Ultimate Storage Hall Build – Minecraft Cozy Stream

Video Information

What up what up everybody how’s it going so nice to see everybody happy Monday oh my gosh it is a beautiful day in um in Minecraft it is uh it’s a cold and very cloudy day outside but look at the look at the Sun in Minecraft I am getting

That SPF right now let me just like take off my helmet for a second oh yeah getting that sweet sweet is it SPF yeah SPF I think so don’t worry I’ve got I’ve got sunscreen on before stream every single time I I apply sunscreen because it’s always sunny here how’s everybody

Doing so nice to see you all welcome on in I hope you all had a wonderful weekend I am stuck right right now there we go there we go I saw a message about um about some hydration cast very great idea I am hydrated out of my mind right

Now I’ve got my cup already drank like half of it I am ready to go ready to hydrate some more so nice to see you all what was everybody up to uh over the weekend I hope you all had a safe and wonderful weekend so nice to see

Everybody it’s been a while since I last joined a live stream of yours but I’m happy to be back on fire welcome on in so nice to see you so we made some um we made some big progress big old progress um I I have been just so excited about

This you have no idea on Friday we decided on Twitch that we were finally going to address our storage issue in this world and chat look at this storage so for those of you kind of unfamiliar with this world because it is not a video series this is our long-term

Stream world that we’ve been streaming for like a year and a bit in you can see there’s a lot of projects uh that we have to work on but because of all these projects that means we also have a lot of junk hanging around this base we do

Have an auto sorter but that only sorts the Big Blocks the little ply blocks such as stairs and slabs all of that stuff has kind of been left behind in just like giant chest monsters over here so they’re scattered all around the base it has been a huge problem and guess

What we addressed it we addressed it it was snowing a bit where you were too azy oh my gosh I feel like everyone’s been hit with the snow lately happy drift energy makes me happy to a Sev happy Sev energy makes me happy too how’s it going Sev so nice to see

You it’s snowing right now so snuggling with the electric blanket a hot chocolate and you a Lisa that sounds so cozy so so cozy see I you know what even even though it’s a sad gloomy day outside it’s not it’s not too gloomy for me right now cuz I kind of love that

Weather I’m excited to like like I’m vibing right now cuz I’m in like a big cozy sweater I’ve got water I had a snack already I’m good to go I love the cold though so for those of you who are like unfamiliar with this world we’ve

Got our Auto sorter here which sorts all of our Big Blocks that we most commonly use so we got like all of our brick our packed mud like all the different types of wood which has been amazing however as you can see the issue is well where

Do we put all of this stuff so we kind of started to tackle that on Friday on Twitch exclamation point twitch if you uh ever want to catch the lives over there we go live on Fridays um so we started working on this and let me tell

You I have been super excited about it this is basically like the sorting system to kind of just stash away like all of the random stuff you accumulate and you know what I was sorting a little a little bit this morning and getting uh ready to continue kind of labeling some

Of this stuff I labeled this section we didn’t do this on Friday I did this this morning so we got like spot for like glass the end uh nether stuff bricks Granite everything has a place now and I’m so happy about it so what are we

Going to do today though as you can see there’s still a couple chests that need to be sorted I might have to turn these into doubles depending on what we’re putting in there I’m un sure maybe maybe not we’ll see but we need to decorate this place because right now there’s

Just like a lot of like wood and like don’t don’t get me wrong it looks great but it needs decorations you know what I mean really needs some decorations and I figured we sorted some stuff in the chill survival world before and it was really fun we could probably do that

Again I would also maybe like to get an entrance done at the um front of this because I wanted this to kind of be like an open concept thing you walk into kind of like a storage facility we could have like barrels and stuff hanging around

Plus also when we were making this we have to do a little bit of uh we got to fix up some spots cuz I did kind of uh tear into the mountain here as you can see but those are easy patches so yeah we have a full day of just hanging out

And just vibing just vibing oh yeah also chat if you’re liking the stream I know we’ve been live for like a couple minutes but if you are enjoying it please please please throw down that like button because it really really helps out really appreciate it this world is so beautiful and special

So many memories honestly I feel the same way I feel the same way and I feel like I’m doing this world like a service by kind of putting the effort into like cleaning up all of the junk around it so it can really shine and it’ll be easier for us to get

Started on projects cuz I was even thinking I was I was running into a sugar cane problem the other week where I didn’t have enough for like my rockets and stuff I had enough gunpowder not enough sugar sugar cane to make paper and it was a huge problem I was trying

To like AFK wasn’t working I’ve since organized all of my chests or some of them I’ve organized maybe 20% of them look at how much sugar canane I ended up finding this like it wouldn’t have been an issue if I had just had everything organized you know what I mean so I

Think um I think this is just going to help us out so much in the long run you have a twitch I never knew Yes exclamation point twitch azy thank you so much for linking that I appreciate it uh we stream there on Fridays at 12:00

P.m. EST and it is a super fun time all right so this is my chest where I kind of put stuff that still needs to be like either filtered into our Auto sorder or I need to make a spot for it like chorus fruit for example I can actually end

Stuff that’s more like end bricks and stuff like that where did I put that I would say like I I feel like that’s a crop right or food I feel like that’s food anyway I’m getting I’m getting distracted because we need to start decorating this place so let’s start by doing

That and by start I mean going to bed hello from Japan aumi welcome on in how you doing love your videos thank you so much I really appreciate it does this mean you’re going to tackle the chest monsters as well absolutely absolutely we are going to build a little bit we’re

Going to start off by building a couple things and then we are going to uh sort some of the chest monsters and really fix this place up I’m very excited very excited I think we might have to go to the farm in a bit the Enderman farm and repair some of our

Tools though they’re looking a little bit sad slap that you SLA that like button let’s go I’ll be in and out of chat since I’m at work y’all best behaved Moon so nice to see you I hope work’s going well thank you for popping in though I hope uh hope everything’s going Well miss playing Minecraft hopefully I can play again soon I feel that I feel that I I actually like really missed it while I was on uh vacation cuz I took 10 days off literally did not play a even a little bit of Minecraft it was wild very

Unlike me and boy oh boy I missed it I feel was a little rusty when I when I came back too all right let’s start by placing leaves around you know you can’t go wrong with some aelia leaves so we’ll get some placed along here for some

Greenery let’s go like one two three Boop one two three Boop one two three that doesn’t really Mak sense cuz then you have a two block Gap there and then a three here so we’re going to have to change that actually we can work with this we can work with

This Luna welcome on in how you doing hope you’re having a lovely day let’s do like two and two and then what could go in the middle here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 um 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 that works okay

Perfect oh my gosh froggy thank you so much for the 15 months wow that is is wild thank you so so much I really appreciate it let’s go ever since I subscribed to infinite drift 15 months ago I’ve gotten my dream job bought a Ferrari and met the love of my life

Thanks for thanks for your support listen anytime so happy all of your dreams came true all because of that all because of that froggy thank you so much for the 15 months I really appreciate it so nice to see you oh my gosh leave it to froggy to have the funniest

Messages always always one two one two perfect we’re just going to go with regular aelia leave across probably going to put like some signs over top I’m just going to build out like a big scaffolding thing to go across like this cuz there’s probably some things we

Should add here and there oh out of scaffolding this is a two block Gap got to get rid of this dude boom lanterns where I put lanterns there they are and then one two three boom boom one two oh this Lantern’s exactly where I need this to go one two

Boom and there I don’t mind if the lanterns are kind of scattered I think that looks kind of cool but we can probably put up like a bunch of plants and stuff like that I was also kind of wondering if maybe we should I know we

Have dark oak across here but I’m like would glazed terra cotta look kind of cool I don’t know I’ll have to think about that I think I do have some more scaffolding somewhere I don’t know if it’s I don’t think it’s been organized yet because I still have to do oops

That’s why they didn’t place the torch broke it we still have to place um a spot for scaffolding today it’s going to go somewhere in one of these bins so for now we’re not going to worry about it I just need to go get a little

Bit more but then again look at this watch plants grab some bamboo you see do you see where we’re going with this plants mob loot mob loot string what’s that I have string what what the scaffolding and would you look at that we just made ourselves some more

Scaffolding because it was so easy to locate wow feeling good feeling good about this happy Monday I’m lurking while building a new giant storage room thank you for the Vibes yo tea and biscuits welcome on in I love that we’re both working on storage rooms love it I hope yours is

Going well honestly I’m I’m absolutely vibing with this I was so excited to stream today because of this I was like yes I mean like I’m always excited to stream but I was extra excited to kind of uh continue working on this stuff cuz I was like

Storage I I’m new person remember when I hated organizing stuff wild how the turntables you know how the turn tables all right let’s get some Spruce stuff we can get some Spruce fencing in probably some signs as well what are we doing some signs here just to make them look like they’re

In Little Boxes you know little box Vibes except we can’t really do that here if they’re on the corners there maybe I should move these over one I feel like that would work better let’s do that kind of keep them in line with those ones we could also do the

Flowering aelia here you know you know which world is this we are in the long-term stream world we are vibing in it we uh finally built out this storage froggy and I am just absolutely loving it I’m so excited to organize stuff today you have no idea what have I

Become fart Reverb there we go that was me attempting to make the noise of the fart Reverb for you all but I just don’t think it does the original sound Justice also fer I hope you’re doing well it’s so nice to see you so so nice to see you

What about something like that that’s kind of cute I don’t know like if I want to really keep it super complicated with the designs here I kind of like just keeping it simple with some like fencing some lanterns here and there oops I need a little bit more

Spruce fencing how’s this looking I think something simple like this is good and then we’re going to need something across the ceiling maybe just some hanging lights or something I have some ideas for those so organized please clean my room I will pay you okay you got it seev you

Got it don’t be fooled I am not that organized in real life I struggle you should see my computer drawers they are so bad big tiny duck is the organized one and anytime she needs to look for something in the office I like cringe a bit because I’m like please don’t open

These drawers because I know you’re you’re going to like I know you’re going to look at them and be like what is going on here cuz I know how bad it is you know I get very scared maybe hanging signs uh with the category might be a good idea I think

Hanging signs the problem with that is we need them on every single um every single chest in order for it to work that is a really good idea though the hanging signs are really cool but I think for uh the ones we have to have them kind of glued to that cuz each

Chest has something different got to utilize hanging signs more though I don’t use them enough I was thinking about storage for my new world and I really like the layout of yours heck yeah by all means by all means give this a shot I think it

Is really like for the most part I’m actually pretty proud of this design cuz I find storage and stuff like that to be a little bit overwhelming but this one seems to work out really well we did something similar to it in Castaways that’s why I knew it was kind of going

To work so definitely recommend giving it a shot took two days to dig out a 50×50 cube for the storage room that’s one of those things about storage you always need more space than you realize too I find that’s like the hardest part with it is just like digging out the

Space to do it and then once you’ve got that you’re good watching on your phone cuz your laptop laptop broke yesterday oh no the worst I hope uh I hope you could get it repaired or something soon that stinks all right let’s put away some of this string

And what’s this doing in my inventory all right that’s looking good so far you can’t really see past all this scaffolding but you you get the point you get the point all right now what I need is mud bricks okay we have mud brick walls so maybe what we can do

Is where’s the center point it’s this piece right yeah so I think I’m done with all of like the edges I just need to fill in the middle I can’t really see right now so I’m going to tear all of this out heo welcome on in I’ll mostly be lurking

For today as I’ll be on heavy painkillers oh no I hope I hope uh hope everything’s okay I hope hope you’re doing well and no worries whatsoever I hope you get lots and lots of rest and all that stuff you’ll be lurky and playing Destiny 2 but so happy you’re

Streaming at this time most YouTubers stream it in the middle of the night for Europeans so please never stop streaming in the morning listen I’m so glad that this works out for different time zones too cuz I I love like a good midafternoon stream you know what I mean

For me I love a good midafternoon stream so I’m so happy it works out for uh different time zones all right so we’ve got one two three maybe on the fourth one we put a wall I think it’s this one right yeah and we’ve got one two three

4 boom and then in the middle of this 1 2 3 4 five I think that would work don’t want too many lights I think uh three posts would be enough now let’s see if chains work though there’s go it’s my morning plans looks like I got to go into town much

Earlier now than planned a no the worst the worst I hope you get your stuff done real quick though so you can come home pretty nice scaffolding action oh my gosh thank you listen I was not good at scaffolding before so that’s like a really nice compliment look at me go I

Guess I’ll like this stream but this organization is breaking my heart shroud one day you will learn the ways you will learn the ways trust me trust me it’s it’s just great I’m just I’m living right now you know absolutely living all right what if we did boom boom and boom

Oops feel like they could all pro probably hang on chains actually that one looks pretty low Enderman welcome on in welcome on in as well hope you had a great weekend I hope you did too thank you so much I appreciate it I had a pretty lovely weekend uh Big Tiny Ducks

Um mum and bro came over cuz it was his birthday we got a Chinese takeout it was so good we had leftovers too what a great weekend we had cake Chinese takeout like come on so so good I think we still have some leftovers cuz they

Gave us like some two for one on like Chow noodles and they just gave us so much food it was ridiculous cuz we didn’t even realize we ordered one and they were like oh there was a special and we were like huh but it ended up

Working out cuz Big Tiny duck got to take some for lunch today so that’s Nice and as for me though I had I had an uncrossable this morning of course I did of course I did had unrustable I was vibing getting uh oops come on getting some thumbnails ready getting some thumbnails ready working on some stuff like that that was a good

Time I don’t even remember what else we did um we did over the weekend we were just vibing oh my gosh I was coloring all weekend I forgot about that colored a bunch which was really nice oops oh gosh how’s this look oh you know what that doesn’t look half bad I was

Looking at it it looks so flat from above like this I was like I can’t even tell if this looks good it does oops keep placing this wrong though there we go bum bum bum bum no I think that looks really cute good morning happy Monday my

Daughter Aubrey one of your biggest fans is spending her last day of vacation watching you with me she says please tell drift hi a Alicia welcome on in and also Aubrey welcome on in as well I hope you’re having a wonderful day thank you so much for your last day of vacation

For uh choosing to watch this stream and hang out with us I really appreciate it I hope you’re both having a wonderful day look at you goat I know I’m I’m even proud of myself I am even proud of myself with this I think it’s looking fantastic building a storage Hall is one

Of your favorite things in a Minecraft world honestly there’s something about it that’s really fun I’m enjoying it I really am need to figure out like what to put here I’m almost like I just want easy access to everything and I was going to put like a

Storage or um like a little workstation here I was kind of thinking of doing like glowstone lights or something that’s what I’m thinking love your videos and this storage build looks so good a Sarah thank you so much I appreciate that celebrated Christmas with my cousins and Uncle this weekend cuz CU we

Did The Rona party on real Christmas SE I still feel so bad so bad that happened to you actually rotten luck such rotten luck oh my gosh I did not mean to break that okay we’re going to have to move that aside anyway that’ll that’s our chest for putting in stuff that doesn’t

Necessarily fit in a spot yet so I’m going to keep this aside for now and we need to that just means we either have to funnel it into our um big storage or we have to make uhoh or we have to oh my gosh make a spot for it I just messed

That up big time Big Time messed that up all right hold on a second hold on a second oh no oh no pick it all up put it all in this is all items that we were using to like actually detail the stuff I don’t necessarily want to get rid of this

Stuff yet but I know some of this can go into our big storage only a couple things put that away for now goon hope your stream is a happy one a team biscus thank you so much for hanging out I appreciate it hope you have a wonderful day you need to get

Some more coloring books I love coloring oh me too there’s something about it that is so so um satisfying Big Tiny duck got us uh a new set of markers too I think I think they’re the ones that like don’t streak and they and they’re also pastel and I have just been having

The Best Time Ever also holy cow Ian thank you so much for the 10 thank you so so much I really appreciate that chat you know what to do you know what to do big old swags thank you so much buddy what in the world of blocks how did I

Forget the god of mining crafts was streaming on the tubes of you that was a sentence and a half after a long day of arguing with police and schools it’s paperwork time oh my gosh tootes I hope everything’s going well so so nice to see you uh hope your paperwork’s going

Well and I hope you had a good weekend as well need some color be besides leaves that’s what I’m thinking I’m thinking like um I’m thinking well I want to do like a pattern in the Floor of some sorts either with glass or I want to get some like

Glowstone lights you know what I mean I don’t mind like the warmth of this but I do agree that like color needs to be pulled in here somehow also maybe some banners or something I think banners would work and also another also what if we flipped this Spruce into

Mangrove I was kind of thinking about that as well I know I just put the mangrove away but oops hear me out hear me out chat Mangrove and like maybe like some terracotta we’re have to do a repair on some tools soon me welcome on in how you doing nice

To see you nether red would look lovely well it’s it’s perfect that Mangrove kind of like emulates uh emulates the nether you know I think it’s perfect you know what if we did this just to pull some color in and it’ll be um behind the storage oops

I feel like something like this could look kind of cool that means also that we could change the color of the backing here too I don’t mind the dark oak for that necessarily but it’s just something to consider I’m going to have to rip out some of this

Too I always kind of like looking at projects with fresh eyes like we did all of this on um on Friday haven’t looked at it since except for like this morning when I was organizing some of it and I just kind of like the idea of coming

Back to something and being like okay this is good but it also still feels like like the basics of what we could do with it you know Green banners would look really cool old school library Vibes let’s go let’s go the red is giving Pizzeria this

Is exactly what I was looking for I wanted it I wanted this place to be mistaken for Tony’s Pizzeria you know Sophia welcome on in and Pluto how you doing azy yes the pastel markers I should send you a picture they’re so pretty I colored a couple things this

Weekend I’ll show you um some of the uh pages that I did I feel like you would be like yes these are very nice you would appreciate I love a good coloring book really do pizza pie this is just making me want pizza now it’s not fair what are we thinking Pizza Pie

Pizzeria I think that’s kind of cool why to make the mangrove Gates for the ceiling or uh pull the color up uh ooh Mangrove signs Mangrove signs could be a good way to get the the red color up there cuz since we introduced the red of course to kind of like you’re right

We have to pull it up to the ceiling somehow I feel like that’s a good a good way to do that yeah the mangrove actually looks pretty cool right I like it your weekend was good Ian good to hear good to hear my weekend was really good

I had a really restful one hung out with the family and had Chinese take out it was it was great can you build a Tony pizza beia here in this world Yes actually actually Tony’s Pizza beia that’s that’ll be Tony’s uh introduction back into this world why is

That such a funny idea that is so good ooh Cherry Pie as well yes cherry pie Vibes tell p uh BTD it’s pizza for dinner oh my gosh I wish I wish we we ended up having to do so much Tak out this weekend because um cuz of family

And stuff coming into town so I’m like I feel like we have to cook a meal tonight you know what I need to do though I need to like make my own pizza again we used to do that haven’t done it in a hot minute

Though okay the next thing we need to do is get these walls here fill these in oh it is night time it is night time should do the red glazed uh terra cotta above across the top behind the leaves sold sold that’s it that’s that’s

It let’s do it all right I need to get a furnace well I need to go visit a furnace we need to pop some red terra cotta in we will do that absolutely absolutely we just have like this one piece I could I could work around this I

Can work around it Moon thank you so much for the channel membership welcome on in welcome to the drift Channel membership sometimes I just don’t know what to call them here but thank you so much for becoming a m remember I really appreciate it I was watching Friday’s

Twitch stream since last night I missed it but I’m here today so if BT BTD comes in you can use my name for her yes yes it’s so good I’ve I’ve been wanting I’ve been wanting to just throw it down the worst part is I’m going to throw it down

And she’s just going to completely like just put like put a block on that you know she’s she’s going to shut it down so quickly when BTD pops into driveby insult you you can ask for pizza no literally literally I need to it must be done chat I’m going to ask

Anyway I’m going to shoot my shot and she’s going to say no and she’s going to be like be reasonable you know we have like we’ve eaten so much take out and I’ll be like you’re so right but I got to shoot my shot you’re getting pizza tonight froggy

Oh so jealous so jealous send pck so I can live vicariously through you please all right I need to pop some stuff in a furnace you know what I bet you any money we actually have glazed terra cotta somewhere but guess what I don’t know where it

Is I feel like the red glazed is there anything else that would look good next to the red glazed I kind of forget what the options are you’ve got the vegetable Guild oh my gosh yes the vegetable guilt is such a real thing honestly now that I’m like

I’m getting getting older and stuff it’s not even just the guilt it’s like my stomach biome my my my gut Flora is like this isn’t even me guilting you this is me telling you that you need to eat vegetables otherwise I am going to cry and I’m like

You know what fair enough fair enough you love the zombie ASMR in the storage room me too me too they’re always hanging around somewhere because there’s still caves underneath that I haven’t lit up so funny use some stairs to make a pattern in the floor oh like have them um so

They’re kind of like indented within and we can make like a little design I feel like we should do something like that in the middle of the room it could look really cool or something with glass o I have a I have an idea okay what if we did like

Mangrove stairs surrounded with like a little bit of glass or something red mushroom block that’s another one that’s another one thank you thank you you think the black glazed has red in it okay I’m going to take a look it’s black and red which is honestly pretty

Rad yeah it looks pretty metal from what I remember all right let’s uh get some regular terra cotta we can dye it and then we can burn it I think yeah the storage zombie just lives there now he’s just a resident you know uh where’s our regular

Terracotta I’m I need to get some dyes don’t even ask just say hey BTD I ordered pizza for tonight better to ask for forgiveness than permission that’s what they always say that’s what they always say honestly I like I have such a hard time doing that with food because

I’m like I I would never want her to be disappointed by a food Choice chances are she wouldn’t cuz we’re usually on the same page with our Cravings I think I told you all about this how um the other night I was like walking to the

Gym and I was like oh my God like I just for some reason I really want Wing Stop right now like I’m really craving it and I was like I wonder if I should like mention it to her and I was like no no no forget about it forget about it we’re

Going to have to like cook something when I get home and then I was like almost done my workout and she literally was like I was going to just order it on on a whim but what if we got Wing Stop and I was like what get out of my

Brain so BTD already pulled that on me where it’s like ask for forgiveness she was just going to straight up order it but she had the exact same craving as me o Netherwood too would work oh this what the heck oh this is metal I like this you can tell her you’re supporting

Local Artisans because you love your community I’m just picturing me ordering from like not even like a local pizza place like a chain restaurant I’m just supporting the the community you know I’m just supporting I don’t even know actually I have we have so many pizza chains in Canada that are like not

American so if I named one you’d all be like what is that your stomach biome being like the nether literally literally azy that’s what it feels like cuz I ate so much like I mean I was just vibing I was eating snacks had some cake like I was living Sorry ooh okay

Okay trying to think of the best spots to put this so obviously it would go go well with the Deep slate right so I’m kind of thinking like 1 2 3 and then we go 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 1 2 3

4 I’m just kind of roughing out a design and I’ll kind of fix fix it as we go along this might be too big might not be I don’t know I was going to put like the mangrove stairs around it so we shall see been meaning to ask if you’re

Willing to share who did your avatar and character work for you uh I’ve been a content creator for a while now and never had a skin or Avatar made so my skin was made by uh my buddy Thor uh I think if you just search Thor on Twitter

You’ll be able to find him he uh I think it says he’s like a game and like pixel artist in his profile absolutely recommend he’s done all my skins as well as some other people in the community and also my artwork um on the channel was done by a very very talented artist

Uh named name uh glow I think if you search glow uh Wan or Glu blin on Twitter their stuff should come up as well very very talented as well red shulker floor tiles make excellent floor patterns and adds extra stealth storage I love that idea to be

Fair I have so many extra you have no idea how many how many shulkers I have that are just full right now because I been absolute dis absolute disaster here so I could probably get away with doing that should just pop one in the middle you know storage

Lighting glass is on the other side uh storage boom all right I need some more mangrove sometimes use upside down barrels for the floor what does an upside down Barrel look like again I I used the um the chiseled bookshelves for that and it turned out really well I feel like a

Barrel would look really nice could probably do that on like corners or something if we wanted um what was I looking for again I just got sidetracked Mangrove Mangrove that’s jungle that’s mangrove egyp he made your new ones let’s go yeah Thor is uh super super talented honestly

It’s just wild because sometimes I’ve given him like very vague descriptions cuz I’m really bad at describing things and he’s like created the exact vision from my brain without me even describing it properly what a homie all right let’s try try what if we did this

Though I need to go get more of those blocks I’m I’m really vibing with the black terra cotta the glazed one though I think the nether smells like really ranted farts okay same I feel like it smells like sulfur like which in turn smells like rancid farts you know

That’s kind of what I’m picturing too solid um red shulker pattern would break up the very strong terracotta floor while still keeping red themed yes that’s a very good point for a second I was very lost I was like where am I smells like drift sweat and burning b bacon you’re so right about the sweat you’re so right about the sweat part it’s not even funny okay wait what if we did this hear me out I’m kind of bad at like freestyling I guess you would call them like geometric patterns oops but

Ah it’s still fun to try you know even if I’m not great at it like I don’t know what’s going on here but I’m going to figure it out I’m about to figure it out Chat can do like across of like um do them like diagonal to one Another Mossy welcome on in how you doing ne’s boring though uh compar comparatively it’s not gotten a decent update in years beyond the nether netherite Nerf and armor trims there’s no new Mobs no new biomes no new structures that’s kind of how I’m like feeling about it as well like I know I

Joke that I hate going in it because I inevitably get hurt every time but I also do find that it’s like there’s not much for me to explore in it at the moment too like I go when I need to if I need like warped wood or like um shroom

Lights and stuff but it’s just like I don’t know just feel like there’s not much in it right now I would love to see them do another update but also I would love to see an end update first cuz I feel like that needs a lot of love love

Love I guys I think the nether needs a lot of love right now I can’t wait to tell bgd what I said anyway it needs a lot of love holy oh I’m crying I’m crying will there ever be Justice for Shamu bunky okay hold on a

Second yeah hold on I’ll I’ll fix that let me just go into my storage real quick CL Shamwell buy I love You you know what the sad part is we actually do have a graveyard in this world because of Prior accidents so yeah I will finally pay tribute to ShamWow buy the corners can go in different directions depending on where you’re standing and four together make a mosaic wait what with terracotta really shame

Wow there we go love RP ShamWow bunky I love you there we go all right this is this is just not a great look for me having having like a couple of uh grave plots around here not a great look but hey Stockport welcome on in how you

Doing Mars welcome welcome caught up on your chill Survival series and was dying at the part uh the part party the sniffers through those pesky pesky guys they were they were um catching arrow on that ramp you know just absolutely vibing this uh the sweat smell from the

Death in the Warped Forest lingers in the nether no literally that was the most terrifying thing that’s ever happened I know the the Epic Death in the jungle as well was pretty crazy in this world but the nether was one I was a little bit more terrified uh I didn’t

Know if I would get my stuff back or not all right it does move in different directions you’re right what the heck I didn’t I never knew that so what if I did this oh this is so cool oops wrong way for this this one do I go this way for this

One oh this is so weird I’m not really good at making a design out of it I’m like kind of half trying but that’s wild huh okay I’m just kind of like randomly filling this out right now chat I’m not like super committed to anything but I

Would like to what happened in here oh wait no nothing happened I’d like to get some glow lights in here though I just kind of forget how I uh how I lit these dudes how do I do that oh it’s just like a lever underneath okay all terra cotta is directional had

No idea I had no idea I recently built a graveyard in my world and included a photo of the dur strange killer in Shamwell bunky wait you included a photo of me what was it like a wanted poster can I see a screenshot please you’re still looking

For information honestly uh if I hear any uh Whispers of any information I’ll let you know but that’s that’s crazy I mean what that’s crazy all right I need some glow stone I do need some glow stone I must have some somewhere cuz I would like to make a couple of glow lights

I’m going to walk through though I’m kind of low on rockets in my new world every attempt I’ve made to go to the nether has ended in my catching on fire and dying so I’ve kind of given up on that for a while that’s exactly how I feel about it too

I’m I’ve gotten like a little bit better like navigating it but overall I just find it’s such a pain because like you said like you always somehow end up on fire it’s silent and then all you hear is a gas going like and you’re you’re just like oh well

Great great and then you lose everything and it’s just like it’s just not fun I avoid it if Possible I avoid it if possible but at the same time I do have to be like honest where I would I would like to get better at navigating it or possibly build something like um like what waxy does with his like ice tunnels and stuff I think those are super cool redstone lamp

I need glow stone please oh please oh chat oh chat I might have to go get some I might actually have to go get some okay okay okay okay going to grab some Rockets unless I have it hanging around somewhere else but I’m not sure I do I could have some

In the storage over here see the this is why this is why we’re organizing everything so I don’t have to keep doing this cuz I’m sure I have some all of the Terracotta blocks bar the um sorry I was I lost the sentence Oh the magenta have a pattern that’s meant

To be cohesive I had no idea that’s wild I never noticed it’s like the same thing I think froggy you showed it to me with the um the petals the Cherry petals they they’re like directional you can place them in different directions it’s so cool okay I might actually have to go

Into the nether W the confusion over the glaz Terracotta placing is uh is so entertaining top content let’s go let’s go it is very confusing okay I need to go grab a couple things uh I should probably put this stuff aside for now we’re still building

With it so I’m going to toss it in here I just need to go get like a tiny bit of glow stone however I do need some Rockets which means I need sugar canane can’t sleep yet I failed at being a human went downstairs for a drink uh and returned

Without a drink um I actually think you succeeded at being a human in that moment because that is the most human thing ever goes downstairs for something gets completely distracted ends up watching like an entire TV series goes back upstairs without said drink or snack or whatever you wanted that’s me

In a nutshell honestly it’s so Frustrating you already sent it what why do I not remember okay I’m going into the nether I feel like I have seen it I just for some reason do not remember how to show you some screen screenshots from the the Nether and ATM 9 first time I’ve ever been a little

Scared oh I would love to see if something’s rattling you I need to see it I need to see how scary it is the one in better Minecraft was actually pretty scary uh okay we need some glow stone there Lots around here here though here we go ow see I’m already on

Fire what is this what is this type one in chat if you love The Nether I’m not typing one never have never will ow all right how much we got was that enough 33 I feel like we might need a bit more than that fix your tools no absolutely I

Think when we get back from here we’re going to do a a little uh little Enderman Farm trip for sure these are looking pretty bad eh come on can I reach you please you always build a really small starter house and never have uh enough room same

Same my when I say starter house I mean starter house I mean like you might be able to fit a bed in there and one barrel that’s kind of like my vibe I like ones that people build where they’re like modular though where you build a small starter house and then

They build something like attached to it to make it a little bit more bigger and like functional I always think those are really Cool plenty of biomes makes the nether a lot more fun uh the visol heat uh biome and the one with the Blackstone and purple uh bulbs and also the one with the sulfur ferals okay honestly the yeah the one in better Minecraft was pretty wild

Like I that was like I was terrified of it cuz it’s actually legitimately very dangerous but I found myself actually like exploring it because there were so many different types of structures and bosses I think it was the bosses that were really cool there was like um like a Blaze King there were

Different type of like bastions and stuff which were really cool there’s everything but one everything but one in here we are all the same except sorry shroud sorry the nether can be creepy at times absolutely I find Minecraft in general can kind of be like creepy in a

Way I just find like if I’m not like streaming it sometimes I’m like suddenly I’m like things are quiet too quiet you know you love the nether because drift hates it jag jag what the heck honestly Fair it’s probably uh entertaining imposter welcome on in how you doing find the better better Minecraft

Nether so overwhelming yeah it’s a lot it is a lot I find the end really cool too too though I really liked the end the better Minecraft nether I do agree that it’s overwhelming it’s one of those things where I’m like I feel like you need to have wings and way stones in

Order to enjoy it properly cuz I do agree that it can be like a lot especially cuz there’s like so many random things like oh a biome where you’re hanging off of an upside down mushroom great you have to be more careful so you don’t swim in lava no absolutely

Absolutely I don’t even want to like talk about the end right now cuz I’m in it and I’m scared but like the end obviously scares me too cuz I mean if you fall into the void goodbye everything you know but I try not to think about it when I’m

Here I never get scared in horror movies or games by doing Minecraft no I feel that it’s just like the silence is too much you know all right let me turn the game sounds down a bit uh remind me to turn them back up for you all after maybe I’ll just like

Mute them on my end too so I can’t I know to like actually actually turn them up cuz there’s so many times I come here and then after afterwards I never turn the game sounds up and it’s just like muted for you all Mitch is that Mitchell I see Mitchell happy

Birthday happy birthday bro loud Ender deaths please sure you got it hold on a second there is that great is that good for you ATM 9 has new structures in the Nether Nether boats new biomes uh which are me new fortresses and lots of cool uh mobs

Yeah I think it’s the mobs that make like the modded ones really interesting that and like the structures that have different Loot and stuff it makes it more like um it just makes it more like immersive The Enderman Farm is so pretty is probably my favorite mob grinder I actually wish I had built this earlier honestly and my one wish that I like um had done for this area is I wish I had here let me I wish I had made this out

Of like End Stone as well I know I have like some mobs spawning on here because I technically didn’t mob proof it with some of this stuff here because I was like whatever I just want it to look nice still functions okay azy is the oh there we go I was

Going to say stream elements having an issue there we go there we go the sweet sweet sounds of the Enderman perishing send you a screenshots of it the new Mobs really scared me yeah I would love to see I would I would love for like I

Think I would love an end update first before a new like nether update but I think eventually I would like another uh nether update what do you all think like the general theme of the next update is going to be what are you all thinking

Cuz they focused a lot on of course like the trial Chambers and stuff which I’m super excited about but I’m just like I don’t I don’t know what like the overall like overarching theme is going to be yeah stream elements has been having like major issues uh over on on the

YouTubes I’m I’m kind of contemplating giving nightbot a shot that’s what I used to have on here and then I switched over I’ll probably message you about it though azy um just to see like if it’s something that we should maybe look into farming update when listen if we

Actually had a farming update that like added more crops and stuff and gave us like more options to like for food I would be I would be in heaven I would be a happy gal I would be a very happy gal let me turn these game sounds back up for you

All there we go yeah I feel like uh an end update would be uh really cool as well I think we’re due for that it’s just like very very desolate you know and I feel like it could do with a little bit more loot oh no we got a thunderstorm on our

Hands we’ve got a thunderstorm on our hands me just toss these I balls into the water goodbye seeing your uh name tools makes me think of my fishing rod called here fishy fishy I love that I feel like the naming conventions on Minecraft is one of like the funniest things you could

Have like I just love that you can name the most random things farming’s also almost useless late game no exactly that’s a thing like it’s it’s useful if you need like a couple of like crops like wheat and stuff to feed cows but other than that you’re not like you

Don’t really need it that much oh no this fell into a pit there we go I’m just trying to like mess around with these like designs to see if whoa look at that okay okay what about this one what could I do here no no

No I don’t know what to do for the corner ones but then again maybe I could switch those to lights cuz I like I kind of like how these two like are circular to one another you know H oops it’s kind of confusing there we

Go oops that one was fine the way it was put that there put this one here and then these guys I don’t really know I think maybe the corner one right here maybe get rid of because it is like a little bit of an awkward design and then

We could have like the glow lights there so as long as we turn this one in oh my gosh the struggles there we go same with this one and then we do glow lights there baked potato bun with my baked potato burger with my baked potato fries M delicious

Delicious yeah literally like at this point what am I doing out here with like 5,000 billion potatoes it’s just too much you know boyfriend and I played Minecraft and he used my pickaxe which I named shovel and he was like why why is this and I had to immediately tell him not to

Worry about it yeah don’t worry about it it’s shovel don’t question it I do stuff like that too just like nonsensical names or like name it like Michael why’ I do that oh it’s actual glow stone I see would have been better to get it with silk touch but that’s

Okay all right I need some Redstone and then we can make these glow lights I also need to make some levers as well Corner shulkers my one okay my one thing is okay let’s try the corner shulkers my one thing is they’re a little bit expensive but I just have to grab some

And empty them and I’ll give that a shot uh I was looking for red stone what no red stone what the chat what’s going on here 4K potatoes sounds good but my monitor only goes up to 1080 yeah that’s a big but um moment new update will let us compost poisonous

Potatoes could we not do that before huh why not what is this no Redstone I want to make mashed potato fries listen I want to make that in game and IRL you know for I want to make make mashed potatoes then form them into fries cover

Them in flour fry freeze and then fry the next day listen I think you’re on to something are we talking like are we talking having a dip to accompany these perhaps some kind of dip okay I’m going to have to go get some some good old Redstone that’s okay

We’ll pop in here quickly I know there’s some Redstone veins that I left aside in this cave look at me maneuver that wow that was incredible that was a big swags moment oh yeah look at all this look at all this Redstone potato best starch what other starch is there

Even what other starch is there I just realized I’m using silk touch I’m going to commit to it going to commit to it and then we’ll break it once we hit above the cave what’s that called real world something I have no words right now always dip listen

I’m the one thing that was shocking to me when I went to the UK was I ate a french fry well a chip in the UK I guess you would say and I said to myself you know what this doesn’t even need an aoli this doesn’t that’s how good they are

There chips are incredible in the UK what what do you all doing over there why don’t we have those American and Canadian French fries sorry not as good not as good they have like their they have their time in place like I love like a good McDonald’s fry and stuff but

I’m like I always require ketchup I always require like an aoli or something UK chips nah I’d really like to be able to make more placeable Foods me too cake is great and I need to be able to add more decorations to my kitchens besides cake exactly exactly

Listen if they did it with cake I’m like they could do it with something else you know like I would love to be able to Plate like even a cooked chicken you know all right how am I getting out of here Top Notch maneuvering look at me go look at me

Go flight Master by ,000 those Maneuvers and get you still died by smashing into a jungle tree honestly I didn’t know what I was doing back then also I didn’t have I don’t think it would have saved me anyway but I didn’t have feather falling either give me a placeable pot of stew

Now we’re talking now we’re talking that would be so cute honestly just like the farmer Delight m let me tell you it was a delight playing with that mod because it you get so many cool items like that to be able to like place on the table so much

Fun all right I need Cobblestone to make some lever uh where’s the Cobble over here over here Kim Welcome on in how you doing all right let’s make some levers for these lights then we can place a bunch how do you make them again oh here we go let’s make a

Bunch we need the Redstone components you know we just do boom oops so we got that one uh this one oh my gosh how am I doing this there we go pop this here oops listen I just placed another one but it’s fine it’s fine everything’s fine chat everything’s

Fine can I just place it here actually boom I can oh didn’t realize okay so that’s looking kind of cool I like that I do want to try the shulker thing um see what that’s going to look like we have to get a shulker box though

Let me take stuff out of this one put it in here and then we’ll break this one you can yeah you can redy them at any point right actually I have a bunch of poppies in here because of the uh Whatchamacallit pass the 1 hour mark stretch take your Mets and hydrate yes

Every Everybody if you need to have a quick little break or grab some water make sure you’re hydrating we’ve got a couple more hours in this stream so we are vibing I’m probably going to take a quick little break shortly and um grabb myself some more water cuz I already I’ve been

Sipping I have been sipping today absolutely oh yeah shulker box do I just like oh do that okay cool uh all right what are we feeling that looks good what the okay I need to actually move these that’s why I did have them in the other spot I now realize I was being

Smart I was being thoughtful there we go yo that looks good though why not redstone block under it can you do that wait can you fer are you about to to change my life here I never know what signals and what doesn’t you know what I mean I’m still like very confused by

Redstone Bean welcome on in how you doing hope you’re having a good one he let’s see oh it worked it worked heck yeah okay cool well you learned something new you do indeed heck yeah all right so we’ve got part of this done I want to add like some more lights and

Stuff I’m actually really digging the shulker Box thing I think that’s super cute but we are going to have to get if we put them here we’re going to have to get uh three more that’s honestly not even an issue I just need to I just need to empty

Them I have a fridge full of food and I don’t want any of it I just want to order a burger why am I a bad person listen sometimes you just get those Cravings you’re not a bad person for it I understand that sometimes it’s just like especially when you’re kind of

Eating the same meals over and over you kind of get like fatigued with it you know what I mean I totally understand that that’s kind of how um me and Big Tiny U Big Tiny uck Big Tiny uck Big Tiny duck are wow I’m really losing my words say that is the

Funniest one I’ve said that said yet I love you and Big Tiny uck my God going tell her I’m going to text her that one right now I still have to save the one that Moon said though for when she comes into chat it’s a good

One okay let’s get rid of this stuff except I can’t really get rid of it yet Big Tiny yeah big tiny dog this one I don’t really like I like these colors though I want to keep them around Big Tiny yuck there we go that’s

A good one I came up with one all by myself are you all proud of me I’ve been watching your videos for forever and finally caught you live I’m so excited yo sad boy wel welcome on in hope you’re doing well thank you so much for popping

In by the way I appreciate it okay let’s get rid of this one too big big tiny yuck these are like little I like this color palette here but I’m changing them all to Red we’re going to have to go to the end soon and get more Shulkers uh storage I’m just going to start funneling back some of our stuff into storage bins that we can organize after cuz we are in chat we are in big old big old decoration mode so no time no time to waste oh our zombie storage friend is in the walls oops oops

Sorry got to mute myself I my throat is acting up again okay we’re good we’re good we are good why do I have where were these boats from I don’t remember what did I do chat what what trouble was I up to I would like to know

Where is he he’s probably like directly underneath me or something is he in the walls oh my God I made a spawnable little spot for him you’ve got to be kidding me you’ve got to be kidding me hi what that’s so funny huh I’m in the walls let me out I’m

Hungry please let me out so hungry man and look at that glow stone what I was looking for before that’s fine we needed way more than that okay three shulkers they’re ready to be died now where’ I put that die let’s do this one oh wait it’s just this

Haha easy what should we put in these it’s like secret secret storage you know ah I didn’t mean to do that where what are we going to do with this secret storage what what Secrets will it hold I feel like it’s got be something cool you know what do youall

Think love how we’re replicating the front art of that one album from My Chemical Romance you mean um cheers to the I forget what it’s called like three cheers for Sweet Revenge or something I’m crying why is that so good good that’s so Random you’re so right you’re so

Right will these be our little chest monsters our designated chest monsters is that the vibe why did you kill him he was a good man also LOL Redstone lamps no idea where those came from but apparently I had some apparently I had some oh my gosh this is life-changing GG’s AER GG’s thank

You nether stuff cuz red honestly makes sense makes sense that like red stone those were like my thoughts H oh no it’s got to be a full block Shamwell bunky tender remains SL oh my gosh yall are brutal brutal tender remains boom Uh boom I think we could do one in the middle here oops Yeah just a torch there perfect something like that that’s a wicked floor design I feel like terracotta to kind of like tie it all together would be fine like regular terra cotta if we have

Anymore cuz we don’t want to overdo it with uh with all of the designs you want a little bit of Simplicity oh that’s too simple though maybe some Mangrove too you know what looks kind of dope hold on a second chat hear me out hear

Me out this stuff why is this stuff this just oh that’s very why does that look so bright right now is it because the lights are there does it mean they’re like activated cuz that’s not how it looks normally right that’s like too much I think that looks cool but I think

Maybe it’s activated or something so it’s looking a little funky what about Mangrove Mangrove or honestly dark oak I’m wondering like maybe just tying in some some regular old wood into it or even deep slate possibly I think I think I like some of this but maybe less needs

To be here I don’t know let’s try to bring the Deep slate back in this is the final final piece of the puzzle it’s got to look right you know I think that’s kind of cool just kind of bringing back some stuff I don’t know H I like that cuz it’s not overstated

You know the the red terra cotta was too much I think the mangrove might be a little bit much too did I try the mangrove I think I only did the dark oak I give the mangrove one shot but if not I think maybe just the Deep slate is kind of the

Vibe ah I don’t mind the mangrove either or we were talking about stairs earlier too for like some depth something like this froggy you’re going to DM the The Legend of ShamWow bless your heart I don’t know if that’s too much yeah I think I prefer it flat

Sometimes all it takes is like just like really just trying different things with it until something works I think I would like to try oh I got to go to bed well we could try nether brick too nether brick could probably work let’s try that do we just toss

Netherrack in the in the good old oven let it cook a little bit for that ow The Mangrove brighten the space in a good way yeah I agree I agree I like that I think it’s between that and the um honestly the Deep slate cuz that brought brought back like

Cohesion but the mangrove brightened it up deep slate stairs could work too let’s see if I have any nether brick hanging around so I don’t have to wait for a ton of that I should I know I broke some stuff in the in the nether so sometimes that brick is like a little

Bit too like purple toned though but we’ll see we’ll see black stone that’s a little bit that has like too too much like purple in it here we go exactly what we need deep SL stairs could work too that could be like the definition I’m looking

For cuz it looked a little bit too Goofy with the mangrove I think it has like too many purple tones in it and it’s like competing against the gray in here the um Whatchamacallit the Deep slate kind of uh matches it a little bit better so deep slate stairs was the other

Option might also just be like way over overthinking it sometimes I do that after a while also maybe the trick is like having the Deep slate stairs kind of like this ooh I think I like that yeah I like this yes I think that’s my winner that’s like simple you

Know yeah I didn’t want I didn’t want too much I think this is like perfect the Deep SL stairs definitely worked I like that I like that a lot very nice all right let’s put some of this stuff away deep slate stuff you go in here we’re

Going to have to make like some Redstone oh wait Redstone components guess what we got a spot for that now we’ve got a spot which is awes awesome Redstone Mangrove stuff boom boom boom boom angrove goes in here deep sleep bricks I don’t know if I

Have those in my item sorder I’ve got to be honest I think I might only have regular deep slate which is wild I might end up switching um this like cuz I have Cobble deep slate and regular deep slate I might switch that with bricks cuz I usually have so much but we’ll

See Mama witch welcome on in how you doing nice to see you kayin welcome on in as well sorry I was late uh sorry I was late here hello everyone drift uh are you wanting to ever attempt a mega base project I would love to try a bigger Mega base project I

Would say the closest one we have right now to a mega base would be uh creeper castle that’s definitely the biggest one we’ve done in this world so far but I would love to try something like an ocean Monument or like a really really big castle project this is the closest

We’ve gotten so far which we’re still in the works with but I would love to uh give that a shot I would say that’s my biggest weakness right now looks good thank you uh Cornelius I appreciate it bral welcome on in how you doing yeah I think that I think that

Looks good it’s perfect cuz you don’t want it to be like too overwhelming and patterned especially when you’re in a spot that has um has like a lot of storage that you’re trying to focus on I think the one thing I want to do is add

A little bit of that trim up here though like the uh the Terracotta I think that could look really cool what we got here uh deep slate deep slate deep slate boom then all this stuff can go into our Auto sorder I think I’m going

To put some of this stuff away too into the auto sorder I don’t think we’re going to need this much deep slate anymore same with all of this stuff can go grab it if we need it but need need to gather up all the chests you have outside various places

And put them into one pile ooh yes that’s a good idea how do I go about like doing that like do I start collecting everything within the shulkers do you think I’m kind of thinking that like we need to kind of like go along with shulkers gather

Everything up and have it like all in this room so we’re not like going back and forth right that was kind of my thought process all right I’m just going to try a couple more things here I would like to try just to see what it looks like what if we had some

We ouch I knew that was going to Happen what do you all think of that to like kind of complement this is it too like is that too grungy for like the nice flowering aelia or should we go like maybe the red glazed finally took the Christmas tree down you’re getting pretty sick of it I

Get that after like Christmas I get like like the I I was going to say Sunday scaries kind of similar to that where it’s like you kind of get like the ick from the Christmas tree cuz you’re like it’s all over now so I was I’m kind of

Like I was kind of glad to have it down after Christmas it kind of just starts to make you feel like a little sad you’re like well the holidays are over now so what the heck what do youall think of that is that too much make a load of double chest outside

And Fairy stuff back and forth okay I think that’s per a perfect idea I think also we should have like a spot like right here you know coia welcome on in how you doing tradition in Sweden is to put away all Christmas things 20 day after CHR 20

Days after Christmas so Saturday I can’t believe that it’s already 20 days past Christmas that’s wild switch the flowering aelia to just the leaves yeah I feel like that’s what’s kind of like making it combat you know let’s where my leaves at there they are Loi thank you I appreciate it yeah I

I think this is really starting to come together it’s definitely taking shape I’m almost wondering if we should also change some of these like signs to dark oak I think we should I know we’re getting like really like nitpicky here but I don’t think that’s a ouch bad thing I think that looks

Better and maybe if we go dark oak instead for some of the fencing and the um the signs too bum bu gamer boy welcome on in how you doing hope you’re having a good day yeah I think I’m going to switch to dark oak for that stuff

So let’s put this stuff away let’s grab some dark oak yeah I got the Christmas ick like the day after this year for some reason yeah usually I get it like cuz I still really enjoy the time between Christmas and New Year’s it still feels like very

Um like holiday like to me but this year we were just so done with it we were both like uh let’s just get rid of it just wanted it gone for some reason we also had like um cuz we had Christmas at our house this year and our

Apartment’s very small we also had like um just like extra furniture and stuff in the living room so it was just kind of hard to manage all of that stuff in one small space so we were like uh just need to get rid of it he think how’s that looking

I think that looks better just going to swap all of this stuff out just get the signs here here I have to swap these out too I think to uh dark oak Gates or maybe not cuz the dark oak is here so I think that should be

Fine love where the design is going here very cool oh thank you I appreciate it I’m I’m digging this too I think it’s I think it’s looking cool it’s also like in theme with what we have for the entire area but I also think like adding

The small detail to the floor and stuff differentiated it a bit cuz I didn’t want it to be too same same right but we also want it to feel in theme with what we already have that’s like the hardest balance to strike I find make sure you’re not doing like the

Same thing over and over but also making it all Co cohesive all right just going to need a couple more fences I think that looks better add a little bit more pop to it just need some water chat between Christmas and New Year’s is uh still the 12 days there you go there

You go I love that like LOL where it’s just like a lot of people still aren’t back to work yet so like the roads aren’t as busy everyone’s just kind of vibing catching up on rest and stuff if they can need to put the kids to bed soon and

We’ll lur for a bit no worries hope it goes well hey well client are you using I use uh multi MC I’ve used it for a while now it’s been really handy actually it took some time to get used to though all right last few bits here

We’re have to do the other side of this planter if I haven’t done it yet can’t remember I think there is there are signs on the other side so boom boom Boom got enough signs here and finally the fencing let’s pop some of this back in get it here boom uhoh one what the heck just one okay going have to make a couple more sticks too January is uh just all right you had your fun now back to work oh totally I

Found that it was really really hard to get back into routine me and Big Tiny duck were like over sleeping and stuff too it was brutal cuz we this is like the first um time we had some time off together and I don’t know since we’ve

We’ve been together and uh as a result I was definitely catching up on some sleep and so she it was wild uh-oh I got to go to bed we need to somehow make this place I want to open concept but I also want to feel safe I think I might put

Gates along here just in case like mobs and stuff creep in we’ve had some really bad creeper issues in this base lately and I just don’t don’t you know creepers blowing up in a storage area just would not be ideal pretty sure I would cry so oh that’s the timer we’re going to

Have to take a quick little break soon going to have to take a quick little break soon chat what would be your theme for your base if you wanted to start a new world oh that’s such a good question I’ve been thinking about that a lot cuz eventually

Um chill survival will probably come to an end um eventually I don’t know I don’t know when though that could literally mean in the next couple months or a year from now who knows who knows and I was thinking I was like what am I going to

Do next for like a survival series I’m not sure yet I’m not sure cuz this place is like a very big mish mash of just like so many ideas and stuff I feel like this world is like just one giant Journal but usually with stream or uh

With let’s play series I try to be a little bit more like thematic I guess I’d have to think about it I’d want to try something different than what I normally do I kind of want to go like full send into like fantasy style cuz I don’t think I’ve really given that like

A shot like Elvin fantasy I feel like that would be fun and something I’m really interested In that’s one of my ideas that I’ve had I don’t know uh terra cotta I’m still getting used to where everything is also like I would love to try things off in like one-offs like if I were to do like a 100 days where it’s like jungle only world

And I could really experiment with that as well gloud welcome on in how you doing so nice to see you hope you’re having a good one all right this is looking fire I really like how this has turned out so far and I enjoy the changes that we made

To this area although although I have to do this as well change that to Mangrove this is already really coming together also I think I think that’s good I think that’s good except maybe wa wait wait wait wait wait wait couple leaves in here just a couple throughout I think like there is

Fine just for a little bit more green that’s good employ the zombie for security I know why did I get rid of him I feel kind of bad now he could have been a great employee I’m feeling a little bit guilty about that one chat what did I do

Why did why was I so mean to him what the heck he would have been great he would have scared off everybody else let’s get rid of that one and lanterns lanterns lanterns where did I put them did I actually put them away got to go H go call your dad no

Worries hope it goes well decorational don’t really have any in there I do have lanterns somewhere I just don’t know where I put them I had like 30 of them it’s because my inventory is no longer organized I can’t see them oh wait there they are there they are all right we’re

Good oops wrong spot come on there we go get rid of this guy good to go I was inspired by Friday Stream So I created a new Minecraft world to play in until the baby comes oh my gosh that’s so exciting heck yeah how’s how’s uh how’s the uh beginnings of survival

Going I always love the early game I think mobs don’t walk over carpet wait do they not huh all right for this tunnel I need to figure out what we’re going to do for this wall I remember what somebody said they said dead coral dead coral would look really cool I feel

Like maybe we should do that so what I think we should do is maybe take a quick little break chat um I need to get get some more water and stuff and maybe we could Tri take a trip over to the warm ocean grab some coral and use that to

Kind of start texturing out the front of this build cuz this is looking really nice all we have to do really is work on this a bit and kind of like build an archway and texture this so why don’t we do that um let’s take a quick little break and I will be

Back in a couple of minutes all right BRB chat All righty welcome back everybody ooh balers gate I have not played balers gate yet I really want to I want to do a play through I know me and Big Tiny duck can’t do it together because it would it it’s not cross platform from what I

Understand but um I would love to do a playthrough that we just like play with like on the couch while one’s watching or something I don’t know something like that cuz I heard that game is fantastic so might try it out oh my leg for some reason I think I

Just ow I was like sitting on it weird or something I stood up when I went on break and I was like why does it hurt so bad what the heck trying to stretch it out right now perfect timing for me to get off a call let’s go let’s

Go hope everybody had a good break hope you’re all hydrated all that stuff I’m absolutely vibing today absolutely vibing posture check thank you like literally I’m trying to get good posture you know what I think since going to the gym my posture actually has gotten a bit better because posture is everything so

You don’t hurt yourself so I think it’s maybe starting to help stretching is important it really is stretching and posture those are like the two things that I’ve been working on recently I found that like if I do proper stretches before and after a workout it like is literally

Lifechanging other streamer I’m up for has been playing nothing but balers gate and lethal company I want to watch you play both of those so bad I would actually love to play some balers gate would you would you all be interested in like a balers gate stream it would have

To be on Twitch though it would have to be on Twitch but I would love to that or even like um could do some I could do some videos of it but I just feel like it would be a fun stream lethal company me block down and

Roo did and it was such a fun time I Feel Like We Only scratched the surface of that game everyone’s been playing it like crazy it’s such a good party like um Co-op game I would love to play more thanks for the posture check I was

Slowed so far down it’s so easy to forget right may need some potassium for some cramp prevention honestly probably I feel like if there’s one thing I’m lacking it’s potassium I need to have I do need to have some bananas I haven’t eaten a banana in a hot minute it’s been a hot

Minute all right how far are we from the ocean very close very close indeed I always feel bad just like ripping this stuff to shreds but listen it’s going to look so nice though let’s get some like different textures too so funny how Coral is probably one of the best building blocks I don’t use it too often cuz it’s like such a pain

To collect but literally the texture of it phenomenal you’ve been drawing nice what have you been drawing um one thing I am so envious of is people being able to draw I just think it’s like pretty wild uh being able to visualize something in your brain and put that on

Paper I just I cannot fathom it Carlos welcome on in how you doing nice to see you I hope you’ve been well and I hope you had a good New Year and all that stuff back uh leaning towards buying a mermaid tail let’s go let’s

Go if it’s some i’ say with like hobbies and stuff like that and just like interest I’m like if you’ve thought about it for a long time and you’ve done so much research I say go for it you know I say go for it I forgot my bed

Oh that’s diate I was like whoa that stuff’s already dead no that’s literally just di right well can visualize many things um in my brain I just can’t draw any of them exactly ask me to put my visualizations onto paper yeah right yeah right it ain’t happening show you a screenshot on

Discord let’s go let’s go teing up this beautiful warm ocean such a shame am I collecting the fans or am I breaking them I think I’m breaking them can I collect those with shears I don’t remember shears or silk touch I think it’s shears let’s give that a shot after I grab some

Of the stuff my new Minecraft world was the first time I didn’t Panic immediately upon entering a world baby steps I feel that in my bones I remember when I used to start like new Minecraft worlds especially like the first night how terrifying huh oh I think cuz I grabbed

That with silk touch it’s not it didn’t die how do I grab the the fans I don’t remember is is that a silk touch thing oh it is I don’t think I don’t think I just grabbed the one that I had originally picked there we go could use some of

Those for texturing you know there we go and how many do we have we have 38 9 17 25 I feel like that’s a good amount except maybe because we have the storage for it now I’ll grab a couple more just to be safe so I can texture with them another

Time we’re already here there’s nothing in the ocean that’s hurting us so it’s it’s fine also chat if you are enjoying the stream if you’re if you want if you’re enjoin it hit that like button it really helps out the streams and I very much appreciate

It all right let’s grab a couple more and then we’ll be good to go there we go I want to okay so I want to create like the entrance to a shipping yard it’s got to keep in theme with like kind of what we have and stuff but I don’t

Know what to do for the archway obviously this is something we got to discuss when we get back but I’m I’m still I’m thinking about it right now like what do we do for that all right let’s head home first and then that’ll that’s what’s on our mind next what the

Heck are we going to do oops for our Archway this looks so cool it’s so funny I’m like sometimes like I’m looking at my my world I’m like wow we’ve done so much work and I look at it on the map and it looks like the area looks so small in some

Ways so so Small almost home we are almost home so many mobs so little time can’t get me though I’m flying I’m flying all right we’re pretty much home now as soon as I see like swampy and Birch Forest I’m like we’re safe we’re safe chat lived to see another day in

Our Minecraft world although I can live to see as many days as I want because I’m in survival is that how it is all right let’s go back home let’s sleep a bit and then let’s fix up the outside of the storage Hall and we’ll be good

203 what what type of style is that I don’t even know I I don’t even know all right let’s start texturing some of this outy welcome on in how you doing so nice to see you hope you’re having a great day we are just vibing today we are

Working on our storage haul that we started on stream uh on Twitch and we are absolutely abolutely killing it maybe we can get some tough in there as well tough would be nice some little bit of whoa who ho ho we have an issue here oh my

Gosh collectively Chad did not do do its do its job oh no I need to fix that oh no okay collectively Chad needs to be fixed in this one we had a couple that were broken I didn’t think they broke on this side of the uh didn’t think we had any that were

Broken on this side though so we’re going to have to fix that up that sucks no why collectively Chad oh no all of this stuff do be Falone in there I think it’s just residual I it might already be fixed to be honest let’s see let’s go up into the working compon

Opponents it’s so funny going like backstage throughout here let’s walk across here oh hello stuff isn’t even like properly sealed off well there we go should probably like light this too this is a little bit sketchy isn’t it chat here we go I like kind of being able to

Walk across this like Boardwalk to inspect stuff I guess never thought to do that before all right so this one is how do I fix these again oh it’s The Hoppers up there my bad yo Isabelle welcome on in how you doing so we are working on some storage

Today um we’ve just been decorating I will go back to it in a second I’m just fixing up one of our storage containers kind of broke the other day or probably a while back here we go here’s the issue so andesite needs to go into this

One but we lost our buttons which I forgot to grab well no okay we need to go back across I should just leave some of this Scaffolding in here eh just so we can like easily navigate this little maze I don’t think it’ll do any harm to the

Redstone if we leave it here so it’s all good let me go get those buttons quickly had to walk all the way in a big old Circle that’s okay though all right collectively Chad why didn’t you do your job I forget what we like we kind of

Solved in our brains what the issue was but I don’t remember what the like what we deemed it to be I remember we were like oh that’s what happened but it SLI my mind something happened though what version of Minecraft are you playing I’m playing Java and uh the latest update

120 all right so put these here and then andite boom goes in here so this should stop all of the stuff from running through so let’s say actually let’s let it like finish its thing first it always stops at like 41 I think Stone goes past so the Stone’s

Going to bop past it it’s not going to be able to go into that Hopper I don’t know what happened something did though something happened along the way and it got messed up but that’s okay that’s how you fix it it’s just really strange like it just

Seems like out of nowhere it like broke one day and I I think maybe we figured out why but I just don’t remember any more it’s been too long something must have happened oh my gosh look at this it’s a mess now just going to toss this Stone in here

No stone can go in there you get back in there all this stuff is like funneling down too cuz it should have gone into the other chests it’s okay I’ll move the stone for now whoops and then that’s about it okay so we’ve got our Cobble we got some

Andesite let’s start popping some of this in place Kind of like having this beam like a little bit exposed as well give it a little bit more depth can’t really do that on this side here cuz it’s blocking some stuff why does dead coral look so good chat why I think here we’re going to terraform this a little bit make this

Into like an area with a bunch of um chests and stuff maybe get a beam going here too so get rid of this one we can pop in place for a beam there what type of tunnel is this this is basically just like a tunnel that

Will um go into our storage area over here so it’s like a little area meant uh for like the entrance of like a shipping area thoughts on new Cherry biome and bamboo block ooh I honestly I’ve I really did like the 120 update I think they added

In like very nice things for like Builders and stuff in my opinion um I was a huge fan of it Cherry I don’t really build a lot with but I’m excited that we have that like like a very vibrant and colorful block now kind of at our disposal I need to

Utilize it more though I don’t think I’ve done it anything with it really but I think it’s a great block to have also as soon as I saw that block I thought of uh thought of Brooke brella I was like this is literally literally meant for Brook

Ella let’s be real and she’s been killing it with uh her let’s play series actually killing it actually probably want this cleared why is it every time I turn around drift saying something about murdering something or how dead things look good listen listen it’s not my

Fault it’s not my fault the dead coral block is just such a Vibe what am I to do chat what am I to do but yeah I think like um I was really happy with the 120 update I feel like kind of a little bit of the hike maybe

Like wasn’t there in terms of the community reaction in a way which I get because it released sometime around was it close to summer so it kind of felt like in a way like the hype was there for a bit and then it died down like weirdly fast

But I I really liked the the update like I feel like it was it was a really good one but also maybe the way it was released um just because like information was kept kind of like a secret for so long and then they kind of

Just dropped it I I kind of feel like that might have hindered the hype a little bit I don’t know I was thinking about that a lot cuz it just seemed like a lot of um a lot of people weren’t super like excited for it in some ways

And I thought that it it had a lot it had like a lot of potential you know I mean we got a cherry biome so a completely new biome we got a completely new um like bamboo block that’s pretty big camels it it did also feel like kind of all over the

Place so maybe it’s like the cohesion of the update wasn’t is kind of what confused people too me thinking about all the coral reefs near my base and my main Minecraft world listen you got access to those Coral blocks use them use them they’re so good dead coral would look good uh with

Gravel since they have similar undertones oh my God you’re so right gravel that’s usually what I texture with too I completely forgot completely forgot do I have any on me right now I think so going to just like toss in a couple of blocks here and there though oops there we

Go got some leaves in there too see now what we can do aquatic things look at this waa we can put it all away now heck yeah Taco so nice to see you how you doing how’s it going all right I need to figure out what I’m

Going to do for the entrance here so we have like a little entrance like some beams here but we need like proper beams on this side as well we’re in a winter storm morning here in my state it’s been snowing since 7:30 and I’m making soup ooh what kind

Of soup what kind of soup you got going winter warming I hope uh hope you don’t have to to go anywhere hope you can enjoy the snow from a distance we had some snow over uh over the weekend for the first time too it was it was

Awesome it hasn’t really I mean it’s kind of stuck which is nice because it was super cold or super warm the other day sorry and I was like GH this is just like not nice cuz we were getting rain and it made me so sad but we finally got

Some snow a light sprinkles so it’s not like anything too crazy and I was just kind of enjoying it I love like a good snowfall though you know it just always feels so magical everything’s just like so quiet and still I love it Zion what’s going on so nice to see

You where do we start this one two three and then maybe here and then one here 1 2 3 4 all right so we got two beams in place going to knock some of this out so we can actually see it what are we going to do for this

Design now mm so we’ve got copper which I think we should actually probably emulate with this I think maybe we should use some copper on it and kind of keep true to that maybe we do slabs though went to work and then left early wasn’t waiting for everything to freeze

It’s already slippery I’m making chicken uh and noodles but the snow is so pretty honestly yeah that’s a best that’s the best way if you see like the weather going south like that it’s nice if you can just get out of there early cuz sometimes the commutes home can just be

So dangerous glad you were able to dip out early so you can just like stay inside enjoy it from a distance don’t have to worry about uh heading home oops okay I need some dirt cuz I’m going to try just like I don’t even know some weird

Design you know I’m just I’m feeling it today I’m feeling weird design today so what did we do here we did stair slab double slab thingy here all this uh dirt that I’m using will have to replace with like copper after but ooh what if we this was

An accident but this accident might look good hold on a second so we did is it slab on the side I forget oh no we didn’t even do that yet okay so we did slab stair and then here we did like a weird double slab thing

I’m going to have to attach the bottom part of this though so this is going to be like a little bit of like maneuvering you know that’s not right there’s a slab on the bottom bottom of the stair I think and then the top of it like that

This is this looks goofy right now but bear with me I think it might work out I kind of wanted to try my hand at getting used to making more like I don’t know even if they’re slightly intricate roof designs you know just switching it up a little

Bit get a little bit of variance what if we did this and then on top we could do like ah yeah chicken noodle soup like nothing nothing beats that that stuff is literally good for the soul like absolutely trust the process exactly that’s what I’m saying like this looks

Wild right now but I kind of see where we’re going with this I think if we connect it with like stairs here not like that maybe facing the other way just a regular old stair let’s see yeah yeah yeah yeah I think this could work out like

That as long as it doesn’t look too goofy kind of like that I went to Aldi a little bit ago and um and me and this guy almost collided in the parking lot but we didn’t oh my gosh that is always the biggest fear especially when it’s snowing and you

Have like no control over your car and you’re literally just watching yourself in slow motion like sliding into somebody so scary I’m glad I’m glad nothing happened though that has definitely happened to me a couple times though snow do be dangerous for that stuff also Jesh welcome on in how are

You doing I hope you’re having a great day your builds are amazing thank you so much I appreciate it hope you’re having a great day it’s looking good heck yeah thank you thank you it’s a little bit different but I kind of like that you Know that looks kind of sick what I don’t know if I should have this one hanging down down and then maybe some trap doors on the bottom of it but I I kind of like that just wanted to make a little bit more of a statement rather than having

The classic like um basically just having everything kind of like an archway I just want something a little bit different for this shipping yard let me try one more thing though oh I think I like that better yeah that feels complete hell yeah we could do like a

Little design on the middle too we could have like a glow light in there and stuff I think that would look really nice and then we could fill the uh sides in with copper I like that Anastasia welcome on in how you doing starting to ice over

Here in London and that means that tomorrow everyone will be driving sideways upside down with a puzzled look on their face exactly first snowfall in Canada nightmare actual nightmare too everyone’s like nobody knows how to drive it’s always the worst and also some people like haven’t gotten their snow

Tires on and you just like if you have to go out there like to drive to work or something you’re going out there and just hoping for the best at that point cuz it is it is not Fun Cool I like that a lot your lives are one of my favorite things to watch during lunch drift a mouse thank you so much I appreciate that I’m so glad you enjoy them hope you’re having a great lunch by the way I um oh my gosh my mouse speed is

Very fast right now I accidentally hit it um I had a a crustable right before stream but I might I might grab a protein bar really quickly cuz I have to head to the gym after and I have not been like eating enough before I go and it’s a problem so

I need to do that okay let’s grab the Redstone lamps where’ I put those guys where’ I put you here we go Let’s go up a bit please e proper food I know I know I’m so bad with that during the day I’m so so bad I’m trying to be better though trying to be better I wish I could like light this and hide this a bit better I don’t

Know the levers always drive me nuts or six more Uncrustables let’s go yeah I’ll I’ll just read the protein and try to match it with a protein bar you know what’s the worst that could happen there honestly why are those things so good they shouldn’t be that good it’s not

Fair it’s just not fair cool cool cool and I get this and this here how’s that looking ooh that’s kind of neat I like that got a fancy little design now we’re getting fancy chat nuts are a good way to increase your calories and oily salads I’ve got

Some avocado oil and olive oil on my fish salad with a bit of lemon juice that sounds delicious my mouth is watering listen I I have learned the way of the salad this here okay so when I was like growing up I hated salad actually you know what I didn’t I

I found it was boring cuz one I was a kid and two I just feel like salads were just not made properly back then like people didn’t add like enough like chicken and stuff to it now me and Big Tiny duck like our salad game is strong

So strong we had like chicken nuts adding nuts to the salad like you said is just like such a game changer oh my gosh it’s so good so good it’s like that Simpsons thing where they’re like you don’t win friends with salad I’m like you know

What you can now you can if you make one properly now so good o I like that except this one should probably face the same way Philly on that eat lunch and then a big dinner I suck at eating protein me too I always find that like I just also like I

Find that if I sometimes eat too much for lunch by accident that I’m not hungry for dinner and then I’m like but dinner is where all the good food is you know so I don’t want to like ruin my appetite either it’s such a hard balance

It’s like you got to eat during the day but then also I don’t want to ruin my ruin my appetite for later what are you building today uh by the way your builds are amaz amazing thank you so much I appreciate that we are building out a storage Hall so in

Our other storage Hall this one’s automated and is for all of our Big Blocks and now we’re making a storage haul for all of our small little guys the little blocks that kind of get forgotten from time to time and just build up so I’m building out the

Entrance right now um and I think it’s looking pretty cool this is like a little bit like dark but I like it you know I think it it’s looking real neat so I just need to get some copper which I did see some I don’t remember where I saw it though oh here

Cut copper I don’t think it’s waxed either I wouldn’t mind if it was like a little bit rusted oops so let’s do some stairs I’m going to have to get some more copper though i’ live on salads always do leafy green plus two to three veg plus fruit

Plus one nut and fat see that’s a thing you got to get like all of those ratios and stuff that was the problem with like I don’t know like my parent salads back then it was like missing like some crucial components so you’d eat the

You’d eat it and you’d be like I’m still hungry huh what’s going on uh I have to pre prep my lunches even though I work from home to make sure I eat well no I totally get that I think I need to start doing that otherwise I

Just don’t eat well cuz I just get carried away with like my work it’s very easy for me to get uh sidetracked hardboiled eggs are good in a salad too ooh yeah I should start doing that adding that to the Sal salads came from chill Survival series can I get a Small

World Tour oh my gosh yes I would love to so uh this is a long-term stream world that we’ve had for over a year now so as you can see it’s kind of uh it’s it’s come a long way we started actually the VOD of the very first

Stream in this world is on the channel we have moved a lot of the streams over to Twitch however if you go into the live tab um of this Channel you’ll see like us building this house and a bunch of stuff over uh this way as well can do

A quick little walkr of some of the stuff and then we’ll Fly Above most of it cuz it has come very very far so this is like our little starter area that we had with like our little enchanting table stuff like that super cute super cozy

And we have just been working on it for probably like over a year now it has changed a lot it has gone through many phases many builds many triumphs many uh many sad losses as well we’ve died a couple times and almost lost our stuff but we

Basically have like we’ve got like a quite a few Farms there’s still a lot that I need to build out as you can see there’s still ow a lot of areas here that need building but we’ve slowly been chipping away at stuff and it’s like really come together

It’s changed a lot I would say especially in the past couple months yesterday my boyfriend uh and I made cookies oh what kind of cookies I love cookies Big Tiny duck made cinnamon rolls she hasn’t made them in a while and they were some of the best cinnamon

Rolls she’s made in a long time though one of her best batches so we got all our stuff here we got like an iron farm we got a place to trade with villagers some iron we’ve got our sheep farm over here um we have like a unbuilt area over

Here with a cat cafe which will eventually have to be some other stuff too got a creeper Castle area which is actually made this looks very different now this is this was like one of the most Stark changes I’ve noticed that and um the city center are some of like two

Of the like really big things that have changed a lot recently Mar welcome on in how you doing yeah it’s it’s looking mighty mighty cool so today we’re just trying to get our storage in order because I have just like put that off for too long it’s been

Such an issue so we’re working on getting that done today and it’s it’s uh it’s already helped so much I’m so excited about it you got molasses cookies oh my gosh I’m so jealous molasses cook cookies are delish ginger molasses don’t really often get those

Either oh we should add like a stripe of this maybe or maybe I should try to cover that maybe just try to cover that actually I don’t really mind if it’s like poking over like this we’re going to have to let this like oxidize though cuz I want some of it to be

Green we’re going to have to get some more too something like that This this oh now I want a cookie I wish we had cookies do not have any at the moment we do have cake though I forgot about that we’ve got cake in the fridge who shulker box what are you doing here your builds look amazing oh thank you so much I appreciate

It any New Year’s resolutions are goals personally and uh streaming Channel ooh I love that I love that question um I don’t usually typically I I don’t know why I always find that like my new year begins in like September at the start of like a new year like traditionally when

You go to school and stuff like that so I kind of usually change up my lifestyle around then if that Mak sense but I do have some goals in mind for things I’d like to continue this year one of them was that um I feel like I did a pretty

Good job at like maintaining like a decent like work life balance I found that um before it was just like all over the place and I wasn’t I didn’t have a good like streaming schedule I didn’t have a good like content schedule so things were just like either like always late and

Delayed or like I’d have to cancel streams I think I’ve gotten into a good Rhythm and I’d like to keep that cuz I want to be able to this year like make extra content like I’ve got a second Channel um that I started and I’ve been

Trying to get content out on that which has been super fun um and just like add more streams here and there if I can and for personal I think I’d just like to continue with like I started going to the G the gym I’d like to continue with

That cuz one it’s like super fun and two it’s definitely helped with like my sleep patterns and stuff I cannot deny that I feel like I’m sleeping better and just like all of that stuff it’s I just feel generally so much better recently so I definitely want to continue with

That what about everybody everybody else oh also another big thing oh my gosh I’m losing my voice hold on a second had to drink some water my voice is shot another big thing is like my parents retired this year and um I want to be able to like I mean obviously like

I can’t blow off work all the time like that’s not realistic but I do want to be able like now that they have more time on their hands I want to be able to like make more time with them and stuff too um just cuz they’ve been really really busy recently

So that’s like another goal of mine is to like go do stuff with them you know just stuff like that and yeah if anybody has any like goals or resolutions that they’d like to share throw them out in the chat I’d love to hear them oh my gosh there’s pillagers

There pillagers what are you doing leave me alone they scare me why do they just stand there like that why do they just stand there like that do you like home workouts I do I want to I don’t have enough um space for like a bench

And my problem was I have like a couple of Weights but like they became too light for me and then buying like a bunch of other ones it was like too expensive so I ended up signing up for the gym cuz I was like I think at this point I need like more

Machines like at my disposal but if I’m not able to go there’s like a lot of home workouts that I like rely on and it’s been it’s been super helpful I think uh home workouts have been like really helpful as well for sure I also have a bike too for like cardio days

Which is good cuz then I don’t have to go out to do that do I have a copper section here I don’t think I do I’m going to have to make one here I think that should be a big chest I I don’t think that should be

Single oh I got a got to change this to Mangrove before I forget if I ever moved to a bigger space I would definitely like to get some like more home workout stuff so maybe eventually like I won’t necessarily need a gym because honestly most of the stuff

That I do other than me trying to learn like deadlifting and stuff most of the stuff I do is with a bench I’m not like super I don’t rely too much on the other machines can’t even build half as good as you honestly like my one biggest

Piece of advice is like practice I need to go through I don’t have any of my old worlds in this instance but we really need to go through some of my old worlds soon to see like the difference between my builds like even a year ago they’ve

Changed so so much and a lot of it is just like practicing and failing failure has led to so much success in this game it’s wild it is actually wild failure practice that’s usually when I learn the most let’s place this here what’s the longest break I’ve taken from Minecraft I would say

Oh man I don’t know cuzz i’ I haven’t really taken like a solid break from it I would say maybe the longest is when I went on vacation uh and that was about that was about like a week and a bit I haven’t really taken a break since

I’ve started this channel which is wild to think about and even after like a 10day break uh this Christmas I found that I was very Rusty afterwards these guys are not stopping there we go now I can actually utilize these a little bit better I’m going to have to I’m going to

Have to deal with them in a moment oh jeez all right let’s get some copper here oh my gosh I don’t need a gym or a home gym cuz my job involves so much heavy lifting Moon I totally totally feel that that was my old job too I was constantly lifting

Like I don’t even know like 60 lb boxes of french fries and just like it was ridiculous and then once I am very very grateful once the YouTube thing happened that although that has been like obviously incredible thankful for every day it kind of my body changed rapidly

I’m starting to collect pillagers in boats and breaking their crossbows so I can stick them in different buildings in my world that’s actually genius genius sorry I’m just catching up on chat uh well congratulations glad you made it looks like full-time and you’re killing it sending big hugs and Vibes

With growth to your channel and platform happy you have uh set schedule too alar thank you so much I appreciate it yeah that was the biggest struggle cuz I I’m so used to like I worked retail before this and my schedule was all over the place like it’d be like I’m working 14

Days in a row just cuz that’s how my schedule fell so like setting a schedule for myself was definitely a challenge I was not used to having like working like 5 days a week and then having weekends and stuff I was just all over wish I could get to the point of

Thinking the gym is fun I feel that I feel that I think it’s like finding stuff that’s like fun for you right cuz like when I first used to start going it was like oh I’ll just like hang out on the like the treadmill and stuff and and I get

Bored so it’s like once I learned kind of like oh there’s like weights and stuff I could I could like play with and like learn routines I was like oh this is fun honestly I don’t even feel like dealing with these villagers I’m kind of feeling of just like like like

Leaving oh no how long do I have to leave for though gold is to control my anxiety this year and not let it control every aspect of my life oh my gosh I’m I’m rooting for you Taco I I get it I totally totally get it coming from

Another one anxious person to another you got this if you if you set your mind to it you got it you can do it I believe in you watching Minecraft tutorial style vids has helped me a lot that too for sure drif going to end up so swo that

Her bicep needs her own beanies I’m obsessed with that idea that is hilarious if that ever does happen which it probably won’t somebody needs to illustrate that I beg this is actually looking super cute it’s it’s like subtle but also like stands out which is exactly what I wanted although I do want

To change some of these blocks can be maybe like recessed a bit and maybe some change to like stairs so it looks more like old that Mak sense first you can just follow along at some point you can start making your own Creations yeah that’s exactly it right

Like um one like eventually something Clicks in your brain and you’re able to just kind of like do it by yourself it’s the same thing with um even learning how to Freestyle builds that was like one of my goals last year to learn how to Freestyle something and I struggled with

It like really hard cuz I always plan my builds in creative and I just kind of like used this world as a place to kind of like figure it out and eventually I got it I was shocked I’m a lot better at freestyling than um than I was before but it’s just

Something you have to get used to right cuz you’re it’s really just practice Stafa welcome on in how you doing it’s nice to see you hope you’re doing well need to fix this up and then we’re like pretty much good I think I’m going to just like cover this

Up with some trap doors possibly or maybe just like slabs slabs will probably work fortunate that uh you work from home now PJs every day RJ GG’s GG’s honestly big GG’s I’ve heard a lot of places have um started allowing people like they finally kind of caved and now

Allow people to work from home home which I I mean like at the end of the day I always wondered this where I was like cuz I had to commute to work and sometimes my commute would be like absolutely awful and I worked retail there was no way I could have worked

From home but like I would see like the traffic going into the City and I would be like why don’t they let people work from home like it just doesn’t make sense to me like or even go in like once or twice a week like this was like my

Thoughts pre like pre um pre pandemic stuff stuff you know and I was just like why don’t like I just don’t get why they don’t let people do that cuz it would just alleviate so much traffic and stuff and now it’s like noticeably different in Toronto like if you drive um if you

Drive around the city on a Friday and same with like a Monday the roads are empty now cuz nobody nobody goes into work those days they all work from home it’s like helps out with congestion like immensely it’s wild it’s completely different now Company of work that has attempted uh to make people work from more hybrid uh work more hybrid but people just prefer to work from home exactly some people just prefer there are some people who genuinely prefer to go into an office every day which I get like I get the

Need to be social but I do think it like as long as you can perform your job like for the most part without having to go in like I just don’t see an issue with it I do understand maybe having to go in for like like meetings every once in a

While that makes total sense to me but I just don’t like if you don’t have to be there every day why would you I don’t know just seems so silly to me especially because like the way that it’s always been in Ontario is a lot of

People live outside the city here so the commute is just like there’s so much traffic on the highways it’s actually concerning and terrifying and I’m just like it’s so much better for the environment literally for people to stay home going to be 28 and 6 days let’s go

Moon when will I learn to wear real clothes even for morning shifts listen Moon I don’t know because I’m not even there yet I never wear normal real clothes what am I wearing right now I’m I’m in like my comfort hoodie right now I just want to be comfy

Okay except I’m that weird person is anybody else like this where they have to wear um pajam or not pajamas like cozy clothes to them at home is like jeans I’m that type of person Big Tiny duck thinks I’m like a psychopath for that she’s like how is this comfortable

But genuinely I am comfortable in jeans I don’t know why I think that’s just like how I grew up I was never really a big pajama person is that weird chat am I am I weird my friend is a data manager for a school and once a week they force him to

Try travel from Manchester to London just to attend a meeting because they don’t like that he works from home that is literally it it’s like there’s no purpose for him to be there except we just don’t like that you’re doing that like huh makes no sense it’s just such a waste

Honestly what’s freestyle in building freestyle in building is like being able to build um just be able to build something on the Fly like pick out the palette pick out the shape and all of that stuff without like being in creative and like taking your time and like really experimenting with different

Blocks and pallets that’s what I consider to be freestyling is just throwing something up on a women survival and like working on it as you go cuz usually what I do is hold on a second hold on um BRB chat all right I’ve been in here before

I’ve showed you all some stuff this is like my creative world where I pretty much plan out all of my builds this is a new one though it doesn’t have any of my old builds but as you can see like some of the stuff you might recognize from

Some of my videos so this is where I go to Hash things out cuz I have like world edit I have like all of the blocks that my disposal I can like take my time with things like even the camel Sanctuary looks so goofy here’s like some structures that I’ve never made it

Anywhere don’t know what I was doing there this this might look might look like a a familiar friend’s uh video cuz this is uh something that me and my me and some friends are on this I’ve never used need to use it but this is kind of like you can see

Like I’m like flushing out ideas slowly and like trying out different things with like structures and you can see like like the evolution of my builds how I get from like point A to point B with them even with this one this was my Long

Play um one of my long plays and it started off with the idea of this huh how did I get from that to this I started with this and then I was like I want it to be two floors and then I was like this is too small so then I

Just added in like a tower for balance and like a little bit more here so it’s kind of fun like it’s it’s like a nice space to be able to like flesh out ideas what else we got in here this is my XP farm from chill survival I never added this

Though never added that I was going to but then I was like I don’t really I feel like it’s good on it like a standalone it just felt felt right this is so fun to see I’m so glad you guys like stuff like this this is

Um some of the stuff with the pallette that I had for one shot actually I don’t remember I think I built the one shot oh here it is the one shot build is here it was like a quick little build that I tossed up can’t really see with

The shaders it’s in the other direction and then I was just like messing around with that pallet I didn’t end up building any of these though I built these these towers I didn’t do that though this is the chill survival portal basically this idea came to my

Mind when I was working on one shot cuz I was like I really like the mud palette chill survival stick house like seeing how you do the test builds yeah I find it like very interesting to peek into like the world of people like like people’s ideos and

Stuff this is sugarcane farm pretty much the same it’s just the uh flooring that I changed I made it a little bit more rough we’ll see you you later Cherry hope you have a good rest of uh your day freestyle has always been the way my

Goal is to do better planning this year yeah it’s so funny how some people work better freestyling While others work better like the opposite way why is there a camel he’s just part of this world now because I I used him in the camel sanctuary and he ended up

Escaping here’s the one of the The Mending house with Sev I think I started off I don’t know why oh I remember I had built like the basic shape and then Seb was on the server with me and she kind of helped like rough the rest out with

Like the windows that’s why the windows are purple seev added that and I was like I love it it’s so Sev and then you can see like sometimes I’ll get into like the mood to build a bunch of stuff so then I’ll just label it survival world mining Outpost and

Then it’s kind of just like ready to go I sat on this for like ever I built this like months prior to when I actually put it into an episode survival world windmill uh this house I’ve built like variations of it I think probably actually no I built that in one

Shot just like a bunch of like Organics in here this is um The Chill survival Whatchamacallit enchanting table which I actually like better in this survival world than I like it better in chill survival sorry in my creative world I think it looks nicer with stuff not around it with the pops of

Color it looks better here than it does in chill survival I think it’s because there’s like less surrounded by it I’d have to clear out some trees or something to make it pop a bit more I think Jill welcome on in can tell you have world edit with all

The floating buildings and stuff I should definitely do this to upgrade my skill because I’m doing all my building survival honestly once you learn how to like I would I suggest having a creative world that you just mess around in cuz it just helps you like think of shapes

And it helps you kind of quickly change out palettes and stuff even without world edit it completely changed the game for me when I started um started a creative world there’s like I think I do have another world with some other stuff in it but this is like the bulk of what

I’ve done recently I would say oh this is my 1H hour challenge build look at that so cute mostly the glass uh Block in the sky always what is it up one so you can copy and paste stuff pretty wild right this is the uh Greenhouse that I

Built and I as you can see I was very torn on like what palette to go with I kept messing around with it eventually I just like stuck with I think the dark oak I think that’s pretty much it in here for now then there’s like a random

Village just hanging out on the outskirts all right I’m going to switch back over to the other one hold on here we go and we are back goal this year is to stop procrastinating because I always get distracted when I uh when I get to build yeah procrastination I I am uh very

Notoriously a procrastinator as well I totally feel that it’s hard I get very sidetracked sometimes even when I’m like filming and editing I tend to walk away a lot from my computer just to like stare out the window which honestly I’ve heard is good for me though it’s good

For your eyes so I keep telling myself that like I’m just helping my eyeballs need to start using a creative world I always just try to wing it and I’ve torn down so many things in survival yeah I find it really helps it helps you like really learn shapes

Especially cuz you can fly around things really easily um it helps you like try different palettes really quickly I think it’s good to be able to know how to do like both styles of build whether it’s like you’re learning how to build things on the Fly cuz I think

That’s super useful too I love that I can just like whip up builds now I really struggled with that before and then it’s also nice like for making videos it’s nice knowing like what what I have like what I have to build because then I can kind of focus

On the edit if that makes sense you know what I mean it’s a lot easier to like be able to kind of just like mess around in my like chill survival world if everything’s kind of like already done build wise then I can just focus on like

How I’m going to build it like what’s going to happen in the episode and it feels just like a lot more like it’s funny cuz I’m planning a build but in a way it feels like a lot more like authentic cuz then I can focus on just like I don’t know messing around

And seeing what happens that day with an adventure and stuff cuz you never know what’s going to happen let’s get rid of this one let’s do a couple of big pallets I’m going to get rid of these two got to get on the sales Fort work talk to you all later behave yourselves

Moon thank you so much for hanging out we’ll catch you later I hope you have a good rest of your day Angie welcome on in Bones welcome on in hope you’re doing well how do you translate from creative to survival do you have creative world pulled up on another screen screenshots

I do screenshots actually I actually do screenshots and I do post it so if I have like a build of like let’s say this I literally just like count I do a little Post-It note of my footprint and I’ll just write out the dimensions I’ll go like 1 2 3 like five

Across three across and I’ll just write it all out and then I’ll have my reference photo next to it I don’t use world or um what’s that one called like matica I tried it before I it there’s something about it that doesn’t really click with me I found it really hard as

A program to kind of use and also I kind of like the process of just like building things up because even when I do build let’s say like the shell of a build in Creative I can still add things to it after in survival so some like you know what I

Mean I can still detail it differently if I want and stuff and I do like having that option like manica didn’t really do it for me got to be honest I get why people use it I really do but I for me personally I was just like not a huge fan of

It uh oh you know what can make this look kind of cool hold on a second Cass welcome back just got to have a sip of water love your builds are so pretty oh thank you so much I appreciate it you work from screenshots also yes also you

Also have the drawings uh on paper I love that it’s there’s just something about it that’s so readable for me it just makes the whole process so much easier honestly tried light MAA didn’t really like it I understand why people will use it especially for really big builds um

And getting like the shape down for something like that but I could I couldn’t do it I think the only time I used it for a video was for my Bloodlines build the very first one and I struggled with it so much I think it ended up confusing me cuz I was

Like I’m building something but I don’t know why I’m placing these blocks like none of it makes sense because I’m placing it in an order that I wouldn’t naturally build something in you know what I mean you’re having Chinese for dinner oh my gosh I’m so jealous we had it the

Other night uh over the weekend and it was so good I I kind of wish we had more leftovers you wing it and hope for the best N I feel that but you always learn something in that process right that’s the good thing about like winging it you

Always even if it the takes you longer to get to the end result you still learn something oops just going to do like piles of logs and stuff here and maybe like some piles of stone too would look really cool basically I’m just trying to make

An area that looks like um a bunch of like shipment containers and stuff trying that would be going into that build if that makes sense so we could do like a pile of stone maybe behind or something love the way you edit your videos do you

Have any tips on how to begin editing for beginners ooh that’s that’s tough I it’s tough because like I feel like I’m always everybody’s editing style is different and I’m always changing mine up if that makes sense editing for beginners I would say like um it’s taking me a moment to think about

This I would say sorry chat I’m I’m literally struggling with this cuz I still struggle editing like um I would say it’s important to like honestly for me the the way that I started editing like let’s plays and stuff was a lot of like the voice over

And stuff was done in game um so I would like I I found that what I struggled with the most and still do struggle with is commentary so I would say just taking your time learning how to do commentary and if you like mess up and have to redo

A take that’s totally okay um I would say like being mindful of each shot because at the end of the day when you’re making a video you are kind of like weaving together a story one thing that I tend to do with my videos is I I don’t film large chunks

Of footage because one I’m terrified that if a piece of it gets corrupted then like I’ve lost an hour’s worth of footage unless I’m doing a Long play that’s different and two I find it’s easier for me to chop something up um segments and figure out like what I need

To do next in the game for the progression of like the story cuz each each episode’s kind of like a story right and also plan out your episodes I find planning things out having like a beginning middle and end even if it’s like you’re like well I’m just pretty

Much building a barn it still is a story that you’re trying to tell so I think it’s like really important to kind of establish stuff like that establish a story kind of try to follow through with it have a plan I usually have like a Word

Document um when I record my episodes I find it’s like it’s very F to see what I have to do so I don’t miss anything either one thing that I learned along the way was um learning to leave like silence in for a while like I I think I

Because I started with the long plays I was like totally comfortable with silence then I was like no I need to cut out silence like there can’t be any and now like I’m trying to bring silent moments and like more thoughtful like Quiet Moments back into my uh my

Edits I need some campfires and signs got to dip into a meeting thanks for the advice and have a good rest of stream a Amber thank you so much for hanging out I appreciate it hope you have a great meeting as long as it vaguely resembles

Uh what I come up with in my head I’m happy like for builds and stuff me too that’s how I feel as well as long as it just like is a vague representation I’m like I did good just going to wrap some stuff around here to make make it look like

The shipment the shipping items are like bound together kind of it’s like this yo that looks pretty good I like that it’s looking real good put that there would you look at that that looks pretty cool this is pretty much exactly what I envisioned with like a little um

Little area with the shipment stuff we just need a gate on here we pretty much good uh let’s get the gate maybe like around here just something simple like that can a feel like something could walk over that though we should just put some like leaves there or something so it can’t

Get in but it also looks aesthetic let’s go something like that I don’t think anything can get through there right I don’t think so pretty sure that’s good see cute I really like this area I think that turned out very cute do little leafes in that corner pretty much

Good oh my gosh chat it’s already in 3 hours the storage looks Exquisite shroud coming from you that is like the highest of the highest compliments that is so sweet thank you hyra finally catch you a stream while you’re live I usually only watch your vods love your uh build and Chill Vibes

Oh Fiona welcome on in thank you so much for popping into the stream I appreciate it yeah this is like what the this is what our storage once was now this is what our storage is oh yeah try it yourself exactly you’re so right we can’t it’s drift proof therefore it is m

Proof I can’t get into my own storage so good though so good well we’re not done with this yet but I think we I think we accomplished a lot today I think that’s probably where we’re going to where we’re going to have to end things today chat um but I’m very happy

With it I want to do a quick little quick little free cam I really want to fix this buildup too we’ll probably work on that on um Friday on Twitch so we’ll be working in this world uh do exclamation point twitch if you want to see some more progress done on

This build um we might be back in chill survival next week uh for our streams I’m not sure yet it just depends on when I get my video posted I just don’t want to throw like start working in there with some spoilers and stuff because I’m currently working on an episode so I

Think we might have to hold off on that and keep streaming this world until it’s spoiler free that’ll happen soon though I’m enjoying uh streaming this on uh YouTube though I hope you’re all enjoying it as well I know that this world might be a little bit unfamiliar

To some of you but uh this has been a a long-term world that we actually did start on YouTube so you can catch the OG vods on the channel in the live tab if you want so yeah um I think that’s pretty much it for today I really like how it

Turned out I think it’s looking very very cool and I’m excited to kind of like keep decorating this area up I might work on a little bit of storage and stuff uh before I head over to the gym if I have some time uh while I get

Myself ready but other than that we’re pretty much good to go chat just want to say big big thank you all to everybody for just hanging out with me thank you so much for the memberships uh for the super chats all of that stuff I really really appreciate it and thank you so

Much everybody for hanging out with me today I I had so much fun you’re you’re yeah shroud I think you’ve maybe seen like 1 hour of this world in total only like an hour or so yeah leave a like on the video uh it really helps out the streams I really

Really appreciate it and chat thank you so so much if you’re not going to um not going to be there for the Friday twitch stream we will be back here on Monday same time probably streaming from this world again so take care everybody uh I’ll have a video for you all very soon

This week as well uh and thank you so much again all right everybody I’ll catch you later thank you so much for hanging out bye bye bye

This video, titled ‘Building a Storage Hall in Our Long Term Survival World! – Minecraft Cozy Stream’, was uploaded by InfiniteDrift on 2024-01-08 21:06:57. It has garnered 4092 views and 225 likes. The duration of the video is 03:07:56 or 11276 seconds.

Today in our 1.20 Minecraft stream world we are continuing the work on our storage hall so we can better organize our inventory!

Find me here! https://www.twitch.tv/infinitedrift_ https://twitter.com/InfiniteDrifft

Minecraft version 1.20 Shaders: Complementary Shaders Resource Pack: Jerm’s Better Leaves Add-On

Chat Rules 1. Be respectful 2. Do not share any personal information such as age or location. Use internet safety. 3. Please refrain from heavy or sensitive topics 4. This chat is English only for safety and moderation 5. No self promo 6. Please listen to the mods! They are here to help keep everyone safe and welcomed

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    Villager Kidnapping for Profit! The Dark Side of Minecraft: Villager Kidnapping for Profit Within the vast world of Minecraft, players often find themselves exploring various ways to accumulate wealth and resources. One unconventional method that has gained popularity is the act of kidnapping villagers for profit. While this may sound like a dark and morally questionable practice, it has become a humorous and entertaining aspect of the game for many players. The Villager Economy In Minecraft, villagers are non-player characters (NPCs) that inhabit villages and offer various trades to players. These trades can range from simple items to rare and valuable resources. By… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “KEEP YA HANDS OFF MY CRAFT!”

    Looks like Billy really scored big with this meme, unlike his skills in Minecraft! 🤣 Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Too Loud to Handle

    Minecraft Mayhem: Too Loud to Handle In Minecraft, the updates are on the rise, Trial chambers coming, a big surprise. Behind the scenes, Mojang gives a peek, Creating a buzz, for all the geeks. I built a house with my Twitch chat crew, Not your average tutorial, but it’ll do. Loud sounds they mentioned, a funny jest, Maybe it was rain, for a peaceful rest. Join me on Twitch, for more fun and play, In the world of Minecraft, we’ll make our way. Funny moments and highlights to see, Gaming with friends, just you and me. Read More

  • Villager server hotter than my ping 4646! #minecraftmemes

    Villager server hotter than my ping 4646! #minecraftmemes Looks like the villagers are on strike until they get better wifi! #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Menu Setup in Minecraft 2024

    Ultimate Menu Setup in Minecraft 2024 Enhance Your Minecraft Server with Deluxe Menus and Placeholder API Are you looking to take your Minecraft server to the next level? Look no further than Deluxe Menus and Placeholder API! These powerful plugins can revolutionize your server’s UI and actions, making it more engaging and user-friendly for your players. In this article, we will explore how to set up Deluxe Menus with Placeholder API in Minecraft 2024, courtesy of Roiz Gaming. What is Deluxe Menus? Deluxe Menus is a must-have plugin for any Minecraft server owner. It allows you to create custom menus and GUIs, making it easier… Read More

  • Secrets of CarboNight Unleashed!

    Secrets of CarboNight Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘continuing the summer minecraft grind’, was uploaded by CarboNight on 2024-05-10 03:39:27. It has garnered 106 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:50 or 12170 seconds. welcome to the stream yes i am bad at video games and yes you can pay me for it too you can do so here: https://streamlabs.com/noahw-UAckAH/tip like and sub for moar “content” Read More

  • Karanisho Minecraft Movie: Warden Army vs. Vow Army with Shocking Ending

    Karanisho Minecraft Movie: Warden Army vs. Vow Army with Shocking EndingVideo Information This video, titled ‘فلم ماين كرافت جيش الواردن الشرير ضد جيش النذر و والوذر بوس ونهاية صادمة😱| Minecraft Animation Movie’, was uploaded by Karanisho on 2024-03-02 12:00:40. It has garnered 16195 views and 477 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:04 or 1024 seconds. Credit Cubus Maximus special thanks https://www.youtube.com/@cubus_maximus Support Cubus Maximus on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/CubusMaximus https://www.lumenscript.com http://www.animationgenie.com https://animationgenie.artstation.com https://www.cubusmaximus.com I watched the Minecraft movie Rich and Poor/Comedy, the strongest monster in Minecraft Minecraft # END I watched all the clips of the clock head, i.e. the clips of Skibidi Toilet Multiverse, or skibidi toilet multiverse, and… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Desert Glitch Revealed!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Desert Glitch Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘how to make a desert permanent in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Grantplays on 2024-06-03 17:28:31. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:43 or 163 seconds. www.com Unspeakable merch Read More

  • INSANE tiny house build in Minecraft! #epic #tutorial

    INSANE tiny house build in Minecraft! #epic #tutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Small house 🏡#build #game #minecraft #tutorial #house #small’, was uploaded by Kliver44 on 2024-02-15 21:26:28. It has garnered 2443 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • “INSANE! Surviving Minecraft Backroom in EXACT Seconds!” #shorts

    "INSANE! Surviving Minecraft Backroom in EXACT Seconds!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘¿Cuantos segundos sobrevivo en este backroom de Minecraft? #minecraft#shorts #humor #videojuego’, was uploaded by Gabigamer4771 on 2024-04-06 16:17:21. It has garnered 118 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I don’t really record more because it doesn’t fit in the shorts. Read More

  • Wither Storm VS Lộc Zutaki ALMOST DEFEATED *VOLUME 10

    Wither Storm VS Lộc Zutaki ALMOST DEFEATED *VOLUME 10Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT THỢ SĂN WITHER STORM *TẬP 10 | LỘC SUÝT NỮA THÌ HẠ GỤC WITHER STORM???HỒI KẾT SẮP ĐẾN’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-03-19 03:00:05. It has garnered 293950 views and 6472 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:31 or 2251 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT HUNTER WITHER STORM *EPISODE 10 | LOC ALMOST DEFEATED WITHER STORM???THE END IS COMING 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button and subscribe so… Read More

  • Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88

    Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88Video Information This video, titled ‘Steeped In The Past { FableSMP S3 EP 88 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-02-23 22:41:34. It has garnered 643 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:21 or 2781 seconds. Hi Hi! This is Episode 88 Season 3 of Wolf’s journey on the Fable SMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today the Wolf and Ulysses have a long awaited talk and after Wolf finally reads the note from Centross.. Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/artfulrenegade Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! Season… Read More

  • 5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯

    5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Redstone Viral hacks….’, was uploaded by FALCO GAMER on 2024-03-15 06:59:14. It has garnered 6327 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #macaddon #steelwing #falcogamer #lucon #technogamerz #minecrafthacks #minecraftredstone Minecraft challenge #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftredstone #redstone #redstonebuilds #redstoneviralhacks Thanks for being part of our Minecraft community! Your support means everything. Let us know in the comments your favorite Minecraft moments, and don’t forget to share the love by subscribing and exploring more of our shorts! #MinecraftShorts #Shorts #MinecraftGaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #macaddon #falcogamer #lucon #dream #steelwing #senpaispider #nizgamer #lapatasmp… Read More

  • Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODES

    Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODESVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Godzilla Minecraft on 2024-02-25 10:24:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation … Read More

  • AKSH

    AKSHAKSH.lol is a 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 True Anarchy Server that provides a interesting experience with a small yet loyal community. aksh is the perfect server for people who are overwhelmed with 2b2t and want a less intense anarchy experience. Join now while spawn is easy to escape! aksh.lol Read More

  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

    PaduaMCC Bedrock Faction Server Choose from 6 different kingdoms with unique build styles, goals, and opportunities. Explore great add-ons that enhance the Vanilla style in unimaginable ways! Join the Discord server today to become a part of this exciting community. Message for the Discord link. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

    “Looks like this meme has achieved a high score in both comedy and problem-solving!” Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

    Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back! In the world of Roblox, a cursed spirit boss, Ian and Ethan face him, no matter the cost. Their skills put to the test, in a battle so grand, With teamwork and strategy, they make their stand. Dodging his attacks, with precision and speed, Their determination, a powerful seed. To defeat this boss, and claim victory, In the world of gaming, they make history. So join them on their journey, subscribe and see, The adventures they have, in Roblox and BTD6. With laughter and fun, they’ll entertain, And bring you content, that will never wane. Read More

  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

    Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale! When Masha and the Bear team up against Banana Cat Spawn, you know things are about to get wilder than a jungle gym on a sugar rush! #minecraftmadness 🍌🐱🐻 Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

    Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 - Danger Lurks! Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Relaxing Journey Through the World of Blocks Embark on a serene adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG, in his Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play series. This vanilla survival experience offers a tranquil escape from the chaos of everyday life, inviting viewers to unwind and explore the vast possibilities of the blocky world. Immersive Gameplay Experience Join Solomon as he delves into the intricacies of Minecraft, from building and exploring to caving and collecting trophies. With natural regeneration turned off, the stakes are higher, requiring strategic use of golden apples and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD https://discord.gg/ktsgevykzT #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/ ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_ ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

    Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Water Minecart Boats? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prism on 2024-06-15 11:00:05. It has garnered 74535 views and 2074 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

    Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ai video 📸📸📸’, was uploaded by @ All Gaming on 2024-05-29 08:24:58. It has garnered 446 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #Minecraft Ai video my channel subscribe please 🥺 #Minecraft #Ai video #Ai #games #gaming #gameplay minecraft site not working minecraft site for building minecraft site drive.google.com minecraft store april fools minecraft store addons minecraft store app minecraft store apk minecraft store amazon minecraft archeology site minecraft altstore minecraft account store minecraft app store account minecraft store build minecraft store bedrock minecraft store building ideas… Read More

  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

    Shocking Dad's EPIC Minecraft Skills - Switch Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay | Nintendo Switch @minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Proud Dad on 2024-05-20 15:00:14. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Exploring the Endless Creativity of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch Minecraft, the game that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues to thrive on the Nintendo Switch platform, offering gamers an expansive world of creativity and adventure. With its blocky, pixelated charm, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, transcending age, gender, and gaming experience to become a beloved pastime for players around the… Read More

  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

    SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DJ and Monkey on 2024-05-07 17:00:35. It has garnered 21526 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:42 or 1122 seconds. JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft OG Maizen Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial #maizen #jjandmikey #minecraft #video #minecraftvideo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm0qaXi9THA Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4384-sneaky-snitch License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Read More

  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551572402826 FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More