Ultimate Minecraft Windmill Build – HowToTurtle Ep. 14

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Hello everyone welcome to another little bit of everything Minecraft stream because I have not been able to fulfill the need to play Minecraft so I need to play more is what I’ve learned um I am not crazy high energy right now um and that’s that’s okay we’re just

Going to take it pretty chill so sit back grab some hot cocoa if you want we’re just going to H out music I do have music going uh if you’ll just make sure it’s yeah appropriate noise I turned it down so my voice should be about twice as loud

But first time having some chilled out groov So huh I bet you it’ll work I’m hoping so okay let’s clear out our inventory first and foremost uh blast protection respiration need Aqua Affinity need some better booties um let’s see get rid of some rotten flesh thought we could trade with our cleric for some

Emeralds to get rid of some of this rotten flesh may have to do that may have to do that you can make the music a little bit louder music a little bit louder yeah let me actually do that in obs okay it just faded out so like yeah all right let’s do

That bring this a little Closer I know it’s a very precarious place for my hot cocoa to be but it’s fine okay it’s fine put that on this is DMC free right yeah sh free that’s what it says okay make it louder make it louder yeah it’s it’s it’s a pretty soft playlist so yeah go with that

Okay I’m hi Grim good morning are you just waking up I mean fair I did also take a nap today so I can’t say anything uh all right let’s get some Cobblestone love that I never have any of my shulker boxes on me when I need them uh let’s grab a little bit of Oak I say a little bit that’s kind of a lot of it but it’s fine wow wait yeah whatever all right let’s get

Started with this I I think this is a good start let me get you some water yeah I think I think that sounds great with the music awesome good this is the observatory we built not completely an early finished ow but close enough no the windmill is not going around here

Just where in the heck oh I bet they’re down there my shulker boxes yeah knew that was going to happen Okay it happened twice what my shocker boxes are in fact not down there AR they over by the um CL Tower I thought they were but maybe they’re at a runner

Distance yeah I can see the Shadows ah they are because the they’re more like they’re entities right they’re not blocks yeah yeah they defin treat the game treats it differently I have to microwave again sorry that’s okay all right let’s eat some pumpkin pie let’s check on the iron farm and

Then going to encase this bad boy all right so first things first this H let me actually move that cuz it’s going to be too close how’s your day Grim how’s it going let’s grab some Cobble it picks up my voice really well I’m all the way back

Here all right where’s where’s our trusty shovel I’m going to shave this back some and replace is needed I just don’t want to deal with it right now all right there we go so what I’m thinking is stripped oak or sorry stripped Spruce logs like on the corners and then Cobble going into

Spruce going into some Oak towards the top could be kind of cool uh let’s okay so if I do here uh okay so maybe like there one two three four five six seven eight ooh okay I see the problem darn it let me actually go grab a bed I like this music

This was a pretty nice stream I gota be honest I’m loving this honestly I think we should do music like this all the time no I agree okay okay hear me out what if we build the windmill like more around this section but and then we have in the

Front a little like Peak out like an entrance way so that way we can cover this up but the primary windmill is is back here it could work the only concern is just that leaving space for the um GMS to fall but it would be nice to be able to

Have you know an entryway there I think we can have like an entryway here yeah and have the wall stop maybe like that be the wall that goes up at that level yeah so one more to the right yeah cuz Golems are too wide one two three four five six how we

Looking well to be fair we probably want to like here cuz if we’re here and then if we go out of block that would be your wall the back of the is that okay uh yeah you could swap out the blocks back there for what you need like

Oh just to shrink it one more huh I’m saying like you could swap that out for wood wood wood you know well we wanted the tutor style yeah right so but if we go up and then out one we should be fine that would be your wall then

Is no because I think right now you’re in line with the next block in from but no because it’s going to be like this I thought oh okay to mimic uh right yeah yeah that’s right that’s right you don’t want to make it necessarily a circle aren’t they circles though yeah

But that this won’t get you like a circle it be like a rounded rectangle a rounded Square cuz it’s much longer yeah um look up at it real quick and let’s just look at like how wide it is so it SE one two three four four five six six S 8 9 10

11 I think so one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 it has to be odd because the zombies in the middle okay yeah I just I got confused by your counting there I think you weren’t lining up with what you were looking at with you it wasn’t okay yeah

That’s what got me really six seven so you could look up like 11 block diameter circle no this should this should cover it yeah I’m say I’m not saying it won’t cover it I’m just saying that the corners are six are not it’s not circular it’s more like arounded square

Is that okay it’s up to you stylistically I think it would be fine because I think it would be tough to do a tutor with an actual Circle I mean I think this will still give us ow an interesting pattern yeah something didn’t work right there

Huh did that work right was there oh yeah the Cobblestone has to be up that’s right though okay yeah yeah with it and then make a uh how high should I go before I make it a Tor Tor uh I would say to the bottom of the part of the farm

Mhm you know yeah um otherwise that top tutor part is going be really tall like this yeah okay wait did you want to have it be a little bit wider at the base or like so it kind of like tapers up and then goes out or you want just have be straight

Up I thought was straight up okay keep going straight up and if we don’t like it we can just build around yeah actually let me oh you’re doing stripped I think it would look cool okay okay do I need to do this oh darn it because I think if we

Do normal logs and uh Cobblestone it may be a whole lot of texture okay I man now you got me second guessing okay that should all be the same height I mean that’s going to be a substantial power yeah why don’t you go down to the like

Like for the blacksmith’s house and look at it from I mean it’s going to be a big structure but that makes sense yeah I think we can not combat it but I think it’ll look better with just like bigger Sals on like on the Wind meal like it looks

Really big right now but with the sales and stuff I think it’ll be good okay good yeah I mean I would say as far as sizing the sales goes we would just size them to what looks proportional for the size of the rest of the building from the bar

Mhm all right let me is that too much Cobblestone or oh went the wrong way on the sides or is that good amount uh I don’t know I that’s fine like we can have bushes around it after the should I do dark oak to Spruce

Uh cuz if it’s darker to Spruce to Oak is that is that too much yeah no that would be too much I would just do spruce to Oak okay it’s just we some like Windows and oh yeah we can add things to make it text in fact do not have Spruce in

There it’s a shame well I AR need more Spruce one okay luckily elas make it all very fast also if you guys are tuning in I doubt the windmill hopefully will not take the entire time so if you guys want to put in the com or like in chat of

What you want to see built next go ahead it may happen I don’t promise it but it may I’m wondering if look cool huh does that look cool uh well what I was wondering was if um if we have the Cobble layer out by one block and then so you could just put

Cobble like to all those blocks I leave both of the beds down there I would I would build it up let’s go from there okay okay now I can do it where um it’s it starts like this but um as it gets closer to the bottom I can

Like spoop it out a little bit I got You if if we build this and we end up not liking the colors what we could also do is maybe replace the spruce with dark oak and then replace the oak with like calite and really lean into the tutor Dutch windmill look that is true that could look really nice

Yeah uh okay okay let’s just build up with some dirt wait why did my music stop oh it did stop was it just like one song m what about what about an artist does an artist have multiple see more all right we go with that we hang out with this for a

Bit oh hi oh yeah that’s won’t have um pardon me sir been trying to contact you about your car’s extended warranty sir don’t do this I think I’m going to leave the spruce on this would you agree yeah um I actually can’t block that okay pardon me

Sir pardon me sir oh no you fell that’s so sad I did nothing need a block there it’s not going to interfere with anything let’s use dirt for right now I don’t need Cobble okay wait what oh that’s why wait because I had the blocks going out that’s How and I still don’t know if that’s the correct number or not but actually have no clue why I just did that saying I do in fact actually need to build it from the ground up so oh yeah we huh nothing Okay there we go that’s much better yep that’s just how we’re going to do it nope don’t make the same mistake again all right how much Cobble we got left we got plenty I can always go back in and change how much Cobble there is add more Cobble it’s not a problem you

Go that’s not really a good spot for that okay we got this section of the tutor house done I still don’t know necessarily how to do the front so if the blocks are here yeah that’ll be fine right yeah go from the side again went from the

Side uh cuz it’ll be out it’ll be past like like side to side from where the water is so the Cobble will be here and then it’ll go one out further yeah okay that’s fine nice I mean it’s probably F cool as there’s nothing for them to

Like get stuck on you know and fall yeah cuz I’m I’m on the edge of here yeah should be all right Yeah I like just show vibes from music I did too I think I’m having fun what we’re missing yeah it just elevates the stream a little bit more I like it because it gives me something to listen to fa enough it VI something I potato

Good did you put salt and pepper on it I put salt uh I can a pepper i you’re scaming listen but you should eat it cuz Okay I will eat it I just want to get this this tor section down damn it honestly it’s looking pretty good

Definitely flat and needs some help in that department yeah I think but like if we bring the Cobble out one son of [ __ ] and also build windows I think that’ll look really good have the windows kind of bump out from it like look all right yeah looks a little like Tower

He kind of is I mean it isn’t but it is get it thank you for the B potato trying not to hey no dropping [ __ ] oh yeah this might be tough H this didn’t put quite how I wanted you these are really good I’m really sorry y’ it’s just so

Good actually I think the compressor took care of it yeah I me my mic for no reason all right I’m going to do a little bit more Spruce and then dip into some Oak be vibing with it okay I think it would be cool if I take the spruce and do

Like this where I like Step It Out by one on either side yeah nice e be a thunderstorm Do It Like H could take care I would really appreciate that just for the sake of wow magic Wow it just it was a little uh spring shower that’s all such a short

Green show no and ser just for the s Street no really listen my thought is if Captain Sparkles can do it I how much higher do you want this to go out of curiosity well it needs to encapsulate the farm correct three blocks above the roof the

Spawning area okay do you want it to start tapering in or no um not from there not from here no okay okay so let me as long as there’s three blocks above so that’s the same level so one two three that’s how high I’ll do section

Okay okay you might be able to drop it down like why don’t you use the back as a reference because I think that’s why don’t you use the back as your reference for how high to go CU I think you could taper it as long as I should say there’s

Two blocks above the fences that should be fine this is two blocks above the fence I think okay but what I’m saying is that like you can start tapering it lower but why don’t you use the back as the reference because that’s where it’s closest to the wall

Right oh no it’s the same all the way around H nothing so do you want that height no I wait it can’t I’m saying taper it can taper as as long as above the walls there’s two blocks how could it taper in you’ll just have a longer like windmill core like

Shaft ex see me or else like your windmill will be so it can’t taper in all that much because if you taper in more well then your sails for your windmill is going to have to be farther out to have clearance no the walls aren’t tapering the roof is tapering we’re not tapering

The walls bro mind yeah just build it from there it’s fine as long as there’s two blocks of air above the walls at the spawning area you’re fine I think that should be good then that that’s more more than enough it’s it’s literally like three

One two oh and the roof yes okay leave me be man so glad I you know gathered all that Spruce Wood yeah yes one to and one more okay you would wouldn’t you you would you would well really agressive why you took Dam H I’m surprised you took damage from that dude

I’m always taking damage from it it’s so silly there he why don’t you fly down to the I will I just want to grab this piece of wood it’s flat but I think we can make work on it yeah I mean I think uh yeah I’m listening I’m just eating if

The top section is Too Tall we could just bring like the where the tutor bumps out we could just bring that up a few blocks well I think we use that set as our range for how big our sales are going to be cuz we can just make it

Like I think it’ll look good what do you mean by range of how big the Sails are going to be how big are Sails are going to be why is the bottom section of the tutor the top is listen listen don’t get in there okay I’m confused here

So my thought is the top being a little bit bigger cuz you’re like I don’t know if it’s too big or not the top mhm I figured that’s okay because it’s it’s going to I think it’s going to look proportionate with the Sals being a little bit bigger so that it’s easier to

Read as a windmill okay I just meant like like right now I think the the top section is a little bit taller than it is wider but I wasn’t sure how the roof line would change that perception and that’s what I meant by but if we don’t like it we can bring

The bottom of m i SP potatoes are really good yeah came out well it was pain in the butt cook just took forever to cook actually don’t well I do have to fly down I kind of like it what do you think I’m just worried that it’s the top is Too Tall

But again I don’t you know I mean it’s shorter than the bottom yes I’m just saying like I mean like it’s it’s taller than it is wider which is I was kind of in my head I had a vision of it being more squared off

Off where it’s as tall as it his wife I don’t think we can Encompass the farm if we do that yeah we can couldn’t it come up another block or two hm couldn’t it come up another block or two the second level yeah where the tutor bumps out couldn’t that come up

Another block or two that’s what I mean I’m not saying make it shorter I’m saying bring the the bottom of the oh tutor section up I mean guess it’ll take a bit of work but yeah I can do that for sure well I don’t know how the roof line or if it’s going

To feel shorter later I don’t know so what I’m saying is that we could just do it how do you want the roof to look like yeah it should be peaked with the Gable being where the roof or where the windmill is okay yeah so the rage line

Should be going in the same like parallel to like the windmill axis okay it is definitely night time but okay thank you um honestly I think yeah I can bump the where I can bump where it bumps out um up a little bit and that should be fine okay so sorry new scaffolding

Right maybe I put it all the way I told you I hardly ever use it can I ask you to do me a super big favor sure can you take this off my potatoes I’m fine doing it it’s just it’s stream it just takes a little bit longer than I feel okay doing

H you mind if I use my that’s fun hate that you can’t shift on it though mean oh okay how many more would you like me to bump it up by um how wide is it like it’s 11 or 13 wide could we make it where it’s as tall as it is wide

Um sure I think shs oh no I do have to destroy all this what I have to break all the all it um okay almost died that’s fine because well not like the base but I have to break all of what I’ve done on the roof why because

It’s I made the it just has all come up by a few BL but if I had previously like so this row was oh yeah wait What no no you don’t have to break it all you’re just going to bring it up a few block that’s all you’re doing okay so how far do you want me to can you turn around and look at the oh um there supposed to be a block there behind the

Villager hm isn’t there supposed to be a block there yeah but I’m going to build into it with the roof so yeah and do that just do these two I don’t how wide is it and how tall is it currently that’s what I was trying to

Ask um I have no clue to both of those it is one two three four five six seven wide uh and if I go up by two one two three four five six about seven tall perfect that’s what I would go for bring up by

Two I don’t need to break that no cuz it’ll be like this yeah Did you want to start the oak lower I can where are all of my trap Doors I don’t know I think I don’t know hi Fly Guy oh hey I’m building a windmill and per usual I built something to off like no I’m trying to ask you questions and something’s getting lost what part of I Wing everything I do right but you

Asked me about it and I asked you questions back and yeah but I wing it so I don’t know the answer uh okay so this how’s your day night going by Guy oh but that means all of my gradient is going to be off damn it

Man what what the next thing I was asking was would you want to start go lower maybe before the bump out it’s a little that’s a little L for that I mean I can I can change it huh well it’s your timing is just very funny to

Me very funny I mean I want to cry but it’s okay okay it’s okay trying to figure out one thing and then you just keep H you just keep working I’m trying man I’m trying oh okay that’s a lie I activated it you silly so I’m going to bring the oak

Lower and then have the top all oak or I think that could look nice what do you think thank you Um is it normal for it to have two different colors what is it normal for it to be two different colors like a Dutch woodmill yeah I think so I mean I think so we’re not necessarily making Dutch being inspired by it I thought it was just to make a gradient like shading Oh that I think it would help because I think a lot of the face is going to be screed by the windmills bands what are they called blades sails I guess sails yeah sails themselves so this might help show the uh show the O more and also help with your your flatness

I could have swor I just slept am I am I going crazy Or I think instead of cooking both potatoes at the same time I might cook them one at a time I think that’s why it it’s so long that makes sense I’m glad that it it’s still good it’s delicious it’s not the healthiest talk about it it’s it’s nice Comfort actually let me

Like yeah I think what do you think I think it’s got potential I think it’s either good or the spruce could come up like one or two blocks what do you think I don’t know must say come up to where it was before looks great no you’re fine honey

Why I have one more oak on me that’s Okay What you doing my Charger crushed it uh thanks everyone for joining chat so far tonight appreciate you all tuning in hope everyone’s night’s been going well sorry I’m focusing there we go it’s evening uh or’s working on a window to enclose the um iron farm build several several episodes go what was that probably episode

Four episode three it’s been pretty nice had a little bit of trouble shooting at the beginning but since then it’s worked pretty well oh you should go check on the creeper Farm next time you fly down okay cuz that should be in range that should be

Active is a more recent Farm um check out 11 or 12 right now um it had to been episode 11 because I think 12 I was just building the observatory and your computer had decied to break so no wasn’t that last episode was that be episode 13 is it I think so

Wild um but yeah so this we decid to go with the windmill um to kind of tie in with the um AG to the theme out here this far out of the city um and we’re going to surrounded by like fields of wheat which going to look

Great I’m excited for that part this is to try try our best to hide Absol listen it works great but it’s ugly it’s a little out of place it’s really hard to make it fit into the L all right let’s go take a look at the creeper Farm all right take a

Second okay let’s not die first I don’t know how our friends and Snow Golems are doing well one’s dead well we’ll talk about it one’s alive doing great doing great number three is still still on alive still on patrol he’s good is there R okay all

Right more stacks of no I’m not going to get it right now cuz I’ll just clock my inventory even more than it already is um I guess down the road we to do a hurricane Farm although it’s pretty easy to just watch that grow from a Distance it’s looking pretty good I like it I like it make it make it make it I think a dark o look great what do you think I got the either that or um Cobblestone maybe but I think that maybe too much well you could do a cobblestone

Edging on the RO that could be nice yeah that might might tie in different top you know what I want to get into what damn it wait second I want to get into um loose leaf Keys Misty made me suon there so good don’t look at my scaffolding it’s an atrocious

Mess crush it this time all right let’s get some more no no I am going to have to come back in and mess with it regardless so I just didn’t want it look too looking too flat and I think each side is going to be a little bit different

So I’m just going to go with this for guess the time being uh let’s move the crafting table you have you have sh yeah but this is and then stri Spruce goes here okay that was rude okay that was even more root somehow and then it is just Oak Let me so from this the sides of it if we do the wall of the um uh Windmill and right next to it is the wall of the farm then the wall of the farm yeah the spawning area um I’m try if we could bring the

Top down by one because then the next block in on the sides is going to be one block higher than where the wall right so I’m going to just like trim the top by one I think so yeah I think that should still allow for the spawning area I mean are you

Thinking about like so it’s not too tall um before the roof’s on cuz the roof is going to dip down one and go up right but I I think uh I think bringing it down one would look would look good okay where are all my trap doors I’m so

Confused uh let’s just take these go look I brought a crafting table nice nice it’s night time already yeah I think that’s right cuz that height is I don’t know minute I just build things yeah just look back at that wall that you just placed that’s that has two blocks above the

Wall let’s see that’s glass and then one two something like that and then if I start the roof here it’ll be up before two yeah I’m just wonder if we could even go to BL more down because it’s going to be the block next like the one block

Inside of the wall is going to be an additional block Higher yeah I think come down by one no I think it’ll look it’s already borderlining on looking strange cuz it’s too squat I don’t want to bring it down anymore okay I worried it’s already going to look weird I don’t think it would cuz I

Mean the sides damn it the sides will be shorter but the top is going to or the front and back are going to appear taller because of the Cable roll with This It really Is how do I take damage from that I don’t I don’t get it h I guess like it maybe it calculates your vector and like pointed more down and straight forward it calculates fall damage [ __ ] it’s all [ __ ] that’s looking weird thank you H it’s going to look a little weird

Cool I think we need to go up a block I don’t think we do because the it’s going to be gabled so the front is going to appear even taller okay do what you think you you have an image I do not so I’m I’mma go with what you’re thinking I

Think you do and that’s okay I have no clue what the hell I want to do you agree okay you agree with him that’s fine that’s what we’ll do I don’t mind all right I see so you think dark o behind that I wish I could play the hell like

Uh you and me both it’s okay Though we do have a plan to run do that situation it’s actually to be a really awesome upgrade for a stream as well so we’re in a position now with the beginning of the new year that um I have a little bit more job security and um I love how that

Sounds we uh don’t talk about it we’re in a spot where I think we’re comfortable with um upgrading Morgan’s PC which is something that we’ wanted to do for a long time now start roof here yeah now I’m just wondering how that’s going to work with the corners I’ll figure it out

Um honestly I would just bring it out H I would just bring it out I could um like put a block here and then put like fences down like the dark so that way it’s not as harsh of a does that make sense I think so just should like like

That uh I was even think just coming straight across but maybe I think your idea is going to work better or maybe you have it come in and then the Gable was just a little bit like curve at the front and back I don’t know there’s potential here yeah if we

Need to change we could always just change the first what three first and back three rows I don’t think that would be too too bad um oh your channel got s oh no trink what is it alcoholic I feel like I don’t know got to go get more dark

Oak I’m glad you’re back with us uh I’ll have to subscribe to your channel later resubscribe I guess um but yeah so so spent the last day and yesterday he spent the last day I didn’t I done nothing doing a lot of research uh for this is this is looking good I like

It um doing a lot of research as to what would be an ideal um it was a seltzer that’s wild huh like heart house I mean that that was my guess yeah dang um but yeah so picked out a build that would be great for 1440p

Gaming uh for the future and we’re going with that because or’s monitor right now um that he really likes is 1080P and I don’t think we’re going to be yeah it’s a TV uh I don’t think we’re going to be in the looking at 4K gaming

I don’t think that’s really for us um at least not yet so but I would like to build it for 1440p that maybe we can break into that down the road um so I ended up going with a RTX 470 um and her CPU I would have liked to have gone with the

Ryzen 7800 x3d um but I’ve been reading a lot of there’s been a lot of like bios hiccups with uh the am5 motherboards and don’t really want to have to go through troubleshooting that or you know it’s kind of a sign that maybe the the integration hasn’t quite matured yet

For that technology but it would have been nice to Future proof with that a little bit but going with a i5 13 600k instead which should be a great performing CPU um and probably it’ll be GPU bound anyway so that should help with running OBS as well as gaming at

The same time so should have plenty of CPU overhead for that um did get like an unlock I would to go into a crazy amount of detail that’s why I recommended the videos this exact reason yeah so um we can uh hope to get that soon enough and then when that happens

Um we get we order the parts we build it and move Morgan’s you know bios and whatnot over there to the new pc and she takes over with that and she hits the ground running with an even better streaming computer gaming and streaming computer um and I’ll assume this current

One so that I can actually get back to gaming while my laptop is uh under the weather what Fly Guy crack me up man holy [ __ ] rats question mark I don’t think you have to worry about about us we’re in our mouth I just hey yo you got to keep this between

Us [ __ ] are my stairs on the roof I did I place some okay I’ve been talking about CPU spikes for the last few minutes which is it worth it to waste a rocket or make another crafting table okay it’s not waste well yeah it a

Little wasy but like at the end of the day did you just stop judging me in my lifestyle that I’ve chosen for myself thank you this series was never actually about building a town it’s just to see how many crafting tables I can build Without You realizing for real Honestly though

I just hope this like doesn’t mess with the farm but like it theoretically shouldn’t what I’ll do is I’ll go Place slabs in there no we need to build at least the front one we need to build it up so that it’s a a wall so that the

Iron Golems bot on but the sides of back the sides back yeah correct that one the Sid in back can be slaps though or buttons what is there still an iron B in there oh my gosh sorry dud he’s definitely going to spawn on the on the

Back hi excited winner how are you doing howdy welcome to chat I have no clue how you want this Gable continue on with should I do like there continue on with the the blocks that you’re doing heyo um okay that like just continue on the trend that you did around the curve and

Just continue that to the to the front listen I know that what you said made complete sense but huh I stuck my a notch cool okay so delete this break the two that are in front there so put a solid block there because that’s here not there here no here yes because

That’s that’s that’s what I meant like the trend that you set around the curve yeah and then in the front you could do like the noral Stagger I kind of like that peeking through what do you think uh oh break it yeah I I don’t know I mean you you have

It covered in the other all right then can to come do one more out yeah okay bro playing right now I think instead of a solid block shouldn’t that be a under stair there you excited winner you like the builds yay I’m excited this is my first ever windmill

So I don’t know what I’m doing I’m winging everything well actually it’s turned out wonderfully all of this you see I have had no idea what I’m doing that’s not true we you done planning we planned it out some we plan out what blocks we want to

Use and then you just leave me to my own devices that’s FY that’s when you work best and that’s when I rage what this that it’s crazy I think this is going to be a cool looking R I hope so ow okay I was expecting to take

Damage there now I feel a little silly um yeah we you love the builds um there’s more coming we’re going to build this up to be like kind of like a city it’s a town it’s not a city sorry we in the future it’s going

To be a city maybe now it’s at Town size anyway um I picked on him a lot about this yes it brings me a remarkable amount of Joy but if you do enjoy what you’re seeing um leave a like poop the Subscribe you did it backwards man okay

Going to sell out you to sell it’s not selling out it’s it no no no it’s booping the like button and subscribing if you want to that’s pretty cool there you trying to get to 500 Subs bye I’d say the end of next year but we are quickly approaching yeah I think

We’re going to be like the goal is for the um the memberships and sponsorships goal that’s setu by YouTube um you sold be listen if you sell out you got to admit to it I don’t think is selling out as much as it is just that was such a stupid

Idea jump over that yes are the Iron Golems spawning correctly oh no one spawned on the back and fell down oh he was heavily damage oh he must spawn that’s depressing oh No okay if I don’t go down and some crafting table already have like 10 why don’t you go down and get another crafting table you have one at the bottom one at the top okay because I keep thinking I have enough stairs and then I just keep being

You never have huh never have enough stairs do you want to look at our Oak chest that’s right it’s wild how many stairs we have but we’re never lose them I mean we’ll use them eventually but so okay I’m going to block it no it’s a block there oh that’s depressing okay

Yeah they’re spawning in walls oops you miss I did I I in fact yeah light it on fire no fire take is off imagine if like fire arrows lit spit it on fire I think you have yeah I think I did you just want it to be one half

Block above the other stairs but the slab to slab is one step yeah okay but I think I need that one there to make it look proper yeah how the last thing we get from that just you so I don’t know I mean like I get how it sounds like sellout

E but like I unfortunately do not have an on streamlabs yet like subscriber goal and stuff so the only you guys will know as if I tell you true and also it’s like it’s not necessarily selling out like for an advertisement it’s more just like uh I immedi was like advertisement you

Want an advertisement and then make up some advertisement ain’t going to L what how is it already night time don’t need to do H oh talking about your girl [ __ ] H his last chat I thought he was talking about you he was talking about his good job fry why don’t we leave those comments out of chat regardless

But yeah I don’t even think I’m going to ask all I was going to say was that I wish that if you like remove a chat from chat um Tre upsides the fun going I’m partially scared of messing something up but as far as like front to back goes so we’ll

See I’m sorry that that sounds like a real bot but sounds like she cares about you a lot so that’s good yeah I can’t oh I did leave that one blank oh no I did YouTube hey get out of my sandwich no but I got to stare I think the takeways make more

Than you G need I’m going I Lally ask what you’re doing right now well you could uh you you could um wait why did my music stop again play I guess must be must be we got music now Chad yeah Ser hot and fresh from copyright free playlist on

Spotify don’t like how you said that I think Matt was the one that was working on uh he was doing music s right uh lethal marshmallow yeah lethal you’re very interested what that’s adorable oh my good this I mean if she’s asking what you’re doing right now you could tell her that you’re

I shut up shut up I’m just saying speaking from the experience of a girl typically if she’s talking to you a whole bunch she she likes you a whole bunch um I don’t know I feel like whenever I talk to this one it just it makes me happy so that’s probably all she’s

Doing wow goodness you guys hav known each other for a while oh gosh hey it’s my sandwich power it got to do the slab like and then if I do that and then oh yeah up and over I don’t think that’s a good is it a Gable okay yeah I mean with the

Curve it kind of like brings it close in the front back I don’t know it’s kind of cool different shape so I think yeah that St Like this nope well I mean yes but no uh it depends cuz I don’t know if you want to fill in the Gable front with dark what part of I’m just winging it are you just I’m trying to help not wing it I guess you know my name not my

Story I don’t know if this is right I’m just yeah yeah that one are you sure yeah well oh wait what am I doing I’m saving myself the pain I’m trying that block yeah that’s the wow what a short crazy little r oh yeah yeah I think I seen the vi that you’re

Referencing um that’s that’s good bit we have our tree up it’s a fake tree though so like yeah thanks for seeing in yeah we appreciate it we have a plastic though we don’t have to play this way be kind of aggressive if we did yeah yeah we have we we have okay course

Bam I think that’s right yeah we take a look from afar yeah I think so I like it I like it too I like it’s a cool looking window now I just have to B the well real quick why don’t you do the spawn grouping for inside the farm yeah

I’ve done some I got to just do the rest yeah I think I think the back and S only need the slabs the front needs the wall up though okay so the front’s got his wall mhm but they can spawn on the sides as well yeah so they need just slabs yeah just

Slabs yeah as long as they’re not going to spawn on any of those or get the get the um block behind you I don’t think they can spawn there and make sure other what do I do this is what I do just replace one of the slab that

Just how do I do that when I just do this and give myself a minor panic attack yeah just look away I’m not I’m not doing it again damn it not BR bring the grabing D why is it down there because D it well that’ll block mobs that’s for sure it is

I how long have we been together um we have been together getting close to two years um we’re about two months sh have two years we actually started dating on my birthday yeah 432 it’s pretty cool birthday you’ll say we knew each other for about two weeks before that before we talked

About it official we knew very early on we’re like oh you kind of special oh that’s kind of cool so I will say though long distance sucks yeah long distance tough it sucks you I was in college when we met um I went to college in Michigan was I in college

When that yeah you were yeah you were too oh yeah you helped me with my last yeah um bro is there a iron goem down no what I don’t think there’s one have you noticed oh that’s last [Applause] um any yeah so she was here in North

Carolina I was in Michigan 62 iron ingots oh well I got to go up anyways I guess um yeah so she was in here in North Carolina I was in Michigan and then I moved back home over the summer um in Pennsylvania um and then we visited but you know it was still

Challenging yes one more semester left and then uh and I went to his graduation yeah that was up in Michigan I flew on a plane for the first time ever by myself yeah it was I was terrified I wish it didn’t H it was her first time flying to be flying solo

But you know kids do that yeah although they normally have the gate agents like help them through it and the flight attendance see that involves talking to people it does it does I don’t like that no you did great you did great I think the only thing that happened was that your

Dad got to take it for like it’s so stupid parking to wait parking to get me because I couldn’t find the exit because it was just stup not that he even stepped out of the the truck he was still sitting in in the driver’s seat

Making the ticket yeah and he was he was still moving and he already looped like once or twice it was so stupid it was not his fault why the hell did I not bring a damn Shuler that’s a lot of wool lch yeah my wool Farm is pretty great

Great did they break down the doors again a damn it did they actually why would they there’s not a villager in there they might have just spawned what this this is looking good yeah I think it’s cool it’s a little Bland on the sides I may put some oh

Yeah we’ll put like windows with like I think we do like what fft does where he kind of like builds like a window sill and then the sides with trap doors and then a little roof over them can I use some marshmallows please sure yes um what do we want the spoke to

Be uh no I think we go dark oak so it pops against the oak yeah byk problem aren’t really going to melt you want me to warm it up okay you don’t got to go breaking stuff back where y’all from um originally I’m from upstate New

York uh but I’ve lived in North Carolina for like 13 years now so he’s originally from Pennsylvania and has been North Carolina resident for half a year yeah six months just about yeah okay upend up I need to change my license yeah you really do need to change all right let’s try using

Scaffolding one more time I’ve already put most of it away I have 16 okay well we’ll do what we can okay put a block there oh oh that’ll be for a window it’ll be fine uh Liv in South Carolina my entire life Wow like older sister’s husband lived there for a while

These are so good they’re peppermint marshmallows um that have like chocolate inside thank you ever been to Carowinds yes I love carins it’s fantastic terrif fors this year two my first time going to sterins cuz never been in oina before okay so that’s our Middle Point

Okay should I just pick the top one or the or the bottom one or uh maybe top CU then maybe it would kind of be symmetrical with like where the roof is going to go sorry should I go about three so that way windmill can be on this

One no that’s going to be too close I may need to go out one more wind can go here favorite ride and yet went to the winter and Halloween thing I’ve think to be to the winter winter fest but I think my favorite Ride why can I just not remember any of the names of the rides there’s okay so there’s Fury I’ve been on Fury a few times I scared the the hell out me but I mean it’s good ride um it it is broken now I don’t know if

They fixed it oh yeah um if you’ve seen that clip it’s terrifying on one of the large like beams or pillars that is holding up a very tall thank oh my gosh those are so fluffy microwaving marshmallows oh my gosh I don’t know if how well they can see that but they’re

So fluffy um it was fixed that’s good uh there are videos of this ride called Fury and it is no joke on it’s I believe the tallest roller coaster um in the Carolinas or something like that I I could be completely wrong between the Carolinas um I I think it’s also like

The it’s one either the first or second or something like that tallest roller coaster that crosses the state line and imagine there’s many of those probably not so they kind of picked like oh yeah these two very Niche categories we are number one um for those of you

Who don’t know Caro it is an amusement park um theme park whatever you want to call it um that no kidding when you walk into the front gate there is a line of bricks on the center and on one side is North Carolina and the other side of

South Carolina so the park is genuinely bordering the B yeah it’s really cool um do you want to make this out of a different material like for like the axle I don’t know my finger just started hurting every time I go there like five times

Goodness Fury scares me oh oh I have a least favorite ride uh Copperhead strike I think is what it’s called terrifying been on it once hate it I hate it so bad see we went on After Burner um when that one gives him nightmares the summer hold on

Before we continue this how do we want the spokes you just want like angle angle angle angle yeah that’s what I was wondering um we could do like uh run of two rise of one so that’s kind of like what I don’t I don’t like it I

Wrote it one time my older sister and I went on it because my little sister has had scoliosis surgery and so she can only ride roller coasters that have the chest bars um and we rode it and I am glad there were no young kids

On the same card as me because I said lots of words I hated it I know what what style of um sale are you thinking it’s probably going to need to be bigger than like this mhm so like this you want to do that I don’t know if I like the wood on

The trim like all the way around yeah I agree with you I think we could just do the front beam as wood yeah but I like I kind of like that shape of sail you like that okay I could just open this kind of okay well use as a

Reference just a straight diagonal as well yeah it is there goes out makes a square and then goes off which that’s just to give clearance but yeah you want to do that I think sure should we use some cobble up there for the axle yeah yeah I think the axle needs to

Be some kind of stone stone I’d agree now you could go like stone stone and then it would be like more of a smoother metal rather than the you know yeah is this single player um no no it’s uh sad usually plays on him usually plays on it as well um but

Long story short we were playing rocket league and his computer decided to unive itself so long story short the fan is busted and so it overheats very easily so he’s able to run the server off of it but if he were to play um his laptop just make combust

Spontaneously it’s not that bad but yeah the processor fan seems so sto working it’s been having troubles for a long time related to the fact that I lost a screw on the back plate and there’s been debris in it which I just haven’t cleaned so it’s all it’s my fault and

Looking at how to fix it how to take it apart and replace it online um it’s more intensive than I’m comfortable doing so I’m just kind of so for the moment and only use my laptop for like Duty tasks um but uh I played games for a little

Bit before it just kind of thermally throttles I think um and uh I don’t know how we want this I mean I why don’t you just start with okay okay I like it like this yeah and then just jump up um so computer killer it wasn’t necessarily

Rocket League that killed it I mean it could have happened during any game that I play any game is going think that’s big enough one more two more go one more and then fly away differ as long as it doesn’t like go as low as to like enough blocks that it

Will kind of interfere with the entrance I think it would look fine you know what I mean maybe you could go one more I think one more um you could Happ during any game because it’s just a laptop with integrated Graphics so any game that I

Play makes you know the fan kick in um and I think there’s just debris in it that finally hit up fan Lade or to basically killed the processor thing so um it’s out of warranty it’s from 2019 it’s BL me all the way through college and games on no business running games

So it is a little bit of a shame but en lasted me long long time sorry I have no clue why I’m counting out loud that’s okay played more games than I should have and just going to use it as light duty task from now on it’s in retirement say going to

Down the rest of life I make some hot coco you’re making me hungry it’s so good I’m so sorry yeah warm enough yeah it’s great thank you I’ll take this plate but we wanted a very like chill stream today and I was like damn it what I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine we’re

Going to have to put together a playlist of all these songs that we have a little bit longer run time I just play Down wait it signs you out for some reason oh Spotify oh I hate no cheating I actually love Spotify the email didn’t enter I’m so happy about all of

This I think that’s right well thanks for sticking with us winner I don’t know what would be a good shorthand name for you what would you prefer we got music nice if you haven’t yet consider subscribing this subur should work just just chill out man just just enjoy

Ow just just enjoy the music man that’s all you got to do uh buy an older GPU yeah uh way back when I thought about doing a like an external GPU setup um for uh for my laptop unfortunately and yeah I could I

Could buy a new fan and or or go to a shop and get it replaced um definitely a doable thing to do it’s just like I we wanted an upgrade for a while I’ve needed an upgrade for a while to like an actual gaming PC um and I think

This was a sign now it’s the time to to move forward with it so yeah we are we are actually upgrading Morgan’s BC um because obviously she needs her for out um which is streaming and so and then I’m going to going to be job there you

Go it’s all an investment um and then uh I’ll use her current system while she gets a new system new system is going to be a uh 13600 K with 4070 I’m just on excited okay all right yeah we’re chatting he loves to go into great detail about software and all that stuff

I’m just giving the the specs and the details for those i’ appreciate them I I bet they do but not everyone does so yeah should run 1440 well and hopefully also improve stream so that should be coming soon um in the next few weeks we hope to be getting the parts

And building it and maybe we might do a video about the new pc um maybe not don’t know I just talked about it during streams probably talk about during streams either way so yeah when that comes and and I’m able to use her current system then I should

Be able to play again on the server 3050 i7 16 Gosha for 144 Herz yeah at what resolution is that a 1080P or are you’re able to get 1440 out of it and what uh i s chip this I blame it on the dirt let me collect it

All don’t know if that’s actually the reason but so it’s broken is it too Dark I don’t know I’ll we have enough for now I’ll work on it Sometime like a win now uh good good there’s probably some like inclusion with the um I don’t think that they have to spawn like under open air you don’t think right no I feel like people enclose them all the time that’s what I would think also are we going to have it like

This so wo Wool Wool Wool or up to you I don’t know you want to use whatever Direction Danish winds H you want to use whatever Direction Danish windmill is oh there’s they’re kind of symmetrical they’re blades that’s cool is it is windmill Direction like like determin

You’re good you’re good yeah I we’re trying to figure out how we what side we want the wool to be on I wonder if like there’s just a way that like all windmills turn or is it like depending on like North or South hemisphere probably direction of wind

What okay well it looks like they are on the left side if the if the it’s pointed down so this side that’s that’s the right side that side that side the other left side what if they’re pointing down I figured if you’re like pointing down I figured if you’re like looking like down

At it like that would be your last no the windmill blade is pointing down that’s what I mean by if it is pointing down anti-c counterclockwise so yes turn no that means it would be on this side no that would be turning clockwise if the Leading Edge is the

Wooden Edge oh is it oh that makes sense actually is is that for like like like modern windmills that’s just how all windmills turn because it seems like that’s how at least Danish windmills turn like old old winds turn antilock counterclockwise well the more you Know know I’m curious why do so so this way oh can I see that reference photo again like that it’s a little I think the slope on the back is constant it goes up one and then up two up one up two up one two if you want to copy this shape

Exactly but like that also works like it’s just really chunky like in the back yeah it’s got some junk in the trunk okay so it’s two one are you going to have the the way go all the way to the hub well I mean well this is purely so I can jump

Across I I don’t know if it would look good I think it would look better with it separated from a little bit like where you have it originally like where there’s like a block of Separation on the Block that you’re standing on I think would be the first one so on to

One I think I’m doing this backwards though I’m I’m starting fresh gotta okay so it’s like one two one two one one two one one two you did too many ones was it in every other yeah but you did one two and then you did one one

One one and then the block you’re saying on is two so one and then that one should be two and that’s fine is that too n yeah I’m just going to add I don’t that’s not working okay we don’t have to follow this slope I don’t know how to make one you

Guys what are your names uh my name is Morgan That’s A J how’s a g how just have turbines to get them going there I was also saying that like older windmills turn windmills and the direction is just determined by like it being standardized that’s all I don’t know no it’s still too

Thin well I think we might just be at the limit of what the size of this one can offer as far as but um different [ __ ] but that’s okay no no no no if you have an idea please tell me CU I’m not liking this um try getting rid of one in the

Block I think I need to add just like like that just so it’s yeah we just make it uniform okay uh I respect no getting netherite um they are clockwise it happens well this this is taking inspiration from Dutch look at the tip for me if you could

Bro Dar right the end of the blade should we take out that bottom corner piece no no not that one the one next to it sure uh I don’t know what do you think it might look just a kind of funky at the scale it’s a little bit weird Okay chip it

Repli hello do you want to take a screenshot from the front and send it to me and I can pull up on computer two one two oh yeah no well as long as you just know how thick they are you should just be able to actually wait

No it’s just it’s literally the yeah it’s the same Contour just it is and this was Two not that far the bottom one need am I doing this right no the one you’re standing on needs to go it needs to be the one above so like that yeah oh no no the two that you’re sitting on need to go and and then one more each No you can see there’s the wood stops oh okay I think it goes like it’s all right no but it’s all rotated remember it’s all rotated I don’t know man okay so then just put one more going down not where you’re standing okay and then just two more on

The on the side like the h no yes because that’s those two oh that would go there and there but brain hurt hi Grim goodbye Grim okay thanks for stopping by againe they’re clockwise we’re we’re using a Dutch wind from bra SP which I think is is opposite of what it is

Today also if we think about it the wind would be blowing from the mountain tops down in there actually it would it would switch between from the daytime to the night time cool so we’re right either way y so I’m going with there’s just a break

At the end of uh like during the night time there’s just a break I think typically it’s a uh here and there yeah uh no no no two one more up yeah um I think during the day the breeze is coming into the shore because it’s colder out over the

Water is that right yeah it’s colder out of the water cu the water takes longer to heat up than the Lan hi fly guy that’s higher pressure just Spam chat that’s fine him chat I mean appreciate the chat engagement but yeah okay so that one’s naked naked naked and then like that

Yeah and then one L yep damn it you could actually build the no you good never mind is that ra or that too big no I’m pretty sure it’s the three wide y okay cool nice what the hell is happening it’s like my finger’s like cramping oh

Sorry my it feel bad it feel real bad it might be broken it’s fine and then like two uh three one two three I think and then one two last one it’s one two no it’s one two three I just need I think I need another row yeah that one just yeah that’s

It we’re fitting faster do I know what the hell I’m doing no I don’t no I’m winging it like everything bre that one Spruce block thanks for telling me I tried to tell you as fast as I could I what do you want I can’t like predict that

You’re GNA jump off really I feel like that’s very common for me to do yeah as fast as I can but it’s always not quite fast enough sounds like a you problem yeah that’s how it always comes out sass you want to talk about sass I don’t know what you’re talking about

Woo last one now last sale we me it chat yeah the bleed okay Choice interesting Emoji Choice from flag sometimes I learned it’s best just to not ask question no up one I ask questions no is it in the middle of that Dam it uh it no it goes that way to

Yeah break break those three and you’re yep that’s it no I mean you’re missing two blocks back in the back but yes that’s it two blocks there yep awesome [Applause] y [Applause] okay we don’t need all the world flags thank you my guy puted it all the world black

H let’s let’s fly away get a nice look at it let us know where you guys they getting a better view that’s a windmill that looks pretty good I like it I think with bringing out the Cobblestone by one block I think that’ll look great and uh maybe

Well tomorrow I’m working on the shell some point I will fix the iron for and figure out why it broke and we will go from there you think bring the Cobble out by one huh you think bring the Cobble out by one like yeah I think so can I ask

Why I think it’ll just uh give it a little more depth to the base of it it look a little Stout to me it kind of looks top heavy right now aren’t we all a little top heavy sorry I’m not that sorry that’s kind of funny okay F easy on the F appreciate

The chat engagement they’re not even coming up for me yeah you’re set to top chat right now all chat oh well they didn’t come across right on PC that’s I will also warn people that um if you like spam quote unquote too much it will like block you so although chat

Engagement is great and you can say unique messages and ask a bunch of questions and all that stuff which I really appreciate I also just don’t want you guys getting like blocked yeah so by YouTube use caution if when you step back from this you want

To see more of those like logs in the pillars or on the corners you could always bring them out when I just feel like it looks a little stranger now I kind of like it now like more it feels sturdy we around the base it looks like you have some weird

Like Medusa effect happening it’s like turning it to Stone I mean I don’t know what are you guys think we could Square it off or do some more design with it h okay is is stream running a little choppy for you guys you seen that or is

That just uh I just maybe our Wi-Fi like not our W like your phone is struggling to keep connected yeah it’s very possible took care of him uh I got some lag very uh very now and there sometimes it straightens out should make a big watch

Area to see your land that’d be cool it be really cool maybe stream on the otherw I can’t well I could just I like it I dig it I think it definitely needs a little bit more detailing work MH um but the bulk of it’s done and I think I think that’s

Pretty good I want to start making the Farm oh like the fields around it yeah oh okay awesome I think that’s going to add a lot to it and I think it’s going to help to hide some of the cobblestone so also yay four viewers we had to that’s awesome thank you guys so much

For watching thank you it’s not done yet don’t go anywhere it’s a figure of speech okay don’t ask why I’m like this no one knows okay thanks probably want to Mark out the path or I guess you can just change it after that’s my plan all right I am going

To grade this a little bit so that way you have like actual like patches and not like not like wheat singular wheat singular wheat singular wheat I’m going to grade it down a little bit okay I’m just I’m worried that you’re going to run out of land for

That CU I I hate for you to compress the slope in the center of town and then not have enough room to build buildings any cuz we probably have to push back like put top of it as we create pads for different buildings I mean there’s nothing really

Much I can do in this like crevice here you know like I don’t know what I would do in there can’t really put a house in there no I’m not saying that I’m just saying like bringing the land out more is going to push or make your Cliff seeper at the front of

It that’s that’s my concern but I mean I can grade out that too I don’t I mean the cliff here is going to become now deeper that’s all but okay I don’t want to do it by too much but just like enough that there’s like two or three wheat on each level

It’s going to double where the bases is going to be placed as far out but what is that one oh that’s probably cuz that’s my pickaxe you don’t have to actually go that up close to the you want to okay one two three four but that should

I me you could also hide water source that’s hold on that’s a really good idea I we might have like leaves around it right up against the wall but it should still reach it’s not going to reach all of that but you know okay let me make an infinite water source super

Quickly want to fil I just don’t know how to do gable roof super well I don’t know how to do gable roof super well well I would just fill it in with Oak okay um let’s cover it up with some Spruce I could switch this to host the server on the network

That I don’t know I think it’s okay it’s not okay it’s stuttering pretty bad I wonder why that is are you on Wi-Fi your phone you should I’m not do you have extra tasks open it’s Discord can almost guarantee you it’s Discord this s is really chunky I almost I

Always just immediately close it and I forgot this time I wish they would come out with like a light version that would be really nice also I personally don’t think this is that chunky so I don’t know if we really need a front building yeah we don’t we don’t necessarily we could hide

Like the chest access you know I have no clue why I’m not using my shle it’s fine so exited yeah I’m should to see how this all turns out there will eventually be a pathway that cuts through here um just for everyone being like how are you going to

Get there without trampling all of your crops that’s how yeah honestly the wheat will kind of cover it yeah we could just do a stair but yeah Oho the path is going to come right up so the path oh that is so true I mean if we have path blocks we could just

Do this is looking so pretty oh actually no we can’t do a stair well why don’t we just do um trap doors on over the front of it and we just put both in the bottom TR door from the outside just a door and we could just goild a little entryway around like

A little porch around the door yeah all right tomorrow you can’t wait good luck I feel it’s early for finals oh what oh no August they start in August August September November December January February March April I feel like normally for fall semesters fins would be before winter

Yeah that is also true is it a trimester schedule oh that’s fair that’s fair well good luck exed enough shate you tuning the in this is so cute oh my gosh going reach that well see um just don’t have fun no no probably not so glad that don’t have to worry

About homework test anymore I mean I should go back and get my masters but n that’s a lot of that’s a lot of work maybe maybe down the road although I know that it’s harder the longer you’re out of school when did you start playing Minecraft uh I started playing

Minecraft’s back in middle school probably around no I think I was younger than 13 maybe around 10 years maybe a little less 2013 era pretty close to release I’ve had this same Minecraft name ever since is the hill going to be solid I don’t [Applause] know I’m forever random let’s go 2011

Minecraft absolutely I was eight playing on uh good old 360 nice nice uh the person knows what’s up exactly listen y’all there’s something about like old school Minecraft you know cestone when you did so although okay if there was one block that you could absolutely do without like what is your least

Favorite I’d say like older Minecraft block does that make sense am I making any sense yeah what is like an old texture for me glass oh yeah it was so bad old glowstone texture I think I mean I’m not a fan of Glowstone much anymore anyways but like

It’s so high contrast so high contrast glasses glass I’m a big fan of aquine glass uh I hated gravel interesting interesting Netherrack I’d agree with that Netherrack is a lot smoother now it’s very nice I think they all a lot of old blocks suffer from just being way

Too high contest yeah I think they were just they’re just doing a whole they were doing the most and no need oh crap you know what I just realized probably going to have to um spawn through the uh window it’s a lot of stairs not the roof the actual BL

That might be a glow like in moment yeah I I also check the spawner requirements for iron they shouldn’t be able to spawn up there fa I like gravel for paths that’s fair yeah it’s see uh I should probably stop talking because I need to work on

This project what class is it for if you don’t if you don’t mind answering I’m just curious I had some interesting college classes I’ll say that no we appreciate you tuning in yeah I appreciate you choosing me for your procrastination I I appreciate that we know that there’s lots of choices

To there is trust me it’s a procrastinator to themselves there it is I mean hey you could always keep it open it’s like a tap just oh English the book in between oh what I don’t know oh expanded the curriculum a little bit since actually if I just

Just take that fill this in hey place it like here maybe okay I think I heard about that book not related to 52 I have not that’s why I was like that’s some really interesting I don’t remember what it’s about though but I I heard that’s that’s a really good

Question though what is your favorite book that you were like forced to read or you had to read for school mine easy The Da Vinci Code fair enough loved that book I also one of my English teachers ironically enough he is my English teacher and my social studies teacher um who hm

What about it next to the water oh I missed a thank Youk um ironically enough he never called me by like my real name he always called me Mojo which is my nickname he asked me one of the first days of class because I have a weird

Last name it’s hyphenated if that tells you anything um and so yeah he called me Mojo for the entire year but we would read a book and then we would watch the movie so we read we read uh breath of the wild and then watched that and then at the end of the

Year we um did The Giver ah and so we read the book which was great that was also a really good book that’s fair um my favorite reir Reading for some reason I love to build cities in 2013 Minecraft I don’t think that was just you I think that was like a a cult following it’s a universal Instinct I get that though I mean when I think of Minecraft cities I definitely think of that like iron iron

Block old glass texture citycape for sure oh The Outsiders yes that was also a really really great one that was actually I think another one of the books that we watched and then read yeah thank you y um I he purposly did it like for comparison to like show

How they’re they’re different and the similarities and thing which was it was really cool to see or like how you the image in your head is different yeah I noticed that the most when we watched City of Ember oh in the image in my head City of Ember is phenomenal I’ve

Actually yet to read it um I I didn’t know it was a book until you told me about it um but I fell in love with the movie I always remember the cover it’s just like an old Edison Bowl M uh Elementary Chronicles I have not heard of that me

Neither has a really cool meaning in the book I love both music and books that have not necessarily always a hidden meaning but it has a deeper meaning than like you can listen to the song or you can read the book and just be like yeah

This this is like a it’s a good piece of work but if you listen closely you start to see and like notice things you didn’t before um one of my favorite artists and he can vouch for this because I’ve been listening to his song nonstop um is Alec

Benjamin he has a song called Boy in the bubble and it’s all about this kid who gets bullied um he’s got like this astronaut helmet on it’s super cool but his at the end of the song like last verse I don’t no musical terms I’m sorry

If that’s not right um but the last like segment of the song it switches and it’s about the bully going home and his dad like drinks he’s abusive um and so the bully takes it out on this other kid and it’s it’s just it’s such a good song

Regardless but with that like deeper meeting in there just it’s so good so good yeah and that that song also has the advantage of it’s kind of like a H SL R yeah a lot of his songs are um yeah there’s and for YouTube purposes uh

He has a song called if I un alive someone for you um another really great use of that it’s this whole song about how like if he did this would like she love him would she like protect him and take him in and and hide

Him from the cops and all this stuff and at the end of the song it’s like he essentially unived himself because he changed himself so much to fit what she wanted and it’s just it’s oh I love his music so much but the um song I’ve Been obsessed with is semi therapist to

Therapy it oh it’s so good just listen to it you’ll understand it was it was interesting so with dream coming out and being and like doing the song with Alec Benjamin I knew as soon as I saw it I’m like great there are going to be so many

People that are like oh my gosh like Alec Benjamin like and I’m great that he got that like publicity because it’s a whole new typically it’s like a whole new realm of listeners right they mhm they did um but I was also so sad cuz I’m going to be

Like I don’t know people ban wagging so hard especially with musicians or when they watch someone they’re like oh yeah like I did a collab with this person and they’re all like yeah he’s been like my favorite for years and it’s like you’re so full of it so full of

It yeah that’s Weir or or just liking something because their favorite Creator like that’s now if you like genuinely listen to their music and en draw them great but but we all know the people that just like things cuz they think it’s cool yeah to Alec Benjamin hello son uh Capri yes of

Course I was just fangirling over his music don’t mind me and specifically like the the deeper meaning in in his song and he does like or not like Ros and pl twists uh literally the first song I added to my gym playlist was semi therapist at therapy because I was like

It’s a must it’s so good damn it now I want to listen to his music I can’t unfortunately that one is not dnca for you is is for bad but hey we have music for this stream little by chill like it glad you’re here it’s a whole

Vibe uh I listen a completely different music style no I I have a I’d see a pretty wide variety um it’s so funny uh we were listening to my playlist for some reason and it went from I’d say more of like a a pop music

I think it was black bear I want to say I think that was the artist that was playing and then it switches to like corpse husband because his music is very like intense it has a heartbeat um which is great for the gym um and then it

Switches back to to some like pop Style music it’s just really funny you know for gym it’s it’s whatever works it is and I also I have like in my everyday playlist I have like country music I have um more like lyrical music whatever I’m feeling at the time

Uh I know weird to say it but I listen to I don’t know who that is I see a composer excuse me the composer of the Minecraft music oh that’s awesome that is awesome I very talented guy I weirdly like to listen to like classical music as well

Um so I was watching Bridgerton and they take if you’ve never watched it um they basically take pop songs or like songs that are very recognizable nowadays um but they like turn it into a classical setting they’re phenomenal I love them gotcha are you tired honey um just a

Little bit I woke up early you did and I didn’t have that I had both those I I I mean I woke up I woke up around eight actually I was up before you pretty was like barely before you except I tried to go back to bed it did not

Work it’s fine you had a nap I did have a nap it was great I needed it I was sitting here and I was like falling asleep I have work again tomorrow unfort yeah I don’t know how much bigger we want this field I realize I’m just I’m just going

Yeah I mean honestly like uh think that’s all right say you’re probably pretty close to the left side of it you m yeah you can see how your your slope is effect C between me going to look really nice once I even it out a little bit and all

The weak grows yeah let me work on evening it out now I think as far as Fields go I feel like this is a pretty it’s a pretty decent sized field I mean I think it could come down a bit more because you can’t really

Build houses I mean if you do they have to just have to have like big doors maybe the farm is broken anyway so um but uh make it more down the hill uh the elemental Chronicle Books discuss about political corruption by having higher level players try to competitively get rid of

Interesting get rid of lower level players uh there’s this one group that takes electronic music by some artist and turns them into orchestral masterpieces I love it oh wow okay okay I I genuinely swear I am not trying to plug this um I have a Discord uh in the description and if you

Join that I would love for you to send me like uh like their name or whatever but I need that in my life it’s just so peaceful you know fair enough but it’s still something that you can like get the gist get behind you know or like follow along to

Mhm well thanks everyone for joining yeah it’s been awesome I’ve had a lot of fun yeah this has been really great to talk with you oh gosh I’ve broken things oh great I’ve broken things again today’s been so good for you that’s awesome to hear I’m glad

Listen sometimes you just you got to chill with some Minecraft you know oh wow they discontinued Minecraft Legends what yeah why I guess they fa B wasn’t enough to make a business page for it to continue development wow that’s wild that’s actually kind of huge because I mean according to to more

Theories Minecraft Legends seem to be poised to talk about or discuss a lot of lore and history of Minecraft so I’m curious if they’re going to then Implement that into the base game in future updates to to still bring that story maybe I honestly have no clue

Yeah this has been really awesome chat it’s been nice to have more folks really awesome stream I should say it’s been nice to have more folks in chat CU last few streams have been a little bit quieter it’s nice to be able to chat and discuss oh yeah catch up with

Everyone they make me goodness thank you um we have like 10 people a day oh wow that’s it story mode I cried when I yeah R Ruben I that’s crazy that’s so bad wow that’s probably more players than like the devs that worked on it oh easily that’s that’s

Crazy I mean I feel I feel bad for them honestly I mean I do too that kind of sucks I mean it’s it’s not their fault no like I think it was just a venture into a market that’s pretty saturated with well the base game Java and

Bedrock I don’t think it quite caters to the Java and Bedrock players because it’s a very obvious very different style of game that is um definitely and I guess it just didn’t get enough outside attenion or attraction to other other genre or players of other genres

Well and you know like there’s that one villager in the Little Rock Hut that little villager in the Rock Hut oh yeah he’s going to now be swallowed by the hill no not going to be that bad oh my goodness okay let me let me fly off and

Let me let’s see how how the it’s looking it’s looking quite nice it’s definely looking good it’s just a a little steep huh it’s a little steep I mean it’s it’s a big terraform project I’m just worried about how steep it’s going to make that Cliff down my goal is not very fair

Enough um that’s one uh H I think moing struggles to make new games because they player BL is always Minecrafters as with Ubisoft who can’t change it up I mean that’s the thing and I feel like you see it with not only a lot of developers but also a lot of like

Content creators they get stuck in one game or one style of content and when they try and change it up because it’s a lot easier to watch something 24/7 than it is to make it 24/7 if that makes sense and so creators will also get often get bored of just

One thing but that’s in a blunt way to say it that’s kind of all their viewers care about and so it’s very hard to diverge from that and with people who depend on this for their income it’s like all right I can either keep doing the thing that I’m getting really tired

Of and burn burn myself out of it even more or I change it up but then the income probably isn’t going to be as good or this isn’t going to be as good um be time watch them all that stuff and so it can be really really challenging and I I

Feel for a lot of them yeah I mean I was wholeheartedly expecting a very similar case uh to happen when I played rocket League cuz typically variety games don’t do as well for me and Rocket League blew up and I’m like all right I’m taking it I’ll take it thank you

Which it might be nice to play again oh yeah I could better yeah 100% I could probably play a few games and then I might need to take a break you play a few on my own and I could play again my my laptop could probably survive that

Yeah I don’t know how long we played for the other night before I started a family throttle get a fan and just it right at my laptop external Cooling just just started like blowing out oh yeah yeah yeah um if you guys watch GT live he posted a video yesterday basically

Saying that he was leaving but as genuinely sad as I am I cried up a whole lot um I mean he does that’s what’s going to make him happy that he needs to spend time with this kid I mean yeah not yeah it once he had a kid I think a large population

Of I guess GT live like viewers knew this was going to happen but I’m very excited to see what Tom has to bring to it he’s never going to be mat pad he’s not going to replace him but he’s going to be I don’t know a fresh view on things

Which I think is exciting um and I am almost positive that if FNAF releases a new game Matt Pat will be back on that couch with him so yeah is that Terrace too short I say it’s only one way really some people are critic izing mad for crying that’s

Horrible I mean he he even called it though is the worst thing yeah he did that’s weird I I don’t know I mean I don’t I think the people that are criticizing him don’t it it’s very selfish for them to do it they’re thinking oh how can he you

Know be this sad and still you know pretend to cry and all that stuff but he not protect me he isn’t he is probably one of the most genuine people just just overall like he is he is such a sweet person he is so caring and although he’s leaving

YouTube like do they realize that he’s still he’s still technically making content for people to enjoy it’s just not in the form of videos anymore yeah I mean he’s he’s created a company and something that’s like bigger than yeah it could have ever hoped for yeah that’s not a

Small thing is to be able to set it up knowing that this would day would said your friend met him at Super Mario movie that’s incredible I I would love to meet him one day if at all possible um we’re in the same state but who knows we’ll see he has

Been someone I’ve watched for years now yeah um one thing that I want to do as I start to kind of I guess collect a bigger viewing is do St Jude live streams like he did I think it’s just such an amazing pause yeah going to get

Back um fun fact I actually almost went to school for pediatric oncology um to for a lot of of kids like playing outside playing sports going to school is normal although the school part we don’t typically enjoy um but what we may not see in that is that like kids however young don’t

Necessarily get that same opportunity and so I wanted to do my part in that and help where I could uh and then my family was completely right and that I would get a attach far too easily and I would very sad so I I didn’t do that but um instead I work with

Animals and also get very attached and also get very attached cuz that’s that’s the kind of caring person that you are I do get very attached to animals one of the box turtles that I’ve done so many programs with passed away and we weren’t sure how old he was um

And often times in anal facilities there’s nothing you can do it just the way of life uh doesn’t hurt any L though yeah so this background she worked as like an education kind of Ambassador I guess the animals are the ambassadors but assistant educator specialist I don’t know really fancy

Freaking name for I did programs with animals for honestly people of all ages yeah I don’t know if anyone else I know I did in like elementary school but like we would have um you know animal folks folks that work with animals come to the school and like

Bring animals with them to educate us about this is a blank that was that literally my job yeah uh I still watch DanTDM for being genu DanTDM’s great he was the first ever Minecraft Youtuber I watched the reason me and probably countless others started a YouTube channel um gosh his like trius

Days bringing back memories you guys bringing back memories why am I going up the hill oh well hi Draco bits how’s it going I don’t suppose that’s in reference Draco Malfoy probably not sorry got any hariry Potter fans in the chat still miss that’s fair he was never one I

Actually like really watched believe it or not yeah not so much me either but I mean I know of his like impact in this in the space you know oh the OG greats this guy does Minecraft the butter the butter sword man butter man I do know that very well it’s crazy to

See YouTubers we grew up with you know grow up in ads Captain Sparkles gosh I still watch like so much of all of his content yeah um but him he’s not like retiring retiring but he’s retiring from from posting edited versions of Minecraft on his primary Channel like that’s huge

Yeah you never watched Harry Potter it’s okay I’ll forgive you you can watch it though anytime um great movies great movies we’re a big fan of if it’s any consolation I haven’t either other than like bits and pieces I know and how gracious I am to still be with getting MO ly

Um are you going to become hydrated there’s a block right underneath you should be bro and I want to be blocks in it one below hydrate thanks again everyone for joining chat loving how active it is ton awesome it’s been fun I was definitely coming into this like a super chill Vibe

And it definitely is I’m jamming out to the chill Groove that is this music um but it’s so much fun chatting with you guys feel like I say it in every stream when I sound like a I’m just repeating myself but um genuinely like my favorite part of streaming is interacting with

You guys answering questions having fun um I love captain sparkle Fallen Kingdom music videos my favorite is the series being Dragon hearted and newest Rising Kingdom oo that’s awesome uh he finally ended a series and yes Harry Potter let’s go sampy series finally ended after like 100 episodes or hundreds of

Episodes wow that is insane um my favorite music creator the platform is bendi he is one of the most talented in Creative music artists I’ll have to give him a listen I I’m not aware right now but what kind of music does he make I love

Music oh also as far as um like this goes I was wondering what if we just like do a retaining wall like here and just I think that could look cool and it could be a nice diverse like so you get some Stone and some tough in there along with all

Like the yellow and the greenery I think that could be really pretty okay and we just build house blocks out to that okay I mean I’d say that why don’t we you know what we could do so if we do sorry I’m I’m so sorry I got to F it so if we

Like taper it just a little bit we can make a retaining wall and then we can use that as like a back alley for more houses a back alley honestly if we just want to make it the back end of a house plot I mean typically like as it

Gets away for the F the city center the house probably have bigger plots of land around them but but he could be selling vegetables there you go i’ say that why don’t we leave the end of the Hill ambiguous for now and then as we expand up from the harbor and

From The Click then we’ll like you know build houses up to a certain point we said okay that’s that’s good there let’s let’s extend the field bu our yeah um trying to figure out where I am also my name is dle puppet because I make dragon puppets I don’t if you know what

They wait wait wait like the ones you see at like the Renaissance festivals oh if so that is so cool uh it’s so fun when no one criticizes your opinions I feel like the internet is getting more toxic 100% the internet is definitely getting more toxic games getting more toxic that’s Why um uh we eventually want to create a subscriber server so that way when you guys subscribe um you guys can join the server uh and it’s just a peaceful no raiding destroying just a super like peaceful welcoming place because you are absolutely right there is so much toxicity in the world and

I I want this to be like a a safe haven for people just come hang out I have several moderators he’s one um first time I ever played rocket League I met professional rocket league players freaking wild and uh someone that actually owns a uh Esports rocket League

Team N7 go check him out if you haven’t um he’s actually one of my moderators he’s become a really great friend and I just I want this to be like a little safe space for people yeah oh hold on someone subbed I can’t see who it didn’t

Pop up on my screen but I heard it what’s her name it it I’ll pass it along electronic I like it thank you Draco for subscribing trying to get to 5 00 subscribers thank you it’s very exciting oh there he is also thank you so much

Uh oh that’s so exciting what kind of do heads but one day I want to do the whole body that’s awesome do you like crochet them or I guess they’re puppets well I guess you can crochet puppets how do you make them yeah that’s a good question like I’m I’m genuinely

Very curious that’s so interesting also forever random I like your logo first off but um her profile picture um he said uh stupendium is pop rapping on video games even made an official song for maack he was also one of the many guests of maack who stupendium whoa that’s

Awesome actually it’s more like electronic music I don’t know chat is going so fast you can’t keep up Chad is popping off and we love it I do I really really do uh I hate Grier and grief briefing I agree I like imagine building something like this like if we take a

Moment and we just look this is episode 14 at the very minimum they are an hour we’ve had 3- hour episodes we’ve had 6- hour episodes before yeah and imagine someone coming in and griefing all of this yeah that would be crazy Not only would I be like I’ve got backups

Incredibly like upset but I would also be just fu and it would ruin it for me like I would genuinely not want to play Minecraft for a solid minute because there’s nothing like in a game it’s really really tough when you put so much time and effort into something and someone

Just comes by and destroys it for no reason yeah so yeah I I agree with you uh I love to build and do redstone Redstone is a current weakness of mine but bu the sheep farm I did I did build a sheep farm but it was with your

Help um you got to start somewhere pable small little Redstone Farm big PS big packs um I really like to build I I like to kind of as a I don’t know if disclaimer is the right word for it but I was definitely not always is a really great

Builder um in fact I oof I have had some super rough builds before um previously and also just like on This Server uh if you look at that building right there uh it used to look really bad it used to look really really bad um but I have learned a lot and

I’ve I don’t know i’ I’ve gotten a lot better at building which I’m very excited about um but I do like to put a disclaimer that I did not start off or even get it’s good of a builder I think I’m I’m a decent now yeah um quickly but

Because I want this to be a safe space for people I don’t want to like misle and be like yeah just to whip this up real fast like I said I Wing everything I mean for for those watching the stream since the beginning it’s been a process with the windmill

Itself it’s always a process collaboration as well it’s not easy when you have someone like me talking no it looks good it looks good I like it I like it I mean I like it um without my progress being deleted by people exactly that’s that’s a good

Disclaimer excuse me I make it with carp board and paper that sounds awesome wow uh if you do join the Discord send a picture yeah definitely I would love to see it um I’m about to build the Fallen Kingdom Castle just as a tribute good

Luck man that’s going to take ages but I love the dedication that’s awesome also Thanks for liking my logo I would consider myself a graphic designer but I’m not a professional hey yeah yeah sure it’s you can be a professional that’s fine no one’s going to question you

You know just saying not building in Minecraft Uso us really going make me make another water source aren’t you um yes hold on don’t read the chests I want to read the chests okay I’m breaking things as well not in a good way though like to take your time and fill it with

Small little builds yeah I think that’s kind of part of like the inspirational source for this world is is building the city doing a little bit of everything that’s the title um hi clock dog sorry hey I want to say hi um and uh just kind of filling it up with all these

Different builds all these different pops of color different build Styles yeah I will say that I have never built a town a city um pretty much anything but like the necessity buildings at the very most on a server so this is super super out of my comfort zone but I’m absolutely

Loving it uh do you guys want to see a city tour oh yeah maybe we could gra is this a single world uh it is technically a multiplayer but it is just this this man’s over here in mine server um it we plan on making a subscriber

Server at some point once we get things figured out um some network security concerns withr safety So eventually you guys will be able to play on hopefully a server with us I don’t want to say soon because I don’t want to get your guys hopes up we

Are currently in the process and I say we very Loosely he has been doing all the work for it um about building me a PC it’s my first ever non pre-built one so exciting build let’s go um so that’s awesome and with the security fixes that we need to do all

That stuff it’s proba it’s not going to happen before February but if you are on the Discord we will post more information about it when we get more information about it yeah um let’s see we just clicked on the stream because of the recommendations for my videos well I’m really happy you joined

It’s been a lot of fun yeah thank you so much uh I would love to see your buildings I’m not uh we can we can do that we can do that uh yes it is I’m not trying huh oh I like to take my time and fill my place with smaller

Builds I’m confused uh as a person who has tried to run a unique server it is very difficult with security stuff yeah without paying for anything so we had a Mini PC um that we were originally running this server off of uh and then it decided

To uh un alive itself in a way and we actually almost lost this world with a decent amount of progress that we had made like we would have lost the part of us going to the end defeating the Ender Dragon finding elytras a solid 6our stream at the very

Least system files ended up being corrupt and I think it’s just because the hard drive went Kut it’s a refurbished like HP workstation um seemed like a solid go-to but it was a this drive and well it was just had it end of life that’s on me but

We did manage to save it happy about that um but uh yeah so now it’s just running off of my laptop I’m going to return this and and thinking that with uh Morgan getting a new pc we’ll just keep continue running it off from my laptop yeah

Um says oh I wish I had Discord parents won let me want you can check out my channel to see yeah we’ll definitely check out and we’ll subscribe love we can see the puppets okay said it ass HP usually lasts pretty long I think we just kind

Of got an unlucky draw of the Hat honestly I I really like HP I have a lot of their stuff um this drives you just you never know when they’re going to go and this one went if really went with a bank it really really went it was so bad

That like um the system was so corrupted it would not Bove and Windows Defender itself was corrupted because I wanted to make sure to scan it to make sure that it wasn’t a virus that corrupted things even though barely did like any connection to the internet once uh I got

The server up and it wouldn’t let me like the system files for Windows Defender were corrupted themselves so I had to make a like a cersi rescue drive to scan it but it was clear thankfully so okay let’s you want to do that row let’s let’s take a quick break

From Farming Simulator uh let’s go check out the town Ian it’s been a good background activity while interacting the chat so much so I’ll get to everything so this is actually a little Pond that we started ourselves um we have it running under the um like pathway over there we’ll get

To that this Farm is going to be changed up a little bit making it a little bit wider more versatile that type of thing um this top section will we will probably get rid of uh let’s actually go over here cuz I really like that build over there

Um so this is our don’t don’t look that it’s not finished we built this real quick just throw some blocks over there I don’t have Cherrywood on me you have Cobblestone no I’m not putting cobbles all right so this is a little Barn that I built this actually holds

Our little wool Farm I’ve cleared all the wool out of there don’t worry about it look at that wow wow wow okay um I have to bring more Shep in but we’ll get to that eventually my favorite part of that that build is the Sandstone with the crack Sandstone it’s

So cute and the smooth sand it looks so good um and go around this way it’s got another little peek through uh I’m going to actually go to sleep super quickly it’s going to be a cool looking field up here thanks it’s LGE don’t break up weat no except

Forat this is our Little Shepherd’s Farm who we don’t talk about what happened to him um oh hi she it’s on hard modat so they bur down yeah so this is I the interior is not quite done yet he’s got Shep hey hey reach you but your C extended War

Pretty much they got a little sheep farm out here um and although yes we have the iron farm that looks really hecking good I like that a lot very nice that’s great um this is my iron farm um I made farms with crops and for some reason the

Villagers freaked out and just kept spawning in Iron Golems I have no clue why they were never in any danger um and somehow they all found their way into the Farms yeah uh last time I counted there was about 35 I think we’ve lost a few in that pen yeah

Uh I think my iron farm works pretty well we’re just going to throw that out there uh let’s actually go take a look at the houses these two farmh houses were I think the first they were the first of our builds um just super simple interior TR doors to keep them

In uh little bushes something like that uh this is our Observatory that is not quite done yet we have more details we want to add in Windows that type of thing but the base is done we spent like two episodes on this so I needed a break um also

Houses our creeper Farm in like the OB so our creeper Farm’s in here we can go hop down gunpowder actually let me that yeah I have 18 Rockets left I need some we did lose one layer somehow one of the snow golems passed away but um the other way our little Tower I’m just going to walk away pick one of those lanterns oh there’s a kitty oh don’t know under the um other Tower I don’t know let me go check sorry I heard a cat in distress I need to help like the most uh most genu and nice

People get to inspire a lot of people it’s just from the experience that has strive to be very peaceful and kind to people I I love that I think it’s it’s so important and you’re very right there are so many so many toxic people in this

World that you know we don’t need that many promise be kind it pays off where is this cat do that you all join stream it’s been so much fun so Draco complimented you on your build oh thank you all right here let me by away so that’s our Observatory again

More detail has to be put in but you get the gist of it um these are a little row of houses um we got two villagers in there it’s a little tutor style house super cute um over here we have too many villagers we don’t look at

Them wait are we missing one I don’t think so I think we have three Librarians I guess the door is still um I got this little house underneath it holds a toolsmith and up top it holds a cleric and librarian um we plan on putting little fences around

Here the water comes out here you can kind of see it from down here o so pretty um and it’s going to actually be in in the water wheel at one point or another yeah Canal uh and the head Canon is that this is like a steampunk maybe like early Industrial Revolution fantasy

Type thing yeah fantasy world so I need to play subnotica uh this is probably one of my favorite builds it’s so cute it’s our little uh beekeepers so look how little bees a far off look got little carrots on top so cute green it’s so cute I I mean is large but

The windmill is large but like it looks really good yeah comparatively it’s a very large build and it’s large uh that’s our little hobbit Hut for one of our villagers the infinity we just need to make him move them into a home so that’s our little Harbor um so

Down here we have our uh storage room so something that I saw um another YouTuber flip do um is he like labels it by putting it underneath so that way you have full access and you can just click on the chest makes it a lot easier um

And then above I have like their leaves and then I have stone types and more Stone types and precious materials Farm stuff building materials all that um just cat for some reason all the cats spawn down here um so that’s where all that is fli head such a nice Mountain it’s

Beautiful uh fli is actually one of the reasons that we decided to create this is because it just it looked like a lot of fun and I wanted to do it and so we did and it’s been awesome yeah like a a longterm kind of everything and City

Style built you beat Sub natica in one day in two hours oh but it took you five months to I was like huh um that’s awesome Morgan loves bees too very much I love the bees I have two more beehives over there that are empty um oh no

So these are some of our houses again nothing inside y um this is our little dripstone house nothing inside you may ask that’s crazy we have a little gate with like a little muddy path that goes down to nothing I’m so sorry uh it’ll be a dripstone farm eventually we have a

Little gate so I can lock up when they’re done um so this is my little Sushi tent I love this tent it is my favorite tent um he’s going to oh yeah ready ready look can I keep my little Sushi tentes uh so whoever that vendor is going to be a fish

Salesman cuz it’s adorable there’s lots of barrels there lots of barrels to keep the fishy fishies in oh H I’ll put some like sugar in there cuz that’s how you have to like dry and cure the fish makes sense uh this is my other little one no clue what he’ll

Be this fish not a fisherman there’s a lot of um and still does that’s very very true uh gosh it’s 11:30 sh we don’t we don’t talk about it playing Skylanders I’ve not played that that is an old old game that’s what I thought that’s like Spore

Era playing SP we got a beautiful cloth Tower it’s got a little house it’s got a little a little Merchant a little watch Creator it’s so cute and then City’s going to kind of expand around that looks so good expand up the cliffs bu little likees for each one It’ll like

Reach up here there’ll be more in the harbor um there’s going to be like ships and peers and Towers to protect the harbor and all that awesome stuff yeah fishing Village off in the village it is 11:30 for us too yeah thank you all for can sleep on a school

Night I I need to have a full night’s rest and then some you don’t want to know how many full nighter or all nighters I pull in college yeah you did do that quite often actually usually because I procrastinate on on doing homework always scares me that’s do dra that’s at least me

Early for work probably should go to bed I am going to finish this last bit of farm and not Crush all the crops that I’ve hard I’m going to finish this layer and then we’ll probably wrap it up oh and this layer just finding all new layers I am like

Stop it get out of my head get out of my head Jinx you ow me a CO I said it first I said Jinx first the hell well sorry you didn’t finish it that does not matter oh it matters well stick with us for a little

Bit longer guys thank you all so much for tuning in and sticking with us as long as you have absolutely and if you guys do want to can’t always subscribe it’s free it’s pretty cool I think a lot of them have I think we’re up to 4:42

Now what thank you guys so much I mean huh we are um aiming to get to 500 as soon as possible try and get to that membership and sponsorship goal that YouTube sets for ear yeah I love my job but um my job told me that I don’t have

A job I’m not fired believe it or not um but like hours are really low and since I’m part of Education team and I you know I’m not crucial to animal care which is fair um I don’t have hours right now so I’m dumping all my time into hanging out with you guys

It’s been pretty awesome uh yeah probably this is what makes YouTube fun no judgmental people in the toxicity people that are just nice I agree you definitely see that more commonly with YouTube being more peaceful than other platforms I said other platforms I mean I not naming names it it is interesting

I think I don’t know if that’s just because like folks are pursuing content on YouTube lives because it’s not as common uh you know to have live get the heck out of my swamp or if there’s also something else about like the demographic of viewers but it it is definitely interesting I

Feel like you know your bad apples come through here and there but um we’ve had pretty positive experience so far can I jump up a freaking Hill like 99% positive experience which is awesome yeah we appreciate each and every one of them stream is struggling again really

Yeah internet wants to go to sleep too it’s fine I think next time I’ll start the server on the other network and could it be my PC’s problem where did he go from H sorry um the freak out of my Farm it it could be I don’t know if you’re thermally

Prod but I feel you shouldn’t be um have you checked uh OBS or task manager respectfully have you seen you check either of those things no okay have a question suggestion but um I can check in a second yeah says good thing is I’m homeschooled

So I only have two hours to and it start at F that is that is I am jealous is I I am jealous I did online school yeah it’s not quite that flexible but like look pretty nice well um forever say it’s kind of hard to do

The things I do so I spend spend my free time making videos or developing on Roblox studio for fun or just playing Minecraft so glad I decided yday it has the most Trac got that’s awesome wait what was this congrats he uh he’s very happy he made a video yesterday he’s

Gotten the most traction he’s ever gotten oh that’s really exciting that’s awesome um we’ll definitely go and subscribe to everyone’s channel uh spread the love and most that we can can i r check that for tomorrow because well yeah I’m not going to lie oh my my neck is

Hurting real bad oh really yeah it’s really bad I think my head took that personally saying that it wasn’t the problem um and I’m I am no joke my head just went twinge of pain I have headaches a lot it’s probably not normal but it’s fine want switch Yeah we actually got a

Switch um recently as well it’s lovely it is very nice very nice wow so it beat your record which was 300 views so it got 1,200 views that’s amazing that’s awesome man your comments that’s good that’s always nice that’s something that like I think uh we’d hope to see more this is more

Comments yeah more comments it’s really hard to get comments I feel yeah I mean we also have odd so everyone’s watching long for but we love the chat engagement during oh yeah you’re really going to be a problem are as long as there grass is it it

Won’t as long as there seeds in it it won’t break it won’t like go back to unfertilized so but I prefer to grow it’ll grow slow yeah Bravo that’s amazing so exited I love seeing like other people succeed as well oh yeah bring a joy bring bring bring everyone up it wow 49,000

Views H oh the comments are turned off no video you made oh no that’s sad but hey 49,000 views you Havey where you are that’s that’s good that’s most important just being happy with the growth that you have it will all come whoa okay Bonito

Bonito Bravo that is a lot of work I mean that’s going so pretty that’s make for an awesome thumbnail I want to bring it down more here but I think overall yeah like I’d like to sculpt it down a little bit more I think I’m okay with the ending there and there

But actually go like I think it might be good to bring it all down more just that it’s more of a defined feature yeah I’d like to just like yeah that’s awesome that’s a lot of a lot of fun I mean all of that is last three and a half hours oh almost

One dot oh no that’s a three never mind 3 hours and 40 minutes I have 29 Hey listen anyone that was anyone had 29 subscribers at one point even the big the big boys big boys and girls months have 30 I I would sub but I’m on stream all right I

Think that is a great place to leave it off we have I’d say a pretty nice windmill it looks it looks pretty nice the blades or the sails phenomenal the farm I like it a whole lot yeah um I may do I may finish the farm off

Stream just so I don’t spend another two hours on just Farm um makes great for conversation it does see that’s that’s one nice thing is like the farm was super nice for conversation but if it’s slower I get really quiet cuz I focus so much yeah trying to do as

Possible let’s see some W 3,000 subscribers that’s amazing congrats when do you plan on screaming wow okay I think that’s mybody everybody scre um I think we’re planning the stream again let’s see I got DNA tomorrow Friday are we going to the gym we were supposed to go to the gym today

I just realized no we supposed to go to the gym we supposed to go to the gym yesterday but rain we got almost flooded we had a lot a lot a lot of rain lost access um and Friday are we going if not Friday I’d say probably Saturday yeah um we’ll

At the very latest Monday yeah definitely we always stream Monday at 8:00 P.M um and it’s Minecraft um once uh to be fair I don’t know that of um the best way is that you can always make sure if you can catch a stream is either notifications however I know

Sometimes those can be buggy or you don’t see them uh on the Discord I the fall Turtle Discord I always um like make a an at here an at here um and you’ll see when I’m going live often times I also like ask you guys if like if I

Stream what do you want to see or like what do you want to see me build in this so I don’t entirely know what I’m going to do next stream the windmill was a big project that we had had on our list since you built the iron

Farm so I’m very happy that we got it knocked off um we can either do more like Farm barns Greenhouse es thing over there over over there or we can work some more in the harbor maybe laying out other parts of the city or expanding up

The coast yeah we could I don’t know if I want to necessarily build the towers right now I think I’ve had a lot of stone work yeah recently um I have to grade a lot of this so if it doesn’t look the same uh as it does

Right now that’s why I just had to almost went in the water um I’m just going to like not level it but make it a lot smoother so that way we can actually build houses um so yeah let us know what you want to see um what you want to

Do I would love to find out we have to get this this poor man’s a a a place you’ll be moved at shortly I promise uh we don’t look at him anymore uh we also need to build our base yeah I mean we could just kind of

Be transients I think that’s what we are going to be quite honestly now that we have Sher boxes we’re like yeah we have the storage side so yeah let us know what you want to see next I’ll try my best to come after stream I we we honestly really

Appreciate you guys coming in even if it’s just for a moment it’s a always great to see you guys and it helps us out a lot um one of the biggest ways that you can help if you want to um I guess two biggest ways is if you enjoy

The streams and you have friends that you think would also enjoy the streams let them know about it if they don’t like it that’s fine you tried I appreciate you regardless um and just spreading the word like that and I feel confident that we can get to 500 subscribers relatively soon the

Biggest struggle is you have to get 3,000 hours of watch time which when you do like a thre hour stream you’re like oh you know that won’t take too long it’s taking so long like 65 hours a week combined watch time to get get that in 12 months which is the requirement um

So the best thing that you guys can do if you’re like me and you can’t sleep without noise ask him he plays YouTube for me every night um if you guys are going to sleep just pull it up pull up like the playlist of this kind of see

Where we started how we got here because my goodness it is so different wild I am there used to be I’m fangirling yeah don’t look at the house um I’m like fangirling over this because it’s just looking so beautiful um but just watch the playlist

Turn on low volume mute it for all I care it doesn’t matter um and just watch him through the night it helps me out a crazy Mount I’m so happy to see that you guys are that was my water bottle um yeah I’m so happy to see that you guys

Want to come back for every stream it’s been awesome talking to you guys and to know you guys sharing music tastes yeah builds all that stuffff randomly like why do we keep talking about school last stream we talked about gym stuff this stream we talked about like English book

Stuff um and it’s so much fun to to interact with everyone in chat I’ll share you with my channel thank you so much Draco I I love this this is so much fun you guys being here during stream is also an awesome way to support because

It does build up the watch hours for during live it get it out to people but honestly I’ll tell you it is 100% more fun when you guys are in chat and I can talk to you guys you can ask questions or give suggestions because somehow in some way I have made

All of these buildings I got to fix the observatory I’m not obsessed with it um fcking a little Bland but I would really appreciate you guys input um and just see what you guys want to see because I’m telling you my creativity only goes so far um so yeah

Uh I did the calculations if you get 65 Watch hours a week it’ll take you 40 weeks oh I over yeah I guess it’s like 60 I see um goodness okay wait 4 10 months the goal is by next year love to see it happen a little bit sooner um but it’s

Okay to have you know some time to grow up to that because yeah with members they you know need special content they need special streams sometimes I know people do that emojis uh and so that’s all stuff I got to think about so I have some time which is good um building your

Editing skills yeah that’s my current drawback is I can cut a video relatively okay um but it’s the fact of like editing and doing a voice over that I’m working on uh I love to make inspiring videos I just had a really good idea I always

Provide links for anyone that I use in my videos that’s awesome I it makes me so happy to see everyone being like so positive and so inclusive it yeah supportive of each other it’s so nice it’s so nice that’s the kind of I think we want to Foster everyone go I’m

Trying I’m still impressed with my clock it is a good thank you um all right with that being said thank you all so so so much for watching subscribing liking just being here chatting with me keeping me uh entertained while I trip away at a single project for almost 4 hours now um

I really appreciate you guys and I hope to see you again in the next one again now um the honestly best way because although we have Mondays that are constant the rest of the week is still kind of up in the air a lot of the times

It depends on when we’re free what we’re doing uh my D and D hops around a lot so I don’t always have necessarily set schedule so being on the Discord one just allows us to chat off stream as well you guys to send photos music taste

That type of thing uh and we can all just kind of chat together which is always fun and it also lets you know when I’m going live and let you guys give your input on what we’re doing that stream which is awesome so if you’re interested look at the Discord um like

Comment subscribe all that boring you know YouTube stuff uh but yeah I am looking forward to seeing you guys in the next one thank you all so much I will include you thank you oh my goodness definitely make a video on the good sides of YouTube that’s awesome bye

Draco puppets um bye forever random incited winner thank you all for tuning in uh it’s been an absolute pleasure and I will see you all on the next one bye guys love you all bye

This video, titled ‘Building A Windmill! (Little Bit of Everything) | Minecraft | Let’s Play (#14)’, was uploaded by HowDoYouTurtle on 2024-01-11 05:01:32. It has garnered 38 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:49:55 or 13795 seconds.

Today I am going to be covering up our iron farm with a pretty windmill! It is going to be a more cozy, chill stream so I hope you all enjoy!

Fall Turtle Discord: https://discord.gg/nSff6gMMwz

Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/howdoyouturtle1

Rouge Energy: https://rogueenergy.com/

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    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

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    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: spuds.cloud Read More

  • KravatBOX

    KravatBOXTRTieBOX, the ultimate Player vs. It is a Minecraft server designed for Player (PVP) experience. With custom maps, the best add-ons and a friendly community, every battle is unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new player, TieBOX is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and dominate the competition.Features:Special Arenas: Fight in carefully designed arenas that cater to every play style, from intense melee combat to strategic large-scale battles.Balanced Gameplay: Enjoy fair combat with balanced kits and classes that make sure no one has an unfair advantage.Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and tournaments with special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!I guess you could say the villagers are really “steaking” their claim against the pillagers! Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow players. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, the possibilities are endless. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure. Don’t miss out on the fun -… Read More

  • Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft!

    Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft! The Ultimate Minecraft Animal Farm Build Welcome to the world of Minecraft Survival, where creativity and efficiency collide! In this episode, get ready to witness the most epic animal farm build ever seen in the game. 🐄🐔 Efficiency at Its Best Step into a realm where every block placed serves a purpose. This animal farm is not just for show—it’s a powerhouse of productivity. Learn how to optimize your farm for maximum efficiency and output. Key Features: Step-by-step guide for building the ultimate animal farm Tips and tricks to boost efficiency and productivity Detailed walkthrough of the farm’s layout… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 – GPU Dying?! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 - GPU Dying?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Returns (Day 6) | GPU !goal (its dying) !tip | Wolv21 | 2024.06.10’, was uploaded by Wolv21 on 2024-06-10 17:40:56. It has garnered 90 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:57:20 or 17840 seconds. ▲ Remember to leave a LIKE/SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy the Video m/ Helps the Pack Grow! ● Best Support on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/Wolv21 ● TIP: https://streamelements.com/wolv21-1801/tip YOUTUBE ● MAIN: https://www.youtube.com/@Wolv21 ● CLIPS: https://www.youtube.com/@WolvClips ● STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/Wolv21/live SOCIAL ● KICK: https://kick.com/Wolv21 ● TWITTER: https://twitter.com/21wolv ● INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/wolv21 ● SNAPCHAT – https://snapchat.com/add/wolv21 ● FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/wolv21 ● STEAM:… Read More

  • Sharkmuse Minecraft Livestream

    Sharkmuse Minecraft LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Stream | SHARKMUSE Livestream’, was uploaded by Sakura Meg. Cheryll Ch. ♡ [SHARKMUSE] on 2024-03-18 07:15:07. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:05 or 9245 seconds. ꒰Livestream Rules And Infos!꒱ Disclaimer: My content is not for kids, Vtubing is actually not even for kids to begin with, even if you see me streaming random shit in kid games, my content is aimed for slightly more mature audience or people who can stomach my things, though I am mostly a Seiso Vtuber, that doesn’t mean that Vtubing… Read More

  • Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD Clan

    Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD ClanVideo Information This video, titled ‘sld clan get owned by Jalisco’, was uploaded by Egesfxd on 2024-06-17 22:12:47. It has garnered 101 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:54 or 234 seconds. https://discord.com/invite/2b2tpe tags; minecraft, minecraft bedrock, 2b2tpe, 2b2tmcpe, hack, hacking, crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal, pvp, pvp crystal, 9b9t crystal pvp, crystal pvp, illegal items, 9b9t incursion, 2b2t escaping spawn, 2b2t backdoor, 2b2t,minecraft crystal pvp, minecraft end crystal pvp, 2b2t pvp, 2b2t spawn, 2b2t pvp montage, 2b2t crystalpvp, 9b9t crystal, 9b9t – spawn pvp, 9b9t, 9b9t 00 pvp, pvp montage, crystalpvp, 0b0t pvp,crystalpvp.cc,anarchy pvp,9b9t… Read More


    INSANE MODERN MINECRAFT HOUSE BUILD - WATCH NOW!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥’, was uploaded by RonJon OP on 2024-03-06 11:00:46. It has garnered 123 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:35 or 695 seconds. BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥 🏠 Welcome to My Dream Modern House Build in Minecraft! 🏠 In today’s adventure, I take you through the step-by-step process of creating my dream modern house in Minecraft. From the initial blueprint to the final touches, watch as I transform a simple… Read More

  • elefse’s Epic Escape: Minecraft’s Scariest Challenge

    elefse's Epic Escape: Minecraft's Scariest ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Survived Minecraft’s Most Scuffed Event’, was uploaded by elefse on 2024-03-08 18:30:23. It has garnered 122 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:48 or 588 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements… Read More

  • Aphmau’s Creepy Titan Attack on Jaizen Girls

    Aphmau's Creepy Titan Attack on Jaizen GirlsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why Creepy Aphmau TITAN ATTACK JJ and MIKEY Girls at NIGHT ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen Girls on 2024-06-04 23:00:05. It has garnered 1790 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:07 or 1207 seconds. Why Creepy Aphmau TITAN BOSS ATTACK JJ and MIKEY Girls at NIGHT ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Keyboard Sounds & Lofi Songs!

    Insane Minecraft Keyboard Sounds & Lofi Songs!Video Information This video, titled ‘adding up #056 (Uncut Minecraft with keyboard sounds and Lofi songs)’, was uploaded by zypher on 2024-01-05 20:00:12. It has garnered 48 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:02 or 842 seconds. Welcome to our enchanting world! 🌍✨ If you’re a fan of uncut Minecraft gameplay paired with the soothing sounds of a keyboard, you’ve found your haven. 🏰🌳 🛠️ Equipment Links: 🎙️ Microphone: https://amzn.to/3TFhQuR ⌨️ Keyboard: https://amzn.to/47hhaPu 🖱️ Mouse: https://amzn.to/48twtVY 🎧 Headphones: https://amzn.to/3NAFdB 🎛️ Audio Mixer: https://amzn.to/3NDZ6Ie 💻 Laptop : https://amzn.to/41vO2CK 🖥️ Monitor : https://amzn.to/486ZIhM 🎮 About the Channel: Dive… Read More