Unbelievable Beetle ASMR – B-Team Attack – Soft Sounds

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is Ethan and today we’re going to be playing some Minecraft um we’re playing uh attack of the be team the the attack of the B team mod pack because it is my absolute favorite mod pack that exists for the game um we are going to be doing uh we

We did a what’s it called a bonus chest just as a little as a little thing uh to start us off because I just started a normal Minecraft world and I don’t know I’ve already done all this starting stuff um I’d rather to uh have like a little bit of a head

Start um I’m very excited to get into this game I I really want to do um a lot of new stuff in this I haven’t done a lot in a attack of the be team I usually just like make a house and that’s about it but um this time I want to get

Dinosaurs I want to go to tropicraft the dimension I want to do a lot of stuff um I have a big list of stuff that we need to do um but first we should probably get some stone tools so let’s do that and then let’s go

Exploring I feel like this game game is really about exploring at the start um but it’s also you really want to settle down as quickly as possible but you also like want to go to a lot of uh buildings right you’re going to go to

A lot of villages a lot of uh witches like Tower thingies um but it’s very beneficial to get a home base quickly uh because there’s a lot of stuff to do in this um and it’s just easier if you have somewhere to put it all right you

Collect a lot of stuff which is why I feel like you kind of want to you kind of want to hurry and settle down but oh whoops wrong one um this is in 1.6.4 I have not played this version of the game in a long time oh one of the

Mods we have is the uh morph mod so we we turn into the things that we kill uh when we kill them for the first time uh it’s only for the first time I believe I think you get um you don’t have to do it every time uh yeah you collect all the

Different oh this is such an early version of Minecraft you can’t even click control to Sprint so I’m definitely going to be forgetting to Sprint apologies for that straight away so we’ve got some Redstone and some copper and a lot of mobs aluminium and what’s that F I can’t even say

It where are these okay it’s burning so I think it’s probably somewhere that’s relatively exposed oh is it in there oh we’ve got some coal I’m really excited to check out Troy craft cuz I love troper craft but I’ve never had on to the dimension um and I’m really excited to

Give that a go I basically grew up watching the attack of the be Team Series that iBallistic Squid did um with Amy Lee and ashb that was like okay where are these things where are they they’re down here I think let me grab some iron they’re very loud um yeah that

Whoa that was like my entire childhood um which is why I think I’m so attached to this specific one it’s also the the um spax resource pack just the Nostalgia from it it’s insane oh I do not look like I do not like do not like the way that that the spiders look

Okay um Iron is so easy to get so we really do not need it oops we do okay no okay it died grab that string really quickly okay yeah that’s where all of those things are uh in this mod pack diamonds are so easy to get they’re really not um

Like you’ll find them on surface level amongst like iron so we really don’t need uh diamonds um I I mean it’s smart to upgrade to Diamonds but it’s not not the highest level by any means and um what’s it called industrial is it uh industry no what is it therm thermal

Craft right therminal expansion I don’t know um the let me look up brick that Tinker construct there we go it’s uh oops tiners tiners construct it is amazing as you can see you can get a lot of stuff um and I’m excited to mess around with that because

That was one of my favorite mods ever back um back when I used to play this version the newer versions are just so good that it’s um it doesn’t really make you want to come back to stuff like this unless you’re like really into modded Minecraft and I do like modded

Minecraft quite a lot um but I typically go with less modded stuff cuz um like I said I just don’t ever get very fair in them because I kind of go through phases of liking things um and if if your thing is really complicated to face um it’s not going to last very

Long you know if your your game is really complicated oh there’s the house can get that and give me the pineapple please um I actually have no idea how to do the um this the gravel ores um do I need a shovel I need a shovel strawberry

Plant um yeah I have no idea how to do the ores in this uh the gravel ores in this I’ve never really played around with the gravel ores hello okay three apples that’s great no is there a mod where there’s a secret hidden chest in the corner I feel

Like there is but I do not remember which mod it would be um let’s head this way cuz it seems like it is open ples okay do we see anything on the map there’s a square over this way but I think that’s just a tree I believe

Um I’m trying to remember what is in this mod pack I don’t think there’s things in the sky is there oh actually you know what there’s the Slime Islands right cuz that’s tin’s construct isn’t it um I think it might be I love tinker’s construct it’s great

Um need some berries and get some more coal that’s just a very cool looking biome I wonder if we want to live down um which way is that that would be South uh This Way directly down where the lake is we lift over there maybe it looks very nice like a very nice

Biome uh no oh but there’s sheep yeah no the grass is very ugly oh hat oops wrong button I don’t actually know which button it is to get the hats oh it’s h we’ve got a little hat oh all right it’s every different type of sheep is a different a different

Morph I don’t know how to get all of the morphs um rather than like just being able to access my own morph not sure oh this area oh there’s a a hay um whoops a straw why this is such an early version of Minecraft that when you press Windows

Key it um minimizes your game so every time I check oh no that’s a very cute hat okay I won’t kill you but just know how much I want it to okay Okay okay that was awful that wasn’t very badly um we’re trying to go oh out of Sprint oh there’s another one out in the water thank you okay I don’t know why this I thought this would be worth it oh I want that come here okay oh come here I’m getting overwhelmed is this even worth it Okay this wasn’t worth it at all do we just run come on one more okay we’re just going to run we’re just going to run it’s not even slightly worth it we’re going to head to the one in the water um God come on come on come

On okay we’re just going to head to the one in the water for um safety I suppose CU they can spawn but I don’t think they can spawn like that that was way too close I tried to jump it did not work hello yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Okay just quickly get rid of that and now let’s let’s get this guy let’s get this hey man okay that’s going to get us a lot of food right that won’t let me pick it up uh I do not want the raw squid thank you okay this biome is so

Ugly um but I kind of want to go through it anyway oh you know what uh no let’s go through through this one I think um you know what let’s just go around it because the ice would make things easier I believe just kind of looking for some

Structures makes things so much easier once you have a head start I would very much like that hat thank you this horse is a hat I think it’s a very cute horse that a crown stop just take I’m just going to just going to kill it

Um right go back uh H for hats the crown of the Ice King oh yeah it didn’t work um you’re supposed to click something there we go got the ice king’s crown now oops okay let’s oh that’s a baby horse over there as well I’ll be honest I didn’t

Know that horses were in this version of the game I thought that they weren’t added until a lot later oh here we go it’s a witch’s place we just quickly run in is that it all right there’s nothing interesting in it at all I’m kind of Holding Out for a v

Really um yeah let’s just go this way uh there’s something on the map but I can I think that’s just a tree they’re pretty easy to see on the map I think um like all of the different structures um yeah it was just a tree okay let’s go around that massive

Hole um I do not want to go into this biome I don’t think so where do we want to head uh I want to go this way I think God this version is very silent um without the music oh I love the way the sky looks we

Might we might settle down in this biome it’s very pretty and yeah I love the way the sky and the water look oh I love the flowers um I think if we are going to settle down on this biome though we’re going to want to do it further away from

Whatever that big brown biome is oh oh that’s so pretty that’s so pretty we’re going to get millions of those and put them everywhere I love sunflowers um okay trying to see on the map um do not want to go that way that looks like it just goes off into a

Normal biome let’s head this way and I think we settle somewhere close enough to this big hole in the ground here oh a bunch of diamonds um but like we don’t want to be able to see it from the house but being close enough to just walk to

It you know what let’s settle down at that Oasis um over there and I think there might be a structure at the start of that desert I think big blue tree here we go oh no it’s just a weird Mountain structure um yeah we’re going to live

Here um and I think I’d rather look out this way so we’re going to build here so I don’t have to look at that yeah this is where we’re going to put our house so let me start Gathering some stuff um should probably be better if I put down put down our stuff

Here um tentacles one right let me put these down and start smelting our iron so we can get another Cobblestone furnace here um let me half this there we go um and let’s start tearing down these things I want the axe um I guess let’s put that there let’s also make a

Bed um how do you make a carpenter’s bed actually and bed we want these which is just a wood and some sticks so let’s do that ah okay I’m not very good at this let me just make it all into sticks um let me take that and put that there

Three wood and now we have a carpenter’s bed which we can put stuff on to texture it let’s get this tree I wonder is the um the mod on here no I don’t think so don’t think so that’s fine um I meant treat decapitator by the

Way I do realize I just never said the word but I do not think that treat decapit is in here if it is I’ve never used it ever but here you can do that to texture them and I think you can also texture the the blankets

But I don’t know how to um maybe you can dye them but yeah you can just makes it more customizable uh let me grab some pieces of sand from up here to fill that in because I do not like do not like having random pieces of dirt on my little beach please

Um maybe it would actually be better to put our house here cuz then we’re still overlooking some really cool things it would also mean that I wouldn’t have to do much terraforming um because I really don’t want to uh yeah we put a house here start clearing the

Area clearing the area of flowers and grass and then we get the trees um let me actually see do we have I mean I imagine we do uh the iron is done yep okay let’s start cooking our uh pork chops and the other thing let’s go ahead and make a an iron

Axe and an iron um pickaxe we’re not going to make any other iron tools or armor because I’m almost positive that uh you know what no I I literally am positive because I saw it with my eyes uh we can just get diamonds um there was a lot in

The thing is that physical clouds I think we can get Cloud blocks in this game in this mod pack cuz those very much look like they are physical blocks I didn’t think that you could rotate the logs yet 1.6.4 that was a long time ago I know 1.7.10 came out in uh uh 2014 so who knows how long ago 1.6.4 Was me do that um put that away and keep getting these I think we’re probably just going to make a very boxy house because we’re not playing this to make really cool houses we’re playing this mainly for exploration I wonder if we can make food stuff I know uh food no

Food Plus is in here we can we can make cheese we could make cheese make a hamburger a pizza make cookies but that was something we could already do okay we can make a grilled cheese Americans a Minecraft cake that we can make oh we can make donuts

Hello where’d you come from oh we’re going to start burning okay that was very rude right oh we need to eat that was I’m glad that they uh break very quickly the leaves this would be a lot more annoying if they didn’t let me just climb up here and get

Those we can reach them we can cool and let me grab these bushes here um then here and here here we go okay now which would be easier filling this in or clearing it out I think filling it in would be easier um we just need the dirt which we do not really

Have but it would be easier we just make an um um shovel and find somewhere to go dig a bunch of stuff up uh shovel where’s my iron it’s in my inventory I oh okay iron shovel please thank you let me sleep you get in under the cover it’s so cute

Okay um let’s go this way I can see like a normal is biome over here that we can just dig up yeah those are definitely physical clouds I wonder if there’s anything on them I doubt it I think that they’re just Cloud blocks that you can grab and do stuff with but you

Know I actually don’t know how you break them are they hard to break or like not head to break but like do you need silk touch is what I meant who knows I should not jump into that oh no I’m going to have to leave some horses

Orent that is a very pretty horse though the speckled one it’s gorgeous um I’m so sorry I just I really wanted that hat um let me come oops fully into a person um Jeremy there he is there we go I just really needed that hat oh there’s a slime Island

Okay is there anything else that we can see there’s a witch’s is it a witch’s thing there’s a circle oh no it is just a big circle in the ground oh a jungle that’s great um there’s a waterfall somewhere uh I think I want to kill some more sheep because

Um bringing the crafting bed uh on adventures is pretty hard because they don’t uh they don’t pick up or they drop all of the blocks you know um they drop out all of their blocks when you pick them up we do not want that let me run over here hopefully avoid any

Witches just um okay well I swear they’re usually worth it haven’t found a single good one let me just do a quick run over here do we see anything on the mini map uh nothing worth going over there for let me get rid of the paintbrush I don’t

Even know what that’s for and we already have one um and I’m sure they’re not that hard to make that this a Lego head let start getting a bunch of dirt oops okay uh let’s get two stacks I don’t think we’ll need all two stacks but it’s better to get a bunch extra

One two okay now let’s go home which I think is this way um I believe what is that one random Circle that’s so weird okay let’s go this way um back through our biome would it be easier to cut across I don’t think so we’ll just go around it’s

Fine I still feel really bad for killing the horse but like it had a Jeremy hat I needed it come on it’s very annoying to have to double tap W cuz the second you run into a block your Sprint’s done I hate this tree I’m just very gonna

Very quickly uh chop it down because I cannot stand it’s blue stained leaves all right which is I think what the pink ones were out in the field as well um I just don’t want it to show up on the map cuz it’s bright blue and really uh weird

Looking okay that one was apparently too close close for it as well right that’s going to go away on its own now okay let’s head back over here and fix this area I think I want to bring it out to here you know what no bring it out to

Here um and let’s just add it like that um and we’ll build a house right here oops you know what it might not have even been enough uh no it should it should be enough just not by as much as I thought it would be yeah that’s

Fine let me add these and then let’s chop down this tree as let’s chop down this tree as well and what’s that in the sky is that another just physical Cloud I think we’ll see it if it’s if something cool is in the sky we saw the the Slime

Building so I really love that this is more than one faced um cuz that was my biggest problem with Minecraft sunflowers is that they’re always two-sided and then or they’re always one-sided then you can’t really see what’s happening okay I think that we just want um well let’s get a chisel chisel chis

Let’s get a chisel um let’s make an iron one where okay iron iron chisel um all right oh there there it is okay yeah we want just one stick and four iron okay are these all textured or are they not they’re not so we’re going to be sticking with normal wood

Then um cuz that looked awful okay I think we uh let’s go up a couple blocks to have room for a basement um I guess we’re doing that then we want the bottom one to be a different color so let’s say this is our bottom um and then the wood can start here

Um maybe not okay what are we doing let me I think okay bom wood what does that look like it looks hideous okay jungle wood is less bad okay jungle wood I do really like jungle wood and when you’re enough at jungle so let’s for now very temporarily let’s have the bottom part

Of our house be Oak um obviously it’s going to be changed to some type of stone that’s not what I wanted it’s going to be changed to some type of stone Stone uh let’s do that and then this or okay Oak can also be the flooring for now okay that’s not what I

Wanted um let me get that’s way too many I think I think just one out on the top will look good um let me sleep very quickly okay uh let’s let’s continue with this um I think yeah we definitely want a basement anyway cuz there’s a lot of stuff in this

Game um in this mod pack uh is that it okay so that um that doesn’t really help I think what we’re going to do instead of this is we’re going to go get diamonds um and a bunch of cobblestone in the big crevice over here the big Ravine that’s what they’re

Called let me run over there very quickly we’ve got cocoa bean beans in this biome which is really good okay um let’s let the water in or you know what we don’t even need to uh but we probably should have a way out me let the water in um right

Now I think we should grab the iron while we’re here cuz we may as well um okay I immediately regret that we’ll go back for it let’s just grab the diamonds okay we’ve lost one um so how many is that eight I’m wondering is it worth going down

There let me grab these fossil blocks as well okay is it worth going down there for that diamond you know what yeah I think it is nine is better than okay come here okay do not blow up with my diamond right let me just grab

That grab this and go up with the sand very quickly okay was that the only diamonds in this entire Ravine cuz that will got that will get us what um a pick a that’s full tools isn’t it a pick an axe a sword and a shovel which is really all we needed

Um yeah I think that’s it let me get a craft okay only just got the achievement um right let’s make an axxe a pickaxe a shovel and a sword okay let me get rid of these rid of that put that there and now let’s just get as much cobblestone as we can

Be bothered to get um let’s get this many stacks fill up the the whole thing make this easier um let me just send that down and block it back up and now let’s continue with this um yeah I think I want to make a really simple house just a little box uh

Two stories just so it looks nice but like I don’t really we just need a lot of space don’t really care about anything else and we can just keep expanding downwards uh the more space we need um I don’t know what’s that Limestone I don’t know how much space we

Need I should probably get the coal while I’m here as well you can never have too much coal you know what I’ve just realized I didn’t bother downloading the expansion for all of the mods in the resource pack I’m going to have to go and do that I

Was wondering why everything looked so different like I swore it didn’t look like that before this um so I will I will definitely go and download that before the next episode um whoops yeah cuz I’m I’m pretty sure like the gravel ores they’re supposed to look

Like this with the actual ores and a lot of the ores I’m are changed as well a lot of the modad doors are changed I think the grass from pimes of Plenty might be changed um and the brick for the what is it tiners construct I know that doesn’t

Look the way it does when I looked it up there it really confused me I did not do not recognize that I have never played this game without the expansion pack on um this mod pack so I need to download that soon because I’m not going to recognize a lot of stuff without

It I really love this mod pack it’s really cool oh there’s a soundtrack again it always takes so long to kick in and then it’s just gone after one song Oh baby zombie let me grab this iron as well may as well and one two three right

All right let me go back in again going further there we go okay uh up we go let’s uh head this way back to the house do we have food we Do um I do remember we did we did already get a way up but already here now right which way this way there we go um and let’s see did I bring my chisel I did let’s see what all of this looks like what does the cobblestone

Look like right no um I do think that that’s all changed in the when when you have the full Park on uh but I’m also not a th% sure so I’m not going to not going to test it um I’d rather just stick with the normal Cobblestone texture than have it turn

Out really ugly uh do we want wood as the floor if we’re going to be doing um we’re going to be doing jungle wood as the walls up the top what would be a good flooring I don’t think that oak wood would work would it it might do I also

Don’t know I don’t know that I care all that much about how good it looks cuz I don’t know everything looks better in modded like you’re sort of you’ve got a bit of leeway I don’t know why I just feel like that’s true um so I don’t want to go crazy but

I also don’t want it to look really really bad I’m even debating just using Oak for the walls instead of jungle wood and maybe jungle wood for the floor um I think the the jungle wood is the floor would look good cuz the jungle wood in moderation I think would be better

Than the oak wood in moderation you know so let me try that um do we have we do um does that look okay we’re stuck um does this look okay yeah it looks fine I think um we did not want it on the out or yes we do

Actually because the top is going to be one out so this is all going to be the um this is going to be on the inside you’re not going to be able to see this from the outside um cuz we’re outlining the house with this I don’t know that we’re going to

Finish that house today I kind of just wanted to play for an hour and then stop uh rather than end rather than end when I have like a goal done cuz um I don’t have much time to record today so it might just be a relatively short one do really not have

Any more jungle wood I don’t want to end now um I guess we can just uh do the okay yeah we don’t have any more jungle wood right um uh I actually think I can remove this because this is going to be oak wood the second ring is not going to be jungle

Because then you would see it from the outside and I do think that would be weird so I can go ahead and remove oh not that um yeah this is going to be oak wood not uh not jungle me go pick all this up come on okay let me go back around

This way and put these up here cuz this bit you will not see and put that there get rid of this and then do do a ring around this very quickly um um yeah let me get let me get the oak wood around the edge here and I think we’ll just move

Our stuff up the top and then end it here um cuz I don’t feel like going uh to the Jungle right now uh so that’s going to have an inside uh area for the for the weight to get in and this is going to be uh that little staircase in the

Middle where let me grab have my stuff um drop that and put the crafting table up here and make another chest to put our stuff in come on uh let me put away all of this there we go grab this and put away all of this uh we’ll

Keep the bread on us put away all of this and the books all of that put away that and grab these put put that to melt and put down our bed um and that’s it I think oops oopsie that’s so that’s the most annoying thing in the entire world to

Press the wrong button okay yeah that’s going to be it for today’s video I hope you enjoyed and I’ll see you in the next one hello everyone my name is Ethan and today we’re going to be playing uh Minecraft again um we’re on uh we’re playing Attack of the Beat Team the mod

Pack again um and I think today we’re going to get our house done um there’s a lot of stuff that I want to do um mainly I want to change this I do not like uh I’ve decided I do not like the mix of the Jungle and the oak so we’re going to

Remove the jungle and I’m actually going to whoops I’m going to bring this up by one more so that the basement is four tall instead of three um because I think that will just be a lot easier we need to fit the uh tinu construct Forge I think it’s called

We need to fit that in here somehow I think in the basement would be the best place for it um so let’s go ahead and remove this flooring um get this last bit and then I think um I added the texture pack oops I got the texture pack in

So we should be able to now do um chisel uh chiseled blocks in the style of the texture pack I have had to downgrade the pixel size so it might look a little different from last episode but um it was just so that I could fit uh so that they would be the

Same um what’s it called the same resolution um otherwise some things would be too big and some things would be too small so let me get this iron put that away um do I have any Cobblestone left I do so let’s get this in and then uh

That I think chiseled bricks are what we’re going to do um chiseled stone bricks or maybe just normal stone bricks but we’re going to add that in for the floor um instead of the Jungle CU see I really did not like the way that the jungle looked um in the

End so we’re going to fix the height of this as well um and let me actually remove these support blocks so that we have enough uh wood to do the full ring around again let me get that and let’s just remove a couple bits of grass so that that doesn’t look too weird

Okay right let’s get the rest of this trim down um and then we will I think just go out and gather some more oak wood maybe um okay I think we’ll go exploring and look for a biome with a lot of oak trees um we’ll cut all those down and we

Will finish the house I think and we might start with u’s construct uh because I think getting good tools is probably the smartest thing to do right now whoops um oh I like those uh what what are the chiseled options you know what no I think we’ll

Stick with the the main one right let’s just make a hole in the wall so that we don’t keep getting trapped down there let’s go ahead and sleep s okay third bed um let’s sleep and let’s get uh I guess let’s get the trim in then we’ll add in the

Floor we should grab all this oh the flowers look so much better now um that is very slow let me come down here I love the way the orange flowers look now um I wonder how the the sunflower looks though um actually the sunflower was Vanilla anyway so it should look the

Same um cuz I did have I had to pack four vanilla I had that in I just didn’t have the modded version I forgot it’s it’s not ha but it’s not just like downloading it and putting it into your resource folder you need to do um you need to

Download both and then uh do some copy and pasting uh and that’s why I forgot that you even needed a another resource pack because in the resource pack folder it’ll all just be in one file once you’ve installed it correctly so in my mind it was all one

Thing I think we’re going to need to go let me um sorry let me get two for the doorway that we made in the the downstairs bit and then I think we’re going to need to go and get more Cobblestone uh we might no we’re not g to have enough

Um that why did that not make a noise that was weird uh we need to get this uh let’s just put the bed over here and let’s let’s just put some oak wood on it so we stop changing it to different things and then let’s grab these

Um yeah we’re going to need a lot more Cobblestone um okay I think um oh my God I’m going to keep doing that until the floor is in right let’s think uh I think we okay well well uh we’re going to we’re going to need to gather a bunch more Cobblestone

Um just put this in yeah we’re going to need a lot more of the Cobblestone and we’re going to need oak wood when we go out to get the oak wood we get cobblestone as well um I think that would be the smartest thing to do let me get that in

Right uh do we have any more chests uh no but we can make one and I think we’ll probably need more uh space anyway so let me get more chests and let’s just put them over here and let’s put uh let’s moving all of this um over to the other

Place we’re going to have to sort it out eventually but for now um I think that this is okay um yeah we’re going to need to sort it all into separate chests and everything but I really don’t want to do that right now um we also don’t really have the space

Yet so I think having a house before we worry about storage situation probably a good idea okay let me get in the last of the bricks that we have right yeah we’re going to need so much more um let me do this half hour coal and then get in

The the chest and put away all of this stuff um okay now we have food we have a bed but we have have enough wool to make a just a regular Minecraft bed which I think would be smarter um and we know where we live so let’s go this

Way I think um yeah let’s go through the desert uh because I I don’t actually know if there are desert like structures I don’t know when desert temples were added um it this is 1.6.4 so it might have been a long time after this um is that a jungle

Tree oh there’s a lot of them oh I really thought that was um grass but that’s a jungle okay do we want to go into the jungle not particularly we should have built here okay well this is nice um now we know this is here we have a a slime Island

Really close to where we live um oh this is cute what on Earth entity. creature. name okay I forgot that whatever that is is in the game it’s wild um this mod pack is is pretty confusing um there’s a lot of stuff in it that’s just like what on Earth is

Happening um it’s not the most technical uh mod pack though I’m pretty sure the most technical thing in it is Tinker construct which if you play modded you know is really like base level um I think you can hello I think you can go pretty crazy with it but it’s not

Really got these are very loud what is that no don’t want I’d rather not have that hat to thank you uh right now I don’t like how big this the trees are in this that’ll be annoying to get through so let’s go oh there’s a building here

I can see it on the map um what is this iron gravel ore and Tin gravel ore I’ll be completely honest I don’t really know what to do with the gravel ore I think hello I don’t think you smelled it I think you do something with it I just don’t remember

What uh bread take the bread and I’ll take the fish it’s not a great loot uh not great loot but I’ll take it oh I like this biome this looks really cool I love the lily pads um is this just oak wood I think it is so what kind of tree is this

Just a big one I guess um okay I guess we just start cutting down this tree then I’m glad that diamond is so easy to find because it really this game would be a lot harder um if you had to spend ages getting really good tools right let’s gather all of this

Wood I think we’ll chop down a hello that scared me um what was I saying I think we’ll cut down a few trees and then um oh we’ll kill those cows that I can see um I think I want to uh look into how to get to the tropical Dimension I

Don’t think it’s very haed I think you need to drink right I don’t want to try and say what I think it is because it sounds ridiculous now that I’ve started thinking about it I think you drink a drink I think a pina colada but it might

Be something else while sitting on a beach chair right at sunset or something like that I or is that just what is it what do you do um at tropy and tropicraft how do you get there are there any books telling you how to do it

Um cuz it uh it has a lot of stuff that I think is really cool the Tropic Craft um creepers are really cool oh hello what are you a coven witch okay it’s apparently very different than just a a Minecraft witch I guess um cocktail right I think it’s a cocktail

Why did I think pink peanut CL coconut grenade that’s cool oh the frogs those are really cool um so I think it’s something to do with the drink uh we can do that a book and a surrounded by bamboo we will we’ll do that let me kill

These um did not want to do that thank you if anyone knows how to access all of the morphs that’d be great they don’t show up when I click um I don’t actually know what it’s called but they don’t show up when I click the button I have it assigned

To um so I don’t really know how I’m supposed to do that I I also should say this is a lot of an earlier version than what I would normally play um this is 1.6.4 I’ve only ever played Attack of the B Team on 1.7 I think

1.7.2 maybe um which is not like a crazy difference I don’t think much got added between the two but I just feel like there’s a lot of stuff that works better in 1.7 um just cuz it’s you know it’s a more updated version of The Mod I

Imagine it has like a lot of bug fixes and a lot of stuff works better but um I’m just using the technic launcher and this was just the one that was there I know you can change it but I didn’t bother and now I’m too fa deep so we’re

Going to keep it um what is that mud okay I think I remember mud being awful you like get stuck in it and you can’t jump on it I think but I don’t think you die it just sucks a lot um let me finish getting this tree and

Then we’ll see we’ll see how much um would we have uh two stacks and 12 right I think we’re going to cut down some normal trees to get the last of what we need uh to make it to like two and a half stacks I think is

What we want to do so let’s come over here and cut down this tree these trees are really cute I have no idea uh what kind of tree they are cuz obviously they’re just made of hul but they’re very cute I think they’re the only ones in this biome which I have

They replaced just the ones that what is this oh it’s so cool um I don’t think I can get that the algae is really cute we’re going to have to come back and grab some of that um at some point hello are you also just a coven witch I don’t want to

Attack her because I don’t know what that would do I don’t know do they try to kill you or like what let me build up grab the rest of this and then I think I saw um a like a whoops how did that happened I was pressing

Shift um I think I saw a cave somewhere that we will uh that we’ll go to to get the Cobblestone that we need let me come down here and grab all of this um I kind of really want to attack her but I don’t know if I should is that a M shaft

Okay um right let me come over here and let some water in here oh I love that sound um a lot let’s come down here oh that looks so cool right um aluminium or aluminum I’ll be entirely honest I can’t remember which one is not the correct way but which way

Is the one that I say it I don’t remember I get confused a lot about which is the British pronunciation and which is the American pronunciation and I sort of just say both interchangeably cuz again I never remember right let me grab this diamond I’m actually kind of want the Str as

Well I should probably not do this um without torches oh I can throw those right let me get this coal okay it was just one piece let me find some more coal um okay non-existent appar here we go right that’s very loud um all right let me grab all of this

Uh get some sticks and make some torches I think we’ll put those there right an immediate dead end let me grab these cobwebs cuz I would like some string um okay I feel like I don’t like this version of of combat I think I panic more CU you do have to spam click

Um because you have to bam click I just yeah I panic um what’s that Sapphire uh I don’t know what to do with that um and we’ve got some ore bushes whoa the sound is very directional that was uh weird just kill him okay what’s in this a saf

Very net of single use but that’s good H Safari Nets are very good let me actually look up how do you make them can you make them H Safari Net single use uh jiler Safari Net Safari Net launcher and oh Safari Net Reus ible okay ender pearls and a gast here

This is really easy um that recipe is incredibly easy so yeah let’s get a lot of string um that’s really insane um cuz I do very much want like dinosaurs and I want to get this stuff from from chopper craft they have a lot of more mobs that I like

Um that I think I want to take back with me um and the easiest way to do that is for Nets actually that might even be the only way to do that um that scared me knew he was here did not think he would come back uh yeah I think it’s it’s actually

The only way to do it not easiest way um but we we need string leather and slime I think it was for that which is not hard at all the um the other one the ender pearls and the gas tier I think should be relatively easy as well in this mod pack um

I yeah should be pretty pretty easy um once we sort of get the hang of the mod pack and everything that comes in it quantum more I don’t really want to pick that up um doesn’t look very safe right or bush I don’t know what to do with that uh

Oh a creeper head is that what that is creeper head what do I do with that I’ll keep that I probably need it for something um the heads must just drop naturally then um they must not be very rare either or maybe they are cuz I have

Killed quite a lot of things and this is the first head that I found so maybe they are rare don’t know I feel like they might be useless though silicone or oh Galacticraft is in this I haven’t ever done that before I forgot about that we could um do that I don’t think

We’re going to do it anytime soon but we could definitely do it okay let’s just start mining the floor I think to get the stuff let’s also just do that so I don’t pick up anything else cuz I really don’t want to um I think can we get hammers in this those

Sort of dig out like a big area of stuff that would be very handy would be great cuz some we would get a lot lot of stuff oops not that just the stone please I’m wondering if this is what I don’t think it is there’s something I

Think in this mod pack that’s like really Radioactive I thought it was that but now I don’t know um let me add spooky yeah that’s the pile Oh more diamonds fun oh yeah cuz we don’t have any hmer do we we can make diamond Hammer I don’t think there are other

Types of armor in this like there’s no um you can’t make them in the Forge I don’t think which is uh it sucks I do think you can at some like in some version of tinker’s construct but if you can it’s not this one um I kind of really want to keep

Exploring we sort of need to run into a village cuz those have a building with a bunch of tiners construct stuff and it would just be a lot easier if I could to just steal some of that stuff from a villager rather than have to do it

Myself um just like a lot of uh what are they called like the plates or whatever the things you the molds uh those you can get a lot of those uh in villages um oh there’s only one H that’s weird was the is this liquid hurting them what is

This I thought it was just water but maybe not um okay we want a couple more bits uh and then let’s get more diamonds I could never have too many of ow yeah okay uh this is not water um where were the other diamonds here and what are you iron ore bush

No oh wait okay now this is water the thing I that’s behind me is not water I didn’t even realize this was two different liquids um I don’t know why I didn’t notice the color difference right let’s let’s get the rest of these diamonds um do we want to keep going this

Way um oh hello just dropped a book that’s random okay what on Earth is that okay not worth it I don’t think let’s just go back um cuz we still need a bunch more Cobblestone so me come back this way let’s just mine out this wall I

Think um I think I want four stacks of cobblestone Stone cuz we’re going to need a lot of it for the house but then also just Cobblestone you always need it right um I think I’m going to smelt two of it back into stone and then keep do of it as

Cobblestone so let’s yeah let’s do that um let’s get rid of that right one more stack and then we’ll go back back home I suppose um yeah it would have been nice to find a village but we just found a biome with enough Oak like immediately I say enough Oak I don’t

Know that I have gotten enough Oak I think we sort of should we grab more I think we grab we finished the stack that we have and we grab um grab another stack I think I just didn’t want to have to keep mining the trees but at this point I

Would rather get it all done in one sitting than have to come back right um right now to get out without using any stone um let’s use the skulls cuz I don’t know what to do with those otherwise right now which way was the way out this way okay oh okay cannot see

Anything right okay we’re fine hope we got shot across that was fun um kind of want that end but would rather not risk it so let’s just go back this way um that’s a cute hat but I’m okay with just what on Earth okay I think just the way he was

Standing made that look very weird on my screen oh I was going to get more wood oh it’s fine we’ll just come back if we need to is this Oak we’ll take this um and just hope we don’t get found by a zombie how many is that we need more um let’s drop

This yeah yeah let’s chop this tree down I was going to say let’s not because it looks like it’s got more wood in in it’s in its thing but apparently it was actually not that much wood so let’s oh hello oh what did it just drop I didn’t like the look of that

There right that’s it um what hat did I just see sorry there was more wood um what did I just see is that a furnace no it’s a computer I think um I’d rather not okay we can see our house on the map oh I actually want that that um let me come

Back go back to being me and eat and then get rid of oh I think that was four out of of one egg and I wasn’t even looking when it happened that’s unfortunate right um that hat was very cute oh we have Jeremy oh oh but it’s not on my

Head right let’s just stick with Jeremy cuz Jeremy is actually on my head um let’s run down here that was scary I forgot how just out of nowhere the cave noises can be okay let’s come over here and I guess we’ll just start smelting these this is going to take a

Long time um but I suppose we can start on our house uh the house walls while we wait um right tin Berry ore or tin ore what did it say tin or Berry okay let’s put this stuff over here I did need to look into how to do um fossils and archaeology

Again fossil whoops fossil it’s been a while since I did it and this very much looks like a very old version um that’s not a lot of creatures at all okay let’s start on the walls oh yeah I think we have enough um I do kind of want to get rid of this

Tree um it’s very much in the way Palm wood looks a lot better now that I have the Pack on okay let’s just start with a wall of outlines um I think we want like a little porch or a little balcony maybe at the front just

To make it easier to get into but I think we want stone for that okay now where do we want Windows uh definitely okay um we definitely want Windows um not the front to look out at this area um yeah I guess this is fine uh let’s get at least that on each

Side right we do not want windows on the back um because it is just a mountain I think anywhere we do have Windows we want them to be three blocks tall um so let’s I think then here right one two three yeah so we want them to come

Out uh to there at least but obviously this isn’t going to be one big giant window oops did not want to place a block there um okay uh why why did it do that to me um then this like that and here um no that’s not right we want to come up

Here do one more line one more line of wood and then then and then come out okay I don’t know why I’m finding it so hard to place the blocks in the right places uh let’s get rid of this tree as well whoops let’s get all of this wood let’s

Go rid of these stumps that I’ve just left here as well okay um get rid of this H I think we want to remove that let me see how far along have we got this uh not very fair um 44 is okay I don’t know why that’s not

Leaving um let’s just do the porch or the um the balcony I guess I don’t know what it’s called uh just do a small small one um I have it come out too wide and then we’ll outline it in Oak wood um right let’s fix this I don’t know that I like that

You I think I know how to fix this though if we do this and then do that right and then we break this up with that whoops um we this will work I think this will fix the weird ass shape um and it’ll fix that looking weird as well now do we also

Want that we also want uh no I think that’s too much but I also think that we do need something here so we’ll probably add bushes maybe also think I kind of want these stairs to come off the side rather than rather than the front I think that

Will make it look a lot better let me build out here and let’s fix this as well uh we’re going to need so much more oak wood if we’re doing an outline I wasn’t originally going to but um now that we are that’s going to take so long but

It’s fine I like it I like the way it looks quite a bit um that’s get this in cuz we also need this brick for the basement which is why I got so much of it for uh just do it like that that’s okay and then this one will have two windows like

That right we need to go out and collect sand uh I think to get I already have a chisel um no not chisel I wanted car at car okay at carers we do have a carpenter store and we have enough for it uh let me make that oh it is one carp there’s

Door there’s door okay um well you know what I don’t know why we even did that because I don’t know what I would do I guess no brick would look weird because it’s brick on brick um okay so you only get one door in this frion you know what yeah that’s that’s

Fine I think right let’s come back over here and get the rest of this Stone and hopefully get the floor in oops uh let’s get this right there we go floor is done we do need a staircase somewhere which I think we’ll put not here I think we’ll put here

Um cuz it would be easier let’s just put some torches down so this doesn’t uh accumulate creepers that would suck okay oh well this is all a wall so you’re not going to see this anyway if I replace the blocks above it right yeah you’re not going to see it

From the inside except on the door which I think is fine right let’s put okay I’m very bad at placing blocks apparently let me fix that and then right yeah this is going to be a lot better once I get the outline in um right uh let me fix this

Put the door back on and let’s I think we might need some more Stone as well because I want to turn this into stairs um and then here we’re going to have our way down H right I don’t think you can place stairs upside down yet which is uh not

Ideal I will say but right let’s remove this wood cuz I hate it we’re going to we’re going to put stone bricks there uh but we do not well we have one right uh let’s go ahead and and sleep um we have enough stone that we could uh we could make

More make more stone bricks uh let’s just oh uh let’s put another stack on like that uh right let’s fix this so that there’s an actual walkway now do we do we want it to be like that yeah actually quite like that okay fix that okay yeah I don’t hate it

Right let’s add in these as well oh we can put them upside down okay but do I want to anymore not really right that’ll be a block right no right uh yeah that’ll be a block that’s a stair stair stair um and this can be an a log thing um I kind of

Want this to be a block and then that to be or maybe this is a block and those are stairs yeah that’s what we’ll do uh that’s a block and this is a block I like that although do I I’m so indecisive uh let’s put that there and we can put a torch

There right and then we’ll go up like this okay let’s grab more of this stuff and fix this yeah I like that um let’s add the rest of this onto here like that uh and then I think we just want to add is that okay maybe like that and we’ll add stairs

Between them yeah I like it um let’s fix this cuz this is driving me insane let’s go like that let’s do this side as well okay yeah I like that this can go right up to the ceiling I think prefer it that way uh this doesn’t

Need to go out as Fair as it has um but I would like it to sort of do we want it to just be a big hole in the in the floor or we could just have it be like that you know I like I like that leave it at

That um let’s get what are we doing um let’s uh finish this let’s come down here and add this trim uh we’re never going to be able to see the sides and the front at the same time so as long as we all pretend that it’s all correct and all symmetrical and

Perfect perfect then nobody’s ever going to know okay let’s grab that as well while we’re here one two three okay we need oh hello forgot I had more in my inventory right let’s come down here build all the way back up here right now the pillars are done well

This okay this did not mean to do that um let’s come back out here I think we want these to be like that that’s the middle so maybe like that one two three one two three four one two three okay uh let’s come down here and finish this outline bit

Okay and put that there so we remember to start the outline but I think this is coming together uh pretty well me cut this guy down um cool and let’s put the wood over here okay let’s let’s start cutting down these bushes I think or these Mini trees these are

Jungle wood um but this should be Oak right the bushes are oak but the like shrubby things at jungle so this should be Oak um only one all right uh let’s get that in there we go Okay so we’ve mainly finished the outline um I think we

Need two more pillars where those to a that’s what we need um I think we’re going to have to go back to the the swamp let me just fix this so I remember um I think it’ll look better like that right let me come back in here okay so

All of this is now finished um let’s come down here do I have I do not have my shovel on me grab the shovel um I forgot that we want to do we don’t have any sugar canane okay we’ll do that later I’m just yeah just worried I won’t

Remember do we maybe want to do oak wood down here what’s the ceiling right so the ceiling is already bricks so maybe oak wood would be better um just to break it up a little bit um whoops wait what okay cursed absolutely cursed that’s not C

Correct right let me dig this up yeah I think we will just go with wood um think it be easier to to do then the then the brick it’ll look better too I think um just considering um we can maybe continue that down into a strip mine as well we want

To uh continue the staircase I mean cuz what else am I going to do with this corner nothing really I can put a ladder in it and it can be the start of the strip mine right we’ll do that okay we have a lot of bricks left left over uh

Right well let me make diamond armor really quickly cuz I am whoops I am running around without any armor on I’m misclicking like crazy I don’t want the helmet because I have my glasses um okay let’s take the very net with us just in case we end up want like

Finding something we want to keep um let’s go back to the swamp or should we go this way let’s go this way instead um these little Expeditions are like just as much about exploring as they are gathering the wood what is that what is that is that a bird what is

He can I catch hostile mobs in this I don’t think you can I hate his hat but I kind of want him oh no I got caught him I caught him and I put him down because I was spam clicking so we’ve just wasted we’ just wasted that okay

It’s fine they’re so easy to make we’ll just make another um I hope we find one of whatever that is again because he was very cute I think he’s one of the one of the guys that I found back at the start that I really did not like the look of

And I still don’t like the look of them they and they do very much uh feel like they will destroy me if I fall into a nest of multiple of them but um they’re they’re still very cute in a very ugly way you know okay I don’t think beds make a

Noise when you break them um it’s very weird to me that that’s a thing but unless I have my volume down too low which could be um could be that but I swear they’re not making any noise is that a witch’s Circle I think I think I can see a which just

Circle right here is it the tree that I can see is that what I’m seeing it’s the tree it’s the tree on the map not a wi is Circle okay let me avoid him uh right oh that’s a house though I believe over this wayless it’s a very oddly shaped um

Tree I think it’s a house where is it yeah oh it’s just a normal vanilla witches Hood I think I don’t think that’s something that’ll have any loot in it can certainly try and see though um let me Spruce planks that’s cool I forgot it does this can’t jump when you’re on

It um mushroom though that’s cute and a cauldron I’ll take that um but yeah no loot okay let’s go this way cuz we haven’t been this way I don’t think it’s very annoying to walk through um let me just get out of the SP okay eat and then we’ll go this way should

Be horses they’re very cool right and now we’re back in this biome okay let me stick to this side of the river uh so another house but I think it’s probably just another another witch’s Hut um where is it it would be this way just peek in and see if it’s a

Normal witches hut if it is I don’t think it’s worth going over there um we do already have a cauldron now no that’s a house okay let me come over here oh dried dirt okay this biome is a lot easier to move around in hello um just bread oh a spruce

Sapling okay I see a biome over here that might be good to check out um it looks not very friendly um doesn’t really have many trees in it oh I see a witch’s Circle so we’re going to come over here to The Circle at least and then I think we’re going to go

Back and just go to the swamp again I I didn’t want to go to the swamp this time because I wanted to see if we could find any animals that I wanted to get but now that I’ve wasted thef very net no point I don’t think okay she doesn’t make noise when

You’re killing her either I also very much thought that was a normal witch which is why I killed it uh but now we know the cup and witches don’t really do anything right oh okay so very n single use I did think in my brain there um what if we find one in

Here okay let’s let’s go this way then uh now that we have another Safar net may as well oh that hat is so cute okay come here I’m going to have to heal you for it what is that white thing is it another tree it is yeah it’s that weird

One we need this hat immediately um it is the only hat I will swap for Jeremy okay hat squid uh you know what it’s fine we don’t have to see what we look like anyway so I don’t think it matters all that much what our hat looks like right okay now let’s see

Um yeah let’s go this way oh this is cute Birchwood and cyan stain leaves that’s fun I don’t know what what um saplings do you get from the stained wood or from the stained leaves do you get the stained leaf saing or do you get just like a normal oak

Sapling or like a birch sapling I wonder oh this biome looks promising this one over here hello he’s got a TI to have on this one’s pretty cool looking um what kind of biome is this just a cool one I guess should we go up to that Island I don’t

Know oh and there’s another one okay this area keeps lagging my game so I don’t know that it’s worth coming over oh there’s a house over there though that is worth getting so we’re going to come over here I really want to know how I’m supposed to get the

Uh the other morphs because if I could turn into a squid right now that would have been really great uh I cannot figure it out I’ve tried changing the key binds it doesn’t work so if anybody knows you know maybe there isn’t a way which in my mind

Sounds ridiculous because you only turn into it if you’ve killed it for the first time uh so you would only be able to ever turn into something the first time you kill it oh mandre seed I want that where’ to go want that uh that’s for the magic

Stuff um I is this how you get in no of course it’s the other side you know what not worth it hello oh okay I’m just going to leave it to it then that’s horrifying um this biome looks really cool the one that’s just shown up in the direction that I’m

Looking it looks really cool what is it I got mushrooms in it is that mushrooms okay we need to be really careful when we do this cuz I do not want to drop it again but we’re going to get this mushroom um oh I feel bad only having one

But okay we have a mushroom uh sorry for kidnapping your friend okay now you’re loud now we want to go back back the way we came basically we want to go back to you know what let’s go this way that looks like the same biome that I live in in the general direction

That I live in so we’ll probably be able to get back to the house from this way and that is another house that might have something in it oh the mini cacti oh can you not pick them up in this version that’s odd is that a door it is you’re very loud

Okay ow um there these houses oh no please right um let’s watch where we’re walking oh what on Earth is that can you see the biome that’s just popped up on on the map oh that’s so cute I keep finding the cutest biomes just slightly

To the left of all of my of four of my houses very very annoying oh this is so pretty um okay I’ve done it again oh I can break the quicksand that’s a bit odd okay okay this this biome is gorgeous uh I I love the way that the leaves are

Look at that that’s really pretty um oh I didn’t even see this hello another Safari Net and a stencil for something for open blocks I don’t know what open blocks is don’t know which one that is I that the one with Safari no that’s M factory reloaded ow

Okay right where do we want to go kind of uh want to go back home but I don’t know in which direction home is how do I bring up the map again it’s probably just um okay let’s uh right let’s see um okay we just sort of want to go this

Way and then we’ll make it back home um we don’t need to get you’re very loud sir we do not need to get any of these saplings because we could come back here whenever we want and run right now I do not need these wood uh these

Wood types or these trees oh I see another house I think right in the direction that we’re about to go in oh I do want these though I think this is the version of B so plenty where you could still make flower CRS they took that out at some

Point no idea why at nine I think you need eight um no idea why they took that out but they did it’s really weird to me but whatever I don’t make the mod so is this a house or is this a tree it is a house okay let’s get into the

House um from over here um right I think that the next time we see one of these houses we leave it be um it has not been worth it a single time uh so I don’t really see the point in stopping anymore uh the other things the witches circles those are definitely

Worth um definitely worth it occasionally not every time but the Safari Nets that we’ve gotten to two times in a row now like that’s usually what you get I don’t know why the first one or two I think were really not that great but like I promise they’re really

Worth it I found a dragon egg in one of them once um this this mod pack has Dragon M um so you can get pet dragons and I have found a dragon egg in one of one of these before one of the witch cins before which I don’t know that I should have

Been able to do but I did find one in there once um yeah that seems like way too good of loot but um it happened right let me re look at the map uh we sort of yeah we sort of want to keep oh hello okay this very strange

Um skeleton as well I guess they were just spawning under that tree that’s so weird okay oh we’re back in this biome again I do not like this biome I don’t think we want to go in okay well I was going to say I don’t

Think we want to go in this water but I just did and it was fine um I can’t believe we came out here to get wood that was maybe took a bit of a big detour I really want one of those spiders again it’s very unfortunate that

I I spam clicked we’re going to have to be really careful to not do that cuz it’s onetime use I did not want to waste any of them like they’re not impossible to get but okay we just want to go straight now okay we’re very we’re very close to this biome so I

Think we can come back and get as much mud as we could possibly want um which is nice I don’t know what mud does does I think maybe you can make armor with it but it does seem whoo is that oil I think it is and Perma Frost as

Well oil I don’t know what Perma Frost does but oil that’s good um is that a nautilus in the water I love not oh hello what what okay you’re horrifying okay just get out of here I think I wonder where all of the hamsters are cu

The the hamster Ric or maybe it’s not in this version and the I thought there were but maybe not hamster there is yeah ham hamers exist um haven’t run into any of them I don’t actually like hamsters they creep me out um but I wouldn’t mind having one in

This um I don’t think there are a lot of mods in this mod pack except in in tropy craft which I’m going to have to look up how you get there um I think that’s even what we’ll do when we get back cuz we have sugar G now we look up how do

You we make the encyclopedia and we see does that tell you how to get there I feel like any any Dimension Mod should have its own book in the game telling you how to get there um because I don’t think it’s really I don’t want to have to go

Outside of the game to find the thing right so we want uh leather and we want the bamboo um and we have sugar canes so we can make paper we make this book surround it in bamboo here we go trby craft encyclopedia um okay bunch of page not found a bamboo shoot

Um that one’s also page not found uh okay encyclopedia is a source for information about the items flippers okay leather reads okay what does this do oh just you had to craft it okay okay so unfortunately not even slightly um helpful can you make leather

In this I know there’s one mod where if you nullified leather um impregnated leather imp Le oh you can make a backpack um I didn’t know that right we need gold do we have any gold we don’t but it’s not hard to get um right that’s fine let’s get our

Mushroom and we don’t have any name tags can you make those please tell me you can make them I think it’s really oh you can okay and it’s slime which is so easy to get in this mod pack okay I think um instead of going and getting more wood like

I like I said I was going to do we’re going to head to the near slime Island and get a bunch of slime um we’re going to stack up with dirt and palm wood because we have a lot of that um yeah a lot of palm wood which

Actually now that I look at it looks pretty good with the mod pack on or the texture pack on but it’s fine we oh and I wanted to do okay so I’m all over the place I’m really sorry it’s just where dull flower crown that’s rude

This is just the way that my brain works um I cannot focus on one thing at a time right we’ve got that now map where is the nearest slime Island uh here literally just in the direction that we’re looking we’ll find it okay let’s run over to the Slime

Island and get a bunch of slime um I’m glad that you can make name tags on this because I think it is it’s very much like the stupidest thing in Minecraft that they’re like impossibly rare and for no reason in my opinion I don’t really I get the name tags you

Know if you put them on something they don’t despawn which I imagine in a lot of fs and everything incredibly op which I think is probably why you can’t craft them right but I just and same with saddles Saddles can you make saddles in this Saddles and name oh s

Sadle Saddles and name tags you should be able to no okay you should be able to craft them I think it’s um a bit silly that you can’t uh cuz no I I get it I just wish it weren’t like that that is horrifying oh there’s the horses that I

Orphaned I could grab those in a Safar net I did not bring the Safar net with me but I could have done I love this guy very pretty um we’ll have to come back for him now that he’s an adult right let’s get blocking uh let’s go from from here I think

Okay I wonder why it does it in okay let’s get up here okay just right uh whoa now how do you get slime from up here do you do this yeah congealed blue slime you can just get it from from this um slimes actually do spawn up here

As well I think you can get slime from um I think they just used oh no they didn’t no they didn’t I was going to say I think they just used the noise of a slime walking for the sound of this they did not um there was just a slime walking

Towards me that really scared me um no you know what I think they did when it breaks I think that’s just the noise of a slime walking I probably did that on purpose it’s scary um scary as in a slime could be walking towards you and you would have no

Idea how much slime do we want to get I think maybe a full stack I think I want to go to one that has a slime tree as well I can’t remember how those work I don’t think you could plant them like I don’t think you get a

Sapling but that would be cool cuz I don’t think it’s agulate leaves I think it’s a tree made out of slime so you can’t replant them I think that would be too op these are at least something that you have to go out and find right um I think if you could

Infinitely create slime at your own house would be a bit much I’m just going to take all of this I was going to wait to a stack but I mean it’s all here as well saves a [Applause] trip okay blue slime go away please e right last bit I kill

Him very hard to go for no reason okay get this guy I think those slimes are really odd right which way did I come down from it was over this side it was was it this block it was right we’re going to go down again let me eat very

Quickly um so that we don’t stayve to death and let’s go down oh wood okay this is going to be a while I think um but now we have a lot of slime which is great cuz now we can make a lot of safari Nets and a lot of name

Tags um which will be really good for farming animals as well okay there we go and then we’re going back this way I believe right yeah back to the orphan horses I cannot believe that they they still here I don’t know why I just thought they would

Despawn I was really looking for a taing I was really looking forward to having that white and spotty one but you know you know what I would actually feel bad if I separated them considering what I did to their family so maybe we take them all as our

Pets uh we take them both as our pets there’s only two of them oh the in this game it’s going to drive me insane I wonder is there another way to get string cuz I’m thinking about it that’s the hardest part of this is going to be getting the string okay um we

Have a bunch of slime bunch of string and we can make a bunch of paper name tag how do you make it right let me get this um just make some paper and now let’s start let’s start growing some sugar cane uh let me fix that so it look awful

Let’s start growing some sugar cane over here H yeah let’s just do that oh it looks so funny right um let’s make our name tag do we even have enough iron only one that’s not great uh we want a three one two three we do we have more than enough right Anil was

Loud right what do we want to name uh just mushy boy whoops mushy boy right where is our mushroom going to put him down in the basement mushy boy um let’s just block that up so he can get out um a muscle what do I do with those I’m not

Sure okay let’s get rid of all of this um no okay put it in here then let’s take this with us and let’s finally go and get that oak wood uh which is this way we’re going to need a lot of it I think what we’re going to do is we’re

Going to go and get all of that oak wood um we’re going to finish the basic outline and put like not a roof but just a ceiling we’re going to put a ceiling on it and then I think we’re going to call it for today um because I my throat’s starting to get

Sore um so we’re GNA I think is it was it this way um was this way I did not go into the jungle 1.6.4 was before anything was really added to the game right I don’t know that ocelots spawn I know parrots don’t I think those were added in like 1.12 or

Something oh here are the baby chickens that I abandoned I guess I also technically made them orphans but is that I like how did I do that I SED did did I make them orphans they technically have parents we just don’t know where they are do I want him not really um

No I was debating it but no I would rather not is the shovel the wrong way around is that why it looks so weird to me I think it’s also just the way that you’re holding it looks stupid but like it’s also definitely the wrong way around

Right like it’s supposed to be flipped like all of the other ones I’m not sure I think that slime island has a cloud on it that’s cool I really wish we had Tree decapitator in this um makes stuff a lot easier I want how many how much is it exactly

64 no it’s more than 64 so how many trees do we reckon we need to cut down I honestly think we might even have enough now but I don’t want to leave it at that let’s go over here and see what’s up with this

Tree I think I left it with some wood in it yeah I can see the wood from here let’s fix that um do we want to maybe no no we’ll finish the episode today yeah we’ll we definitely um definitely be finishing the episode today but I meant

Um was that really it okay are we going to finish the episode uh once we get back but yeah we are um no point no point going on a big adventure again uh what was that what are you just another witch I think yep oh there’s a

Lot of witches in here right let’s just cut down this tree and and then we’ll move on um because we don’t want to be here forever that was a weird noise don’t know where that came from um this was like years before stripped Oak yeah okay I think maybe we do chiseled

Oak uh can we chisel the oak logs we might do chiseled oak logs for the ceiling if we can if we can then we’re going to do chiseled oak wood for the ceiling um we might be able to Chisel Oak locks but I sort of doubt it right let’s go this way oh

Hello um okay I don’t know why I just kept running I saw it coming a mile away right let’s go this way then did I get that house I’m assuming I must have yeah the doors open and I don’t know that they can open doors I also don’t particularly care anymore

They’re not really worth it um ever so we’re going to ignore it um what’s that is that a hat it is oink I would love to get a pet slime from one of the islands as well that would be fun um God these mobs are so weird I don’t think they drop anything

Either um so there’s no what is the point of them if anyone knows I would I would love to know um I’ve never figured out if there is a point to them or if they were just added for a joke or like what are they supposed to be and why

Were they never given proper names they’re always is entity. creature which is really funny but I’d like to know why oh all of the baby chickens grew up that’s fun um let’s make it back to the house okay this Sprint is is really insane in this

Version you have to double tap W every time okay so uh immediately well let me get rid of this cuz that hurts my eyes what we going to see if we can chisel oh wood no uh but we can chisel Oak planks which do we want I do really

Like the way that this looks so I think this is what we’re can do we’re going to well let’s fix this first of all um let’s have this come down like that you know what no I actually hate that so let me fix it like that um we’ll just leave that as

Wood we have enough wood to spare right let’s come up here and finish the outline will add a roof at some point um I hate leaving things without a roof cuz usually I never add a roof but I really don’t have it in me today okay I really cannot do a roof

Right now um I know it’s just a big Square so the roof is going to be really easy to do but I just don’t want to you know sometimes for your mental health you got to just leave it roof roofless um oh we could maybe get

Sand for the windows cuz I forgot I’ve just left them um that’s not right I’ve just left them without any without any glass in them should probably get that done um as well um yeah we’re going to need more more thankfully I cut down a lot I love this

Texture pack so much it looks so smooth um let’s get this into that um that cow is very loud out let’s get this okay please ignore my misclicking I don’t understand what is happening maybe my sensitivity is messed up um right yeah I am actually going to

Gather the sand I wasn’t going to but um I think if we get a stack because we’re going to do glass panes so we only need six right to make a glass pane so can you make glass panes in this version um so we want sorry we

Want I’m not good with math right 24 plus that would be 48 we want 48 I think right 48 let’s come back down here um we really need to put torches everywhere as well and you know I’ll take this and put that on the inside of the house um over here here

H right let’s sleep and let’s start these guys going um yeah we definitely need we need uh what is it even called we need torches real bad where is the the pot um which one do we want open this one would be cute as an open

Window uh that’s four five six there we go right glass panes we already have just enough to not need any more um no no not even slightly never mind I forgot that they’re the three tall um can we chisel I no we can chisel glass can we chisel glass

Panes or would I maybe need to Chisel glass and then turn that chisel to Glass okay we have border glass which I would prefer to this right it’s a good thing I got as much as I did cuz I oh I hate that right can I change this I can what would we

Prefer Bubble Glass stet glass let’s just do Bubble Glass that sounds cute oh that’s very cute right we’ll do this instead um you know what I just prefer the way the first one looks so we’re just going to do the first one um very unfortunate but right uh we’re just yeah we’re just

Going to do this because I don’t want to do the other one H there we go open window um this one oh my God this one has to be closed otherwise it would be too inconvenient on the on the way up but double open would have been cute but

Um we can have this one be open instead right let me make one more set and yeah this one can be open it also uses up more glass which I kind of want to do um okay right let’s let put away all of our random stuff right the creeper head what do we

Even oh that’s actually quite cool sure that’s cool um I don’t even know that he can get out anyway right uh I guess that’s going to be it for today’s video so um I hope you enjoyed watching and I’ll see you in the next one hello everyone my name is Ethan and

Today we’re going to be playing Minecraft um attack the attack of the B team mod pack um today I think we want to what is happening um um I don’t know what that was sorry um what okay it stutters if I go too slow with the Turning that’s weird um

Today today we want to finish the house uh which I think we’re going to do in um in this in h stone bricks and we want to get started on Tinker construct and also you know what okay I think I would prefer it to go to Troy craft actually um Troy craft uh

Just because um it just sounds more fun also I looked it up I was right it is um that’s not how do you spell colada is it up here um I is that it cocktail is that that’s a panina clada yeah okay um you do drink a panina clad

Drop you drink a panina clad in one of the chairs at Sunset um I was correct uh I cannot believe I was correct but okay so what what um what one do we want to make we’re going to put the is on our porch I

Think um okay I need to stop and think for a second we’re going to fix the house first it’s the first thing we’re going to do is make the house or finish the house um and then we will go to tropy Craft um the Tropic craft Dimension okay this absolutely needs to

Get removed I’ve just had a heart attack um we’ll put it on top of the Furnace there we go um yeah I think it would be better to finish the house now how are we going to uh let me grab some wood and a a thing a crafting table so that we

Can do this while we’re up here because I want to do um a fancy roof uh which is a problem so we want to do oh is that going to work no we have to go one up right um we want to go one up um starting from here

This is going to be all right this is the first layer then we have this we have that that that upside down block normal upside down block normal uh upside down block normal uh let me break this bomm tree from the top down there we go

Um that’s the way that I want the roof to be um which is going to take a lot of resources but I think it’s worth it I think it’s the best looking house uh roof that you can get where did I put the bed there

Okay um I think it’s the best looking uh the best looking roof and considering the fact that our house is literally just a square um I think a nice roof will make it look better also it means that we can have an attic um I don’t know where these mobs are coming from

Is that right that wasn’t right okay me come down here and get this um right it is night though uh turny it aside right let’s just do that many we’re going to need to go and get so much Cobblestone um right let’s come back out here um

Okay right not going to work um let me do that let me do that okay let’s get back up here okay upor down then we have normal upside no we have block normal upside down block let’s let’s do it from this side as well and let’s also

Eat because I do not want um I do not want our first death to be because we fell off of our house right um block normal upside down block normal upside down block normal upside down block normal upside down block normal upside down um okay this is a block uh normal upside down

Block normal upside down normal upside down then a slab right this is going to be a large roof I’m debating do we make it smaller cuz I have a feeling we’re going to get down here and realize it’s way too big or something um let me remove all of this

So we can just see um it is pretty big but we could fit another room up there for more stuff I I’m just going to jump in really quick and say that uh I recorded a lot of this video when I was sick so I I was wheezing a lot and I

Didn’t realize until editing now uh I didn’t realize I was wheezing so obviously I’m cutting all of that out of the video so there might be a lot of random guts or like big chunks missing I think mainly we’re just missing uh me building the roof hopefully not too much but yeah

Unfortunately it just it was it was happening too much for me to leave that in it would be too many like small little Cuts right so we’re just going to cut it all out and I’m sorry but it’s for or it’s for the sake of your ears um

Also I think that the head that he the creeper dropped that one time I think that is from uh tinker’s construct I think it makes heads drop um more often I think I don’t know I just that’s what I’m assuming um but I I think that’s why that’s

Happening uh let me come down here to the cow um yeah that’s fine mushy boy um let me put that there I think that’ll make that look nicer okay let’s come back up here um let’s sleep and maybe let’s put like a trapo or something or we need to put mushy boy somewhere

Um could he even come up here I think he may be good um let’s leave him for now I don’t think I think he maybe could but I don’t think he will um yeah I think that’s going to look great when it’s done um uh imagine it’s going to have Windows

In it as well so it’s not going to be just wood uh are we we’re not done with the oak logs so let’s go do that let’s come up the top and finish putting in the oak locks I think um so that we can turn the rest of it

Into what’s it called into oak wood right uh lock lock Uh Wood lock lock wood lock lock wood lock lock wood lock lock wood lock lock then wood down there lock lock um okay I think we can sort of it’s from this one to a wood one two wood one two wood one

Two wood one two right okay now we’re done with these can just go ahead and turn them all into planks um why on Earth has that happened am I going to have to okay me come up here that’s so odd right let’s um I think the back area

Does not need Windows because it’s just into a mountain we don’t need to see that so uh let’s come back up here and completely block up this Side uh cuz we do not need to see this oh I have realized the ceiling is going to be the floor when you get up here and I was okay with it being a ceiling because you couldn’t see it really God the back is going to look

Awful we just we don’t look at the back because it’s a mountain right we ignore the back of the house um right uh let me can I not reach that again right well what um you know what maybe we just have it so that the this isn’t the floor this is the

Ceiling we put flooring on top of it what kind of floor do we want um I think maybe just cobblestone a cobblestone floor up here to make things easier and then this will be the floor which means the windows don’t have to happen for a while or maybe even can’t happen for a

While right let me put that there okay so this is the floor which means the windows would be here or we could do a floor window um like a window that’s on floor level so if we did it like that and then we had um maybe like

That would that be a nice window not really um okay what about uh one two and then if we come up here and fix this so that it’s then here it’s where the where the thing ends is this a nice window yeah I think that’ll be fine let me put in all of

This I think that’s a good enough window um now we just need to collect a whole lot of cobblestone um right where do we want the wall though I think we started there so we don’t have to yeah yeah we we’ll started there okay um he’s he’s very loud has he gotone

Upstairs okay what we need now is a bunch more wood and a bunch more stone is he still downstairs he isn’t right mushy boy where have you gotten to he is upstairs right the problem is what well you know what we can make leads like really easily why don’t I just make a

Fence and tie him to it downstairs um oh do we have we do not have enough string oh we do we do uh give me the Slime balls okay and then is it still yeah it’s still back when that was the way to make fences the simplest way in my

Opinion we just go down thank you right where’s the middle there is no middle okay you can just stay there okay um let me grab right here’s what we’re going to do now we want to go get a bunch of wood and a bunch of stone I’m debating do I record that or

Do I just cut back to us having gotten it cuz I don’t know how long I can do it for what the hell when did I get that um do I not have any SAR Nets left thought I had one I do okay um did I want something else as well no

Right so what we’re going to do is we’re going to go back to the oak wood place and I might cut this out or I might leave this in I’m not sure yet oh hello let me get that right I don’t know um it’s very hard to spend a lot of

Time mining resources when it’s being included in the video cuz I have to talk the entire time when all I want to do is like mindlessly mind stuff I don’t have to think but I’m also these videos are less very entertaining and War for ASMR and relaxation so is it

Not better to keep all of the Sounds in I don’t really know well I don’t that was very relaxing um how far away is this swamp I can’t remember oh there’s a tree up there I could go up there and get it um is that a crown I think that’s just the ice

Gangs Crown though I already have that what is that oh my God a baby turtle oh I like it’s very unfortunate when you kill something for their hat and then end up deciding that you prefer your own hat the hat that you were already wearing I don’t

Know why does that cave noise always sound like a an airplane we do not have the Hat stand in this mod pack it’s unfortunate I like the Hat stance how does this keep happening right we want to go in and cut down a couple of

Trees think I want to cut down more than like two or three just so that I don’t have to keep coming back here this is like a third trip which is insane the boring bit is going to be when we have to get a bunch of stone oh it’s getting night time we

Should sleep um I really hope we run into one of those guys again the spiders I’d really like one of those as a pet um put but I don’t know where they come from I’m also not sure where I would put him but if I got it in a

Safari Net then it wouldn’t really matter where I want to put him because I could put him uh wherever I want later on which is keep him in the Box in the net until I needed to find a place for him probably make a a little bedroom for him uh near my bedroom

I cannot wait to go to Tropic craft I really want to get this roof done as soon as possible so that we can go I do need to find some sheep um because I want a blue what’s it called I want a blue chair um because I think that the blue would

Look the nicest um no the leaves I keep thinking they’re animals and like creepers and stuff right yeah no there’s nothing in this biome except witches but I don’t want a pet witch so um I like this tree let’s get this one it’s really the stone that I need a

Lot of and it’s going to take ages to mine as well or to smelt I might even just go to Troy craft while I’m waiting for it to smell but I don’t think that would work cuz I think it needs to you need to be in the same dimension for stuff to smell

Right very uh very unfortunate um I might just get go uh whoa I might just go AFK while while we wait for them to smell I think that would just be easier maybe block up the windows and doors and let it go for a couple

Days um cuz you don’t want to watch it and I don’t want to watch it so it might be easier to do it like that um I do really want to find some sheep if we could find just one sheep um that we could die blue and Shear how

Many stacks is that right that’s definitely enough so we’re done with wood let’s find a sheep now um where is the where’s the it’s not this way this isn’t the normal B no that’s all water um what am I trying to say the like plains biome there’s a PLS biome that

Has sheep in it I just can’t remember where it is um I think it’s basically the opposite direction that we’ve just gone in um we’re kind of running out of bread I’m going to destroy this dude and get the hay from him you know what I would really love is

To play Attack of the B Team like modern version like all of the modern updates of every mod that’s in it but also like with new mods that like there are some that have not been updated I mean in a while tinker’s construct I think recently got updated

To a lot of the newer versions I think for a while it was stuck on just um what is that for a while it was stuck on just one point what is that 1.2 I think really though what is that God the water is so what is that okay well

Okay that’s definitely a dungeon let me come over here and I’m going to look up how you change morphs I’m going to try I’m I’m going to figure it out because with the squids you can basically see in the water pretty well and you swim really

Fast um and I would very much like to be able to do that is that a tree or Berry right so this was not worth it really oh but there are sheep over here so it wasn’t entirely entirely useless but there are absolutely things in the

Water that I would very much like to oh my god there are things in the water that I’d really like to see and I don’t know how to oh I found it but I can’t remember how right uh squid oh please are you kidding me really really this is the best you can

Do right so you can’t actually see underwater turns out um oh this is like really bad right oh but I don’t drown so I may as well just try oh it’s going to be black for you guys trust me it’s just as bad for me I cannot see a single

Thing okay that was way too loud let’s not stay anywhere near that it might be an oil deposit but that doesn’t explain the bright light that’s coming out of it I don’t know I really don’t know what it is um and there’s a bunch of them which is making me think there’s either

A dungeon underneath us but like what’s the light I don’t know we’ll figure it out eventually we can make like night vision potions or something but um let me grab a sheep um what is that a chicken with a hat right let me grab a sheep um I’ll take you and let’s uh

Let’s do we want to go back home um I guess so um I think it’s okay it’s well it’s bracket it’s it’s one of the brackets and then that button I’ve been pressing is just to quickly change into your player right I figured it out okay let’s just swim home really

Quick I wonder what the Nautilus does it must give you Nautilus shells and then you can like do something with them I’ve have no idea what though um now how what would be easier I think going around um where is our house there it is if we come around here we can very

Easily just jump over this little bit of land and then make it to our house right this is not the bit of land that I meant oh it’s worse when you jump right let me just quickly get back in the water and then let’s come over here

Um and here is where we’ll get out okay that life’s life is going to be a lot easier now that we can morph okay so we only got water water we only got wood we didn’t get any stone um it’s cuz I kind of I really just want to go into the the

Dimension oh we got our sheep as well me make sure to put that downstairs otherwise I’ll forget oh he he gained a hat okay right give me this you’ll get a name eventually dude um we might just name him hot dog uh right let me you know what we

Could name him now can’t we name tags there name tag nope name tag uh yeah three string of paper and slime ball string and slime ball right that was a it there we go name tag uh uh let’s name him mustard mustard and mushy boy right let’s let’s find the right at Troy

Craft okay we want not green we want blue and it’s light blue we get light blue dye from different flowers oh we have lapis and we have a bone somewhere we should have a bone yeah um take bone meal and one of those light blue let me dye the Sheep light blue

Um okay and now we need two iron two iron I’m genuinely blind uh here two iron there and there also make our bread while I’m here here we go right let’s Shear you got three perfect we have our three wood now we want or three wool want to make

This no how did we bamboo oh okay that’s easy right we need more B um is what I’m discovering um that with that we have our blue chair which we’re going to put here um but yeah we’re absolutely going to need more bamboo cuz we needed to make the

Cup but that’s fine let’s go upstairs you know what let’s make a ladder um upstairs because I’m going insane from having to scale the wall every time I decide I want to go upstairs uh let’s just put it here okay um it be like that whoops right let me

Follow this we can do it like that um oh we do not right what am I doing we want want to do okay I’m this is confusing me all right we’ll just do this bit for now uh we want to do it like this yeah like that and we’ll add in the

Other blocks in like P wood or something cuz you won’t be able to see those okay now we want uh just these two we don’t need to double a this one um okay right let me just come down here um this first layer is going to be three blocks

Tall uh because we need it to be we also want this to be filled in please right one two three uh then this oh not that okay we want more oak wood honestly we could just do this all in one do that um and then do

This right and now do we have we have no BM wood on us great all right let me come and get some palmwood to oh um we need some torches otherwise we’re going to die up here how dark it is what right there we go let me break down the

Wall okay um and then we’ll do this um this needs it as well and this is just so that we can place the stairs down really quickly um without having to crouch and everything um it also just means we won’t have any gaps in our ceiling which I’m not against I just you

Know think I should put oh wait did we really just no thought for a second I only grabbed one stack but I don’t think I got enough but honestly we have so much oak wood we can use some oak wood for this as well um let me whoops don’t do I need

To I guess it probably be easier if I also cover it to the Oak clogs yeah right oops get rid of that okay um let me oh not on this level this one’s fine um it’s this one that’s not fine okay um there we go that should be all of the outlining

And everything done we just need to get in the actual roof bit although if we’re being honest we also don’t even need to do this in all bricks we could do the outline in bricks and then the rest of it in Wood um we would still need to go out

And get more Stone but we would not need to get as much as I thought we would you know what yeah yeah that’s what we’re going to do turn all of this this or you know what no let’s keep all of this as um whatever you

Can right let’s keep two stacks as just planks and then the rest is getting turned into um into stairs where is right give me palmwood and then we’re going to come up here going to burst through here right uh the bottom trim oh no oh I’ve done this wrong

I’ve done this wrong you do see this bit oh that’s going to be awful I have to go through and replace this all with hak wood this is going to suck okay well that’s my bad I was looking at it wrong okay well it’s fine just remember for

Next time you know I built this exact style of roof every time I make a house in Minecraft it’s just been so long that I’ve made a house in Minecraft that I forgot how to do it um did I bring the bed I did let’s just sleep really

Quickly let a guy spawned behind us um I think yeah how on how am I doing that I’m just placing them inside of me I really wish we had the off hand in this version makes a lot easier when you can just put the uh the blocks in your off hand

Right okay next level oh this is going to take so long all right I’m determined to actually finish the house today though I refuse to not have it done um because I want to do troppy craft but I will not stay on any of them the mods until we have an actual house

Okay okay that’s easier than what I’ve been doing um let’s get this one in okay almost done um this topet is actually not something you will see so that’s fine to to leave as is to just save us some wood okay um but this line you do

See you know what this would actually all be Oak slabs as well um okay we should have been doing this we should do this from the bottom to the top um that’s fine as it is right yeah we’re going to need more oak wood because of course we

Are um I know by the way that I could just plant some Oak hello I know I could just plant some oak wood but I really really don’t want to okay right let me come down here and make a bunch of slabs now as well for up the top um I’ll make 36

Sure uh right nearest oak wood it would be back through the thing again I think but I really don’t need no I kind of do need a lot right we’re going to go and chop down just one more tree um we need more of those I don’t know why that’s in

There one do three for an axe okay you know what we’re going to go the other way we’re going to go this way I know it’s not as big of trees but I do need more bamboo and I think we’ll have an easier time finding it in a meadow so

I think that’s where it spawns or in a PL biome whatever um we need to break these cuz I can see them from the house and I don’t like them oh you do get the stained the stained sapling that’s cool um I’m not sure why you would want some what has happened

There that tree has grown on top of another tree um there’s some bamboo perfect oh spider is it the baby oh it’s dead doesn’t really matter anymore okay we just need a couple oak trees um and some bamboo to finally finish this house before I go

Insane and then maybe a stack of um Stone I might as well get while I’m here as well from the mountain this might actually be easier than the other place um I did not realize that there would be a bunch in the jungle area should probably start going over there

Instead although it justes you have to cut down a lot did I why did I do that you have to cut down a lot more but um it would mean less walking I think oops it would mean less walking um which is definitely a plus

Always um I think I would like just a stack of wood so we only need a couple more trees we’ll get you as well um we might yeah we’ll cut down this tree and we’ll just take the extra um um so I would rather have a little bit too much then not

Enough right what are those um kiwis kiwis right let’s come over here oh a cherry that’s really cute all right let me eat the chick oh I did not want more thank you um no I wanted to come up here to start Gathering some of this

Stone uh we’ll just take a stack we don’t need much now that we decided to do um Oak roof with a trim but uh we do need some more oh we also need some for the floor so actually let’s get two stacks we’ll smelt one and we’ll keep the

Other we’ll hope that’s enough cuz if it’s not I really don’t want to have to go out and gather more can’t believe three episodes in and I haven’t even got my house done yet especially the fact that last episode is titled finish uh finishing my house finishing the house or something like that

But I mean it was basically done I just needed to do the roof I didn’t realize I’d be adding a whole another floor um but we’re definitely going to go to droppy craft today no matter how long it takes doesn’t matter how big the episode has to be we’re going in this episode

Um it’s actually pretty easy to get there so I think we can do a short little like EXP exploring of it and then leave and then go back for like a full time uh next next episode yeah I’m thinking we go and get like a mob any kind of

Mob and then we come back um and end the episode there right uh we just want like a pet or maybe we’ll not even come back maybe we’ll just find something and in the episode there um because I have a lot of videos to record

Today um and as much as I would love to play attack of the P team forever it does get incredibly repetitive I’ve also found that if I play for too long then I can’t stop and if I can’t stop then I won’t get very many videos done today um

Right let’s uh come inside and sleep oh we still need to do the fences I don’t even know how I’m going to do them we’re out of coal okay okay let’s just try and get as much done as we can with just what we have uh

Let me come up here and we’re going to do the flooring um we’re going to finish the flooring for up here um where did that light go that was weird oh there it is sunk into the floor and had to come back after a while okay so a stack was very much not

Enough that’s fine we will just have to um use up some of the stuff from in here which honestly I’m fine with because I don’t really feel like going out to find more coal anyway um oh I really don’t think we’ll have enough though right maybe we will seven seven uh we do

Not want to go out this way um I guess we’re just going to have to come on we’re going to have to pile up the side of the house okay okay let’s get the trim done um like that right oh yeah no we’re not even going to slightly have

Enough I forgot that I had to do this okay um I guess just while we’re here let’s come up the top and get these slabs in um here we’ll just finish the wood I guess we’ll go back out or we’ll just smelt the um the

Stone uh cuz if we do it like this then we can use whatever leftover wood we might have as a fuel to smelt the stone um that sucks that we did not even slightly have enough although honestly I don’t know why I thought that would be enough um let me

Get crafting table and a bunch of wood please uh there we go um then this we want like that and let me get this out of the way okay um this is the last layer finally and then all we need to do is finish the outline um which should not be too hard

And then we can go to troping craft finally oh really although I do think we should make some Safari Nets before we go cuz um that’s the entire point of going is for some new animals I think they have frogs I really want some frogs okay we really really need some more Stone

So yeah let’s use this wood as fuel although can we burn the Palm wood because if we can that would be a good way to get rid of the palmwood we can right just burn the Palm wood then and let me go out and gather some more Stone um down here

Right I swear there was a cave here yeah um I wish there was quaries in this mod I really don’t think there is like I said I think the most technical is the tinker’s construct which is not very technical at all um except maybe Galactic Craft is that worse or better than tinker’s

Construct in terms of in terms of difficulty um who knows I would like to go to the moon but it’s not really priority right Tinker construct troppy craft they’re and the dinosaurs they’re priority this is just sort of I’ve never done it so it would be a little bit fun right

Um I don’t I know why I’ve never gone before it just it seems too hard to learn for really not a lot I think it would be fun as like a a survival challenge of starting on the moon and trying to survive on the moon but just going to the Moon that’s so

Boring um right let’s go up and then after this all we need to do is get some fences for the porch and then we’re done oh um should probably use this to get up oh no actually we do not want to use this to

Get up because we do not need to go up we want to start from the bottom cuz that would be easier right um backwards then full block right there we go then this backwards full block this upside down um full block normal upside down full block normal upside down full block

Normal upside down full block block normal oh we have a row of Oak stairs that we never finished um right get this done and then we’re almost done I think uh we just have to do are you kidding me okay okay we just have to do the last bit of trim down

Here which we and then we’re we’re done with the house sort of can we make walls in this um we do have um what’s it called that’s Cobblestone we do have the um Mr gra fishes from furniture mod I think at Mr yeah ooh it’s got like five

Things we could make white fences though but white fences would look weird I think we just make oak oak would look a little bit boring as well but it’s better than uh the other thing all right let’s come up here let’s break away this um po po po okay oops um then we’re

Done um with the roof of course we need to do the fences now but that is not hard to do at all okay can come down here right now we just need to get rid of these and then make the fences and then we can go to Tropic raft um cuz I

Don’t really care about Furnishing the house yet um or ever really um this I don’t want to be about the house even though first three episodes have only been about the house but you know um that was because I wanted to have somewhere to stay right we want these to make the

Cup now we need coconuts uh cut open specifically um let me make two more chests um we want to keep the bread thank you okay um let’s let’s sleep or or not all right okay now let’s get uh coconut but from Tropic craft co co coconut um

That’s not the right coconut these are the right coconuts and then we have the pineapple right oops we how do we right okay with that and that we have a peanut CL water you know what I maybe should not have slept because you need to wait

Until oh you know what but we need the we need the Safar saf Safari um okay easy enough uh leather um string and oops and slime balls right slime balls let you know what you just do it right okay and make as many as you can

Please um only four because we do not have enough string or leather really but four is better than nothing okay let’s make the fences while we’re here um we want Oak fences let’s just oh wait fences are now just sticks so I think they can only be Oak anyway what

Only 20 from a stack of sticks that’s insane okay 42 from two stacks to be insane saying right let me do this now how do we want to do this bit let me get rid of this this has really been bothering me for a while okay um let’s do that now um

Uh this bit’s fine doesn’t need a railing do we want maybe oh if we have Oak loocks left I’ll attempt to fix it but um okay we do okay we could do one there um which would work work well if we did which would work well if we did that do we like

That I mean we don’t dislike it yeah that’s fine that’s cute even okay so that’s all fine I do want okay yeah that made no noise I do want this bed what does this wood look like I like okay we want to move our bed up here um there is

Not a middle but oh that’s amazing right we need another another bed oh and we can dye it as well so where’s our light blue dye there it is we will need another one for the second bed um where’s our where’s our thing here okay we need more cabis

Blocks um which I think is like that it is and then like that with wool where did I put the shears um here right let me come downstairs um you’ve oh mustard you’re not going to be able to it’s confusing okay mustard isn’t going to be able to do

Anything all right let’s bring you out here come on um let’s just come up here let’s tie you to that fence and just eat some grass please please grab all of this please eat please I don’t want to have to go and look for a new a new sheep um come on

Dude okay I’m just going to wait here until you eat because I really need I really need the grass right now or the the the wool right now okay I’ve already lost my patience um you have no idea how close I am to just going out and looking for a new

Sheep okay I was incredibly close apparently um we’re just going to go out and Shar some random sheep and hope that mustard gets is act together um cuz I I maybe shouldn’t have I don’t know I kind of want to get the bed done before we go drop a craft just because I

Started it I don’t want to finish halfway and then like leave come on okay we could grab the horses while we’re here but I don’t want to waste a Safari Net on them cuz I can’t remember what you can even get in drop a craft I know there’s frogs and the camouflage

Creeper I think it might just be tropicraft creeper um yeah it’s tropicraft creeper not camouflage cuz they have the funny little hats on don’t they um they’ve got their like vacation like hawaian sweaters Hawaiian sweater Hawaiian shirt or something something like that I think give me that please um have you

Already been shared no right now let’s go home um yeah there’s no point in getting does he have a British flag on his ass um there’s no um there’s no point in grabbing one cuz I don’t have a saddle anyway um and I also don’t want a horse

That is so British he wears a flag on his ass um as an Irish person deeply offensive to me um that’s a joke obviously but yeah no point we don’t have Saddles and we can’t make them so he can stay where he is oh out of food

This will be the first look at the house since completing it this will be nice um yeah I like it I think it looks really good it’s very long and pointy but I think that’s funny just going to avoid looking at mustard in case he eats the second I’ve gotten back

You would okay you would absolutely do it out of spite give me that come up here um I think that’s now in line and then both of you light blue oh ew I did not mean to do that I didn’t know you could die the what’s a good thing I have

Enough that was gross right good thing I have enough oh we want to go we need to go um we need to go right now right let me just throw away all of this um and get on this and drink there we go we didn’t bring one with me but I don’t

Whoa are you K okay no no you’re kidding me what do you mean I’m sorry apparently I sat in the thing so long that it decided I was going back now but how what dude I and it took my chair it ate my chair what am

I okay do I just have to try again that was awful am I going to have to make a new chair as well why did it eat my chair do I even have enough yeah I do oh I don’t have any I don’t have any Thing that was upsetting I was excited to go why did delete my chair I liked the chair being where it was ow come here I liked the chair I’m G to have to make another one okay um go have to find another pineapple which should not be hard at

All they’re kind of everywhere but that’s annoying you go Fair okay I don’t know why the portal is disappearing on the map scared me I thought it had just popped out of existence I would have been really mad um well what am I supposed to do now can

I I was I was I’m going to have to wait a whole another day okay I wonder why that happened it’s very upsetting I might have to try it with my recording off maybe it was that maybe it like lagged too much and then it just sent me back oh I didn’t mean

To that’s really cool that’s a really cool game design it’s not sarcasm that is actually really really cool that when you hit it with a sword it drops something different but now I’m going to have to go and find another pineapple okay there’s some over there and he actually really cool what

Can you do with the pineapple chunks um is there any more nearby than I can grab cuz I feel like this is going to be a lot of trial and error no okay yeah I think I’m going to get everything ready to go I’m going to turn

Off the recording I’m going to go through the portal and we’re going to hope that it works this time and then I’ll start recording again the second we get in if it works if it doesn’t work I don’t know I don’t know why it did that it’s very upsetting ow broke my

Legs I think I’m also just going to jump in the portal in a minute and see if that brings me through but I really don’t think it does right make one of those please and I guess we’ll just put the chair down here right take me through

Please you should drink a pean a colot for teleporting oh oh oh oh okay okay so you just oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m going to cry look at he look at he he junk hello you’re just a monkey that is

A bird I want him but what I really what is that an orchid it looks really weird um I want this guy please oh my God oh my God guys I’m going to panic attack oh my God and what are you what are you a dilophosaur oh I kind of want a

Dilophosaur oh that’s okay okay and do I want an iguana or a triceratops or another stco um did I say aanon I might have said iguana Don I meant iguana oh my God okay well I misclicked so apparently it’s not meant to be um and then a mammoth oh God

That is not good is what that is it’s not good um I O um I did not know is that an nikosaur oh my God is that an nickasaur oh please I really want one oh there meons are there that feels like something that they would have or is that a

Sword that gasp almost turned into a yawn um come here immediately why are you so big though that’s my question I don’t think you’re supposed to be as big as you are oh what just is the monkey killing it I’m just going to go get the small

One I being chased I’m just going to take the small brackie um and we’re going to go oh God guys I did not bring enough I did not bring enough things I really really didn’t oh I’m going to why are they mooing I did not bring enough

Stuff oh an iris that’s cool I really did not bring enough Nets um we’re going to go look for a village and we’re going to stop when we find one because oh there one there’s one there’s the choppy creeper the trop craft creeper look at him he’s gorgeous isn’t

He troppy creeper is friendly I think I don’t actually think he is I don’t know why he did that oh my God is that a baby oh that is not a baby T-Rex is it it’s a velociraptor oh I should probably get away from it then God I

Can’t do with this I really love dinosaurs I don’t know if I’ve ever made that very clear but I really love dinosaurs and I genuinely had no idea that the tropy craft world had dinosaurs in it I’m pretty sure these are the dinosaurs from um from fossils and archaeology

Yeah um that’s the dinosaurs from that but I just didn’t even know that there’s dinosaurs at all all right let me um I didn’t kill one of those so I don’t know why it’s trying to tell me right I don’t it’s trying to tell me to turn into one of them

But okay there’s another dilophosaur I probably should have gotten more than one of each monkey oh hello right we’re just going to swim about until we find something um a village is what we’re looking for we’re going to swim around until we find a village cuz I think I think that you can

Trade help I think that you can trade for is that a volcano that’s not good oh that is a chunky boy oh my God okay um let’s stay away from you um I think that you can trade for Safari Nets I don’t know like 100% but I’m pretty

Sure but um I would need to find I an island for that or not an island I would need to find a I would need to find the village in the first place I think those blocks breaking mean there’s a T-Rex there okay was I supposed to remember where

The um where the portal was like I know I can go on the map but am I able to get out of here without the portal or am I meant to go through the portal again I don’t know oh those are cool what is this it’s a

Shipwreck I don’t think it’s got any loot all right let’s move on oh what’s this this place is what is that right let’s come over here and sleep can you really okay I think this is a big ass tree dude it is something wait sorry what is

That don’t know that I want to know am I able to sleep in here dude I don’t think you can sleep in this biome sorry or that Dimension that’s so weird it is a big ass tree yeah okay unfortunately I cannot see anything I might break in not break into

This tree what’s that it’s pretty oh I want that mushroom oh my God oh is that that might be spawning them Ming mushroom okay maybe I shouldn’t touch it then I kind of want to go up there I don’t think I have any morphs that fly though

Oh why did the sound cut out Brachiosaurus coven witch I don’t know what that says spider can I climb I can I am nasty nasty spider boy oh pterodactyl can I oh hello can I go through here please thank you ah there’s a floss Raptor in the

Tree okay oh my God iguana scales trade wins cooked for Rock like this is cool um me turn into me I’m going to go down the tree is there is it like what what’s happening okay is that a seagull fail goal okay that’s very rude um right well I guess

The right I think I just heard a velociraptor die okay back into squid please um let’s go this way now does it ever get daytime again do please just let me be on top okay on top of the water oh those trees are cool I think I can’t really see

Anything swim swim swim oh hello oh my God they get big okay let’s come this way um oh another volcano don’t really want to go near that okay so where are all the villages are there villages on this version there should be um should be as in it would be weird if

There wasn’t but I don’t actually know that there is but there’s like let me look up at tropy craft turtle egg oh there’s Turtles um they should be yeah can’t really find it but I don’t know how else you would get a lot of things like you trade the fishing rods

With the fishermen I think we just want a fisherman Village I don’t know why I keep slowly sinking into the water I just want one Village oh there we go there’s literally one right here okay villagers are attacking something um they’re fishing roding something please don’t fishing rod

Me right I think maybe there’s a troppy craft bed that you have to has that that hasn’t changed since we got here has it no it has it has um it’s going down I’m just blind um hello okay I can’t talk to you um right click Goa with an

Item Goa oh is that who they are cost one credit right what’s that like a little area for BS maybe the monkeys okay and what’s in here a chest nothing in it all right call me hello um I can’t see your name yini maybe right oh I think they put fish in there

When they catch fish what are you doing think your AI is broken okay is that the only shop Easter Island okay that is in fact the only shop um so what do I do I can offer you want dirt you do not have permission to check

Oh that’s cool in my opinion right is there a guide on how to to do this um oh fish can I offer you fish I’m very much stuck um oh oh These are ways up as well that’s fun okay hello um let me see can I

Oh oh is this can I cycle through them cycle items right click fresh melon scale chest plates scale leing scale helmet scale boots coconut grenades Leaf Ball blow gun dirt fishing net what does a fishing net do so eagle spotted eagle ray what um fishing net what does it do oh it’s

Really easy to make um cocktail SN orle we want one of those flippers um some some things what am I picking up okay and now we need to figure out how do I give them stuff how do I get credit um I’m going to look it up really quick

Okay they want like shiny things so they will trade for a music disc I think are you kidding me I kind of wanted that right Diamonds though they said they would trade for diamonds and I have a lot of diamonds at wait did you not like

It okay whatever no I guess he did not not like it um so yeah there is a T-Rex over here there’s two T-Rexes over here um let’s run away from there real quick uh theasaurus don’t attack Jesus I don’t think the dinosaurs attack except maybe the guy the T-Rex but I don’t know

How so sorry okay how do I do this hello you’re very cute um I’m really confused um and everything’s very loud right um you know what I don’t know I don’t know what’s happening and I don’t know how to do this so I’m going to research it later um but that’s going

To be it for today’s video I hope you enjoyed watching and I’ll see you in the next one hello everyone my name is Ethan and today we’re going to be playing Minecraft um attack the attack of the B team mod pack um today I think we want to what is happening

Um um I don’t know what that was sorry um what okay it stutters if I go too slow with the Turning that’s weird um today today we want to finish the house uh which I think we’re going to going to do in um in this in h stone bricks and we

Want to get started on Tinker construct and also you know what okay I think I would prefer to go to troppy craft actually um Troy craft uh just because um it just sounds more fun also I looked it up I was right it is um that’s not how do you spell

Colada it up here um I is that it cocktail is that that’s a panina colada yeah okay um you do drink a panina colada trop you drink a pina colada in one of the chairs at Sunset um I was correct I cannot believe I was correct

But okay so what what um what one do we want to make we’re going to put this on our porch I think um okay I need to stop and think for a second we’re going to fix the house first it’s the first thing we’re going to do is make the house or finish

The house um and then we will go to tropy Craft um the Tropic craft Dimension okay this absolutely needs to get removed I’ve just had a heart attack um we’ll put it on top of the Furnace there we go um yeah I think it would be better to finish the

House now how are we going going to uh let me grab some wood and a a thing a crafting table so that we can do this while we’re up here because I want to do um a fancy roof uh which is a problem so we want to do oh is that going to

Work no we have to go one up right um we want to go one up um starting from here this is going to be all right this is the first layer then we have this we have that that that upside down block normal upside down block normal uh upside down

Block normal uh let me break this palm tree from the top down there we go um that’s the way that I want the roof to be um which is going to take a lot of resources but I think it’s worth it I think it’s the best looking house uh roof that you can

Get where I put the bed there okay um I think it’s the best looking B uh the best looking roof and considering the fact that a house is is literally just a square um I think a nice roof will make it look better also it means that we can have an

Attic um I don’t know where these mobs are coming from is that right that wasn’t right okay let me come down here and get this um right it is night though uh trying to decide right let’s just do that many we’re going to need to go and get so much Cobblestone

Um right let’s come back out here um okay right not going to work um let me do that let me do that okay let’s get back up here okay upside down then we have normal upside no we have block normal upside down block let’s let’s do

It from this side as well and let’s also eat because I do not want um I do not want our first death to be because we fell off of our house right um block normal upside down block normal upside down block normal upside down block normal upside down down block normal upside down

Um okay this is a block uh normal upside down block normal upside down normal upside down then a slab right this is going to be a large roof I’m debating do we make it smaller cuz I have a feeling we’re going to get down here and realize it’s way too big or

Something um let me remove all of this so we can just see um it is pretty big but we could fit another room up there for more stuff hi I’m just going to jump in really quick and say that uh I recorded a lot of this video when I

Was sick so I I was wheezing a lot and I didn’t realize until editing now uh I didn’t realize I was wheezing so obviously I’m cutting all of that out of the video so there might be a lot of random guts or like big chunks missing I

Think mainly were just missing uh me building the roof hopefully not too much but yeah unfortunately it just it was it was happening too much for me to leave that in it would be too many like small little Cuts right so we’re just going to cut it all out and

I’m sorry but it’s for it’s for the sake of your ears um also I think that the head that he the creeper dropped that one time I think that is from uh Tiner construct I think I think it makes heads drop um more often I think I don’t know I just that’s

What I’m assuming um but I think that’s why that’s happening uh let me come down here to the cow um yeah that’s fine mushy boy um let me put that there I think that’ll make that look nicer okay let’s come back up here um let’s sleep and maybe let’s put

Like a trapo or something or we need to put mushy boy somewhere um could he even come up here I think he may be good um let’s leave him for now I don’t think I think he maybe could but I don’t think he will um yeah I think that’s going to look

Great when it’s done um uh imagine it’s going to have Windows in it as well so it’s not going to be just wood uh are we we’re not done with the oak logs so let’s go do that let’s come up the top and finish putting in the oak locks I think um

So that we can turn the rest of it into what’s it called into oak wood right uh lock lock Uh Wood lock lock wood lock lock wood lock lock wood lock lock wood lock lock then wood down there log log um okay I think we can sort of it’s from

This one two Uh Wood one two wood one two wood one two wood one two right okay now we’re done with these can just go ahead and turn them all into planks um why on Earth has that happened am I going to have to okay me come up here that’s so odd

Right let’s um I think the back area does not need Windows because it’s just into a mountain we don’t need to see that so uh let’s come back up here and completely block up this Side uh cuz we do not need to see this oh I have realized the ceiling is going to be the floor when you get up here and I was okay with it being a ceiling because you couldn’t see it really God the back is going to look

Awful we just we don’t look at the back because it’s a mountain right we ignore the back of the house um right let me can I not reach that again right well what um you know what maybe we just have it so that the this isn’t the floor this is the

Ceiling we put flooring on top of it what kind of floor do we want um I think maybe just Cobblestone a cobblestone floor up here to make things easier and then this will be the floor which means the windows don’t have to happen for a while or maybe even can’t happen for a

While right let me put that there okay so this is the floor which means the windows would be here or we could do a floor window um like a window that’s on floor level so if we did it like that and then we had um maybe like

That would that be a nice window not really um okay what about uh one two and then if we come up here and fix this so that it’s then here it’s where the where the thing ends is this a nice window yeah I think that’ll be fine let me put in all of

This I think that’s a good enough window um now we just need to collect a whole lot of cobblestone um right where do we want the wall though I think we started it there so we don’t have to yeah was we’ll started there okay um he’s he’s very loud has he gotten

Upstairs okay what we need now is a bunch more wood wood and a bunch more Stone this he’s still downstairs he isn’t right mushy boy where have you gotten to he is upstairs right the problem is well you know what we can make leads like really

Easily why don’t I just make a fence and tie him to it downstairs um oh do we have wait do not not have enough string oh we do we do uh give me the Slime balls okay and then is it still yeah it’s still back when that was the way to

Make fences the simplest way in my opinion just go down thank you right where’s the middle there is no middle okay you can just stay there okay um let me grab right here’s what we’re going to do now we want to go get a bunch of wood and a bunch of

Stone I’m debating do I record that or do I just cut back to us having gotten it cuz I don’t know how long I can do it for what the hell when did I get that um do I not have any SAR Nets left thought I had one I do okay

Um did I want something else as well no right so what we’re going to do is we’re going to go back to the oak wood place and I might cut this out or I might leave this in I’m not sure yet oh hello let me get that right I don’t

Know um it’s very hard to spend a lot of time mining resources when when it’s being included in the video cuz I have to talk the entire time when all I want to do is like mindlessly mind stuff I don’t have to think but I’m also these videos are less

For entertainment and more for ASMR and relaxation so is it not better to keep all of the Sounds in I don’t really know well I doubt that was very relaxing um how far away is this swamp I can’t remember oh there’s a tree up there I could go up there and get

It um is that a crown I think that’s just the ice gang’s Crown though I already have that what is that oh my God a baby turtle oh right it’s very unfortunate when you kill something for their hat and then end up deciding that you prefer your own

Hat the hat that you were already wearing I don’t know why does that cave noise always sound like a a an airplane we do not have the Hat stands in this mod pack it’s unfortunate I like the Hat stands how does this keep happening right we want to go in

And cut down a couple of trees think I want to cut down more than like two or three just so that I don’t have to keep coming back here this is like a third trip which is insane the boring bit is going to be when we have to get a bunch of

Stone oh it’s getting night time we should sleep um I really hope we run into one of those guys again the spiders I’d really like one of those as a pet um but I don’t know where they come from I’m also not sure where I would put

Him but if I got it in a Safar net then it wouldn’t really matter where I want to put him because I could put him uh wherever I want later on we just keep him in the Box in the net until I needed to find a place for him

Probably make a a little bedroom for him uh near my bedroom I cannot wait to go to Tropic craft I really want to get this roof done as soon as possible so that we can go I do need to find some sheep um cuz I want a

Blue what’s it called I want a blue chair um because I think that the blue would look the nicest um no the leaves I keep thinking thinking they’re animals and like creepers and stuff right and no there’s nothing in this biome except witches but I don’t want a pet witch so

Um I like this tree let’s get this one it’s really the stone that I need a lot of and it’s going to take ages to mine as well or to smelt I might even just go to tropy craft while I’m waiting for it to smell but I

Don’t think that would work cuz I think it needs to you need to be in the same dimension for stuff to smell right very uh very unfortunate um I might just get go uh whoa I might just go AFK while while we we wait for them to smelt

I think that would just be easier maybe block up the windows and doors and let it go for a couple days um cuz you don’t want to watch it and I don’t want to watch it so it might be easier to do it like that um I do really want to find some

Sheep we could find just one sheep um that we could diee blue and shear how many stacks is that right that’s definitely enough so we’re done with wood let’s find a sheep now um where is the where’s the it’s not this way this isn’t the normal B no that’s all water

Um what am I trying to say the like plains biome there’s a plains biome that has sheep in it I just can’t can’t remember where it is um I think it’s basically the opposite direction that we’ve just gone in um we’re kind of running out of bread I’m gonna destroy this

Dude and get the hay from him you know what I would really love is to play Attack of the B Team like modern version like all of the modern updates of every mod that’s in it but also like with new mods that like there are some that have not been

Updated um in a while tinker’s construct I think recently got updated to a lot of the newer versions I think for a while it was stuck on just um what is that for a while I was stuck on just one what is that 1.2 I think really though what is

That God the water is so what is that okay well okay that’s definitely a dungeon let me come over here and I’m going to look up how you change morphs I’m going to try I’m going to figure it out because with the squids you can basically see in the

Water pretty well and you swim really fast um and I would very much like to be able to do that is that a tree or Berry right so this was not worth it really oh but there are sheep over here so it wasn’t entirely entirely useless but there are absolutely things

In the water that I would very much like to oh my god there are things in the water that I’d really like to see and I don’t know how to oh I found it but I can’t remember how right uh squid oh please are you kidding

Me really this is the best you can do right so you can’t actually see underwater turns out um oh this is like really bad right oh but I don’t drown so I may as well just try oh it’s going to be black for you guys trust me it’s just as bad for

Me I cannot see a single thing okay that was way too loud uh let’s not stay anywhere near that it might be an oil deposit but that doesn’t explain the bright light that’s coming out of it I don’t know I really don’t know what it

Is um and there’s a bunch of them which is making me think there’s either a dungeon underneath us but like what’s the light I don’t know we’ll figure it out eventually we can make like night vision potions or something but um let me grab a sheep um what is

That a chicken with a hat right let me grab a sheep um I’ll take you and let’s uh let’s do we want to go back home um I guess so um I think it’s okay it’s well it’s bracket it’s it’s one of the brackets and then that

Button I’ve been pressing is just to quickly change into your player right I figured it out okay let’s just swim home really quick I wonder what the Nautilus does it must give you Nautilus shells and then you can like do something something with them I have no idea what though um now

How what would be easier I think going around um where is our house there it is if we come around here we can very easily just jump over this little bit of land and then make it to our house right this is not the bit of land that I meant

Oh it’s worse when you jump right me just quickly get back in the water and then let’s come over here um and here is where we’ll get out okay that life’s life is going to be a lot easier now that we can morph okay so we only got water water we

Only got wood we didn’t get any stone um it’s cuz I kind of I really just want to go into the the dimension oh we got our sheep as well me make sure to put that downstairs so otherwise I’ll forget oh he he gained a hat okay right give me

This you’ll get a name eventually dude um we might just name him hot dog uh right let me you know what we could name him now can’t we name tags there name tag nope name tag uh yeah three string of paper and slime ball string and slime ball right that wasn’t

It there we go name tag uh uh let’s name him mustard mustard and mushy boy right let’s let’s find the right at Troy craft okay we want not green we want blue and it’s light blue we get light blue dye from different flowers oh we have lapis and we have a bone

Somewhere we should have a bone yeah um take bone meal and one of those light blue let me dye the Sheep light blue um okay and now we need two iron two iron I’m genuinely blind uh here two iron there and there also make our bread while I’m here there we

Go right let’s Shear you got three perfect we have our three one now we want our three wool want to make this no how did we bamboo oh okay that’s easy right we need more bamboo um is what I’m discovering um that with that we have our blue

Chair which we’re going to put here um but yeah we’re absolutely going to need more bamboo cuz we needed to make the cup but that’s fine let’s go upstairs you know what let’s make a ladder um upstairs because I’m going insane from having to scale the wall all

Every time I decide I want to go upstairs uh let’s just put it here okay um it be like that whoops right let me follow this we can do it like that um oh we do not right what am I doing we want do okay I’m this is confusing

Me all right we’ll just do this bit for now uh we want to do it like this yeah like that and we’ll add in the other blocks in like palmwood or something cuz you won’t be able to see those po B okay now we want uh just these two we

Don’t need to double there this one um okay right let me just come down here um this first layer is going to be three blocks tall uh because we need it to be we also want this to be filled in please right one two three uh then this oh not

That okay we want more oak wood honestly we could just do this all in one do that um and then do this right and now do we have we have no bom wood on us great all right let me come and get some BM wood oh um we need some torches otherwise

We’re going to die up here how dark it is what all right there we go let me break down the wall okay um and then we’ll do this um this needs it as well and this is just so that we can place the stairs down really quickly um without having to

Crouch and everything um it also just means we won’t have any gaps in our ceiling which I’m not against I just you know think I should put oh wait did we really just no thought for a second I only grabbed one stack but I don’t think I

Got enough but honestly we have so much oak wood we can use some oak wood for this as well um let me whoops don’t do I need to I guess it probably be uh easier if I also so covered the oak logs yeah right oops get rid of that

Okay um let me oh not on this level this one’s fine um it’s this one that’s not fine okay um there we go that should be all of the outlining and everything done we just need to get in the actual roof bit although if we’re being honest we also

Don’t even need to do this in all bricks we could do the outline in bricks and then the rest of it wood um we would still need to go out and get more Stone but we would not need to get as much as I thought we would you

Know what yeah yeah that’s what we’re going to do let turn all of this or you know what no let’s keep all of this as um whatever you can right let’s keep two stacks as just planks and then the rest is getting turned into um into stairs where

Is right give me bom wood and then we’re going to come up here going to burst through here right uh the bottom trim oh no oh I’ve done this wrong I’ve done this wrong you do see this bit oh that’s going to be awful I have to go through and replace

This all with Hoke wood this is going to suck okay well that’s my bad I was looking at it wrong okay well it’s fine I’ll just remember for next time you know I built this exact style of roof every time I make a house in Minecraft it’s just been so

Long that I’ve made a house in Minecraft that I forgot how to do it um did I bring the bed I did let’s just sleep really quickly there a guy spawned behind us um I think yeah how on how am I doing that I’m just placing them inside of me

I really wish we had the off hand in this version makes a a lot easier when you can just put the uh the blocks in your off hand right okay next level oh this is going to take so long all right I’m determined to actually finish

The house today though I refuse to not have it done um because I want to do Troy craft but I will not stand on any of the mods until we have an actual house okay okay that’s easier than what I’ve been doing um let’s get this one in okay almost

Done um this topit is actually not something you will see so that’s fine to to leave as is to just save us some wood okay um but this line you do see you know what this would actually all be Oak slabs as well um okay we should have been doing this

We should do this from the bottom to the top top um that’s fine as it is right yeah we’re going to need more oak wood because of course we are um I know by the way that I could just plant some Oak hello I know I could

Just plant some oak wood but I really really don’t want to okay right let me come down here and make a bunch of slabs now as well for up the top um I’ll make 36 sure uh right nearest oak wood it would be back through the thing

Again I think but I really don’t need no I kind of do need a lot right we’re going to go and chop down just one more tree um we need more of those I don’t know why that’s in there 1 two three for an axe

Okay you know what we’re going to go the other way we’re going to go this way I know it’s not as big of trees but I do need more bamboo and I think we’ll have an easier time finding it in a meadow so I think that’s where it spawns or in a

Plain biome or whatever um we need to break these cuz I can see them from the house and I don’t like them oh you do get the stained the stained sapling that’s cool um I’m not sure why you would want some what has happened there that tree has grown on top of another

Tree um there’s some bamboo perfect oh spider is it the baby oh it’s dead doesn’t really matter anymore okay we just need a couple oak trees um and some bamboo to finally finish this house before I go insane and then maybe a stack of um

Stone which I may as well get while I’m here as well from the mountain this might actually be easier than the other place um I did not realize that there would be a bunch in the jungle area probably start going over there instead although it justes you have to

Cut down a lot did I why did I do that you have to cut down a lot more but um it would mean less walking I think oops it would mean less walking um which is definitely a plus always um I think I would like just a stack of

Wood so we only need a couple more trees um we’ll get you as well um we might yeah we’ll cut down this tree and we’ll just take the extra um so I would rather have a little bit too much than not enough right what are those um kiwis kiwis right let’s come over

Here oh a cherry that’s really cute all right let me eat the chick oh I did not want more thank you um no I wanted to come up here to start Gathering some of this Stone we’ll just take a stack we don’t need much now that we decided to do um

Oak roof with a trim but uh we do need some more oh we also need some for the floor so actually let’s get two stacks we’ll smelt one and we’ll keep the other we’ll hope that’s enough cuz if it’s not I really don’t want to have to go out and gather

More po po but but can’t believe three episodes in and I haven’t even got my house done yet especially the fact that last episode is titled finish uh finishing my house finishing the house or something like that but I mean it was basically done I just needed to do the roof I didn’t

Realize I’d be adding a whole another floor um but we’re definitely going to go to the Trop craft today no matter how long it takes doesn’t matter how big the episode has to be we’re going in this episode um it’s actually pretty easy to get

There so I think we can do a short little like exploring of it and then leave and then go back for like a full time uh next next episode yeah I’m thinking we go and get like a mob any kind of mob and then we come back um and end the episode there

Right uh we just want like a pet or maybe we’ll not even come back maybe we’ll just find something and in the episode there uh because I have a lot of videos to record today um and as much as I would love to play attack of the P team forever it

Does get incredibly repetitive I’ve also found that if I play for too long then I can’t stop and if I can’t stop then I won’t get very many videos done today um right let’s uh come inside and sleep oh we still need to do the fences I don’t even know how I’m going

To do them we’re out of coal okay okay let’s just try and get as much done as we can with just what we have uh let me come up here and we’re going to do the flooring um we’re going to finish the flooring for up

Here um where did that light go that was weird oh there it is sunk into the floor and it had to come back after a while okay so a stack was very much not enough that’s fine we will just have to um use up some of the stuff from in

Here which honestly I’m fine with because I don’t really feel like going out to find more coal anyway um oh I really don’t think we’ll have enough though right maybe we will s seven uh we do not want to go out this way um I guess we’re just going to have

To come on we’re going to have to pile up the side of the house okay okay let’s get the trim done um like that right oh yeah no we’re not even going to slightly have enough I forgot that I had to do this okay um I guess just while we’re here

Let’s come up the top and get these slabs in um here we’ll just finish the wood I guess we’ll go back out or we’ll just smelt the um the stone uh because if we do it like this then we can use whatever left over wood

We might have as uh fuel to smelt the stone um that sucks that we did not even slightly have enough although honestly I don’t know why I thought that would be enough um let me get crafting table and a bunch of wood please uh there we go um then

This we want like that and let me get this out of the way okay um this is the last layer finally and then all we need to do is finish the outline um which should not be too hard and then we can go to tropy craft

Finally oh really although I do think we should make some Safari Nets before we go cuz um that’s the entire point of going is for some new animals I think they have frogs I really want some frogs okay we really really need some more Stone so yeah let’s use this wood as

Fuel although can we burn the Palm wood because if we can that would be a good way to get rid of the palmwood we can right just burn the Palm wood then and let me go out and gather some more Stone um down here right I swear there was a cave here

Yeah um I wish there was quaries in this mod I really don’t think there is like I said I think the most technical is the tinker’s construct which is not very technical at all um except maybe Galacticraft is that worse or better than tinker’s construct in terms of in terms of

Difficulty um who knows I would like to go to the moon but it’s not really priority right Tinker construct troppy craft and the dinosaurs their priority this is just sort of I’ve never done it so it would be a little bit fun right um I don’t know why I have never gone

Before it just it seems too H to learn really not a lot I think it would be fun as like a a survival challenge of starting on the moon I’m trying to survive on the moon but just going to the Moon that’s so boring um right let’s go

Up and then after this all we need to do is get some fences for the porch and then we’re done oh um should probably use this to get up oh no actually we do not want to use this to get up because we do not need to go up we want

To start from the bottom CU that would be easier right um backwards then full block right there we go then this backwards full block like this upside down um full block normal upside down full block normal upside down full block normal upside down full block normal oh we have a row of

Oak stairs that we never finished um right get this done and then we’re almost done I think uh we just have to do are you kidding me okay we just have to do the last bit of trim down here which where then then we’re we’re

Done with the house sort of can we make walls in this um we do have um what’s it called that’s Cobblestone we do have the um Mr gra fish’s fer mod I think at Mr yeah o it’s got like five things we could make white fences though

But white fences would look weird I think we just make Oak hook would look a little bit boring as well but it’s better than uh the other thing all right let’s come up here let’s break away this um po po pop okay oops um then we’re

Done um with the roof of course we need to do the fences now but that is not hard to do at all okay going to come down here right now we just need to get rid of these and then make the fences and then we can go to

Tropicraft um CU I don’t really care about Furnishing the house yet um or ever really um this I don’t want to be about the house even though first three episodes have only been about the house but you know um that was because I wanted to have somewhere to stay

Okay right we want these to make the cup now we need coconuts uh cut open specifically um let me make two more chests um we want to keep the bread thank you okay um let’s let’s sleep or or not all right okay now let’s get a coconut but from Tropic craft co

Go coconut um that’s not the right coconut these are the right coconuts and then we have the pineapple right oops we how do we right okay with that and that we have a Pina clad you know what I maybe should not have slept because you need to wait

Until oh you know what but we need to the we need the Safar saf Safari um okay easy enough uh leather um string and oops and slime balls right slime balls let you know what you just do it right okay and make as many as you can please

Um only four because we do not have enough string or leather really but four is better than nothing okay let’s make the fences while we’re here um we want Oak fences let’s just oh wait fences are now just sticks so I think they can only be Oak anyway what

Only 20 from a stack of sticks that’s insane okay 42 from two stacks to be insane right let me do this now how do we want to do this bit let me get rid of this this has really been bothering me for a while okay um let’s do that now um

Uh this spits fine doesn’t need a railing do we want maybe oh if we have Oak locks left I’ll attempt to fix it but um okay we do okay we could do one there um which would work well if we did which would work well if we did that do we like

That I mean we don’t dislike it yeah that’s fine that’s cute even okay so that’s all fine I do want okay yeah that made no noise I do want this bed what does this wood look like I like okay we want to move our bed up here um there is

Not a middle but oh that’s amazing right we need another bed oh and we can dye it as well so where’s our light blue dye there it is we will need another one for the second bed um where’s our where’s our thing here okay we need more cabis

Blocks um which I think is like that it is and then like that with wool where did I put the shears um here right let me come downstairs um you’ve oh mustard you’re not going to be able to it’s confusing okay mustard isn’t going to be able to do

Anything all right let’s bring you out here come on um let’s just come up here let’s tie you to that fence and just eat some grass please please me grab all of this please eat please I don’t want to have to go and look for a new a new sheep um come on

Dude okay I’m just going to wait here until you eat because I really need I really need the grass right now or the the the wool right now okay I’ve already lost my patience um you have no idea how close I am to just going out and looking for a new

Sheep okay I was incredibly close apparently um we’re just going to go out and Shear some random sheep and hope that mustard gets his act together um cuz I I maybe shouldn’t have I don’t know I kind of want to get the bed done before we go drop a craft just because I

Started it I don’t want to finish halfway and then like leave come on okay we could grab the horses while we’re here but I don’t want to waste a Safari Net on them cuz I can’t remember what you can even get and drop a craft I know there’s frogs and the camouflage

Creeper I think it might just be Tropic graft creeper um yeah it’s Tropic rft creeper not camouflage because they have the funny little hats on don’t they um they’ve got their like vacation like Hawaiian sweaters Hawaiian sweater Hawaiian shirt or something something like that I think give me that please um have you

Already been cheered no right now let’s go home um yeah there’s no point in getting does he have a British flag on his ass um there’s no um there’s no point in grabbing one cuz I don’t have a saddle anyway um and I also uh don’t want a

Horse that is so British he wears a flag on his ass um as an Irish person deeply offensive to me um that’s a joke obviously but yeah no point we don’t have Saddles and we can’t make them so he can stay where he is oh out of

Food this will be the first look at the house since completing it this will be nice um yeah I like it I think it looks really good it’s very long and pointy but I think that’s funny just going to avoid looking at mustard in case he eats the second I’ve gotten

Back he would okay you would absolutely do it out of spite uh give me that come up here um I think I think that’s now in line and then both of you light blue oh ew I did not mean to do that I didn’t know you could die the what’s a good

Thing I have enough that was gross right good thing I have enough oh we want to go we need to go um we need to go right now right let me just throw away all of this um and get on this and drink there we go we didn’t bring one with

Me but I don’t whoa are you kid okay no no you’re kidding me what do you mean I’m sorry apparently I sat in the thing so long that it decided I was going back now but how what dude I and it took my chair it ate my chair what am

I okay do I just have to try again that was awful okay I’m am I going to have to make a new chair as well why did it eat my chair so I even have enough yeah I do oh I don’t have any I don’t have any Thing that was upsetting I was excited to go why did delete my chair I liked the chair being where it was ow come here I liked the chair I’m going to have to make another one okay um go have to find another pineapple which should not be hard at

All they’re kind of everywhere but that’s annoying you go Fair okay I don’t know why the portal is disappearing on the map scared me I thought it had just popped out of existence I would have been really mad um well what am I supposed to do now can

I I was I was I’m going to have to wait a whole another day okay I wonder why that happened was very upsetting I might have to try it with my recording off maybe it was that maybe it like lagged too much and then it just sent me back oh I didn’t

Mean to that’s really cool that’s a really cool game design it’s not sarcasm that is actually really really cool that when you hit it with a sword it drops something different but now I’m going to have to go out and find another pineapple okay there’s some over

There and he’s actually really cool what can you do with the pineapple chunks um is there any more nearby that I can grab cuz I feel like this is going to be a lot of trial and error no okay yeah I think I’m going to get

Everything ready to go I’m going to turn off the recording I’m going to go through the portal and we’re going to hope that it works this time and then I’ll start recording again the second we get in if it works if it doesn’t work I don’t

Know I don’t know why it did that it’s very upsetting ow who broke my legs I think I’m also just going to jump in the portal in a minute and see if that brings me through but I really don’t think it does right make one of those

Please and I guess we’ll just put the chair down here right take me through please you should drink a pacot over teleporting oh oh oh oh okay okay so you just oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m going to cry look at he look at he he

Junk hello you’re just a monkey that is a bird I want him but what I really what is that an orchid it looks really weird um I want this guy please oh my god oh oh my God guys I’m going to have a panic attack oh my God and what are

You what are you a theasaurus oh that’s okay okay and do I want an iguana or a triceratops or another stco um did I say aanon I might have said iguana da I meant iguana oh my God okay well I misclicked so apparently it’s not meant to

Be um and then a mammoth oh God that is not good is what that is it’s not good um i o um I did not know is that an nickasaur oh my God is that an nickasaur oh please I really want one oh there megin on are there that feels like something that

They would add or is that a sword that gasp almost turned into a yawn um come here immediately why are you so big though that’s my question I don’t think you’re supposed to be as big as you are oh what just is the monkey killing it I’m just

Going to go get the small one I being chased I’m just going to take the small brackie um and we’re going to go oh God guys I did not bring enough I did not bring enough things I really really didn’t oh I’m going to why are they mooing I did not bring enough

Stuff oh an iris that’s cool I really did not bring enough Nets um we’re GNA go look for a village and we’re going to stop when we find one because oh there one there’s one there’s the choppy creeper the trop craft creeper look at him he’s gorgeous isn’t

He troppy creeper he’s friendly I think I don’t actually think he is I don’t know why he did that oh my God is that a baby oh that is not a baby T-Rex is it it’s a velociraptor oh I should probably get away from it then God I can’t do with

This I really love dinosaurs I don’t know if I’ve ever made that very clear but I really love dinosaurs and I genuinely had no idea that the tropy craft world had dinosaurs in it I’m pretty sure these are the dinosaurs from um from fossils in archaeology yeah

Um that’s the dinosaurs from that but I just didn’t even know that there’s dinosaurs at all all right let me um I didn’t kill one of those so I don’t know why it’s trying to tell me right I don’t it’s trying to tell me to turn into one of them

Right okay there’s another dilophosaur I probably should have gotten more than one of each monkey oh hello right we’re just going to swim about until we find something um a village is what we’re looking for we’re going to swim around until we find a village cuz I think I think that you can

Trade help I think that you can trade for is that a volcano that’s not good oh that is a chunky boy oh my God okay um let’s stay away from you um I think that you can trade for Safari Nets I don’t know like 100% but I’m pretty

Sure but um I would need to find an island for that or not an island I would need to find a I would need to find the village in the first place I think those blocks breaking me there’s a T-Rex there okay was I supposed to remember where

The um where the portal was like I know I can go on the map but am I able to get out of here without the portal or am I meant to go through the portal again I don’t know oh those are cool what is this it’s a

Shipwreck I don’t think it’s got any loot all right let’s move on oh what’s this this place is what is that right let’s come over here and sleep can you really okay I think this is a big ass tree dude it is something wait sorry what is

That don’t know that I want to know am I able to sleep in here did I don’t think you can sleep in this biome sorry with that Dimension that’s so weird it is a big ass tree yeah okay unfortunately I cannot see anything I might break in there not

Break into this tree what’s that it’s pretty oh I want that mushroom oh my god oh is that that might be spawning them matrick mushroom okay maybe I shouldn’t touch it then I kind of want to go up there I don’t think I have any morphs that fly

Though oh why did the sound cut out Brachiosaurus coven witch I don’t know what that says spider can I climb I can I am nasty nasty spider boy oh teract can I oh hello can I go through here please thank you ah there’s a velociraptor in the

Tree okay oh my God iguana scales trade wins a cooked frog leg this is cool um me turn into me I’m going to go down the tree is there is it like what what’s happening okay is that a seagull fail goal okay that’s very rude um right well I guess the

Right I think I just heard a velociraptor die okay back into squid please um let’s go this way now does it ever get daytime again do please just let me be on top okay on top of the water those trees are cool I think I can’t really see

Anything swim swim swim oh hello oh my God they get big okay let’s come this way um oh another volcano don’t really want to go near that okay so where are all the villages are there villages in this version there should be um should be as in it would be weird

If there wasn’t but I don’t actually know that there is but there’s like let me look up at tropy craft turtle egg oh there’s Turtles um they should be yeah can’t really find it but I don’t know how else you would get a lot of things like you trade the fishing rods

With the fishermen I think we just want a fisherman Village I don’t know why I keep slowly sinking into the water I just want one Village oh there we go there’s lit one right here okay villagers are attacking something um they’re fishing roding something please don’t fishing rod

Me right I think maybe there’s a troppy craft bed that you have to as that that hasn’t changed since we got here has it no it has it has um it’s going down I’m just blind um hello okay I can’t talk to you um bright click Goa with an item

Goa oh is that who they are cost one credit right what’s that like a little area for BS maybe the monkeys okay and what’s in here a chest nothing in it all right call me hello um I can’t see your name yini maybe right oh I think they put fish in

There when they catch fish what are you doing think your AI is broken okay is that the only shop Easter Island okay that is in fact the only shop um so what do I do I can offer you want dirt you do not have permission to check

Oh that’s cool in my opinion right is there a guide on how to to do this um oh fish can I offer you fish I’m very much stuck um oh oh These are ways up as well that’s fun okay hello um let me see can

I oh oh is this can I cycle through them cycle items right click fresh melon scale chest plates scale Laing scale helmet scale boots coconut grenades Leaf Ball blow gun dirt fishing net what does a fishing net do a eagle spotted eagle ray one um fishing net what does it do oh it’s

Really easy to make um cocktail snorkel we want one of those flippers um some some things what am I picking up okay and now we need to figure out how do I give them stuff how do I get credit um I’m going to look it up really quick

Okay they want like shiny things so they will trade for a music disc I think are you kidding me well I kind of wanted that right Diamonds though they said they would trade for diamonds and I have a lot of diamonds at wait did you not like

It okay whatever no I guess he did not like it um so yeah there is a T-Rex over here there’s two T-Rexes over here um let’s run away from there real quick uh theasaurus don’t attack Jesus I don’t think the dinosaurs attack except maybe the guy the T-Rex but I don’t know how

So sorry okay how do I do this hello you’re very cute um I’m really confused um and everything’s very loud right um you know what I don’t know I don’t know what’s happening and I don’t know how to do this so I’m going to research it later um but that’s going

To be it for today’s video I hope you enjoyed watching and I’ll see you in the next one hello everyone my name is Ethan and today we’re going to be playing Minecraft in the attack of the BT mod pack again um now everything might look a bit different uh that’s because I uh

Accidentally corrupted the troppy craft dimension in the other world um don’t ask me how I did it cuz I don’t know to be honest it just every time I go through the portal it crashes um so the world is still technically usable I just can’t go into Troy craft so I decided to

Just start again but I didn’t want to actually start again so I’ve built the house it is a lot smaller than the other house was but you know it’s still it’s a house you know whatever uh we have the dog still I’ve also taken the opportunity to sort all of her chests

But they do have but they do have everything that we um got in the other world they’re all there um we have a mushy boy and mustard are down here with the cows um I think today is just going to be a little chill day we’re just going

To make a house for mushy boy and mustard which I had I started here um and then I lost the footage we’ve only lost like maybe 10 minutes at most so I think it’s fine I think we’re just going to keep going um I’m debating if I even like

This or not I don’t so we’re going to cover this up um I was going to have like a little man-made water pool here but um I don’t like it so we’re going to cover it we’re going to cover this up uh I kind of need need more dirt which I do

Not have okay let’s come up here um I’m going to cover this up I just kind of want to build today I don’t know um I don’t really want to do anything I feel like we’ve done mostly everything we can do in tropy craft I would love to figure

Out how the villagers work but I don’t know I really can’t figure it out um so for now I think we’re done with tropy craft uh next I want to move on to uh Tinker uh Tinker construct I kind of want a little break from trying to

Figure out mods so we’re not going to do it yet um right I want to do like a little stable bit for the two of them uh maybe like this how much is that that’s three three like that and then come up here and do like this

Maybe and then they can go in and maybe we’ll have a little window between them they can come in here and just have like a nap or something um they don’t need H they’re not going to be locked in here this is going to be like the the inside bit right and they

Can come out whenever they want um um so we’re going to break this down to add in the rest of our wood um I just really don’t want to have the cows mixed with our pets right I also want to move the cows because the cow noises are driving me

Insane already um so we’re going to move those further away from the house as well I just don’t know when or or where um but for now we’re going to get the animals that actually matter to me um is this correct yeah so we’re going to get these guys in

Here right let me grab more wood there we go and let’s finish this back wall now what we want to do I think maybe that it’s a bit small but it’s a sheep and a cow it doesn’t need to be big I’m thinking we add in like that maybe

For oh like it was open oh yeah that’s that’s really cool okay we’re going to do that um I don’t know how I feel about the shape of these I’ll be honest uh let’s let’s not do it like this let me take all of these back and we’ll just do a square or

Something right uh let’s add the roof back in like that um then do that and that thank you um and come up here and do that and now let’s fix this as well okay um be like that I think right yeah uh let’s go home and sleep really

Quickly oh we need to eat okay um um Let’s ignore the roof for now because I don’t want to deal with that and let’s add in the outside bit I think we are going to come down here I wasn’t going to but I don’t know I want them to have a really big

Pen um so let’s bring this like out o do we want them to have a bit of the water I think so like that so that they have a little water supply yeah I think that looks cool um and we’re just going to hope that they don’t go through the water I

Guess they will but um we’ll probably tie them to a lead somewhere so that they can’t like properly Escape um like that right this is incredibly annoying that we didn’t have enough but while we’re here we may as well grab them right let’s go get a lead and some

Sticks um I did this a couple days ago so I cannot remember where anything is um where would leads go miscellaneous no uh good stuff yes okay let’s go outside and get these guys bring them oh first let’s make the fences there we go um more sticks please there we go okay let’s

Grab um you and you okay wait okay come here out we go right let’s come over here you come in come on and we come and then I guess let’s just put them on that for now uh while we do this um I think this would look

Better like that H and there you go let’s get rid of that oh also um you’ve probably already noticed by now but for some reason my skin isn’t working um no idea why but um it’s fine it’s not like you can even tell uh for the most part oh what happened there

Um let’s just get some little hay bales in uh dotted about the place I think like that let’s give them a hail each inside uh let’s go get I think we have a bunch of Bones so let me go and get some to bone meal that area to get grass back

In it and let’s get some cauldrons um if we have any I think we might have one uh we do have one and let’s just make another one I guess um what do we want we want Iron um Iron and what was the other thing bones okay let’s come back up here whoa

Let’s come back up here um another cauldron there we go two oh we need buckets as well uh let’s just get one bucket we can run back and forth okay here’s our one bucket and two cauldrons can he get out from up there he might be able to so I think I’m going

To get rid of that now is he about to go straight out he might be okay let’s put that one there and let’s put that one there and let me go and fill these and let’s go and get just another bucket because why not okay um

Let’s let’s see I think we want to just move these guys like through those eggs okay no chickens that’s fine let’s come up here and sleep please and let’s what do we want to do we want to move the cows over a little bit um to somewhere

Else so that I don’t have to listen to them um I missed missed the floor that I wanted okay um where do we move them to um he is on the fence is he no he’s not okay let’s let’s just move them over here maybe we just kind of want them away

From the house so that I don’t have to listen to them um oh this is very uneven okay let’s I don’t really want to I don’t want them in view of mushy boy and mustard um yeah let’s just put them over here why not um 17 not a lot but

Also they cows that are literally being bred to be killed I don’t think it really matters how big their um their Fen in area is yeah that’s fine we have um more fences over here that we could take uh right let’s come over here oh

Now I can open this window I had it open when I first built the house and then I closed it because I figured the cows would probably jump through my window and I didn’t want them to but now doesn’t really matter um come on uh let’s bring them in

Here and I guess let’s block this up with dirt for now there we go that I would have had to kill them and I would have been very upset okay let’s go and get the rest of these cows there are so many there’s only five I think or four I swear there was

Five oh whatever we might have an escape be oh he has a wizard hat on his oh it’s a donkey I want a donkey I really am sick of the mobs in this game they’re really annoying come on get in idiot come on there we

Go give me those thank you right let me go and get the rest of these fences po po there we go finish this little uh enclosure and then I guess we breede them again um there’s four of them so that should be uh that’s good that’s good cuz

Then we can get two babies from this um okay let me get food maybe no it would be in nature okay it’s in neither um it’s on me I have the wheat okay oh and I didn’t bone meal the area for the the guys okay let me grab the

Bone meal and then I guess we need to go out and get more wood to finish these houses um bone meal bone meal bone meal there as well cool right we did that now let’s go breed these guys and finish their enclosure and then I guess we go yeah we

Go out and break down a bunch of trees um one two three there we go um I really am curious about this big tree over here you can see it on the map it’s massive i’ have no idea what kind of tree it is um I honestly I forgot that it was even

Here I just chose this area cuz I wanted a place by water and I kind of wanted a place by a beach and I liked the little um you can see it on the map up the very top I liked the little bit that was almost completely isolated from the water but

Wasn’t um right what do we want to do um I am kind of curious about why we haven’t found a single hamster still um I don’t know what biomes they spawn in hello ow oh yeah because we we moved to do a new save um I don’t have any of my

Morphs and I also don’t have any of my hands um which sucks a little bit and I have no XP as well um but it’s fine um I really did want to start again just just because I didn’t want to block myself out of troppy craft forever um

Obviously we were basically done with troppy craft anyway but like I I want to go back there and get more dinosaurs um even though I could definitely just make them on this side of the the dimensions I could just make them at home but I don’t know it’s fun

To go out and look for them oh what on Earth are you an entity do creature okay that’s weird um oh there’s a ring over here yeah the other good thing about this is that this place is completely unexplored so everything is new what a you a eucalyptus wood oh we’re going to

Have to come back for that tree that tree is very cool um yeah because it’s a new world we can uh go exploring and it’s basically places we’ve never been to before which is nice um let me see how many times have I said that I

Got a dragon egg in this and now we we have two dragon eggs oh my God okay I was kind of I’ll be completely honest right now I was kind of like getting a little bit bored of this mod pack um mainly just cuz I don’t know what to do

Next there’s a lot of stuff that I could do but it’s one of those things where you’re kind of overwhelmed with a bunch of options that sound semi interesting but nothing like screams really really cool to you right but a dragon’s that yes please oh

That’s going to be so fun um the dragons the way those work you have to there’s a bird sat right outside my window screaming and I have a feeling you can hear him um let me come in here and see if she is okay she is literally nothing useful I

Don’t think they ever do okay this this biome is so cool to me I was going to set a base here but I didn’t want to I didn’t want to like I didn’t want to go crazy you know I didn’t want to cheat anything in I

Didn’t want to go do a crazy new biome right I just went to sort of the closest I could get to what their biome was before um I know I did take the opportunity to sort out our chests but that was something I want have done

Anyway and um the way I had to do that was go through the creative menu and get like oh I had four string so let me go and get four string um but like at that point I may as well sorted as well you

Know um also I should say I was going to change the uh the change the version now that we were on a new world I can’t it’s all 1.6.4 and now I’m wondering if maybe the 1.7.10 that I have played on if maybe that was a different Minecraft mod

Launcher um cuz it’s not on this or maybe they’ve gotten rid of it I don’t know I’ll be honest I really really don’t remember um I hadn’t played modern Minecraft for a very long time um cuz the new Minecraft is just so interesting that like I never needed to

Um but I had been really in the mood for I had really been in the mood for some modded Minecraft so I just started playing it and now I like it’s so much fun it really is but I am kind of running out of obvious things to do we do obviously need to

Do um what’s it called Tinker construct but like at this point I also don’t know that it’s even worth it because of how bad it is in this version I’m like tempted to completely scrap all of this just go through the list of mods and find the newest version for each and

Like play that instead because there really is not much in this bit in this version of all of the mods um okay the dragon egg the way those work is you um you can get different types by going like to a certain biome or going up or going down

I think that I’m going to quickly look up how to get each of them okay I think we want a ghost dragon and a water dragon so for the water dragon we get a little pool of water um I think we’re going to have to do this one at a time

So let me read the water dragon um to spawn a water dragon Place Your Dragon egg in a 3X3 pool of water um 3×3 with a block in the middle right 3×3 with a block in the middle spawn the egg on the Block um let’s get this and then for the ghost

Dragon we have to go down to a very dark area near Bedrock um so there is that egg now do I need to stay with it does it say okay to tame the dragon we do need to feed it raw fish which is fine um I did just

Read there we need a normal Minecraft saddle to ride on it um problem is we can’t get a normal Minecraft saddle and now I’m debating just saying whatever and just spawning in one saddle and we can just share the saddle between them cuz it’s stupid that Saddles can’t be crafted

I might even look up what it the crafting recipe is for the crafted Saddles mod and I might throw out those those like items and then just give myself a saddle um I think I think that would be okay I would be fine with that okay we

Do need to fish for some raw fish though well wrong button okay there’s a fish I guess I’m just going to look up how long this takes because I’m going to have to sit here for a while okay 20 minutes it takes 20 minutes um do I want to sit here for 20

Minutes I guess um if we want a dragon which we do then we’re going to have to sit here for 20 minutes I’m thinking that maybe I shouldn’t have made it this like there because I don’t know is this still in range of the egg will it still like

Continue to grow now that I’m over here or not um nobody’s going to see the back it’s fine um like that and then get those in and then I’ll come over here and just fill this in with wood because nobody cares um okay fun I guess we just fish for a while can

I fish in here maybe can we I don’t think it’s bobbing so I don’t think so oh that’s bobbing though all right that’s not bopping okay we’ll just do it from over here I guess this is so boring okay I’m just going to I think I’m going

To get a bed and I’m just going to camp out here until this guy hatches and then we’ll go hatch or should we I don’t know we might go and hatch the second one straight away as well I am going to just find uh do I have I’m just going to spawn in

The I’m just going to spawn in the saddle um and I’m sorry to anyone that upsets but I’m not doing it I’m so sorry but I’m not Saddles are hard to find anyway I I’m pretty sure like they were really hard to find during this version

So it’s not happening okay I just I guess I’m just going to wait here for this guy to go the other one um it has to go underground I think for that one I’m probably just going to mine um I mean we can always use more Cobblestone right so

We could just spend ages mining cobblestone um you know what we could do we could get an enchantment table um cuz I’ve just realized we don’t have one of those none of our stuff is Enchanted but the more I’m thinking about it the more I’m wondering is this

Back when enchantment tables were really stupid and used all 30 levels or is that not um enchant okay oh Auto enchantment table uh lxp enchanter I don’t know what that means I could put it in a smeltery to get M obsidian okay we do need to check out the witchery

Mod um the Witchery Mod is very much um oh there’s so many pages of these there we go the Witchery Mod is something we very much need to check out because I don’t think I’ve ever done it um there Thal expansion what is in a thermal

Expansion I’m not sure a qcraft I don’t know what that is either your stiners construct um fun okay so it’s not awful there are some stuff in it there’s there is some stuff in it um not a whole lot but oh yeah we have better storage I could

Make um whatever it is oh bibliocraft I forgot about bibliocraft and then guns the flance mod okay we I’m sorry could we make a plane we can make a mech suit all right um but I really want a plane what’s that flotation device cool a tank guys they might be small I don’t

Know what these are right guns we could make some oh we can’t make some guns parachute that would be fun vacuum that’s hilarious um so can we make a plane we can make wings but I don’t know that they do anything okay I also did not find Silk

Oh um it seems that enchantment book is what is Flim Flam okay it seems that enchantment book it’s just the same thing everywhere all right um okay book of biomes we could make that food plus book just a book in a crafting table book and Quil could do that um all

Right okay here’s the thing it’s definitely been 20 minutes at this point and I don’t know that I believe them anymore when they said it would take 20 minutes cuz here’s the thing even if I’ve done it wrong for the water dragon there is an Ender Dragon one that you

Just get from placing down so I should get the the thing let me make sure that it’s not a separate item it’s not the dragon egg okay let me look up dragon mount at dragon all right yeah it doesn’t add anything into the game so this must be

Right oh I have no idea guys um I don’t know maybe it hasn’t been 20 minutes it definitely feels like it has been it hasn’t been for you but it feels like it’s been for me um I don’t know I guess we just sit here and wait oh no are you kidding

Me oh my god I’ve been here for 30 minutes you need to you need to click the egg um oh yeah need to right click the egg and now yeah I know you wanted it to be on okay I don’t think that we’re going to

Oh water dragon okay we are going to get a water dragon let me just put you back on the middle block um I’ll be honest I’m okay with an an Ender Dragon I am uh but it does look like we’re going to get a water dragon I would be okay with Ender Dragon

Um because the other one we’re getting is the ghost dragon which we can’t do wrong you just have to put down right you just have to put it down beside uh like on Bedrock basically um oh does he follow me ew I don’t like that okay well I

Guess in 20 minutes this egg is going to be a baby dragon um I yeah I am a little bit really annoyed that turns out 20 minutes after you’ve right clicked it um that’s annoying I guess it makes sense because you might just want to put the

Dragon eg it down right it’s worth it though cuz then we get a baby dragon oh oh oh oh oh it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming come on come on give me the baby dragon give me the baby dragon I feel like it’s accelerating and then it stops again

Again come on dude get out oh the heck was following me because I had a lead on it I didn’t even realize that’s hilarious I think ghost is just white and water and water is just blue but like the actual Dragon itself I don’t remember what like the model is you know

I actually I think the ghost one looks really cool but I can’t remember there is a forest one another one yeah just the normal Ender Dragon um and a uh ghost one water one and a sky one like an Aether one Aether I don’t think

It’s Aether but like one in the clouds I think the CL the one in the clouds and the ghost one and the two like quote unquote special ones right cuz the nether one is just red I think um or maybe there is just a separate red

Dragon and the ne one is actually really cool I don’t remember um I guess I’ll look up the guide again the breeds of of dragons while we’re waiting for this it feels like it’s been well over 20 minutes now yeah okay there is a separate Nether

And fire one okay the spawn a water dragon okay so this’s water dragon fire dragon Ender Dragon ghost dragon ice dragon Air Dragon nether dragon and Forest Dragon okay I think e go should be getting all of them but for now we’re going to stick with the water and the

Ghost I do kind of wish I had gotten the air one instead but it’s too late now the air and the ghost sorry not not just an air one in general cuz we still oh my god oh he he’s so ugly I know I’m trying to feed him oh do I throw

It why is he following me then oh he’s so ugly oh my God I love him why does he look like that do I have to wait for oh he was following me because he wants the fish is that it okay oh he’s a cow he makes cow noises

He’s so cool okay but what what do I do um once grown up oh God okay we need to pen him in then let’s get him in the basement can I I can attach a lead to him right he’s going to live in the basement for now

Um so you can fit through that Gap you can perfect he’s going to live in the basement while he grows up for now um he’s going to get way too big for the basement pretty quickly um okay okay I think what we’re going to go ahead and

Do is we’re going to set up for the ghost dragon whoa that wasn’t him getting hurt was it you know what I’m going to let him out and we’re going to TI him up somewhere else because this does not seem like a good idea um we’re just going to tie him there

Okay we’re going to go down um and put down the ghost egg but we’re not going to sit there and wait for a hatch on camera I will I will sit there and wait for a hatch but I’m not going to make you guys watch that because I don’t even

Want to watch it but I’m also I’m I really need to um I need to do something so I can’t come back after right I I can idle but I can’t can’t I can’t um I can’t show you guys in this episode so you’re going to

Have to wait until next episode to see the ghost dragon or you could look it up for yourself I I’m I’m going to not look it up cuz I really want to be surprised right cuz oh my God the water dragon is ugly he’s so it’s ugly it’s ugly it’s

Not ugly in a cute way it is just ugly um but I love him I love him so much his tail is really really cool but his face oh my god um so I’m kind of curious how does this guy look does he look ugly as

Well I also don’t know how I’m going to get him out we might oh you know what very NS we can just make a Safari Net that’s how we get him out we’ll make a Safari Net and put him in it and that’s how we’ll get him out um let

Me I guess we could get the bat get the bat Mount real quick I don’t know that I want to um anymore it’s not really it wasn’t really as helpful as I thought it would be is that Obby it’s bassal okay what’s this more bass salt right oh

But that’s obsidian right Bedrock okay there is bedrock right we want to come this this way right okay me break that back open help okay Cobblestone there we go break that back open it does need to be in pinch black but I genuinely cannot see anything um okay me do this and

Then let me look up how to do this again do it need to be a certain width for the ghost dragon place it in complete darkness near Bedrock is on Bedrock okay right let me get the egg ready right um coal oh God okay ghost dragon okay I thought we did

It wrong for a second sorry um no we’re fine we now have the ghost dragon going which is great um right ghost dragon let me where is he there he is he’s still a ghost dragon okay I’m just gonna wait here until he grows up I

Guess but that’s going to be it for today’s video I hope you enjoyed watching and I’ll see you in the next one

This video, titled ‘ASMR – Attack Of The B-Team The Movie – Minecraft – Soft Whispering, Keyboard & Mouse Sounds’, was uploaded by Beetle ASMR on 2023-12-10 22:19:44. It has garnered 514 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 06:28:17 or 23297 seconds.

Hello everyone! My name is Ethan and I use he/him pronouns 🙂

In todays video we played Minecraft, an open-world sandbox game!


Episode 1: https://youtu.be/-M2gZg6l3Y8

#asmr #gaming #minecraft

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    Bedwars Banter: Two Noobs, One Laugh Riot! In the world of Minecraft, two noobs did play, Bedwars was the game, where they had their say. Laughing and dying, like retards they went, Their antics and fails, a true testament. On Hypixel server, they built and fought, On Gamster server, their battles were sought. Roblox Bedwars, a lucky block twist, Their laughter and fun, could not be missed. So join in the fun, with these two noobs, Their Minecraft adventures, in rhymes and loops. For gaming and laughter, they always bring, A joyous experience, let their rhymes sing. Read More

  • Check out Lilyville: Manual Mayhem in the Gamerfleet!

    Check out Lilyville: Manual Mayhem in the Gamerfleet! In Lilyville, the gamers play, Crafting stories in a Minecraft way. Anshu Bisht and GamerFleet in sight, Creating content that shines so bright. Jackbhaiya and OctogamerZz, Spinning tales with a playful jazz. Fleetsmp and funny moments galore, In Lilyville, there’s always more. From scams to roasts, the drama unfolds, In this virtual world, where stories are told. So join the fun, subscribe and like, In Lilyville, the adventure spikes. Read More

  • Conquering the Toughest Minecraft Bingo Challenge!

    Conquering the Toughest Minecraft Bingo Challenge! Conquering the Hardest Achievements in Minecraft Bingo Welcome to a thrilling Minecraft adventure where four friends take on the challenge of completing some of the toughest achievements in Minecraft Bingo. Join in on the fun as these Brits navigate through the game, facing obstacles, and sharing plenty of laughs along the way. Struggling Through the Bingo Board The group dives into the world of Minecraft Bingo, a unique twist on the classic game that adds an extra layer of challenge. As they work their way through the bingo board, each achievement becomes a test of skill and teamwork. From… Read More

  • Top Secret Minecraft Bases | unspeakable

    Top Secret Minecraft Bases | unspeakable The Best Hidden Bases in Minecraft 1.21 In this exciting Minecraft video, we take you on a journey to uncover the mysteries hidden inside a secret Minecraft base! 🏰✨ Ever wondered what makes a perfect secret base? Join us as we reveal the intricate designs, clever traps, and hidden treasures that make this base truly unique. From sneaky entrances to elaborate redstone contraptions, you won’t believe what has been managed to hide away! Discover: The best locations for secret bases Tips for building an impenetrable fortress Creative uses of Minecraft blocks and items Hidden treasures and surprises waiting to… Read More

  • EPIC Cave Base Build in Minecraft

    EPIC Cave Base Build in Minecraft The Ultimate Cave Base in Minecraft Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, offers players endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the most exciting aspects of the game is building unique bases, and creating an underground cave base is a popular choice among players. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft and explore the ultimate cave base. Exploring the Depths Building a cave base in Minecraft allows players to immerse themselves in the underground world, away from the hustle and bustle of the surface. The dark, mysterious caves offer a perfect setting for a hidden sanctuary, filled with secrets… Read More

  • MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme!

    MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems Read More

  • OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass!

    OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass! Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their imagination and build anything their hearts desire. From crafting tools to surviving the night, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Building and Crafting In Minecraft, players can gather resources such as wood, stone, and minerals to craft tools, weapons, and structures. Whether it’s a cozy cottage or a towering castle, the only limit is your creativity. With a variety of blocks to choose from, players can design intricate buildings and landscapes that reflect their… Read More

  • Drowned Dilemma

    Drowned Dilemma Welcome to Minecraft Infiniverse Season 4! As the new season of Minecraft Infiniverse kicks off, SkyGuyJedi is ready to embark on a fresh adventure in the world of Minecraft. This season promises to be filled with exciting challenges, epic builds, and thrilling survival experiences. Let’s dive into the highlights of the first episode and see what awaits in this traditional Minecraft journey! Episode Highlights: Resource Gathering: The season starts with a focus on collecting essential resources like wood, saplings, and sweet berries to lay the foundation for survival. Exploration: Along the way, SkyGuyJedi encounters various creatures, discovers a ruined… Read More

  • EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!

    EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft ATM 9 #11] But What If They Weren’t The Final Preparations’, was uploaded by 氷上竜二Ch Hikami Ryuji Channel on 2024-09-26 03:18:23. It has garnered 27 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Stream Rules: -Don’t bring any sensitive topics like politcs, religion etc. -Be kind a respectiful to everyone -Don’t mention other vtubers unless it’s relevant to the current topic -Don’t spam -Don’t self promote -Don’t give any advices on the game being played unless asked Read More

  • Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!

    Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Let’s explore! Chatting in disguise 👁️’, was uploaded by Yomi Gardenia Ch. on 2024-08-23 00:28:02. It has garnered 214 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:00 or 18600 seconds. 👻 Yo-hooo! Hello! 🌼👻 I am Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond the grave! Today, let’s walk around and see pretty places in Minecraft! I’m Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond! Today, let’s walk around Minecraft and see beautiful places! 🌼 Minecraft is a game by Mojang. https://www.minecraft.net/ 🌼 Texture pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/2023/06/mizunos-16-craft-java-edition-120.html ✿ ✿ ✿ 👻 Twitter → https://twitter.com/yomigardenia… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreat

    INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world showcase’, was uploaded by coleisprettygreat on 2024-09-07 03:06:37. It has garnered 10455 views and 1192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. interior decoration still on point Read More

  • Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!

    Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[FR] LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs, Eman Predictions & + !! !subgoal !stuff !hy | Minecraft Highlights!’, was uploaded by minecraft français twitch highlights on 2024-02-11 13:09:06. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:17 or 377 seconds. Stream highlights posted daily. Please like and subscribe for more content! What was your favorite clip? Let us know in the comments below! If you own the content in this video and want to be excluded from this and future videos please contact us: https://bit.ly/3gCy2Ml PATREON ———————————————— https://www.patreon.com/dailytwitchhighlights894/membership As you may… Read More

  • Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp 🔥💀 Now live!

    Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp 🔥💀 Now live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥New Start of Minecraft Lifesteal smp ( public smp) | Join now’, was uploaded by skeleton is live on 2024-02-26 16:04:40. It has garnered 182 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #velorentlive #velorant Hello, Cool Gamers I am Skeleton, and I welcome you all to our fun spot. So, Today I am going to plat Valorantt. it will be adventurous and exciting. You all can join us to play. Thank you, I hope you all have enjoyed this stream so don’t forget to like it, comment, and… Read More

  • Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! – Minecraft

    Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Found TREASURES Under VILLAGE ? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-06-21 17:00:27. It has garnered 10554 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:21 or 3981 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Found TREASURES Under VILLAGE ? – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We… Read More

  • Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 – Insane Treasure Hunt

    Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 - Insane Treasure HuntVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cool Looking Dungeon Time! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2024-07-26 02:31:55. It has garnered 3832 views and 248 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:01 or 14341 seconds. Become a YouTube Member and join my community server! Our servers are sponsored by Sparked Host and are always very active, with events every month. Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21 is a Guide based Lets Play series. In this world I progress through the game, and will guide you on everything from the basics of gameplay, up through more difficult to understand… Read More

  • Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs’ Success NOW

    Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs' Success NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘HILFE FÜR TRYMACS ist DA! | Minecraft Elements 2 Deutsch Folge 33’, was uploaded by Varietytime on 2024-08-24 16:00:14. It has garnered 416 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:56 or 7196 seconds. Welcome to the Minecraft project Elements 2 in German. Help for Trymacs is here! Have fun with the video! Participant: https://tinyurl.com/Teilnehmer-Elements-2 ✘ The best streaming products: https://elgato.sjv.io/R5QN0R ✘ The best gaming boosters at LevlUp: http://levlup.de/?ref=gtime ✘ Cheap servers: https://goo.gl/RhEDU1 👾: https://www.twitch.tv/gtimetv 📸: https://www.instagram.com/bildertime/ 🕊️: https://twitter.com/GamersTimeTV 🎬(Main): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMa7ctywc_TEKI_lKlpS-YA Discord: https://discord.gg/gtimetv ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Music ★ Here you can always find… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!

    Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft decorative tap#shortvideo#subscribe#like#minecraft#trending#song’, was uploaded by THARA GAMING on 2024-04-17 05:31:48. It has garnered 156 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Monarchia

    MonarchiaWelcome to Monarchia, a Towny Minecraft server with a closed gold economy and tons of awesome features! Whether you’re into epic land and sea battles with Siege and Movecraft, intense duels with cool kits, or riding into combat on your trusty horse, we’ve got you covered. You can also explore the world with BlueMap, brew some virtual drinks with our alcohol plugin, and dive into so much more. There’s always something exciting happening on Monarchia—come join the adventure! join.monarchia.fun Read More

  • LeafXP-TerraFirmaGreg modded SMP

    Welcome to our Discord community! We are a small community running several game servers. Recently, we opened a TFG modpack server and are looking for active players! TerraFirmaGreg is a Forge modpack that adds realism and challenge to Minecraft gameplay by including TerraFirmaCraft and GregTech mods. Learn more about the modpack here. The server is online 24/7 and includes a mod for region protection (1 player can private 50 chunks). Join us at https://ds.leafxp.net Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafty Crafting: 5 Sizzling Minecraft Hacks

    Minecraft Memes - Crafty Crafting: 5 Sizzling Minecraft HacksWhy did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed!

    Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed! In Dreamcraft #4, we finally take flight, But the topic’s gone wild, it’s out of sight! Minecraft news, with a twist of fun, Updates and changes, we’ve only just begun. Join the adventure, with Mustafa in tow, Crafting and building, with each new show. Stay tuned for more, as we soar and we dive, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come alive. Read More

  • Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥

    Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥 When you accidentally set off the wrong TNT in Minecraft and suddenly your world looks like a fireworks show gone wrong. #oops #minecraftfail 🎆🔥 Read More

  • Minecraft: Back to Basics

    Minecraft: Back to Basics Exploring the Vanilla Minecraft Experience Today, Minecraft enthusiasts are embarking on a journey back to the roots of the game – the vanilla experience in a fresh, untouched world. The decision to start anew stems from the frustration and longing for the simplicity of the game without the added complexities of mods like Vein Miner. Embracing the Pure Essence of Minecraft Returning to the vanilla version of Minecraft allows players to rediscover the core elements that make the game so captivating. Without the crutch of mods, every block mined, every structure built, and every adventure embarked upon feels more… Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!

    Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft JAVA [Fabric Edition] – New Monuments – Episode 2’, was uploaded by MoltenmapG on 2024-09-23 06:27:09. It has garnered 142 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:02 or 5642 seconds. JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/jvFK9dRZU5 Read More

  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

    Minecraft's Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks EditionVideo Information This video, titled ’35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better!’, was uploaded by Dr. Bonks on 2024-08-16 20:00:07. It has garnered 212932 views and 3122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:45 or 1365 seconds. Thank you for watching: 35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better! Make sure to like and subscribe! Resource Packs: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-banner-pattern-items/ https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/animated-ore https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/powder-snow-warnings/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/player-utilities https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/watch-of-undying https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/low-shield-pack https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/enchantment-modifiers https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/blues-better-monsters https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/torrezx-sniffer-tools https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/porkier-piglins-x-fresh-animations https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/porkier-piglins https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/fairy-allays https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-warden-6348709/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-axolotl-6349698/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-villager/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/caladbolg-cit-1-19-moltenoni-weapon-texture-pack/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/shrimps-distinct-potions https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/splendous-sniffers https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/formidable-frogs/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-3d-craft-definitive-edition/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-animals-definitive-edition/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/shulker-gift-boxes-2/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/hexabiome-premium-1-16-1-21/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/notlives-s-customizable-statues-1-16/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/enhanced-boss-bars https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/arachnophobia https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/the-great-shrimpsby https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/erstwhile-cit/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/boo-phantom/ https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/bontiful-crops https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/animated-items https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/agamyst-re https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/platypus-optifine-h5-pre4/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/bees-reimagined https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/beebav-dragon/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/beebav-optifine/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/fake-portal-1-16-1-20-2/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/reverse-world-1-16-1-20-2/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/cat-creepers https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/pets-5644493/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/understandable-potions/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/ghosts https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/angry-dragons… Read More

  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : https://www.instagram.com/gmk_gamer_yt/ ✔Join My discord : https://discord.gg/CVTvac7 gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft https://youtu.be/nbIjkzikVvM?si=J-mnwXha-Lm93M6P https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/smart-zombie-ai/ _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/@notvixios The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. https://discord.gg/cm2ZkkPS kick.com/joshbad twitch.tv/JoshxBad Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More