Ultimate Star Wars Mod Showdown

Video Information

So we’re looking at Star Wars mods now this first mod that we’re looking at is Galaxy’s Parsi Star Wars mod this is a very old mod that is now updated onto 1.19 and being completely remade from the ground up if you’ve never seen this mod before it was quite good way back in

The day and so this is the ground up 1.19 version that is constantly getting updated the last update was literally six days ago from recording this so let’s take a look at what we’ve got so we’re gonna go through the blocks first I’ve just put some of the more

Interesting ones down so we’ve got a lot of the different kinds of storage crates these are fuel tanks and fuel cells for ships this is a power coupling If You’re a Star Wars fan you’ll you’ll know um a big sort of reactor um a moisture vaporator that’s what it

Is I don’t actually know what you put in this you’ve got all different kinds of crates we are going to get into these but first let’s have a look at the blocks there’s a lot of blocks and that’s the advantage of this first mod I’m showing you is it’s very uh

Decorative currently so Canyon Stone power poor Stone poor Stone potentially um you’ve got different colors of pore Stone uh you’ve got massasi stone bricks that might be a planet illum is definitely a planet uh desert Sandstone caked salt uh lots of woods sick Sequoia Sequoia wood um japer wood who knows Tatooine

Um chromium or best uh kurtosis loads of different oars from the game a lot of this is mostly cosmetic currently and doesn’t have a full use some of it does and you’ve got Imperial Glass and all the Imperial blocks here Imperial paneling and patent Imperial blocks um Imperial lighting panels these are

Really cool cluster light lamps stairs sliding doors um things to make it look and feel like the game and these are all of the the crates and stuff we’ve got kyber crates panel crates toolboxes corrugated crates you might recognize the car get crates from like Jedi for one order

Um if you’ve played the game and you’ve got creature terrariums and cages so next up a whole bunch of armors which I will show you those and then you’ve got all the different like basket tools so all the oars and these are what they can be used for currently

Um calorium Titanium and you’ve got cups all these different cups and lots of different foods from the you know the the games and the films in the books so you’ve got bantha steak death sticks yeah you want to buy some death sticks and I don’t want to sell you any that

That guy that guy from from Attack of the Clones I think and we got blue milk um blue milk yoga uh tuba um lots of different hides and then we’ve got vehicles and spawn eggs blasters and lightsabers so that’s everything that we’re gonna go through so let’s make it daytime

Let’s start going through it so we’ll start with outfits Stormtrooper allow me to become a stormtrooper yeah pretty basic I’m not sure why it doesn’t do the arms Strange yeah but that’s the Stormtrooper um no arms apparently so let’s get the next one we’ve got the purge trooper I believe these are the troopers from um you get more of an arm these might be the ones these uh the ones from the movies the last three movies that came

Out I think that’s what these ones are not super familiar so now we’ve got sand Trooper now this one has a backpack um I think it’s just cosmetic and doesn’t like let you fly um I don’t know if the arms are just a little bit messed up or if that’s how

They’re supposed to be it doesn’t really match my skin but like this side doesn’t have a side on it I don’t know if that needs to be worked on or not but yeah this one’s probably the coolest one so far with the backpack we’ve got the Death Trooper the classic Death Trooper

Um yeah this one’s cool again this one has a backpack uh no it’s the sand troop no I take off the the central background kind of matched it but we’ll take it off these ones are kind of cool these ones work pretty nicely they’re full around the body which is great

Um next up we have the scout trooper and these are pretty classic classic Trooper outfit and again love the helmet on this one um I do wish the arms and legs kind of went a bit more I don’t know if that’s how they’re supposed to be or what’s

Going on there I’m not a not sure about that I’m not a huge fan um and then we’ve got the jump trooper I don’t know if the backpack here does anything again but it would be really cool if it worked like how it should because you’ve obviously it does okay

Cool at least the backpack on the jump Trooper does work um I do wish it had some sort of ignition and Flame sort of like the the jet pack from what is that mod a very old mode mechanism I think it’s the mechanism one yeah but I like the

Wiring on here this is probably the best one so far looks very very cool and then we just got a ton of helmets um for whatever reason we have these so we’ve got the light gray Imperial hat uh we’ve got different colors of the Imperial hat as you can see

We’ll just go through all these it’s black you know whatever then we’ve got the rebel tropical helmet as you can see I’ve still got a backpack on gotta remember to take that off um but that’s a really cool in the forest version of that helmet these are actually really well made

Um the pilot helmet again really well made it’s got the goggles we love the goggles we’ve got an imperial Pilot helmet to take it off first okay oh wait I just oh it’s an imperial pilot kit oh so this goes on the body and the helmet okay so it kind of

Glitches through but the helmet looks very very cool the detailing on some of these models are very nice I think some of the armors just need a little bit of work if you ask me but again it’s in production right now it’s in Alpha so don’t give it too much

Um but yeah these crates are awesome let’s look at some of the spawnable creatures and vehicles so we’ve got the far which is this little um fish we’ve got the LA which is another little fish very neat because the wart which is like a frog this little like

Swampy frog very cool design and then we’ve got the sand Sans better skitter the sand skitter these little bug things then we’ve got everyone’s favorite the panther yeah boy it’s a band though again awesome what a model this is um I wish you could ride them but yeah

You can get terrariums built for them and stuff like that so far in the mod but obviously I’m sure there’ll be more of that in the future I wonder if you can milk them I hope so um so now we’ve got the Zephyr J which is basically a um

Speeder yeah it’s basically a speeder these are very very smooth um you don’t lag too much when moving around fast they go up and down blocks really nicely um I’m a big fan of the Speeders uh let’s get out everyone’s favorite classic the land speeder the land speeder again looks great

Um there we go we’re in we can move around it does work the same way this one actually has a bit more of a like a slow fall like if I go I need to get some height so if I can go like up and then like that there you go

It’s pretty cool um no guns on the land speeder um but that’s okay we’ll just send that into there because we’re gonna get the X-Wing the classic X-Wing out now first of all let’s get a good look at this X-Wing very very nice very very nice

We’re getting a good look at the X-Wing and let’s get a good look at that land speeder the models are great very very nice we’ve got the Zephyr again it’s a speeder looks great now let’s get in RX swing gotta find the cockpit okay yeah so as you can see straight

Away it’s very smooth now it does fire can’t go down like that the controls are pretty simple move with one shoot with the uh the stick and just kind of move I like the fact that the air knocks the dirt particles I really like that touch that’s very very nice

Um if I get into first person you’ll see these lasers a bit better which is very very cool but yeah fast and it’s very smooth and when you get out it floats and the cockpit’s open so tell me that isn’t cool it’s cool alright so let’s move on to the blasters

We’ve got a lot of blasters now the one thing I did notice about The Blasters um is I wish they had more laser bullets because you can see this I like this the shot on the ground you see a laser there but when you shoot

Down you don’t see a laser so it’s only when you shoot up you see the laser and then you’ve got this like recharge thing so if you hit that it like it’s interesting but you can aim and you get those lasers and again all of them have different aims all of

Them have different ways of shooting you’ve got the blastec dl18 like a pistol you’ve got the plastic rt97c very cool aims good rapid fire with the Merson rk3 this one’s like a pistol no rapid fire you got the ca 87 Blaster to aiming I’m not actually sure what this one’s

Used Books it doesn’t do damage we got the plastic carbine very nice we got the blastec t21 we’ve got the plastic ee3 carbine this one’s a triple best Let’s uh let’s make some room let’s make some room because these guys are great all right so we’ve got the blastic dc15

Very good handling the cycler rifle you probably recognize this um I believe this is something that the tuscans used and you can you know you see that little bar that happens when I when I do that so if I hit the blue it reloads my gun

So that’s sort of what that is you got the plastic a20 a280 feels like a pulse rifle the Jawa ion cannon yeah this one doesn’t seem to do damage either but definitely should it’s kind of like a stun gun uh you got the plastic dl-44 very nice the plastic se14c

No reload on that one all right we got the blastec dh17 very nice deep Blast Tech DLT 19. oh oh that’s like a mini gun look at that there’s no recoil and yeah that’s everything did I not I swear I didn’t show the bow Caster we had the bow caster

I think somehow I missed the bow Caster yeah The Wookie bow Caster a classic and to finish those off let’s go and look at the lightsabers uh they’re in here we’ve got a lot of lightsabers in the order that it gives us now there is a forge we’ll get into

That at some point um so uh to light them you press Z so we’ve got Qui-Gon gin to start with we’ve got Jedi Bob I think this is just a Minecraft thing very nice uh we got Anakin Anakin’s blue lightsaber and get a good look at this we’ve got Darth Maul Darth Maul’s

Double-bladed pretty nice at Revan Darth Revan if you know you know we got the purple uh kylo Ren the cross hilt very very fancy uh we’ve got calcast from the Jedi 4 and Order games if you know you know it’s Count Dooku we got the curd blade right

Here the Duelist saber and then the classic Luke Skywalker lightsaber so that’s a good bunch of them let’s get the last few out here um so we’ve got another Darth Maul lightsaber this seems to be a single one I’m not sure what this is from when he

Used a single one but yeah we got Obi-Wan Kenobi again probably one of the most iconic lightsabers out there the Classic Blue Kane and Jarrett Kanan Jairus is lightsaber again pretty cool if you know you know this one was Star Wars Rebels uh then you got Ezra Bridges

And I see where they’re coming from with this one although I kind of was hoping it would be the one that’s pop Blaster because that would be really cool then you got Veda again an iconic lightsaber in the red Darth Vader lightsaber and finally if you’re a fan of Mandalorian

You’ve seen this oh and it went away uh the darksaber the classic darksaber again very very cool so as you can see it’s really neat that you have all these all these uh lightsabers they’ve got decent sound effects I wish there was more swinging animations that could be

To come again this is an alpha so we’ve got a blaster workbench here this lets you use materials from the menus to create a blaster and here you’ve got the lightsaber Forge which allows you to put a lightsaber in and change the colors of said lightsaber so I can make this

Like this now it’s become my saber now it’s a green darksaber with an unstable look to it so you can do a little bit of customization that is Galaxy’s Star Wars mod on 1.19.4 in Alpha being updated right now this is the stage it’s at but we are going to

Look at another mod so let’s go and check that out so now we are on Minecraft 1.7.10 this is old this mod doesn’t get updated anymore but man was it awesome this is Advanced lightsabers you’ve probably seen me use this if you’re an old viewer this mod is amazing

And I wish we would get an updated version because there’s so much good in it so let’s talk about it now this is all about lightsabers Force techniques there’s a lot less decoration blocks but the lightsaber stuff is neat so you’ve got two different lightsaber forges they’re just different colors pretty

Standard then you’ve got this the disassembly station you put a lightsaber you found in you put in some power you let it go I’m gonna let that go and we’ll get to it these are lightsaber stands here you go you take off a lightsaber boom you’ve got it now the advantage

With this one is the sound effects they have slashing sound effects which is amazing they have very good lightsaber sound effects the only disadvantage I think which both of them have is I wish there was more techniques fighting stances would be a really cool thing doing the different Jedi stances that

Would add to this a lot but still it’s very very cool there are a lot of lightsabers but we’re actually going to create our own and then we’ve got holocrons we’ll get into that don’t you worry um so let’s go ahead and grab all the bits we need for a lightsaber so first

Of all you need a blade Amer so we’re going to take the Juggernaut then you need a blade emitter uh no not a blade emitter we need um switch modules so we’re gonna take the Ancient One next we need a grip so let’s go ahead and grab the vade modern grip

Um next up we need a pommel so let’s get the knighted pommel and finally we need to choose so we need circuitry we can pick kind of crystals so let’s go with a fine cut cracked option and as for the color we’re gonna go with a mint green

Pouch that’ll give us some kyber crystals and we have circuitry so if we open this we will get you know our Crystal pouch this is where we can hold our kyber crystals so let’s get a mint green color going let’s go into here so we’ve got our

Pommel uh switch module uh grip uh pommel our Crystal uh both of these different crystals and this and now we have a lightsaber we go here now we have the lightsaber that we wanted and this is its color it’s fine cut it’s got a cracked Crystal and it is

Mint greeny and this is what it looks like in first person very very cool these are the best lightsabers I think that has ever been in a Minecraft mod so far so that’s the lightsaber that we’ve made and we’ve crafted it so now if we go to the disassembly unit with the power

We’ve now disassembled the lightsaber into all these parts that we can use to make new lightsabers where do we get those parts we’ll get to that but let’s have a look at this so force abilities as you can see we’ve got two different holocrons the Sith holocron Jedi holocron

Now if I hold this we’re using our XP we’re now Force sensitive so we have the Sith and the Jedi teachings unlocked there’s uh lots of different things to go on down here different abilities so we’ve got four stealth four speed force rebound foresight battle meditation blade throw

Uh energy resist and force push on the right side you’ve got Force stun stasis stasis field you’ve got these which we will grab these so we’re gonna go through we’re just gonna hold that’s why I gave myself loads of XP so we can just get these are like your

Imagine this is a skill tree which it is these are like your statistics so are you a master are you a legend are you experience you know that sort of thing the left side is more Sith spells so you’ve got draining Life Death Field Force Mill strong force lightning

And shock over here you’ve got fortify you’ve got healing abilities and then down here you’ve got like the generic ones that everyone can do so let’s get four speed let’s get Force rebound let’s get Force push get energy resist we’ll get Blade throw we’ll get Battle meditation

And so I’m basically now gonna just cut the video Until I’ve collected everything all right so now I am a master of the light and the dark side so let’s use some of these abilities first off we got four speed this gives us a sort of motion blurry

Effect but it makes us really really fast so that’s pretty cool we’ve got blade throw I believe Advanced Blade Pro so as you can see it doesn’t reach as far as you might maybe that skeleton over there but it does reach those ones you just gotta make sure you get the height right And we’ve killed the skeleton from here and we’ve killed a creeper and we’ve hit a skeleton so next up we have uh what is this battle meditation so this boosts our skills and it gives us this sort of glowing effect so if I go to Blade throw now

I’d have to actually hit it there we go um but as you can see we have this sort of bar at the bottom that recharges too that’s our Mana so let’s show you guys some more interesting ones um stasis field could be cool uh death field again very cool Maelstrom it’s

Just the fourth one torture is we’d need a subject so we’d get one of those we got Force wave we will get to as well so let’s go into creative mode and let’s use these so we’ll start with this one and let’s go here and that is our force field I’m not sure

Exactly what it does and then we’ve got the death field so let’s do this one yeah and now we’ve got Force lightning there’s our Force lighting let’s do torture and let’s get Force wave and uh let’s do four stealth so we’ll start with stealth we are invisible we are literally

Invisible uh Force wave it’s Force push it’s it’s a pretty standard Force push now we’ve got Force torture we haven’t got enough ability yet how much does it cost um 170 okay we’re here as you can see this is your choke basically Force choke and that’s the

Stasis field keeping him alive but yeah those are a good amount of your force abilities that you can get in this mod and I think it’s pretty cool you can choose which way you want to go something we haven’t seen in another mod so that’s all of that but what else is

There there are structures so let’s go down in here right here this is perfect so right here is the entrance to a Crystal Cave I believe or I hope guess not um there’s got to be one around here I was going to get into this structure

Um so let’s just let’s just go in here first this is a Sith structure you’ll see them like this this is how they spawn in you can come and it will um open this doorway there we go we’re through now if we come to these sarcophagi

Um and I don’t actually think any of this activates unless I um I’m in survival so we’ll do that but as you can see you’ve got some iron and you’ve got some kyber crystals in here and some some Jedi pads so if I go to Game Mode survival hello or hello there

Maybe I have to go in here first oh yeah there they are there they are okay let’s not die but yeah these Sith ghosts these will come out to fight you and you have to kill them but then you get to come in here they all want to kill me they can go

Invisible as well then you open up this Sith sarcophagai and boom you’ve got more stuff you’ve got enchanting books you’ve got diamonds you’ve got crystals um so these are pretty good for pretty good for the loop now these ones don’t have any hidden loot like the other one

That we’re gonna get into does here they are here they are yeah that’s right we’ll send them away either way that’s this structure now there is a Crystal Cave um that looks like like a hole in the ground it’s a little bit harder to find

In the Mesa so I’ll show you when I get one so what you were looking for is this sort of stone kind of bit coming out of the ground they’ll be pretty open and if you go down far enough so if we come down here

Um down this way you will find a Crystal Cave so here we have lightsaber crystals that you can mine and they’ll have all different colors in here so you’ve got some yellows some blues some greens um blue again we’ve got purple down here and it keeps going it keeps going we’ve

Got more and it goes into a mine shaft this one so that’s pretty neat but yeah that’s just another little addition kyber Crystal Caves spawn randomly in the world so if you want to find a Crystal Cave you absolutely can and this is the final structure of the

Mod the Jedi Sanctuary Jedi temples so first of all when you get in here um there is usually something hidden um I forget exactly where it is it’s somewhere under here under something I don’t know if it’s in the same spot every time I don’t think

It is ah there it is so there’s a chest under here you’ll get a you know random amount of stuff so we got a lightsaber we’ve gotten ourselves a lightsaber how nice so there’s a chest under there and then when you come through you’ve actually got on three sides Jedi

Holocrons so you can learn all your skills from the Jedi holocrons and gather all of the all the things you want you can even take the jediholic runs um but yeah there’s a hidden chest under there so you gotta go and get that make sure you find it I don’t know if there’s

Any more um if I were you I would just you know dig up the area try and figure it out because you get a full-on lightsaber from here um I do believe these are a little bit rarer than the Sith ones because the Sith ones are obviously you know

You can get parts this one gives you a lightsaber I don’t know if that’s guaranteed but yeah so that’s pretty neat this is the final structure that’s pretty much how you play the mod there’s not a lot in it but it’s very good for survival and very fun

So if you guys did enjoy this video let me know what you thought was the best Star Wars mod and remember guys the Pisces is on 119.4 in Alpha and still getting update so we could see features like this in the future whereas this mod is discontinued it is only on 1.7.10 and

From what we know it’s never going to get updated which is very sad because it’s very awesome and I couldn’t do the video without it anyways I’ll see you guys in another video peace

This video, titled ‘The BEST Star Wars Mods in Minecraft | Galaxies Mod vs Advanced Lightsabers Mod’, was uploaded by ItsRitchieW on 2023-04-07 19:30:00. It has garnered 26318 views and 560 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:15 or 1635 seconds.

Welcome to Minecraft Star Wars, a showdown of Star Wars Mods in Minecraft, Galaxies Mod vs Advanced Lightsabers Mod.

● Galaxies Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pswg ● Advanced Lightsabers Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/advanced-lightsabers

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    Barnava Gaming: Encounter with Demon Rengoku | Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine chess Demon Rengoku in normal speed| Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-01-15 06:30:03. It has garnered 2483 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine chess Demon Rengoku in normal speed| Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Team based Life steal SMP – semi-vanilla smp

    Welcome to the Small Life Steal Server! If you’re looking for a small life steal server with quality of life plugins like /home or tpa, look no further! Join our lifesteal SMP through this Discord link. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me on Discord (my username is: n4m3l355_jr). Read More

  • Chromebook Minecraft Hacks: School Unblockable Track!

    Chromebook Minecraft Hacks: School Unblockable Track! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Eaglercraft lets you play, no need to subscribe. On your school Chromebook, the game comes alive, No need for downloads, just let your skills drive. Unblockable method, no need to fret, Just follow the steps, you won’t regret. With JavaScript and WebGL, the game you’ll get, In your browser, Minecraft you’ll set. So dive into the world, let your imagination soar, Build, explore, and create, like never before. Minecraft on Chromebook, a game to adore, Thanks to Eaglercraft, you’ll never be bored. Remember, this method is for educational use, Respect copyrights,… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date Night

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date Night Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Oops! 3 Years in Minecraft Survival World

    Oops! 3 Years in Minecraft Survival World Welcome Back to the Minecraft Survival World! After a three-year hiatus, our Minecraft enthusiast is back with an exciting update on their survival world. Let’s dive into the latest developments and changes that have taken place in this virtual realm. Mod Showcase: Enhancing the Gameplay The addition of mods has brought a whole new level of excitement to the gameplay. With enhanced features and functionalities, the player’s experience has been taken to a whole new level. From new tools to unique creatures, mods have truly transformed the world. Resource Pack Showcase: Aesthetics Matter Resource packs play a crucial role… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: My Minecraft 1.22 Update

    Crafting Chaos: My Minecraft 1.22 Update The “Crackhead Update” in Minecraft (1.22) Have you ever wondered what a Minecraft update created by a “crackhead” would look like? Well, look no further because a YouTuber named Troy has come up with his own unique version of Minecraft update 1.22, aptly named the “Crackhead Update”. Let’s dive into the crazy features and additions Troy has included in this wild update! Measurement Madness Troy kicks off the update with a new measurement system that adds a quirky twist to the game. Players can now measure various objects and distances within the Minecraft world, adding a fun and interactive… Read More

  • DemonjoeTV Reveals Ultimate Bedrock Website! 😱 #minecraft

    DemonjoeTV Reveals Ultimate Bedrock Website! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock’s Most Useful Website! #minecraft’, was uploaded by demonjoeTV on 2024-08-10 18:51:37. It has garnered 331447 views and 28640 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. 🔔 𝗦𝗨𝗕𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗕𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘! https://bedrocktweaks.net (copy and paste the link if you can’t click it!) #Minecraft #MinecraftBedrock #minecraftmods Business email ► [email protected] 𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂’𝗿𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀, 𝗜 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 🙂 Read More

  • Epic Shark-Infested Minecraft Seeds

    Epic Shark-Infested Minecraft SeedsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Minecraft Seeds That’ll Haunt You Forever…’, was uploaded by Shark on 2024-08-31 19:00:05. It has garnered 99948 views and 3632 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:45 or 3705 seconds. Scary Minecraft Seeds That’ll Haunt You Forever… BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVwQQvz8O_0aeFDBVcdhpg/join Merch – https://www.09sharkboy.com Subscribe! – http://bit.ly/1GtTBWj Join My Discord – https://discord.gg/shark My Socials Twitter – @09sharkboy Snapchat – TheLifeOfShark Instagram – @09sharkboy Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/SharkMerch Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! 🡆 https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/tutm3h/ #Minecraft Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure – Find Extreme Hills Biome!

    EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure - Find Extreme Hills Biome!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft v1.1 Long Play E200 (R35) – Ocean Survey for the Extreme Hills Biome southeast of Sandy’, was uploaded by sealchan1 on 2024-05-10 05:51:46. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:22 or 3682 seconds. The nearly landlocked Extreme Hills biome has connections to many Waterways that interconnect back to the Western Sea (maybe this is what I should call the original Ocean I spawned by). I also find a new Ocean which is reachable across a Swamplands to the south from the Western Sea. In this series… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! 😱 Watch Now 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! 😱 Watch Now 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE 😈 EDIT ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-08-10 06:38:34. It has garnered 10371 views and 292 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE 😈 EDIT ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://opener.one/insta/ezbpl3 Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos… Read More

  • Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!

    Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | Java + Pe | Cracked’, was uploaded by Wild Spider on 2024-08-23 15:44:06. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:41 or 161 seconds. IP:- Make Sure to Subscribe 🙂 Java IP – sanemc.mc-game.xyz Pocket IP – Port – 3262 Dyn IP – if non of that work discord – https://discord.gg/insane-94995089200… TAGS USED : ——————————————————– minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subscribers pe, minecraft live with subscribers bedwars, playing live with subscribers minecraft minecraft 24/7 server free, aternos minecraft… Read More

  • Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!

    Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Summarizing Every Chaos for my Birthday!’, was uploaded by ssChaos on 2024-07-29 15:00:08. It has garnered 62 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:37 or 2317 seconds. I’ve told some amazing stories over the past 3 years, let’s talk about them and this crazy game called Minecraft CHAPTERS 0:00 Intro explanation 2:42 My first ever world 4:04 Maniac SMP – Sara Chaos 9:25 No Signal SMP – Apeiron Chaos 10:48 Craft SMP – Mary and Reeds Chaos 13:11 “Voldemort” SMP – Ceci Chaos plus Charlemagne 16:36 Rulers Royale SMP – Reiner… Read More

  • Sword4000’s Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!

    Sword4000's Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!Video Information This video, titled ‘I played In Sword4000s Minecraft Hide or Hunt!’, was uploaded by Dog1234 on 2024-05-24 19:35:55. It has garnered 9495 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:59 or 1439 seconds. I played in Sword4000s Hide Or Hunt Event with the goal of being the last team standing and building the ultimate secret base and hunting down other players bases. Join My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/TEKyN485eQ ——————————————————————————————————- Huge Thank you to Sword4000 for Hosting this event and be sure to Subscribe to both of his channels! His Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCqt4mmAqLmH-AwXz31URJsw His 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCkc2HMr92d89WP6tPFf1DWA ——————————————————————————————————-… Read More

  • CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #Shorts

    CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CanNap team battle Monster #CatNap #robloxmemes #roblox #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by PurrBlox on 2024-09-08 14:00:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts. Read More

  • Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! 👿 #viralshort

    Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! 👿 #viralshortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Revenge 😈 #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft’, was uploaded by WHRI_GAMING_1100 on 2024-03-03 09:49:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Revenge #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Revenge Minecraft Story. Read More

  • WawaNet

    WawaNetWawaNet is a server with many things combined into one. Our server has: SMP, RPG, Exploration, Custom Generated Structures, Adventure, Custom Bosses, Minigames, PVP Game Modes, In-game Economy, Grinding Systems, and Custom Armor/Tools. Join our server today! at: Java: IP: wawamc.net Bedrock: IP: play.wawamc.net Port: 25570 wawamc.net Read More

  • AussieSMP SMP Australian Whitelist 1.21+ Java Bedrock Discord Livestreams

    AussieSMP Server Welcome to AussieSMP Server IP: mc.aus.gg Location: Sydney, Australia Discord: Join our Discord Apply: Apply here About AussieSMP The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is whitelist-based so you need to apply to join. We offer a mostly vanilla gameplay experience with some quality of life features. Features The server is running the latest version of Minecraft Minimal modifications to Vanilla mechanics Player created shops for trading Teleport commands for easy navigation Land-claiming system for protection Multiple worlds with no reset plans Part of a… Read More

  • Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan’s Quest

    Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan's Quest In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Cube Xuan brings laughter, joy, and gains. With animations that are funny and bright, Each video a delight, a pure delight. Missiles in Minecraft, needing repair, Cube Xuan’s humor, beyond compare. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, In this virtual world, happiness is found. So follow along, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, with Cube Xuan’s glee. Each video a gem, a work of art, In the world of gaming, he’s a true heart. Read More

  • MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme!

    MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems Read More

  • OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass!

    OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass! Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their imagination and build anything their hearts desire. From crafting tools to surviving the night, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Building and Crafting In Minecraft, players can gather resources such as wood, stone, and minerals to craft tools, weapons, and structures. Whether it’s a cozy cottage or a towering castle, the only limit is your creativity. With a variety of blocks to choose from, players can design intricate buildings and landscapes that reflect their… Read More

  • Drowned Dilemma

    Drowned Dilemma Welcome to Minecraft Infiniverse Season 4! As the new season of Minecraft Infiniverse kicks off, SkyGuyJedi is ready to embark on a fresh adventure in the world of Minecraft. This season promises to be filled with exciting challenges, epic builds, and thrilling survival experiences. Let’s dive into the highlights of the first episode and see what awaits in this traditional Minecraft journey! Episode Highlights: Resource Gathering: The season starts with a focus on collecting essential resources like wood, saplings, and sweet berries to lay the foundation for survival. Exploration: Along the way, SkyGuyJedi encounters various creatures, discovers a ruined… Read More

  • EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!

    EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft ATM 9 #11] But What If They Weren’t The Final Preparations’, was uploaded by 氷上竜二Ch Hikami Ryuji Channel on 2024-09-26 03:18:23. It has garnered 27 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Stream Rules: -Don’t bring any sensitive topics like politcs, religion etc. -Be kind a respectiful to everyone -Don’t mention other vtubers unless it’s relevant to the current topic -Don’t spam -Don’t self promote -Don’t give any advices on the game being played unless asked Read More

  • Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!

    Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Let’s explore! Chatting in disguise 👁️’, was uploaded by Yomi Gardenia Ch. on 2024-08-23 00:28:02. It has garnered 214 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:00 or 18600 seconds. 👻 Yo-hooo! Hello! 🌼👻 I am Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond the grave! Today, let’s walk around and see pretty places in Minecraft! I’m Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond! Today, let’s walk around Minecraft and see beautiful places! 🌼 Minecraft is a game by Mojang. https://www.minecraft.net/ 🌼 Texture pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/2023/06/mizunos-16-craft-java-edition-120.html ✿ ✿ ✿ 👻 Twitter → https://twitter.com/yomigardenia… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreat

    INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world showcase’, was uploaded by coleisprettygreat on 2024-09-07 03:06:37. It has garnered 10455 views and 1192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. interior decoration still on point Read More

  • Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!

    Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[FR] LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs, Eman Predictions & + !! !subgoal !stuff !hy | Minecraft Highlights!’, was uploaded by minecraft français twitch highlights on 2024-02-11 13:09:06. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:17 or 377 seconds. Stream highlights posted daily. Please like and subscribe for more content! What was your favorite clip? Let us know in the comments below! If you own the content in this video and want to be excluded from this and future videos please contact us: https://bit.ly/3gCy2Ml PATREON ———————————————— https://www.patreon.com/dailytwitchhighlights894/membership As you may… Read More