Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Gameplay

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nah nah n [Music] hello my fellow friends welcome back to a another stream on the hardcore server over here oh my God the music is intense today and I’m being joined by some of my fellow friends on my hardcore world today I’m going to be joined by Mary and Greg today our fellow one block members and also now our fellow Ad Astra members as well so yeah it’s pretty cool we’re going to have a lot of cool stuff today maybe next stream we’ll have some more people join as well we’ll see yeah let’s get right into the fun of it because these people are already waiting for me and I’m just going to turn the music a slight bit down and we’ll turn their sound a little bit up so hopefully you guys can hear them do let me know if anything is too loud too quiet and stuff like that because I’ll be I’ll be trying to wash that as well in today’s stream so yeah we’re going to have a lot of fun this is episode 4 of um my hardcore stream by the way thank you guys for all the support on the channel we’re soon very close to 700 subscribers so that is amazing and epic so we’ll we’ll have something fun planned for that and thank you for all the support on the new one21 video as well that was absolutely amazing okay I’m going to share my screen over here so that you guys can see what is going on in the world of Hardcore Minecraft for some okay there we go now you guys can see hopefully my screen and stuff on on live as well let’s see if you guys can see it yeah you can okay everything is um hopefully good and amazing over here let me know by the way if anything’s too loud too quiet and stuff like that and I will quickly go in um and I will quickly go into Discord as well hello friends hello hello can I get an audio test from both of you so that we can see if my stream hears you one two one two M check m okay they should be able to hear me welcome guys to the hardcore world oh my God it’s so amazing that you guys are here um oh yeah you made a new bed for Greg as well okay that’s good because we did need we did need an bed we’re going to be we’re going to be very close together tonight we’re going to be I found where the mobs are spawning be very close oh my God this is like our this is like our one block and um ad Astro series as well yeah it kind of is yeah it’s not streaming yeah it is give me a minute it’s okay yeah technical difficulties okay V do you want to come and sleep so that we can actually do some progress today no yeah we go that’s good oh my God we’re we’re going to have so this is going to be scary because I need to give you some food Greg here you go have some of this very valuable food that’s it like today we’re going to have to focus on our food farm a bit more um feel free to use any of the materials in there this over here in front of you is the world core um so the world Forge basically and that’s how you can craft and stuff but you already know that because the mod King arrived all of our technical difficulties Greg can sort it out so no not not on mods not with mods well most of the technical issues what we had you sorted out for us so are any are any other questions what we had about Minecraft are you guys going to be against me or helping me I mean they kind of have to help each other to survive here so yeah but I’m just looking for the mobs so I can hear a bunch of skeletons and stuff because today it would be nice to make some kind of um a food food um area over here because we got a pig down there well I have no clue how we’re going to pick him up we got a sheep and what was the Sheep’s name Mary do you still remember Elon it was Elon the sheep and amazing okay and what is the pig’s name uh I think it was Jeffrey oh yeah okay you’re you’re naming it after um rich people then that correct okay oh my God okay I’m so excited for today’s stream now that I have more people on the world it it feels actually like I’m not alone in [Music] Minecraft all right I have a couple more pieces of bread to dish out over here here’s two pieces for you and then I’ll give um oh here I picked it up I think back up and then M where are you thank you this are they oh that was almost the hard over there here you go not a lot of red but at least it’s something why did you bring hears I I know I’m I’m going to try to find them but this room was was dark for a reason so I can make mobs actually spawn here we have to make a mob no it’s okay we have to make a mob spawner here anyway as [Music] well I’ll cover it up no it’s okay it’s okay I will I will um I I will have to make uh a normal mob spawner as well but um yeah I have focus on some of the chunks today as well making unable CH what do you need help with um to be honest there’s a boring tthk with with mining because we’re going to have to mine some of the some of the wooden or some of the stone and stuff up yeah cuz because we’re going to need that for the world Forge itself and I can barely hear you guys so I’m going to just turn your volume a little bit up on my end is it safe to go down here um sometimes yes sometimes I would need torches you call wouldn’t I not uh oh that that part yeah that part’s all lit up down there so you can go down and you can feel free to make yourself like a pickaxe and some extra stuff I already made I made some I I’m good okay good um do you have a shield and do you want a shield I don’t have a shield um do you think I’ll need a shield coming down here um I have I have I have one piece of iron so I will I’ll make you a shield what in my hand oh you made a chunk no not yet such an idiot I just made a door I’m a fool what did I want to make a shield I made tree bloody doors why here you go oh my God okay thank um is it I wasted freaking door oh my God okay um oh yeah do you want to put down Greg do you want to wait Mar made a Mary made a chunk not yet just give me a second I still have to make it unstable in a minute and then um yeah yeah we’ll witness the UN we we’ll witness it grow and see what it is oh my God I hope it’s not another I hope it’s not another ocean to be honest I seen it I I seen I saw you guys do it on the last thing I go I can’t wait to see it actually happen oh my God I’m just going to change the music to some lighter music because that’s getting a little bit over I have an unable drun and be is going to kill me probably yes okay where should I put it I know I’m going to put it over here where’s where you going to put your little unstable chunk wait for us wait for us okay I just don’t want to fall off the edge I don’t want it to be an ocean that’s what I don’t want it to be oh oh my God okay oh boy oh it’s building it’s building it’s building oh it looks like it’s an [Music] ocean it’s another ocean my God why I need my bucket I’m going down there why hey give me my bucket it’s over there give me my bucket back give me my bucket oh my God okay I’m coming down with you Greg in the mines think we can go I’m going to go down into my ocean chunk going down into your little ocean chunk are you happy me that it’s an ocean h no I’m not be careful here Greg there’s a big staircase [Music] mhm oh this is okay did you die no not yet oh R if you die you’re out you know that right okay yeah I know I found a cave though well that’s amazing and copper in it oh my God it’s right next to the ocean like on the bottom I have to dig out I have to start looking for some actual resources and why am I I down here in the mines I think I will leave you Greg to to work in the mines what I will do is I’ll work on our food source because oh it goes down even it goes down to bedrock that spiral staircase I made down to bedrock in episode 1 and it branches out in multiple different ways do you be careful though because do I need to go all the way well I don’t know what I don’t know what you want to [Music] get like if you I think I found where the mobs are if you if you want to get like just iron and stuff then just go a couple levels down and you will see some Branch shops where where there’s um Stone okay oh Mar’s too loud on on your end sorry sorry sorry I’ll take that down can you talk this for a minute one two one two mic check mic check okay hopefully that’s a little bit better too loud yes you are okay there we go um what did I want to do what did I want to do yeah you could Branch off from that if you want to find find some Iron Wolf would be pretty helpful because some of the we we don’t have any armor as well I have a diamond chest plate but other than that I want to get you guys some some armor U I’m going to make us a bigger food source and then I think what I will do is Venture down like to the deeps and and mine for some diamonds so that we can each have at least a diamond chest plate so our odds of um surviving are are a little bit higher and Main mainly we need Cobblestone to feed that thing right is that basically what we that basically what I’m hearing anyway but just mine um it it basically works with any block we found Cobblestone being the best because dirt we don’t have a lot of um on the actual world but we can obviously get some more from from all the chunks but is pretty valuable and it doesn’t um it’s not as powerful as Cobblestone obviously you can go down and get deep slate but that’s you know wish a wish a a stone pick that’s not very effective so we found C Stone being our number one best thing for now we go and I think I’ll bring the farm out here and what we’ll do is just create a little indent in the wall and we can um we can do that I’m also going to turn my Game noises a little bit more up for you guys as well until it gets chaotic with all the unstable chunks I can’t wait to see like what other stuff are there other than the stupid ocean keep kiding I don’t want any more ocean I want it to be something else be by the way come to the edge of the chunk you’re on you’re just going to watch me um water clutch my way up oh my God [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah I’m watching me no you’re doing a good job thanks for encouraging me big brother oh my God I wonder I’m here like Pro Minecrafter Pro Minecrafter over here just you know careful to not jump like over there because the chunk I think I’m going to try if you guys have another unstable chunk just to put it on that on the ocean see if we get something else we can’t expand off of that trunk don’t you get it we can well no because yeah M oh my God I’m going to try it anyway there’s always way if you dare I’m going to try I’m this series is going to end by be dying nope I think I have better gear than you so I’m still okay and I know you’re not going to get yourself gear so you never know you never know what I have up my sleep are we actually going to go okay what is that it was a zombie it was a zombie where Greg heard it I’m trying to look for it I can hear it really clearly but it’s not in the room hey he yeah we should make a hobbit house oh we should on this mountain this mountain would be perfect like a little round door over here and then like the actual Hobbits itself can live in there we because we we have like that house what’s belonging to a village but it’s it’s pretty ugly in my opinion it really is so I would love to live in a hobbit hole and now that we have Spruce and all the other Woods we can we can actually get that done oh so I thought it was so I thought you had something weird going on here yeah it was it was the torch reflecting off the water from the water thing yeah I found the cave oh good job in the cave should I come down with you m no it’s okay oh it’s nothing sorry Greg so it looked like some kind of weird mob was over there and I’m like what is that and it’s just a reflection of the torch in the water I actually put like a horror mod on here just yeah wouldn’t surprise me you’d scream before me and Greg did be well I know that it’s us so you know you’d still scream remember I keep it remember the cave dweller I know but let’s let’s make that clear that sometimes I do scream just so that you know the video performs well no I don’t care what you think is actually [Music] true oh God I found an emerald you guys believe in that’s what matters I have an emerald that’s good M the wondering Trader will you killed last time very it would have been good for you could have got a sea pickle I don’t like sea pickles well I don’t I’m not saying you never mind you could have got something from him I can hear them so clearly it’s so weird you’re looking for the zombies yeah I am okay might there there was a m shaft like deeper down where um when you go down to spir that’s not a good idea Mary I don’t care I want to know where so if you go down the staircase like down to the very bottom of the staircase well somewhere in the middle of the chunk there was an abandoned M shaft and I know I I know I dug into it briefly and I think I marked up with some like plain Cobblestone uh do we have an extra we don’t have any extra here I just wanted a shield oh I gave you a shield no you didn’t give me a shield well you never I have your Shield did I not give you a shield no you didn’t you never ended up giving it to me well well did that iron what I got is now crack Shield give me your shield no I’m not giving up my shield give me your I will kill you please just for this couple of minutes I will kill you and end your hardcore series if you dare to punch me time no I need my shield I’m the one with you know with powers this whole stream I want to stay alive hey sorry don’t walk in front of me your life is valuable oh my God make more unstable chug spray or go and find a piece of iron and then we can make you your own Shield we’re have we’re going to have to get on already had a piece of iron you took my piece of iron away oh look I found a piece of iron right here there you go it was the world saying Mary you can have a shield give meie of iron there you go it’s unmelted but you can have there you go rubbish well you know how to make a shield no I don’t it’s one iron and I’ve actually generally never made a shield I don’t think I know you you usually play with other The Shield I’m still pretty damn good at it well listening you had something to say there’s more iron over here so let’s just grab that quickly actually we do need iron I will go down sometime and um I will get us some iron what I was thinking actually is if we I see a lot of copper I haven’t seen a lot of iron I see a lot of copper actually we do need the copper so yeah we need the copper right or the unsteady chunks and for the steady ones as well no we don’t need it for I want some steady chunks this land looks like an absolute mess yeah exactly it’s chaos we love it oh my God what I will do what my idea was is here we can have oo iron oh look at this it’s a vein oh thank God nice good job we can have someone can have some armor you guys can fight it out in the two of you who will Who will get a chest plate okay over here what my idea was is we can I think what we could do is make the wheat from like go in over here we could dig this part out for a little little hidey hole and then we could make our base actually in here maybe it’s not going to be the nicest but it’s going to be way more spacious than the base what we currently have is just huddled up in a little Shack over there well I do like the shack don’t get me wrong but you know it’ll be nice if maybe if everyone could have like their own space and when they join then they can continue off where they left off from I think that would be a good idea but I’ll start make work on that and I think I do have a couple materials over here a couple resources I’ll see what that gives me or what the world um Forge gives me from that because I do want to make a couple steady chunks oh you don’t before the world goes all into ocean around me it’s your dream it is I love it it’s so nice uh oh hey Greg so chunk World core and is that m you were talking about I don’t know it’s way down somewhere like underneath where Greg is yeah like way underneath where Greg is like in the middle of the trunk that’s why I found like almost deep slate level I don’t think deep slate level still but I I kind of don’t know but I said almost yeah maybe almost deep level oh hi Greg by Greg what do I want to do uh um oh yeah I wanted to make a couple pickaxes also for myself and we can smel this iron and I think we can make it into a couple um pieces of armor so that we can support our team over here we go and oh hi Ren we go and um we can have that and we will go down into the mines and if we get this slate that’s also nice because for one it will be a way better way to fuel the the world Forge and for two if we get diamonds that’s going to be amazing another thing what I wanted to do but I think there’s a freaking ocean over there now is continue oh [ __ ] there is okay um what I would like to ask is don’t put an unstable chunk behind our house because I would like to get a villager and I think this is a continuation of a village and a villager would be nice to get like Unbreaking mending plus breeding it up I wonder if we’re ever going to get lucky in this world and find um the end portal and I wonder if like when we go through the end portal like our it’s probably just going to be normal maybe yeah because I know if we go through the nether it’s um [Music] oh that’s amazing I can’t wait to see are you making a video on that as well so um back to the thing is um when we go through when we go through the nether then we’re going to have to make chunks as well there want make chunks of nether uh yeah yeah yeah yeah like nether chunks it will open up a new crafting recipe I believe my pickaxe broke and I’m all the way down at Deep slate level oh so now I have to come all the way back up to grab another pickaxe I made I made a couple so I can give you some if you want yeah okay I’m just minding steadily out this little little little um box over here because I’m very settled on the idea of just living in this cave I hope you guys are as well yeah can hear a bunch of SK skeletons like right above deep Slade sounds good I can’t wait to see that video by the way um what else do I really need okay this guy is done so we can put him and I’m just going to take the last remainings of dirt I know I I said dirt is valuable but I do need that chunk hey Craig hello okay so um we can look in here as well why did you have to make it a spiral staircase B yeah I’ll fix it sometime in the future but because it was it was still just it was still just one Chunk in general so I was like you know well if you’re making a spiral staircase make it at least wider this torture I didn’t know that I’ll would be playing with this many people well you should have taken it into consideration next time I will I will oh my God I love playing with you guys it’s so much fun I’ve made it up to the cavern did you know me I did uh Greg do you have some Cobblestone it took me a good five minutes oh yeah I just put it away o perfect oh wait hold on yeah got a essential definitely put it in here oh thank you so much I just want to get a just want to get a a chunk going over here we can put this copper all the way down and then hopefully this dir I made it yay hi Mary and now I’m going back down oh my God yeah okay well Forge that’s good where are these pickaxes that um I have them on hand I will give them to you here you go okay now we can craft a chunk spawner and then we can go to the back of our house over here and we can spawn this new Chunk in and hopefully don’t cover the snowy Tundra o there’s actually a cave over here we don’t cover it because the dogs are still there this whole thing is because I want to Gra the Wolves okay unstable our stable chunk coming in so this should be a continuation of this chunk and also the village itself so hopefully hopefully we’ll get a village oh no we just got the path on this one as well a and a torch right here and a and a torch and O and we got a cave be careful guys don’t fall in in there yeah I’m going to clean out this long Tall Grass over here I’m also looking always at the chunk when it generates in in case we get the lucky um the end portal because if we do get it then that’s a very very important we then we know yeah cuz I know like it’s going to take some time but if we’re already making chunks let’s might as well look out for it now that I crafted like five doors let’s just whack one down in the back over here H that was a stupid mistake well we know which way so yeah I’m going to continue like the the steady the steady chunks over there so that we can get a village because look I’m building in the the wheat farm over here if you come in front of the house so my ideal was just to expand this little section in to the actual mountain and then we can live here like this will be our little house of such I miss free cam yeah I know I know free cam such a great tool well free cam and Essentials Ling C my no actually the replay we have a skeleton spawner oh oh we have a full ass spawner sorry we have a full okay torch STS spawner if I go down there I’ll die I’ll come I’m coming down I’ll come down come down to right where deep slate begins you’ll see me okay I just need a couple torches so I’ll can you also grab some food on your way down um yes I can I can just going to grab some torches we should upgrade our swords to Iron by the way is what we should do instead of getting chest plates it’s um it’s one chunk at a time and you can find it on CIS Forge that’s what the mod pack we’re playing on and we added a couple extra mods over here just to just to spice it up okay hold tight Mar I’m getting some crops over here and um I will um actually we have a couple pieces of string you could probably craft a bow and arrow come down here I have a shield so I should be okay I also have a shield famous last words I know but famous last words if we just torch that spawner also then I think we’ll be I think we’ll be okay okay there we go now we’ll quickly go back I have 42 pieces of bread so we should be okay and I’ll also give some bread to um Greg as well there you go that should be couple pieces keep keeping you guys alive over here uh I have my pickaxes so I can also stay down there for a little bit have a couple pieces of iron uh do you need a shield Mary do you have a shield already because you got that okay um I’m going to make myself an iron actually do I have enough diamonds no I’m going to make myself an iron sword because that’s going to be a little bit stronger than my now stone sword I sh you died there for a minute Mar I was so scared oh my God us Shield I was so scared there for a moment okay I’m coming down B it’s about time I am coming down I can still hear that zombie do somewhere okay wish me luck because if we die then that’s not going to be good I am I have like literally a little hole right above the I fell in to the SP I’m going to die no no no no no no very no no no ver that went to the SP no no oh no oh no oh no I don’t think there’s any way I can revive you either Bary oh no I told you to wait I was coming I was waiting but I fell in [Music] no oh my God okay where is that spawner just come all the way down and you’ll see oh Mary I’m so around where deep s starts well at least you’re our little ghost now oh yeah but there’s nothing to do as a little ghost okay where were you come all the way down you say to deep we actually have a slight start of a lush cave too oh here is it this Cobblestone where I’m standing wait no keep coming down what is this actually this Cobblestone lock down I have no idea what it is I that was down there when I was down there I it’s where deep site starts so you’ve got wa to go oh Mar wonder if there’s a way I can log in with someone else’s account I actually do Wonder yeah um do you have another account what has them well has but that never stopped me oh man I’m so sorry okay I’m down over here oh it’s over here this way yeah careful oh don’t fall down like I did there’s one skeleton with a sword down here oh I would have laughed a no not rip me always dying everywhere no oh my God uh I don’t think I can I don’t think I can revive you you can look up if there’s any way I can revive you Mary because then I will I’ll not revive myself I revive you I’m looking for it I’m going on to YouTube we’re taking this to YouTube it’s getting serious oh I’m so sorry okay let’s see yeah it should be here okay this is the actual spawner itself this is what killed my sister okay let’s make a little let’s make a little room over here I know I’m using my iron pickaxe and going switch I’m going switch to my um my plane one okay what we should do is make make a little a little peeky hole in there okay there’s one skeleton with a sword what Mary was saying oh it has pants as well it’s fully decked out this dude is mug off mug [Music] off okay in Fury there should be nothing else spawning here stupid skeleton So in theory you can actually get me back okay how if you turn on cheats um if you go so go into the game menu by pushing um because I’m live so let me just click off so what should I do go into the game menu by pushing Escape just that you know and then there should be open land um I’m Greg’s going to have to log off because I have to log out of the game right oh no no no no no no no no stay in the game all right I’m in Escape okay escape and there should be open land um options nope I don’t see it [Music] h no I don’t think there is M be I think I’m out um I wonder are you out of the game did you log out no I’m still in okay log out I have an idea I’ll try that way so okay ignored that that nor that wait in Java is turning cheats on a command yeah what sorry me I’m just I’m sorry the chat as well in is turning on cheats a command no I don’t because what the video was saying is that you have to turn on cheats and then put yourself to creative and then you can go back into survival [Music] can we log out just for a minute Greg Sorry by the way I have an ideal I’m wondering if it’s going to work oh I have an idea okay um what to do I wonder if I do this and I think if I reinvite you guys now then did I join yeah you guys can join yeah I’m in I’m alive and I’m suffocating in a wall though I have no idea how you’re suffocating in a wall but I think I’m going to die again cuz I’m suffocating in a wall I have M where are you like you know I have no I don’t know okay I is Greg in I’m in I’m just left cuz I don’t want to die again okay um where are what’s your hearts at what their hearts look like Greg I got full Hearts but no what do they look like normal or hardcore Hearts no hardcore Hearts Mary same okay um okay try rejoining and dying Mary okay can you invite me again oh yeah sure um invite me cuz I think if you join again suffocate in the wall and then are you back up on the surface no it says spectate world or title screen that’s weird because it should show something else because I set it to something else and I’m going to come up because it’s unsafe down here and I don’t want to die okay um and I think it’s night time is sweepy times okay um what was that Mir are you in here no are you in the hut yeah but I’m hanging out with Elon are you inspected me yeah I am cuz I saw a flash or something in front of me yeah I said so when I go into the the essentials thing I can set it so that what your um what the game should put you in like in hardcore peace FL stuff like that and I said it that you should be able to respawn but I don’t know why it’s no so I think what we’ll do is we’ll sleep quickly then we’ll retry this and I think it will work okay I’m going to stay up on the surface then this time yeah stay yeah I think that’s why you suffocated because it will put that’s why it suffocated you because yeah I’m staying with Elon stay up on the surface and let’s log out and let’s repeat this again okay sorry guys by the way for the technical troubles but you know I’m not going to take I’m not going to take a second chance but I do want them to have like a second chance on the world or first chance or however many times they do die I want them to be able to respawn so that I’m not alone in this world I’m taking that personally okay so um it was not me who died so okay proceed and then I’ll put to normal survival and then next and then reinvite you guys and then now maybe yes I’m alive yes yes yes it worked it worked I’m alive and I’ll jump off the edge no don’t now I’m going to jump off the edge oh my God yes oh my God okay here you go are my stuff still down oh or no oh look I have I got you some of that as well here you go Bon that was the thing that caused this pain yeah that’s why you died right was for those tree oh my God I’m going to try and go and tame a dog I’m so happy that this cheat works and then oh wow you made some progress Greg yes I did absolutely amazing thank you so much I fig I figured that’s as good as we can make it right now yeah um I also I also got you a little something something as well Greg you here you go yeah just for some of that extra protection over there let’s go I always need the chest plate you always need a chest plate yeah it’s buff okay um no it didn’t work what the three bones didn’t work got to be kidding me you died more you died twice for that stupid dog yeah I will die again wa wait wait let’s I’m coming down with you this time and let’s do this smartly okay let’s make an actual build a little Cavern and then we can kill their toes yes yes cuz otherwise we can bite their toes cuz otherwise it’s just going to be cheating again I know we cheat and we love cheating in our series but you know love it it’s I enjoy it I I enjoy it unnecessary you say oh my God I love play going okay I’m I’m just going to grab some supplies I’m going to grab some water oh my God you guys okay I grabbed some water cuz we might need that yeah we’re going to I actually don’t know how to build one of these so um tutorial time will’ll be no actually I’m going to be sending you guys in first thanks I almost f it as well everything just send us into everything oh my God okay we have a name tag what will be good for our friend and a saddle and a golden apple and basically all the stuff we we can use over here some rten flesh I’m coming down it’s not very useful but we can use it anyway so this inferior I think what we have to do is is um dig out a room down and then make this room dark and put water underneath it so that funnels it to the middle and then that’s how we stand there in theory that’s how we do it I think but um I have one bucket of water cuz that’s all the buckets we’ve got oh it’s oh do we have some more iron upstairs no I couldn’t find any but I’ll go up and grab more oh that’s not good okay make an infinite water source yeah if we just two pieces of water down here that’s good I’m so happy that we could have we revived you and we know how to do it now because my series would be so painful wish sh with you guys it’s not funny Greg I can hear [Laughter] you oh my God needs us Greg for his coping mechanism yeah he needs us he needs us I will send you guys first i m did you arrive yeah I have some water here oh here oh my God hi okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait before you take before you dig wait wait wait because um we have to bring this wall one back as well but this has to be the I’m just making a water source that’s all I’m doing don’t don’t make it there cuz we have to dig right down so let’s dig out the room first before we make the actual water source do you have a pickaxe yeah you I do I have I have two perfect ooh lapis ooh there’s some redstone on the on the other side I grab yeah there’s some lapis on this side oh I’ll grab it I have an iron pickaxe yeah don’t use a stone pickaxe on that not going to work oh there we go we can get this and then that can be just a little entrance this is done so we can fill this in and now we break the two chests over here so one and two and I’ll put some more torches on this thing and then carefully we can start digging down a couple blocks because we need this how many um just let’s do it layer by layer I think because if there’s a big cave under us then we’ll just go k we all of us yeah be goes we all go I can’t revive myself so my hope is in you guys I’m so happy Mar that you found the skeleton spawner this is going to be so good not only for getting bones but I literally died for this yes you did okay we can go down a couple more blocks should I take out this wall too no no you can leave that wall um yeah actually push it one back one block back oh there is an opening over here yeah there’s it looks like there would be a big cave here uh when we get the the continuation of this chunk then we can actually see what is I actually have no idea which chunk we’re in um we are in the second chunk so you know that plain land what’s next to me what has a little Hill down yeah that’s what that’s the one we wear in I believe so level are you guys on deep slate yeah we’re we’re close to the Deep slate level over here like just the start of the deep slate okay we’ll put this down and we have to cover everything up so that we don’t get any light in here just okay so now we can break this level as well this is going going to be good because the blocks we can use for the world Forge oh my God that was so funny thanks oh boy I love Bending the Rules by the way in Minecraft so this is fun hi guys hi Greg hi Greg on I made it so in theory what our idea was is just to dig this other couple blocks down put water underneath just so actually two blocks is probably enough uh we’ll dig it another block down yeah that’s for the water I think two blocks is plenty well one more down no you just I think you just need the one I think you just need the one then we can funnel it down to here I think okay can I get the bucket of water please thank you cuz I think if we do uh how would that be I we need to make we need to have Waters first one back it won’t dop I know I know but I’m what my idea is I can funel it down to here I’m just going to put a torch here so I can see and you guys can see as well and then we’ll make an infinite for source down here and then we can work on actually getting the water then we can link this up to our staircase and then we’re we’re amazing we’re golden okay um does anyone want to grab another bucket of water I mean I can’t get back up okay I’ll I’ll go going to run around in circle in this room and I have to get some I don’t know how we’re going to I don’t know how we’re going to funnel it room isn’t even three four one two three yes well it’s not even like that we could dig it out this wall could go back one and that wall could go back if you guys want to do that that would be helpful you take this wall back by one and this wall back by one that would be amazing which wall the the side what M’s working on and the opposite side that side with the thing and I will go back up and get us a bucket of water and a couple is the person with iron pickaxes I’m not I have one iron pickaxe and I’m reserving it for diamonds um well you might want to come get this Redstone out this wall oh okay just leave it there and I’ll grab it yeah okay let’s go back up to the surface and we can grab this bucket of water over here take it down and then figure out a way where we can um we can get that water to flow into the middle over there what’s going to be a challenge [Music] but we might be able should we use stairs for that Greg what do you think um yeah we can use stairs for that okay I’ll bring some stairs then love how we rely on Greg’s knowledge of M you see this is why this is the main reason why I mean we shouldn’t we shouldn’t need stairs but you know I I’ll bring just get it I’ll bring some down anyway in case we do and then we don’t have to run back up again sometime in the future it would be nice to just go to the nether just to get like a piece of soul sand just so that we can make a bubble elevator there’s sheep there’s sheep oh there been sheep the whole time there’s more sheep there’s more sheep and I want to get them in the pen be they’ve been there the whole time come little sheepies they were there when I died too sheepies come come come oh yes we can have a food source now our island is finally big enough so I mean really you only need one sheep and then we can just breed them up two sheep you mean we already have Elon yeah but we need someone else to breed with Elon exactly so we just need one more sheep never mind okay um okay now it’s even get this out do we need to go down one more Greg uh we need to have it dropped down we’re going to need to have them drop down so they can funnel in okay oh so wait is it middle and then the water pushes them to the sides so then the water water we’ll push them to here then we put buckets of water on this side here and it should funnel them right through here oh and then wait they’ll come through here drop down and we have a I’ll take this crafting table down we have to make this uh too deep that’s pretty much what we’re going to have to do okay I’m coming back down and I just forgot my food so I’ll bring that quickly couple pieces of my bread yeah our island is starting to look way nicer let me tell you way way way nicer I’m such an idiot I almost came down without the water one Reas I just found some water nice did you actually yeah Mir oh my God right right behind here oh my God okay I’m coming back down so wish the actual bucket I’m some stairs itself so we should be okay we’re making good progress on this world I’m happy that we have a skeleton for now that’s going to be it’s G to mean we have yeah we might want to rethink we might want to rethink this because we just ran into water where we’re trying to funnel them into oh uh I put down that wire Bucket over there there’s one one little source of water I put it down for an inut of yeah it’s one two block like oh oh oh oh oh that was me I put it down for an infin water source but I don’t have two buckets so I could only bring down one and then yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay no I thought I hit the water from another chunk or something hello friends okay um what are we doing so where’s the water going go you’re putting the well first of all we’re making the the infinite water source back there aren’t we yeah I’ll put down I’ll put down the water there then now we have an infinite for source okay where do you want the water now now we’re just going to take the water give me the water give it to the master B oh one there and then the other one on the other side pretty much maybe one in the middle yeah maybe cuz not going to funnel them well what we could is we could put stairs on the back because it’s just going to get stuck on the middle over here so if we put stairs and water log the stairs well but then they can stand on top of the stairs be well we put it one block in over here we dig this out put the stair in and then that’s how we put the water in so we just get rid of this water source here yeah and then we put these oh I can’t move from this other no actually actually I know what we’re going to have to do well no no we’re going to have to we’re just going to have to do bucket by bucket along the back well we could do that as well but I think it’s going to merge together that’s why put down the stairs over here oh no I messed up I messed up oh no what happened is the Water Source gone yeah oh no okay um if we wait wait a second guys don’t don’t go up Greg where are you right here give me the buet then if we put this thank you very much sir like that don’t mind me just no that shouldn’t the stair shouldn’t matter well it will not let the wire flow together I think it will be like one big long thing and then now if we put the wire down no it will it will come out here I think I know what you’re I I think I know what you’re talking about but I don’t think we need those stairs there where are you going Mary uh there was an ocean somewhere over here way no I’m just looking for the water cuz then that means that we don’t have to go all the way back up I think it was off a little bit Ginger I know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight well the water can only go seven blocks so is that right it’s seven blocks right for water flow yeah I I think so so then one 2 three 4 5 6 7 so then we’ll flow out here we can fix this yeah this can be where they drop down and then we’ll put another wire Bucket over here over here and then that will flow one two three 4 5 6 W bless you thank you the room is actually a little bit too big iing or I don’t know uh so we put this like that we could just try it and then um put like this one bucket can go here we can fill this in in a minute and then they will push the skeletons to here this little point and then we can just kill them with the yeah and then and then and then we make the Kill Chamber off of that side over here yeah they can drop down somewhere or what we could also do is um one two three 5 6 7 8 N9 oh it’s just nine blocks um 10 11 uh we’re going to need I’ll mind this [Music] out they should really have a Mir cam because I’m doing very interesting things to try to get us water down there 2 three four 5 6 7even that if we put it on one two 5 six seven over here if we fill this in then put the water here that will funnel the mobs down to here and then one two three 4 5 6 7 then what we could do is this over here can be dug down 1 2 3 4 5 that was dangerous but it had to be done and then over here this is where they will drop down to no H put the stair down here we could have a torch here for good luck and then we could have the actual staircase what goes up here next to them right and we should be within oh I just stand down there we’re it we’re within range of this right yeah yeah yeah I brought us Wasa people nice good job Mary good job I quite literally like carved can you stand where the Deep slate is can you stand where you come down in the entrances because I I don’t know where my entrance is it’s there okay I’m digging up to you I’m coming wait this is the spiral staircase that’s okay I just want to come to some end so I can see hello okay can I get the water Gregory oh I just brought it down to Greg oh okay can you pass me to water or just throw it in the hole that’s a good idea oh my god um I just fell down chamber okay break that stair and then replace it there’s a ladder coming up so if we if um I come over here and I get the infinite water source pop down and then I can get water from all the way it’s spawning me no oh it has to be one block back okay let put one block back look Greg it’s spawning me it’s a Miry spawner oh my God very we don’t want a mer spawner my God yeah we don’t need one of those we have we have enough M over here I think that’s enough sorry be okay so if we just fill that back up I can hear skeletons constantly it’s not it means that there’s a cave and maybe our spawn there’s a teeny tiny cave over that way I no over that way with a little bit of lush cave and it some lava B yeah see now you have an infinite water source back here um click from the middle and move along yep okay there we go and then now what we could do is put this guy down here and yeah he flows perfectly into the air and then that’s where the moms to spawn into and that’s this okay oh my God test um okay I’ll break these two torches wait I’m stuck in the kill go down the Kill Chamber Mary and then you can um you can come back up and then I’ll get that bucket if you just move thank you and I’ll get this and we don’t need this side of the wall so I’ll just cover it back up okay it’s already ready [ __ ] uh did you just lock Greg in no yeah yeah I’m in I’m locked in no I’m just kiding oh my God okay so we’ll just cover this wall up you guys have to prepare to run down into the kill okay block that up as well Mary oh you blocked me and Greg that’s my entrance out oh my God go to the Kill Chamber you guys is there a Tor I’m going wait down here well we’ll do is just plug this cave up as well uh wait wait wait wait wait don’t there’s supposed to be a slab on top for you not to get sniped by them this was a team effort let me tell you B there’s supposed to be a slab on top at the end of The Kill Chamber so we don’t get sniped okay well then get a slab I can’t got to go all the way back up oh I hate you wait I have a crafting table don’t go all the way up I brought down a crafting table mentioned that earlier I should have mention of when you went up to be honest and then just okay there we go give me the crafting table and here’s a slab here you go where are you I’ll drop one down the Kill Chamber okay okay I go there should be some some stuff over there and I do have a couple blocks I have a way out as well and then what I will do is just break these back porches over here you could jump down the Kill Chamber you can [ __ ] [ __ ] they’re spawning B jump down the Kill Chamber nope there we go okay it should be working in Fury it is working where is the way down I don’t know it is working there’s the way down there it’s right next to you guys I can’t see it so do you mind coming up it’s up a level oh yeah it’s up level it’s up a level Greg yeah over here why this a maze man okay and now it is a maze in FY it should be working does it work if we actually want yeah but I have to get rid of the stair if we want the loot actually let SK just going to fall on your head I can’t wait for that oh it works Yay good job guys amazing job now we’re just going to need to make a bubble elevator up from here sometime to the surface so if we need XP we can just come up and down and get XP flash bones oh [ __ ] oh my god I’ve been such an idiot what I’ve been using my iron pickaxe and I totally didn’t clock that I was using my iron pickaxe and now it’s almost broken good job oh my god well there we go we have our little ENT to our that’s good okay now you can get the dog what you always dream for Mary yep okay I’m going and we can also get bows and arrows now too that’s also very true um I will give you this Mar cuz you will have more use of it then I will and Bone and bone for bone meal oh and oh yeah yeah a name time we can make farms and stuff out of it as well so that’s going to be something what’s going to be pretty cool a name tag is only useful if we have an anvil yep we’ll get to that stage sometime where we have iron if we make uh an iron farm we need villagers for us it’s not as hard of a task but we’re going to need to get some some stable chunks for that okay I’m going down to um to bedrock I’m about to starve I need to go back up and grab some food I’m going down to to bedrock level to mine for some diamonds I think that’s what will be doing you guys want to make some um some unstable chunks or some stable ones this time no stable chunks cuz the one thing where just don’t put any unstable chunks um on the back of our house and buy the spruce Forest okay because there should be a continuation of a village down there and um it’ll be nice if we could preserve it I got some chain mail boots which are basically broken but okay I need to be I need to be also want to see what days we’re on that’s pretty cool okay um what did I want to see actually from here yeah the level [Music] minus let’s go maybe for 50 I don’t know what level should I mine for Greg I’m going to start a new mind I think for some shiny stuff diamonds yeah I go I’m going to go all the way down I think to um to bedrock that’s where I mined last time as well so I’ll just go all the way down again anywhere from 54 to 59 yeah I’ll continue off of here I have 11 levels ooh nice nice nice nice and 31 bones oo ooh yes I was there for like literally just 2 minutes nice that’s good that means it works and there’s no like big caves nearby so that’s good that’s very nice I’m happy that we have a mob spawner already and thank you M for finding it you’re welcome that was an amazing find and a skeleton one on top of that yeah like it could beb well yeah because we get bone bone meal you know bone meal is way better than rotten flesh yeah oh yeah and we’ll also give us the possibility to um to what did I want to say there’s a possibility to grow crops and stuff a lot more faster as well yeah so yeah it’s an amazing find yeah that’s the main thing it’s going to help us grow the crop so we can get food okay I’m going to be down here for a bit I think and I’m going to get some deep sleep will be good for our world Forge in general because um oh I just drew my pickaxe on the ground because um it will make World cores a lot more faster that’s for sure we’re going to have to get villagers man even though I hate working with those Muppets we’re still going to have to get villagers are the workst yeah I need food you have to but you have to you have to have them yeah we need Fortune tree the bad harvesting the crop farm and replanting it yeah sure go for it I just really badly need food I’m On One hunger bar no no it’s fine do what you need you know there’s also somewhere down here um in every chunk there’s a chest hidden and um hey gives you like it gives you like it gives you some random chunks as well so it might yeah it will give you random chunks yeah it might be worth it I think I increased the spawn spawn um oh look at that I wasn’t even looking and I got Diamond do oh yes nice finally a diamond pickaxe and then we can work on getting upgrades for all of you lovely people as well nice okay that’s nice because then we can also offer other people who come on here we can offer them swords and stuff already as well yeah and their chances of surviving is going to be way more easier we could offer c a right one yeah or diamond okay there we go um I can hear a lot of mobs down here where it’s a little bit oh it’s um this is 1.9 so we’re going to have ancient cities as well and Lush caves and Lush caves and I can’t wait to get moss we actually already have a start of a lush cave down somewhere o I need Moss cuz when I went into you know ghost mode yeah I saw a start of a lush cave with some whatever those dangly Vine things are and some carpets yeah nice well that’s nice I hear a [ __ ] ton of mobs and that’s either from our spawner no there’s mobs other than our spawner I don’t know where I hear them from but I can hear them a lot I’m taming a dog oh you have a dog not yet I just got down we should all have friends yay very you died for that dog so it’s love you there’s also another one down here if someone else wants one Greg do you want a best friend not sure I just grab it in the house and I’m going to leash it and put it in the hole oh oh you know what I’m talking about be dog yeah I know we asked that to get that pig up what was his name Elon no Elon was a sheep I think it was Mark Mark yeah Mark the pig oh I hear a bath we’re doing good we’re I do not like bats always freak me out in caves I love the little ones especially the new um the new V I don’t like the old I don’t they always SP they always spawn in the corner of your vision and you’re like what is that it you a jump scare it’s a cute little friend no what are you okay Mary the wolf fell from a high place it was trying to come after me did die yeah well that was worth it it’s okay I still have 27 bones oh my God miror going to retry this but I don’t know how to bring it up otherwise for that stupid wolf and I was punished and had to stay there next to it so it doesn’t despawn and now he just fell off an edge and died yeah but I don’t know how to bring it up oh amazing otherwise oh very I love you it’s like I have another one there’s a new best friend in the house oh my God okay but how am I supposed to bring it up well just swim up the waterfall quickly that’s what I was doing be and then just when you get up on the top just run and then it will hopefully teleport yep I was swimming up it teleported after me and died well then good luck I’m getting us diamonds so I no help for you now Mary sorry try to do this as fast as physically possible you Saye Mary exactly and we’ll go this way and then we’ll hit the corners as well I think yes we made it yeah he’s the he’s the chosen one Mary yep I got our lead back also nice Greg do you have a best friend as well uh I don’t know I do not have one no not yet I’m going to spawn another snowy Tundra next to the one down there and then we can have more okay spawn rate just don’t know how to make that Chun I think it’s um snow actually which then is helpful because we already have a look it up the crafting that’s what I’m doing snow chunk uh you don’t need that that’s only one is snow chunk it is two lapis two water buckets well we have lapis is did you get the lapis in the end um we should have have it in the chest somewhere over there yeah yeah okay we have the two lapis we don’t have the two buckets we need iron for it and currently we don’t have any iron for wasting two buckets we need iron that’s what would be a good help if someone could go in just level for IR going to load up the the thing really quickly oh the world yeah yeah I’ll bring it some some food to munch on in a little bit as well oh we have plenty be okay we have so much deep slay and Cobblestone I still bring us some food M oh is this the ocean biome oh damn it it is who put an ocean here yeah was it you I don’t know yeah oh my God I can’t wait to get back into our um space series recordings as well yeah I actually I actually did this is like some secret things for you guys two viewers I did work on a big you guys know where the the Tandra is close to our our little base like right in front of I flattened that entire place out did you nice yeah so I was thinking if we want obviously and if you guys want as well then because it’s already flattened out we can start our space um our space thing over there yeah we could it’s nice and flat and I’m working on Gathering some quartz and other materials as well or concrete and stuff like that as well and then um yeah concrete and quartz yeah that’ be good then basically in the next episode we can um we can build it okay cool yeah and then we can move in all together finally cuz we’re pretty separated now our own little houses like finally I can live these idiots thank God they’ll be closer to me yeah right oh voice chat will you know we’ll always be in range of each other God yes that means I need to do my evil plans somewhere else oh my God Mar and her evil plans uh who has the water bucket I think I do yeah I do yeah bees should have it G damn you be I want to go down in the ocean but oh you covered up my ocean no I didn’t yeah you did with what with another chunk Mar I did I swear actually swear I didn’t do it we yeah we didn’t no I didn’t your o there one is next you just looked at the you probably looked off the wrong Edge blame me for your mistake like God help you well it’s funnier um you could make um always make ladders ooh actually that’s not a bad idea get up and down and there we go now we can we chop down these trees here I hate that this oan mod over here this is you love it no I actually don’t I’m just waiting for the world to give me some more diamonds I really want some more diamonds and I need to get some iron as well so going to be a fun little journey over here Gathering a couple nice resources but at least we can get a lot of um oh I accidentally disconnected good job very do you want an invite back yes please there you go okay so um in FY if I do get a couple diamonds I can make myself a couple sh and we’ll get ourselves other thinging first before we give more protection to the others because we have one life are you talking about yourself yes hey there’s only one life that matters well [Music] me oh my God you’re not wrong me your life does matter but not to all of us no just kidding thanks it was like a joke what you would make so you know I have to I mean fair enough I have to come on world like really there’s no diamonds around here why don’t you go in my ocean chunk no definitely no because I’m down at Deep slate and there’s still water over here okay well no stupid diamonds down here hopefully there will be some diamonds over here oh I hear a witch oh that’s something what you’d never want to hear especially not in a hardcore world oh I can hear him very close if he blade jump scares me from one oh I can also hear him I coming I’m wanting to come up but I’m starting to regret my decision run run run run oh I actually can’t see a single wish up here no he’s somewhere over here in the caves I did find a Wandering traitor oh nice you can trade that one Emerald with him if you want well I don’t actually have it cuz I can’t M it up but oh okay but he doesn’t have that much good he has a bucket of pepper fish but that’s it basically or how much five five emeralds that’s a rip off wow oh there’s lava I know that iron there’s iron oh I’m playing a dangerous game over here good job oh my God I need to get that lava that lava is going to come in handy and this iron as well if something D it means a cobblestone generator yeah it means not having to mine the chunk every time we want Cobblestone and I finally got us some iron but it’s like I’m dangling off of The Edge over here I don’t know what what chunk I’m on I’m not on any of the ocean chunks but if you look oh yeah I’m on the ocean chunk [ __ ] um well then you can’t see me but like I’m dangling off the edge over here if there’s mops daring to spawn over here where what I can’t through here okay please don’t spawn any mobs all the M all the mob spawn no no no don’t jinx it Greg don’t jinx it okay what I will do is I’ll get rid of my water waiting for you and I’ll pick up my lava bucket there we go bucket of P stuff and should I go just scale this Chunk from around to be honest I’m very tempted to just because I might come across from the outside some diamonds it is very risky though one wrong move or Mina crouching is just going to evolve in my hardcore series but I can’t see any diamonds from the Ed sadly oh I think there’s a bad over there I also sadly have to depart soon a okay waiting for you to come up so I can make a chunk oh well I wasn’t planning on coming up so I have to mine another do I have to M yeah I have to mine one of the other and need three pieces of iron only what are you making a chunk what what chunk are you making the snowy one yep may I said don’t make that one so because we need the iron but I want to make it we need the iron the iron is more important but I want to make it sorry well done friends it is time for your favorite person to part okay from this world so long you’ll be messed Mary I know I won’t yeah bye guys bye M bye now there’s just two now there’s two oh my God there’s no luck on the stupid Diamond industry down here do let me know by the way Greg if you have to go as well it’s okay okay okay so um I actually found some lapis down here I’m going to work I’m going to work the Skelly Farm a little bit ooh okay that’ll be nice for us anyway so well yeah I can leave you with some some bones yeah some material you know and then as you join back next time when hopefully cap will join us as well and we’ll see if monkey gets his um problems solved then um then we can hopefully make you guys some armor as well sure I think I’ll bring up enough um well actually I don’t think so anymore I have the lava bucket so we can make like a a cobblestone generator and then I can just Farm some chunks though and just make land cuz that’s the key thing is making land I’m going to try to cover over those oceans I wonder what’s going to happen but I’m going to try to cover over those oceans even though me might kill me might she will kill you she will try for sure and there we go and we can get this last couple of deep slate over here oh iron yes oh yeah I’m actually going to make a spare iron pickaxe and then I’m going to make a diamond pickaxe as well so if we can Farm some obsidian so we can get a portal hopefully going on as well that’ll be nice my idea by the way for the next base series Greg is um not just to like start work on our base but um but um also go and kill the dragon okay cuz episode five and we’re you know like I know our whole thing is going to space as well but we might as well just do the all the things that we can do on the um Overworld and we need to get an elytra anyway just for finally not scaling the river and I think I’ll do a um yeah between recordings I I’ll build us a creeper Farm like a big ass creeper Farm okay and then um we’ll have like you know gunpowder for years yeah all right sounds good well that’s that I’m left with six diamonds and seven pieces of iron but we’ll keep winding the chunks sometime else that’s for sure but I’m fed up of mining this chunk now so let’s go back up and we can not make our little cobblestone generator now and work on our little house a little bit more how much time do we have out of today’s stream oh we have we have plenty of time out of today stream still so yeah I’ll be working on our houseing a little bit and just trying to get more land because I’m feeling how how small this land is with all these people here and because I’m I’m very focused on getting that Dragon thing I think I have seven um I have seven diamonds what means I can make myself I don’t know if I oh actually um no I’m going to make myself a pickaxe for sure because um because my arm one is seem to break and you go yeah definitely make a pickaxe go this is for you it is a better sword if you picked it up I gave you an iron sword oh I see it okay thank you cuz I think I’ll make myself a diamond one and I’ll make myself a pickaxe as well because then I I’ll keep mining the chunks especially the new ones will come and then eventually I’ll be able to get like diamonds for all of you guys as well but for now I’m just going to try to get myself some armor so that there’s a very slim chance of of me dying cuz I do a lot of stupid jumps and stuff like that that’s why my first instinct was going down and crafting myself a chest plate because I know myself after all these years of playing Minecraft [Music] yeah and like this is my first true time playing around and messing around in hardcore so might as well make it last like I can okay so um we’re up on our little spiral scarus and also what will be nice in next episode as well our next stream is um is to get Soul stand for a bubble elevator because I’m fed up of of coming on these stairs and going up and down because those stairs are so annoying man they are okay oh my God okay um okay our Cobblestone has been used but I think we can still make we can still make tools with um can we not use a deep slate for um for tools oh damn it we can’t okay never mind well I’ll use the ones that we have and I will craft the Deep slate into the world um things and I’ll just quickly turn my sounds just a bit down so that the rain doesn’t bu you guys all I’m coming up with 32 bones wow amazing that’s super nice we can have to sleep then and hopefully this um stupid rain will go away so that’s nice okay and I’ll put this this we can put the tough in there we can put that as well and then I’ll smelt some more copper because copper is going to be useful and I’ll smelt this iron as well we’re looking to be very good so these three diamonds will go for a pickaxe that’s to for a sword and and we’ll see what we’ll do with those rest of those diamonds that’s for sure because we have to do more ooh there’s a a worlding do over here okay that’s actually pretty nice because then we only need um like one more I think this can’t go in um I’m just trying to get every last little resource in there what we can uh the dirt can go in there and we can put this in there too I know I’m not supposed to use that but we’ll use it now there we can put that in there as well this should give us another world thing yep okay and then we have that one thing to fill up as well okay um what do I need I need some sticks that means I need some wood there we go and crafting table and then I’m going to make myself a diamond sword and a diam diamond pickaxe think those are two very good Investments for me I can’t put tools in there damn it okay never mind well we work for great through oh no where did my trees go someone didn’t rep plant my trees I was going to I didn’t get a chance oh it’s okay it’s okay I have the saplings I’m going [Music] to over here replant this guy X put him here there there no you got to make them gigantic trees oh my God sing big ass to 4×4 sleep quickly and then um there we go perfect and then there should be a wondering Traer behind there by the way okay I think for Cobblestone what I will do is got some wood here I will take half of these I’ll start this mining this room out I think in general and then this will be our little base sometime we can leave the back open or we can close it off with some windows we’ll see in the future when we change out our walls and stuff I think I’ll be putting a couple chunks behind here as well um when I finally get some more stupid Cobblestone to be honest that’s what holding me back from making me a new chunk is the lack of cobbly wobbly okay so let’s make another Cobblestone pickaxe and then we can grab grab a stack up for just myself cuz I don’t want to use my diamond one I certainly don’t want to use my um my iron one because because those are valuable let’s face it and then we can move into here actually I’m going to make this look a little bit nicer obviously which maybe like a hobbit um entrance like a door should definitely make this oh my God hello hello [ __ ] out of me yes we just leave this chunk open and we just leave the window back here oh yeah yeah yeah and then we will have a wall anyway yeah I don’t think I can go any farther over here so this will be the max room space and I think that will be good because then we can dig always Downer like we can make a second third floor for all of our other Shenanigans but it will also not be too intruding and then I think in the front I will I’ll gr some some wood and I’m very very thinking about how I’m going to incorporate this cuz I I was thinking that um that just digging out that mountain would solve my problems but no it hasn’t it actually made my problems a little bit worse in the in the thing of it looks super ugly and I know we’re not going for build builds Industries at all but you know I do want to live somewhere decent least if we dig this part out I think and this will be like a big enough room for however many people we’re going to have per episode or per stream right here and by the way do let me know in the comments down below if I should um once this is ooh iron once this um series is over and I inevitably some why is my alarm clock going off okay sorry about that so um inevitably sometime die what is going to happen and should I make this like should I get all the streams and cut them and make a full on 100 or however many days video out of it do let me know would be a lot of editing but it would be a lot of fun because there’s a lot of fun moments I think in here but um I think you should I think you should I just like gather all the funny moments out of it and make a video out of that that will also look good but I think I think making an episode out of it would be fun when I inevitably perish away what is going to happen I don’t know when but I’m super hoping it will be after the dragon fight because I’m looking forward to kick that dragon’s bum and I’ve been known to be good on and I don’t want to jinx it at all but I’ve been known to be good with the wire bucket on Java so I’m hoping it will come in my favor yeah I did was that sure did but you know it was worth it but we’ll let that oh yes there we go another world core amazing and then we can leave this I’m I always leave a stack of cobblestone just in like emergency situations if we ever need tools or stuff so um now we can get our here I got us four more our copper and then now we can make our little I think it’s um o we could make a jungle as well but I’m not interested in that I just want to make I want to make this chunk yeah there we go and then I can put it down and hopefully um I’m going to put down a chunk and what I think I’m going to do is I’m going to see if this breaks the game or not I hope it doesn’t but I’m going to try to cover off this ocean chunk because the moment Mary put it down I hated it sorry very but I just don’t like this ocean being here so I I’m hoping if we put down this chunk oh it doesn’t work well the chunks already there well that’s disappointing am I going to lose this chunk now yes the answer is well h d that was a good waste of cobblestone I think damn oh that’s harsh I can’t even pick it back up if I put it down like the wrong place ever yeah that is kind of harsh wow well never mind now but good thing we didn’t do that on episode one like we can we can get the resources we can get the four copper blocks back pretty easily now but if that would have happened like on episode 1 we would be screwed and I’m realizing I’m using me diamond pickaxe again so I’m going to put this thing away because it’s too tempting yeah it’s too tempting to make you doing use it it’s there it’s like hello B please use me I I got too used to on my server as well just using the netherite and now that’s what it that’s what it is now I’m back play you play on these you you play on these things where you’re not where you don’t have what you used to have know it’s like you know but it’s there I want to use this because it’s faster m ah there we go we have some Cobblestone Le St will be good and we can get all of this now we have like a nice little room over here I think I can take this even no I can’t take it one back but I will oh boy this is this is risky okay I will come over here and I will um put down our take allies way good okay there we go and now we can spawn in chunks over here and in the back as well and we also have a nice little room for ourselves over here what we can decorate with with different um resources and stuff like that as well and I was thinking actually just maybe going a little bit more simpler and making like a like a box out of wood and just filling the middle in with glass I know it’s not going to look the nicest at first we can fix that and then this can be like our little our little patio in the front like an extra room for maybe storage or something and then we can make it prettier as we go along and I think we’re going to have to move that stupid form again even I just moved it there all we can maybe do is um just move this ledge like break this and then have a path or move it back I don’t know we’ll see but yeah this will look pretty nice I think if we get the wooden we get the glass and then we can have our little room in the back over here not quite the back rooms but you know we’ll do us for now and when we have visitors and guests and and Mary and Greg that um are you so yeah light this place up and we will we can work on this a little bit more as well okay that’s nice I like that we got some progress done on this so now what would be nice is to now that I wasted like what a stack of cobblestone and more on it um make another world chunk I’m I don’t like how this looks still that’s very bothering me that’s that cave is the GU like that it’s super super bothering me I’ll try to stick with it as much as I can and now we go we’ll put that away and then now um what would be nice is to make is to make this the the cobblestone generator and I don’t remember how I made it on oh actually I do remember how I made it I need another bucket for it though what I can confidently make now because we have enough iron for it so if I make another bucket like so and watch me mess this up it’s going to be amazing so if I take my little water s actually what I will do before we forget and just stupidly build over it oh actually oh is just put an infinite water source over here you can never have too much water but it’s just nice to have okay so I will put my little lava shingu over here and if I remember correctly this is the part where you stand down in and then this what I will do is the lava will trickle over down to there and the water will do the same down into here I believe lava goes in there water goes in here or does it go uh no water goes in there and lava goes one block over I believe so if I if I move this water to here and put this lava in way like so yeah look at that m genius over there there we go and then now we have ourselves a Cobble Stone generator very efficient very simple and we have infinite Cobblestone and I don’t have to go down into a scary chunk and mind it out I can just stay here and I can M my little Cobblestone over here like can mine my L on here there’s a joke somewhere in there but I don’t know where it is’s probably waiting for me to sleep right I’ll quickly sleep and there we go nice and now we’re finally getting to a point I I feel like in life where we can just actually it would be nice maybe to terraform this chunk and in a way so that our mind connects up to our house and um our mine connects up to the house and plus the this like little one chunk area is going to be like a spawn so we put a couple chests and stuff there and it might be a good idea for um for new players just to have that down there did Greg die too no he didn’t he’s still here Greg’s still here I’m here hello it’s only Mary who died it’s only Mary who died so sadly okay let’s let’s get some Cobblestone I feel like that will be a good idea I might what I might do still is I know I I said I’m not going to do any off camera things I might just get a a couple stacks of cobblestone off camera cuz this is boring to get on a stream left tell you I don’t think anyone wants to go and and watch someone M Cobblestone for God knows how long did you make that cobblestone generator I already did work it oh you will okay I will I’ll will let you you know this you know what wa you know about this Farm up here right uh oh yeah up there yeah yeah yeah I think there’s like beef fruits up there and whatever else I don’t know yeah so we’ll replace this with Cobblestone and we can make our house look a little bit nicer by just destroying these crops and we’ll move this crop Farm over the cobblestone generator is over here I just put it in the corner for now and we can get some wood I think will be good ideal and we can get actually we can get our our four doors what I crafted by accident and we can make our little selves oh actually this is a tree by so we don’t need um we don’t need a door for this one but we might use a door for the outside of this house just for safety and there’s a tree over here how did you plant this tree over here Qui where a little cou one over here no no the hell did over there that’s weird hello did I plant a tree I might have planted a tree over here okay oh yeah cuz there’s another one next to it okay yeah okay I was scared there for a minute that there was someone else over here it’s the dirt man no no not the dirt man oh my God that song haunts us every time I’m actually going to place this one out oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah that’s why I’m going to place a one out because it’s just going to light on fire and because it will look nicer aesthetically pleasing for my eyes if it’s one out has a little depth to it it’s not funny Greg don’t laugh at me yeah it’s true though cuz I remember uh wherever we were at I don’t know like how you like this you think this room should be should be it’s good you’re like no make it make it make it three more wider on each side all right oh my God yeah I remember I just used to come to your base and then just fix like all the fix random like and looking back at it now I feel pretty mean doing that to be honest cuz it’s not my base at all oh my God uh it’s fine I didn’t mind it you know it was funny but I thought it was hilarious I thought it was hilarious that every time you come over you be like oh oh my God let see you fixing like the step that was on off or oh good memories yep I think if we do it here and then this block can be for one two three four yep we’ll put this and this as well and then put a couple Cobblestone over here this is not let me tell you guys this is not going to look nice it’s not for you know oh my God what a beautiful house you guys have on this server it’s just going to be kind of a temporary humble abode but you know in a way I want it to look it’s going to look you’re going to make it look nice no matter what I just don’t want to go kind of overboard with it if you get what I mean because then we’re just going to waste resources what we could use somewhere else there well we can have this and then I can go like in the wall like have a little structural Support over here oh pickax bro oh I think I I have a spare one Greg I’m just going to put some of this in the all right I’m just going to put some of this in the there you go I’ll give you that pickaxe why did I keep picking it up here you go there we go okay so and then we can get this we can get some pillars is running into the house as well I think then we can dig that out half slab it I think I just realized I was like you know look cool what halfer great and then I realized we’re play no yes we’re playing on night 1.19 right oh yeah sadly we are and I don’t think it it’s not updated to like 1.20 because yeah yeah yeah yeah oh damn it all I can think of now I’m in love with those I’m in love with those I’m in love with those copper and the doors yep man those doors look good and they sound oh so good I made a whole video on that and half the time it was just looking at all the cool sounds and stuff what they make yeah there we go and then we can have this and then now we can take one piece of our extra Cobblestone should make myself an iron one oh it’s so tempting but no I’ll make myself a stone shovel yeah I will make myself a stone shovel because we’ll keep the iron for the others we will get to that part I have to get villagers for that though to make you need to make like a m you need to like make like a mountain chunk so you can get all the iron and the coal but what I was thinking are that are just make one of the if if I continue on with the chunks over here behind our house eventually we’ll get a chunk with a couple villagers on there because that be nice it’s a village because and then I can breed those villagers half of them can go into making an iron farm like the one we have on our space series one yeah and oh my God like I went and flattened out you know that whole um that whole land over there in the time I flattened that out like we have I think a double chest full of iron oh sweet so if I have that like on here and because there’s players usually constantly close by if you guys are on then um in no time we’re going to have full iron armor and well yeah well especially especially if you’re especially if we’re uh you know it’s the one chunk so it’s not like oh I’m going all the way over here and I’m going all the way over here you know like that’s going to produce no matter what yeah now I think think I’m liking this little this little indent over here I didn’t like it before because I just think it’s too bland but now that there’s Cobble Stone is removed over here and I’ll half slap this whole space I need a stone cutter for it I think I can make a stone cutter already I know I know we’re racting materials left right and center but you know it’s oh my God I just want to have something nice I can make a plant pot oh Mary would kill me if I make a PL pot how did I make a stone cutter oh H oh stone cutter so it’s one piece of iron and stone so oh and stone I need three pieces of this so one two three oo we’re looking good on the world um the world over here that’s good we’re getting some progress done and I was thinking like is there a way to um to automate like what we are doing and I would have to look like what kind of blocks what like a cobblestone generator um no like um no like any other block with this um this world Forge takes like Force 3 it it takes bamboo like I’m I don’t know if it does or not but that’s something that we could test because then we could make a bamboo Farm automate it so that um oh because we don’t have those things uh it will not be automatic but still we will get a [ __ ] ton of bamboo from just the farm and then we can craft that up and then make ourselves um and then make our s the the what is it called the we can Chuck it into world wars that’s why I’m trying to say but failing okay there that looks nice I’m liking the aesthetic of what this is giving now that Greg’s thankfully Gathering some Cobblestone for us that’s going to also mean that we can make a couple chunks by the end of um of today’s stream there we go that looks nice I like that okay we can make a post I think over here cuz this is still doesn’t um this doesn’t link into the inside still so we can do the inside in a minute but this is going to look oh damn it it’s yeah we’re going to move the door away because otherwise it’s not going to be symmetrical planning I want this to look nice for next time we go and then [ __ ] no no no you stupid you stupid lava oh my God how dare you burn my wood I hopefully now we’ll not burn the wood oh my God like what happened sorry do mean to scare you once we get not only torches but lanterns on this on this baby will be will be rocking oh well lanterns will have to wait until well until we get the iron farm running not necessarily we do have a couple iron OTs we could always go for the nice route oh my God no I’m not going to waste our our our resources on that but yeah oh my God I think I will do though is break this down and then what my idea was is to make this side of the Cobblestone disc over here into a um like Cobblestone walls I think that would look nice I mean we could go crazy we could go could go Granite walles ooh also do Granite walles yeah no one ever uses Granite really right I feel like that’s no Maybe not maybe not I don’t know it’s sometimes good in like um like castle walls and stuff yeah but like other than like gradients like like um darker gradients it looks nice and but otherwise no I don’t think a lot of people use Granite one of those blocks like the the the oh what is that block called the the glaze terra cotta that’s also some yeah the especially the the one with all the arrows on it oh my God what would be cool if you can uh if you could make every stone into like brick like you have like the andesite brick I I wonder if they’re going to add that like next update because you know the the tough never had another variant but now it does yeah like now it’s it’s cool and stuff like that but I wonder if there’s going to be like new variants of those blocks next update it would be cool if there would be like that would be cool new variations of all those blocks because not not not dissing them but it would be nice to have more options and especially like the mods what are out there for oh like I don’t know if um yeah you played that the obviously you played that adventurecraft but what um ended up not being a Series in the end but it had a very cool mod on it but basically allowed you to put like almost any stone into a um cut I know I never got to look yeah I never really got a chance to look into it but that would be cool like if we could have some of those in Minecraft like that would be amazing because then it’s not added in with mods it’s added in because the game actually wants it to be in like there’s multiple stuff like that what I would add and the biggest thing I think what they should do finally is update the stupid end because it’s just the same thing and don’t get me wrong like I like the end because you know that’s how you can get like what um elytras and stuff and but that’s it like you go there once you get an elytra and you basically forget about it like the nether is there and it has what 17 different biomes plus a lot to do in all the other BLS plus you can trade plus you can do stuff like you know it has actually a purpose like I want to visit the nether more times but the end is like kind of a thing where oh let’s let’s go there once let’s gather everything and let’s never go back because it’s so boring I wish there would be an unupdate for for that next time well this house is turning out pretty nice to be honest it’s just a basic little log the L over here but when we lower the ceiling up a little bit more with some half slabs I think it will look way more nicer and we also found some lovely coal and other materials as well in these walls so that’s going to help us with our progress what do you think Minecraft should add by the way what’s one thing what you would add into Minecraft if you could if you have like a chance to um to add anything into the game what would it be um vertical slabs yeah and I know you just said one thing no you can say and concrete slabs and steps oh yes yes yes yes yes [Music] definitely there we go we can get this and then we can oops I don’t want to do that with my sword I’ll just do it with my piece of bread over here there we go looking good looking good okay so we can always put more chunks over here we can make this maybe into like one of those wall shingos and then I can grab oh yeah I can also remove this wall actually and we’ll replace it we’ll replace the underside over here where’re just iction basic Cobblestone because we don’t have a lot of resources we can always fix it up um when time gives us some or when the world gives us some more better resources to work with we can always fix it up but for now we’ll work with what we have what is Stone and Oak we’re going back to basic Minecraft over here basically that’ be actually fun to try out like going back into an older version of [Music] Minecraft I don’t know the first time couple days each couple days it changes to the different oh my God yes I don’t know when I first started playing it was um when you couldn’t sleep still I remember and I always I was still very little but um I always died from some stupid mob because I just couldn’t sleep in a bed I know beds were I don’t even know if beds were so added back then I know you couldn’t sleep in them and it was annoying and then for a long while I played on it was not Minecraft it was it was um it would be fun if I could find that game to be honest and test it out now like 10 years later but um right actually even more 11 years um it was it was a game what looked like Minecraft it felt like Minecraft but you only had like I believe like 10 chunks and that’s it then the world ended after that there was some knockoff version of Minecraft I for sure know but um but looking back at it now it was fun even that and but it was like it was on P like there was no mobs at all and I love that no mobs that that was that’s cool because um what I remember is when there was still no sleeping it was just always you know box yourself in for the night but there was like not much to do cuz what there was one type of wood um so so not a lot to do and then came all the updates like I missed I remember I didn’t play after that for a while because I just got bored of it just dying every time from um all different kinds of mobs so then I quit uhhuh and I rejoined when I first got my my mom’s actually tablet and I believe that was like back in one 14 maybe so I missed a lot of the updates and then there was obviously the color update and stuff like that and then I got way more into it and was playing until then constantly so yeah that’s what that’s my earliest memory of um of Minecraft being yeah this a central part I remember my mom was looking at the game first like so she actually like wants to give it into my hands to play with or not and just like yeah oh my God this game is like so complicated in a way not to anyway mom just it was just funny cuz now it just came like the biggest part of my life so yeah it’s fun very fun game no it’s a great it’s a great game like uh I’ve told you this many times before I’m sure these uh I don’t know if anyone’s heard it but I started playing 20 20 yeah 2020 started a pandemic yeah my one friends C come on play Minecraft with me like that game’s for babies I’m not going to play that game here I am four years later yeah loving it loving it make uh making some content I got to make some more um but yeah yeah it’s weird how what you think of about like a video game in general and then you actually try it and it’s like oh well it’s not that bad and then it just takes over cuz it’s it’s so it’s so good you know like it you know I I started playing and then and then I saw green on season six com to hermitcraft yeah and then I’m like I got to play with other people how do I play with other people and that’s how it all started oh my God okay there we go and then now we can put some cobbly wobbly on the roof but we can slab this baby over here and it will make it so that the room is a bit more bigger than what it looks like I’m why never got into is redstone never ever I just don’t know if was too alien to me like the concept of bre it’s very uh science it’s very smart you know like book smart you know like and I know like I make videos on farms and stuff but like you know that’s that’s simpler but like some of the Contraptions that I’ve saw and like and people I love when people try to explain like you know and then you just make like a a redstone ticking clock of over there and then add a hopper and then you can do a one tick system over there and I’m I’m like you know you lost me at the very first let’s take Tango’s uh binary decoder oh my God first of all what deck out I mean I understand I understand a little bit but like it’s crazy so complicated yeah and and and the deck out game I know that you know involves a lot of um and stuff game was ridiculous with mods but obviously it’s like oh my God it’s it’s absolutely amazing not only that you know like some of the cards gave you effects so you know you had to figure that out somehow oh boy yeah like designing all the cards and stuff must be one a challenge to very fun yes like that’s what I want to get into more is um is modding like making your own like making your own add-ons and stuff that’s something what I would love to learn about more in um in the future and just what like resources are out there and what codes you need to use to like make mobs come alive and that would be amazing I think cuz then you could basically like make anything what you want want content wise and it’s yours right yeah pretty much like yeah you can invite friends but you still you give credit basically to yourself basically yeah cuz your stuff yeah yeah and like the guy who made that um that very annoying um the Greg do draw thing yeah like even though it’s annoying even though it’s it’s absolutely you know Bonkers and stuff but that video blew up and like a lot blew up you know how many downloads you know how many downloads he got off of that too you know how many people downloaded just to see it just to test it out just to play it so so yeah it’s cool hopefully if I take this away it’s not going to burn half my house down or half our house down but um I’m hoping we can just do this and put a quick wall design in here yeah there and then we can put some windows we can have this as our little little entry way over here to the crops I’ll obviously fix that sometime but yeah I like this this house is looking good you can obviously uh extend actually what we’ll do is do this and this and then we’ll put like built-in furnaces over here and stuff like that yeah I like this this looks nice okay from the outside I think it looks very nice as well yeah do you have a little more Cobblestone to throw into this thing yeah we can have this chunk because my pickaxe broke again and work I have more I can make you an iron pickaxe actually that’s what I’ll do and then and then you’ll not have um problems wish here you go cuz we’re going to need Cobblestone anyway I know it’s looks like we’re wasting like materials in general but I think it’s going to be worse it than the long run if we can get cobblestone way more easy what you like my little house my little humble boat I love it I love it so I’m going to move some of the furnaces and stuff in here as well why can’t I put light in here there we go okay um um we can extend some of the chunks over here so we will do that and I think what we will do actually is I’ll move move I’ll move our little our little humble Farm in to its future place in the next stream I don’t have it in me to do it this stream but I will move it next stream and but I will I will do is I’ll move our beds and stuff in there and I think what I will do is I’ll just make a couple more beds because um cuz yeah we might have some some new guests in the next stream other other than Dragon Mary yeah we’ll have them as well and then we’ll have more people if you guys come so this is going to be fun okay uh let’s put our coal actually in this chest over this chest I’m such an idiot this um furnaces over here what we’ll actually put on the wall we’ll be a little bit fancy today we’ll put them up one there and then we can put we can put eight pie the cool I thinking all of them there we go and then we’ll have some fuel Le we can smell all right that that’s for sure and I think we’ll do is we’ll grab the stone cutter and we’ll put it over here and we can put is there anything else what we have I don’t know well we have our beds actually let’s put our beds there as well I can he a spider somewhere what’s not very reassuring uh yeah uh I’ll make the floors obviously look a little bit nicer in the future yeah we have our couple beds oh damn it it’s not symmetrical oh uhoh um we’ll put the actually what we’ll do is we’ll get this bed put it here get this bed put it here gra this bed and then this and this can be over yeah perfect symmetrical yeah that’s what we like to see over here yeah we have a hoay okay I’ll get us the four copper blocks I have a lot of copper on me okay here you go you can craft it if you want [Music] a wh Chingo comes in the middle and the four copper blocks go around it yeah oh okay yeah okay do you want to sleep and then we can um then we can um we can release that new chunk if we really want yes oh wait wait wait wait I’m just going to quickly make a block on the other side of this wall I know the chances of us spawning there are very low but I’m just going to just for safety I’m going to put another row of blocks over there think about that we should glitch out to the we should not glitch out to there but yeah we should be next to our beds okay this this will be okay pH okay where should we put it should we put it as a continuation over here like maybe here or should we put it as a continuation to the Village and maybe continue to Village okay let’s continue the village yeah yeah yeah definitely we can go back onto the house actually I might just quickly prepare some boats I’m going to prepare two if we dare to see some villagers then I can just trap them quickly in some boats well I think we can do wherever either to this ocean or to anywhere else where you would like it basically just goes just goes and throws it off the edge yeah I just throw it off the it is that how it works you yeat it yep Oh wait we got that snow thing there yeah you should be okay for now over here you just place it down and then you click on it that and you just click on it once yep oh it’s building it’s building if the house is going to be cut off by that stupid snowy biome I’m going to kill M oh for God’s sake gr oh my God goodbye sheep I have to do that oh miror why why do we have a snowy biome over there I’m what I’m probably going to do is it’s just in a long one maybe I’m just going to get a lot of dirt and cover it up because it’s going to annoy me that the one chunk over there is way down low than all the other ones one of them’s different like what how is that going it’s one of them one of them’s not like the other yeah that’s it that’s one of these chunks is not like the others oh my God but I think we made a lot of progress today in General think this was a pretty productive stream even though Mary did manage to die once it was good even though Mary did manage to die yeah that was pretty funny we revived her fun we revived her did I think I’m going to actually end off my stream right here right now in our little Shack we got a lot done today folks we got our little house done over here as you guys can see it looks super nice our little cobblestone generator some beds and we’ll put obviously some more chunks around here in next episode and finish off our house and in um between episodes I’ll probably come and um mine for some Cobblestone and maybe go down and get some more diamonds because those are all things you know but I love you guys but I’m not going to stream a to because it’s just it’s just boring content let’s be honest but this room is starting to look nice we’ll have some beds some more beds over here on the other side as well um because I think we’ll have I think a Max of five players if monkey and um and cap and Mary and Greg and me will will be joining out all at the same time so yeah five beds I think will be for sure good NE diamond armor is for sure a thing what we have to achieve next episode because I need extra protection that’s for sure especially after today we got our nice little skeleton Farm on and we managed to get a couple chunks so today was a good stream Mass thank you for Greg um for joining me make sure to check out his channel as well on YouTube and I hopefully see you guys in the next episode thank you for watching my stream and I’ll see you guys in next one bye [Music] guys good job oh my God that was so much fun good job good job thank you by the way for for joining oh you’re welcome that was fun time you know you know if I can join I’ll join you know

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Ep:3 LIVE 🔴’, was uploaded by Beezecat gaming on 2024-06-23 04:46:54. It has garnered 27 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:01 or 9361 seconds.

  • EP19: Sakura Tree Takes Over World?! Home Invasion Mystery!

    EP19: Sakura Tree Takes Over World?! Home Invasion Mystery! Exploring the World of Minecraft with Friends Introduction In the latest episode of “Minecraft 麥塊 | 友情生存,” viewers are taken on a journey filled with adventure and camaraderie. The world of Minecraft comes alive as Bryan and his friends embark on a quest to find diamonds and uncover hidden treasures. Features and Events The episode showcases the group’s exploration of the vast Minecraft world, filled with challenges and surprises at every turn. From building structures to mining resources, the friends work together to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. One of the highlights of the episode is the search… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Client Review!

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  • Craft Heart Particles in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21

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  • Parasite Plight: 100 Days Survived in Minecraft Hardcore

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  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge: Day 57

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  • Revamping Epcot in Minecraft

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  • Redstone Hacks for Minecraft

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  • Parkour Isle Shenanigans: Minecraft Episode 9

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  • Minecraft Logic: Part 12 Unraveled!

    Minecraft Logic: Part 12 Unraveled! Welcome back to Minecraft logic, part twelve, Where we dive deep into the game and delve. From crafting to mining, surviving the night, We’re here to bring you all the highlights. In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, From building grand castles to caves so treacherous. But beware of creepers, lurking in the dark, One wrong move and they’ll leave their mark. So gather your resources, craft your tools, Explore the vast world, break all the rules. With Mojang by our side, we’ll conquer it all, In this blocky world, we’ll stand tall. So join us on this journey, filled… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Creature Showdown

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  • Dr. Rick Marshall vs. The Wither

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  • Massive Realm Update! Join Agent Error in Minecraft Now!

    Massive Realm Update! Join Agent Error in Minecraft Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft realm New update come join’, was uploaded by Agent Error on 2024-07-13 11:56:01. It has garnered 81 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:05:00 or 14700 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Memes

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft MemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MEMES 153’, was uploaded by Daily Dose Of Memes on 2024-08-30 15:39:09. It has garnered 4711 views and 163 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:38 or 1298 seconds. Binge watch all Daily Dose Of Memes: http://bit.ly/DailyDoseOfMemess​​​​​​​ ​ Binge watch all Dank Dose Of Memes here: https://bit.ly/DankDoseOfMemes ​Join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/dbDJBbk​​​​​​​ ​ ​Visit my Facebook page: https://fb.me/dailydoseofmemes69​​​​​​​ ​ ​Welcome to your daily dose of video memes where I try to find the best memes for the day! I hope you will enjoy the content and if you do, don’t forget to like… Read More

  • Intense battle: Ai_24 vs nclient!

    Intense battle: Ai_24 vs nclient!Video Information This video, titled ‘Crystalpvp: Chronos vs nclient’, was uploaded by Ai_24 on 2024-08-11 14:00:27. It has garnered 2671 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #cpvp The minecraft server is 2b2t, 2b2t.org, crystalpvp.cc, 6b6t.org, 2b2tpvp.net, 5b5t.org, 0b0t.org, 8b8t.me, 9b9t.org. Hacked client/hack used in this video: Future client, RusherHack, Mio client, Meteor client, Thunderhack recode, 3arthh4ck, Blackout, Shoreline, Prestige client or Phobos!! This video has nothing to do with speedrunners, 100 days, “minecraft but”, 1.21, maces, QSMP, or any of those other topics. Read More

  • Panda Gaming: Insane Minecraft Cooking Hack! 🐼🔥 #ViralLifeHacks

    Panda Gaming: Insane Minecraft Cooking Hack! 🐼🔥 #ViralLifeHacksVideo Information This video, titled ‘Viral cooking Hack in minecraft #logic #shorts lifehacks’, was uploaded by Panda Gaming 04 on 2024-05-29 02:30:33. It has garnered 10493 views and 426 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Minecraft Colking hacksminecraft building ideasminecraft kitchen build hackslomby minecraftlifehacksminecraft iceologer addonminecraft cookie godminecraft hardcoreminecraft defense systemminecraft shorts buildacookiegod seriesminecraft lie detector tutorialcool minecraft builds shortsminecraft randomizerminecraft building tipsminecraft build tutorialminecraft simple redstone buildsminecraft shorts build hackshardcore minecraft #lifehacks #cokinghacks #viral #trending #viralvideo #shortsvideo #xd #race #pandagaming04 Read More


    ULTIMATE PVP RP PACKS REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘ТОП 5 ЛУЧШИХ РП – Лучшие ресурс паки для ПВП!’, was uploaded by Nubpro2012 on 2024-05-20 14:20:24. It has garnered 81 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:29 or 209 seconds. Hello everyone! Today I will show you the 5 best RP for PVP in Minecraft! Links to RP: 1. https://mineuse.com/resourcepack/854-ranked-32x 2. https://cursefire.com/minecraft/texture-packs/thelegend27/download/3894708 3. https://vk.com/doc497401734_517727824?hash=zzHzjyp34cduuTFHQ5OMFfskTYQMh8W4nHZcOgzU3bX&dl=VueCBhCLiLtTsA8AkASGo5ykWDPTC3rdOLA7eW09sc8 4. https://resourcepacks24.de/resourcepack/795023 5. https://mineuse.com/resourcepack/2070-deemons-30k-16x My YouTube channel too https://www.youtube.com/@UCiIC8In1tIQ276BXcBy9G4w My friend’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@sasha-pro07 Read More

  • DrLupo’s Insane Modded Minecraft Adventure!

    DrLupo's Insane Modded Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 GOOD BUDS SMP – HEAVILY MODDED. HEAVILY.’, was uploaded by DrLupo on 2024-07-11 21:48:07. It has garnered 21208 views and 1175 likes. The duration of the video is 05:15:45 or 18945 seconds. Over 100 mods included for a Vanilla+ experience in Minecraft! ———————— 👊 BECOME A MEMBER OF THE STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/drlupo/join 💰 DONATE TO STJUDE – https://donate.tiltify.com/@drlupo/drlupo-stream-tips-2024 KEEP UP WITH ME EVERYWHERE! 🐦 https://twitter.com/DrLupo 📸 https://instagram.com/DrLupo 🎥 https://tiktok.com/@drlupo 🧵 https://threads.net/@drlupo ☁️ https://bsky.app/profile/drlupo.bsky.social 📱 https://discord.gg/drlupo 🎮 Epic Game Store Creator Code: DrLupo 🎮 Call of Duty Creator Code: DRLUPO 🎮 Star Citizen Referral Code: STAR-LWVG-7J44… Read More

  • Shocking: Jessie Fails English on Breaking Bad Gamers

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Alien Pyramid Tutorial!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Alien Pyramid Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Alien Pyramid Tutorial & Download Part 2’, was uploaded by Trydar on 2024-06-12 17:00:00. It has garnered 334 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:13 or 4573 seconds. ► Minecraft Alien Pyramid Tutorial & Download Part 2 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ A mysterious alien pyramid… ►Java Direct Download Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7hz5kvjficwb7p1/Trydar’s+Alien+Pyramid+Tutorial+for+java.zip/file ►Bedrock Direct Download Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/tez2qwublnt0dwu/Trydar’s+Alien+Pyramid+Tutorial+for+bedrock.zip/file If you enjoyed the video, kindly consider leaving a 👍 like and 🔔 subscribing. If you have anything to say, comments are always welcome here. 😁 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #minecraft #trydar Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Hacks You Didn’t Know!! #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Hacks You Didn't Know!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft short video ##trending #viral #popular #shortvideo #shorts #short #movie’, was uploaded by Minecraft tricks on 2024-04-30 09:13:41. It has garnered 2077 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Games#minecraft #shorts,#minecraft,shorts,shorts minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft short,minecraft #tiktok,#minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft meme,#youtube shorts,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft parody,minecraft school,#minecraft song,minecraft pe,minecraft mods,minecraft speedrun,#minecraft sad shorts,minecraft music,shorts video minecraft,minecraft shorts video,minecraft manhunt,minecraft speedrunner#minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation #mcpe #mcpc #minecraftpc #minecraftpe #minecraftstatus #animation #thunder #epic #steve #alex #herobrine #alexbrine #entity303 #werewolf #dreadlord #null #music #instagram #viotoons Games #best Minecraft new video #minecraft hack short minecraft short minecraft… Read More

  • SMP Tubba

    SMP TubbaWelcome to SMP Tubba, the ultimate Minecraft server where adventure and teamwork go hand in hand! Gather your friends and embark on a thrilling survival journey filled with endless possibilities. In SMP Tubba, you’ll explore a world enhanced with new features that take your gameplay to the next level. Key Features: Backpacks: Carry more with custom backpacks that allow you to store all your essential items as you explore, mine, and battle your way through the wilderness. Enhanced Enchantments: Discover a wide range of new enchantments that will empower your gear, giving you the edge in combat and helping you… Read More

  • Grownup Gamers GG SMP – Semi-vanilla SMP 1.21 Java/Bedrock Whitelist 18+ Dynmap Discord Hermitcraft-like Events

    Fellow miners and crafters! Are you tired of dealing with immature players spamming memes in your gamechat? Looking for a community of like-minded adults to enjoy Minecraft with? Welcome to Grownup Gamers! GG provides a safe, relaxed, and fun environment for older gamers. Join us for hilarious game nights, fantastic Minecraft projects, and a supportive community. Who are we? We are Grownup Gamers, a community of adult players who prioritize maturity, respect, and fun. Join us for a vanilla Minecraft survival server, occasional party games, and a diverse player base. What do we offer? A friendly and supportive community. Java/Bedrock… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – pov: loser won’t give mending

    Minecraft Memes - pov: loser won't give mendingLooks like he’s not mending any fences in this relationship! Read More

  • Crafty Clones: Top 5 Minecraft-Like Games for Android

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  • Minecraft’s HOTTEST Poi Poi Poi Meme 🔥😂

    Minecraft's HOTTEST Poi Poi Poi Meme 🔥😂 Why did the Minecraft player bring a bucket of water to the party? To put out all the poi poi poi! 🤣🔥 #minecraftmemes #firehazard #safetyfirst Read More

  • Free Multiplayer Minecraft Server on Chromebook!

    Free Multiplayer Minecraft Server on Chromebook! Exploring the World of Minecraft Multiplayer Servers When it comes to Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building intricate structures to exploring vast landscapes, the game offers a unique experience for players of all ages. One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the ability to join multiplayer servers, where you can interact with other players, collaborate on projects, and engage in epic battles. In this article, we will delve into the world of creating a multiplayer Minecraft server for free on a Chromebook. Setting Up Your Minecraft Server Creating a multiplayer Minecraft server on a Chromebook is… Read More

  • POMNI spies on Jax in the bathroom?! EPIC Minecraft Circus Episode 2

    POMNI spies on Jax in the bathroom?! EPIC Minecraft Circus Episode 2Video Information This video, titled ‘POMNI PEEKS AT JAX IN THE BATHROOM! WHY? AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-05-11 22:30:05. It has garnered 5186 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:08 or 3728 seconds. POMNI PEEKS AT JAX IN THE BATHROOM! WHY? AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft In this video, Jax is once again trying to have fun with Pomni and RAGATHA in the pool! Today, you can expect interesting stories and amusing adventures with Pomni and her friends. Be sure to watch the video… Read More

  • 3rd Person Minecraft Challenge

    3rd Person Minecraft ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEATING MINECRAFT IN 3RD PERSON……OR ELSE!’, was uploaded by Kevahn on 2024-06-02 02:41:31. It has garnered 619 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. time to win this challenge Check out the discord: https://discord.gg/C6bqeB58 Read More

  • New Minecraft Server Reopens! Join Now – Road to 1K Subs!

    New Minecraft Server Reopens! Join Now - Road to 1K Subs!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SERVERS ARE BACK!!! JOIN UP!!! – ROAD TO 1K!!!’, was uploaded by Mickaye on 2024-08-21 03:36:22. It has garnered 63 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:54:57 or 14097 seconds. Hey, Welcome to my channel! I’m going to be streaming games and vlogging often on this channel I hope everyone enjoys the content! Like & Subscribe if you want more videos! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks You Never Knew Existed!

    Insane Minecraft Hacks You Never Knew Existed!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hacks You Need to Try!”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-07-15 07:48:23. It has garnered 89 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel Here’s a suggested description for a Minecraft Shorts video designed to go viral on YouTube: — 🔥 Welcome to my Minecraft Shorts! 🔥 In this video, we dive into [brief summary of content, e.g., epic builds, crazy hacks, or insane moments]! Watch as I [specific highlight, e.g., create a massive castle in under a minute, showcase unbelievable redstone… Read More

  • INSANE Drag Clicks in Hypixel Bedwars Montage!

    INSANE Drag Clicks in Hypixel Bedwars Montage!Video Information This video, titled ‘… #minecraft #asmr #bedwars #montage #hypixel # #minemen #dragclick #edit’, was uploaded by Sonkaツ on 2024-03-17 18:03:35. It has garnered 8796 views and 212 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. hello, if you are new to the channel, I would really appreciate a like and a subscription. Thank you! 😊 ———————————————- Video info Video recording: OBS Studio 🎥 Video editing: Capcut 🎬 ———————————————- Contacts: Discord server: ask in comments Discord name: user3913 ———————————————- My pc: AMD Ryzen 52600 NVidia Geforce gtx 1660 6gb HDD: 2 TB SSD: 200 GB RAM:… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days as a Necromancer in Minecraft – EPIC!

    Surviving 100 Days as a Necromancer in Minecraft - EPIC!Video Information This video, titled ‘I survived 100 days as a NECROMANCER in Minecraft – The Movie’, was uploaded by Lokolow ENG on 2024-08-17 22:57:36. It has garnered 2448 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:36 or 4656 seconds. #100days #minecraft 100 DAYS AS A NECROMANCER IN MINECRAFT! Check out what it’s like to have this ABSURD power of being able to bring everything back to life! Surviving in this world where more creatures are born than normal, we must use our powers to face more than 10 bosses in a single video! The world of… Read More

  • Örümcek Adam’ı VR’dan Vazgeçirdim! 😲 #spiderman #oyun

    Örümcek Adam'ı VR'dan Vazgeçirdim! 😲 #spiderman #oyunVideo Information This video, titled ‘youtuber olmaya çalışan örümcek adamı vazgeçirdim #spiderman #oyun #vr #bonelab #keşfet #minecraft’, was uploaded by Tapielza VR on 2024-05-20 16:00:17. It has garnered 40998 views and 1084 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Base Transformation!

    Insane Minecraft Base Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mega Base Takes Shape in Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Acadewolf on 2024-03-05 09:52:05. It has garnered 335 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314 seconds. #Minecraft #BedrockEdition Worked on my mega base in Minecraft Bedrock Edition, finishing up with destroying a mesa with Tanya on the Minecraft GuildRock SMP GuildRock SMP Links: [👾] Discord: https://discord.gg/RGBrGnjN7b [🎥] Trailer: https://youtu.be/rx6kVZT4tdo [📎] Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/official-trailer-82966571 What is GuildRock SMP? This is a Minecraft Bedrock Edition server for devoted and professional players, content and non-content creators alike, with splendid building skills and/or superb… Read More

  • Insane Twist: MONOPOLY Hearts in Minecraft

    Insane Twist: MONOPOLY Hearts in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But There’s MONOPOLY Hearts’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-04-03 01:00:31. It has garnered 1115576 views and 16121 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:56 or 956 seconds. You won’t BELIEVE these MONEY MONOPOLY GAME HEARTS in Minecraft! Will I Get RICH?! Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g_O9HWb5B0rVDG1hLd5Hw/join 👕 Buy EYmerch: https://eystreem.store/ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ❤️ Tik Tok: https://direct.me/eystreem 👻 Snapchat:… Read More

  • BlockParty

    BlockPartyBlockParty is an enhanced version of Survival Minecraft. Enjoy Minecraft to the fullest extent in this immersive multiplayer environment. Experience Minecraft the way Mojang intended it to be played with additional optimized and balanced content. We host event nights and release new content frequently, so there’s always something exciting to look forward to. We welcome all new players with open arms. If you’re looking for a new community oriented home that never resets your progress, you’ve finally found it, join the party today! Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Reward System

    Stack of Grass Season 2 Player Base: Whitelisted server for players 18+ seeking a chill ambiance and mature community. The Gameplay: Offers a “Vanilla+++” experience with mods enhancing building and adventuring. Features mods like “Ars Nouveau”, “The Graveyard”, “Chipped”, and “Mystical Agriculture”. The Commands: Players have access to /home, /sethome, and other teleporting commands. Waystones are also available. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for communication and community building emphasis. The Server Life: Admins add scripted Dungeons for players to challenge and earn rewards. Regular events to unite the community. Interested in joining? Check out our discord for more information:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft YouTubers when they see Enderman.

    Minecraft YouTubers be like, “Finally, a meme that truly captures the essence of my obsession with eyes and purple!” Read More

  • Rock meets Ogre in Baki’s brawl, Bocchi’s rise and Yujiro’s fall!

    Rock meets Ogre in Baki's brawl, Bocchi's rise and Yujiro's fall! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Yujiro Hanma meets Bocchi, their stories untold. With fists of fury and hearts of gold, In this virtual world, their adventures unfold. Yujiro, the beast, with muscles of steel, Bocchi, the rock, with a heart that’s real. Together they conquer, in this pixelated land, Their friendship grows strong, hand in hand. From the pages of manga to the blocks of the game, Their journey continues, never the same. In Minecraft they thrive, in battles they reign, Yujiro and Bocchi, a dynamic duo, never in vain. So let’s raise a toast, to… Read More

  • Hotter than lava: Minecraft Armor Stand Logic 😂🔥 #eieiei

    Hotter than lava: Minecraft Armor Stand Logic 😂🔥 #eieiei Why does the armor stand in Minecraft have better dance moves than me? Maybe I should take some lessons from it! 💃🕺 #minecraftdanceoff #armorstandgoals Read More