Hey guys last year and welcome to another minecraft mod showcase i am proud to announce that chaos awakens has updated to 0.8 so we are reviewing the chaos awakens mod once again um i’m really excited for those who don’t know chaos awakens is basically or spawn At 1.16.5 with a ton of additional stuff it’s not like the old or spawn it’s its own new thing but with a lot of the trips that or spawn used to have so before i get this video start i just want i kept this guy here as a reminder uh People people working on castle awakens if you’re watching this uh maybe i don’t know if there’s a way to do it make sure to see if this guy could possibly give trades to stuff from cass awakens um you know the traveling merch and villager guy i just I just kept him here for the exact reason he was annoying me the entire time i was setting up this arena or not arena but you know but yeah so really excited to uh review all the stuff today i have a list pulled up right in front of me of all the things That we’re going to be checking out going to visit etc and i’m really excited and as always the down for this mod will be linked in the description so if you guys want down for yourself check it out keep in mind it is a version 1.16.5 And um i think you need to have one support mod installed for this mod to work but that should be on the download page as well but let’s get right into this and the first thing i want to go over is the mobs we have three new mobs or i should say Returning mobs entering uh the chaos awakens we have the robo warrior the enchanted golden apple cow and the crystal apple cow um now i am going to be slaying these people right before you to show you all their drops so first things first uh let’s get the big guy out of the way I’m actually going to spawn him away in case he destroys everything but this is this is him the robo warrior 180 health 10 armor bars uh he looks really cool as you can see uh he’s completely new and improved compared to what he used to look like if You guys have played the original horsepower you’ll remember what the robot warrior looked like this is his new and improved form i actually want to fight him so i’m going to put on i’m going to don some uh what the heck oh i didn’t even see that apple when i was going Into the when i was reviewing stuff i might have to look at that later but anyway um i’m gonna go to rav mode and fight him for you guys so you can see what he does all right let’s get this started um i was informed that his um I was informed that he will make strange sounds uh those are not final that is just currently what he’s got so he’s got a gas noise um robot warrior basically fires fireballs at you and as you can see he dropped a variety of redstone items and the his uh custom weapon the Freaking raygun which we will show uh later on in the showcase do not worry all right so that was him next up is the enchanted golden apple cow 10 health um very cute and adorable cow and as you guys know if you kill him he’ll drop golden apples apples beef uh leather And the golden apple the enchanted golden apple or notch apple itself following suit is the crystal apple cowl 10 health if you kill it he will drop apples meat leather and the crystal apples which are one of the uh new items slash foods added in so really cool indeed and i’ll be going Over where these things spawn later down in the notes but i just wanted to quickly show what they all look like right now now next up like i said i’m bringing this list in order there’s no i’m gonna be all over the place let me just say that all right next up Is they added the crystal dimension so if you guys forgot to get to crystal dimension you essentially right click a termite and you will go there we will be going there at the end of the showcase as i always go to all the dimensions to Sort of show off all the progress at the end but just as a reminder i’ll keep that in my inventory um we have added all of the uh actually wait first off ads we’ve added there they’ve improved animations for all the mobs that have prior existed uh so we can check all Those out at the end but it does say please test on their survival um we’ve added drops for all the mobs so all the previous mobs that weren’t dropping their items now do um in this item right here they’ve added all the crystal items so we have crystal Grass block crystal log crystal wood crystal planks uh crystal green red and yellow leaves crystal energy crystal crafting table and christopher which i will show you and kyanite which but this is the uh crystal crab table crystal furnace they work like you would expect as a normal craft table or furnace they just Are crystallized which is really really cool um now we go into the crazy stuff they have added kyanite tools and wood tools so this is them i’ll quickly scroll through all their values so you guys can look at each and every one of them of course the axe being the strongest Weapon in their arsenal um if you’re wondering how to craft them the crystal stuff is crafted with crystal wood planks and crystal sh wood shards the kyanite is crafted with kyanite and crystal wood shards again this is for the crystal dimension if you guys have played or spawn you’ll Know what i’m talking about for those that did not know there’s a dimension that essentially revolves completely around you having crystal things um now here’s the interesting thing that i didn’t expect them to add they have added platinum tin copper silver uh all from danger zone so for those who Don’t know uh the original or spun creator made his own game called danger zone and a lot of these people were working on that as well but whenever he kind of gave up on ore spawn and dumped it all you guys all know what happened um the mod creators took all the stuff They were developing for danger zone are now putting it into chaos awakens so these things were all in danger zone before but if you’re wondering how to craft them you will use lump of platinum for the platinum stuff you will lose lump of 10 for 10. copper is a lump of copper and And the silver is lump of silver and if you’re wondering how to get all those they are found in mining uh you mine them you get the lumps and you turn them into their thing as you can see right here by smelting it uh which is really really cool and i do Like that that is uh that those are a feature now and of course the blocks as well if you want to see what they look like i’ll quickly just show you their decoration that’s what they look like pretty cool um they’ve also added the bloodstone and sunstone from dangerous Zones that is these two things right here as you can see i’ll show you again what the blocks look like it’s actually what my arena is made out of but i keep calling this an arena i apologize but yeah it’s what that’s made of but that’s what they look like Again pretty cool textures um now the only use right now for the sunstone is to make sunstone torches which are right here like i just showed the crafters pieces stick and sunstone and the bloodstone currently has no crown recipe other than making uh blocks but i’m sure they will Find a purpose and here’s what the uh the torch looks like for the sunstone torch i’m not sure if it has any additional properties but i’m sure someone can let me know in the comments speaking of if you guys do have any comments or questions while i’m going over this feel Free to comment them down below i know the people that are working on this mod will also be in my comments section answering questions and commenting about things that might have glossed over or uh messed up saying um so yeah just so we’re all on the same page all Right after that they’ve added a ton of golden food um they did some partnership with another mod that was called like the all gold foods mod or something and essentially they added all of this golden melon golden cake golden enchanted cake uh golden melon seeds golden bread golden chicken golden Tropical fish golden cod golden pork chop golden melon sliced golden mushroom stew golden steak golden cookie golden potato did you get the theme golden pumpkin pie golden flesh okay golden puffer fish golden salmon golden candy cane enchanted golden carrot enchanted golden steak enchanted golden cookie enchanted golden cod and enchanted golden candy And apparently uh i did see this as well which is the ultimate apple if you want to craft everything i will quickly show you guys the recipes for everything essentially you just surround the stuff in golden bars uh and as for the melon seeds you can grow them so really cool um I don’t know in what world you’d have this much gold oh wait i do know in what world you’ll have this much gold chaos awakens because for those who don’t know this mods kind of used to uh do that kind of thing i’m going to keep A stack of these golden apples on me in case i need to eat them later but really really cool alrighty next up is the uh all right so back to the tools in armor which is we’re on our second stage here we have the cat’s eye And pink tourmaline so cat’s eye i think was the original tiger’s eye but it’s now called cat’s eye so if you’re wondering how to craft it you will use the cat’s eye ingot as shown right here and for pink tourmaline as you can see here is all the vel with that’s a negative Uh here is all the values for that and again you will use the pink tourmaline which it should be in this chest right here down here you’ll find the budding cat’s eye and budding pink tourmaline in the crystal dimension you will get the i believe it’s the clusters you’ll get from that Yeah and then you smelt the clusters to get the ingots nuggets i think you can just have i don’t think that’s necessary and then the blocks if you want to see what the blocks look like uh those that’s that is your uh decoration blocks as you can see And like i showed you can get the overall chest you can get the uh the pink tourmaline and cat’s eye from those um they also i’ll just go over right now added the peacock set as well from the crystal dimension and here’s the peacock feathers i do not think the peacock Mob itself is in the game yet but this stuff is so i could be wrong with that like if i type peacock yeah yeah it’s not in the mod yet but all that stuff is um added all crystal dimension blocks wood kinda etc yep We we know that but you can find that in the crystal dimension um fixed a lot of bugs including the hercules beetle attack bugs so for those who don’t know remember the hercules beetle had issues with attacking he uh was very buggy we’re about to test out how That bug if that bug remains as you can see his health and armor let’s go into survival fight me boy oh he’s he’s a big boy or we’re eating the ultimate apple as you can see the buffs it gives kill it kill with fire all right it died And as you can see it dropped let’s actually see what it dropped uh go back into creative please um so it dropped a tiger’s eye helmet an emerald a diamond chest plate a tiger’s eye helmet again and the big hammer which is the um the item it’s supposed to drop like it’s Signature weapons that’s really cool and like that like they said they did add drops now to all the mobs from before so they can all drop their stuff which is really fun um and if you’re wondering how i’m killing things so easily i’m using the prismatic reaper which does 57 attack Damage i remember doing 57 attack damage last time but it could be wrong uh but yeah prismatic reaper very strong weapon would rate if you’re wondering how to craft that i’ve gone over it before but here’s the recipe again it’s very cheap actually if you manage to get all these minerals Uh yeah very powerful weapon anyway um after that uh robo the robos quote unquote plural now spawn in the uh now spawn at night in the villager dimension so as you guys know they were supposed to spawn in there before they now do which is great Uh cows now spawn in both the plains or not the planes yeah cows now spawn in planes in both the village dimension and the regular dimensions so the villager dimension or the robo dimension they spawn there now and they also spawn in the regular dimension in your world So you will find them there throughout the world um they added the freaking ray gun which is this bad boy right here you cannot craft it as you can see it drops from the um this bad boy himself as you can see these are all the items that he does Drop which is really cool um now i will show you guys how this works but do not ever right click a chest with it i accidentally did that while i was setting this up and i blew everything up and had to restart but right click as you can see it’s it’s very useful It’s very loud too freaking ray gun folks you can’t craft you can only get from killing a robo warrior but as you can see it decimates it decimates everything um they added the skate string bow which is this bow right here is crafted with three string and three crystal wood Again a crystal dimension item it it fires i think it fires the um iriconji arrows which is pretty cool um the eric kanji it says they’re a kanji bow but i think that’s a typo i think i’m meant to say arrows and the dead or kanji dead or kanji are found in the Crystal dimension and you can use them with a crystal shard and a peacock feather to make the arakanji arrows again peacocks are not currently in the mod so we have to wait for that but otherwise that is the bow alrighty um now on to the thing that you all Loved from or spawn they added the zoo cages so extra small zoo cage is stained glass block of quartz block of iron small zoo cage stained glass block quartz block of iron and the and the cage before it same with the medium and the large i will show you Quickly what each of these do so if we come over here essentially let’s say you wanted to capture something you walk up to it right click as you can see tiny zoo cage so that’s the extra small one so okay maybe you want something bigger small zoo cage boom All right you got a little you got a little zoo cage all right now maybe you wanted a medium zoo cage boom now you can hold like your t-rex’s in there and stuff but what what what happens if you want to trap like the robo warrior well You’re gonna need something big to hold him that’s how you do that um for people that want to exploit this is pretty much used to get infinite quartz and glass if you have soaked touch like literally you make this with one iron one quartz and you get an infinite Amount of quartz so if your person that likes building with quartz this is probably the quickest way to do that um i might actually make a separate video talking about that too but yeah so those are the zoo cages they have been re-added the other thing that has been re-added Is the instant survival shelter which is a made with cobblestone redstone block and a stick uh these used to spawn naturally in your world i’m not sure if they still do but this is how this works so let’s say you wanted to live off the land and You’re like i just want a house real quick boom you get your cello they’ve improved it you get yourself a very big house you get all these starting tools and stuff within this chest furnace crafting table and you got yourself a starting house that actually looks Really great compared to what it used to look like um i believe it was just a cube before but in survival shelter everyone and oh my apple effects just wore off i was like what just hit me i’m in creative mode um added all materials for the new gems we saw that And fixed the villager dimension grass so let’s start things off by heading to these dimensions so i’ll go rainbow first uh termite last because that’s the you know the newest one i think these the only two improved right so let’s just head to rainbow and first boom so They fixed the villager dimension grass so as you can see it now looks like normal grass no longer looks like that weird grass that that was uh happening so as you can see from right off the bat there’s actually things spawning here because last time there wasn’t anything really spawning You can see the apple cows are spawning here you could see oh is that a golden apple cow i believe it is it is which is really cool uh beavers are spotting which is great um i don’t know what that is right there it’s random like world gen destroyed uh There’s a village over here i’m not sure if they implemented my suggestion yet to have all the different village biomes spawn in here because as you guys know right now only from what i’m seeing at least only the spruce village can spawn in this biome it’d be really cool if we Could get every village able to spawn this biome i’m not sure what they could do for that but it’d be really fun exactly it says we’re in the village plains i’m not sure if there’s other village biomes at the moment other than just village planes i did read that they did Say they plan on implementing multiple biomes per uh dimension in the future rather than deal with just one infinite biome which i think is great now let’s turn it to night time and see if the bad boys come out so right now remember the only robo mobs that could spawn a robot warrior And robo sniper so as you can see robo warriors and robo snipers are now roaming the land 25 health 3 armor bars for each robot sniper 180 health 10 armor bars for each robo warrior yeah let’s go back to that village um from what i remember these guys hate villagers so you guys Gonna attack that’s really what i’m interested in if they don’t they might not be programmed to yet because from how this dimension used to work is the robo mobs hated the villagers for whatever reason they would attack their their uh village it seems like right now they’re peaceful So i’m not sure if that’s a change or if that’s something that has yet to be implemented but really cool that you guys are just chilling around there’s an enchanted golden apple cow right there uh but yeah really i really do uh i really do like this I like that that there’s so many of them because that’s what uh i know as they have more it’ll probably differentiate them but this is how it used to be this it was like an obscene amount of robot moms would just spawn at night and attack you Uh i’ll go to survival mode real quick just to show you what it’ll be like so such game mode survival oh god the gas noises so everything’s gonna be firing at me breaching and all right that’s enough of that yeah uh again they’re not supposed to be making i’m sorry They’re not supposed to be making gas noises but that’s just what they do oh my gosh look at him firing he’s still trying to i think he’s attacking the sheep are you attacking the sheep sir are you just are you just spewing he’s just spewing i Think that’s really cool he fires like a laser beam from his eyes that’s really great um i’m gonna spawn in an iron golem real quick and just see we’ll do a little mob battle real quick wha what are you guys uh gonna do oh my gosh yeah they’re just gonna attack them but Right now it does seem like the um the robo warriors do not fire their explosion because they’re supposed to have the freaking ray gun that’s like their purpose like they they fire the explosion from the freaking ray gun but right now it seems like they just fire like a fireball That’s probably why they make gas noises as they’re modeled after the ghast but that’s okay no hard feelings robo guys but let’s head to the crystal dimension boom and currently doesn’t seem like i have to take off my my stuff because if you guys remember in the past the crystal Dimension worked that you had to basically have no items on you and you would enter it but this is what it looks like right now i see they improved it that now you can’t see all the way through what kind of fps are we getting If i look down like 300 500 if i look around it’s like a hundred pretty decent because of in the past it was super laggy but i feel a very smooth connection right now i see endermen are here very interesting i’m keeping at nighttime just to see if there’s Anything special that spawns here um crystal apple cows are everywhere right now which is expected they are supposed to spawn here um again if you’re wondering how to get out of these dimensions you have to find an ant nest that would teleport you out but uh from What i recall the ant-ness currently are not set to spawn naturally in world gen so you’re going to want to have to find a termite now i’m going to set it to day time now since it only seems like endermen are spawning if i set the daytime how does it look All right all right pretty decent i like i like it indeed um I’m not sure exactly if uh we’re gonna be getting like that infinite dungeon that was at bedrock level if you guys remember that that might happen in the future i’m not sure i see some water here water can spawn here um i’m not seeing any dead irikanji i Know they were supposed to be here i see some like holes in the ground i want to go and check those out um but right now it seems like the crystal mention is got the app the crystal apple cows and the uh the things also why is it like When i get near it why is it deleting or isn’t i just i’m just blind okay all right let’s dig down and again if you’re wondering what these are this is kyanite so this is used to make the kyanite set this right here is the pink tourmaline Cluster so that is how you get your pink tourmaline the cat’s eye will be the same you will find that just randomly around i’ll dig down once more to see if i can get it but this might just be pink tourmaline and the pointless to mention is that you Are supposed to see through the earth that is its entire purpose it’s a full crystal dimension again right now no hostile mobs are here but if you guys remember there are hustle mobs what is that’s just grass block it is all right well that was fun but let’s head out of here Um i don’t believe there’s any hope i landed in the middle of nowhere let’s head back to our spawn point um i do not think there is any uh whatchamacallits um i forgot i was gonna say actually about that dang it i forgot what i was gonna say Uh but yeah the last thing i do want to show is the the mob drops or no wait what was i about to i completely lost my train of thought what the heck happened here so a pair oh yeah now i remember so apparently everything can now fully drop Stuff so i want to quickly respawn and you guys saw hercules beetle i want to spawn in everything again just to show you so uh here is the ant kill him he already dropped his stuff but as you can see he dropped his stuff ruby bug As you can see drops ruby gator drops well it’s supposed to drop its emerald yeah there it goes a robot sniper drops various redstone stuff beaver um beaver fever doesn’t drop anything um and the apple cows all drop their stuff so as you can see full proof everything now is dropping their Unique items everything does work in terms of attack animations but right now the robo warrior sounds like a ghast which can make him really loud so i would avoid the filter dimension at night if i were you guys at least at the moment now the last thing i wanted to use Is my slash locate command and apparently we have an ed dungeon all right let’s slash tp there shall we so this is the end dungeon this will be found in forests as you can see um i’m going to take it on in survival mode just to prove to you guys that it’s a Thing so i believe you right click it yep and there he is the end himself right inside 150 health three armor bars he’s hitting like a truck let’s kill him and let’s get his loot so as you can see he dropped some diamonds wood and mushrooms Within his entry you can find some it seems gold blocks and emerald blocks uh let me go back into creative just to see if i come up through the tree there is another layer up here with some chests in it as you can see a ton Of vines wood etc you will find some emeralds and diamonds in them however if i right click this to go up even further there is nothing up here as you can see so you can enter two ways you can enter from the top or you can enter it from the bottom And how you get through those doors is like i said just right clicking and you will you know enter it really hard to miss this uh if you guys are wondering what the end is based off of he was based on the old quote tree monster From or spawn and uh this is what he’s evolved into a giant this um i’m super impressed with this structure dungeon this is the first one added into my knowledge uh and of course they do plan on adding in a ton more but this is the first one and it looks Amazing i don’t think there’s anything below yeah it’s just dirt alrighty well um i think that’s everything i think i went over everything that’s currently in the mod uh yeah i might be making separate videos throughout the week on other things that have that are in this Mod like extra like tutorials on how things work if you guys don’t feel like watching this entire showcase um this was about 25 minutes so yeah i’ll try timestamp stuff as i go but it’s gonna be hard to timestamp through this stuff but we’ll see anyways if you Guys did enjoy the mod showcase definitely smash like button share support subscribe if you’re new again the guys that are working on this are very talented and they have proven that they can make this mod work for 1.16 i just can’t wait to see what’s coming in the future Last note from what i understand they did say they’re going to be taking around a month for the next update uh because they want to add in is like this was a big update don’t get me wrong and it was delayed about a week but they do want the next update to have Even more even better things so again i’m sure they can clarify that as well in the comments otherwise again if you have any questions comments concerns leave them down below i or one of the people development team for this mod will try to answer you otherwise i hope you guys all have a Great day stay safe everyone goodbye Video Information
This video, titled ‘*NEW* CHAOS AWAKENS MOD CRYSTAL DIMENSION UPDATE – MINECRAFT 1.16.5 (MOD SHOWCASE) VERSION BETA 0.8’, was uploaded by UltraUnit17 on 2021-05-24 20:05:17. It has garnered 8656 views and 258 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:34 or 1534 seconds.
Beta version 0.8 brings back the Crystal Dimension along with some of the items and mobs that lived there plus much MUCH more!
Hey guys in this series I will be showcasing mods that have been made just for the game of Minecraft and go over the different items, weapons, mobs, etc. that are within the mod. Sometime though I will be doing as little research as possible ahead of time so that I can be surprised by what happens during the showcase. ============================================================ Mod Download Link:
Chaos Awakens: https://invalid2.github.io/
GeckoLib (Support Mod): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/geckolib
Mod Showcase Playlist Link:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwmbKUCxPmU&list=PLr9poEyV_HZsqGuEJHsmpzCWp71qjoMyc ============================================================ JEI or Just Enough Items Mod Link (Minecraft Versions 1.8.9 – 1.16.4):
ToroHealth Damage Indicator Mod Link (Minecraft Versions 1.10.2 – 1.16.4):
https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/torohealth-damage-indicators/files ============================================================ – How to install Forge video:
– How to install Mods video:
https://youtu.be/C8abWBJ8XYg?t=834 =========================================================== Follow me on Social Media: Twitter: @UltraUnit17 Become a channel member to get exclusive perks and stuff: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNSFygHYf-tzhZ3OzC3kgFA/join Get some sweet Merch here: https://teespring.com/stores/ultraunit17 =========================================================== Timestamps
Intro: 0:00 New Additions: 1:23 Dimension Updates: 15:03 Mob Improvements: 21:33 Ent Dungeon: 22:35 Outro: 24:18
#Minecraft #ChaosAwakens #Orespawn