken is separate the ranch is sep salad and he goes yes it’s a type of and what he meant to say is deconstructed

Salad but he said oh it’s a decomposed salad of course my [ __ ] family are [ __ ] so they’re like oh that you ruined that guy’s whole night yeah it sounds like he probably quit his job that’s something Max would say he probably left his M decomposed like it’s his fault it’s the

Menu item no I think he’s a Lo he just didn’t know it he was trying to be nice I found the nearby mountain and I will be carving into it will it will be our Bing operation but it will also be my home n we don’t know that yet we need to

Pick a better place the desert is a bad place to pick question is all of our Minecraft music synchronized no music synchronized but some stuff is synched like other sounds they like love this music all I need to find a tree this is annoying I’m still playing Donkey Kong

Music [ __ ] [ __ ] ton of mangr out here um I’m going back to uh to the here it is to the zero Z because I me and Tina did some preliminary exploration and I have a feeling sorry to sorry to ruin the the wait that has to be a mission trip I

Mean a different type of mission what are you guys talking about I’m talking about trying to find a fortress my main goal of this server is to win the game I need to win the game for once in my life everybody shout out Ty today everybody say shout out Ty in

Chat oh Ty is doing so good and if he wins this game he’s going to be doing even better yeah I so guys our goal Ty is going to want to win the game and we’re going to help him let’s speedrun it it’s not speed RIT die why’ you say we

Have a speed R I didn’t say that did I I just it’s like a big pressure it’s like I kind of just want to have fun what happens if you’re hungry and you don’t eat do you think a mangrove propag goul will taste good no it’s good for you if

I kill this rabbit will I feel something you should never eat when you’re hungry what it should be the opposite all right I’m going to eat this raw meat and I don’t go sick uhoh hope I don’t go sick on myself he going to go sick okay where’s all you [ __ ]

At wood I don’t know what the [ __ ] y’all are doing I’m collecting wood I’m down I’m down in the dungeons already oh I wonder where your dungeon is excited to learn we’re all going sicko M Tai is the number one Miner Zach is saying Tai’s going sicko mode while

Mining that’s pretty cool Tai thank you are you proud of yourself I will be once I find the Fortress and then I find and and then I’m going to learn that there’s already six eyeballs P beautiful need like two I think there’s nine that you need or maybe even 12

Yeah I think it’s three on each side and there’s four sides hold your [ __ ] horses dude you’re trying to beat the dragon in one night I’m beating it tonight no you’re not come on you’re not going to be able to you have nothing do you know what it takes you have nothing you’re

Nothing it end pears and you have to how much force you need bow and arrow you need a a lot of armor and [ __ ] no probably be fine I don’t beat the dragon every night okay probably do it one night Tina I don’t know why you’re

Being so people speed run it in like a minute and a half about you can kill the Ender Dragon with a bed apparently this Shader kind of sucks I’m realizing it it makes the Rocks glow even though they shouldn’t I found some raw copper guys

Does that do are you back at 0 Ty uh close yeah 24 negative 24 94 interesting it’s too dark still The Village I need some coal Ty’s about off to end the End Dragon I’m wood you guys probably should probably get more wood because that’s what I’m focusing on right now that’s

Good you know and it’s the smartest one here there’s there’s there’s bunny there’s bees when you guys are building your house don’t come to me and be like oh oh Anna can I have some wood yeah but what if you want some Stone and Tide I have

Lots of stones I mean you know what I mean yeah well I don’t know how to make a pickaxe so that’s on you guys not me well no do you want to be taught anything I make is mine anything you make is ours okay would you like to be

Told how to make a how to make a thing huh what no I don’t want to lessen damn okay Hanah will never learn how to craft a pickaxe and I don’t wanna all right I’m trying to get down so my mini map says the caves are approaching I just need

To dig more it feels kind of cheating that I can see where the caves are tin you should turn turn off uh some settings if you’re word yes Anna Tina yo Tina uh how come I have a block of wood in my hand I’m cutting wood can I make

It so I have no block in my hand yeah that’s doesn’t matter what you need it is to make an axe to make it go faster it won’t hurt the wood that you’re punching with but if you hit 1 2 3 4 5 or use your mouse

Wheel yeah you can move it away it doesn’t change anything how how you move it hit uh the numbers on your keyboard hit number two well now now I’m just hitting with moss carpet yeah that’s a fine it’s the same amount of only thing that makes it

Better is an axe or another type of tool but mainly axe well I don’t have that I’m going back to the Village I’m going to make some furnaces it just makes it faster it doesn’t really change anything can’t wait to find my first ore boy won’t that maybe you should turn off

Some map settings Ty go to the map settings and turn off do he can figure himself out come on he’s a big boy maybe I’ll just cheat it’ll be okay if I cheat a little bit for I can just cheat a little you I found the

Cav I fell into the you don’t have to say like that you don’t have to say it like that I found Ty Could you actually say it like that one more time I found the kind of like that we just need to pick a I think the first line of action

Is to pick a place to live I’m going to build a blacksmith shop into the uh what the heck Village just for the moment okay I’m still around the village too I can’t find any wood you got got to look for it that’s see I’m I’m out here cutting wood cuz I

Looked for it yeah it’s easy to say oh hard oh I’m too tired no just like go find it I’m busy I just need it delivered instantly what stealing stealing yeah I got loaves of bread from stealing you got loaves of bread from stealing seanan whoa we are doing what people like to

Call a uh run I was going to say a uh La is a Rob run but sure it’s dark now where do I go back to the Village back to the Village yeah me I’m going to stay in the mines no Ty you’ll die do you have a bed

No I don’t need a bed oh well okay oh that means you guys are you guys are stuck just don’t know how to find wood in general I’m stuck what do you mean you don’t know how to find wood good we can’t go to sleep cuz Ty has to

Beat the Ender Dragon right now all right fine I’ll come back it’ll take a year and a half for me to come back but I’ll come back don’t him come back ta come on I’m going to do an auto jump how do you turn on auto jumping did you just

Leave never mind I figured it out oh yeah I’ll just leave I’ll just disconnect and then you guys can sleep oh everybody come here wait but I’m not in the oh I’ll leave too ooh oh okay T you ready to go to bed I think it’s was boring Anyway oh man what yeah yeah Tes is begging me to make torches but T moves I don’t have any coal so I can’t make torches Ty you need to give us warp commands why can’t you go to bed now I’m going to bed I’m coming my oh my God I

To fix my sound I’m having issues I’m going to bed get out of this bed okay uh oh sorry going to [ __ ] use Jesus Christ oopsie oopsie I’m going to get a pboy oh could you get me one I am [ __ ] I’m ranking the snake right now okay

Everybody you guys can loog back in I did what sorry I was listening to my niece sing Let It Go can I come back in oh she sent you a video yeah can you play no I’m not going to play it on screen I was just wanting to listen to it while I

Was distracted no you don’t have to play Anything Can I should I come back on is it morning a while ago oh sorry I was busy listening to my niece saying let it go oh can can you play it over us no I can’t this is valuable I’ve heard a h

Three to foury Old play Sing Let It Go uh 100 times in yes and play it on Twitch hear it again she won’t stop singing it she’s been singing it for years and years and years guess what I found I don’t think people understand the choke hold the choke hold

That Elsa holds over like girls of United States of America oh [ __ ] I don’t have coal yeah we don’t have any coal yet but we will soon guess what I have caves I’m in the caves [ __ ] there’s coal right here but I don’t have any wood I don’t know how

To get wood in this game okay I have wood but you are not working hard so you don’t get the wood that’s I think I just wood everybody she is being a great teacher I think she’s teaching you a valuable lesson Tina you should have gotten wood when you had the

Chance I’m doing it now said I’m doing it now and D guy attacking me kill him kill him I threw my sword at I’m there to [ __ ] help I don’t know where the guy is just turn yourself on Creative Mode come on oh oh wait is that a

Thing oh no it’s not a thing sorry it’s not a thing there’s no infinite money or anything it’s it’s no there’s no such thing there’s no such thing as infinite money not even Minecraft there’s cats around here lump said just back seated myself from uh backseat stop a girl with

Depression oh there’s cats around here you guys are pretty bad at a G for babies crazy says snakes hi snakes snakes is my biggest fan whoa I bet he is okay yo I’m riding a camel how did you tame the Cel how I’m just on it I don’t know how to get off

You hit you hit control FW control [ __ ] with I control [ __ ] with just hit the x button in the corner to get off the camel the x button if there’s a tree and it has like little oh no no this is a question for Tina how if there’s a he’s killing me

And it has little boxes for like a sap collection should I not cut the tree down mhm y the walls those might be be don’t need that now that we’re opening up um a donut place not not that colle I don’t know it’s hard to say what they look probably

Beehive whatever it’ll look like a beehive I think shift it’s the [ __ ] shift button you’re wrong because I don’t know if the a beehive might be Coco then I’m the first person the skeletons they’re still here with coal hi where are you I’m running away I’m running away I’m not going to fight

These skeletons until I’m prepared but now that I have my ore I won’t even help you no no no no no no going to help you you don’t have to help me I have torches oh no I’m almost dead you should eat some food where I don’t know kill a bunny or

Something just been taking brag I’m not going to kill a bunny don’t be [ __ ] crazy my name is T my name is t shout out to everyone who’s joining us do you think uh caes have meat time what do you think caes have me yeah no they defo do definitely have feelings

Yes oh meat oh they didn’t have meat yeah kill the camel there was no meat no that’s sad [ __ ] I’m getting attacked by death devil mercilus I can’t escape my those are called dust bunnies those are called dust bunnies I need to find some coal and I exced Tina

She says oh Tina stop vaping stop vaping Anna oh okay and then she starts vaping me you probably got me sick anyways so I don’t think you should say anything I did not for once for once this was Tai and is precious Wisconsin Air Force air airport precious Wisconsin Air

Force The Truth is Out Tai is a big member of the Wisconsin Air Force secret there are a bunch of pigs in the village snakes you’re right we must kill their B don’t call them that really into Mak got an did you make

A did you make an axe Anna uh no I have not made one single thing easy pigs ow what Mar I hate this mini map cuz it Doesn’t Really show players that I could tell I think if you press a button you can see uh specifically like who people

Are why do you see where they are I think it might be t or something oh like where they are I don’t know I’m at where we kind of first started I’m at where we first started we first how do you know you’re at where we first started uh I

Just know there’s the pig I’m at the Village still okay Village is home base but feel free anyone can travel around that they need I’m also they’re allowed to travel yeah I’m allowing people to go travel I’m allowing there’s three pickles piglets two piglets here I should start [ __ ]

Feeding them wheat right or do I feed them uh if we plan to live here I guess you can if we stay here for a while this could be a temp base I don’t want to settle here though what do pigs eat uh I don’t know like they should eat

Wheat right clicking he’s not eating the we oh May no I think they eat um they’ll eat carrots I don’t know maybe carrot I don’t know yeah I don’t does make sense though going make a wooden sword to fight these skeleton potatoes or beetroot says py boy good luck fighting the Ender Dragon

I hope P can fight the Ender Dragon yeah dude I’m when I’m flying around with my elytra and you guys are [ __ ] crawling on the floor like a bunch of we’re all going to have it but you’re going have to ask yeah there’s Wings in late game

You’re going to need you know you need what right no because she said earlier that she’s like oh I’m going to have trees and all you’re going to be asking for no yes she did I have my own trees guess what I have my own trees I know but

Earlier she said I’m just playing it being like a joke like obviously you’re going to have enough [ __ ] dude you don’t have to rub that in her face you know I don’t know why you have to rub that in my face I’m not rubbing that quote unquote in your

Face I’m saying wouldn’t it be funny Fu was that oh ty not okay Ty are you okay there’s a worm Ty clipped out Ty was SL by B I got killed by seeking rev SC worm I hated that did you get yeed Ty maybe you shouldn’t Venture down there I’m going

Back down and I’m grabbing all my stuff and I’m going to become the king of the caves who hey everybody in chat who thinks Ty is g to be king of the cave right King of the caves in chat and also in my chat too Ty do you promise that you

Didn’t you promise that you didn’t take um a seed that was Fortress seed no oh so it’s probably not a fortress then the chances are low but it’s still worth going down cuz there’s did you see any good loot no but there’s stuff down there any bookcases that’s always a good

Sign I didn’t see any bookcases there’s another damn dust devil coming after me I hate these dust devils why did we install the mod where all the scary things are the cave centipede was terrifying how do you know that’s not a silver fish was that aish like are they

Coming out of the yes bugs swarms of bugs I’m terrified of swarms of bugs bugs swarms of bugs I’m terrified bye KS swarms of sulan of the subterrain I love that why is he leaving what does he I don’t know he’s probably got work to do why

Would he leave this he’s got [ __ ] to do I get it is in chat he’s saying why are you guys doing this together if you’re all doing things in different locations because eventually coming back together all the village is the temp base well I’m we need to we need to all

Get our own [ __ ] together first and then decide when we there’s lot of stuff that we need to do AKA getting coal AKA getting iron AKA I found some coal I’ve got coal burning I need other uh resources I’m getting a lot of that P stuff I used to use remember that what

Was it called Granite Granite whatever yep yeah I need to find some coal why you acting like I’m stupid why do you guys all play this game and act like I’m stupid every single time what’s Anna even doing oh hey um I’m doing my own thing maybe I’m trying to get to the

Village we hope Anna survives I just hope she makes it here okay I’m just worried oh no I di is it night time is it time to go to bed you’re the one playing the whole game with one heart say time time is everyone asleep I’ll leave when it’s time to sleep

I’m leaving I left I’m in bed leave too Ty who else is playing this from the mental hospital I guess do I have to leave too if you’re not in the bed yeah the mental hospital has good Wi-Fi okay tell us when there’s B wow okay tinaa well

Nice edgy joke it’s morning it’s morning I’m joining very if I was edgy I’d be I’d be Ricky jves okay give me one of those uh whale a whale well uh keep going this is one of his Classic Bits keep going no no no I don’t

Want to hear that cousin I want to hear Tina um I just saw a special but I wasn’t paying attention umad go ahead uh will you have sex with your mother yeah well it doesn’t matter because okay of today uh with covid vaccines and I’m cancelled apparently is what he would

Say okay yeah yeah he would yeah that’s it he made a lot of jokes about being that’s like really good that’s super good I think he got banned Max I’m sorry they might have caught you um um idling too much I think I found a

Mine for the bides bro do you want to hear my impression of Ty I think I think I found a mine I think I found a hor smoke detector Ty yeah it’s so like you people from Michigan you just never put the smoke should I kill the bird why you

Guys are asking Guster eye need to do a little no but like it’s it hot in the house maybe open the doors and windows yeah you might want to do that snake says Tina farted in the mother toilet but she didn’t poop is that how much you were slay today

Tina he’s saying you were slaying basically no I went number two in the baby toilet no I don’t have one of those I have two toilets I have a two bedroom two bed two bath apartment okay I’ll tell snakes that you do snakes she did not go number two in the mother

Toilet is that all I need to say Tito all right I’m going to send this to that’s all you have to say yeah I think you need to I’ll be right back Anna here anna here I got you a gift hi Tina do do you have any

Tools no here do you have any tools here you have this how do you do it oh I was killed just behind our village how do I get it just walk into it okay I got it oh no all my wood is gone e no it’s not gone why what

Happened oh you died I died yeah this a part of life maybe don’t die yeah maybe don’t die that’s really would you work so hard for it’s like it’s like almost as if me not getting a lot of wood was worth it because I won’t lose it in the end I

Never had it actually kind of worth it well enjoy the [ __ ] tools I made you out of all the wood I never lost yeah thank you oh my god thank you you’re welcome yeah are you saying that life is too impermanent for us to worry about lat if you never find love you

Never lose it that’s why you should never seek out happiness or love so true so true or pleasure no pleasure is only the only thing cuz it’s in the moment okay nothing nothing nothing everything’s fine everything’s fine everything’s fine everything’s fine everything is fine why would you even

Ask let me go see if I can collect any more we and mate or pigs no he’s F he just said you’re just baiting them why don’t you do something useful I’m trying never install the sex position mod like second life has t never installed all the sex mods requested a

Really good naked one and he never installed it he also never installed the ones that let you drive cars around which I’m so Happ okay why are you just [ __ ] on Tai for making his own decisions and being his own man I don’t want I don’t want Minecraft to become a

Crazy sex uh roller coaster Sim simulator some of us Escape here the rest of our life is a crazy sex roller coaster I would rather have I get it now now that you say that I get it i’ rather have you know doing Ender Dragon just killed a [ __ ] Crow somebody

Here wants to kill the under dragon I don’t know who [ __ ] skeleton first I just killed a bird it was so easy where’d he go I Ty try killing one of the crows it might feel good we need a p we need I’m making a tunnle in the

Village we need we need a tunnle in this Village second piece of wheat I want or or no we need to find a [ __ ] carrot never mind oh I have so much wheat wait Max come here you like I gave an a gifts we need to beat theat we still need we I

Got a gift oh Anna has a gift yeah what if just gave us like the netherite armor wa she has netherite already she just got the best armor yeah the best armor for those who don’t know it’s better than Diamond guys hey not as new to the news

Updates if people in chat don’t get it yet no matter what chat you’re watching it in Minecraft Mondays is is time for a few people who are close to just have fun together you guys know what I mean and beat the Ender yeah and we also hang

Out outside of this all the time and we Also we’re going to beat off the endon we we’re all friends in real life it’s hard to imagine how do you make bread getting pissed sounds like someone’s going [ __ ] insane why is bread hard why is bread hard because you left it out on the the three underne oh no it’s Shepherd’s wool

Shepherd’s wool underneath the village which means we could craft more beds anyways I’m making so much bread because I stole a bunch of wheat from this Village you don’t need any a man from the [ __ ] 70s I making so much bread why do you from St you know I don’t

Know I don’t know maybe it’s because she’s making literal Bread have you considered I’m getting so pissed off Discord keeps turning off are you [ __ ] yelling at me Ty yeah I hate Discord [ __ ] Discord did I still there no um after after the so bad

Yeah you just did I hate Discord oh you just did a Biscuit Fest or what what what did you call it spit the Discord app you you God forbid you want to listen to Spotify just it keeps pausing my Spotify don’t bring God into this you need to take a cool cool dude

You’re like being nutty as [ __ ] yeah it’s cuz I have too much of my Minecraft cocktail which makes me angry Which is my Minecraft um cook scw like um oh that’s cool that you bought yourself a Minecraft go goo GoPro cork screw wow I just saw

This the how you build how do you build a block how do you Max look okay what block do you want to make relax she got really excited about done this yet if you want to make um anything that you don’t know the recipe for I don’t

Know if you know this but if you hit the book the book icon in the crafting menu it’ll show you what you can make and it’s way easier than like what I had to do back in the day is learn all the recipes like a genius I am okay you

You going to stop being a a jerk to her okay so basically I want build a thing I can get out of here wish I could I’m like trying to build a staircase yeah I’m oh you want to just put a block down yeah it be um right

Click it’s you everything’s really just the right click right click yeah you surprised you didn’t try that first before asking but it’s cool I ask for help before try wait Max look look at me oh man I wish I could teleport I wish I could teleport up like a link of Zelda okay

Wait do you have a way to teleport up like in link of Zelda I wish I could link I wish I could teleport up is this thing that was my thought when I saw it first was like I wish I could you had to say what what’s that

Power called in the show in the movie in the game Ascend for something right oh yeah I wish I could s send you wish you could send I’m going to go wish I could Tina’s life hi hi hi really coming from you yeah coming from you what does that mean

Yeah I don’t know what that means yeah interesting coming from him of all people I wish I could Tina’s life in Minecraft not sure why I deserve that in Minecraft not sure why I deserve that does everyone going to sleep yeah I’m in bed I’m coming I’m

Coming believe you’re you’re in bed in the the home I’ve been working on the most Jesus Christ well go to the the bunk house that has 10 beds in it you go to hell and S and your whatever Tai said what the hell so Ty is a new chatter Ty

Can you read the new Chatter’s chat scay says I love cocoons oh nice dude that’s cool that means he’s got he’s probably living in a little sleeping bag that’s tucked up and it has all the nutrients that he needs for like 3 to 5

Months or know a man I don’t know or she I yeah or or they them or or Zer is this the one hour or something weird this is not that this is video Gam salad Max will make a Caesar salad and be like um put BAC in it and cucumber and uh

Ranch what are you talking about cucumber it would it would be like cucumber and Ranch like as the order yeah cucumber cucumber I’m going to die I found some cool wood though you drown hi where are you do you need help with anything me yeah she needs to know how to build

Why you in the water you know they make boats you can make a boat if you want okay so what happened was is that I drowned mhm uhhuh so if everyone can be respectful about that oh okay yeah okay oh I just think I hear you about getting uh

Torches but I just I simply need coal and how do you get coal you mine for it and so what am I doing I’m mining for coal by Co if you you guys okay I hope I hope everyone understands that Tai is actually working I’m working I’m [ __ ] working uh-huh

I’m [ __ ] working I’m collecting wood for myself i’ made making a t Dragon to speed up the walk up the hill you can make coal by burning wood right I’m teing that’s charcoal oh I can’t help coughing honestly and I don’t have the time to I’m getting mad now and I thinks and

Thinks I can pause my coughing to turn down my volume I’m not going to do that you if you were gonna maybe turn on your volume it would be like when you were coughing I don’t sorry I don’t plan my coughs out like you no I do I have when she’s

Sick no yeah she actually she gets really obnoxious about it yeah I’m just kidding dude ‘s never weird about it and it this is this is your fault T moment of silence for the drowner says it itad Deli wow itad Deli Elli itad Deli itad Deli AJ Ty you can make

Charcoal though if you if you put two wood in a furnace if you if you cook a log oh so did you guys download The Mangrove mode or what no it’s just you just happened to uh spawn in a swamp SL desert biome which doesn’t have a lot of

Trees no we’re going to I don’t think I want to settle around here we’re going to find much more beautiful better biomes but you need to start off somewhere um don’t we’re just going to we’re just going to feel ourselves out AJ’s asking ifal I don’t think so just mentally

Prepare yourself to make a uh tunnel even if it’s not forever you know can you make a furnace with cat Sandstone I don’t think so no how do you not have Enough how do you not have enough real stone is that what you were going to say yeah like he’s CU I died like 60 times and I now I’m in the desert and I’m mining he didn’t he didn’t mean to he was trying to beat the Ender Dragon

Everyone be nice a going to go punch it’s not guys I just learned something it’s not black wool it’s mud straight just said something else in the chat Ty read it I love puddles they said um I’m just confused what the f that means okay why don’t you chill

Instead of instead of ostracizing young men it just sounds like one of those things where they make you say it and then it’s you’re saying a slur at the end of the day well then why did you make me say it yeah to because I’m not gonna say that

I’m not saying anything anyone says ever I I can’t risk it you have a you have a real job wish I get adopt one scay says I love reading cards yeah can you say I love I’m so afraid of this person don’t I won’t say

That I can tell what the slur is I’m not saying it what’s the slur it’s a it’s a slur for people with gang wait I’ll mute myself and say it wait I’ll mute she said it she’s saying it in her in her room by yeah I told you scre doesn’t

It sound like that doesn’t it sound like that yeah like Gang Green no what should I do with copper I forget what you do with [ __ ] copper guys Copper’s pretty new I don’t even know myself what’s that mean copper it’s a it’s a type of

Metal oh sh grass in this game I thought it was a little guy I thought it was a police officer get it I can’t wait till we find where we’re going to live so what are your bases going to be like do you have any hopes

And dreams cuz we also have by the way everybody a furniture mod which adds a few Furniture pieces so very excited for that I I’m looking forward to uh building a big BAS the walls maybe ring I’m going to do a sky base oo floating

Got an island I want to have a little farm maybe that sounds nice yes there’s so many cool animals we could Farm too God I made so many picks so that I can get back to my Ender Dragon this Tuttle isn’t half bad I just threw garbage down there you

Picked it up idiot yeah I took your garbage and thanks for taking that oh man I forgot that I actually had a lot of good stuff don’t take my iron in the mine before I die take whatever the [ __ ] I want did you find your old stuff no I

Forgot to go back and get it it’s probably already despawned by now oh I might not she logged out Anna what are you up to gray doesn’t like the the girl that I’m playing with there are two girls but I have a theory I have a

Theory the girls you have a theory which one no not me oh not Anna it couldn’t be do Anna been silent every time and it’s clearly Anna do not say that not me it’s obviously me you know I thought it was it’s obviously you no it’s obviously Anna who hasn’t said much at

All in the past 10 minutes so clearly it’s and wasn’t making fun of she that exact person for saying weird [ __ ] yeah stray I was just joking around I don’t think you’re being bad or anything it was just a prank I’m sorry just a prank that one with the annoying voice

That doesn’t stop talking I’m sick I have sickness Anna I mean come on Anna has been talking has been talking a lot let’s so now you do think it’s her all right T you don’t stay like that so wait if we put wood into a furnace it turns into

Coal or do I have to do a smoker into a furnace you could burn wood with wood and you’ll make charcoal hey if you say so AJ jelli has a good point I think I think stray won’t hurt anybody’s a good guy although I’m really afraid of Going’s going to uh

Uhon well stray I think you’re [ __ ] annoying and dumb as [ __ ] coolay if you want to be in a chat that has a little less respect for TAA come over to the rat cousin stream at twitch.tv/ rat cousin true true I’m make so I shouldn’t be

Talking so much I’m going to make some torches let’s leave the airspace for the men let’s leave the for the two men here oh my god let’s just let’s just stop talking let’s just let’s just stop talking and let the men talk for once if

We could just let Ty and Max talk I mean rat cousin please that would be good I should no more women talking to my other mine and grab the I would love that iron ore that I have over there it what what Ty what sorry nothing that was my joke

Like I was talking over you on purpose as part of the joke I’m going to make some iron and I’m going to make an iron pickaxe and then I’m going to go to the Ender Dragon all right did you find an End Portal no I didn’t I found a m a little

Early you’re not he was just [ __ ] with you guys I think he’s just [ __ ] with you guys honestly honestly I think he’s just [ __ ] with what do you think of my ttle this is wild wild it’s just yeah it gets us there quicker instead of having to climb so

Deeply I love it do you love it for real nice are you in love with it this is better than what you made on the first server we ever had no that’s not true don’t say [ __ ] like that is true this is this is super nice and like

Humble the [ __ ] does that the other the [ __ ] is your problem lady what this is other stuff was way nicer oh what what’s less humble than more humble than saying no I don’t think this is something great uh I’m going to locky would you you don’t get your dude ass out of here

You’re going to be Banned I’m not nude and I’m not a person so it doesn’t matter I’m an animal character my um I’m not a furry either it’s a it’s a different type it’s a different type of thing I’m a Simon so it’s not just matter if I’m it’s not a person Ty is in the village

Right now sleeping that’s crazy I found a new mine area that I’m ready to go down into the basement to AJ I’m going to go get some groceries oh AJ is going out in the win gr says I’ll donate you $5 if you tell her to shut the [ __ ] up 10 in overnight

That’s crazy good luck don’t tell me that if you tell me that don’t tell me that unless he donates you the money I’m not going to I’m not going to youy Little Bird uhoh shut screeing Hawk you scre chicken hawk you you nasty foul you foul thing wait did

He donate oh every single time I say that you’re a [ __ ] nasty bag and a witch he donates more no he’s not donating he’s donating so [ __ ] much actually not true I’m freaking out if he really donated I would maybe mute my mic yeah you really donated you should mute your

Mic uh you send proof just shut the [ __ ] up okay okay okay okay okay so it works finally right Ty no I miss Tina honestly yeah I kind of miss can we call her was Oh we could oh I forgot to turn my lights on which lights do my my beauty lights looking for everybody in chat says I love Tai I love TI I love seeing Minecraft Mondays a chill Vibe where you just click around with your friends am I right

Guys I don’t know if I want to go back into this cave it’s too scary I’m going I’m going back to my Village cave I think that’s a cooler place to live I want to know about your village cave and I want to be part of

It I’m why is the Music epic all you’re doing is building a tunnel oh this is a an epic tunnel man this is real life man climbing stairs is give us I can’t wait to go to the nether so that I can get Soul Sand so I can do water

Elevators to be more efficient with my ability to climb and descend I would love that would you let me be part of this with you only if you’re would you let me only if you’re cool and chill about it well how would I not be cool and

Chill about it I don’t know sometimes you get a little wait hold up what are you about to say you get a little bit uncool and unchill about it you going to say something you’re going to regret dude no cuz it sounds like you’re about to say something you’re going to

Regret I mean I’d only regret it if you didn’t mean it if I didn’t mean it only regret if he didn’t mean it so you’re saying I rat doesn’t get too excited yes about elevators and how is that going to ruin that for you I don’t know I don’t know

Some oh you’re going to have to I’m I just have to explain all all of the things that I say now everything that I say has to have a meaning intention and purpose I can’t just say [ __ ] so you tried to just say lies for no reason now yes oh okay that’s

Fine thank you I I Vibe with that I Vibe with it yeah you know what I’ll I’ll do it for you I’ll freak out I’ll freak out or whatever the [ __ ] is you want me to do I’ll do it I’ll get too excited you know what I

Mean I’ll get too excited for you hold up there’s a brush did you guys see this lightning rod I can make a lightning rod oh yeah the brush is for like artifacts that’s like brand new you can you can make artifacts now or you can collect Pottery or something

I don’t really understand it you there’s like ancient villages in some of the dark down deeps it’s awesome it’s like Zelda now yeah it’s kind of like Zelda oh I can’t wait to have my Iron Equipment should I wear armor too I probably don’t have enough to do

Armor I’d like to know where all this iron is it’s in my caves well I’d like to come meet your caves the caves are in the village there’s a little there’s a little Hut that goes down a hole and that’s where my [ __ ] is find a little Hut you just started

Digging down from one of the Huts no not inside a Hut I made my own Hut you can tell tell because it looks like a dumbass made it oh no I have not seen dumbass house in an a village all right iron pickaxe oh I see

It see now you know I should I make it beautiful for you sure if you want we’re going to give it a little uh roof there’s a stone sword iron how do I choose only oh here we go everybody whoa Tina’s got a funny voice

On oh no it’s not Tina it’s some other chick who’s really cool oh SI yeah who has a deep voice naturally oh that’s sick this I like this guy what’s your name um it’s a I’m a woman oh what’s up you you guys seen that Tik Tok about

The girl has really low voice yes that’s actually what I was thinking of it’s me it’s me again sorry I stepped away so can you shut the [ __ ] up oh I’m just kidding what’s everybody doing in the game I don’t like that we’re all separated to be honest I’m

Actually with right now oh I see you both down there where’s Anna I miss Anna I’m I’m like hanging out I’m looking around how do you make a crpe are are you having fun a crpe it’s a flower and egg and milk oh oh I was more thinking like a crate

Like a way to store things oh well if you give me a for you I got one actually right here for you where do you want it we go no I I gave it to first thank you I’m the better friend I’m the better friend I’m the better friend how do you

Make it though this is nice it’s it’s it’s wood planks it Circle wood planks in a circle I mean I could have made that I think Anna should find us and go mining with us by The Village all right have you been mining yet super super much I haven’t a little bit

Yeah you need to do some um kind of mining is this called it’s like a van mining or something yeah strip strip mining you see how I’ve made Tai’s little house beautiful yeah that’s nice yeah it’s like the best thing you ever made ever in Minecraft I don’t know why you say I

Love I mean thank you I guess but I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m just waiting out here till Anna comes here to help us mine you bread if anyone needs bread no if anyone needs bread I’ll take some bread what I have okay I’ll give you a piece of bread I’m

On top of the building I’m just making his home beautiful it’s not my home it’s just where I do my little home beautiful it’s where I do my work Ty’s new home is beautiful I know Ty’s like it’s not my home it’s where I sleep and I work and I

Live it’s like yeah baby you [ __ ] live here brother all right I have an iron sword and an iron pickaxe and I’m going to go down Into the Depths and I’m going to crush and kill everything I see oh and I need torches too I almost forgot I need

Some torches as well I’m not going down till Anna gets here H it’s going to be a minute it’s going to be a minute you can kill your you have stuff you like do you have stuff you like how do you kill yourself why you died before are you

Okay how do you alter hand something I forget I think it’s f you could if you put if you um you could suffocate yourself drown yourself um then jump off tall buildings I mean mountains I think I see you unless that’s not you I need to make a better way up this

Part of the village oh my Lord a I thought that was Anda was it me yeah it was you which is still fine like you’re something just you know I know don’t know I know I found some more caves you guys hello tell us about it I’m happy

Waiting here for Anna and have to die she just find 250 200 how do how do you die um where are you depends I think I’m about to die that y oh he’s following me up he’s following me up the stairs he’s another piece of infrastructure blowed me up

That it’s fine everything’s fine I get blowed up no I’m fine yeah we need a quicker way up this part should link with this one people in chat I know they love it just watching us hang out man this just I would like to

Know I I would like to know if they want multi view or not cuz when I used to watch some people play Minecraft embarrassingly enough and I always liked seeing people’s point of views but maybe not everybody cares about that I kind of like it but I’m I’m I’m

Down to share share screens and stuff like that it’s much harder though and it takes up so much of your mental capacity CPU mental capacity and everything worried about me you guys are kind of doing it by streaming at once which is good yeah we’re both good maybe

That’s enough sorry I have to kill the skeleton once we’re all together more often go to bed it be better where’s Anna I’m in bed okay you know what I’ll just dis oh T moves is so proud of me for making torches and you know what I’m proud of myself

Too I’m coming to bed soon tell me when to come back T says yeah that would be helpful because you guys are doing different things no we’re not going to worry about it just listen to us talk that’s something I can agree with with snake no

I think just don’t [ __ ] care about it that’s something I agree with with snake about so so what would I care what we could do is I could I could multistream with Sor stand Anna I could OBS ninja tinas and then flip between us two every once in a

While and then yeah and I could just give cues if something I’m doing is important sure okay well I was actually really curious if there’s such a thing as like if if no I don’t know forget God what you’re G to say no it was not good

It was dumb coming back is it morning yeah it’s morning B basically maybe in the future if we keep this up um if we keep it up then we can um do like two and two that makes a lot of sense one of my YouTube users is asking

If rat cousin streams on YouTube no he’s twitch only H me sorry they they just not want to to here uh no you need this I’ll make you something they have a bunch of extras so if you stay there I wonder if I can grab this

Glow plant me the women are doing a big mining trip oh the women sounds great look at them there standing around a lone crafting desk I’m making her things it’s called things it’s called nesting wait here’s another one you need three these will break fast U it’s called

Nesting thank than you don’t take this sand I don’t want it it’s Gage what is that copper um I I want Iron more than I want Copper though let’s the M we’re taking women are we’re going to the mine I need to put my jacket on first the women and you know there’s

Um yeah there’s armor in this game she knew that I shouldn’t even talk there’s your your back panel is not green nuh or it’s a tape have a tape whatever it is it’s bad I don’t like it either honestly thank you for the fashion sh that’s why as

Women are in the mind together so we can be like yo your breath Elation device is not doing this is not working this breath device is not serving it’s giving mother spashing around in the vibrant holes yeah it’s perfect if you hit shift and shift is an

Important button it lets you crouch over edges so if you’re on like a scary ledge you hit shift and hold it down all right down to the mine a snow as the men found the stairs right here I found coal what Stairs oh okay not even negative in the y space yet how’s everyone’s speed doing is anyone laggy I’m good okay ooh drip Stone this is a new this is a new stone oh of the monsters whoa oh Anna just got no no it’s really good that’s a big

One the big advancement good that you got you should be proud oh hey Co Stone mine together all the all the people on Max upstairs decorating which is so good which is so good for someone like him what are you guys why are you guys upset no we love it breeding animals you’re

Making animals have sex it’s good for us I don’t have any of the animals not about you at all I need to go it is that you’re there need to go think I’m watching these animals [ __ ] is that what you’re say yeah whoa the funniest thing just happened I just dropped a stag

Um tight uh it hangs tight to the ceiling tight on a creeper that’s a stupid way to know it and it just injured it I think it just blew up Anna over there but she’s fine Anna do you need bread fine if you’re hung

Here I can’t find my egg I have extra oh there it is let me put another I just got an Ender coin somehow oo what an guys there’s a mine down here this is a sweet ass tunnel you’re welcome there’s a sweet tunnel over here I love this

Tunnel it looks like there’s a bunch of [ __ ] over there this giv you a sword and we’re adding infrastructure function I’m eating all this uh uh don’t eat that and is eating copper no no copper I’m eating all this copper it’s so good uh my why did you teach Tia how to eat

Copper there’s a oh no no no no no bad thing oh the worst thing is over here oh guys this bad worst thing it’s fine it’s just a cave spider spawn deal just no it’s just cave spider vanilla but I’m putting to it’s fine they’re just like the worst pest I

Swear I don’t like them haave spiders y guys you know said it’s fine it’s fine I wor all right I won’t worry don’t worry about it but we are in a cool down this tunnel tie have you seen it yet I haven’t gone all the way down it no I

Had to come back up cuz I was hungry and I still don’t have any food so I don’t know we’ll find it then I put some torches down um if you come down here I’ll give you bread oh wait I have some raw rabbit I’ll just eat the raw rabbit C it

That’s good for you so what’s the first thing you need to find you you’ve gotten your iron right yeah what else do you do now we need ender pearls can you cook raw rabbit in the furnace you can wow I think you can cook everything in

The furnace what do you mean it’s raw imagine they made a raw thing like there was no option to oh I don’t think so I don’t know though we got a cave a cool mine system though I’m happy about this I want to check it out perhap it is the the rat

Cousin’s underground home would beautiful place to be insane I thought he apartment a condo I thought he lived in a condo in Atlanta how would he be here you an underground home is this who’s talking right now like to be rude or something oh feels like you’re trying to be weird about it

No no no no it was nice getting McDonald’s with you recently yeah I thought we had a good time I thought we popped off thought we fed smoker Cooks food slightly quicker and only accepts food there is a smoker I’m sorry for saying that it’s a sick

Cave okay I need to see if I can Shear these oh [ __ ] oh I want to what those chose not to put it here yeah there’s so many cool bugs and birds and Etc hard to work ouch I see her mining Ed we’re all so proud of you oh

My god another spawner which is usually awesome to find oh no wow a bunch of copper we should play in Hard Mode no we’re playing normal let’s just figure ourselves out first no impossible mode where you um impossible mode where like where you I found a golden apple you

Know what that means you know what that means finishers we know you’re excited any remembers what was it you can you can turn a a zombie villager into a regular villager right yes Ty I won I passed the Minecraft quiz yes yes we’re all proud of Tai what

Was my sentence though I’m sorry you were talking about I guess or something Ender Dragon probably that wasn’t hey shout out for 100 bits To Us by crack disy who loves listening to whatever this is bits ladies and gentlemen hey this is rat cousin late night radio turn this on

To hear whatever this this is while you drive home tonight got up for another hund bits people want this I think people want me to get a PoBoy I wonder really I have a po boy on the way boy sorry sorry that we both made fun of

You at the same time yeah I feel like I’m being made fun of um and that’s guys have you seen how much easier it is to get to the top floor of the village no I haven’t been up in a while working for the team infrastructure I’m collecting mine rails

Tai is beneath me wait Ty stay there oh I see you I unlocked wood you what guys guys I need y’all to start a hype train if you guys love hearing Tina complain about whatever she’s complaining about start a hyr with us am I complaining oh I guess I’ll just m

Myself someone’s killing me I need to escape sorry Anna what nothing oh there’s a spider spawner here holy [ __ ] yeah Ed it see there’s a torch on it I didn’t see it I’m dumb yeah it’s it’s it’s okay it’s um I de decommissioned it following Ty right now what okay never

Mind she was trying to I said I’m falling Tire right now and then uh and then and no one cared for some reason you got upset I oh I found an angry Slender Man should I kill him I’m almost dead I can’t kill him I can’t kill him this is why I should

Follow Tai cu you’ll he’s going to die bad choices yeah it sounds like he’s making bad choices I don’t know how to get out I’m on my way to you to save you from TY is he hurting you oh no I’m not hurting her can you collect all my stuff an he

Ty hit Anna too hard H Anna Ty what okay like yes she got your stuff that’s nice that’s why you that’s why she knew it’s like her Instinct she knew you’re going to die soon so she followed you to Rob your tpse all right I’m in bed I got to make another

Drink so uh see you guys in a see see you guys later okay I think something’s wrong with Ty crap Master Zach is posting emojis because he wants a [ __ ] hype train so bad oh do you want to hear my new word okay want to hear my new word

Speaking of us your new word or speaking of um memojis yeah I’ve heard that before like memojis like it’s like Emoji it’s like emotions I’ve been saying BR and I’ve liking saying bobly a lot you guys know what a mod modicon stands for no no no idea emotional conveyance was shot by

I got I get killed we have severe freezing warnings uh this [ __ ] creeper Bro we’re down a farm this piece of [ __ ] it blew up the that’s your fault it’s my fault you should stop that yeah yeah it’s okay though it’s okay I was going to I was going to terraform that farm away anyway to make the I think the last thing we do

Today is is travel toward like but when we’re about to leave we need to travel and find our base yeah stop it you’re being very controlling man this is a Vibe oh bit they come on yeah B sorry does that upset you no no I’m fine CU everyone’s here to chill

Not to do what Tia wants all the time I just trying to move it forward we’re all just mining we we are moving it forward you know we’re being good boys you’re the one designing a village for some reason we’re g to leave soon this is

Very important it is it’s fine to design something we’re going to leave soon it’s fine to like to be with someone that you plan to leave soon hell how are you saying weird [ __ ] somebody hit you today no andna did earlier on the game that’s cuz she’s rude number one rude

Boy do we have any rude boys in chat imagine like rat cousin pops off and becomes a Minecraft streamer playing this and you have to like you have to play it and people get mad if you don’t hey it will become my life you know what

I mean and you’ll be like dream and you’ll start grooming people no just just just monkeys and then people will be like rat cousin reveal face reveal matat cousin face reveal finally that’d be fun Anna’s never seen rat cousin’s face it’s true she refuses to look at me understandable to her I am

Foul yes you guys trying to sleep yeah oh you are yeah I’ve been I’ve been sleeping sorry I’ve been trying to sleep okay I’ll come to sleep I’m going to sleep as well you can leave the game there we go hello lugaro get a scratchy boo we’re having a good time discovering

Everything in mcraft we’re going to find out everything in this game you can come back team did you hear that oh I guess she left I guess she’s really upset I can’t get my other camera working oh no everything’s broken now how is your drink that you made are you proud of

It why yes rat cous it I am good to hear that Ty I can’t talk to you I’m going get trying to get my other camera working oh no it’s okay you’re ignoring me I got it nice peaceful ad of Village nice this is so annoying oh

Well I guess I’m not getting another drink well I’m sorry bab s sad I’m sorry what could I do where’s Tina it I I can’t help where’s Tina everyone’s turning into children Miss Tina okay what do you want me to say something cute or funny or something

Like some kind of fun story no I want Tina only yeah I was thinking more like what what would Tina would do in this situation like what way H only Tina like no one else like only Tina yeah I hate hearing Anna’s voice even cuz it’s not Tina it’s it’s not

Tina well I could pretend to be TAA I mean yeah the same hey guys no that’s not it no no no yeah I’m sorry it’s okay it’s not for lack of wanting you know you know I’m not you know I think you know what I mean I get it I’m not like deliberately

Tried to sabotage myself for yada yada you know all that nonsense you know like I was just trying I was trying to see if I could help make you happy by being Tina in the moment you know attacking oh there’s a damn skeleton attacking me oh yes I agree Kina

Kina oh I found a cat and another cat make them breed I don’t have fish how was your P boy how was your hamburger Po Boy she she’s still gone okay I got to go to ties mine hey hey everybody hey I I spilled mzw all over my foot I got to be right back she’s becoming one of those Mescal guys you know those older guys who’s like hey I’m in the mees cow let me

Share it with you come hang out with me let me share it with you you know what I mean I hate those guys I know they’re kind of nice you know e hate skeletons kind a doubt I’m I’m going to try and assist you you know what I

Mean yeah I just need more armor which means I need need more iron so um I don’t know everything’s terrible hey hey hey maybe you need to be more stealthy no it’s not how you go around just rushing through I mean they they can see you whether you’re stealthy or not yeah

They’ll just like try to avoid them is what I’m trying to say sorry about being rude no I just don’t want to hear the truth right now sorry need to find my old deaths bro up sorry it sounds like it’s actually tough for you are my old deaths

Wait this is get a stowed sword or two I’m going to come help you man you want to double team these skellies B yes Dr Pepper them up I need to find where they were though I can’t even find my old dead body scissor tactics if I even knew where I died I

Could I could possibly oh wait this looks familiar doesn’t it show you mine has been showing me on my screen where I died yeah I turned that off cuz I didn’t like it was annoying me but [ __ ] I’m going to kill you now the skeleton [ __ ] him up oh I

Found a a lava pack yeah Vengeance wish I knew where Tai was wish I knew how to love him the way he needs there’s another goddamn skeleton oh big Cave System ohow it’s beautiful where is this [ __ ] oh I see you [ __ ] there’s so many there’s so many I got to go I’m

Dead I wish I knew where you were I’ll wait for you I’ll go with you this next time okay Okay actually I’m lost I don’t I don’t know where I am shoot all right I’m I’m just going to run and Gun I’m not even going to try and attack them I’m just going to try and get dark I can’t see anything try and get my [ __ ] and leave

Here we go I’m holding a torch so I can see what I’m doing here run run run run run yes phone run run run run run run run [ __ ] where am I and who am I and what is happening where is Ty I’m going to help

Ty I want a oh boy really bad [ __ ] kill you yes yes I’m the Champion I am the champion how many of them did you Slaughter my friend how many would you Slaughter I’m going back uh oh this might be a a spawner there might be a skeleton spawner down there because they

Just keep showing Up And now that I’m out of charcoal I can’t make any more damn hat W I found the mine have you guys been here already Ty yeah we’ve been through a decent amount of it yeah oh that’s the that’s the spider spawner let’s see spider spawner everyone was talking

About all right my nephew and his girlfriend says BC hocky boy have their computer set up to fight to right next to each other I have to hear myself as I speak every time we play elded Ring I’m used to it how’s it going everybody bad I’m lost in the caves I 500

Times oh there’s so many bad guys in the cave it’s annoying oh my God another [ __ ] skeleton I’m sick of these [ __ ] hey he hey they didn’t have to be there either but yeah we’re kind of in their space we need to respect it and that’s just the part of their

Tradition they didn’t land on Anna Village a village laid it on them yeah and honestly water all over our Cave System I think water can sometimes be there cut I don’t love Tai’s cave I’m going to say this you didn’t make the whole thing yeah it’s just chaotic it’s just chaotic

Because no it’s just chaotic yeah because it’s a natural cave no I’m not talking about visuals babe it’s not his name well I could call it whatever the [ __ ] I want butthole I found soad of you [ __ ] uh I feel like maybe we should move

On to the place we want more maybe we should take these resources we have instead of are you trying to piss me off trying to piss me off huh is this what I said 10 minutes ago isn’t this what I said 10 minutes ago and you’re like at

Least B us around yeah baby oh what a good idea you had Max what a good idea rat what a good idea oh who who thought of that idea I agree actually I agree I’ll put you guys there’s a blue guy a glowing blue guy okay he’s proba nice St up to

Him I agree though we should um come together when everybody’s ready I’ll be ready soon grounds are bad bad bad very violent all right I’m coming up to the to the air I’ve been down here too long yeah you’re getting fumed level three Now yeah not for long though I’m just going to die what are drip stone blocks don’t know what will I take for our journey ooh I see Oak chair make boats oh guess I’ll make boats nice I can’t wait to make furniture I’ve never done Furniture I love oak

Table they’re nice too it’s not like crazy it’s like only like 80 pieces it’s nice let’s see what Oak chair looks like oh you guys are going to love this there’s a little Patio Restaurant boy Pao restro you’re going to love this people go outside uhhuh I’ll

Whoa and I could sit on the chair what the [ __ ] dude you could sit on the [ __ ] chair how do I get out of this damn cave yeah that was what I was saying for the longest time my friend and free got shot by skeleton hen got shot by a

Skeleton H got shot by skeleton rubbing it in I don’t know R three times in a row I don’t know yeah because I was fighting a horde of skeletons and you know what I killed them all eventually and now I’m level three so level three wow he’s so cool guys

Right yeah what level are you go ahead R what level are you go ahead I’m level two yeah oh one just one you’re not say lies I haven’t died I don’t think I died yet let’s it’s okay though I haven’t been taking any risks it’s going take risks

Oh no oh oh this is bad why am I in the water oh oh why are you in the water what’s going on I I dug straight up and I was in the water you’re eating so loud Jesus Christ let her live how is it what flavor PoBoy did you get I haven’t

Opened the Po Boy yet I feel like I can’t even eat I have to mun down as much as I can in between walking play booy I mean the fren turn your okay I’ll be in bed bed all right I can’t wait till you guys come to The Patio Restaurant I’ve set up

Hope you guys like It okay bed is occupied need to put a little lighting no you have to right click there’s no light over here that’s the problem my Po Boy is awesome I have french fries and gravy in it that sounds I don’t know if there’s anything else in there but

That doesn’t sound much like a b Boy tell me when it’s morning [ __ ] I guess I got to go to bed damn ain’t letting me just build people over here just chomping and Stomping is it time can I come back yep you can come back now why does no one ever tell me when I can come back it just start it just happened bro bro bro it just happened you going to come see my Patio Restaurant oh God man what’s wrong I just don’t feel like I’ve made enough progress now I can’t connect to my own server that’s in my own house oh Damn hey stay stay broke bro failure to connect time ser timed out o that says more about you than it does the server my local IP right TAA there you are okay this is my Patio Restaurant what do you think I hear you but I’m sure it was a good thing you

Said think you muted because you were chomping too much oh boy a famous uh cheap New Orleans sandwich normally with fried oysters or with odan or something for you it’s fries and gravy killing this Mouse cuz I’m mad hey come on I killed him rude that’s rude all right what

Now you got to tell us kid why we should move on all right let’s move on if Tito will turn on her mic instead of just holding this piece of bread at my restaurant she’s eating dude you told her to turn off her mic no no let her

Eat think people should do what I say when I change my mind oh some of the watermelons have sprouted here that’s probably good to get make sure I get the water Bellow seeds taking my to okay I’m back I don’t know what happened everybody hear me yes yeah yeah sounds

Like everything tasted good hello I love this restaurant uh service was terrible though but where are we off to now very funny I think we go uh let’s go to where we started and an a village and proclaimed it at a village I will eat some watermelon

Slice we’ll stand the vage and we’ll we’ll vote on a direction okay I guess I’ll make some boats for everybody cuz I’m the bo I made one I guess I didn’t make four one for who it’s Women and Children First okay let me make last very last let me make three more okay Kid should we take one of these pigs with us do you have yeah do you have a do you have a lead no then I don’t think it’s going to happen babe yeah do you even know the pig’s um name Jeffrey name oh come on if we had seen

Logs coming up exin joke yeah nice politics come on yeah I don’t want talk okay I see H I’m go I’m going to where the women made clothes together over here oh I’m waiting them chopping wood we’re getting wood cuz we’re women well we were going to go into a Direction

Together okay we’re we’ll be there in one second can you wait one more additional second or no I don’t think you’re on your way that’s the problem oh oh he what do you suggest we look for out there in the in the Big Wide World um uh some beautiful place that has

Animals and trees nearby and good landscape I don’t want like a flat land I don’t want to live in the desert I um that’s what rat cousin said he wanted to do is live in the desert it’s okay it’s okay I’m I’m willing to compromise no the desert’s bad place to

Live unless you’re like on the maybe I will come back to Anna Village someday eradicate everyone here and build a giant temple in their honor sacrifice they’ve made to me there’s Tina where’ hree go there’s where’s Anna come on everybody you you’re being really bossy right now everyone’s here buta where is

Aah come on you’re being bossy we’re kind of just doing our thing f look at that pig in this house idiot pig look at this idiot Pig let’s fre the pig before we go p with me can we kill the Pig free the pigs free the

Pig free the pigs free the pigs free the pigs he got mad no I don’t think you got mad oh take them take the pork and leave all right let’s get out of herei is Anna here it’s fine no we’re still here take your time just by The Village I not I

Don’t know how we should really kill a Golem if we can all team up against it I don’t think we’re going to be able to manage or drop sand on its head yeah we only have stone [ __ ] weapons bro not me they’re really strong WR so I don’t want to risk

It might dig around It let me dig under wa what’s the plan are we abandoning Anna no she’s right across the W she’s get wood we’re trying to kill this Golem first to get iron won’t be that hard it’s important we can’t hit it please don’t hit it almost there what

Are you trying to do what’s the plan just attack it when it can’t defend itself Jesus Christ he his torture beckan ISM she’s Making don’t you think that he won’t be able to protect the village anymore and then he’ll be and then the there’s another one oh I don’t care about the Village People you don’t care about the people of adaa Village just be careful I’m going to hit always get more

People oh hit me and I was strong good job let’s te again why I Hur again yes kill this thing dude we are on the of pistols B and I would have left this we killed it what did we get you could have that I think she would have hated it actually

Cuz it held a little Poppy I stole the iron In I don’t need it how much should it give us like the villager’s down there now this’s make him stuck forever stop no man alive Jesus Christ wae is there more I think if you if there is a heaven after life to you I think I think a lot of Minecraft crimes

You’re going to have to answer [Applause] for I collected some feathers I don’t care oh just as a reflection of your spirit you know maybe they should have a Golem protection Anna was shot by a skeleton okay so she’s here okay you wa I want to pick up our

Stuff first your death is M as on the map fine whatever whatever oh no it’s important if you had a lot of good wood which direction do we head north do North Water Ina did you get a did you make a boat I have three boats my inventory than for not making

Me one I’ll make my own boat thanks good hey guys I’m I’m placing boats thanks for thinking of me I’ll just hold on a second or don’t we’ll wait for you Anna’s waiting for you she wants to make colos I don’t want to get uh I don’t

Want to get copyright struck so please don’t Su that okay okay you like makeing love look at these crazy creatures in the water called octopus the man shrimp I hate them they’re who would like to lead not me you right click it there you go who will lead I’m leading a

Sto as we say goodbye to an a village I think of the memories I had there crafting a tunnel system that they didn’t even pay taxes for granted they did let us Lodge with them and they were patient when we l L creepers in and then killed their prize Pig I mean their

Prize iron but we did kill their Pig we did kill their prize Pig too yeah but those were small requests we made as I improved their town and you left with them uh chests full of goods for them to perhaps trade with the Metropolis that we’ll eventually create

Maybe up at this oh look at that thing on over here wait let’s what is that there’s a a sky home a floating island or something it’s bug anyways I’m keep going you see this yeah is this what we want no no keep going there’s so much

More to see it’s all desert oh this is Desert I thought that was Stones no I’ve lost track of you I’m I’m behind full stone though oh boy you guys good behind us uh yeah yeah and it’s gone off for a second and it’s long gone I’m coming I’m

Coming she’s right there the controls are not easy they’re like tank controls we’re about to stop anyways I think we’re out of water it’s time to be on foot moments like these when I remember the first men walking through Europe and Africa and Asia wait there might be a there’s a

Shadow there’s a throughway no there’s not never mind yeah you can destroy hit shift to leave the boat and then destroy the boat to pick it up heck no I’m build I’m forging a Panama Canal what the heck not even becoming infrastructure build let me go assist ladies come

Assist us we’re helping Tai build this Panama Canal which we actually called the Anna Canal because it’s near Anna Village is it that easy there’s ocean here oh this is the panal anol canal anal Canal anal Canal Anna trying to break her boat can’t do

It okay we’ll get back in it cuz we’re going back in the boats it’s okay I got it over here we need you I can’t wait to be in the vast ocean you see our little squares up the screen you guys are doing great role play all

Right yeah this is a role play server we role play as first men we are Neanderthals There’s a Zombie coming after you fools toe oh but it’s falling into the water you’re going to say there’s a zombie coming after you fools There’s a Zombie coming after you wait

Wait wait how do you rebuild your boat get to select it and right click it out the water is it there you go oh there’s another Village over here oh we should stop cuz they might have good resources we should be trading if we have anything tradable I don’t

Think we do we could start to get emeralds I have BM this is like let’s just do a quick detour please so what do we call this Village do a a quick detour I do we do need to dat this can we can we put markers on the map what is the map

Controls you guys know they have hay BS just hit buttons they have sheep instead of pigs at this one hay bals are really good you should take them oh and Lamas sheep we could breed o now sheeps I could get into we all need to sleep immediately before we die I’m going to

Die right now no come to the Village come to the Village I’m trying it’s okay she’s on her way ooh I’m in a deep sleep all right I’m going to actually try and make a drink this time uh-huh I can’t find the bed oh that’s too

Bad Anna’s found me ah watch out there’s creepers Anna you okay I love hear you yeah hurry up and get in a bed so you don’t Dy but I don’t have a bed I got a bed do I just eat the paper that’s stuck to the French fry Deo just so

You won’t let me rest because of the monsters haha ha I see you I see you spamming it I’m spamming right click I’m in bed I’m safely in bed over here and I’m watching you trying to sleep but you have insomnia okay I can’t the monsters oh my God there’s so many zombies

Outside okay there are so many get out of the way watch watch our boss go into my bed I think you guys took my bed oh there’s so many I actually am afraid to go out there I told you right God so [ __ ] many you know all I can

Offer in this situation TI is a chair for these triy tuugs oh really where oh no I need a chair wait Anna just slept oh she’s been there oh my God this is horrible I will take this stuff in here though I got myself a little ice

Cream oh no who opened the door oh they break down the door I think oh my god oh no no no no no no no no no no I think my spawn was set though don’t take my [ __ ] M was I can’t help it if I take your [ __ ] you died on

Me oh damn ha it’s so warm in this bed like they’re all coming let me Tred with this with villager here I might have another bed I put down here’s another bed we should have Sten bed from the other Village I did I actually did do

That I had one but I think had stole it from me I didn’t though there’s three beds in here I’m in bed personally personally I’m in bed me I’m in bed might might just be me but I feel like I’m in bed but no one else is I’m

Feeling very sleepy but I can’t really sleep because there’s so many villagers putting around in my bedroom I got into bed finally hi do hi Dey hi dookie he’s today my does he ever yell at you hey someone has a bunch of good stuff that they stole from me can I have it

About back what do you have that you didn’t have before this guy will give like a mro vog bread you took all my bread I need my bread back I have four pieces of bread I had a bunch of wheat I actually have eight but I’m

Taking four as uh okay TX yeah I understand that’s okay I do not have your wheat um you retook my bread it’s fine I’ll make my own bread creeper we’re destroyed this is a town that’s been plagued by creepers they were safe in everything before we got here what how should we name

This I think you took my never mind took all my [ __ ] it’s fine what [ __ ] I don’t have anything I killed one has I killed the creeper I like the camels are sitting down hi camel wonder if camels like beetroot whoa there’s a new bird it

Looks crazy chewy yeah it’s like a weird little vulture right yeah should we set to the Seas again after we make our hail into bread Yeah I’m returning to port uh Port explosion Port opid hyber Port um bum what should we call what should we call this land that we’ve destroyed with so many cre I discover it first oh there’s a d you want to call it ta no TI started at first so it should be

Tville tville yeah all right I’ll get back in my boat now what it’s my boat I think you’re in my boat do North again you’re not no I don’t have a boat so this must be my boat where the hell where are these ladies at come on the US men we are

Ready to go in boats yeah you took all my stuff you took up I don’t have your stuff lady where did Anna go are those sharks uh I don’t know wait you just wandered off yeah we’re back on the boats Anna okay no we’re we’re in we’re in adventure

Mode we can’t we can’t wander off anymore I didn’t know I no you yes you did no no no where you wonder off to look there’s only a a certain amount of experience before you know when to stick together and when to go off on your own I didn’t know I’m sorry thought

Was I thought I was go off on your own time what do I do guys I don’t know hang on I’m coming I’m heading do North okay we figure out how it work oh oh no go ahead go on do North I just let go with

Ti oh if you hold tab you can see people’s names on the map as ion that’s so useful let me see if I can find Anna and don’t worry about us we’re just do North so we’re not straying from the north at all I see TI I see Anna on the map

Thought Anna left again with me we just do nor she right over here out ow that looks cool should we go over there Tina yeah how do you build it I need I my spawn distance is much lower than yours you have it already in your

Inventory I don’t know select it in your inventory whoa there’s a hammerhead shark oo scary I don’t know how that’s e what the there’s a little island over here this is the what you’re saying wow about it’s a little Island have it in there I thought it looked cooler before

I got to it it sucks never mind don’t come over here no it’s just really wow over here I thought there’d be like volcano or something but this is also wow around the coast I’m going to the other side I’ll meet you uh to at the North End of the coast

Okay you in your boat he guys you can also sit in the same boat oh yeah I just remember you don’t you don’t want that boat anymore I don’t care I have W do North I love it where will we end up no one knows

Well I think we should end when we find a place we like I mean oh wow it’s like somebody said that earlier oh did you I did not hear you no you actively yelled at her for tell controlling us oh that would never happen and don’t you ever hit

F5 you see me up to your left this way across the sea want to jump in my boat with me oh there’s a new land and not do you water no oh why not what the hell now this is a wow land guys b a good wow worthy Place

World of Warcraft according to TI yeah there’s a little bit of land to the yeah let’s see what this is all about this is more going I don’t know where you going you’re supposed to follow me we’re going nor just get her Court I see her on the video it looks

Like there’s bad lands in the map though let’s uh yeah let’s just pause let’s wait here till they get back they’ll be find us soon all be right we’re at negative uh 12 1200 North just so you guys know well it’s 100 and then 1200 100 and a negative 1200 okay so

We’ll have a little little West there mostly North yeah is it a mushroom Island ooh Anna would love right that’s too rare what’s the brown stuff do you see the brown or is that Badlands I think that might be Badlands might be mud it looks cool it’s

Got like it’s got layered uh rocks in a fun cool looking oh yeah and I would love this negative 1,000 you said 1 1200 yeah 100 and then negative 1200 we’re at 100 and 800 counting it’s raining outside my house would you believe that really yeah what that’s super cool it’s

Supposed to storm really hard tomorrow uh I made a big a freezing warning whole thing at school oh made a big pile of pine straw on my driveway and now I’m worried that it’s going to be all dank and gross and moldy it will be dank for sure I don’t know if

I like this island the captain who is the leader uh we’re almost this island looks a little uh it’s kind of DED Bing oh there’s a fortress I think there’s a sunken ship nearby what oh there’s emu holy [ __ ] they’re powerful okay where are you guys I

Killed him ni killing local Wildlife I killed the kangaroo too there’s a kangaroo yeah I’m about I’m at 90300 okay I don’t see you at all on the map oh the kangaroo is killing me it’s kicking the [ __ ] out of me oh I got him I I got him I got

Himine if you died how annoying would that be be careful let’s Hold Still till they find us they’re close get out of the boat negative 100 left shift sh I got kangaroo hides what do you think you could make with those probably kangaroo Pelt an outfit you can become a kangaroo in this

Game probably yeah in this game anah and I are on this island I don’t see you guys on this island man the brown island with all the brown trees a negative a desert island okay the [ __ ] the Brown Island negative 100 big is the island negative

100 I heard 100 an back we moved we moved turn around Anna turn around no come I can’t lose you over here we could find you if you want we never be able to find her again I find me I know where you are that’s why I said turn around 72 72

1,13 perfect I’m on my way wait now I don’t have a boat though wait let me come let me come back to the boat I’m so angry I’m going to kill this rabbit I’m going to eat some raw kangaroo meat I think yeah what’s a flavor probably

Sucks I don’t know oh there you are Hey where’s our boat flavor oh I’m going back to the boat was it over here this boat there’s a spider in our way though am I crazy or did I see Cazador from Fallout New Vegas there says somebody I saw that same

Thing peina Tina rat and an cool it now oh man remember Cool It Now the song yeah cool it it’s about abstinence I see cka I see you guys I see you guys see you stop moving what are you doing we’re in a great canyon man making

A boat I’m making a boat don’t worry Ty what about our boat though yeah it’ll be our boat we have plenty of boats move it too it’s a nice mahogany boat that’s what we need Anna what have you learned about Minecraft in your session uh I don’t know I hate

It we’re on the way guys defo Square I think you’ll like it once we have a plan oh never mind I died somehow by a husk that should be fine I bet you’re close no she’s no not at all well Ty do the command what’s the command

Um if you’re admin isn’t it like TP or something might to go in the admin chat there’s a village over here is this we visit this Village this is New Village we’re right by where you guys left off oh my God look at this thing that just fell what is that it’s a

Trident oh it’s a trident it’s a Triad a child’s bed from one of the ground yeah Ty I think there’s a I’ll look up the command TP command Minecraft admin TP to TP and a and and and and and a h freeze it might work on your normal

Game but it might not so wait I just do TP and then her name and then um your name maybe that would work but maybe you have to do it in your special mod uh admin thing that like that SL sorry FL TP no it just says unknown

Command maybe you’re not an admin on your own thing I might have to make myself an admin okay I’ll sleep leave is there a chat when you when you make a server let me see if I can uh uh do it via the my um [ __ ]

You might able to yourself I have a I have a console on the server that I have to look at console cool it’s morning don’t worry about it well I mean if we’re teleporting at this point are we even really playing the game she’s new it’s cuz she’s

New oh no don’t worry about me I I disconnected how do I make myself an Admin uh you should keep the stream going I believe it’s probably Anna’s vet do that’s fine yeah I was going to do other stuff I do need to go to bed yeah I may go to bed too cuz I go to so early to get up so early well we’ll we’ll have

To come back another time I’ll be on stream tomorrow afternoon after finishing some work thank you for joining this little chill Minecraft m and I hope you had a good [ __ ] time if you didn’t I’m sorry The Vibes were different maybe they were good for you hi thank you rat

Cousin I will see you on another Onead I’m going to hang up this Discord call cuz I’m the only one on it okay that was fun wasn’t it we learned so much about each other and our friends maybe we learned about our friends and each other I need to figure out how to get this other camera working because we

Got to I got to do my juie slide now my hair looks [ __ ] weird right now I don’t know what to do about it um okay it’s time to troubleshoot is this working do we like this wait is this working wait okay wait is this working wait okay wait wait is this Working Work do this work do this work Is this working now okay hold your horses folks we’re going to get back to it I promise you that my uh there’s a little bit of a technical malfunction we got a little bit of a technical malfunction and that’s okay that’s part of the process we’re just focusing in

We’re trying to work it out all right but we’ll get there together well but why am I not on top of you can you explain that okay now I’m on top of you now why is my other camera not working so I can do my juby slide Content who’s got the juby slide tutorial do we do a new juby slide tutorial every time we do it who’s got the juby slide tutorial on in in hand and why is my terod deck not Working it says that it’s receiving video which is weird says receiving video did I press a weird button or something I’m going to turn it off and then turn it back on see if that fixes a prma okay it says terod deck it says no it says connecting it says receiving video

Okay so now what now I turn this camera on it says it doesn’t see a thing it can’t connect to that one it can’t connect to that One it’s just not connecting maybe I have to delete this node maybe this node is the Problem uh I need a video in video device in we’ll go to Black Magic we’ll go to deck link duo3 we’ll go to deck link Duo 4 something’s very wrong something is very wrong I only have connection via one route on my decklink Duo someone explain that to me cuz it’s not my fault usually things just work and when they don’t I get confused and I get scared uh here’s what I’m going to do

I’m going to fully close out touch designer now I know a lot of you are going to panic you’re going to say TI the stream it’s broken Ty no you broke the stream Ty hey there’s something wrong with the stream but it’s not everything’s fine so don’t panic when I do this I’m

Quitting see this is the point where you freak out everyone’s having a panic attack right now because the screen is black but here as a as a sign of good faith faith I’ll put the logo up okay this is a sign of good faith do you believe in me it’s coming

Back look at the logo and know that it is coming back don’t turn on that music don’t put that up minimize that all right okay this is regular this is what we’re used to the bird is having a conniption right now put Kubo back on all Right if I go in here it still says it’s broken I wonder what happened as a sign of good faith here’s my here’s here’s an image of my empty desk wait now my buttons aren’t working oh no oh okay as a sign of good faith here’s the logo and here’s a picture of

My human face I’m going to go underneath my computer okay here’s the thing about my computer I live with a computer that has many buttons many um futuristic cords and wires and in order to properly conceive the technology required to do H freeze sometimes I have to go underneath

The computer in order to properly proper prioritize the buttons okay so I’m underneath the computer now don’t panic all right I’m going to try and troubleshoot my cords and my wires all right so don’t panic stay up there stay calm stay cool stay collected all

Right the logo is a sign of good faith that the stream will continue unabated I’m drinking my pomegranate V and my accent is off the charge wild we don’t know what it’s we don’t know what’s going on now did that work I don’t think that worked hello guess what I got G Slide

Content all right I have to move the camera as you can see I have a bottle I have a small bottle of vodka all right I’ve got a small bottle of vodka that’s what a that’s how how I what I used to create the the beverage that I have been

Drinking tonight um I will go into the comp okay so here’s what’s going to happen couple of things are going to happen here I I am going to leave the desk but I will switch it to this camera when I leave the desk and switch it to

This camera you’ll see me walk into the screen I’ll go towards the camera and when I hit when I go towards the camera you might be thinking he’s about to start doing the dance but that’s not what’s happening what’s happening is I’m going to unplug

The the the camera and move it and so what’s going to happen is the camera’s going to go black you’re going to panic but I’m telling you I’m telling you it’s going to be okay next I’m going to move the camera I’m going to plug it back in um and then

You might see a little flicker flash flicker Flash and then it’ll be back on and then it um and then I’ll come back here and then I’ll switch the camera and then we’ll find the tutorial we’ll rewatch the tutorial so that I am as freshly intellectually uh sound as possible for

This next juby slide segment which is important for the stream and for understanding how cool I’m going to dance and stuff so here we go camera Switch All right has everyone built their 3D model of the has everyone built the 3D model of their house do you hire Cintas to clean your tidy your home no I I cleaned my own home cintos what’s Cintas sounds cool I would I would do it if I

Could all right let me um let me swap My Stream info so that we are properly we’re not so that we’re not lying to the people um learning to juby slide part two and then we change the category to dancing Dance Dance Revolution dance UK dancing duelist dancing eyes Dance Dance Revolution

A20 dance dance re let’s just do Dance Dance Revolution why not um and let’s do the tutorial now right no I’ve been tidying my own home and guess what it’s been um it’s been good I’ve been I’ve been tidier than I have been for a long time and I think it’s an

Important change that I’ve made in my life and hopefully I stick to it but who knows I am notoriously bad at keeping myself uh intact all right let me go to juby slide tutorial I think we need to do a new juby slide tutorial just so that we have every

Every time we need a different slightly different perspective on how it’s done and I think the last one worked pretty well from what I remember what’s going On you will show more Foot Action if the camera is tilted down from the ceiling uh unfortunately it has to be plugged into the wall at this point so it’s certainly not going to uh be from the ceiling what’s this guy have to say about the juie slide we should head back with

Another ladies and gentlemen turn off the pause it turn off this music and let’s listen to this gentleman sir what do you have to say I’m all ears tilt it not show the ceiling not hanging from the ceiling so I there is a limit to the the extension cord on the I

Mean I could get an extension cord but I’ll I’ll think about it I’ll I’ll plan on doing it next time but as it stands right now um my poor camera is locked to the wall and has a limited has very limited Mobility it’s not even as high as I

Would usually want it to be um where the [ __ ] am I hello oh I’m probably yeah there I need to I need to figure these buttons out I’m I’m I’m kind of Flying Blind on the button on the in the button Zone and it’s not ideal all

Right we got to get our buttons in order and we’ve got to get our juby slide in order and we can only do one at a time so let’s do the juby slide today tonight and today is a juby slide day Buton day might be another day who knows all right

This is a f minute video Let’s listen and learn from this man Lord heck is name the juie slide First Step you want to do to get the juie slide right and tight ladies and gentlemen you want to go one put your right men’s uh jeans are a little too

Tight in my opinion in my opinion you got to loosen up those jeans man that’s very that’s a very to um the the tight jeans are a little played foot up and bend that left leg right that’s going to be the essence of the jie slide

So you’re going to go one yeah two yeah three yeah four right make sure when you’re doing the juie this is the motion you’re doing the entire time it is a very easy step but it can be easily misconstrued right so again you’re going

One 2 3 4 if you want to understand it even more you can just go 1 2 3 four it’s like your moon walking in place right I have to take my shoes off so yall can see it better so you want to hit slide okay hit slide okay every time

You hit see he it’s interesting cuz he he talked about he’s talking about it way different than the other guy did slide back you automatically come up on that knee up when you slide back the knee goes up okay you know what I’m saying right I do know what you’re

Saying hit okay but it’s got to happen at the same time like as soon as where’s this where’s this guy filming this video I’m sorry is this an empty room that you hold just for doing dance tutorials in sir where where what room is this why

Are all your doors why do they all have little panels what are these little panels on your doors and why is the room completely empty all right go ahead soon as you switch it should be ready to go with that other foot right one one two two soon as that foot hits

The ground you’re ready to slide back it’s like a moon walk right it’s the same thing is doing this in place right it’s the same concept as a moonwalk he knows how to moon just going out yeah look at the legs look at them okay yeah out yeah in yeah out in make

Sure you’re doing it with me I see yall sitting down right now I don’t like that I’m not I’m standing I’m just not doing it with you stop playing with one 2 3 4 now if you starting with that right leg first and you want to juie slide to the

Left you want to make sure that when you start in the juie slide start with that left leg so you go one okay as soon as that foot comes up the Le leg goes up with the foot the Right Foot In Front see I didn’t learn about the movement of

Theot right to come down cross one two okay it’s like you’re moving slowly okay there’s a crossover action that has to occur move it’s happening okay that’s the step by step way so you’re going one 2 3 four now he’s at okay sorry sorry I’m sorry you’re counting you’re counting stuff that is

Repeating so really it’s just one two one2 one2 one2 once you start saying oh 6 s 89 it implies that other stuff is happening but the same stuff is happening okay if you really want to get really crazy with it you could you don’t even have to touch the foot on the floor

Then it’s going to look like you’re Invincible like you okay you don’t have to put your foot on the floor but that’s a little bit more effort you know what I’m saying so hit slide it’s more effort to not touch the floor whatever Direction you go into

That leg has to be going more so you can move with it you don’t want to be like doing this together if you starting and you want to go to the left you start with your left leg and you got to go if you’re going left

Start with your left leg I also didn’t get that from the other guy name see you got a little open yeah and you close with that right leg open wait you were crossing over with the other one so if you’re going to go to the

Right one two 3 four you can tell he’s getting winded start to see something nice dude I like how he does like the little coke with it’s simple bring it back to the right you going to start with your right leg Yeah okay now I see a lot of y’all want

To go in circles with it right whoa he’s doing a really tight Circle he’s same con you’re just rotating with it so you going slide open right leg is coming out you see how I’m spacing out with my right leg now if I was going to left I will space out out

Leg leg that you’re leg right so again from the top okay okay easy y’all it’s easy you want to get this down foot down fo down come back come back foot down down come back come back foot down come back space it foot down come back once you get that then you can

Add a jump one two 3 okay you’re adding a jump now don’t you get that then you can try moving to the left starting with that left leg five 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 to the right 1 2 3 the left left left H see see that that

Look like you gliding on Ice No Cap you know what I’m saying if you still don’t get it you could go watch this next video right here the ab TI it’s basically the same step right still the is the same [ __ ] you know what I mean but I appreciate y’all for watching this

Video thank all right well we’re going to try it put on the music it’s a Loi welcome to Loi juie slide with Ty the thae guy he says No Cap while wearing a cap that’s normal all right wibo watch my progress in my mind imagine me saying one two one two one

Two all right I’m going for it little drink for Courage Oh Oh It’s it’s feeling close it’s feeling very close woo it’s feeling close one two one two two bathroom stalls no that’s a that’s a kitchen it’s just got a weird wooden something or other it’s got a wooden divider between the living room and the kitchen untraditional sorry I have to reclip my hair oh

Man my flood pants no those are my these are my pajama pants I got them from neon Japan I stole them from a capsule Hotel I started getting the flow a little bit right at the end there I was like you could you could feel the the rhythm of it a little

Bit or is it just Me did anyone else feel me feeling the Rhythm cuz I felt it in my bones and in my heart I felt it in my bones and in my heart I don’t know maybe I’m just full of [ __ ] it looks like I had the Rhythm a little bit all right all right

Well that’s just day two it’s it’s only day two of learning the juie slide and I’m already feeling like 60% of the way there so it has to be a good sign that the thing is I need to I need like a bigger practice space where I can do a big

Circle I need to like empty out the whole living room so I can do a big circle maybe if I flip the couch up if I flip the couch up or like move the couch into the into the area where like the table is I could use this whole Space down

Down in the bottom left quadrant of the of the living room I think that could work I think we could have something really Going all right now what we played two hours of video games I did my JB slide now what now what can anyone I’ve never turn my lights on I have the lights set up and I forget to turn them on one Second now it feels more intentional now we’re here for a Reason now when I hour of something weird and Dumb Um here’s something dumb all right all right here’s the plan this is chat-based solve the Rubik’s Cube this is a simp Rubik’s Cube It’s one by it’s a 1 by3 by3 this will we lead to a weekly Tik Tok post can we is is that something solving

A no chat solving a a a Rubik’s Cube is not a Tik Tok post all right what’s a Tik Tok post fo to give me a Tik Tok post look at my new look this is my new hairstyle Tai wears a clip is that anything okay okay okay okay wait okay wait okay

Wait I got nothing my mind is blank I I was pretending that I had something but I don’t I could show my Penis should I what if I just showed my penis live on stream is that anything probably not oh my my my viewer count just went up by three how’ they how’d they know y see and then this is like four beers worth of subbing eight months is eight months four beers worth of

Subbing This is not a not the not the most uh flattering pause screen for this guy man is I don’t know I think it’s a very wide angle lens but also the man has a large Mouth even in this video even in this shot here he’s he’s like a lot there’s a lot of teeth going on in this anyways fool so you missed my jubie slide or did you okay um show again no I already did it you’ll have to watch the Tik Tok or whatever okay

Uh okay um okay um okay um okay um maybe we check under my under my bed under my uh check under the bed see what’s under my bed I still don’t have oh wait my I think I started charging that battery let’s see if there’s any charge

In the battery and if so we can go on a little camera adventure and check underneath the couch and see what kind of Crumbs are under there I’ll be right back slick back that’s what I Said all right put wi bone in the corner put us into under couch mode I’m going to put the camera into under couch mode now don’t panic no I panicked and Spilled my drink all over my keyboard God damn it it’s almost like Manifest Destiny no the keyboard’s going to be

Fine I’ve spilt drinks on it before it’s such a nice keyboard too and I just washed all of the i i Karma for what bad minecra bad Minecraft play I’m going to slurp okay I’m going to go ahead and slurp up this juice as you all can see there is a

Plethora of perfectly good uh alcoholic beverage right here so what we’re going to do is I’m going to go into the kitchen grab a metal straw which is as we all know very economically and eco-friendly I’m going to get a metal Straw from the kitchen and I’m going to slurp up all of

This in theory it would have been wasted beverage this beverage could have been lost to Earth and gone straight to a landfill but here on hamre we are all about conserving our beverage uh economy and we’re trying to save our our alcoholic planet and so I will

Be slurping up all of this beverage here for the environment and for uh you my fans so I will be right back with a metal straw to slurp this up get this ice cube out of Here I have my metal straw okay I will be slurping the beverage we do not waste alcohol here on ham freeze I will be slurping up all of this beverage presently get the keyboard out of the way it’s hiding some of the beverage that is to be slurped

All right and we should get the microphone down here so you can also hear it I think that’s an important aspect of this this is an ASMR segment this is an ASMR segment oh soak it up with bread after the straw I’ll do a bread soak I’ll soak it up with

Bread but I’m going to get the here’s the thing we don’t want too much of the we don’t want too much we don’t want to over soak the bread so I’m going to get the top layer I’m going to get the top layer with the straw and then we’ll

We’ll go back in with the bread and and and clear it out but this is the ASMR spilt Seltzer slurping segment on ham freeze the website.com I forgot something about my current setup so I I forgot that I sprayed bitter spray all over this uh place mat because the bird was

Chewing on it and so there’s bitter spray all over it and so it tastes like poison currently the so when I started slurping this up it tasted bad but and and because of and it’s because of a bitter spray that I sprayed on it so that my bird wouldn’t be

Tempted to chew on the the keyboard mat am I still going to soak it up with bread the straw method obviously didn’t work but I do think the bread method has some Merit and I will subject myself to mental anguish in order to complete this

Task and to stay true to the ham freeze uh pledge of Purity the ham freeze pledge of Purity and eco-friendly beverage consumption so I will be going to get the bread from the from the kitchen and I will be right back and I will eat the bitter bread

Slurped up soaked in alcohol and it’s not my fault it’s your fault here we Go All right so here we are I did take the butt end of the bread which is notoriously the worst part of the bread uh no one wants a slice of bread so it’s not it’s also eco-friendly it’s also un wasted this is a uh this is a

Piece of bread that would otherwise be thrown away by some of of the average bread consumers but me I’m going to use it to sop up a an alcoholic beverage from my table in order to consume it uh in an unwaste full fashion so here we go I think we got most of

It okay I have my wet bread here is the wet bread it’s wet with alcohol and bitter spray that’s meant to keep things keep uh animals and maybe like uh anxious nail biters from biting their fingernails um but I’m going to be using it to uh I guess torment myself a little

Bit bitter bread soaked in Vodka it’s really [ __ ] bad I can’t put it on my tongue it’s in the side of my cheek right now I’m just hoping that it kind of like dissolves in my cheek okay we got a good chunk of it down I kind of chopped a chunk I chopped

A chunk and and did an immediate swallow now we just got to do another chunk okay this is a great method I think I’ve solved the bitter spray uh swallow uh dilemma the the the trick is just never let it touch the taste buds your taste is

Your uh my mouth is going to taste of bit tricks uh don’t worry no one’s no one’s kissing me anytime soon after this okay second chunk of bread you know what let’s take a little let’s take a little uh little pet cleanser this is pure this

Is pure uh vodka soda so this will not harmm my taste buds in fact hopefully we get a little cleansing little pallet cleanser there we got another half of bread what if we squish it into a tiny little ball and just cheek it like a little

Chipmunk like a like a big it’s like a big thing of chewing tobacco and we’re just going to and just let that kind of kind of let that dissolve oh it’s still it hit the side of my tongue a little bit we’re just going to let that sit for

A little bit let the bread soften up with the saliva Saliva folks don’t try this at Home don’t don’t do this don’t do this to Yourself all right I hope that stuff isn’t actually bad for you I would assume that if it if you’re putting it on [ __ ] that your animals shouldn’t eat they’re going to try and eat it so it has to be like kind of it has to be kind of uh uh uh allowed

For it to get into your body but everything in my everything in my my soul my brain my reptile like the the [ __ ] neurons in my spine are telling me that this is poison and you need to get it out of your mouth wo all right we got a good chunk

There God damn It thing is the whole the whole table still isn’t even dry yet I can’t go in for another I can’t go in for another one though like it was all it the reason we did this was for the bit we’re not actually eco-friendly we’re not actually drink safe we’re not

Trying to save the world for Google says it’s safe I appreciate that I have I look I was like 99% sure that it would be fine but my but and but like I said my the [ __ ] my mundulla oblin Gada was telling me to get it get that out of

Your mouth it is it is going to kill you all right we’re going to take another chunk I feel the bread Softening I’m feeling strong okay now that the end is in sight I don’t feel half as bad as I did when I think the I think the worst point for me was was the last chunk of the first half because I knew there was a whole second half to

Come and now that this is the last bit that I have to swallow I don’t feel I I feel like I can manage it you know two quick ones that’s that second one was not quick enough it’s to it’s enough to deter pets at 10 parts per

Million God only knows what was on that bread ooh mahamar here’s the here’s the story I spiled my drink I said there will be no wasting beverages on this stream tonight and so what I did is I went and found a piece of bread and and spped it

Up as you can see there’s still remnants as you can see there is still remnants of of vodka beverage what I forgot was that there is also remnants of a bitter spray that I sprayed on my desk in order to keep my bird from chewing on my desk mat now

Did the bitter spray deter the the bird from chewing on my desk mat no absolutely it did not the bird still chews on my desk mat still [ __ ] loves it uh did it make the vodka soaked bread that I had to down absolutely vile yes yes it

Did um do I regret chewing the the poison bread no I think it was a very entertaining segment on the the ham freeze Channel and I think it’s important that if you want to see me eat more crazy bread that you should come on down check me check check it

Out and that’s the and that’s the Tik Tock segment that’s the Tik Tock Segment we’re doing more Tik Tok content and and I guess I guess um one of the Tik Tok segments is me eating poisonous bread unfortunately and now a Song we’re living in a breadless world no finally where’s the thing we’re living in a breadless world we want to hear where the bread went put the Vodka on the Bread tell me where My tell me where my vodka went the Vodka went in the bread where is my bread no saying E major now it’s saying d maker I don’t know if the where is my bread now that could have been it reset it one more time where’s the vodka it’s in my Bread my Bread I can’t hear myself where is my bread where is my bread I put fod in my bread so that I can understand how it tastes to be a bird chewing on a desk thinking about the bit of spray and living life all stay thinking about the bitter spray wanting to inest

Anything I can put inside my mouth put it down my throat put it into my acidic little tummy down the hole and into small intestin Wonderland living inside of my filia those are the little thingies that absorb the Nutri I’m not sure but it’s continuing down the in

And going down and it is waste it’s wasted now it’s turning brown it wants to come on out the colon now it is turned to dookie it’s poopy now gross it’s stinky now get that out put it in the toilet now that’s the poopy dude the bread turned into poop

Goodbye goodbye Voda bread you are the poopy now get out of my little tiny house go down to the power plant or wherever the water treatment plant the power plant power plant makes electricity go down to the water treatment plant get yourself filtered out turn into the water again go up into

The clouds and Rain Me Down live inside the clouds what happened to Minecraft they left it’s look um there’s a lot of people that have a lot of lives that have to do morning stuff now is that mean though absolutely not I’m not a morning guy I’m

Kind of a a 10:00 at night drinking vodka bread off of the desk of my uh office but other people have other [ __ ] to do and that’s not I don’t blame them I don’t blame them I thought it would be a long stream it’s a long stream for me I’m still

Here no you don’t have to bring it up you don’t have to not bring it up either I actually got a recruitment email From a company today yesterday oh [ __ ] I thought rat cousin Rage Quit he kind of no he was doing all right uh in theory tomorrow I have to do a bank project and then I have to teach my very first class at KSU it’s going to be a very full day

Getting recruited for the Navy no it’s for a um it’s for a a company called ey I think it’s ey exclamation mark I think they’re a finance company or like a um not Finance uh a real estate company basically the same [ __ ] criminals eui exclamation Mark a oh ernston

Young yeah it’s not exclamation mark it’s just ey man this keyboard is so [ __ ] going into the poopy now anyways yeah um yeah I’ve got stuff to do tomorrow but I none of it I don’t know I’m nervous here’s what I’m nervous about in when it comes to teaching this Class I’m worried that I’m going to run out of [ __ ] to talk about it’s an it’s not even a very long class it’s like an hour and 15 minutes um but I I’m I’m like terrified that I’m just going to like blast through it and talk really fast and then I’ll look at

The clock and it’ll be 7:00 and I’ll be like oh we have 45 minutes left like what uh what’s good with y’all like what are you what I don’t know just put on Bill NY the course is at 6:30 um I have basically tomorrow is just like

Like I’m going to go through the syllabus and then like take attendance and just be like hey like What’s your deal like hey why did you take this class what do you want to get out of it what do you want to do when you grow

Up I don’t that’s the thing I super don’t want to do like a a cringy ice rip ice breaker yeah what’s your deepest secret tell me your most embarrassing moment in before Tha accidentally reveals he’s a famous streamer I wouldn’t know about all that just take questions for the last 45 minutes Yeah first day is always a waste wasting time yeah I mean I could try and be like I don’t know oh [ __ ] oh the camera died Shucks well what’s that mean it doesn’t mean the stream’s over Rip I mean Mr Humphrey I mean it yeah there it is uh man I really need to figure out these buttons this is this is a nightmare hey guys I’m ham freeze hey guys welcome to ham freeze what’s up streamers what if I wore my pajama pants

To school no it’s p.m. it’s a night class I’m going to go there pretty early tomorrow because I have to get like my ID and stuff um I’ll probably go at like noon and just like work from work from the Quad or Whatever a worksheet for just in case you’re busy eat at the campus Subway I don’t think they have a campus Subway they might have like a Panda Express or equivalent though um no I’ll probably I don’t know I’m worried because I have a I have a client that I

Have to do work for that’s due Wednesday morning but that means I have all tomorrow to do it it’s not going to take that long I just have to focus I have to not be an idiot about doing the client work and then I have the class at 6:30 and

Then good thing you’re streaming instead of working I mean I had all day to work and I didn’t do it I should have Maybe started it a little bit but I don’t know it just seems like such a it’s like ambient um digital signage for a bank in Florida can you practice your

Lecture sure let’s do it um I need my keyboard though and it’s all wet man I I’m really dis pointed in myself mostly because the keyboard was so like I literally cleaned it 2 days ago and now it’s covered in alcohol again pulls out cell phone do I really use my phone too

Much I’m feeling bad about how much I use my phone oh you’re a student oh okay yeah that’s the other thing like the if I’m if I’m done 20 minutes early I don’t think the the students are going to be like oh this [ __ ] guy they’re

Just going to be like oh okay sick I I’m free we get to leave early I think I think especially on the first day if we get through everything and I’m just like all right [ __ ] off I guess yeah yeah I can we can just be

Like hey you know we’ll I’ll get back to you on Thursday have fun with your free time set up a live stream a do humpies that’s a Max thing that’s not me all right let me um let me delete my school email so you Can’t is there anything else important on here that you could I could get in trouble for no I don’t think so all right let’s try it out all right this is my this is my practice round teaching doing a ra my I’m I’m practicing teaching for uh Tomorrow all right looks like most of us are in um uh anyone that uh comes in as they come in that’s fine um my name is Tai I’m your professor for this semester we’re in visual design 2 if you’re not part of visual design 2 you’re in the wrong room get the hell

Out of here um I won’t I what do you think about what do you think about swearing as a teacher if I’m cool about it do you think it’ll be Fine good job so far um start saying yeah keep it PG-13 I get one [ __ ] per class I’m I’m not adjunct I’m a I’m a part-time Professor anyways um no my name is Tai I have been doing uh motion well I’m a motion designer by trade basically it’s a

Graphic designer but with animation mixed in um I have been working in the industry for just just over a decade um I started at an ad agency I’ve done work with Adult Swim I’ve done work at HBO um so basically I have touched a lot of sectors of of the design kind of

Realm that you guys might also be touching when you guys are in your professional careers yes Foo yes what’s Up go ahead full stone can you get me a job at Adult Swim no so here’s the thing about Adult Swim um they are owned by a corporation that’s owned by a corporation um I’ve been laid off by them them twice uh and even when I was working there I was the

Tiniest Cog in the largest machine you’ve ever you can’t even grasp it’s like uh if I was um kind of if imagine like a dust mite compared to like the the the the sun in our solar system that’s about kind of the the range that we’re going

With in terms of my importance in that company so no I couldn’t get you a job go ahead fool so yes you have a question don’t say kind of okay good advice that guy had a question first sorry someone had a who who else was it no blah holton’s eating raisins

That’s I don’t think that’s a question he’s just eating raisins did you ever meet Mike lasso yes so here’s a fun story about my one of my only interactions with Mike lzo um we were at a uh overnight party I think it was for Halloween no it was for it was the

Christmas party and I was throwing something away and he was talking with my boss Matt harrian uh they were having a a whiskey at a counter where there was there I just had happened to be a trash can and um I threw my plate away and

Mike glazo Mike glazo looks at me um there are there are multiple people at this party uh he looks at me and he says I know you don’t work here because no one that works here would have thrown that away farts audibly you remember this story so well

You asked the question if I’ve met M Mike lzo fool still would have thrown it away so yeah the the man barely knew I existed and basically uh did Matt harrian uh defend me nah nah he didn’t know what to say either go ahead Foo you have a question go ahead Foo

Yes did you work on Wick and Morty uh I did make a animated uh logo for the Rick and Morty podcast so yes I worked on Rick and Morty Anyways can you list the producers of that podcast special I think there was one or two producers one of them might have been Dave bonowitz the other was Um uh an intern yeah it was only you you didn’t do any oh he did Adult Swim podcast uh yeah Tina Tina produced some of the Adult Swim podcast it was like it it bounced between her and Dave bonitz if I Remember editing editing not producing I guess that’s different so anyways back to the content that we’re working on okay F so one more question one more question produce sledit producing and editing are different though right producing is like booking stuff I guess booking is what software will we work on this

Class great question so as you can see in the required materials we’ll be working with illustrator and Photoshop mostly we’ve only got three projects so um basically uh yeah just just really uh Photoshop and illustrator um if you don’t have access to them uh all of these computer labs have

Access to Adobe the Creative Suite and there is a discount that you can get through Adobe that makes it like 20 bucks a month um we’re only doing this class for four four months I think So go ahead fullo you have a question Is it true that you’re known as hamre on Twitch um no no that’s um that’s my brother yeah get out of here fol so basically this is a Project based class um we are going to do a little bit of review at the beginning just to make sure that you guys are all

Kind of refreshed on all the vocab that happens in the that happened in the last class visual design one um but but basically you guys are all Juniors and seniors right they’re that’s if um if you guys uh uh you you’ve already taken these classes so you already have a basic idea

Of what you need to be successful go ahead Fool’s toe yes you can yes what is it I’m just writing some note down some notes down about fooe will you come to the Banger later at the frat house uh I am unfortunately unable to attend your Banger

Um basically the only way you are allowed to contact me outside of this class is through Microsoft teams um or through a or through my email which you can see uh right over there uh I will not be answering any uh text messages we can’t go to a restaurant together we

Can’t do any candle lit uh dances or or dinners or anything like that uh no so as I was saying this is a Project based class you already have all the N knowledge it’s already in your brain uh what I’m trying to do is get it out of

Your brain and on to the page we’re trying to make you portfolio pieces um we only have three projects we have two assignments and then the final project uh and teacher mahamar do you have a question or you just saying hello did you come in late yeah come come in and

Sit down yes thank you mamar come and sit um so yeah uh I just wanted to say hi okay well yeah hello I’ll be taking attendance later and we can talk and stuff after after that uh so yeah we’re trying to make you portfolio pieces because you are going

Out into the real world in a either a couple of months or a like a year so you need to get ready for the real world and and one of the a great way to do that is to have a solid portfolio um I I I know people that didn’t go to

College and are successful designers because they have they make good work and um a degree is only going to get you so far uh do like having a solid portf folio is the most important thing uh when people are looking at your job application applications so so

You guys should be taking these these projects seriously and and thinking about how you can leverage them to get the jobs that you want um when I went to school when I went to grad school I knew I wanted to work at Adult Swim so I made projects that Adult Swim

Would see and think that’s cool that’s something that fits in our design aesthetic so um you guys should be thinking about what you make in the same way like if you’re trying to work at Google you should be looking at Google work and making work that looks looks like it fits at Google

Um and so that brings us to the learning objectives do you guys know anything about the project management triangle this is my favorite thing to show people oh no full so’s Bored there’s a little triangle that exists in project management and it goes like this on the top there is quality that’s just a black bar but imagine it says quality and I’ll be writing this on the Whiteboard it won’t be on on the side it says cost and on this side it says Speed now a project manager when they are working on Project basically you’re you’re you’re constantly balancing these three aspects of a project and um you can basically only have two you can have two you can have a fast product that’s cheap but it won’t be very good you can have a cheap product

That’s good but it’s going to take a long time to do or you can have a good project that happens fast but it will cost you a lot of money now what I’m here to do is make you guys very good and very fast so that you can

Charge as much money as possible so that you can be basically I’m trying to yeah make you as valuable as possible um because people are willing to pay more for people that are good and fast um and so these learning objectives are go ahead fullo you have a Question you you need you need to grab some paper towel to pick up the venty coffee that you just dropped yeah someone dropped coffee uh mahamar why don’t you go grab some paper towel just go ahead and pick up some paper towel out in the bathroom and we could there’s free

Coffee uh no no someone brought that in it seems like I didn’t do that [ __ ] well all right cable 2 can you go get some paper Towel someone dropped it I you’ll get it okay thank you mamar I didn’t see I was talking about the production management Triangle picks up one paper towel I think it’s a venty coffee cable to I think think there’s there’s too much Co it’s a carpeted floor you’re going to have to you’re going to need to dab it with quite a bit of paper towel cable two she’s walking out with the paper

Towel bon bon Hey listen you can’t do that here bud can blah Holton come to the bathroom with you yes yes why is it so bitter I was spraying bitter spray on the carpet earlier because I didn’t want I mean basically this exact thing to happen is this improv class oh

Man so yeah you’re going to need Adobe Illustrator in Photoshop uh it’s available in the class it’s also available for very cheap for students someone grab bread yeah is uh so can someone run out to the quad and grab a like a Subway hogy roll so that we can sop up this Coffee uh like I said there are only three projects where there is not a lot of stuff you get graded on in this class um so you have to take it seriously you have to show up and and and make these projects uh they’re they’re not hard

Projects and you have plenty of time to work on them so like don’t panic don’t think that this is going to be consuming your life uh but take it seriously and and and you’ll do fine uh F so yes you have a Question the grading skills here it’s very uh it’s very simple I think this is probably what most classes are like Right seems like you made less gradable work so your job is easier uh yeah yeah I’m lazy remember the project management triangle imagine cost is my time and speed is yeah yeah I I I don’t want to do so actually legit legit things that I want

To change if I teach this class again the Uh the the guy who built the syllabus has them writing a 500w essay for every assignment and about like here’s why I made these choices for this design and I just i i s first off if I was a student I would [ __ ] hate doing that and second off as the person who

Has to read these I [ __ ] hate that because uh I don’t want to I don’t want to have to read 25 500w essays that are like I chose the color blue because blue symbolized is refreshing Water I also respect having a reason behind your decid decisions but I think it’s more important to be able to vocalize them rather than write them Down having people track their hours oh that’s interesting I never thought to do that but that’s actually That’s actually maybe more interesting a exercise than than writing an essay because that’s something you legit have to Do in the real world how long did it take you to make this yeah how long first off how long and it might be an interesting thing to have them estimate their hours to begin with and then track it and be like see how it took you 6

Hours longer than you expected it to take You you got to build that [ __ ] yeah full-time or freelance for estimates yeah holy [ __ ] mamar that’s a genius idea thank you I next time I teach this class I might do that I always lied when I track things for college I mean I lie about tracking things as a freelancer too Yeah remember when we had to track our time for like streams this isn’t for my benefit it’s for you yeah yeah uh uh that was such [ __ ] all right here we have the schedule for the whole semester so if you’re ever wondering what’s going to happen next week now you

Know you should just teach Tai’s class you really should um today is the introduction we’re just getting to know each other I’m telling you about how what how the class is going to go um if you hate the idea of this class I suggest you uh withdrawal as soon as possible

Because it’s going to be more of of of this it’s me it’s me and you and and and designing stuff uh you have until Tuesday March 5th to withdraw or else it will negatively affect your grade I I really hope you know before March whether or not you’re into this project

Or into this class um We’ll have a few projects down by then anyways uh the first three weeks including this week are review weeks we’re just going to go over the terms we’re going to look at some design we’re going to talk about how it’s effective and why it’s effective and we’re going

To uh uh just kind of solidify that in your mind uh um these are all mandatory classes I’m sorry if you are already have it it’s already crystallized long-term memory in your brain um but uh it’s just it’s it needs to be for everyone so if you already know

This junk and are sick of me just sit and I don’t know play uh uh Words With Friends a a a 20-year-old game um Foo has a question go ahead Foo are you going to ask why there isn’t more pictures in the syllabus what books do we need for this course you don’t

Need any books congratulations it’s a bookfree course no books don’t worry about it no books um but yeah we’re just going to be reviewing terminology looking at designs go ahead fo so you have another Question is there a field trip at the end of the course yes my favorite five students are going to be invited to a fancy dinner with the professor so just think about how you might possibly do your best to ingratiate yourself towards me will they be driven in a

Limo you got to be invited to find out friend uh the first project starts at the end of the month we’ll talk about it and um then come the labs so there are open labs and there are mandatory Labs any grade bar on this syllabus is a

Class that you don’t necessarily have to come to if you don’t want to um I always recommend coming because who knows if you run into something that you’re struggling with um it’s always nice to have someone who knows what they’re doing and can tell you the

Shortcut in order to use the pen tool it’s the letter P um how many students are in this course uh 26 I think uh but if you have a handle on it and you have a computer that has illustrator in Photoshop and you can function on your own with your own timeline and

You’re good at time management go ahead and take you know Thursday the February 8th for yourself and go I don’t know do what do what 20 year olds do full St yes Go ahead can we pirate Adobe software it is much harder to Pirate Adobe software than it was 10 years ago um it’s only $20 a month there is something coming down the pipeline I this is this is conjecture so don’t don’t Bank on it but uh apparently there’s some sort of Grant coming

Through that you might be able to use to get Adobe for free for the semester but I’m not sure my professors always tried to scare us out of pirating yeah what the [ __ ] why I don’t know yeah pirate pirate anything you want who Pirates stuff anymore all this subscription stuff

Makes it so that pirating is like it’s so much more work than just paying $20 um but if you that’s your bag baby go for it I’m sure there’s a way people that would look at your metadata to find out if you if you pirated software that’s insane who cares that’s so

Wild um anyways yeah so we got uh the the assignments kind of spaced out well got assignment two in late February and then the final early March you got you have a lot of time to work on this final propos or this final project

Um use it wisely I think this is I mean we’ll talk about it more when the we have our project discussion on March fth but um this is something that yeah the class is mostly a lab yeah you’re mostly just mostly you’re just going to be hanging out asking me

Questions when you have questions and I’m here to support you guys so uh I want you guys to make the coolest [ __ ] you can uh uh for your portfolio and I’m I’m here to to gently uh guide you like a like a gentle guide uh anyways that’s the schedule as

I said before optional attendance anything in Gray the second half of the semester you are going to have a lot of time that you can choose to use on your own but I will always be in class I will always be here uh happy to help attendance it’s very important uh especially for

Critiques um discussion classes are important but there are you know there’s worksheets so you know you know basically what you have to do but I think the discussions are important because I’ll show you designs that are relevant for each project fullo you have a question yes go

Ahead specific attire you have to wear for the class uh there is a School dress code I think I don’t I assume I assume there is a School dress code just stick to the school dress code um but yeah you don’t need an apron or or a a

Gashes you know just uh make sure that everything’s covered up for the most part you get three absences per semester plugs in an air fryer uh what are you what are you cooking what do you got can I have some class is almost over um you’re probably I’m probably going to have to

Kick you out before before whatever you’re cooking up uh finishes there so unless it’s like asparagus you probably shouldn’t you probably just shouldn’t start or you could start out in the hallway asparagus okay yeah no crack it I get some uh three three absences after that any absence is uh a 10-point

Penalty that will add up like I said there are not a lot of projects um you’re working with 20 75 points so 10 10o penalty is going to hurt um don’t miss your critiques it’s really important that we are able to discuss each assignment and kind of get a sense for

Why you did what you did and it’s important for you guys to be able to defend your work and to present it in a professional way so you need to be showing up to the critiques uh for each assignment and for the final especially for the final Um like I said the open classes are optional so they don’t uh count towards absences and of course if you have like a a medical problem or have a doctor’s note uh your absences are excused grading is simple I I I round up from 5% Uh I don’t really know what that means because the point I don’t know yeah it the the grading the grading is so simple you guys come on don’t don’t think about it just do your best um I will be offering extra credit in these first couple of weeks we’ll do

I’m going to be offering extra credit for the review weeks so look out for those uh obviously don’t plagiarize stuff don’t be uh submitting basically the same project and saying that you both worked on it separately um I’m not dumb I know I know what plagiarism looks like I know what mid

Journey projects look like uh and you will be I will be asking for working files so uh don’t don’t try and pull any fast ones cuz it’s going to be really easy to to spot uh you can’t make up missing assignments this is just like the real world welcome if you miss a

Deadline uh you’re going to get in trouble with your boss so so make sure stuff happens on time uh and like I said you have to withdraw by March 5th this is a school policy I don’t care what your grade is at the end of the day that’s your

Own that’s your own personal business but if you if you care about your grades make sure that if you’re sick of this class you are out by March 5th um and you are an adult you can figure out how to do that I’m not going to help

You I don’t know how to help you um we we talk through teams I am available through the teams app I have office hours through the teams app um I am not a I’m not uh I’m not available to you 24 hours a day though so if you have a question at 10

P.m. probably not going to get back to you until 9:00 a.m. um this is for my own sanity I I I Um I hope that you put your questions out immediately when you have them so that you don’t forget them by the time you think that I’ll Respond I’m a child Pro Prodigy can I miss deadlines no no as a child prodigy You couldn’t possibly be in this class because you have to be at least 20 years old you are no longer a child kie Coy um yeah anyways just uh contact me

On teams and I’ll I’ll get back to you and then the boring links I don’t know where these links go I haven’t clicked on them they’re just standard for every syllabus that we make so enjoy looking at them I don’t know what it says probably stuff

About what a a what KSU means to me or something I’m sure it’s important it’s important content I beg I’m there’s going to be a quiz on those links so read through them very thoroughly anyways uh with that said let’s take attendance and I’m going to

Get to know you guys a little bit first uh fools toe are you here fools toe fools toe are you Here okay fool toe absent first day bad bad look for fo Stone mahamar are you here mahamar okay absent absent Okay blah oh oh wait mahamar was go getting the paper towel with blah holdz and they’re probably still out there grabbing paper towel we’ll just mark them

Present anyways yep so that’s my class it probably took like half an hour to do that so oh there’s Bolson that was a good that was a good test run thank you for doing that with me maybe I’ll do that every Monday night we’ll go through my presentation I don’t know that that

Didn’t seem like an hour or even close to it I’m a little worried epic thank You it’s almost 11:00 probably bedtime for for a little old me I would let you teach me for free over the internet in in theory that’s what I’m doing now this should be a class streaming is a is a an interactive experience where you learn a little bit

About your mental soul and your mind and your body now I can only bring you to the gate you are the one who has to walk through it I am the gatekeeper you are the key master if we work together we can do great things okay

Now who wants a candy bar who wants to go to a candy bar with me who wants to take a candy bar out and walk it down the stream hello I’m simply a black blob h would you like some broccoli would you like some seeded grapes grapes with seeds inside of them

Would that be compelling to you some seed grapes would you like some seed grapes sir some seated grapes maybe perhaps a seated grape or two Hello my echo I wish there was more Echo I think there’s a way to change the echo just forget how is it like that I want better echo echo yeah Echo hello hello hello hello that’s the one baby that’s likes hello welcome to my oh welcome to my home welcome welcome

Welcome to my home welcome to my home welcome to my Home the welcome to My [Laughter] I all right I think we’re done here folks I think we’re done here’ been streaming for 4 hours dude Tracy mcgravy what happened you’re waiting for the bird should I bring the bird out one last time let’s get the bird and say good night that way sorry Tracy mcgravy I’m

I’m just ending the stream one last bird one last bird shot and then I’ll send you along the line down the Line there she is You guys ever see those nanan videos where she’s like there’s my beautiful girl who’s my beautiful girl hello my beautiful girl she’s she gets afraid especially with the lighting setup as it is she’s a little nervous right now so she probably just wants to look back at us She doesn’t even want to she wants to hide oh she wants Treats all right peely where are we sending the folks who’s live on a Monday night peely give it a rest peely give it a damn rest would you oh egi is live well we’re certainly in y’all the egi you kidding me electronic game information an extremely important website if you are

Interested in video gaming peely why are you psychotic right now what’s your damn problem right now hey PE problem Right you’re heading upside down right now F that out be Qui on you little psycho get the heck out of here you little py you better be cut that right [Applause] on hey luck crazy what are you doing on my table Try to beat my B spr he is a true [Laughter] G [Applause] a [Applause] M A

This video, titled ‘Minecraft with friends, Jubi Slide practice, and rock-bottom boozin’.’, was uploaded by Ham Freeze on 2024-01-09 04:05:27. It has garnered 20 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:20:46 or 15646 seconds.

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I know puzzles in ancient toungues, I have crossed words you’ve never even considered let alone spelt within little boxes.

#dance #dancechallenge #2024resolutions #exercisemotivation

  • Netherbound: My Own Steed! | Minecraft Ch. 6

    Netherbound: My Own Steed! | Minecraft Ch. 6 Exploring the Nether and Taming a Steed in Minecraft Chapter 6 On the latest Minecraft stream by TheLeemThatStreams, viewers were treated to an exciting adventure in the Nether and the unexpected joy of taming a steed. Let’s dive into the highlights of this thrilling chapter! Into the Nether The stream began with Theo bravely venturing into the Nether, a dangerous dimension filled with lava, hostile mobs, and treacherous terrain. Armed with determination and a trusty pickaxe, Theo navigated through the fiery landscape, uncovering hidden treasures and battling formidable foes along the way. Key Point: The Nether is a challenging… Read More

  • Captainchu’s MC Takeover

    Captainchu's MC Takeover Welcome to Conquerors MC [S1 EP1] Embark on a Nuclear Adventure In this exciting episode of Conquerors MC, players are introduced to a world filled with possibilities. Imagine using nuclear weapons to create chaos in an Earth SMP setting – the thrill is unmatched. Meet the Players Join @frosty_studios, @JakeyIsaac, @ZayFeeR, and @gm_tabby_cat as they dive into a world of Minecraft like never before. Together, they explore a vast world map, establish countries, recruit villagers, build colonies, and even delve into the realm of civilization. What’s Next? With so much already accomplished in this episode, one can only wonder… Read More

  • EPIC START! Minecraft COLONY OF GS – EP #001

    EPIC START! Minecraft COLONY OF GS - EP #001 Bem-vindo ao Mundo de Minecraft! O universo de Minecraft é vasto e cheio de aventuras emocionantes esperando para serem exploradas. Se você é um fã de construção, sobrevivência e desafios épicos, este é o lugar perfeito para você! Prepare-se para descobrir segredos escondidos, enfrentar monstros temíveis e construir estruturas que vão impressionar a todos. Explorando Novos Mundos e Enfrentando Desafios Em Minecraft, a jornada é tão importante quanto o destino. Aprenda a encontrar diamantes, sobreviver em biomas perigosos e derrotar o Ender Dragon. Prepare-se para construir uma casa incrível que será o orgulho do seu mundo virtual. E não… Read More

  • Purple Star Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Purple Star Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft’s Purple Star Portal: A Colorful Adventure Awaits! Are you ready to embark on a vibrant and enchanting journey in Minecraft? The Purple Star Portal, also known as the Rainbow Bubblegem, offers players a unique and colorful experience like no other. Let’s dive into the magical world of Minecraft and discover the wonders that await beyond the Purple Star Portal! Exploring the Purple Star Portal As you step through the Purple Star Portal, you will be greeted by a mesmerizing landscape filled with hues of purple, blue, and pink. The vibrant colors and sparkling gems that adorn this portal… Read More

  • Conquering the Toughest Minecraft Bingo Challenge!

    Conquering the Toughest Minecraft Bingo Challenge! Conquering the Hardest Achievements in Minecraft Bingo Welcome to a thrilling Minecraft adventure where four friends take on the challenge of completing some of the toughest achievements in Minecraft Bingo. Join in on the fun as these Brits navigate through the game, facing obstacles, and sharing plenty of laughs along the way. Struggling Through the Bingo Board The group dives into the world of Minecraft Bingo, a unique twist on the classic game that adds an extra layer of challenge. As they work their way through the bingo board, each achievement becomes a test of skill and teamwork. From… Read More

  • Exploring Dark Forest & Far Caves in Minecraft 1.21.1

    Exploring Dark Forest & Far Caves in Minecraft 1.21.1 Minecraft 1.21.1 Shorts: Exploring the Dark Forest Embark on a whimsical journey through the dark forest in Minecraft 1.21.1 Shorts. Discover the mysteries hidden beyond the murky river and witness the intricate craftsmanship of the dwarves as they sculpt their creations with precision. Unveiling the Enigmatic Forest In the depths of the dark forest lies a realm shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Venture beyond the tangled undergrowth and explore the secrets that await you. From towering trees to eerie caves, the dark forest beckons with its enigmatic allure. The Dwarven Artistry Amidst the shadows of the forest, the dwarves… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Skin Swap

    Ultimate Minecraft Skin Swap How to Change Your Skin in Minecraft Java Edition Are you looking to give your Minecraft character a fresh new look? Changing your skin in Minecraft Java Edition is a simple process that allows you to personalize your in-game avatar. Follow these easy steps to download and modify your skin: Step 1: Choose a Skin Before you can change your skin, you need to select a new one. There are numerous websites where you can find a wide variety of Minecraft skins. Some popular options include: NameMC LabyMod Step 2: Download Your Chosen Skin Once you have found the… Read More

  • MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist

    MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist Aprender a Programar Con MINECRAFT ¿Te gustaría aprender a programar mientras juegas Minecraft? ¡Code.org te ofrece la oportunidad perfecta para hacerlo! En este emocionante tutorial, explorarás los conceptos básicos de la programación a través de desafíos interactivos y bloques de código en el mundo de Minecraft. Tanto si eres un principiante en la programación como un fanático de Minecraft, este tutorial es ideal para ti. ¡Comienza tu viaje en el mundo de la programación hoy mismo! Descubre la Programación a Través de Minecraft Code.org te brinda la posibilidad de sumergirte en el fascinante mundo de la programación utilizando Minecraft… Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft’s Dark Secret

    Uncovering Minecraft's Dark Secret The Mysterious World of Minecraft Myths Exploring the vast and intricate world of Minecraft often leads players to uncovering hidden mysteries and myths that add an extra layer of intrigue to the game. From eerie creatures to unexplained phenomena, the Minecraft community is constantly buzzing with tales of the unknown. Unraveling Scary Minecraft Myths Among the plethora of myths circulating in the Minecraft universe, some of the most spine-chilling ones involve encounters with terrifying creatures like the Blood Dragon and Giant Alex. These myths, although seemingly far-fetched, have captured the attention of players worldwide, sparking debates about their authenticity…. Read More

  • Disco Ghast Blast: Minecraft’s Funky Delight!

    Disco Ghast Blast: Minecraft's Funky Delight! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, I bring you the news, with a rhyming spree. From updates to glitches, and everything in between, I’ll keep you entertained, with a rhyming scene. So join me on this journey, through the world of blocks, Where creativity reigns, and we all wear our socks. I’ll keep you informed, with a twist and a turn, And together we’ll laugh, as we all learn. So hit that like button, and share with your friends, Let’s spread the joy, as the fun never ends. And remember, in this world of Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Wither Meltdown

    Minecraft Wither Meltdown When you accidentally summon the Wither in Minecraft and suddenly realize you’re not as prepared as you thought. It’s like trying to take on a boss with a wooden sword and a piece of bread for armor. Good luck, buddy! Read More

  • Zeddy’s Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase

    Zeddy's Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase Minecraft Mod Showcase: NiftyCarts & AstikorCarts Redux Exploring the vast world of Minecraft just got more exciting with the introduction of the NiftyCarts and AstikorCarts Redux mods. These mods bring a whole new level of functionality and creativity to the game, allowing players to enhance their gameplay experience in unique ways. Features of NiftyCarts Mod: The NiftyCarts mod introduces a variety of new carts that players can use to transport items, animals, and more. From the versatile Handcart to the sturdy Supply Cart, each cart serves a specific purpose and adds a new dimension to transportation in Minecraft. Key… Read More

  • Conquering Minecraft’s 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges

    Conquering Minecraft's 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges I Tried Minecraft’s 10 Hardest Challenges In Mobile Embark on a thrilling journey as Keshew13 takes on Minecraft’s toughest challenges in the mobile version of the game. From mastering intricate skills to facing intense PvP battles, this adventure is packed with excitement and adrenaline. Learning 10 Hardest Minecraft Skills In 24 Hours Witness Keshew13’s determination as they tackle the most challenging skills in Minecraft within a tight 24-hour timeframe. From mastering parkour to navigating complex redstone traps, every moment is filled with suspense and skill. Minecraft’s Hardest Clutch Experience the heart-pounding moments as Keshew13 pulls off the most challenging… Read More

  • Shocking: JJ buried alive in Minecraft by Mikey!

    Shocking: JJ buried alive in Minecraft by Mikey!Video Information This video, titled ‘MIKEY DIGS JJ’S GRAVE! TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT and JJ SPEAKER MAN BURIED ALIVE in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mynez on 2024-06-13 19:57:34. It has garnered 23238 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:50 or 3710 seconds. MIKEY DIGS JJ’S GRAVE! TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT and JJ SPEAKER MAN BURIED ALIVE in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5

    Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Week [Day 5]’, was uploaded by Sinistral2099 on 2024-01-20 07:34:23. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:43 or 13483 seconds. Arcade Tokens !points – See how many arcade tokens you’ve acumulated while watching the stream! !redeem gameboy camera – 500 Arcade Tokens – Change my camera to a Gameboy Camera for two minutes. That’s 120 whole seconds! !redeem witness protection – 500 Arcade Tokens – Send me into Witness Protection to help keep my identity a secret. Sound Emotes bidet yahaha daamn shame wow cookie money… Read More

  • SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funny

    SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘That’s How to join! 🤭 #minecraft #funny #minecraftserver #smp #meme #bonevanilla’, was uploaded by imllost on 2024-07-29 03:06:18. It has garnered 11892 views and 578 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • 🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥

    🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Колян +ДРОНИО изучаем Английский с Minecraft Запишитесь на бесплатный урок Minecraft с родителями’, was uploaded by Kolaplay on 2024-05-16 19:28:09. It has garnered 1039 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Subscribe to Minecraft Super Series https://clck.ru/38eG69 “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: https://clck.ru/38eG69 Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/38eG69 Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR… Read More


    EPIC N5 GAMER BUILDS INSANE TRADER HALL - MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SEASON 01 (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD a new trader hall for villagers in Minecraft. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES SEASON 01 in Hindi’, was uploaded by N5 GAMER on 2024-04-06 05:16:06. It has garnered 147 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. follow on INSTAGRAM 👇 https://www.instagram.com/n5_gamer_sunny?igsh=MWg1NTczazlmNDc5bA== FACEBOOK 👇 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555861854347&mibextid=ZbWKwL X 👇 https://x.com/NavadeepG85820?t=CNB9mr9rX2T6DdTrsKmLeg&s=09 WHATSAPP 👇 https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaW17rm5vKABWLklC72y ABOUT MINECRAFT Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

    ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 8)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-10 07:46:27. It has garnered 111 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:13 or 6013 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT CRAZY SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-09-21 17:47:49. It has garnered 39571 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:05 or 8225 seconds. #roblox #minecraft #funny Join the Discord!: https://discord.gg/U7De4awJbP Super Chats: $5 – I will give myself any amount of an item of your choosing! $10 – I will burn an item of your choosing! $25 – I will /clear my inventory, deleting everything! $50 – I will delete the world and have to start from the beginning again! All Super Chats are non refundable. If you would… Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

    SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter's Epic Minecraft Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Gamer Iter on 2024-05-31 00:21:23. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #Minecraft #Survival #Gaming #Adventure #Redstone #Building #Craft #Mining #Creativity #Mod #Fun #QuickBuild #Village #City #World #PixelArt #Exploration #Dungeon #Mob #Monster #Legend #Story #Cooperative #War #PvP #PvE #Unique #Adventurous #Apocalypse #PostApocalyptis #Innovation #ModPack #Guide #Strategy #Gameplay #SinglePlayer #Multiplayer #Server #House #Architecture #BuildingTechniques #ConstructionHacks #Education #VirtualLearning #Storytelling #Event #Tournament #Quiz #Myths #MinecraftHistory #GameDevelopment #CreativeMode… Read More

  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

    Panic! Kero's Crazy Minecraft NightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Late night Minecraft vibez’, was uploaded by Kero on 2024-09-23 09:11:04. It has garnered 185 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 06:53:39 or 24819 seconds. Read More

  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! giltory.com Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: https://discord.gg/4NErNXrStr A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

    DreadMinecrafter's Easy Egg Farming MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘EZ DEGGS -AKA- AGP CONVERT .. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-09-26 15:26:52. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. . WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER https://minewind.com YT.Minewind.com … YT.Minewind.com. DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

    POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥 POV: Trying to build a friendship with that toxic friend in Minecraft, but all they do is blow up your house and steal your diamonds. #minecraftdrama #friendshipfail #toxicityatitsfinest Read More

  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/sl_id_770aa427-1b3f-3d13-91f5-d1bf20da8978 Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/YEjhUNsmgt Ominous Bottle Farm https://youtu.be/4SdUmKQqC-o?si=1NEaVx9lmVegUQi7 Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More