Ultimate RLCraft Challenge: Beat It Without Dying!

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All right hello there people it is MRA from R and freak you ha that’s that’s what I want to say but yeah why does the human brain ignore the second the true oh true what the oh that’s insane yo that was epic but yeah freaky but all right someone get me freck y

Can’t wait for cave game by notch to come out it’s cave oh that’s a level right all right people cave game Notch let’s see no that’s Oh that’s oh that’s Minecraft oh I’m so dumb not not confused me because of the name uh But game game version of Minecraft game game Tech test was made by Notch it was made in 2009 insane that’s the old name cool M wait mro 2009 Really oh that’s pretty cool but all right hello people it is Me Crazy from today we’re going to be playing some uh AR craft we’re going to resume our Victory game uh and we’re going to win today is already not there we go this overload baby was in development in 2009 damn you

Sure know a lot he space hello building some Trins making some water stay dehydrated chat always drink water stay dehydrated all right I hope you guys are having a fantastic day I certainly I just went to my exam and I came back like uh um an hour ago then I studed oh why am I underwater no I’m not okay that’s just

How I forgot what cool house we were living in all right give me it a second for the first few seconds it will lag a bit and then it will go big okay as I was saying um yeah I just went to my exam I came back was fun can you get

Out what the are these guys doing anyways what I died last time there’s no way oh I did die last time okay Well uh I can’t use anything but yeah any arcraft experts there can you all tell me how will I be able to use I actually started to play cave gam since I was s that’s cool what epic uh 20 oh wow you so you are how

Many like 2010 you seven so I guess you’re like a year older than me no wait 2010 I was six so yeah you’re seven yeah so you’re older than me that’s very cool that makes sense why you’re so good at uh D Dash yeah I can’t use this though yeah

So any any rlcraft players can someone tell me how do I meet this requirement what is that I never understood that the first picture from minecraft is in the old version of the game 2009 before the game was released it was on my Notch it was my it was on my Notch girlfriend

What is that can you guys shut oh my can you guys shut up I can’t even break that just shut the away I can’t oh okay I just messed that up that’s fine Mar a oh not real name is Marcus I didn’t know that all right it is night time you know

Night is the time where we fight monsters let me just put on some good music yeah there we go uh what is that AIS why are you attacking me buddy oh because I attacked the villag oh but time to run get out ages I’m going to

Sleep oh oh God now is a monster for me he pronounce person as pear oh got it his SCH name is Marcus Alex pear oh that’s why the girl name is Alex it’s pretty cool he just be friends trying to attack me I think oh was trying to attack Me well that’s just unfortunate isn’t it maybe I’m going to have to move places Now oh it’s still following me oh it’s not okay I forgot oh wow okay so maybe I don’t have to move places yeah I guess we we friendly all right yeah we got to get we got to go to our top because that is where we have hidden the major

Stuff if I manag to find even a single um wooden axe or pickaxe that would be really good otherwise we’re going to have to go all the way back to uh flint and steel and stuff oh what is this morphine supress healthy debuffs wow that’s pretty cool I didn’t know about

That uh the Alex skin is based on jens’s Jeb Breon one of the devs wow you sure know a lot the Blaster Affinity looting death rer infinity oh Infinity that’s cool bandages okay yeah I just need some like normal things you know like food is

Nice uh how about you give me a uh we just if you just manage to get a single stone pickaxe that be really good what The oh even wood might be nice you know just blocks of wood uh if not we’re going to have to go with fling Shard oh you not even have wood at uh two one more would be nice yikes that’s unfortunate I wish I could turn offense back on wooden

Logs I have so much stuff but I cannot use any of that that’s welcome to R craft oh let’s go all right easy we don’t need to go back to Flint all right let’s go down uh I don’t know where Steve got a skin but I think it’s also one of the

Deps wow that’s pretty cool this was one of my favorite skin I skins I think I oh I don’t have my special skin in rlcraft that’s unfortunate my special skin you’ll see you’ll love it everyone loves it how about some sleep now I don’t know why why did that do the

Fire thing okay I guess this oh now I’m fully healed Al the AG is still mad no I can kill it but yeah okay uh you need to get some sticks and that’s it these guys have a lot of books in Them Easy oh we already looted this I forgot yikes can I can I make I don’t think I can make that I don’t want to break my Legs I I might be able to make maybe I to with it ah oh one of my Black is gone okay completely gone easy I don’t think I have slowness though yeah I don’t a I win this one okay there’s like a big cave sort of

Thing right there so going to go there uh and okay some Stone would be Nice what the what is that a bad guy okay sticks there we go w a birthday gift Christmas time let’s go a poison here’s your present what is the pleas what oh that’s pretty cool but that’s it did like die into the dirt or something so I got one Ender pear isn’t that

Fantastic all right dark dark just normally attack humans is that copper that’s mushroom that guy will definitely try to attack me up I think it’s in his nature fight him Dark Ages oh there oh this is the guy that was trying to kill me okay ah stay away stay away there it oh Man no stay away away I will find it out in the open but I will not die oh my head held ah where is it ahes let’s go I wi oh I’m feeling very heat and that’s how Heroes win Wars what if not never uh go in the

Now I’m feeling cool okay what if Notch never said Minecraft never sold Minecraft will the updates be better than today well they won’t exist then would They you drop something nope okay let’s go heal ourselves where the healing chest we can go to sleep that doesn’t quite work though oh we got what we were here for okay we needed like stick I only got one stick what does the quiver Mean okay that’s a sword also another sword oh I can just wear these I can’t wear these yeah I’m not even worthy enough to play to wear tunic now Minecraft would be racist then that’s fair yeah eight right yeah okay okay let’s see I don’t think I need food I just

Need medical treatment which is like upstairs Somewhere I don’t know how to go up with every walk I walk I get a red sort of beeping thing which is crazy because it just shows that I’m in pain okay now where was the Apparently not here carrot would be nice to eat uh I think it was good

Decision to sell Minecraft for 2.5 B well he didn’t sell it for $2.5 billion I think my how much Minecraft is the highest selling uh game of all time right that’s insane pick it up these guys have some insane stuff but all of that is useless to Me I shall kill you that CA him depression I don’t know what Na’s story is what happened to na you depressed I can fix him and then go on a rampage uh probably yeah Al the crafting okay wait now let me just make

A I don’t even have two oh my God I need two and you can make ACC like like this in this game what is this I know that’s a button right yeah what do I do with a button MyCraft got very popular basically not made Minecraft for fun but

Mine got very popular because of being just a TI out true that’s very true foot head wait put Head right foot man my legs are also busted yikes apple juice I’m fine there you go I CH up slowness come on I guess oh wait let me just store in my um whatever this is called Ender Ender pole at least and my poison glance I guess please two play of poison Cloud

That’s cool It’s hot in here really M to not AB really that’s actually insane I didn’t know that so that place is a bad bad that’s a eh it’s like this is good uh what do I need okay uh let’s get some it’s not caret thank you very much

There you go okay now let’s get some question for you guys what is the smallest racket called in table 10 is H how do I know that I know everything but there were also haters everywhere and not was getting online hate for the game not couldn’t handle

The hate he was not kind of guy who could take hate a poor guy now feel bad for Him I forgot that you have to right click on these things to pick them up well I mean no matter what you do your ha is going to hate you know tell them to boohoo I’m making 1 million a month you are not off you know let just say that not

Minecraft all right time to go uh yeah I’m going to stack up shitload of wood so that uh you know we’ll never be out we’ll never have to return to Flint again so you know it’s a it’s a good collecting Montage moment there should be a crafting table dude damn it now I’m

Going to have to go all the way okay we’re going to plant a crafting right at the door as well but you’re dying no you’re not where am I going not there there go um this wait I think I’ll get you know I think I’d like to get a shitload of

Um uh the other thing Stone actually you know that would be really good oh but I can just get Stone from anywhere that’s fine though but Microsoft $2.5 billion but then he got lonely Minecraft was purpose of life which is now gone ah what did he say I thought he said Elish bite my friends have and I went to college like after a lot long day lot lot of time you know and then like Elish

And I’m like guys why don’t you all die and then they all die know that’s the that’s the sort of power you got to have Chad okay wood wood wood where will I find wood it’s in caves yeah like right here Stone I mean my Bad I if you combine for you get well that just dumb I say I mean like yeah that’s sure that’s more realistic but that’s just a waste of time for Everyone what I love the falling leaves though they look beautiful uh and then he got on Twitter and started posting some racist stuff really oh God microft also kicked him out from Minecraft events happening because they wanted to save the image of of but that is literally his

Game like I he did go down a weird path uh kind of the same thing happened to yand simulators Dev actually you know he was later caught being a pedophile which is insane Elish by I just you know okay I need to go back soon I need to go back home Soon but then not said Minecraft is now dead but Minecraft isn’t dead also what the also Minecraft isn’t Ronaldo to just you know get the stocks down of companies within like second who the is breaking that that’s Creepy poor guy Notch he just wanted to make a game until this pickaxe breaks we on a pickaxe Montage this is a life of Minecraft you know who spends his entire day Minecrafting or they do most of the time they just cheat right Ronald only water

Yeah also he like did another one right recently I think we did uh oh yeah Snapchat Snapchat snap was so funny so if we don’t know what happened um if you don’t know what happened uh that was really funny that’s one of my favorite moments so um a fan came to

Ronaldo asking for a photo and Ronaldo was like oh yeah sure but then open up Snapchat and he’s like no no no no no that’s Snapchat and Snapchat stocks have been so bad uh people have started uninstalling it everything is bad so funny see I mean certified Snapchat hater Ronaldo

W easy money there we go finally all right now getting back home will be a bit tough actually no it just it’s not even that oh it is night hey ages may you protect us all so do Dark Ages become white ages in the night time or what’s what’s the CE with

Ages how do you even pronounce them ages ages if you watch uh those Snapchat shorts videos stop it get some help Snapchat also has shorts now what God I am I I not got up to anything but yeah yeah that’s this song what I’m talking about but yo uh compan making

EXP ensive ads by seeing budget meanwhile uhhuh you know the best marketing strategy is GTA6 just makes such a banger of a uh game and a series of games that you don’t even have to Market your future games American Tourist true dude American Tourist oh okay I I do that wait I just started moving the chest you piece of get out of there ah no my apple juice wait I I’m wondering Rd and ver in in the same as Through yeah I’ve seen I’ve seen that recent yeah yeah I’ve seen that I actually saw that not too long ago although I don’t like l so I just ignored you know yeah it was a funny ad yeah the one where he like she’s sleeping on the thing right

Yeah Y open your present and it’s a pleasant surprise I got one Ender uh Pearl out of that yeah what are we what are we doing I thought this died okay now we’ll never be out on Stone there was my crafting table look okay let’s go down oh we have to get some wood I don’t have any wood H that’s a matter of Concern morphine it just sounds cool you know just oh you know I I drink some morphine it sounds like an alcohol but what rich people would drink it’s like oh yeah I drink well I drink the morine not like you peasants I don’t know how but I ran ran

Up into another problem go for it uh I’ll tell you to wake up again yesterday at 3 uh M fighting Army in four gr ninja war me fighting my friends who say to make Snapchat account well I mean a lot of my friends are like making streaks and I do

Not understand any of that it’s like so yeah funny funny argument not argument funny conversation right and V in the same add add we don’t want to watch any three okay so yeah uh so me and my friends were having a conversation about Snapchat and they telling me about their stream

Streaks and so you’re talking about streaks and I’m like okay streaks so if you send video photos to each other every day you get streaks and I’m like okay woke up near 320 something that’s just unfortunate so yeah and I was like um okay so okay you make streaks and then

Uh how did I get you piece of oh God I do not I do not want to mess with you aeges AES help aeges AES AES it will kill me it never will let’s go I swear to God if you try to beat the out of me I

Will okay survive birthday birday bir birthday it’s not birthday but it’s Christmas let’s see what my okay CH this one’s for you okay ignore the voice crack h ah what Rudolph Rudolph killed me oh it’s so funny uh you discover Jacker walk that that doesn’t count I got

Greedy and uh anyway so I was saying okay so you give each other each other photos every and you get streaks okay uh and then what and they’re like nothing you just keep doing that and I’m like okay but what do you get from it and they’re like nothing and I’m like

But that’s SN is such a good app you piece of I’m going to kill you Rudol got him I mean r was Fed Up of all of Santa you know Shenanigans carrots sticks and stones break my bones but my dad says he’s okay that did not make any sense okay I need to what do I even here for I got to go back up oh my hey give me one minute no my rocks oh wait hey

Where are my rocks where are my Rocks my rocks ah there we go 35 yep 35 baby let’s go I remember on Sunday uh me s game were playing football game in the park and some girls were using a dog filter of Snapchat and I was having my phone right behind them I played who let

The dogs out that is so funny got him uh so another girl in my class has a crush on me let’s go W’s yeah you definitely second of all uh second of all all of my homies oh my homies already know about it so I’m already freaked up well that’s not a problem

That’s just a opportunity you know smash okay smash not in the wrong way but you know like if you get an opportunity smash the opportunity that’s what we say in the Crazy Land I want someone to shoot me any oh yeah I had so much fun editing

The Dark Souls video oh my God that was so fun I be like I was going to I was planning on uploading it today but I will upload it tomorrow because I have a experiment Pati to do something like That how how do oh oh what do I need an Axe I just need to arrange some I want Aphrodite boss freak you Aphrodite shall die but not to the hands of Creator oh yeah you guys see the B for Ragnarok Wala is going to be out I don’t know the the the trailer is out or not

But yeah I heard today that W is going to be out great I think I put pois GL in a separate chest that’s a food chest okay oh that’s my leather Okay that’s also my w okay paper paper yay where is Marco we W meet Marco today unfortunate a freak you you know I’m not going to more Lea where is leather where did I keep leathering that one okay okay so anything else that I would like to keep um but now this and this um yeah you got to go Here okay everything else in minus and I can lose it cool easy she’s like an out of 10 not too good not too bad by looks by personality he’s a 10 but then you know what they say when you’re desperate you choose anything so I’m confused too H ah so you say she’s a eight okay let Let’s ignore the looks if you think that uh you know if you think she’s 8 out of 10 you know she’s she’s definitely a 10 out of 10 uh her personality say is an8 out isn’t 10 out of 10

Interesting she has a crush on you has you ever made the first move on you I just go to play it until she herself uh because maybe maybe I’m Del well if all your homies know then it’s definitely true what are you looking for e e e

I don’t know why I carry this okay let’s chop some trees boys hope I’m worthy of using a stone axx Yep no this i’ been chopping this because always gives me leaves time to let me speak English boys no one is accept me hey dude me already has enough me is also not ugly okay no woman is ugly period that’s it full stop Acorn SS Eh this music is so Good ah wait multi oh boy oh Mr Tree ah okay Ah can you heal me please woman oh God wait we got to go back we got to go back okay that that that doesn’t count because that was also a jump scare I have not once died to a thing that that killed me like up front you can see one-on-one fight I never

Lose except Griffith well yeah true you hit that piece of you know fan boy oh look how big that tree is you know Mr tree H okay you know Mr tree you know Mr tree I have a little something I would like to say to you you’re too fast

For it for for your side H can you do you not know I am Here how can you attack me so so much wait wait wait oh where’s my axe Stone axe aha who has the power now y okay go back I lost my legs how do I lose my legs there what TR C TR ER know he he Beast he uh

What what was the word for it he uh you know like caught me of guard so he deserves the death coming to him I don’t want my things to despawn really no one wants to help me Huh there’s a lot more where that came from by the way buddy you pie oh that’s what I thought yeah die just like that deserve that go Stone all give me one second where the tree ant oh come here don’t let me you regen no you don’t regenerate him he’s a bad

Guy and I will fight you even if it cost me my life which it already did two times but since I’m Immortal oh wait what I killing him I was killing him with the wrong axe we’re going to go back to him we’re going to kill him this

Is my first time so I don’t really know if she finally if she has made a move or not but she does talkop to me and even trapped tapped my thigh today so yeah I need some freaking advice oh interesting yeah she definely into you like okay what do you think about

Her let’s say you know hypothetical situation she never approached you okay uh you never met your crush and she never approached you okay would you on your own accord by your own accord would you ever go approach her I’m not telling when the next bus will

Come that’s not what we there to talk about you know we’re talking about the current bus that is on the station waiting don’t tell me he heal oh my God don’t heal Him where’s my stone axe there you go no I was kidding with my stone Axe how does he hit me You know what okay enough games we going to fight where’s my ah wait wait oh he’s going to kill me ah Yikes okay because he hits he hits my my head no I no I never would but I’m because I’m no no no let’s say you’re an extroverted guy okay you talk to females ladies ladies talk to you right it’s like hypo in a hypothetical situation it’s like is she a preference

Or it’s she a choice of yours that you would like go out on your own accord it’s like it’s she on your list to okay maybe I will you know like be in a relationship with her is she like uh like before she approached you like what she have been Once he hits you just so much Damage oh he’s he’s he’s going crazy finally how many did he give me worth it ah veloc Raptor I should dare stay the away from me what oh killed him look at how good I am at this game I do have immense slowness then don’t be scared of women

Freak you that is this is not helping you need to be Helping are all my stuff gone is all my stuff gone what happened to my English there I I need my Cobble actually thank you and my yeah uh the other axe okay time to get out of here respectfully off witches you know when someone someone says like

With all due respect or like with total respect in my heart or it’s like you know like when people say like in all of my respectful nature and stuff that that means that they literally don’t give a and they don’t have any respect that’s is how it

Is I’m walking because I have I I have my legs broken okay don’t judge me don’t judge me I’m cute should be my oh that that’ll be my merge you know don’t judge me I’m very cute and then you get an audio of me singing Mina Mina with that oh that’ll

Be the perfect merch ever you’re going to have to pay for the audio too by the way you know you’re not getting it for free not in my town you ain’t uh English speaking R um he would have been she would have been a choice to me

If and only if I was an extraer I don’t pull any other yeah definitely dude if she has been like if you would if she would have been a choice for you like before wait wait she someone someone someone you know save that okay so yeah I mean that’s just

Perfect then um because like even if she didn’t approach you first and uh even if she didn’t approach you first and she still would have been your first choice then that means it’s a w and you should definitely yeah know you say that her personal you know look at her

Personalities and think about like on a more long-term basis think as long as just marriage because that’s not how today’s mentality like today’s people’s mentality works just think of like okay if I were to be in a relationship with her for like a year or two years would I be happy

That’s all you want to think about and then hey if you’re like yeah you know what not because you’re don’t think in a desper in desperation though like think about like genuinely it’s like I’m going to go in a relationship with her and I have these these problems she might have

These these problems also but before getting into relationship get to know her better like talk to her and uh yeah do that and then think about it because that’ll give you a better scope of like you know how she is and all of that good stuff the good stuff that sounds wrong

But like I’m in a totally like in a right way like good stuff you know good stuff baby no okay baby is also saying wrong there okay like you know what I mean I know you one day baby you know me one day yeah just a

Singer I can be your Superman okay what getting now uh how do I open my there combat no not um I’m trying to find something ah there we go why okay yeah I think the way introverts Act is RA true why was I thinking Superman a minute ago what the is going on

With me um in have that unspoken RS true remember people look different act different and are totally different that’s a very pessimistic way to think about stuff I to think like that now I don’t I’m like you know why would people lie to me and since we at congratulations that you might be

Getting girlfriend we’re going to play this lovely song uh what do I feel like I am scaring him more exactly the r of intro is a mystery true EXs can never achieve it I did I cannot rise up even a single girl because I mean I just don’t care to

Be honest I would have to know her better before going on a second move yeah so you know act as friends go talk to her and then then you’ll understand you know then you like then you don’t even need to ask anyone else for the questions it’s like

Know how she speaks the way she acts like don’t like don’t observe her in a way that you’re like oh okay yeah you know when she talks to me she puts her right hand on her cheek on her face in her eyes she like pokes herself in the

Eyes you know don’t look at that she like okay she talks to me does she look happy she does when I talk to her am I happy I am uh do we Okay we okay sure we might argue but can we solve it sure we can solve it when we get back together

Will we feel happy and connected again absolutely if all of these are like you know like yeah you know what if those are like that then you can be like yeah you know I I get in relationship with her just it’s just that Simple don’t call you I am the only Shar that exists here okay no you can be Shar I I’ll be the king I’m I’m the king you can be whatever else you want hey Ma how you doing I have criminal way worked for me no don’t ha

Please we need to help a man get in relationship not break anything that he has zombie head and Jasper I know what a Jasper is oh oh wo what did it give me bandages silver nuggets gold nugget Emerald dirt bucket in 2 minutes okay I’m going try this I’m

Going to try this uh uhuh wait I don’t have time I don’t have enough time yet I got to go back and I got to come back Down oh man late again I’m late again I’m late you know that’s you know you always see that there’s no need to you know Worry yeah we should have shiot of time yeah that didn’t happen now what have talking about definitely not the first time I’m scared I’m scared always oh that’s funny reminds me of Nothing you know guys at Is I don’t have time to fulfill it but okay I can try at least if not I’ll have a shitload of dirt after That okay that’s obviously not going to work you I just like loot everything and then pick it Up you going be like a Time expired you dumbass you should be like you know they should give you unlimited Time oh young love you know I like sometimes I like sounding as oh yeah today my own it’s so insane the people my own age call me a boomer like what the like I’m totally fine with it though it’s very funny I actually like being a boomer say hello Shi

That’s the most accurate representation of a male female interaction TX time No go to a girl say I’m a Griffith fan watch your reaction yeah about that huh huh now you now you now you griffth fans are shutting up huh you know go to the you know anyone everyone I have a track record of every person who has ever said

Griffith did nothing wrong when they get in a well-built relationship and like when it’s come to near like marriage and stuff I’m going to go and I’m going to show them all of your records when you like oh you know I love Griffith and I will do what

Griffith did then you know when the relationship breaks that is when I’m going to give the Epic laugh you say you’re a Griffith fan and this is what happens and then you know yeah I kill your hopes and Dreams then need 89 64 74 that’s is 75 6 7 8 8 9 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 I should be enough Bing bonging chong bing chong bing chilling beinging chilling beinging chilling there we go oh okay I knew that but something would happen

Good I going to say to dark skin girl that griffi did nothing wrong I’m going to shoot you C isn’t dark’s like pale Brown no not P sorry brownish that’s Al like unironically I would say this because I know what you I’m going to shoot you all but yeah I

Don’t know what you guys say but unironically Casa definitely long haad cas my type of girl wait we very hot I me I’m very hot that’s true but the temperature is hot po crazy when he see tax time pain recept I know right no tax time too much pain in

Life yeah uh okay how about I describe her by looks because I definitely don’t really know her personality well I mean going to sure as long as you don’t don’t you dare share any like you know like I mean you’re always smart enough but sometimes you know when

We trust people too much we overshare never happened to me because I don’t trust anyone got him I’m just kidding um but yeah okay we At that is the true love of my life to be honest imagine if she look like Casa that would be like a dream come true I mean Cas with long white hoodie oh I’m dead I mean long Hood imagine long Hood n I’m n imagine longy guts I will die

Right there no I think guts looks hot without clothes yeah do the smile yep I want I do that SM I look creepy so I never do that why is it so hot in here is it because iron tur that’s called ra no that’s not fall R what does r mean

Chat is like to uh the ability to get a girl to fall for you right actually I want actually I’m curious what is the actual definition of R romantic appeal or Charm everyone has their own special sort of R hey even I have a r chat wow okay let’s see Someone’s give me a minute chat we on standby I know what this means I know what this means Charming ability especially for a man um the term R is used to describe someone’s song uh seduction skills and their ability to attract someone so I was correct then

Wow FM tax time what the no thank you I’ve been on SE retention for over a year now and I would like to keep it that me why do you think I’m so happy for all the time Chad sh my beat the crap out of hey villager buddy sorry I beat you some

Time ago I me for you it was days ago for me just some time ago any what are we doing why was I here again I don’t think Sensei can read the chat right Now I don’t I don’t know the context but uh yeah I’m I’m lost in in s say is a shitty old man why what Fair what can I even say to that why was I here I I really am like a old man I do I forgot what I was Doing got pick one Vegeta or Vegeta or uh uh who the other guy Kakarot Kakarot SL CRA r s shitty old man I mean sure like I’m down for that like it ain’t bad because I’m like by brain I’m old let’s see zomb Jasper what is a zor that’s that reminds

Me of Zord but okay because Zord is kind of a minutor uh from De Vegeta epic first of all I am Vegeta second OFA you’re not Vegeta it’s weird growing up I love Vegeta but now slowly I’m loving Goku mine was R kind of opposite uh

Growing up I loved Goku now the more I grow up I’m more into like oh Vegeta is dope as I feel Goku more but dude I Respect he y long time man how have you been yeah other than that as I was saying it’s country so please don’t time out me don’t time him out uh he’s just saying the words no but reuse the proper word n i g e i r i a I swear to God if

You crop if you clip it until just R I will I will shoot you okay do not yeah uh wait no my stream actually reminded My Stream actually reminded what what have I’m so confused vat is in a world of his own or either I am just not caught up to

Reality okay yeah no no it’s fine it’s fine okay for only for 10 seconds Mech don’t worry about it but as I was saying use the right word n i g e r i a uh um God why do I keep why do I keep beating myself rewinded oh I’m dumb you’re that

That was dumbness on you okay uh Nigeria no there’s no way wait I swear to God okay if that is then I will time out myself oh my God okay time me out chat for the next 10 seconds I cannot speak anything 3 2 1 go yeah that wasn’t on me

Yeah I’m so sorry what how am I supposed to go up all right there we go ah I’m a master of my own art there go I’m so sorry Mech okay but no we don’t talk about that country here we only talk about Nigeria because that’s an epic country which everyone

Loves okay uh we have word uh let’s get some more let’s get one last threee I thought going to take advantage of S talking for 10 minutes that’s true dude hayato is such a bully Were You There When hayato gave me my birthday gift that was one of the best birthday

Gifts and of the worst bir at the same time that scared me because I thought yeah anyway I was just saying you know chat if you like seductive songs try listening to slumber party one of the best songs ever I recently heard about it and oh that’s such a good

Song don’t try it though no no it’s it’s a song only for grown-ups guitar is real I hate you what birthday gift when okay so I had my birthday uh some days ago right so at the end of the stream uh step yeah yeah so yeah at the

End of the Stream oh yeah you you tell him the things I’ll tell him so at the end of the streams uh stream on my birthday or the next day he sent me a Google Talk file I open the Google Doc file and it was he gave me sort of a

Birthday gift which which was like just me singing a bad song from like around a year ago which is so horrible I want to play some Val now I just this song is good I did that with the white white cutie yay rolling around at the speed of sand the place is to

Be I check something actually oh have cat is my audio you can hear me and the song as Well follow me that’s too loud for me though butterfly cute cute such a cute it’s a blockx butterfly that is evil cuter oh my God looks not personality but because I’m it’s fine yeah go ahead go ahead go ahead oh yay par true uh you didn’t answer the

Question oh sorry yeah yeah blue Nigeria or red Nigeria I didn’t say the word yeah don’t yeah thank you thank you for being so understanding Max uh I’ll go with classic Nigeria because I love that oh w I can what did you know about this I don’t even know how I did

That oh my God I am the greatest gamer of all of gaming now I go sure I go with blue Nigeria are you happy with that now I’m such a child like how do I Follow me Nigeria what’s wrong uh it’s a country’s name yeah exactly I don’t tell anyone’s personality boy except sh freak you uh yeah he has learn a lot of person how short what are we oh uh so so her dark mode is on what do you mean dark mode which is

Actually so if a girl uses dark mode that means she’s like a a w World by the way light mode users shoot them in the head I don’t know what’s wrong in their mind shorter than me height got dri dude what do you mean okay how okay you’re

Saying how short you’re asking how short Okay it’san Casa CH I love CA I Griffin though with all my heart oh got M get the wait where where did my mines go mines uh lines wood a did this steal it why are you coming in my proper Okay how is this so a random a watch watch you 11 from four so okay I think it’s almost okay I’m 6 ft and she’s 59 she’s taller than me no that’s such a ouch chees God that’s painful as a guy that’s very Painful by the way yeah for that I just did that bed a bit more tanner than tan we don’t we don’t we don’t really watch color here you know for 2 years I was in a relationship with a African am so yeah watch color here chat below chin level or

Above you not giving him kissing lessons hayato so it’s fine whatever height lands at uh just watched Elemental I heard about I think I heard about it yesterday actually incidence uh and it was me is this the old Elementals wait uh or I might have thought of a different movie

Wa yeah no it’s a new movie yeah I was thinking about the old movie it was like 1992 but yeah not using eye contact but still I mean like shin chin really 59 damn she can be a female basketball play true uh I watched it because I saw meme about it long

On you know I watched a movie I watched one movie because of a meme was it 10 it wasn’t 10 was oh yeah yeah I saw a movie because of a edit which was tenet so I was browsing through YouTube I got the edit of tenet which is by Christopher

Nolan and oh Peak Movie not count that photo yeah exactly that’s what I’m talking about he pulling all the girls I’m so godamn happy that I’m single dude I think a bit above my chin level till my mouth I guess oo so you can give her uh kisses on the head really you

Know without any issues perfect she’s the one turn out to jail okay no that’s that’s not right right can you off her off m is that how they say japane is that how they say in British British British people dude and tell you now it’s time to go hunting

Chat the basketball people are the ones that like Oh you have some dark same case as mine just mine case is not dark uh you guys are falling in love damn I like being out of you know out of um the equation it’s very fun your homies will look at you and you that’ll be enough to make her

Blush that I believe it will work really I mean he the he has got like three three three girlfriends so yeah is is better than mine what what love okay fighting time maybe Montage skeleton piece of I should really go make a sword actually you know more durability killing people

Okay for the record you was the one that did not call me yesterday so yeah I could really you know I Need don’t worry guys I’ll help you AIS what the AES what the you shouldn’t have tried to become the hero now should I in the AY woo okay anyways you buddy you technically tomboy is sort of a girlfriend of yours you know just saying you will go like e Sensei I will kill

You but you know genuinely you know combo is out of your girlfriend hold it I’m going to be right back take your time take your time like I would let Auto expose you again I would let’s see what my what my thing says I would it says let me just read it

For you I would just like that if you can get me the money oh dude let’s go and I can go with it yeah that’s definitely what I would say F that she’s a man she’s your best friend Lucifer King is it lagging for anyone else boys or is it just

Justan I mean that’s that’s on you you know I not say anything come on is the stream lagging for yall anyways no did you fight your demons is what he’s asking dumbass learn to read jokes Chan A would you be the best uh would you be the best way to start process what would you be the best way to start the process and I will be grateful okay I would be the best way to start the process and I will be grateful if you can let me know

If you can help me with the viewer I have a I but I don’t know what to say yeah I don’t know what to say to that what is that I would like to know if you have a enemy right in front of a tree you’re fighting even your auto is

Fighting enemies I swear to God AES get out of the way aeges so what did I even say I’m not even speaking anything do you like smoke something before you come here like I’m just really curious k k song name is the oh oh I am here to get you’re so

Annoying oh I thought he head shot me you getting both of my arms yes okay I should have got this is something bad why so the season to be jolly what are you okay how will you do this first of all we can come here aeges what are you not doing anything

AES a just just ignoring my request it’s misery it’s so sad that time the dialog is is your dream this is where my demon hi this is where my demon hi yep oh his his dreams are way worse Though go misery man h no you don’t no you don’t I just need one block of Stone to make okay I’m going to get uh this Bobble I guess sorry vage but you know this for the greater good of the village just wait there you piece of crap I’ll be

Back time to go chat I remember a dumb joke it’s a marati joke none of you would understand it damn don’t heal him n Heal Me n n n heal me name you piece of garbage is is not attacking him Really ow he has the power to kill Me imagine the XP I’ll get after killing this but I going to not die because I don’t want to lose my XP get the crates get the crates I’m not going to get impatient and go close to him I can kill him like this salty oh my damn it um girl’s dream marriage crap meanwhile men hunting suck well I mean that’s true he didn’t come back ever

Again no I that’s not my place to say anything I’m a Maran well that’s true that’s actually fair I shall return buddy boy where am I oh why am I here he accidentally clipped me outside out of bounds buddy wait for it Oh those stairs no no that’s my sword sword sword sword odyy yes oh there go don’t you dare heal him you know that my favorite movie of all time is D doohi holy if you have not seen that movie oh it’s one of the greatest it’s a Hindi movie for all the

Out of Indian people but it’s so good that’s sad it’s fine uh tax time is immense you must pay no we already did tax time today didn’t we or argued about tax [Applause] time you can kill this you can easy kill how did he reach Me okay he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead easy kill I these big trees they so first all they’re so ginormous and they one two shot you go go go go go oh he’s dead a you kill just you piece of he just stole my kill dude can I pick this up thank

You and I lost all of my XP too damn it that was not worth it at all then imagine the XP was going to give me I guess it’s fine for now take the lead follow you go I almost drained my sword completely he I need some wood some

Stone we’re going to go get some Stone come back what did I miss um yeah I died like two times and uh yeah unfortunate and ha internet died and this guy stole my kill so you’re going to die I didn’t want to do this AES I

Really didn’t want to do this you know it forced me you know you stole my Kill why you say goodbye now bye now you are a clown all right what can I do to bring you back to me m to me be like only one person understand that joke that is my true friend who’s not even in the chat we see in the in the

Sorry in the Stream unfortunate CH I can sit on the chair we’re going to you know chill next time is here and for a and for everyone except why do why why don’t you ever play tax Huh you’re likely to be eaten by something where where is peach black what is is my guy high on something okay let’s get some some some uh Stone so we going make a stone Pickaxe that’s I think that’s just enough to make yeah just oh my God that’s just enough to make okay no I think it’s a bit more than enough sure weiz if it’s just enough so I played some valerant yesterday and I became the MVP for the

First time which is so cool think he has friends sure bro laugh um what do you think I I don’t join yours anymore there oh just I thought I had more why my match is crack today there go I’m the police I don’t pay tax bro

Hey police do pay tax you know I do police pay tax wait you know that’s actually a good question I like I genuinely don’t know which song is good there you go this is a Dope music police pay taxes on what they earn like everyone else let’s go you have to pay

Taxes from now Mech yep there we go let’s go you have to play you have to pay $1,700 all Right okay let’s what’s on the job board uh zorus nope that’s Joo iron strength and longbo don’t have it why don’t you give me some normal ones pink salmon don’t have that either oh it’s going to give me diamond arrowe that’s pretty cool hi

Taxi no no no you can’t you I I will put you in jail for tax fra wait I need I need to go what is that name hey I need to go back and get some torches once time I had a lot of torches then thing just went downhill from There I do have sticks okay I have sticks and I guess we can mine Some Coal sure yeah then I guess you’re going there okay who’s here Me rank the next guy other guys I’m pretty sure rank he doesn’t give a about taxes Go down go down keep going down oh because the creeper exploded oh okay let’s go yeah at that there’s only one guy here and he will never play taxes never pay taxes what time is it I got to go to okay we have one more hour

Chat The Sounds have stopped for now at least but this game trying to intimidate me or something huh huh Wow well that’s pretty Sad chihuaha no it’s a capara I don’t want to kill cap bar like oh they’re not cap bar chaab something Oh my sword broke I didn’t even see That this guy is so annoying oh I’m stuck down here okay oh oh my he’s gatekeeping he’s a literally a gatekeeper Wow okay I have an idea I have an idea well I guess I have a second idea Now a creeper Fantastic look like both of my legs and my ears are gone why no don’t look at me why is there that guy I hit those guys they go through walls they saw me Yik St what are they called a Vick wax Vick something food food food

Okay okay who the are you now that’s gross why you stay away from me no away I said I need to find a way to get back up ah okay oh Soul Sand okay that’s actually epic let me just eat something real quick if something else attacks

Me charcoal okay we can make some torches now I’m going to wear this what is it what I oh yeah let’s go I’m a skeleton now whoever says the N word first gets the police badge and becomes police nope no one wants to become police here all right there we go

Jump oh that gives crit yeah I forgot okay I’m feeling hot okay next next kill will be great my bad my bad I’m only low HP man I’m Str I got Teleported what you what and I lost everything that I had wow and we’re going to go back there and I’m going to prove it to Them I don’t like that Beast where I forgot where where we were okay that’s fine just keep going down eventually you’ll reach it no equipment I don’t need Equipment after that I went here and then there’s like a there’s a cliff and then I jump on Cliff I jump off of the cliff and there’s another Cliff so I go another Cliff down maybe yeah you’re okay then I got pushed down the cap should still be here right

Yeah let go down and then I broke this and I went down and my item should be here oh d i a i I’m a way Finder that’s the G Thing it gives me blindness there it is Ha where’s he going to come from ah There obsidian oh let’s go Ender pear so this is hard boss to kill wait where did the obsidian go go two obsidian that’s pretty dope look at that dude I’m a gamer oh I think he attacked me because he thought I was a skeleton oh oh that for a joke hey

Chad is that an Enderman what spawner is that oh the end fell that’s bad that’s bad that’s everyone hat cap spider everyone knows why they hatte C spiders okay we’re going to get out of cave spider spawn I hate cave spiders I I I I have no legs

Uh-oh and follow me I have no I have no bandages either and that guy’s coming towards me now okay this is a predicament Chad you know everyone is here for watching the good game play okay no one is here to talk that’s another spawner hey do you think I can steal that

And if I borrow some Brains my G will be the death of me worth it Though imine can I kill Him ah THS how do I even come down here how do I go back up this is really bad some bandages would be nice right now oh God how do I go back how do I go back well okay there’s only one way I can think of going back

Up look how cool this is oh never mind I think that might also try to kill me oh yep yep yep yep yep yep water water water I okay do have any climes seven this yikes this is bad good game play dude I am in a cave in ARL craft for a long time and I’m not dying and I need some Heat I’m going to hide behind this pillar so that I get heat and I don’t die I wonder feel like it’s looking at me all the time even it’s just a circle okay we’re going to go up uh how okay I need to collect some stuff do I have a

Pickaxe I do okay time to go on a on a collecting montage and we’re going to use these to pillar up and we’re going to get out of here because I have a lot of good stuff now I just hope I don’t get jumped by anyone we need to make sure we have Enough why am I getting okay I mean I guess it doesn’t matter what I get get the word subscribe sub button will glow yeah it does if you subscribe by the way yeah if you do subscribe then uh you know your name pops up on the

Screen so hey if you want to see your name on the screen it’s a good it’s a good time to subscribe chat actually a good Flag Dynamite Protection torches let’s go the important thing I just look at at the last okay uh where is the best what is a good place to go up from I guess here yeah yeah yeah let’s go up start with This and oh yeah as you m we also got objects that drop from above epic oh maybe not that’s fantastic are you kidding me no oh we can get oh yeah we can absolutely get There sounds seem I think my character slowly as the more we die she start going Insane which is why he’s not that mad at all because I’ve only died like two times go down go on go down go down we have everything there I didn’t go there I think I went uh there okay I know I know the route I

Know the route I just need to beware of that WX the cind everything that could go wrong did go wrong there this is a shame but I think I went straight down and uh there’s a Cy bar okay there he Is yeah I know you hate me I know you hate me buddy there you go I need my sword yeah no I need my axe more Actually my Axe can just teleport Dude my hand never Disappears stop attacking my head you want to fight buddy me with a three-year-old child he hit me so hard I went blind for a second what Insanity come on come on come on I need my axxe I need my Axe do I not have my axe on me oh there we go I’m almost out of Axe though oh that’s bad I need okay pickaxe is more important though hey s give me some heat until then I’ll check my things up okay pick okay I full full okay go it Buddy should if it attacks Me From Below trying to jump scare me dude keep coming keep coming straight straight line Y have straight line what this is this game sucks all one last attempt if I die I’m going to play some Call of Duty wait I don’t have Call

Of Duty I’m if I die I’m going to play some uh uh what’s the other game I playing fortnite again by the way chat from tomorrow because uh there’s Peter Griffin in there and uh yeah I love that guy been watching Family Guy recently it’s a fun game yeah fun fun character

Speed time speed run time you’re likely to beaten by something yeah see this guy is going insane slowly yeah it’s like nothing even happened and like oh sound seem to stop but now at least no don’t climb Down how do they attack me is insane for every time he attacks me to he heal himself my head is already almost Injured the Vex there attack me from behind I C all Right Cinder Cinder Cinder give me one second you’re going to shoot Fireball at me I’m to run away Look how bright it is oh wow that’s a cool painting okay time to go up freak you I didn’t die okay I mean I did die but like it’s like I’m a good gamer okay be something good be something good be something good a don’t open that one what did I even Get what what was it oh wait did my health get full no if I got hit you once I’m Dead time to go up no interruptions no nothing hopefully the V hasn’t seen Me hopefully the exent in this direction that would be Funny if I die here I can’t even get back my stuff because I like already like climbed up up dig up dig up yeah even I can’t see by the way CH so if you’re curious that oh oh what bad game play I we can’t see anything even I can’t see anything so

Yeah where my climbing things there we go Almost there almost there pick up these rocks because now there’s a bans here and now just not getting our stuff back I had two diamonds on me to Diamond getting diamonds in this game is so hard all right we switching games now um what game are we playing valerant I’ve got

Pretty good at it to be honest oh wait we don’t even have that much time we only have like 30 more 30 more minutes after that I’m going to go study some is that a bad guy those are flowers a bad I mean bad guys do tend to have red eyes you

Know let’s see sign who sign golden koi that’s a FL that’s a fish I’m guessing Diamond Battle Axe I could have had that if I had the diamond electric he that’s pretty cool pink salmon Diamond long sword so yeah we can get we can get oh wait maybe we should

Go fishing but that’s yeah know that’s boring you know let’s go exploring actually I’m going to go explore some I go get some food and then we going yeah we’re going to go on a journey now spiritual journey M Musashi went in the 1700 when you decided to finally conquer all of

Japan and then he went ahead and kill all of the Japanese Kings what a fun what you know what a strong guy yeah so we were having this discussion yesterday right I don’t understand Musashi’s philosophy he kills people and he’s like peace is the only option like how does that Mak

Sense so first he goes ahead and murders like 100 people at one and then after that he’s like you know you can only achieve true peace if you forgive any everyone and then he just go there and like commits mass murder how does that make sense you have any answers now Masashi Protectors I’m talking about inab like I don’t know his book is really good though book of five rings you know what we’re going to go to the bad place yeah let’s see we not explored that way like on the back side there is uh we know that on the back

Side there is a dragon I don’t know we don’t know what is on the front side oh yeah by the way I’m going no equipment nothing you know it’s going to be an adventure one hell of a time that’s what they say oh yeah don’t go through this

And also if you break this the thing spawns I just wait for it you next time I break this a big guy going to spawn and he tries to kill you I actually died to him once I mean I never die anyone look at that look at that what is that

Atino I don’t land you if you have he’s like he’s like a Inferno Dragon dude I’m going to die ah close close close I just need to survive no okay if I surv that wave you know I would have been good nightbot versus chat GP I think that’s actually tough nightbot has

Been programmed really well CH is like yeah spr spr no this spr don’t spawn out of there something else killed me last time no I played the wrong song that was not even a song okay where where’s the song that I want to play

Uh I think it will be in this line there we go a lot of people just chill on Loi I’ve seen a lot like as you can see right like as as if you saw right now there’s a Loi stream going on and a bunch of people just like chill on Loi

Live stream which I find kind of weird okay there like millions of playlist on uh uh Spotify but you still choose to be there okay you know using all of your screen time and your um what’s it called okay okay okay I’ll be ending the stream till then sure

Enjoy as I was saying what the I saying yeah yeah you know that doesn’t make any sense to me oh the spr might be closed the golden spr I had potato on me I forgot I went with that much confidence that I Will Survive for so long that I will need Food C what is his Name oh I had nausea that’s actually a cool effect I lost my legs that is this this game is stuff that is that a village there just some trees but that’s definitely a structure right let’s go check prick to death yeah definite that’s that’s fair but know let’s check

That I have my account exam tomorrow and I’m so you know I’m so bad in accounts it sucks and I have my exam tomorrow and I’m not studed anything you know I came back from my college at uh 1:00 p.m. so I I generally start my streams at 2:

P.m. right so I came back from college at uh uh not like 1 P it’s like 12:30 and I came home what’s that hey that a spawner hey there this reminds me of one of the chapters in berserk Baba B or daa Baba or daa do uh Dao hey why you

It a pixie dude I said it in my I don’t know if I said out loud or not but hey that looks like a pixie she stole my apples come back here I thought you were cute that’s just annoying can I get this let’s go oh now I can teleport between

Places it doesn’t do any damage to me there go the Tre is coming here is that what what sort of Enderman is that what do you drop nothing I just teleport I you’re not hostile maybe you Are oh you blow up the shambler don’t want to kill me baby and ow there we who killed me who the is host what people are just bullying me I know what this game I’m going to play one valerant game it takes like around 40 minutes though play one

Game but yeah valer is so fun though I to play valer it takes it takes way too long rather than that how about let me see what games do I have yeah tomorrow so I’m done with the entirety of editing of my Dark Souls video will be out tomorrow it’s going to

Be so I had so much fun editing that that’s going to be a banger of a video um let’s see what can I Play maybe play like a mission in Syndicate assassin Syndicate or some we can play some Roblox now I already start Unfortunate Syndicate is starting I’m going to drink some water till then the shadow goes a bit Weird was yep I just recently saw a documentary on how W SD came to be the main um movement sources in games uh rather than uh the arrow keys which was really cool I think it was like one of the Japanese guys that did it people are very smart now let’s see

What’s going on on YouTube let’s what recommendations I have by that why that much Sharting while that begins it’s just such a w of a song okay this one’s funny this one is funny the low quality videos gets you every time man do o a dollar Peter is literally you know a funny guy how you can’t make a okay let’s see the the sonic ones are

Always so funny hey guys I bet you can’t make hey guys I bet you can’t make a sentence without the letter A you thought you just did something there didn’t you well sorry to burst your bubble but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the first letter of the

English leic God you got him oh yeah that’s true F you also can be made without this is not what what happened to my Syndicate threatening administrator okay my dad doesn’t know I’m handicapped I never told him I I never told him a Joe don’t cry it’s going to make me

Cry I cry like Sno that’s true he does cry like Snoopy that is funny that’s just it my dad doesn’t know this one’s so Good is in no mood of starting okay maybe some jump Force Long play Jump for some jump Force let me my controller it is time to jump on the force it’s like Uh it’s a Star Wars reference what can I say where is a song a song a song oh it’s right here big Blue I not going to create a new I play this a lot with joy well when visits me we play this we only play this to be honest we don’t play anything else it’s is a very fun game and I’m very experienced in it because of that

Now although I have forgotten a lot of control you know a king never bows down to Anyone What oh that’s your shy impression really where you going to sit on curious that’s pretty cool yeah that is really Cool there you go we’re going to small P Frza where’s my mission At is that my mission is I not played this game in such a long time too wait a second give me one second my YouTube chat is my YouTube entire stream has frozen What okay it’s good Now oh light y me so you’re Naruto Zaki I heard you you’re a great leader a great leader huh I like the sound of That man like this guyy is a pushover true that got him Al that uh GMA yes you and me yep and people come and go uh I also team Gama excels at Espionage you better believe it it’s what Ninja do best what does that spionage mean I have no idea

Wonderful you want to play Roblox today I actually you know I did say we might play Roblox some time ago uh but then I started this game and I I have my exams from tomorrow I mean from today actually so you know the stream will also be a

Bit shorter today I’ll be going in like an hour now no not an hour like 10 like what time is it oh like yeah in 15 minutes I’ll be going and the stream will stop so yeah we play tomorrow though tomorrow I I guess tomorrow I just dedicate the stream to Roblox

Because we have two hours and we can just play Then G team G would like to something what’s that why are you wait if you hear anything about a girl named Misa I’d like you to tell me right away Misa she your girlfriend or something yes after our world became

Connected after World be connected I’m I lost track of her whereabouts oh your girlfriend huh I see no problem I’m all over it or rather I’ll ask Kakashi to handle it I more about front line stuff than Espionage myself thank you I appreciate it why you trying to find n are you to

Like kill her or something I’ll go talk to Kakashi about this right away thank you okay that that was pretty Funny is that me sir oh No wait I forgot that I was in the story oh my God sanjan I’m going to be piring someday the is so bad Cool now we’ got missions absolutely everywhere I don’t like team know team a is the one where Goku leads right that’s my favorite team wow okay that’s just dumb I’ll do one Mission and then we’ll stop for today H key missions all might let’s go it’s time to

Play as all might or maybe fight off I you know potential potentialities are endless hey deu huh I thought we were supposed to meet up here where is he behind you yeah all might let’s go de looks so bad all they got all might accurate but that’s not hard to get

Don’t scare me like that all might ha my apologies they could have really done some good um voice acting here you know about czy here just like you asked what’s all this about I’ve called you two year for one reason alone today I’m here to train you for why me I but okay

We to practice battle the two of you against me what right let’s let’s you know time to the out of all might is my favorite hero but hey it’s it’s just sparring so yeah I won’t kill you don’t worry oh gosh I’m so nervous I’ve got

This buddy uh huh I look more excited than nervous well of course I am that too all going to trainers all might in his prime you know he will you know we don’t stand a chance all might Prime all might all right let’s go so I’m sorry

But de is not going to get a chance you know just all me okay how do I oh so lb is a no wow okay he is really okay oh wow okay so let me just remember the controls first okay okay H got the beaten out of him okay that’s

Fine I just use okay let’s go got him United States of Smash he don’t attack on him doesn’t too much damage wait wait wait oh God oh God okay he’s going all out he’s going all out he’s going ham these BS are no joke there go got him there we go some more Healing let’s go let’s Go oh okay he he got okay yikes thank God I thought he was going to get me with the United States he going to get me in United States you know throw me throw me across the continent let’s go let’s go let’s go we got this we got this easy oh dude that’s

Broken that was fantastic if I guess if you hold normally they can defend the kamam but if you hold it then they’re going to do nothing like the the the the the shield gets broken that was great I was shocked how well you both did it took everything we

Had just to get eek out of wi just to eek out of wi what are these terms that he’s using and I’m sure you could have trounced us if you wanted to right all might not at all you both are truly strong and can become even stronger true

Remember young midoria uh it is when things look Grim that you must never fail to smile that’s very true all might thank you very much yeah you know a little bit of yo okay why is Levi no no no no no we are here to beat the crap out of people

I love this part though was who are you grany you’re hero huh you’re hero thanks for helping regular folks I used to be in jail back before I came here I can’t thank the hero who saved me enough wait so he just free to commit more crime

Now we’re going to fly on a dead frog now yeah look at that dead gaki Goku Goku Goku Goku I have no idea what these Venoms are planning but if they wish to destroy the world they will have to I’m going to what did he

Say they will have me to contend with uh okay let’s do one last mission a well I we have got two and then these like die like these like Get over really quickly the enemies die really quickly so we can do that I can pick whatever I

Want you know what I’m going for dude like a must like it’s an easy pick and you know genuinely Bo one of the strongest characters in the game I’ll show you why like it’s either boa or Master Chief or like in this game um the gun guy let me show you

Why how do I bring my guys out go yeah is like more than enough look at how cool look at how hot he looks she this zoro’s move they can run away from this buddy oh he can he knows the distance oh this is bad like just kidding oh come on

Let’s go dude he doesn’t know what to do so Demar sword just increases my power potency and this is for that oh okay got it all right got chan let’s do this oh come on oh God okay you know okay these these BS no coordination okay are we not can we

Not there we go boom and one more boom easy I going go for black meteorite okay oh he can do nothing here my black meteorite is going to most probably kill him when I can go for it yeah as you can see no damage whatsoever don’t you dare oh who gets

Whom he got me are you kidding me that’s just not fair oh come on are you kidding me okay that’s bad that’s bad that’s bad good okay their coordination was bad they’re back yo yeah dude looks so good B armor got speak it won’t kill her but she’s so like she’s done

For look at that God damn damage oh my God look at that damage look at the uh he not going to die you’re not going to okay don’t die don’t die don’t die good good okay if I die that would be just embarrassing and I’m playing as look how cool looks oh my

God my physical res is up his R is also very very high up oh he blocked it come on don’t don’t attack let’s go okay we win we win we win this is easy dude no one can beat guyss he in the world of shonan he’s killing all the

Enemies that’s how broken he is there you go easy finish that was way too close though I threw that and now at the end screen you get to to see him in Berserker armor which is so cool there’s no end screen here well that’s sad okay we have one last mission

To take care of we do that Miss and we’ll end it for today hopefully they get let me play as guts again I can play boa now I’ll show you how how wrong boys I do also have a Goku Rose so yeah yeah let’s go boa this time I’ll

Show you she’s freaking broken I destroyed like seven times with her 70 by the way so yeah we play one last and yeah then we’ll end it all for today since this is the last one let me just play some music okay that what okay there we

Go I got to pause this first you know oh wait what what the game isn’t working okay wait let’s see can I move can I move no the game absolutely isn’t working hello oh the game just okay finally they have a bit of a handicap that’s fine

Let’s put on some good music a big blue yeah perfect I search Ultra N word and I show speed showed up oh my God what the freak all right final Battle guys she is insanely let me show you why but combo deal a lot of damage that’s obviously but okay you don’t know what they’re doing boom got him you see that damage on the top right Oh it’s close oh it grabbed me from there that was actually smart web all right yeah I I’ll also be ending the stream so yeah I’ll just see you tomorrow look at that Damage she dodged it Okay Okay oh that’s awaken ability that’s not fair that’s not fair that’s not fair I don’t think I will die here but uh oh he just went past me Oh come on dude that was a good Dodge right there got him all right I know my Al ready but I won’t I haven’t use it just Yet she’s broken D let me tell You oh no never mind wo that was all planned by Her if that’s going to hit me up that’s fine you know what it’s time to ring out the big guns all right time to time to do this look how cool he is like he looks the guy who made this so goated look at how amazing it Looks yeah dude a that looks so dope come on that’s not fair I swear to what if I lose this now I’m going to be pissed it’s not a KO not a KO not a k I can still win this yep let’s go easy W I basically have zero HP but because

I’m so good all right let’s go and yeah that is where I would like to end the stream off for today uh yeah so like I said this these few streams are going to be a bit short because I’ve got my exams coming

Up so I am I I have to study like I’m having to how what is the best way to see this yeah uh I am studying so I yeah for like this only like until this weekend Sunday we’re going to do a big stream Sunday we’ll have fun tomorrow a new

Video will be out so go ahead be sure to check it out uh yeah that is all that I have for today it was me CRA from R and we just played well both jump force and uh Minecraft so yeah if you enjoyed the stream be sure to give the stream a like

Maybe subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already and yeah that’s all that for today um yeah if it’s your birthday a very very happy birthday and I will see you guys wait you know standing Goku there go yeah that for today thank you so much

I’ll see you guys thank you and bye-bye you guys at the best

This video, titled ‘Beating RLCraft without Dying! Minecraft Live’, was uploaded by Ronin Realm on 2023-12-12 11:46:53. It has garnered 17 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:05 or 7565 seconds.


“”Minecraft RLCraft No-Death Challenge: Surviving the Unforgiving Realms!

Embark on an epic adventure with me as we delve into the perilous world of RLCraft in Minecraft, where danger lurks around every corner. But here’s the catch – I’m attempting the No-Death Challenge. Can we conquer the toughest Minecraft mod without meeting an untimely demise? Join the livestream for heart-pounding moments, strategic gameplay, and the quest for survival in RLCraft’s unforgiving realms.

🌍 RLCraft Realms: RLCraft transforms Minecraft into a brutal and unforgiving experience. From powerful mobs to environmental challenges, we’ll navigate a world that’s both beautiful and deadly.

⚔️ No-Death Challenge: This isn’t your average Minecraft playthrough. Every encounter, every decision counts, as we strive to complete RLCraft without a single death. Will our survival instincts be enough to conquer the odds?

🏰 Strategic Survival: Join me in real-time as we strategize, adapt, and overcome the unique challenges posed by RLCraft. From battling fearsome creatures to building strongholds, every decision plays a crucial role in our survival.

🌳 Resource Management: In RLCraft, resources are scarce and survival is a constant struggle. Witness the journey as we gather materials, craft essential items, and manage our resources wisely to thrive in this harsh environment.

🎮 Interactive Gameplay: Engage with the livestream community through real-time chat, sharing tips, tricks, and cheering on as we face the perils of RLCraft together. Your input might just be the key to our survival!

🌌 Minecraft Mastery: Whether you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or new to the game, this stream is a captivating exploration of RLCraft’s challenging mechanics. Discover the intricacies of the mod and witness the thrill of survival in a harsh and beautiful world.

🎁 Challenge Rewards: As we achieve milestones and overcome challenges, there will be rewards and surprises for the viewers. Don’t miss the chance to be part of the epic journey and share in the triumphs.

🗓️ Save the Date: Check the schedule and mark your calendar for the Minecraft RLCraft No-Death Challenge. Whether you’re a Minecraft fan or just love intense survival gameplay, this is an event you won’t want to miss.


Minecraft RLCraft No-Death Challenge Survival Gameplay Minecraft Mod Interactive Stream

#minecraft #live #rlcraft

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  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

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  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

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  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

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  • Cool-People

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  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

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  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

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  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

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  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

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  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

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  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

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  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

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  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: twitch.tv/X33N Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: https://playerduo.net/62e7d4b353b9095d2c55aeb8 + Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/kronus2/tip — Social Media: + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/kronusgenovius + Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kronus_genovius — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON mc.baksoo.my.id Read More