Unbelievable Apokuna Masterclass in SMPs – InsideMC 068

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The s smps that I have worked on so far my main three have been Outsiders SMP the rats SMP and Pirates SMP under the name pal Creations which is a mix of both my name and Owens uh we completely turned this moment of like oh my God

They’re about to see each other finally and they’re going to be friends again into this like horrifying realization of like holy [ __ ] like wait he’s he’s dead I mean I’ve I’ve I’ve said it multiple times I I kind of want pow to be like the Pixar of the mcyt like SMP space all

Rats in a house or whatever I was just completely on board I was like hell yeah that sounds why not why not that sounds absurd and dumb awful and I love it yeah in the best way possible do you still have nightmares about the final round of

Battle box writing for like an animated series would be cool I’d like that okay all right Lads welcome back to inside MC the part of podcast right sit down with a very special guest every single week and this week I’m joined with someone who I think is pretty interesting they’re very talented

They’re very very good actor that cook when it comes to making S smps I am joined with the one and only auna well sharks thank you for boosting my ego a bit that’s lovely hi how you doing orbits I’m doing great thank you I thought since we’re going to be sitting

Down for hopefully well over an hour give or take it probably sight off on the right foot right you know I don’t I imagine I started the podcast of yeah now they’re pretty mid they’re not that good Hur me up a bit so I give better answers to the question exactly exactly

S of method to my mad you’re exposing it can you not please oh yeah my bad yeah all in all I’m doing good things how about yourself I am doing absolutely lovely I got myself some Aquafina not sponsored I’m ready to answer some questions oh it’s a it’s a it’s American

Water which is no different to any other kind of water but you know it’s water yeah it’s just it’s just American limited limited edition yeah there we go special you know how Americans like their limited stuff yeah exactly the MC rib is that oh s America it yeah I mean

I mean to be fair you say that but a lot of stuff are coming to England I heard like a popey came to England and there’s like a Taco Bell in England you know all over the place I mean you know you guys are starting to be a bit more sharing

Stuff out worldwide yeah going global there was a question I was going to ask you oh that’s it did you finish your Quant I did I did finish my uh qu Quant yeah I I did do that it was really good very buttery it was only half of it I

Had it with some eggs and some bacon and now my stomach is fill met my quota for the day of eating good food so you’ve been ego boosted you’ve had a good breakfast this is going to be an amazing podcast I can feel it well Appo and

That’s what I’m going to call you for the rest of the podcast cuz I feel like I didn’t say it right auna I I feel like I’m saying it wrong you have said it so much better than most people do the first time really oh I’ve got auka aaka

Uh what else auna um auna I’ve gotten I’ve gotten a lot of different ones so you’ve you you’ve hit the mark you’ve hit the mark how many times the song called called you a Pooky oh you brought up deep deep prama you you brought up some this is so early on the podcast

Wait really oh no if you know somebody named Michaela dark eyebrows I know dark eyebrows of course I do yeah she start so all my friends call me Pooky which it is it’s like a pretty common thing but they purposefully do it because Michaela I didn’t know what it was and then she

Started calling me Pooky and I do get called a Pooky a PUK a puka or you know the thing the thing that you said it it happens ay yeah I just said a Pooky a Pooky yeah no that’s that’s happened several times oh I’m so sorry I didn’t

Mean to I guess I guess I canceled out the ego boost already go go go through with my therapist next week but you know it’s fine it’s fine that’s going straight in highlights thank you well not the therapist part that’s not really a highlight I mean the fact that I B up

Trauma that’s perfect way to start I mean you know having a therapist is a highlight and totally not a joke and you know I should get a therapist cuz everybody should have therapy everybody everybody should have somebody to talk to I mean even if it’s not a

Therapist I think it’s always nice to just have someone that you can oh absolutely to I have my girlfriend that’s good and I guess I have like one or two online friends as well I can turn to I have my chat that I trauma dump too

Oh nice I mean I like in your streams quite a bit I haven’t I haven’t really seen the trauma dump in but you know I’ve also only just recently got into your streams okay good cuz it doesn’t actually happen nobody nobody should actually trauma dump on their viewers that’s

Probably not a good idea this podcast is all over the place oh know you got to save that for the Discord vent Channel exactly you got to save that for the Discord diary the Discord diary oh you’re so right I should start one of those you should I mean I was going to

But then like my discords are always just really inactive so I’ve never already I’ve never really seen the point no one’s no one’s really going to read it so you know I like yeah for yourself I mean yeah for myself I guess no maybe you’ll have one of those like comedic

Movie moments where your dad finds your diary and then reads it in front of some random person is like oh my God God I can’t believe said all this stuff about me or whatever my dad listens to some of the podcast oh hello orb father see I

Don’t actually know if he’s like listen to any of the recent ones but he like listened to a few I think he listened to the noxy one he listened to like the mental health one as well but then I don’t know if he’s listened to any more

Other than that in all honesty the knite one was good I like that one a lot oh you listened to it no way inside MC podcast enjoy here holy I’ve listened to three you know I’ll take it that’s three more than zero that’s three more than zero hey I’m unfortunately busy so

That’s like good amount podcast exactly and now you’re technically doing a four oh my God I’m going to have to listen back to this one over that’s going to be great just play on stream instead of Music two oh actually wait I’ve I’ve listened to four I’ve listened to

Minecraft smps kyf uh Aaron and doite yep wait you listen to the Minecraft smps one for a little yeah oh I’m guessing the power Creations part A little yeah yeah I mean we beat you up we beat you up so a thank you thank you anyways it’s carrying on the podcast about this

Is actually just having a general conversation well I mean I mean we are on topic though we’re just having a conversation this is what podcasts are about this what people this what I always try to get into people’s heads like as much as I kind of advertise it

As an interview yeah it’s an interview and I’m asking you questions but it doesn’t mean we’re just going to have we’re not going to have normal just talks this is like one of those like late night content creator Discord calls where you just like ramble about the

Weirdest crap ever exactly just like out of nowhere except for I edit it and people listen to it publicly and people absolutely love and enjoy I mean you a lot of like you got a crap ton of like hype from the announcement which was pretty cool oh yeah that’s fun people

Were people were pretty happy to hear you coming on and you you seemed quite excited podcast time so I I’ve never been on a podcast well I did one with my friend Owen but that was this is more of like an official one I’ve never been in

This podcast setting before like this so this is the first oh man see that’s why I love inside MC I feel like i’ see I’m just a lot of people say it they’re like the reason it’s doing so was cuz it’s an original idea and I’ve kind of realized

It is and it wasn’t really an intended original idea like no one’s ever really done a podcast where they’re just interviewing so my new motto for the podcast it’s it’s for something I’m cooking people hear me say it you’re going to hear me say on the podcast now

But people hear me say in like the motto sense in in a future project hopefully coming out in January and it’s like um inside MC podcast giving creat Minecraft creators of voice since 2022 so okay I mean it’s true though like you know it’s

Kind of just how it went like cuz I I don’t know I just find I just always thought it was just a really cool thing to just talk to people and talk to a different person every single week but it turns out to be something that

Actually no one else is doing so yeah it’s a unique new fresh idea which is always good in this community a lot like the way most of your s smps are done which we get into into talking about in a minute a sh love so Appo I was like to

Give the intro even though we’ve been recording already for nearly 10 minutes oh Lord okay I always like to give the intro for you to introduce yourself who are you what do you do I just this you know we’ve had a great conversation so you already know this is going to be a

Really good podcast I’m I’m talking about more about the viewers already know this is going to be a really good podcast but like who are you what do you do maybe a fun fact you have what like kind of yours hi I’m Appo and I like pancake oh

Yeah also uh you know I like pancakes yeah I uh sorry this is like one of those like School Ice Breakers I can’t really like talk about myself or else it just feels like too I don’t know I me I can do it for you if you want I’ve never done song before

Again content creator there we go okay what kind of content creator I uh a primarily Minecraft content creator you know I do some stuff here there but like in reality 90% of my stuff is still Minecraft so okay okay here we go and and and I I play

Hardcore like wow wow what an original concept um and I make smps and I’m on smps and I do a lot of Storytelling and these smps each have a unique story based concept around the the s smps that I worked on so far my main three have

Been Outsiders SMP the rats SMP and Pirates s SMP alongside little one shot projects here and there and stuff um and each each one of them kind of a normal s SMP usually takes place in a randomly generated Minecraft world we just take that concept and throw it out the window

You make your own worlds yes we make our own worlds it’s like making a story and a in an already like lived in world and then just shoving a bunch of content creators into it we have a pre-built map we have mod packs we have custom mods custom development a whole Dev team

Behind it and that’s like mainly what I’m known for most like working on that with my friend Owen we go under the name pal Creations under the name pal Creations which is a mix of both my name and Owens because if you take Appo and

Owen uh p o and then Owen’s w p w pow oh yeah P oh wow wait that’s actually okay well I mean I was one of my questions were what’s the name but I was there was a good few questions coming before P creation so we kind of this is going to

Be one of those podcasts where we’re going to constantly go back and forth but that’s fine that’s fine I don’t do the highlights Channel anymore so I don’t need to worry about kind of sectioning it which is great yeah beckon came up that what the power the power

Part the power part yeah she was like just do that we’re like oh okay yeah that’s good that works and it’s stuck I mean if I go to the Twitter now how Creations you guys have 30,000 followers and the account’s been since August 2022 actually pretty okay honestly I it’s

Hard to like hard to put it into perspective until you actually hear the number I’m like oh yeah that’s ah okay it’s a lot of people it is I mean you get a lot of good interactions as well like the people clearly love it I mean

I’m a I’m a big fan of it I only found out about it because of uh so I’m fairly new to this community which is quite shocking based on the amount of people I’ve been able to talk to and get on the podcast which is pretty cool and how

Quickly I found out a lot about people so I joined this community in March so I haven’t been around for long and I only really got into this community maybe in about July or August I went to Twitch G July nobody knew who I was they they

Knew like I I met nuk which is cool I met Jack Cass I I saw Wolfie and stuff I didn’t really talk to these creators I mean Jack Cass and new but I mean I really talk to much like space I could keep going on but basically there was

Like a rats SMP panel I believe you were there as well right oh yeah I the ran yeah so I didn’t go to it because I had no clue where it was I all my all my like online content creator like friends or people I knew were going to and I was

Just like I don’t I don’t know what this is and then I found out after it’s like an S&P R by you and then I kind of looked into a little bit and I I don’t know much about it and we are going to talk about this in a minute but I just

Yeah that’s kind of just my whole story as I only found out about you from that and then even then I didn’t really get too much into your content well not into your content like i’ I’ve seen your content and I thought rats was really

Cool I look back on it but I once Pirates came to me that’s when I started getting heavily into like you I like the S SMP kind of scene of things you know actually and I like how you mention the panel because I think that was like the

First time anybody has ever announced something like that the space as as far as I can like recall obviously what you mean so we did we did the rats SMP panel and at the end that’s when we announced our next project Pirates SMP and we like gave a whole launch trailer and

Everything so it was kind of like a Kevin figy like MCU ComiCon type moment where like we used our panel as like a stage to prop up our next project and it was like a really cool thing seeing everybody’s reaction like live and stuff it was such a such a key moment awesome

See I’m not got it that I didn’t go to it but like at the time I was kind of in the mentality of uh I was with like one of my one of my American friends cuz I used to be a Bedrock Edition Creator so

I was with one of my Bedrock Edition cat friends and I met up with one of my twitch mods what old twitch mod now VIP and it’s like you know we we were kind of hanging B like I don’t really want to go to it because I so with Paris I left

My house at 4:00 a.m. in the morning got to Paris at 9:00 a.m. and then got the train home from Paris at 9:00 p.m. or 8:00 p.m. and I got back to my house at 11:00 p.m. so you did a day trip yeah literally two twitchcon I was like I

Kind of do as much as I can oh no twitch going to you next year I don’t know if you’re going on all but I’m hoping I’m I now that I’m more in this space as well and now that I’m more like I I guess the names are known by content creators I

I’m I’ve to multiple content creators not saying I’m buddy buddy with them just cuz they’ve come on the podcast as make us best friends but like I’m more kind of known in the space of I can kind of go to Twitch and actually interact with people and they’ll know who I am in

A sense yeah plus like if you’re only going to Twitch C Paris through a day I don’t blame you not going to any panels I mean I only went to one other one you want to actually experience um the the Rono gen loss panel because that was a

Very interesting production so I wanted to see how that actually I was dragged Along by a couple a couple friends Lexi and shovel just like out of nowhere I wasn’t originally planning going to that panel but like I got dragged along and I ended up really enjoying it though that

Was fun I’m kind of gled that I missed out on your panel though cuz it would have been nice for this podcast in a sense but if you if you can kind of s what exactly happened in the panel so I know you said you thought about rats but

How long the panel’s like an hour hour and a half right if I’m correct it’s hour and hour long it’s it it was basically like a reunion for the rat cast members as as many that we could have on the panel obviously the rest were like in the crowd um but what did

You do what did you talk about for an hour because you know like the podcast is different I can kind of ramble on about crap ton of different aspects of your life but how what did you answer fan questions did you just talk about the whole process of things what what

Was it I mean we we went about a bunch of different things we um we reminisced on some of the builds we did like a little Montage of some of the best and funniest moments to kind of like look back on that okay we we asked a lot of

The like the panel people a lot of our friends like oh well what was your favorite moment or like what was special about your character and like this and that so we had like a bunch of like cuz like Owen and I were the organizers we we asked the panelists like question and

Stuff and yeah we had like little different segments like again like the build one the clip thing um and a bunch of other things like oh what what did you not get to do during this andp whatever and then after about like 40 minutes of that or something then we

Went into like a Q&A section where people were able to ask questions and then the last 5 minutes or so he revealed the future of pal which was Pirates had like a lot of different moving Parts yeah which is really sick just the way you like you said you kind

Of did that as like a whole cuz this like so I’m I’m a big fan of The Walking Dead can’t watch like any of the miniseries in England because they just don’t offer them to Europe which is silly but like how they used to kind of do The Walking Dead things and they

Announce like the new spin-off series on like The Walking Dead panels kind of did that and anything how did you how did you even go about getting a twitch panel if you’re able to share that because I can imagine it’s quite hard you know who knows maybe maybe one day there’ll be an

Inside MC podcast panel I mean I don’t think there will be because I don’t do any of the podcasts on Twitch but like how how do you how did you go about doing that well I mean Owen originally reached out but panels panel applications were open for twitch and it

Just so happened that it just happened that we ended up getting one oh so they don’t even Oh I thought they’ reached out to you no we we reached out out to them so did you start cooking the pirates pirates s SMP like announcement before you were given the panel or as

Soon as you got given the panel uh I mean while we were working on Pirates I think since December 2022 or January 23 is so we we were in the process of knowing that we wanted Pirates to release anywhere between like June to augusti is okay um so the panel was just

Like a cherry on top kind of thing like oh well we can literally have like a panel and announce it at the convention and everything yeah you were watching on you working on Pirates SP rats was still a thing or like as you was wrapping up rats uh concepting concepting yeah we

Actually yeah we actually started worked after rats ended that’s what I meant sorry like sorry the idea of it you started working on is what I meant not like you was straight on working on a new S&P sorry should have been more clear with that I mean I’ve wanted to

Like do a pirate SMP since I think like 21 or something but like it didn’t really happen until 2023 okay I guess tracking back a little bit here then said this podcast is just all over we’re going to be jumping back on full conly but that’s fine it makes a great

Conversation we we kind of mentioned your name earlier how like there’s multiple different ways of saying it one of them being auky what was what’s the deal with the name auna why why why is that the name any any inspiration behind it was it you

Just thought of a random word once I was like yeah that slaps yeah um well I mean I used to play a game mode called Minecraft Factions okay it was it was very much like a PVP try hard based game mode so I think 14-year-old me was

Really obsessed with the idea of like I should have a try hard name so my try hard name did up being appolis but nobody you know nobody’s going to just say appolis every single time so most people just called me Appo they do now anyways yeah yeah and then the kuna part

Of it there was there was two things uh cuz like I’m I’m a story writer I I write stuff there was a character that I wrote a while ago that had a similar name so that was like kind of like an homage to that because I like that

Character a lot um but also the person that got into streaming was named Kona so it was kind of like a little homage to that as well okay kind of like have must come from the person that like kind of inspired that’s cool yeah and it’s St

And now how long have you had the name for then uh 3 years oh so not long at all since 2020 yeah since end of 2020 just actually it’s my threeyear anniversary was my three-year anniversary probably like a week ago Alo during Co is when you came up with what

The name I was a CO streamer yep ah this it’s crazy just to think how Co can of you know it caused so many new content creators and some of them stuck around some of them didn’t oh yeah especially talking everything there there is like a whole like uh title for those people

Like the Tik Tok stream now like there was such a big deal with like the whole like Comfort streamer thing and like the Tik Tok parkour craze or whatever oh yeah all of that I mean like it’s still around but it’s definitely not as prevalent uh probably dried out a lot

2021 but still well everything was popular because everyone was online to see it yeah everyone was online to see it now people are slowly going but like even like offices and stuff I know like you know people are slowly slowly not work like as the years go on there

Slowly slowly going from like 2 days at the office 3 days 4 days and you know soon enough it’ll be back 5 days a week in the office I mean people have gotten so used to it though like with content creation I did it I started it before Co

But during Co I was like averaging maybe 50 60 viewers on Twitch and I was loving it on Bedrock Edition uh but yeah bedro condition days are over we’re on Java and honestly I kind of wish I was a Java content creator back then but you know

Everything happens for a reason so Ro so interesting cuz like it has the bigger player fan base but it doesn’t have the Creator fan the Creator base at all just CU just Java’s more optimized for conent cretion in a sense oh yeah I mean definitely I think it also that’s where

Everybody’s like Roots came from you know that’s where the original tuers and stuff came from so like that’s where the rest of them are going to usually be coming from but I think Bedrock does have a lot of potential it just is wonky like I mean imagine trying to make an

SMP on on Bedrock Edition that’s never going to you’ll never be able to do what you did on jav on bedro Edition I I actually I think we’d be able to do more just cuz of how Bedrock development goes Bedrock development you can get a lot more with your money with bedrock

Compared to Java just because of the developmental tools and stuff that Bedrock providers and like the more advanced technology and stuff like do you see all those like Bedrock like maps and stuff and all yeah the marketplace I’ve played a good few probably seen like on Twitter like all those cool like

Mob model stuff with like yeah I mean yeah I used I was a Bedrock content creator for about 3 four years I’ve seen everything I mean I’m still kind of I still kind of follow it cuz i’ got a good few friends that SP so all that

Stuff is so much harder to do on Java like it’s possible obviously it is but like Bedrock it just it’s it’s there it’s already there the system is there it’s set in place like you can easily have like a mob boss on Bedrock compared

To Java which I think is very so like I don’t know if like we created an S&P on there ever I think we could get a lot more out of our money it’s more so just like how are we going to be able to one

Get a bunch of creators to agree to play Java to want to switch our whole develop to something I mean want to get a bunch of creators to play Bedrock sorry to uh get like our whole development moved over to bedrock as well which is I just

Don’t think it’ll happen but but bedrock at least for an SMP like completely wrong my bad for for for a normal SMP there’s no point but for like an enhanced SMP I think Bedrock could be a very interesting I guess this also comes down to the PVP aspect of things as well

Like it’s it’s it’s a bit of like I’ve always kind of seen as just a bit of a Weir version of 1.8 like there’s like a tournament on bed Condition it’s really cool it’s called mcbc and it’s like I used to play in it I don’t I don’t

Anymore but just the pp on it was just like go it was certainly interesting you know annoy yeah so but you know who knows Bedrock is bedrock is still pretty good it just it seems like back in 2021 I remember like making a tweet like oh

Bedrock is the future like you know it’s going to blah blah blah blah and it just seems like creators are just comfortable in Java Edition I mean even I switched there just I don’t know or like what’s it called jav Edition just has that aura about it definitely

Yeah exactly the Bedrock Vibes are off I mean like I don’t know I I I I I definitely don’t see Bedrock ever becoming the main thing for creators but I can see certain creators really take advantage of aspects of Bedrock it really just depends though cuz like hi

Bedrock Edition server there’s a lot of lot of big czes from that and there still kind of is but I don’t know everyone kind of just seems to fade away from it constantly they’ll do a bunch of videos and no fade off explain why it happens it just does guess we’ll see

What happens in the future it’s going to be very interesting exactly speaking of future then Appo let’s jump back into your past oh what a great transition I’m cooking oh my Lord half so how I see and it doesn’t this doesn’t mean it’s 100% the case cuz it probably isn’t but one

Of the big things of where it started I’d like to assume is outside is SMP that’s where things started getting kind of like CRA content creation is is looking cool right now getting a little juicy it’s getting a little bit juicy so what I tend to do is I do a little bit

Of research myself but I also have somebody do the research for me mainly on the aspect is cuz when I come into podcasts I like knowing the basics but I don’t like knowing everything because it just makes it sick hearing it for myself cuz then you know I can enjoy it more

Than ask questions if I don’t know the answers already so normally is Roman rogy doing a research for me however this week we’ve had torill and torill this is tor’s first ever time so if there’s a few things facts that are wrong bear with me here okay however so

What I’ve got here is four Outsiders S&P you met orange orang juice in July 2021 and then you became co-writers and then became co-owners after the two previous aers of Outsiders stop steep down correct so I was originally brought on as a writer for The Outsiders system in

July 2021 and August I think later in August I asked Owen to come alongside me and work as a writer as well uh for The Outsiders while two creators Mo and eka were owners and stuff and eventually Mo and eka got busy with school cuz they

Were a little younger and stuff and you know they had to step away from the internet so on and I end up uh taking uh their place as the active owners of the S&P okay I remember talking to K about I believe it was him and AKO who did like

A Duo application get into Outsiders how did how did you get into Outsiders SMP I was invited originally so I was on a S&P called one TR SMP and that’s where I met a bunch of The Outsiders S&P creators they were planning on making the outsiders ass and heard from the grape

Vines that I apparently liked writing so they invited me as a cast member and also as a writer and I accepted and then I got on it so I was part of the original cast I did cook I’ll be honest I cooked what what was outside is about

Cuz I know it’s really really popular I see people still referencing it to this day in regards to Pirates but what what was it about what was kind of like what was your biggest impact on Outsiders there we go cuz I know you would a writer but was there anything to like

You know there was your best piece in in a sense yep um I mean I can tell you what Outsiders was out real quick so Outsiders SMP was originally an S&P based on the Maze Runner but because we didn’t want to just you know one on just

Just completely copy uh the The Source material and stuff took the base concept of a maze people trapped uh without any of their memories and there’s a monster there there’s like a clearing uh and we took that concept and we just completely like went crazy so my friend and I

Originally wrote me the whole entire like World building and like the story and like the mystery behind it uh a little before Outsiders started and and then when Outsiders started that’s what we executed on so the story is actually about a game show it’s a game show where

A bunch of prisoners are sent into different game projects to basically hash it out for their crimes so Outsiders was a season of that um and and none of the characters knew until the very last minute or two of the whole entire SMP the character like did the

Creators not know either the creators knew the character didn’t we told the creators yeah I mean in future snps we we decided to hide some of the story elements more just to play around how that worked but for this for this scenario we told the told the creators

What the ending was so it was it was this S&P basically about a bunch of criminals slowly rediscovering their memories and why they’re horrible people and stuff can they change can they not change um it’s a story about like is the environment that you grew up in like

Conducive to like what kind of person you are and like can you can you fix the type of person you are or like were you always a bad person and stuff and there’s like different species like Angels demons humans and stuff there was like Wars between them like on the

Outside and everything and my character is specifically known for um dooming a bunch of people by pulling a lever getting outcasted into the maze living in the Maze and then eventually dying hands of his best friend oh but your character lived in the Maze are you oh I

Thought I thought you said you were the one who pulled the lever to put people in The Maze no so in the story there was like two levers there was like a there was a little story arc where there was two levers one would Doom everybody one

Would like help everybody Mercy or death or whatever okay my character pulled a death lever and ended up dooming a lot of people in The Maze and stuff for that for his horrible action he ended up getting put in a prison cell eventually they escaped uh went into the maze lived

Time out in the Maze eventually met his best friend and his best friend ended up killing him in a giant plot twist uh so that’s that’s what my char character was known for at least that’s like the concept of the SMP overall we tried to

Take what was given to us uh Mo and Eko were basically like we’re going to make a we’re going to make a maze runner S&P and we just tried to completely expand on that and try to make it our own as best as possible we ended up doing we

Ended up doing that we made like a Netflix type series out of Minecraft basically here’s what I mean even just hearing you talk about it just like I haven’t I haven’t watched Outsiders cuz I just I didn’t maybe I get V in vods and stuff like that but like even just

Hearing you explain it just makes me so interested in it so like that the fact that you wrote this whole Arc and did this all yourself is just I like I’m I say it’s impressive I mean it’s common for you but it’s just it’s just is really impressive like it’s just cool

It’s really cool you know this is alongside managing like 20 other people’s character arcs and stuff that’s what I mean yeah so it’s like it’s like a whole production basically and it’s all in Minecraft which is really cool because Minecraft is this giant Sandbox game where you really can’t do it ever

And if you want to tell a story about a bunch of little dudes trying to live in a maze you can do that you can as long as as long as the creators cooperate and work with you which they did you know you can c yeah hey I mean hey they did

For long enough to get the S&P over with exactly what what’s your uh what’s your best piece of writing would you say what’s like the best moment that happened in uh that happen in Outsiders where you’re just like damn I cooked you know you can say you can say the entire

Thing but that would be boring so what’s like what’s one thing what’s like a a memory I guess that stands out to whenever you whenever I mention Outsiders something that flashes in your mind so the part where his best friend ended up raying him I I I’ll try to I’ll

Try to very summarize it try to summarize it very quickly cuz like a lot of information and stuff very in-depth and complicated but the reason why his best friend betrayed him was because all of their memories were wiped right and before they were prisons and like bad

People and stuff his friend was a war criminal oh um on The Human Side that really hated demons and my character was a demon so oh no the second they met up after a long time his character’s memories ended coming back at that moment and instead of being able to

Reconcile with himself and move past his his his war criminal past about killing demons in this war he ended up going right back to his roots and ended up killing his best friend in this big dramatic like animation that we had done and everything um so out of after like

Six months of buildup like after the characters not seeing each other for like 4 months um after like this whole friendship Arc and stuff uh we completely turned into this moment of like oh my God they’re about to see each other finally and they’re going to be friends again into this like horrifying

Realization of like holy [ __ ] like wait he’s he’s dead like his best friend just like killed him kind of like after after all this time after like they were about to get the reconciliation like because the memories started like flowing back like he’s gone now and that was like

That was really cool that that ended up like being like all over Twitter like the whole Community was freaking out it’s still like a moment that like people come into my chat nowadays and and talk about like did you know Owen killed you or whatever I was like and

I’m Owen was the best friend no shot Owen was the best friend yeah no way like she know that you this is how you died or whatever I’m just like yeah no I I I wrote that I was L there when it happened I was there when it was written

Yeah there it was written we got like an an shout out tiv the artist hi they did a very good job on the animation um so we we got a whole like animated part done for when the character was murdered so that was cool that’s so cool though I

The Twist that was probably my my favorite moment in Outsiders alongside probably the the end reveal of it all just being a game show and all this like death and murder and destruction it was all just for the audience’s entertainment which is wild because it is like a streamed event basically where

The the the twitch viewers are kind of enjoying all this like pain and suffering in way so in in a way it kind of like mirrors the the what we’re streaming so it was it was fun reveal and everybody’s like what um yeah but that was that was my favorite like

Writing moment Outsiders probably those two that’s so cool though cuz I remember like seeing this article once this a news article of like a girl who lost her memory and then she ref fell in love with her boyfriend if that makes sense like they were they were boyfriend and

Girlfriend and she lost her memory and and she really fell in love with the same person I’m pretty sure this happened after outside as SMP however like it’s just crazy that you kind of did the same concept of like they had they became best friends but then when

He when he got his memory back he instead of remembering that they were best friends and like thinking more of that he was like no I’m going to I’m going to do what and and I guess I’m I mean it’s threw me off you know when you

Explained it it threw me off and I already knew what was going to happen because you told me it’s like it’s just Prett I I I prefer I see when like when people like I guess TV shows is the best thing I can compare this to right now

Cuz it is is like when TV shows do stuff like that where they like do this big twist of yeah you think this is going to be I think it happened in The Walking Dead where like there was this big twist of like people were finally getting good

And then all of a sudden they just die and it’s just it’s just like stuff like that is so cool to me I enjoy stuff like that and it’s good talking you know get and it’s like with with this you want it to be entertaining you want it to be

Good but then you also want it to get people talking as well and that’s exactly what it did it got people talking it’s all people talking to this day it’s weird cuz like Outsiders ended or whatever but I think it has even more of an impact now than like uh even

Before for some reason the community’s just grown ever since then I guess that’s cuz it was an interesting special story to so many people and I’m glad it was maybe more people finding out but I mean I only recently found out about it as well with podcast for example which

Is still fairly new so I mean it’s also cool as well how like with the whole spin of the it’s just a game show it’s like you were like you the viewer are literally the reason this is the game show and it’s not just it’s just it’s

Not just a concept of oh we have viewers watching us you are literally the viewers watching us you know like we are the game show you are the people enjoying it I mean probably like not exactly in Canon but like the way it like imitates that or whatever has

Basically how it ends up feeling at then like oh I’m the viewer watching this kind of thing I think that’s that’s pretty cool we did something similar in Pirates actually where we ended up having two ending paths and we got the viewers to vote for what path should be taken

Basically like doing a lot of live intera yeah yeah it’s cool it’s very sick and then after this so when when did Outsiders end when did Outsiders come to an end Outsiders ended in July 2022 okay well just before that in J on June 8th 2022 how Creations was founded

June 8th that’s that’s what I have here I could be wrong it is is your na oh it’s wrong oh it’s wrong oh no what is it actually 2 months off August I don’t remember the exact but oh come on T you got to be B the official the official

Power Creations account uh was made in August 2022 oh okay I mean yeah I said that when it was made I just I first founded before then okay was it founded before then I don’t know it just say it just says it was founded on June I know

The Twitter account was made August 2022 I don’t I don’t recall the exact Foundation yeah we’ll just go with August it’s fine it works August so you mentioned how the name comes from like a mix of yourself and Owen what was what was the inspir cuz I know you’d worked

Together obviously you were co-writers and co-owners but what was the what was the inspiration instead of just making a new S&P why did you make this whole kind of uh like brand this whole kind of label I guess you can say personally I don’t like I don’t like having to deal

With other people owning stuff because I’ve been a part of projects where it’s just a complete [ __ ] show and I have no control over so if it’s going to be a [ __ ] show at least I’m going to have control over the [ __ ] show and it’s my

Fault you know I don’t want I don’t want a project to fail because of not you know I want to make sure I have the I have the opportunity to make it as successful as I can and um you know we worked well enough together we worked we

Worked pretty well together in um Outsiders Owen and I so we thought why not just continue onwards and it like a little more official as like this company thing you know like you know Knox crew has something Bedrock maps and everything so like why not make it like a little more

Official if we’re going to be making I guess even inside MC you could say like I could just upload this on my on my YouTube my old like YouTube I don’t made kind of thing yeah the brand the brand of it so instead of it just being like

Oh well Owen and Owen and Appo made all this why not like pal you know it’s kind of like thatp by pal R SMP by pal pal creations r&p panel like yeah exactly I mean I’ve I’ve said it multiple times I I kind of want pow to be like the Pixar

Of the mcyt like SMP space it’s just like creating like the most unique creative ideas possible and just like executing on it um so instead of just like going through out of like making another SMP and like making a whole another Twitter account for it and everything and this and that and this

And that like just just have it all centralized makes it as easy as possible and especially when it comes to something like funding for example right now we have like a patreon where people can help like fund their projects and they can get behind the scenes stuff and

All that it just makes it easier to like produce stuff that way I think easier to manage as well I assume to manage yeah cuz like you said you don’t have a dead bunch of dead Twitter accounts and with the podcast for example yeah I’m pretty

Sure I retweet every single one on my main but you know it’s still all the podcasts are in one place if you want to go find it you just search up inside MC if you want to look for anything to do with rats or Pirates you just search up

Power Creations you don’t have to look at individual Twitter accounts y it just makes everything so much easier you know um and I think it I think it also I mean like it obviously gives on and I more of like a reputation or whatever because it

Is like this like it feels like a little more professional but it also I don’t know it it it gives it gives a sense of like um trust for the audience member that like how is behind it you know yeah yeah cuz yeah I I I get what you mean

It’s more kind of like with with I mean I know I keep saying the names but it’s just such good references like rats and Pirates you but you now have both those S smps behind you so if you hear all this S&P made made by power Creations oh

Like what what power Creations oh they’re the ones who made Pirates oh okay yeah like they are like yeah no that’s good that’s it’s like you know I guess same with like like Zack Snider for example first name that came to head I don’t know why when when you think of

Like a movie based on him be like oh he’s the one who made that movie oh he’s the one who made that movie do you know what I mean like the two different ways yeah so there we go yeah so it’s just easier to kind of label in ra than oh it

Was made by both Appo and Owen it was made by this like company do you have that you’ve built and is going to continue to build essentially it also builds kind of like a fan base you know um for like each of our projects instead of it just being under us or whatever

Like yeah our communities will go to those projects but now we have a whole community in itself that are waiting for the next power Creations thing even if they aren’t fans of like Owen or I maybe they’re a fan of uh you know like Scott’s been in one or SCAR or my friend

Will or Crow or AKO or whoever whoever was in a project now they have like place of like oh well maybe maybe this is like an the next SMP or the next project is something that I’ll enjoy they don’t even necessarily have to be

Fans of ow and I to enjoy an SMP and you know having like an overall brand like that helps they don’t have to follow you they a lot of people who follow a podcast account don’t follow insane orbits but they follow the podcast I’ve

Got like a few I have like this one this one person who listens to every single podcast they’ll be listening to this one now and they’ll know who I’m that I’m talking about them and they don’t watch any of my streams they don’t watch any of my old main Channel videos but they

Watch listen to every single podcast just because they like the podcast I guess I yeah I do this thing where I can my best way of comparing to people is through the podcast it’s the only thing I’ve really have so I try my best to compare and I feel like in this

Situation I can really well so yeah that’s also like a like a huge thing of like hey some people might not watch me but they’re down to watch like a power Creations pro project um and that’s like that’s sick you know yeah exactly that’s that’s definitely an advantage over all

Just better for Branding right I’m better for connections or connecting right not like with creators I just mean in general like the viewers and stuff exactly yeah I mean for everything overall better yeah so with that you went from you know obviously becoming owners of Outsiders to then creating

Your own s SMP the first one you made was rat so this isn’t even in the research this is just from what I gathered as far as I’m aware this was just an S SMP where the the so it was it started 16th of October 2022 and this is

Part of research this could be wrong and then it ended on January 8th 2023 it was 12 weeks and had 16 members so back to what my knowledge is the 16 members were all rats in a house with like humans and stuff and there’s also like there used

To be sometimes be like collab features oh not collabs a special guests who would come in I I remember like cameos yeah cameos that’s the word like somebody was once like a bird or something and they I don’t know and the Rats chased him out or something I think

Kyle was like a came I can’t remember what he said he was but yeah Kyle was a termate that’s the one termate so you know like what was what what the inspiration behind this why exactly why this of all things rat yeah but like but yeah the concept behind it why did you

Why did you have that concept I think my friend if I’m not mistaken my friend Owen was an SMP with like a little like rat origin where he was small I think I think he had so much fun with that that he banned on it and everything and when

Outsiders was wrapping up and stuff he pitched it to me like we’re all rats in a house or whatever I was just completely on board I was like hell yeah that sounds why not why not that sounds absurd and dumb awful and I love it yeah

In the best way possible so with with rat did you write everyone s story lines or do some people write their own well for any of our projects we want to have the creators have complete like you know creative freedom to do whatever as long

As it’s like in the world you know bound we make little documents or whatever where people can find like the world boundaries stuff and all that but as long as it doesn’t mess with like the overarching story like you just can’t like kill everybody and like you know

Become the Conqueror of the world or whatever like you can really do whatever you want you can’t be everyone’s main character yeah you can’t be everyone’s main character you can basically do whatever we have little oneon-one channnels where people can like pitch ID and stuff 99.9% of the time we give the

Thumbs up to like whatever like just go wild go ham like you know sometimes there’s like one or two little things that might need tweaking but overall just the Creator should be able to do whatever they want improv and create whatever kind of story they want that’s

Cuz you’re inviting people who know how to do this I mean like you know I I EO here that one person I watched like their pus SMP spoiler alert just in case anybody hasn’t caught up with the logs I guess it’s still still fairly recent even when this podcast is coming out

Yeah I 10 days ago 8 days ago yeah exactly so just in case this is a spoiler like like with with like eo’s death for example it’s just like and he wrote that himself and like he I remember doing like a stream of him going through and it’s just you know

You’re invite that that’s why I respect so much as well is like you give people your chance who aren’t too familiar with like role playing and stuff like that but you’re inviting people who know how to cook themselves you’re giving like your this creative freedom to those you

Trust so you don’t have to like yeah of course you’re going to tweak stuff and you have to twe tweak stuff sometimes to match with what like so for instance like the end goal of rats if somebody has a really really good idea but it affects the end goal then you have to

Kind of fre it you know but you know kind have to be like an English teacher where it’s like I like where you’re going with this but it’s not exactly what we’re looking for here yeah exactly like you can you can do that but do it

Like this yeah exactly oh yeah you know like you guys are good at picking who kind of comes I I guess that’s another question in itself how do you pick who joins the snps is there is any a method by night like cuz you know I know I know

It’s for a good a good amount of friends but is is there if if you’re if you’re fine with sharing that of course I mean anybody can join one as long as they’ve like got one shown interest I know we very much like it when creators reach

Out to us because it shows that they have a level of like you know respect for themselves and respect for everybody to just be like hey I’m interested in this I want to do this like if you can consider me that’s cool so we we really

Like that and you know we choose Bas off based off of like Vibes basically I think I think that’s like that’s what every good project is based off of you shouldn’t you shouldn’t be just inviting random people you should have like a base of like people that you trust and

Friendship and stuff which is why we have people like AO and Crow or Beck l or whoever you don’t invite people who just haven’t interacted with anyone in the S&P yeah exactly I mean like we’ve invited people like know like scar and Cleo for example Wen Pirates and we’ve

Never really I mean I’ve personally never really interacted with him beforehand Owen might have interacted with scar once beforehand Leo never really but but because like they know they’ve known people before and like Scott for example or whatever like we tried like reaching out to them and stuff and they’ve been down to

Participate in projects and everything you know through through little connections and friendships that we’ve made along the way we’ve been able to invite other people that eventually you know become our friends and stuff and yeah that’s usually how we invite people uh we also want to give like a a variety

Of creators a chance and it’s not that we like specifically look at like oh you’re under 5K followers or something so we’re going to invite you an SMP because I think if you look at somebody’s numbers and then invite somebody purely based off a statistic to

Meet a quota I don’t think that’s going to work out ever I think that’s just like a weird way of doing it and I know there’s like there’s people in the community that are very much like you should invite a small streamer because you know they need representation and

You know that’s true but you should be doing it because they’re a creative individual and they’re talented so whenever we do invite like a a smaller creator that we might not know too much of we want to make sure that these creators are cool amazing talent ented creative individuals and you know we

We’ve been able to do that that’s the thing I said with MCC Rising which we’ll we’ll talk about later on in the podcast more in depth I’m just using as a reference here like one of the things I was on and what really really got on my

Nerves and I didn’t I’m I I kind of just keep myself to myself on Twitter because I just prefer not to kind of indulge in that but I’m happy to say on the podcast and I said it on like stream as well is like what really annoyed me is the fact

That people are like oh you know like it’s called MCC Rising meaning that like for like when when Cory way te like oh they shouldn’t get accepted because they’re lar it’s just like just cuz it’s called MCC Rising that’s just the name like just because they’re a larger

Crater or just just because you’re a smaller crater doesn’t mean you should be in because a lot of people like oh like you know I’m actually Rising you know but but you don’t fit like you no offense and this isn’t aimed at anyone here at all it’s just an example it’s

Like you know you may be you might be making good content but you you don’t fit what they were looking for in their application video and it’s like with the larger creators like oh at the end of the day content is about being entertaining you know if you’re not

Entertaining then you won’t be invited to something and I know something with like MCC for example right like they probably looked for the most entertaining group of 10 teams possible um and that’s what they did go in hey luckily wo that’s MCC Rising too thank you I know like there

Was a joke of like my team being like the nepo baby team or whatever because we have like friendships but even then like Scott wasn’t really even able to like pick us or whatever like it was some completely other different people so like we were completely picked off of

Like our application and how entertaining it was to the entire review team was something like MCC Rising for example like you said like it it people are going to be invited for their talent and stuff it just it just bugs me because I just seeing people like oh you

Know they have over 100,000 subscribers they’re not Rising but like how I saw is it with MTC Rising it’s the name but it’s it’s more a tournament for those who aren’t going to be invited or who who don’t have a chance not don’t have a

Chance but have less of a chance to join the main event have less of a chance to join the main event but are still like but but so like with the larger creators for example it’s like how I saw is they they’re not not they’re big enough to

Join the main event I guess in quotation marks even though they’ve kind of proven they don’t really look at numbers too much but like they’re not in the main event if that makes sense and that’s I guess that’s what just got my nerves is when people kind of like oh you know

They’re larger creators like but why should they it’s not their fault that they make good content it’s not their fault that they you know grew before MCC Rising 2 was a thing you know yeah I think people are always going to find something to complain about and the

Large you are the more of a Target you’re going to have on your back especially something like MCC for example and the whole Rising process I know both times people just complain like this Creator isn’t small enough or or this or that or this or that and there will always be somebody

Complaining about that and it is just very annoying because at the end of the day like they are just going to pick the most talented creative individuals possible and there were some really good applications that got accepted I know some really good applications that didn’t get accepted yeah exactly cuz

There was just so many like good applications I mean purple PowerPoints was Pally the best but you know didn’t didn’t get in sadly so I see looking back on it now that was just a crap idea in my head at the time I was like oh it’s a really original cool idea and

Then looking back it’s just like yeah never mind you know maybe a podcast idea good cook who knows I don’t know if there’ll probably be an MCC Rising 3 you never know yeah I mean if there is an MCC Rising 3 from a a past Rising candidate individual competitor or

Whatever it is uh my my main advice is literally like pick pick your friends just pick people that you VI with chemistry is everything that’s what uh me and my my application mates wanted to really like push was just we’re all just friends having fun and we’re going to

Have a good time you know that’s what our application was all about because that’s what they’re looking for they’re not looking for four individuals who don’t know each other cuz that like what kind of content is that going to produce you know like is that going to be fun to

Watch is for people who don’t know each other no there people want to watch friendships and these arcs build over the course of this event so if there exactly same with S&P stuff right like not just going to invite like some random dude off a Tik Tok or

Whatever that we’ve never seen or we’ve never vouched for we don’t even know who they are in terms of like their reputation or whatever just out of nowhere you know that that might that might change eventually if if we want to like approach our invitation process differently or whatever but i’ I’d like

To think we have a pretty solid grasp on who is rising in the community um and who and who would be like a good fit for one of our projects and stuff so yeah and I do kind of want to say this and I’m not speaking on your behalf but you

Might agree with me here I’m going to say it on your behalf if that makes sense but I’m not speaking for you I don’t know you can just agree or disagree with this it’s it’s why I say with the podcast is just because you haven’t invited you just because I

Haven’t invited you yet doesn’t mean I don’t one you on okay I was saying I was saying to like Appo before the podcast here I have guests like scheduled until the start of February and then a guest planned until the end of March and it’s just like just because I haven’t got

Around to invite you there’s so much interest in in the podcast there’s so much in interest in power Creations you’re not you just because you’re a Creator who hasn’t been invited or hasn’t gone to power Creations yet doesn’t mean you’re not going to get in

A few months or or a year down the line you know you can you can tell me if I’m wrong here but no you’re right um I mean like rats for example was like around 16 people pirate was a larger cast around 30 it was bang on 30 yeah yeah our next

One would probably be a bit lower but like if you really take it into account like let’s say we have a we have a project with around 20 people half those people are reoccurring people our friends because every good foundation is made up of just friends having you know

For Content then there’s only going to be like 10 new people there and out of the 100 people 200 people that I’d eventually want in a project you know being able to only invite 10 people and then that project lasting anywhere from like 2 to 6 months or whatever like it

Takes a while to get to people and that’s no offense to any creator that doesn’t get invited to something it’s just we’re going to try to invite the creators that best fit the projects like Vibes and aesthetic or whatever it is you know just like invite the invite the

Best person for the for the the project and you know kind of Link into everything happens for a reason your time will eventually come and if it doesn’t come there’s probably a reason for that maybe and it’s not from like power Creations it’s just from the

Universe I mean I’ve said it before like s smps are cool and I’ve watched Pirates and I’ve watched you know and I watched a bit of rats like I looked back on it and I think it’d be so cool to be in it but I can’t commit myself to it I mean

With like managing everything with the podcast with working a in quotation marks real job I’d love to be in an S&P so this isn’t me hinting I said saying right now that I don’t want to join based on the fact that I’d love it I can’t commit myself to it so I wouldn’t

Want to waste your time essentially yeah so but you know I’m just I mean it’s kind of like with the speedr running I bring on so many speedrunners on the podcast I’m planning to bring on more s SMP and role players on the podcast it’s like that’s my way of being involved in

The community is by talking to the creators who are actively doing it so you know I guess I guess that’s my way of doing things yeah I do want to say cuz I think this is like a like a problem in the community just in general

Is people waiting for for them to get invited to something and like waiting for them to like be part of the next big thing or whatever I remember like back in 2021 everybody wanted to like be invited to the next big S SMP or whatever and that’s so rare it’s so rare

For you to just like one be invited to something and then two be invited to something that has even like moderate success or whatever so really yeah all these all these s smps and projects are going to happen but like you as a Creator to anybody out there should

Honestly just be doing their best job possible to create something cool for yourself um like I I would never wait for this opportunity to have like you should just you should you should make the next cool big thing I don’t think I don’t think anybody should ever wait to

Be part of the next big thing they should they should just do it themselves it’s always best to do it yourself you’ll always have that perfect creative Creative Vision for yourself I see the thing is you got you got to work as well I mean you have to work it’s a lot of

Work it’s so much work I know I know when like I mean you like sorry I know I’m referring to other people here but once again it’s kind of my way of podcast it’s like when no I got announced or even when you got announced people are like oh my God I can’t

Believe like you’re getting all these and then like they said big creators on the podcast I’m like yeah but it hasn’t been handed to me I have been uploading weekly podcasts for the over like nearly 40 weeks now I been uploading two podcasts a week for about 16 or 17 weeks

You know I am I am working my ass off this hasn’t had you know this hasn’t just been handed to me in a sense of oh yeah I just contacted you he said yes that was the exact case but had that have been a few months back maybe it

Wouldn’t have been the case you know like i’ I’ve shown and I’ve worked hard for it and yeah I mean you know I I reached out to you you didn’t reach out to me to come on the but there’s like a few creators who have reached out to me

And a few of them have said like yeah your time is coming I don’t know when it will be but you are going to come on the podcast I you know so once again my way of linking to things of I I didn’t just expect you to reach out to me I reached

Out to you I shot my shot with you I shot my shot with everyone like the majority of the people have come on the podcast I have asked I think only maybe in the last like 30 I think I maybe two or three have asked me to come on the

Podcast as I’m saying like it kind of works both ways of I’m not like if you want to come on the podcast you ask me if you want to join an S SMP show like you know show you you can do it and then ask you know don’t expect how

Creations to reach out to you and go oh yeah you want to join our S&P or don’t expect like me to reach out to and go do you want to join a podcast you have to kind of show why you should be on the podcast or why you should be in the S

SMP kind of thing you got to work for it nothing’s just handed to you all these things take so much so much time and effort I know like for example like Outsiders there was multiple points r on and I just wanted to quit there was just

So much working stuff and we ended up pushing other to to keep on going stuff I know like the one thing that made us want to keep going the day was like creating the best content possible for the viewers and stuff because like it does does take a lot of effort and stuff

But like if you think about like who you’re creating for the end of the day like you want to create a complete finished story a finished project for for the audience you know it’s it’s all for the audience a lot of it and it’s not it’s not just that as well it’s more

So like this week I’m struggling these last two weeks I’ve really struggled with podcast I mean I was talking to you about it before the podcast began I was just like I feel like a partial burnout but this is just getting good you know I

Can’t I have to kind of it I have to keep going for myself but also for the people who are enjoying the podcast and it’s a sense of you know even when you’re at your lowest points and I know it’s hard to do I mean with my main

Channel I essentially gave up on it cuz I couldn’t do it but if you’re truly passionate about something you’ll be able to like kind of get the willing to fight it and you know you mentioned that with Outsiders and now look at where you are Imagine you’d given up imagine you

Were imagine you quit when you when you were going to I mean finishing Outsiders gave us like a huge reputation boost and like being able to like like at that time there wasn’t really like every single S&P you join die after like a few weeks or like a month or two right I

Mean it still happens now it still happens we wanted to we wanted to be the creators that didn’t just like join an SMP and let it die off after which was going to happen we wanted to make sure that this project that we were doing like it was going to finish and that

There would be a complete story for people to to follow for the for these for for whoever wanted to go back to to go to episode 1 and then go to episode 40 or whatever and then it’s it’s done like there’s a full complete thing thing that people could appreciate stuffff and

That’s really special the Legacy I was going to say I do want to announce how I have Appo the owner of an SMP or mod smps on the podcast my inside MC SMP podcast was a joke tweet it was an interaction based tweet and it worked it

Got a crap ton of interactions I did it in the past as well I think like I made like a tweet like maybe a few months back like going to start an S&P called lockdown S&P where we all play it for a week and then get bored and delete it

Like so many people were interested in it I was like I’m not actually I’m not actually doing this I’m not doing I’m not doing the S SMP where everybody role plays as a podcast host no offense don’t think that’ll be too in if someone wants

To take the idea and do it go ahead but the inside mcmp is sadly not happening that tweet was meant to go out a week or two ago but I guess it was perfect timing coming out a day before I recorded with you appos so I want to announce if anyone’s listening that

Tweet got gained me like a good amount of followers and a good amount of like comments and stuff it was a joke that is not inside MC SMP is not happening and is not going to be owned by me if it does happen so who knows maybe P

Creations will do it the next S&P plan is all podcast hosts yeah uh no but who knows actually well now that I’m thinking about it I could we could probably work that in somehow honestly you could make it work yeah we could make you could you guys can make

Anything work I do I do find it interesting though that like especially like on Twitter because Twitter is like the Creator Community Square kind of thing where like everybody comes together and you can do whatever right A lot of people like tweeting about like smps and stuff but like it is really the

Place where a lot of these project to die like people constantly talk about like I want to make this I want to make that and then 0 90% of the time it doesn’t happen and then when it does it dies which is unfortunate that’s just for snps that’s for so many things

People always like oh yeah I’m going to start this next big thing and then like I mean once again refer to the podcast I’m sorry to cut you off it’s is really cly it’s like I I saw like I I saw a few people told about how they were going to

Start a podcast or like not even starting a podcast happens a lot of people are talking about the idea of it and this isn’t like referring to anyone who has I mean like C announced their podcast and I know they’re probably cooking a really good idea but a lot of

Other people like not even on Twitter just talking to me like oh yeah I’m going to start my own podcast and stuff and it’s like they haven’t and it’s been two months now and it’s like I get the idea and I think yeah I know I get it’s

A really cool idea but it’s so hard as what people don’t realize and with the S&P I can imagine it’s so hard to manage one you make it look so easy I make it look so easy it’s not so easy you know if if something looks easy then 99% of

The time people behind it are doing a good job to make it look which is the best way to do it you know exactly like I know like here sorry quick plug not actually do go ahead we have a patreon for prop pal right and while like stuff

Might look very easy for the viewers of the SMP and stuff behind the scenes we have like N9 months worth of content like racked up like a Year’s worth of content racked up for the patreon just because of this S&P project made because there’s just that much behind the scenes

Like there’s there’s scripting there’s developing there’s concept art there’s like early develop videos like stages of the early map like there’s so so many like different like little like parts of like making a project like this especially like something like a like a p Creations SMP where it isn’t just like

Stick you in a random world and here’s like a random concept it’s like it’s like creating a whole universe behind it and everything there’s there’s so many like little intricate details and like making sure every Creator is happy with like what’s going on and like tending to

The needs of everybody and bur out Burn yeah you got to make sure there’s like a constant like flow of content and everything everything uh while also like managing your own career and stuff not not just the career of 20 other people while they’re like on the project also

Your own career and and making sure that you have enough time to do stuff for yourself as well and also have like a balanced daily life especially if you’re working a job outside of content which I know Owen was doing at the start of Outsiders which is probably really hard

For him also I was doing for basically the entire duration of pirates SMP I was working a full-time job which was incredibly difficult um like there is a lot of stuff behind these projects that people just don’t see like on the outside it looks easy behind the scenes

It’s a lot it’s a lot yeah but that’s cuz you guys are just doing a really really good job at making it look easy and I mean you guys are cooking right now I’m very proud I got to say hopefully that’s that’s the goal so moving on we’re kind of just going

Through the S&P here I know we touched on pyus earlier but I didn’t want to touch on it a little bit more again then is you said that like since 2021 you’ve always wanted to do the idea of pyus SMP is there any reason for that did you

Just think it was a cool concept or was like something do you saw something to happen you thought oh crap that would make a really good Minecraft series essenti I wanted to do an S&P for every so me saying the idea of like I wanted

To do a pirates in 2021 is more so just the concept of like oh yeah it would have been cool to do a pirates but I’ve also thought about like oh it’ be cool to do like a a futuristic SMP or like a wild west SMP like whatever like it’s

More so just like these are Concepts and like story lines that would be cool to execute S&P format eventually and then up till later on I think I think you guys could cook a like a zombie apocalypse SMP that’s not really I mean I guess it’s kind of been done with the

Whole like the the the like uh times when it happens where do them little like survival ones but it’s never really been done where it’s like an actual zombie apocalypse in a sense I don’t know I feel like you guys could kind of cook with that there’s been a few

Interesting zombie apocalypse smps I don’t think there’s been anything long-term enough that I’ve seen from my end yeah there’s been a a couple interesting zombie apocalypse ones I wouldn’t be opposed to doing like a zombie apocalypse type thing I just think one of like one of the main costs

For example cuz we make huge custom maps and stuff would be like making a very intricate world full of like cities and buildings and whatever that people can explore through this zombie apocalypse world like one how much would that cost and two how long would that take to

Develop and stuff and how interesting could you keep it as well with like actual zombies yeah I mean I think something about a zombie apocalypse andp for example is like you know the game mechanics you’re going to be avoiding zombies uh these zombies are going to be

Attacking you and you’re going to have to build up a base to defend right so like how how do you for example if we ever did one how do you expand on top of that what kind of like uh character interaction like improv interactions can you have between cast members like can

You beef her food rash or uh can there be like turf wars or some [ __ ] inside your little camp or like I don’t know maybe there’s like a an event where zombies like start spilling in from cracking the wall or something like who knows like there’s there’s some there so

Many things that like you’d have to like expand on it’s like a normal zombie apocalypse setting yeah and like some you could do like someone gets bit and that kind of frows SP on the works but then you got to make it stay I’m King so

Like with with the smps as much as you can make it show it’s still hard to make it like a TV show type beat you know keep it juicy I’m sure you guys are cooking some Amazing Ideas is there anything you can hint at for the future of power Creations anything that’s in

The works right now we’re taking December off for the most part we’ll have some patreon stuff of course um but I think like early in the year we’ll probably focus on some like May hopefully some like at least I’d like to maybe like some events some one shot

Stuff uh nothing too too big nothing like nothing like the size of like rats or Pirates cuz that just takes a bit to develop but like we we we host something called like pal events for example where like every month or so we haven’t done

One since July cuz of pirates but um we host like a like void Rising event cuz Owen develops really cool custom uh like data packs and stuff so we have void Rising lava Rising that yeah yeah we got like a infection game mode uh we have

Like a like a one in the Quaver type game mode where you like Dodge arrows and stuff and like whoever like all their hearts first like loses all that kind of stuff so yeah maybe maybe some more events earlier in the year could be fun besides that maybe some like oneoff

Things who knows we’ll have to see what is wild pogs Chase wild pogs Chase or wild POG Chase I don’t know I have it a wild like a hog Chase like a a wild hog Chase why did he write POG wild hog Chase is that apparently it was an event

That you guys did it was it was the second project you guys worked one it’s a one shot so we took a DND D style campaign and we put it in Minecraft and kind of landed on it a little so we we brought four creators on it was me Owen

Sausage Cara and Olive alongside a couple of cameos I think we had we have we had red JoJo Beck and Kyle Martin like narrated something so we basically had like a little 1 hour stream is one and a half hour uh stream I think it was

1 hour um where we would go through this world on a little quest to defeat an evil um scientist an evil scientist and along the way we’d have to choose like little options go go down this path or go on this path fight these mobs or

Fight these mobs so and so and it’s it’s basically just like a little improv like do you have you ever played DND D or do you know what D and D is n dragons yeah never played it I know what it is yeah oh it’s basically like a little D and D

Session in Minecraft for like an hour where a bunch of people just improv little characters little classes as well Owen develops little stuff like a barbarian class where he gets strength and resistance or like a cleric class that you can heal with there’s a class where you can levitate everybody and

Like there’s like an ability class for like a Rogue assassin and yeah we just play around we played around with these little abilities kind of like did a d and d in Minecraft type thing went on a little Quest um and thought a giant Warden being it was it was cool it was

Fun oh [ __ ] per enjoyable I did have a Twitter question similar to kind of just while we’re kind of on the whole s SMP talk yeah and it was to do and it was from it was from Prince Pac-Man 47 why is it that so far both power Creations s

Smps rat S&P and pirat S&P have been so short and I don’t agree too much that they’re so short but they are like I guess they’re not long lasting which I I think I know a reason for but I didn’t want to just ask it anyways yeah I guess

I’d have to disagree with him short I think in a in a way I think the community in general has a reputation for letting things last too long rag on through the Creator space I think a lot of people end up dragging on their projects and stuff that’s something that

We never want to do we don’t want to just like have a project last like 2 years 3 years right where like the content’s just like really sporadic and everywhere and stuff we would we would want it to be very like condensed and packed and like full of action literally

Every single time you see something on the S SMP rather than spread it out through like years and years and years worth of stuff you know all all good series must come to an end it just so happens that having like a very content packed series you can’t it’s just it’s

Just it’s easier to do something like three months four months five months versus like a whole year I think I think the normal expectation of like an S out at last like a year or two you know like if it’s like a big big project kind of

Thing but it’s just it’s just the it’s just the time frame that we have I guess you still want to let it go on too long which is yeah don’t let it drag yeah cuz then that’s when that’s when creators start losing interest in us it’s like

Quit while you’re ahead kind of thing it’s going good while it’s going good end it while you’re on a high there we go always that’s always what we want to do we never want to end it um whenever we are scraping the bottom of the barrel

Trying to like get a every little bit of clout possible out of it or whatever like might as well just end it while it’s good instead of being like this is like the fifth season of this this time we’re going to reuse five different plot points and we have nothing going on and

We’re really burnt out instead just have a really cool story to tell and let people be happy with that and reminisce and go back to it if they want to rewatch if they really think it’s that short you know yeah exactly you go back and enjoy it easy as well if it isn’t

Too long and also people already complain about like twitch s smps for example like with how much content there is like imagine if we went like for a year or whatever right there’d be so much content so like hey if it’s a shorter S&P it’s easier to it’s easier

To look back on and stuff that’s good what was the kind of inspiration behind the ending of pirates cuz I Rew watched it to kind of refresh my mind essentially like you know people escaped you said that there was a a vote what was what was the two different choices

That that you think could have ended and essentially how how would have how did both come like the idea come to be so I guess like firsty first the answer what were the two what were the two options that people could choose between well one option was one that was revealed

Publicly and then one was on the patreon so I I wouldn’t be able to reveal one of them unfortunately oh yeah okay fine but we’ve always wanted to do an SMP where the audience it it was it was in the audience’s hand whether um one option would happen or another option would

Happen so it was completely like the audience’s choice and the option that did occur was that we ended up helping a person that defeated another person all of the characters ended up basically living happily ever after to an extent because a lot of their friends still got

Turned to stone after a while but I guess the main idea of having two endings was like having that audience audience final decision of like is this going to happen or is this going to happen oh man see I just I always love the endings that people don’t want where

Like everybody kind of dies or only two people live I guess that’s just more me though cuz I just know everyone doesn’t want it so I feel like they make for better endings obviously you know like that one the vote and it’s still a good

Ending like I’m not saying this is a bad ending I just I just have my preferences if that makes sense I kind just yeah I didn’t really have too much to build on I just wanted to hear your foce behind it so but then again if you didn’t if

You didn’t go ahead with it then sorry if you you you were the one who created it so you must have liked it you know it’s pretty obvious so uh I mean we didn’t really have too much inspiration of like where the endings came from in

General cuz like it just came out of our heads yeah that’s Sometimes the best thing though right like you know once again referring to the podcast here is like you know I I only really go into the podcast with two two like maybe three to six questions and I end up

Asking about 19 or 20 cuz like you know I kind of just I’m like yeah I have the bases and you know the guess is going to give me better like more questions than sense of on their answers you know abolutely you know that’s why I enjoy it

So much I guess moving away from smps then hereo un as you had anything else to touch on regarding s smps or we pretty much covered everything I think we’ve covered everything basically I I want to touch on that that saxophone edit on stream that you have oh my Lord

It Cooks It Cooks so hard like it’s so cool and that’s why I wanted you to replay he like no I’m not replaying it unless there a hype trainer raid so like now now I got to make sure I raid into next time I’m live I’m hopefully tomorrow from recording this if you’re

Live when I end I got right into you because I it’s so sick it’s so cool what was what like why why is it a thing well it originally came from itmg itm completely edited that it’s not mine whatsoever I want to I want to make sure

Itmg is a seal yeah itmg is a seal yeah itmg is awesome they’re amazing and I was basically just looking for like little like Channel things like two years ago or whatever and I stumbled a upon the like saxophone seal video and I thought it was just like such a funny

Thing so now just like every single time I chat the hype train I just I reward them with a little saxophone video basically and I asked itmg if it was like okay to it as this like reward thing for them and know they were fine with it but it’s basically just like the

Little itmg celebration that we do every single time we get a hype train so it’s a it’s like a fun little fun little saxophone bit it’s the seal playing a saxophone looking into a saxophone store and then getting chased by cop big itmg then big up itmg absolutely itmg makes

Amazing content all right well moving on for that swiftly then because you know I was going to ask the whole editing process and stuff on that but never mind you know C let’s talk about tournaments then so we’ve already kind of touched on MCC Rising 2 uh I guess we’ll touch on

It a tiny bit more in a sense of and you mentioned how you kind of did it with friends was like how did that whole contact for making that team come to be um that originally wasn’t going to be my team um originally I think I reached out

To my friend uh runes oh okay yeah but because it’s like whole process of like when when mccr like gets announced basically like everybody like scrambles to get a team or whatever so red basically already like had a team for the most part um but red mentioned like

Hey AKO and Gracie are still are are still looking for people I’m like well damn you know I love AKO and Gracie so I’m going go to AKO and Gracie and AO and Gracie were like we’re down um and then I quickly was like hey uh olive

Olive sleepy is probably going to come back to content cretion in January which is cool but olive sleepy could be a cool fourth and that’s just kind of how the team formed we didn’t really like think about balancing or whatever but you know balancing is always probably good to

Think about but friendship matters the most but our team was already kind of balanced because like ao’s known as like the PVP sweat I’m known is like an allrounder race is like the amazing team leader and then Olive just like is Olive yeah so doive says Olive says it

Moral support moral support the best moral support actually oh okay do not MCC Rising too oh did you yeah I was literally I think I said on like one or two podcasts it’s going to come back and as I go to new care one I was like yeah

No he coming back and he like yeah I don’t think they’ll do one this year I was like no no there’s going to be one this year he like no there won’t be and so bloody be it MCC Rising 2 was announced it was cool sorry now that I’m

Thinking about it it was kind of funny in our application I think Grace and Olive both said that their role in the team was moral support so you had two moral supports you had two sweat two moral supports sweats yeah you guys CED and Gracie was in England cuz it was

Just off the TW Fresh Off The twitch con as well so yeah so we had to be creative with the app which a lot of people like there was a couple apps who was like oh well we were still on vacation or whatever but we really just kind of

Leaned into it with like the whole AO and Grace like collaborating in real life and stuff and like creating a whole bit out of that that was fun and it worked yeah it was do you still have nightmares about the final round of battle box um no I’m pretty content with

What happened even though like I’m above average at video games I don’t necessarily like hold myself to any standard or whatever I’m kind of just like mostly go would it have been cool to go into Dodge bolt yeah but at the same time it was still such a cool

Finale of like it all rests on this final game like this is make or break kind of thing so cool yeah lost it yeah I did end up getting first overall individual which is really surprising I really don’t I don’t consider myself to be like

A sweat or whatever I just I guess I’m like good at Minecraft or whatever I mean I’ve been playing this game for like 11 12 years at this point but you know that was that was fun so yeah and then that’s not the only tournament you’ve been in you’ve

Played in Block Wars I believe you’ve won a block wars as well so yeah it was a wild team I did a substitute for fire breath man and I play with yeah oh yeah because oh wait wait fire breath man and purple Were Meant To Be team together

Yeah Fire breth Man and purple meant together and then fire breath man dropped out I got subbed in fire breath man basically said it would have been too overpowered which it would have been uh but we still ended up winning it’s still overpowered anyways I ended up overperforming that that uh that that

Block wars it was me purplle beyon King samot and tubo if I’m not mistaken which is still a pretty solid team overall it’s a strong team yeah I mean hey in BL Wars it was pretty it it was it was slightly above average black Wars has a

Lot of good players yeah with that being said theno if you don’t have anything else that if there’s anything else that I’ve missed that you want to talk about but if not then we should move into the Twitter questions let’s go for it let’s do some Twitter questions so the first

One comes from Crow fever well that’s that at anyways what advice would you give to someone who wants to start an SMP in terms of getting a high profile or gaining traction even if minor traction I I feel like I feel like I want to kind of reward this question I

Mean you can answer this one if You’ like but I kind of want to reward it to how would you like how do you make a good S&P in a sense not even because they they they just their question seems to be more of how to promote an S&P I

Want kind of know how to make a good s SMP like I’ll answer both terms of how to promote an SMP I honestly think you should be focusing as on yourself as a Creator first before even trying to attempt to promote S&P and make a gain traction cuz like with Outsiders for

Example everybody was like at around 20K followers before thep even started which like for Co numbers was like pretty okay overall like was pretty solid above average for sure but it was still like small Creator overall but like 20K is still like a sizable platform so we all

Came in there and collaborated sizable audience space and you don’t need that for an S&P but like I think you should focus on establishing yourself as a Creator in the space first while we’re worrying about trying to pop up this project this S&P that you’re working Stu

Cuz you want to have a reputation first of being a solid content creator before you know trying to execute on all this stuff I guess like for promotion at least you know there’s always Tik Tok and twiter I think Tik tok’s the best way to go because I know the community

Is kind of sick of like people starting 500 snps um yeah and I don’t think you should be promoting it by saying like do you want to join my S&P I think you should be promoting it by showing off content of the S&P you should be showing

Off like what’s funny about it like what are the Highlight moments about it like know like I do more storytelling so like promoting like the little like storytelling moments of it and everything telling a story throughout it um like that’s what you should be doing

If you really want to promote an S SMP shouldn’t be just saying like you want to join my S&P you should be showing off why this like project is unique and stuff I think it’s more so like I mentioned earlier convince people to come on the S SMP don’t ask them tell

Like show them why they should be joining your s SMP kind of thing A lot of people are in the mindset of like people should just join it everything will be good or whatever but like no it takes it takes a lot to get to that in

Terms of making a good SMP like you got to be you got to have a a level of professional you don’t need to be like a like a business worker in a in a box like five type of deal where like you’re so like professional with your awarding

And everything and all that but like you still have to like cuz like if you’re if you’re working on an S SMP like you’re in charge of like providing content and making sure this content is okay for like at least a dozen people usually you know so like there is a lot of

Responsibility on to not just like [ __ ] off after a month and like leave it there like you you got to make sure like you are responsible enough to make sure it’s organized make sure the people you’re inviting are down to like actually play cuz like hey while I have

A hundred friends I know some of these friends just are busy aren’t going to be intrigued or interested enough to you know actively partake in a project that’s completely fine but that’s not somebody that I would invite to a project cuz there’s just no point you

Know like they can still be your friend but they just AR fit yeah exactly like you got to differentiate like friendship creatorship and like the inet of them because that’s like something really but yeah creating a good SMP like have a have a level of professionalism do it

Don’t be a dick there’s a lot of S&P owners that are kind of like dumb stupid and icky whatever be a good person have fun with your friends at the end of the day it’s a it’s a place for you and your friends to mess around and have fun or

Do whatever you want to do um be very accommodating to people uh I feel like we should be pretty obvious but I guess it’s not just generally do good things giving you a thumbs up but can’t see it right now you know I I can imagine I can

See I can see it I can see it in my head yeah sorry does that make sense though just like 100% 100% yeah yeah there is like some obvious obviousness to it where it’s like yeah you learn stuff as you go but like there’s just general like being a decent person that’ll

That’ll help project 100 times better you just you just got you just got to be good at what you do that’s what I say like it’s not I’m not this isn’t what you’re trying to get at but what I’m trying to get is like you have to be

Confident in yourself you have to know what you’re doing you’re not just you didn’t just wake up one morning like yeah I’m going to I’m going to make an S SMP I’m I’m going to release it within a week you actually put time you put effort into it you know like it’s taken

Me months to grow to where I am now and I’m still not I don’t think of my full potential but I’m not just chilling and I was I’ve like constantly constantly if anyone who has been hard for in the podcast the way it’s promoted the way I

Talk the way I I joined the voice call with you today I was like I think I think I just I just said it’s time one time a day I was very like I’m not nervous per but I joined the voice call like oh hi you’re right I I remember

Like I had had a big Creator on uh when the podcast was when before I took my break last year like I wasn’t nervous per se but the way I was I’ve just become a lot more confident with you know you you just you have to self-improve you have to kind of show

You know what you’re doing that you’re good at what you do and you just got to be confident in yourself as well otherwise people like if you’re if you’re not confident in yourself people are going to see that and you know yeah that’s creace specifically by the way

Like I know some people complain like oh why are you guys taking this S&P stuff so seriously it should just be about friends and like yeah it should be um but I’m talking specifically about like content creators that are like trying to make something cool and like make a

Genuine project you know not just like a like a Vibe session anybody like if if if you’re just hanging out with your friends and stuff you don’t need to do all this like you can you can just [ __ ] about stream just stre survival world exist and do whatever like you can do

Whatever you want you can hang out with your friends and do whatever like it doesn’t matter this is where people specifically are trying to create projects that want to like leave a mark on people you know just do something cool with it like you got to put in a

Little more effort than just like I’m going to create something and then let it die after a week look at the q&p for example right like I know quack spent probably months developing this like language transtion uh mod and then like also like having like a whole staff team

Organized and like having like all these updates update accounts and everything like the these successful projects they’re putting in the work they’re not just like impulse they’re not impulse doing stuff off off off of like a off of a feeling they’re like actually doing based off of like their logic and

Analysis and like feeling what would work and what wouldn’t work and everything not just like a oh well this this might work because of so and so or whatever and I’m going just do it and you know have it D yeah and don’t go above your means like I guess based on

What you just said there with C was quck is a large content creator and cck has earn a good amount of money from content creation I’d like to assume that means he can put kind of effort into the development he can do all of this he can

Do the update accounts he can he has a team behind him to run everything like you know your limits don’t don’t just because one person is doing that just because that works for them it doesn’t mean that’s the only successful way to do it because power does it very

Differently and you guys still do really good look at Outsiders for example which wasn’t power Creations that was made on a z dollar budget besides like the stuff we ended up commissioning afterwards or whatever that’s like that’s on each individual Creator to spend money on and make animations and whatever they were

Doing Outsiders was made on a z budget and the way I see it is it doesn’t take any money not to be a dumbass it doesn’t take any money to be professional that is that is from character alone exactly you just got to do the right thing it’s

Like just grow just you know figure out what’s working look at other crators don’t go above your means I I cut off highlights because it was just adding too much to my PL and I just sawry is like the best thing to cut off and it

Has been the best thing to cut off cuz I’ve been able to you know start doing midweek MC and that kind of just so just do just do what is best for you but do it right I guess hey listener listener right now you’ve been listening for a

While and I just want to thank you and I know Orbitz wants to thank you for listening to all this becauseit puts in a lot of hard work getting all these people and everything and it’s cool that you’re listening and gaining information about the Creator space and just about

How how things work behind the scenes and and everything so you know thank you thank you for taking the time to listen to all of this and I don’t know if you’re if you’re listening right now reply with or if if you’re on YouTube orbits has cool haircut you don’t know

How orbits looks like I don’t defin I mean no yeah I fac before yeah okay well reply with orbits has a cool haircut and also what was your favorite part about the podcast thank you for listening for for all of this anyway listen yeah a lot

Of people listen like I look at the average watch time A lot of people are going to get to this part but not many people comment I’ll be interested to see if anyone says anything I mean it’s it’s it’s just genu genely nice to have all these people here listening and stuff so

Got to show them that appreciation thank you guys yeah comment about or Orbit’s imaginary haircut part of the podcast I thank you for like coming on and talking for this long it’s you know I I I you know it’s been I’m so grateful that you accepted

On so grateful for everyone who does and I’m sorry that I’ve referenced the podcast and like other podcast guests so much it’s just it’s the only I have to relate to what you’re saying so no you don’t have to feel sorry about it it’s just that that’s that’s how you’re relating

A but I’m grateful for you to like Tak in a time out of your day especially it’s the afternoon for you right now as well so means a lot chill sectioned up the time for this looking ask get all emotional man oh my God so what else do

You have any other Twitter questions there was one one Twitter one more to a question and I kind of partially asked this earlier so it might be the same answer and if it’s the same answer that’s completely fine it’s from um Millie a alam I’m just going to say that

Out because then actual name is very long which character’s law that you made is is your favorite and I feel like if it links to if it’s the same answer that you gave me earlier in regards to Outsiders then that’s fine but then that was only about Outsiders so then might

Be a better one from rat or I think all of them it’s it’s kind of like you kind say as well yeah it’s kind of like picking between your favorite child or something as a parent picking between your favorite child yeah yeah you know picking between a you know picking a

Favorite child between your children yeah you can’t do that I think each one has like their own unque perspective like right now I’m obsessed with my Pirates character but that’s because I worked on it right now I was obsessed with my R’s character I worked on it I

Was obsessed with my Outsiders character and like looking down the line looking behind and down the line of what I have coming up like I’m just I love I love everything that I work on you know they’re all so cool and intricate in their own way and I’m just glad that

People enjoy them no yeah I do have one Twitter question from myself see I like to do this I like to label as a Twitter question when I forget to ask it during the podcast it’s great have you ever thought about writing a book yes but

Also that’s just not the type of writing I like to do uh I like very like free form all over the place kind of like my head um which is why this like improv type thing is perfect because allows me to do whatever uh I’m not really much of

Like a long form writer I think if I were to ever do anything slightly related to book writing it’d be like it’d be more towards like writing for a show or something I think that’s like my end goal like a comic or like a show yeah something like that I I really want

To get into like the animation medium writing for like an animated series would be cool I’d like that okay yeah that’s I that’s like my goal is content content’s fulltime for you you went you went full time in content recently didn’t you I think I saw you

Announced it somewhere um I’ve full time twice so I went full-time in uh summer 2021 I was full-time till like April 2023 and that’s when I got a job because content you know I just wasn’t able to make enough from it and I ended up

Getting laid off from my job at the end of November 2023 so fulltime content yeah it’s fine I’m fulltime content again oh jeez okay yeah that’s yeah I’m I’m full I work a full-time job and I’m fulltime content so always tiring but you know I’ve I’ve taken I mean I’m

Working Wednesday but I’ve taken this week off five next week off as well so it’s kind of I kind of fell behind and was getting quite tired with editing and stuff so all break as well with that being said then I think that brings the end of the inside MC podcast here Appo

It’s been absolutely amazing talking to you thank you again so much for coming on you’re so you’re so interesting you really really are a sh go go boost again no it’s true you are genuinely like a really enjoy and that’s why I thought I’d be so like sick to have you on and

Then you like you you asked you are specifically to kind of hold on off on recording the podcast as well which once again I’m grateful for because you were purposely Waiting for the End Pirates and that’s great because it makes for just even more topics so thank yeah yeah

You’re just you’re a good content creator you know what you’re doing and it’s just it’s sick to see I’m looking forward to seeing the growth of I mean like I said i’ I’ve become a fan as well as much as I’m another content creator I

Can still be a fan of you which which I’ve become so it’s going to be great to see you grow you know before I do the outro then uh I always like to give this part for you to promote yourself where can we find you your Twitter your

YouTube twitch uh the power creations at and you’ve been mentioning the patreon a lot but you haven’t mentioned actually how we finded the patreon so all of that go on go ahead this is the flaw is yours well I feel like if you’re listening to this podcast about kind of already know

At least what about me or at least have heard of me or at least seen me the thumbnail of this video and stuff so hi I’m Muna I do whatever the hell we just talked about for the last however long we talked about the the the patreon can

Be found on patreon it’s patron.com slowc Creations I’m pretty sure the P Creations All Creations yep yeah I don’t really have too much to plug I think we’re all just chilling you just heard a lot about me I’m apple and you just heard you just

Heard a lot about me you can find me through that it’s well just like yours is is more so like what I’m trying to get like way can if people want to follow you on Twitter cuz you know as much as you think a lot of people who

Know you this I mean a lot of people who a lot of people from my old Community have listened to a lot of podcasts and they’re finding out a lot about a lot of new creators so auna on Twitter or aun on Twitch there we go but as for a final

Remark though I do just want to say uh thank you to all the people watching um because I know like we’re talking a lot about like the behind the scenes stuff and like how things work and how things function in like a Creator setting I

Guess but at the end of the day like all this is done for the S creativity um and making sure like creativity is like we can continue to do this creativity and all that and it’s it’s done specifically for you know the viewers to have like stories and things to think

About years down the line and really like leave a mark on them and also for my own and everybody else’s creative fulfillment and stuff so you know thank you for watching all this thank you for giving us a platform and thank you for caring with that being said then Appo I

Agree by the way and there’s no point me repeating what they’re saying but I am very thankful as well I mean I feel like I show that with just how passionate I am with everything but I completely agree with what you’re saying what you said BAS huh yeah exactly exactly with

That being said this has been the inside MC podcast talking to the amazing Appo thank for watching or listening even stay safe don’t eat too much bread pieces

This video, titled ‘Apokuna – A Masterclass In Minecraft SMPs | InsideMC 068’, was uploaded by InsideMC Podcast on 2023-12-29 16:00:40. It has garnered 111 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:10 or 5350 seconds.

In the sixty-eighth edition of the Inside Minecraft Podcast, Orbitzz sits down with Apokuna, one of the masterminds behind POWCreations, one of the best SMP franchises in the Minecraft scene as of right now! During the Podcast the two start by talking about how Apokuna got their name as well as how they’re sometimes reffered to as alternate variations such as “Apookie”. After this they go on to talk about how Apo got into the SMP scene, starting with Origins SMP before eventually leading to Apo & Owen creating POWCreations, their own SMP franchise. This then followed by the idea of a Bedrock edition SMP, their favourite piece of writing from Outsiders, the concept of Rats SMP and how POW chooses the creators to join the SMPs. After this Orbitzz refers to the future of InsideMC SMP all before APO reveals how to grow a SMP while answering some twitter questions! This is the Apokuna Podcast. Interested? Lets get started…

A very special thank you to our Guest(s): @apokuna:

Podcast Socials: InsideMC Community Discord: https://discord.gg/hWKF4vxG3H Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5gELdaxIhknih3MGI4ixAr InsideMC Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS1JCc14PguY6MvrKykneBQ Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsideMCPodcast

My Socials: InsaneOrbitzz: @InsaneOrbitzz Discord: https://discord.gg/sHK8bJ6wkW Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/insaneorbitzz Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsaneOrbitzz

AJX’ Socials: AJX: @AJX Discord: https://discord.gg/AC4wMaKwF7 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/captain_ajx Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaptainAJX

Profile Picture & Banner by: my mate Joe

Thumbnail by: @TheAuraCat

#minecraftsmp #powcreations #mccrising

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    INSANE PARKOUR CHALLENGE IN MINECRAFT 🤯🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘PARKOUR CHALLENGE | MINECRAFT #funny #trending #minecraft #livestream #viral’, was uploaded by RIZVI GAMING on 2024-01-11 06:12:34. It has garnered 133 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:53 or 11333 seconds. HELLO GUYS! welcome to the live stream Share and Support plzz Subscribe Subscribe: https://youtube.com/@mr_rizvigaming Discord :https:https://discord.gg/v5ttvvvxR4 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rahil.rizvi.566?mibextid=ZbWKwL Instagram: https://instagram.com/mr_rahilrizvi?utm_source=qr&igshid=MzNlNGNkZWQ4Mg%3D%3D #gaming #trending #youtube #youtubegaming #youtube #gaming #youtuber #youtubechannel #gamer #youtubers #ps #twitch #youtubegamer #gamingcommunity #youtubevideo #youtubevideos #sub #playstation #pcgaming #videogames #youtubecommunity #youtubegamingchannel #games #youtubelife #twitchstreamer #xbox #youtubegamers #subscribe #gameplay #game #instagaming #gamers #gamingchannel #maze #viral #trending Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Hacks for Custom Armor & Tools | ItemsAdder Plugin

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  • Ultimate Gamer Showdown: Minecraft vs Real Life 2023-2050

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  • Connected Construction – Semi Vanilla

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  • Inoos Mc

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Why do villagers always ignore my emeralds??”

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  • Secret Base Bliss: Minecraft SMP303 Ep. 48 Build

    Secret Base Bliss: Minecraft SMP303 Ep. 48 Build In Minecraft, episode 48, we’re diving deep, Building a secret base, our secrets to keep. Sneaky and sly, we’ll craft and create, No one will find us, we’ll seal our fate. Gather the blocks, the tools, and the gear, Our secret base, no need for fear. Digging and building, our skills put to test, In this Minecraft world, we’ll be the best. No spoilers here, no hints to give, Just watch the episode, see how we live. Crafting and mining, our adventure unfolds, In this secret base, our story told. So join us now, in this Minecraft quest, Building… Read More

  • “Pick a portal, reach level 99999 in Minecraft!” 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes

    "Pick a portal, reach level 99999 in Minecraft!" 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes I’d choose the portal that takes me straight to the fridge for a snack break in between levels 1 and 99999 in Minecraft! #priorities #minecraftmunchies Read More

  • Awkward Moments in Class【Minecraft 方块轩】

    Awkward Moments in Class【Minecraft 方块轩】 Minecraft: Awkward Moments in Class【My World Block Pavilion】 Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this virtual realm, players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world filled with endless possibilities. Today, we delve into the humorous and entertaining world of Minecraft through the eyes of 方块轩, a creator known for his funny animations and joyful content. About 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that steers clear of any elements that may impact the well-being of young… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft and all its quirky mobs? Have you ever wondered what happens to those mobs when you leave the game? Well, look no further than the entertaining video by Blazzy on YouTube. While you’re enjoying all the Minecraft content out there, why not take your gaming experience to the next level by joining a unique Minecraft server like Minewind? Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind gameplay experience that will keep you on your toes. With its exciting features and active community, you’ll never have a dull moment on this server. Whether you’re a seasoned player or… Read More

  • Stalked by a Sneaky Minecraft Creature!

    Stalked by a Sneaky Minecraft Creature! The Mysterious ModPack “From The Fog” in Minecraft Exploring the depths of Minecraft can lead players to discover intriguing modpacks like “From The Fog.” This modpack, which has been modified for a potential series, offers a unique and mysterious gaming experience that keeps players on their toes. What Makes “From The Fog” Stand Out? “From The Fog” introduces new elements and challenges to the Minecraft world, making it an exciting choice for players looking for a fresh experience. The modified features in this modpack add an air of mystery and suspense, keeping players engaged and eager to uncover its… Read More

  • “Shocking Dark Magic in Minecraft with Prince Joshi 😱🔥” #viral #shorts

    "Shocking Dark Magic in Minecraft with Prince Joshi 😱🔥" #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Horror Black & Dark Magic In Minecraft 🤯🔥 #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by PRINCE JOSHI VINES on 2024-03-10 12:10:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Horror Black & Dark Magic In Minecraft #minecraft #shorts #viral #Horror #Blackmagic Ram Ram Bhai About the Video:- In … Read More


    NUBIGAMER UNCOVERS MINECRAFT'S CREEPY SECRETVideo Information This video, titled ‘CÓ THỂ BẠN CHƯA BIẾT BÍ ẨN NÀY TRONG MINECRAFT ( Creepypasta ) #minecraft #nubigamer’, was uploaded by NUBI GAMER on 2024-02-14 11:53:01. It has garnered 46868 views and 5942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Read More