Ultimate Minecraft Magic! 🧙‍♂️

Video Information

N N N N W One W W W N W A Gamers hello hello Gamers it mes uh working on hello hello everyone nice to see you all again let me uh H let me get the bgm up in here um working on getting myself up in here really quick was running a little hide today you’re early that’s okay okay

Okay Mo that over here do this B Bing there I am nice nice I turn on the audio for Minecraft oh and then uh I start doing something or uh I figured out a way where we can have a custom chat on YouTube so I let me see if this

Works so first I got to do this and then I need to do this I want to see how this looks because I just was looking at this last night okay bam oh yeah it works where is Stevie John snickle and big boss um they haven’t joined yet

Usually they don’t join for a little bit um when I first start playing uh let me see let me just let them now the chat works oh my gosh the custom chat except let me let me let’s fix the background a little bit so I think we should have a little

Bit of some some opacity here a little opacity just so we can see Wednesday we got a panto to go to what is that what is that let me uh change the CSS of this okay there we go nice chat is let me adjust the size here

Ins spalled what what what’s that I like chat up here oh I’m excited this new chat so now it doesn’t look like boring YouTube chat and it doesn’t have the stupid heart in the way of it okay go Minecraft here okay uh get my desktop situated here

Really quick I got to take some medications what is a panto I’m not quite sure what that is like this Wednesday Gamers I it’s been a while it has been a hot minute Gamers I was wanting to stream more l last week but yeah and tomorrow we got a Santa run

But it’s a it’s a bleep test with a bunch of Santa and the pantomime is like a show oh interesting interesting but yeah Gamers it’s been a while since we’ve streamed I only did Minecraft Monday last week but I was I was kind of I was wanting to stream on like Wednesday and

Thursday oops um but I don’t I don’t know why I didn’t I think I was like busy there was some things going on and stuff like that where do we leave off last week that’s a good question here let me sleep in Minecraft and we’ll

Go around I know we I remember we went to we went to two Ocean Monuments uh last time and we we killed both of them the the Elder Guardians oh yeah and then this is this is Jolene the Lone Survivor of the monument fights so I brought a bunch of axotal

With us to the Ocean Monuments to fight off the Guardians and this was the only surviving Axel so and uh it’s name is Jolene so Jolene this is our tribute to Jolene um the the railroad the rails they they work now so I’m going to transfer this on over to

The so our railroad works now so it can now switch the track coming from two different directions which is very nice we’ve been trying to get that to work for the longest time last week I jump scared you can you remember yes and uh kept spooking um what is it’s missing a

Block kept jump scaring uh big boss let me see I’m going to have to uh bre some more ax LS cuz uh uh a bunch of them flop to their deaths oh yeah and they’re all crowding in that corner for some reason I don’t I really don’t know

Why it’s a lot of villagers yeah it’s our villager trading Hall so we can get like uh enchanting books and all that jazz um I need more tropical fish I don’t know what it is with the the Axel both the Axel are they’re all just stuck in that corner but like

There shouldn’t be anything wrong the Axel are doing that and so are the tropical fish I don’t understand they’re just stuck in one corner these one these guys are fine I don’t get it oh yeah and last time we spent way way too much time trying to get freaking frogs the other frog

Variants I am just I freaking hated that I hate the frogs I mean I like the frogs but I I hated how uh how long it took see light on light off to the Village okay so this light is off so that means when we do

This okay uh when we do this that will send it off to the villager trading hall because we trade crops with them so I don’t know what all this is doing here you’ve been busy I like your world how long did it take you to build

Um not I wouldn’t say like crazy long we haven’t been doing Minecraft Monday for the for the longest time I think we’ve been doing it for about a a month now and there were a couple other streams where we played where we played Minecraft but it

Wasn’t on a Monday that was just playing Minecraft um so I mean I mean we’ve been playing for a while but I wouldn’t say it’s no this went to the wrong place light off villager okay now that should go the red place I mean it took a quite a bit of

Time mostly um Dylan Chan mostly built most of this and by most of it I mean like all of it the only thing I have built here is the aquarium over there but Dylan Chan built the stables and she built my house and her house that’s just beyond that and same with these

Little thingies uh this is this is Stevie’s potion shop it’s in the shape of a potion bottle if you couldn’t tell uh he made that oh yeah I was checking this oh no that’s being sent to the wrong oh no oh no the rails the rails are being it’s sending the

Mine cart not to the correct place oh light on light off that’s supposed to go the oh wait they haven’t have they fixed this yet no it’s okay I’m not I’m just not going to mess with the rails because it hasn’t really been fixed yet

I thought we had fixed it last time dang it it’s okay um I’m not sure when everyone else will be joining but uh they’ll they’ll be here I usually stream pretty long for Minecraft Mondays you thought it was a coke bottle oh well it’s a it’s a potion

Store that we don’t have to pay anything for currency is not a thing here okay I have what do any of these Sher bars okay no they don’t have anything in them uh we can go mining uh let’s let’s consult the list this is the list so this is a list of

Stuff that we have written down that we can do in Minecraft basement renovation that’s already happening the barn and the Villager Hall have been finished Dylan’s probably going to do this because Dylan doesn’t trust anyone else with building anything so uh we already made a bigger Farm which it has that next to

It uh another Highway we’re kind of working on that but it’s not like a huge priority right now because it’s not like we have have a bunch of portals everywhere conquered the ancient city we already did that automated Tree Farm Dyan wanted to do that cauldron hotub we

Already did that Mansion adventure oh yeah we did that too we did a we went to not only two Ocean Monuments but we also went to a woodland Mansion maybe Iron Golem Farm conquered the end we already did that we already live up this area another wood SP working on that pet

House I don’t know what that is Dyan chant I added that conquer a Bastion without dying that’s been done before Fair cases down all the side of the mountains destruct the mob farm raidy Gates o eventually that’s done make a beacon that’s basically done we could make two beacons but I

Mean we don’t really need two beacons right now so that is the list um uh now I’m trying to figure out what else we can do in Minecraft at least like cuz we we have already we have already defeated the Ender Dragon last week oui made you bite

People can you oh my gosh yes I don’t know what the heck was up with that ouch she was like can you bite people live on stream and I was like no but yeah I I’m trying to figure out what we can do with Minecraft cuz we have already we’ve

Already defeated the Ender Dragon we’ve killed a Wither we’ve killed the warden many times uh we just went to those two Ocean Monuments and then we went to the mansion this bee is break dancing what the Hecks OOTS oh bye uh we have every all of our armor is

Netherite except for these three tools which I think we could get netherite for them but it’s uh it’s whatever right now was being random be calm down yeah the bee needs to calm down I don’t know what that bee was doing what the bee doing we could go

Mining I don’t know Gamers I’m I’m really trying to think of what we can do now because we’ve like done almost everything we kind of like speedran this not really but you know what I mean uh let the bee out oh the bees they just kind of do their own

Thing so the bees we’ve got the bees here on the side here the bees and then every morning they will pop out of the beehives just like that go find some flowers do their thing fly back in so they just kind of as you can see they just do their own

Thing yep like break dancing exactly just like this all right I well I guess you decideed to be done okay to be done get it uh beehive get it yes yes I do uh um let’s see here I don’t really need to take trient with me I can stay here for

A bit oh yeah Beach Boys is my uh cracked out fishing Rod don’t need to take that with me these ores go oh they’re right there okay I say let’s go you can go um Can Go The Bee needs to be careful I get it I get it why are there what why are there 44 chests what the did somebody like misclick or

Something what the heck how does that even how does this even happen whatever anyway uh let’s go let’s go uh mine even though we absolutely don’t need to but I can’t think of really anything else to do right now so sometimes the be is is buzz me

Out let’s see let’s fly in this direction and find a I just realized that if we want to get home uh we can’t teleport because nobody else is on right now so I’m just going to have to keep track of where I am which never happens I like to be jokes yeah they’re

Pretty funny let’s see I’m looking for a basically a cave just a big wide open cave D not yoking around egg jokes oh my goodness wow big caves I’m trying to stick to flying in One Direction so I don’t get too crazy lost this does this look like a no that’s

Just a giant hole not a cave I like jokes yeah who doesn’t like a good joke you know it’s a village I think we might have been to this village already Maybe lock lock who’s there homest whoa this could be a cave big cave to go into a what a

Cool let’s check out this SC put the zombies oh bless you oh I get it uh that’s pretty good it’s pretty good it’s a good one I’m going to collect iron even though we absolutely do not need it but at this point at this point I guess I’m just

Trying to collect so much iron that it’s like what the heck am I doing I’m just at this point I’m just doing it to see just like how much I can collect that’s a huge huge Iron Man whoa okay let’s see in a game like Minecraft we got to

Go mining still you know I six afraid of numbers because 78 n That’s a classic one I’m trying to think of some other things we can build in Minecraft so that we can actually occupy our time without um resorting to mining like I am doing right

Now so sorry if I sound like kind of Blair I can’t tell if I’m getting sick again I know I say that every every time but it’s true like that we have fortune on our pickaxe so we’re just grabbing an absolute crap ton of of ores if you don’t play Minecraft just

Imagine if Minecraft were actually a real life mod that would that would be kind of scary like Z that means zombies would be real um walking skeletons creepers roaming around JK we already have those funny joke what the heck bro just absolutely one shotting the zombies cuz we have Smite on our sword

Ouch diamonds itching my face oh a the stupid advancements I just remembered okay so that is absolutely that was absolutely not my first time getting diamonds uh something weird happened last stream where it reset everybody these like achievements or advancements I guess you call them now so now we’re just like getting all

Of these these advancements all over again and it’s I don’t have any explanation for it it’s weird more diamonds uh there’s not a lot of people in the chat yeah but this stream’s this stream is still kind of starting in a way a lot of my viewers

Are are overseas so they come in at different times normally what is this doing down here what the you can just find blocks of raw iron since when the heck that was weird definitely didn’t expect that sorry hold really quick I’m G to message Dy Chan okay that’s killed the Guardians what

Are we doing this week I’m I’m still trying to figure that out not going to lie so we went to a we went to a monument last time as well or sorry not a monument well we did do a monument but two of them I meant to say a woodland

Mansion that’s also what we did um the railroad still needs to be fixed uh I can build something I can build something else since we finished the aquarium the akuu so this is my small problem with Minecraft sometimes is that if I have to be like I have to be

Occupied with something during Minecraft otherwise I’ll just quickly lose interest so that’s why I kind of always resort to uh to mining because uh if I can’t think of anything else to do then I know mining can take up some time diamonds okay let’s get those what the oh my iron look at

This what the heck that is that is a ton and I’m going to take it just cuz I can even though we absolutely do not need it but I don’t care I’m taking it anyway and got to get those diamonds still last the game crashed and it was

Useless but this week I hope Minecraft will beh will behave this time me too I tried to I I tried um I tried like Googling if anyone else has had that issue like where uh it just resets like that okay we got to consolidate some things but I was trying to Google if

Anyone else have the same problem and I didn’t really get many results so it’s a mystery and I would have checked the crash log except there was no crash log so that was also really weird uh let’s uh put some stuff in a Sher box this and the Diamonds other other Sher

Box Red shulker Box can have other random things in it I guess yeah that works you I need you the diamonds oh yeah Gamers how are we doing today how are we doing on this Monday got to ask the gamers how how do these just spawn I’m so confused block of raw

Iron oh yeah I got my coffee here I’ve been waiting for it to kind of mix together I like your animation like like me moving ooh I made my coffee kind of strong today I’m liking it that’s a one what do you mean I just threw my pickaxe

Ouch I’m still going to go back and get this diamonds just give me a SI you moving what I’m sorry what do you mean hey and the diamond fell of course it did eight Diamonds oh I missed some iron here ouch okay okay it’s not really it’s not really where I wanted to

Go but it’s okay more iron what what do you mean I’m moving perfectly fine oh wait there was one thing I needed to adjust in the video broadcast really quick oh never mind it’s already adjusted there cool oh yeah Gamers how are we doing today more diamonds how are we Gamers doing it’s

Been so long it feels like it’s been a whole week I haven’t talked to you you guys in all week I haven’t streamed in all week that’s crazy we’re doing good Gamers uh not Halloween I going said Halloween um Christmas is what next week oh my gosh it is next week

Sheesh Christmas is next week oh we love the fart noises from our resource pack ah it’s so funny every time every time gets me every time just a little heart noise just uh spice up caving a little bit you know with the the fart noises some diamonds trying to hide away from

Me fortune on our pickaxe go B for real for real we’re getting so many diamonds know this oh yeah um I meant to address this in the Discord Gamers um but the 12 days of M’s idea that I had last week um obviously it didn’t happen which is

Okay um because it was just kind of an idea I thought of on the spot so so I mean I wasn’t I it sounded really fun but I was thinking that I was like I don’t know if I actually have the time to do it in like whatever

Maybe maybe next year we can do it um because I I did some things with my family over the weekend so uh I couldn’t stream so but yeah maybe we can do it next year the 12 days of mes next year for uh next December oh boy the skeletons are fighting each

Other oh yeah we’ve got looting on our sword so we just get so much stuff now I’m having a cup of tea oh nice what kind of tea what kind of tea you sipping on I need get those diamonds and those ones and those ones oh my gosh they’re

Everywhere I need to stop mining red stone I’m going to stop myself right now we don’t need any more red stone we already have so much I have an idea to get these diamonds going to go like this bam easy just kind got do the same those ouch

Fine just got to be careful not to drop them into the lava nice more diamonds I keep forgetting to place torches but it’s kind of whatever at this point I feel like oh okay so just messaging the friendos to see what’s what’s going on where the when they

Can I keep dropping my pickaxe when they can join the Minecraft Monday I keep yawning I should not be yawning there of diamonds on the ceiling not oopsies how does a netherite sword not kill these in one hit that’s but even oh yeah that’s another boo ah Roxy it’s not Halloween anymore you

Can’t just do that to me see my face I thought there were diamonds up on the ceiling maybe I got I think I got them already huh okay well I guess we can fly back up here if you want to that’s uh another weird thing Gamers that’s been happening I don’t really

Have an explanation for this but it could also did I make you jump uh a little bit just a little bit um a a weird thing that’s been going on Gamers I can’t explain it but then again um I’m sure a lot of different things factor into this but I’ve been

Sleeping so much lately and I don’t understand why I think it might have to do with um all the medications I’m taking or something cuz yesterday I slept majority of the whole entire day and I I don’t even know why so like so Saturday night if you got a naughty Elf what

Would do I hope my elf won’t go in the washing machine um I hope my elf doesn’t make a mess in my kitchen because I just we just cleaned it so I and I don’t like nobody likes cleaning their kitchen so but yeah Gamers last night not last

Night Saturday night got home around like 10:30 I think yeah around 10:30 pretty tired you know I did stuff with family we went out and did stuff uh and so I got home around 10:30 uh I was like I thought about playing games that night but I was like

Uh it’s sor we already got home kind of like later than expected and I’m pretty tired from everything so uh went got into bed and I was like okay I’ll I think I’m just going to watch YouTube and stuff the rest of the night and so then I was

You know watching YouTube on my phone like I normally do and and um some well where where am I going with this I fell asleep watching YouTube because you know who doesn’t when they’re laying in bed and it’s late at 9 and they’re tired

So I fell asleep woke up woke up at 2:00 in the morning uh I left my lamp on so I have a lamp on my nightstand I had left it on because I just turned it on like to just have a tiny bit of light in the room

I had left it on so I woke up at 2: a.m. it was still on I was like I was like oh what what happened and then I was like oh oh I fell asleep watching YouTube that’s what happened so I so then I turn off the

Lamp you know get ready to go to bed for real for real this time and then I then I couldn’t and I was trying to fall back asleep but I couldn’t couldn’t and so I was awake I was just awake until I just was staying awake until 4:00 a.m. probably yeah around 4:00

A.m. and then I was like uh I can’t sleep and then and then I was like I’ll just watch some more YouTube to help me fall asleep so I did that and so then I fell back asleep I don’t I don’t know what time it was was probably

Like some like 4:30 or 5: in the morning is when I fell back asleep and then and then I woke up I was kind of in and out of sleep that morning like you know from like 10 10 to 12 and so I was I just kept waking up I

Would wake up and then I just like watch I would watch more YouTube and then I’d fall back asleep because I’m watching YouTube but I don’t know why I kept falling back asleep cuz it’s like at that point I was I had slept you know plenty so why the

Heck am I still falling asleep anyway and then and then uh like got to kill this creeper real quick so I’m like what the heck and then I fell back asleep and I woke up at 4:00 p.m. almost 5 like 10 10 minutes before

5:00 p.m. I had I woke up and I was like what the heck I was like you’re kidding me right now I literally slept like 12 plus hours it was crazy I was like what the heck I I did not I don’t know what the heck was going on something was

Happening just freaking slept forever I guess and then yeah dude I don’t know and then last night so that was like that was like Sundays when I slept until 4: freaking what the heck and then and then I went to bed like I think I

Went to bed around like 1 1:00 a.m. last night Sunday night which I mean is late but it’s not as uh not as late as you know it could be and then I slept in today and so that’s why I was a tiny tiny bit late to the Stream cuz I was

Sleeping I don’t know what is wrong with me I am sleeping way too much I so getting a little it’s getting a little crazy and like a tiny bit concerning not going to lie I’m just GNA I’m not just going to be doomed to sleep forever you know

Sometimes I’m like I used to be I used to be the kind of person who could function on like kind of any amount of sleep like that I don’t know what the percentage the percentage of the population is but there’s small percent of the population that can they can get

Less than the recommended amount of sleep and they can still function like fully I I don’t remember what the percentage was but I I feel like I used to be that kind of person cuz I used to just like go to bed and wake up whenever and I would still be able to

Function but nowadays not anymore it’s kind of sad but what yeah maybe I’m just maybe I’ve reached a point where I’m trying to catch up on all my sleep at once or something I don’t know I think it’s all my meds combining together and making me a little tie tie

What the heck I turned away for like one second and all of these glow squid are spawning uh I’ll kill him though because I like glow screening contrary to popular belief contrary to well unpopular opinion I like the glow squids and the glow Squid Ink you look I look tired I’m a vtuber

How do I look tired I’ve been doing what calamity what are you saying I’ve been doing what my What didn’t I put I put death STR on my boots didn’t I I did what is what is a dep Strider again you just don’t lose oxygen as fast let me see what’s over here I keep ex flying oh boy Stevie’s in the chat now Calamity rock you be me again Tyler

Please that was a cave noise anything of use I thought he was definitely to blow up just now let’s get coal why not oh deep slate coal this is what we need freaking silk touched that okay if you didn’t if you didn’t know last time last stream I

Was Stevie or Tyler asked me if I could collect if I could use a silk touch pickaxe and collect every single type of ore in their in its raw form and I just needed to get I needed deep slate coal which is like kind of rare and I just found some and that’s

Perfect I just need to get regular diamonds not deep slate diamonds regular diamonds and S touch them and then I can and then I also need emeralds but I don’t know how much I really want to go search for emeralds cuz they only spawn in in freaking mountain biome so cat

Let me make some more torches rip glow squids hello fish be is are those regular diamonds they are yes yes yes silk touch that yeah nice okay Stevie if you’re still in my chat and you’ve been watching what I’ve been doing congrats on the coal I just barely got the not deep slate

Diamonds so that basically completes the collection unless you really want me to try and get the emeralds which I don’t know if I want to try got to get the emeralds oh okay I can go try and find emeralds I just need to go to a mountain biome

Oops I didn’t want to silk touch that ouch ouch my ankles my ankles are cracking okay so okay we got the regular diamond nice nice nice nice cool more iron even though we don’t need it but I’m going to grab it anyway because I’m like a little loot Goblin

Ouch to do the gravel strap not to put that in my hands on now I guess we could mine it let’s mine the gravel because you know we always need gravel for concrete life is a loot Goblin for real though I think that’s like when I play uh when I play lethal

Company I’m always like I need to get the most stuff well anyone’s really like that PL lethal company but I’m feel like I’m just such a loot Goblin that I want to collect it all uh it’s time to do some consolidating the heck you guys coming from some more Gravel yeah I’m going to collect the gravel just cuz concrete do a lot of builds with concrete so always need more gravel always okay let’s put that in there put that stuff in there put our ores in there consolidate the iron ore itching my eyeball Flint can go in

There I know I hear the phrase oh there’s only eight left quite frequently when we are in when we are in the company that is considered lethal okay I will here here’s my reasoning for that Tyler at that point when there’s only eight items left and it is

Like you’ve gone like super super deep into the facility um and then you go see that there are only eight items it’s kind of not worth trying to risk going back through that whole entire big area big section of the of the uh of the facility just to get those

Last couple items items because I mean you could just die and I mean you just have to walk you’d have to just spend so much time walking back so that’s kind of why it’s not worth it to do that but but you know I just work for the company the

Iron we of the lot Goblin Community are sadly going to have to reject your application for our club we wish you well in your journey to Degeneracy I don’t know would you would you not would you not call my Call this me wanting to mine every single piece of iron and Diamond possible in Minecraft would you not call that loot Goblin is you what the heck are you doing what the skeleton doing we F to get down

Here Al speaking of lethal company I rewatched your video on it recently because I enjoyed it and it left me wanting bar oh I’m glad well there is more lethal company more lethal Company videos coming that is for sure that is a guarantee yeah what am I doing we’ve already been down here

Might need to go to another cave maybe we can go find the mountain biome mountainous biome so we can get them emeralds emeraldas this is a cherry room that’s looking like a good mountain biome it’s looking like a big mountain biome this is okay this might be good what does this

It’s technically called a forest but we’ll just go in here and see oh wow yeah that goes way down there and there’s a m shaft and a actual word of zombies I keep missing we are currently collecting Min ores and gems valuable quality I wouldn’t attribute it to your Goblin

Hoarding tendencies and more so would blame your mining addiction and desire to mine oh is that what it is a mining addiction I see the Mages yearns for the mines I do that’s why I always come back here I yearn for the mins oh wow ban of arthropods wow I’m so

Impressed that’s the enchantment everybody wants Bane of Arthropods everybody’s favorite everyone’s favorite enchantment being of arthopods I know I know you guys love it ouch ouch you know what oh my gosh you know what eat that spiders I don’t care I’m destroying your spawner this

Shield oh we H you know what I’m going to Silk Touch This does do these can you not silk touch that okay I thought you could I thought you could silk touch the ones that they that they grow on well I guess not that’s I always come back here

Sounds like something a mining addict would say well you know what oh look at that another spawner room let’s play a game guys let’s play will cat dis cat or dis 13 be in one of these two chests place your bats everybody oops place your bets will there be cat or

13 in one of these chests vote now while I am eating this granola bar for your bucks oh and let me get one of these up in here I always forget to put this here catfish being says cat Stevie bets on on a saddle every person on Earth were to

Mine as much as Mages the planet Earth’s resources would be depleted in two days okay Stevie says saddle fish be says cat oh two Saddles not one two Saddles and some horse armor okay all right let’s let see in here ooh sorry fish being no disc this time but we got horse stuff

Nice let’s consolidate here I will take the rotten flesh only because we sell it to villagers it’s the only only thing I’m going to it’s only reason why I’m going to take that sure bucket in there boo ah oh my gosh oh Calamity you can’t just do that to

Me you are a saddle thank you okay okay that SS pretty good all right well if we find any other chests we can play we can play will there be cat or 13 I just barely came up with that make you jump Calamity Roxy please think

Of my heart oh my gosh you almost killed Stevie goodness gracious got to be careful ah oh my gosh not while I’m mining was too spooky what the heck I see you over there I see you too hey think you can hide from me I don’t think so

What the heck he just spawn right in front of my Eyes oh I see now oh oh dyl Chan yeah yeah oh yeah let me get the Discord thing up in here I just noticed you reved your chat box well that you did I did I did do it who’s atting me oh oh I see now Dyan trans here it’s the pickle says

Stevie says Tyler you could to the world yes ah there a big lag Spike just now I am once again mining because I’m trying to occupy my time did you look at the too list I did I did look at the list oh my oh my goodness what the what sorry there’s

Like a probably 12 poison spiders in front of me right now I got to I got to get out of here I got to get out of here what the heck there were so many spawned there destroying the spawner I don’t care there we go now I can hear spider horde yes

Exactly that’s exactly what that was we went on the Mansion Adventure yeah we did two Ocean Monuments we did the mansion so like I finished the aquarium spent freaking like three hours on those stupid frogs kill me that was the worst thing ever Hker a Bastion without dying and it’s doable ocean Monument T Gates a raid we haven’t done a raid halfway oh no not yet maybe we can do that when everyone else is on group activity uh deconstruct the mob farm oh yeah that means we got to move the beacon over there as

Well oh yeah oh with all this iron I’m getting right now we could make a second Beacon this is true where are you right now in the mines where I don’t know I just flew off somewhere and then flew into a hole and I’m mining that’s how I normally do

It just fly far away to a mine that hasn’t been touched and then I come here and absolutely decimate it there’s a slime I have looting I can get a bunch of SL balls uh hi snickle I told Mages earlier that me and the Tulip Academy are going to the pantomim on

Wednesday a real I don’t know a real genuine pantomim and on M’s Wednesday what is a Pano I don’t remember oh this strange and big are we dead or is it Ohio what you have you seen that I I don’t think so I got to look it up and send it to you

Sending it to memes and clips I wish I could but it’s free GES he’s on chat and he can hear you what do you mean who boom my what thank you fish Bing for replying I still need to look at it I’m in the mines let me Second tub block myself off here All is strange and vague are we dead or is this Ohio oh so deep says fish be Stevie John of course you can here yes he will join Minecraft here Soon it’s a good point Tyler oh yeah Gamers I started getting back into well I’ve been like I’ve been in this this you know when you’re like I want to play games but I don’t know what I want to play because when I boot up a game it

Like is not sparking Joy you know that feeling that’s like kind of where I was at this weekend so I was like I was like uh project zom boid haven’t touched that in a bit let me let me put whoa I just dropped into a giant

Hole um I was like I’ll I’ll let’s let’s play that again and and see if that Sparks any Joy so I have La at one point I feel like I brought an laay back yeah I think you did I I don’t know let see who little toy creeper can’t hide from

Me did he escape gamer B life crisis I see yeah you know what I mean or you’re like I want to play games but I don’t know what I want to play cuz you boot up a game and then it’s just like you sit there and stare at the screen and you’re

Like this isn’t sparking Joy freaking La that I had um but yeah so I was I booted up project zomo like H it’s been a while since I played this uh let’s and I had installed some mods at one point just like kind of quality of life mods and

Like a little bit of expansion not like a not like super crazy just like some that stuff that would be considered vanilla and there was a a mod that I had installed at one point that I forgot about and it was it was bakam from the Yakuza games as like the

Death music so when you died bakam meai would just start playing and I totally forgot about that so I I died and then I’m just here like I just start hearing the music I was like what the where is this coming from and then I was like oh wait it’s a

Mod why you start hearing like the like the beginning part it’s like I was like what is happening right now as I remembered it was a mod silly ages did we make a portal to the mansion Jerick did I’m pretty sure it was like nearby epic Baka moment yep dummy dummy

Dummy while I’m like looking spectating my zombified corpse Let the Dogs Out Calamity Roxy that’s a great question I have no clue you tell me who let the dogs Out have a stack of diamonds classic Mages moment So such a good song though yes oh ugly so ugly what gorach from freaking uh bers gate oh I need to still play that game I will go back for those diamonds people don’t flip out I leave no diamonds Unturned more diamonds hor I had

A I just remember the dream I had last night uh I this is going to sound so stupid I had a dream last night where I don’t even know if I want to say it it’s so stupid you know what I’ve got nothing to lose it’s fine

Um anyway I had a dream last night where I I what I can’t say it I don’t know if I can say it oh dream story now it has to be said I I’m about to tell you guys then I’m just like I don’t want to say it okay

I’ll say it I’ll say it I’m getting up Gamers just give me a sec okay Gamers last night yes just this last night I am totally not stalling just this this this last night about 12 hours ago perhaps when I Mages went to Slumber I had a dream

Like like most people they have dreams when they go to sleep this stream in particular was quite interesting I don’t know where I don’t know where it came from but you know how the brain works even if you don’t know where something comes from it has to come from somewhere in your brain

Otherwise that’s just not possible the brain cannot conjure up anything random it has it is because it’s reaching somewhere deep inside your brain anyway Gamers I had a dream I’m going I’m going to die where I was a character from Call of Duty specifically Modern Warfare

2 I didn’t even finish this it’s so stupid the suspense yeah well now I said it so I had a dream where I was somebody from Call of Duty Modern Warfare the Modern Warfare franchise which is the best the best Call of Duties ever to be made alongside Black Ops

And yeah we were like we like carried out missions we were like doing Call of Duty Stu stuff you know we were we were called to duty and we did it I don’t know and like at at one point I had like I had got like shot in the

Leg like three times but it was like it was like from a like a little SMG so it wasn’t like crazy but I don’t know getting shot just once is is pretty crazy but I had like I think I it’s cuz I was like testing an

SMG and I was like trying to I was like trying to prove how like how good it was and so then I ended up like but I I shot myself is the thing I didn’t get shot I shot myself with the SMG it’s a good thing War isn’t real and

You’d never have to really experience this oh rip Ma just just lost her leg in the line of duty no I didn’t lose it I still had my leg I just likeed leg in the line of duty no I just like couldn’t walk very fast like like it was fine and

So when I so when I I was like showing everyone else I was like like see guys look how good this SMG is it’s like it like punches holes in your legs duh it’s a gun and uh and everyone was like whoa or something like that so then I had to

Continue doing stuff but like I couldn’t walk very well but we had to like get to the extraction point and then I could my leg could be treated and for some reason wait sorry go ahead I don’t know where the LA went that I brought back but there’s an LA out there named

Something oh wait did you put a name tag on it yeah oh how iwh is it at the Mansion do you think no I just went back and got another one but the one I have is named something pretty great what did you name it I’m not going

To tell you that you’ll just have to find it and it’ll be a surprise but what if we never find it then it’ll be lost to time I didn’t know you were this clumsy that you’d accidentally shoot yourself in the foot almost literally boo ah climb to Roxy

Please what did I say about found him I found him where was he he’s in my house just trying to get out of my house did you name it it be followed by several asterisks I’m not going to answer that question we’re not going to answer question why because it’s

True uh where canot I get out of here what happened after the leg got maimed the jump scare wasn’t for you it was for Stevie John oh I see um after I shot myself in the leg it was like it wasn’t even that bad okay so

Like the this this SMG I had was like not even the highest caliber so it like I shot myself in the leg and it’s I wasn’t like bleeding profusely I was just like it just had like I just had little red tiny little red pin holes

Almost I don’t freaking know anyway so I can hear myself through you Dylan Chan right hold on so so so if anyone if anyone here has played Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 or three you know the main our main three characters right price soap ghost

And I guess that one other guy but he’s not really he’s not really too popular I guess no one’s favorite character was that guy um so I was Ghost that’s who I was in this stream okay I really don’t know how we got to this point I don’t know

Why I dreamed about this anyway so but it like we were with we I was like one of the leaders and we had this group of like I guess you could call them it was like a it was like almost like a class like it was almost like we

Were teaching like a class and like but it wasn’t like little kids it was like you know people that could that are of age to join the military but it was like this class we were doing and it was like we had to we had to like take them through this course or

Whatever and I’m really trying to remember you know cuz dreams are weird like this and you can’t remember them and so I was like it was like me I’m really question did Call of Duty ghosts have ghost in it no ghost is not from Call of Duty ghosts

Ghost is is a different is his own character from The Modern Warfare Trilogy anyway and so we were like like the the class I guess they were like we all like had them lined up and we were like having them escorting them in a line because we were trying to like get out

Of somewhere and uh is so weird and so then but then we were like oh we couldn’t tell if like we were being attacked or not or something and then but like I couldn’t move that well because my because my leg was like kind of sore from being shot from me shooting

Myself to prove a point about an SMG and but then I had to like I did like this I did like an extraction Mission at one point where I had to like extract like this this some some lady and like make sure she didn’t get like hurt or

Anything you know like standard Call of Duty Mission standard Call of Duty mission that you would play in the game and I remember afterwards when I like met back up with everybody else was the your was your real leg sore no that’s what confused me when I woke

Up I was like there’s nothing that was wrong with my leg prior to this or like today so I extracted I I did the mission and when I met up with everybody else I was like telling them how I had the like I had the hardest mission

Because I had to take out like six people by myself but I mean I did in in that scenario I had to like take out some some evil dudes patrolling and I was doing this with like a of my hurt leg while trying to like make sure this lady

Didn’t get caught in the crossfire I don’t know it was a it was freaking weird dream guys I don’t I don’t know I I can barely understand it that’s why I’m telling you guys so me just no I I didn’t look like ghost I was him I was Ghost the

Character I was like what when I woke up I was like what the heck was that I didn’t look like ghost I just was Ghost I had his accent and everything yeah this is a weird dream genuine question do you ever get regular dreams not ever

Since I started taking a certain kind of medication my dreams have not been normal sense in fact that was probably one of the most normal is streams I’ve had since probably the last stream I’ve had I mentioned this in in a Minecraft stream where some of my dreams feel like

They are s so realistic that I wake up in the morning and question if it actually happened in real life or not so I have to ask people I’m like did I did I say this or was this in a dream they’re like what I’m like okay it was a

Dream or I’m like did I do this or was it in a dream and then I realized I didn’t actually do whatever that was in real life it was in the dream but it just it was so realistic felt so real that I thought I had done it in real

Life and it gets kind of scary sometimes cuz I’m like I don’t know what to believe anymore well the Dream came from somewhere in your subconscious for the dreams of the week yeah I mean I’ve played Call of Duty like pretty almost all of them so it’s definitely where that comes from

I don’t know about the whole getting shooting myself in the leg or whatever I think that was just some part of the dream I don’t know I can’t explain it crafting a new look oh yeah because olard stupid things reset yep I mined diamonds and it’s was like

Diamonds I’m like no uh no that’s that’s not new this a new M this is a different mft you know I have had that happen to me and I hate it because it makes me question my memories especially since I think once I did confuse a memory for a

Dream yeah it it happens and it’s it’s wacky what’s up Mages hello Ren in the chat I joined the stream late for no reason because I skipped school today anyways you skip school what what are you doing they just hates her leg confirmed not true hello is sorry creeper exploded hello iside

Blaze Blaze Ops here to deliver fantastic outgoing news my backflip Syndrome has finally been cured what no way guys that is revolutionary I can’t believe that are you for real Blaze here in my chat has been suffering from chronic back flipping oh look look another spawner it’s a zombie one we need to

Have a counter for that Blaze here in my Chaz been suffering from chronic back flips and apparently he’s cured now that’s amazing blaze I like to imagine a group talking about their dreams and then it’s one guy guy’s turn he goes yeah I woke up went

To the store bought some Pepsi went home went to sleep and then woke up the theoretical regular dream I didn’t do my two week late homework so I will have detention in 310 minutes of home what Ren what the heck why are you why are you in detention BL detention still

Existed same I didn’t sometimes that feels like a myth but it’s real time to collect the whe and breed the Sheep oh I I don’t think the uh the the rail is working like how it should I I I’m not working on that anymore I thought we had figured it out last

Time yeah s to God but like I tried I tried sending something to like the the farm but it went to the house and dead even though the like the light was turned off so I was like okay okay then we need to run some experiments I’ll go tied up in a

Basement and force to do homework oh my gosh Ren what no that sounds terrible I do don’t have to amputate anything unfortunately though I can taste colors and see smells oh my this is a absolute amazing moment for Blaze here in the chat everyone congratulate Blaze on finally being cured of his chronic

Backflip syndrome congrats Blaze why did you sound so bored congrats Blaze oh that’s a poison spider right in my face oh wait I whoopsie I got to go back to that chest I forgot to say that’s what I was forgetting guys that chest I found back there in the zombie spawner place your

Bets if there will be cat or 13 in there place your bets cuz I will go back and we’ll find out if disc cat or dis 13 is in there because it’s time to play is it cat or 13 place your bets guys in this chest I

Have not opened will there be disc cat or 13 I will let the audience debate cat or cat no not that Stevie says you thinks it’s horse armor again uh fish be says cat again diamonds Blaze says Dylan what do you think will it be

Cat or 13 or something else I think it will be chirp chirp I don’t know about that all right right I’m opening it in three two one horse armor and a saddle once again Stevie is correct he wins this round of is it cat or 13 congratulations Stevie you don’t win

Anything but other than me telling you that you won how does that make you feel tell the audience I almost said Diamond horse armor but you still said horse armor I was kind of right yeah yeah Blaze you could say that you were kind of right you said diamonds and it does

Include diamonds so my word fish being I never realized Minecraft does have loot boxes it does oh my gosh why would you say that Minecraft loot boxes I should find some like royaltyfree like game show music to play whenever we find a chest and so he can play is it cat or

13 oh wait have we looted this one yes we have me just tries to spread her gambling addiction no no that was only a couple times Dave the diver I’m sorry but that guy that guy had it coming he needed to be taught how to gamble

And I showed him I bet like $100 and I won I stole his money hey guys I’m going to teach you how to ride something pretty big wait no here I what are you saying Ren I would be willing to make music for Mages you make music Ren I thought you I thought

You just drew stuff wait fish beinging don’t you make music didn’t you cuz you did you send something in the in the Discord not too long ago about oh no you write lyrics couple time hello wel to the you write lyrics okay okay that’s right I couldn’t remember if it was music or

Lyrics okay well now I want to search SE for some royaltyfree game show music I’ll make game show music dead ass do it ren do it make me some royaltyfree game show music so whenever we find a chest in Minecraft we can play is it cat or 13 or something else can I

Say what me and my me and my white shorts shorts and I can’t see color any color will do I stick what stick on you they call me pitbull cuz I’m the M see me they say so if Mages ever needs a theme song lyrics yes anime

Opening uh mag’s song just kidding that doesn’t need to be a thing um Deo Dio in my chat welcome um is that how you say your name de is it Deo d e y o do well I’m a do party on I got to get my girl that mind is

Own oh are these Pitbull lyricss M’s anime op yeah I don’t know if how well I would fit into the anime scene and don’t say anything just cuz I look like an anime girl I’m talking about like it me Mages you thought it was Deo but it was

Me Doo Oh my gosh that was a good one Tyler that was a very good JoJo reference sus what a sus ouch what [Applause] the get rid of these carrots time to put them in the composter the what the carrots no no don’t put the carrots in the compost

Please what I not because we could sell them for so many diamonds we have a whole chest full plus another one at the I don’t care I don’t care keep the carrots there’s so many hi and Subway Surfers wait oh my gosh wait hold on a minute I got to catch

One hello H hi it’s it’s hi the the uh yep yes but his name has changed to high and Subway servers it’s high meanwhile uh Roxy is still just uh spouting lyrics in the chat getting a little lost in this cave but it’s fine I got to blow my

Nose like there’s so many carrots so many carrots okay okay we’re good we back back Gamers just had to blow my nose really quick didn’t want to do that so uh not unmuted what do you call a white person that is shaking a milkshake oh my gosh oh my

Gosh and then Calamity rocks you back with the hoola the Dogs Out dang there’s a party in the chat isn’t there real oh real party happening party in the chat let’s go Gamers it’s Minecraft Monday Minecraft Monday do a little bit of redstone school bus is here

Oh my I just looked at the time already what the freak steevie says he was going to get on around this time what are you giggling about I don’t know who he is it looks scary what balers gate balls gate balls gate that’s why that’s what I call it and then my sister

Calls it bald man’s gate you brought the pizza for the the party right Mages uh yeah it’s on its way I I ordered it it’s being delivered right now it’s just going to be a tiny bit longer might get on oh sorry Stevie might get on oh jerrick’s done with his school

Stuff so that means he can get on sooner let’s go gamers well done with this school stuff until start of January still pump of the jam everyone’s just commenting lyrics in the chat it’s not a party without streamers who brought the streamers anybody you forgot the streamers it’s not a party without

Streamers and more who let the dogs out lyrics of course all right final offer I’ll get on round three take it or leave it that’s fine I’m not forcing you to get on Tyler I hope you know but but yeah The Three Stooges have to be complete so what do you mean that’s

You you and Dylan are the are the streamers Mages Dylan streams I don’t stream I don’t stream are you talking about oh are the streamers like for the party supposed to bring them like for the party I get it now oh no see I understand how would you guys feel about a karaoke

Stream someday got okay stream I’m just throwing it out there and I kind of hope everybody [Laughter] disagrees mes I’m about to make a vid oh boy says Hi in Subway servers yeah you guys I actually want a karaoke stream guys you should know this I can’t

Sing the only like decent sounding thing I did was the the the scuffed chug jug with you thing I sent in the Discord a while ago epic karaoke stream confirmed oh boy no roll back now oh oh no oh no why why did I say anything why I shouldn’t have said

Anything I shouldn’t have said anything um one of my Japanese viewers asked if I could do a kokei stream but they they just do that a lot more frequently over over there Gamers I can’t really sing I I don’t know if you actually want this I think you should rethink your

Decision oh Diamonds oh wow no one who does karaoke is supposed to be good at singing that’s basically the point um hello a bunch of hollow live girls SCE mine uh Iris Kiara Bells they’re all good at singing especially sui holy crap s slays with the vocals that one is supposed supposed to

Be good at singing okay well if we do a karaoke stream then dang I’m going to have to be real I’m going have to really do some research on what songs we could even do so I don’t get copyrighted freak and if we do it then it’s

Definitely going to just be Mimi so we’ll sing just like MiMi songs like sing bakam and just yeah maybe maybe around like christas or New Year’s we could do a karaoke stream Calamity Roxy the the who let the well well I can tell what your favorite song is yeah the the

Lyrics in the chat that that song came out forever ago there’s a reason why when you hear karaoke singing one of the things your mind should go to scop singing and cracking voices big fart noise just happened in Minecraft I suppose that is true Stevie that’s a good point when well karaoke is

Not that popular here in the United States but when people do karaoke they mostly everybody is singing along just like to terribly terribly sung songs but it’s fine because it’s supposed to be funny like that and it’s it’s fun when you’re all just singing badly together all right guys here’s a chest

Hold on let me get some royaltyfree music royaltyfree royalty three game show music let’s see what this sounds like I got to find something that is not going to game show countdown let’s see what this is all About oh no this is like actually that might work that might work try who let the dogs out no besides you’ll never get good at singing if you don’t push yourself to practice too true true true okay Gamers I’m I’m getting some oh that’s royalty free yeah okay Gamers

Ready welcome back Gamers to the game show cat or 13 place your bets audience will this chest I open in this m shaft have the disc cat or 13 or maybe even something else like a sadle or horse armor place your bets now gamers pleas all right

Gamers which is it is it cat or 13 or could it be saddles or horse armor place your Bets um what will it be what will it Be well multiple people saying cat okay let’s find out ready oh trash that’s what’s in here we’ve got iron ingots we got bread we got a single torch respiration three enchanted book I’m afraid nobody here in the chat has has guessed correctly but you know that’s okay

The freaking music they had that was perfect that chest is full no CDs is it trash in the chest actually I was dead on were you though hey hey get out of here your spider can hear Ru Dage you’re ruining my consolidation what the heck where are you guys coming from what the

Heck where oh up there I see now get out of here okay what do we not need in this oh my gosh stupid mobs okay I guess we can consolidate the three almost three stacks of diamonds and I guess we can consolidate the coal after we make some Morees hi hello welcome to the stream welcome to the m the major Minecraft Monday stream regularly scheduled program on Mondays never going to give you up oh yeah got to got to hit us with the Rick Roll of course Classic this is good I was only garbage and one good

Item respiration three is the highest level of respiration that’s a good enchantment your helmet true I guess I don’t have that on my helmet yet so not bad not bad I think I’m just going to try and collect as much iron as I can like the the most iron I have

Collected in a single mining trip can you hear me yes poket trippy I well I can’t hear you but I can read what you’re saying if that if that counts well I am 22 years old thanks for telling me the chat thanks for letting us know congrats happy birthday Sisty congratulations my friends in there my friends in there congratulations dang this mha how long is this today is your birthday it is happy birthday here wait happy birthday Wo your bike cut out yeah happy birthday www yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah everyone poke trippy a happy birthday in the chat absolutely amazing well I’m glad I’m glad you stopped by to the stream on your bday any fun bday plans doing anything fun today for the

Bday that you have to sing Happy Birthday oh oh no okay you’ve Fallen right into their trap I’ve fallen into the Trap here wait we can sing happy birthday in Japanese I just need to remember the lyrics otobi otobi om to but they like have it they sing it

Differently happy birthday other than the happy birthday to you uh Oh okay here here Gamers here I’ll sing Happy Birthday to you in in Japanese this is a really really old version so old what is this the let’s go the Happy birthday that means happy birthday jaes I am Michael Angelo what what do you mean what are you doing poke trippy are you doing any fun bday plans see a karaoke stream would be perfect are you sure keep running into dead so funny that’s so funny

Now that I speak English though and not Japanese oh well no I wanted to do something a little different okay because the American Happy Birthday song just sounds kind of scary it just sounds like it just sounds scary everyone sounds like zombies are missing it lives in a pineapple under the

Sea SpongeBob Square Pants speaking of SpongeBob that actually reminds me the other day I was watching like a compilation of like some of the funniest SpongeBob moments and I forget how absolutely hilarious that show is the one with uh what’s his what’s his name the still no pickles guy oh bubble

Bub bass bubble bass that’s right the the episode with bubble bass and he’s like walking up to Mr Krabs and he just grabs Squidward and throws him out of the way I don’t know why that’s so funny to me just grab Squidward and freaking Chucks him still no pickles and there’s my car

Keys when you do a karaoke uh also have Tyler singing oh boy Tyler oh wait Tyler we need to do our duet of Snake Eater would you rather play who let the dogs out or do they know I would rather hear who let the dogs out I do not like Christmas

Music Stevie we still need to do our duet of of a Snake Eater we have to do that the Snake Eater duet what a thrill of darkness and silence through the night Trio oh right we have to get jerck in there too what a Drill searching for you want to fear at my heart but you’re so Supreme I keep my life not for rner but for you in my one else GR way I fly to you I’m still in a dream Snake Eater thank you everybody I’ll be here all day quite literally it’s Minecraft

Monday also there was some guy who overlap himself seeing happy birthday in every key and it’s accurate to it’s very accurate to the to the experience yeah Dylan can you give the points on who wins in the karaoke battle Dylan can be the karaoke

I’m uh yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t know if I would call it a battle I would just call it a I don’t know not a battle okay I’ll try to get the singing session scheduled sometime before the end of the year if that works for you oh like oh

Like do you mean like in the recording studio like we talked about that one time somebody is calling my phone and I am not going to answer no wonder it doesn’t delivered to the Villager Hall it’s not power enough to make it up the slope oh okay so maybe it does

Work but it that’s the issue I’m Peppa Pig what no you’re not I’m back and I made I made another karaoke on the Wii what people still play the Wii who am I kidding that’s a stupid question of course people still play on the Wii the

Wii is one of the best consoles I ever made freaking Wii Sports and uh Just Dance hello hi and Subway Surfers what’s with the and Subway Surfers part is that just to make your name slightly less confusing strong opinions on the Wii I see you cannot disagree with me that the

Wii was one of the best consoles ever to be made that was revolutionary especially the motion controls at that time motion controls that was like the coolest thing because no one else did that and then because Xbox tried to do that with their connect but that didn’t work super

Well do you like Pokémon yeah I have yet to play a Pokemon game though I’m sorry I do I will say I do have an Unown unopened copy of brilliant Diamond sitting on my shelf so I do have a Pokémon game to play we’ve already been to this chest

Same I have a Pokémon card collection too did you know that Just Dance 2020 released on the Wii as well yeah that was like the last the last Just Dance to be released on the Wii was in 2020 which is crazy to think about and then they and then they did

They they really they started releasing it on switch didn’t they o another spawner okay guys hold on I got to get the Music Ready welcome back Gamers to the game show today here on the Minecraft stream we are here and back to play is it cat or 13

Woo yeah I’ve got two chests here right in front of me in this brand new mob zombie spawner I have never touched before and now you the audience will need to guess is there cat or 13 in the chest or perhaps something else like

Horse armor or a saddle it is up to you the audience to decide which is in what chest place your buts now audience the countdown is just beginning All right all right Gamers the spawner chest right yes it is a zombie spawner place your bets I think you’ll find rotten flesh Dylan says rotten flesh Stevie says this one will have cat he is 25 out of 75 on this if if we’ll have bow fish beinging says a stone

Is that is that all of our entries is that all of our entries in the chat let’s see chest number one 13 guys it has 13 hold on I’m trying to get some more royaltyfree game show music in here one second hold on give me one second what is this

One I don’t really like that one one fun retro mot toown oh yeah that kind of works we need something more like this is hilarious royaltyfree celebration music let’s let’s see what that giv us but what about the second just I’m getting there I’m getting there no that’s

Terrible no what what is this music catchy disco celebration party uplifting Funk sure we’ll do this and the firstest has 13 13 everybody and what is this we have efficiency five oh my goodness and a saddle what we hit the jackpot here now for the second chest will it have can or

13 we have rotten fles and a name tag as well as more bones and wheat and melon seeds oh wow Gamers this has been quite defined okay I’m turning that off well at least one chest had 13 in it dang but efficiency five even though literally almost literally none of our uh tools

Need efficiency CU we already have it well Gamers that was that was another round of uh is it cat or 13 and we actually found 13 wow I can’t believe that crazy actually had it this time let’s consolidate the blocks and I think I need to bust out the third Shuler

Box life is 13 efficiency five shears oh my gosh yeah let me just use those standing next to the haste 2 Beacon actually that’ be kind of funny to see how that would look but I would say I don’t want to waste a enchantment book like that as if we

Can’t just buy another one from the villagers yeah let’s consolidate our diamonds here how many blocks of diamonds 22 blocks of diamonds plus eight stick those in there uh random potato what hold on why do I have potatoes and carrots in I don’t need those we have so many of

Those oh yeah I got consulted the Iron well that was quite F wasn’t it Gamers okay my luck with spawners is kind of crazy in this world not going to lie the amount of zombie spawners we have found is seriously crazy what are you guys talking about Ohio Ohio like the state the State Ohio lots of diamonds here you know I’m a little Diamond

Gremlin what the heck is that this M sh generation is wacky Dylan did bring up Ohio early earlier did you what kind of Ohio which Ohio a state oh earlier today with the video I sent you oh oh right goodness gracious me yeah in the Deep message on Discord oh

Yes yes I remember that I don’t even know where this cave goes anymore just when I think it ends it continues G down here I live in hilard Ohio thank thanks for letting us know um although I suggest maybe not doxing yourself in the chat just just a little

Suggestion that might be uh that might be something to consider just just saying saying you know I’m a I’m just a I’m just some vtuber on the internet so don’t tell don’t let me tell you what to do unless it’s to subscribe to the mage’s channel which you should totally do tell

Your friends we’re almost to 500 there’s a lot of villagers down here oh yeah when Jerick went down there and he was like oh my gosh and I was like what he’s like nothing there’s just so many villagers down down here oh boo oh my gosh you got me again Calamity

Roxy too good at that you’re too good at the spookies I am sus you’re sus you the impostor I’m subscribed thank you poke trippy that’s what we like to hear thank you for your contribution a frog escaped in your aquarium and another frog escaped in your aquarium yeah they tend to do that

They they’ll find their they’ll usually find their way back surprisingly blob and Martin blob ah blob that silly goose actually I’m going to do a quick check right now we’re at 4.99 Dylan’s not releasing the frogs they just jump out of their thing on

Their own that I need to I need to put the glass back where it is but it’s it’s jump out on on their own there’s a whole platform here yeah that’s why they keep jumping out on their own they they’ll jump back in there it just takes a

While as long as you just leave the doors to the aquarium closed it’s fine yeah unless you know they somehow learn how to open doors then it’s not fine this is your official steev warning oh no Camy Roxy with the dogs the dogs are out again dang it oh my gosh all the

Axelon are like targeting the tropical fish through the wall is that why they’re doing that yeah I was wondering why they were just congregating in there guys another chest I’m not going to play the music actually no I got to play the music it’s you got to play the

Game I don’t think I’ve opened this one yet Gamers Gamers Gamers we have to play another round of is it cat or 13 place your bets on what is inside this chest could it be cat could it be 13 or could it be something else like a

Horse armor or a saddle or something kind of lame like rotten flesh is it CAD or bread or bread Dylan says bread place your bets Gamers what will we have in this chest right here I got to play The Countdown music now oh excuse me the host is being

Attacked by a zombie Dylan says what did you say you said bread bread Dylan says bread Roxy says 13 or trash Ren says saddle and rotten flesh and Stevie votes a regular gapple well we’re seeing a lot of 13s in the chat let’s find out gamers are we ready three two and

One it’s pretty bad we have beetroot pumpkin and melon seeds rails and activator rails and that’s it wow that was that was pretty garbage Roxy guess garbage wins yeah Roxy did say garbage so that technically does count that was that was like one of the worst

Chests I’ve ever opened that was I am sorry for the disappointment after that suspense Gamers I I thoroughly apologize for how bad that was even though I had zero control over it nothing so it is the meaning of life no fish be that’s not true true we have Minecraft Mondays don’t

Forget the Minecraft Mondays the true meaning of life may just Minecraft Mondays I’m going to the bed good night and boo not The Spook before bedtime well Calamity Roxy thank you for tuning into the stream have a good nights and hope to see you on the next stream byebye bye-bye Roxy

Byebye IDK when wait so you’re not going to bed right now hello ladies gentlemen fish people it’s me it is Stevie everybody here to boost the ratings after the last chest was terrible yes please the viewership has gone down I’m just kidding whoever filled that chest needs to be fired and I will

Not take responsibility yes I will personally fire whoever generated that terrible chest loot boo ah calamity please I don’t know how much more my heart can take I’m being spooked so much Roxy why are you doing this to us we’re just trying to live and you keep screaming at

Us we’re just trying to play Minecraft uh Tyler joined the lobby yes that’s darn correct fish being I’m here so how’s it going how’s your mining addiction have you have you have you yes have I I have okay good I was going to say that was my question not have

I Stevie is that you says Calamity Roxy yes it is me I’ve upgraded from chatter from what from being in chat oh from being a chatter you know people in chat oh a chatter your promis both fish being he may or may not I promise a jerck not a

Uh yeah he’s just usually at work at this time of day so when can’t call it Three Stooges if not all three of us are here you know oh yeah then it’s not the Three Stooges like it or not I’m a stoe this is the terrible chest w w

This m shaft this isn’t even the same one I’ve been looking in for hours do you need an invite no I’m fine okay but you sent one anyway yeah you said that right as I sent it and I was like oh okay you sent it right as you

Asked therefore I am not asking just kid this is not a question this is a demand do you need an invite this is no longer a question I am no longer asking so what is going on with the stream today finishing up your mining I assume yeah I’m still

Mining and you’ve upped the production value with the game show aspect yes I just barely kind of thought of that today it was a very Deli and wellth thought out plan right oh yeah yeah I was I was planning that I was planning it the whole time I was meaning to make something

Like yep uh-huh yep yep mhm mhm mhm mhm yep yes because I because I Mages definitely plan things in advance all the time who would suggest that you wouldn’t what is on the Dyan agenda today I don’t know what D enchan is doing fixing the rail fixing the rail I fix I’m fixing

The roof of the village place cuz I tore it down cuz we’re not going to need a third floor you seen the rail for the 12 millionth time good night Stevie John and boo Stevie John no no why um where’s Big Boss I said he’s

Usually at work at this time time of the day but he’ll probably get on later to to be fair he did say he was done with school and that drives up hope why ises that rather than later that means he won’t join at like 9 p.m. I mean the thing implied that he

Was like ready to go it’s like he’s done with school he can get in here you’re going to have to break it to the audience he’s done with his school work after work but he’s still working Works he has a job everyone I’m sorry he a job unlike unlike your boy here who’s

Sitting and doing this right now it’s vitally important for your maybe entertainment I mean as a YouTuber you get a dollar view right we’ve been over this if I’m not even I’m not even uh monetized yet Ah that’s just fake it’s fake news I no I’m not I still need like 2,000 at

Least 2,000 more watch hours and uh we need 500 subscribers which we’re already close to that which is cool but I still need way more watch hours and I still need to look up how exactly that’s calculated I just reread clamity Roxy’s comment and I just read as where’s Big B where’s Big

Well it’s almost perfect for that let’s see thing is Big Boss joined last week and I want to know how he was he was probably fine he’s okay’s he’s doing good oh there he is and there he goes wait what he joined for like half a

Second just now oh he did I didn’t hear it cuz when I whenever I have OBS running it it automatically like silences Discord notifications and stuff so all comers he appeared that’s that’s all you get you’re going have to hold off later so when he joins I can’t hear

The normal fart sound when I have OBS running so I I couldn’t hear it yeah I didn’t even hear the fart I just heard the Discord sound looked up saw his name in the chat and then he immediately disappeared oh yeah I didn’t even see

It anyway so anyone asking he he he he appeared okay he was alone he made an appearance so you guys asked for it and he delivered I didn’t even have to tell him he showed up that’s that’s good enough for all of you yeah he he proved he was he was still

Existing we didn’t bury him in a desert anywhere I don’t know why you would ask that what kind of question is that a dumb one’s Big Boss here’s Big Boss said big boss game oo magic oh yeah that’s right I just used I just used my magic to make him appear in

Here for a split second and then go are you going to bed Roxy I thought you said you were going to bed like five times what’s up with this what’s happening we want the truth Roxy he’s so generous to let mes join his stream yeah Jer stream Jer

Stream this is jerck stream and we’re we’re just living in it yeah it’s jerck stream and I’m just have you seen the name of the channel jerck yeah with a period after it yeah no one could ever be TR no one ever could truly be as generous as Jerick is

Just benevolent being he’s honest he’s truthful he never lies uh yeah yeah I don’t know about that one I do you remember that time Jer said something and it wasn’t a lie going have to be more specific D it oh I have I have a story

It’s it’s kind of funny when when I look back on it but in the moment it was not funny it was a moment where he fibbed to me oh man he does that a lot well yeah he’s improving he’s getting better this was like a couple years ago but

He he might be he may me once think that somebody stole my card like my debit card because so he he went to a drink establishment and sometime sometimes they ask for if you have a phone number with them you know so you can like earn your Rewards or

Whatever so what he what what he was doing was he was going I was at work at the time he was going and getting a drink from this drink establishment and he was going to bring it to me and surprise me at work and but so uh he used my he used my

Phone number at the drink establishment place because I had a number with them and so I got this text on my phone saying like like a digital receipt on my phone from said establishment and I was like I was like what the heck and I I

Remember I was like I was texting him I was like I was like someone I think someone just used my card at this place like and so then he was trying to he was trying to cover it up being like Oh my gosh like I don’t and I was asking like

Was it I was like was it you and he was like no like I’m I’m heading back to work right now or something like that and so now I’m like oh my gosh did does somebody have my debit card so I’m like I’m like pulling up my bank app and I’m

Like checking if there’s any other like weird random charges on my card then he got there and he’s like I’m sorry it was me I’m like are you freaking kidding me right now why did you just say that you made me I was like you made freaking

Hard tag it’s like you got to keep the surprise but then you realize oh shoot this is also way worse than the surprise is word no seriously I was like I was like um did somebody take my card yeah no it was a fib it’s funny

When you look back on it now but the in that moment it was not funny honest mistake it could happen to anyone I I do like that just like a Gutt reaction it’s like oh shoot she can’t know about the surprise and like Li want to think someone stole the cards

Yeah and so I was like I was like freaking out until he got there and I was like I was like dude you can’t do that to me yeah it was pretty funny truly a story of all time uh not not inaccurate to the man himself yep I have anyway yeah very honest

Fellow I’m glad we all agree what is happening in my chat right now guys what are you doing they’re practicing their counting skills guys chill got to bust out the third Shuler box for all this crap what is going on in the chat well actually you know it’s fine you’re just

Boosting the the chat rate in the statistics so it’s okay I like this is his world you’re living in it in reference to Jerick I what what this is his world you’re Liv number of the you’re on his I don’t even know what’s happening but

You guys are boosting the chat rate so I mean if you want to keep doing that go ahead so jerich is the opposite of a Tyler no we’re pretty concurrent we’re like the same person sometimes except if I’m telling the truth about that right now or not is a mystery be cave

Noise that’s not like how not my card yall stop counting in the chat what are you guys counting for the end of the world they’re learning so soon they don’t know how to count they’ve just figured it out and they’re very excited to give it a shot and they’re busting out the weird

Fonts fonts too and it’s true they’re really going all out you should be proud of their counting abilities not everyone can count to eight yeah I suppose that’s correct I guess the end of the world is estimated to be 2,500 well I wouldn’t be surprised if it ended sooner than that remember when

Everyone thought the world is going to end in 2012 yeah me too world ends with with one the snail no not the snail the snail that is slowly a coming after you over the course of your entire life what do you think of that uh thought experiment I guess thought

Experiment well I know what to call it isn’t it like a million dollars but a snail is slowly chasing you and if it touches you kills you yeah that’s about it that’s how I’ve heard it mostly um I mean that sounds like it sounds lowkey intimidating but you’d honestly probably

Forget about it until unless you like see the snail close to you for me my Str would always just to be to like make sure to locate the snail as quick as I can if I on the snail imortality isn’t always is it immortality as well or is

It just you you die if you touch this thing I think I think if the snail touches you you die and it’s just slowly chasing you for your entire life but you can die of natural causes yeah I think I don’t know I would have to you’d

Probably have to look up the original yeah it up real quick let’s let’s get the facts on this let’s get the the lore on the snail thought experiment mortal snail oh yeah oh the snails Immortal seven years ago what com on Reddit okay let’s let me

Read this is Reddit you and a super intelligent snail both get $1 million both get and you both become immortal the snail’s intelligent I thought it was just a normal snail so this is I assume this is the original but let’s try noral snail it probably get eaten by a bird

All right yeah yeah you and a super intelligent snail both get $1 million and you both become immortal however you die if the snail touches you it always knows where you are and slowly crawls towards you what’s your plan that’s terrifying that’s a little scary not going to lie like the first reply

Reddits the dumpster fire very every second you are not moving it is getting closer okay uh let’s see so so that is the question as it is at least a seven-year-old version of the question which probably is pretty early cuz I didn’t think it was that popular that

Long ago it only seemed more like a recent thing that people really started talking about it yeah I think it just maybe resurfaced or something just go to space and nuke the planet with the snail says fish being well you see you got to keep it alive because immortality isn’t

Always going to be the best thing ever like if if living on Earth if you are Immortal the the Earth will explode by the sun one day and become unlivable yeah and if you can just live through that that’s going to be complete Agony so my suggestion would be in fact

To capture the snail keep it stuck in something and then just uh have it as the back up in case things go absolutely terribly release the snail release the snail when your time comes some people want to live forever some don’t you know whenever you think

The best time to go is I think that’s when you release a snail and accept fake imagine the authorities discover your body and there’s just a little snail on top of it I did this and they’re like what is we investigators are still f figuring out the cause of

Death the cause of death of this milliony old man I didn’t want to silk touch that I kind of feel bad for the snail at this point cuz it doesn’t say the snail will die when it touches you yeah what happens if you touch the snail well that’s it’s still touching you but

You’ll probably die but I okay so the the snail can’t die but if it we if we touch the snail it can’t die but the snail touches us then we die what is this double standard who knows does the snail just have to once it does its job it just

Lives forever is that what it is yeah does it is it going after is it going to go after other people in the same context or is it just going to live forever at that point snail it’s a Hitman snail oh my gosh just as a giant

List and is making its way down it yeah I mean if it’s Immortal then it could just really spend its time doing that just go to space and with the snail yeah that’s I I wouldn’t agree with that one fish being you you need to have the snail with you at some point

Otherwise you’re just going to live in agony forever perhaps once that day comes many many years down the line what the a million dollar is not enough to Nuke a planet and go to another one that is way overestimating um Calamity Roxy good evening snickel and Stevie John what do you

Do at wait what do you do at you weekend and what are you going to add your Christmas holiday what you do on the weekends and Christmas good question uh uh I mean I my work schedule varies a lot sometimes I’ll be working on the weekends and sometimes I’ll have them

Off I just do whatever when I have the free time I am unemployed until January 4th specifically January 4th Ren does bring up the good point of seeing your family and thousand an undertale I feel like an undertale character with this text yeah that makes that I can see

That leaving the snail Alives for the weak nuke it from orbit I don’t know about that one see that seems like the coward option actually just running away from the snail and just blowing up the planet and hoping for the best be it takes courage to face up to the snail when you’re

Ready so wait does that does that mean the snail is killable before it can reach you it probably wouldn’t even kill the snail but no it’s Immortal I assume the only thing that can kill you or kill the sna but isn’t the prize immortality yeah so it depends on how so would the

Snail be immortal before it depends it it depends on your definition some people take Immortal to mean you can live forever and never be killed some take it as you just live forever but you can still be killed if the right thing kills you if the snail touches you and

In this case I assume the idea is you probably can’t die unless the snail touches you darn snail problem with being Immortals I don’t think he never really retire yeah ice no way clim the Roxy had pizza pizza is good so congratulations Roxy you had pizza before so that the super swar

Snail has a disadvantage in building a rocket granny Mages leer I’m not old well I’m a mage so I mean what do you guys know do be fair you would be old if you were Immortal yeah would your body still age or you know no this is getting a little too

Existential I don’t know if we need to really dive into this this isn’t the movie Death Becomes Her is it I wouldn’t know I haven’t seen that movie this just two Immortal women over fighting over a man who could make them look young but they can never be young again interesting tragic absolutely

Tragic what did you think of the movie I thought it was really funny cuz the women started out hating each other over the man but then they started fighting the man because he didn’t want to become immortal he wanted to grow old and die and they they didn’t want it to

Because they wanted to stay young forever I get that he’s a mortician who can make people look alive even though they’re dead interesting I really like M that’s tragic and then Dylan’s like I thought it was a funny movie it is a funny movie it’s a comedy

Okay un tragic then I’ll go with that [ __ ] it granny how dare you so how does it feel knowing that you’re going to retire Mages according to at Le I’m not retiring not anytime soon Ren says it’s time to retire so got to go M why you got to go graduation now

No no graduation it was a good few years but you got to go I’m sorry it’s just how it is graduation no I’m not GR graduating is there anything you’d like to say to the fans tears of the fans the newest Zelda game just just I just find that funny how you

And jerck just take that game when uh everybody liked it well everyone has the wrong opinion it’s just how it is uh that’s another beloved thing everyone loves that isn’t very good tears of the fans 2010 oh the the Jim Carry one no the newest one the animated one

10 the newest one by illumination that’s not 2010 I they did not make that in 2010 that was like did they make it that was like 2017 or something that was probably like 20s or so that’s that’s the one your illumination the grin no one liked that not that’s

Not a thing people liked no because it was not the right version of The Grinch all right you were closer it was 2018 apparently 5 years ago that does not sound right e i I guess I just didn’t care about it that much where I don’t really care when

It released it was just like oh yeah that I’m just going to get that out of my brain as much as I can not think about it Ren I just read your comment I don’t think I want to answer that I have a plot twist for you right

Now but I think that would be a little TMI 2017 is almost 7 years ago ew almost 20 next year 2019 will be 5 years ago whoow which is gross to think about 1923 was a hundred years ago feel old yet feel old yet like videos and just

Like memes where just like feel old yet feel old yet all this time man I’m not I’m not that I think SpongeBob’s about 25 years at this point almost oh yeah for sure dang back in 1999 the release of SpongeBob SpongeBob is just the SpongeBob series is that older than sponge himself in the show I don’t I don’t know does SpongeBob even have a canonic uh age I Dylan do you have an answer for this I’m going to ask you no no it’s the answer Dylan okay Dylan says no which means it’s

Canon anything Dylan says means it’s Canon do canonize Mages having thousands of subscribers Stevie John is 100 years oldy you got that right oh also the Lego movie came out 10 years ago uhuh E I mean that makes sense a lot has happened between that movie and now stop

In and watch but then I forgot I was going to watch the Grand Turismo movie and my Netflix free trial ends tomorrow do it porker do it watch that movie I’m noted it’s not quite 10 years old yet it’s 9 years but it will be 10 February 7

Soon soon watch that movie get your most get the most value out of that free Netflix subscription porker do it don’t do it why would you watch that movie bran Turismo yeah is it bad I mean did did you see us we were discussing in the Discord they

They so they they put that they put a guy in the poster like the guy has a PS5 controller in his hand even though it’s like based on an old story and like what that’s not the like it’s not like the biggest deal I think sure whatever but then you look at it

And it’s flipped like the image is mirrored it is backwards compared to the real controller oh what the heck wow on this let me let me pull this up I want to D I don’t remember any of this happening in the Discord just watch watching the trailers it it really feels

Like it’s like it just really feels like they’re like trying to bully this CU he’s like he’s a gamer loser now he’s GNA be the big winner it’s like I CU literally any anyone who is a gamer portrayed in any media they’re like oh he’s a gamer and a loser

Exactly it still happens but usually like the issue is like this is just like based on this kid like yeah have to go this hard on the poor lad uh oh yeah the that’s what brought it up on Roku apparently the official poster said from gamer to

Racist oh got like a meme edit like the wrong version and that’s the one that was just officially on Roku when you looked at it hies and I’ll say that one’s pretty accurate to Gamers oh my gosh oh but that was so funny then we I think we deled in let’s

See has a PS5 controller in his hand it all looks edited and fake and the PS5 controller is backwards I can’t believe that uh I just don’t have high hopes for the movie on many regards I don’t I don’t think it was going to be a banger let’s see what did it

Get gr Turismo movie uh it’s about what you expect seven out of 10 on IMDb 65% Rotten Tomatoes and less than 50% on Metacritic yeah I mean I feel like just the premise of that movie is for a niche audience anyway yeah like that though yeah

Yeah I don’t even know the real story but apparently it happened oh the one where it’s like the guy who wanted to like race he only played video games yes Dylan we’ve been talking about that for like 10 minutes now yeah that’s where that is what the topic of discussion has

Been yes okay the party yeah I wasn’t sure what the title was you kept saying it I’m like I’ve never heard of that movie what is it’s a it’s a video game then it became a movie recently and I see the trailers when I watch freaking talk to

Me let’s see I guess when familyfriendly people say the c word anate for poop whoa because my family treated it as a slur says Ren whoa it’s kind of an extreme I can’t believe you would say that on stream Mages I can’t believe you done this I know are we

Uh yeah even though I Mark every single video and stream I make as not made for children I’d say we’re not excessively adult but that doesn’t necessarily make us kidf friendly we’ll talk about whatever there’s some mature topics I mean Hello the whole Gundam Chat thing

Heck Gund the whole Gundam chat gosh I wish I had that recorded I just want every time anyone SS anything horrible in the chat and it just gets censored out that was so much fun it was almost as fun as the actual game and if it wasn’t censored then you

Just could exposed yeah I wish Gundam Evolution sucked just so I could say that the chat was more fun than the actual game but that would be a lie CU game was actually really fun we’re all sad that it’s gone I’ve accepted it Susan W you will live

Forever Ren what why why are you like this in my chat that’s okay periods aren’t TM that’s true but everyone has them well no well women half of everyone has them is the population even split even there I don’t know I don’t think it is but I

Think it’s like compared to what it was it’s say you know we don’t even know how many people there are on the World to an exact number are we still at around like seven billion I think we’re closer to 8 billion oh yeah at this point we’re

Closer to 8 billion a couple years ago was like 7 billion oh we’re apparently okay this is 2020 apparently I don’t know what the current one is but uh let’s see it’s approximately 101 males to 100 females according to Wikipedia yeah that’s that is pretty 50/50 I guess that pretty split it’s

It’s like 50.5 to no it’s a bit less than that as well very close at least just under half of all people have it you happy now am I allowed to say this much yeah that that that checks out then good we passed 8 billion okay we so we are past 8 billion

People clamity Roxy is going to be tired tomorrow CL Roxy still letting the dogs out it’s never stopped just like a partyer you just don’t go to sleep you just got a party all night suffer in the daytime yeah you’ll just regret everything the next morning he’s still singing calamity

Please I don’t know who let the dogs out stop asking it was Bill Murray that’s who let them out ask him not me I don’t know anything about the dogs the dogs had have been let out fish being uh has confirmed we have past eight bill I just noticed that yeah I

Just said that okay good I didn’t no I said that for all you people in the chat fish being uh said it don’t worry I’m here for you I have a Calamity Rock have a question what did you mean by washing machine I’m very curious washing machine explain yourself tell us

Checking Discord really quick washing machine this cave never ends how long have I been in here I’ve been in here for probably like 3 hours yeah that seems about right for you we’ve been streaming for 3 hours what the heck what the heck guys three hours already for the mines

I’ve just sort of been around I haven’t been doing anything this whole stream yeah what have you been doing uh I planted trees oh no I’m being added by Corb in the in the general chat of the server hold on I have 8 billion Targets in Minecraft for world domination wow truly a

Feat very well put Corb when Dylan said I I am awake gamers in the Discord I just responded with it’s the real Dill snickel allegedly allegedly cor just responded to that with relet which is my name backwards very cool um informative I don’t know what to say oh

Now we have tumble dryer in the chat dryer Dryer no seven sorry now seven we’re going back to Counting I see let’s see seven seven what I was quoting uh ghost stories no let’s see seven what the freak are you talking about I’m just waiting to see where

Clamy Roxy goes next with this they’re confusing me I need to know I always confused Corella no please sometimes you guys say things in the chat and my brain literally cannot comprehend did you see what carbzilla posted in the mag’s uh Discord H gosh dang it I have been

Rickrolled in the year 2023 you’ve been rck roll well you know what it was bound to happen at some point just like how how I solo Ed by doomfist St I did it I found emerald ore you did I did it’s mine now did you mine

It with silk touch I did and now I have it oh bless cuz I was not about to do it I’ve been in here for hours you in the challenge can I go out and collect all of it right now before you can oh I don’t

Know I’m going try it I’ll probably die horribly but I’m going to give it a shot the frustrated gamer what I’m chilling Gamers ouch I broke my ankles I just noticed fish beans hit me with the do you have a spooky ghost story it’s kind of my question fish

Being it’s the question I ask everyone the answer is no one does ever but I’d like to find someone who does sometimes we tell spooky stories here on the stream wait didn’t we didn’t I tell a spooky story last time I know did I think I did you think you’re going

To get hunted down by the government for it oh no not that one that was that was a couple streams ago what was it what what go what spooky story did you have Mages spooky story of the day I almost died I mean that’s just life you know

Happen I almost died by somebody else trying to trying to break into my household okay that’s a little scarier Mages do you like Mayo yeah I I am a mayonnaise enjoyer you’re a Mayo head yeah I’m a Mayo head Mayo head schmit headit head like the classic

Term oh Corb Zilla is in the chat now cor welcome to the Maes Minecraft Monday Stream roll can you at this that happens it just happens yeah you just have to accept it imine imagine liking going well you know what a large percent of the population like Mayo so I’m not even going to be offended by you saying I would eat it by the Spoonful but oh absolutely

Not I would not but I mean if it’s like on a sandwich or something all right the real question oh do you like pizza sauce and all caps interesting question uh not plain I don’t like pizza sauce plain you know just in in you have to be

A psycho to eat that plane I think may just said recently that she would extinct all the tomatoes recently by that I mean like I would still eat stuff like pizza spetti but kind of like what like what Jen like what Jen said where he was like I wouldn’t extinct them all because

They’re like on things that that see that’s the Lal choice but you you just said you’d extinct them all okay yeah but I think I voted that at like some absurd hour of the night so I was just like e tomatoes and just voted like most what about what about

Curry Curry’s good yeah that’s solid tomato SL pizza sauce is gross do you not like pizza Ren is that what you’re trying to tell us right here’s a more controversial question kind of depending on your answer do you enjoy horseradish yes yeah do Gamers like horseradish I’m pretty good with horseradish what

About you megas I don’t mind it if there’s too much then I don’t like it CU that’s all you taste and it just likees everything exactly put your nostrils on fire I would think most people don’t like it right it’s very strong like yeah it’s very strong people just can’t

Handle interesting food you know I mean if you’re white I didn’t but you know you didn’t hear that from me more classic Mages racism and the no no no no you hate wait fun fact jerck says Club Zilla wow that a fact that was a very fun fact you

Know Corb I was actually talking to Jerick the other day in person and we were talking about horse radish and he told me a very interesting story you know if Jerick comes back ask him about horse riders she has a fun story you could share oh what has a story about

Horseradish yes is a history of it oh history does he not like it well it’s it’s a fun story we’ll find that out later if he rides oh h i i I’ll message him on Discord here short stay tuned viewers you got to wait for this stay tuned for jerrick’s horse radish

Story the horseradish experience with jerck Ren you think Dino nuggies are gross Dino nuggies got me through the toughest times I will not take that slander Dino nuggies helped me with my depression that was like that that was the that was a staple what we call struggle meal struggle meal yeah struggle meals

You see Gamers Mages would be dead today if she didn’t have Dino nuggies she would have starved to death youngster so next time you diss the dino nuggies uh specifically Only You Ren just know that you’re you’re dissing Mages is Lively if you don’t like pizza

Or Dino muggies then what the heck do you like I really thought you be like then why the heck are you in my chat no stop that I love dino nuggets so shut it says life is a struggle meal says uh fish says fish be that might be one

Of the most agreeable statements you’ve said fish be yeah you know I wouldn’t disagree with that I don’t what does r what stay tuned for the fabulous Corb taming the largest therap Dino in the game AR survival evolve but fish sticks what about fish sticks all right Ren

What food do you eat yeah name one prove that you eat Ren Ren does ren even eat like are you being chased by an immortal snail and you can’t die of starvation so you don’t eat anymore what is this fish sticks on on top says Ren in that exact voice that’s exactly

How I imagined it though whenever Ren barks like a dog I’m sure it sounds like that every time I see Ren barking in my chat I just think of that fuao Meme I sent of POV Ren is in my chat that’s what I that is pretty accurate

Yeah that is exactly what the experience is oh I’m doing so well on the or challenge you don’t even know Mages you’re going to are you sure about that it up yeah really yeah why have you one already am I wasting all I need is emeralds and that’s it I have everything

I have one Emerald well do you have everything else I bounty on your hands Mages well you know what good luck finding deep slate Cal because that’s not very C literally I looked up and are you serious are you kidding me it is right here in front of my

Eyes if I was streaming I would have accused you of watching my stream thing uh the thing is din nuggets are my favorite and pizza so do so what do you like to eat then oh if you get the emerald the stream ends no this isn’t that kind of

Stream I kind of like that cuz you don’t have to go searching for it you can be like okay I’m really tired I should go search for Emerald so I can end the stream and then like two hours later you’re like where’s the emerald I need this to end the

Stream it’s unlikely it’ll end your stream early but when you need to end the stream it’s going to be very hard to find yeah that would be that would be a fun thing to have on streams One requirement you have to do before you can end the

Stream that would that kind of sounds like hell oh no I have the hiccups I don’t know where these came from it was in the middle of your laugh so just blend it in and I thought sounded really funny wait what let’s see uh ouch you were laughing and then you

Hied up in the middle of it oh I did you’re like where did these come from oh yes I do have hiccups welcome to the hiccup stream do you know Americans know the amazing food bow I don’t know that I don’t know what that is is I hate baby zombies me too they

Should die in a hole forever I remove them from the game why are they like as strong as normal zombies and way quick their hit box is stupid they should have like low Health to compensate but they don’t balance him they just make him annoying as EG

Boom I have been spooked by Calamity Roxy please Roxy please I assume in an attempt to uh cure my hiccups which I don’t think it did you know what for once that would have actually been a very Noble thing of them no there’re still here you were going to bed Calamity Roxy

Yeah Calamity Roxy I thought you were going to bed like an hour ago Calamity Roxy doesn’t have to follow rules Come on Calamity Roxy does like Calamity Roxy does and you can’t stop them can’t I get a disc no don’t hit the zombie idiot do you need to check on Ren I I

They’re they’ve lost it I don’t I don’t even know I can’t even keep up anymore oh and no I do not know that food uh fish be to answer your question personally yeah I don’t know it either would you care to elaborate while we are on the topic of food that Ren has

Brought up another scare from Roxy in the chat oh po balloon I don’t think it’s doing anything Gamers I still have the hiccups and you truly can’t believe that you’re a fish you’re imagination is limited in that regard I tried that once and it didn’t work either it did work for me

Once 42 blocks of diamonds I need lapis diamond and one two diamonds and one emerald and I will complete the challenge oh my oh my gosh you have copper I do I have both copper wow you know unless I were to die horribly in this cave better better watch your back

Then doesn’t matter if I watch my back if you type slash kill Stevie John in the freaking console no I wouldn’t do that trust me wouldn’t do that but I won could but she could she could I like it when skeletons Lally do like 360s I once I was like re getting back

Into Minecraft some time ago while and like every time I saw a skeleton it would 360 before it shot me and I it got so frequent I looked up on Google I’m like did they program them to do this what is this why do they keep 360

In me did they program them to do this it felt like it cuz any time they did it just shot at me 360 first yeah I think we might have I think we might have gotten a new a new unique disc just now I just got one it’s far I

Don’t think we have far watch to see what you don’t have cuz I can’t think there’s that much you don’t have you know yeah I don’t think we have far actually so finally what in the Discord a fish being sign image of B I do think I’ve actually had

That I just don’t know the name oh that yeah that looks like something I probably have eaten at some point or like maybe a variation of it or something I am pretty sure I’ve had it I by name those are bean buns yeah buns cuz bow means

Done or like thank you for the enlightening about the lesson what does that mean you’re welcome unless you’re f m f Moco that’s the automonopia for a dog barking uh actually it’s Bow Wow that’s the B bow bow bow or Wan Wan that’s that’s another one for dog barking in

Japanese how feel about Bow Wow as a noise for dog uh inaccurate I always think of Jen whenever I hear Bow Wow because he he does it the best I think he’s like who the freak says bow wow it’s just very gen of him I can yeah I can see

It to demonstrate it to you Maes if you play The Far dis you might make Tyler go far I don’t think it works like that it could don’t give me I know I need to check chat you guys are sending so much stuff I’m starting to not be able to keep

Up uh don’t get you started on strawberry and chocolate ice cream do you not like strawberry strawberry 20 different food suggestions in like a minute it’s hard what’s wrong with strawberry and chocolate ice cream well Ren has a problem with it oh man of course Randa

Ren’s nameing off for just a bunch of foods and Calamity Roxy also now has the hiccups thanks strawberry and chocolate ice cream is gross says Ren well I don’t know I’ve had them individually I haven’t tried them both yety had like a like Neapolitan I get well I’ve not had

Strawberry and chocolate ice cream oh wait ice cream yeah ice cream Oh I thought he said milk oh no I’ve had that no ice cream oh I found a Dylan cave cuz there’s glowstone everywhere me just struggling with success chat is too fast to read I never

Thought I would get to this point I’m going to be honest well it’s mainly two individuals okay why why do you have to freaking ruin it like that huh you’re good you’ll get good when you get good wow mhm wow Mages is crying right now she’s in and shambles tears falling down her

Face St pickups say boo or hick thing I it’s I have can you drink my coffee I’m going to bed soon okay corilla dang I no he’s going to be back soon he’s oh I read B bed I’m sorry yeah roxxy’s been uh putting it in in our

Mind that sleeping is something that will be happening okay other than food Oli B what uh it’s a pig leave me alone I’m really trying food to eat in ears is pancake but round like a like a ball oh that sounds pretty good like a tacoyaki no a it’s not tacoyaki it’s tayak

Taaki I mean takuaki is a ball too but specifically pancake batter yes and then there’s okonomiyaki which is Savory pancake okon nyaki is really good I have had it a nice lady in uh where was I at the time I think I was in Osaka yes no I was in oh where was

I Frick I think I was like around around nada I need to look it up I need to look up what city it was it’s a c City that’s known for their okomi this game is getting so dangerous Osaka it was Osaka they’re also known for their their takayaki

Too I was in Osaka at the time and this nice this nice lady made made okonomiyaki for us and is really good especially when you put the the freaking sauce on it hiccups are getting worse the sa the sa the sa Pop Quiz does anyone know why I say sauce is

Sa uh it’s funny to say words wrong no I will say it has something to do with Hollow live oh boy I wouldn’t know the reference I’m surprised now I’m scared you’re going to say it’s like peora or something no it’s it’s haima oh the way she says sauce in

English she goes sa so so I just started saying it like that cuz her her cute little accent she’s like the SAU the sa in fact I have pict exped have a picture of it the sa Meme here I just got witch potion what where’s the witch they threw a PO

Oh there they are sorry that was my phone I just down the corner Windows noise here I’ll send the sa meme to the a sa meme I have a picture of it saved saved here saent sa H from a bottle of SAU stop throwing poison at me you

Witch I’m going to go to bed it’s almost midnight good night and and enjoy your Monday snickel Stevie John and M Mages gosh dang it and I hope your gone soon and I wish you deserve a bronze make bronze play buttons bronze play button let’s go thank you Calamity Roxy thank

You for tuning into the stream it was fun chatting with you thank you thank you thank you tell your friends about the CH the the channel get us to 500 have a good Night they did type it out like me guess yes I thought you just entered your mind finally and now you just say it I need to come up with the list of every single variation of my name that people have whatever did you just read fish

Beings chat or something I did I’m sorry oh look at that I got this they’re they’re silure I’m sorry fish binging didn’t work see you next Monday bye Roxy I might stream more this week so go to bed Roxy it’s unhealthy for you to be awake this

Long I can’t believe I’ve been mining for this long this is this is absurd you could always try to reset your diaphragm megas as it as it were just eat all the area that you can all of it here let me let me try are you going to make a chicky licks

Who Mages did she go to an idol meeting she’s she is consuming all of the air right now to try to get rid of the hiccups yeah there we go I was holding my breath that whole time congrats that’s how that works make probably won’t but it’s always fun to try I

I will make chicky lies it’s been four plus hours but don’t tell m is that I already know I’m already aware uh oh my gosh my gosh please don’t kill me I will cry Oh My Gosh Look another spawner guys it’s not a zombie one but it’s a skeleton

One I think you guys know what time it is is it Mega’s time no I did know it is time for another game of is it cat or 13 my goodness welcome back Gamers uh I know you know the rules of this game we are guessing what is in this chest is a

Disc hat or is a disc 13 place your bets now place them now uh uh uh what do you think’s in the chest Gamers cat 13 a bunch of garbage a saddle maybe I want to guess cat again but probably 13 princess 13 n says bones cat I want to say cat it’ll

Probably be 13 again but I’m going with cat’s guessing cat a lot of 13s in the chat all right the countdown’s almost done and all right Gamers let’s see in three two one it was garbage bage we have gunpowder bread melon seeds string a single piece of redstone dust and a

Golden apple not Enchanted I mean redstone’s an ore you got ore in it good job it’s a single piece of freaking fart it’s a single piece of redstone dust that’s okay what about the other chest um is that was that also garbage yeah no there’s only one oh it’s even wor

Yeah um I think a hiccups are gone Gamers I did it took you to shut up for a moment that ruined my day I’m leaving the stream goodbye I’m so sorry I’m sorry Ren I can’t make any guarantees we we need Jerick in here to fix this sort

Ofo oh no I’m sorry Gamers C just show up for like one second it’ll it’ll boost the ratings enough it’ll boost the ratings as if it’s like a actual reality TV show it is there’s music and everything sa this feels like I’m going to have to this feels like telling children that

Christmas has been cancelled but jerck probably isn’t coming right now not right now but he he will at some point today probably what the fre hello everyone I’m backs hello poke trippy welcome back oh he is back we played another game of of

Uh is it cat or 13 and it was don’t say anything just pretend it didn’t happen we can ignore it it was it was really bad oh my God the chest had garbage loot except for Golden Apple just pretended it didn’t happen we could have moved

Past it why it wasn’t it was horrible it was terrible I well I know but it wasn’t we lost the viewer uh Ren will be back always comes back like William Aton Ren always comes back like uh Rockstar Roxy from one of the FNAF games one of the FNAF games oh freak

You I’m going to die horribly in Minecraft in Minecraft what’s your favorite YouTuber oh that’s a good question Mages obviously well I can’t answer myself you can I could but that would be really scummy it wouldn’t be scummy just narcissistic fish be says I ship Jerick and snitchy

Witchy okay good I’m fine with this pairing I thought it was going to be something else I’m like what the freak uh H yeah that’s a good one that’s a good pairing that’s a long my favorite YouTuber um I presume well that would be my favorite vtuber I

Mean oh mistake I forgot they’re not on YouTube Silly of Me no no no you’re correct they’re on v.com you know famous websites um I mean that’s I don’t know I have a hard time picking my favorite of anything unless I’m extremely biased towards it and there’s like absolutely no

Competition no I like a ton of people in Hollow live um another YouTuber I really like is in Sim I YN he plays horror games that’s what he’s known for that he got he got me into lethal company actually so where that pop top I heard it a few

Times I’m like oh this looks interesting and then before I like Dylan brought it up and then everyone was like we’re playing lethal company I’m like oh that was quick get in here playing lethal company I didn’t even have to buy it this time for people they just sort of

Bought it themselves that’s yeah and it’s like 10 bucks so yeah worth everything who stripped mine through a deep dark biome uh strip probably Jer probably Jer very long thin path and it goes slightly through the deep dark biome I just found yeah it’s probably BL Jared cuz I I

Remember there’s a deep partial deep dark underneath the house so more di this maybe he’ll bring me back home and I won’t have to freaking stay stuck in this mine and die tragically all right I need hi hello hi Subway cers all I have left regular lapis regular diamond and deep slate Emerald

Will complete my collection well put Mage is well put yeah I have a way with words I can tell where does it go I’m going to be very sad if this just lead leaves into lava and I just stumble into lava die and lose all your progress it is walking

Over these pits of lava they built a bridge just on top of the lava and it’s scary who did it was probably probably is yeah but Jerick I know has stripped mind at one point in in the mine I don’t know where he even put it okay this is definitely

Jerck yeah I don’t I don’t really strip mine anymore this long yeah I want to say this is like a thousand blocks I wouldn’t be surprised it probably is Jerick when he finds says he’s finding diamonds jerck when he speeds runs finding diamonds yeah every time he touches Minecraft every time probably he’s

Usually one of the first to get it as well exactly we’re just playing it’s like how’s it go diamonds what the freak like we’re just minding our own business and all of a sudden in chat we just see gosh dang it we just see diamonds and we’re like What all right I’ve

Reached the end and I don’t where does where did okay so this didn’t help me I’m just a little more lost now oh hey diamonds more diamonds for my collection more diamonds for my collection it’s deep slate but it mean you know diamonds are diamonds kind of want to order some food

But I don’t know what I want to eat well what do you want to eat that’s the problem problem figure it out you’re you I am figure it out faster life is jerck says fish beinging I think I said that already I being lost is part of life

The heck I don’t think this makes up life me being lost and having a jerck in your life I’ll get unlocked it’s fine I I can quit this cave anytime I want I can quit anytime I want that’s what I mean it’s just more fun risking your life trying to find a natural

I mean you’re one to speak mining addict I know I was just quoting Dylan again uhhuh so how does everyone feel about mages’ mining addiction and does anyone think they can help her stop at this rate I don’t know she needs the help we need to

Morally support her in any way we can oh gosh there’s more to life than mining Mages I know but I have I don’t know what I should do in Minecraft other than mine it’s Minecraft you can do anything so Mine mine’s in the title so is craft I do need to build the

Chick Li chicky okay I’ll build the chicky Lies when I am done here I fre out the chicky Li four hours later you cannot quit the cave trust me I always come back just like William afteron just like William just like William a said and hit a popular video

Game franchise uh Five Nights at Freddy’s night ATD that is now has now been ad adapted into a movie he said it he said the line in the movie spoiler alert also killed everybody in the movie everyone died no that’s not every sing he came in he shot Freddy Fazbear it was really

Graphic that did not happen it was also really funny what you haven’t seen the Five Nights Freddy’s movie go watch it now on peacock TV on the mag’s channel just kidding on the M we are torrenting it we’re uploading it illegally and to watch not happening YouTube please don’t do

Anything to me they don’t watch Mages ouch ouch ouch couch that was an audible silence owie Jon Snow died in the FNAF movie yeah oh man you can’t spoil that we have not seen the sun in four streams that’s not true we saw the sun earlier this

This stream I think they mean 4 hours you could also take down the mob farm after spending so much time making it well it doesn’t really work anymore why would you take it down it doesn’t really work when multip plans to put it there what like do you have plans to do

Anything with it no because it doesn’t work anymore well not not with it just in general with like that area of land like craft instead no what the chicken might as well get the three uh freaking the three gunpowder occasionally gives us yeah that’s why it needs to be torn

Down it’s bad but it’s there’s no it’s be worse just to tear it down for no reason like do you need Stone no just like having all these carrots for no reason you can at least sell them and we can make golden carrots out golden carrots is like the best food

Source we could make a silo do it make a just a big old brick Silo that we can store all the carrots in okay I don’t know about all the freaking pigs why not Bri what do you need pigs for JE uh looking for them what the heck why are

There like so many chickens down in here no one’s a pig breeder okay back off chickens get in here oops I accidentally killed one got in the way of my pickaxe oops I ended a life their fault I I it actually walked in front of me and died while I was

Mining not Ash not my fault Ash don’t cancel Mages fish be says he put the chickens in here darn you fish be I should have known I do like some of these unhinged comments sometimes just horror horror horror horror horror horror horror horror yeah well put puy

Trippy everyone here has just such a way with words absolutely we’re all very linguistic in this chat Corb could you could you do one nice thing ever Corb yeah no fish being I the thing happened again I’m sorry it just happens I mix names of people who are mildly

Mildly similar they’re both viewers who are very active and have a vendetta against me okay it’s hard to keep track of them I wonder why they have a vetta against you I bully them exactly I’m I’m not saying I don’t understand why it’s just they do have

It yeah that’s kind of your own fault I know it is I’m well aware of that fact just you know they got to be more unique stand out from each other what just because you have a vendetta against me doesn’t make you unique cor bullies you all the time and

Fish being bullies me all the time but Corb says dinosaur facts yeah well kind of been slacking recently those those sick Dino facts where’s the real dinax Corb show us a real dinosaur make Jurassic Park then get back to us Corb how do you how do you like them

Apples fish beinging says he is a v dead Against All Humans except for Jerick what about me do you have a v dead against me fish be fish being is a vendetta against me too can’t believe this I get that one at least of course You’ get it cuz you yeah

I would cuz I’m evil oh no this zombie drowned how sad oh no Minecraft really was like we need to add a zombie who just died of drowning explicitly everywhere the snow places the desert places what people get that is true are the skeletons but shouldn’t those be zombies

Of if anything oh the husks are like desert zombies oh yeah esque ones yeah Oh I thought you talking about the like the what’s it the Skeleton thing the strays no those are in the T no I know about the star the ones who died in the desert

That one makes sense that is true why do they got to diversify their deaths I don’t know you’re playing Minecraft it’s like you see that guy he died of drowning now you know that can drowned it’s in his name drowned is his name he doesn’t have anything special

About them other than the fact that he drowned to death Ben drowned oh I found a uh a Wandering Traer wow wait are you a human Mages and not a vtuber okay that’s a fair point maybe I resend I redact that she does have a human disguise you can you can find her

In the wild if you look hard enough uh yeah it might be hard to find me in the wild cuz I almost never go outside there are 8 billion of us as well oh know I imagine fish being just going outside and like stopping random people and be like are you Mages and

They’re like what the freak are you talking about who you’re like okay bye runs off into the distance I could see him doing it it would happen somebody will do that at some point I’m sure I’m sure he’ll find jerck he’ll do that yeah what the heck is this m shaft I

Think it’s funny that fish being asks if you’re a human considering he is also not a human fish is yeah he’s a fish being yeah related to fish y just like not any other top oh that’s true I see what he’s talking about now cuz earlier you asked

If he had Vendetta against you but no of course he doesn’t you’re not human right right right now I get it okay fish being I figured out I made the connection I know where all the humans are on earth says fish be I do too they’re all on Earth what about it fish

Being they’re all on Earth there are a few of them in space yeah just a small amount but those people I’m also pretty sure have their names revealed to the public I’m going to look up who’s in space give me the names of everyone who’s in space I typed in who’s in space

And Google corrected it to right now right now who’s in space right now Mission time in space uh the ISS SpaceX crew 7 there are oh wow this website there are 10 people in space and who is in space.com very there’s a whole website dedicated the we the first like result who’s in

Space.com yeah just a few for out in mcraft oh I see all right time to docs Jasmine M Melly Andreas Mo mogenson does they have their nationalities too yes uh the first one’s American the second one is yeah CU International Space Station let me double check I’m going to get

Roasted it’s a [ __ ] get someone okay uh Denmark okay I see Andreas mogenson of Denmark is in space as well next up someone from Japan Satoshi F Kawa uhhuh and let’s just look it it only shows four right now on this website on dox everyone who’s in space am it’s not

Doxing if it’s public information I mean here’s the question what are we going to do with this information track them down good luck go to space and find them in space you’d have to become the 11th person in space to get these people I’m going to go do Astronaut training right now BRB

Guys and the last one Constantine borisoff from Russia wow I’ll just go with those now but there’s apparently six other people in space right now very nice very nice oh interesting uh Satoshi fukawa is been in space for 281 days and 20 hours I thought you were going to say 200 years

For a second I was like how is that even possible you know how when they uh move at light speed like the time around you basically stops they they are just in cry sleep the whole time that’s interesting he’s almost been in space for a year D that’s more than the heck were

You did what the heck do you do in space for that long I brag about being in space I guess what is the world record for time and space I want to look this up there’s more than one space station yes that is true they’re neighbors yeah they’re neighbors the longest time somebody’s

Been in space is 437 days and 18 hours during one trip one trip W that is so cool imagine being able to say 1% of my life has been in space I was in space for over a year just being an astronaut is cool but like having the record as well for longest

Time face that’s really cool I like it that’s not anybody can do that uh congrats to Valerie poov for hold done for oh she’s and it’s a woman that makes it even better wait is it I actually don’t know for sure she’s a woman uh no no he is

Not oh I’m sorry that makes it worse what am I what am I saying that’s too ambitious to say it would be a woman who is in space.com I’m going to see are there any woman in space right now probably maybe oh wait is this women in

Stem women in St women in stem oh yes yes I did mention one earlier uh Jasmine mug from uh the US is a whan I didn’t I didn’t look very closely at their picture we do have woman in space though woo truly a feat shout out to Jasmine from

Space what are the odds she’s watching this stream exra absolutely zero she just like comments she’s like a verified account she’s like thanks Miss thanks for the shout out come subscribe to my channel I’m a real astronaut real astronaut Jasmine definitely in chat don’t don’t look though just believe

Us yeah you don’t need proof you just need to hear it that’d be very interesting if someone from space watched your channel I mean could they even like get access to YouTube up there I I don’t know how far does AT&T cover or what which internet provider has the

Widest range I would think they have some sort of connection up there otherwise how the heck do communicate back to Earth I assume they do video calls at least have ever done it yeah can you stream YouTube to space can you stream in spaceace I mean if that was possible

That we would already have people streaming from space I mean the the the freaking first moon landing be a long time ago was streamed to the world yeah that’s true that was a long time ago hey what live stream are you watching the moonlanding yeah I’m watching the moonlanding

Live and it it probably was wasn’t it cuz I don’t know how many streams have it existed in the world I guess that’s just what live shows are I don’t even know we’re coming to you live from wherever this probably is by far the longest I’ve ever been down in a mine

Get out of there Mages get some sun in your life they do stream to YouTube from ISS there are multiple streams from space 24/7 wait actually that does seem about right I’m pretty sure that if you told me that beforehand I probably would have agreed that’s crazy it really puts into perspective

How uncool we are in comparison oh yeah you live stream from Earth I live stream from space you guys are playing Minecraft well there’s a stream coming in from space right now I’m streaming Minecraft from space from space I’m playing Minecraft in space that’s just no competition you can’t fight l

No want watch can’t get any better than that if anyone wants to go watch the space m Crafters I won’t judge also they do what they do space box oh ouchie is back so about that people biting people stream I’m sorry it didn’t happen ouchie I don’t think it ever

Will I would have to bite a stranger no not for the stream there’s like oh we came up I thought we came up with something where it’s like if this happens we’ll do it oh yeah like some of Milestone 100 million subscribers oh my gosh biting

Stream if I can get to a th000 subscribers I will do a a thousand that’s it I mean that that’s that’s that’s kind of low you could run into someone who like sues you for biting them I mean it took like four years to get to 500 so biting people is a

Crime you’re telling me in five years you’ll be doing a stream where you’re biting people exponential growth it’s not a rate probably with my job as an IT person I watch streams past the time like Mages or space do 1 million do you think we can actually

Ever get there Gamers well I mean probably eventually I’m sure if you bought enough Bots uh like legitimately I think it could happen maybe not soon without some serious uh effort and skill and grease and effort and hard workare I keep meaning to put in the in the about section of my

Channel I keep forgetting to put the vtuber that has a world record I still I still have the record oh or do you mean for Shrek swamps yeah I that’s a world record and I still have it yeah be shame if I was to grind out the game and replay that’s

That’s the only thing I have good going for me please please don’t take that from me the more you talk about it the more people want to beat it please no it’s like one of the biggest accomplishments I think I’ve ever done please and that’s not saying a lot you

Got to go for all the records got to have all of them go for more uh Shrek video game records get there quickly if you started biting people no ouchie biting people is not always going to be the solution biting people is a reward not the starter

How much how much how much would he have to pay you to for a stream to go biting people he said he would give me it was last stream he said he would actually give me money but I declined I don’t remember I don’t remember the amount but

It’s documented somewhere kind have to be a good amount we can’t just go around biting people well yeah we live in a civilized society where we don’t bite people we live in a society exactly see megas gets it I think I think a 100,000 is a pretty good pretty good uh number good

Uh what do you think is that too low do we need to increase that I think $4 is fair $4 to bite somebody not I absolutely not I more than four I am just fighting somebody it’s got to be a stream so like hand full

Yeah I do like the idea of like you going out and very politely going up to feel me like excuse me sir could I like I’m so sorry but can I just bite your arm really quick I it’s it’s for a project for a science experiment it’s a social

Experiment uh that I’m doing for a Class I think it could work I think that could work just we’re not going to do it so uh no humans civilized like fish beings no way $4 get get real listen bud you got to donate a lot more than that I could counter donate you very

Easily I just get like a Veno on my phone I’m just kidding I’ll give you $10 not to go by people yet yet yet I hate that the yet got to do when the time is right when the when the profits are high enough when the stakes are

High if even if he gets $4 to you I will send you 10 to cancel them out oh my gosh okay I think I I think I might be ready to exit this cave once you come back I can’t go through your chests anymore are you still doing that no can’t prove

That it’s not even your house it’s clearly Dylan’s house she did make it Dylan well then Dylan made her own house legitimately oh know I think it was a previous stream Dylan was like sorry I since I made it I feel like I own it Dylan only Built it Dylan only Built

It out of spite did I did build her house out spite yeah well you’re going to have to deal with not house Builder fting someone uh you can invite yourself soft and get the free money no the it has to be a a stranger so has to be somebody random it’s it was

Determined wait what exiting the cave but now the cave has become all we know well I want to try and do other things besides just mine the whole time that’s not really fun for you guys build the Chicky lickies what is the chick Li I need to know I thought

You knew what chicky lies was it’s the chicken restaurant I buil build every time I touch Minecraft you what what yeah she built one in the last server I am never seen that what this has been going on for like years this has been like my tradition my Minecraft

Thing I mean the issue is whenever we play a server we just all split up and then never talk to each other usually that’s also true guess anyway so it’s a chicken restaurant of mine called chicky lickies and the building is like it’s supposed be like the head of a chicken

So you walk like through its mouth and you’re inside the restaurant but yeah that’s chicky lies is there any relationship between this and a certain other vtuber who has a similar restaurant NOP no it is not this was this predates kfp by several several years we did it first your own Mages

This predates it by a lot chicky Licky to kfp come fight us no please uh Kiara I’m not trying to be your competition I promise just get thousands of chatters hating on us all the all the kfp employees just come in here and they’re like what I think it would crash

Everything everything would just go downhill the kfp employees the mes cancellation the great the great Mages cancel oh my gosh all of you mobs chill I see Dylan that put these weather roses and pots in front of the house yeah so that it wouldn’t hurt people oh my gosh mobs

Please is anyone at the house maybe okay I might teleport back soon as I’m still mining do you keep your drip Stone anywhere I don’t really keep drip Stone check downstairs no I mean yeah I just don’t really collect it cuz it’s just takes up space in my inventory and it could be

Diamonds I mean yeah I just don’t say anything it’s okay what bundles I have Shuler boxes you can have both no that’s the beauty of the bundle the beauty of the bundle the beauty of it it’s super good overpowered technically a shul uh one bundle can you

Can save you more space than two Shuler boxes technically how much does a bundle store 64 individual items oh I didn’t think it stored that much yeah it’s one stack basically just one stack one stack but it can be of anything if you have like do I mean

You’ve ever had like random garbage in your inventory right yeah and that stuff usually takes up an entire slot the bundle gets rid of basically all of that if you ever have like one Emerald or something in your inventory and it’s just nagging it it’s like H I want this

But I don’t want to throw it away just put it in the bundle it’s so so good it’s the best sounds like the worst thing ever as a loot Goblin it is my favorite thing it can only store one thing no what where did you get that from well you said

164 it Stacks 64 it’s the same amount as one stack it can carry up to 64 different things but it would have to be one of each in that case I want to send an image of me using bundle of me using bundle of me using bundle how I put diamonds

Dyan what did you just whisper okay the next pair of diamonds that I find I will leave the cave after famous last words I have sent it in the Discord chat and it’s not even full there are 11 slots left in it okay one second diamonds okay but let me get this iron

Really quick oh I see Fish beinging said you are a bundle I I did see that I just chose to ignore it I W accept this slander from a fish how is that slander I am not a bundle factually this real fact you can look it up is Ste via

Bundle it’ll probably say no because I’m not I would call myself a bundle head though if he wanted to call me that I’ll accept that bundle head oh my gosh I forgot one of the best parts about bundle you can uh just flashbang someone basically with just garbage flashbang stev bundle confirmed says

Fish no not confirmed you haven’t proven anything with one key press you can fill someone’s inventory with garbage wow and if that isn’t useful I don’t know what is okay I think I will now after I M these diamonds I just keep finding them just one more Diamond I don’t have a problem

You have a problem no I I swear S I just keep just running into them yeah it’s a real problem we know it’s a real problem that you won’t get help with what’s wrong with wanting diamonds huh it’s like the St you don’t need it we’re fine

We’re living fine are you going to make a beacon out of diamonds I could at this rate well I’ll allow that I will allow that if you want to make your diamond Beacon I will make a diamond Beacon do it by the power of video editing I have

Proven Tyler to be a bundle says fish I’m terrified of this what what could he possibly mean I don’t know I’m too scared to look oh my goodness I heard that Thunder from down in the mines it is spooky the thunder in this game sometimes they’ll just be playing

And it’s like it’s like I can’t hear the rain so I wouldn’t even know and then the Thunder just comes out of nowhere just like real Thunder have you put a copper uh thing on your house to prevent it from being lightning struck nope I have never in all my years of

Playing Minecraft had my house get struck by lightning oh you’re really tempted fate with that comment I’m just I’m speaking the truth it it may not have happened yet but you know it would be now very very funny if you came back to see your house on fire

Not that I would even did it just you know except the rain would just put it out actually does it yeah what if it gets inside the house the rain can still put it out from the outside what if it’s inside how would it get inside the house

It would have to strike the outside to get inside yeah it doesn’t put it out immediately though right like uh when we’re at the when we’re at the mansion house jerck almost burned all of it down oh well cuz that wasn’t because of lightning though he was just trying to

Be quirky yeah but like it’s still fire but I was I was on the floor above and I just see things on fire from below it went through the went through the floors Phantoms why I’m being harassed by the Phantoms yeah they tend to do that don’t have anything to

Do what in the combination of horrendous cave noises and lightning was that was it a fart noise mixed with lightning no it was a legitimate cave noise mixed with lightning and it was actually pretty spooky biting me the fabled biting stream yeah I think I got all the diamonds in here

Dio I Dio is it di or D I’m just going to call you Dio because haha funny JoJo reference they didn’t answer that question did they the chat no I did not answer because I I see your comment in the chat but I’m not going to answer it

Because um it’s not a topic that we talk about on the stream it’s a religious based question yeah it’s very controversial you know someone would make M freak out possibly any would freak out over anything nowadays anyway the answer to that question though no that’s just not a topic that

We talk about on the stream same with like anything politics related or stuff like that this is just not the place to talk about it cuz we’re trying to play Minecraft and I want us to all uh have a good time go to Minecraft Church no that

You built in Minecraft okay who’s at the house uh I’m close by but I’m not at the house anymore I finally coming back oh my word these Phantoms just go away oh kill me I like how they immediately turned their focus to me you were the bigger threat or they just

Want to be on the stream yeah they they were trying what the is that a skeleton horse sure is anyway I’m going Trigg no I could go make some charged creepers for the heck of it with my channeling uh oh you could get the zombie heads and such right now

Yeah that’d be fun I I don’t think I’ve ever gotten one of those in minra in Minecraft okay Gamers let’s we need to do some math here some math we need to see how just how much um how much iron and diamonds we got from from that

4our mining trip was it worth it what is the diamonds per our ratio hold right guys I want to order food uh what should I what should I order uh I don’t know what do you like nuggies sound good what about Dino nuggies I don’t have any you could order some

No yes you could from where I mean like I assume like doesn’t Uber go into grocery stores for you and like buy stuff uh door Dash will bring you groceries I don’t know about Uber though you could door Dash yourself some nuggies fish beinging says sushi but isn’t isn’t that a little

Counterintuitive fish beinging they’re already dead might as well eat the corpses I typed fish in the freaking crafting table instead lapis why don’t you just CRA you’re telling yourself to eat in Minecraft come on I wish it per like that world hunger has ended you can just

Type stuff in Minecraft and get the food in real life okay let’s see her oh my we have I’m going to have to like rearrange everything in this chest why is blaze powder in here what the I know I’ll take it okay yeah want it I’ll donate it to

The potion thing epic fishcraft moment yep okay I need to oh that is true you did almost try to craft a fish I typed fish in the crafting table exactly the result came up I’m sure you would crafted one yeah probably woohoo yeah woohoo it’s m time that means may just

Minecraft welcome to fishcraft FM fishcraft Monday there we go right now I am in the middle of trying to ruin everything what happened um I was just reading a text from J J Man jerck Jonathan jingle har that’s his real name guys uh you can you can look that up find

Him okay very informative yeah stop shooting at me you freak why did I craft a blocks of raw gold I need to uncraft it oh my gosh uncraft your gold this is a nice cave I have entered which is underneath the me’s house perhaps H nothing what’s under my house a cave

Yeah I know that that’s why I said nothing I wasn’t going to answer but then you asked me too anyway what do you want I answer your question I see I see okay let’s let me I’m going to put everything oh my gosh my brain can’t sort all of this

Stuff where it out where did I we got this I’m trying to like grab everything from my Shuler boxes but I’m like getting confused for no reason let me check the discs how many copies 1 2 3 4 five six seven seven copies of 13 and we have like 10 copies of

Cat and I was correct we do not have far that is an finally a unique disc oh are you able to compare which ones you do and don’t have yeah yeah like all the CDs gosh I’m just going to get traumatized by I I remember I once made a juke box

In one of the uh in one of the servers we’ve been on it’s just in like the plaza there was a giant music box shaped thing you had to parkour to get into and then there was like one of every CD at least and a juke box to parkour to get

Into yeah cuz you can’t ruin the Aesthetics you can’t just put ladders on it which could you could it just looks stupid wow you got to earn your free music okay I’m going to get all the iron from my Shuler boxes I’m going to here I’m actually

Going to craft it all into raw iron blocks just to see how many we would have we have 1 2 3 4 five plus 25 stacks of raw iron blocks so if we were to uncon convert that first of all it wouldn’t all fit in my

Inventory oh my gosh if you look at the stream right now hold on no here let me take a look look at just look at this oh my inventory and I’m not even done I’m not even done converting it all okay to be fair though that is less than a stack of iron

Blocks H all of this a lot no no I’m Dum you’re I thought it was regular iron no that’s what are you going to do with that much iron make beacons I don’t know just keep making beacons I guess yeah Beacon time yeah it’s Beacon time

Oh my how does it feel to have so much iron I feel like I have the power I forgot those were iron blocks so those are that’s a one to one yeah yep what the heck there is I I was I mix it up with I thought

You were going to make like an iron block iron block block of iron blocks no that now that’s what I what that’s what my brain Miss thought and like you almost got that if what do you have already uh I’ll look at that in a in

Just a second I’ll say this I kind of see why you what four hours of work does look like now uh-huh I already have one two three three stacks of iron blocks plus another eight iron blocks but that’s not including the beacon that’s already made out of iron blocks my

Goodness my lady what are you doing I am hollowing out the Earth also hi Emma in the chat um her mining addiction has gone critical Emma help she needs help I haven’t even done I haven’t even done gold or Diamond yet yeah and it’s going

To be horrific when you do I also have like 1 2 3 four five five stacks of lapis blocks not including everything else that is in the chest upstairs I am actually crazy at this game she needs help I do don’t worry we do know that you’re

Crazy okay and now we have now we have 18 golden apples five enchanted golden apples yeah this is yep time to make a chest of golden carrots seriously I have the gold to do it so there’s nothing stopping it you how many Gold Blocks one two three almost four

Stacks cuz a gold block is like nine carats right more than nine carats get her some milk she needs some milk she needs some milk magas why do you do this we we we want you to be there for you but you can’t just keep going mining what’s

Wrong with it why can’t I go you got to do something with the stuff yeah make beacons you only have one wither star it’s so easy to get another one no it isn’t you got to get three whole skeleton heads every time yeah well I mean killing the Wither I meant is easy

Is so easy I guess the next challenge should be releasing it on your on your little village you have so far is what just got to release the Wither right on top of your house oh my gosh no that would destroy everything I would die I would pass away oh yeah these

Sponges in the in the oops who certainly make for a fun challenge where you just had to get it as fast as possible or else I don’t even know where to put half of this stuff anymore there’s so much there is so much stuff like mob drops that I have oh no

It’s not too much don’t worry you have a problem Mages I’m sorry it’s so easy cuz it is killing the winner is so easy you just spawn it in the end and aggr on Enderman and not you you just kill it I mean yeah I never

Said it was hard to kill it it’s just summoning it that’s the annoying part well yeah collecting the stupid skulls is like hell but Bedrock Edition Reaves its ugly head with its wither yeah with its freaking like 800 Health wither ah chicken you’re going in the bag sorry I’m still collecting stuff to

Try to only to strong release the Wither on their house no you just fight the Wither in the end guys I have like me and Jer killed the Wither in like 23 seconds it’s you could kill it fast knew it I looked down at the stream I’m like

Fish beinging said that didn’t he he’s always going on about the weak and the strong of people oh yeah it’s Fish Feeding I could tell it was him just because you read it I knew it of course it’s fish be it’s always fish be when is it a call out

Fish be not everyone is weak all the time so chaotic it’s like end game stuff yeah you just make a trap with it for it full of instant health potions you could do that you’re weird you can kill it with dripstone pretty easy drop D Stone on its head dead

Chickens oh how effective is that just like a whole stack that you just immediately you put it up high enough it’ll kill it instantly so how many anvils does it take to kill the Wither I don’t know but a single piece of finally use for your iron Mages all the

Anvils I should be terrifying if I logged in on the server and I just looked up and there’s just hundreds of anvils you’re like I press this button everyone dies what Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Chrysler fish being is an agent of chaos for Real uh he he he sure is something

Oh let’s see how much made a Christmas Mages skin please don’t I don’t like Christmas don’t waste your time are you the grinch yeah exactly the Grinch grin I pride myself in being the Grinch around Christmas there you have it folks certified Grinch moment for megas I am secretly the

Grinch Mages I think is another fun name for her we should see how much xp I get from smelting all this I need more blast fuses if I want this to like hurry up huh yeah I’m going to make oh no my LS have escaped I’m make more blast furnaces so

Annoying just stay in your cage and like it I do not know where they could have gone oh yeah they’re missing again both of them again my gosh they’re not even useful we just like looking at them and watching him suffer it’s the other I know actually where where the

Other mob votes that you’re also terrible I’m pretty sure I remember what are you doing in my house nothing I am depositing stuff that I farmed such as cocoa beans it’s usually what I do here mhm mhm I still haven’t converted all of the all this stuff oh

My we’re going to we’re going to find out hold on I got to answer a call all right me and our singular other stoe will take over for me so fellow stoe how’s it going going good I think it’s time to mine the tree the

Tree I went out to go find pigs and I ended up freaking rehabilitating a village congrats I know I don’t know where all the pigs are you go anywhere and you can’t find them us say pigs are real they are real can you prove it have you seen one

Before I have at the early days of this world oh know where they are now about real life real life pigs yeah yeah they’re real I guess I don’t believe you you don’t believe I’m back Gamers fing back we’re talking about the realism of pigs in the real world what you need pigs

For I need them she does I want them what do you want to complete all the animals or something yes animal I knew it can find I mean honestly though Dylan has Ambitions that’s something you could learn from Mages she wants to make Planet zoo in Minecraft no I don’t she’s going to

Collect all the animals wow I’m just saying since we have a lot of like meat products we can get like a butcher you don’t I mean that’s dumb and stupid but okay so you want to get a butcher but you won’t sell uh carrots to them there’s way too many carrots and you

Know that no do we need that many more where to travel with a time machine oh I don’t even know prob we like under the assumption that traveling back in time is going to just absolutely destroy like the fabric of space and time and events that have already happened I mean

I think a good example I’ve heard is that we we always talk about if we go back in time the smallest actions will impact the future in a major way but we don’t think about how our actions right now will affect the future which I think is a very good way to think

About yeah very inspiring I don’t know if I go kick the correct Rock right now will someone in the future die to it like I don’t know the president 700th president of the US assuming we get that far assuming we get that far cuz like that’s what time travel suggests with the butterfly

Effect right some time traveler kicks over some dirt and he comes back and his world’s on fire and it’s like what the heck what the heck oh I know do you go find a mushroom biome that is true annoying as heck no con no no consequences you go

Back in time you go to an alternate timeline and when you travel back you can go back to your own timeline okay so we ruin another planet or another univers so we we also need to build staircases down from all sides of the island going back in time consequence

Free not that I would but I could murder someone and feature no repercussions is what you say I would no I mean that’s not really recommended but yeah know I’m not saying I would just that I could fish being has granted me this option so make your chicky lickies I will

Ryan where would we time travel if we could and why would we also there might be some iron that is being deducted from the final count because I made four more blast furnaces to try and get through all of it oh also he says go back go back in time from

Before I cut my hair shoulder length cuz now it will never grow past that ever again remember there’s no consequence you just admire your hair being different and then come back you wouldn’t be able to stop it or fix it you would just be able to look at

It and be like Emma says she’d want to go back to the the Renaissance Era that’s that’s a good one yeah just like play’s ring no consequen I think the consequence would be your nose would be suffering so stinks back there to be fair I’m sure we could

Handle it it’s not it’s probably not a very pleasant time but we can handle it come back into our modern day where we where we can live for longer than 30 years I think the air quality would be better I think the air quality would be

Better back then than it is today yes it would be oh gosh oh gosh I almost fell off a cliff ah leave me alone skeleton what is the current M’s plan what she what is she planning what’s she plotting what’s she thinking of doing I’m smelting all of this iron I still have

Like a full entire inventory of of uh raw iron can I do this yes I can man oh my gosh this is insane I haven’t even touched the gold yet but in case you were wondering we have a full stack of diamond blocks plus six more and that so let’s let me add

That to our existing so we have three blocks of diamonds three stacks of diamond blocks plus seven blocks of Diamond Plus six diamonds individual so getting a little crazy little quirky crazy in here quirky crazy in here my mining Hall h a l Hall you really added M

Carpet you add the what Moss carpet it’s a weird Edition oh yeah Moss carpet yeah you like carpet right what if it was Moss well now it is moss carpet I mean I’ll take it it’s just weird yeah funny earlier I was thinking like I could make shears I’m like well I don’t

Want to steal from ages even though she has a billion iron regular lapis let’s go oh wow I am two away from completing all the ores before you see can I find Diamond in this cave I’m in oh I found a spawner it’s it’s

It’s my turn to play it I can play the game what’s in this cat or 13 cat or 13 actually do uh do you want to teleport over here and and open it yourself reveal it to the audience gosh okay with special guest Stevie John Yay I’ll just sort of hang out around

Here I am out of freaking okay I can find coal in a mine it’s like the whole point of mine the coal uh I mean you could teleport yourself to me did you oh okay it’s uh it’s this way it’s past this dirt wall that I definitely didn’t make to

Hide the amount of that’s oh wait it’s a skeleton spawner it is one the amount of restraint I am having to not mine this iron I mean you could okay Gamers let’s let’s do it it is time for another addition of is it cat or thir 13

Wo yeah it involves you gamers in the chat looking at this chest right now to guess if cat dis cat or 13 is in this chest or if it contains another type of loot such as a saddle or horse armor it is up to you in the chat to decide so

Now it is time to place your votes I’m guessing it’s garbage cuz I found this one place your votes while I mine this iron I can’t stop help please what will it be we have a 13 we have a cat in the chat 13 Cat okay okay let’s see what we

Got here ready Gamers three two and one it’s cat it’s this cat everybody the time I didn’t guess a cat it’s here it’s cat this time it’s cat for real you did it Gamers you did it you guessed it right uh uh Corb Zilla guessed it cor win’s already winning he just got

Back and he already won is it cat or 13 oh oh my gosh Absol amazing congratulations Corb I’m sorry but you don’t win anything other than me saying that you won woohoo I mean he get a free shout out that’s pretty good okay Dylan are you at the house

Correctly yeah okay I need to myself back back to the regular regular scheduled mes Minecraft MonDay program daily doas even though uh cat or 13 is a game show within the within Minecraft now that’s how cool we are yeah but I mean it’s not always C 13 sometimes it’s just megas doing megas

Things yeah but C 13 fun game we like to play mhm is it cat or 13 we already know we already found out but thanks for all your votes in the chat even if you were wrong even if you were incorrect but that’s okay you Le participated I swear it’s always C 13

Exactly that’s why I made the game show out of it exactly and so far it has been pretty frequently one or the other yep giving me a prize already I told you there is no prize I’m sorry you can only end a mjor stream if you find cat

Or 13 before it ends I mean I feel like that would be pretty doable with uh M oh I just I just realized why my pants haven’t been breaking this whole time on the stream uh it’s it’s because they have mending on them simple as that yep I got through

All the other armor pieces but these ones I still have were 12 we have 13 copies of cat not to be confused with this 13 I was really hoping you’re going to say we have 13 copies of 13 not yet we have 1 2 three four five six seven copies we’ll get

There your prize corpse is a free ticket to the aquarium yeah we look with that woohoo free aquarium to can I have it Corb no uh the actually uh the tickets are cannot be resold what well can they be gifted uh Noe sucks to suck I guess how dare

You you and your evil laugh okay I want to visit the aquarium you can you just have to like pay two emeralds yeah you I live in a bottle you think I can afford that uh you just went mining so yeah yeah well I found I’m going to

Hoard it cuz I’m a loot Goblin same I hoard with the lapis your your application was denied I’m sorry I still hoard it so you’re a mining adct you’re not a loot Goblin we can’t accept your your entry we’re sorry we do appreciate you trying maybe next year you’ll get it can’t believe

This freaking gravel freaking gravel leave me alone gravel I don’t want to deal with you I just want to Tunnel out of here go home add the lapis to my collection and then beat Mages at this game I’ve set up for her so things SM great cor is confusing Ren

And also confirm that he will not be giving me a ticket thanks a lot Corb thanks a lot for nothing Che eats the tickets to the are free you don’t need need the tickets I’m the only one in the world who needs the tickets and he won’t give them to

Me oh well sucks to suck just like what Dylan said sure does it sure does Corb is greedy I didn’t know this about him but it’s true now it’s true very ungenerous can’t believe he would do this to us and on corbs G as well corbs giving this gracious season of Corb and

He won’t do one nice thing it’s hard to believe but almost all the iron is now almost done smelting this is getting what about the extra iron you just got it wasn’t a ton but it’s I lumped it in there okay I’m out of this Burning through a bunch of whole but that’s

Okay I do now get excited to see if it is cow or 13 yeah it’s the game show now yeah I mean before you were always complaining but now I want you to get more yeah now it’s now we’ve made it into something fun double chest double chest of cat and or

13 I’ll give you a ticket but it won’t be the ticket for the aquarium uh SC says you know tickets aren’t necessarily a good thing or even a they’re sometimes neutral in fact tickets don’t have any meaning unless you give them meaning I have a roll of tickets and all

Of them do nothing said the conductor of the Polar Express I’ll have you know I am not the conductor of the Polar Express yes don’t spread rumors about that don’t spread rumors about that epic anyways bye for another T is bye Ren we’ll see you around and get out of here

No don’t say that if I say have a render full day what does that mean uh who knows rful day we’ll find out have a render full day whatever that means I’m out of the cave fresh air oh this tree caught on fire interesting so there is that the famous

Minecraft rule for cowards of a don’t dig straight down and sure I can understand it but you don’t agree with the idiots who say don’t dig straight up right that’s a different story like that’s not really threatening if you die to digging straight up you’re just kind of foolish

Yeah if you die to digging straight down it should be expected sometimes but straight up you’re you’re a fool yeah if you just do straight up then there’s no risk of falling into a Chasm and dying or is there or is there just reverse gra reverses

You just fall straight up into the pit and die as sad all of the iron is finally done smelting let’s do a grand total oh my God all right you guys are ready for this we have but go on one two three four five five and a half stacks of iron

Blocks Plus iron ingots wow then that is not including the one two three stacks of iron blocks plus eight more blocks of iron already in the repository so and what does this prove Mages has a problem and she needs help no what do you use to cook the ore uh blocks of

Coal yeah yeah that that tracks us to just be regular coal but lava I could but also blocks of coal I think I think coal is the way better option considering just how much coal she has on her yeah and lava it smells like 100 items per bucket and so

There’s you’d have to just spend too much time where did all these ender pearls come from why are they here what I mean we just have excess of them so they’ll just appear wherever sometimes get rid of them you get rid of them use do a we’re not ready for a gold

Count quite yet I don’t want these end pearls we have a villager that sells or that buys string right but weren you trying to make a thousand bows absolutely not Tyler do you want 60 spider eyes absolutely all right I’ll bring them over actually actually yes like even

Besides poison potions they’re good for the fermented spider eye and that’s just very helpful I will bring them over I would deliver them to the potion shop thank you contributions are appreciated we will now stock excessive levels of poison is now a poison shop you can poison anyone you want poison

Sh help help okay what do you need I’m just I’m just going to put the r flush in this chest here cuz there’s no other room s with that oh yikes oh yikes oh my gosh I cannot I cannot with all those villager noises know Stevie and Tyler needs to

Pay full price for the crime I feel like it sounds like a game of Monopoly I think I was I don’t know what to say to him anymore like I just see Stevie John all backwards and I’m like who hurt you besides me who hurt you

Okay Tyler there is a way you there’s a way you get a ticket fish being s pay up if I don’t want to pay fishing maybe your fish are stupid and I don’t want to look at them anyway wow that’s right I’m racist to fish now that’s speciest actually

I can say what I want see Dylan considers them subhuman she’s worse than I am with no pay oh with no oh what did you just say fish being said oh no you have made a mistake I don’t want to go to your aquarium anymore that’s what I said your aquarium stupid

Wow never mind the fact that Mages is the one who made it and put the effort into it Yep this C the gold is just about done all of it oh my gosh this is what the what the wait are you looking for pigs Dylan or did you get them already I’m looking

For them still there’s literally one right here where right next to the building where are you on the building what building Viller building no where are you I stumbled into this boy where are you Dylan yeah right here if him says I wanted to give without pay

Now you have to work for it beat me at Connect 4 oh my Lord you can’t do this fish being here listen I I can go first I can go first and you know then I’ll win every time it’s how how the game works whoever goes first okay we have now the

Conclusion for the gold we have a stack plus 13 blocks of gold plus four ingots I might take it take you up on it in a bit fish B just and that is adding to our repository of four stacks of gold blocks already that we have now it is 2

3 four five now it’s five Stacks this is getting very out of hand but that that was all of it okay one more and then mag as will know the power of bundles the power of what bundles oh shoot I thought I had deep slck copper I don’t

Apparently if I go back to the mines it I I can’t it’ll be too Tempting the chicky lickies is your goal but also toast toast stop are you yelling at your cat Dyan stop scratching the couch you have two cat trees toast is just on on one all right me your time has come to an end why I’ve come to ruin everything why to Showcase bundles

I didn’t pick any of it Up was that intentional oh he’s going to go play Connect 4 with fish be oh yeah well Tyler I’m not picking any of that up so if you want any of it pick up uh a lot of stuff I don’t even know all of it because I don’t not not picking it

Up all of that oops his cursed bundle yep yeah just throw stuff in the cactus trash Cactus trash the trash this right the dies okay well now now I should well now I want to go and beat Tyler at the game not not connect for the collecting every ore

As it’s raw form the block I’m going to go do that after I make some more Rockets why does he have stripped wood I don’t know he really does have a bunch of crap random okay I know where I need to fly for the emeralds I just need normal emeralds and

Deep slate emeralds and deep slate copper but I don’t think that’ll be an issue which gave me an offer for when I went in in Dutch V and F are almost pronounced the same this is getting so intense the Rivalry of the people in my chat and

Tyler who do you think’s going to win connect for Tyler or fish beinging I think fish being’s going to win yeah I feel like fish beinging might win again okay this mountain right here I have found emeralds on this mountain before so in theory if we just kind of like dig into

It this is a snowy slope so that counts as a mountain I realized I don’t have any torches on me oh well I’m taking a Minecraft break for now when I get back I’ll challenge fish being connect for and then beat Mages at her own game if she hasn’t won by then says

Stevie I’m just going to staircase down dealt with his bomb that he just dropped on us I didn’t even pick any of it up I picked all of it thank you D Chan I are we going to use these power five bows or can I disenchant them H you can probably disenchant them

Oh good coal I need the Torches so you guys can actually see what I’m doing hey yo gamers in the chat um I was kind of thinking of maybe we start another game to play cuz we’ve just kind of been jumping back between Dave the diver and uh Minecraft and occasionally

Apex so I’m trying to think if there’s there’s another game you guys want to see me play that’s uh that’s maybe not like a massive investment um like I don’t know like like balers gate for example example that would just be a massive investment and I I don’t know if I’m

Ready to do that on a stream just yet and I kind of want to play the game on my own first before if I were to do a stream of it Che swamp Sim stream no unless somebody beats my record I’m not going to go back to

That that audio the slow down audio of or are like onions is just haunts me to this day forever haunts my memory H are like iion yeah and it’s like the it’s slowed down and then donkey’s like I’m making waffles waffles waffles waffles it’s so it’s true it’s it

Happens and I kept repeating it I was like I’m going to lose my mind YouTuber game and it like Fades out and his voice goes deeper am I still apparently it says I’m in the deep dark what am I at I’m only at y22 jeez Shrek want Sim stream Sunday no no

Shrek swap Sim please ogres are like onions layers seriously it’s ingrained in my Brain needy streamer overload oh yeah I do own that game I do own needy streamer overload could play needy streamer overload host leave the couch alone I will put a collar on you oh oh no oh no not the colar oh why does it say we’re in a deep dark

Still that’s the name of the vtuber game yes I do only streamer overload I’ve been wanting to play that how do you repair a trident what do you mean oh I guess you could put mending on it never mind slap mending on that that’s what I did with my

Trident an Enderman left a grass block in the Villager Hall darn ending push up I’ve made this trade already so Maes what do you think you’ll be streaming swe so when so what the fart noise why am I why say I’m an any dark when

Um poor but I don’t know I don’t want to go back to shre swamp Sim I just don’t who I’m out of deep dark now and of course I didn’t bring my hoe oh my I oh oh this is is the deep dark for uh the uh the one we have

Liberated oh the one we’ve liberated yes so I just dropped right on in here I hope the Enderman Farm is okay did we fix it yeah we’re good deep dark I all I need is deep slate copper and deep slate and normal emeralds if you see any of that let me

Know I will beat Tyler at this game oh oh life is a deep dark should have know you see that fish B I think the upturn could be fun oh that game is great the upturned hotel it’s a good game it’s made by the same Dev that made uh they will come from

More so if we want to fight a warden we’d have to go to a different deep dark where am I at y 51 oh by the way uh let way my presence is not complete without asking Dylan how she is today corilla asks how you are doing today Dylan Chan doing

Good that’s good we heard it from Dylan herself that’s not deep slate Copper okay oh this has got to have eals this freaking Giant mountain has got to have emeralds if it doesn’t then freak as for me on the other hand yes Corb how are you doing today wait if you’re wearing any type of boots you won’t sink into the powdered snow right only leather

Boots what I think I don’t know if that’s tested or not emeralds yes sorry was really passionate of me Emerald silk touch pickaxe yeah I I’ve got one yes now I just need to find deep slay emeralds yes oh there’s two of them oh I can Flex even harder there’s three there’s freaking

Three there’s four no way four oh there’s more sorry sorry gamer I’m going a little crazy I’m going to beat Tyler get rid of some of this crap in my inventory I’m going to I’m going to mine freaking five of them just to flex okay so

Now now we just need to dig down and find deep slate uh copper and deep slate emeralds which deep slate emeralds are really hard to come by so go get a high mountain biomes right yeah yeah I’m in I’m in one of those now so I’m going to just start going down and

Hopefully I’ll run into something staircase down so I have as much surface area to uncover and I need copper deep slate deep slate copper should be pretty easy to find yeah oh Corb uh my life is usual unusual but normal if mine recovering from boredom and a little

Hungry very pretty standard Corb not too bad oh since you’re a mage what if you called your followers like frogs frogs frogs what I mean it’s not entirely demeaning but also people could appreciate it my frogs why why frogs though cuz Mages like turn people into

Frogs I thought which just did that I mean yeah you’re classified as both I am no witch I am a mage the frogs come to you to seek a cure I am the Cure you know that reference maybe so you are going to call us rocks

No no no no frog frog I don’t know maybe we’ll think about we’ll think about frogs if you guys have any ideas of what you would like to be referred to um you can suggest it to me in the Discord tadp Tad PES Mage heads that’s like been the default uh Gamers that’s

What I’ve been just kind of saying as a placeholder oh right Tad pul get this there’s a difference yes Gamers is fun to say but that’s just too generic for uh for just anyone anyone can call their people Gamers creeper tell me where the Deep slate emeralds are

And I found a cave so hopefully this takes me somewhere still in Jagged Peaks I’m going to call mine the flock because I’m a bird lady that’s I like that that’s a good one I’m back again welcome back Pokey trippy um I’m about to style on Tyler and win

This challenge how’s there snow in here oh I am at the surface I don’t need all of this out of here what’s wrong with calling viewers rocks it makes them feel like the wrestler The Rock uh I don’t know I feel like that’s wrestler I well I don’t know it feels

Like it doesn’t make sense if I were to if I were to call you guys rocks face reveal uh unfortunately no you’re stuck with me Mages the vtuber maybe somay but probably never yeah I care about the Rocks yeah I what does that even have to do with Mages anyway that’s the other

Thing Crystal I’m not a crystal girly John Cena crystal balls now that’s a fortune teller you’re a mage you can have those things no that’s what the fortune tellers are for and the soothsayers I did a whole tier list on this which that video is coming soon by the way oh oh more

Emeralds okay I’m just going to start going down yeah and her name is joh JK Mages What are you getting for Christmas I don’t I don’t even know I was barely able to tell anybody what I would have liked for crimus oh my gosh guys it’s a spawner hold on I got to get the music ready hold on hold on oh shoot okay Gamers welcome back for

Another rendition of is it cat or 13 wo now before us we have found ourselves in another dungeon so Gamers you know what to do we need to guess if either chest has cat or 13 it’s up to you to decide so go ahead and star voting

Gamers which will it be post your votes in the chat cat or 13 or saddle or horse armor we won’t know until I get guesses from you gamers in the chat place your votes place your votes people what will it be what will it be string Emma goes with 13 again

Corilla vot’s cat all right let’s check chest number one it’s cat woo congratulations Corb you guess correctly again but wait Gamers we have one more chest stay with me now one more chest let’s see let’s see if there’s cat or 13 it is 13 oh my gosh Gamers online both cat and

13 what are the odds of that pretty high actually congratulations Gamers you have out just out done yourself you gamers are on a roll 13 and cat have been found in the chests today can can you believe that yes we can absolutely crazy oh he is yes hello hello it says I’m not

Whitelisted doing that again we just played a round of is it cat or 13 and Cat and 13 were in either chest what yep you didn’t know no you didn’t know what was going to be in there then you correctly guessed I did correctly guess my chat did cat

Correctly guessed oh my gosh cat and 13 were both fair oh my goodness so yeah I made a game show out of it I cannot believe anytime anytime number one no seriously you just missed it oh dang it uh if you go back in my streams you’ll

Be able to find it oh yeah it’s all recorded yeah we just did we just played is a cater 13 I play game show royalty F game show music I have the chat guess I’m like what will it be is it cater 13 or something else oh that’s amazing it

Just happened like a couple minutes ago what ores do you need still mes deep or cobbled deep slate uh copper and deep slate Emerald those are the last two I need deep slate 13 saddle or horse armor and the music playing in the countdown yeah oh that’s beautiful you need Cobble

Deep slate no deep slate copper oh why why specifically that because me and Tyler challenged me to try and get all of the ores in the in their raw form so good luck with the non deep slate Diamond I already found some or what’s the one that can’t generate

Anymore uh what do you mean there’s an ore that or is it like there’s an ore that doesn’t generate anymore um because it’s too low or too high you’re talking about deep slate coal I already found that found more emeralds I have deep slate everything except copper and emeralds I found some copper

Deep slate copper mine it please bless can you not get deep slate Emerald is that it no that’s just the rarest kind you can get it it’s just very very rare Oher emerald and and coal oh they were originally going to remove those but then they didn’t and what

Else uh I just need well now that I have we have deep slate copper I just need deep slay emerald and I’m in a mountain biome right now trying to find some digging you should have seen the first time I entered the chat 30 minutes ago I

Think I should have guessed cat and she opened the chest and it happened to be cat yes that has that has Happened big fart noise but it’s not the same if you don’t find it yeah okay well Dylan found the copper and I will find the emeralds I’m already in a mountain biome looking making Hot Pockets Hot Pockets I have am in another cave I’m I’m in snow a snowy slopes which still

Counts I’m going to beat him that was one long fart noise yeah and we love it oh oh no no I’m in a forest Oh no I got to stay in the snowy slopes or Jagged Peaks also the the Minecart Track works again oh yes uh it just wasn’t going fast enough

So all the stuff it got filled up with made the mine cart go slower oh I see except weight doesn’t have effect on Rails weit has no effect on the rails what are you talking about well maybe maybe um Minecarts with chests go slower than just regular

Minecarts with a person in it I don’t think they do yeah or maybe when they’re just full I’m opening another envelope is amethyst one of the things on your guys’s list no or just the ores or what just the ores or what or know what you’re trying to

Do what am I trying to do that that was it what I am uh getting that out of my chat what was it uh just um what what questionable what uh user with a questionable profile picture oh oh hi corilla this seen the first time I

Reenter the chat I think I cre a guest cat she open the the fls first orb is a soothsayer it’s full this oh never mind what is Tyler doing right now with fish beinging uh playing Connect 4 again oh my gosh it’s the it’s the Connect 4 uh

Showdown Revenge bow down bash Showdown Revenge yeah the Revenge the Revenge of Tyler John gosh I’m sick of being thrown in a deep dark stop I know you are but what am I jo mama wait I don’t want Black Stone I want deep slate what do you need deep slate for um

Pathing the ne pathing pathing I’m paing Bing I’m fing that one time where we saw just Watson fences in the distance and we both just I’m fency fency at the same time me when I fence do we know where a desert is yeah I feel like we do I feel like I

Have cords for it somewhere um the farm okay Farm direction but deep s late diamonds I already have those I just need deep slate emeralds oh my gosh why does it say I’m 69 do you play Roblox I do not play roox you don’t play Roblox no why not

Never have never will I’m sorry oh come on don’t be like that about it I am being like that what are the oh are these boats from the village uh yeah there’s like a a boat or like ice Trail yeah that’s that was from the village ice you found

One yeah all shers are intact oo I also landed in a deep dark but I do not want to be here I want I want to be and the jagged Peaks again oh that’s were you subtly implying that you’re going to make Tyler’s life uh miserable don’t do that to my

Friend even if he does deserve it which he doesn’t but if he did you need to commission me to do that I don’t want to oh my gosh go kill the rats oh rats mhm oh shoot there a rat what do you mean rat go kill the rats Casey’s playing Baler Escape

Oh ball gate bald band gate this is so difficult why is Desert location so I’m so glad I have a lra cuz this would be awful oh I don’t want to be in a deep dark get me out of here let me out let me out planes

No I was just in a so many shers the jagged Peaks what where did that go oh boy I’m going fast oh it’s cuz the render distance is so low who’s render distance the servers which makes sense lag wise what is it at I don’t even know what it’s at I don’t

Know yeah I don’t know how you even access that from Essentials please I don’t want to be here I up I flew up I threw up okay I threw up okay I pull up out the after party you and all our friends love to n sipping on hand a Oh

Shoot what is that what is oh it’s a shipwreck oh I saw a giant mushroom and I thought I found a melium darn dark oak forests how do you upload pictures on here uh you can’t this is YouTube chat you can’t send pictures or links that would be awful

Yeah want to teleport me somewhere on the surface uh thank you I was about to say I’m like I can’t help you with that where are you going this is not where trying to find a desert in the desert in the desert in the desert how what you

Know where you said this is where the direction the desert was in I did so but you said he’s going the wrong way it’s towards the village where the ice path leads to yeah that’s the direction I went oh I see I’m gonna have to get freaking I’m still in the ples don’t want to be in a ples you make your way back yet Dylan uh close oh what why is there a shrier right there oh no the warden just spawned I got to get out of

Here I got to get out of here okay I think I’m far enough away you’re doing swamp Sim stream Sunday no it’s not happening I’m not doing this I didn’t know you made that public yet what I didn’t know you made that public that you were going to do those no it’s not

Happening what yep why not you got to maintain your your world record it it hasn’t been taken from me so if someone every Saturday broke your record you’d be forced every Sunday to go back and get it right hypothetically but don’t even get any ideas you know what you have to do Corb

Corb no I just I was just saying earlier how that’s like the only like major achievement I have the only thing I have going for me please the vtuber with the world record the only one with the Shrek swamp Sim world record he’s thinking about it you have to hone your skills

Corilla that was a big fart I can’t do it cuz I get too scared excuse me too scared hey I don’t judge you it’s not even a scary game yes it is no it’s not what the heck whoa look at this generation look at this it’s like a natural

Staircase oh wow what the heck that’s weird what what the heck herrine it’s herobrine guys oh my gosh it’s herobrine it’s herob brine himself it’s brine flesh brine br okay is somebody at the house I am no I’m teleporting back oh okay that works Dylan why did you say

No if I wasn’t I was in a mangrove swamp excuse me pardon me gracious me oh my gosh wait me coming through where’s the Cobble D copper oh did you want that yes yes of course I want it I need dropping it on the front porch airdropping it air drro

Might be somewhere around that area or not at all if I can’t find it and it despawns I’m going to FP oh is it this tiny little desert yeah that’s not a desert that’s a beach not yeah it’s big beach I feel like I think I have coordinates

Sand do you I think I might have coordinates I’ll have to check Dylan where did you drop it somewhere over there might be on the roof building what do you mean somewhere okay I am pulling up okay I don’t see it on the roof of the train station or

Of your own house oh wa oh it’s on it’s on the train station oh he would do that yeah he would oh I found another Monument okay deep slate oh shoot I got swwa that deep slate emerald ore and then we win we win the game The Challenge okay let’s think here

What is Tyler’s name backwards relet relet that’s right relet Reet I keep thinking retep but that’s that’s Peter backwards do we need a uh a jungle for anything we already know where a jungle is right we have cocoa beans yeah okay I hope hope this isn’t lagging anyone I

Haven’t I haven’t noticed anything yet oh that’s good we’re closing in on 13 copies of 13 oh my gosh there’s already there’s now 14 copies of cat holy I wish there was something to do with the excess copies unfortunately onto Cactus no such a waste I really have 64 name

TS I got a mountain with ice the complete opposite of a desert we have too many carrots no Dylan keeps trying to put the carrots in the compost we oh just sell them to the Villager that’s what I’ve been saying we have an excess of them he

Doesn’t sell them then get more of more Farm villagers yeah fin I’ll smelt copper o Glacier again pretty neat but not what I need noge it habits what it’s Stevie John backwards do you guys believe in the deep dark um I’m a little traumatized by it

So yeah oh you do believe in it wow not an IRL yeah it’s real I went there it’s pretty cool really yeah my dad works at Mojang that’s where he got the idea to put it in Minecraft wow and then we have we had Stevie John from

Earlier uh today of my arrival that’s not what he said what that’s not what he said so we had Nodge at at edits oh my gosh I think you’re glitching oh I found what the heck I found another hill with a cherry blossom Forest on top of

It yeah what the heck and it’s a Pillager Outpost what it’s like the alternate dark version of your little Hill the dark version where pillagers settled it instead of more emeralds I suppose we can just grab them just to flex oh farewell Emma bye Emma bye it was nice seeing you in the

Stream again yeah thank you thank you for watching and participating in is it cat or 13 the new game show game show yep I spelled it like you see the words before you use the mirror to see what the words were supposed to say Yes Stevie John backwards By oh Corb cor it’s too late no come back I’m sorry Corb it’s too late she’s already gone you have to let her go you have to let her go Corb I’m sorry it wasn’t your fault there ain’t no desert even if I get here

From even if I put a nether portal this far out it’s still going to take forever to get there oh there’s got to be a desert oh oh yeah let me check my uh thingy my cords I can tell Corb is hurting for Tyler to come back let me check all of my

Screenshots if I have the desert in here somewhere there it is that desert how did you find one I didn’t find one you just have the coordinates to it yep you did SL locate nope uhhuh no oh I guess I guess I don’t have coordinates for one I thought I did coronates coronates

Oh my gosh I know I know it’s a comparison between you and Tyler but it’s like you’re not complete without him you’re the yin to his Yang the slim to his Shady the slim to his gym slim to his gym gym oh man oh my gosh I need a slim

Gy Tyler would be like bye never come back he would say that you would you know him so well now you know this game reminds me of a different game terrar called Minecraft oh oh not not Terraria what the heck hold on if you’re going to sit by my feet you’re going to

Get freaking kicked girl that desert is right next to the freaking Monument I need what I’m going to Screech Victory Screech uhoh I’m getting gasted I have found another cave I am in frozen peak still I just need to go Downer float creamy what oh creamy roer float cream oh that sounds

Good 24 24 21 21 still in frozen peak snowy slopes I need to stop min iron please somebody stop me help I have a chronic condition of mining stuff I don’t need boy Dylan did you lie to me no -4 -4 are you looking for the monument no for the desert

Oh so Mages what time will you start streaming Terraria Tuesday huh oh no Terraria Tuesday on the Nintendo switch no no the people yearn for it no well I’m sorry I I can’t I do not know Terraria as much as I know Minecraft so I just would be doing whatever the crap

There’s a portal that’s already here oh I was looking at the wrong coordinates there’s a portal already here I see no wonder it was too close I was like no wa it’s right next to the monument and then no it’s cuz I the coordinates I was looking at were for the actual

Monument still in Frozen Peaks just need to go down more who hady sleep my gosh I knew that would freaking happen good thing I have neite armor me when I have netherite armor my face when I have netherite armor oh what uh no wonder no one comes here why at in a lava

Lake the nether portal yeah no wonder no one come here used to play lot of ter almost a decade ago but now I’m playing Arc survival in the man’s sky and the one and only Minecraft yeah the one piece the one piece my my knowledge of Terraria is not

Comparable to my knowledge of Minecraft so there’s like a bunch of engag with that right now there’s a bunch of stuff about Terraria that I am not familiar with like I would be if if I were playing Minecraft that’s the fun of it you figure it out as you go I

Guess what you did with your aquarium what what you figured it out as you went okay that’s like building something that’s not like I am still in Frozen Peaks C cave what Frozen Peach’s cave I’m only at y38 oh my gosh I’ve been digging down forever what Satan’s in my chat no way

Satan it’s an honor can I get an amen Satan isn’t that a little H don’t bring that don’t bring that up to him isn’t isn’t that kind of what about the ores uh the nuggets in the nether or quartz no quartz is not ore yes it is or no yeah

Quartz yes it is no the gold nugget Netherrack no that’s not part of the challenge yes you need it and the quartz it’s not part of the challenge oh so you’re so you’re giving up then huh I no it was never part of the criteria yeah I see you’re giving up

Then yeah it was never part of the criteria it was never part of the criteria it’s not that hard it was never part of the criteria oh my go just get it it was never part of the criteria being an overachiever my knowled about Terraria used comparable to Minecraft but now it’s

Rusty I know I knew Stevie John was working what B just that’s e my my cousin in Hell City what you have a cousin in Hell City no way it’s pretty epic amazing epic nice epic amazing I am now in deep slate why does it say I’m in a deep

Dark oh my I can’t escape it deep donk I go to a like a a a mountainous biome I start digging down and I’m just apparently running into the same freaking deep dark crap oh this one has not seen anybody there’s what’s the what’s the lowest y point now negative what uh –

64 not NE 37 and there’s a deep dark I don’t want a deep dark so okay so I’m in the deep dark and I’m not does that mean I’m not in the Snowy Peaks anymore at the same time I don’t think I mean cuz it changes the surf changes the biome

Name yeah so I guess yeah it overrides that oh my gosh this is I’ve had to do this three times now cuz I keep just running into a deep dark and so it just screws up my plans oh this the freak man oh my gosh why are there shriekers there hello

That was dangerous it was dangerous I didn’t realize you were in the nether I’m sorry I’m trying to escape this place oh escape the nether uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh warden’s here it’s okay I can just fly away from him okay oh you now you’ve done it can somebody teleport

Me please you want you’re not going to like it please whoops I did it backwards you a want to go there’s two like two Weds oh where are we going hey guys um I’m tunneling back home so uh all here well this this uh this is better than

The warden guess this is better than two wardens okay deep dark biomes are normally found under mountainous areas but that totally sense that’s always going to be an issue for you then but then will there still be deep slate Emerald spawning there or no yes we

Found some when we cleared the our deep dark place deep slate Emerald yeah what so we already have it no we mind it as an emerald oh my so according to you the warden has ears but they look like mine yes that’s how it is Mr Warden appears before you yes no unfortunately

W wen’s ears are the skull yep so is yep to I can’t find deep slate Emerald there there’s a portal right over this direction I’m linking it up to the main one oh oh I see you’re telling her oh there’s portal over there yep what portal is that where does that go the

Desert where does that the desert no it doesn’t the other one goes to the desert oh there’s a different portal yeah there’s one up there there’s one then it’s not part of the network okay wait I see where I am now I’m at The Fortress that goes to the

Main oh my gosh look at my chat you guys Warden please no leave me alone no no s I didn’t see you Mages no please please theen it’s the Wen he’s in my chat oh my gosh can’t escape you can find deep site Emerald or

At the deep dark okay oh I see yeah the freaking sniff to make a big L who is this why Wen why are you herec the ra oh my gosh I’m sorry I’m sorry oh my gosh I have so much crap how my coal bro you can find deep

Slate emerald ore in the deep dark I I still see that oh my gosh who is That I feel like I know who that is it’s the warden other than the warden uh that’s corilla it’s not though wow yes it is the warden no in the chat yeah I know I’m I’m in ancient city I accidentally opened my cell phone to see your

Channel I didn’t know you got service down there you get Warden you get service down there there reception dad in the deep dark how the Minecraft deep dark he’s got one very long Ethernet cable going down my gosh wait Warden how Warden Sonic Boom what did we ever figure out where

That other it’s like a brand new channel you guys at Warden deep dark 666 that’s the name of the channel deep dark Wen Warden deep dark 666 Warden I’m sorry I’m just looking for deep slay Emerald that’s all I’m looking for Warden is in my chat I think you can

Actually it’s actually the sniffer not the warden no the warden sniffs you out interesting you think I’m blind accidentally you think I’m BL no no no no no I didn’t I wasn’t implying that Warden like that I didn’t I’m not I I was not implying that Mr

Warden she was stating it outright no no please please don’t incriminate me no I don’t mean to like that Mr Warden I think you look cool if anything I like your profile picture oh yeah I like your profile picture looks very nice hold on the sniffer sniffs too yeah but the warden sniffed

First okay I guess it’s good to know that we can still oh my gosh I have too much crap in here I do experiments with the warden a COR do as if I was testing scps oh my is the warden in SCP or does that not count there

They are they they’re still going at it with the with the uh with the oh my gosh what is it called The Connect 4 in the in the Discord wardens do seem to be anomalous yeah does the warden count as sleeping I’m going to sleep in Minecraft I can’t believe the warden is

In my chat the freaking sniff sniff sniff I don’t see you where are you mes that’s so scary so uh as as we’ve gone over a so a if you’re in a deep dark biome that technically counts as still being in a mountain biome correct yep okay cuz I’m G to go back

You must be a player right uh me uh yeah yeah I play Minecraft rip life fish was defeated a fish being I thought you couldn’t be defeated what are you talking about fortunately if the warden faces against SCP 68 too the warden stands no chance against

Him there’s a lot of scps that would just obliterate the entire Earth that’s why they need to be contained I like scps me too it’s like one of the only the good ones one of the only internet filler ones yeah if I like one of the what do they call those just like

Internet what are they what would you call that like the back rooms scps creepy pastas just online creepy stuff yeah that would technically probably fall into the category of mean but not like the humorous kind in the actual like technical definition of like uh mic things that happen in nature

Oh yes I think out of all the internet things I think SCP is like probably the thing I’m most interested in yeah like I’d rather be like back rooms it’s not really it’s not really scary anymore because of how much it’s been Meed on

Yeah it got yeah but I like scps I think it’s cool to like think of how cool uh back room stuff yeah it’s definitely like not the mainstream stuff and now it’s just kind of been MD on too much yeah but I like scps and like the thought of like a secret Foundation

That’s like housing all these things that that Humanity isn’t aware of or something like that spoopy spoopy spoopy yeah Tyler did The Impossible wait what oh no oh no fish was defeated in Connect 4 lost how oh my gosh Tyler cheated he got to make the first smoo it sounds like

SpongeBob planked and [Applause] cheated SCP 682 also known as the hard to destroy reptile I do know SCP 682 Tyler has one free pass into The Nether or the aquarium SCP 682 would probably beat the warden it would there’s no question that’s because SCP 62 was made with

Express purpose of being unkillable yeah that’s a great sorry I have to say Tyler you cannot enter the aquarium for free but only once I feel like a lot of scps are just like one uping each other like yeah uh this one’s unkillable but like times a

Thousand though it’s like okay but this one would beat it cuz it’s made to kill things that are unkillable yeah I mean yeah it’s just an arms race of of spook and then you have just SCP 049 which is the plague doctor guy that’s that’s 049 right that should be what’s

The one that like if you see an image of it it hunts you down and kills you oh I know which one you’re talking about but I don’t remember the number it’s like if you it’s if you look at his face you even if it’s in like a

Photograph it it like yeah if it’s a even if it’s a photo of it find a way to get to you yeah if it’s a photo or like camera feed of its face or if you look at its face in person it will just find you and kill you yeah it’ll like freak

Out I I like a lot of scps the shy guy yes people call the shy guy numbers the shy guy snail that’s a really good Chef oh yeah there’s the there’s the moth sales man the mo s oh yeah the mo salesman and he s he’s trying to sell like hard hats

But they’re moth sized they’re not people they’re not people sized they’re not people sized no so it’s just a moth sized construction helmet salesman yep what a swell guy sounds like someone who hasn’t read an SCP before but except what I have what he have but he has but she could but she

Could okay Gamers keep an eye out for emeralds deep slate emeralds um this is a PL my mother told me to help me oh oh wait I’m happy to hear that uh Warden I remember finding SCP 0000 that was so much fun yeah yeah 96 is the the

Pl doctor who thinks he can cure whatever it is he can cure but he just kills you uhoh that was a Sher is SCP 1984 I mean the scps have like started going into like the 5000s actually like more than that higher than that then I got DED Away by the

Government to a bunker there classes yeah they’re safe and and ker ker keer ker sure it said yeah I don’t know how to pronounce it I just I think I’ve just resed to ker ples sorry my mom told me to help my father and yes I have a family that’s

That’s nice won I won’t in that case I won’t kill you which I don’t even want to kill the warden even if he is spawned he has spawned already somewhere else okay Gamers let’s look around for emeralds 96 is the shy guy Oh I thought wait 49 is plague doctor

Right a 96 shy guy or there’s the the teddy bear there’s a teddy bear that like will turn you into like a bunch of human ears Amalgamated together or something like that the automated chess machine that has like a brain built into it to oh yeah to play chess oh

Yeah pretty cool is that un liberated n city sure is SCP 49 is the play doctor okay so that is not 96 is Shy Guy win SCP game I do have I do have SCP Containment uh Containment Breach we could play that I actually really love that game Containment Breach oh security

Breach that’s what the S and SCP stands for oh my gosh you could play the SCP Containment Breach aka the game that is like so easy to soft lock yourself oh so you have to just save constantly I hear a warden below me I just don’t see him Warden these never

Mind well I wanted to play SB Containment Breach multiplayer is it multiplayer someone made a mod for it yeah oh that sounds fun SCP Saturday oh my gosh SCP Saturday a Naf Friday oh okay I’m at I’m almost to bedrock so oh my I’m going to flip out

Well it no one says I’m in a PLS biome and I’m in the deep dark oh shoot Saturday contain protect I have found another Warden cover me with that no I just picked up leggings I think I I have spawned multiple bons What’s your deal man

What ah P stands for Patriots I knew it Saturday contain protect secret laboratory also looks really interesting but I haven’t played yet there’s also SCP what is it 5K where you go around and you kill scps and it looks like it’s looks like really good graphics there is an airport oh

My no way there is an airport not around here Boeing 7747 um I don’t I don’t know where that’s the closest airport is I’m sorry o That’s first death ever cuz I had yeah I believe so unless Tyler killed me oh no he did kill me that’s right so I probably died

Multiple more times then Warden go bye-bye I where where are the emeralds I’m finding diamonds but no emeralds yeah Boeing I think he took a wrong turn um my favorite scps are the non hostile ones yeah those ones are pretty great oh shoot if you go back though and then take a

Left there should be um I think it’s an International Airport over there and then you should be able to get wherever you need to go from there hello well well well well well well look what the fish what fish being dragged in actually I

Beat up that fish I dragg in in the fish being oh that’s right you you won I did I cheated because I got to go first oh that’s how you win bad show Jolly bad show well he got to go first last time so you know oh anyway yeah I’m I’m uh

I’m I’m joining I just I just wanted to uh you know collect some emeralds you know some jeralds I know I am emeralds right now still looking for them mhm yes I am how’s it feel now you’re going to lose to someone who doesn’t even have an

Elytra oh was it a competition is that what’s happening well he turned it into a competition it originally wasn’t not really fair cuz Dylan’s helping you isn’t she no no oh yeah it’s not fair because uh I’m going to win anyway even if she was oh I’m sorry he’s got a lot of

Confidence even do okay I tried to join twice and like it said you are not Whit list on the server both times it’s it’s letting me in now me I was I was really hoping that Maes to be really Petty likeed me and is like oh looks like you

Can’t get it guys two copies of cat in this stupid chest in the deep dark and you didn’t even play the game first I’m sorry I’m in a deep dark I I have spawned like three wardens that’s about to be like four you have to really quickly ask like what’s hey Gamers it’s

Maj oh what’s in the chest uh before I die yes yes now call me SC 787 runs away no there two copies of cat oh gosh I almost just fell into a pit why didn’t you I don’t want to die and I picked up a bunch of enchanted books and

A music disc fragments that I am missing so that’s cool I guess put away all this garbage I have in my inventory I was about to say I hate that there’s you what there’s there’s not enough room in the hot bar to have all the tools that you could have or there

Is huh I is there not not tools I I mean cuz I have a sword a pickaxe a shovel an axe a ho my elytra my uh bow my fireworks and food but I realized I absolutely do not need a hoe in my hot bar at all times fish being says jerck

We missed you I don’t know how to tell you this man but i’ I’ve been here no I think I I’m going to make the executive call I think I come back and that’s his first words to you yeah oh my go you’ve been back for like

20 minutes I come back for like one minute they’re like jerck we missed you you’re here where were you man we missed you I know I know I missed I missed you I missed me too he does not think of you okay off stream he says constantly no

You all of you viewers Jerick doesn’t cat do I talk about them all the time all good things I say hey uh how is that game with Fish game Fish being Fish game you can’t even remember his name I remember his what a disgrace to all of oh I can’t make M

Mistakes when I speak is that it yes that is it good job you figured it out I found another I found another cat dis and I out here making accounts what the heck is happening actual Notch who knows it hasn’t been updated yet Notch you’re not updating the game

Anymore you don’t have say here Soul not you’re like not even part of Minecraft anymore by the way also Jerick I was going to say so you know how you uh inventory hot bar yeah oh yes garbage the bundles what about it go on explain before you got off you dumped all your

Garbage yeah and yeah I didn’t even pick any of it up yeah well I left a mess on your floor and that’s good enough for me wow left an oopsie on your floor I took a dump on your floor and had you clean it up and then left actually I didn’t clean up

Dyan did you had your maid clean it up sorry your maid not my maid I didn’t tell her to clean it up that’s the sign of a good mate shut up only response shut up st stop myop I said stop stop it stop anyway Jared you violated the

Law I was as I was going to say hot bar issues yeah I sort of I’ve probably mentioned this in the past I like to treat sort of like Legend of Zelda where you have I just keep the first three slots full of stuff and then I just of

Like switch it out like the house ending I am did you find it no not yet I’m going somewhere else I keep running I keep running into deep dark biomes why I didn’t even hate you man I’m just kidding man hey I’m just kidding I’m

Just kidding man jerck hit me that was a playful punch that was a playful punch sorry mine but you killed me for those because yours aren’t playful punches you hit me and then stop looking through my chest bro I’m depositing free Bone no I already have so much and now you can

Have so much more no free Bone free Bone with every purchase of what no no don’t take Lantern oh I got abducted by my own pipe abducted oh my gosh why haven’t I done this yet you know the you know the Herobrine’s in the chat now the water oh my gosh you

That takes you to the surface from the mine okay heran not take it elsewhere no here you are I’m fighting you here I’ll slap first no first the warden was the warden was here a Boeing 747 was here Notch is here and now Herobrine what’s happening in the chat it’s when when one

Of you is Victorious and the other one dies you can the V the winter can come back all right oh my gosh we have so many cops piece of cat what is this 2 4 6 8 10 12 11 12 13 14 15 15 copies of cat I’m over this I’m so

Over this she’s so done guys I’m so done with this stupid disc it’s j it’s jover oh but you know the water pipe that takes you to the surface no yes or like the one in the end that takes you up I want to put like a a green Mario pipe

At the top of that and do it maybe I will I think cor brings up a good point and next an SCP arrives probably there’s a story for you once upon a time in a mystical realm where magic and enchantment filled the air there lived a peculiar yet Charming

Witch named jerck Jerick was known for his quirky spells and mischievous Antics but despite his pecularities he was adored by all who knew him in the same Enchanted Land There was a group of stinky witches who brewed potions with ingredients that made their concoctions particularly fragrant these stinky witches though

Initially misunderstood were had a unique charm of their own Waldos in the chat now I found Waldo that’s a beautiful found that was I like that stinky concoction charm yeah the stinky WI is I’m sure that doesn’t account for anyone in this call you know thinky witches

Ship would J what what what’s going on no that’s okay fish being who are these steep wishes where can I find them I don’t know where can I find isn’t that the name of that Harry Potter movie stinky witches and where to find them what stinky witches and where to find

Them I would watch you know that you know this is going to sound dumb but I forgot Harry Potter was in fact about witches oh a Wizards mostly Wizards Wizards and witches they call them witches no they call them Wizards women witches do they I don’t ever remember hearing them refer to them

As that it is witches still do exist in the Harry Potter Universe no if they aren’t just you know the female Wizards so they are just female Wizards I just thought of that movie name and then I was like oh wait that’s also magic Harry hey palestin here with a

Message I we’re not going to get into that once upon time there was a Tyler that caused too much trouble by blowing up villes in Minecraft the end that does sound like Tyler no it does not okay there was one time where I did that did suddenly you’re a village blow

Her up you blew up a building I I didn’t even blow it up I was just getting ready and then someone blew it up for me and ruined it do not hold up in court sir I kind of does I didn’t do it just laid the bombs that inevitably blew it up oh

My I mean like you know you make a self-destruct sequence on a ship it’s not your fault if someone else presses the button it’s different know what Happ ask for a self-destruct sequence under that town yeah well the villagers don’t ask for anything city except saying Village but it was absolutely like a

City listen the people in it were already dead in Minecraft cuz you killed them no cuz they’re they don’t sustain their lives well that never happened yes they didn’t just die on chance you know zombies live in Minecraft right oh there’s another there’s another story from fish be one faithful day

During the annual grand spellcasters ball Jerick and the and the stitchy witchy witches Pillager snitchy witchy I’m guessing you’re trying to say uh found themselves drawn to each other oh what where’s this story going is this jerck snitchy witchy fanfiction wait did he mean to say stinky witches or did he mean stitchy

Witchy snitch winit snitchy witchy I thought he was trying to bully me in my potion making uhoh oh I no it’s F oh yeah so oh yeah wait can deep slay Emerald spawn in a savannah Plateau who who is this guy who who’s this guy coming in with their

75 alternate accounts I don’t know uh did the server crash yeah can you not get back in I’m back in no oh now I’m back in I see Mages is trying to crash it to get me to leave I’m flying around trying to find a mountainous

Biome trying to crash my game does the biome have to say like mountain in it I mean it can spawn like anywhere really no it itri speciically Mountain primarily primarily but I think extremely lucky it is worth it but it can be anywhere yeah it is possible yeah but it’s it’s better

Chances in a mountain biome as the night unfolded with magical performances and dazzling displays of sorcery jar couldn’t help but be intrigued by the Intriguing Aroma that surrounded the snitchy witchy snitchy witches snitchy witches snitchy witchy Once Upon a Time eight years ago

I I used to build a house out of TNT and what and spawn zombies and accidentally lit it up they blew up the end please I promise it’s not as embarrassing as that I was walking a creeper fell on me blew me up and knocked me back like one block

Onto AAG might I didn’t just fall on one and die oh my go that discredits the explosion that happened before I di that’s funnier if there’s an explosion yeah but I love how it doesn’t imply that at all it’s just fell on a slag M it’s like I mean I was pushed you

Literally exploded that sucks I literally was like I’ll just fall on this dag Mite I just hear an explosion and then I land on this slma and die there’s some chests you didn’t get and are liberated a deep dark bi it’s probably is it full of good

Stuff or is it just garbage I miss I found cat and 13 oh probably a reason I left it there I don’t know maybe of course you did why would you some bottles of enchanting and some more potion of regeneration yeah no one cares about those snowy planes and a ho with

Efficiency five and Fortune three and she probably has enough H as it is just got a lot of ho you know I’m her maid you’re not as we know Dylan is the maid what’s going on with wi Oh I thought about me that time I just suicided just so people are aware in

Minecraft fireflies Minecraft what you one particular one particularly the bolt snitchy witchy decided to approach jerck with a mischievous glint in her eye she cast a spell that created a Cascade of sparkling fireflies fireflies Minecraft fireflies minec specifying it was by the way Illuminating the night Jared captivated by the spectacle

Couldn’t help but SM if anytime they if anytime they comment something could you confirm how accurate this is to the real you yeah yeah How likely are you to do this this sounds very accurate so far Once Upon Time seven years ago I used to ruin a

Wood mansion covered the roof with lava and then spawned dinner bone creatures that run around the ruin Mansion the end wow that was oh I forgot one particularly day how long does this story going one particularly day oh Benjamin has an interesting comment I can’t read that I’m

Sorry what do you mean you can’t you can’t read it can you uh I don’t can he’s just choosing not to share Jer you can read oh you missed the silence armor Trim in this oh of course I did yeah all right that one to be fair there are

A lot of chests in the end cities a frost Walker 2 book in a pair of diamond leggings with mending Unbreaking free and curse of Vanishing well curse of Vanishing and the thing is armor stuff it’s going to be annoying to carry because you know it doesn’t it takes an entire

Slot Once Upon Time Tyler the end Perfect story he that’s not accurate at all I would never exist now I’m in a frozen ocean where are the mountain biomes people and I don’t mean tall Hills it’s I mean it’s saying mountain in the biome no not no your favorite video game

Sonic the Hedgehog not true she does play she does play it all the time have you guys seen her Sonic stream only for the members the members only Sonic stream can’t even membership and you can watch the Sonic the Hedgehog stream every every Sunday do wind swept Hills count uh no count

No what about Windswept gra Hills yes that is a real biome how are your biomes coming along in your achievement Sonic Sunday stream yeah no thanks Sonic Sunday what your favorite Sonic game Maj is she seems like a Sonic Adventure 2 she seems like a Sonic Generations fan

She likes all the fan service in it wind swept Hills do count cuz I see emeralds on the side of she likes Sonic Generations because uh it’s all the Sonic games you know no I don’t like any Sonic games normally my immediate answer to that answer to that question would be

Yes I want to I want to investigate these snitchy witches especially if they’re being so alluring and and uh go on intriguing but um I have to keep my wits about me because they could be trying to trap me you know you’re never too safe witchy I want to trust snitchy

Witchy but I have to keep I have to keep a guarded I have to be kind of cautious you know are you racist to illers oh my gosh oh so I do join this is a beautiful I love Adventure what’s your favorite type of Adventure uh plumbers with mustaches slow this

Slow fall potion was fun and blue hedgehogs this is my ship okay okay okay good iite this well you see we’re just giving you critiques I’m it for you I’m just I’m just that was story being thank you I have no okay this is happening to me I see I

Understand now my apologies it’s not about see when the when the jerck stands come come on they’re going to be like reading this and they’re going to be like if we get anything wrong they’re going to be like that’s not my Jer he wouldn’t do that that’s true I’m just

Fact th far you’ve done a very accurate job very accurate it’s not perfect I’m sorry fish being I apologize I take it all back I think your opinion matters when it comes to how you would act in something you’re starting to sound like Tyler hey what is this supposed to mean

You’ve been spending too long with him playing Connect 4 how the turns have tabled he did get a full like few minutes of unhinged Tyler thank you just directly at him no no filter this is be beond you oh there’s blazes here this is beyond you apology accept this is

Happening yeah Jerick he he accepts your apology you owed him one new idea I forgot my idea I mean giving Mich Myers Monday okay uh you watch which one the actor which one which one every what are there multiple Mike Myers actors yeah there’s the one who people and then there’s the

One who Shrek the one that kills people is an actor as well yeah yeah just you knowers put and confusing this is no it’s easy there’s two okay so what is what is the Shrek Mike Myers is he just Shrek Mike Myers that’s a Mike Myers he’s the actor one

Yeah he’s the actor but Michael Myers is also the actor he just kills people on the set and then they get millions okay no but Mich Myers is the character being played by an actor he’s not an actor himself please please don’t tell me I lost all my stuff again I’ll be

Disappointed unhinged fish being wow he saw the real you and he lost that Connect Four you don’t got to rub it in man I mean he’s beat you before so that’s true yeah well that’s cuz you got to go first how could you do this I think you

Might be losing your stuff Tyler yeah I think I’ve lost my stuff cuz Minecraft’s a bad game made by bad people you know why do you play it cuz I the Mage is Monday oh what I I’m racist to cars I only like F1 cars over Nas NASCAR Oh My Gosh n

SS okay there’s only one race the human race what about NASCAR oh no SCP 173 is in my chat now I knew it they’re always they’re always coming in with this stuff no please SCP 173 you have to stare at him oh look at him can’t look away just

Like now I’m pretty sure SCP 173 came first no impossible we complete each other oh my are you trying to just he’s trying to exist in this world that’s crumbling around him oh good cor’s watching it have fun Corb don’t blink just don’t blink welcome back for you like in an hour or

Something SCP 7173 just like the Weeping Angels Doctor Who I made a doctor who reference oh my gosh who Doone even relevant anymore yeah there’s like course it is uh you know yeah of course they just got a new doctor oh it’s still going they oh no they

Didn’t is Dylan doing a classic lying bit again no I think she’s right what that do who exists it changed from a woman back Dave tenant and then that’s what I was saying I thought it was David again right old how do they explain that in the

Lore they just got really lucky it’s like oh this kind of looks like uh when I was me again exactly like that that’s that’s really their explanation yeah they’re like what the freak is going on they’re like just looks like him you know doesn’t matter we didn’t want to

Just they could just make it like one Happ earlier in the series corilla blinked he’s dead no oh you darn fool Corb no we didn’t need Corb you know it’s fine oh my the the the development between Jerick and snitchy witchy keeps growing how does it feel knowing that

Your the Mages Universe now is fanfiction about a small part of it um this is I was going to say this is Cannon but I want to see where it’s going first you’re like you know this it’s not up to me it’s not this is beyond me

You’re like this is full Canon and then they’re just like and then Jerick burned down a whole village it’s like never mind it’s not canon especially oh that’s Tyler and with explosives not fire how dare you you burned out vage until you atone you blow up one

Village and no one’s going to let it go one measly entire Village gets blown up and it’s my fault cuz I did it huh wow a new a new era of magical Unity that’s very wow touching what are you talking about wind swep Hills I just need

Emeralds dang it Gamers help me out look out for deep deep SL Emerald actually I do I do know a good way to get some Forest uh so you’re going I’m want to type in slash give hourly Griffin oh my gosh I’m not mcraft parentheses deep slate not even I’m

Doing now it isn’t Beyond me now the these are things that happened this does sound correct though that that is that did happen you’re just saying that because you wouldn’t correct the you’re not going to correct the things that weren’t correct well there’s a few things Oh no you’re not going to say

Anything I don’t know if I’ve ever actually seen deep slate emeralds ever even not trying to do this time that’s a good chance you have it’s just you know you wouldn’t have really cared to think about it oh you did it jerck you got to how

Feel mind if I do what’ you do oh you got the head I assume I’m just traveling through the Nether and this guy approached me and I murdered him dropped his head so are you sure you want to just be saying this he approached you yes you were on his

Turf so that’s I was traveling why would you teleport to me cuz you’re always at home cuz you can’t fly this well have fun in this cave possibly worse yeah I know where I am oh my gosh it’s not cuz I can’t fly it’s cuz why

Would I leave unless I need to find something you can fly yeah I have S fall potions he can talk so like a Shrek that’s right who I’m a flying talking donkey Jerick you can’t just quote all strike we’re going to get copyright strike and somehow the swamp Sim donkey

Fly no that’s different you know it’s not retell St except there’s voice lines from the actual movie in it it’s a sample you know they corrupt my my vision vision of Shrek Bo the Shrek swamps and it’s too scary for me it’s not you’re just a scary

Scared baby I hate to break it to you I’m just a scaredy cat we know when swep Savannah does that still count well AB is losing it there’s a bunch of freaking diamonds everywhere just a list oh how horrible I don’t know oh my goodness I’m doing terribly I

Losing it okay we’re married and have children now yeah catch up I don’t remember when that happened were you a bad father snitchy witchy I just didn’t realize we jumped so far ahead would you like to go into detail about how uh the children came to

Be fish be I like oh no we don’t need to know that he’s described snitchy witchy it started with stinky but now it’s Unique fragrance unique fra fragrance oh a really a lot of character development in this she turned over well she was just misunderstood yeah I

Them and only through my charm does she get accepted by the magical Community what charm the charm that fish being has attributed to me oh wait did you not have charm before I did oh what would you like to go into it oops I didn’t want to uh what do you

Mean no silk touch that I asked you you have to Epic plot Arc yeah I’m I’m loving the um the feel knowing that you that now you are married and have children it’s all I’ve ever wanted I feel like I’ve been fulfilled was it uh everything you thought it’d be it

Is and more I’m going to lose okay so it wasn’t then I said satisfied all of my I said today I was like I don’t want to spend all my time in the mines and guess where I’m gu what I’m doing your Maj like a

Minor well after the 4 Hour Mark I was like I won’t spend the entire time in the mines cuz that’s not very entertaining for everyone silly little goob megas you’re always going to end up returning to the m i will consult the list yet again do

Anyone mind if I turn this into like a skull Farm no please do it so we can get more Bas without dying so we can get more uh beacons he needs validation in her mining I’m trying to look for the stupid emeralds that’s what I’m doing oh whoa

Oh look oh guys guys it’s time no it’s time did you did you am I no am I fool no all right Gamers get ready to play another round of is it cat or is it 13 woo got scared all right everybody in the chat C place your votes now is it

Cat or is it 13 keep keep guessing keep guessing start counting the countdown begins stev guys is 13 and so does fish being Dylan what about you um I’ll guess cat cat corilla also guess cat jerck what do you think it is is it cat or is it

133 another 13 okay Gamers let’s get ready cuz we’re about to reveal the results in three two one oh first chest has a golden apple and Diamond horse armor a regular and a regular uh let’s take there’s still one more chest let’s take a look Gamers

Oh I am sorry Gamers it only had bones string and iron horse armor no no no no this isn’t possible I’m sorry Gamers neither chest had cat or 13 I’m sorry to break the news to you guys it’s the name of the game this is well neither of them

Had it we played the game so and the and we didn’t win so oh dang it well good luck next time guys dang that sucks how do we possibly loose the ratings up after this jerrick’s already here it can’t get any better than this sad life what the heck I really

Just I really just mind freaking silverfish deep slate oh wow what did you find what did you find what I’m just in here I’m just in the stupid Minds do they just spawn randomly yep really yep they can’t can and they will J has children now for the ratings oh yeah

Let’s bring them on oh Jerick bring on your children exploit them for views I don’t know if child labor laws will allow for that don’t worry they’re babies they’re not children look at the St same thing we already have YouTubers who exploit their children for

Views I don’t want to name any names but uh I will hold on one second Mages has public beef with a child YouTuber what who said that okay but she doesn’t have beef with them she just they just I’m just kidding I’m just funny if you just like started a

Like you call that just I would get I really now think about I almost thought M just was gon to say who’s who told you where’d you get how did you know justar you’re not supposed to know I’ve been keeping this secret for a long time she completely out like each

Other’s throats for years I am going to lose it I mean I assum he was just talking about hi the three 200 IQ uh yes too easy man look fans you gotta look deeper you got to find out does megas do things find out next time get back to me

Fishing you can do this I think my stuff is gone wow I’m glad I’m glad that you Incorporated the fact that we were encouraging parents that we were encouraging them to use their music magic and I think that’s inaccurate I think you should be who they were born

To be I think a take where Jeri’s like a little more abusive child like mentally whoa what no jerck would Gaslight his children I would not that’s where I draw the line are you sure are you sure absolutely are you positive there may be some things I Gaslight my children about mhm go

On like wearing a horse mask for the first few years of their life what I know what he’s talking about have you not heard of this m just I guess not okay so here’s the idea uh jerck uh as a parent you wear a horse mask for like the first several years of

Your child’s life why would you do that you know I was getting to that so then the child just sees you as like you know their parent as like a Horan that’s all they know they believe you to be and then you pull the switcheroo and like when they’re like

Maybe like 5 years old you remove the mask and they realize their whole life has been a lie know who you person whole time why would you do that to a child you see what happens that’s it just to see what happens see how they react a child’s

Life so it’s never been happened it’s never happened well maybe it has it probably has but they probably don’t about it I could actually probably legitimately mess up a child if you did that that’s that’s the fun part of it um I keep getting lost that’s why I keep teleporting she keeps cheating

Everywhere hey I found a chest and a mine uh there was name tag in iron and and like nothing else that was very interesting no no cat or 13 no I didn’t want to summon you just to open the very boring chest no stop that J but free name tag

Guys I found one no you did not in the nether wow in the nether found what jerck in the nether in the nether in the desert the gas lifs were three shoot the creeper oh my gosh the creeper dropped cat I Hate Everything I hate everything this is rigged it’s

Rigged oh my you know what else is I’m die all right time to restart time to make new tools hello CR you just woke up have I been streaming for about long yeah you do do you not realize these things these these I guess I guess

CR could have gotten a full eight hours of sleep at this point what the heck what am I doing with my life we are here earlier yes yes oh wow I what am I doing with my life I’m trying to find goodness I’m trying to find freaking deep slay elor and it’s

Nowhere to be freaking found that at what are you doing here I am going to lose it um I was trying to find my sh box which was on like a mountain peak and I keep going to the mountain peaks I thought I went to and it’s not there

For the first person to find the the Deep slay Emerald or um I don’t know if I have the patience for this hello hello stop M teleporting why okay I said I wasn’t going to be in the mines all day because that would just be boring for the stream but now I’m

Back all a ra no the last couple streams I didn’t no I didn’t cuz I was working on the aquarium and we did the the ocean monument and the that was sort of an afterthought ocean Monument no I I was just mining cuz I was waiting for everybody to get ready

Yeah the Corb statue oh yeah whenever we the corpse statue corilla if you’re in the chat oh you are um corilla can you send a picture of your Minecraft skin like a 360 so we can build it in Minecraft I me you can also just send the skin itself

And find it on the skin deck and send it to us the skin deck jerrick’s favorite website in the anymore jick’s cousin did make the skin deck I don’t know that we need to dox me that way it’s true true he told me once and he would never lie to me I

Would never lie to you yeah I know you would hello how are you doing no fish be no what happened Jerick wore a horse mask for the first years of their life later the children didn’t believe that Jerick was their real dad and left him to work with the horse yes

The horse the horse they just stumble across the horse like oh it’s Dad finally like no come back it’s me and you take off your mask foolishly they’re like creepy weird guy just leave no oh my God everything’s going wrong now this is ACC this is more accurate to jerrick’s

Life oh I was wondering when the silly fun times would end I had such a good life and in less than three messages I’ve lost my children my wife and the entire world I was living on Honestly though that’s kind of how life works sometimes it can just all go away Finn

The end there’s see and now end tragedy that was the end of it everything up to present well you see there’s a caught up on my backstory the reason it’s my wife left me and the kids that was the end of jerck that was the last thing he ever

Did what does that mean that witchy is here then uh this is Minecraft the world that I was transported out of you know what fanfiction means and now we have my wife trapped in a Cell oh you know what would make this you know what would make

Interesting it’s like this that is where your story ended at the latest point in time because you went back in time we’re going back to the past that’s where we are when snitchy witchy is still here with we’re in the past you haven’t had children with snitchy witchy oh I see

Speaking of witches I just ran into one freaking P you’re going to die before you reach the imagine you actually com like real like like yeah I just ran into a witch earlier today because you’re a Mage and that would be something that happens to you yeah that’s what she was

Saying those those darn witches they’re not as not paying attention they’re they’re my they’re the mage’s arch enemy so you’re saying if I summoned you to commit a murder you would do it on a no that doesn’t imply anything at all oh my gosh don’t give me that look

Casey which which is which I don’t want to be down here but I need this stupid deep slay Emerald needs I I have been mining for 7 hours oh I don’t want to do this let’s do a raid hey hey megas I have I have a

Quick question what may I may I borrow diamond armor or enough diamonds to make diamond armor absolutely thank you why are you saying Absolut it’s not your diamonds no I’ll reimburse you though do you have a shortage of diamonds no that’s why I fig there such a common commodity

Now I’m going to lose probably take the diamond armor that’s yeah I know I was going to ask that next do you care about the diamond armor that’s just on display in the front of your house no I I did it guys I got the achievement this might be like the

Actual first time I’ve been putting on Armor BS you were brought back with the power of Minecraft to fix your love life with snitchy that’s what this whole thing is that’s what the story is that’s why we’re here not any of you it’s not the PS are trying to send Corb oh good

Now we can actually have a reference for the Statue of Corb the statue of Corb corix the bust of cor sounds like a book title the bust har Potter the bust of Corb yeah of course you don’t you know about the bust of Corb I know yeah they

Just didn’t make a they haven’t made a movie of that one yet yeah that’s it’s only in the books they’re still working on the movies I know no I guess they are they actually have been they have been making new Harry Potter movies but they’re not like eight or nine or

Whatever yeah it’s not like the the main story of Harry Potter I I mean yeah I guess they have been making Harry Potters was which one was mad’s Mich books I don’t know do you think I know actors that more Harry Potter books but everyone has boycotted JK Rowling yeah

Well they’ll do that to anyone nowadays although some people may deserve it more than others yeah grindlewald when do we when do we cancel jerck for saying uh Harry Potter oh yeah you’re you’re clearly supporting JK is it’s strad oh we already have like three copies no it doesn’t matter if

You’re sorry jerck you’re going to be take it back no no no no don’t worry sorry j it’s not how it works you’re just uh you’re cancelled how does you just sound like an idiot I mean I didn’t want to say that want to you wanted to listen I have to

Save a little bit of face before I just say I did that’s fair how am I finding all these diamonds and no emeralds how Emerald are rarer than diamonds you’d probably be well actually explosions aren’t that aren’t as good and it doesn’t drop never mind

Yeah BL everything up it could work no I was comparing it make a tunnel Bor uh oh neite also spawns in usually one block Chun but they can be bigger I could find netherite faster than this that’s how sad this is do you have a silk touch pickaxe shk I was just

Curious not on me no you could get you could get the uh well you know what there’s a I’m pretty sure thereon and set it up and then just dig out a whole area I don’t know if for Mages I thought you were talking about me there’s I’m pretty sure a villager

That sells silk touch there is I guess I’ll just you know I’m just going to go to the um to the farm the Enderman Farm also do we have a I assume we have a uh enchantment table set up there as well right no

Where oh oh we don’t at theend no oh why not why would there be an enchantment table there so you can get enchantments whatever re enchant you really want is with just go buy it from the villagers you just use it for the XP yes yeah to

Repair to men things men tools it yeah that’s it that’s what it’s for do we have okay secondary question I guess do we have every enchantment at the uh not every enchantment but all the ones we really want like that’s what I I like just having both options so if like

We have most them but we do this one take some stuff to go set up an enchantment table no I I didn’t say that okay well I’m tasking you with do I mean clearly no one care well now it’s your job you make a good point though what no I don’t I’ve

Never made a good point ever just agree with me on one thing why why would I let me win one why would I ever do that for you I’ll do stuff for you oh my gosh Come on Jerick you know this do it for her who for who NY witchy

Oh my gosh hey dude I thought we had a sword set up here as well no a sword we have what what planet are you living on so that you caning sharpness so they don’t have to freaking bring one each time ah just being user be like I’m an axe

User okay I use ax body spr whose fault is that he does he smells very nice listen it’s no one’s fault for the people at home Tyler smells very nice because of his Axe Body Spray I lied I don’t use Axe Body Spray because Axe Body Spray is not very good

Smelling male musk isn’t the smartest smell wait I do use a what did you just say what you male musk smell isn’t very pleasant you are correct thank you I was like where are you going with this what are you about to say I thought I heard like incorrectly feel feel like

Musk smell is I have I have a that’s what deodorant male deodorant sort of smells like you know I have a clip of Daphne just absolutely rapping on a dude for mentioning something like that and it’s hilarious oh my God uh no what do you mean like like

Like M or like hold up no natural smell oh of course not like like a old sper I’m sure someone out there likes it but they’re I mean that’s why they make you know it’s it’s to learn the ladies or whatever I thought I agree just like

That’s what I think it’s about I’m pretty sure anyway um so I I was going to tell you my deodorant brand but um I think I might call more attention to the name I it’s called Schmitz I’m not is it really are you a Schmid head for real

You are a Schmid head like I’ve literally just used this for years just cuz it’s like very strong but it smells nice I’d say so it’s very good at masking odors it’s called schmits that’s not head for real oh my God I kind of am

A schmi head yes schmi head for real a schmi head way longer than any of us Real the true schmi head before you are predating uh actual I smell like a schmi head yeah that’s that’s accurate to say I’m about ready to flip a table congrats I mean that’s pretty

Impressive thex is the ship name of snitchy witchy and jerck Al I’ve been reading chat people my phone sounds sounds like a a dinosaur it does s in the chat I haven’t been reading it it does sound like a AIC it’s near it’s the it’s the regular

Like store brand newex how does it feel not having sponsors Mez um she’s sponsored by schmidtz no break break earbuds kidding gosh I would love Legends I’d love if you real you’re like well speaking of sponsor it’s like no sponsor no you just like get sped in

The middle of like a stream I’m like 90% sure I just got a withered skeleton skull and then a gas blew it up respecting the remnants wow like FNAF remant Everything leads back to FNAF yeah of course everything reminds me of of FNAF can deep slay emerald ore spawn in Lush caves you asking Siri no I love Siri using the Cadence of someone like Siri can you find this in lch games more like more like oh no not you Siri stop

Talking this is the end farm Enderman Farm I know and love when you first start committing the murder it’s very quiet of hits no and then just people start dying no she said here’s what I found on the web for oh no Siri stop talking not

You what did what did she say tell her to go on I want to hear the oh no what Siri here’s what I found on the web it’s just like plays audio it’s like Siri stop recording this please this very important and then just like cuts

Off oh my gosh I asked Siri a yes or no question the other day and she responded with uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh like it wasn’t even like an obvious question it was just it was something that was like someone should ask she was just uhhuh uh uh-huh question when are they nerfing Enderman

Farms because freak you uh next update actually no please they’re already nerfing villagers please yeah I know but like what’s the point in doing that if they’re just going to keep the other they knew when they added Ender mites like I feel like they knew people would

Like abuse that I mean did they I mean like it just fits aesthetically I don’t think they cared when they did that right cuz how old is the um how old is the the end just in general uh it’s pretty old cuz like I assume it’s just like you

Know they’re like oh here’s an idea for Dimension it’s filled with Enderman and you know added Alpha 0.17 yeah like that’s way before like they were thinking of like people are like we’re going to exploit this yeah but then they added mites a long time later and I feel like when they added

Ender mites they knew what would happen I don’t what’s the point they serve no purpose other than to aggravate Enderman and to Nerf obviously it’s to Nerf ender pearl users come on they were the meta they needed to taking a peg down it was so annoying playing every

Server and everyone was just using ender pearls to travel you know you seen those machines thing that definitely happens that I’m not making up a um it’s like a redstone Contraption where an ender pearl is launched and then floated with water oh yeah yeah what about it that’s amazing

To me yeah it’s what are they called what it’s clearly an obvious thing they had to know when they were they’re called like a specific thing that’s not at all the same Ty oh it’s a it’s a stasis chamber time stasis chamber that’s such a cool name too okay but how

Do how does it get activated again is it just like for multiple people or like do they usually do the timers so you can set up you can technically set up a timer and so that when the trap door closes on it I seems like it be

It’s as getting it thrown at something I would just think it would be very inconvenient you’re like doing something you’re like oh yes I did I did the thing and then just teleports you and you’re like well that was waste that would be it would be kind of cool if dispensers

It would not work with multiplayer at all which probably why no it would it works would no I mean like if they had dispensers if a dispenser shot an ender pearl it would teleport you sure I guess but why an a I mean what if like what if a

Zombie presses the pressure plate and it shoots don’t hook it up to a pressure plate what you do you hook it up with like red and like you can actually set like a timer like an like you can actually set it up so like if I want this to go off

In x amount of hours you can actually do that you can’t do that it’s just hours yeah I don’t know what what would what do most people use it for is the question um I just watched a video not too long ago of a guy who used

It he was wanting to travel to the farlands if you know what that is to Minecraft of course except they they had removed the farlands so but he hadn’t checked beforehand so he set up a staus chamber to go off it takes I like I’m not even kidding like 40 hours in real

Time to fly 30 million blocks in Minecraft oh my go is that is that the fastest way to transport well yeah flying right what else you have to fly the whole time and it’s so you have to have like multiple you have to get like a full like two shulker boxes of elyra

Or something like that so he did this in hardcore oh my gosh so in hardcore what yeah he set up a so he set up a stasis chamber and it was like it was loaded with I don’t remember what what block he put in it I think it had like iron in it

Or something so he’s like okay I set this up so it will in 40 real time real life hours this will activate and send me back to spawn so I can so I don’t have to fly another 40 hours back to my base how do

They set it to like take that long of a delay uh I don’t know the whole Redstone thing behind it but it’s possible so anyway he flies there he flies 30 million blocks to the edge of the border of Minecraft’s border far lands don’t exist anymore in this in this particular

Patch didn’t just want to test it in Creative the stasis chamber was supposed to go off at a certain time but it didn’t and so he’s like crap I’m stuck here and then he reviewed his footage and found that the stasis chamber he had added two like one or two extra ingots

Than normal so he’s like oh it’s actually going to go off 60 hours from when I added this so he was able to teleport back with the stasis chamber and he wasn’t and he wasn’t stuck at the at the freaking edge of the world in Hardcore Minecraft I would have loved if

He’s like I guess I just got to make the travel back and he’s like he’s like all right I’m right there and then it teleports in he’s like though because he broke all of his elytra start walking H starts walking yeah if it takes 40 hours to fly did he

Not have mending wait no he did aren’t there aren’t there um what are they called strongholds throughout the world oh that’s a good point actually find a stronghold well yeah but they needed to beat Minecraft no the thing he already much less time than he already um he already I think

Yeah get the elytra you’d have to kill the so he went and collected like a full shulker box full of elytra with mending and Unbreaking on all of it no but like that’s not the point saying yeah if he went to the end and then just went into

The portal there it would take him back to spawn except strongholds won’t spawn at as far as three million three 30 million blocks strongholds don’t spawn that far I did they only how far do they spawn they only spawn within a certain amount of blocks okay let me check I’m

Sure he probably thought of that he did that’s why he’s that’s why he said he can’t do it the strong hold thing that makes I’ll I’ll send the video it’s actually really really fun video I thought it would go to the edge of the world but you know I guess that does

Make sense no it doesn’t 30 million blocks it takes like 40 plus IRL hours yeah well my world generates that far out I I don’t know why they would program make it in the first place you know to not do something when the world already generates out that far okay how much do

It okay I know yeah a limit it might be a little far uh the furthest it can go out is 24, 320 way way less, oh my gosh that’s so little comparison but that’s also so far in like a normal playthrough yeah you never get out that why would they even

I’m sending it I’m sending it in the chat no mods he did it in hardcore oh yeah cuz he’s weird gosh does anyone want to help me fight a Wither real quick I need to yeah I need to get a um how the challenges you already have uh the skulls

Yeah how goes the challenge um I am back on the surface and I don’t think I can take one more second of this are you mis suffering is what you’re saying yes yes I’ve been doing the same thing for seven hours of course I’m going insane here’s the question like the

Definition of I that guy just go sltp uh negative 1 million negative no positive 30 million POS he’s in hardcore with no cheats well yeah you could just gone to turn on land and like you know he could activate cheat you even do that does that even work with hardcore that’s what I’m

Wondering I feel like they just turning on a on land is just like oh sure whatever do what you want you ruined the sanctity of this already listen we don’t care or Minecraft wow Corb is bullying you oh oh my go what a shame who could have foreseen this okay

Hold wait let me turn on my phone I’m going insane literally had a 12-hour stream the other day the other week the other week Len not the other day still the other day good job okay but I also haven’t eaten much today so I’m like extra so St now or are

You ending the stream no I have food coming soon to a theater near you find Outpost and start a maybe I don’t even Dylan we got to fight a Wither real quick why so I can get another star let’s see what I missed oh yeah Roxy yeah he woke up they woke up

J oh funny High Rick Roll sure whatever you say uh let’s see the ship name twins what is even the chance of finding this uh let’s see did you know Minecraft release in 2009 sure whatever know why you bring that up uh Corb is asking what what Dylan is doing in Minecraft I’m

Sorry that stinks what I’m doing stop do you need be up right now um if you’re tired you should well I mean yeah just get alive go away I am building okay I’m cut up time to disappear for two hours right I I could

Not sleep the other day and I oh same I I had to be up in the morning and it was awful I feel your pain but it doesn’t it doesn’t make make it any better I’m sorry what time did you go to bed oh my gosh MC jerck what well what

Time did you go to bed 4:30 why seems about right I think I was able to actually go to sleep a little bit earlier for once in that wow yeah it’s very much not often I do that but I just could not I I did not feel good at

All wor why is it always like this also who are you trying to console ZR it’s this ore is rarer than ancient debris I’m about to flip out ancient debris isn’t very rare yes it is it’s not just go in lava and like you see it pretty closely

Usually if you need to be up at 3:00 a.m. you should I’m a I imagine if you could go to depends on what’s his time what’s it his time ask what time it is right now for Mr Roxy 3:00 a.m. oh he did say that uh let’s see 11

3 okay so he’s at F four four hours you go back to sleep or attempts to times per chunk and BLS 0 to four she’s looking up the Rarity of the or what the heck finding the but if Tyler gets it before me I mean you can just end the

Server play Minecraft for years of your life oh my gosh he’s in my chat it’s him it’s really someone asked if we believed him in earlier we should have cuz here he is now Jesus Christ well yeah we were avoiding it though you didn’t say you did either

It was a neutral but you know proof Jesus is in the chat freaking flip this is worse than the Frog situation by 1000% like 0% no I’d rather do frogs than this available to help me kill it or should we wait megas could do it with you single-handedly the

Ore it’s not what are the chances I find it first you know I would be how late is it upset or is it just the morning for you to be fair admittedly Mages I I still haven’t even found the regular Diamond door yet ch is are I’m going to freaking find

That like second I’m going to be like I got the emerald deep Sligh and I’m like I don’t have the freaking regular one that would be so dumb then you find it before I can get that I would be very upset if I did that get out of the mines Mages you can

Do it find this stupid thing how it feels to suffer kill me though just to suffer I just don’t have the energy right now you want to go do the Wither with Jer yeah yeah you should you should get a cup of tea oh yeah did you get your fo

Wake up in the morning with a cup of no not yet is it not there or you just still wait or get your blood by helping me kill a Three-Headed Beast you always make a PB and uh PB and J and P and what pepperoni uh peanut butter

Jelly sandwich not doing that the moment you said pepperoni you’re lost I don’t think so relet I ate all the damous ore what is up with your audience and just eating everything Among Us did you ever get visited by the the bite again yep he in here

Beautiful he was like all right hear me out biting people and like you’ve already had this plan4 all4 like no he’s like I I all I remember basically from it is after that just like I’ll be back he didn’t say that but I want to believe he did just like I’ll

Be back later with a new idea I’ll I’ll be back he comes back later he’s like new idea biting stream a stream where you bite people where was that villager Outpost with in the Cherry Blossom biome it was oh hold on I got to take care of this

Stupid die die die whoa whoa whoa what are you doing down Reaper you can’t be saying that Jerry you gotta you got to in Minecraft sorry be like I was copying Reaper from OverWatch I was uh that was actually Nick doesn’t care if it’s from OverWatch Nick left for

Dead now that yesterday big boss tomorrow I’m going to the P pantomime with tulip Academy and yeah I had to walk in the cold wait a minute are you are you going to the pantomime or are we going to the pantomim I do love walking in the cold

But I understand that that usually sucks for most people cuz remember joining in on the comments and he was there and he was just like hey Stevie did you hear him we’re going to the pantomim I thought like that was the offer for all of us I thought he was like me you

Jerick Big Boss Dylan megas the whole the whole group going to the panto we 16 and8 panto oh I’m already pass looking up optimal spots yeah what the freak else am I supposed to do uh search oh wait no I’m not there yet I am what do you think

I’ve been doing for the last five hours ah ding I assume strip mining would be a horrible way to go about this yeah consult you know what jerck why don’t you do it I don’t want to why don’t you start strip mining and find it

Before either of us true I could do that you will do it Hill yeah this this seems hilly enough jerck just digs straight down and lands directly on that was easy do you want to do you want to fight it real quick do you want to build a Wither

Yeah you want to build a Wither are you able to fight it right now yes help the boy okay I’ll just teleport to you okay hold on hold on okay I’m I’m there I was falling I didn’t want you to okay he’s like a he’s falling like

From 100 Blocks he’s like yeah you might not want to teleport now just join but are your reactions fast enough yeah ouch he’s like swimming in lava he’s like uh just one moment you’re like no I’m doing it now mgee I have like four four stacks of diamonds what is this while

Searching yes yes on top of earlier yes that’s not even from the mining trip that’s from searching I’m going crazy the mindes withering Heights good job jerck oh yeah it’s going to explode oh shoot rocket the Rockets explod no it’s the noise played for me crap I don’t have a bow don’t

Okay I I don’t even I don’t have my Trident with me either need a bow here here’s a here’s a SL get I should have brought my Trident but it’s fine teleport to the house grab it and teleport back good no Dylan are you the house I

Am I’m not going to do it don’t do it oh pretty close I he’s about halfway dead that’s why I said I said oh is he almost dead yeah he’s almost dead he’s already on I’ve got Smite on my sword there there yep he dead

Oh here the thank you just a little long what is hurting you oh the W the withering yeah don’t die yay another one and I’m at the monument dang it well time to break and move the bed slightly and then go to sleep at our place or teleport that that also work

Purple because it was the end my day’s been good enough it’s a Monday I had to work today true Monday it was all worth it cuz I had this to look forward to let’s see how much uh diamonds diamond blocks we have from this oh

27 Oh we have like three and a half stats thank you for asking SE I can hear the agne in your voice it’s interesting what sounds like you’ve had better days days but well your days just started so I hope better day anyway yeah that’s what I said

Chlide hey I can’t I can’t I can’t spell there was a word I was trying to spell earlier and I I could not I spelled it right but I kept looking at it and it looked wrong and so I kept deleting it and retrying with different it never looked right I can’t remember

What the word was though so this story is meaning your own name my name you’re like I swear it didn’t have an eye in it before but I don’t know how CK that’s not right oh I guess it is oh well I’m J 16 copies of

Cat ho I’m losing it I’m actually losing it yeah your your mod has or sorry your our shaders have the our mod the background is like an aurora borealis in the end Aurora boralis Dylan please get that out of my house that’s the answer it seems like a Alex milk a

B said there that guy went to the farlands right 16 Yes you heard that correctly 16 copies of the music disc cat there we go but we could always use more no you got to fill a double chest oh yeah you got to sleep in a bed dang

Okay that’s a single chest we can fill a barrel want to go find a Pillager Outpost and do a raid of course not banan not own your house um maybe after I eat some food I don’t have a lot of energy right now eating break I

I you know how video games are like you should take a break has any game other than Wii Sports done that I I don’t know I feel like other games have GES at least Nintendo at least does it a lot more well because they care for your health civilization to do that they

Cared for our health they would have made I guess there is a warning with with tear of fans it’s called battery console low battery console L battery console yeah it’s a console that controls batteries oh does anyone want to take a look inside this red shulker box and see how

Many blocks of iron I have that seems for literally going insane seven Stacks I could make two more emeralds I me I meant beac I meant beacons I’m losing it guys I’m actually going to sa I’m making two more emeralds I’m actually going nuts I mean how much

Do they buy em iron for the villagers don’t buy iron unless we get like a Black by what iron is oh yeah can we can get no okay so no selling my iron you have so much though I don’t I’m not selling it not for sale whoa good luck hitting that oh wow what one HP oh yeah jerck but uh someone in the

Chat earlier they were like so is Tyler the opposite of Jerry there’s some more context behind it but I don’t think that’s true Tyler is a cosine wave and I am a sine wave um would you like to care explain it for the okay Gamers I’m going to I’m

Going to take an eating break really quick the same it’s not an idle meeting not the same but just like any no we were talking about each other oh all right you got this Mega we meet up at certain points e break start the ASMR stream and then come back here

When you’re done with that where our graphs line up but like you know waves can differ in quite we similar we have a lot of similarities but you know they always come back to connect at points sometimes and those are the points where we say two things at the exact same time

Yes those points three otherwise yeah if you offset us just a little bit we’d probably be very in sync you yeah you’d probably get confused confused who’s who if you if he was born like okay eating break I’ll be back Gamers yep bye guys it’s three stouge time yeah we

Know this is this is a stoe moment not idiots we know it’s three stouge time I didn’t say you were an idiot I was announcing the formal beginning to the St you made it sound like I couldn’t figure that out no no I wasn’t trying to

Belittle you in any way hey jar could you uh SL command give me a bundle God you want me to yes I lost my other one and you know the thing is I do it legitimately I I have the reason I have a rabbit farm hear this every time I

Make a rabbit farm I just so I can have a bunch of rabbit leather in excess so I can burn it and then summon a bundle it’s like a ritual for me yeah you burn six rabbits hides like the crafting nor would if it was added no I

Sacrificed that and then it lets me creative just so I can give myself a bundle oh oh I see Minecraft you have the bundles in the game what is a TV show or movie Tyler hates uh uh I don’t know I usually like TV shows oh wait movie movie that’s something more uh

What is the movie movies I hate uh I know there’s that one I don’t like that and actually don’t know well it’s more just on the spot stuff we’re not good at stuff on the spot you’re like hey what do you what do you like know your

Opinion I know what movies you like I know what games you hate but I don’t know any movies you hate but you know the the games I like you’re like no actually no he never never TOS me he never TOS me he never TOS me I

Don’t know oh hey I found mangr did we want that yes get some postul from M yeah understood also lily pads those those good we want that huh yes huh what about mud what do you think of mud Dylan get mud no we don’t need mud you fool why hates project I

Do I mean I at least don’t really like it a lot Mario 64 that’s not true I don’t hate it doesn’t like it and anything below absolute adoration and love and worship is in my book listen jerrick’s a cultist but it’s for Mario 6 I’m not a

Cultist deny it Jerick deny it unmute yourself on Discord and deny it I’m a cultist he’s a Mario 64 cultist I’m just right case in point solved no listen you you you would not I don’t even know why you’re denying it right now I’ll be real sounds like you

Hate Mario 64 I love Mario 64 all right then admit that you’re a cultist for it I specifically Mario 64 nothing else Mario 64 he worships it listen he’ll play any video game and like 5 seconds after he starts he’s like this is blasphemy this isn’t Mario 64 he is

Saying it weird but I will play a game and I’ll be like wow this reminds me of Mario 64 and I’ll be like and that one’s more fun than this and then I’ll go play that instead no that’s not what happens you’re like wow this

Reminds me of Mario 64 and then like you black out when you come to you’re throwing Bowser at the end of the game again so long Bowser you’re like oh I love Mario 64 forgot everything that happened before you don’t know how you got there but you you sure are

Now every time I’m getting the 100 Co coins on the if you like zomboid grow tase lava land and uh what no zomboid is fun oh he just asked what games does Tyler hate that’s what I was saying I was telling them yeah I thought you were

Just like mentioning like I know which games he hates and then you’re just listing them yeah cuz he asked earlier what movies you hate we do that we couldn’t do that because you’re a bad friend and you don’t know my does is it important that a friend knows what you

What movie yeah my interests yes what would that ever matter to me uh when I when someone asks when you’re on a when you’re on a stream and somebody asks you fact about your we are in the one unique I just got jump scared don’t tell

Me you know I can’t even say weren’t you going to bed because they did and now they’re back they’re back again yeah it’s funny earlier they’re like all right guys I’m going to bed and we’re like good night and then like 30 minutes later they were like still in the chat

Were like didn’t you say you’re going to earlier and then they did eventually Roy yeah they’re back right now in the chat Roxy mhm not CR yeah CR yeah CR Calamity Roxy CR oh yeah Tyler and Stevie John are transported to the world of Mario 64

Okay I don’t well I di that’s what’s going to happen you can’t isekai me my life is an Italian plumber uhuh I wake up in the morning feeling like I’m just G to let him finish the story and I’ll read it out all right that’s just what that’s how we’re

Going to handle this we’re just go ahead write your whole second fan fic or was no that fish Bing for the first one yeah yeah this is still fish Ming I thought it was Corb I keep mixing them up listen they’re I have I have no excuse I just keep

Forgetting I’m bad at this I mixed up close friends before W this is such a I know you’re better than that so I’m not going to drag you through the mud for it I I hate that the essential mod like by default takes like screenshot noises whenever

You do it know when you screenshot yeah it’s like wow this is a really cool site it’s like wow thanks uh Central mod you didn’t have to do that because this is a really cool site it’s just a giant stone monument that’s just sticking out of the

Water are you doing anything right now jeric yeah in Minecraft yeah what are you doing mining I mean if you’d like would you like to admire this Monument with me teleport to my location then teleport back our real friend he can’t teleport back to whatever he’s doing yeah he can

Wait what about about vertical the vertical push vertical position Pillager outpost on Cherry Hill I thought you just posting your own location so that you can go back to it send me a pick oh you don’t want to just take a look at it okay and real life and real

Craft welcome isn’t it beautiful right there that one floating port in escap imag your left that and then you teleport into CP it’s a witch there is a witch it tried to throw a poison at me yeah it has a lot of cool angles on

It as as the viewers can see right now they stumbled upon a room containing a magical pain oh how does it look with shaders also um you take a screenshot and send it to the mjes I don’t have shaders enabled right now why not you hate yourself I never wanted to bother with

The essentials getting it set up is it that difficult with essential mod it’s it’s it’s not it’s not difficult I just don’t care yeah that’s really essentially it I play with I couldn’t do it I just really didn’t care enough to do it that crying obsidian is

Blue yeah oh also I have um I what’s it called uh color blindness it’s not wrong yes that’s is there a mod that allows you to play with the 3D mode in this game like I I I know I’ve like struggled to like find a way to re enable it and

If there was just like a simple like resource pack or something like that the the 3D mode in Minecraft oh yeah I think they did get rid of that yeah but like it’s our mod had it back I don’t think so I really want mes to come back but forget she’s muted so

She just like speaks the whole time and she’s like asking us questions and we’re just like not responding she’s like what the heck you guys is something wrong and we’re just like not responding it transforms into the ascended uh um I mean actually like uh if I take like I the only

One all right there we go I think this would be really Like I think this could make a really cool Battleground honestly this naturally formed structure oh my gosh Stevie John and Tyler decided to explore their surroundings as they deeper into the castle stumbled upon a room containing a magical painting that seemed pulsate with other worldly energy friends jumped into the pain it’s my

Story gosh shut up how dare you how’s how’s this story coming along are we like at it having has he finished like the first chapter could I like read that and be like end chapter one and like come back in a bit want to you know want to what it’s a

Great story actually okay is there like actually very invested in this story you what here I can read out loud one sec chapter one is done all right chapter neat here I’ll read what we have so far what are you listing prices for CR what what are these

I really thought you going to say like fish being and like I look back he’s like to hear the rest of the story you’re going to need to pay PayPal okay let me take a look at this6 Great British pounds a fish being story good boy points Once Upon a Time

In the Mushroom Kingdom two unlikely Heroes Stevie John and Tyler found themselves mysteriously transported into the world of Super Mario 64 the Sun was shining the iconic cast in The Distance filled with the familiar jingle collected coins it’s a week from now holy cow a week away that’s

Insane Christmas I just lik at the stream it just says beb eating break and big week very excited about this information confused but determined Stevie John and Tyler decided to explore their surroundings as they ventured deeper into the castle they stumbled Upon a a room containing a magical

Painting that seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly energy without hesitation the two friends jumped into the painting and we instantly transported to the bom Battlefield well I I don’t know if Stevie and Tyler are friends just in the lore but you know we’ll just roll this

Is beyond you Tyler uh no I I I have a spine I can fight back uh it’s not about having a spine it’s about the reality that fish crafted and you being powerless within it no no you’re wrong nope let’s see stimes one is seven yeah I I had to

Check my calculator but that is correct they encountered King babam who explained that a great evil had taken hold of the Mushroom Kingdom the power Stars the source of peace and Harmony had been scattered across various worlds unless they were collected and returned to the castle Darkness would consume the

Land Stevie John and Tyler went to the castle Stevie John and Tyler stood before Bowser a Sinister Force I told you Tyler Stevie John consumed by mistrust turned on Tyler there we go he’s getting back to it this guy’s maybe he does see he knows I can’t risk

Sharing this I don’t know do I do a Stevie voice Stevie have a voice it’s I think I’ve stated this earlier it’d be sort of like high pitched I think he did Micky mous H I’ll do a bit but I want to like the full voice I won’t try to go all out

My voice doesn’t go very high I can’t risk sharing the power stars with you Stevie John declared coldly Tyler shocked and hurt pleaded for reason we’ve come so far together don’t let this tear us apart but the influence was too strong power Stars scattered as the once United friends clashed in betrayal

Bowser capitalized on their strife and the mushroom Kingdom’s fate hung in the balance as Stevie John and Tyler’s friendship crumbled under the weight of Suspicion chapter one done wow I have talked to the muses I’m incredibly anyway that’s that so far interesting uh there’s betrayal so that’s neat Intrigue well written i’

I’ve I’ve seen a lot of bad writing and this isn’t one of those that’s right nice use vocabulary and all that jazz we’ll see how it develops in the fut every time I imagine Stevie and um in an evil scenario I imagine just doodle bob on account of being a drawing and

Having a magical pencil yeah well he’s not a drawing well I guess that’s true he does have the magical penil every depiction I see of him yeah is drawn I wonder why sorry I’ve been I haven’t been showing off the uh you know the physical liveaction hiding that stuck away yeah

The real puppet you know I just too lazy to get to that I get I’ll show you those later you know oh no the rare Ren what does that mean it’s Ren but he rare now the shiny form I guess Jerick do you know what a Shiny

Pokemon is I don’t it’s it’s Whooper when he’s P Cher it’s Whooper when why or or is It vce music listen it’s hard to do with just your mouth no no you’re right leave me alone Jer I’m sorry I take it back wait every like three that’s pretty common not going to I hate to say it like I could stumble pretty often oh Byron thank goodness I mean her

Role is to pop in say epic EP I and then dump out the issue with Ren is I’m on my phone what I’m on my phone so that uh affects Ren badly why because uh when I look at the chat it just says iy. fabulous eics and that’s all it

Says Ren World Ren World Ren world when are we going to play R world what the heck whoa I’m I’m boting here excuse me you can’t call to a drowned man oh he he just threw a trident at my boat sorry sorry your darn pie Stu I’m I’m sorry I’m going to

You’re who who who are they talking to is it me is this about me most likely most likely is accurate but is it true yeah also yes come on man you could have buildt the suspense why can’t you be more like fish be he knows how to write a story

He’s you’re right you’re right no he’s right we’ve been over this you’re not allowed to be correct it’s not up to you it’s up to allowed to be correct but you just said that fish being is correct which means that fish being isn’t correct but if fish being is always

Correct what yeah I love fish being you know I have you spoken to him before who’s the special little disfigured be I don’t know oh I think he’s talking about your profile picture in on the stream oh oh I am a little disfigured being on the screen but you’re also

Metal Gear metal Metal Gear snickle you know you’ve been real silent has a joke for you oh what is it Roxy what did the monster go to I’ll say the punchline a Monster Mash no monster school I said I’d say the punch line what is this jerck it was my one

Job you are cutting mouth bad on disc you’re too slow man you’re too slow I trusted you eating burnt Pop-Tarts jeez who why why are you coming in here being so mean to me Eric shut up fish be is going back to the story oh sorry I’m trying to

Listen stuff in your mouth black crispy squid I’m completely lost right now say what’ you say to repeat that for the audience at home I don’t know that Ren knows what’s going on right now Jer I have a question yeah what’s up why haven’t you played uh with Connect Four with fish

Being cuz I’m not good at Connect 4 neither am I but I did it anyway because you’re good at connect four no I’m not I think you’re just scared of fish be nickel can you believe how quick this is going CR asks oh my gosh has lost it the year the Year not

Really the end of the year3 Finish sentence and I’m going to read it out I I don’t think that’s a sentence I think that’s just one long screet you don’t know it’s not a you don’t know it’s not a sentence fair enough fair enough E A I’m let him finish the last

Two is that that’s not what it looks like though yeah it does who’s to say it’s not huh who gave you who who died and made you president um the president no that’s how that works I’m the I’m the vice president which means that in the event

Of President dying I become president no you’re not Sor you don’t knower ad president and Pikman died who would supersede him Louie obviously it would be alar alar is the only employee with any Merit I think it would go to Louie but Louie wouldn’t know or care why would it

Go to Louie because it seems like something the president would do listen seemar you’re good being out there uh Louis’s got it handled here at home no I I’m just I wouldn’t imagine it like that I’m just imagining like a SpongeBob the movie situation he’s like that’s what I’m

Thinking it’s got an o in it please give it up for Lou Lou Lou Who is at the house uh I’m not you try I’m pretty close relative to the are you near the Villager place no not at all guys the the chat is completely overrun with just single letters I don’t

Know Corb Zilla and I am powerless to stop it I mean yeah that’d be nice if uh we didn’t have spamming if you could you could you please um I think uh you know is there is there uh like message pauses in in uh in YouTube

Chat I don’t know I told you it’s like a five to 10 second are you the ren though because I swear your name was Ren the other day okay let’s see this um okay say man oh they’re singing sail S i see 73 explains a lot of things um very well put Ren and Calamity Roxy I guess Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday also but also maybe don’t don’t but how do we know it’s the real you if you haven’t done your iconic thing here hold on can I bring back uh

Some some light to the actual comment real quick yep let’s see I wanted to read what was Nick being story’s been buried no no yeah that’s why I’m reading it I’m gonna be reading it brings it more to light fueled by betrayal Stevie John used his magical pencil to lock

Tyler inside a mystical prison well this guy at least gets meanwhile Tyler faced formidable robot guard in the prison cleverly defeating it and teoe Showdown upon escaping he found him himself trapped in a shifting maze outside Stevie John wrestled with the consequences of his action realizing that magical pencil had

Become a tool of both creation and separation and that that was it it was a very short part it was a shorter Muse and then you know people started spamming in the chat so you know it I can I can understand why he’s holding

Off on the next part I get it I want the audiobook version of this I mean I am reading it you could record it and and true play it back can I sell it for money sure thanks Mecha minion chaos Supreme hello are you sleeping are you tired do you need

Water a cuz if you need water it’s not very it’s not it usually isn’t very hard to get you can just go out and get some water H yeah L I don’t know if I should be spelling this out that St that minion chaos Supreme how about you mind your own business man

Well you did skip the first chapter I that’s true you have to get the lore it’s also unfinished you’re reading a snippet of a YouTube comment section that’s also true it hasn’t gone through the editing process that’s true this is like first draft 3.141592 the potential is very much there it

Could it’s always chaos he tries better the equip maybe if it wasn’t about Mario 64 but you know you got to work with what you’re given that’s Peak yeah Peak garbage whoa how does it feel jerich this is why this is why we are the way that we are because you

Can’t we’re both contrarians no there we go we figured it out we’re both contrarians no we’re not we’re not I stand my points let’s see my stuff just burned in he tries to Bar the aquarium tickets from the where were dude Erer where were you when I teleported to you oh jerck sorry you have to that could you could you uh sing song Corb made up oh you’re a Christmas skin hold on I’m helping Dylan retrieve her things but Corb needs you you want to deny Corb who let you out of the nursing

Home fantasy is that superheroes are pretty much fantasy I’m sorry Corb jerck hates you down here at the end on the left it’s okay though you have me Corb there’s a timer if I don’t help her find her stuff in time it’ll despawn Tyler well give

Her a recovery compass and go to The Spectator and then follow it and then creative and or survival and then teleport her out oh thank goodness the shulker Box didn’t go in did you find it should you should cover up this lava that’s over here yeah I need to do

That I exploded with kinetic energy why did you ram into a wall you think I wanted to probably I don’t know just get better at flying this the guy who doesn’t have wings oh if I had wings I’d be probably one of the best Flyers

I don’t need the wings I don’t need the easy me yeah we can’t fully disprove that Mages and mega mind are the same person because I mean even when you say it’s like you know Mages Mega you know Mega major mind Mage mind the Mage mind major mind that’s the sound that Mages

Make man I’m going to have to ransack a village to get some food for Minecraft also it is very hard to explore biomes did you just did Rin Scooby-Doo laugh in the chat yeah that’s thank you also fish being is back to riding more lore and by

Lore see how that goes give him some time what the oh I heard a Ting and then I was very confused it was one of the blacksmiths in this Village for is the 100 digits of pie whoa I I guess there’s more than a 100

Digits of pie well yeah but like oh just the first hundred yeah that’s that’s all it is I don’t know why you’re taking issue with jerck I’m sorry are you saying people can’t I’m overthinking it I’m overthinking it again okay clearly that’s okay no hey no it’s not okay man

Just just learn to read ever think about that I can read all right read something no okay no I mean sure I can’t do that I don’t have anything to prove to you I don’t I don’t feel the need to maybe I don’t want to prove I can read I

Feel like it okay uhhuh I think that’s what I call case closed uh-uh we’ve got him in boys jerett cannot read facts guys what level does iron spawn on it doesn’t corilla you’re an expert what do you need iron for or my beacon just steal from Mages theft that’s

Stealing Mages is going to get kicked from the server for being Idol I don’t think it works like that like you know the like you know Idol Corporation you know like Idol idle corporate what I said that and like there was a villager next to me and I went

Huh and I thought that was way funer than what I said they just like right I’m just gonna okay go the crab walk not crabwalk what’s it called I’ve never imagined the villagers could be used for such disdain for terrible jokes but here we are yeah bye please stop stealing all our weat

Ren would you like to confirm why it is that you are telling this pie oh good we have chapter two done jerck yeah a suggestion what’s up you want so you can read yeah I can read why don’t you read read out chapter two I’m interest seeing this is going did I

Scare anyone uh no cut partially cut out in Discord F welcome back uh Ren’s been spamming in the chat is here yeah uh not surprised deletes Ren eating break is over I have more energy now yeah they’re probably gone now yeah U Mecha minion chaos

Supreme I did see that in the chat and they left they came in Bull two zzz emojis yeah they came in bullied and then bullied out oh whose gold is this smelting in my house I don’t have a house yet I need to do something before I can build my house

What what could you possibly need jerck it just sounds like you’re being lazy no I need building materials but I have to do things to get those material why don’t you make a basic house what materials I want to build it out of um prismarine shards so I want to make a

Guardian Jer what you know that prismarine shards aren’t real you can’t place them you can’t place prismarine shards you can’t make a house out of no I passed but not the shards passed away ate my stuff OHA all of it like it’s a pass all of it just like two or

Three things left yeah cuz she ran into a wall with her face corilla can look in the chat see how it happened nudge that uh n always chaos no no no hold up hold up wait I’m going to see how many blocks of iron I have in total also people stop

Coming in here and rearranging crap don’t tell I freaking swear yeah I did hear you say hell a few times earlier we have one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 Stacks perimeter of M’s forehead 10 stack your forehead now by the way 10 stacks of iron blocks oh my

Go can get wrecked you have no problem I hate to break it to you no I think you have a problem coming in my house and rearranging stuff constantly well that’d be true I would be true if I did that but I did I mean I

Can make jerck a small house I can make a little Shack to put things in yeah that’s why I said make a small I just need I just need a red mushroom I could use for the Gaz than yeah never mind sorry I thought I thought fish being said something about

IIT I forgot something he did not got to make mother base hey there everybody it’s your boy cus I’m going to teach youall on civilized city Folk how to catch a pigeon yeah clus what kind of people are coming into my chat thank you Cletus be so freaking lost without him oh

My yeah redrop chapter two be Jerick where do you usually set up I go back chapter yeah like what do you mean like where do you go the most actually Mages where do you build your houses are we allowed to build it on the same plane as your house yeah obviously

I did mine on the same plane yeah but you s just it’s kind of the place I was going to build my house is there’s this wood mansion faing the the honey Hive things uhhuh uh there’s a little clearing there yeah I was going to build it there if that makes any

Sense yeah I see it sure anyway while you were gone fish beinging has been writing a story I can see that this time however it’s about uh Stevie and a hypothetical person named Tyler hypothetical in Minecraft hypothetical Inc 64 H well so Cletus has admitted to murdering his

Child um say that I’ll I’ll be right back oh he did uh I used to have a son his name is one day we went hunting and I thought he was a pigeon oh rip so yeah there’s the conf confirmation of that just now saw the de nut uh chat or de nuts

Sign what well actually wasn’t me probably wasn’t I don’t know those these nuts on a on a sign when was the last time I saw C cus you know after he died I haven’t paid my taxes yet oh committing tax fraud love it I don’t actually condone committing tax fraud

Um next up on the major streams the next stream we’ll be streaming is a turnup boy commits taxation turn up boy commits taxation game Dylan loves it you got to play it now megas that’s how this works what play what turn up boy commits tax evasion

H Dylan would you be able to convince her turnup boy commits tax evasion really good is that all you have to say yep is that enough what are you thinking ready to play that game are you going to say something about the mega the majes mind by Tyler Mages mind oh they’re talking

About that time I eded you to be bald oh yeah I’m gonna commit tax fraud in the legal name of Mages that’s not even my legal name so get wrecked Ren oh my gosh you aren’t named Mages been lying to me this whole time it’s my Alias no way twinkle toes are

You listening boo a you got me what happened I was spooked Roxy is freaking out on that’s what Happened anyway um I don’t think I can last another minute trying to look for a stupid deep slate stupid Emerald mhm would you be willing to read out being chapter two uh of the story or would you want me or Jerick to do that instead uh how about fish beinging how about you

Condense the story and put it in the Discord well you’ve just gotten relegated to the Discord fish be sorry so is there a uh like a time thing in YouTube like setting like an amount of time you can take before you post another comment like a like a timeout sort of thing like

A cool down not really cool down cool Down’s the word for it uh I don’t know as far as I know there isn’t unless you like set something up for that I don’t know there he goes I just have to say learning pie isn’t useful but it’s fun to know how

Big your forehead is my forehead’s not even that big are you kidding me what’s going on in my chat uh rain and Roxy have lost it yeah oh the story fish being actually putting it in Discord yeah going oh frick freaking forget re through it later yes maybe more soonish I’m in a

Cave this story goes we beautiful we we now that’s a story I say and you know what I didn’t organize these so I’m not even going to question it you what theck I wonder I can’t find anything what the leads not being where the rest of the leads

Are yeah that might be an issue I still I’m sorry I still hate this white Shuler box that’s called tools yeah I’m not a fan terrible idea but where you removed where it was supposed to be are there any useless chests that uh Dylan set up in the in the base

Uh isn’t there one that’s just full of like dye and wool yep just full of Dy not wool all right I think that’d be a good one to just like take away basically and just replace you’re going to put the D then cares well you know this is my house so back

Off all of you what I’m just suggesting exing with you in this bad choker if he wants I got a joke for you what type of letter drinks tea tea L can you bake as a cake what happened to the cake I got a funny uh video game related

Joke regarding cakes for you do you somebody ate the cake in the in my house in mcraft a long time ago where we will bake at the cake I’ll do it just for you blaze is it just a display cake oh how is Blaze doing he’s actually cured of his chronic backflip

Syndrome he delivered yeah he delivered that news to us today he’s C oh I’m so happy for you blaze that’s wonderful I’m having flashbacks to the cake challenge maybe just then start a crusade to gather a bunch of eggs if a tree falls in the woods does it make a fart sound yeah

Nice that’s a good one man remember when there was a brief Minecraft update where uh freaking how was it sagm mites were very hard to find for some reason yeah that was interesting why did they do that I don’t know but now they’re ex excessively common hey

McGee yeah the McGee yeah it’s how’s it going not good some people touch your stuff she’s about to kill someone a I made a cake just for you blaze another congratulations for getting over your chronic backflip syndrome the last congratulations was cons assumed so we do not have proof that something was

Celebrated the cake has been bake yes the cake so anyway finally used eggs for the first time anyway now what a raid okay I had bad luck on me but then I died oh to be honest I make worst back flips and Blaze I landed on my head and

Survived oh no he suffers from this back flip syndrome too oh no should um recommend him uh you know a phys that would be able to help him with the back the back flip yeah syndrome well it’s just it’s more so that he has he just

Does bad back flips it’s not NE neily that he has like a chronic illness you know oh I see Blaze had the chronic illness I found another uh what’s it dungeon we could play the Mini version of catw 13 a dungeon like a stronghold what is it called a spawner spawner oh

That is that is the version of is it cat or 13 yeah I we don’t have to do the full thing you don’t have to teleport to me do the bit and then leave we could just just take bets now anyone in chat take a

Bet cat we’re 13 in here yes or no okay guys we’re playing we’re playing cater 13 Stevie found a spawner place your bets in the chat is it cater 13 or something lame or uh or a saddle or more horse armor can you hear corilla says

Cat you know I’m also going to say cat that’s more than enough time if you haven’t answered by now that’s your fault in this chest we have cat oh yeah we also have Which is less interesting big step corilla has done it again step two we have a bucket iron ingots and

Blast protection and that’s about it that’s everything wow corilla has done it again he’s gussed correctly like almost every single time changes that makes 17 copies of cat I don’t die a horrible death where’s a Pillager Tower 8 I assume you’re going to just go for the highest level ,000

8,000 yep what the closest one we know of Slash locate I mean you could super you drowned I mean it happens Dylan why don’t cuz you drowned they do to you you drowned 8,000 there’s one way closer than that well yeah they haven’t found it though they just didn’t know it

Existed that’s just the closest one they found what I don’t care that you broke your elbow I don’t care that you broke your elbow said I was 8 years old when I did back flips and one time I landed on my head yikes oh yeah that’s rough I’m

Sorry that’s got it didn’t hurt too too badly landing on your head yeah I did that once I did I did that once I landed on my neck no I’ve not felt pain since you know um jumping on a trampoline now what’s that about I just like hearing that you that you suffered

That’s very kind of you it’s not actually I was on a bouncy house I really hope my stuff didn’t just blow up head first onto concrete jerck do you not have respiration on your helmet o uh no why don’t you six feet up I should get it though

Because because you learned from be doing a lot of work underwater soon yeah you should I want you to borrow found an outpost it’s at positive 500 negative 2,000 found two two 21 2200 yeah guys Mages was able to locate a uh you know an outpost how lucky Iron Golem come out and

Help well they trapped him me free him I let him out goem good where are you uh jerck I am in a cave under close by in the mine in the desert m in the desert but don’t go all the way down the hole if you just go um trash loot I

Think it’s I can’t expect anything from you oh part way down there will be a hole ins the side of the ladder yeah I mean you only go to the out yeah and then if you go in that and then go to the very end and to the right nobody here has a

Banner yeah you got to wait oh man I just I remember like waiting a very very long time trying to get a freaking banner and it was not the funnest thank you you well at least I have this iron go here to beat up theill

With me you have a friend yeah J did you get all your stuff back I’m looking for it did brought me um what if I throw a banner at Pillager will they pick it up that doesn’t work I am 90% sure maybe 95 I’m going to try and get a

Disc you better not freaking interfere killager all right I’m going to make you a house jerck thank you just a little temporary one little holding cell oh would you look at that I got 13 that’s your favorite oh my God you didn’t start the

Game my boots I well I had a creep or die for it oh I see I see I thought you just like found it in the Outpost just now what the heck I am an expert at kill getting the skeletons to kill the creepers self-proclaimed you still want

To do the thing where you get a bunch of creepers into a hole and then blow them all up oh yeah why TNT cuz you can get so many discs like a ton of discs if you have single you have a skeleton shoot one piece of TNT and then it just all

Goes down from there I I really thought Jer was just being like I just want to blow them up show them how it feels show them how in a just going to put them in the group and to blow them up and see how they like

It like he want you to do another 13 or cat let’s see I’m about to get I’m about to get another creeper to die so I mean yeah you just got place your your guess as preemptively you know fish being has moved over to putting the

Story in Discord yeah we went over there yeah I asked I asked him too are you not paying attention no I left for a sec I thought you cared about fish being I do that’s why I commented on it yeah me B canect for right come here creeper

When are we going to get another Minecraft Hunger Games video from you that never happened what yeah we never got a second one no there was never One to begin with yeah so I’m asking when she will do it no we’re never getting a second one

That’s what she’s saying I never did one you’re never going to do it never again did Pillager you better not freaking hit this creeper with your crossbow oh my gosh he might actually uhoh uhoh oh the skeleton just straight up killed him okay dang must have been low HP I kind

Of wish there was like a offbrand thing you just get like 14 as a disc no cat no 13 14 here’s dog it’s different dog I care about the fish in my house oh my gosh one of you has got to hit this creeper and one just blew all of them

Up how sad thank you all right I got to fly out of here did you get a raid level yet or no bossy boots are you not just going to live in The Outpost until they give you what you want I’m hanging out here trying to to get discs for no apparent

Reason oh was that what you did I I just sort of set up a base at the top I had a bed and just like blocked off the entrance to the top floor I blew up and just sat there and waited until they spawned and committed murders in Minecraft oh now you’re

Hitting oh my okay that Y what is happening okay I’ve got like seven skeletons here if they don’t hit a creeper I’m going to they can’t be that stupid no no don’t shoot the zombies oh my they are stupid never mind gas yeah I said it I called you stupid I

Can’t believe you would say the s word like that on stream I did I thought you were better than this all right there’s three of you you can not possibly Miss no after a series of Daring Maneuvers and quick thinking Tyler managed to outwit The Immortal snail spiler put a nuke in a

Helicopter and proceeded to I haven’t gone that far in the story I can’t believe you do this you spoiled the fish being it comes out of nowhere no it’s oh the snail you were here for the snail thing were you are you here for the snail thing no no we talked about the

Immortal snail earlier oh the snail that SL coming after you yeah we found it it’s apparently like s years old at least the story where’s where’s the outp idea like a million dollars no freaking way what oh nothing dis 13 or 12 or 12 or cat am I saying you can’t do

That to me she’s done it she’s officially lost it she jump scared me again where are the where are the C yes I got a disc it’s what is that is that I think it’s cat it’s stall also if you want to see something funny Gamers uh look at the

Look at me full of arrows hilarious I and my pin cushion oh wow that’s good all right I thought there like joke behind it you’re just like and if you want to see something funny uh just look at the stream I’m a clown for getting 13 again I would do something like that

Somebody touch my spaget sp800 you’re contractually obligated to reference the spaghetti meme now I got a disc it’s stall again two times in a row kill me 200 I wish someone was just right next to her and just killed her with a sword right then what oh in Minecraft SL actually

Don’t you ask for it and then it ends just like black track Fade to Black why did you s it there Dylan what are your cords okay here it is can I not I can’t copy that um okay ready positive 58 one why do you teleport to me you’re not just

Going to well they need the coordinates oh I guess they could teleport directly and you can just type the chat the cords in the chat wait no I saw one oh no guys what teacher oh no I don’t know math teacher it’s your job to tell me what my grade

Is I S one with a banner but he despawned now I’m not going to suggest something super horrible however I do know how we can quickly start a raid what no I wouldn’t ever suggest it because it’s stupid no but we could te leave snitchy witchy out of this my wife that did

Happen and fish being oh the mere mention of murdering snitchy witchy she closes the server no the server itself was just like no rejecting it no just teleport to me it happened again positive 57 to you right Mages if you guys are going to cheat you might as well just give yourself the

Effect do it yourself listen what was that cheating and really cheating where you he doesn’t have a banner though this guy just straight up walked off of the roof they have to have a banner this sucks I thought these guys like spawned frequently no all right how committed are you Mages

What level of raid are you going to get uh I don’t know good go for the max go all out get the bigest ra every time you kill one you get a higher level oh wow that’s really it let’s just do a standard raid like every time you do a

Raid it gets harder no every time you kill one it just keeps getting worse your bad bad Omen wait did we not get a lead mod there is one is it enabled right now get should be if you if you uh if you get raid you

Can get up to bad Omen 5 I think oh really yeah if you just keep on slaughtering oh I had no idea oh calamity’s back with the who let the dogs out they’re going back at it again they’re just they’re it’s always who let the dogs out why but not why did they

Let the dogs out why did the dogs leave have you ever thought about that begin with well someone let them out that’s why they left but you know if if they were if they had good owners the dogs maybe would have wanted to leave in the first place well we don’t know who

Will let the dogs out exactly but it’s not about that everyone always asks who let them out not why did the dogs leave that’s what I just said well did you did you though they always ask who let the dogs out but not why did they let the dogs out I said

That already let the Tyler out no everyone always asks who let the dogs out but never why only an idiot would say why did the dogs leave who let the Tyler out ask no one said that they leave no out yeah but they left when where does it say they

Left cuz they got out mean they left it it does no they could just be out but not leaving mes you want to see something sir what are they just standing Pati right outside the house rip tide on the Trident oh are you just electrocuting the poor Villages now no that’s

Not um wait channeling CH she’s just rip Tiding all over the place she’s rip Tiding all over Trident is she did she use the one we had the second one yeah I put mying on it so you stole it I’m just kidding stole it from where me the chest where’d you get it

Dylan at least I didn’t do channeling on it better than Riptide here cuz look at the name Rip Tide’s nice but you can only throw it I fly when wet what the heck V okay sure whatever thank you does it have to be when it’s raining yes yeah or you can do

It in water as well oh yeah but if you want to fly yeah you gota do it I fly wind wet why does that sound like a JoJo stand well they’re soft and wet they’re soft and wet so case solved we’ve answered the question why does it sound like that

Soft and wet why does what sound like what you’re saying why does it sound like a joer name we’ve answered the question now yeah I know remember cuz there’s a stand soft and white yeah that’s why I said you answered the question cuz you did good job what

Question uh we could keep going in the spiral if we wanted this sucks yeah where are the where are the bad Omens do you think they’re not spawning anymore because of snitchy witchy do you think this will summon them no cuz I went that’s not how that work Jer they

They raid our base all the time I went over to the other one cuz what that’s what we’re doing right now anyway do you think this will summon them also we they had it in their chest upstairs I summon the pillagers Pokemon got to catch them all displaying Pokemon but their faces

Replaced by The Rock Johnson what ssic meme oh I I remember seeing that Meme recently it’s just did they don’t say d The Rock Johnson they say The Rock Johnson The Rock Johnson The Rock Johnson the a different Rock there’s a lot of rocks in the world there’s at least one of the

Rock what what about the boulder the rocks are there you know the boulder what is that from avar oh Avatar that’s right the boulder last right here yeah I where are you dumb Banner people thought you going to just like go all out and start swearing up a storm at

Him my God where are you dumb bit what was the deodorant of Tyler it was Schmitz Schmitz she’s a real head is gonna go out and get the Schmitz you were here for that though right J no ohmit oh yeah yeah yeah a real a schmit

Head for real one likes anyone before it was cool not that it’s cool now but a Schmid head before it is cool right now it’s it’s hip to be a Schmid so what what if I were to just grab one of the banners and throw it at

Them you sure are you sure it wouldn’t work you try it I’m going to do it I’m going to do it do it the that accomplish what is the hope there that they pick it up and they pick it up and then you that’s the

Banner here I’m going to try it oh my I have like seven crossbows in my inventory watch it work like they modded it into the as mod or something and you’re just like I told you okay pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up

Please please cuz then they could just keep doing this just keep giving them I mean I’d prefer if it worked like that I don’t like anything in Minecraft where it can easily be accomplished by just waiting AKA most of everything in Minecraft yeah that’s part of why I used

To not like it that much DNE The Rock Johnson but to be fair a lot of of it can be more like you know tied to like exploring and like searching around this one is just just please spawn the mob this doesn’t need to take this long

You’re just stretching this out for no reason I think we’ve lost it it’s like how you have to keep on just placing and breaking the Le just to get it right CH yeah like what I’m doing no one’s here I don’t don’t care what anyone says just let us pick the enchantment it’s

Pick it up it just saves time what if we throw a banner at snitchy witchy he already has the banner you have two banners and you’d have to kill him again hey snitchy wi I thought that it works like I’m not killing snitchy witchy maybe more will spawn at night

Time maybe I would go sit on the roof why don’t you just fill every single block low enough and turn it into a Farm obviously I’m glad they put a cool down on the on the horn in Minecraft Survival yeah or just in general you can’t just Spam it in Creative either right think no Oh I thought you could well at least they added the cool down otherwise if not in Minecraft creative you sure got

God you can summon any item from your hand however you don’t have to blow the horn quickly enough oh my the story is still going what the heck is going on it’s a whole epic you know whole epic MC server pranks that sounds like what I do mix server

Pranks wow Mi server prank what name where did that Iron Golem go where did both of them go both I bre I freed one that was here and I part of life you know one day people die especially if you throw them in a situation where they can be

Murdered uh where that last part I don’t know where that came from by yeah why you’re asking where the Golem went I mean yeah but Golems don’t die of natural causes though I like to G servers okay that’s cool mix server pranks good thing you’re never going to do it here don’t don’t

Challenge them what this isn’t even a real server uh pin top pin message join the Discord discord.gg Minecraft servers we just see like him join the server and then just things start Exploding uh you don’t have the server IP because this isn’t a Minecraft server that is true so get wrecked even then I’m pretty sure you could just close it and that would be it or just Blacklist them I assume you have a wh list option or you need to be

Friends with the person right you do need to be friends with the person so uh does work off white so yeah just don’t accept him as a friend and then there we go I know what the server IP is but why don’t you tell

Me so I know you know what it is oh my go I don’t know yeah I uh definitely know what the server IP is I wouldn’t lie about that person on the server dude it’s not a real server this is single player make it a server though like it

It does function the same way it’s not a server that’s not how it works this is a single player world J what are you talking about but it displays are like okay we this been established for a long time it’s not a server it’s single player oh right sorry it’s single player

Yeah glad you’re coming on sorry guys it runs on a server you can’t infiltrate it though if it’s white I mean unless you have some kind of hacking skill that allows you to bypass a a white list which at that point that Cas you’re spending so much effort on well you know

What MC server pranks I have a prank for you don’t don’t hiding you from my channel and Reporting you oh my Lord it was it was entertaining I I really wanted Ma just to be like I have a prank for you and just starts spouting out numbers and

Then we realize it’s his IP address she’s just all powerful even if you have somebody’s IP address you can’t even really do anything you can say out loud and people I remember someone on Skype a long time ago like proba did cuz I guess your your

Your IP is public when you’re on Skype but it’s public on anything you do yep but the most information they could get was the local weather and time and it was like okay cool wow cool you know what it Isa in my general area yeah hey fool

It’s 6:28 p.m. you’re like they dropped it like it was scary like hey guess what and like a public chat and it was like okay uh it’s gener there are clouds in the sky information no who are you does he know my only weakness it’s a waiting gibis right [Laughter]

Now it’s a waiting Gib right now how did you know oh my gosh I looked outside you know what else your username is Big Boss oh my go oh no that’s privation deleted from existence your password has numbers in it you’re P I know they’re all behind you asterisk asterisk asterisk

Asis it’s made up of eight characters or more your capture includes clicking pictures of bicycles the most terrifying hacker known to man yeah we need to stop him he he needs to be put in jail there we go there has not been a single stupid bad Omen Pillager

Mhm I don’t know if I can take this anymore after the cobbled stupid Emerald thing that I haven’t even found yet effect cheating oh what the cheating what is Corb even saying anymore Tyler time for me to have a power 2000 years later Tyler wakes up

Oh where am I who am I what let me see what’s going on in one second I’m just going to read through chat I’ve been neglecting it for a while like a bad parent oh my gosh my mic doesn’t pick up anything my screams I really I really just noticed

Dylan’s like what are your chords in your chat yeah okay I didn’t realize because I wouldn’t even think of that if it’s like Dylan just send it in the chat I’d been I just would have assumed Minecraft chat I said in her in her Server chat I was

Like what why did you send it there yeah the server chat that’s going to be a you know did you get it I said um no what achievement is that give a Pillager the taste of their yeah shoot them with the crossbow I assume wow Steve’s crossbow training hey hello anyone funny reference

No okay boo ah you got you got me Oh I thought Calamity was just booing Corb zilla’s story that’s what I thought that was no that’s pretty inaccurate I hate to break it to you I hate sleep I’m a anti-sleep person I I don’t doesn’t sleep that’s true I do sleep but

I hate that I do no he doesn’t sleep though it’s very weird I’m about ready to give up this you can always cheat I could you you know what they say if it’s not fun why bother I think PL said that I’m pretty sure it’s PL yeah play’s mentioned a lot

This chat fun to eat not to play with or whatever oh you only made it last for 3 seconds I did I was testing whether or not you’d want to have that happened gave me the effect oh That’s a classic Corb joke going see billion years Jerick relates he plays Metal Gear

I I do what is that an end reference Calamity says a what Stevie John is a chicken nugget oh oh look at that oh oh look I have the bad open effect are you guys ready to kill the vill uh no not at all but please don’t teleport me I’m in the

Middle of searching well I have to go back to the house I’m probably not going to be done by then well I’m going back so you yeah I sure do sure do I sure do uh about a little I sure do I’ll be back momentarily do I have time to go mend uh

No probably not no time to omegas how was H your eating break that you took earlier it was well needed it was very much needed consumption yes sustenance Drake are you a sustenance head you know you eat a lot of the sustenance I the wrong way I’m big into sustenance how big

Uh know is there a torch there like you know would you like say large big the way large to medium large way you know just you know not that I’m saying anything I’m just curious you know large by the way you’re on the big screen again oh

Yeah they’re showing Mages is off in leaders Mages on the big screen Mages on the big screen the IM mes if you’re not watching Mages at an IMAX what are you doing you know you can teleport to me I’m not near the Villager Hall okay in my

House I’ll do it before I hit this tree oh this is going very poorly hit the tree I hit the tree okay was ready for a raid anybody I got to put my stuff no I’ll pass but thanks for the invite lame listen I’m in the I’m at like the bottom

Of a cave and I spent forever finding this cave I just want to explore it Tyler Story chapter done very nice fit in the end chapter is done but is is it over oh no my bad Omen effects gone oh no whatever we going to

Do Finn theend oh he finished I do yeah it was oh it’s magically back now all right I’m walking over to the villagers now hold on oh that was not intentional okay I’m not walking to the villagers hello hello wolf Boy Productions we’re about to do a raid right now village Village

Raid oh let me get my Trident what the f was that I wonder no not this Sher something in my house oh cool I like raids you see that you got a raid head in the in the chat which is not a ra Shadow a real raid

Head okay I’m going to slowly walk over to the I’m trying to get it it’s not letting me is this a slime here try now right for the murder he doesn’t want to see mes on theaters all right I’m walking over here oh look one remaining what there’s only one guy NY

Witchy no are you serious is it actually working what do you mean oh no is it actually it is it no what are you talking about if is part of the raid it says raid Raiders remaining one snitchy witchy I don’t is that true that’s just put random illagers that are nearby in

The raid yeah oh go by the way nice shaders thank you they’re it’s the shaders are complimentary shaders so if you want to use them I mean like if that’s you can just you know re bad Omen and then just go to another Village see and you have been ringing the bell

To confirm that it is not him right it is him how do you know it highlights him he blows yeah but like yeah I know that I doesn’t it just do it all the time not even if even outside of a raid I’ve I’ve once started a raid and

Like been like where’s the last guy and like spent like 30 minutes looking and then he just appeared well there’s no one else around so as far as you know do we have to export why I’m looking I think just go to another Village and start another raid over

There yeah that’s probably the raid will end they’re all crying what are you doing snitchy witchy they’re crying what are you doing M Dylan you cannot kill snitchy witchy not going to kill him good you just want him there’s no way thing we can transport him away from take him very far away

Well there’s the village where I abducted these fools that’s where we can go uh oh zombies do uh where are you taking him Dylan far away why no I just said we can go to the Village over there it won’t will it work cuz he’s the one

Raider we have to kill it’ll go away we another ra put him away he wasn’t even part of it initially I would love shaders if I if I didn’t have a laptop with yeah shaders are pretty demanding I like the idea of an ending a raid just by being like we’ll take the

Raid and push it somewhere else I feel like that should count as a prisoner of war yeah he’s like we already had him he a sta prisoners of war in Minecraft mojing would never I don’t know man they already they already have like the slave trading with the Villagers I mean true I

Guess they encouraged this I know it the new update’s not going to stop anything just make us get more creative they don’t want to stop slavery villager slavery they just want to make you be creative and doing they just want to make you go be more diverse if there

Are any living people left here there are nitwit right over here there’s one guy a nitwit all right I love if like moing went full salt mode and they’re like yeah we’re putting a mending villagers on the uh the M the mushroom biome on oh look I got I magically got

The the bad Omen again we should have brought a bell ually a here they’re not Bell well I it great they probably stole it wow what if it was like one Pillager remaining and it was all the way over there for get a bell’ be so cruel of the game that would

Suck you’re just playing and it’s just like no I know there’s a real vill illager out there kill him corilla says or resurrect snitchy witchy after killing in myft no there’s no way to resurrect not letting you guys suffer we can’t do it we’re not settling for

Duplicates we’re not idiots it can’t be a copy we will know it’s not the real snitchy witchy we look at him and just always be in shame can’t do it it’s inside you thunderheads whoa thunderheads calm down with the that’s a new one get inside the houses get inside the

Houses they snitch I see them they’re coming over at the beach they’re storming the beach like a Normandy like a Normandy yes did you put snitch back in vill or the Villager house he’s safe in a boat why is he safe did you put torches around him I’m pretty sure zombie inside

The Villager Hall in a boat good oh sorry I would suffer if you got him killed why are we doing a raid exactly because you can cuz we can cuz you we’re bored yeah a little I don’t think I can ever go back

To uh oh does it have to be one left oh now iated him don’t lie you’re not over your there’s a there’s a ravager and a witch my Arch Enemy guys there you go I’m going to kill you how dramatic do witches run out of potions I don’t

Know do Arrow oh my gosh he’s destroying the wild you’re learning French Calamity Roxy that’s pretty cool ju sweet uh what is it juu France P FR I just said I am French or the language what is it I am France there was a way people used to say it but it wasn’t

Right yeah there’s a lot of that it’s a witch guys my Arch enemies she must die you must die no try to did you just kill a carp yeah how’d you know the heck that guy doesn’t even have a sword it’s snitchy witchy no he’s out of the boat to come fight with

His friends new game three do wiches run out of potions I watch that hey guys it’s U me um So today we’re going to be um they’re all over there I nearly pressed middle Mouse button to Ping this is not that kind of game oh my God I’m sure that would work

Out I’m trying to throw my Trident today we’re going to spend all of eternity I need to put entailing on this thing oh yeah what if moing went into excessive detail with the witches so they acted like villagers where it’s like ah they restock at the Brewing

Stands just like a villagers do with their traits I would love if they made a potion villager and it was just a witch but it like was a nice one friendly yeah so you mean snitchy witchy snitchy witchy but actually he’s up on the roof this is

Quite vexing I’m I’m sniping him no okay not really you see what I said there I I just choose to ignore the those things that was it you guys did it yeah yippe yipp to the villagers the villagers at home too the whole one villager in this

Village trade will be improved it better apply to the Villages back home oh yeah it probably will probably i’ love if you like i’ wi threw like a crossbow at you when you got home B it’s not afterno bonj it’s just like hi B just oh the raid is still going on back

Here oh it goes away don’t worry thank goodness yes that’s what I said how long no I lied it might be a bit but that’s oh yeah we get the discounts here too they they’re being actively like attacked and they’re like thank you thank you for stopping that thank thank you so

Much thank you for being so dumb oh no are you proud with me when I learning French I know I’m the UK gar Bobby Ferguson Bobby Ferguson I don’t remember the real guy’s name but they’re making fun of him yeah maybe uh don’t say it otherwise they sue you I don’t care sue

Me it’s Regular Show they already made fun of him he sued Regular Show we French probably uh yeah learning French just cool after you killed the ravager mes I thought the Pillager was doing a squat midair he probably was we could we can learn French here

Too yeah I feel like you’d be the most qualified to learn French given your proximity huh oh yeah France like physical location or physically yeah biologically Yeah Toast getting into stuff I think it’s kind of funny when people are like yes I am 3% France 3% France the country of France

Or something like that I don’t know they’re usually like like yeah I spit in a vial and it told me I’m my makeup is 3% France I’m 16 we so 16 yeah French Canadian specifically nine copies 100 France nine copies of3 fish it sounds like you didn’t want to learn

French what is he trying to say here what does he have against French people probably nothing but maybe something exactly it’s the maybe we have to focus on not the probab potentiality mining next we can make a staircase no that’s okay new Mages episode Mages Minecraft Monday musical what oh ah the karaoke

Minecraft Monday what are you save it for the stream all now no the karaoke stream she’s absolutely going to be do you weren’t here earlier oh do a karaoke stream I could see doing that may just asked like I don’t want to ask but should I do a karaoke stream everyone’s

Like yeah absolutely and she’s like ah I’m not even good I I said I was like guys should I do a karaoke stream please say no and then everyone’s like yes do it now she’s trying to get out of why why does this sound like a digy doo

It does sound like a digy doo the goat horn oh thought talking about you’re singing I’m like does it does it behind the blanket Tyler you need to stick with M Triple M I’m like Diner driv and Dad cooler are we talking about Minecraft mes Monday just confirmed Monday yeah it’s 4

You can’t count out my M you you don’t Know also back into your place I intended I Ha you sing your lethal company song Mages cry it’s the way I you in a dream snake eer do you hear the warbl on Discord Jerry no you don’t no it sounds fine to me really was probably would you say should I do something the streamer rule is you are

Going to do it I suppose that’s true that’s a good point it’s true the wait did you say the lethal company song the one you sing every time I’m glad you asked okay I’ll pull up hop out at the after party yeah you and all the friends are they love

That sipping on the hand yeah they love that okay 1942 hop back Inari I have actually heard this song about like a literal dozen times we will be playing lethal company together why I don’t know but that’s what it always up the rail isok again because there is no freaking

Redstone to push it up the track mhm did you press the button next to the track no there’s no it can’t go up the track because it’s there’s not red stone to push it up how did we run out of redstone there’s well there’s a rail but it’s not powered because it’s only

Powered when you hit the but button oh so it can go down but it can’t go up so why don’t you have a redstone torch underneath and push the cart and then press the button that means you’d have to push the cart every single time time yeah just

Get a redstone torch and put it there that’s what I said set forid see it can’t go do it it can go down but it can’t go up there you go you see Dylan you can’t keep getting when it comes back it can’t come up because it’s not it wouldn’t be going

Fast enough just put a torch next to it we don’t need these non isues see what I’m saying just just fix it I’m seeing what you’re saying it might be connected to the button and that’s why they can’t simply do that um yes they can just separate by one yeah and then

Put a torch no you don’t even have to do it like that as long as it doesn’t turn off the torch if the torch is on next to it it’ll always be active yeah but if they want to place it and then load it okay I need a redstone

Block why do you why a block cuz why not di mean just seems excessive we haveing Redstone I have I mean like even just placing it it’ just be there just be a block there you can’t pass through anymore but if you place you have a torch in not that you’re ever

In where are you you’ll see the hole where you need to put it on the track by the way the fact that you won Tyler with Connect 4 has been corrected I didn’t lose by normal means Tyler used DX macina to defeat me wow there two for more info C Cannon store

Uh-huh you see he placed a block incorrectly in the match I’m like oh we can fix that and he’s like no I live with my mistakes and then lost a few turns later okay I pull up sounds like you did that one to yourself then fish being I’m

Sorry I also went first that is pretty cheating you Know It really winning a house now Jer thank you a home hey bro do you need an editor well um I don’t have money to pay you and uh I usually edit s myself because I like doing it a particular way the mega style yeah jamming the clips together yes and

No yes and no is a good way to no also deso was used I had to make that mistake sus fish being okay no worries bro unfair and square you know just how it is the Minecraft server open to subscribers or dages personally invite all these fellows yes I did I personally invited

Them this is not a public server that would be fun to do at some point though like a a subscriber server yeah and then we just play God we’re in creative mode and we just watch over them people we need the kazoo corilla says what kind of song from the

Kazoo uh just one from St he’s a real fan of my kazoo you know a real kazoo head did you say shush for what happened did you hear what jerck said no I didn’t what did he say jerck would you like to speak up for the class to hear tell me a duck

Story oh walked up to a lemonade stand yep there it is is that it that’s why what did he running the stand hey do you have any grapes got any grapes got any grapes he recently like release the Christmas version that Christmas Version oh yeah he just like

Came out there this year or something got leave bye bye fish Bing good luck with your fish stuff goodbye fishwell forever on your fish stuff you don’t want to is he like good luck on your fish stuff fish do we know that he is to

Ask I just want to make sure I don’t want to be like offensive what is if I call the wrong what species of fish is he he’s a being mes you accidentally summoned Siri on my phone how what did I say screen and you probably said something hey

Sirii yeah why’ you say that earlier no Siri that happened again hey Stevie John would you rather play Roblox Sonic.exe disaster or Minecraft on survival mode oh let’s see there may or may not be a very large hole next to the Villager Hall oh I saw that what was that all of

About there’s a creeper in the freaking moat oh I next to it right I do not yeah it didn’t break the walls of the Villager place not comprehend it though he rather Roblox game on Minecraft or Minecraft C dang it m just has to say it uh

Okay oh think of the funny thing things to ask Siri Siri leak my IP address hey Siri how do you spell I cup I you leave me alone you asked oh my gosh it’si Siri goes off has the mail Theory forb you’ve accidentally made me send my own mom a text

What I was saying that to make it do it to him but it did it to myself oh wait I got one okay corilla make sure Siri can hear me hey Siri what’s 0 divided by zero oh it’s classic one uh that would be one wouldn’t it 0 /

0 Z goes into zero I mean I’m pretty sure it’s been established that it’s just zero no she said oh Zilla zero over anything equals zero so yeah it would be zero it’s like times Z by zero you’re Minecraft mom for some reason wow you’re Minecraft mom I got got Siri spell

Monday spell Mages Minecraft Monday oh wait somebody asked Siri who is Mages the vtuber or something like that I you got to be like had to be like specific I’ve not heard of this hate M that she shuts off she does the passive aggressive thing where she doesn’t answer and just turns

Off as if you didn’t day of the week following t or following Saturday and before Tuesday oh I guess that’s how you would Define would it say following Sunday yeah why would it say following Su it did say that Cher why did you say Saturday you lied to us uh I can’t read

I purposely because I can’t read no you said you could read but you refus to I was lying obviously knew it I tried to question you and you’re like uh uh uh no I can read Tyler Siri said sorry I can’t get the result of M’s YouTuber about M’s

YouTuber yeah you’re a YouTuber now get youtubed you’re real Mages face the facts you do Google my name my one of my Minecraft Monday thumbnails does come up so I mean hey that’s somewhere that’s starting somewhere let’s go Google Baja Blast recipe uh no no don’t do

That oh my gosh I hate this rail dude don’t do that listen why do you hate the rail you’re it’s I can’t stop you it doesn’t go if it’s not on an incline yeah it’s finicki at the Farm Place everywhere else it’s fine though it needs to be on an incline

I’ve tried to put it on an incline but the Hoppers that you placed above it don’t make it go anywhere can you guys just make it work I’m trying guys it’s a it’s a what oh my gosh what jerich what tell us hello say your peace what is the

Problem I need it to go but it’s not go why is it not going cuz it’s not on an incline The Hoppers won’t allow it to go on an incline it’s not on an incline it’s supposed to sit there and collect the stuff in the chest for The

Hoppers right so it needs to be able to sit so The Hoppers can insert stuff but for that to happen it can’t be on an incline okay how about why was this button not working this one yes lights it up because it needs to be

Pushed all the way in here oh my so if you replace these two with just regular rails so that every time it comes in it goes all the way in here oh my God it’ll work you could set it so that it’s pushed into a place where it

Can collect and then just easily be pushed onto an incline yeah or just have it two yeah it is in a situation like that right now so if you just do that every time then it’ll work just like have it go to somewhere where it can collect stuff and then when

You need to move it you just push it out of where it’s resting into an incline that works that’s nearby I would I would set it up so that that Hopper goes into the other Hopper instead of down cuz as it is it can’t fill from both hoppers at

Once oh this is a suggestion I thought you going to be like I would do this I’m not G oh two chests with there were two but not anymore oh so I guess it would make more sense to just have it flow from one hopper to the other yeah not do it like

That not Gamers I’m getting kind of tired why because I’ve been doing this for nine almost 10 hours holy crap Lois yeah what’s your favorite color of axle botle pten to people what you ask this question often I do pink that’s a good one someone hiccuping see R why are you

Hiccuping cuz I was hiccuping earlier earlier today HIC offing ey cing would you like to elaborate she’s being bullied is what’s happening who’s bullying are but they’re they’re the one bul I thought you said they’re being bullied no they’re bullying McGee oh what buling no o she’s egging a

On is that really what you want right now McGee yes what I’m playing the Wii what are you playing on the Wii high and Subway Surfers what game you playing on the Wii Subway Surfers probably is that even on the Wii no exactly maybe I’m sure somebody could

Put it on the W if you can put doom on anything you could put Subway servers on anything I don’t know about that I don’t I don’t know that that’s how that logic works yeah just dance oh nice which one Just Dance 2024 uh 2020 is the

Latest 2020 is the latest no it isn’t the on the Wii on the Wii yeah that’s why I said they stopped yeah on the Wii they AB that it went all the way to 2020 on the Wii You’re Not Just Dance are you huh on the

Wii on the Wii dance one want one the first one no that’s not the right person what is happening on the Wii yeah we get it but what about about it in the desert no in the desert in the nether in the desert screw the nether

Like creepers to real life so that they can stop creepers from dropping gunpowder could you imagine if M just started streaming for only a year like I barely started streaming for a year or like I only streamed for a year and then I was done that’s what I was thinking too un

You only we be doing one year before we delete the whole Channel at least the streams it’d be a well interesting is a thing you technically could call it Jerick are you a Thorns kind of guy in Minecraft I’m not cuz I tried to th

Kind of guy I tried to make an Enderman Farm one time with thorns and it was just such of a hassle that I realized that re the damage you get not yeah you just avoid getting hit in the first place for me it feels like like started one year ago oh like like

This stream has been going consecutively for a year wait when’s the first stream let’s check what’s your what’s your stream adversary uh that it has to be a getting over it stream I’m pretty sure wasn’t it that um no it was getting over it stream isn’t that one also

Privated uh I don’t think so let me see uh no jump oh you used to called it jump King it’s time to jump but before it was it was beating yeah but that’s the oldest public one oh oh megas have you looked at your subscriber count oh my gosh Gamers we’re at 500

Subscribers we’ve done it we’ve done it number oh my gosh we’ve done it now we can delete the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 500 subscribers let’s go Gamers what are you gonna do now that you have 500 loyal subjects I got you CR I spook um it’s a good

Question how’s Dylan’s mental state corilla asks not good poor why not good bro she’s tired she’s losing it m losing it I’m also tired everyone’s tired I don’t know how much more I want to play Minecraft right now ever this iron or in this last Minecraft Monday what did you say I’m

Going to take this iron ore the Deep slate iron ore what’ you say uh why I’m just kidding would you like to answer for yourself for two seconds what would you like explain yourself and why you’re I knew I saved you from the hi offs yeah be grateful he scared you well

I don’t know that I really need you to be grateful I just I’m glad that you’re safe now creepers are pretty good for crowd control at the very least stuck in your head now shut up the ratings four out of four on Dylan’s mental state four out of four is pretty good that’s

Perfect that is 100% mhm all right Gamers gasp is it time I think it might be time we end the universe I’ve been sitting here for 10 hours yeah but you’ve sat here for 12 hours before hey yeah but she doesn’t have to break her

Uh I’m not going to one up myself every time that would be crazy thing I believe in you you can absolutely wreck yourself she could if she wanted she doesn’t need to right now of course she wants to Right View she has to get to next Mages video uh I I

Will be spending tomorrow working on that her life first one post 500 subscribers oh my right the 500 subscriber special which is what we’ll call it uh yeah I don’t know about that but it won’t be but stream has been going on for 10 years oh my could you

Imagine ever since YouTube began anytime I’m here for you to stop stop the high hofing I look at my calendar it’s just like 2033 I’m like oh I’m so fired right Gamers do a sign off second all right just please let me get out this predicament I’m in before you close the

Server all righty Gamers yes I I yes I am larger because I made myself larger all right Gamers I think I’m going to call the stream here been playing Minecraft for 10 hours so I’m a little tired not going to lie 2251 oh I’m so super fired well anyway Gamers I think I’m

Going to call us the Minecraft Monday stream here I would usually stream for a couple more hours but I feel like we’ve done a lot and pretty tired right now and yeah uh stay tuned for the newest video that will be coming out this Wednesday on M’s Wednesday uh I will probably be

Streaming on Wednesday as well maybe also Thursday if you uh if you’re interested in that then be sure to just keep an eye out on YouTube and if you haven’t already joined the Mages Discord you can go ahead and click the pinned comment the link in the

Pinned comment of that takes you to the mjor Discord server uh it’s still a work in progress still working on stuff but it’s pretty Bare Bones it’s usually when I announce streams and when the new videos come out but thank you Gamers for watching M just Minecraft Monday I hope I made your

Mondays a little bit better um for that and uh stay tuned for any more streams this week thank you to all the new subscribers um and thanks for we reached 500 Gamers thank you for helping me reach 500 I never thought i’ would have this many people uh actually

Watch my content so thank you but Gamers uh H can we do a raid how do you do raids can we raid I want to I want to raid uh Emma’s stream how do you raid hold on I’m going to I’m going to do this to the live

Redirect oh shoot we’re going to do it I’m going to do it this oh W that’s interesting what hold up hold up trying to figure this out oh wait I could do it like this hold on uh Customization uh uh I don’t have a redirect I don’t have a redirect option anyway Gamers um I I can’t get the raid thing to work right now but everyone should go tune into to Emma’s Minecraft everyone should go tune in to I’m sending a link in the in the chat

Right now everyone go tune in to Emma’s Minecraft stream happening right now Emma’s super nice uh she’s funny and she’s really chill to hang out with so everyone go go and raid Emma’s chat and tell her may just sent you anyway Gamers thank you all for watching and

Tuning In The Stream I will probably see you later this week and I’ll see you Gamers later peace bye Gamers bye bye Gamers bye Gamers bye bye bye bye bye bye bye Gamers A Ah N

This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Making Mondays Better with Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MAGES. on 2023-12-19 05:52:14. It has garnered 145 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 10:00:07 or 36007 seconds.


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    Blockers LifeSteal SMPA Lifesteal SMP for fun. we are a new smp trying to gain more popularity i hope you enjoy the lifesteal SMP Read More

  • HexArchon SMP – Custom Worlds, Items, Mobs, Skills, Abilities, Enchants, Boss Fights, Dungeons, Quests, Land Claiming, Furnitures, Heads, Events, Dynmap, Wiki

    HexArchon ☄️HexArchon HexArchon is a Custom MMO-Inspired SMP with unique gameplay features such as Custom Mobs, Items, Enchants, Boss Fights, Abilities, Quests, Worlds, and more. 🔗Links Server Trailer Discord Server Wiki 📖Our Values We are committed to creating something new and unique, focusing on quality work and community feedback. Community voice & transparency Huge range of free-to-choose playstyles Trust & respect Dedicated updates 🎮Gameplay Mechanics Custom Mobs Custom Items Custom Enchants Dungeons Quests Abilities Stats Auto Farms Player Shops Pets Fishing Quality-of-life Improvements 🖥️Technicals Server performance and responsiveness are top priorities, with powerful hardware specifications for zero-lag gameplay. The server… Read More

  • ThePickaxeSMP

    ThePickaxeSMPThis is The Pickaxe SMP for minecraft premium and cracked version.MC Version: 1.20.1Ranks:[OWNER][ADMIN][MODERATOR][VIP][DEFAULT]Java and Bedrock Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gordon Ramsay roasts Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Gordon Ramsay roasts MinecraftGordon Ramsay’s reactions to finding out someone built a poorly designed kitchen in Minecraft would be pure gold. Read More

  • Crafty Trials Update: 15 Paintings, Minecraft’s New Score

    Crafty Trials Update: 15 Paintings, Minecraft's New Score In the Minecraft world, a new update arrives, With 15 paintings, a feast for our eyes. Tricky Trials is the name, bringing new art, To decorate our builds, a creative spark. Java Snapshot 24w18a, Bedrock Preview too, Both versions get the update, for me and for you. Hyazora on Twitch, sharing the news, With a grin and a spin, no time to lose. Minecraft news, in rhymes we trust, Crafting updates, a must we must. Stay tuned for more, the gaming delight, In every rhyme, the truth takes flight. Read More

  • Cobblestone Tower: Hotter Than Your Mixtape #minecraft #meme

    Cobblestone Tower: Hotter Than Your Mixtape #minecraft #meme When you spend hours building the biggest cobblestone tower in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems #gamerstruggles 😂🎮💣 Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Cozy Builds!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Cozy Builds! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a charming YouTube video titled “How to build a cute bakery • Cozy bakery • Minecraft.” The video showcases a cozy bakery with a nice counter and a secret cash register, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for players to explore and enjoy. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does highlight the creativity and imagination that players can bring to their Minecraft worlds. Just like the adorable bakery featured in the video,… Read More

  • Chinese Hacker Targets Us in Minecraft SMP!

    Chinese Hacker Targets Us in Minecraft SMP! Minecraft Shenanigans: A Dive into Swift SMP Session 1 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new chapter unfolds with the Swift SMP Session 1. As players embark on this journey, a mix of excitement and mystery fills the air. Let’s delve into the intriguing events and features that make this session unique. Illegal Commands and Creative Mode The allure of accessing illegal commands and gaining creative mode has captivated many players in the Swift SMP. From uncovering glitches to secretly using creative mode for extended periods, the gameplay is filled with unexpected… Read More

  • INEVERMINE Update: BIG Minecraft Bedrock NEWS!

    INEVERMINE Update: BIG Minecraft Bedrock NEWS!Video Information This video, titled ‘HUGE NEWS FOR MINECRAFT BEDROCK PLAYERS!!!’, was uploaded by INEVERMINE on 2024-04-09 21:00:06. It has garnered 1351 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:18 or 498 seconds. Where about to get more Minecraft bedrock servers, and these servers do things we have not seen before so lets get into it! I hope you guys enjoy! If you guys would like to support this channel and all the fun stuff I do on here link the link below to join and get EARLY ACCESS TO NEW VIDEOS, MEMBER PRIORTY TO COMMENTS AND… Read More

  • Insane Halloween Minecraft Build Hack!

    Insane Halloween Minecraft Build Hack!Video Information This video, titled ‘amazing Minecraft build hack in Minecraft PE #minecraft #halloween #minecrafttutoria’, was uploaded by GAMER RAVIN on 2024-01-02 12:19:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Transformation in Minecraft by Rey980

    Unbelievable Transformation in Minecraft by Rey980Video Information This video, titled ‘Some changes and then Minecraft’, was uploaded by Rey980 on 2024-03-06 06:19:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Want To Join The Call? join the Discord im sitting in lounge! Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/itsrey9808 Join The … Read More

  • Surprising Mom with EPIC Minecraft Birthday Timelapse!

    Surprising Mom with EPIC Minecraft Birthday Timelapse!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Birthday Timelapses: Mom’s Birthday Timelapse!’, was uploaded by Zeta Beetle on 2024-01-08 02:30:39. It has garnered 235 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:41 or 1361 seconds. When I uploaded Ninja Cricket’s birthday timelapse, I hinted at doing 1 for Mom next. Let the record show, I’m a man of my word. It’s Mom’s birthday, and I’m uploading this, regardless of how late it is. Bc, by the end of the day, I want my longest time supporter to be the main 1 that sees this! #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttimelapse Tracks (in… Read More


    🔥HUNT DRAGON NOW! 🐉[MINECRAFT ADD-ON] #ADSAVideo Information This video, titled ‘MARI KITA BERBURU NAGA – MINECRAFT ADD-ON’, was uploaded by ADSA on 2024-02-26 01:40:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Help continue to support this YouTube channel by subscribing, liking and sharing. Thank you for clicking on this video. Read More

  • Monster School: Sad Zombie Bride – Minecraft Animation

    Monster School: Sad Zombie Bride - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game SAD STORY OF POOR BRIDE – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by GA Animations on 2024-03-15 09:32:09. It has garnered 102243 views and 860 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:51 or 1731 seconds. Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game SAD STORY OF POOR BRIDE – Minecraft Animation https://youtu.be/WGqtzJOFMSM Hello! 💚 Thank you for coming to GA Animations Channel! 💕 Have a nice time watching video on our channel. Minecraft is my greatest passion of all. Give your feedbacks, comments and likes my videos! ► Disclaimer: GA… Read More

  • 100% Real: FLATLEY SHOCKS Viewers on Turd Island

    100% Real: FLATLEY SHOCKS Viewers on Turd IslandVideo Information This video, titled ‘Turd Island (Chill Stream)’, was uploaded by FLATLEY TALKING on 2024-03-18 17:12:38. It has garnered 238 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:30 or 6810 seconds. #drama #commentary #tea mILTOWN BEST, SMP, MINECRAFT NEWS CALL IN’s WELCOME jks its ok ill also be talking about nothing Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art! (PPL Request)

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art! (PPL Request)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,672’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-16 07:45:14. It has garnered 94 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,672 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Note Block Cover of Hikaru Nara by Mr Aldi

    EPIC Minecraft Note Block Cover of Hikaru Nara by Mr AldiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Goose House – Hikaru Nara (Your Lie In April) Minecraft Note Block Cover’, was uploaded by Mr Aldi on 2024-01-14 08:00:07. It has garnered 513 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:38 or 278 seconds. In this video I made Goose House – HIKARU Nara (Your Lie In April) Minecraft note block cover Thank you for watching my videos. I hope you enjoy. ————————————————————— Tools : Capcut (Video Editing) Pixellab (Thumbnail) MCPE (V 1.20.32) ————————————————————— 🎵Original Song🎵 Please Subscribe Because Its free Like and share if you like my videos You… Read More

  • Cosmic Unknown

    Cosmic UnknownWelcome to Cosmic Unknown ! We strive to have a friendly and creative community with fun events. Our server is a modded server with the main focus being on Dinosaurs and Magic. We also have tech mods, farming mods. We tried to make our modpack fun for everyone! play.cosmicunknown.net Read More