ULTIMATE SURVIVAL: 1K Days in Hardcore Skyblock [EPIC]

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So all I have to work with right now is this one giant block the other ones are outside the Border there’s not much new on top so I shall mine on in and see okay there is stuff inside I’ve just gotta try and carefully work my way down

Like so I know I can start grabbing some wood from there I can make sticks in a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe now I need some Stone if I’m gonna progress anymore um is that this wool okay oh wait that is Stone okay couldn’t actually notice the difference all right I can’t

Actually afford to lose this gotta be careful Stone piece number one collected Stone piece number two collected and okay these are all pieces of wool except sneak in under the tree there’s a one extra okay this is actually gonna be tricky because if I just straight up

Break it it’s gonna fall through it’s ranting below me yeah it’s just void down there but don’t you worry I’ve got a plan if I make myself a trap door and place that at the bottom now when I mine it I should yeah I picked it up 200 RQ

Ladies and gentlemen so we’re gonna go ahead and make a stone pickaxe then I can start grabbing other stuff like the coal and I want to get the iron as soon as I get the iron I can then use the lava and the water to make a cobblestone

Generator a timepiece number three and I’ve spotted there’s already a blast furnace inside the thing so we can start smelting plus it’s going dark there is wool dotted around jacket I can make a bed let’s do it grab this piece oh it does a brown wall as well a brown bed or

Gray bed what do I fancy I thought I’ll go for brown bear just because there’s so much more of it it’s a lot quicker there we go we can make that and go to sleep I’d also feel like I should start patching up the floor because there’s

Just too many holes around I’m gonna end up falling down one of them this also gives me iron piece number three and so I’m gonna make an iron pickaxe and no I should have made an iron book a bucket I’ll get all the second I’ll get these

Are the three pieces I really should be paying more attention shouldn’t I right that’s piece number one that’s piece number two and please tell me that somewhere around here there’s a third one because I can’t see it the only place I haven’t looked is behind this

Tree which is a very big one let’s go to oh there is fantastic so I’ve got enough to make a bucket at least I will have enough to make a bucket once I smelled it I think I’ll just use that up also need to start growing more trees more

Importantly I need food already I’ve lost 500 bars and I have no source of food unless I get an Apple maybe I should probably start being worried anyway we’ve got the bucket I’ve grabbed the water and I reckon right here I could just make a simple cobblestone generator I’m pretty sure this little

Design should work nicely it’s a compact one I just have to put the lava right there now I can’t Sprint as well which isn’t good yeah and I should just get stoned perfect it is working fantastically and now we’ve plenty of cobblestone I can craft some tools and I

Can hope that this massive tree drops me some apples because I’m telling you know I’m starting to get desperate well that’s all the wood gun are you kidding me not one single Apple from all that okay well I guess I’m gonna have to go with a new plan for getting food which

Starts by mining up you and I’m hoping that there’s something at the surface that’s gonna help me I do see dirt so straight away that could be as well as grass yeah oh I could bone meal the grass something’s also going down I’m gonna go to sleep because I don’t think

I’m Gonna Leave mobs to spawn for me to get the bone meal I reckon I think I could just craft a compost room with enough saplings I should be able to get the bone meal that I need so I’ll make that plunk it down own I’ve got the

Saplings here so we’ve got one two oh look at this it’s gonna work it’s got it come on don’t use up all your supplies OSP okay hold on we’re nearly out of them so I think what I have to do now is plant another tree and grab this sapling

And also plant that above right there you know if I hand it crafted an iron pickaxe and instead I’ve made some shears I could have just got leaves and got compost that way but instead I must patiently wait for these to grow and whilst I went around I’m gonna make

Myself a few ladders so they’re getting up and down is much much easier as well as continuing to mine up lots and lots of cobblestone just have another idea ladies and gentlemen find mine up all the dirt I can find well maybe not all

Of it but a good amount I can then place it around these grass blocks so that the grass spreads and then when a bone Mill the grass I’ve got a higher chance of getting seeds also looks like I’m gonna have to use coaster don’t worry though

We can just till the coarseness out of it I’m happy with that set up look at this the Blends working in fact it’s working so well I can start to connect these up before you know it the entire roof will all be grass I’ve been mining

For quite a while let’s see how many trees are doing okay nice hopefully it drops plenty and plenty of saplings can’t wait to get to these other Islands by the way look at this diamonds all these ice there so I get more water is that cobwebs on the inside

Or something I’m trying to look through the ice it’s hard to tell but that looks like a great Island the magma block over there we’ve got a sand block we’ve got a wood block and we’ve already got three saplings let’s get you planted and then

We can quickly see if we’ll get to any more we got an apple oh I don’t have to starve anymore fantastic I cannot wait to eat this yeah we got a couple extra supplies from that come on give me bone meal okay it’s so so close now okay just

Gotta get this tree to grow hurry up come on it’s all becoming a bit of a waiting game also guys I’m playing this on my server penguin.gg if you come online and head to Skyblock and then type slash warp SB you can visit my Island actually see me playing there and

By the time you guys get online my island is gonna look way way better than this rubbish and look at this is the time it took me to tell you about that another tree has grown hopefully that will drop plenty more saplings okay so what’s up ladies and gentlemen it only

Gave me one sapling so I guess this compost will have to wait a little bit longer and what’s the weight I am actually gonna make a bunch of slabs and I’m gonna make a platform down at this level just so that I can start expanding

The island and that is enough of that I think it’s as big as it needs to be for now I’ve I’ve spent quite a bit of time and forgot to check on my trees I should have probably been keeping around them because they might have grown by now oh

Yes they’ve both grown fantastic like let’s get chopping unless really really hope that this time we get some saplings yes we got what well I suppose one’s kind of standard we need more than one we’ve got two fantastic three all together what a hero if we just get one

Or two from this it’ll be fantastic and we did get one right come on give me the moment come on oh yes I thought I was a good engage oh thank goodness for that now we do this oh we’ve got a lot of Graphics surely

One of these has to drop me seed come on please I’m telling you now I didn’t just spend all that time are you kidding me okay well just give me uh one moment ladies and gentlemen several days later I realized trying to do this with just two trees was not

Gonna work so I’ve planted loads and been growing them and expanding my tree Army and one of these trees is a Great Oak Tree which means it’ll drop loads of saplings which is fantastic and whilst I was waiting for these to grow I got loads more Cobblestone too so I can do

Much more expanding as well yeah I’m already up to 17 sapling so again that Great Oak Tree was a pretty useful thing and the apples are flowing too now I can get more vomil use it on the grass and get seeds fantastic thank goodness for

That is it just one no it’s two now to grab a couple more pieces of dirt craft a new hole and begin the wheat farm isn’t it great the things are finally starting to come together and now there’s not much else for me to do other than waiting for all these saplings to

Grow and expand the island out even more Tyler’s living mine away and chopping trees and would you look at this the wheat has grown we’ve got more seeds I was gonna eat these apples out we’re saving and now I just need to grab a bit more dirt which is why I spot another

Giant grass blockage that is very very useful an operation expand the wheat farm Gand began although it might be a while waiting for all that to grow so yeah two pieces a week it’s a good start and by now all of these have grown so I’m going to grab loads and loads more

Saplings so they can get plenty more bone meal and plenty more seeds since the more wheat I can have growing at once the more food I’ll get when is that it’s full size also as I wait for the wheat I’ve expanded this platform more

And I’ve got a plan for it by the way this has grown nice well how many seeds did we get from that three oh fantastic because we can till the ground okay I’ve gotta actually take the courses out of it first and plant down so we’ve got 10

Seeds and I can make my first bit of bread I really am living the dream out here aren’t I anyway back to my plan you’ll notice in this chest I have absolutely loads and loads of wood because I’ve had to spend loads and loads of time chopping trees for

Saplings for bone meal so I’m gonna take all the dirt and saplings from up here and move them to a tree farm down here that’s every single bit of dirt placed down I don’t quite have enough saplings to plant every single one no I’m I’m one

Sapling shot of course I also think I’m gonna tidy up this dirt by all the way around open it up and then for these bits that I’ve already taken and I shouldn’t really I can just kind of fill in like so so yeah I’ll just crack and

Create a nice Archway because I do like the giant dirt block and I do want it to be part of my Island but a lot of the blocks on it are very very useful so I still want to be able to use them all the sides are fully patched up some of

The trees have grown some of the wheat has grown and some more can be planted and now you can see my plan for what is on top of this grass block I’m going to build my house up here which means clearance based from these things and I

Also think it means moving around these grass blocks to instead just go all the way around the outside although unfortunately it looks like I won’t quite have enough dirt to place it all the way around the outside well that is unless I take some more from right here

Which gets me a bit closer to being where I need to well I need 18 more in total I reckon I just take it out of the floor I can get the 26 slabs and basically replace the entire floor around where it’s dirt please don’t no

And as I’m saying yeah replace these to be like that but yeah that was a that was a very sad moment indeed basically SP only get the ones either the side of the Trap dot that we’re gonna get I see you know I seem to get the trap door

Most times instead of break it but yeah don’t try and reach further than you actually can from there we’ve placed these and I’ll just keep repeating this all the way around I’m kind of being a little bit okay that wasn’t right just being risky there we go I I just got a

Kind of want to break it and play straight away and usually most times you keep it I’m wasting precious dirt but oh light gray wolf can get that no problem mission accomplished a little bit more wheat can be harvested and planted down so a moment of truth did I get enough

Oh no I didn’t just kidding I’ve got cold stone it’s fine so we did definitely get enough we’re just gonna need to till the ground as well that okay not like that though I need that grass to spread not too major of a thing because I can be building whilst it’s

Doing that instead I’m gonna focus on building this nice house so this is what the front of the house is going to look like in fact I’m going to adjust it ever so slightly yeah it’s like the barn kind of design isn’t it stranger every time I

Build a house I just never know what it’s going to look like and then I see it and I’m like yeah nice kind of I’m thinking fencing all the way along here you know what guys I hate it I’ve started again first things first using

Oak logs on his own is just not gonna work instead I’m setting up some furnaces to get myself a load of stone then I can take shedstone and craft it into bricks to instead use that for the front of my house so I’m thinking of

This at the front but more of like an underneath bit with a wheat farm and then here I have a staircase going up the outside which will take me straight to the front door and in here I could have some gates like that and then fence

On the side but you know what I think this would be good as grass as well maybe or should I put a board around yeah you know what dirt is kind of a precious commodity so let’s mine up all of this even though a lot of it was

Spreading nicely onto the grass we’ll just have one layer of grass then I can run Cobblestone all the way around that then includes these blocks under here we’ll change them and in that time this is all also finished smelting so I can complete this board around like this the

Entire ceiling for this bit is going to be Oak slabs like I have more fences up here as well as making the main building up at the top just to mix it up I’m gonna strip it all and hopefully that means the planks will look okay although

I’m not entirely sure if I’m up with that you know forget it unstripped logs is the way to go get a nice little door right here it is kind of annoying being limited by one wood type but I hope I’m making it work I think that the top half

Is where I’m starting to struggle I’d also love to have a big glass window at the front there is sand but it’s it’s all the way over there so that’s another slight issue we can have more fence Windows like fence windows are something I can craft or should I say build I

Don’t really craft those though and now all this needs is a roof and I also need food so I’m getting hungry put the wheat is starting to do just the job that it needs to which is very very handy indeed and the plan is for inside of here to be

A wheat farm as well just so it’s got a better place so I’m going to begin making it now let’s go and we need to till it one more time there we go New Beginnings out here and I’ve nearly placed down all the needed dirt I just

Need to get the restroom up here if it’s not grown at all then I might as well steal it and instead get it planted down in the new place so let’s make slabs sticking out a little bit further and I think I’ll just have it slowly staircase

Its way up like that yeah I think it worked I think the only problem with this bit is I’m kind of stoke but the only problem with this bit is there should be maybe some kind of window here yeah just about the front look a little bit less weird

It’s done so well to this house yeah it’s starting to suffer the same fate as some of my other builds all right I’m a trip how does it look you know what first glance not too bad looks a little bit like a stable because of a lack of

Glass but it does still have that homely feel I reckon I can finish it once I expand the border on a side note some more wheat is grown which is good news more wheat which can be nicely planted and this point you’re probably wondering how do I expand the border to actually

Unlock the new island well to do that I need 500 000 skycoins and at the moment I’ve got a grand total of 11 800. so yeah I’ve got quite a bit of work to get done on a positive note things like tree chopping Mining and farming all gamey

Sky cons so I’m optimistic that I can get it pretty soon in the meantime I might as well add a few more things into this house and also chop plenty more of these trees pretty much all my wheat has grown It’s gotta wait for these two strugglers I can probably pick up this

Dirt as well although not that specific one because we don’t want the water to go everywhere the grass is slowly spreading and more wheat’s grown up here as well fantastic now from my testing the best way to get Sky coins is just by Mining and after three or four minutes

Of that you can see I’m already up to 30 000 Sky coins which is also a combination of harvesting wheat and Mining trees oh yeah I reckon by day 50 we will be able to expand and explore the new places look at this with those two grown and replanted wheat farm is

Complete and with the Cobblestone that I’m getting from the generator I can keep expanding this platform all the way up to the Border I should be big enough for now I’ll keep harvesting the crops and I think this Farm just needs a little chest for me to put the wheat

Seeds in ETC so I’ll just have it on top of that I think that works fine they can go there and I’m just going to keep mining away at trees and Cobblestone until I get all of the sky coins that I need I’ve been sat mining here for

Absolutely ages and I’m so so close to 500 000 just a few more blocks in it I will be there there we go mission accomplished as you can see from my time doing all that I got quite a lot of cobblestone just kidding I got loads and

Loads of cobblestone I also mined up the trees a few times now I’ve got loads of saplings we’ve got spare apples I’ve got so much bread from the wheat because I did also harvest the wheat loads and loads of time so we’ve got loads of seeds we need bread we’ve got it might

As well Harvest this again and two and I feel like the difficult grinding part of this video is now out of the way now I can start exploring it get access to so many cool new materials the fact along that I’m gonna be able to get Sunday is

Amazing because I can I can finish my house add some windows that’s that’s kind of the only thing missing yeah it’s just gonna be amazing so 500 000 skycoins paid in for the upgrade and the world board has expanded now I can go to

Any one of these so I’ve made a lot of slabs and my Preferred Choice of Island to visit first is going to be this giant sand block which I’m hoping has loads of sand on it it’ll be a bit of a scam if a sand block is not made a way it’s made

Of sandstone and then Stone and Birch plaque all birds planks I could change the color of my roof okay anyway but is there any sand dotted or ah there is as you can see there’s a little bit on the side here and look at the inside mushrooms melons cactuses red sand

Normal sand in my opinion it’s truly fantastic and before I go down we’re gonna mine as much of the sand from the sides as I can I think bridging around using slabs to do that will be the easiest way we’ve got another one at the end here and according to my

Calculations I need 12 sun to completely finish my house is there any more on this wall okay I’m literally stood right by some sand but I am unfortunately blind apparently and cast hit there we go we’ve got that one if I’ll sit next to two pieces wow okay I really am blind

Now how much we’ve got we’ve got eight so I need four more four more which I get right from here and also here now to work my way back I’m going to make another Bridge just to be safe I don’t want to be folding any voids like that

And I think I’ll steal one of these photos in fact let’s steal a couple of these bonuses for my house and I’ll get some extra wood because I need something to fuel it there is coal in the walls of this dirt block I’ve just never minded

Up I’m just kind of saving it you know for an emergency or something like that charcoal is the thing that I could make instead in fact you know what that’s what I’ll do I’ll use one chest well one photo should I say to make charcoal and

Then one furnace to make glass some of it is complete so what’s the weight for the rest of it I can make my first glass panes and fill in this big bin at the front there we go oh I’ve just messed it up okay I’m hoping we have some space

There apparently I’m blind right there we go we’ve got that we’ll put in a couple more there it doesn’t matter because we’re gonna have spare glass panes anyway so yeah don’t don’t look at me like that guys being a look at things we need to get there there’s

So many diamonds there’s so much iron I don’t know what the cobwebs are I don’t know what’s inside there but there’s there’s so much good stuff on the outside that I need to harvest something I’ll do of course after we have placed I told you we had loads of spare glass

Kinds so it doesn’t matter all is well and I kind of feel like I didn’t really properly explore this sand as in I didn’t collect all the resources there’s a lot more to get around here a lot more to do so here’s my plan first of all go

Back in I think I should harvest the mushrooms I don’t know what I’m gonna use the mushrooms for but they’re good to have you know there could be an extra food sauce but there doesn’t seem to be any brown mushrooms around here so that’s kind of out the question and then

I want to harvest a cactus okay the cactus is always a very very useful thing whoa there’s lava here I didn’t expect oh loads of lava oh well that’s fantastic okay don’t burn the cactus well I don’t know what I’m gonna use that lava for maybe a better generator

Or something better it’s good to have that lava next let’s tidy up this Cobblestone you know what I want to bring this lava home I think I’ll bring both of them home and for now I’ll just stick them in a random chest although I yeah no I can’t put them in a random

Chest I need to put them somewhere so let’s do something like that then grab the other one and I think yeah this flower’s got to go sorry Poppy and instead we’re gonna put that there and of course I’m not a monster I’m going to put the puppy in a brand new home a

Better home you could say because it is gonna go all the way up at the top here yeah it looks a lot of place but I don’t know where to put it I would I could have put it in the composter that would have been sad yeah I kind of want to put

In my house in a plant pot but I don’t have any plump pots at the moment maybe this all this clay okay operation get a plum pot for the poppy is a go at least there will be a go once I’ve finished in here you see I would love to make this

Into an actual bit of a cactus farm so let’s just do something like this and just get the cactus growing okay for now I don’t need to really design anything I don’t really do sound for anything else at the moment so let’s just get it going

Like that that should be good also feel obligated to plant these melons down somewhere where exactly I have no idea I’m just coming back up here to get my hope yeah don’t you worry poppy I’ll get a plump pop for you soon let’s see there’s not really anywhere up here

Because I’ve used up all the farming space under my house for wheat which is important because food is is very important even though I have like an unlimited supply of it now pretty much but it’s still good to keep so I’m thinking instead keep it simple get rid

Of this bit of brown wool swap it out for a bit of course dirt don’t lose it there we go this is all coming together then till all the ground fantastic I think I have to till this course dirt as well then I’ll plant these along I

Reckon I just do the same thing along here yeah we just just plant the other four there so we’ve got a bit of a melon perimeter once we get a bit more serious with melons we can we can worry about that later let’s see get that brown wool

Swap it or that bit I’m not gonna be growing any more melons here than that I’ll have to make a dedicated area for it so yeah I’m happy with the sunblock I think successfully explored nothing else too much we’ll just let those Cactus go so kind of briefed a little bit but yeah

That’s I’m happy with that now it’s got to be operation get diamond stuff and get clay I was trying to think what I was going for yes I have to get that clay okay be very very careful what is it what why is there a pink red head on

The floor okay and what’s okay these look like oh these are dangerous spawners okay well I don’t actually have any good armor oh they’re spotting it yeah as you can see I’ve got nothing so I really don’t want to just go barging in there for absolutely no reason

Instead I’ve got to be careful I’ve got to take my time I’ve got to mind the orders on the outside that’s probably the best idea isn’t it I’ve gotta do other stuff like make a flower pot so that is what I’m doing now that puppet

Can be picked up and I can find the prime spot in my house to place it down I reckon that spot oh okay don’t ask what I’m doing that spot could be on the crafter as I was trying to say there we go a lovely little thing

It’s a very humble house I need some carpet or something doesn’t it just to spruce up a bit but we haven’t got carpet we could make like brown carpet or something but I’ll uh light gray I don’t want that maybe it is already yeah we could have orange carpet from the

Back of the block these giant blood only give you a lot should oh we need to get the ice for more water where’s the nearest side spot okay over there that’s where I’m headed nice and steady okay we break and we pick up fantastic oh we got string in

There from a cobweb okay do I need to shrink I think I think I could find some use out of string couldn’t I mine up plenty of iron is key then I can start getting the damage oh there’s loads of iron up here as well fantastic now with

All this iron I’m just trying to say I think I’ve got it all the top oh no there’s one piece left let’s just grab that if we break the call so I’m thinking with the iron I could make armor but I feel like I should try and

Avoid doing that and instead save the aim for something I actually need which might be further along the line I don’t know and instead we use the diamonds forever I mean yeah there’s a lot of iron there but will there be enough diamonds there might just be you know

It’s gonna be tight one thing I do have to craft though with iron is a pickaxe unless I already have an iron pickaxe and as you know I do I do already have an overcast it’s in this chest we can probably start using it as my main

Pickaxe as well now because I’m not really I mean at the generator I don’t want to use it because I don’t want to just break for no reason but when I’m out and about collecting stuff I think we want to be using the iron one yeah just for General General mining because

It is way way faster oh there is redstone in there as well okay fantastic that’s going to be very useful already getting me first diamonds two were down 24 is the goal yeah there was seven at the top which was pretty good and then I’m looking around it’s a little bit

Rarer when I try to find any more I’m starting to think that I maybe can’t quite be as optimistic as I was before but anyway well I’ll do my best because like there’s two pieces down here which is very good if we water log this yeah

We see we’ve got to be smart about this ladies and gentlemen you don’t just let your diamonds fall you don’t risk diamonds like that not in a limited supply of them anyway so let’s mine this one and this one fantastic and I will just carefully continue to work my way

Around Diamond number 11 at the very least have I run out of slaps oh we’ve got two well I basically run out of slab at the very least we can make diamond pickaxe and a diamond chess piece this iron can be chucked oh fantastic we’ve

Got 20 pieces waiting so do I have any sticks I know from all the trees I have quite a lot so we’ll just go grab those we’ll make myself a brand new spanking diamond pickaxe see you later in pickaxe you’re old news and yeah Diamond chest point at least I’m pretty

Protective whichever ones I can’t make out of diamond I’ll just have to use iron pieces hopefully I can make some diamond leggings but also I forgot the slabs I forgot the one thing that I went for to be honest with you I mean I did

Go to craft them as well but I also completely forgot the slabs so I’ll grab those I think I’ve spent oh I’ve got loads of slabs in it okay well forget crafting new ones all right you guys get back in there we have more than enough slabs just completely surround this

Giant block no no the good thing about this border is it’s going to get me a lot of Bones and that’s gonna get me a lot of bone meal which means everything’s gonna grow really really fast and I just got two diamonds from that last door as well which is a nice

Little bonus it’s just a shame that there aren’t any more I think I do need to make a diamond sword as well so that is going to be on the list of I hit this bridge I feel like we’re gonna fall off every two seconds but yeah a diamond

Sword is on the list of things to make and then I don’t really have many diamonds left now I can’t remember where my sticks are when I do it from behind let’s go ahead craft that and then it’s yeah I guess the rest of my armor is

Just gonna have to be made out of iron which isn’t a big deal okay let’s just go and do that fantastic nicely suited and booted and whilst I’m at it I’m going to make myself a better shovel and a better ax because those stone walls really I’ve had that day right I’m

Thinking I should make these spawners into some sort of farm perhaps since I do not have an infinite water source I I think I’m gonna have to set that up as well so let’s grab that put the water there where’s the other bit look versus through the Slither I

Just managed to grab it there that’s gonna go there then we’ve got that infinite beautiful stuff let’s put it back and grab this all the Cobble is very useful now since bone Mill is the most important thing to me that’s gonna be the item I prioritize I’m just coming

Back I’ve realized maybe some torches would be a good idea do we actually have any coal we have charcoal upstairs looks like that’s where I’m gonna have to go sticks anybody okay we’ve got I only had one stick and one charcoal that’ll make me four torches I can

Disable the spoiler that way so just so I can work with it a bit easier there we go and I’ve changed my mind I would actually like to make eight torches then I can disable both the spawners might as well do both there’s no no point messing

Around that should be you disabled let me just get released and you disabled two okay seriously why is there an SB Samsung anyway I’m picking it up you know what I’m gonna do with this I’m gonna put it right here toward anyone no way still let everyone know this is my

House there we go it’s got a bit of a personal touch to it now and if you make your own Islands on this server with the giant blocks thing and then you get the head make sure that goes on your house too I just want to be a thing that

Everyone has my player head at their base okay that’s I think it’d just be a cool Trend anyway enough of that back to making this Spotify I’m pretty sure I can just round it off here the roof needs to be exactly on top and then I’ll

Go like that there we go that’s fully filled oh no it’s not quite now it’s fully filled in and I could do this it was gonna be mission accomplished but I thought I’d run it blocks but I haven’t we’ll just put water here which should push everything yeah to this block and

I’m then gonna need a little bit more water because I want a drop shoot underneath I’ll just Place those blocks there for now and I’ll box it in completely all right we’re kind of safe at this point I’m making sure the mobs land on a slab and I just need to be

Stood a little bit lower there we go I stand in here I’m gonna put a trap door above my head as well if I can I put a slab above my head no can I that didn’t work needs to be a trapdoor I’m also gonna do that there we go they’re

Dropping and with that we should be sorted a fully it’ll be running at full capacity okay hold on one second we just need to go like this uh I’ll I’ll break that then it’ll be in complete darkness we can head down here and the bone Farm is fully functional with all that success

I’m just gonna chill here for a bit collect up loads and loads of Bones because well like I I don’t need to vote me I’m just trying to work this out I don’t need to build wheat because I have so so much of that but you know what I could

Faux meal melons all right for the starter we can bow meal the melons alrighty and I could make a massive Wheat Farm down okay can we can we bone meal please little wait apparently I just cut oh whoa it’s an instant melon okay as I said I’m gonna bowmill this

And I just want a chest full of Bones and full of bone meal once I’ve done that I want to explore the oak plank block I know just a magical one left to explore and we’ve got everything we’ve checked all out so yeah I’m looking forward to it so yeah I’ll just I’ll

Just chill here and collect my bones I spent quite a bit of time here a realistically I didn’t get anywhere near the amount of bones that I thought I would yeah this just is uh it’s not as full as it could be but on a positive

Note some of these melons have grown so let’s get them harvested and I’m gonna grab some wood because I feel like I just need a dedicated crops chest I know well I haven’t really got one I’ve got one to put upstairs but that’s not for melon stuff the melons are down here for

Now so it can go in this corner because I don’t think anything will be in the way we’ll grow it up I’m not gonna plant it I can plant one more melon egg go on it like one no I won’t because I have to change that you know we’ll just leave it

For now more importantly I still have two blocks left to explore the giant Oak plank which actually has a lot more dirt in it which could be quite useful and the magma block now the magma block looks like it could be a dangerous one so I’m gonna start with the oak plank

Just think it’s a wiser idea now I also want to go up to the top I think instead of using slabs to get that I’ve got all this Cobblestone I might as well place them down and Bridge up like so what does it say that four pigs hang on a

Minute maybe this could be just what I want we’ve also got loads of wood if we need more but well I don’t look at this a pig spawner down we go on the Hamilton and the cow spawn oh my God my food problems are over even though I have

Unlimited food from all the weight I don’t need any more because now we’re getting pork chops look at these four pork chops plus two raw beef very very nice indeed these but oh we’ve got new crops as well carrots and potatoes let’s get these gathered up too there’s also

Sugarcane a bit of water if I needed it so basically I can make loads of new crop farms which is great news I feel like I just need a place to put them all because I can’t keep putting them underneath my house that’s more of a decorational place that rather than an

Actual feasible area so I’m thinking my next priority should be you see we’ve got this nice little ledge along this bit I reckon this platform should cover the entire board and now it’s quite a lot of work but thankfully for me I don’t have to do the mining for the

Cobblestone because we’ve already got that it’s just a case of placing down loads of blocks that’ll have easy access to every single one of the islands don’t have to worry about bridging across I can start like building farms in the corners and stuff which is is my thinking because we definitely I could

Have a big farm inside a block maybe I don’t know I’m just thinking of random ideas so anyway let’s mine up this and start placing at the very least I want the slabs to go far out you know so they’re this far up to every single

Block it shouldn’t be too okay well if I place them like that like an idiot it could take me a little bit longer but we’ll see how it goes I’m sure it’s going to be fine look at that already run out of slabs but don’t you worry

Because if we just head over to this chest we can grab one two stacks we can go ahead and craft absolutely loads of them fantastic and then continue with with the placing but we’ve been eating this bridge anymore might as well destroy all of that and while I’m here

I’ll build underneath it so that we don’t lose any pressure slabs I don’t think they’re really that precious but still worth keeping from there I can expand it out that’s almost another section complete up to the sand block but I just about run out of the slabs

Let me grab three more Stacks turn them into that and get back to work and that is one big square of slabs completely done although I still want to go further I still want to slab up these extra bits as well and if I head over to my

Cobblestone chest you’ll see I didn’t actually have to use that much out of all of it I mean it’s about 20 odd Stacks in by the end of it but I’ve still got a full double chest worth I’ve got loads to go at so I reckon I

Keep going then I can set up a massive carrot Farm here maybe a massive potato farm over there or I could have it all here I don’t know I’ll come up with some ideas and this will give me space for all my things like mob grind as well a

Big cactus farm speaking of cactus how are they good enough because they’re growing nicely I need to be oh look at this they’re all I should be harvesting these straight away 25 more Cactus ready to be planted down it’s nicely expanded want to fill up the whole floor

Eventually but I’m pleased with it and now I should continue to focus on making these platforms bigger it’s probably going to take me even longer to do these extra Corner bits compared to how much it did to do this ring all the way around the outside and since I’m gonna

Need so so many slabs I’m gonna grab loads okay let’s let’s do that then let’s do a massive crafting spree I should have space you know what where’s the crop chest I never put it in some whack I couldn’t see it because of the stupid melons in the way there you go

Get these in the crop chest okay because they don’t need to be here and the food oh we need a food chest I’ll have a chest for everything and gentlemen don’t want things getting all mixed up let’s put the food chest right here there we

Go I guess leather can go on it then they can craft plenty more slabs and get busy placing there we go my Cobblestone reserves aren’t looking quite as good as they did before this chest is gone and this one’s not looking too great either but I’ve got quite a few spare slabs

Which I suppose is okay and now I want to grab a bunch of wood and dirt now ten piece of dirt probably isn’t gonna quite be enough because right here I want to make a bit of a farm I’m gonna have a border around it a completely of logs

All the way because I’ve got all these I might as well use them for something and that’s something can be a giant crop farm so these these 10 pieces can go right there and then there is quite a lot of dirt on this Oak block I reckon I

Can take it and then get it placed down right here although I’m starting to think even if I take every single bit of dirt it might not be enough I also want to replace the dirt with something else so it still looks like an oak plank I’ve

Come up with the idea of what to replace it with stripped logs yeah just slightly different texture should be enough yeah I think it’ll make it look fine because the logs are renewable and the dirt is not I think for now I’ve got enough it’s a little bit annoying trying to get all

The ones above it in fact you know just one place I will go it’s up here I’ll grab any at the very very top as in my opinion these are actually worth getting and they’re not that difficult to get either all I have to do is break Place pickup brake place Deco or

The Farmland can be picked up too that’s worth grabbing 61 dirt from all that you know not too shabby definitely makes it big obviously not going to fill up the entire thing but for now it’s all I’m gonna need for the crops I want to grow

There we go and it’s going to annoy me they haven’t filled in that final one so you know what let me just grab you right oh look it even dropped down straight to me that’s that’s fantastic let’s fill it in place up there and if you plant something in the Farmland you don’t

Actually need water for it so I’m going to take this very broken hole and I’m just gonna go ahead and till the ground and quickly plant afterwards and then that’s that’s it that’s all you got to do till it up plant it before it goes back to dirt and

It’ll all grow nicely now I am actually going to mine this up because crops go faster if you plant them in rows so we you know we want to we want to make effect of that and plant them in oh well there goes that okay well we’ll just

Plant down a few more potatoes for now and in reality I should probably make an iron hole a decent one but you know what we’re gonna make a stone hole because it’s just it’s just easy it’s easy and it’s just three materials so I’ve got to

Use what I’ve got loads of evidence and Cobblestone is infinite so that’s good let’s get rid of that random random pole as well at some point so we’ll go along like this get all the potatoes down again and I’m actually quite hungry and it’s kind of annoying because every time

I try to plant a potato I try to eat it and I don’t want to eat it so where did I put the food did I put it here yes I did all right we’ve got furnaces here you know what we need to do we need to

Take one of them we then need to go to the crafting table and turn it into a smoker fantastic from there I can put the raw beef in do we not have any cold knocking about where is all my coal that is an excellent question our we’ll just

Have to use a bit of wood for now but yeah the good news is I can eat some decent food file it’s been a long time coming up isn’t it let’s do the same there have a munch on that and now I can get back to planting carrots also in

Minecraft crops will grow on unhydrated farmlands that don’t have water near it but they won’t go this nice brown color it’s only because of the server that they go in that color just so you know like you can Grill them without water in vanilla but on the server it it works

Even better that’s everything I’ve got all blunted I’ll also Harvest a few more Mills what do you think you’re doing growing sideways what’s all about you know what you know what I should do I’m gonna break this bit of wall please pick it up please pick it up oh we did

Fantastic then I’m going to place it there change that to be dirt there after a bit of ground turn we can get myself some more melon seeds and we’ll plan that there I actually do have some bone meal for that too so get those in fact let’s Harvest all the melons okay always

Worth expanding the melon Empire I always say looks like these have finished as well let’s swap it out put in the pork chops and take this 55 bow meal just get this little Sprout grown up there we go it’s as big as all the others now alrighty looking good would

Love a lot more dirt but that’ll come in due course I suppose I’ll I’ll worry about that when I actually have enough things to plant on all that speaking of planting I bet my wheat has grown quite a bit so I am going to go and check on

That and let’s just mine away these last few blocks I think maybe there’s one more of course I can’t reach it is that the final one yes it was okay I was just one two shot but we’re all sorted now there’s also 34 cows man I’ve got to

Take those out well yeah we’ve got to get him 34 cows 37 pigs let me get this sword ready did I just break some mushrooms there we go anyway let’s get rid of you because uh definitely worth having all this food and then same to the pigs as well worth getting those too

Let’s chuck all that and this is where I really need the cold owner because yeah we’re very much shot and because they’ve got these brown mushrooms which I’m gonna put in here yeah I broke them on there that’s how I got brown mushroom I don’t know what I’m gonna do I could

Make stew if I want which is always good although food problems are a thing of the past anyway so I don’t have to worry about that let’s just concentrate on getting oh hi guys yeah uh let’s just uh block that up yep don’t want them coming

Out cool all I need is cold all right nothing else I should maybe go around here a little bit away from them there’s a lot of iron here as well to be out though which is good let’s just grab that put it back and all of that will be

Great to go in the smoker and now to focus on the one block I’ve yet to explore it looks very sinister hey yeah okay it’s got blazed as well it probably is very Sinister in that case so to be ready for it I I think to start

With I should focus on getting blocks we’re gonna need plenty of cobblestone and then we’ll see what we’re dealing with on the other side okay I reckon getting up to the top might be my best option to begin with let’s see see you later Brown Wall okay I’m seeing lava

There’s still Blaze over there can we work our way down slow and steady oh there’s a lot another water here that’s good okay I don’t see much else just a lot of lava a lot of a lot of pumpkins which is good because I can now start a

Pumpkin farm if I want to I’m just going to very steadily go down and I’m gonna see if I can pick up some nether water because I reckon that’s worth harvesting let’s get that let’s get you just just keep away from any lava don’t burn okay

We’re all right it’s working out so far and in reality I’m probably gonna need this as oh okay that’s not good but yeah I’m gonna need that so that I could actually grow it so I’m gonna pick up as much of this as I can as well you know

What what am I doing it block off the lava first SB all right don’t stand for for this okay block that off get yourself safe and then I can focus on picking all of this up okay well that’s all that oh there’s a little bit over it

Can we just yeah look at this is working there’s just one all right let’s let’s get this one lone peace show it must be a safe way to do it yeah if we go like that place break picked it up now let’s see what we’re dealing with along here

Okay so yeah the spawner there there’s the blaze I want another one though I think I go for it I’m pretty sure yeah you can pick up um thingamajiggers on this spoilers how about I picked this up try not to get set on fire okay I’ve knocked them okay

I didn’t mean to do that I did not mean to place the spot okay I don’t oh what am I doing here okay place that that’s it that’s it sold all out pick it up fantastic okay you guys just stay there that’s it we’re just gonna roll it off

Fantastic they’re not going anywhere now then I can break all of this also gonna grab all of this and I reckon a nice little Blaze fan could be on the cards later on down the line for now I’m gonna take the easy option which is to grab

Lots more of these logs and make a netherwark farm right here now granted I’ve only got 35 pieces which is nowhere near enough to fill it all up but it’s a good little start and eventually I’ll have it much bigger than this because yeah I’m sure I’ll be able to get more

More rooms up but for now yeah this is what we’ve got for now that is all that down I do have over it well I’ve got like two stacks of these to plant which is good I’ll just plant what I can for now then there could be a chest here

Fill that up with the good stuff look at this we’ve got blaze rods and glowstone does very nice put the Spawner in here a nice little treasury thing I suppose the blade rods can go I don’t know it’s kind of hard to know where to put everything

But the Old Miss killing us just for that yeah we’ll do that things are starting to look good I’m gonna get rid of this monstrosity that goes all the way up the side you know this area I had for the tree farm it was nice once upon

A time but I feel like now that I’ve got other spaces it’s just kind of annoying having this ring round so I think my next job is to get rid of every single tree they’re all nicely removed now one of these callers should be a tree farm

Which one do we think I reckon over here is as good a place as any so I need to pick up the dirt first which is the best way to do that I think I’m gonna use I don’t know I was gonna say I’m gonna Place full blocks when I pick them up

But I don’t think I am I’m just gonna play slabs so I’m going to go around like this break the dirt and place place it straight away like that that’s how I’m going to do this all the way around and hopefully I don’t lose a single bit of dirt in the void because

No as I was saying dirt is precious I know okay maybe I was too quick though but yeah dirt is pressures gotta be careful as long as I’d save most of them I suppose I’ll be all right want this to be spaced out fairly nicely so what

About yeah I reckon first one here and then gaps of five between each one I’m losing the slabs I don’t really care about losing the slabs because let’s be honest I’ve got loads of loads of cobblestone in the bank so they can go it’s the dirt that’s the uh the most

Important thing for me I place down as much dirt as I can with the resources I have available so now I’ll plant down these six saplings I’ve put all the rest of the chest I probably should have done that should I I need them right about

Now so I will go back and get them plant them all down at least then we’ll have quite a few trees to go at and I probably should soon focus on getting more dirt anyway that’s those there’s just two spaces left I’m sure they’ll look good when they’ve all grown so

Three good Farms there’s just one Farm missing from a corner I reckon cactus farm over there I’m not quite ready just yet to build the cactus farm but these are all grown see at first like to expand into the cactus Army get all these blunted down definitely the more

The merrier when it comes to those let’s just get those in the vinyl Gap and I probably need a specific chest for them as well so I’ve got wood on me which is always good news let’s go and I’m making a double chest because eventually we’re

Gonna end up with loads and loads of cactus so we’ll craft those two and it could go right here right in front of this block Chuck it in there good amount then I need to head back up here to go to bed I lost a little bit I might as

Well re-harvest all the wheat as you can see it grows and you get a lot from it when you do 61 pieces to be exact that’s actually a really good amount with it all replanted it’s perfect and we got enough space in this for all all the

Wheat and seeds and stuff I think so you know I should move this around though so the seeds are at the top and the wheat is at the bottom don’t really know what I’m going to use that week for but it’s handy to have nonetheless now I do

Actually think the coolest place for the blaze farm to be would be inside this massive magma block however before that happened I first need to get rid of all the lava that’s laying around in that yeah otherwise that could all be very problematic so I’ll put one piece there

And then grab this bit up here and add it alongside and there’s quite a lot of lavender does it just you know this is is it going down now I was gonna say it’s getting harder just to remove them off I don’t know I’m gonna put all of it

I’ll just keep bringing it around you know what we should we should make that into a nice little Gap too I don’t know I could use this lava floor it could be some some cool like floor or something that’s on top maybe definitely some potential also going to get myself some

Cobblestone just so that I can more easily Bridge towards all the other ones I think I’m just gonna make another one of these on this corner as well I already have a bit of a lava storage yep if in doubt just add another one along

Here there we go you know what I should do as well just for safety let’s let’s slab it on top because I don’t want to accidentally walk into any lava that would definitely not be a good thing man because it just randomly placed through all these lava sources it’s taking me

Forever another one of these has been filled you know it stands a lot like this is an intentional decoration and I’m here for it I quite like it a bit of lava decoration never hurt anyone that should be the last of them okay well it is the last but unless this one hiding

Under there nope there isn’t and I’ll be honest I can’t trying to run out of places to put him so I just kind of choked him in this little trench here which I don’t really want to do but what what else you know what do I have any

Spare glass if there’s gonna be spare glass anywhere it will be inside my house where I actually used it for the windows let’s see 11 and you know what I’ve got a plan I think I’m gonna forego a little bit of this wheat farm yeah this strip along here then grab some

Bricks which honestly I think I do have some yeah 40. I knew I had some somewhere but yeah I grabbed said bricks and we just bring it along here nicely then I grabbed the spare lava and it’s gonna go like this now I’m just gonna

Have to block it okay we don’t want all the crops so we’ll just kind of do something like that and then go get the next one big get up and Chuck it in okay then we go a little bit further add another thing I have no idea how this is

Gonna look also fire spread is off if you won’t sure so my house is not going to burn down don’t worry are you in there I think I can I can’t quite put the final one on yet kind of because if I do I won’t have any space for lava

There we go we’ve got that I also need to get some wood but more specifically I need to get some slabs to nicely get those along there then we mine that up Place some lava final bit of glass bit of stone oh well yeah it’s just amazing

I actually feel like there should be one more bit of lava there yeah it should go along one more shouldn’t it I’m I’m getting it you think it’s annoying because now you know I’ve got a nice even bit of lava in each one and then oh

You know what though it doesn’t need to be alive nah that’s that’s not necessary let’s just take this one Chuck it in there fantastic I think can I do this one as well yeah you know what I’m I’m getting one more because they also have a lava in

This corner doesn’t need to be there okay we’ll also put a slab there because all those slabs can just go there we go that in there oh yes fantastic this looks great if I only used for lava we can also Harvest up this uh wheat like

So there we go nicely done and now with all the space clear I can actually Focus but I suppose I should get rid of the Cobblestone first before I say the next thing and now with all the space clear I could begin the blaze farm although

Having said that I do want to steal quite a bit of the orange wool first you’re late for the fact that I need some orange cup inside my house at the moment it all looks a little bit terrible so I think yeah 16 is definitely gonna be enough to do a

Little bit of crafting and place it down actually I said it’s definitely going to be enough it’s definitely not going to be enough watch about the looks of things yeah I’m well too short okay how many more pieces do I need 19 pieces okay there’s plenty in the walls so you

Know what I said I want the front to kind of continue to look nice like a like a magma block the back on the other hand you won’t see as much so that’s what I’m going to take these extra 18 are definitely gonna be enough this time

We’re just going solid orange I could do orange and brown but you know what let’s go do that let’s just keep it nice and consistent I’m not gonna make too many let’s just we’ll start with 15 and get those down then those final three it was

18 I need it all together fantastic I’ve got six walls that can go back into the wall yeah that’s needed and then we’re inside and we’re ready we can patch up one or two of these let’s get making the blaze farm be really cool to make this

Out of glass but to do that I’d need a lot of sand and can I be bothered you know what oh you know what all my caps have grown actually multiplying let’s start harvesting them look at that loads more anyway more to the point do I want

To take some glass from here yeah I reckon the Red Sand is is there for the token isn’t it let’s mine up because I’m not using it I mean I could use it eventually to expand the cactus farm but I don’t know I think I just want a

Normal Sun cap to spam I don’t want to be using Red Sun so I’m I’m mining it all up 45 pieces didn’t even have to take all them in there so that’s good news let’s start them off I tell you I’m going to use the I think I have a

Furnace upstairs do I have a furnace upstairs 99 sure yeah I’ve got two furnaces yeah two furnaces I was gonna say no coal but we have got a lot of cold probably not enough though so I should take this opportunity to make a low Mark charcoal not just a little bit

But a serious amount look at that eight charcoal just waiting to be taken it’s just as well because we’re half a run out of it in a little at least one chest I’ve a couple in both is always good so for now whilst I wait for that I’m just

Gonna grab the 26 in fact the sunset you know what I’ll wait at my house okay I’ll wait up here for more smelting to take place and I can get some sleep at the same time too at least I can when the sun sets it’s it’s still going down

Yet now we can go to sleep because I could see the stars and whilst I was waiting all the glasses spotted I’m hoping 45 is gonna be enough where did I put that spawner there’s another excellent question I put it there okay fantastic I’m gonna use water to push

The blaze around it’ll take a little bit of damage but not enough to take them out just enough to soften them up for me and I’m thinking yeah platform right here with walls either side and just like that yeah I didn’t bring enough glass okay temporarily let’s just use

Cobblestone whilst I properly work out the dimensions of this thing okay this might be just right let’s see yeah so it flows to that it’s got to push them down just need to place the exact same bucket of water positioning on the other side like so and yeah when a blade spawns

It’s gonna get pushed along and it’s gonna get pushed all the way down here which means I’m gonna need more glass first to finish it how much exactly I don’t know a lot probably another 45 don’t worry we can get it from the massive sand block I’ll probably just

Get this sand around the outside since I’m not using it right now I reckon it’s it’s worth it oh look at that bit of a red stand that I missed as well on the uh on the edge might as well get that and I’m hoping what I picked up

Is enough 26 uh we’ll see we’ll see all right we’ll call you back with 27 glass and hopefully it will be enough well it kind of is for that bit but I still want a bit of a shoot down so once again it’s back to the greatest unblock where I’m

Just gonna break loads of the cactus and then I can get to all of the red sand in between so the shoot the blaze will fall down it’s gonna go down here and they’ll then land at the bottom where I will deal them so we’re gonna put them to the

London slabs trap doors here so they can’t get me should be perfect all that’s missing is the spawner itself my only other worry is are they going to go on the side of the glass hopefully not if they do I’ll just have to play some

More but let’s put this I I think we can put it here it looks like they’re okay all right I’ve got to get out of here though don’t be hanging around there so yeah they fall down here and then and then I get him oh it’s fantastic it works the blaze farm is

Complete but I did come and Conquer this magma block didn’t I okay I haven’t had most of the place that I have no idea but let’s get all of this down there we go nicely done I am just gonna quickly patch up the roof as well so you guys go

Down there okay this is brilliant you know what the good thing about these blaze rods are for a start this is a way better food source not food sauce a fuel source than cool okay blaze rods have got to be so much better for that so that’s one big use also the glowstone

Another useful thing already got 14 blaze rods I think I need to set up some sort of chest in there for the storage but is it just great having like these pre-made buildings where you can put farms in means you don’t have to think oh how am I going to decorate this to

Make it look nice no the the build is already there I love this giant blocks map okay let’s go and put a chest here and okay you know what I completely miscalculated and only brought half of the wood and the chest that I was meant to so let’s get myself four more and

Turn them into blanks and into a chest so that can now be put there fantastic we’ll have blaze rods in this one glowstone in that one how does that sound I think that’s fantastic a new Blaze come on down to be defeated and yeah I’m just gonna stay at this farm

And use it for quite a bit get as much Blazers as I can because I want to fill up all my furnaces so let’s just say how much we can get in the next four or five days ended up spending a little bit longer here than I’ve anticipated but I

Have got from that loads more glowstone and loads of blaze rods plus some Blaze heads too and now I’m gonna do another time consuming thing I’m going to grab loads more slabs and probably loads more blocks will be needed as well because you can’t see because I’ve got a texture

Pack but there is a border over here here it is I’ve shown it to you now and I want my slabs to fill up every single bit so that when you guys come to visit you can’t fall below okay I want to cover up every single hole in the floor

The whole lot so I’m gonna make a border of slabs around the entire Island all the way up to the Border it’s it’s all about safety guys because I know you you’ll there’ll be a lot of you and you’ll all want to come man mission accomplished the entire island is now

Safety-proofed and still got a bit of cobblestone left which is always nice I’ll put the slab this can be the slab chest up here there’s not many of them is there and I don’t know glass in it oh it’s getting messy we’re not doing that we’re not getting it super messy glass

Can go in here all right as can the bricks sword over there I want to fill my bucket of water back up and I think the only major thing I want to do right you know first I got to get rid of those random slops they’re just a massive I

Saw an eye for one I’m not having it so let’s build up to the top and then mine them all away and yeah I reckon the last big thing that I need to do is get this cactus farm wow look at all the ones that have grown but I’m gonna mine them

Up because I want to build a dedicated for outside there could be a mob grinder in here of some sort some sort of mob spawn I don’t know what this that could be for this place the cactus farm deserves to be outside almost every piece of mind up although my shovel is

Just broken and you know I’m gonna go and craft another one because I need it and you know what I’ll make the diamond one I’m splashing out I think sticks are in here yep let’s do two of them no part of those diamonds there if I’m not gonna

Use them so that like that fantastic get these final few mined up perfect and whilst I’m in this harvesting mode I should also Harvest these good look at them they’re ready and ripe for the ticket I don’t even have a hole you know what let’s go and get one of them first

Although before that I could mine up the Melons I’m very easily distracted as you can see I’m gonna do this and then I’m gonna do that just do one thing at a time SP come on melon’s in there check then do measly pieces of Cobble and two sticks to craft the whole

Because this extra bit of dirt does need tilling because it’s got a bit of some stuff planning on it probably carrots and potatoes who knows so let’s now Harvest all of this up oh fantastic it’s very satisfying to have rows of crops they just they just look good when you

When you get them right we’ve got loads of that so let’s now begin with the carrots on this bit then potatoes more carrots more potatoes and yeah you get the idea I’m not going to commentate every single row of crops that I do these can go in here look at that I’ve

Even got a nice poisonous potato I don’t know I’m going to Sidetrack all right cactus farm Yes somewhere over here and I’m thinking checkerboard pattern like this will have enough to fill in the entire thing I think I need two stacks of sand for that and I I haven’t got

That much so we’re gonna have like half a cactus farm which is always a nice start so that’s gonna go all the way along there and then we’ll have a little bit more for this bit how much we gotta left seven okay that’s yeah that’ll do I

Guess one two nice we got loads Cactus I’m not going to use the red sand as I’ve said before the Red Sand is I don’t know I want it all to be the same colored Sun so we’re not gonna We’re not gonna make it a multi a multi-colored

Sand thing okay we’re just gonna make it a simple normal one that does not have loads of random different kinds of blocks on it there we go they can all be growing I will eventually have it so this string going on here like a crop Hopper to pick everything up but not

Just yet and I should also move this chest to be all the way over there too well nearly four stacks of cactus not too shabby you know it’s it’s a good slow burner it’s the cactus it grows nicely I’ll place that right there fill it up through there I’ve got this up to

The top but it’s it’s definitely not the top and this red sand you know I’m just gonna take it right now and I’m gonna start smelting out the phone I know just locked out my own Elsa I could walk in the dark yeah I’m gonna start smelting

It at the furnace we’ve got loads and loads of the charcoal ready to go so why not use it up also speaking of things ready to go have my trees all grown every single one you know I should just focus on getting a little bit more dirt

From places like I have a spare eight brown wool and the magma block has a lot of coarse dirt dotted around so that’s something that’s probably worth grabbing can I reach that one come on surely I can I can’t if you just there you go I’m grabbing the one pixel that I can

Fantastic and then it should be on the other side assuming it’s not glitched do you mind come on come on step play ball with me there we go you know from now on I’m just gonna go for the course dirt that I can find in the Flop it’s a lot

Easier to get hold of isn’t it I also will need to till it up a bit but let’s just see is there any more sneaking around it doesn’t look like it but we’ve got one here and also one right here okay eight whoa okay you know what

That’s why I put the platform down there not only to stop you guys falling down but also to stop precious dirt falling into the void before I plant trees on these I do just wanna kill it as I said there we go get it all tilled up not not

Till that much though just Declassified if you like if that’s even a word anyway now I’m going to add a few more down here so we just want to get the exact right spots one there see you letters Cobblestone slab you will be missed just kidding you will be oh another one

That’s gone I’m not very good at saving them at the moment another one could just go in here and yeah well just I’ll just you know I’ll just keep doing them in this pattern unfortunately can’t place down every single although just do I want many more here I think maybe just

A strip along this way would look good like one more dirt I can find that one more dirt surely somewhere okay I’m gonna get a I don’t blog to put in it all right and then I’ll strip it just to make it look nice there’s got to be one

In this chest here yes there is let’s grab it and get back get that down strip it of course the dirt is is going crazy okay come on we can reach this come on slap yes I did just the slab was just enough to get me to reach it fantastic

Then this can go right here and I’ll mine up every single tree and then from that I’ll probably add some spare saplings that can fill up the Extra Spaces but I don’t mind away just placing down the stuff and should have more enough to fill up every single spot

Which is good because that means the tree farm is done the cactus farm is right it’s kind of done to an extent with the amount of sandals it doesn’t look like that much actually when you’re looking at it from already the crop Farm is growing nicely the nether hey

That’s all harvested doesn’t it well I mean it’s all grown it’s ready to be harvested should I say and planted down again look at this they still look nice inside I’ll just keep putting that in there definitely don’t have as much wood

As I used to I had to use it on a few things but I’m pretty pleased with the stocks there I would still like more bones because eventually I’m gonna make like a nano crop Farm kind of thing well automatically I mean not in this video but I’ll make more episodes on this

World on my second Channel SP 77 plus so I want plenty of preparations ready for that and and that many bones is not a good preparation this diamond sword is subtly on its way out I should have saved this time instead of making a diamond shovel could have made a second

Diamond sword couldn’t anyway enough worrying I need Bones come on drop there you go and I can just spend a couple of days collecting those and the Sun is setting on day night yeah already yes I have not got much time at all and I reckon that is enough time spent here as

You can see we’ve got quite a bit of more XP for my and look at that plenty more bones to keep me going not an insane amount of bones but plenty nonetheless and now there’s quite a few improvements that I need to make around here mainly improving the crop farms

Because they’re all quite small at the moment so I’m going to start by first harvesting up all of these then buying a load of dirt and placing it all down I’m hoping nobody gets in the way of my place and if they do I will be just kicking them from the island there’s

Gonna be no mercy today that’s every single piece of dirt down and apparently I don’t have a home Inventory but I’m pretty sure one of these chassis at the farming one yeah look at that two of them well we might as well use them both also gonna need all of these because

They’re gonna need to be planted down so yeah the main thing to do right now is just till the entire gut why did I pick up the poisonous potatoes I don’t think I did maybe they were just already there okay yeah but still the entire guy let’s

Say I’m gonna end up kicking everyone if you keep getting in the way of my work Guys these Stone holes do not last very long at all do they they seem to be breaking very fast I’m gonna need about 17 of them to till every single bit of

Farmland so I think I’ve got an idea to mine up a bit more Stone the left my craft plenty more hoes we should be more than enough to till the entire thing with that I can begin the planting I think I’m gonna go for just planting

Loads and loads in a section it’s also really nice try and plant them when you’re hungry so I’m gonna plant loads and loads of section rather than plant them in rows I’m just going to get them all down because it’s going to be way way easier I don’t know why this

Person’s thinking that they can plant probably yeah it doesn’t work you know you’re not partly sound but they’re going for it and they’re just doing nothing yeah I’ll have loads of carrots down in this section then I’m gonna remove a row of dirt along here and nip

Back over I think towards the main block because I have over here loads and loads and loads of Vlogs yes they’re in this chest I mined so many trades on this island that we’ve got plenty of them speaking of trees tree farms looking good I can’t be bothered to go and

Remove any of the logs but it’s still looking good so I am going to place all of that along here and I’m going to do the exact same thing in this section okay if you stand in the way believe me I will give you the big kick okay don’t

You worry about that there we go so then in this section we could have like potatoes and then over here we could have wheat let’s get all those potatoes down the potatoes are going in the bigger section because potatoes are the best thing to farm in Skyblock generally

Speaking you know you get a bit more money thanks to the poisonous potatoes this person’s still determined to try and plant beetroot you know it’s not happening it’s a potato section bait and it always will be and that many people have voted though we have a vote party

Okay I need to do it slash BP get it claimed are we all are we all doing it okay this is where it’s gonna get crazy on the island because it does a lightning strike for everyone so when they all do it at once yeah you’re just

Starting to end up with loads and loads of lighting everywhere thankfully there’s not too many people there at the moment but sometimes it can get a little bit annoying that’s every single potato planted I’m gonna sell all of these different types of crops and put all these hoes back in here because there’s

Not much I can do with them at the moment then I shall climb up this ladder because at the top I have something very very useful yes all of the weeksies in fact I’m gonna leave those in there for now and do a quick harvesting look at

Them all grown right for the taking ready to be collected no point leaving them like that might as well go in there then we’re going to place down every single one it is a pretty small wheat patch but it’s doing its bit you can see I’ve got loads and loads of wheat from

That nearly filled up that entire chest actually I’m gonna have to start selling it it’s making me good money as well as this server as you can see we’re nearly up to five million on the right that can go in there and I will grab quite a few

Stacks because I just don’t know how much I’m actually gonna need look at you in and out of the gate as well but yeah no idea exactly how many I’m going to need so I am going to plant down every single one of these all right operation

Make a decent crop Farm is complete and the next thing that needs to be sorted is the Nether wart Farm as you can see I’ve got so so much netherwart in this chest plenty of stacks of it plus all of this which has grown and is ready to be

Harvested so really the thing I need to do now is just put down loads more blocks so that I can plant all of it I bought four Stacks just to begin with and I’ll see how I get on with that turns out it was nowhere near enough so

I shall buy another four Stacks which was nearly enough but still not quite and there we go all started this has made me realize though that if it took way more than 40 to like eight over eight or nine Stacks to fill it all in

So to be able to plant on every single block I’d need eight or nine stacks of nether Wards and as you can see I’ve not got anywhere near that so we’ll we’ll see how we get on I’ll just plant down as much as I can and then when it’s

Grown I can just Harvest it replant it and by then I’ll probably have enough for everything it’s not fully grown already I don’t think it is I think it’s got a little bit left doesn’t it so I’ll not touch it I’ll just leave it I’ll let everything else grow as well first so

There we go get busy planting and I’ll just fill in yeah fill in most of it which is well not most about I don’t know if I’m Gonna Fill in half with it I could buy the nether wall to plant it but I see no reason that I might as well

Just be patient and slowly expand the Netherwood Empire that’s every bit of it down and it means I can move on to the next Farm yes the cactus one because this is also way way too small and once again like the last one I have plenty of

Spare Cactus and I can Harvest all of this it’s just the sand that I’m missing so I will Begin by breaking these and I think I have a crop Hopper somewhere but I’m not 100 sure yep indeed I do I got it as a reward for completing a quest so

I’m gonna place that down in the chunk that way I don’t have to worry about actually picking up the cactus it’ll just pick itself up so this chest here if I move it somewhere like there then we can have the crop Hopper going into it I can put all that like that and

Every single time I harvest it I’d have to worry about it you know going into any other Cactus or me picking it up or anything because it’s just going straight into the chest let’s see how much we got from all that look at that a good few Stacks extra now I’m gonna buy

The sand I also want to put this with the netherwax it is fair but maybe at some point in the future I’m gonna need it you just never know so I’ll Chuck it into there look at that the sun is shining just like it’s shining on my s3737 summer merch available on

Sp77.star but anyway more importantly I’m doing all of that I also could do with string now spider spawners are quite expensive and they’re on tier two I I’m nowhere near being to that level but a good cactus farm does heavily depend on having string so I either have

To buy it apparently I can’t even Place sand in a checkerboard pan let’s just do it like that yeah either I’m gonna have to buy the string manually or I’m gonna need a spider spawner so how am I gonna get old one well don’t you worry ladies

And gentlemen because I have two and a half mil in the bank and I’ve got a plan one is to type in ah have a little search hopefully that brings it up oh there’s three available five hundred thousand are you kidding 450 that’s a bit more reasonable see 250 000 is so

Much cheaper so we’re gonna go ahead and buy oh I could buy Six could Splash out ladies and gentlemen no I’m just gonna buy one all right no point being greedy where should I put this spider spawner I don’t know but I’m working over in this

Area so maybe here for now will do and this sword I’ll tell you what I’ll do as well I’ll buy some sharpness I can afford to get it to Max and more importantly I’ll get looting three all right and you know what I mean I’ll get fire aspect I’m done breaking okay

Everything else I’m not too interested in means I’m just gonna get way more string every time I take out the spiders which is gonna let me get busy on this Farm as you can see on This Server you don’t take damage when you walk on top of cactus which which does make this

Even easier so that is the first layer now with my 24 string not very much let me just get a little bit more from these guys oh yeah with my 24 string which is now 52 string I actually need two stacks of it to fill in the entire thing but

With this string I place it in between all of the gaps of the cactus like so and then sand can be placed above it that way as soon as any Cactus grows it instantly breaks and the crop Hopper picks it up before anything else could happen so the fan will work fantastic

Particularly I mean I’m trying to think is there any other things I could use instead of string to place between the cactus it basically needs to be something that you can put a block on top of but that will also not break the cactus String’s one of those things

There’s probably other stuff but in reality string is pretty easy to get I could buy more spawners should I just do it to speed things up I’m going for it I’m impatient so I’ve just bought five of them let’s just stick them all into this like that yes it means I don’t have

That much money left but it also means I can now probably get a lot more of this cactus farm finished a lot faster yeah look at that loads more string Fantastic look at that another layer complete I’ve only got eight Cactus if I really only got eight Cactus I’m starting to not

Believe that sure this morning oh there’s loads more you know what I’m gonna basically keep layering this up until I run out of money there’s no reason not to do that so let’s just keep going with this big cactus farm project since I’ve got those six spider spawners

I’m easily getting all the string I need the only thing that’s kind of custom me money is the sand and that’s definitely going to be very costly I think I’m going to struggle to do another layer but yeah I’ve got quite a bit so basically it’s two stacks of everything

Of string you know two stack string two stacks characters and two stacks of sand to do one entire layer so I’ve got enough Cactus to do at least two more layers I’ve got enough sand to do one in a bit of a layers and string well let’s

Just say it’s waiting over there in those 30 spiders for me player number three is also done I am going to now continue placing string it’s definitely coming together I realize I have a ridiculous amount of string I think I’m only gonna have enough Cactus to do one

More layer and then I’m gonna run out unless there’s one possibility unless this chest has filled up with more characters but we’ll see we’ll see I’m sure it won’t take long to get all the characters I need again but I you know it takes time as well just sitting and

Waiting and I guess doing other stuff whilst the cactus grows that is the beauty of this Farm I could be cracking on with other things I should really I built this one first and then while I was building the other two I could have been getting more cactus from it but

Anyway you live and learn it’s not the end of the world let’s just get all this string all this standard all this Cactus down string complete next it’s the Sun and I’ve just realized I’ve not made this as big as it needs to be it doesn’t

Fill up an entire chunk oh there should be more Cactus yeah she’s fantastic I can make it wider all right good good stuff let’s give plenty more and add him more string all that good stuff because yeah for some reason I don’t know how to build something that is exactly one

Chunk in size thankfully adding a layer onto the side is fairly easy and with that service can resume as normal job done let’s get this done I’m just gonna basically keep going on at this point because I might as well put the layer of sand Above This Cactus even though this

Is pretty much the last layer I can do with actual Cactus because if the sun’s there then any cactus that grows will be harvested whereas if I don’t put anything above these they’ll just grow to three blocks tall and sit there for ages so yeah I do need to get rid of

Well get it get itself above it a little bit more as well and that is that not gonna add any more although yeah you know what I’ll plant these down why not because at least then it’s extra Cactus I can Harvest another day plus the only

Thing is I’ll plant these down and then I’ll look down in the chest at the bottom where the crop Hopper is and I’ll be like oh this there’s more idea maybe I should plant them as well but no these are I’m telling you now this is the last

Bit of cactus work I’m doing I’ve had enough whoa there’s like a stack could add another left no I’m not going to but I am going to get loads and loads more string from these spiders because hey when there’s 240 spiders just sat there you’ve got to get rid of them and now

You see why I put the spawner right by the cactus farm so that whilst that was building I was still getting spiders in the background every bit of string could go in there wow I’ve got so much string we haven’t got enough space yep and we’ve got a little spider head as well

Nice I think I’ll put it on here wouldn’t it be cool to just mop heads all the way along here and then mine at the front yeah I don’t know it’s going to scare off all the mobs from being here they’re like yeah well don’t come here because it will you will definitely

Regret it and all of these can be so oh no I don’t want it hold on I’m just gonna manually sell them rather than pressing sell because I don’t want my wood to go and the stake is useful to keep in fact whilst I’ve got the steak

Um well not whilst I’ve got the steak but whilst I’m thinking about it I should head to the cow spawner which is one of these come on cow spawner spin faster and spawn me a cow there you go we’ve got four with the Luton and the fire aspect it’s food straight away you

Could also get pork chops if you want it but I’m I’m not a mistake man now I’m always eating steak in Minecraft but making sure I always have plenty of it is very important to me and I think I’ve done well I’ve probably built three starter Farms on this Skyblock they

Could all be growing you can see even the Netherwood is starting to fully grow in certain areas too it’s hard to see every single one because they kind of look very similar but I could get some of it and expand that I’ll just wait for every single one to grow then I can

Properly do that same with the wheat farm carrot Farm potato farm over there that’s starting to grow nicely and the cactus farm well that’s just gonna work AFK in the background which is really really good it’s gonna get me more money I can expand it oh everything is coming

Together and I could build that inside a giant Cactus it would go in the theme perfect at all I’m really pleased with this guys also just Harvest some of these characters yes I want to be automatic in a bit but right now this top bit is manual because I’m I’m bought

The sand and string to uh to expand it so let’s just mine away at all then now that I’ve harvested those last bits of cactus I’m gonna quickly sell them all which is going to get us a nice chunk of money and now on this server for season

Four one of the most OP things is fishing so I need to set this up okay it’s all custom you get loads and loads of op loot but it needs to be in at least a 5×5 area of water I’m gonna make it a bit bigger than that I’m gonna go

For eight by eight so something like this around I’ll dig out the floor because obviously it needs to be a bit deeper then I’m going to kind of add slabs around the outside then blocks underneath that it’s gonna be quite deep with these blocks all the way down here

Then I can put the bottom of this pool on it’s perfect all right a lot bigger than needs to be but definitely worth it and then I need to add a layer of blocks above it I’ll do a bit of speed bridging always makes it look nice doesn’t it and

The reason I’m adding this layer of blocks is because I’m gonna have to put water over it then I can break the floor and the water will just slow down so it puts down some buckets of water I’ll put it in each corner and now I need to get

A few more water sources because it has to be an infinite one in there and completely cover the whole thing and then I just have to get rid of this layer so it’s a foolproof plan because I said get rid of this it’s just all beautifully filled up and ready for me

To start fishing so now here we have the list of all the different fish you can get so it goes from the basic stuff straight up to the legendary stuff there’s loads and loads of it all the default doesn’t look that interesting you can sell it all you never know what

You’re gonna get but the dragon head is actually really rare so that’s that’s kind of a good thing out of all the default ones and then once you get to the basic that’s going to get interesting because the bigger the size the more money you get from it as well

There’s obviously a higher chance so yeah we’ve got all these uh these basic fish here and kill but not on the shells I guess they’re kind of fish but but not like the other ones common is where it gets interesting it’s much more custom stuff then once you get to this deep sea

Stuff like the emerald gun look at that 40 dollars for the base price but if you get like a massive a thousand centimeter one suddenly they start getting worth more and more and then this is a lava stuff which is quite cool it’s all the Exotic stuff and then the different

Masteries basically the more the fish you get the better the chance you’ve got of getting better fish more than that so that’s enough talk about it I’m going to sort this out and get some trap doors down make it look all nice get it so it’s a proper fishing area you know

Giving some slabs make it so I can actually walk down to it I just want to look as good as it possibly can and then I could begin fishing okay hopefully we get some good stuff we will soon see how it all goes there we go and we got my

First catch and look at exotic jellyfish I tell you what I’ll take that that’s actually my first one for 1800 I actually got like the amazing look there’s no way I should have got that I’ve got a default Rod ending upgrading my fishing rod yet wow did not explain

That yeah I should probably add some upgrades to my fishing rod so we’ll start with getting some lure like you get 10 levels of low which is definitely definitely good and I’ve got 19 million in the bank I should be able to afford all of it I’m hoping so I’m again I’m

Breaking three nice look at the seat why not and lure I could keep going I can keep going come on are we gonna do I want to keep spending this money a million two well it’s maxed out I’m gonna hopefully get that money back but I just spent four million on my fishing

Rod but it is a maxed out one at least the fishing is gonna be so so fast Let’s test it out look at it straight away and I got another exotic one basically I’m just getting non-stop this year wow look at that six thousand times I’m gonna get

This money back fishing is is very odd people especially when you get the best fishing rod look I got a little shark I wish that was 59 000 okay for 60k that is so so worth it I know I’m Gonna Keep fishing until I get a full inventory

Just to see what I end up with so see everything I’ve got as you can see it’s quite a random mismatch of things but it’ll be interesting to see how much it all sells for this there’s some really good stuff in here like the Exotic stuff and everything so one session

Two hundred and thirty three thousand that was like five or ten minutes work imagine if I fish for an hour oh there could be millions in the bank wow wow that is crazy you can see the deepsea ill was the thing that was worth the

Most 95 000 so if I could find some deep sea stuff that is where most of the money seems to come from so I’ll sell all that up very nice indeed because the only problem is yes it’s functional yes it works but it is it’s pretty ugly it

Is not the prettiest thing ever so I I think I could make it better I think I definitely need to make this look a lot better A lot nicer because I’m going to be spending a lot of time fishing by the looks of things time must make it

Beautiful I must make it look absolutely perfect so first I’m getting rid of it all right let’s get rid of all this these blocks and this platform and everything it’s got to go and I can make like a nice little walkway kind of a thing with some Oak slabs that’ll be

Like a pier for me to fish off then underneath of it I’m gonna get my fences out and just have six of them underneath okay don’t wanna get to go all the way to the bottom but just enough to make it look like it’s supported by something

And it’s not just completely hanging out by itself yeah that should be fine I like how this is looking so far then I’m gonna build a circle over here out of slabs very simple circus to small them so it’s not going to be too difficult I

Can work this out without having to use my brain too much for this circle so the Outer Circle slabs then on the inner circle I’m going to use Oak blocks just to kind of raise it up a little bit make it look like a nice little platform I

Also want dark oak wood don’t have any trees for that so we’re going on the auction house let’s see how much it is 500 is that actually gonna be worth it that’s kind of expensive but it is cheaper than straight to buy it from the shop so you know what let’s let’s invest

One Stack’s definitely enough yeah that works way better I was gonna raise it up but I think just having it till it’s like this now we’ve got some pillows with oak logs just to kind of support a roof try to use different blocks you know to make it look nice but you know

Me and building ladies and gentlemen I do like it but it’s a mismatch as whether it’s good or not we’ll have it go up to that higher corner I’ll tell you what it’s coming together I kind of like the way the pattern’s looking and with these pillars it’s going to be

Great you dark oak trap doors on the side if I kind of put some slabs in between this corner yeah yeah that’s right it’s a bit of a detailed top wall design as part of the roof rather than just straight up adding a roof on top so

That’s the archway I’m gonna have a or Barrel just there so I’ve got stuff I’ll add another one there yeah so I’ve got like two entrances because of where it’s situated is next to the captain’s Farm then I’ll add slabs either side of these barrels as well just so that they kind

Of look in place next I’m gonna do the roof which is kind of like a staircase upwards on slabs with slabs but it’s gonna kind of do that all cause and converge at the middle like so next I’m going to add some walls and then layer of these slabs underneath just so it

Comes up a little bit higher yes I like that it looks very very nice indeed I’ve got lanterns on top and I’ll do the same same thing on the other side so that it matches nicely then this bit can go because obviously doesn’t need to be there now that I’ve added a different

Entrance part and I want more lanterns okay I’m gonna have loads more lanterns hanging inside kind of around so summer higher than others I think that’ll work very very well now to add more walls around don’t want anybody just wandering into the water you know it could it be a

Disaster there we go that’s nicely connected all the way up and yeah it’s done I’m happy with it I think it’s a nice little fishing area it’s going to be great for all the fish I want to get hopefully from fish that can become one of the richest players on the server

That’s that’s the idea you know what else I’m gonna do I’m gonna take some of my dark oak plants and I’m going to craft a dark oak sign or two just as extra decoration around the outside like an extra border along as you can see yeah that looks just just adding any

Definition always works I know it’s fully finished now I’m happy with this fishing area yeah it looks really really good if I do say so myself and now I’ve got to use it I didn’t spend all that time building it for nothing so we’re gonna fish all right let’s just get some

Fishing going and see how it feels from the brand new pier okay straight away we’ve got our first bite and we have got a nice fish let’s just keep going over and over again got a few more nice things I’m just going to keep fishing until something notable comes up because

You get a lot of simple stuff but I want to I want to get something really good oh look at that what is it oh it’s a five star eel okay now that is gonna be worth a lot of money and I’m just gonna check I’m getting on my quest because

They’re quite important to me I’m gonna go on the Isle of missions and see yeah the bait Master won’t catch 150 000 I’ve done it I’m with catching that fish I now have a full inventory so let’s sell up let’s see how it all looks 112 000. yeah that fourteen thousand dollar

Dolphin is probably the one that’s making the big the big difference I mean the five star here was 33 000 I’ve seen more expensive ones than that they’re just a bit smaller but yeah I’ll take all that good luck because it didn’t take me long to fish all of that which

Is always nice and not everything I catch is actually sellable so I’m gonna take those items and that’s all the barrels for you know I’ll just Chuck them in there why not okay out of the way I’ll take my steak back as well I’ll customize my rod and hopefully catch

Some good stuff okay it’s pretty quick and you can get loads of nice things okay got the first bite rock on yeah not really the best or this time we got a shark okay okay now that is way better a thousand centimeters too perfect we’ve

Got another bite oh okay this is a crab not too bad another one another shark a deep sea okay this is what you want you want the Sharks to deep see the long ones they’re perfect and now a five star Hill okay that is gonna be worth a lot

Of money and another shark just around off perfect so let’s see how much this is all gonna sell for 281 Grand okay that is a heck of a lot I guess it’s probably because that eel is worth 45 Grand which is it’s loads and I just

Bumped up everything oh it’s an 87 Grand Viper in there as well there’s that 18 Grand viper fish 19 Grand Dolph tell you what just so many good stuff in there loads and loads of money we’re checking nicely sell right here now to get some

Of it oh my goodness a dragon head okay what is the chat I’m pretty sure they’re pretty rare let me um let me just get up the fish list okay now where are they at um I think they’re in default only a 2.5 done that’s pretty good that’s a nice

Little souvenir and I’ll place it somewhere in here yeah I think on top of this Barrel that is perfect I love it okay let’s catch more oh we’ve got a little Emerald Guardian nice 829 centimeters too yes in the deep sea section five percent okay it’s pretty

Rare I suppose they’re all pretty cool but I think I think the emerald Guardian looks especially cool so I’m I’m pretty pleased with that it’ll sell for a bit I almost don’t want to get rid of it but I will sell it because it’s worth it so

Now let’s go ahead and sell everything and say oh another 193 000. that is in a pretty short amount of time and the emerald guard is worth 82 Grand okay wow and they are definitely worth catching plus the Sharks 28 that’s nice I’ve literally just done 10 minutes of

Fishing and ended up with 500 again which is absolutely unreal so if I did for an hour I could get like three million really easy it’s just so Opie now the next order of business is I need to expand these crop fans I’ve got the cactus one there we’ve got the

Netherwart one yeah they’re leaving multiple layers just make them so so much bigger in fact the captain’s multiple layers let me see how much is in the chest let’s have it oh there’s loads in here I need to sell it so I’ll get all these sold a nice extra Seven

Grand it’s not quite as good as fishing as it but I’ll still take it so how high should I go with these you reckon I mean I guess I’ll start with at least one more I want it to look nice though so let’s just build up yeah I reckon that’s

That’s a good length there’s enough space underneath for me to do everything then and then I’ll just expand it out a little bit doing this Edge like the oak logs is gonna be really nice I’m just gonna do the dirt first bit of speed bridging around this yeah I’ll fill in

The entire Square then the logs are going to be annoying getting them all facing the right way but I’ll make it happen let’s get this other Corner done just nicely along here and finally start from the middle I’m not gonna fill in the entire thing yet then I’m just going

To kind of Mark out the other areas as well get logs into to mark that action but that’ll be uh let me get rid of that and put it in uh the correct place there we go I just kind of get those Corners in it’ll kind of help now that’s all

That bit done nicely so fill in as much of the middle as I can there we okay I’ve run out of dirt all right I need more of that so I’ll buy some off the shop okay well that’s kind of a lot of money can I do it on the uh the auction

Let’s have a look Let’s uh search for dirt and it was like one million for something yeah I don’t think so Paul we’re buying it from the shop this is not there’s not much Choice I’ll just have to go into there I think yeah dirt is the cheapest

Out of the course dirt and stuff so let’s let’s grab that I’m not gonna get a full inventory let’s just get a few stacks for now see how I get on I don’t want to buy more than I need even though I would use it I’ll just buy a few of

Them and that should keep me going and now I can get back to filling it all in that’s fantastic and this section is done so I reckon I get my heart we start tilling the ground ready for the crops to be planted this is the carrot section

Okay well that goes my help let’s just plant some carrots down now and don’t you worry I’ve got plenty more holes in my inventory so I can continue tilling all of the ground and planting all of the carrots down and now the entire current section is done it’s looking

Pretty good just leave the wheat and potato ones to be done as well I do need to get these logs down so let’s place down Cobble that’s gonna be the only way I can think to do it and it’s probably easy if I do it from down here rather

Than speed Bridge isn’t it let’s go like that bring it around here a little bit more and then I could just place the logs on top it’s pretty quick now in fact it’s really quick if I just run it and place it like that and this is both

The same action’s done I just need to have the dirt in at some point although before that I am going to remove all the Cobblestone it was good as scaffolding it was very very handy but now it can go it doesn’t it doesn’t need to be that

It’s a bit of a nicer so that’s the last bit of cobblestone removed and now the dirt can be placed a few little extra bits in the middle here and I’ve run out of dirt so it is back to the shop to buy a little bit more up I’ll probably just

Get a stack and a little bit extra and then I could complete it fantastic I’m pretty pleased with how it’s looking now it is Operation get down all the wheat and get down all the potatoes slime ball’s still in the ground and then planting it all up the sooner it gets

Planted the sooner it can be grown which is the main thing and that is every single potato down looking good now we’re just into the weak section so I will continue tilling the ground like so and planting down the Seas this is this is coming along nicely there we go the

Operation is fully complete this entire row is done and I think I’m only gonna do one row I’m not gonna do more than one for now one’s enough and before I add another layer I need to wakes away to get up there really like some ladders

Or something I think that will be smart so I will look at those all corrupted and then pillow it up right here and I think yeah just add the ladders on like that there we go and then we’ll do the same thing here they look nice it’s in

Line with the partitions which is perfect and I’m also gonna do the same with the other size just so it’s easy access there we go that is the final one down and I can easily use it to get to the top there was a few cups I’ve gone

So I’ll sell those and now I want to expand this cactus farm okay it’s it’s always worth the back look at loads of all kinds of drum which is fantastic I’ll grab a few more for my inventory because they can be planted down and used to build the phone let’s get some

String as well and I’m gonna need to buy a little more sand so it’s yeah it’s up there not cheap but it’ll just have to be bought I’ll buy a one stack to start with and then I’ll Harvest all of these Cactus because they’re in the way and

They need to be just one high so let’s get rid of them and then I just play string in between it’s pretty straightforward to uh to do that so we’ll go and get all of that down and then I’m gonna need more Cactus planted because then I can place more strings so

Morph can be planted down yeah without the Galaxy I can’t place the string of the Gap so that’s why it’s kind of very important and that is the end entire layer done looking very very good indeed now we can just place the sand really easily on top of the string these are

The last few bits it’s coming along very well so that’s another layer done and from there I can add loads more Cactus on top there we go make sure they’re accomplished and I can get back to placing down all the string there we go more sand on another layer down it’s

Kind of satisfying to make every layer because it’s looks so cool I’ll plan down a bit more Cactus I don’t quite have enough Cactus for this layer but I’m sure there’s more in the chest down below so it’s not too big of an issue and I like to place the string as I’m

Going it’s kind of a handy way look at back and forth proficiency it’s at its finest and that is now the entire adult Let’s Get Down the final bits of string and if you ask me I think it’s looking beautiful I’ll add the top layer of some later because those characters could

Kind of grow to be three high and I can manually Harvest them it’ll work fantastically and now I need a load of cobblestone probably more than what I’ve got the reason being is because we’re gonna make a really fast ore generator okay I got myself in the shop as well I

Want it to look nice I’m gonna make it out a tinted glass that’ll look pretty cool let’s buy at least a stack in fact I’ll get a few Stacks that’ll be good I’m also gonna need a lot of buckets of water so I think I will go in here yeah

There’s a lot of iron so I’ll craft a couple more of them because I have got an infinite water source we can easily fill them these are going to be perfect for this Farm now this is the area it’s going to be I’ve kind of marked it out

With a couple of pieces of cobblestone and then I’ll mine out the floor this is going to kind of what captures the liquids and stops them going everywhere then I’ll also mine out this strip as well and start adding in the tinted glass it’s going to go quite High

So let’s just start by bordering out the roof nicely done all the way to the other side and I can get rid of this Cobblestone and change this to be this pillar as well that’s lovely looking good and then a fill it into it’s a complete wall and I’m gonna do the exact

Same thing on this side just an identical wall opposite because uh you know we want symmetry we want it to look good so we’re just gonna yeah keep placing tinted glass all the way along here along the bottom as well that’s gonna look good and then I can just keep

Filling it all in mission accomplished both of them are all nicely filled in looking pretty good I like it although it’s a long way to go before it’s ready and then we need to buy more of this into glass if I’m going to finish it yeah a couple more Stacks will be good

So basically I’m making a little boredom for where the um the like the liquids the lava the water is going to go so it’s it stays in place and doesn’t go everywhere so this side is going to be water it’ll just flow straight down there into the void but quite a lot of

This because don’t make an infinite water source unfortunately now to build a little bit more up this yeah just this is kind of going to keep the lava frame which is pretty important I’ll do the same thing on this side as well keep a nice little border and then yeah it’s

Operation get a load of lava then I can have this going along the bottom because we don’t need it to flow into the void so it’s gonna look nice I like the fact that you just see through I think I think building glass is great next I

Need trap doors that’s just going to keep everything from flowing into each other very very important indeed then one here a little entrance way I need to be able to run the default you see without getting covered in water and lava that’s what the Trap does help with

Now I can block up the water as well that’ll just keep it in place unless you might guess library’s the final thing we’re gonna need to buy a lot of that not a stack but a good amount I guess I’ll just get an inventory full yeah that should get me through and that’s

All of it placed down at that level I just need to keep bringing it higher and higher for the generator to be higher too there we go and it’s done it’s taken so much lava but it is done we’ve got diamonds we’ve got lapis we’ve got we’ve

Got it all so now I can open these trap doors safely and mine as I’m going across game doesn’t work well if I had a faster pickaxe and to fully make the farm worth it I’m gonna need a bunch of Hoppers so let’s go ahead and craft a

Couple of them some chests here in fact I’m gonna have a few chests because I’m gonna need it there we go let’s do that and okay that’s not how I’m gonna Place Hopper let’s make it so it is facing into the chest like so there we go and I

Know the chest is gonna be on top with the all Hopper there so it’ll just pick up any of the ass I’ve also upgrade my generator because that is 40 000 skycons but it’s gonna be worth it get me a way better stuff from it although before

That I’m gonna test it because I have already got pretty good stuff so yeah you can kind of see that it’s it’s almost there oh it seems to look a little bit better if I’m crouching yeah with super breaker though it’s insane I just right click for that I just need a

Higher mining level and it’ll be amazing the good thing about this as well is thanks to your Hobbit they all go in nicely so it does pick them up yeah it worked better when I get better pickaxe but it’s in a great location it looks good I’m very happy the cactus Farm’s

Growing as well you can see that let’s see how much Cactus it’s got okay yeah it’s nearly filled the double chest which is fantastic very very pleased with that yeah the island is coming together lots of things still do I think the netherwart farm is probably next on

My list so I pretty much build it in the same way I built the crop farm and I get a lot of pillows in now because then I know exactly where they’re marked and it’s just gonna be better than having Cobblestone scaffolding everywhere next I will add all of this Soul Sand in

Let’s go ahead and just get up to that level there we go I I couldn’t avoid placing some Cobblestone down in fact let’s just get rid of those bottom ones for now and then I can continue placing this down in the Square I’ve added in

All the rest of the Cobble so it’s now ready to have the oak logs placed on oh not like that come on one that’s there’s always one and there goes react as well oh that’s just great I’ll continue placing combo for now I don’t need an ax

For that and then I can get back to placing logs although I have to make sure I don’t misplace any now because I don’t have an ax to break them also gonna need more wood so the tree Farm’s gonna get to put use I did craft a new

Ax by the way let’s do oh and there’s other pie let’s go ahead and climb up get that setting off while somebody trades a multitasking ladies and gentlemen bet you didn’t figure out it in media but yeah chopping trees very very important indeed great source of

Wood I don’t want to be buying the woods so that’s good oh I’ve got a book as well okay that’s nice anyway I’ll continue mining away at this and then these can be placed down it’s gonna look good when it’s done I mean a big please

How the crop Farm turned out so I’m sure this will look great too now to get rid of the Cobblestone at the mid super breaker did make it faster but now I’m back to manually mining like a pheasant and I’m going to buy more salsa place four thousand these that’s so expensive

Oh my goodness I mean I have got 136 million so I can’t afford it but you don’t want to spend a stack 250 wow it’s a lot but I’ve got to buy it I’m gonna need it I’ve got my money so I’ve bought a few Stags let’s get place them down I

Mean it’ll pay me back with another what farmer in selling another one so all of them are down now I’m just planting these Netherworld down I think I’m gonna have enough to fill in the whole lot yeah I’ve got more enough fantastic they’re all planted down let’s get rid

Of this last little bit a cobblestone doesn’t need to be there and then let’s have a little look at it I’m pretty pleased with the with the progress yes and they’re actually growing fairly fast as well which is perfect so the crop Farm over there is looking very nice the

Netherland Farms looking good the all generator is looking good the fishing area this island is coming together so much thanks for going down to me I wish everyone else had the same respect on the server crops I’m just gonna cut down a little while cut down kind of harvest

Character supposing I’m gonna Harvest a hold of these carrots then it is fishing time so where’s my fishing rod there it is my very powerful one with lift done and yeah we always start off with a bit of fishing okay it’s very very good but

This time we’re gonna do it in a boat ladies and gentlemen yes we are going to sit in this boat and do a bit of fishing a bit better on the uh yeah okay can I get out the boat all right there we go it’s working and then we will uh we’ll

Get the fish and apparently it it works better when you’re in a boat just a just a theory guys apparently that’s that’s what I’ve been sold and I’m gonna change the weather to be rain as well now it is a lot quicker I don’t think they’re both

That important really but fishing is a lot faster let’s just test it out yeah it’s it’s definitely getting me more stuff faster I can feel it fishing level 23 no but yeah to be way higher but anyway yeah I think fishing in the rain is just quicker in general I don’t think

The boat has anything to do with it but yeah anyway this is all this will do but a few good things in there nice little jellyfish that’s not bad and what upgrades can we actually get obviously yeah here we’ve we’ve maxed them all out what about the custom ones let’s have a

Look the fishing rod okay all kind of interesting multi-fishing okay look at that so it doubles the CH the catch okay that’s definitely worth going for although it’s an extreme book which is 125 000 XP which uh we don’t have so I think I’ll just spend a bit of time at

This all generator I’ll get some ores and then what I’ll do is I’ll I’ll have a mess around and then I’ll come over there and I’ll build some more stuff in my house because I feel like it’s just kind of not much there so yeah let’s uh

Let’s use the oil generator it works very well I just activate my super breaker and go like this break everything nice and fast although I do need to get a higher mining level for it to be words it missed a lot yeah trust me guys with super breaker it’s amazing

And the all Hoppers was filling up nicely as well okay let’s um let’s just do a little bit more of just the old slow mind and as you see it’s pretty much it’s a good normal cobblestone generator but it has the the super breaker functionality as well which is

Is kind of important too so I’ll keep mining away keep mining up getting in all this good stuff the old Hopper will pick it up and I’m going to expand it a bit more so I’m going to purchase some tinted glass which is pretty cheap you know I’ve got 140 million I’ve grabbed

Loads of water fill up all these buckets I had from last time I almost need to go and get trapped doors we’ve got a bit of wood left I’ve got a few trap doors in there as well and we can craft them all up so let’s do okay well we’ll mess it

Up there we go 20 trap doors are gonna be crafted which is good and we could get done so if I’ve doubled the size of it when I have the super breaker in a higher mining level it’s going to be even better so yeah the water’s gonna be

There and we’re just going to kind of double-sided that’s gonna be the trick so I’m going to try and mirror this exactly with the tinted glass it needs to go to the same height then I’m going to expand out the Border okay just keep matching up okay let’s keep going along

That should be the entire outside and nicely lined up I think it’s all correct then I’ll build up this way all the way to the top and then this is sadly gonna have to be broken okay you still pick up the tinted glass which is good but

Because I need the gaps on them to go down so let’s mine up every single one of those then I can expand it on this side okay I think I’m doing this all right yeah so this is where kind of the the water’s gonna stop then I can have a

Little bit of a space for the water to go on just bring it up a little bit there we go so yeah that’s gonna flow along and flow down and then that’s why I’ve got the Gap at the bottom but if you changes but this should be perfect

No this is where the water’s gonna go so I’m just going to layer it across I can’t use infinite water sources so that’s why I’m using all the buckets okay I’ve seem to have made a mess of it I’ve got the end of the world that is a

Problem I’ll just swim up fill in this Gap I mean once it’s finished it’ll all be blocked up so that is the main thing there we go a stop chip all right we don’t have to worry about it anymore I can fill in this entire glass wall got a

Little bit of glass left which is perfect and if I just drop down I can fill in that last Gap looking good okay not quite finished a few things left to do so just add more water down I’ve got loads of these bookings still had to

Read for them all but yeah let’s go and add more of these down I don’t know if I’m gonna quite have enough to get it all probably not quite they’d have to make a trip back but no it is completely done and I think it’s flowing properly

If I remove that glass well I’ll remove this glass first it’s better to remove it at the bottom and then sort it out upwards releasing the library is the last thing I’m going to do put it that way because the trapdoors also need to be in so let’s carry on like that the

Only reason I’m being so wasteful with the tinted glasses because you do get it back when you break it with your face itself otherwise I would be using something else in class now we open these okay all of them there we go uh open them at the okay I’m messing it up

Quite a bit better let’s let’s open them and work backwards that is going to work a lot better there we go and now as I break the tinted glass you can see it is generating more awes it is working as intended now all the glass needs to be

Broken not just these top bits but it’s a good start to break the rest I’m probably gonna have to work my way down yeah I’ll break them like from the what was okay I’ve missed a bit there yeah this is gonna be a little bit annoying because if the oils generate before I

Break it all yeah I’m gonna be in trouble so maybe the time but I’ve got it all the glass and now we can dust it out okay the old Hopper will still be picking it up which is good so I don’t have to worry about anything burning

Let’s see how we’re doing oh look at that loads of stuff coming in a good old Double 12 three double chests to be honest and it’s about time I made some decent armor so I’m going to grab my netherrite grab my diamonds and then where’s my coffee table there it is so

I’ve already got a diamond chest plate but I do need some leggings a helmet and some boots there we go now to turn it into netherite on This Server you actually have to use it like this because we don’t have a well it’s because it’s multi multiversion um the smithing table functionality

Doesn’t work for 1.20 because you need the upgrade and stuff so anyway that’s that’s how it works for again another right you just put it in the crafting table together well look never write it up that’s fantastic look at me how cool do I look okay it’s about time by the

Way it’s about time and speaking of looking cool get just b737 summer merch I look hold on guys okay it’s got t-shirts shorts sunglasses you name it it is available on the sp77 don’t stop the sp77 logo is actually on the wrong side so you can’t see it when I’m

Recording but anyway let’s continue I want to max out my armor for a start so let’s uh let’s uh let’s get on with that basically the easiest way to do it is just to put it on the inventory I have infinite money so if I just do slush and

Chunk there we go and then if we go into the enchant shop we can start with on break-ins let’s get on breaking three then we want four I think is probably the best in fact let’s yeah we don’t we don’t projectile so let’s just go with prop 4

There we go all the way maxed we’ll get respiration three we’ll get I don’t think we can’t stack protection once but we’ll get Acro Affinity let’s just check can you stack them if I just press it and wait you can oh you can stack protections okay let’s do it let’s

Get uh blast protection maxed out then projectile protection okay this is very very nice armor indeed wow while I’m breaking more projectile more normal protection more plus and more thigh props for the falling forward don’t mind if I do I’m breaking three there’s a lot

Isn’t it to apply to uh to the boots isn’t it so I get projectile again this is actually just the easiest way to get the God Armor I’ve ever had I might even know this was possible okay I’m gonna yeah I’ll get depth Strider comes in handy and finally fire protection again

Look at me very very shiny indeed glad I had those sunglasses on the glare of my armor would have been too much I just have to make sure I don’t go in F5 anyway let’s see if we can upgrade this sword anymore because we’ve got fire respects we’ve got sharpness don’t need

To knock back yeah to be honest there’s not really anything here that I think I need wait can you add Smite to a sharpness sword on it okay well you know what we’re stacking them then let’s go straight five a shovel another hand yeah that can be upgrade let’s get on breaking three

Let’s get Fortune three I’m not gonna get still touching it but efficiency five yes please and while I’m at it I will upgrade my whole and also the ax so I’m gonna climb my way up here to the top because we need to we need to work

On the house a little bit okay we’ve got this little room here but if we go where is it yeah over there we’ve already got like a massive farm so I don’t really need this little Wheat Farm it’s just kind of a pointless thing so we could

Turn into like a really cool Like A Champion Rainbow song with armor stands and all sorts in there I reckon that’ll uh that’ll look really really good and I reckon tinted glass is gonna be better than those fences I’ve got tender glass spares so we’d have like a a spooky dark

Eerie effect in the room the first things first out with the old all right the fences gates are going they’re taking them all the wheat harvested up see you later okay it was nice oh we got my herbalism too then the dirt is being removed okay will that be better for the

Roof of uh of the um the giant grass block below when you look up they won’t say dirt and now if we have a look in the shop what do we want so I’m going to get something that’s just going to work well what do we reckon let’s go gilded

Blackstone that could work well with like some cold blocks or something kind of all together and then polish Blackstone oh not that one yeah police Blackstone as well let’s just grab a bunch of them normal Blackstone too why not I might as well go for it I should

Have gone when I opened it before now we can fill in the floor I am going to kind of texture it so it’s mainly normal Black Stone and then I guess I can break and place extras in as I want let’s also get these Oak fences removed they’ve got

To go all right this is a sad moment seeing them light up anyway I’ll add that there and then just put a bit of gloss in same for this one I don’t need to add any more stone bricks in the wall but we can just add glass all the way

Along to the well to fill it in completely then I’m gonna have some nether eye blocks because I’m kind of Rich so we’re gonna have like this kind of effect and then kind of merge it so it looks like treasure and stuff you know what I mean I also want my girl

Blackstone I’m pushing more of this into the build let’s change the texture of this floor now so we’ll add a few near the right blocks I have to say it’s really starting to come together so now I need some gold so I’m going to go ahead and smelt that in the blast

Furnace nice and Speedy I should get a super furnace it would definitely speed things up there we go I’ve got my uh my gold ingot I’m also gonna need leather so let’s go ahead and get rid of a cow I do also need paper but I have these

Healthy would you like the reward things the other works okay well I wasn’t going to use them anyway so I guess that might as well do them I I don’t need them five bit more obsidian then we can craft this nice little jumping table there we go

All my gold is done as well which is fantastic so we’re gonna go and take that turn it into gold blocks also gonna need a little bit of stone so let’s just wait for this furnace come on hurry up I need all three of them which is why I’m

Having to work yeah not much I can do might as well just uh basically the red so that is another one done and then there’s a daily quest to smelt five items I don’t think I’m gonna get that done quite today but uh let’s just focus

On the stone also gonna get more leather let’s uh let’s go ahead and take out the cow and the reason that I needed that leather was for so if I put some sticks around the outside of leather we have got some item frames which will be a

Nice extra thing so we’re gonna go and put the item frames I reckon we’ll start with the normal stand there that’s what the armor can go okay apparently I can’t put armor on and um what kind of scum wait this is my server why can’t I do

That on my own oh well I guess we yeah I understand ideas out the window instead let’s just get these out in frames down and please tell me you could use the iron frames yes you can some fancy talking we’ll manage then I’m just gonna kind of

Change the entrance a little bit just to be yeah like that I think that looks cool now to add a few more gold blocks okay guys on the side note I messed up here okay basically these are in two different chunks this this entire cobblestone generator for putting jump

Ball as you can see so everything in this chunk is fine getting collected up but everything and yeah it’s all going in whatever’s on this side not getting picked up so what’s the solution well we just have another chest and we go ahead and add an all Hopper right about there

So now everything will go into at least one of the two chests let’s go ahead and use this again okay I can’t use my ability again for another 20 seconds but for now I’ll just do some regular old mine this you could all be treasure from

A treasure room if I wanted to be although I’ll probably end up just selling it no I may but anyway we can test that the the hopper system is now properly fixed as well which is good so that’ll work I’m an idiot mining level 100 as well which is nice okay without

The super breaker it’s not that effective as it really but it’s oh okay we’ve got a super breaker we can use that whenever we need to and there is an island upgrade here that we’re gonna get Haster bench if I get to level three right now it’s level or two I need 35

000 Sky coins for next one I only have 23 000 okay but we we could definitely do that at some point let’s get some missions going we might get Sky coins from that perhaps a lot of the oh some of them I can I can claim let’s just

Claim them all nice to couple everything together let’s put 250 000 in there there we go now we can upgrade it so we’ve got haste as well that’s gonna help the old old generator even more like a mine away nicely uh this I mean it’s making a slight

Difference now actually I can see the Improvement already we’ve got the best pickaxe that I can get at the moment we’ve got haste and look at all that stuff in both chests fantastic today we’re going to be checking out the best islands of season four there’s so many

Leaderboards here by the way if people have just done insane amounts of things look at these people they’re crazy crazy stuff if we also got leaderboards and go to top Islands the 10th most valuable island is Atlantica let’s check it out here it is and this is your spawn what’d

You get down here does any do any mobs come down is this is this all we’re we’re getting well this is maybe all the experience that the average player gets but let’s be 737 is the average person I’m the owner I can do what I want so

The other spiders at the top I see that’s pretty cool so if you want if you want vexes this is the island to come to because it looks like they are working on a pretty epic project now look at that doesn’t it look really really cool it’s like some Grand Place with grand

Pillars wow it’s massive there’s not much in here but it’s very very big indeed impressive build I guess it’s a future spawn hopefully them being in the video makes them motivated to finish it or maybe they’ve been busy and just haven’t got around to a couple of finishing it who knows there’s more

Below this is their fishing spot so obviously having a cool fishing spot is now the Mets are in season four now that fishing is so useful and then this is where the island value comes from they’ve literally alternated all the emeralds and Netherlands it looks really really cool oh then they’ve just got

Loads of diamonds and miss so this looks good up here and then as soon as you look down there you’re like okay well maybe it’s not as as clean and tired that’s where all the messes is that where the cactus farms are yeah cactus farms are as opinion as they used to be

But they’re still very very useful so it’s a cool first island to start with and they’re only going to get more and more Epic from here because in 10th place we have the sparkle has a value of 170 million this is it this paper people here working away taking out things all

These vexes so it’s like any on the ACT hello yep I could I could take out some banks as well get loads of kelp anybody want some kelp there you go it’s all yours I don’t need it let’s see what else we got here it looks like there’s

Stuff out there but can get away as a player actually get to it I did another one where it’s it’s trapped off for for the uh for the average player I can’t imagine so but maybe it is well I can fly so there you go okay

I’m up I’m the owner of course I can get above anything and then we can see what makes this oh look at that now that’s a nice bit of respect that I like I like that a lot and we’ve got all sorts of builds here for example a little Factory

Build is this this where the minions work away look at him hard at work that’s it good the servants anything building this plot is Dominion only okay so they’ve got their Islander gotta go okay well I don’t see any minions about so um yeah it looks like we’re a bit

Short on them I love this stick oh this is where they’re looking but they’ve made it well it’ll look like a look at London but it trust me it works that one but they’ve got a cool little fountainy shiny kind of thing for it I like that

And then what is all this a spawner generator Sky coin generator they’ve got so many look at this and I guess they want to fill in the whole thing but I like the way they’ve got an area specifically for it always gives me good ideas seeing a video like this yeah

There’s loads and loads of different things going on here and it’s it’s a cool build I guess yeah they’re planning to fill that up and then whoa look at the size of this potato farm I mean the cactus Falls whoa what’s this supposed oh that’s the uh that all generator

That’s pretty cool they’ve got something up there which I don’t know what it is kind of just need to check out all the crop farms first look at the size of this wow okay so this is the potato now is it multi layers that’s the question and what is that over there of

Glowberries farm is that is that kind of useful nowadays I don’t even know so oh this is where they get their Island value from they just Place loads of netherite blocks pretty impressive oh they’ve got loads of layers as well on this Farm look I’ll use my fly so you

Can kind of see yeah the character tells some big farms the wheat though they could do with making that bigger and in here appears to be like an old area where they’ve got their shop it’s kind of tripping me out with the the glasses but yeah this is it’s got like a shop

Area I don’t think this is open to the public really at the moment I think this is like that old spawn back in the day they’ve got a nice little purple shop for anyone that’s a very weird writing isn’t it the way they’ve done that but yeah nice little island let’s go and

Check out the next one the eighth one is owned by cooling Terry it has a value of 260 million quite a bit higher let’s see what we’re dealing with here so far I mean this this bit’s kind of mid but I’ll say there’s just a lot of spoilers

Around a lot of diamond blocks nothing interesting about that is this their fishing area this is their fishing area isn’t it it really is um pretty pretty average so far I don’t want to be mean but you know they’re obviously going for you know functionality practicality

Rather than how good it looks I can only assume that globo is the meta because they have a massive glowberries Farm here look at this what do you think of this London then they’ve got another globos family but I don’t know how you harvest that way do you harvest it by

Mining the block above that might be the way like you have all your globers and then you break all of these with insta mine and then you have yeah I bet that’s how they do it you know so it’s interesting that this is I mean this is the biggest globos farm I’ve seen

But it’s it’s also just yeah it’s just Farms isn’t it there’s not there’s not too much too much of interest to look at although this place looks interesting this must be where he spends most of his time not open to the public it is open to the

Server owner though and so he’s got his generator there a bit different to my design but I think it looks cool um it’s got his fishing area up here made of blue concrete I mean it kind of looks interesting is this parkour doesn’t feel like it does it what about

This if I see Island parkour I just feel like I’m I’m obliged to to attempt it I’ll do this this jump which is easy and it’s just a simple couple of quads oh is it wait there’s no way you just want to Triple Neo in it like oh that’ll be nice

What’s the point there’s no way I’m doing the triple Neo and then it just it just ends anyway so yeah well that that’s that’s the eight Thailand let’s see what the next one is Camille Kenny’s the island’s name is ffj it’s 256 million let’s see if they’ve put any

Aesthetic stuff in it oh see now this this is just kind of cool looking aesthetically isn’t it has to be said they’ve got the gold sauce oh I look at this once you’re actually loading the chunks oh it’s like a void thing I love the uh the Indra roof it’s a really

Really cool effect I like this is this a little fishing areas lava and water I think this is very very cool I can aspire to an idol like this just like I’m in a void or something crazy I like the way the spawns have all got their

Own little color thing the only thing that doesn’t sit right with me is the fact that this is one of every color and it’s just randomly a yellow two yellow ones like surely you could have just made this difficult that’s the only thing that maybe I’m like why don’t you make that

Like pink or something I don’t know well you know I’ve got a pig on there a green one why is that not lime green there you go but I can’t be too judgmental because yeah it’s a cool Island they’ve got different stuff husks here right and so

They uh they uh they come down as well that’s cool and what’s outside this island what else do they have hidden here well above it’s there’s a lot of emeralds a lot of emeralds and a lot of diamonds and what is that over there I said crop uppers by the way anything

Well I’m not gonna look in but anyway this is just crop is dotted around it yeah so over here all right somebody just bought something on the store oh look at that pop Panda 26. thanks for supporting the server you bought out the perfect time to get a shower am I good

As well anyway let’s see what’s below all of this oh it’s looking interesting at least there Lucky Block looks like a Lucky Block that’s good so once again I’ve noticed something straight away also yeah like that this is this is kind of a nice little area I mean it well

Okay thankfully there’s no fall damage on when you’re visiting us but um yeah it’s the glowberries meta okay it’s the globe area there’s so many glowberries I don’t know how they harvest them I’m curious you might know in the comments but like how is it done who’s harvested

The most glow batteries on the server that’s what I want to know who knows it might say spot you know I after I’ve searched this style after we’ve you know looked around the sound I’m gonna have a look at spawn and see if there’s a glowberries leaderboard because my

Goodness this could be a lot here there could be how have I got a door by the way I don’t want a dog yeah it’s it’s a fairly standard Island you know it’s it’s just got a lot of diamonds and stuff place and then look at the crop

This is so organized I can just kind of work my way down it’s it’s just the way that it’s like all of this all of this all of this and that is Cactus above it does look very organized I kind of don’t know if I do or a are not like the way

That it’s just random ore blocks all over the place like a bit of emerald here a bit of gold bit of diamond bit of iron but in there right like it’s not like organized like some people do it do I like that I don’t know why is it just

A thing to avoid there that’s well someone I don’t want to know so many questions so many so much stuff it’s all just pack together isn’t it it is cool though I’ll give him that it’s a cool Island you know I do like the spawn area

So I think you know a good Mark for that but let’s let’s get on to the next one and then before that we’re going to spawn okay because we need to see where are these leaderboards okay well I know where they are they’re somewhere down here have we got so we’ve got crop

Brakes wow six million’s the top one I’ve done nine four five six yeah that’s not good is it um but you can’t seem to toggle it between different ones there might be a way somebody might know I’m curious to see who the top glowberry player is in sixth place it’s a big jump

From 250 million to 437 million we have got ironic why as they are owner and it’s Monarch let’s see what it’s like oh okay I like this this is a nice start lots of shops it’s got that medieval kind of feel you’ve got your spawners if

You want well there’s Golems there in it oh there’s a vote but I’ve got to do it I’ve got to do it slash VP oh you found it hey the owner we found the first owner nice to see oh you’re playing are you playing on Console or something for

That you’re either you’re playing on um on Bedrock anyway because I can tell by your the Stars don’t mind me I’m just gonna make a load of sheep get lightning on your Island are you ready there you go it’s so satisfying to watch sorry I’m actually getting some decent stuff and

That’s just another reason why I voted is good for the server so let’s see this island they’ve got loads and loads of different builds and stuff there’s a few people about obviously they’ve got the generators that’s nice I don’t know um they’ve got mob in Rainbow that’s cool

And a chicken with a crown Hello nice to see you nice to see you so you get top Islands you get visitors like like me on your Island so let’s see what else they’ve got through here we’ve got a nice nice bit of a warp thing where

Does it take me to tier four ah so you’re five there’s no spoilers there I don’t know if this is meant to take to certain spoilers but I’m liking the fact that it’s a cool I call that oh look at this this is cool and then we’ve got some

Iron golemington hello good sir I don’t know if I just punches sailor it was a wave it wasn’t a punch the question is how how does one get back down you want to give me some play oh you want to give me those oh well thank you very much

It’s a gift I can’t pick him up all right it’s um yeah don’t work bad very sad anyway nice try how do I get back down from it that’s what I want to know I could I could oh okay you go down that way I see right so there’s little bits

That you can get how did we do this next bit okay go down there oh it’s all working perfectly hello Village also there is spawners up here sorry you know what why do I keep pushing everyone um it’s a problem I have learned German but yeah they spawn us around which is

Cool let’s continue down here there we go and I want to see what else we’ve got our picking pigs and chickens they just spawned his daughter up I like the way it’s just kind of integrated in naturally I think that’s a nice way to do it husk spawners I’m not

I’m not going to go in there what else we got well look at this build what is it yes something with a candy cane in his mouth I know like a snake or something a worm I don’t know but it’s a cool build I

Like it oh and oh look at this what we got what if you’re doing grief in the island who’d you think yeah right uh we’ve got the uh the jukeboxes that’s cool yes it’s just a nice area it’s just decorational they’ve got hamburgers in it they’ve got everything in I don’t

Know if you can actually go inside this building or is it just purely just looks like it’s purely decorational okay I’ll continue Scouting Around look at the size oh it tape glowberry meta again look at that huge I don’t know how they harvest them unless they just like fly

Around and do it that way maybe because you can get fly on This Server um big big crop things yeah and then all the netherite oh wow look at all the emeralds and diamonds I’m more gloves everywhere look it is the glow Berry season oh and they’ve got

Like a secret area underneath what a cool Island and we were just in that building I love the way that it’s I don’t know what it is but it I love the effect I love the abstract Builds on this it’s a very abstract build kind of

A place we’ve got the all the lucky block thing up there nice got all this these uh XP farm things and then in here oh the storage is organized I love a good organized storage mate you know it ladies and gentlemen you can’t be an organized storage now it starts getting

Even more interesting that was 392 million 500 150 million the island name is Champ proof by lufstein let’s see okay I like the kind of effect that they’ve got going on here with the Lush cave kind of a thing it’s the global metric oh wow oh yes they’ve got a

Cherished art nice and I I think this is great oh my God this is this is the best one so far best day static build so far guys I’m telling you now they might get better still but right now this is the best one and I am very very impressed by it

I think it’s missing a bit of the roof but oh it’s good I like this I don’t know how you get back up how do you what happens if you’re down here guys and you’re just a peasant who doesn’t fly what’s is that is it is it okay you just

Go like that all right and then you back up okay fantastic I’ll try not to fall down so oh they’ve got this and then they’ve got more layers up through the middle as well well that’s cool and I guess that Tower’s gonna grab it I think

This is a very very cool Spawn at the very least the spawn is cool I want to say what is below as to be said there’s quite a bit below look at this we’ve got uh Gyarados uh we’ve got Umbreon we’ve got Charizard this person likes Pokemon I hope they enjoyed my

Pixelmon video then so we’ve got all sorts of stuff dotted around and I think the pixel arts just make it really cool loads and loads of different things it’s a lot more organized than other islands is the way they’ve placed the diamond and emerald blocks and stuff obviously

There’s a bit of work in progress up there filling it in and then they’ve got all the crops loads and loads of crops we’ve got is this meant to be like the fishing area then or is it just a general I think it’s just a general area

Isn’t it but again it’s it’s nice I like it I like it a lot don’t really know know what’s in here but I do see a doorway so I’ll have a little look around get can I even get in how do what is it what is it here there must be

Another way in because I’ve done a complete lap don’t you worry ladies and gentlemen I’m sp737 anyone can get in it’s me I don’t know is this a storage room though is it meant to be a shop oh it’s a shop isn’t it I think

Um is this like the old sport oh it’s got all the Minions here cool oh they’ve got a lot of it wow all those Vex minions and then we just got a random uh random ones up there as well that’s cool so we’ve got all of those oh there’s the

Owner oh hello nice to see you you’re under the video and you had no idea did you well nice nice dragon Rank by the way cool pretty impressive Island Now we move on fourth place just outside of the top three we have the neutus by tall Newt let’s check it out straight away

They’ve got an organized spawn haven’t they they’ve got they’ve got the different coming soon coming soon to a uh an island near you so they’ve got the shot somebody’s found me oh hello hello nice nice nice penguin rank brother anyway two or two mobs tier three tier

Four tier five cool cool stuff I kind of just want to see what these rooms look like I went to the most boring one out of all of them the shop yeah yeah what a waste of time instead they’ve got cool little rooms for the different mobs well

Some of them are cooler than us this one’s just like an arcade you know not as exciting but you know I respect it’s one of the things it’s half or half another and ancient debris oh I can mine that really think that when they do something like this it’s the most

Interesting with the tiny trees that kind of like that oh and they’ve made a desert one all right I’ll allow it it’s a little bit more interesting oh look at your sword as well I like it and then the wandering Trader room cool why are you in the nether mat and nobody knows

But I want to know what’s made this island so successful I’ll tell you glowberries every single time the successful Islands have loads of loads of oh well I’ve got no followers but they have loads loads of globos what is this that they’re building some sort of

Thing well I don’t get the best frames in this island they must they must have some serious entities or something but yeah they’ve got like this sea monster tail it reminds me of a sea monster anyway like a tail thing going all the way around what is it oh it’s the

Beginning of a build it’s not gonna be a massive Dragon wow I can’t wait to see this finish because it’s looking pretty cool so far and look at the size of this crop Farm wow and there’s two of them those three what am I seeing here this person apparently didn’t have enough

Crops the glowberries they’ve got this The Ore generator it’s a nice Island let’s move on in third place we have slavescope with the Atlantis Island now this is the first one billion Island okay we had 730 million now it’s 1.13 billion let’s see how good it is it’s a

Good sign when there’s already players here people obviously like visiting this place Giant Eye Avenger on the wall oh we’re in we’re at the beach ladies and gentlemen the tropical island okay I like the look of this we can go across the Lily but it’s very convenient to

Have a bridge two kind of them we’ve got some serious jump boost as well and this is it it’s an island it’s two islands really this is why are people visiting this island it’s I mean I know it’s in third place maybe it’s for the shop I

Can only guess it’s for the shop okay I mean Cool Island but let’s see what what the Island’s really about up above we have this I’m not sure why there’s a giant mound of lava is it meant to be a volcano or something oh okay well we’ve

Got this the dice area if you want something just ask oh look at this is a throne room how do I look guys does it look right of course it does okay yeah so they’ve got all sorts of stuff in there up and down oh oh wait could you

Just what’s this oh another little room a nice I like it that’s not a crafting table guys why is it so it’s lying to you don’t think it is all right don’t be deceived and then it makes me think there’s water but it’s obviously it’s not but they’ve got this cool Island

Area again they like their Islands this person they’re just collecting food by the way are they hungry they want a food collection spray so they’ve got all sorts of cool little bills just dotted around you know I want to build a chest area they’ve done that they want to

Build a I don’t know what this room over here is I don’t know what that giant golden cube is but I think it looks cool anyway it’s like a cool pattern let’s work our way in so this is our color this way for a chest room so yeah this

Step is down I mean I’m guessing underneath they must have some serious Farms about to find out we’re either in the void or we’re okay well they’ve just got a lot of animals and diamonds okay where is all the money coming from that’s what I want to know they must

Have found somewhere and I’ve just missed them but you’d think that money would be seen somewhere but yeah I mean they’ve got billions in the bank to sit okay yeah I bet it’s just outside of my render distance okay yeah it must just they must have some giant farm somewhere

I don’t know where it just feels like really dark down here but yeah today’s the third there’s not that much crazy going on let’s see what the second has to offer the only xender one is called third to go it’s 1.33 billion here we are this is the spawner now this is one

Where everything’s kind of connected with Pathways which is nice I like the way that it’s connecting up to the crop stuff again they’ve got so many glowberries I like the fact they’ve got so many mob heads I mean I don’t know what these rooms are for but they’re

Just quaint little places aren’t they on both sides the the normally the top islands are like going to town a massive but oh look at that that’s a nice tree though I have to say Well they’re not focused on making massive bills I mean they they have made the aesthetically

Nice I think the crop farms and then I don’t know what’s below the black concrete there must be more to this island yeah there is you can see all the blocks have placed down and then they’ve got massive Farms below this is how they’re such a valuable Island anything

Below that nope we’re just gonna send straight back to the top and now for the top Island okay now there is the solo Islands these are all the teams will have done there is a solo the top solo one oh nebman is the top no way nebons

Nedman’s the top solo and that’s all awesome hey dude he makes videos he’s a YouTuber oh that’s cool um anyway the top Island for teams which is worth a lot more a billion more than his which would make sense because he’s more than one player and it’s 1.46

Billion so 1.33 1.13 this island I’m on could actually become the top Island but let’s say it’s called akasuki and it’s by Itachi Sim let’s see what they’ve got oh there’s somebody here hello one pancake oh you’re playing on Console or Bedrock that’s cool elk Grill has just

Been following me around you’ve worked out where I’ve been going haven’t you left click the sign on the chest thanks I don’t know what that means I don’t know what that means anyway so this is the shop as you can see shop there I like the lava I like this this little I

Like I think this is nice it’s aesthetically pleasing this I think the concrete on lanterns is very cool is it parkour oh it’s parkour straight away I have to do it it’s like it’s like the one rule of of of any any Island if you had parkour and I visited I’m gonna do

It okay is IT Park all that I can do where am I going um I don’t really know where I’m going did I skip out some jumps this this part is hard and rigged right really why is it because of the um the thing watch this what should we do

First time brothers and gentlemen oh hard to say okay I don’t know where you go next though where’d you go next hint use the lanterns now this part I think you go to here yeah you get on there I’ve got to jump around onto the concrete onto that bit okay where do I

Go now do I go am I at the top we started if I missed this jump nope we made it now to here to here and apparently the parkour ends up here is it just a goal to get to the chandelier I guess so oh wait are you meant to jump

On there and then bounce on that and get to the oh I see how it works now it was a massive slime jump but I didn’t even realize I think I land on that and bounce on here I don’t I think I’ll bang my head if I if I’ve jumped I’m gonna run

Hit it yes we did it Crouch walk through the lava it takes me out to oh what is this place the secret treasure at least there’s stuff to do on this stuff I like I like a bit of Parkour now let’s see what else the island has to offer okay

Well not much up here and this is what they got down below loads of farms loads of blocks placed that’ll be where all the value comes from Cool Island the parkour just made it good made it a cool Island for me that’s all they have to

Add to make me impress so next time I do one of these if you’re a top Island make something cool to do on the island like a parkour or something just something fun you know like I don’t know a puzzle now inventory episodes I decided to make

A giant mob grinder inside the giant Oak flank block this is for different tier one spawners like pigs rabbits cows and all that kind of thing I had to place a lot of blocks to set it up foreign because you have to be within 16 blocks

Per spawner for it to work and the current setup I have isn’t quite like that so I’ll worry about that later today I wanna I wanna do a brand new file but before that there’s a good upgrade I think it is not up here it is

The yeah the better farming one at the moment that we’ve got nothing but we could we could have waterless sugar cane if we upgrade it 150 000 Sky coins yeah I haven’t quite got enough for that a nice little sugarcane farm is probably worth it though so let’s go to the shop

And see where it is it is okay I’ve been farming in food and okay where is it did I just miss it okay yeah I’m blind okay yeah so it’s quite expensive for one isn’t it but okay we’ll we’ll work with that I think if I grab myself my ax and

I’ll grab I’ll grab a shovel as well I don’t really need a hole or anything else I’m gonna head over to where those trees are because we need to do some mining I’m basically gonna make sure the sugarcane is kind of in a certain chunk

But I need to chop down a bunch of these trees so that I have to space for sure game Fox I don’t really need all these old logs here so I’ll I’ll get busy breaking these that’s the area cleared and all the leaves are gone now to grab

A bit of dirt and I need some water as well where we got water okay I’ve got plenty of buckets and I can just fill them in my little infinite water source so let’s get loads and loads of them in the shop I’m going to buy some sugar

Cane buy like 16 or something nothing crazy then I’m gonna add dirt into the ground I think I’ll extend this yeah I’ll send it quite a bit further it does need to be a massive sugarcane farm it’s just gonna be yeah as long as this all

The way across to well yeah all the way up to the end and this will just be one row so then I just across you know I’ll have like water sugar cane water sugarcane like all the way as far as we need it it’s easy to open underneath so

I’m just gonna Place more dirt in this in the strips I think having the dirt in first and then I can worry about the water after it’s probably easiest but yeah I can basically just get all of these cups done I’ll do it with slabs if

I place the water on the Cobblestone I can then begin adding sugarcane I don’t need to be water sausage so I can just plant the top let’s carry those and yeah I can just basically plant this all the way along where there’s water now I need

To buy a bit more sure again if I’m going to plant loads of it so let’s let’s get plenty and plenty and then get it all planted down so that’s two strips done nicely and of course I want to add more and yeah I can kind of double it up

Here because obviously the water I need to be on one side so let’s get all of this dirt a lot okay apparently I’ve run out of dirt let’s go ahead and grab oh get a stack more that should probably keep me going and then we just continue

Doing all the dirt first is definitely the easiest and I think I’m gonna have another Gap here I want I want even more okay this should have came from I’ve never made a big one in Skyblock it’s about time I did it’s just in case of

Just mining out the slabs and just just placing dirt down this is looking pretty good obviously it still needs the water so I get placing the slabs down if I do it from underneath then I’d have to do the walls around and it’s an infinite sauce no it doesn’t technically have to

Be an infinite sauce but it does look a lot better like that doesn’t it and obviously I can expand it more once the sugar cane grows and stuff I’m not gonna buy more just wait for it to grow and I’ll keep adding more sugarcane as it

Grows but I’m not buying more so I’ll just kind of have to be patient and wait for more to grow but now it’s time for The Treehouse thing what is the Treehouse thing you may be saying well we’re going to to First buy some wood jungle wood to be precise although it’s

Pretty expensive I think I’m just gonna have to buy like a few Stacks I don’t it’s not gonna be a massive jungle tree anyway and because it’s so expensive I use Oakwood I’ll get some dark oak let’s get some fences yeah just a few different bits and with my true feather

Ability I can just mine the bottom okay well it ran out but you know what I mean it’s very very handy and some more Macho caves grown so we can just mine away at the top tier collect it all up messed up there let’s go and pick up those seven

And we can plant it all down yeah it is expanding nicely oh there’s another one’s grown there as well fantastically spending all the time obviously a bit to ghost yeah not even halfway but it’s it’s getting there so this is the spot where it can be built and basically it’s

Gonna be a giant jungle tree and I’m gonna have as like a cocoa bean bomb so let’s let’s start with the the corners a bit where I’m gonna do it so I’ll mark it out with some leaves and then I’m gonna try and build a bit of a trunk in

The middle yeah I think that’s that’s bang in the middle of the chunk sugar drunk they kind of sound the same don’t they anyway let’s get some stairs and build up a little bit more now on the outside I think maybe some leaves would be good I’ve moved away from the leaves

Idea instead of making a thicker base I was I was starting to attend like a thick trunk instead then from here we can just make it bigger on all the sides you can see I’ve got some stairs to grab as well but yeah I’m gonna bring this

All the way over probably not there because that’s the entrance way but everywhere else all the way around and then you’ll be able to go inside the train yeah I mean it’s getting to the point where it’s probably high enough I think I don’t want slabs of it

It’s I want like an inner room first that’s maybe gonna have slabs around the ladders yeah I like how this is coming along this this works I’m gonna have a bit of a boardwalk outside as well with doors so you have like a top entrance as well as the bottom entrance and this

Balcony can kind of go around the outside as well yes it’s looking good I just need to connect this up and I’m really explained but the main focus of this is it’s going to be a cocoa bean Farm but I’ve said I wanted to look cool

As well not just be functional but to be like a good looking thing there we go and I think I might extend these walls out because it’s a bit small at the top maybe like a for a bigger area I say extended hours isn’t really going to

Work so I need to be in line with the log so I’m just going to make this this higher otherwise it’s yeah it’s gonna look a bit strange and if I mine away these jungle planks which just look weird to me but yeah if I also I reckon

If I go inside the trunk underneath we’d have a little chest area in here couldn’t we let’s get those down it’ll be a nice little storage area and then crafting tables next to it yeah that works trap doors around the outside it’s just a cool little decoration I guess

It’s kind of a doorway when they’re closed but not the best one baby then I’m gonna add more slabs underneath just as like an extra support beam really I’ve changed the mind on the top again I haven’t minded it away instead make it wide if I double up the slabs if it

Doesn’t look too weird it’s kind of got a little part of shape guy do it do it but yeah you know what we’ll stick with it we’re gonna have like a bed right there couldn’t we yeah that’s gonna be good the dolls are back on things are

Looking good it’s more like a circle and I love that now I know I’ve signed that out Boardwalk I’m just gonna make it a little bit bigger because I don’t know because I’m not extending the walls I feel like these can be bigger as well and then fencing around the outside

Because well does that work you know what let’s just roll with it um yeah I mean you can fit through the Gap I’m not sure I’m just doing better you need fencing for a for a barrier there we go have I ruined it I don’t know

You know what let’s not worry about it let’s just slab up the roof come on let’s uh let’s just crack on with the most important thing of getting a roof onto this house oh I guess it’s not actually the most important thing you know the cocoa beans are probably the most important thing

But anyway as long as the roof looks good it doesn’t matter so we’ll just get rid of those underneath there and he’s looking good yeah I think I’m happy with it you’re not really going to see too much of the roof anyway but I am going to extend it more above because I’ve

Only thought like a tree’s going right through you know like it’s a proper tree house now to get some leaves down otherwise it’s just got like a random trunk and not very authentic so yeah the leaves are are pretty important to the entire thing just keep expanding these

Out there we go I think the inside could look a little bit better if I just add a few more slabs like in the corners and now the most important thing of the shop let’s get to the farming section and let’s go and get some cocoa beans

Probably a stack yeah let’s go for it let’s go platinum on the side loads of loads loads of them this should be pretty easy to harvest when the time is right which side do I want them on do on the front let’s yeah let’s do that and

Then these are like the same way and that is all of them down all the ones that I had available maybe I could make it higher I don’t know and vines vines are going to be important because otherwise it’s not going to look very jungle is it let’s get these all the way

Down and have this on all the sides that way I don’t really have to worry about the not being cocoa beans up there I’m trying to it’s probably gonna grow anyway so maybe it don’t matter but well it looks nice for now anyway and all this time the sugar Cane’s been growing

Like crazy now this is at least a perk of the job we are going to be able to finish the sugarcane farm which is fantastic in fact we’re gonna have plenty of sugarcane to spare as well I need I need more water to expand that extra dirt don’t worry about that some

Other time but yeah I am pretty happy with how this looks I think you know it’s not my most amazing build but at least it’s a farm it’s oh okay well that could be a problem with the ax but it’s functional it works it’s growing me cocoa beans nicely and it looks good

Than another stuff and you know what we can put it on the inside as well that that that’s great any extra we have let’s just get them on the inside got as many as you can

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1,000 Days in HARDCORE SKYBLOCK… [MOVIE]’, was uploaded by SB737+ on 2023-10-16 11:15:00. It has garnered 37666 views and 1320 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:56 or 7676 seconds.

►Join My Minecraft Server BE IN THE NEXT MOVIE! JAVA IP: play.penguin.gg BEDROCK IP: bedrock.penguin.gg Port: 19132

The ULTIMATE Minecraft Skyblock movie!

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►Watch me stream Minecraft LIVE – http://twitch.tv/SB737

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  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Crafty Leti: Minecraft Education Adventures

    Crafty Leti: Minecraft Education Adventures Exploring Cloudcraft in Minecraft Education In this episode, players are taken on a journey through the five scenarios of Cloudcraft, an adventure designed to provide a detailed look at data centers and everything that happens within them. Recycling The first scenario, Recycling, introduces players to the concept of sustainability within data centers. They learn about the importance of recycling electronic waste and reducing energy consumption to create a more environmentally friendly infrastructure. Security Next, players delve into the Security scenario, where they explore the various security measures implemented in data centers to protect sensitive information and prevent cyber attacks…. Read More

  • Zeddy’s Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase

    Zeddy's Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase Minecraft Mod Showcase: NiftyCarts & AstikorCarts Redux Exploring the vast world of Minecraft just got more exciting with the introduction of the NiftyCarts and AstikorCarts Redux mods. These mods bring a whole new level of functionality and creativity to the game, allowing players to enhance their gameplay experience in unique ways. Features of NiftyCarts Mod: The NiftyCarts mod introduces a variety of new carts that players can use to transport items, animals, and more. From the versatile Handcart to the sturdy Supply Cart, each cart serves a specific purpose and adds a new dimension to transportation in Minecraft. Key… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing a working Minecraft item duplication glitch with over 2.6 million downloads. While the video itself is quite intriguing, it got us thinking – why not take your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a dynamic and exciting Minecraft server like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. With a thriving community of players from all around the world, you’ll never run out of adventures to embark on… Read More

  • MineLove Rewind: Part 9 – Remember Me?

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  • Crafting a Colossal Blade: Minecraft’s Giant Sword Statue Tutorial

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  • Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance

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  • Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1

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  • EPIC Minecraft Fail on the Other Side

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  • Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed!

    Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed! In Dreamcraft #4, we finally take flight, But the topic’s gone wild, it’s out of sight! Minecraft news, with a twist of fun, Updates and changes, we’ve only just begun. Join the adventure, with Mustafa in tow, Crafting and building, with each new show. Stay tuned for more, as we soar and we dive, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come alive. Read More

  • Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥

    Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥 When you accidentally set off the wrong TNT in Minecraft and suddenly your world looks like a fireworks show gone wrong. #oops #minecraftfail 🎆🔥 Read More

  • Minecraft: Back to Basics

    Minecraft: Back to Basics Exploring the Vanilla Minecraft Experience Today, Minecraft enthusiasts are embarking on a journey back to the roots of the game – the vanilla experience in a fresh, untouched world. The decision to start anew stems from the frustration and longing for the simplicity of the game without the added complexities of mods like Vein Miner. Embracing the Pure Essence of Minecraft Returning to the vanilla version of Minecraft allows players to rediscover the core elements that make the game so captivating. Without the crutch of mods, every block mined, every structure built, and every adventure embarked upon feels more… Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!

    Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft JAVA [Fabric Edition] – New Monuments – Episode 2’, was uploaded by MoltenmapG on 2024-09-23 06:27:09. It has garnered 142 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:02 or 5642 seconds. JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/jvFK9dRZU5 Read More

  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

    Minecraft's Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks EditionVideo Information This video, titled ’35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better!’, was uploaded by Dr. Bonks on 2024-08-16 20:00:07. It has garnered 212932 views and 3122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:45 or 1365 seconds. Thank you for watching: 35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better! Make sure to like and subscribe! Resource Packs: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-banner-pattern-items/ https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/animated-ore https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/powder-snow-warnings/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/player-utilities https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/watch-of-undying https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/low-shield-pack https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/enchantment-modifiers https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/blues-better-monsters https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/torrezx-sniffer-tools https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/porkier-piglins-x-fresh-animations https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/porkier-piglins https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/fairy-allays https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-warden-6348709/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-axolotl-6349698/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-villager/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/caladbolg-cit-1-19-moltenoni-weapon-texture-pack/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/shrimps-distinct-potions https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/splendous-sniffers https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/formidable-frogs/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-3d-craft-definitive-edition/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-animals-definitive-edition/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/shulker-gift-boxes-2/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/hexabiome-premium-1-16-1-21/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/notlives-s-customizable-statues-1-16/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/enhanced-boss-bars https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/arachnophobia https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/the-great-shrimpsby https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/erstwhile-cit/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/boo-phantom/ https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/bontiful-crops https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/animated-items https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/agamyst-re https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/platypus-optifine-h5-pre4/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/bees-reimagined https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/beebav-dragon/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/beebav-optifine/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/fake-portal-1-16-1-20-2/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/reverse-world-1-16-1-20-2/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/cat-creepers https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/pets-5644493/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/understandable-potions/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/ghosts https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/angry-dragons… Read More

  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : https://www.instagram.com/gmk_gamer_yt/ ✔Join My discord : https://discord.gg/CVTvac7 gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft https://youtu.be/nbIjkzikVvM?si=J-mnwXha-Lm93M6P https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/smart-zombie-ai/ _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/@notvixios The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. https://discord.gg/cm2ZkkPS kick.com/joshbad twitch.tv/JoshxBad Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q?sub_confirmation=1 ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q/videos ■Twitter https://twitter.com/save93046076 ■instagram https://www.instagram.com/seven85654 #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. play.hypenosnetwork.com Read More