Ultimate RL Craft Shenanigans!

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O Oh Oh All right guys welcome back dorov man I’m horribly sorry to hear that dude that’s terrible brother I um I I lost somebody very close to me recently as well um it’s never easy like whether it’s a pet or a loved one or or a family member

Or a friend it doesn’t matter what it is it’s it’s never easy man I’m really sorry to hear that and um I wish you the best with any luck uh you you’ll get a you’ll move forward man you you get a new pet um what’s up heex sorry guys I’m horribly

Congested today just a Forefront warning I think I’m getting like terribly sick I slept for buns last night and I’m already late so uh I’m sorry for the uh the sniffles and the the the honk and nose and all that crap but um we’re going to we’re going to try to build something

Today um yeah I’m not feeling so hot uh but it’s all right we’re just big chilling man if it doesn’t matter if I was sick or not I’d be playing Minecraft today either way um oh normally I’m I’m going down there to get my water at the start of these episodes

Uh okay it’s been a very long time um what’s it been like over a week probably since we played what’s up Simon um man you guys are awesome I love you guys so much you get look man it doesn’t matter what kind of day I’m having as

Soon as I I come in here and I I start chatting with you guys regardless man you guys make me smile you make me very happy I love all you very much um where’ we leave off I think I think we could look look all right there’s a

Lot of little stuff with could do today we could work on some interior we could definitely like fix this up a little bit it doesn’t need to be pretty it doesn’t need to be special it does need to be pretty but it it doesn’t need much right

Is what I’m trying to say and then we can fix the kitchen up a little bit just to make it look nice too uh two very small little bits of of stuff um I think ideally today ideally today we poke a little hole in this wall and we create a bridge

That wraps up and around and connects here what the heck was that huh I forgot this is our lcraft I um something told me that uh not everything was going to constantly try to kill me for some reason and uh that was wrong what is that what is that garbage all right get

It out of here yeah all right so that that’s the idea here and I guess with that being said let’s just start cutting away let’s um let’s work on one thing at a time actually hold on let’s go inside and do the the work in there first um I’m kind

Of looking forward to doing that Tower work but um something that has been killing us for such a long time is this this situation in here I don’t really mind that the way it is um I do want these out here and then I need a whole bunch of blocks what are we

Doing here what exactly I don’t like this pattern that it’s emitting with the like the face of the furnaces I feel like we could do something better than that we could even replace these furnaces with something wow that’s a lot of coal we could even replace the furnaces with something even

Better where is that something better uh o sinin aite Forge how do I make nether rag furnace easy H well it would be easy if I had a bunch of Netherrack all right time out wait hold on is there anything else we need for this since sinite Forge and steel blocks

Uh Forge block sinite right there I think that should be enough how do you make a forge ciny block you just smell the incite I think that should be enough for what we’re doing and then steel we don’t have very much steel but I think we can make

More how do we make steel man um how do you make steel I can’t remember you got to like dude it’s been such a long time I think you take this incite yes and then you mix it with coal and iron and to get the steel alloy and

Then I think you smelt that yes and that makes steel okay let’s put all this away for now well let’s put these in blocks for now boop boop boop wow that’s actually a freaking ton of coal dude um Boop these furnaces I don’t know where to put them let’s just put them right

There we don’t need them we don’t NE we’re going to go grab a bunch of just plain oldfashioned Netherrack can I fit no if I fits I would sit how much do we need probably a good few Stacks not that we’re going to use it right now but I think it would be

Beneficial to have a whole little bits of this later on um I had some ideas with things like mushrooms that grow in the Nether and uh a couple other things that are specific to the nether that look very cool some of the plant life from this area um I don’t really know

How I’m going to implement it well yet but by the way Patrick’s wants you wants you to tell p Patrick wants me to tell you to say hi who’s Patrick Patrick star I don’t know who Patrick is that should be enough Netherrack for now uh yeah dude pardon the sniffles

Today it’s just going to happen holy zombies did you guys see that bro how do all these zombies get in the forest and they’re all what the they’re all like they must have been here for a while we got to put them in the dirt they’re all chokes and

Lag dud I don’t know if I’ve ever seen that many zombies in one spot at least naturally right what the world what what is this m dude we got to clean this place up good enough good enough these things reminds me of beehives for some reason when I glance

At these out of the corner of my eye they look like a beehive which I kind of like the idea of that it kind of gives me some uh inspiration for later on excuse me all right ccin aite Forge steel cite Forge block and those bad boys what is that

Eight hex I would have not expected anything less of you my friend violence is your cup of tea okay I need that some of that some of that and then some cocy right some of that I think it just was something oops okay hold on a second something like

That all right now how do we lay this out here sure I don’t know I have no idea what we’re doing today winging this today but I haven’t done anything violently that’s probably a good thing oh so that should not be any faster Unbound oh it is faster okay

Good all right we’re hanging out this what we’re doing here Zeo welcome back brother welcome your face I don’t know how I want to do this I really don’t I think can you make blocks out of this I doubt it whoa wither ring I I kind of doubt you can

It’s not looking like it no all right let’s let that Cook uh you know what I would like to use where is it at I I want to use some of these iron plates found your red Aussie glasses nice dude nothing slicker than some red Aussie glasses okay I have no idea where we’re going with this

I don’t know I want to do something like unique and cool but I just uh I’m not really sure how um I think it went something like this and oh sinite my bad hold on you like survival games like Minecraft Terraria subnotica arc rust and Forest cuz they’re your favorite cool dude yeah

Those are good games I like I like subnotica uh I have never played Ark but the forest is cool too um I don’t really so much enjoy the forest as much as I like the other ones but but it is very good and uh I’ve never really fully

Engaged myself with Terraria but I’ve had a couple of people request it and um I I think that well I did buy it when it was on sale so I have the game I think it’s on the list I think we’ll be playing that at some point I don’t know

When but it is on the list all right hold on a second sin sinite that should be enough right I don’t know how’s that is it this boring is it going to be something this boring no of course not of course not I swear bear with me let let’s let the the

Brain Juices Flow today we’re warming up it’s been a long time since we played I want these I want something that glows I’d love it to be Redstone lamps but the deal is they need lit up man they need something to light them up like a lever or

Something and they could be pretty obnoxious I wish there was like Wireless Redstone that’d be freaking nice dude oh my gosh dude look at this is this okay I think this is fine how about we uh stick to the script Guys cool Kora is probably your second hardest game you’ve ever played really is it that difficult I didn’t realize it was actually hard a uh I don’t know all right hold on a second yeah um I I tried playing Terraria back when I played on Playstation I just couldn’t

Like couldn’t lock it down I just couldn’t get like sucked into it like I had hoped I would um but I I think that um you know since I bought it now and and the streaming is a little bit different I think uh with you guys I would have

Probably enjoy it much more than I did before it’s very difficult all right I mean I like tough games I do I I’ll enjoy a challenge uh oops okay something like that maybe maybe maybey I’d like a little something up above could to kind of just like symbolize like ventilation in a way

Um Stone spelly probably not right I think we want it to be more like That what about this thing cuz now I could be oh don’t oh all right we’re we’re working with like a very confined area here I don’t know man it’s not really hitting right today I dude this is why I’ve been putting off Minecraft this is why I’ve been playing

Other games cuz like I just have not been feeling like the creative like push that I I I normally get um this is not really what I was hoping for I mean it’s supposed to be simple right Like it it’s cleaned up for sure it’s it’s better than it was um maybe we come back to this specific location here um I do wish this door was one more to the side but if we do that we’re going to get real weird right about here um so

I think we kind of just work with it here I think we let this freaking thing roll dude but I mean is it too cheesy to just like slap a cauldron down with some water in it and a a trip wire on top you know what I

Mean uh I don’t think we have any cauldrons I think I actually used them like Way Way Back like right is this too uh cheesy for a sink I think I don’t even know if I own a buck it I own a water gem though wait wait wait wait I own a water

Talisman does Beaver need a nap maybe okay well okay maybe he does need a nap uh let’s go own a bucket a a bucket yeah boom and the other one I think could just be empty right or I’ll tell you what watch this watch this watch this this is where

The creativity comes in it’s a flowing calls act to finish your stream oh thanks Buddy I don’t think we need any more of Those that all can go away might as well just fill these up with coal cuz we’ll use them eventually and I think if we rebind them they’ll be super duper fast boom boom boom and boom what’s the scariest game you’ve ever played dude I don’t that’s a good

Question man I I feel like games aren’t scary I don’t know what is the okay what’s the scariest game I’ve ever played I don’t dude I you know that has been one of the biggest challenges for me is finding a really good actually scary game cuz like I I don’t consider jump scares

Scary I don’t I I just don’t I don’t think that jump scares are really scary hey that’s better oops uh that was too much all right hold on I wanted to leave like one thing of water down in the bottom um I if you guys listed some games I might

Be able to like come up with some examples of like oh I was scared this time sometime but like most games that are like quote unquote considered scary that I’ve ever played um I I just they’re jump scares and they scare me right like I’ll get jump scared that’s

Not a like a thing that doesn’t happen but I just don’t find jump scares to be scary I feel like a truly scary game has to be like something that that dives deeply into your Consciousness and is like just a biohazard or Outlast I didn’t think

Outlast was scary um and and I didn’t play biohazard um I feel like maybe maybe Resident Evil is scary esque um like I don’t think zombie Gam are scary um I think zombie games would be scary if they weren’t so common nowadays and we haven’t seen a million of

Them dead space I think is probably scary feel like this needs to be a full block somehow L zombie games are fantasy that yeah I I don’t think they’re scary um at one time in my life zombie games were scary to me but not anymore um not anymore

Dying Light is a zombie game and it’s a masterpiece I look man I loved the original Dying Light I I thought that was an awesome game I really enjoyed that one um what I did not really enjoy nearly as much as I had hoped I would

Was dying light too I had really high hopes and I just feel like they didn’t knock it out of the park the way they did the first time um it was not bad by no means was it a bad game I just uh I don’t I don’t

Know I didn’t see the creativity in it the way that I saw it in the first one it felt like they were just like all right this is what we do now we make this exact game and nothing different and I was like okay well I’ve seen it

You know I was I was hoping for some Innovation um that I like that block this this looks good Stone pillar he he I don’t like that so not scary no no I don’t think Dying Light 2 is scary I think they tried um I think the

Scariest part in Dying Light too was the baby zombies the zombies that were or the babies that were turned into zombies and they would sit in a room and cry and then uh as soon as you got close to them they would like turn around and just like start screaming really loud and

Come after you really quickly but that was in Dying Light one they just they copy and paste it I was just like I’ve seen it and you didn’t even really improve upon it it wasn’t that much better the graphics were better absolutely the graphics were better but

It was exactly the same as it was before I don’t know I don’t know I I to be scary nowadays you need something new you you need Innovation um you need hello Paka um you need something more um than just what has been created already um because that’s the problem is

That like these these game companies they up with a uh something that’s very good and it works very well and then they’re like all right this is what we do now forever and ever and there’s no innovation there’s very little creativity afterwards it’s like it just the flame gets snuffed out so quickly

After one real big banger of a game and I don’t know I that’s why I look forward to like these companies that you’ve never heard of companies that are like supposed to blow you out of the water with something cuz they’ve never really become massively popular right

And often times that’s how it works nowadays but um I don’t know man scary games scary games somebody hit me with some examples what’s the scariest games you guys have ever played I want to know got to get ready for school all right dude good luck with your school today I

Hope things go well for you my friend yeah man take it easy man I forgot today’s Monday tough to keep track sometimes I feel like it doesn’t matter what kind of life you live at some point as you get older you’ll be you’ll lose track of just days Days uh are difficult

Allus take it easy this is better um we have a sink I don’t know maybe let’s come back to this um it’s quite a small room to be working with here when it when you want a whole bunch of storage as well as like furnaces and practicality

But I wish we could fit some plant life in here like I wish we could fit like like what if we did something like this we put that there and then we put like a I don’t know I don’t even think we have any uh pot holders like these

Things I do like dead space I’m excited to play dead space again cuz um that was also in sale over the holidays so I picked that bad boy up uh all three of them actually cuz uh as definitely one of my favorite games I think I’ve ever

Played is is dead space and uh i’ consider those to be scary at least at one point they were scary um whether or not they scare me now I don’t know what the heck I kind of like that even though I think that um it’s upside down sure I like that I Think all right let’s come back to this this needs moved we need to actually find a spot for this downstairs if it’s not just like all three it’s we need a spot from one of them I don’t think we need these barrels in the corner yeah and that’ll grow up to be a

Nice big bone Spore I think it’ll look good in that corner man oh day this uh I wish we could do something about that that is just something I think we’ve got plenty of eggs I don’t think we’ll ever need more eggs like we could probably do a little something like

The let’s take all this stuff out and just remove all this just to clean things up and get it a little bit cleaner I think that was supposed to be a berry bush boom yay we have a lot of feathers Um Uhhuh so some of this stuff I would love to implement somehow some Way I think the Lucas Spore is actually the Spore for the mushroom that grows on the walls but not inside the house right I want to implement that down below in the Menagerie uh oh dude I was about to like kind of freak out a little bit I thought maybe I was out of shulkers yeah yeah I don’t know man feel like nothing else needs to go in there how many eggs do we really Need yeah I don’t know you guys can just it’s your lucky day chicken he’s Vine boom yeah we just we need 16 million eggs well they fit so I guess we do man we’re at the point of the game game where we’ve just got so much junk I

Don’t know what to do with it anymore this has been something that’s been freaking killing me H we need to find a way to light this up okay um chains chain and a small Light do I have lamps there’s no chance we don’t yeah iron lanterns that’s what I’m looking for it’s this simple it’s that simple man this wall feels awfully flat but I think it’s kind of okay plot armor welcome brother yeah man I’m doing pretty good how you doing man

I hope you guys are I hope you’re all doing well man that is um that is some strong coffee holy crap I must have hit the bottom of the pot right there that’ll get you that’ll get you oh man what do we do with this corner though

I think we could just slap a bunch of bookshelves in there and not just bookshelves right but like uh do we have a spare enchantment table we have one right there I feel like this could go over like right about here we need sure some candles that would look nice maybe a

Pot a gargoyle for funsies one of these uh-oh excuse me here we go with the sneezes it’s going to happen all day one of these maybe a couple of these excuse me and uh maybe a full-size thing too cuz I don’t know why not that needs to be a different color I

Think I think it’s shift roll yeah yeah hey what’s up jiah how you doing man how you doing manate all right something needs to be going on right here mate right bloody there excuse me uh oh s that thing’s cute dude I like that fine how’s your life I’m doing all

Right I’m doing just fine I feel like this needs raised you know what we need here did you find poppy not yet that’s actually on the agenda today don’t you worry I was just cleaning up a little misscellaneous stuff here in the house Um we need a some sort of table yeah one of these that’s exactly what I need yeah man that looks all right I like that in fact this actually it’s going to go up again a secret base secret base don’t tell anybody about the secret base I don’t know why that goes there

But it it looks like it fits they look fine I don’t know just throw them in there randomly dude cuz why not all right we got to do something to get rid of these torches oh it’s just that one torch does that leave spawnable spots it does

Uh I thought I had more candles somewhere I guess not it wouldn’t hurt to just just like hit it with a couple of these just got to double check everything make sure that nothing’s spawning inside the house I think we’re good we don’t have a single regular old-fashioned chest in the entire

Building um and an empty one’s just going to go right there yeah what’s the favor man what’s so what you need dude actually I kind of want this to angle the other way dude braah bra dude what the freaking heck bra dude we do need another bookshelf right there or maybe like right

There yeah dude all right that looks like a candle almost from a distance but it’s supposed to be like a a quill like a feather and ink this looks fine I don’t mind that at all could I buy you a brand new 911 GT3 RS Porsche modified um if I could I’d

Buy myself one first but I can’t dog Jah are you even old enough to drive dog don’t play with me uh this does feel like a need oh was that a yes yeah yep Uh-huh first of all one of those actually where’ they go two of those I broke your heart why how what’ I do is it cuz I’m Too Sexy oh it got dark in there for some reason man I kind of wish I could put a block

Up here and then raise it one but this shelf is here makes that a big old noo it does feel like it needs a little something right there I don’t know this is actually much better than it was it was an empty nasty gross boring corner but now it is not

I’m cool with that cuz we cool like that we cool like that definitely need a couple of half slabs not slabs half slabs oops what oh I forgot those were storages that’s pretty cool pry dang cool oh no am I going to be too short I’m not yet but um it’s 2024 every

Gas car company stopped making new cars electronic cars and stuff now uh wait really I don’t think that’s true um I think that they uh they’ve talked about that and tossed the idea of it around but I don’t believe that’s been implemented yet they’re going to have a

Lot of problems if they do economic problems right like they they talk about that in the hopes that um are you are SMY oh thanks dog thanks Dade um the you know they talk about that in the hopes of like um saving the world I guess is how they put it right um

Um I just like the problem is that the economy is going to be like no no no like there’s going to be so many people that are like that’s a ridiculous concept like I’m not going to buy your electric cars right there’s a whole bunch of generations of individuals that

Are like no like I’m sticking to my guns in the old ways um and man I don’t know that’s a tough one oo that looks nice this is that kind of looks nice hold on a second how do you make bricks how do you make polished boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

What what what what oh uh man I don’t know what I’m doing today um it’s not much but it do add a little something for the corners there and I feel like that corner just stays whatever it is all right let’s um let’s side step

Let’s Get on Up out of this house let’s work on the interior of that Tower where papy jiah is going to go oh yeah stretch it out crack it out Crack the knuckles save your game okay if you’re playing Skyrim save your game yeah dude sorry I’m just taking a

Another look around I’m cool with that it’s a little bit busy but uh I kind of like it I like it busy I like things just going all over the place um all right time out let let’s go side step let’s look out here oops okay uhoh all right we’re

Good let’s do a little something like this my chat didn’t come through what what chat I saw no chat I saw no chats that I did not read okay I’m just going to open up a big old 3×3 entrance boom how do we whoa sorry I kicked my desk

How do we do this guys how do we um what’s the interior of this looking like feel like this needs to be a big old 3×3 entrance too waffle welcome to the part U 445 already growth is insane yeah man yeah we’re cruising um it has been kind of stagnant

Over the past couple of days and I was like part of me is always like don’t do this like let the channel keep growing Let It Grow but then I’m I remember I’m like just calm down I got to be patient don’t it look it’s not

Going to stay at 4:45 forever you know what I mean thanks guys thank you very much yeah the amount of support is phenomenal I’m blown away I really uh I’m very grateful what kind of junk did we just pick up moo City I think jiah’s from moo

City bro you know how hard it was to get a tin can you know how many times I tried to get a tin can from from anything how long I spent digging in dirt and fishing trying to get a tin can and we just like randomly find one just now

You’re returning to Smite really now something tells me hex that you are not going to stay there very long all right we need a trash can and uh going to be right here um the rest of this I think we’re going to keep wait what the day I met you the day

Uh I thought forever what T what’s up don’t do it man it’s a trap what oh returning to smite’s a trap oh snap shots fired you wear my other accounts on Smite what about them I don’t know why anybody needs like six accounts but um they each their own man whatever makes you

Happy what’s this CAG Rock we need CRA Rock how do we make CRA Rock Cobble and blue dye boom just because boom all right Jah take it easy my friend I’m glad you dropped in and uh you know it’s always a good time to see you man I appreciate talking to you

Brother I hope you have a good day tomorrow get good grades all right sleep is important get them good grades take it easy man you don’t have to worry about I’m confused why are you worried about Smite Smite 2 what’s the uh what’s the concern with Smite 2 I don’t understand boom boom

Can I not count do I know how to count yeah dude we’ll find your baby Poppy we’ll find him don’t you worry okay there’s attempt in backfiring Smite one is is the only SM their attempt is backfiring Smite one is the only Smite what do I don’t understand what you’re on

About I feel like you’ve got this alternate reality inside your mind and uh bro we had CAG Rock oh my gosh we had a whole crate full of CAG Rock um well I guess it’s fine I don’t know maybe I just uh am out of

The loop when it comes to the to like gaming news do I not know something is Smite 2 like um are people mad that Smite 2 is a thing cuz I’m actually quite excited for it I feel like it’s kind of cool I I feel like um we needed something like

That like the thing is man like Zach and I um it’s kind of like re-sparked our like fun and creativity with with Smite right whereas we were playing predecessors cuz we were just kind of like GH like the new metal and smite’s just not really feeling it and like it’s

Not the smite’s bad game is that we just like we didn’t really like where the metal was going and that happens from time to time you know um we go through these phases where we’re like well it’s it’s more fun now than it was before or

It’s it’s less fun now than it was before and um it as with any game of the the that kind right anything that has like a shift meta that uh they’re constantly trying to change things and add new stuff to keep things a little bit spicy like there’s going to be ups

And downs to that roller coaster right you’ll find out okay well don’t tell me I guess uh I feel like you’re making an up dog you’re the only person I’ve heard that’s talking poorly about it Freo with crit sounds fun you realize it’s not going to be the same smite

Right it it’s not the same game like everything is changed um it’s not Freya it will not be the same Freya like the the gods are all even though they’re the same like concept of gods right um in like they’re not the same characters all the items are going to be

Different all the uh the damaging is going to be different all the abilities are going to be different everything’s going to be different like it it’s not Smite it’s not Smite remastered it’s Smite too well okay well talk to me well if you know so much about it talk to me

About it enlighten me explain some things cuz all I’ve heard you do is complain about it and say it’s so bad but it hasn’t even come out yet I don’t understand where you’re getting these allegations from the Alpha’s not even out like it hasn’t even hit Alpha it hasn’t hit beta

It hasn’t even released how can you make such assumptions on it already like don’t get me wrong like I’ve had games that have come out and before they’re even out I’m like yep that’s trash but um Smite is actually good like I when when I make assumptions like that I

Base it off of like the companies and and their track records um like Call of Duty I can already tell you that the next Call of Duty that comes out it’s trash I guarantee it in fact it’ll probably be worse than the one that’s out now um I’d be happy to be proven

Wrong but uh their previous track records say it’s going to be trash so SM one was amazing and it had its ups and downs but uh all in all man it’s a very good game same Gods same abilities with slight tweaks I look man there will be some of

The same Gods um with similar abilities they’re being reworked right they’re I think you’re misunderstanding like where they’re coming from like that it is a brand new game just because bakas is in that game doesn’t mean bakas is going to be the same bakas that it was before

Like this is essentially what’s that Marvel thing where they’re like alternate dimensions what what is that um where they’re uh the the Multiverse that’s what I’m trying to think of um it’s like that it’s like Smite but Multiverse right different world different hex right different wolven different accounts level one starting

Over I don’t really understand what the Foss is about the levels too saying that like all our levels are gone it’s you know we’re starting over entirely like I did did everybody like expect to pick up where they left off like as if they’re playing Smite one still cuz I don’t I

Don’t understand it no magical yeah no it’s it’s not based on magical or physical it’s based on um strength and intellect different game you know what I mean I don’t know uh I hope it does well we’ll put it that way um I hope that the

Game is good right as I hope for every game like even Call of Duty I hope the next Call of Duty that comes out is going to be good um I I feel feel like when you set something up for fail like that when you when you have these expectations of it

Being bad you’re your mind will make it bad even if it’s not it shouldn’t what what what would you call it then what would you call it and I mean I don’t understand like if you feel so strongly about it you should like join the dev team or something

Apply for a position and development and uh make the game better since it’s so bad the game that hasn’t even been released yet is so bad make it better I’m excited for Smite too I think is going to be cool um obviously it’s not going to be perfect I don’t expect

It to be I don’t expect it to be perfect um but I do think it’s going to be really enjoyable of course it’s going to have its flaws never again what did you uh did you work for a a development team back when you were like 12 and

Uh X you make me laugh buddy yay all right how beautiful is this big blue flat oh all right what’s the goal here I think the goal here is to develop some aesthetically pleasing stuff hex shut the freaking heck up dude of course it needs more color of course it

Needs it’s not going to stay like this dog have you SE have you been here have you paid any attention to anything we’ve ever done do you see this this started out as a gray square like it’s not going to stay blue dog calm down I’m about to start swinging on you

D I might just block you from the chat I can’t take your negativity dog yeah Look Man X I love you man I I appreciate what you’re here when you’re here but like good Lord are you the most Negative Nancy I’ve ever met in my life dude oh my

God you kill me dude you kill me like your attitude is so backwards that it’s almost comical dog you got to like relax a little bit we’re here to have a good time we’re here to to just enjoy each other’s company and and relax and play some video games in chillax of diesel

Bro it’s not going to stay blue fool I’m going to start swinging on you hex all right before before we work out the details of this building no no no no I was going to do like the two entranceways first but I think maybe it’s better to develop the walls first I

Think that’s more ideal and I think the way to do that this is slate right we have very little of that left Um slate where have we seen slate hold on a second let’s go get some holy crap this place is a hot mess is this slate yeah it is I freaking know what I’m doing dude who Oh I thought we broke it how much do we need is the question

Right you know what game I would like to play next um so yesterday we played a little bit of horizon zero Dawn uh once we beat the DLC for that which is probably going to be fairly soon um I don’t think it’s that long of

A DLC we got pretty far in it yesterday um I would like to you know so obviously we’re not going to well I mean we could do a new game plus for Horizon but I don’t know if I’m really that interested in it I feel like we’ve beaten the the

Living poop out of uh Horizon we played a lot of it um I’m ready to play something else and I hope you guys are too cuz I I have some like not so not big hitters oh well all right don’t get me wrong we have some big hitters coming

Up in the the future but Skyrim is quite a large honken chunker of a game um and I don’t want to go too hard with the big like extensive games back to back to back to back right like Minecraft is our forever game we’re always going to be

Playing this on and off here and there with different mods in between and whatever um Skyrim’s going to take quite a long time and I don’t want to just do Skyrim and Minecraft right I think we need another one um and maybe one that’s not quite as large as as Horizon obviously

Horizon’s not like a massive like game I think it’s been a little under 60 hours and we’re pretty much done with it um so something relative of that size maybe even a little bit smaller and I have an idea for some little mini games there’s one I

Have that I got on sale just recently on over the holidays called Labyrinthian and um I’d like to to goof around with that I want to see how what that’s all about it looks scary it’s supposed to be a scary me like puzzly um Escape game I I might hate it

I might I might think it’s really stupid I might but it looks a lot better than granny remake um so uh we’re going to probably dive into what’s called lethian after Horizon and uh we are not picking up blocks H so Labyrinthian right and then uh we could either jump

Into another small one after Labyrinthian something similar to that um maybe not like similar as in like the same type of game but like small quick game right or we could jump into something a little bit different um something reminiscent of horizon but like complete opposite

Spectrum of the games right I I would love to play um dead space I have all three of the Dead Space games and I’ve been kind of sitting on them for a while waiting for the right time and uh I’d love to hear some feedback on those right hex look

Man um I feel like it’s not debate I I feel like what you’re putting up is not necessarily debate um it’s more of like an argument I feel like I’m arguing with an ex-wife and she’s like one of those people that just can’t be happy like refuses it’s

Not possible um that’s how I feel when I have this conversations with you um I I don’t like look man a debate is more of like here’s some evidence and to support my opinions this is my opinion here’s some more evidence all you do is yell about how bad Smite

Is I love you buddy and I mean all this in the with the most sincere respect to you but I wouldn’t consider this this conversation a debate okay wait what I think I can just make these bricks you can be happy it doesn’t take much what what would it take how can I

Make you happy how can we all make you happy hex how can like life suit your needs sir okay get that out of here yeah but I still don’t know why why like I still don’t understand why you hate Smite 2 so much oh this is awkward um

All that guy um I don’t know where he’s going boom all right what are we doing here man we need some glass uh probably going to have to take the Shader pack off to work with the glass but okay hold on a second you know what else we need

Oops some of this I’d like to work with some of these And imagine spending money on tier five skins and being told you wasted your money okay first of all nobody told you you wasted your money and second of all you didn’t have to spend any money I’ve never spent a single penny I’ve never bought one battle pass out of smite I’ve

Never bought a single skin I’ve never bought a pedestal I’ve never bought a background nothing ever you know what I you know what I bought I bought the God Pack one time one time that’s it that’s all I’ve ever done um and I have an exorbitant amount of fun playing Smite

You don’t need to buy stuff to enjoy it dude um it’s not about like owning the fancy skins it’s not about like winning the games all the time and only ever winning and getting Godlike every single game you play it’s not about that we don’t you know games that have

Like a win loss feature in them are not meant to be like one every single time somebody’s got to lose and sometimes that’s going to be you it’s not about winning or losing it’s about playing the game and having fun it that’s why we play video games to play video games we

Don’t play video games to win video games we play video games to have fun right and part of the fun is winning you know it and if you won every single time you played it it wouldn’t it wouldn’t be that fun you know what I’m saying I forgot that was going to

Breakthrough to the outside um nah dude it’s not about buying the the skins in fact I’d recommend to anybody that they don’t buy the Skins I feel I mean don’t get me wrong Smite makes phenomenal skins they look really good um they do a great job

On their skins um but you don’t have to buy them you can just play the game in fact Smite was free when I got it Smite was free both times I got it when I got Smite on Playstation it was free then and when I got it on PC it was was also

Free like you can just play it you love your Al Kong skin too much that’s fine that’s fine of course you are allowed to buy skins if you want to but I’m what I’m trying to tell you is that Smite the whole point of smite 2

Is not to walk around in some like con constricted world with this fake character and its skin right it it’s not about the Skins Smite is still fore there you go right and that’s how they support themselves with their skins and if they gave you all of the skins that they had

In the previous game in Smite 2 they would never make any money and like they it’s a it’s not like they’re a charity you know they have to make money or else there will be no Smite too um I don’t know what I don’t know what to tell you man Smite two needs Smite one for M what are you talking about why why would you say that I don’t understand why would Smite two need Smite one for money there’s going to be plenty of people to place might want or Smite too oops am I doing that wrong I am

What am I making this is going to be the place that holds all the trumpet skeletons okay um trying to keep it even Even Steven symmetrical cuz without the money they spent on Smite one Smite two lacks funding yeah that’s how it works dude like that’s how

It works right that’s how anything goes in in that kind of consumer industry right like you you work hard you make something right it does well you make a bunch of money and then you use those funds and and that success to make the next thing and then in hopes especially from a

Consumer standpoint the next thing’s even better that’s the whole point that is the point dude feel like maybe this is too many trumpet skeletons is this too many trumpet skeletons is something like like one for each corner cuz we got to remember got to go find these trumpet skelets you know the we

Still have to go collect as all the platforms that we make in here we need to make uh wa we need to collect trumpet skeletons for said platforms every single one of them so like maybe uh we don’t go for like 500 skeletons put some Stone in the center

I’ll put something in the center I actually have an idea of what I’d like to do I just don’t know how to implement it quite yet Okay So I wasn’t going to do a staircase cuz I want things along the walls unless unless unless unless hold on a second what if what if we did do a spiral staircase and we wrapped it the whole way up in around and down through the center is where we kept the trumpet

Skeletons how about that sorry I’m just kind of throwing stuff together right now hoping that it kind of strikes and I’m just like all right fire let’s go um cuz that’s how we work here I just kind of like weighing it and uh sometimes it doesn’t always

Work out but you just come back to it okay inspired something like that yeah I need to make it so that the spiral staircase connects to that Though what okay how do we do this here we need I know I had a crafting table in here I have four crafting tables in there okay okay yeah I can stay that can stay in there yay man it would be tragic if a creeper just like rolled up in this Okay flat oops already this is going to be a little bit of a struggle I think it’s going to take a while oh is it that simple I think it might be that simple and this is clockwise okay okay normally I would want to be like all right or more organic more not

So square but I think this is actually going to work out properly ax I’m not going to ban you I was joking I’m surprised you don’t know me well enough by now to know that that was absolutely not true I would not ban you I now don’t get me

Wrong there I’m I’m not going to just like roll over and let anybody do anything they want if you come in here and you’re talking profanity and you’re being disrespectful of others yes uh you will find yourself banned but no hex you have not done anything to actually get

Yourself banned that was absolutely a joke being a Negative Nancy uh although uh unwelcomed is not worthy of getting banned I don’t think huh is this going to be high enough I guess it is it’s kind of close isn’t it does feel a little tight in here doesn’t

It this is what I was hoping to not do but this is kind of why I was opting uh away from a spiral staircase cuz I didn’t want it to be too too tight I didn’t want it to be too constricted in here um but I think we can make it work

Somehow it’s going to take some finagling o Hot Cross Buns dude well that’s not going to work okay I I know how to do this I I think I uh I know what must be done here I don’t know how much I like it but we’re going to put a ladder here to

Start the staircase it’s probably going to be like right here I think it’ll turn out good I say that so confidently um I don’t know who Patrick is man Cristiano Ferrari can I see your Mount yeah of course boom here I mean I have a whole bunch right

We’ve got all sorts of different mounts but this is the flying one that we like to use the most or wait there you go I don’t X I don’t know who Patrick is though this guy’s pretty cool man I uh how do I go third person like

This and uh oh I didn’t realize it came out of our mouth but that’s his ability man basically yeah yeah yeah basically Batman I started out using the um oh man I always forget what it’s called the morac the morac was probably my favorite flying mount for a long time

Cuz it’s it’s so fast and it’s got so much health um but as we progressed and got better gear and stuff I was like all right the the wait what were what were we using in place of that uh oh I I really liked the uh the rock

For a long time especially cuz it can pick up enemies or small creatures right but then I started leaning towards the epon because the epon is like really small compared to everything else and it makes it a lot easier to work on buildings and and just in general

Navigation um even though it ability is kind of worthless that’s a little bit less claustrophobic I think your first was the REO wait what’s the REO I don’t know I guess there’s not like a a search bar huh REO I can’t think of what that is I’m curious now

Reoo got find this oh oh this bad boy really really I’ve never tamed one cool dude I think these guys can pick up their prey too I always thought they were annoying I every time they attacked me I was like no nope don’t like them but uh I imagine as a mount they

Are pretty cool okay sorry I’m just trying to like picture how I would like this to turn out I think I’d like to just do this like single platform I think right there would probably be good now like what all right what do we do with the top half of this

Building do you kill all bosses not all of them yet sorry show you I to show you we have completed almost every single Quest I have not caught a freaking uh Magikarp yet magikarp’s on the list of things um but and we’re missing this ring here wait

Oh Cryptids and critters that’s what I’m looking for this is the last thing we have yet to complete here in the quest line for for bosses um so we have not yet killed make it look out make a lookout tower I don’t know what you mean like I want to build a

Bridge from like Yay here that kind of wraps around free floats like free floats around and wraps around and connects to there and then that’s going to be like the one of the second floor exits Amal amalik is the strongest of them yeah yeah yeah he is um that’s kind of

Why I’ve been putting it off I hate the Lost Cities I am not a fan I don’t like being there a landing dock hold on give me some time we’ll get there I need to figure out how exactly we’re going to be putting the uh the trumpet skeletons in here

Um okay yeah that works that works right so like if this would be the one on top I don’t know what to do up here we you know what we might do might put like a a glass roof we could decorate the edges and stuff and around

The uh the roof itself but like we put like a glass pane in here and then just like straight up Mass dump just the most annoying creatures in the game we have the trumpet skeletons down here but we could create like a mixture of like pixon and trumpet skeletons and

Pixes the lost cities have a lot of good loot a man I just don’t like them I don’t like the Lost Cities all right so that’s where the platforms would go we’ have three trumpet skeletons in here one on each of these blocks Eng cased in

Glass and it’s going to be tough to work with glass right now so we’ll save that for later do I use a summoning staff you know what I don’t use a summoning staff I’ve made them um but I just never got into it uh I don’t really have a reason

To I mean now that we have like the most busted weapons in the game I don’t really have a reason to um I don’t know I I tried messing around with them before but I was just like uh they’re okay I guess and uh I never picked them back up after

That this is St this is going to be difficult to piece together Here it’s going to be quite a challenge getting the skeletons in on their own as well all right let me go get my box my box of goodies this box are goodies I need some spell oams I need some staircases we’re just going to throw some stuff

Down I’m going to throw like anything we can on the ground and see if it works there’s always going to be full blocks I sure hope so that would be freaking nice oh it looks like it’s going to Be now like I don’t think that’s going to work for these Corners no I don’t think it would make a giant snow glob holy crap hex you are pushing me dog you’re asking a lot out of me no that’s not going to work in these

Corners I think that that is more of a decoration for down below here I don’t know is the summoning staff good is it worth messing around with now like particularly for the final boss fight like we could essentially just let other stuff do the fighting for us that would be a bit interesting

Right whoops my bed I don’t know do we do a little something like this too is this silly yeah you use it okay is I’m assuming it’s good for boss fights like I guess in theory you could probably just hide behind a pillar or something and let the staff do like all

The work for you um cuz why not right I definitely it’s so we’ve been playing Skyrim too and uh I’m getting really into the whole Conjuring aspect of the game I really like summoning stuff to fight for you I think it’s a ton of fun I hav guys I don’t know what I’m

Doing I don’t I have no idea what I’m doing I’m just throwing stuff down what I guess they are on the same height that actually looks kind of cool the way it is bck chunky a big thick chunker that is a thick chunky thing you’re playing rlcraft right now

Nice nice dude rlcraft is so much fun it really is a fantastic mod um I don’t know I’ve just I played it so long that uh and kind of just like I don’t want to say I’ve accomplished everything obviously cuz we don’t have all the achievements we haven’t finished our

Base really yet uh so there’s still a lot for us to do but uh I I am kind of at the point now where I’m just like it’s not quite as crazy and fun as it used to be when I first started um but we still do have a good sound with

It that one block off where you lied to me you lied to me you want to tame all the creatures table okay oh let me show you something let me show you something we have a a similar goal in mind so we have this thing that we’re calling the Menagerie down

Here uhuh I mean well How Majestic of him to be just like crammed inside the wall but this whole area down here is going to be for taming all the creatures well taming right uh this is more so for Fire and Ice creatures and uh we’re kind of developing these

Displays for them right so we got like some stone statues down here yeah uhhuh our man’s he sees you through glass so be careful um there is glass here like it’s just our Shader pack that makes it invisible but if you’re not careful these guys will Target you through glass and break the

Blocks so watch out but um yeah there’s him what else do we have going on in here guys all our hippocampi all the funsies going on dude and this bottom botom half is going to be for a death worm or at least a couple of deathworms um we have a cyclops yeah

You almost have the same thing sick dude that is so cool and yes ex it’s basically a monster prison um so we got a freaking Cyclops you have a big Coliseum that’s awesome dude that is so exciting I I don’t know I love the idea of it and this is going

To be futuristic uh future times from now we’re going to be putting um a gorgon in here so yeah dude we we’ve got plans here uh and then each of these platforms is going to be like segments of accomplishments throughout our rlcraft like playthrough and all that

Fun stuff and I’m excited to get the deathworm down there um oh that was him it was so loud um the deathworm is going to be super cool but I’m not I don’t want to hatch them yet I want to wait until like we’re done putting other cre creatures and stuff in

And out of here so he’s not trying to Target them and blah blah blah but heck yeah dude we’ve been having a blast honestly um I think I may have bit off just a little bit more than I can chew um and recently I’ve been getting a little burnt out getting just

Like a little bit like uh orl craft again um so we’ve been playing some other games too but um when the mood hits when the light comes down and pokes us right in the face it’s a table Death Worm so you can’t tame a Death Worm but

What you can do is you can get deathworm eggs and they will be like neutral towards you they won’t attack you um and they will attack like everything else in the area and what they’ll do is they’ll stay centralized in an area um like they won’t leave the the place that their eggs

Hatch um and we did some testing in a different world as well Death Worm can’t travel through solid blocks but they can travel through sand right they drown in water too so you got to be careful but essentially underneath that little desert platform in the bottom of that

Building that that room down below is all solid blocks so like he would stay in the sand area and just like kind of wander around there freely um what else do we have going on we’ve got a a nest for our Dragon up top this is like where our Ice Dragon lives

Um even though you can’t let him stay out because stuff attacks him and unfortunately but yeah dude that’s cool if you want if you’re interested Cristiano um we have a Discord channel the Link’s Down Below in the description and uh if you want to share some like

Images of your base and stuff I would love to see that kind of thing but it’s up to you only if you really want to is this too much this might be too much maybe too repetitive too I don’t know it can’t hurt to throw it in and

See what it looks like if it sucks we’ll we’ll take it out and and come back to this you want to see the Dragon all right hang tight let me finish these spell oams I’ll throw the dragon out we’re almost on that way we can walk away from this

And get like a fresh set of eyes okay I’m on the drag or uh on this whole situation I don’t know how I feel about this yet um I may end up making some adjustments to this room we we’ll see pretty sure Kibbles misses y’all uh Kibbles needs a a girlfriend

We’re going to try to next time uh Zach and I play a little bit of Arc we’re actually going to go and I think we’re going to do an organic polymer run we’re going to make an absolute load of um of pokeballs and fridges and stuff like that for the for the

Dudes like I’m talking like well over 100 and at the same time we’re going to look for some mounts some tameable stuff I think we need megatheriums we need uh uterinos we also need another Giga we need a female Giga specifically so that we can start laying eggs with

Them all right let’s come back to that and look at it then in a minute yay boom ice dragon what something like that right check that out dude I’m so happy with how the base has been turning out it looks a little bit rough uh it

Blends in very well with the snow right now it’s kind of makes it hard to see but I’m freaking thrilled dude I love the ice dragon I think he’s super cool every time I drink that coffee I forget how strong it is oh my gosh goodness I have a habit of

Uh when I make a pot of coffee I I don’t let it finish Brewing before I pull a cup of it out so like instead of having all of it settled together mix evenly I get like the strongest bits of the first cup it’s so strong dude unfortunately I can’t let this guy

Sit out he’s loud um I would love to let him just sit there um it’s not that he’s going to run away or anything but stuff does just like throw attacks randomly and uh I don’t want him to to die that would be just tragic all right fresh eyes how do we

Feel about this situation in Here that’s got to Go all right hold on my brain juices are flowing they’re flowing I think what we’re going to do here is wrap this all the way around and then just cut it out where the door is that way we kind of continue the pattern right something like that it’s actually

Walkable the entrance looks kind looks a little bit silly we’re going to have to do something about the the entrance but I don’t know maybe we can leave that just the way it is cuz it it does just barely scoot right over our Heads boom so then we can continue this pattern the whole way around all right oh s wait do these hold on a second where’s that uh dang it that’s temporary can I make slabs out of this is the question bring the heck no dude I have an idea of what we can do

Here I think we have slabs that are like identical to that block but on the top half only um and being a slab it would prevent that spam from connecting in that way so these bad boys I just need one I think or you know what we’ll bring a handful just in

Case man I don’t follow the paths of my own house why don’t we just walk the actual path we have look at that beautiful all right so you put that slab there and that prevents the spam from connecting so it’ll still mimic the uh the rest of

These do you know where you can find a lot of pixon um uh consistently I I don’t know I I tend to just find them around my base right as I’m working as I’m just hanging out I think forest biomes a lot like I’m surprised there’s not like 15 of them

Surrounding us right now but like normally we’re just like working on the base and they will just collect themselves around you um as of like a consistent place to just immediately go and find one I don’t know man for sure in forest biomes like that’s I believe where they’re most

Common maybe Mountain biomes too but I think Forest uh is where we have the most luck but yeah usually they just like if you just hang out for a bit they’ll just just kind of congregate around you I find them outside my base all the time why are they’re not showing

Up now I don’t know they’re still on hard I don’t know why that keeps unlocking though I don’t know we’re going to need some too so if you find a really good way to to collect a large amount of them let me know I would like to

Know you found one in a year of playing are you serious are you playing on hard I feel like that’s so view I I think we should change this block here this should be like a diamond block just a flex what the thank you what else can we put here probably

Some iron trap doors get a pillar block can we make anything out of this what man it would be cool if oh no I guess not it’ be cool if we could make stuff out of this like a pillar staircase you know half slabs out of diamond blocks too Or emeralds I think emeralds might be more valuable but diamonds would match better they look better with the color palette we’re working with what the heck a wrench all right I’m looking F looking for something to do with redstone that is going to activate automatically but not like like take up a block

Space like is there a piece of redstone that is just active all the time I feel like there’s not but there should be quilted wool I didn’t know you could like adjust Wool what does an inductor do I wish I knew what does that do does that just like turn something on and let it crank what does this do where are you I know I have one somewhere uh-huh oh it runs out so it’s just like a one tick charge

To like get it Juiced up and rolling it’s a good idea I like this little effect that it Emits I like this rain collector too it actually looks Nice that blends in a little bit too well actually eh I don’t know I was just kind of Messing okay we need some glass stuff some uh ooh we’ve only got three of the yellow cave crystals left maybe orange is the ticket here we slap a couple of these together to make some pains I really want to get like loads and loads more cave crystals but they’re

Just such a pain in the tus to go collect and not just like purple or black ones right cuz they’re easy what I really want is like red ones and aqua ones and orange ones and and blue ones things that you find in actual caves it’s unfortunate how much of a pain in

The tush they are to get the pain in the tuie so what I’m thinking here this diamond block is going to be like the main platform we actually need to drag some blocks up the whole way here I run a spy up like this oh no he can get

Out so like if we go back and forth something like that I don’t think a trumpet skeleton can get out of that right or no he probably can yeah if we can get out so can he you wanted to do a meme of you always

Wanted to do a meme of DnD D I don’t like how so what are you talking about man okay wait a second we got to think this out we need like one on each side here right you still can walk through that though I kind of like the way that looks

Though I guess all right so here’s the deal if we get a trumpet skeleton in there we could just slap some glass around and the glass would eventually it would hold it in place and it would remain invisible that’s the problem that’s the problem right there there that’s what I was not Wanting okay what if what if we did something like this we learned something through our villager trading Hall that might actually work here and that is that if you say this is en case right oops or you you get the the point right like hold on let me use solid

Blocks if this is encased entirely in blocks and you slap yourself what in the heck there’s a mob in here yeah this mob is standing in the center and up above or whichever direction you’d like a verticality right it can’t be on the side but on the top if you

Take a piston and you push a glass block into it you push a second glass block into it and then there’s a twoo high glass block it would force this mob to stand still they and they cannot move Mafia what’s up brother the problem with that is we’re going to end up with

This right here and I really wanted to do these orange floating magical LK you entered DS oh Discord let me check let me check it out cool Dude welcome glad to have you yeah so like for example you you shove two glass blocks here I know you can’t see them cuz they’re invisible but there’s essentially a trumpet skeleton in the middle of these glass Blocks he’s not going to suffocate he’s not going to

Die but he should not be able to move the issue with that is we end up with these like weird little things and I was really hoping to keep them like just straight up vertical paines quite like That do I have a multiplayer server I do not we’ve talked about doing that and um I would like to sometime in the future but um unfortunately it’s uh a little teeny bit expensive and uh I’m not I don’t have the means to do that yet uh but

Maybe one day I would love to do that in fact um I’d love to be able to do like a vault Hunter server with everybody as well and uh a whole bunch of different kinds of things it’ be very fun I think that would be a lot of fun

But can’t do it yet unfortunately see I love that I love this pattern here I wish I could just keep trumpet skeletons in there and then like that way they don’t path around like I want to trumpet skeleton right there right right freaking there on that exact spot and I don’t want him

To move is there is there glue can I just glue his feet to the ground no you can use a turnos yeah but the problem with that is that the the server quality is very low right I I want to be able to support lots of people and we

Have people from all over the world that want to join it you know we’ve got people from Africa people from India people from Canada West Coast all over right and I want to be able to support them all with a decent quality server um the problem with the turnos is that you

Can only have so many people and the quality of the servers are like they’re very specific in their locations um like ideally I’d put a server like in France or something um that way everybody has like a an equal connection uh to the server that would be ideal um

So that’s why I want to get oh you’re in Italy very cool man very cool um yeah dude I want to do that so bad I just I can’t do it yet Canadia oh you know what I don’t think there’s anything around that this is tough man how do we

Keep this trumpet skeleton in there see this is cool man even though it’s got a bit of a pattern to it it does still feel chaotic and random and that’s kind of what I’m aiming for with the glass the cave crystals I guess but how the freaking heck do we get a trumpet

Skeleton to stay in there without jacking up the whole display of the glass I’m going to try something I don’t think this is going to work but oh it is invisible all right all right hold on dang it what is that oh it’s a door handle I was hoping that would be invisible

Too oh I was hoping that would be invisible too cuz if I do that yeah I figured figured that’s how it was going to go I was hoping for something that was not going to connect to these glass panes like this would not connect right and yet it would still provide us

The means of like keeping something locked in there I guess we could download like another Shader or like something specifically to make a a very particular block invisible what about is there just straight up an invisible block all right hold on timeout I got to use the restroom let me use the bathroom

Real quick and uh let me throw this around in my mind if you guys have any SU suggestions throw it at me I’ll be right back give me a minute or two Oh yeah e for e spe sorry about that guys so I see no examples come on everybody what the heck what the heck oh I definitely uh missed these things in the corner here hold on how do we do this no bro no bro slow bro it is going to get tight in

Here how do we do this man how are we this is quite a challenge God dang it you freaking dang darn it all right at least he didn’t totally destroy anything I knew that was going to happen we’ve been waiting on that to happen a long time now

Watch it’s going to have it again that thing always scares me wait how do you have the the crafting recipe on the left on the left all this honestly I have no idea um it’s always shown up there and it seems to be totally random oh you know what we just figured

It out that is uh what’s called ji bookmarks I guess hover over an ingredient and press a to bookmark it there you go I guess you can uh well you can’t see it cuz most of them behind my face cam but uh I guess I’ve just like

Randomly uh pressed a by accident on top of all these different things that’s my bad I didn’t know that was a thing until just now I this whole time I had no idea what that was all right he Mr genius sir how do we do this God dang it

Every time we break one of these we’re gambling get out of here with this junk all right start over you found a pigon sick dude congratulations Captain Phoenix what’s up with you bro we’re trying to figure out like how exactly we I don’t even know how to explain it

Dude hang on let me fix this this is killing me I broke it I broke it before um okay trying these diamond blocks are supposed to hold trumpet skeletons we’re going to have three trumpet skeletons in here and I got to figure out how we’re going to like get the trumpet

Skeleton to stay in place but still have like a cool decorative situation around the sides and I really wanted to use uh like orange cave Crystal panes um and I wanted them to be like scattered kind of like this last time I was here you’re playing God of War oh

Man of day um yeah it’s been a hot minute but we did beat the freaking life out of God of War you my friend are an unwelcome go Away so like I want to stick to like something sort of kind of like this with these vertical pains but I can’t figure out how to do that in here while still holding the trumpet skeleton I feel like we could probably do something like this right put the trumpet skeleton in the

Middle and then stuff a glass block in his head with a piston straight up put this glass block in his head with a piston that way he’s standing there and can’t he shouldn’t be able to move right shouldn’t be able to move this tough this is going to be

Difficult we just we’re going to have to skip blocks in this segment here Right cuz in theory this block would be gone this would be a glass block and this block would be gone too this would be a glass block which means we could probably do something on the corners here oops okay I don’t know what I’m doing you’re so far behind on Minecraft I

Don’t even know what I’m looking at anymore this is not vanilla Minecraft this is rlcraft um so I mean don’t feel lost don’t worry about it I’m lost too man don’t worry um yeah like something like this so we just to remove some of that

For now this is what we’d be looking at this pattern here precisely in the middle trumpet skeleton right here glass block but the okay we got to hold them in place all right we need a freaking trumpet skeleton to test this with is what we need so these blocks here are just to

Kind of hold them in place for now when we remove that we’ll take these out all right so I need a piston just a plain old piston and a lever now we need to go find a Tropa skeleton which is always fun finding exactly what you’re looking for in

Rlcraft it it never comes to you is it daytime or night time is it is it turning daytime yeah it is you found a CLE pixon holy crap dude tame that sucker we are going to need one of these all right oh oh there they are all right

I knew I had rope and Nails somewhere where do we put this thing oh we still need to finish this room dang it dude all right this is temporary is it this block I think it has to be twice as far yep all right okay my freaking head’s inside my

Face hammocks are used to skip the daytime and go straight to night time if you did not know that gain two knowledge nice I am lost in my own house all right we’re waiting for night time Mr zamie where is your friend trumpet skeleton oh we should probably get a name tag in advance God dang it that’s all right this will give a good opportunity for things to just spawn on in name tag name tag so you don’t go away name tag this is in memory of Jariah I see you over there what how did you hit me from that far away God I hate those things dude bro what bro man I’m not seeing Jack Squad dog there he is there’s our mans that’s our man’s right there oh no I don’t want the freaking zombie dude yeah

Dude all right Mr trumpet skeleton calm down okay this is going to be a challenge oh is he perfectly centered now why would you jump all the way off bro I can’t right you’re going to keep hitting me huh oh no chance the second try dude wow this a lot easier than I

Thought it was going to be it’s way easier than I thought it was going to be you found an Ender Queen’s Crown very good those things are um expensive to make but they drop a lot more frequently than you’d think they would no hex I did not answer that cuz

It is a silly thing to say bro is he stuck is he not going anywhere does this work uh-oh Oh I thought I lagged out dude it works oh J is going to be so Happy yes yes I’m so happy we get to listen to this now Again all right two more more shouldn’t be that bad I don’t think ideally two More freaking ji is going to be so happy I bet Harry didn’t even click on the video cuz he was like oh trumpet no no don’t want to see it don’t want to hear it nope in theory we could put one just above his head we could put one every two blocks

Why William Oliver hey to you m what’s up we’re making them a I don’t know what we’re making I I don’t honestly I I wish I had better words I don’t know what to call this but uh this is where we put trumpet skeletons man I don’t know I I wish I

Had a better explanation for you but I just don’t nice dude good good I’m glad to hear that would I be interested in Custom Graphics stuff for my stream overlay pfp Banner Etc that is very kind of you to offer um I mean I’m assuming you’re

Going to request uh some moolas for it um I would expect that but uh I don’t think I have the means for that at the moment I do appreciate your offer but I’m going to have to decline politely Jah what kind of cupcake was it or jiah sorry hex what kind of cupcake

Man I’m like an old man I’m mixing everybody’s names up what kind of cupcake talk to Me okay get rid of all these blocks yeah I figured you’d be out of here nice advertisement William all right let’s go get another skeleton boom dude chocolate cupcakes are delicious no chance is that another one already oh I don’t have another dang it all right hold

On I need another name tag I didn’t think this ahe what Poppy Is he still holding him he is what a Savage no chance did I name my Mount poppy all right well the skeleton’s dead already anyway because it’s stinking daytime dude that so dumb why would it name my Mount Poppy I clearly clicked the freaking skeleton this is supposed to be scythed okay whatever

Dude chocolate makes you sick dude that sucks chocolate is delicious but it is bad for you why is his name Poppy I didn’t what first of all it didn’t use the m my name tag I think it’s broken I think there’s something glitched out with the

Uh uh with the name tags and the mounts hold on I got to ban that William Guy unfortunately I don’t want to do things like that uh but it’s not appropriate to to advertise through other people streams I don’t want to do bro you play Arc yeah yeah we we do

Play a little bit of Arc Excellent streaming Connection all right well that’s unfortunate what am I doing sorry I was trying to ban that guy um advertising he’s what what he’s doing is he’s going from everybody’s channels he’s just like in the YouTube’s live section and like bouncing into everybody’s channels and trying to get people to buy his stuff

Which is inappropriate um that is not acceptable so I had to I mean I can’t ban them from everybody’s Channel unfortunately but uh he won’t be coming back here uh wait hex I don’t know what you’re talking about diggity Dog all right we got two name tags for two more skeletors um man uh I don’t think we’re going to be playing Ark until like maybe Wednesday we may pop on to it later on some one of these days uh just to fuzz around a little bit but nothing

Like nothing huge right um if anything we’ll just work on the base I don’t want to get too crazy without Zach on the game I’m a good guy thanks I try my best I do try to make the right decisions poppy skeletons where are you oh I hate those things

Man I hate being like stuck anything that crowd controls you in this game I’m like nope don’t want it I hate those guys a lot less than I hate the ones that provide instability though look at him standing in the grass hiding Savage you want to play multiplayer

Rlcraft that would be pretty darn cool right oh oh I almost killed him nice job poppy oh he’s going to be a pain in the tokus he’s going to punch us huh oh come on now I almost had it lined up where’d he go I can’t

See well he’s not where I need him to be whoa whoa whoa whoa why you fighting each other [ __ ] bro who said that the freaking poppy skeletons fought each other like that dang it guys freak off now I’m going to have to break all this stuff again this is not an easy situation

Here calm down calm down it’s fine it’s fine it’s not that big a deal we’ll put them back guys stop popping each other stop tooting all over each other this is going to end badly I know it I can feel it my nuggets this is not going to end

Well actually that might be enough I don’t think I have to break them all all right we will encase them all properly at the same time this guy’s about to die yeah it’s quite a squeeze to get it up in here there it is all right we need one

More as long as these guys don’t die cuz they’re very close Okay whatuh bruh the mounts are so silly I think I’m going to leave them just like this for now that way they don’t do exactly what they just did um and then we’re going to get one more and hopefully they don’t

Break what’s the best insect to tame Ah that’s a good question um insect what is the best insect I would probably say uh I’m blanket on the exact name of them but they’re the dudes that like live in holes merix is they’re the dudes that like live in holes in the desert in

The jungle one two three four boom boom Boom all right one more oh no mo don’t do it do you ever die yes um I mean it’s been a while since we’ve died but yes we do die um I think I’ve died over a hundred times on this series two invisible spiders that’s crazy I’ll tell you what look we can

Check out statistics I have died 101 times exactly um most of the deaths come from early game right uh especially like when you don’t have any armor and and all that and and no good gear but once you get to like Golem armor and you’ve got some

Gravy train weapons it it gets a little bit more difficult to die now don’t get me wrong like there are things out there that will absolutely kill you um even with like the best gear in the game but we’ve just been very fortunate in avoiding all that kind of

Stuff um The Lost Cities is definitely where it’s going to get or I thought I killed him the Lost Cities will get scary um we will be going back there a couple of times but I just I hate it and I’ve been putting it off as much as I

Can I just bro he actually killed my man’s that was in my pocket 131 woo baby oh yeah it’s a good number all right we need another name tag the guy from work what does rlcraft stand for RL stands for real life um I think I’m pretty sure it’s real

Life craft uh and they say that cuz it’s just a lot more realistic it’s a lot more difficult um you got to drink water you got to do all sorts of things um just to stay alive that guy’s cool we better make this quick if we’re going to do it before daytime

We may end up having to come back here whoa boy holy think guy had all the okay he had all the uh abilities don’t do It You like survival games where you have to manage your equipment yeah I mean you manage your equipment here too right just oh I killed the skeleton that I was looking for um you do have to manage your equipment here too it’s just uh it becomes much easier once you get mending

Right The Mending is is a game Cher especially like Advanced mending you don’t even really have to think about it um generally right and Unbreaking helps too but like you know I’ve got mending on all the armor and stuff so you don’t even really need to think about it where

You do really need to consider um whether or not your armor is going to break is in the Lost Cities because of how quickly your armor breaks it’s so fast dude it like somebody will oneshot all your armor and like they’ll just they’ll hit you one time your Armor’s in

Completely broke and they’ve cracked all your stuff and you you die it happens so fast uh-oh he might die no he didn’t die no way is it this easy the spider screams yeah most of the general mobs will scream we have this uh this pack on that that makes them scream

Whenever you kill them okay do not move Mr poppy skeleton this is your permanent home now oh little bit of lag as long as nothing disturbs these guys they shouldn’t ever move from where they’re at uh-huh this is meticulous this is quite a process all right okay um

I don’t know what do we do now we got freaking Skeletons slap the rest of this glass in Boom It might have been cool to mix up the colors of the glass but it’s almost too late and we’d have to go and collect glass too like these cave crystals are so hard to find all right I hope hope you guys get used to this um popping

Sound the toot toot of the timmies the Timmy toots a lot toot toot toot Toot Smithers what’s up did you buddy we’re just gaming as we tend to do around here I wouldn’t know what else to do with my Life toot toot to yeah dude we got three of them now look at this look at them huh yeah we’re tooting all over the Place oh please don’t blow up oh thank goodness that could have been detrimental that could have been so bad in every way every time we have to break one of these like glass panes we run the risk of like one of those uh Rock atronox spawning and just like exploding everything around it All right now we get out of this building and never come back cuz it’s annoying and loud in Here I guess the only thing we have to do is is finish this staircase that goes the whole way up right toot dude timy I know dude they’re going to be we could turn the volume of them off honestly uh at least while we’re working in

Here hex I disagree I think you’ve been bloodthirsty enough my friend what you need is some good oldfashioned love son how’s my bag it’s about the same as it’s been for quite a while now um it is what it is it’s the least of my worries anymore

So the The Rock atono Golem no it’s um so here actually I might be able to find it creature Elemental geonach yeah so this thing the geonach um it it has a uh a chance to spawn I think it’s a 1% chance to spawn when mining any type of ore in the game

So like diamonds coal lapis gold anything including these cave crystals um so like every time you mine a cave Crystal you have this 1% chance that like maybe a gono’s going to spawn and if that happens it like blows up everything in the area I don’t know where we’re going up

Here I don’t know why we got to continue the staircase all the way to nothingness I might change my mind here whoops yeah there you go I guess we could put more Timmy’s in here snow globe on the roof no I uh no sorry man I don’t think we’re

Going to do a snow globe on the roof we could probably fit like one more Timmy in here but I think it might suit us better to put something else in there right actually no it would look pretty cool if there was another Timmy up there all right how do we do this

Without jacking this up I think we’re going to have to box them in like this I think something like that is going to prevent them from uh from fighting each other if if we mess up right uhoh he’s very close to the Edge he’s almost outside of that block uh tell you what what if we just instead of doing this cuz he’s all goofed up right instead of that do you do anything else like gaming like gaming or just do I have a life outside of gaming yeah I

Do not much of one I mean like this is what I I want to make this my life right like that would be the goal Man be a a for real G gamer Dude this is temporary I’m just putting these blocks in to prevent another Timmy cuz we’re going to go get another Timmy um I’m going to prevent them from falling in there and jacking up the other timmies Yeah dude I’ve got Hobbies um I mean most of my time goes into video games anymore and doing the channel right like it’s more than just video games involved with the channel like there’s there’s all sorts of editing that gets uh and done there’s artwork there’s like animations and

Stuff that I’ve been working on um there’s other like production esque values that are put into creating a channel that I’ve been working on um but other than that like I uh I like to grow plants like I got a bunch of house plants it’s winter time right now so

Like I can’t really grow anything outside um but I I like to try to maintain a small garden um and just grow some like herbs and vegetables and cuz why not I don’t know I like that kind of stuff I like nature I enjoy going on Hikes um getting out in in the

Mountain and stuff like that it’s fun but it’s too Dam cold right now it’s like 27° Fahrenheit right now W plants yeah dude plants are awesome plants are very cool they’re like one of the most cool things I’ve ever seen dude like I don’t know there

Was a I wasn’t always interested in in that kind of stuff but like there was a point in my life where I just like woke up one day and I was like dude that tree is really cool you used to have an overgrown room that’s cool though man I like it like

That I like a good oldfashioned like like overgrown Greenhouse what’s the deal with Timmy um okay so a while ago we had collected a trumpet skeleton that we were going to put in a museum and we put him in a box right here he was downstairs and he was there forever cuz

We just had never finished um the display that we were going to put him in and uh it it just he was there forever and ever and um never moved and then one day I accidentally got the server switched to Peaceful um it was by mistake it was actually cuz I created a

New world and put that on Peaceful it somehow it carried over to this world um so it it deleted it despawned all the creatures that we had that were not passive herbs um so it it got rid of like our trumpet skeleton it got rid of our sea serpent

All sorts of stuff so we had to go and recollect all of them again unfortunately wait yeah oh you have a bonsai too that’s pretty sick dude yeah Bonsai are very expensive um I think one more block and then this would be a diamond block right here

Which I should have grabbed while I was in the other house oh that’s not our door anymore you got a cheap one see that’s the way to do it though right like if it’s just a hobby if you’re not like like truly trying to make a career out

Of it or you’re trying to be serious like or I mean if you’re really passionate about it and you spend a lot of time on it then sure get an expensive one but if you’re new to it then just get a cheap one and that’s how it ought to be for everything Right I don’t know at least I feel that way if I’m starting something new I’m just like all right I’m going to buy some cheap stuff just to to mess around to experiment and learn and uh usually it does me all right A lot of times

Timmy my bad Timmy I didn’t mean to uh unbox you sir I know dude you talked about grown mangoes right now um oh man that’s that’s pretty darn cool I like the idea of that I just I I wish I had the space to grow an actual

Tree cuz like I rent my apartment um so I I can’t really and I don’t really have a yard either um so I I’ve got this like the bare minimum of a house so I don’t really have the the place to uh to grow a tree or else I would totally be doing

That pach trees like apple tree anything I could grow i’ be growing that would be pretty darn cool it’s a small baby tree you grew from a seed sick dude you know I’ve been saving a bunch of seeds I have a couple of mango seeds that I thought like you

Know one one day if I ever like own my own house or or even have a piece of property that I can grow a tree on I’ll do it do it you haven’t got a tree yeah but it’ll it’ll be a tree one day right one day I tried growing pineapples

But I ended up killing them before they were able to grow like uh you know they were able to make Poopies pineapples are cool man all right how do we do this here okay I’m just remembering the pattern that’s all uhuh uh oh don’t do it all right I get nervous every time you’ve tried pineapples but they’re very hard they’re not too bad as long as you

Have a good place to put them right gosh dang it I just don’t have a good place to put them like when I was growing them they do very poorly inside cuz I don’t have like a window that gets direct sunlight so they have a really hard time growing

And I can’t leave them outside during the winter time cuz it’s too cold and they die um so they I just I didn’t have very much luck with pineapples but they’re super cool man I like the idea of growing a pineapple tree or pineapple tree a pineapple timy calm

Down how do you even start Roots so you love strawberries and oranges oh yeah dude absolutely strawberries and oranges um so to grow a pineapple like you know the pineapples you get just in the grocery store that have like the green fluffy top on it if you like twist that

Top and pull it right out um and then peel back and remove some of the lower leaves on the top of the pineapple and then take that that base of the the top green part and just like put it in a cup right put a little bit of water in the

Bottom of the cup so that the bottom of it’s touching the water uh and just let it sit and and clean the water you know replace the water every 2 to 3 days just to keep it clean keep anything from growing in in it like algae or bacteria

And uh eventually that that like Green Top will just grow roots out of the bottom of it and that you can just stick directly in dirt dude it’s super cool all right we need one more Timmy whoa look at this guy what does that say don’t do

It they it always rots you got to clean them you got to like make sure you clean the water and whatever soil you have um so like I don’t know if any like if you guys don’t know too much about growing plants um something that is pretty

Common in all sorts of different plants is called root rot um pineapples do not like to sit in water right so like after you get the roots sprouted um they don’t want more tons of water you know obviously they need water to to survive you want to keep them watered but they

Don’t like to sit in moist soil um and so a lot of plants particularly like when uh sitting in very wet soil or just water in general they’ll develop what’s called root rot and it’s essentially where the base and underneath the the soil where you can’t

Normally see it will just start to turn brown and black and it’ll just it’ll spread from the roots to the rest of the plant and just kill it um and and typically that’s due to just um too much water stagnant water yo three timmies oh what do we do about this all

Right sorry we had to put it down we had to put them down Timmy calm down oh hurry up hurry up it’s sunny up it’s always Sony in Philadelphia come on he still here yeah sounds like it there it is good oldfashioned Timmy toots a

Lot yeah just a little damn soil um and it depends on like what kind of soil you have too cuz they like pineapples need a lot of nutrients um so like whatever soil you’re using you got to make sure that it’s got a lot of good stuff in it not

Too high in nitrogen right um cuz that’ll make the soil really acidic and pineapples are already quite acidic so they don’t need that much acidity in their soil um so if you’re going to fertilize it yourself like if you’re going to provide some sort of fertilizer whether

It’s like a compost or or some sort of like direct water you just you don’t want it to be too much and you don’t want to apply it directly to the plant because it can burn it um like a plant that really likes acidity is tomatoes

Tomatoes love acidic soil um and you can actually so if you know anything about making your own fertilizer uh like coffee grounds are a great fertilizer but there’s they have a ton of it has a lot of nitrogen in it and that will actually burn plants so depending on the

Plant you need to let your your like coffee ground sit for like six or so months so that it can like break break down all those uh chemicals and stuff inside of it particularly the nitrogen and then uh it won’t be so acidic when it is PL like given to your plants and

Don’t like put it up against the plant either mix it into the soil so it’s not directly touching the plants things like that the plants are pretty particular is that why most plant holders have pot holes in the bottom of the pots yeah dude that’s exactly right

Um You don’t want like stagnant water in there like some plants do very well with with water uh but most of them will will not enjoy it just like constant water being touching the soil and stuff just a little dampness and uh wait oh yeah dude I love plants man I

Do I really I enjoyed growing plants I have an issue with squirrels at my house though like dude freaking squirrels dude they kill everything I plant they dig them up they dig things out of the plant or out of the dirt they they rip stuff up they

Chew stuff off at the stalks they eat everything dude they’re squirrels are like my worst freaking Nemesis at my place um they just kill everything and there’s nothing I can do about it either like I’ve tried so hard to mitigate my my squirrel issues and they just will not go away

Like I actually kind of like gave up on my garden this past summer because I just couldn’t I couldn’t fight the squirrels dude they’re too much you’ve trained my plants to be dehydrated yeah yeah it’s not a tough one to do bro that actually went really smoothly we officially have Timmy’s

Implanted in the base these guys are technically poppies they’re Jas I’m not going to lie guys I think that this one ji at the top is one block too short I think he should have been raised one block but I think it’s fine all right I think I’m cool with

This I do need to put some more stag tis in here though wait oh you mean you wait what so what plants survived four weeks without being watered I mean a lot of my indoor plants will go like a month or so without being watered and be fine but uh it depends on

Your plant right oh oh dang it Smith there I could show you plants later then or a minute or two let me finish these stag tights I’ll show you guys my plants you had a very cool Ivy in your room oh dude Ivy’s cool welcome back hex man this is the best working

Environment whoa whoa whoa how’d you get in here Dude how did he get in there need a few ferns I’ve never had any ferns dude one of my favorite plants that I have right now is called a snake plant um it’s really cool looking and uh it does so well with minimal care like it straight up you just sit in the

Window sill it doesn’t need direct sunlight it really doesn’t need much water at all and it looks sick and supposedly it purifies the air very well um I mean I haven’t really noticed a difference but it’s cool I like it a lot all right I’m going to need more of

Those things you don’t like ferns as much as you did they’re okay they’re coolish they’re cool is what is this what is this all right I’ll show you guys some plants real quick check this one out so this is a snake plant hold on a second

Like it’s so tall dude when I bought this thing it was like maybe this tall at the most and it only had a couple little Sprouts so like as it grows the base of the stock like folds in on itself so it it gains like structural

Integrity and then it gets very flat and curly at the top but like if you guys are into plants at all you want something easy to take care of this is a great one and it’s called sansia wait sorry that’s a terrible terrible view of that the name of the plan

Sania it’s a that’s bird safe if you buy a huge living bird tree wait what is a bird tree a type of tree or do you mean like just a tree to keep your bird In check this one out my my grandmother gave me this when I moved into my apartment and it was like this tall it was like an inch tall when I got it ever have a Monera uh no I don’t even know what that is honestly got a couple Dead Leaves

Coming off of this guy dude this plant um it’s called a Cula and uh this plant is so easy to grow it it literally just grow itself man like you can rip a leaf off of this and just throw it on the ground and it’ll just start growing like

It doesn’t need soil it doesn’t need water as long as there’s a leaf cuz the leaves themselves hold so much water that it and like nutrients that it’ll just start growing on its own like and then this is one of my favorites too this is it’s not a bamboo

PL I think it’s called Lucky Bamboo um but this thing’s grown very well well like these two little bottom Sprouts are new they just like keep getting new Sprouts trees that are native to Australia non-toxic for your bird cool dude that’s very cool aloe vera plants are easy or a little Cactus

Yeah dude I don’t have any cactuses but I do have a couple aloe vera plants oh I’ll bring them over oops so like my mom gave me this one when I moved into my apartment and uh it needs a bigger pot so that it’ll like it’ll keep growing and it gets like FL

Frayed out at the ends of some of the tips you have 70-year-old Cactus dude that’s awesome but this one does very well and I I hardly ever even touch it and then this one I I put in a it it doesn’t really fit the pot right now cuz I I put

It in a a very big pot just so that I could see how big it would grow um but it it keeps like it started as just this one stock and it keeps getting these like little babies and uh you can cut those off and grow them like as separate plants you

Got to from your grandparents dude that is so cool you should Smithers if you uh if you feel the the need you should throw some of those bad boys like up in the uh the Discord chat like dude like this this I just chopped it off of the

Ele or the other snake plant so like it grows these little Sprouts out the side and you just like take a pair of scissors to it and chop it off and it’ll like you just grow some Roots stick it in dirt and it’ll just go dude these

Things are so these are probably my favorite plant I’ve ever had they grow themselves somebody gave me a piece of this recently that I’m going to end up killing cuz I haven’t planted it yet but uh it’s like I don’t even know what this is called but you just stick it in some

Water and it’ll it’ll just go it just goes some of these plants are too easy man um but this one has been just like sitting on my desk in a cup of water for like I don’t know two or 3 months and I haven’t touched it and it just does it

Just grows they’re so easy some of these things you got a longboard I do I have a longboard you Frey open boom freaking this is from like I’ve had this for like years and years and years it’s had some wear and tear on it some Rust but yeah

Man I don’t longboard anymore I used to be a big skateboarder when I was really young but I’m too stinking old now now too stinking old as in I don’t want to hurt myself cuz I will hurt myself all right where were we at dude okay

I got to go get some more spell oams I think that’s all we need right now this can just go back here you liked it thanks for the the plant tour yeah man I like showing off plants dude I I like um trying to share my knowledge on plants too I don’t know

That much but um I definitely have collected a bit of knowledge over the years and uh I like to share that stuff anytime I can especially if people are willing to listen and learn Skis excuse Me this is getting awfully repetitive up here uh we’re never going to come back in this building so it it doesn’t need to have like a the most amount of detail um I do want it to look symmetrical and nice but the Symmetry is getting a little old

Um it it does it feels like it needs more more than just this I think maybe maybe we come back like remove the outer layer of this like ramp thing here uh and then like change the color of it somehow let’s start an orange farm in Spain that would be pretty

Cool that would be pretty darn cool dude it it takes a lot to grow plants um especially in like large amounts to to sell and and make a living off of it I don’t like that like everything nowadays is grown with like a a massive amount of pesticides and chemicals to to

Keep them preserved longer and and keep bugs and stuff out of them I’m more of a a natural type of guy I don’t want to pour a bunch of chemicals on on my plants you know No uh I don’t know why we’re going all the way to the roof but we Did for real yeah I’m definitely a more natural type of person like I don’t like I don’t like a lot of the stuff that goes on in the world nowadays I feel like it’s better to just keep things clean and natural and and less chemicals that’s what the world needs freaking less

Chemicals whoa buddy where’d you go I have no idea where he just went a verant Reaper dude that’s cool even tap water dog yeah it really is it’s like I don’t drink the water from my apartment dude cuz I I live in a town like in the middle of a busy town so

Like I’ve got City water it’s disgusting dude it is so freaking gross not only does it taste bad but it’s bad for you it’s just full of crap um so like any all my drinking water I go get from a spring up in the mountains I don’t know

I don’t know here we go freaking Alex Jones over here but uh I don’t know I just I much prefer it that way boop boop don’t need this or this or this or this here it’s safe to drink it that’s good man um it depends

On where you’re at in America you know a lot of places do have really really bad water um but other places have great water and especially if you own like your own piece of land and you have a well that’s ideal um depending on what’s around you right like if if you’re s

Like where I live there’s a lot of farms lot of farms um and if you live near a farm you can’t drink your well water because they they coat everything in chemicals they spray chemicals all over the place and they use this like processed fertilizer that’s not natural

And all that seeps into the ground and gets into your ground well water and it’s it’s not good it it’s really bad for you and people wonder why like cancer is so um common nowadays cuz all we do is consume a bunch of chemicals man all right what do I do

With all this the junk eh sure I don’t know um I feel like we need a little something darker probably crack rocks I guess I guess something to just kind of spice it up a little bit it’s a lot of CRA rocks but it’s fine how about we take a little napy

Poo I don’t know like dude there there is so much chemical in the ground nowadays what sorry for what dude hey man oh no that’s okay buddy it was good to talk to you I know you’re busy dude it’s probably quite late for you now so I am glad that you dropped in

My friend as I always am it’s good to see you in the weekend you can talk more cool I’ll be here um Friday I uh I have some stuff going on with the family we uh I don’t think I’ll be streaming Friday if I do it’s going to be a bit

Later we’ll see we’ll see about Friday um but other than that I think I’m I’m game this weekend hey man I wish you good luck with your exam dude you might make a few plant for summer all right all right cool yeah dude if you have like time take some

Pictures of your plants I’m curious I want to see what you got going on especially since you said you like live in in a jungle I’d like to see that might be too Much take your time thank you brother thank you very much I think that this little uh bitsy here is enough right I think so just a little bit of color doesn’t need much I know it’s the similar to the walls and all but like I don’t know we’ll throw a

Couple more blocks in how we we’ll take a step back we’ll see how we feel it does blend in a little bit more but if we go up here I think that helps bices it up just a little bit I mean it’s kind of odd

Honestly but I don’t know I kind of like it everything will come right yeah I agree dude I think you’re right and you know life’s going to hit you with some curve balls man that’s just how it’s going to be um but you’re right you just take

Your time you be patient do the best you can everything’s going to be all right everything’s going to work itself out and be just fine it was good to seeing you Smithers take it easy my friend good luck with your Exam all right Timmy you’re very loud my friend I’m honestly kind of excited to get out of this building had enough of them all right dude catch you later Smithers all right Timmy’s I I get it relax where do my staircases stop at right about where do they stop at oh my

Gosh right there ahuh I put all my staircases away all right I guess I’m going to go get those dude this building’s like you don’t expect it to be that freak loud when you go in there I need these and I might make some M Too I think that’s all we need is to add a couple of staircases in the corners now and I don’t know I don’t know it might something a little bit extra with the entryway I think would probably do us a lot it would go a long way I hope this doesn’t have spawnable

Blocks oh boy oh boy all right we’re going to need to add some lights too I was kind of expecting to not need lights oh there’s supposed to be a half slab there too gosh dang it all right boom I’m thinking I’ll need more that should be plenty

This right here is where that starts why you tooting I’m like I’m glad they’re tooting cuz like that’s the whole point but at the same time I kind of wish that they wouldn’t toot because they’re stuck in glass and they can’t see you but somehow they still see

You it’s like they can’t Target you but they know you’re there so they toot and they toot and they toot and they toot We you’re putting the time into this sucker I didn’t expect the interior of this to take so long to complete and I still feel like that there’s more that we could do but uh I don’t know let’s add some lights at the very least well I think end rods would do us

A lot here um and then we’ll try to work on the entryways itself you know what I might I might do like the base Entry Way you know what I’m thinking I’m thinking we do the bridge another day I was expecting to get to the bridge today but uh I’m a little under the weather man I’m not feeling so hot so it might be better to come back to this like Bridge connector like

Another time um that way I don’t like burn burn myself out I don’t want to rush it either you know I don’t want to take shortcuts and and it ends up look kind of poor you know I want it to look really good I want to put the effort in

Um so like maybe we come back to the bridge another day and in that what the I’ve never seen one of those guys Spawn from one of themselves that was weird um yeah we come back to this entrance hey a pixon look at that we were talking about you

Earlier you’re lucky I don’t need you right now or else I’d be putting you in a box all right uh end rods I think those will look really good tamy I wish I could get down there here we go oh this is going to be

A pain in the tus all right welcome back Smithers found an old photo dude you don’t have to do that right now you should get some sleep brother you sent it all right I’ll check it out I’ll check it out I’ll let Timmy toot around too so we can charge some

Mana nice dude that looks good man I like the hanging plants I’m kind of jealous I I can’t really do that in my apartment that looks really good I like that now like when you water those does the water not like come out the bottom and like make a mess like how’s that

Work Pixel Perfect come on yep all right um there’s got to be a better way no I did it will take oh you’ll take like garbage bags that sucks actually that does not sound really great sounds like a pain in the booty okay oh you put garbage bags in the

Baskets okay see now you’re thinking with your thinker dude that’s a great idea I would I wouldn’t have thought about that I wish I did dang so like if you have indoor hanging baskets with plants in them you just like you put some bags in the bottom of

It to prevent the water from leaking out the bottom freaking smart dog you just don’t water him too much it worked out but be careful with watering yeah yeah absolutely you don’t want to like if you overdo it man like you make a mess in your house and plants like that don’t need

Much water to begin with anyway right so it’s not going to hurt them to Scamp in the water and even if the soil is looking like super dry you just water it again like another day in the near future you don’t have to water it like sufficiently all in one

Day oh you don’t have it anymore that sucks they’re really nice looking plants I like the the like rope we the weaved rope that you have like around the baskets to help them hang that it looks really good I’m kind of jealous I might uh look into something like that

In the future for myself The Ivy takes over Dude Ivy makes a mess at everything like freaking ridiculous how easily it spreads and like even if you trim it man you can trim it every single day it would just keep coming back really quickly but when you have a basket like

That or like a controlled environment inside a pot it’s a lot easier to manage but like if it’s outside growing and it’s roots are like in the ground it freaking takes over everything I remember like when I was really little my mom had had um Ivy growing in the

Garden and it looked really good at first it was great uh but then very quickly it just took over like and you can’t do anything about it you got to like rip everything out and start start from scratch dang it dude look at that spawning spot right there you know what

That might be a good place to put this just for the sake of doing it cuz I I think that’s the only spot left right oh you let it dry out to okay that’s a good idea that’s tough to do if it grows outside though but yeah it’s a

Lot EAS a lot easier to manage in a pot like that it’s all gone it wouldn’t be hard to get it back I’ll tell you what all right I think I’m cool with where that’s at man um the entrance for sure is going to need a little bit of love but that’s

Not going to take too much work but I think I might call this a day for now um I was anticipating getting just a little bit more stuff done with the exterior of the build but uh I’m just I’m freaking sick dude I’m so under the weather today

And we’ve been going for almost 4 hours so I feel like um for what it is we’ve done pretty well ESP being a Saturday I wish I could have streamed a lot longer but I think I am going to call it I hope that’s not the end of the world and I

Hope you guys are all right with it but um what wait what is today today’s s not so dude why did I think today was Saturday my brain is so backwards dog it’s not Saturday it’s Monday man forget about it you guys can go figure something else out on a Monday

Well I’ll come back and stream 12 16 hours on a Saturday um I think I have a little bit of fan art I can share with you guys quick though where we at boom it’s it’s not s i dude I I’m a mess right now Smithers um don’t

Worry after I I get a little bit healthier and um uh things aren’t such a mess I I’ll be back in shape don’t you worry I’ll get it together I promise man thank you very much to Coffee Cat um if you guys don’t know who coffee cat is

You absolutely need to uh cuz this dude freaking just knows how to make the Doodles I love it there’s so many drawings from Coffee Cat and from so many other people so thank you very much coffee cat thank you very much to all you guys for uh just being you man even

If you’re not like in the chat communicating on the daily if you’re just hanging out and watching quietly sneaking dude thank you I’m just kidding I love you guys very much man um the love and support just uh it makes my day you guys make me incredibly happy and uh

Every single day man I wake up and I I can’t wait to do this again and again and again because of cuz of you guys man you guys really make this um worth it every single freaking day so um yeah oh if you guys are new here

Check out the Discord Link’s down below um it’s a good place to just hang out or if you have art to share for yourself absolutely it doesn’t have to be relative to the channel you know it can be whatever you want it to be um or if

You just want to hang out and have a good time you want to chat and send a bunch of gifts and memes like everybody else please by all means do it I love it I I love uh communicating with you guys especially off stream and and whatever

It is man I hope I get to catch you guys later don’t forget to subscribe to the channel because we are about we’re almost at 450 Subs which means we’re almost at 500 subs and once we hit 500 Subs we’re going to do something really interesting um I’m going to do I think

The hot ones challenge where I line up a plate of like spicy wings and each Wing gets consecutively or sequentially much much hotter than the last one um and I don’t handle spice very well so I hope that that’s really entertaining for you guys so if you want to see that sooner

Rather than later subscribe to the channel uh you know hit me with a couple of likes and just uh tune in next time man I love you guys so much I’ll catch you later good night everybody

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – RL Craft Ep. 67 Live Stream’, was uploaded by ExoBeaver on 2024-01-16 11:28:05. It has garnered 78 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:54:54 or 14094 seconds.

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    Spudzy's SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shortsVideo Information what happens to a new YouTube channel if you don’t post for one whole week well I did exactly that and my channel is more alive than ever I just entered a sub war with my worst enemy grass toucher and my channel has not stopped growing since so subscribe you know the answer to This video, titled ‘What Happens When You Don’t Upload For One Whole Week? #shorts #spudzy’, was uploaded by Spudzy on 2024-01-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 28 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft gameplay Minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯

    🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯Video Information आज की इस में आप सबको देने वाला हूं m ट्रेनिंग j पैक्स फॉर योर m वीडियोस एंड थंबनेल इसके अलावा मैं आप सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाली ग्रीन स्क्रीन ए मैं सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाला डे काउंटर वीडियो जो कि काफी ज्यादा लोग यूज करते हैं इसके अलावा बहुत कुछ जिसको देखने के बाद आप एक बार यह जरूर बोलोगे ओ गॉड एक बार दिला दे चलते हैं अपनी प्रीव्यू की तरफ मैं गिरा बं जमानी तो अब बात कर लेते हैं इसे डाउनलोड कैसे करना है डाउनलोड करने के लिए आपको कमेंट में… Read More

  • Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢

    Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢Video Information hi everyone today we are sad because we don’t have a house we don’t have a place to stay we don’t have money and we have nowhere to go and if you let us live in your house leave a like And subscribe to the channel I would love to know that but what then but what do we want to do so I have a good idea that you will find a place for us to sleep while I will find food for us it could be me I’m going to hunt for food somewhere let me… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP – Join Now! 🎮🔥

    Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP - Join Now! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Headsteal Smp Join Now Guys Java+Pe 🍹💪’, was uploaded by GamerDevil on 2024-02-19 22:40:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join Or discord https://discord.com/invite/HQPjAFar Follow on Instagram … Read More


    INSANE BEDWARS ACTION on INDIPIXEL with JUGADU GAMING!Video Information बहुत दिक्कत हो गई आज सा 75 मिनट ले लेट म रीड चट चालू क्या मेरे को चालू हो जाम चालू हो गई लेट्स गो हा तुम स्क्रीन नहीं दिख रही होगी नेवर मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही आवाज मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही हमेशा की तरह जल्दी जल्दी बताओ मेरी आवा आरही आवा आ की तर भाई आवाज तो बहुत गंदी आ रही है क्या आवाज गंदी आ रही है मेरी मतलब क्लियर आ र मुझे रहा हमेशा की तरह क्लियर है हमारे पुराने सब्सक्राइबर कहां हो जल्दी बताओ आवाज क्लियर है मेरी यो हेलो हेलो आ… Read More

  • 🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #Minecraft

    🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 [Easiest Tutorial]minecraft fire arrow’, was uploaded by Darkcrystalz on 2024-01-13 12:30:05. It has garnered 108 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 | [Easiest Tutorial] About This Video ___________ ·Hello Everyone, In this video….I’ll show you how to make fire arrow launcher in minecraft …..if you enjoyed this video…..comment – “NICE” About This Game🎮 —————————— ●Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to… Read More

  • HiveMC

    HiveMC8 year 10:00PM The Hive MC •Offline Java Players 0/0 2018 ? Lobby Server Minecraft java Bedrock 2018 The Hive play.HiveMC.com Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP, Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October 2018. Our server will never reset, and we have a zero percent pay-to-win store. Join us and be a part of our community! Features: No pay-to-win perks Resource worlds that reset monthly Live map available Active economy system with player shops and more Various plugins like mcMMO, marriage, and land claiming Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect Difficulty set to Hard Main world size is 90,000 x 90,000 Contact Information: Website: https://www.hearthcraft.net Discord: https://discord.hearthcraft.net… Read More

  • Athascraft

    Hey this is a modded minecraft server with plugins, called athascraft, yes its an earth server and soon it’ll be up its being worked on so please bear with us,discord.gg/KWFqazhCZz Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creepin’

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be creepin'Looks like this meme is a solid 47 out of 10 on the funny scale! Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial

    Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial “Step 1: Craft a fishing rod. Step 2: Attach a diamond to the end. Step 3: Throw it at your friend and yell ‘Grappling hook, go!’ Step 4: Watch as they get dragged across the map screaming.” Read More

  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

    Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded Minecraft Enters the Action in Call of Duty Season 4 Reloaded In the latest season 4 reloaded of Call of Duty, Minecraft makes its debut in the action-packed world of Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile. This exciting update brings a host of new features and events that are sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the details of what this season has in store for gamers. Discovering the New Features The season 4 reloaded update brings a plethora of new content to Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile…. Read More

  • JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2

    JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2Video Information hi everyone I just came out of Kane’s house now I want to find some of my friends to invite them for a walk together I really hope I can find someone here near the circus maybe I’ll even go inside and look for someone near Kane’s magic flas wait what is that it seems like I see a very strange white ghost right in front of me apparently it’s heading towards McDonald’s and I have no idea what to do although no it seems I was wrong and the ghost is flying towards ratha and Jax’s houses… Read More