Ultimate Minecraft Storage: Deepest Ever Hole Dig!

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Okay we are live right now let’s go ahead and pop out this chat chat has been popped go to docs custom browser doc apply close open up that one noise top chat goes to live chat and okay cool now let’s go ahead and click share and let us send this to the Discord

What’s up people what’s up Colin what’s up Carl what’s up Jack what’s up not even ISAC or is it Isaac what’s up Zach what’s up Venom Pro what’s up Vivid um what’s up graned what’s up that what’s up bradden what’s up uh Joe chimo what’s up IDK what’s up sheru what’s up

Catastrophe uh what’s up Chelsea what’s up Clark what’s up LOL what’s up Alo what’s up young VAR what’s up I’m him I’m a nobody how’s everyone doing let me send out the Discord notification before I forget live now digging more hole there we go 70 hours later what is 70 hours

Later I got a new picture nice what’s up Ryan what’s up rishab who got first oh sheru got first nice good work shus all right guys how’s the psychopath today uh we’re doing pretty well me and my 12 other personalities I don’t mind the username please

Okay um let me turn up my volume why am I oh my gosh hello I was at like four frames a second for a second I think it’s because I was loading in the chunks what’s up scoot what country are you guys from I’m from the United States

Okay so what else did we have to do today or so what else yesterday did we okay we stopped before we got to this so we have a little bit more to destroy and then we’ll do manually we’ll have to manually go and Destroy some of it but

For now we don’t have a ton to destroy um and so so we’re going to use some TNT dupers to get rid of some of this we do have a bit of water down there is that going to be a problem it might so I think I’m going to just block

It up real fast there we go Dash you made me die in fortnite I’m so sorry I hope you can forgive me for that guys I also live in the USA wow that’s crazy say my name please I already did go back by like 30 seconds how do you deal with haters

Ignore them I’m not saying any of your guys’ names um if you do if you make YouTube videos you’re definitely going to have haters so the the the Strat is just ignoring them um yeah it’s almost always the best almost always the best uh the best thing

You can do is just fully like you just like pretend you’re haters don’t exist okay I’m going to move this over by a few blocks but also I don’t really have a lot of haters fortunately I’m I mean ites it depends on what you make

You know like I don’t think I have many haters because I think I make good videos that like aren’t like disagreeable you know if you’re like one of the people who makes YouTube videos that are like um you know the you guys probably know what I’m talking about but like the

Videos that are like like Jake Paul videos where it’s like meant for kids but or like he like makes kids videos but they have a lot of non-kid content like then you’re definitely going to get hate but it’s deserved I don’t really do that much that Warren hate so I don’t

Really have to deal with lots of it I’m sure if I did have to deal with lots of it I wouldn’t like it but right now like the worst thing that I have to do is people are like I disagree with your opinion on this video occasionally

People are like you know you get like the uh I hate you but like I don’t know I can handle that I think I’m pretty sure that I normally have my slots like that can I see your bunny my bunny is at home so no I know he deals with the

Haters he double doxes them what does what is double doxing the haters um when I the the best way to deal with the haters guys you just um if you have have no haters then you don’t even have to deal with the haters that’s all I’m saying okay if you catch my

Drift no need to deal with haters if there are no haters around to hate you can handle haters cuz your chat bullies you all the time very true very true mods are here nice today we’ll be shredding people in the deadliest I’m a new fan welcome in I’m

The the opposite of your hater congratulations so you don’t have to worry about me well that’s good to hear I am glad wait wait a second isn’t the opposite of a hater a lover hey hey now hey now I don’t think that my girlfriend would appreciate that I am

Dash’s biggest hater very true hi Dash my bunny just died as I told you a few days ago oh I’m sorry for your loss that sucks why did your mind go there first um I don’t know pretty pretty reasonable thing for your mind to go to

In my opinion and my opinion is the correct opinion so if you disagree with me um mods blow up anyone who disagrees with me’s house yeah the mods can do that trust me you don’t want to mess with the mods they have powers my roommate sometimes I’ll just

Be like sitting there and he’ll just be like and I’m like what are you doing and he’s like I tried to blow up your head with my mind and um yeah reasonable thing to try to do he he you know he’s a good roommate

He just he just tries to blow up my head with his mind once in a while normal normal roommate stuff you know cool all right this should be good then all right um I could potentially build one a few blocks forwards but I feel like that’s too far

Forwards so I think I’m not going to do that I think I’m just going to wait for this one to finish and then we’ll build you know four blocks over ah those are not real blocks I see it’s almost done the only reason I go into streams

Is to attempt to blow you up with my mind no why would you do that blows up pancakes with my mind oh my gosh you’re able to blow up pancakes honestly that that would be pretty impressive I’m not going to lie even if even if the only thing that you’re

Capable of doing with your mind Powers is is blowing up specifically pancakes with your mind that’s still really impressive you know still the fact that you can blow up anything with your mind is pretty useful and like I could imagine um you know like the the movie

Are you even allowed to say this on YouTube I don’t think so the movie um the UN alive Squad I could totally imagine one of them having like a really stupid power and what their power is is they can throw pancakes what how did one of my key caps just came

Off um their superpower I just imagine it being they are able to make pancakes blow up with their mind and so what they do is they throw pancakes at people and then blow them up and they just have they just have like bombs as long as

They have a supply of Pancakes they have a supply of bombs I would watch that if you wanted a power what would it be good question um oh I’ve always wanted to be able to shape shift what’s up super llama indeed the subscribers are going very fast as

They should be um I need to make more videos I so guys you’ll be you’ll be happy to know probably that I worked I I actually spent a good like four or 5 hours working on the gold farm tutorial today but I did not make a short like I

Wanted to I should have done that but I didn’t so maybe after my stream my girlfriend is uh busy tonight so I might I might after I finish streaming um try and make a Tik Tok for tomorrow I might also be lazy and try I don’t know how it

Will work but I’m tempted to just try experiment with the idea of just posting like the first minute of my most recent long form video as a short and see how it does you know I see people do that a good amount of of the time like especially like I’ve seen like news

People do it they’ll just post like the first minute of a news video and then if you want to find out like what happens you have to go watch the other one and like that is kind of annoying but also kind of smart so like I might try that

If I get if I don’t have enough time and I’m lazy I kind of am lazy yeah that’s cool to shape shift I actually also guys I need help coming up with more short ideas shorts are really hard or shorts are a bit hard to make because you have

To become up with an idea for one like every day like when it when it comes to like a long form video I don’t really run out of ideas for long form because they take me so long to make that by the time I come up with by the time I get to

The next one I’ve I’ve like come up with another idea you know um but shorts are hard I need ideas for shorts if you guys have that’s why I posted that thing the other day uh that was saying like if anyone has any like Minecraft questions

Like let me know cuz I’ll I would be I’d be happy to do a video answering some questions um some people gave me really horrible suggestions though not going to lie lot of lot of really bad suggestions in that in those comments um a lot of them weren’t questions either I asked

For questions and people were like you should build a build a mega base or like design a raid Farm like that wasn’t a question but okay um I saw that Community post mother most of the comments were really stupid I just had a really good idea for a

Short but I want to do it so I’m not going to tell you no tricks using the breeze balls there aren’t that many things to do with the breeze balls I don’t think so Braden today’s been a pretty goofy day word how so how much

Time do you take to do a normal a video normally it would usually take me like four hours it takes a lot of time to do a short because I have to like script it and then I have to well okay so right now I have an editor or like for for a

Little while I’ve had an editor which is really nice because he does about half the work but I still have to I have to script and then record the audio of course cuz uh the AI voice generators haven’t haven’t perfected my voice yet once they have oh you can bet your

Bottom dollar I won’t be recording any audio anymore no I’m just kidding um but I record the I have to script which will take like half an hour to an hour depending on the video and then I have to records uh and then I have to record stuff which actually it doesn’t always

Take that long in some for it depends heavily on the video some videos like like my torturing mob series take longer cuz I have to like design a thing you know but like if I make a video that’s like talking about Minecraft facts like a lot of the time they won’t take that

Long Because unless it takes a bunch of time to research but like if it’s a Minecraft fact that I know the the whole process can be like me scripting and then filming can be like an hour but like it’s between like an hour to two hours of scripting and filming and like

Designing well sometimes with designing it’s a lot more than that but that you know that’s unrelated um and then fortunately I have an Editor to do another like 2 hours of work probably sh can blow things up with his mind are you ask you’re asking me if

He can I don’t know who Shaq is how suppression work maybe see people have people asked me that but I don’t I don’t know I don’t know how suppression works that also isn’t a good shorts idea I guess I didn’t specify that I wanted shorts ideas so maybe that’s on me but

I’m looking for shorts ideas specifically I think it would probably be both very difficult and uh to explain and difficult for the shorts viewers brains to comprehend how update suppression Works in a in a one minute video feel like it probably wouldn’t do very well I need like like if you guys

Have don’t know how something works in Minecraft let me know cuz I will gladly explain it like I think I’m going to make a video talking about how like the different protections work cuz even though like I think a good amount of people know how that works I’m sure

There are people who don’t you know video and like videos I like making are like I like making educational videos especially if it’s not common knowledge like for example my video where I talked about how experience worked was a fun one to make cuz it was

Like that one I did make entirely by myself and it was just like cool to make cuz like I was teaching people stuff that I learned stone is left there is still Stone I’m going to have to deal with it but that’s fine it’s not that

Big of a deal I don’t know how dupers work I also don’t really know how dupers work I kind of just accept that they do work when do you think you’ll have some stuff to edit if I come up with an idea maybe I’ll if I come up with something

Maybe I will send you footage tomorrow and have you edit that I need to come up with an idea though to be honest and I need to also get like oh that stone I think you were talking about I need to also develop the motivation to uh to do it I’ll DM you

Some cool basic storage Tech video would be amazing especially like double Hopper speed that’s not a bad idea at all actually I’ll I’ll write that down explain how how some double Hopper speed stuff works explain like I could definitely in a short explain how a Shuler box loader

Works I I could do that I could explain that um some I I have I have so many ideas that I realize like won’t pan out cuz I want them to be like a minute long um storage Tech Shuler box Shuler boxes and double Hopper speed I’m I’m not here to argue about

Mods tonight woo let’s go what’s the most OP item SL block see that sounds like a video that camman 18 would make I don’t really want to make Cam man 18 videos at least not all the time what’s the rarest block in Minecraft you guys like how I did I did

His music I think that was a pretty good impression I can’t unfortunately I I am cursed with the inability to talk while playing Cam man or while humming camman 18 music so I was not able to do it all at the same time but just just pretend

With me for a moment pretend with me that uh that that all happened at the exact same Time why the Bedrock the most OP command block maybe just like a command block tutorial it’s not not a bad idea necessarily there are definitely some ideas that I could do see the the one thing is it’s like I have I’ve considered doing some tutorials on like carpet mod and stuff

In a short but like to some but like a lot of the time that kind of stuff is somewhat Niche so it’s like do I really want to make a tutorial about like carpet mod when like most of my viewers are probably not not going to care so

It’s like I have to balance you know you have to find a balance between like telling people new information and information that’s like interesting or important to them and also like um I don’t remember what else I was going to say me saying command block was not an

Idea oh what were you saying command block for then make what’s the rarest thing in Minecraft tutorial on how to deal deal with mobs in cave nether in early game in cave nether you just mean like in caves or nether what are you building we’re building um well we’re

We’re actually kind of not building right now we’re digging digging down to the to the Bedrock using TNT it’s a moss Farm yeah I actually I have a video planned once the tutorial comes out a little bit of a spoiler for you guys but um once the tutorial comes

Out for the gold Farm I’m going to make a video that’s going to be promoting it that’s going to be like it’s going to be one of those like stop building this XP farm build this instead videos you ever seen those ones if you haven’t um they’re they’re

Everywhere and they’re always or a lot of the time they’re really stupid um and they like won’t work as well as they advertise and whatever I actually made a video talking about one like a really common one that is just like not true like blatantly not true it it actually

Is so not true that my brother who doesn’t really play Minecraft he sent me it the other day um like no I think it was I think it was yesterday he sent me uh an Instagram reel that was like it was one of those like stop using coal as

Fuel videos do this instead and then they build the world’s smallest bamboo farm that can smelt them like four items per hour and and it it fooled my brother it fooled my brother what a silly guy and so I I just responded to his video of that with my own video debunking that

Exact one maybe do a short about how you’re getting better at PVP cuz you’re so much better than before yeah I could do I could talk I could do a short about like how to get better at Minecraft PVP and talk about like some of the things I did

Like disabling my scroll wheel to force myself to hotkey um stuff like that could be that’s not a bad idea either I I was trying to make a video yesterday about how to not get bored of Minecraft but I realized that while my while my Solutions like don’t play

Minecraft as much are true there it’s not really a good suggestion you know it is true that if you play Minecraft less you won’t get bored of it but it’s also like no one’s going to be like wow what a great idea cuz it’s kind of just like obvious I feel

Like one my those bamboo farms are so dumb one of my friends built one I’m very disappointed what would be your reaction if someone said nibbling on Dash’s portable measuring tape I would I would uh I wouldn’t ban them from chat I would kill them in real

Life I need 12 million gold blocks just don’t be like vasix and lie about rates of farms for clickbait I don’t really know who that is I recognize the name a little bit but yeah just wrong like there are opinions than there’s being wrong all you need is

Aim oh no Vivid Origins PVP nowadays is is definitely more than just critting I was actually uh was it yesterday no I think it might have been Friday that was yesterday no it wasn’t yesterday it was Thursday Thursday night I uh I spent a little bit I watched a video about how

To get better at PVP and it taught me a lot about like how to get combos and so I’ve been practicing and now I’m like I’m getting okay at doing combos the one thing you know what is awful hot take if you don’t have good internet you shouldn’t be allowed to

Play video games that’s a joke obviously in or in case it wasn’t obvious I’ll I’ll just like clarify that that’s a joke but it is actually so annoying when I lose a fight to someone because they have horrible ping like it’s so difficult to fight someone and it it it

Like feels like an advantage that you are laggy like it’s not fair that that I can’t hit you because you’re teleporting around like I can’t track you if you are here and then you’re there and then you’re and like and then you’re at the bottom of the pit and then you’re above

Me like how so stupid stop lagging just just stop it it’s so easy um um I don’t really like how people explain W tap cuz they’re just wrong are they um this stream has 30 viewers but only 27 likes everyone go like the stream right now I actually don’t really

Care a lot about like getting likes on a stream but you know what sure did I move it guys guys people have with good memories did I already move it I did right I did already move it right guys I’m pretty sure I did cuz it looks like I did cuz there’s blocks

There people of chat who were paying attention I moved it right you moved okay cool I failed as a moderator No what it’s the best bridging method the Bedrock bridging method where you just Sprint run forwards and place blocks you know I think it’s really funny on on my on my Bedrock versus Java video I I might make a part two to that cuz not

Only did that video do well but I have more to talk about there are a lot of things that Bedrock has that Java doesn’t have that make the game easier um the the thing um okay so so the thing that I got a lot of comments about on that video specifically were people

Being mad that didn’t that I don’t count the fact that it’s harder to play on a phone than on Java as as like a as like a point towards Bedrock but like that’s the primary thing that makes Bedrock harder I’ve played Bedrock on my PC and

It is not that hard it really it really isn’t particularly difficult when compared to Java it’s literally just that you’re playing on a phone people people make some wild claims too they’re like dude the Ender Dragon does like the Ender Dragon one hit me in full diamond

Like no it didn’t or or maybe you’re like glitched you like glitched because Bedrock is very glitchy um bug Rock if you will but like um I just I I can’t put that I can’t say that that’s a reason that Bedrock is harder because like that would be like me

Saying like me playing Minecraft Java Edition on my on my uh computer that runs it at 1 FPS is harder than Bedrock it’s like it’s a very situational thing not everyone has that issue you know not everyone is playing on a on a phone um and like so like you can’t

Count that as a as a point towards it cuz it’s not a universal thing and so that’s why to be fair I I scored them by I played both on my computer and then I scored them them based on that you know also people just were like the the

Bedrock wither is like 50 times harder than the Java wither it should be 10 points like it it also isn’t the Bedrock wither is really not that difficult like I I fought it I fought it for that video to I’ve actually fought it before before

I filmed that video but I fought it for that video it’s not that bad somebody was like you should give one point to the Bedrock wither because first it has double the health then you should give another point because it spawns four wither skeletons it’s only four and you

Can one shot them it’s only four and you can onot them and you can spam click above a bunch of them um and uh and what was the other thing oh and they were like and they were like oh and oh somebody was like and on Bedrock

When you fight the Wither and it gets below half Health you can’t hit it with arrows anymore and I was like dude that like that’s how it works on Java too that’s that’s the same yeah things that make bedrock hard is the device people claim that because they’re playing on their phone

Yeah like both versions have their pluses and downsides people just overreact yeah like honestly Bedrock Bedrock ain’t that bad I just don’t like it cuz of like lack of mods but I was also I was comparing like the base versions you know somebody I think I think at least one person was like

Bedrock is harder because it doesn’t have mods and like Bedrock isn’t harder it’s just worse because it doesn’t have mods you know it’s like it’s very difficult to say that to to be like you know Bedrock is harder because it doesn’t have mods it’s just it’s different it might be worse

Depending on who you are like I definitely think that it’s a little bit worse because it doesn’t have like doesn’t have the modding Community but like ultimately it’s not the game isn’t harder due to the lack of mods cuz I mean I’m sure there are mods that make

The game easier but I don’t think there are a lot of them I think a lot of Mods make the game harder because a lot of the Java players agree that the game is a little bit a little bit of an easy an easy lad an easy chap game ain’t that ain’t that

Hard got him Bedrock is less convenient true bro chatting from his stomach what dashb you have the highest honor I can give to a content creator favorite YouTuber let’s go what about like there’s no higher honor what about like well I guess you can’t personally give this to me but I

Was thinking like president of YouTubers president M president YouTube not like the president of YouTube but I want to be like Mr YouTube Mr YouTube what is what was ah I missed all of them I landed and then and then Slipped you know what I want a from Bedrock Edition there’s a mod that does it to be fair but I like how on Bedrock Edition when you stop Flying in creative mode you just stop moving on Java it’s like you you fly and you like when you’re in survival it doesn’t happen you

Stop and you stop you know but in when you’re flying in Java Edition you like slide like you’re on ice and it’s kind of stupid it’s not very good in my opinion I would I I like the the Bedrock Flying multiplayer much better on Bedrock though like you can play with people on other devices true Bedrock does have crossplay that is pretty nice that’s definitely definitely a positive for uh definitely a positive for them oh man none of them are landing on that on that oh wait are they still destroying

Stuff oh I think I did stop it too early I just realized okay H I wonder if you could use update suppression SL skipping to create floating lava whoa I wonder Bedrock also has a friend system for Java you need the essentials mod true it is unfortunate that many of the

Best things about Bedrock Edition can be modded in like with some with relative ease you know you can like you can just go and download a mod that replicates the Bedrock Edition Bedrock also has emotes though so one point gets deducted from the from Bedrock for adding emotes to the game genuinely horrible

Decision um Minecraft should not have emotes like it’s just it’s just bad don’t add emotes to Minecraft please or like remove them I know people probably spent their hard-earned mine coins on on emotes but like just get rid of emotes from the game

Bam am I out of stone I am out of stone fortunately there’s lots of stone right here for me to mine and gold whoa what is this hoplight battle royale I actually might be able to do a long stream today or like yeah I might

Be able to do a long stream today so maybe if I get bored of Hardcore we’ll go and do hoplight we’ll see depends depends on uh how much work I get done here I think for tomorrow short I might just try posting a clip from my most recent YouTube video cuz I’m feeling

Lazy and not and I’m a very I’m very much a morning person like um in terms of like when I get work done I don’t know about you guys I know some people like my roommate he like gets work done at night I’m not like that at all I get

Very little work done when it’s nighttime I just work so slowly and stuff so like because I know that about myself you know I know that I’m probably not going to get a lot of work done I might just say we’re just going to do a do a repost for

Tomorrow and also on Tik Tok sometimes sometimes when I post wow this is nothing I don’t I didn’t I didn’t need to build this here sometimes when I post posted um long form videos cut up into multiple Parts on Tik Tok I I actually had them blow up

And then they made my videos do well so you never know at night is a chill time of day in the morning is for work I agree have you ever done things before the due date no never what what kind of question is that he who have you never like is that

Question coming from someone who has never done something before the due date are you just late for everything what would you add to Minecraft I would add the ability to make a mob switch for Phantoms or like a potion that you can drink that like permanently removes Phantoms from the

Game I would add something that removes something else that’s what I’m saying oh I need to go get more fireworks before I run out and get stuck down here again we o we need more fireworks buddy and by buddy I mean I don’t know why I said

Buddy what’s up Jason how’s it going it’s going it’s going pretty all right guys guys I only spent like I only spent like an hour and a half playing hoplight today that’s progress okay me from yesterday would have spent five hours playing hoplight so just saying

I’m kind of awesome I’m you know I’m on a I’m on the hoplight I’m on a hoplight cleanse right now the hoplight addiction might be going away Mojang sleep to remove Phantoms hardcore players no Mumbo voted for Phantoms does Mumbo still like Phantoms though I feel like everyone who likes phanto everyone who

Voted for Phantoms probably now is like I don’t like Phantoms do you know/ like War Thunder I do know of War Thunder I’ve never played it don’t think it would be a a game for me alive uh you’re alive I’m glad to hear that what’s up kakia wait c cupio yeah I

Did pronounce that right I’m the exact opposite I work best at night that’s why my sleep schedule demands I go to bed at 5:00 a.m. that is rough see yeah I am I’ve never I’ve never really been able to get stuff done during the day especially since I have ADHD and so like

During the day I’m on I’m on my ADHD medicine and at night it wears off so I just get very easily distracted by everything and anything so like every once in a while I’ll be making a short at night and whenever I make a short at night the

Case it it almost always happens that um it almost always happens that if I make if I make a short at night it’ll take me like 6 hours to make a short that normally would take me like two not not six but it would take me like like four

Or three like it takes a lot longer and it’s it’s bad just cuz I get distracted so easily if I ate anime Slayer can I get stream mod why would I want that also is it like uh I’m trying to think what’s a what’s like a character game where like if you

Kill someone you like absorb their power is like is that how it works congrats on 300K by the way thank you Mega Man Kirby yeah it’s Kirby Mega Man does that I put a sticker on my water bottle the other day and it’s like already

Coming off so I’m just going to take it off it’s like not a very sticky sticker in Mega Man every time you beat a boss you get their weapon oh but you don’t have to eat that I’m talking about you have to eat them and that’s

Kirby if I eat you can I get nothing if you eat me um if you eat me you’ll probably get jail time so like that’s some that’s like you will get something I think you know I’m assuming jail time is probably not what you want but you know then again what do I

Know maybe that’s the goal brose’s goal in life is jail time weird goal to have in life but who am I to judge my goal in life is to make Minecraft videos so you know isn’t that weird I feel like some people some PE for some people like they’re like YouTube YouTubers I’ve

Heard I’ve heard YouTubers talk about how like they want to be you know whatever and it’s like a real job I want my real job to be YouTube I can’t imagine being a YouTuber who’s like you know I may have like an awesome job where I get to play video games for a

Living but I want to be a doctor like what what are you doing what are you doing with your life you want to be a doctor over making YouTube videos YouTube videos aren’t easy to make by any means in my opinion but they are like much more fun probably at least

In a typical in like the typical sense of fun probably more fun to make than being a doctor can you unblock me in Discord probably not you probably did something you probably did something to deserve getting blocked do you want to hear my insane idea that you could do to the

Wither storm I actually already fought the Wither storm the second time I just have to turn that into a video so I probably wouldn’t do that make YouTube vids as a doctor yes bro live like live streaming surgery you got like a GoPro strapped to your head oh no he’s

Flatlining what’s up doggo gamer how’s it going because I want to see what it’s like to be timed out I think it would be very cool huh bro jail time is free food and shelter true just asked what games you played apart from Minecraft I do not think that I blocked you for

That well what could well what could have done is built a giant portal fnny giant bombs and then and then just plant plant them all as the Wither storm goes through a portal it’s above the pile the perfect pile of lava what I’m so lost so confused what you’re talking about

Christian funny bombs also I don’t I’m I’m doubtful that the Wither is a that the Wither storm is capable of going through a nether portal to be honest with you kind of doubt that at making the hole again of course no don’t I want to be timed

Out yes they got their wish Yo another day another chance to see TNT fall and rain down true um okay so we just have this side and then we’re like almost all of the way done we will have like some manual cleaning up to do but that’s fine that’s

Not that big of a deal that won’t take that long I don’t think either I fell don’t explode me just kidding you couldn’t even if you wanted to Mr creeper you’re weak you don’t even know the full extense of my power um um okay let’s

A go to the bottom of the hole I could am I going to probably not okay so we just need to build a couple more over here cool and and then uh I think we’re going to yeah we’re going to get to the bottom of the hole before we before I start um

Cleaning up the walls and stuff but then I will I will eventually have to clean up these walls cuz they are I don’t want them to look like this obviously I want them to be either black stone or something I don’t know I’m going to make them I’m going to decorate

Them I I would rather you don’t send that picture Nick I haven’t been here for a while that’s okay I didn’t realize that either anime what if I eat up Christian what can I get if you eat up Christian you can get a full belly probably I don’t know how large

Christian is but I assume that your belly will be full if you eat Christian that I I feel like is a safe assumption to make probably probably a safe assumption to make I mainly wanted to mention it because it’d be perfect for the start of an smpp because you could dress up as

Oppenheimer and it would be beautiful Story how Oppenheimer created the Wither dude I’m I’m so lost with what you’re talking about not only have I not seen Oppenheimer I also just don’t under I I’m just you want like an oppenheim roleplay smpp is that is that what you want me to

Do the Oppenheimer roleplay smpp except instead of like the atom bomb I create the Wither storm that is that is an idea it definitely is an idea that someone did come up with it’s actually not a bad idea it just seems like a hyper specific idea that I don’t want to do

Because it’s niche and I also haven’t seen Oppenheimer holy moly what’s up cheesy mcy what inspired you to start this project um boobs I couldn’t think of anything else to say I actually think I think that my inspiration for this project was just like wanting to wanting to have a cool

Base and thinking like what’s something that a super villain would would live in and then I was like a volcano would be a reasonable thing for a super villain to live in keep it family friendly here hey man I’m just saying babies babies need them to survive so if that ain’t

Familyfriendly then I don’t know what is I’ve been watching the start of the live stream for 5 minutes that’s tragic I’m stuck in an ad word I think think YouTube since it lets you like go back in the live stream easier than something like twitch I feel like it’s a more

Common issue on my streams than it was on Twitch that people will ask like I’ll see someone ask a question that’s like for that’s like or like answer a question that I asked like 5 minutes ago and I’m like that’s so odd why are they asking that and then eventually they’ll

Be like oh I’ve been I’ve been way back you know way behind for a while I also I wonder I wonder if people ever leave the stream cuz they’re like man this guy isn’t responding to my chats and like the reason I’m not responding to their chats is cuz they’re 5 minutes behind

And like I am yo you know in the gold Farm vid you said you could name one after someone my birthday was 2 weeks ago any chance you could name it Sullivan perhaps that happened to me all the time I love how you your birthday wasn’t today it’s was 2 weeks

Ago happens to me all the time o yeah not only with the SMP and having them get absorbed by the Love of All of but Christian I actually feel like your messages are like AI generated they I’m so I’m so confused by what you’re saying I’ll be talking 20 minutes in the past

Dang wait what kind of volcano is it I don’t need sleep I need answers there are types of volcanoes it’s one of the one of the big scary ones one of the one of the volcanoes that erupts you know it’s one of the volcanoes that splooges all over the

Place you know it’s lava it’s magma spews it spews it out of its out of its hole that doesn’t sound great but that’s okay bro you don’t know your volcanoes I I’m sorry I’m I’m not I’m not up to date on the volcano meta what are what type of volcano is this it’s

One of the it’s one of the the ones that has lava have you ever had a surprise birthday party for my last one my friends threw me one and it was the best thing ever I don’t think I have ever had a surprise birthday party I’m not sure but I don’t think so

What is that hairline um it is a gift from God himself he came down and said I’m going to give you the best dang hairline you’ve ever seen and he lied he was a liar but it’s okay we work with what we got ah ah oh I’m in lava

Now I love that hairline thank you see my girlfriend loves my hairline I really should not I realized like I’ve had the same haircut for like 10 years and I realized like way too late honestly well I could still change it but I’m too lazy to do it but

Like I I should really have a different haircut considering the hairline that I have like I should have like bangs or something just so that it’s like you know no more hairline except like you I would need to like get a haircut because this obviously does not look good I think I’m

Going to go with the uh with the don’t I look so good right now guys isn’t this just isn’t this just great there you go now you can’t make fun of my hairline show me a pick of the outside I can find an at qu description

Okay hold on the hairline or Arrow or Arrow you don’t have to change yourself dashy poo you’re handsome enough have a massive crush on you let’s go that’s the goal I want all of my viewers to have a parasocial relationship with me and have a crush on me imagine being dream and having

Actually no that wouldn’t be cool I was going to say it would be cool to have a bunch of people be like dream sexual but they’re all like like 12 so that probably they’re probably younger than that so that actually isn’t cool I take it

Back I want a bunch of a bunch of hot goth Latinas to be to be Dash sexual except I have a girlfriend so they can’t have anything it would just be very flattering you know dream sexuals are an actual thing at it actually scared me yeah true that is so real yeah another

Idea I thought of is how about because of your strategy you Tred doing within in different phases especially when it has is that like half of a sentence I’m not okay but dash for real guys I applied to I applied for a lunar CL Cent partnership today please

Lunar client give me give me a cape or let me I don’t know if I design my own Cape or what but I want a cape I want a cape so that I can get commission and then you guys can all go buy my cape and then uh and then I’ll make

Money if I if I get a cape if I get a lunar client Cape you guys all better go buy my Cape if you don’t buy my Cape I will I will cry I’m not going to hunt you down or anything I’ll just be really

Sad I’ll just be really sad about it how much are capes anyway I think they’re like I don’t know they’re like five bucks they’re pretty cheap what data pack is your XP bar it’s a texture pack that I do not know what it’s called when

Is the gold farm tutorial when uh when I get it done maybe you should try decoding speech that text I mean it’s the easiest option it’s imposs possible to literally check it all what he will hunt you down true yawn when’s that there’s no date on when

I get it done the the when I get it done date is uh tentative whenever I get it done is when I get it done I I’m working on it I spent a good amount of time doing it today I am uh I’m I’m getting I’m getting through the

Scrip in Phase the scripting phase for this video will probably be the longest phase and then I just have to film it and edit it and stuff I’m hoping I can get it out within like the next month or so I don’t know exactly if that will

Happen but I hope it will that’s the hope I think it would be pretty lovely to get it out in the next month and I think it’s not unreasonable to do that it is a it it is hard but it’s not unreasonable how often do you live

Stream I try to live stream every day but I do have some days that I like have I literally have class on Wednesdays from 5:30 to 8:20 and so I I like can’t stream at all on Wednesdays oh that’s uh that’s not in the morning that’s p.m. so I just can’t

Stream but um I try to stream most days around this time how are you flying this is a free cam which basically it just lets you like have an outof body experience and We you know I’m a little tired in case you are wondering why I’m so silly and goofy today hold on hold on hold on I have an idea it lets you have an out of body experience And um so you’re basically in spectator yeah kind of except you can still like get killed what mods do you use and at what point would you consider a mod cheating um I consider free cam to be cheating if you like I’m going to give an example if

I like went down here and I was like where are the Diamonds oh my gosh I found the diamonds like I’m not going to I’m not going to go get them though cuz I don’t care um I mainly use free cam just to like look at builds from far

Away because like elytras are nice and all but like I I’m like moving when I’m using an elytra you know like this I can like position myself and take a nice screenshot what’s in your ADHD pills for you to behave like this um no the the

Issue is they wore off now they wore off and now the silly the silly is here you know once the ADHD pills wear off then the silly comes to play I’m on my silly pills right now sorry guys no when I’m when I’m tired I just I

Just start being a being a wacky dude okay so I think I know what the volcano is let’s go he’s cheating I used free cam wrong IRL what guys it’s Silly Billy dashy pumbo how dare you call me pumbo um yeah but I think I think I learned about this guys in one

Of my classes all right I’m going to um no one leave you’re not allowed to leave just because I’m talking about just because I’m teaching you something you’re not allowed to leave okay but in one of my classes I learned about the different like types of people or

Something when it comes to ethics and ethics or and when it comes to ethics it’s like there are two types of people in the world it’s a universalistic people and particularistic people and so a universe Del I got marbles in my mouth right now um universalistic people are like

You did a crime you go to jail particularistic people are like you did a crime uh you did a crime like what’s the context around it like you know like some people are like you stole bread to feed your family that’s okay cuz it was for a good reason and some people are

Like you stole bread to feed I don’t care that it was to feed your family you still stole you go to jail you know that’s basically the difference and so uh when it comes to to cheating I’m very much partic when it comes to life as a whole I’m pretty particularistic I like

Like I I think the context matters a lot like I think it’s more okay to use like easy place mode if you’re doing like a build that’s like super repetitive than it is to do if if I was like building a house like I would be like easy place is

Kind of stupid for that but I am building the same Redstone machine 50 times so I feel like it’s or no I’ve probably built it more than 50 times at this point so it’s kind of reasonable I think to use Easy place you know Dash take silly pills and kidnaps

Multiple people ASMR I like to imagine that a silly demon is in dash and the ADHD pills are what suppress the demon yeah how do you know um wait got to confirm something okay Dash is giving you a free education and you should cherish this 40K worth of

Education right here it’s not free though because I just taught you something that college taught me you now have to give me 40K each all of you must give me $40,000 right now I’m going to take off my sweatshirt don’t mind me guys I will be turning off the cameras though

Because I there may be a little bit of mid riff exposed while I take off my sweatshirt and I know you guys want to see that but that is for the that is for the uh the tier 2 YouTube members okay no keep them on please what’s up

2024 not Channel why the hail is slowmo on while it’s off wow what’s off low mode has been on for like weeks use the totem please no what’s up chickens of Anarchy how’s it going not the mod debate again true we do be having the mod debate every

Stream you know what it’s okay though because you guys learned something valuable today about universalistic versus particularistic and then now now you know what that means guys you guys this is in my management class so I’m pretty sure you guys are now qualified to become managers there is other stuff that we’ve

Learned too but like that’s that’s the main thing you know you guys can go become managers now go so everyone go apply for a job and uh if they don’t hire you uh I don’t know if they don’t hire you cry and also Al if they don’t hire you

Then you should um and if they do hire you because I told you because I taught you this you should uh donate money to me if they don’t hire you you should also donate money to me either way you should donate money to me um I have a job wow that’s great good

For you I don’t have money tragic I’m going to lurk for a bit all right see you later Dash takes silly pills and turns into number one Gambler ASMR why am I gambling now that’s crazy I would donate but I’m a poor child with no Ms understandable I do get small amounts of

Money from you guys watching ads and uh everyone guys if you want to give me money when an ad comes up watch it all the way and then click it click on the ad and then once you clicked on it you can exit out but there you go you

Know and and if I ever get a brand Deal use you know use my code or like if I get like an app brand deal you know download raid Shadow Legends or whatever and then you give me money I will do that for only you from now on

Yes if I had $1 I’ll give you $11 what how can you give me some advice about my storage room I’m building right now what do you need advice about it from but we missed some of the stream true that’s why you got to have a second

Monitor for the one one monitor you skip the ad one monitor you watch the ad boom easy money I’d like to clarify I’m no expert but from my knowledge the volcano is an active comp composite volcano having a Volcan eruption bro that is so that’s so made up the volcano is having

A volcani And Eruption there’s no way there’s no way that’s the term for it there’s no way the term for it is a volcani And Eruption I don’t I don’t believe that I refuse to believe that the scientist who named who like who decided what a volcano erupting was going to be called

Was like What if we called it a volcani eruption the volcano is volcane isly erupting right Now means tiny screen true that’s why you got to get a second monitor or like pull up the phone for the ad for the ads I don’t know you don’t actually have to do it I was just kidding when I said like you know I I was kidding when I

Said like watch all the ads I mean it would give me more money but I don’t know if it would be a sign ific increase you know share my videos with your rich friends if you really want to if you really want to make me some money make

Some friends and make sure that they’re wealthy and then then they’ll give me their money maybe probably a better idea than getting ad Revenue actually I do make most of my money from ad Revenue though to be fair so like ad revenue is is doing is doing well but like ultimately

Ultimately oh oh oh am I out of oh I’m not out of fireworks I thought I was ow ultimately donos do help you know Google won’t let me go onto the verify website for the Discord oh that sucks Minecraft geology is hard give me a break of course trust me

Bro sometimes I stream Minecraft on Twitch because I can’t stream on YouTube that’s great I watched both ads and clicked on them too let’s go cancelling YouTube premium yes I actually wonder I wonder if like I wonder what cuz I do get I do make money from YouTube premium but I

Wonder if it’s like the same amount you know I wonder like if the average you if the average YouTube premium user like um how ads work is like you an Advertiser pays a certain amount of money per click or per per view it per view right usually it’s like by

Thousands of views but like per view and if if YouTube premium is like what eight bucks a month or something I wonder if like the amount of ads that the average YouTube premium user uh watches actually makes up for that you know it probably does cuz otherwise I don’t think YouTube premium

Would really exist I bet I bet that YouTube premium costs more money than all the ads you know or like I bet YouTube is profiting by having a premium version but you know that’s the price for no ads I guess I don’t care about the Treaty on prohibition of nuclear weapons what’s

Stopping me from turning or Dash pum what’s stopping me from turning into Oppenheimer I don’t know I didn’t watch the movie what is stopping you from turning into Oppenheimer that’s a a good question that seems like a question that you should ask yourself look deep inside

Of you and and figure that out you know seems like a question to ask yourself internally big forehead with a thumbs up well at least I’m glad you like approve of my big forehead that’s good it’s crazy what what has like the internet come to that like the first

Thing the first thing like half of my viewers said is like you got a big forehead what is what are what are we teaching kids nowadays we ain’t teaching them like hello how are you we teaching them like oh he’s got a big forhead it’s not even that big thank you

I will never buy YouTube premium unless I get monetized so I can get YouTube premium with YouTube’s money let’s go OMG I keep hitting enter by accident I swear mobile keyboard is too small dang I don’t know the world is dying yeah for real imagine imagine if people did that

In real life actually honestly with like with the current like Generations I wouldn’t be surprised if people really did start just being like that in real life but could you imagine could you imagine just like going and like introducing yourself to somebody who’s like a couple years younger than you and

They they just start like pointing out your flaws to your face crooked teeth crooked teeth crooked teeth fat like bro that’d be wild just like nor talk normally just finished watching yesterday’s VOD and it’s like the convos just continuing woo the big forehead has a wholesome face thank you most people basically

Don’t exist inside anymore what does that mean I calculated there are a total of one one million or 145 million possible universes that is uh that is very not that many honestly I’m fat and got crooked teeth bro country guy hunter I wasn’t talking to you I swear dude I imagine imagine like

Somebody somebody had a really hard day today and they happened to be fat and have crooked teeth and they click onto the stream right as I’m going crooked teeth crooked teeth crooked teeth H poor timing never watching this guy’s stream again the second I clicked onto the

Stream he went he was like you’re fat you’re fat you’re fat I have a big forehead oh nice oh so when so when you put the thumbs up you were just like you it was just like a like a me too buddy good work you know I think I should start

When people say that I have a big forehead I’m going to be like thank you like I’m just going to like be really sincere about it and be like oh my gosh thank you so much I’ve been working on it dude I go to the gym every day hit

Forehead day you know and like I I’m glad to see my you know my hard work is paying off people are noticing that’s that’s amazing thank you hairline day are you guys skipping hairline day what the freak you can’t skip hairline day that’s the most important day except for

Taco Tuesday taco Tuesday is arguably more important than hairline day but um you know maybe you can eat tacos not at the gym the the gym managers told me that they don’t like it when I eat tacos at the gym they said they said that I get

That I get uh you know sauce and uh and like taco ju taco meat all over the treadmill but like I don’t care it’s a free country I can eat tacos wherever I want except for at that gym they banned me big foreheads always have a big brain true

True you’re helping the gym yeah true what what what I can’t remember what it was there was some like TV show where they were like the or maybe it was real actually it might have been like Planet Fitness I think it actually was real and I think it was Planet Fitness

But it was like they just always have like pizzas and stuff for free at the gym and it’s just to like keep people fat so that they have to keep coming to the gym and they never achieve their their like body goals and that’s horrible that’s wild I think it was Planet

Fitness I’m not 100% sure allegedly it was Planet Fitness okay now my legal team told me that I have to say allegedly so that I don’t get sued for defamation my legal team advised me to say allegedly all right I think I think the hole is pretty good I think we’re ready

To start building the the TNT dupers that uh go downwards now horrible let’s see your villagers killed hey man I don’t do that to real people though it’s different helping the gym to be fat it’s like if you’re confused by what I said maybe I said it confusingly the the gym

Has the gym serves fattening food so that nobody like like some people at least some people when they go to the gym when they go to the gym they’re they want to like get healthy you know they want to get fit but if you Fitness sorry um however uh if

You if if everyone if all of your customers get healthy they might stop going to the gym because like oh now they’re good you know but if you if you keep them fat by providing them lots of free food then they don’t stop going to the

Gym and you keep making money oh my gosh it’s been forever since I’ve seen one of you guys what’s up yo guys guys do you know what this means give him a little little shower why are you killing the Llama because um he deserved it cuz these guys are annoying these guys

Suck MOG swamp’s like favorite mob is the Llama somebody send MOG swamp like some make a compilation of me killing like a thousand llamas and beating up the llama in real life make make a compilation of that and uh and send it to M swamp for

Me what did I just come to you just came to my favorite part of the stream when I beat up my llama wandering Traders Bad true remember how M swamp came into one of your streams yeah and I I I scared him off I as I told him about one of my

Shorts and then he and then he never responded scared him off he he commented on on one of my shorts and then and then later that day or something he came to my stream oh wait it might might not be a volcani eruption oh what what do you think it is

Then one not a short about how Redstone works that’s a really broad topic I could make a short about like how quasi connectivity works or something cuz that’s like a little more of a complex like semi Niche topic you know do I have any powder of gun I have

Six oh that’s wonderful I feel like I might have some down here oh I have some right there wow who would have thought okay got to go get some Gunpowder M swamp blend in the Stream yeah bro hung out for 3 minutes and then

I I I I was like I I told him about how I tried to I’ve actually several times tried to copy one of his shorts you know how M swamp did that one short that was like wait where am I going I need to go to raid Farm MOX swamp did that one

Short that was like um for every for every sub I get i’ll mine a dirt block or whatever and then he wound up getting like a million subscribers from that one short so I tried to do that and it did not work for me and I was like that’s

Kind of funny to like tell him and so I started talking about that and then he then he never he never responded so oh you know what people have been asking to see Halloween fish so while I’m here while I’m here maybe I’ll maybe I’ll give you let you guys see Halloween

Fish oh good I have gunpowder such a rip you guys could have been Pals yeah I think he was I think he was intimidated by how handsome I am probably happens to happens to most people honestly they they you that’s usually what happens especially when I

Talk to women they they often you know before my girlfriend they often would uh would run away screaming and I’m pretty sure it’s because they saw me and how handsome I am and they were just like oh my gosh I can’t you know I can’t handle that Halloween fish what’s up

Homie guys it’s Halloween fish probably not L hey hey now are you saying probably not to us being pals or to or to me intimidating people with my handsomeness because that is real and does happen trust me skin care tutorial please I don’t even have that good of skin also sorry I

Just want to kill this guy real quick all right there we go now we’re gone I had to fly back I had to double back to kill that guy the dash I watched Halloween fish video and so I spent like 2 days trying to get every Halloween

Fish variant if you want I can waste my time and do that on yours wait what do that on mine you mean like join join my world and do that on my world what a grudge true started at the beginning for me for some reason oh dang yo can I be your

Friend I just want the title no actual friendship required no so I’m only friends with people with uh I don’t know how many subscribers do you have to have to be my friend you got to have at least at at least 100,000 Subs to be my friend that’s why that’s why even even

Pesto even my girlfriend isn’t my friend cuz she she doesn’t have enough subscribers don’t tell her I said that she’s my girlfriend not my friend okay there’s a difference they’re kind of I don’t think there is but like you know trust I’m just joking pesto please don’t kill me

Bam Bam you know what I keep doing I’ve been playing hoplight so much that I keep opening chat to craft because hoplight prints stuff in chat that you can click to craft stuff I’m I’m actually I’m actually too far gone guys you might have to put me down the hoplight addiction is too

Strong you might have to you guys might just have to end me in order to get get me away from the hoplight grind it’s too late for me save yourselves save our ship SOS I’m going to put one of them in here and then I’m just going to keep a

Bunch of stacks of uh no you know what I’m going to put a bunch of these away in there that’s fine beautiful Z Dash I used to have 100K I might have turned into queso is 50 enough Subs I mean it’s pretty close to 100K I’ll think about it suffering from Dash’s

Success my joke really got flooded out I have four so we’re basically besties right oh yeah sure Um did you inject today day oh with hoplight I did I did I did have my my hoplight injection but it was a it was a small dosage okay it was like I think I played I think I played like two games and then I started a third game and then

My friend was like dinner and so I left and the reason I left or will I I drowned myself and okay I know it’s not good to like drown yourself in in a hopl game but my team started with 10 people and then and then by the the time that I

Decided to leave there were four people left including me so it was over before it started there were team there was a team that still had like nine people it was over before it started I don’t think I’m highly doubtful that that that my team won you

Know so I think it’s I think it’s not that big of a deal I drowned myself I did a small injection is still an injection this is damaging your relationships yeah yesterday pesto wanted to hang out and I said no I’m sorry have to have to play

Hoplight I don’t think it’s damaging my relationships it is damaging my YouTube channel but you know what it is it is definitely damaging the YouTube channel I should be spending more time making videos but hoplight is just so fun I wish I had never like learned about its existence cuz or like

Never tried it cuz now I I definitely spend a good amount of the day being like I want to play hoplight I think I think what I really should do is I just need to like limit myself to like only playing hoplight on stream and at the very least what I’ll

Do is like like maybe if I want to play hoplight I’ll just do a longer stream you know or do like a stream in the middle of the day then then at least I’m like then at least I’m uh you know making a little bit of content and if

Something cool happens I can like make a clip out of it um oh that’s what I needed to get okay we need okay we’re finally doing the self lowering TNT dupers there we go a volcano yep Zach why would you do that to me Dash I’m going to get 100K Subs just to

Be your friend well after after you get 100K Subs there is a written exam in order to become my friend so I hope you hope you’re good at test taking at least you admit you admit to your addiction true I am I am looking for help I need an intervention

Guys I need you guys to sit me down in a circle and and uh I forget what intervention I forgot what they do at interventions probably kissy each other or something you get get some nice views for making hotl videos it would majorly grow your channel while it’s still all

The hype and I clipped what you said about your girlfriend no I don’t think that I would get a lot of views making hoplight I because hoplight is already I really like hoplight but hoplight is definitely dying down in popularity right now and also I don’t

Really have a lot that I could add to it I don’t have a ton of things that I could do that I could do to make it like to make it my own the one so I have two hoplight video ideas one of them is when

I get my first solo win make a video that is my guy that’s like that’s like um how I how I got my first win and it wouldn’t be like one video it would be a video where I show my entire Journey from my first hoplight game ever where

I’m really bad and I and then I show myself getting better and I show myself practicing and I show myself learning new tech new techniques and stuff and I show all the all the steps of me going from being absolutely garbage to getting my first win and then my other idea is

Trying to find an ancient city and then make a warden Farm but instead of killing the wardens like Warden Farms usually you know you kill them instead of killing them I put them right below the surface on top of like a slime block trap and then um when I like flick a

Lever it just like launches 10 wardens out and the wardens just start killing people taking dash on a date part 10 hoplight is dying down but it’s not dead it’s still popular I don’t see it riding that Peak again but I can see it being one of the big servers for a while

I agree yo are you growing a beard no I’m just too lazy to shave I can’t verify in the Discord you should just give me the ad verify rule because I can’t fix it why can you not you said Google you have a good voice for a hoplight YouTuber entertaining

Thank you you said Google like you can’t you just like can’t go on the website or something or is it a website I don’t even remember how the verification works on my own Discord server please forgive me oh I need uh those rails plus I need those little horny boys

Um it’s not weird to say that because they’re they’re horn coral fans guys okay um and I don’t oh I might need that and then I might want that as well oh okay clarification was needed sorry I thought you guys would get that cuz I moused over it for a second but

It’s fine you’re a w YouTuber thank you do you like bedwars I do like bedwars everyone is crazy good at hoplight if you aren’t like a crazy sweat I would if you aren’t like a crazy sweat I would really watch you I don’t always love when people always win I

Want like an average Joe that is why I think it could be interesting to do a video that is like my journey from zero wins to like getting my first win you know because I feel like it would give the perspective of someone who you know sucks like

Me um and I definitely agree I think I think there are a lot of games so some of my favorite hoplight videos have been videos where people um there’re these videos where people will be playing hoplight but they’re not really like going for wins it’s like they’re doing

Like crazy stupid traps some of my favorite hoplight videos are trapping I hate Trappers but that’s because I always get them on my team and they do the laziest traps in the game like dude I really saw the other day I was I was on a team with some Trappers and they’re

They’re they had they like built a house it wasn’t like a village house that they converted into a trap they like built a house in the middle of nowhere which obviously no one is going to go into a random house and then they built one of

The head hitter traps and that was like the whole thing and it’s like wow you’re really going to trick so many people and then they died and obviously we lost the game I hate I hate Trappers they suck for the most part but trapping sometimes when people are really creative it’s fun

I saw a video can’t remember who it was but they set up this dripstone trap right so what somebody did is they in chat they slash shouted um they did a slash shout that was like uh I’m disconn I’m leaving uh dead body at these coordinates and then someone pulled up

To get the corpse and and then um and then they had dripstone from above them and when the dude was about to kill the player they dropped the drip Stone on him and killed him and it was such a genius trap because then the player was able to rejoin the server and continue

Playing make IRL vids I have once before but Dash’s favorite kit I’m a no I do not use looter kit what’s your ballpark time for this video or for this volcano to be finished oh I have no idea um five maybe six seconds I’m not good at estimating

Though so I wouldn’t I wouldn’t trust that estimation all right not the best with numbers okay I may be a little bit off when I say 5 to 6 seconds number might be wrong um okay so corn Coral I didn’t get TNT ah you’re done goofed Dash pom that was like there were

Literally like five blocks I needed and I somehow didn’t get TNT there are like barely any blocks required for that yes I just remember you complaining about getting lutter kit enabled automatically I yeah I did complain about that it was very annoying and it happens sometimes it happens it’s happened to me like

Multiple times now I don’t know why but hoplight really wants me to be looter kit I think oh I didn’t get mine carts either what a silly goofy goober um I don’t need note blocks do I don’t think I do I don’t know if I need I definitely

Don’t need the wet sponges right now don’t need the glass either or the shulker box so there we go I might have to did my Wi-Fi is bugging dang that sucks your texture pack is very cool I appreciate that um do we have a stream setup tour

In a few minutes um my camera is attached to a very short wire so I can tell you about my stream setup but I do not think that I could give you one because like I said the wire pretty short wire probably not going to be doable to like properly turn the camera

Around and and like show you what I’m working With okay good oh see easy place would come in clutch right now but it’s okay I don’t want to use Easy place too much if I can avoid it so I will simply be a good boy and do this the way that Notch intended um I am going to need to build up

Here ow all right oh oh that’s actually easier to place than I thought it was there we go all right I hope that this works so now I have to start it up by placing that there yes how is there water down there oh my gosh that’s water that I placed oh it’s

Going to blow itself up because I I put that water there and the water took absolutely ages to to drain wow that is tragic that is truly a tragedy that water is really taking its sweet time to drain too my goodness oh it’s finally it’s finally actually destroying blocks now that’s

Good is there like a small chance that it doesn’t catch up to it I don’t know I’m not sure oh maybe maybe there’s a chance that it actually works well oh actually it might it might actually work out it might be okay might be all right BR does not want to see

Chat I literally read chat like 5 seconds ago oh no it’s pulling blocks hate it when it does that oh it’s about to explode itself no tragic okay but it was like pretty good so if we just build that again without the water I think it will be fine I

Think that as long as water doesn’t get in the way we should be good so we just have to build that again I might use easy place mode for this not going to lie I’m not sure maybe I won’t I don’t want to just be an easy

Place YouTuber but I have seen some YouTubers that just like use easy place so much and it’s like you know how am I supposed to compete if I don’t use easy place for everything just kidding it’s not all not everything about is about competition Dash bom okay some things are about

Love not this though I’m only in you I’m only into YouTube for the money as we all as we’ve discussed only in it for the dough bam bam bam bam bam oh oh okay so that one is supposed to be facing down and that actually makes things easier

This one is supposed to be facing up and then this one’s facing down and then all right we try this now and we put a slime block can I do can I do this there we go all right I didn’t want to have to like place a lever cuz I

Actually don’t have many of those Dash if I made a Dash pump 4 boss would you play it on stream maybe probably not but maybe what about the fame I’m only in it for the money and the fame and the power everyone knows that Minecraft youtubers are the most

Powerful people on the planet diamonds what yeah woo yeah baby that’s what I’m waiting for that’s what it’s all about woo oh nice this worked wonderfully what mouse do you use I use the Razer Viper V2 Pro you know I realize when I come over here I’m like

Fully off screen I think I’m going to excuse me excuse me Mr camera going to just like be a little bit more centered now if I like go over here now I’m like a little more centered I’m still like not even that centered hold on hold on hold on ready ready ready

Woo oh wow this thing is oh there we go and it’s going to clear out it clears out a little bit of an area down here too with the TNT kind of flying everywhere that’s like perfect okay this is I think this machine will work well it’s just I think

It’s just the main issue is that it doesn’t work great when it has the um it doesn’t work great when it has to when you have to uh or if you don’t have a lot of room room cuz it needs to have like a good 100 block Head Start or

Something like that 1 2 3 four five six is six a good amount of blocks to go cuz the hole it dug is pretty big right like if we do six we might even be able to do more than six actually might be able to

Do like seven but to be fair do I want to go get those diamonds I kind of do I think I’m going to go get the diamonds well version are you on I am on 1.19.1 or 1.20.1 oh my gosh I’m about to sple this creeper so hard oh get sped

Idiot oh you just got sped so hard oh he must be so embarrassed right now that creeper must be absolutely devastated I just bleed him so hard I am EST I am so tired me too to both being tired and to being EST I’m going to try six and then we’ll

We’ll move it over we’ll do seven if we need to oh no I want a block that can be placed downwards wouldn’t that be cool wouldn’t that be a nice block I think it would be a really nice block if it could be PL if there was a

Block that could be placed Beneath You There was an idea there was a there was a mod there’s a mod that I’m actually like in love with it’s such it’s so cool um it’s it’s an end revamp mod by I forget what the YouTuber is but

Their ideas are just so good and if if Mojang made that that mod an update to the game it would be amazing like one of the things that was awesome was it added a new end a new end block thing and what the block did was it was able to be

Placed on air like midair and it would be so helpful for building it would be amazing it would be amazingly helpful for Builders like me to just be able to like place a block midair without having to like do anything else and like it it

Was such a it’s such a good idea and then there are like a million other features that are also amazing just so you’re aware it’s not exclusively that that’s not the only thing the mod changes or adds the mod added like a lot of really good ideas oh

Bam I need to get rid of this block and then let’s try doing this again noise all right this should be working I’m going to fly down here and we can get a better look at it get a nice a better look see oh wow that is working beautifully

This is a little scary being this close to TNT no the diamonds I thought I got them I tried to look around for them but they weren’t I guess they weren’t that close that could have been another vein entirely more no oh wait I might be able

To get those actually I might be able to obtain those they might get blown up though not those those innocent diamonds they’re two different veins all right this is working well though I think we can in fact move over by another few blocks though I think

That we don’t need to do um I think we can do more than right now we have uh we moved six blocks I think we can probably do like eight maybe Dash pum hit the gritty on stream please no so many creepers no need for TNT true

Actually I got a good bed I got rehearsal all week what’s the rehearsal for if you aren’t already gone what’s your deep slate count in your stats it’s probably not high because this world was made before deep slate was even like a big thing so I’m doubtful that like

Times mind I’m doubtful deep slate is all that is all that high yeah it’s 22,000 I’ve mined more gravel than deep slate that makes sense times uh times used freaking my uh my times used counter is so high I’ve almost I’ve I’ve mined like dude like a third of almost a third of

The blocks I’ve Min have been um i’ I’ve oh well wait hold on oh no that oh well times used for pickaxe is different from times used for Blackstone cuz one is mining one is placing no the diamond no not the diamonds okay okay I think I think the

Diamonds are safe oh some of them are safe oh free diamonds oh oh my gosh what is this why are there so many freaking diamonds here dude there are like a million diamonds that I’m getting that’s crazy this is crazy talk all right that worked really very

Very well though and it’s a much simpler machine than building a bunch of the uh it’s a bit easier of a machine to build than the other stuff I think I might oh no actually um do I no I think I don’t think I really need to do easy place for

This it’s not a super hard thing to build the one thing that’s annoying is this that’s kind of a difficult thing to do I wish there was I I want to figure out um hold on let me move this before I lose count 5 6 7 8 I want to figure out

If there’s some way that I could place the mine cart here and then like what block gets broken by slime blocks or something Dash B your girlfriend is lucky thank you dash wishes those diamonds were in hoplight true I have been getting a lot more h a a lot more

Diamonds lately though than in the past with hoplight I don’t know I don’t know what I what happened but I used to get like no diamonds per game now I get diamonds I think I’m just better opinions on parasocial ISM it’s bad I think it’s I think it’s like

Pretty widely agreed that having like a parasocial relationship isn’t good um are there any blocks that would get broken if they tried to get pushed first with hoplight I thought it was simple how wrong I was true or like could I build this in some I wonder actually I wonder if I could

Build this like what if I built it here here’s an idea I push I push the whole thing so it’ll be like I think hoplight is relatively simple but it’s very hard I think it’s not like a super complex game or like game mode to learn but I

Think it is like just a hard game to get good at what if I did this right okay here’s my idea here’s my idea chat we put this guy like so put this guy like so then we build this guy One Singular block lower and then when the when the

Pistons um when the Piston goes into it it’s going to get pushed it’s going to um it’s not going to uh it’s not going to ignite until it’s getting pushed down hopefully I hope this works this is the idea this is the idea that I have I’m going to try it let’s

See if it works yay lava there we go yes that’s way easier okay that’s way easier okay that’s good I’m going to go now uh have a good stream thank you oh that’s so much easier okay that’s great news we can do that the clay technique is op don’t

Think it works now it does not anymore as far as I know it does not if it did that’d be awesome I’m going to make a prediction that Dash p will reach 1 mil Subs in July of this year that’d be cool I I’m hoping to reach 1 million Subs by

The end of this year so by July would be pretty sweet okay so I think I do need to do one block closer I think seven blocks might be The Sweet Spot maybe it is six though it might be six we’ll see we’re going to try seven because it did that

Did miss a few blocks here and there that actually missed a lot of blocks so uh I’m going to I’m going to go ahead um 1 2 3 4 5 six 7 there we go and then I’m actually going to make a new schematic because I’m going to make one that has

The the modification that I made to how you build it um already there so that I don’t have to like remember to do it every time bam oh that’s not the right block Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and that is much easier in my opinion then um that’s much easier in my

Opinion to do that than to have to than it would be to have to uh to have to push the have to push the uh the mine cart over every time I can’t believe I made that what the freak that was impressive everyone be impressed with how good I am at this Game oh I didn’t make the schematic dang I forgot Dash pum will take over the world in 2025 how did you know my scheme how how do you know my plans you’re not supposed to have my calendar did you steal my calendar oh no the water no the water is ruining

Everything is there any chance that I can get down there and not die probably not I think I will just get blown up if I try to do that freaking stupid stupid water cave gosh dang you oh my goodness so many so much water get out of here dog no one even likes

You ow oh yeah it just blew itself up dang it not the water caves man not the water caves oh this guy like somehow survived three Minecart that’s shocking honestly whoa oh I forgot I didn’t have my elytra on the chest oh wow two music discs

Three dude if I was in hoplight right now I’d be going crazy three Gerald the sniffers in one game what that’d be crazy say my name what’s up stigma more like ligma I’m going to just let this place get blown up I don’t really care doesn’t really Matter oh the lava is going to be really annoying I’m not going to lie I kind of forgot about the existence of lava the lava is going to be annoying that is definitely going to be a problem I don’t I don’t get why we don’t have lava sponges yet I’m not going to

Lie lava sponges are just like a good idea lava is such an annoying thing to deal with when building how have we not how has Mojang die no how have we not made lava sponges yet or how has Mojang not added lava sponges yet such a commonly requested item too

I’m going to get so many diamonds down here you know I’m not going to lie I might I might enjoy how rare it is to find diamonds and hop light call me crazy but I kind of feel like it’s nice that like finding diamonds is like a rare thing rather

Than like I’m finding like a million diamonds really easily and I used to complain about like how low the diamonds rates are but like it’s kind of like yes diamonds now like but like in hardcore or in this world you know in normal Minecraft with the normal rates it’s like with the normal

Rates it’s like oh okay diamonds okay there are diamonds that’s cool I guess what’s up stons I’m going to try to make to make it to as many streams as I can from now on nice I appreciate that what’s up Amy infinity or mending on a bow what do I

Have on my bow I think I go with infinity I don’t use a bow enough usually that I need it to be mendable I’m not really a huge bow guy when it comes to like normal Minecraft or like survival Minecraft you know in like PVP I like to use a bow

But not not TR I’m not I’m not really a huge bow guy um what did I come up here for guys I forget will you use totem if I don’t know depends how much you don’t know you can just make another bow true why use bow when CR crossbow bows do way

More damage than crossbows that’s why and Bows also have significantly better enchantments than crossbows crossbows have their use but it’s pretty much only firework related if you have fireworks then crossbows have a good use but like crossbows are kind of kind of bad Firework and multi-shot is good

I I do admit that cuz I am a firework crossbow user but it’s still it’s not really that good not really that good yes that’s crazy dude my uh we got a my my group got a 20 out of 20 on this on this assignment

That we did but like I actually was so nervous for that one because I thought it was so bad the teacher does have like really high ratings for like being easy oh I remember what I was going to get he’s like rated very much as like an

Easy Professor but I was really nervous that I was nervous that uh that we were going to not do well but but we got like we got a perfect score so that’s a dub okay so the reason that I have these iron blocks in case you’re wondering is

This wait I need a crafting table ow I’m too impatient to wait for Gravity to take me so I I have to speed things up um okay so we’re going to come down here and then I don’t care about the buckets buckets are a very easily um you

Know obtainable item for me so I can just do this throw them all into the lava but now now I can drain the lava quickly at least that’s the idea that I have the best way I can do it oh my gosh this is going to be

Horrible oh you know what wait hold on hold on hold on oh my gosh I figured it out I solved the I solved it guys I’m actually a genius okay it does only work on one on one uh deep ones but I might just just be the smartest man

Ever that is actually a very a very good method of removing lava tell me $2 give me give me 10 bucks and I’ll and I’ll pop a totem how long has this been going you you should respond to to ligma 420 ligma 420 oh my gosh like look at that that

Actually works so well it’s quite loud but it works it works is the important thing dude I can’t believe I can’t believe that I have I Ferb I know Ferb I know what I’m making a short about tomorrow well I don’t know it probably won’t be for tomorrow but I know what

I’m making a short about the best the best way to get rid of lava should you like $500 I mean if you want to give me $500 I would also do that if that’s what you’re saying Dang that’s actually so good what in the world just using a fast Auto clicker you can just get rid of a lava pool I want to like go into The Nether and and try to get rid of like Get rid of like a lava ocean using a fast Auto clicker and

Some buttons or in some buckets dude we that’s actually amazing can’t believe I did that bro looks like Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory do I oh I don’t think I’ve have I gotten that before I don’t know I might have gotten that before how did I not I got

Like set on fire but like ow ouchy wchi um ah no that was all my fireworks oh no that was all of them that was both Stacks by accident Wait that’s actually crazy though as long as it’s shallow enough that you can like that you can get to the bottom of it you can just do a little one of those I I’m so deep underground how am I supposed to get to the top oh this is the

Worst I have to dig out again just pop a totem and get Fire Res it’s only for like 10 seconds or something it’s really short how how long you get Fire Res for just tank it man if I put on my chest plate I could if I since I didn’t have my chest

Plate on it it actually does a pretty significant amount of damage drowns can you guys get out of here freaking they picked up items so they’re not despawning oh my gosh what is it the drown parade under here what the freak can you guys not why are there so many of

You all right lava climbing oh you know what I do have water actually water climbing is not a bad idea lava climbing is a bad idea but water climbing is not a bad idea um yeah I guess I will just scale this using my water I’ve seen people do like water

Climbing before and they’re always so efficient with it I’m never able to like nicely get up there right like like I do that how do people how do they do how do they do it like I have death Strider now but I feel like a really good like water

Climber could probably do it faster than I am without death Strider and like that’s so impressive we oh bro let me up oh my gosh I was in flying position so it it just kept gliding me back on like off the clip Dash it’s because of your hoplight

Addiction no my hoplight addiction is only affecting my friends and family it’s fine when face reveal uh never probably break those blocks while you’re up there yeah I can break some of them for sure okay so I still do need unfortunately I am still going to need

To um to like break my way out I forgot do I have view bobbing on no I don’t there we go and I didn’t ruin any lava that’s what I was trying to do I wanted to go I knew if I went um if I went far

Enough away I wouldn’t destroy any I wouldn’t ruin any lava I actually could have though I didn’t go that far but fortunately I didn’t I got lucky and did not face reveal now no my face is is a private my face is private not it is not

A private my face is not like a giant wee wee or something my face is private you cannot find out what it looks like under no circumstances will I allow that to happen your Barber needs a raise thank you it’s the first like first nice thing anyone has said about

My barber people are always like you’re Barber your Barber did you wrong I like this haircut man no one ever nobody ever complained about my haircut until I until I became popular on YouTube when you become popular the haters just come out of nowhere you know they come out of the

Woodworks I guess I guess people in real life probably wouldn’t talk bad about my haircut to my face but like I don’t know I’ve never never never received any complaints from the multitude of women that I have been with romantically that’s real I’ve I have you know definitely not anymore though cuz

I’m you know I got one woman now is Barber needs a raise but his hairline doesn’t true the haircut is actually good thank you I would it would be terrible if my hairline was raised that would be dude my like 50s it would it would go from a five head to like a

Like a six head if you raised my hairline more that would be unfortunate how do I buy a Minecraft account for free is it really buying something if you get it for free I don’t know if that counts as buying homie I think you might I think you might be struggling with

What buying something means have you ever met one of your subscribers in public well yes but like they’re people I just like already knew as far as I know I’m I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure I have never met one of my Subs in public if they weren’t like someone I

Already know you know like my girlfriend has subscribed to me I’ve met her but I’ve never I actually came close to meeting one of my fans like like two years ago or something when I barely had any fans I had a I had a uh someone from

My stream happened to be at Universal Studios the same time that I was and they were and I was like if if you want to you know come meet me that would be that’d be like that’s cool cuz they they were like oh wow that’s crazy I’m here

Too like can I come meet you and I was like oh yeah sure and then they in like the Discord were like I’m here can you come to me and I was like no like that isn’t that isn’t how this works I am the YouTuber you’re the fan

You’re supposed to come to me I’m not going to you unless you’re like in the hospital then maybe I would go to you if like if that was your make a wish swish or something you know you’ve met your girlfriend I have I have how are you doing I am doing pretty

Well I’m a little tired I’m a little tempted to play hoplight I’m a little tempted to play hoplight I’m not going to lie to you guys um not sure not sure if that’s going to be what I do but it’s tempting N Dash wouldn’t listen to make a wish he’d be playing offlight

Dude how come nobody called it an addiction when I when I was really into uh like speed running now it’s an addiction cuz it’s hoplight it’s only an addiction cuz you don’t like it that’s my that’s my theory um bam oh that fit my inventory Perfectly oh wow I made it to the right side and everything okay so we have to do this one again oh how I wish that beacons gave fire resistance tell me that wouldn’t be amazing shouldn’t beacons give fire resistance in my humble opinion they should and it also would be a more

Balanced thing to have I feel like a lot of I feel like beacons are kind of too strong like if I were balancing Mojang if I was uh like someone who you know did the balancing or like if I was a developer at Mojang I think I would definitely make

I I wouldn’t have made beacons as op as they are but um but it’s kind of a little late to change them now unfortunately but I feel like I feel like beacons could just beacons could have like more helpful effects that aren’t like that aren’t like strong like I

Think beacons should have like speed jump boost night vision haste and uh uh and Fire Res I think those are good effects get rid of strength and get rid of resistance from beacons feel like that would make them more balanced um one second y’all There should be different types that can give more effects at once of higher on the ranks yeah I think it could also be cool if you’re talking about like like um if you build a beacon out of diamond blocks as opposed to like a gold block Beacon I think that could also be

Cool um Bam Bam Dave down Excel TNT duper lowering V2 that’s a really long name but it’s fine don’t worry about it guys uh not HF there we go um Dave this one let me just place it right here oh place it right there put that off and

Then we can move that a few blocks nice now we have the schematic and now now that there’s no more water down there let’s try let’s try this bad boy it should be working now it should be fine looks like it’s working yeah it’s getting rid of blocks

Okay we’re good so we’re going to this was I think seven blocks so let’s see how seven blocks goes 78 likes is wild so many I think a lot of my streams have like a 100 likes is I think I think my streams usually tend to have a good

Number of likes one two three four five especially if I ask for likes yeah I don’t I don’t know exactly but I’ve seen a few like that have or a few uh of my streams that have like aund something likes and it’s like you know that’s always

Cool getting likes is nice I actually I don’t feel like I don’t think live streams really get recommended to people very much unless they are already like a subscriber to my channel but it might push my live streams up in like the you know if my live stream has a lot of

Likes it might push me up in like the YouTube streaming tab I don’t know if it does I have no idea but but it might it might Bam Bam Bam bam bam I wish I could uh middle click to get the actual I wish I could middle

Click to get the mine cart that unfortunately is not a thing but that’s okay oh wait hold on Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and Bam okay sweet that looks like it’s working was did we do seven blocks use easy place mode to make it easier I

Could but I so I want to I don’t want to use Easy Place mode too much I was using easy place mode a lot and so I think since this is pretty easy to build in the first place I don’t think I’m going to use Easy Place mode no why is there

Water everywhere I got rid of it how is there more water how is that possible where should I make my Minecraft base I don’t know it makes it faster true true dude how is that possible that there’s more water I just got rid of it I

Swear literally just got rid of the of the water and I don’t want to I don’t want to use oh my gosh are you Ser oh dog I don’t want to use um I don’t don’t like to use free cam to like look around places but like it would be nice to like

Look around find all the lava and all the water and get rid of it so that I don’t have to constantly do this I don’t know that might be cheating though um you know what while I’m here let’s get rid of this to get rid of water you should use

Easy place mode what I don’t think that is a thing I don’t think that’s how that works my mom would kill me I don’t play video games though just for you I’ll use easy place mode for this one maybe I’ll just continue using it

For all of them oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh let me up oh I’m going to smash my keyboard bro Oh see it didn’t place it didn’t place the the that guy yeah see it didn’t place that guy there we go okay now it’s

Working I’m a senior in high school it’s my last year and I’m so excited let’s go you excited for for um for college or for what to be done with school or is that lava from is it okay it is draining that’s good is this stream as uncomfortable as yesterday’s uh I don’t

Know I don’t know what depends I don’t think so I didn’t even think yesterday’s stream was uncomfortable to be honest but big ho True I want to have a trade like an electrician word word yes sir put that work in and you explore lots of options for jobs you won’t get your dream job right away and that’s normal what why is that like really good advice I’m going to be an underwater welder huh

That is a specific job but you know what if it makes you happy I guess that’s what really matters okay that thing is about to blow itself up I am going to try to use Easy Place mode just cuz it does really make things easier and faster 1 2 3

Four five wait was that five I can’t remember remember four five 6 I want to say that’s either that’s either six or seven yeah that is actually like incredibly faster the the thing isn’t even that fast or it isn’t that slow to build in the first place but because I don’t have

To like because I can just like spam click that is like way f faster oh nose jeez that scared me a little bit it it it caught a straggler caught an extra block but it doesn’t seem like it matters to the machine oh no oh no that’s going to matter to the

Machine though it’s about to get stuck I think I can’t actually tell because of perspective oh no I thought that it was closer to the wall than it was oh sweet and it already got down to bedrock nice that is a long name CJ boy what should I make for my first hardcore

Video I don’t know try and make something something uh good about the measuring stick I I know yeah I still don’t think that that’s that uncomfortable but it’s just just a little joke we love comedy here at the dash pum 4 streams believe it or not I am uh quite a fan of

Comedy for example knock knock who’s there Dash pom um um I forgot what was your name uh Jacqueline Jacqueline Clifford Jaclyn Clifford who your mom got him yeah that’s the kind of peak comedy that you’ll be that you’ll get at the dash pum 4 streams and only at the dash

Pum 4 streams nowhere else can you get that kind of high quality content uh high quality comedy just ain’t going to happen elsewhere you try as you might but you’re just you’re just not going to get that up anywhere else I I saw it I saw the diamond diamonds yes Dash B I’m

Copying I’m copy and pasting your personality so I can get views that’s an idea the peak comedy and Dash p videos are good thank you thank you why are you making a hole um I am I’m making a hole that’s why excuse me Mr creeper I was going to say

Something hurtful but I decided against it that’s why there was that long pause there it also was it was also like it wasn’t really that hurtful but it was also like the main reason was cuz it didn’t really make any sense it would have made more sense if

Someone had asked um why are you making that hole so big then it then my joke would have made sense but it didn’t really make sense so I decided against saying it ah when do you think I could get mod I don’t know I don’t know knock knock who’s there who is there

H li who comedy at an all time high the comedy stocks right now are really high that’s the plan couple of years in school to get journeyman’s and two more years to get Masters word what’s up Mark how’s it going there’s going to be a journeyman that sounds like a rank you

Would get in like Apex 1 2 3 4 5 6 Perfect why hello why did it do that just placed like five of the wrong block that was interesting um I almost have my bachelor’s degree dang that’s crazy you could be an electrician for your whole life that’s insane for underwater welding there’s a Max of 10 years because it’s so dangerous huh

Interesting please help make a giant bed I could do that could do that Joe that’s not how it works who’s Joe make a giant slime ball for April Fool’s Day why is that like an April Fool’s event though why is making a giant slime ball like an April haha I

Got you April Fools what is what does a giant slime ball have to do with April Fool’s Day one two a three a four a five a six how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop the world may never know that’s free Tootsie Pop sponsorship

Uh right there Tootsie Pop please sponsor me would I take a Tootsie Pop sponsorship that’d be so out of that’d be so out of nowhere imagine watching a video and you got like an ad for like a random company that isn’t typically like a YouTuber sponsoring company just like a Tootsie Pop

Company it’ be that’d be strange can I get down here and do this and not have it Blow Me Up did I get the water I think there’s a small chance that I got that early enough there’s also a decent chance that I didn’t oh no it’s still pretty high up

So you never know maybe it could work out I’ll just mine some of these blocks while I’m while I’m up here oh no ah it’s still going it’s not going to make it it’s going to blow itself up I’m pretty sure yeah it’s about to blow itself up in like 5

Seconds and there we go yep there we go it blew it up dang it I have to either build another one ooh diamonds hello Mr diamonds I either have to build another one or I have to to dig this little way this is too much I think it’s faster

It’s definitely faster for me to just dig another one I’m back just ate a yummy steak hm nice today we are playing Minecraft but first here’s our sponsor Tootsie Pop why do you have 4K followers on Twitch I do huh huh I have 4K followers on Twitch wait just a gosh dang second

That’s Twitter not twitch twitch oh no I don’t 1K I was going to say that’s crazy because I yeah I was going to say that’s actually nuts the um cuz last I like like I when I stopped streaming on Twitch I had a th000 followers so I actually have gained like 200

But someone just typed in chat a minute ago um I don’t know how Minecraft Steve can eat so much steak I’m out with just one true you summon the TF2 community and the breeze balls short I see that dang you know what the one thing that I miss

That I that I wish YouTube was a thing or uh was a thing on YouTube YouTube I made these really cool sub badges promptly before switching to YouTube and so YouTube doesn’t have this as far as I know there are like sub badges um here let me see if I can pull

Up a picture of one I think I have them so the sub badges on YouTube are they still exist but there’s no like tier three and tier two sub badge like there is on on Twitch and I feel like the sub badges are so cool like I made such cool sub badges

Um okay hold on I’m going to just open the thing is that let’s see is this it my parents don’t even don’t let me play shooter games even though I’m definitely old enough dang that sucks I was halfway almost done building my 27 subscribers 26k TNT I accidentally put a redstone

Block and thought it would not work dang unfor um is it this one hold on I’m trying to find I’m trying to find it guys I’m trying to find it dang that’s not it where the freak is it um oh I See oh here we go I found it okay look guys this is this was what the sub badges were going to look like and this is still it’s like pretty much this you have like the little crowns but then if you became a tier 2 Sub you got these

Blue how do I zoom oh there we go you got these blue flames behind you and then if you became a and you get a little gem on your crown and then if you became a tier three sub you got the pink the purple flames and you got even more

Gems on your crown and it was so cool not going to lie you should play some hoplight I am tempted play hoplight give into your urges no n my girlfriend is actually I I know I said that I could stream for longer tonight but my girlfriend is

Coming back and I think we’re going to hang out so I probably will not do that cuz hoplight takes too long um she said she’s going to be back in like 30 minutes so I don’t I don’t think I can because I think that’s

Uh I think that is too uh I think that’s it’s going to take too long to do hoplight probably probably would take too long are you going to stream tomorrow afternoon or night I should be streaming tomorrow night yeah you have a girlfriend that’s impossible I know

Right pretty crazy stuff believe it or not a woman actually chooses to talk to me and not only does she choose to talk to me but she chooses to do it every day day and I only have to pay her $45 an hour be my girlfriend so that’s pretty

That’s a pretty good deal I don’t know if you guys know but the normal rates of girlfriends are much higher than that so she’s given me a good deal and it’s because she loves me I think I mean she hasn’t said that yet you know I’ve we’ve been dating a year

And a half and I’ve said it but she she hasn’t said it yet but like it’s fine it’s fine guys everything is normal between me and my girlfriend that I pay for I’m kidding obviously this might sound really stalkery but did you and your girlfriend do anything for

Valentine’s Day uh no we both had classes so we we uh we ordered Chick-fil-A and we stayed we stayed in and watched an episode of Daredevil I think we had a we had a nice night but we didn’t really do any we did not do anything special we did order food we

Had uh we had some nice Chick-fil-A door Dash to us which was really nice a lot better than getting like dining hall food 1 2 3 4 5 six I also my Valentine’s Day was so hectic because I had this one gift right I had this gift that I found her like

Like a I found it like 14 I found it um on the first day of February right and would you believe it would you believe it if I told you that when I I I I ordered it immediately as soon as I saw it I was like she’s going to love

This I’m going to buy this for her and then would you believe it if I told you that the freaking shipping was 10 to 14 days and it took 14 days to arrive and Okay so so at my at my school the um the uh the like package haul that you

Get packages sent to it was uh it was it closed at it closed at uh 9: I think no it closed it closed at 8 so it closed at 8: and what happened was I got an email I was in class I was like ah crap that

Sucks what so they they shipped my package in two separate like bags even though I ordered them both on the same day but they shipped it in two separate bags and oh by the way in case you’re wondering what it is it was uh these little crocheted like handmade crocheted flowers that

Were some of her favorite flowers cuz she loves she loves flowers that are fake because they don’t die and because I’m a good boyfriend I knew that and I got her them um so so uh uh I’m I’m like crap they’re not coming that’s fine I’ll give them to

Her late it’s okay she she’ll be fine with it she’s cool um and so then what happened was on on Valentine’s Day at I’m in class and it’s it’s uh it’s like 7 and I get an email that says my package arrived in the in the mail room and I’m like

Dude that sucks I’m in class until 8:20 and I’m in class until 8:20 and uh and it closes at 8: so like it’s there but I’m not going to be able to get it unless I want to like the the one thing I could have done is like gone

To the bathroom gone and gotten it and come back but it was on the opposite side of Campus so I would have been it would have been like a 15minute bathroom break so I was like I’m just not going to get it it’s fine and then my teacher

Decided to let us out um he let us out at at uh he let us out at 7 at like 7:45 and so I had to like Sprint just leave class as College I could but I don’t want to do that just leave the class education is greater

Than women shouldn’t it be the opposite way um if you’re telling me to leave class but but um so I like sprinted to the mail room and picked it up and it I was really happy that I got it but it was so it was so chaotic having to like you

Know right like on Valentine’s Day go and get this thing that probably or that like could have arrived a few days ago but it like last minute arrived and so I did get the whole gift to her in time so that was nice um yeah Uh I meant I mean women is greater than education I messed up my choke though dang when is the Pillager Village part two coming out I don’t mean to spam I just think it’s really cool oh that’s going to be a while to be honest with

You apologies but I have I I’m trying to do part two I’m going to do part two of the Wither Storm video first and then do part two of the of the Pillager Village and uh yeah and so that’s going to take me a little while that’s a couple videos

Away what do you many do for work what what are you going to do for a career oh um I’m I’m a marketing major so I would love to go into well obviously my ideal job would be to just like make YouTube videos for a living like I think that’

Be really cool and that’s kind of already what I do but if I can’t do that if I can’t do that then I would like to go into like advertising or something I feel like the when I hear about like ads I think that the that it’s

Fascinating so I would be down to do I would be down to like be someone who like makes ads and uh marketing is is kind of related to that that I have a I have a marketing research class that to be honest is very boring but he’s talked about a few

Things like that actual marketing researchers do it’s just the it’s just the teacher that’s boring it’s not like the class itself I don’t think but like learning about how like studies can be done oh my gosh so many diamonds are getting destroyed learning about like how studies can be done like correctly and

Like how to like not have bias into in your studies is like a pretty interesting thing in my Opinion I just joined can you tell me what you’re making so we are building I’m just going to go into free cam for a second this is a volcano that I built on the inside you’re going to fly through it and we’re currently digging this big

Hole this big old hole oh my gosh there are diamonds we’re currently digging this big hole cuz you’re going to fly in and then it’s going to be an underground base down here so that’s what we’re Building one second guys what’s your go-to Chick-fil-A order I usually go with a um one of the deluxe sandwiches one 2 three four five six six Deluxe sandwiches just kidding I go with a deluxe sandwich and like an eight piece nugget and a fry don’t judge me

For that being a lot of food Chick-fil-A is a once in a while thing so I’m going to get I’m going to stuff my big big old mouth okay if you don’t like it you can don’t leave the stream but um just keep your opinions to yourself what makes the Burger Deluxe um

The nor or sorry it’s not a burger it’s a chicken sandwich but the normal chicken sandwich has nothing on it except for like a slice of cheese I think or maybe no I think it might have nothing and then the deluxe has like lettuce tomato pickles uh cheese it’s it’s way better it’s

Actually kind of wild to me that they like sell just like they sell the non deluxe version like who in their right mind is going and getting the non deluxe version like do you want the most basic chicken sandwich ever yes here you go like I love Chick-fil-A but it is like

I’m not getting the the most boring chicken sandwich they sell you got to pay extra for normal ingredients yeah the normal sandwiches just have the chicken and pickles oh why is pickles one of the Staples I always take this the pickles off of my burgers or off of my chicken

Sandwiches say what you will about me but I am not a fan of pickles what are your guys’s thoughts on pickles leave them in the comments below we got any pickle fans in chat my girlfriend likes pickles one 2 2 3 4 5 did that even move

Six it kind of works out that she likes pickles though it’s like have you guys ever heard of the the olive test I think is what it’s called and it’s basically a relationship works best when one person doesn’t like something and the other person does because then they can give

People the other thing it’s like if one per I think the example is from I think it’s from the show How I Met Your Mother and it’s like one person likes pickle or likes olives the other person doesn’t and it works out cuz they can just give

Each other the olives I shouldn’t have set that off yet I don’t think oh actually I think it’s going to be fine cuz that machine is currently blowing itself up why are you wasting your time how am I wasting my time I can put stuff on myself and save

Money overall can we see your totem pop you can see it in a short who’s your favorite YouTuber I really like Drew Gooden he’s a funny guy why do you say everything sucks um I don’t know I don’t have a ton of nice things to

Say I think it I it’s also a I sometimes a catchier hook than like I love Minecraft I like saying things are bad are there is that full iron blocks down there I want to go look at that I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of the iron veins in

Minecraft um with where it’s like tons of iron and I really like the idea of those I think it’s cool see I’m not all negative okay sometimes you like Burger King I do like Burger King you’re my favorite YouTuber thank you this going to look so good I appreciate that I

Think the exterior already looks really good the interior you know can can use some work currently it’s just a million skeletons and zombies don’t forget about the zombies you can’t forget about them guys they’ll feel left out and they’ll be sad you don’t you never want to

Exclude the zombies they will cry and they’re really annoying to listen to honestly you don’t want to upset the zombies oh yeah that is that is one of the like iron blocks that’s crazy that’s CRA cray these are so cool I’m glad they didn’t get rid of

Iron Farms I think I think that they should make iron Farms significantly harder to make so that there aren’t like so that you can’t get like an iron farm early game but I because and like if they did that I wouldn’t be mad cuz I love the idea of like these iron veins

That can have like thousands of iron in them like it’s a really cool thing in my opinion to just like the fact that there are like these iron veins with you know where you can get like a thousand Iron from them without having to like make a farm I like the idea

Um do you like I is that you trying to pronounce Chipotle can I please have the PO totem texture it’s in the Discord server you can you can get it from there if you want um do you play any sports I do not I’m back after a while what’s up welcome back back

Oh okay I missed I tried to hit him but it it it did not I did not succeed oh to be on hoplight right now it would be so nice dude I saw this video um where this dude rushed Nether and he got full diamond armor in 3 minutes from a

Bastion and and he also got like 30 golden apples I could have gotten that stuff and I would have still lost that would have been very frustrating but it would have been like that’s what I would do I would get that stuff and then lose or did I tell you guys about

How I think I did right I told you guys about how I was in hoplight had like was really stacked and then the server crashed that would also happen to me I would get that stacked and then the server would crash on me and I wouldn’t get to play with my

Stuff wouldn’t get to use any of the stuff I got all right I do have to end the stream guys I played hot PL and got a ton of gapples I then died to a team of three in solos dang that’s rough respect movements I still don’t

Know why you’re saying that I that I’m wasting my time try to focus on shorts to grow your Channel Dog I have 300,000 subscribers from shorts don’t you think that’s what I’m doing thanks see you tomorrow yeah you will see me tomorrow most likely it’s a

Spam bot oh is it is that person not real that would make sense anyways guys thank you for hanging out I’ll see you guys later peace out everyone have a good night bye guys see you guys I should be live tomorrow yes I will also hopefully be a live tomorrow see you guys

This video, titled ‘Digging the DEEPEST hole to store my items in Survival Minecraft!’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2024-02-18 03:25:26. It has garnered 2000 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:42 or 9762 seconds.

Watch all my livestreams no longer live! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0A3hOMpbYdl7HxFZzN658UU_S0c5yxnl Commands: !points: Tells you how many pumpkins you have type !redeem, then a space and then one of these options: first (1): Tell everyone that you were the first to the stream. hydrate (400): I drink water. mouse (999): Spin a wheel and make me use a goofy ahhh mouse FBI (750): Blast my ears with loud sound. creeper (750): plays a creeper sound. namepet (5000): Name one of my mobs in my survival world. nameitem (5000): Name an item in my survival world. duelme (7500): Duel me in Minecraft. void (10000): Throw your pumpkins into the void! Theyre gone now.

You can also duel other chatters for their pumpkins! (100 pumpkin minimum) Do !duel [username] [pumpkins]

I designed this insane gold farm, and now we are going to build it in my Hardcore world! 🗡️Watch the WHOLE SERIES: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0A3hOMpbYdnaFMkOzGS68tz1s0VWM3TP

Discord: https://discord.gg/CcApfmMvcH TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dashpum4

Texture packs: https://youtube.com/shorts/a4gKguilceQ?feature=share

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  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! astraley.com:25583 Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More

  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘New item Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21! 🍃’, was uploaded by DoubleSquare Gaming on 2024-06-21 16:37:48. It has garnered 447 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Wind charge in Minecraft 1.21! Read More

  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob

    Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob Minecraft: Jack vs Bob Fight Official Trailer The Minecraft community is abuzz with excitement as the official trailer for the Jack vs Bob Fight has been released by OcToGamerz. This epic showdown between Jack and Bob promises to be a thrilling battle that fans won’t want to miss. Let’s dive into the details of this highly anticipated event! Jack vs Bob Fight The trailer showcases the intense rivalry between Jack and Bob, two formidable players in the Minecraft universe. As they gear up for an epic showdown, fans are eagerly awaiting to see who will emerge victorious in this… Read More


    ✨ EPIC MINECRAFT CROSSPLAY SERVER! JOIN NOW! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Crossplay Server with Viewers!! (Road to 700!) Live’, was uploaded by JMO_GAMING on 2024-05-25 12:46:08. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:38:58 or 23938 seconds. How to Join: Bedrock Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz Server Port – 22497 Java Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Console Edition – Download App on phone called “BedrockTogether” Open app and add server IP Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Port – 22497 Watch ad to start server Open Minecraft on console (Keep app open on phone) Go to “Friends” Tab… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft TNT Explosions

    Ultimate Minecraft TNT ExplosionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AJIA-HYA on 2024-06-10 15:00:46. It has garnered 18247 views and 1092 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ X(twitter) https://twitter.com/aji_ahya TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@ajia_hya minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey… Read More

  • Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥

    Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending 💯🧡🤍💚’, was uploaded by SAILENT GAMER on 2024-06-12 05:33:05. It has garnered 19165 views and 3188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater prison escape minecraft map download minecraft funny moments minecraft funny underwater prison escape mythpat underwater prison escape… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can’t Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!

    EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can't Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!Video Information वेलकम बैक गाइज नहीं नहीं यार मजा नहीं आ रहा रुको यहां पे हां अब सही है तो वेलकम बैक गाइस आप लोगों का स्वागत है एक नई इस वीडियो में और लास्ट वाले वीडियो में आपको याद होगा हम गए थे पानी के अंदर और हम गए थे यह जो अपना ओशन मॉन्यूमेंट है यहां पे और यहां पे गाइस मजबूरन मेरे को लास्ट वाले एपिसोड में क्रिएटिव यूज़ करना पड़ गया नहीं तो गाइस मैं मर सकता था वप और बहुत ही ज्यादा दिक्कत हो जाती है लेकिन आप देख पा रहे हो इज्जत से गाइस… Read More

  • Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information feel the psychicness fuing up beside your bone I asked you for forgiveness but I did into a thing you still remaining all my mentions acting like you did a thing How Could You spit down all my name and act like you’re so amazing you are a cool cool girl grown up in a cool cool world This video, titled ‘Hive combos #31 #shorts #minecraft #skywars #bedwar #hive #mcpe’, was uploaded by DanyPlayz on 2024-01-08 20:22:02. It has garnered 1815 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ tags (ignore)… Read More

  • Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend – Bathing Baby Me?!

    Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend - Bathing Baby Me?!Video Information 小时候洗澡的你哎行了妈 别逗了,烫烫什么烫 眼睛闭上行哈 来手给我,啊啊啊疼轻点声 我疼什么疼啊疼啊疼疼哎呀轻点我哎哎这洗完了哈 我再也不想洗澡了 疼死我了 那些很牛瞬间来同学们 咱们先画一个等边三角形啊 嗯 这啥呀 然后呢,再画一个圆儿吧 这也太圆了吧 来同学们学新符号啊 阿尔法贝塔嘎巴阿尔法贝塔嘎巴好 再来一遍阿拉法贝塔蛤蟆阿尔法表塔蛤蟆 好 非常标准 放寒假啦 今天放寒假,早夜扛回家 送到废品站,一次性梭哈 猝不及防 先生你好 可以帮我做个调查吗 可以啊 如果在街上有歹徒向你靠近的话 觉得你有能力自保吗 没有啊,嘿嘿 钻石交出来 那我能管啥 医生的幽默感 大夫,我这个病情怎么样啊 你这个病还好,就是有一点比较麻烦 你以后啊 每一天都得吃一片,这个药 有的治就好 有的字就好 不就每天吃片药吗 这 这里面就三片药啊,对啊 跟你开个小玩笑 其实你还能活这么久 这是什么意思啊 5年还是五个月 当我和对象打电话时 老师,我有一个问题一直困扰着我 尽管问为什么熬夜会秃顶却不会掉腿毛 你看我浓密的发型就知道我从来不熬夜 居然还问过这种问题 那请问用毒蛇的毒毒毒蛇 毒蛇会被毒毒死吗 你搁这发电报呢 你觉得用电鳗的电电电鳗电鳗会被电电死吗 那这才是爱 led灯上放一只变色龙 再在变色龙身上放另一只变色龙 变色龙会随着变色龙变色而变色吗 最后会是哪只变色龙跟着哪只变色龙变色呢 你们不要以为我这种缺心眼的问题就能瞒住我 我教书这么多年,什么样的问题没见过 刚好我们还有好多问题想要请教您呢 随便问 请问过期的敌敌畏是更毒了还是不毒了呢 毒不毒我不知道 但是不论你喝哪一瓶都活不了 玉皇大帝住平流层还是对流层 阎王爷住地壳还是地幔 孙悟空被压住了怎么大小便花郎神怎么做眼保健操呢 这他妈应该是碳基生物提出来的问题吗 第一个发现奥利给不能吃的人是怎么知道的 虽然我不知道 但是如果你要吃奥利给的话 我会在旁边给你喊加油 用粉碎机粉碎,粉碎机 粉碎机会被粉碎机粉碎吗 哦哦哦,这没想为什么是柜子冰柜 为什么,什么是箱子 空腹喝牛奶会胃疼 那我先喝一小口牛奶 不空腹了再继续喝牛奶会胃疼吗 狗子遇到贵宾犬会觉得是VIP来了吗 喂喂,隔壁精神病院吗 我这有一般精神病对保底10年脑血栓你们发了漂亮 今天我来算一算 今天我来算一算作业是否能写完 速度比乌龟还慢 不会的,题占一半 写的完写不完,写的完写不完 那么我再算一算,写不完老师会咋办 让你教室外罚站 还是教学八行摊写的完写不完写的完写不完 女生之间的默契,昨天你去那个了吗 唉,别提了 你猜我昨天遇到了谁谁呀谁他呀,怎么啦 你猜他跟谁在一起跟谁呀 就是那个谁,卧槽不会吧 而且他俩正在那啥那场可那个了 太那个了,你听懂了吗… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] by This video, titled ‘minecraft prank 😂for me #shorts’, was uploaded by Vivek Gamerz official on 2023-12-27 05:24:21. It has garnered 2938 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More


    EPIC TNT MOD IN MINECRAFT! TIKTOK TNT PLUGIN PACKVideo Information Öncelikle Herkese merhabalar ben junus n Bugün ne yapıyoruz arkadaşlar Bugün yeni bir paketle sizlerleyim Ama bu paketin zaten çok satmayacağım tahmin ediyorum çünkü bu paket Aslında tiktok’ta yayıncılara özgü bir paket yani tiktok’ta yayın yapan kişilere ait bir ait olacak bir paket O yüzden aslında baktığımız zaman tamamıyle birazcık gerçekten yayın yapmak isteyenlerin işini e hazır hale getirmek için bu paketi sunuyorum ki bu paket zaten benim kendi yayınlarım da Bizzat kendi kullandığım bir e ürün bunu hazır olarak artık vermek istiyorum Çünkü ben çok fazla artık bu içeriği yapmıyorum e o yüzden yapmadığım için en azından… Read More


    ULTIMATE PAIN: EPIC MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVE’, was uploaded by PAIN YT on 2024-05-16 14:14:29. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:54 or 114 seconds. #freefirelive #classyff#nonstopgaming #ajjubhailive #2bgamer #raista 🏷Tags : #freefire #freefirehighlights #freefiregaaraff #freefireconta #spas12 #aimbotfreefire #hackfreefire #sho They think I’m an Emulatortgunhandcam #shotgun #x1freefire #freefirebrasil #freefireclipes #melhoresmomentos #handcam #loud #freefire #freefirehighlights #equipou #habash #bestplayer #m1014 #spas12 #dpifreefire #contarara #bestmoments #Iphonefreefire #androidfreefire #emuladorfreefire #heroic #season #equipou #highlight #RuokFF #ff #RUOK #Freefire​ #GarenaFreeFire​ #MENA​ Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, rap, bad vibes forever / empire, hip hop & rap, xxx,… Read More