Unbelievable! All Haki Abilities Revealed! Don’t Miss Out!

Video Information

Hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to another Minecraft mod review resume and today today taking a look at what it looks like not too long ago AK just earlier on the week aka the devil fruit mods which um yeah we looked at it not

Too long ago and we did a review looking at the Del Fritz and stuff and now it’s all done good but we left that very important part well I don’t know how important it was but after looking you know things like this like look at the

Animation oh my God this one did not have nearly this could have stopped the national reviewed at the time before uh yeah it’s moved to 1.16 has done wonders for it uh but yeah hockey we kind of like the out because there is well there’s a lot of options in there and I

Figured it was already like an hour odd video so you know it’s like I just cut it out and just you know we can do it as a separate thing focusing on it itself because when I first saw the list of hockey I’m like okay the pedal options

In there not really you know I wasn’t really expecting a huge amount from myself because I did a couple of bits no no that’s it will play 16.5 they’ve got so many effects so to kill animations and I’m like okay this actually could be like really really good I might spend

Ages on it so um yeah let’s do the smart thing and just make it some little separate video and focus on it that way that seems like a good plan so how exactly do we start with hockey well that’s a good question because if we go

In here currently we have no hockey and we have an ability will power bar thing which that’s just slowly building up and yeah it’s time to buy as we do stuff we would be building a hockey experience if we played in survival So eventually we would unlock a technique but you know

We’re not gonna be waiting for that no no no no instead we’re going to go to hockey and we’re going to go to info and there we go so this hotel is basically the various hits of hockey it’s got the kind of the base levels of hockey and then like just all the

Varying stuff to go along with it and like the advanced stuff from later one piece so um yeah this could be quite insane but also well also got me a bit more excited about is the fact that people have been telling me it’s really really good it’s also apparently really

Op and make me Nerf but like apparently it’s really good for how it looks and stuff so I’m kind of interested I’m kind of excited for this so right what we got here okay colors of arms hockey coating ambient animation kills that’s the terms of it hockey we’ve got observation hockey perception and

Precognition future say basically any color of the Supreme King uh the player doesn’t have conquerors hockey I don’t know there’s a way I can like make myself get conquerors hockey I’m assuming that probably is somewhere but yeah so but uh yeah so there’s all that stuff there I

Already access it well uh does that X being a set level so right now it’s saying right uh here that for perception we gained 40 XP already uh we’ve got coding and uh imbuement Advanced hockey variant no variant great Mission wait what I’m not sure where that lands there okay

Uh but yeah we’re working uh some uh some observation hockey for perception so let’s start perception let’s go for add XP and then oh yeah okay so there are more funds of [ __ ] hell okay so there’s ambition ornament coating conquer control emission imbuement observation perception and precognition

Okay so yeah I do those boxes so I would do I was thinking like you know this can’t be this this isn’t all of it no I don’t think it is no no it’s not unless some of this is just the category itself could just be the category it’ll just up

The category like wait I’ve got like if I just click observation we’ll just increase all observation let’s say we want to increase it by 100. they might have XP has been added cool let me do slash Dell for hockey info no that’s not changed anything like it’s

Not for those it’s not for this way okay we’ll figure out the set level let me go for observation and we click like say 10. hockey level has been set if you’re going here and you’re here okay so color observation hockey 10. I heard exactly where that one does

Though right maybe this isn’t the way to go about if you set level and we go for perception this time we’ll set that to say 20. there we go now we go up to info again okay that’s it to level 10 with experience better than this the level 10

Is the highest that can go and if we go into our menu here and your skill has unlocked okay color observation hockey perception of auras so allows you to see beyond their uh the imaginary let’s see about the imaginary with your color of observation hockey enabling you

To perceive life with a varying accuracy I’m not quite sure what that means but we should probably give it a whirl also I’m probably gonna get rid of the wolfer in case I fall in the ocean like I’m gonna have a devil for it for casually floating around this you’re gonna be the

Gum gum for it for you know playing with your fourth or it’s gonna be the Phoenix foot so I can fly okay let’s take this first ability in so observation hockey so yeah okay it’s just gonna do the basic hockey thing all right let’s be let’s say this is a pretty quick it’s

Pretty far distance I guess but um yeah it’s a decent this is a low distance okay so observation hockey perception and actually see you know good and bad things nearby makes sense oh yeah also for this willpower at Max thousands blop why are we adding that because I’m pretty sure willpower will

Determine how long we can maintain hockey for there’s a bar there wait what okay so it’s not we’ve got observation hockey team notice we’ve got perception okay that’s something but yeah so we’ve got like the bar for a willpower there if we turn this on then we go into that bar with that

No they’re still going up okay it’s even just having observation hugging on it’s not draining a real power at all kill also this button was on I I really needed to be on why like I is fine but like I need all why why is where I have

My number open menu thing and I keep clicking every time I wait and click to open up this menu thing I click the wrong button now clicked the right button straight after okay uh so that is his basic perception cool what was the thing beyond that also I

Really really should have just tapped up so go to the option hockey set level precognition sure let’s go with that next so again 20 levels what is that guys okay this is two things apparently uh oh yeah let me just do slash still for it space hockey space

Info and again it goes up to level 10. I’ve done an extra experience even though it can actually get that experience and I don’t know that’s all the things for observation hockey that is actually available or what but yeah uh this gives this color observation internal intent

Sensing and this is where I started seeing like tons and tons of options I was like what or if it’s just talking about and why the change lock it listed down all the different hockey things that got added and I was just like bloody hell that’s a lot

Obviously some of it was the actual uh hockey itself and some of it was the moves that come with it that makes my sense of why I saw so many things but yeah so allow you to see beyond the imaginary with your curves Mission hockey enables you to perceive the

Intentions of living beings in order to dodge or place effect to blows okay and then we’ve also got Future Vision which allows you to see a piece of the future with your car observation hockey like you to dodge and attack very effectively okay so to these ones

I guess we get some enemies and we try facing them all right since this uh this mod is like getting to the point we’re exciting in like really really good animation stuff and it’s getting a really cool model and things I think eventually get to the point where that didn’t close

It’s an ongoing thing whenever I see an army but I think what be killing those anime clothes from that mod off the ball because like right now I’m like okay I better get an outside and I’m like oh I’ve just got basic armor uh okay let’s shove on some iron armor

For this ah it just doesn’t look piracy at all okay go into game mode survival slash times the darkness the mods can spawn so get the green bar around the hunger bar which indicates our stamina I think that might run away oh no views kind of observation on

It’s not running out okay maybe we can just keep that one on forever then right we summon a zombie zomball summons zombie comes out it’s cool so it’s almost attacking zombies doing stuff remember them if you get to our second ability he goes well exactly was the second ability meant to do

I know unless he’s missing some of those hits occasionally okay open the start a bit like 30 bit is supposed to get his future site and yeah so this is the one where he now can’t hear us on top of that it’s doing it absolute Corruption of hockey okay so

That’s trading all real power very very quickly good though I should have spawned in a sword give me that I can’t clicking that into this thing turn it up put that there go away a second I need to quickly check a thing all right so wait how’s that sector ability work again so

Intense sensing allows you to see beyond enabling you to perceive the intentions of living beings in order to dodge or place effect to blows I’m not entirely sure how intense sentencing Works unless it’s just occasionally you get Dodge it just doesn’t change as much energy because that’s always still hitting me even

Though it’s intense clearly to harm me I’m not entirely sure about that one did you just saying the other hand while draining an absolute crap ton of my willpower uh yeah did in fact let me Dodge a couple of techniques there okay so just to check my willpower bar is a

Max at five two five zero I’m guessing as my levels go up it will just give me more willpower a bit better okay so again just trying to throw a couple of doubles down my intents the intent to dodge yeah it’s not really working yet okay did that one’s drain energy though it

Did your hair this is doing something I’m just not entirely sure what actually the third one though well they’re occasionally getting me but yeah okay they’re getting me as much as they would have been yeah streaming tons of energy okay so I can’t you can’t just you can’t

Just dodge everything you can just leave that on then you’re just Immortal over a little bit but okay okay okay so that’s observation hockey then I I don’t know if that’s everything observation hockey has to offer but yeah okay it’s observation hockey it’s a pretty passive

Thing it goes on it lets you scan where people are and find things that is any little helpful little extra bit future site the ability to occasionally Dodge techniques can be handy and the cost of doing anything I don’t know what that second one really does because like it says it checks

Don’t take like we’ve done them all again like the first one it says you can perceive Life as a varying accuracy so you can like view the auras essentially it’s either good or bad this window is perceived intentions of living beings in order to dodge or place effective blows

Okay don’t wait okay those projectiles then like assume it means you can just dodge okay so shooting me all right still hitting again no yeah deflected one okay so it’s not guaranteed thing then but like every second hit okay so basically it blocks a hit then the next hit hits

Or maybe there’s like a cooldown period before like you can block a dodging our hit so that’s why when I’m doing like the Dodge thing against the zombies with my how’s my how’s my hockey looking oh I have power strains that wouldn’t help either okay wait a minute it’s not

Letting me activate any of my hockey right now like Yeah it’s going on and going straight back off like that oh I’ve got hockey exhaustion okay I make Expressions I was like wait is that oh that died oh here yeah it does because I’ve exhausted my hockey how I don’t I don’t get how quite how you

Would check that because I don’t see a bar indicating that like I figured it will power ran out and you don’t run too long you get hockey exhaustion I’ve been like well tend to come out of triggered actually before I regenerated my um okay I can

See how I ended up with that because the effect removal command works so yeah back on all right now it’s back on yeah Dodge give it a second did it heat that typically means it’s trying to hit and it’s missed and okay so it’s not guaranteed thing okay

If you say things work I’m running out of energy turn off what the [ __ ] well point being it works in a sense kind of I think adult Hawk exhaustion go uh get my energy back we’ll power back just a check Confucius say dodge like skeleton attacks as well yes yes

The answer is yes at the cost of a nervous about hockey so if you’re going for a desperate charge at something that’d be a great time to activate it just click it back off again okay that’s probably enough looking at the observation side of things but I mean

Yeah okay that it’s pretty simple as what you’d expect not any effects anything happy then you don’t expect facts from like you know observation hockey expect to fix from Ironman hockey which is the thing we’re going to be looking at now so slash Dell for hockey

I just yeah set level yeah okay uh so ambition wait what is ambition does ornament coating conquer control emission imbumin which is all branches of ornament what’s ambition is that that would be conquerors wouldn’t it I’d assume so can it be more than three

30 is then uh yeah there we go color of the Supreme hockey King apparently it’s level 16 with that I never said Hannah also Yeah by increasing my Supreme color hockey it has increased amount of willpower I can possess and I’ve gotten transition okay unless your color of

Supreme King hockey on living beings around you to crush their will excellent oh there’s one girl control here as well actually oh wait would that be pushing it into oh that’d be Advanced Advantage hockey stuff is that one of the options so it’s controlling there

Oh yes okay I assume that was part of the ornament tree no no I just realized but it’s an alphabetical order actually it’s not even like they’re intentionally branching it’s just observation happens to come before perception and precognition the recorder it’s not actually I thought it was an order with the branches though

That starts to tell okay I’ll even call Chris for last I wasn’t sure how I was gonna get that but by reading words I figured it out huzzah uh yeah we’ll leave that one for last we’re gonna go look at the ornament stuff far so sorry talky set level ornament no no ambition

I do enjoy having ambition but no ornaments Thirty blah and with that uh I’m a hockey sorry wait can I put my uh obsession all I’ve got to Max are three so wait if I put observation up the story I assume I’ll get more willpower observation sorry

Blah yeah it’s all top story then the hockey of the Supreme King illness is 16. but like our nose yeah it just says 16 and maybe 16 is the highest that one can go because it’s like weird I don’t know there’s also bars there but like I’m guessing that this is them

Through like they’re they’re over itself because I put in like level sorry oh but control isn’t leveled up and actually level 15. oh that’s why then it’s because the other the other skills aren’t there uh okay hold on we can fix that just I’ll just grab the skills so it’s there

But we’re not actually gonna use it yeah we’ll use it on a second so they only got to level 15. because the skills of individually got levels to them that’s what makes up the level there it’s that level being there means fecal is the campaign level these two things

That matters I think okay because yeah the level position should only be 20. but Caleb leaves up higher than no I think that’s the highest they can go there’s only two skills in that tree cool uh we have learned also they’ll feel discharge and domination so yeah

That’ll be fun to play with player so try them in a bit before that though favorite kind of hockey I’m sure many people’s favorite types of armor Armament so this coating can conquer is right there what oh ambition and controller just two subclasses of conqueror that makes so much more sense my brain

Oh God damn these things are very harder oh I’m just noticing thing straight away okay so what have we got we’ve got Army we get coding get control I mean no we’ve not got a mission and booming uh yeah okay so we just do slashed out for hockey

Info that will tell us a lot more AKA coming in pyramiding emissions I guess calling would be the first one to go for because that’d be covering your body I don’t know how I’ve got an experience in ambulent I guess because I used a weapon yes I record my weapon yeah okay there’s

A mission which is an advanced hockey apparently variant so let’s do coding first Okay so we’ve got yeah emissions zero counting is never tense ten is the highest it can go to and that’s given us access to quite a few things actually we’ve got hardening we’ve got a mission

Wait have we learned a mission okay fill body hardening we’ve got called the Supreme Kings that’s another that’s conquerors based stuff and then kind of the Supreme King advantages full courting okay so that’s that’s a mixing of things okay wait have we got a mission we don’t have levels in

A mission I bet to give myself levels in the mission wait what mission zombie level one I guess I guess because I missed level one unlocks it gave us the most basic level of it okay so let’s power our permission as well then and preparing our permission we’ve gotten

Some more staffs all done we’ve got those two for just basic card thing they’ve got emission emission animation ambition is Advanced hockey though yeah we’re saving that for later we’re gonna be trying a viewing first oh God just by unlocking things you start unlocking like different subcategories the same thing happened

With the gum Comfort the gum gum for you get access to like your second gear sorry itself after leveling up but you didn’t get access to gear fourth until you unlocked hockey until you look targeting hockey then once you unlock that you got access to a bunch of really

Like you know your access to gear four results and a bunch of other sub-moves with it yeah okay so all ties together makes sense but giving this a go then hardening yes that’s about what you expect fiscal’s dark as you would with hockey and never try and punch things

We just accept oh it’s got a little effect with it too oh nice I was expecting the dark fist I wasn’t expecting the little particle effects that’s a nice little touch oh and I’m really curious if I went back into doggle mode with like I’ll see where is

My hockey at hockey max value 50 000 2050 excellent but if I went back into doggo mode would I would the Army hockey cover over doggo I do want to quickly check that just just to know for sure hold the bus okay so we go into dog modes

Activate hardening oh my God it does my face yes hybrid mode yes it did actually did I didn’t think it actually worked and because I’d be attacking with my mouth now if I go to punch things in this mode in the world it actually does open my f up

I didn’t know that that’s really cool I’m not really curious what I look like if I wait into like Phoenix building stuff like that I’ll try that later I’ll try that later we’re going to Phoenix mode we’re going to activate hockey before that full body hockey excellent come at me zombos yeah yeah

You can do no damage I still hit harder also I’m assuming this is draining about hockey yeah extreme mobile power immensely quick so you can’t maintain this for I stood for a long time but while doing this I am essentially I can’t get damaged by at least a zombie I imagine like stronger

Enemies to build maybe still hurt me a bit but yeah I do love the little particle effect so a little effects were there oh it’s so cool okay note to self also avoid water if you don’t want to fall in it right well we’ll be up to the king

Springs this look doesn’t really matter Bucky so slosh not hockey slash Belford hockey info so at this point it mentions the fact that we have oh Advanced Armament hockey variant red level 10. so that was a mission yeah okay I was the mushroom yeah it literally says

Right there the hockey variant is red I don’t know what that means okay let’s just get in viewing first one step at a time wait with Kim humans it’s also coping though wait what’s calling oh no that is that that is just calling our face yeah okay that makes sense uh NBA Man

Level sorry that gives us a whole bunch of stars so yeah okay there’s a sword level has thingied up noise and also we’re just gonna go Swift over through willpower add but yeah okay so if you went it seems like with imbuement I’ve also got a ton of admission stuff

The reason why I believe that’s happened is because I set my hockey level to 30. so it just started unlocking like around in the color all right no wait that’s because I mean it’s because I’m actually a mission isn’t it almost certainly yeah Okay so we’ve got imbuement hardening cool then

We’ve got yeah imbuement projection of aura yeah that’s that’s hot that’s ornament that’s conquer hockey it’s a pinking color of the arms hockey Eternal destruction projection of Aura that’s emission then that one’s conquerors AKA that’s that’s the big big swordy attack stuff oh my God so there’s so much stuff tidy

When you get conquered it’s like it’s not just you can snap and make people fall over it’s no you can do the advanced one piece stuff like like the stuff is happening like you know late late in one piece oh Curry that is very interesting are you just

Grabbing a test subject here or sorry but normally do seven or six depending on the day you go grab another one coating a little bit more that’s huge a bit more but it’s also making it somewhere so it doesn’t take any um it doesn’t take damage which is nice we

Are curiosity yes yes it does you can cover anything blah blah let me use it oh turn off block oh wait did it maybe wait hold on actually it doesn’t it doesn’t ah and he said the bubble hold on I need to know if this works mate hit me cool thank you

Oh yeah you can oh my God it works on this version as well okay so for those who don’t know uh this is a bubbly Coral probably curls have very limited dribbly but what happens is you cut yourself in it and if you’re down for user you can still swim in the water

Without uh you know dying and this one this might in particular the over mod has very vicious very no mercy style of water AKA if you cut into the water you’re dead which I think is a bit harsh given it’s Minecraft and there’s no way for anyone

To save you like if there was a function for you to pull someone out the water I built for it because they’re like yeah okay but the way it is now it’s so important I bought a water over you and like it covered enough area where it

Didn’t just push you straight out of it you just die because you won’t be able to escape it like that that’s the level like that’s the top early that could happen because you can’t move you’re able to place items I think it’s a bit

Too harsh I think it’d be nice if it was so you could you know move really like a snail’s pace or still build a place on Amazon your inventory because then you could you know activate items to save yourself but um yeah it’s one of those ones not the bosses myself some people

Think it’s a good idea I used to I just start thinking of all the ways people could abuse it and the fact that if you’re in single player and you fall in the water you’re just dead just like that’s it done but yeah anyway so yeah time to start black you saved your

Ability you can cover over pretty much anything to save durability yeah so you can pretty much make use of this to promoting yourself as well if you’re really Advanced at it which would be a really weird way of using your hockey but who are we to judge but yeah

Just reading it uh your color of arms hockey on your face to harden it okay uh cover your body to harden it and I sneak activation imbues defect on your offhand oh oh so I’ve activated it now it wouldn’t do anything if I activate it there voil

Oh my God give me another sword give me another swords give it to me give it to me blah wrong thing no damn it kind of both desserts abuse oh for a second I thought I built a click ah if only that’s not how it works

Though okay so if you want to put it on like your Shield or something you could do that too fair enough okay well looking at the next thing we’ve got emissions so envelope there you in your mean hand in a powerful Aura created with the color of arms hockey a sneaker

Edition develops it in your off hand cool so let’s see what this does this is obviously using on a sword currently because we’re currently willing to start okay so just it looks like I’m a hockey okay so just put you down oh again okay yeah it’s a few tier is stronger

Than the other one how much that’s doing a lot hockey isn’t it oh yeah oh yeah so that turns off the second you stop putting the item so this is like this is this is big this is big hockey okay hold the bus I need like I need

Something a bit more tanky for this blah there we go right we’ve got a Golem Golems of a hundred health how does this work Okay yeah all right that’s quite a job from giving us like one or two extra points to damage defecting just one shot and iron golem oh yeah yeah people mentioned this mod was strong I I didn’t doubt it but at the same time it’s like so far I’ve been rather tame I

Thought it was gonna be the conquer stuff that really kicked it off no no the emission stuff does it as well which yeah Advanced color but I’m talking about this is Advanced hockey internal destruction so uh envelopment I am in your main hand with a devastating internal destroying Aura created with

Your account I’m talking about girlfriends so I’m assuming this is like a hockey that essentially ignores armor so even someone’s wearing like you know faux Enchanted yeah they’re right this would still mess them up because side here is it’s internal damage per Golem any stronger stuff to hit

A column’s not enough oh god oh the bar part of my brain’s like wow what if you grab the things from the Demon Slayer mod or something that’s one of the strongest things you could grab and that is our thought at this point I don’t I’ve been able to take them like

You know just standing here but you know that was incredible and hey I could see how much damage it does because they have like absurd defenses as well to like lower damage stop for a different day maybe we’ll mix that stuff together a different point right all this stuff

We’ve got other admission okay we’ve got Lima looking in there but uh let’s have a covers your hands so envelope your fist in a pelvis or created by your color of arms hockey so like again to point out we cover our main fist or damaged up to six

When we cover it with submission hockey he key the really strong stuff we One-Shot Golems yeah yeah yeah maybe they should tie it down just a bit like that’s that that’s pretty extreme like what you gonna be fighting that’s gonna like ever stand up to that I’m assuming other players will

Only think it’s gonna build something like that as if they’re using a mission hockey as well like I don’t know this is this is pretty intense I guess if they’re planning to adding enemies are really strong later on then fair enough but you know at this

Point is that that seems a bit much okay next category envelope you’re devastating internal destroying or AKA yeah the hockey that will ignore defense is pretty much um yeah I mean so far it’s like the look of it on your hand is pretty much what you’d expect I like the little park

Effects come off it when you hit them that stuff’s cool that’s a nice little extra touch just to you know bomb hockey has been used here uh that’s cool well it’s a curiosity zombo fill body hockey admission yeah there’s really make much a difference except yeah I can now hit

Things ridiculously hard while enveloped in this and it’s probably doing an absolute yup it’s being absolute talk about hockey oh yeah it’s so much so that I’m literally on hockey exhaustion mode okay that is not surprising oh wait hold on if I go if I go like wolf bones blah full body

Yeah yeah it works that works okay yeah okay I think it’s tied to quickly test this out then why was if I use this in Phoenix mode I’m no curious first level Atari Tori all you get access to is speed explode which looks bloody fantastic like if you spread your wings and actually

Start flying and stuff like yeah it’s a really cool birdie form nice um right yeah calling this yeah that coats the wings the coloring’s a bit messed up but yeah it coat swings okay we will see in It Coats your foot when you’re a thieves full body

Yeah okay it messes the wings don’t quite you know fully cover another but yeah for the most part though yeah you become like yeah all right as that’s pretty awesome I wasn’t sure if it actually fully did No in fact he does okay that’s very interesting all right well I was looking

At all that stuff uh we still get the concrete stuff to go so yeah let’s just quickly lob all that stuff away I’ll keep pulled it out for now so wait where are we going neutralization Unleash Your color Supreme Kings hockey on living beings around you to crush

Their will and cause them to pass out so what’s up balls come at me oh I like the effects with this I’ll submit are they staying knocked out while I’m like drinking hockey away yes they are so you can deactivate and then eventually they will get back up oh

It’s okay can you hit the water no okay so you can’t you can’t hit them while they’re lying down they’re protected oh no no they’re not they’re not protected what I hit like ah oh we can’t hit though we’re accurate enough about it wait what I’m guessing they’re passed out for like

A good solid minute or something like okay enough time for you just to brutally murder them if you hit the right spot I don’t know if you remember to hit them by the way like it could be I think this is a bug now maybe I’ll hit them it could be

Anything they’ve been taking somebody to hitbox like a ridiculous attack you still unless you’re using like a massive area effect in it you wouldn’t normally build a hit them or something but like you know you have to actually focus on hitting them I don’t know anyway you can

Hit them so we do yeah okay that was freaking awesome so I was just neutralization so all right hold on one thing at a time so color of supreme King hockey color of supreme King hockey okay so that’s still basic then we’ve got College Supreme King hockey domination yep they’ve got

Car Supreme King hockey Advanced use oracling okay Advanced use fill cutting we’ve got Carlos Supreme King haki Advanced use and it will transformation okay so that’s how they’d find stuff that comes from mixing your conquerors hockey with your actual fighting this stuff here is just conquerors hockey so fill discharge

On these guys from Kentucky crashing and subduing living things around you that are unable to resist it so this is just wow big burst I guess sure let’s give that a try selling a couple of zombies look at the distance away this time to see if it still hits them full Bass

Oh yeah oh yeah Steven destroying the grass around me backing out okay so this is like the extreme version okay they’re they’re Congress hockey isn’t strong they’re not gonna fail to pack it also yeah I just hit hockey exhaustion level but yeah despite that they are all still very much knocked out

I like that that is like it’s the exact same thing but just more particles and just it’s a stronger variation so I guess yeah if someone else has conquerors hockey that’s the one that can still overtake someone with basic levels okay I love the effects though like it does

Make you think of you know one piece also faking hell no just crush the ground roaming as well yes oh my God oh it’s okay looking I actually has like a proper feeling effect like it’s strong this isn’t something you just get though like depending on your convict saying you’re

Cutting in your confidence you can say so how easily people should be able to get the um Congress hockey from what I remember reading I went over it last time in the mode review all the different uh config options which oh yeah if anyone carries the other mod

Review self AK like looking at the old fruits and other bits in the mod uh yeah I’ll put a link Down Below in the description if you want to check out like the full review from the other stuff uh yeah this is just this is just

Purely focused on the hockey and I mean yeah it looks awesome I I’m on the opinion that the strength of it everything is tone down like until there’s like enemies to fight because right now there’s there’s not basic Minecraft stuff that’s not something it’s like killing an iron golemen wouldn’t hit like

I don’t know about the ball unless there is like maybe they’ve got a plan for this maybe they’ve got something in mind later on maybe they’re planning to put strong enemies and stuff in but I mean right now it’s you’re murdering everything okay well they’re still knocked out what’s the third thing

King’s hockey domination unleash the character on living beings around you to bend them to your real causing them to flee from you okay and I’m not gonna get up I kind of want to wait and see if they get off at this point just out okay I’ll say because the

Thing is they’re knocked out I’m assuming they’re on an effect timer but like I can’t see the effect time or anything like that because I don’t have you know that modding that would let me see that so yeah I just gonna have to lie there and

Just seek to get up soon okay I’m just saying staying here for a little while now and they’re still not getting up um I’d really like to feel the effects of this just to see the timer on it like how how long this is last what is what power is this what the

I’m really curious how long this last I’m hoping it’s a ridiculously long length of time because otherwise it’s a bit too strong and let’s move into Times dictated by the difference between your conqueror talking the internet music if they have no conversation art for a long

Time but I’m just thinking of you know if in actual Minecraft terms there is I think of being killer being practical then there’s also just the fun aspect of it if you keep someone knocked out for a day that just leaves sibling like I I expect this to knock them out for

Like a minute and then like at most and then that girl because there’s enough time to kill someone easily anything beyond that is just you’re talking about you’re making them sit there for no reason it’s gonna be boring back in I don’t know this is just estimates and

Guesses and stuff of like how this stuff works I need to try this on another player to know for sure I need to look at our player to come join me on this for like a review thing and like try using the moves on each other just to

See the effects because uh when you call it Advanced levels defense like I’ve not I’ve not got it here right now but like you know the mission defense and stuff like that what would you possibly need that for my only thought is you did it

For this stuff this mod this mods get my attacks are that powerful that you basically need insane levels of you know Hawking stuff like that to block those specific attacks AKA like Rigo the ultimate attack for the thunder thunder like that thing nukes like an entire Village

Worth of territory and I haven’t seen exactly how much damage it does but I’m going to guess a lot so I’m assuming that you do submission so you could like survive that or something something I don’t I would like a plan if someone does hit you with that and you end up at

The bottom of that Creator you’re fact anyway because how you get you got to like try and claim your way out of that crater unless you’ve got the Phoenix fruit or one of the fruits with a teleportation power like there’s no gap on this uh that big I’m hoping to do that I’m

Hoping to add in like you know fighting style things and stuff so people get more maneuverability so you can use things like solar to get a little bit quicker or use things like gecko so I think out of massive craters they create from their own destructive power because like as it stands

Obviously what I’m saying is just on my opinions and stuff but as it stands okay I saw people came like comparing this tomato which is the obvious thing to do because they’re both really being interesting one piece of monster stuff as it currently stands for people like

Oh yeah this mod is getting closer it’s not like in terms of very specific aspects it does better than me aka the renders of certain deliverance and stuff and you know some of the particle effects so that it does better yes I’ll give it that one he just has a massive Advantage because

You know it’s been a lot it’s been around for like years more it’s had so much more time to like build up its stock AK it’s got you know tons of stuff to it aka the races the uh the fighting cells the clothes the enemies 72 devil

For it’s this 14. like it’s not a fair comparison when this Mod’s not been around nearly as long like it does beat man I mean I mean very specific aspects like you know the animations and uh there’s certainly it’s got a lot of quality to the developments so you know

It’s an awesome mod like you know I mean so yeah like I saw people mentioning the fact that we’re comparing the two I would just say this is the baseball piece more than 1.16 I’d say already made a minimum is better that’s a large part because it’s getting that much

Quantity to it that even if this mod has really good quality in certain areas it’s still a lot smaller mode like quite as I’m running but yeah uh you don’t want to have that debate of like which one’s better these guys are still asleep I’ve been riding for several minutes [ __ ] hell

Basically though just agree that both the mods are really good and they will specialize in different areas that they’re in but it’s not a fair comparison because one is years old and had a lot of work done to it and one you know was a lot younger and while excels

On the certain areas it has not enough time to have nearly as much quantity to it so you know does that anyway ranting aside abilities yeah domination so I guess we’ll give that a go really quick hello zombos oh perfect I love using your owners run away yeah okay

That just makes enemies flee it drains a lot of energy [ __ ] hell speaking like 800 a pop bloody hell I’m guessing they’ll eventually come back now they’re just terrified they’re going over any directions kill yep yep yep also player maybe uh my willpower is set to you know what it is

It’s 2 355. I assume I don’t know if I can go any higher than that but like if you want it to go higher for yourself you can’t just slash devil for hockey and wait no starting a hockey uh willpower then you can do add Max I could say like

Ten thousand and with that my Max then jumps up to like 26 000. so I can go Blue and then Max is a bit higher it’s like yeah if you’re like the player I’m at the model you wanted to give yourself you know extra hockey for our willpower

For any reason to maintain your hockey there you go you can do that and that works for it all right okay moving those out the way the last three things oh Advanced hockey or coaxing fist so you belt your face in Supreme King hockey uh you enhanced impact your punches Iron

Golem already folds like a wet paper towel to our punches so um oh yeah he just gets muted yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah blah yeah it’s not even close [ __ ] hell this is it’s spinning a bit but not that much

All of a sudden realize the more hockey you have the more you recover so actually if your hockey numbers are high enough you build a maintain high level hockey for a really long time I don’t know if hockey just continues building like no matter what you can always just

Keep building experience so you keep training with it I don’t know if there’s like an upper cap anywhere also I’m leaving all of them there I want to know how long they stand for at this point I’m assuming like a day unless technically froze time but like that’s if maybe that’s affecting things

Maybe it may last on that minute but like if you froze the daytime it like doesn’t work hold on I want to test that really quick Flash the game at Circle two slash time set one seven six zero yeah I should move time along a bunch instead of sleep though

It’s okay me shifting Titan didn’t instantly waiting for anything that’s for sure unless it’s more time required I don’t know set one two six or zero it’s gonna put time to there I’m just gonna let it swing by on its own we’ll see if they decide to wake up while I do other

Things okay so anyway other thing the coating of Aura we can cover ourselves essentially in admission conquerors hockey Armament hockey just it’s just a Mad Mix of everything the ultimate defense against well pretty much everything in existence wrong thing wait the Ultimate Defense instantly dies what the [ __ ] happened there

Wait hold on hold on yeah get me ready to get back up the metal power has successfully that wait it’s been added no I wanted to recover it you’re not gonna cover this thing hug the [ __ ] boss put that on there okay well that thing why am I instantly dying

Wait the power is still on where where is that zombie zombie hit me again all right we’re still on why am I easily dying stately what I smiled this that’s Madness that’s Madness what’s happening what’s happening turn it off and turn it on again instantly dead

I assume there’s a reason for that what and the impact of your blows okay it’s still currently turned on uh yeah turn it off turn it off yeah now they only do a little damage what the [ __ ] was that whatever empower the swords please yeah blah big impact I’d love that in more

Weapons like idols and stuff like imagine going by and like Phil Hawking I’m very confused I’m very confused I’m very very very confused what is happening Lobby hockey um yeah so click that and it comes back down how much is it draining like a hundred percent but I’m regaining hockey

At the same time so you can maintain this lot for a really long time wait the chicken that’s unconscious wait what how’s chicken unconscious wait that chicken must have existed while I was over there also we’re gonna activate hockey ah well [ __ ] huh I mean I’ve set myself to max level so I

Don’t see why I’d be dying to that Um that’s quite oh it says yeah okay that’s just that’s disasters work they’re weird um wait I just blocked that little up hit me yeah that still killed me wow here we are uh yeah okay zombies from here have disappeared cool okay well that last

Move I say which I don’t know what the facts going on with that like I don’t know if that’s something it’s my fault or well it’s something else but I mean I’m assuming people would tell me that if you know if it’s meant to work or if

It’s no glitch the horse is still on contest oh my God yeah that that conquerors hockey just knocked everything in a really farther ideas what hold on not domination full discharge oh this is such a big range oh I want it like I want to spot something from far away and try knocking

Out yeah [ __ ] oh that was over here knocked out hold on so discharge yeah holy [ __ ] what how far does it go that’s insane all the way over here everybody just never wake back up apparently what oh that’s still yeah it’s pretty much all right energy really fast

Ah well okay okay I’ll say slash effect clear myself dominated electric shock thrash resistance Frost effect Hawk exhaustion heart taking ice knocked out yeah okay so there is a knocked out effect shrinking effects there’s a shrinking effect saw this effect suspended death effects Zone absorption effects jumpers to fat that’s a song what

Okay as interesting okay but yeah so it’s the fact they’re just on a tower floor it’s just a really long timer arguably maybe too long of a timer okay I mean other than the balancing and scaling of things which I’m guessing they would just tweak as they go like as

They feel necessary like I’m assuming there’s a reason why this stuff’s super probably begin with but that’s just for the one piece feeling of where because there’s plans for you to actually like have strong opponents later on the face I don’t know but um yeah it’s a really fun mod over all

Between like licking it now before installing powers and stuff and then looking at the hockey the hockey looks cool I love the effects for it I love the things of it I love the feeling of yeah that that concrete spark just like that’s insane maybe just a little simple

Things like the coating just a little extra Zam on the punch it’s quite nice and then yeah when you get the conquerors based one that looks cool like it’s just a sudden little bus but I think it looks awesome so yeah I’m a huge fan of that let me

Try I’ve had a lot of this stuff works but yeah anyway that does for this little mod review there’s still like over an hour um I’m glad I did this separately I’m glad I look at it and focus on it like this the first few things for like you know

Observation and stuff you know a bit more you know just passive happens while you’re you know on the go and you can you know scan for earnings and stuff occasionally Dodge things into this that’s so well and cute yeah no when you start playing armor and like the conquerors hockey and no like

You you start getting some World effects I I don’t like the power resistant saying though like it I think my only like slight thing I’m looking this is like the only down inside to me is like yeah it’s maybe too strong because like what are you fading with that like

All right anyway links down below if you want to check out the mods 1.63.5 Delta mods and yeah then updated for a German 1.16.5 inside the particle effects animations and stuff I was not expecting nearly as much my mind is blown this is like playing Demon Slayer for the first time

Coming I’m like oh my God that is like yawns better than I expected to be this is I played this mod before and like and that is all right it was cool it was listening but it wasn’t like you know mind blowing but I just see the

Animations the effects and all the extra benefits and I’m like yes okay this is like insanely good but yeah anyway love this mod I definitely want to do more bits with it in the future and yeah I mean currently it’s only one piece one of us so it’s a

Huge Advantage [ __ ] because it’s good no competition and it means you can make the best mod back with it that’s very interesting but hey anyway thank you all very much for watching hope you all enjoyed this probably very long mod review see who’s our next time forever

Random anime mod thing I end up reviewing next go buy a rum buddy also just want to say a quick thank you to all of the channel members for the extra support and a special thank you and shout out to our lead members the Johnny members Sebastian Ramsay

Alexander01 and Isaac Washington and our and remember our monster cool thank you all very much for the extra awesome support

This video, titled ‘ALL THE HAKI ABILITIES & TECHNIQUES! Minecraft One Piece Devil Fruit Mod Review’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2022-09-30 21:00:25. It has garnered 43556 views and 1366 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:58 or 2998 seconds.

#OnePiece #Minecraft #ModReview

Minecraft Devil Fruit Mod Review – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAiWqNyXMP4

Minecraft Devil Fruit Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/devil-fruits

All 72 Devil Fruits – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9b8yhzV17U Every Race, Fighting Style & Haki Ability – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLCOmga0wlI

BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join

GingyGames Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnhKpFkChk31SJlw4A1biw

ALL THE HAKI ABILITIES & TECHNIQUES! Minecraft One Piece Devil Fruit Mod Review

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RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft RWBY Roleplay) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REYji46Ndhs&list=PLLMufbSSwyToyjI0YSruHasJthev2s-xP&index=1

Minecraft Yugioh (Battle City) Roleplay – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eqs3rgZpFrE&list=PLLMufbSSwyToDdOJMb87MA8NvvlGs9oy1&index=1 ————————————————————————————————– ————————– Channel avatar done by Zaromaru Zaro – https://www.youtube.com/user/ZaromaruGames/featured

Channel Art done by Parshey Parshey – https://twitter.com/parsheyy —————————————————————————-

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  • Join Minewind Server for a Unique Minecraft Experience!

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  • Ultimate Potato Farm with Auto-Smelt!

    Ultimate Potato Farm with Auto-Smelt! Automating Potato Farming in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly looking for ways to optimize their farming techniques. One popular method is creating an automatic potato farm, which not only saves time but also increases efficiency. In a recent video, a Minecraft enthusiast demonstrated how to build a fully automated potato farm with an added twist – an Auto-Smelt upgrade! How Does It Work? The key to this automated potato farm is utilizing villager mechanics. By setting up a system with hoppers and a smoker, players can ensure that any potatoes dropped by the villagers are… Read More

  • Formula 1 Driver’s SHOCKING Rating Revealed! Catching 2700 Tropical Fish in Minecraft

    Formula 1 Driver's SHOCKING Rating Revealed! Catching 2700 Tropical Fish in MinecraftVideo Information the t’s always open for e it’s time for more but also more formula one oh [ __ ] me now we let’s see what was the quest 12 Beast play B CH Beast let’s see how many Beast do I have in the Dr de uh two four you can say five uh the hunter have the two four six seven sure it will be the Haunter deck we will be playing let’s see this 3 six priest rug sh on the not still made only 5 that 29 on that 22 only five huh probably it… Read More

  • Attempting to Beat Minecraft with a Cursed Texture Pack LIVE

    Attempting to Beat Minecraft with a Cursed Texture Pack LIVEVideo Information [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] s [Music] [Music] the yo what is up you guys we are doing this we are doing this we’re going to be playing Minecraft on a very with a very cursed texture pack it’s going to be hilarious I’m doing this with uh Mr WX cop he is part of the Garr the carrot Community hold on um yo what’s up WX cop all right um is it cursed it is very cursed it is very cursed yes all right yo man yes oh uh I don’t… Read More

  • 🔥 SHOCKING: CHAND Bhai 10k’s CRAZY Train Journey!

    🔥 SHOCKING: CHAND Bhai 10k's CRAZY Train Journey!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #shortvideos train journey water park#trending #viral #minecraft #shortvideos #subscribe’, was uploaded by CHAND Bhai 10k on 2024-05-06 03:23:50. It has garnered 3352 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: Resurrecting abandoned village in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: Resurrecting abandoned village in Minecraft!Video Information bonjour et bienvenue sur ones level alors merci d’avoir regardé la dernière vidéo c’est pas facile de revenir sur Youtube après 2 mois d’absence donc merci beaucoup de d’être là d’être encore là et euh vraiment je fais ça pour rien si personne ne regarde donc merci à vous la dernière fois nous avions installé fresh animations et euh on avait aussi décoré tous les villages alors fresh animations est toujours installé pour l’instant on continue le test pendant quelques épisodes pour voir si mon PC le supporte et pour ce qui est du village et bien il… Read More

  • KISS ME NOW! Epic Minecraft Montage!

    KISS ME NOW! Epic Minecraft Montage!Video Information [Music] [Music] potim with love me with your poison me want to be a victim for [Music] a This video, titled ‘Kiss Me A Minecraft Montage’, was uploaded by Beasty Sensei on 2024-01-13 07:06:39. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. hey guys sorry for being late but here’s a new montage for yall hope u guys like it pls share and tell your friends to subscribe me i promise ill upload more fun content soon love you all Tags Ignore ——- bedlessnoob,bbs,beastboyshub,y4zan,kissme,kiss me,montage,sammy,skeppy,badboyhalo,triggeredinsaan,liveinsaan,minecraft,minecraftmontage,Dream,DanTDM,SSundee,ElTrollino,Robin Hood Gamer,georgenotfound,technoblade,minecraft, minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Ganesh Girish Gaming – Scourge vs Kozarog!

    Ultimate Battle: Ganesh Girish Gaming - Scourge vs Kozarog!Video Information तो हेलो गाइस आपका इस वयो में स्वागत है हम स्क कोज की फाइट देखने ने पहले अटैक किया और वह कोजक को नीचे गिरा रहा है मुझे तो लगता है कि कर्ज ही जीतेगा लेकिन कोजक के पास भी बहुत से हथियार और अटैक्स है चलो अब हम फाइट देखते हैं गाइस बहुत से लोग हमारे वीडियो देखते हैं लेकिन कोई भी सब्सक्राइब नहीं करता प्लीज लाइक शेयर और सब्सक्राइब और कमेंट कर दीजिए और यह देखिए स्क हम अगली वीडियो में मिलते हैं This video, titled ‘who will win? scourge or kozarog @RatnaKurale’, was uploaded by… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Live Stream – Trouble Ahead in India!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Live Stream - Trouble Ahead in India!Video Information ठीक है भाई वो तो लेकिन वो कर सते फने करलो टेगा मैं निकाल लू तेरे पास फन नहीं है तो आप लो लाला चला आपकी द दूसरी जगह पर रहती है क्या नहीं नहीं साथ मेंही होती है काम करते है ना ऑफिस में र वो म नहीं पता नहीं ज बड़ी यह कौन सा है थने तो स करले अच्छा वो उस पर करर क्योंकि वो कुछ दिन ही स्ट्रीम पर देख भाई चला जाएगा बीच मेंही चला जाएगा ब तक जाऊगा तो तो है अच्छा दो दो सर्वर ऑन हो गए बार बार थोड़ी मैं… Read More

  • Unlock Mind-Blowing Click Power with M4rtins

    Unlock Mind-Blowing Click Power with M4rtinsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Esse é o poder do normal click.’, was uploaded by M4rtins on 2024-01-18 19:54:03. It has garnered 75 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. Texture: Red Default Tags (ignore) #minecraft #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #pvp #lunarclient #badlionclient #badlion #cmclient #cmpack #minecraftpirata #minemen #minemenclub how to increase 1000 fps in minecraft / how to increase 100 fps in minecraft / how to improve your fps in minecraft TAGS VirosGamer / Virão / Te combo na ravine / VG / VG200k / Intro for VirosGamer NeoxGamer_, Rei, Mito, NeagleGames, WomboHG,… Read More

  • Dominate the Minecraft world in style with Cube Xuan!

    Dominate the Minecraft world in style with Cube Xuan!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:霸气回怼太爽了!【方块轩】’, was uploaded by 方块轩 on 2024-03-27 09:41:05. It has garnered 65670 views and 4158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Hi, I’m Fangkuaixuan! 🌟 As a creator in the field of Minecraft, I bring you the most unique MC animations! 🎬 Our channel focuses on integrating popular Internet memes and delivering happiness with funny humor! 😄 This is the only official channel of Fangkuaixuan. Videos posted on other channels are pirated and unauthorized! 🚫 Update wonderful original videos every day, come and follow us, and save unhappy moments with… Read More

  • WIP SMP Vanilla SMP EU Whitelist Java 1.20.6 No wipes Max 20 Players Freshly Launched 06/05 18+

    🌸🗺️ WIP SMP – Join a New Community 🗺️🌸 Who Are We? Brand New World: Fresh server with planned events and exploration. Mature Community: 18+ group that values respect and fun. Latest Java Release: Running Java 1.20.6 with whitelist. European Hosted: English preferred, all countries welcome. A Fresh Canvas: New world offering untouched landscapes. Long-Term Commitment: World is here to stay. Enhanced Vanilla Experience: Features like web map and voice chat. Your Voice Counts: Community input shapes the server. Respect Above All: Courtesy and kindness are key. Join Now! Come be a part of our new world community where you… Read More