Unbelievable Armor Crafting and Weapon Building in Bedrock Edition!

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We’re back with some more Minecraft a bit upset man I bought some uh some meat so I can make some burgers but the Buns I had were uh expired by like two days and I was like oh I’m not risking it oh where I got on off okay oh my

Goodness damn look at all that iron who joined someone joined I’m doing well Christopher how you doing how you doing give me a second am I yeah okay how you doing today Christopher I know Andrea said that they now have a um Whatchamacallit oh what happened

Here they now have a a v we now have a villager who actually we now have a villager actually changes for chest plates how’s it going P J hello everybody it’s me marip hello everybody it’s me Markiplier and today we will be doing Markiplier things playing the Minecraft creator crossover realm

Yes nice what are you doing today collecting emeralds you going to fight the Wither alone no 300 something else I’m going to be crafting armor nice both those are done wait where’s the third one only two there might be only two uh do you take anything you take

Coal what you oh you take diamond oh who are you right we’ve ranked you up to master what do you have Smite oh sharpness three what do you have Unbreaking two you guys suck I already got my sword ready though let me go check out on the armor

Right there how’s it going Tommy how you doing oh yeah Tommy I talked to the artist that disaster recommended to me I ended up getting a commission from them ooh yeah half body for uh a new charact uh well a new uh sorry I’m blanking on the

Word not profile picture but for just a new character design so what do you decide crown or ears uh I’ll I’ll add the stuff later that thingy new yeah well I mean for crowns obviously there’s a nice overlay you can put on top depending on what uh depending on what you

Use oh here we go what do you have nice you got projectile protection what do you have protection two Protection One what about you Thorns oh here we are what about you me you give me chest plates oh you do no someone already took the chest plate and the leggings that’s

Bull you’re sick o That’s upsetting hopefully you’ll feel better soon Christopher uh damn what’s my armor looking like I got protection three on my chest plate but I kind of want Unbreaking as well all right uh very nice I messaged you as well by the way Tommy I just messaged you like

Today actually how do you spell this again oh I spelled it right okay for like how I capture the model VC face a it’s a pretty it’s a free program that they that they got for the whole thing yeah it’s a free program that I use I made the thing in

Void and then um move it back over here now yeah I’m having the thing be remade uh not the model but just like the character I asked about a chibi if they could do chibi artwork cuz I was thinking of maybe instead of updating the model I just go straight for like a

A live 2D chibi brilliant Diamond shining Pearl yeah no that’s CH sorry that’s all I think when I hear chibi now yeah the brilliant Diamond shining Pearl oh yeah oh yeah uh let’s do I got in here I’ve got some netherite some Withers skulls Two fortune 2 five six seven eight I do need to go diamond mining at some point again all right let’s see what can I get on this if I can get another protection three I can get protection four that’ be great blast protection blast protection protection one that’s stupid okay uh fire aspect Smite sharpness

Okay I need to get some levels so I think I’ll just be grinding at the level Farm in a bit uh to be you just go mining in the nether there’s a lot of there’s like a whole chest full of iron in the thing to just get Quartz it took like two stacks

Oh it took like two stacks of the I I can’t hear right on my headphones side I got to put them in charge real quick there you go now I can all right yeah I exchanged some of them right now but yeah what the heck is

This why is there so much stuff here oh what this one yo deep slate brick that’s what I needed oh wait whose stuff is this I have no idea it’s in a broken house Andreas doing things how you doing actually make the steps now downstairs which is good he’s got to reach

Back all right uh did you buy the chest plate Andreas or who bought the chest plate cuz like I was going to buy one to try to see if I can upgrade mine but I can’t now because I looked at it and it’s like no no someone’s already got both of them

Hopefully I see my house up ahead I need to make an Ender Chest nice I did it ender chest is a chest surrounded by ender pearls right um chest surround by ender Pearls no I think it’s it uses obsidian I’m look up it’s obsidian and then One Eye of Ender in the middle eight obsidian yep yeah that’s actually a bit cheaper I have Ender yep the end of the eyes I have some blaze rods so I should be able to do it pretty easily

You bought a lot of chest plates to make blast prot ah oh yeah you’re making blast protection armor oh who joined damn it someone joined I didn’t even realize someone joined in the realm yeah I got some blaze rods so I can make blaze powder I can’t even can’t even sleep

Andrea’s joined too so now I can’t even sleep even more a they should mess with that rule I should make us only one person needs to sleep it used to be like that man but then they added the Phantoms and stuff so now it’s like no you have

To all be it’s a game rule you can turn on that changes amount of players that need to sleep to change the day there you go I made a new chest plate either way so it’s fine I’m trying to get protection three on it but I got to farm a lot of stuff

Someone named Al is live and YouTube kept giving me a notification damn yuck I I just tell YouTube to who does that tell YouTube to just get freed and then just leave oh my goodness whoever that YouTuber is I need to turn his his notifications off I still think that’s a

Stupid rule I miss the window it used to just be the other way cuz it was just so much easier uh deep sleigh and then Black Stone yeah I was playing fortnite yesterday with my friends B pass I did get the battle pass cuz I had 900 you

Did get the battle pass I got 900 uh v-bucks and then I leveled up to level 40 I only needed to get to level 34 that’s why I just bought the battle pass I bought the battle pass cuz it’s like hey uh I have enough and I should

Be getting all mines back in uh reinvestments as long as I reach level 50 I think nice you did it or it was like level 60 something yeah I should be able to get all my stuff back we’re probably going to play on Friday some fortnite I don’t work Thursday or Friday

So my thoughts for that are I’m going to be streaming on I’m going to be streaming fortnite on YouTube and then on Twitch we’re going to do some Pokemon unite nice yep some no stream Saturday cuz we’re going to be throwing my mom a party for her birthday oh that’s nice it’s

Understandable fortnite battle pass poj battle pass so what’s in this battle pass who’s this special character that anybody knows about I have no idea it’s not good did you see that they made the loading screen um m Eminem did they yeah Eminem’s going to be a character in

Fortnite bro can’t believe it the real Slim [ __ ] oh they going to add the song that’s the real question I hope not no they can’t they can they added Rick asley because they’re already big fat stupid crybabies about guns with the Skins I can’t believe that well I feel like if

Anything they I looked more deep into it that’s kind of stupid as that’s insanely dumb you just woke up from a two point of the game you must feel real energized I sometimes get like I wake up with a good amount of energy if I take a

Nap and then sometimes it’s like I I can’t move I’m not going to move I’m even more lazy than before I fell asleep same I feel like that’s a lot of people I have a bad gun I have a bad bed though so my bag hurts after a while no okay venom venom

Venom I should just make every song have venom in it venom venom venom this going to take a long time but at least I made double what it was supposed to be show lot better than earlier that’s good Venom what if you were trying to sleep and

Then venom venom venom okay I got them I can make okay we got a [ __ ] ton of boots and I mean to be fair is there okay so if I combine a clean pair of boots with my current boots it doesn’t take them

Off right like I know if I do it on the grindstone it takes them off but it heals both of them up but just repairs it right I just explain this to me again sorry so if I take my currently damaged boots right and fresh boots and then just you know put them

Together that’ll heal it up or do I actually just have to use a diamond are you trying to get rid of enchantments I am not cuz I know I know that one if you put it in the grindstone you can do that but I’m talking about

Just you got to put in an anvil if you want to keep the enchantments yeah but I’m just I’m wondering if it works or not it works but it will scrub the enchantments not on the grindstone on the Anvil oh on the Anvil no you’re good you’re good all right only thing you

Have to watch out for is the more and more you do it the more and more it’s going to cost until it says too expensive and there’s nothing you can do uh we’ve got feather falling protection three and Thorns 2 protection my leggings and then protection four yeah I

Need to get more mending for all my stuff mening minging Venom Andreas I’m going to trade like a few of the stacks of to be fair that’s technically a good way for me to heal them know my [ __ ] I need actually I need to make pants cuz mine is only Protection

One I need to get more levels what’s up Andreas so what mending does is that it heals any damage that’s that uh your tools or armor has taken but in exchange you cannot level up uh it uses the experience to heal rather than to uh to basically anything else it’s

Worth it really is Right boots with the fur that only cost two diamonds no I’m kidding two XP um let’s see yeah I have any of my stuff I have mending none of myself I need to get more mending books I’m going to level up though

First I bet you can guess I’m playing Plants versus Zombies Fallout fallout Fallout 76 yeah I don’t know why I like it bar be all right just fun just makes me feel happy and tingle inside can you enchant your uh your Shield or no yes with a Unbreaking

And that’s it mending Unbreaking and mending mend breaking men breaking breaking Venom that’s such a dumb oh my God such a dumb phone just him sing V Venom that’s the whole song me the greatest song ever I understand I understand everything by the way Tommy how are you so far today

Remember guys if you haven’t already make sure to leave a like on the stream it helps out a ton uh yeah hopefully I think yeah if I if I get it done I have an idea on if it uh it should look good cuz I saw disasters because if you guys

Know disasters prev the one after the gardav war but the one before his new one with the logo on it I really like the the design aspect of that one so if I can get it done that’s great if I if anything I could probably get KJ like

Commission KJ to make a chibi version because I want to get a um I have an idea for a new starting screen and I even have an idea of potentially an ending screen as well but I wanted to make like a looping gift and I was going

To ask hero if I was going to I guess commission hero as well if you could like make a nice intro for me using that and then I could just like upload it and just have it play at the start of everything rather so then you guys

Just it a bit more cuz not really the greatest quality it’s still nice though maybe it’s a transition screen at some point BRB maybe I probably will turn it to a BRB screen loading BRB better than yesterday I’m doing well Tommy uh so I don’t work on Thursday or

Friday so if you’re free Tommy we’ll see if nathy’s free as well we can try to continue watching spy family I’m watching shanga Frontier great anime Eight Episodes I’m on episode 6 cuz I watched five episodes then I fell asleep and then I did a bunch of stuff

Yesterday with friends so I wasn’t able to watch the next episode sadly so I’m like two episodes behind but that’s fine uh they mentioned furries and I thought that was funny uh no one said the word but it’s like um cuz it’s a video game anime and they were talking about how

Did how did he get this in the game because you know you unlock things if you uh cuz you know cuz you you can do things play different roles and you can unlock different things some people were wondering how he unlocked a certain thing and someone was like damn it’s

Obviously the fur is asking about this and it’s and I found it funny cuz it’s like oh wow they mentioned it and no one said it but they just mentioned it in the forms and I thought that was kind of funny F FES F Venoms venoms

Yeah but the gist of shanga Frontier is this guy in the future uh you know they had Advanced video games enough to where VR is basically seemingless and it’s similar to saao where you put it on you lay down and basically you’re transported into the game as always a

Thing because honestly it’s really cool cuz then like they should do one where um you eat a piece of corn and then next time you you fall over on accident you get teleported to video game we’re all too complicated but um yeah so it’s VR basically so they’re in virtual reality

This guy likes playing trash games to either a see if they’re actually trash or B just to you know [ __ ] on them because it’s fun to play bugged games just the Angry Video Game Nerd kind of yeah um so he ends up uh finding like one of the worst video games ever that

He does not like so he calls it the trashiest of trashes games and the shop owner is like well you’ve played the shittiest of shitty games why not for a change play like a really good game and it’s like here’s here’s the number one best selling game right now and he’s

Like oh [ __ ] okay maybe I’m like I I know I’ve experienced the shittiest of the shittiest so I should probably experience the best of the best and he ends up really liking the game but because of how he plays differently from everybody else he ends up unlocking a

Lot of stuff he gets cursed by one of the seven uh SE seven creatures that ran randomly spawn in that people haven’t been able to beat cuz they’re so overpowered oh my gosh so he gets cursed I hate it when that happens he likes having a uh he likes uh he likes playing

Without armor cuz he’s one of those guys you know uh uh I go in I kill I win type of so he’s like he’s just like me for real guys he’s just like me for real he goes in without any hesitation and either wins and beats the [ __ ] out of

The thing or dies and that’s just like me for real guys it’s just like me for real for real went bowling for the first time in 10 years having haven’t done it in a while somehow one oh that’s just called Pure gamer skill Andre you’ve been playing you you probably recently

Playing wee bowling as a kid you know as a kid you were probably or like or like recently in the teenage years you were playing wee bowling so obviously you know the ins and outs of bowling and you just win automatically you just tick tick tick tick tick

Tick um yeah so he likes playing aggressively with zero defense he put all of his stats into speed um and luck basically yeah so he he really just has a bunch of stuff going for him cuz he doesn’t play like anybody else he just plays like how

He likes playing which is how a lot of people should play there are some games where like sadly you aren’t able to play like you like Playing I’m sorry uh Master duels you know Yu-Gi-Oh where you may like the greatest deck of all time you know Elemental Heroes or even Phantom Knights but you aren’t able to play it because the meta deck just OT you forever and just makes it so you can’t do [ __ ] and

Makes the game less fun um but anyway almost got a perfect game in Nintendo switch Sports exactly that’s why you got so good on it Andreas yeah he doesn’t even go to the first town cuz like because he chose The Wanderer class he gets put randomly in

The forest rather than being uh being put right NE in front of the town so he ends up skipping the first town heading to the second town but you can’t head to the second town unless you beat the boss and you’re supposed to beat it with a

Group cuz it’s like level level 20 and like most people don’t even get to level 10 before they can go before they want to go over there so he was like level 16 I think and he beat the [ __ ] out of it um meanwhile there just this girl that

That likes him and then um she she wanted to learn more she she had she became she became a gamer she became a gamer for him and she she asks the shop owner like what games does he play and he’s like don’t force yourself to play

Any bad games you don’t want to you know play this game you know I’ll make him play this game sooner or later and she’s like all right and then she became crippy addicted to the game and she’s like in the highest Guild and was waiting for him on the first day in in

The first town but because he’s a goat and decided to say no I’m going to start in the second town he went to the second town and she can’t find him and it’s kind of Funny we’re waiting right now yeah sh it’s got like one of the greatest anime openings I honestly would play it but I think I’ll play it probably on Twitch um cuz it’s a great one but I believe people don’t really get copyright struck over there cuz like your streams go away

After like um a day or two so it’s like not like you’re going to be on there for it’s not going to be on there for everybody keep seeing unless people clip it um but even then I I don’t think I think it’ll be

Fine I know a lot of people I remember I mean I know Kelsey watched Naruto and I believe you could hear it on the actual stream but it was just never playing so you know I guess it works I I guess I guess it works guys look at all the piglins guys look

At all them all right so I’m going to go buy pants and try to see if I can enchant them with something good because I only got Protection One I got protection four on my helmet with Unbreaking three which is good protection three on my chest plate

Which is fine I need to get you can you cannot have projectile protection and protection right or can you have both on the same projectile you yeah yeah you can both you can or cannot can’t that’s why I said can or cannot because can and can’t sound so similar

Together they cannot okay thank you Andrea says he’s making prote protection armor for the Wither so guys let’s see how active poke J is so we can see if he actually joins the realm yet or not I know right let’s see let’s see a b

C d e f g h i j k l m n o p for Pokey J Pokey J is an active member he’s not a very active member inactive I said active member okay okay he’s he’s not a very active member D how long would it take for

People to become like a very active member in in the super server by the way that’s going be a PO is still waiting to oh wait you know what I want to ask if I can just be in VC does that count it does does that give me active

Points if I’m in BC it should all stuff go away now oh no it’s I mean Andreas is here so we can ask him Andreas are you still here chicken chicken chicken chicken oh yeah before I forget I always have to do this because I’m every time I

Play on the realm I always got to make sure I send this whole thing so if you guys want to join the realm you guys going have to join the Discord which is right here pin it there we go I think I’ve gotten like four people to join the

Server I try to join if I well I mean the server in general but not any of the other stuff really uh I like how it always like gives everybody the same message being like remember to go to no access then go to no access and finally go to no

Access which I think is like the funny part what’s this I don’t know why I never linked my phone with Snapchat but now it’s giving me like text messages being like your friends posted this your friends did this and I’m like no go away bra all right level

24 you guys revamp this area cuz it feels a lot smaller than usual my hole is gone what you guys plugged up my secret hole damn venom venom venom venom I grab sword only one sword fell okay that’s FR all right grindstone cuz I got to just destroy the thing Venom poj loves

Venom that’s the only song I know now just because of that little show the movie the movie poj is Venom I don’t like that mov movie that was a dumb movie he enjoys saying Venom you know what Venom well that’s such a dumb it’s such a dumb oh my God all it

Is is him saying venom venom venom venom venom venom venom venom Venom no one venom venom venom what’s the opposite of venom venom antidote antidote antidote you could also just say antivenom but I don’t think you’d like that cuz it’s venom in it antivenom got anti venom no what Vom the opposite of Venom you come back here Venom the opposite is antio well I mean it could be but that’s more of a cure so the opposite of Venom would be something that instead of uh you know poisoning and killing you heals you so I guess uh the opposite of

Light Darkness I me kind of BU see I like how if I search up I searched up what’s the opposite of Venom and like the first thing is Venom me antivenom the polar opposite of Marvel’s Venom and I’m like no that’s not what I was asking

About oh wait okay yeah antidote is just the opposite of Venom antivenom antiv venine Elixir antiv venine antien myth wait how do you say this can it can it pronounce it for me myth myate myate rate I don’t know again I just heard something what’s the opposite of Venom popped up

Dark I beat him with my bare hands I didn’t sneeze I don’t think anyone sneeze how’s it going how you doing Scottish princess how you doing doing nice h j loves Venom oh did it actually go in wow so huge that’s what she said D I got him with that that’s what

She said guys let’s go is like he loves the word venom venom venom Tommy knows he likes venom you’re very tired well hopefully uh you can get some sleep soon how goes your game or trying to level up right now so I can get uh some better enchants on some of my armor

Pieces I got to get better leggings cuz I only got Protection One my chest plates fine I just need to get Unbreaking and mending on it and then I got to get uh mending for my helmet and uh bending for the diamond boots Venom oh I can put it in

Here I put this in here too welcome back Christopher how’s you B going how goes youren actually Venom no Venom yes Venom dang scientifically speaking but not F if I do this would my helmet break Venom work for you okay cool cool cool nice nice nice I get paid Thursday so that’s good

I can start putting some are you so lucky yeah I got overtime uh with a good amount of overtime about 20 hours I’m trying to save for Christmas and so this is Christmas where have I gone I can’t wait for Christmas music J thawing out poke J she’s got nine more

Days h i just gotta wait till after uh she’s got nine more days after Thanksgiving sorry I’m doing that little daily event I I told you about oh she’s got nine more days before before she thaws out what I say it’s like directly after uh Thanksgiving and so this

Is so this is that’s it look at him go look at it all appearing venom venom opposite of light Darkness yes Who Dares join who just joined no idea oh it’s Chloe hi Chloe oh there go my sword pop pop All right level 28 I’m almost level 30 in a bit I could go exchange some of the stuff for actually I probably should go exchange for more Emerald some of the iron I need a bunch of Ming stuff what can I leave in there though mending Mending me one second all right everybody in my house is leing right now oh my goodness wow it’s better for me I can be louder now who just left and they get 2023 in a call probably Chloe what if I just put a piece of chicken in there and be

Funny they’ll be wondering where the chicken came from it’s hilarious you can’t believe the year is almost over I’m surprised it took this long like honestly thinking back at it such a crazy year like other points in the year I felt like yeah I went by fast

But I feel like the end of the year right now really slowed down too many good games honestly that’s what slowed everything down for me all the good games too many and so this is piglin dying right here hopefully sorry I was trying to figure out what was going on with your

Earbuds they were budding up against each other I need you need help with what there you go I’m done all right oh did you see their latest riing Morty episode by the way yes I did and you know what my favorite part out of that entire episode was my favorite part

Was literally just Rick handing Morty a bunch of guns and him not knowing what the [ __ ] to do with them dang to be fair my favorite part was them killing uh the Space Jam versions of themselves that the best thing ever I almost forgot that they were in Space Jam no

Way so that means death actually canonically happened such an out of nowhere death canonically happened in Space Jam movie they wanted it they they welcomed it I said death happened I never said that yeah it was bad they welcomed it and with sweet Embrace

Yep close to the last level I need so I can start leveling things up I’m so find it funny that he it looked like he actually G him an actual looking gun at the end but it just shoots out awful people here’s another gun is that Jeffrey dmer oh my goodness

Oh he’s okay so here’s a gun ah sorry about that I feel horrible for this guy I don’t know where I’m going by far so I think I do have a few spaces on Twitch and I’ve been seeing a lot of people with uh Kofi uh free emotes like

Animated ones I think I might put them on there however as I always do I always donate to those people rather than just like they oh free stuff no I always make sure to at least give a good amount that’s what I did with the with the free

Genin ones that I got from um from meepo I donated to meepo because they were free oh yeah I got like six d genin coins from watching your stream on Twitch can I just gift it to you as that thing oh that is a thing wow that’s cool

Is it I don’t know if it’s like a code or anything is it a code if it’s a code I I can redeem it I know Jaden animations uh she she did a uh a genin video and she actually got a code for it

So I got to redeem that code it ends on January you know since you were uh playing genin hopefully you do get better remember eat some chicken soup funny enough I always eat I always eat ramen chicken soup whenever I feel sick or whenever I start feeling like I’m going

To get sick helps out a lot and So This Is Christmas but it’s not actually Christmas not actually nope chras Thanksgiving you got sing the Thanksgiving song and so it’s Thanksgiving good Hallelujah okay glass I don’t know what that glass is doing there but it’s doing something all right I got to find

Pants do you sell pants good sir you do oh he has protection for one pants I’m going go cleanse these and then I’m going to see if I can actually make um make some better pants jump jeez man I got to sneeze but but after saying I got to

Sneeze I don’t have to sneeze anymore which is the funny part I kind of wish it would give you at least one of the full I mean I guess it’d be hard to do but it gives you such little experience for de enchanting things however I guess I I understand

Why because you know with things like piglin Farms it’s so easy to farm a bunch of like enchanted weapons all right how much blast protection can you blast protection is not one of the it cannot be done with a regular one right uh blast protection is kind of poo poo unless you’re playing

Like core take those I can’t enchant my my thing damn you can always use the disenchanter to get rid of it no I’m talking about my shield oh wait enchantment boat look like I’m going to enchant a book and then go back to get a level oh yes obviously guys are

Enchanting a water bucket impaling one all right what do the pants get protection four cool what about the chest please protection 4 as well I’ll get protection four for my well I already got protection three on my chest plate I just need to get Unbreaking for that Unbreaking three or

Does it only go up to three or does it go up to four three three okay you know I’m going to do this the fast way let me go get some iron what is the emote button time to click all the buttons on my keyboard until I find out

Thank you well I mean I already clicked the emote button what do you mean it’s sad Andre you guys already make the iron farm or not yet my sister made this thing with pork and a cabbage tasted pretty good I didn’t taste the Cabbage whatsoever I

Did add a little crunch kind of wish it was more of a fresh cabbage than anything that’s really about it cuz iy look fresh cabbage crunchiness cooked cabbage tastes like nothing but you know at least it’s got a bit of the crunch no right my daily thing’s all

Done now I can focus oh wait damn it kind of wasted all of that you take me home now that’s the official Fallout song it’s Not Burger home West Vegas Fallout City sorry it’s only uh it’s only a Fallout 76 on you can only sing it if you play the game to bad so sad anime girl sung it why can’t I go Bab can’t it’s illegal they did though it’s illegal well when was the last time you

Seen them stream you see you see what I mean no this was like seenam after that it was in an actual anime uh movie like an actual anime movie I’m not kidding funny I’m not kidding though but there actually was two enemy girls singing Country Road take me home

Take me home it’s a me to the place Mario We Go okie dokie wroom Mia here we Mario it does it tastes really good I didn’t need a lot of it cuz I already made my own food I wanted to really make a burger I was even going to

Be f and crack an egg in it but you know I couldn’t I blame poke J Tomy Ro take me home do the place only protection four really I need Unbreaking on all these too protection three oh cool I can actually get protection three and then I can combine it with my

Protection 3 and then make good protection 4 what’s up warm Lilly hopefully you can give me a second thing like maybe I’m breaking don’t need mending but I at least want Unbreaking alola warm ly all right I got new pants so I can get rid of my old pants oh they all ah

Dang it another daily thing but they all explode don’t worry Pokey J I’ll give you my spare leather pants check to get you this game and then you can cry with me too fair I get a lot of games I’m playing through right now they finally finished the overlord

Collab guys so as much as I hate it I only got three six elb and four six ir and then four six shelti here isn’t bad I was just like man kind of wish I was able to get 66 but it’s fine I’m waiting a week right now to

Summon on the elat banner cuz I’m not sure if I should summon on it or if I should wait till the 4.5 anniversary because if I wait uh they might I’m trying to see what it’s on the banner cuz I’ll probably still summon on it but I’m debating whether or not to

Use my diamonds right now because I need to get Roxy cuz Roxy is a really good character but she has kept evading me every goddamn time I I keep trying to summon for her she invaded me on the attack on Titan Banner she invaded me on

On the cuz I only went for like 300 instead of the full 600 for her banner I thought I could get her but I couldn’t and then like the banner ended and I was like well [ __ ] hey hey no I’m in albo from Lord hey hey hey hey hey hey ho ho

Country Pokey J I died D ah fudge to the ah I wish my build was more secure fire West Virginia Mountain pokey pokey yo did you guys hear what happened with poke man she she called her friends yeah the cookie thing but she called her friend’s broke right

Being like you can’t awesome the funniest [ __ ] ever is like you can’t do basic math it’s like $7 a bag you can’t afford $7 and I was like [ __ ] they only allow you to buy it in packs of four that’s 28 either way that’s not that your your your whole like argument goes

Away at that point man it goes entirely away B famous use grasp of how much money is oh my God you guys are so broke says she as she says the people who literally donated to her stream to get her that rich the people who put her

Through school didn’t they pay for her schooling with all that like she they paid for lots of things but they continue to defend her so I guess we got to live that way that’s a funnyest [ __ ] man oh it’s basic man it’s only $7 a bag okay but like um

Well actually you could get like a huge family pack for like $4 at Walmart man that’s like a better price oh true you it reminds me of those be like if you’re broke and just say so and I’m just like okay but you’re the one asking for money from

Me you’re the one asking money from me what does that say about you you even mer Broke she just wants that money money we just need the money money money Pokey J ate a Pikachu s Health cookie oh so gross some guy was calling out Mr Beast too I saw on a I don’t know I don’t I don’t know if it was like I don’t I

Don’t know if it was like a very viral thing or not this guy was talking about how Mr Beast is a liar and [ __ ] for like his cookies being like he says they’re plant-based but they’re not healthy for you and I’m like they it says they’re plant-based when the [ __ ] did he say

They were healthy for you he just says yeah they’re plant-based because all the ingredient are from Plants yes there’s a lot of sugar in it but like those are like you know actual plants that make sugar not the freaking cuz technically speaking sugar is supposed to be brown

And then like they kind of bleach it a bit oh so that that whole thing and I’m just like he never said it was healthy for you and they’re [ __ ] cookies they’re cookies who would think that cookies are who would think cookies are healthy man like I’m sure with the power of science

These days you can make anything healthy who’s that Andreas is that you oh yeah it’s Andreas Heth cookie cookie okay J needs his cookies cookies cookies he just wants his cookies cookies cookies guys I joined another realm but that’s one for my me and my friends all right I can now Minecraft cookie

Enchant my chest plate I did it I did the daily thing I did it in under eight minutes so I get the max amount of rewards you did it in eight1 under eight minutes I did in six minutes 8 minutes and 0.00001 seconds woo I got a kids truck bed yeah that’s right

I’m going use it it’s not just a regular bed it’s kids truck who protection three Thorns one Unbreaking three nice that’s great I just needed Unbreaking now I can combine these two go now I just need to get mending on this minging well actually I need to get

Uh I I need to get Unbreaking three for my legs so I think actually I might uh where’s all right daily challenges build wall floor and shelter um kill feral ghouls crafter scrap five armor I can do that I’m doing all my daily challenges Advance the battle pass battle pass battle pass fortnite

Battle pass6 battle pass it’s free Fallout 76 is it’s free don’t end it lasts exactly up five up be guys I technically speaking I got to make a second armor set because I need poke to help me beat the [ __ ] out of the Wither I will help if I able

Gonna suck it’s GNA suck oh I’m a bit nervous I can’t confirm that we’ll be able to do it because it’s really hard these guys got 59 emeralds right now got another Ender well nosh oh wait I need to use this for mending what am I

Doing let need go look for The Mending on him I’m sad why my uh Game Pass live ultimate ends tomorrow what’s that um XBox game pass you know that no you don’t know what Xbox game I don’t believe it I have no idea what an Xbox game pass I don’t believe what no

Way everybody knows it’s like the best deal in gaming the worst deal in G it’s the best subscription in gaming gaming need have subscription c saes um you pay $15 a month and return you get access to like over 700 games and new games um XBox games you get like Starfield for

Free you get well you don’t get to keep them when the thing ends you just lose all of it tell what’s happening to me but I probably not not going to renew it cuz I don’t want to pay 15 bucks you need to pay 15 bucks a month

Prob need to pay 10 bucks a month No you also need Xbox game pass to play Online venom venom oh you’re the same one what are you fire aspect all right what about you three nope about you nope about you multishot shortness two channeling efficiency 4 feather falling nice I’m level 120 I’m so proud of myself I started this game a week ago loing three loyalty

Three two weeks ago and now I am level 120 Fortune three and ping two oh there we go ah okay I bought all the ones I needed good that’s one two three four mending books one for each piece of armor and I should be fine uh what happened what what happened uh Scottish

Princess okay I need three more levels my mind is blown away by what me trading with all the villagers the villagers villagers simple math uh I could go back into the nether look for more netherite but I think I have enough for myself I just need to get more diamonds

At this point so I might be heading to uh I know there’s a lava pool around here kind of need the obsidian I don’t know who built this Castle over here originally I wanted to build a castle over here but I already saw I was looking for a place closer I

Thought maybe over here but then I saw I think dronic built this guys should I just take over tonic’s house make it my new house yeah hostile take over guys I’ll take over I’ll just add a little Clump onto it I claim it with dirt I’m kidding I don’t even think

That’s true conics I have no idea who that is bum bum $15 per month so basically 50 cents a day for unlimited games to play with friends but they don’t want to pay $15 a month I mean true yeah the issue is I don’t play those games I just

Stick to Fallout to me yeah to me I feel like it’s the same as uh whatam weall it I mean at that point just buy Fallout um to me at that point if reminds me of like a bunch of the streaming services yeah you get on

Access to so much [ __ ] but then like you really only watch like four or five of those series and then the rest is just like nah you don’t even look at them but the good thing is that um when Xbox ever releases a new game for example

Darkfield when that game released it was immediately uh an Xbox game passed uh launch day so when the game came out immediately it went on Game Pass they do that with all their new releases so I’m good if I keep it now with this whole Activision Blizzard thing now you know

He owns Activision Blizzard true but like I’ll get a crap ton of good games as much as I see that as like an actual thing um got a trans I still also think of it as like people who rent Furniture it’s like sure you’ll have it but you’ll

Not use it a lot time and like why why you’ll still yeah you’ll use it occasionally but it’s just better to have it and not have to worry about it what what’s online play in that terms that’s true since you have to get the pass for online

Play Ian I don’t even buy coffee taking away your cell phone $15 for a cheeseburger don’t judge me when I buy Five Guys you can actually pay $10 for a lower T to be fair to be fair it’s it’s it’s not $15 for a cheap cheeseburger it’s

$13 for a bacon cheeseburger fries in a drink mind you nice uh I got to put these books back oh what was I going to do oh yeah I was going to get my pickaxe from here venom venom venom venom Venom you got stuck in my head I hate this Venom

Do that’s such a dumb song Sound oh it is it’s some guy thing Venom that’s so that’s the only that’s the only thing people can really say unless you’re actually good at rapping then you can actually say the other stuffen venom Venom oppos of antidote I don’t know if this is a house or someone built something down here I’m going to go down here and check is a new mine what is this I’m going to go back to my mine and I’m going to look for some diamonds I’m

GNA go back to your diamond your own diamonds Diamond you know what diamonds I like Five Guys I don’t go to that restaurant too often because I yeah it is kind of expensive if not I’ll just try to make my own burger at home but if like I’m tired and I want a really nice tasty burger I’ll go to Five

Guys nice I always keep I always try to keep the ing I don’t like McDonald’s burgers after having a Five Guys Burgers I just don’t like them anymore man the only ones I can probably go to are maybe Checkers but that depends cuz the place by me is like it’s a

Wishy-washy thing I’ll either get like a really salty one that tastes like or really good one that tastes really good their mobile app is beautiful but I always try to make sure to keep the ingredients for a burger in my house you know put some salt pepper

And egg some paprika garlic salt um that’s nice some minced onions I don’t like DIC I don’t like sliced onions I like minced onions I don’t like uh I don’t like it when the onions are cut so long I like them when they’re like bite size so you kind of eat them with

Everything else rather than them being like their own separate thing I don’t care what people say tastes better that way I like plain cheeseburgers if they get it wrong I physically cannot eat it my body will peek it back up needs to be plain only way I have not been to POA

In a long time that’s like one of my favorite places um sounds expensive not really it’s about the same price as KFC and Popeyes I put Paprika in my burger cuz my mom uh my mom put like uh she seasoned my food before with paprika and

I I just like the taste of it so I always try to pour in some whenever I make a burger I I I always look up uh some burger or cheeseburger recipes so I’ve looked up Gordon Ramsay’s I’ve looked up um some of the other food YouTubers Ramy

Burger I never made one but I always uh I always try to see what they add in there and every now and then when I’m making a burger I’ll put one aside and add whatever they add and then I’ll make it and if I like it I’ll keep it in if

Not I’ll just I’ll just go back to how I make my Burgers all right I got food got my pickaxes we got Pokey J let’s go bottom I’m here I’m here for emotional sport Venom Pokey J here for emotional support I say Venom Pokey J I’m out bye-bye tooth tooth decay no wait I have no torches oh dang quad a come on that’s such a good ah come on that’s so cool I don’t want it because I hate that I hate that so much so guys

Tomorrow I’m going to be making up for everything by streaming some Mite on Twitch on Wednesday and again on Friday uh YouTube will be doing fortnite on Friday nothing on Wednesday and then Thursday I think night Friday I’ll see what I can do on Thursday I’m not sure

What I want to stream I haven’t really been too sure on what I I should be streaming as of late I want to get more in the funk of like I don’t like playing games too often in a row but I think I might try

To do that for some things just to kind of get a bigger audience growing because I know every time I keep switching games I don’t really grow but if I do stick to a game for like a whole week I know a lot more people usually do join for that so I’m like

Maybe don’t don’t stick with Splatoon no never I ain’t never playing Splatoon that’s a dead that trap right there swap Tommy and a few other people have tried to get me to play Splat but I’m not going to play Splat and swab gave up because nobody would join his

Splatoon streams Splatoon is so sad it is you can play a real shooter honestly you can actually shoot but I played fortnite more than I thought about playing Splatoon oh that’s good because it teaches you how to actually shoot oh honestly bro I was popping off and I I I

Always find it funny I always pop off whenever I’m off stream with my friends than when I’m on stream with you guys cuz I was killing people left and right in fortnite it was like a blood bath man like they pop their heads out bam head

Shot they pop their heads out bam in the face they pop their heads out bam they’re dead I even got the winning kill just by just sitting there sounds like you got used to the controls I always do but I always get the distracted when I start talking cuz

Then I I I always just focus more on that and then I lose track of what I was doing entirely so I’m just like oh [ __ ] and that’s when I get distracted I’m like oh well [ __ ] I guess Z I was like okay yeah so if I do

And oh [ __ ] I’m in the middle of a battle can’t switch oh po J shoot him poj is your fortnite updated now yes it is updated unless I did another update just check make sure on Friday it’s updated as well cuz that’s what I’m going to do fortnite if

You want to join in I’ll try Venom Friday Venom on Fridays py J loves fortnite I hate I hate that song so much it has other words but because people cannot talk as fast as they they don’t know what the words are cuz they can’t listen as fast as there’s no other words

I can’t the songs this is 2023 are attention span okay okay so in a c um in some State the state of police had a talk about a serious subject while playing some Minecraft music Minecraft video at the top did you see have you seen those videos where people do that it’s like

Real life scenarios but then they have it like oh it’s a gen it’s a gen Z and then they put like the Subway Surfer stuff around it yeah but this is like actually an MP like a real life one yeah I know but I still find it funny cuz they’re like

You’ve been fired what you are no longer working here what oh wait your gen see pulls out the laptop starts playing Subway Surfer videos on it you’ve been fired oh no true it’s so funny it’s like you see the state of police they’re like someone

Has been murdered and at the top you see a little Minecraft video of him running around on parkour map sorry guys he has been murdered guys your friend has just been murdered his body has been found if you have any information everybody sleep plays Minecraft in the background everybody I know who did

It what is Yo Thon raid how’s it going CDX 34 how you doing your local Catgirl Tom if you can get their link I’d be much appreciative how was your stream what were you playing what were you Doing Mr S I don’t know why that popped in my head that’s okay they’ll just rehash the song and make it into a new song a death song Kids Bot Man oh wait they already did y’all know that Pokey J loves the kids pop albums it’s my favorite yeah it

Is can’t live without them I’m on negative negative 59 a good place to start like digging around or should I go up one um what are you looking for again diamantes diamond the deeper you go all right it’s not about it’s just about getting but like try to make it so you’re not

Like above uh Bedrock under Bedrock okay you don’t want to be how goes the cubes goes pretty well I’ve already gotten some pretty good armor I got a lot of netherite I just need to uh make the things to turn this I I really missed when it was just this and then a

Netherite brick boom your armor is now netherite but now you have to make that template thing which is a pain cuz I got to farm more diamonds now and it takes more diamonds to make one than it does to make the actual piece of

Armor so now you got to find a lot more stuff I’m poke J yes I’m oying to make this I did guys Pokey is the one who slowed down theart Minecrafts were always slow they were never slow until poke J made them slow I feel you’re paying equally there

Christopher there’s no Port anywhere near damn okay let’s see what’s my next Quest I lost one of my favorite restaurants man there’s a restaurant uh called uh The Great Escape uh or steak St Steak Escape they switched it with Charlie I don’t know if it was a Rebrand or anything but they it

Got switched out and I got very sad cuz I really like ordering the steak sandwich from there my new favorite one is a chicken one though so mainly because a lot of the the other places that are like steak place steak houses uh for like the steak sandwiches I don’t

Like those cuz they make their steak so salty that sucks oh yeah um I started watching Invincible nice nice how’d you like it it’s a bit long first episode I clicked in on the wrong episode and I watched well me and my girlfriend watched it we were like oh my

God this is 50 minutes G it is too long to be an episode personally but then we later realized I was like wait the main character is a boy why is the main character a girl oh you watching the adamy yeah I did on accident on accident CU it was where I

Watched it it was labeled as episode one two right above the actual episode one gota uh oh to be fair it does at least show you the uh doesn’t really spoil anything it just shows you the origins of a character yeah we had no idea and then were’re like well we already watched

Halfway through it so we might as well finish it so we finished it and then we decided to watch the first 10 minutes before uh we fell uh could not it was like what 1:00 a.m. so we had to quit cuz we were like okay well that’s because it was a special

It’s 50 minutes nope it’s uh still 50 minutes per an episode that’s bananas b a n a n a s I can’t believe that see build a wall build a floor wall or roof in a workshop or Camp okay I can do that okay wall I need to build 25

Walls well technically this is a FL and it’s wood oh diamonds nice they are above lava though my issue is that it’s long it’s too long they should have split it in a couple more episodes yeah it’s fine it’s really gory too I’ve already seen the big spoiler cuz the memes

Looks like I’m going to have to go around this area also cuz he’s in Mortal Kombat now pretty cool yeah to be fair watching one episode is basically just like watching any two episodes of another show yeah it’s just so long for one episode out of like the 20 sound then

Okay that’s five diamonds out of three so it’s fine I have not okay I got to we’re going to watch all the other episodes tonight if we have time let’s go okay this sucks I can’t go that way now because of the lava literal wall of lava there Sweet Home

Alabama all right let’s see Wiggly um scrap chunk reduce oil who gets oil refreshing mod and armor 25 times that sounds easy he going to go this way now too much lava in that direction I hear a cave though let’s go nice oh lapis I unlock the

Painting all right let’s see what’s my next thing weekly complete any mission in the pit don’t do that that’s daily complete a gold star challenge times three that’s easy okay I can do that can you yes I okay sweet all right here we go it’s my daily time

To roll my legendaries and hope that I get the three perfect stars for a bloody build you get two here we go here we go oh I’m guaranteed three if I do this all right wish me luck Good Luck first one junkies I don’t care about junkies exterminate bugs don’t want to do

That Zealot 50% damage is no two shot short G okay rip po well H it’s not explosive though that’s the issue P was hoping for explosive death accuracy kind of sucks your accuracy kind of sucks all I got set up dog’s porking apparently this Gatling gun that

I just got is really really good I don’t know why but it is let’s G obviously it’s a reference to one long barrel give it a comfort grip extra large magazine a magazine give it some sight and that doesn’t matter I my leg cool oh my God guys I found rubies wow

Totally not Redstone ain’t that right po J uh yes yes exactly in 1998 rupes did you know but they removed rupes because people are colorblind one of the devs is color blind and could not distinguish rupes between uh actual stuff real life stuff so sad my dog’s borking

Why you dogs barking I have no idea what the dog doing what dog doing oh why am I using that bless you oh my goodness I hit the mute button and it unmuted that’s the mute button for you it unmuted right when I needed it to

Mute and when the world needed it most you vanished this is so sad dog’s having a party maybe uh oh one second it just sneezing up storm all right back yeah oh well that ends well for for all right I’m going test my new gun out

I need eight for an Ender Chest right uh eight obsidian yes one ey vender come on Al don’t you got that little Minecraft guide book those little five Minecraft guide books everybody everybody has them do you have them maybe everybody has them I don’t have them there’s no denying

It it’s the Minecraft guide books the official guide books with like the red Stone on one of the books the sword on the other one oh those yeah the ones that teach you how to build a house you should get one of those guide books and learn how to make

A use like build a house directly from it I mean it’s a good source of I think still not what I want though it makes me mad I need a Bloody Gatling gun not a twool shot Gatling on with the quad again like f nice

I mean I guess it’s good no it’s not makes me sad Al you still there I am I am just tremendously focused right now where you out I’m in a cave I hope you guys allow RTX on your server it’s like the use app I thinkt pack TX is

Beautiful I can’t play normal Minecraft anymore after playing it a lot of cave I could explore only five diamonds so far though oh my god dog why are you barking so much sometimes they want to bark so they bark they barkers oh jeez what is this good like come my here

Later how do I get in oh how do I get back what the fck oh right here oh Diamonds oh wow there was literally only one breaking around just in case for oh here we go heck no that does no damage okay I’m switching to two shot let’s see two

Okay I you could find a huge vein of diamonds all right that’s all I can do for now I got to go farm some piglins w there we go nice cool uh I do okay good bum bum bum Gotta head back all the way up and I haven’t finished these stairs Andreas yeah Andreas is still on here I like the small boost I get it’s a lot of stairs I got to make though how’s your been going so far poke J going all right I woke up at like 8

A.m. this morning cuz I got a text and there’s only one person that could send me a text at 8: a.m. in the morning your mother my boss so I’m like oh is it my boss and my boss is like hey my schedule’s all mixed

Up hey it’s me your could you come in right now I’m like oh okay I’m like I’m like regretting that I stayed up all night thank you to stay till like 2 a.m. playing video games I appreciate that Andreas he just threw a [ __ ] ton of stuff at me

Nice yo diamonds wa what the heck so many but it’s all done now so I’m happy does this make the regular deep slate stuff I still got to finish my house too man yeah finish your house yeah I got to finish it Mak polished deep slate oh

Okay wait I don’t have to cook this then do I no okay the bur and then right when I got home my sister’s like hey can you look after your nephew while I go out get some stuff I’m like no never Wonder it is kind of stressful it is a

Two-year-old it’s a foury old cool oh wait did I use all of it no okay good I didn’t firework launcher no way mean what I think it means you oh that would be awesome if it meant what I think it meant Fire’s fireworks there’s no why would

They do that Reas it’s a video game why would they add a firework launcher let’s see oh oh so it is a fireworks launcher but it’s the sparkle launcher damn like the spark one that just shoots a lot of Sparks in there it’s not like an actual firework okay I guess

See what else is there so in this game you can sell items to other V you can sell items since there’s like 76 people people can go up to your camp and buy items from you yeah and they just added a new sort of skin for that vending machine thing that

Allows you to sell items to other players and it’s a robot wearing a trench coat and when you talked to him he opens up his trench coat and it’s pretty funny like okay I got the stuff he’s got the stuff all right I’ve made more of

The staircase I’ll put all this in the chest and I got to go build beat up a few more piglins and get level 30 see what with that for not Fortune protection for enchant gets me I thought I had to smelt my deep slate but apparently not so I was like oh shocking

Surprise I got to look for my um my blaze powder real quick oh it’s all way over there where did you go Andreas well I want to I don’t want to I wanted to see if I can get Unbreaking as well on it as I a combination thing that’s

Why I wanted to try it out Andreas I know there’s protection 4 stuff but I want to see if like the protection 4 that I get from the enchantment table if that also gives me Unbreaking three oh [ __ ] or Unbreaking four I guess cuz what is it Unbreaking three or four is the

Highest Pokey J um Unbreaking three you can’t get Unbreaking four oh okay I was trying to see if I can get Unbreaking three alongside the protection four that way all I got to do is just add mending onto it yeah mending is the best you’d preferably want to add mending before

You add breaking because mending is way better well I mean Unbreaking mending just beats everything I mean Unbreaking makes that lasts longer so that way it does that way if I take a while before I get back if it does get damaged a lot I

Just got to stay at the farm just wait there a bit like a golden sword that I just start hacking and slashing it’ll take probably longer to like rejuvenate but it’ll last longer as well where am I going I didn’t turn it on I don’t know why I thought Andre said

They protection five boots yeah though I just want to check Andreas I was got to make a few iron swords later to enchant just in case I get any Duds all right guys we have now changed to the just chatting stream of uh literally just waiting for

These piglins to fall in but how is everyone doing today let’s go I’m doing great I got just chatting stream that’s how great I am oh yeah I was great before but now I’m even better how you doing Christopher oh by the way um Andreas are you still here or

No yeah how long do you have to be active in the Discord to be a very active user I’m asking cuz Pokey J’s been a bit active lately he’s just waiting he’s just wondering how long it takes you’re waiting for dinner I got to make dinner at some point what you have for

Dinner I’m going try to get to 30 I’m I’m I’m going try to get to 33 then I’m going go enchant I got my sword ready I think right sharpness I got to get a sharpness 3 book I get sharpness four I got to get all the way to sharpness five man just

Chilling been playing Animal Crossing and Minecraft since yesterday nice nice nice uh it depends you only get XP being in VC and trying uh on their but looking for I guess we can switch over to the one over there by the way poj so it counts more for you right

Now yeah um I am G to go quickly and use the bathroom all right well move move over there first move to the uh that to the one with the fire on it actually is there a Minecraft one all right all right all right be back all right can I I

Can all right that works much better now okay I got to I got to do the thing at some point your VC stuff Andreas have things pop up you got a protection 4 chest plate with Unbreaking Unbreaking 3 I’ve got protection three feather falling four

Thorn too so I don’t take damage when I really fall I just got to get Unbreaking on it and mending I got four mending books I can put all of these on protection four leggings I’m going to try to see if my other leggings can get protection four on them um well

Protection four with Unbreaking if they do that that’s good if not then you know well well I got an extra pair for poke J uh protection for Unbreaking three Thorns one I’m going to add mending on that uh protection for Unbreaking three helmet I’m just waiting now for uh trying to

Get to level 33 so I don’t have to worry I still haven’t really thought about things I wanted to print out recently I was thinking possibly maybe doing a go a whole genin weapon series but I don’t know I have I I want to do some swords

But at the same time I’m just like I want to print them out on the cr10 instead of well cr30 but you know those are bit expensive to get BRB all right ah my nose my not is just barking a lot right now ah Jesus Christ I thought they got out of there for for a second oh I already got four mending books for my stuff uh do I have any with me oh wait oh you threw some on me what the hell I already I I ended up getting four already because I was exchanging iron

With the guys and I got a bunch of emeralds and then with that boom iron SW is about to break which is fine I I’ll probably make another one for when I go when I do farm in here again oh I forgot to put these back Ino boop boop well that’s

Looting oh that one had looting on it damn actually actually would have been a bit easier to do or better to do honestly uh F didn’t mute but okay oh wait is nafy live is he oh he is guys sh we’re gonna go say hi to nafy real

Quick oh my God guys it’s nafy kind of rude you know oh my God it’s nafy oh you bought oh yeah yeah wait niy niy is doing the whole double thing on both twitch and on YouTube so there he is I got to mute it because he’s got ads

I forgot he’s ail he’s also affiliate on Twitch which is like the funny part you you stay there you stay in the board right I think we got got captur I would never willingly kill a come on go looks on the other hand a different story I’m going to keep at everyone at

Least no I don’t want to no I don’t want to I didn’t to do that I didn’t mean to do that oh run away too run away too wow run away run away as yeah I thought would be would you’re angry I like how we got the delay going on with you

Napy all right that’s enough for that for now you guys want to go watch Navy he’s doing some uh multi streaming man he’s doing some I was thinking about multi streaming but I kind of wanted to like actually okay I think 32 is fine I’ll be fine with 32

Right now I’ll go back down and do those Stuff jump jump jump jump jump all right yeah see Andreas I got sharpness one book and then I got mending mending mending mending a lot of mending books I think I’ll undo this one honestly don’t really need it give me Unbreaking oh come on really just protection for oh trick protection blast

Protection what can I get on this book feather falling efficiency nothing I really need boots an book knock back projectile protection one take the protection one right now fire protection two proje protection I can’t even get on I can’t even get like a bad enchant which well

Not bad enchant I can’t even get Unbreaking on this at all which is the shitty part what this one mending one oh I can get protection again on this while reenchant it with protection let’s go pants h i get level three again well that’s fine is rare in Bedrock Took you forever

To get damn I got like two things with Unbreaking so far yeah my hel my helmet and my chest plate both got Unbreaking three at the max gu see I can get it for my pants man back to waiting isn’t protection 4 like the highest you can

Go or is it protection 5 iess I guess poj got put in AFK right I assume he got put in the AFK boys I dragged him back just because why Not sorry guys I have to stretch real quick tection 4 is the highest all right I should be able to get protection I mean I have protection four in a lot of my stuff already which is fine you know this one only got protection three but that’s fine protection four

Protection four protection four I just need Unbreaking then I can put mending I feel like with that combination my stuff will be fine and then if I ever need to repair it I can just like sit here again like this and then just wait for piglins to spawn and then just start

There’s one right there all right uh let’s throw this there let’s throw that there and let’s put this right here that back up there we don’t need any of that up in my hot bar right now pants as well know this pickaxe right yeah and just sit here and wait once you

You want to build a farm an Enderman Farm but you need to beat the dragon ah I need make a bow at some point chant that Infinity would be good and then fire aspect and I guess punch I no not punch power I guess what’s up Nico how are you doing oh my Goodness all those in almost back at 30 again so we should be fine Do and it’s still there how you doing though Chris uh say Christopher he wrote the message there Nico uh how’s it going Nico how you doing how’s your day been going today anything interesting happened start using these right now just to just to just to fix them up a bit

Nothing really even good how about you I’ve been doing all right just trying to grind up a bit right now trying to get back to level 30 I’m trying to get Unbreaking three on my pants and then I can add mending on everything and I should be fine I would

Try to go for Unbreaking boots but nice how’s it going poke how you doing well I’m trying to level up right now right I’m watch your stream a you Temptem got a temp update temp update oh my goodness T update day temp man I got that game and I still barely played it I got one shiny I’m like cool a shiny and I quit steam Autumn sale let’s see what games I can get um um you could get games on Steam

Because of the autum sale that’s what that’s why you can get pug there’s no good games to get I don’t think I’m say you wait a minute dead by daylight sale could I get the man himself Chucky no um what’s his name Chuck Norris nah not Chuck Norris I want Chuck

Norris no I totally get Chuck Norris he’s the funniest guy no Chuck nor he’s so funny he’s so funny oh yeah they re added stranger things thing yeah it was weird Strang they they took it out and now they brought it back I don’t I don’t know if the maps are

Back though kind of hope they are why were they good they were pretty fun unlike the uh Resident Evil ones Resident Evil ones just suck let take a look um Andreas left the realm oh no it’s just me now check nor chech where is it where is it where is

It it’s me alone with my fox oh no oh no Nicholas Cage it’s Nicholas Cage a it is on sale but I still don’t want to buy it does he have a special ability no idea why can’t they just make a guy who has a gun has a special

Ability one of them had to have bought a gun come on you know how funny that would be they should have done Spider-Man why you know cool because You’ be like you’d be like uh hiding from a Kill and then out of nowhere you’re Spider-Man and you could just like whip him up

And all right level 30 now turn this off and I’m going to go see if I can get some oh my God Garfield is 20% off still don’t want to get it Garfield the movie Starfield the video oh and they said Garfield Garfield the movie yeah Garfield the

Movie all right yeah oh my God what protection four Unbreaking three and Thorns oh that’s that’s a winner I’m G to put mending on his pants right now that’s a winner no you need a swift sneak now you get twift sneak three that and that okay TR to put all

This stuff in with like Ming books Skyrim is on still please tell me the VR games on sale I’ve been wanting to get the VR game nope not paying that much for so there we go and all my stuff now has mending on it nice everything my sword my uh you don’t have

An axe you build I need get sharpness to book actually uh where’s where are the books where’s the book I had I put it back in here put it in here oh I I think I threw it oh I know where I put it yeah I know where I put

It cuz I got a sharpness to fire aspect one sword if I if I could give it sharpness five that’d be great and that point I’d only need to give it mending yeah at that point I only need to give it mending cuz yeah oh yeah Unbreaking three as well that’s

All I need to do I think there was an Unbreaking sword time to check my deals website see if I can get a good deal today oh no I got sharpness three on this one I need to get Unbreaking and shortness 4 yeah silk touch what’s this book what’s this book what’s this

Book what’s this book what is that one of these guys has sharpness five I know Thorns lur Fortune impaling fire aspect Fortune mending knock back efficiency silk touch Infinity cool protection fire aspect must prepare a trident for the Wither fight I’m missing oh one of these three probably multishot sharpness two

Channeling oh somewhere around here oh yeah I heard Eminem’s coming to fortnite poke J is so excited so cringy that’s so cringy poj is so excited for Eminem coming to fortnite yeah he’s my favorite candy mascot exactly I hope the yellow one makes it I got boots and I got pants for you

When you get here M&M &m is that your house your house is so well crafted wow you have such a good house holy crap wow you did all that sorting by yourself no this is on this is andreas’ sorting system wow look at this house you made I didn’t make it Andreas

Made this handmade C going to some emeralds I think I should be able to make sharpness five pretty easily I’ve got sharpness 3 and then I can get two sharpness two books and with two sharpness two books I can get um sharpness three with three with my sharpness three

That’ll make sharpness four I just got to get a sharpness you don’t have a villager that can just do it yourself no highest they go is sharpness three for the villagers sad you should do a melon farm it’s amazing for XP and Emeralds what if you did a Minecraft thing but nobody made a single Farm uh we’d be very far behind um on all my armor is fully healed nice all right and I just need books uh where do I leave the books whoa what is this feather falling punch loyalty

Piercing Andre what happened here something broke right there you got Sonic the gangster yeah you didn’t tell me that you said a gangster look at him I just me I he messaged and I talked he said hi talking about the emm stuff of course Sonic the gangster talk about him he’s so cool

Venom gang loves Venom gangster you know these gangster hope J gets hit with that Venom I got to get some books where are they I know I just had some some what I think I used the books uh let’s see you should do some armor trims you should have a fun stream

Where you just do armor trims how do you make armor trims uh you just find the armor trim things when like uh sorry I’m I’m finding boss in like uh dungeon all sorts of chest all structure chests will have armor trims my mom is calling me what a fun

Day how do I build them though I’ll be right back gotta oh we got no leather you think we would have a lot of leather I’m right back can you not craft them po huh can you not craft them no um you can only find them in structured

Chests there’s one for every structure chest that’s stupid and there’s a super duper rare one that you can only find from I think either finding it in ancient cities or killing the warden that’s the rarest actually it’s agent cities super rare chance though did I put them on the other one I might

Have I take my Blaze powers out no I did not take care Tommy have a nice rest night all right all I got to do now is oh I have one of those I can make any of my stuff that now I think Andrea says he’s f with

Duping them and just like destroying eight diamonds for them because you can’t craft them it’s a pain it’s a stupid mechanic you mean he’s going to cheat no we’re just going back to a previous version where you didn’t have to use that stuff chokes on you poke CH no no oh

You’ve been joked on you’ve been struck by a comedian cheating it’s Minecraft SEO despo Minecraft SEO all right I’m going I’m doing my daily try to get a certain spe specific mutation mutation yes I have a 5 10 I have a 20% chance every second to get a mutation and I’m

Looking for one single specific eag eyes I just got a mutation it’s called eego eyes let’s see what it does plus four perception minus one strength plus 50 crit chance I love it minus one strength I’ve made my Ender Chest let’s go you know that’s a pretty good one I’m going keep it

Uh no I didn’t have any of the books here in my house damn I thought I might have had some books but I it’s not the one I need so I got to redo this I Lea no I None I think I’ll make my chest plate netherite and then look

For the thing in a bit oh yeah why is it your IR right because I only have one template thingy and I got oh I had two oh it’s the templates it’s always the templates I hate them yeah care have a nice rest of your day yeah I’m going to end soon though

I’ll just probably that’s all right yeah I mean I already got all my stuff right already I was working on my armor like I said I was all I got to do is now make it netherite my sword’s good but I just got to make it sharpness

Five I just got to make a shortness are the books in here anywhere I can’t find a good Black Friday de like a juicy black Friday deal what I need to find a really juicy video game Black Friday deal oh got you oh let say where are the cows the cast Stu that’s

Glass another armor there one piece of leather a I’ve always wanted one up arcade machines they’re so stupid expensive are is it you bird are you the one making that noise yeah I guess I just don’t have any we don’t have any more books then but I had

Some I guess Andreas might have taken them to make this stuff all right I’m going to go make my chest plate into the thing nice we started here I think I’m going to end here oh there’s another under chest down here already there it is good you made your Ender

Chest now I’ve got netherite chest plate I have iron in here let take out I’ll put them in the armor stuff that’s a lot of bows all right guys that’s going to be it for today I will see you guys later I do have another person that we can raid

Uh oh they just ended dang they just ended okay it was someone’s birthday today as well but they they aren’t streaming ow my pinky toe so that’s a bit sad uh let’s see his live let R to you copy all right guys hash Al raid excuse

Me we’re going to go redirect to this person thank you all for joining in I will see you guys tomorrow I’m going to go find something to eat and also get my dog to stop barking I’ll see you guys tomorrow goodbye take care have a nice day we’re

Going to go R our good friend Mr Zed plays here’s his link he is doing some Dynamax Adventures go check him out tomorrow I’ll be live over on Twitch doing some Pokemon unite I’ll be back on Thursday and Friday Friday for fortnite Thursday for what I don’t know yet maybe

Some shiny hunting but I’ll see you guys later goodbye take care have a nice

This video, titled ‘ARMOR CRAFTING AND WEAPON BUILDING CREATOR CROSSOVER REALM | BEDROCK EDITION’, was uploaded by Ace Trainer AL on 2023-11-21 23:49:15. It has garnered 22 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:41 or 9641 seconds.

#minecraft #ps5 #live

We mine and we craft then we craft more to mine more

Friend code::4726-3320-8712 discord: https://discord.gg/SJStKEP twitter: https://twitter.com/AceTrainerAL Twitch: Twitch.tw/acetraineral

PAY NO ATTENTION TO THIS never required my stupidity services are free very appreciative (shhh dont let dragon see this):https://streamlabs.com/toshirohitsugaya1/tip

  • Turning City into Waterpark for Vacation! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

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  • CURSED & DANGEROUS: Minecraft 1.21 Update

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Trading Glitch Guide

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  • Mind-Reading Mobs in Minecraft!

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  • Chicken Big’s Final Farewell: 2024’s Epic Tale

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  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

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  • Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024!

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  • Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge

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  • Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!

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  • Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEI

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  • BaconBoy’s Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay ๐Ÿ”ฅ

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  • Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraft

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  • Lost in Minecraft: Where’s the End Update?

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  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

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  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

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  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

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  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, itโ€™s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! ๐Ÿ‘ท๐Ÿ—๏ธVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS ๐Ÿ—๏ธ’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? ๐ŸŽจ Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1

    Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft with friends | Episode 1’, was uploaded by Dragonfrvit on 2024-03-09 01:09:10. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:03 or 1983 seconds. Playing Minecraft smp with friends! Just some chill times with people screaming Read More

  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

    Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s a hole in my Minecraft world’, was uploaded by lowresbones on 2024-02-05 11:00:02. It has garnered 51280 views and 4604 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:46 or 646 seconds. Welcome back to the Minecraft Trailer Series! Today we dig down into the depths to collect a bounty of resources that will fuel the construction of my mega base! This is a Minecraft 1.20 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Trapped Underground FOREVER?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can’t go above ground’, was uploaded by Call Me Kevin on 2024-06-01 18:00:07. It has garnered 499111 views and 33958 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:34 or 1114 seconds. Subscribe or else! (For legal reasons this is not a threat) ๐ŸŽฎ Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoB1WvtNPod0bTbPTsSGx7Q ๐ŸŽต Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@kevo2044 ๐Ÿ“น Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/CallMeKevin ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/callmekevin1811 ๐Ÿ’ฉ Twitter: http://twitter.com/CallMeKevin1811 Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt Finally getting 66th Leviathan Heart Late stream |?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-17 19:33:57. It has garnered 1057 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:01 or 14401 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: https://discord.gg/F5V4XwzCNU Zainny Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9XQvcnuGD check out: Roblox group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/3246402/lewis-0988-fan-base#!/about TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lewis_0988 twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/lewis0988 Discord: https://discord.gg/TzwQYarMFA Mods: Itrealzainny: https://www.youtube.com/@ItRealZainny LJ :… Read More

  • Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!

    Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Slice of Life – Here’s a Task. – Ep 35 (Minecraft Roleplay) (MCTV)’, was uploaded by CursedPugFilms on 2024-03-08 22:00:28. It has garnered 135 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:22 or 1282 seconds. Levi goes over what he needs to do with some of friends before he goes to meet Randy. When asking to join Randy gives Levi a task… Is he up for it?… Time Stamps Advertisement – 0:00 – 0:51 Episode – 0:51 – 21:21 ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ What is Slice of Life? Slice of Life is the story of… Read More

  • Summit Realms

    Summit RealmsStep into the exciting world of Summit Realms, where gaming is elevated to a whole new level. Immerse yourself in a variety of fast-paced, competitive, and challenging games that promise hours of entertainment. We are thrilled to announce the release of our brand-new game, “Introduction to Gens Tycoon.” This is your chance to be among the first to experience this thrilling addition to our network. Summit Realms is more than just a server; it’s a community where like-minded gamers come together. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this vibrant gaming community and to be one… Read More

  • 50×50 factions pvp semi-vanilla – SEASON 5 – DIFFICULT

    Experience the Challenge of 5050 Factions Server! Join the server, 5050 factions! It’s one of the hardest factions servers in minecraft, set on hard mode with a 50 chunk radius map! Features: /home and /sethome removed for intense PVP encounters Safe zones for trading and interacting with players Challenging gameplay with Medieval Factions plugin Nether and End dimensions are 50×50 chunks Unique handmade spawn builds Explosion durability system for base protection Conquer a low-resources, claustrophobic world on the brink of server-wide war! Discord: Join our Discord community for more information Read More