Ultimate Mud and Mangrove Resource Gathering! – Minecraft Bedrock Guide

Video Information

E Well hello everybody happy Monday to you hope you’re having a great start to your week so far oh I went to the I went to the wrong screen we’re starting over take it back take it back to the beginning I’m just kidding we’re not starting all the way

Over hope you guys are doing well happy Monday to you man oh man oh gosh see this is what happens when I stream once a month once a month this is what happens I I don’t have the chat just GNA just going to turn it off just going to turn it

Off I always forget to turn this thing on now you just get to look at the lovely rotating background of my branch mine oh man guys I hope you’re having a great week hope you had a great weekend hope you had a fantastic Christmas and

New Year’s and uh that you just had a good time with your family with friends whoever you were with and hope you had a great start to the year it’s 2024 brand new year brand new opportunities brand new things to do and I’m very very excited thank you Craig for the

10 gifted memberships already start the night out strong congrats to Timmy Angel Fisher Terry Meek Angela Faith aggro skate Andy B snowy The Hoot Owl Drew Aly and Hunters ghoul and and papa Snuffy everybody everybody everybody go join the Discord if you haven’t already and uh make sure your YouTube account is

Linked and you get access to all the channels over there and all of the uh the two servers that we’ve got Randy thank you so much for 11 months one more of these it’ll be a whole here awesome dude thank you so much for sticking it out good grief

Man all right so let me say hello to everybody that’s here tonight and then I saw one comment that I want to address that um was posted during the countdown before the stream uh hello to aggro skate Amanda Kilby Andy B Angel Fisher Angela Faith B Silver B myself I’m in the

Chat uh brighten is here Cecilia is here Craig Durban is here Cricket the wise duw is here Drew Aly grumpy ref Hoot Owl Hunter ghoul Kieran Little Red Hen master paint man brush puggies here instead of watching college football like he said he was going to you’re in the right

Spot you be be honest you probably have college football on in the background don’t you uh hello to Randy RC R creative art Royal squishy ruse Den Sky NS sleepy Miller Stargate stream lags streamlabs text medic Timmy will de and kids and anybody else that is here

That hasn’t said hello in the chat I’m glad you’re here thanks for coming uh I don’t remember who said it but I saw it Swipe by when the the chat was getting started somebody said this guy better well not be switching over to Java 2 huh if you haven’t heard the news uh

Prow my good friend he and I have done a lot of Minecraft in together uh he and I did the Bedrock guide season one together and we started Bedrock guide season 2 and we kind of went our separate ways and did our own thing for a little while um and then we

Also did truly Bedrock together we intended on planning like an entire base together and that never panned out cuz we branched out and did truly bed or not truly Bedrock the Bedrock guide uh we did season one together season one of truly Bedrock was so fun we built the uh

Pig pentathlon the pig race all of that stuff and he’s been a Bedrock content creator for as long as he’s been running YouTube and uh just I think it was just this week announced that he’s making a switch over to Java modded not necessarily permanently and not necessarily

Exclusively but uh he’s he’s moving over to the Java space uh just to try some new things out dude you got to do what makes you happy and if if Java makes you happy go play it man who cares about uh you know numbers and viewership if it’s if it’s

Not making you happy those things are important if it’s your full-time job but if you’re not happy you’re not going to have that full-time job for long anyway so so I’m excited for prow I hope you guys are too and dude if if you want to

Check out some Java content go watch him dude like he’s he’s definitely still worth checking out for for the Java stuff but that said I am not making that switch you do not have to worry I have no plans to switch off of Bedrock content I’m dude I’m absolutely loving

The vanilla stuff I know it’s not the most popular thing in the world right now I know it would be easy to say let me try the create mod like every other content creator and see if I can pull in a million views on a video I don’t care like modded Minecraft

Just does not appeal to me at least not in this current state I I love Minecraft I love vanilla Minecraft I like exploring the things you can do with vanilla Minecraft and trying to push the boundaries on that so dude I’m I’m not going anywhere if you’re here for

Bedrock content then then you’re you’re here to stay so yeah exciting stuff ahead blue I refuse to share you with prow on Java I seriously cry no no no no I’m not I’m not making this witch we’re good like I I wish prow the best of luck I’m excited for him I

Think this is a good new direction for him and his channel I think he’s going to be really happy uh but yeah we’re we’re sticking around on Bedrock over here um let’s see I’m going to come take that shirt my mother-in-law got this for me I’ve had it for couple years I think

I love it man I love it now I will say this somebody just said I would I wouldn’t mind create mod on the Xbox if Mojang ever opens up the modding sphere to bedrock platforms absolutely I would give it a try just same way that that I would give the

Hardcore uh game mode a try if it ever came to bedrock but the Bedrock platform it’s just it’s what I’m used to it’s what I like it’s what I prefer so uh dude if they ever if they ever put hard hardcore in Minecraft Bedrock we’re

Going to give it a try it’ be a lot of fun it probably won’t last very long uh oh Mr Chips no get that out of here Tom Brady the true goat nah I will say this though I will say this bill bellich is not doing very

Well and and I’m I’m coming to think that his success as a coach is largely due to Tom Brady as a player man that guy spiral downhill quickly uh are you going to talk about the tree yeah I’ve got a tree outside uh my house and you

Know it’s a pretty standard tree that’s it Oh you mean the infinit tree all right so the infinity tree if you’ve never been on the infinit tree if you’re a brand new subscriber or gifted member or whatever it is memberships not subscribers memberships if you are a

Member or you a brand new member and you’ve not joined the infinit tree yet you’re going to want to do that because we have a brand new distri that is opening I think it’s open now honestly I I’ve been so out of the loop I’m so

Sorry I think it’s open now but brand new district is opened up on the infinite tree it is a theme based server where we have districts that you can build in specific themes this brand new district is different and breaking the mold from what we’ve done before it is a

Gaming District so mini games if you have a miname design you want to build on the server it doesn’t have to fit any particular build theme or style it just has to be a miname so go join the infinit Tre uh let’s get that place back and booming again cuz the the servers

Have been kind of dead for a while and that’s largely because I’ve been a little bit absent from the Discord and not not hanging out with everybody it’s just been crazy busy but we’re here it’s 2024 like I said New Opportunities new year new District onw infinit Tre go

Check it out everything is set up yes blue thank you you thank you so much appreciate it twitch says you aren’t streaming until January 8th or until 8 what do you mean twitch I don’t stream on Twitch anymore it’s been a while um but yeah I I wasn’t

Supposed to stream until 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard time but we jumped on early making mini games involves Redstone and I do not get along with Redstone builds and not always you could build some things without without red stone like the um uh the pig pentathlon race that prow

And I built together had some Redstone elements to it but the mini game itself was a pig race literally we built a racetrack that was like Mario Kart and uh we you know drove pigs around it it was crazy it was fun it doesn’t have to be Redstone you just get creative with

It pugy I see you pugy just sent me a Discord message he’s watching football and me I’m honored all right excuse me let’s get into it for tonight um let’s jump into the creative world first all right so this is what we are going to be building in the next episode of the

Bedrock guide this is actually going to be probably a 3 to five minute piece of the video we’ll go over quick building elements but that’s not going to be the focus the reason I’m building this is because of all the animals that we tested out on our racetrack that’s way

Over here this is my Creative World by the way this isn’t the survival world so if you’re new here this isn’t where we normally play this is where I test and build things before doing in survival uh so this is my racetrack that I built to test the speed of horses pigs donkeys

Llamas you name it we tested that stuff out but now they’re just kind of sitting on my front lawn and they need a place to live so we’re going to be building a barn for all of our animals and and uh I did settle on a design for the doors a

Couple people suggested that I move the the doors to the outside of the block so I can put the fences and fence gates here just to keep all the animals in and then I can leave these doors open or some of them closed if I want uh but

Yeah dude just like really simple design open air concept nothing too crazy uh big chandelier in the middle and then this up here is where the actual content of the video is going to be in this little space right here uh I’ve yet to design it got to be working on it but

It’s going to be a a chicken farm of some sort so I’ll be working on that here this week and then we’ll build this in the survival world we’ll briefly cover it and then we’ll talk about the mechanics of an automatic chicken farm um in the meantime I kind of wanted

To try to automate the process of making mud tonight and I’ve got this really cool Contraption but it’s not working uh I kind of forgot to set up this part of it uh before stream started and I’m having some trouble now because I mean if you if you do it

This way like if I if I just push this here it works perfectly right perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect kind of and then once it gets to the end because a piston can only uh I got to be careful with how quickly or how slowly I’m doing this um a piston

Can only push 12 blocks right so once it gets to the end of 12 blocks one more two more it pushes the whole line forward and then we can just repeat the process right well the problem with this is it’s not converting it to Mud uh which is why

This dispenser down here is in place it’s got water bottles Galore and that’s why I hooked up this Redstone uh but it’s not fast enough like look at this and it dispenses the water bottles three of them at a time dropping packets like crazy what what do you

Mean I have 0% dropped frames on on my end uh I’ve got a fully clear signal according to my software so I I think it might be on your end get off the Wi-Fi I’m not on the Wi-Fi I’m I’m wired in I’m wired in hold on let me check my

Uh let me check my browser is it back what do you mean is it back I’m not haven’t gone anywhere I am not on Wi-Fi let me look at my stream Here stream is good on your end Okay yeah I mean it looks it looks okay from what I’m seeing I’m watching the replay right now and Yeah it doesn’t it doesn’t look like it dropped anything I think it might be either YouTube or local internet so any whoes I don’t I don’t know what to do with this I I haven’t taken enough time to um to really work on this design I I don’t know how to delay this

Further cuz if I put it on four ticks it doesn’t really delay it right what if I did this what if I put another repeater here and put that one on four ticks that doesn’t really do anything it just delays the water bottle um I need oh here what about this what about

This what about this let’s put one here let’s put another repeater There is that going to do it let’s try this ah rats pugy yes you got a lot of points that looks like a dropper it’s not it’s a dispenser I just pick blocked it it’s a dispenser see can show you my mud mud machine if you

Want Master Teo can you send it to me on Discord I’d love to not spend all night in the testing world doing this I’m just trying to make something really basic that I can set up and tear down later because I’m not doing a tutorial on this this won’t be part of

The video it’s literally just for night for tonight resource Gathering build mine without an observer use a redstone torch in the hole under where you place the block Dro her in place of the Observer you place the block and it completes the circuit oh okay that also gets rid of the need for

That because that circuit right there is to eliminate the double piston push from The Observer uh okay so if I put that there oh my gosh I hate the new search bar sometimes it just does not work right all right so block there and then okay and then if I put that there

Will that power that piston nope but I could Do comparator right out of there no I don’t want that I want I want a I want an observer there to to to detect the state change love your content man thank you so much I appreciate It it’s easier to just gather mud manually it’s so easy yeah but you got to know where a a uh Mangrove biome is a mangrove swamp is and I don’t in my world and even if I did it it’s finite maybe it’s a big swamp maybe it’s

Not if I can set this up at home and just do it at home I don’t have to travel Um what do I need I need a Observer okay so then boop boop and yes okay so that worked oh Doofus ah okay we got to delay this we got to delay this oh I don’t have any water bottles in there that’s why we’re close we’re very very close uh okay so then we’ll do that there and then a double chest go go gadget chunk base yeah I know I

Could use that to go find a a swamp but again if I can do it at home it’s just quicker okay let’s test it out again love it it’s perfect does it have to be four ticks can it be one tick oh yeah what about two that’ll hopefully stop

The ah gosh I wanted to I want it to not double back like that I guess four ticks it is then huh two tick delay yeah if I do a two tick delay it just it doubles I guess I could hold on I guess I I could still do this circuit I just

Don’t need it down there uh we’ll do that then we’ll do a this will be the comparator circuit down here um repeater into the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah that didn’t work I’m I’m I’m not going to worry about it I’m not going to over complicate this it’s it’s a temporary setup right s you my structura for my mud clay maker oh okay I don’t have structura installed right now though So would it load up as a structure if I tried to import It why is it not working every time oh oh that’s an entirely new problem all right here you go you Ready Gifted Subs wait who gifted subs minitar thank you so much for gifting five subs thank you so much woo okay here we go you ready here bloop bloop there we go easy easy mud Farm I’m honestly tempted to do it manually at this point oh my gosh all right let me really quickly

Load up agro’s mud mud pack I can’t do it on my server uh because here what’ll just do on the old testing world uh servers do not allow you to import structure files you have to download the the thing locally the world locally and then reup it it’s really annoying the dirt

I see I see um okay let me see download it’s my old testing world there’s a lot of stuff in here man a lot a lot a lot of stuff all right uh give blue J structure block and then load import it didn’t hold on it didn’t download mod immc pack

Oh it’s not a structure file it’s an it’s a MC pack oh I remember you have to do this with the armor stands I got it hang on that I can do on my uh server mud activate don’t you love how this stream is called a resource Gathering stream and we

Haven’t even started the resources resource the resource Gathering yet all right oh gosh let me clear this out and armor stand oh my oh my that is big huh pumpkins bubble column Hoppers water bottle Filler I take it that’s what collects the empty water bottles yeah I mean this is very very cool I don’t think I’m going to build it tonight honestly I I would love to wait why are there two sides to this help help me understand That why are the two sides look underneath to convert clay to sell to Masons okay help me understand how you do two mud farms at once I see okay so you place one so Place one there and then Place one there and then Place one there and then

Place one there got it well that’s pretty cool all right well I’m going to hang on to this and if we ever need a mud Farm we we’ll check this one out maybe take some inspiration from it if not ask permission to use it we’ll see uh where’s the where’s the armor

Stand at there it is all right all right that’s cool dude that’s awesome um what about water buckets you can’t use water buckets it has to be water bottles all right so I am I’m not going to worry about it because I don’t want to I don’t want to hassle with like

Emptying water bottles or or is it oh I don’t why do I do this to myself I always go down the rabbit hole I always go down Rabbit Hole okay if the water bottle gets empty no I can’t I can’t cuz I had this same problem with my honey bottle

Farm where it wouldn’t like it would potentially eject one of these instead of an empty one I’m just I’m going to manually do it I I thought it would be cool to do an automated thing tonight but we’re just going to do it manually by the time we get it figured

Out we could have already had most of the mud collected you could just use a dripstone Farm like put water above dripstone and then put the uh dirt blocks underneath it also you guys let me know tonight I know my camera’s glitching out right now

But let me know how the uh the audio is with uh music and game audio I made a few slight changes that I’m hoping corrected the problems we’ve been having but I’m not I’m not like banking on it we’ll see place a hopper on the dispenser to collect the empty water bottle but

There’s no guarantee it’ll collect the empty water bottles it’ll just pull everything through you got to have a locking mechanism to only allow one in at a time and then one out at a time all right um let’s see I don’t even know if I have

Dripstone to be Hon oh I got 30 I got 30 dripstone we could do a little something this this kind of stuff will be so much easier once we have the autoc crafter cuz you can filter stuff out with the autoc crafter it’s pry great sort for empty bottles yeah I know

But again it’s just going to it’s going to take too long to set it up if it was a simple 5-second setup I’d be inclined to do it but here’s what we’re going to do cuz what we can do is we can be mining wheat while this stuff is converting to mud

And then just go back and forth right so I’m going to put dripstone here oh no it’s got to be under it’s got to be under not over uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 oh that’s what I thought as soon as I

Break that that’s going to can I place any block over dripstone I’ve never really used dripstone to make uh blocks saturated can I use any block above the the dripstone cuz I got a ton of different blocks like I could use Stone any block all right a Man okay let’s do this um we’ll use some temporary dirt scaffolding oh I got to show you guys something with my fishing Farm as well okay so dripstone there and then we’ll just go down to 15 maybe we’ll keep it on level ground so I don’t have to go up and down

Or maybe we’ll do three rows of 10 how’s that math trying to make clay no I’m just trying to make mud and then I need to put water above that right somebody told me I could make mud you serious I can’t do that ah you guys quit giving me bad

Advice it’s fine we’ll just leave it there so seriously the that will not that will not work at all okay fine manual clicking it is look at this we don’t even have to leave the house we just we’s doing in here that way we don’t risk any of this

Turning into grass cuz I don’t have a silk or I don’t have a fortune shovel right now I’ve got a silk touch shovel we just go down the line right in here you know what let’s clear out the inventory of things we don’t need right now like any of this

If you want bricks is a good thing I don’t need bricks all right see there we go making life easier on ourselves this won’t take long I mean it’s not going to it’s not going to be quick but that’s why we’re streaming tonight so we can hang out while we do this stupid

Stuff um H I just love the sound of mud breaking good sound effects just come over to my server I’ll give you all the mud you need thank you sir I appreciate that um okay let’s do more Bottles when I do I set down a water source to kill the grass uh just do every block under water you have water right there only need a couple bottles that’s fair it’s okay we got we got a good thing going right here this will be all

Right all right well now that we’re uh we’re in the grind what you guys want to talk about so here’s here’s something we could talk about we are a little over a week into January at this point and we’ve already gotten a new Minecraft Bedrock

Update but no news yet as to any new features in addition to what they announced at Minecraft live now I kind of expected that I didn’t think we would get anything straight out of the gate in 2024 but I’m kind of like giving it until end of January

Before I start to worry that they don’t have anything else to share if uh if they do announce some new things what are your predictions what do you think that they could P potentially announce in addition to trial Chambers the crafter the new copper blocks the new tough

Blocks the things they have announced what else what else do you think they’re going to do who do people have for the big game are you talking about the Super Bowl I don’t know but no offense to my uh my Texas friends here I I hope the

Browns just wipe the floor with the [Laughter] Texans oh I was so sad on Saturday the Colts were one yard away from continuing their incredible drive that would have been a game-winning Drive oh man a fourth and one pass to Goodson and the game’s over and

I feel so sorry for that dude like I saw his postgame interview and he’s just like I’m just going to go talk to my mom and dad because they’re the only ones that love me right now I’m like oh dude no I don’t hate you like that’s a lot of

Pressure I feel so sorry for him man people need to be nicer that was a rough play though I don’t even blame him I I blame muu for throwing a bad pass oh Kieran it was such a bad throw horrible throw so far behind him that it like it

Would have been great if he would have caught it and it would he would have earned High Praise for it but I do not blame him for dropping that pass as for the Super Bowl honestly I don’t really care I don’t care who gets there there’s nobody that’s in right now

That I’m like absolutely hate them I used to be uh pretty anti-patriots when Tom Brady was there sorry whoever loves Tom prady um cuz like Colts Patriots was it was the Rivalry of the 90s and early 2000s you know but that rivalry is kind of dead at

This point cuz neither team has done much of anything in the last couple of years the Colts have really turned it around this year really excited for next year but yeah anyway back to back to Minecraft talk uh dude I really I really really really hope they live up to the name of

Whatever the name of the update’s going to be but they talked about like tinkering being a big Focus for Minecraft 1.21 and that’s why they introduced the crafter I’m not expecting it but I really hope they surprise everybody with another unique block like the crafter where it allows us to do

Some sort of automation or some new mechanic that doesn’t exist in vanilla already maybe it’s something that’s taken from modded I know I know they do that a lot um but it would be great to have another Innovative block like the crafter that’s just kind of like a game

Changer if they have one or two more of those I’ll be pretty solidly happy with the update how about those lions are are they in the playoffs I I haven’t been keeping up with them a block Placer I was actually just thinking about that earlier tonight

John because I was like oh man wouldn’t it be great if dispensers placed these blocks cuz then it could place convert push Place convert push a truly automated mud Farm that’d be incredible if we could place blocks with some sort of block Placer just Sammy what’s up how you doing long time no

See back pack something storage related you know it’d be great if they pulled out the uh the bundles and surprised everybody with that as well like hey we finally did it here’s a working version of bundles that isn’t poopy on touch screen devices I’m not going to lie to you

Honestly I think we would still be building the Automated machine to do this and we’re we’re almost two stacks in I think we’re good on time tonight I’m good see your live so of course I had to stop by oh I appreciate that we’re just making some mud getting Messy how many stacks of mud do you need until you stop I mean a lot a lot it’s one of the primary blocks we probably need at least I would say eight to 10 stacks of mud blocks Craig thank you for another 10 Subs good gracious Tech Lee Mr Chips Katie

Insanity or intensity well intensity and Sanity they could be the same thing right uh Pokey jalapeno your kids DK Renegade Matt RAB Iris bear Megan Hine Nick Haven all get gifted a membership by Craig thank you so much guys going nuts Tonight all right water bottles let’s go what happens if you use a water bottle on an already converted piece of mud does it take the water too it doesn’t that’s nice so you can’t accidentally misclick things you might you know want to learn here and there mud blocks make the mud bricks he

Needs for the walls yeah so we’re after we convert all of this to Mud we’re going to combine it with rats we’re going to combine it with wheat to convert it into hard hardened mud or packed mud I believe is what it’s called and then uh we’ll take that

Packed mud and convert that into bricks mud bricks KD Insanity that’s what you’re called now from now on uh let’s go ahead and break this our hand so we can get the dirt block back Bedrock only in Forever will you be sticking with Minecraft Bedrock because I love it and

I don’t want you to stop it nope we’re not we’re not planning on stopping we are not planning on stopping I had this quick conversation earlier tonight with everybody I know there’s been a lot of conversation around prow this week and him switching over to uh Java content and again like

You got to do what makes you happy and what you think is going to do well for you and uh I know for him like one of those things was he’s just kind of like over vanilla content right now he one of the things he mentioned in his video was

Like I uh I feel like I’ve done everything I can do in vanilla and I want to do something else I’m like dude that’s a great reason to do something else ah come on here we go um why do I have a I don’t know let’s let’s pick that up

Before it despawns though uh so yeah but as for me there the like I’m sure that’s why the question has come up I’m sure some of his community overlaps with mine and everybody’s like uh you’re not switching to are you nope I have no plans of leaving Bedrock content behind anytime soon

And honestly like from a YouTube analytics standpoint I know like this is probably going to bore some of you to death but we won’t talk about it for very long I couldn’t be happier with where things are at with my channel like nope it’s not going to get me to a place

Where I can you know do this as a career uh but for the time and effort that I’m putting into my video content and the builds that I’m putting out and tutorials and all of that I’m very very happy with it like yesterday’s video on how to or two days ago Saturday’s video

On how to do uh netherite mining just absolutely blowing up right now for for my channel very very happy so yeah I’m thrilled thrilled beyond belief just wish Bedrock had the mob cap as Java yeah there’s a lot of things that I wish Bedrock had that Java has

But again like this is the platform that I’m used to it’s the one that I’ve played since I’ve started playing Minecraft it was the very first thing I ever played was Bedrock Edition and I just I like it it’s what I prefer I’ve tried playing Java and it’s

Just like I like Bedrock better it’s very well done video I put a lot of time into it I was very happy with the end result and I’m glad people are Jing with it everybody that’s saying they like the video thank you I appreciate it it’s

Good to hear you know I I I’ve got this like uh understanding in my own head that people liked it but it’s always good to hear that feedback cuz I might be delusional it’s quite possible again do you if you’re having fun then the viewers will as well

Exactly that like the two main goals of my content as far as like audience is concerned one I want people to learn something about Minecraft they didn’t know before or be reminded of something that they already knew and be like oh that’s a fun new way to explore that mechanic that’s one goal

And the other goal is for people to have fun that’s why I I always sound so chipper and happy and uh excited about what I’m doing because I want to have fun and I want you guys to have fun and honestly sometimes that’s why it takes a little longer between videos because if

I’ve had a long day at work I’m like I’m so tired I don’t feel like being excited right now for a Minecraft video just going to take the night off and like sometimes it’s two or three nights and I’m like okay I feel good again I feel like I can go actually make

Minecraft content and not have it sound fake cuz that’s what that’s the last thing I want I don’t want it to be like Blue Jay’s forcing himself to sound happy because you guys will see right through that you know what I mean static in the audio again gosh I’m so annoyed dude hang

On I I don’t know what to do with this man like I’ve got one more trick up my sleeve that I can try before I’m just like you know what no more music all right there’s the Spotify let’s get Minecraft working again too so annoying okay why you’re one of my favorite

Creators videos and streams are fun and great energy well I’m happy to hear that thank you so can we talk about a nest Community night blue yeah sure what do you want to do I’m sure I can make it happen in the next couple of

Weeks what do we want to do on an Ideal Community night on the nest [Applause] don’t forget to hit the like button everybody thank you snowy for the Reminder that’s so weird blue what’s so Weird where did I get gold nuggets from I did it again it’s fine love this s that water bottle water bottle filling makes I do too the sound design in this game is just really really really good and I like that they’ve gone back and Revisited sounds and don’t just be

Like Nostalgia this is how it’s supposed to sound they go back and improve on it like doors and fences and tractors and stuff they got an update recently within the last year ah uh um we have a few projects that I can think of think would be fun one

Securing the community Fortress Two making a blaze farm three exploring a new Bastion I am down for any of that that all sounds fun I I think I think doing a couple of those in one night could be possible like many hands make light work right so

We could have a we could have a blaze farm built in 20 minutes with enough people working on it um and then I think it would be really fun to do a Bastion raid with people that have never done one before or people that have only done it

Once or twice or just maybe even people that have never been to the nether before just be like hey come on we’ll show you the ropes you don’t have to be scared cuz that’s like that’s one of the things that I keep hearing is like ah I’m too

Scared to go to the nether I don’t want to die and lose all my stuff um but once once youve once you’ve had a chance to try it because somebody has shown you how to do it and walked you through it you’ll have the confidence to do it yourself

Later you know what I mean I think that’d be really fun to do that we still have one nether Hub hallway as well yeah we could do some building there as well I am down for any of that Bastion are scary not if you’re in a group if you’re in a

Group like just like Craig said take the fear out of it once you’re not afraid to do it anymore you’re like ah this is manageable I can do this you learn some tricks I mean heck did you did you see my video on Saturday I died in the Bastion because I

Panicked I had a fire resistance potion in my hot bar and I was going for it at the last second when I burned and poof all my stuff went everywhere if I would have stayed calm I would have survived that but I didn’t stay calm uh because I had two

Piglin brutes punching me in the face while I was burning and then I stopped burning and I was only down to like two and a half hearts and then I backed up into the lava again trying to get away from the brutes it happens like even if you die even if you lose

Your stuff it’s not the end of the world stuff can be recovered it was worth it cuz look at this look how good I look I got my armor trim I got my netherite armor beautiful PR’s hardcore panic in the Bastion was much more funny PR’s death to creepers in hardcore is priceless

Gearing up again on the nest is fairly easy though that is true one because we have very very kind community members who help out um and two because the iron Farm that has a full trading Hall I know Noe had a huge hand in putting that together did anybody else help him I can’t remember it was so so long ago at this point oh about that iron farm oh no what happened it’s broken it’s broken what do you mean it’s broken what

Happened we need a replacement zombie to scare them okay call me stupid for what I’m about to say if if if I am Minecraft Bedrock doesn’t have scare mechanics correct yeah aggro that’s what I was that’s what I was saying no not on not on ja not on Bedrock only

On Java do you need the scare mechanics cuz scare mechanics are not a thing on Bedrock if the iron farm is not working I guarantee you it is because when we updated the world or when the world rebooted at some point the villagers delink from their workstations and now

They have linked to another workstation that is preventing them from working and you have to have I think it’s like 75% of your villagers working every day in order for it to spawn Golems so if you break all of the workstations and replace them one by one to make sure

That every villager is linked with the correct workstation right in front of it then that should fix the the broken broken Farm but yeah no it’s it has nothing to do with the zombie the zombie is merely just for the discounts it’s not it’s not at all necessary to have a zombie on

Bedrock I was going to say did they update mechanics and I didn’t even know about it how did I miss [Laughter] that I had to do beds then workstations when mine broke yeah like unfortunately iron Farms are great but they are not always reliable on Bedrock Edition they can break fairly

Easily if I recall you can get a temp bonus by killing zombies near villagers but I’m not sure I’ve never used it myself interesting interesting I like doing my iron Farms not as trading Halls now and let the villagers free roam in a big room under the water platform never have issues on

Linking yeah honestly I’m coming up on my Village um villager mechanics video and my iron farm video and I haven’t fully decided yet if I’m going to do a trading Hall iron farm or if I’m just going to do Under the platform and let him roam I was really like truthfully I was

Really hoping that by now they would have the new villager mechanics in place so that I could just cover it with my villager video but crickets no idea when that’s happening honestly that might be part of their 1.21 release at this point they might be reworking villager mechanics

Again since everybody hated what they came out with the first time uh I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see it might be summer before we get it that’s how I do just make a separate trading hall for my and for my iron farm I just let them roam yeah I just got to

Figure out where I’m going to put a trading Hall if I’m going to do it separate cuz I I’m leaning that direction I think I am going to do it separate I know where my iron farm is going to go I just don’t know where my trading Hall will go

At this point no idea all right that is every last piece of dirt that I have to my name right now and unfortunately I don’t know that it’s enough we could probably do some quick math we’ll do that here in a minute let’s see I’ve got two three four five almost six

Stacks one two three four five not quite enough to do all of the mud but it’s fine dirt pour dad J love it mud blocks are pricey they’re honestly not that expensive it’s just dirt and wheat you got a decent Wheat Farm it’s no big deal

Look at that see packed mud boom packed mud do we get anything more from the stone cutter for doing it this oh you can’t use it in the stone cutter look at that all right I’m going to convert all but a stack I’m going to sprinkle in

Some packed mud to break up the texture a little bit we need 40 more pieces of wheat make a raid Farm iron trading make a raid Farm an iron farm and trading Hall combined blue J you get the heo The Village discounts too I’m not so sure that that’s going to

Matter much going forward I don’t I don’t honestly know what the hero of the village mechanics are going to look like when they redo villager trading I don’t need all three of those just one you for sure won’t be able to do multiple discounts let’s fix

That to get him down to like one Emerald trades so once you get the barn and terraforming done you relocating no I’ve actually got one more building I’m going to build I don’t know what it’s going to look like yet but I’ve I’ve got some concept art that I’ve been looking at I

Got a general idea but it’ll be out of much more manageable materials it won’t be out of this um ho is that the one I’m looking for or do I have another one I guess I guess that’s it currently you can stack one discount with a hero discount aggro test it out

After the changes okay oh I must have broke my trap door there oh well it’s still worth it okay well I’ll consider it I I’ve been toying with the idea of doing a raid Farm I’ve never built one before and that’s what this series is all about for me Bedrock guide season 1

When I did that I’d never built a gold Farm before um I’d never built like a Basalt Farm before I’d never built a uh piglin trading uh Farm before there’s several things on there that I’d never done and it was like this is going this is a series that’s not

Only going to teach you guys but it’s going to push me and I still hold that mindset like there are some Farms that I’ve never done I’ve never done a guardian Farm we’re going to do that at some point most likely on this world cuz I do not have plans to to

Reset this world with 1.21 especially with with what we’re going to build after we’re done here it’s going to be a big build and it’s going to take a while it will probably dwarf my pirate base that I did in season one just saying it’s going to be

Big what do you bring with you when you move to more the more permanent spot I’m going to take everything it won’t be like a a reset or anything like that it’s just a relocation at some point if we feel like we want to do some sort of a reset like

Start over from let’s go through the grind of the early game again if if we want to do that at some point and I don’t want to give up this world we can do that we can move to a new location there’s no reason why I I think

We ever have to get rid of this world unless I just want to unless I want a new seed a complete Blank Slate Fresh Start etc etc love the pirate base I did too I did too it is uh it’s currently my background on my computer

He’s going to build the black uh the the digital City from Tron legacy all the black and neon lights that would be kind of cool that would be cool it is not that Though Frog Light Farm yeah we need to build we need to build one of those at some point I I have not decided on a Frog Light Farm just yet because truthfully I don’t have really anything designed for my next location yet I have a concept in my

Head and I have concept art that I’ve looked at and I don’t think I’m going to build it like one for one off of the concept art it’s just going to be like inspiration for the feel of the the thing that I’m building except for maybe a couple of

Elements I might build like this is obvious that this is what we’re basing this off of so it’s going to be pretty cool I’m very excited to show it to you the nest has has a fun Frog Light Farm I know you showed me neither one of these have Fortune wouldn’t you know

It oh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute who got off their leash donkey donkey llama llama horse oh no oh no second donkey where’s my second donkey that’s the mule that’s the donkey where’s my second donkey did he die surely not I mean I picked up the

Lead if he died he would have dropped the saddle too right H that’s annoying this is why we need a barn people it could also be that bug you guys were talking about with like leads randomly breaking yeah I don’t know I don’t know where he went that’s

Fine blue starts putting out missing posters did you steal my donkey they break the leading Rome okay that’s all right here you know what let’s just let’s just do this let’s get all of our stuff back minus things we don’t need right now we’ll just pick that back up

All right silk touch sword shovel axe Fortune where’s my bow bow and I want to show you guys the fishing Farm here in a second he’s M nice boulder that’s a nice boulder I really like that Boulder I just picked up another lead did the wandering Trader let loose of his

Llamas what are you doing doofus forgot your arrow oh okay yeah I probably should pick that back up here in a [Applause] second stuff what’s wrong with me what do you mean what’s wrong with me all right let’s com combine these last pieces of mud here and then uh go from

There this forun even work on Hay it does not work on wheat but it will give you more seeds boom and then we’ll convert all this into bricks as well okay okay 1 two three four four and change four and a half plus one let’s go back over to the test world

For just a second let’s do some estimation math okay so this pillar right here is 16 blocks high so 16 * 2 is 32 right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 24 1 two 3 four five six 36 so all right so if we we estimate the

Vertical height plus the blocks that go across we’re probably looking at a stack and a half per side of mud and that’s just the outside face right cuz it’s mirrored back here so that’s probably three stacks of mud bricks slacked mud to mix in for the

Outside face and then we’re looking at 1 2 3 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 half a stack for the sides another stack that’s four stacks of mud bricks plus all of this in here this is probably easily another two two stacks so that’s six Stacks plus the doors

We’re probably going to need about eight stacks for the full build if I had a guess right I’m not going to have enough so I will need to get some more dirt maybe we’ll do that tonight maybe we won’t what time is it it is almost 10

O’ we’re good we keep going um as for The mangrove honestly we’re probably okay but I don’t know two three four five six seven eight six seven 10 gosh if okay so I’m going to estimate probably three stacks per side because we have to fill in the gaps as well where this is right so not only do we need the trim

But we need to match those so we probably need twice as much so probably three stacks per side so what do you get from a log for so essentially four Stacks per stack of logs minus a few here and there that we sprinkle in that’s just the stripped

Logs so four Stacks one stack of logs per side plus not really much over here much more on the other side cuz we have a wall plus this plus the logs oh gosh this is going to take a lot um two three four five six 7even

Eight 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 48 50 so 90 another stack and a half almost two stacks for the for the supports on the inside so what did I say what did I say we probably need six to 10 stacks of Mangrove as well I think I already have that to be honest we did a ton of

Mangrove chopping the other night the last time we streamed moldy what’s up how you doing it’s gorgeous totally worth all the work thank you I appreciate that uh the other thing I haven’t considered yet as well sorry for the camera glitch every time I load my world it just does

That too much processing power um the other thing we’re not considering as well is moss blocks which where would I have those stored I have not even a stack so that is something I’m going to have to go mining for which again might be something we could do tonight we’ll

See six stacks of logs you think build it out of cobblestone then replace the mud bricks as you have supplies I mean we’re almost there it’s not we’re we’re not too far off uh where is my man cve I believe I put it over here yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah how much do we have 1 2 3 4 four five six and a half poop so might need to do a little bit more Mangrove chopping as well did I bring any down here I did not well that’s fine that’s fine on ly it won’t take us

Much longer to get the remaining four Stacks 10 stacks of each just to just to be safe it’s never a bad thing to have extra supplies it is never a Bad Thing uh where do I want to set this up cuz the other thing we didn’t talk

About as well and I’m going to have to consider into the calculations why we need extra supplies we’re going to rip all of this out I believe because I’m going to set the barn up in such a way where the entrance is maybe right here so that

There’s a decent gap between the house and the barn and maybe we’ll even put it like here so it’s a little off-centered and I might just like destroy all of this or add more land here I’m not sure which yet I might want it to be lower than the

House just so that there’s some variation in uh Heights and stuff I don’t know I haven’t figured out what I’m going to do with the train yet but point being the horse barn is going to be lined up in such a way that the exit for

The horses on this side is going to be over there there won’t be an exit over here it just be a wall and then I have I think I might have an open pasture where the horses can just go out and Roam and I might like throw throw the cows in there maybe

Put a little pig pin somewhere next to the barn uh we’ll get rid of the chicken farm entirely cuz we’ll have an automatic chicken cooker inside the barn uh so I’m going to rip all of that out is this is the first time in any series that I’ve like within the first 20

Episodes destroyed something that I built early on uh but this has served its purpose and we don’t really need it anymore so we’re going to destroy it and uh repurpose the land for the barn and extra space so um but honestly this is probably a good place to set up supplies I’ll just

Set it up right next to the house and then we’ll do that I don’t even need that many nine plus one so we need one two three and a half stacks three and a half stacks of Mangrove will not take long to get um maybe we’ll do eight stacks of mud

Bricks and two stacks of packed mud that should probably be okay let’s go get the Moss out that we have when I have a place I need to take away dirt I just use a moss block and convert the dirt to Moss blocks that’s brilliant brilliant the other thing we could do we

Could enchant a fortune pick really quick or a fortune shovel really quick and see if we can get efficiency on it just mine all of this up to get the extra dirt that wouldn’t take that long at all and then we could just do the whole water bottle thing again uh That gosh I don’t even know how many stacks of moss we’re going to need it’s going to be quite a few but that’s easy to Get Let’s uh let’s take a break from the grind of the dirt blocks the mud blocks that we’ve been doing for a little bit I want to show you quickly the the uh fishing Farm over here we’ll grab some more food and then I’ve got a secret cave over

That way that I got all my Moss for uh that build and uh we’ll just go destroy that cave some more it’s not going to matter much cuz we’re never going to use that cave and even at that we’re probably going to prune the world at some point

Uh anyway I discovered yesterday two days ago I don’t remember that my fishing Farm doesn’t work anymore I was so proud of this because this was like the only design that you could come up with where you didn’t have to aim at a specific spot on the Block in front of

You I was like ah sweet I found it I got the trick it’s awesome and it lasted a few months and then Mojang was like hey you can now put things inside of clay pots and now it destroys my farm so if you try to right click on

This to to do what we normally would do which would be like to cast the line and then like continue clicking while the trap door is down until fish come uh if we do that it just puts the fishing rod in the The Clay Pot so fishing Farm Broken

Forever uh I’m going to figure out a redesign for this at some point and uh I just destroyed The Clay Pot whoopsie I’m going to figure out to redesign for at some point and then just do a quick like 30 second update at the beginning of the video be like hey this

Is how it works now so maybe we’ll do another tutorial off of this series at some point like a creative world tutorial but for now it’s just it’s done dead Farm what if the clay pot were full dang it aggro now you got me thinking okay okay all right I like I

Like the way you think here we got plenty of this Mangrove leaves how many stacks can a clay pot hold is it what six eight I don’t remember it’s not much you know how he hates to think oh it’s just one stack that’s it that’s easy all

Right I love how it wobbles when you put stuff in it that’s so cool here’s what I’m talking about people I don’t know if you’re listening to this or not but the sound design in this game is so good as we put more items in it it increases in Pitch as if

Like the the pot is actually filling up so good okay so it can’t can’t do anymore let’s uh let’s test it let’s see if this works we’ll go here and we’ll back up that also broke some things too cuz you used to be able to just step forward and

It would push you back but then it’s like ah the stinking trapo oh no it still doesn’t work you can’t click it’s like nope you can’t put anything inside me I’m just going to Rattle here that was a really good thought though dude that would have been like big brain move if it

Worked all right well we’ll figure out another solution it’s okay not the end of the world I I’m still proud of that farm though because I didn’t see anyone else using clay pots for their AFK fishing Farms I was like the only one doing that I’m like yeah I found something

Good what about a chest with a block on top honestly I think that’s what most people do all right let’s grab a bed and then we’re going to go to the cave and get some Moss huh H get out of my way my fish farm uses a chest and a sign

On it ooh okay sign there instead of The Clay Pot might have to try that it has to be a waxed sign though right because now you can edit Signs a Banner okay all right all right all right some good ideas man I hope I can remember where this cave is I have not been here in a long time time it’s been a minute can you cast while crouching I think so yeah watch me jump out into the lava

What a dumb place to put a bed okay we’re good only me only I would do something like that oh my gosh Ouch I want to say the cave is over this direction this feels familiar is yeah yeah now was it here or somewhere else make sure we got blocks to get out of this hole oh man that’s not it it’s around here somewhere would be an interesting but Annoying mechanic if wearing armor slows

You down do you go fast or be tough that would be interesting I don’t think I would like it but it would be interesting I would always air on the side of fast to be honest which would mean I would die a whole lot you don’t have Westy in her notebook

Here tonight to tell you where to go that is very true uh there it is there is my uh Whatchamacallit Moss Farm AKA a tiny Lush cave that I found and I didn’t grab any food you doofus it’s fine we’re just going to keep destroying this cave ready here we

Go yay more Moss yay yeah this should get get us what we need relatively quick heavy armor RPG mechanics yeah Nice uh what would you do if Mojang got rid of Bedrock Edition I mean obviously I would play Java it’s an no prer like I’m not I’m not going to just quit Minecraft because they stop supporting the version that I play you know what I mean I would continue to Play but honestly I don’t think that’s ever going to happen because the amount of work that they would need to do to bring every gaming platform and mobile phone mobile device into parody enough to get rid of Bedrock Edition they may as well have just kept Bedrock Edition they’re never going to

Stop producing this for consoles and phones I could see them doing away with it for PC but to what end like people like the cross platform aspect of this so if they’re going to stop supporting one I would see them implementing features that are important to the Java

Community and then killing Java that’s the only way I see that going I could be completely delusional to that fact but if I were a smart person and I were running the company that’s what I would do I would make sure that before I decided to kill off one of the two

Platforms that the very important things to the platform that I’m killing off were available in the alternative and honestly I think if they can make that happen they’ll do it why would they ever indefinitely keep two versions of the same game going forever I I don’t think it’s smart

They’re dividing their resources and their time and honestly it shows the last couple years worth of updates have been subpar in my opinion compared to what they’ve done in the past if they could combine all of their Manpower into one team rather than like okay now we got to figure out how to

Make this work on bedrock and oh this actually is a really cool mechanic from Bedrock let’s figure out how to make it to work on Java like if they could just eliminate that from the equation oh it would be so much more efficient me and DD are trying to fix

The iron farm thank you they would have to move Java to all platforms I don’t know that they would do that though CU I don’t know that it would be optimized and run well like you can’t get 32 chunks on Java Edition without a beast of a

Device you can barely get 16 chunks on Java Edition without a piece of a device so like higher than eight chunks on a mobile phone with Java Edition you’re dreaming that that would seriously uh lower the uh quality of experience for players they’re not going to do

That Apple would never allow jaob on their devices I would I wouldn’t say never to be honest maybe 5 years ago I would have had that opinion but the fact that they just announced the new iPhones that just came out in September or whatever it was

We’re going to have USB or USBC instead of their proprietary lightning port for charging um and then like they used to be so locked down to only allowing movies from uh iTunes or music from Apple music and then you know Spotify came along and Voodoo came along and all

The streaming services came along it’s like they they’ve gotten so much more open to uh third party services in the last 5 to 10 years I think I think that tide is Shifting I don’t think it’s the Apple wouldn’t allow it I just don’t think it

Would run well which if that were the case no they wouldn’t allow it if it wouldn’t run well they’re only opening up because they’re forced to but they are doing it and honestly it is to their benefit that they do that they open up compatibility with other other

Platforms people who are like di hard Windows people that want an iPhone and want to be able to use USBC like or want to like cross sync some of their stuff their their software like it it makes total sense they don’t have to force everybody to use exclusive

Exclusively their stuff to make a profit and a good profit I have a really bad toothache oh no that’s bad just switching from my phone last year to F5 it’s much better in comparison to the old one I I don’t know what that is let’s grab some of this dirt before

We uh convert it to Whatchamacallit make our lives a little bit easier shall [Applause] we [Applause] I don’t know I’ve I’ve been in Apple user for the longest time I had a Macbook at one point I’ve always had an iPhone I’ve never had an Android and I

Will I will always have an iPhone I just prefer it but I also would prefer that like they allow other things outside of their proprietary stuff it just makes everybody happy I mean that’s that’s the biggest complaint right from Android users is that you can’t you can’t do things on an

IPhone like you can on Android You Can’t customize it you can’t do extra stuff whatever I don’t know I think they if they allow more people to do more things like Android more people will be inclined to buy their Stuff uh do you use AMD or Intel uh CPU I use a Intel it’s an i7 I need to build a moss farm at some point’ be great to have one of these just about my third Galaxy I’ve had one for eight years nice see that’s the thing like once you’re locked

In most people are hard pressed to change people don’t like change most people that are iPhone users have been iPhone users for a long time most people that are Android users have been Android users for a long time most people don’t switch because people like what they’re familiar

With and if there’s no like technical reason to change like oh this just doesn’t work well then people are going to stick with it built a moss Farm in my last World nice not going to get me you’re not going to get me right now maybe when I’m a little more like in

The zone and tired and focused H that’s a problem you know what would be really nice to have right about now shulker boxes I got netherite gear a lot sooner than I was originally planning to in this series I was going to wait a while just

Stay on diamond gear for a while but I figured it would be a good transitionary episode to put in right now and I’m happy I did it but I don’t know that I can do that with like elytra and shulter because before I get an elytra I

Need a good source of gunpowder and paper neither of which I have yet I use Windows for work Linux for home iPad for lounge in a Galaxy phone dude you’re just like let’s try out all the experiences why not I have a Windows PC now and I prefer

It over uh a Mac for what I use it for and I use Windows at work as a network administrator I much prefer managing office environments in Windows over Mac it just makes more sense and works better better I think uh but I have been doing some work recently on Linux uh

VMS on like externalizing them and I’ve had to learn some some Linux language command line that I didn’t know before like oh okay this isn’t like the easiest thing in the world to do but I guess it’ll help me learn and develop a new skill right why not let’s do it

Uh let’s put that there I’m just going to light some of this up uh I’m going to go drop some of this back off at the house and then we’ll we’ll come back and mine a little bit more this this has been fairly productive we getting a lot of

Moss why not make a moss Farm uh because because I haven’t designed one yet and I don’t want to use someone else’s design unless it’s a Community member cuz then I can give credit to the community and be like hey these are my peeps they’re awesome but like if

Another content creator put out a moss Farm I’m like I don’t want to go copy brows or silence or whoever else I want do my own thing um and I don’t have time to design one tonight knowing your way around a Linux console can be very beneficial in the IT world

It it really can I’m learning I’m getting better at it but it it’s been uh it’s been challenging all right let’s get out of here get back to the house count up what we got and then maybe come back over here and mine some more shall

We just got to figure out where in the world I am I don’t know how to get home oh I hear skeletons go away leave me alone all right is home this way I want to say that it isep home is this way go up home is up oh that’s bad don’t

Blow up don’t blow up okay good no creeper hole I used to use a Linux uh boot drive to repair computers oh really that’s cool Now I did a I did a little bit of work with Linux stuff today uh while I was working and um I felt accomplished by the time the day was over I felt like I learned something new and uh got some work done that’s been much needing finished up for a

While so yeah today was a good day hey I had a I had a good day at work forgot to put your bed down next to Lava maybe next time maybe next time skeleton’s trying to use my speed machine you’re in the wrong lane buddy come over

Here I was just proud of you not for not jumping in the lava H I keep getting uh calls to go back to work in it I wish they would quit hey what’s your phone number I’ll call you here in a little bit hey do you want to come work in the IT

Department honestly I really I really like the career field that I’m in it’s really interesting stuff it’s challenging keeps your brain brain work working and healthy um and yeah it’s just interesting work I’ll really like it I’m happy I chose it W3 schools is a great free resource

If you want expand on those skills I taught myself SQL and python for free and Landing my career oh nice dude so the company I work for has provided me with a udemy account um and there I’ve got a lot of courses that I’ve signed up for on there

That I’ve just not had time to look at I’m hoping sometime this year to get my network plus just so that I’ve got that certificate taken care of um and then hopefully in the next couple years just have some more systems like mastered often wish I had the opportunity to do

Something better dude it it just takes like one one chance somebody giving you a shot you know what I mean before I uh had had the job that I have now um I was a worship leader for a couple of different churches and uh I really like that job too aspects of it

There were aspects of it that were incredibly stressful and I’m glad I’m not doing anymore uh but in general I I liked that job but when I was ready to move on from it and do something else um I honestly had no idea what I

Was going to do and I just had to ask around some some folks that I knew make some connections um just said hey I like this part of the job that I do now I’ve never really worked with computers before do you have any opportunities and uh one of my my

Friends that I was working with went to work at the company that I’m at now and I’m like hey are there any openings there can I get an interview he’s like yeah just apply and I’ll let them know you’re applying and we’ll get you an interview and that that’s all it took

Like just finally having a conversation just asking and um yeah I was in the help desk for a couple of years before I moved up to the system system administrator team and yeah here I am now uh data science but I’m a systems analyst I don’t want to work 10 to 16

Hour days anymore oh yeah I feel you Dude thankfully the job that I that I have like it is it is a good job from that standpoint they value work life balance and um it is only occasionally that I will have to do anything outside of the normal 9 to 5

Hours like over Christmas I had to I had to log in a few times to update our phone system tech support stuff um I’ve done a couple of after hours system reboots or um system mic Creations like migrating a DHCP server or something like that but those those are few and

Far between I I don’t often work after hours it’s typically just during the day our pastor told me a time travel joke I was going to tell it all of to all of you but you didn’t like it oh that’s funny I’m always in the wrong spot at the wrong time

Well just keep trying man see if you can get in the the right spot at the wrong Time all right back down here I used to engineer IP pbxs oh man phone phone systems are not something I’m very good at we have a really old uh Cisco phone system at the company I work for and we’re in the process of getting rid of it at some point but it’s you

Know like anything in in it it takes time um so I’m not sure when we’re getting a new phone system but as soon as we do I’m going to learn the crap out of that thing it’s like I want to know everything that we do and just get better at all of it

Have you seen young Sheldon I I’ve been meaning to watch it at some point I watched through all of The Big Bang Theory finally um and I I like how it ended it was a decent end to the show everybody had a happy ending uh but I never I never uh got

Into to Young Sheldon I just signed up for the Paramount Plus service recently and uh just watched through the HALO Series and while it wasn’t anything groundbreaking I don’t understand the hate that everybody gave it like what do you want an exact copy of the video game in a TV

Form I don’t know I liked it I thought it was interesting enough looking forward to season two aggro you heading out dude have a good night thanks for hanging out Buddy hey sorry I’m late hey no problem glad you made it people are passionate about what they love I for example hated Wheel of Time the Amazon show did you I’ve been I’ve been meaning to watch that I’ve never read the books but I’ve been meaning to watch

It did I miss anything no we just been hanging out resource Gathering getting ready for a big barn build that we’re going to be working on here in the next episode along with a automatic chicken cooker Farm thing so just doing all the prep work for that

Tonight you need a blue ax a lot it only takes 40 hours or so I know that’s honestly why I went over and checked I’m like is there one there maybe maybe maybe nope we’ll get one someday which do you think I’ll get first a netherite beacon or a blue Axel

Lottle you’d like it if you didn’t read the books okay yeah I I generally like that genre of story so I’m sure I would enjoy it they don’t spawn naturally you have to bre them oh okay good to know see I don’t know everything about Minecraft there’s a lot of things I

Don’t know but I’m determined to learn it all all right let’s let’s start scooping some of this up we honestly don’t need a whole lot more we’ve already got nineish Stacks almost nine Stacks kill the music again Ah why does this have to be such a pain hang on smudged my glasses uh I ran out of steam reading Wheel of Time books about four or five got too bloated and slow that’s what I hear about Dune I hear that like the first one is really

Good the second one’s less good and then the rest of them are like unnecessary which is funny because I’ve not really I’ve read part of the first one but I haven’t finished it um but I really really enjoyed the movie and I’m looking forward to the second one

All right is the music better we good I haven’t been on top of the let’s play series to uh due to being busy can I have a recap uh yeah the most two recent videos that we’ve done are uh the best ridable animals travel companions that you can get horses

Donkeys mules llamas camels Striders pigs all that stuff we learned all about those and uh ranked them based on a different set of criteria speed um customization options jump height uh easy ease of access like how easy it is to find them and get them and stuff um things like that there were

Like five five criteria we ranked them uh and then the most recent one that came out on Saturday is the best method for netherite mining getting netherite netherite gear quickly and how to do that since it’s changed in 1.21 then the next video is going to be an automatic chicken cooker and we’re

Building a barn for all of our animals that we tested out in the the travel companions video all that kind of stuff there you go nabz how you doing wonder if you can bring music in through a CD like get a CD player I don’t have a dis drive on my computer

So hydrate okay who knew that the Strider would be the best is a ho quicker oh it is isn’t it oh my gosh you dummy wasting time I love wasting time taking longer to do things than I should do you like my song was really really bad life is busy it seems like

Everybody’s life is busy right now dude I get it I don’t know if that’s just the time of year like holidays and getting over the holidays or if it’s just like for some reason everybody’s just busy I don’t know what it is I know I’ve been

Busy but it’s all like it’s all good stuff for the most part does it have Ming on it nope but I got Ming books back home I should apply Ming book to this and then make it netherite remember when the cdrw was going to change Computing yeah right it

Did for a few years and then everything got digitized No More Physical media dude if streaming services ever go down oh boy people are going to be like lacking in media I haven’t purchased a like a physical copy of a movie in probably 5 years it has been a long time

I don’t buy music anymore at all I just listen to it through Spotify and then like I’ve got various subscription services for TV and movies to be honest if streaming services go down we have bigger problems than lack of entertainment that’s probably true that’s probably true but you know maybe

The maybe the problem themselves are actually just blessings in disguise right we’re so distractable right now it’s like let me just pop on the latest show on the latest streaming service rather than go for a bike ride and enjoy nature and all the things there are to see in creation

Right sometimes I think it would be easier if that was our life you know what I mean don’t get me wrong I enjoy the modern conveniences 100% I utilize them daily all right I think we can be good on the the Moss mining for now we got I

Would imagine we have more than enough for the roof if not it’s easy to get we’ll grab a little bit more I do trips in my van DVD player for the kids they’re outgrown they’ve outgrown Veggie Tales yes dude dude we we watch Veggie Tales from time to time

Boom all right let’s go back to the house let’s see what time is it almost 11:00 okay we’ll probably wrap up the stream here shortly but we got more mining to do we can always go get more stuff let’s uh let’s reassess when we get back to the

House whether we go do some more dirt mining to get more mud or chop down a few mangrove trees we’ll see oh my almost fell down that Ravine that would have been bad stop it oh I’m going the wrong way going the wrong way out of curiosity favorite band or artist

Oh gosh I don’t even know I like the most like random styles of music like I don’t have a favorite style or band or artist it’s just like I just appreciate different types you know what I mean and listen to different types depends on the day ouch am I going the right way

Now I need to get a bird’s eye view here I’m just kind of running hoping I’m going the right way I don’t remember what the coordinates are for my house hey look at that see that shot didn’t even take a half a heart I know it’s uh full full protection netherite armor for You do you like Kings of Leon uh I only know like one of their songs it’s like the popular song they had back in the day but yeah I like It bug Beast let me let me put it this way okay I really I really like what Papa Snuffy said there safe why wouldn’t anybody be safe in a stream okay let’s put it this way regardless of how I feel about a particular topic should not matter as to how people are

Treated I believe in treating people with respect and kindness regardless of whether I agree with you on a particular topic or not so if you don’t feel safe here that’s on me okay I think that’s a lost that is a lost perspective on our current generation is that people cannot disagree

Properly we’re so bad at it because social media dude social media is just like a Cess poool of people touting their opinions on any particular topic of the day and then fighting to the death over how they feel about it so that that’s the way I’m going to phrase

It if you don’t feel safe here it’s because I’m not treating you with respect and kindness and you won’t you won’t see that for me I will always treat people with respect and kindness being a good human does not cost anything you’re exactly right K let’s put the dirt here cuz that’s

Where mud is eventually going to go um all right so let’s dump all the rest of this stuff off and then put all this away all right what do we think should Pepsi is the best and I’ll fight you oh my gosh Dr Pepper get out Dr Pepper um okay

So Mangrove wood or mud what do we want to do ban for the Coca-Cola comment yeah cuz Dr Pepper is King even though I’m drinking Mountain Dew right right now just get him out of here mud touch sunflower and you’ll be dealing with me okay fine we won’t ban

Anybody it’s all good it’s all good all right I’ve only seen one vote so far and the vote has been for more mud all right let’s do mud um let’s go back out and grab all the dirt we just dropped off how many stacks

Did we say we wanted to get 10 just to be safe that won’t quite get us there so I might have to get a little bit creative and get some more dirt why not both cuz I’m not I’m not sure if we’ll have time for both to be

Honest it’s getting it’s getting a little late I might want to go to bed here soon let’s do that I’m just going to throw those on the floor I don’t need those I got too many already and then grab the bottles again I don’t remember how many we

Had I actually swap around the brands because I occasionally get tired of the same taste all the time honestly I I have no preference when it comes to Pepsi or Coke I will drink either one does not matter like if a restaurant is serving Pepsi I’ll drink it if they’re serving Coke

I’ll drink it it doesn’t matter to me I know some people are like die hard don’t drink the other one I don’t care doesn’t matter to Me H just had a heart attack over thr seeds on the floor I’m sorry I’m Sorry I drink water all the time if not water peach tea or Coke dude water is such a better choice it’s better life choice I’m trying to do better this year I’m slowly weaning myself off of too many Sodas that’s why I’ve got two cups right here I still have my Mountain Dew so I can keep my energy up during the stream and then I’ve also got my water when I was going up my mom drank only Coke and I drank Pepsi now I drink both the keep her

Close keep your uh keep your enemies close right your friend’s close and your enemies closer is that how that Goes I’m being chased by two Withers in my world right now run run away sweet tea all about the sweet tea I’m kidding by the way I can’t stand Mr pib Ah love Mr PB when I go to Chipotle oh if I’m eating there I got to have a PB it’s like close to Dr Pepper but not not quite the same thing Dr Pepper is superior Mr pib by at least one degree I would agree with that

I think I think Dr Pepper is better but I do like pip when I go to Chipotle McDonald’s or Burger King um I used to say Burger King but we don’t really have a Burger King around here I don’t think at least not one that I’m aware of so

McDonald’s all right for real night night Sammy thanks for hanging out tonight we’ll catch you later okay ah man Arby’s has way better fries dude Arby’s curly fries are so good I haven’t had Arby’s for a while I should get Arby’s again soon yeah the when I used to live in Ohio we

Had a Burger King and a McDonald’s like right next to each other in the town I lived in and we had two Subways and we had um like a local Mexican restaurant a random really expensive fancy restaurant that did not fit our town at all but you

Know what it was there uh and then let see what else was there a Taco Bell that’s pretty much it we live in a very small town in Ohio and uh when my my boys were super young I would take them to the Burger King Play Place every Thursday morning uh because I

Wouldn’t start work until like noon and then uh I would just spend the morning at the play place with them and then drop them back off at home after hanging out with them for a little while give my wife a little bit of a a break in the morning taking them to the

Play place and then I’d get to work it was fun I really enjoyed going to that Burger King it’s out of business now I think but it’s fun good times good times do you have Portillos in your region um we have one in central Indie but it’s not like super close to

Us I’ve never been cuz it’s like a hot dog place right I don’t really like like hot dogs all that much we said in and out I’ve never had In-N-Out I had the opportunity have to have In-N-Out back in October and I didn’t I didn’t get

It I should have I just didn’t think about it I was out of town on a a business trip in Vegas and we went to several restaurants some of them were like local I I got to go to a Gordon ramsy restaurant oh was so good it was so good

Um but I saw an In-N-Out when we like arrived from the airport I’m like I got to try that while I’m here I never did never got the opportunity so yeah I’ve never had it in and out next time I’m out west I’ll have to have to give it a try Blasphemy come visit San Diego with up Farmer Boys in and out oh yeah what’s Farmer Boys we don’t have those around here I try to keep falling out of the Trident Killers I always turn them off but it keeps happening um yeah I don’t know what’s underneath your try to

Killer what a burger for the win when I was in uh before I was in college I was down in Memphis Tennessee for a little bit um and they had a place there called Backyard Burger oh it was so good I don’t know if it’s still there or

Not I imagine it would be but I think it was like a local chain farmer boys is a burger joint okay got to get that spicy ketchup Five Guys is great but you need to take a second mortgage to eat there Five Guys is expensive yes and it’s not good for

Takeout those are gone the backyard Burger’s gone no way oh man if if you’re having Five Guys for takeout it’s just not as good like the fries are greasy and cold when you get home rather than greasy and hot I guess Backyard Burgers were good I think

They folded up oh man that’s too bad that’s too bad I’m going to drink some water in the game just so can consolidate these bottles there we go got to go work good night y’all text medic thanks for hanging out we’ll catch you soon what did I do with um all of that

Wheat did I put it in the Ender Chest anybody remember game sound is bad dang it one moment no No did it kill oh no it didn’t okay good it didn’t Oh that was not fun I want a burger I do too I want to go Steak and Shake like go out to Steak and Shake tonight many things are not open until midnight anymore though like after Co stuff started closing early which honestly is not a bad thing

It is a very good thing there’s no reason things should be open 24 hours a day aside from like Hospital workers and third shift workers and things like that that need to go out there are some things that are still open but like not everything needs to be open at 3:00 in the

Morning had to scrape off a tablespoon and a half of salt from Five Guys fries before I can eat them n Go get like the cajun fries oh those are so Good my air fry is always open oh dude we got an air fryer those things are Nice uh I’m going to have to I got to fix our fence here in a minute no no no what blow up please don’t kill my animals just I just need to build this Barn for them get out please stop not cool where’s that wheat did I put it over

There I can’t even eat a burger from fries from Five Guys why not that wasn’t a bad clean up for a Creeper explosion it really wasn’t I mean there’s still some fence to clean up but thankfully it didn’t blow up too Much where did I put the wheat does anybody Know you’re really need some hidden lighting I know I seriously have no idea where the weed Is nobody knows seriously no one knows it’s nowhere all right we’ll just grow some more it’s fine not a big deal do you need us to rewind stream it’s okay it’s okay you don’t have To outside where outside hold on let me get I’m I’m not I’m not going to remember to do this later I’m just going to do it right now I’m going to get fences and fix that in a chest the wheat farm is it okay cleaned up we’re good good as

New is it here it’s not there is it in there it’s not in there so where is it where you have two crates together with the other stuff oh in that chest hang on let me look is it in here hey there it is thank You okay squirrel squirrel way to go Blue you listen half decently sometimes oh man that is true that is true all right uh more wheat shall we dude I can’t wait to get into like automated villager farms and things like that we’re not doing that any of that

Here we’re going to do that at the new location when we get there but sooner or later we’re not going to have have to manually do this stuff Anymore I knew as soon as he put the weed in that chest he was going to forget it it was at that moment he knew he made a mistake oh man love how spiders are like sun is out no longer want to eat your face that is strange behavior isn’t it

Something that Lego fortnite does not have when you come upon a spider in Lego Fortnight they will attack you regardless of the day or night they’re out to get you and they’re much tinier so they’re harder to hit how many of you guys have seen my Lego fortnte fortnite content

Anybody man I don’t even see those spiders coming they are pretty tiny yes good stuff good good good good we need more content I know I know I’m just I’m trying to balance like my release schedule I uh I’m really motivated with Minecraft right now so I don’t want to

Like kill that motivation and um wait another month before another video Lego fortnite videos are actually a lot quicker to make than Minecraft videos at least right now they might take longer down the road but I mean like this stuff right here resource Gathering is is so

Much more time consuming in this game than it is in Lego fortnite but then again there are much more limited resources in that game there are fewer things you can build out of um so yeah I don’t know like I think I may try to record two or three videos of Lego

Fortnite next time I play it which will probably be later this week or next week at the latest uh and like slow trickle release those and while those are releasing be making more Minecraft videos I just got to find a I got I got to strike a good

Balance between the two it is hard running two YouTube channels part-time I watch to support you not to play that’s fair that’s Fair it is a fun game I really do enjoy playing it and I’m excited to see what they do excited to see what they do this year with it they’ve already made the announcement on their Twitter page that 2024 is going to be a big year for uh like consistent

Content releases now that they’ve got the game released and out in the world so it’ be interesting to to see what they see they like produce and what they consider to be big content releases you got a cat is that why my nose is stuffy now sarcasm Randy you’re going to have to

Hold up a sarcasm sign for me please hey guys hey guys don’t look Can I combine I can why do I need a crafting table for this I don’t I can combine that right in my inventory look at that I can even do that or I I don’t need a crafting table slabs instead of trap doors and form land is less annoying it

Is I need to I need to just bite the bullet and switch it so wasteful it’s fine when you have a double chest full of seeds it’s okay to let a few go composter blo I have I have a skeleton farm and I have a fish

Farm allow me to get distracted cuz I’ve done a pretty good job of not getting distracted tonight we’ll take the dark Oak Express what are we doing we’re going to look at my fishing Farm or my fish farm look at this look look bones lots of Bones bones bones bones more bones I’m I’m never going to need bone meal again until we build bigger things that are not in this

Place would you have to convert the bone meals bones to bone meal yes but for every stack of Bones you get three bone meal for every seed that you compost you get 1/8 of a bone meal investment on return is not good unless you have an auto composter set up which I Don’t all right did I did I hear somebody say they want to do a couple mangrove trees before we call it a night I don’t quite have all of the mud that I want yet I use bees so I don’t even need the bone meal look at you being smart and

Stuff autoc compositors are one of the first things I set up in the world well you know what maybe I should be smarter yay for be poo oh my gosh I’ve never heard it called that before that’s incredible incredible all right do I have any yep I do have propagules

Propagules what did I come back to beoo what the what B Silver B hi how you doing you know just talking about nature and stuff how neat is that it’s pretty neat I haven’t played in a while and started a new map beside starter house and farm what should be first

Project um I mean do you have like food sources set up do you have a consistent source of like iron iron Farms are always good to set up I haven’t got one yet but uh sugar can Farms are always good for paper and uh obviously sugar for other things get

A potion brewing area get enchantment table all sorts of things you can do early game that thing right there that fish farm will get you endless food and endless bone meal I would build that go back and watch that video potion brewing is not early game in my

Opinion H it’s kind of late late early game early mid Game you definitely want to you definitely want to get enchantments before you try to get potions because you don’t want to go to the nether without that’s just asking for trouble I’d build that says the guy that built it squirrel where am I going you got to have good armor before

The end well you don’t have to go to the end to get enchant or to get uh potions I have potions I haven’t been to the end yet in this world that tree just ate my propagule rude all right let’s climb and Chop Chop time for choppy choppy

All right remind me again what the formula is for chopping these things down it’s like the the main main log is underneath the uh where the propagule grew and then it’s like side side side side from there is that how it is choppy choppy okay cool well this one doesn’t have

Vines I guess we could try to get up there yeah look at that Noggin ouch not Noggin ah seriously can I not get up there you stink use a hoe on top and work your way down do I still have it on me I put it away I put it

Away just fly up there I can’t pugy I would if I could I still can’t believe I had an entire sand crawler that I designed out of this stuff in my creative world thinking this would be easy to do I never built it would have been a horrible decision man

Oh I see Nei I see another log right there or two new glasses who this actually super old glasses that I found after missing them for a year and change scaffolding you think I should get scaffolding why would I ever want to make things easier on myself huh explain that to me

Right now he could have made a poor man’s bubble viter scaffolding is good you know oh man we’re not in our playlist anymore I do not want to play songs on my Channel that I have not heard because I don’t want them getting coped red you watch they’re going to get me

For three seconds of a song He’s not died once in the making this wonderful footage I haven’t I have not I enjoy Minecraft both building and Adventure just exploration I like to see how weird the world generates with floating blocks and huge holes in the ground that is a really fun part of

Minecraft is just walking around the world and seeing new stuff it’s very very fun H scaffolding I had some at one point hey look at that still do Demonetizing all right up we go whoa a long fall all right any this way not yet n that Way uh Hey blue can you believe that sunflower is going to come on the nest as soon as someone clears her gamertag hey look at that is anybody available to do that also don’t dig down not even in trees why not I got feather falling we’re good we’re good we’re not going to

Die not here we got to go back up there okay okay fine I’ve seen the light you guys have convinced me scaffolding is the way to go for chopping down these trees I will never not do it again it is a lot better not seeing it

Posted yeah we got a we got a section for it on the Discord server if you post your Gamertag in there once you become a member You’re going to miss some wood that’s be do mro trees ah yeah I will but that’s okay like we’ll we’ll look for the floating trees and then leave them there for puggy to think about all night long and then I’ll come back to him later and not tell Him [Laughter] oh my gosh I popped into the infinite Tre just to make sure I had access and it tpd classic TV fanom me oh no how’s that possible how in a world all right is that all of the logs I believe from this one that one is not

Despawning we have left some logs there I’ve lost it oh no I I didn’t I got it back I got it back like I lost a piece of scaffolding no is that it stuff going to despawn now oh yeah looks like it is is I think we’re

Good watch think dev’s got the last laugh on Mangrove let’s make one of the best looking wood the most annoying to harvest I know I I’ve I’ve had this conversation with prow a lot and I think we agree to some extent that Mojang has swung too far in the opposite direction because there

Like there was a point in time where everything was so easy to get once you got past the end game because it’s like let me just set up an automated farm for this done easy there’s no challenge to the game anymore now it’s like it just takes so long to mine a lot

Of things and now they’re making those villager changes it’s going to make getting trades a lot more difficult and timec consuming it’s like people just sometimes want to build build fun stuff and I don’t want to have to spend all of my playtime mining resources to build said thing like we’ve been

Streaming for almost 3 hours now Gathering resources and this isn’t the only stream we’ve done Gathering resources for this build that we’re going to put right over here I I by the time this is all done collectively I probably will have spent 6 to 7even hours just mining resources for a

Build and I have in-game gear I have full netherite gear with efficiency five on everything so I don’t know like I feel like to some extent yeah things should be hard to get at first but then ease up on the level of difficulty allow things to be automated a little bit here and

There go up the middle of the tree with a scaffolding and then Farm it out that’s a good idea this the middle that’s so much easier is this another tree that’s intersected with It blue I’ve been collecting resources for a build for a month oh my gosh what are you building that’s a part of multiplayer that isn’t bad but single player they nerfed it way out of the park yeah dude yep no love for us single player folks

I like the idea of multiplayer like I was actually talking to my my kid about this the other day like because I’ve done multiple different types of series on this channel a lot of it has been single player but I’ve also you know ventured out into the S&P realm here and

There I did uh the unity SMP as it was called um early on in my channel and then I got a opportunity to be on truly Bedrock for a little while it’s like I was on there for a couple of years and the series just starts and

Finishes so fast because it reset with every update that I didn’t have time to build everything I wanted to build because one I was really bad at time management with Minecraft when I was doing that but too like everybody else that was fulltime on the server was just building these monstrosities of bases

And I could barely get this squeaked out in a season and I’m like you know what single player is the way to go for me I’m going to take my time on a world and build it as big as I want over however long I want and not have to worry about

When other people want to reset so yeah I’ve been a single player Minecrafter for quite a while It’s my world and I want it now dude those commercials were so annoying how we doing oh two and a half well not two and a half two and a quarter more Stacks not bad I’m very skilled at Minecraft and I want to start a realm S&P go for it dude

Like can’t hurt to try sunflowers on the nest nice that is classified info currently oh okay nice nice nice well whenever it’s Declassified I’d love to know what you’re building that took a months to gather resources for ow is that a log I think it is let’s go get

It can’t keep my eyes open anymore tonight but throwing you on the big screen and going to fall asleep awesome stream blue J have a great night minnow thanks for hanging out dude always good to see you get some rest have a good night I think that was the only log left

In that one are you collecting all the props if not you should touch some yeah I mean like I’m I’m picking up as we go I got 51 so we’re we’re good I’m going to have a an excess of propagules by the time this is over

I need a theme for my map ideas how I have nothing built yet just the bed and a chest like what are some of your interests that’s what I would go to First static music again it’s like the longer the stream goes on the quicker that it freaks out again

The song is called chonkers I’m really excited for my main base and I’m not going to tell you guys what it is yet cuz as uh as somebody’s already said in here about their build it’s classified you’ll find out soon enough but I’m I’m very excited about it

Because it’s probably the most ambitious base that I’ve ever tried to tackle on my own and uh it’s going to be different than anything I’ve ever built as well and it tells a story it’s going to be fun it’s going to be really fun does anyone else know uh never spawn

Anywhere near a forest in the nether I had one time when I spawn like 30 blocks from one but normally I’m hundred blocks away yeah it just kind of depends like I’ve had it both ways for 20 bucks I’ll tell you all puggy knows I’ve showed him

My interests are in D and D and Anime I could try to go for D and D Renaissance yeah yeah build like a a Dungeon adventure or something like build a a kingdom or a kingdom that’s being overtaken by a dragon or something with dwarves or elves something fun like

That gives $5 to pugy more ambitious than Pirate Island yes it’ll be much Bigger It does not involve building a mountain though like we did with the volcano more structures more farms in a single area more organized too hopefully like the pirate base was a good dip the toe in the water kind of experience it’s like let’s see how how far I can push

Myself and now that I know that I can do that I can do I can do more you Know wait wait wait wait Craig you said to give puggy he said to give pugy $20 not me oh my gosh Craig thank you Does that mean all these trees still have logs in them seriously all right guys we’re going to call it here tonight and leave these here for I don’t know a few days until I play Minecraft again he did say $20 all right Craig how

About I how about I DM you after this is over and I’ll show you he did say $20 not to whom hold on what did he say for $20 I will tell you oh my gosh he didn’t say to who he said $420 oh my gosh all right I’m trying to figure out

What trying to figure out what I can tell you that I want to tell you that I know is solidified in stone cuz I’ve learned my lesson on not telling things to quickly because if I change my mind or go in a different direction I’ve already committed myself

To something and I’m I’m like oh sorry I’m not doing that now definitely don’t want to do that but spill it blue okay give me give me a few minutes bear with me let me finish chopping down these these last couple trees then we’ll go for a

Walk it’ll be totally worth a wait if it’ll be what I think it’ll be Craig while you’re waiting while you’re waiting on me to finish up my tree chopping here what do you think it’s going to be what’s your guess on what my base is going to

Be if you’re 100% right on this I like you’re a freaking genius I have no idea how you guessed it we know you’ll talk for a monetary gain I mean I didn’t even request this it was puggy I didn’t even agree to it but now I feel forced into it I have to

My be bro it’s fine I’m not mad it’s okay I’ll talk to you after the stream’s over buggy ow all right uh three more trees my gosh so much so much choppy choppy we’ll probably be streaming for about another 20 minutes finishing these up and then I’ll spill a few

Things okay I’ve decided on what I’m going to say transitional transitional Through Time theme un unpack that a little bit more for me help me understand what do you mean by that ouch could make it a member exclusive I could but I I I won’t do that I’ll be

Nice I’m missing two pieces of scaffolding I don’t know where they went it’s fine yeah I figured out what I’m going to tell you and what I’m not going to tell you so from Castle to space that’s kind of a cool idea it’s not what I’m doing

But let’s let’s say that there are elements that could be science fiction and elements that could be like historical and I’ll leave it at that this isn’t really puggy fault anyways you’re right I could have said no that all the logs that everything all right is it despawning yes it’s

Despawning all right let’s get this last one let’s actually go sleep first and then we’ll take a walk Bullet Bill it’s not Bullet Bill not going back to the Mario theme yet maybe someday that was fun I mean it’s like the those builds that I were doing that I was doing on

That series could easily fit into guide content so maybe we’ll do a maybe we’ll do a Mario base again one day where we’ll actually complete it Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure no it’s going to be the Tardis nope I like that idea though the Tardis is cool

Should finish the Bowser iron farm at least did I get everything where’s the scaffolding over there okay all right 3 two one jump it didn’t work Stargate nope but like I don’t feel like there’s any reason why we couldn’t include something like a Stargate in what I’m going to

Build like anything is fair game this is Minecraft we can do whatever we want all right let’s just keep all the rest of us on this for now all right we’re going to hop back and forth between my creative test world and this world here for a little bit but

Let’s uh let’s take a walk I’m not going to take a horse with me this time because I don’t want to kill it like I did last time but we’re going to go over to my future build site just so you can visualize with me you can’t fly until you get a

Ltra so funny how about when I get done with a classified build post I posted on the build section of Discord that’d be great I would love to see what you’re working on Dune meets Mad Max in the in the Matrix that would be an interesting

Combo you know it be a really cool base idea have you guys ever read The Maze Runner books or seen the movies it’s not the most like compelling literature in the world but it’s an interesting enough story it’ be kind of cool to build like a ma like a

Maze build a base where your village is in the center of a gigantic wall with a maze all around it and maybe inside the maze or your redstone contraptions and farms and things like that that’d be kind of cool we’ll be on the nest voice chat after stream to those that can join

Nice I am absolutely in love with the place that I’m going to be building my like my big long-term base cuz like that stuff over there super cool it’s fun but it’s like early game stuff it’s not nothing like too crazy it’s not the most impressive builds in the world except

For my Wizard Tower and my my villager house those two are solid builds I like those a lot but like the the theming itself is not meant to be like overly impressive it’s just like here are the things you need to do to get yourself through the early

Game and now that we’re like on the edge of being done with early and mid game and pretty close to being able to go fight the drag dragon and get elytra and shulkers after that we’ll be like we’ll be done with the grind of the game progression and onto just making cool

Stuff and building a bunch of cool buildings and farms and whatever we can imagine you know six people on right now nice booming Man I’m so I’m still so mad I killed my horse my fast horse coming out here last time Splash looks like you need to build a portal system to go between base areas that is in the plans I don’t know what my nether side stuff is going to look like yet

I don’t have anything planned as far as that goes maybe that maybe that could be the good opportunity to build like a Stargate theme like have the portals be Stargates and the inside of the nether be I don’t know like a tele teleportation field or something I don’t know something

Crazy shulkers and elyra are gamechanging I know I know which is like why I’m just so naively hopeful that the next update is going to have game-changing stuff like that the crafter like wet my appetite that’s game-changing stuff let’s get more of that let’s get less

Cute little animals to add into the game that don’t really serve a purpose like I’m I’m cool with the doggo armor I think that’s going to be fine but like the sniffer it’s fine it gives you a plant to decorate with it’s not gamechanging at all let’s get some more game changing

Stuff in the game like elytra shulkers the crafter more tinkery type stuff better uh inventory Solutions like Lego fortnite again has way better like Inventory management kind of stuff it’s just better this doesn’t look familiar that does I think o Pillager Tower I don’t want to go for that yet let’s stay

Away the crafter has been so needed I know I can’t wait for it to be in the the full game it’s going to be fun I’m going to try to stay away from them because I don’t feel like getting chased Walnut Wood that’d be kind of fun

New wood type I’m always down for more wood types more variety oh my gosh that scared me so bad oh my fingers jumped off the keyboard maybe he’s out here from last time cuz they were chasing me down last time after the horse died right and I was running away from

Him didn’t I didn’t I just go through this oh my gosh that was such a bad jump scare can we get mod packs back on the nest um I’ll kind of leave that up to the community I don’t mind but like for people that care about the sniffers and have

Sniffers I don’t know if that I don’t know if that’s still broken or not we missed the blue J totems and the bleepers all right let me do let me do some testing on the latest version of Minecraft here and see if the sniffers are still hiding from texture packs

Being enabled if not then absolutely yes we’ll we’ll add those things back on there we’re almost there folks we are almost there pugy needs his tacos in Zoe oh man I’m getting tired this should be like a minute and a half flight if we uh we had elytra wouldn’t take long at all

Ouch stop here and sleep get rid of the rain and get rid of the night so we can see this area in all of its Glory ouch some of you already have already seen this location if you were here I don’t know if it was last stream or a couple

Streams ago I can’t remember but I’ve been I’ve been teasing this area for a little while now cuz we’re getting very close to uh changing locations couple more things to build some some scenery to set up and some uh nope nope nope nope nope no you don’t

Uh some paths and rivers and things like that to build in the current location and then we’re done but here we are we are here in the future of the Bedrock guide and kill these guys first get out of here all right look at this view man beautiful it’s even better from over

There we’ll head over there I’d like to see a beetle kill Pine the inside of the wood would be the color of birch with blue streaks and the outside could look like Spruce oh man quit destroying my terrain stupid creepers NOP don’t do it don’t do it

That’s all right all this is going to get terraformed anyway at some point when we inevitably add some things up here I don’t know what we’re going to add up there yet but well timed redeem there so I did say there is not going to be a mountain building aspect to this

Base because we did that we built a volcano in the pirate base but there will be a lot of terrain destruction here like this slope that we just walked up it will more than likely be entirely flattened out like just this whole area is going to be Valley let’s get up a

Little bit higher but you can already see this is a beautiful area in the world I’ve not seen anything quite like this in any Minecraft world I’ve ever been in just look at it dude oh picturesque put that on a postcard one two three four four mountains surrounding this area kind of

A hilly area over there this is like the perfect build spot right got a jungle temple over there which is kind of fun but we’re going to be building the vast majority of our stuff down at the base of the mountains and like again we’re going to be digging a lot of this

Out to flatten it out because we’re going to be building a large large large city and not like a modern city like historical City okay so this is in your mind maybe we’ll maybe we’ll jump into the creative world so we can look at this 1666 and 697 okay

Let’s jump into my creative copy and look at this if you’ve seen the uh the thumbnail for my latest Bedrock guide video hey look this is where I took the [Laughter] thumbnail Yeah so anybody that’s wondering this is purely a creative copy of the world I never play any of my Survival Series in this world this is literally just backup taking thumbnails testing some things out before I do them in survival that kind of thing so just so you’re aware um TP blue

J 166 10667 right uhoh ah game mode spectator there we go are we here we in the right spot yes there we go uh time set day so there you go there’s a little bit of a better perspective we wait for it all to load

In I see you I see you holes in the ground load 100 100 wasn’t quite high enough you’re right uh let’s turn off the clouds as well just so you can see like we truly have a lot of space to work with here and if we if we flatten out like that

Where’s that section down there if we flatten all that out that’s a nice big valley right at the base of those three mountains okay ancient Rome Randy you’re very close you’re very very close so um I know it’s not the best Marvel movie in the

World so bear with me but I I liked the eternals well enough it was a it was a decent movie I hope they kind of close out some of the story Loops that they uh started in that movie for example the gigantic uh the the gig gigantic celestial in the ocean right

Um but there was one aspect of the the movie they were not there for very long but the the view was just gorgeous it was so cool they did an interpretation of ancient Babylon okay now a lot of the archaeology from ancient Babylon apparently doesn’t exist anymore it’s

All just been like destroyed over time but there are some common things that are accepted as what was part of the city one of which is a gigantic Blue Gate which come on who you talking to it’s blue jay we got to find a way to incorporate some blue into the builds

Right so the eternals had a really cool interpretation of the the walls of Babylon and this the gate all being being blue the entire wall system around the city was blue I don’t know if I’m going to go that far with it um but I was intrigued I was I was

Really intrigued I’ll post some pictures that I’ve got on my my planning sheet in Discord a little bit later tonight after I log off here um that said I don’t know that I’m going to go like a one for one like try to make it look like the city

Of Babylon but there are some key elements that I think I’m going to try to incorporate the blue walls being one of them Blue Gate um the other thing is the Hanging Gardens is like something that is commonly accepted as what was there we don’t know that the Hanging Gardens like

One of the Seven Wonders of the World we don’t know that it was actually there apparently could have been somewhere else we’ve never found evidence of it but um I think it would be really cool to make the iron farm into that Central piece the Hanging Gardens so I’m

Thinking let me go back to creative modes here so you can see where I’m pointing uh I would think that maybe like right around here in this area we just build the iron farm and the giant Hanging Gardens with like Rivers flowing out of it and then the

Rest of the city would be kind of surrounding it and then some of it would be backed up into the side of the mountain maybe even some of it going into the mountain um so yeah I think we’re going to make the iron farm the Hanging Gardens and

That’s the first thing we’re going to build when we get over here it’s going to be so cool I’m so excited um that’s not even the twist element of this though I haven’t even told you the coolest part and I’m not going to tell you I’m going to save it cuz it’s not

Going to be for a while you won’t see it executed for a while uh but it’s like it’s like architecture base off of the city of Babylon which like we don’t really know a whole lot about the city itself other than you know what we do know but like apparently there they were

Pretty Advanced with their technology and stuff the technology of the day so that’s why I said Craig we could potentially do some sci-fi stuff in there maybe we could throw a Stargate in there or something cuz like it doesn’t have to be historically accurate this Minecraft we can do whatever we want

With it but um just from an architecture standpoint I think they you know have some really cool designs and stuff out there and uh would be be really fun to to do something like that it’s just like literally this whole area this whole valley that is mostly jungle and kind of

Butts up against the Savannah um that’s that’s where we’re going to be building so this whole area is going to look completely different it’s going to be sweet it’s going to be sweet so yeah uh that’s all I’m going to say for now I haven’t revealed everything that we’re going to

Do over here especially the the twist and and I like that’s my favorite part of this whole thing is the twist so we’re going to save that but there you go uh let me let me jump really quick in my creative test world as well this is

A very rough draft you might have seen it while we’re in here this is a very rough draft and it’s not it’s not final okay uh but you might have seen over here I’ve got this little blue thing that I’ve passed by this is my small scale model of what one

Of the walls or the gate could potentially look like and like especially with the brand new bamboo trap doors and stuff that look like gold trim come on obviously this needs textured better it’s just it’s just the concrete we would throw in uh I don’t know blue wool could throw in blue concrete

Powder so like obviously we would do a better job of texturing this right so it would look not so flapped but this was just meant to be like a very very basic small scale this is going to be probably four times this size if I were to guess

Right orange all right let’s see let’s see orange or there’s no such thing as orange blue here you go here’s some orange wool just’s put it right uh let’s put it right right there does that work oh man so yeah this is kind of what I’m thinking for the theme um obviously

This is the only thing that I’ve got I haven’t built anything else to test designs I’m going to be doing that very soon um but yeah that’s that’s the theme that’s what we’re going with I’m not going to say anything about it in the videos until we get there so this is

Like a stream only reveal and Discord because I’ll post some things over there as well just so you guys can see what I’m I’m thinking about here’s some fun stuff over here too got uh the Lars Homestead from Star Wars with a hopper skyhopper um the entrance to Luke

Skywalker’s Home St speeder these were all things that I was planning on building on my let’s play Bedrock series before I’ve switched back to bedrock guide these are all things that I’ve kept because maybe someday we’ll do a Star Wars theme it’ll be fun uh Thor’s

Hammer you guys have seen all of this stuff the Bullet Bill gosh dude this Bullet Bill is so fun I love it I love Bullet Bill that cool uh the swamp all of the Mario blocks Bowser’s Castle over here woo boy Toad’s house dude so fun love to Toad’s

House so yeah I mean like these things we still have we can potentially revisit Mario at some point down the road or Star Wars or other things like I just I just I love this kind of stuff so there will there will come a time when the

Babylonian style city is done and we’ll have to come up with something else to do um I had another cool idea um that how many you guys have seen Loki have you guys seen the Loki TV series on Disney plus I had another idea for a base that

Um would be like the Citadel at the end of time where he who remains sat on his throne but because uh you know we got to be creative with Minecraft I would build like variants of structures in Minecraft or variants of other things I’ve built so like this is an ocean Monument style

In city so like just random cool fun stuff like that I might do something like that someday I don’t know varians no pun intended exactly Craig Craig I won’t I won’t I haven’t spoiled anything that isn’t like overly obvious so yeah this is my current test

World we got an iron farm down there that we built for the Bowser Castle I’ve got my super smelter that I’m not going to show you yet because we’re going to build that here in the not so distant future um let’s see what else my basic sugar cane Farm look at that

Well there’s no bone meal in there so it’s not going to work right now but it’s it’s great it’s the best bone meal Farm or best uh sugarcan Farm ever the blueo train that’s coming we’re going to do the blueo train at some point I might try to see if there’s any

Uh anything I can do to revamp it make it a little bit better we’ll see um all of my test my testing before I did the hidden bookshelf door and finally landed on uh this design over here and then the horse track and then gold farm that pugy

And uh norre designed together that maybe may also be coming in the not so distant future so there you go that’s the tour of the creative world lots of stuff going on in here but guys it’s uh it’s been gosh 3 hours and 42 minutes how did time get

Away from us we are past midnight at this point I got to go to bed I got to work tomorrow I’m getting tired my voice is getting tired because I’ve been talking for almost four hours guys this was awesome thank you guys so much for hanging out tonight I’m very excited for

The future of the guide because we got some fun plans as you have seen tonight lots of stuff in store so don’t don’t miss it don’t miss it uh also check out the Lego fortnite Channel if you haven’t checked that out as well it’s just uh here I’ll put it in the chat

Youtube.com/ blj Lego fornite there you go go check out the Lego fortnite Channel and uh it’s a very similar game to Minecraft it’s not like the the what’s Whatchamacallit my brain is failing me Battle Royale Battle Royale Shooters it’s not that at all it is literally a

Lego fortnite Minecraft kind of game so if you’re interested in branching out and trying something new kind of want a break from Minecraft for a while go check it out and uh I’ll have a guide on that channel as well guys have a fantastic night we’ll catch you soon for

Craig a community night on uh one of the servers or maybe on some Lego fortnite or maybe on the hive it’s been a while since we’ve done like a mini games Community night with the community and just had some fun so guys I will chat

With you when I chat with you I’ll see you in the Discord and we’ll see you in the next video video but for now have a good night goodbye

This video, titled ‘LIVE – Resource Gathering for Mud and Mangroves! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.20’, was uploaded by BluJay | Minecraft on 2024-01-09 05:31:32. It has garnered 1474 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:16 or 13456 seconds.

TONIGHT on the Minecraft Bedrock Guide LIVE, we are gathering EVEN MORE resources for the next big build – an Animal Barn! —————————-

CHANNEL POINT REWARDS: https://streamlabs.com/blujaygames/cloudbot

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    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft 👍 FOLLOW ME! ► TikTok – https://tiktok.com/@darkomode ► Instagram – https://instagram.com/darkcornerstv ► Twitter – https://twitter.com/darkcornersyt 📺 MY OTHER CHANNELS ► Dark Corners (Horror) – https://youtube.com/darkcornerstv ► DarkoBlox (Roblox) – https://youtube.com/darkoblox Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free… https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: https://www.twitch.tv/zylenox https://www.twitch.tv/zylenooo Join the Classic Discord Server: https://discord.gg/APU8PdexvF Read More

  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: dominionserver.net Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at play.minevita.net, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP: play.minevita.net→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! discord.minevita.net Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Doublesal Discord: https://discord.gg/cdyPTJrdam Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/doublesal —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮https://bisecthosting.com/Doublesal —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.quest

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на 2b2t.quest’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ip-2b2t.quest. ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- https://www.mediafire.com/file/5t9om8eqzmdtsi3/A+pack+like+shader.zip/file @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- https://discord.com/invite/WBHjA6eTp9 mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams KICK: https://kick.com/baba DISCORD JOIN! https://discord.gg/4crWFZ7eEc HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams ●Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BabaStreams ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babastreams ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@babastreams ●Discord: https://www.discord.gg/babastreams ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More