ULTIMATE Minecraft Mystery: Ceres Fauna in Hololive-EN

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Hello hello the sound of sheep is haunting me also do not be alarmed I did not Zen loss my inventory has no never been so clean though right I just put all my stuff away cuz I was afking for a while and I was afraid that I would die

And then everything I would lose everything and that wouldn’t be good but I haven’t checked I’ve been hearing zombie sounds and skeleton sounds how dangerous is it in Here wait surprisingly not that dangerous is it daytime okay they’re still here they don’t it’s not daytime zombie zombie zombie hey who did that who freed my sheep wait I don’t have any way to defend myself I just realized all my stuff is in here uh-oh uh-oh can I sleep look at

Him how much wool was farmed how much wool could a wool farm farm there’s a Creeper down there I see it I see it why am I running towards it that’s not a creeper that’s a Zombie there’s probably a creeper around though we will find out let me get my stuff I want all of this stuff my inventory was finally Organized and now here we are is this normal Minecraft is the UI always this big I mean I know everything’s different now cuz I’m sitting closer to my screen but I feel like the Minecraft UI is so large by default I know you can change it but is this this like the

Standard the classic size it’s just I’m one inch from the screen I kind of am am I too close or is this did I have sheep in there too I don’t know where I had sheep I should have sealed them off you get out of there you get out of there

Look the Sheep is like turning him in the Sheep is heading him I’ll punch him I’ll slap him to death how many slaps does it take oh no they called for backup why are there so many zombies I can’t use my sword cuz it’s sweeping Edge and I’m going to

Destroy everything I love and care about ouch okay we need to seal them away be safe my sheep okay let’s see how much wool we have gathered in approximately 3 hours okay it’s not that bad oops Yeah about about the same it’s okay they’re still there well we can we can place these

Blocks woo even more wool the sound is music to my ears except every time it says like dispenser failed and I don’t like that it says dispenser failed even if that’s a normal part of my farm it makes me feel like my farm is broken all right we’re here it’s

Minecraft the Friday is it Friday happy Friday everybody who has a weekend coming up well happy Friday to everybody but especially people who are not working what the heck that’s not right oh Dear oh dear do you think they will fall from this height or die from this height if they fall I feel like we’ve made a giant mom Farm the trees what’s is that is this skeleton moving our tree is like rigged to explode oh no I fell they could parkour Down but will they but will they parkour down let’s just go back up here remember where we were what we were doing placing blocks essentially future f problem I mean eventually the tree will be glowing with beautiful glow stones and all kinds of sea lanterns and

Frog lights and we won’t have to worry about any mobs but until then this is what we got I guess do I have torches I have a couple torches in 2026 that’s not that bad oh no where did where did your your traitor go I feel like I haven’t been doing my

Duty to the the llamas lately cuz it’s it’s hard when they’re when they’re all the way up here all right how are we feeling about the tree do I like Cy bars of course I like happy bars the largest Road very chill what’s not to like about a

Cyara sometimes they sit in on sense with little USU fruits on their heads and it’s very cute okay I pull up PO out at the after party me and all my friends yeah we love Ching on sipping on that hand you know what I don’t remember the

Lyrics can we sing that song for karaoke Can I sing it I feel like we’re on the hollow Ian rapper Arc I was listening to gura sing a DOA cat song and it was so good I feel like everybody has been singing rap lately I want to learn more rap songs

Too I don’t want to I want to participate K been ahead in the game Callie invented the game from literally like day one of hollow Ian all in has been rapping if you think about it was cie the first to debut also like literally actually day one like

Literally day one hour one literally yes okay what am I doing where are we I feel like I made the tree too flat in this part and I’m like worried but it’s like too late now so should I just work on the top I don’t know should I trust the

Process will it all be okay I can change it later should I work on this transition over here maybe it’s kind of weird can always reshape it it’s true in the future we will have more wool at our disposal as well h i remember when I

First learned about doer cat it was her song moo and if you allow me to be sort of a hipster for 1 minute I dare say that I learned about it just a moments before it went viral I was there I saw it happen Be I’m a cow be I’m a cow I’m not a cat I don’t say y but then say so blue up I like say so M mo mo mo boom boom boom boom she has another song too that I wanted to sing in karaoke but I determined it was too inappropriate it’s called

Freak and it samples the song put your head on my shoulder or rest your head head on my shoulders I don’t remember what it’s called but it’s I like this way the song sounds and the lyrics are highly unsay so so I did not sing

It it’s a good one it is a good the music video I didn’t even know there was a music video I don’t know if I if I want to know There’s always next time no we got to maintain some some semblance of of say so out here it’s not n time yet I should put more torches down you like the bean girls one I say I saying I only saying part of It I didn’t fully Comm in I didn’t even know there it’s from the Mean Girls musical which I didn’t even know was a thing but there’s also a new Mean Girls movie that I think is based on the musical somehow that doesn’t I guess that makes

Sense you can make oh wait am I I forgot to turn repeat on you I typed you I didn’t mean to I guess you can you can make a movie based on a musical I guess that’s actually pretty common but it’s a a movie based on a musical based on a

Movie which makes it confusing but I did I haven’t seen the the new Mean Girls I love the original Mean Girls but I’ve heard mixed things about the new one but I was watching clips of the musical and I like that song that I sing it’s Karen’s song karen is my favorite

Plastic maybe my favorite character from Mean Girls I feel like she’s slightly less evil than the other Plastics it was originally a book Mean Girls Was but she yeah she maybe is a little less evil due to perhaps being a little dumb or a lot dumb you have no idea what what I’m talking about but you’re invested have you not seen Mean Girls from 2000 and something it’s a 2000 classic

No I feel like it’s it’s like well I don’t know maybe you’re too young is it kids these days don’t know Mean Girls you had to be there Boomer and chick flick Boomer chick flick no no how can it be a boomer chick flick if I watched it when

I was a was a baby almost said when I was a Zoomer but that’s not really how it works though kind of doesn’t it kind of feel like that you’re born as a gen wait what’s the new one alpha you’re born as a gen Alpha and

Then when you turn like 6 years old you become a Zoomer and then once you turn 18 that’s when you’re a boomer sorry to break it to you that’s not that’s absolutely not how it works in one day Zoomer will be used to say that somebody’s

Old people will call you a Zoomer if you’re old and if you’re a millennial then you’re just like you’re part of history at that point it’s it’s ancient history lucky if people even remember remember what a what a millennial is Dad I’m sorry crusty and Dusty we’ll all be crusty and Dusty in

Old one day I’m history you’re not history yet what are what do people say about Millennials if you’re a millennial then you’re probably just decorating your house with gray furniture with modern gray furniture and wearing jeans M house oh I guess maybe not house maybe you’re decorating your apartment hopefully well whatever you’re decorating you know it’s going to be gray cardboard box I watched a video of interior design Trends it was this this guy who referred well he didn’t refer to himself he said that he

Is like an older Millennial and then he said that he’s sometimes referred to as a geriatric Millennial but that he doesn’t really like being called the geriatric Millennial which is understandable I suppose but I guess that’s that’s one of the the terms but he was talking about design trends of Millennials versus

Jenz apparently Zoomers like to decorate their house house with blobs that’s what I learned from the video but then he was like he was using Emma Chamberlain as his like example cuz like how many Zoomers are having their houses if they even have a house posted in like magazines where you

Can like reference it and like look which I guess is not the only place it’s being referenced but it’s like I guess you could look on I don’t know Instagram where did the Zoomers post pictures of their Apartments who who is em Emma Chamberlain she’s a YouTuber

I don’t actually know very much else about her she is a Zoomer YouTuber I think I think she has her own clothing brand maybe and I guess she is now the representative for Zoomers decorating their houses and she likes to decorate her house with blobs can anyone confirm or deny this did

Zoomers like to decorate their house or their apartment with blobs with gooberts goobert core a blob of what and blob like instead of having a mirror that’s shaped like an oval or a square it would be shaped like a blob yeah like the wavy style what does that even mean I don’t

Know that’s why I was watching a video to try to understand very y 2K it is actually like think like Nickelodeon from the 2000s this this is the trend midcentury goobert Style that was starting to sound like a a song goobert Style blob burnt core slime tastic I don’t Know maybe goobert was ahead of his time goobert is eternal really goobert does not arrive late or early he arrives precisely when he means to want and tries to pull Lord of the Rings but gets it gets it extremely wrong because she’s watched it one Time goobert is life cron is afraid of goobert oh because he’s aernal I was excited for a second I thought that she had an encounter with the Slime or or something I wanted to hear about that if crony met the Slime she should be oh backpack backpack battles plan

Release date is March 8th that’s coming up it’s almost March oh no I’m not ready I do want to play batt inro the poker deck building Rogue light I don’t know if that’s a good way to describe it but I want to play I don’t think we have permissions though I didn’t

Ask I should ask I should request permissions sometimes I just check out the permissions Tab and and what I hope to see is just there though sometimes I don’t even have to ask oh I’m hungry request now I could request it should I request it right

Now but then I need I need to know the I have to look over here I need to know request stream I need to know the publisher I guess I can Google that request it’s called batro is it called batro B batro what does that mean what does batro

Mean hold on please don’t play oh good steam is already muted please don’t play the publisher is play stack it’s a Jester a French Jester Um type can you hear my keyboard oh you can Maybe my microphone used to be pointed away from the keyboard but now it’s pointed towards my keyboard I really should get like a nice clacky keyboard okay I’ve submitted the request it’s very loud is It but I have silent switches sounds nice maybe it’s only loud when I’m mashing the keyboard furiously typing to request permissions for batro sounds cheap it wasn’t cheap keyboard how dare you it was well actually I don’t know what is a cheap keyboard I think it was like a $100

Keyboard that’s not that cheap right I mean sure you could get one that’s more expensive but $200 is cheap that’s not average I don’t know it has it has custom switches well actually they’re not custom it has silent I forget what they’re called some kind of Silent

Switches cuz I didn’t want want people to hear me clicking away on stream they’re like Cherry yeah Cherry MX silent or something something like That usually silent means non clicky I don’t know I don’t know much about keyboards but I know whenever Iris types in Discord VC I my ears are very happy that’s what I know I too would like a keyboard that sounds so nice but I don’t know enough about them to like buy

One and I don’t know from what I’ve heard from Iris like talking about it it seems it seems like it can be hard to get get the exact keyboard that you Want like maybe it’s not on Sale at the time I don’t know get the pink one I have a pink one one I have the cherry blossom keyboard that everybody has you know the one with Mount Fuji on it on the Escape Key you know I have that keyboard the fillo yes that one the keyboard that everyone has the eirl board I can’t even deny it it it does seem like an eagr keyboard but it’s cute nothing wrong with that eag girls have cute taste in keyboards what can I say wow Cute is Justice why have a boring keyboard when I could have a cute keyboard instead but I do kind of want a new one like I don’t know a clicky one like what iris has cuz it just sounds so nice it’s like ASMR every time she Types but I don’t know what she has or how to get It oh no I tried to fly ask her I feel like I have asked her but the the answer is not never like oh it’s this one here’s a link you can buy it right here the answer is like I got this custom commissioned by a keyboard maker from

Switzerland who Hand Forged all of the keys it’s a oneof a kind in the world but if you want something that sounds similar you can you can buy this one and then have it modified with these switches you just need to learn how to how to change them

Out it will only take you 8 months of Learning forg dying star that’s what it feels like to get like the level that Iris has the ASMR keyboard of Iris it’s not something that you can just go out and Buy it’s more special than That one step above Legos but but Legos are also very complicated Sometimes I watch Minecraft Lego videos and I feel like they’re definitely made for children but they’re cool to watch like someone making like a working enchantment table out of Legos and it has like moving parts or the working cobblestone generator out of Legos it’s cool working yes working magic Legos are magic I

Think I never played with Legos properly well I don’t know if there is like a proper way to play with Legos but as a kid I never actually like built anything with them well I did like a little bit but I didn’t build much and I didn’t build like

Sets mostly when I played with Legos I was playing store and the Legos were either the currency or I would I would stock my shop with Legos no wrong way to play with Legos it’s true true but now sometimes isn’t there like an outer Wilds Lego set or

Something or is it just an idea and I’m like I kind of want that is there I don’t know it’s seeking approval just an idea then just an idea I’m like I want that that sounds amazing but then I don’t know after you build it you just like put it on

Shelf and look at it I guess the building it is the fun part but then you have like a cool collectible when you’re done I think you have to dust It it takes some space just add it to your your Shrine of merch that you bought and then you don’t know what to do With add it to to the Shelf like a white hole station I could build a Lego white hole station just throw some Legos into a bag mix them up and suspend them in zero gravity and then boom white hole station destroyed decrepit abandoned inoperative just like that completely

Accurate only the single most important tutorial I beg to di I manag to beat the game without it does that just mean that I confirmed I don’t need any tutorials do I have permission to skip every tutorial now in every video game who needs who needs them I’ll just

Figure it out on my own me when I get the outer Wilds Lego set and I ignore the instructions and then get frustrated after I build it for 2 hours and have no prog progress why did they make it so hard to build I don’t understand it’s Impossible that would be fun for a stream hand cam Lego but I’m not allowed to look at the instructions I could start off with something easy and progressively get more and more complicated until I’m building like the the Death Star no instructions it’s a 12-hour stream you would suffer you could guide

Me you could be my only guide like when I played I’m on obervation duty but I didn’t look at the screen we did pretty well as a Team at that time blindfolded yes to make it even even more difficult I will be blindfolded have people played keep talking and nobody explodes with their audience is that possible if the audience has the book would it be too easy if the audience can look at the screen

Though PDF is available online playing in maximum Difficulty I don’t know I kind of want to try that you and I lie that would be the difficult part is not getting lied to O and then if only we had the like Channel points betting where people could bet and then it’s like if people bet

That the bomb will explode then they’re incentivized to lie stream delay will hurt a lot we can Do easy bombs I’m encouraging the false information that’s that’s the excitement right that’s what makes it makes it exciting animated emotes and point Bing will be a reality one day I hope So although I do agree that the point betting probably can easily become toxic and unfun for like pretty much everyone who uses it I feel like but we can we can enjoy it in that brief Twilight before it it makes me annoyed and before it makes everyone else

Annoyed and ruins the Vibes of the stream am I joining the water long I am but not from the start cuz I already watched the M me and M are joining starting with Eclipse so we’ll be finishing our watch along with everybody I’m excited I mentioned that my mom brought me my diary

And there is there is a section on Twilight in my diary I drew a picture of myself wearing a a team Jasper shirt I didn’t realize I was such a hipster even back then that I was like I’m not Team Edward or Team Jacob I’m team Jasper actually

It’s just cuz I wanted to self-insert as Alice she’s she’s the the coolest one of all and then they had to make Jasper a a freak in the in the movies why did they have to do that did I call him scary when I watch

With with M they did they made him scary they turned him into a freak was he scary in the book I don’t know I feel like he I mean he was I guess he was like the the the most recent vampire right it’s just in the books I didn’t

Imagine him with that the crazed stairs the Jaz first stare but I don’t know I really think I was Team Edward though so I don’t know why I was like deluding myself in the diary why maybe I was being honest I feel like I was just being a hipster Though like oh Team Edward so so Basic I’m team who’s like the the smallest character Twilight Mike is Mike one of the friends I’m team Mike Charlie team Charlie what what about Bella’s stepdad he’s like barely in the books right I don’t does he even have a name I’m team Bella’s Stepdad you wouldn’t understand you team team Edwards and team Jacobs it’s all about the subtext sometimes it’s not about what’s written it’s what what’s it’s about what’s not written on the page did you remember he existed I know does he like have any lines I just know her mom got remarried right and

Then they they moved and that’s why she had to go to Forest something like that team B’s fren she abandon to hang out with that Oh team Edward’s car that he uses to run over those people who are flirting with Bella team spider Monkey you don’t see many team Bellas now do you maybe that’s for a reason team Alice definitely Team Bella I don’t know I don’t know about that One what’s my favorite thing about Bella Um I don’t know what even what even is there about her I like that she brought a little Cactus with her from Arizona I like that she actually she likes Arizona right I like that she likes sunny and hot weather even though she’s like like she seems like a shut

In she’s like me that way I seem like shut in but I love the sun just cuz she’s pale and looks like she never steps foot outside doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like the sun she’s a hey Boy I like it so much my glass is broke I know doesn’t that make it seem like I was staring at the sun I swear I wasn’t staring at the sun how did my glasses get U ramed I think it’s just cuz I bought the the cheapest Frames oh usually I wear contacts anyway but I need to go to the eye doctor and get more contacts I don’t know the eye Doctor I can never like remember if the eye doctor that I go to does the the test where they shoot pffs of air into your eyes and it hurts well it doesn’t hurt but it’s really uncomfortable it makes your eyes water and they’re like keep your eyes open keep them open

Please and it’s like you’re shooting pups of air how am I supposed to keep them open so I always like dread going to the eye doctor but then some of it is fun they give you like the mini games the eye doctor mini games the one where you

Push the button when you see things in your periphery that one is fun I like the one where you just have to look at like the barn as it comes in and out of focus cuz that one’s like impossible to lose at so just makes you feel good about

Yourself the periphery one though gets in my head I’m like did I see a line I don’t know if I saw one and then one time I was doing it and then the the optometrist was like I can’t remember what she said but she was

Like are you are you okay do you need me to restart the test and I was like oh no am I failing that bad at the periphery test oh no the psychological aspect I don’t know I’ve always had this remember then I told you about how I would cheat on my

Eye test when they’ give you the one in school and like while I’m waiting I would memorize the chart it’s cuz I knew I wouldn’t be able to read it so I don’t know I’ve always felt like weirdly competitive about the eye exams I don’t

Know I don’t know what it is it feels like if I if I fail the exams it’s a a failing on me as a person it’s not a competition I know and if it is a competition I’m losing to everybody with perfect vision oh I don’t know everyone who

Wears glasses or contacts maybe you can understand there is some kind of competition like when you’re sharing your glasses prescription with people it’s like you either want to be the highest or or the lowest the best Vision or the worst Vision you know you either want to be like oh my

Eyes are not bad at all which is where I fall cuz my eyes are not that bad my prescription is likeus 1.75 so it’s not it’s not that bad so I usually fall in the camp of trying to get mine lowest of course I will lose to

Anyone with perfect vision but then I’m like oh mine’s it’s not so bad mine’s not so bad I don’t even like wear M glasses or contacts when I’m just hanging out at home cuz I don’t need it and then I’m like unable to see the

TV but we don’t have to tell them that part or you try to be like the the worst vision and you’ll brag about that and it’ll be like I’m legally blind without my glasses I can’t see a thing if you held up your fingers in front of my face I

Wouldn’t be able to tell you how many fingers you’re holding up about this way more than literally anyone no I’ve had this conversation with like everybody who has glasses this is this is the standard conversation is it not people do that you guys don’t do that no you’ve you’ve heard him before Normal sometimes you got to pop off of being last place exactly you can feel special about that too about about having the worst vision of your friend group thir friend braging about about prescription strength maybe is it just cuz my friends are nerds I won’t deny

It yeah yes and then you compare how thick your lenses are exactly and then you try on each other’s glasses and you’re like wow I can’t see a thing out of these exactly well we’re almost out a white wall maybe it’s time to move on to Pink I got the strongest prescription

Strength Get Wrecked idiots exactly I don’t know you got to find something to brag about with your friends right doing that maybe it’s just me me being weirdly competitive about about Vision somehow oh and don’t get me started on the astigmatism you can find a way to brag about that

Too it’s like oh your vision is bad but do you have a stigmatism though oh no please start football eyes and then it’s like yeah I have a little bit of a stigmatism in my right eye it’s getting worse every year eventually I’m going to have a hard

Time buying contact lenses because of it how cool and special am I it’s like That I don’t know I blame actually I’m going to blame anime find find something to blame so that I cannot be held accountable I blame anime hear me out because in anime everybody has special eyes it’s all about having any kind of special eye really anime having heterochromia makes you special in

Anime you could have the shingon you could have anything in anime but it’s all about the special eyes so in real life well that’s why I feel like you have have so many people being like my eyes are actually Hazel if you look closely you can see that they’re slightly yellow in this

Light and I don’t blame anybody we all want to have special eyes juny we all want to have the chuny eyes you feel called out my eyes are rare my eyes are also rare they may look yellow but they’re actually they’re actually blue and yellow you see we call that radio

Heterocromia not actually what it’s called that’s G green no no they don’t blend green is my hair I’m just making stuff up now sometimes you have to make stuff up to feel cool is that sad it wasn’t meant to sound so sad my eyes are yellow johw and oh no I don’t

Know you never tried to figure out any way to convince people that you have specialized why am I still doing this to this day maybe maybe we can we can just be happy with who we are without having to having to make ourselves out to seem

Like we have fancy eyes fancy Shing gone Eyes special eyes specialize in special lies so Deep I guess it’s just me who’s treating the eye doctor like a like like in gym class when you have the physical exam day where you have to do the reach test and try to reach your toes and it’s like a whole reflection on you as a human

Being wait I need a water bucket I have I have a bucket do I have water over there but I’m going to I have no space hold on you loved the stretch tests is it because you’re good at them cuz you’re flexible cuz I always dreaded

The stretch test and you know when they like tell you the they tell you the results but you’re like in class with everyone else I would always try to like hide my results so that no one else would see embarrassed the Pacer test the Pacer test I never tried hard

On maybe I should have but I would always just like wait I never wanted to be like the first one to stop oops so I would just wait until someone else so someone else sto running and then I would go like one more and then I would stop aim for

Mediocrity I don’t know I guess I do think it’s like if they actually graded you on the results of your test which would have a lot of of problems if they did that then maybe I would have tried harder but it’s just for what is it for for your own sense of

Satisfaction or for bragging rights did I ever run a mile I did I think I would would finish it not that fast but I mean I was in cross country so I definitely ran right it did a requirement I was never fast but what was my time I do not

Remember I actually think it was like 15 minutes can you walk a mile in 15 Minutes I would do the slow jog you know no this walking this walking speed maybe 10 Minutes well 6 minutes is like good right I was not at six minutes power walking no you got to you got to do like the slow jog you know what I mean where you’re like going probably 3 miles an hour but you’re doing the Motions as if you’re jogging instead of walking

Like you’re picking your knees up extra high the slow-mo jog that’s what you got to do um okay hold on I don’t know what I’m doing right now I have no plan does this need to go down maybe ah uh-oh what if it goes down like diagonally like over here Oh IO Minecraft infinite water if you just make a staircase you can have all the water you’ve ever dreamed Of oh oh oh help help okay rip to all the to torches below it’s it’s Water it’s fine right here I’ll pick it up so that we don’t go infinite who’s placing torches in the water nobody right I don’t know how to do this part oops uh-oh well maybe it would be good to look at it this seems kind of correct should I have it go all the way over and meet at the side or should I go up Like should it be like its own chunk you know what I mean like should it be its own chunk like this and then connect or should it just be part of it what’s my plan I have no plan my plan is to build the tree look at this waterfall I made it’s so

Chunk Okay I will make it its own Chunk ouch I should have made this one wider it didn’t need to just be one block Wide yes I do want it to go like down and then back Up it’s like you know this these are the leaves growing off of this branch and then the canopy is up There Somewhere it’s looking a little bit foxy I don’t know how to do this part should it go down over here too Maybe I guess why Not Foxy not boxy how is boxy is she still I hope she’s good she made a few videos on YouTube like years later right still not trolling I hope but she was trolling all along probably still Trolling she graduated oh boxy I hope she has found fulfillment wherever she’s gone I bring up foxy a lot no when was the last time I brought up boxy it’s not like I’m obsessed with her or anything I wanted to dress up as her for Halloween one

Year with the eyeliner but I didn’t think anyone would get it they probably wouldn’t Have did I do it no I didn’t I dressed up as Marina from Marina and the Diamonds one year and no one knew who I was supposed to be I did the like heart hearts and people were like cute makeup and I was thank you but no one knew who

I was supposed to be hipster Costumes I don’t know I mean I haven’t dressed up for Halloween lately What would I dress up as I dressed up as Mabel from Gravity Falls one year some people recognize that one though some people knew that one I think I made the sweater well made is a strong word I think I like glued felt on the sweater to make her

Sweater I constructed it I assembled it um I don’t know if I’m doing this well what’s up with this is this where the warden is there’s like a warden somewhere over there I guess is where the warden lives oh I feel like I made it too small but I don’t want to fix

It too lazy the tree is so abstract I does it need more shape to it is it too too smooth over here it’s probably too smooth well maybe I should do this part I kind of wanted it to go down more though am I going to destroy torches Maybe uhoh uhoh panic panic placement hold on watch this I we’ll place it very Well uh-oh uh-oh place it place it place it okay how do I get back up wait did I duplicate the water oh it was just in a very weird shape I guess well that’s fine so I kind of want it to go like down like this is the bottom and then go

Up towards the trunk which is like the opposite of the way I did it for the the white section but I think might look better more natural I don’t know but when o when do I ever know anything about this tree this tree which I Grew From nothing

I mean it is starting to become quite the Behemoth I was walking around down here and I just noticed like how how I have shrouded everything in Shadows which I am sorry about I’ll try to make it beautiful down there and line it up oh build more Suns more glowstone

Suns we will blot out the Sun um I guess how do I want to do this I suppose like this it shouldn’t really all be like the same level Though I guess I could just go up and down randomly here it may link with this part Maybe Uncertain let’s go down one block okay the shadowy place is beyond our borders saplings may never go there I want to watch Lion King again I haven’t watched it since I was a kid the hyenas were kind of fun though I know they said that it’s like shadowy

Place you should never go but it was kind of cool right with the hyenas and like the elephant graveyard which is pretty Sad for the elephants it aged amazingly I want to see it let’s go down One uhoh the the currs are turbulent Uhoh I want to find more games like strange horiculture and dredge cuz I I want to play them on my steam deck I’ve been playing cats organized neatly on my steam deck which is either an amazingly relaxing experience or an incredibly frustrating experience depending on the Puzzles I shouldn’t need this one wait do I need this one I don’t remember oh did I did I place enough I I placed some lightning rods way up there but I don’t remember what’s the range well there’s one uhoh I forgot how to fly maybe I need

More we add one over there maybe I need more in all quadrant uh-oh it would very very sad if it caught on Fire um maybe I can use the Scaffolding which is down here that click is music to my Ears let’s try this Uhoh should I put it over Here there’s one there do I need them in all Corners it’s a circle just circles have corners it’s not a circle cuz it’s spinecraft I would Place more but who I only have one in my inventory though what can I do all these squares make a Circle something about circles in Minecraft are very mysterious I keep getting videos in my recommended of of circles in Minecraft various ways to make Circles Uhoh did I have a full stack Before well it’s Fine probably I should bring my bed with me I’m pretty sure I placed the lightning rods like before I was working on the other sections and I was like I’m so good I placed so many but then I expanded it a lot do I just happen to have oh no this

Alpaca is very going to dangerous Places this is not English this alpaca is really going somewhere dangerous there that’s more like it we know how to talk we are Hollow live English yes I’m saying we to bup you in with me my grammatical errors are your grammatical Errors get used to it oh gosh it’s getting kind of laggy over here even no lightning rods do you think it’s okay if I I guess I’m already been been breeding my cat with other cats cuz bi Boo’s Cat Cafe is right there can I bring my cat over and

Maybe bring some more Kittens no lightning Rods should I fix it I should I Should acquire more cats the cats are supposed to follow you right but I feel like they never Do there you go I love cats there you go wow I feel like they get stuck like this come on it’s like real cats they only sort of follow you if they feel like It who’s there who’s there are you mad at me are you mad oh no he’s just going to the Cat Cafe he’s just going to the Cat Cafe paying customer like everyone else uh-oh this cat is the same Color that’s fine though that’s good okay everybody come back I did want to get some some more varying cats maybe black cats but we love all cats oh I really I’m afraid to hit the zombie cuz I have sweeping Edge ouch out perfect song come here kitty kitties come Here you sit there oh the kitten the kitten is sitting on the chest that’s so cute okay are these cats keeping the creepers away I hope so we’re collecting them even more cat Hats don’t squish him by opening the chest will he get squished oh he’s there he wasn’t actually sitting come Back where’s the kitten come over here come sit over here wow wow will he get squished you can’t open a chest that a cat is on wait did they do that just to make cats like more realistic oh you can come here kitty cat okay there that’s a good spot hold on I

Need to go to an idol meeting I’ll be right back and then I will do the lightning rods we’ll fix it I will be right back let me play you fa sweep counil yo can we just appreciate nature it’s kind of beautiful so B we

Got the drip yeah s Mama she’s a pro Perfect 10 cue oh wo I am a gaming curan I’m so good I told you right one V one me sapling goodbye good Night take my cier and headbutt attack mother trucker B has got your back o swe o S my name is s yo from Halloween counil yo can we just appreciate nature it’s kind of beautiful though B we got the drip yeah s Mama she’s a pro Perfect 10 cue oh W I am a gaming Kieran I’m so good I told you right one V one me saing goodbye good Night take my cure and headbutt attack mother trucker B has got your back Swe Swe my name is now hello I’m back okay let’s get more lightning rods let’s not be Lazy oh oh wait did the music sto right as I came back I was like did I turn it off do I have copper Though who’s that ouch wolf find Out do you just do three copper ingots is that how you make a lining Rod like this not like that not like that it is okay maybe I make three of them that should be enough right surely surely it is looking pretty treel likee right how do I feel about this

Tree oh tree oh Mine I want to put this back these leans Back in Here and the fish and the flesh fish has flesh and you have flesh but you are not a fish probably fish flesh M some people like that to eat fish flesh okay let’s put one over here I think oh we can’t place it on leaves no no no no no no

No no no no it’s cuz I’m holding shift isn’t it I still don’t know how scaffolding works and then this should be tall enough you have a fish craving now did that really make you crave fish me calling it flesh is flesh Delicious this is high up enough you just like Sushi yes ouch ouch I lost like all my scaffolds well that’s fine hold on it’s already nine time Again wait did I finally pick up my bed no it’s here your buddy fell down the tree and your your former owner is I’m afraid long gone orange section still looking great thank you I do like how it looks when it’s like done like when it’s all

Uh decorated at the bottom with the lights but that’s that’s the part that’s going to take forever to do I could put one more over there and then it’s probably Def definely good the winter SE should be done in time for spring I don’t know if anything will be

Done I mean what do you consider to be done do you mean all the lights and decorative blocks on to cuz in that case it’ll be a while but if you just mean placing the wool then we’re we’re already even getting there getting to be done with

That tree we be done in 2032 I thought you said 2023 and I thought you had so much confidence in me I was excited it turns out out there was no Confidence I know I understand you just are trying to get me all R up so I’ll try to prove you wrong and then I’ll be motivated and I’ll finish it faster you have my best interest at heart right Right this is just your way of encouraging me right okay so ah running out of Rockets Again enjoyed the process it’s true I have been enjoying Minecraft lately I need to AFK more though even 3 hours didn’t get that much And I was scared that I would die cuz I forgot to reset my spawn point I was afraid I would die while I was afking and then I would return to like spawn and then a creeper would come and blow up spawn and it would be my fault and I

Wouldn’t know how to fix it so then I was like I should I should send my bed in my house so then if I die while I’m AFK then I will the only thing I could blow up is my own home hire a professional AFK Kyla Kyla she’s not an AFK here she’s

She’s she’s okay she’s on keyboard just always online okay what’s my plan here um what’s my plan a okay always on keyboard that’s pretty good she use that does she actually say that she should for today there was a plan the plan is to finish the tree somehow some

Way I don’t want to do this sanction though well maybe I should does it keep going up but then at some point it should become flat I think and like join with the under section of this although is that supposed to be I guess this is supposed to be the floor huh

Up until it joins I don’t know How fast it should go up Though is this too fast it’s hard to tell without looking at it from afar not only do I need a professional AFK I need camera mode in Minecraft are you allowed to be on one computer be logged into two Minecraft Accounts at the same time running two instances of Minecraft does Microsoft allow

That yes if you have enough RAM for that I think I only have 32 gigabytes of RAM is that enough not on the same server what if I have another account fa a camera account only 32 I mean some people have 64 right some people have 6 6

4 32 is plenty for Minecraft but is it plenty for two Minecrafts you only have 16 when I bought my last computer it was supposed to come with 16 GB of RAM but I started using it and I was like how come this computer has so many issues it should be pretty okay and then I checked the specs and I

Saw that it only had 8 GB of RAM and I had been using it for like months and then I opened it up and yeah sure enough there was only one one stick where there should have been Two but then I I bought more and replaced it Only one stick that’s why you build your Own why didn’t you just download more I tried and then I got a virus and then I had like reset my whole computer and it was this whole ordeal so I don’t know maybe you guys can send me a more reputable site where I can

Download the ram cuz the one I used was was no good toolbar oh no I feel bad because Opera is like I don’t know Opera is is relevant these days have they have they reformed A lot of people like Opera right don’t feel bad for Opera they’re they’re advertising to Gamers all day Long Firefox I should switch to Firefox it’s just that Google has all my passwords I gave Google the key to my Cottage you know so that Google can come inside and and make me food anytime and it’s just really convenient but now it’s like I can’t kick Google out because Google’s been living

Here and it’s this whole thing you know what I mean and like even though Google is like spying on me and like watching me while I’m I sleep it’s like well they they like scoop the litter box too so how am I how am I going to kick them out

And I’m so so dependent Now Google knows you snore Firefox let you transfer your passwords and bookmarks over really I should use Firefox maybe I shouldn’t talk too loud or YouTube is going to shut me down YouTube I enjoy using your service I am a YouTube premium user don’t don’t shut me down use Internet Explorer

It’s so sad every time you open Microsoft Edge and they’re like please don’t go we’re trying our best please give us a chance please we’ll do anything Netscape we’ve changed we’re not your granny’s web browser anymore she downloaded Google Chrome a long time ago I’m I’m I’m lost on what to do with

This this tree thank God granny what do I do I better go look at it from afar again that’s the only solution you looks weird is this what it’s supposed to look like it looks like yeah like a bow it looks like something you make it like a Pottery

Studio on a pottery wheel I don’t know how I feel about it yeah it lacks volume on the bottom they all end up looking like that my trees too flat on the Bottom maybe we can fix it in post w w w w how should I do this I kind of want Want this part to be like this like this low like it gets lower here and gets higher there is that going to be too much though I don’t know I know nothing about this tree goodbye all I know is that I’m using all of my Rockets just to stay

Afloat trees is it going to be too thick over here on the ah on the cherry blossom side side maybe no my Rockets Maybe well we love pink so it’s fine Right so what if it meets up over here Somehow like this and then and then over here you can beat up with this One and we’ll see wait but maybe I need to go from the other side cuz it’s hard to build down a my rock ouch my Rockets we’re using them all of are people still playing P world I don’t know what games to play Minecraft is eternal as always but there are other games

Too Hitman here and there Witcher 3 I could get into Witcher 3 maybe I will get into Witcher 3 I’m thinking about stuff to do that incorporates my new goth outfit is is can I wear a goth outfit playing The Witcher I don’t think you matters what clothes you wear to play The

Witcher honestly ah bloodborne hell divers 2 what even is Hell divers 2 is it a FPS I don’t know what what it is hollow Knight oh I do kind of want to play Hollow night a third person shooter a 3ps a TPS 3ps see 3

Po didn’t I make a list of games to play I have a list of games to play but it’s gotten like too large that I need like another smaller list of games to play I don’t know did I have a more recent smaller list the list is crusty and Dusty it

Is maybe The Witcher oh yeah my member stream I made a list I don’t remember what was on that list I feel like I played a decent bit of what was on that list though wait maybe I didn’t that was also kind of a big list revisit the zoo I saved it

Somewhere I ranked them yeah as if I or as on the life Hood I would play it and a lot of them were red meaning unlikely I feel like this is still going to lack volume lack the crucial volume to be a nice voluminous tree what if it’s like this this seems

Okay my quality is quite nice now I’m glad to hear it that makes me happy okay I haven’t heard it do the thing it was doing I moved my cords around so maybe maybe it’s it’s good now I think there are just angry cords were just angry cuz I had

Them next to other cords angry Cords I know it’s a bit away still like a whole month I guess but I’m also excited for my birthday this year I’m already planning stuff it’s going to be unique I hope I’ll tell you it’s not it’s not a 3D Live though I don’t have any plans to

Do a solo 3D Live at the moment so don’t expect like that but I do have some other stuff planned that I’m excited for and I think will’ll be fun 4D live 3D mop be live Perhaps Perhaps what am I doing here we’re pacing cuz I don’t know what to do do 3D truck driving I do want to do that do you guys have recommendations for what wheel I should buy oh no do I have more Rockets down here maybe I should look Logitech is the Logitech

Good Logitech is fairly good G 29 is the goto does it come with pedals should I also have Pedals um what am I looking for Again Rockets wait do I have rockets in here No do I have Rockets anywhere most good ones come with petals I guess I I’m making Rockets always comes with pedal shifter is extra uh my truck is automatic hopefully I don’t know wait do you need to shift gears even if you’re not driving an automatic car wait I don’t

Drive please forgive me I don’t know things you need to put it in reverse at least does it for you that’s what I thought but you need to put it in reverse there’s the Prindle right don’t forget about the Prindle I guess that’s different from Gears the pr you know the

Prle it’s way different please tell me you guys know the Prindle wait I had Gunpowder okay would you like Or Zach and Cody reference let’s go is this no longer I feel like I’m getting so old people don’t know Mean Girls and people don’t know Zach and Cody but then when I think about it it’s like oh yeah when I think about like Dylan and Cole Sprout it’s

Like they’re they’re like adults now the Disney Days Are Over they’re probably like 30 they’re like 40 they’re no longer the little little Disney kiddos that they once were people don’t know the Prle How do I build the tree wait do I need to go look at it from far away again the damal sweep steak was there drama with the damn wait not damn damals is it Danimals not damn not damals those damn nimal just go place blocks but where where do I place Them up here Maybe okay I’ll just place them wait but I kind of want it to be like I don’t know I don’t want it to be as uniform as on the other Side I wanted to go up and down but it’s so hard to build down so what if like over here it goes Down Like make this section lower what’s there drama with the Zach and Cody Danimal sweep Stakes or did I just dream that was it like nobody actually ever wanted or something they said someone did win the sweep stakes and it was super awkward or something it was real what what was

It are you supposed to get to go on a cruise with them or Something is that why it’s Awkward yes that was it makes you feel kind of bad for Dylan and Cole sprouts right if they’re just kids and then like they’re being like raffled off you get to hang out with them they might be nothing like the characters on the show that you’re used to but isn’t that Exciting yeah like they’re a prize and then it’s awkward and then they probably like got in trouble for making it awkward even though it’s not their fault I don’t know maybe I’m just making so this is conjecture not real don’t sue me please the show is almost 20 years old

Is it how can it be 20 years old wait I made it way too low here did I I don’t Know it’s like this is the trunk it just gets gets back up really fast it started in 2005 I guess that is 20 years ago wait are they actually like 40 I feel like I’m being too nosy right now to the the sprous twins they’re 31 they were very young when the show Started was there Gand they not 20 when the show are I don’t know I I guess they were like that young yeah like 12 11 but then by the end of it they were like 16 right together they’re 62 can we just do that now and just start adding up people’s ages to make ourselves feel younger I don’t know if if that’s fair running out easy life Hack 4.5 billion years let’s that everyone from promise up I think we’re already at Infinity so this is like as old as you can get Really yeah crony is infinity so she just absorbs us I guess oh oh oh oh my new single working on oh oh oh kind of musical this part is more organic shaped For Better or For Worse oh Ry though oh wa you’re right why why is it oh oh oh

Riy oh oh oh o Ry Auto Parts since we’re already talking about like old stuff you guys remember um Education Connection How does it go again working for an hourly wage I went to high school didn’t do grade still got to make more cash more education is what

I’m looking at when I get a degree I will make a bigger salary so now I’ve got to see which college is right for me get connected for free free with Education Connection get connected for free free with Education Connection then there’s more though I don’t remember the rest

Working for an hourly wage when high school into grade still got to make more cash more education is what I’m looking at you hate that you remember it it’s so catchy what’s not to love what is this don’t say what is this this is mandatory viewing before you watch my stream

Cuz otherwise I’ll feel too old it’s a commercial from the 2000s for a website that will I guess match you with colleges and you can apply to college you’re not American okay you can you can have a pass Then it was on your it was your top song on Spotify wrapped I don’t know if I should like if you should always be past the ox Cable in the car or if you should never be past the ox Cable in the car based on

That I don’t know but I’m afraid by your Power box Cut zup Pals I don’t remember the zup pal song but I remember zup Pals that was the plates right the plates they look like cute animal oink oink zp pal I don’t remember remember it Zoo books I loved Zoo books I was lucky enough to have a zoo books

Subscription do you guys have any magazine subscriptions I do not only the ones that they put in my mailbox that I do not ask for and then I have to be held responsible for making sure that they end up in the recycling bin you had Nat Geo years

Ago I feel like there are some good magazines it would be fun to have a subscription of but I don’t have any do you guys remember when like loot boxes well not like the virtual ones it’s like Loot Crate is that what it’s called when like those subscription monthly boxes were really popular

I definitely like fell into the Trap of getting Those I had I had a makeup one and then what else did I I think I had like a perfume one none of them seem like great ideas but I wanted to buy they have a a Pusheen cat toys one one that I really wanted to

Get but I then I felt like well snail barely uses any of the cat toys that he already has like they might just go to waste all of the cat toys now it’s snack boxes oh I did do a couple snack boxes too there was one I

Did it was like a healthy vegan snacks snack box and most of them were just okay the snacks so I like cancel my subscription I’ll just eat the the sweet chili Doritos instead but but one of the snacks was so good it was like those Sesame the crunchy sesame sticks was really

Good and I still like I don’t know where you can find them not on the subscription box but I want Them sweet chili Doritos are the best they are the Best they ever try box Su no I’m trying to remember what else I had I tried meundies cuz they sponsor every podcast but then I don’t actually like their underwear that much so I cancelled my subscription to that too but I tried it they’re expensive what’s that they send you it’s

Underwear they have some cute prints seasonal Prints but I don’t know they all have this like elastic band at the top and I found it uncomfortable I wanted to try cuz everyone is like they’re the most comfortable underwear ever but I didn’t like them that much you’ve always wanted to try them they

Sponsor every podcast in every podcaster is like it was the most comfortable piece of fabric that has ever graced my behind and I was like I want to try that but I don’t know yeah they’re paid to say that I mean they’re pretty soft but it’s

Also the kind of fabric that I feel like will get holes in it really fast you know and it I don’t like the elastic band so you get them monthly yeah well that’s other thing it’s just like too much underwear like do you I don’t know do you need new underwear every

Month isn’t that like too that’s like too often you’re going to amass way too much underwear right I don’t know I guess that’s just if you get one a month it’s like 12 per year but I don’t know it’s like having lots of Shoes never need to do laundry it’s true no meandi sponsorship for me now you’re right I should should I shouldn’t say these things about every popular sponsorship but I don’t know I know who I want to sponsor me Dyson if you’re listening I’m here waiting for you um Oley if you’re here

I’m waiting for you who else I don’t know Sephora my favorite makeup brand is Too Faced Too Faced if you’re listening I’m waiting for You I like colourpop also they do some fun collaborations colourpop they do anime collabs sometimes colourpop I’m here I’m Ready whatever you are waiting for you Grimace I don’t know I don’t know if I can do a I mean Grimace would be associated with McDonald’s right he’s not an independent entity right did Grimace go Indie maybe if Grimace goes Indie I’ll do Grimace collab but I don’t know if I

Want to do a McDonald’s collab cuz I don’t think there’s like anything I can eat at McDonald’s the overlay yeah I don’t know if I could do no no no the the I think even the fries they put like don’t they put put like meat on them like meat flavoring on the fries $5 apple slices wait the McDonald’s apple pie is actually really

Good does it have dairy in it or eggs I feel like it might not well they don’t anymore wait really could I have been eating McDonald’s fries all this time what about the hash browns those are Good do they not have the apple pies anymore I feel like my reality is shattering like I’m still living in like I’m still living in 2014 do they even have them in 2014 am I still living in 2005 the Sweet Life of Zach Cody is

Still is still on air oh they still do have the apple pies they Do what are what are the ingredients on the apple pie I’m Googling it baked apple pie hold up please don’t play any music McDonald’s wants to know your location M Block No thank you grimus wants to know your location ingredients apples apples sorbic acid salt citric acid enriched flour bleached

Wheat flour niin reduced iron Bine Monon nitrite re ribal Flavin folic acid sugar palm oil water apple juice concentrate modified food starch invert syrup contains 2% or less of yeast salt cinnamon sunflower elacin lyine no conditioner yeast extract enzyme and beta carotene I can eat it I can eat the McDonald’s apple pie

The Grimace collaboration is back on the menu is am I reading McDonald’s nutrition facts Grimace outfit when don’t spoil my new outfit did you did you hack into my account and look at it how did you know it was Grimace I was trolling everyone with the tag it’s actually Grimace

Outfit not a goth outfit I knew it Go the Grimace so much better oh No have you guys ever had an apple pie milkshake doesn’t that sound good I think I’ve had one before no sounds good I think a couple years ago why am I feeling so old in this stream I’m like my memory is fading but several years ago I think one of the Kieran family

Members had just had their wisdom teeth removed at Thanksgiving and they couldn’t eat Thanksgiving dinner they ate like soup but then we were having apple pie for dessert and papa Kieran felt bad and made a an apple pie milkshake and then I was kind of jealous

I was just eating regular app apple pie but I was kind of like I kind of want the milkshake they like it yes they did yeah with vanilla ice cream as the base how American of you it’s good don’t hate it till you try it oh I still need to make the

Mac and cheese milkshake oh no i’ almost forgotten maybe I should say oh yes I think I was supposed to be the proponent of the of the the the mac and cheese milkshake I was the one saying I didn’t think you would be that bad I shouldn’t be the one saying oh no

Got to give you the recipe is there a recipe Mac and Cheese I guess I don’t know okay here’s the part do you I feel like if you want it to taste good you should not blend the noodles you should just put the cheese sauce with the ice cream but is that cheating

Is that even a mac and cheese milkshake or is that just a cheese Milkshake the texture didn’t it would just be cheese well what about a cheese milkshake I feel like that could be good I mean what about like bubble tea places they put cheese on it right is it like a sweet

Cheese though I don’t know I’ve never had it add the noodles after so they’re chewy not Blended it’s similar to sea salt foam I’ve never had that Either the Savory cheese contrast with the sweet tea see I feel like you could say the same thing about the ice cream the Savory cheese contrasts with the sweet sweet ice cream No yeah what about Cheesecake not getting any craft Sponsorships what about well my favorite Instant Mac and shees possibilities possibilities are you are you interested in a collaboration where I perhaps turn your delicious boxed mac and cheese into a milkshake maybe we could work something out something beautiful I don’t know if they’re interested anyone listening any Brands listening right

Now mac and cheese ice cream was decent see that’s where the whole idea comes from there’s a brand of ice cream that does mac and cheese ice cream so that’s like only one step away from a milkshake right please do not listen to this Kieran why not why can’t they listen Ranch ice

Cream I think sometimes I don’t like ranch ranch is supposed to taste kind of like funky right like it h it has that like funky flavor in it no does blue cheese sometimes it tastes funky or maybe I’m just eating bad Ranch I don’t know he got some

Tang it’s got that that funky flavor no I didn’t expir dressing again no this is like at a restaurant I don’t know sometimes I get my voice cracked sometimes I get Ranch and it’s like not funky at all and then I like it sometimes I get it and it’s like too

Funky the zesty Ranch yeah like I don’t know like a blue cheese flavor am I getting expired dressing I hope not I don’t know my favorite is honey mustard anyway honey mustard has never done me Wrong the correct choice what a pleb what what what fancy sauce are you having what can I have to enrich my my sauce palette gray gray poon that’s just that’s just fancy mustard right which I guess is Fancy by definition oh wa did what cuz it’s French how are you supposed to pronounce

It poop poop I’m just saying poop how how can you say it in a fancy way po poon how can I get the emphasis off of the the Poo I know what’s with the crass language we’re we’re say so stream out here just put your pinky out Pew Pon what about like

That it’s like Uranus Ur Uranus Uranus is that how we can say it in a nice way is sound like a Pokemon ranus o Ooh Rus ooh Rus I don’t Know ooh o Rain pronounced Uranus see I will never forget when my science teacher pronounced it that way when I was a kid and I was like why would he say it that way that just makes it sound like urine how inappropriate why would he simply not say it like Uranus which has no weird

Connotation it doesn’t mean anything strange I don’t understand I didn’t know you can’t win you can say Uranus which does sound pretty fancy oh I always want to build it from over here but it’s hard to build down you know what keeps happening to me and then annoys me I keep opening like Google on my phone and you know on the

Homepage it shows you like news articles I keep opening it and they keep showing me like space news and I’m like ooh space news and then it immediately like refreshes before I can click on it or look at it and then my space news is gone and then I don’t know what the

Space news was I mean the there’s an easy solution to this we is just like go read it on wherever NASA’s website but that happens to you too my space news so I feel like there’s been space news lately but I don’t know what it is but I would like to

Know do Twitter for you Twitter art they found another Space moon lander I’m so out of the loop Space 2 Google space news They landed on the white hole station Mars helicopter they had a Mars helicopter like like a helipad built on Mars It’s retired now it broke a helicopter we can send helicopters to space he flew so many times that was forever ago a Dron sized helicopter fairly small could I fit I don’t know if I want to go to Mars Though I mean Mars is certainly fascinating but also it does seem like kind of a a desolate place at the Moment No no green it tumbled and broke its blade do you guys all the also anthropomorph eyes like Rovers and other space exploration guys there there’s words for these of course there’s just something really cute about them I don’t know I mean I guess it’s like Wall-E has

Wall-E just I mean can we blame Wall-E or maybe they made Wall-E because of like something inside all of us that just thinks robots are cute especially hardworking robots that are just trying their best out There I watched Wall-E once at a sleepover and I don’t remember it very much cuz I think I fell asleep I feel like I should rewatch [ __ ] I think it’s a really good movie right but how come I never watched it I need to revisit all of these like Disney movies The Lion

King Wall-E is W even Disney is Pixar right was it would before Disney I don’t know what the timeline was it is there was Pixar there wasn’t Disney though right wait they’re all Disney no are there examples of Pixar movies that are non Disney toy stories not

Disney but now it’s like owned by Disney Disney manages the Toy Story IP cuz they have it at like Disneyland right oh Monsters Ink also I loved Monsters Ink well really I think it was my my best friends at the time her favorite like animated movie she liked what’s his name the

Snake the creepy snake guy Randall yeah she liked Randall like she may have liked Randall a little too much you know like are you supposed to like Randall that much I don’t know but she Did nobody likes Randall she thought he was so Cool when he goes Invisible what do you mean by that that you know just like like thinking that Randall is the coolest character how much do you our art was dedicated to him is there actually does Randall have a following I do feel like he should right do people make fan art of

Randall I hope not I’m sure he Does who is your favorite Monsters Inc monster mine is Baymax that’s not a that’s not a monster sink Monster not even close but we were just talking about cute robots that are just doing their best right right I don’t know if I have a favorite monster zinc monster I like the

Girl what’s her name I don’t know her name Mike Wasowski is definitely not my favorite boo I don’t know I feel like Randall is my favorite too but maybe just cuz my friend like convinced me that Randall is the coolest the slug Grandma randle’s now my favorite you don’t you don’t see the appeal with Randall he’s like the sneaky cool

Villain is that like Monsters University I think I watched it I don’t remember it at all though I’m pretty sure I watched it though I think I liked it I need to watch it again I don’t remember what happens in it except that they’re like joining fraternities

Right or maybe I’m getting it confused with Animal House easy easy thing to to mix up right right same movie Monster House I loved Monster House I want to watch that again too I want to watch all the movies again this is why I never watch any new movies why I’m like oh nope I haven’t seen that one nope I haven’t seen that classic nope not that one either because

Instead of watching new movies I just watched the movie I know I like over and over again have I seen Ice Age I have the squirrel is it even a squirrel prehistoric squirrel is Iconic I agage was good sber tooth squirrel we’re almost out of

Wool I feel like I didn’t make that much progress this time was I spending too much time parkouring and looking at the tree from a distance instead of placing blocks I guess I placed all of these blocks sure I did I guess all of these I placed the pink

Section let’s go look at it from afar what more can I land on top of the Owl uh-oh uh-oh not bad we’re getting there getting somewhere oh dropped my phone let’s take a picture we will finish the tree I just need to AFK more so I have more wool and then may me enlist the help of some kohai have them Place some blocks for

Me we’re getting the framework for the pink section the white section is also coming along and then oh should I I feel like I shouldn’t start worrying about the green well I am tempted to to just dye these sheep green but I’m going to have to reload them if I do

That but it wouldn’t be too hard I think to die we just need to dismantle the top and then we can load them in can open it up D them and then reload them how we at the ad girls to get them to work cuz I feel like we have enough orange wool

Right for the orange section to finish it off I don’t know how much more I even need so I think it would be wise to die these sheep is it night time no and then we have the three three Farms going find just remember to AFK we have cats I want more cats More I don’t think I need the leaves oops this way this way we will leave one cat crazy cat lady Aligations it you think I want to beat those allegations give me a calico oh it’s the same again where’s my other cat hold on I’m missing a cat we have a kitten didn’t I bring another cat though it’s dangerous here oh no there’s a cat there’s

Kitten they’re so cute they love to sit on the chests where’s my other cat oh there’s my other cat Hing so cute man they are cute even these Minecraft cats are Cute well would you like to oops would you like to come with me and maybe oh no ouch if you shoot at my cat I will kill you even more and then I already killed you oh all of my cats are here now is it You oh not you is it you wait are they full are they not hungry oh you are hungry oh but you you’re Not another another great cat we’ve got a lot of gray cats that’s Fine any name tags I don’t I should go fishing look at them all look how many oh they’re going to sleep so cute they’re all so cute oh but I kind of want them to spread out a little more well this is fine how big is their anti- creeper radius The Great Cat

Army I want more I want more cats I mean these guys are getting scared Away maybe they just can’t leave cuz they can’t afford to pay the bill so now they’re stuck here cuz I don’t have any dishes for them to do and they’re getting increasingly uncomfortable with the number of Cats maybe I need some guard dogs too uh-oh it’s not night time but why is it so dark where are they even coming from I thought I lit this place up oh my Goodness well maybe it’s time for me to crawl back in my hole anyway I will read some Super Chat thank you for hanging out and watching they’re not going to hurt my cats right I do feel like we’ have been making good progress with The the the the the the tree hold on there’s this there’s this suspicious presence my my room can we can we get this this out of here get out of here hold on I need to mute Minecraft for myself oh no there’s a lot lot of

Sounds wait I should put my stuff away shouldn’t I if I’m going to AFK will it be fine can an Enderman teleport into my hole and kill me it’s fine will I starve to death I’ll be fine in the hole okay if you say so not if it’s two blocks high well it

Is two blocks High okay thank you for hanging down let me read the Super Chat join my Cola I do have my Colima and don’t forget my outfit reveal is this weekend and M’s is tomorrow I think and mine will be the day after new outfit thank thank you for hanging

Out the promo on screen am I allowed to it’s not merch right so it doesn’t count as advertising yes there will be collab after as well you’re not ready it it does feel like advertising okay let me read Super Chat I think we’re hanging out man Paul EV zipley lukee Mr vexel

Roo Hypno dieo red R Sam S Matthew Mr blocker k d TR SP wound 35 forun Rob king shark snip omet L5 Spirit red k r wi milkshake C wad misery copper Chef Loops Kevin alander the wind track benj Moon V super Bish CIO re Helio sound pain black Jeisy R Egger some loser res wolf K alexg Jose MOSI R vad spend sapling Ulin refection Plum Plum got Plum all got plum all sapling WAP Luke M Friday thank you if no thank you m Friday re be thank you that is Mo drawing I saw she was drawing people’s

Profile pictures it’s a good idea very cute Elian thank you ravioli the tree becomes ravioli stuffed with creepers oh no so Sans thank you yukari thank you Evan thank you and coper it’s Minecraft for Friday fictionalist thank You AA thank you if given a hat to wear do snail wear it forwards like a gentleman or backwards like a rebel does he wear it on the floor in front of him like my second cat does I think he would wear it forwards like a gentleman cuzz he’s a good

Boy oh I see your cat is wearing the hat so cute I just see the I see the profile picture now your cat is wearing the manaa a hat that’s so cute uncle ruy thank you Hitman stream followed by a Minecraft stream truly we are being treated to Pure fness the

Thought if you level off the floor in your tree you can go over the top of the creepers to give them a private little L Ness they deserve I could do that and then they could what if we make them into like an attraction the at the tree

Cuz they’ll stay there forever since they’re in the boot right we could put glass around and then you can watch them like a like a zoo Katie thank you oh no everybody’s putting hats on cats Bishop thank You thank you Captain T thank you is fa Shrek am I Shrek are we Shrek is Shrek Shrek have you ever seen me and Shrek in the same room together I don’t know it’s all I will say V die thank you I’m glad you had fun exploring thought you had a good time

But God thank you rence thank youan thank you great move thank you thank you if you consider making a bigger tree next to this tree to distract the mobs I think it’s a good plan an even more romantic tree for the creepers to go on and dat in rence thank

You under the camel thank you tji FAA just tji FAA is Nashi thank you long time lurker app here finishing up my birthday week with me leveling up tomorrow I just want to thank you for all the comfy and funny streams thank you for hanging out and happy birthday let me play for You happy birthday to to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear saing happy birthday to you happy birthday hary hambur thank you why do I have to be Mike wasowski just cuz I’m green and I have one eye and I am always covered up in group

Photos what are other traits from Mike wasowski great shot thank you you soon thank you oh my goodness good luck goomber thank you terrestial thank you Black penguin thank you thank you thank you thank you s thank you you made an exact copy of my keyboard this one wait I want that

Too tell me how it’s done [ __ ] go freak thank you fungus as cute girls that does sound right up by alley percus thank you happy Bel birthday my birthday was last weekend and now you’re getting a new outfit this weekend I love weekends I’m excited to see what

A s you Mama cooked up official goth fun outfits sounds amazing thank you I I hope everyone will like it I like it happy a birthday let me sing for you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear saing Happy Birthday birthday to you Bishop thank you yeah rain also

Knows a lot about keyboards was she the one who got IR into it I need to learn Elan thank you did you a thank you H live thank you zo thank you custom adjustable stand for your iPod Touch out of Legos you had in seventh grade that’s amazing

Mr be thank you under the camel thank you great move thank you just for far to wear the best Twilight character m m thank you starf night thank You lauron thank you you’re super used to those eye tests I do kind of want to get lasc eye surgery but but I’m too scared I keep telling myself oh I’ll get it in like 5 years from now when the technology is even better but then like I think I said

That like 5 years ago so time’s up time’s taken do I need it no I don’t need it but it would be nice by hard bad enough to warant it maybe not I I mean eventually it’ll be like you can just like go in and do it and it

Takes like 30 minutes and there’s no recovery and it’s like super safe right and it’s like affordable hopefully that would happen one day jez thank you Elian thank you V faction thank you you fy Hoots thank you whole Fang girl thank you and may High prescription compar yes in Aid thank You I I may also get there eventually D thank you Matthew thank you yes the old tumblr post about the ultra rare purple eyes they’re 100% not real but people probably claim to have them anyway oh this is me I have this disease it makes my eyes purple and it

Makes it so that I I my sweat smells like roses and it’s it’s really hard on me but I manage somehow with my rose scented sweat in my purple eyes the silver sky thank you no I haven’t helos thank you super zero thank you Minecraft creeper glad your date was a

Success L thank You no I didn’t know that V thank You and my bird bird thank you Bishop thank you run the thank youus thank you Lo thank you to L thank you your husky wor the mil hat so cute Elian thank you medium likely were Witcher 3 Hitman Skyrim Dome keeper Hollow night I didn’t do refined so Ghost

Trick I should do some of these came here to nit you thank you D thank you grimas thank you Moonlight ballet dancing I do kind of want to see that Blues thank you V faction thank you no no vibr thank you Evan thank you oh that does sound nice Astronomy Picture of the

Day Arthur thank you there was a Monsters Inc dodgeball game and you made Rand and you got thank you thank you it’s been a thing for decades I never knew I had no idea all right I will catch up on on the rest of the super chats another stream

Thank you for your patience thank you for hanging out today and I will see you I don’t think I will stream tomorrow I think I’ll will be preparing and then outfit reveal on Sunday be there or be square I look forward to seeing you there and I look forward to revealing my

New outfit thank you for hanging out to day and I will see you next time byebye F well Bye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 It’s all Minecraft all the way down’, was uploaded by Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-02-24 02:24:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

I’m afking at the wool farm as you read this ✿ Artist Credits ✿ Thumbnail: …

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  • Jack’s Important Moment

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  • Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs’ Success NOW

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  • Monarchia

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  • LeafXP-TerraFirmaGreg modded SMP

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  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

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  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

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  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

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  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

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  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. https://discord.gg/cm2ZkkPS kick.com/joshbad twitch.tv/JoshxBad Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q?sub_confirmation=1 ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q/videos ■Twitter https://twitter.com/save93046076 ■instagram https://www.instagram.com/seven85654 #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More