Video Information

Hello again viewers and greetings fellow space Travelers this is Thorn of night and welcome to uh let’s see here Tuesday December the 5th of 2023 let me turn this down just a smidge there we go 25% okay it’s still audible enough oh I I still need to

Finish pasting this oops uh Welcome to My Stream I’m going to be working on performium today on the wild SMP I’m going to be working on building the manger sponge because that’s always needing to get work on and uh today I’m sort of taking a a semi brain break from all the work

That I’ve been doing towards the mods and the data packs and stuff so that I can maybe think about things whilst building I’m pulling an pulling an Einstein all right let’s set this up let’s move this over there uh don’t need that on this screen

Don’t need that that can go with way and minimize this and then come in here to multiplayer and then go to perform wait how many did that say hold on 3133 this is peak time on a weekday and it’s 313 what did they do somehow after they uh went through

All the rigar roll of being added to the official Minecraft servers list it’s gone down the other day I was talking about how it it stayed at exactly 300 and so it seemed like they’re padding their numbers again I mean again uh and uh I guess it was

Maybe a fluke because just a couple days ago I saw it 280 279 uh so I don’t know but uh they there something is up don’t know what’s going on anyways 300 man I remember when just a normal day on performium back before they even merged with uh Sky Block Network before

That just a normal day was numbers like this and this windcraft this is just an MMO it’s it’s just a it’s it’s been around as long almost as performium has but here we have 300 I don’t I don’t get it and they’re looking to uh put

Together a troll server so it’s not like they’re it’s a dead or dying server they’re they’re just I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on anyway uh let’s see here set email not going to do that that happened every once in a while did I just eat

Something did it just make the yummy sound that it seemed like it just burped at me oh that’s what happened ha uh Auction House hey there’s stuff on the auction house it’s slime balls Zack has lots of slime balls you know what uh let’s do this let’s go pv5 that should be

Empty I’ll take some slime balls Zack uh oh just to say thanks for help that you’ve done in the past Zach oh I can’t do that while it’s not that okay and then these are from another player who will probably not show back up they got some things popped

Them on the auction house and they’ll probably never make an appearance again all right let’s see here let’s go auction house sell a whole bunch of numbers 100 million and then let’s go put the Slime balls down in the warehouse it’s it’s a house it it’s a person that got bitten

By a house and every full moon they get turned into a crypted do I not have sounds on I have sounds turned way down there we go that’s more like it okay I really I really am happy with the way this turned out I missed

Two oh no oh I have to fix that this is the polished Blackstone slabs and I’m on floor two okay so I’m already on the correct floor for getting the polished Blackstone slabs give me two of these boop boop I’m I’m used to using the mouse in

Skyrim and so my sensitivity is off I keep overturning there we go I never noticed that before anyway as I was saying I really am happy with the way these columns turned out it’s it’s got that that extra level of detail but it’s within the bounds of a 3X3 I’m not counting these

As being outside the 3X3 they’re they’re just kind of accents but but there’s plenty of detail going on in just the 3X3 column and I’m really happy with the way that turned out anyway Dr Evil from Austin po voice 100 million doar or $1 million okay I do believe I have nearly

Exhausted my current stash of uh oh there’s that me overcompensating again I have nearly comp uh nearly completely gone through my stash of uh chiseled deep slate oh oh dear there’s lots of Cobble deep slate that’s Cobble this is all just regular deep slate yeah oh

Boy uh I shouldn’t have any up here here yeah that’s all empty oh looks like partway through the stream I’m going to be making me some cobbled or some chiseled deep slate I don’t have any of this I’m leaving this build pallet down here because I I I want to

Uh expand the wings a little bit in both directions but I I don’t want to lose track of what’s where that’s I wouldn’t have it here that’s just temporary there uh no those are just potions huh yes these are my uh potion storage areas or this is my potion storage area

Anytime you see a glass block here that means that it is full of shulkers that are themselves full of the given potion so the splash potion of invisibility long duration this glass block means that in this chest are 729 of them and since everyone’s on Candy no one

Will ever buy them but it’s it’s good to have some potions I guess all right let’s home Cube one uh oh you know what I almost forgot I almost forgot to do the standard start of the stream stuff I would like to say thank you to

The people who are able to help support the channel in whatever way you can whether it’s liking subscribing commenting sharing my channel whatever but also uh for the people who are able to help make it so that I can you know get Dinobot every year for the Discord

And replace my monitor when it breaks and all that kind of stuff a very special thank you to the people who can tip on streamlabs and the people who are able to help support me through patreon and right now those illustrious few are Elm 11’s zma Infinium sha Robert Kemp

Little cuddles and xblaze Ninja zero and speaking of xblaze Ninja zero let’s go back over to that’s the wrong Channel that’s the wrong Channel there we go to General because a dad joke has been summoned why was the oh wait no that’s an old dead joke why was the strawberry said

Its parents were in a JY that’s that’s not the new Dead joke there was a new Dead joke I swear it was I swear I saw a new Dead joke was it in here where did it go has it been buried it may have been buried by conversation oh

No well this calls for a dad joke summoning question mark dad joke thank you Dinobot uh-oh what do you get when you cross a rabbit with a water hose hair spray I thought for sure I saw another dead joke that is so bizarre anyway the dad jokes are summoned over

On the Discord usually by explo Ninja zero oh that was today’s oh okay well then we have two from today uh let’s see here mine and oh yeah it says today at 5:14 p.m. weird I thought that was a different joke elsewhere why was the strawberry sad its parents were in a

Jam oh maybe Oh I know what happened I thought it was I was just reading an old one and after a fashion I was that’s the same dad joke that cuddles spawned on the 30th of November if you scroll up just a little bit it’s the same dead joke hooray for random

Chance I knew it sounded familiar ah okay I will minimize this yeah over on the Discord I have Dinobot for for a number of different things I’m still trying to figure out some of the other functionality of it uh but but let’s uh hide this cuz I also need to do my

Announcement to the people over on candy that I am streaming so I’ll grab my link and then oops let’s come over here let’s make a notification oh uh join me as I build my wild minger sponge and let’s go over to candy and do the same exact

Thing and now I’ll just hover over this flag and go paste all right time or P time at noon P weather clear so this guy over here here hold my hobo has not responded to me on Discord since they came in logged in refreshed their claims and

Left our conversation was that I was going to be receiving this and that was two months ago and instead they are not doing that so what I’m thinking is I’m I’m going to go Ahead And maybe I could begin the work of building the walkway see I also need to get a hold of Daniel Here I I need to see if Daniel is on Candy sometime and see if I can get uh the ability to build on here because I can’t he was going to but he never did because candy opened up oh well we’ll get it figured out I

Was thinking what I could do is just preemptively build the part that’s going to exist right here up to the house and then when it expires again uh or if it EXP wires go ahead and build it uh or if they come on an unclaim go ahead and finish building it

But uh maybe my my thinking is that maybe by having The Big Cube here they’ll go oh right that but I don’t think that that’s going to be the case Hello the real Huf hello Huf how goes things uh V2 let’s put this stuff in

Here I am going to look in here see on the off chance someone has made a generous donation nope no one’s ever on that’s okay uh Pb5 come to the wild spawn I am at the wild spawn I why do I get the suspicion that there’s going to be items objects things come to the wild ah there there you are hello I [Laughter] have you are muted you don’t know how long muted muted in what oh muted in in here Oh well that’s interesting whatever did you do to deserve being muted uh here let’s go on an adventure and try to find a block of gold out here I think this is wait gold road is this way I know right where to find a block of gold no that’s Redstone Road sorry sorry

Gold road is straight out front I guess I’m all turned around to day here we go have some diamonds from your boots you know one okay oh speaking of Diamonds oh no that’s the uh die shop okay let’s go back let’s put these in here somewhere

Oh I have more MD shers oh wait no this is from building the other thing okay pv5 again again and up I go why are they going to think you’re cheating again Johnny there we go so in order to get to the end of of this tier 4 I have to

Make it up to here I don’t know if I’ll be able to do that uh in this week but it should be about 2 and a half three days worth of streaming so let’s get to it let’s get cracking uh I have been working on the

Side um on the not only the inecraft data pack project for the refugee to Regent series I’m about to start but also I have managed to get a lot of stuff put together for a Skyrim series thank you Hoff you’re you’re uh very funny much

Haha oh did I oh that was a delay whoa did you see that delay and also why am I not YouTube rank on the TBL list what did they what did they break again silly devs well it is an epic sniper so they shouldn’t be upset if they get hit by an epic

Sniper and it’s a one shot if it was a crummy sniper and that was a one shot then I could I could see them having recourse for being upset but getting hit in the head by an epic sniper that sounds like a fair and square fight GG all

Around most times they start shooting first well someone’s got to take the first shot and uh some times it can be the person with the sniper aha I see them they don’t see me c blam thems the ropes oh that’s the end of that how do they say it them the shakes

Or something like that back in the days of the mob I live rather near St Louis in Missouri in the middle of flyover country in the US and I have learned a long time ago I learned that of of all the places of all the fascinating options of the world for

Someone to retire to uh a disproportionately large number of mob family retired to St Louis there’s even a place uh part of St Louis called the hill lots of fancy Italian restaurants everywhere uh oh a lot of uh very low crime rate on the streets and uh a lot of very happy old

Granny’s who uh like to do bake saes and things and it’s very interesting because everyone knows that if if they are of that ilk and they they tend to be in the hill that it’s almost a a certainty that they were in the mob or their family was in the

Mob and it it’s just one of those things you don’t talk about and you just ah thanks for the uh uh leftover pot of pesto Spoto after having us over for dinner it was great lims the shakes anyway the Tracer effects are good tells you exactly where they are so can just

SP oh yeah yeah the Tracer effects are the dead giveaways uh I I always thought it was like a a crutch when they added Tracer effects to those sorts of PVP games it it seems like if you need Tracer effects to find out where you’re being shot from then

Perhaps those sorts of games are not for you but on the flip side making things accessible to more people means that more people will buy your product and use your product so I I understand the inclusion of having those those crutches of having the Tracer shots and

Whatnot it makes it so more people are able to feel like they are good uh Al in games like fortnite they add a uh uh a little percentage of let’s say luck uh to make it so that people who are failing a lot get more points of damage when they

Shoot or their spread is mysteriously less or their aim is a lot more accurate than they themselves are uh for maybe a round or two to help them feel more comfortable and happy with you know getting some success because if they are upset that they keep losing they’ll just

Leave and a lot of people do that never actually come back so they don’t want people to leave and never come back so in order to compensate for terrible players they give them more crutches and it is just something that’s coded in you can even

Test for it it’s it’s I’ve seen so many examples of it it’s it’s great to see them do ow it must be night time goodbye you hello you just okay haha I’m going to shoot at you anyway uh they they have it built in as a sort of security blanket for

People who aren’t as good but they still want to have fun cuz when it comes down to it it’s a game and yes it’s a PVP game so you are competing against other people’s skills at either gameplay or hacking but um there there’s that element of just good good old

Fun see here this yes uh oh on the subject of my Skyrim modding I have come across a a stumbling point with one of the mods uh the the at your own pace mod collection seems to be working fine it’s when it interacts with other things that it becomes an issue I

Also have a uh mod installed for the college Winter Hold Called Quest expansion College of Winter Hold Quest expansion and it makes it so that uh you in order to you know be a part of the college to even get to the point point where you are invited to go to the

Sarthal excavation you have to demonstrate that you’re you know a student of the Arts so you have to do a series of quests uh with Colette for restoration TL deer for uh uh alteration no is water breathing alteration I think it is um and and just bunch of things I think iron gear

For some one of the teachers for each of the different schools of magic in short and you do a handful of quests and then after you’ve finished all the quests you go all right I have finished my initial curriculum is there anything any business the college would

Like some help with and then the rest of the College of Winter Hold quest line opens up and I’ve played through that mod before and it it’s great it’s fun and it works with the addition however of this at your own pace thing which adds pauses in the quest line you don’t

Immediately get sent off to become the arch Mage on day one so that this Warrior who’s never cast a spell in their life suddenly becomes this Arch Mage you you have to inquire you have to ask around and then there are these uh extra trials that you have to go through in

Order to be become the arch Mage or you can have I think tlf deer become the arch Mage or whatever there there’s there’s more options there’s more role play now this at your own pace adds a patch for compatibility with the College of Winter Hold Quest

Expansion and I was so excited when I saw that so I I added Quest expansion to my mix I added the patch I made sure everything was in the correct load order using a program called loot which uses the global database of known load orders uh to identify the ones that work and

All that kind of stuff and and it sorted everything everything seems to match up there there are a few conflicts but they seem to be intentional uh like some things are spelled differently some things add stuff to World spaces that are taken out by others for reasons of another mod and

So it it all seems like it fits properly and then I in my last stream I got to the College of Winter Hold I went in uh I wasn’t ass sailed at the front of the bridge uh to to have to demonstrate that I could do magic to just get into the college

Um because that’s that’s an annoying thing cuz later on you have a quest that sends you to the College library as part of the main quest line and it’s silly that you should have to be part of the college in order to talk to urag but anyway um

You you walk in you manually have to interact with Mirabel to to get sent into the beginning of the uh the quest line and then you go into that first class where tlf deer is teaching you how to use a Ward and then you’re supposed to talk to tolf Deer

Again it doesn’t automatically happen and he’s supposed to send you to sarthal if you’re using the at your own Pace or he’s supposed to be one of many that begin you on your lesson regimen if you’re doing the uh Quest expansion so I got to the wards lesson

And I was so excited to test it out and then he starts wandering off and I go up to talk to him and I don’t see any of the special dialogue options it’s not working not only is the quest expansion not working but the patch for compatibility is not working in order to

Even get the uh at your own pace dialogue option I have to fully uninstall everything from the quest expansion and the patch thankfully because I am at the beginning of the quest line with my save I can do that without ruining my save but everything points to this is

Supposed to be working and it’s a bit on the frustrating side so now I have all these other concerns about the additional at your own pace quests because I’ve I have more thoroughly gone through all the uh bug reports and the posts and the the comment forum and all that

And I am seeing the potential for a lot of stuff not working the way it ought to be working so I can’t just do the first Quest and assume that it’s going to function right I’m going to have to go through all of them which means I’m going to have to do the

Thieves Guild going to have to do the Pirates college going to have to do the companions going to have to do the Dark Brotherhood going to have to become a thing in all the holds I’m going to have to do the College of winter hold and make

Sure everything is working cuz most of the stuff most of the mods that I have just add their own side content They Don’t Really interact with the main stuff with the exception of a few things like the uh Parx dilemma and a few others uh so I’m going to have to

Test basically all of the main game of Skyrim with these modded options to make sure stuff is working right I was hoping to just do a one andone test for all of them but it looks like that’s not how it’s going to work for me and

I’m fine with playing oh oh what what the heck why is a vast popping up while I am playing why is it a Black Friday sale you’re a little slow there buddy go away hold on a vest let me just see here uh menu settings uh performance [Applause] updates

Automatically revert all of your settings to default that is ridiculous silence and Avast notifications silence all evast popups warnings and scheduled scans while running apps full screen Grumble Grumble Grumble of fast your computer needs restarting you can wait H okay why why do Debs do that why don’t they retain settings oh

I’m I’m being Boop that on my phone just a second lots of things going on all at Once just a second uh yet that was the wife messaging me from the other end of the house because she has some sort of uh oh how how was it put on the paperwork uh acute upper respiratory infection with discharge uh as as to say um she’s she’s coughing up her lungs

And she got prescribed some amoxic and all that and so yesterday and today she’s called off work she won’t be able to call off work tomorrow because she doesn’t have a whole days worth of uh time off Saved because you know capitalism and and killing people is much more

Important for the bottom line than you know making sure people are happy happy with where they work and feel safe and able to work there especially cuz she got this from work another worker apparently brought it to work and a few people caught it and so she’s at the other end of the

House saying is it time for the MOX to selling yet no that’s not until midnight however the decongestant stuff hold on I will be right back I’m going to go give her some of her decongested medication I will be right back e all right I’m back I wish I

Knew where I put my old um fume mask I have a painter’s fume mask that looks like you know a gas mask kind of thing and uh the little particle filters and all that kind of stuff I was thinking about marching to the other end of the house wearing it so

I could deliver the medicine anyway uh she has been treated and back to work ah to answer your question Noy requium I let’s see here you install mods that make uh things less convenient to make games more immersive do you like to play MOS and RPGs without Quest markers and attempting to figure

Out I do I do like that I I prefer that uh and back in the days of marwi it was one of the symptoms of of the old style gaming where there weren’t Quest markers is you had to rely on believing that the devs typed stuff in

Right and human error is a hell of a drug so I would have these issues in marwi and everyone else where they would say all right to the west of here you will find a blah blah blah blah and so you spend three four five weeks real

Time looking anywhere to the west and it turns out it was just like a few hundred feet to the East and they just typed the wrong thing but it made the adventure so much more interesting when it wasn’t pointed out just you have to go here um now I don’t

Mind having a a guide that says basically all right you’re headed toward this city or this general area that’s fine and then maybe when you get really close it brings up an icon that says Ah here is the cave entrance you might not have ever seen it but we presume that

You know your character would have had the horse sense to ask a little bit more detail of exactly where it is like like like the uh some of the NPCs say I’ll mark it on your map you can just assume that all the NPCs will say things like

That it’s just implied because they don’t actually say it like that all the time so you you get to the point with some of these games Where uh you don’t have to rely as much on on the dialogue and then it becomes comfortable not to have the dialogue context be accurate so you don’t have to put all the extra thought in giving directions and what what happens is the games turn into a mess of getting lost

And I I don’t mind the way points to a certain extent but what I am doing like for instance on these mods I’ve got uh I think it’s called Atlas mods or atlas map markers where you uh can adjust the distance that the map markers show up how big

They are how transparent they are so that they aren’t these big giant icons floating across your Compass all the time haha I’m 1,000 ft away but I know there’s a cave right there haha that’s that’s ridiculous so I do go in and turn things down I have several

Mods installed which add uh street signs that point the way Rift in over here goodbye he was excited to see me um and and it makes it so that I can play the game from inside the game without having to rely on having all these magical markers

Everywhere uh and then if I get too terribly lost I can always have the active Quest and use Clairvoyance to show the way as a matter of fact I have this in in sky room I have this sort of a uh in-game lore for for why couriers always

Know exactly where you are at all times it’s because they have mastered the clear points spell and they just follow the line lead straight to you all the time aha I have this letter it needs to be delivered to such and such Clairvoyance and off they

Go I I think that that’s that’s a a great explanation for how psychic they seem to be but um I I like to immerse myself in game I I don’t want to have to rely on all of those map markers all the time for everything because honestly

There’s a lot there is an awful lot in just the base game of most of these large RPGs and then when you start adding 300 plus mods that add lots of new locations and things the map marker count just goes up and up and up and up and up so

Yeah I I like the immersion I like the dialogue context um I even have one called better Quest objectives that tells you a little bit more information than uh retrieve the object from place name okay what’s the object again I haven’t I haven’t launched in a few weeks what what am I

After I don’t know well I guess I just have to follow the map marker now cuz I don’t know but I’ve also to to combat that same sort of situation I have added a mod called uh take notes or just take notes or something like

That where I can make my own journal in game so I can keep track of what I’m doing where I’m going what the plan is and right now I’ve been using it to take notes on what I need to install and uninstall and tweak and Fiddle around with

Uh and what things I need to test next but I think that I am pretty much at the point where I want to be as far as immersion tools there are several immersion tools that I would love I would love to include them but they are

Outdated or they break the game with uh when combined with other mods there’s one called simply knock fantastic mod makes it so that you know when it’s night time and and you want to go uh in and turn in a quest to someone who’s asleep at night you’ve got the options

Of camp out on their lawn all night long or you could do the more you know immersive thing of just knocking on their door and they come up and if you have business with them uh or their reputation or your reputation with them is high enough uh they’ll let you in and

They won’t call the guards and you don’t have to lock pick and all that kind of stuff and it’s a it’s a great mod you can you can have your dialogues through the door without having to actually go in and it’s it’s it’s very immersive I love it but uh it

Broke recently like I I say recently in the last few versions it broke and it hasn’t been patched to work with newer stuff yet I think it’s okay uh there is when it comes to Skyrim mods there is something called forms and uh old Rim Old Skyrim is what was called form

43 and modern Skyrim is called form 44 and it seems like the simply knock mod has part of its infrastructure set in form 43 and that’s causing the incompatible AB ility issue that’s what my ssse edit and other stuff is telling me is that it has form incompatibilities but sorry I was taking

A drink uh the simply mock simply mock simply knock mod is I felt in love with it when I found it originally and I used it a lot it was great uh no more barging in in the middle of the night in the NPC getting

Out of bed instead you knock on the door you say hey uh it’s me I’m here for this Quest that they’ll say depending on their mood they’ll say just come back in the morning talk to me then or sure I’ll let you in or and here’s the the aspect that helps

With immersion for thev Guild stuff if you knock in no one’s home no one will answer the door so you can stealth your way in and no one will be the wiser so it had multiple functionality and it was very immersive and I loved it it was great and it’s

Broken now I’m very sad but I have lots and lots of other mods that add to the immersion in in other similar ways like NPCs when they go to bed they switch into their uh their sleep robes so they unequip their weapons so you aren’t going against

Someone who is sleeping with their sword on their hip which means it makes it a a lot easier to lock pck or to to pickpocket things um and and there’s a bunch of other stuff that that follows the same sort of vibe yeah on this layer here

Okay that I I just I just love certain kinds of immersion I like it to be L friendly I love friendly when I don’t have to explain it away as uh making up a story of my own which I’m fine with making up my own story for

Things but if I have to make up my own story for why something exists in game as as being outside of normal lore it starts to be a little bit less immersive um like for instance if you go to the Fallout Universe there’s actual low reasons why there are quote aliens and

They’re not actually aliens and that’s all built into the lore but I I like to have the stuff that makes sense in game and in universe and also makes the game compatible with maybe self-imposed challenges for instance when it comes to Alchemy uh it’s ridiculous that you

Should have to grind all of your your materials and make all your potions at one of like a dozen different places around the map aha I have to go into this room this particular room in the know of winter hold if I want to make my uh health potion or whatever

It’s it’s absurd to think that a a proficient Alchemist doesn’t have a mortar and pestl in their pocket so I’ve added something for uh some alchemy um I’ve added stuff for uh a few of the other SK like for instance let’s say you find a whole bunch

Of uh rusty old gear while you’re adventuring in one of the dungeons yeah you could sell it but maybe you need some steel and some iron you’re not finding enough iron from Mining and and you need some and the shops don’t have enough nails and hinges for building

Your house you can take some swords smelt them down and get iron bars out of them and turn them into stuff that you want to use like you know sharpening your tools and and building better gear skyforged steel and all that kind of stuff uh it it makes it feel more real

To be able to do some of these kinds of things like uh camping I I have installed a mod that makes it so you have to either write in your journal or sleep in order to save there is no quick save there’s no Autos saving when you go through a door now

This also comes in handy with load times I don’t have to constantly worry about uh every few seconds having this giant several second pause as it saves my data even though I’m on a solid state drive it still takes a little bit for it to

Save it takes a little bit for it to load and all that kind of stuff so if I’m not saving every time I open a freaking door it it helps with moving things forward but also having it saved during Journal writing and sleeping only makes it so you have to be more conscientious

About your saving and it makes it so that uh when you forget to take a nap every once in a while which you know you get the well rested buff if you remember to take a nap anyway so there’s that uh if you forget suddenly you’re punished because

Ah yes I forgot to save before I went into this giant dungeon I have to do the last day in the half again oops um but I I made that extra bit of immersion so that there was a functional reason which is to say it it salvaged some of my my play

Time away from those saving screens that constantly happen and it gave me interaction with my character I have to sleep I have to write my journal down I have to do these daily activities uh otherwise things aren’t going to work right um I’ve added one called winter sun which adds

Religion so it’s not just going to the shrines to get the blessing to remove your uh curses and diseases and things now every deity has their own Shrine and has their own benefits When You worship them and so if you forget to worship them your favor with them goes down and you don’t

Get the high-end benefits and if you do stay on top of it you get this this enormous boost to things um and so all the stuff that I’m trying to do all the new locations all the quests all of the breaks in the quest line all of the things where you write

Down in journals and stuff like that all of it is meant to make it more immersive so that I can step into the character a little bit easier I know generally what I want to do with whichever character it is I’m going to play I’m I’m almost certain

What character I’m going to do for the series but uh I I also have other character ideas but basically I want to have ingame roleplay options that are lore friendly game friendly and I guess stream friendly stream slide friendly which also means I’m no matter how lore

Friendly some of the adult mods are I won’t be including any of those let’s see here what what’s uh what’s another category oh on set Saturday this last Saturday I spent between 10 and 12 hours messing with getting one specific mod set up and working there’s a mod called a clear map

Of Skyrim I used to use a quality map of Skyrim good mod crisp picture but it was just of Skyrim and I think Souls time and none of the other world spaces got their own Maps it was just those no weather or anything but but it was it

Was very clear and it was a good map but this new one a clear map of Skyrim allows you to fly around the map in 360° zoom in and and and look at things from different angles but by default it’s really crummy resolution so in order to get you know the roads to

Show up on the map I thought I saw something funny over here uh in order to get the uh the the towns and stuff all the enough detail for you to go ah yes this is rifton not here is an icon that generally tells me where

Rifton is meant to be you can look at the map and go yes this is definitely rifton from above here’s the stable here is the gate um you have to do some some rocket surgery like a lot of it like enough that I’m thinking of making a stepbystep

Video on how I got it to work because it it took a lot of doing and the explanations while technically they did explain things correctly they also took for granted that people knew how other aspects work and you had to go to six different websites F six let’s see here xod x

Legend acmos clear map of Skyrim uh let’s see here exed it uh at least five maybe six no for sure six yeah six different sites just to be able to learn how all these programs work and what steps you needed to take to get specifically roads on your map and higher definition

Maps now what it does does is it pre- renders every World space in your Loadout it goes through every mod identifies everything that is a world space and it pre- renders everything then it says okay if you are at this distance which is to say the the height of looking down

From above at a map then you need need to have this level of detail for this distance and so one of the the mods and infrastructures it uses is something that I’ll I’ll call Dad which is short for dynamic distant object level of detail it’s what makes

It so you can look up at high rothgar and go oh there’s a building up there well this map does the same thing only for from the top down you’re looking up above and you can go oh look it’s high rothgar oh look right there is that

Tablet and right there is that tablet and that’s where that troll attacks me every time and you can see all the details from the sky but it doesn’t like map out all of the rocks and things in the ground it’s just everything that should be seen from space basically gets pre-rendered and then

That gets saved as the map file and boy the difference that it made doing all that work my map is gorgeous there are a few strange artifacts added by the fact that certain aspects aren’t meant to be visible in the game like this one little plat form sort of above White Run hold

Somewhere uh there’s there’s there’s a a couple little things that normal Skyrim goes yeah I’m not supposed to render that but this map instead for some reason does and because the map does now the game does too so I’m going to have to look into that but beyond that it’s it’s just

Fantastic um mischievous you say uh let’s see here what’s another mod that oh right the bad guy Quests for good guys there are a number of quests that you sort of get uh sucked into I guess that once you’ve started them especially if you don’t realize what you’re getting yourself into suddenly

You’re working for a draer and maybe you are not role playing a character that wants to be working for Adra but now that you’re in this Quest you cannot get the quest out of your log and you can’t advance past a certain point of something else until you

Have completed some of these other tasks so I’ve added a sequence of mods called the four Good Guys mods the miror for Good Guys believe you for good guys Dark Brotherhood for good guys I’m not adding Thieves Guild for good guys because you know you if you’re joining a thief’s guild there’s there’s

No good guys for that you’re a thief come on Dark Brotherhood maybe you’re joining it because you you have all the evidence you’ll ever need to know that the only assignments you get are people who actually have evidence against them of having done some terrible things and and uh the the assassination is

Justified and that’s what the Dark Brotherhood for Good Guys adds is justification for all these um and boia for good guys nir for good guys uh you you get to basically make flesh golems in the place of your sacrifices uh yes so you don’t have to become the champion of an evil

Dra you can back out and that sort of thing so I’ve added some some ways of not getting basically steamrolled into having to do something that your character would not want to do like when you first walk into marar first thing that happens you get ambushed by this

Person who’s saying oh you dropped this note after having just watched someone get assassinated right in front of you oh did you drop this note uh no no I didn’t and and you know I didn’t and I know I didn’t also and I know that if I

Follow this note it’s going to lead me to getting arrested and put in a s in a mine and not having all of my gear and just going in for a really bad time because I’m not good at brawling and my character is is basically a glass Cannon

So I don’t want to do this Quest but now you’ve given me this piece of paper and I have to I have to go along because you know if I’m rping I don’t know that this is going to lead to a bad situation necessarily but

What I do know is on the front end it’s associated with someone who is a party to this situation has just gotten stabbed and broad daylight because of the situation and if you dig a little bit deeper you find out that they’re they are basically like you freshly new to town

So what’s to say that you’re not on The Hit List which I guess by rights you are but the the the quest that I’ve added enables you to be able to hand it back the note and say look this you’re trying to get me involved with what I just watched

Someone just got stabbed right in front of me right when I came in through the gate and now you’re trying to get me involved in it no this is your town fix your problem don’t don’t say that oh I I want it fixed but I don’t want to do it

Myself I want this stranger to do it haha I’m removed from it I’m not in danger yeah you are especially cuz if you’ve played that quest line you know that it doesn’t matter how much he wants to remove himself from it uh he is in absolute

Danger and when you go to tell him what your findings are that’s when you get thrown into s the mine so there is a mod that I have added that allows you to hand him back the note and say look no is no you fix the problem yourself and

He will never mess with you again you don’t have to go through sidam mine if you don’t want to do that Quest L and who knows Maybe by not participating in that you can have other roleplay options maybe maybe you can help to grow the influence of the reachmen or

Something like that I don’t know maybe there’s even a mod for doing that where if you help uh what’s his name mat matac mod knock something like that M something uh you can be all buddy buddy with the reachmen and so now whenever you go to a place that has all these brighter

Hearts they won’t initially try to kill you on sight because suddenly you are friendly with them I don’t know maybe that maybe that’s the thing but there are there are too many quests where they were either so proud of all their work that they had to force

People to do them or they didn’t know how to introduce people to some of these quests in any other way other than well we wrote this Quest and we want people to know it exists so let’s just make them have to do it if they step through this

Door and and you don’t always know what you’re getting into uh and Bethesda is notorious for that in many aspects like if you play Fallout 4 you how how do I when you have dialogue options you get four options a good a bad a neutral and a jokey

One but you don’t know what your dialogue is actually going to say when you select them and so you can pick one of the things and then all of a sudden what comes out of your character’s mouth is so diametrically opposed to what you were anticipating it being that you’re

Like oh I I regret everything that’s not what I would say oh God and I get that it it was for space reasons like like real estate on the screen space why they did that but but they have had circumstances like this where you don’t know what you are actually

Choosing until long after you have made the choice some of them you know if you’re saying yes to helping a dra you know that it’s it’s a bad guy thing but like for instance when you start the Mythic Dawn maybe your character doesn’t know the lore in

The history of the Mythic Dawn and so you get this piece of mail at I think level 10 it says there’s a new Museum opening in Dawnstar you go talk to the guy at the Museum and he says is his family has been uh in some way or another associated

With um the Mythic Dawn who used to be worshippers of maron’s dayone oh uh cuddles wants to trade with me okay pb5 oh I see thank you very much sh that will definitely last me the whole stream uh so you start with this and and as far as you

Know you’re helping some guy build a museum and and get special items that are missing from their collection to uh show the history of what his his family used to be and and he just wants to say I’ve got nothing else really going for my life so so I’m I figured

I’d at least just make a a a Historical Museum about this and it seems well intended enough and then at the very end of it you discover that you’ve been had again Beth hasda style and now you are following a guy up to this statue of meun ston and once you

Get there you either have to kill the dude at the request of Maron ston or otherwise suffer some some terrible consequences regardless of whether or not you’re trying trying to collect the dri artifacts you’ve been thrust into this terrible situation that you thought for sure you were just helping some guy collect

Items and you aren’t given the opportunity to investigate to ask around why this is happening why you’re looking for these what the objective is you like a good RPG really would do you don’t get the opportunity to you know do perception checks and that sort of thing is this

Person being a shyy person or not I don’t know I’m just collecting fragments of a broken dagger for a museum exhibit and I think that it’s good to have ingame op opportunities to go I smell a rat I’m going to say no to you and have a nice

Day doomed to Fall by SK wow so yeah the YouTube comes up in chat it just doesn’t come up up here in the top left of the tab list is so weird Oh Real Time MC Starlight 779 and Mr Lancelot are all between amethyst and gold Rank and

None of their ranks are showing up on TBL list either wonder what’s up with that that has to be a symptom of the same issue oh oh my phone alarm is going off I I shouldn’t need to worry about the cats tonight all right I I could bring up my list

Of mods but then I’d spend more time scrolling through than building on this and also just a couple streams ago I went through the list of all the mods that I was going to or or hoping to be able to include uh so now what’s this yes yeah okay it’s the pattern

Um I am going to however now switch over to the conversation about the 1.2.2 data pack collection that I am putting together for the refugee to read challenge there again taking Minecraft and instead of playing it as intended uh I am imposing some challenges one of them is I don’t get to

Use certain tiers of tools and things until I reach certain criteria that’s called the refugee to Regent challenge you start off the dirt hobble stage you can only use your fist and then once you get a certain threshold you can finally start making wood tools and then after the next threshold

You can make stone and then iron and so on so forth and then as you’re doing it you’re building a a town then a city then a kingdom and then an Empire of multiple cities and growing ever larger and ever farther as you go and I am adding a bunch of extra

Dimensions to Minecraft a bunch of other uh content and and I’m trying to make it so that it doesn’t overburden my TPS and the magic number of milliseconds per tick is 50 if you get past about 70 75 you really start to notice some stuttering but 75 is still still manageable for most

Things but I have noticed that with my current setup the more path blocks it seems that it’s based on the path blocks the more path blocks I have slower things are getting so I’m thinking I’m going to have to take out the traveler data pack uh because I don’t want to be

Constantly hovering at 15 ticks per second I want to at least have you know the ability to log in fresh at 20 ticks per second on Minecraft but uh I’m I’m just about at the point where I think I am good to go and it looks like I’ll be able to start

Both the Skyrim and the refugee to Regent series at or on the New Year oh you don’t need to apologize by the way cuddles that what you did was a lot I was going to make some later this stream and you just saved me from having to do that thank you very very

Much you are always a blessing and a peach oh also I forgot to respond to your question Johnny about what spot you think you got in the Royale uh I’m going to guess first place again and I’m going to guess there is some very angry people that you did it

Head shot not one hit this time oh honestly there are some games that especially some some of the older games that it was a lot easier to get head shot and here’s why if you had a good hit scan weapon you know like a a gun instead of

Something that shoots arrows or whatever or or slow physics projectiles like grenades or or missiles or whatever good hit scan weapons that only had lateral spray not vertical spray on older games there was a button that you could use to reset your position back to home

Position so that you were at 0 degrees in every direction uh of of looking around and you were set Square basically it was set your cursor level perfect if you knew that the terrain was was largely going to be at that same level then what that means

Is you were going to always be able to hit either the chest or the head no matter what and if you could do your jump just enough so that you only you got your practice in and go bang bang bang bang you would always always always 100% hit the head

So all you had to do was uh set your your cursor and then pick up your mouse and just use the keyboard for turning and you would never have to worry about accidentally aiming at their feet or whatever you would always always always be shooting at head level if you

Knew the terrain went well enough now games have changed a lot since then I’m not saying that that’s a viable option anymore in fact I’d say Anyone who puts out a game that you can do that uh hasn’t gotten the memo that we have made it past the year 2000

But depending on the way a game is set up up it can be a lot easier to go for head shots than you would expect and I have heard that with fork knife you can pretty much easy mode it if you can do that that jerk aiming that little Twitchy thing

Because it it connects the hit and it doesn’t know exactly where your projectile is so it just gives it a buffer of of freedom and it the the the rate doesn’t account for random movement like this so if you can get those twitch muscles going you can go BZ

And get lots and lots of really difficult shots to land because it guesses well I think they were hitting here and then it relies on the client server desync that is just inherent with every multiplayer game cuz your client says yep you got the hit and then it says to the server

It got got the hit and it aimed here and then the server says but no that wasn’t a hit but it got the hit so uh how do I justify this okay let’s just pad the numbers here and here and then say congratulations you got a hit maybe not

The hit that you think but you got a hit and so you can have this little buffer but it’s it’s really hard to do I think that that was actually patched out like at least a year ago or so but there are ways to exploit desync in

Order to get better hits oh my God back when Day Z was just a mod for Arma 2 Arma 3 ARMA 2 Armor 2 I think it was armor 2 um anyway Daisy which is a standalone game now uh back when it was just a mod there were some just bizarre

Exploits that you could do it made it so that if you weren’t competent at doing them the game was absolutely not fun because everyone else could you had to have lightning fast reflexes for pretty much everything and if you didn’t have those reflexes then you were basically hosed but I have

Heard that there are a number of games where the devs are trying to work around these sorts of problems and trying to find creative ways to work against client server desync work against uh twitch fighting or twitch muscle fighting um and and some some other things but I

Haven’t heard of anything that’s been actually developed yet to combat it because everyone is going to find something that they will use as an exploit like in Borderlands 2 for instance there’s this one boss that I have never actually fought I don’t know how the fight goes or no no I think I

Fought him once because I couldn’t get uh the shot to line up but you just had to stand in a certain spot and you could just get head shot after headshot after head shot and the boss never actually triggers and so you kill him before the fight

Starts and it was it was hilarious when I discovered it I I was just taking for granted that maybe at first maybe I could get a couple shots off and I thought oh well he’s he’s not coming after me how far can I go with this and then when I finally beat

Him I was like that was funny and exploitative and I’m glad I didn’t have to do the fight and then I just moved on and so I went back to that fight later on with new character and I was like oh yeah I remember this thing if I do this I

Wonder if it still works and sure enough it did and so every single time I would use the same exploit and if I’m susceptible to using gimmicks and exploits to circumvent mechanics and and get an upper hand then then certainly unscrupulous people are going to do it without any

Qualms about whether or not it’s fair so it is hard to make games that are quote fair for everyone I think the the only game that’s truly fair for everyone is Shoots and Ladders 100% chance based there is literally no skill involved even Candyland has skill and I

Just realized that a couple of days ago Candy Land is sort of like snakes and ladders but there are a couple intersections where you can choose to take the short cut so that means by having a strategy of choosing to take it or not take it

Then there is a small amount of skill involved but if you want to remove all likelihood of exploitation and games you’re going to have to remove all skill from games and those people who are likely to use exploits won’t play those games so you don’t even have to worry

About that sort of a toxic Community anyway in those sorts of games but the sorts of games that don’t have skill involved are a little less fun because now you’ve removed the human element so let’s see here Boop and then okay so I’m doing that

Oh on the subject earlier of my wife not being in Peak physical or Peak uh throat and and lung Health at the moment I have a small potential of also coming down with something like that because you know living in the same space and all that if that happens

O what we probably be happening is I’ll be putting out some videos instead of some streams or I will be doing some no commentary streams no or low commentary so I’m not coughing in you guys’s ears but just a heads up and what makes me uh reminded of this

Is I have been noticing that I’m taking a lot more drinks today while talking and my throat feels a little bit drier than normal and I don’t think it’s because of the uh chipotle sauce that I had during my lunch either I think this is uh actual Drythroats so just a heads up futurewise there might be some slightly less chatty streams and or videos in in the somewhat nearest Future that doesn’t mean I’ll stop working on my projects let see here uh oh oh server’s about to restart the subject of my project someone was mentioning in

Discord they asked about my three word third or three phrase story uh thing that I was doing do I know where you would be able to find the refugee to Regent rules that is a loaded question okay it took me a a good couple of hours to find some

Of the more full sets of rules because the wiki the current Wiki The the dude writing it just gave up uh there’s nothing for the new deep slate and Below content there there’s there’s there’s no rules that take into account any of the the newer versions of the

Game and also if you go on the way back machine and you do find some of the Fuller sets of rules uh it’s obviously for older games and oh one point again one point why do you do that that’s more I’m asking me why do I

Do that why don’t I look before I click cuz if it says one point I could go over to another Hub and maybe it’ll say more points anyway um so what I am doing what I’m doing is I am compiling the rules myself all of the different sets of rules in one

Place so that I can have everything all together and I’m making a channel for it on my Discord it is a one of my current Works in progress I am I am actively working on it because I need to get this information in place uh but online any of the resources that there

Were and or are for the refugee Regent challenge are limited because the person or people who were responsible for the initial challenge didn’t keep up to date with modern updates and the the people who picked up the torch to to try to flash things out a bit they only got

So far before they didn’t have time or interest in continuing so what I’m going to have to do is I’m G to fill in all the blanks as best I can I’m G to make special rules that fit what seems to be the criteria for like the Deep slate

Below and and other things and also I’m going to make additional rules that fit the the premise of adding all these other dimensions that I’ll be adding for the uh series that I’m doing so once I get all the rules typed up and in place

On the Discord server I will open it to the public and then uh it’s going to be basically I I want all the rules to be in one string uninterrupted by other dialogues so that it can just be pinned to the top of the channel so you can scan through it that

Way and then I’ll just have it chaptered so that that different points of the conversation can be clicked on to to go down further into it um basically there is no single complete source for all the refugee to Regent rules as as it would stand right

Now I guess that’s the the short way of answering your question is uh where would I find it you wouldn’t sadly but because I have saved documents from back when I used to do the challenge previously and because I have access to some links to some of the waybacks that

I found I’m going to see if I can find some more of the waybacks as well uh and because I have all those saved wikis and all that kind of stuff I’m I’m going to combine everything together and hope to get the entire challenge all in one place I do

Have uh let’s see here on my Discord where let’s see here no no no Refuge let’s go old first okay I have a channel on my Discord called The Refuge and it it was put together for people who were uh active on my server which is called The Refuge and uh I I put a pin that has the general stages as I knew them uh dirt

Wood Stone iron gold Redstone lapis glowstone emerald diamond nether star and then that is the brunt of the old information so you can find the old information on my Discord or at least some of it but that is not all that there exists of the challenge Sadly that is pinned right me go over to the Refuge where and the pins yeah that’s pinned it’s near the bottom of the pins I was working on checklists for the stages so that people wouldn’t have to try to interpret the meaning of of some of the things and cross reference files that

They may not know where they are I was trying to make just an ongoing checklist for each stage but when people stopped really hanging out on my server I kind of just you know stopped keeping on top of that project scrolly scrolly minimize that and back to no that’s not what I wanted

To do back to here but good question a lot bigger question than you probably anticipated it being short answer I have some links in my Discord long answer is it is not the complete challenge and it is certainly not up to date I am in the process of

Updating the challenge to Modern Times And to incorporate the data packs that I’m using for my own personal attempt at the challenge oops oops on the subject objective challenges uh before I thought I was going to be able to actually get Skyrim on this computer I was starting to

Pursue a World of Warcraft challenge where and I’m I’m still going to be doing it but uh not not as often as I was originally going to uh where I’m playing a dwarf and one in World of Warcraft one of the things that is common is when you start talking to

Something or someone rather they have a greeting praise like hey there and then when you’re done with the dialogue they they say some parting phrase like a dude might say goddess be with you or whatever one of The Parting phrases of the dwarves is keep your feet on the ground and I

Figured if I’m playing a dwarf I’m I want to have some fun with it by imposing a challenge so what my challenge is for world Warcraft for my uh single player server is I’m playing in first person only I’m playing a dwarf so I don’t get to see what’s over the

Hill I don’t get to look around corners but also I am not allowed to use flight pads I am not allowed to use mounts I am not allowed to leave the ground unless I am forced to to advance like for instance uh oh boy what’s that dungeon that instance uh Wailing

Caverns there is a point where you have to jump in Wailing Caverns and that that’s that’s acceptable that’s necessary fine whatever but everywhere else I am abstaining from jumping I’m abstaining from flight paths and if if I want to get somewhere in a hurry then basically the only option I have is

Hearthstone and the way I look at Hearthstone is when I use a Hearthstone I burrow into the ground and I pop up somewhere else so my feet are still on the ground that’s the way I jump justify it but I like to once I am confident

That I’ve gotten as much out of the main game as I can of something I impose challenges and I like it it’s it’s fun and I don’t like to do small things either so the challenges tend to be rather massive last time I did the refugee to Regent Challenge and actually went

Through it through it and this was like um 2018 something like that I got to the point where I had built so many cities in the kingdom and and even a city in the end oh dang it which I was treating as space that I had this Intergalactic trade

Conglomeration as part of the the I guess the story line to go with it and that’s the sort of thing that I like to do is just add some story to St to to all of my little projects guess it’s a symptom of being a writer is I’m I’m trying to put stories

Everywhere I Go oh I should say if you want to see those existing rules for the refugee to region to challenge as I Google docked them so many years ago uh it is on my Discord if you follow the link that I have down in the description

And then pick a reaction rooll to join one of the roles you’ll be able to see most of the rest of the Discord uh I think I have it set up so that anyone with the Minecraft role can see the Refuge I think and then if you go to the pins of The

Refuge uh near the bottom of the pins you’ll see the list of Google doc links for all that excuse me now one thing about this this throat situation that my wife has had and that I might be getting is when she went to the uh Urgent Care place they did the tests and

Confirmed it is not the plague so that’s a good thing but it’s still something and it’s a it’s a problem what’s even funnier is uh one of my plans for a new series of videos that I actual videos not streams that I was planning on putting up

Soon or starting to put up soon on my channel is in Skyrim and actually in all the Elder SCS games there are books actual in-game books with lore and stuff to read spending time I’m inside a game reading books it’s great oh time at that’s not at noon be weather clear

And I thought that it would be cool to make a video where each of the books in the game slash games get red just just one short little video of reading the book I don’t know thief or the book uh the legend of Red Eagle or any old of the Skyrim

Books and just have like a little audio book of it there’s even a mod called the audio books of Skyrim that a number of them are pretty good quality but the rest are let’s just say that I will be reading them myself but I figure if I do lose my voice or whatever

That’s something else that I can do is just start recording the videos of the audiobooks of Skyrim and uploading those already how did you wow I’ve already emptied out that whole shuler’s worth huh that went faster than it felt like it should have did I put things no huh okay I’m busy building

Um in in the wow thing um what I will be doing when it comes to the instances is because I’m playing single player and the instances are literally designed to not be done single player at level I will either be going back and doing them like 10 or 15 levels later or

When it comes to trying to get some of the is necessary for in LEL quests what I have is some commands that I can do where it just says uh I I I Target something and I just type damage a th000 damage 1 th000 damage a th and

Then I manually kill things off the rest of the way or damage 10,000 or damage a million or or whatever is is appropriate for the mob hi hi you big pile of explosive leaves what’s up you know that’s what creepers are right they they aren’t really sensient they just smell compostable material I.E

You and they hone in and try to explode as close close to you as possible so that the seeds which get then buried into your skin have the best opportunity of using your nutrients to grow more and that’s why they look almost humanoid like they have almost feet and

Faces is because the previous victim’s skull is in there surrounded by these these clumps of plant material and it’s not so much sensient as it is is just reacting to pheromones what’s up buddy that’s why they sound like a rustling pile of leaves and Beyond The Creeper origin

Story which was a malformed pig model that’s actually basically the lore in Universe for the creeper is that they are walking plants or unless they retconed it again which is fully possible oops oops and oops you missed you missed Again get good Scrub have I played sport okay so I have Spore on my wish list I used to have Spore the game itself oh my God I’m the only one who’s having things spawn near them because oh hi hello everyone holy cow one for you one for you one for you and your friend

And I got stuck on a block wow that was weird delay that I didn’t even let go of the bow it just decided to let go for me that was Fun I see hearts uh but I have uh I have played Spore in the past I love the premise of of uh starting small and then expanding there there is a clicker game that I am mildly addicted to I I use the word word mildly in quotes um I’m I’m heavily addicted to

Many clicker games and and idle games I am actually planning on making a a stream interface where I can have a whole bunch of idol and clicker games playing all at once and just call it like the ADHD idle clicker Extravaganza or something like that um but anyway one

Of the games is called cell to Singularity you start off as you know just cells and protozoa and things like that and then eventually over time you evolve into Intergalactic creatures and then you just keep going from there and colonizing Mars and all that kind of stuff and it’s just an idle clicker

Game but before Spore before I found Spore there was a game that used one of the the Spore mechanics the early mechanics of you are a simple single celled organism and you have to go around dodging hungrier bigger single- celled organisms and consuming enough nutrition to grow and then

Evolve and that part of sport I love it because it reminds of a game that I played before Sport and I I’ve just always been fascinated by Progressive growth games I I just something about them is appealing to my brain uh it’s part of the reason why I

Like uh Rogue likes and Rogue lights like with a K and light with a t two different types of games similar but different and the principle behind them is you you get as far as you possibly can and then get as many of insert currency here gold experience

Whatever uh and then when you die you get to spend those currency to have an upgrade so you can have more Health going into it or or do more damage and yada y yada and it’s the same sort of principle you slowly but surely get better and better

And better the more you play it the more you reincarnate and everything else the better you get and so when when Cookie Clicker came out you can bet safely that I was addicted to it far more than I should have been and then when I found all these Idol and

Clicker games for free on Steam there went all of my life all of my free time went into clicker games for the longest time and so I guess uh to to shorten the rest of this discourse yes I am very very interested in in the Spore type

Games um oh and those zombies that the creepers remind you of um what is that game with the mushroom zombies is that the last of us there have been so many zombie games I don’t I don’t know what’s what anymore oh oh no is the mushroom zombies The Last of

Us it oh it is because this the series that’s the last of us is the series and that’s the mushroom zombie so yes yes good I almost felt like a fail nerd all right uh what was I about to oh torches pv2 I don’t need all all these torches but whatever okay So basically these are going to get the double treatment okay so I get the single treatment for all of them oops and then I will come back in and do the double treatment I should actually be underneath so that I can capture things if I need to break them light is

Important and I really do love I I can’t get over in my eyes how nice nicely that specific color of blue goes with this specific color of gray that is the main Motif for the chiseled Stone I could not have locked out any better because it really does it pops and in other

Circumstances because there’s that little split right there in the pattern of the Chisel deep slate it makes it look like something just belongs there and oh chef’s kiss it’s a subtle detail only really I probably care one way or the other about it but when it comes down to it that’s all

That matters is if I think it looks good cuz I’m going to be the one who’s looking at it anyway but I I really do feel like I lucked out in my choice or in my options cuz imagine if like for instance the best block to look like it had a

Hole all the way through would have been I don’t know a perple block or something imagine Perle with that color torch no ew or even worse imagine if it was a prismarine imagine if I could manufacture prismarine at at the scale of 3.2 million blocks and I was given the choice of

Well I have a a yellow torch and I have a soul torch I mean at that point I would have to go with the yellow torch but uh just uh or if it was wood that I had to no I don’t want to think about it well

Maybe H maybe dark oak would be okay with this as a wood well I don’t need to think about that because I have the Deep slate this thing is giving you major anxiety this this manger sponge is giving you Anxiety yeah it’s still just the three of us on I’m thinking Mr Merlin splits his time between here and candy now he used to have an auto login that would just as soon as it was up all three of his characters would pop back into here

Instantly but but I think that both the auto login no longer functions and they split their time between servers hello here can I convince you to walk off the edge no I Can I just played golf with a zombie look at that it took a couple of putts but it worked that’s a game that I used to have all the achievements for but then they added more achievements so now I’m going to have to go back and do it again golf with your

Friends wow I’m so far up here it has been quite a long time since I’ve played golf with your Friends to the point where they have several new maps that I’m completely unfamiliar with but at one point once upon a time I had a what steam calls a perfect game of golf with your friends and one of those was tough to Geto I seem to recall spending about a

Week solid trying to get one of the achievements on that game like I’d gotten everything else and then one was just eluding me and it was it was hilarious ious too because the friend who got me golf with your friends on Steam for my birthday wi

Year he got this achievement like on the first try and here I am slepping around going oh come on give it to me I need this Achievement I think I have 27 games on Steam that are what they call Perfect Games 26 or 27 something like that oh uh a perfect game on Steam is you have obtained 100% of the achievements like for instance Johnny you got me introduced to that pinr

Speaking of uh Idol games you got me introduced to panal and just over the weekend I got the last two achievements and now pcal is one of my perfect games I got the score of over 500 and that was the last one that I needed pv2 but if you’re talking about golf

Golf a perfect game is ho in one yes uh actually if you’re talking about golf there’s you try to get par or under par and there is a way to calculate what a perfect game is per hole based on on the physics programmed into the game and and the requirements

And all that kind of stuff cuz you if there are for instance if there are 18 holes then if it is possible to get a hole in one on every single one then a perfect game is a score of 18 but that’s not the case there are some that it’s literally impossible to

Get a hole in one so there is some lower limit that you can go for a perfect game of golf but it has to be calculated per hole oops oops speaking of hole that’s a Miss place now nothing’s going to spawn hooray huzzah oh God that huzzah that just reminded me of vampire

The Masquerade re or of is it no it’s not BL lines vampire masquerade requium I think is the the older one or you’re in the the old town and you’re the hero at least temporarily and people are like huzzah with their golden eye pixelated triangular faces oh no byebye I’m not

Going after you when this build was a lot smaller I would chase after those individual blocks but now it takes a long time to go get them I am so high up that all I can see is the smoke from the campfires which oddly enough you can see that farther than the

Terrain and then just the tippy top at the closest bit of that build there which they never finished grab a drink here definitely going to have to get a refill before the stream is over I think I’m I’ve got one more mouthful left in there and it’s 10 so let’s see here

Tomorrow I think I’m probably going to do some more Skyrim stream because now I know I’m going to have to test all of the main quest lines uh which is unfortunate but if I want to run into as few snags as possible and as few surprises as

Possible when I go to actually do the character in character I I want to make sure that all of my mods are working as best as they can I have sent a message to excuse me both the dev of the at your own pace and the dev of

The College of Winter Hold Quest expansion voicing my concern about how the patch isn’t making it work and the thing is the patch that I downloaded is rather recent and I couldn’t find an older patch and I’m wondering if what they did when they made this more recent patch

Is accidentally copying the wrong cell information uh for the metadata I I don’t know much about the creation kit and how the different mod development kits are capable of just importing old things and then allowing you to just fiddle with one thing at a time uh I I would expect that most

Things would be able to allow you to do that but perhaps some of them require you to fill in all the data from scratch and if that’s the case it’s really easy to get tunnel vision while you’re doing code and just go I’m going to type what I see

And forget that oh on this field I need to type in the thing that’s specific for this mod or this program or whatever uh so I’m I’m thinking that what has happened as best as I can tell is one of the items just one single SLE item in the

Patch conflicts with all the rest of the stuff and in the uh College of Winter Hold Quest expansion when you finish that initial W lesson it has a trigger to begin the College of winter hold quest line the the you have to do alteration quests and and restoration

Quests and Conjuring and all that kind of stuff Conjuring not summoning I said summoning earlier in the Stream because my brain went derp um it looks like because of how xedit has identified a conflict in that spot that what they did is they accidentally left in the

Master information from the main game in that one spot for the patch cuz the quest expansion mod send you on the quest expansion C uh tree I guess is the the uh stem root root maybe it’s root uh I’m still learning the terminology basically the start of the quest L Quest expansion quest

Lines uh and it’s a different completely different name than all of the other in that same field for what you’re supposed to do next so all the others do the next one is mg01 or something like that main game one and then for the quest expansion in that spot it says cow something

Something1 but then the patch has the mg1 tag from the main game and it it just feels Feels Like That is supposed to be the C but when I’ve tried to edit it it says somehow I’m making a uh cyclic Loop inside the the the reference calls so I am not versed well

Enough to fix it myself so I’ve brought it up to the attention of the mod developers and maybe they can take a look at it I ECT what happened is though that the aty own pace guys when they pushed out this last mod this last patch

They they went oops I left the main game information in this one spot and now the quest expansion never starts cuz if I take the quest expansion out that your own pace starts you can’t I mean tol deer walks off but you can go talk to him and you you start the saral

Stuff just fine but it’s supposed to have a mention of the uh going into the individual lessons and I have also tested it with just the quest expansion and that works just fine still it’s when I have the at your own pace and the quest expansion and the patch that things

Break so I’m I’m waiting to hear back on that but in the meantime I’m going to have to test Thieves Guild Dark Brotherhood Bard’s College the main quest line uh what else is there the companions uh e is that it it doesn’t feel like enough guilds Fighter’s Guild is

Older than taking over by Skyrim major Guild is College of Winter Hold uh Morag Tong is dark brotherhood um oh oh I know what what’s missing okay there’s also the thing stuff when you become THS for the different holds I’ll have to test that make sure that’s

Working uh oh and the blades that’s what it is the blades but I don’t get to the blades until a little bit further in I to do the Dophin stuff and all that but everything else seems to be largely working uh I I am going to Snoop

Around and see if I can find some little ply things to help add a little bit more immersion uh I’m not worried about oh my God uh I don’t remember the name of the dev that started the trend but there there is this new Skyrim Trend

Where where a lot of the mods are adding laundry and and hanging your laundry from laundry lines and stuff like that and them reacting to the wind and oh it’s it’s cute but I I’m not interested in that level of immersion please and thank you if it’s cute and yes people need to

Do their laundry even in Skyrim but I I’m drawing the line it it that’s where it becomes a little silly and this is coming from someone who added a mod so that extra snow slops off tree boughs when it’s snowing and you’re in a snowy area oops double

Oops cute idea laundry the laundry of Skyrim or something like that but there are many other things that I would like to get immersed in I wish okay so the I there’s a there’s a bunch of stuff that you can do using I need and a couple other things where you

Need sleep food drink and they make some really neat mechanics and you get weaker if you don’t have all three you can eventually starve to death and all that kind of stuff and problem is it has unforeseen interactions with other mods like for instance the convenient horses mod and a

Couple other things that make it so if you’re trying to do some kinds of chat options it breaks the game so uh I have had to do away with I need and and survival and all that kind of stuff for that reason and also because there are several mods that I’ve

Installed which make it get so that you don’t have access to beds or food or anything else for quite a long time uh I’m I’m actually kind of concerned when it comes to the saving situation in in those mods I’m going to just have to play it by

Ear darken looks like it’s going to be problematic but we’ll see oh uh that’s another thing that I have as far as immersion is concerned for the Skyrim is I have made it so that there’s no fast travel uh you uh you have to go on foot ride a horse rent a

Carriage a ferry that sort of thing there’s there’s no fast travel it’s disabled but I have put a streamlabs uh thing let’s see here card I guess do I have it on this I I don’t have it hand I mean I could switch over to the Skyrim

Thing here there we go on the top right it says $2.50 able to use horse $5 able to use cart and Ferry $6.66 can teleport to Winter Hold on once you’re a member of winter col Winter Hold $10 able to fast travel I can turn it back on and then $15 torture

Must slow walk cuz you know I was trying to come up with something to add to the interact ability for that game I was also going to do some stuff on here like for instance have a $250 uh tip and you can come get my bounty oh that reminds me

I have a bounty of $ 68,800 I don’t think I have any no I don’t have any bounties on anyone let’s see here oh I’m in fourth place yeah short book gaming at quarter of a million everyone took the good bounties before candy came Out but when you get a bounty you also get their Bounty head that’s the collectible item can you bount to Yourself wow I can Type you cannot Bounty yourself oh yeah that’s right you can’t bount to yourself and you can’t collect your own Bounty they they fixed that in more recent versions of that mod or Plugin I mean right oh come on oh yeah definitely had to refill my drink I’ll be right back

Okay I’m back I have a drink I have loved on the cats and I have made sure that the wife is doing okay so anyway I think tomorrow is going to be another Skyrim stream because I really am wanting to get both of these started on or or by the the beginning of

The new year so that I can just have them going and so I want to just get all the prep work just just get it out of the way just finish it up that way I’m not putting things off uh I have lots and lots of of Minecraft projects obviously and those

Are not going to stop being worked on that would be silly of me but I I definitely want to have the the buffers of the other projects the other series that I want to work on because in addition to the refugee to Regent data pack series and the immersion Skyrim series uh I

Also have a sort of a Choose Your Own Adventure series that I’m doing on my Channel That’s based on the back rooms that’s going to be accompanying one of my coming books and then I also have a series that I’m calling the sequence which follows and Chronicles The Adventures of a single

Character who keeps getting thrust into Misfortune after Misfortune having to start over from scratch so that they can continue their journey to get and retrieve and return the McGuffin or whatever to where it needs to be and their Adventure is going to take them from one video game to the next to

The next to the next to the next I have a whole storyline already planned out there are a couple of aspects of it that I’m thinking of expanding to include uh just a few more games I’m I’m really upset that the game breath Edge doesn’t have an open-ended option where you

Can use the same mechanic and just go get materials to make your own stuff in a maybe like a procedurally generated asteroid field or something like that I I I am saddened by the fact that the different modes other than the main storyline mode don’t have that functionality there’s a sort of a

Creative mode where you can go through but it’s obvious that it’s in creative and the story line is still there it forces you to storyline but because unless you’re in the main storyline you can’t do the storyline event triggers and so you’re stuck in that first Zone forever and I have triple

Confirmed that materials do not regenerate in that game once you use it it’s gone now you can take some materials and and flush them down the toilet and get something else But there again in order to get the materials to flush down the toilet you have to find the materials how much

Space okay so this might be a silly question in response to your question about the fun guy but are we talking Minecraft fun guy oh my goodness as mushroom as they oh it was a freaking dead joke oh no I thought we were going somewhere realistic here I thought I thought you were

Legitimately asking like you were trying to figure out like you were getting into growing some some food mushrooms like some uh turkey of the forest or whatever they’re called chicken of the forest whatever um or or like portellas or whatever cuz there there are some rules for uh optimized growing for for the

Substrate and the mellal network needs to have a certain amount in order to support enough Fring bodies to be able to make it worth your while to harvest an adequate amount of edible mushrooms so I literally thought because you work in the food industry as a a sous chef I literally

Thought that you were asking how much a mushroom needed how much space and mushroom needed to to grow and I did not see the second thing you posted until after I was trying to find out if you were talking about Minecraft or not so good job good job on

Engaging me that was that was fun little [Laughter] Adventure what that say Val valuables okay hey oh I did pick it up I’ve got five bars there’s only three people on the server and oh well I can’t see the milliseconds per tick because I’m not hosting uh there’s no actual way on

Here to find out the milliseconds per tick there there’s just none of that information unless what is p no it no no no on This Server it wouldn’t be hovering there it would be well hold on I wonder if p is milliseconds per tick on 19.4 I don’t think it would be oh

Well but if it if it is spiking up to 70 and 80 and all that then that would make sense why I would getting some of those delays like that would be around the delay 15 ticks per second oops I’m thinking that’s just coincidence though one day I need to sit down and

Figure out what all those little uh variables are hey give me that back oh I got a bunch of Greek yogurt I’m going to have Greek yogurt after this stream maybe I’ll just have Greek yogurt for dinner that sounds like it coat my throat pretty nice oh

They didn’t have good bananas when I went shopping or good plantains and strawberries cost too much oh wait I can pour in some V8 and mix it in with the yogurt I’ve got the strawberry banana V8 wait your mushroom pun reminds me of one that

I came up with a long time ago uh as a kid why didn’t Mr and Mrs fungus have a kid because they didn’t have much room well actually actually hold on let’s see here ingredients we have not enough light okay sweet potatoes carrots beets and apple strawberry and banana and then some citric

Acid and and a couple vitamins so I mean potatoes and beets it’s not Tomatoes um the here’s the thing the the regular plain V8 uh it’s not really all that bad it really isn’t people add stuff to it and make it either too salty or or tastes a

Little bit funny but uh it’s not terrible however there are other versions of V8 like the V8 splashes that are still combinations of fruits and vegetables that use some of the stuff like the tomatoes and the potatoes and carrots and stuff but but they they mix it in such a way

That it disguises some of the I guess the bitterness or the sharpness of some of those other flavors so it’s more tolerable I I actually I like most V8s I won’t say all I AB there are absolutely some that I don’t enjoy but there’s there’s an awful lot of

Different varieties of V8 one of my favorites oh when I found this I I probably almost drank myself sick on this stuff the blueberry pomegranate or pomegranate blueberry same thing might as well be oh oh my God it’s so good and I think the one of the vegetables in that is the sweet Potatoes yeah that that tickle right there has me concerned in my throat cuz it is hard to avoid catching something when you’re in the same space and breathing the same air as someone else who’s not feeling well it’s difficult and then add to that the fact that I’m talking for about four hours

Solid I’m definitely going to be taking it easy and plenty hydrated now V8 also has like some really tasty versions of just strictly vegetable ones there’s ones with uh it’s all green stuff like there’s celery and um I think kale and a couple other of the the trendy good for you what was

That what just happened there that was very weird uh actually I think we have the green stuff in the fridge but but what I will say is V8 a nice glass of of just regular V8 nice cold glass goes great with a a small pile of buttered toast

And and like some sausage for breakfast V8 is for me personally V8 is one of those really good for breakfast drinks not cereal breakfast I’m not a Madman not in that respect anyway but uh when it comes to stuff like you know toast and sausage and bacon and

Eggs and stuff V8 is is actually pretty darn good it’s it’s a good enough drink and it it complement some of like the the salt and the butter pretty nicely I think and the salt and the cheese like when you add cheese to your eggs and

Stuff and plus it’s you know it’s it’s tomato so it’s not that far off and also also I find that plain V8 compliments a nice salad pretty well too especially if you’re not adding tomato to the salad if you don’t add the tomato to the salad like you don’t add the tomato or

Or onions to the salad and then you have just uh another kind of salad and have a V8 as your drink they go hand in hand pretty well too then again my opinion there’s no accounting for Taste everyone has different taste but pallet wise there are some good things that plain V8

Is well suited for but V8 also has like 30 million other flavors than just their plain stuff because they recognized that people wanted to drink healthy but they hated the flavor of tomatoes for instance if I wanted a bloody mary I’d drink a bloody Mary a nice tall glass of salsa thanks but uh when they started pushing out some of the other varieties and sails went through the roof they realized they were onto something and good for them good for them for for testing the market and then finding their little

Niche because they have come up with some real bangers of drinks like that that blueberry pomegranate oh oh man that’s a good one strawberry banana V8 speaking my Language oops oops Oops so I think what I’m going to be doing for tomorrow’s stream is I I have I have removed the College of Winter Hold uh Quest expansion and the aty own pace quest Quest expansion patch something looks wrong oh I’m starting this I’m I think I’m going

To try to get through the College of winter hold stuff and then maybe the Dark Brotherhood actually I I need to do the main game I need to actually test whether or not the the main quest line is properly functioning that’s really the most important one um and there are a number

Of people in some of the comments saying well when you get to dragon Rising the yl doesn’t talk to you or whatever and the dev has made some uh mod configuration menu options to manually Advance some of the things which means that they are aware that there are some bugs that are so

Pervasive that they had to include bug fixes in the menu uh so I’m going to have to test that one for sure so I think I’ll prioritize the main quest so I guess we’re going after alwin um and but I need I need to test the the

Core game quest lines of the different guilds and fractions uh especially I need to make sure that the uh Civil War does not even have to be touched in order to beat the game I have to make sure because the character or either of the characters no that’s

Wrong one of the characters that I would want to play uh doesn’t give two Hoots about Civil War as a matter of fact is it thinks it’s a ridiculous thing it doesn’t want to be involved with it another of the characters that I want to play is based on one of the

Characters from one of the sagas that I’m writing called The Blessing gear Saga and he AB so freaking lutely despises the Imperials because the Imperials are the lap dogs of the AL Mar Dominion in in his eyes and they’re responsible for uh killing his family and so he he is all four for

Joining the Stormcloaks as immediately as possible and wants to single-handedly win the civil war so I I one character doesn’t care the other one absolutely cares but I wanted to have the option of not needing to do the Civil War for for being able to do the main quest

Line so I I have to test that and like I said I want to get this testing done before the end of the year so that I can just step into the series for what else what else um let’s see here there is H what mod was that oh never

Mind I I had a concern there for a second there was a mod that I used to have installed long time ago that oh for Skyrim that about every 10 minutes you had to enter something in the console to get it to work right and I realized I don’t have to worry about

That cuz I’ve uninstalled that mod not only for that reason but also because the dev is a a goober and refuses to fix some very obvious bugs like the map is upside down for instance go east which means go left go north you know down thanks map um ouch

But I don’t have that mod installed so I don’t have to worry about that what else I I do need to I’ll do this after I’m done with this stream in fact I I think I have downloaded the correct mod to make it so that that one

One outfit isn’t the red triangle of ridiculousness um the the blades outfit and the easiest way for me to test that is to just you know make a new character go into the uh explorers excavation start go to that secret chamber GG it’s Haley this Haley is not on wild so I

Can’t GG at them uh let’s see here oh with my character um I’m probably going to be doing the alien visitor Explorer and not the blessing gear character but uh basically when it comes to doing the religions because that one allows you to gain favor without praying At All by simply exploring

Places and then you get the ability to see where things are nearby once you get high enough favor I think that using that one is the best fit for the character because my character isn’t going to want to have to worship anything because my character will know

Wait these are just more aliens like me they’re not Gods I’m not a God I can do cool stuff but I’m not a God I have Scruples so I’m not going to make people worship me like a cult and then also have the advantage of by by

Having this God as the thing that I worship the Zares as I Explore More and I familiarize myself with the world get more comfortable in my skin suit so to speak it on its own unlocks my uh innate familiarity with being able to you know detect energy nearby and other life

Forms and stuff like that so I can almost slip into it just without any effort storyline wise for my character as using the winter sun god Zares but not actually worshiping it not using it as a god per se I think I can justify quote worshiping something uh one thing that I did

Discover last time I was playing is when you go to the different shrines and hover over them it tells you what the blessing is for each Shrine so you can go shopping for blessings why did that block disappear back into my hand I wonder that behaved as if there was an

Entity there or something oh well but yeah Zares is the de facto one but the other one that I might go after is hermus MOA and here’s why the knowledge stuff cuz I’m trying to get the knowledge and information and the lore oh that hurt of of ner and Tamriel so I

Believe when you kill certain humanoid NPCs they have a chance of drop dropping these knowledge fragments or or to Pages or something I think it’s pages and then when you get enough pages of certain collections or books you can assemble them together into a to that

You can then learn from learn what I don’t know so I’m I’m thinking about experimenting with that one I don’t know if you have to pray to Main maintain a reasonable level of uh favoritism with heres MOA uh it might be another one of those sort of autopilot things where you can

Get it just from reading a lot of books all the time but the problem with that is there will come a time when I run out of new books to read if that’s what the way of of getting the favoritism so I’m going to look into

It I do know right where to get the shrine for hermus Moa and there are a couple books that you can get that will trigger that option as well but some of those are just random chance spawns and I I don’t know if I can find a place that’s

Guaranteed to have any of the titles that are linked to hermus MOA uh and there are a couple other ones that I am interested in we’ll see there is another character type that I was wanting to look into and I’m not it would it will be a difficult one at least for me

Anyway and it’s going to be effectively a Madman I’m going to do all the shoro content I’m going to rely on the Waba Jack and I’m going to use frenzy and Madness and and other things uh hallucinations illusion that sort of stuff as my go-to but I don’t know how viable that’s

Going to be for you know like defeating aloin and all that kind of stuff so I have to test the waters why wasn’t the mushroom invited to the party I don’t know Aaron why wasn’t the mushroom invited to the party there wasn’t Mushroom why wasn’t their mushroom friend invited to the party because he wasn’t a fun guy he went oh so he is a fun guy I was lied too this whole time what was that oh that was torch smoke that was weird for a second I I don’t know what I thought I

Saw a bug eventually I’ll be high enough that those things don’t exist somewhere down there is the ground I’m in space oh right I can see the top now oh my God I am well past the halfway point holy cow well I mean I’ll I’ll be starting back

Down at that level when I get over to here but still on this one at least I I am way up here holy smokes progress and progress and progress baby yeah oh you’re not bugging me at all I enjoy the company I I’m streaming because well two

Reasons one I’m going to be doing this sort of project anyway and it doesn’t make sense if I can stream to not stream it makes no sense and secondly I have a number of regulars who enjoy coming on and hanging out and it’s like it’s like going to a friend’s house and

And chilling on their couch while watching them play a video game you don’t necessarily have to play you can be on your phone and you can just talk about you know whatever School the weather work working at school while under the weather what oh I’ve already gone through that Shuler holy

Cow all are welcome and I stream every week many times a week several different kinds of games and I also stream and hang out on my Discord you can follow the link in the description to my Discord but to see what’s going on you’ll have to pick a

Roll because I’ve made it so that I can defend myself against the army of bots and I actually have managed to block since I put in my log file output I have managed to block seven Bots I have discovered so it’s working oh Superman okay fun fun fun Idea head Cannon for me Superman is a Jedi Jedi exist in our universe that is Canon lore they exist in our timeline that is Canon lore they exist now but the settings for the Star Wars saga happens a long time ago in a galaxy far far away so we’re in the distant

Future of the Star Wars stuff now Superman has the ability to do all these wonderful things but he wasn’t properly trained and so maybe none of the other people on this planet were properly trained either but all my hypothesis is that all kryptonians are Force sensitive they’re not flying

By Magic as a matter of fact Superman is susceptible to Magic that’s one of his only main vulnerabilities is Magic uh and the force isn’t Magic it is is it is just a natural ability now what he can do is he can use Force powers to jump he can use Force powers

To he thinks he’s super strong and can lift heavy object with his arms but he’s fooling himself he’s just using the force his eye laser beams it’s like Force lightning only it’s coming from his eyes it’s ey lasers his his breath blast it’s just uh complicated Force push uh that’s

Attached to you know Kryptonian Superstition they built their society around having Force Powers but also having Superstition this is all head Cannon by the way but everything that Superman does and can do is easily explainable as a force Power so I am going to propose that uh not only is Superman

A let’s say a challenged Jedi but also Zod and those other ones are our Galaxy’s version of Sith discuss hello David Rossy oh somewhere I’ve written down like this this fullon explanation of several of his abilities that he’s exhibited in the past and tied them to well pre- Disney

Canon from the Star Wars Universe can’t believe they just said yay you know all these Decades of work that’s been put into the Star Wars franchise and all the stuff that’s been Cannon for everyone for their entire lives nah we’re going to retroactively say that no you don’t get to have this

This is all pretend pretend Brian J Anderson Timothy Zan all the all the good Star Wars authors all that work that they put in nah it’s not canon anymore well if they can be fast and loose with their Cannon then I can say that it’s just fan in fiction of the real Cannon

And the real Cannon is the real Cannon so ner ner I still don’t know why they decided to DEC canonize all that uh existing lore and then they tried to come up with reasons why some things happen in the Star Wars Universe when it’s obvious that they’ve never actually read the stuff that’s

Literally already answered that question and is Canon I I don’t like it when non fans get a hold of a franchise grab another drink here For Okay I look down in these empty spaces for two reasons one it’s a lovely view to see how how much progress I’ve made but also it’s slightly terrifying to realize how much further down even than that things Go I am well let’s see Here Two three four five 5 * 27 so that would be uh well over 130 M oh no no no uh no I’m right I’m right I’m right 5 time 27 over 130 M this is such a huge build the biggest manger sponge I’ve built legitimately before in

Game is just a tier four I I’m presently working on a tier four tier four starts there comes up through this and ends there that’s tier four this is the side of a tier four I have built tier fours in game legitimately before and that’s the

Biggest I’ve ever done this is this is a tier five five and boy oh boy this is a big one 3.2 million blocks all right right couple days ago slept real funny on my left shoulder and it has not been happy ever Since I have to keep swinging it forward to get it to line back up right and I think I think what I managed to do is get some of the nerve or or some other tissue inside where the joint is meant to be and it’s getting just slightly pinched every

Time it goes in a certain direction not happy with Me all right oh that’s something okay that’s something that I’m going to have to figure out as far as the story line for being in the uh dragon born Museum and Arian calling my exploits those of the dragon born I think that what I’m going to do with

That is for the Lord of my character is have them at first not understand what Dragon b means but secondly when they do put two together go maybe orian is just calling it The Dragon Born Museum and I just happen to be the one that uh is getting the the press for all

These exploits and if there is a real dragon born ever then they will also have a place of of their own and then after the realization that in this body one of the ways to manif manifest the the the the cosmic power is through these th shouts they will say

Ah I could open up some doors if I took on the mantle of uh dragon born and so then just step into the role that way just playing along basically I think that that’s going to be the easiest way to have my character eventually just accept when people call me the dragon

Born go haha yeah okay fine sure whatever if that’s your belief system who am I to argue if it makes things easier for me and it makes things easier for you then hooray oh on the subject of my writing I did make uh some nice Headway

On uh one of the early scenes in actually book one of that blessing gear Saga uh and what I’ve done or what realization I’ve come to is I can give this generally unskilled character a very specific skill that they can put into use in some creative circumstances later on a couple of which

I’ve already outlined a little bit to have things more did I really go in and do that yes I did sorry I’ve gotten distracted that is not supposed to be connected on this round anyway as I was Saying um it it’s always good for the main protagonist to have some sort of hobby or Niche skill or something that is just kind of a throwaway thing that at some point in the storyline comes in handy like for instance um I cannot remember the name of the

Dude in Hunger Games it the name is it’s gone okay fine whatever brain um there is a a young guy in The Hunger Games and he works at the Baker and he is really proficient at cake decorating and he puts those skills somehow magically to work to blend in with the

Terrain and not get seen by by basically covering himself in in Moss and and other stuff he has this really specific Niche AB that he’s really good at cake decorating and he applies it to something else in order to save his life and I have I think I have stumbled upon the

Thing that my dude is going to be good at that is going to have a few different cases where he can utilize it to survive and my dude aan blessing gear uh he is originally someone who works in a Crypton Mausoleum he’s also a I guess Undertaker he’s more like a caretaker

But as an aside he’s also uh a mortician I believe it’s the term for a cosmetologist of the Dead um and this makeup work this cosmetology that he has uh fairly decent knowledge of is going to I’m going to have to come up with a couple of situations

Throughout the course of the three books where where it’s just going to come in either super useful or at least marginally interesting to move things along and and I’m being specifically vague U specifically I’m being generally vague about this because I I don’t a I don’t have the scenes fully fleshed out

And B I don’t want to spoil the storyline but it it just occurred to me what little skill to give to my character so that he can have his little gimmicky hobby skill to put to use in the future so a little bit of a breakthrough just in the past like week

Actually so even though I have been working on Skyrim and Minecraft I am still working on my writing it’s just not all in the same order that it would be best to if I want to get things published in a timely fashion but the way I look at it is as

Long as I’m working on stuff and there’s forward progress that I can point at and say yes definitely there’s progress here and it’s decent enough progress I’m I’m Happy if I wasn’t streaming if I wasn’t doing Minecraft and Skyrim and all that if I was focusing on the writing I know for sure this year I would have published three books three whole novels but I have been rather Keen on trying to rebuild my YouTube and I want to

See if I can get to the 4,000 hours watched in a year mark to see if I can have at least a little bit extra bit of an income coming out of YouTube I have decided though if when I get to that point if it’s still four five six

$10 a month coming out of YouTube then what I’m going to do is my gimmick is say that none of my videos are monetized and I’m doing that so people don’t have to worry about watching all the ads for my stuff and then uh make it a point

To clarify that I’m doing that and then in the same uh part of the the video say uh if you’d like to say thanks for that you can support me on patreon or whatever but if however and I don’t foresee this being the case but if however YouTube has

Somehow magically made it so that they’ve balanced things out so that in order to justify all this extra work that people have to do just to get monetized will pay off in a reasonable sum doesn’t even have to be as much as it used to be before the first ad

Apocalypse but at least something reasonable to justify all this work if that’s the case then I probably will keep ads on but I’m not going to do like a million ads all the way through I will still be doing my streaming obviously but I at that point I’m going

To split my attention between streaming and videos but for right now I want to get my view time up to that 4,000 Mark so that’s why I’m focusing on the streaming I am going to be putting together uh a few series of videos so that I can Have a little bit better flow of watch time because of what the videos are guides and things like that but for the most part right now I’m focusing on the streaming that said if it seems like I’m going to need to preserve my throat over the next few weeks then I

Will potentially be putting out maybe some silent stream or some non commentary streams and also some just YouTube videos and I think the easiest YouTube videos for me to put together that won’t require me talking are going to be the ones where I’m having the Skyrim books being read I

Can at least start with the ones that Have decent voice Acting that also means I need to assemble the database of which ones I’ve put up on which ones I need to read and which ones I need to find um I am going to run into a small bit of a problem I guess with some of it uh because some of the

Books are a little bit on the racy side not racist racy as in like our rated um one is more implied than anything it’s more tongue and cheek the Lusty Argonian ma it’s it’s just a a gag but um there there are some things uh especially stuff around uh what is the name

Of the demigod person in marind uh oh bother there’s there’s the three Gods the the three living gods in marwin and I think one of them is SOA Sil but that’s not the one that I’m thinking of the one I’m thinking of is the one that’s in

Uh hold on it’s going to bother me I’m going to have to look it up hold on fit back Alexia sasil and Vic Vic is the one there’s some books involving Vic that are a little uh interesting and I might hold off on them maybe make uh a little bit of

Beforehand progress toward a bunch of the other books maybe gloss over them entirely but if I’m going to be completionist I might as well have them all but if I do that I might have to have some of them be uh available only to patreon members that

Way they can be private videos so that I don’t have to worry about making them adult only because I want to avoid having any of that sort of content on my public part of my channel it’s it’s really not on brand man it’s been so long since I did

The maroin stuff that I forgot his name was VC that’s uh it says something not sure what but it says something I mean I’ve been focused so much on Skyrim that obviously a lot of the other stuff is kind of wishy-washy in my brain but even more

Recently just a few years ago was playing Elder Scrolls online and I went to marind and had to do the the Quest for uh helping to re bolster vix Powers so that I could keep that little moon in the sky and above the the city that he’s holding there with his

Magic which is interestingly populated by monks or something like that so FC should have been in my brain space Oh well at least I knew so thein Alexia basically those three are are three Mortals who decided they wanted to to split apart this large sum of power as best they

Could so that they could each become Gods basically and they did so and everyone sort of accepted them and all that kind of stuff uh there’s there’s a little bit of confusion with VC and a dragon break but that’s um I will say that there is a lot of Elder Scrolls

Lore over the course of all the decades that Elder squirrels have been around cuz you got to remember it started off way long time ago Daggerfall and Arena and all that kind of stuff Elder Scrolls is an old franchise and keeping all of the lore consistent between all of the

Things is a Monumental task uh large it’s probably impossible except for maybe some very Niche specific nerd somewhere who just has specialized in it all and if they have then they need to be hired on by Bethesda as a a lore keeper but um a lot of the stuff that used to be

Perfectly Canon has had to be Rewritten to fit some of the plans for the newer content or or just to fit the way the newer content has worked out for instance here’s a big one in Skyrim part of of the lore and in Oblivion I think right is it also an oblivion maybe

Not uh but for sure in Skyrim part of the lore is that levitation has been outlawed which that that doesn’t stop people from doing it honestly outlawing something just simply means that only Outlaws will do it so by rights levitation should still be a thing but in order

To make the engine work properly in Skyrim and to keep people on the ground and keep people in the scale of what they could do with the map they did away with levitation because if it it ruined some of the immersion it ruined some of the uh ability

To uh do the time scaling and all that kind of stuff it it made it would make it so unfun just just instead of ascending the 7,000 steps to high rothgar you just go levitate and here I am how dull would that be I mean you can

Become the arch mage of the College of Winterhold a couple hours from starting a brand new game in vanilla even on the hardest settings and if levitation was in the mix here you are on the ground in in a white run and they say go to High rosar okay I’m there

That would be that would be gamebreaking so they took it out and they gave lore reason because levitation and uh a small number of other kinds of spells are outlawed and verbolten forbidden and that’s just one of the small and easy examples that I can point at for

Them retconning something or having to come up with some ingame or in in Universe reason why a thing is the way it is uh shouts didn’t used to be what what they are now um the argonians used to be vastly different go back to Arena and look at

An Argonian you’ll be like wait a minute what uh let’s see here in they they had to rcon why in some of the universe people had cats as house pets because all cats are kajit in modern Elder Scrolls and so if people had house cats and they were kajit sentient beings as

Pets then something something is a little off so they made lore reasons why that happened and good on them for trying to patch those holes but oh I didn’t do the second layer of the middle oops well that’s fine I’ll do it now well next thank you again cuddles for making

The shulkers of chiseled deep slate so that I did not have to bore the stream with this oh hey now but in the very nearish future regardless of whether I lose or strain my voice I am planning on having all the Skyrim books read on my channel one video per book

So there’s there’s going to be several dozen if not a maybe even a couple hundred new videos put up on my channel uh I will try not to inundate everyone with all the stuff but it is a project that I have wanted to do for a very long time

Anyway and you know now is the perfect opportunity to go ahead and consider it especially now that I’ve got Skyrim working on this computer computer again or not again but Skyrim working again comma on this computer all right let’s do this part oops and it looks like based on the time

What I’ll be doing is finishing the two layers of these the this inner area here and then I’ll be wrapping up the stream that way you can also get a a head start on uh soothing my throat which reminds me drink time again excuse me oh this is that one track

That has like a half a minute of Silence at the end of it for no good reason yep there we go I’m almost tempted to take that file to audacity and just trim out the ending because it it’s bothersome that there’s that much dead

Air I mean back in the days of tapes and CDs it made sense to have a big long silent area at the end of a track that way you could have a break before the beginning of the next track or in some cases have hidden tracks ooh special bonus music on your

CD if you listen for an extra 90 seconds at the end of this song you get uh to hear the the bonus track and even though everyone knew about the bonus tracks of the popular CDs you felt like ah I’m a hacker I can I can listen to secret music on my CD

That I bought o look at my Elite skills I a real fan of insert band here but now having 30 seconds of of dead air on an MP3 it’s a little silly my humble opinion well that went the wrong spot there So the plan is tomorrow I guess

Just go into the the main quest line for Skyrim and see if I run into any snags if I do try to fix them if I can’t fix him in short order go test another quest line if there’s still time or depending on how late in the evening it is uh

Just wrap things up but uh also preparation wise if there if this throat situation does not improve whether it worsens or not if it doesn’t improve then I may take it easy tomorrow and have something non commentary or or at least low commentary cuz I can definitely feel

Strange in my throat and I feel the dry and I am trying to stay well baged but I can definitely feel something’s going on and I don’t like it so probably Skyrim stream tomorrow maybe low commentary we’ll see and also probably in the near future like before the end of the year a

Bunch of videos on my channel of the audiobooks of Skyrim oops oh no I’ve gone too far wait I didn’t accidentally no I didn’t cool sorry I’m not Jibber jabing I’m uh kind of just experiencing my throat at the moment testing the water as it were okay getting down to

It so I guess I can go ahead and start working on my closing uh like I said tomorrow Skyrim soon bunch of audio books of Skyrim and and some other stuff got lots of different things going on and I’m trying to stay on top of them at least a little bit each

Week so a little bit of variety going on but I’m going to mostly be spending my time in Minecraft and Skyrim for now uh but as far as this project is concerned I’ll be working on this at least one day a week every week for eternity and hopefully it will be

Done in a reasonable amount of time at least for the size that it is it is 3.2 million blocks so you know adjust as needed for your expectations uh but I wanted to say thank you to everyone who is watching has watched and will watch your company and your views mean the

World to me I am glad to be able to do something that you feel is worthy of a few moments of your time and hopefully I’ve been able to have a few nuggets of entertainment or wisdom that you are able to take away from my stream uh if you have any questions

Comments or suggestions leave them down in the comment section or on my Discord and to do that just follow the link and then pick a role probably the YouTube role or if you’re on performium you could also do the performium roll as well um if you like this video please give it a

Like I appreciate it and it does help and if you haven’t already do go ahead and subscribe so that you know when my future stuff comes out I also have alerts on my Discord for when I put up a stream or a video so it’s probably going

To be more stable to get notified over on the Discord than it is ringing the bell but ring the bell anyway it’s fun and if you haven’t subscribed when you click subscribe you get little sparkles or something like that fireworks I don’t know what the uh special situation for

That is but uh it seems to have been implemented now on YouTube so cool get some Fanfare uh but that’s basically it if you are interested in helping to support my channel so I can do things like replace my monitor when that needs to happen if that needs to happen again

Um make sure that Dinobots paid for every year and that sort of thing you can help supporting my channel by uh following the link to either streamlabs to do a onetime tip and you get a little notification if you do that or you can’t follow the patreon link or

Both but through patreon you can set it up to offer a dollar a month $2 a month different scales down there and once I get some time I’m going to uh figure out exactly what the appropriate perks are for all the different uh tiers for patreon and also for the hopefully pending YouTube

Membership if I can get that I I think membership is available let’s look that up I believe membership is available at the 3,000 hours Mark yeah membership supers and shopping shopping probably not going to happen but membership and supers will be available so I I want to have the membership tiers

Available uh in the same sort of format as the patreon so I’m going to have to hammer that out a little bit uh but yeah oh holy cow 1,991 subscribers ERS and out of 3,000 I have 2,615 public watch hours that means I need 385 more

Hours and I will have reached that goal that’s pretty awesome but if you would like to help support my channel I have the streamlabs in patreon and if you can’t do that liking subscribing commenting and sharing with your friends and and fellow students and other things

Like that hey there’s this guy that I watch on YouTube he’s uh an author who also does these big stupid projects on Minecraft and Skyrim and other games go check out his channel I I appreciate the sharing it is it is lovely of you if you do that but I’m

Going to go ahead and let you go I’ve made a lot of progress today happy with it and uh looks like I I should be able to do the rest of this in the next stream either later this week or next week so that’s nice the rest of this

Tier four I should say anyway I’m going to go ahead and let you go so I can rest my voice thank you once again never so very much for watching uh let’s see here this has been the performium server called wild SMP on mc. performium.net there we go now it’s more

Visible in the far right of the screen that yellow text mc. performium.net you can come play on here yourself I play on the wild smpp uh because this is my home this is is where all my projects are and also I I prefer lower population servers anyway uh if you like bigger communities

There is always candy which is 1.2.2 I think but uh yeah this has been another productive and lovely day I will be talking to you tomorrow this is Thorn of night oops where’s the zoom button and I will talk to you later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Let’s Finish the Next Tier 4 | Performium Wild SMP’, was uploaded by thornofnight on 2023-12-06 06:22:27. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:39:17 or 16757 seconds.

Remember to subscribe! Let’s get to 2k subs!!! Support the channel: https://www.patreon.com/thornofnight Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/thornofnight Support my writing: “Vacancy on Samson Lane” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CFXM9QM “My Father’s Son” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08M3GYNSH

Join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/ndmrezRhNu (remember to pick a role) Come play with me on Minecraft at MC.Performium.net

Must build fractals. Must build fractals. Must build fractals.

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    Insane Bedwars Strategy: Destroy Beds with Obsidian! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘como romper camas con obsidiana #bedwars #minecraft #hypixel’, was uploaded by dabidguerr on 2023-12-30 22:40:00. It has garnered 7390 views and 190 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Follow me on my social networks Tiktok tiktok.com/@dabidguerr Twitch twitch.tv/dabidguerr Discord discord.gg/ydDRRyqb Twitter x.com/dabidguerr Read More

  • Insane New Mace Weapon Revealed by Zyphron!

    Insane New Mace Weapon Revealed by Zyphron!Video Information This video, titled ‘The new mace weapon in Minecraft:’, was uploaded by Zyphron_ on 2024-03-18 18:45:00. It has garnered 2219 views and 105 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. sub if u want. JOIN MY DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/uP6Egedutw All Socials: Solo.to/zyphron_ Read More

  • SHOCKING! Juvaid spills all in ‘Just Chatting’ session!

    SHOCKING! Juvaid spills all in 'Just Chatting' session!Video Information This video, titled ‘just chatting’, was uploaded by Juvaid on 2024-01-12 05:35:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. download honeygain https://r.honeygain.me/JUVAI29CAB donations:https://streamelements.com/juvaidpb13/tip minecraft, … Read More

  • TheVanillaProject

    TheVanillaProjectWelcome to TheVanillaProject! This is a server aiming to keep the overall gameplay as vanilla as possible. There are a few commands that will make the gameplay a bit more multiplayer-friendly, and does not alter the gameplay in any major way. We are a growing, active, mature and constructive community, helping make the server a more fun place to be! The server is hosted on professional enterprise-grade hardware by passionate minecraft server owners that care about the community and makes sure everyone has the best experience possible! thevanillaprojectmc.com Read More

  • Cozy Craving Semi-Vanilla Survival Java 1.20.6 Geyser Bedrock No Whitelist

    Cozy Craving Server 🌐 Our Server in a Nutshell 🌐 We are a new server with a map size of 14k by 14k, expanding to accommodate new vanilla content and players. We focus on vanilla gameplay with added quality of life features like renewable elytra and a chest shop system. Join our vibrant community of builders creating amazing structures and farms. 🧭 Our Principles 🧭 Community First: We prioritize building a supportive community over profit. Long-Term Map: Our map is permanent, incorporating new releases as it expands. Golden Rule: Respect other players and use common sense. Work Hard, Play Hard:… Read More

  • PirateCraft – Pirate themed minecraft server, build working ships and cannons! & Creative MoveCraft!

    PirateCraft - Pirate themed minecraft server, build working ships and cannons! & Creative MoveCraft!⚓ Connect: mc.piratemc.com⚓ Website: https://www.piratemc.com⚓ Discord: https://discord.piratemc.com⚓ Rules: https://piratemc.com/information/rules/⚓ Live Map: https://piratemc.com/map/⚓ Getting Started: https://piratemc.com/guides/getting-started/⚓ Detailed Guides: https://piratemc.com/guides/About usPirateCraft is a Pirate themed Minecraft survival server. We’re a 10 year old tight-knit community that’s developed over the years into a wonderful family. Our ethos for running PirateCraft is to have a permanent map that Never Resets!, builds will be kept and protected, you can disappear for 3 months and come back to carry on where you left off! We’ve had players come back after 5 years and continue where they left off! The world doesn’t get stale, Land & abandoned… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Prison for “Bowser” Insulters

    Minecraft Memes - Prison for "Bowser" InsultersLooks like Bowser finally got his revenge by turning people into pixelated prisoners! Better watch out for those fire-breathing turtles next time. Read More

  • Minecraft Lies: Crafting Chaos

    Minecraft Lies: Crafting Chaos In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I bring you the news, like a lively stream. Updates and features, all in a rhyme, Keeping you entertained, every single time. From new mobs to biomes, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed, with a playful sheen. So join me in this journey, through pixels and code, As we explore Minecraft, in a lyrical mode. So stay tuned for more, every week at three, For Minecraft news, with a twist from me. Subscribe and support, it means a lot, As we journey through Minecraft, in this rhyming slot. Read More

  • The power of a bad haircut… #minecraft #meme

    The power of a bad haircut... #minecraft #meme “Who knew that all it took to defeat the Ender Dragon was a fresh new haircut? Forget enchanted weapons, just book an appointment at the salon!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft vs Lego House Challenge with Friends

    Surviving Minecraft vs Lego House Challenge with Friends Minecraft vs. Lego Challenge: A Thrilling Adventure with Dani and Robbi! In the latest video by Dani and Robbi, Benny, Dani’s best friend, introduces an exciting challenge between Team Minecraft and Team Lego, reminiscent of the “Dani e Robbi Non Ti Fermare” official song! The Minecraft team consists of Robbi and Jenny, Dani’s sister, while the Lego team is formed by Dani and his new friend Cami. The challenge kicks off with a task to build the tallest tower, with the Lego team emerging victorious. Team Dynamics and Challenges Jenny, Dani’s sister, part of Team Minecraft, stumbles upon a… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “DÜNYADAKİ EN BÜYÜK CANAVAR KAMYONU YAPARSAK NE OLUR? 😱 -Minecraft”. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what if you could unleash your creativity and build something truly epic on a server like Minewind? Imagine a world where you can embark on thrilling adventures, engage in exciting challenges, and connect with a community of like-minded players. Minewind offers a unique and immersive… Read More

  • Ultimate Starter House Upgrade & Pumpkin Farm Build!

    Ultimate Starter House Upgrade & Pumpkin Farm Build! Expanding Horizons in Minecraft Survival Episode 7 Building the Second Floor of the Starter House In VanderzoneMC Episode 7, the focus shifts to expanding the starter house. The player embarks on the task of constructing the second floor, adding more space and functionality to their humble abode. With each block carefully placed, the house begins to take on a new dimension, reflecting the player’s creativity and vision. Key Point: The second floor of the starter house serves as a testament to the player’s progress and dedication in the game. Crafting a Sturdy Bridge As the player ventures further into… Read More

  • Insane Profit Tricks in Hypixel Skyblock: Rain 4 Flips!

    Insane Profit Tricks in Hypixel Skyblock: Rain 4 Flips!Video Information This video, titled ‘4 Flips that will make you profit… | Flipping | Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by Rained on 2024-02-23 17:15:00. It has garnered 6442 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:28 or 148 seconds. #minecraft 4 Flips that will make you profit… | Flipping | Hypixel Skyblock This video shows three flips you can do to make profit in Hypixel Skyblock subscribe for more! 4 Flips that will make you profit… | Flipping | Hypixel Skyblock 4 Flips that will make you profit… | Flipping | Hypixel Skyblock 4 Flips that will… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Chip Habits Exposed

    Mind-Blowing Chip Habits ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘चिप्स की बारिश 👹🧟‍♀️#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-24 01:30:02. It has garnered 160 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and pomni funny… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft PE Mod Showcase!! 😱🚀

    ULTIMATE Minecraft PE Mod Showcase!! 😱🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 10 BEST JAVA MODS 🤩 FOR MINECRAFT PE🔥🔥| @MrSuperb0’, was uploaded by Mr.Superb on 2024-03-09 06:10:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. TOP 10 BEST JAVA MODS FOR MINECRAFT PE CURRENT SUBSCRIBER – 51 TARGET 100 DOWNLOAD SENPAI … Read More

  • EPIC ALLIANCE! New Minecraft Advancement Unlocked? Ep. 61

    EPIC ALLIANCE! New Minecraft Advancement Unlocked? Ep. 61Video Information This video, titled ‘Uneasy Alliance | THE LAST ADVANCEMENT? | Let’s Play Minecraft | Ep.61’, was uploaded by Aegisean on 2024-05-12 12:00:39. It has garnered 64 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:16 or 856 seconds. Finally rescuing a #ghast today 🙂 CHAPTERS 00:00 Intro 01:19 Distractions 03:10 Uneasy Alliance 10:48 Phantoms 13:49 Outro End Portal Trapped Wither Method: https://youtu.be/sBH66B6hBzo?si=ZR0uNODFqIjX0DGL New here? I’m building my fantasy world in Minecraft. Subscribe to stay up to date on developments! Fantasy world? Yes! I’m a writer, so check out my website for more information 😉 WEBSITE: https://www.aegisean.com… Read More

  • Tiktok Streamer TROLLS NEWBIE in FORTNITE!

    Tiktok Streamer TROLLS NEWBIE in FORTNITE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Streamer TROLLS NEW PLAYER in FORTNITE’, was uploaded by Jackbuzza Tiktok on 2024-01-11 13:00:42. It has garnered 9892 views and 203 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. save 25% on your own minecraft server with shockbyte Use code: BUZZA @ https://shockbyte.com/partners/buzza • Twitch • WATCH ME LIVE! https://twitch.com/jackbuzza • Jackbuzza’s Armada Discord • https://discord.gg/HZ9vamc • Twitter • https://www.twitter.com/jackbuzza Join My Minecraft Server! (Java + Bedrock 1.18.2+) IP: play.thearmada.gg Bedrock Port: 25565 • ALL SOCIALS • https://jackbuzza.com Read More


    EPIC RED KNIGHT MINECRAFT STREAM!! 👑🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘RED KNIGHT MINECRAFT STREAM !!!!!!!!!!’, was uploaded by knightgeist on 2024-04-04 10:12:58. It has garnered 507 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:59 or 7739 seconds. JOIN ITS MINECRAFT!!!!!!!!!!! Read More