Ultimate Minecraft Geopolitical Game LIVE

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going remember [Music] [Music] [Music] better [Music] you like a boss baby I’m AOSS baby [Music] [Music] world show you we are [Music] [Music] are Jack my bobber bators You’ you caught me before 8:00 p.m. you’ve caught me before 8:00 p.m. I am on top of it today I am so good at what I do I am so good I am so good we’ve got some friends joining us today how do you we’ll go over that we’ll go over that anyway let’s say hello I’m start with YouTube Hey ly what’s up Mr gentlemen I see you’re here Mr not all righty all righty let’s say hello let’s say hello hi Hannah Hannah as always the tried and Truth hey void hey Rada Harmon welcome welcome hey T hey ad what’s going on yep oh and it’s Lynn’s birthday today so happy birthday then we’ve got quite the fun quite the fun stream today because you get to participate uh and we might be we might be a little laggy today we might be a little laggy he might be a little lagy today because we’re playing a game um but quick cuz I know how to do things cuz I know how to definitely do things um so we are going to be playing on a server called a lra if you would like to join a lra you can join their Discord here you join their Discord um it’s for Minecraft Java 1 120.4 um you don’t need to be wh listed you can just join get the IP and join the server uh my there is no like friend feature but there is um what’s it called what is it what is it called [Music] goodness it can do 1.20.1 but they are updated to the latest version yep it can do any one20 you’re so true you’re so right the hi Joy hi Joy hi hi factions oh yes and I’m in one I’m in a very I am in the faction of dawnell I’m in the faction of dawnell that’s faction I meant oh my gosh where is my I’m so incompetent is it the same server no there we go all right it’s a different server hey Goodwin how are we doing I got all I need and nothing at me anyway I’ve got some friends here should we talk to them can we talk to my friends here should we talk to my friends should we hi Cara I saw I saw some of you already joined the lra server so should we should we talk to our friends here we I think we’re going to talk to them Compadres huh what these are my friends Corin you want to say that again for the camera no trying to get people into their into into the faction you want what the initiation is not the initiation a joke lethal you want to throw them into the nether for five minutes good anyway Compadres you must do this very funny thing called introduce yourself hi my name here let me go last because someone’s knocking at my front door like horrible time I’m so sorry I’ll talk sound my name all right so Le though go ahead and go mail on stream Mr gentleman please huh here lethal go what’s up I’m lethal uh I I don’t know what to say without saying something good job good job buddy yeah that’s it anyway who’s next uh G is not back it’s me I’m pixel which I don’t know someone might remember me from last time if you don’t let’s let’s forget about that um happen to and if you don’t then that’s that’s that’s fantastic um cor back oh Corbin’s back corin’s back baby hi my name is Corbin and I use Dove’s dish soap leave him alone of leave him alone I can help you use two in one Le I don’t use two in one sure straight it’s called three in one body wash shampoo conditioner baby get it right maybe maybe my chat is right maybe we do get rid of the Maes on stream you all should totally have my chat open by the way I know I just thought about that I’m G to pull it up right now what also we’re probably going to have to so my friends my lovely chat if you would like to to participate if you’d like to link up with the fet faction um which is not what it’s called at all but I know that’s what y’all are probably going to call it uh why are they calling it The because I’m a feret why are you a fet because I am don’t ask the question kind of productive use a shampoo bar for your hair hi Zoe oh man let me I can’t indiscriminately tee them anymore they’ll see me I promise I will forget about forgetting how flustered pixel was over a certain choice at a certain game in a certain prev no somebody remembers no yeah Mr gentleman remembers everything quick chat look presentable respect the fet in her macaroni box all right we’re calling it gasia what no they’re calling Junia no hold on we hav name no no okay I have your Twitch chat now I wased anything in there I can I can see it well there’s T in YouTube chat so I know I only have so many screens uhhuh you have to pick a struggle I I do it’s called being gay anyway um not a goodly Time goodness y are Cutthroat out here anyway is Corbin back bro cor’s I guess not back J new Dove brand no we are it is yeah yeah so pixel donville is now Juna no you can you can name when you can you can name your uh like Eric you can like come hang out with us Eric you can come hang out with us when Once once you get back oh [ __ ] we’re watching politics happen oh wow politics geopolitics geopolitics geopolitics wow oh my go chat you should be going crazy geopolitics merged with uh uh uh dville you know the ever expanding Empire that doesn’t exist yet I’m so glad I have hi I am back and I come bearing stories do I do the introduction first or I just pleas please introduce yourself and then tell us your story I want to know about the Amazon delivery driver that gave you your Dove show no no this was okay what what is the introduction include is it just my name just your name just like introduce yourself however yeah uh I oh my God I’m blanking um everyone what is your name what is your actual name um yourself what do you mean it’s not your real name I don’t have a credit card oh yeah give us all the funny numbers on your debit card and the funny three numbers on the back give me your Costco card I’m 18 you think I shop at Costco I don’t know bro but you probably should it’s smart okay anyways yeah I’m Corin hi um anyway what’s your story this guy be yapping I walked downstairs thinking oh my brother locked himself out again no I opened the [ __ ] door and there’s a cop there saying that they’re tracking a GPS chipped gun to my house so I have to get everyone in my family to the front door right now and we cannot find my youngest brother so we think he’s got it on him and talking to this cop for like [ __ ] how long was I gone 10 minutes and then after like another five what another cop comes around the corner is like oh yeah no they’re walking down the street so we’re still trying to find my [ __ ] brother and we think he has it anyways wow oh okay okay what a wild way to get things started oh I got a anyway um that you working a transition sponsor raise Shadow leg well actually hey did you know I’m actually affiliated with Rogue energy and if you do exclamation point Rogue give my twitch chat you can use my code smoothie and get 10% off your whole purchase wow that sounds incredible oh my gosh you should totally do that use my link and my code mhm good window knows get the crap out of me my chat’s going on about air tagged Firearms okay there it’s not night I’m not going to die now this doesn’t happen GPS chipped Firearms take them to your local pet store to find the owner anyway so I think it’s about good a good time we transition now we need to be able to like help people get to the area so oh I accidentally I’m into full screen there we go anyway hello my my my bators Hello where is here behind you hello my bators I’m not this Me Your Leader look at this guy look at this goofy guy what so if you would like to join it’s called alra at the top at you can go to the website just send people on right now um if you join now my username my username is easy it’s uh it’s this so easy you should know if you message me and you’re like on the server and you’re messaging me message me and I can teleport you and I’m sure if you message me homies can also help teleport people I don’t want to touch it what do we do with it there we go oh there’s tats let me now whenever I send a TP request don’t move here send me so tat send me a TPA request send me send me if you’ve messaged me send why is there an ice giant what is huh you do send me TPA request JY you have that sword still yes I do go kill it juny still over here there we go there we go there we go our homies are here yipp yipp yipp all right welcome to the lands of dafel we have I I know it’s you bo uh oh your stuff so welcome to these lands feel free to get yourself set up mine a tree start going out for the masses go get them tiger go get them tiger this is survival Minecraft MH anyway how’s the ice giant going um I died oh good job here let me see if I can fight it and I only the only way I felt I could cope was to make a joke in global but you’re probably told El Roso but no that was fine oh my gosh Ern please rata please just send me a tbaa request can I ask a question I’m a graphic designer if you move it doesn’t work there we go there’s Rada Rada is here we have so many new people joining our nation pixel aren’t you so happy I know my loyal subjects that isn’t even a real you can yes you can go for any tree um pixel did you want to promote your faction Discord oh yeah where where where you want me to put that put it in the chat okay um give me a second bear with me be patient um where even are you I I’m surveying the land so I can figure out how this how we’re setting this up yeah you’re looking for a spot also is this like abandoned looking t on Town the place that you said got like yed from the server huh this place like down down the ways from where we were at where yall are at is what the the one the one like town that nobody’s at anymore oh yeah yeah yeah those are the people that got nuked hang on I’m going tell everyone say hi to twitch why do you have why do you have I don’t I don’t either I shouldn’t at least there we go people are saying hi to Twitch well one person did one person did that makes me feel better okay let me do with the um I am Lynn and I like my hi twitch is there a nation uh no not right now scaming there okay there too oh they have town and Nation chats because we haven’t set up a claim yet yeah which I got to do but I’m fig out right now um oh wait y’all are my reactive images aren’t here oh my gosh there we go fixed it put in chat um and um yeah I’m dropping the Discord Link in the chat for the faction yeah drop it in the chat spam it a couple times feel free okay if you get if you get ding all on time are all of you that are on here in like in that the faction now juny did you even go into the yes I did and I went G bark give me my rules and you didn’t oh well sorry don’t get sassy with me I’m your Chamberlain I know and there’s even a role for you you’re like high Chamberlain right yeah High chamber because I want a fancy title let see you need you can take the log if you want green is kind of small you know what you we should take advantage of use your chat and come up with a name to replace the Royal Court name oh chat do you guys want to I will take the top hm okay here I’ll I’ll no pixel I’m going to find a way to monetize this I’m going to find a way to monetize this $10 and you get to name what the Court’s called oh oh oh okay okay what if okay oh that’s a risky move what if what if I don’t like it do we want to up it then because I have someone who would I this this Forest is so stingy stingy I just need saplings for the I Oh I thought you were talking about like dingi I was like no it’s very pretty no no it’s it’s very very pretty it’s just not oh soid $10 and you get to name like the court like the Royal Court cuz currently it’s the thorn court and Junie says no because that all she can think of about is a qu ofth of roses and I am like okay fine yeah it sounds too much like a of roses I need but if I’m going to be convinced to change it then I need a name that’s better than that um the cranky core I’m sure will end up being called County mcil face I would love to person listen these names are great but it got to got to get some sort of incentive pixel will physically cringe on the inside you can donate $10 so you can make juny not name the court while I you know there needs to be some some level of entertainment and on everything super high serious I take my names very seriously I need something that sounds cool there’s like the Lilac Court also if it helps a lot of our names are based around nature things Birds and the color red the League of Extraordinary bobas know the food court I’m looking for out of food that’s so sad you can donate $10 so you give me JY not the court that’ll help juny [Music] mhm again H we’re down to less than a week left in the Box the Fall Court that’s too much like the Fay yeah I’m less I I’ve got less than a week left in the Box I’m so happy the is this where we’re setting up yes it is roughly I’m fine as long as people take the stand on a trapo that opens to the F guilty someone say F fornia the royal family is mostly wood elves so I guess technically it is f but like at the same time not I lagged out so hard it sent me back to the lobby it just depends PR a court of fallen leaves not bad that’s a Warrior Cat’s name [ __ ] hell never mind no but it’s pretty so you so I can’t have a have a a name because it reminds you of roses but if it then we could use it because one is prettier than the other sorry pine cone Club nature Court oh oh K’s on kind of just this is not good this is not fun what’s not fun I I’m lagging out and I can’t get to my grave because there’s zombies and skeletons around it oh I’m so [Music] sorry by the way oh gosh I should very much not be tapping out in the middle of the night because I don’t hear sounds therefore I end up uh dying [Music] and if you haven’t already make sure to go like and retweet that stream cuz that helps me so much and if you’re on YouTube make sure to like and comment oh my gosh Rada Rada died yes please try to set your spawn over here help it I earned a dollar friends I earned a dollar I’m going to go kill the skeleton I’m determined I’m going to do it I’m going to be I’m going to be not scared I’m going to be not scared I’m going to be not scared I’m not going to be scared I’m not going to be scared I got it oh I got the bow I’m I have a power two bow now okay that mean I I can I can I just where are you dude do your shut youting it’s true but shut up oh void I have your wood you keep dropping all your wood buddy protect me your job you want to be in the military defend me let me o you keep dropping your wood your wood boy your [Music] wood I have never been more stressed in my life to refugees no wait lethal do you still need to kill um yeah there’s one over here I see ow I protect my chat I protect my chat I am the chat Defender noa’s playing you money and XP yeah oh fully I will play play Oh I got it’s armor oh this is an XP Hunter what you say the right now J I have a steel chair I don’t need protection I was working out people’s rules I would join but I’m pretty bad RP hey that’s that skeleton had a flame bow I don’t know there’s a lot ofp at the moment it’s kind of just not dying oh I have a skeleton chasing me but that’s fine I’m in diamond armor there you go they prove yourself a yeah hey Eagle what the hell was that oh my God there’s he’s a bar oh my gosh Stone de backman thinks of the follow that’s crazy we’ll let you perform at the dinner parties when the Castle’s B I’m going blow my flute at the got i’ really got to stop tapping out oh I’m being attacked I’ve been attacked where where I will I will come save you you will defend your father where did you get that wait let me see your day ow ow ow ow than [ __ ] oh my God enemies I declare oh how do you this chat you heard him war on skeletons enemies of the state oh so I have the capital oh my gosh I have two power Two bows I can make a power three bow I’m about to be the strongest I’m about to the strongest bow out here okay so how does well I wait till gets day oh uh Rada I’m going to get your grave for you so you don’t lose it and then I’m going to put in a chest ow okay well it’s While y are surviving the night and I’m safe in the house I’ll be right back I’m going go I’m going to make you your you a little chest to put all your little things in oh my went out oh God I’ll give you some more there you go bills bills that’s my metal project skeletons of War dead beats and shambles I can’t TP yep cat you’re going to have to walk I’m so sorry the most I can do is put your grave in the chest we can wait for Pixel to get the town stuff set up I’m sure you can teleport to like the the skeleton we’re not the other way [Music] around my goodness and why my everyone except void all of my Chatters except void died I don’t know how that makes me feel o I offer you w man void you’re such a loyal citizen VY you’re such a loyal citizen where are you can we Knight him can we Knight him he’s the only chatter to not die within the first 10 minutes and he’s going straight into the mines man I’m we got to we got to KN this man we got to get him a title yeah t if you let me know where your grave is I can that for you and put it in the chest what kind of NPC do you need in your village uh citizens what type of what I don’t know what type of NPCs do you need pixel oh pixel’s on Deen so I guess the leaves I get to meet through oh I guess we need like there we go um we need people to grind materials basically no rules and no hi AR guy hello [Music] hello which is what you been doing all day uhhuh [Music] there we go whoa the deer is doing something hey buddy what’s going on bunny you good good I don’t know yeah I don’t know if he’s or not all right all right thank you for lurking thanks for lurking thank you thank you we go back yet no I got to ask him about the name blame by elephant okay that’s new umus Lane I really want my uh I really want the alra rank on the server I don’t have any me I keep falling oh there’s foxes F I was about to that hole again I have so much wood oh wait boy did you I think [Music] boy oh [Music] here yeah you g wow all right yay I was trying to ask you what type of NPCs you need in your place but you weren’t here what one of my Chatters asked like what type of people they need here oh what did you say did you have an answer I told them just grind oh yeah at the moment grind so we’re kind of in a state of the noble family in jar is like refugees so we’re kind of just surviving in this area we get together um I’m an exception once once we um once we um get everything set up um and that means like structure hierarchy the build initial build should be the castle then we’ll and we get that then we’ll need Builders um and specific resources gathered once that the castle set up then we’ll need a whole array of people cuz then the faction will really get up and going um and there will be several opportunities of all kinds for anybody get or just kind of aage important jobs Ed did you hear that geopolitics [Music] geopolitics s about that for me that’s SC me geopolitics I should P back up yummy yummy in my tummy geopolitics and scum okay so how does the claiming um area work that is actually a very good question I don’t know all right I’ll look into it I don’t know if it turns ni yeah I can do that I found a gra and I’m like no [Music] oh oh there’s a boar I’mma kill it oh [Music] that oh I killed it I just got flung up into the air about that how does the message command work oh my godash MSG like the like the you add to food oh okay sorry it wasn’t bringing up the little tab selection for me to pick who I was messaging are we why are we why are we fishing why not [Music] [Music] [Music] are [Music] I know I’m just RAC tracking I’m being such a not I need to do something with my hands do I dare go into the mines I don’t know I’m scared I’m scared I don’t want to go into the mines the mines are scared [Music] scary oh here ly make sure to send a TP request [Music] you haven’t formed your name properly yeah you got to format your name only one of us what do you mean Eric’s also isn’t proper but I’m going to tell him later to fix it look at go to character submissions and look at all of our names and look how they set up am I prepared Mr gentleman what should I be prepared for oh you talking about for the mine oh where’s the chest stuff hi ly make sure to go find a bed and set your spawn so you don’t end up like rata in [Music] t with all our valuables e where’s our valuables your Val are in [Music] the tools food torches and Mr gentlemen thank you for the checklist um found it all right let’s see so I’m going to need food I’m going to need this iron to make a pickaxe a stone [Music] pickaxe extra the I’m going need the crafting T need um I’m going to need I’m need a lot of oh I have wood thanks to void I have wood stick wood food you think I’m ready do this I can do this I was going to punch you back to the safe area but you’re at three hearts so I can’t do that this I have a ton of wood I have so much wood I have so much wood gentlemen I’m not wanting for wood oh we cooked [Music] venison all right I’m off to the [Music] mines Lynn please be [Music] careful I personally am of the opinion of um we ball [Music] where is the hole that I found jump stop talking about oh my gosh so I’m thinking okay do we know what this little settlement on the end here is no it’s not claimed okay so we’re going to ignore that that c I don’t know what you’re talking I’ve been murdered well I tried to tell you to move out of that area and you were AFK I can beat up everything about the warden you know what Mr gentlemen maybe I can maybe I can I’m going to die again I every anytime I get close to mobs I start lagging this is these are not optimal [Music] conditions can’t see I’m so [Applause] blind hello to the stranger that is outside the building I’m taking sanction in my shield broke that’s why oh they have the gr okay I’m not oh there’s zombies thank you that means you can literally take someone’s head if you want you got 100 in mining I can I can I can take heads yes you can literally take heads yeah came back with j y oh my gosh Cara does carpet really help it get the one like people say it actually does [Music] area that we’re in and I’m thinking I’m thinking where are you I’m in the [Music] Min [Music] why is very funny called contribut you’re there to just sit there delegate and look hot oh my God why are there yes it does but I don’t have a torch yet so I’m looking for a torch I’m looking for I’m probably going to steal a Tor oh I almost fell down that that have been so ugly you don’t want to if you don’t want to be the Protec need to recruit some soldiers oh get away we go technically [Applause] [Music] Tech is this a m I’m did I just find a m shaft it’s fun of M sha did you already loot it it’s been looted oh I got lobes [Music] useless find some coal i’ [Music] love if there’s some coal I’d love to use it there’s diamonds right here I got [Music] [Applause] [Music] diamonds look at that wow so cool I found diamonds before I found coal where’s my head oh that’s that’s going to shoot me into the oh that’s [Music] obsidian well diamonds are compressed coal oh my [Music] gosh oh yeah there is a someone’s thoroughly been through this we to find another [Music] dark twerking twerking when I bu the things I like d d [Music] The Grind [Music] what I love Minecraft so much what I love that Mr gentle Mr professional gentleman is giving uh someone in my chat a lecture about the deep dark I think that’s so funny those SK with power bows is apparently just a thing that’s a zombie zombies baby zombies baby zombies 168 46 knocking me back ow [Music] I have found diamonds before I have found coal is some sick [Music] problem your grave as oh my God you were you were ready oh I died no [Music] okay I figured it out I know how to claim land you going to go claim land yeah how much land to get a claim as much as the money I have on I got first I got to set up the spawn point okay so don’t break a player’s uh grave it spawns a zombie with their head um oh I’ve done that already I’m not trying to lose know that okay I got everything but the crafting table we’re running what is this why do you have full Enchanted gold armor you’re not a zombie huh what I need you to come save me again oh because we’re in cth pool it’ll St at the bottom this part is claimed yeah come back for them’ll be the first on ow I just think it’s funny that’s [Music] so find some else [Music] [Music] oh is this not repeating it’s just every time I tune in it just so happens did you see what I saw huh no I was taed out M6 ah I want to go look back [Music] up this is massive [Music] M [Music] hey God [Music] [Music] [Laughter] I’m having ideas D dad why can’t you just go mining for me y’all called me your queen earlier like that’s crazy I know I’m not being called a traitor what what what I didn’t say anything [Music] loyal I no I did not just the of just put Castle right here Ranch off of this watch create some land put it [Music] [Applause] right yes there’s a royal family Rada I am a princess there we go it begins oh God yeah buddy I can barely hear your friends or the wait do I need to turn you up and do I need to turn up speak friends I probably need to take an earbud out actually because I don’t want to yell too loud and my mom yell at me there we go there we go Discord should be turned up a little bit more thank you see this is my this is what my chat’s here for to tell me when my audios are off cuz I can never I can never do audio all right the commands pixel um you have up I was just say we need money money yeah cuz we have to pay an notke um or it disappears we have a tiny little square and we need more land we are not building a castle on the land we have what’s my balance my balance is $200 what does that get me I’ve got 544 I can donate chat this is where you come in yeah we need now we need people to work make money give it to me so I can up keep this account we all need to work not private server no this is public this is a lra if you check my Discord announcements you’ll see the server I think you can start oh my gosh boy just gave me all of his money in just got a a jump scare in global okay huh where add and then the name try with me I see what you mean had to stop and read the entire player list how do you do the money thing money transfer um cuz gr oh I think it’s Grant it’s it’s SL pay a SL pay the amount or the number and then the amount player then the [Music] amount there’s your child support take it oh my gosh wisdom than you wiom you’re here I just hang on I think my alerts are Broken Oh no I think my alerts are broken oh my gosh they are oh my gosh they are hang on wisdom I didn’t even notice you’re here you should start inviting people so I can log off you can log up anytime you like no I need to Jo first start putting money into the deposit of the F how do I how do I do that hang wisdom thank you for the $80 putting us halfway to the goal wisdom thanks for $20 putting us 60% to the goal wisdom thanks for the other $20 to give me 70% on the way yes wisdom I promise I just saw it in my stream alerts my uh my alerts were broken oh my gosh hey what’s up I’ve actually been missing you I’ve been wondering where you’ve been you always come in and you’re like I’m a derail thank you thank you that’s so kind wisdom trying to be sneaky M by the way wisdom uh thanks for coming in we are playing on alra which is a geopolitics uh Minecraft server and it is public so you can get on and you can play with me I’m in the mines though because I yearn for the mines I do I really do get what what what were you saying how do I how do I I think it’s SLT add and then the player oh yeah can you make sure to add me too I want to get I out of the M I’m too pretty to be in the mines so be back in [Music] mines oh yes I would like to accept you just click you just click it um okay who else needs to be added to the town uh my chat if you can message it’s just pixel on the server if you would like to be added yes boy thank you there are plenty or everyone can just line up and then we can gra some of them are walking back to the place they di I thre them right here right now and some people are lost I have reference faction chat hey we’re a faction that has the stuff together I promise [Music] totally one out how the hell did you do that uh to chat sltc enter oh which I’m assuming if you do just sltc you enter your town chat yippe uh yeah you [Music] do I’m getting up out of here I’m getting out of the M wait I can I’m here I’m here wait can I do that actually can you do what hold on I think this is how this works fix wait is we’re getting up we’re getting up and we’re getting out oh wait yeah so any of you so T you might want to message pixel I don’t know if that brought Ezreal to me or me as real I guess we’ll find out in two seconds um pixel do I think it’s SLT uh wait are they just typing in uh oh it’s oh wait hold up I don’t know if it’s TR I think it’s rank oh you got it that’s okay wait let me go kill something I’ll get the money okay you got oh I finally oh my gosh I finally found coal and then the other one is go Ain ranata oh what what tore a yep I see them there you go oops I forgot we don’t have flash speed anymore no I’ve already tried to open my Ender Chest twice now you can let’s see this before I for you know tonight’s previous events um and chice I I thought about how much money I put into that right before I left and was like oh that kind of makes me sad I spent way too money much money there be really nice to right now what meeting supposed to have like a have a mean for for a project oh okay 7.m think I finally found an area someone howdy I have coal hello everyone’s free to kind of set up how wish um until we have like more set standards for what everything is going to be set up like and look like certain builds and things so do what you’d like in the around here but um things will shift and change and get turn down so just be aware of that as you go just need money enough land then then [Music] good I’m actually going to go get a static of [Music] Yi maybe I will go into the M actually no I want I want hi hi Manny oh I suck at this oh my gosh oh my god dude I’m literally just trying to get enough money to donate the 50 to um Ezreal that way they can they can afford the TP but you have to pay did they set their spawn at all no they didn’t I can’t break into this oh I’m under a claim I can’t break any of this oh no um okay I’m in the wilderness [Music] now oh you’re here oh never mind oh there’s tunnels I’m going to cry okay I can do SL Spa oh my gosh oh yeah and then the central block where the town is Will Be Your Spawn plan get out I yipp I hope I can change I don’t know what the what that claim is because that s claim is so far away you can’t be aing fet gosh oh I see where you’re at you’re at the very edge of the not this for just a little bit I keep dying and my Wi-Fi is not happy yes Manny I was able to get out yippe boy it’s trying to sleep pop oh I [Music] think myself check you might message uh yeah you might message uh Ain um they need to do um come back to fight that skeleton I think they have it but you might need to accept it cuz I thought I did hold on let me yeah you might need to tell them to accept it umop they just they just press and then click the accept button like the accept the green C it oh yeah I’ve invited them already they just have to accept it karaoke win I’m supposed to organize one I need to I didn’t as a I need to organize one as a sub goal one well anyway uh wisdom if you’re still here by the way thank you because now I can I can afford Myra [Music] roll you single-handedly funded my elal [Music] let’s [Music] go no don’t destroy CRA a little farm so cute [Music] so cute hi boy you you can play I never read this you g me though what happened to what happened to I have your [Music] head you go oh there’s baby your head and I’m smelting the iron I go getting a schematic SMY more food [Music] oh by the way for my friends who like to do bits and stuff I have new sound Bo bits that you [Music] can thanks for the rain welcome with the yyan rain thank you thank you w what’s up chill chill lyia welcome lyia we are playing on alra we’re playing on a lra that I was talking about earlier today totally come hang out I did fix the welcome welcome Raiders my name is juny I’m your number one bobarista news commentator from the future if you’re new here make sure to drop a follow uh I also stream over on YouTube make sure to go like comment and subscribe uh I’m playing on the alra Minecraft uh role playay geopolitics server with some of my friends here we’re starting up a nation my chat wants to call it uh Juna but uh pixel won’t let us yeah no anyway thank you so much liia for the raid I’m going to give you your shout out real quick I’m going to remember everyone go check out l everyone go check out lyia check her out she’s awesome um so anyway lyia have a stream if you need to go decompress you need to go D stream feel free to do that you do not have to stay here I will take good care of your community oh my gosh can this thanks for the follow thank you thank you make sure to on Discord if you can yeah don’t mention it uh how is stream Lydia what youall get up to do we have another wool uh that’s a good question I don’t know oh we have plenty there’s 19 in there use it buddy move oh thanks for the PO check thank you I was going to read you on YouTube but it wouldn’t let me oh my gosh I G to have to let you I might have to see if I have to add you to like my approved like redirect or something I I’ll have to figure that out I’ll have to go figure that out but thank you so [Music] much hi night hi s last son hey zerox hey Kenny modded orange hello [Music] hello hi fast Rod Candis obviously hello myth mythis hey thank you thank [Music] you thank you oh night than for 100 buies hi hi there hello hello oh hey last daughter JY where is the fire and Conquest I was promised on Twitter eventually this is all for the motherland we’re setting up base right now we Al we’re setting up base sting a base but I promise I promise soon I promise one day we will stream this and we will fire in Conquest um we actually do have our first Target and that is Cesspool um the order of operations for all the the chat that is participating in this this glorious faction that we putting together this nation um um we are surviving right now we’re just Gathering money doing quests all that stuff um and there’s some of us on the side working on the castle which is shouldn’t take us too much longer to get that figured out um and then uh it’ll be uh we also need to collect more land to make sure we have space to build the castle and then we will begin um resource collection and once resource collection the next phase is construction um and then once we have the castle built the faction can start operating and we can um put people in positions and roles they want um and have the most fun with and be helpful to the nation um and we will get things rolling and once we’re organized and have a good number of people and our military is organized then we will begin our Conquest um we will expand by the way tat you’re going to want to head for the direction of- 4100 4600 um which by the way if you if you’re coming in with Lydia’s raid and you want to play with us you absolutely can uh if you do exclamation point Discord you can join my Discord and the server link is in the announcements it’s called alra alra and it’s a public servery you don’t need to get Whit LED or anything you can just join M thanks Hannah for being on it um oh wait never mind I was going to ask about expanding but I just found me do that I just banked another thousand we already actually have some people from stream over here we have rata we have void we have Tad that just I feel so bad for T anyway how is everyone’s chel Point going by way we just expanded I’m so tired oh yes we expanded the trunk slowly expanding is there a thousand a chunk I I’m so sorry D I don’t know we need another chest I’m going to fix this give me a minute I don’t know how to find that out um fix this go excuse you I was getting there I had a hiccup excuse me yeah every time I burp bro everyone gets on my ass about it like give me like another second I will I will be polite jesia is the motherland it’s not but that’s what my chat [Music] says yeah well I’ve learned over time to not underestimate my chat pixel well there you know I wrote a lot of things and they they they f with be on it and you know I you know I fight back to so in their hearts Jia is the mother well it could be theirs they showed up after anyways it’s fine we have the steel chair us and I have rooted Throne you know I don’t know I think the steel chair might beat your throne in this situation oh my Navy would say otherwise I think don’t me into your grand oh I’m just trying to fish bro I’m trying to fish so I get my ships ready like you said you’re not going to give me a chair in the [ __ ] throne room because I’ll be at seat so why should I help now cuz that’s your job yeah well I’m also eating popcorn listening to you guys bicker about the town name we’re not bicker about the town stop stop I got puffer fish more money oh my gosh thanks for the $20 wisdom so I charge by the hour a penny an hour for my time wisdom you heard it I would like a compensate Al good night alata [Music] ah on you need a ladder and table now the steel chair is part of the secret military attack of J Bo thanks for the 500 bits not a bad time here thank you thank you for the 500 Bitties that’s so kind can I change the music friends that’s not the same seven song o Sher we can get shers oh that’s here we’re going to pull up I am going to pull up I think this is we are new for some epic the musical you know yeah [ __ ] I have to wait four more hours before I can start voting oh wait I need to vote give me a minute vote all anyway I’m GNA go I’m G to do these votings real quick oh I got a I should just feedback for their servers so they get noticed more [Music] yes my stuff’s going to lag so hard I’m this how do I know how much money I have look at that there we go all right [Music] I see where your loyalties lie [Music] Corbin wait I have another thousand hold on [Music] [Music] see oh yeah I love this song I love the song so much I [Music] do for it oh there we go vote there we go I voted yippe what did they get oh I got a tadpull oh Aon was the one that got a tadpull got a Sher shell oh my oh what song is this this is wouldn’t you like it’s really good a f like mess oh I need to my name capture uh yeah send it to pixel by the way make sure to go like and retweet My Stream person [Music] joining uh no it’s it’s void you just wanted to know like who to give the money to oh yeah you just do slash dep SLT deposit so it goes inside the the faction rather than just pixel oh don’t pay pixel that sound personal don’t pay my dad doesn’t deserve the M I’ll put I’ll put a tax only on you only on you you are going to attack [ __ ] cuz I’m going to be at se God honey I found a skeleton horse but don’t have a there we go I have a saddle do you want it I don’t know where Tad is oh they s has thorns on it [Music] here here a set look you’re getting money pixel aren’t you happy yeah no we are getting money there is no pixel it is a Wii communism no here what oh oh I have this for T Pat whenever you find me I have a saddle for you all go to spawn oh what’s that spawn uh quest to get more money oh I guess I should spawn should I I need 512 Rock God and 256 salmon and get $10,000 [ __ ] yeah sign me the [ __ ] this is fun money money there’s the there’s enchant oh we can enchant things yeah you [Music] can a no he’s king um yeah he’s not King what do you mean you are not a king bro you are a refugee be lucky if I don’t kill kill you in your sleep and take the throne gosh it’s so Brut I’m take your hat going to take your head that’s fine it’s top of my house oh we can just buy what we need okay over here the wait so can we like buy stuff for the nether you can copper I’m assuming these are like Custom Metals giant giant Platinum Soldier is there stuff up here Banner patterns Nether wart I have enough money that’s how you do the quest I’m EXP [Music] six raw venison 20 ra elephant four two sharks when D quid BR 20 their heart oh I’ll do this one can you only do one Quest at a time no you can grab a can grab more I’d recommend just grabbing all of them and you’ll just complete more time just be able to bring back the know how to do know how to do but like the ones where I’m like oh I can get that done yeah you’ll get them all done like for the fishing one like you’ll fish up a punch oh there’s one I can go [Music] do got put on my armor so I don’t die I need to kill one more [Music] end money money oh my gosh wisdom I’m in the middle of fighting what the now you need a new goal I do you reached my a thank you um hang on I got to get to safety [Music] and tell if he’s saying money or man he’s saying money cuz he’s talking about like the server balance all right let me go in here LOM you’re absolutely boners thank you so much uh thank you so much for the 20 uh because my apr’s M uh let’s see uh don know we’ll just I’ll just reset it honestly just do April goal there you go done I think we’ll I think at least on stream I will go for another 15ish minutes and then we’ll look into raing someone yep good night take care we see you oh my gosh are you oh my gosh I know I’m going to miss you have fun though wherever you end up that’s an Unbreaking one B okay and night good night okay what’s in the blue armor I can go I want is there oh Charlie you don’t understand Heaven never listens you didn’t listen to me they won’t listen to you you don’t know that I do oh that’s what I want but there is a song I do want to play I want to add to my playlist but first I can’t die that would be like really bad if I was to just like fall okay there we [Music] we go so what’s in the box are you talking about my macaroni box is [Music] macaroni here if they join you in that disappears can that [Music] yeah wa you in the Box oh why am I in the Box uh so basically I have a I have a sub goal that’s continuous every 10 Subs uh I increase how long I’m In The Box by a day so as you see I have eight days in the box and I’ve got 5 days left um it’s it’s just my chat wanted to put me in a box initially and then they just want to keep putting me in the box so they keep giving me Subs to put me in the box that’s that’s why I’m in the Box I don’t love the Box Cara stop lying stop slandering me the only thing I’m not loving about this system is it’s really hard to figure out where I’ve claimed and what I have days is there artificial habitat no it’s of my box is it it’s like alt it’s like alt three or something or alt G something to bring up like the chunk menu and then you just go based off your map and then keep meal not J is better maybe maybe maybe 20 subs and I’ll put myself in a jar instead but my my chat really love me in the macaroni box am I hearing hasbin Hotel yes you are I love hasbin Hotel does ji like boxes I I hate my box but my chat keeps me in my boxit barrs can breathe in a jar now yall are see see like I recorded the segment for like someone who doing like a little series I told I told them about how my CH just likes to put me in macaroni boxes may I put you in a jar for 20 gifted uh p p if you join the Discord then pixel can get you set up with your Discord role yes if you’re in that Discord then yes um yeah if you’re in that Discord um you also should be able to do slash toown spawn to get here now um if you’re in the Discord you should be able Mark your Ro pick your roll for um huh what wisdom what jar uh just a glass jar I want to see the jar I don’t have a jar asset I have to go get one can I put you in my leftover PC box has ating Chipotle in it uh I don’t know dep what the Chipotle meal is I’m being so I’m contributing so [Music] much she did agree for 20 sub she will get in jart yes I did uh it wouldn’t be until next stream cuz I would have to go find an asset but will do it so close to luring her into another [Music] box I’m going to put myself in here put in here here my friends I’m going to go talk to my chat real quick okay wait where is [Music] my all right you did not no you night you did [Laughter] not you did not oh oh night with the 20 gifted thums put me in a jar all right next stream you’ll see me in a jar challengeing the chat again listen this time I genuinely didn’t mean to you can thank Lydia for leaving me [Music] here well [Music] congrat hi Hotel lovely of you to show up anyway you not only put me in a jar you uped how many days left I have on my counter back to a whole week at this point I’m in a perpetual subathon and I can’t stop days in container I’ll probably update it yeah uh it’s a two for one sale but thank you so much boxon oh my gosh I actually will call it boxon I actually will I’ll call it boxon we need to talk Mr gentleman we need to talk what are we talking about Mr [Music] gentleman Jaron [Music] oh my gosh also thanks foring in tier one are you staying in the Box well in the door I think I could do for Christmas unboxing day oh that’d be fun [Music] you said you need to PO oh yes I did just because I’m going to be ending for tonight I’m for some reason I’m a lot more tired than I usually am how oh my gosh we1 D and D is so close oh my gosh wait I thought we I almost thought we were at a h TR went from micro box to a jar I’m going to be in the macaroni box while I’m in the jar anyway thank you so much for coming and hanging out thanks lyd is R my 2020 with 26,000 points agree with T D and D is so close to being filled up that’s crazy nice don’t forget about the [Music] hole I goodly when you go yes D and D can I play uh my go oh so night I’m going to try to get Lydia in on this campaign if my chat manages to uh to get the challenge done I’m going to get Lydia in on it so hopefully that’ll be a lot of fun anyway thank you so much for coming ready to go find someone [Music] yes ooh we can go with so much uh okay do you guys want to go watch a scary game or do you want to go watch uh honkai impact third oh she made your character oo do you guys want to go watch honkai impact third or do you want to go watch uh uh scary [Music] games wisdom wisdom wiom oh my gosh W I just I noticed my bar tick up and then I just so and then the message came through oh my gosh thank you well I mean I’m ending so I’m going to have to I’m going to have to set the goal starting tomorrow so you can’t do anything um just small as the two channels okay sounds good we’re going to go to scary games we’re going to go to Ace Avenger ad’s not here right now oh my go Pi please I’m trying to end please stop please I’m trying to end I’m trying to end stream please I can’t end if yall keep doing this the stream you’re welcome you’re [Music] welcome that’s it April’s you this is the stream dad ever no can I get my RAID message in chat [Music] please who’s got my ra message I know some of youall got it on copy paste I don’t where’s my message oh I think I got it boy stop this is my RAID message uh we’re going to go raid Ace I would never control night is there really a hype [Music] train okay I was going to say if there was a hype train oh wisdom thanks for continuing your sub I don’t do the wall of Tex thing I will say smoothie there oh no I have to stay I’m not going to leave y’all hanging what a hype [Music] train I thanks for the gifted St oh my gosh y’all are insane thank you everyone for coming out tonight thank you thank you I guess know that I’m I’m going to at least wait for the I’m going to at least wait for the hype train so I’m going to reset the goal I think wisdom lier W thanks for the six gifted sub oh well now I’m going to reset the sub goal oh wa we just hit another okay we just hit another day okay gosh ah ah I have to I have to okay so I you guys are making me update so many things okay okay okay uh do that and then reset there we go thank you so much for the 100 bites by the way night it’s going to take a little bit for those to come through but I see them hi chanzu welome [Laughter] Tron turned into a Tron I know this stream has the most wisdom of stream wisdom’s [Music] crazy just going to clean my oh boy don’t get [Music] involved thanks for the 232 pins [Music] here we go yes thank you void not the cards I am happy to announce oh my friends who do like to do the funny bit thing I do have sound alerts now so you can play like little funny soundboards with bits ad tried it the other [Music] day you should have an election Aon I don’t know what that would be I don’t know what that would be I do feel plan to stream on Election night by the way I’m going to make it like a big thing I might see if maybe ad was a good on it too ended up pvping emotional damage thanks night uh en join the microne yeah I’m getting pinged oh pixel’s got to let me react with emotes there we go we on the map oh my gosh juice that’s actually really kind that’s really kind you I wouldn’t I wouldn’t High fundraising with election exactly you know Judy for House Representatives you know how crazy would that be if it was the first vtuber elected to congress oh that’d be funny oh that’d be so funny that’d be so funny oh that’d be so funny that’d be [Music] hilarious do it I well everyone in my fan base would have to move bad Optics Mr gentleman knows what’s up [Music] [Music] Mar what is po what is post stream it’s a hype you’d be dogs yeah that’s like the big thing I can never run for Congress [Music] now it’s the level three hype Train by the way that’s crazy thank you no um I’m level up [Music] C outside my [Music] door oh my gosh thank you so much thank you all right your tr’s done we can I can finally send you off finally send y off we’re going to go raid Ace please told me he’s still alive he should be yeah there he is we’re going to go raid a suggestion need feedback okay yeah and you’re not y machine I don’t think if you’re already going to be famous and you’re not y Machining of a a machine anyway we’re going to go we’re going to go R A I’ll settle on a jar for now yes thank you everyone thank you to everyone who came thank you so much to a ancient wisdom for all the donuts they get void and everyone who contributed to the hype train thank you all right I’m going to send you love I don’t

This video, titled ‘[GAMER HOUR] Getting Geopolitical! In Minecraft of Course. (LIVE)’, was uploaded by JJuniesmoothie on 2024-04-12 15:40:33. It has garnered 124 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:10 or 6670 seconds.


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    💥POISHORTCRAFT: Pick Your Side! ARA ARA vs DEMON KIM ANGEL!💥 | MINECRAFT ANIMATIONVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHICH ONE YOU LIKE ?ARA ARA TEAM MACNCHEESE DEMON TEAM KIM ANGEL CUTE -MINECRAFT ANIMATION #shorts’, was uploaded by poishortcraft on 2024-07-17 00:00:17. It has garnered 70885 views and 3072 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. Please (Like)👍 & Subscribe ▶️ to my channel Don’t forget to Click the Bell 🔔 Turn on notification for more awesome content like this #MinecraftAnimation 😊 Godbless You all 🙏😁 (Goal to 1,000 Subs) For a starter 😅🙏 Read More

  • “Minecraft Showdown: Bedrock vs Java Edition – Ultimate Comparison – EPIC!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft Showdown: Bedrock vs Java Edition - Ultimate Comparison - EPIC!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Showdown: Bedrock vs Java Edition – Ultimate Comparison! #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shivam x Highlights on 2024-06-13 06:30:12. It has garnered 1055 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Welcome to our ultimate Minecraft showdown! 🌍 In this video, we dive deep into the differences between Minecraft Bedrock and Java Edition. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this comprehensive comparison will help you decide which version suits you best. From performance and mods to gameplay and community, we’ve got it all covered. Don’t forget… Read More

  • 🔴Join the EPIC Minecraft Game with Theon! 🤝【German】

    🔴Join the EPIC Minecraft Game with Theon! 🤝【German】Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft live Deutsch, Jeder kann Mitspielen 🤝 [Deutsch/German][Bedrock/Java]’, was uploaded by Theon Gaming on 2024-06-05 17:38:46. It has garnered 245 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:24 or 9264 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #live Discord: https://discord.com/invite/cMYnax6bfm Here are my names from games and social media: Epic : tollermann397 TikTok: Theon Gaming Discord : tolleemann397 # 5532 Instagram : Theon Gaming YT #minecraftps4 #minecraftjava #minecraftnintendoswitch #minecraftlivestream #minecraftandroid #youtube Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pool Build by Rafli Nagara17

    Insane Minecraft Pool Build by Rafli Nagara17Video Information This video, titled ‘Bikin Kolam Renang Di Minecraft’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-03-12 18:25:01. It has garnered 2874 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:44 or 6344 seconds. Saweria donation: https://saweria.co/RafliNagaraa17 socialBuzz : https://sociabuzz.com/rafli-adytian_-/donate cara register minecraft: https://youtu.be/x5NNMS9b8kA Social media🌎 Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rafli_nagara17/ tik tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@raflinagara17 Discord : https://discord.gg/wRan8ZxpPK Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM5DczGW60oIaCzJmajQz7zr7f4mRcXc5 Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village https://youtu.be/PlPZAHsGqOg?si=poiAN5XphqRC_nBn 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia Minecraft mod showcase indonesia Minecraft Java Minecraft pocket edition… Read More

  • Wool World

    Wool WorldWool world is a PVP server. Red vs Blue. There is colored wool areas that you must destroy to claim the teritory for your team. Claim resources like spawners and push into the enemy land to expand! Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6 Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: ZynnCraft.fr.to Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Server Features: Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win Join the discord: https://discord.gg/QFQDu5rdWu Server Trailer: https://youtu.be/XtN3SSTPOV8?si=lZBR6ObeDC2SgYeq A Non-Pay-to-Win Vanilla+ Factions experience Server Overview: Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, where you can experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Our server focuses on maintaining the classic vanilla-plus experience while introducing some unique twists to keep the gameplay exciting and engaging. Now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join the discord: https://discord.gg/QFQDu5rdWu Join us at: ZynnCraft.fr.to and become part of the ZynnCraft community… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Greedy capitalism sparks creativity”

    Minecraft Memes - "Greedy capitalism sparks creativity"Why be innovative when you can just mine for diamonds all day? #CapitalismWinning Read More

  • Redstone Wonders: 2024’s Top 10 Builds!

    Redstone Wonders: 2024's Top 10 Builds! Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft show, Where redstone builds steal the glow. Top 10 structures, simple and neat, With tactics to make your world complete. First up, a tsunami machine so grand, Followed by a nuclear bomb, oh so grand. Magic fireplace, doorbell chime, Auto teleport, a true gem in time. Laser door, encrypted safe, Motor boat, ready to race. Missile launch, 3×3 elevator, Each creation, a true innovator. Join our Discord, for more fun, And remember, in Minecraft, we all shine like the sun. So grab your blocks, and let’s begin, Creating wonders, with a Minecraft spin. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Characters Exposed! 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Characters Exposed! 🔥😂 I know them better than I know myself! 😂 #nerdlife Read More

  • MODDED MINECRAFT: World-Hopping Adventure

    MODDED MINECRAFT: World-Hopping Adventure Minecraft Survival with 150+ Mods: Exploring Worlds (LP 2) Embark on a thrilling survival journey in Minecraft with over 150 mods! The second series of survival adventures awaits, promising a unique and enhanced gameplay experience. Survival with a Twist With an extensive collection of mods, players can expect a whole new level of challenges and excitement. From new creatures and items to enhanced mechanics and environments, every aspect of the game is transformed, offering endless possibilities for exploration and creativity. Unleashing Creativity One of the most exciting aspects of playing Minecraft with mods is the ability to unleash creativity… Read More


    SHIZO HORROR MINECRAFT IN 4K SHADERSVideo Information This video, titled ‘HORROR AND 4K SHADER HARDCORE MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Saters on 2024-07-10 06:45:06. It has garnered 41 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:49 or 12949 seconds. WALCUM ZameRs, THis will for sure be the stream of all time Yoo, what the fupp is going on description. THE SCARIEST HORROR GAMES EVER GAME : HARDCORE MINECRAFT, HEIRS, BAD DREAMS, HUDDAM 2 BERZAH lik and subribe, zero deth sped run #gaming #funnyvideos #newgames #freegames #horrorgames #freehorrorgames #free #freemovies #funnyvideocompliation #funnymontage #howto #diamondlayer #scaryvideos #scarystories #scary #creepypasta #scp #skibidi #rage #minecraft #fortnight #roblox… Read More

  • Minecraft PvP: Top 10 Texture Packs!

    Minecraft PvP: Top 10 Texture Packs!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft top 10 texture-packs in pvp’, was uploaded by NOT_SK_01 on 2024-03-05 14:46:01. It has garnered 49 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:40 or 760 seconds. minecraft top 10 texture packs in pvp https://discord.gg/pdEfDz7V minecraft ,top 10 minecraft mods ,top 10 minecraft texture packs ,minecraft resource packs ,minecraft texture pack ,top 10 realistic texture packs for minecraft 1.19,top minecraft mods, minecraft texture packs,top 10 cursed minecraft texture packs, best minecraft resource packs, top 10 texture packs for minecraft 1.19.4,top 10 realistic texture packs for minecraft,top 10 minecraft realistic texture packs… Read More

  • EPIC FIREFIGHT: Minecraft Hardcore Hut Build!

    EPIC FIREFIGHT: Minecraft Hardcore Hut Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore not really part 9- Building a hut’, was uploaded by Fire Fox 64 on 2024-03-17 18:04:10. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:37 or 1357 seconds. I built a small hut to live in Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft House Build 🤯🔥#trending

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft House Build 🤯🔥#trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make minecraft house in Minecraft 🥵🔥🤯#shorts #trending #ytshorts #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Confuse man on 2024-05-31 07:39:00. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. How to make minecraft house in Minecraft 🤯🔥🥵👍 People also ask What defines a house Minecraft? A “house” is defined as a claimed bed. If the bed is obstructed by a solid block, villagers cannot pathfind to it and therefore cannot claim the bed. Things to build in Minecraft Volcano. Castle. Modern Skyscraper. Floating Base. Bridge. Ship. Lighthouse…. Read More

  • 10 Years of Minecraft Evolution Revealed!!! 🔥🔥🔥

    10 Years of Minecraft Evolution Revealed!!! 🔥🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – 2014 vs 2024 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by brine playz on 2024-05-13 14:33:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft – 2014 vs 2024 #minecraft #shorts Thanks For Watching ! . . . Share with your friends plzzz IGNORE ALL HASHTAG … Read More


    MINE KRISH - CREEPY SEEDS IN MINECRAFT 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘HORROR MINECRAFT ME SCARY SEEDS 😱’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-04-24 14:34:35. It has garnered 1712 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:26 or 266 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror apk minecraft… Read More


    SHOCKING: HIHA CATCHES BILLY CONFESSING TO KITTY IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘HIHA PHÁT HIỆN BILLY TỎ TÌNH KITTY TRONG MINECRAFT*GIA ĐÌNH HUGGY 😍🤣’, was uploaded by Oops Hiha on 2024-02-27 11:00:10. It has garnered 754122 views and 14795 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:51 or 1551 seconds. HIHA FOUND BILLY CONFESSING KITTY IN MINECRAFT*HUGGY FAMILY 😍🤣 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Hey, I’m HihaChobi :3 Today, in the Huggy world, a super interesting scene appeared, let’s watch it ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join this channel as a member to enjoy the following privileges: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtT5uP2WIGxyP0MYCC_ZHtQ/join ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎬 SUBSCRIBE HihaChobi ►: https://goo.gl/CbZzbe 📰 FACEBOOK FANPAGE ►: https://goo.gl/1SejY7 📰Hiha fan group ► : https://bit.ly/2HmWiiY… Read More

  • Secret Minecraft Cheat Revealed 😱

    Secret Minecraft Cheat Revealed 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 01:59:41. It has garnered 153 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Build! PPL Request

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Build! PPL RequestVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,632’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:52:52. It has garnered 276 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,632 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • The Redlands

    The RedlandsWelcome to The Redlands, a Towny Minecraft server with a large world, in which players can practice geopolitics, economies, and industrialization together! This server is friendly for the more technically inclined. theredlands.serveminecraft.net:25604 Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6! Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: ZynnCraft.fr.to Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win Join the discord: https://discord.gg/QFQDu5rdWu Server Overview: Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server! Experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played, now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join us at: ZynnCraft.fr.to and become part of the ZynnCraft community today! 🌟 Read More

  • Vibe Nation MC

    Vibe Nation MCWelcome to Vibe Nation MC! We’re new around here and just getting started! Come join the vibes on our 1.21 Survival Eco/MCMMO server! Our servers Eco is based around 3 things: Fishing, Crops, and Mob drops. And yes, we also have spawners! Most importantly you can claim your land, so no one will be able to mess with your builds! Bare with us though, as stated we are very new to all this and hope to see some of you join in on the adventure!Here’s our Discord for any further questions: discord.gg/uH92QhCuR2 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Endless glitch goodness”

    “Me trying to explain a glitch to my non-gamer friends: It’s like when you try to count to infinity in Minecraft, but accidentally hit infinite likes instead.” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Gun Showdown

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Gun Showdown In Minecraft, we added guns, a twist so bold, Fire, ice, potions, magic, and dragons, behold! Each gun brings a new power, a new thrill, Changing the game, adding a new skill. Fire Gun, Ice Gun, Potion Gun, and more, Magic Wand and Dragon Gun, what’s in store? Exploring new ways to play, to fight, In this Minecraft world, where creativity takes flight. So grab your guns, and let the battles begin, In this world of blocks, where you can always win. With guns in hand, the possibilities are endless, In Minecraft, where every moment is a new genesis. Read More

  • Villager Spittin’ Hot Fire with New Rail Hack

    Villager Spittin' Hot Fire with New Rail Hack When the villagers in Minecraft start chanting “Oi Oi Oi,” you know they’ve been hitting the minecart tracks a little too hard. Time for a rail intervention! Read More