Ultimate RLCraft Adventure – We’re Conquering Muy Sufla!

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P All right it’s been an entire day I haven’t done an a craft session yet so well kind of I did a bit I did a bit offline just to just doing a little bit of dungeon crawling and all that trying to get as

Much exp as I can but now I ran out of exp again trying to get trying to enchant Stu like maybe not fully because I’ve only had Advanced sharpness which I’m lucky to get one and what I’m trying to get is a supreme sharpness instead yep here it is and what’s so sad

About the current situation of my of s right now is that I do not have uh well there are I don’t know a lot of these uh enchantments are not compatible I think and vom and I’m I’m guessing the atomic deconstructor are just not going to yeah wait no and Venom

Is there what wait I thought it I thought it didn’t I guess I guess I’m just dumb okay so uh well there are some books that I can’t actually um put in there I can get through St and per which is good I need those two for

The combat I think I can put for the combat as well yes I can and I just need a lot of uh a lot of exp which probably going to do another dungeon crawling soon enough and I need to get looting three uh cuz if I once I found a golden Bookworm for

Disenchanting which would be really useful I don’t think I can use this arm on this I’ve done a little yep it’s apparently not uh not legible and my and for my current bow status it’s not too good I mean it’s actually pretty good they split shot Arrow

Recovery and I can put scope in it which which is kind of funny probably Infinity because fixing an enchanted bow is not it’s not too bad of any XP and usually in end games you don’t need much XPS anyways so what I’m trying to do probably going to do another dungeon

Crawling and then and hopefully I do need to get to find mending as well a mending villager which I’m probably going to try to find a Port City Port City somewhere for my uh for my dragon armor cuz I don’t think if I want a Dungeon

Crawl I don’t think it would be a good idea I need at least my sword to be uh to be at a very good State that’s what I need now uh yeah Advance sharpness tell me the Constructor can and I don’t think I can put combo in it as well because I

Already I mean I already have a lot of w right right yeah all but for now I’m just going to go to another dungeon crawling hopefully W can withand uh the amount of dungeon crawling going to do which I do not know where I’m going to

Go probably going to go to new newer areas because Mo mostly because well I’m trying to find I want to find out four city as well since Kai already taught me how to get a how to find The Mending villager easily well actually not specific structure for the men villager which I

Need and I need to find a or maybe at least find some mending books because no now that alone is already good maybe I should also actually put Infinity on on my bow mostly because um therefore I can I can use another bubble instead of a instead of

Instead of arrows the undying Quality quality is good but I want something that’s a lot more useful like effects so I’m probably going to go to to newer areas which uh let’s go northeast this time and good thing now is that I can kill dragons to the fact

That I that I do have a dragon armor so that’s good good good and I’m not going to stream much I’m not going to stream much because in a few hours uh a Tor is going to steal me so for for the time being and possibly stream more again

Hopefully cuz I do want to do more autcraft and I don’t want to do a lot of autcraft offline because I don’t I don’t want uh I don’t want the three I I just want uh I just want this to be able to stream or at least like

Document all of my progress well not all maybe not all of my progress but you know at least the majority of my progress would be would be there and I guess I’m going to go to this battle tower because again I do want to I do I do want to get more exp

So that’s probably the next thing I’m going to do you [ __ ] whats come here oh yeah it’s a it’s a chis it’s it’s crimbo it’s about to be crbo so I got the winter gift and the thing is I don’t know how bad it is though I’m Pro I

Don’t know if there if any of the Gibs will eventually uh will eventually kill me in one hit hopefully not ow get all right and I kind of don’t want to get close to this mostly because there’s going to be a what is it called again what are they called

Again God I forgot what the mob is called elder Guardians there we go I don’t want to alert Elder Guardians and I I just found this pickaxe in the uh in a doom l dungeon that is basically an unbreakable diamond pickaxe with a fortune 3 which

Is really good cuz I never I don’t think I’ve ever found an unbreakable tool before which is amazing all right probably going to close that going to going to do as I oh always would do but I’m not going to be too cautious because I’m more to stack I

Just want to get myself even more stacked if I can find an advanced advanced protection villager that would obviously be nice yeah I can just want need to kill these spiders like poor guys I’m surprised the Looting one from the other sword that I Enchanted did not

Get affected because I I found two of the same sword which is a clean slicer that has sharpness three looting one and what and and a self punch right but uh the sharpness did get upgraded but not the sock touch which is a bit weird oh my God I do want the best

Though the katana sharpness to that’s nothing got the one hit and again I’m say going to save all these exp for uh for S I’m probably going to get a lot more presents so I’m going to keep going to have to keep it breaking no I don’t need

That uh you know what I’m probably going to probably going to craft more bandages just in case I don’t need this anymore uh yeah cuz I I already have life steals so I’m pretty much good Jambo and I can turn these into spectal sils because I before I can um I can reforge

Jese’s to get an undying quality and I need them I need the undying quality of Jesus um no that holy [ __ ] that’s that’s a tanky baby okay hey guys what you doing I really want to open a winter gift but I really I also don’t want to get one hit Kill by

A [ __ ] factor a the one hit kills are nice I love it and no I’m not going to upgrade these uh I’m pretty right now and even if I do happen to encounter a BL I would still I would be able to easily kill them at least so right now I’m just going To wait do I have my Hopper though I just realized if I do not have my Hopper then probably going to be a bit careful on things I should have had my pride pin oh that would have been too good but I still have Jesus though but it’s okay

Jesus is always by my side I’m not going to but I mean I have two kinds of Jesus actually and I’m fine with at least one of them the evasion is is too good ah I could just collect like the Christmas the uh the winter gifts and

Just not open them all I can just oh I can just have them maybe maybe like later or maybe even never I just just just going to have the as collections that’s how much I don’t need it well this I know I don’t know if there’s anything too really good coming

Out of the winter gifts which I’m assum if there’s glowing if there are gloy ingots that would be nice because I I do need that at the moment because at Le I think the current uh phase I am currently at right now is is a mid game oh my God not really late

Game I mean it’s I guess it could kind of been a late game I mean not really I don’t need the advanced protection enchantment or at least like get it from a villager all right I guess n for now oh my God hold on I just realiz

Something oh my God it’s been playing of the thing same music this whole time okay this is I want the entire o OST well not the entirely but at least some of my favorites that’s the sixth backpack of a zombie what the heck I’ll take the Torches oh

I do want to get all these plasters because I do need a lot of them to make more Med kits that’s a Thorns those are thorns what do you mean those what that b Bell of the cat I don’t think I have that okay more with their gifts

So many winter gifts Advanced looting okay I do need that even though it’s lesser shot do it doesn’t matter it’s Advanced looting so I guess I don’t need don’t need the Looting to anymore so I’m good need this I don’t need this I don’t need even though it’s master I don’t need it

All right I am doing really good right now wait a minute oh God hold on I I kind of forgot to close up the holes guys guys guys guys hey hey I’m making a bit of a mistake even though it’s it’s not intentional but it’s

Fine soz I don’t want you guys to sneak up on me especially a blight one a blight one or maybe with a hold a full diamond flight would not be appreciable not be appreciated a meltdown leather tunic really wow um these God I have so many so many [ __ ] that I don’t

Need okay what is that that’s power two Soul SP Nah if only the hard crystals can be converted to Heart dust so I can make a vampire Arrow would be really nice ow I’ll take that take that as well even though it’s only one uh silver oh I guess it’s good for smelted

But why not okay so now that I have advanced looting one I can just try to find a golden Bookworm I can actually apply to I can see with con is starting to win onest their ability oh hey no not a light no not like that not like

That I don’t want you to touch me at all nor anybody wants to be touched by a blood hey haunting musky I don’t haunt musky I don’t think I have that either and I’m Prett close going to the top so I’m pretty much almost at the

Edge right now and I’m at level level 45 already which yeah uh XP farming is pretty simple now he and I’ll try not to waste so much of my armor dur ability as well cuz I do need it need this much their ability as I can okay

Okay maybe sometimes a uh evasion can be a little bit can be a little bit uh tedious not tedious but not that’s not the right word I forgot what the word is God English help me I mean English will will never help me in these kinds of situations they will never

Got 23 gifts already oh excuse me excuse me hey can you guys drop more bedwars please hold on let me close up y oh my God just imagine like four different blights at the same time I don’t know if I don’t know if I can withstand that

Hopefully I can because I now that I can like three hit kill blights or even like maybe five or four which is already enough I don’t know if the diamond sword say any other uh any other crafting recipes like the dragon’s eye I don’t think they do not not much at least

Come on keep coming keep funing those exp on me I need them I that keep going [ __ ] yeah I should have had the pride ped because now that I have a life steel I mean certain enough I’ll have life steel too as well which is it’s

Going to be so good it’s going to be too good and I really want to make the the Wither the Wither ring which is really good it also has its own life steal there are being withered hey oh another Jesus now one spot I don’t think I have that

Yet oh my God stop breaking my armor please they took enough damage already it’s a horrible Jesus Oh I got another horrible Jesus I have to fix him I mean I already have one but and it’s healthy healthy Jesus is what I need I hope Jesus stays

Healthy oh my God wait I was hitting he’s not meant for combat dead voxel I don’t know if I have that yet I’m keeping the Jesus hey should I turn the Jesus into spectral still let me can I actually I think I can right yeah I can no why not

I have a better Jesus oh man I’m feels like feels like I’m in a feels like I could be in a bad spot if I keep seeing I AIT I have a horrible Jesus no I just realized I only have two chest did I not pick up the one that I

Okay I mean I guess I can make more and I don’t want to keep uh keep upgrading to both of my dragon Dragon Eyes uh all right let’s get one more great Advance looting one which is really good uh is that another bandage somewhere or because I want to be able

To make more medkits up Oh my Jesus hold on let me take more get more blocks hey that’s my present you’re not supposed to give it to me I’ll take it and Free Break okay oh there also the last floor so I’m going to need a I forgot what it

Is I need a hopper right and I don’t think it’s a good idea to open an end chest up here because it’s technically a chest I mean I can probably kill the tower Golem already because he’s I think I can just take him with a with sword but also I don’t want to

Destroy the tower and I think because this is the water I don’t think it’s going to teleport him anywhere I do need the breing stands apparently for the for the shaman trades in the snow villages Surprisingly okay I’m going to need more space get back in there I mean I think I already have an undying emerald ring so it doesn’t matter I got I got more for the collection already I’ll keep the saddle maybe yeah fine I’ll keep the melon do I have a

I don’t remember I don’t remember if I have one in my base but all right Nice okay well it’s being sled out another I need Sher boxes like Oh my Jesus o that’s a pretty build XP tone it’s only a c ring ingots uh and more mtion I I good I don’t need need gum po so Al spect I have and probably going to

Need another one oh my I need the Sher box I swear to God damn God okay uh and I’m stand and I’m currently sitting at level 30 so that’s good there go no um just going to keep going now I don’t think I need to mark that battle

Tower yeah maybe soon enough I’m not going I’m not even going to use the atlas anymore maybe because everywhere I go just I mean there are some places that I didn’t not finish like the princess battle tower here I don’t think I’ve even gone up to the second

Floor cuz for one that’s because they have Benes and I don’t like that I don’t know if the anyone’s chatting I’m quite afraid of YouTube’s just done a little a little bit of a sh okay no it’s fine this is the no it’s fine oh oh I’ve seen this building

Before but I don’t think they have anything special I should have enough level to upgrade St lot to with the with all the enchantments he needs but I don’t have them with me so I’m probably going to keep exploring and then going to use the war co go

Back guess this is basically the Asian house yeah I think that’s it Two Witches at the same time I don’t know that’s supposed to be legal especially in the wild uh y just keep going this way and I’m starting to forget what I was actually trying to

Find God damn it I actually did forget what what I was actually trying to find in the first place I guess I did kind of say I kind of want to try to find doom like Dungeons like this one I guess yes to get more Loot and all that get more exp and

All so I can upgrade SL oh yeah Port City I need The Mending for my for my current dragon armor oh my okay I thought I thought it was something so significant I thought it was my God I don’t know why they’re bigger than than they should have

Can you not and I’m kind of surprised that the goo can kind of like be be being a bit mean ow more gifts that’s googly ey that’s not even googly eye that’s a very terrifying eye on this okay this is where I need the I need B Luna on my side okay

Locked what do you mean oh my God oh my God good thing I have almost a stack of an entire lock pick set my god oh I hate a lot of freaking d unlock go y I kind of guess that there would be nothing here okay what the stickies can actually be kind

Of a problem that would just take out your weapon Anytime so many gifts hey one he H I don’t think I need that but I do need I do want to take the heart dust oh my God oh my God oh my God dude all right let me breathe for a moment please I don’t know I think I have all of these so being bitten by all right excuse me there’s only ow there’s only an iron lock pick so I don’t think it’s going to be too rapid load I don’t need

It dude excuse me for static is that steel that’s steel okay I want the steel I can get to the nether because I have the fire dragon side all right now what I need to do is to get rid of the get rid of the chest and get the

Lock that’s for steel and now I have a uh I have a steel ingot already in in my base so I just need um I need well actually no in total I need 16 oh what is it called again I already forgot what it’s called what what what

Was it that I was trying to ref to 16 16 16 something something a steel steeling it cuz I want to make the wither y I was I want to make the wither ring which is a really good ring especially if I if I want to use the pride

Pandant oh my god oh my god dude God this is why I’m getting wored already in almost I don’t know if I have to keep this I got to look up for my durability as well got L the cats I have that all right no no more for you guys [ __ ] you hey

Hey God even my coins hold up that means I got to turn down the turn down the Rend distance and more heart dust which is good cuz I do need it well want it more more vampire arrows at the same time I don’t think I

Will be us it using that much once I have what was I about to say I I’m so old more heart dust oh my God L SM I’m going to take more heart dust I I don’t know why you can’t revert the heart Crystal into heart dust I mean

I guess it makes sense though kind of oh my God oh my God AR recovery Infinity underwater Dyer I do need the underwater Styer I have Infinity already hey chill down chill the [ __ ] down okay anyway um I need to pull out some crates Um yeah I don’t know if I have key I think I do I might I just did not remember it steel lock oh wa Blaze um is there a blaze powder in a crate somewhere no well there is an empty in here I think I also have a lot of pearls already

So and I can make another Med kit from this I do have all the what where are the emeralds I guess it’s this one I’m supposed to be just doing a bit of a dungeon crawling now I’m just I mean I guess I can always come back

Here yeah I can always come back here I I could go now cuz I really want to have supp on me but it’s kind of temp thing just to keep going I just beat him to death oh God I do need the skull stuff that’s a second well thanks for the wall

Hack oh my God all right steel lock I don’t know that’s steel lock I don’t think it is that’s an iron one yeah this an iron lock I could go to the nether I actually could it’s just that lazy I want to be honest with myself oh and now everyone’s angry

Whoops oh yep there we go oh my God I do need the essence though I don’t see those often I don’t know if mobs dropped them either oh these things go okay they’re not as terrifying as they for seem at least expands uh throwing weapons education I do might need education but I don’t know I think

I already have an education villager so I don’t need it I don’t need him I was this oneit crap you know what is let me break your fathers stop it if you need okay oh there’s more glow stone than that one hold on I hate these first so much 47 presents ah my

God already get those things out of here innerd jerk my God I’m going to have so much present I didn’t even need these to Reg potions now that I think about it cuz the life to is already pretty good [Applause] GL great this I better not go I better not go too

Far from my he for my quest though cuz I I have a tendency to just just keep going without even thinking that I have something to attend to on at this point I think I’m just pretty much just on just in a normal code I’m almost at level 70 I I swear to

God what is wrong with me I really need to go back now I I have priorities I need to get so cuz W is also not doing good when it comes to durability say he’s about to break well not about to but close to it at least

Locked what block is it it’s here’s your present thanks even though I did not mean to actually right click on it’s not even work wor it but it’s fine so there are only Diamond lockpicks only wait is it oh yep there we go it it’s now it’s officially more than 24

Hours that I survive an auto craft hardcore I’m proud of it excuse me C after I’m going to going to have to keep reminding yourself that you have a crate that you have to attempt to and go back and get Sula you have enough XP well you just keep going cuz why not

Paron okay just decided to kill that Man that was a collateral damage I’m sorry my God my aim okay I again I need to go back to my I need to go back my crates I swear to God I need to ow ow dang it it’s another gold block no way we got wait we got bench really

No uh oh I mean I guess that’s good I can that means I can uh uh what is it call again I can stream more of this but I get but I guess if we uh what is it called again if we if we if we if we if we I

Forgot I mean there’s probably a chance that we might no the te we have a chance we might have a chance but I don’t know we’ll see though but as of right now I’m good to just uh stream ARL crap while I’m getting surrounded by these lunatics I’m just trying

To all right anyway what I mean who knows uh right yeah need to go back to my oh that’s a bit loud desolator attacks have a chance at negative negative resistance if Target as I could I never heard of this enchantment so I might as well take it all right uh what

Else uh hold on I do need to need this again I need to go back and get my crates back cuz it one put uh the entire team Subs out yeah I do know that also welcome in welcome in and I know I stream at a uh inconsistent time again

But what can you do and what can I do and what should I do to fix that I don’t so yes welcome in uh I mean we’ll see all right again I do not remember where I put my crates ah all right wait is a no is this that’s only

An iron lock I need I need a steel one thank you all right um again I do not remember where I put all my crates I hate myself for this what was that hey I guess it’s the uh it’s a ghost block I’m guessing I God I forgot how much of am

The these Are oh my God where are my crates oh God oh God where are my crates I already did did not did not for I already forgot where they are now I did not memorize anything what they wor about I already have enough level to get Su oh there it is

God okay first of just just going to keep all right um hey hey hey I don’t think I have any steel should I fight this blade Ender I don’t have to but I want to I do want the EXP though that’s the thing need silver inot that I have in here

No I guess not I mean I have an M I have some spaces all right there we go back to base now actually before that I’m going to have to get all these here except for the crates wait where did I get this magnetic axe I guess I just did not

Place it Down Right seven crates filled with loot and I can combine these I horse the combat and a vampirism that’s obviously just going to be the life steal I don’t know if if vampirism and life steal can go hand in hand because they’re both basically life steals or maybe I could

Apply it later because I do have a live Steel Two in yeah on this one so maybe for vampirism it can wait or can it actually be I don’t know I do need oh wait I have advanced looting as well so I don’t wait can I actually get this lator I hope

So I hope I can get Des later um all right which is this one desolator no I can’t so that sucks maybe it’s because it’s spell breaker because it does deals bonus damage to witches and evokers and all that I can get Parry can I get En Venom with life steel or

Vampirism it can so there’s a lot of new Chamas I need to stud storry About okay first off I Kind let’s get true strike and this one wait oh this one’s four Uh I kind of want to combine the two swords first 17 and 29 um I mean I have advanced looting so I can try to find golden Bookworm first to get disenchanter and I need that hey you know what okay yep um Advanced looting with Ming

No just add two on that one I cannot combine those two yeah just going to combine vampirism I don’t I think it just works the same hopefully Advan looting my God for come oh no I cannot I you know what it’s fine it’s already it looks so it looks pretty stacked already

So maybe soon enough I’ll get a much better St and for now I’ll just uh just all right just one uh just one bone that’s enough that’s so good oh my God all right oh my God and I have a lot of torches oh yeah wait I should really

Uh I should organize my inventory first I have a lot of spectral sils that I can use okay I don’t need more Emerald amulet really if only I can turn them into spectral sils which you know I’m also going to turn some of these into spectral sils cuz I really do not need

Them you know for collection I’ll fine I’ll just uh I’ll keep some flare Amos and I don’t think I need any of these bords except I’m going to keep this for one cuz it’s Arcane maybe maybe some Jesus as well I do want to where’s the it’s the

Tablet yeah I can get that Jesus off I don’t need those one I have to Circle it around I kind of want to try this two heal hearted now I would either choose a halfhearted or armor T this but none of these are too good or I can always just I don’t to

It’s too good one heart there we go you know what I’ll take that Jesus instead so that means I’m going to going to reforge this one I’m getting the much better Jesus hold on more spectral silts please 30 which is a good number I cannot even read it because of this menu horrible

Jesus armored that’s lucky I can’t even read this clunky shielding atic focusing no undying all right nice all right I got a good cheeses by the end which is what I need that means I can turn all these into spectral silts I got the best cheeses of

All I don’t need the rest of you I’m going to keep this tablet there I do need to make more I don’t know how many more much more spectral Sil I make U more silver armor that I can smelt hard d a lot and more steel lock I’m still

Dedicated dedicating myself to get a lot of the steel lock and a lot of diamond tools and armor that I can that I can smelt I have one Ingot so far I need two I need three more or I can just go to the nether immediately just [ __ ] it we

Ball I’m not going to do that because this is Hardcore and I need to consider my life choices I don’t know why there’s quart quartz here yeah let’s put all the quartz here because I’m most likely going to use the quartz either for healings or mostly all that

Probably okay let go skull goes here diamonds or cool all right I’m going to collect all the metals first or maybe some these mple Essence shiny scale you get here I thought I have two steel blocks maybe I guess just one some new discs hopefully okay I do have a dead voil and

A moo c 2 and floating trees and of course I have a lot of other duplicat as well I haven’t gotten any of the vanilla a lot of the vanilla discs here do I have key oh I do not have key okay keep all this as well

I can make four more medkits cuz why not yep a lot of medkits I need all that and hope the fortune actually did kind of affect I mean just that four mature Nether Warts actually gives a lot so this Fortuna major that’s the name of the the pickaxe the unbreakable pickaxe so

I need more steel locks please I have so many pearls I might as well grab a stack of them I don’t know what homing does but I’m just going to keep it all right 57 winter gifts I really should try to open them and hopefully I don’t die

Immediately is there is there any kind of like a trick or treat or like opening these winter gifts and then just spawns a dragon a stage five Dragon onto you that would be the worst that would actually be the worst if that happens especially when when we’re in hardcore

57 I forgot to name him God can I still name him 32 God okay then that’s Sula I need Sula I mean I can always make an make a better one but for now this is the best sword I have right now Advanced sharpness

To I don’t I I do have a lot of bottle of enchanting but I don’t know if I have a lot more somewhere thought I had more not sure all right yep I have oh um I I do we do use spectr of sils to reforge this but I’m not going to take

The G yet especially when when I only have seven it’s not going to be enough God I need to rename Sula it’s not going to be enough fine and I won’t get everon yet that’s because I need uh Advanced power first which I do not have that’s Advanced punch God damn it

It would be funny though but same time I don’t think I need punch I need as much damage and multi-shot multi-shot more that’s insane okay I think I’m ready with all the things now now I can just explore around and uh actually I need to get more exp I need I

Need to rename Sula this is Sula right here vampires I’m and venomed even though there’s life Ste I should just leave that as well for no and I could also just oh why not I do need more damage but at the same time oh wait yeah I I just realized less attack

Damage huh is it is it even worth it it actually turn into like fire Dr to into a flamed or like iced I don’t think it does because the Bas damage is now kind of lower I guess the bones the bone sword is actually better without it interesting okay have all my

Things take all this now and I’ll crab two extra medkits in here I don’t think I even need to carry walls anymore I need I need three for each for each in good if I if I just want to find locks that means I need to find 10 left I need

I I need 10 left God damn it okay okay let’s go To I want to go to the to the other Doom Lake dungeon again first mostly because I need the I left this backpack here for no reason gosh hey you dumb dummy hey you hey you you that’s right I need those exp please I still need to rename

Supp of course I sit like this I do have an envil in my Ender Chest so I can I can just rename him on the go 14 lapis with Advanced looting are you [ __ ] yeah I need to find golden bookor I need to get to one of theil one

Of the defiled PLS which I don’t remember where I need to go is it right here I don’t think I found a defile plan yet or maybe I just forgot where it is I don’t think I did find a theil land yet I thought I

Did was it like it was in the snow biomes actually was it oh here it is here’s defiled land but I it’s pretty small actually it’s a pretty small defiled land so I’m goinging how going to have to find another one I’m more lik going to have to find another

One I swear to God why am I like this yeah I’m going to continue on the oh wait yeah do you like your present I do I guess okay at at least it did not want H kill me I kind of have to slow I kind of want to slowly open every open

Every winter gifts but I do kind of want to leave a stack as a collection so once it hits Halloween again I’m probably going to going to try to get a stack of Halloween trick or treat and just open them and it just not open them as a collection into my

Hardcore World it will be interesting oh well kind of want to open oh my God I do not like that present I do not like that where SK SK oh yeah I can make a I can make a Wither as well oh well that’s boring what do you mean it’s an ear on

Block you like the present I do well if I get to kill Santa Claus I guess that’s fine you heal me a little bit okay I want to open one more present yeah why so GL e to be [ __ ] you okay again I have to keep I have to

Keep watch on my armor cuz I really don’t want it to break and I don’t know if vampirism is as good as life steal so I might have made a mistake Maybe I should have portion of damage de how about life steel heals you based on your damage

Dealt heals you based on your damage heal damage dealt and then uh heals your portion I don’t know what’s the difference between that I mean I guess vampirism is the kind is a bit of a lower tier of Life steel I don’t know I haven’t really tested out that

Much yeah I kind of I kind of want to do right now is just to find more defil PLS which I need need to find golden Bookworm and once I found it I’m I’m just going to kill it immediately because I have advanced looting on

Sula so I can get the this enchanter and see if I can combine both vampirism and life steal which would be really good uh I think this was the last do like dungeon I want to so oh man if only I brought my pearls oh wait oh that dungeon I might need that

Actually but I’m just going to mark it first cuz I’m not going to go in there yet I need The Mending BS uh I don’t know what to call this but I guess Mega princess battle arena first I don’t know because I I do I do

Kind of uh I never actually went there before because it’s pretty it’s too risky there’s probably a lot of uh wies that’s fire but I don’t know if it’s awward oh what was that was that the atomic de Constructor or that’s basically the Critical Strike I don’t know what that was

I never heard that before all right the key finding the fir land okay yes there is Mu muu exist C muu My God stop giggling AR just shoves the BL of your ass and hey random wayone next to a village God damn it is uh wait hold on uh Village The fth Village the okay this so Village the seventh outskirts of Village seven and no I don’t think I need more

I don’t think I need more any more crates now as much as I like having a lot of crates I think it’s enough I just want to kill them I don’t like them I just realized I don’t have u i don’t have Unbreaking in my on my

Sword but which is fine because I already have m drunk I’m drunk are you all drunk maybe seems like it oh my God there’s a crate there I have to save it wait dks Cinders don’t burn this village Village into house that’s mean I’ll take the crate even though even though I just

Said that I don’t think we need more we need any more crates but I might as well take it de for kills sea serpent kills you [ __ ] what o 14 Dragon trees though no I don’t need it and here’s Village the 7th the actual Village the 7th and here’s a good library

Though what you got Precision flinging I don’t like flinging oh [ __ ] I have to be quick there’s a [ __ ] one here okay second try that was actually good I have to be quick before the [ __ ] one Noti this desolator 4 do I need that I might need that

Purification I’ll take it silk touch maybe no thunderstorm I don’t need that safe card evasion and blocking power blocking pow is really good for a shield so might as well have it I did h a [ __ ] flying about and I do also want to get to ble Tower because they can have like

Blaze Spawners and I need Blaze Spawners as of now I need the blitz rods all right and N of you blazes are not going to go anywhere that’s good news about my sword that I don’t even need to worry about things and I think in venom might be

As as good as as life steel itself but we’ll see inhume Dark Shadows and I’m not going to let any creepers spawn cuz I just know that they’re just going to blow up everything that need the BL FR I’ll pick the GI I’m getting the high as well so I

Kind of need to get it get I need to find I need to get a drink I think I’m done already in this floor gosh darn oh details okay it gives me four because of the building skill set hey who gave you the right to

Exist you have a v on your P hey hey don’t take some from me and hey this one those sils dude how much more fire hey oh come on hold on let me go back up I do not mean to come down here guys hey hey hey

Hey oh my God yeah it has an Invasion I don’t know why I was about to say that hey quit with the webbing prospec thing I think it also use takes a clowing inot to to reinforce the end Queen’s CR okay I’m about to be oh I need mending so bad ah

I don’t need these uh three best Wars I’m probably going to have take out 17 blaze rods that is a good number and I can finally named this to Sula Sula welcome back I’m bu I’m Missy buddy well maybe for one I do kind of

Have to I do need to go back to my hardcore world because I I need to build or at least show a lot more things that I’ve been doing in there oh my godas I my God the damage from that thing it’s insane but he okay Oh kind effect oh no roll crap I don’t know why how did you both attack each other diamond lock so ow oh the ingots okay F again I think I’ll be fine just need to watch out for my helmet if it’s actually going to break then I

Might enough to actually call it off and actually try to find a mending guy or Le a mending books is that a blight that’s a blight oh my God oh my he hit my head a lot oh my God because that one skeleton uses a melee that is not fair aods breing

One who keeps picking me jump okay I think vampire is just as good as life steal but hopefully they can go hand in hand so basically just an ultimate life steal of a sword tell maybe don’t do that I actually almost I could have died actually

Oh uh what’s that wet hands and hackrom I don’t think I have two of those discs I’m at level 41 already we don’t have even though I don’t have ucation and I okay a stack plus 14 that’s like 68 68 dang gifts that I already have right now it’s insane 69

Nice might I can go now because I think I’ve done enough CH already in this oh yeah I really need to find medic so I can keep my armor alive hey guys there is a way to tame these guys right so just so I can fly anywhere I

Want but my computer is not fast enough to load up chunks so I’m I’m just left to just walk around like a maniac still need to find a certain defiled land and a uh a port city if I can because again mening I need I need

It now I just need to wait everything for this to all these to low okay oh God I need to change my dragon helmet into a into a protection four because the mobs kept kept targeting my head they they done some Dam damage to it I don’t like that oh there’s a

Village that I happen to miss oh wait no I just no I just haven’t uh I just did not mark it okay maybe I I don’t need it I mean I can just go there and just mark it just mark on the atlas later and now with the dragon ey I

Should be able to Spot It there’s a serpent and I’m not going to going to try to take the chance to fight a serpent head on because I’m still I still don’t know if I can still get one hit killed by it and I rather not take the chance and oh my God

They this game just won’t load enough maybe that’s also because I’m oh I enabled um hold on I kind of want to try to look look up something Uh what are these structures again because you know I’ll go here because there can still be a what is it called again the crafting run I I need to find I want to find all the crafting runes I want to get the Golem armor so yes I magenta you know what the the

Magenta is also part of where you can collect more self touch with it I’ll take it and more flare ammo which more self more wait did I say s touch spect spectral Sil I do not I do not have the best memory of all so I uh a bit washed on that in

That department I don’t know if I should keep the Behemoth hand all right let’s open a present here do you like your present I do thank you I think I can safely say at least as of now most presents I’ve got so far I’m I am able to survive the uh the bad

Presence so I’m not not intimidated by it uh as much so I’m good I’m going to keep some presence here obviously two of the disc crafting Rune do I have space I I seriously do not have space for any of my stuffs anymore I swear to God I have a bandage somewhere

So had to uh plug in my charger oh wait I need that bandage because now I can make more Med kits okay I want all the crafting RS I can make a crafting Rune reader but I kind of don’t want to risk it and my God please

Load what is that chest I am being spoiled a little a little bit oh this one this structure is fun because they can also have a craft for crafting R also that boat that is a silk touch villager boat which is nice but I already have a certain silk touch

Villager so I am good my brother I still have not use any of a lot of my arrows which I should have but I just didn’t more magenta runes which is kind of questionable okay guess no crafting Dr in this one or maybe dang it yeah sometimes with night vision I don’t

Even know if it’s actually more night or morning but now I can kind I can kind of recognize it wait hold on I do need to go here to get the river fishes excuse me S just taking some good fishes thank you for your patronage yeah this guy will always be a

Sock PCH but that’s good I have it’s not even it’s not even two hours yet um my performance on these ah F what it gives me 22 the advanced looting is insane swear to God and I believe that is a savannah so I kind of want to kill those Coates Awards [Applause]

Yeah okay four wither Bones from both pockat Rees and a lot of Glowstone from the yeah what is it called what is it called again uh the paralyzing fish no Electro kills got my memory that’s a village no that’s tent Village I saw a

Witch oh my God the Argus I swear to God why why do Argus exist ow okay I get it I get it I get it uh maybe I’ll go somewhere else maybe I could go somewhere else but oh my God yeah the arc they hit my head a lot and I’m I

Guess because I don’t have four on my helmet but but still holy crap all right then that means I’m just going to have to sleep cuz I got I’m going to need to recover my head from that one why oh my God you f one I swear that actually scared

Me or a craft is just doesn’t stop caring you okay I thought oh yeah I do have iron stacks and some more wither bones cuz I will I will I will make more of the the uh dragon bone swords mostly because I’m you know just trying to get try to get all the

Enchantments all right this is a oh wait yeah I need to mark this actually all right go all right what we’re going to do is go back to that Savannah oh there’s a village there okay maybe I should could have gotten to the Village first if if not for that Argus

I swear to got arus this for some reason or is i i i i there’s it literally just forms a linear formation with those three bang way points I hate it all right anyway uh yeah just going to go north and my chunks are not going to

Load at all God I mean I guess that’s because I also do have a browser open I need the chat I need to close this um I don’t use Spotify man you heard it here folks I don’t use Spotify well not a lot I mean I do use

Some it depends if I do want to keep looping the keep looping that one certain song and yes I want these villagers to live arrows diamonds red St heels but I don’t need okay and yeah I just need to go l oh desert never mind I got to stay I guess

That I was right now I was on a desert I I I was in the savannah so I’m assuming that there will be a desert Nearby those are okay uh not too shabby of a spawner but weakly I’ll take the quartz cuz quartz is are pretty valuable oh my God our this won’t load properly because I’m also streaming I I guess that’s also because uh yeah 600 distance so and okay hold on I kind of also want to get rid of the details on the

Leaves and how do I do that is that a resource pack thing no not much don’t know what this is willhelm and live your s um what was that okay how about Graphics fast anything’s too different not too different how about when item will be um no

I wanted to be fancy but maybe decrease particles no minimal no I was trying I’m trying to get rid of the leaves thing oh V Vios I don’t know V thing to increase my performance but I assume it does not make too much of difference use the fire Death

Wor nine I that one okay that I mean that’s not even that’s not even a big de one gives you none of the advance looting I’m Still Still ba with it that’s a bit of a spoiler on what what’s to come there is a red death form

Which I kind of want to get just because I want to have this CH Ow wait you’re not dead ow ow ow ow ow ow okay that kind of wasted my a lot of my durability but like you know what why not 10 uh 10 red death for okay I know maybe this is why I’m falling off in Minecraft in general but hey trying out some other

Things yeah that’s right you need your Alpha to survive notorious PLT I forgot what that reference is I wish I still remember what that reference is there is three hearts on my on my head ow what do you mean by that I I need four on my helmet and I need to find

Landing as soon as I can or am I going to try to kill some more ice dragons just to fix it to get the skills again and Enchanted again notorious oh theorious B before America BLT I still don’t know what BLT is so I’m call me washed for

That I don’t know too much references even though I’m getting old all right uh still need to I still want to find a desert temple cuz that’s the most of uh there also a uh oh is the de force not coming out I don’t know how big it is

Uh desert house cuz why not o another Lusa and let’s mark the oh there we go that’s that’s Temple Wait no that’s not Lusa that’s is that’s normal uh kind of like spawner little structure God damn it there we go all right give me what’s good G whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa you guys kill the death oh you guys did yeah red death work what the heck thanks you’re No Angel that I that I thought you were there you go crafting Rune pressure I don’t need the green Rune more crafting runes vampirism I’ll take it

For now more crafting Rune yes oh I need it oh the crafting runes yes oh all the crafting runes I love it and TNT is a your favorite Spirit watching s until I last 70 hours long I think there is a video about that actually like some guy just watches the

Sniper Wolf and it takes like hours until he he just gives up like I’m not going to laugh at this like [ __ ] this okay I’m going to move this guys crafting rooms deserves a different yep did you say TNT no I did not say TNT first of all Spirit

You’re just delusional you’re hearing things here you’re you’re you’re you’re you’re you’re just going inside that’s all I’m not holding anything too precious to your likings but you know it might have been there but in reality it’s not so wasn’t that great uh it was a bunch of

Crafting runes and just some loot that uh you know some valuable loot that I want to grab nothing nothing too special you know Ow all right first of all you come here a little bit closer you Fad there we go ooh dead ton a dead fuwad why not though it looks like a stage three yeah this is stage three that’s [ __ ] right no no I saw n TNT you saw N9 TNTs what get out of town those birds are ruthless it might have just been your imagination that’s

All nothing too crazy exuse me who did that wait who did that who who literally just jumped me who made me jump Tian oh that guy there you go where did you drop myi okay recall potion that’s nice hey hey yep I need to find I want to find

More crafting runes crafting runes and if I I can uport City just so I can fix my armor dude my favorite person oh the F plan yes also my favorite person adaptable an adaptable dter oh he doesn’t go he didn’t go in the boat because he’s special God damn

It all right fine be it that way be it that way this this is the Battle of the dudes over the boat brother over the boat over the goddamn boat wait who are you you’re not invited all right where were we let’s see who can do Tom more

What what are you what language what the language are you speaking there God well first of all I don’t know I don’t know the uh I don’t know how how I’m going to to deliver the TNTs but uh watch all I can all all you can do now is watch me

D d to the Death I’ve been dting more than you D Groot the DOR my my address is U Abu Spread spread 79856 house gosh [ __ ] Arabs man they’re everywhere hold on need to some of these just deliver them ignited hey you stay away as well hey this is this is my personal T you stay away

You stay away Hey ow don’t sabotage the d The Battle of the dudes brother ah that was a good dude okay know I want to kill this I want to kill this this bat first ah there we go [ __ ] one ah d d hold on I’m not ready we were being inter intered

Hold on there’s a lot of ants around me hold on D I’ll I’ll go back to duting once I’m uh once I’m ready hold on my coffee my coffee is being invaded a dirty dance get the [ __ ] off my cofy oh my God just making sure hold on let me take a SI

Okay anyway ah hey hey hey what are you doing no no do not disturb our concert 7 that was a goddamn combo D just comboed you [Laughter] hard wait I’m getting hungry hold on dude dud hold on I’m getting hungry I’m hungry okay someone’s morning dude I have I’m sorry dude someone’s morning penetration Edge well I I I’d say I win that I won that battle fair and

Square all right the fire land I there’s a lot of ey wigs okay I do need to find the golden Bookworm so that’s what I’m what I’m trying to find in this biome as well oh my God they my wigs there’s two of them there you go

Ow all right I need to find the piss book worms trying to finish my homeor you will accompany me all right then also welcome in welcome welcome back into the Stream you go go ahead and do your own homework while I’m just being dumb in a Craft Minecraft’s most one of

Minecraft’s most annoying mod pack trying to find a piss book wor he and everything loaded so loaded properly I need a much better CPU damn it and my helmet so was broken I really need okay wow if these two chunks are not loaded oh my God my God that took a

While I don’t oh it’s not a uh it’s not a big defiled land I think yeah it’s not really that big uh yeah it’s not it’s not big ow he but I can XO oh I I see something precious down there I’m I’m kind of wondering what it what it can

Be oh man I’m sure one wondering what what is down here oh blazes I no I don’t think they’re blazes there are the uh yep Twisted shambler I do need those for the black hearts actually is that a light ah so many shambling hoers that the

Googly I’m just going to spam quick it doesn’t matter and there’s a lot of win gifts that I can just open up uh wind fling Chambler I where’s the black heart that I needed to get oh I got I got one there’s another one I do need

Those not too not good at all actually yeah not not too good which is a bit disappointing that is a cobone not much shambling horse okay this maybe this is maybe the time where I have to go back up I was just trying to get down here to see if I can

Oh wait oh Beni can spawn here oh [ __ ] I don’t like that oh God not play Thomas all right what do you want play Thomas we heard you have a problem with your CPU Cooler well lucky you because we just open our in IND IND tech

Company we would like to send you a brand new pc click the l oh God oh my God click links I I need to I need to contact someone if I should click the link you know I I heard this from a good friend of mine star

SMG is the uh is that you know when you see links you have to be skeptical you know Blake I I know you’re you have a very innocent and pure intention to sell me stuff but at the same time yeah [ __ ] what God damn it Blake

Thompson Blake Tor did I just say did I just call you Thompson H well too bad you’re Blake Thompson to me [Laughter] now uh okay let’s go this way because I do need to keep finding more yeah defiled land areas so I can find more bookworms and see if I can

Actually really hope I can find the golden book worms free book of GG kind regards Blake porn God damn it Blake porn oh my God so many stuff to sell to me can’t believe this all right oh it’s actually near Village of seven cuz I’m actually go heading back ow any book

Worms golden bookworms that I can kill that I can take out of their skilles skin I don’t want Cutler eyes because it’s kind of a valuable ow kind of a valuable thing I think no I think that’s it my God my the Chun won’t load as uh fast as I thought it would

But okay look BL Thorns got stop man and allow me to ass the person described as star sng is unknown around Indonesia we looked everywhere he is not visible continuing with your new PC what specs would you like good specs gaming specs that’s what I need that’s all I need for a

PC book orps but not the more gold that’s kind of disappointing not not the more this cors D I got to stop running towards those things a dungeon can I have a bit of a spoiler on how to get there maybe I just want to get the chest

Though okay Scarlet razor I don’t think I need any of these F candy convert life to hunger I will not do that that is not worth it but I want the um umra Blaster I guess it’s B I mean it’s basically a gun so yeah fires plas and fruits

You like a specific spec so we can help so you can help us out stabilizing your CPU and GPU of course this will be be good for your stream sincerly Black Thorn God damn it Black Thorn Black I can’t forgetting everyone’s names at this point you are black Thomas

Now can’t I can’t help but to just keep mistaking your name I’m sorry about this I’m supposed to be a little bit more professional I know but at the same time it’s kind of funny what is that thing so small BL throne throne Cannon we have now we have specifically

A a cannon for Blake Blake thorn the God damn he’s so talented the best salesman around yeah please pick your specs wait what what are the options I don’t know you did you did not present me with any any kind of options at

All do I do I just pick the Blake the BL Thorn specs is that an option apparently oh that’s a serit I should head that to land cuz I really don’t want to mess with that thing yeah yeah kind of oh God oh hit him he’s down there I do want to kill

Him they probably going to catch me soon no I’m not going to get too close cuz you can still like very very much uh like hit me easily or even kill me easily so okay it’s far way now oh also I notice the D wait no don’t kill my D don’t any of

You dare kill my best friend oh I dare get close to my to my buddy hold on Blake Uh uh uh uh h I know I’m not talking I’m just focusing a sh F sh uh I but a night with my doer friend I don’t know how how long I spent just ding with with him but I had my fun okay hold on I need to there we go m no no dude friend bird because of the morning Break N I dropped a

Gift he you know what I’m going to open the gift for him doesn’t I’m going to open the gift for his for his honor well not like that D you betray me oh we just skeleton skulls ni choose your spe any rate God damn it back back in advertising God of course

BL Thorns you always back at it again as always I don’t know which to choose a spec first of all I don’t I’m not good at PC I don’t know if you know this I do not know if you know this but PC technology I am no I have no

Knowledge I have the I have no smarts on that on that subject so if you could please advertise this to other people maybe that would be nice good can be an iine or a thread Tripper okay legitimately I actually don’t know what a thread dripper is my God I hate those

So yeah going back to your point I still don’t know what thre Tripper is okay hold on uh okay there is a villager that I haven’t gone to is a desert house which there is a dungeon that I kind of want to go to because dungeons can be very

Valuable I want to go to the dungeon I saw that oh I think this is just the the print Ripper is for workstation PC made by AMD go I am not knowledgeable on these things maybe I should ask Mom what what I should buy she knows everything about

Technology she lived through it turn dead stage five and a living fuad there I mean I guess I could kill them kill the living Co one and uh and just loot his uh his parent there that’s that has to be a stage five this is the third stage five I’ve

Pound is it is a stage five okay y here another stage five of choose for you I need my mom to choose for me I trust my mother more than the best salesman in in the world also geram music I haven’t even tried to like find this I’ll try to find it

Later I already forgot where the where the dungeon is 64 GB Ram RTX 4090 12 1200 watt PSU I9 13k 13900 13900 K LLY 01 case 12 fin craen liquid cooler God damn it play Thorns but I curretly satisfied with with with with what I with what what I’m currently playing on right

Now it is my dad’s specialty PC 12 years old I don’t even know what I’m trying to say anymore of course gosh pleasure doing business with you after he yeah it’s been it’s been that that you offered me but gosh I I have to turn down the

Offer because I need to prioritize my mom’s knowledge when it comes to technology and that’s another that dragon how many dead dragons am I going to find my Lord and no more God the way everything generates is not the it’s not the best but my God that is a dead stage

Three oh my God wait press after I want to see your specs uh yep there it is oh hold on while you read that let me just put things in here again I think I have another gold somewhere no I don’t I do not have gold gold apparently we do have wither skeletons

Oh okay wait what is that oh that’s the supposed to be in the middle of the ocean kind of B [ __ ] CPU it is a [ __ ] it’s a very old CPU so it’s a very very old generation CPU that’s why that’s why currently right now every everything that my game is

Loading up right now is very dark it’s pretty much Dark Water [ __ ] that’s a lot of death for I want to kill him I want to kill more come here you I got wall hacks what do you got for what you got on me now I got goddamn wall

Hacks I know where you went oh my God I should heal my head as well cuz that’s another [ __ ] one oh defiled there’s a defiled desert as well I see it I’m going get ready for the for the test hoping we get we get something in but all right good

Boy oh yeah I I guess we can only hope if we do get something this for I I don’t know we’ll see just wait there I guess should I put my I should I I just put my name there as well you know just just just so if I do

Be able to get subbed in as well also def filed I want to find more if I if I can find more what is it called again like desert temples I need to find more uh here’s more defiled lands so defile desert that should be good that’s one [ __ ] one

Uh I think I’ve been here I’ve been this way and if it if you know if the map would load much of below at least I know that now all Right oh right there’s quart here I should have put it there yeah okay now I I guess the only way for me to go now is to explore the the fil desert and hopefully I could find myself a golden book I need it I need put this enchantment

Table maybe maybe if I do find a good golden book that’s where I should also end the stream cuz in my time it’s getting uh it’s getting really late and oh I don’t know if I’ll fall asleep or not I don’t want to fall asleep on stream unlike last

Time can I get that where where am I the chunks are not even loading I don’t know where I am the wall hacks are turning on turning on to me now that’s oh my God you know at least fre HP why Not more scuttler there’s a little bit of a zombie SP here there’s three irons that’s it hold on chill the goddamn down what a goddamn iwig that was oh my okay ow more chis more winter presents more winter presents bling nah ooh Lindy nice Pelicans oh my go shambling

Horse no don’t kill the borns what if it was a golden Bookworm oh no yeah some bookworms are dead that’s not a dead dragon oh my god oh okay well I just got completely paralyzed I don’t know if I heard a dragon or something else but got my aim all right

I saw a dead Dragon like over this way I want to get that I’m trying to need you all right what’s wrong theor do you want me to join the oh oh oh okay okay okay let me okay I’ll I’ll mute the stream for now I I’ll get it hold on

Okay there we go just gave you a definite St I I’m already definite stage so I don’t have to hear them at least but you know at least it’s something we could maybe get subbed in so if we get subbed in yeah I’m probably going to

Stop the stream and you know we ball it but for now I’m just going to keep finding our in finding some shamble hoers ah the black hearts I need them I not that I need them now that I have a much more powerful stuff I tell you all

Righty keep me updated this goddamn frog god I need that frog qu targeting my head all right next thing that I probably want to trying to find is again there are temples and see if I can find bookworms and you there you dare challenge me me Oh Oh I thought it was a

Dragon I thought it was actually a drag those kinds of wi flaps really really got me got me good and anything of not in here I see a crate down there but nothing too special wigs I need to keep on Watch stop that what is that I thought it was a troll no it was something else that is not a toll where I can use its skin for uh ride saddles or something there’s the dead Dragon but I’m not I’m tot Le to get it I think I have enough things as of

Now that’s [ __ ] right got oh God 51 durability left and the filed was St so I can go back here very easily uh you know the filed uh what is it called again the he what is this called again uh old T okay all right I still don’t see any

Oh uh you should have Minecraft one yeah I should actually have um I could actually yeah I can why not I I could just be ready to just uh laun the game as well I can run two different Minecraft instances so don’t worry about it and because this is Hardcore it’s

Offline I don’t think it’s uh I don’t think there’s anything to worry about all right there we go oh there we go I think my Minecraft also starting to lag because I currently loading up something else as well can feel the frames lowering down oh no the shamblers and CH

Lers I mean I don’t think I’m I I should be too afraid of those things anymore because they don’t seem to be any of of any threat as no I don’t having to [ __ ] you dude and this thing is not loading again as usual all right [ __ ]

Once oh hold wait hold on I don’t know if the uh if this Minecraft has been shown as well I do not know hold on let me check I don’t think it does no it it mostly shows out all craft so I’m good I should really Mark the W Stone in

Case okay no golden bookworms yet so I mean it’s pretty it’s funny golden bookworms also rare I don’t think I’ll be too worried about getting as many since I also have looting uh like an advanced looting one well oh Hearts altar all right there we

Go um I’ll I’ll take a I’ll take a peek into this chest nothing of course there’s nothing that’s my first encounter of asit I was literally right in front of it right in front of one I mean I guess right uh yeah I think there’s not much of

Desert l i could go here just see around the Savannah or I could also go a bit of a nor bit of Northeast try to find more my God these junks won’t load at all oh my God arm is most lik going to be the ocean but I mean it’s not it’s not

Too it’s not there’s nothing wrong with just checking out oh my God okay that hit my head it’s a good thing it’s not as dangerous as I thought the heck why notp wait no wrong Minecraft all right yeah no Golden Book ons which sucks cuz I would really want one

What why did I run it probably a three but because it hasn’t loaded yet I mean it it was a three so who would have guessed that I would run into a run into a three when the chunk it’s not even loading and it blocks me oh yep there we go everything’s got

Reloaded and I should go to the Village which is south of me well nrow sword is died also a Rog like dungeon oh what the award don’t sneak up on me like that oh my God my helmet I I need to find a oh hey never mind then there’s a [ __ ]

One oh well that sucks you know what I I need to kill that Dragon no you [ __ ] what come here come back here no [ __ ] what [ __ ] what F what come here did he just disappear oh wait no he’s there I might have annoyed the dragon and

No that is starting to notice that yep someone’s shooting at me this there you go now he notices like where’s this [ __ ] what I might have to bail soon enough dude stop destroying the village you [ __ ] oh yep oh God he keeps following me oh he’s aggressive oh he’s

Aggressive oh he’s super aggressive oh no H oh he was he was trying to find me no I’m right here F hey oh now with that one as well hey oh naous oh oh my God I can’t shoot him mostly because of the he blocking yep there we go that’s why you

Don’t attack a village f one yeah yeah he gave me he left me a present he killed some sheeps also that’s a lot of flush as well oh a lot of scales which is good I guess I if I if I do need a second set of armor which this one would most

Likely breaking [ __ ] all need to drink right the oh there’s some iron here that I did not notice so the chitten can go here as well wait did I not pick up the bones I just realized I think I picked up the bones let me uh let me go back there

Yeah I did not I need all the bones I can get fck off do have a um yeah this one as well and a black heart got got to quit doing that oh my God I guess because it’s night time as well so that’s a qu qu a

Dle I don’t know if I’m able to to uh kill him myself or even like able to kill him actually so I might have to be okay nice he’s not loaded so we’re good don’t I have like a gold stacked somewhere no I don’t also wasn’t there a quartz

Somewhere yeah there there are there are quartz okay to reposition that I think that’s all for now I can organize again later wait hold on need to get that uh also it has still not been decided yet if we’re going to sub in apparently not hopefully don’t

I I want survival de cetus be reunited again at least in be at least in that strafe one okay oh good chance good chance let’s go let’s go okay uh yeah okay I killed this Fu one need to get I do need to get to this Village

Cuz oh but oh ah oh no a oh no couple of the buildings are destroyed no oh there’s one por TG for me I’ll take the diamond and also the bread though actually and I’m to to put obsidian so I’m going to take it okay Village stage

Hope please let there be mending books cuz I will need it on my helmet oh some HPP stuff but I don’t think I need it there you go nothing I do want to take the papers though cuz I do need more papers rather than farming from sugar

Canes I’m not oh dep I can um upgrade my death R too for sharpness it’s nothing who are you oh oh Oh you useful all right I’m going to have to carry you somewhere I’m sorry buddy but you are obliged to uh to stay somewhere and that somewhere is down here oh oh oh oh oh we we got in we got in all right now all right ending off with

A good note because I a strength and three Vitality villager which is really good hold on I’m going to mark this guy first uh all right this guy’s good yep okay okay so uh for now I’m going to have to end the stream now because uh this is

Very urgent so NAA I’m glad that you’ve been sticking out well while you’re doing your homework or work or something so yeah going to have to going to have to go now because bunch of PR started spamming all right wait no not yet never mind what is

It oh God or is it or is it not oh spam I thought it was an emergency you [ __ ] should I just end it now because I I don’t know God damn it all right okay I I’ll guess there’s a bit of time there’s going to be a little bit of time

Before something bad’s going to happen but oh God that’s the qu of brle holy [ __ ] okay that was pretty powerful ow that was a pretty powerful bird it’s still evening wait it’s still evening for you oh yeah I mean I I still kind of in a different time so I forgot about

That okay yeah I got a very good villager at least which is the strengthen Vitality 3 which I which I do need a fad did spawn like right next here uh no uh that’s a iron lock but open it excuse me right nothing um I don’t like those birds they

Start killing everything I want to take the manuscripts just because I can uh another iron lock that bird spot of me I’m going to have to act first oh did not spot me at all many scripts more obsidian no oh my God how many lock chest are there be many

SCS all right yeah not much as of now but hey I found a really good villager strengthen Vitality which is again very good but no mending books though I still need it all right I guess my next journey is like right here I haven’t uh okay let’s go to the desert house desert

House oh it’s a sandstorm oh God where do I need to go south west there oh I think this is also the Lusa building is it no it’s not it’s not the Lusa building okay I’ve been to this desert temple so nothing too special about here I’ve already looted

It uh yep I did and I do not want to deal with the cells cuz they’re quite annoying excuse me oh one hit okay [ __ ] off that’s right and I don’t have the keep on look at you can be OB to make it well that’s sucks all right maybe maybe some some

Small wh I don’t know I mean if we if we won’t make it then uh I guess that’s fine no wor I have I have an A CFT to stream at least so all right anyway where do we go now um right around here so wait it’s this even oh it’s not it’s

Not a desert uh let’s go around here cuz do need to go past the Savannah again maybe there’s going to be more desert more more crafting rooms that I can craft maybe maybe and there we go I’m starting to lag out so that means soon enough I should end

The stream as well like uh regardless of what what I’m going to do next cuz I’m probably going to go to sleep as well and oh okay so that’s H that’s it of the of the uh of the dry biomes which kind of sucks I still want to find more crafting rots but

Still okay wellow all right you guys uh guys do K out f that was a sleeping Dragon so I’m not going to go there for got the forest is a very bad idea to go through especially if with just running there uh relentlessly not knowing that there’s going to be a dragon

There I don’t like any of you I just need to disenchanter because at least after that I can’t I do have a mending Enchanted helmet that I can probably take out the enchantment from cuz I can just worry about Ming putting a mending on the silver armor on a very very late

Game and oh finally just uh not raining uh more the piled okay so there’s maybe a chance chance for me to find an a golden Bookworm cuz I really need cuz I really want to find one so I can disenchant and get the enchantment from certain items that I do

Not want the enchantment to be on baby I do want to find golden book my x-ray does help a little bit with the not loading the chunks properly my God that has it’s been stepping on a lot of blast of flowers my god dude stop quit stepping on the dude oh my

God oh yep there you go Star need to lag out as well oh God oh my God it’s not loading I don’t know what I’m looking at all right at least let me spoil all the bookworms if there are any bookworms around please oh my God I don’t know what that

Was um all right there’s a little bit of a uh strip of the F line there but I don’t think there’s anything special here oh man I’ve only everything L up much faster oh that’s uh I think that’s just the dungeon the Tob like dungeon entrance

Oho oh welcome into the as a m Feer nice thank you a that’s a nice welcome here in Midnight M will greatly appreciate that Al so yeah welcome in oh man I I also kind of missed the uh the new member be the green one which is

Kind of a which is kind of a fitting green to be a new member cuz the I mean the members name is always Al also going to be green so all right nice I still need to find a golden Bookworm there’s a lot of there’s a lot

Of bookworms of there but no golden ones least not yet and I think the the probability of finding one is literally just like one in a thousand so I won’t be surprised if I won’t be able to find one in like I don’t know 50 hours there we

Go and that’s a chest I don’t know what chest did is oh wa oh okay this little Tower okay and I still want to find a golden Bookworm cuz it’s not yeah it’s about be so it’s I won’t be able to find it here that’s a lot I’ll take lime

And I don’t need I don’t think I need light blue supercharge no it’s for throwing weapons all right no more defile PL set all right that means we’re just going to keep going even though with the uh with the very very Scuff the world loading right now oh

Man the buildup and the scenery to just take in all take in all the nature currently spawning in in front of you right now oh man oh I don’t think there’s anything special in this house but this just a good starter building I should take the bread I am running out of

It I use my Google Play point to buy play point nice I mean heck I guess any uh any ways to get the membership so yeah appreciate go back to a stack of PRS which is nice that more no I’m just heading back basically um yeah I need to

Go I thought I was going this way trying to cover up more land this is watch they subbed in another team because lost a hangman oh a hangman oh come on no dang it wasn’t able to get the right word and the right sentence oh well that

Sucks well I mean [ __ ] happens so I can play morecraft just going to keep going here oh [ __ ] and is that another I think that’s a different one I don’t know I’m not going to go there there’s a hieroglyph oh wait uh what’s this structure this seems

Something is this the oh is this this is the Asian house no I think there’s not much to it I really want to try to find a golden bookor which I’m going to have to try to find another Wildland I hear a fu for those two chests okay just shipwreck

I could just check it out though because the Shipwreck sometimes can have some good stuffs in them also here’s a water underwater dungeon not a bu treasure that’s it uh Southwest there we could go there No more winter CS okay I’m going the right direction just have to keep going there I see a fuckw oh it’s also sleeping [ __ ] okay so getting my x-ray helps then you stop don’t do that oh no my helmet I mean again I can always make more but

Still wa actually what’s the potion of fly I kind of want to know that potion of fly is that a thing I think potion of flying is remove is it how about mending potion basically repairing every tool I need this like how do I make

It a dragon oh actually I could do that I could I could use a dragon heart cuz I don’t really use for anything that would be really Cool F that that kick all right maybe after I get this treasure I’m going to go back and actually use a repair I’m going to try to make that even though it seems like it’s quite expensive but not really especially when I kill a lot of

Dragons and I still don’t have a good mening and I still don’t have a mening builder it’s really good tradeoff there you go all uh s pendant why not at least I don’t have to use I have to use the silver and the what is it called

Again yeah basically I don’t I don’t have to use the silvers and uh and the Spectre of ss to make one therefore I can make the gluttony one at least as a for collection Purposes okay yeah uh let’s go back and we’re going to make the repairing potion cuz we do need it send that goes here yeah I also have very treasure map I kind of need to find them as Well okay okay um manuscripts I’m probably just going to put it here cuz I don’t know what to do man manuscripts basically just uh just is a tool to update the Beast Theory to know all the mobs probably going to try to read all of them just

Because I do kind of want to know what they are like and I have a lot of uh winter gifts Oh Black Hearts as well and I’m full oh my God proba we got to turn some of these into uh yeah probably get just so it won’t fill up fill it up

Too much and again I’ll probably bring a not g I’ll keep the wind G me also the ice Dron die okay silver now I had two stage fives now I have another stage five it’s insane water looks more like a hideout the home water

Base the F the F base it it is it is more like a house yeah I mean it is still technically a base because all of my base the base of operation of my Bas is is under underground so yeah that’s that okay 11 spectral so so a lot of heart dusts as

Well um magenta Runes I need the blue one not the light blue so metals and a lot of fish stuff so I can trade a lot of the lot of it s dragon skills dragon skull squz sort of new discs oh wait I can actually make another Med kit oh let goes here I

Have three of them but I might as well just uh I want I do want to know how much uh this can repair my stuffs what’s the p and I do need a redstone to make it last longer there’s repairing two I think I would go for repairing 8 for 8 minutes

It’s going to take longer but it kind of does the job more um I need Advanced power so much on my bow wait wait does it need to be oh thick potion oh come on on I forgot bone mushroom spores I need to go to the nether for repairing ah I

Thought so it’s a different kind all right then is that is that a different kind of like potion uh to get the thick one is that it ah oh I thought I’ve seen this one bone mushroom spores hold on you know I need to actually look it up on the internet instead mushroom

SPS craft so follow me and put me in a cave go the over on bone blocks don’t need to keep it in the in the ne just have to get the sports from the ne first they’re all over huh I still need to go to the

Nether uh do I want to it’s kind of risky at the same time I do want to fix my armor uh okay what’s up what’s up what’s going on or is it something you just want me to shut up that’s all I mean that’s fair though keeping the presents here because uh hold

On okay there’s still a lot more I need to clothing ingots 17 more blaz rods that’s a lot gosh I have a lot of things and I should take that out oh I should go to the witches there was a witch underground thing think thing that I could have

Looted BL cut for the last goddamn time oh man I’m actually getting tired of the uh trying to trying to come up with a uh a good joke for that but uh God damn it got the umra Blaster at least Cutler eye bones and a lot of bubbles that I don’t

Need oh God it’s a lot I need to make the I I want to at least make the regen and the resistance though because they’re really good I don’t think I need the strength potion anymore I need to find like a stone Ling and I should really make that as

A wait what’s that L for social group okay now you’re just advertising for for for for Ninja stuffs God damn it oh man I can kick those Samurai ass a lot okay maybe I should also separate separate these like uh like the F land stuffs uh I think that’s oh wait no

Ravaging Essence as well um I should take out the Ombre ingots as well and I think that’s it for all the things I have to spectral s there I’m going to have to move it somewhere or maybe I could also just mesh it up with the with the serpent

Stuffs cuz I don’t think they’re going to require a lot of space anyways um I want to go to the nether but all right you know what let’s try to go to the to the nether uh like just [ __ ] it wee ball just [ __ ] it wee ball

Okay first off I’m going to make the Nether Portal pretty far away and I need a FL of Steel uh there we go all right yeah I’m going to make the ne portal not too far away like right here somewhere all right because I really want to I want to

Find the S the side and I need that I need the steel for it all right uh yep let’s see what happens I should really have my sword first actually actually no no no and my pickaxe in here I cannot use my reha potion in the

Nether as well by the way so I need to be really careful I in fact went deeper I see some Cino sdes I need to get those and I see a structure already Zombie Pigman I see a doom like no I’m going back I’m going back I’m going back Gregory Gregory I don’t

Want to know any of you okay well maybe I’m not going to go there yet I’m not really okay at least I know what’s okay at least I know at least I know what’s uh what’s behind there hey yeah I don’t want to know Gregory that’s enough shambling Horrors in in the nether so uh yeah I’m not going to I saw some Zen again I think that would be a bit too much for me me as of now especially when I don’t have a good set of armor not too good set of an armor yet because

That one explosion Blast already took a half one and a half heart on my head and I don’t like that ne’s my favorite real I mean NE is pretty cool realm but in in our lcraft it’s it’s really really hostile so and because this is Hardcore I kind of have

To be very careful and I don’t want to risk that that was a bit too much for me okay okay what was I about to do again there was something that I wanted to do uh I had an idea what what what I wanted to do but I already forgot I forgot

About it already why was I trying to find if I can’t if I can’t find a golden bookor there was something else that I want to find I see that war go there oh wa I forgot to got to sort this out again hey is there any of the same ones

Okay this one’s the same and is this one the same oh those two are the same right this these two are the same as well wait no these two are the same if they’re the same color then I can probably oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they’re the same so I can use

This use these two to make a rune reader uh yeah four stone a redstone diamond block and a four stone and then two crafting runes and because I have two dupes it’s fine what was in the middle quartz quartz block okay uh how about yep there we go

I do I should also make a advanced as well guess why not I have them uh two Emerald blocks and gold block uh what’s the last one obsidian all right and I should put room leaders I no not here got to put it right here because they

Are literally right next here all right at least I can finally check out what these are oh wow block do a chance to either duplicate that’s interesting oh go yep there we go Golem helmet I need these and the nether star and the pop okay popcorn is fruit I can

Kill some of the things I I have a place R and nether star I can kill a Wither so I can get the Golem helmet explosive pickaxe creas an explosion and breaking blocks I don’t think I want that b stays in inventory on death it doesn’t matter

If I die I die it’s hardcore Golem leggings there we go I want that hard like a rock I want the armor wait what okay never mind it’s very useful for mining obsidian FL in water I guess that’s a bobble Ender gem okay so I have these

Two crafting runes to be the the Golem armor that I want so all right these are there is the helmet this is the uh leggings so that’s good all right hold on okay a pickaxe bubble pickaxe pickaxe gem pickaxe okay pickaxe pickaxe pickaxe pickaxe a bubble this is a gem and these

Are the armor armors okay yeah right so that’s already a lot of things that I’ve uh that I’ve that I’ve gotten so far already but I still want to make a weather ring I I need to go into The Nether if I want I want to get the incen

Sites also the not to mention the the the bones Force which apparently is native in the nether but it is also to make the mo potion of mending I need the potion of manying Mostly because well I suff fix these armor I can find them find them as a

Potion in the other I just don’t know where they are yeah at least I got the ruin readers okay yeah there was something that I kind of want to do maybe kill the W no kind of don’t want to do that yet I don’t think I need to wood planks I can just put it put it here cuz I can just get blocks very easily now with my pick with Thea um there two emergency medkits all the oak crates that I need yep think I’m good but I again I still need to find

Mending do I have another mending book I do if I do I use The Mending already on sofla so no I don’t think I have another mending which is uh which is bad cuz I really want to fix the my armor but I can can also make another

Set because well I yeah I have with the the gray one yeah I can make another set but I’d rather not H bone spores oh okay bone spores uh hold on I need I need to look up again all right bone mushroom spores it’s in the better NE yeah okay um better another

Bone for need to look that up oh there you go bone mushroom Sports oh there’s no actual just doesn’t doesn’t have its own specific sites there’s still a lot of missing information so that mean there might be better NE yeah know I still don’t think it’s worth

It to go to the nether because mostly because the M that that can spawn in there is just uh this bunch of demons oh wait hold on oh wait I can oh yeah I’m going to enchant my bows I’m going to throw it ah oh Arrow recovery again

Inhumane oh against illers never mind mind oh that sucks again with the arrow recovery stop it oh yes oh finally economical I forgot what economical does do not consume ammo when used okay no I don’t need that but because I have advanced advanced power I am fine with

That because now I can actually like combine all these now I can finally get everything 33 oh God Y 38 okay 38 or 51 holy crap all right we’re going to go dungeon crawling again we’re going to get to level 30 eight we’re going to get everything now we can finally replace that goddamn bow oh and maybe an also Infinity hold on so I don’t have to use the uh the

Arrow quiver I can finally use another B much more useful Bobble probably a different ring as well well I want to get the PO ring potion ring of resistance oh maybe the the balloon actually it does give you give you a lot maybe why not I could go for the

Balloon but for now I need to upgrade these two and okay again we Infinity oh wait oh that’s because it has to add recovery oh okay infinity or Aro recovery Infinity Arrow recovery Infinity Arrow recovery the thing is about Infinity oh God hold on gosh oh choices choices hold on does

Power have like the a supreme power no it’s wait no no it’s only go goes up to Advan power Advanced power five which is very obviously very powerful I don’t know oh wait multishot hold on can Multi Shot go with the split shot I forgot I have multishot to also

Strave yeah I have a lot else on the scope forgot about that hold on okay can split shot go with oh no I have to choose I don’t know split shot or multi- shot is better duplicat the arrow Fire by the by the bow of arrows varies on the enchantment

Levels and each Arrow fire damages okay what about multishot let’s use Sho multiple arrows at once oh wait I guess I don’t need multishot multi shot’s basically like a shotgun but split shot I guessing could be some kind of like a burst fire bow I mean it obviously says duplicates

So I kind of want to try in Creative just to see what what it does but I kind of want to try to go for split shot no let’s go for split shot so I’m not going to go for multishot all right but strafe St is obviously I need that wait

What is it because it has pushing it might be because it has pushing might be because it has pushing all right yep I have a quest let’s go dungeon crawling again and hopefully I don’t break my helmet because if I do I kind of want to go to Village

Third I I could just find a random Ro uh Doom like dungeon So what’s going around here it’s going to be a very expensive bow but I’d say it’s what oh Gru I don’t like the cruise I don’t want dark either how many guys s oh yeah I’m immune to Lava forgot about that oh no I don’t want that dude quit targeting my head that’s not cool it’s messed up Unbreaking two that’s penetration five I’m going to

Keep that do I have a penetration penetration uh villager I don’t think so oh 25 durability left remember thisy going to be a very expensive bonus one that was a light calm the [ __ ] down everyone H not I think that’s all though no that’s not all n that’s not all either Noe

That’s not all either I’m just camping them How can any of you be potion of mending cuz I really don’t want to break my I mean it’s only Unbreaking 3 respiration 3 in aqua I can always get that again and I don’t need to worry about

The boots pants and chest plate as much as the helmet and I can always make another one again but still Okay this needs a stfe oh it’s only cost 35 because it’s pushing you know I don’t think I care about pushing under y I’m into lava so it doesn’t affect me that could also be a steel lock and she yeah I just need 36 now just need 36 levels then I can rename

Get everything I almost missed that okay my lock fix yep it’s a steel one so better make sure I need to destroy the chest later not too good obviously but I just what I want is a lockpick yep oh wait I do need a COR for this D as soon as I want to Pi Dr the course maybe not now M just need a couple I guess split shot two Arrow recovery rid fire even though it’s lesser flame flame it doesn’t matter I’m fine with that Welcome Home the F the whole family is not here I think multishot is better godamn no it’s fine I made my choices I don’t I

Think split shots basically just some more uh it’s more stable linear kind of split like actually split shots so so I don’t I and multishot again this system a lot more inaccurate but yeah I think I’m pretty pretty happy with the state I’m at well not happy with these Mouse though yeah

Everything I don’t need this bow anymore but yeah I can actually just end the stream now finally actually no I didn’t want to get everything to Legendary so I’m going to do that on stream actually so uh oh God yeah that is a sign that I have to have stop the stream because

Otherwise it’s going to go bad I thank you for your service ever a do the M special and there’s this one lone iron axe here I have which I don’t know what to use for do I have a penet penetration I don’t know if I have a penetration five

Villager that’s education three I don’t think I have penetration 5 I think it’s last World strength by is what I would need and at least my helmet they hav hasn’t brok it’s not broken yet there still some room for improvement only need the corus fruits here got more

Presents no I was mostly not will not open and I can finally make this second Ingot without going into The Nether or some cites I need six more locks six more steel lock steel locks that’s what I need oh also uh need the bones to gamble to get e to

Legendary oh wait Vala is not legendary yet she needs to be a legendary pickaxe there we go legendary balona now time for a legendary everon there we go oh I think I need the Y Legendary everin Legendary vuna maybe I I should also change the

For to no this actually this guy is PLO and because he he’s also unbreakable I might as well just a blockco is also Fortune three pickaxe there we go legendary block woo except for this axe I don’t know I just that ax is just there d special I’m pretty stack now well not

Really for my armor but I still want to find more uh what is it called again the crafting runes I need to find all the Golem armor I want I want I want to look like Rook from chps chess when mcci probably after this uh I feel like I

Should end the stream now CU I uh uh I don’t know what to do now so CU I pretty much got everything that I mostly need for now because this is pretty uh is already pretty good yep I’m already at a pretty good state that I don’t need a lot of things

Anymore so yeah I think that should be it for this stream and uh I I don’t know SP if I want to do more mcci because I’m actually getting a bit tired so uh yeah I’m just going to end stream now so wherever you are Wherever You Are

Whenever you are hope you enjoyed the stream and you enjoyed the stream I don’t know I I I’m really hoping that I can get myself to actually get back to my vanilla hardcore for a little bit at least to build something on stream instead of having

To do AAL CRA hardcore or AAL crap I promise I should really do something in my my vanilla hardcore instead so yeah yeah so enjoy the stream don’t forget to like subscribe share the stream to everyone else if they if they want to get insulted by the streamer himself so yeah

I’ll see you all in the next one uh and oh I forgot I F I finally put the prb screen back oh I missed this

This video, titled ‘We’re Getting Sufla, Muy (Minecraft Hardcore RLCraft)’, was uploaded by Abdron on 2023-12-10 19:41:10. It has garnered 39 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:22:00 or 15720 seconds.

Credits: – C418: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4uFZsG1vXrPcvnZ4iSQyrx

– PETS: https://soundcloud.com/lemmino https://www.youtube.com/user/LEMMiNOMusic

– OFF Original Soundtrack by Alias Conrad Coldwood

– Czesław Śpiewa – Tesco Value (Full Album)

Some support for my cat would be lovely: – https://streamlabs.com/abdron

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    Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Bedrock Review Minecraft 1.21 Bedrock Update: Exploring the Tricky Trials Autocrafter and New Blocks The Autocrafter is a new block introduced in the 1.21 update, allowing players to automate crafting specific items by setting up the required materials and recipes. Alongside this, the update brings 30 new copper blocks and Copper Lanterns, adding a touch of elegance to your creations. Additionally, volcanic tuff blocks have been added, offering a variety of building options. Trails Chambers and Sinister Events The Trails Chambers are a new structure in Minecraft 1.21, filled with challenges and rewards. Within these chambers, players will encounter Trail Spawners… Read More

  • Reborn in Minecraft: Monkey Manhwa Recap

    Reborn in Minecraft: Monkey Manhwa Recap The Exciting World of Minecraft Mods Embark on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, where endless possibilities await with the awakening of the MOD System. Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds as you freely add and modify mods to enhance your gameplay experience. Unleashing Creativity with Mods With the MOD System at your fingertips, unleash your creativity by adding a plethora of mods to your Minecraft world. From new items and tools to exciting gameplay mechanics, mods allow you to tailor your gaming experience to suit your preferences. Exploring New Dimensions One of… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 47 of Wood Challenge Madness

    Crafting Chaos: Day 47 of Wood Challenge Madness In the world of Minecraft, day 47 is here, Wood Challenge 365, let’s give a cheer! The seed of the world, a number to find, Join the channel, support the creator’s mind. In Discord we gather, a community strong, On Twitch we watch, as we game along. Tik Tok dances, a playful display, But in Minecraft, we’ll always stay. IrlandesGamer, the master of rhyme, Crafting stories in rhythm and time. Trolling the plateau, a playful jest, But in the end, we all know who’s best. Greetings to all, in the virtual land, Minecraft unite, hand in hand. Juancarloshernandezgomez9340, daelvalencialabrada3989,… Read More

  • Mr Beast vs Herobrine Minecraft Showdown

    Mr Beast vs Herobrine Minecraft Showdown Minecraft: MR BEAST vs HEROBRINE Are you ready for an epic showdown in the world of Minecraft? In a recent video titled “Minecraft ama MR BEAST vs HEROBRINE,” the popular gamer Daghaninho takes on the mysterious Herobrine. Let’s dive into the action-packed adventure! The Encounter As the video unfolds, Daghaninho stumbles upon Herobrine while exploring the vast landscapes of Minecraft. A tense exchange follows as the two characters come face to face. Herobrine, known for his enigmatic presence in the game, challenges Daghaninho to a game. A Risky Deal Herobrine proposes a dangerous game to Daghaninho, but our fearless… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Power Moves

    Mastering Minecraft Power Moves Minecraft: Herobrine’s Quest for Ultimate Power In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new adventure unfolds. Herobrine, a mysterious figure, is on a quest to gain ultimate power and rule over the Minecraft universe. This thrilling journey is captured in a short trailer that promises excitement, challenges, and the ultimate showdown. Herobrine’s Ambition Herobrine, with a menacing aura, sets his sights on achieving unparalleled power. His determination to conquer Minecraft and establish his dominance creates a sense of impending conflict. As players delve into this narrative, they are drawn into a world where danger… Read More

  • Oldroot’s Minecraft Mindbender: Unravel the Puzzle

    Oldroot's Minecraft Mindbender: Unravel the Puzzle In the world of Minecraft, a mystery unfolds, Oldroot’s puzzle, with codes and clues untold. Researchers on Reddit, a journey they take, To solve the enigma, for the truth’s sake. A dark figure, a SoundCloud link in disguise, Leading to clues, hidden in the skies. Riddles and codes, a message to find, In every step, the truth intertwined. From Kuzgun’s whispers to a Tumblr blog, Each link revealing, like a dense fog. A steve’s image, a new dark sight, Guiding researchers, through the night. Morse code signatures, a message to decode, Each step taken, on the hidden road. A… Read More

  • Minecraft Mods in 2024: Curse Forge Tutorial

    Minecraft Mods in 2024: Curse Forge Tutorial Installing Mods in Minecraft Using Curse Forge Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience by adding mods and modpacks to your game? Look no further! In this tutorial, you will learn how to easily and quickly install your favorite mods using Curse Forge, a program that makes the process seamless. Whether you are playing the latest version of Minecraft or an older one, this guide will work for you. Let’s dive in! What is Curse Forge? Curse Forge is a popular tool among Minecraft players that simplifies the process of installing mods and modpacks. It provides a user-friendly… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Choose the Wrong House, Face Death! – Minecraft

    Choose the Wrong House, Face Death! - Minecraft The Thrilling World of Minecraft Step into the exciting world of Minecraft, where every decision you make can mean life or death! Join Adem and Ahmet on their thrilling adventures filled with entertainment, escape, horror, and mystery. Don’t miss out on their latest videos by turning on notifications 🔔! Subscribe and Follow 🟥 Subscribe for free ➡️ here 🟪 Follow my Tiktok account ➡️ here 🟩 Become a member of my channel ➡️ here For Business Inquiries For advertising and sponsorship opportunities, contact [email protected] Exciting Minecraft Content Explore a variety of themes in Minecraft, from escape challenges to revenge… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update

    Unveiling Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update – Exploring the New Features It has finally happened, the full release of the version of Minecraft 1.21 called “Tricky Trials” has taken place. The update turned out to be very large and interesting – and today we will explore all the new features in this update. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the exciting additions and changes that come with this update. Additions: Blocks Chiseled Copper is a decorative variant of the copper block, generated in a new structure called the Trial Chamber. It can be created in the workbench… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Livestream: Sonic X Shadow Showdown

    Insane Twist in Livestream: Sonic X Shadow ShowdownVideo Information e e e thank you Jeff hi everyone I am so excited to be here at Summer gamefest I’m here with you today to share some even more Super for fun trailers so let’s get straight to okay are we back up I’m so sorry I don’t know what happened my Roblox crash no sorry I just want to turn it back on for a second guys I’m so sorry I don’t know what happened guys can you hear me hear me again it’s working on my computer guys I don’t know what happened I’m so sorry what… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Solar System Build!

    Insane Minecraft Solar System Build!Video Information hello premium this is my channel forite and in this video I’m going to be showing you the planets in Minecraft sizes I’m playing in Minecraft um no not I and yeah this is so much I thought so here’s the sun obviously needed 64 blocks to make four manga KN box to make the sun and the Sun is kind of burning but fire and this is four BLX toe if come his orbit it’s going to get roses going to okay because yeah the on okay you need one iron bar button to make World Korean… Read More

  • Master the Elements in Minecraft! Ultimate Air Bending with HD Shaders

    Master the Elements in Minecraft! Ultimate Air Bending with HD ShadersVideo Information This video, titled ‘HD Air Bending In Minecraft with Factions & Distant Horizons Shaders!’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:43:32. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:47 or 107 seconds. Java Or Bedrock! Minecraft Server IP: allsanctum.com Discord Invite: discord.gg/G9baugNyvD Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Insane Bionic Creates Real Life Tiny Minecraft Base!

    Insane Bionic Creates Real Life Tiny Minecraft Base!Video Information today my goal is to build the tiniest Minecraft secret base and hide it but not in Minecraft in real life and my friends are going to try and hunt it down to destroy it where’s bro going oh my God I think I see it I think I see it this is the ultimate episode of Base hunt welcome goobers to Minecraft base hunt you guys have 1 hour to find my tiny secret base in this giant 500×500 map and if you guys find it there’s $1,000 inside of this tiny see $1,000 $1,000 you know… Read More

  • Exploring Mystical Void SMP – Mind-Blowing Cinematic!

    Exploring Mystical Void SMP - Mind-Blowing Cinematic!Video Information This video, titled ‘MYSTICAL VOID SMP REVIEW CINEMATIC 🚀 #trendingvideo #viral #gaming’, was uploaded by AEROX__YT on 2024-05-27 13:05:43. It has garnered 223 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #gaming #trendingvideo #feedshorts #viral #goat #minecraft #hastag #feeds #1millionviews #best #noob #ronaldo #sigmarule #great #new #mcpe #mobilelegends #bedrock #crore #india # I hope you like this video 📸 so that’s it luv u fam Read More

  • Unbelievable Transformation with Melodies of Perseverance

    Unbelievable Transformation with Melodies of PerseveranceVideo Information This video, titled ‘An Inspirational Story about “Melodies of Perseverance” #shorts #motivation #ytshorts’, was uploaded by ABK-Inspirational on 2024-05-17 13:30:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. An Inspirational Story about “Melodies of Perseverance” #shorts #motivation #ytshorts. one piece mod minecraft pe demon slayer … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Pro HACKS!

    INSANE Minecraft Pro HACKS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pro’, was uploaded by PKG on 2024-03-10 07:13:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!

    Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!Video Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today on something brand new that I have not played in absolutely forever bro I am super excited to start up this series you guys could probably already tell by the title and the thumbnail everything going on it’s a little bit different than what’s normally on the channel right but I have done these series before and I honestly did have a lot of fun doing them but guys today we are on Madia for a brand new Pixelmon series you guys might not have known Madia… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!

    Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft chiknen face #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftlovers #craft #livestream’, was uploaded by Mine Captain on 2024-01-10 04:53:58. It has garnered 2727 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #minecraft #dreamnotfound #mcyt #minecraftmemes #minecraftfunny #minecrafter #fyp #gaming #mcpe #minecraftserver #foryou #charliecustardbuilds #peashock #tiktokplaysminecraft #live #movetothebeatofbai #minecraftbuilding #minecrafthouse #minecrafttutorial #stopmotion #minecrafts #nostalgia#memez #meme #dailymemes #funnymeme #freshmemes #memelord #spicymemes #funnymemes #minecraftcursedimageshappy #minecraftbuilder #minecraftisawesome #minecraftdesigns #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecraftshaders #minecraftmob #minecraftanimation #minecraftskin #minecraftcursed #minecart #minecraftparty #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuildhacks Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist LGBTQ+ Hermitcraft-like Friendly Community 5+ Years!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-focused SMP server started by Colinator007 and RavingPlatypi, now run by RavingPlatypi and Cowmilk. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community of players. Whether you enjoy redstone engineering, building, or just hanging out, you’ll find a place with us. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming: All playstyles are welcome, from technical builds to community-focused play. Community-driven & transparent: We value community feedback and transparency in our decisions. Mutual trust & respect: Our community is respectful and drama-free. Commitment to Vanilla experience: We maintain a… Read More


    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.chickencraft.nl (GL HF) Read More

  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

    WyrdCraft | Witchery+Welcome to WyrdCraft!This is a modded server on version 1.7.10 mainly focused on the Witchery mod with a few other additions. We are a casual community and have very few rules. The server is very new and still needs work to be a final product but we are officially playable. Modlist:Aether BiblioCraft BiomesOPlenty BloodMagic BloodMoon Botania EtFuturumRequiem IronBackpacks IronChests Netherlicious OpenBlocks PamsHarvest ThaumCraft TwilightForest WildCaves WitcheryServer IP: play.wyrdcraft.netDiscord: discord.wyrdcraft.netModpack: mods.wyrdcraft.net Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2 In Minecraft, I built more houses, it’s true, Each one unique, with a different view. From the village to the fields, my creations soar, Crafting with care, I always want more. I play FIFA 4, trying to level up my team, Buying and selling players, it’s like a dream. Upgrading Bling and Crus, to make them shine, In the transfer market, my strategy is fine. I face challenges, like laggy networks and more, But I keep on playing, never feeling sore. With dedication and skill, I aim to win, In the world of gaming, I’ll always spin. So join… Read More

  • “From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts” #minecraft #lol

    "From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts" #minecraft #lol At age 5: “Mom, can you help me avoid this trap in Minecraft?” At age 15: “I’ll just watch a YouTube tutorial on trap avoidance.” At age 25: “I’ve been playing Minecraft for years, I can sense a trap from a mile away.” At age 35: “I’ve mastered the art of trap avoidance in Minecraft, it’s like second nature to me now.” At age 45: “I’ve avoided so many traps in Minecraft, I should put it on my resume as a skill.” Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

    Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed Minecraft 1.21 Trailer vs Reality Introduction In the world of Minecraft, trailers often showcase exciting new features and updates that players can look forward to. However, sometimes these trailers can deviate from the actual gameplay experience, leading to interesting comparisons between the trailer and reality. Misleading Visuals One of the common discrepancies between Minecraft trailers and reality is the portrayal of certain game elements. For example, in the 1.21 update trailer, Mojang mistakenly depicted chests opening with the lock remaining at the bottom, unlike the actual in-game animation where the lock lifts up. Similarly, arrows in the trailer appear… Read More

  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

    Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!Video Information give me all your bro what the is a sord going to do what are you scared now you’re asking for it wait no no no no someone please help my cupcake don’t worry citizen I’m here Iron Man yes it is I the amazing Iron Man God damn it I need like a fireman or something I can’t believe it a fully rebuilt World Trade Center in Minecraft I never thought I’d see the day that that would be oh my God who could be knocking at 3:00 a.m. in the morning hey I’m Sonic the Hedgehog… Read More

  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

    Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!Video Information seed is crazy imagine a Pillager Outpost stacked on top of a mansion stacked on top of an ocean Monument stacked on top of an End Portal oh my gosh bro this whole seat is crazy okay these sand blocks I got of place I’m breaking these oh I found bur treasure oh zombie head okay I’m going just take all the essential stuff my zombie head steak and Cobblestone I guess wait my zombie head what the heck Hello did I miss something okay that’s weird um I’m just going to act like that didn’t happen I’m… Read More

  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More