Ultimate Minecraft Transformation: No More Mistakes!

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Okay looks like we’re ready let me see if I can turn this down a little bit yeah hopefully that should be okay all right cool looks like we’re good okay um yeah not much building this time around but I’m just going to just just good all um survival stuff okay let

Me go over here real quickly and just make a new world okay here we are so I guess I’ll call this one I don’t know like chill World 2 or something I don’t know actually no let’s H what do I want to go for I I forget what I called the Other ones but yeah oh well I’ll just call it sh world for now I can always change the name later okay all right uh I think we should be good okay let’s go also uh let’s welcome in I still don’t think you should count that death but if you

Wish I’ll count it I’ll count I’ll count it oh where are we I see a bunch of donkeys already okay I guess we’ll just go with it I have no idea then what oh my gosh they gave me it gave me it already nice okay I was like

Wondering how long my my search was going to take but there we go wow and they have a village right there too okay I will never ever get this lucky holy moly okay all right also I’m stupid as well welcome in also we have pumpkins over here and

That is a Big Mountain oh my gosh okay I have a good feeling about this this one already I hate to live next to some people because I want to be a Hermit but oh well I guess it is what it is right now wow this this is a cool little location

I love it I will admit maybe I like the other one better but this will have to do though even goes that way too oh my gosh at least this place is big though like holy moly wow these mountains though okay okay let’s go chop down some trees also big

Crow hey hey not staying for the stream tonight but I just wanted to say hi all right understandable thank you for tuning in big crow in that case yeah hope you have hope you have a good night oh dang they gave me sticks already all right oh yeah that’s right I made myself

A little costume or like um a skin in this case am I going to change it later there’s a good chance that I might make some revisions and stuff like that but for now this is the new me I just want to go see if maybe I can

Change this into that little Bedrock version thing I guess we’ll see also Ian M as well welcome in sing Ohio what is this about Ohio never been there so I wonder what it’s like over there oh they gave me uh yeah that’s right they gave me the sticks already

Lovely wow oh already this is is uh a really cool start nice uh let me let me get more Stone actually oh here’s more coal okay I was going to say like there’s just no way that this that’s the only one but yeah I’m pretty happy with the

Uh the costume that I made right now I can see myself make maybe like making more costumes and stuff like that not costumes but like uh me myself and I in like different clothes and stuff like that but I I don’t know we’ll see though we’ll

See okay I need food so let’s go get some food but yeah I have a few ideas already um yeah one of them was this pink hoodie with the the jeans and stuff like that I could see myself in cardigans and stuff stuff like that what is this tree okay all

Right oh my gosh this this is like the biggest one yeah this is the biggest one I’ve ever seen wow what is that I’m seeing right there is that a building no that’s that’s just just the tree okay and a cow outfit I mean yeah I

Guess I can do that I don’t know that sounds really really silly but I’ll definitely do it in that case more donkeys over here okay we may as well I don’t know why they’re still giving me a bunch of donkeys but I mean I’m not complaining but yeah now that um I’m

Having more oh yeah there we go now that I’m um having I want to make like a a clothing ideas list or something actually as a matter of fact I should do it right now did I get him yet no not yet there we go sometimes it takes some time so that’s

Fair bunch of horses over here too nice okay actually I’m going to team them later for now I have my other priorities right now or goals rather should I get a few sheep yeah I guess I may as well okay leather jacket yeah huh that’d be kind of

Cool also uh yenis welcome in we are indeed doing the Minecraft oh wait I could just borrow beds again how did I miss that guy I don’t know anyway I guess it would be nice to have a few beds or like a bed of my own so sorry

Ship do I have any more Stone yeah I do okay cool is that the Sheep making those stopping noises oh my gosh that is so funny oh that’s right you can like switch there we go okay uh it’s getting really close in night time that’s not good okay I got

Three wool already so we’re fine uh I just need to go cook some food let me get more trees while I’m at it then yeah right over here I need to make myself a campfire or something yeah these guys are like in these cherry trees but their house houses are not pink oh

Well there we go I can always make another one later hello anybody here seems pretty empty right now oh weird wait uh what is this one have a blast furnace okay I guess I can borrow it I’m not going to take it but yeah I may as well just borrow it

Okay I’m getting really super hungry right now oh my gosh look at all these pedals down here okay there’s a forest right here ah there you guys are what are you guys doing having like a little a little meeting or something do you sell carrots no you sell bread

Okay nothing okay another farmer over here 26 potatoes for a dollar our ker okay 24 paper are you the same Li librarian yeah okay just want to make sure dang yeah I I really like this place this place is beautiful oh what is that I’m seeing Another Mountain over there oh my gosh

That goes super high up wow okay look at that even has a waterfall to it oh a forest fire but we’re not going to worry about that oh my gosh that is a big important Mountain wow okay but anyway yeah we’ll go like settle at a hotel for now also

N how’s it going n thank you for tuning in okay yeah let’s just uh let’s just settle in here for a bit actually I could just make a bed yeah let me do that right now oh I think he’s coming in oh okay all right fair enough yeah I

Made my own bed I may as well just like sleep outside somewhere um I guess maybe I’ll do it over here yeah here we go sweet dreams why you do with blast furnaces I think you can like um what can you do with them you can smell ores faster I

Think uh let me put the fire somewhere over here okay I I don’t want to set these guys on fire so I’m going to two like that and like that there we go now you guys have a fire the sunset looked really nice yeah it did for a second there I noticed that

Too okay there’s a lava bit right there yeah I I don’t know where where to settle honestly I kind of want to settle right here but these guys already took it so hi what’s up 2 six potatoes for a dollar that’s a steel is it a steel I don’t know I I

Thought that was a lot for me okay at least we’re okay on the food situation o but yeah maybe I I want to go up there or maybe somewhere over there yeah we’ll just explore for a little bit I think for now though I should really get like a temporary home or something

Okay maybe maybe I’ll be neighbors with these guys for now but uh yeah uh let’s get let’s get some more food while we’re at it actually uh where’s my axe there it is or should I get more trees well since I’m here they still flap their wings up every time they yeah poor

Chickens oh wait what was that did I did did I just see something like fall down here or is it just me it was probably probably like a like a cherry blossom petal okay don’t worry y’all I’m coming back uh I may as well get a few cherry trees while we’re at

It I don’t know where to start though man I love these uh this green color it’s really bright and it’s really um Lively I don’t know there’s something about it it’s it’s like a it’s like a sage color awesome what the I I don’t know how this steak went over here but all

Right that was weird oh we need to get some uh cook some mut too okay 26 no okay I’m sure these guys I mean well I guess it makes sense that they don’t sell it because we could just take the potatoes from them but still I still don’t want to do

That okay I I don’t know why they’re leaving like Trails like that but okay that was weird a lot more cows over here yeah I may as well just like prepare myself for food like we we don’t have to explore right now more snow over there what is going

On over there wow this this world is really really interesting all right if there is a saddle in one of these houses I guess I’ll go take take it or borrow it I kind of doubt it though I I I doubt they’ll give me like a what

The whoa okay I don’t know how this happened but all right uh no sandles in here all right okay I I don’t know how this tree um grew into this house but nature that that that is just weird all right yeah we got the food very

Nice uh someone let this uh door open I’ll just shut it for them there we go the cherry blossoms look so cool absolutely yeah my favorite trees ever hey a librarian oh were you were you riding something is that what I heard nice okay no saddles in here but oh

Well can’t have everything do you have a map no okay um oh sorry was I in the way there we go oh uh where was where was my bed it was over here I think oh no I broke it okay I think that’s everything for uh oh

My gosh that that keeps on you keep on scaring me with that but uh yeah I I don’t think there’s any saddles in here but oh well the tree is a roommate yeah yeah it kind of is good job tree yeah no no saddles in here oh well okay we’re almost

Done also uh Sushi cakes welcome in I can’t stop eating Pepto bismal chicken Pepto bismal chicken oh pink chicken oh gosh no don’t eat the P pepel Bismol chicken it is a dangerous now pepop bismal chicken yeah absolutely no Pepto chicken allowed U I’m putting Pepto Bismol in my

Chicken and consuming so I don’t get a stomach ache oh well I I never heard of that mix before but uh H I’m not a big fan of pepop Bismol like uh it’s it’s the taste really oh wait I missed a house down here actually no I already got that

House um any more houses around here no I I could have sworn that I no I guess not yeah I think I want to go towards over there I’m just hoping that maybe um there’s more cherry blossoms over there but if not then that’s fine the willow

Trees I keep on forgetting what those are um are they like dead trees or something I’m assuming they’re not but that’s also my assumption okay let’s go over here that’s what it sounds like anyway I don’t know uh any more no I I don’t think there’s one over here oh

Well I brought my bed with me okay yeah I thought I left it behind man that’s a cool Mountain though holy moly I may as well get some more food for later oh oh over here and oh wait what’s over here oh just just that okay okay I guess I’ll collect the the

Dirt for later wow this place looks really weird I don’t know about this but I mean there there’s more oh lava and there’s more um cherries over there cool More Cows too yeah I think I’ll settle over here this looks like a cool spot there’s some water down here too

Nice okay what is that oh more lava too wait I have a lot of lava nearby okay wow not exactly huge but you know what I’ll take it I guess I need to go build a house though like pronto let me eat my last pork chop at least we’re right next to the

Cherry blossom that’s that’s good enough for me I think me things lava right next next to the flowers oh were the flowers next to it I I didn’t get to see oh yeah I see it oh gosh well I hope those flowers stay safe oh gosh I need to

Hurry maybe I’ll build it over here or something yeah okay sure just another simple looking house I should have used the cherry trees but oh well too late now okay just barely enough for oh wait what’s this oh that’s just the okay grass cool and then wait what did I take this I

Probably accidentally took it from the village oops oh well there’re like those big trees with uh really long branches that’s kind of just droop that just drooped down that’s probably why people also call them weeping willow or something like that huh interesting okay weeping willow let me go see if I

Can see for myself from the Google images or something I don’t know okay yeah let’s go do it right now um uh willow trees I think it was yeah here it is okay oh wow it’s like those oh I I I didn’t know they they were called that okay

Wow I like to think if these trees as like trees with like really long hair or something apparently there’s like yellow purple and pink um trees wow okay or willow trees Oh weird okay also uh mate Play Welcome in and uh I’m doing pretty all right thank you for

Asking hopefully you’re doing all right too what the did I just see you ram that cow hey that was not nice and then I just go get the cow okay oh maybe I could settle right here yeah maybe I could like move the house over here or

Something yeah that’d be kind of cool so many options and a lot of um Open Fields and stuff what’s that I think it’s just a tree or something okay so much exploring to do oh that’s so exciting all right cherry trees yeah I also vote up here honestly I like it here

Yeah yeah those goats I I thought they were pretty cute and then all of a sudden they just start ramming innocent people and animals like that like that’s not cool maybe I could do like uh farming down there or something yeah maybe oh man so much exploring to do it’s That’s so

Exciting very exciting uh what is that I see oh that’s B okay okay yeah I guess I’ll go exploring just a little bit I want to go see what’s over here ooh another like a little open field right here nice this is an uh another option too or oh maybe up there

Too flowers snowy mountains and cherry blossoms all together dream come true I know right this is like wow now I I I can’t tell which one’s better now the uh the previous location or just this one uh what are you doing exactly I want to know because I just got here right

Now so I’m just um just playing normal just Minecraft um survival I think that’s what it’s called I’m adding a little bit of like um that hardcore challenge thing where like if I die then that’s it game over I to do uh just another world basically even if it’s like off camera or

Something like that yeah that that’ll count I should just be playing on Hardcore in that case but I don’t know how to change that oh well how in the world did you get up there I mean well goats they can climb anywhere so it’s no surprise uh I’m just hoping that these

Things drop the saplings but by the looks of it yeah I’ll just chop down another tree did you just wait where are you oh you’re still up there okay silly goats uh anymore sometimes these trees can be so complicated I even just like oh hey you

Got down but yeah sometimes I miss like a log or two it’s very confusing but oh well I think uh already yeah I think I’ll make a uh yeah I’ll move the house over here or something now should I make the house face this way or this way or even just like this

Way uh I’d say this way just so that we can get a really cool view let’s build a yeah let’s build it over here should I make this like a twostory house I don’t know oh I want to have a field full of goats I don’t know about me but I’m I’m

Pretty okay with what I have right now hardcore mode I don’t think it’s a good idea really I don’t know are you’re going to suffer a lot yeah let’s just say I already have it’s a nice little challenge though I I I’ll take it honestly there they are there’s the saplings

Nice I love these saplings too they’re so pink and purple yeah it’s great but yeah I’ve seen people play um hardcore it’s I could just feel their pain but yeah I do want to make um a challenge myself to like uh die less if I

Can like I want to be more cautious and careful when it comes to like just surviving in general so I think it’s a cool practice for myself I like the ram Emoji better than the gold Emoji oh okay yeah I was going to say the a ram it’s a little like

Animal I was going to say is like there’s an emoji for like a ram like you know how like two sheeps like kind of uh RAM their horns together or something I don’t know I was like whoa that’d be kind of cool okay I think it’s almost night time

Great tomorrow for sure I think we’ll go exploring I want to go up there for starters yeah okay oh is that sugar cane I see yeah okay I’ll be sure to get those too and then uh yeah I’m going to make myself like a little storage house early on

Too I think for now though I’ll um make like a small little chest just like that I’ll put it outside of the house for now yeah outside okay I’ll put like all the necessary stuff in here and then let me uh H yeah let me actually get some of the food back here

We go uh like that and tools and stuff oh yeah and the torch too I want to make like a little porch or something or actually no it’s fine maybe later when I uh get the house more developed and stuff like that now I guess the problem of living

In house is that like you don’t actually like get to see the sunset anymore I just realized oh well oh uh before I forget Windows maybe I can make like a like a little Skylight over here like this or something yeah that’d be kind of cool actually it would make more sense

With glass H well oh well maybe later okay let’s go exploring oh man this is so exciting I wonder yeah that that tree is like really like sticking out which is so funny I don’t even know what’s next on my agenda what the heck I guess there’s a there’s a cave

Underneath or something okay Scar the living living soul out of me oh my gosh uh there’s some pigs over here I hope that guilt uh stays here forever he’s like your pet who isn’t your pet in that case I I hope he doesn’t stay here for too long I know he’s going

To attack me like when I at least expected or something I don’t know that’s scary to me okay what is over here oh just just another forest or something okay all right well can’t have everything I suppose this is a cool tree though what is that oh it’s just the mountain

Okay we’re like really high up though okay wow there’s some spruce trees over there okay oh my gosh these trees this is like the tallest tree I’ve ever seen oak tree anyway but uh wellow okay he’s just built different wow literally built different I mean well literally yeah I guess he is kind

Of built uh let’s see what’s over here I see another Mountain over there is that a village I see a path wow this cave oh my gosh really dark and really scary let’s not go there just yet oh yeah another Village nice yeah there’s not really much here

But but let’s go check out this Village anyway oh my gosh this is a really high fall okay oh gosh can I can I make that I I think I can okay oh okay it heals me for like really fast for a little bit and then it just slowly goes down okay

A complicated looking tree yeah a little bit hey guys whoa I like your clothes empty map paper okay okay wow purple beds nice or did I did I see that before I could have sworn I haven’t but okay whoa they make those dripping sounds that is really cool I didn’t I I

Didn’t know that they can do that nice stone cutter anybody home I like what they did with the oh that’s that’s cool they put like a little hay Bell and then some trap doors around it that’s that’s cool I’m going to keep a mental note of that honestly there’s a lot of

Fireplaces though oh don’t mind if I take some of these while I’m here but yeah not a lot of people here strange uh yeah where where is everybody I hear them but I don’t see them or unless it was just you oh I hear the zombos where are they I oh I think

They’re down here well let’s not go there yeah where is everybody we have a bunch of hous is oh they they don’t have any any beds in them just a bunch of stone cutters uh you do live streams on Twitch because I do and I’m doing a lot of live

Streams about a lot of games just wanted to say that to you I used to do um be on Twitch at the same time with the uh the YouTubes but or like uh multi streaming I think that’s what it’s called but uh yeah I I decided in the in the end

That yeah I’ll just stick to just uh YouTube there might be some chance that maybe I’ll move to twitch but not right now honestly I’m pretty happy with the the YouTubes but uh Yeah not going to lie though I am pretty jealous with what twitch is uh capable of yeah it’s been my on my mind for the past few months but uh yeah I don’t know maybe once we hit like certain goals on the YouTubes then who knows honestly yeah okay anyway let’s head back

Home not really much here but oh Well water yum yum yeah water is Yum Yum absolutely good thing that we have so much water around us okay so what’s next on my agenda or on my uh goals here I guess maybe I can make a farm or something yeah I guess so just because I do need the

Food o this place looks kind of cool too yeah we have a lot of open land here so this is this is great actually wait hold on let me use my oh that was a little bit too early then let me use my fist okay I’m not sure if that counted

But I’ll try again next time or pumpkins over here oh my gosh that’s a lot of yeah we have a lot of cows chickens and sheep over here especially the Sheep three eggs nice those four sheeps uh said hi to you at the same time oh did they I didn’t

Catch it but um I did notice that they were like buying me like so loud me loudly on my ear there just a random tree and he like a or like an oak tree oh funny okay uh actually yeah before we go home let me uh see what’s over here my guess

Maybe another forest or something at the end of this uh cherry blossoms mountain or something wow how did I I guess at least these Hills look more easier to climb so that’s good it’s a large body of water right there water nice is there anything you can do with

The pedals not that I know of whoa those mountains too I think that’s a lake or I don’t know it’s hard to tell oh wait you can make a pink Dy with them I I think I’m not sure how that works oh rabbit are you okay another donkey over

Here yeah you know what at this point I may as well just make another fireplace for myself or campire I don’t know why they’re giving me giving me so many donkeys this is really strange I doubt they did this on purpose too H yeah I don’t know there we

Go thank you Mr donkasaurus but uh yeah I’ll take one of the pedals I’ll take like this one I’ll plant like two there we go so can we make a Dye yeah we can okay cool I’ll take one of the dye just so that I can uh dye my bed pink I

Guess oh there’s some creeps over there okay what was that creeps don’t make that s oh yeah it was a witch okay let’s get that out of here she’s thr bottles at me or something I need a shield like Bronto okay I see home nice running and jumping that’s right

Okay ow oh there you are okay oh please dude stop oh my gosh that’s a funny looking uh beehive okay all right I’ll eat the uh like raw beef yeah I really I really really love this open field is that lava I see I don’t know I want to climb that mountain but

Once I get to the little Summit or the top for all I know yeah I’m just going to climb back down so okay we’re home nice uh uh while we’re at it oh I I should have I should have did it before I went to sleep there we

Go oh wait I could just uh yeah there we go I’m assuming that set it for me but anyway I don’t know for sure okay let’s get more trees um oh wait I need more saplings that’s right um do I have any on right now no yeah is it just me or is

Um My Little costume I think it’s like actually oh no never mind for some reason it looked a little bit more different when I first made it I think it’s because the head yeah the head is just so much more bigger or something I don’t know yeah I don’t know

Oh wait no it’s because I chose the uh the the the slim F I don’t know yeah I really don’t know I could maybe change that honestly yeah okay not a big deal but yeah I need to go go get more stone for myself uh good thing there’s some Stone around

Us I don’t know anything about making SK skins oh should I do like a commission or something I do want to do commissions for drawings eventually but I wonder should I do commissions for for costumes I don’t know maybe it’s an idea I’m not sure if that actually

Exists I mean I’m I’m assuming anyway maybe maybe okay nor do I know how what was that I just heard like a popping noise what was that oh it was the be that’s right okay uh these rabbits really want to jump towards the walls for some reason

Okay oh I shouldn’t go towards the snow because that those snow things that make me sink or something h okay let me go find a cave I know there’s some down here oh there’s one right there too okay sure or one right there too nice okay I’m really terrified of going under

Underneath these mountains oh iron too should I get torches first n it’s fine I think or at least I hope so I’m just preparing myself for the scary cave noises again I hear a Skelly okay let’s get out of here uh actually let let me get all this iron

First as long as I get three then I guess that’s good enough for me actually yeah I’ll take a few extra here we go and um copper can I mine it with the stone yeah there we go yeah I’ll take a few of copper too yeah because I forget what you can

Use copper for but I know that you can use it for a few uh you can use them for like recipes for like um for a few tools and stuff like that so I’ll be sure to keep a few on me someone’s shooting me right now okay all

Right I do need a few bones and maybe a few arrows too actually I should use this for a furnace and then oh yeah that’s that’s even better actually here we go like that and like this there we go okay let’s cook more food and uh let’s smelt all this iron too yeah

Okay we’re making progress here fellas very nice oh I got two all right nice um so I’m going to make a pickaxe for myself you can never go wrong with steaks just because yeah I have so much but yeah I do need uh leather too when did I get all the

Dirt I don’t remember huh okay well not a big deal I do need dirt for like uh future projects and stuff like that but yeah I heard you can make like a a telescope with copper I need like those like Crystal thingies though and I think

You can make like a um a brush or something let me go see how you can make it uh it was actually wait I need to smelt the copper first oh dang that was just perfect nice okay but yeah a telescope would be really really handy all right cool yeah I should

Probably use this for like a backup or something okay all right and uh five I guess I’ll make a a helmet there we go oh my gosh I’m like I like have different like layers I have like um my hair and then I have the the helmet very funny okay

Copper so uh yeah here it is the brush so we need feathers copper ingots and the stick oh we can make it right now actually nice okay I’m going to have to memor this little recipe there we go we got a brush anytime we want to go like or we

Want to be like an archaeologist or something but uh first we need to go find a little desert area oh chicken let’s go make some chicken here we go yum but yeah progress It’s really cool to see but yeah as much as I hate to do it

I think we might um explore these caves underneath this mountain or maybe this one I I don’t know at least we have a few options cool so yeah if one doesn’t work we can always go to the next one unless they’re at the same Mountain somehow somewhere I don’t know

Okay I’ll put the brush in my backpack for now um yeah we might have to make a bigger one yeah making it outside of the house is really convenience just so that yeah I could just do that or something actually let’s put it right next to it there we

Go yeah the AR ology stuff now like I’ve I’ve heard that you can get really really nice IRS with with the stuff so um yeah I’ll be sure to be more of an archaeologist and stuff like that cool and yeah I agree caves are rousely scary

Like yeah I I I can’t forget like one of my first ever streams like uh I was like down there oh man dealing with like the the the warden and the deep dark caves for the like the first time scary stuff I tell you I wonder if these cows also sneak uh

Sink into the snow powder snow that’s what it was yeah I imagine maybe they do oh me I I don’t want to see a frozen cow that would be terrifying like that movie Frozen okay yeah it’s about to be night time so I’ll cook up more

Sakks and then uh yeah oh I should probably get more torches yeah I need to get more coal I need to get more sticks let me just borrow some of these right now um yeah I’ll hang on to the sticks okay two more uh actually yeah we can just sleep it off

Yeah okay oh wait that’s right I do want to start on a Farm um yeah we’ll just mine for a little bit because we do need more iron oh that’s what I should have done with the remaining iron I should have made like a bucket or something oh well okay cool patties are

Done I do have a yeah actually getting a helmet might be um better for me I don’t know I guess we’ll see is this where I found the iron yes it was okay just want to make sure more coal over here oh Christ hi hold on let me go over

Here yep here he comes I need to have a shield too yeah that’s that’s what I need whoa it gets it goes deeper too that is terrifying oh my gosh any more iron in here oh oh it just goes over here okay uh what is this um material

Called granite okay well I don’t want any more Granite but oh well okay okay this is getting really scary now all Right anybody home I hear some yeah I hear some footsteps oh lapis I I guess I’ll take some I’ll just yeah I’ll just take eight for now I’ll come back for that other remaining ones later anybody home what level am I at right now 47 okay oh there’s a creep right there and

There you are oh hey Speer oh that’s right we do need uh string for later oh gosh wow this cave is so big so big and vast a lot of iron too nice okay cool yeah this is way way bigger than I thought oh wow is my yeah it’s damaged a

Little bit but it’s okay it’s okay oh oh uh okay I wasn’t expecting that oh gosh okay at this point I’ll try to be more conservative with my torches and stuff I did see more oh yeah there you are caves are scary so I just need like

30 or more I think okay I have 10 right now okay that well it’s a start but like uh yeah let’s let’s keep on going I saw some more up there yeah okay a lot of copper though H oh hey Skelly I see you down there oh jeez he tried to snipe me

Okay is he coming no maybe maybe I should go back up and get uh just smell the irod what was that oh that was the zombie villager oh my gosh this thing just goes and goes and goes this is just really scary 33 oh gosh okay um yeah while while I’m down here

Actually I may as well go get some coal too oh it goes back up okay all right never mind then oh wait I’ve been right here okay there’s the coal uh is that all the coal okay well I guess so oh here’s some more right

Here yeah I I don’t know what that sound was either I was terrified yeah I’ll I’ll try to stay uh stay safe thank you thank you I’m stupid any more coal around here okay yeah this this little section right here it for sure has to go down to the

Um the the the deeper end of the pool uh did where did that block go I don’t know okay uh was that coal behind me no okay never mind then hello oh yeah here it is oh gosh I have one torch left actually good thing I brought the sticks with

Me oh every time I step on here it makes that grassy sound odd yeah uh remember how I said we’re going to go mining just for a little bit Yeah I uh I guess I kind of lied I’m just so invested in these caves I guess but also terrified at the same time

Okay oh gosh we need to get out of here yeah never mind U-turn U-turn uturn for sure oh gosh I don’t I don’t want to wake up the the the warden again dang I wasn’t going to I did not think that we’re going to be here

Already that was fast that was way too fast okay yeah let’s get out of here please and uh let’s yeah let’s please uh light light up this place so uh snowy slopes okay oh my my little pickaxe is almost done too lovely okay well all the more reason

I should get out of here I suppose I am so terrified oh my gosh I knew that it was going to go or like well I kind of knew but at the same time I didn’t know it was going to go super deep down like that oh and my pickaxe

Broke well good thing I brought a a backup okay let’s see if I can find more iron or should I just bring like a a shield here for next time I guess we could okay I’m I’m taking a risk here while while while while we’re down here there’s got to be some

More more coal right here um oh oh that’s copper okay I thought that was money oh well yeah I wasn’t expecting that either oh my gosh yeah I’ll just grab all this coal and then we’ll get out of here just so that I’m better equipped for next time I

Suppose I think this is where the uh yeah the iron was earlier I thought it was back there all right so where was the uh yeah there’s so many of these little pits and stuff oh gosh okay uh I think it was right here yeah let me put like

A a little indicator or something or oh maybe like the Cobblestone that would be much better okay maybe like this and then like that or something yeah here we go just so that I know where the uh it’s like an exit sign sort of thing yeah it’s good to have those because I

Get so lost so easily in these caves bat you scared the living okay oh gosh bats uh any more iron I’m surprised there’s no baddies in here though yeah I’m seeing a lot more copper and coal and stuff like that but no I run pretty much anywhere I didn’t know

You guys have purple ears and noses that is so cute all right yeah none down here okay we just come back later unless maybe I could yeah you know what let’s let’s keep searching there’s got to be some down here I thought that was iron okay oh here comes the baddies oh where

Are you I don’t see you but I hear you they’re probably down here or something there you guys are yeah I could attack for a little bit faster okay well we’re back to this level again oh boy oh gosh okay I see some uh iron though but uh lava too

Okay where’s the uh where’s the zombie dude whoa coal with this little block interesting okay I don’t think I’ve ever seen this cuz yeah like did they like uh say that coal like is more towards up there or it’s more common up there yeah that’s right

Okay okay we’ll just snag this iron and get out of here yeah I had a I thought that was a creep like uh next to me or something that scared me okay trying to be really careful not to get into lava okay nice okay I guess we’ll get out of here

Yeah it’s because these little what are these things called cobbled uh deep SLE it sounds like hissing sounds oh that that that coal looks terrifying okay right now we’ll get out of here I guess it’s not a bad idea to get some more coal yeah okay where’s the zombies oh gosh

Okay yeah where are you guys stop scaring me you’re scaring me a little bit there you guys are okay let me see if I can yeah there we go cool oh I hear another dude I I think I saw some iron right there hello uh is that iron yes it is cool

Just watching my back here okay okay I’m going to constantly do that actually oh my goodness this is a huge pocket of iron nice how much do we have uh 21 yeah should we just not leave until we have 31 or like 30 Something I Don’t Know

Uh oh more right here too okay and then more right here too nice okay this is looking pretty promising very nice no baddi’s over here yet oh oh gosh creeps let me eat food before I fight you guys here we go who in the

World I do not want to uh yes I’m not going to be uh playing that that’s funny though I got a little invite wait why am I trying to get the bat for okay maybe another time though um oh ow I should cover the these holes there we

Go oh there’s there’s some more up Here okay yeah there there’s so much iron nice this is like really really cool yeah once I get out of here I should be all said how much do I have right now 32 yeah I’ll get out until I have like 35 okay yeah that should be fine

Okay let’s just uh scaddle out of here hopefully this should be enough let me try to do the math actually so chest plate leggings and the boots um oh wait no this is a I think we get out by this way yeah here we go I’ll take this little Spike too what

Is it called pointed dripstone so I need eight and then seven and then four so that’s uh 19 so yeah I’m pretty much yeah I’m pretty much all said nice okay here it is I’m not sure where you can do with these I’m going to go take look at the

Take a look at the recipe book or something wait how how did I get out uh let me let me just like take all this dirt and stuff here we go nice okay we survived so far at least okay let’s just uh let’s go ahead and sleep the bats love hang

Uh hang hang around you yeah I suppose so oh you know what I’m actually glad I um got a few oh my gosh look at all these guys nice a carrot nice nice nice nice nice can pigs eat potatoes I don’t know but I’m pretty sure rabbits can eat uh

Carrots though that’s for sure yeah we definitely need to go get started on this Farm in that case okay I’m going to make a block of coal and then do that there we go I may as well like uh smelt some of the Cobblestone to too just in case I

Need it for later or something yeah should I smell something else actually I still wish I could make like a like an egg dish or something I don’t know that would be kind of cool uh let me get more sticks too right on yeah pretty much after this I think we’re ready

For getting another upgrade I suppose all right cool let’s go get some boots there we are let me go make a little Shield too but I think first um I’m g go try set up the farms and stuff like that oh I see the little okay yeah this is like a

Little um handle or something where you hold the shield and stuff I see the logic now I think okay no I don’t actually anyway so we need eight and seven so 15 okay 15 uh I guess while I’m at it yeah I’ll go make um a little way up

On here we go I’ll make like a little backup uh sorts too just in case and then just put that in there actually let me let me take that actually yeah we do have a few pumpkins too so yeah that’s good oh man see goodbye to um light colored jeans and pink hoodies

Because yeah we’re going to be equipped right after this they should have pink armor oh wait actually I think they do yeah because like uh can you like um color in like leather armor and make it Pink yeah I’m pretty sure you can I do have enough leather and I do

Have pink dye around me so but I don’t know uh let me go start with the on the farm right now okay yeah bucket yeah I didn’t need to make a a bucket too so that’s good uh do I have any more food I can cook uh there’s a few pigs over here

Yeah let me go um chop down more trees and make more fences and stuff my gosh this is a big tree nice uh looks like I need to get another axe yeah oh yep there it is okay okay another axe actually uh let’s go check on the uh this oh yeah there we

Go all right cool I can make a little chest armor there we go okay there we go oh there we go uh let me make a few fence gates too I’ll make like four or something here we go that’s a start and then uh yeah I’ll just make the remaining few

There we go nice oh that’s right I need to make another axe yeah I’ll just keep it Stone this time I need to make another uh a well yeah let’s go make a well because I don’t want to go down there and get all the water sounds like too much

Work yeah I’m pretty sure you can uh make pink leather armor but it’s going to be leather though so it’s not going to be the best uh at protecting you but it’s pink though so close enough oh at least you can see my sleeves the pink sleeves it’s cute nice I’ll take

It okay uh so I guess uh do I want to lure them down there or I guess right here should be fine I’ll be sure to get a few rabbits too or something yeah okay uh let me move this over here whoa wait oh yeah like little individual little flowers that’s cool

Didn’t know about that I’ll make a smaller pen for the uh the rabbits well here’s hoping that the rabbits don’t jump over the fence if they do then honestly oh well oh oops I’ll give I’ll give them like a few pedals here we go something like that I guess

Okay let me go see where I can put find the rabbits I thought I saw some over here and then uh yeah a few pigs too I do have seeds too so yeah that’s good that’s really good okay and then uh we need to get some wheat too which I

Need to get started on that farm so many things to do hey sheep oh there’s the rabbits actually uh let me hold on this carrot there we go or on this hand rather there we go you guys like carrots right yay cool where did this rabbit go there there you are

Okay they’re hopping around so slowly so cute I love it also uh mugman and puppy Cole welcome in you guys how’s everyone stay been uh pretty all right just um another somewhat usual day for me just somewhat though but yeah hopefully you guys has been uh day has been going well

Too okay we’re almost there hopefully I’m not too far away from them yeah I got a little bit too far uh yes it’s Minecraft can people join or is it just solo it is uh just solo for now but I’ll be sure to open up a world

Very soon I’ll even like do it like tomorrow if I can oh I’m not sure about today though because uh yeah the plan for today was to um at least do a little bit of um solo Focus for now man these cherry trees grow really fast wow okay we’ll get the pigs

Tomorrow all right and now we’ll get the pigs we have a lot of pigs too so that’s uh really cool he up Piggies I should go explore over there to see what’s up Piggy there we go I guess I wouldn’t mind putting the pigs and the chickens and the cows in

The same pen I don’t know I may as well at this point just because everybody’s here well there you go guys you guys have a bunch of grass hope it’s your liking at least yeah I should probably make the uh the doors a little bit more bigger or something

Piggy there we go I think that’s what I need to do all right good to know all right cool yeah I should really get started on this Farm okay let’s get the materials how’s the furnace doing is it is it good yeah I may as well just cook a few

More while it lasts or something oh that’s right I’m going to make a uh a little well I think I need more trees though yeah okay down to chop up this again uh any more over here no okay holy moly we’re getting a lot of cherry uh saplings very

Nice okay let’s go put the well over here somewhere maybe like uh maybe like over here I wish there were uh otters or seals in Minecraft that’ be kind of cool not going to lie though I wish we had crabs but oh well cuz another cuz I wonder if we can

Make make dishes out of crafts or something no no not primarily for eating anyway but uh yeah crafts would be kind of cool I just wonder what we could do with them or something aside from like eating of course but uh yeah I guess if I really have to I’ll make

Another well or something oh oops like up there or something near the house or yeah even like a pet crab I’m pretty happy about frogs though at least they’re in there we go nice we’re good last time it took or it was a little bit more complicated H weird anyway anyway let’s

Go start the farm over here this place is not exactly flat I just I just realized I guess we can start over there or something yeah okay yeah we we we really need like flat terrain I could just dig it out but I don’t know I’m too lazy and yeah strangely enough yeah

These rabbits can’t hop out of the fence or even get like get under it or something cool yeah I guess I’ll go over here yeah I’ll have to build another well or something yeah over here is like way better nice nice okay I’m not sure what I’m going to do down there

Then I’ll think of something okay another well over here hey Nicholas would you rather fight 100 chicken size zombies or 10 zombie sized chickens oh man that’s a good question I I don’t know maybe my first instincts were saying 10 zombie sized chickens it’s like finding an ostrich and

Uh I mean well not really an ostrich but you know similar they’re pretty much like dinosaurs or something I don’t know but um yeah I I’d say like the uh 10 size or 10 zombie sized chickens I know they’re going to hurt but like like I I I doubt they’re going

To be super har harmful compared to like 100 chicken size zombies like I can tell those guys are going to hurt a lot more oh gosh I almost just yeah anyway uh okay everyone uh I have to go bye everyone all right but uh puppy cool

Hope to see you next time in that case but uh yeah thank you for tuning in okay there we go I built another well yeah for some reason it’s nice to have like more Wells for myself and stuff I like it I’m going to try to be careful not to hurt the flowers

Yeah I could even go I was wondering what this was okay anyway yeah ostriches they are kind of terrifying I would not want to get close to one in real life but uh yeah oh gosh and it’s starting to lag all of a sudden a CD Place cool there’s the uh the

Pumpkins and then uh yeah we’ll just get started on the scenes uh we need to get started on the the sugar cane though okay I guess I’ll go do that what are these bees doing oh are you guys trying to get like the the pollen from the uh petals is that what they’re

Called pink petals I thought they were like flower petals or something something anyway how are you guys doing actually let me put a few torches for you guys here you go so that no zombies or skeleton can uh bother you guys here we go and uh let me do the same thing for

The farm let me go over here actually let me there we go all right we’re making progress this is nice apparently they could be very nice and cuddly really I guess yeah when you tame an ostrich yeah I am shocked to hear that though also Caitlyn welcome in farming the ground noises

Yep I am an agricultural list is that is that what they’re called I’m pretty sure or like a farmer yeah one thing I I really really love about these trees is that they give out so much of these lcks and stuff like oh my gosh oh this was that other tree um oops

Ow I just sneezed real uh real hard it’s oh it’s or HS my nose yeah I mean I don’t know a lot of people don’t like sneezes like that but I I don’t know just the sneeze in general is um it’s cool just let just let it out of your

System kind of thing it’s nice oh yeah are we’re going to count the art I don’t know how to pronounce that or I don’t know yeah uh where’s the crafting table here it is uh looks like I need more sticks oh never mind actually I need a lot more here we

Go there we go that should do and then we just put a few torches like that all righty all righty and then uh yeah I’ll put another one right here here’s hoping we can get the watermelon sooner or later I don’t know oh clogged noses yeah it really

Just suck that I I I cannot uh breathe whenever there’s a clog nose I hate being sick I mean even if if it means to like miss school and stuff like that yeah I I still hate it being sick it was horrible Dreadful times okay oh right uh carrots I should use a

Few bones just to grow some more carrots yeah let’s go do that right now I need to fight more of those Skelly dudes yeah okay let’s go do that right now I hear one actually is there one right here cool there’s a lot of you

Guys oh dang cool oh wa there’s one more okay nice how many bones did we get four nice I’m not scky was just the oh a random sneeze okay I see oh it legit CLA your oh I see is that what causes uh clogged noses sneezes okay in that case I don’t I

Don’t like sneezes then oh and it started raining nice all right cool and then uh I’ll use on this one here we go cool I did want to save at least a couple of carrots so yeah there we go now we just need to get the potatoes

Watermelons and berries if we can oh wait the the berries should be over there so that’s good uh let’s cook more of these Rock pork chops not in front of the pigs though oh gosh okay well I mean they would know right I don’t know sadly my hubby doesn’t get out much

So he doesn’t have the best immune system for thing also he got sick on Christmas and uh the past two hey I was just trying to read the chat but all right or the comments he dropped another carrot all right of course he did all

Right okay where was I I the past two Christmases before this one he got Co both times oh wow darn well I hope that for this year’s Christmas uh things could be different for him for the better at least yeah here here’s opening cross my fingers uh yeah you know what he

Rabbits there you go parrots in the bats with the rabbits whoa okay wow they’re jumping really high um that scares me should we maybe make a picker fence or something I don’t know he didn’t Escape so that’s cool some sneezes make my nose clog up but only if I sneeze hard

Enough oh I see maybe it’s just like different for uh for people H interesting okay I need to find the the main reason why clogged noses are a thing oink let’s see so what’s next on my agenda I’m pretty much good on food uh we should yeah I’m going to have

To get some weed uh let’s get like get a few bones there we go and then um yeah let’s try to get some wheat man I am like stuttering today I mean well imagine a day I don’t stutter anyway that’s like my Most Blessed Day Ever

Anyway okay there we go we got a wheat that’s all I needed really it’s kind of gross to put in the chat I’ll just DM you it okay I see I’ll be sure to check it out later or after the stream yeah yeah oh here’s some cows over here uh I need

To go get some more fences actually there they are okay uh where should we go though these flowers are kind of blocking the way and I don’t want to like break them so many flowers over here um I guess we could put actually no oh what if I made like a second floor

Up here or something I don’t know but uh yeah we’re good on the chickens and the sheeps and the cows so we’ll try to get those guys if we can wait I just realized how do we get uh beetroots without the villagers I’m assuming we do have

To get from the the villagers and stuff oh darn let me see if I can get this guy yeah here we go oh I’m running out and oh he’s running out too all right literally running out that is so funny yeah we’re going to have to need a bigger

Pen oh maybe if I were to trade I I don’t know if they don’t give out the carrots or the potatoes then I don’t see any other way honestly yeah so is the rain going to go away oh yeah it’s going away okay as much as I

Love the rain I don’t know it kind of makes me not really uncomfortable necessarily but I don’t know it gives me like a really sickly feeling I mean this time around anyway but uh yeah I don’t know what’s up with that weird oh no I need to block out this hole trade the

Scenes well I I guess we’ll see all right then all right okay we’ll make this pen really big for the chick guns and then we’ll just go out this way yeah we need a little bit more all right then uh do I have any seeds on me no I don’t

Darn oh actually I can get some right here here we go nice I got lucky right there he a chicken yeah I really wish we had more birds aside from like chickens and parrots okay I was going to say that was really weird there we go sorry chicken any other chickens around

Here and uh the pumpkins are going to work already nice oh I see that you’re stuck down here wait hold on here let me help you out there you go we go yeah we’re going to have to find a better place to farm or like for these like cows and chickens and

Stuff speaking of which there’s one over there there we go cool chickens are done okay this is going to be a really weird shape but I’m going to try to go for it anyways oh my gosh these sounds though kind of like that I guess I don’t know

Oh that’s right I need to go make some slabs here we are nice pigeons I mean pigeons would be kind of cool speaking of pigeons I heard that like yesterday apparently like uh there’s like this uh dish in France where you can like um have pigeons like a whole

Like I can’t tell it was like baked or like yeah I think it was baked a whole baked pigeon I was like oh wow I didn’t know you can uh I mean well birds why not you know and then I saw like a more indepth like

Um a snail Farm in France and how they make escar go Honestly though it doesn’t look bad like sure like from like at First Sight yeah it kind of does sound a little bit gross but I don’t know oh you guys like the pigeons I don’t know I I I I don’t know

There’s something about pigs I kind of just don’t they’re unsettling to me I I can’t really explain it maybe it’s just because I see them in CI so much but uh yeah I remember this song making me cry it’s so emotional to me I like the um I mean yeah this

This song is like I I didn’t really grow up grow up with this uh kind of music I like the older ones though that that’s just me though are pigeons cute I mean I I guess in a way yeah but like I don’t know but at the same time yeah

I’m not sure if I would eat them but like necessarily but you know apparently I learned that all birds are dinosaurs I I don’t know if this is like true or not but uh and yeah I don’t think it’s just chickens actually so yeah that’s that’s kind of cool

They’re actually called Rock dos the uh the pigeons are they are they also called like rats with wings or something or no it was just like a more nickname for them but uh yeah chickens are almost are are most mostly related also alligators too yeah that is so funny all birds are dinosaur

Related so funny I find that really really funny also wait what was I trying to do oh yeah that’s right well I ran out of the oak wood uh what was the treat I heard yeah here here it is chickens are descendants of are apparently descendants of Velociraptors I hope I pronounced that

Correctly like I just call a T-Rex a T-Rex like I I don’t I don’t really call like the full name I forget which like veso Raptors I I forget what those are I’m assuming like they’re the big boys not the T-Rex big boys but you

Know Evan is live and I don’t know why he still hates me I’m sure he doesn’t I mean I I can’t really um say for sure or on behalf of uh Evan but uh that’s just my assumption really uh so what did I want to do oh yeah that’s right this thing

Now I’m speaking like that French chef from yesterday but yeah I didn’t know about the pigeons until yesterday Evan is very strict bans people for the dumbest reasons like usernames uh he thinks are oh yeah that’s right I think you you guys did mention something about that yeah I mean I don’t

Know I’m sure he has his Reasons I’m not sure though because I don’t know Evan I’ve never seen his streams and stuff like that but uh yeah I don’t know yeah back to work I want to have a French accent the more I learn about France the

More I I just want to actually uh go to the uh to France again Paris was cool oh I missed the uh a little log okay all right cool I think this should do uh let me go to sleep first also Zara welcome in thank you for tuning in Zara really means a

Lot I loved France yeah France was really very very fun I went next to the Eiffel Tower and that’s about it but yeah my next goal is to maybe at least get on not to the tippy top but like at least get on the tower

My brother told me uh when we went to the Eiffel Tower that it was going to fall over he was so mean to me oh gosh actually well I’ve been on a Eiffel Tower before and I say a because I I went on a fake one in Las Vegas before

But uh I don’t know that’s the closest thing I can do or yeah can say for now oh yeah that’s right let me um do that yep siblings oh jeez that bee again all right I don’t like bees with their buzzing wings and stuff all right cool uh oh that’s right let me

Go get some cows and maybe some ship SHP I was going to guess Vegas yeah Las Vegas was cool too so many things to do there same thing in uh France too yeah didn’t GW steal the Apple towel from Vegas from disp me I do remember something like that I I

Don’t know I haven’t seen that movie in a long time oh hey another rabbit wait don’t tell me you’re the one that escaped wait hold on oh no okay sorry rabbit man I never tried Rabbid before in real life but I know one thing’s for sure you lose

A lot of money in Vegas that is true yeah I mean I never tried any of the casino stuff in Vegas but I wonder what it’s like I don’t know I’m not really much of a I don’t want to really get into Casino or even just like gambling

And stuff like that yeah no thanks also puppy Cole welcome in or welcome back I should say yeah welcome back cows SS intently while you uh hold the wheat yep it is what it is and yeah that’s the funny thing about uh the rabids they run so fast it’s so hard to catch

Them I’ve never been would not do well there I know I would have a problem I’m not sure about me personally but I want to stay away from like any addicting things if possible oh some sheep too hey a sheep yeah I may as well get you guys too sure

Man that that mountain is crazy crazy cool but yeah I mainly just went to uh Vegas for like the um some of the theme parks like restaurants too and the really nice hotels too oh yeah and uh the um some of the plays too fun times they were oh my

Gosh it’s hard getting stuff in Minecraft yeah absolutely I don’t mind it personally yeah I I like a little bit of a challenge but you know I guess some of the stuff is you have to be really really lucky like those potatoes and stuff like that yeah that part I don’t like

Unfortunately but uh oh well okay cool we got all the animals yeah we’re just waiting for the uh the farm to finish up growing and stuff like that and then we’re good so many animals yeah I’m like Noah also any anyal inal now it’s my my

Turn feels great to be on in the the winter seat winter seat is that where you is that what people call I don’t know potatoes are the best food in Minecraft I think baked potatoes look yummy because I think of them with butter oh yeah that is true yeah baked

Potatoes with the butter yeah why not I’m more of a mashed potatoes person I mean baked potatoes are really good too don’t get me wrong but uh I don’t know oh but you said animals wait hold on let me look at that back real real quickly amals

Aminals I did not see that well thank you for uh for catching that for me ni turns into Noah yeah well next I need to go get uh those uh parrots oh while this is on my mind yeah let me go get the leather boots I love mashed potatoes the ones I

Have for Christmas though were not the greatest wait why why did I get sugar canes no but yeah one thing I really want to try is uh sweet mashed potatoes I like sweet potatoes and uh I wonder what sweet mashed potatoes is like I’m not sure yeah never tried those but I’m

Willing to that they’re tasty yeah here we go here we go yeah I can tell this is all like powdered snow yeah light as a rabbit bro I saw a video of this guy eating a massive stick of butter and dipping it into Nutella like yucky what in the world

That’s wow I I can’t imagine what that’s like whoa dude you jumped like 50 feet in the air that was crazy but yeah let’s go check out this mountain yeah I want to go see uh what’s on the other side hopefully something good hopefully not a

Village oh oh this is I probably picked a bad time for me to explore because it’s going to be night time okay let’s make this quick yeah so many like bees around these uh cherry trees and stuff that is so funny yeah he did a little trick for me that was

Uh has anyone watched the new trolls movie I have not I don’t think I have any plans of watching it honestly it looks looks quite silly but that’s not the main reason why I want to whoa okay wait hold on time out I need to go see this place this is

A really cool looking Valley whoa whoa whoa whoa okay wait hold on I kind of want to settle here wow yeah this is great I like this place very nice also uh Melle her her her I hope I I hope I um pronounced your name correctly but uh welcome in to the

Uh the stream thank you for tuning in they do make they made a One Direction joke in that movie what in the world wow One Direction you should find a mansion maybe and oh it’s raining it’s raining again lovely I’ve only found a mansion like maybe once maybe

Twice oh my my gosh what is this music it sounds terrifying okay all right I should probably go back home yeah okay back home it is yeah good thing I came a little bit um prepared thank goodness for that oh what’s this o that this is a promising looking cave very

Nice I’m going to have to go go check this out later I think I hate Birch though what Birch is really nice I don’t think there’s any tree that I hate honestly whoa what is this I like how there’s like a tree growing on that little island I love pigeons

Because uh Louis or Louie I feel like that that’s like yeah it’s is it one of those names with like different pronunciations I don’t know whoa what’s going on with this music I sent you a video with uh Lou and Kevin uh the pigeon oh I see okay I’ll be sure to

Check that out too oh I got a grass block cool did you just kill an Enderman because of that or what happened I I don’t know that was funny this piano is being really funky right now that that’s so funny I love it I love it it went from really scary and

Unsettling music to like very somewhat cheerful yeah somewhat oh wait the boots are right here dang it man uh and oh iron well thanks creeper I guess I did not see the guy like right there but oh well who what was oh that was a witch

Okay oh gosh and she po poisoned me that’s cool I’ll just get out out of here see you I don’t know what that was but that was weird okay all right oh that that didn’t last for too long nice okay wow is this like new music or something cuz I’ve never heard this

One that is so funny yeah free Iron very cool nice actually I should get more Skelly dudes yeah let’s get them right now oh for behind yeah there we go wait when did I get these I don’t know but okay sure let me just switch these over

Witches are the worst yeah they really are ow who was that oh you’re over here okay I see you oh gosh I’m dying there we go nice nice okay we’re okay we’re okay they only gave me two bones though H well darn it Oh I thought it was that train noise

For a second that I was really terrified I just kept on missing there we go there this reminds me of uh gibl music I kind of forgot what gibl music kind of sounds like I need to watch some of the G gibl movies the only one I watch is the the too

One that was like my childhood movie I’ve watched little Snippets of like house Moving Castle but yeah the the only thing I know is like that bacon and eggs scene it looks really yummy I wasn’t even sure it it was uh Bacons for the longest time but I guess it was

Okay well oh oh my gosh creeper scared me this one should do no four yeah there we go I thought for sure it was going to be three hits but no okay I keep on forgetting that all right I just want to check on the time

Of the stream because yeah I think I’ll end the stream in just a few minutes here honestly yeah I can see myself doing that I think for next time yeah we’re going to go do some mining but yeah before I go there’s a few things I want to do first

Yeah is there any reason I should be using these bones pretty much for anything else other than bone meal I don’t know but yeah wow this new starts the uh our little survival Adventure it’s a really great start like wow we got a farm going we got like

Um I’m just kind of surprised that we’re already here like wow oh yeah that’s right I do want to explore this place yeah since we just slept um let’s go do it right now oh I see kitly you wanted you wanted to uh switch to that account okay

Okay I’m just nodding in real life oh my gosh what is over here okay I hope there’s something interesting over here I don’t know I I kind of doubt it though well there’s more cows and pigs over here nice I’m at level 15 Nice yeah wow this is a cool looking little scene right here man there’s like an island right there too oh man that’s really cool very cool uh oh what’s over here oh gosh there’s like so many things to see this is nice okay yeah there’s like a little bit of

Rhythm going okay also what is this oh gosh uh that looks serious let’s not go there yeah this place is amazing wow oh okay I don’t think there’s really much here uh I do see something over there like another big boy Mountain oh oh wait no I think I saw this earlier yeah

Okay yeah wow there so many of these cherry blossom trees and stuff it’s great okay let’s go over here wait what what do I see over there diorite I think that’s how you say it yeah okay diorite yeah let’s go check this place out oh there’s a villager in our chat or comments

Yeah that is so funny hey a villager all right let’s see what we got here I hope it’s another mountain or something if not then yeah that’s fine that’s fine because we we do have a few mountains over there yeah this is another cool place to

Settle I just don’t like the fact that like the rivers and lakes and stuff or down there yeah we’re just like so elevated so high up and stuff oh hey more donkeys I think I yeah wasn’t I over here when I first started out this uh beautiful world I I think

Think so yeah and then I went this way yeah I had a feeling we were like super high up or something there we go dony please let’s just work together here did you just the kick me off or wait no I don’t know what is that that I

See oh more donkeys okay I don’t know why they’re giving me so many donkeys but all right oh okay we’re good bye to you too sorry I had to get you like this but you know uh uh was this a mountain or what is this doesn’t look like

It uh yeah okay all right it’s just like uh whoa what is this another cave okay oh I’m hearing zombies wait what’s that that I see right there is it those redwood trees yeah I think so nice okay we’ll have to go check that out next time also yes I absolutely

Um I think I do agree with uh Caitlyn in this case yeah oh another another Village yeah nice okay we’ll go check that out later but for now yeah let’s head home but yes I agree with Caitlyn I don’t think the uh the the subject for that matter needs to be brought up

Anyways sure we don’t need to talk about it but like it doesn’t need to be brought up that’s just the way I see it anyway all right let me get a few more Foods or sorry cows trying to have fun wait being mad is fun wait am I missing something here or I

Don’t know Nicholas is the skin in your thumbnail the one wearing yes uh as a matter of fact I did uh I did make this um skin all by myself I know it’s not something to be proud of but you know I’m pretty proud of it at least

Yep it is me or like uh more or less just like little dude I don’t know but yeah that waterfall looks really cool holy moly wow look at that cave too oh my gosh okay and yep I sure did make this uh little costume or skin is it called

Costume or skin I think it’s called Skin but I like to call it costume because calling it skin is just it’s just sounds disturbing in a way I I don’t Know I want to call it costumes now because calling it costumes sounds really cute yeah costumes costumes is is a more wholesome name okay we’re almost home nice oh skin okay I see yeah I’m going to call it costumes like is there like an official term for that I’m assuming it it is

Skin but yeah I I don’t know oh yeah outfits yeah outfits is a is a cool name too costumes outfits yeah any one of those works also I see a villager was in here yes he was funny thing is uh the the the Villager was also like a moderator for the

Channel and um I don’t remember um modding anybody named villager but I guess it’s cool yeah it was very odd but it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine at least he um he seems pretty chill though oh yeah we we were thinking the same thing yeah he does seem pretty

Chill very cool super chill nice can y’all maybe drop like a bone or two or not a bone a bow oh gosh okay all right uh never mind never mind y’all can like uh leave me alone actually yeah let let me do this uh first is that all the achievements I got

Does it go up oh it doesn’t go up okay well weird seems to know what he’s doing know how to be stripped maybe maybe I’m trying so hard not to hit one of these bees a you missed all right cool so how’s my armor doing uh it’s getting there oh there’s the bow

Nice oh my gosh I have so much food but yeah I’ll go ahead and cook all this food and then we’ll end the stream there all right we’re just going to be chilling here just cooking there we go when I last played uh played it feel

Like my they made enemy mobs hit harder and further and they aren’t as easy to take down yeah I feel like they do um they reach a a little bit more further or something I I don’t know what’s up with that but uh yeah it kind of seems like that that

Way and yeah I think they’re they take a few more hits to uh to kill too so I’m not I’m not sure what that was about but not a big fan and the the funny part is I am playing on easy and this does not seem easy at

All can you imagine what it’s like playing on heart in that case oh gosh I I’m not going to do that I’m not going to I’m not going to play on hard until I get used to this this honestly the reach is trash yeah it kind

Of is in a way I I don’t know what they did but I’m not a big fan what about hardcore oh well I guess technically I am playing hardcore like if I die then yeah I am going to Res restart pretty much everything all right yeah looks like

We’re going to be here for a while all right what if I dare you to play on hard how about this how about maybe for like a a sub goal maybe then I’ll play on like hard is there like a a difficulty see more harder than hard no

Okay crazy yep you can say that again I am crazy to like even be on my relief but yeah funny funny enough like recently I was like yeah okay I’ve been playing on easy for far too long now maybe I should step it up a notch and play on normal or something

But yeah I I’m not doing that until I get used to this I mean on on Bedrock Edition though at least it seems pretty okay nothing too extreme like this but uh yeah I had an idea just now oh let’s hear it in that case yeah I’m not sure honestly this is

Going to take a lot more than I thought also Wow Let’s with the $50 super Chad I dare you how can I say no to that I’m going to have to at this point how could I say no at this point yeah there we go like I have to at that

Point oh gosh this is going to be bad am I going to die here absolutely but uh $50 though thank you lets well I wish I kind of started out on hard but oh well I should have just done that in the first place me to myself always playing on

Easy and everything step it up you Friday cat Friday cat yeah I pretty much have to now but yeah $50 holy moly okay yeah you know what I wouldn’t I wouldn’t blame you if you got a refund though yeah if you want to request a refund then I do

Not blame you feel free to do it whenever you want you should make a super chat channel in Discord for stuff like that a Super Chat channel oh I see like I guess like the people are allowed in the channel or people that super chated it I’m

Assuming that’s an idea yeah I I could maybe do that I’m not sure if other servers do that but I’ll have to go see if maybe I can do that yeah maybe okay I do need to go um add some more things like I I know that you um had a

Few other ideas as well oh just like shouting them out okay I see yeah okay I kind of like that yeah okay yeah sure we can do that oh I guess the thing is though not everybody on the YouTube side has a Discord unfortunately we’ll try to find a way

Though I think most people do have um Discord though but which is good but like not everybody though but that’s an idea though yeah that that’s a cool idea yeah I like it okay we’re almost there with the uh the food dang I have 5 52 steaks like that that is a

Lot yeah I’m pretty much good on food for for like a long long time all right cool I guess with that out of the way yeah I’m going to go ahead and uh end it here for today we’ve been going for two and a half hours all right all

Right I’d say that’s a good uh good stopping spot right so I’m just going to end it in here right but uh yeah I’ll try to do another uh stream later on tonight I’m not sure which game I’m going to do honestly but I’ll figure it I’ll figure it out

Honestly yeah I’m not sure if it’s going to be like um Splatoon three honestly because I still kind of want to stay away from that game for just for a little bit or even just like tears of the Kingdom honestly or even just like fall guys because I haven’t done Fall Guys in

A long time yeah any any one of those three games honestly I could see myself doing that but um yeah I guess that’s it for me right in that case I um I’ll catch you guys later in that case hope you guys have a fantastic rest

Of your day or night depending on where you are but uh yeah take care everyone I

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】~𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦~ No more Mistakes~! Here comes the New Me~! 🌸❤️‍🔥✨⛏️✍️’, was uploaded by Nicholas on 2024-01-07 02:53:57. It has garnered 74 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:27 or 9447 seconds.

💝🌸✨ Welcome to the stream on Nicholas’ channel! Please feel free to stop in, say hello, and enjoy all of the fun and viewing! We’re friendly and got the chill vibes here! ^ – ^ ✨🌻💜


{ Links N’ Stuff~! ^ – ^ }

[🗒️] Livestream Rules~! https://nicholaslivestreamrulesandinfo.ju.mp/

[🎍] Feel free to Join this Channel to get access to our perks, emojis, and so much more~! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzB1PCDE3aPubhpkVzV-l1w/join


[⚠️] Disclaimer: Nintendo is the creator of the following game(s) being streamed!

💝🌸✨ Thank you for watching! Feel free to like, comment, share, and subscribe as it gives me more encouragement to make more videos and you can always unsub anytime you like! ^-^ ✨🌻💜

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  • EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure – Find Extreme Hills Biome!

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  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Watch Now ๐Ÿ”ฅ

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    Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live ๐Ÿ”ด Public SMP | Java + Pe | Cracked’, was uploaded by Wild Spider on 2024-08-23 15:44:06. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:41 or 161 seconds. IP:- Make Sure to Subscribe ๐Ÿ™‚ Java IP – sanemc.mc-game.xyz Pocket IP – Port – 3262 Dyn IP – if non of that work discord – https://discord.gg/insane-94995089200… TAGS USED : ——————————————————– minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subscribers pe, minecraft live with subscribers bedwars, playing live with subscribers minecraft minecraft 24/7 server free, aternos minecraft… Read More

  • Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!

    Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Summarizing Every Chaos for my Birthday!’, was uploaded by ssChaos on 2024-07-29 15:00:08. It has garnered 62 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:37 or 2317 seconds. I’ve told some amazing stories over the past 3 years, let’s talk about them and this crazy game called Minecraft CHAPTERS 0:00 Intro explanation 2:42 My first ever world 4:04 Maniac SMP – Sara Chaos 9:25 No Signal SMP – Apeiron Chaos 10:48 Craft SMP – Mary and Reeds Chaos 13:11 “Voldemort” SMP – Ceci Chaos plus Charlemagne 16:36 Rulers Royale SMP – Reiner… Read More

  • Sword4000’s Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!

    Sword4000's Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!Video Information This video, titled ‘I played In Sword4000s Minecraft Hide or Hunt!’, was uploaded by Dog1234 on 2024-05-24 19:35:55. It has garnered 9495 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:59 or 1439 seconds. I played in Sword4000s Hide Or Hunt Event with the goal of being the last team standing and building the ultimate secret base and hunting down other players bases. Join My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/TEKyN485eQ ——————————————————————————————————- Huge Thank you to Sword4000 for Hosting this event and be sure to Subscribe to both of his channels! His Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCqt4mmAqLmH-AwXz31URJsw His 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCkc2HMr92d89WP6tPFf1DWA ——————————————————————————————————-… Read More

  • CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #Shorts

    CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CanNap team battle Monster #CatNap #robloxmemes #roblox #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by PurrBlox on 2024-09-08 14:00:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts. Read More

  • Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ #viralshort

    Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ #viralshortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Revenge ๐Ÿ˜ˆ #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft’, was uploaded by WHRI_GAMING_1100 on 2024-03-03 09:49:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Revenge #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Revenge Minecraft Story. Read More

  • WawaNet

    WawaNetWawaNet is a server with many things combined into one. Our server has: SMP, RPG, Exploration, Custom Generated Structures, Adventure, Custom Bosses, Minigames, PVP Game Modes, In-game Economy, Grinding Systems, and Custom Armor/Tools. Join our server today! at: Java: IP: wawamc.net Bedrock: IP: play.wawamc.net Port: 25570 wawamc.net Read More

  • AussieSMP SMP Australian Whitelist 1.21+ Java Bedrock Discord Livestreams

    AussieSMP Server Welcome to AussieSMP Server IP: mc.aus.gg Location: Sydney, Australia Discord: Join our Discord Apply: Apply here About AussieSMP The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is whitelist-based so you need to apply to join. We offer a mostly vanilla gameplay experience with some quality of life features. Features The server is running the latest version of Minecraft Minimal modifications to Vanilla mechanics Player created shops for trading Teleport commands for easy navigation Land-claiming system for protection Multiple worlds with no reset plans Part of a… Read More

  • Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan’s Quest

    Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan's Quest In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Cube Xuan brings laughter, joy, and gains. With animations that are funny and bright, Each video a delight, a pure delight. Missiles in Minecraft, needing repair, Cube Xuan’s humor, beyond compare. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, In this virtual world, happiness is found. So follow along, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, with Cube Xuan’s glee. Each video a gem, a work of art, In the world of gaming, he’s a true heart. Read More

  • MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme!

    MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems Read More

  • OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass!

    OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass! Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their imagination and build anything their hearts desire. From crafting tools to surviving the night, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Building and Crafting In Minecraft, players can gather resources such as wood, stone, and minerals to craft tools, weapons, and structures. Whether it’s a cozy cottage or a towering castle, the only limit is your creativity. With a variety of blocks to choose from, players can design intricate buildings and landscapes that reflect their… Read More

  • Drowned Dilemma

    Drowned Dilemma Welcome to Minecraft Infiniverse Season 4! As the new season of Minecraft Infiniverse kicks off, SkyGuyJedi is ready to embark on a fresh adventure in the world of Minecraft. This season promises to be filled with exciting challenges, epic builds, and thrilling survival experiences. Let’s dive into the highlights of the first episode and see what awaits in this traditional Minecraft journey! Episode Highlights: Resource Gathering: The season starts with a focus on collecting essential resources like wood, saplings, and sweet berries to lay the foundation for survival. Exploration: Along the way, SkyGuyJedi encounters various creatures, discovers a ruined… Read More

  • EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!

    EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft ATM 9 #11] But What If They Weren’t The Final Preparations’, was uploaded by ๆฐทไธŠ็ซœไบŒCh Hikami Ryuji Channel on 2024-09-26 03:18:23. It has garnered 27 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Stream Rules: -Don’t bring any sensitive topics like politcs, religion etc. -Be kind a respectiful to everyone -Don’t mention other vtubers unless it’s relevant to the current topic -Don’t spam -Don’t self promote -Don’t give any advices on the game being played unless asked Read More

  • Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!

    Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘ใ€Minecraftใ€‘Let’s explore! Chatting in disguise ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ’, was uploaded by Yomi Gardenia Ch. on 2024-08-23 00:28:02. It has garnered 214 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:00 or 18600 seconds. ๐Ÿ‘ป Yo-hooo! Hello! ๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ‘ป I am Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond the grave! Today, let’s walk around and see pretty places in Minecraft! I’m Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond! Today, let’s walk around Minecraft and see beautiful places! ๐ŸŒผ Minecraft is a game by Mojang. https://www.minecraft.net/ ๐ŸŒผ Texture pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/2023/06/mizunos-16-craft-java-edition-120.html โœฟ โœฟ โœฟ ๐Ÿ‘ป Twitter โ†’ https://twitter.com/yomigardenia… Read More