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I found new closed tunnels in Minecraft hey guys I’m zomac today we’re going to take a look at new closed tunnels yeah let’s take a look look at the characters involved ladybug she seems to be in shock Something’s Happened to her we’ve got to help next up we’ve got Luna the animatronic that’s Mr Beast I think you all know him the racer from the Puppy Patrol and the Cutie Pie that’s white cloud let’s get started I say we go to uh who do we go to uh let’s probably go to the hound and see what he’s got by the way we’re going to see all the characters and here we go let’s go faster into the green tunnel let’s go oh look it’s boxy Bo flying oh giku hide faster giku run away we have to beat him right come on let’s go fight him we’ve got to take him down sure racer let’s go we have to beat that fire boxer he threw a rock at me once what are you throwing at him for come on racer let’s go we have to get there somehow I’ll break this thing it’s in your way let’s go let’s go careful we have to get there racer let’s go okay guys how do we beat him he’s too strong and he flies now that’s a strong monster boxy ah racer it’s on fire watch out be careful come on let me clear a path for you we have to go through carefully and defeat this giant evil boss all right come on let’s go let’s break it let’s clear it racer follow me oh he’s trying to fight him and he’s stuck on a stick but I’ll get it that’s how you do it yay we beat him yay race car driver huh all right we beat him we did it we did it with you guys great job all right racer I’m moving on I’ve got a new challenge ahead of me I’ve got to get to that portal come on say hello to the others and we’re off ay zom back help look they even took over the house this lunk XI what is it really lunti XI inside it’s a snow house we have a snow igloo here look Mr biste there’s also Vlad A4 and I think Glenn was there too yeah wow they built a snow house and this Lon tixi has taken over everything we have to break it sorry guys I’ll break this house we’ll take this tinai and now we’ll throw dynamites look bang and he’ll just break everything and we’ll get through to the lantic and beat him that’s what you think I won’t get you no you can’t beat me yeah sure you’re going to have to break a little wall here but it’ll be fixed later and I’ve got to beat this lunik on the G Monster yay we beat him oh there was a staircase with a way up wow that’s handy all right Mr beats Vlad you can fix your house I’ve defeated this lunti he’s not coming back I’m going to keep going I’m sure there’ll be some exciting New Challenges is waiting for me let’s go I was right someone’s trapped in here guys look it’s the mimic cloud look she’s trapped in here we’ve got to find a way to save her but there’s Fireballs rolling around in saws so we’ve got to get through carefully okay hurry up ah fire on me well the door is gold it can’t be broken or open like that cloudy I’m going to save you okay okay I got to get out of here and figure out how to open this door hm yeah I shouldn’t have left those dynamites I could have just broken it down with dynamite the chest there’s a chest up there guys do you see it let’s go and have a look oh there’s something in here too a lever oh great that’s what I need we can use this lever to try and open this door okay let’s put it right here it’s not working I wasted this lever let’s see what’s in that chest maybe there’s something useful in there okay let’s go upstairs oh there’s another lever here and this might help me now we have to keep our ey eyes peeled for more leverage I can put it right here the door’s open let’s save our White Cloud come with me let’s get out of here before there’s a light let’s run away carefully guys let’s get over there to the portal and take this point yes hi thank you so much for your help of course you’re welcome I’m always happy to help all right run quickly into the portal with me and we’ll be on our way who is that a braer in there oh super cat great yeah that’s great Zam back oh get in the boat quick a worm has kidnapped lady bug can you believe it we have to rescue her get on the boat now yeah sure sure I’ll save her now super cat summon her to the clutches of an angry revolver okay let’s go oh we’ve got Sky Betty heads here too look how big they are what am I going to use next on my Paws I need a boat too okay a boat for me let’s get on let’s go there’s lady Buck I think she’s trapped yeah I think she’s sitting over there we got to get to her fast there’s a paradise toilet and it’s so scary let’s try to beat it somehow she’s got a jack scab’s not a monster we’ve got to take our boat with us I’ll give you a sword it breaks pretty fast let’s swim over here there’s another one scab is not a monster look it’s a washing machine you’re stuck with a washing machine there you go there you go and a couple more Strokes all right you bogeyman I’ve come to fight you you kidnapped ladybug that’s not how it works she’ll be mine you’ll never take her away I came to save her and ladybug I’ll save her she’s a good kind lady we’re going to get her out of here we’ve got to get rid of the bug I’ll get in the boat let’s try to take the boat with us put it over here and get in the boat here now it’ll be more comfortable to shoot at the revolver here take this yay all right let’s take the boat out and see what we got here yeah ladybug there she is hi yeah hi oh I’m so scared was super superc cat looking for me sure superc cat’s over there quick let me get you out of here get up here ladybug get the boat and swim over there there are no more monsters and I’ve defeated the worm too the super code is waiting for you okay hurry up and go to him I have to keep going let’s get going there are so many diamonds here is this my reward or what cool oh I can even dig for them cool let’s try this oh lasers I can’t get through here look these lasers are very painful okay let’s try to dig around here but I need to find a portal to get back but there’s monsters too look it’s Daisy you think you can beat me Daisy that was easy at the diamond we don’t lose diamonds we need diamonds so we have to get in there and find our portal the portal will get us back home great digging who the hell is this huge monster it’s a giant cowboy minion jock you’re too huge how did you even fit in there you didn’t have any diamonds on top I’m going to take all the diamonds we got 41 diamonds golden lapis lazuli we got it all great let’s dig this way let’s see who’s here oh a chest ooh billions of dollars guys I’m rich I found a lot of money look at this I’ll share this money in diamonds with anyone who likes and subscribes guys do it right now like And subscribe and I’ll give it to you right let’s try to dig in here and see who else is in here maybe there’s another monster hiding in here come on look it’s a cartoon cat oh you’re stuck in there I’m going to dig up the ceilings come on out come on out listen boy oh there he is look he’s looking right at me let’s get all the diamonds I’ll give them to you let’s dig in here I’m lost in the diamonds but I found the portal oops laser aha thought I’d fall for it yes I’ll break it like this all right let’s go faster into the portal be friends back run back out here and we have such close tunnels today hope you like them today wow look how many burgers there are I can eat right now a orange rainbow friend what’s wrong with you oh great I’m hungry I’m hungry I want to eat I want to eat Mr Beef eater who’s Mr Beast look up there Mr bista and what let him go he’s kind and good you trapped him I’ll cook him soon I’ll make it soon I’m about to get a boiler in the mail to cook it in what you can’t Mr B good YouTuber oh you’re so skinny look maybe I’ll just feed you something tasty Von burgers for example oh come on I want a burger yeah let’s just do it this way I’ll feed you and you now will figure it out all right all right I’ll be right there just don’t eat the turbles yet oh come on all right fine agreed so guys I don’t know I hope he gues the word but I have an idea these burgers are very juicy and big I think he’s just the name of the object we’re going to take them with us now he’s a volume to them now and he just can’t do anything about it so great I’ve already packed four Burgers we need as many burgers as possible so he’s sure to roll around with a big belly orange look though you’re such a q you definitely can’t eat these Burgers right here they’re really huge and I can eat anything are you having doubts you ready I’ll throw you a bite come on come on one two burgers oh look he’s eating look at him gobbl it up oh she’s also on the last one oh look he’s really getting pudgy look how wide the Orange is and you can catch me up come on walk can you do it now I can’t do this look how wide and pot belled he’s got he’s had a lot of burgers all right orange I’m a little stuck here guys let’s try to get me up somehow let’s see if there’s a ladder around here somewhere let’s see if there’s a little orange fruit hanging around guys I haven’t found any stairs yet how do I get up there I’m going to get it from here so how do I get in there okay I have an idea we’ll take it right here orange can’t do anything anyway he’s really asleep in there at this point taking the belly AES belly AES H help no it’s orange you eat it then I’ll just take him with me all right Mr go what have you done zombie my stomach hurts okay bye-bye all right Mr baa hi there let’s run away together oh don’t shoot let’s get out of here bye-bye Run for the portal it’s a rainbow friend what’s wrong with him he lost something hey what are you black in color hey hey hey I don’t know I’m just so sick of being black I’ll go hey you want to do hey rainbow friend what did you do to him I finally got my light back I sucked out all its life force Li wait wait guy he’s what he’s gone guys what I don’t get it wait that social life force and Tails you’re okay you’re okay no I’m sick my color where’d he go where the hell did I wait everything will be fine don’t worry and we’ll figure something out guy he stole all the powers from tels and gave them back to himself sure but it’s so unfair what to do ouch what to do listen look at me I’m at some kind of like stop being ridicul ridiculous stop being ridiculous don’t worry listen I have an idea I’m here in the last room Mr saved here it is maybe he can help us and he is the richest and most popular in the world after all maybe I don’t know buy you one no he won’t buy the colors he you don’t think it’ll help yeah well I guess you can’t buy everything it’s not just my color that’s gone by the way there’s scatter guns here it’s the blue one that’s confused look why don’t I try to collect them and see if we can use them it’s a heart like right in my hand I’m going to go get him now I’m careful there’s more testing to be done I’ll fix you tail don’t worry all right easy easy easy easy we will try to cheer him guys thanks to your likes and support we can cheer him okay great all these life forces got to get it together I almost fell into some kind of diamond lava can you believe it ouch that’s a tough dog what to do I can’t be like this I’m not handsome I’m ugly watching we’re going to try to cheer it now give it to me I’m on fire it’s weird of course that’s it I’m out I’ve got 10 of these I’m sending them all to you right now and hopefully they’ll help get your strength back so what do you feel is going on what’s going on dog you’re back all right we helped you I’m beautiful look at me yes you are bright and colorful again what a full of Vitality I’m very Rotel I hope you don’t meet that rainbow friend again I really hope so thank you zap okay all right bye come on Good Luck not you Mr M have a good video shoot too and we’re moving on wa that’s Plankton running around guys look EP Plankton why are you so quick on the Sleepwalker I stole Mr Krab’s new recipe hahahaha what other recipe that cowburger guy huh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and hit it no one will find him here I’m going to get SpongeBob and we’re going to destroy you together okay oh I’m not afraid of any SpongeBob I have a wife who is actually my favorite computer girl yeah you also made a portal I can’t live from here that’s not fair I’ll get back at you I’m about to find a recipe and you can’t win well I’m going to find the recipe and run away with it okay you won’t find him he can’t be found and there’s no Escape you’ll always be with me okay I got it stop yes yes yes yes yes he’s also closing that portal all right fine Plank and mix as much as you want I’ll try to find it I’m sure I will well wait guys I found the chest okay first of all the drill is what’s going to help us get out of here at least there’s also a secret recipe oh that’s just what we need what does it say h so he didn’t find any recipe he thinks he’s found a great one so we can screw him over hey Plankton do you know where I am and I found the recipe look what I’m holding give me that recipe quickly yeah I’ll give you water here in the tree come on come on come so right here at the very end you’ll get it thank you very much I’ll look into it thanks a lot I’ll have a look at the reading so far I got it great right there’s no recipe here than the tank was I thought it was a recipe I hid it on purpose so no one would find it then I would read it in secret that’s it zombie I’m going to destroy you now Run for the portal oh look there’s jumping and running around here comes Sam that’s great how are you doing hey zombie well frankly not so much I’m having a little trouble as always short zomb back problems problems problems problem after problem naturally what can I do for you on Sonic you see those rainbow friends running around I need to escape into that portal over there and to get there I need to it’s still covered with for and it has to be dug out somehow anyway I don’t know as a zombie I need your help Sonic I think I can help you let’s just try to be careful with these monsters I am because I’ve already got one in my sights and they can’t be destroyed you just have to put it in neatly oh well you’re the fastest on the planet Kirk there’s one or two I sneezed big time oh I sneezed thank you keep your pickaxe then but we’ll need an axe as well let me find them and see if we can get out of here so what do we have here I give me a neat peek the main thing you’ve been captured neatly you almost got caught you what I’ll take a leap no you’ll see Nappa yes yeah we have to be careful not to get caught by that monster there’s rainbows running around there’s a chest I found a damag axe run run they’re here where where’s the diamond axe come on take him all right let’s go let’s try to cut a passageway now just be careful not to get hit with that monster come on up break it down Who monsters let’s run faster let’s get out of here let’s go jump into the portal oh my latest challenge is no easier than the others what the hell is that I’m the real deal I see you’re the scariest and most horrible what are you shooting get out of here all right there’s all kinds of Saw tests here who are these guys some kind of Skippy flowers all right well let’s try to beat them take that hey and you can’t even win perhaps they can only be defeated if you defeat the main monster so what’s in here oh diamonds I found a diamond to sold her nothing you’re flying so high you can’t even see your head I’m going to destroy your TV sets take that don’t how many TVV men have you beaten to create such a monstrosity for yourself I didn’t just beat the TV TV1 one I won Cameran one I won so much with cab all these things in short I’ve won so many victories with cabetes I mean all of these short ones yeah I get it you’ve got speakers TV cameras on all sides oh guys scary monster boss so how do we stop them guys they’re these flowers on all sides come on oh all right I was able to beat one on you I got you on Leah all right your minions have been destroyed yeah well you won’t get in because I won’t let you in there’s more of my speaker here what he got a good Spiker there hey all right come on guys he’s keeping the little speaker woman in confinement oh you’re so full of it okay I have to beat him we have to get through somehow he’s too powerful a boss so we got to save the speaker man and get out of here fast or something let’s get her out of here somehow and run away guys let’s get the boys out of here he’s going to get me up here take this okay guys how do we get out of here look if I can’t escape through this portal let’s go through another one you’re not going anywhere give me specker Bowman she’ll be mine I saved her okay no it won’t be yours it’ll be mine that’s my spokesman yep another one of those good characters do you want to win no I will destroy you monster okay that’s it guys I’m not going to beat him no I fell down FY on your trap my trap guy he trapped me and locked me in here how am I supposed to get out of here okay well I’m going to try to dig out now we’re going to get out of here now let’s dig out and get out of here right now hurry up and dig out okay everyone while he’s look it’s a red rainbow what’s he doing there I wonder ouch what did you spill what’s the red paint I was turning the whole world red guys he caught a white Angela he wants to paint her red too hey you flooded everything with red paint how do I save myself Bly she’s pouring red all all over everything what are you going to do paint everybody let Angela go of course I’m going to turn the whole world red oh no guys it’s all gone red in here I no you won’t destroy it look what he’s done and he’s pouring paint again run where he’s going to flood me Pouch hot paint guys we got to get out of here this is where everything turned red no we have to beat him somehow let’s try I don’t know guys how do we drain all this stuff he flooded the place oh man guys this is really hard you hear me I will destroy you the monster realized I’m red I can’t be destroyed as long as the color red is everywhere hauh I’ll stop you I’ll figure out a way to take him down okay the important thing is for you guys to save Angela let’s get it go away guys I’m getting pushed out of there look basically even though it’s red paint it’s just plain red water we can try draining it with sponges except I have to find them maybe there are sponges around here somewhere so where do we need them here guys there’s no sponges left hey he still wants to Color Me I’m not going to be a beautiful red you’ll be the prettiest the red one you will be my slave which one no I’m here for my red rainbow friend I’ll never reach for it guys he’s got red paint all over everything okay guys I don’t even have sponges I left them at home I hope I find them somewhere they don’t seem to be anywhere around here what do we do let’s get in here okay red rainbow friend do you want me to help you give me the sponges no I won’t do I know what you’re eating I want to help you sponge the walls no no no no that’s not how sponges work the sponges will drain whatever’s in here come on I’ll help you trust me ah what are you doing oh sponges we found it perfectly I thought I’d never find them now let’s try to use them guys okay look a sponge can be put in it’s working all right that’s great I’m going to drain all your fountains all right all right don’t touch the red paint I just need to drain the red paint then this rainbow friend will be completely defeated all right that’s great that’s it now there’ll be nothing left of your red color here all right a little more hope no all right you’re defeated WG it’s out of here let Angela go okay okay I’m leaving get out of here oh he ran off with Angelo Angela give it back I hope Angela comes back guys what ouch Angela hi hi I barely got away from him he too became with a paw for destroying all the red oh it’s flooded again listen you’re going to help me drive this stuff out here yes of course I come on great because if it’s just flooded here the red rabby friend might come back here think he’s got a chance to win again oh well listen by the way the room went white look it stopped being red that’s very good means we’ve handled it that’s yeah that’s great I’m really excited about the stock thank you cool Angela I’m glad I was able to save you we got rid of that red and rainbow friend this is where the room is still red but I think it’s about to turn white all right I’ll move on bye-bye I’m going too bye again great and we’re moving on well look the gray-haired man’s head whipped around Grandma granny she’s out there beating and bashing uh Daisy what are you doing hi there hi there you’ve become what you are all the cool animated ones ah she twist her head around let’s have a quick Roundup of what it is shall we what are you doing here Daisy what were you doing it’s not funny Daisy how do I get out of here now I’m in some kind of cave okay I have blocks of course but but I don’t know if that’s enough for me or not I need to beat Daisy and everything was flooded with lava let’s get up quick dies now there are still a lot of monsters out there yes Daisy that’s enough what are you doing guys have got eyes on me oh there’s something down there that might help me okay let’s take the jetpack with us and try putting it on like this let’s take off ah what’s on your mind now I’m going to pick sunflowers and destroy you all right let’s get another one to the guys for a few more Grand he’s got to deal with these monsters first he’s blowing up again Daisy stop it I like to blow things up look at the huge hole made all right we got to jump carefully let’s throw granny into the lava so we should probably pick all the sunflowers I know a recipe we can turn into Daisy ourselves and then we’ll definitely scare her aren’t you afraid of me got to get it together before she blows up the last sunflower okay look it’s going to go off oh no she’s beeping guys I’m scared to go near her you white boom look at the huge hole that’s formed all right Daisy you ready what oh I’m about to surprise you I have five sunflowers look they just need to be set on fire we throw them all into the fire 1 2 3 4 five and turn oh I think I got it I’ve fallen into a hole again oh oh no what happened to you what do you mean oh yes friends it worked I’ve turned into Daisy myself now I’m not afraid of you at all we’re running away he’s blowing things up sure but that’s okay I know how to stop you come here I’ll eat you what scared ran away we defeated that flower daisy by turning into a monster ourselves but okay I know how to get inoculated again Babs and everything fell into place and we move on for new adventures await us here’s one for example let’s go go to that portal so how’s it coming down now oh how do you get down now all right let’s keep going wow guys look how many minions there are ouch what’s wrong with him what fellow I’m a zombie too yes yeah yeah hello zombie you won’t bite no it’s already my friend let’s go eat those minion brains no wait let me give you some goodies all right Chuckles you want a burger here’s a present I thought I’d give you a present the gift how to open it opened it here you go wo no you take it you take a gift go ahead open it you got it oh what are you doing zombie minion oh we’re kind of like you and KN friends well other zombies okay guys hold on a gift is running now just a second put the gift in there I’ll pack it up okay no eight presents all right I’ll be right there come here guys I need to go now and hold on a second all right I’ll get it together come here ouch what are you doing are you going to scratch the minions Porco do minions are useless it’s not what’s he doing guys hello doctor what happened to him yes hello he’s been sub mythologized please help us cure him we need to brew a PO zel what kind of Zill do you want to make and you need five loaves of bread I’ve got bread with me stop we I’m going to save you now zombie wants me to save you look what I found oh wait G he’s playing with all kinds of cool guns all right we’re just going to grab some wheat and go and rescue him all right zombies now I’ve come up with a mock for a long time and as long as you want all right Chuckles come on up all right guys quit change to quit change to potion so we only have enough for one unfortunately we don’t have anymore wait wait maybe we can make it I have one more week we should at least get two tries okay I’m going to make another loaf now so redo it I don’t like all these minions let them go in the ground hey stop what are you doing why let there be let you blew the whole thing up and put the minions down stop so wait I had a jetpack somewhere where was I taking him I threw out the jetpack how do I get up hey you want me to help you and I’ve got some delicious brains for you real brains come on yeah brains come here you’re a zombie you like to eat brains I’ll stand right here on the bed on your brains it worked yay you’ve become normal hey there what happened to me you accidentally became a zombified bridge you’ve turned into a zombie well listen I got you a present you want a present no I’ve had enough of your gifts you’ve already surprised me today listen ah what the hell are you doing yeah I always love and Hoot I even zombies love a hoot yeah that’s funny it takes me half an hour to get out of the water and it’s not interesting at all look you know better than to need thanks to those minions they all fell down because of you they’ll resent you they’re not my friends they abused me and I was turned into a zombie by this doctor and the doctor turned this one that’s it I’m going to throw him in the face let him be unsuccessful okay here’s the doctor here’s the potion I’m done discounting everything and the minion is not funny go go ahead go into your portal go away and I’ll move on that’s a weird minion we shouldn’t have saved him all right let’s keep going all right look oh Angela hi where did you find the dynamite put it down it’s not a toy a toy okay it’s not a toy really help me please there’s monsters here and they’re killing me wa wizard to the restroom okay I get it there are some really scary monsters in here what can you help me with I brought my machine gun all right well all right Angela let’s try to deal with them found the chest by The Watchman don’t hit me I by the way what a stove you should well you’ll probably need it let’s go all right let’s try to get past these monsters Angela be careful you fight the monsters not me I’m kind ah yes yes yes yes yes of course there are monsters too Angela’s acting weird you bags are acting weird calls the monster good ones also shoot at me for some reason Angela let’s go oh so you’re doing this on purpose where’d you get that thing which one come on show me what you have in your hand no the other one this one okay and I think I’m imagining it it’s just that I’ve seen one of these before and it was in my hands here here’s the thing what’s that is that a bomb nothing’s going doggy yet monsters just had one of those things they fought me yes oh what’s beeping Angela what are you doing what have you done Angela where do we hide it wasn’t me oh you guys that’s really something all right uh-huh listen there’s one last monster left on your daddy’s long leg I think we’ve handled all of them Angela you don’t have the key I just don’t have the key to go any further no I need it to go further oh and there’s a blue rainbow friend look he’s hiding okay never found it it’s bad of course because I don’t know how to go on then oh the Pilot’s here let’s go but there was a chest at the bottom oh wow I found something else yeah I found the key come here I’ll have that key please key you will I’m going to have to pass too don’t give me givee give me givee givee givee givee give me all right here we go thank you meaning yum Angela did did you read it ouch no I’m not giving it to you the Moon I mean you tricked me oh guys Luna the animatronic tricked me it wasn’t Angela you monster get out of here get out of here okay guys I’m not going anywhere normal guns don’t seem to take it but I found a flamethrower in a chest there maybe try just setting it on fire the Moon is afraid of light after all hey come here the moon where are you take that take that ha H you’re afraid of the light aren’t you there you go wait wait I have a contract what kind of monster packed I’m not telling you they spit out the key for you and you give me the fire yeah suddenly you can shoot me and you’re a cheater no I’m not going to shoot I mean cheat and cheater yeah well I don’t need your key get out of here and go into the portal I’ll come up with it myself you’re not leaving here get out go on get out quick come on moon go away no no no no key and trade look I can do this without you oh I’m stuck what’s that come on go deal with it what do you mean Labyrinth I just went through there I’m stuck what do you mean no here we go oh that’s so unfair he’s got the guys blocking me aisle a girl oh come on that’s not fair okay I don’t know look by the way I can get through I’ll still get through I can handle you on you un oh it hurts it hurts it hurts all right all right come on fair enough you give me the key I’ll open this first and I’ll give you a flamethrower flamethrower first and you won’t open it then you’ll run away I’m not going to be me I said Flame come on here you go flamethrower you give me the key you’re out of it so what well it’s over and done the key you have to give me come on no I don’t owe you anything cheating get out of here Luna go away oh you’re so funny okay go zombie look I can open it without a key I’ll keep it and that’s it bye-bye moon in the meantime I’m still working oh look guys the blue cordial seems to have changed a little bit what are you doing in there what kind of dinosaur is that super strong guys he’s gotten a lot stronger look he’s riding some kind of hellish dinosaur what is this what kind of monster is that he’s shooting at me come on he’s mastered some kind of super magic that gives him these Powers he’s summoning some powerful Monsters ah they draw me to them all right all right all right that’s enough he’ll leave me alone okay guys we’ve got to deal with them and too much what’s that super light bulb guys maybe she’s giving him strength and I can’t break it don’t touch my light bulb it’s still her okay I’ll get there dot it okay guys we have to destroy his monster somehow so what do we do where to hide okay I got to go upstairs from here on the monster valleys are too strong I don’t know it all oh wait what if they’re caught in a rock whoops I can catch them in the kadouch but there are too many of them okay I’ll try it now they repel me I can’t even go near them two strong monsters okay come here green lizard haha dot them all oh there’s more look what what kind of Giants are these how do you stop them in the first place he’s hitting the ground guys what do we do oh there’s some Professor coming out of a portal and he says something to me I’ll come to you now okay I just have to get to him somehow I have no ladders nothing it’s the same way to get there okay blue as long as you can’t see me we need to pick up a couple blocks here and go upstairs all right let’s pick it up and go all right let’s go to this little portal okay where did we guys end up there’s some creeper paintings in here oh okay I got it guys I found some kind of super axe in the chest it’s all glowing it’s lightning you can shoot anyway let’s give it a shot oh he’s blocking the passageway dies we got to find a way out of here now where’re hey do you think I’m not getting out of here or something now we’re going to break your light bulbs and that’s it and uh dies they don’t break what’s the matter hey what a weak savoc you are blue joyful friend you’re too strong guys how do we stop him oh no I don’t even know or maybe we should just put out the fire on those bulbs and then his strength will run out so I made one there’s more to come and what monsters are superpowered get out of here oh guys I especially stopped well how am I going to get up there I got to put this one out come on great put it out or else ah what head’s rainbow friend where are you weakling that’s it we stopped him he’s dissolved guys yay we defeated this rainbow friend yes friends his forces have been destroyed guys let’s dig up the passage and move on oh look it’s the lunk hey lunk hi don’t look at me don’t look at me wait cantankerous is there something wrong with you you’re handsome what no I’m not your body look I’m sick with something what kind of disease is this e what kind of fness is that oh you’re not contagious ouch I don’t know don’t look at me I’m under attack by some zombies look okay hold on I’m Not Afraid wait I’m not afraid of getting infected let me help you get better no I’m ugly I’m not pretty at all don’t worry I don’t care what you look like I’ll help you heal and yes lentic oh I figured out who’s causing this contagion look infected zombies come here boob Bobo decided to close wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second you can’t see my yeah now you’ve got shingles too look you’re covered in shingles doesn’t matter I’d rather be this way than this horror are you only one of you infected or are there more of you out there The Roots the Roots are sick with something too it is urgent to rescue or cure because you will forever be so infected I guess I don’t know listen I found a chest of some kind hey fish can do something about it well I guess not listen I read in the news that fish can cure shingles but for your warts you need some kind of potion a special witches potion okay let’s go find out where your roots kovich is hiding and try to beat this disease look how many viruses have spread around here it’s spreading from all sides isn’t it yes they’re powerful very terrible oh I’m scaring you with these zombie monsters but I’m not infected I can’t stand any kind of contagion oh the trunk potion look I found some potions come here come on come on here I have two potions one must be applied first negative effect gives the second then cheer some strange lentic what well because I’m very ugly so you can’t see what’s under my face okay we’re going to fix it so how are the roots of corny rich I’m confused we must be that way that that’s where we need to go all right let’s see oh more zombies there he is they’re the ones who infected the monsters but you get this I saw someone in there oh look he’s got shingles on his head too w why don’t you give him a fish you told me well let’s try to get fish fish all nine of them I hope it helps you so what he ate something you think lentic will help oh look he’s cured treated oh it’s passed all right here’s to the fish because you’ve made him sick too I hope it helps you too what’s with all this clothing well let’s try to cure warts then I did that on purpose purpose no I’m scary take off your clothes I can’t see what you’re wearing Don’t Be Afraid don’t be afraid I have to see what to treat away or I’m not a disease myself so let me throw you the first potion in 5 seconds get it help yes treated by Heaven handsome as it used to be wow show me really all those pimples warts all gone gorgeous that’s it I don’t need those clothes anymore great tick I’m glad you’re cured and so is corny Corno witch all right I’ll just keep the potion if anything you can heal with it all right I’ll move on I still have some interesting tests to take all right guys let’s get through this confusing Maze and into the portal oh look guys it’s weird Mr baa hi there hi oh you’ve got a problem with your leg did you break your leg or something yeah I broke it with a pal from this tower building my own trials oh it hurts too much well what do you think yeah that must have hurt look I’ll try to heal you now don’t worry we’ll find it ouch what kind of monsters are these look there’s a witch she’s probably the one who conjured up all the monsters in there oh it’s a warbler in here I’ll deal with him now and heal you Mr Beast don’t worry it’s just another monster okay all right we got to do something to beat them Mr B just don’t move or your leg will get worse then I’m definitely not going to chear you I can’t move my leg is broken let me see if I can find you some medical supplies there’s a portal or something that says medical staff a secret room with a bed with a stove first egg tit I’ll Mis I found the first aid kit I’m going to fix you now okay who’s there stepping on me I’m going to fix you and you’re going to help me don’t go with too strong oh it’s very painful to deal with monsters I just tried they’re too strong they run fast I can’t catch up with them here let’s try to beat the witch come on come on oh I’m running out of ammo before I beat her so witch where’d you go all right one gown Mr baa okay I’m going to get this one too come here he’s on the guys dry hiding very active we not hiding Mr baa you can I’ll fix you up first no I have to fight them or they’ll break my leg again well you said you just built in power and fell on top of it well exactly well they can rebre my leg and I got scared and fell oh that’s it I defeated all the monsters all three are defeated let’s try to heal the first egg kit now shall we you’re afraid of shots no all right everybody let’s put it over here here are the bandages so great everything oh treated well now I can move on with the trial yay yeah just be careful Mr baze you’ve hurt yourself again all right look let me get the first aid kit again fix you up the first aid kits here aren’t infinite so be careful okay uh-huh oh you and your video sure are careful to be careful okay everybody let me fly you out with a bandage on this leg something lighter okay Mr Bay please be careful not to make any more of those serious motion jumps all right I guess I’ll move on yeah good zombie just wait a second you better wear armored pants so you don’t break anymore you remember that at the end of all my PM videos it went off I thought you gave me the money at the end of the video yeah okay well that was fun look it looks like I’m mining for some diamonds not for some diamonds all right come on let’s get all your vigs in there I’ll go further into the portal let’s go look guys what kind of bank is this what’s that thing he’s got in there hey banana what have you done oh hey yeah hello to you too what a little less what are you doing here for a scary or deal there’s nothing to go through is there of course you’ll never get through them at all I’ve already put a billion lasers in here you’re not getting through I said I don’t even have a pickaxe to break it all down look I don’t know but I can beat it got it machine gun bam what’s with the traps that you won’t pass any of these tests so I found the guys which trunk is the stick look I’m going to hit you with a stick okay I don’t care if it’s a bailout nothing what are you doing with this laser trap Miracle I’m supposed to jump over I’m not a gymnast for you I’m on you with a stick you won’t get through I’m not going to pass man I’m going to try I’m going to put on the mask I’m wearing a mask too I’m a super mega ninja you pass these lasers here you lean over here you have to lean over here you almost hit it that’s how we jump here between here and here this is the way through a little more ban ban ban I’ll get to you got it okay everybody I’m here almost got hit by lava here take this get out of here from here okay guys now we’re going to make something in the workbench like this everybody’s standing me out a flamethrower and this might help me what you’re afraid of fire band band band come here there you clean this up I don’t see what’s going on with your lasers here at all all right come here come on and I’m hiding you won’t find me there he is guys jumping amongst the lasers over there oh man how am I supposed to break lasers how to get through this okay well I can burn the place down you know I’m going to burn your whole room down hey don’t touch my room you’re on to him get CH and that’s it folks we’ve been destroyed the monster is distant yes we can take the mask off all right we’re doing great you and I now let’s try to carefully go through it again okay here’s the bottom here under the lasers here put so many lasers on top guys here’s where you can just climb over the top all right that’s it banana and destroyed penali onward guys I think we’re in some kind of Bullseye world oh oh minion why are you scaring me have you come to help me what can I do to help which one of you is the minion it’s a minor or something not a minion I see and this is also a minion shakor there’s more PR minions out there uh how many of you are there look how many minions are cool cool what do you do have you come to help me yeah I don’t mind what do we do I don’t know how to break rock have to find the secret passage in this room to break the rock well we’ll get the map right away okay here’s where we’re at and and this is where we have it secretly marked in red well look it’s not that easy I don’t even know when to get here come on and you’re not going to help me Minion you seem kind of weird today I said look some weird minion guys he’d never talk all right all right all right I’ll help I don’t mind helping the minions anyway HIIT him in a corner somewhere right right there how do I know I don’t know oh I found some ladders what kind of ladders can I get up there where are the ladders here this I found the secret staircase that side I guess anyway and there are stairs here too why W look look there it is that’s the secret passage and you didn’t realize the stairs were open it’s a dead end it’s a bullpen see turn around there you stand minion and there you go come on chest are you the treasure chest yes yes let me see how much money bye what did you do minion minion he threw me down I’m not a minion I’m a minion hey I mean what’s with a minion guys it’s a red minion he tricked me he found the treasure so he tricked me and threw me down a man shaft oh you might need a dollar on you bye you’re a liar let me out guys were in some kind of abandoned cave and now there’re there’s going to be zombie monsters and skeletons okay we got to get out of here and how am I not going to get up there I even have a portal block I didn’t even notice him there’s another portal here guys okay a portal you say there is no portal anymore portal Let Go I mean minion give me a portal as I go home and I don’t know how you’re not going home apparently I mean guys that minion didn’t just take the only exit yes ah I’ve also got a monkey but thank goodness I have a flamethrower and now we’re sectioning them up okay we’re out of ammo come on Minion that’s not fair there’s lava in here I’m stumped wow that’s a lot of zombies that was not our agreement by Megan that wasn’t the deal that’s it I’m gone guy he’s embarrassed of me how do I get out of here how do I get out of here I don’t have a pickaxe or anything all right well we’ve got to beat these monsters somehow I’m a zombie too but I’m the good ones but all the evil zombies from The Cave we have to destroy them all oh you minion took me tricked me and set me up threw me in a cave uh I won’t trust any more strange minions I thought he was just being kind though okay we’ve defeated all the Minions we got to get out of here hope you like them be sure to support with a like subscribe to my channel do not miss my other videos I have a lot of them on the Channel please watch please all with you was a zom back and until New meetings all bye bye-bye [Music] [Applause]

This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL IN CLOSE TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Slowin on 2024-06-17 13:00:43. It has garnered 11005 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:52 or 2332 seconds.


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    AventureCraftDécouvrez l’univers de Aventure Craft Un serveur Survie 100% Farm 2 Win Rejoignez –> play.aventurecraft.fr play.aventurecraft.fr Read More

  • Iperios SMP McMMO Custom Enchant Nation Wars Geopolitics Lore Dynmap Whitelist

    Introduction: In Iperios, create your own nation, hone your McMMO skills for warfare, gain Geopolitical power to conquer territories, and earn wealth with Custom Enchants. Create Your Nation: Establish your own nation with unique government, laws, and ranks. Join an existing nation if preferred. Geopolitics: Conquer resource camps in-game for geopolitical resources, build structures, and expand your nation with active support. Plugins: Dynmap McMMO Essentials GriefPrevention SilkSpawner CrazyEnchants How to Join: Join the Discord and request whitelist. Find IP and starter details in #info-new-players for a beginner kit and guidance. Contact: Discord: https://discord.gg/7tfTX9WmMn (Main) Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/203761273381878 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Inferno Crafting

    Minecraft Memes - Inferno CraftingWhat do you call this? A mine-funny with a score of 225! Read More

  • Shady Shaders: Minecraft Bedrock’s Top GAMA BAJA

    Shady Shaders: Minecraft Bedrock's Top GAMA BAJA In the world of Minecraft, shaders are key, Enhancing the visuals for you and me. From low range to high, they bring a new spark, Transforming the game, creating a mark. NewB RTX Lite, a shader so bright, Waving Leaves, a sight to delight. Ale Lite and BGRD, with graphics so grand, Stellar and Solar, taking a stand. Install them with ease, follow the guide, Immerse yourself in a visual tide. Explore Minecraft in a whole new light, With shaders that make your gaming bright. So dive in, download, and give them a try, Enhance your experience, reach for… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Madness!

    Minecraft Meme Madness! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #boomtherapy Read More

  • OMG!! I built a 1 billion EMC farm!!

    OMG!! I built a 1 billion EMC farm!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CRIEI UMA FARM de 1 BILHÃO DE EMC no HERÓIS MULTIVERSO EP. 3.5 !! ‹ Ine ›’, was uploaded by Inemafoo on 2024-07-14 21:07:15. It has garnered 69530 views and 5718 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:05 or 1865 seconds. Today I created a farm that can make me a billionaire in the series of heroes in Minecraft using the Project E mod to make me rich and be able to make all the hero or villain armor !! ✖ Leave a like to help me record more cool Minecraft videos !! Games… Read More

  • Kodex Conquers Impossible Challenge in Hardcore Modpack

    Kodex Conquers Impossible Challenge in Hardcore ModpackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Crawling From the Grave in the IMPOSSIBLE Challenge (Custom Hardcore Minecraft Modpack)’, was uploaded by Kodex on 2024-04-05 06:55:45. It has garnered 65 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:01:16 or 14476 seconds. Welcome to the Kodex! In this stream, we try to beat Minecraft with an IMPOSSIBLE custom modpack. This should be an interesting challenge, so make sure to stick around so you don’t miss a moment of the action! HEY YOU! YES YOU! If you are reading this description then and enjoyed the stream/VOD, why not consider subscribing? It’s… Read More

  • TheCrib: Shocking Secrets to Dominate from Day 1!

    TheCrib: Shocking Secrets to Dominate from Day 1!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to get started on TheCrib!’, was uploaded by TheCrib on 2024-05-03 19:02:55. It has garnered 205 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:46 or 706 seconds. This is a 101 guide on how to get started on TheCrib, a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based Minecraft server. The server supports Java (1.7 to latest) and Bedrock. We’re always opened to player suggestions and feedback, so feel free to send some 🙂 Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:10 The Wiki 6:07 What to do when you first join in-game 7:03 Custom Enchantments 7:42… Read More

  • Fenilfctgamer reveals insane trick for EPIC Minecraft aquarium! 🐠🔥

    Fenilfctgamer reveals insane trick for EPIC Minecraft aquarium! 🐠🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Build a Muodern Aquarim in Minecraft 🐠🐟’, was uploaded by Fenilfctgamer𓃬𓃗 on 2023-12-22 07:14:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to Build a Muodern Aquarim in Minecraft @AyushMore @AyushMore2 @jesusmehta @harhar.mahadev377 … Read More

  • EPIC Showdown: Minecraft JAVA vs POCKET Edition! 🎮🔥

    EPIC Showdown: Minecraft JAVA vs POCKET Edition! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘JAVA Edition VS POCKET Edition | MCPE | #minecraft #gameplay #’, was uploaded by GamerRite3637 on 2024-04-25 10:32:55. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:28 or 448 seconds. In this video I am gonna pvp with JAVA edition player 1vs2 JAVA edition #minecraft #gameplay #practice #pvp #trending #viral #niwayop #pakistani #romromsmp TAGS AND KEYWORDS Minecraft Java Edition Pocket Edition MCPE Comparison Differences Features Gameplay Updates Graphics Performance Mods Add-ons Redstone World size Controls Cross-platform Platform Devices Java version Mobile version Bedrock Edition Console Edition Content Multiplayer Singleplayer… Read More

  • Shocking Twist: Bento in Minecraft?! + Big Chad Guys

    Shocking Twist: Bento in Minecraft?! + Big Chad GuysVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft? Really? – Minecraft Big Chad Guys Plus’, was uploaded by Bento on 2024-07-26 03:00:27. It has garnered 43 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:13 or 11773 seconds. I actually really really dont like minecraft sooooo :3 Been really busy but we gunna stream for a bit and see what happens. Playing with @Kaqtiz01 and Michael, so shoutout to them ig. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mod – Insane 5M Damage Sword! 🤯

    Ultimate Minecraft Mod - Insane 5M Damage Sword! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Unbelievable😱Minecraft All the Mods 9 (Morgan sword 5M DAMG) Ep-5 Hindi’, was uploaded by THE GTA YT on 2024-01-14 04:27:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Unbelievable Minecraft All the Mods 9 (Morgan sword 5M DAMG) Ep-5 Hindi HELLO WELCOME TO OUR THE GTA YT MY … Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft HiddenLeaf Public SMP Live Stream by ShaktiisLive 🔥

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft HiddenLeaf Public SMP Live Stream by ShaktiisLive 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft JAVA+PE HiddenLeaf Public SMP Live | Minecraft Live Stream | Support for Dream PC’, was uploaded by ShaktiisLive Gaming on 2024-05-10 17:15:01. It has garnered 71 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:22 or 4042 seconds. Minecraft JAVA+PE HiddenLeaf Public SMP Live | Minecraft Live Stream | Support for Dream PC Hello everyone, welcome to my channel and watch me play Minecraft. If you like my content, don’t hesitate to drop a message, give it a like and press share to show some love. And, don’t forget to subscribe so… Read More

  • Pawangamer25: I found illegal item in Minecraft!! 🤯

    Pawangamer25: I found illegal item in Minecraft!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘I obtained The Most Illegal Item In Survival Minecraft…(Pawan SMP season5) @GAMER_HABBY01’, was uploaded by Pawangamer25 on 2024-05-28 14:05:41. It has garnered 445 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:49 or 1069 seconds. I obtained The Most Illegal Item In Survival Minecraft…(Pawan SMP season5) ‎@GAMER_HABBY01  Fighting for the Rarest Item in Pawan SMP (Season 5) 820 views · 8 days ago#vadapavgirl #angrykachoriwala #kgfchapter3 …more Pawangamer25 255 Subscribed Like Share Save Report Comments8 𝐈𝐓𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐏𝐒 𝐘𝐓 WE WON!!!!!! 9:34 Why I Using These illegal Way To Join Lapata SMP!! @PSD1 Insane Mayank•171K views… Read More


    UNTLDExplore a Vibrant Universe: Dive into a sprawling landscape teeming with diverse biomes, mysterious caves, and breathtaking vistas. With the new update, you’ll encounter unique terrain generation and discover hidden wonders at every turn. Survive and Thrive: Will you conquer the wilderness solo or collaborate with fellow adventurers? Gather resources, construct shelters, and master the art of survival as you face off against mobs, hunger, and the elements. Engage in thrilling PvE encounters and refine your combat skills to claim victory. Build Your Masterpiece: Unleash your creativity as you design and construct intricate structures that reflect your personality and style…. Read More