Ultimate S20 Fail! Watch Frankie Struggle in Minecraft!

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[ __ ] oh wasn’t it Oh [ __ ] fishing 10 minutes baby a yo everybody what’s up everybody how’s it going chad how’s it going welcome to the stream welcome to the stream everybody we got this camera that game no what’s up We’re streaming mine one baby we’ve got an s 17 d site that i sharpened from yesterday and we’ve got a full pvp set ready to destroy oh friction i didn’t get my salty back did Oh Uh All righty oh baby new special guest on the stream craft underscore jensen nerd okay you’re just gonna say slurs now let’s Able system where did that spruce go damn Craft i’ve assembled my pvp set nice i for spawn at least it’s honestly i do like i don’t have a wild set okay i don’t know what wild fighting is even about anymore i need practice wild fights but i don’t really have anyone i trust crafty you want to plant this wild fight

With me My gosh this is my first stream where i’m playing somewhere that’s not just on my bed i’m streaming at a desk i’m so fancy oh my goodness i’m also at a desk whoa that’s like when 90 of laptops and pcs are holy crap

I mean okay so i do what you do i if i’m on my laptop i’m in bed i don’t have a pc to be honest i just use a laptop which makes it so much funnier when like i roll someone and then they just go wow

Well you’re just i don’t know have a better wifi and i’m like i’m literally on a laptop right now bro i hate pvp on the laptop i honestly like it i couldn’t i don’t know yesterday you got oh yeah get disconnected yeah i didn’t even get my rewards sag someone named

Can i say that someone what no don’t say that i know exactly what name no no no no They said cheese jensen they must know me they’re home i don’t think they even show up in chat anymore just because i have the Oh bro special guest dogs on stream holy crap craft jensen’s dog special stream guest craft buy my sharp 20 vajra please i have an s20 just just buy it from me just because i need eggs i want to sharpen quacks i will buy something for me if you have

Something okay what do you want do you want a freaking valentine’s 2018 book I will literally cry crap i will rent it to you i will rent it to you for as long as you want let me check how much i have let me rent it bro some of my freaking events away this i i will cry just for a freaking s20 freaking d site

Oh my gosh well actually no if i can get two stacks of i’m s 20 in the freaking katana not the d side the katana is so good craft oh my god it’s so overpowered i have a stag and 47 eggs 48 if we count the four embers that i haven’t converted

Holy crap about four hours if i pay you that now and i give you the rest then can i get it yeah sure i i’m just pawning off my freaking events now i will cry okay um let me let me let me convert these embers i know i’m

Not going to use this one like i i’m never using this cupid’s bow oh wait no i need this for a giant it’s my only cupid’s i bow i will give you my regular cupid’s bow as a bonus okay yes deal because i actually want to use a cupid’s bow

Okay i’ve never really named one because it is quite a good though I’ve literally been maining the josh the man bow that he gave me two years ago oh my gosh i’ve been meaning this since i’ve started on mine i’ve brought this to so many wildfights and surprised i still We’re haven’t do this real quick here let me just hop over to the underchain we can just try it at the ember exchange craft come on All right there you go did you oh all right it’s named weirdly so don’t mind it jeez did you use gamecraft no love stinks nice nice and it’s a song 100l stinks i’m sorry that was me I can’t believe i sold the freaking event item for a freaking shark what okay nothing just asking grandma something grandmama chad okay 12 to 20. let’s see how much that one cost where’s the sharpening calculator I’m gonna see if i could just s20 my katana because if i can sharpen the katana to 20 i’d do that instead of my freaking whatever it’s called my d side okay because the katana is a million times better 12 final level 20. Two stags and 24 is what it says Oh mama that’s expensive as hell i don’t have that damn it oh and it’s not even 12 to 20. it’s 11 to 20. now it’s two stags and 36. i’m poor oh okay i need to get first place and bait so i can sharpen my katana

I’m not i’m not doing paint because i’m probably gonna get yelled at to get up in a second here like in the last time i tried to do bait i got yelled at i’ll just save this wait does does this have infinity if it doesn’t i will Cry i literally hate the server and you’re all dead Oh my gosh there fine i’ll just bring stacks of arrows but i’ll stay and call all righty or should i just s20 my b stamper ah yes I have a 678 that’s sharp 18 18 to 20 would obviously cost like nothing that 46 degrees 18 to 20 did sharpen prices just go up what the hell Oh no i already named my d site though all right i won’t change the name on this d site i’ll keep it log out of discord Except This is the setup secondary’s on the side that doesn’t have the boat okay oh frick it’s bait right now oops it’s been happening for like a minute how did i not know this i’m gonna shoot Oh my god i didn’t know dove made pudding Oh that’s the person i want i want murdered in minecraft i love minecraft please don’t hurt me twitch please don’t hurt me hey hey there bro i’m giving you regen yeah it’s regen arrows yeah yeah come here oh are you running away but real buddy you’re getting stuck in

Cobwebs oh well now i’m stuck you can’t tell me they aren’t i need to have actual food first though You’re a food issue shut up what’s so funny craft underscore jensen Really really really really really so my grandmother can’t hear you and i s and she’s like what when i said you’re a food issue you’re a food issue oh i see two people at the at the top of the leaderboard up there oh you’re both dead good luck

Dear uh aiden e and bit jumps you’re both dead in minecraft just get ready oh that’s money man junior and bit jumps oh yeah you’re gone money man junior if your name is the money man be nice to my members oh are they are they your members are they’re all gonna die

They will all die i see that like i’m the leader of someone i’m just an officer wow impersonating the leader of your clan calling funeral suits plan find the sun who’s the later sun hidden who the hell is hidden 51 um captain fred’s girlfriend imagine i i guess captain fred’s taking a break

Or he’s running b money man junior has 22 fish i want to go stab him oh my god i fell no no there’s no water there’s no water Unfunny i cannot believe this Oh that was money man Oh how does a holiday disaster waiting to happen that’s what she said So she said when i showed her i’m not gonna make that joke Oh that’s aiden e uh no fischer’s up here god this server sucks literally hashtag dirty we already had a problem yesterday when grandpa was trying to make pies eyes imagine could not be me I could probably 1v1 anyone who tries to pull up though so fun oh i don’t have an anti-mage they’re probably gonna try spells but i’ve gotta i’ve got domain i’ll be alright i just wanna get in the top 15 so i get money Oh brownie mikkell okay yeah i really don’t like him so it’s gonna be really easy to find him where is he dear brownie mikhail i’m coming for your ass right now bum bum Where is this brownie mcdonald’s dear aiden e you will die now you should die in minecraft now aiden was legit saying shanimo that sounds like a load of bullcrap it is very much cap i don’t call them on it i doubt shamely melee would ever run from everyone

The most powerful mind one player okay where the hell’s brown where’s brownie mchell i want to he loses a fight that man is a god and you can’t change my mind I never said anything how dare you my brother you killed him he’s stuck over here oh you’re literally dead the second i get over there little boy will die now give me your fish no gap chugging i didn’t even have fish and someone else killed brownie macau in minecraft the server sucks

I’m leaving forever i quit my own bad Quest elite is low hey yo homie i just wanted to chill i didn’t even want to stab you oh frick it’s a thunderstorm Oh my four fish no antmaster wait six if i fish it oh my god you’re literally dead hey there’s x5 Oh it’s hitting on the backstabber instead of the right weapon oh damn it he flew away oh yeah that’s a thing go okay i’m putting on the intense music napstablook baby 10 hours Oh you don’t have a chance buddy this mad guy oh frick you’re kind of strong just a tiny bit though oh he had one fish one come on people just fish it’s so simple don’t you know the point of this event just fish so that way when i murder you

In minecraft you drop more hog chin whoever you are your fish are mine I don’t even have fish might Oh did that guy have fish oh i should have just murdered himself just blowing myself up okay six minutes there are six minutes i’m warping the castle and i’m just gonna start fishing over i’m getting stream sniped holy crap oh my god getting stream sniped right now holy crap not really

I mean i don’t know honestly i got stream sniped during freaking bait or during abyssal i think no my watch time my viewer retention no nothing even happened that no clue i even said that Okay i’m in a good spot and i can probably and i will beat up anyone who tries to get me yeah love stinks yeah more like this bow stinks it’s bad uh get roasted perhaps not really i’m so sorry i just prefer my other bow who the hell

Is liquid you’re gone get out what the hell are you doing here get the hell out nerd try me kids these days man enterprise six oh where the hell are you i want all everyone that’s so easy to just rip the fish out of i cannot find

I don’t have any fireworks on me i will i will destroy you buffoon don’t make me get out fine i won’t be able to fish enough here by myself anyways i just love knapsack name baby it’s just my default theme all the time when i’m playing it

This is just like my boring event theme because fish sucks and vape is garbage get roasted okay okay where is money man junior 101. wow oh wait that pog champ guys fish get him oh frick is that green day oh that’s green dead yeah that is green

Day that means i can’t stab him i like that guy this server sucks walking juices I don’t know i’m not gonna stop right there hey yo homie back off you don’t have a chance and you’re being really annoying go ahead get trying try me i don’t even have fish oh my god i missed the freaking ice i missed the ice good dog what absolute

Dog water go away from me you don’t even have shots oh my god dog water Holy crap bro dog water absolute dog water oh my god i will bury you under a mountain of elephant toothpaste young man what kind of insult i am using how dare you i’ve been robbed okay yeah i escaped imagine what a skill issue okay where’s where’s pogchamp boy

Oh someone already killed brown mikhail i mean i could fish 20 could i fish 27 fish without getting caught for that long are you on the leaderboard you’re not only oh wait that was a neat oh damn it get over here this group check he’s getting spammed

And i have to go check it just because i don’t know what it is what if it’s a dm from jesus christ our lord and savior oh my god gangstar miss the freaking you missed bro i can’t believe you’re folding this back where’s my oh hey watch this i land in the water

Oh i didn’t miss i didn’t miss guys i didn’t miss i would never Run run run yeah they don’t have a chance of catching me they don’t know the swim strap for elytra prefer trident not religion oh who are you do you have money me wants money alton diablo oh there’s none oh rut bro where’s my actual death side

I had to mid fight just finding my actual freaking weapon don’t mind me oh yo ayo bro nice s30 nice s30 on an unrelated no i’m leaving not really he’s just i know this guy spam skeleton so i don’t want to bother oh that’s booth hey boof watch this you’re about to get

Juked out bro lane’s in the water he did he just got juked to hell bro he didn’t even see me get out of here booth your easter legs can’t catch my ass gets caught gets caught gets caught yeah poof always wears easter legs oh yeah ayo green day green day protect me

Green day protect me protect me owie i thought he stopped wearing them after ice pack got nerfed no there’s 50 seconds i had to catch fish i got murdered because i got low because granddaddy was stabbing me good job i found pog jam i actually found pog jam Hey do you mind just dying real quick no no don’t let him escape i could have literally gotten later for just now i will cry i freaking hate this every single [ __ ] can just fly away miracle milk okay now i’m gonna fish one fish and then i’ll do it just so i know

I’m gonna get digs guys let me fish bro don’t with me not right now all right now let me get Oh there we go baby i got one fish i got one fish there we go now you can all die fight me wait what twitch isn’t gonna bear me for normal swearing i’m not saying slurs this is allowed obviously not oh i thought you said that this is a slur free zone

I would never ever say slurs except for the joke oh my god this non keeps attacking get out sell sir [ __ ] or whatever i don’t like seltzers you’re bad vodka celso’s garbage and you can’t even prove me wrong Get off my ass kid i don’t i’m not a fan okay it’s not good i wouldn’t know i wouldn’t know the frankie films channel does not condone underage drinking okay i’m kidding i don’t know what vodka seltzer tastes like that’s a joke okay honestly i don’t know what they

What they’re like either because i don’t like [ __ ] i just know vodka seltzer’s kind of dog [ __ ] that’s all of her oh my god bro getting things on my own discord probably someone just spamming at everyone is that i know i’m not even gonna say that on stream

No no no no no no no no thanks let me just throw some shintos in there make it fun oh my shinto’s gonna delete it i’m not doing this i’m not doing it i’m not gonna hold the diablo imagine imagine literally co-parter you could have just said that you’re not

Doing anything instead of cutting yourself up because that’s what i thought you were going to say this event used eggs no it’s not i got two days i hate the server i’m not here there’s only an ice domain that doesn’t belong to anyone let me just slash spawn real quick slash

Pvp there we go oh wait yeah i can just do slash pvp i forgot the entire server sucks now i can just do that okay i have a stegon 56 i could sharp 20 my uh my d site or i could save up in sharp 20 my katana

Now the katana is pretty good but i don’t really i don’t know i’m still probably going to end up giving you the rest of the yeah the rest of the days eventually that’s 64-48 slash work north give me i want i want items please prince google

Please give me honest price i want items frenzy principle now is that the real prince or is it uh no it’s prince ii prince isn’t here everyone just got debated just shinto all the nons real quick there we go fj you’re going down F7j yeah good luck surviving this one buddy it’s all at war i just started a war over here good job and then with design then what do you say oh damn i don’t have the max never equipped let me put that in my hot bar

So i can equip it when the time’s right oh i need to succulent succulent would you mind just owie oh bro i’m at one heart oh oh it’s the freaking oreo guy okay i’m gonna kick his ass now Oreo he just literally just runs away in gap trucks whenever i try to kill him so let’s see how this goes with a bunch of people here And now there’s some seltzer guy after me then your skill level must be must have improved in person to mine because oreo can flatten me in like five seconds oh i can i can pretty much kill oreo or as long as as long as i can get him in a

Cycle it’s easy as hell you just need to prevent him from gap jumping which you know there’s an item for that so and then he and then like half of his armor souls so i just pull out my sage slayer and i just destroy oh there he is yeah look at that

Three-fourths of his armor souls oh this format andy has a freaking fmb offhand that’s one two three four five that’s five souls i will two attack him with a backstabber watch this oh no don’t let him gap don’t let him go okay do you have a b stand quick

Go and go don’t let him get don’t let him get keep hitting him with it okay i’m after oreo i’m after oreo i’m hitting him with succulent oh oh he flew away he blew away wanna know who called it get over here little man oh and he got jumped he’s back after me

Oh my god the strat did that actually work oh oh i might get rolled here i’m not in a good spot i’ll be honest are we okay damn i’m not in a good spot for this i’m not even i’m not in a 1v1 step bro go away blow him up Damn it he already had he already ate two gaps in the time i didn’t have enough resources to do it i mean it’s probably diesel when i when i watch him fight other people because i’ll just yell at him to suck the other person that’s horrible crap

I’m kidding it’s hilarious do it more now i just sit there optifine zoomed on him and the other person brown and zeke you’ll get over here watching their entity status domain oh it didn’t activate an ice domain row shinto that didn’t work and with the op oh

That was such a good one the op hit him into the shinto nice nice nice oh frame get who the hell just fireball i won’t [ __ ] you good point unfortunately i’m currently sexting your mother All righty then all right yeah that that’s the appropriate response all right just accept it crap okay okay buddy let me just just kill myself real quick so i don’t get cags oh my god he only attacks me when i’m low this is so annoying because then he’s gonna act

Like he’s tough [ __ ] right after it’s so funny five minutes after running away from me cool Hello there gaozo what non-stabbing me doom bacon really who the hell are you wow you just blew up your teammate oh i’m being 1v3 my bad i’ma just go up here now Anyone buying events i’m buying events I want to buy a great keeper shovel yowza nice try though this is not working well for these they’re trying to 1v3 but none of them have a mobility spell they can’t get they can’t get up in ice and guard now i just quadrupled into this kid over there hey Hey peter rap Now let me just get get out of here real quick oopsies i need to try i need to try i’m so slim see idiots see ya idiots no oh this the escape and then i just turn pvp off like a normal person the mine and window wild fighting i mean

It’s not wild at all i can pretend Bro i can’t believe it takes me a stag okay it takes me a second five in order to sharpen this uh Let’s call this this d side 220. so i’ll have a i’ll have 51 degs left 51 x now 11. 11 to 20 it’s two stags and 36. so if i just get oh like 40 more stags oh this sucks what events or i just spend it all on

Events like i always do wait is that a glow squid in my house what are you doing right What are you doing in there i can i can see the glow split where’d he go snowy 17 ice paths here what’s an elf’s ear or am i just stupid um I want to kind of get into using ice pack because it’s really good for a while still and i normally use like frozen gear so bro my half my half my armor set up is events right now because i’m because i’m too scared to use my freaking seba chest plate because

I don’t want to break it colton45 any children online I sure hope i’m not the children 145 grooming miners confirmed so you’re just rocking the um yeah maybe how did you guess craft do you want to buy craft do you want to buy a sharp 13 baffinet it’s well the beans you want to buy a sharp 16 uh missed elaine You’re literally dead to me uh you want to buy a training sword i already have one oh my god do you want to buy a living crossbow i will mug you and then you’ll have nothing do you want to mirror you i gave you the

Last of my takes oh my god yeah i just forgot that damn it selling s 20 20 20 vajra 40 dags only please it’s a three stag to make item please i beg yeah 17 stegs 17 eggs they’re 23 diamonds and two embers okay and this guy wants six eggs for

Snowy ice path no thanks not that i’d take an ice pack that snowy ice path along with anyway so that’s good Please i need to advertise this in the zen dynasty discord oh my god your battery’s running low you might want to plug in your pc really ever again don’t mind me just walking my freaking lap where it’s about good oh job let’s go Okay Oh my god there’s a crypto park there’s a there’s a crypto part of my freaking clan discord i’m leaving how do you scout bitcoin so you can take care of your future monetarily oh my god so everyone he’s trying to he’s trying to make us sell bitcoin oh my god oh This is hilarious Dude i took my levels wait what oh yeah of course speaking of levels i have none who who what who has an m slam hit me up way i will cry But you’re not good at video games yeah it’s all right i can’t even hear you with the freaking absolute theme one sec okay it’s the exact same volume for chat so it doesn’t matter it just sounds quieter to me including the beast oh my maybe i am alright bruh

I need to sharpen this katana but i can’t structure the katana because i don’t know or should i just like sharp 19 it i could probably get it to i could get it to it starts at 11. two stags and thirty six uh degs now let’s get it to nineteen

Two stags and thirteen that’s a lot more manageable eighteen a staging fifty four that’s how much i have okay i could get it to 18 craft oh that’s pretty good just saying hey yo ref what jensen you’re so quiet fix it now i’m on the laptop now oh my god

Don’t care didn’t ask plus ratio plus point 328 plus these nuts plus freaking among us balls or whatever hello there fresh pickle i’m about to give you a fresh uh face because i’m going to get rid of yours where are you going fresh pickle really really you want to you want to

You want to go buster i’m going oh frick why can’t why isn’t shinto working let me just walk away for no reason in specific let’s go hot dog boy come on pull up and i hit him with these sides get out oh it’s because i don’t have an

Enough xp craft help i don’t have xp and log on and m hit me crack quick i’m not gonna trackpad amp you please craft i will cry okay fine i killed him without it but i will cry please ground the only thing that will make me happy is an empath

Oh my god now this freaking brother z now i’m being 2v1 and i don’t have xp craft i will cry and it’s all your fault i can’t believe this really really cool he logged out just trying to vlog out no don’t touch both helix i will destroy you

Don’t touch my little goofy boy i said stop stop no stop no stop him get him it’s money man junior 101 holy crap guys get him no don’t touch my boy my little baby don’t touch boof i will murder you i will destroy you and everyone you love

Wait what the hell he’s invincible oh oh that’s why poof’s running rut row rut row row raggy hi rosie hi rosie what rosie will you log on and hit me are you lying okay tell them to log on to your pc and pit me i’m actually gonna get on the computer

In a second fine then and pit me i will not really i’m so sorry i mean i actually do need empathy to work on anyway so i i would rather be online anyways look it’s like he has a heart sore hey yo hey yo oh look hey yo hey yo a space yo

Vape vape junction you will no longer have life in a couple seconds in minecraft in minecraft minecraft you will not be you are not my friend anymore i can’t believe this vape nation and he flew away imagine uh snowy 17 tp should i buy that oh yeah bro i totally want some orals

Gangstar they killed me earlier but i don’t have a cacs so i’m not going to kill them bro the wave junction just freaking gap like two times in a row oh my god captures that spawn be like oh my god why does anyone get this junction sounds like

Oh bro he’s in my freaking clan i knew it you fool why are you stabbing me i was literally like a trap nation or something like that excuse me okay first of all you’re if if you’re thinking what i think you’re thinking okay yeah we are done having this talk

Let’s just continue to nice minecraft it’s a youtube channel that posts music ding-dong i know i love i know i just don’t like their music it’s a little sus yeah yeah i just don’t like the music guys come on up i’m being targeted at spawn because i have no xp

Please crack and pit me so i can survive i will die it’s like those mobile game acts where you need to do the special thing to save the person or else they died no no bro he’s trying to stab me with his base sharpness torque help i was literally just running around in

Circles until we just used a freaking fireball oh my god so no old players online is this arch excuse me i’m an older player i was on a before the 3.0 update what are you doing is your is your uh pf messed up oh yeah yeah i have 18 983 days [ __ ]

I forgot how many okay i will i will do a bit of trolling though oh my god i know how much damage i just did to you buddy you don’t get a chance you don’t get a chance get behind him so i do more damage

Oh my god that combo i took one heart oh get roasted i can’t blow myself up good job i i really don’t like this because i’m in a spell set and i’m too lazy to pvp normally right now and then i’m getting like jumped by literally my entire clan at the same

Time as some other knob now it’s making me look bad and i must mug them all and i need to repair my tread way so oh boy it’s my best friend oh my god that’s not my entire clan is full of nons i’m literally gonna end up leaving because now the owner keeps

Freaking advertising crypto crap i’m literally gonna like craft underscore jensen nice tp aura i’m loading in i’m loaded in i’m loaded into your mother excuse myself turn pvp on i i have it on you turned pvp on goober you’re the one who has a white name

You you’re also a white name i’m not there you go it totally wasn’t me man it’s just like manhunt listen guard and then shinto hey craft 101 v1 that sounds like a yes to me crap i’m thinking about it but i’m also building something right now oh yeah okay then build it

I’m trading a sharpened missed elaine for a bone spirit please oh my gosh come on this is this is honestly not even a bad deal get out bit jumps come on get out should i just sell my backstabber so i can sharpen everything bro no

No not that i’m not going to sell that i already freaking pawned off my valve craft underscore jensen wait what hey there buddy hey there good luck good luck get him oh my god he’s stuck jackson Got him got a voice can i function please i don’t know um okay yeah you’re hardly as loud as the music one sec i’m going to turn the music down and try to go up actually now you’re out you’re already at 200 percent on discord okay hello okay

Can you hear me okay you’re twice as loud as the music you’re twice as loud but i’m still twice as loud as you craft not really exist my system sounds are just really loud hey yo who the hell is trying me right now pyro the doctor good luck that’s

You’re so lucky you dodged those shintos buddy you are beyond lucky right now oh my god i was meleeing him with my freaking bow hot dog boys after me good luck buddy where the hell is pyro get over here oh oh my god i actually sniped him okay hell yeah

Oh hot dog man hey buddy wow back the hell off there there i scared him off sufficiently he’s the one that’s not broken not my sharp sentence oh who did she was trying it oh come on no you don’t have a chance why are you doing this

Come on i’m not even gonna i’m not i’m not even you’re you’re a disappointment to me byron you were disappointing he’s lighting fires he’s lighting fires and he thinks that’s gonna freaking work oh my god bro new friends all think they’re hot [ __ ] see i just swapped it out there

Oh yes to your dope funny so funny hilarious hilarious nice call what excuse me young man stop you’re breaking the law get over here sandwich shrimp and snad witch holy crap yeah oh no it’s just some doom bacon man good luck oh he’s collecting all the tnt

Well now i need to let the tnt over here to blow you up more efficiently good luck none that is standing right there oh no oh don’t run into my own shinto’s owie i ran into one of my own [ __ ] pills they just bounced back and smacked me in the face

Run behind him and then behind him oh let’s see my fps i need to get good at hot swapping between my backstabber and my other thing uh and my fmb oh my god this guy’s getting literally completely dogged on with how well i just escaped him this is sad bro sad

Oof keep trying oh my god bro co-parta such a skill issue right now yeah i know i’m literally just emulating twitter now skill issue coke don’t care didn’t ask plus quote retweet plus cancel last night wolf get out don’t care didn’t ask plus you don’t have an imperial plus what the heck this

Excuse me this guy’s just straight up flying right now wolf block can just fly excuse me wait what go to spawn or watch my stream or what something this man is straight up flying that is it’s mary yeah oh can its mary just fly like do they just have slash fly

I guess she does wait she has wait what is she wearing what is she wearing what what is she wearing those are rip wings those are reflecting oh wait is she wearing something on her head yeah what the hell is that no clue get an e bone

Is it a turtle helmet no it’s not a turtle helmet no no no she doesn’t have the uh soul bound from whoever it’s called it’s not it’s not that it’s not that cause i saw slick wearing it earlier it looks different and it’s also not in funeral pack

No it’s got like a flower on it what that is is that a flower a what a valentine’s day cap can i let you fly no i think she’s just straight up hacking uh no no there’s like an aura like under her feet like it’s it’s flight

It is it is not it is in game flight not it is not a legal flight as far as i can tell hello there pyro the doctor you’re gonna need a pyro the doctor once i’m done with you buddy boy oh never mind pencils underground yo hey don’t touch my boy get out

No a child get out i need an e-bomb to see that helmet it looks like you know kind of a hat like it’s a black hat with a bit of red on the side on the right side what the hell is that just straight up flying oh that okay that that is

Yes tell me random mastercard that that’s firefly spell book how is firefly spell what it’s it’s it’s a does it just let you fly it’s it’s a pyro spell and sort of does it let you fl well th that’s just flight that is straight up flight riding

Also the hat is part of her skin oh [ __ ] god i hate mine wind so much not really i do hate that the sharpening i feel like price just decreased because it used to cost me only two stakes to sharpen up like a d scythe to 20 and now

It’s taken almost three and it’s not even 20. also castle in four hours and 20 minutes although that was two minutes ago so castle’s now in uh four hours and uh 19 minutes wednesday what the hell average craft jensen all righty then that’s wednesday craft i’m so funny

Oh don’t you dare selling it sharp 30 i’m selling a sharp 30 larger hot you better be selling a really good crap me not that i’m really gonna buy anything to be honest yeah i’m just here to steal the evo and i don’t really want to look in there

Oh he’s got an s rage oh if that was an event glass canyon i’d buy it but it’s not in your pool so this is all useless yeah a bunch of useless items get over here you lifestealer that’s like seven stags right 10 stags no clue how much the life stealer is

Sharp 31. for 40 stags they’re 40 degs not 40 stags oh good job no no this guy’s not buying it though i got mine for 20 something though well i don’t care don’t care didn’t ask kidding i’m sorry uh no but i do there’s someone waiting outside of you oh they’re out

Hey peter oh hey oh hey oh never mind wait is that a summer helmet you’re wearing was that snowy okay he’s wearing snowy yeah yeah i’m friendly with you no particular reason though jensen oh my god popular mindless player graph dancing 1v1 oh nice s30 by the way

I have fought for them on me right now let’s see one two three four well don’t care didn’t ask you’re so mean craft oh you have row 1v1 1v1 literally 1v1 right now where’d you go okay stupid soul bro i’m gonna do jack crap hey guess what i got my secret

Strategy okay ow it gives me freaking slowness four what the hell is this this is malarkey wow s30 is do damn it where did you go i’ll save you i’ll save you let me in there i’ll save you craft oh you’re already dead it wasn’t me crap oh a never isn’t 20 stags

Oh sharp 30 frag okay i’ll save you craft jensen they’re behind you they’re behind you i’ll save you i’m no longer in spawn oh that’s not you craft underscore jensen they’re just wearing the same armor as you trying to guess what slurs they’re saying in chat since it all just shows

Up as hearts hey yo okay who the hell is this [ __ ] oh i don’t like these people you want to kill them craft no those are those are my clan mates leave them alone but they’re mean to me [ __ ] does them anyway well i said you said that after i attacked them

Hey knight i’m hey don’t you [ __ ] off i saw that freaking gap i’m just gonna wait until your absorption goes away now money man is after me hey yo homie pull up no apples for you nice fireball too bad you missed nice crossbow shot good thing you didn’t miss owie

Hey craft uh what are your thoughts on bombs what’s your take on what’s your take on frostbite craft i’m not particularly fond of it sounds like a skill issue i don’t know what song sounds like skill issue get shin toned god this is the most annoying ass setup

I’ve seen in my entire life I’m down to a little less than a row by the way oh sh i cannot believe this did you just yes i would have been so annoyed if you missed that well these nuts voldemort and darth vader and a supra oh my god what are you doing baldi

No go away i know you you have absorption hearts stop it stop gapping it’s not fair you’re so mean craft jensen popular meanie you’re so mean craft popular is not the word i would use staff jensen popular mine would mean what the hell was that what the hell was that excuse me

I’m flying up in the air and i get stabbed in the face what the hell was that crap no i’m up in the air i get stuck i hear the backstab noise and my hb just goes to zero stops doing that right as i pull stop gapping beforehand this is so

I unfair i can see you eating them [ __ ] it’s just boasting it’s so [ __ ] unfair i don’t have that oh wait i actually do have one egg This is so unfair craft underscore jensen is hacking okay fine that’s i’m gonna try hard this one craft hang on what you’re doing sang here i’ll let you out of here since i see that you have money on you you free skeppy skin now give me your money

Oh wait i wanna i wanna keep you know let’s get some random on something all right i’m sorry okay i’m gonna i’m gonna keep this good how you managed to make oreo run i have no idea oh my god he logged off no i haven’t i just not you i meant this guy

That i was that i was going to get wild and then mug him because he had decks and just an abyssal home on him i don’t know i just want money me want money craft underscore jensen yeah i i i beat you twice in the span of one

E-gap that sounds like so what craft i could have crushed you the first round if you hadn’t gapped beforehand as if you were at like under a row then that under a row would have if you hadn’t had gap parts to take the damage full health i prefer to be

I prefer to be in bed with you oh my god excuse me nerd it’s called me a nerd i cannot believe this oh does this guy have bone spirit you got bone spirit question mark question mark question mark please i just got an ag ready because i know he’s gonna say no

I mean he’s got shadow frozen empire last time he said that he did have one spirit someone empty craft underscore jensen i’m not emptying him Yeah he doesn’t have the thing i need he’s he’s not even pvp tagged currently so sounds like such a skill right now it’s eight decks each no one’s buying and the price is going up let me just i do enjoy ice and guard except i need to get back cause it’s a

Good spell for a while that’s why i’m that’s why i’m playing with it right now i normally don’t use that spawn i just want to practice for a while hey craft jensen let’s take this world right now no i don’t have a wild fighting i need rift wings if i want a wildfire

And i would probably end up blowing your gear up well you think you’ll kill me to blow my gear up craft jensen honestly i’m a lot better in the wild than i am in spawn bub both of us would probably end up blowing up the other’s gear and

Yeah i just shin toe i just shin toe blows both of us up all the gear goes several away worth of crap on me right now i meant use a wild fight setup not your s30s i don’t have any spares i don’t know i’m a spawn warrior spawn war i wouldn’t

Call it a warrior but okay crap oh get get moving i literally beat you three times in a row only because of the gap craft nothing else in the span of one gap and i barely okay craft go north right now go north right now

And let me remind you i’m not using a single sharpened item so just saying okay fine let me just i’m not using any sharpens and i didn’t have a gap i i i’m crafting underscore hang on ready crash just egaps i gotta do this he’s stabbing me with a freaking vajra

It does zero damage but he’s being really annoying i will kill you now in my crash i’m sorry but i have to kill you excuse me okay you just spammed so many spells one sec bail homie hold up hey yo homie yes You just like not i will literally funny that lol pansexual flag oh my god gay oh my god pansexual optifine cape oh my god get robbed craft jensen okay i’m at eight hearts can you not okay craft come here come here that was terrible i didn’t take any damage from that well I should stop using the i should stop using spooky legs oh yeah i mean that’s actually good so you don’t have to like keep healing okay we both have phone yeah are you ready craft underscore jensen yep that’ll commence oh nice siba chest plate by the way

I’m not going to give you a chance at that one craft johnson oh oh my god the freaking i was hungry i wanted some pie oh my god the freaking g site just ruins my fps oh i i can’t i can’t even see that was quick excuse bruh

Um this is the most annoying thing in my entire life the g site just ruins my fps i need to get a freaking azurite helm on one minute i need to pull up an azurite just because it’s the blindness and the nausea just my fps just goes yeah

You can you can turn off the nausea oh yeah i know it just makes my screen green but it still just destroys me so i shall defeat you i’m running low on egypt stop stop e-gapping you [ __ ] i didn’t okay no don’t you dare craft underscore that’s gonna probably craft underscore

Now not even jensen was the that was the point crap why that’s a good that did more damage to you than to me most likely ow freaking s30s ruin my life why do i even play i don’t i have a zero percent chance you just have freaking you do like a

Freaking row a hit craft oh wait i’m using my super chess play one minute let me just take that off let me just follow my dad oh hey you see this guy right here i was trying to blow myself up craft jensen imagine they’ll never find minecraft you’ll never find me

Didn’t work i was trying to pull myself up what the heck did they buff the freaking skull spell that’s insane i don’t know okay i’m gonna pull up with a better set let me make something um very freaking dare you dino bacon [ __ ] boy i will mug you

Get out come on stop trying don’t have a chance you know you don’t have a chance but you’re going to keep gap shopping just because and the fireball spellbook that i’m pretty sure blowed up you as well christ i need to assemble a setup that’s a bit better

Because this is just brock jensen just has well no you just have s30 so i have zero percent chance just use freaking normal items like i am and then you’ll get road worldcraft i don’t i don’t have duplicates of anything this sucks you’re dead to me i can’t believe this

I don’t carry duplicates i literally can’t you literally do like four hearts a hit no matter the weapon and it’s a d site a freaking d site that’s for a hit that’s me with my best weapon using a backstabber i hate the server it’s so bad you don’t have netherride on so you’re

Going to be very susceptible to knockback well yeah don’t make it i’m not even making my crappy right i’m not degrading the value tenfold same though like literally on me currently the only thing that i have that is never right is my torque and that’s because i bought it yeah butter’s not right

Okay i’m gonna do a bit of sharpening oh wait no i still don’t have the money why am i saying this ah i will cry i need to sell something i mean i’d sell this design i want to use a d scythe and a katana i don’t want

That to be my rotation but i can’t make that my rotation because i don’t have the money and Me want money now you say i could make a sharp 20 g scythe right now but then i won’t really have enough for the katana so it’s one or the other i’d rather have a lower sharpness d side since i don’t mean design my main katana too many s30s bro i’m so rich

Because i’d only be able to get this katana up to like i have a stegen 56 right i could get it to 18 easily with 100 accuracy now that’s one damage less than it would do without it so that’d be 0.5 7. wait doesn’t that cut it in half now one two

One two three four five sometimes can i sharpen up that’s three four five six seven that’s seven times six one two three four five six six i will it will do 15.5 damage a hit the katana which i already do like that’s a lot of damage with a backstab and a katana

Like that’s a really because i already do six hearts i did six hearts to it was actually on my last stream i think i tested it i did six hearts with a bass sharpness katana combined with a backstabber so or i can just main training sword of course

Do you not have any grips on your account i do i thought okay okay well you shouldn’t be so scared to use the sebas chest plate no it’s because i want i don’t know even saving the grit for a rainy day craft fine i’ll use it like

I i can melt through you because you you’re using summer chest plate well this isn’t a better ch this doesn’t do more also 40. i keep telling this kid it’s i mean it does make fireballs do like literally nothing i i i’ve never noticed that because i used to main summer chest plate

Until summer chest plate is good and then you know seba bishop ruins it see if it ruins it it gives you more health it gives you freaking attack speed which so does summer but and then it gives you freaking strength three three freaking three i want to

Name the see the chest plate in the siba helmet because the seba helmet is really good like resistance one that’s mine is 40 damage that’s pretty good the main like downside to sebastian’s plate is it makes you more susceptible to um background background um knockback yeah but honestly i never use another

Right anyways so i don’t mind i might never write my frozen stuff and my in one azurite helmet just because like those are that’s my gear i’m using it you know selling s20 selling s20 vajra 40 dangs i will literally sell it for 40 days anyone please i will cry

Oh blade against everyone oh my god they’re all going to get wilded again my entire clan is just keeps getting log camp because they’re all fools they’re literally all fools i cannot believe this of a feather i guess no words of the feather need to shut the

Hell up because they’re really bad at wildfire they are all nods they are all literally on arms like jesus christ tonight you can’t do that you do not have the necessary talents required it’s vegan 56 ugh that’s enough to get it i just need literally like 40 more degs that’s it

I really hope i don’t need to grip anything anytime soon because i used up all three of my grips like earlier this week i don’t know what uh for somebody else how much damage do i do just boot me real quick yeah okay you ready yeah jesus christ that almost took off a

Whole row the power of the sage slayer [ __ ] god oh wait it’s because i’m wearing uh yeah you’re wearing stuff with souls rift wings yeah now i win crap jetson because i let you ding dong no you didn’t oh frick i accidentally stabbed a blabkin wasn’t me okay was it me Oh he turned around imagine hey yo hey yo homie pull up and then i’ll be able to maybe afford half of what i have this man suffering from skill issue right now let me fight back mate i will roll you i see your arm you got a freaking zordoff and using

Like whatever the hell that is oh he does have siba shoes which is what i should be using oh i’m another right my helmet don’t you dare stab me i will freaking disown you diamond did you hear how many uh fireworks like i just used

I am not in spawn currently wow not even watching my stream craft underscore jensen i’m so sad if i glued that i’m gonna lag that’s a joke i’m kidding okay that’s a joke you’re just i’m you’re so mean when woohoo i will cry i’m hungry very hungry but i want food

But i’m also lazy so i’m just gonna sit here and start go eat no yes you can’t make me that’s true i’m bringing my bathroom up i’m pulling out my sharp 13 baffinet holy crap selling s13 bath lynette and a s20 vajra please and a sixteen miss

And a shark i’m selling like half my sharpens please oh he’s trying to cast me you impotent little [ __ ] boy make it on the water make it all the i did not make it on the water as the kids said oh my god oh you just log out once he got in here

Oh no he’s just over there oh my god this is so slow i miss my oh wait no i have haste too why was he so slow when prepared didn’t ask plus death size what’s up cheesy zory’s sure hope you’re not tagged all right don’t you e-bone me young man

Don’t get flexed on by my spooky legs i have blue 18 spooky legs not to flex that’s literally like not even a flex at all blue 18’s holy crap bro holy crap bro maybe six tags oh oh my god i’ve actually got him him cycle of blindness

Get him in a cycle of blindness don’t let him escape oh wait what the [ __ ] no chance i just did the most slick play dude they dug me in a really deep one by one hole i use ice and guard and they all suffocate why is my entire freaking clan trying to

Cax me i will mug you don’t make me fight back young man i dare you dm log to dn and these [ __ ] nuts only 7 2016 snowy sets literally bad not even 500 asia or elytra’s Oh there we go what what did you misspell that ass what did you misspell asscraft what did you misspell it as i i misspelled sec into sex god god damn it thank you i had to freaking sneeze dm log i don’t know what happened i just died okay cool replay mod is My game game stuttering suffocate you fool on gap imagine oh i will destroy it i want to ask 20 my backstabber because it looks cool on the funeral path Oh god yeah bro once i you know i actually why should i even bother sharpening my like katana i want a backstopper oh my god should i just risk like the first two on katana and then do the rest yeah it sounds like a great idea

I saw the screenshot that you posted in mine i accidentally broke my freaking like sharp twenty two four yeah it was an accident Oopsies they’ll just stab me really really throw some shinto’s in there oh frankie phil i will mug young man myself with that shinto owie oh my god i’m about to get cacked i think i need to blow myself up keep you for geared wildfire with the orihi that makes me kind of

Want to tp and destroy him i really wanna i don’t like that guy like kingpin from into the spider verse this is so fun it has s30 katana scrap jensen too easy oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god d easy easy gg he’s plus quote

Retweet plus among us freaking sex i’m so sorry craft here take all my s30s oh wow i should just sell on my events of mine s30 that’s a great idea no that’s such a bad idea i would never do that because events are going to be worth more than s30s eventually

Oh i should have cast that guy oh hey yo brody you’re in combat good luck now that combo is so nice oh i’m too good at video games these people can’t even compare oh hey yo yo homie pull up all right who’s this oh it’s dino it’s dino i want them dead

Oh my god the freaking katana people you’re all annoying you all [ __ ] you’re all [ __ ] i will literally that’s it i’m gonna try hard on this child huh yeah let’s go yeah with this [ __ ] let’s go proper 1v1 he just threw an ender pearl try to get behind me

Why am i stuttering so bad i should i need to get the freaking negative short for that stupid katana this is so annoying [ __ ] and craft no i’m stretching would you want to buy an s17 design i haven’t you have no dags you have no dags nevermind i mean to take wild obviously

You should honestly get a second set to take one wild fighting craft i’m a spawn warrior i’m a social justice warrior jensen b oh my god i’m so funny and so cool crafts hat todd doesn’t scam what the hell does that that’s good No no no no no he doesn’t that good attack good trader also both that’s 10 degs oh wait no i only have one of each okay so bad why are you what’s my game i’m i’m selling my elite craft hey craft do you have any spare uh leeches

I agreed to sell this guy one and i don’t want to sell it to him because it’s i got it was a gift hang on what do you need i need like just a normal alicia like or like i’m breaking three preferably or mending one of one of the two

If you have one oh my god who the hell is that hold on oh crap spells say a bone spirit this guy i swear if he doesn’t have no spirit i’m gonna cry how much i’m using the weirdest set ever right now i’m putting on shadow man’s her legs bro

Oh i have so literally this would go really well to see the helmet the cb helmet would go really well with this i mean oh i should switch to pyro since it’s pretty good and gives a lot more hp that’s why i’m switching okay i’ve got the setup craft

I got my dn spell book i didn’t spill i had to log off for a second to see what my cousin wanted can can my game function please thank you i’m going to cry watch for the bone spirit bro how much how much does it bone spirit craft i have no idea

Well crap what five fifteen this guy wants 15 for a bone spirit that’s shop price yes that’s he’s telling me to spend the freaking mpc price on it he wants 15 for a bone spirit craft this man is drunk so is he just gonna sit there in the yard until they get home

Oh my my cousin i told where my grandparents were there i just wanted to blow myself up oh i just dropped my spot and it just blew up everything i wanted to get to you ass let me try it with a silver fish of armor oh that’s just a normal [ __ ] [ __ ]

Okay where’s the other one okay so ice is a good wild fighting one but the do you still need that electro because i’m in the process of oh yes okay thank you you are two kinds that’s the wrong elytra okay he wants 12 for the bone spear is that good

I’m starting with the freaking oreo kid i wouldn’t pay more than 10 for a bone spirit hey and i’ve gotta and i’ve gotta buy bone spirit because i like i literally have needed the spell and so now i’m gonna have even less to sharpen buying s20 katana wait what if i just do

That one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve oh my god that’s draining my cash what did naruto runner just get wilded damn no they’re they’re just being tickets yeah no naruto’s a spawn seltzer popper this piece of [ __ ] i’m gonna sell sir pop a cap in his ass

If he tries me again come on let me craft thank you game let me craft craft jensen oh my god funny i’m so funny all right i’ll do 12. fine i need bone spirit i’ll do 12. so i am stuttering hmm this guy have a sharpie katana i’ve been looking for one

Because i’ll just buy the sharpening hello it’s the fluffy boy and crafts i think my computer just shot itself well okay i’ll just sell this electrolyte whatever oh well that’s my only elite well what a deco i guess no it’s all right oh there’s someone trying to listen dead zones Uh keep the language to a minimum i’m gonna call with somebody that’s streaming wait what oh no no oh nose please say all the slurs do not say any slurs we fill me up it didn’t work i’d love to if i had the ability to commute to said work

But i don’t even have a license so i’m gonna put you in my pocket oh no i’m in the pocket not the pocket okay i’m just gonna uh definitely discord for me rut ro i’m just gonna definitely on discord until craft solves that oh my that’s not nice well

We are almost there guys oh only 30 more dicks so the trident do i really want to sell my trident it’s my last trident i do not have another i already sold my other thing air shield sleeps uh necromancer chest plate what else was i saw and well and what’s it called

No one in this is full of no i might just leave the clan so i can just trade out like out of think i’m going to trade sharpens that one oh this is so annoying now we found shulker shulker shells for one day wait is the sharpening calculator correct even i don’t know

Because i feel like two sets should be more than enough to freaking sharpen it okay well chat i’ll be right back i’m gonna eat food uh you can listen to naps to blink i guess i’m putting dishes in the dishwasher what am i supposed to do i don’t know

Great job craft you’re doing great okay okay i’m just gonna definitely actually i’ll verify it okay chat uh yeah did you do you can just listen to music i guess i don’t know it’s not a very entertaining stream anyways oh yeah i’ll be right back i’ll return momentarily one when when we so

So thank you hey yo ayo did i want to give away no i didn’t it was just a pain for me a giveaway i lost i will cry never sucks okay let’s log on to my ones i am live that is a lot of eggs eggs someone said eggs i loved eggs foreign

They’re done do i name my damn katana i’m gonna like s i mean i wanna s30 eventually that’d be a good first s30 uh it says this big visa bro you’re useless they didn’t go after him they went after the wrong person get them they’re tracking bullets [ __ ] boy

Let’s get is that really an egap okay i’m not even gonna bother also i’m back to the desk chat back at the desk holy crap geez i totally didn’t just unmute save these and then realize graphics oh yeah yes chase me down what the heck i don’t have escape spells

And that could bend them off for a little while hey yo i’m into the webs oh too easy i’m sorry kid i’m sorry kid oh i’ll never find her oh my god crap jensen what the hell good just the way i wanted that to happen oh crap left that sucks at least this

Hey there buddy we’re just doing nothing i guess i don’t know don’t mind me just opening my freaking bag of doritos bro just couldn’t cha i would never you gotta go the hell [ __ ] blocked i guess go ahead try me there we go it worked hmm i go see ya

Oh wait what the hell just do that huh let’s get rid of all that debris and climb up let’s send people to narnia you’re going to australia so an s20 for 39 eggs i cannot believe this a restage to make weapons hmm time you bubbly Oh baby that soul mass hold on this is literally getting kind of sad oh my god go ahead keep trying yeah go ahead this is getting really annoying it’s gonna turn pvp off watch it not let me yeah it’s not gonna let i completely lost all trains of thought

As to what i need to do because no one wants anything i’m selling so i can’t do anything i even sold a freaking event that’s not enough yo homeboy no homie pull up following get his ass oh they’re both after him that’s good they’re selling my freaking battle tp or

That they scammed off of me hmm this is so annoying i need to just sharpen the katana and then i can do what i need to freaking oreo i will roll you we’ll roll you into a [ __ ] pancake what’s annoying ass spells it i mean it’s kind of what i’m aiming to use

I feel like frozen would kind of be better here i’m just using this for hp though i would be such a shame if you empty [ __ ] what the hell is this just two taps this is insane oh yeah i can’t that’s it this shit’s not going away

I will destroy on my way out it did not work oh baby he’s currently starving in afghanistan okay go ahead go ahead try keep spells man we’re pathetic i can’t even kill myself this is how annoying you are now i gotta go check on my freaking root one section so

I just love my window so much it is the best server bruh there’s literally nothing to do now what am i supposed to do i can’t sell anything so i’m stuck in a stupid clan and i can’t even walk around spawn anymore because everything’s just so

Horrible and it turned on not off now i’m going to get instantly killed by the same people targeting it right where are you little crap i’ll fight back i swear to god oh they’re not even here anymore yay i’m just walking around spawn doing nothing sure why would the time why not

Now who the hell is you’re a prick um why did you say dn spellbook oh no it said firestone oh grass young man hey there how do you like two fire snow masses oh that’s nice that was nice how literally how they’re they’re desperate dan forgot to be desperate dead buddy sorry

Good luck you’re kidding me right now okay you did actually have a full set i thought he was just wearing on here he should have gotten like once after he was wearing what i thought he was oh you how much is this left now but they’ll just try to attack baffin that’s cool

Oh yes did they follow him yeah i think they did well i’ll find out in a minute that’s all sounds like skill issue sounds like a skull issue i’m at spawn so any free dragon lanes as ever those are shadow manchester legends but i will take them oh you’re not

Nah now blow up all the nuns i have another second limitation where’s the e-girl that is giving away items i require them waited no no no no no no no no chest plate i do not want a chest plate i’m just letting me oh you fool i had so many easy opportunities i’m

Just going to take the main one i just want to get behind him so i would do damage but you know what who cares i’m fine without it green mist and bosch i want a baja this is so funny yes he wants to buy one i could sell him

One or unless he just freaking hands me an imperial i’m just gonna walk away holy crap bro free sharp pony baja let me just really quickly like use this oh homie hey there you’re gonna die don’t mind no chance offer it was good right now well not one route gonna get one time

There’s i literally just need to walk up to him i have two freaking these on me he’s right next to me i just need to walk up to him i just need to pull up hey bow row all right not really bro hello there buddy i watch me warp to auction house

And then instantly that’s where he’s gonna be heading he’s gonna be right there you idiots you fell right for my trap i really just get dogged on that much he probably thinks he’s so safe right now cool think you are safe yes might become nightmare but i’m about to be your worst nightmare

Christ this is really annoying strat you got why don’t you yeah try to ego run you buffoon discover to place the shoulder i’m gonna just sit here just in case free empty spawn holy crap oh my god guys i need to send it i mean i honestly do need nothing currently

You’ll never empty walk into my bullets young man don’t [ __ ] there you think you’re so slick you’re so slick be afraid young man it’s not really lagged out just got two taps because of course actually that was like a bass katana stuff isn’t that bad where’s this [ __ ] oh

Dino you stop random ass mom why okay freaking nons with the stupid damn thing it just empowered every single non that had the spared eggs to make an s30 really i think you’re such hot [ __ ] okay buddy really test this theory oh well retro rice that i want frozen back i do not

Like pyro except i do have a lot more hp with pyro i have six i’ve eight hearts less i’m a lot lower with pyro help you spooky legs well iro isn’t very good be honest it’s pretty bad i just bring an ice trap just because not that i’m really gonna use it

And an ice domain for easy uh i joined easy but like now i join it just because green day is in guard really okay [ __ ] fine and i’m being 1v2 why does this happen yes yeah come on keep using decide spam let’s go it’ll work eventually come on

Oh my gosh this is the most annoying thing he gets a gap off instantly through a succulent okay wow now he’s using a sharpened freaking one when he when he’s not using his s30d scythe i just like break the roof and then do this and then leave

You know sleep like a normal person now he’s gonna get up here with the bone spirit isn’t it oh i’m sorry but i just have more souls now you see your your bone spirit isn’t gonna work i keep saying bone spear i mean ice and dirt every time i say that

Why do i just i should really just start [ __ ] you get the [ __ ] over here fine most annoying [ __ ] man because he should there’s no chance just because he’s gap chugging his ass off right before every fight and right during every fight the most annoying [ __ ] i’ve seen in my entire life

I really need that crossbow or i should use the cram grasp hey there come on just for a moment in the eye of the hurricane there’s fire for a moment come on no one that i can act no one that doesn’t use the most cheesy strategy ever ever fights back

They just don’t fight back then so either they’re just like using the most opie crap in the entire game or they don’t fight back one or the other amy oh this is annoying and i’m running out of energy my entire day is practically been wasted i haven’t really made anything at all

I’m just trying to get a dumb s20 just so i can just one and then i can finish the others getting one finishes my goal except they just had to nerf my main island so i’m just useless fry me [ __ ] wasn’t me bigfoot [ __ ] You’re not gonna get anything there’s no loot really okay bruh ah this is so boring i’m not even i’m not doing anything i’m literally just watching myself die over and over that’s about it Go ahead hot swap yeah yeah oh my gosh uh so this is not an anarchy pvp server the problem that i can just do this right no you kind of can oh alrighty i’ll vote okay i won’t stop streaming until i get in that freaking salty

Bro i’m just going to vote give me a freaking or freaking 18 or like 16 or a cookie or some [ __ ] oh thank you give me a 2014 d site apple of eden apples okay cool bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle oh yeah bro doing the catches to vote that’s gross multiple levels oh my

Oh my baby here gonna teleport the throne with me are you just gonna show us mom i mean obviously he’s not gonna go to the front yeah have fun i spawn we’re planning to find because the clan i’m in right now is literal dog [ __ ] so i’m probably gonna leave

I just don’t like oreo i’m i would i don’t want to join a clan with him and but green day is in it did i do all four votes no okay give me a freaking empiria and it says i’ve already voted today of course wait which one didn’t i click this thing’s weird

So hmm i don’t hit my freaking dog you [ __ ] oh no i just killed my dog you are dead homie oh god this is so boring i have nothing to do and i have nothing as well so spill one stag is to your deal this no see you mean like snowy

All right every single [ __ ] either runs or uses the worst strategy in the entire [ __ ] game so i don’t get a chance that’s 22 torque i’m nice dragon boots are in firm harmony bro imagine using an infirmary i mean it is a very good will i mean i’m using it literally

Oh my i didn’t even know that would work bro cry me come on piece of crap literally try me come on you don’t have a chance you know you don’t have a chance but you’re gonna probably keep trying which is the annoying thing about people like you you never know when to quit

Mostly kenny really that’s the leader of them right well yeah i’m sure i’ll get in the clan now not that i honestly want to join at least i know i can enroll their clan leader just not the main claims installing a azure right helmet oh bro what’s that sure i’ll give three

What also it’s like a seven degree item i want your little gun go ahead there dino how’s it going oh the backstab nice that server is pretty good it makes you do so much tell seven of course oh it’s the guy who’s gotten well [ __ ] that egg piece of [ __ ]

Oh what the hell nerd i’m kind of busy but go to deco why do i even try annoying this man doesn’t have dags look at the armor okay not yet sure whatever whatever i don’t more decks we’re almost there chat okay so now i need where’s the line when sharpness calculator

Red minecrafter holy crap okay the initial level was 11. the final level is 20. i’m on a just website that’s sharpening calculator you can find it in the money for okay i need two stags and 36. i have two stags 33 degs 33 decks so i’m selling an s20 for 33 freaking coins and no one sit and still no one wants it still no one wants it the server sucks welcome back i guess sewing masala all mermaids bro all right [ __ ] and sawing the zord i’m trying to sell you bro

No one ever sells anything offer question mark one day no straight up no i assume that’s for the zord book but i don’t care i don’t really want to sell this or book now anyways and they’re offering one deck for both that’s just how i rob it one then

I wouldn’t even sell the mermans by themselves for five eggs oopsie wrong one now what oh [ __ ] yeah deep chop keep going use it again you really just fall off freaking uber you’ll never get me bro says pvp’s off but it’s still going to be on because just that’s mine now

I preferred it with with just anyone able to fight each other at any time this guy just stupid oh yeah i don’t watch this [ __ ] they’re not good luck have fun oh god this is annoying as hell grinding the freaking sharpening decks because there’s nothing i can do there’s no events there’s no

There’s no crap to do except sell stuff and i can’t really wad luke because i don’t have wild looting stuff or a far tp okay let me let me just check my hops i’m gonna tab out so i can check the cords sorry chat bureau back

Oh okay this is far out this is far out i found far quartz chad let’s just go while did it i guess south we’re going south why the [ __ ] no okay boom stuff over there give me loot hey yo i forgot they’re strong mops now i do have to be careful

Hate to die to a freaking creeper regeneration yeah no i have blast bra good luck okay i’m gonna adjust i’m gonna be right back because i need to go do something i’ll be right back you’re right back now starting soon do do chat chat i’m literally so tired i’m gonna end the stream

I’m so tired right now i’m dying not literally but i will be done uh are we back and not we’re getting that damn s30 hear me chat oh yeah see ya thank you

This video, titled ‘Frankie failing at getting an s20(Minecraft Minewind)’, was uploaded by FrankieFilms on 2021-12-23 23:39:14. It has garnered 18 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:36 or 10596 seconds.

FOLLOW ME ON TWITCH + _ + or not i guess.. JUST KIDDING DO IT NOW MUAH HA HA HA. — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/frankieplaysstuff

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

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  • Surviving 9200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore

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  • Ultimate Modern House Build Guide

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  • FlickerMc

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  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

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  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

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  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

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  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

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  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

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    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

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  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

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  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

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  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

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  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

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  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

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  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

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  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

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  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork 🎮 Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: https://twitter.com/hmooncrab Peep the… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at https://bfc.store Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QJ8RwZZsjj Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOEy2PrmyH2JWVHsuVhcJbg Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharizardXKing Cryptic: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQxOJ__tn8JE8cj9g7go8g Pug: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAHUKt7SYUOWugIHEpo1DQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/outerspacepugyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/outerspacepugyt Muzz: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qs0ZVm5zYNAWmiFKvMzhg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/muzuku Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muzuku21 Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – www.youtube.com/@DazManReacts Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Goldenelytra.com Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- PublicLoyal.aternos.me:40241 Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/sav_dude_/ Discord ►https://discord.link/Savdude #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More