Ultimate Minecraft Modded SMP – Episode 1

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome to a new modded Minecraft world where we’ve got plenty of mods sorry and an apologetic kelp creature honestly it is this mouse sometimes it just double clicks and I just keep forgetting it so sorry it’s okay don’t worry so with me here is Kango Fango

Hello I’m inv chat yes and then we have emu hello with some cute blushing lip uh some cute what are those lips or are those uh cheeks yes two lips cheeks yes Al also um OBS is saying that it can’t uh record or stream so uh

Oh have you entered the stream key yeah it’s um my drivers I need to update them oh okay well I think that that skin is lovely yeah thank you I made it myself and then we have Willis who was over here somewhere oh back there

Yes and Hans isn’t on today but he will be uh next Monday so yeah this is the new world and actually going into yes then we have Mr W look all I’m saying is that there’s a reason that Hull is one letter Away From Hell okay what is that

Reason well you you know what Hull is right I S like the hull of a ship oh yeah I I thought you meant the town I thought you the town yeah yeah I did yeah the town yeah I just didn’t know if oh God a jumps on I just didn’t real I

Just didn’t know if Willis would if Willis would know that because of course he’s not fam me I keep going into I’m unplugging this mouse Bas I’ve actually gone into languages so I might not be responding for a while also walk distance 2 m there you know that’s

That’s a means if this is new new world and this is a completely random seed which means I’ve no idea what we’re about to find infinite dead leaf pile I’m stuck what fire what infinite dead leaf pile infinite dead leaf pile dead leaf pile ah right oh infinite deadly deadly

Leaf pile yeah where are you me here yes I’m getting a tree just come out of the oh no also it’s about to good night already already should I set the time to zeros to give us a full starting day if you wait look to the north and you can see

The aurora borealis if you’ve got Dynamic surroundings installed no I I don’t have that there we go it looks mind it looks stra for let me open stream also I have a little bit of a sore throat a bruin so that’s why rubber sap I see yeah a little croaky

I mean you have got a frog SK oh yeah I think I might have to um reopen uh stop streaming and reopen Minecraft because this is ridiculous okay well that I don’t know what specifically is going on but sure every time I H mentioned this every time

I go into Lang into the into the language bit of Minecraft mhm it it freezes it actually free I think it might be because H apparently all the versions of Minecraft did it yeah and now I can’t come out of Minecraft clones or anything like I don’t know if

It’s I don’t know if I’m still streaming the moment um hold on you are what what can you see just the languages P I can just yeah and OBS and OBS so yeah we’ve got we’ve got a lot of interesting mods installed the mod list should be linked

In the description on YouTube when this gets archived and yeah um the kind of the two core mods is preh historic nature and thorcraft and also hello everybody rooms bath Kang Fango Mary Mary hello it’s been a long time and blue is here ah hello God it takes a long time to hit

Down a tree yeah the whole tree huh it’s the whole tree it’ll fall down timber that’s cool okay where’s the wood gone oh there it is no you left the game yeah but with the with the dynamic trees they do grow a bit slower than regular ones and they

Grow dynamically so if you want to farm wood it’s best to convert them to regular tree like regular saplings and then use those to right I’m La I’m launching Minecraft again see and I don’t in a bit I don’t know how long oh this is so cool pretty wild

Watch in the whole tree fall over I need to unmute oh God no we can hear you no no no no no my um volume no we can hear you I sure you oh the cows are very loud I heard it right in my nose you heard it in your

Nose did I say nose yes come on well you’ve had a you’ve had a stressful day I’ve had a stressful couple of day yeah and I’m not very well merry pine wood interesting I’ve got hold on one second I’ve got torches yay y y I’m collecting all the flowers

Thank you actually got a plan I’ve actually got a plan on what my house is going to be this time that’s nice also are you going to start that’s nice you going to are you going to start streaming again what I want to ask well

When it comes up yes I will okay I think Kango just brought it up so what happened I me you uh the ground collapsed oh sand uh gravel I see okay let’s see what do I need let’s just convert all of that and then so beard tongue oh that’s cute what

A flower called beard tongue yeah is that an actual flower I wonder why can’t you pick up the mush well apparently that exists penson or beard tongue hello ah hello the problem now everything’s fine hello no I’m currently just using your your thing here are we all going to

Be building our houses near each other well I don’t know if this is really the area that we want to actually all build at but for the time being I just want to get a source of food and I want to get some basic tools and a little bit of starter stuff

And then we can go to whatever we like and I do we do have the S like simple teleporters and stuff like that which those oh are those white um icons the NPC uh entities yeah the gray ones are entities the white ones are the players wait that one that one book says

The one probe yes that’s to set up the the Highlight thing that comes up that tells you what you’re looking at also if you choose to read the book titled world domination with open blocks oh it’s gone sorry gone I was just going to I

Was just going to say that if you choose to read the book titled world domination with open blocks we won’t judge you thison oh really are you sure the volumes are correct Char well I thought it was but I’ll just boost a little bit seems a bit

See chat says hello there says room SP hello there I said starting soon room Spath I hope so yes time soon live ah yay room Spath oh Snow Yeah there snow around Mary hello yes indeed there’s King upon Hall also known as Hull rooms PA hello and there’s the pen link yes

Indeed also known as hell I’ve never been there so I can’t say this this one then is one two three four five one two three four which is more which is the more preferable uh town to live in Kingston upon Hull or Grimsby two three four 34 so I’m collecting all the flowers

This is so I mean I mean grinby sounds worse grinby sounds like your butler you to say it sounds like your but I was like wait what G bear up you’re not wrong it does sound a bit like that be put that away no I said put it away no what are

You doing can’t have that around po light company em Che Yer going astray I am I’m finding more and more flowers oh what lovely flowers these are what lovely flowers you have so many ooh is getting up raade interesting rooms buff says so you have to keep in

Mind again in which bi you want to build yes although we don’t have the snow real magic Seasons mod yeah we don’t have seasons mod or snal magic what was the season was that P Serene Seasons Ser of course yeah Serene season we don’t have Serene Seasons so it won’t actually well

We won’t actually have seasons basically and they won’t be Serene either yeah I guess room spff says okay okay to you too right so I’m really excited for this for the specifically for the the prehistoric nature mod that’s nice so Mr W where are you at in terms

Of streaming I’m still not in the game Minecraft’s still loading up ah okay yeah it’s initializing the engine it’s 3 out of seven with loading the module man manager it’s three out of five and with loading resource it’s one out of one oh see and and it just keeps

For the bar at the top it just keeps going red to Green to Yellow to red go hopefully soon all right you can’t use f to put things in your hot bar in this version I keep forgetting about that guys now ahead sorry am what did you say level one already what up

Tech reborn now that you have no idea what that means but a tech reborn ore you got an ore that was added by Tech reborn oh okay so how’s your inventory space looking that’s huh poke weed berries ooh those are m H I’m not sure that those should be

Eaten I’m so glad this works oh my gosh what just the Minecraft in general just just Minecraft yeah yeah ah yes oh it’s not been a fun couple of days yeah well it seems to work now and I’m glad that you managed to figure it out and so that you’re here

Yes so I said they don’t Breathe No One breathe I turned my rendering distance all the way down to two no not see not that far h i see you over there AMU hello hello nice sign you have thank there we go lovely hello oh yes oh

God oh did you not did you forget to put a chimney on it what the heck right streaming again where is everybody do you use the stream where am I on if you press if you press J it opens up a big map and you can also put way points on

The map those are local to you oh yeah so so which which icon am I in this then you’re the central one the blue one oh the little blue one okay why can I put why can I make an image H why can you it says

Image I’m not sure what that’s what in uh the inventory SL crafting I don’t know I’m not sure what you mean could you post a screenshot perhaps yep uh all he using a track pad it’s been so long not using one I used one for many many a year and

My thumb suffered for it I’m not using oh I’m using um okay so Em Right Index o ly go you set up House near L congratulations oh thank you for the poke weed yeah I’m not sure that you should eat those oh oh yeah I can sh sh image oh that’s

Odd I don’t know we don’t have the camera mod anymore do we yes we do hello all right hello feel free to go in the water we don’t have toughest Nails installed thank goodness imagine that so I am going to try putting the okay so while that’s growing I’m going to try

Plug my mouse back in while that is growing growing I’m going to make some more torches and see if I can find some iron or something like that because it would be ideal to make a bucket for Stuff basically h I like the textured trees textured trees yeah or the 3D trees

SP what because they were 2D before yeah you can make a stone Rod oh for the love of right hello you’re just hitting a tree with a book that’s going what I’m having to do I’m having to use my mouse to position my hand and then I’m having to

Use the click on the track the click on the trackpad to um um click but doing that is making my mouse slant downwards so it’s not sticking in the right place but then if I keep holding down my mouse then it occasionally counts as two clicks and then the

Progress go back to zero ah yeah I’m taking a this there it goes hey also by the way this little farm here and that stuff that’s what I’ve built so this is my little spot mine mine all mine mine mine mine mine sorry every new PL I’m just Amber oh for

The I was well actually preserve you forgot to say timber to run up it right well so actually actually should we should we say that should we say should we say that we all put a diamond in a pool and whoever does last gets the pool I

Guess swimming pool I wait a minute then it will just turn into I do like natural causes let’s say natural caus this okay ruining the fun I do I do like that it shows you where you died that’s good oh my God this is like a stereotypical cow white with black spots

Oh it’s the little things I no I’m really enjoying this I’m really enjoying all the the Discovery air crystals oh yes get those with a pickaxe your fingers tingle strangely as you handle the crystal what does it mean maybe some rest will inspire you speaking W is start to get dark

Again that’s okay I have I don’t oh I mean IR it’s already night time yeah b f me oh IRL also I uh I got a new a new desk this is so thank you what it the Sound Mod have like close captioning what should yeah down down in

The bottom right it says like cow moves vanilla that’s a vanilla Minecraft feature you should be able to turn that off in settings help me help me I’d never noticed that before I’m scared of watch hang do we need to dig downward you okay you good I

Wonder yeah yeah yeah I’m just wondering if I need to dig down to find the stuff that I dug cuz I I’m fairly certain I had more than this I wonder what the closed caping would display when a villager talks maybe it’ll actually translate it to English yeah what blood hell are you

Doing in our village get away from here I can’t see a thing that be really interesting actually there you are there sure are a definitely a wide variety of flowers you mind I you mind if I use if I use your mind to get some Stone sure go ahead thank you a great

White Trillium o got what’s a flower going to do what’s a flower like you doing in a place like this R I love Rats water crystal water rat water a rat water rat soorry what he like fell I think it may be noise suppression cuz that it did you did cut out a bit yeah hold on to turn it off uh how’s that um that should be better yeah probably yeah that should be it’s just

As a I’ve got a bit of a sore throat a bruin so um so you have a bit more timber in your throat than usual yeah he Ste I won’t I won’t take any of the yours that here I’ll let you have those okay thank you Hasty ooh age of

Stone Snap Dragon how do you tame the R I think you’ve got to throw cheese on the ground and let it take it and then do that over and over again cheese yeah cheese good grief I knew that that would be one of your first questions

Yeah they’re so cute they need to be protected right come back here in the little hole that I made uh there’s some tin if you want that that’s okay thank you I think I’m lost press J I hate this what oh there it is what what

Happened it was a whole bunch of um popups oh yeah yeah the first the first time you open it it gives you like to do all the settings for it ah right I see rats so many settings I I did find the setting that I wanted

Though that’s good to make the mini map rotate instead of always pointing North oh yeah oh Mr W you didn’t break your grave I I I wondered where that was so where so I don’t know where it is though cuz it gave me the markers to where it

As to where it was but I couldn’t see an actual grave it’s here I’m standing on it yeah but I can’t see the grave I didn’t see a grave unless it’s underwater no it’s right here I’m standing on it behind you wait do you not see

Me I don’t think Mr W hello behind you beh I’m behind you hello do you see me hello hello hello I do now yeah yeah come with me if you want to live if you want your grave oh sorting I have missed it so much yeah well that’s not where it showed me

It was well it says Mr W on it so I’m assuming that’s yours yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that was weird bizarre cuz it cuz cuz the icon that I’ve got is in is hang on the thing that the icon shows me is here or at least that’s where it say

Or that at least that’s where it says death so strange okay I’m going to stay away from this tree now you know you you should call out when you knock down a tree sorry Timber already yeah being as I’ve already died from it yes but I haven’t cow he wants to make sure

Everybody does there’s a cow there’s a cow in your mind sh yeah that’s okay I don’t mind don’t call shise that I didn’t although it’s only an insult if you perceive it as such if you choose to perceive it as such how do how do you have a bed

Already there’s a load of ship load of ship nearby you awaken from a strange dream you quickly write it down before the memory Fades how do you how do you all have beds yet well there she and shears should I read it out should I read it

Out loud it’s up to you I had the strangest dream last night in the dream I took three of those strange crystals I’ve been finding and ground them with a handful of redstone into a bowl using a piece of flint the crystals had to be of

Different types but if I did it properly then the result was a strange glowing dust in the dream I took the dust and sprinkled it on a bookcase but the dream ended before I saw what happened I wonder should I do what the dream showed I have the impression the dust was going

To reveal something wondrous but dangerous well there you go o how very mysterious I like it also I have not thought about the style of buildings that I will build or anything like that so oh no what happened no oh for good sake what happened it it just stopped responding

And it clearly is kick me out he showing up yet maybe it’s run out of memory I don’t I connection an established connection was aborted by the host by the software in your host machine piss off language oh it might have been might been some sort of a timeout language is

Fine yeah that was that was the error that I kept having as well but um someone else having technical issues but not and not me oh my God day y oh wow look at that oh yeah I see well is everybody’s is having fun discoveries with the the advanced chimney

Mod and by discoveries you mean like lung ill lung illness yes smoke sickness smoke inhalation yeah smoke to lung inhalation oh I’ve missed that the the the tool automatically goes to hand if you have another oh that’s nice beautiful by the way if you find any of

Those fossil blocks and you break them with a pickaxe then you get the actual uh block that you that you see in the world you have to break it with a geologist’s pick to get the actual uh the actual raw fusses can you um like put it down and break again later

Yeah you have acquired Hardware it was I mean to be honest I’m impressed how you’re managing to play mcraft without Hardware but good on you he’s got a hamster and a wheel spinning getting his power for or a rat there once was a a hamsters mod that

Added um hamster wheels and that did generate RF in game Redstone flux yes h yeah any idea how I get rid of this Death part uh it’s a waypoint if you press J to go into the big map at the bottom there’s way points and you can move it from

That imagine if you just permanently stayed there you died and you will remember it until the last days of this world ooh box site oh I like that it tells you what kind of pickaxe you need to get it yeah that’s why I went with the one probe instead of here’s what you’re

Looking at because I don’t think here’s what you’re looking at does that no don’t remember that no cuz I would have broken this one and I would have wasted it I need some of those crystals H also we do have Nature’s Compass again so if you want to find a specific biome then you can use that thank you o anite was that very nice that’ll be useful is that the red one no anthracite is a specific kind of coal that’s quite oh pure pure

Yes blind of this world’s cruelty uh sure o gypsum well said you okay yes I’m just joking it’s the smoke in the furnace oh hang on are you nearby then look on the map oh you’re just choking oh yeah wait can you see from over

There no I well yeah I can but I’m meant my own oh right yeah I mean you meant their own smoke not your smoke yeah don’t be smoke blowing smoke up your own butt vgr says hello hello Hello you join us Galena or what Galena or that should clear things up I think is that an ore yes ah B says first of all I’m no longer returning in 1880 in open GTD in 1860 we get faster trams okay whatever you like I got a geologic pick

Yay wonderful although I do recommend still breaking the fossil blocks with a regular pick and then breaking them up top because they that those can fill up your inventory really fast when you break them okay uh yes Mr W you wanted to say something I going to

Ask so what’s the yeah so what’s the plan is it just to gather gather materials and then go off and find a place to build um the at the moment yeah pretty much I want to get some starting gear so iron tools a good food source so

We can stock up on food and then I want to make a Nature’s compass and then we can find a biome that we want to build in just wait I’ve got an I’ve got an idea I’m I’ve got an idea on what I want to build this time around MH does it involve

Castles no it’s not a nuclear castle and my game keeps freezing um welcome to my way I’m gonna I’m gonna try I’m going to do what Willis did and I’m going to make I’m G to make my own um place in Minecraft oh I found C and fossils yay yay Cambrian

Fossils yeah I I ever since I first saw Jurassic Park which was a long time ago I’ve been really into dinosaurs and paleontology and and that sort of thing and then Walking with Dinosaurs of course just really really reinforced that and added so much to it

And so for such a long time like for like 10 years or something I ever since I saw the the old fossils Archaeology Mod I wanted to play with a mod like that on with Minecraft and this is the first time I’ve actually managed to to do that and

So I’m really excited about this right I’m trying to figure out I forgot to say that tree was coming down so I mean if you let me remember my dream again hold on um red stone red stone red stone red stone I Mr w i mean if there’s if you

Look if you look on the map first and there’s no one around you I don’t think you have to shout Timber but it’s better safe than sorry I would say m says you are with tupid me because all I had to do was set up a tram line

With four trams going both ways and and boom $20k a month well I don’t think stupid I think more inexperienced with the game because I remember when I first played open TTD I I pretty much I set up a a train line that with a p tank going up a

Hill and it took years to arrive each time and yeah that yeah and I literally have no experience either yeah PR too much uh me and a friend were um looking for VR games uh to possibly play together cuz he’s ordered one and if I can get mine

Fixed and made me think of you guys CU there’s this uh one game where basically it’s a VR uh train conductor game that’s actually a bit odd because the actually yeah that’s no not that but the the ore I mean because I just mined with a iron pickaxe um even though it

Says level Diamond hey hey wait is that Galena uh no it was silver ohz I found I found some down here I don’t have a uh I don’t have a that pickax that wasn’t called der rail Valley but was it no all right oh yes that’s the one

Ah yeah that is made for VR originally you can Al play flat screen and it’s cold apparently but yeah I did know of that and I did also recently I think last month I think received quite a substantial Graphics update and it looks a lot better than before

Hey like and like you can get I out and you can get out of the vehicles and walk around and like level up and stuff and so you can take contracts to take uh this like this many cars like of this cargo from this point to this point then

You need to assemble the train get it there and it is quite realistic in the sense that when trains derail stuff actually breaks and like Windows shatter and depending on what you transport uh things can blow up so hey hell yeah yeah it’s it is quite realistic we’ve all

Gone very far away as I’ve seen what do you mean I’m mining oh right oh yeah and the new weather effects are also lovely like the fog and the lights and everything if you just cycle sometime if you cycle through the uh steam the the pictures it’s quite visible yeah

Although I would advise if you do get a I would advise you go with a diesel engine well you only have a diesel Eng I’m not getting it I was just I just thought of you guys I was like oh ah yeah I mean it’s not of course you

Would get a train game Sor it’s not multiplayer so oh oh you know a train game that is multiplayer open TTD Dil Valley no sry uh uh Raad online that’s one sorry vgr oh yeah um VR says and the thing is if I double the length of the

Line the money triples so yeah that’s all I wanted to say one last thing in 1863 we’re going to get the best tram until the 1910s you’re all talking about der rail Valley overhauled we were yes yeah when you hold your torch it doesn’t light up the area around you I enable

That it’s called Dynamic lights yeah it’s a setting exploding boys yeah yeah I know explody boy you sound you said that so seriously where is it in the settings options video settings Dynamic lights yeah on the left a okay got it good good o I’m okay okay I’ve found a fun

That’s lovely fun fun it’s not D Valley is it uh no oh thank goodness iron and that was make I’ve got I’ve got I mean I’ve got I’ve got some food already but nothing to like make food with walk me through that again yeah we hello hello yes wel tou again hello

Hello I I froze um you did a bit I’m frozen again um maybe you need to how much memory do you have available I cannot remember at all not so not a lot of memory no well I think I think cuz you helped me set it up I allocated as much as I

Think you said to at that point it’s like how much memory I can’t remember and I’ve also turned down some stuff as well oh yeah turned down yeah so I might allocate some more memory at some point like like for the next one because I keep freezing yeah and we’ve not even

Got hard as now tough as now yeah ‘s that rare Earths H interesting nice also shall I shall I read out one review of deril Valley sure this is from the 10th of November this year so it’s from the new up the new update uh so this Alie part

Says hold on I’ll just no they don’t say that I’ll just post that actually vgr says anywhere I will go now okay byebye thank you for coming so in the review they say oh we got different types of chest that’s not what they say no

Emu yes I have a question for you white blue or black white blue or black blue because of blue because blue hey yeah I finally have I finally have a seed congratulations what’s his name the OB the but that’s the parrot yeah oh yeah where’s two Bobs I’m

The wor couple got the fifth ilder yeah sure okay so I’ll read out the review actually now um they say Euro Truck Simulator Child’s Play Elite dangerous baby Town frolics you come to me when you’re barreling downhill around a curve blasting sand with your brakes fully engaged screaming and crying to God to

Please let this shipment of aluminum sheeting get to the orphans in the manufacturing town on time you can barely gain traction as it is and brother it’s starting to rain emu two things well three things one look behind you on minute I’m sorting my ores out hello two aren’t you going to do

Anything about that smoke I don’t know how you attach chimneys to the side of to the side of the Furnace hey how does one make a chimney it’s basically like a ladder only not the thing in the middle and third thing eat o a blue Sprout yes

Eat oh press a five I know oh it’s like my name’s not violet B regard I was about to say well it is now I mean I quite like it it’s quite nice Mr w why white or black uh black cuz it goes with everything okay eat thank

You press a five what what you darkening press a five hang on uh hang on alt F no Al F5 function function oh function oh you didn’t get the you didn’t chop the top of the tree down come on I thought I had yeah look up there

Yeah I I see that now well explain this I could have SW I did that oh well whatever hold on a minute yeah s me that’s not how you make a chimney what that’s how you that’s how you make a um scaffolding it’s with dirt or with with whatever block you want ah

So ah okay that’s cool yeah it is that okay I like that that’s cool okay good good good good good good hang on did you put that chest there what yes these are all my chests I mean this is my area mhm no trespassing get I well I

Well I don’t think there’s any point in making areas being as we’ve not even set off well the place where I’ve got my bed my farm my chests my furnace my mine that is my area mine mine all right mine mine mine oh look at that look at the

Fog don’t no don’t don’t be distracted we’re talking about boundary I got a l YY so how’s everybody doing so far I’m reading chat My chimney up I’m doing good how about you Willis so far so good okay now what did I want from down here again there was something fossils uh no there was something specific that I wanted what was it well there are are some more fossils

There but I sure might as well take them oh right it was a crystal E I wanted a crystal syuan fossils ooh Alo it’s syan not Saran preserved curiosity I think you can pronounce it both ways okay you what sorry a preserved curiosity a very CU is that what the

Item is called curious H from what mod does it does it say or actually it wouldn’t say what it no curi curi I mean it sounds like the sort of thing that uh prehistoric nature would add that’s I thought I was um a fossil but I don’t devonian fossils

Interesting oh I’ve got a devonian fossil ferious Stone B too yes that’s that is going to be very important yeah so you place that down and then you break it with a geologist pick and then cool what I got the the the the mod what the mod I just got

Flung really cool you know that you can just boom fossils yeah I don’t know what that was I I literally just got flown I think you should take care of where you step Mr W well the Scorpion weed not the Scorpion weed what is it then hey don’t accept anything from

Scorpions yeah yeah it’s the cut plant that’s what it’s called and I also just flung a poor animal onto it without realizing with your great yeah that could be wow quick silver cool also known has mercury oh not cool put it down put it down but it’s so

Pretty although I think that the if it’s the Quicksilver from thorcraft I think that that is actually harmless well I’ve touched it and it didn’t kill me so yet yet it’s a slow agonizing death that sounds promising promising your fingers tingle strangely as you handle the crystal what

Does that mean maybe some rest will inspire you oh okay I thought you were talking about the what I thought you were joking about the um the Mercury he was no I wasn’t you know you Lally read the crystal oh right I found crystals and silurian fossils or saluan fossils excellent although that’s

Interesting the crystals were growing on the saluran fossils which means that the crystals must be GE geologically newer than the curan yeah which of course in Minecraft doesn’t even matter because of how gen things generate but you can pretend mhm do you want to enable Dynamic light as well

No what is this blossoming tree Stone interesting yeah it’s Bas it’s like a a sapling you plant it and then the dynamic tree will slowly grow if you put it into a a bucket of dirt then you can convert it to the regular vanilla tree version how much space they have P not

Enough oh you you mate me oh or some more up there Frozen again I mean you are in a very cold biome oh and it’s oh coming back this time there we go so many pretty flower why do I have a feeling that you’re going to open up a boutique oh hell

Yeah you leave their boy alone I used to have this game on um the DS when I was like little I mean like little little and it was called like dream Boutique or something like that and it it was like a flower arranging game it was very simple but I loved it

Have you heard of a game called uh what was it I think it was called strange horiculture or something like that I got it yeah ah i’ haven’t played it yet yeah I’ve heard about it I’ve seen like Snippets of gameplay but I’ve not seen or it or played it myself

So but it seems interesting yeah I got it while it was on sale but I haven’t been able to play it yet and also I’ve got my head off in a minute you’ve got your head off in a minute yeah Carboniferous fossil oh these ones I’ve been looking forward

To would you like to know why oh that’s a no then okay got it I just what way and the side anite is a a type of coal tasty quite a dense coal so crunch crunch taste uh why do why does some trees just not fall over when you break the ball

Because they’re not Dynamic trees trees oh they’re the ones that are added by the plants mod is it imagine Boutique owner uh maybe I’ve open I’ve opened up my I’ve opened up an enlarged H press press Z does that look familiar there we go

Uh God it looks does not look like how I remember it oh dreamer shop owner maybe I have no idea oh that loops around that’s actually really useful no think that was the one I don’t know then what’s less useful is that I again have no inventory space yeah another preserved

Curiosity oh there’s another thing that I want to show youup Amber bearing Stones keep tricking me I think I see gold and it’s Amber hey when are we showing off I don’t have anything to show yeah I’ve just been Gathering stuff really you could show off the chimney I

Mean yeah if anyone want to look at my chimney be my I mean you’re not streaming wait you’re inviting people to look at your chimney on stream mhm take that as you will okay put all this stuff away please I need inventory space you need more chests well I need a less laggy

Inventory screen but that is something that at the moment I think is Out Of Reach neither near here nor interesting H there’s a floating island in the sky yes feel free to explore that it’s totally safe I haven’t made a jetpack yet you need not build a jetpack for

That that WR that’s what they all say arizonian poppies I love what said yeah Arizona puppy there we go yeah give me that I see a chimney is there smoke coming out of it yes it’s probably mine thanks actually oh I’ve not made a chimney I have made a

Furnace maybe it’s not a chimney then hello hello hello hello oh are you um where up there it’s Mr W up there but there but here it doesn’t have a a chimney though hello hello if you see a chimney then it’s probably mine no it’s ni just see the smoke oh right uh

Emu hello hello Look At Me Hold on hold hold on hold on hold on Mr me I’ll look at you in a minute hello oh yeah the how do you do that well you can bind them to keys in the settings uh I back then like years ago I

Bound them to the numpad but if you want you can click on them in the in the chat so if you’ve got the text chat open on the bottom right it says emotes yes indeed right I’m going to get back to me to and then I’m going to head off

Hello just right here I think you said horse also I’m running out of space space let me see how to do that if you press T if you open up chat there’s an emotes button on the right if you click that you can select them or you can bind

Them to hot keys and this settings yeah is that face palm or is that salute that’s salute ah it the game’s the game’s Frozen again run away it’s dark look at that yeah it’s the phase of the moon oh yeah pretty good and then it just stops who it’s dark

Yeah a bit e up here actually yeah well I definitely did not install the Weeping Angels mod or the Herobrine that’s good yeah because that would be a bit um unfair to install such mods without consulting the players don’t you think be funny be funny though no

Well actually Mr W’s got a point it would be funny for you it would be very funny very funny indeed why 0% for these seeds H which seeds the seeds that I’ve planted here uh well they don’t grow if it’s too dark right are they next to

Water no they’re not but next being next to water quickens them right rather than yeah it doesn’t stop them from gr does it really it doesn’t stop it from growing you can grow crops on till soil without water yeah yeah I never knew that there

We go there’s a torch next to him now so hopefully that Mak it Li enough all right I am sadly going to have to head off now okay byebye have fun goodbye thank you I’m glad I’m glad you made it today so am I I’ll I’ll leave um

My uh launcher up just in case like I finished watching before you guys head off okay all right RS says bye indeed Mr W did you jump on the marble in my farm uh um jump on it no I don’t think so did you fall off

It have I made a um is there is there one yeah that was yeah it doesn’t matter can CS do that as well I do not believe so oh come on just grow you be fa I’ve got a lot I’ve got a fair amount of meat so think I should be fine o

That’s that is almost 3 km away that’s too far away see where where where did Willis get to it’s almost 2 kilm away I don’t know over here will Willis you are so far away absolutely so I’m not not stumping on each other and I’m just most exploring kind

Of well yeah but we okay so I suppose that when if you’re exploring then when you found a decent better of land then you can say to us hey I find a decent bit of land and we can make our way there that’s all kind of on the

Coastline islands and stuff right now I haven’t found anything no you left no well fine then I won’t share where I am yeah I think I’m going to need to allocate a bit a bit a bit more memory to this okay how much would you recommend because it runs fine but every

Now and then it will will what do you currently have yeah it also depends how much you’ve available yeah again a minimum of four four what four me four gigabytes megabytes four gigabytes I’ve got seven allocated currently with the amount of mods we have six or six or eight would

Probably be better personally I’ve got I got mine set at 16 all right yeah if you have that many available then yeah okay so yeah because I’ve cuz I’ve got 128 gigs in my machine so oh yeah I just blasted it up to 16 for Minecraft you waken from a strange dream

You quickly write it down before the memory Fades yeah if you have that many I think you can spare a few yeah should I give you my [Laughter] address anyway I think that on so in the next day I think I’ll start journeying to the place where I would

Like to build my main house because I think that with how many biomes we have I think it just makes sense to pick a biome we like and start building there and then to either actually how expensive are the teleporters um has anybody managed to find gold yet I have a little

Bit yeah that’s a whole bunch of quartz and gold and that’s an ie of how do you I found quartz but I haven’t found any gold my seeds aren’t growing yeah but you need a lot of quartz for those because it’s blocks of quartz plus you

Need to smelt an i smel an eye ofender for what sorry uh for the teleporter but I think I think until we get those we can just use TP to Showcase stuff I think that that’s fair if it means that we can actually build in the biomes that

We want to build in we don’t feel limited just because well we don’t have we’re in 112 so we don’t have all the fancy bamboo stuff like we had in we do have bamboo but not the base gin bamboo yeah not the Base Cam bamboo um yeah Silverwood tree that’s different yes

That is from thorcraft which means it is magic stuff H oh this does have to be placed in a shaded Place does it not I believe it does which is somewhat unfortunate but it’s okay don’t worry about it it’s fine what level is gold they at usually

Just dig just go I this in this version just go down to level 11 just dig straight down and you’ll find lots of gold yeah just just go strip mining level 11 I did know that was you Kango also something’s shooting across my screen who do you think it was what do

You mean something shooting across like going across my across my view it almost look like a shooting star but I don’t think I’m high enough for that yeah it might be a dynamic surroundings thing well i’ I’ve turned those off in the hopes that it makes it run

Smooth I saw that if you’re having if you’re having lag issues I would suggest removing the dynamic surroundings and sound filters mods that’s what I’ve done that’s the thing it’s not that I’m lag it’s not really that I’m lagging it’s that I go pretty much lag fine but then

Every now and then it just stops and needs to catch up that’s it running out of memory I think yeah so I’ll check how much I have I mean cuz for prism specifically I don’t think I have any um so oh so it’s the default amount then

Yeah Ah that’s probably not quite enough then no yeah CU I think the default is like two I think so yeah cuz they expect you not to use any mods mods what is this yeah are we by the way are we doing what time are we doing it on Wednesday

Because that depend because that determines whether I can make it or not uh so well Oh you mean like the the M the the MK thing yeah it depends if that’s MK or if that’s Minecraft I don’t know a MK for now um we did have it 8 to 9 last

Time okay so I’m about moving it by 1 hour so it’s s to 9 I’m not sure if that if everyone could do that I mean I would prefer that if possible it’s fine I don’t mind it’s fine I’ll just have to you know Miss a few weeks of that m

Yeah I mean okay the the the the new the new dawn has stayed and so I’m going to make a boat and then I’m going to be off good um well hang on are are we not all we hang on are we not all going in the

Same place or similar Place well I think because I really do think we should well may well the thing is there are so many biomes that are added and if we all build very close to each other then we won’t really be able to build in the

Biome that we want to build plus I want to build in quite a few biomes like I want to build my main thing in a Cherry Grove thing but I want to build my habitats for the extinct creatures in uh like Redwood forests or things like that

So I think we can use the I think it’s fine to use the the TP the teleport command but then until we get the teleport I don’t know just to get between the places where we’re where we’re building if we want to show stuff off I think because once we get the

Teleporters which aren’t that expensive then we can just teleport between the places at will and then it’s literally just you step on the thing you crouch and then you’re at the other players build yeah but if yeah I mean it’s up to you all how you

Want to do it but I don’t know I just I just think if we did it like that it doesn’t really feel like a multiplayer game while we’re playing it that’s what that’s what I was thinking yeah we’re in voice chat together and we’re talking with each other but in game everyone

Just Builds on their own in their own part of the world and just sees the other players at the very end when they’re showing their stuff well that’s not to say that we can’t build things together or we can’t find places where we build stuff together like for example with the

Prehistoric stuff like building the theh the environments for those yeah I think that could be a lot of fun if we build that together or at least close so that we can if everyone’s planning on using that right or like maybe shops or things like that which could be really useful

Especially in uh a modded world that adds so many different things that could be really useful to have maybe oh there were pineapples yes there were I do miss having a lively chat yeah if only we had rooms B here well Blue’s gone well like rooms PA yeah

Yeah hello rooms bath o I’ve just okay I found some flax oh Redstone flax no just regular flax say 16 for gold H six uh no uh 11 I would say I yeah I think in this version of Minecraft the regular vanilla ores just spawn more often the further down you go

Or levels o that’s pretty it looks like palm trees underwater palm trees it does a bit most of these are added by well I think the corals are added by biomes of Plenty but the big algae is by prehistoric nature I believe that’s lovely uh rpff says alast is the rer

Here well then you have to take their place yeah I mean Blue’s left and it has been a while since well since they’ve written a lot in chat last week there was a bit of that although just imagine something like that with a like with an iosaur or

Something swimming through it that is a nice thought that’s a lot of squid that’s a really a lot of squid why are there so many squid here maybe you’re rowing through squidling Jers H those bloody cater plants I saw that on stream I’m going to die by them one day

I know it what an enjoyable mechanic I guess well by the way did we agree to the the the the whole pool idea no I didn’t didn’t the the pool about come on expl it again well I suggested that we could all put a diamond toward in a pool and whoever is

The last to die by natural means gets the pool last in what time frame well just in general don’t have a uh oh Diamond well you put the diamond towards it whenever you have one so just one of them just everyone puts one of them yeah oo I guess

So we don’t have to do it about about well we can disc cast that again when hanas here perhaps uh when ooh I found a magical forest oh that looks lovely I’m going to take a great wood tree sapling thing but yeah um about Wednesdays I’m not sure if everyone I

Mean preferably I would move it an hour earlier so it’s starts at 7 British time and ends at 9: so that emu could also stay so so we could have a 2 hours and emu wouldn’t have to leave early um but I’m not sure about everyone’s ail abilities on that I I

Couldn’t make that cuz the thing that I come back from I tend to get back home since half eight and there’s really no point in joining by that well and also I’m usually tired quite quite tired after it so was a half past St yeah I usually get back at that time

Okay so I’m not sure so what will we do on Wednesday then well just just just keep doing MK and I won’t be able to make it you know it’s not the end of the world well that depends how it goes yeah I I think I’m going to be off

Searching for a place as well if we are all going to do separate bits yep you can use the Nature’s Compass to find a specific biome you like you need to it first well you make it and then you right click it and you how one make it done

Say how do you make the Nature’s Compass you put a compass in the middle of four saplings and four logs you make a compass by surrounding one bit of red stone with iron nuggets is that right is that right uh yeah and I have none of that ings yes

Sorry so you just need one bit of redstone and some iron then you craft the iron into iron ingots and then surround that one Redstone with four iron ingots I do hope for this I don’t have I don’t have any of that so I’ll just I

Think what I’ve always done and what I like to do is find a place first and then um you know settle and then uh yeah you could and then like get then like get stuff yeah you could also craft a boat and then go searching for a place like that that’ll probably be

Faster yeah but I don’t think anywhere that I need uh I don’t think I anywhere I need is on a boat I see ah right I found an apple tree wonderful it looks great I’ll have an apple orchard what’s an idea a good one hopefully okay

So h i mean about Wednesday I’m not sure like I meu isn’t here now but what others so so Willis would you be able to make uh 7 p.m. so an hour earlier than usual for Wednesdays for M streams no cuz that’s when I get off work oh

Yeah okay well then in that case let’s just do like we did last time so 1 hour 8 to9 uh on Wednesdays why does this feel like sailwind it does you just need a sale now H and more than that huh no no not really you ever play

More of that that has I haven’t yet that that ship has sailed yeah but when it gets updated then I do I do intend to return to it at some point that’ be nice and skylines yeah and townscaper hold on I’m less than 100 met away from the cherry blossom Grove and I’m

Oh well here’s land Tada I’m getting really annoyed with this Amber making me think it’s gold I found sulfur ooh from which mod um useful plus all right okay and Order crystals ah lovely order Elena ore Lovelier still and aluminum and Tin orber bushes oh yeah if you break the tin

Orber bushes you get the berries and the bushes and then you can replace them if they’re shaded and then they’ll grow a gold one H you found a gold one I I need a gold one Oh I thought you said you found a gold one those do exist right yes oh great I

Finally find gold in it surrounded by lava the game’s just mocking you uh yes yes it is you just need a bucket I think that this is really nice because I think this is an island and you we all know know how much I love building on

Islands and that was meant with total sincerity by the way no genuinely it was I do love building on Islands yeah you’ve done that with c o look at how that looks in the darkness the illuminated path that’s lovely a little glowing eyes in the distance oh yeah it’ll be actually this

Is such a dramatic story like you arrive in in a boat in the middle of the night during a storm and explore the little island trying to find a bit of shelter and then during the day it will actually be revealed what it actually looks like yeah this is an

Island with what appears to be a cave oh that’s just perfect well we’ll see where the cave goes okay now have I no I haven’t quite illuminated the whole island yeah Beach is still quite dark and over here with the looks of things or not look of because yeah

Strange what this yeah nah it’s fine it’s still a bit strange though actually it might be a peninsul looking at it cuz I think this beach might connect to Mainland well yes pitch black where is it yeah pretty much although look at that that looks cozy it

Does can’t see the moon so I don’t know what time it is but we should hopefully be getting to Dawn fairly soonish yeah that’s there’s a little bit more the Cherry Grove here my game just keeps freezing so I might head off in a bit

Okay see what time do we finish 11 yeah at 11: o in that case I might in that case I might stop streaming look at how at the video that we were sent um re put memory into prison and then come back just to see if that’s that

That’s done anything yeah that should help okay gra right well good luck hope it girls well I was saying a bit yep I seem to have lost my tunnel to get down to this game get back out ah a classic where was it I’ll see you in about 2 months

Yeah it’s like the plot of a horror movie like how did I get down here yeah like wandering into a huge cave Network looking for gold getting lost and losing the exit again also by the way those teleporters are one way so you’re going to need two if you want to go both

Ways because the teleporter only teleports you to a specified location it doesn’t there isn’t actually a teleporter on the other side by default yeah actually this is quite an interesting shape to the to the island it’s like an archipelago actually or Aro as you might say crab

It just turned to face me run away there it is shers that was such a well put together map indeed made some too that rooms paath chimes in says Willis yeah that’s not a problem because you have placed torches along your way I found it was it in the last place you looked

Yeah why does that always happen yeah the same thing always happens to me as well weird isn’t it I know right also we have done on yay although I’m not looking forward to showing her how to install all the mods who Don who’s that never mind never mind I’m

Sorry look we can actually see stuff look a seeing things for the wind ah beautiful rainy rainy morning very very good morning okay so that’s where we started at and this is the path I took oh passed under one of those islands interesting and this is the cherry blossom yeah that’s actually a

Perfect little Island although I do want to explore ooh interesting I do want to explore the other bit of the end there although I need to toggle that yeah because I find that the the cherry trees from this version of like from bomo Plenty the texture looks so much

Nicer of the the cherry blossoms the leaves than the vanilla ones because the vanilla ones just look so solid I find whereas the r of Plenty ones look very transparent and actually look like they have more volume to them that’s true um also shise yes here it says uh

Arela map that was actually made for Mission minus one a look at that okay yeah interesting there’s a tiny little look we’ve got colorful corals we’ve got a tiny little island and we’ve got a singular cherry tree that’s blossoming that’s growing on it a and then that’s a different B over

There I have no idea what kind of tree that is but I’m very intrigued no okay oh yeah h talk me a bit what is this biome this is oh this is an Olive Grove from added by prehistoric nature are that’s so then these are olive trees it says

Yeah oh actually no I need to I need to go down here because that’s lava and that might burn down the woods oh that’s horrible oops did the lightning strike or no it’s lava Ah that’s going even further over there so strange though like why would there just be a lava pool just

Somewhere in an olive Forest it doesn’t it doesn’t seem like a volcanic area well why not I don’t know it seems a bit implausible to me at least really a volcano in an Olive Grove you’ve got to be joking them spicy olives pretty much yeah great just been like like how some

Olives get filled with chili peppers inside it’s just lava inside the jalapeno stuffed olives yeah exactly although it doesn’t appear to actually rain in the Olive Grove biome maybe it’s stopped no I think it’s like a a desert like it doesn’t have rain well how do the olive trees get water

Then like in Minecraft it doesn’t rain yeah I again okay so I’ve got plenty of Olives do I have any saplings it’s still burning hunt oh yeah that’s the the other tree there can I craft these into saplings maybe Olive seeds oh right well I guess oh and then

You can combine those with dirt to make Olive sapling okay that’s good good to know now run away from the lava yeah it’s the biome that doesn’t rain so how things going Willis good finally found an oak tree yeah and if you make a dirt bucket

And put the bam of Plenty seeds like the acorns for example in there you can get the vanilla saplings which will grow vanilla trees which is useful for farming wood and things like that I just needed some Oak and everything around where I was was all Spruce and dark Spruce mhm

Ah so you wanted to Spruce things up with Oak yep because o because it actually in this whatever some mods we don’t have generic chests yeah they’re like Oak chest or Spruce chest yeah that’s cork yeah and the recipe I was trying to make spec I had an oak or a spruce chest

And it says no you need a spru an oak chest ah but kind of messed me up yeah that’s a bit that can be a bit undesirable I got come on really yeah they’re quite picky about that cuz it’s like a chest is a chest yeah I I should I build here or

Should I build over on this this bit over there or do you want to build on the olive the olive No I want to bite building there well look how evenly spaced the the olive trees are look at that I think yeah I think it’s one per chunk or

Something interesting I think I’m going to build on the other little bit of this Island because that’s the one you get to if you go if you come by boat depends on where you C where to go oh from the spawn you must have wandered off of my

What I mapped out yeah I I did I say you don’t show up on my map anymore I’m to the Far West uh yeah Far West ah yes this will be a lovely place to build a house which means um what are those flowers which one these ones yeah great white Trillium I

See am I going to yeah I’m going to well I might as well use the CH wood since that’s what I’ve locally got and yes I’m going to replant a of course but where’s your house going to go huh but where’s your house going to go there

Um oh yes and the Greatwood sapling I also oh yes the Silverwood sapling that one as well I should probably place that somewhere um oh Mr W says I followed Hans video uh where I could and put up the minimum memory allocation for Minecraft hopefully works now oh I hope

So Ah that’s cold down there L it’s time to build a house but where are we going to get Cherry with this hour good question I got sap is here says hello hello hello welcome to the stream this is the first stream of this world yeah how are you uh

We’re not looking for channel large honestly just thank you but we’re fine we don’t have commands either yeah but these streams will all the different points of view will be put together Ed together and then upload it to YouTube yeah yeah if you are interested yeah U didn’t stream today

Because of driver issues uh but hopefully next week 2021 what do you mean December 6th 2021 what oh you’ve been following since then oh oh I see yeah sorry about that hello yeah I just it’s just that you were too preemptive people looking for channel art did come on these streams quite a

Few times and it usually starts like that like it usually starts hello how are you and and then they just after a little while ask if looking for channel art that’s why I said it so I just didn’t remember the name I’m sorry but yeah welcome to the Stream

Okay now what kind of house should I build should I build pyramid I joined when you coaster oh right oh I do remember your your name now yeah Planet coaster is it seems familiar is still on the list it’s just the other there’s other stuff at the moment sap

Daddy 11 was my name oh yeah yeah the sa part seemed familiar okay should I build a tower again or shall I build a actually I’ve had an idea you’ll build a huge seller uh maybe not out of Cherrywood how lovely four five might be a little large like that one two

Three four and then better too large than too small but yeah we haven’t had any Planet coaster streams since uh late 2021 so yeah none last year none this year either hopefully though it would be nice to have some more okay so I’m going to need some

Chests okay is that going to be o that’s going to be a bit large if that’s a if that’s the do you need the circle chart thing hello Mr W oh hello welcome back thank you is a bit quiet uh at the moment yeah well hang on I brought the microphone

Forward ah there we go that’s better actually if I actually no that should be fine if I’m building what I plan to build 1 two three I I I’ll come back onto the server and I’ll play for a bit then I’ll see then I’ll see how it is

And then I’ll screen okay I I I looked at thing I didn’t quite get it so I just up the minimum memory allocation that should do the track or should I have up the maximum maybe because it was a four MIB whatever that mean no not four uh 4,000

Mi okay I’m unfamiliar with that so am I hope let’s hope for the best [Applause] yeah okay so this All will hopefully work properly right so one two three is that number four number five I think that’s number four that’s four 1 two three four five one 2 three four oh I actually do need that and I don’t have space for it oh no a singular

W yeah I’m going to need to make some chests some pretty pretty important thing are you going to make Pine chests I’m not sure what kind of chest it’ll make maybe just the default maybe yeah yes so you don’t actually need Oak to make Oak chests I wonder why it’s so

Laggy is it just one mod that lags up the inventory no I think it’s probably just the amount of items that get added yeah but with the other modded game that was never the case well that wasn’t nowhere near as many items that’s 1 2 3

Four coming down from five so that’s one two three one two one one one two one yeah yeah one two you one one two three one two three four oh is that oh there chat sorry is that that I think that’s yeah chat sorry I’m sorry um hold on

Uh rumor SP says I like Planet coaster too yeah same I got sa says I have over 1K hours on it oh congratulations um R SP oh I got with over 30,000 Workshop assets installed I still play it every now and then that’s nice yeah has been a while since I

Played as well cuz I I don’t even have an installed at the moment it’s just lack of space lack of sufficient space for things currently okay so let’s see how this will work out but yeah plant coaster is a good game mhm it would be nice to return to it

Sometime you do you put drink on it wait what sorry it said I could it said I could only get Amber stuff with a gold with a iron pickaxe but I could get it with a stone one yeah that might be a little bug then I got sa says very fun very funny

I’m laughing RL w ETF oh come on that’s that’s a bit extreme come on let’s if they find it funny it’s fine should be a compliment how dare you find my joke funny should be a compliment honestly no it’s a well no it was it was a joke it it’s a joke

That you don’t find funny because of the quality but M but rather the lack of quality W oh boy I’m just looking in the a lot of these so many of these mods we got so many overlapping keybinds yeah I got sap says it was slight chuckle it wasn’t a full

On is a slight chuckle acceptable do you Mr Mr W it is yeah I think that’s anate reaction to that joke an adequately appropriate reaction mhm okay so it seems that this is running fine now so I will try streaming okay good luck bang There we go back up okay I’m backing

Up well not literally but figuratively it said back on oh I see yeah it’s back up that’s good oh yeah this is a this is a lot better good congratulations lad all works now so dark yeah well it has to do with the phase of the moon mhm

You sorry wait you can oh you can climb trees or at least you fall slower down trees yeah well narrow BR well small branches you can climb no it’s leaves oh yeah but small branches you can actually climb oh I see that’s interesting that is where’s

The button to make like for example this I should be able to climb up if there were not leaves in my way it it does this version have a thing where um you could where you can set it so that it um so that it um keeps Crouch held down

On M um I don’t know might be if it’s not in controls then I don’t know it’s not I can’t see how yeah it might be it might be uh only thing that was added in a new version oh look at that oh uh I got sa

Says Ah that’s a lunar client only thing well in new version of the game it’s it’s comes with the game it’s a vanilla feature the moon thing what oh the moon thing you mean oh what do you mean I’m not sure what specifically are you referring to uh I thought moon but

Now I think they meant the the Crouch thing good that it’s getting good that it’s getting daytime because I can properly look for a place I got it’s called Sprint SL Crouch toggle yeah I think that’s only a feature on new versions because this is 1.4.2 do you reckon um Minecraft will

Ever start to get will ever get rid of like the oldest versions or the least or the or the least popular versions or you think they’ll just keep everything from I think they’ll keep it if they don’t want to completely destroy Minecraft as a game that people enjoy I think they’ll keep it

Yeah the community may not forgive them if they did that no I got sap says I don’t think so they might mov like 1.6 in before but even then I I don’t think so there are there are mods that only work for those versions and people make ooh stop that health

Inspector find disgusting contaminated food left behind by a rat well done Willis that is from Ratatouille I believe that reference oh contaminated food a wild rodent has touched this food not a good idea to eat this em em is not even here anymore yeah well there you go congratulations you got contaminated

Food wo yeah literally achievement get yeah I got sa says next achievement St to death no with toughest Nails I got up says but 1.7 and above they will keep that’s if they do remove anything yeah yeah I I’m not familiar with all the versions myself but sure good

Place oh my inventry is full again yeah that tends to happened he what’s this rare Earths yeah I have no idea if you hover over and press U it should tell you what the uses are H oh oh okay so craft crafting a morphic resonator a Grappler head ah it’s from

Th craft then yeah and a this generator huh I think it’s pronounced V but I could be mistaken huh is there an S it’s a silent s maybe it’s a French word maybe it might be Latin or Latin I don’t know I don’t know yeah it could be laughing

Yeah so what structure do you have in mind Paradise for your base well I was thinking basically just a really big circle it’s at the edge only maybe like two or three blocks tall probably three blocks tall and then a very shallow slanting roof going to towards the

Center so basically like a big roundhouse and then a chimney going up through the the middle which will have furnaces and stuff around and if I’ve got other machines then I want to connect those with chimneys and the pumps to connect to the main chimney if possible that’s a lovely idea look

Forward to that I got asks what is everybody’s favorite building pallet minus Cruise plus Cobblestone plus stone bricks H good question it depends On it depends on what it’s for like for General regular building I quite like I quite like like for General Building I like Oak for walls Cobblestone for ground and dark oak for roofs but I of course very things but I do like that I don’t have one myself neither do

I furnac is stack right what do you mean in the in in the inventory in the inventory yes yes yes yes may do what’s your what’s your favorite building P then I interest oh who who are you asking I was asking I got sa I got sa what you said

Minus Cru plus Cobblestone plus oh right sorry I I I thought all right yeah N I didn’t have one yeah I thought it was use but okay that makes sense I I don’t have one myself I’ve not built enough structures to really I’m kind of partial to bamboo tree

Houses what flooring were you planning on having shs uh to start with Cobblestone although since we have the Chisel mod I might make a chisel and then chisel some of that to get some other patterns maybe bar could work as well with cherry perhaps although I think I prefer

More darker colors with the red of Cherrywood oh yeah maybe okay that’s what Willis said 10 months ago find finally found my way back out [Applause] uh-huh I know rivon gameplay currently but we’ll get to some of the more exciting stuff when I’ve actually got a house we should

Have found the bould or no come on worked to Terraria I’m going to say are there any mods in like cuz there’s no like far as I know at least there’s no different modes to Terraria is there uh there’s no like oh oh there is oh there is T mode

Which allows you to disable mob spawning oh they added 1.4 I think mhm I’ve only got I’ve only got the PS3 well I’ve got the PS3 in the DS version of it but I don’t have it on Steam that would be quite fun to play yeah I’ve not played it much I’ve played

I think once with TR a few years ago just off stream did anyone ever needs silty dirt I’ve got you covered in silty dirt of course and I’m going to need another shovel there we go what yeah also Mr W yeah do you want to attempt to set

Your graphic settings to fancy so you have seethrough leaves H yeah I’ll give that gu video yeah there we go that’s nicer isn’t it oh oh it is with the with light it is yeah Al I did a mod we have changed the color of the experience orbs yeah it’s one

That H um added it’s it collects The Experience orbs together so that if you get lots of XP it doesn’t create as many entities and you can collect it quickly without it without just circling the flare for oh I see this might be a bit place to

Build yeah maybe what biome are you planning to build in uh hang on a function it says on the on the top right underneath the mini map oh oh Extreme Hills but I found a flat bit that I could probably ter interesting nice I’m really interested to see how

Many stacks of silty dirt I’ll have at the end of this my your shovels already ending nearing the end of the SL time yeah that one quickly I know it’s just an iron shovel yeah but it’s iron I know but it’s iron it doesn’t have that great durability compared to other things

Although echo echo echo hello hello get out of here oh okay okay I’m getting out of there it’s fine never mind I’m getting out of there it’s fine that wasn’t ominous at all okay one more shovel everything okay that was so stupid yeah I’m fine what was stupid that joke yeah

Yeah the best stupid are jokes because if it isn’t funny it’s just stupid now fill up the entire thing with water okay so I have so that’s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I have 19 and a tiny bit of stacks of silty dirt congratulations that’s a

Lot okay few actually it’s a lot not few yeah just thinking that now how does one make a 11 levels already yeah or the first ever stream that is ooh it’s just iron and stick iron and stick iron and stick there are crime fighting Duo well that’s what i’ would like to

See are you planning to invest then well not particularly Frozen okay what was the one that I wanted prison maybe big tile the what sorry big tile panel there’s a white one was that marker huh how about well let’s let’s try you could zoom in as well well yeah I

Could so these are the the options we have I think I want to try this one prism let’s see what that looks like oh that’s the prismarine texture no I don’t want that maybe well let’s try this one big TI I think this one might be one that has connector

Textures oh yes it is yeah this will look nice I might be even able to make some nice patterns with it and yes I’m going to need a whole L more now like 20 times that is yeah now where ah actually we’ve got some Stone right here

So has anybody else started building a house I’m nearly I’m just terraforming to you know make space for one well it’s how about you or he said no no all right no U I don’t think has either I know you haven’t yeah yeah probably still be a

While until then ooh okay so with also with the fossils at the moment the O the the there are only creatures for fossils up to and including the Jurassic so the Cretaceous does have some plants and stuff but it I’m not sure if it has anything that’s unique to

The Cretaceous okay you can still mine the fossil just don’t analyze them because when the mod gets updated and we update it on in the mod pack then the even if you’ve mined the fossils when you analyze it it you will then get the actual creature fossils

From that oh yeah also Hans says in Discord minimum allocation is not really important you can leave that a default maximum allocation is what matters oh okay well I’ve I’ve whacked up my minimum allocation and it seems to be working a lot better I me it did freeze but did you improve the

Max that’s the main thing I didn’t I I didn’t but it’s working a lot better now so well I’ll bet if if you increase the minimum probably increase the max to at least whatever you set the minimum as I’m guessing one would think so yeah yeah

Actually those new I I didn’t inrease I didn’t increase to over the maximum okay I do hope I’ll find oh well there we go I was just about to say I do hope I’ll find some iron soon and literally the next block I broke uncovered some iron mhm and coal and

Copper oh a rat those rats have a lot so maybe that’s why my food got contaminated well the rats do have a lot of surprisingly complex behaviors this one was swimming also they have a little animated which he knows man they Zoom fast too yeah paleogene puzzles okay still quite high

Up I hear a wolf howling but I don’t see him yeah that might that’s probably just the dynamic surroundings sounds just in Ambient sound yes meanwhile I’m surviving mostly over fuckle berries I I thought you said something else what honestly did yeah I heard that too I don’t know oh

No CR I still haven’t I still haven’t read I I nearly said what you said then um I still hav read I still haven’t yeah I still haven’t read hry another I think have we oh I think we have yep we’ve killed you breathe breathe breathe I can see Mr W’s

Marker off the edge of my map wait which one I can see you not not on just on like the grid of the map off to the Northwest oh yeah um but not not in my my area where the map is revealed so you’re like in the off

The edge of the explored area oh yeah oh you are for me as well I don’t even sh can’t see him on the map yeah that’s what I say he said he went West I did go west and life is peaceful here pineapples I found some pineapples yum yum nice

I do also love all the different kinds of caves the Quark mods mod adds yeah I think that for some with the with the one probe I think the level of tool that it shows that you need is offset by one because it says that it requires

Diamond level for some of these and yet I can get with iron if you point at it with the wrong thing it says diamond and if you change your pick then it all of a sudden it’ll say that it’s okay yeah weird that’s so bizarre yeah I might you need diamond

For this are you sure about that well actually actually you don’t really need Diamond I was just kidding I was only kiding yeah once H is here we could perhaps bring it up I found emu’s place oh I’m very curious how’s the loot let’s see wow I think she’s got one of every

[Laughter] flower well they said that they were going collecting flowers saving a chimne got like two double chests full of them okay and here’s a trail of torches and there’s still flowers around interesting like somebody left the whole trail of torches by the way you can also make markers on the map

Yeah orishan fossils ooh we get some sea scorpions it’s it’s really satisfying to watch the trees fall it is pretty cool yeah we had that mod in the very very first two Minecraft streams one was just charise and me uh before blossoming tree it’s different yeah that one is the

Dynamic yeah that’s originally added by well no it’s originally added by Quark but this is the dynamic trees version of that tree oh yeah H humans humans yes what was the context for that no that’s just how I know but what was the context for that oh they were talking about every

Time he yeah every time he says every time he says humans that’s how he pronounce it well yeah oh the mod oh yeah yeah yeah I got now how did we get on the subject of Star Trek and Quark oh Quark oh yes the yeah hey this is all right quite all

Right quite I found more Redstone it is in my pocket oh really oh yes Al image is still in the chat so may just have it left open run Willis run go quick without the watch then back quick and then we then we see the ominous message emu join the

Server join the game but yeah yeah Willis was slain by amateure um just I found someone you found someone Cambrian fossils well that’s interesting you dig crawled under the tree digging h oh that’s funny but yeah m is just in Sher CH it looks like go

Hello well I’ve not checked hold on I’m just doing some ter I’m going to I’m going to do what um what you did in the last place and I’m going to try and and I’m going to try and rebuild and I’m going to try and build my my house here

Also what have you got on your back backpack ah you made one That’s why I had to find the darn gold how you made a jetpack over backpack yeah also em is in shers in your chat and in Willis’s chat uh oh oh no I’m in trouble now you’re in trouble now boy I was only looking I only looked they didn’t touch

M2 and DRS SP aren’t in yours Mr W that’s fair is anyone in mine uh it looks it’s just Bots yeah that’s fine yeah I me I’m in yours well the well the point of view will still be used in the archive so it’s it’s when I start streaming

Myself that that’ll matter a bit more yeah yeah makes sense did I have I I need to like make a proper list of games that I’m going to play like a table perhaps yeah maybe probably if knowing me probably just a word document H well you can put tables and Word Documents can’t

You yeah that’s true but I don’t think I really need it I think I just have a list like like a checklist and just take it off when I’m done or check it off yeah yeah you check it off the table list the tick list

Wa what time is it now it’s 24 24 10 okay that’s also know also known as 6 to halfast 10 yes probably okay we have anything to show off uh not really a backpack oh yeah backpack I need to look at making one of those as well Travelers back oh yeah okay that

Thing okay that oh right yes that makes sense oh yes oh that annoys me what but you can’t place chests of two different types well you can place them next to each other but they don’t but they don’t join I mean how would they well that’s really useful though because

In this version of the game you with normal Minecraft chests you can’t put them next to each other and if you’ve already got a double chest yeah that’s true I suppose but if you’re just trying to make a chest you’re trying to make a double chest and

You’ve got a one Spruce chest and one Oak chest you can’t yeah yeah I I gathered that but it’s just bit annoying well yeah that’s all I saying that’s the annoying part and the same thing if you got something that has a recipe for a chest you have to have the

Specific type wood for that chest yeah like like the backpack I had a whole bunch of spruce chest and then it said no it needs an oak chest so then I had to go find an oak tree because the Quark mod we have replaces the stock chest

With other with another oh it replace it with Oak chest so it makes the stock chest an oak chest so any item or stuff anything that requires a chest will acquire an oak chest instead yeah by the way I’m just chucking stuff in the chests I’m not really paying

Attention to where it goes I’m not sorting stuff yet that’s good uh Mr W yes uh I can’t remember wel come back to you you you’re starting to sound like me oh yes that was it um yeah cuz in order to make my house symmetrical I’m going to build not symmetrical but make

It look sort of how I want it to look as in like make it as accurate as I can to my place I’m going to need obviously certain colors of wood oh yeah also construct a chimney what why do I need a chimney Smoke’s blowing everywhere okay I found some wild charad

I oh you’ve got you’ve come a long way then see a stream I have yes oh although I should probably make at least one furnace does it still work with the The Sounds the sounds of of landing on dirt they sound it it sounds like something that would be in a weirdly satisfying

Video all right I need a pick Miner’s pick that’ll be three gold pieces please yeah also I will see about maybe getting a mod that fixes the inventory lag because I think there was one that I saw somewhere yeah but yeah I’m also really happy to finally be using biomes of Plenty because

That’s another mod that I have known about how far west did you go H said how far west did you go do you want my coordinates I was looking for the Olive Grove well the Olive Grove is further west than where I now am little bit

Yeah it’s like West how did you H how did you get that far so fast boat I used a boat oh cheater well and I walked partially double cheater I mean I can give you my coordinates if you want hey -240 and then Z is 1,667 currently negative how much around negative 2,000

Wow you really went far I mean that was the closest instance of the biome that I wanted to build in and with teleporters the distance doesn’t matter I guess I’m going to need to build a bigger boat would be nice if they did a boat update someday and actually added more

Different boats and like larger boats maybe a sailboat in there that be nice look a steam boat I I guess the boat with furnace kind of is well a boat with an engine but I don’t know it just feels like the B like the same boat but just with a furnace in

It cuz that’s what it is basically whoops what happened I forgot to make a chimney yes I see now uh hold on can I what do have that would be appropriate nothing hold on right next to a cave well then don’t let the monsters bite what do you mean that was genuinely good

Advice there are no monsters okay unless you have installed the Weeping Angels not nearby anyone no I I I have not installed a weeping angels Mark yes I know or have I just don’t blink well see the thing is the thing is I think that you can rename jar files and it’ll still

Recognize it as the actual mod no so instead of weeping angels why is that don’t blink M well I mean I could just I could just name it like drw lib for library or something like that everyone will just think the dependency for some more in reality it’s a lot more

Sinister that but then but then again but then again is is that really the sort of thing that I would do no I don’t think no I don’t think it is although I didn’t think I didn’t think it is but now you’ve said it I do

It is or do you think I’m just playing games with you I don’t know I can never with you yes we’re playing Minecraft can’t you tell Willis that is an excellent point also I do love those Northern Lights it looks lovely yeah with the with that with the lighting and

Weather update of American Truck Simulator they also added Northern Lights to the Northern parts of the map which sometimes appear hello hello oh hello welcome back has it finished already yeah hello there only an hour 15 minutes well this didn’t touch anything it’s fine are you sure about that are you

Sure about that hello there I just looked hello I only looked sure sure how are you then yeah I’ve overdone my voice so I might be a bit more quiet that’s okay yay shush aan I found aisan fuzzles y congratulations was it worth it do I like what room uh the show I

Think uh oh yeah well yeah I mean been watching it mhm are you watching it room SP room spot says yes I think that wasn’t reference I think there was reference to something else yeah I I know don’t you worry by the way I have found the biome that I’m going to

Build my main house in it’s a cherry uh Blossom Grove Island and it’s around 2,000 m to the west from Spawn hell every everyone’s so far away well because we’re going to use teleporters when we get them and they’re quite cheap to make and then we can

Literally you step on the Block press shift and then you’re immediately at the other play spying yes a distance doesn’t matter with all of these biomes it would be a shame to not use them rooms spff says I don’t watch TV yeah I don’t usually but I like this

Show I used I have to look look up what all the different new biomes are if you get a Nature’s compass then you can scroll through the entire list and you can also search the list I do like that mod but then I have to build one of

Those which means I have to build a compass which means I have to find red stone I think there might be a bit of red stone in my chest where I first build my stuff you can take a a piece of that if you like uh I’m not close to

There anymore I’m going to take some I’m going to take some I want to do this magic thingy fevery in progress o um you can do it on one condition which is that if the farm has some fully grown wheat you replant it to expand the farm

You can keep the wheat how much Redstone can I take well take take it take four take four take it all four now come on you take like 16 that go so Co don’t you dare take all of my Redstone well since you’ve left the area

And you’re not coming back what do you mean I’m not coming back shers always comes back of course I’m going to come back I’ve got stuff in chest there wow like a certain not anymore know certain golden you got oh you got an achiev rabbit you always come back you got an

Achievement AMU I think it’s time for me to get an achievement as well diamond oh congratulations I think one of these out does the other one of these is not like the otherly so I’m going to put one of those to the pool then is that a ratp by

My my stuff no dang it oh you’re looking in a mirror yeah I I had a rat show up and diseased my food oh yeah now contaminated food a wild rodent has touched this food not a good idea to eat This I should have left that in your chest the I I touched it clearly oh you weren’t even in the game at the time I it must be the the the the psychic link again yeah right I’m going to bit Redstone by the way U have you

Found uh have you decided on a biome type that you would like to build in not yet if you go if you make an a Nature’s Compass you can scroll through the the entire list and also search banging on about this Nature’s Compass H you keep banging on about this Nature’s Compass

Well yeah it’s useful and Relevant and a pain in the backside to make it’s not that hard just a bit of iron bit of redstone some saplings i’ have to start digging again your no a sapling and what logs four saplings or or um or I think that the dynamic trees seeds also work

And then four logs around a compass you can also use ji to search for it and then get the recipe that way there it is got it nice I am going to have to look up about these H what the what is it called biomes of Plenty what do you mean the

Biomes Mod uh yes oh yeah the the one that adds all the different biomes yeah biomes are plenty indeed see the one that looks the most pretty oh my go the way that the sound just stops when you go into a cave oh that’s SC hopefully yeah that sound filters

I think Bayou is quite a nice biome to build in although don’t know Forest looks very lovely lavender Forest you said yeah yeah I know of Lavender Fields but lavender Forest interesting don’t think I’ve seen that one tree Mystic Grove oh they’re W you yell timber not

Tree oh yeah Mr Grove is also one that I may want to build in at some point fall ominous Woods how very ominous pumpkin patch you don’t want to don’t want to build there no wouldn’t that be a bit Grim destroy his PE be camouflaged cam when

I when I died to that tree do you know what I was trying to do climb up it climb it I was trying to R I was trying to run up it as it fell thing is it doesn’t have colliders while it falls no it doesn’t except when it hits you yeah

Except when it hits me yeah okay well there’s me Compass by the if you need silty dirt I have 19 stacks of it I’m okay I’m bup good for now but for terraforming I might want it actually I’ll be I’ll need to switch over one second I just quickly need to does the

Snow still work um I think so yeah that’s good I need to very quickly find out which height I need to dig at for wait where’s Jurassic can’t you can you please post that and I’ll I’ll pin it and then we can always come back to that without even needing to switch

Screens no no please the other chat please the other chat why the other chat oh right yeah because it makes sense makes sense Mak sense real real quick never yeah switch back please yeah are we going to be able to come back here if we go really far

Away what do you mean should spawn yeah I mean we have the map and if you J do you mean like teleport or do you mean what do you mean yeah cuz I want to know whether I need to bring all my well a lot of

Stuff well I mean I I think yeah I think I think starting out with I would like to keep teleporting to a minimum and oh yeah no I meant like when we build teleports oh well then if you build teleporters then yeah you can you can if

You build a teleporter the way it works is you you can make a crystal by smelting an IR vendor and then you can shift right click at at a location and then it’s towards that location then you put the crystal in the teleporter and then the teleporter will teleport you to that

Location so I need 36 it’s a Jurassic has animals already yeah he not going to be add an update soon what was that yeah I think it’s going to be either expire Or the dimension oh no you left yeah if you look at if I if you look at Jurassic these are all the ones from Jurassic and see some of them like um oh I see some like this one dakosaurus dakosaurus uh dakosaurus sorry it’s Jurassic and maybe Cretaceous s Cretaceous yeah

Um but there are a lot of Jurassic creatures already in here oh I see I thought they just they add that in yeah I think they’re going to expand upon it yeah I think they’re going to expand either expand upon it or maybe they’re talking about the dimension

Okay that could be the case what were those coordinates again 2040 wait do you mean coordinates to where I am or the general area The Olive Grove um well my island is basically – 2,000 on X and 1680 on Z or Z 1680 yeah and you said it was west of

Where you are yeah it’s just west of where I am just a little bit West a little bit yeah like Southwest oh no what’s it’s what’s going on Mr W are you still in voice chat can you still hear us I can still hear you

Yeah well it says that you left the game again oh for God’s sake I I went back in so is it time me out again cuz all I’m seeing is a it’s a wall of dirt yeah well it might take a a moment to to to

Connect in and then it might time you out that was the issue that I kep having before connection lost disconnected there we go try again loging in I’m walking past so many cute bushes of flowers that’s nice oh why’ you why didn’t you collect them all nice cuz I

Can’t pick them up collect them all I can’t don’t you know you’ve got to collect them all pokon said 1,600 uh for Zed yes six around 1680 for Zed oh no oh god sakes show me like a quick glimpse of the thing h and then it yeah then they tell me

Out maybe if you increase the maximum after all allocation well I I don’t know I don’t think that would change much so now does it give you does it give you an error when you when you get disconnected uh no well last time it just said disconnected well first time

It said timed out then it said disconnected and I’ll see what this one say cuz I’m not using anything on the internet an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host yeah that was the issue that I kept having conting the server logging in oh no what trying to set a marker

There we go okay these ones are Cretaceous that’s a bit too late ooh although ooh actually this could be really nice if I can find a mine cart look at that okay it’s oh for God’s sake um and I may as well out friend well although you were able to connect fine

Before yeah absolutely fine oh I can see you on the map now I’ve come out I’ve come out I think I think Willis me refers to sh hello Willis hello how the way point wow see torches all over the place yeah can you tell I arrived at

Night um how do you turn off the way points so that you can’t see them if you press J then at the bottom there is the the left most button is way points and you can enable or disable them there oh okay yeah so if so the Olive Grove from

Where you are now Willis if you had pretty much straight Southwest then you’ll get there okay it’s not far I’m going to head off a all right okay well understand if I get if I get if I get the chance I’ll have a look at memory okay again and you can also try

You can also try coming on off stream if you want to to see I’ll things just walk around I yeah if I remember I’ll look at my memory right see you later okay byebye good night right thanks for making it okay now I’ve got to be a bit

Um also I’ve got 11 minutes left yeah I mean I’m not going to I don’t have anything to show at this time so I’m just going to get to as far as I can pretty much unless anybody else has stuff they would like to share I do

Not well let how about you rooms SP says thumbnail yeah Willis yeah thumbnail uh guess we aren’t going to all get together for a thumbnail are we I said how well we could we could teleport or I could just take a thumbnail around my place and we don’t have everybody on

It I’m trying to get to Mystic Forest yeah so we can end so I can end there ready for next time so on Friday are you not going to start playing at 8 then then for Kango to join at at 9: uh I is that slot coming

Back well I thought you were going to play with when we go to moded weren’t you I’m not sure I’m not sure at the moment well I think you should give it a go and then if you then you can decide whether you enjoy it or

Not I’m not sure how far I’d get for the first stream well I don’t know if if everyone’s going to be building just miles away from each other like well when we get the teleporters it’ll literally be a matter of stepping into you’re still building miles away from each other and

You don’t see each other at all and it’s like you’re in different corners of the world basically well and you just get teleported to some someone else’s basee when they’re showing off well not necessarily when they’re showing off just it’s just when you when you want to do something with with another player

Then you can just hop over and you get teleported across maybe you can maybe you can even I mean and there’s nothing unless some the player objects there’s nothing stopping you from all from building near a player or near several players which should be quite easy with a

Teleporters well can only build near one player everyone’s building somewhere else well you can bu build multiple things yeah but I want to have one base and not Five I don’t know I don’t know I think for now if you have two slots for transport 2 I think that’s going to be better oh I see so you you would want me to continue that then I think so interesting there’s paths all over around the Olive

Grove oh I I see or it has to be like a plantation then because the way they laid out as well on the map they all look very evenly spaced it looks like they’ve been planted them it does I found a village ah congratulations does it have any special

Structures say I saw all these paths and I thought I’d found a village but I said nope just just trees uh oh my game’s Frozen oh no oh no maybe it C I’m back I’m back woohoo yay The Village it was too powerful oh a librarian W black cowy wood

Interesting oh I saw that is it slightly on fire like doctor yes what do you want does the rats mod out that yeah oh I love it good the burning black cowry wood garbage pile yes that’s where they spawn oh hell yeah give me a garbage P let’s have an

Increased oh my God this plague doctor he’s got the masks on they’ve got the masks on what they’ got the masks on oh yeah you know like the stereotypical oh right yeah yeah yeah yeah rooms box says by the way where’s the Minecraft music oh right yeah sorry I

Had I turned that off when I was testing at the very end you ask I mean thanks for thanks for letting us know I didn’t even notice myself and we choose getting closer oh no run room spff says adjust noticed interesting I’ll be back for this Village that doesn’t sound ominous at

All does it I just don’t have enough inventory take a backpack how if you look if you search for it it’s called traveler’s backpack you can search for it in ji you need leather and glass and gold and iron I be are M it doesn’t tell you how to build it no

It does which which one are you clicking on are you clicking on the regular travel backpack or are you clicking on Traveler backpack basic it’s not released yet it it won’t let me click on anything else that’s hard it should tell you which which one are you clicking on

A standard yeah traveler backpack standard yeah it’s not letting me see the recipe you need four leather that’s odd it works for me an oak chest a gold ingot can you try a sleeping bag and two backpack thanks if you try tabbing out and then back in does that change anything don’t worry

I’ll sort it we don’t have enough time I’ll do I’ll I’ll give you I’ll take a screenshot thank you there you go thank you the other bag is the sleeping bag is two red and a white wo yeah I’ll I’ll post it and the tank is like seven glass and two iron M

Interesting there you go that’s how to build it thank you I thought different levels at this backpack were supposed to be like bigger um yeah you can up grade it in ways but I don’t know the details well I’ve made it to a Mystic Forest ooh lovely does it look purple

Yeah not too far off from where we are a bit to the east magical forest oh I love this oh down there that’s where you are ah yeah yeah almost to East to me oh yeah that really isn’t too far away oh I love it that’s really interesting I will

Become protector of this here Forest I’m sure the forest appreciates it for now there’s even a river flowing through it a a oh and it’s not too far away from that vill Splendid is that over there yeah so can go look and I’m right next to a

Chundra ah so then you’ve got easy access to Spruce yeah it’s nice J oh that’s interesting oh make sure you got Oak for an oak chest it has to be an oak chest to make the backpack it won’t let you yeah cuz the Quark mod added different like different chests for the different

Wood types so Birch Chest Cherry well I found out found out the hard way cuz all I had was Spruce yeah and all the recipes that need chests require the base game chest because the base game only has one chest so the oak chest but yeah it’s 11:00 now is it yep

Indeed terrestrial Orchid mhm flx SE oats yeah if the if a flax is from peaceful plus then if you break it you get string it’s biomes are plenty ah uh the flax isn’t what the flax wasn’t from bom of planty oh that’s peaceful plus mhm string

Y oh and of course my inventory is full actually there’s not even space for for string in it actually if all of you take well Mr W is not here anymore but if you take a thumbnail like a just a regular reverse shot then I might be

Able to add edit those together or something but then people think every everyone’s in their own world again not necessarily plus a bit of confusion never hurt anybody right also while yeah oh yes you wanted to talk about um that yeah just quickly so wood people wood people uh interesting

Yeah as opposed to metal people yeah um so em yeah do you think you could make the uh make it for a Wednesday slot for 1 hour so 8 to 9 Depends for what uh just MK so Mis games so either golf or I mean I should be able to

Mhm that would be nice but yeah we’ll see uh what players are available on the day and then we can decide what to do perhaps but yes scribble as well perhaps uh cuz well sh golf I think I think we could golf first again cuz shardis

Hasn’t had a proper good at it because there was that annoying bug with the with the m well I say bug but the annoying thing that happened the annoying issue with the with the cursor just releasing with the mouse releasing so I think we’d have another round of golf first and then

Perhaps do scribble which we didn’t get to do last time I think that would be nice yeah okay I’m just yeah I’m just breaking stuff replacing I’m yeah we’ve gone past past 11:00 so I think should it really be on ground level CU you the wood like if you

Put if you put the the cobblestone if if the walls will go up there you won’t be able to see that yeah that’s a good point just be wasting the Cherrywood although wasn’t it hold on that’s one two one one one two what what oh god oh sugar lump I’ve been

Poisoned my vision’s gone funny oh no what the oh god what the heck was that oh is that the the mushroom I didn’t I didn’t eat anything you went if you walk through a mushroom like a a vroom it’s called then that happens I think like it’s a intense pink

Magenta purpley mushroom oh those maybe you got bit by a rat I think yeah that was it oh okay I think it’s supposed to simulate na or something else right let’s get rid of these then I think that they are useful for thorcraft so really oh yeah I’m just them off the

Floor okay I’m just finishing this little little row so that it doesn’t mess me up later Shad I SP you almost did Mr W there was it was funny because there was a gap right there did you see it it fell backwards for some reason that’s one two three five a

Second person crushed by a tree not yet one two three four yeah that that that’ll happen on Friday if you all play what everybody will be crushed by a tree if yow’s play yeah I’ll just quickly finish up because otherwise I’ll forget the pattern well I’ll I might misremember

Where I was in it and then I have to recalculate well recount the blocks almost done though that’s good so are people taking thumbnails on their own then just with their character visible from the front I can yeah mhm yeah I mean Charis do you still want

To go with that yeah I think that’ be good if it works peps are up FR that’s only two oh no that’s two more because it’s going up okay it’s fine see I told you this’s a bit confusing I’m almost there though R stuff under the tree oh that’s

Rooted uh dirt or something it’s so that you can’t Harvest yeah because if you otherwise that takes a really long time to mine so that you can’t can’t just break the dirt under the dynamic tree and it’ll fall down so you actually do have to use the it takes the long time what’s

That huh anyway so that’ll be that then there yes let me just figure out some stuff so thank you all very much for watching I’m really excited for the new mods and for exploring and building and all all of that fun stuff and I’m glad that everybody was

Able to join and I hope Mr W will be able to join without issues again and hanss well yes well Hans I think anyway considering he’s the one who set up the server in the first place yeah yeah so yeah let me just quickly have a look over one

Second uh rumors BFF says thanks for stream good night good night good night indeed and I’ll end the stream in about three two one bye-bye bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded SMP2 Ep. 1 | 1.12.2 | Biomes o’ Plenty & Dynamic Trees’, was uploaded by Sharadise on 2023-11-30 14:34:58. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:56 or 10976 seconds.

This is an archived ‘Minecraft: Prehistoric Nature & Thaumcraft’ modded SMP stream. It was streamed live over on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sharadise

Featuring: CangoFango, Emichu, Willys1961, mr_w_l, Albastru916 & RealHansWasser

Cango’s POV: Stuck at the Airline cango terminal.

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1720486686 Mod list: https://www.sharadise.com/streaming/Sharadise%20-%20Prehistoric%20Nature%20and%20Thaumcraft%20mod%20list.pdf

Game: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/store/minecraft-java-edition

Seed (1.12.2): I have no idea actually, I may update this later.

In case you’re interested, here’s our Discord server: https://discord.gg/pDzaDuv

============ Tips ============ https://www.patreon.com/sharadise https://www.paypal.me/sharadise https://www.ko-fi.com/sharadise https://www.subscribestar.com/sharadise – Any contributions are welcome.

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More

  • SenpaiSpider Vs Herobrine: Epic Meme Showdown

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  • Surviving Minecraft: Part 1

    Surviving Minecraft: Part 1 Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft is a game that offers players a unique experience in a world made up of blocks, creatures, and endless possibilities. Whether you enjoy reshaping the world around you or embarking on epic adventures, Minecraft has something for everyone. The Basics of Minecraft In Minecraft, players can use blocks to build structures, mine resources, and interact with a variety of creatures. From battling monsters to befriending animals, the game offers a wide range of activities to suit different playstyles. Exploring the World As players navigate through the vast world of Minecraft, they… Read More

  • Revenge of the Minecraft Animation Boy: Part 45

    Revenge of the Minecraft Animation Boy: Part 45 Minecraft Animation: Creating Unique Content Creating Minecraft animations is a creative endeavor that requires dedication and skill. The creator of the Minecraft animation series “boy love// he come for revenge” has spent two years honing their craft to bring original content to their audience. While aiming to differentiate themselves from other channels, they acknowledge that there may be imperfections in their work and welcome feedback from viewers. Exploring the Process The creator mentions using programs like Prisma 3D for their animations, highlighting their commitment to learning and adapting to new tools despite lacking prior PC experience. This dedication to… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail The Wild Update: Exploring Minecraft’s Bad Ending Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, recently introduced an exciting new update known as “The Wild Update.” Among the many features and events included in this update, one particular aspect has caught the attention of players – the Bad Ending. Unveiling the Bad Ending In the world of Minecraft, players are accustomed to embarking on epic adventures, building magnificent structures, and overcoming challenges. However, the Bad Ending introduces a new twist to the game’s narrative. Players must navigate through a series of obstacles and make crucial decisions that will ultimately lead… Read More

  • Renaming My Minecraft Character!

    Renaming My Minecraft Character! Welcome to the World of Minecraft with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of young viewers. As a domain expert in the realm of Minecraft, 方块轩 crafts original and humorous Minecraft animations that aim to spread joy and laughter among audiences. Unique Content Offerings With a focus on originality and creativity, 方块轩’s channel is the go-to destination for engaging Minecraft content. From daily original videos to hilarious animations, 方块轩’s channel promises a steady stream of entertainment for Minecraft enthusiasts. By subscribing to 方块轩’s channel,… Read More

  • Crafting Kobo Kanaeru: Minecraft PE Portal

    Crafting Kobo Kanaeru: Minecraft PE Portal In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Kobo Kanaeru crafts a portal dream. With each rhyme and each line, she brings joy and delight, Guiding us through adventures, day and night. From building to mining, to battling mobs, Kobo Kanaeru’s energy never stops. So hit that subscribe, like, comment, and share, And join in the fun, without a care. Follow her on Instagram, TikTok too, For more Minecraft magic, just for you. With Kinemaster Pro and Xiaomi in hand, Kobo Kanaeru’s content is always grand. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so sweet, And let Minecraft’s… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure! Are you ready to embark on a new Minecraft adventure filled with excitement and laughter? While watching a hilarious Minecraft animation video, you might have caught a glimpse of the amazing world that awaits you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine exploring a vast virtual landscape filled with unique creatures and surprises at every turn. Whether you are a seasoned player or new to the game, Minewind offers a welcoming community where you can unleash your creativity and make lasting memories. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and experience the thrill of discovering new biomes, interacting with friendly players, and embarking… Read More

  • Block Xuan: Minecraft’s World Restore Encore

    Block Xuan: Minecraft's World Restore Encore In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated vibes. From funny animations to songs that adapt, He crafts content that leaves us all entrapped. With a heart for the game and a mind that’s keen, He shares Minecraft facts in a playful scene. From hidden chests to secret surprises, He keeps us entertained, our interest he rises. So leap into his world, where laughter reigns, And join the fun as he entertains. With each video, a smile he’ll bring, Fangkuaixuan, the Minecraft king! Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine

    Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine Minecraft Museum Build Hacks: Unleashing Creativity in the Virtual World Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity. One such fascinating endeavor is the creation of a museum within the game. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft Museum Build Hacks and discover the innovative ways players are bringing history and art to life in this virtual realm. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Building Ideas When it comes to building in Minecraft, the only limit is one’s imagination. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, players have crafted a myriad of awe-inspiring creations. The… Read More

  • ChabCraft-Civilizations

    ChabCraft-CivilizationsWelcome to ChabCraft, a realm where strategy, politics, and faction warfare converge to create an unparalleled gaming experience. Immerse yourself into a world where every move you make shapes the course of history. Immerse yourself in the complex web of alliances and rivalries, where diplomacy and cunning are your most potent weapons. Non-Whitelisted, Join Our Discord! Read More

  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java Bedrock 1.20.X

    Welcome to our Minecraft Server! If you’re looking for a fun and non-toxic gaming experience, you’ve come to the right place. Our server has been up for a month and we’re welcoming new players to join our community. Server Features: Enhanced vanilla gameplay – sethome, tpa Leveling system – unlock perks/commands Unique fishing system – new fish without custom resource pack Auto-replanting harvester hoe Player-driven economy – server shop and chest shops Collect mob heads – a fun challenge Join us on Discord to start your application: https://discord.gg/fabulous Read More

  • Dragonia Gaming

    Immerse yourself in a unique and personalized survival experience at Dragonia Gaming! Our server offers a perfect combination of classic Minecraft elements with advanced and custom features to provide an unmatched gaming experience.🔨 Custom CraftsDiscover a world full of new possibilities with our personalized crafts. From powerful weapons to useful tools, there will always be something new to create.🛠️ Advanced and Complex SystemsAt Dragonia Gaming, we have implemented advanced systems that will challenge even the most experienced players. Are you ready to master all our systems?👾 Custom EnemiesFace unique and challenging enemies you won’t find anywhere else. Each battle is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My game is straight-up busted

    Minecraft Memes - My game is straight-up busted“I keep trying to dig straight down in Minecraft but I just end up falling into my own grave. Maybe I need a new strategy.” Read More

  • Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange

    Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange In Minecraft’s world, strange things occur, At 3am, the game takes a dark turn. Ngao’s sleep disrupted by eerie sights, A tale of fear in the dead of night. The video captures the spooky scene, With Ngao’s reactions, both real and keen. The audience watches, hearts aflutter, As Minecraft’s mysteries start to stutter. Ngao’s channel, a hub of fun and fright, Where gaming and storytelling unite. With each new video, a fresh delight, In Minecraft’s realm, where day turns to night. So hit like, share, and subscribe with glee, To join Ngao’s world, where all can see. The magic… Read More

  • Minecraft block battle: The Hottest Showdown! 🔥😂 #shorts #trending

    Minecraft block battle: The Hottest Showdown! 🔥😂 #shorts #trending When you’re in a Minecraft block battle and you accidentally hit your friend instead of the enemy, and suddenly it’s a battle of who can say sorry the fastest 😂 #friendlyfire #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024!

    Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024! Creating a Free and 24/7 Open Minecraft Server – Complete Tutorial 2024! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft with your very own server that’s accessible 24/7? In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up your own Minecraft server for free, ensuring endless gaming fun with your friends! Why Choose Mega Hosting? When it comes to hosting your Minecraft server, Mega Hosting offers some fantastic benefits: 100% Free with No Hidden Fees: Enjoy hosting your server without any costs. 24/7 Guaranteed Uptime: Your server will always be available for you and your friends to play… Read More

  • Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge

    Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge Building an Elevator with Create Mod in Minecraft Embark on a creative journey as you witness the construction of a magnificent elevator using the Create mod in Minecraft. This project is part of a 30-day challenge that showcases the endless possibilities of this innovative mod. Unleashing Creativity with Create Mod The Create mod revolutionizes the way players interact with Minecraft by introducing a plethora of mechanical elements. From conveyor belts to gearboxes, this mod empowers users to engineer complex systems limited only by their imagination. Constructing the Elevator In this video, the skilled builder demonstrates the step-by-step process of… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!

    Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-05-23 20:00:29. It has garnered 7153 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:52 or 1012 seconds. Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEI

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    SECRET MINECRAFT COLLAB: YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Майнкрфат Сейчас покажу #viral #майнкрафт #minecraft #gaming #memes #videogames #video #gamer’, was uploaded by ILYA x ISMA on 2024-03-06 13:15:00. It has garnered 6805 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37iV9U Subpishis ➜ https://clck.ru/37zNxn Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO… Read More

  • BaconBoy’s Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥

    BaconBoy's Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation)’, was uploaded by BaconBoyYT on 2024-04-19 15:24:00. It has garnered 79 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:53 or 293 seconds. Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch… Read More

  • Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraft

    Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is this everyone’s FIRST RLcraft experience? #minecraft #rlcraft #shorts’, was uploaded by RCgames on 2024-03-19 19:00:12. It has garnered 423 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Hey, how are you? —————————————————————————————————- Check this out : Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/rcgamesss Discord – https://www.discord.gg/3TaHuKN TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@rcgamesss Become a member – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6TG2eCuSPxEbDqNFMEGjDw Business inquiries – [email protected] —————————————————————————————————- #minecraft #rlcraft Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft: Where’s the End Update?

    Lost in Minecraft: Where's the End Update?Video Information This video, titled ‘Mojang, Where is the End Update?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Detective on 2024-04-03 18:27:25. It has garnered 34714 views and 1200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. This video shows how Minecraft hasn’t released an update for the end in over 9 years, and if the end update could come after the recent 1.21 update #minecraft #minecraftend #minecrafthardcoremode Music Used : Infraction: Storyteller – https://youtu.be/GEXlG_fQrbg?si=or3uVkfRdnIWjP8a Life Goes On -https://youtu.be/L1sVDPjLd1c?si=1c8oVwtHA88HCPIZ Story – https://youtu.be/WGPArLvbARk?si=gyF531Sg8zUdKfV “Cold Cinema” by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/3wROUWM “Wings Of Inspiration” by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/46OJAQZ Read More

  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

    Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft StrategiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Ways To Play Minecraft | Bearman3600’, was uploaded by Bearman3600 on 2024-02-23 18:00:06. It has garnered 540288 views and 30787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. Today I take a look at some of the best reasons to fucking end it all featuring a variety of different computers, consoles, and other devices. Thank you for your patience with my uploads if you actually watch them. I often have little time to record or edit videos, so I try to spend as much time as I can working on… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! https://discord.gg/ma-mas-house-1150624776566620292 You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXwpLFOlJTROLn_26LQQVRA/join If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, it’s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! 👷🏗️Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS 🏗️’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? 🎨 Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1

    Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft with friends | Episode 1’, was uploaded by Dragonfrvit on 2024-03-09 01:09:10. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:03 or 1983 seconds. Playing Minecraft smp with friends! Just some chill times with people screaming Read More

  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

    Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s a hole in my Minecraft world’, was uploaded by lowresbones on 2024-02-05 11:00:02. It has garnered 51280 views and 4604 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:46 or 646 seconds. Welcome back to the Minecraft Trailer Series! Today we dig down into the depths to collect a bounty of resources that will fuel the construction of my mega base! This is a Minecraft 1.20 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Trapped Underground FOREVER?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can’t go above ground’, was uploaded by Call Me Kevin on 2024-06-01 18:00:07. It has garnered 499111 views and 33958 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:34 or 1114 seconds. Subscribe or else! (For legal reasons this is not a threat) 🎮 Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoB1WvtNPod0bTbPTsSGx7Q 🎵 Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@kevo2044 📹 Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/CallMeKevin 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/callmekevin1811 💩 Twitter: http://twitter.com/CallMeKevin1811 Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools… Read More