UNBELIEVABLE! Building My Real City in Minecraft Day 12

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For okay I am here now that should sound a lot better or well maybe not better but normal B hello and you got an ad the second you clicked on the stream I also get an ad whenever I open up my own stream but for some reason it only gives

Me an ad when I’m on Firefox and not Google Chrome recently so like whenever I’ve opened my stream to see if something’s wrong while on stream it plays an ad as I’m actively streaming to my own streaming account not sure why Artic welcome back yeah YouTube’s a little weird on that

Yep okay well hold up I’m on Twitch I’m on Twitch and YouTube yep got a coffee you’re here on time nice you look back you’re going to swap all right got a nice hot coffee next to me like normal except of course too hot I can’t drink it I don’t have milk I

Don’t have creamer I don’t have sugar anything that I literally can only add water to this coffee or add soda or alcahol and I don’t want to do any of those things but I’m just like if I had milk I would add a small amount of milk to it

Probably just to change the texture a little bit CU I do genuinely like um milk in or creamer in my coffee I just don’t add it because it’s not necessary I also actively do not have either of those nor have I ever added either of those while I’m at

Home uh yeah I don’t have milk because my milk spoiled well I hadn’t drank it for like two months yep and by the time I went to go drink part of it I’m like okay yeah I know it’s bad by that point and of course it

Was and I haven’t been back to the store I went I work at a at a store that sells a variety of garbage basically we sell some food not a lot I end up ended up spending almost $100 on food things I got tortilla chips I got a little bit of

Peanuts I got two small bags potato chips a couple other small things the rest were like sauces and stuff that I hadn’t had in a bit and I spent almost $100 on mostly not even food food can you say something you hope that the girl doesn’t come back from the beginning of

Last stream you saw it was stupid I don’t even know who you’re talking about so well if you said it and you left it on stream well that’s sorry it’s going to be on the screen that one’s probably not on me I can’t even think of what was yesterday

Cuz uh I don’t know let’s just say it’s been a day at work and I literally forgot most of what I did yesterday on stream and I feel like I didn’t even do anything in like the two and a half hours yesterday I feel like I did absolutely nothing but break dirt and

Place dirt I should bring back seven days to die yeah well the problem is people don’t like seven days to die whenever I would stream seven days to die I mean there was one day I when I first moved to my current place I streamed for what was it 10 I over 10

Hours straight I had less people total in my chat than I do actively right now during that entire stream I had 10 hours of basically nothing yep that one girl trying to date me I don’t even remember what do the stream link thing do the playing with or

Not playing with viewers do the um twitch integr thing you mean on seven days to die yeah it was good but there was nobody there 99% of the time and so I just got tired of that and stopped it’s just that simple it really is my chats were very dead I mean they

Still sometimes are dead but so far this world and these streams have been doing 10 to 20 times better than any seven days die streams I have done so for now I have no plans to go back to 7 Days die while streaming if I could build up a

Respectable audience and build up an audience that would would stick around for any game that I played then sure I would probably go back but those S days die streams were usually pretty empty it was usually about you know Phantom and Blackwater a little bit towards the end CU he kind of just

Stopped showing up and maybe somebody would pop in say hi and would leave they’re pretty empty streams it really was I’m going to go I have five minutes until the sun sets I’m going to actively look back at that 10 hour 7even days to die stream because I’m curious

Now exactly how bad the stats were for that stream if I can even find it here didn’t I do it I did it after okay it’s displaying weirdly where is it I I skipped over it um yeah so analytics come on for 10 hours I had 20 two chat

Messages 10 hours I had 22 messages um how many messages have I already had in the past not even 10 minutes yet and that was 10 hours I had let’s see I had one per during that stream I had one person for this is weird that I can look at

This by the way it’s so low numbers that it lets me one person for almost half an hour and then I had let’s see uh 1 two 3 4 five six seven eight people click on the stream and click away instantly and that was it for 10 hours 22 messages

Total and one person being there for half an hour the rest clicking showing up for 30 seconds or less basically and then leaving so you know that’s kind of why I dropped seven days to die is that you can put in 10 hours of playing a game and people don’t even you know

There’s no clicks there’s no interaction it was 10 hours of me talking to myself and I can look back at the chat messages and see whenever those 22 total chat messages were sent there were a few spiric in the beginning I’m pretty sure Mo most of those were just one person

Showing up saying something then leaving and then there was also towards the end like the last half an hour there was like half of those me messages coming in so somebody probably showed up near the end said a few things and then left again but yeah that’s it’s kind of why

Haven’t really played Seven Days to Die on stream I haven’t really played the game much period recently but I was just there was nothing 10 hour 10 plus hours of nothing and yeah I gave up I gave up real quick but I also only played that world for like five

Streams it’s not like I put a lot of effort into it and just dropped it out of nowhere no there was not much put in and it’s almost night time already I have kind of been sitting here standing around doing doing nothing for most of the day but it’s

Fine I just need to start clearing out this dirt yeah that uh that’s going to have to be leveled might as well get started on the trees at least right now I’m pretty sure this entire thing is going to have to be leveled before I even chop before I not chop down well

Forgot how quick that was this entire thing has to be leveled before it place any houses over here CU I simply don’t have space for any of them it’s going to be it’s going to be something control shift Escape brings up task manager oh okay why do I need to see task

Manager I’m aware of how to open up task manager but why do I need to open up task manager that came out of nowhere genuinely did what are those oh little mole things got it I’ve killed enough of those I think I’ve taken enough of those out of their homes and

Slaughtered them in reality I’ve only killed like three or four of those CU I don’t see them often also being up here is a completely different perspective than anything else I’ve seen in this world so far I’ve just kind of been on flat land mostly too bad

It’s not like a partial forest or anything there’s only a few trees just a random fact ah I mean there’s there’s a lot of random keyboard commands that exist isn’t there like a random one to pick up or to pull up the command prompt and I

Don’t even know any commands to put in there I have some saved for like past mini projects or something um I even had a command prompt that was set up so my a computer would turn itself off after like two hours of activating it I don’t know exactly how

That worked but it was something that was simple and easy I just had to look Google how to do it I don’t uh I don’t normally run any anything like that I’m not educated in it so I don’t know how to use it got

To see how far I can go like that wow wow that was quite the fly I didn’t take any fall damage when I stopped that was weird have have a random sapling manticor how’s it going you’re chilling you are still aggressive I guess but you’re not attacking me you’re

Letting me sleep next to you haven’t tamed you yeah you’re just content with existing so he’ll stay you’ll just simply stay there gallori hi thanks for the random follow out of nowhere unless you said something in the chat didn’t show it up but I don’t think

That’s the case there it is Yo how’s it going hi hello yo what’s up whatever the hell you want to say welcome to whatever the hell this is plain and simple this point I’m just having to level at the small mountain and I had to do it a lot sooner than I was

Anticipating when I say a lot sooner oh yeah I mean a lot sooner I was thinking eh maybe we’ll do this after a few months nope basically week two and here we are and sadly I have to get rid of that lava pit eventually too however I need

To figure out a use for that lava because I there’s no sense in wasting lava on the surface that’s this close I can actually make use of it somehow I’m going to fill my inventory with dirt I do not need that queen bee nor do I want it uh

Sticks eh I’ll keep them paintings I’ll keep yeah we’ll see what else we uh Harvest here so there’s probably going to be a lot more flowers I’m not going to worry about right now except for their I about say except for that one but it didn’t drop it oh okay that’s a

Shame Pig um you still did drop raw a cooked pork chop but you only dropped one not worth it how am I I’m I’m fine work was complete garbage but besides that I’m fine how are you you can’t sub yet no no you can’t because I don’t have a way to monetize

Twitch without having a minimum of three average viewers in a certain period uh yeah I’ve never hit three average viewers on Twitch for any stream I don’t think I think I’ve hit two and a half before but that was like literally several years ago and I don’t remember I

No I remember the reason why I hit two and a half I had one of my accounts watching it I had a friend’s account that was um just kind of lurking there and and then just anybody showing up and hanging out for a bit but yeah that’s

Like you can’t sub because I I literally haven’t I haven’t even hit I think two average viewers on Twitch am I okay my voice sounds off today does it all Arctic should know uh should be the one who could actually tell if my voice is normal

Right now or not it might be scratchy it might be a little deeper I don’t know can you on YouTube you can subscribe on YouTube which is like following on Twitch but you cannot you cannot be actually I might have I’m thinking I had YouTube membership setup I know I did at

One point for testing it but I may have turned it back off because I wasn’t going to have anybody I was hoping nobody would subscribe or pay for like a monthly subscription to my channel and then U not get anything out of it okay so there’s subscribe no I think I turned it

Off I subscribed with a different account that I haven’t used in a while now I’m going to unsubscribe because I don’t need that number lying at me nor do I need to be subscribed to myself but no I think I turn that off on YouTube theoretically yes you could on YouTube

You can subscribe for free you can’t uh become a member because it’s turned off your PC started to mess up that’s not good I mean I had my PC was messing up yesterday it blue screened after all the other issues I was having but I still made things work I

Still got everything fine in the end and I still made progress in the world and I still got what 80 views on YouTube for the stream 80 doesn’t sound like a lot but when you compare my past any streams 80 is a respectable amount I will not

Complain with 80 I’ll say right now oh that’s broken right now I would say as long as I’m streaming for for a few hours and I get probably 50 or so I don’t think I can complain yeah I mean obviously I will always take more but I can’t complain by

Not getting that many because I’m already getting more than I’ve had in the past have I already made my house no no not even close I will never actually say which house is mine whenever I build it but to give context my actual house is probably somewhere down

Here in the uh in the world why do stream every day because maybe I can stream enough where I can grow an audience and uh actually make something from YouTu so maybe I don’t have to work my current crappy job every single day or maybe I

Could go down to part-time or maybe I could eventually find a better job that I don’t know maybe slightly pays less but is a lot less stressful and then just use YouTube as an additional income I don’t ever expect to be able to support myself from YouTube twitch or

Whatever content creation I do but but having it as a bonus would never hurt I don’t think it would ever hurt no but yeah as of right now not going anywhere with YouTube or twitch or anything and my YouTube is technically fully monetized but um memberships is off ads

Ads don’t really do anything when you get a few views and ads don’t really do anything unless people actually click on ads and in the end it still isn’t that big a difference yeah you don’t really ever start to make money on YouTube in a noticeable amount until you hit like

Constant like a th000 views per video or like a th000 views a day or something you also once you cross over a thousand Threshold YouTube kind of changes up a little bit how they do things because then you’re actually in a higher up a higher invisible bracket

There’s a broken that there’s a bug yep we’re kind of in a higher up invisible bracket that makes it so you actually instead of you know earning a half a cent per you know stream or video or whatever with ads you would actually start to notice difference theoretically if you had

1,000 views in one video with normal ads you would make anywhere between $1 and $5 but I don’t get videos that get 1,000 views I don’t get streams that get 1,000 views nor have I had any streams even when they hit like 200 views get the

Proper ratio of a th000 to $1 it’s like 200 views and then the revenue thing is like eh three four cents yeah if I actually you know I’m curious I want to do the math real quick I’m going to read your comments real quick though only video you saw from me

Was years ago I think it was made a tutorial on a data pack or something um to uh how to install Seth blings randomizer that got over a quarter of a quarter yeah over a quarter of a million views I think it ended up getting over 300,000

Views um let’s first of all divide that by um 1,000 so theoretically you could get anywhere between why did I divide that by the Thousand no that’s right theoretically I could get it that video could have got anywhere between $300 and $1,500 based on loose advertising with

YouTube yeah no it was never in triple digits and it was monetized the entire time see it’s Seth bling not keihan it’s Seth I didn’t was it keihan who made it popular and Seth bling was the one who made it or was it the other other way

Around I don’t remember exactly but it’s still live on the channel I could have been wrong with the title for all those years and I don’t think anybody ever made a comment on it and I responded to majority of comments on there to keep views coming in as best of my ability

Okay now back to that thing of making let’s say I made 4 cents per stream and I stream every day for a full year 4 cents times 365 in one year I would make $14.60 in five years I still would not hit YouTube’s minimum threshold and all that time still wouldn’t hit

It so so yeah plain and simple I don’t know if I’ll ever have a monetized payout from YouTube if I do it’s not going to be much and the money probably won’t be able to do anything for me but hey that could change if I hit a th000 views per stream

Hey I mean maybe I could get a dollar a day $365 an a year I mean that’s not a lot but if I made $365 from YouTube I would put it right back into some kind of advertising or equipment that would allow higher quality things probably anytime someone

Says math all you hear is blah blah blah you don’t know why well let’s just say in simple terms I will not be making money from YouTube anytime soon screw the math I will not be making a single scent for years probably do I know what the Minecraft is

Series I know what I know the what is Minecraft series I I’m not sure if you mis typed that or if I’m reading it in a way that makes sense to you but not to me because I have no idea if you’re talking about like the if the what is Minecraft if

That a series whatever you’re talking about no I I don’t because I’m not sure if you’re talking about a series that’s called what is Minecraft or something like that what is Minecraft is a series no I have no idea what that is have not even heard

Of it I’m not sure if that’s like a documentary thing well let’s actually I was about to say if I look up what is Minecraft we’ll see what yeah it’ll just give me generic stuff oh my God there is a giant bug on on my bracelet and it does not want to

Leave how did you get on me I’m not afraid of bugs but I don’t know what this thing is and I’ve seen it around my place for a little bit and I’m trying to get it so I can take it outside there we go I will be back

Momentarily I’m going to take this thing outside for once because I’m pretty sure it’s dying in here and starving for the past three days I got you little buddy I got you the end insect has been relocated yeah I just looked down I’m like I do not like seeing that thing

Crawling on my bracelet no thank you I I don’t like that nope don’t got a problem with bugs but I’m like okay it’s literally the same bug I’ve been seeing for like three days normally I would kill bugs but um I don’t have anything to kill it with

Cleanly and she yeah I need to go back to looking up the what is Minecraft series um yeah of course new YouTube series that’s nope do I have to go to YouTube because obviously Google showed up nothing there is okay well looking it up doesn’t do anything because it’s just

Showing Minecraft series and every a [ __ ] ton of different things I even have a coding in Minecraft series so yeah you might need to just send me the link on Discord to make it simple I’m better with bugs than your sister she screams like bloody murder

That seems to be a normal thing for a lot of people a lot of people don’t like bugs I don’t like them but it’s not like they scare me now if I had a spider crawling like on me that was a decent size eh yeah I’d probably get a good cuss word

Out of me and I’d probably make my arm go 100 miles an hour across the room but I I mean other than that if there’s a spider I’m just going to kill it or let it exist yeah I’m not fan of having things on me though that changes the story a

Little bit it’s like if you just see a wild animal would you let it climb on you you no would you let it bite you no I’m not well versed in insects and I don’t know what can and can’t bite me this thing I know can’t bite me I don’t

Know what it is what it actually was some kind of not I don’t think a beetle but a similar family probably the Beatles I you see them year round and I’m kind of surprised to see one in Winter even though it’s it was it’s I’m it was inside but

I yeah obviously couldn’t bite me couldn’t do anything to me harm to harm me except unless I probably ate it and well obviously that one can’t and won’t happen but I don’t think it’s a stink bug not 90% certain it wasn’t a stink bug Sundy I I don’t watch Sunday uh let’s see

So is it just like a randomizer series is that what it is let’s see I like how I look it up and it still doesn’t show me the playlist that youed took a picture of I literally looked up exactly Craner what is Minecraft Ser what is Minecraft there it finally is way down

There seven years ago okay I expected this to be a lot newer what am I supposed to do with this now you asked me if I knew about it no and then I’m just looking at thumbnails I’m like um okay then did not realize it was from that many years ago yeah what

Am I looking for in this thing also I do not need these berries yeah they’re not worth the food did I say that you don’t know animals that bite what I don’t know I’m pretty sure I said something along the lines of I don’t like insects crawling on me

But I also wouldn’t just let an wild animal climb on me however I would know if an insect could bite me or if a wild animal could bite me I wouldn’t just let a wild animal climb on me and bite me so I wouldn’t really let a bug climb on me

And bite me either but I mean there’s a lot of bugs that bite people some of them being a lot more dangerous than others especially if you have an allergic reaction to whatever it is but I don’t plan to have to deal with that especially not in the middle of winter

Yeah well I’m leveling a mountain this is uh this is what I signed up for well I don’t really sign up for it I chose to do it I don’t have a legal agreement to anything I could cut the stream whenever I wanted to without warning I could

My computer could crash anytime without warning and you wouldn’t know the difference between me hitting the stop streaming button and my computer crashing and it’s uh it’s definitely happened before both cases I know I’ve ended like I think the very last Among Us stream I did got so a years a this

Was over three years ago this was mid 2020 Among Us streams that we’re doing popular playing with viewers yeah I had enough of hackers and I think I just cut a stream without saying anything but I’ve also had several times where I’ve cut a stream because my computer simply randomly crashed out of

Nowhere my current computer usually only crashes on Startup and not much else but yesterday it crashed like 5 minutes into startup not really startup I literally turned my computer on for a minute opened up Minecraft started streaming immediately and crashed less than 2 minutes later but then it has

Been fine ever since so yeah I’m just used to used to it crashing a little bit here and there I’m used to it uh crashing and just having to reboot itself half the time it turned on your Bubba smiled at you today sorry but I’m not sure what that

Means even with that emoji thing I am still very confused and slightly concerned probably shouldn’t be but considering I don’t know what it is yeah uh I don’t need any more of these saplings probably because I have enough Manor is just growling in there to itself he’s fine he’s chilling he’s fine

Mostly 60 sticks already yeah I don’t need need more I also unintentionally have ignored that wood in my inventory this entire time my brain is just literally ignored it it’s been there and I just have not seen it okay now that my inventory looks awful it’s night time Bonnie’s reality

Hi how’s it going welcome back might be weird for you to say but you have a squirrel touch you randomly and they do not bite you if you don’t show Fear um I definitely could pet some of my grandma’s wild squirrels because she feeds them all the time and uh they get

They some of them have gotten to the point where they’ll just walk up to a door and expect you to put food out for them so I assume if you put food in your hand you could probably go ahead and touch them and pet him but squirrels I mean it’s most wild

Squirrels are not out there to um they’re not out there to try to bite you or kill you squirrels are just dumb animals Lan and simple they want food and they get used to people giving them food and they’re like oh this person isn’t scary or people aren’t scary they give me food

And it’s like a dog with treats you give an animal food and it uh changes things quite a lot I mean how do you think people tamed animals in the past you just give a wild animal food until it decides to follow you or help you or whatever the case

Is and your girlfriend smiled at you today I assume that’s what you mean by GF I don’t know what that um good for you I guess I I don’t know it seems a little something seems off if you just say your girlfriend smiled at you today shouldn’t they do that like every

Day that should be like a normal thing I mean maybe I’m wrong I’ve never I don’t know I’ve never dated anybody Grandma squirrel sound like a grandma squirrel sounds like a grandpa squirrel and Grandpa fed them all the time grandpa had a pet squirrel U my grandma could definitely have a pet

Squirrel probably if she wanted them and uh we could also definitely have squirrel stew probably sometimes if my aunt keeps shooting squirrels with a BB gun that um is an older BB gun and so it actually has some power and she may have killed I think two

Now maybe has only killed two could be more let’s just say it’s two confirmed kills so far and we don’t think I need to go into detail what it means to have a confirmed squirrel kill it’s uh pretty simple and one of them yeah one of

Them let’s just yeah we don’t need to go into detail about that yeah an older BB gun that was isn’t designed to kill things that’s powerful enough to technically hunt squirrels just shooting normal steel bb or copper BB whichever it is Grandma be playing kill confirmed a my aunt is playing kill

Confirmed squirrel Edition with a BB gun I yeah I don’t I don’t know why she does does it when they’re on the wrong feeder I mean she does it for fun technically but she doesn’t mean to kill any of them but it’s happened happened more times than it should have

I mean I don’t care about squirrels they’re they’re squirrels that doesn’t have anything to do with me I think I got all the trees that are right here I hope um just realized exactly how hungry I am surprisingly hungry and I guess I really haven’t eaten much today because

Work that’s plain and simple work kind of makes it hard to eat sometimes even though I still get a full hour lunch but the problem is finding food that isn’t overpriced or that’s worth anything besides free popcorn yeah I don’t know so yeah today I think all yeah all

I’ve eaten today is Dots candy and popcorn nothing else but I’m still alive so I haven’t crapped out yet even though it’s not like I do this every day it’s not like I’ve been doing this for years I am Tech technically according to the American government

Obese but in reality I’m just a little overweight and that’s about it what’s on the menu not squirrels That’s not healthy today’s lunch yeah not healthy well it wasn’t really lunch it was eating dots as a snack over time and then having a some popcorn and that was it

And then so far for dinner it’s been my first sip of coffee just there and that’s it however coffee is not going to be my dinner but I’m not going to have dinner on stream I’m just once I’m done streaming I will go eat dinner however I

Do not want to just end stream early because I’m hungry the longer I stream the more opportunity that there is for something to happen something good to happen more people to show up more people to subscribe more people to come back I don’t know but the longer I stream the more

Impressions the more potential people that can show up and stay or return that’s about it and I just broke this Cobalt pickaxe and I don’t have Cobalt on me to repair it what’s my favorite food several people have asked that and in the end oh I’m landed hard there

Don’t think it broke the farmland I would say it’s it’s probably sushi but it really varies a lot because I love bread of just about any kind love bread um I love nachos I love tacos you know what tacos are tacos or burritos or specifically Taco Bell tacos

And burritos are probably the top right there definitely not healthy but um I truly just I’ve I really enjoy Taco Bell food I know it’s low quality I know it’s cheap I know it’s garbage but I like it I just don’t order it often because that

Costs more too much money it costs way too much money to eat out nowadays for the pack you’re making do I want a third person mod that turns 360 without turning my camera sure why not I mean it can’t hurt anything but I don’t think I have much

Use for something like that but it’s not like it’s going to break the game or put any more load on the computer for running the game so I don’t see why not yeah I have too much dirt way too much damn dirt just got to fill in all this I am

Genuinely surprised I didn’t fill that chest yet Taco Bell is not trash but people just have different options I love Taco Bell don’t get me wrong but it’s not quality food it is their meat I think is like 20% actual beef or meat whatever unless that’s changed I remember seeing

In high school how low a percentage of Taco Bell’s beef is actually meat which you know what if it was vegan or vegetarian I wouldn’t really care because it tastes good I nothing against V vegetarian and vegan food I just enjoy meat um I mean Taco Bell

Burritos there Taco Bell sour cream is some of the best sour cream I’ve ever had and I need to find like some brand sour cream that is on par of Taco Bell and so far I haven’t even come close same with her nacho cheese I haven’t had

Anything even remotely as good like yeah I can get you know queso dip but it’s not the same I forgot to repair the pickaxe it is not the same uh Taco Bell hot sauce the little packets wonderful wonderful I haven’t had a hot sauce that matches it but I’ve had hot sauces that

Do an equivalent job or taco sauce that does an equivalent job let’s see they’re refried beans however they make it in burritos and stuff I don’t know how I don’t know how to copy it I just don’t don’t uh they’re soft shells don’t know how they get them as soft as they truly

Do but they do any soft shell I’ve made at home or used at home it just can’t even come close to how soft and malleable theirs are they’re crunchy shells are crun or hard shells that’s what they are the nacho what the Doritos shells they’re good they’re not I shouldn’t say they’re

Not anything special but it I don’t order them unless they’re inside of like one of their box deals or something I don’t order them by themselves not my kind of thing but they’re good you want a mod that gives my characters animation V joint bends um

No it’s kind of weird that I’m saying no to that but I pressed the wrong F key I do genuinely just it’s like the simple Minecraft swing I grew up with it it’s what we all know and like and I don’t want to change it yeah I don’t I don’t need that one

Changed believe it or not making soft shells is easy from Taco Bell you made them home make them homemade every day every week how anytime I’ve used or had any soft shells they just can’t become as malleable as Taco Bell’s burrito shells or their soft shells it just isn’t

It’s like every soft shell I’ve had is thicker or is is thicker than Taco Bells but is still weaker than Taco Bells uh no instead of being a standing rectangle it adds bends to my arms and knees yeah no I don’t I I enjoy being a rectangle believe it or not it’s

Minecraft not everything we don’t need things rotating on an axis not any more than some of the stuff already does I know I’ve seen mods and stuff where it’s like door hinges they rotate on a on axis I’m like I don’t want that looks cool but that’s not the point of

Minecraft that’s not what Minecraft is that’s not what I’m here for this is so much damn coal okay and Cobble actually we’re going to need a lot more Cobble than that I’ll tell you that much if I’m going at the rate I am going yeah we’re going to need a lot more

Cobble I’m also going to break this pickaxe real quick up here what’s my favorite drink out of soda water Juice coffee or nothing um well you’re kind of missing a very important one that isn’t there so I won’t say it but but out of those if you say just juice

In general I’m going to say juice 100% cuz I do genuinely love orange juice peach juice pineapple juice any kind of fruit juice really I do just genuinely like I’m trying to think of a a juice I haven’t had that I do not like I guess like fake

Juices um things like sunny D not a fan of it’s just too artificial um I like pomegranite juice I just think it was real bitter same with cranberry juice I like it in small amounts or mixed in with something by itself it is too strong if you want to talk just drinks

In general it’s orcha without a second guess or second doubt without a blink whatever terminology you want to use um nothing beats or Chada no alcohol no soda no milk no anything beats or Chada nothing pick up Notifier or HUD Compass um no I’m good journey map does well

Enough and I don’t need to pick up um Notifier believe it or not I don’t like those in games I kind of like hearing this the Minecraft little pickup noise and that’s it I know what I’m picking up majority of the time 7 Days to Die is

Nice that it has kind of like the pickup thing when it adds something to your inventory or changes something in your inventory but eh I don’t need it I thought about having that creeper explode and actually help me a little bit but no that’s pointless uh your favorite drinks are

Tea Sunny de I mean Sunny D I used to like it a lot more when I was younger now days is just so damn acidic grape juice I haven’t had grape juice now in probably probably since I was in elementary school just kind of haven’t

Had it haven’t bought it and I that’s it and most fruit juices are good fruit punch is a pretty Hit or Miss nowadays as a kid fruit punch is amazing then you kind of realize that fruit punch is not very flavorful and just kind of bitter

Sometimes U my in my frame rate just lowered by a lot that’s a little weird little concerning maybe am I somehow um heating up my computer too much by having a heater down on the ground that I just realized I’m not even making use of because my feet aren’t even down there check

Discord what’s see uh yeah no I don’t need don’t need don’t need realistic animals either if I’m going to do something like that I’ll just do Pixelmon if I want 3D models stuff that isn’t a rectangle yeah oh I’m missing food that’s what supposed to be there there we go son stare at

It you said you know good mods you do it’s just mods aren’t my it’s taken me what probably four or five years to collect the amount of mods that I’m using in this world and it’s really not that many mods for the amount of years I’ve played Minecraft I don’t really look into

Adding mods often and half of them are things that do really simple things like at one point I had a tree Chopper mod it just you know chops down a tree with any axe in one go as long as there’s enough durability that was a simple mod and man

I I based like an entire world on something like that but now I have Tinkers that does that has you know tools that do an equivalent job Avery grafford hi how’s it going okay oh I did not mean to pick up a bull I do not want Bulls I have more than

Enough and um can’t really use them for anything it’s really sad that I can’t do much with Bulls there’s a Pam’s harvestcraft you know updates basically all of Minecraft foods and then adds you know thousand more but it does not bowls are not part of recipes besides I think like rabbit

Stew maybe and I still could be wrong beetroot soup nope can’t use a bull yeah kind of annoying want more metal variety for Tinkers not really I don’t well unless you can make something that’s better than um better than Cobalt that is actually acquirable sure that

You don’t have to mix together like I can make steel but it’s not worth the time and effort the only thing I think better than Cobalt really is arguably better than Cobalt is either firewood or um Platinum well as I’ve learned the hard way in a couple of

Worlds you can’t get platinum with by just installing Tinkers you got to add a little bit more stuff to in order to have something to get platinum it just doesn’t exist by itself blob King hi how’s it going favorite candy dots I think I’m trying to think like

Dots I’m pretty sure there’s no competition there if it’s not dots it’s gummy bears like gummy bears with a decent amount of flavors like uh my work we sell like a 12 flavor gummy bear it doesn’t even say what the flavors are but some of them are actually quite quite good especially

When it’s weird to have cheap candy that has an actual good fruit flavor and you try one of them I’m like oh my God that’s apricot or something like that blob King what the [ __ ] what what are you talking about WTF I forgot to pick up my table how dare I that’s that’s

Literally the worst thing done in this entire world leave that thing sitting here nope I can’t do that I I need it I can’t get rid of it I have to have it this poor Mountain this poor Mountain it’s just gone away oh I wonder if you’re saying WTF to

The um the rate at which I’m breaking dirt this is this is survival this is this is normal integration with the material IAL and you book of what 20 ores and Alloys eh sure why not there’s already more ores in what I have here than anything else but

Sure like uh what I have or the mods have copper silver tin lead none of those have any use to me anymore it’s like iron beats most of them and then once you add a diamond on a stone tool I mean there’s no point in ever collecting those things anymore they

Don’t do I don’t they’re only useful for tools really and I don’t need the tools yeah I know the handbook I spawn with yes you don’t blob King you don’t know what’s going on you don’t know what’s going on let’s just leave it at um this Mountain’s in the way of building

Houses so is probably everything here is going to have to be flattened out what’s going on with my stream it’s freezing up it’s it freezing up for anybody else I have zero drop frames on my end so my end is fine my bit rate’s normal I have zero drop frames which is still

Astonishing so that one might be internet on your side a internet on your side wow my English is um my English apparently is dropping frames yes that’s what we’ll go with my brain is dropping frames my stupidity is uh leveling up how about that you’re mod pack creator so you have

A lot of stuff to work with and remember yeah I mean you any kind of creator of something like that where you’re working with potentially thousands of different things so you kind of have to to remember a lot you have to remember a lot of different mods how the mods work

How they interact with each other how to make them properly interact with each other and yeah Cobalt is tier 4 to S I don’t think I have anything that says what tier anything is no I’ve never seen anything in any of these mods that say what tier any metals

Are what mod am I using a lot I say a lot even though it’s like 20 to 30 okay like I said last time and the time before that when somebody asks what mods am I using we say all of them all right we got start with Forge you know that

Hold your mods we got the essential mod the backpack mod we got Young’s better M shafts bibloc craft biomes are plenty chisels and bits Redstone flux the cfh core mod things the PTR models decocraft dirt Deco Mo Creatures flat colored blocks inventory tweaks iron chest just enough items Journey map level up mantle

More player models Mr CR fish’s Furniture Pam’s Harvest craft Rog like Dungeons scaffolding thermal Foundation everything to do with Tinkers mostly I varied Commodities way stones and world edit yep can I check the recipe recipe of what Cobalt of an Ingot I’m so there’s you there’s the rest okay recipe of

What want a mod that makes thermal Foundation compatible with Tinkers isn’t thermal Foundation compatible with Tinkers already oh I probably would help if I did that okay so aren’t they already compatible no okay now I’m probably crazy and you you definitely know better than I do but I swear to

God that they’re compatible unless every ore that I have is not labeled as thermal foundation and it’s labeled as Tinkers they’re compatible tinker’s construct is Cobalt thermal foundation and Tin thermal Foundation okay okay thermal Foundation tin Ingot for example I hit you can’t I make them out of tin no have

I really not paid attention this entire [ __ ] time there okay so I just want to say smelting thermal Foundation thermal Foundation Ingot turns into Tinker construct Tinker construct molten tin are they not already natively compatible or do have I installed a mod that makes them compatible because I’m turning thermal

Foundation into Tinkers and then I can still turn that Tinkers molten tin back into a thermal Foundation Ingot is that not does that not mean they’re not compatible thermal tinkering okay I like how I click on the thing and it just brings up the damn purple uh Ingot yeah doesn’t that mean they’re

Compatible I mean there’s probably some that aren’t fluid transposer not sure what that thing is but I mean sure at it why not I’m not sure if it really makes a difference or not because as far as I can tell and see it’s already communicating properly with one

Another without me doing anything to it no never mind but yeah or dict cash don’t know what that is um I I’m missing chats but I ever slam my hand at a normal door before car door before no surprise surprisingly I don’t think I ever have uh yeah orct cash not sure what

That is when smelting ores it loads the game faster see what do you mean when smelting ores it loads the game faster not sure what that means show you what the mentoring mod what do you mean mentoring mod what is a mentoring mod do I have a mod that says something about

Mentoring am I stupid did you say Mentor I’m like what there mantle not sure what you mean there but I need to repair this badly and since I’m here might as well throw Cobalt on this mantle I don’t even remember what mantle is for right now Welly Arctic can just probably

Explain it real quick a lot easier than I can does man is mantle just a mod to communicate between a few different mods um what’s the mantle mod specifically for is it it isn’t it a mod that communicates between two or more in certain ways I mean I just looked it up

And I’m like it still it’s a library is it okay you say a library but the problem is you’re talking to people that aren’t educated in Minecraft mods to that level Library API still not helpful in that case made it over the field well that Hill is uh going

Away we’re getting there we’re getting somewhere with this my heater is now too hot so I’m too cold and too hot at the same time a mod that stores mod data so the original Mod isn’t 5 gigabytes no that’s um yeah you say that and uh yeah that’s

That that’s kind of like the uh compressed files thing that I see well that’s a diamond I should probably collect it it’s like having a compressed File versus a non-compressed file I don’t know how whatever compressing does makes it take up less space I’m like it’s the amount of data

Is the amount of data I don’t know how you can have the same amount of data but all of a sudden it be less space that’s a part that’s something that I’ve never seen explained anywhere I should probably look into it sometime but never been explained don’t know how

It works don’t know how it’s a thing so but I don’t know I just don’t know oh my God there’s so much dirt here am I even on the right level yet no I still have to go down three more I have to go down three more from

Here uh yeah that’s going to be a problem cuz I’m pretty sure the town is uh at y68 Great yep well let’s just continue lagging the game for a while why not what else could go wrong surprisingly I haven’t crashed the game yet crashed my computer once I

Haven’t crashed the game by doing this by breaking blocks I’ve glitched out blocks glitched out a good handful of blocks but I have not crashed anything still is very surprising it’s because compression is a form of archiving I have never once heard the term archiving be used in whatever

Context a compressed file would be labeled as when you say archive the only thing I think of is putting away a putting something somewhere else that you’re not going to be using for a while blob King I question mark Mar s right now yep that’s all I got but coffee and

Caffeine caffeine legal drug it’s funny that up until recently I’ve uh never actually noticed a difference in caffeine unless I purposely drank like something that had 300 milligrams of caffeine and whenever I would drink that much caffeine the only thing I would notice is either being more jittery or more

Awake I never noticed the true actual aspects of what caffeine does to the human body and brain until I basically started using this world when they say caffeine is a drug I finally understand it kind of how it’s classified as a drug based on what it does without the scientific

Explanation fill in the blanks when I archive a file it shrinks the size by removing unneeded bits of the file that don’t need to be zipped when a mod with control conflicts Yes Yes actually because um having conflicting keybinds whenever you install a new mod is an insanely

Annoying thing and um I know that there’s conflicting keybinds in this world I know that there is um I had to deal with them like the first day I created this world before I ever streamed and I’m not sure if I found a solution to all of them or not unless

I’m stupid and that’s not what you’re talking about but if it is yes I need I need I need that mod that one is one that I need keyboard Wizard and controlling only has about 17 new more 4 million downloads I mean what mod did oh the

Iron Chest mod I couldn’t find it at first then when I finally found it I’m like why is it not on the top search results when it literally had like I don’t know I want to say 70 or 90 90 million um downloads yeah there’s so much dirt

Here mod packs I wasn’t um the second time I looked for it was not in mod packs the first time I couldn’t find it um I don’t remember the reason but then once I finally found it I ended up downloading the wrong version anyways and then when I went to the proper

Version that’s when I was in the mod packs that was when I did not um did not switch it to mods what game version 12.2 yep 12.2 is uh my king of Minecraft mod modded versions even though I’m pretty sure like 1.8 1.9 also had a good mod

Library I people are still making mods for these versions of Minecraft it’s not like they’re out of date or anything they’re just a little old but have still more features than newer versions of Minecraft when you add simple mods I mean I guarantee you could I guarantee you could use mods to turn

This version of Minecraft into a newer version but staying 12 12.2 like adding new Mobs the exact same mobs and everything adding New Dimensions yeah you could game fros horribly there for a second you could definitely just make mods that would turn this version of Minecraft into a

Modern version um there’s glitched block right there yep want just enough items integration uh yeah go ahead add that one I’m surprised that out of all the ones you’ve said that’s the one I’m like okay I actually know what that is you say everything I’m like I know what you mean

By trades drops in origin within just enough items just enough items is also an insanely useful mod it’s simple but it is amazing I don’t know why I had to break those specifically I wasn’t going to pick them up anyway anyways when I say specifically I meant like a specific way

Break them so I don’t have to worry about dropping all the crap but it doesn’t matter anyways should probably collect those apples but it’s fine which reminds me I should make an apple orchard I don’t know why but if I was building a different town there would be an actual appled Orchard in

It um town south of me has an appled orchard and pumpkin patch I think well technically the town I live in has a pumpkin patch but it’s not a well known one uh people already okay let’s see you download mods sometimes mods are very useful very fun you just got to be

Careful sometimes when combining mods because things will break lock data that rectangle box over furnace like number of coal smelted sure why not um actually uh go ahead just go ahead yeah I’m like I’m kind of I like the simple Minecraft UI whenever I’ve seen people

In the past on like their streams where they have all this fancy stuff popping up when they look at blocks and stuff I’m like sometimes you don’t want it you just want simple you don’t want all that crap on your screen but yeah just go ahead

And drop it in there if I got annoyed with it I could always remove it later on my game is not happy how low are my frames right now oh not that bad actually little bit lower than usual but not by much works with fluids Beacon animals yeah might as well do

It my name what Fork of the famous wha for 1.8 what are you talking about the past two sentences T sentences not make sense here’s what I’m looking at um okay I was expecting to see something in Discord that time but not yet and here’s what you’re looking at and what you’re looking

At huh and it’ll make sense probably here in a minute that one felt like it flung me a lot faster than it has been don’t know why and now I just go back to removing dirt in Mass amounts well I turned this mountain into a um Extreme Hills

Biome not exactly how it works but I mean you get the point there’s Stone only on the surface and no dirt there’s dirt on like the very low levels Discord okay I opened up Discord three times waiting for it adds all the information here’s what you’re looking at UI improve Improvement aimed at

Providing block information what am I looking at yeah y uh weird names but yeah Adam why not unless that’s the same as the one you’re talking about that is block data it’s not block data but it’s similar it’s the you look at something and it tells you stuff about it same

With like mob HP bars but do I even want those actually yeah mob HP bars are very useful especially for modded um mobs vanilla ones n i mean I have vanilla mobs that I want hit KO so not really concerned about those number one is block data one is

Additions uh just do both mods can be a virus well I’d say probably very few mods are actually viruses what more happens is that you download a mod but instead of downloading the mod it downloads a virus not on curse Forge no but on other sites yes I definitely remember when I

Was younger downloading Minecraft mods and um realizing very quickly before I opened up the file that that was not what I clicked on to download it’s like popup ads but it downloads a file instead whenever you click on it and it’s it downloads the file but it doesn’t download what you clicked on

Because you didn’t really click on it you clicked on the invisible popup that exists yeah luckily I was I picked that stuff up like that at a younger age on the internet otherwise I probably would have screwed over my computers so I feel bad for people nowadays that don’t know thing a simple

Thing like that and who knows what viruses they’re probably downloading on certain sites just trying to get a simple application or something installed God damn I just repaired this thing I swear a minute ago not even like 100 not even two full minutes and it’s almost broken already well God

Damn uh te launcher I feel like te launcher used used to be a respectable Source used to be maybe or the 20 downloads buttons yep every single one of those is an onscreen ad it’s all in like the ad block the ad block window yep mod to have armor but can show your

Skin yes I know about that mod install that one not really useful for single player worlds it could be a little useful for this case but I um servers it’s very nice to have that especi well it’s very nice to have it on a non-competitive server elevators no I know about

Elevators um I don’t like them I have used them in the past not my thing like they’re useful but I’d rather just do it the Minecraft way I like playing Minecraft where it’s still Minecraft and not just like oh elevator up up 200 blocks within a few seconds

Nah there’s a ladder we have to build a ladder we have to work up and we have to take take the time to climb the ladder or staircase or whatever unless it was like an actual elevator that you stood in and then slowly went up without doing anything

That’d be a little different however I still wouldn’t want to use that because I feel like that would just be a waste of time crops grow faster and Rain no that that’s nah don’t worry about that one that one’s unnecessary crops already grow fast enough no I mean I’m have you have you

Seen the rate at which crops grow around me with the level up mod installed and maxing out one of the skills yeah if I combine that with rain I feel like I feel like the game would crash like it would or I guess I guess a plant would just grow as fast as

It possibly could and it would just grow a step every tick or whatever that’s a it can’t go any faster than that unless it can skip ticks or growth stages chish hi welcome back unless I’m stupid and I don’t actually know what the Minecraft tix are

I thought I did at least trample stopper um useful but no adds a slight more difficulty makes things a little more interesting whenever mobs trample a field a little bit or you accidentally do it yourself it’s annoying when you accidentally do it yourself but it also

I mean it spices up things a little bit na hi welcome back meep meep meep I’m a sheep beep beep I’m a sheep yep not even colting any of this wood I don’t need it well this entire thing was significantly taller and had dirt all around it and no longer has

That food nutrition golden overlay uh yes food nutrition is very useful however if it’s not compatible with Pam’s Harvest craft don’t give me it plain and simple if it if it is if you can make it work with Pam harvis craft do it if not then it’s not worth it Mr

Margin hi you’re new I figured considering I’ve never seen that username before welcome to whatever the hell this is welcome to me breaking dirt for hours upon hours because that’s all I did yesterday place and break dirt and so far today I haven’t done much more I’ve just been trying to clear out

Space I’ve broken more Cobblestone today than I did yesterday that’s a that’s a win but um I think right now my goal is to get most of this leveled out and then actually build start building again cuz so far I mean those are put minimal effort in haven’t touched them

Since I can’t say minimal effort they’re lined up properly like real life the spacing is mostly proper so I can’t say minimal effort I did put actual time into making sure that things are will hopefully line up later on in the future is it a server no this is this is a local

World uh hunger saturation exhaustion info into the debug overlay what um visualization of potential Health restored the only one I care about if you’re saying different mods is just the one that shows the saturation value of foods just just that or the SAT hunger value and saturation value that’s all

That I need from froods uh I do have a hammer the problem is that for something like this I have tools at this point that can break blocks a lot quicker than nine in one go because the Hammers and excavators they’re slow they’re useful but they’re slow my

Excavator can’t break stone like this it it can’t but the pickaxe can this pickaxe sure as hell can but no my um my excavator cannot break stone at that rate I need a 7 by seven no I think I’m good when I’m breaking 10 blocks a second maybe more I think I’m

Fine it would be nice if could see the visualization of how many blocks I’m breaking per se per second instead of taking an estimate by watching the durability drop in the corner and now that I did that it’s a lot more than 10 blocks a second I’m pretty sure I was

Hitting 20 plus right there when I was doing that sideway strafe yeah I mean I can’t make an excavator with my current things that can skip the break animation of stone I can’t do that I could probably do or I can’t do it with a hammer I could probably get it with an

Excavator but I don’t think a hammer would work unless I made it out of actually is gold even quick is gold can I can I even make a hammer out of gold I can’t well uh I don’t want thermal Foundation I need Tinkers no I can’t make a a noral hammer out of

Gold I can make that hammer out of gold but that’s not what I’m talking about I never really paid attention that you can’t use gold for that but that makes sense cuz it be kind of unnecessary when I go seven by seven or 9 by9 excavate sidewalks it’s super

Effective I do believe that that would be super effective and that’s what I’ve used a 3X3 for a lot of this but at least for my 3×3 I have made tools that break dirt just so much quicker than any excav excavator can it just yeah excavator just they have a

Huge drop in in the um the mining speed that you just can’t recover but whenever you can break that blocks at the insane speeds I was yeah you just can’t get a 3X3 tool in my current worlds to break that quick and red myths game hi how’s it going that creeper went

Far this is the wrong house I’m crazy this is the wrong one I’m just I should probably pay attention to the one that has the mantor on alician side of it what’s that Graphics texture gives 1.2.5 Vibes you talking about the graphics like the shaders this is just some

Random Shader pack I found like a year or two ago that actually could would make my game run at a reasonable frame rate everything else just kind of would lag the game significantly worse even on like a low Shader pack I’m I’m fine there’s a lot of people in chat I can’t

Complain running the additions you’re able to run it fine with 4 gabt of ram well I don’t think that’s going to be a problem for my computer just saying I mean I have literally 16 gigabytes of RAM allocated just for Minecraft kind of stupid and it definitely will never use that much but

I mean I’m seeing points where it’s used up to six gigabytes of RAM but I mean I also do have a very high render distance it’s fine why is there a mantor in the house because I got a mantor egg and so I put it in the house let it

Grow and I put it on a leash and the mans cor used to attack me now it doesn’t but it I didn’t tame it that thing is still Wild I have not tamed it I haven’t given it any food I haven’t used any items on it Cobblestone and stuff looks beta or even

Demo you’re telling me this Cobblestone texture looks beta have have you seen the beta Cobblestone or are you used to the modern resource pack of cobblestone like I want to say five to three years ago Minecraft came out with the new resource pack that what was for like I don’t know

1.4 15 or 16 and I refuse to use that built-in resource pack because it’s [ __ ] it doesn’t look like Minecraft anymore when you were like 12 used mod creatures uhhuh and it still works uh what is this oh my God okay well the problem is the image I can’t can’t zoom in

On um I don’t okay let’s go in order here dramatic Skies already gets updated with a with whatever with Shader packs um not interested in dark mode even though that I usually use dark mode and everything just I prefer Minecraft gray more detail um I feel like I used to use pixel actually

It sounds familiar but not interested yeah the faithful not that default HD not interested either and I don’t know what that VM Chinese group mods thing is but probably not what you’re talking about how long have I been doing YouTube twitch it depends how old am I 22 depends dedicated

Streaming I mean well I guess I’ve technically only been streaming for like 3 years because up until then when I was at my parents I didn’t get internet or a computer I could handle streaming or I wasn’t educated well enough and I couldn’t figure out how to stream until like 2019

2020 yeah I was all my electronics knowledge is self-taught basically just about all of it which sounds like I’m an idiot with electronics no I’m just an OT with coding things but for technically making YouTube content um now it would be eight years almost because I started freshman year of high school

Yeah graduated 2020 and more like technically probably around seven but I don’t really like video editing so you know videos have always been low quality for the most part even though I do I did genuinely put a lot of effort into one stream one series on my channel like three years

Ago and that series I still say think it holds up but it just wasn’t long and I kind of got bored of it I also you know had a full-time job eventually so didn’t put in much effort cheeseburger with ranch dip and Fries sounds really good right

Now but I don’t have the money to go and get fast food technically yes I do have money to go get fast food I’m not going to spend the money on the fast food because um I’m trying to save about as much as possible right now either I need to save money for

Vehicle repairs or buying a house potentially eventually that would I would like to do that and dang that’s a long time has my employment changed at all since I started enjoyment right now it’s going pretty damn good because I haven’t had this many people in my stream for literally

Over three years so you can say the enjoyment is pretty damn high with since I’ve started playing this world with this new I want to say clickbait title but it technically isn’t because I’m actually doing I’m try I am trying to build my actual City in survival it’s just

Survival and Minecraft and you’re pretty limited on designs and stuff so it takes a while to acquire resources loot bags um no I like loot bags I love loot bags in um in like seven days to die Minecraft I my loot bag already is just

Taking a shovel to dirt where I get clay you know Clay sticks coal gold occasional diamond iron yeah that’s uh yeah I already have a random loot bag basically in Europe you need to sell your soul for that um in and I shouldn’t say America in the

US you kind of have to too not exactly but let’s just say I have not been able to save up really any amount of money in in about two year two and a half years of being moved out of my parents house every time I start to save up money

Either I’m stupid and I buy something expensive that I don’t need even though I haven’t done that in a while now well I can’t say that I kind of bought a motorcycle you know like 16 months ago oh yeah I kind of so short make it long story short bottom motorcycle with a

Loan for like $5,000 it’s a 5-year loan it has been I bought it in September of 21 it is January of or sorry September of 22 it is now January of 24 and I’m almost paid off so that’s probably the reason I haven’t been able to save up

Any money is because I’ve been overpaying on my motorcycle loan by an insane amount in order to pay it off yeah but any houses that I’m looking at getting are probably going to be just under ,000 and in order to do that basically you would have to have around a $110,000 down

Payment and I would have to make I would have to spend $800 plus dollars a month a month on a mortgage by itself and I’d rather not spend over half of my income on the mortgage of a house alone let alone electric bill or power

Bill water bill gas bill if there is gas food um gasoline for a vehicle insurance other insurances Health Care yeah Jennifer hi welcome back but yeah um one mod that lets you see lag causes in my world you’re going to probably have to uh elaborate on that

Because when you say lag causes I can visually see some of my lag causes um I think I think my shadow explains it well enough for that or when I block I drop a thousand blocks on the ground that causes the frame rate to drop a little

Bit Yeah if you mean lag causes like too many mobs I don’t know so yeah you’ll have to elaborate on that one check Discord yep Apartments uh apartments are actually not very cheap in um the US yes I technically have a cheap place and it’s not that

Cheap um I see what you mean by that uh no thank you because I don’t think I would have actually get much use out of it for that specific one communism it’s great what do you mean communism and fake Freedom love it you live in Canada um well actually I

Was about to say I don’t know how much the Canadian Dollar to the US dollar I think has been altering quite a lot within the past few years so I’m not even going to ask how much you spend per month on rent or mortgage or whatever

Because it probably will not I will not have an an easy equivalent to US dollar to Canadian Dollar because I I want to say the Canadian dollar is it’s like a US to Canada is like a one .25 ratio maybe but I think it’s been varying quite a lot because I watch one

YouTuber that um lives in Canada and specifically says like you uh us prices versus Canada prices and it he makes comments all the time about it varying quite a lot one Canadian equals 75 USD hey my random guess of saying that 1.25 to one is not off by much I was still

There with basically the quarter of it of of one of a Canadian dollar being worth well actually technically worth 25% less than a US dollar roughly yes depending on where you are if you want a good house bedrooms two bath like 200 50k Apartments can be super

Expensive for like a dirt Shack out back either one would cost similar see the problem is you say 25k but is that in US dollars or is that in another country’s um another country’s currency you know stuff nice you still live with your parents I’m just going to

Say this right now but um moving out of my parents house when I did was probably a stupid decision because I bought a car immediately the week before I moved out because I had to I just finally got my license no thanks to my parents and I spent all of my

Savings right then and there and I had no money for any furniture any costs or anything when I moved out but you should um I know living with your parents sucks trust me I know better than a lot of people but moving out of your parents’ place too early is a Bad

Thing make it living at your parents place will be the cheapest you will ever live you will never get cheaper than that that is not possible it’s not a possibility unless you’re living in your car and um you don’t have bills to pay besides gasoline uh yeah your parents place will

100% be cheaper hands down just do that to save up money to either put a down payment on a house save up money so maybe you could move somewhere else where you could find a better job that pays better or something but live with your parents as

Long as you could probably mentally take it once you have a job save up as much money as you can don’t don’t go out and spend everything right before you move out that’s the stupidest thing you can do um for my car I honestly should have

Taken out a loan for it instead of emptying my bank account to buy the cheapest car at the dealership just just live with your parents suck it up for a while and save money you know like the year before I moved out of my parents I worked like a

Full year like 20 hours a week within that time I bought a $1,500 laptop I’m not using it anymore but at the time I bought a $1,500 gaming laptop you don’t know how great a feeling it is to want something for so many years and to finally be able to buy

It but then not still but not having to worry about money and bills and still being able to drop a lot of money like that that’s a Feeling you kind of can’t get back sometimes like right now I could I could go out and drop

$1,500 but I would have to use a credit card and so I would have to pay it back and if I didn’t pay it back I would owe even more than I originally spent if you live with your parents you can save up that money usually decently quickly and in the end

It’s just worth it to save it up save it up for something you need or life improvements or future Investments another thing invest early because um even in 10 years five you could turn $5,000 into $50,000 potentially if you do Investments right I’ve only been investing for three

Years but um I’m currently with one specific investment I technically be could be increasing that investment at a a 10% yearly increase so one year it’s a thousand I put in another thousand the next year but that first year it gained 10% so there’s 1,00 there’s 2100 but then oh

It’s 10% off of that other 10% and it exponentially increases but it’s only worth it if you keep adding to it too Financial advice with this dumbass yeah let’s go uhhuh person who can’t save up any money for three years but point is investing early might take

Out more money than you want or think but it’s a potential it’s a savings that you should never dip into unless you have to I would rather have a savings I still don’t have a savings account by the way but I would rather have a savings

Account and dip into it than dip into an investment currently and lose out on either future money or current money when that investment is worth right now less than I initially paid for it but in 10 years could be worth significantly more that’s how people cheat the system

You’re not supposed to but you can I’m not even sure what you meant with that because I said a lot there and you’re saying cheat the system and I don’t know what system we’re even cheating anymore the vesting system the housing system the um bank system credit card system not

Sure okay now my dumbass has to remember how to uh make a proper I need copper I have to start with copper chest I really have not been smelting down copper I’ve been lazy as hell put that there I’m just going to take half that it’s not like I’m going

To be running out of coal anytime soon not concerned about wasting half of half of a piece sometimes a rainy day fund can be one of the best things you can do you turn 10 on February in February congrats you still got a bit to go still got a few more

Weeks I’ve never had a rainy day fund I’ve just had money and I had to use it or I had a credit card and I had to use it and um start using a credit card early on not to purchase things that you don’t have money for but to build credit

And to increase your credit limit so that the day that you might actually need to borrow I don’t know $2,000 $3,000 and put it on a credit card instead of going to a bank and getting a loan and technically being pre-approved for that high amount you can you might have a higher APR

But you can make it work you’re creating the book for me now nice uh let’s see I I keep getting credit card offers in the mail and what’s funny is that all the credit card offers I’ve been getting are worse than what I already have and I don’t know why they would

Expect people to take a worse APR rate I’m just like why why would I I’m going to melt down this entire stack of silver there’s no point in keeping it like this anymore up that has no that has no coal left should probably fill it up

Then just full stack why not uh I did that one yep you will tell me everything you changed to add it on later that’s fine you can update the mod pack with quests what do you mean with quests yeah not sure what you mean with quests right there but

Sure okay I need one more silver to cook there we go and once again smells like somebody’s cooking bread not sure why not sure how but it does and now I’m hungry I was already hungry but they made me even more hungry now and yes I am creating another dirt

Chest probably because I have a little too much dirt but on the bright side last time I filled up one of these silver chest of dirt I went through it in 2 hours by placing it um I’m not in the situation where I have time or the space to do that again

But I definitely could I just don’t want to take the time to use that much dirt right now I’m also not doing it I only placed that much dirt because it was easy and because I was trying to fill in a giant section for a Farmland that isn’t even going to be full

Farmland but right now I don’t don’t have plans on doing that again I’ve almost filled up this entire thing I ALS you also need good credit for cars and stuff sometimes you don’t need good credit for cars and houses you need good credit in order to have a lower interest

Rate or get appro pre-approved for a higher amount than you initially applied for which can be specifically helpful for not having to put a down payment on a car or a house or something like like that like my credit score has always been good whenever I got the loan from

My motorcycle they the bank would only do the loan for what they claimed the bike was worth so I still had to do $1,500 out of pocket however I mean the interest rate I’ve had on that bike is 3% on that loan so even on $5,000 3% is

Only yeah $150 over the term well I guess that would be o on only one year only 100 so you only get charged $150 for borrowing 5,000 to put in simple terms doesn’t seem so bad in the scheme of things you get $5,000 right then and

There but you only had to pay an extra50 and that’s how Banks make money interest it’s not lot but when you have a lot of people doing it makes a bigger difference and the quests objectives from a book that you can turn in for rewards customized um yeah you might as

Well quests are nice to have they’re sometimes annoying but that game like seven days to die it’s nice to have quests it also is kind of nice to have a specific objective to do instead of doing whatever the hell you want every day you’re so confused with

Everything don’t worry you have um you have a long time to figure things out and you don’t have to be worried about it right now you can’t even get a job right now so you’re fine you don’t have bills to pay you don’t have you don’t have to worry about

Anything and um don’t rush trying to drive a car I didn’t get my license until I was 19 and I could have started driving a car at 15 I was in no rush to drive I’m still in no rush to drive anywhere I honestly still do not like

Driving but I have to because I have to drive to work and I have to drive 20 plus miles to work 20 plus back five days a week you can drive on Farmland at 14 technically you can drive on Farmland whenever you want because it’s private property oh

Whoops which is at least in the US technically technically it is illegal for a person under 15 to operate a motorized vehicle such as a car however it’s private property as long as you own the property as long as you own the car you can technically have that child

Operate the car however obviously you are responsible for anything that happens but it is your property your vehicle your property all the way you can do what you want but the second that vehicle goes onto a road nope can’t do it is uh roads are not private

Property I mean I know I know I had the basically the guy at who taught me my job at work who I worked under for almost two years he had been driving a forklift since he was like five six years old he was been driving a for forklift with his

Grandpa but I mean that was never a problem and it made it so whenever he had a dri a forklift for a job he’s probably the best forklift operator at his age in the company and I’m probably the second best forklift operator in the entire company at my age because he’s

The same age as I am so he’s number one and I’m Number Two at least for our age I mean we’re definitely not the best but for 22 years old 22 year olds uh yeah for being a 22y old with 2 and a half years of forklift experience when

I’m probably when I am the best forklift operator in our store yeah that shows you that either other people don’t know what they’re doing or the fact that I was properly trained and I’m also properly educ there’s a broken block here and I’m properly educated on how things work

And how to fix things not like fix an engine but like you come across a problem you got to deal with it somehow got to figure out how to get around it fix it or do whatever I’m really just ranting on random crap now aren’t I and there’s

Still the invisible block here where is it it’s going to turn into dirt here shortly I’m going to hit a dirt spot no not there right here no there it is just had Granite turn into dirt yep yep that makes sense hey at least it’s not there

Anymore but yep that is a normal occurrence remember when I was so surprised it worked and didn’t kill my sheep that what didn’t kill my sheep oh yeah when the command I’m surprised that the command worked and didn’t kill the Sheep I’m surprised that it worked to kill that whatever floating thing was

But I’m also surprised that I still was able to come up with the idea that it didn’t despawn and I couldn’t interact with it because it was still an entity right it’s not like anything told me that this bugged out was an entity that this mob

Created and I could never get rid of or couldn’t interact with I just kind of I mean there was not many other options it could be and if you remove all entities besides yourself and it got rid of it well I mean it I wasn’t wrong I just didn’t

Have a solution for getting rid of it I just figured out what it technically had to be because it wasn’t a block because you can interact with all blocks couldn’t put anything through it so it had to be something but I could still walk right through it which was

The weird part yeah oh well and you’re pretty sure I ran more than the amount away from the Sheep I don’t even I don’t know I was far from them but when it said 22 chunks I’m like okay well maybe I was thinking I was a

Lot closer than I actually was still and I’m about to break this pickaxe again I repaired this thing up to Max for once and I’m still about to empty all of it um what level is it it’s expert really the matak has not gotten past expert how many blocks have I broken

With it just today and I’m only now an expert with it only now we still have time to figure stuff out I guess but I figured I would have broken more dirt blocks than I have with it but I guess I have been using this pickaxe a lot longer than the mat

Considering the mat I’ve had for a few days and the pickaxe I’ve had for I don’t know a week now maybe that I think I still need to figure something out with I still need to modify it it has two modifiers but I think sharpest EST Hest

ER I’m pretty sure I could put another level of haste on this pickaxe but I don’t think it would help also my body just did a weird growling thing not like a hunger growl just like a internal gas growl not sure why it is 700 p.m. on the dot I have not

Looked at the clock for quite some time now I’ve just been ranting about random garbage this is what I want in a stream what I want is to not be bored what I want is something to constantly talk about or people to talk to technically even though in the end I’m still talking

To myself but I’m talking talking to myself with a purpose how about that there’s a purpose behind everything I guess this chest looks really nice with these three colors but when you go to place them they look like garbage okay I just realized I have not went to

The bathroom in like four hours should probably go do that here shortly I have now had a full 12 ounces of coffee that is extra caffeinated that says 1.5 times the caffeine American Blend or whatever or Freedom blend I think is what they call call it but they don’t say how much caffeine

Normal Cups have doesn’t say how much caffeine it now has it’s almost like the K cups that you get not cure egg cups but they’re just K Cups because that’s the design of them they work for many Brands and machines um krig just invented them I think that’s why they’re K

Cups but those cups not a single one I have ever seen even when looking up online says how much caffeine is in one of those usually they estimate 60 to 80 milligrams of caffeine the problem is this cup of coffee was 12 ounces and it’s 1 and a

Half times caffeine so let’s say 1 and 1/2 time 80 is only 120 milligrams of caffeine in one cup it I have definitely consumed more than 120 Mig of caffeine in this cup because it feels like I’m breaking 200 to almost 300 milligrams of caffeine so it’s kind of annoying to not

Know the exact number of milligrams of caffeine I’m consuming I like knowing how much caffeine I’m consuming to down to a DOT because if I know I’m consuming 300 Cal 300 milligrams then I know that this is going to affect me for this much for this

Long when I don’t know that that the exact number then I don’t know how long I’m going to be affected I don’t know the half life of that caffeine so I don’t know if I’m going to be able to sleep in 4 hours or not cuz 300 if I drank 300

Milligrams of caffeine right now I would not be able to fall asleep until probably 2 or 3 in the morning and it is 700 p.m. you think I’m hot thanks I don’t think so and I don’t think anybody else thinks so but you’re one of a kind

Sure you also drink 4K a day I don’t know if you mean four cups of coffee or four Mill 4,000 milligrams of caffeine if you had 4,000 milligrams of caffeine in a day you would be dead I’m not even sure if you would be alive if you only

Had a th000 milligrams of caffeine in a day most adults limit is 400 milligrams safely in one day any more than that and it starts to become a health issue a blood pressure issue a heart issue but pretty sure 4,000 milligrams would kill you in a day 100% 4,000

Milligrams would kill you a th if it doesn’t kill you it might put you into cardiac rest not me you don’t know how you do it but you’re healthy healthy is not what it used to mean at least in the US healthy healthy is a lie it’s a Lie by US government and

Other stuff basically you know that reminds you of a song tells a story about a girl who doesn’t know that she is beautiful and then Five Guys give her reasons for why she actually is ounces versus milligrams ounces are bigger than Mill yes ounces are greater than milligrams okay ounces to

Milligram okay well I’ll tell you one thing yeah 4,000 4,000 milligrams of caffeine would kill any human in the world in one day 100% anyways you said BRB I’m also going to BRB because I think I’ve been talking about 10 minutes now about coffee and caffeine and before I started talking

About that I said I needed to use the bathroom so I’m going to go to sleep real quick and then I’m going to run to the bathroom I shall be back momentarily keep yourselves occupied in the chat that wasn’t a question it was a command keep yourselves

Occupied do not go I’m going to go would you rather me go on a bucket under the desk no would I do that no for I am back and can I at least bring my microphone with um no I do not have a cable for my microphone that’s like 50 feet

Long but before I left I said do you want me to piss in a bucket under my desk not poop I said piss also I hope that piss isn’t banned by YouTube but it very likely is and YouTube and twitch are talking between each other oh

No would somebody pay me to do that on stream no because I would get banned I mean I guess Michael Reeves did an entire video about pissing and did piss on stream live several times he just didn’t show much but the audio was there and theuh testing thing was there for the

Amount but YouTube is crazy a little bit yep apparently twitch isn’t too much better um I’m going to grab a blanket real quick give me 20 seconds not even okay I am now ready I think well maybe I don’t know now that I have my arm chair arm wedged between my

Desk and other and the blanket is caught and everything I know it’s cool colder in my bedroom I know that caffeine also kind of makes you colder that’s fine I just had caffeine I should not be yawning that makes no sense I’m just going to throw the silver

In here beautiful can I do anything special with silver or is it just limited to chests shulker boxes and a few tools and armor it’s it’s the same garbage basically yeah I can make a hammer or an excavator but I can’t repair them yep we’re just going

To I think we’re just going to ignore what has happened about peeing or Andor pooping on stream yeah that’s not a not a thing that would happen you couldn’t pay me to do it because I would not it would would not be worth getting banned over I’ll tell you that

Much anyway hi fellow viewers hope you’re having a good day a lovely day it’s yeah you’re going with a 3D book model mod that seems like a an excessive thing I never repaired this it’s almost about time I have to go back to the ne and gather more

Cobalt so how about I do that real quick am I scared of dying in the nether I used to be scared of dying in the nether all it takes is one you know what you only live once if I die in the Nether and lose all this dirt all this

Food all these tools oh I’d be sad I’d be pissed if I lost the tools tell me I’ll tell you that right now but it adds more it’s a little more interesting to watch when there’s more at stake not a lot what if it’s $10,000 if it was not my main account for

Streaming um sure why not however you know you’d still have to follow guidelines and everything but I mean it’s everybody uses the bathroom so yes if I got paid $10,000 to use use the bathroom while a camera here’s part of it or a microphone here’s part of it I don’t see why not

Also this was not this did not take long to find Cobalt this pickaxe can’t it’s made of cobalt and it can’t mine it I’m stupid I never mind I still went back home and I didn’t repair it no wonder it can’t break it I need Cobalt to repair it I

Have to use it to mine Cobalt yeah I’m smart I’m a [ __ ] idiot the book is 3D not all books the quest book is 3D then you mean or the Tinker book is 3D you died in the nether lost all your stuff in the server you’re

Only sad cuz you lost fishing rod with enchantments and soul speed Two Boots yeah that’s a a little bad but I mean could definitely could be worse but oh well the book you’re making is 3D okay whatever book that is but I am going back to the nether now

That I’ve properly repaired the pickaxe and I’m not just a idiot I almost thought I had to go get my obsidian pickaxe again that breaks things slowly just to break one thing of cobalt no I also still need to take time and repair why don’t I do that now I don’t

Have that much Cobblestone with me I’m now in like the mood of I can place blocks easily and I’m not really scared of anything however I am scared of my frame rate dropping horribly currently and um The Game’s stuttering a lot where I accidentally jump into lava because it stutters and

Freezes what is happening it is not 120 frames per second not even close if it is the frame dips are so bad oh my God right there yeah hide there two mantor and a flaming horse just spawned love it and yeah I need to protect this nether portal a

Little bit better than I have been cuz if I come here and I don’t have a way out I’m not going to be happy at least I could probably make a chest and throw everything in it before I kill myself I guess you like milk congrats I do too milk is

Fantastic am I making uh no Forge said Forge broke but Forge loaded Forge fine idiot what and RT welcome back like I said yesterday I’m just I think it’s just easier to call you that than anything else we came up with plain and simple if you don’t like it well you better put

You better um deliver it to me in signed writing just write write a formal complaint and we’ll get your situation handled within one to three business days I like how I’m making a joke about that but there’s there’s there’s places that actually um say things like that it’s like yeah we we appreciate

Your your um comments and concerns um we will get back to your thing oh my God I don’t like it when the game freezes and I’m in midair over a giant lava lake that was not a good feeling my uh stomach dropped a little bit there I

Will not lie I kind of just didn’t say anything because I was I was pretty certain I was fine but I wasn’t guaranteed it would suck real bad if a gas came out of nowhere and just blew everything up would suck wouldn’t it it would be my

Luck it would be my luck all right be my luck if I accidentally jumped into lava too okay I need water excuse me that was from water not carbonation but I am talking so much that my throat is getting irritated because I’ve have been talking to myself constantly somebody started a thread how

What how I didn’t even know that you could do a thread in Discord because I don’t know if that existed when I created my Discord nor if I knew that was a thing would I allow people to create threads like where do you live and can I remove

It I can leave the thread I can edit the thread I can lock the thread or I can close it very tempted to close it especially when it’s somebody trying to find out what city I live in and life and I’m just that information does not need to be

Known I mean yes it would be fine it’s not like you would know where I actually live but the problem still exists of you don’t need to know where the hell I live yeah threads are new yeah I I assumed so because I’ve never seen a thread in Discord

Before but I was not certain um I apparently am in a phantom fantasm fantasm agoric Inferno definitely said that wrong especially since I’ve never seen that word before but oh that’s that’s death yep that’s a shame too cuz I just lost two Cobalt not just one damn oh

Well can I collect arite while I’m here I might as well I’m very tempted to kill this Pigman but it would just be a waste of time and my eyes are now messed up because everything is red I don’t is that a normal thing where you’re like in the Nether in Minecraft

And your eyes adjust to the red levels so when you look away from it everything else has like a green tint to it is that a normal thing or or do I just have some kind of eye condition that I don’t know about I know I have a stigmatism but

Like so does half the population and you really know you have a stigmatism when you’re driving at night I always thought it was normal but I mean it still is kind of normal for a lot of people I need to have Netherrack in my hot bar or off hand just in case

Lava appears out of nowhere that’s a werewolf that’s a fire werewolf the fire one is actually one I think it’s actually coming towards me that is the only mob I think I’ve lost a battle against it didn’t kill me but I uh I gave up it’s because it sets you on fire

And in the nether fire is very deadly I also don’t have a full suit of diamond armor okay I have it’s stunlocked I think I win but I lost half my health right there I lost half my health from one mob no other mob besides a creeper point

Blank with iron armor has taken me down that low not a single mob has done that yep you have an astigmatism you can’t spell for [ __ ] I can’t spell for [ __ ] either also I think you spelled it right a stigma a Stig no I think you spelled it right smelt the

Iron and what do you know how much iron I have I’m going to smell the stone hoe but you know what do I have I do have coal on me all right I’m doing this just to just to prove a point doing this we’re gonna I’m going to take the

Time I’m going to smelt the iron ho or iron axe I’m not even sure if this even gives me an Ingot or a a nugget but I’m pretty sure it’s going to give me a nugget let’s see and smeltery what does it give you in the

Smeltery does it give you does it give you an Ingot or does it give you three ingots because I kind of forgot that it was an option but I remember something about smelting iron smelting armor in a smeltery specifically gold swords I think you [ __ ] that was a very smart um

Scorpion picks a fight with somebody and I just left click once and kill it also lava horse because why not you drop leather that’s I mean I guess what else would you drop [ __ ] oh I did want to hit KO Chi chicken excuse me ma’am this is the

Nether I didn’t bring you here you came here of your own will and you have been here for a while I think I wish I could see how long this chicken has been alive there’s no reason this thing should be in the nether but here it is it’s [ __ ]

Hilarious I didn’t bring it here I had nothing to do with this chicken existing here that looks like it’s a death fall actually it isn’t I I would survive this fall I’m not going to test it because I don’t want to waste the time of trying to get back up but yeah

Actually okay it isn’t a bad idea to go down here it’s a bad idea to straight fall down here um I’m going to get this Cobalt real quick and then I’m going to go down there specifically like this this is I should not be using this pickaxe for

This because Stone Works actually still about as quick yeah this is how I want to do this get to get down here safely cuz this brings me a lot a lot better place smelter gives more to and gets okay it doesn’t give you full three back

But it does give you two in that case it’s useful but in a normal furnace no so when you mention that I should smelt down the uh iron the golden swords the other day I did not think you meant in the smeltery nor did I even think that

Think about that at the time also did not realize that horse could attack me yeah I did not know that the horse could attack considering it is a hear me out it’s a horse H you know what now that I say it out loud it’s kind of

Stupid horses can easily kill you in real life horses uh yeah one kick can uh be fatal they have a [ __ ] ton of power just a kick all it takes is one kick also is it true that um if you one hit KO at Pigman that the rest don’t get

Mad well considering every time I’ve tested it um it seems to be true yeah see they get a mad whenever I don’t kill it but when I want hit KO it nobody cares that’s why is that a thing now clipped thank you this is why I want to

Have people on Twitch is because I want people to clip stupid things and then guess what I can upload that into a YouTube short and you’re helping me you are indirect IND directly helping me upload content to my channel it sounds stupid but I can download that clip edit it to under a

Minute put it in the shorts format and then I have a new video so yes that’s why I’ve made comments about wanting to have people on Twitch to make Clips because I had I’ve had several moments that I wanted to have clipped but it would take so much time for me to

Go back and find it did the nether update again you were on just on Minecraft 5 minutes ago did the nether update my nether hasn’t updated my nether is the same that it was um last time I was here besides a chicken being in here everything’s normal yeah there’s chicken in the

Nether for some reason I have oh my God all right well I have a I have 39 Cobalt that yeah that’s a lot this is insanely bright okay that makes a huge difference actually over here it makes it a lot darker though oh yeah my my thing is heavily

Modded I’m pretty sure they know but maybe not yeah I have mods yeah okay so it is that yeah there that’s why everything looks different that’s why there’s random blue crap everywhere I still have not collected a single thing glow stone what oh wait what oh never mind I thought that the uh

Netherrack was on fire on the side like wood blocks can burn and the fire is on the wood not just on top of it from this angle that’s what it looks like but then I moved to the side I’m like yeah no it’s just normal okay optical illusions with

Minecraft I just realized I have a problem with this frying pan it’s not like the other one this one doesn’t have fortune or looting so I’m not getting good stuff from any killing anything also how do I get back up yeah I think I just heard

I am hearing something what is that I was about I had like a mini freak out because I heard a mob somewhere moving and I’m like there’s nothing around me though but that there still isn’t anything around me and I hear something I’m going to do this just so it’s easy to see

Things just so if I’m down here hopefully I can notice that Tower and some extra light and find my way back up uh what’s my favorite fruit Let’s see we got peaches we got apricots um it’s probably apricots I don’t yeah it has to be apricots I can’t think of a lot of

Fruits off the top of my head but the ones I’m pretty sure apricots take the the win 100% yeah Pigmen just don’t care if you want to hit KO them they just truly do not care I don’t understand how that works or why that’s a thing and I don’t think it’s because

Of the mods okay I can’t reach it the only problem with slime boots you keep jumping unintentionally well what am I hearing see oh it’s the magma cubes or is that what they’re even called am I stupid on the bright side it’s more experience it is a Magma Cube okay I’m not

Stupid hi ignore your profile pick you changed it one day ago I can’t even see your profile picture with my chat so not a thing I have to be worried about grapes bananas and apples so the boring fruits I mean oh I somehow didn’t want to hit K with that one that’s fine

Adds a little bit more excitement except for the tiny little one having knockback is very useful for this case um grapes are good but I’m just used to having sour grapes and they’re just don’t taste good when they’re not properly ripe uh bananas I love but I

Can only eat them when they’re yellow or starting to Brown can’t eat them when they’re green and apples a lot of apples I have are under ripe and they’re like just too hard too crunchy I don’t mind Sour Apples but I want like a soft Apple to chew

Into so usually like honey crisp or Granny Smith or some kind of apples like that yeah lchi is lchi even a fruit I genuinely don’t know cuz I don’t think I’ve ever had lchi I’m not sure maybe I have and I just haven’t realized it I am also

Really not used to the yeah twitch delay being like literally just a few seconds me make one comment and then you reply to it two two to three seconds later I had it in a mod yes I know that that’s how I know that’s how I recognize the

Word lchi but besides that I have no idea what it is in real life oh you thought um you had you had sour grapes this morning for breakfast and it kept it kept making you make a face yeah yeah grapes grapes can do that any sour fruit can do

That um I’m going to kill this giant orc thing because why not what’s it going to do kill me oh come on at least I can send it flying that was wow that was very antil climat anticlimactic climatic is there I feel like I always say it wrong I’m not sure

If I even ever do I don’t I just realized I don’t have green thumb maxed out this entire time I’ve made comments about me having it maxed out it’s not maxed out yet it can go slightly further that’s scary that it hasn’t been maxed out and it goes quick oh no oh

No you having rain sounds on rain sounds are nice but I I prefer listening to real rain outside of a window not like rain in a video it’s just not the same it just isn’t the same big min oh there we go any friends nearby that want to come say hi

No I want to but they can’t get over here there’s another one H it didn’t attack there we go that was weird anym I guess I need to make a bridge over there sometime and kill that giant rat that thing’s too big to exist in this world yeah I guess this isn’t the

Overworld so it’s a little different how to invest um that’s I don’t think that’s something you need to worry about anytime soon but there is um there’s apps out there that allow you to invest in small amounts instead of dropping thousands upon thousands of dollars I think I use the app called

Stash and I just put in like a monthly thing into a whole bunch of them and that’s about it I don’t I don’t take anything out of it I just put things in slowly over time we’re going to put that there what hey we got a problem here I can’t

Smelt down the iron axe in the smeltery um does the golden sword nope golden sword doesn’t work either but ardite does and Cobalt Works however in the past I have not been able to smelt down Cobalt this should work I remember doing this or does it only work with

Armor I feel like I remember that that this only worked with armor I have an idea what okay it just stopped letting me type I’m just going to look up gold armor for example okay golden sword it does not have a smelting option neither does armor it’s not like neither of those can

Be thrown into this said to invest early yes but um little right now it’s kind of hard to invest when you don’t have a job yeah um we’re just going to throw these in here for now I’ll probably use them later on Felix hi how’s it going

I somehow saw that pop up like instantly um we’re going to throw Cobalt in there take a copper throw Cobalt in here beautiful put that away the trip to the nether was eh not bad I got more Netherrack like I needed anymore don’t think I needed much more

Netherrack you have $150 what I’m going to tell you you probably shouldn’t spend it and investing right now probably have other things you should worry about or just save just save more uh we’re going to make another chest here just a normal one that’s so I can add more Netherrack pled

Simple but I got more Cobalt starting so should be fine I didn’t level up like from that like I thought I would there we go go that’s wrong button add level all right green thumb is maxed out cannot go any higher occasionally gives grow gives nearby crops growth

Ticks nearby it does not say the radius it does not say the increase or anything I swear that that looked oh it’s cuz the Shader rendering that that looked weird when I opened up that door so now I’m curious how long would it take for a pumpkin to

Regrow theoretically this should be a very short period of time if it’s activated it is activated it’s taking longer than I thought okay can I notice it with any of this stuff then okay there’s a pumpkin that doesn’t really say much after this point okay feel like this should be grown a

Little bit quicker than it is now may I ask why did I download so many mods because the more mods the more fun all right well this onion has already regrown itself so I guess I could literally just sit here and just constantly Harvest things can’t I

I mean I think it it is probably faster than it was before but it’s not by a noticeable amount unless I turn around and something’s already fully grown which it is okay yeah it actually no it’s yeah they’re growing quickly you just got to give it a little bit longer

Than I was giving it let’s see how long does it take one of these to grow this is just wheat here and some carrots I mean yeah they are growing significantly faster but still not as fast as I was expecting for that thing to be maxed

Out I mean there’s already a full thing of potatoes I guess it varies a lot it is just kind of ch chance based still so no guarantees I mean I got 36 onions right there and I don’t really do much for them that’s not where seeds are supposed

To go seeds are supposed to go in here my diamond chest full of seeds and other plants that’s a sh did not realize that I have collected that many windy Gardens by hand why why why would I ever need or want to collect that many just why okay it is 7:40 oh

Wow I have to say that today’s stream has gone quick considering it’s already been two and a half hours damn just damn I hear a ghost outside oh no spooky ghost let’s go see if we can see it ah there he is oh I actually hit it is it not AGG

There we go it’s not aggressive apparently for some reason maybe it was bugged I thought usually they are and why don’t still don’t know why ghosts Dro gunpowder that’s the only thing I’ve gotten from ghosts besides experience gunpowder not sure why well I guess since I have the Cobalt

Pickaxe I’m going to bring a couple of things Cobalt with me I’m going to try and finish leveling off this mountain I know it’s a little boring I know that but I’m got to make progress somehow can’t just keep building Forever Without clearing room for building uh I don’t know if I actually

Ruined a Farmland thing there or not maybe I did beautiful BK BK what about Burger King don’t say BK because now I really want Burger King even though last Burger King experience was awful but I grew up on Burger King as my fast food and they

Don’t even have the sandwich I used to always get they don’t even have a grilled chicken thing anymore they actually had like a grilled chicken breast sandwich and it was actually good I remember genuinely always loving it and I still would I remember the damn taste of that sandwich and it’s

Gone now they just have like a fried chicken patty and it’s not even a full chicken breast and it’s just awful it’s just chicken mush they still do still have it not in my area they don’t they got rid of that a while ago because I swear I went back to Burger

Bur King when I was in high school looked on the menu to get one I’m like the only chicken s the only non beef burger patty sandwich they had was a long Fried Chicken piece and that thing does not taste good that is like worse than chicken nugget Mash like frozen

Chicken nuggets taste better than that mish mash chicken does now I have to look up all right Burger Burger King menu we have to I would share my screen for a second but um uh yeah that would dox my actual where I live the town I live in it

Doesn’t matter that much well actually I guess I really don’t have to because it’s set to a Burger King in a town I don’t live in anymore um we’re just going to click order pickup how about that um featured no chicken and fish nope there is no grilled chicken

Sandwich we have a big fish we have a chicken junr we have these chicken Krispy wraps that came in we have chicken nuggets we have chicken fries we have more chicken nuggets we have the original chicken sandwich which is that long chicken mashed sandwich then there’s three different kinds of crispy

Chicken sandwiches in my area that sandwich does not exist anymore it does not EX exist and I live in the middle of the US there’s yeah so whatever state or country you live in and you have it I envy you I it sounds weird to Envy somebody

That has like a certain sandwich on their menu for fast food but like the Nostalgia of that sandwich the taste of it if I can still remember it yeah it’s pretty good I’m also going to go back to the menu here and see if I can change the location

And maybe find out let’s uh let’s set it somewhere in like California California USA that’s in that’s California Missouri California USA obviously there’s a lot um we’re going to find the first one that part pops up 736 Academy Avenue order um okay well California doesn’t have it either um this is definitely super

Productive but yeah there’s nope Cal this California location doesn’t have it they have a shroom and swiss melt I want it not for $5 though [ __ ] not for $5 oh my god um yep we’re going to change change the address um let’s try New York complete opposite side of the

Country um 106 Fon Street wherever the hell that is sure why not oh they don’t have it in New York either where the where are you located where you have the grilled chicken sandwich because I is it is not anywhere as far as I’ve seen so far um let’s go to um

Minnesota Minneapolis Minnesota I’ve actually been there did not get Burger King while I was there but now I’m curious um Minneapolis has or Minnesota has less than has less than Illinois okay well I see Minneapolis this location does not offer a 12-piece chicken nugget and a four piece chicken nugget is 30

Cents more expensive um how about Florida that’s down South still on the coast down there but we’ll see wait you were thinking of something else how dare you did you li you lied to me this entire time I’ve went on a rant of trying to find out where the sandwich

Is located and it never it doesn’t exist in the first place don’t go to for Burger King um the prices are high and there’s they’re missing several they have a 16 piece chicken nugget I thought the others were was a 12 piece oh that might have been 12 piece chicken fries at

Least the mini okay so Minnesota doesn’t have a 16 piece chicken nugget but there’s definitely something missing from this specific one oh they’re missing some of the ghost pepper chicken fries okay see this is the reason why I kind of wish I could make some money from YouTube because I would just screw

Around and I would order delivery but then I would like order mess like really weird delivery foods like um a nun pizza with left beef and like make a video out of that or something real quick while actually ordering dinner at the same time and not having to worry about you

Know paying for it for the most part I’m just like oh I can afford to eat out oh well you were think of a homemade chicken bites you made the other day that that’s not even similar how did we get that mixed up it doesn’t matter but it’s fine I also just

Realized that um I broke that coal I I’m breaking the coal out an in I’m breaking coal with skipping the animation I’ve never been able to do this before I know that Cobalt has has the momentum thing I’ve never actually noticed it work before but I can verify that it’s

Working because I’ve never had an or block that where I could skip the uh block animation before uh apparently I’ve broken enough blocks in one go that that’s a thing we went on all this rant on Burger King about having this thing and trying

To find out where it is and it was never there in the first place oh no I genuinely do not care but I’m just like if it was if it did exist somewhere I needed to know I would probably have to plan like a road trip or something there

But I needed to know if it was still a thing somewhere I needed to know it might be somewhere in like the um in in another continent but it probably would not be the same as what the US used to have because well we all know us foods are

Not quite the same as other countries we usually um have lower quality cheaper and yet still more it’s okay so fast food in America lower quality it’s cheaper quality but it’s usually more expensive that’s a miracle for you everything’s worse and it costs more for some reason um we want to we constantly

Increase our prices of our food but we don’t increase the minimum wage arm of employees McDonald’s is pretty bad with that one McDonald’s chicken nuggets used to be 99 Cents for a four piece now they’re literally like $2.99 for a four piece chicken nuggets like the cheapest of the

Cheapest fast food probably chicken nuggets and they’re still and they’re now insanely overpriced same with Canada and well it’s the same continent so what can you expect but yeah us is pretty stupid why do I live here because it’s kind of difficult to move away I also don’t really want to leave the

Us but if I went anywhere it would be probably to Canada and um it’s not worth it not right now if I could if I could make money as being a content creator online hey maybe then I would move to Canada I wouldn’t move to California

Like the rest okay I wouldn’t move to California like the rest of higher content creators there is one specific condition that is literally impossible that I would move to California for it’s not possible I’m not going to say it because probably nobody knows who they are anyways but let’s just say by some

Miracle if a certain YouTube group I were to somehow get invited to join them yes I would move to California and that would be the only way you would get me to move to California I don’t care what other opportunity you would throw my way unless I found like a new group

The only reason I would move to California is for one specific group to be part of their group and even so if I somehow got invited which one invited is not really a thing that happens two the chance of it happening is um I have a better chance of getting struck by lightning

Every single day for probably the rest of my entire life but if it did happen yeah I would move to California without a heartbeat but other than that not happening also California is insanely expensive insanely expensive I mean buying a house in California is like a quarter of a

Million for a one-bedroom in some places and then Illinois one bedroom is well impossible to find first of all basically but um like two three bedro houses you can find for probably 60 to 100 Grand yeah I should totally come to California no uh you know if somebody paid me to move

To California and paid me to live there sure I don’t think I don’t think anybody would ever pay anybody to live in California don’t think that’s a thing I also sadly if I were to move to California it would have to be probably it would be LA because that’s where that group is

Located that’s where a lot of popular content creator groups on Twitch and YouTube are located LA and I don’t even know how some of them ended up being able to move there I mean I know I’ve seen some like what I think Pokey man I don’t know her from her own

Channel I knew her from another channel from years ago um technically I found poke man through Michael Reeves not kind yeah indirectly did but Pokey one of the biggest content or was one of the biggest was the biggest female streamer I think on Twitch for a while

Then I think it got taken over by amaranth and I’ve still never watched her and I never plan to never watched never plan to watch poke mean but I’ve never watched her streams I’ve just watched videos that she’s in and I think a couple of her Japan Vlogs I think they were Japan

Vlogs but I don’t she I don’t know makes over 10 grand a month and I don’t know how much she spent she has spent in California just to live there I don’t know how the hell I don’t even even know how somebody like that could afford to live in California somebody who brings

In six fig over six figures a year what food do I remember growing up eating a lot crap I remember a lot of crappy food a lot of good food mostly crappy food I never grew up eating the same crap for the most part it kind of varied

I remember my mom used to make like um egg and vegetable casseroles I won’t lie they were never good like eggs cauliflower broccoli black olives cheese believe it or not the cheese was the worst part of these because I don’t like egg and cheese I

Like cheese I like egg I do not like baked scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese cheese not a good combination not at all I like omelettes with cheese but it’s cooked differently and added with different stuff and her casseroles and they also had like hash browns on the bottom or tater tots on the

Bottom tater tots was the best tasting part of it I don’t know how you get eggs to taste bad but she managed it I’ve never had bad eggs besides that those cast rules eggs don’t naturally taste bad but did now if I want eggs with cheese I

Want it in an omelette and it has to have more than just eggs and cheese but most restaurants do omelets pretty universally and the same um I’ll tell you one thing crab cheese omelet in North Carolina that is made with actual crab meat and is made with a white cheese a white

Cheddar best combination of cheese and eggs right there can’t beat it but besides that eggs and cheese nah free cam sure I know what a free cam is yes uh Seven Days to Die has a free cam but it’s kind of a pain in the ass to use

And uh lags the game horribly but allows you to get decent thumbnails that you’re not normally able to get in a uh survival world even creative world you still can’t really fly properly Cam he’s he’s asking about a uh Minecraft mod thing yep uh BRP okay I will probably

Still be here if I’m not here well then you can go back and watch another stream it’s not like I’m going to be running out of a streams anytime soon especially if I keep it up for several hours every single day uh the only part I’m dreading right

Now is that Saturday I probably won’t be able to stream if I will be able to stream I won’t be able to stream until like 90010 p.m. at night and then at that point I won’t even want to stream it I’ll be so tired but I fall down 20

Stairs for that much money yeah I would fall down I would fall down 20 stairs like step stair 20 steps for like $100 probably because I know how to fall downstairs with controlled momentum and hope probably not actually injure myself I definitely would get bruises but have

You ever seen like you know stunt people they do like certain Falls yeah well there’s a certain way you can kind of roll downstairs as long as you’re not tumbling Head Over Heels or head as long as you’re not tumbling head first as long as you’re going like sideways on

Your shoulders downstairs you can you’ll you’ll probably be fine if you do it right and you still get hurt I think the worst injury you’re going to get would be a dislocated shoulder and that would be if you hit a step really really hard just in the wrong spot welcome

Back but yeah I would fall downstairs for that much I like I said I’d fall down to 20 steps for $100 I would definitely record myself doing it and put it on YouTube or Tik Tok even though I don’t upload Tik Tok but you never know

CCC yep CCC candy corn cat or candy corn Club whichever or both as long as it’s not the KKK I think we’re fine CCC for life well if you need if you want CCC for life you’re probably going to have to re create it yourself because I cannot do it for

You man there is um I have too much dirt that’s a problem it’s a uh it’s a problem it looks like I’m addicted to Dirt by having this chest full and that chest full and some dirt in there and more dirt in here when in reality I’m just

Needing to use needing to mine a lot of dirt you hurt yourself when you fall down and you’re short you’re 5 foot one 5 foot2 I’m technically 5 fo4 I’m not much taller and as long as you fall down the stairs properly you could be fine you’re converting the people yes sure

CCC why don’t you create a CCC thread in Discord because apparently anybody can create a thread in my Discord I don’t even know how do you create a thread um oh it looks like you have to do it out of a chat hi hi is there another thread now all of a

Sudden is there an extra thread that doesn’t show up so I see this thread okay so one thread is like where do you live and shows up separately but then there’s a different active thread okay I’m going to close this this one and can I activate this one C

Thread oh there’s now different two threads for the same thing H weird you’re for foot oh well well you got time to grow I’ll tell you that much you won’t be four foot forever you’re definitely going to get a lot taller than that um how do we how how does

How oh I probably have to join it um H what I want to know right now is why how did I get forced into a thread earlier weird I don’t know um which which one did I join did I I join the wrong one okay so apparently

How did you add me to a thread that’s slightly concerning that you can just throw whoever you want into a thread um so basically you can create your own Discord within my Discord you can create your own little thing within my Discord got it I’m not opposed to it I

Just I don’t need random people adding me into some random threads within my own channel n yeah we don’t need that you added me but I mean that’s cuz I asked you to so I’m not I’m fine with that but I don’t need that situation where somebody

Else added me to a random thread called where do you live yeah don’t need don’t need that person coming back and trying to find out where I live for some reason it’s just weird it’s the one with 70 messages already yeah yeah yeah enjoy there you

Go I have a better idea where’s my phone I have Discord on my phone it is 800m yeah oh well oh apparently I missed an Eevee Spotlight hour and Pokemon go I would have really loved to do that damn it I really would love have loved to do that Spotlight hour that’s a

Shame that’s an actual shame server Canon corn why does Discord look higher quality on my phone camera sure that’s an awful quality image probably because I’m don’t have great lighting there you go I L I have a bag of candy corn sitting next to me it also Minecraft background music

Just kind of sounded like discord’s um bubbling noise whenever somebody tries to call you Bridger ass are you feeling all right blob king um I think he’s fine he she they whoever I think they’re fine I think you should be more concerned about the cult everybody is

Joining this is not a cult I created well I’m going to I don’t think I created it I may have inspired it unintentionally almost landed right on a creeper I just had a really stupid idea that sounds kind of okay but I can’t do it changing my changing my channel name

To the you know Candy Corn Cat Club or Canon corn cat I won’t do that because I will never get rid of mirira for specific reason that maybe people will find out one day I will not get rid of it but I mean cany corn cat seems pretty

Unique yeah I created it NAA improved it I don’t I’m pretty sure Ena did yeah no I I would say I probably ins I inspired it by eating candy corn on stream years ago that’s about the most I did I think that’s about the most I did

I just simply eating candy corn and being a fat ass while streaming plain and simple that I did my part I need to repair this pickaxe again my game froze for a second too couldn’t exit my menu um tool station how do I make the damn

Tool station I need a blank pattern and a crafting table okay I’ll go get that careful language if my stream wasn’t already limited which I haven’t even checked all day actually now if it wasn’t already limited I think I’m fine um I’m not limited yet not yet that might be changing but yeah

I need a not curse because bad things happen yeah that can happen sometimes it’s more normal than you think uh computers aren’t perfect perfect okay I just responded to a comment on um one of my YouTube posts real quick even though I know who the person is in real

Life because they’re my brother but yeah he he doesn’t know a lot of about technology let’s just leave it at that and he’s older than I am he’s not good with technology not at all so you drew a cat inspired by anything and I chose candy corn did I

Choose candy corn or was I just eating candy corn at the time I’m not sure okay I’m just making a Sol station here it needs to it needs to exist here I’ve been carrying one around all the time which is fine because I use it on

The go but I need it my game is dropping frames I also I want to go Harvest some corn real quick because I am curious how much of an impact that the uh the mod is actually having the uh max level Green Thumb we’ll see how powerful it actually

Is okay I’m going to do that apparently skeleton died right there I’m going to do this real quick I might go craft some popcorn with all this random corn uh considering half of this is already halfway grown okay I mean this seems slow but normally you can’t have crops grow that quickly

And vanilla just doesn’t work I mean candy corn leave me alone new clip or orins a Canon corn cat I just realized something I’ve kind of unintentionally ignored it this entire time I don’t know if anybody was here earlier I think people were here when I said it about how my twitch isn’t

Monetized because I don’t have an average three viewers on Twitch I’m pretty sure I’ve had an average of two viewers the entire stream today like damn near in the entire stream you’ve both been here on Twitch damn near the entire thing so one thank you two thank you and

Three one one day we’ll get even bigger got to start somewhere right now that’s a pretty damn good [ __ ] start and I kind of just I said that sentence there and it was a little scuffed because I was chewing on candy corn and um my throat decided to get some

Like kind of something in there that wasn’t candy corn and so I was doing like a half choke thing where it’s tickling my throat and I can’t properly speak I also this candicorn isn’t isn’t 100% right and I have an entire piece of candicorn stuck to the top of my mouth

As I am actively talking you saw when I started from the Discord as soon as your phone buzzed nice I mean that is the reason that um Discord is a thing and I set that thing up like three years ago to give people notifications that I’m going live or uploading a

Video that’s the exact purpose and that might be one of the first times it’s actually ever been used by somebody I like how I keep just keep forgetting to repair this pickaxe I just realized I think I need to put an emerald on this thing and there I think it’s time to oh

God I be I would be careful with that YouTube and YouTube and/or twitch sometimes is very specific with censoring not censoring but spamming be careful I don’t want to hear that somebody got banned from my channel without me doing anything for the spamming I have nothing against the spam

Trust me I don’t I’m warning you fair warning there are auto systems set up to prevent that from happening and sometimes you can get like a 30 minute timeout without me saying anything I have I have I’ve seen it done to people before that there are I don’t think I

Have anything set up but it’s definitely a possibility you got 30 seconds keep doing it and it’s going to be a lot more than 30 seconds that’s not a threat that’s a please don’t get banned for long periods of time I can make this pickaxe even

Better I just looked I’m like I have another level of haste I can add on to this it doesn’t matter but I can CCC for Life yep you got to you’re one sub gifted to you only now did you realize that’s happened to me several times in the

Past it happens more often than you think um I mean you go into somebody’s popular stream people are gifting a whole bunch of subs and you get a random free gifted sub and they usually never even it it’s not good at telling you when it gives it to you

Um yeah I’m Can I stack reinforcement how do I make the re reinforcement I should remember uh it’s a random cast with obsidian around it okay that’s easy I can go waste a cast real quick I need to yeah that’s why you can do that with Ross

Nice I’m I need obsidian I’m going to go melt down this gold real quick and I need a random oh wait I have a cast I just realized I have a nugget cast I have no use to have a nugget cast I may have made it accidentally excuse

Me it accepts any cast and is surrounded by obsidian it says any and um it doesn’t work with the Nugget cast am I crazy am I stupid what’s my favorite video game I it has to be Minecraft technically it has to be there’s no way it isn’t bye

Goodbye blob King then goodbye have fun and maybe we’ll see you again it doesn’t work with the Nugget cast are you freaking serious I have one of my chests what the reinforcement mod talking about the reinforcement mod that I already used the that I just put on the Cobalt

Pickaxe I’m trying to see if I can make a second one to stack it to 40% because I’m actually getting to the point where 40 20 40% could make a big difference um yeah okay so I can’t use the Nugget cast that’s honestly really really annoying I don’t want to use the Ingot

Cast because I I need the ingots I have enough iron ingots I’ll just waste one that’s that’s a really stupid thing I can just make a tough binding cast uh we need to melt that down beautiful if I’m streaming tomorrow you’ll probably be there I plan on streaming

Tomorrow unless something goes a I was about to say a St but I don’t think that’s a word arai AR stray I feel like both of arai and AR stray are both proper terminologies for if something goes wrong I will not stream but plan on streaming after work okay does this cast

Work this one works okay for some reason the Nugget cast is just banned the Nugget cast is uh special it doesn’t work that’s you don’t know how much that irritates me is that I made that and I literally can’t do any [ __ ] thing with it and yes I can stack reinforcement so I

Will so technically that’s what’s 40% of 14 uh it’s between five and 600 potential extra durability per um per usage what is three things I regret doing when I was younger that I would have changed um well you say younger how long am I

Still on for um I don’t know I said I was probably going to stop streaming around 8 but I have several people in the chat and I’m rather not get rid of that so we’re going to shoot for 8:30 or 9 and maybe we’ll see what

Happens but I I would rather not leave when there’s still several people here because I keep bringing up this thing about opportunity the longer I stream the better opportunity for better things to happen I’m already at a good point and I don’t want to just throw it away

Okay you’re running to the gas station for more coffee go ahead just I’ll just leave the stream open if it’s not open on your phone if it’s on a computer or something just leave it open how you got 4K was 52 oun okay whatever calculation you did

Was wrong I’ll just tell you that much because 4K milligrams of caffeine will kill you just saying also 52 well 52 ounces of what coffee or like an energy drink coffee yeah whatever calculator you had is not correct yeah it I tell you that right

Now one one six or 8 O cup of coffee only has like 100 milligrams of caffeine if not less um bakeware I’m going to make popcorn I don’t don’t get experience for making popcorn I was going to exploit it but I can’t that’s annoying that’s honestly really annoying I can make stock

Eh I can make Garden soup can make cornmeal what do you even do with cornmeal there’s not a lot you can do with cornmeal and not a lot of simple things either yeah I heard that freaking Enderman sneaking in here how dare you you all right let’s go let’s go Enderman I hear

You are you on top of the H you’re on top okay never mind ghost toast toast toast sounds really good right now I will not lie Yeah Toast sounds great but I can’t have any because I’m streaming um I’m trying to see what oh well I can’t actually putting an emerald on this

Would be would prove to be very useful maybe not as much not super super useful but it I mean it lasts that much longer for a simple upgrade um what the [ __ ] you spilled your coffee on your cat oh no how did you spill your coffee on your

Cat I I got to know how that’s a possibility that poor cat I hope the I hope it wasn’t hot if it was you’re uh you’re going to have some problems I have corn can I legitimately do anything with this corn that gives me any kind

Of anything worth it like I can turn corn into stock and I can turn stock into to tomato soup spider ey soup seed soup rice soup pumpkin soup oh you need cream that’s annoying uh potato soup I need salt and potatoes I can make you you can make

Dried soup why is that an option why is dried soup an option okay I need Baker and I need a pot okay I okay I got to make dried soup because it’s just a freaking block of red what in the hell it was iced coffee

It was on your table you knocked it off and now she’s really mad at you yeah cats usually don’t appreciate um don’t appreciate having lick being wet um this needs to be a pot garden soup I got experience for making that one at least bake wear

I need this first I need stock that I may have made too much stock yeah a dried soup is apparently a thing what do you use with you can’t do anything with dried soup however I’m curious how much it’s going to um restore me foodwise because originally it would have been half then

I turned it into stock which I think would have been more than that yeah attack me come on maybe not like that H you know well it’s not like you kill me with that I didn’t really plan to be on fire let’s do some running thenm bom this feels really slow

Compared to usual I think my run speed um with the boots is a little higher when I’m jumping okay dried soup restores one and a half I simply turned one piece of corn into three pieces of dried soup that’s an exploit I turned one piece of corn that heals restores half hunger and

Turned it into three things of dried soup that restore one and a half each so I turned an item that turn restores half a hunger into something that restores four and a half hunger that’s some damn good multiplication right there I made it nine times more effective Bean of Na

Make it so we have three viewers I feel like that’s cheating but I won’t mind so thank you I will not mind at all I should probably log in with my own account and watch myself but um I’m already starting to worry about how much data usage I’m

Going to have for my Wi-Fi considering I’ve been streaming for over 60 hours in the past two weeks and I’m not sure how much that’s using and I’m really scared to check but um yeah I may have discovered an exp exploit I can turn that into three

Stacks of stock and then I can turn that into a stack of soup but it doesn’t give me experience so it’s not an experience glitch or hack or exploit it is simply a food making somehow turning one simple thing by adding heat to it several times into something in L

Effective oh I need to see how much Garden super stores also because that’s also me turning three half restoring items into something so it might it should if I’m right with most of Pam’s harvestcraft things it should restore Me by two because it usually combines all the base ingredients and then if you

Have to actually make something then it us it will just give you an extra half cuz he actually cooked technically cooked something I didn’t but we’ll see I feel like Garden soup does only do one and a half though cuz I used to make it in another

World and my saturation does not want to go down quickly apparently dried stock is the way to go I won’t be running out of food anytime soon it also sounds disgusting because it probably is oh it restores two I was right it does this this specific ingredient or recipe combined

All the base ingredients and then added an extra half for being a finished product can’t complain I just realized there that is a um a hole that if I got down there I would not be able to get out huh okay the cat’s not

Mad at me now so now you got to go make more ice coffee you go do that just try not to spill it this time I don’t think your cat would be happy if you did um that’s that this is this is disgusting this looks like a block of dried

Blood or congealed blood because um that is a real thing there are places in the world that eat blood and incorporate it into food um R link on YouTube they have had congealed blood many times um it is one of their worst foods they have tried some of the worst stuff

Out there and congealed blood is I think one of the worst ones and I think this the first worst one I think is um actual vomit is bile like bile pie or something and um yeah that was the wor they voted that the worst food they have ever had congealed

Blood was a very close second welcome back we are talking about I am talking about not we me talking about very disgusting things that R and Link on YouTube I’ve eaten yep all right well I’m going to try and see if I can finish leveling off this

Mountain is it not even rendered in um it it it was it’s just that it it’s so small it’s so short now that it doesn’t Peak over houses like it was before it’s only five blocks tall it was I think I counted it it was 18

Or I think it was 18 tall and I thought it was 20 to 30 yeah and it was 18 okay well at least at least this should be using significantly less durability now should last a significant amount longer and it doesn’t take that much to actually reinforce it either obsidian

Isn’t difficult to acquire it just takes time and for some reason this block glitched out not sure it didn’t break it at the right speed I’m not sure why but oh well and now we just Harvest cobblestone Stone until I can’t Harvest anymore okay you’re just glad your

Coffee wasn’t hot for the cat didn’t get hurt and the cat is 17 and her twin sister yeah we wouldn’t want the cat getting hurt nope I don’t think the cat would be very happy if it did get burned from a liquid it’s already not happy that it got a

Liquid on it let alone if it got burned yeah that would not be a good time not at all why am I doing this like I I swear I’m doing I’m breaking Cobblestone sometimes in the most inefficient way and I just don’t mean to be oh there’s gravel under here that’s

Weird at least I can make use of the gravel oh no the darkness um I got a question how bad is the um what the sto don’t tell me that this matak doesn’t work on gravel no way it doesn’t work on gravel no it’s breaking dirt at an insane rate

That’s stupid it doesn’t work on gravel oh but the the the shovel does that’s so stupid it’s literally designed to be an Axe and a shovel in one and it literally can’t even break other things that a shovel can got it but um how how much can you actually see on

Stream is it difficult to see things or is it acceptable for nighttime because I’ve seen it sometimes where it has a loss of quality because it’s nighttime and it is insanely difficult to actually see things sometimes and I would rather not continue streaming at nighttime in

Game if you can’t see any of it like right now the moon is out and I kind of expected that to be more more of a full moon you turn brightness all the way up to look good um so I should probably go to sleep then because if you have to turn your

Brightness all the way up then yeah might be a little too dark and we’ll see where’ that creeper go oh he just hasn’t noticed me yet that’s fine God damn this is the power of a Cobalt pickaxe too bad it’s not good at killing things I should have just let you blow up

Because I could have actually um could have just HED you to help me you keep getting bad luck last week you tripped over your two guard dogs while you I had nine cups of water over her and one of them was ice coffee o well as long as the dogs are okay I

Don’t think it was too bad acence happen it’s fine I’m going to beat the crap out of this werewolf or it can beat the crap out of me first this is a good question can it fit through the doorway no it can’t that that’s a shame oh man come

On you know if this werewolf was smart it would just be able to climb in the window cuz it can fit through the doorway it just can’t fit through the uh door here it can’t fit through a smaller than one block out all right come on werewolf let’s go come

On this is a losing battle there we go finally that took so much effort and it would still not be worth it if it was normal survival there’s three creepers right here ow ow ow actually ow oh my God ow that was the first time I’ve had a

Manacore do that much damage to me usually um usually they don’t care that’s not good yep go to sleep uh yeah it’s because two viewers it it’s because of the door that it couldn’t fit through and two viewers yeah not sure but you got to go to work

By if I stream tomorrow you’ll be there if you’re not already at work I plan on streaming tomorrow so I look forward to seeing you there thanks for being here Enderman Ender’s just chilling out some more I need to actually keep this gravel that’s more than the hellhound um

Yeah well that was a combination of werewolf and beating the crap out of werewolf and then getting a poisoned by mans cor I came over here to Kill The Creeper and get the experience I forgot that this doesn’t want to K you that does okay mantor now that it’s more of a

Fair fight you want to actually fight nope it’s chilling oh that was a mess up come on spider let me hit you I just need the frying pan leveled up that’s why I’m killing all these at this point I don’t care about the rest the gunpowder I could use is it nope come

Here ah I killed it dark Manore egg I’m just going to place it I don’t know why I picked up that flesh I don’t need it I’m going to go place this egg over here and whatever happens happens yep whatever happens happens you should do homework you should but you want

To I should tell you to do your homework I always did my homework in all of my years of school there was only one homework assignment I didn’t do and because I think it was a physics homework assignment and that was the only time I had homework that I just

Said screw it it wasn’t worth it for me to do I just simply told the teacher that I didn’t do it and that was it other than that I always turned in homework I always had it complete always that’s specific one I think it was like I had an archery tournament coming up

Too practice and I just I just finally said screw it and I didn’t want to do it and I didn’t it’s not like I failed the class because of that I didn’t fail the class but that one homework assignment whatever it was it was it was one that

Would have taken several hours for me to do and it was already on a topic that I was not good with I’m good with physics I was not good with that specific physics curriculum and how they did testing and everything you played M you played five hours of Minecraft

Yesterday that’s a lot I can’t say much you know because of how much I’ve played it recently but uh you know it just you know but no I’m putting in effort so maybe someday I’ll see results for streaming and game wise however for the past two days the only

Thing I’ve really done is uh mine dirt and Cobblestone and that’s it like I have not done much of anything else so far because this is uh I have to do this I have to clear this out on the bright side this is increasing my um total broken Cobblestone by an insane

Amount insane amount yes show the time plate um once I finish this level of stone I will because I want to keep the momentum so whenever I find like uh the copper I don’t have to wait long for it to break it I can instant break it because I’ve built up

Enough momentum by breaking all these blocks all at once Cobalt It’s ability isn’t great but is it has proven to be slightly useful not near as useful as ecological or cheap or Cheescake or anything along like that but still useful total time played um 2.13 days so over 48 hours so probably about

50 hours total I’m going to do the math here real quick 51 hours I have played this world for 51 hours I have Steam games that I’ve owned for years that I haven’t even gotten 50 hours in and my dumbass has put 50 hours into one world within 2

Weeks I mean this is what day is it day I guess I should say stream really not day is it day 12 or is it it’s either 11 or 12 that’s it and day 12 or 11 or 12 I mean I’ve gone for this many days straight so yeah we’re

Fine I don’t know why there was a hole there but it’s Fine oh I broke it God I thought that would last a little bit longer I don’t have any Cobalt on me to fix that well I’m going to pick up some of this Cobblestone because I can actually use majority of this which also reminds me I kind of

Want to mess around with this Cobblestone and go away from the city limits and start building something gigantic something that has no no business being in this world but just because I have that many blocks and that I would I have the motivation to do it

Sometimes instead of in the past where I did it for once and then never touched it again how many block of cobblestone have I broken I’m going to guess 50k 50k not quite nope 40 just about 44,000 okay um H damn yeah but then I picked up 33,000 godamn I’ve mined 29,000 dirt

That doesn’t seem right blob King hi welcome back um that doesn’t seem right I thought I was already at 30k for dirt Cobble gen mod cobble generator uh you’re going to have to elaborate on that one not sure what you mean now I’m also now going I’m trying to figure

Out what how many blocks of dirt did I break oh dirt was only 21,000 cobblestone was 36,000 okay and 11k placed for both of them well I’ve definitely placed excuse me definitely placed more than 11,000 to both of those now cobble generator and a block uh nah don’t worry about that

One I’ve killed exactly 100 skeleton 76 spiders 163 zombies 197 zombie pigman somehow already um where’s creepers I definitely overlooked it uh oh 111 creepers wow that’s a lot that is genuinely a lot all right well time to go back home I need Cobalt at least I have more than

Enough Cobalt I know I don’t have to worry about Gathering any for a while artifacts such as Everlasting steak uh no that seems too powerful that seems like if if it’s something like an everlasting steak that seems like something that would be so gamebreaking that it would make things

Boring so good idea to the right person not not my kind of surviv Minecraft Survival not much a survival if you uh never have to eat yeah it’s not much survival if you never have to eat so no not that one build my inventory Cobble dump it

All here it’s about time I start making more chests again I really did not think I’d be doing that uh don’t do dragons I’ve had a dragons mod before and it really wasn’t worth much like they kind of just existed a little bit but they always were just they kind of

Ended up being in way uh no thirst in temperature thirst and temperature is a little too far for Minecraft Survival it’s already thing but temperature mod where it can get too hot uh no Seasons yes wait you’re you’re doing a little bit okay Seasons that starts to change things a

Lot because you say Seasons I’m like okay now this is turning into um oh I can’t even think of the name of it and it was like my favorite Minecraft mod pack Harvest Valley farming Valley Harvest Valley one of the two my favorite mod pack that I need to go back and play

Again that had seasons and I’m like it was good but seasons for this I would say don’t worry about it for that one don’t worry about seasons if I want to if I’m going to do anything with like Seasons it’s going to be simply changing changing the biome with world

Edit to change it so it’s like fall it’s into a biome that looks more like fall colors or winter colors or it snows and stuff like that um yeah I I know Seasons but uh not for this no no don’t worry about it I do trust me I do like changing Leaf

Colors I really do but it just doesn’t fit in with the rest of the stuff to me my opinion is probably a little weird but yeah did not realize this chest was not full yet want to make sure there’s no hidden gravel in here there’s not or hidden andesite or something

I knew there was another stack of gravel somewhere yep gravel and side di right and we’ll throw dirt in there I got more than enough fast Leaf Decay nah I know exactly what that one is don’t need it that’s one of those um eh not one of those things just

Something that’s nice to have if you want it but not necessary why do I keep doing this that’s not what I need to do that’s the stone pickaxe I don’t think that would work too well Pam’s Harvest craft editions what do you mean Pam’s harvestcraft editions don’t tell me my dumbass has

Been using Pam’s harvestcraft for several years and there’s another mod add-on for it I know there’s a Pam harst Craft 2 but I you I used it once and it wasn’t good um I’m just going to do my own investigation on this one mods um select version where is it game version

12.2 we’re going to search for Harvest craft Pam’s cooka bles lets you break your bake your bread more again well I guess I should probably be doing that breadcraft Dynamic trees what are Dynamic trees oh eh not really I understand it I just don’t want it apparently there’s a lot of pams stuff

That I haven’t seen but whatever add-on you’re talking about I’m not seeing there’s simple recipes no oh it’s breadcraft that’s why um for shits and giggles add brewcraft okay so I’m not crazy these Pam Harvest crafts aren’t really addons seeds I I have as many seeds as I already

Need it’s under Pam yeah um it’s fine add the uh Pam’s brew craft alcohol why not that could be fun to mess around with visual effects but um get all the seeds don’t need breadcraft I can just make bread and simple recipes it’s the more complicated the recipe the

Kind of less boring it is sometimes because if I could just make everything if I could just make the highest quality food items in half a second then what’s the point of it even existing if there’s no effort put in my computer is lagging bone what the hell is

Bonecraft I do not know what bonecraft is uh um isn’t there a mod that adds like bone structures spawning in the world such as like a giant a giant fossil basically or like a dinosaur fossil just on on the surface that is made out of bone

Blocks I like that was in um that was in farming Valley and it was very nice to have those white bone blocks in mass quantities if that’s what you’re talking about yes I want it if not I’m not sure we’ll see I don’t know what fossil tier

Is this would be one you should probably send in Discord the OG stuff it is a nice drawing the cat the cat is a little um a little flat but I do like it it’s a lot better than anything I could do but got to figure out a logo for the uh C

CC I don’t think the Lo well the logo might just be the cat’s face but I feel like you could something else could be done too not sure what though um wasn’t there like a run oh Athletics yeah and Sprint speed oh there’s a giant orc I should

Probably kill it might create a new one you just started using a new art I one hit KO with that thing might start using a new art program uh go go ahead and try and see how it is uh usually whenever I’ve used uh chisel I already have chisel in bits so

That one is simple unless chisel is not part of chisels and bits change the look of blocks I I’m pretty sure I already used chisel and bits I think there is CH I think chisel is slightly different because I’ve seen it before when I’ve looked up chisel and

Bits but I don’t know the difference uh chisel well I should probably not look up mon packs and I should filter the game version so what is chisel it creates new blocks yeah well the hell is that oh I know what chisel is I think I’ve seen somebody use it before um

Yeah add it is um is something called like the Carpenters block a part of chisel oh yeah no I was about to say answer this Carpenter’s block is is no it’s not okay that’s different mod then but compatible okay so I was thinking the Carpenters block at least I think

That’s what it’s called is was part of chisel then we want roofs uh sure why not yeah add roofs because out of all the things to build roofs are the most pain in the ass at least in this version roofs are pain in the ass trying to stairs and if

I use chisel and bits well that’s um that would take hours roads I’ll make my own roads yeah don’t need roads I’ll make my own roads roofs I’m adding we’re adding because I’m lazy roads I the roads are easy I don’t know what just blow broke weirdly there too something broke

Differently okay the reinforcement on this pickaxe is definitely working but it’s still not that noticeable of an increase maybe I’m just crazy though maybe it’s Maybelline I don’t freaking know you’re going to finish your assignment then plan out an essay and see if you can draw nice

Um o planning out essays doesn’t sound fun I don’t think I have never had one fun essay n no I probably probably had a fun essay or two somewhere in high school or middle school shows your stats and yes definitely add that one I’m just that there is there is

Absolutely no reason we shouldn’t add some kind of integration for twitch twitch has it I assume it’s just probably going to be like commands in twitch that do does like a popup maybe I’m wrong but yeah that one is I think a necessity one of those blocks didn’t break

Properly for some reason it made me think that it was a silverfish block at first um are you able to edit what the statistics shows because this spe specific shot of uh statistics is not what I’m interested in if you can do like a manual select of

Which ones you can display then yes if not probably don’t worry about it you think so it might take it probably takes a little bit of configuration uh it should be able to be done like it I don’t see why they would make a twitch integration mod and it you

Wouldn’t be able to select certain statistics to display or which ones to not if I’m going to display something on Twitch I’m not going to display the damn distance I’ve flown or swam I’m going to show how many hours I’ve played how many um how many blocks

I’ve broken of a certain kind um how many times I’ve done certain tasks that are saved as statistics statistics for some reason yeah I would display things that actually show time and effort not just like random walking distance or something um I know exactly what the replay mod is

And I’m going to ask have you ever used the replay block mod and RT welcome back have you ever used the replay mod what is the actual purpose of it that a um you know like my OBS can’t do besides going back in time are you able to um like move the

Camera in um the replay mod free cam in past recording though like at first you just play From firsters perspective and then back when you do the recording you can change the perspective differently from like you can change into like a third person perspective if you want you can do that

I’m pretty sure neebs gaming like a couple years back they were using the replay mod because I’m pretty sure they would use that to get angles in Minecraft that you can’t normally get and I’m probably not explaining it well but it was I’m 90% certain it was

The replay mod mod that like you did a recording within the mod and then you could go back and change the perspective of the recording air hop no no thank you pretty sure you could change the perspective to a extent maybe I’m wrong but I haven’t used

It on the bright side this entire Mountain has now been chopped down on the downside that was a nice sight to see and it is now completely gone and I have too much Cobblestone and dirt way too much Cobblestone and dirt I guess uh I’m just going to

Continue uh yeah continue this road on for a little bit actually no I shouldn’t because it doesn’t go on that far because of plastic Memories anime okay so obviously some I would assume somebody died but it’s an anime it happens quite often you know I have only done deconstruction today basically how about

I actually do a little bit of block placement it is wow I did not realize it is that close to 9:00 p.m. already it’s been a quick hour it’s almost like when I have people in my chat and everything time goes quick because I’m actually genuinely having a good

Time that doesn’t happen often either there’s not times where I there’s not times where I’m so preoccupied and having a good time that I’m just completely ignoring time I still need to eat dinner I still need to take a shower before work tomorrow I still have work

Tomorrow in the morning and I have to get up at 5: in the morning so no matter what I do I won’t be getting 8 hours of sleep I wasn’t play planning on it but no matter what I’m not upset with it it’s been a genuinely good stream and

I’m not going to complain about me taking the time to continue streaming for a while think it has been a genuinely fun time not going to just give that up for nothing um let’s see if I can start collecting a little bit of dirt here don’t really need it but I’m just going

To see if I can actually I should probably keep that c what is happening inventory is doing some weird stuff do that well I unintentionally just had a craving for something however that something is um not healthy so oh well I don’t know I just had a weird memory pop

Up in my brain I’m like oh now I want to go excuse you skeleton now I want to go and do that again and I’m like nope I can’t stop myself from going the wrong way I’m being chased by a baby zombie yes I Am wow it dropped an iron ingot I have not had that happen from a zombie in a long time it wasn’t even with Fortune either that skeleton’s going to shoot me nope it didn’t surprising plastic memories ending is so sad that’s a shame I mean without knowing anything

About it I can’t speak if it’s good or not I don’t like watching animes because um when you when you get to the end of one it’s just yeah you wish it didn’t end I was about to try and make myself go flying with the uh the frying pan why

Are there rats in the town there’s not even anybody living here creating trash and we’re already rat infested we’re turning into New York already freaking streets in New York just got rats running around biting people good Lord I like how that rat actually started by attacking me too

Didn’t even know it could do that just try to level up this frying pan kind of wish I could jump over this fence but I’m also not upset that I can’t kind of cool that it’s a behaves like a normal fence so it’s not just there for looks

It’s it can be there for function as well uh can I increase my run speed more I can it might be a good idea to just max out my run speed here I have dropped 28 frames in this entire stream three oh wow 4 hours hours almost only 28 frames that is

Fantastic I don’t want the seeds no thank you I don’t want the dandelions either I want the dirt I need the dirt cuz I have to place the dirt I have to fill in the water here or no no I don’t have to fill in water I have to do this I’m stupid

That’s fine I have to do that and this and that I can’t even pick it up my game just went to like Max 120 frames there for a second when I was looking down that was very unusual to see because I have not seen it run that smoothly in well ever in this

World I am very curious what this world looks like though without shaders on cuz I’ve only seen it through the Shader perspective and it’s it’s definitely significantly different if it’s uh when you don’t have shaders well we’ll find out eventually today is not the day to find that

Out change it I won’t change it because it takes forever to switch it and it also crashes the game half the time when I’m in a world yep we’re not going to worry about that today especially with it I said I would probably take the stream to 9 900

P.m. after already going past 8 and it is 900 p.m. on the dot now I’m going to finish this Section Road and probably head out because I need to eat I need a shower and I need sleep I can’t use caffeine forever to keep me awake at work because um that

Has very negative health effects over time new I have to I have to be a responsible adult which sucks in every way shape and form but I have to be I also have only eaten like three pieces of candy corn half a box of Dots and a small amount of popcorn

Today so my body should is should be shutting down it isn’t but um it’s weird that I haven’t had to worry about that I haven’t been low energy I haven’t really had a headache my blood sugar should be insanely low but I don’t think it’s a problem right now probably cuz I’m not

Physically up doing anything if I was then that would change things probably I can tell you one thing my throat is getting irritated from talking like it’s getting to a point of um it’s getting to a feeling I haven’t really felt before in talking like it feels like it’s not

Scratchy but it’s just exhausted and you know what it would be funny if I talk so much today that I lost my voice voice so I couldn’t talk at work tomorrow and let’s just say tomorrow at work is probably going to be one of the

Worst days in the entire year my job my specific job doesn’t exist because of something called inventory I can’t do my job tomorrow so eight hours I’m going to be I guess figuring out what I’m doing I’m probably going to be everybody’s damn gopher and if you don’t know what a

Gopher is it’s a term that people use for saying saying go for this go for that it’s basically somebody who runs around doing whatever people tell him to it’s not they don’t do something of their own deed they’re always being told by somebody to do something for them or

Whatever I used to be that person at my work probably like two years ago or so that’s how I know the term because one of the older guys who ended up sexually assaulting not badly sexually assaulting but just simp simply slapping somebody on the butt one too many times and

Getting fired over it he should have been fired over the first one but um management was kind of corrupt and then we finally got a good person in there and they fired his ass on the spot they didn’t have anybody to replace him they didn’t have anybody who even knew

Half as much as this guy knew but that situation happened with the new manager he got rid of him that day I don’t even know the specific situation I just knew that he slapped a woman on the ass again this was a happened several times and um this woman surprisingly

Never never did anything in retaliation like never hit him or anything back and knowing her I really expected it out of her I expected it out of her for her her to punch him in the face and then him still get fired for what he did but she was smart enough to

Know know that that was not acceptable I guess but hey at least in the end everything got solved but I’m going to go ahead and head out I feel like I did nothing today in four hours did it take it took me four hours to level a mountain not quite

But it took me four hours to level a mountain go to the nether get some stuff do some other stuff mess around Tinkers a little bit mess around with Burger King’s website it’s fine I L literally did not add anything here besides this little section but we had to make space for

Something somehow so hopefully you enjoyed no pissing a bucket I’m going to go ahead out you’re creating a cccc server you do that iess is it a Minecraft server or a Discord server because poor except Minecraft servers actually cost money but yep I look forward to streaming again tomorrow and hopefully you

Enjoyed I don’t know what to say at this point just hopefully see you tomorrow thank you for watching genuinely thank you I will see you again

This video, titled ‘Making My Actual City In Survival Minecraft Day 12’, was uploaded by MirraKirra on 2024-01-10 03:20:43. It has garnered 134 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:57 or 14337 seconds.

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    Green Shell Shenanigans: Kars' Chaos A Green Shell Shock | Kars’ Chaos 2 Introduction Joining Kars’ Minecraft server has been an exciting adventure for many players. The vibrant community and engaging gameplay make it a must-visit for Minecraft enthusiasts. Let’s dive into the world of Kars’ Chaos 2 and explore the wonders that await! Exploring Kars’ Chaos 2 From the moment players step into Kars’ Chaos 2, they are greeted with a world full of possibilities. The server offers a wide range of activities, from building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures. With a dedicated community and exciting events, there is never a… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Stardew Valley Shenanigans

    Crafting Chaos: Stardew Valley Shenanigans Minecraft Adventures in Stardew Valley Exploring the Mines and Making Friends In this episode of Stardew Valley, our protagonist embarks on a journey to the mines while engaging in fun discussions about Minecraft and Pokemon. As they delve deeper into the mines, they encounter various challenges and monsters, showcasing the thrill of exploration and combat in the game. The protagonist interacts with the villagers, gifting them items like cauliflower and cookies to build relationships and earn their favor. From Jody to Emily, each character has unique preferences, adding depth to the social aspect of the game. Crowd Control Chaos… Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More

  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

    Unbelievable Montage of China's Top CPVP PlayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘China’s Best Restricted | Minecraft CPVP Montage’, was uploaded by ItzLuxifer on 2024-06-22 01:58:59. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Best restricted #cpvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvpmontage #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts ==================================== Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit /… Read More


    INSANE FACECAM REACTIONS IN ICYCRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-15 01:52:09. It has garnered 491 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds. https://discord.gg/rusSpbPq hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • “Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥” #games

    "Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥" #gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Make Giant Pixel Art in Minecraft Fans 🤯💥 #games’, was uploaded by Car Moon on 2024-01-06 03:15:26. It has garnered 338 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWAR

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️ http://goo.gl/QVHm0m​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! play.polland.us Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website https://veiled-haven.net/ for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord https://discord.gg/HymSZRpQ MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/v0ltmx [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: https://t.me/v0lt1k [👾] TG Server: https://t.me/playastrix ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- https://instagram.com/noobscop_live Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/noobscop/ tiktok :- https://www.tiktok.com/@noobacoplive discord:- https://discord.gg/KcbJEbueEa ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! astraley.com:25583 Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More

  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘New item Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21! 🍃’, was uploaded by DoubleSquare Gaming on 2024-06-21 16:37:48. It has garnered 447 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Wind charge in Minecraft 1.21! Read More

  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More