Ultimate Survival Saga: Bedrock Edition with Bearded Sloth LIVE

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Hello hello hello how is everybody today yes back with BS Adventures I’m already in the world let me make sure everything set up here let’s make the stream public of course because we don’t want to private we want you all to see it I just got to figure out how to do

It dud there we go done save welcome welcome welcome I already got the server started just loaded into the world we’ll get right to it looks like it is daytime in there should be good to go hopefully you guys are all doing well today uh I think let’s see here okay my

Controller is not controlling oh no oh no what’s going on here oh no that’s not going to work for me am I going to have to do this old school oh my goodness I’m Mouse and keyboarding it can you believe it can you believe it I am using a mouse

And keyboard let’s go before it gets dark I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared we were working on the house I’m hoping to get some of that done too oh we’re going to get right into the adventures oh my goodness look at all that bamboo holy moly that’s

Huge all right we’re working on the house we need more Cobble isn’t it that’s what we’re needing that way we can do the roof I think ah man I can’t believe we’re already middle this of December crazy we got Christmas stuff going on I was able to get going on this for Saturday

Instead of Sunday Sunday is going to be packed for us we’re doing Church things and ah just craziness is your guys’s Christmas is crazy as mine ours gets super crazy and now that we’re helping out with church that makes it even crazier all right I think what

We’re going to do we’re just going to go down to the mine let me see what kind of okay we don’t have a pickaxe on us but we have everything we need to make one oh we do have some Cobble on us okay so we’re good we’ll go

Ahead and do what we got to do here I think we need more stairs and probably some blocks and see where we’re at let me just see if we don’t have any stairs made let’s go ahead and make a stack of stairs I think all right we

Are just make a stack of them there we go all right no I don’t know how to do this on keyboard I don’t know how to get all of them I honestly don’t know that’s going to take forever that is going to take a while I

Know there’s got to be a key to do this right do we do we right click no shift click shift click there you go obviously I don’t do this on mouse and keyboard very often but I don’t know what’s up with my controller I know I think I do know I

Think I do know I think I know why uh I updated uh DS4 thank you little C for shift click I got it I’m figuring it out I do need some food do do I oh I only got a little bit of cod left oh man there we go okay so we have

Stairs got that yeah I was using DS4 that’s how I Ed my nice PlayStation 4 controller on my laptop here on my Windows laptop all right this is going to be interesting with me on mouse and keyboard but I think we can make it happen I think we’ll be okay basically I

Think I closed out when I updated it I think I closed out I wonder if you just let me just just practice here yep you double click takes it down to the hot bar okay that’s what I thought um what is pick block is that it I think that’s

It okay and then yep that’s pick block okay so then and then you got to hold shift to crouch oh you can’t just hit it though I don’t like that that you can’t just toggle crouch on and off like you do on the controller maybe there’s a way I I don’t

Know I don’t know all right well let’s do that and then we’ll just try to be careful I guess we’ll just be careful that’s all we can do we’re just going to finish up the roof I guess man I’m moving slow like this I am way more efficient I know most people are

More efficient with uh more efficient with mouse and keyboard but I definitely am not not that I’m not efficient with a controller let’s get real I am a sloth so there is that little C says toggle sneak plus toggle Sprint is only on Java yeah okay

All right and there we go look we we created a whole thing right there mouse and keyboard can you believe it I can’t believe it this is crazy bearded sloth’s Adventures are getting crazy I really want to figure that out let me just uh

Let me pause the screen and see if I can get the controller just because I think it’ll be more enjoyable because I’ll be more comfortable with that and we’ll go from there okay thanks for that thanks for the lur let me just see if I can figure out on my windows setting

Here let me see if I can figure out what we need should start it up hopefully it’ll just automatically connect we’ll see if you can see on the controller here you can see that light it should turn red when it’s ready to go let’s see hey

Hey I think it’s it is going to work oh my goodness there we go I think I should have control I do need to click on this screen what did I just do oh no oh no oh no well that’s not what I meant to do

Um I clicked the wrong thing I exited that’s okay okay we’ll get right back into it I one moment technical difficulties technical difficulties all right I am on my pretty face so you guys don’t have to see all the servers I’m a part of and everything just move that a

Bit that was a Fail all right oh there we go got controller back yes okay is this what yeah I guess that matches okay and then I got my pick block look at this look at this though okay so you see my guy look I can stay crouched and I’m not holding anything

That’s the way it should be what are you doing mouse and keyboard players what are you doing all right enough of that enough of that look at me go I’m just being oh oh I talked too soon I’m like look at me go I’m being all efficient but then there’s

That oh man we’ve been gearing up for Jericho SMP ah craziness going on there we’re getting ready for SE the end of season 4 a but it’s fun a lot of people play at the very end we do stuff for Christmas do events do all kinds of stuff I think

One of our players uh I think he’s going to set up so there’s like a server wide Community Ancient City Raid oh I’m scared for that that sounds crazy but we’re gearing up for season five the applications aren’t quite open yet for the public right now you have to

Be an active member of season 4 of Jericho to apply but I think here in the next day or two we’re going to open that up for everybody that’s on the Jericho Discord which you can find on our website the blockparty mc.com if nothing else go join the BL party’s

Regular Discord not for the server and stuff uh that’s definitely the place to be Aller podcast everything like that just in case you didn’t know I am bearded sloth can you tell can you tell from the beard just saying just saying it should be obvious that I in bearded sloth a lot

Of people call me BS that’s okay too I’m used to being called BS and that does mean bearded sloth for youall that does mean bearded sloth all right are you guys taking bets on if I’m going to have enough blocks to finish this off I have a feeling I am

Not I have a good feeling we’re not going to be able to finish this off without getting more maybe we’ll just start fishing or something instead I mean this is two streams what that’s uh oh uh oh uh oh did we find another we did find another

Mistake this one I think I can fix this one easy let’s see okay so this is all even that’s even run we need another block of this and then we need this stair I think I think that one we might have fixed does that look right I think

That all looks right okay I think we fixed that we’re good there okay I thought we were going to have another stream with it all messed up again that would not be good I do have my coffee of course all I care about is Minecraft and maybe

Like two people just saying maybe key word there is maybe by the way got to eat my coffee got to eat my coffee all right we only got one section done let’s let’s try to knock this out all right knock it out see what we can

Do here look at look at us go I think it is going to get dark on us oh man oh man I feel it getting dark I feel it getting dark oh no we’re going to have the googli we are going got to stop doing that that’s not going to help with

Our time either I’m scared I’m there’s that bug too oh man that it’s definitely falling through there okay okay is there now we’ll we’ll go here all right let’s see here oh man it’s dark out we do have this section lit up pretty well though I mean we

Might have some drowns come up you know the one thing though we definitely don’t want anything getting to our villagers over there you see them over there yeah we definitely don’t want them but I think we’re going to hang out here at least till we run out of

Blocks that would be my guess here let’s just go ahead and you know what let’s go ahead and do it this way let’s go just like this get a whole row done basically like that and then we can just go up one at a time yeah there we go that that works

Pretty good and I am crouching which I don’t I would think that if you’re playing on keyboard I would think that that’ be kind of annoying wouldn’t it to have to hold shift all the time and there we go we’re out of blocks all right we’re out of Cobble we

Don’t need that much more so I think we’ll probably be okay let’s go ahead and get this look at all the turtles I love the turtles loving the turtles absolutely man what else are we going to do on here all right well let’s go get some more

Cobble we should be able to knock this out right and let’s make sure we don’t have any just hiding in here cuz right no I didn’t mean to make you okay we don’t all right we’ll get down there real quick oh look at our all our crops we probably should be taking

Care of those that’s for sure cuz we’re going to need more wheat we’re going to get the Sheep going got it man we’ve got a lot to do oh you remember I remember now we have this extra section just to get the Cobble so we don’t have to go all the

Way down and we can just start digging to the side basically which we’ll just do right here no reason to go too far oh well that didn’t work don’t want the dirt I mean we can just dig out a whole section right here all we want is the

Cobble really doesn’t have to be in a row we just make a whole section the only thing is then you got to light it up but that’s enough light for right there we’ll just go this way then yeah this is working out I like this this works out pretty well I do

Think I noticed that like my lips aren’t exactly with the video I think I might have a setting on this this board over here that I have might be able to fix that a little bit I might look into that I if you notice too

I made the title a little bit fancier in the description and doing all that stuff so all right let’s see what we got hopefully little C’s paying attention enough to go tell everybody that I’m live oh man we got like a little room now I don’t know do you think that’s not

Let’s go ahead and get a stack of these and then I think that’ll be enough if we just get a stack of this I think we’ll be good did you guys hear that zombie I hear that zombie oh oh no oh wouldn’t that be crazy like we run into a zombie spawner or

Something be kind of scared though of that oh well and we got over a stack so we’re good all right let’s get up here hopefully it’s not I mean it shouldn’t be dark already right yeah it’s just probably a cave or something down there who knows who Knows all right I want to get that at least the side of the roof done or the you know that one section we’ll work on the sides here later work on that later are we out of food we are better grab some of that while we’re here better grab some of

That while we’re here what do we have already cooked we don’t have a lot cooked do we we have cooked chicken well let’s go throw some more chicken on there we cook that up real quick so we can get this done all right let’s see we’re come on

Chicken I love me some fried chicken got to give me some fried chicken so tasty I really like Chick-fil-A chicken that stuff is good you can’t beat it really I mean I like Popeyes and Churches Chicken and all those too KFC is okay that’s okay I don’t know I I don’t think it’s

Anywhere near uh no well this is a problem okay well no can’t do that but we should be able to do this look at that hey that worked that work we’re going to have to go clean up all our ladders everywhere we’re going to have ladders everywhere I mean we could get away

Without using these bottom blocks there but it just makes it easy to place these oh no that’s not what I meant to do yeah I don’t know what to do with the sides there we got to figure those the sides of the house there and then we’re

Probably going to do some fancy stuff but I’m hoping to do something a little bit different I just wanted to get this this part done that way we can be done with it and then maybe next time we can just focus on something else make sure

You guys let me know in the comments and whatnot what you guys want to see what do you want to see me do obviously I’m not gonna go fight the dragon right now that’s not happening but you guys like watching me mine and just talk or I I

Think we should go fishing that’s what I’m thinking we definitely should do some fishing oh look at this we’re going to get it done yay all right well let’s grab that ladder on our way down so we don’t forget about it grab that knock this section

Down oh you know what we don’t have a pickaxe oh yeah we don’t have a pickaxe that’s okay we can go make one real quick that doesn’t take long just make a real quick Stone one doesn’t need to what what what what what what’s Happening Here we have that we have that where’s

All our now it’s showing us everything I just want to see what we can make there we go just make a stone pickaxe real quick just for this knock this down we should be able to reach it all clean up the any ladders we have around the outside cuz we want to tidy

Up our mess I mean I know we’re not anywhere near getting the house done but might as well tidy it up while we’re here yeah Mom I’ll clean up my room yeah it’s something just like that isn’t it crazy crazy crazy it’s looking good though I love

These porches too and we’ll have to cover those up and make the roof kind of extend out and we’ll do all kinds of fancy stuff but I’m liking the house I know some of you really really really don’t like the ACAA planks I think they look pretty good I kind of like

Them but each their own I guess everybody has their concept of what they like and dislike I suppose all right look at that oh yeah nice all right what are we going to do let’s get rid of some of these junk blocks I think we’re going to work on

Some farming here for a little while get rid of all this stuff here going to focus on the farm man get all those kind of blocks oh look at all that Granite we got and the wood can go over here oh yeah this kind of stuff in

There go ahead and throw the string in there the bone yeah that can go in there the wood should go in there but look we’re kind of filled up aren’t we yeah we’re all filled up there I mean we have all that stuff there H I guess we’ll just put the extra wood

Over here we’re going to have to make another chest apparently we did get this bow we have a few a few arrows there oh let’s see how it’s going all right we have our ho on us so we can do that let’s go farming should we let’s start

Start with the wheat cuz we definitely need quite a bit of that especially if we want to get the animals and whatnot okay we need the seeds though Isn’t that cool when you pick block that then it gives you the seeds if you pick blocks of wheat that works out pretty

Well all right and we’re just going to use this you know all this area already around here eventually we’ll try to make fancy little areas just for farming kind of thing but you can go like four blocks back of the water and it gets saturated

See how it turned dark like that it gets saturated like that and then you can plant so you might as well use up all this area I mean we don’t have that many seeds obviously but that way it’s ready to go I mean I’m sure mobs and stuff will

Probably jump on there and ruin some of that but but that works and then we’ll have more of that growing got plenty of carrots here these are good I mean you can breed some animals like Piggies and stuff with these but really good to throw at the villagers when they’re

Hungry then that makes them all happy and then you can get more villagers oh it’s getting dark again it’s getting dark oh no let’s run oh I didn’t mean to take a swim now my socks are all wet my socks are all wet all right everything’s looking good on this end

Yay getting our farming done we do have enough wheat like I think we probably have enough wood we can make a section okay so you don’t want to jump right down onto your crops because it will break it just in case you didn’t know that oh that wasn’t fully done see

How they’re up more that’s really the ones you want to harvest you want to wait till they’re all the way grown like that oh man we’re going to have carrots for days which is nice cuz you can eat those too they’re not the greatest now if you throw gold

Around them those are the best but I mean it’s a cheap easy food to get right super easy might as well use it up oh that’s something that reminded me that floating carrot there so holy Bookworm and I you guys know holy bookworm on the noob Corner

Yeah well she was playing on jerk SMP I think yesterday actually and there was an LA I think somebody else captured or whatever like near our base over by her house and stuff and she was harvesting carrots just like this and she used the LA to help Harvest

Everything that way she didn’t miss anything and it just brought the LA brought all the carrots right to her I haven’t messed with the Allies you guys like that that I mean it’s a pretty cool it’s a pretty cool thing so all right hopefully we’re still live

I’m trying to see it looks a little odd on the on the YouTube side of things but I think we’re good I think we’re still live says excellent con connection so I think we’re good there I’m just going to keep these guys happy I know we don’t

Have enough beds or anything for them yet cuz basically you get one oh look we got the adults they’re all adults now so see they’ll pick them up like right away oh man they just like go straight in there don’t they Oh They’ll be happy happy happy there we go keeping on keeping

Our our gests yeah we’ll call them gests all happy and they’re not prisoners at all no yeah he said that too you hear him he just I don’t think they’re very happy with me so I think we’ll keep the carrots in here especially since we’re running out

Of room okay we only got six of the wheat you know what let’s go ahead and make fences we’ll just make quick fences out of Oak right now so let’s see here need need that got fences we need more oh yeah we need more sticks of course we’ll get like a gate for

Now definitely need more Fences that’ be five five and five yeah that that should be enough to get us started here we’re going to make a pen that way we can start getting even if we keep all our animals together like the sheep and the cows they’ll be fine we definitely got to get that going

What do you think right right here I mean this is a fairly clear area right oh yeah yeah look at this this is this is perfect right here so we’ll go one two three four five actually actually go six two three ah man perfect nice nice big area

And we can just trap a bunch of animals in here that’s basically what I’m going to do so we can get them trapped in there we’ll go ahead and put our door right or not our door Come on B it’s not a door it’s a fence gate don’t you

Know yeah yeah yeah I got it put those there then of course we need one on each corner here it’s kind of nice it raises rais it dead English is hard I’m only a podcaster it raises the light up that way very nice very nice yeah so we got a

Nice section there we probably should have put the gate on this side though uh this guy exists welcome to the live stream welcome to the chat says love your vids I love my videos too but thank you I’m glad you do enjoy them I I am just me so just playing along here

Glad you can join us live today we’re working on getting some animals I really don’t want the pigs necessarily I’m really looking for sheep right now that’s my main thing I mean chickens are cool we can get a chicken thing going get a hopper get the eggs uh this guy exist says you’re

Underrated well I mean we do the podcast and we do all right there that’s our main goal but yeah I’ve learned a lot too uh little see the other host on the podcast he’s done live streaming for a long time his his channel does pretty well too but

I’m hoping he does a little bit more on this channel what do you what do you like about the channel so far these videos do you like our shorts little bit all of it I’m part of I love to hear what you guys like if you guys seen a sheep yet I have

Not seen a sheep I really don’t want to have to go this far well we have all these uh that’s something too we got to keep them safe from the Wolves don’t we that’s going to be a problem might have to double them up you like the memes and the lives yeah

Yeah the memes were fun weren’t they we but it just kind of got a little repetitive you know I mean it is fun but we have hundreds of those on there they’re a lot of fun they were fun to do and that’s where a lot of our

Subscribers found us and stuff so thank you for that I enjoy doing these lives quite a bit they’re fine I’m just going to keep kind of going back and forth the way Bedrock Edition works with spawning is kind of weird so stuff can just pop up but you

Get far enough away it despawns and then when you come back stuff will spawn just kind of goes back and forth we’re going to have trouble getting getting that going I think let’s go ahead and get our food down here we’re running around like crazy running around like

Crazy I feel like the game if you’re holding wheat like this holding the weed out the game knows you’re searching for something and then it doesn’t let it spawn I just I doubt that’s true but it kind of feels that way sometimes it’s like the game’s trolling me or

Something oh that that was a weird lag thing that was a weird one it’s raining on us so I got to ask there this guy exists I got to know Have you listened to the podcast that’s really where it’s at or even I mean we have it on YouTube now but it

Might be easier on Spotify or something like that too to listen but that’s kind of where this channel came from and now though it is cool CU we do have the all the podcasts on on our YouTube channel too so that’s nice nice here we go got our first cow look

At us go all right dog you’re going to get in the way of my sheep this is going to be I feel like we should eliminate these wolves but I feel bad for them because I like wolves oh man this is going to be very difficult to get the Sheep we

Need yeah you didn’t have time to listen to the podcast yeah you’re still in school yeah no I I understand I get it but if you get a chance you know they’re they’re pretty cool even if you’re listening to them in the background or something doing something

Else maybe you’re doing yard work or chores or something like that throw earbuds in listen to Little cni just Ramble On then of course we’ve got the newb corner with holy Bookworm but Ah that’s cool Australia all the way from Australia I don’t know how you guys walk upside down all the

Time that’s just a joke I I know I’m a typical American things we walk upside down silliness uh oh it’s getting dark H west of Australia okay is that I don’t know my Australian geography but is that the hot area with all the desert stuff or I always kind of get confused Western

Australia so we get all these piggies no sheep now we’re not going to get sheep over here probably on this side we don’t have enough grass I mean there’s a chance right over there where the trees are all right there and the rain went away beautiful beautiful beautiful good

Stuff all right still on our Quest still on our quest for sheep of course I mean we’ll take another cow too maybe we should go ahead and get the pigs just so we have them I mean we could it’s a decent way to get pork chps and get food

That way I suppose but I just assume just use the cows right you get the cooked beef and everything from them that’s the way to do it I but that’s just my opinion and these foxes too man make it hard for the kind of surprised the fox isn’t going after the

Chicken let’s go ahead and grab these oh we don’t have the seeds on us we planted all the seeds all right well not going to worry about the chicken then hey there’s a sheep I don’t care what color it is come on buddy come on

Hey we got two of them there there we go there we go hopefully we can make it back safe I have a feeling these wolves are going to get in the way but we’re going to give it a try here give it a whirl all right H it’s lagging that the stream

Yeah probably that might be on your end it’s got to get clear around the world it’s got to get clear around I mean you can go back and watch this later too if it’s too bad I appreciate you being here live though I love it when we’ve got

Live viewers I’m so used to calling everybody listeners because we do the podcast but technically you’re a viewer all right come on buddy everybody all right you you both can’t come in at the same time I’m just saying you both can’t really guys come on there we go all

Right now come on there we go hey we got them in there we got them in there look at us go all right I do feel like we need to change this out for sand but then they won’t grow their how are we going to do this and keep the the wolves

From spawning that’s really I mean if they spawn in there that’s no more sheep I don’t like that idea but just deal with it let’s go ahead and get another sheep we probably should grab bone and make them white though make that other one white that way we just consistent with

Our beds over there I guess it doesn’t really matter but we can always make it brown again yeah no it’s cool I appreciate you being here live that’s awesome ah lag’s a real deal isn’t it definitely a real deal all right so let’s make the bone meal there’ll make it

White see how our Wheats doing over here got our nice little bridge going all right buddy you’re no longer Brown you’re going to be all white sheep maybe is it going to let me oh you know what I guess you got to make it into the diee used to just be

Able to use the yeah that’s what it was you used to just be able to use the bone meal but now you have to make it die to make them like that oh well shows my age how long I’ve been playing think I’ve been playing since 2014 it’s a long

Time and I’m still this bad all right should we go ahead let’s try to go ahead and get another cow because we’re going to need the leather for books for enchanting table enchant enchanting table enchantment table I think I did a meme like that ah this guy when did I start

Playing yeah 2 14 on PlayStation 3 we talk about that quite a bit on the podcast um you’ve been playing since 2017 so you’ve been playing a while don’t have that I’m sure you’re probably better at it than I am yep PS4 H now look at all the Sheep

See I know the game just trolls us that’s what the game does it does it all the time all right we’re just eliminating you right here and we’re eliminating you we probably ought to make some shears for a sheep back at the thing that’ be smart I was kind of looking for

Another cow kind of what I’m looking for that’s something too when you take care of the other animals that you’re not looking for then it has a higher chance of the animals you’re looking for to actually spawn so that’s kind of been my goal there just definitely don’t want a wolf to

Spawn in the pen now if you get enough animals in there nothing will spawn inside that’s my understanding of course that’s not 100% but that’s crazy we got all these brown mushrooms under here just kind of exploring around all right well that got us started there let’s grab some shears get the beds

Going for the villagers cuz my goal is to get up to I want to get 20 of them and then we start with an iron farm cuz God to eat iron love my iron for The Hoppers and everything yeah oh we actually could have just made the shears right there

You don’t even need a crafting what are you doing bearded sloth craziness all right let’s grab some more see how many we can get can we just make carpet we can and I’ll show you why we’re going to do that I think this still works pretty sure it still works so

We’re just going to go just like this then we can get in and out and the Animals Camp that’s the way to do that let’s see if we can go ahead and breed up again we can and make another baby that way we will have even more when we come

Back see how much so we can make two beds so far I need one more come on guys and eventually I’ll get to the nether get some nether quartz we’ll actually automate that I have a video I think on that I I think that’s on the block party channel

One of the tutorials on that it might be on my personal can’t remember but I was pretty sure I put one of those probably an older video though kind of hard to find I could get to the nether I could um I mean we could do that I I

Definitely not going to do it on this live stream I don’t have a lot of time it is like 6:40 p.m. here for us so it’s about dinner time and I think we’re doing Pizza I definitely like some pizza so well let’s go ahead and well first let’s get our hunger bars

Up there we go it’s 7:41 is that amm or p.m for you because I honestly don’t know for you guys oh let’s see here that’s 7:41 a.m. and it’s probably Sunday for you is it Sunday for you 7:41 a.m. and it’s Saturday night here or is that is it

Sunday yep okay so yeah you guys are like a day ahead crazy nice well then good morning to you it’s breakfast time for you then you guys have Donuts like what we call Donuts that’s a weird thing all around the world Everybody Eats different things and it’s really cool to

Understand like what everybody’s doing it’s not quite nighttime yet but just hang out here what were we doing we made an extra bed right that’s what we did do this go throw the bed over by the villagers we probably should cover them up because if lightning hits here that’s

Not going to go well that’s not going to go well at all think they’ll turn into witches so let’s see see if they get all fancified here all right I I I mean you guys have another bed guys it might take it a minute here they want more food they probably want more

Food CU eat all my food well let’s get did we have extra carrots I think we did I’ve been addicted to Donuts later lately so we have States here CU like we’re a big country too I I don’t know you guys have provinces or whatever you

Call them but anyways we have a lot of States here and there’s one state I travel to I drive semitruck and it’s Wisconsin they have a certain type of uh like truck stop basically and oh their donuts there are so so good I’m so addicted to them and I really shouldn’t

Eat them cuz eating sugar and stuff that’s I stopped eating sugar and that’s how I lost like tons of weight I don’t know how many it’d be in your kilograms or whatever but in pounds I lost like 80 lbs at one point oh we oh they did make another one

Okay so we have four and four beds that’s how that works with villagers just in case you all didn’t know so cool that works we’re going to keep the Sheep going I want to make sure we’re not too far away I click on the bed just to make

Sure I’d hate to die and then us end up clear back at spawn or something that definitely would not be good you’d think I’d remember which one I put all these in but of course not all right let’s grab four of these go put them on the fire cook them

Up in the meantime we’ll chop this down oh that’s so satisfying that sound just click click click click this is where an LA would definitely come in handy wouldn’t it yeah do axes axes don’t really work I think you can do just as well is it just as well with your hand

No looks like the axe actually is quicker okay changing your name yeah that’s fun so are you uh on our Discord at all or are you a part of Discord that’s definitely where we have the most interaction with our listeners and viewers and stuff you can get your

Comments and questions in for the show and all that that’s definitely the place to be you can find it all on uh the blockparty mc.com that’s where our website and stuff is I don’t know how old you are you do have to be 13 to be on Discord yep so all right I

Understand um we do have ways if you do start listening to the podcast or anything there are other ways you can um email us we do have a contact form on that website I just said and you can get your questions and stuff in that way or comments for the show I’m

Appreciate all that all right let okay so when they’re This Tall or they’re too high like that it just reminds me of like giant broccoli or something that’s all I think about with that but all right let’s go ahead and knock wait do these work fast no

I know they gave a whole bunch more uses to the the garden hose here but I’m just I know a lot of Minecraft from back in the day more than any oh there’s a kitty cat so that’s cool I don’t think we have any raw

Fish yeah we did get all four look at all that bamboo we got holy moly just wait till we automate that oh my goodness we’re going to have bamboo yep too young yeah so I mean if you got access to email or anything like that it’s uh contact atthe

Blockparty mc.com that’s one way you can just find the form too on our website uh the blockparty mc.com we love to hear from you we we love to hear from the younger listeners that’s why we have those other ways too because I understand not everybody can get

Discord so it’s cool if you can but yeah there you go so if you want to be a part of the show you know get your comments in and stuff that that’d be awesome I’d love to hear from you make sure you let us know um you know who you are and stuff

I’ll remember you from on here yeah lagging again yeah that’s pretty typical we are gonna go just like this wait can you go that didn’t work that’s not what I wanted to do that’s what I want to do pushing the right button it helps if y’all push the right buttons yeah yeah

Yeah yeah it probably is lagging a bit sorry about that we do have starlink internet so it kind of comes and goes a bit that is just part of living out here in the country not in a city so it usually does pretty good I don’t I don’t know what’s going on but

They could be getting around the world all that too Grand Turismo 7 a back in the day Gran Turismo I started playing that on PlayStation one way back in the day all right we got two more pieces of wheat here so look at our sheep go we’re

Going to have tons of sheep that’s awesome oh yeah they have tons of them kind of surprised they’re not growing growing back too much though right I just heard one eat was it the big one no probably one of the little ones all right but we should be able to

Make another bed get another villager going yep Sport and seven yeah we had I think sport that’s one had on VR and everything and did that that was definitely fun so it’s weird to hear the cats he was that’s who I was hearing too was that guy the parrot got another kitty

Cat I thought they had to have I thought they had to have five but apparently they only have to have four to get the cats maybe I I don’t know but obviously we had four there let’s see do they have enough food on them I have to wait and see you can give

Them bread too that’s another way or potatoes I think So we got it it definitely if you listened to our podcast in the past I don’t know five or so we got a new kitty cat in real life and it’s absolutely adorable it’s a little black cat call it uh onx like a black onx stone

That one guy he’s just stealing all of them isn’t he all right they have five beds so we should get another one here pretty soon I know they have like a timer where they don’t make another one very quickly but yeah this cat I mean it was out by

Our barn and everything and and just sitting there and the cutest thing a little tiny thing all right I want to make hey I see hearts I see hearts oh man that’s a good sign that oh give them some yep there we go nice already up to

Five look how quick that’s going and then we’ll make I’ll show you what we’ll do to get them all probably just make a farm right here a iron farm a lot of times I’ll make them underground the only thing though is you don’t get the cats if you cover

No excuse me if you cover them basically so but they still work and you don’t have to worry about the cat spawning I found that out actually on this season of Jericho SMP uh having it covered kept them from spawning which I wouldn’t have thought but it absolutely works that way

As soon as you uncovered it then they’d start spawning I’m just trying to get some seeds here that way we get as much wheat as possible that way we can feed our sheep over there get as much get as many beds as we can get those going that’s really what we’re looking

For H I was hoping they’d grow back by now definitely want to get some more wool all right just go sh go out here and see if we can find some natural ones I suppose we’ve got the shears on us so I know we found those other ones last

Time and the game already knows we have them so it’s not going to try to troll us or anything shout out to the kids at church that I know that watch my live stream thanks for watching guys come say hi come tell me that you heard me say this the code word is

Cookies you can tell me that you saw this and then if you come up to me and just say cookies then I’ll know that you saw this stream we teach the in Sunday school we teach some of the kiddos they like my streams apparently cookies yeah that’s for the kids in real

Life that I know and I suppose the adults too right I I’m not going to have cookies to give you or anything but it’s just what I was thinking about I think about cookies a lot I like cookies which I think in the UK I think

They call cookies what we call cookies I think they call them biscuits or something can you guys do that in Australia I don’t know what the difference is but I’m thinking of like chocolate chip cookies like what it’s in Minecraft I got a few more I think this one’s

Done keep up on it and you can get stuff pretty quickly usually grows fairly quick anyways this wheat’s taking a while definitely got to get a lot more of that planted up all right well it is dinner time for us I think I’m going to call it quits

Check up on these guys real quick all good got two more babies there got our house roof done that’s on this side there we still got to figure out what we’re going to do with the sides and everything don’t want to leave it open like that need to cover our porches and

Things like that that’ll be on a future show all right and it’s been nice talking to you nice talking to you in the live chat this guy exists from Australia apparently so make sure you say hi to us any way you can either email or whatever listen to our podcast

The blockparty mc.com I should be on uh probably maybe about this time next week or the day after whatever now is about the same time that’s usually when I do it so it’s one or the other so we’ll get in our safe spot here all right got that done let’s quit this

And appreciate you all for joining the blockparty mc.com Bye

This video, titled ‘BS Adventures: Let’s Play Minecraft Bedrock Edition with Bearded Sloth – Survival Saga LIVE! 🌍🔨’, was uploaded by The Block Party on 2023-12-10 00:05:07. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:10 or 3790 seconds.

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Our website: https://www.theblockpartymc.com Our Discord: https://discord.gg/3SJmtWSG8U

Welcome to Bearded Sloth’s Livestream Adventures in the vast and immersive world of Minecraft Bedrock Edition! Join our bearded friend as he embarks on an epic journey through a full vanilla survival world, navigating the pixelated landscapes, conquering challenges, and building a thriving virtual haven from scratch.

In this captivating livestream series exclusively on YouTube, Bearded Sloth brings his unique blend of humor, creativity, and gaming prowess to the Minecraft realm. From mining deep within the earth to soaring high above the clouds, witness the Bearded Sloth’s strategic gameplay and survival instincts at their finest.

Immerse yourself in the beauty of Minecraft’s Bedrock Edition as our intrepid adventurer explores the diverse biomes, encounters intriguing creatures, and crafts ingenious contraptions. Whether he’s delving into treacherous caves or constructing majestic structures, every moment is a thrilling chapter in the Bearded Sloth’s Livestream Adventures.

But it’s not just about gameplay—join the lively chat and become a part of the Bearded Sloth community. Engage with fellow viewers, share tips and tricks, and witness the laughter and camaraderie that make each livestream a memorable experience.

So, grab your virtual pickaxe and prepare for an unforgettable journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft Bedrock Edition with Bearded Sloth. Subscribe, tune in, and let the adventure begin!

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  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

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  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

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  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

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  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

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  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/YEjhUNsmgt Ominous Bottle Farm https://youtu.be/4SdUmKQqC-o?si=1NEaVx9lmVegUQi7 Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More

  • BumbleMC

    BumbleMCBumbleMC is a unique Lifesteal server connected to minehut. We have a balanced economy, friendly community, and much much more. Come join now! play.virex.fun Read More


    ISO SMP ISO SMP is a brand new SMP launched on September 10, 2024. Join our community of active players! Features: 18+ community Chest locking plugin with signs Invisible item frames by shift-right clicking Player and mob heads Death chest Vein-miner /tpa command /home command Shops with custom economy Anti-xray protection Server online 24/7 No creeper block damage No enderman picking up blocks Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/W8kAVQJECz Read More