Ultimate Power in Modded Minecraft

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Hey guys s and this is all the mods 9 I myself I’m having a wonderful day hope you guys all are as well goe jump forward get back into this amazing package abwe episodes have not done too much did do a little bit what ahead got

Us this block here it is a workbench plus from Cory plus and I filled it up with a whole bunch of junk here that we’ll be using to make this here A chunk Destroyer which is kind of reminiscent of the old Bill craft Quarry except for

The things like on if the old Bill craft Cory was on nothing but straight nitrous you know what I mean nonstop and completely op that would be this mod here so we’ll be using this to help us get onop tanium and then we’ll probably go ahead and use it to get resources

Later on I did have to go ahead and guess break the connection over here I need some of these these predictions so I can actually go ahead and make ourselves a dragon head but now that we have I guess the enter predictions we just craft these up any time because I

Actually can craft the predictions into dragon breath itself so it’s actually really easy to get but anyway I’m going to go ahead reconnect this now do that so we actually start getting that again there you go then is good with that I’m going to go ahead and throw this into

The machine here and we can start doing the crafting that we need to do now you notice down here it’s all lit up with I guess different things that we could actually craft right we also need to give this thing power so let’s go ahead

And grab that go ahead and uh pop this down go set it to the main channel the way you kind of crafting this like once I I guess you can’t see with that one I guess if I take out the glowstone real quick there you go some of the options

Go away but once I put them back in you kind of see they light up again so each thing in here needs a set amount of stuff that eats inside it to be able to craft it right so if I want to go ahead and make this experience pump for the

Quarry have to have all these items inside the actual workbench to be able to craft this up anyway to craft up the items too all you have to do is kind of click on them so just click on them once twice then three times get three of them

Spit them out in the world too which is a little odd but uh definitely the way it does it then I think I need three of the quy plus as well so going to go ahead and make three of those there you go got three of those go ahead and drop

Those off and then on top of that I want to have an experience pump for the Quarry we don’t need this initially but I’m just going to go go ahead and grab it and then we’re going to need one of these uh movers as well so grab that as

Well and then anything else oh we need uh two of these pump pluses let’s go ahead and grab that and that that’s good and now it’s actually lit up now that we have everything in there that we need we can actually just go ahead and make our

Chunk destroyer and now we have a very very op item here so what we’re going to do I guess first off is get it Enchanted because you can enchant this thing I guess you go here go to use on the enchantment mover you can see you can

Actually go ahead enchant them using I guess Enchanted tools and weapons right and you can Boo the enchantments over the only enchantments can really take is efficiency Unbreaking fortune and silk Dutch I think there’s a way of getting higher level ones on other than this enchant mover but I’m not sure how you

Do it yet I haven’t actually looked into it that deeply but I do know if we take the chunk destroyer and do that pop this over here I have a fortune 8 pickaxe which was probably not the one I want to use I don’t think it’s going to be able

To get the fortune eight on there you know what I don’t I’m not going to I can make more of these the way I got this uh pickaxe too is just combining up a whole bunch of Vengeance pickaxes uh pickaxes uh that took eight to make so it wasn’t

That big a deal but I think I would go ahead and move these over here that’s going to take three other levels and now this one’s down to five so see you can’t actually get above that but I think there’s a way of getting above that I

Think you can actually get higher levels of Fortune on this but I’m not really sure how that’s done yet then I’m going to use some of these too I got some of the tree capitator from the Traders there I actually put efficiency on here too so that’s going to give it uh

Efficiency five I could go ahead and put the breaking on there as well and we got breaking three on there as well so probably not the top of chance that you do for this but it’s actually already pretty good so Fortune’s going to do what Fortune does efficiency I believe

Makes it go faster and I think a braking makes it more power efficient but don’t quote me on those the efficiency on the braking they may be flipped right so I’m not sure exactly how that works also I think there’s a rumor in the Discord that the efficiency isn’t working

Properly right now anyway so not really sure if it is or not anyway that is good there now that we have this is pretty much ready to go so go ahead and pop this down has like an interface here right and we have to give it power

Before it’ll actually work but one thing I want to do is go ahead and grab ourselves a module here this experience pump for the Quarry and you go ahead and open up go to modules put that in there with that that’s going to make it so if

It mins up anything like coal or diamonds or anything that drops experience ends up with the machine I’m pretty sure we just come along and either right click or left click and we get the experience out I guess we’ll find out which button is later anyway that’s pretty much everything we need to

Kind of get this going right so let’s go ahead and break that there you go and then we’re probably going to go ahead and head over to the end to get this going I have that and then I have some of these DS we’re going to be using for

The item storage made a couple of the docks as well and I guess I just need some power so let’s actually go ahead grab this for right now and then I should be able to just go over there too you should be able to uh go straight

There right away anyway go there go to the end City and we need to find a end Highlands basically is all we need to do so end Highlands are really easy to find this should be one right here right so usually the highest point I guess on the

Islands are usually a end Highlands so this should be it here when you put this down you get this little guess boundary box right telling you where it’s going to mine we can actually increase that too so let’s go ahead increase that also you don’t want to power this thing until

You actually have it set up how you want to because it automatically turned on you can’t make changes afterwards right you have to break the block put it back down it is a little Jank like that anyway go ahead uh head inside here grab ourselves a flux Point go ahead and uh

Get this ready I guess we should get the inventory set up as well so I’m going to go ahead and throw a dock down then I’m just going to go ahead and put one of these empty dancks in here let’s go ahead and do that this will store all

The items this is the max level one too so this is the Dank seven so each lot can hold a Max int so I don’t have to worry about storage at all that’s is good there then we want to make sure the power is Not underneath it do not put

The Power underneath it because it will mine it anyway that’s the thing go ahead and hook that up there it’s going to M everything in this area basically it’s going to do this little 3×3 by3 I guess is what it is I guess it’s a 3X3 don’t

Add the third by3 there cuz we want one wider I guess on each side of the original uh one it was going to do anyway I should be able to uh turn this on this should be good right that’s good that’s good that’s good actually I think

I could do this too so I go ahead and unclick that and if I go ahead and turn this on now does that start automatically or do I actually get to hit the button at that point so I guess if you want to be able to turn on you

Want to do that first okay that’s cool because otherwise it just automatically turns on but we go ahead and hit start now there you go it’s going to start adding all the frames from The Corry kind of markering out the shape there it’s going to just start mining very

Quickly look that it’s just tearing up those chunks like it’s nothing I think it’s getting 800,000 RF a tick I don’t know how much it actually uses though I guess we could check that real quick see here and check this up see what it’s actually using so it’s currently using about uh

60,000 R tick I guess which is not horrible I believe we can take more per side as well so if I actually go here then did this check this one out as well that one’s doing 50,000 and that one’s doing 50,000 as well that should be going even faster

Yeah there you go so that’s pretty cool right that’s very cool and very fast and hopefully uh Within These 3×3 we actually has some onum here because if so we are pretty much ready to go but this is this is it this is the Cory it’s

Just straight up op this thing is insane notice that it’s already got 40,000 endstone it’s way better than the Builder one and effectively takes way less power realistically as well for the for you know per a job right for the same amount of work it’s way way way

More efficient this thing is utterly insane actually look at that surprised we haven’t actually found any on tinum yet but I may have to go ahead and move this cuz we are quite quickly going to run out of uh 3×3 chunks here to be able

To mine and I’ll have to go ahead and find another I guess uh end uh another end Island here or end Highlands I guess is what it is got our first Auto tum or here go ahead and start grabbing that stuff got myself my fortune 5 pickaxe so

At least a little bit of efficiency oh we only got one there we got kind of ripped off hopefully we get some more than that uh per kind of or here it’s going to be a little random of course but hopefully we find some more too

Maybe we’ll uncover a little bit more we only need about 36 at which point we can actually just go ahead and straight make the myal agriculture seed anyway but I may have to go ahead and move the chunk destroyer and uh just to make sure we

Get enough actually we only need wait if we only need 36 I guess I only need 18 cuz it’ll double up anyway with the or Hammer right do that there’s 17 yeah I think we’re already good yeah we’re good we’re good we actually have more than enough of this actually go ahead and

Make our mystical seed and then we just move on from that point there so yeah that was super easy right super super simple super super powerful this thing is straight uh insane like I said and uh crazy also does the do these break here these things the the frames like how do

You get these go away curious here I have my maget on right let’s go ahead and do that go ahead uh break that I guess we go ahead break you as well and when I break this do they go away no they do not so do I have to go ahead and

Do this here okay they do go away so anyway that is cool let’s go and make our mystical seed so we going ahead and grabbed everything we need to go ahead and do our seeds for mol agriculture to make us so we actually get our on optium

And our vibranium I guess all the aium as well all those kind of infinitely right think we only get nuggets from these but I’ll kind of build up over time so it doesn’t really matter I had to set up this machine again as well so previously we had this one set up for

Supremium get us blocks of supremium right I just added a recipe here for the insanium it set to the external C there had to change this one this one was on external C previously so now it’s internal so it just keeps the blocks internally and then the insanium ends up

Out here then I added another recipe here to actually make the blocks as well so we’re doing a different way of Crossing this down before but now I’m doing inside the machine so I’m just exporting all the inferium into the machine from A2 and at some point it’ll

Get caught up too we just had a ton of emperium I think we still have like 1.7 million yeah I had two when I started this so gu that’s the thing but anyway our seeds here we’re going to need uh the Farmland so I had to make some of

The insanium Farmland as well so so just that right there then the in sendum blocks you need 12 for these here so you need three of these magical soils these are basically called a Crux they go under the soil and they’re only used for certain seeds here so these are going to

Be the only ones are actually used on in this particular pack then you have to have the soil the seed on top otherwise it won’t grow right it shows the mull agriculture I guess uh soil too it doesn’t show the other soil but the other soil does work we don’t have to

Worry about that and anything else here that we need to worry about no I think that’s good there the actual seeds themselves I guess each one of them just takes a block there so nothing too special there uh where is my setup for this let’s go ahead and head down here

Real quick and start making our seeds so what we could do I guess is just go ahead and start tossing these in here that uh I only made three of those I don’t know why totally der there going drop you off we need another unobtanium could to get that because uh three is

Not enough y go ahead uh drop that into there as well I think that’s right yeah that’s good and this SE should be done then we go ahead and let this one be done and then that will be the final one right I guess if I drop that off there

There you go so super easy to make seeds nothing too special there just need to make sure we actually grab that stuff uh the last ones I guess we’ll have to pull these out right so let’s actually pull you out pull you out here cuz the farm

Land has to go in that one right so I have the three Farmland there these ones here just throw the inadian blocks and then the draget scales right and that should be able to make it so we actually get our actual soil as well at which

Point we’ll be able to go ahead and set these up now that we have everything we need let’s go a and jump into our hyper box here probably turn our engine on probably going to replace some of these inferium seeds probably replace that one this one and that one there let’s go

Ahead and get rid of those ones let’s break these soils too could have still touched that but I’m not going to I’ll lose a couple of the lily pads here too but I’m not too worried about that all actually so let’s go ahead grab that

Right there go ahead uh pop a block down so I can actually place blocks and then this will be one as well so let’s get rid of that one and then we’ll go ahead and do the same thing right here that’s good then we just need to get these

Magical soils in place so I’ll have one there I’ll probably one there and then one right here as well go ahead and grab some dirt and probably just get that kind of all fertilized up and then we are effectively done here go ahead grab you we haveb ourselves the hoe just ho

That stuff fantastic then I have some fertilizer go ahead get that furthered up and this will be I guess the infinite I guess allodium resources which is awesome go do that that and that there here you go that should be working want to make sure this one doesn’t break I’m always worried about

Uh putting them on on hydrated soil cuz sometimes I just do weird things where they just break I probably shouldn’t have done that but at the same time it should be okay guess we’ll find out here you going to break up me just hydrate hydrate hydrate why you no hydrate I’ll

Trust it I’ll come back any let’s go out here and see how this is doing so we should have some uh vibranium here there you go so we already have some of that which is awesome so I should be able to just take this stuff and do something

Like that there we go we only get one nugget per so it will take a I guess a while for that to build up there but we should also have our onop tanium as well we have six plus we have this here you go we can actually start grabbing that

As well so we’re actually in the process where we can start producing that stuff infly you don’t need tons of that stuff so I’m not worried about large amounts at all whatsoever but you could make more and more seeds too right you just need more blocks I guess I guess the

Biggest thing is killing the dragon more times because I don’t know any other way of getting those particular scales right scale let’s go to it was these ones here right yeah I don’t think there’s another easy way to get these dropped by the Ender Dragon upon death I’m not sure the

Dri mey can be used on the dragon because that might be an option I’m not actually sure can can the dragon be trapped in one of the Dy uh jars from ours nvo cuz this so you might be able to get those that way yeah anyway doesn’t really matter too much going to

Let that build up for a few minutes and then we’ll get to uh something else here so let’s go ahead and grab our wireless boosters here and I think we can actually make the upgraded I guess uh range upgrade for this thing so the infinite one right so infinite range for

82 Wireless Works across Dimensions I think we have everything we need for this right so we make that one no problem but we need the infinity range booster that’s going to take this stuff here so we have that so the only thing we really need I guess is how many of

Those we need eight indium plates and enderium plates are the enderium egots let’s get those pinned there they are going to be this recipe so I need that it looks like I just need diamond dust I think yeah looks like diamond dust so we just go ahead and grab that and then see

If we could actually make these boosters cuz if so we are set that go ahead do you cool there’s four of the infinity range they don’t stack apparently drop you off and then finally the dimension card look that we are good that is amazing and with that I think all we

Have to do is take that and put that into this thing do that there there you go that’s awesome it only uses 18 RF tick that’s all that uses that’s hilarious why you even bother at that point so now we should be able to go cross Dimension now I want to try it

Really quick too so we head over here and go to the in city and then open this up and there you go we have access C Dimension infinitely and almost no power at all that uses virtually nothing that is awesome that is a massive upgrade very happy we got

That right away that’s super cool so I’ve going ahead and set a bunch of recipes here for the mod power power is a power mod which is uh pretty amazing round and a good time I want to go ahead and get into it kind of get that process

Started we need it for the ATM Star anyway right there’s also seeds that we’ll be able to make and uh it’s a little expensive to make them looks like you have to make down the compressed blocks of them it’ be 81 it’ be 364 I guess actual guess one of the materials

For each level to actually be able to make the seeds for I guess mystical agriculture which we’ll probably get into pretty quickly so yeah I went ahead did that I set up a whole bunch of recipes these are for the base materials here these are going to be the ones that

Are done in this machine here which is the energizing orb the rest of them are actually able to be just done inside of A2 so you don’t have to worry about that most of them just take this material here so it’s not really hard to do just

This here the main one I guess from the mod itself is this here the dialectric base which is uh very simple to get to right so just blaze powder clay stuff we could do no problem at all whatsoever so the first thing we need to do is go

Ahead and start working on these materials here so the first here is going to be this here the energized seal then you kind of work up as you go so I have myself a bunch of these here these are the energizing rods this is what actually kind of powers the kind of

Setup here so it doesn’t actually directly power the actual I guess the orb itself like you don’t just uh attach a plug or something right have to have the power coming out of these rods here shoots a little lasers that’s actually pretty cool here go ahead and grab the

Provider go ahead and pop this down probably not like that because that will not work let’s try block this there you go set that to I guess Point into that then we’ll have to have an Importer on this as well so probably come down here grab ourself an import BS probably set

That to be imported from the bottom I think it’s smart with that don’t quote me on on that I guess we’ll find out there you go and that should be good there and in this we want to set this to blocking mode so go ahead and set that

To blocking mode there the reason we do this is because this machine is actually very stupid about what goes into it and if you have a recipe like multiple recipes firing at a time like different tiers of the actual materials here they’ll send some of the energized steel

Materials and some of the Blazing Crystal materials it doesn’t keep track what’s in it it’s actually very very dumb so you need to limit it and with blocking mode it just sends what it needs for one recipe which for it to be finished and then sets the next right so

We don’t have to regulate it in any way whatsoever with this kind to set up here go and drop that off acceleration carriage for sure go ahead and drop off our recipes and then I think all we really need here is to hook up the power and we’re effectively finished at this

Point um these things are a little weird with power I need to test this out real quick let’s go ahead and grab you you to have to use sometimes you have to use there’s been packs where I have to use their power system to actually power

Them I don’t want to let’s go ahead and see if we we need to uh what do we need here we want to go ahead and grab um ultimates do I have ultimates in here oh not ultimates let’s grab universals go to grab them yeah universal cable and

See if they can actually connect to these things let’s do that grab ourselves a basic here oh it’s charging up I wonder if that’s working I need to test this do that go ahead and give that power looks like it has power he’s getting the power these things have a

Limit on how much they get accept per tick too see there the max in and out on this tier is only 100 Fe but as we get to the higher tiers that’ll go way higher but looks like we can actually use these uh connections I guess in this

Pack here I had one pack where I had to the only way I could do it was with a plug way it doesn’t seem like it I guess a point I mean but I guess it doesn’t really matter in this one because it seems like it’s working I don’t don’t

Think it really matters where we put these either so let’s do how would I want to do this let’s do that there I can’t remember how close these have to be nearby either guess it doesn’t matter too much but anyway let’s let’s go ahead and grab our universals so that’ be six

7 8 2 4 6 7 eight we’ll go with 10 I have to make one more but that’s fine go Ahad grab these and go ahead and get these kind of placed on these cables here just like this will you please uh Auto replace oh they have data right so

They actually all kind of store their power and they getting charred wirelessly so it doesn’t know to do the auto replace on these just to be Derpy so let’s do that and this and then we need one more just to flush that out right so let’s go to I guess a rod here

Get ourselves one of the basic rods cool and then get this hooked up and this should be effectively done right so I want to go Ahad and make one of the first tier here the energized steel let’s go to enter and then grab the steel see if we can actually make

Ourselves a stack right so if I want to Stack this let’s see if it actually starts here see here it’s going to shoot the laser and then get pulled out and do the next one there you go that’s how easy this is to automate and once I have

A good amount of this stuff I can actually go ahead and make the next tier of the rod so the rod for the next one rod uh let’s go do power here that’ll be the next thing I do here I’ll probably do that over the next few minutes but to

Make the um energizing Rod hardened which can provide more power there oh that’s already done 64 which is crazy but um it’s pretty easy just need four of these and you get two craft these up probably go ahead and do that immediately then we go ahead and get to

The next here next here next here cuz once we’re up to the top tier this goes super fast so I’m going to go ahead and get this done here this thing seems to get like faster over time it was going slow at first then like the ticks are

Lining up better I guess with the extract on the Importer and uh all of a sudden it just started going really fast actually quite happy with that trying to make the 360 we need so we can actually go ahead and make the seed then going to

Go ahead start working on the Blazing as well so we’ll just have it kind of all lined up here be able to make all four seeds and which point we’ll be able to use this for later stuff I guess later on but we won’t need this rate for this

Point for this material so I just want to get through it right now cuz really nothing’s stopping us so I think I’m all done here I think I’m ready to make the seeds I just need to go to get our last rods in place already got all of our

Nitros the last tier Nitros don’t actually take that long to do they’re not that bad because you get 16 per recipe it looks all kind of crazy and scary but honestly the spirited the tier before it actually tend to take longer so I think uh that’s definitely the

Thing but anyway we should have a bunch of nitro here now so go to Nitro got three out of 20 that’s not quite enough uh let’s go ahead and grab this here let’s go ahead and grab another 50 like this and that should get done there pretty

Quickly maybe wait are you working I feel like you should be working oh it is working okay wasn’t sure it was actually working there but once we have this we’ll have all our blocks here no problem at all whatsoever yeah that’s actually enough there let’s go ahead and

Grab all them go ahe and get them all compacted down then we go ahead and turn these into this here we just need four of those that one’s going to go with insanium um this one’s going to go with the Imperium and that one will be the supremium recipes there I think that’s

Everything to make the seeds like actually that’s that that took no time at all I did tweak one thing with the recipe too so when I got up to Nitro I switched over to this recipe for the uh blazing Crystal you can do entire blocks

At a time just need to make a blaze mesh so you go to blaze mesh here this stuff here just the noral one and then you can just go ahead and send that into the actual uh orb and get entire blocks out of time cuz the recipe for the Nitro

Requires the entire blocks right isn’t uh just the singles it’s uh Straight Up N so just a way easy way to do that got it done way faster and I guess I’m just going ahead making seeds now so CU that’s the thing right yeah we got

Enough of that in there so I should be able to just uh throw that in there throw that in there did that actually have four yes it did okay I thought I only saw three on those and that should be our first seed right there that one should be done like

Look at that that one’s actually finished there then go ahead drop off the rest and just get them all finished oh pull you out there you go let’s put you guys into here there we go that’ll work way better and get these all planted and power basically is automated

At this point like straight up you won’t have to do any resources at all with the orb there are other recipes that we could do with it but honestly this is the biggest part of it here we won’t have to use the orb nonstop it’ll just

Be in the system just in essence form so one thing I did not realized was this seed here the actual Nitro Crystal Seed requires a Crux right so you actually have to have this did not realized at all I put it down it wasn’t growing I

Was wondering why that it said it needed a Crux there so I have a Crux under here now it’s this one it’s the where is it here the Crux this thing there you go Nitro Crystal Crux you have to have this here so isn’t a big deal it’s actually

Pretty cheap we need underneath otherwise it won’t grow you see there requires Nitro Crystal Crux below and now it’s growing so that is awesome and now we have that all fully automated I don’t even need those recipes I guess in that orb anymore we can’t use that orb

For other stuff but that’s amazing that’s totally done all finished and took under 20 minutes which is hilarious because that usually is a slower process than that because uh yeah the definitely the Nitro is usually a lot slower but that’s effectively finished probably want to go and get these recipes out of

Here actually because I’ll end up uh messing with other recipes now that uh we have to set up the ones for the essence but once I have the essence recipe set up we’re done we’re finished that is fine right so I could just go to I guess uh Nitro now we should start

Seeing the essence and how much do you actually get per for this is it this recipe most of them are nope what is it on this oh it takes a another star still not too bad that’s 12 per yeah that’s easy that’s easy peasy so yeah that is

Done that is finished that was uh that was totally different but uh very easy quite happy I did that so the next thing I want to go do is head over to the nether real quick and we’re going to use the teleport pad over there to head to a

Dimension called the other and the other is going to have I guess all kinds of crazy stuff in it right so that’s like a mod from the allodium mod right so we go ahead and shift right click on that sh should load up into a new dimension here

There we go we’re in the other uh other now which is fantastic right anyway let’s go ahead get oursel a little space here you need some of this on anent Stone too I think for the smithing for the vibranium so I need some of that so

It’s a good thing I found that then I want to find a specific biome right now and the one I’m looking for is called what is it called there it is uh I think like Basalt Delta Basalt this one here agent Basalt Delta here you go oh did we

Actually spawn in one actually that might be it over there on the radar I can’t look at it here let’s look at in this one there you go yeah I think it’s right there and that’s going to have a whole bunch of Soul lava yeah I want to

Go ahead over to that there let’s get to the right setting on this I want to have the uh yeah right there the tunnel there we go go ahead and see if we can actually fun that area pretty quickly and get into this because if so we can

Use that actual Soul lava to produce power now that we have power so that’s actually pretty cool and really rare it actually produces a lot of power too for a single block and there they’re very easy to kind of set up a whole bunch of

Them in parallel so I want to go ahead and get to that let’s go ahead headit over here might be beneath us I guess oh there it is right there we don’t take fall damage anyway so it doesn’t matter let’s go ahead and jump down here and

This is what I’m looking for here there it is right there goe and grab that grab ourselves that tag here don’t think those blazes can even hurt me so I guess that’s the thing want that in bucket B and there you go actually go ahead to start picking this up probably go ahead

And grab us a good amount of it we don’t need a ton of it probably you know around 100 buckets or so just so we always have what we need here I don’t think we’ll need any more of that we’ll definitely not be setting up 100 of these uh generators so definitely don’t

Need 100 but at least we’ll have a little backlog here this thing holds I think 256 for the ultimate tank so go ahead and grab all this we’ll head back and uh set up some new power here one thing to men about this Dimension too is

You can’t fly here kind of forgot to mention that yeah you definitely can’t fly in this Dimension they have it totally turned off like in fact if I try to turn on my engine here it does nothing right so it doesn’t really work I think you got to spam it kind of like

Cheese a little bit but I wouldn’t do that they really expect you I think to use magic like a leap spell maybe a light Dron something like that you know what I mean to kind of get a around so probably end up doing that at some point

But for right now it’s going to kind of be on foot cuz I only plan on being here for a few minutes so i’ G ahead and made all the recipes to make these here Thermo generators so they’re pretty easy to do I already made 15 of them actually

I think it’s crafting up the last of them right now so that’s good so they’re pretty easy to make I guess I could show you the recipe too so just like this here so nothing too special pretty much everything that we just automated for the most part so really easy I guess we

Just got our our El another five there could pop them out too now these things kind of work a little weird so they’re kind of like the thermal generators from other mods except for it has a I guess a liquid underneath and then the water the actual coolant goes directly inside them

Right so there’s only one coolant and there’s several heat sources right so you use uh blocks of Blazing Crystal but you can also use Soul lava lava or magma blocks of course we’re going to be using these ones because it’s straight op uh let’s go ahead uh set this to buckle

Mode and like I said we’re going to set up 15 at this point so ahead do that go ahead and hook you up as well already put down a sink too cuz we already need water right it does consume the water he will not consume the soul lava so we

Don’t have to worry about that let’s go ahead start popping these down go it’s nice that it actually knows to Auto replace them guess so that’s amazing guess because they don’t have any power in them yet anyway that’s good there then grab these ones as well sweet there you go so that should

Be kind of the initial setup there which point we want to get water them so just use some ultimate uh mechanical pipes they don’t have to be fast at all but I’m going to use ultimate because well I feel ritzy go ahead uh do that looks

Good and then that looks good then we’ll just go ahead extract out of the sink here which point I think these are already producing power there you go generates uh 3.5k just like that that’s insane so these 15 generators are producing whoa is that really wait generate 3.5k but that says

31,500 which one is it is that really 35,000 3.5k yeah it’s 35,000 sorry 31,000 RF Teck out of these that’s insane I thought it I knew it was going to be high I didn’t think it was going to be that high okay that might be how much is that that’s 10

That’s 300 is that like almost 400,000 450,000 RF tick wow okay um cool what we need here is universals let’s go ahead and grab some universals here uh let’s see if we get a whole bunch of them I should have them around here somewhere should have

Some Universal go to grab you then I want one of these induction what are they called there they’re the induction ports let’s go ahead and grab a port here I think I have an autocratic recipe for this right let’s go ahead and make one of these these there you go

Hopefully you get that done pretty quickly cool and then I guess all we need to do is uh put the Power straight in there and that should be pretty much it for automation actually that this here that should multiblock again hopefully cool and then we should be

Able to just set the extracts on all these right go ahead and bring this gross there you go I don’t know if we have enough cable to actually uh make this go fast enough but we’ll see we may have to get some better cable here but that’s good and that’s already producing

I guess pushing all the power right if I actually look at this how much are we like how fast is it going in now input two points how’s it getting 2.6 million maybe because of the buffer yeah it’s going to empty that buffer right and we’re producing

230,000 out of the reactor we already have so that giant reactor is only producing 230,000 I think it’s actually 215 and we’re already producing 700,000 R tick pretty much because of this because of these tiny little 15 thermal generators that’s straight broken I knew these had a multiplier on

Them I knew they were pretty good I did not realize they were quite this good that’s insane that’s insane they do have a I guess a limit on the extract I it’s 160,000 Fe a tick so the limit on the extract doesn’t even matter at all oh my

Goodness and they use nothing like they don’t use the liquid under de like it’ll never use this at all that’s just infinite infinite power because we’ll never run out of water so I did the math on it and apparently what we’re actually producing with this setup here is

4725 RF tick which is insane these things are crazy they are utterly completely nuts and uh quite happy I did it quite happy I knew I was going to get a lot of power I did not think it’s was going to be making this one this giant

Giant thing look pathetic like that look look at that that’s insane it’s just insane how much power you get out a tight little space there that 900% multiplier is crazy that’s just straight crazy but I think I’m going to go ahead and actually wrap this one up here so as

Always you guys like this video please hit that like button really liked it hit that subscribe button it is always appreciated want you guys all have a good one see you guys in the next video later

This video, titled ‘All the Mods 9 Modded Minecraft Insanely OP Powah Power EP12’, was uploaded by SystemCollapse on 2023-12-30 22:39:37. It has garnered 8932 views and 481 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:20 or 1940 seconds.

All the Mods 9 (ATM9) is not just another 1.20.1 modpack – it is a testament to the evolution and diversity of Minecraft modding. With nearly 400 mods, this modpack offers an extensive selection that caters to every type of player. Whether you are interested in enhancing the visuals, exploring new gameplay mechanics, or customizing your world, ATM9 has something for you.

ATM9 covers a wide range of gameplay categories, including exploration, magic, technology, and multiplayer. This diversity ensures that players with different interests can find something to enjoy. Whether you are captivated by mystical elements, fascinated by advanced technology, or seeking cooperative adventures with friends, ATM9 has you covered.

All the Mods 9 Modded Minecraft Insanely OP Powah Power EP12

► Seed: 1237100171439781943

All The Mods 9 Modpack Download ► https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-9..

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#ATM9 #SystemCollapse #Minecraft

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  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

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  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

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  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

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  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

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    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More