Ultimate Vault Hunting: Bedrock Noob Takes on First Challenge!

Video Information

5 4 3 2 1 ready Go prepare yourself pie of cake Ch 3 2 1 it’s show time Now Play time’s over Yes is that All Hello hello everybody what is up sorry for the slight malfunction there but we we are all ready to get going how’s everybody doing today hopefully everybody’s having a great one um and I’m happy to kick off these hopefully internet not withstanding everybody knock on wood for me right now hopefully

Internet doesn’t cause any trouble um a series of a lot of like longer is streams PDF go away um and um hopefully some very fun productive ones that everybody enjoys quite a bit so um you’ve seen via the title The the thumbnail me talking recently that um we’re jumping into Vault Hunters

Okay um and oh if you guys could click that like button we have 55 if you 24 likes let me add like something here that reminds people click that like uh do we just lose all of our points from the other channel the um the one

That I used to do all like the fortnite streams and stuff on no I can get your I can get your stuff migrated over not like I’m like really settled and like why is this not letting me why do it not want to let me pin my own comment there we go

Um if you have points on the uh what used to be the uh the uh uh the gaming channel that you want moved over we we can get them moved over just uh Case by casee basis um shoot me a message or I don’t know if aggro wants to handle them

I don’t think there’s many people that need to be moved over but uh we can take care of those okay so um we’re going to be hopping into Vault hunters and um I’ve already played a little bit I’ve done nothing that has anything to do outside of normal like vanilla Minecraft

Yet so like I’m still 100% fresh I don’t know anything about it um other than I did watch some iscal 85 videos months ago um of him like going through like the start of like maybe his first time through Vault Hunters maybe so like I know a little bit about what to expect

I’ve seen screenshots I’ve seen Clips I’ve uh watched small bits of live streams but I’ve never played any of it okay now um uh PDF you’re here right and anybody else that’s good at modded um while I do think I’m all the way set up I actually could use just like the

Tiniest bit of oh hold on you know what I think I just noticed something I need to change scenes hold on a second let me go here let me go here um you guys should only get a uh like a quick flash of this the scene

Changing there we go okay and then I should be able to okay we’re good I think we’re good Papa Snuffy I literally answered your question dude I said that we could get you moved over I said it like four times Papa suffy just has a lot of

Points he wants to get moved over don’t worry snuff we’ll take care of you um first of all so I can Papa Snuffy can you not hear me what the heck he must have me muted um so first of all I’m I’m feeling pretty good today um I told you guys I

Gave my whole story like when I was on for the short period the other day so I’m not going to walk everybody through the whole story um but I I just got over the flu um I’m feeling pretty good I got a little bit of congestion going on but

Like I feel good um and um I tweaked my back for the second time in a row um but my back is mostly better it’s still a little like a little sore if I like do certain things but sitting here I feel fine so I think I’m feeling 100% in that

Regard um but here this is what I need a little bit of help with PDF I know you’re here anybody else that can help me out um and I think PDF you told me this um what was what was the name of those like I think I I think

It’s in my Twitter too what was the name of the mods I can use for Forge for uh loading um uh shaders new update is available I’m not really too worried about that um and then also um how do I combine mods within curse Forge cuz I think you could do that

Right um just for performance reasons uh more than anything R rubidium need to listen and stop tweaking your back that’s part of the problem I keep tweaking my back CU I keep doing things around the house cuz I’m listening and trying to keep the wife

Happy no it’s not work your core no dude it’s like a it’s like a pinched nerve or pulled muscle it’s not like a regular back pain or anything normally the back feels fine but like I tweaked something and man when help is offered take the help nobody offers to help me that’s the

Problem um Oculus was also one I saw mentioned a lot okay so anyway so like how do I like maybe like go to this I think you can like create like a group like you can I can like add a mod to this mod

Right we’re going to I want to I want to oh create is it like custom profile profile I think I already did this hold on how do I go to like my mod packs okay Vault here’s the okay here’s profile so mods okay so I’m going to try to go

Here and let me add in Vault hunters and see if I can add Vault Hunters to this this okay how do I this isn’t adding it to my thing look this my creation add more content Okay add more content okay got it Vault Hunters nothing Vault Hunters official mod

That’s like the old one I think right or is is this the newest one best suggestion is to ask on Discord yeah I’m not going to do all that I mean we can play without shaders it’s not the biggest deal it it plays fine and that’s I guess that’s probably

We’ll end up doing cuz I don’t want to like make everybody like watch me bumble through all this don’t trst you hear you say that no Thomas we will not add the free Jimmy mod we definitely will not um look like so like once I have this up I have no

Clue how to like add it to the pack add more content so like these come up but like there’s no there’s no like add button oh gosh there’s so like yeah I don’t see any anything any way to like add it oh well I guess we’ll just hop

In where is the add content to stream app you know I still have trouble with that I still have trouble with that Stephen Fisher reup membership 16 months let’s go all right I was playing with trying to add shaders earlier so I haven’t figured it

Out yet yeah why does it have to be so difficult proba buffering I hope not you must mean mentally that makes sense um okay all right it’s there play there’s pause I didn’t hear prows detail answer to my question my apologies I’m trying Papa Stuffy um is it going to launch where you at Minecraft Java edition how about Ninja creepers no hope you and the fam had a good holiday I think generally yes everybody had a great holiday the whole like me being sick thing definitely like made a large portion of my holiday unenjoyable

Yeah your food just went all stormy oh my God my daughter’s got a lightsaber Okay Go Okay bye all right Bye Papa stuffy best we can offer sarcasm and snarky remarks oh you guys are a great Bunch for that aren’t you just paste the mod the Shader went in the vault Hunter folder okay but yeah like so but then I have to like I don’t know I have to

Download the mod separately four shaders the Shader loader separately and then I have to put the Shader thing in there it’s just too much for me to like want to mess with on stream I was hoping it’d be easy with modin it’s really easy mod

You can just like okay I want this mod pack I want this mod here I want this mod here and it just bundles it all together for you launches it it’s super easy we’re professionals no PR fessionals why is my Discord not open okay there we go

All right just waiting for it to launch all right so here’s the world I have all right and and we can like start talking um we could talk content generally and we could talk um more specifically like uh um Vault Hunters as well while I go

Through and try to like do what I really wanted to get done before I tried to enter into any actual Vault Hunters content okay and and that’s just to get some diamonds that’s all I want I want some diamonds after named world newtopia would also be [Laughter] acceptable So for those that don’t know what Vault Hunters is I’m going to give you the like most dumb down version of what Vault Hunter is that probably exists because um I’m not a professional at playing or even watching this mod be played I just know it kind of fits

Within we’re going to turn down render to 18 Sim to 18 that might be good for me um but this is my understanding of Vault Hunters okay so first of all uh I did Rachel you have to talk to Miss P about it um so I for we’re in Java Edition okay and

We’ll oh man that’s not how you it’s F5 isn’t it okay um we’re in Java Edition and we’re we’re in a modded Minecraft world and Vault Hunters is a lot different than other many other Minecraft mods that maybe you see a lot of people play but

Not like that different also we need to go God dang it um I need coal oh um opening okay I thought opening that chest like literally crashed the game um we need coal and Coal’s top side um so Vault Hunters is an arpg inspired mod arpg is a different

Genre game action RPG it’s like a role playing game but instead of being like solely focused around the questing portion of things like RPGs traditionally can be or often times can be it’s focus a lot around the action part of that genre the fighting okay so in Vault Hunters the like Focus around

The game is getting into and defeating and looting these vaults the the appeal of the game is the grind the grind to progress your character to get more powerful to then beat more powerful content okay so what do we do we’re going to try to find a lot of um we’re

Going to we’re going to try to get into the early vaults kill mobs survive thrive get new gear to then allow us to kill bigger vaults and bigger mobs and bigger groups and and and like repeat the process over and over find like really cool unique gear swords armors

That have special stats there’s like a there like a skill tree or something like that I think U look at all these stats that we have on our character that I I could look at all of them and probably know what almost all of them mean but you guys don’t need to know

Those things right now there’s like a spell system for Mana um to cast spells use abilities like all sorts of stuff shift right click well probably for me is shift left click what the what the sorry that’s that sickness coming out I’ve seen this mod

Before but I but what re I really wanted like the second I had it as an item in my inventory the first thing I thought was what if I throw him on the ground that is so funny God I wish that was Jimmy oh man I

Wish that was jiy I would throw straight into lava now now go break a tree with it wait what um there’s a skeleton over there what wait where am I oh okay I want to be over here now are you telling me to break a tree with it because it’s going to do

Something special or just cuz it’s funny I’m smashing the villager’s head on a tree does the villag start to wiggle and say ow ow ow like he’s taking damage does it kill the Villager so dumb okay so yes I I’ve I’ve seen this mod a

While ago I kind of forgot about it and I didn’t know how to use it um but anyways um I have some chests here and specifically from here I just want to get some coal um oh um and I need coal because okay can

You can you tell me PDF why do I not have the crafting menu here is there any way to just get it back because like then I have to remember like oh crap okay like I got to put um these here to like get these and I got to like take

These and put them in this order to get sticks and then I got to do um sticks and coal to get torches it’s just it’s this big production okay because Java but Java Java has that Java has usually there a button for the crafting book and it’s not like as neat as

Bedrocks but it’s there use ji I’m just using whatever ever is default and the Vault Hunter pack that’s all I’m going to use outside of like I’ll try to ask some shaders later you can see the recipes yeah but you can’t click to um to like craft from those which

Sucks anyways here’s the plan okay um I I I want to do enough mining to get myself diamond armor now you guys should know diamond armor sucks in Vault Hunters it it’s it’s Terri it’s not good at all but it’s better than not having anything so what I would like to have is

Diamond armor a diamond sword and some leftover diamonds for like pickaxes I think I think that would be good at that point we’re going to take what we have and then we’re going to see what we need to do to get into a vault now in the meantime I’ve been

Collecting materials as I’ve been going through including like all these like new types of ores I don’t know what they do zinc fluorite osmium uranium and uraninite I don’t I don’t know what any of these do but I’m sure they’re here because I need them for progression of my character at some

Point what’s the best armor yeah like PDF said there’s it’s not like oh I just need to get netherite it’s it’s not like that all of the like the default armor even if you Enchanted and stuff it all sucks because as you get into vaults the mobs have like all sorts of special

Resistances and powers and there’s different types of mobs and that stuff is no longer useful so you find special gear inside of these vaults to use okay um I guess um I guess what I could do is this right um actually let’s do it like this God dang

It have you found any chromatic iron ore yet I have not I’m assuming this isn’t the best y level for it and check your quest yes you guys are going to teach me about a lot of these things okay so um I don’t even know is this Quest

Oh so look statistics abilities we’ll have skill points to spin there talents I guess we’ll have skin skill points to spend here too Arch types which I guess is kind of like a class that sounds kind of fun I don’t know what I’d want to be we don’t have

To we don’t have to decide that right now but that’s kind of cool there’s no Mage why is there no Mage interesting they’re all like Melee based classes um research so that’s kind of cool o looting okay see I don’t know anything about any of this it looks like an older version is

It okay well hold on before we go any further let’s make sure I’m on the latest version does it say Third Edition I don’t know I just downloaded whatever it looked like the latest one on um yeah look right here Vault Hunters Third Edition so this is the latest one

Right look PDF trying to worry me and then look I’m in curse if you go to Cur Forge Vault Hunters Third Edition and then where is the version uh update 4.1 okay just making sure just making sure I thought I was right hey how’s Lego fortnite going oh

Lego fortnite has been great um the only reason you guys are having a slight pause in content there is because I don’t have Moonstone available for the next few days to edit for me she’s she’s kind of taking some vacation time and I could go in and edit myself but then

Like I spend a whole day editing and do I want to like spend the next like two to three days editing videos I’m not doing Minecraft content then or do I just want to like have a couple videos backlogged and I’m going spend some time streaming with you guys end out the year

And that’s what I wanted to do I wanted to spend time streaming with you guys to end my year please turn this into a video while this will not be turned into a video um I I do want to make videos on something modded now I’m a little

Um I’m a little worried that Vault Hunter videos won’t be very popular AR PG games action RPG games typically their videos aren’t very popular but this is it’s still Minecraft right so it doesn’t necessarily follow the rules but like I would have to figure out like how

Am I going to make this like more interesting and I don’t really know the answer to that yet um this is what I would really like to do okay this is my ideal prow World okay this this is fun I like it I want

To do it I find more people that like it wanted to do it and I make a server a members only server maybe or a um maybe even open server to all public and then we all start a vault Hunter world together at the same time anybody wants

To play can play right the problem with that is I have no clue how to run a Java server Java servers require a lot of mods to like give them the best possible performance and not be laggy um they have a lot of admin tools to make sure

Like people don’t like steal other people’s stuff and do destructive things to other people without being able to be easily caught and banned for it and I don’t know how I don’t know anything about managing it so like if I had somebody in the community that I

Trusted to like get the server set up for me get the mods all set up for me and manage the server I would probably do that cuz Vault Hunter sounds like a fun game to play with a large group of other people um but yeah I don’t yeah you you

Do need to have Java for that that’s true but like yeah I don’t I don’t know I don’t know how to I don’t know how to do that oh diamonds please give me more than like two I’ve this is only my second vein of diamonds that I found

And it it wasn’t much of a vein it’ll get me a new pickaxe and that’s it fault Hunter is actually the best mod pack by the way I mean listen I like this this genre of game that it’s trying to represent I’m a I’m a big Diablo fan

I’ve been playing I had been playing a lot of Diablo 4 until I got caught up into a few other things but like I enjoy what is this and what is this why is it it has like a color to it I’m confused I hit I hit a I hit a bad

Button Vault Cobblestone mine it all oh really okay we need a lot huh what does your quest book say to do we have not looked at the quest book yet I will look at the quest book but the reason I’m not looking at it yet is

Because I I want to get full diamond gear before I jump into anything Vault Hunters related that way like I’m geared up enough to take on my first Vault or couple vaults while I get geared up with like actual Vault stuff now I don’t even know if that’s

Like a smart thing to do you guys tell me like is it going to help me to get just like just some regular Diamond gear before I go into my first Vault or like can I roll up in there an iron gear or something and like I’ll be

Fine and I’m just going to throw the diamond gear away shortly after anyways diamond is definitely a good option okay cuz that’s what I kind of thought I kind of thought like okay like I probably just want to get I know I don’t have to like fully enchant it or

Anything like that but like I I want to have like diamond set a keybind for Quest what is oh is there not a default keybind for it options controls keybinds is it in here quest Quest quest Quest how do you where do you find special controls at They al they’re

Supposed to show up in here right cor no yeah that’s what we just did search for it in a bar we went to keybinds show show Unbound I just searched Quest dude I really think you’re on a previous version of Vault Hunters but how would that be possible it says it right

There what did Mr chip say think you should go with no Gear Head first see what happens that sounds like a terrible idea but how would how could you think that I’m in I’m in a old version yep it’s update 4 and latest is update

12 okay so how do I find that will it just upgrade it’ll just update what I have here right or do I have to like start over I mean again I’m not very far like starting over won’t be the end of the world so look Third Edition oh I wait I need to

Be where do I go update seven update H how do you find the most recent update 8 nine 10 do does it not put the like the the most recent at the top so it’s this 3.2.4 this one will my world Port over or would I not want that okay continue

To make a new world okay all right well let’s do it like I said I didn’t get far I’ve only played that world for Tops a couple hours probably not even that I would rather start like fresh and be good so here’s what I don’t know what

I’ll do okay so I’m going to be I want to stream this long enough for like us to really get a good feel of how Vault Hunters works that way I can like restart in a new world whether that be a multiplayer server with all of you guys

Or maybe a a solo let’s play series or whatever it is we already tried to convince him to use multi MC instead no I don’t want to use multi MC just like I want to keep it simple just like give me curse Forge I’ve used multi MC and a couple other

Launchers before I think I have one down here prism it might even be another one down there like just I wish I wish Vault Hunter was on modin because MTH is like awesome open multiplayer be great yeah like I said like I’m I’m definitely open

To the idea to it I’m I’m a little short of saying for sure I would just do it but at a minimum I’m open to the idea of it um but I I would need somebody that knows how to like that I trust that knows how to like manage a server 8192

Okay just wanted to make sure my profile for memory was proper okay what’s happened to the Vault Hunter series with it’s me James I didn’t know he was doing one hey Dave’s here what’s up Dave thought you both was going to do one together me and James I never talked

To him about that before now what the heck okay all right single player so it’s still here let’s let’s do this let’s oh but like if there’s anything that they changed in like generation and stuff then that would be changed let’s just let’s just do a new world let’s

Like we’re going to start fresh brows the biggest Noob I think that sounds appropriate right um let’s just leave like everything like standard I guess cuz if there’s like any like they change like generation or level Generations or like a a quantities of like ores that

They think should be easier to get or something I know they do that type of stuff from time to time I don’t want to be stuck with old generation and like I could be getting a lot more resources or something like that so since we’re we

Were like almost like not very far into the world at all we’ll just do this it changes a lot in every update yeah chromatic iron I remember seeing something about I heard iscal say something about it I listened to um like one of his most recent like stream like

Clips where he was like talking about like the latest update okay we press h okay so let’s let’s get into the world let’s just take a look at the the H menu that’s what we’ll call it officially it’s the H menu oh hello okay I have two books that’s a good

Start H statistics abilities talents expertise researches quests ji bookmarks there’s not enough space to display J interesting ji config oh and then like Quest Okay cool so it’s all there this is what we’re going to do I’m not going to explore any of that yet we’re going

To find a village before we do anything okay now with a big nice big map finding a village should not be incredibly hard um cuz I I want to make it easy for myself survival wise so oh that’s kind of cool um so starting out of a village

Will definitely make our lives a little bit easier it’ll give us like a good base to start from uh resources etc etc what would you do if you got invited hermitcraft server hermitcraft Vault Hunter server well I mean first of all I guess we should start by acknowledging that

That will that will never happen ever um but to answer your hypothetical if it did like I mean that’d be cool like I feel like there’s a number of the Hermits I would jive with there’s none that I like have any reason to dislike

At all in any like way shape or form so I mean it’ definitely be cool um I have a feeling just because I put out some controversial takes and I’m willing to even though I do it I feel like very uh politely and um understandingly um argue opinions on on

Twitter I think there’s a couple Hermits that don’t really care for me too much but you know what what can you do about it and the way that they go about inviting people is my understanding is like they have to have 100% member agreement to bring somebody in so again

Not that I would ever even be brought up but in a theoretical world where I was um I don’t think I’d get a 100% vote count so I won’t hold my breath dang I keep hitting the I button for inventory I don’t know why I think cuz I’m just used to other

Games um God I oh crafting table I hate doing all this manually it’s such a pain in a butt um okay and then what axxe right and then pickaxe why are those things still on my screen what how do I I get those off my screen PDF help um Z what did

I how do I turn it off um I’ll let one of you guys figure it out I got to keep moving tell me how to turn it off yes create mod is invol Hunters well like certain like pieces of it right not like holistically There uh we’re not we’re not doing too great for finding food other than this one piece of meat you have to unlock it listen how come here chicken stop hiding in the grass oh you have to unlock the the okay you guys talk about create yeah I know I

Understand that I’ve heard about that huh oh nearest Village I’m assuming oh oh man I thought that was uh Stone well we’re going to oh huh what the heck there’s something in there what is this it would let me swim oh it’s a meteor okay I

Don’t don’t know if I care about that or not all one pack dagman I don’t know dude maybe but like they I would I imagine it would like integrate in some kind of weird way um remember folks technical difficulties like these are how you know it’s 100% an authentic

Prowl stream accept no imitations I still I still don’t know how to get this uh get these items off my screen listen I need some food to cook I’m sorry for your loss all right um I I don’t have a way to sleep oh man um I don’t think I can even

Make that jump without being able to Sprint you know hit I oh there’s two things I want in my life right now three stone coal and sheep you know what I don’t want to be caught out here in Java Edition when the mobs spawn because then you’ll see a

Very scared prow probably die many horrible deaths oh a village all the things I need are going to be there bye chicky we’re saved a village we’re saved we’re saved help save prow by clicking the like button on the stream right now and stone yes so many things so many things

Stone I will be back for you oh can I it looks like I can easily enough get oh did that what happened to that poor house is isn’t a trap is oh oh wait that’s a meteor a meteor smash the village what that’s kind of funny listen bro I just need some food

Oh yeah give me some bread get Papa some bread we’ll take some Taters dude that’s funny I guess that’s a meteor crash is what it looks like what if those happen like real time like I’m sitting here playing you like hear this like roaring sound and all of a sudden the whole oh all of a sudden the whole world starts to like shake and

It’s like huge like nuclear explosion occurs oh look an alien landed with the meteor um I’m just looking for free goodies right now hello sir may I have another h no I’m good eggs I’ve been running this uh same music it’s a it is remix of Nintendo a lot of Nintendo and

Other video gaming Classics I’ve been running this playlist for like a year and a half two years now with zero issues yeah dude skeleton I will dude I’m going to I’m going to here’s my plan okay here’s my plan you ready for it part of plan number one finish looting

This Village steal a bed sleep in it find sheep make a sleeping bag get food upgrade to stone tools upgrade to iron tools upgrade to diamond tools collect Vault Stone whatever other stuff I need while I’m getting diamond stuff then then it’s time to do some

Vaults U we’ll also check our Quest log maybe people said check the quest check the quest log or bread that’s good oh um all right I guess let’s do this let me let me take a bed yink God dang it I keep hitting the ey button why do I keep doing

That take a bed bro skipped obsidian what do I need obsidian for right now I can’t do anything with it it’s in that it’s I’m staying in this Village it’ll be there it’s not going anywhere Quest first okay let me at least get like stone tools or something and like cook some Food you need for alter okay but I can’t I’m not making an alter right now I don’t even know what that is I just like can I get some stone tools and like I guess there’s a furnace over there I don’t need to like make one okay listen listen listen okay you’re

Trying to get me to craft Vault crystals I’m I’m like 5 minutes into the world into my first time ever playing Vault Hunters I don’t even know what a vault crystal is all right so let’s just slow down a little bit listen Linda Linda listen listen all right okay look we’ll check

The quest log that’s Vault history it’s not what I want quests Vault Hunter introduction welcome to Vault Hunter’s Third Edition this mod pack turns your Minecraft experience into a progression based action RPG game it is aimed to be played over a longer period of time and has many accessibility settings to customize your

Playthrough to suit your play style in this quest line we teach you about the basic fundamentals of the game and help you get started on your journey before you start playing make sure you set the game to a difficulty that suits you hard duh

Um where was I this can be done in the pause menu and we offer five different difficulties oh these settings affect mob’s health and damage inside vaults I probably won’t want to do the hardest um in addition to difficult different difficulties you can also select your game mode Vault touchers

Features three game modes normal casual and hardcore with normal being the default game mode your game mode can be changed using the game rule Vault mode okay normal death after level 20 causes a spirit okay I’ve heard about this stuff before causes a spirit to spawn at your spawn point using a spirit

Extractor you can buy back your lost items casual death after level 20 does not cause uh item loss you just get you just take some durability damage instead hardcore death after level 20 causes permanent loss of items and inventory we’ll probably leave it on normal

Because I feel like by the time I get to level 20 I’ll have a pretty good feel of things uh party invite okay oh cook fault steak complete okay so like it’s going to tell me to get a lot of these things some of these things and I’m probably going to get

Those things by going down and like doing some uh Mining and collecting iron and other materials this actually might not Be I’m I’m a little scared right now um let’s do yeah let’s do this let’s go back up to the Village oh I’m just trying to think no I guess we’ll go down here let’s get some coal probably got direct yeah there’s a lot of backseat gaming which I’m okay with just don’t be offended if I ignore your back gaming because like I I want

It I want the advice for many things to be sure there’s also some things like I I do just kind of want to like progress a little bit and like take my time and learn things like there’s going to be a mixture of the two I’m

Going to hit points where I’m like okay like let’s Leap Forward so like the first thing I want to do is like let me get some coal to where I can I can like cook food for when I need to cook food I know that you said the things that I

Have is good for now also I I would like to be able to make some torches and like be able to see would probably be good as well um maybe we’ll like let’s just use all of these for that actually um let’s put torches in our off hand okay oh

Hello ow wait I I got to get my axe out it’d be such easier yeah I know man it’d be a lot easier to mine if I would just hurry up and get efficiency five a beacon and like all these other things like why am I such a noob what

The here I am like I’m going to die like I just started there’s coal over by the meteor is there I’ll take meteor coal wait oh ah yes there is coal by the meteor good job good job warning skeletons are aimbots yeah I’ve noticed that they uh they have a

Different degree of difficulty on Bedrock versus J on Bedrock the hard part is like they knock you back like crazy this is Vault Stone I know right so I we’ll get that I don’t have to grab ooh is this isn’t this Vault Stone I don’t want to mine it up I don’t

Know if I can get I don’t know what this purple stuff is but I like it and I want it bro slow hasn’t even built every Farm in the game [Laughter] yet where is where is the way back in oh that was almost bad that a Lapis block no it’s some

Purpley color block I don’t know what it is oh now there a freaking creeper in here okay ah baby zombie yeah come on what you going to do oh listen I just I want to keep mobs from spawning here make a stone axe I’m hoping to find some iron

Oh this is like is this all this little area is purple one is fluix block well that sounds very important um I’m not going to worry about mining this yet I don’t even know even know if I can mine it with this um with this tool this gray

Tool so wait is there oh here’s another coal boss do you have a number pad uh not on his keyboard but I bought like a separate one why why do I need a number pad look I I bought myself a separate number pad since I didn’t want to have

It on the keyboard it’s like I have I have one certain key bindings for abilities ah okay and you use number pad for it well we’ll learn about that once we like actually get abilities I don’t need to learn if I can’t use it yet if I

Don’t have it yet I don’t need to know about it yet oh look nope not going down there okay so so this is pretty much like this area is pretty much worthless to me outside of it it got me like a little bit of like starter

Stuff did you start a new world yeah because we found out that I was in like a older version of Vault Hunters so rather than just like restart in a new in the new version the new version old world I didn’t want to miss out on some

Generation changes so uh we just started a new world you enable Jade right now I don’t know you guys said it’s for abilities I don’t have any abilities so why would I need to enable it this is kind of interesting looking is that a pot you know what I need before I get

Too deep down in here though I need some more um wood that way if I have to build like I got to make sticks to make uh stuff or like whatever some type of crafting like I have stuff to craft with uh man I hate using like the real like way of crafting

Um okay I really only want to carry one wood type let’s just go with like good oldfashioned Spruce C off from you okay we’ll we’ll go grab it if I remember take a villager with you why would I do that like it’s a distraction like hey oh my God this mob’s about to

Kill me kill the Villager spare me change World brightness to full bright what to see in the caves it feels cheesy I don’t want to do that jeez this I didn’t think this thing looked that tall good G how much higher do I need to go wait did I get nope golden what’s

Up now I don’t blame other people for doing the full bright thing that’s fine but like I I don’t want to like do anything that feels too cheaty from a like a Creator point of view I want that like raw experience Auto Tree Shop not in this

Mod no I don’t think it is or you know what it I think it’s like an ability you unlock later is that right PDF there’s like a lot of like convenience mods that you can like unlock by leveling up and stuff later on I do know that’s a thing I don’t know if I don’t know if the tree chop thing is one you have to get vein Miner there you

Go which I think is cool I like that that’s like a fun that was a fun way of them doing it uh let’s chop down maybe just one more it’s go you can see no like I know we could like go through and like look through all the skills and we’ll

Probably do that like once I get my first skill points to spend because then we’ll need to make a decision right um but I’m not going to look at it now since I I’m going to just have to look at it again later anyways is there Auto chop for Bedrock

I’ve seen a mod for that an add-on for that and it it looked pretty good I didn’t use it myself I think it was like part of like another like mod pack or something like that so like that’s why I didn’t like investigate it on my

Own but I’m all for mods like that because all they do is they save you a little bit of time it uses the same like durability on your tool so like it’s still the vanilla experience all you’re doing is you’re saving a little bit of time those I think are like great mods

For anybody to use okay I think we’re good go heal first oh go for heal first I’ve heard I think I remember iscal hearing iscal say that in his like first play through like heal is like super Important okay um yeah we’re just going to like work our way Down I don’t have a shovel we we’ll use a stick oh oh iron that’s what I want more than anything right now two pieces Okay uh do I get this I probably need no I kind of figured I probably needed iron okay well we we made our way down let’s mark it um I see coal oh what was that so like melon seeds or something um here let’s do this let’s place a few torches around

Just to like keep any mobs from like getting on us I don’t know what that is we’re going to we’re going to work right over there in a second I still want to be snuck up on oh like that that’s how you deal with creepers this doesn’t look

Bad Panic prow oh there will be plenty of panic prow moments that I promise you that like glowing that’s kind of cool stop it mark this location on the map so you can return easily what it’s like place a waypoint I was always told not to talk to

Creepers and that’s how you deal with them oh I mean you can also just like let them blow up that works too if you if you do talk to a creeper let them blow up there’s a lot of ores down here yeah mostly I want I want the iron oh

Coal uh let’s do this um there chromatic iron next to you okay well we I’m sure do we have to have we don’t have to have a diamond diamond to get it do we is that oh I can see cuz it looks like kind of chromy in color

Okay that’s uh fluorite they look similar oh well there you go you don’t even know what you’re talking about I mean I’m sure we like we need it don’t we like pretty like don’t I am I am I going to need like pretty much everything just some things more than others

Right okay here let’s um oh yeah this is good this is great it’s like what’s this no what do you mean like why would they they wouldn’t add these extra ores in the game if you don’t need them would they until you unlock some mods oh

Okay well you guys will hold on little scared you guys will have to tell me what’s worth it and what’s not because I don’t know which means by default I I’m going to want to like collect everything oh um all right I really don’t feel like getting in like this big PVE battle

Right now with some skeletons that want to kill me hey PR what’s up Jonathan how’s it going guys don’t forget if you want to help out a Prowler especially after the holidays a great way to do that if you’re you’re capable is to pick up a membership for yourself for gifts some

Memberships to others our membership numbers with me not streaming often have of course fallen off a cliff um you can see that we’re at a total of 369 members right now um but we’re going to do a lot of these streams over the next several

Days and for like a pretty long time I think and a lot of you guys know me if I get like super interested in something that’s going to have me playing it even longer so um yeah we’ll have a good uh good several days um ability to add in

Some like some solid membership to the channel okay I’ve gotten all the iron out of here is there anything else any of these other colored ores good for me to have Vin minor will be a shock to prow yeah I mean I understand how it works but I’ve never actually used it

Before so yes I think you’re right I think it will Shock Me for those who don’t know vein Miner what it does is like if I mined one of these coal the game will see that it’s all part of a vein it’ll just mine all the coal for me

It’ll use the same amount of durability for my pickaxe that it would have if I mine it all individually it just saves you the time of having to mine each one not to moment I don’t even remember what I asked now what did I ask oh any

Of the I asked if there’s any of the ores that I need you guys say no okay that’s cool um oh where’s our bed I think that mostly what I want to do is I want to go back top side um let’s let’s just have like a good little amount of food

Ready I can imagine prow Vin mining everything I mean I probably would just for the just to like see it happen Rachel kicking things off with the 10 gifted members let’s go Rachel everybody give Rachel let’s go and if I remember correctly when I like this isn’t this isn’t it is it

No um I remember iscal I think saying that like they also made sure that like not everything is just at the lowest levels so like even though like I might go down to um y 54 to try to find some diamonds just to get kind of like a

Basic level of gear going before we hit enter our first vaults um like not all of the like ores that you need are going to just be down a like you you do have to like go through different y levels the way to get lower in the world

Yeah we’re just going to we’re just going to staircase down so here’s the plan we’re going to take oh no oh no I did pick I picked up that um I did um we’re going to we’re going to get to smelting our iron that we have uh while

That smelts I’m going to get some more food I understand that have that uh that Vault meat stuff um and that’s pretty good but we’ll get a little bit more um and then if I can see some more coal up here we’ll probably grab that

Too so we have uh torches um and then we’re going to go down and we’re just going to we’re going to uh strip mine or um what do you call it um when you go in the rows yeah we’re going to do that the vault s is good but it goes quick

Yeah so you work uh so you unlock more mods as you press through the game is that how the mod pack Works generally yes like you have the core mod which is Vault Hunters which is which is like a lot of what you see here with like getting gear getting these trinkets

Getting abilities and Skilling up and stuff like that but then part of it too is like unlocking more like convenience mods like um the VIN Miner and the like create mod stuff so you can start to automate more of the like Overworld side of stuff that

You’re doing and then maybe be able to run vaults more frequently so it’s a really cool way of progression I do like that does this work for Bedrock no unfortunately like this has like way too many things for it that Bedrock is not not quite capable of

Yet um it’s probably not a lot that Bedrock is capable of but it’s such an undertaking for the number of people that it takes to make something like this in time investment that um you um you’re you’re probably not going to see some like add-on creator for Bedrock Edition there’s some coal there

Uh make something like this I’ve seen um uh Sammy showed me the other day uh yesterday she sent it to me I think like there is aspects oh here let’s get our um let’s get our stuff smelting our iron uh we’re do it over here at to

Village U like Sammy showed me um this mod I don’t this add-on for Bedrock Edition that um like adds in it has like some basic elements of create in it with like a conveyor belts and stuff so like Bedrock has some like basic cap capabilities of doing some things and

They’re adding in more capabilities but the big hangup with bedrock Edition is like there’s like no good way to like like this is a culmination of like 170 something mods right so that’s like 170 individual add- ons and there is no good way for somebody to bundle all that

Together on on uh Bedrock Edition 148 there you go whatever same thing okay um let’s do this what oh Rachel with the give back all right let’s uh let’s increase Channel points um hold on I got to like actually have to like fully pause the game to do this on

Java cuz Java will like minimize on me if I I don’t um okay points where’s number lock there we go oh that’s why this thing is not working I unplugged the uh USB for it there we go all right cool now I got you guys the points um there’s chest in here

Right like what do I not need I might plant some of those potatoes melon seeds raw mutton feathers uh we’re almost done with that is that obsidian you’ll need that eventually yeah I got you like everybody I somebody said I need it which I understand but like it’s just obsidian

Like obsidian’s easy to get I could make a bucket right now and get all the obsidian I need once I find a diamond pick anyways I’m we’re we’re staying in this Village so don’t worry this is just like I don’t need it in my inventory right now so it’s going in

Here oh know we can do um wait let’s place down our crafting table let’s place that right here um we’re going to make another pick so I’m sure we’ll need it um let’s make Ourselves a shovel iron shovel as well I think um a bucket oops iron armor um I don’t think so cuz I don’t plan on running across any mobs we’re going to we’re we’re close to the point where we’re going to just staircase down um to the bottom of the world and

Then like we’re just going to be in little like one by one tunnels and like just trying to get some Diamond so I don’t think we’ll run across any mobs I what I’ll do is I’ll keep the iron for Tools tool making for now now Vault hun makes me want to build a PC again heck yeah man I think this mod is going to be really fun this this mod is definitely right up my alley wait where oh there it is um I guess let’s make a uh let’s make a

Sword Quest book is this Quest book the exact same thing I’m able to pull up in that menu it is so I don’t need to keep the quest book with me right CU I can just always go here and go here yeah that’s what I want to I want to

Find more food to bring this is like this is a a start for food but it’s definitely not enough um okay let’s keep the bed on me uh we’ll keep the iron on me in case I need to use it um I’m going to take the extra coal

With me too although I think we’re probably good for coal um let’s ah okay pork chops is going to be our Feud of choice Apparently to make bread bread sucks though oh I need blow my nose give me a second now if you if you read about the like if you look at their official notes about the mod they still consider this mod to be an alpha testing phase and I I would say that’s pretty

Apparent by the fact that they do continually add and change things so like even though this mod has been out for two three years it’s still very early on in production of the mod or fairly early on in production of the mod okay this game seems pretty cool thus

Far oh gosh I’m going to get Rachel hooked on something else look out I’m good at getting Rachel hooked on different games yeah it’s like Diablo meets Minecraft well I mean Diablo is not a good example because it’s such like a dark theme game but it’s it’s it’s like that meets Minecraft basically

Yeah I can make a sleeping bag now exactly come stop running through the weeds oh why did I one shot him can he join my world to help me no while I’m going through like this beginning learning phase I don’t want anybody else in the world while I do it

But like I said what I may do if I can find somebody to run the server for me is um wait wasn’t there is um I may I may start up a world after I kind of learn a little bit about what’s going on myself and um and start

Like a multiplayer world for many people what I missed not much we’re just kind of like going through the the very early game stuff just getting started um I think I want to do this do I have a farmer villagers out here I want to get these guys farming

Potatoes cuz if I had them farming potatoes that means that I might have potatoes here to pick and eat later if I need them and I don’t know if I I will need them based on like whatever other things come along with the whole modded experience but uh I want the option

Where are the villagers oh they’re up there uh yes I did start a new world cuz we were we were mistakenly running a older version of Vault Hunters U we have enough food now so I think what I want to decide is where we’re going to dig down at and I think

What we’ll do is we’ll dig straight down but the safe way um let’s do it somewhere just outside the village boundary like over here maybe and then we’ll uh oh we need to bring a ladder with us hold on let’s get uh let’s get ladder do you need the green book on you

Oh yeah do I I don’t think I do is this 1.18 version yes it is no no no need book I do need need to book you guys I’ll let you guys argue about that for a few minutes um I don’t know how many sticks I’m going to

Need oh how the heck do you even make a ladder like this how do you make a ladder oh gosh like this how do you make ladders H was six I did that look H there’s no ladder God dang it I Java I hate you oh a plank in the middle

Really is that normally how it is there’s no way that’s a normal recipe oh well that only got me 40 I’m going to need a lot more than that okay um mat K with the five get the members everybody give mat let’s go let’s try this 6 128 what’s my y

Level that should get me that should get me down where I need to go guys let’s get those members rolling it’s been a rough month so I do appreciate all of your donations they really help out quite a bit oh that ey button wait where did I I didn’t know I

Picked these carrots up um I need more wood to bring with me to make more sticks to do more um now I need to make I’m going to need to new axe so I might as well make an iron axe dog’s barking or something every prow series seems to

Start in a blacksmith house I mean why wouldn’t it best place to start all right let’s do this let’s get let’s get another like almost full stack of wood wood and then we’re going to dig down what mods are you using I’m just using the base Vault Hunters mod pack

I’m not I didn’t added anything special to it I want to keep my mod My Vault Hunter experience very true to the original Mod good night guys see you Arena oops I hit the wrong button okay hey do my current sword has poison 2 Cloud it’s so

Nice maybe what maybe what we’ll do just for just for fun is uh we’ll try to get my buddy Minotaur our buddy minitar what okay bye okay can you go go I’m streaming that’s what I’m doing bye I’m playing Vault Hunters all right my daughter’s in here

Bothering me aren’t you guys allowed to play yet it’s 1:00 okay bye all one more tree nice crowd today yeah we’ve had more and more people popping in anyways I was going to say maybe we get our friend minitar to um we get him off of Diablo and on to playing Vault

Hunters um you have to get bored enough with vanilla Minecraft to do any Jurassic modding oh I hear you man or yeah like uh I’m I guess I I I maybe am like starting to get a little bored with vanilla but definitely like people generally are getting B bored with

Vanilla it also depends like how long you been playing you know what I mean oh uh we need to make a sleeping bag Oh wrong way um and oh let’s set our bed wherever moldy moldy lays claimed minitar um okay I’m trying to think oh um I want to make trap

Doors which is this NOP is this nope is this yeah um I need to make a couple more chests too let’s do this for now oh can’t I like craft this into just like a normal chest yeah oh but that’s not a normal chest I can’t open that here

Crap okay I’m not I’m going to my real worry initially PDF is really just going to pretty strictly be I want to get some some Diamond gear do I don’t need this manual on me right I I I can put it in there I don’t want to like throw it away

Or anything but like I don’t need to have it on my person okay let’s uh get out of my bed what are you doing okay now now that we’ve got all of that settled why it’s the button all the way back by the wall you pushed it down I’ll be right back

Keep forgetting that the monitor is not the computer so my daughter’s ever actually owned only ever actually owned a laptop right um is what she’s been gaming on for the last 3 four years she likes it more than consoles which is like that’s me that’s my girl right there you know

Um but because of of that like she Associates screen with computer so we got our gaming computer for Christmas it’s a it’s a pretty decent one it’s like it’s nothing super crazy but like it’s a good computer for her um it’s from I power um which I’m familiar

With I’ve known about them for a very long time um anyways um so she goes to get her computer turned on you know we just had it up a couple days ago and like she turns on the screen she goes to try to turn or she comes to me and she’s like

Dad the I can’t get the computer to turn on I’m like did you press the button all the way back by against the wall yes I did it’s not turning on okay so I come in there yep she’s just trying to turn the monitor on and she forgot she

Forgets about the fact that she’s got to hit the power button on the computer Crow steals villager’s bed villager tries to sleep in a stolen bed prow hollers hey get out of my bed yeah it’s my bed now Zilla Minecraft has seemed to get lazy in the last few updates it’s yeah

Let’s so let’s talk about vanilla Minecraft now that I have a decent amount of you guys here I really want to have a talk about this cuz I think this talk is really important for everybody to understand so like you’re seeing me finally make this jump into modded I’ve

Been like toying with this for I’m sure PDF and others can tell you like well over a year now I’ve been toying with the like possibility of wanting to get into modded Minecraft okay but I just hadn’t done it I’ve I’ve even like almost kind of gotten started a little

Bit a couple times but never like really fully dove in so um this is this is the problem with vanilla Minecraft first of all like it’s it’s going to be fine for anybody that’s only been playing for probably a couple years cuz there’s a lot to learn and

Know about regular vanilla Minecraft so if you haven’t been playing for a really long time you’re not going to have this particular feeling that a lot of a lot of people do have um but what used to all oh that’s weird to find what used to always make Minecraft

Incredibly special and refreshing year after year is the fact that like their updates felt major enough versus what was already in the game to make you like either a want to start a brand new world willingly so because you’re just like wow like this stuff in the game is just

So cool like I want to experience the beginning of the game all over again and start a whole new world with a whole new plan and see all this new stuff for the first time and then for other people that really like their long-term worlds

They would think oh man you know what I really want to do I want to go to a place I’ve never explored before and like set up a new base in this new area where all this new stuff is and experience all this new stuff for the first

Time like that’s what that’s what made Minecraft updates special and kept people playing um now I’ve I’m I’m what like a six or seven year player of Minecraft in total now I started with update aquatic update aquatic was a big update to people that have been been playing

Minecraft for a long time already it made a basically I wouldn’t you wouldn’t say unplayable but an empty area of the game not empty anymore and added in a whole bunch of stuff um Can somebody can somebody go through and tell me somebody somebody look up right now cuz I’m going

To miss some and list for me what were what was the major theme of 1.14 1.15 I know 1.16 was the ne I know 1.17 um was caves and cliffs part one so I know those but what was uh what was 1.14 was um uh Village and pillage and 1.15 was

Buzzy Bees is that right the the the bees update and those came right after each other did they not you had 1.4 hit and then like five months 6 months later you had 1.15 hit is that correct somebody tell me if I’m remembering right okay so so 1.13

Added in everything that you see nowadays underwater basically it like revitalized the game from a water perspective 1.14 completely changed villagers and added in this whole new progression system with villagers it added in uh pillagers it added in raids it added in Pillager watchtowers I’m sure there’s

Some other things that added in that I’m not thinking of um as well one point oh I went all the way down to bedrock um I did not want to go down this far um I doesn’t really matter which way we go um and then if Village and pillage

Wasn’t enough for you 6 months later they added in the the the bees update which added in bees and a couple of other like things with bees okay I’m assuming this like falling down trick works the exact same in Java um so you had that and then

1.6 added it was the nether update it took a completely desolate empty area of the game and gave it life and added in new things from uh like Pillager mobs to a whole bunch of new biomes and it made exploring the nether this like new crazy adventure with all sorts of new stuff

Attached to it okay then 1.17 hit 1.17 completely changed it redid the entire Overworld generation so any like every Minecraft world between 1 .6 to 1.17 was a big change okay since then nothing major has changed in the game the the I know a lot of people are

Going to say 1.18 but just stick with me okay since 1.17 the only changes to the game have been new biome one to two new Mobs that are not like major changes to the game just slight additions to the game and um handful of new blocks right that’s

It that’s that’s the game that’s what 1.18 did that’s what 1.19 did that’s what 1.20 did so they went from let let me like very basically sum it up 1.13 desolate area of the game completely re vital with all brand new stuff 1.14 long-term existing system villagers completely renovated and updated to add

In a whole new progression system to the game and then shortly after that 1.15 added bees and all new mechanics around them and a bunch of new items around them 1.16 took a completely empty desolate area of the game and completely changed it and added in all brand new

Stuff for it 1.17 took the entire game and everything you see in the Overworld and changed all of it it may it added in a bunch of new biomes making mountains much taller making the world go a lot lower adding in all new space in between it was really

Crazy and then 1.19 or 1.8 1.19 and 1.20 new biome one to two new inconsequential mobs and a few new blocks that’s what all of the other updates have been since then so they stopped trying to like do these like huge things to the game and instead they went with

Incrementalism and I think you could get away with that if you did it like maybe one year right I think for the most part like people aren’t going to like throw this big fit about it but to do it year after year after year and like that’s

Now your new like thing is like you’re just going to make like minor incremental changes to the game unfortunately I don’t think it’s going to fly well with people and it’s now showing cuz the game has become so stale with these uh small incremental changes that longtime players aren’t interested

In the base game anymore they just aren’t yeah and the things they are changing right now as Rachel says are like Nerfs to the game they’re making parts of the game harder now as a base as a baseline I don’t think that’s a bad thing but when that’s the biggest thing

That you’re changing in the game is you’re changing things to make it harder without adding like new super exciting like groundbreaking stuff along with it all you’re doing is you’re you’re upsetting players without giving them something to I should have seen if that was going to kill me I didn’t think I

Don’t think it was going to you’re like you’re you’re taking away without adding something of equal value or better anytime you take away you need to add somewhere else and you don’t have to add somewhere else to make that somewhere else overpowered the somewhere else the

The other thing that you need to add just needs to feel good and give people something large to do and it doesn’t so I’ve been playing since it came out on Xbox 360 and I still love vanilla and and Mama Noob that’s fine cuz some people are like that like you have

Different personalities right some people can play the exact same game that doesn’t even change as much as Minecraft does and play it for 10 plus years but like population as a whole the game is becoming stale for people and it’s really starting to show I’m not

Trying to say this as a prow thing um because I think I’ve lasted longer than probably most people have with it um but largely speaking people have been getting tired of the game and it’s been showing because all of these people have not been playing the game as

Much and that’s starting to show in content creators um like views oh let’s do this of course I can only make three of these all right that should be good for now so this is what this is what like Mojang this is what Minecraft needs to

Do they need to go back to the time of just making like good big updates and to do that they need to properly staff their Studio they have a lot of wonderful developers that work for them right now I’ve interacted with many of them personally there’s not a single one that I don’t

Like right and I I know that they’re all like good hardworking people but there’s not enough of them to to crank out these big updates that the game needs so they need to hire more people to put the updates in the game that we the player want the players

Want and modded Minecraft is a great place to look because while a lot of modded Minecraft goes way too far um in terms of like hold on in terms of like the stuff it adds to the game to where it’s like it’s it’s definitely far outside of like what most

Would consider to be a vanilla feeling experience there’s a lot of things in modded Minecraft that mojan could look at and I’m sure they probably are pretty generally aware of that very well fit into the um vanilla experience like this Vault Hunters as a mod in general is not a

Vanilla experience that should never be added into the base game but there’s a lot of things that they could add to modernize the game and that would fit into the vanilla experience while progressing the game and making it feel just a little bit more modern in a m crafty way what is

This what is that do I need this what about trials and tiles yeah like trials and tiles I think is another like it’s another mediocre update let’s really talk about what are they adding in trials and tiles okay or taals or whatever they want to call it they’re

Hiding a big structure underground that you’re going to have to go searching for and they’re giving you a a PVE experience to fight some mobs and get a reward okay that’s that’s the most we know about it right now like as a like if they were to add that as like a

December update like an in between update dude that would be awesome I would be thrilled they’re adding the crafter on its own another good thing right and and it honestly the crafter is probably going to have a pretty big impact on the game but it’s not giving

Us anything new in the game it’s allowing us to do something that’s already existing in the game easier okay uh no okay I don’t need this okay um it’s not giving us something brand new um and there wasn’t there something else the the armadillo like a cool it’s

In it’s an inconsequential mob that’s kind of cool like a nice thing to have in a game but it’s not a major update it’s just not do this yes oh look we’re already with just this one vein we’re caught up to where we were before we

Restarted um I need I need this down here look I’m going to we’re not far in I want to I’m going to go down here and make a diamond pick now so we can go through this faster what it R say trials and Tails wasn’t good enough you go and

Dig out terracotta oh yeah the trails and Tails or whatever the last update was no it wasn’t it wasn’t good enough at all they need to finish end Dimension like that’s a good one like if they were to completely redo like enchantments and level levels and

Um uh like some of like storage like if they were to reinvent a lot of the existing systems in the game and like really modernize them and just make them really cool that would be a big enough change even though they’re not adding in like new content per se they’re adding

In new content in a way because they’re changing a lot of what’s in the base game that would be cool but let’s let’s face it let’s be like super duper honest about this right now we were promised initially a caves and cliffs update they gave us that in 1.7 with train generation

1.18 with um Lush caves and some new blocks 1.9 uh with uh the the warden and the deep dark and one and uh and AR and then yeah archaeology no 1.20 with archaeology and yeah like it took four updates to give us what they initially promised and won now they yeah they over

Promised but honestly the the problem wasn’t that they the problem wasn’t that they over promised the the problem was that they they should that’s what that’s how much they need to deliver one one point 1 17 should have had all those things in it and then when that

Hit that would have been a wow update like that would have been on par with every update prior and then 1.19 or 1.18 should have been an end update and 1.19 should have been a complete systems overhaul and 1.20 should be a new dimension that comes from the the deep dark you know

What like this is like it’s that’s a tough Cadence to keep up with it is but this is Minecraft gambling is not on oh gambling is on I’ll leave it on for you guys it’s been a while since we since we’ played together I didn’t mean

For it to be on but it’s fine that it is okay uh we have a lot of torches we should we could probably leave the coal here I don’t need to keep the iron with me either I don’t think and we don’t need two things of food we’ll just keep

This this should be this should be a good little load out I don’t need the I don’t think I need the extra torches but we’ll keep those so like let’s let’s take everything we just talked about and let’s put that into context of content my content has been dropping off

Like crazy I know some of that is due to some self-inflicted wounds but no matter what I’ve ever done my tried and true this will definitely get views has been tutorials because tutorial PE tutorial Watchers for the most part they don’t care about cons consy and content they

Care about did you give me something that I can use and it helps me and if they anwers yes the tutorial does good and a lot of people see it and if the answer is no then nobody finds the tutorial in the first place I’ve done tutorials on a lot

Of different things of wide variety of things including some like improvements um SL changes on like old tutorials that I’ve done if I pass like something like this that’s like a useful block a useful ore let me know um my tutorial viewership is probably down about like four times of what it

What I would expect it to be was a diamond at your head no I don’t think so I don’t think I pass diamond and there’s only one reason for that it’s because people aren’t playing vanilla Minecraft enough to need tutorials for vanilla Minecraft so then that made me think

Okay but like what if it’s a me Pro what if it’s me what if like even though I think my tutorials are super relevant they’re good they’re the thumbnails are great they’re put together well like all these different things I can think all these things but is that really the case

Maybe it’s me so then I start checking like silent Whisperer and JC plays and um Waddles and pixel wrist cuz they do guides right they’re almost like tutorials I check all these guys all their viewership numbers if you look back to what they were six to n months

Ago they they’ve all fallen off a cliff every single one of them um then I talked to toy cat and I think I talked to James and like um I look at Dallas Med’s numbers who does let’s play he doesn’t do tutorials all of those numbers falling off the

Cliff toy cat I was talking to toy cat toy cat’s like I this is the worst I’ve ever seen it in at least 5 years and it’s it’s like it’s been like a freef fall for like 3 months now and we were talking about it and like we both agree

Like we think it’s only going to get worse and it’s going to get worse for a while the YouTubers I watch I just enjoy watching them play Minecraft which is great and there’s a few people that are not falling into this like um I looked at farsy for example fary just does his

Own let’s play stuff his numbers are still through the roof but he’s an exception um and I’m sure there’s a couple of other exceptions but like even like the Hermits are seeing a a massive drop off in numbers like there’s so many people are seeing massive drop off in numbers and

Then you see other people have like jump ship already to modded right U Mr beard Stone um foxy no tail um those are two that I know that have jumped into create mod their numbers instantly went through the roof with the change instantly right I I probably could have tried that

But like I don’t know anything about create mod so that I have to learn create mod and then like they’re putting in a lot of work in those in those videos and I don’t know if I’m going to like create mod enough to do that so like I can’t just jump into a

Create mod series that I know nothing about not even know if I’m going to like it and then what if I start it and it’s doing good now I’m trapped with creating create mod videos that I don’t even like making like I could I can’t put myself through that I

Can’t but what it does lead me to is where we are today oh God I’m a little scared okay I think we’re good this isn’t the chromatic iron is it no looks like the other stuff florite okay um oh hello let me help you oh um wait a second why doesn’t he just

Die he became a lava zombie oh what is that I don’t I don’t I don’t know and I don’t need to find out can we not now what was I talking about before I got distracted um so that leads me to where we are today which is there are

Some mods that I found that I think I might find interesting Vault Hunters is probably the top of that list so that’s why we’re in Vault Hunters first um I’m willing to try create mod again I don’t think it’s going to be one that I find super interesting so I’m not

Excited to jump into it um I saw they just did a complete remaster of the aether mod the aether mod is like one of the OG most OG of OG Minecraft mods that exist okay so there’s the Aether mods a possibility they just remastered it they finished to remaster and made it public

4 days ago that’s like a vanilla M that’s a Twist on a vanilla Minecraft experience so I would probably like that I think so that’s a possibility it’s on my short list um create is good if you enjoy making farms and machines and see I like making Farms I don’t really like making

Machines and then also here’s the other thing we create I really don’t want to compete with current create content because the people that are doing create content right now they’re putting like 40 plus hours in game each week to create one video um that’s hard for me to do with

My attention span it’s hard for me to do with how much I would like to stream it’s hard for me to do with wanting to also make content outside of just this basic Minecraft content that I’m making okay so I’m not super into the idea of create right now

Um Cobble Monon I actually have a decent amount of interest in wanting to try Cobble Cobble is a Pokemon Mod there’s been a longstanding Pokemon Mod that’s been and existence for a while it’s called um Pixelmon um I think production stopped on it a while ago this is this it chromatic iron ha

Ha I don’t even know what this is good for but I know I need it okay we’ll we’ll mine it all up um but uh Cobble Monon is a Pokemon mod and I think it looks and will be way better than Pixelmon ever was it looks

So much better the way they did the models it’s still pretty early in development and they’re doing constant updates to it and who doesn’t like Pokemon um so I thought the idea of Cobble modon would be really fun to try and if we if we get into a second mod like if this

Doesn’t completely just consume me and make me want to only spend my time doing this we’ll probably also try uh uh Cobble modon yeah shaa you’re right Bedrock is unfortunately stuck with nothing to do other than vanilla Minecraft kind of um Mojang just recently added the ability for for pack creators add-on

Creators on the marketplace so we’re talking about you having to spend money which this part does suck to make like add ones that AR don’t require an already made world so what you should start to see be a possibility over the course of the next year or so I

Think is you’ll start to see people make uh like more full mods that like change World Generation add in new Mobs add in new enemies add in new items and all of those things be possible to do in a brand new world that you generate in game now when those start to become

Available and they’re like actually like I what I would feel like is a at least like a modded light experience um at that I’ll probably buy some of them for you guys like I’ll I’ll purchase it try it out like on a stream or something and showcase it to like let

You guys see like okay like is this is this add-on actually worth purchasing to give me a modded like experience and then hopefully at some point you’ll have like free add-on creators be able to do some of that stuff too but I’m not going to hold my breath for

That yeah you’re right Timmy but also like Foxy is doing stuff that is not intended to be done he’s finding like good like cool unique ways around existing problems and in doing that the stuff that he’s doing is getting broken but he’s doing stuff that they

Actually don’t want you to do or they don’t intend for you to do whereas if you look at traditional addins those are supposed to easily update forever so this is now you need Vault Stone so yeah hopefully run across some oh wait a second Quest chromatic iron

Reward oh 24 iron OTS okay I shall take Vault Stone okay let’s find Vault Stone um I forget what I was about to say oh the Rick Roll I’m surprised I have not gotten like a copyright strike for the Rick Roll but I haven’t remember you’re like oh my God

Prow you found obsidian look I can I can get infinite obsidian right here bro um just like a super quick peek anything of Interest like right here in my direct vicinity oh I can’t tell if that’s diamonds I don’t think it is okay and this is all like

Lava talk about add-ons yeah but I forget the U add-ons breaking oh yeah so here’s the big benefit about what what is supposed to be really good about add-ons versus Mods okay so when somebody makes a mod when a new version of Minecraft comes out by default that mod does not

Work with the new version of Minecraft and the mod the mod creator has to do in some cases pretty major updates to make their mod compatible with the new version and then people don’t have to upgrade to the new version so you have to then support whatever version of

Minecraft you’re on and newer versions of Minecraft that’s why for example Vault Hunters here is on Minecraft 1.18 because when they started making it they made it in 1.18 and to upgrade it to work for 1.19 or 1.20 is a huge task a really big task let’s compare that versus an add-on if

You make an add-on almost no matter how comprehensive it is when the next version of Minecraft a minor or major update happens by default it’s assumed that that add-on is supposed to keep working the exact same way so it it heavily benefits Mojang in the long run to get people playing

Adin and to make Adin the way for people to do things cuz what that means is that when these like non vanilla Minecraft experiences are created oh we should start heading back now I think oh no I I still have plenty of torches okay um we’ll go a little bit further um what

It means is the player experience is consistent because Mojang can come out with a new update whenever they want and not have to worry about oh man how’s this going to break this mod or vice versa The modders Experience should be oh I can just create my mod

And I don’t have to worry about updating it for new versions of the game unless it’s for me to add new content to it it’ll automatically work with newer versions of the game so like super honestly it it would be in everybody’s interest players and modders and Mojang if Mo if

Adin were capable of doing almost everything that mods can and players and creators alike all move to to playing add one based content instead of mods that would be that would be the best thing that could ever happen for for Minecraft oh we got more wait this is it right yes

Okay um get it all we’re going to start after this batch we’re going to start uh we’re going to start digging our way back we have not found more diamonds which kind of sucks now let me so let’s take this into another thing one thing that’s common

For like Ro RPGs role playing games to do um especially good ones like Bethesda for example typically speaking is they will make Mo uh mod kits a whole like crazy mod kit that can pretty much modify their base game in any way and they will put that out for

Anybody to make free mods and do whatever they want with the game this is what Mojang needs to do and I think is only part partially doing and this is going to be to their detriment and this is why Bedrock edition if it fails and and Minecraft slowly becomes

More and more Irrelevant this will be why okay they like they’re making mod tools I think they’re heavily limiting or purposely not expanding to the degree that they should what those mod tools can change about the game because they’re trying to keep some sort of like control over like what’s possible in Minecraft

And oh yes diamonds that’s good I know I know the Vault Stone’s probably more important than diamonds but like we really needed diamonds to progress forward um so that and like Mojang is very much creating this two-tiered system tier one is these mod tools you can use as

Official like you have access to these official modding tools and you can make stuff that goes on the marketplace and people pay for that’s the upper tier and the lower tier is hey like anybody can make these basic add-ons for free we’re not giving you a

Full a full developers toolkit to do it though like you’re just kind of on your own to like figure it out and you may not have access to everything but hey like you could post this to anybody that has a PC or a mobile device and they can play

It that’s the the two tiers it’s really I and I wish I could like just like tell this to whatever like idiot decision maker is Mojang that’s making this type this level decision it’s it’s so stupid that that’s what they’re doing oh man I am I going to be able to make

It all the way back okay I have logs so I can make sticks and I have enough diamonds to make another pickaxe if we need to so we’re good um I want this so again I’m I’m the person just to be clear the person I’m calling an idiot is

Not a developer that you’ll see on Twitter or a community manager it’s like a higher up pencil Pusher that’s like hey um yeah we’ll make a lot more money from Minecraft if uh we make it so only only these add-ons could be can be done by people that like are going to use

Those add-ons to make us money and like it’s going to make the marketplace better because all the good stuff will be in the marketplace and people can’t just download it for free and stuff so like let’s give the special tools to the people that make the stuff on the marketplace

Ah stop it go away and that right there that mindset is going to be what ruins eventually the possibility of Bedrock Edition being the better version of Minecraft bual chunk borders it doesn’t matter people have tested that extensively it doesn’t matter the probability of running across stuff is exactly the

Same so so if if I were if you put prow in charge of M in charge of Minecraft em Mojang what would prow do this is what proud would do are you ready for it Mojang are you listening who’s the head of Jeb I don’t even I feel like Jeb’s not even the

Actual head of like what’s going on in Mojang anymore whoever is the head of the head of Mojang I hope you’re listening right now cuz this is what you need to do to make Minecraft relevant years from now and to still make yourselves a lot of money and to make

Sure that nobody eventually pushes you out okay this is what you need to do take whatever you’re doing with the with the the the modding tools that you’re making oh God okay F first thing you need to do get rid of silverfish how many over there oh my

God didn’t Jeb leave years ago Dude he he was literally just in a video Minecraft live with this with this flowy red hair what are you talking about anyways this is what you guys need to do is this more is this this looks like the this is the fluorite isn’t

It that’s the fluorite okay I can kind of tell the difference I he he’s in charge I don’t know how much in charge he actually is but whether it’s him or somebody else this is what you need to do Mojang your mod kit add-on kit that you’re that

You’re in active development doing right now expand it make it to where it can change and do anything anything with the game of Minecraft that’s number one number two make it publicly available for anybody to download and use that’s number two number three change your strategy with the

Marketplace allow people to post things to the marketplace for free or paid if they want it to be paid give people the choice number four make whatever system you need to make sure that the stuff being put on the marketplace is safe to be seen on consoles guess what fortnite

Doeses this so don’t tell me that you can’t do it cuz if you tell me that I’m going to tell you that you’re just being lazy and don’t want to do it okay um wait I want to make sure I’m in the same line I want to be in this line

Um and and and like give the marketplace a chance to actually make you some money cuz right now nobody gives a crap about the marketplace nobody cares people largely do not buy stuff from the marketplace yes some people do okay that’s the floor right I can

Tell that those are the things I would do if I was in charge of OJ so I hope they’re listening to me although I know that they’re not but that’s what it would take to save to I think save bck Edition and make it eventually be something to where like people don’t

Even care about Java anymore cuz that’s should be the plan I my whole goal if I was in charge of mojing would would be to make bedrock so freaking good and capable of doing so many things that people that Java players are like ah I think I’m just

Going to go play Bedrock because like that’s where the cool stuff is right now and like I I would just I would want to make it to where nobody even wants to play Java anymore I’m not saying I’m I’m not trying to kick them off of java I

Want people to actively make the decision like just like people are making a decision to play Java now because of modded I want to make people make the decision like I’m going to play Bedrock because like the add-ons there are actually better kind of and like I’m able to play it with my

Um my friends hold on a second I’ll be right back All right sorry need to go pee you ever played vintage story no I feel like I’ve heard of that what is that little jealous you had to put oh God dang it am I like under a mountain is that why I keep running into these Dudes I hear more so now we need to run into some Vault Stone and just some more diamonds like generally angering the silverfish I I didn’t mean to wake them up I’m so sorry I’ve seen more Silverfish doing this than I’ve ever seen in all my combined time ever playing

Minecraft outside of like spawners and about the end portals is that like a is that something with the mod or or is like is that like a Java thing where they just like appear way more often on Bedrock it’s we like you’ll get one and like usually it’ll just stand

There and not do anything like like the AI on it it’s broken or something they summon friends if you don’t kill them fast stuff is that the way it works oh Sammy um Sammy I saw you said something earlier but I was like such in

The middle of the rant of a rant that I totally forgot to acknowledge you saying Papa what did Papa say I hey silverfish it’s the only spawner I break yeah well it’s the only spawner that you’re allowed to break you’re not allowed to break other spawners that’s against the

Law um well this is a little awkward I think what we’ll do is we’ll break in over here and then we’ll just like loot back in we acknowledge your membership oh wait I don’t have my my thing up you um you reup the membership didn’t you I’m sorry

Sammy everybody give Samia let’s go for membership renewal here let me get that pulled up real quick I need my thing that my dashboard that shows me like all of the stuff that happens there we go and she said wow it’s been 16 months that’s a long time okay stay away

Silverfish so how you guys well I mean I guess we haven’t like really done anything vaulty yet we will but um how you guys liking the the the whole idea of Vault Hunter so far swear if you die to a silverfish bro I am way too good for that ah yes more

Diamonds oh No a two vein crap so um I know some people have been saying they want to see me do a series on it let’s talk about like what would that even look like because here’s the thing with Vault hunters and I’m afraid I’m just I’m worried it’ll turn into

Like other AR RPGs R which is eventually it becomes a grind for just more levels more skill skills better gear maybe that’s fun to watch right but like the running of the vaults I think now somebody can correct me if I’m wrong on this um that’s played it a

Lot but like the running of the Vault itself actually starts to get a little repetitive from a viewership perspective but like that’s the main like actual like content Loop that you’re engaging with as the player is the is the vaults that’s chromatic iron oh God here we freaking go

Making farms for all the stuff that you’ll need I mean that sounds like it’ll probably be fun so I guess that’ll be like part part of the replayable part and then like so now tell me this and I don’t know if I have the capability of doing

This but let’s let’s say I I have full capability to do things however I want to what’s more appealing to you guys a solo let’s play series where I just kind of like go through things at that prow pace and just build stuff and do things

And it’s like a normal let’s play but in Vault Hunters with all the Vault hun things or do I make a multiplayer server where a bunch of people start at the same time as me everybody will probably for the most part go their own way but especially for like running vaults those

Things would be more probably collaborative and maybe there’s some some form of uh communal type area for some different things and I run it as a multiplayer server so like the episodes will probably be a lot of like just prow but with like some mixtures of like prows

Running a vault with like these additional people um but then like I have the ability to like insert those moments in and then if there’s any other like multiplayer bits that I think uh make sense for me to do then I kind of like put those in yeah cuz ultimately that’s what when

I say multiplayer that’s what I mean by multiplayer multiplayer doesn’t mean like I’m in voice chat on camera like 90% of the time with other people it’s probably more of like I’m invo chat slon camera 5% of the time with other people and like the other 95% is just

Me is SC Hermits play Vault Hunter series is a great example I should probably go through a watch that cuz I know it wasn’t very long they would played like 100 days or something right I think there was like 16 episodes I could probably get through watching

That I’m I enjoyed it more watching multiple people running the same Vault together but that only works well if the Friendship Dynamic is there yeah and like I don’t I don’t know who I’d be playing with I’m assuming like if I did it like you’d probably have PDF jump in you’d probably have

Will jump in I’m not going to just play with anybody if if we could pull minitar away from um Diablo long enough he would probably he might play but then here here comes the logistics problem right I have the resources to make the server cuz I’m I’m

Partnered with spark toast who has been a great hosting company for me and I can I can I have the ability to get a a Java server um set up with them if and when I want to the problem is setting up and running a Java server is a lot harder than a

Bedrock server because for it to properly run especially if you want to have like a decent amount of people in it you need need a lot of mods that like significantly improve server performance and if you do it right server performance from what I understand with a pretty good amount of players can

Actually be pretty good um and um they have there’s a lot of like administrative based mods that you can add in that um make it like easy to police things that happen on the server so if like somebody tries to do something that they shouldn’t do whether it be griefing or

Um stealing stuff or whatever you have like ways to track down who that person is what they did fix what happened and then just kick them off the server not have to worry about it I don’t know anything about any of that okay I just don’t

So with that being said I need I would have to have somebody that does and I don’t have that somebody I don’t know who I don’t know who that person would be um I could probably put one stack of this away yeah okay keep with people you trust on that server maybe or

Like am I fine with having a lot of people in the server because there’s not really a huge drawback to having a lot of people I do still have the pick I do okay but like I feel like I like the idea of there being more people there and

Becoming a little bit more of a community thing cuz I can just not interact I I can just kind of let things happen around me and not really have to worry too much about what’s going on and go about my business and just like interact with and do things with the people that

I want to while other people get to like just be part of the background and like have fun and play and have somewhere to like play alongside you know what I mean without like directly interfering I was actually surprised I proposed this on Discord and I’m actually surprised more people didn’t

Like buck up for the thought of it but I I thought it’d be really cool to run a cobon server and like have like it be open to like dozens of people playing and then like I imagine like people could have fun like collecting Pokemon leveling them up battling other people

In the servers Pokemon and like creating like cool Co gyms and stuff we make a Coliseum and like make like this whole big like server like long-term world out of it but it seems like people aren’t super interested in that so I think that idea has kind of gone to the

Wayside well the problem so here’s the problem with doing that minnow Rachel is like anything else a lot of people start out interested and a lot of people drop off because things come up and people’s interests change so what so if you start out with the server with 12 people like

A few months later 12 people’s down to like three and then what do you do look at the Lego fortnite world that I made do I want to let this break I feel like I don’t I don’t maybe it doesn’t really matter as much as Vault Hunters cuz I

Don’t know what kind of crazy stuff I’m going to get later but we’re going to we’re going to save that at like it’s almost zero durability um yeah I made the Lego fortnite world it gave out some keys and literally well yeah Rachel was on vacation okay but like nobody else

Has played on it tabin I think was on it for like a couple days after and that was it and it just that just that’s just what happens people end up not being as interested as they initially thought they they had plans and in and plans and

Intentions change I mean it’s it’s human nature it happens so that’s why I’m thinking if I open up a vault Hunter server let’s say I had the ability to do it I think I would just C what is this I think I would just cast a wider net raw

Lead um I would cast a wider net and just let a whole lot of people join so that way the world always feels like it’s active because the more active a world like seems and feels the more people want to engage in it just just because there’s more people to engage

With dude Rachel I don’t know if I don’t know if my wife will ever will ever play with you again she um she hasn’t touched a a a game in over a week since she caught the flu and a little bit before that like it’s she said it’s she said

It’s changed her as a person she’s not interested in gaming anymore it like her she’s a different person now she does doesn’t exist anymore in the way that you remember her she hasn’t played a game in probably almost two weeks of any type not even like logging into fortnite or

Anything hold on we get this I’m literally playing zero fortnite oh that’s cool cuz I tried to get her to play with me yesterday me and my son our son and she wouldn’t do it oops Invited her I invited her to play with us and she didn’t play I know someone used a program called core protect it is uh a fast efficient data logging and anti-griefing tool can roll back and restore any amount of damage designed with large shers in mind yes no we see like I know

That type of stuff exists I don’t have the time to research it all find it all learn it all and implement it all first I don’t have the patience for that kind of stuff my ADHD will kick in second um like that’s you’re probably talking

Like a freaking week for me to figure it all out and I’ll probably miss like a thousand things so I don’t know maybe I’ll see if I can like find somebody because I think ultimately my ideal scenario is I create like a members only server and

Um and get a bunch of people engaged in playing that way may she doesn’t want to play with prow I mean she turned down playing with my son too it’s pretty sad so me and my son played several rounds together what program do you use to talk to others on Minecraft

Discord oh yeah and that’s like I would want to probably set up proximity chat I think it would be great to have set up if we set up a server I don’t know how to set that up and I don’t even know how to use it I could figure that part out

But like I don’t know how to set a proc chat I don’t know what’s going to be required like so many things like I need somebody with knowledge and us having a um a Bedrock Edition player base means that like that’s where everybody’s experience lies trying to get proximity mod to work

In Vault Hunter oh it doesn’t work in the vaults I guess it like sees the instances and is like n like we’re not by each other I’m not going to work it’s interesting I mean it’s not a big deal because I can just have like Dynamic rooms in Discord setup to where people

Can just like easily make their own Discord voice chat in the server Dave Rich over there with all the coins or cubes we ever run across Vault Stone yet yeah that’s like the main thing we’re looking for at this point and I’m just hoping to find a decent amount of diamonds on the

Way um I could always check to see if um spark toast has anybody that is like good at like figuring getting everything all like figuring out getting everything all set up but like I hate to ask that of them I don’t know I hate asking for like favors from somebody who’s already

Giving me something but may maybe they have somebody that that could say set it up I don’t know but I can’t ask them to like maintain it after the fact so that’s why like I that’s where I would still need somebody with knowledge anyways like that’s part of my admin

Team okay did not know that was going to make me stand up a benefit from having someone help you I mean maybe probably should make some armor I don’t I don’t have enough diamonds to make armor and I mean it’s not like we’re running across any

Mobs they can’t get me in here except the stupid silverfish we keep running across every so often yeah Sasha I’m still here how long have we been going so far oh it’s only two and a half hours got like a sleepy in my eye or something yeah like I don’t even have uh

We had what I think eight pieces uh we had eight diamonds so we have another two we only have 10 diamonds to our name PDF do you get like special tools and stuff too like am I going to have to have like a healthy supply of

Like stuff to like keep making new tools and things or I’m like I don’t know I don’t know how it works finding Vault Stone into the deep caves yeah I mean on the last world that we that we made before we abandoned it because we were in the wrong version we

Found a big old chunk of Vault Stone way down here what prevent you from doing a vault I don’t have any Vault Stone and I don’t have any armor so like I’ll go into the Vault and just get absolutely slaughtered I need Diamond I need diamond armor and I need Vault Stone

The Vault tools and armor can only be repaired so many times but like do you find enough of it often enough to keep to like keep well supplied even if it’s not like the best like it’s not your optimal or like top piece of gear man we have not had a lot of

Luck eventually I’ll be able to make different tiers of tools like I just want to reach that point where I have like whatever Vault Hunter is equivalent to like efficiency 5 is and Unbreaking three like I want tools to I I I would like to be able to go

Faster even making ones that are Immortal in the Overworld that actually sounds great can I have The Immortal stuff please I know I can get those things but like why would I if you’re talking about in the sense of like normal Minecraft play like yeah sure I get

That but like why would I do that if I’m going to get better stuff by running vaults I want to get to the point where I can run vaults and I want to run a crap ton of vaults eventually and like mostly like get geared up and stuff that

Way wait am I on the right line I am my current Overworld tools have vanilla immortality that’s awesome I want that I need that in my life please see like I can keep going until like this pickaxe is like maybe about half durability and we got to turn

Back you’ll find jewels that can add things to your tools okay that’s cool what do you mean like like I can find a jewel that’ll like give me the equivalent of like efficiency or Unbreaking on my tools rather than going the typical like enchantment route of vanilla Minecraft went over one

Huh no I didn’t look this the line straight find Evol Stone will be caves okay but then I’m not going to find like diamonds easily right I mean I could always like I have enough iron probably to make like iron gear how about this we’re going to see

What we get by finishing these two little runs and then we’re going to go caving we’ll finish we’ll finish this we’re almost we’re almost all the way in this direction that we can go we got a little bit more durability on our pick and a little bit more left in terms of torches

And then we’ll work our way back let’s turn up the music a little bit no exposed diamonds in 1.18 don’t remember um yeah I think they’ already change they changed at 1.17 or if it wasn’t 1.17 it was definitely 1.18 okay I think we’re far enough to

Our pick two three and four to where we can start working our way back So late to the party hey brick School how’s it going Dude guys we’re at 377 total members Oh I thought that wasn’t that supposed to update I changed it To it’s supposed to be a goal of uh hold on it’s I thought I updated it to be a goal 500 there it goes Okay uh can we get when can we get to 500 members like a maybe a good portion of the way there to where we have a chance of getting there by the end of the week or something that’d be awesome oh dang PDF oh Diamond

One two I swear to God if this is another freaking okay three it’s still not a big vein like where is my like five six seven eight veins I keep finding twos and threes that’s why I don’t have any freaking diamonds bad Luck okay right some lava what if um What if we do a little bit of looking around Here make sure like no oh man that’s a big Lava Lake oh that’s chromatic iron isn’t It it is oh that’s weird did you see how I could see through the the lava or the water oh why does that sound so much more satisfying on Java than it is on bedrock it also has hydroid which lets me mine water and lava what basically deletes it oh that’s kind of Cool is that All that was a small batch based train rush remix yeah dude some of these remixes are incredibly good is there a zoom button built into this mod oh oh wow that scared the crap out of me I thought I was like throwing it into the lava wait no that doesn’t look like Vault Stone tdf you’re supposed to be the resident expert here dude oh that is I think that is some Vault Stone OptiFine OptiFine only works with fabric right and this is um this is uh a forge mod is all of this Vault Stone like what is that chipped Vault Rock Vault Cobblestone

Okay now mine it all fine Oh I thought that was going to drop gravel on Me oh I completed a quest um Quest Vault Stone reward chip fault Rock okay whoa look at all those cobwebs holy crap there’ll be a good amount of it oh man am I going to be able to get back home I have I I can always make another pick I guess

Surprise toss deep slate to make room I will once I get to that Point what is this for um I think I think the Vault Stone you actually use to like make the vaults or Something can I uncover some diamonds while doing this would be great or once you enter a vault you have 25 minutes to complete the challenge on top of the screen yeah yeah yeah I know I imagine they they start out fairly easy complete or leave safely yeah that’s

Right if you die the runs over right or is it not oh if once you reach to level 20 and you die the run’s over level 10 oh okay cool first vault is built for iron gear oh okay hold on um Flint lead chromatic I’m just kidding I know not to throw that out smooth V Salt yeah starter Grace vault which you have to get to monoliths and exit through the way you got in from okay I keep hitting this um number pad I’m going to guess I’ll scoot it closer over Here I’m getting kind of hungry so maybe once we get like top side or something what I’ll do is I’ll take a short break to eat some uh uh leftover pizza from last night what this iron too and then what we’ll do is maybe we’ll gear up with iron gear I guess for

Our first vault cuz I don’t want to sit here mining for diamonds all day bro I just don’t it’s not been a very lucrative fun thing to do Okay so let’s head back all right Mac better be careful from Vault creatures cuz they hit like a 200,000 pound 2,000 lb 200,000 lb truck I think it’s like this way yeah where did I oh no was like somewhere I don’t remember where I came through at anybody

Remember uh okay it was at this y level so we’re looking for like a hole at this level right or no like I came down through somewhere but it wasn’t like it wasn’t that high is it this okay okay um I need these um I think I’m

Going to need these torches to like get back without like being in the complete dark what’s up here anything interesting no Lava okay so this is the path you forgot Zero’s map mod prow I’m just using whatever’s included in the base Vault Hunters I didn’t need to over complicate

It cuz I don’t know mods anyways so like me adding in other stuff when I don’t even know the base stuff is probably not a good idea Da already added at the top right of your screen what are you talking about bro what is this what does this extra mod do for me and why why wasn’t it included in like why do why doesn’t like iscal included in the base mod

Pack and I already have a map so why do I need another map is you a trap door n left it is it’s not a big deal we’ll get more wood yeah I have like a regular Map so you’re saying that I need to download a mod to add the map that I’m already using that doesn’t make any sense I’m already using it why do I need to download it again again it don’t make any sense that’s literally what you just said you forgot Zero’s map mod okay but

I’m already I’m already using it you said so how did I forget it if I’m already using it bro I get confused easy okay where is your Vault portal okay okay yeah I understand that I’m going to want to use the map when I’m in the vaults that makes that’s common

Sense I swear to God if this is a single Diamond vein okay it’s still going to be a small one watch two like what does this mod make diamonds less common or something I’m pretty sure that I’m being like made a fool of right now M oh Maps don’t work EV vaults really I don’t I don’t like that Maps don’t work in vaults I want a map in a vault make them too easy for you sure they can bro I get lost easy I don’t even know where I am right now wow okay oh we have to have a lot of torches or Something Java has less Diamond spawn rate doesn’t it I don’t think it’s supposed to no oh God I hate this like base Minecraft music it’s so annoying ooh Mario Kart I could take that much further do I have to go I don’t have any way to tell

Really oh I guess I do right oh what I just do where’s The Village at is this It we saw ways to Go oh crap here we freaking go sounded a bit rough oh yeah dude I mean I’m still getting over the flu I got that like this residual cough SL congestion right now your pickax is about de yeah it’s getting close I’ll keep going for a little bit longer and then we’ll have to

Just make a new one death to all the silverfish yes ah please I swear don’t you you freaking dare a one Vin a two vein a freaking two vein I I am so over This all right um let’s do This Um Okay you toss his ink don’t need it all those extra materials go with create don’t they and by that by the time I get like that portion I’ll probably be able to get anything I need a lot quicker so much deep slate yeah I’m going to keep it as a building

Block for anything we need to build for the time being I just finish off the first pick before using a new one I don’t know like I I have I have this like this it’s like preconceived notion in my head that like you’re not supposed to let your pickaxes break dude it’s

Like a Minecraft sin like maybe I could like upgrade these things somehow later I don’t know you just you just don’t do it it’s just a it’s a no it’s like uh you run across a spider spawner I’m not going to use the spider spawner but you still don’t break the spider

Spawner you know what I mean same concept or zombie spawner or whatever you can’t listen maybe I can oops I’m a centner oh man oh you better repent make new pickaxe oh is this no this is like this isn’t vault is this Vault Stone it is ah PDF we found more

Um need storage space fluorite bye uranium bye gravel bye this is this is making me take longer to go eat my pizza wow look PDF stepped away he’s like really not here like he’s supposed to be so excited right now about my find L Pizza bro I can’t though I have

To mine The Vault Stone you can’t just go eat pizza when there’s Vault Stone to mine that’s not how this whole thing works the world will Instant delete if I try to do that praise be the pickaxe Gods I repent for my shortcomings good luck in the vaults

Dude I’m like I’m PV like PVP PVE combat like that’s my thing okay I’m I’m good at these things I will be fine in the vaults yes vaults don’t mind at all I like how Rachel’s chiming in as though like she plays like Vault Hunters all the time and she’s like actually

Like legitimately excited like oh my God like this is so great he found Vault Stone I enjoy I enjoy the enthusiasm Rachel could you combine the messed up Diamond Pickaxes to have what one very slightly less messed up diamond pickaxe I mean yeah well Java is different but I

Believe in you dude combat is combat man I know I’m good at combat stuff generally speaking in all games um but yes I yeah I I understand it’s different I know there’s going to be moments where I’m just going to get my butt kicked it’s fine especially me cuz I like overreaching

I’m here to be your hype girl hype girl activate oh for more space I’d have to have an anvil to combine it oh oh gosh oh gosh I did it again I pulled a Britney oh I need to blow my nose I need to remember to take a muin x

Tonight to like get the rest of this crap out my system usually mobs are in swarms oh I know I know I’ve I’ve watched uh iscal play like I’ve seen how the um how the spawners work and all that kind of stuff it’s like I have a general idea of

What I’m in for oh can I pick this up oh no U God dang it I’m used to other games where like Q is like one of the menus so I keep throwing my freaking pickaxe um all right I guess we’re getting rid of some Cobble I mean

Deep slate it’s not that big of a deal thought you could combine them in your crafting bar as well no uhuh you have to do it in Anvil CU it cost levels to combine you can combine Tools in your 2 by two really has that always been a thing is that is

That like is that like that in Bedrock only way to beat vault is with infinity bow well I mean this this mod might not be for me then you have to use a garbage bow it’s old bck too really oh that’s right um You have to

Use the you have to use an anvil if that’s got enchantments on it okay I mean you never repair stuff nowadays you know what I mean like you’re always like mending but yeah I remember now Anvil anvils required otherwise you lose the enchants crafting table you could do for like base

Stuff I miss like I miss Bedrock where like you can like insta mine at a distance this so much oh right mending is banned on vault Hunters it is isn’t it like you can’t get mending like you’re you’re kind of like relegated to like the upgrade tree

Stuff and like the special things that you earn through the vaults oh my gosh okay Yo this a beat this is like this is a big patch yo like I’m starting to get hangry maybe I do this maybe we pause for a quick second I’m going to go throw my pizza in the air fryer because nobody eats cold pizza that’s just dumb and

Then I’ll actually take my break to eat after uh once it’s done so I’ll be right Back All right pizza’s in it’ll take a couple Minutes prow is doomed PDF is leaving oh my God no where is my Vault Guide he’s going to come back the whole world’s going to be on fire like literally like everything will be covered in like lava or something like I’ll be a permanent death screen it’s going to be bad okay so much Vault Stone so much Vault Stone listen depending on how long he’s

Gone I might still be here mining Vault Stone when he gets back no nobody can replace PDF he’s a special kind of troll very special kind of troll right there now you could take that in a bad way if you want to cuz I I probably mean it that

Way okay like I’m about to start hitting Bedrock like how much lower can this be I downloaded a game to play with bears oh God you are you saying that you’re trying Boulders gate yes with ghost oh gosh well minute it was nice knowing you man we’ll never see minnow

Again I mean you probably good grief um you’re probably starting to get bored with Diablo aren’t you like how much more do you have to do really the plan is we finish out this Vault Stone and I’m going to go eat my pizza we’ll be on like a 10 or so minute

Break very little need Max equipment Yeah right guys making him mine out the whole patch he has more than enough to get started yeah but I’m just going to need it later aren’t I um where did I come in here at up there Wow oh um Where’s aggro at aggro it’s playing music The Legend of Zelda is here okay now oh oh oh now it’s time for me to go eat my pizza so we’re going a slightly extended break here you guys Talk Amongst yourselves be nice to courties to each other or not I don’t care the

Mods will ban you if you’re not and I’ll be back in a little bit guys uh where’s BRB there we Go C He P P Ba Ba B C Let The zombies are coming N Right We’re Coming No Wa Hello I’m back how you doing appreciate big majority of you guys decided to wait for me thank you did somebody say chicken nuggies I didn’t eat chicken nuggies I ate pizza oh tabin said it um it was just grilled chicken pizza listen I don’t eat like super fancy

Pizzas I’m not a pizza connoisseur I like my pizza simple I like cheese sometimes I like pepperoni um bacon or grilled chicken is good oh man I’m starting to hit a coughing fit for some reason H I don’t know if it was that soda I just drank oh

Man no it is a it is a super tiny can or maybe like I’m actually the size of Shack um okay um I wanted to get the music back up some hold on let’s get back to right camera I was enjoying the music with you guys earlier so we can continue to jam out Dr Pepper let’s go I love Dr Pepper I mean it’s it’s the only like real soda

I mean Mountain Dew is an okay substitute and I like Pepsi but like anybody’s answer when they’re asked what’s your favorite soft drink if the answer’s not Dr Pepper then the person is either like uncivilized in some way or I guess like stupid maybe it’s usually going to be one of those

Two Pepsi I like Pepsi I don’t drink it often because usually like Dr Pepper is an option right so like why would you go with Pepsi if Dr Pepper is an option we’ve had this discussion before if you give me an option between Pepsi and Coke I’m taking Pepsi almost every single time

Oh diet Dr Pepper um my diet drink of choice lately anyways when I drink it is Mountain Dew I like Diet Mountain Dew for some reason I don’t know why that is or water is good it is water’s good drink water people did I miss anything oone no just

Want to make sure I didn’t miss any like donations or anything water is the devil they put water inside of your Pepsi did you know that water is my drink of choice few drops of it in my scotch I only drink water cuz I don’t want kidney stones o you ever hear

Someone drowning in Pepsi or Dr Pepper or koola day no it’s always water this is true I mean that doesn’t make me feel like water is is dangerous but have you ever heard of somebody saying that drinking water makes you fat and die early of like heart disease and give you bad

Cholesterol and diabetes you don’t hear about water doing those things but you know what you do hear about doing those things soft drinks Pepsi Dr Pepper Mountain Dew Loa would I’ve never had a kidney stone I mean I’m I’m turning 40 in 3 months so I mean I’m

Sure I’m I’m due I’m due at some point dive lead poisoning from water but I mean that’s like saying you could dive lead poisoning from Dr Pepper like the lead’s in the water and water’s in the Dr Pepper just don’t drink the lead part time seems to be flying loving your

Streams hey Sasha thanks um I’ve had a lot of fun so far we haven’t even done like any of the actual moded stuff yet um we’re about to that’s like we’re literally like on our way right now um and um I it’s like we’re going to go a bit longer

Today and then like I think we’ll like probably hop on tomorrow morning like I’ll probably start up at about 9:00 a.m. unless something gets in my way between now and then which I I don’t I don’t know what that thing would be but oh hello can I just block this that’s

Better orange juice is yummy um eh every once in a while maybe I’m not a huge orange juice fan like if you made me choose between lemonade and orange juice I’m I’m going to pick lemonade you know I don’t know why I’m feeling like tonight might be a fortnite stream night I don’t

Know obviously it’d be over on Twitch for those that want to follow such things um but I got a good feel of uh Lego fortnite the last day or two and I’m I’m ahead a little bit there um obviously we’ve had a lot of Minecraft doing all

This so yeah like some zero builds fortnite Teran I have to see if the wife wants to team up uh this is the whatever that stuff’s called it’s not the good stuff it’s not the chromatic iron speaking of iron that’s not that’s not the chromatic

Iron so from what I could tell when you look at it the chromatic iron is shaped more like a like a offset rectangle like a bar kind of whereas this is a lot more cluster this other stuff you remember how to play I played with my son my son some yesterday um we

Did get our butts kicked but that’s cuz it just put us in like super sweaty lobbies um but like we played we played pretty well okay they look so similar they do but I I got it I got it down now for how to tell the difference between

Them okay listen we have a lot of stuff to need to take topside don’t we um okay so I got a lot of chromatic iron we don’t have a ton of diamonds but we have some uh we don’t have a ton of iron but we have

Some uh it looks like regardless of what I do we’re going to have to make a couple trips oh no wait I think I think we’re good to just like I just take what I have here okay let’s go um well I was that mining that you

Just witnessed was was very simply me just getting out of the the hole is it was my return trip um I think we’re I think we’re just going to tackle our first Vault with um with iron gear cuz I’m my attention span for looking for for diamonds is gone if

I if I had efficiency 5 Fortune three like sure like let’s rock but I don’t have those things and it moves too slow for me where’s PDF he would want to see this PDF put if he’s not back probably to go pick up his kid or

Something like come on man maybe we make ourselves a Diamond Sword for the added damage is the sun coming up or going down I think it’s up listen get out of my bed I stole from you dude okay um I don’t know what to do Quest the chipped Vault rocks you found are

Used to craft a vault Rock which is the base ingredient of any Vault Crystal which in turn are used to open up vaults craft a vault Rock by combining four chip Vault rocks with one chromatic iron okay here let’s uh let’s let’s get ourselves some room okay who Do You Think You Are

I don’t I don’t even know if I need how much I don’t I like I don’t know what I need from this but we’re just going to we’re just going to take that okay raw chromatic iron chromatic iron ingot which do I combine it with I guess let’s see

Do you remember what any games are that aren’t D4 minow no he doesn’t so is it I’m assuming it’s probably not the raw it’s probably this one Vault Rock okay we have our vault Rock the chip FR rocks you okay complete the vault alter the vaar now it’s time to craft your Vault

Alter place your Vault rock on your Vault alter but placing your Vault rock on your Vault altar is how you obtain your recipe for crafting a vault Crystal acquire Vault alter vter okay so look let’s let’s open this up let’s go down here Vault alter okay one Diamond two

Obsidian three or four stone bricks two chromatic iron ingots okay so simplish enough um I need some Cobble process through here and we might as well throw our iron in here can you get out of my face don’t yeah this is what you get stay away from me that’s your last

Warning prow would make me look like a pro if we played fortnite together you’ve been playing You’ still been playing fortnite often on haven’t you minnow oh yeah you just said that yeah I haven’t yesterday is the first time I’ve played like zero builds fortnite in probably like two Weeks how there we go okay um so I don’t remember how to do it I need the obsidian it it was something like here you guys help me out it was something like this this this this no I thought I remembered it right oh diamond on top I was close I was really

Close do you have to play Lego fortnite with others or does it have single player dude Lego just Lego fortnite is like my like it just in your head when you’re thinking about what the game is like replace the word fortnite with Minecraft there you go and if you really want to

Learn a little little bit around it about it I highly highly highly recommend you go watch my let’s play series that I started I think it’s a spectacular series and it’s me going through it for the first time as a beginner so you get to see me like

Discover things and like talk about like what’s going on in the game okay so now we have that next complete my reward is a stone button okay Oh you guys are in for a treat wait did you take this important info off the front Okay I just downloaded to my new PS5 like so this is what I’ll tell you guys okay if you’re looking for something to to just give you a small break from Minecraft maybe not even long term maybe like hey like I play Minecraft for like

A couple hours a day like a few hours a week like I’d like to have something else to play for like an hour or two a week like I want to fit it into my Minecraft diet or you want to take a break for a couple weeks and you want

Something else to play I’m telling you play Lego fortnite okay just listen to me don’t question the words that I’m telling you just do it I got to inspect oh nope you missed that that and that and that all right guys hold on I’ll show you what I got Here it’s the silver play button is Here now the question is is should I open it right this second or should I make an announcement in a couple places to see if it brings more people in to watch me open it I think we do I think we do that like uh I

Say I’m going to put on Twitter Discord and the YouTube like Community thing that we’re going to open this thing within the next 30 minutes okay so you guys won’t have to wait super long I’m not going to like open it at 3:00 or like 9:00 tonight and

Require 500 gifted memberships no we not going to do any of that we’re going to open it in about 30 minutes let me put out a let me put out a little little thing out there to everybody oh I know what I need to do

This is what I need to do though I need to I need to grab a screenshot of me holding it uh to put in like a a image this to put hold on hold on huh no you don’t get to look at it now no you didn’t there’s still tape on

It no I cut the tape did you yeah why so it would be easier for you to open no I’m supposed to cut the tape okay let me um my wife’s being very rude right now all right hold on let me me clip this okay you weren’t supposed to cut the

Tape I can’t believe her sorry no it’s a big deal it took me 5 years to get this thing U hold on I’m typing and let me grab a link to the stream hold on okay there all right copy all right let me post this in the

Discord oh where did where did I need the picture copy oh man I forgot to I forgot to tag everyone I got to do it again uh delete message okay copy paste okay there’s the Ping out to every everybody there and instead of putting out like a

A a YouTube message thing we’re going to change the uh the title I got my play button opening now okay all right we got we got all of the we got all of the notifications out there all right let’s uh we’ll hop back into the world thought you were going to do this

At a later date do what at a later date is the next one a million or is it no yeah the next one’s a million and then the one after that is 10 million I’m sorry all of y’all probably be dead and gone so will I by the time I get to a

Million all I did was cut the three tape pieces of tape and peel off info I regret not looking first now no that was rude very rude of you GT boy what’s up can I like hold on where which shoulder over this side this Side huh oh to be sure yeah huh oh I let no get out just just no I’ll be I’ll look don’t you worry before you the show yeah bye sorry it’s where you can’t get get it cuz you won’t cross the camera get go are we still live yeah dude we’re still

Live all right sorry we got distracted okay the time has come to forge your first Vault Crystal every recipe is different an amount of required ingredients will slowly scale up as you craft more crystals using a vault rock on a vault alter will identify the items required to complete the crystal

Recipe you can submit items to the altar by throwing them out of your inventory near the alter once the alter recipe is finished applying a redstone signal completes the crafting process if you struggle to tell what an item is you can Crouch to view its name the oh wait Crouch to view its

Name I thought that was like maybe a general thing okay um I don’t like I feel like we can’t just like sit this thing like on the grass and use it I don’t I I mean maybe we don’t have to maybe go crazy in like making something but

Like it can’t just sit on the grass okay I think you guys oh no how the heck do you crap okay that’ll that’ll work I think yeah something like that and then hold on let’s get this still no Vault no dude will we’re we’re close to doing our first

One but I need to I need to place the alter the vter and I I I can’t bring myself to just sit it on the grass I can’t do that like that would be I feel like that’d be an Abomination so I think what

We do is we like this is a cool areir like right by the water on the beach this feels good yeah it’s not much of a beach in terms of like how much water there is is but like there’s some cool trees in the background there’s a mountain right

There so let’s go 1 2 3 4 5 2 three four five okay um I should have brought my crafting table with me I think I just make another one the meteor pit would be cool why is Rachel so freaking smart Rachel stop being so

Smart can you make a crafting table on a stick is that a joke what does that mean I don’t understand what that means putting it too far away from storage room is a chest monster waiting to happen Okay I can kind of understand that it’s an item in a certain mod

Huh listen you guys are you guys are talking a different language now you guys are talking completely different language look up your Jui you’re a Jui we don’t allow people to talk that way on this channel Willies what is this I feel like I need to like remove this and sit it right

There oh okay hey thanks sweet one we’re going to open it pretty soon here I wanted to like give people a chance to get in in case anybody’s like oh man I wanted to see that live so we’re giving it roughly 30 minutes less than 30 like 25 minutes

Now we’ll do it we’ll do it at like right about 4: so he isn’t going to check got it Willies I am doing something very important right now I want this wait I just I’m not trying to interact I just want to place it down I can’t place blocks there are you kidding

Me fine you guys stop being so mean to me Gosh Look crafting table cooking table sequential fabricator I don’t know what you want me to do and I left that other that crafting table over there so now I got to make another one why cuz I’m going to leave

Crafting tables all over this whole world why do I want a crafting table because I feel like I want to how the heck do you make walls aha you know what for like a little starter alter area inscribed silicon press how did I get that I realize you were being mean to

Him okay nice mode activated here prow have some pie would you like pie now Samy’s picking on me that was in the chest what chest oh so wait so now I click this one here tells me what I need okay wait so I I can get any one of these any

Leaf one stick okay all right we can do this I got This listen what do I not need let’s all this stuff I don’t need um I have no clue what CIS quartz crystals are sounds very important oh we need to keep the button uh let’s put the diamond let me keep the diamonds on me um so I don’t understand what do you

Need the Vault stone for I guess I’m guessing I’ll figure out later I only needed the little The Little Rock things oh yeah no I trust me I know like when I go in I need to I need to basically go in with an empty inventory like more or

Less um I I need some like armor for real oh man I don’t remember how to make armor um I don’t know what boots are probably what four and I I don’t have four oh no yeah I do I do we smelted you make a vault portal well I

Don’t know how to do that will we’ll figure it out though I’m going to follow a little the little thing that tells me what to do okay so what I’m going to do um where did my sticks go nope am I going to need am I going to need another

Pickaxe Shield um my understanding is like Shield don’t work like you got to get special type of Shield to like do stuff regular Shields don’t work or something Sky Stone chest what is this where did I get that from it keeps giving me stuff I don’t know where it’s coming

From I also don’t know how much food I’ll need Sky Stone at some point we’ll like organize this like take all of our vault stuff and like put it in a like a close by house or something should I bring like wood to pillar with or something do I I’m going to probably

Need a lot of torches too right okay I know we’re not going in yet I’m sure I’m I’m sure it’ll be like very apparent when we’re about to enter for now your inventory next to your character can you click the little thing next to your head and scroll down okay hold on

Um there’s no scroll it’s just this is what it is this is what’s there you don’t need light either well I was thinking of like maybe I would use like torches to like light my way like to mark my path but I think somebody said before like I could use a I could

Use a block for that maybe I’ll use wood for that cuz you can carry one stack of wood but have like access to a whole bunch you can make a backpack oh is that um like most like the other mods I’ve done is that just like leather probably no backpack

Pouch double pouch loot belt small backpack uh no uh that makes sense it’s going to be locked in progression yeah see okay eggs just said and I was kind of thinking that as I was looking it up like this is this has got to be like this is going to have to be

Marked or U like locked cuz they wouldn’t want you to like just be able to roll up in there with the backpack you got to earn that crap oh PDF you’re back just in time look how close we are dude so like I just like put this here

Right okay um I don’t think I’ve like actually picked up any copper but I know we’ve seen some like actually we’ve seen a decent like there’s probably even some up here somewhere I’ve seen a decent amount of copper we need PDF since when oh it’s a

Scary thing to say man that is a very scary thing to say um does anybody else sense anything wrong here I’m just we’re just going to walk away from that here copper copper oh you know what where is that little cave thing at we were in like in the

Beginning n looks fine oh okay gotcha gotcha it’s like right around the Corner over here or something whoa how did he take damage oh he took damage too who who attacked you guys are the Golem still looking fine there I’m pretty sure there’s copper

Here are you caught up on your quest I I think so yeah I mean I’m I’m already going to be be smelting some so why not just grab everything that’s here to smelt it all maybe maybe it’ll be required in a future recipe I don’t know so is

There so do shields not work at all PDF or will a base shield still block like a percentage of attacks or a percentage of the damage that I take it’s just not like a normal Minecraft Shield like it’s still worth it to bring a shield in some regard no okay okay

Get it’s really irking my nerves all right hold on basic Shield don’t work okay it’s kind of what I Thought no Raider you didn’t we’re opening it at 4: I’ll probably open it right before I go into the Vault um okay so I need a oh got I need a couple things one of those things is the as an axe that I left down down here I need to get my axe

Back yeah pick up the Villager I know but if I do that then I’m probably going to be tempted to throw them in lava for being annoying my axe oh let’s take that take this little bit of coal and I’ll take these torches EX um I want to get myself I guess like

A roughly again a stack of wood to go into the Vault with so that way I can craft that into planks for pillaring and all that kind of stuff like on the Fly pretty easy uh that looks like oak wood you’ll want blocks to Mark way you go

Yeah yeah yeah that’s what we’re going to use the the uh Spruce for is it multi mine in here huh see you’re you’re talking gibberish again yeah she’ll be back soon oh yeah do you need to make sure you get leaves okay we’ll do that not a big deal silk touch works

Too why are you going to bring up something you know I don’t have what’s the bar above hunger for I think that’s Vault XP so like as I complete vaults and get XP rewarded that’ll be like me leveling up from that XP The Vault level bar is that is that

The same thing or am I talking two different things or maybe XP o Vault experience yeah it’s pretty much the same thing okay okay I think we’re good on the Wood Wow perfectly uh this way actually more this way what’s this mod hey Mega Shark how’s it going dude dude we’re playing Vault

Hunters okay um I’m placing so many of these like all over the place um we need shears I don’t remember how many leaves it was it was like four or something she does have a good Christmas um we did I mean I was I was sick for it so unfortunately

Like I didn’t really get to like physically participate in a lot of like like larger like family activities whatever let’s just take it all out um what else did I Need okay I have this I have this and a sight and a stick um but like dude I’m like I’m more excited for I feel like I’m more excited for the gifts that like we’re giving my kids and that they’re getting than I am for any gifts that I’ve ever personally

Gotten like they got some really good stuff there is no way I haven’t run across any andesite or anything okay there we go okay listen so going to throw down one two 3 four five of this two of this two of this one of this okay I’m scared what happens when I

Click on it if I click on it does it just Auto take me in is that what happens I need to know no okay I’m scared to press the button hold I need some chests oh man this is stupid Java okay um guys just want let me just get stuff out

Way I have like 18,000 different types of food y’all are stupid you need a portal like a another portal and throw the stone at it but won’t I break it if I do that I’m just kidding okay I’m I’m so I’m scared to push the button what’s he doing oh

Okay Vault crystals the time has come to forge okay you Vault Rock 10 Vault okay so this is how I get it which we did complete give me my Shuler box skills and talents before before you get in to your first Vault we want to inform you about a few

Important parts of Vault Hunters Vault Hunters has an indepth ability and talent system that you will utilize to make your Vault experience much more enjoyable abilities typically focus on giving you powerful active skills to significantly change how you play the game ranging from damaging abilities like Nova or Rampage healing abilities

Like heal and totem and survivability abilities such as Dash and ghost walk talents provide the player with passive Buffs there is a wide variety of talents to check out each built to level up specific aspects of your experience check the Vault UI by pressing H by default and click on the second and

Third tavs at the top to view abilities and talents respectively your reward for this Quest is one skill point it’s highly recommended to take the heal ability if this is your first time playing as there is no natural health regeneration and in the vaults okay so

Question since you don’t so do you still need to eat so is there hunger but there’s no regen or is there not even hunger so there’s still hunger but there’s no that’s dumb so but if I’m not using food to regen I probably don’t need a lot of food

Right so like taking taking like the Vault stake essentially should probably keep me full for the whole Vault run yes no you said I don’t need torches in there right so I could I could put torches away get out of my bed okay I don’t know like I don’t know what

Tools I might potentially need well I well I maybe need all of them I don’t know um I think what we do okay is we go here wait give ourselves a stack of a stack of planks to carry in our off hand hit H we can get heal yeah that was uh

Yo maybe maybe I want to get Empower I’m just kidding heals you for an amount of hit points cast ability cool down 10 seconds Mana cost 10 heal two so wait so how how do I use it is this where you’re saying I should be using my number

Pad you get wait said of keep mind so wait so these little things at the bottom like right under my like you guys see right under my um my bar maybe here let’s do this actually I need to like I need to like raise myself some um where’s there we go

Like this maybe hold on yeah okay now you guys can see the whole Mana bar okay so you can have up to three active abilities is that how it works so then there should be something in controls here keybinds for active ability 1 2 and three where what are those called you

Have any more than three three oh okay but what I mean is like is that all you can have like that are bindable like why does it only show me three slots and where’s where do I bind the buttons at cheat item no use the search bar to look for heal

Oh so wait a second here I need to understand this before we do it so this is like a hot bar right so is the way that this is intended to work to be for me to like these are my three active skills that I can

Use at any given time if I wanted to use a fourth skill I would have to swap it with something else on the hot bar or if I have like a a a key press saved for that four skill I can I still use it even when it’s not on the hot

Bar had to give it its own key bind okay so is there something here in the controls for key binding cuz I would want to bind to my mouse button like these three slot one slot two slot three okay so how so where is that

At it’s does it have that in here and what is it called but I don’t listen listen listen Linda I don’t want to just bind I want to bind slot one slot two and slot three God dang it okay slot one this is regular hot bar slots tell me what the freaking search

Wy I don’t want to I don’t want to just I want to bind the slots cuz otherwise I’m going to have 10,000 freaking binds for different abilities and I’m not going to remember what they are I want to know what I’m binding to my three Mouse buttons and I

Want those three things that I bind to my three Mouse buttons to be the three things that’s down there that’s what I want Select and use ability so ability yeah I’m trying to manage the keybinds now cuz what I don’t want is a freaking keybind for every one of these things like I want to be ability wheel what left alt cast ability G how do you like how would you change

That so like how do I scroll that wheel I I get that I only have one ability maybe that’s why not letting me scroll it so it’s not like a hot bar traditional hot bar it’s like a it’s like a it’s like a scrolling wheel of

All of your abilities and you can scroll through it and then whichever one is the center if you just hit the use key it uses that so how do you scroll it is there like a quick a quick thing to scroll it because like I can I have a

A a mouse mouse wheel left and mouse wheel right oh my God so what you’re saying is once you’ve gotten a decent amount of abilities it becomes impossible to use them all because there’s enough to cover every Unbound key on your whole keyboard oh my God this sounds

Terrible so like if I hit this just uses it okay that’s why somebody suggested a number pad I don’t like how that works I mean I get it cuz you you have two hot bars kind of that part kind of sucks Clayface there is a name I have not seen in a

Long time what’s up Clayface five get the members everybody give clay face so let’s go dude clay face you’re here just in time cuz you know what we’re about to do right now let’s do it hold on let’s um let’s go to the just chatting screen for a second okay hold

On so here it is inside of this box is the culmination of five pretty hard hard years of work I started making content we’re going to like we’re a little aside here okay let me um let me uh pause the background music there we go

We’re we’re g to keep this to a short story time with prow okay I started making content in October I made the channel you going to cry I’m not crying you’re crying I started making content in October of 2018 okay and as part of making that content let’s start my journey before

That I started playing Minecraft probably sometime in like 2016 is I don’t remember the exact day and why did pral start playing Minecraft pral started playing Minecraft because he wanted to find a game for his at that time really little kids if it was 20 if it was 2016 my son was yep

That sounds about right my son was 5 years old my daughter was four and I was like you know what I I want to get them into playing video games I’ve been a lifelong gamer guys I’ve I’m almost 40 years old I’ve been gaming ever since I

Was like five on my regular Nintendo and all the way up through and I never stopped so the prospect of my kids becoming Gamers is odd of a thing thing as that is is really important to me I like that cuz I enjoyed video games growing up I wanted my kids to enjoy

Video games growing up so they’re four and five years old I need a game for them to to play at such a young age so I did a little bit of research and I found this little game called Minecraft I had heard of it before but to me it sounded like a dumb

Game like yo the graphics on this game suck okay like it doesn’t look like fun what you build stuff with blocks like that’s dumb I don’t like building with blocks okay this was my thought of this of of this game called Minecraft at the time in 2016 but I wanted my kids to

Have something to play and I I saw like oh it’s like you could do anything you want the kids should have fun with that like they can’t mess that up like they can just go in and whatever they do they do cool so I need to learn how to play

This game first so I bought the game for U we had just recently gotten a one of the those like Nintendo Wii use secondhand from my wife’s kid cousin okay he wasn’t playing it anymore he was probably like 12 or 14 or something I don’t know um yo can I get

One 100,000th of that plaque so um I picked up Minecraft we got it for the Wii U me and the wife started playing it I remember our first world that we ever started was in we like these this was in like the really limited size worlds like the worlds were

Only like 512 blocks across or something like that like that was it it had a CP biomes in it um a woodland Mansion or something I think was in this one that we were in like that was it it didn’t have anything it was really small but we

Spawned in a dark oak forest we built this little house together um we found like a couple caves close by and we were terrified to go anywhere close to them because the only thing I’ve really heard about Minecraft was the term creeper hole and that creepers like kill you so

I was scared to go near any place that looked like a hole cuz I thought oh crap that’s a creeper hole like that’s if you go there you die so stayed away from Holes and then like we needed to start getting materials even like digging in

The ground I was like oh man I just dug a hole in the ground so does that mean that this is now a creeper hole and a creeper is going to kill me so anyways we played for a while um and then after we kind of learned how to

Play we bought it for the Xbox uh one that we had no Xbox 360 that we had and then we we played like four player split screen and had kids play with us so anyways long story short we taught the kids how to play that’s what

Got me into Minecraft right so then I’m playing on Console right and this update called Better Together comes out um which was a big deal Better Together was going to allow it to where all the consoles could play with each other console could play with PC like this is

Awesome this is really cool um I’m playing on the Xbox at the time and like I keep trying to like I’m starting to learn the um intricacies of Minecraft I need blow my nose I’m sorry guys I’m crying it’s not it’s not the the flu I promise so I start learning the

Intricacies of the game I learned that there’s like more to the game that meets the eye right and there’s like all these technical things you can do like I want to get more of I wanted to get like mob drops for some reason I can’t remember why maybe it was Gunpowder for elytra

Maybe it was something else I don’t remember for sure but um I remember specifically trying to make a mob farm and I think I found a design I think it was by mumbo jumbo if I’m not mistaken and like I copied this thing to a te it didn’t

Work what the freaking heck why doesn’t this thing work and I keep I keep I like start looking online okay well this is why it doesn’t work this is not the version of Minecraft I play this is Java Edition why doesn’t this work why isn’t it the

Same so you kind of see like the the story of like prow being a parody person like I was really aggravated by the fact that here we have I just find out there’s two different versions of Minecraft there’s the Better Together Bedrock Edition and then there’s Java

Edition so I find this out and I’m not happy about I’m like this is stupid like why is this a thing why wouldn’t they why wouldn’t Minecraft make these two things work the same that doesn’t make any sense at all it’s not logical at all so anyways I tried like a couple other

Farms or like some Redstone stuff or something like things just keep not being the same and like it’s just my mind is blown so then I like I get on the Minecraft forums the like Unofficial Minecraft forums and like I’m chatting with people and like we’re going back

And forth about things and trying to figure out why things don’t work and then like no nobody really understands that like why these things are different from each other nobody really knows nobody knows anything so I start doing some research finding out that the mechanics are

Different and um this leads me to a video by groova guy which I’m sure a lot of you guys know truly badrock member um holy crap Sammy with the $100 Super Chat let’s go prow and congrats to 100,000 subscribers oh Sammy thank you so much

You mean a lot to me really thank you thank you thank you everybody give Sammy a let’s go um so this leads me to a groov guy video because I’m trying to figure out how the heck do I make a mob farm that works and groov guy like dude spent the time

Putting in the work figuring out how mob spawning Works in Bedrock Edition can’t donate $100,000 but $100 I can well $100 oh that’s that’s 10,000 pennies dang it you’re close Okay um I was trying to make the math work for you um so I I take the knowledge from

Groova guy that he found out about how mob spawning works and the knowledge of how like somebody like a Mumbo constructed it and knowledge I found from somewhere else about like using solid blocks with slabs over top of them to make an area dark but still get

Surface spawns I I put all this stuff together and I made the first ever Minecraft Bedrock Edition General mob farm that worked in the day or night that that wasn’t more than just a platform that would only spawn mobs at night time I have the first one okay you can look

It up go back look on YouTube you will not find one earlier than mine it doesn’t exist so I make this I figure out how it works and I’m like I need to share this with everybody because there’s so many people that are asking for this type of thing so what do I

Do I buy Minecraft for my PC I then find out that for some reason my graphics card won’t run it so I I buy like a super cheap new graphics card plug it in my PC and I needed a new monit a new computer monitor because my monitor

Wasn’t even a 1080p monitor it was like something just below 1080p it’s like some weird thing so I bought a new monitor uh I bought a a decent like Corsair headset with a a built-in microphone I’m like let’s go like I got this I need to show people how to do

This because nobody knows how and I’m not explaining it by typing it into a forum okay and then the general M Farm is formed which is actually not my first ever video at the time update aquatic or something something no like bamboo and stuff it just came out so I actually made a

Couple of like simple like update videos about some of the new stuff added in and then because the mob farm is taking some time to put together I was trying to figure out how to record and do all that so um and then the mob farm came out came out and like that

That’s where that’s where the channel ultimately came from we’ll make the story quick dude I can I can talk for hours okay we’re almost there so from there like that was always my passion starting the channel was Mojang was stupid by making Bedrock Edition and Java Edition different from

Each other so I need to fix their mistake like I actually like I’m being real when I say this I felt a personal responsibility to the Bedrock Edition player base to figure a lot of this stuff out and make tutorials on it to show people how to do

Things because I hated it that people that are less knowledgeable about how to figure things out than I am and that’s a lot of people I’m good at figuring stuff out a lot of people don’t know how to or don’t have the patience to these people

Are going to try things that they see done on Java Edition from Mumbo and all these other really good creators that also have no clue that Bedrock Edition is different right it’s not their fault especially back then um I feel obligated to try to help these people understand how to do this stuff

On Bedrock Edition because if I don’t do it nobody else is there was nobody else making better o addition tutorials back then I was pretty much it maybe a couple of other small creators or some a couple other creators at the time we’re like dabbling with it but like for the most

Part like it was just me right and then some other upstarts as well or maybe I don’t know how long silent been around he’s probably he’s done it better than I have his Channel’s bigger than mine um but like I felt that obligation right and what I didn’t want to happen was I

Didn’t want somebody to go make a Mumbo Farm or whatever whoever ever I didn’t want somebody to go make a Java Edition Farm they spend hours doing it it not work and then they be like Minecraft sucks man like I keep trying to do this stuff and everything I try doesn’t work

So I’m not I’m not able to play this game like I’m I’m pissed off that I spent six hours trying to make this I don’t want to play it anymore and to go to play something different so that’s why that’s that’s that’s how the channel

Got started and then here we are 5 years later after a lot of experimentations um a lot of changes to thing everything from going from um a let’s play series uh SNP series that I joined and then got kicked out of um called uh comcraft because they didn’t like that I

Was making farms for things and they didn’t understand it and I would um and I they like specifically were like okay you cannot go get your own shulker boxes every shulker box that is gotten is gotten for the community so don’t go get them yourself and I was like

Whatever I went out to the end and farmed like hundreds of sh shells and I gave like 75% of what I farmed to the community like stack like I tripled the size of what was saved for the community of that that that realm I got on and

Then I kept the other 25% for myself cuz I I was making a a farm that I had like a Shuler loader for and the owner didn’t like that I did that and he K they kicked me out um and then I got on to truly

Bedrock I’m not going to go over that whole story but I was on truly Bedrock for a while um and then me and blue jay did the Bedrock guide and you guys you guys know the rest um and here we are five years minitar five get the memberships

Let’s go um hold on let me I got to peek first I don’t think there’s any like personal information here I’m looking at a paper I’m not looking at the the thing yet nope everything looks good okay so here we are got this little thing I’m going to remember I’m going to

I’m going to read this to you guys YouTube do you remember your first subscriber your 100th or your 1,000th subscriber bro my my memory is not that good I don’t remember those things although I do remember some of the people that have been here since the very beginning it’s sad that like saber

Dentures and wraith aren’t in here right now you guys know them as two of my admins they were some of the earliest people saber dentur I wouldn’t doubt maybe he’ll remember I don’t know saber dentur um was probably with he probably he had to have been the first one of the

First thousand for sure um and then wraith was like somewhere right in there as well um and I don’t know if there’s anybody else that’s been here that long um let’s continue chances are you do they don’t know me very well um and we know that you’ll definitely remember your 100,000

Subscriber do I have a way of looking that up I need to figure out if there’s a way that I can look that up I have no clue your fans may have found you while searching YouTube learned uh about you through a friend or maybe you showed up

As a recommended video no matter y’all YouTube y’all need to do that more can you recommend my stuff more thank you um no matter how they came to your channel your audience stayed and their numbers increased because of you and the community you’ve built we’re proud to honor your impressive Milestone of

Reaching 100,000 subscribers with the silver Creator award congratulations we know that you have many more stories to share with your community and we know your fans can’t wait for you to amaze them even more with your commitment and creativity so keep creating keep building we can’t wait to

See what you’ll do next and we’re here to support you along the way and who knows when you reach your millionth subscriber we may just write to you and ask do you remember your 100,000 subscriber bro I will be six feet under by the time I get to a million have you

Guys seen the pace that my channel is growing right now um you’re sincerely Neil Mohan Youtube CEO I don’t know if this little car is oh it’s like a um this award was inspected by congratulations on your subscriber Milestone we’re honored to take part in recognizing your achievement and want

Your experience to be exceptional this award was inspected and packaged with great care by Rick dude Rick you’re you’re a pro man thanks Rick crazy B Breeze with the $20 Super Chat thanks crazy Brees if your ward has was damaged during shipping or if you have any questions please contact okay so let’s

Put that down let’s put this down here it is guys I’m might have to find a good place to put this here let’s take it out the packaging it’s made out of solid silver dude I’m selling this thing on eBay there it is look you can see my camera and my

TV it’s so shiny fingerprinted up to reduce the glare it says presented to prow 8413 for passing 100,000 subscribers and it’s got YouTube logo right there now what sucks is I don’t have a good place where I can hang this for you guys to see it during stream I might put it

Like right above my bed over there right side of the bed and you’ll always like see it in the background like very faintly all the way in the back one I’ve been here since you were reaching five 50,000 or so and I was an utter Noob

Been loving it ever since thanks W I appreciate it there’s another little thing in here share the recognition by allowing your team to purchase a personal Creator award I mean the only person that’s part of my quote unquote team is moonstone I mean I mean I guess kind of

Like my admins and stuff like you guys help but I’m I’m talking about like that’s very like that’s actively doing things on the channel and has been for a while as Moonstone and she’s helped me out a lot maybe I’ll um I don’t she probably won’t want to spend money on

This but I don’t know how much that stuff costs um but I’ll I’m going to reach out to them maybe we’ll get Moonstone something too or see if she wants to get something all right um I’m going to put this back in the box so I don’t know if

The cat’s going to like oh hey here’s something new let me see if I can scratch it who’s ready to run a vault wait did we get another Clayface $20 Super Chat everybody give clay face so let’s go it’s really hot in here everybody I just want to thank all of

You for like being part of this those of you that are still here right now I think honestly like right now is like the roughest time that I’ve probably had with the channel because of all the stuff that’s going on with Minecraft and how there’s

Like a big drop off and the type of content that I’m making and then just me being a little inconsistent with trying to figure out what exactly it is I like to do what the best way to run a channel is with like what can you and can you

Not do on the Channel all these different things so like those of you the 100 100 of you dudes that are in here right now you guys are the True Believers and the truest of all true fans you’re here for me hours of rambling chatting and spending all the

Time with me so I’ll appreciate everybody all 100,000 that are subscribers to the channel it’s you guys right now that are like the Champs of all Champs so again thank you all so much I do appreciate you guys and now you’re going to get to watch me suffer through

A vault and probably get my butt kicked I’m sure that includes me what’s up Omega shark you’re here now dude thanks for hopping in God it is so hot in this room all right hope that Mojang is holding back in no do not ever don’t ever assume that Mojang is just holding

Back info and they have some big surprise to reveal to us you’re going to disappoint yourself all right guys so oh and Omega just because this this is the first time I’ve probably seen you in like nine months or so I don’t know if this is what strove you away last time

But we’re going to give you one good Omega shark Omega shark Quest book okay invol okay in Vault Hunters enchantments are a bit different than in vanilla Minecraft protection off enchantments have been disabled in order to allow higher scaling of defensive and offensive attributes down the line there are

However some enchantments that work both in on vanilla tools and gear as well as Vault tools and gear the vault enchanter is your go-to table for enchanting any gear tools it will always offer the max available enchantment for the cost of some emeralds and XP craft one and try

To put any enchantment item enchantable item in it a vault enchanter let’s see what that is let’s see what that is Vault enchanter chromatic iron block and an enchanting table uh chromatic iron block man uh well I guess I need to like do this stuff first right where where is all my coal

At did I um have I used it all there’s no way right I probably I think I used all my coal guys so no vault in can I am I okay to just go in without doing the enchanting stuff you tell me if if you think it’s

If you think it’s okay I mean I’ll jump in right now you can yet okay let’s do it let’s experience it so we have one of each tool am I going to want a fresh axe still need a portal huh well how do you do that

What well how do you nothing told me about a portal like a end portal but without of Vault Stone how do you do that nether portal and portal PDF says in Portal egg says nether portal got to find the stone I have a ton of the Vault

Stone uh all right we’ll replace this stuff later uh maybe I want to put it like right back here um let’s make it like this I want it to be it’s one two three four I can make it like bigger right now what do I do what do I do to it

Now I am so scared right now so before I go in it am I going to need like am I going to have to use like a axe I should probably let’s let’s refresh our axe let’s refresh our axe okay we need it we need a fresh axe my daughter’s like screaming Across

The house’s have a fresh axe what do you mean my inventory is clear look I Have in my off hand like this is this is good right I’m good practice with the Shuler box huh it’s a Shuler box what do you mean practice with the Shuler box I know how to use a Shuler box huh whoa is there a way to like quick get things out okay okay

So what’s going to happen I’m going to go in here let’s turn on the music real quick um oh let me change the title back uh running Noob runs his first Vault I think that’s appropriate title for the remainder of the stream okay um do not leave the first room you spawn in

What is that like start the timer or something I got plenty of I got plenty of building blocks so we’re good there torches I’m not doing torches cuz I’ve been told that there’s there’s no need for them I want to Mark where I’ve been with the with these uh wood

Blocks so got I got planks and then I have a stack of spruce logs or partially St a partial stack of spruce logs um that way I can um easily refill my stack of planks Sasha with the $3 Super Chat let’s go Sasha you should make gear from chromatic iron

We we’ll do that wait you can make gear from chromatic iron we’ll do that later nobody’s told me about that um oh yeah I don’t have a bow do I need a bow I feel like a bow is just going to like go it’s going to be slower

All right we’re going in I’m doing it like how bad can it be what why am I lagging oh Bow is not useful in vaults at all okay so all right Rel loaded so I’m assuming probably pickaxe is the thing I’ll use the most so what I need to

Do is run through find I thought you said there is no map there’s literally a map a mini map on my screen right now um over growth theme yeah I know there’s different themes obviously I don’t know anything about them so what we got to do is once we go through this door

A timer is going to start I don’t remember I don’t know how long a timer is is it like 15 or 20 minutes or something I don’t know a timer’s going to start we have to go through complete our objective which is find these three monoliths I guess they kind of look like

The picture that’s on the screen right now um and then loot things and we have to get back to this portal and exit before the timer’s up 25 minutes right down there at your abilities oh okay I see it we get to keep anything that we find

If as long as we get out if we don’t get out I think we do we lose everything even on these like first runs is that how it works I like to keep bow me mainly to keep creepers away okay the exit is on the other side of

The Vault wait so you don’t so you don’t come back to the same room that you entered in yeah see it’s right here that’s what I thought you go back to you go back out the way you came in that’s what I thought stop trying to confuse

Me when you light the last monolith The Vault ends oh wait so I’m going through I like the monolith so do I like the last monolith and then I have to come here or since it’s my first one one I light the last monolith and it just teleports me out what happens be

Specific you have to like them so like one person says you like them all the last one it kicks you out one person says you collect the monoliths and you bring them here PDF is saying you like the modelist and then you come back here and exit so I have three

Different answers from three different people it sounds like I know more about this game than you guys do okay all right we’re going to go how how bad can it be how bad can it be I’m doing it I’m do I’m doing it go back to the portal after you light the monolith

Too what all right let’s go listen I know I’m not going to be going like super full speed like you see like the people that play this all the time do this is new to me and this is my first one so if I’m going to take a

Little bit longer it’s fine I’m going to take a little bit longer where are they coming from what is that oh that’s like a poison or something how do I stop them from spawning oh I don’t even know what I want can I just like break these no I didn’t know that was

Poison is there an easier way to empty a chest do not kill the baby slimes oh why cuz they can’t hurt you right oh rehat I can’t I’m trying to play the freaking game click your scroll wheel in the chest okay hold on I’m marking my

Path where did I come from this was it right okay I’m I know I wasted time there but I would get lost the abuse I know they’re so rude is there anything that’s like down yelling at you yes you are you’re stressing me out oh so don’t don’t kill the baby

Slimes cuz they can’t hurt me what is this thing I don’t see any chest there am I supposed to like mine anything out that that is ball Stone but it has special ores so wait I’m supposed to be mining this so like I got what I’m going to sit here

And mine for the next 10 minutes I thought I was supposed to be fighting stuff in looting chests I was mining before I came in here if I would have known this I would have brought a better pickaxe Joan with the five get the members let’s go what

So uhhuh and then I fell oh God and now I’m to skip the ores for now okay I love how you guys go from like oh my God mine it all mine it all get all of it prow T now you’re like yo what are

You why are you mining the ores like get out of there dude okay I want that I don’t even know if I really need it okay okay doesn’t look like there’s anything else here 5 minutes have passed is he entered and he’s entered one room well that’s

Because you guys keep making me do stuff oh dude I don’t remember where we came in did we came in we came in from the south was it the South wait is this where I already was this is where I already was why is this so difficult oh there’s a

Thing how do I ah oh look here’s another oh how do I know these are coins oh see I know that from watching iscal forever ago do this is that all um oh what is this recharges two potion charges I don’t have potions what are potions whoa sneaky

Sneaky wait somebody said you said click the mouse button that’s not doing anything the middle Mouse button scroll wheel that didn’t do anything there’s no way to just empty the whole chest I don’t know what that I guess we’re good here ah I’m not used to I’m not even used to

Doing like offhand stuff guys okay I saw what you said there this pauses it though right because I don’t have my music One okay wait let me see what you guys are saying you okay the arrows under the chest inventory okay so we’ll do SW button the arrows in between your

Inventory and the chest move everything huh okay I mean this is all confusing to me because you guys got to remember I don’t watch oh that’s a spawner I don’t watch modded and I’ve never really played modded oh okay so the oh ah that’s a fizzle spawner I remember

Him talking about those oh man extract why am I hitting the extract button it’s not doing anything I I clicked the extract button it didn’t do it they all Fizz now after a while oh really okay extract is disabled and Vault ah okay that’s good to know I mean not that

I knew it was a thing anyways I don’t like that like two of those monoliths right by each other and now we’re like probably never going to see another one let’s get down there oh there’s the last monolith why can’t I hit it that SW button does help Hi my wife’s trying to trct me oh more I need to keep I need to remember to keep healing it down there right okay how do I get down There did he die he did ah I heard It Hold on why does it set my chest down Sometimes I like the asparagus zombies that’s a fun thing um sword what is this it looks special I’m assuming that’s just all decoration all right we’re going to click that last monolith and see if it kicks us out or not oh he’s big boy oh ow where did the monolith go

Find the exit Okay how much time do I have 11 minutes I think I want to start trying to work my way to wherever the heck the exit is cuz it’s probably going to take me the whole time to find it I am not good with direction does can anybody double check

For me I think like generically speaking it was South does anybody remember oh is that Diamonds oh crap I need that guys I’m going to run for the exit right away like I’m getting out of here oh diamonds that’s just dirty why would they do me like that Diamond

Room why I want them oh my God there’s so many up there watch I’m going to I’m doing all this and I’m going to totally screw myself and not get out and not to keep any of this there’s so many all right I’m not I’m not like going

Through and getting every single one of them I did not come out this way so let me just go back the way we just came in here oh you get to keep it due to beginner’s Grace so like what stops me from just being like all right screw SC

It I’m just going to keep looting until the timer’s up I don’t remember which I don’t know which way I came In this is North nothing okay but I do I do want to find my way out I need to I need to get accustomed to this no XP oh but like you want the XP right it’s like almost the whole point get more skills yeah I want

That I have so many areas where I didn’t and place things wait another monolith fatality hold let me see what you guys are saying yeah the exit I don’t know how to get there I’m lost like these things have so many vertical levels it’s like I don’t know that you can just like

Go this this is a big room oh I’ve been here is this the way Out go east just get out I don’t know how I’m lost go south there’s no South here what is this area what is this you have a map only the mini map the I know it’s the wrong way all right let’s go back this way we’ll go west until we can go

South you guys realize you telling me to stay away from the room with the big giant red X makes me just want to go into that Room yeah we haven’t seen any of my markers for a while Now look see here’s another one of these things look I’m I just hit it I don’t feel like messing with them I hit a dead end oh wait there’s an up maybe I’m too Low oh no oh no oh no I don’t know I don’t know where I am I’m so lost I see the exit no you don’t there’s definitely nowhere near that go north one room PDF said now go east no we already went through this we

Got stuck here this is what led to the big X the big X is this way no big X is that way now let’s try East we’re not making it out of here we haven’t seen a marker in the longest time it’s hard to wall off ways you’ve

Gone when like everything like in this weird way interconnects only had torches on the right I know look we’re back ow yeah we’re we’re like there’s no chance of Escape I didn’t why are these why are these vaults so big yeah I should start looting look we’re at the big X room

Again I don’t know B down at the xra fun no I’m too scared like are these things like are these Vault like procedurally generated or something like are they infinite in size I feel like they’re they’re like actually infinite in size am I right well whatever at this

Point they have a finite size well they don’t seem that Way what I can’t get it all right well that’s it no XP for us no XP dang it total chest looer 34 I have no clue what any of this stuff is for we got more shulker boxes okay about to make me upset out a goblet

Listen it is hot in this room guys good grief you just coule animal jars and animal pins yet no I have no clue what any of that is this is why we only go one direction at first this makes sense I didn’t know you didn’t tell me to do

That yeah if you would have said okay listen prow only go north only go north then I would have known better do Vault Hunters not come with mouse tweaks anymore I have no clue what mouse tweaks is um I got to keep it because apparently you get this beginner’s Grace

Thing for like the first 10 or 20 Vault levels or something next time try to only Mark the doorway of the rooms as you exit those hallways into new rooms it’ll make it easier to backtrack colored wool helps too well I don’t have colored wool but we can find we’ll figure out

Something 20 okay so like we have a lot of practice that practice quote unquote that we could do I guess um here’s the here’s the plan here’s the deal okay I I do want to click this cuz I want to see what the next materials are Joanne

24 months membership let’s go so you click this tells you the things that you need it’s mostly the same stuff as before but God dang it I think I’m done for the night uh we’ve been live for 5 and a half almost 6 hours it is like I am a sweaty soup

Mess in here now I can’t stand the way it feels in here anymore um so I’m going to take a little break see what the kids are doing uh see what the wife’s doing um and then um I’ll probably be hopping on some fortnite on Twitch and about a couple

Hours um or so we’ll see um so stay tuned there keep a lookout on Twitch and I appreciate you guys watching we will be back tomorrow morning 9:00 a.m. eastern and we’re going to run we’re going to run a bunch of vaults and try to progress some maybe

Get some like storage or something set up we’ll do some we’ll do some stuff and things okay 9:00 tomorrow you guys make sure you’re there I’m going to go ahead and I’m going throw it on the schedule right when I’m done with stream that way everybody can see it and knows like

That’s what we’re going to be have you unboxed your play button we did next though here it is in all its glory for those that want to see before I get off silver play button thanks again everybody I appreciate you guys helping me get this I couldn’t be here without you

Obviously um and you guys are the reason why I started my channel so such a long time ago and although directions changing a little bit we’re moving a little bit off of tutorial type stuff for a little little while um you guys know me if we get as we getting into

Doing thing EV Vault Hunters like I I’ll like to answer people’s questions about the game once I know like how to explain it to people and help people out with it I don’t know how to help anybody yet um and then if we make a series or

Something doing this or some other mod I’m sure I’ll probably go back to my guide mode prow to tell people what things mean as I do them and thanks so much guys I appreciate you all and you all have a great day I’ll see you tonight on Twi TCH bye

This video, titled ‘Bedrock Noob Runs His First Vault! | Minecraft Vault Hunters Stream 1’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2023-12-27 23:08:49. It has garnered 2134 views and 197 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:12 or 20412 seconds.

Join me as I learn Vault Hunters, and modded Java Minecraft more generally!

Vault Hunters 1.18 is a modpack currently in Open ALPHA. It is unique in that it focuses on action rpg style gameplay as well as all the classic Minecraft elements, with over 2.1 billion different chestplates, swords, idols and more, the pack features a never-before-seen depth!

#minecraft #vaulthunters #moddedminecraft

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    "EPIC Minecraft Shogun Vs Sam BATTLE!" 🗡️🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Shogun Vs Sam | epic fight🔥 | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mezkie on 2024-03-01 16:19:33. It has garnered 862 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:49 or 109 seconds. this addon made by:LT创造者 this addon is still modifying and don’t ask me for link this addon it is on beta: ) LTsMods= WIP this addon is Working progress so… please be a patient: ) insane battle right? send me a request for next battle!🔥🇵🇭 #foryou #minecraft #private #battle #samurai Read More

  • Insane BrownCraft Party on MooWz Server #shorts

    Insane BrownCraft Party on MooWz Server #shortsVideo Information [Music] all through [Music] SW [Music] [Music] yeah This video, titled ‘BrownCraft – New Years Party | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MooWz on 2024-01-10 07:00:06. It has garnered 713 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Hai, I’m MooWz. A demon child who sealed in the darkness of the shadows. Hopefully you Enjoy my video. Thankyou~ ✦─◆── ·「Social Media」· ──◆─✦ ✦「Discord」: https://discord.gg/Esey9KYf7k ✦「Twitter」: https://twitter.com/MooWzCh ✦「Youtube」: https://www.youtube.com/@MooWzCh ✦「Instagram」: https://www.instagram.com/mowejet/ ✦「Threads」: https://www.threads.net/@mowejet ✦「Tik Tok」: https://www.tiktok.com/@mowejet ✦─◆── ·「Support This Vtuber」· ──◆─✦ ✦「Trakteer」: https://trakteer.id/mowejet ✦「SociaBuzz」: https://sociabuzz.com/moowz ✦─◆── ·「HASTAG」· ──◆─✦ General: #MooWz Game: #MooMabar Music:… Read More

  • Exclusive: Win Freebies in PrinceMJ’s GreekSMP Livestream!

    Exclusive: Win Freebies in PrinceMJ's GreekSMP Livestream!Video Information guys anyone look at my HP acknowledge this this amazing I don’t know HP bar I wouldn’t really call it amazing but yeah guys welcome back to the Greek SMP if you guys want to join the giveaway which is mentioned in the title and also in the description read the description there’s the giveaway rules there okay I’ll be announcing more of that in the OR at the end of this live stream what is this this looks so weird this is it looks like man bro someone someone throwing Trident someone throwing Trident at me it… Read More

  • Insane Rezero-inspired Shader for Potato Phones!

    Insane Rezero-inspired Shader for Potato Phones!Video Information Halo guys ketemu lagi dengan gua si A di game Minecraft Pocket Edition lagi tuh guys jadi video kali ini tuh gua mau nunjukin teksture pack gitu kan I wan to show you texture pack you know Anjay jadi ya tumben banget ya biasanya on kali ini tekstur pack gitu ya jadi tekstur pack-nya itu adalah shader gitu guys kurang lebih shader gitu guys jadi ini cocok banget ya ini cocok banget untuk hphp kentang seperti gua ya E 30 FPS juga gak nyampai gitu guys RAM 2 G 3 giga ya jadi E shader ini itu terinspirasi… Read More

  • Arcturus Factions & KitPvP: Custom Enchants, Payouts, No Resets, Semi-Anarchy

    Arcturus Factions & KitPvP Server IP: play.arcturusmc.xyz Arcturus is a 1.7.2-1.20.4 Java Minecraft Factions and KitPvP server. We never reset our map and have custom anti-cheating solutions in place. We’re looking forward to seeing you on Arcturus! – Arcturus Development Team Server Features Custom Prebuilt & Purchasable TNT Cannons Dungeon-like Darkzone PvP and grinding Custom Enchants based on PvP/move Quick Links Website: https://arcturusmc.xyz Discord: https://discord.gg/KnuqDcZDEu Changelog: https://changelog.arcturusmc.xyz Note: Paypal FactionsTop (IRL $$) Payouts every month! Some clips by our players: https://youtu.be/XFbwxSlnkU4 and https://youtu.be/UzwGt8xe0nI Server IP: play.arcturusmc.xyz Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Poem of the Day!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Poem of the Day!Why did the creeper write a poem? Because he wanted to make a big “boom” with his words! Read More

  • Craft a Smile: Zoonomaly Portal in Minecraft

    Craft a Smile: Zoonomaly Portal in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where monsters roam, The Smile Cat Monster makes its home. With red eyes and a feline face, It’s a boss that you must face. Crafting a portal to its domain, In Zoonomaly, where it reigns. With obsidian and steel, we build, A portal to make your heart chilled. The final boss, the Smile Cat Monster, In its lair, we dare to venture. With villagers and iron golems in tow, We face the beast, ready to go. In a friend’s unique house we find, The monster lurking, in its mind. A battle ensues, with fox… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Wither Storm Memes 🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Wither Storm Memes 🔥 Why did the Wither Storm go to therapy? Because it had too many issues to handle on its own! 😈🖤 #minecrafttherapy #witherstormproblems Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Multiplayer Lucky Block Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Multiplayer Lucky Block Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fun and exciting YouTube video titled “Bangla Multiplayer Lucky Block Fun – Let’s Play Together! #1.” While this video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it definitely captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so enjoyable – playing together with friends and having a great time! If you’re someone who enjoys multiplayer gameplay, lucky block challenges, and trending Minecraft content, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community, unique gameplay features, and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind… Read More