Ultimate Silent Gear & Apotheosis in Minecraft AT8

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Hello everybody we are doing the very simple thing of we’re going into the silent gear and apotheos has already made an axe I haven’t really gotten into the armor yet but we will take a peek at that and if Coler comes in my webcam was picking up my mic

That’s why it was such Duke but I need gems um because I have an axe that does quite a bit of damage and there was a way to like what’s word I’m looking for there was a way to Farm gems but like it’s hard because I

Need gem dust and stuff which means I have to break down Gems or armor which you need Mythic armor I don’t know I’m about to go and take a look and see what happens when I slap some socketed gears onto these guys cuz this is the axe it does a lot of

Damage almost 38 damage a swing so let’s get this out of the way I’ve been keeping this time in a bottle for reasons unbeknownst to me so I need more I can’t I need more of these luminous crystals so I think what I’m going to do

Is I’m going to go to this bath house and see what the bath house does cuz the last time I went to the bath house it was scary and there was a ton of Oogie boogies but they don’t appear to be very strong but hopefully we’ll find some

Gems in here somewhere I don’t know what the main purpose of these are do I have torches oh my God my backpack’s So Co it’s disgusting oh I don’t like that okay we got to go back in here shoot dark now the good news is I did get that

Upgrade from my backpack to feed me whenever I was getting kind of messed up what the [ __ ] I don’t even know what that was I don’t like the blindness though it’s not my favorite thing in the world cuz the battle tower thing wasn’t actually as bad as I thought it was

Going to be tragic and I managed to get through that pretty quick oh they’re like little suicide bombers dropping little little bombs on me okay so these all lead to the same thing now I know the towers I could probably go into a dungeon or something now part of me is just afraid

That if I go down there I’m going to get absolutely wrecked hello ah dang it I did not want to those freaking splash potions dude they wreck was that a Mythic yes so I can disassemble those okay at least there’s some light there’s so many in here and I like can’t even get

Close there’s so many husks in here I’m hoping that’s all of them it looks like it is so what all do I have so this yeah but I think I want apotheosis so I don’t know if I’m actually getting those from anything I think those are all things that oh I’m not even

Wearing my armor might be why that was so difficult is that it okay I’m just going to go in a direction I haven’t gone before and I’m going to try to find some more of these gears or these there’s a baby zombie underneath me we’re going to go home

Though and clear out my inventory uh I was going to make a end farm for Enderman cuz apparently that’s a good way to get it but this right here I should be able to salvage this yet so I think that’s just what I’m going to have to do I’m going to have to

Go through and just type in at and see if I can just get rid of all of these Maybe I don’t know what these are going to give us if they do and you can’t so that’s bunk but we got some of these so now I should be able

To take like my helmet here throw this in here two sock plus four Max Health that’s not bad and then I know that I I had some at silent and then JY did I get rid of them oh it’s apotheosis and it was like these armor toughness

No it was just an itty bitty looking gem but it gave yeah Max health so now if I came over here to the smithing table and Bam Bam no how do I oh it’s because it’s uh I need a chest piece so now I got to try to roll this

One for a Max health see now this one wouldn’t be bad but I need a lot more of those so let’s see if we can see now I could toss this in there but I want to keep that I don’t want to make another we’ll mess with it

Later just having four Max health for now it be nice inventory inventory inventory um we’ll put that back up that up seed bag and the zombie head now this mess of a freaking inventory my nose is runny be right back for h for for also that time in a bottle is some

Pretty cool titties let’s see here I just want to make sure it sounds okay everything sounds pretty good but the time in the bottle only works if you have it in your inventory and right now I’ve accumulated an hour and a half and bye George we are going to do it

All so I think I upgraded my shelves to the Deep slate ones hang on let me see if I have my sleeping bag in here somewhere and I don’t but I’m going to try to fill this up just to make this all go a little bit faster CU inventory sorting

Sucks I don’t even know what what is that for what is that for this what has the Mythic stuff I don’t even know what I grabbed is it these it is these so these are probably pretty good to salvage yes oh my God that’s good [ __ ] right there cuz you can use

These I’m pretty sure in one of these you can use these for this Mythic stuff here you can use the Pearl I thought but that’s good [ __ ] right there now I just got to get the rest of this [ __ ] out of my freaking inventory so after we set up the mob farm I

Have a lot of resources but I’m going to eventually have to make a bigger reactor or something cuz it’s just not cutting it here see and that’s a good one too yes give me the G pearls now what are these for okay they’re for gems is it just for gems

Now that’s pretty good actually hang on if I go here toss this in there see like this just doesn’t make sense see gym cutting let’s see what we have two gems of real quick and see if that works but I want one that’ll either fit in a heavy

Weapon see that’s just not what I wanted okay these will probably work let’s take a look and see what these do so put these in here take this and put it in here so yeah I’m not entirely sure how those god tier stuff work but on that

Note let’s just put all this stuff up this is the worst thing about running a muck and I should be checking every piece of deer and I’m dumb for not doing that what is this one is this oh the silver I got from the end okay so now our backpack is fairly

Empty we’re going to see if we can yes so I got to start looking into that Infinity chip thing and that’s under simple storage I think refined storage not refined storage so that’s not what I wanted to look at I want to look at so yeah it’s definitely not that

This is another one that I need to get into but that’s going to be its own thing so let’s go and just find some of these Gems by flying around here I swear if this is Terra Cotta dude I’m G to lose it oh my God I went on a hunt for so

Long trying to find Terra cot so these will usually have gems in here and then the chests up in like the Dungeons and stuff will usually have other gems I’m not saying these are going to be the best ones but it’s just a way to get

Some until I can figure out a good Farm I’m just going to do my best to uh now all right well it’s good to know that all the Terra Cotta is here now that I don’t need it anymore I don’t know what all this is vultures we’re just going to find a nice

Little biome and a bunch of Dungeons and Towers to try to take on W a boat sea castle the boat probably has some good stuff and it’s not that far away now I don’t know how long I’ll be I have another video I have to edit when I was making the

Beehive and that was all before I started doing the mob grinder which I made do a passive mob grinder somewhere else cuz I don’t think I could handle all the silk touch I have never found a silk touch book I’ll add it to the repertoire w I think that’s

Oil these had illers on it and [ __ ] so I don’t think I have an arrow nope I love when it lags like this I’m sure I’d be okay to just jump down there ow where’s the next one M were cool so I’m only going to take the stuff that has silent gear on

It because that’s another way to get a good amount of gemstones and stuff is to just take the silent oh oh to be honest with you I probably should have just kept it I should have put a box on it and taken it with me but I’m hoping there will be some

Other goodies in here so I am going to take all the TNT just because I don’t have any I have plenty of gunpowder and probably sand and gravel and stuff but that’ll be okay make sure I’m not missing anything and we will continue little Coral biome is this a freaking

Sheep or not a sheep what is this just a block of raw gold then these will usually have some neat stuff in them now I might have already oh yeah I definitely did okay now we’ll grab all the gems on the Walls soz I want a backpack full of gems and then I’m just going to go and crush a lot of them or reforge them to try to make them stronger that’s kind of the what’s up lad Wham how are you my good sir now where is my exit what’s up Coler

Meas suit solos huh and now apotheosis I like the process of it Coler and by the way the reason my mic was so jiggity jacked up the last time that you were here was because I had my webcam pulling in audio but I’m going to hunt for all

These gems because your boy needs gems like yeah why you hurt my guy and Coler you say it’s not OP it’s op man thank you very much for the like geez how’ you end up twisting your back so these just a little dungeon boy hey what

You in here the Wither stuff is what’s nuts dude I came into a room once in one of these and it was just literally nothing but Withers coming after me it was terrifying ah well perfect moving a metal couch Pivot well you got to think uh Coler most futons and stuff are just metal couches just a metal frame that bends potion of poison but I’m here for the gems baby get out of here so we fought the warden too by the way now that sounds kind of nice

That okay we got a spawner down there the fire scared me I really wish it give me more of the gems that’s actually useful tell them kids to come watch the greatest YouTuber to ever live they just don’t know it yet and Coler if you do want to play man

You’re more than welcome to I’m not going to stop you so one of these should take me down this a tall mystical gray flower feather falling feather falling I’ll take the eggs just because I don’t think hey what is this an energetic beverage I’m drinking it to see what happens

I know I didn’t send you the IP I apologize I will though I said everybody kind of just does their own thing what in the [ __ ] what is this Coler do you know this is Mana stuff isn’t it where you going little wispy boy what is this this is crazy what is

That it’s crazy uh ban of villagers a medical tinure I’m not sure what this is is fter is probably cool don’t really need any of the potions of managing that’s right that’s right right and I become Victorious that’s what I want silent Gear Baby thank you ours Noir Nala what are you trying

To do I really want to get one of those Stars man Yes actually it is so you usually the thing that people take ends up being liquid dripped on something well this is kind of crazy right I will take these books this is all very strong range I’ve never seen generation like this

Before like what is this thing I’m so confused whoa oh it’s a mimic did it just fall I think the mimic just fell on the ground that’s funny even water can kill you I should have brought torches or something great gravel what is this are these just

Stairs so this is what you get for trying to clear a dungeon you just ah [ __ ] where did you come from what uh it’s not socketed which is promoting issues within my reasoning for being here and another bad thing is the sockets don’t stack or the gems don’t

Really stack like that unless they’re the exact same I don’t think water is wet because we don’t have a sense to even tell us if something’s wet we just know that it’s hot or cold so no I don’t think water is wet I think wet is the action of being in contct with

Water hello Okie do thank you for supporting the homies cooler like yeah I don’t even know what this stuff is I just came here for this socketed stuff if it don’t have sockets I don’t want it I do want the name tag though so this also seems a bit cray

Cray not entirely sure what this is so Is water considered surrounded by water molecules if we just go off definition then yeah yeah I guess it is what but I don’t know man you see people go underw or like if you go into space where there’s like no gravity and stuff

Water just kind of sticks to [ __ ] so you know what I mean oh my take that sturdy B cage don’t want that causes melee attacks to absorb Health what where’s my little piston boy okay so now I’m curious as to what that actually does yes what is this your KN don’t need none

Of that I want to go back to my little dungeon thing what the [ __ ] so I don’t know what those guys were the next debate women’s rights please don’t nectar hey oh there’s a doorway there upgraded blazes do they suck they’re from I don’t actually

Remember I try not to mess with them too much so will this take me to loot is the question cuz I know the towers up at the surface kind of do the best for just getting somewhere and the dungeons have really good spawners if you can get to like the little boss area Oh got an indyman yeah man this freaking pick does a good job or this axe I made it last night and I’m GNA have to make more of it I should have brought a Warp plate or something I mean I don’t think we could be that far from the

Surface yeah look at that we already back out and that’s where I started so we’ll just uh we’ll keep on going this way we’ll see what we can find it do slap is that another one of those weird little it is so I don’t actually know what those are this is

Different Moon Sand and is that it so we haven’t really discussed about going on to what’s the word I’m looking for we haven’t really discussed going to the moon or anything yet but I want to and it was Ad Astra by the way you were right Todd

Hey is that the bath house it is somehow I didn’t notice all of these gems in here then we’ll grab whatever is up there at the top and then we’ll just go off this way cuz that’s the bath house that I already knew about

Y I don’t know what that is might be a little fishing Hut witch’s Hut definitely a witch’s Hut so when the backpack is full we’re going to have to rush over and go dismantle a bunch of this stuff dismantle The Establishment but I’m just trying to hit most of these before that time

Comes now I don’t like that these are all trapped cuz you got to if you don’t don’t start from the bottom Coler back Coler are you back you come to say hello and then I fly back up here I find the little doorway that I Broke take everything and sko so these are normally little witches places we’ll see what’s going on in here I’ve never seen one built like this this is actually really neat your suround yes yeah this one’s really neat I’ve never seen one built like this and look they got bees in here and

Stuff okay this place was neat and we’re just going to keep on going because this looks like so these have a ton of stuff inside of them these are neat so we’re going to go in here and we’re going to take on this one but before I do that I

Need to go and store these I hear somebody walking around and throwing me off Okay now what do we got in here cuz all the silent gear needs to be pushed it is a very pretty structure dang it I think it was an axe I should have went and cuz I wish I could just put in at silent gear orthosis or whatever and get what I

Need out of it cuz if I go here bloop bloop bloop bloop go ahead and Salvage those and then take what is it that I need next uh these guys can be GL that could be glopped anything with a socket can be glopped that’s what I’m talking

About and then all of these can be upgraded and smashed but what we’re going to do is clear out our [ __ ] inventory like good boys cuz that’s all use for upgrading stuff later on I’ve been diving into it because it looks really neat but it is a lot boy is

Tired I played this until like 6:30 in the morning put up these and these and the emeralds we’ll keep all these boys does this give Max health no but now I’m pretty sure I should be able to just start TOs and stuff and you know what just for funsies anything that’s

Cracked I’m just going to toss in here I don’t think I wanted to put that one in there see now this oh did you get some new Ram I do want to do a sky blocks version but I really want to make sure that I get this all kind of figured out

First we got almost the max all of these can be put in the library Blop because the FL gy I need to figure out what to do with those freaking all of you go first oh we got some more stuff I need to figure out how to get the infinite storage upgrade okay because the resource gen here is pretty much just this mob farm right here this

Is where I get my XP and everything and if I turn it on you’ll see so like right now my FPS is almost it’s like 70 and now it’s 20 but the amount of like items you get from this is absolutely insane it’s just none of these are

Socketed so I can either turn socketed items into the apotheosis gear or the yeah the apotheosis gear have sockets and stuff or I could just wait and just kind of let it do its thing so I’m just going to wait let it kind of do its thing I’m going to come

Over here um I need oh forgot about that little boy I’m hoping there is there’s not oh is that because yeah I don’t have a feeding slab in front of it ancient Be and that’s not that hard to get a block of netherite of course so I have all of these automated to do what I need them to do and that was the first major project was building the Beehive but now that the Beehive is built let’s go ahead and just finish

Doing what we were doing in the first place all the gear that can be salvaged will be salvaged all the items that can be itemized will be itemized and placed in the places that they belong yeah the Beehive was actually fun but I kind of messed it up you’ll see it in

The video I pointed out cuz I was like something’s wrong here and I can’t tell you what it is this one can be Salvage CU that’s what I’m going to do now is I just need to go on this like gear Farm grind to get all the gear stuff that I

Need which isn’t terrible it’s not God awful but like this there ain’t really no reason to even have that it doesn’t do anything 100% I can agree with that I’m hoping this is still storing time so now it’s just figuring out what to do with all of these gems cuz I still need

More you know what I didn’t grab my sleeping bag I don’t I don’t actually know what’s in a monastery isn’t that a religious Place cooked griddle flatfish I’ve never seen that so I’m taking it I hear some oh I see it’s just a bunch of villagers with an iron goblin

Hello y’all I’m just taking my stuff is that a Wither Rose monks so this is a NE this wasn’t what I thought it was there was this one that was just like this massive Tower we’re going to keep going this way though since the monastery wasn’t quite what I thought it

Was I’d like to find another one of those dungeons just not get caught up in uh there’s a little village there is a little village little person be hanging out around here somewhere what you got got any I got nothing man now I think these no not this one

There was one that had like a full-blown freaking dungeon in his basement he didn’t give a singular [ __ ] what is this Moonstone Shard I don’t think I’ve ever seen it because I have like the I have vibranium an upani alium but now we’re just on the hunt for the sweet

Sweet yes okay I remember who he is now he’s a little hermit guy that you get your quest from I don’t know what this is I don’t think she’s friendly definitely not I’m sorry Kitty I didn’t mean to kill your owner but she Swang first homie I know

She swing first dude I can’t help it I can’t just let her kill me dog that’d be dumb or cat whatever you are now this might be a dungeon dungeon which is what I wanted anyways we’ll take that gym cuz all these will be useful when I have to start making the Flawless

Ones and if I can find more Mythic gear ooh baby a triple what the flip zip dog is this this doesn’t look like your normal witch’s place but apparently it is that’s neat what’s on your shoes what’s on your feet sir herb Jars yeah I haven’t seen one look like this before it’s kind of neat getting all the new generation but sometimes you know there’s going to be chests or something that I could take a I just want this whatever it is I’m taking it what does it do whiches no longer bother the player

50% reduce magic damage 25 increased magic damage dealt that’s neat that’s a lot which is really ain’t nothing to play with and we’re going to continue off this way Adventure after I put some stuff in my backpack Adventure what is is this okay that sounds like a g hey buddy how you

Doing what is this place uhoh I see iller banners I also need to find the pigl no idea where he is I hear somebody walking around yeah this is definitely an iller the crit damage nuts back on our hunt for better Gear cuz I need to make a lot of sockets which means I got to get a lot of [ __ ] to dismantle little lava pool where did my drink go J so the jetpack makes a huge difference but I need another crazy like when we first spawned in like towards

Spawn which is now Mr mim’s base there is a huge like looking Dojo thing and it looked really neat what is my durability on this thing you know what I also forgot to do put that netherite brick for that be let’s go ahead and drop for a second I

Should charge as I’m moving but it doesn’t tend to do that or it should charge when I’m not flying but the wireless charger quit not entirely sure why but we’re just going to look what is this why is everything all red oh you saw you guys got anything good in here

No I’m not taking anything that’s not of use I need more chests as the thing here does it say socketed yes socketed yes don’t worry buddy I see you I’m coming for you next got another gem socketed yes we are well on our way is that a

Melon gem shrimp dis Rish wait was this socketed no row it’s probably an upgrade material at some point socketed baby that’s what we want uh I don’t know the actual you talk oh no mine should be Universal no matter where I am because if I’m in the end or

Whatever it used to charge but now it doesn’t but I’ve also made some upgrades to the base which could be why I’m pulling a lot more energy than I was before I’m going to turn my speed down to 40 okay 60 but I mean it holds like 50 million or something like that

Like it’s crazy cold ocean when the server restarts I got to go get a drink guys if I don’t get a drink I might die that’s an odd little structure don’t you think what is this can I make night vision goggles because I don’t know what that

Gate’s for but um I kind of want to go and check it out because the gear I have right now is not enough and I don’t know what drops the gear that I can dismantle Enderman in the end tends to look like the best but I don’t know making the farm in the

End is kind of a pain in the dog do and it’s always when you’re trying to find stuff cuz like now I can’t find any Dungeons and I need dungeons dog or just I need chest and I just need a a plethora of loot would be helpful this guy probably got a little

Bit of loot in here uh and also I am no longer invisible did I take my scarf off I guess I did extra level looting so that makes everything a little bit better cuz I have looting four on this and I don’t I think you need a repair kit in order to

Repair Z lighter you have chest in here don’t you guy they got yeah gems you been holding out on me dog one of these at one point dude swear had a freaking uh a whole dungeon underneath and it was massive but right now I’m just needing some items to make my items better

Items if it ain’t socket it I don’t want it I thought swords were supposed to make these a little bit easier oh you suck I heard the door open and almost pooped my pants welcome back to mining cobwebs hm H and it wasn’t even worth

It let me through where’s he at I’m just going to because I feel like being Ted Bundy we are going to take a look at uh removing his existence oh he pulled out that enchanted bow dude what’s up break with the sword have a slot nine bro thank you for the advice

I thought there was a little specialty to it welcome by the way um just going to call you Lio Leo is it Leo with an eye okay at some point I want to try to speed run my buddy Mr mime is really close to getting that was a lot of

Sheep thank you I appreciate that and I have one over here I just don’t think about anything cuz I made this guy and and I like this guy a lot so I don’t particularly what is this oh it’s just a ruined nether portal block of I don’t even think this

Is a ruined nether portal whoa that this is something I was supposed to visit actually I was supposed to throw a dark gem on it what we got in here socketed yes Kitty slippers that’s neat I got me some bunny slippers and so hang on I’m going to go

Home and I’m going to grab a dark gem everything kind of lags while I’m here so and while we’re here we’ll go ahead and Salvage all of those and now let’s take a look at this I’m pretty sure I’m just picking these up that’s neat over there there was

Something I supposed to do here hang on no not that that’ll mess up my whole little routine origins of Darkness cuz evil craft I think has a quest line yes and mine was this everything in the M sort to find yourself some dark gems so the origin of darkness is this guy

And I just kind of dabble many kinds of magic in this world but the kind you can achieve with blood seems different I’ve notic people cutting themselves for obtaining blood well hot damn there are two major parts for the two ages of evilness I like to classify everything and I consider everything

Before my coming to the first world is the first age okay so what am I supposed to do with werewolf bucket of poison and a glass bottle makes a potion of poison that’s pretty simple I think see it’s one of these there seem to be certain structures in

This using Dart J I was able to enhance existing glass bottles to be able to contain environmental weather so I just need a dark gem a glass bottle and some sugar and let’s see what happens dark gem glass bottle and some sugar I’m just going to get nine of them and

Then let’s go back is it this no environmental accumulators so I don’t know what you’re supposed to do here in this but that’s okay we’re just going to keep on going I know where one is I know where a few are R into quite a few of

Them we’re going to raid this here Village which is a very freaking pretty Village I’m digging it what is this skyus planks I needed those tier one projectile speed so these are all for like the silent gear editions which the infusing and stuff it took Forever there should be this is the prettiest Village I’ve seen by the way thank you very much for the like uh there should be a waypoint somewhere I think I mean this is a pretty extensive Village except this shit’s in the way so yeah there should be a waypoint somewhere in this

[ __ ] I just don’t know where whoa if not I will place one cuz this is vanas anything in here vanas thank you very much for the like I appreciate that sorry trying to keep track of chat and stay focused it’s a little difficult for me my brain does not want to do it

Give me them G wait give me them gems baby socketed yeah give me that b cage cuz there are like very specific things that that you can use the bees for but it’s it’s crazy there’s a lot faster ways to go about it I don’t know what I’m picking up but

I need it to stop hey hey hey hey your house is on fire and there’s a chest in there wait that helmet may have no go upstairs go upstairs what is stuck like everything get the [ __ ] out of the way my loots are burning well this Village might be a

Little on the screwed side hello why are you I saw somebody walk around I’ll take the empty map just for funsies don’t know what that is but I want it so let’s go ahead and put everything in here up minus the time of a bottle cuz I don’t think that that does it

Inside wait there was something in there oh no that was my time in a bottle I should probably make a couple of those it’d be really nice to have okay so we shall continue our adventure this looks like a dungeon that’s a tree that though is exactly what Throttle Down ha we made

It but it doesn’t look like so I got some gems that’s always good since that be what I’m out here for I do kind of wish it told me what it was prior to me breaking it but you know it’s what is oops all right on I

Itches and now we’re back to trying to just find some stuff to do there’s a flying here man and it is driving me nuts Swing so I’ve already looted that that one I’m trying to go places I haven’t gone to make sure that I can get more gear you know what I mean man cuz I haven’t started making any armor I got to go and I got to get that ancient debris which means I need that

Ancient bee to start doing some stuff cuz if the ancient bee ain’t doing stuff I ain’t getting stuff and I’m tired of going into The Nether to try to get ancient debris it’s not hard it’s just it’s time consuming because you can’t vein mine it doesn’t really spawn in

Chunks or in uh veins oh my God turn down turn down for What let me do this hole [ __ ] let me do this hole there we go I hope everybody’s having a good Wednesday that’s a gem of the warlord those are pretty good stuffs cuz at 5% Max he and this is cracked so if I get a Flawless one oh is

This another cracked one it was uh and then I have those Pearls of like the whatever you call them they’re like god tier Catalyst or something like that it was something a little different but oh well we’ll just go up the stairs it’ll probably be faster definitely will be faster than

That and I think my reach should be good enough will you thank you Goodbye leaving destruction in my awake like a true champ I don’t know what this is but I’m going into it this is a dungeon there looks to be something you see that on the map there’s something like Buu nuts over there and I leave the chest so that

Other players if they want to come and take a look at it wait there was a chest up there I get distracted thank you very much what do I call you by the way sir wa you talking about up here what chest you talking about Willis oh wait you talking about that

Tower that every one of of them explodes when you open it is that what you’re talking about cuz that I’ve gotten very accustomed to but these usually have some pretty good stuff in them except when they don’t I’m G take the new manx cylinder because I think eventually I’ll probably need him

Gotcha I think I got the tower ah I hope I did it’s all you need baby is a little bit of sock of tum well don’t need none of that appreciate your eye man I miss a a lot of stuff or woman I don’t know [ __ ] gets confusing

Well see I wish these guys dropped Apothic gear or something because you know I end up with all this stuff and I don’t even need it and I don’t want it like at all but I got to find the way down in this little area nope you’re not allowed to exist here’s

The way down ow and nothing like nothing that would be mind-blowingly awesome then we just wind up back where we started in one of these crazy freaking what you calls it I will take the feather falling don’t really need it but I’ll take it ow stop

That making sure I don’t hear one from behind a glowstone extract uh yeah but we all kind of do our own thing so there’s four of us in total and we all kind of just did whatever where is this water coming from is it you CU like I don’t want half of this

[ __ ] man all this stuff is obnoxious and how kept blowing was a little weird but all right weird Flex all right so I don’t think anything’s in there there was some couple a couple more floors that I could go and check out I dare you cuz you need a lot

You need a lot of stuff in order to get like a really good god tier weapon and to be honest I should probably be collecting and BR I should probably be collected to book was oh aren’t you guys cheeky goodbye only want stuff that’s socketed soed only want St So hey thank you I’ll talk to you later man appreciate that thanks for hanging out ah it was a spoter socketed not socketed where’s the next one we’re going to go this way oh I think this is just where we started okay so that goes down even

Further but I don’t think I spent any time yeah going through here JY let’s go ahead and put what we can up go home real quick start dismantling The Establishment socketed socketed nice socketed I wish there was a way for me to filter out what had the socket slot and what

Didn’t these I can all put up and also got to look for see those excuse me those can just be tossed don’t really need them that’s suer and these can literally just all be thrown away I have no use for them oh we were allowed to put the boots

In there but the boots didn’t say they were socketed so again I’m confused now because I don’t know what that means I don’t know what I can get rid of like can these go in there no of course not let me go put up these Enchanted but

What do you got for sale let’s see a beacon not that great let’s go turn this off cuz it’s lagging my face that’s for me to do like warpgate rooms I was trying to get Sher shells and they’re kind of a pain in the ass did this get turned

Off okay apparently there was just a lot of mobs we’re at 12200 XP which makes like this stuff much easier cuz now what I needed this one for was the Sigil of socketing which hang on do I have bananas in here no that’s driving me nuts

Dude I need these bananas and I’m not getting them I’ve gotten like eight because you have to do the greater which I need to go put these up real quick time to clean up the inventory how’s the prosperity 30% so I can make quite a few things with Those okay let’s go clean up some of this inventory inventory needs to be clean all those can go keep Time in a Bottle those can all go that can go that was pointless backpack all the gems H and I have five minutes what all can be thrown in here nothing trash can backpack

Wow I’m also going have to take all those enchanted books back ah no not the sugar I just want yes I want all the enchanted books in my inventory to go into the library look at that we have so much magic siphon oh I didn’t want to do

That okay so we are are getting ready to restart the server apologies dark temples evil craft basic these are hard to miss considering and the center of the dark Temple is environmental accumulator we can use this to empower and create several items that we’ll need along the way including lightning

Bombs condensed blood so now what is this you’ve been thunder struck throwing in a weather container into the environmental accumulator will harness the power of the storm huh we might take a look at that cuz this all looks nuts I think the charge is just not getting yeah it can’t charge it’s probably Because I need to go grab some more uranium but lucky for us I have been pumping out the amount of uranium that would make you mama cry okay whoops what was it okay so that should be good now what we need to do is go and throw this in

Here and hopefully it’ll start charging and we’ll be okay dead and I think I got to leave one cuz yeah that’s Max so hopefully the charger will start to charge otherwise I’m going to have to figure out a new yeah no that’s pretty stuck man I don’t think I need the compressor

Anymore I don’t think I need the metallurgic infuser we’re leaving the crafter for sure and we’re going to leave it cuz this should still be crafting stuff oh no I have it turned off duh all right well I guess we’re just going to wait for the server to restart and we’ll go from

There and I am going to have to go and urinate deeply um I don’t really have a Bight back screen so I’m just going to go to the bathroom wait for the server to restart h okay the server restarted so I am going to take a little look at making sure everything sounds

Okay and oh hello praise be to the chair indeed oh so that farm that was hanging out by The Beehive that thing produces so much inferium Essence it’s a nuts like so much so that when I go and try to send it where it needs to go so I

Think I’m going to make another pipe and another ender chest and set it back up there on that thing so that it’ll constantly be making the insanium stuff because eventually I’ll swap everything out for the insanium farm l or I’ll go make some insanium gear or something something

Cool but I don’t know if you can use apoio I’m sure you could but I don’t think you can use the Starlight stuff or maybe the uh the Tulie stuff to make your own tools out of it I don’t know if that’s the case oh hang on I’m getting messages oh

Oh and my skin is done you need to go away oh yeah oh yeah all right so you guys are going to get to see the debut ah I do enjoy it it’s going to be so fun the only problem is my phone’s about to die and I don’t remember which

Account this is under so let’s see here because I’m switching this real quick we’ll restart everything okay so how can I log in hopefully it’s this one otherwise I’m gonna have to go and charge my phone because I’m waiting on him I’m gonna go charge my phone real quick just

To make sure that everything’s good and I will be right back again my dog was all up in my beds so I need to make a better energy source uh we’re skipping the ads because y’all are cool but yeah my Minecraft Skin’s done it’s been about two weeks I

Think but I’m hoping it’s it’ll be it’ll be nce I just can’t remember my login and I want my freaking sleeping bag there’s probably one I actually don’t know where it would be but these need to be put up and stored away and then blood can go away sleeping

Bag I have a bed it’s just over here see I’ll send that little file over to myself later while I’m here I need the feeding slab and a block of netherite netherite in a slab I mean my fiber account because this is already set up where I should be

Able to just log into my Mojang when it pops up curse Forge go to the settings and change it from there and I’m going to have to make some more Diamond bees cuz this guy should now be producing it and it should in theory produce ancient debris or debris

Essence uh the reason I wanted this prospera be right here no this this one is so I can make inferium and supremium Essence all right back to where we were as we were sharpness uh nope not taking it said we are hunting for specifically silent gear oh oh

God and there’s just an Enderman chilling down there not socketed I think I have slowness put on me I’m not not a fan of that either okay not socketed efficiency is good though that one’s socketed I hear quite a few and like for the amount of stuff that

You kind of have to go through here okay at least we have a little bit of light now there should be a chest in here still doesn’t have anything that I want oh goodbye sir where are you spawning from right there still nothing socketed I will take the g m

I don’t know what’s hurting that zombie but uh that’s fine don’t know what this room is either when you start getting into the areas that are just all messed up because they the way that they’ve generated it’s just jacked it makes it a little difficult to navigate through where you’ve been

And where you need to go the hell was that we got another down and now I personally can’t say just heard something open a door hello goodbye uh the clock’s kind of neat want that gem that’s socketed socketed I’m going to take the clocks too I think there was one over here

Too why were you not spawning anything there’s a door no or a spider spawner though what a sneaky place to put a spawner so with all these I should be able to start rolling my gear to try to get the max slots cuz I need a bunch of those

Slots I think the max is four nothing of use to me still nothing I’m going to take the golden apples and I haven’t seen like a boss room yet uh socketed perfect gem instant Health that’s neat this seems to be more of a put together

One and as I say that everything kind of starts falling apart right in front of me uh socketed take the clock those would be used for Speed upgrades later for like the bees or centrifuges or other things and then what I think I’m going to do is I’m just G

To dig my way up because I think we’ve hit the bottom level I just want to make sure that I’ve gone through all the little rooms a slime I haven’t seen a slime in I don’t know how long seeing all this stuff is just gear that I don’t need oh anything in here

Nope I can go down further interesting okay there’s just so much water here think it was this way did I loot that chest I did let’s see what goes down one more well this is definitely different can say okay first things first this is one of those wither rooms

Man I don’t have any arrows on me do I I got this yeah these guys look way more dangerous so did they drop me any socketed stuff doesn’t really look like it sulk Smite don’t really care about that and we got some feathers I’ll take

Those and the eggs cuz the eggs tend to be pretty pry useful where are y’all coming from so is there another one in here there is that just lapis it is that’s just iron see it’s still just not what I want it to be just heard Nala absolutely flop on the

Floor all right so we’re going to go check out another way that’s not what I wanted so like these guys are definitely stronger I just wish it gave me more socketed items if it killed them because that’d be cool because otherwise what am I going to do with all this

Stuff so anything that’s not socketed I’m just going to leave in this chest now I could probably disenchant them and maybe take the enchantments off but I can’t confirm or deny that so I’m just going to take all the ones that don’t have one and just stuff

Them in this chest because this has sockets this say sockets does not has one no socket socketed no socket socketed no socket and I’m just going to dump all of these in here or at least that many I’m going to go home and grab a torch or a lantern of some Sort so the system’s starting to lag a little just Because okay so now we got a little light it’s so the mean you were so far up in the air I’m not doing that I’m not doing that okay so backpack is still pretty full but the good news is it has nothing but oh nope it should here shortly have nothing but socketed Items and from there if I could find another way down I think that’d be neat cuz I haven’t been in this deep yet I don’t know what these are all about but I know I’m not taking none of those other than the gold Gold’s good for you

I don’t know where they’re all coming From I’m hoping it was just that one and I always grab the little books the slowness effect sucks this might be as far down to the dungeons as they go cuz once I build a uh decent enough gear set I’m going to go into the Twilight Forest and see if I

Can kind of mess some stuff up trick is to get them before they spawn in which I obviously did not do very good job a Vortex can I’ve never seen one of those soulbound power and protection so I found out with the splitting the splitting enchantment you can drop an anvil on a

Oh what are spawners is that it here probably is what do I got here we little alra guy where is your spawner found it I honestly should have known so there’s still just I mean I don’t know it’s okay stuff I feel like a better dungeon would

Be more beneficial for me to run around in that was scary oh well apparently I didn’t go this way okay that’s not good okay that’s fine that’s all done for I don’t actually know what that is but it looks crazy and I think these guys are in the walls I’m being

Withered yeah there’s definitely a spawner up in the ceiling but I think with this so the I have this set up to where that the healing gained he like mins it so it doesn’t take my experience which it’s a give or take like I could live with with

It or without it to be honest with you I’m just checking for looty loot don’t really know what oh I didn’t check that to see if it was socketed the golden apples and I think there was one more Direction I could go from that main area that I came down down

From might be this one NOP definitely been this way I do kind of want to go fight that boss oh God didn’t I’ve never seen an Enderman one before it shouldn’t be that hard to go this man that one was socket I don’t know swarm your enemies with Spirit blazes that was

Weird what do we got here compressed iron chest plate these things are pretty good all right let’s go home we’ll take all this socketed gear socketed socketed we’ll have to put up the rest of this oh it’s in my backp so these can be thrown

Away but that can be taken that can be thrown away that could be taken and then we should be able to start constructing our own stuff to be a viable option let me go put up these book wait what the hell how many do I have here

There has to be two of them what is the point of the noling sign if people are just going to yes yes I was tired of going into The Nether fort because you need this in order to make the tyranian steel and then you need like Blaze So

Eventually I’m going to have to go and change one of these spawners to a blaze spawner because I had seeds it just sucks doing the whole seed thing sucks uh any enchanted books in here these are definitely the way to keep all your enchantments in check were you the man that had

The goodbye you appear to be a new man and this is a mess up from creates like I think it was the chassis they were being wonky any bananas No No Bananas still no bananas there supposed be like a one in five chance and that just does not appear to be the

Case put up all these wait where is my time in a bottle yes I would like this to keep accumulating time put all these up uh this is a socketed that can go up so I’m going to keep these in here now what I’m going to

Do is pull all of the stuff that doesn’t have a socket out of my inventory and trash them because I don’t freaking need them trash can Trash Can so we have that I don’t think we have too much of the scrap metal which is an issue we have 12 scrap

Metal and let me look at gems what what is this not evil crap I need apotheosis gems so now let me grab all of these gems which I think that’s it I didn’t really get that many in this go but we’re going to need this we’re

Going to need so I want to take these gems of the warlord so let me look up cracked so let me I’m going to keep that one don’t really care about that guy yeah that one’s not that great this one might be worth it the samurai since it’s

Unique I could probably throw that in on no so I could probably use it for something else later on down the road and now I should be able to salvage all of these to get a pretty hefty amount of dust so now I kind of want to take these and I’m looking for

Fla and if I go to the gym cutting station I should be able to throw these in here here this and this one chipped Gem of the warlord and from here I can take these I need these shards where be me shards oh I have plenty of Chip gems of

The warlord what am I talking about time W fabric cuz this is the one that gives me Max Health BL Gem of the warlord chip Gem of the warlord and now I’m one away from being able to get a another one and now now I thought like I said

This freaking apotheosis stuff this right here is supposed to give me some good stuff when I roll it so what do I have here chip Gem Gem of the warlord so let’s take these two chip gems seeing I can’t does it have to be a perfect what is

This okay so I need two of these but these I should be able to yeah make another flaw Gem of the warlord so Chip Chip BLS now we’re stuck with the four there but that’s pretty good man we’ll take that gem dust and toss it in there so that was the samurai I

Thought these seem to be pretty common in those pretty big areas like those what he calls it the uh those Towers because now that I have a gym of the warlord I just need to reroll I just need that Shard I don’t remember what it was called

These so now if I go here and I put these in here and this in here and then I take let’s just do let’s just see what happens when I stick this in here so it gives me an extra socket but what I really want is the loot pinata from my

Understanding uh let’s see that gives me to 42 and it’s at 37 right now see and I like the crit chance so we just need more gear just ground around but that’s that’s a good start we’re kind of figuring out what we got to do here and I still have some socketed

Stuff this says a socket now I would don’t know if there’s a way to search by NBT data but I may have to go and make that Enderman farm at some point oh oh of course you’re a wither skeleton well you know what you stay over

Here CU otherwise I have to go through and add the enchantments on myself by throwing it in there and I feel like that’s just kind of a waste of your resources so I’m going to avoid that if at all possible but now it’s time to get the F out of

A I think that’s where we started so we’re just going to keep her going we’re going to check out the these do have some cool stuff in them sometimes I think it kind of depends on what type of stone it is on the inside cuz like what is this a mysterious Cube

No idea what that does but it’s mysterious yes see and now’s where I should have been grabbing those uh what do you calls them that’s stuff for hexy but I need more gems of those Warlords because I want to get a perfect one and I got to get enough gear to be

Able to drop quite a bit of stuff see now we’re getting into places that I’ve already been so we’re just going to go we’re going to go north and see where that takes us on the land of Adventure I may have to start a land

Game and then just load a bunch of the map in I’m going to go East but I’m kind of just stuck here because the chunks won’t load stop it okay go sleep time so now that I have some of that scrap I’ll go ahead and make some more

Of those tyranian Ste oh wait no no no no no no no no cuz I have some tyranian steel I just got got to get it all graded to Max which can be a little expensive it’s this thing right here so this one’s as Max it can go and it’s

Enchanted so I want to start with the lowest which is probably e now I could use this bottle of time or Time in a Bottle hey we got a B so now what’s the lowest one C nope it’s got to be D I’m just going to slowly get all of these to

SSS we’re going to hope that from there I’ll be able to turn them into max ingots and we’ll be able to make some pretty cool armor a b c so there’s six of these that need to be rolled the only problem is since it’s a c if it

Rolls a b it’ll toss it over see so it rolled the B and I don’t really care about the B ah we got an S we got an A and sometimes you just get lucky and it’ll just roll a Max and you’re good to go got another B got another a so now we have a b ssss so now we got to do all the B’s let me go get some more of this blazing dust and I need to make some more of it and I don’t have any ingots which is this so I can’t make a

Ton but I should be able to make enough to get rolling okay so that’s not bad let’s go check on this so we got as SSS so now it’s just these 11 S’s and it’ll have to go through quite a few of them I think sometimes it’ll just randomly

Roll a better one but now the only thing that’s better is the S-Class and if I had bananas the nether bananas I’d take those and make the tier three Catalyst which just gives you a higher chance but I don’t have those and then the Starlight infuser takes this star metal dust which wasn’t

That hard to make but how’s our a little yeah he’s working slowly but if I go and get a couple more Diamond bees which I think is lapis and Lapis and something else and Ender being a Lapis B so let me go get some B cages and I’m going to need some

Treats which I may need to just hook up a centrifuge to these guys rinestone centrifuge power centrifuge cuz I need honey bottles bad so where do I want to put this probably underneath now it just needs power power which I could probably is this on is that what’s causing me issues no it’s

Not on okay I need more energy pipes hopefully this will be enough perfect now to go fix my wall and that’ll have to do I didn’t really have a way to be able to hide them but now I need item pipes or I could do a fluid I’ll

Probably just do the fluid pipe and then just grab a crap ton of bottles so I need the bottler attached to the centrifuge and then I need all of these in here and what I’ll do is I’ll put the bottler right here which should now start getting honey from that and then

I’ll put all these bottles in here so that should just fill up with fluid it just needs the bottles so I need the item pipe I could always put a pipe upgrade if it need be so hang on one second I’m probably going to need some upgrades which at least they aren’t that

Hard to make and diamond should work just fine what am I missing all right son of a [ __ ] okay now this is going to be just for glass bottles I may have to fix a couple things in the process bam Whit less add last bottle submit what the

Hell okay and now I guess I do have to take a fluid pipe cuz this should oh no no no I need an item pipe into the cuge and I need to disconnect all of these and now this should just be pulling Honeycombs which means I need this put the upgrade filter in

It add hone comb some Adit it’s white listed so now this should be getting yes the Honeycombs which should be getting honey which should be going into here so now I just need to make some speed upgrades so that it’ll move a little bit faster and these are what I needed the clocks

For so I need one two three four and this Should in theory speed up this whole process so now I kind of want to just grab the backpack that I found and I’ll just throw that gold backpack I’ll set this here and then take an item pipe disconnect it from here okay sir you need to calm down with all that

[ __ ] oh hang on somebody just the door for for h h for h hello everybody CH you want to say hello you want to say hello say hello hello hello all right here take this oh whoops you got to make sure it’s turned down though I can’t say hi here

Bubba sit down let Daddy finish doing what he’s doing D take my jacket off you want me to take your jacket off and see my shirts and my tummy my shirts and my tummy are still we see what you’re going to make Daddy’s making strong gears what

Daddy’s doing got to go find some dungeons oh no get off me How did that happen there you go wow aren’t you needy today what you’re needy today you’re needy I don’t you are very demanding as well sit in your seat or go sit with your mom one of the two okay so now that this is here we

Should be getting plenty of so now I might go make a another crafter real quick and I just went the crafter tier one cuz I only need it to make one thing and I think this also requires power so what I may have to

Do is pull cuz what I want is I want this like here but it requires power so I’m going to need more either Universal pipes or energy pipes I could probably make some more energy pipes and I should be able to see I’m kind of just messing up my whole shebang here

Okay and then I need an item pipe and we can just use the universal for this one so what we do is we take from this and we put in here and then we take four of these and we edit this recipe to just make this and now what I can

Do so this is now the external so result of crafting operation will go go to Output buffer and that’s fine cuz now what I need is to put one here and then here and then somehow put one from this back to the bottler and that should

Make I don’t know man it’s going to be difficult cuz now I just need the glass bottles to go where they need to go and I’ll figure it out at some point but for now yeah see that’s kind of nice and then you put this in here and it should

Okay hang on so I think if I put this here and then remember it should always keep one in but that doesn’t oh yeah that doesn’t explain why it’s not doing what I need it to do so we’ll just slap this back in here make some more

Honey and this is a convoluted little scheme but it’ll be okay hey how was mean was it good oh did you have fun what do you want for dinner Bubba what do you want for dinner rude H if the energy pipe wasn’t here I could run one from here back to the

Bottler but I think I’m going to need an item pipe and I’m probably going to need some more upgrades to filter out what I need so I saw this on Reddit and I thought it was a good idea so I’m going to give her a

Go cuz what I want is I want to filter out the glass bottles from this okay will stay in the input buffer result the crafting operation will go to the output meeting items like buckets will stay in input so I don’t want that I want all results to go to the crafting whatever

Gosh damn it forget gosh damn it I may have to turn it off okay stop taking my blocks okay so now I should be able to attach this back C with them and now so hang on I need these and the output buffer I need you to go to the output buffer

Result of C will go to Output buffer which this is the output buffer for the filter mod filter a very that can be used for the machine machine supports this module okay that’s not really Wy you’re going to play Minecraft with me yeah I didn’t actually want to make this uh

CU I don’t have any of the glass bottles and I need them to keep going through here to make that and then from here I need an item pipe going from here I should probably make it to where this one pulls it out then I need to slap this up there and take

One of these and last bottle submit and now that should in theory take those and put them there and take these and then this should just be putting the blocks in here but what I that’s what’s going on okay so I need to build another upgrade and Blacklist the honey

Blocks which should get me where I need to go Blacklist add honey block submit now if I put these in here they should start dumping into here and then the glass bottles should all just go right back into this if I’m correct but we ain’t got no honey cuz it’s centrifuge

Ah is not pulling out the wax stuff so from the centrifuge cuz now we should be producing and then in here we should be perfect and then I think it’s just recycling it right back into here so that makes it a complete oh hello what’s up Coler welcome back

Coler I don’t think you know Coler but he has been around for over a year now I’m pretty sure not the salvager what do we got here SSS so now we have all of these s tiers to get through and then we should be aury Gertie ready to go dude that is Chandler

Yes my little dude Chandler you my little dude he don’t care about me got a void upgrade for something what’s my second reward a slime ball another slime ball kill the Elder Guardian killed the wild Chimera I don’t know where that is uh I did Kill the warden by the way and

I’ve killed the Ender Dragon I don’t even know where that guy is I kind of want to look into that little Trader guy that Cory has but I don’t remember what he is building wands what do you mean the uh economy for trading I got a block of emerald and a

Flaw that’s exactly what I needed actually ah so I think I’m going to jump into twilight forest and see if I can break through that cuz Twilight Forest looks like a lot of fun but I’ve never gotten past the third boss not what I

Wanted okay so in here no no no no no bottler bottler bottler should be able to toss these in there too now if I could find a way to get rid of this it’s just if I need something and you have it and I have something you

Need we usually just trade cuz that you know at some point you start having so much of stuff that you really don’t know what to do cuz like this is just one chest of stuff but if you go and check out the inventory over here man stuff’s nuts I have two million

Coal 7.4 th000 blocks of nine block Redstone it’s cray cray I really don’t need this um I do need to pretty my base up a little bit no you don’t have to do that so well when you say trading not like sometimes I’ll go and help Cory set something up if he needs

Help so how we did it was this there’s an Enderman a witch a cave creeper and when you turn this on dude it drops me down to 20 frames but like it pops like 30 something coal every tick emeralds Hearts wither bones shards all sorts of

Stuff and we have a void setup to be able to get rid of everything else but I mean like everything’s just over here but that mob spawner absolutely changed my entire life okay so let me find this warlord gem because I know I have a flawed one somewhere and in the gym cutting Table I’m going to need what gem dust and that which is in here I mean if you just needed stuff to grab I mean I have 2 million coal if there’s a over 500,000 you can take like 20,000 blocks if need be okay so now we have a gemm of the

Warlord which means we can use this one but I’m going to need that gun tier stuff I am if you want to see so this is how I kind of power everything what’s up sword game um not really I don’t really need one I’ve been making my thumbnails for

Three years uh and I have a pretty good system for it dadd and to be honest with I can’t afford it right now yes baby what’s up I’m playing Minecraft what are you doing so like that’s all that these are for the train tracks cuz my base design

Revolves around me building a big old train to go through all the little rooms for funsies um I can shoot you my Discord and if you want to send me your portfolio if I need one down the road I’ll be more than happy to give you a a

Text or something or if you want to shoot your Discord to me it’s kind of a pain in the ass if you don’t have a lot of room uh but hang on let me find my Discord real quick my guy this is my user id uh send me some oh never mind that’s

Not my user ID uh hopefully you’ll be able to hopefully you’ll be able to use that one and find me send me a friend request shoot me some of your thumbnail images and if I come into because I hate making them it’s like the most boring part of

All this or the most timec consuming part for me but I usually go live like once or twice a week so if I’m spending $15 to $20 on a thumbnail every time I go live it It ultimately doesn’t do what I need it to uh God Pearl yeah shoot me your website link for sure shoot me your website link I don’t know what that is Flawless Gem of the warlord uh but yeah shoot me a shoot me a text on that so we have our first Flawless but I think there’s one

More so yeah there’s perfect Gem of the warlord which takes I actually have Arcane Sands which mods do you want me to look at cuz I’ve done apotheosis silent gear mystical agriculture a little bit of create and oh you’re going down oh my goodness I miss Supply uh hang on I’m going to check out this uh I don’t know how this they do this anymore Um what is your Discord and I will send you a friend request they changed things and made me change my name so I don’t actually know how all this works uh I also have a buddy who’s getting into streaming and he could probably use your help as well cuz I

Kind of just go into blank blender and I just had somebody make me a Minecraft skin here’s the ones I know mechanism create culture and some other stuff I know baby I am in the process Of AD Friend there you go Sword You got a friend request daddy just wants to see what this looks like so bees was my first uh silence gear is cool but it’s it’s difficult hey you want to look at the camera and tell everybody hi well see you’re look you uh you pop

Up on my screen say hello hello wave hello um so the goal with Chandler the goal with Chandler is I’m going to build him a computer and we’re going to play all the mon together he’s gotten to the point where he can like build his own house but he has this fascination with

TNT that I’m not okay with so we could now put this in something what do we got here crack chip um whoa dude getting a little aggressive there guy and I’m going to have to make some more of those uh gold Blaze ingots yo yeah thank you very much so you’re

Telling me don’t click on the first the first link I think we go why don’t you go ask your mama for something to drink hey it’s okay just go ask your mama you ask me me if I want something to eat I will save your website uh because the way that I have

Kind of built everything around my channel yes I got it uh I’m going to keep your stuff here because I like I’ve designed mine and kind of made my own little niche with mine but if there’s any way you could replicate or kind of do

What uh cuz I use blender to get a and a MC prep and that’s how I get my character to pop up so what do we got we got SS SSS and then s s so the material grer if you look at something that I don’t think I actually have one that’s Not what am I missing Sher shell hey hey hey hey hey hey there’s this Max AI thing blocking what you said after the uh minimat so I have to get this to go go away me me okay because I’d like to get to the point in my videos to where I can

Animate like just a little intro of the stuff that we’ve accomplished it’s just hard when you go into blender to try to pull it okay Coler when I try to pull it into blender it’s a little difficult I I need a hammer because of the modded

Blocks you can’t just pull it into the world I need Shuler dust that’s what it was hey Daddy what is fire a fire on Minecraft yeah what kind you want the one that you light or you want the one that blue fire in Minecraft blue fire in

Minecraft yeah that one yeah that’s what I fire there you go I can burn better so I don’t have enough of these two but when CER gets back I’ll explain to him what all this stuff is this time in a bottle man I can’t wait to use this on

Something cuz you could use it on the bees uh let’s get the BK did I get everything out of my backpack hell no I didn’t but I do want I want to do perfect gems every time okay Coler here is what the greater material is so you go to this alloy and

It makes you need Crimson iron this isul electrum which you get from gold and AER silver which you get from the end you get the steel so now there’s a GD hey shh explaining something so if you look at the attack damage it shows eight my kid is an absolute

Menace so the attack damage is eight but if you get a Max one so there’s e d b c b a s SS and SSS this one has eight the SS has 9.2 the SSS has 10 then the max I don’t actually remember what it was cuz I have this one

Infused so now I go through here and I got to make all that Blaze stuff and whatnot and that is how you get more and more and more powerful armor cuz this thing does 37.964000 right and you get the right gems in it can do upwards of like millions of damage you can one tap most entities in the game but what you need here is these shards and the gem dust and you can toss this in here ah that would be my issue then laggy laggy

Laggy okay so now we have, 1300 levels yes Millions it can one tap a Wither it could one tap most things uh hang on where’s my history so this is the guy that I’ve been following and he definitely one tapped some things man the axe can do so much

Damage so I don’t want to do this so what I may do is try to get a good roll on this explosive damage taken is reduced by 19 cuz you want as many sockets as you can get but I want it so now this has two sockets so that’s nice now I think I think I’m going to want to do one of these and we’ll just see if we can reroll it for something better so loot

Pinan is supposed to be the good one but this now does 42 but I really wanted to have the two sockets cuz I could then take this once I get it perfected yes we do have the mining Dimension all right so I’m going to go and

Do I’m going to go and do some things with the the fam D here and get things moved over I also need to swap my skin to the new skin but I got to message the guy on the fiber hang on bubba Dad’s doing one thing you’re not allowed to text mommy

And me I’m not texting Mommy right now yeah Mommy’s way here you remember it that your house yes okay so now I got to find my files nope files done brows on my phone aha we have them hey you’re making a mess all right guys did you just get bopped

In the head yeah all right everybody we’re going to leave and go eat dinner and I’ll probably stream later on tonight but I’m back at work the rest of the week I see you are you supposed to be climbing on my desk but I love you meet it bye

Everybody remember to stay girthy sword it was nice talking to you we’ll be in touch um I did uh let me see if I can get a good little preview of it okay so let’s see so I don’t know how well you guys will be able to see this particularly

But we’re going to give her a go I can actually climb up very high up so when I sent the guy the picture I uh didn’t actually didn’t actually set it up right I uh had my beard and then I shaved but okay everybody I love you minute by as always

This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 8 Silent Gear and Apotheosis’, was uploaded by ItsCraniBaby on 2024-01-11 11:00:20. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:26 or 10766 seconds.

This Minecraft ATM8 gameplay we are taking a look at silent gear and apotheosis to make overpowered armor.

  • Rick’s Trick: Minecraft Flick

    Rick's Trick: Minecraft Flick In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Rick made them do it, or did he not, we shall see. His daughter and her clone, falling in love with a twist, But who really forced whom, in this love-filled midst? Analyzing the situation, with a critical eye, Unraveling the reasons, as the story flies by. Beth’s love, a mystery, what did the authors intend? Let’s dive deep into the tale, and see where it ends. Support with a donation, if you feel so inclined, Join the DeonalWorld server, where adventures unwind. Creative Association, Deonal, a place to… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm: 2500+ Per Hour!

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  • UPGRADING MY TEMP HOUSE | Minecraft Gameplay

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  • Crafty Guide: Hang Flowers High in Minecraft!

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  • Chasing Minecraft Creepypasta & Mimic – Part 2

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  • Minecraft Logic: Hilarious Short

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  • Creating a Black Myth Wukong Portal in Minecraft

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  • Vanishing Act

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  • Crafting Minecraft Thumbnails: Pro Tips Galore!

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  • Peppa.exe Attacks JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Challenge!

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  • Insane Minecraft 2b2t Anarchy Server Update + Rickey Dukes Fishing Shack

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  • INSANE base expansion in Minecraft Hardcore SMP!

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  • MC HacKsMan: Mobs Talk?! 🤯 #shorts #minecraft

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  • Minecraft Survival SMP LIVE with Subs! ROAD TO 18K

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  • RomisGomis Reacts to CHUYMINE Trying to KILL HIM in Minecraft!

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  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft Survival! Day 4 LIVE

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  • Level Up Arena Masters Minecraft Hardcore 🎮🔥

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  • Reyvadin Towny – SEMI-VANILLA, NEW, Public, Java

    Hello there! We recently launched our first season of Towny after a 4-year break. We are seeking players who are friendly and enjoy Minecraft without the need for speedrunning everything. This weekend’s event: We are hosting a build contest with the theme of Ancient OR Mythology, with great prizes for participants. Main features include: Towny for land claiming Custom economy with a stock-like market system Custom fishing with textured fishes A Casino Seasons and rentable properties Dwarfism and more If you are interested, join us at: IP: reddit.reyvadin.com (1.21.X) Map: map.reyvadin.com Discord: discord.reyvadin.com Our approach to server development is giving… Read More

  • Minecraft server hirayasmp.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: hirayasmp.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MinecraftMeme16 – Stop Stealing Challenge FAIL!

    Looks like MinecraftMeme16 should stick to mining blocks instead of stealing memes! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bedwars Movie! Ep1

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  • Blockbuster Battle: Minecraft Muscle Matchup!

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  • POV: Toxic Friend from Baby to Boomer #minecraft

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  • Unbelievable Emerald Golem in Minecraft!

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19

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  • Stella Kosmistr vs. The Boiled One: Cornered by Bullies

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  • Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!

    Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft mobs in real life | Gaming with Aryan 2.0 | Minecraft gameplay’, was uploaded by GAMING_WITH_ARYAN_ 2.0 on 2024-07-07 11:58:34. It has garnered 18 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. my second channel ( https://www.youtube.com/@Futuretech1472 ) _____________________tags_____________________ minecraft mobs in real life minecraft in real life minecraft mobs real life minecraft real life mobs in real life minecraft mobs in real life meme minecraft in real life mobs real life minecraft minecraft minecraft mobs in real life 2024 minecraft vs real life minecraft in real life… Read More

  • CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!

    CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Public Minecraft SMP with Viewers! Java and Bedrock!’, was uploaded by CraftedCroix on 2024-08-26 14:11:34. It has garnered 299 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:35 or 5495 seconds. Join the Public Crafted SMP for both Minecraft Bedrock and Java! IP: farcross.xyz Port for bedrock: 19132 Version: 1.16 – Latest Join the Farcross/Crafted SMP Discord! https://dsc.gg/farcross Join CraftedCroix’s Discord! https://dsc.gg/craftedcroix My gear: https://kit.co/craftedcroix/craftedcroix-s-gear Want to give me a donation? https://streamelements.com/craftedcroix-2047/tip Check out the Crafted SMP Webstore! https://farcross.tebex.io Join the Farcross Reddit! https://www.reddit.com/r/farcross/ Hashtags: #minecraft #craftedcroix #craftedsmp Tags: public minecraft server,minecraft java… Read More

  • “Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!” #ytshorts

    "Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!" #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft’, was uploaded by Brijesh Gamer 1 on 2024-02-04 04:21:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft#craftingandbuilding #viral #trending … Read More

  • Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshorts

    Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Player VS Youtuber! #ytshort #shorts #short #ytshorts #viral #foryou #fyp #minecraft #mc #fyp’, was uploaded by Aytron on 2024-02-24 10:13:25. It has garnered 11425 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Donate Page: https://streamelements.com//tip Read More

  • Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime Quotes

    Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime QuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-12 20:56:57. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • 🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨

    🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【#Minecraft】初見さん大歓迎💖競馬場作り🎶【GalaxySTAR 0期生/ほしのあーたん】 #vtuber #shorts’, was uploaded by ほしの あーたん Galaxy STAR 0期生 on 2024-09-19 23:26:34. It has garnered 942 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:06 or 27246 seconds. #Minecraft #newVtuber Thank you for finding me‎(🎀•͈ᴗ•͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ➰💖 If you like, please subscribe to my channel🙏 ~How to Join~ Participation is generally limited to **Hoshino Seidan members only❣️** ※We apologize, but first-time viewers cannot participate😢 Only Java version members can participate♪ Please join after you have become friends with each other💓[Prohibited Items]Go to sleep at night😴 or log out🙇‍♀️ ❶ Stealing other people’s items… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. eternals.playit.gg:3115 Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

    The Ultimate Murder Strategy GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘얼탱이 없는 머더 전략 [#Shorts]’, was uploaded by 김알파의 게임세상 on 2024-09-16 10:43:39. It has garnered 103 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel Read More