Ultimate Minecraft Techopolis 2 – Discover Insane Modded Questing Skyblock Fun!

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In the last stream we were working on setting up this automation over here to allow us to automatically produce these hellish technium ingots the second or third to final technium ingots that we need to make there’s one more quest line for voided technium and then the final

Quest line here does have a quest that wants us to hand in 16 final technium and so I guess technically there are two more tiers of technium to go and my plan initially was going to be to work through the essence quest line and then move straight on to the void Tech quest

Line but I think we might have to take a little bit of a step back here and actually invest in either an applied energistics to or a refined storage system I think I mentioned it a few episodes back but my plan was going to be to just kind of skip over them

Entirely because I didn’t think we needed them however it has since been pointed out to me that I was misreading this Final Quest I was under the impression that we needed to make one of each of these books to complete this Quest that is not the case to complete

This Quest here we have to hand in 16 final technium ingots and each recipe here makes one final technium Ingot and so we need to do each one of these books 16 times which is going to be a lot of crafting if we decide to try and do it

Manually it is possible we could make it happen we also have to craft 16 of these resident Angel Rings which means 16 of these reinforced Angel Rings which means 16 of these hardened Angel Rings leadstone Angel Rings regular Angel Rings it is a lot of crafting to do

Manually and looking at some of these books for example right here we need to make 16 of the mod Mastery thermal books which means making 16 lots of six resonant integral components so 96 of these just to get the mod Mastery thermal book and we we also have to do a

Bunch of crafting for all of the other books as well and so I think it is going to be a sensible idea for us to look at getting some autocrafting up and running to make it a little easier for us to craft some of the stuff required to

Complete this final technium quest line it’s also going to help us in other areas as well because I would like to look at upgrading the speed of our or processing setup to do that I’d like to upgrade from these reinforced integral components up to the resonant integral

Components I’d like to do that for every single machine and I’d also like to get a lot more of these flux linkage amplifiers to make them faster as well and given that we need the resonant integral components both to make our machines faster and to also make the mod

Mastery thermal book I feel like we might as well teach a digital storage system how to do that and then just request that the system make them for us instead of trying to do it manually and so we did unlock a little while back the ability to purchase either applied

Energistics or refined storage and I did unlock applied energistics and I am going to go ahead and set up an applied energistics to system refined storage is definitely the easier way to go and a lot of people are going to go that way which is fine but I feel like a lot of

Mod packs usually have refined storage in them and I’ve played with refined storage to death and so usually whenever I get the opportunity to play with applied anistic 2 I take it and so in order to get a very basic applied energistics 2 system up and running

We’re going to need a couple of things the first thing that we’re going to have to do is buy this mysterious Cube which thankfully only cost eight techbooks which we do have boom and boom this guy we can put down and we can break and in

Doing so we get all of the inscriber presses that we need to make some of the circuits from applied energistics so the inscriber is one of the first machines we’re going to need this requires two sticky pistons which might be doable yes we can make slime balls using Vines and

We should have some Vines in the system from a jungle tree that we cut down many episodes ago now with those we can make our sticky pistons and of course that gets us the inscriber which can then be used to make the circuits from applied energistics those being the printed

Logic circuit the printed engineering circuit and the printed calculation circuit each one of these is made inside the inscriber with gold diamonds and surus quartz the cerus quartz here is interesting it looks like we can just craft nether quartz directly into s squats crystals in this pack that is

Tremendously useful right now we’ve got 66,000 nether quarts and so getting a couple of stacks of s squat crystals is not going to be a problem whatsoever we can also grab a bunch of gold we’re actually fully out of gold that probably shouldn’t be too surprising because I

Assume that all of our gold has been turned into netherite over here we didn’t put a storage downgrade on the neite draw and the netherite draw is still a ways away from being full and so we need a lot more gold than what we currently have where is our gold

Production it is over here the first thing we can do is we can look at swapping out those blocks of redstone for blocks of netherite those are going to make the production of gold ore substantially faster and then after that we might even need to look at setting up

Multiple gold or miners depending on just how fast we uh we end up eating through the gold in the uh in the production of netherite but let’s do 1 2 three and four those should be coming in a lot faster now are indeed and then

Over here we should have a bunch of gold or in the chest the chest is backing up a little bit and of course we can kind of push these to the front of the queue but I think what we probably want to do temporarily is just turn off the

Induction smelter here or we could turn off the exporting of gold I think we’ll do the lat I’m going to take this out temporarily so that any gold we do make is sent around to the system just because without gold we’re not going to be able to progress with applied atics 2

At all thankfully Diamond wise we got 74,000 diamonds also not a problem and so now using our inscriber here we should be able to make a fair amount of each of these circuits the inscriber does require power for now it’s probably going to be easiest if we just whack it

Down right about here and then if we put in for example the logic press and the gold that should start making logic circuits and it does nice so we can make this faster I believe there are speed upgrades that we can put in here to make this I think they’re called acceleration

Cards actually that allow us to make this faster now to get acceleration cards we need Advanced cards which require calculation processes those are the ones with the cerus quarts as well as fluix crystals so let me quickly go ahead then I guess and throw in the calculation press and the cus quartz

Crystals we should be able to use our time in the bottle here to make this oh we can’t use our time in a bottle that is unfortunate the other thing that is unfortunate is the fact that you cannot not put a stack of items into the

Inscriber at once you can only put one item at a time in which is not ideal one good thing though is that we can just put a hopper directly on top of the inscriber here and that should continually feed One S squats Crystal at a time into the inscriber now the

Inscriber kind of works like a furnace here where the top slot can be uted from the top but the middle slot which is where we’re trying to insert has to be inserted from the side like this perfect so that’s going to slowly ually make these printed calculation circuits now

The circuits themselves are not the final product what we’re trying to make is processors so the logic processor the calculation processor and the engineering processor are what we’re really after these are the core of basically every craft in applied energistics and so in order to turn a printed engineering circuit into an

Engineering processor we have to combine the engineering circuit with redstone and printed silicon printed silicon is made with regular silicon and the inscriber press and in this pack we can smelt nether quartz into silicon now we don’t currently have we’ve got an energized smelter which I guess could

Work the jumbo furnace would have been faster I guess but we don’t have a jumbo furnace set up and given that we do have the time in a bottle uh we can probably do something like this and like this to very quickly get a large amount of silicon and given that the inscriber

Here is already not particularly fast we can probably just swap out the calculation press for the Silicon press and then drop in basically all of the Silicon like that and that should slowly but surely produce some of the Pressed silicon forers ideally here to make this

As fast as possible we’re going to want to get three acceleration cards which means we need just two calculation processes so as soon as we have two of those I’m going to take the Silicon out and instead we’ll put in the printed circuit the Redstone what did that say there it said

Can’t insert or can insert from left right back in front do I have to put the Silicon in first then the Redstone I guess I do I didn’t know that there was a a specific order to uh to putting those in either way once these are

Complete we should then be able to look at making these acceleration cards to make this inscriber faster on its own the only thing we’re missing here now is fluix crystals these are made by dropping charged cus quarts Redstone and nether quarts into water so water-wise

We can of course just gra up a regular old Minecraft bucket and we can tap into our good old friend the acous accumulator over here boom and then back over here I’m going to temporarily throw down just like a little pool of water with some more of

Our brick borded smooth Stone here if we go 1 2 3 4 we can drop the water down and then right now we don’t have any charged cerus quads we can get charged cus quads though by charging regular cerus quads in you guessed it a charger so the charger shouldn’t be too

Difficult to make it’s incredibly easy it’s six iron with two copper again does require power we’ll put it down right about here and then all you have to do is put in the set squats like so and it will charge into charge s of squats now there is an element of Randomness to

This it doesn’t uh take like a set period of time you’ll see that one took a little while sometimes they turn almost instantly and sometimes they do take a little longer the good news here is that we um we should be able to automate this

Fairly easily if we uh if we need a lot of charge cus quats for now though we’ve got the Redstone we’ve got the charge cus quarts the only thing left that we need in order to get the fluix crystal is nether quartz and as we saw before we

Got a ton of the stuff and so back over here if we drop in charge stus quartz Redstone and nether quartz preferably without picking it up we should see some of that stuff transform there we go into flu crystals nice and from there we should now

Finally be able to make four of these Advanced cards and then from there we should be able to upgrade those Advanced cards to acceleration cards with the fluix crystals we want three of those and then over here we can put all three of them in like so and now if we wanted

To make let’s say uh some more engineering circuits these are the diamond ones we can put the diamonds in and of course in the hopper and they’re going to go substantially faster than they did before they’re still not super fast and it still seems like it’s taking

The um the rapid Hopper like a little while to put the item in it could be potentially a little faster if we got another laser ion node and potentially use that instead because you can speed this up to uh to transfer one item per tick so the rapid Hopper is fast but it

Looks like it takes a little while to kind of figure out that it’s ready to transfer whereas if we were to drop a chest down here drop all of the diamonds in like that and then if we can get two item cards which we may or may not have the

Signalum to make we totally do fantastic along with at least four card overclockers we should then be able to set one of these to extract make sure this is set to extract one item every one tick we’ll then put that in here we’ll put the insert card in here and

We’ll see if that’s faster it might be a tiny bit faster it still seems like the limit might just be how fast you can insert into the inscriber which is not ideal sometimes mods add Advanced inscribers that allow you to um to make these a lot faster

Unfortunately it does not look like we have that mod installed in the pack and so we are going to have to deal with the regular old inscriber for the time being and so yeah real quick I’m going to go ahead and maybe make like a stack of

Each Pro processor here so we’ll just do a lot of silicon pressing we’ll do a lot of calculation logic and Engineering pressing and then we’ll press all of those into processors and then from there we should be able to hopefully set up the the basics of a applied

Energistics 2 system okay so I made some more inscribers we’ve not quite got all of the presses just yet we are getting there though we’ve got quite a lot of printed logic circuits and we’ve got uh some printed silicon as well but it turns out we can actually do this in a

Much more sophisticated way if if we use laser iio specifically we can probably automate kind of all of this with the laser n if we have five inscribers so I’ve quickly grabbed some more jungle saplings here the idea is that if we do something like this and we do a quick

Grow it should have a bunch of vines on it the vines are required to make more slime balls because we’re officially out of vines at this point and we do need more slime balls if we are going to make more inscribers and I want to get two more inscribers specifically here So the

Plan is going to be that we do something like this we get some more slime balls we use those slime balls to make more inscribers helps if you can spell once we have the uh the extra two inscribers we should then be able to throw these

Down here and here can I rotate this to face the other way I can I can I can can Okay cool so these all facing forward now which I think is is useful to know so the idea here that we’re going to try and take advantage of and I think I

Might not be able to access the nerd actually so I might have to move this front inscriber and do it at the end but I think that the idea that we can uh kind of tap into here is that one cool thing you can do with the laser nerde

When inserting is you can specify which side of the machine you want to insert from which is very powerful because it means that right now even though this laser node is only touching the left side of this machine this machine can only insert for example the Silicon

Press from the top right but if we open up our insert card and change this from default to up that is going to insert into the inscriber as if it were on top of it and so now if I put the insert card on this side and I put the extract

Card on the downside and I put that same silicon press in like that it is going to place it into the bottom which I think means I need to change this from up to to down like like that let me try that again silicon press down perfect

Okay so down is the top and up is the bottom but now that placed it into the correct slot despite not facing that slot and so the idea here now is that we can uh we don’t need to do it obviously with the presses we’re going to put the

Calculation press the engineering press the logic press and the Silicon press all in right so those are all going to go in by default we then want to get a bunch more item cards let’s go with at least a few more here we do need more chests again chests thankfully super

Easy for us to make he says again he uses the wrong kind of word for that are we completely out of O wood that seems surprising but I do notice we’ve got 66,000 o planks I feel like I might have made a mistake at some point and maybe

I’ve like um did I put a void upgrade onto my plank drawer I did let me take that out that void upgrade there is deleting all of our logs just turning them on into planks and deleting them which is not what we wanted anyway we’ve got enough chests we can definitely make

Some more item cards and and those item cards which are going to be easier to use inside of my card holder there we go are going to allow us to insert into these different machines and for each of these we just want to insert from let’s

Say the left hand side which in this scenario is the South Side so facing south so we want all of these to insert as if the nerd were on the South Side so let’s just right click here let’s change this to South and then all we should

Have to do is in the up section we’re going to put one of these cards in in the South section we’re going to put one of these cards in the north section we’re going to swap out the card for a new one and then in the West Section

We’re going to put one in as well so there should now be an insert card on every side going into these inscribers and right now those are all set to go in on the south side now I don’t actually know if I can put the wrong items in so

If I try and put a diamond in here it just doesn’t go in and so in theory if I put a diamond in here or or C squarts the C squarts should have gone to the right place it did however it put C squats in everywhere else as well which

Is obviously not what we want I was hoping that the inscriber would know which press it had and wouldn’t allow the wrong item in unfortunately that doesn’t appear to be the case but that is fine of course because we can use filters to specify where we want each of

The items to go and so let’s quickly make a basic filter and then on the South Side here we just want to specify that we actually do want the quartz crystal to go there so on this outside we’re going to open this up we’re going

To put in a filter and we’re going to filter for the crystals and then the top side so up is the engineering press that is where we want the diamonds to go so in here we’re going to throw in the filter and we’re going to say filter for

Diamond so now if I take this out it’s the diamond that went in and not the soda quartz I take it out again the Sodus quartz this time doesn’t go anywhere but the diamonds do go up which is perfect and then on this side which

Is the north side we are going to filter for gold ingots which we currently don’t have in our inventory but we are now starting to back up on in the system we’ve got a thousand of them already which is fantastic and a testament to how good our all processing system is

Working boom and boom let’s put you in and make sure you go to the right place fantastic and then finally we have the west side which is going to take the Silicon nice and so now if we put any of the items into here they should go to

Their correct place so the next thing we need to do is we need to get power into these inscribers for then we could just put a flux point on the front here but I do want to put another inscriber on the front and so instead I’m going to put

Another nerd down let’s say right about here and then I’m fairly certain that we should be able to grab our laser wrench connect this nerd to this nerd and I think if we put the flux Point directly here and we grab a couple of energy cards we should be able to pull the

Power from that flux nerd and then transport it to all of the inscribers so here on the downside we’re going to put in an energy card we’re going to set that to extract that’s going to pull a th000 redstone flux per tick from here which is going to pull from l happy

Power then over here we just need to put in insert Cards into all of the faces that currently have insert item cards like so and so now you’ll see that all of these are working cool and they’re all producing the circuits of course going forward we are going to make more

Of these acceleration cards to make all of these nice and fast but for the time being this is now working and these are being made the next stage of the process is to then create extraction cards that extract from the right hand side because if we hover over this while it’s empty

It says can extract from the left right back and front so what we’re going to do is we’re going to go in here we need to change these to extract and we need to set extract from this side which I believe is the north side yeah so we’re

Going to extract from the north and so now if I put that in up here that should in theory extract from there and we want it to insert into the down section so the down section is just going to get a regular insert card and we go set to

Default because it doesn’t matter where that inserts but you’ll see that’s now pulling the printed engineering circuits pretty cool stuff we can then of course do the same thing on all the other side so on the North side extract on the South Side extract and on the West Side

Extract and so now we’ve kind of automated the production of these circuits because now all we need to do is put in either gold diamond uh silicon or cus quartz into this chest and it will automatically send it to the right place turn it to the right circuit and

Then pull that circuit back down into the chest and so then the final piece of the puzzle is kind of turning those circuits into processors and so all we need to do now oh yeah no silicon is not being made is that a power issue did I

Not insert power to the West Side I did insert power to the West Side the priority is zero I don’t think that matters too much I’m not quite sure why that’s not working I feel like it should be but either way we’ll come back to just a second if I take this inscriber

This inscriber is going to go on the front and the idea here is that we’re going to export the printed circuits of all three kinds to the top slot we’re going to export Redstone to the middle and we’re going to export printed silicon which we should have uh to the

Bottom and so all we need to do here is I think we need to get three more item cards and we need to have them all set to insert but we need to have them set to insert differently so let me grab these out I take one two 3

And I think we’re going to need more filters as well to make this happen let me quickly grab another batch of these and the idea here is that we’re going to say all of you should be insert but each one’s going to play a different role so one of them is going

To insert the printed silicon and that is going to insert the printed silicon to the bottom so we want to add to up like that then we want one to insert either of these three so one two three those are all going to go into

The top so here we’re going to set that to down which we’ll insert to the top put in the filter and then put in each one of these and then finally the last one is going to insert a redstone into the center so in that case we want set

Again to the South Side like so and you’re going to insert Redstone nice so if we put all three of these into this front slot ideally as soon as we put in the final inscriber not in there but on here it should take one of the circuits

And put them in it’s put the circuit into the bottom if I mess this up again with the up and down sides let me quickly check the cards that we have so you’re inserting to the South that’s I think correct you’re inserting down which I thought would insert from the

Top but maybe we need to insert to the up also I don’t think it matters actually I think you can insert to either the top or bottom with these um I’m pretty sure that silicon can go up there it totally can let me just quickly check that that does actually go to

Where it’s supposed to go it does indeed and if I put redone in that also should go to where it’s supposed to go and then of course the final thing we need to do is we need to give this power and we need to put in an extract card so

Powerwise we just need yet another energy card set to insert and place right about here we then need to get ourselves another item card which we may or may not have we do set it to extract which this one is already set to and then extracting from the North is

Correct so let’s put you into here and I think that should be good to go um real quick we are having a problem with that West card let me try changing the face of the power input if I change that to like North does that start to work it

Does so I think it just can’t insert power from the front I think you have to insert power into one of the sides that has like this little square on it so basically any side that isn’t the front could accept power and so it’s not a problem for any of our other inscribers

Just the one at the back there anyway if I put you back on here that starts to fill up obviously we don’t have Redstone in there but if I put some Redstone in like so we should start to see that Redstone get pulled up into here and

Once the processor is made it should get pulled back down and so we’ve done it we have kind of full fully automated the production of these circuits if we were to put in Silicon Redstone let me get some more silicon here and put that in like this we can put in printed silicon

We can put in regular silicon we can put in Redstone we can put in diamonds gold and cus quartz crystals we can put all of these things in and they will all automatically get turned into the correct item which is kind of great it means we don’t have to sit here and kind

Of micromanage it we can just dump a bunch of stuff in and then slowly but surely over admittedly a rather long time frame it should transform all of those items into their correct final product now I do wonder if I can like kind of force it to

Do that’s too fast for me I was going to if I could force it to do some printed silicon here because I would prefer if we got some acceleration cards in here to make the the making of the final uh piece just a little bit faster obviously ideally we’d put those acceleration

Cards into everything but for the time being we uh we don’t have enough calculation processes for that that’s fine uh so now that this is up and running we can actually look at starting an apply dtic 2 system I know we’re quite a ways into the episode here but

Let’s see if we can’t make it happen so the heart of the applied energistics to system is the EM controller this is made with four fluix crystals one engineering processor and then four blocks of Sky Stone in this pack can we get Sky Stone crafted there is a sky Stone minor which

Is interesting it uh doesn’t seem like there’s a very obvious craft polished bass out is what we can use use we can enrich polished Bassel into Sky Stone interesting we can also buy it by the looks of it which I feel like we might as well do we’ve got a bunch of tech

Books we can make a ton of tech books now with the hellish mattera and so I assumed that it would be down in ORS are but it’s not where is the uh the purchase for Sky Stone oh this has to be done in the shop can I craft a

Shop I totally can nice I actually did didn’t know this was a thing if we uh throw this down what can I purchase I can purchase mushrooms I can purchase Sky Stone I can purchase basic loot boxes are these any good did that give me nothing are these empty have we been

Scammed okay so I don’t think those give you anything those are a great way to um to delete your techbooks if you find you’re carrying around just too much cash to uh to handle we could do the hellish matter craft here but it’s just so expensive the hellish matter is is so

Much more expensive than the other so I don’t if it’s necessarily worthwhile I will go ahead and buy just a bunch of Sky Stone though and drop that in the system and with that we should be able to hopefully craft the EM controller we might be missing uh

Everything because we need to uh smelt Sky Stone into Sky stone blocks so let’s take four of those and give them a quick smelt over in here and then we also need to get some more of the fluix crystals so we do need to charge some more of

These regular cus quartz crystals which apparently we’re fully out of that’s fine we can craft more of them with nether quartz and of course we are going to need more Redstone and more nether quartz to actually make the flu crystals and then other than that we just need one engineering processor which

Thankfully we do have over here nice so let’s go ahead grab you drop in to here we need four of these I think we’re going to need at least two of these let’s do you you and you it doesn’t matter how many you drop in it only uses

The amount required uh this is one of the situations where it would help if we could send just a little further away fantastic and once we have at least four of these fluix crystals we can make the me controller nice so now in order to

Actually set up a system we need a few more items because the me controller is the heart kind of like the storage Network route from simple storage networks but we need to get a few more things we need a crafting terminal one of these guys this is going to allow us

To do a similar thing to what we’re doing with our storage request table here we’re also going going to need an em drive this guy right here and we’re going to need probably at least one 1K storage cell although I’m not entirely certain if we actually need to drive all

The cell to be honest because the idea behind the drives and the cells is that you can store items on these digital storage cells which kind of does a away with the need for chests alternatively though we could just put a bunch of storage interfaces onto these chests to

Give our applied anistic 2 system access but at the same time one thing that I’ve not tried that I’m interested in testing out is this network exchange interface end point of the network for inventory connections I don’t know if this does what I think it does but the twitch chat

Seems to be under the impression that it’s going to allow me to connect my applied entic 2 system to my simple storage Network system we can give it a try though to make this we need another storage inventory which seems easy enough we also need uh four stack upgrades which are pretty

Straightforward but do require a fair amount of aluminum dust which we uh do not have but we can can get of course by dropping a little bit of aluminum into our pulverizers over here let’s just do one of these and I think the aluminum should hopefully just kind of sit in

This chest and by sit in this chest I mean get pulled into the system nice cool so we’ll get a stank of aluminum dust that’s not going to be a problem and then the only thing after that is iron nuggets which we totally have so

Can we make four of these we can indeed and that gets us a network exchange interface so I think if we’re going to use the network Exchange interface we’re also going to need to get a storage bus this thing right here the storage bus allows the applied aneristic 2 system to

Access external inventories so normally it kind of works like the Link cable from simple storage Network where you can put it down and it gives the system access to what is in that inventory like we have on the bottom of our storage drawers and stuff so in order to make

The storage bus here we are missing the annihilation core and the formation core these are both made in kind of the same way they both require some kind of of processor I think they both might require logic processors actually they require logic processors and then yeah it’s just charge s quarts and nether

Quarts we do need some fluix dust though and so it’s probably going to be in our best interest to do a little bit of automation here potentially with the charger okay so over here we have done a little bit of alteration on the charger it’s kind of the same setup we have a

Chest and a laser ner and then a charger inside here we’ve got an extract card and an insert card we filtered this extract card for C squats and then over here we have got another insert card another extract card this one isn’t filtered on the extract but does seem to

Only be pulling out the C quads the charger is upside down although I don’t really think it matters there we go that’s all right way up now and yeah we can just drop in C quatz crystals into the chest which of course we can just make from nether quartz and it slowly

But surely transforms them into charged s quartz nice and then we can take that charged s quartz along with you gued yet more nether quartz and yet more Redstone and now we can make kind of bulk amounts of the um the fluix crystals which are

Just going to make it easier for us to progress forward here so let’s grab hopefully all of those crystals fantastic and then we do need some of them in dust form let’s throw say half of them into a pulverizer no we have to do it in the crusher interesting I don’t

Believe oh never mind we totally did make a Crusher I was going to say I don’t think we made a Crusher but we definitely did that is fine let me steal these speed upgrades and wack them into here and then if we throw in half of the fluix crystals we can then give

That a quick tip like so and because we’ve got a ton of power it’s not really a problem we can very quickly get 18 fluix dust Bank over here we can now make those Annihilation Calles and those formation cores for the storage bust so the annihilation core is easy enough and

The formation core is also easy enough we just need a s squats Crystal I should probably just craft a bunch of those and dump them in the system so we have them ready to use in the future and boom fantastic all right that gets us a em

Interface like so which can then be crafted into a storage bus so I’m hoping that we can put the storage bus onto the network exchange interface to give our A2 system controlled by the controller access to all of the items that our simple storage network has access to

Whether or not that’s going to work is kind of TBD but in order to test if it works we’re going to need the me crafting terminal for that we need a crafting table a calculation processor and an Emy terminal the meem terminal requires an illumination panel which is

Made with with quartz glass glowstone Redstone and iron quartz glass seems easy enough we do need cerus quats though cus quats dust specifically and that cus quartz dust is made again in the crusher thankfully though this time we can just use regular cus quartz crystals they

Don’t have to be charged at all and so let’s just once again do a quick one of these to make that nice and fast and then back over here let’s do one of these to get some quartz glass which we can then craft into an illumination

Panel which we can then craft into an Emy terminal using those other Annihilation and formation calls and then into a crafting terminal we just need a crafting table and hopefully one calculation processor from over here we do not have any calculation processors over here and that’s because we don’t

Have enough silicon over here either which is kind of to be expected we are going to need a lot of silicon let me get just a ton of nether quartz and let’s really start smelting this stuff up let’s also move all of these back around and along with that we can also

Of course continue to use our time in a bottle here to make that even quicker uh the twitch chat did point out that we might be able to kind of force the printed calculation circuits to go next if we put them at the front of the chest

So it seems like it takes from left to right and so putting those in does push them to the front of the pack and thankfully we do only need one of them in order to be able to make our Emy crafting terminal like this nice now that we have

This let’s go see if we can make make this work we are going to need a another flux point I believe in order to power our controller thankfully we do have everything to make that happen fantastic and I’m probably going to put the controller somewhere over here just to

Make our lives a little bit easier so the first thing we need to do is is kind of figure out if this actually works and what I mean by that is if we can actually use the network interface The Exchange interface to uh to connect our

A2 system so if I put this here that is available if I put an em storage bu on that and then for now I’m just going to throw the controller down let’s say here and we’re going to put the me crafting interface onto that in just a second the

Cable that you need to use for Applied entics we’re getting a little bit of ser L the cable that you need to use for Applied energistics 2 is called fluix cable it is this stuff right here and it’s made with fluix crystals and quartz fiber quartz fiber more glass and more

Of that Sodus quartz dust thankfully Isaac of the past did process a lot of cus quatz dust and so we should be able to make quite a bit of this quatz fiber and by extension quite a bit of the fluix cable here thankfully for right now we don’t need that many

Cables okay so it turns out that the network exchange interface is too laggy like it doesn’t work this was what was I’ll show you real quick here on the server we have currently got a TPS of 20 so it’s 20 ticks per second which is what you

Expect that’s what Minecraft runs at as soon as I put this down and we do the same command the uh the TPS was a second ago down at 3 which is um is not particularly good um it seems to be working okay for the moment I wonder if

It’s because I put the bus on there you’ll see it’s dropping 19.6 15.3 12.7 10.8 and it kind of keeps going down from here so I’m just going to get rid of this this seems like it’s not going to work which is unfortunate because it might have actually worked

Let me quickly see though if I put this here uh and then we can put the flux Point down here so the flux point is going to give power to the A2 system we should see this start to light up fantastic and then this is our crafting

Terminal I’m going to make this um a little bit bigger there we go and uh so just like with this you can craft and you can pull items out it’s all good but I was hoping we could just put the Emy storage bus onto the network exchange

Interface it’s possible that we might be able to do this and put the storage bu onto the network route I’m less convinced that that’s going to work yeah I don’t think that does work unfortunately what I will do just to see if it would have worked is I’m going to temporarily

Throw this Emmy storage bus onto the network exchange interface like this and just see if that works how I think it does it totally does and so it sucks that that doesn’t work it sucks that it’s so laggy I do want to order by number of items and then uh descending

From most to least so this does connect the system up nicely and does show us all of the items that we have available to us the trouble is that in doing so it also just nukes the server from orbit which is not great it’s quite ban and so that’s

Not really going to work for us unfortunately now the good news is is that we can kind of get around that I think fairly easily right now I’m going to keep the simple storage Network around because we’re already using it so much and I don’t really want to go

Through like we could replace it uh applied n6s 2 does have you know exporters it does have importers you can make these export Busters and import Busters and so we could do the same thing we’ve been doing with simple storage network but with applied energetics but that seems like an awful

Lot of work for a very small amount of payoff and so I think we’re not going to do that instead what I think we’ll do is I I think we can keep this here right now though my thought process is that we’re using the simple storage Network

To export items I think almost all of the items that we’re exporting are in storage draws right glowstone could be an exception to that rule do we have a storage draw for glowstone we don’t basically what I’m thinking is if we move all of the things that our simple storage Network needs to

The storage drawers we can put an external storage on the storage draw controller which is down here right so if we just do something like this and put down the EM storage bu there we can then connect both the simple storage Network and the A2 system

To the draw controller if we come back up here we can just run this cable up and around to the controller like so and now in here we should see everything that’s in our storage draws the only thing we can’t currently see in our applied energistics 2 system is the

Stuff inside of our chests now the good news here is that we can kind of get rid of these chests by investing in that Emy dry that we saw earlier we just need to get two more engineering processes which we do have fantastic and then from there

We need to make a couple of Emy storage cells which mostly require logic processor s squats and Redstone so let’s grab just a bunch of logic processes as well chat is right the glowstone Miner is downstairs that’s where our stuff is currently that’s fine though we could

Always import the glowstone if we needed access to it via the A2 system and so let’s quickly see about making the me drive fantastic let’s put you down for now right about here and then let’s make a storage cell so there are multiple tiers of storage cell they start at 1K

Move up to 4K 16k 64k and 256k these do work in a little bit of a different way though to the refined Storage storage discs with refined storage let me bookmark these you have different tiers of storage cell but they just hold different numbers of items so

In refined storage the 1K storage cell which is is this guy right here holds just 1,000 items so it’s pretty straightforward the way that the storage discs work in refined storage 1,000 items 4,000 items 16,000 items Etc the applied itic 2 discs are a little bit

More complex they can hold up to 1,000 items on the 1K disc but it can only hold a maximum of 63 different types of items and so what that means is that in here we currently have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 you get the idea each different item

Is a different type of item so these five stacks of cobblestone all count as one type but if you add the Nether Bricks into the mix these all also count as one type but these two together count as two types and so if you have a lot of

One specific item so if we if we just had like 65,000 Cobblestone we could probably fit all of that into one 64k disc however if we had 65,000 individual different items we would be better off making a ton of these 1K discs if that

Makes sense and so for us for now the 1K disc is not particular particularly great because it only holds 1,000 byes but then again I don’t think we have an awful lot of any one item like in these chest I don’t think we have more than a

Thousand of any one given item and so I think we are probably going to be best suited just making a bunch of onek drives here uh now it’s going to be easier for the moment for us to do this in here so let’s do something like this

Let’s make a couple of these onek drives you can fit up to eight I believe into here never mind you can fit 10 in there as well let’s do uh two more of these fantastic and then from there we should be able to make I think just 10 1K

Drives we might not have enough quartz glass currently but we can make yet more quartz glass because we have a lot of cus quartz dust and so let’s do something like this and like this and then we going put all of these into here and the idea now is that we can use

These discs as our chests so if we were to start just putting items into the terminal here those items are going to start filling up these storage cells you’ll see that just from what I had in my inventory we have managed to use 15 out of 63 types and so if we start

Grabbing all of the stuff here and just dumping it all into the system it’s going to start putting them into these drives that does mean that the simple storage network is not going to have access to them anymore but I think that’s fine because we’re going to stop

Using the storage request table for crafting we’re going to focus on using applied energistics 2 for crafting we’re only going to use the simple storage Network to move around items that it’s kind of already moving around so things like whatever is being exported over here like exporting coal exporting iron

Exporting you know gold all of the stuff that is currently being exported to keep our system going and so let me quickly just move everything out of these chests into our system and then we’ll look next I think at setting up a wireless crafting terminal which is going to

Allow us to access everything inside of this terminal also let me quickly see if I can’t turn ji autosort off which I think is in here I want to turn off syn with ji it’s just a personal preference of mine but we are going to go ahead and look at

Crafting the wireless crafting terminal which is going to allow us to basically use this but anywhere in the base all right and now that all of our chests are empty we can look at getting this Wireless crafting terminal before we do it turns out that my information was

Incorrect actually on how the 1K drives work I was under the impression that 1,000 bytes meant a th000 items it turns out that’s not the case each item is kind of equivalent to one bit and in computer terms 8 Bits equals one bite and the same is true here actually so

You’ll see here that we have got 642 out of 1,24 bytes used and you’ll see in that drive we have 233 of these seeds if I take one seed out the number stays the same it’s still 642 I have to take eight seeds out for that number to change

You’ll see now it’s at 641 instead of 642 and if I put all eight of these in it goes from 641 back up to 642 which actually makes these 1K drives way better than I thought they were because they can effectively hold up to 8,000 items orbe it still of only 63 types

You’ll see here that we have filled up the types section of this drive a lot faster than we filled up the bites we’ve got space for more seeds but we don’t have space for another rug item like another steel casing or something if that makes sense either way um we’ve got

All of our stuff in here and we do still have a ton of space in the drives here and so it’s not really something we’re going to have to worry about and so now looking at this Wireless crafting terminal I don’t think this is going to

Be too difficult for us to make we need another em crafting terminal which is not too bad we need a dense energy cell which might be the most expensive part here this requires eight energy cells and a calculation processor the energy cells though don’t really look too

Difficult although we are going to need um I think some more fluck dust but also by the looks of it some more quartz glass climic I was going to say a stack of that apparently the answer is no let me quickly take the S quartz here and

Get that in the crusher let’s also grab however many also I should have my time in the bottle on me but let’s also grab whatever is fully cooked in here I think Redstone is what we need to uh to throw in there now and of course thankfully Redstone is still accessible in here

Again soon we won’t need these once we have the wireless terminal we should be pretty much good to go on on kind of getting rid of these storage request tables that are dotted out and about but for now we do still kind of rely on them

And we could also for now do with our time of bottle as well which I have temporarily at least thrown back into the system which is not where it wants to be and once we have some more Sodus quatz dust we can once again make some

More quartz glass and let’s see how many of these we can actually make I am yeah I figured we were going to be out of fluix dust that is fine because nether quartz we have Redstone we have and we should have well over a stack if not a

Few stacks of charged tur sarts over here now and so unlike before we could now hopefully just do boom boom boom and get us two stanks of fluix crystals and I guess for now we’ll just go ahead and take like one of those stins and throw it into the crusher

And we do have almost 9 hours of time in here so I’m not really too bothered about using a lot of it making the crusher faster we could again steal the speed upgrades we should probably make sure there are speed upgrades in here because that just makes it that bit more

Efficient but for the time being this is going to do the job just fine and that should be all that we need I think in terms of getting the remaining four energy cells and then so long as we have a calculation processor which we do we

Can make the dense energy cell like so and then now we need a wireless receiver which requires a fluix pearl which does require an ender pearl which we currently cannot make because we do not have enough Ender ore but that is fine we are making Ender ore over here let’s

Do a quick one of these and a quick one of these the alium did make its way in there I think that’s from a previous Endeavor though I do still want to make this faster of course to kind of start to tear through that backlog a little

Bit but back over here we should see ender pearls okay so we’re not going to see end pears just yet and that’s because of the fact that the simple storage network is what is is being used to import from those chests and so for now

Those are going to go into here we do need to fix that we could probably do with swapping out the importers here and here with import buses from applied anistic because the applied energistics system can still put stuff in storage drawers which is what we’re after for now though let’s take that

Ender pearl let’s craft it up into a flux Pearl and then let’s craft that flux Pearl into a wireless receiver fantastic and then let’s just get one more wireless access terminal although I think we can probably take the one we already have and use that the only other

Thing we need is a wireless access point which is this guy right here the wireless access point seems pretty straightforward not quite sure why I didn’t put the crafting recipes in the Right Slots there but the wireless access point goes down onto network cable like so and it gives you the range

So if I were to grab and uh we do need to real quick actually make another one of these flux pears and then for another one of these Wireless receivers and we also need that dense energy cell that we made a second ago fantastic let’s take that along with the screen here and

Basically in here we can do the recipe for this guy which is you you and you and so now this is unlined I think annoyingly to link it we need a security terminal which I should have thought about ahead of time because now we actually do need to get another screen

Cuz I can’t access the stuff that’s in my system without the screen and so real quick let’s see if we can’t get another me crafting terminal here this might be tricky given that I can’t access my Emy drives like a complete fo and a little bit later we’ve made

Another crafting terminal there we go again I’m hopefully not going to be using this for much longer let’s once again set that to uh number of items and descending perfect but yeah we do need to get a uh security terminal in order to link the wireless crafting terminal

To our pre-existing setup for that we need an Emy terminal which now we can just make fantastic and we need to make an meem chest which seems easy enough we also need to get the hard part which is a 16k me storage drive so for that we need three 4K storage components and

Each one of those requires three 1K storage components so we need nine 1K storage components which should be fine actually 1 two 3 four five 6 7 8 nine perfect that let us craft up hopefully uh three of these we should have a bunch of processors available over in here we

Do indeed good stuff let’s put those back into the system to hopefully allow us to craft up one two three of those and with three of those we should be able to craft one of the 16k variants and from there we should be able to craft the security terminal which again

For now we’ll put down right about here and if we put the wireless uh crafting Grid in here that now links it to this ae2 system system and now the final piece of the puzzle is to actually charge this item and that is where it’s probably going to be in our best

Interest to invest in this guy the flux controller from flux networks this is a super Nifty block because as you can see here it enables wireless charging on your flux Network which is going to allow us to charge this crafting table wirelessly so in order to do that I do

Want to actually real quick before I do that I think I might be able to charge this item like in the reactor if I put it here never mind I can’t put the item in there E I really thought that was going to work um I I’m almost certain

That you can charge it by putting it in the charger which is wild and also it helps if you don’t have the extract card extracting your item instantly but I think I think this does charge although very very slowly you’ll see it’s 1% charged at the top there so

That’s going to take way too long let me put that extract card back in there so yeah let’s get the um the wireless crafting from flux networks going for that we’re going to need need quite a few things specifically we’re going to need a few more of those ender pearl

Fragments if I do it in here this system should have access to them but I guess we just don’t have that many of them let me go and put a few more stacks of Ender ore into a pulverizer here and let’s also give that pulverizer a little bit

Of a tap to make it hopefully just that little bit faster and some more ender fragments later let’s take all of those and I assume we still have some Blaze pwder left we do indeed fantastic so back whoops that’s what I want to do at

All back in here we should now be able to hopefully make this happen so we need five flux blocks let’s first start by making a bunch of flux dust cuz we can make really as much of that as we like and then from there let’s make I think

Really just as many ey avenders as we can because I’m also fairly certain we don’t need them in Ender form for anything then let’s make a bunch of flux cause and then from there can we make one two three four five of these we totally can and I think that that gets

Us the fux controller nice so we’ll put this down potentially just behind the reactor here so like right about there that seems fine in here we’re going to set this to our Lappy power setup and then at the top there’s a wireless charging tab we want to wirelessly

Charge everything apart from the main inventory so we’re just going to click armor slot secur slots hot bar offhand mainhand and enable wireless apply at which point we should see look at that the wireless crafting terminal got charged because this is now charging items in our hot bar wirelessly and now

If we go back over here and we write click with our wireless crafting terminal we can see that we have access to all of the items in all of our discs and all the items in our storage drawers wirelessly again we want to set this to sort by number of items descending I

Also want to change the terminal style to I guess full height which is not particularly big but is going to have to do and now we can do any crafting we would normally do but inside of this Wireless terminal the only downside is that it is currently range limited as as

We can see in here to 16 M so if we go a little further away we should be fine but if we go a lot further away we lose acccess to that wireless range so there are a few things we can do here the first is we can put in boosters to

Increase the range so there’s a wireless booster there is also an Infinity range booster but it requires a nether star that we currently don’t have access to so we’re going to have to go for now with the regular old Wireless boosters for these the only thing we’re missing

Is Ender dust which I believe is just pulverized ender pearls and so one once again if we quickly do something like this and drop those into here with a quick tip we should be able to get a few more ender pearls and we should be able

To use those ender pearls to make a couple of Wireless boosters which should hopefully give us enough range to access our wireless crafting terminal kind of anywhere within our current base and a bunch of end fragments later we now have more ender pearls which we can then put

Back into the pulverizer like so uh to create some of that Ender dust which we can then use to make these range boosters so back over here let’s do this and how much does this increase our range by it is going to increase the power usage right now it’s 8 AE per tick

Which I think is also 8 RF per tick one oh so they’re exponential by the looks of it so the first one only increased our range by 1 meter but the second one increased it by 1.8 the third one increased it by even more and it looks

Like the more of these we add the further our range gets this is 57 M which is already pretty far I don’t think that’s going to quite get us all the way over by the way one meter is one block so that’s essentially 57 blocks that’s not quite full base access we

Could of course move the uh wireless access point and by the way none of this is staying here this is just to uh to show the proof of concept we’re going to move all of this uh in just a second but um given that it’s not that expensive to

Make these and it’s not that expensive to run these I feel like we might as well grab a few more here and just kind of fill them up I assume that 64 is maybe the max you can do but with this 92.3 M I think we might have near full base access

Yeah we can go quite far out so around here here is the furthest we can go which I think is fine that should mean that no matter where we are in the base currently we can access our applied energistics 2 system and the whole thing currently only uses 48.5 Redstone flux

Per tick and we’re producing like 60 plus th000 with the capability of producing up to 100,000 if we do put some dry ice into that reactor but yeah this works surprisingly well I don’t know if with apply D justics you can open the terminal with a keybind there

Is a keybind here for open Wireless terminal if I set that to zed I think by default Zed is set to toggle all waypoints let’s turn that off can I oh I totally can look at that so this has a curio slot which means we can put it in

Here in our head slot and now if I press Zed it just opens up the terminal so I don’t even have to have the terminal in my hot bar I just have to have it in my curio slot and because over in here we did click on the button that allows us

To wirelessly charge our curious slot that’s going to stay wirelessly charged all the time and all we have to do is just press Zed wherever we are and it will automatically open up that wireless crafting grid and we can just grab Whatever item it is we want if we needed

Some Redstone we could just grab it and do whatever we want to do we could put the Redstone back and we can do any crafting we like and so it’s kind of like having the storage request tables but just anywhere we don’t have to worry

About where we are in the base it should just work and so now there are a few little things that we need to fix before we’re kind of fully good for the swap to A2 the first thing we need to fix is kind of putting some imports buses onto

These chests cuz again right now it’s being pulled in using simple storage Network which means that some things end up in these chests like these here which is not ideal I don’t want anything ending up in these chests in fact I kind of want to just get rid of those chests

Entirely I do want to come down here and make sure that the priority it on this storage bus is set to high in this case higher priority goes first that’s the opposite to how it works with the simple storage Network I’ll set this to a th000

And so again just like with the simple storage Network now the A2 system should try and put stuff in the storage draw controller before it puts stuff into its dis Drive chat is actually right here in that what we could do is we could unlock ender chests if we get eight techbooks

Which we can probably get from our system never mind apparently we don’t have any techbooks lying around that is fine let’s make 10 of them again slight problem with the system not having access to things like bronze I am going to get to that in just a second though

Because I have a plan to rectify that let’s do this and this let’s purchase this and then we also do need to hand in the research paper for ender chests that seems pretty straightforward though we just need four ender pearls four ultimate techn name in a blank research

Paper easy peasy and boom with that what we should be able to do is actually make these ender chests from the Ender storage mod which are going to be pretty useful for us we do need blaze rods for that and the blaze rods of course require blaze powder the blaze powder is

Made from these uh flux coils so let’s make maybe a few more stacks of those and kind of go through the same rigal we’ve done before here where we kind of just drop these in pulverize them into blaze powder and then of course utilize the metal press over there to transform

Them back into gosh we got so much stuff we don’t really need to worry about keeping this though we have so much o that throwing a little bit away is going to be fine but yeah we’ll run that through the metal press to get the blaze

Rods and the idea here is that we can use these ender chests in place of these chests here and here and then we can make a third Ender Chest that we put closer to our A2 system and then we can just put an import bus onto that third

Ender chest and that should allow the A2 system to pull everything in without having to run a super long cable over to those pre-existing chests because what we could do is we could get a ton more of this uh fux cable run it all the way along under the platform up to those

Chests and just put inot buses on those but the ender chests are going to make that just so much faster and I keep forgetting that there are too many ores in the way but real quick Let’s Get Enough blaze rods to make all of those chests and then let’s see if we can’t

Make this work all right so 12 blaze rods later we should now be able to make I believe three ender chests here these are pretty cool in that you can specify like a frequency so you can have multiple different ender chests that kind of connect to each other so by

Default they’re all set to white white white which is what we want and if we put one down let’s say here we can then put our import bus on that ender chest and then connect that up using the fluix cable that we have here like that and so

Now anything that gets put in this chest should be brought in now you’ll see that somebody else has already put a chest down on the server and that’s why I have these diamonds here so if you right click on the nose with a diamond that links the Ender Chest to you you’ll see

It says gaming on caffeine in the top right there whereas without it anybody on the server can also access that chest if it’s set to the same frequency so somebody else had obsidian in there I’ll put it back in I don’t mind I don’t need their obsidian but um what you can also

Do is you can change the frequency using dyes and so if I were to for example get some lampis like this I could make a dedicated frequency that was white blue white like this and now if I open if I do this to link this this chest is mine

And is white white white but it’s not linked to this chest so if I put uh some Redstone or in here it’s not available in here however if I make this the same frequency now that Redstone or is in both of these and the import bus has

Going to pulled that directly into the system and so the idea here is that we can take this diamond chest which we could probably pick up with the carry-on mod potentially if we use this in place of our import chest here so if we move

This out of the way and we put down the Ender Chest That should kind of still work we’re going to get rid of that input cable on the bottom that is no longer necessary we’ll put all this stuff away for now and what should happen is all of

The items go to the end of chest and then over on the other side here this importer should pull all the items from this chest into the system now just like before we could do with some acceleration cards to make it just that little bit faster cuz right now it is

Not fast enough thankfully now we do have the fluix crystals and so making the acceleration cards is easy enough but if we do this you’ll see it’s going to move those out substantially faster and it’s going to send them to where they need to go and it’s also going to

Put items that don’t have a storage dra into the disc drive making them accessible by the A2 system and so now the next problem that we kind of have is this one right here because this one has the intermediary of the nickel dust and the iron dust I think I don’t know if

You can filter with the import bus here um I think you can I think it’s a separate upgrade though uh if I type in filter it might be called something different applied energistics I think in the same way that you can make the speed cards I

Feel like there’s also a filter card so the way that you filter with the import BST you can right click on it and then you can put items in like this and so now this will only filter it will only import diamonds right and so I put

Diamonds in here they get sucked up but everything else stays where it is we want to do the opposite of that though we want to Blacklist what we don’t want to be filtered I’m wondering if that’s where the invert card here comes into play the inverter card I would assume it

Says it can go inside the import B I would assume that inverts the filter let’s give it a try redstone torch and then oops it keeps moving the stuff we also need another set of advanced cards that’s also easy enough if I take the inverter card and I put that in

Here that’s still pulling items in so I assume then that if I take a diamond and I put that in here and I put the diamond in now it’s importing everything apart from diamonds nice okay cool this is good and so there are two things we’re

Going to have to do in that case then we’re going to have to swap the acceleration card for an inverter card and somewhat annoyingly we’re also going to have to swap another one of those acceleration cards for an expansion card which is one of these cards over here

Sorry not an expansion card a capacity card I think is what we’re after the capacity card here I believe is going to increase the number of filter slots cuz you’ll see right now we can only access one of them if I do this it gives us access to filter more which I think

Should be fine you’ll see here it’s still pulling things in fast enough all we want to do is we want to blank list the importing of iron dust and nickel dust and maybe one other dust let me check on my filter down here we want to

White Blacklist all of this so uh osmium dust I think is what this is that doesn’t matter anymore because we’re not processing osmium here but copper dust nickel dust iron dust and crystals so do I have any copper dust I don’t do I have any any crystals I also don’t okay fine

Um do we uh there is one in here I will I was going to take that there we go and then copper dust is something that we’re not getting a ton of but if we quickly steal a copper ore we should be able to pulverize that

Directly into a copper dust to get what we’re after so if I do well if I can find an empty chest right now this is not important which is kind of the problem all of this stuff should be going over to here but then of course right now

That would be getting imported so over here let me quickly start adding stuff to the denial list so we’ve got the inverter on there let’s not do iron dust let’s not do nickel dust we do want to import diamonds uh we don’t want to import crystalline and then all we need

To do after that is add the copper dust to that as well so now we should be able to swap out this chest here for yet another Ender Chest so I’ll put you down we’ll grab one more lapis so we can make one more blue dye like so when you in

The middle make sure of course there is a diamond on the front like that on the little nose um unfortunately the carryon mod doesn’t seem to work with this Ender Chest that is unfortunate but if we do break it and move it over to here we can

Get rid of this again and we can do something like this nice and so that is working and you’ll see that the um the iron just just staying here which is actually kind of perfect now we don’t really need the extraction cards here we do have extraction cards that pull items here

And send them over to here not really necessary because these chests are now both linked and now uh the stuff that’s in here will still get pulled out and sent where it needs to go so the system should still work as intended um so long

As these are not empty but these are all full obviously which is a problem and so next time chat the plan is going to be to look at utilizing automation with applied energistics cuz the whole reason we did any of this right now we’ve not really done much outside of make a

Slightly different simple storage Network right we’ve kind of just replaced our pre-existing system with a new one the only benefit that we’ve got so far is the wireless crafting which is good but obviously uh probably not worth all the effort if that was all that we

Were going to get the benefit now though of Applied entics is it’s sophisticated autocrafting we’re going to look at getting some molecular assemblers we’re going to look at getting some Emy interfaces and we’re going to look at automating certain crafts so that we can just say hey I want this many of this

Item and it’s going to make them for us as opposed to us having to manually craft a bunch of smaller items again and again and again and again and so next time we’ll come back we’ll look at teaching our system how to make the higher tier of integral components and

The flux linkage amplifiers we’ll look at making all of these machines faster so we can start working through the uh backlog of resources that we still seem to be getting and hopefully we can also look at automating some of the other items required for the final technium

And once we got AutoCraft up and running we can then start looking at the space stuff here and of course moving on to that final Tech but those are all problems for future Isaac for now I’m going to go ahead and ran up this episode of Tech opis 2 There

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Techopolis 2 | PROCESSORS, CIRCUITS, DISK & BYTES! #16 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-11-02 23:00:28. It has garnered 28776 views and 859 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:21 or 4041 seconds.

Minecraft Techopolis 2 | PROCESSORS, CIRCUITS, DISK & BYTES! #16 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Feed The Factory | A FACTORY AUTOMATION MODPACK! #1: https://youtu.be/A-f9ftPwVDE

★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine

★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC

★Join the GOC Discord: https://discord.gg/goc

Techopolis 2 Mod Pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/techopolis-2

Techopolis 2 is a tech based modpack with mods like Mekanism, Themal Expansion, Immersive Engineering, AE2, Flux Networks, Little Logistics & More! Can you craft all the Technium Ingots?

Uses a purpose built mod called Miners to create various muti-block structures to produce different materials including ore miners, tree absorbers and fluid absorbers!

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

#Minecraft #Techopolis #Modded

  • Crafting Chaos: Ronaldo vs Kerr in FIFA 24 Showdown

    Crafting Chaos: Ronaldo vs Kerr in FIFA 24 Showdown In the world of Minecraft, Ronaldo shines bright, Facing off against Sam Kerr, what a sight! With skills and tricks, they battle in the game, Each move and goal, a moment of fame. Subscribe to the channel, for more fun to see, Football stars in Minecraft, what a glee! Ronaldo vs Celine, Messi vs Kerr, The competition is fierce, the excitement in the air. So join in the fun, don’t miss a beat, As FIFA 24 in Minecraft takes a seat. With Ronaldo as the GOAT, and Kerr in the mix, The game is on, let’s see who will… Read More

  • War’s Start in Minecraft: Consequences Unfold

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  • Sneaky Cop in Minecraft

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  • Nether Farming Shenanigans: Gold, Bartering, XP AFK

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  • Mr Beast vs Herobrine Minecraft Showdown

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  • Oldroot’s Minecraft Mindbender: Unravel the Puzzle

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  • Ultimate Iron Farming in Minecraft EP-10

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Building Possibilities!

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  • Get Minecraft 1.21 FREE NOW! (Android, iOS, Windows 10, Xbox, PlayStation)

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  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2

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  • “From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts” #minecraft #lol

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  • Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server!

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  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

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  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

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  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

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  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

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  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

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  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

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  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

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  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

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  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

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  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

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  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JtIGCz_3kX4 ________________________________________________ Link Server:play.rebelionsoul.my.id Port: 19202 Skin Ku https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ce1ZGZVxLmF9QUOCDQfV5lJILKN2zzyX/view?usp=drivesdk Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) https://saweria.co/MohammadRifan90 Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rifan_craft_4412/ ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Ahrnemc.com Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More