Ultimate Minecraft Infection – Techy Farm Boy

Video Information

So Oh Oh N Oh Oh [Applause] He Let All right uh hang on it’s being a a little bit weird hi y’all um C yes I did I know that I did say that the stream would start in 10 minutes uh but this is like the setup before the actual part of everything starts um Can yall hear me all right

Anything I need to fix it all so this is basic stream synopsis there are going to be four different infection mods that are going to be uh infecting my world um we’re we’re going to keep going in this for as long as we can I think until it kind of gets tiring or

Like we just can’t move on anymore um one of the things that’s going to be happening uh this isn’t going to be a hardcore world this is just going to be normal survival um keep inventory on um I’m turning cheats on because uh for the

Skull cord I have to go down into one of its provided structures and activate it uh which is a bit hard to do when it’s in the very beginning of the game but I kind of want to make sure that I have the skull cord because

That’s one of the main focuses of this world um because there’s a lot of zombies and everything think all around you so we’re going to load it up all that it’s going to take a little while hi contradictionary um I finally figured out that I was saying your name wrong this entire time

Um my dad had to tell me after uh the portal stream was over that I was saying it wrong and I don’t know uh if you weren’t here for when I was explaining it um I’m making a new world it’s going to be just survival no hardcore cuz there are mobs

In this that can break blocks break any block actually I think it could break bedrock and they’re pretty common to spawn as well um and you can’t really kill them you have to light them on fire and I don’t know how we’ll get fire aspect very early on cuz they appear

Early on so this is going to be keep inventory on Survival easy um one of the things going on is I have to be able to switch into creative real quick I have to F3 F4 sltp 0000 uh Slash sh so one of the things going on is this is the skull cord

Structure um and I have I have to activate it before I do anything else so it’s fine meant meant it to be weird to say anyway but also yeah understand anable this does sound like it’ll be difficult yep so we got to switch into survival switch back to

Creative it’s going to take a while cuz the Ping it it has a hard time when the skull horde first awakens we’re going to switch back to creative real quick once it decides to switch back to creative we’ve got the darkness effect and we can’t really see anything so no okay hang on

Slash no okay D go there SL spawn point all right so we have some things that we need to do let’s go back to survival do not save a screenshot we have Darkness for the next 30 seconds so that’s going to be real fun whoop be

Um excuse me sir I’m sorry but you are about to just flat out die there’s another one of the mods so explanation of all the mods we have a total of four infestation mods which are um the skull cord mod we’ve got that we’ve got from another

World which will come into play later on in the day um we’ve got what is it what is it what is it what is it it what is it called um we’ve got the flesh that hates which can when it’s infestation spreads it can destroy or

Like not even destroy it can just flat out replace blocks with its own structure wise there it is there’s the flesh that hates um we need to go ahead and kill it real quick um how do I get up there yes okay feel smart Okay so this guy is a very very

Bad very no good very bad guy so we need to kill him cuz he’s from the flesh that hates we’ve got him we will get this flesh block that he dropped oh he seems Nice not really but yeah once when you stand on these blocks you get some really weird sounds oh there’s a flesh that hates mobs so uh each of these infection mods has a sword or like any a sort of weapon that you can get for uh dealing with all of these guys

And that’s going to be one of the goals for this uh let’s just go ahead and make it a 100 days challenge cuz I I feel like that’s a fair thing to do um we got to we got to find make a meat house um no because that will actually just kill

Me I think um so let me remember so we got the skull cord which is Skull flesh that hates can make structures um we’ve got from another world which is like a parasite it can um disguise itself basically um and the last mod that we have is Spore which is sort of like

Um sort of like skull cord but it’s like more of a slow burner and um more so relies on like melium and mushrooms and stuff like that so skull cord is already infecting quite a bit of area right there we’re going to go ahead and remove

This Waypoint um I think it’s best if we pack up find a bed maybe try to get some hay bales before the skull gets here um cuz hay bales are going to turn into meat and meat meat what no uh bread hay bills are going to turn into bread and

That’ll be really good to have as like an on the-go snack um some cows I did installed the um spice of Life mod which um is the same mod that lets me uh eat unique foods and gain Hearts because of eating those foods which is very very useful um

I installed way points but I’m not sure where they’re if they’re even in this Village I don’t think I’ll even be able to want to use a waypoint to here anyways because there’s the skull cord already infesting it something is falling from the sky all right sorry

About speaking so fast um there’s just so much stuff going on um so that was uh From Another World hi hello welcome to the Stream so that uh something is falling from the sky uh is is the from another world uh mod so there’s an alien running around now the From

Another World guys are the ones that I have to worry about the most I think in terms of combat because what happens is they infect modded mobs if they infect modded mobs or like or if they’re left alone for too long ever played rlcraft um no but I don’t want to honestly hello

Nina um if this is like if this infects modded mobs then it creates unkillable monsters basically so we need to kill these guys I don’t know where all they went we need to destroy that so much for I come in peace then yeah um it automatically is hostile towards you

Um I’m not sure where the alien thing is get a assimilated idiot okay I’m not sure what’s in that cave I kind of don’t want to know so what we just got is uh this let us assimilate uh certain mobs to the uh from another world uh kind of cast of

Characters um I’m not going to be using it just yet I kind of want to make like a little lab that I can study them in um let’s check up on the skull cord let’s see how it’s doing H it’s doing fine at best it’s not really progressing that

Much but I think that’s a good thing I suppose um pick up the hay bales Paul okay potatoes I think I could pick up I think I should pick up this furnace cuz uh one of the things with this playthrough we’re going to be moving around quite a lot

Um I want to make a base that hello hi Nina Nina Noak uh are you okay you just keep on saying hello okay um I take the books for enchanting yeah that’s true probably a good idea hello hi hi Nina hi are you okay do you need

Help why do you keep on saying hello I I’m I’m confused a little bit why do you keep on saying hello I’m sorry I’m I think I was a bit aggressive there but I’m just confused um okay so hello hi hi hello I don’t know what you’re trying to get at

Is your audio working thank you soggy owl okay so we need to get a a crafting table uh me what what do you mean me too I’m so confused I don’t understand what’s going on all right um so skull cord is doing skull things right

Now um flesh that hates was kind of I think subdued for a little bit uh from another world is kind of just doing stuff over there I think and Spore I don’t know where Spore is L I think I think Spore just kind of chills out for a little bit and then

Starts doing things but um we’re g to go ahead and get Moving we’re going to look over here at the skull we see how it’s going yeah it’s going it’s going so the skull cord it’s it’s in its infancy so it’s kind of not that smart right now but once it gain GS a certain amount of land mass it like actually has

An AI that kind of it cataloges every single time that you attack it and like every single time that you’ve had an experience with it it cataloges all of that and starts making like new plans and all that which I think is a really cool

Thing um cuz it’s like a I’m a big fan thank you oh yeah it’s working all right there’s a thing down here I need I need torches is it going to mine there you go okay okay got that that so skull cord is smart Spore I don’t

Know what how Spore works all that well I don’t know how it works um so we’ll just have to see um what else uh flesh that hates kind of just chills out um does its own thing and from another world uh it’s one of its taglines of from another world was

That it doesn’t cheat which I take to mean that whenever there’s like always going to be like mobs around um and it it one be like behind your back and trying to infect just through code like it’s actually going to be like attacking mobs um bye-bye bye um so we’re going to be

Getting we’re going to need to get iron which I don’t see skull and Spore seems like the most deadliest fresh and world seems annoying it might be an obstruction yeah um thing is the From Another World each one okay so each one has their own Quirk as well as the

Intelligence thing um from another world the uh the indestructible mobs I talked about those are the ones that I can that they that can break blocks just flat out um skull cord has flying mobs uh that’s like an infected version of phantoms that can drop skull spewers which can infect uh practically

Anything um and Spore has underwater stuff okay I’m back welcome back Spore has underwater stuff um only one underwater thing and it takes a while to kind of build itself up but it is still underwater thing and it can break blocks so one of the problems that we’re

Going to have is there’s not really going to be a good place to set up base permanently for a while um cuz there’s always going to be ways that one of the infections are going to be able to get to us um will these enemies always follow you

Or do they have a radius like other enemies um some of them will always be following you and tracking you down others have like a radius of a zombie zombie which is like 40 blocks or so and all of the other ones just have basic enemy AI

Um but normally they try to attack each other as well cuz they see each other as threats to each other I think um skull cord is referred to as the grave mind I think oh yep that’s a thing that can break blocks that’s a From Another World thing that’s from another world

Thing so if you saw it it shot assimilation liquid at me it tried to assimilate me um which is not good a developed threat okay skull that means that the skulk is now at the point where it’s starting to learn and has Intelligence uh we don’t really have

That much from flesh that hates yet uh so we’ve got and nothing from Spore so back on to the base thing there’s not really going to be any place I can put down a permanent base I’m kind of just going to be a Hermit alien found a host then um um not

Really okay so that alien that was the alien um it it kind of like gives other stuff parasites I don’t know curse of binding I’m not taking that um I do wish I could pick up this crying obsidian cuz it help it helps with uh helps with the skull cuz the skull

Can infest crying obsidian and it’s going to be one of the things that we need to make the skull sword all right um one of the things so I’m just going to talk in depth about each skull not each skull each infection mod just really quick one at a time so that my

Thoughts aren’t all over the place I’m going to start with the skull because it’s going to be one of the big ones the skull can infect most vanilla mobs it has stuff like infected ravagers uh vindicators pillagers uh creepers creepers when they explode they make more stuff skull I talked about the

Phantoms earlier they can drop Spore Speers um so that’s going to be a problem uh one of the things that the skull can do to uh get more mass is that it can spawn brain nodes um which effectively are like the D boy okay good job um which are effectively like

The I I think like Shields of the skull there is a way to permanently disable the skull cord but it’s pretty expensive and hard to do and you also got to go straight back to the place I was at in the first place

Uh XY X Y and Z being zero all zeros um you got to go back there and then you got to like manage to do a thing I don’t know okay so next up I think I’m going to talk about From Another World from another world doesn’t really do like block infections that

Much um it more so specializes in it more so specializes in stuff like um mob infections um while it can place down blocks and infect blocks it doesn’t that’s not really one of its core traits and that’s not really how it rolls um that was the flesh that

Hates hold on let me see where’s the flesh that hates cuz it normally spawns somewhere close okay it’s over there I’m just going to kind of let it ruminate I’m going to let it do its own thing um cuz I kind of want I kind of want there to be more of

It uh Spore uh no wait no flesh From Another World um it’s it’s parasitic it can break blocks uh going to move on to flesh that hates flesh that hates typically uh has three different phases in Brio biogenesis and evaluation I think um oh we got a spy glass good

We’re going to set up camp here I think typically uh it can try to break blocks by making new structures and as far as I know the mod is not very well coded so um it doesn’t really have a regard for what it can break and what it can’t so

We’re going to have to if we do end up making a base we’re going to have to make it high up um and I think that’s about it Um Spore Spore kind of does its own thing for a little while uh up until like uh there’s see there’s a lot of conglomeration of mobs around uh cuz it kind of It kind of does cheat and terms of like spawning more uh than it actually has spawning

More mobs than it actually has um but like once it has a large conglomeration of those mobs then it starts infecting the world itself um it has pretty cool gear I think uh what else what am I missing oh um I’ve covered spor I’ve covered flesh that hates I’ve covered

Skull I think that’s it for all of them so yeah now we just kind of chill uhoh uhoh getting a bit laggy it’s not good I don’t know what the skull is doing I do know that it is starting to infect The Village there um let’s check

Up on the flesh that hates nothing is going on with the flesh that hates smiling smiley face um from Nea or Nina I don’t know I don’t know what you want me to get from that I’m sorry definitely very interesting and chaotic in all of my tests I’ve done and setting

Up I found that an underwater base that is higher up from the ground level typically is very typically works a lot it’s just that the sport spearers from Skull and the underground or the under the water mobs from uh Spore I think are going to be a

Little bit of an issue to deal with and I’m not looking forward to it but yeah I I feel like um underwater is definitely a good gamble to take we’re just kind of waiting for more stuff to happen one of the things I want to do I want to find a mushroom

Biome just to like cuz it spawns with a lot of Flesh that hates and Spore stuff I think it’d be interesting to see how they interact with each other right now though I kind of want to focus on finding iron sorry about the uh the background noise by the way lava um

Oh I don’t know how escaped that but I will take escaping that thank you I’m kind of a bit surprised most of the infection mods haven’t really been up to anything oh what is going on hello what is covering my screen oh is that sand particles oh I don’t like it I

Don’t like that I thought something was going on I thought some I thought I was getting infected with something crack oh here’s a Spore mob so this is an infected villager they drop useful stuff that can be used to craft the flesh helmet uh another thing

Um most of these mods have their own like armor sets as well for everything oh hello hi was eaten alive by demonade what is a demoned should I be worried I’ve never seen a demon ID before okay y hello thank you all right let’s check up on the village real

Quick I want to see how it’s fairing oh deer seems like everything is active now yeah I don’t know I’m a bit excited honestly I’m going to turn on the music actually oh so when we activated the skull cord we should have gotten a Effect called Lore

Which um Lowes the skull cord towards you basically and LS the infection towards you I kind of want to aggravate the skull cord and get that effect cuz I think it would be fun a little bit I don’t know I think it’s a a sort of curiosity killed the cats type of

Situation but I I still want to check it out you know but yeah one of the what are you firing at hello hello Harry Rose hello what are you you firing at oh this thing dog Beast spitter hello oh what do you mean I oh that cow MC infected um four

Different mods are trying to take over my world basically right now why why does this cow have regeneration wait why are you hitting me do I swear no undefeatable mob yeah I don’t know what was going on with that cow normally undefeatable mobs are just from uh from another

World oh wait maybe that maybe that cow was in the process of being infected must be infected yep do I swear no no I don’t swear I’ll be trying to edit this up into like a little little fun-sized video and putting on my channel so you know I want it to be clean

Oh that’s a uh I’m just going to leave that there I don’t know if I should touch that or not I subbed thank you thank you for subbing that’s very kind of and liked thank you thank you so much um hello oh yep that’s a thingy Mig I can’t kill it I can’t kill it I can’t kill it I can’t kill it I used to have same Subs as you cool um skull spreads simulation is almost over so I can yeah know this Village isn’t safe anymore I I’m going to go uh have a good day

Harry Rose uh see you around I would argue that this is likely half of the villagers here are probably already infected with something there’s the skull oh that’s a skull M aggressor what on Earth are you burrowed to what is burrowed oh okay yep killed by Magic huh okay now

Yeah it’s starting to infect that Village that Village isn’t safe uh how is the flesh that hates isn’t doing anything at all I don’t know it’s sort of a morbid curiosity to see what’s going on with all of them all the skull and aliens are doing their jobs now

Yeah so the only thing that I can effectively stop from spreading is the Skull and the skull is is generally the fastest one to spread shaders look nice thank you I’m going go down here try and see if we can that’s a Spore all right let’s check the flesh that hates

It’s doing all right it’s not really doing that much you look very interesting though this is some sick model work whenever I play with shaders I get five frames per second so I have to make game smaller for better fps oh that sucks sir are you even going to do

Anything at all or are you just going to oh I’m surprised he’s just chilling here well now he he really isn’t anymore well now he is just chilling hello okay I’m just going to leave him alone um waiting for the skull cord to start trying to catch up with me

Honestly it’s it’s it’s taking its time munching on the Village um being gay I said cyanide shaders is good for low and laptops I don’t really trust AI I one of the the types of people who hate AI honestly I don’t use it at all plus Bing is kind of stupid I

Think hold on let me sorry I had to take a drink real quick um so any minute now the uh the flesh that hate should give me a little popup saying that um what about chat GPT and Snapchat AI both are bad as well I have

No no holds barred from any sort of AI whatsoever I hate all of them equally I am discriminatory and racist towards AI think a is bad I think that is very very a very very good point and thank you for saying that cuz I I

Was if you said that it wasn’t bad I was going to have to ban you right here on the spot um okay so I want to talk about some of the other mods that I’ve installed so first of all we have dang it okay hang on let me

Just do a thing real quick y’all ain’t seeing nothing right now okay y’all ain’t seeing anything my brother made a song with AI oh I’m sorry for your loss okay that’s it that’s all okay so one of the mods that I have installed is a Tardis mod I’m seeing techy Farm Boy mine

Good that’s that’s good um one of the mods I installed uh Tardis mod it’s a lowend tardis mod so it’s not like the big one like a tardis refined or whatever um or D mod it is made by the same people as D mod though um but that’s going to be pretty endgame

Because one of the things I need to craft it is a bottle of dragons breath um other other mods I installed uh Alex’s caves which basically adds like a bunch of new Cav biomes like nuclear uh magnetic all that cool stuff so we’re going to try and find some of

Those is that it there’s no more diamonds other than okay ooh hello I don’t really enjoy streamers that use cartooning characters but I’m kind of enjoying this one thank you uh and thank you for liking and licked and saing uh Nina oh speaking of Alex’s caves uh we’re going to need this for

Later um okay uh typically I I I don’t really like the ones that use cartoony characters either I just saw this model it’s so cute oh my gosh thank you AJ thank you AJ very cool um welcome into the stream um I don’t typically like V2 YouTubers cuz like they try to use

Different personalities than their actual personality um I kind of just use my vtuber as like I don’t know just a more fun way to engage other than just like using a real camera hello hello hello hello hello go leave leave this place and never return bro my Minecraft is taking so

Long to build cash on lunar Klein has probably taking six big number years um I that’s why I really don’t use lunar I I just use Forge and OptiFine I’m an old school kind of guy okay let me get this so the uh this spun

Table that I picked up what mob was that mod from that was that was Spore I think um but the spunker table that I just picked up that is uh that going to help me find all of the caves and the new and the Alex’s caves mod cuz they’re

Pretty hard to find you have to travel like thousands of blocks to find them when our client helps my FPS by something like 10% oh whatever works I also have you also have the headers what does that that mean I’m sorry I don’t know what you mean by

That okay got more brains always nice to have more brains I could use some more brains honestly oh that was a bad idea my Mac charger is broken ah so that’s why you’re having problems you’re on Apple you’re using a Mac see I I don’t know if you know but I vly hate

Hate any sort of Apple product at all um I mean if it works for you it works for you but like I I it’s just like a running joke in my friend groups um but luckily my dad fixed it with cape tape good dang this cave is massive

Oh I’m new how would I have known H just I’m just you weren’t supposed to have known I was explaining no no hard feelings or anything um I hope y’all don’t mind but I kind of want to just you know um just do that I think that is really cool

Oh that’s a scent that’s a scent that’s a scent that’s a scent that’s a scent that’s a scent I need to get as far away from that as possible because that encourages spores that encourages Spore growth scents are very very bad I used to have a super duper slow

Windows laptops even the buttons was like 5 Seconds delayed so I updated mac oh good for you ooh that is a lot of cave tablets I think that leads to the abyss so Spore so like stronger enemies start to arrive and you could say that uh it’s it’s more

So like the infest their their block infestation is triggered by spores or not spores uh scent so like they’re going to be oh shoot okay I think that’s what I deserve for teleporting back yeah I deserve that one to be honest um the birth of a brain and that would be the skull

Giving birth I don’t know where the brain node was plopped down but uh basically what just happened the skull put down its brain node which is basically like a way for the skull to infect more um pick up this paper let’s take the diamonds with

Us um one of the things I want to do is I want to use the nether and the end as sparingly as possible during this playthrough because the mods the infestation can’t get through different dimensions very well they they don’t really Faire all that well in it so

I kind of want to be sparing in my use of it Um let’s place down the spelunking table there so what happens is to do this it is it’s the magnet okay what is this Gauntlet okay take it okay which one do you think is ferof fluid dang it okay so this is it’s like a little mini game Neo denum okay hang on enchantment

Table translator okay so I kind of know what I’m looking for now there we go okay chain all right Cory there we go cave codex and then that leads us to a cave biome map and we need to use the uh that’s going to be working for a

Little while I think while it tries to find a cave biome but for now we need to translate more stuff swarf uh what is a swarf uh how are you how are yall’s days going for he is going well so far just been playing Animal Crossing New Horizons sorry I’m six

Okay I am going to uh hang on you I don’t want kids that young on my Channel like I I understand it’s kid-friendly but I don’t want that I don’t know um okay day been going well so far just been playing Animal Crossing New Horizon that’s good it’s fun there we go okay

Now we just kind of keep on having to do this I think for okay oh it’s still working oh I don’t think there there’s going to be a magnetic cave anywhere nearby that’s not good hologram all right h i I’ll just keep the rest for later on I think I feel like it’s

Getting a bit boring all right oh uh I do need to craft another sword there we go okay let’s keep using this one so uh while we were doing that I did hear a noise some sort of noise no that makes me think that another flesh that hates thing has spawned

Um I don’t know what’s going on with these guys kind of worries me but we’ll just let him sit there for now actually let’s let’s check them out let’s check out what’s going on oh okay where they at oh that’s one of the uh that’s one of the strong ones that’s

One of the strong ones that we can’t kill it’s it’s a little bit frustrating that we can’t kill them okay okay so we have work to do we need to start making a base big base I think big base is cool I also think we’re about to

Die yeah I think we’re about to die unless this is like poison oh is like poison it just kind of keeps me at half Health okay I won’t eat until then till it’s over oh does it keep on resetting see how from another or not from flesh that hates is

Doing is it going to is the status effect going to leave oh I think something is happening I think something is happening something is definitely happening when are you going to try to do something okay we’re done with the uh slow simulation thing could it be because of the thing that you’re

Holding I’m not sure cuz I held it I held some assimilation like before and it wasn’t doing anything to me I know that there are some material materials that can hurt me in this when I held them in my inventory like um like uranium and like new cleer

Parts cuz there’s nuclear creepers of course um let’s go check out the skull again actually hasn’t been doing that much Actually hold up let me sort okay so we have the infective Rapier which is probably going to be one of the things I want to get we have the flesh sword which can be made using hello hello Gem we have the Hyster Revenge which we need netherite for so we’ll keep that we need the skull sweeper Um so we have flesh that hates Spore skull we need from another world but I don’t think that they have a I don’t think that they have a um sword they just have a flamethrower which makes sense so those are going to be our endgame weapons or our endgame goals

Basically cuz each of those swords does extra damage to the infected um let’s See’s a so this this this is probably where the that is a phantom C sprad there’s a skull spear hello harome I think that’s how you say the name so that’s a skull spear that’s what I was talking about

Earlier um those basically spread this basically spread skull you do not get to exist anymore oh that’s a Juliet thing that is a thing that I want to attack these guys actually hang on can I make these guys attack each other Juliet where’s Juliet come here Juliet come here hello

Juliet you look very fine today quite nice okay now attack each other yeah ATT attack each other attack each other attack each other attack each other hello okay let’s kill these [Applause] guys no okay that’s all right okay we were slain by skull catcher so the skull is at the point

Where it’s assimilating ravagers now which is all right at best I think oh pick up the assimilation liquid actually still want to keep that what all is going on I think that we should start oh okay so that place is just entirely getting infested um I think that we should start boating

Actually we should go two different places see if we can find different uh structures or actually no I want to go to the nether let’s go to the nether we need lava yeah although they don’t seem as deadly as the normal variants of the vindicators yeah okay so the vindicators

Uh those guys have like five Health apparently which I’m very glad about because it means that I don’t have to deal with their uh their crap cuz I Lord only knows how many times I’ve killed I’ve been killed by them unfairly I say unfairly but it it’s more like a quote unquote

Unfairly cuz I kind of put myself in those situations um if I remember correctly there is oh okay yeah okay room portal we can go and harvest the crying obsidian and obsidian from there oh uhoh that ain’t good that ain’t good that ain’t good that ain’t good that a

That ain’t good that ain’t good I didn’t even know it was over here it was just kind of obscured by the trees I’m glad I did see it though the bread grab the obsidian dear it’s definitely catching up I’m I’m a little bit glad it is I’m a little bit glad it’s catching

Up Okay so we got crying obsidian now thankfully so I suppose crying obsidian is going to be used in a lot of the recipes that we have to make okay get this last bit of crying obsidian all right now we leave off on an adventure to the Nether so I want to get Netherrack or not Netherrack netherite that’s going to be really helpful I do know that the cataclysm bosses are also add added so we’re going to have to end up fighting the netherite monstrosity here uh eventually uh which I am not at all

Excited about in the slightest uh hello do you mind do you mind sir okay so that was from another world and it just kind of broke blocks for no reason I really have no reason well L infection mobs spawn in the nether I’m not entirely sure um we need one more

Obsidian crap okay uh let’s go to diamonds real quick hope yall don’t mind if I kind of just do a little little bit of a cheeky little might be weary of that might infect nearby enemies I’m a bit nervous about it myself okay we got wait crap we need uh flint and steel

Okay first off let’s let’s make the base bigger need an Axe and we need a lot of Oak there we go okay now we need wand iron wand okay we can get that grab that so what this will do is uh if we have wood in our offand we can do that and

That and that and it’ll still like take away durability and uh resources but um it’s much easier to build using we’re just going to kind of keep on going until I think the it runs out of steam or I run out of blocks it’s looking like I’ll run out of blocks

Hi hello welcome to the stream pick up the chests now get these why am I placing them so far from the surf from The Edge uh grab that get the obsidian I need the obsidian I need that I need that put on the shield grab everything else get the

Chest okay now we need to find some gravel uh we found some gravel slow this bow away I’m not a big fan of bows that did not drop Flint there we go okay I was scared it was going to be like another one of those uh situations where like you had

To craft the Flint and I was going to get really really Ang angry get that that in um okay we have the Flint we have the steel flint and steel uh let’s put the portal right here I will need uh fodder blocks I think one two three one two three

Uh there’s a uh there’s from another world there’s more From Another World stuff okay does not make me feel so nice at all uh let’s claim those chunks uh there’s the uh there’s the brain noes that I was talking about a while back so that takes a lot to kill

Basically you need to get a lot of TNT to destroy it uh but let’s go into The Nether let’s hope we don’t spawn in another netherite Golem area again or netherite monstrosity I mean I need to go deeper okay okay uh let’s portal let’s make it super easy to see in this

Healthscape we need to get I think glow stone is pretty useful I’m not sure um glow stone respawn anchor black light r on become the master of time okay huh okay it’s not really useful not yet I don’t think oh I don’t like those sounds um what is that on hello oh

Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap C crap crap crap crap What is that gunfire in the background I hear gunfire hello okay I I quite like these I quite like these or creepers they’re quite nice to me they’re very kind and generous I don’t know what quartz does just yet uh hold on quartz column round okay I know for a fact that the

Uh skull cannot infect roundles most of the uh or not not most all of the uh round s blocks from the Tardis mod cannot be infected okay anyways I think plan here is to just keep on going until we find some sort of structure how’s it holding up on y’all’s

End anything I need to worry about what is that no problems on Ming good oh you have a crossbow okay I do wish I could trade with you right now but I don’t have any gold on me I mean at least gold ingots that has to be like some sort of

Gunfire oh is that a uh that’s another Fortress okay oh that was a that was a Gamble and a half okay okay okay quit looking at chat nothing new has happened I can tell you for a fact that you quoted that probably quoted that I think I think you

Quoted that from uh J schlat or germa I can’t remember which one it was okay oo okay okay okay I thought that was cake for a minute um blood wake ah okay I knew it was somewhere someone in the realm of that area well how are you doing today doing all right

Crap oh chest bombs okay what else what else we got in here diamonds uh gas more chests good more gunfire that it sounds like two too it happens too often to be like um just ambient noise it has to be some sort of mob making the noise

Like you can’t tell me that’s not like some sort of mob making the noise take the saddle okay Diamond S iron backpack we won we have won the game uh I need to find blazes I hear blazes I just don’t know where they are haven’t heard that noise before must be something new

Okay hello let me take your knees thank you you didn’t drop any of your knees I think the blaze rods are just knees of blazes that’s my head Cannon that looks like a settlement okay oh that’s a piglin brute okay I think I can take this guy on hello come here gotcha

Okay uh let’s trade with you give me something good please Soul Sand it’s all right nether brick okay what can we make with this bwar of the flame what is this Black Stone all right interesting crying obsidian yeah yes spectral arrows one obsidian okay what what’s your last give me gravel thank you

Okay um okay so what polish Black Stone Polish Black Stone there’s nothing in there I mean I’ll take the strip Cur and it’s a nice color um okay what else is around here I think I should do some netherite mining or never mind I do have to eat though I forgot

About eating and eating being a thing I shouldn’t have wasted all of my durability on that zombified piglin I wonder what he had on his back I don’t think he would he he didn’t drop it though that’s unfortunate okay hello okay goodbye looking for more stuff oh okay is there anything interesting nearby let’s just do cheeky little teleport I’ll take the damage just want to see what’s over here

Here hope yall don’t mind if I teleport around it’s it’s more so of a time saer and a way to um you know just have be faster oh I don’t like those sounds that I’m hearing and that I’m seeing on my subtitles it’s fine it makes things more conv vent all right

Okay the soul Forge oh please get let me oh no okay don’t die no for you I mean all right let’s just let’s just do that real quick okay gold nuggets raw p pork chops coal block of rose quartz this doesn’t do anything apparently okay where are you

Cook pork chop raw pork chop coal actually you know what let’s eat the cooked pork chop cuz that’ll give me the chance to get more hunger or not hunger uh food food I cannot speak uh more Hearts all right this doesn’t look like the soul

Forge so I don’t know why it told me that we got to the soul Forge hold on uh nether cataclysm okay Soul Forge kill the net we didn’t find the soul Forge though did we oh okay so I have a very risky idea but if we play our cards right

We will be able to get netherite so it is if I saw correctly okay so if we dig down like that okay so we have netherite we have netherite because we can just pop back and just run and run and run and run and leave and run and leave leave and run

Okay to Nether right Ah okay it’s over there oh shoot okay should we keep on trying should we keep on trying I want to keep trying he’s over here okay oh he has a okay I think what we can do we can BR Force this we should Brute Force this actually um me all of my

Arrows all right so we should we are going to fight the netherite monstrosity hello big guy okay Run Okay this music is great So we’re just going to kind of keep on whittling down his health I think uh let’s bow hello he we’re getting somewhere we’re getting somewhere I need you to get out of that lava cuz if you do drop stuff it might burn he’s so close he is so close to dying uh hi

Buddy oh I need you to get out of the lava we’re so close yes we killed him I didn’t think it was possible honestly but we killed him okay oh look at look up at the mini map just look at how many times I’ve died here I am the king of the nether

Bow before me and weep okay oh that’s a that is uh that is lava help help help help help help don’t Die no you don’t get to do that okay get the uh get the crying obsidian because that’s going to be pretty crucial all right now I think we are good to go so let’s go let’s go home and let’s deal with the infection that’s probably spread so much now

Okay let’s sleep oh look at all of the all of the deaths okay sleep burn the ancient debris what does this do monstrous Helm W warn if you fall below half Health knock back nearby enemies and increases defense knock back resistance and regeneration okay that’s interesting wonder

What’s what’s wonder what’s of the alien base under what’s of the Al I can’t speak what’s of the alien tunnel under the base nothing what about the scope flesh that hates has done Jack squat okay skull has also done Jacks oh except for that okay we’re good though we’re good we did

Not get BL rods which is a bit unfortunate but we did get netherite and we got a single netherite Ingot and we got this thing [Applause] okay can I kill you now I don’t think I can kill him now oh wait can I oh wait what was that what was that thing what

Spawned what spawned under me who whoa that’s a jeat thing so [Applause] fire so we have a thing that has like a chance to inflict fire damage [Applause] now okay so we’re not going back over over there that’s a noo zone now um let’s grab the crying obsidian

From in here though first real quick so what we can do with the crying obsidian we can make boots we can make stuff like that we can make advanced enchanting infuser choose modify and remove enchantments for your gear repair your gear with levels interesting but that takes netherite uh respawn anchor eye of

Abyss enchanting infuser and the flesh helmet now we can do infested and we find the crying obsidian we can turn it into crying Souls which turns into the skull sweeper now what are you what are you what is that thing what is that thing what are you oh hello hi it’s it’s breaking

Stuff it’s trying to get up here we need to leave um um um um uh that uh that obsidian crying obsidian yeah I’m evacuating it right now right now that uh crying obsidian cave tablet this thing wand cerebrum mutated fiber that that that that that that that that that that that

That that that that that I’ll take the books um absolutely take the netherite uh uh I’ll take the furnace too take the obsidian oh okay um okay what am I supposed to do how am I supposed to get the freaking thing uh Cobble deep site come on okay now

Is it done with the simulation please leave me leave me you foul plague okay okay we have everything we need now I think we need to make a boat okay now this Juliet thing that sheep is absolutely infected um the Beast is over there still trying

To attack me so we’ll just go ahead and call it a call it a day uh you have a good day day sir have a good day um bye bye-bye bye-bye byebye byebye bye okay so do not go near okay advancements From Another World kill a quadruped thing kill Vine tentacles before they

Can Retreat okay so one of the things that’s cool with uh from another world I think is that it combines with the skull cord sometimes and creates like a hybrid of sorts um where you can’t you’re walking on the skull cord skull and you can’t really tell until it’s too late that you

Are actually now walking on a assimilated skull in which case the From Another World tentacle will appear and whoop your butt basically what’s going on here hello it’s like a perfect circle what happened here what is going on here huh okay so yeah we need we are Evac uating right

Now uh flesh that hates hasn’t really been doing anything which I’m a little bit worried about cuz that means that it’s probably gearing up to do something I know flesh that hates probably isn’t that intelligent I think skull is the most intelligent of all of them but still worries me a little bit

Okay what’s uh what what what are yall thinking so far how y’all feel about this I Def defitely feel a bit powerful cuz now I’ve got the uh infernal Forge do wish it inflicted um fire damage on every hit but I’m not complaining hello this is a pretty little quaint

House it’s really good love the skull alien infections a lot however I’m unsure of her chances of survival it won’t let me out uh help help me help let me out oh there we go okay yeah chances of survival I think are pretty slim but that’s only if we’re on

Hard mode cuz here we can survive all we want but yeah overall it’s going to get a lot harder a lot harder I think um later on I think I might end up changing the difficulty to be even harder probably actually you know what I will let’s mine the

Obsidian we need more anyways so all right last protection chest plate take that Golden Apple I’ll need that for later silk touch Fortune three shovel fortune 3 shovel there’s not much stuff that I can think of that involves shovels and having having good luck and good drop rates but all right I’ll take

It we’re going to check out that later um I just want to check out this tiny little house real quick nothing underneath candles and ink sacks okay let’s set down base for right now at least let’s not actually permanently set down oh we’ve run out of space in our backpack that’s all

Right okay good World gen by the way very good I love it but uh nothing happening so far which I’m a bit grateful for Safe Haven find a Tavern ooh yellow bed give it to me please thank you here I’ll replace your bed for you Cavern stuff pumpkins chest bread stuff

And what is this what is it it won’t let me pick it up I think we’ll just have to wait hello hi Dad I’m streaming right now okay is it going to do anything at all I guess not well that’s unfortunate all right what else we got here potatoes glowberries

Okay let’s eat some stuff try to get more Hearts because that’s always good okay then raw potato gave me two more Hearts okay so we need to find some interesting stuff like the the sudden abundance of emeralds hello why are you giving me so many emeralds all of a sudden Okay let’s check the skull cord statistics total mass gain from burrow 6,92 total mass gain from disease cyst 25 total mass game for bees 7, 95 1,000 okay no give me back my pick thank you so it’s spreading pretty good um think I need to go to the left it’s not really doing

Anything you know what skull cord config infestation and purification speed multiplier three I may have just doomed us all but we’ll see cuz now that thing is spreading three times as fast help okay uh let’s see what else uh flesh no from another world no uh

Spore no okay so that’s the only thing that’s the only infection that I can increase the speed of oh God yeah ain’t doing too much so let’s make it do more oh hello uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh

Uh leave me alone f okay we good I think their regeneration is too high so they probably can’t be killed also are you regretting this now nope not in the slightest I think this is very fun die that’s a phantom I don’t have any arrows all right let’s go ahead and start killing

Skull things man this just makes it too easy doesn’t it all right have fun okay diseased cists and burrowed sh okay screw it we ball oh my game hates [Applause] this For okay so we good now we are good okay you just got to keep on going you know got to keep on trucking I am waiting for Spore to start doing something oh carrot okay so I can use this okay No okay get the baked potatoes hope yall don’t mind if I stay at your Tavern tonight I totally am not going to attract demons from the from the confines of hell party W WP yeah this truly is a wamp WP moment certified wamp wamp welcome welcome haris haris har harome okay so hold on there’s a thing on my mouse what’s on my mouse what’s this all right um okay where do we want to go what do we want to do I kind of want

To go to bed thank you for the hearts thank you thank you all right is anything going to happen with that chest or with this with this map nothing okay all right let us continue on our journey where to next that looks interesting let’s go here I’m hoping something starts

Happening with uh Spore and flesh that hates or so I’m just going to have to start making things happen okay me down what is down here you like kissing boys yep I really don’t think it’s a secret coal iron gold the chest get the gold get the iron get

The said Iron when I picked up coal oh yeah I’ll take the lanterns I don’t know how useful they’ll be so hang on what on Earth is happening here okay get the iron get the gold get that get the coal there we go skip over that go down

Here is there anything there’s nothing down here okay did hear lava though around here hello why are you here great mod is silly very very silly I tried messing with it earlier because I was trying to create a concept of what I wanted the base that we’re

Going to be using to look like and it it it was hard for me to even like start to understand oh that’s an alien thing get out the hammer I don’t think he’s doing too well actually I think he’s a little acoustic granted I am too just just being a little bit silly

Hello the har The Harbinger 69 die that took way too long to eat um follow there’s nothing going on skull is pretty much stagnated I think okay thank you for the rain okay I think hello again just finished now welcome back so far almost nothing has happened that is an interesting tree

Though fur leaves fur I know what we’re going to do today nothing in there I don’t think um hello die okay glad I didn’t miss anything yeah very glad I mean I’m glad that you it did keep on spawning me in the middle of the skull cord

Though to um to save time though I think what I want to do I want to go ahead and locate a Spore lab now I’m going to have to use SL locate to find it but it’s it’s definitely going to start ramping up the Spore stuff as

Well which I really want I want the flesh that hates and Spore to start being much more active in this honestly so is it all right with y’all if I do SL locate for it for sure okay slash locate structure Spore uh Church labber mines let’s go lab

It’s going to take a little bit to find for now we’ve uh We’ve abandoned going uh to the north as um just isn’t really anything up there this uh the fragment that you see in my mini map is like old hold wait why isn’t it updating hello hello

Um wait hang on this is a pickaxe this is a pickaxe okay if this is a pickaxe my game my game is not having a fun time I think it’s cuz it’s it’s trying to locate stuff so if this is a pickaxe right then first of all what level is it is it

Like netherite level how good is it it just is not having a fun time is it I think we’re going to have to find the lab ourselves uh but for now I want to get down here cuz if this really is a pickaxe it doesn’t take um it doesn’t have durability

Damage wait I’m just going to dig straight down we’re going to see what we find I do need to eat a little bit hold on it’s pretty dang fast uh oh gravel zinc okay all right so we back in the mines got our pickaxe swinging from side to side side side to

Side let’s Tas a gring one hope to find some diamonds tonight night night diamonds tonight just waiting for this lava to go away preferably diamonds wait hang on okay if it can mine that much right if it can mine that much and it has no durability right has no

Durability whatsoever mines that much and we have a vein Miner you know what this this means we have an instant like a way to get a lot of netherite very quickly if I play cards right right now let’s just get diamonds though we’re going to need some better armor

Um I think I’m going to turn off my shaders never mind I’m going to turn them back on then make it easier to see for some reason okay got those guys smacked give gave them a good old uh we’ll see if there’s any diamonds under that lava um all

Right I don’t think there are do want to find a ancient city I do know that there is going to be skull there but it’s also a good place to get good loot petrified lyan okay I think here in about 30 minutes I’m going have to pack up the stream for today

Okay perhaps though I assume normal scope biomes are also impacted by the mods as well I think we can take on the warden though let’s uh let’s go to the nether real quick and let’s just start Mining and also trying to find more stuff is it g to dis appear there we

Go all right hello everybody my name is wait no let’s see oh it does mine faster there you go okay oh we just went to the same place oh what’s that okay for okay just respawn and go back all right kill these magma cubes where are these piglin bruts coming from hang on

Okay I need to figure out so they’re right there all right where are they coming from what is that okay ancient debris cave tablet gold that smithing template Black Stone bulb I don’t know what that is but we do have crying obsidian now I need armor that’s what I need get the gold

Um okay hello sir message retracted what why did you R trct the message you okay um okay I’m seeing a lot of crying obsidian so crying obsidian save that okay okay grab that pig step okay gra the crying obsidian I love Pig step so are we in a

Bastion where are all of these piglins that keep on talking bars hello hello oh that’s a wall okay I may be stupid okay what y’all thinking right now now what what are yall up to yall okay I don’t know why it’s lagging so bad it’s a bit

Concerning not much now just sitting in my room while the dehumidifiers going uh it’s cold down there or up there wherever you are too um okay okay yeah unfortunately there’s moisture in my room so we’re trying to decrease it hey well I hope that goes well oh

Okay we’ll just take that we’ll take that l is it hello is it going to skip the night guess not okay let’s see let’s check in on how the skull is doing it’s not doing okay I’m going save and quit to title and then relog

Cuz it is not doing too well in terms of tick rate okay are you better now now you are you are way better okay let’s go sleep there we go all right not yet eaten let’s eat a carrot soon um pack that all in pack that in pack that in pack that

In grab that netherite upgrade yes grab that grab that I think grab the magma cream and then that’s probably it let’s go on another boating Adventure let’s get a little bit close to the skull try and check it out what is that hello hello hello uh I want to record a message for

You for your first night okay uh so another flesh that hates thing just spawned if you don’t mind another flesh man yeah if you don’t mind what I want to do is I’m going to go into creative and grab two things really quickly two things that will set the Spore infection

Going as well um going to creative Spore there it is okay so I need Proto hiive mind and I need a mound let’s just Le a couple around all right so what these things will do they’ll start to spread Spore stuff uh let’s put down some scent as well there you go all

Right so that one is just dead hello okay okay so as you can see there’s SP stuff spawning now uh and that’s that’s going to get worse as well thankfully thankfully what so let’s swim away and also that uh the protoy m i plac down that’s going to

Turn into one of two things a gin breacher or a Seeger and both of those are Calamity class Spore mutants um they’re the spores that can break blocks and the gosin breacher is the one that can go underwater so what I want to

What I want to plan to do is I want to take this uh area of water right here I want to take this huge ocean right in between the skull uh this is this is going to be like um Spore um I think the flesh that hates is

Going to be somewhere around there hopefully it won’t get two overcrowding now with two infections it’s Spore doesn’t Spore doesn’t grow as fast um so I want to put my base right in the middle here I want to have it kind of in the water but like reaching up out

Of somewhat like um those underwater mines like the spiky ball things now you always see so let’s go ahead oh o it is already working really fast okay um let’s go ahead spawn in a flesh that hates embryo phase as well think that’s the type we need yes it’s

The type we need all right so now we’ve got a flesh that hate going on there we’ve got Spore as well flesh that hates hopefully is going to actually start doing stuff oh wow that’s fast very very fast I think I think the ones that just kind

Of spawn in they don’t spawn in in places where it actually helps them so they kind of just sit around but like here it actually starts infecting quick too I think I’m going to stop here in about 30 minutes actually I’m having more fun all right so we got Spore flesh that hates

And um and skull I think that’s all we need uh so yeah so I think around I’m think like right here for like in view of the Spore and the Flesh and also the skull um I think would be a really good Area B I left the boat behind on accident I did not mean to leave it behind the boat I do want to I do want to get down to z0 um because I I have seen that there’s like a ton of good loot in there even if we’re not going to be able to

Like ooh okay hang on is a flesh that hates actively doing more stuff now what happened why is it being active now hello um there’s a lot of good loot at 0 where the skull cord heart Is um in my test most of what I’ve seen is just like diamond pants but you never know yeah flesh flesh is doing great well I I shouldn’t say great cuz you know so I think I think we’re having our first uh fight between infections so the skull is trying to

Inflect in fact Flash oh hi leave me alone so yeah let’s see if we could see the skull trying to infect The Flash at all um oh what what am I being what I’m what am I Afflicted with what is this that I’m Afflicted with one of us one of us okay okay see the

Skull skull’s doing pretty good die no mobs today hey what’s up what’s up welcome to the stream I’m doing good what about you ooh ooh fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight what are you Afflicted with paralysis pretty good how about you that’s good oh what is going on

Where are you from I will not answer that question they’re fighting Though I the skull and flesh infections look only beautiful to me but at the same time it’s not they’re very beautiful I like the cyan and the red okay I think this is like a never ending thing hello Mr spitter sir oddly yes okay give it fire murdered assimilated

You what do you mean by you okay professional paid graphic hey uh contradictor contradictionary can you please report them as well for that uh William Oliver whoever that is if you’re going to come onto my stream and advertise yourself then you need to leave this is a place where we

Just have fun and an advertisement is not welcome here not from me not from anybody biogenesis phase biogenesis phase biogenesis face okay wait that was uh that was that’s for um that’s for the flesh that hates I think but for now let’s locate a structure real quick we need to find Spore Church

Near sport churches there let’s go eventually um okay you remember remains okay heard a Pillager where’s the Pillager why oh I’m standing in a thing give me this mind oh it won’t give me the mind okay let’s take this we’ll treat this as a random teleport as

Well so now we just have like a ton of body parts in our inventory die okay another thing okay but if if another uh flesh monster spawned in and that means that it’s probably over here instead of anywhere that we want it to be anywhere that would make the playthrough more

Exciting something is going on outside my walls oh okay what are you flesh serent Okay I just really quickly eat kill you as well a piece of Flesh mated fiber carrot I don’t like these sounds okay yellow all right let’s go to the nether one last time and and we’ll end off the stream oh we’re in a Bas Sal Delta h what’s going on over here do not die no okay well guys I’m going to end off the

Stream here thank you guys for tuning in thank you guys for watching uh I’ll see y’all later uh not sure when I’m going to continue this but it’s been really fun so probably gonna continue anyways see y’all

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Infected (Part One)’, was uploaded by Techy Farm Boy on 2024-01-16 09:59:24. It has garnered 76 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:24 or 13704 seconds.

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    Join Minewind: Where Creepy Characters Come to Life in Minecraft Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Drawing a Creepy Character While Minecraft Plays in the Bottom of the Screen.” The artist, Jacob Drinking Jones, showcased his talent by creating a unique character while Minecraft gameplay served as the backdrop. While watching the video, we couldn’t help but be inspired by the creativity and innovation on display. It got us thinking – what if you could be part of a community that values individuality, imagination, and fun just like Jacob’s artwork? That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a vibrant and diverse player… Read More

  • Minecraft Stream: Insane Ghostfx Encounter!

    Minecraft Stream: Insane Ghostfx Encounter!Video Information This video, titled ‘~ Casual Moded Minecraft Stream With Friends ~’, was uploaded by Ghostfx on 2024-04-24 19:54:06. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:55:02 or 17702 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Avoid Laughing with BeckBros

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Avoid Laughing with BeckBrosVideo Information This video, titled ‘Try NOT To LAUGH (Weird MINECRAFT Edition)’, was uploaded by MoreBeckBros on 2024-03-23 01:35:12. It has garnered 201395 views and 5113 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:48 or 1308 seconds. Try NOT To LAUGH (Weird MINECRAFT Edition) 👕: BeckBros Clothing: https://beckbrojack.co/collections/beckbro-tees/products/beckbros-t-shirt 👉🏻: Subscribe to our IRL Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAstD3OTUl4fVQ7FDqPotEw Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5Y5gbe_I4U&ab_channel=DangoheartAnimation 👪 This video is suited for ALL ages! SUBSCRIBE so you NEVER miss a NEW video! Read More

  • Diamondxr’s EPIC Cinematic Studio Plugin for Minecraft!

    Diamondxr's EPIC Cinematic Studio Plugin for Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cinematic Studio Plugin | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Diamondxr on 2024-03-13 09:02:05. It has garnered 3036 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:58 or 598 seconds. ●Hey Diamond here, if you ever wanted to create amazing presentations for your Minecraft server giving your player base out-of-this-world introductions to your server look no further! ●Revivenode Hosting https://revivenode.com Promocode: DIAMOND ► Plugin https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/cinematic-studio.88671/ ►Pumpkin Bars https://revivenode.com/content ✔Join Discord https://discord.revivenode.com I don’t own any rights to the game as shown on screen. Read More

  • Cranked SMP

    Cranked SMPCranked SMP is a high-quality Survival SMP server featuring unique features, classes, events, and awesome players like you! Our community is super welcoming and friendly – come say hi! BEDROCK SUPPORTED! JAVA IP: crankedmc.com BEDROCK PORT: 19132 1.8 -> 1.19 are supported! crankedmc.com Read More

  • HomiezClub Server SMP Vanilla Whitelist Java Bedrock

    HomiezClub SMP Homiezclub is a 100% vanilla survival server focused on collaborating to help each other achieve our Minecraft survival dreams. From building, to adventuring, to redstoning we do it all. There is room for just about any playstyle on our server and we love to hear new ideas. About HomiezClub SMP: The server is whitelisted to provide an exclusive experience and avoid griefers. Only performance mods and Discord bot are used as plug-ins. Recommended modpack for performance and shaders, but no mods are required! Java AND Bedrock compatible! When major updates come out, we prune chunks that have been… Read More

  • MS Builders"2>O 20=8;;0! "2>8 ?@028;0!

    MS Builders”2>O 20=8;;0! “2>8 ?@028;0! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – TNT Launcher Glitchorama

    Minecraft Memes - TNT Launcher GlitchoramaWhy did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More


    BLAZING HOT BABY SONIC PIXEL ART! 🔥 Why does Baby Sonic in Minecraft look like he’s about to drop the hottest pixel art album of 2021? #minecraft #gaming #pixelartgoals Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Bedrock Particles!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Bedrock Particles! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to take your gameplay to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From thrilling PvP battles to creative building challenges, there’s never a dull moment on this server. And with regular updates and events, you’ll always have something new to discover. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and see why Minewind is the ultimate destination… Read More

  • Unbelievable Chaos on Hermitcraft – Skizzleman Skizz Stream!

    Unbelievable Chaos on Hermitcraft - Skizzleman Skizz Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Friday Hermitcraft Skizz Stream! – Can’t get anything DONE!’, was uploaded by SkizzlemanLive on 2024-05-25 13:15:06. It has garnered 8070 views and 375 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:48 or 13488 seconds. Friday Hermitcraft Skizz Stream! – Can’t get anything DONE! Main Minecraft channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/mcskizzleman Shared Channel w/impulsesv: https://www.youtube.com/c/ImpAndSkizz Podcast Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@impandskizzpodcast Read More

  • How I Built a Minecraft World in 100 Days

    How I Built a Minecraft World in 100 DaysVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 days making a Minecraft world one chunk at a time’, was uploaded by Rofo on 2024-03-06 15:32:37. It has garnered 3167 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:05 or 8345 seconds. 100 days making a Minecraft world chunk by chunk In this video I survive 100 days starting on one Minecraft chunk with the goal of making a whole Minecraft world one chunk at a time and trying to beat the game. Huge thanks to @Legundo for making this mod pack and being the inspiration behind this video. Get the… Read More

  • “Dronio’s SHOCKING Transformation in Minecraft!!” #shorts #clickbait

    "Dronio's SHOCKING Transformation in Minecraft!!" #shorts #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, но я ПРЕВРАЩАЮСЬ в ЮТУБЕРОВ Дронио #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 15:00:19. It has garnered 1072 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • Escape Scary Teacher in Minecraft Maizen with JJ & Mikey

    Escape Scary Teacher in Minecraft Maizen with JJ & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey Hide and Escape From SCARY TEACHER LITTLE NIGHTMARES – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-05-11 23:00:10. It has garnered 16636 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. How JJ and Mikey Hide and Escape From SCARY TEACHER LITTLE NIGHTMARES – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Mom! Read More

  • Insane Growth in Minecraft 2 – Must See!

    Insane Growth in Minecraft 2 - Must See!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Maar Ik Groei Elke Minuut!’, was uploaded by MICK 2 on 2024-05-24 14:30:02. It has garnered 23125 views and 938 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:48 or 528 seconds. Datapack: https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/minecraft-but-height-increases-every-minute/ ➤Instagram : https://instagram.com/mickvanyoutube/ ➤Subscribe to my other channels: MICK (Main channel) https://www.youtube.com/user/PlayFIFANL Turtle Beach and Roccat ambassador #AD My gear: https://turtlebeach.gg/Mick Cooperation? Email to [email protected] My videos are intended for all ages and are completely family friendly! #GAMING Read More

  • INSANE LEVELS?! Javier XYZ Gacha’s EPIC Gaming Adventure!

    INSANE LEVELS?! Javier XYZ Gacha's EPIC Gaming Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘jugando Geometry Dash (y tal vez Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Javier XYZ Gacha on 2024-04-07 08:01:31. It has garnered 76 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:34 or 4054 seconds. My Instagram https://www.instagram.com/javierxyz_yt/ New discord server https://discord.gg/7RYRYbmA5x canal principal https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCziKPdrUhyKc9EnLIeXqJ3g Canal secundario StickMan https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCA-7zkzSiFzDLEUvSkoWBzA Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Server: Join Rafli Nagara17 on ViaSMP Nightly Blitz!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Server: Join Rafli Nagara17 on ViaSMP Nightly Blitz!Video Information This video, titled ‘Malam – Malam Mabar Minecraft Server ViaSMP’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-02-19 02:51:37. It has garnered 197 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:09 or 7149 seconds. JAVA IP: play.viasmp.my.id BEDROCK/MCPE IP: viasmp.herra.cloud PORT: 19132 Donate 💌 saweria : https://saweria.co/RafliNagaraa17 socialBuzz :https://sociabuzz.com/rafli-adytian_-/donate cara register minecraft: https://youtu.be/x5NNMS9b8kA Social media🌎 Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rafli_nagara17/ tick tock : https://www.tiktok.com/@raflinagara17 Discord : https://discord.gg/wRan8ZxpPK Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kosil !sayname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM5DczGW60oIaCzJmajQz7zr7f4mRcXc5 Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village https://youtu.be/PlPZAHsGqOg?si=poiAN5XphqRC_nBn 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map… Read More


    🔴EXCLUSIVE MINECRAFT GIVEAWAYS - LET'S PLAY ON EPIC SERVERS!!🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT CUMPLE 15 AÑOS Y REGALA COSAS !! VAMOS A JUGAR EN SERVIDORES GUAPOS !!🔴’, was uploaded by HandroH HH on 2024-05-19 06:15:47. It has garnered 48 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:01 or 6841 seconds. Hello, I’m Handro and I bring you a new video, I hope you like it!!! Comment and Share This Video if you liked it and comment on how I can improve and what game you would like me to play. ^^ ======================================== ►VALUE MY EFFORT BY LEAVING YOUR “LIKE” ” 💚​ ►SHARE IT WITH… Read More

  • Minecraft Rabbit Challenge: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER

    Minecraft Rabbit Challenge: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKERVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraftchallenge noob vs pro vs hacker rabbit 🐇 challenge #viral’, was uploaded by NOOB – YT on 2024-02-11 07:23:49. It has garnered 202 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore 100 days, I survived 100 days minecraft, 100 days in modded minecraft, surviving 100 days minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, Naruto mod, Minecraft naruto anime mod, 100 days Hyuga, Hinata Neji, Wing Chun, Kung Fu, Animation, Kung Fu, Magic Studio, Gameplay, Animation, Neji, MoreFun Studio, Hyuga Neji, CGI, Hokage Ninja, Neji, Naruto Mobile, Tencent, Tencent, Hokage Ninja… Read More

  • Astral Pixelmon Modded Server: Pixelmon Reforged 9.1.11, Bingo, Auction House, Voting Crates, Non-Pay2Win, WonderTrade, DexRewards, LGBTQ+ Friendly

    How to Install Pixelmon Reforged I personally use the Curse launcher at CurseForge. You can also download the mod for 1.16.5 at Reforged.gg and install it manually. Welcome to Astral Pixelmon! IP: play.astralpixelmon.com Discord: discord.astralpixelmon.com Features: EV Safari Pixelmon Bingo Dex Rewards Custom Crates Adult Owned LGBTQ+ Friendly WonderTrade Pokebags Pixelmon Raids Gambling Timber Mod Resource World Vanilla Mobs Custom Textures Gym Leaders GTS About Us: We are an adult-run Pixelmon server that offers family-friendly yet challenging gameplay. Our experienced staff can handle any challenge thrown at us, providing a unique and enjoyable Pixelmon experience. Read More

  • nitrodo.net gameserver

    nitrodo.net gameserver Read More

  • EmpCraft

    EmpCraftNew SMP server running on 1.20.6, as of right now its only survival but i do plan on adding more things to do on the server but please consider dropping by and trying it out! 😀 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Mayhem #18

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme Mayhem #18Why did Steve go to therapy? Because he had too many blockages in his life. Read More

  • “Hot Tips for Building CaseOh in Minecraft 🔥😂” #caseoh #meme

    "Hot Tips for Building CaseOh in Minecraft 🔥😂" #caseoh #meme “Step 1: Spend hours meticulously placing each block to create the perfect CaseOh. Step 2: Accidentally knock it down with a stray arrow. Step 3: Cry and start all over again. #MinecraftStruggles” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From survival mode to creative mode, there are countless ways to enjoy the game and unleash your creativity. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an adventure like no other. Connect to our server at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start exploring all that Minewind has to… Read More

  • Ultimate Last Species Attack in Minecraft Night

    Ultimate Last Species Attack in Minecraft Night The Last Humanity – Minecraft Roleplay Episode 4: The Night Attack In the fourth episode of “The Last Humanity” Minecraft roleplay series by Hajime Gensou, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey filled with action and suspense. The story unfolds in the virtual world of Minecraft, where players immerse themselves in a post-apocalyptic setting. Plot Overview The episode titled “The Night Attack” follows the protagonist as they navigate through the dangers of the night in a world overrun by AI. The tension rises as the characters face unexpected challenges and must rely on their wit and skills to survive…. Read More

  • Unbelievable! The Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment Fail! #shorts

    Unbelievable! The Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment Fail! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Minecraft Enchantment [ #shorts #minecraft #minecraftenchantmentguide ]’, was uploaded by IamSpidey11 on 2024-03-24 08:40:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #Minecraft #gamers #gaming #videogames #enchantment #worst #gamerlife #minecrafters #youtube #gamingcommunity … Read More

  • Caught on Camera: Darklord Gaming vs. Hoglin

    Caught on Camera: Darklord Gaming vs. HoglinVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HOGLIN That CAUGHT On CAMERA #minecraft #minecrafthindi #gaming #minecraftmemes #shorts’, was uploaded by DARKLORD GAMING on 2024-01-10 12:30:11. It has garnered 2652 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Minecraft Mobs That CAUGHT On CAMERA! #minecrafthindi #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraft minecraft hindi minecraft video minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft mods minecraft entities minecraft herobrine herobrine minecraft minecraft scary myths minecraft 1.20 scary myths busting minecraft myths that are actually real minecraft scary seeds minecraft 1.20 scary seeds minecraft scary minecraft phone,minecraft bedrock edition solving minecrafts most… Read More

  • President Reveals TOP SECRET Information! Watch NOW!

    President Reveals TOP SECRET Information! Watch NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Commander-In-Craft: President Reads John 9’, was uploaded by iDream on 2024-05-19 15:28:48. It has garnered 304 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:08 or 248 seconds. Welcome to a world where God’s word meets Minecraft, with a twist! Enjoy, God Bless. -iDream Team Disclaimer: The following video features fictional content. Any resemblance to real events, persons, or entities is purely coincidental. The depiction of an AI president reading the Bible over Minecraft gameplay is a creative work of fiction intended for entertainment purposes only. The views and opinions expressed in the… Read More