Unbelievable Chaos as The Crew Plays Minecraft

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On the uh cherry tree cuz that looked like a nice spot for it it did I I didn’t actually want to break it down cuz I really liked how the Cherry that was like aesthetically a really nice cherry tree it was it will be very messed and will be

Real if a dispenser faces a campfire can the dispenser put no it can’t put I’m going to shoot that I know where you were going that and unfortunately no oh so you can’t like Auto set up a cooker with a okay cuz I was like hoping for like

Okay we set up a campfire we set up a drop a dispenser and we set up like a hopper mine cart underneath it there’s a few things you can do but such as like lighting and unting the campfire yep I’m just cooking up some okay bring this sh back Just you know kid I’m surprised you haven’t commented on the one thing the thing what one thing the thing you know the thing Ben Grim member of the Fantastic 4 overall good guy I still don’t know what you’re talking about the guy with the strongest will in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or the

Cart all right but okay so other than me Gathering all the animals putting up the little carpets just so it was easier access to get into everything which was really smart to my thought um planting all the reads planting a little mini Farm just so we’d have

Something kind of going in uh Ken and I expanded the reads a bit a a little and move some stuff that Enderman is holding something weird what the hell is he holding well look direct look directly in his eyes yes it’s got a gun it’s a it’s the Enderman with a steel

Chair I’m in the water he can’t get me don’t make him AG on hey end I’ve been getting a lot of Ender Pearls I’ve gotten one every time I’ve killed one oh no I like the like the clock like the little build you guys set

Up in here I I admit I like the fact you incorporate the waterfall that was part of the ground yeah like my my thing was a little tiny thing cuz it’s just like the water’s coming out of the wall there so I might as well expand on that yeah and

Then kid expanded it to this nice thing oh get planted their Mangrove yeah I need some mangrove wood y oh yeah did you see the uh whole drown situation over here situation where what don’t you’re making SP in the under in like the underground thing in the underwater

Things yeah they they spawn in those what the sunken the underground cities yeah yeah this over here sunken city I have no idea where you are oh that little oh yeah no that’s where the do spawn okay oh did anybody theken ship over there I

Saw no okay I’m I I got I got the stuff out of the sunken city yep like the best thing I got out there was a impaling three I think listen when we got a try it’ll be great yeah we got to wait for something to spawn over there so we can

Get a the yeah Trent there’s also nothing really good in the village no I already raided the village and I was just getting trade with them I’m just running over to where I believe I saw the boat oh yeah I I I was like when I was looking for a s

Earlier it was just like oh yeah leather workers can do uh yeah get S and then I looked at trades for leather workers and it’s just like this is not worth it I was going to say yeah it’s a long way down the line it’s F

It’s in the final tier of trades for them and they don’t have anything reasonable before that well not really but that’s kind of you have to do these things okay I think that I did see yep that’s his Sun Chip I saw it while I was over here talking to the

Villagers you know I would have helped if I actually brought doors but thankfully I brought planks get some there did you have a doors no no and that’s how greed Dr I have a lot of wood on me but I got no doors I got a door I don’t play that

That kid [ __ ] kid [ __ ] what you go in and drown no I’m talking about the door Roblox doors oh God my nephew talks about it all the time it’s not bad actually it probably isn’t I’m just making a joke joke did I get out of here did you already loot most of this

Thing I was not looking cuz it looks like that chest I didn’t even look in here yet all right I got everything except for the chests and we did get a new map multiple hearts of the sea ladies and gentlemen oh [ __ ] read oh you can speed swim like if you

Sprint you swim faster I love sprinting with no food okay all right just doing the best I can got them got them okay so it looks like it’s Northeast I do need to replace this Shield soon well we got if there’s any iron left we can use that if kid hasn’t

Used up all the iron yes there’s some iron we haven’t smelted I’ve not used any of that ow I was killing him and you knocked him into you no no you hit me oh that wasn’t him hitting me that was you hitting me what are you talking about I’m just

Holding you in but in front of your face just punching you no I’m not hurting you don’t worry all right let’s see I would never hurt you greed well if we get a oh we can get some decent Traders go we might actually be able to get some good trades okay it’s right

Over here started the stream yeah yeah it’s been going a bit hello Sierra yeah so I can hear them miss you guys tell greed and kid I say hi Zer says hi okay where is it leading us right over here the sand bank that look super sus last

Time and this one is really deep into the sand Bank like usually I find them on the edge of the water right about here nope oh [ __ ] where are where come on keep your eye on the birdie I got a crossbow never mind I’m out of ammo keep your Birdie on the eye

Well God damn it sword you word mix bag according the map don’t worry I I I I’ll I’ll actually try to pay attention up here while you good I was going to say it should be like right here got love X Mar to Spa Maps they’re not the most accurate oh there she

Is all right well we got some more iron to replace what kid’s been using oh potion of water breathing very useful okay you got all yeah forg come here e the suspicious to just as who it does suspicious oh good luck Treasure Chest are so hard to find true but the it’s

Usually decently valuable I mean emeralds iron gold the SE debatable how do we use heart hearts of the sea my no my goal in this other than the basic stuff is make a full conduit and I know that’s a near impossible thing well we can you I assume that all lot do water

Breathing stuff it gives a depending on how much you’ve powered it up like an actual Beacon it gives you full water breathing the no weakness underwater or like no Walkin or whatever yeah where did you go I’m heading back to the the house there’s also an army of skeletons

On the way so I am currently dodging arrows like Neo in The Matrix because as we all know Neo fought an army of medieval Mr Smiths agent Smiths you know I’d watch that movie I would too okay for right now let’s get everybody breeding sheep going bre More

Cows got a couple seeds so G can get his chicken farm going eggs and initiate firing sequence I got one baby chicken okay first things first map you made a heart what this here look at the map on the right side I didn’t I love you you

[ __ ] like I made it just so we’ Mar the spot and then I look I’m like wait a minute all right who’s a d oh my God you guys are messing up my chests no I’m I’m organizing them down here okay I was going to say I had a

Block chest in an items chest I was actually trying to be nice this time instead of just my usual throw everything in a chest you you you were doing really good and I’m very proud of you I’m just moving stuff down no you’re not you’re screwed it up no okay so

Sand dirt you can probably make some signs to Mark which is which yeah I probably should I’ll do that my horse end up I haven’t finished putting everything it won’t take but a second one Mississippi two Mississippi one second there we go why you everyone where I live damn I was waiting for

That sand hey don’t worry it’s just a diamond sword was it actually yeah o amazing armor does better than you think it does play Minecraft time I have job better Rock and Comm on now all right I’ll be right back I need to go get might invite you to the real right now

Dirt wood put Plants mobs miscellaneous block no that’s just blocks um miscellaneous blocks so counts this will be like miscellaneous in general here mob drops put there the sound of greed rearranging his spinal cord yeah see he agrees oh yeah here you go here you go look here’s a chest case you need

More okay have we made a librarian yet no no I guess I’m on that so I need this this two these you right you’re agreed yeah just adjust all right just want to make sure cuz that reading sounded somewhat laborious so I want to make sure you’re not just having a moment okay

That’s this this I think I’m surprised kid hasn’t no list or at least realized do you want toly indicate what I’m talking about what you’re talking about ah yeah I’m I’m really amazed actually you know I agree with you or maybe they just don’t realize what I don’t want to say it to

Like I don’t want to even subtly hint at it greed because I feel like if I say the wrong wording they’ll get it IM no i I’ve noticed the donkey there for a while I just didn’t know that was what you were referring to until now all right you came for Revenge child

The child okay uh where are all the villagers okay there we go Village well I’m sorry I sometimes they disappear or get killed so I want to be sure that was definitely a much more dangerous uh villager raid leader than the normal ones how so well for one thing he was

Throwing axes instead of arrows launching arrows I was like oh oh they not arrows are coming at me why do these arrows look like battle axes okay protection two no oh we have like an entire stack of arrows yeah that’s cuz I bought a bunch there’s a Fletcher yeah look at

The C2 and debatable holy [ __ ] what 14 emeralds for mending that’s not bad yeah that’s a good price I don’t care what anybody says yeah that’s [ __ ] insane price again plus we have a Fletcher and Clay balls wait huh and he’ll still trade paper for Emerald oh

Nice easy uh where are you right now kid I’m organizing chest okay uh when you come up come up let me know no when you rise from the depths and the world shutters in fear please tell me on let me take these okay uh follow

Me kit I can’t I told you I’m organizing chests fair enough Sor I’m sorry your inventory is probably fill yeah one sec let me try to grab some of this stuff if I break the crafting table does the cake float no no it gets destroyed I

Think yeah I think it gets destroyed in the older versions of Minecraft it was considered a block but now no all right uh oh oh hey running is that like the things that you’re are trying to sort I’ll just throw the things that you put in my inventory and yeah well

Sand I was going to say they’re all they’re named chests you know where to put everything everything should be labeled yeah but there’s so much junk junk in my inventory right now that I don’t know so much junk in that what I have have right now all right gather up all this

I actually need I have uh I have some stuff on me don’t worry I’m literally about to start working on the form oh kit uh one sec how did I here’s some pork chops and a piece of mountain thank you also now I’m done well I know I got to get this stuff

Out my yeah no don’t just let it sit there forever GRE there’s also empty chest if you want to dump them in here oh yeah I’ll just dump all this stuff in there later we right underground we are yeah no I I went up as high as I could for

This room where’s the oh saplings there it is I wanted to separate the saplings so I figured we would get a lot of those I to exp this uh never mind that’s a bad idea why water no no not the carpet not all the this is how we get

Mold not the gum drop but the goddamn property value is gonna drop like a piano I need some dirt not Cobble I need dirt okay first things I me it was did not want to grow wool back mostly inreasing the Mostly because of the potel oh yeah right I just need I just

Need to fix that that an not have that many pearls yeah uh kit follow me one minute 20 seconds later decreasing this all right I’ll I’ll stand over here okay yeah I’ll come back and terraform this in a little bit I’m going to follow you okay over here you just

Stand there so you don’t mess up anything like uh we could probably build another like room in here or something we probably could we’ll expand into here in a little bit yeah maybe like a library in here like this little corner right here seems nice I me I’m trying to

Think of how to get to here CU we go from here to there uh one is this fully contained yeah honestly white sheep are the best sheep to have just because you can diet anything from there I got my first wandering Traer in my world y anything good I mean if we

Get a nice iron no if we get a nice iron farm set up we could get a sheep a w farm setup cuz like I mean Tech think it’s like the the is he does have a they do have a trident trade but it’s it’s it’s a stack of

Pearls o new stack of Ender Pearls no regular actual Pearl pearls kind of that’s so much yeah it is and I don’t have any to be in with so yeah you’re kind of out of look there pal I honestly I just maybe because I don’t feel like I’m not thetive person

To kill the water Traders I just s St a whole once that pushed him into it so H his llama in the llama in CU I I don’t want them maxit the Stomp on my crops that they’ll likely do honestly but at the same time you don’t really feel like genociding grab a

Bunch all right I move the tree farm over so it will not suddenly pods Sol everything too late listen we needed sticks I mean I’m okay with poing everything because I’m going to terraform this area and I’m going to actually have some podole into the design all right I just

Didn’t want in that one world because it didn’t fit the design idea I had for that one world so I needed tole in more Yes actually uh let’s see make it sporadic though it’ll make it all poil too late and you just see two like

A no no greed that scene from Sam Max hit the road behold just gigantic redwoods it explode out of the ground and cover most of the United States did you say cover the entire United States and P trees no I didn’t ter true the new episode’s coming out soon

Right or like the Remake no idea I don’t think they’ve now God damn it what the cat is pissed I told you not to do that it’s a cat you think they know how to listen they they can listen F they don’t do it you want yeah you think

They was hold to your mortal rules never I’ll be right back yep okay we’ve got to light up this area more so than we already have we’ll take care of it but for right now I’m trying to find the traitors I need the music hey I’m gonna go use the

Bed okay I’m GNA come with you cuz I want it to be gay I’m already sleeping so let me just sleep there we go my calculations Okay so okay where are that was one worthy pickaxe when to kill that zombie okay Trader the librarian’s trades are locked

In cuz I just traded him a bunch of paper all right wow his next trade though is ass curse of Vanishing I’ll trade you the goods and then I will absolutely shaft you we find out what he has after that all right I’m going to need more

Books CU his next trade is book tier or just keep trading paper uh let’s see if there’s any actually there’s cows around here I can’t get a mending book uh I don’t think we have any carrots can you pick up some carrots while you’re over in the village yep I already see

Make sure you replant some for them oh yeah of course can you pick up some carrots when you’re at the store listen I know you’re going to the grocery store and also to technically steal like half of the steal all their money but can you pick up some

Carrots we need them for the stew maybe some rabbits also for the stew for George we also need some mushrooms you know for the stew yeah can you also pick up a cat mushroom for the stew that way we just take care of the beef and the mushrooms

I mean if you could find a mushroom we’ll take that too how far away is a mushroom pile you know what I’m going to look I’m going to actually use the cheat locate biome mush it’s just down the corner mushroom Fields calculating calculating is that what it’s called now holy God that

Lagged me out 5,414 blocks so we got some walking to do not anytime soon but not a no that’s uh you can do that while you’re off SE all right uh do we have any area you want to specifically keep or not have a farming kit for your

Ter what kind of farm are you building over there well first want to make sure where anybody needs it I was land over here for a farm he sure we here K this work for you beside the M shaft wherever you are I’m sure you’re good

Because let me see he was saying herish or that I was playing to land over here take or over on that hill over there what are you thinking so the only thing I’m going to do is fill in this little Gap here uhhuh like fill that in to look a little more

Natural yeah and then y’all can use if y’all have dirt just fill this in and then I can I have all the dirt on me so oh yeah uh do we have any extra trap doors uh on me no but we could always get some more from the sunken ship

Too I have all those Spruce crap doors I haven’t used them for anything yet ah where are those I have to go grab them they’re in my secret stash oh okay why do you have a secret stash why don’t you yeah why don’t it’s called God mode it’s called it’s

Called the power to bend reality to my will it’s like we can water log some uh trap doors for uh water Farm yeah that way we don’t have to worry about stuff falling in the water and having to try to get it out you’d also do that with stairs or

Slabs true yeah but we can close a trap door and still be water locked I mean ah you can have a slab be the top slab and still be water log too you can have a St be upside down and be water log too I’m pretty sure as well hold

Up fud you could even use Leaf blocks oh design M’s going into high gear oh I actually got a thought there’s smoke in my house there’s so much smoke think someone said I’ll just try to clear this wow no one got my reference I’m so sad I didn’t even hear

It because I was Lally just trying to sit here and focus all right you’re fine okay okay I’m going to go chop down this Mega Spruce just so I have the wood but okay here’s my thought make a basic water wheel to make it look like it and then utilizing the water

Logging I can make it look like there’s Aqueduct going from the windmill into the land all right oh I love that just REM remember crops need to alternate in order to grow faster yeah yep like Al kind of I always forget that’s a natural thing I never knew

Thing it’s one of those weird things you learn and it’s just like you know that makes sense yeah but I never would have thought of it okay so basically just like have a row of carrots and then a row of Wheat and then a row of whatever

Row of carrots row of potatoes row row of wheat row of beetroot fight the power fight the power row row I and how okay you got it someone say R love the row what say R R I believe in the you that believes in me that believes in the one

Piece I don’t believe in the one piece God I need another pickax um oh yeah I need make a memory we share Andrew I need to make a new Shield I forgot about that we have all the iron and I’m got I’m gathering I literally have planted Mega trees how have you

Forgot take mine I’m not using it okay it’s right here on the ground and it’s still almost full health and then K was shot with arrows yeah saying I just lost so much diamonds to Lava yeah mine’s currently only at like 19 durability left okay I am now going to go into build

Mode so okay I’m going to try and keep the natural formation first things first first things first first first first thing second third thing last wait I think I’m having an aneurism why do I smell blood why do I all the okay first uh how do

We uh where’s the string uh Mob chest yeah all right uh is CH uh crafting table crafting table you don’t know how to make a crafting table jeez no no no no he’s trying to figure out where it was no that’s not oh does it require Redstone it

Probably reques the auto Builder thing no no the auto Builder is not in this version okay uh where’s the Redstone it’s in the chest down here right now yeah wait never mind did you find it I know I had it somewhere okay okay that’s not the recipe either

What are you trying to make I’ll a deadly laser deadly laser beams what are you trying to make GRE great wait hold on is it really am I really that all right one do you really want us to answer that cuz we will we we are your friends

We will happily answer that glowing eyes Okay one sec that’s is it the hook that does the thing anybody know what the hell he’s trying to make I’m guessing my guess is a crossbow but I’m not sure are you trying to make a dispenser because you need a a bow no are if

You’re trying to make a crossbow I have one I’ll give you it I heard the word he said the word hook so that’s going on fine G’s just really trying right now he’s doing his best okay oh an anvil no yeah he’s just trying to make an

Anvil I don’t think we have enough uh iron for an anvil me very much just heard a CL it’s the what else make a clang like that nothing that’s an anvil clang you’re trying to make a doorbell oh okay so I C okay so wa how I’m not sure how to do

This I maybe you if you told us we could help okay so oh wait a minute wait wait wait oh gears are grinding in a very good way I need that remains to be seen listen with all the smoke it better be good where I that’s not where I need to be where do I okay now this could work this could work actually pretty well could be about right here okay I’ve got lungs okay yeah y all do you get one clap that’s all you get Andrew cuz that was

Decent and G just over here in my garden gardening area just testing his machine I just imagine I’m just sitting here just like looking at my crafting table it’s like all right if I put that over there and do this and just in the background explosion figured it

Out good for you GRE I’m just not okay there’s no way to do it over at the house all right okay so I need shovel make two shovels about to make a zombie and fertilizer wow F listen he came up on me asking for oh God there’s a

Hoorde readed your bell ringing some of the undead and now we got to plant their corpses in my goddamn field and it Disturbed the turtle and that’s the that’s a witch and greed went to murder it I love Plants versus Zombies listen I’ll get some peashooters up but

I am not planning the stupid butter the corn launchers looks weird they’re not don’t worry I was about to say all right so the divorce papers are coming you probably never guess which one is my favorite uh the C D Tails thing no that thing is cute though I’d say that was my

Second favorite uh I’m going to go with for S of the off-the-wall guest the tombstone muncher thing the what the thing that eat the Tombstones I do love that one I would say that’s in my top three okay my brain’s going one of the mushrooms no like I said it y’all probably won’t

Guess it is it that thing that Tangles up zombies in the pond No is it is it the little Lantern guys no is it one of the weird gimmicky ones no it’s actually pretty simple one uh I take one of the base ones is it the just the basic peashooter no it’s not the peashooter is it the basic sunflower I do love the sunflower but

But but but you’ll never guess it’s the Walnut oh fair enough I I love that little Walnut guy I do like how you extended the uh the little upper area for the for the room yeah it’s a little balcony yeah also it allow us to have more storage

Yeah I do like I do like the idea of the balcony okay I’m glad the diid actually looks good with it it really does I might take some out and change it to smooth diorite but like just for variety but it looks really nice actually yeah like I it was just more of

A convenience thing cuz that’s what I had a lot of at the moment yeah okay you connecting up with that one area I’m trying To okay maybe switch out these uh Sandstone for maybe diorite or do do it look better with the S A little bit off I need to move over by two more I don’t want two me I have to go down one more hey K you want these pork

Chops I do have my dirt on me all right here you go kid thank you whoops yeah welcome okay I’m not going to get anywhere with these these trip wire hooks no that attitude now without blowing up half the city like that Menace Spiderman are you trying to make a doorbell

Yeah g you’re about to be taught how to make a doorbell by the master no no it’s it it’s not really that that good a spot to do it unfortunately that’s why I’m stopping with it you could just put you could just put um oh God brain work with me here um R

Your blades yeah but that means I have to replace the carpet with wool blocks and I don’t want to do that also why why is there no carpet here there should be more carpet what did you do to the carpet I did just me all right I was going to say

If you need oh my God there’s a monster horde outside no you had made a suspicious noise so I was like okay this would be funny yesus all right H yeah we’ll probably open up the realm sometime others right now it’s more just trying to set up our stuff

First all right uh okay back to what I was watching because I’m kind of watching a tutorial because I knew a design I wanted and then I looked and I was just like oh [ __ ] I’m not the only one that’s done this okay and I like this design and I

Can modify it oh that’s so funny what I want to go watch the stream so that I could look at the chat uhuh yeah and it’s glitched with the video I was watching earlier I was going to say wait did it glitch on M no it’s showing oh

Who was I watching I think I was watching BDubs yeah it’s on BDubs video congrats on becoming BS mat I don’t even know who that is but sure you need to watch secret L apparently because that’s all you guys been watching the past few days few

Weeks y okay I was a little bit too low here how fast was his horse he had the fast one wait what what huh how fast was the fast horse the uh fast horse it’s very fast don’t you know the speed St for it I don’t think even BBS

Knew oh because I found a had found a Minecraft horse and it was like pretty fast well I was like wondering if I want to see if we could race me dubs I wondering what how it compared is it still there or did it despawn on me I SP glass

Okay I don’t see it in there which is not a good sign but it could just be on a render what the okay it’s still there good okay how expensive are Hoppers I should look in a crafting table so I can search up how expensive Hoppers uh Hopper is uh five five iron

And a chest and how much iron do we have not that there’s sh with little iron yeah okay where I put the chest you said we have mending right mending villager yeah I haven’t gotten the book yet okay but he is there and I have 15 emeralds

If you can get a book you can get it I have to look and see if I can get a book well we have plenty of paper take a look we should have plenty of leather too I just Reading Rainbow GRE is out of ITA we’re all so I don’t know from the

Meme I I remember you see the SL commercials yeah okay uh we really don’t have okay I guess I’ll have to go get some res what what K wanted mending oh how are we out of reads already there was so many I was trading them Matt is God of mending

Why because I got us mending at a stupidly cheap price yeah listen if it came up with either fortune 3 sharp or sharpness 5 I would have taken it I’m not saying you wouldn’t I’m just saying you got Fortune I should probably make a pickaxe I wait I didn’t get Fortune I

Got mending you know what I mean no I don’t all I have is this Stone one I never know what you’re talking about it’s just rambling and I love it anyway I’m going to go get The Mending so we can slap on Something okay yeah if anybody’s down in the mines and you get more andesite please don’t throw it away it from side to side why would I have throw anide away when that’s literally the stair block I’ve been using because you’re done building your staircase I’m not I’m totally not done building my

Stair it’s for the bit for God sake no [ __ ] you all right here we go one trade done we have mending nice I don’t care if you’re at soup okay what is this building what building the one I’m building yeah that’s gonna be a windmill oh okay well

Windmill and I’ll modify it so it has a grain silo in it or a grain grinder cuz I thought of a design for it and that should work I might need to expand it out a little actually yeah no I should already preemptively expand it just because I

Just realized how big a grain grinder will have to be it’ll have to be at least three blocks wide wait now God damn it it’s going to be have to be four blocks wide because you’re going to need the Basin that’ll go around and oh hey what are you doing the cat is

Consuming plastic the cat is scratching at something behind the computer that is one angry cat and all right mending book is going in water go mob book or mobs okay but yeah I’m going to have to adjust that plan because that actually won’t work how big it’s going to be

Built so I’m going to need spin the whole thing a little bit so I’m going to need more Cobble just gather wood but hello sir goodbye sir hello meow sir no that’s a that’s a boss from Mario 3D World Super Mario 3D World it’s a it’s Mario jamere more fun times than

Sunshine more friends than Galaxy Gat play is Mario Luigi Princess pach Toad better pound the ground CU found the mother loon okay so let’s bring that so if I’m keeping that one there just act as an anchor Point need to tear down everything else ah the joys of trying to do a build

And then realizing oh if I modify it it’ll look right oh wait I have to modify it which means I have to tear down the initial build yeah felt that in my heart and my soul cuz like the design they have for their windmill looks fantastic right

Like I can’t even I ain’t got no Faults with it however to modify it so it’ll fit in a grain grinder just for the visual effect combining with a windmill or with a water wheel right like combine a water wheel into a to a windmill to make

Her do not mind me I simply looking for iron oh okay no problem turns around by the way your shirt looks your eyes are gorgeous today you have such pretty eyes thank you now I must rip your head off your eyes wow no one’s getting my references

And I even showed you Over the Garden Wall there we go hey a pearl yes you did but I can’t remember which specific character was that the pumpkin people no that was uh Greg when he was being chased by the dog that was infected by the black turtle oh the dog

Has like these big crazy eyes and he’s like freaked out and he goes you have such lovely eyes or something like that I don’t know if that’s the exact quote but close enough goes back rewatches it he doesn’t mention his eyes I know that just his Eyes oh it goes further down now what the M shaft yeah I’d assume so okay uh sometimes you’re going drawing doing talk ah true challenge all right let’s make the just two blocks wider so that’s got to be one two I love it when they have a gift five wait one two

Three I made it five wide yeah so I need seven wide we go okay so I expand everything two blocks so two three four four six seven okay how deep did you go oh I went all the way to bedrock I was going to say it’s Kit they’re going straight down to the

Bottom looking for the dankest memes okay so that’s to wide and then that gos across like that and then this is going out okay four oh wait no that’s where did yall put the name tags I have not moved them okay there they are you you oh we

Still don’t have an anvil I need to go get iron there’s still some in the thing yeah I’m working on getting iron I’m gonna come help you okay that’s something that’s going to be I’m gonna come help you first two three four five two three four five see Here because I need about two Hoppers worth of uh okay iron at least just do me a favor if you see a slime kill it oh that’s a block of raw iron I forgot that oh yeah I love those things they’re super rare though they’re pretty rare yeah

Okay how do we uh do I just like put them Just Mine it and then go it okay so I just put in like my uncrafted yeah okay I’ll do that later when I get back up okay I hear yelling and I don’t want to know what it’s yes that was

A we’re gonna ignore our problems like a reasonable adult are you okay GRE yeah what the cat just do clawing the dick she’s jumping on top of the computer oh Lord you out out of the room out of the room go directly to jail no more

Kitty I need to try if that tin foil thing works what scar with tin foil I think it is yeah it’s like put down tin foil on a surface and it will keep them from jumping on it yeah if you put that on your computer and your computer heats up

Yeah you’re going have a baked potato for it’s not going to be covered it’s just going to be like the top it’s mostly the crinkling sound that scares them so I guess it would work true actually and also you don’t need to be a temporary thing until he learns to screw

Off BL you and then learned he was allergic to his cat oh no he knew that oh no I wouldn’t be surprised if that was true it’s like no you’re right you’re right okay so there’s that okay and then okay so there’s nothing up here it’s just a dead end all right

This one two three four five broken legs ah yes five broken legs we often forgot about gift that five bullets Left four five okay okay I miss having optify yeah you can’t wait till they update it to this version and at that point it will be ready and at that point the new new version of the game will be out uh how much iron do you have Kit I

Just started mining so I have 19 okay you also need to remember how much iron’s at home I don’t know it’s like seven pieces of iron oh there you go mat we have iron at home iron at home pie okay uh I okay if I uncraft this

Block of raw iron I have one stack of raw iron nice oh hey there’s the actual stairs again you running around the M shaft kit uh no I’m underwater with doors okay cuz there’s a lot that underwater all right I’m going to start smelting this iron I I got

Okay I’ll come out of the mines once I’ve gotten a a stack cuz that’s usually what I Do I’m also Gathering coal so that’s what’s taken me on some of this oh [ __ ] eight-legged freaks I swear to God I like that movie aever it is it’s so funny it’s yeah but at the same time terrifying the idea of giant spiders is terrifying that movie is not Terri oh no

No it’s Goofy and not bad but the trapo spiders get me every time yeah I’ll give you that got [ __ ] terrifying concept okay for those those of you who do not who do not know about the movie nor what a trapo spider specifically is a trapo spider specifically builds its

Web or its home underground it just was done with my explanation no no I I hear some Screaming I gotta go check on it okay it might just be a little kid being a little kid but but no a trapo spider will basically build its nest

Underground it will then lay a kind of web mesh outside of the of its home and that anytime something comes by and triggers one of those webs it will pop out and grab it and pull it into its little home so you will never know it’s there

Until it pops out and gets you now imagine those the size of a godamn what would you say a leopard probably a bit bigger like easily able to take a human just popping out of nowhere and just suck you down in the dirt to kill you yeah ain’t so fun [ __ ]

Okay greed ain’t having much fun either also I can always just adjust this build later but you know we’re just going for the basic form so we can just have it so I can start building actual Farm L around it the problems with waterfalls why does it have to be stylistically valuable okay And oh that one worked all right fine Okay probably should have just done the entire floor in Wool smart but see here this like that all right let’s judge some blocks real quick yeah okay that’s yep running Pol okay what’ you say I was reading the name of the thing there Okay I’m back back back was it it was just a little kid being a little kid yeah she’s being a little bratty so I helped out by suping a six-year-old into a table she’s three sorry a three-year-old to a stool thank you God no she didn’t want to get out of the

Bath I was trying to help her not she didn’t want to get out of the bath most times it Tak want to get into a bath this one yeah par fish she does like to play mermaids so K I told you giving them your old

Costume was a bad idea did you listen I don’t know how accurate that is again like I said look at this stuff a wouldn’t you I forgot the words would you think my collection’s complete you think I’m a girl girl who look at this Treasures un how many I wonder can one Cavern

Hold looking around here you think sure she’s got everything got gadgets and gizmos plenty I’ve Got I got 20 I want More my trees I need to my trees are done my trees through my Sakura oh yeah yeah okay come on Andrew good man how big is this thing I can finish my hard Island now did kid do you not understand the joke you just made

No all right we’re just going to let it sit then I said heart Island heart Island yes h e a r t all all right spelling Island I know how to spell it my brain just completely blinked on how to spell it i s L yeah i s l a n d

Okay watch no that wasn’t the I figured that wasn’t the joke I just was doubting myself cuz I suddenly forgot how to spell iron Island why the [ __ ] does that oh [ __ ] I’m so tired not sleepy tired just mentally we don’t need brain we’re playing Minecraft I I lost my brain in the

War yeah the Minecraft war of of ‘ 86 the bed the Bed Wars of 86 I’ve never played bedwars well I can’t say never I’ve probably tried it once and then failed and then never did it again yep okay then I need to make some stairs I think this will look pretty good

Okay back to collecting iron I’m gonna go down my zombie spawner area and go from there still can’t believe we also found another zombie spawner yeah eventually I’ll do something with it right now it’s just kind of sitting there I was going to say good XP we can maybe turn into a round

Spawner you can’t get Trident from them though that sucks yeah you can only get a trident from a naturally spawned ground not a converted yeah which didn’t used to be the case until they realized how broken it was and they’re like no that’s too broken not broken enough not broken enough oh

And that is how that he broke my heart that took a second to register my brain grab somebody on the level up I just heard that Ding I think that was greedy because it do yeah I was taking the copper out of one of the furnaces

I got to remember to like relax my body because it t i tense up so much well the sudden creeper RKO is always a fear wait what would you say green Hey kid yeah relax your body real quick no okay fine all right no I be cringe I’m always cringe

I can’t not be cringe if I’m not cringe I die exactly do we have any of the Cherrywood I have it all on me but we have so many saplings and we have a good amount of Bones to make bone meal kids lying we don’t have any bone

Meal I was just going to ask you can you uh bring me uh two blocks of not two blocks uh two pressure plates of the Cherrywood it’s gonna be a minute but I can all right thank you I just went deep into a cave I don’t know how to get

Out I have already lost my way don’t lose your way in your oh hi creeper oh man hi Mark oh hi M cooking Stone how do I make a comparator again uh comparator you need uh I’m like pretty sure for a comparator you need quartz for a repeater you don’t need quartz but

I believe huh I need to double check to make sure that it’s a comparator that’s needed yeah it’s a comparator okay double check the recipe though it should be online I going to say kids or greed’s making his chicken farm yeah I’m looking at the recipe it’s

Like comparator to make sure that the thing actually works properly at least you did more than uh Tango cough I was gonna say like I’m about to hear Andrew just start up an argument no no no Andrew knows what I’m referring to as well yeah I

Do well Tango did his best to make the be best chicken farm he could on this on the server he did and and to be fair he had a sausage cold you had a what saus cold I cold from a sausage it happens okay smooth Stone I believe I need

Smooth stone for a comparator we should have smooth Stone because I was smelting some up because I needed some for oh I I I just smelted some myself so okay well then we have plenty I only did like a quarter quarter of a stack okay because I didn’t want to

Make too many before I because again I wasn’t sure if I actually did need it I just wanted to make sure I had it in case I needed I’m probably going to use part of the cave you just connected the base to oh that’s fair I mean that’s the whole

Reason I connected it yeah no it isn’t don’t lie to me okay so let’s see do we have any spare chests we should I know but we should have some wood we have plenty of wood too yeah all right yeah I’m not seeing any chest in the wood box so I’ll just make

Some why do I not have fortune 3 when I find all the all the diamonds well we’ll get you fortune 3 you just got to trade a villagers I’m just saying I don’t want to leave these diamonds because I know I won forget where they are so I’m just

Getting them now wait no no no no kid don’t I will not remember this area no I can write it down on a sign of just the grid coordinates that’s what I do in my world just right down can’t I don’t know how to read coordinates really I do I’m I’m joking

Okay so you do not want me to write down or have you already mined it all I haven’t mined it all I mined some of it I didn’t mind it all so should I make the sign or no one chest give me a second I’m getting iron and then I’ll get the diamond

Coordinates all right I’ll go get a there’s a lot of iron in this area even more reason for me to write down the iron coordinates too honest I’ll Pro probably uh remember this area because it is near the zombie spawner I’m just making jokes I’m being fous building blocks just being why

Fous one po go editing me check out what prous means I might be using it wrong I’m not good with wordss sure what I’m looking it up fous I I spell that right well there’s a J in there for some reason yeah fous treating serious issues is deliberately inappropriate

Humor yeah kind of right right yeah the amount of times have fallen off this structure and broken my legs why you breaking your legs man I don’t know at this point itive Tendencies let’s go with that felt that on a person level okay do we have flowers or plants like

That flowers well I mean I can steal some here but I’m just curious if we have like any in the chest there should be in the chest down there yeah just for more beautification of the Tower all right on I’m going to go get that piece of lava that I saw

Earlier the one that in the ground that was me yeah what was that all about I had a piece of lava and I wanted to throw it away well good thing I need it then uhhuh y oh you got gold armor just a gold armored skeleton

Bro okay I need to get out of here I don’t have time for any of you especially since I’m now dying creeper uh no the creeper didn’t really do that I thought I heard an explosion yeah a creep creeper blew up on me but however it wasn’t the thing to damag me

It was the it was the skeleton but that was behind me shooting me while I was trying to block the creeper well if I’m up on building I’ll take pot shots I just grabbed a stack of arrows so my crossbow is ready to go all right

I need some shovel to clear out some area actually it probably be easier just for have a for us to S teleport me to you mat I’m out of torches and I don’t know how to get out of here I almost teleported you to me to you that would have been

Dumb that would have been a me moment uh behind me there’s a ladder or you can do the clutch thing fine try and be nice I appreciate your niess I just didn’t use your niceness because no oh yeah can I get uh since you have all the

Cherry wood on you since you have all of it let me put some stuff away and then I’ll sleep in the bed all right I got to get out of the bed in order to get the Cherry W to make sure it doesn’t despawn it wouldn’t despawn in that 4

Seconds actually knowing Minecraft rules maybe it would there we go beautification totally not just because I saw what the video had done and I thought it looked cool okay thank you how does this look kid it looks ah so much F I like it yeah oh actually idea he then tore down everything he built so fately no progress was made all right spale goodbye now that doesn’t work all right wait I need I need iron I put some in isn’t that iron pick have any did you replant any of the

Cherry trees no I I planted the one cherry I found on the ground around here okay I need to go get some bone meal Then and another Cherry sapling cuz we have a Lot that do pig it’s kind of sad some kids will never experience or understand what babe is yeah baramu what did he say Baramu Okay G are you digging under water no okay just I was breaking grass it kind of makes a similar sound H okay slabs I keep coming down here for the crafting table when oh I don’t know I could just bring it up with me I mean there’s a craft crafting table next to

The campfire true but I’m on over here on the building just make you one just make a new crafting no I keep going over to the one I left beside my building and also I’m using a using the wood to make the building you can sacrifice one

Plank yes I’ll make a crafting table which requires four planks with one I mean you know what I mean so one log one piece of wood my favorite colors are pink and green so the socra was made just for me clearly it broke need to go get more oh no oh no

Have more than I need for what I was going to do but I need more any we had I thought we both got a stack each what oh not of iron I’m trying to get some Sakura saplings I’m not saplings uh leaves so was get making shears

All right it’s off because I stand in the building once or one extra block oh crap h it look a little Derpy but it’ll make it work hey green what chest did you put the Redstone in uh I have the Redstone on me all of it I I might have all of it

I’m not sure wow wow wow indeed I’m over in that area I showed you ear earlier that little dent I don’t know where that is you think I know things I’m clearing out space for the chicken farm thing mhm I’ll come over to where you

Are are you in the base still I am yeah I’m about to expand our potatoes real quick here you go well I’m nearly done the windmill so I’ll be making the actual Farm very shortly oh you made it okay uh let’s see why are you going such a CD Place

Kid say the more keeps shattering is Las in the powder that is such a weird food now get just enough actually kind of like that a little chunk key but she works just like me no I’m not that fat or why my have we have any more

Wool some on me I have some on me uh there’s some in the chest in here never mind okay ches yeah this all right okay we this thing Built all let’s see oh good thing I got a bunch of trap doors that’s oops okay okay tomy’s phone just went off all right let’s see a hopper to the back po Go okay okay so I should finish that up okay do that do this sorry this part is a little quiet everyone oh you know we got to get that build on get that done fair enough okay so go layer by layer oh I can see how this gets complicated oh boy

Okay Hopper on top of the dis the dispenser all right neat cool okay those are all just for decorations and now this part is put in the lava cool okay that’s all I need for that all right this need the last bit of materials now I can finish this Up place Two so how goes yours Andrew h fine made a little starter house for the time being just and to take a break did you actually decide to set up on that spot where you were with the Wolves yeah curently sits Okay just a small little cottage pretty much but at the moment but somewhere yeah got to start somewhere [Applause] Mhm all right so Cobblestone and it looks like got to go back a little Bit okay got it so I can always change out the blocks later but again just for the basics by the way K greed if you two would mining this whole time or what I’ve been building my Contraption thing here oh yeah I’m trying to remember how this would have something

Like my one main problem right now is I need uh glow stone no muted for a second not glow stone uh comparator like everything else is pretty much done what do you need for a comparator uh I need to look that up what do you need for it I need to look

It up is what I need I think it might be a comparator Minecraft recipe uh one piece of quartz time to go to hell yeah that’s that’s where the issue lies we don’t have anything to go to hell right now yeah but like the rest if it’s pretty

Much set up I just need to get the chickens in here well the entire reason I gathered all those chickens if I put a uh it will just walk into it onto a block that has a trap door right y okay cool oh there’s a zombie coming up on

You on me yeah oh hey projectile protection I got from the sunken [ __ ] so it wasn’t going to be great yeah all right need some more bread go back downstairs steal some more Cobblestone cuz the windmill is nearly complete oh God the pink redness the goggles they do nothing

Hello wow didn’t even say hi back wow wow can you believe that yeah just yeah yeah well I’m going to go cry Now oh there’s a trap door already here I was going to say Kit’s doing something with trap doors so yeah I need one for uh for moving uh boys okay okay there we do this uh where do you guys want the andesite uh miscellaneous blocks on the far

Right okay I think that’s I’ll put my smooth stone in there for now yep throw the wool in there yep actually I need those uh think going to head off and all all right pal okay you got some sleep yeah you guys have a good to your evening yep

Talk to you on tomorrow bro yep see us oh you’re getting the thing set up okay kid’s been working in silence just hard focused and trying to get a doorbell for what do we need to make a lightning rod uh Copper any quartz or anything else I think it’s just copper

We need to double check I’ll Google it quick Minecraft I mean you could probably look it up in your uh CRA in your re I don’t have iron or copper bars my we have copper bars in the Bas recipes I mean oh yeah no it’s three

Copper oh God damn it I got to come back down uh Hey mat come to where I am hold up where are you uh one sec let me come up oh you’re downstairs in the yeah I’m over here where the over here oh go I’m looking around like

O yeah I just need a comparator and to put the chickens in there okay and then identify when they grow up into adults and then yeah okay like the comparator is to make sure that the dispenser goes off every time an egg enters in the thing uh speaking of chickens I need to

Get some seeds real quick mhm okay cook up the copper put these mob bits into proper Depository plants back in plants so close to finishing this okay now I just make these into lightning rod which will help with the crops not getting obliterated by random lightning storms Hey sir sir excuse me sir talking to me here no no oh the chickens like the way it’s set up right

Now they can’t escape it once they’re inside the machine uh that’s probably enough okay all right um did you just kill all the goddamn chickens no I hope you didn’t cuz dount of time getting them in okay he great if are you uh available for a few seconds uh one sec okay did

Let you do your repair job don’t worry about me no I I God damn it okay chickens got away okay one sec I fell in the thing by accident you fell into it yeah it was one thing in my no of course not it doesn’t kill the chickens that go into the hopper

Okay okay here we go here we go all right go back to the I’m back sorry about that no you’re all right I I completely forgot I muted and I’ve just been talking this whole time and then I was just like huh I must not be saying anything interesting CU y’all were not

Responding well listen it’s happened to me plenty of times I mean hell I think I’ve ruined entire recording like I had good jokes and then just suddenly just left I left the recording paused I’m an idiot okay chicken machine is closed now no worrying about falling in it

Again okay what what did you need me for uh I was just going to ask your opinion but I’m still trying oh looks nice thank you I admit I expanded a little wider like I said to try and incorporate the grinder once I actually get that

Done okay what do you think about the top again I modified that just cuz I was like I was looking at the design and I was like it feels like it use a little more yeah it looks nice want to come seek it uh I’m in the

Mines again I’m on a mission to find more Redstone and slimes you’re on a mission from God I didn’t know you gave me a quest Matt but thank you excuse me did you not see the gigantic glowing yellow exclamation bark above my head no wow and now for the

Hard part and enough for the weather Hey kid yeah you up to go to hell maybe that might be one of the reasons I’m down here near lava okay I have a I have a why are you guys near lava if there’s a lava pool right under the hill

To the Village I’m going be honest I forgot that was there yeah Jesus Christ I was just going to go mine some obsidian uh let me I was going to where’s the buckets there’s the bucket I’ll grab some Water Cal give me a second I gota leave the mine again yeah I need quartz to finish the comparator to finish the chicken the chicken killing machine I always got to remember where I came in at again oh there it is okay about time I remember the mark area slowly types in

TP I remember to mark the area this time I got a diamond pick and a bucket of water all right I’m going to look up how and then I think we’re good to go do this how far down the stairs should I be going I didn’t go down those stairs I

Went down the zombie spawner one because it leads through a really nice cave okay one sec where’s the zombie spawner one okay so one minute I’m almost out I’m almost out all right because it it doesn’t have staircases so I just have to hop which means my Hunger hates me

Yeah oh that looks so good Matt thank you I love it I’m just trying to figure out how to do the internal yeah oh you inside the building here no I just I can see it from where I came out of okay oh that’s a hoorde of guys

Yeah they came in a pre-order bundle oh yeah do you want to see the Chicken Machine yeah yeah I built it over where we were talking about maybe putting a library earlier oh nice I was thinking Library would be over here so you’re good okay I

See how it’s yeah but yeah all I need is a comparator and then this thing will be able to cook chickens like crazy let me put some of the stuff up and then we’ll go to that lava pool well let’s sleep and then we’ll go to the lava pool put this raw iron

Up this Redstone up okay one sec I’m coming I know you you’re good I’m trying to see where G oh I screwed of heart the design okay minute I need to see my mom just texted me while you’re doing that I’m going to do something real quick get a manual button for the Thing ah okay lava pool time okay one sec I was I was just you putting a manual button on the thing so that way I didn’t have to I could clear out some eggs there’s some chickens in the bottom part now after I hit the button a

Couple times you want to see them uh oh I see him yeah little babies just sitting there underneath a puddle of lava and now they’re burning not yet they have to grow up first oh I guys I think I’m having my grossir yeah you go Kevin

Yeah I’m on fire wait I mean I didn’t see what you named the donkey you asked about name tags I want to see if you named it didn’t oh no I I don’t have an anvil that’s right we have enough iron now did you make it explode oh my God I

Didn’t mean for it to explode but it did anyway but it did anyway Famous Last Words green hey did somebody drop this famous last words please don’t walk over where I’m mining I don’t want you to fall in the lava and then he died all right I got

The bucket of water do you want me to just pour it here yeah nice so did you already put the diamond pick on they’re vending on your di pick yet kid or no I haven’t put it on mine yet I’m I’m going I have to make the

Anvil put it on my pick and then when we go go to the nether that way while we’re mining quartz I was going to say I’m already level 26 okay ooh that’s something I can do now the construction is mostly done all right first off don’t accidentally drown greed cuz

I’ve been there I’m I’m not I don’t have any bubbles right now yeah but we don’t have keep inventory on no if you die in lava your stuff is Kut yeah that’s why I’m standing on Stone with water inside of water water inside of water I am in I am

Way steep right now I my head is not below the waterline okay to be fair I’m not actually looking at you so I need I don’t care right now I need to see how much obsidian I’m actually collecting between the two of us I think

We have enough but I also want to make a another portal in the nether for movement I assume yeah to get that achievement there’s an achievement for putting a portal in the nether no for moving a certain distance in the nether with a portal oh right yeah okay I was thinking

Like why is there an achievement for just putting a portal in the nether I mean actually I think they should add an achievement and call it back door I think that’d be funny as [ __ ] Ladies all right I’m going to swim around I’ll go until I get enough to make a portal I’m getting enough to make a portal and enough to make an enchanter okay fair enough now I’m going to go find clay we need to find a spot for this by the

Way a spot for what the portal oh that’s right cuz I realized neither of make it across from my farm no I’m going to make it Underground all right well we do have that big area where I just put the chicken C cooker yeah I was kind of thinking we might put

It there cuz the further because they changed the world height in the Overworld but not I don’t think they change the world height in the nether I believe Sobe long story short you’re more likely to spawn higher in the nether the more above ground you are so it’s more beneficial to do

It Underground yeah whereas before it was almost kind of equal come here Mr drown you know you only need 10 pieces of obsidian to make a portal right yeah feel like you’ve definitely done more than 10 cuz I’m at 17 I mean I’ve Al also had you’ve also

Been picking up some of mine that I’ve been breaking because of the water flow thing I think You’ picked up some of mine too to be fair why are we like this green I blame our school system I blame it is so underfunded it’s blame capitalism I blame the

Patriarchy I yeah okay I’m stopping at 16 I wanted to stop at 20 I didn’t even realize I was at 21 21 some torches down here I don’t want I’ll be by the chicken Cooper cooker Cooper the chicken Cooper 9,000 the chicken Cooper I need the roast chicken I

Natur I’ll single-handedly Corner the entire Fried Chicken Market of the entire th state area and everyone will have to come to me Dr H doen mer to doof’s delectable Delights of Delicacies doof for chicken Incorporated that’s not what I called it why are you calling it no I’m like KFC

No no I know but I’m just thinking like he’s talking to the the like he’s paid people for a jingle listen I paid you for the jingle you should at least say what it actually is it’s it’s so hard to find good help isn’t it bar the platus

Platus no no no this is after he’s already done that so I’m going to put it here so I was kind of wondering what to do with this area anyway all right you you’ll know what I’m talking about right bar the platus seriously their rates are just

Too good but the I was going to try to do the chitter but I can’t do the chitter almost it needs to be a little bit more drel right where he’s from yep drel Ste Fried Chicken Evil Incorporated after see they’re really good at doing that but just the rest of the

Jingles dude for Smur holding a bucket what no I’m not I’m holding a oh I am holding a bucket [Laughter] okay D work plays Minecraft ah p the platus you found me just as I’m about to create my most evil invention yet the drop you into a pit of lava

Inor you see when anybody comes to my house they always forget to close the door and then it annoys the absolute crap out of me yeah we need a flint and steel okay cool I just wanted to make sure at least at least both of us were aware of that fact

Yeah a little bit to make it a little easier to get to portal so every time they come to my house to try and take all my stuff piano how are you my friend because I’m not alone hello there’s kid and there’s green but no uh go I got to finish my

Bit before I forget every time they come to my house they forget to close the door but not this time this time and anybody who comes into my house which who isn’t me or uses my very secret lever will immediately trip this wi and be dropped into a pool of molten [Laughter]

Lava ah finally no more people leaving the door open every time they come into my Minecraft house oh do you want a demonstration P the platus good I shall push you and do it cuz every time you kick my door in it’s just it’s really annoying the contractors are starting to

Get annoyed so you know he presses the lever Perry drops Perry does not burn are you in creative mode am I cheating on you I’m sorry piano I it was going to be a surprise I’m sorry hi Pio one second I gota look at the stream

Just to get the joke our boyfriend no no no no wait I like that what you were saying about Perry are you oh my God you’re cheating wait one minute one minute per with a keyboard all right I’ve got tons of clay balls I got reads paper all right eventually those chickens will

Grow up eventually eventually oh God I got a conga line of death behind me I need to cook some food greed because I don’t have much on me okay you have pool of lava cook it I mean I’m just aiming to get some quartz and get out well I’m going to be in

There for a while yeah uh come back to base real quick all right go through the side path there yeah ah the greatest way to get large amounts of emeralds or one of the greatest ways what’s going on clay balls oh that’ll help you not die that I know not

Die actually CU that one that’s Enchanted right no this one no where’s one of the spare ones just in case minute here here no can’t be over we cannot share bro is actually storming DJ all those mobs we have Vietnam my inventory out a little bit I

Like that we both have gold on despite the fact that neither of us really needs we need you don’t know where you’re going to end up pumpkin pie yes best trade ever and I still need to make my pumpkin pie farm right now you need pumpkin oh God

Zombie with the gold pants on and the gold boots what will he do oh God get me shot by a skeleton I mean at this point we need to set up an entirely separate farm for eggs but like yeah cuz you’re genociding the things I wanted to help make

Eggs hey it make sure that we have roast chicken forever yeah what was the farm going to do produced pumpkin pie which is better than chicken I mean deliciousness that’s a debatable concept but more towards the fact I think it does actually give more food and

Saturation what did you say you said you had a mending book yeah it should be in one of the chests I’m currently trying to trade up for another one should I go ahead and go in and just Scout it you stick your head in it’s in lava

Kit what should I Scout theing area would you be so kind to oh sorry kit would you be so kind as to sleep real quick I can sleep yeah you can go in and Scout read my food’s almost ready so I’ll be right behind Okay much

Better can y’all okay good I didn’t oh that is a BAL that’s not too bad it could be worth hell Magma Cream just be careful and that is a sea of lava hey okay one cow get him anothering got mying no I’m just trying to get more okay I’m bringing some

Cobble oh there’s option one I’m coming through a good thing I wanted magma blocks oh see this is so much better than spawning up in the ceiling yeah okay let see here oh that’s a fortress wait GRE which way did you go oh God oh that’s a fortress over

There right there yeah I’m going to I’m going to keep going my way to find a better way over there no I think your way is good um cuz I’m just going to go your way and then make a left turn I well one minute let me see this

Is set up so that you can make a left turn immediately yeah so we just basically just speed ran to a fortress basically so we got wait no I just love the fact of we managed to finally find a village set it up flat land Rel quite

Flat land next to an ocean spawning biome or monument so we can possibly grind rarest Mangrove biomes and we found how many spawners so far three no no no wait wait wait wait wait let’s get better there’s a m shaft underneath our house in this flat area

Which has a zombie spawner and two spider spawners I managed to get mending on my third reset that is for cheap cheapest price you can possibly get it it is yeah I don’t think you can get it cheaper than that nice so never roll that guy no he

Is this is he’s set oh yeah no I already set him and I’m trying to trade him up to get more Uh where is the guy go where’s the clay trador we need to see reset yet I don’t know if he can reach us from his by his jumps better safe than sorry does it you know this isn’t what I was looking for I was looking for quartz yeah

So I’m gonna no I’m gonna get don’t worry I have plenty of Cobble I brought like five Stacks I got to switch to another stack oh my phone’s about to die oh no I’m surprised you’re not ready to go to bed all right I’ve officially got level 30 I’m ready for a big

Enchant well I left some uh I left mysidian in one of the chests yep so that’s 15 block blocks so you should be able to make make a table you will have to make the entire Library by yourself I’m used to it oh man it’s so high up

There I I think we’re good though because we’re pretty we’re pretty good yeah we can hope hope you’re doing well by the way greed I’ve got to admit I’m not a huge fan of the fact that my uh little chicken pen is just left broken and nobody fixed it I’m sorry I completely

Forgot about that in the moment yeah cuz like again like immediately after I did that I accidentally fell into the thing that kind of took that kind of took the priority in my mind just getting out of the chicken Slaughter machine okay so this is I think this is

The blaze spawner so I’m going to go up around it all right hey go in now more there are blazes nearby a terrible Fortress blocks nice first things first I’m the block yep okay there’s a Wither right there Withers are three blocks tall so I just block off the

Third to be honest it’s smart I might die oh no cuz I got the weather effect and then I got hit by a blades like while I’m healing while I’m cowering in a corner I mean yeah that’s what you have to do don’t don’t die G come On did I hit you I’m sorry yeah no Blaze routes okay nothing here uh Hey a saddle nice hey can always use that oh Diamond I’m not going to say I was looking to see if there’s a way to just say give or heal greed but oh actually BL spawner but I don’t

Want that right now okay nothing that way okay okay so I need to make sure we know that this is the way do you think we’ll remember that this is the way out probably not oh my heart skipped a oh God get away from him I can’t kill him if you’re right

There in front of him Pig goddamn zomi piglin Did you just get regen yeah I figured it out what I figured how to give potion effects I mean that’s really cool but I don’t want to cheat too bad no no it was just a test of it I just gave him regen for 30 seconds oh

Cool time to be Reckless for 30 seconds it doesn’t heal you that fast F but actually it’s not that hard to command there’s a weather right around that corner green please be careful hello okay you can’t get you cuz he’s too tall I was going to say gre’s got

Regeneration if he still got 10 seconds of it he’s going to rush in like Leroy Jenkins oh no it’s call to them get them to come and get blocked by the [ __ ] beam okay there’s nothing else okay like kids putting up a cobblestone thing that’s like hold up give

Okay where is it there just in case there’s Withers I always put one up Hey kid that’s just death yeah you’re positively glowing today thank you you can’t see it because I’m in the nether though which is sad really I yeah you should no matter how

Far I am you should still be able to see it yeah you’ll see through walls yeah oh yeah what throw it down I’m the one who killed him oh you got a skull okay oh wait no that’s my pickaxe I don’t need your pickaxe can I get my pickaxe back one of me

One I can’t believe I got that no we got one I threw it down and kitp picked it up I’m the one who killed it but greed picked it up I noed it an immediately winning grab it yeah yink I was too busy gasping I was like did that really just

Happen anything this way greed uh I found a chest with more Saddles let me know if it’s a dead end wait did you just say a chest with four Saddles more Saddles okay I thought you said four I’m like Jesus Christ oh by the way I’ve I know Andrew

Is a maybe on it and G’s a definite kid would you join us for Halo 3 or I assume no I think we had Len for I think kids no yeah I’ve never played Halo I I’ll joined but I’ve never played so don’t expect good you play OverWatch correction I played OverWatch

You played OverWatch yeah so you can you should be able to head shot of brood easily enough if it comes down to it granted that means we need to get kid a copy of the game yeah sure enough cuz that’s one of those games that it’s just like okay

We actually have to have copies of the thing for everybody y not today thank you really first time I blocked with a shield how the hell when all the time you probably fought skeletons I gave greed my shield at some point good Bo did you get one as well yeah a sweet that’s

Neat oh sweet that’s neat yeah kid and I came across two blazes and uh we both simultaneously killed one I’m go this way actually all right let me connect these uh hey can you put up a three tall barrier real quick are they coming uh

Not yet but I want to I want to bait one into coming towards me okay I was trying to give us more room to actually kill them yeah okay I’m going to bait this guy okay be a masturbator gotcha a damn it I was about to make

That hello I’m so sorry oh there’s a guy up top all right come come on come on come on who’s a little baby who doesn’t want to come over to his demise come come come oh look at the little baby now look at the big Baby W there’s that jerk oh no I’m

Fine got him all right [ __ ] dead oh we can get up that way yeah there’s some stairs I’m it do you see any uh Quartz in on the side of the walls or anything no I’m trying to look I mean this is cool but it’s not what I came here

For I don’t want they’ll still spawn but they’ll spawn slower I have to deal with a three-year-old screaming it in my face right now I hear your chicken spawner working it’s horrifying this poor poor chicken they will they will fill our bellies but what cost

Me uh their lives that’s the point of a chicken killer thing God oh I’m sorry hearing their cries of pain was the breaking point for you just another average day for greed There let’s just see that off for now this kid is what we call a nope room you look inside and you just go nope it was bad to park ourselves right next to a blaze spawner yeah yeah it was cuz I think there’s at least three up there now

And then there’s uh there’s that [ __ ] on the other side of the Bri now could come down and get Us there we go where did you guys put all the diamonds did you already use them all they should be in the chest yeah I see it the valuable chest is under the stairs he despawned really yeah I was many Really T Matt actually getting diamonds finally yeah no I haven’t touched them

You guys always had the diamonds you okay yeah I’m fine okay uh maybe this way there’s a Magma Cube up there be aware of it I’m aware be aware okay enchant table boom got that CL that there for now oh sorry greed okay I keep aiming

Where I don’t think you are and then it hits something then it hits you it’s because you keeps running in front of the bolt all right that guy’s coming close all right I’m going to go for a quick sale wait you guys are another dimension I can just sleep the night away

Yeah so why the hell am I fighting the mon the creatures of the night when I can just take a nap I’m glad that shot Miss cuz otherwise you’d be dead yeah because there was a zombie piglin who walked right into it all right I’m just going to have my

Shield up real quick you’re fine there’s uh some Withers behind us so I’m going to bait them okay I’m going to I’m tired of these why are you giving us regeneration man because I’m worried all right he’s just giving it to you I don’t have it glowing eyes talk [ __ ] get

Regen I’m doing fine with health healthwise well you said I’m going to take a second and just sit here and I was just like oh God hell those his health Samurai how are you my friend I’m not sure if that’s 911 or 911 I’m going to say call you 911 Samurai

Just a police Samurai on top of his horned head are two little siren lights we’re down this way a quick I think it’s over to I think that’s where those same guys are was that quartz yeah is it it was yeah did it get that I don’t really want to go over

There and get that I was going to dig around oh oh yeah okay I mean we don’t have to we’ll find more right now we’re just exploring Fortress a little bit I all I need is the one piece right now the grand I get one piece off you real quick oh

God bro how do you think I have one piece already I don’t even have the Rob I’m going to cover this up what’ you guys find it was glitched lava much lava all right glitched it wasn’t flowing and that’s a bad thing now it’s not a bad thing it’s just a funny

Thing and hey it was right next to quartz so hey yeah nice all right where did you go I just went back down yeah all right I’m ready to leave all right home is back way I marked it with torches oh okay so you’re just going to go down the stairs

I’m going to kill this guy I’ll stay here just in case reinforcements are within reach don’t get in the way of my sword though I don’t want to accidentally hit you it was then that kid decapitate greed yeah I just Edie rigs from Brutal Legend decapitation so be very careful because

We we have stuff now yeah don’t do a Swan Dive in lava please it’s not just one dive in lava I’m just kind of putting raming up in my precarious your precarious build my precarious stairs I’m just sailing around right now to catch to grab any reads on the edges CU for most of them I put up pretty good railing but some of it a little death toying yeah make sure that doesn’t all right and then this is home putting you go ahead it’s just a

Straight line now see all right there a dead end so I’ve got five bookcases and then where’s the uh six books so that makes that was a successful Mission yeah we only we were only mostly dead I mean you were the one who kept on getting hit by blazes I know that’s why

I said we were onlyis around the edges okay just a little crispy it’s a curse of being a redhead damn fire Elementals I know right yeah uh is there any growth on the uh reads yet I mean probably I’m still gonna explore the nether a little bit so

Uh do you want the flint and steel what do you want the flint and steel oh yeah thank absolutely necessary for you getting back home no it’s so that I can do my portal thing I just forgot about that we spawned into another Fortress I mean that’s stupidly

Lucky like I make sure to go go with us just in case the portal got broke by gas or something yeah it’s tell me when you’re back uh I’m trying to put a thing around the portal so that it don’t break real quick effective bubble you reminded me a gas for a

Thing I don’t want to deal with that those [ __ ] you know those things fire exploding ball it will destroy anything good morning there Cobra how are you darl got a little bit of a headache you have a bit of headache or you refering you take out the chicken from caffeine it’s a

Caffeine no I haven’t taken any out okay cuz there’s no chicken in the hopper uh maybe it’s just incinerating immediately just been walking around there’s feathers in there glad to here Cobra oh yeah maybe the chicken’s just going up too high no I’m going to make the comparator real

Quick ooh lots of reads good good good good good I need that level 30 enchantment I’m actually going to put this weather skeleton away so I don’t accidentally lose it if I die yeah K just gearing up already to try and fight the Wither it’s less that and more I don’t

Want to lose thing I worked hard to get I guess that makes sense all right hold up so if I’m going to make okay so I need one two three four six oh hey I can make a stand and that makes six so we need nine nine more book go yeah nine more

Bookcases to reach a full level 30 in chance because it’s 15 so nine bookcases times three that’s just precariously balanced okay is 27 and then 27 * 3 again is 80 80 something I I I’m half asleep right now so I need around 80 pieces of let’s say 90 pieces of Reed

In order for us to get the full enchant do you still have the Redstone kit no it’s in the Val chest Under the Stairs okay I know it’s not the rarest resource but yeah I mean it is fairly rare at the moment I made a brewing stand by the way

Y yeah I know little kitten is meowing yeah tiny ghetto tiny baby shiny baby baby thank you baby I know I don’t feel good no I feel good I just have a headache suddenly I’m going to take a ipren all right all right we zoom in we

Out here trying to get that level in 30 chance we got the mening we got mening we just need the enchants the question then in lies who’s going to try and get the best enchant on the diamond pickaxe oh [ __ ] there’s a another Village right near by our house well not

Our house but across the river that’s not too bad y time to go steal everything that isn’t bolted down and even some things that are like the children okay the chicken cooker is complet boled the uh can you guys sleep oh you’re both in the okay no I’m I’m in

The normal world oh okay but it was only need oh we only need one person to sleep yeah okay found a leather worker here so that’s interesting oh hey they have a a trading market like one of the ones with all the Stalls cool all right Le

Helmets do I spy what I think I spy okay no not this buing B Villager reads just heard a gas yeah I was going to say gas die not die but I hit it I don’t have any enchantments on my bow book apples a damn it this wasn’t a library I thought there was a library in this town I died over The Lava oh that dear’s

Gone yeah if I even got one beds Tes more bread you need apples to breed horses right hey uh golden apples golden apples specifically I believe so not golden app golden carrots why I say golden apples well I just stole one of the villagers uh smithing table so

Hey we can work on that now oh flower Forest here okay couple more houses in there and I think there more reads over there okay so I’ve got two books Reg House it’s a blast furnace should I steal the blast furnace uh I have one we don’t really need

It like it just Cooks uh things faster faster it doesn’t make it more efficient okay it also only does ore it doesn’t do food true yeah like if the smel was like oh yeah it does it for half the cost then yes do that well Mr spot we’re going to try to get

You all right I’m gonna hopefully turn around because I’m not seeing much else how much in the terms of reads oh there’s some plus I don’t want to get too far away from home oh oh that’s where you guys were okay you stay here all right I’m just going to head back

And try and gather the last like 20 something Pieces Just from our own Farm there’s a lot of lava pools out here he’s honestly concerning considering the ecosystem maybe we’re just on an active volcano we’re just on a massive lava continent yeah big don’t open any chest around them no matter what

Yeah God do I remember that L if they think you’re stealing from them they will stop you even though it was a chest to put down that still their chest now well it’s in their house it’s out in the middle of an open field that’s their house house you come on read There so how’s everybody doing D are we consuming large amounts of bread are the goblin children we are the Disciples of dagur okay find my boat and then continue along the coastline oh I hear pasted off piglin no they’re scared of the zombie pigy I mean wouldn’t you be scared of a zombie apocalypse

N just take me I’m okay with it damn do I get a say in this or are you just going to go do you want to live in a zombie apocalypse there no hope of actually making it to see the world be better like if I know there’s going to

Be a cure I’ll live through a zombie apocalypse if there’s no guarantee what if you knew there was no guarantee all right yeah cuz like I’m I want to spend my life in Terror if I’m on this Earth to have fun and to have a happy life I wouldn’t have

A happy life if I’m constantly running for set life I can’t enjoy books movies times with friends I couldn’t have children and even if I did decide to have children they’d have a miserable life it’s just not worth it to me if if there’s no guarantee that things will improve and get

Better you know H like if we’re talking Last of Us where people are able to actually come together and make like little set settlements maybe that’s fine it would still be scary as [ __ ] but oh cool you kites me are that way the tiny little squeaks yeah the rage within that

Voice I am small and must scream you’re so tiny get so full full of hate and so soup in that specific order yep there we go we have horses now by the way you been breeding horses no I found a group of three horses and so we have three horses now

Okay all right I have 26 and that all right yeah I’m got to come home because I’ve got I should have enough to finally get us enchant I want to try Apples first before iy try anything else just to make sure what will breed them you can it you know mhm

Yeah I want to try this first and then so you’re just going to waste apples when I’m like 90% sure it’s golden carrots yes hey Google how do you breed horses in Minecraft according to Business Insider once you have two horses and at least two golden Foods you’re ready to breed

Get your horses near each other and feed a golden apple or carrot to each of them above their heads and in a few moments a baby horse will appear the baby horse will follow its P yeah I love how it said according to Business Insider I know I was was wondering like

What the f like so you can use a golden apple Business Insider listen the trading stocks we’re investing in horse Minecraft horses you have gold I can I can just gold for just a second cuz I got to clean my cat’s litter box it stinks so

Bad uh do we need to know that last bit no okay oh more reads nice I love how it’s on the way back I start finding even more read patches not the initial Lookout that does feel like I was just cheated a bit That’s okay got to head home because it’s finally time to make these bookcases make the enchanting table and become all Powerful as a fish tries to knock me out of the boat I knew it the fish didn’t couldn’t swim they’ve been flopping too long oh hey another bort and we had looted It playing Minecraft in third person is weird hey greed where’s home okay I’m back welcome back what are the coordinates for home coordinates it’s our home thank You cuz I’ve got all the reads we need to finally make the enchanting room I just kind of got lost my greatest weakness directions right wait screw it I don’t need directions I’ve got Pure stupidity I found my way home I think GRE holy sh oh that was a

Trident oh that’s scary yes I kind of debated turning around and trying to shoot with my crossbow but the chance of survival were probably low yeah hello cow thank you for your Le I just realized I don’t think I was here when Doom left uh I thought you

Were no he said he was going to get off you know he done his own for a bit and was tired I figured he was tired I just I don’t remember him leaving so I think it was during one of my be right back times which makes me sad cuz he’s my

Buddy I know but you know he loves you and you love him I do he’s my buddy love all my friends God I wish I had a gummy right now a what a gummy oh we gummy yeah you do your thing okay God spiders and skeletons I got Vietnam behind me please excuse

Me okay hey more did grow all right cool there we go that’s a cooked chicken I love how I heard that as you it sound like was killing an Enderman like you killed an Enderman to get cooked chicken that’s exactly how it works yeah all right I need to put my headphones on

Telling Enderman is loud okay I’m going to restro okay also going to plug in my phone while yes last I need okay okay okay here we go here we go cat no cat yes no he’s playing with my headphones nothing no are you going to behave sbody finding your cast at

Me why aren’t you hanging out with your baby because clam is currently asleep and I don’t have any cat anymore completely forgot I’m so sorry it’s all right for some reason I thought you got a new cat no Foster and baby are in better places don’t me don’t Hurt okay get the cows breeding again oh God I got to put down old Betsy well shot the wrong one I loaded it up and I’m just like trying to aim at another one ran in front get down oh yeah the old chicken Coupe thing mhm there we go folks 15 bookshelves for a maximum level enchantment and I got level 30 who wants their thing

Enchanted still in the nether so y GS up first one second I’m busy with this now uh let’s see listen there’s an easy way to do this cre I’ll just throw this out on the surface for right now then we’ll figure it out afterwards so for right now just throw

Me your stuff and I we’ll give an enchant that’s actually one block too far damn it I don’t know how to make thing okay okay this here that’s not the right block come on 30 enchant all right greed pass it over all right here’s the here’s my pickaxe here’s my

Sword all right we’ll see which one you want more all right diamond pickaxe enchantment level 30 efficiency 4 oh okay sword Smite four well that’s an easy Choice One efficiency 4 pickaxe Go I mean smite’s not bad we Undead enemies yeah ladies and gentlemen we have Unbreaking three efficiency 4

Not absolutely god tier but that’ll definitely serve you well plus we have mending yeah there you go I can easy get the three levels back all right actually I might as well go buy another mending book now I’ve got enough the hell am I running to all

Right I expanded the horse yeah horse uh thing bending horses not good for them do we have any carrots over here oh God a uh food chest I forgot to plant it okay well if you while you’re going over the village maybe see if there’s any

Carrots you can get there yep I’ll also work on the farm now since I’ve got the enchanting thing set up just going to go buy another mending book and you can put that on your pickaxe there are no carrots in here it’s got to be oh no it’s in the chest

On the other side of the uh uh windmill so you L yeah and that’s new to you guys how it’s not new but it still hurts feel the pain embrace it let it power you oh yeah okay as well where in the hell villager where are you oh there he is there we

Go on my way back with one more mending book for you greed you can slap that on your pickaxe so you’re RAR to go it ain’t fortune 3 but you know it’ll survive for now want to try this again do you have a level 30 enchantment or I only have 19 levels

Okay actually hold up oh D [ __ ] go yeah oh wait I still got your diamond sword oh yeah I I’ll bring that back give me a sec just trying to do some trading hey Fletcher you in fler where the hell is the fler I’m Rel what did you say I’m going relog

Real quick okay no now I have 20 LS get the whole horse breeding thing ah Fletcher there you are starting to worry bro ah stick trading good way to get XP uh that Dam it Tre filled up okay all right how’s the chicken thing doing

Now do I need to be physically near this thing in order to somebody has to be within a certain radius ah okay so I need to AFK at this thing to get a decent amount of food from it I wa decent amount all right I’ll be AFK do I

Need all right I’ll be by the chicken thing in safety yep I’ll be right [Applause] back huh than thank you come on Fletcher finish up resetting your trades need Goods so close to level 30 again go God villagers just really want to kill themselves I swear yeah I’m in big

Mood Nothing in life matters except for the one you Lo okay still doesn’t want to tree there you go Golem we should be able to leave now God sake these [Applause] [Applause] idiots I got to go get more clay oh wait no I have Clay you have no job bro he’s a NE

All right kit want a level 30 enchant I do but I’m still in the nether then I shall rip you from the very fou no I’m going to wait got to go put greed sword back and then work on the farm anyway uh turn Farmers into Fletchers

And job to the one none good point actually and I do have I do have enough wood two Fletchers would be the best option here well I just put another crafting table down despite the fact one is literally 2 feet from me yeah but that one’s 2 feet from you yeah and I’m

Lazy y another flushing table boom you’re in another dimension so I can take a quick nap okay hello sure still know what to [ __ ] trade godam need to find Tommy no job oh there he is he’s over here hey Tommy no job you ain’t got no job got a job now come take

It I got you this job with my my sister’s sister brother’s cousins long story short it’s this guy I know he say he get you this job come on villager seriously it’s right over here man oh and S a creeper why you mean you don’t want this job got

Him come on Tommy no job oh somebody else took it whatever there’s the chest nor okay yeah Tommy D job is now looking at me like but I wanted a job well guess what you just sat around when I was telling you I had a job got no blame with you Tommy

Okay now let’s go see oh yeah good point I do have a lot of bread so I should be breeding them because I have so many trades I mean I’ve been been trading with them so there’s a pile of bread eat up okay another mending book to the

Pile actually Tommy no job doesn’t have a job I can give him the smithing table if he takes that job they’re in the question Tomy no job you’re next to Fletcher Flack come on Tommy yes good Tommy come on Tommy go to the smithing table come on good boy Perfect all right

Don’t really have much use for a whole bunch of stone pickaxes but hey got to start somewhere with Tommy tool yes you’ll get bread tomy’s just happy he has a name other than just no job well originally his name was nose job but then it started seeming racist okay Actually we have diamonds in the chest I could just make another pickaxe and enchant it for you I mean if you want to yeah again we’ll go by your yes or NOS of those enchantments sound good those I don’t want those enchantments kind of

Thing I mean all I want is fortune 3 and mending I can get by with anything else even if it’s not the most efficient I was going to say we we have mending now that’s an easy thing to get yeah one two three if you can get me

Efficiency that’s fine that’s not a it’s not a requirement a requirement yeah well let’s see what we can Get a pile of Rob beef all righty get efficiency this corner n put down a block which will reset yeah which will lower the levels efficiency 3 again I forget do I have to destroy the enchanting table to reset the enchi enchants no you have to enchant something

Else okay usually just do the lowest enchantment unless something else pops up that you really like well I just destroyed the enchanting table and then picked it placed it back down damn it h yeah nothing else is going to take its place I mean I literally just I know but I

Thought maybe I could I mean it’s good to experiment to be sure so I don’t hold it against you there we go I got an Unbreaking one stone pickaxe silk touch no I’ll go for the pigs it’ll be getting enough to XP to get Nope okay More Cows There we go level 30 en chant Unbreaking pickaxe efficiency four nice I mean Ford usually comes with something good but you head yeah oh yeah we’ll give it a shot got h i could put The Mending books I have downstairs cuz I have two of Them oh for S I keep seeing the name keep seeing greed’s name pop through the ground and I’m just like what the hell is that actually sorry no we don’t have two mending books we have three mending books greet sword back put the food away delicious pum pie Axes all right now let me see chopping trees me and you jack Dan that’s the man with the Lumberjack Dan Lumberjack Dan the man with the plan what’s his plan to do all he can to do all he can he sure does yep cuz he’s the man with plan his name

Is l Jack Dan okay I still swear that one of the greatest moments of I have ever recorded and one moment that I will will live in infamy in my soul forever and like is one of the few things I’d want like I would ask to be animated yes although you really

Shouldn’t ask those things all the time you should just let fans do as they wish yeah would be uh it’s one moment way back when right one of the first series we ever did which was the Super not so hostile right okay Minecraft maps for the super hostile Series right basically standard

Monument map you know get the pieces complete the monument danger ensues try and survive standard stuff right yeah well you need to do one of those that’d be fun oh God M and the sheer size of them is nuts like they’re they’re very deadly holy

Hell but you know fun one of them we were doing right it was me doom and our friend Brandon AKA Von yeah you might have seen him if you ever saw the channel the the intro yeah animation he’s the blue dudee right or the blue guy in the banner

Before but I’ve changed the banner since but yeah no in the the animated definitely seen his yeah the animated intro he’s the blue guy right he was always our more technical guy he knew like all the Minecraft information basically just like think your level of information or greed like just knowing

Mechanics and all that super okay okay anyway so one of his greatest hatreds was when you chop down an entire tree and there’s one block of wood that’s holding it together or holding a whole bunch of leaves yeah so me and doom were just doing something and we just hear him scream

Why your M did not pick any of that up because you screamed so loud it wasn’t even that loud of screen but it’s just why right like just yeah and we come back and he’s just standing there staring at this one block of wood that you can just see the bottom holding

On to like 12 leaves and he’s just come on why why is it have to have that one stupid block every time and we just started dying of laughter it’s just like I just imagine this character on his knees screaming to God and all that you

Can tell there just one block of wood floating with some leaves attached that’s amazing I want that a [ __ ] T-shirt God that’s the stuff dreams are made of it’s just pure rage had a single block of wood with some leaves it shouldn’t be floating man it shouldn’t be floating I cut down what I feel him on that I don’t really like leaving leaves around either

I Sho the whole tree down should there shouldn’t be any wood left so why is that one block there cuz it’s always one it’s always one mm it’s not like two that you happen to not see or like three or four it’s always just a singular one welcome back hello hello hello yeah

You sound so tired I took a second to put in an order at Walmart tomorrow morning okay go to sleep you call it well he doesn’t neither of us work tomorrow so oh okay and I don’t either so okay why is it so rare for it to

Actually produce chick are you sure it’s it’ll work in this version it it should yeah it should work he says and then realizes oh wait that’s for version 1.20.1 it might be the fact that there’s just a couple a good couple of Us loading stuff in right

Now like I didn’t leave this thing unattended I know and I haven’t really left the area around it either how many chickens do you have in there cuz a bunch how many eggs are what no because they’re dying as they grow so shouldn’t be into the gmy yeah g oh God about to

Die like the dispenser is going off properly did I place the lava in Wrong that was a possibility bro okay As I hear the Demonic Whispers of the nether portal beneath me I have my headphones on you shouldn’t hear my game anymore no I did I just walked over the area oh okay said I think that’s thought for a minute you me oh I’m in a Soul Sand

Valley well you made another portal no I am oh you just move I’ve been digging underground so I’ve only just now reached any semblance of a surface my pickaxe is almost fixed mending I put men I put mending on it when it was nearly broken and then it

Came to the nether to fix it it’s effective yeah okay I’m going to go up into the Soul Sand Valley and take a look Around Pie all right paper a whole bunch of wheat to trade should be able to push me to the L I did not for forget about you but I forget about you Jes there we go back to level 30 don’t trade anymore that cow that is

Go damn it I need one more piece of leather I’m not going back and killing our cows CU there’s so few of them left huh there we go one more cow come on baby yes there there there anyway oh yeah has the has the U mule grown up yet I believe so ooh

Shiny oh piece of candy okay that’s I there there okay so kit you said you were good with the efficiency 4 pickaxe enchantment yeah oh yeah where’s my sword by the way oh yeah I got that on me oh no it’s downstairs in the uh valubles chest

All right I’m going to enchant kids pick and then I’m going to go just straight back to trying to finish the farm or really begin construction at least I guess can’t can’t meals carry like uh chest yeah believe so can’t remember if we got a make him special or something okay this

Ni so yes on efficiency 4 yes sorry I’m trading with a piglin perfect efficiency four Unbreaking three fortune three nice there we go that Pig’s done greed your swords next so I’ll go put the super pck actually hold up oh I’ll take that okay that was all

The gold I gave you okay grab this kid do you want to just combine your mending pickaxe with this or should I just put mending on it now it’d be cheaper for you to put mending on that one oh yeah only two there you go one God pickaxe thank you all

Right actually no greed keep your sword for now I’m gonna try and work on the farm and then I’ll find some time to gather the rest of levels or maybe kid’ll come back with levels excuse Me all right okay I’m I haven’t gained that many levels since my pickaxe is almost dead yeah all right either way y Okay right now let’s just dump all this how are you guys feeling by the way I’m a little tired but you want to keep playing yeah I was going to say I’m like half asleep to be honest I’m on a mission that’s the only reason what are you trying to do get hot

Tourist destination uh yeah every time I just need a crimson biome I just got Soul Sand I’ve already gotten wared I just need I’m playing a very dangerous game yeah can all right there we go and Soul Sand Valley has some scary ass eering like sound effects yeah thank

You I was trying to remember the word I love it though it reminds me of the Shadow Temple from acarine of time my favorite Temple which is kind of ir cuz the Forest Temple actually has the scarier music mean she ain’t wrong or they ain’t wrong don’t worry I stole all the

Pronouns I stole them all they’re all mine what are your pronouns oh thanks stole your pronoun that’s OD go River looks right what’s up so I told you how I’m looking for the what is it the Warped one that’s the red one Crimson there is a singular Crimson like plant

Plant and there’s no indication I’m even anywhere close to a crimson then go stand on it it’ll actually I did it didn’t oh I was like maybe legit I was like maybe okay I probably will be going to bed that’s fair dude probably not going

To be on here that much longer yeah I might just AFK just leave myself AFK here just until it kicks you basically yeah okay that’s fair totally fair you guys have a nice night have a good night man see in the morning byebye right early 6 a.m. we’re back at the

Grind we’re back at it gred your 6 a.m. is like our 10 p 10: a.m. yeah you guys got it easy I’m out here dying no you’re just in the future greetings from the World of Tomorrow God I love you I you God I hate the Soul Sand Valley

Though get me out of here you really just going to install my brother like that yes I don’t know your brother sh ever do you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] good fell in the lava had Fire Res I’m so happy I traded with that piglin just in case it worked there’s only like 30

Seconds of Fire Res but it saved my life I also just my items oh you did I didn’t even realize that’s on me though I was behaving very recklessly in a place I should not be behaving recklessly that’s my one cheat I gave you a little for more fire resistance

I’ll stop now because it’s it is getting kind of it is a little too cheaty just cuz that moment of just destroy your soul because you you made the [ __ ] up yeah how did you fall anyway uh Soul Sand Valley I was placing I thought I trying to get out of

I thought Soul Sand doesn’t fall it doesn’t fall I was jumping as I placed oh like a dumb M well they said not me okay that and then I can I keep forgetting you’re in par you’re in an alternate Dimension so I can sleep yeah yeah don’t worry my girlfriend my girlfriend another

Parallel Dimension I can sleep around all I want babe come over my girlfriend’s in an alternate Dimension all right let’s see I thought you said your girlfriend was an alternate now I said my girlfriend was an alternate d I feel like the good thing I’m B good thing I’m blind

H no it doesn’t look great okay so let’s do work there you go finally now I need to just gather some wood and then I can build Nether Portal so that I get the other thing this out I just need 64 blocks for now okay thankfully it doesn’t look like a

Swastika I don’t want to know I’m trying to build a water wheel it’s hard to do design that’s fair it is SC I’m going to look up a water wheel tutorial cuz I’m going there’s a couple good ones out there yes you right detail now build a goddamn water Wheel I respect your attention to detail now shut up and slow down it’s not to slow down it’s just a there is what I was looking for okay I need to expand my River a bit but I can make it work okay perfect actually don’t have to expand it that I say

That trying to make it look more natural in a way per okay then we do this yep do so it’s okay okay actually know that flows out to the ocean so have to be the other way we’d have to put that like that and then that go like that because

That would be pushed into that I is a tough design well not tough I’m just trying to get wrap my brain around it okay that’s facing that way that’s wasting that Way that’s got to be backwards that’s got to be upside down got it okay and then we put tra over there there there there and then I should just have whoops oh that goes perfect okay that go upside you okay yeah just stretching that was a good stretch o You’re a mean

One Mr Green you Dre the your cuddly as a cactus I make remember the rest of the words Who cudly as a cactus you’re as slimy as an eel Mr Green Mr Green okay I’m trying to okay so that has to be fixed down that connects in there s Dam it okay got

To no not you what I was trying to throw some stuff out of my inventory but I grabbed the wrong item ah say you’re getting Jumped now let you know if I was getting jumped I’ll be like get me out get me out pull me out there there we go okay there you go app a small one but it’ll [Applause] work now I can use my fences I made sure would be a shame of some food just

Magied itself into my inventory sure would be a shame yeah glad that isn’t happening yeah you know I mean stranger things have happened oh of course yeah even strange oops even stranger if it was just just fish that would be really weird oh man oh look oh wow so weird that’s so

Weird I mean they they did say that Jesus Made bread and fish for what was it 500 people I think I don’t know specifics uh I couldn’t tell you either I grew up Mormon I think my family wasn’t heavily religious hello Blackstone oh I’m in a balt I don’t like

Balts wow that’s very B racist of you [ __ ] go back down to I’m just trying to get to level 30 cuz I’m so close and then I’m going to build my portal get out and probably have you teleport me back home sounds all right [ __ ] drop my keyboard don’t drop your

Keyboard don’t drop the beat don’t drop the beat go show you how tired I am I thought I heard Greed for a minute he went to bed okay let’s see here [Applause] there we go that looks pretty decent I’m not done yet but that is looking good how good the Sheep actually ate

Some grass I can potentially get a bed also thanks all right what’ she say I’m not looking at chat no she just said look good and then went dot dot dot not sure what over okay might be just the fact I I’m adjusting the design a bit might

Be we aren’t paying as much attention to the chat as we should probably be sorry about that a good still looking at it though I know okay just so focused on our tasks want to make this look good before I start going up off on of hello oh they ask why another bed

Y hey there random how you doing you’re all right you’re saying me little enough stuff and the bed is more just for the fact of so I can sleep here I don’t have to go back to the the house maximize laziness legalize nuclear bombs always maximize it Enderman almost walked right into my

Line of sight for you a that’s what I was looking for another fire R all right let’s see ooh Soul speed three hell yeah how the hell did you get that I’m trading with piglins yeah thanks for the trade boys that was good I have nothing to complain about yeah

Okay o and then they gave me a three minute Fire Res this time okay yeah no Oo that looks pretty decent I’m not going to lie I’m using my phone to comment and my TV to watch you know not the weirdest thing I’ve heard I’ve I’ve seen somebody do that on a Vita I’ve done that before to be honest Maxim for love for robot

Men how do I pay people like send money I think that’s like a super chat but I’m pretty sure I’m not at that point yet appreciate though greatly for the idea what the intent not really sure that is a possibility at my current stage but I do appreciate from more like Ramy oh

God oh I want to give you my money then do this for me go do it to give it to some charity or something and give me a subscription and a like and keep being such an amazing person how about you do that for me random stuff huh you beautiful

Individual your charitable piece of human decency get your Charming ass out of here and do something but again greatly appreciate and I I wish I could but again we’re going I think this is one of those situations of just I am not a big enough Channel or to have that feature yet

Still great appreciate I’m watching you on two devices I didn’t do anything but I serve it h true enough they did mostly time okay so this out kind of look uneven like something was kind of screwed up down here look good there and go there we go Subspace bubble yeah you and your

Achievements so what is that even for just creating a portal if you hit um T and hover over it it tells you what the achievement I was just trying to build this he’s n to travel 7: CL I probably could have built it sooner but I really wanted to get 30 levels first

Go I’m now on three devices holy hell I’ll make it four if this Bo got 50 follow deod well we’re going to be able to play tomorrow so we’ll see yeah but yeah like 50 follow hours oh okay yeah it’s definitely less than twitch oh

God wait did I not make no I didn’t appar get that I’ll go ahead and keep those I’ll keep those okay okay there we go Max efficiency and then immediately remove set efficiency by screwing up okay put that there there we go God Bonk my head Dam God I know how to play

Minecraft okay okay there we go actually H just because my mind is the type of mind to actually look at a structure be like oh that’s supported by this and this take a look at my surrounding before I ask you to TP me Back where am I I’m going roofed for there we go okay the river’s not completed so give me a little credit for that folks I give you all credit for that love you wouldn’t know was referring to now I’m getting my windows stand dear God he’s going

Nuts he’s going pla I am sure he’s going to pla okay uh but yes okay that is a pretty decent water wheel in my opinion again for my first time building one without much of a tutorial and then you got the thing to hold it grounded there might change that to Cobblestone

Too but we’ll see yeah no that is a pretty pretty decent wi wheel o ruined portal oh nice want to check the stream to see now I should get on my other phone dear God random stuff you beautiful individual holy hell just trying to find the most devices

Possible bro I’m watching on my TV I’m watching my phone I’m watching on my Vita I’m watching on my PSP I’m watching on my my Blackberry my dad had I got my watched on my Xbox One there ain’t no stop watching this on my playing of

Doom I’m watching this in Doom that I’m playing on a calculator that’s being powered by potatoes okay let’s fill this area out now we’ll start making Aqueduct and such just so this will look pretty [Applause] good okay I need to put a windmill up there but I don’t require

Somewhere Stone water wheel looks good there I can’t use this reverse over damn it okay well that is a fig R that’s Jes oh God I just God him an idiot I just made more Spruce doors when I already have Spruce doors on me looks like you spruced it

Up one that’s all you get got to jump start my Windows 10 oh my God you’re a beautiful man beautiful nondescript entity from beyond the stars born of malice hate and ginger ale not even sure the mo maybe a little bit of malic acid okay see okay all the reads have regrown so

That’s good need to get the animals breeding again cuz again of all the bow Vine murder by the way I did find that it appears most of the quote unquote Millennium Godzilla series was released in gigantic movie chunks on YouTube and it’s endorsed Sor there’s a thing to do sometime can you

Sleep all are you out in terrifying areas and could be killed in any second yes you I may have a trident drowned on my ass well it is a nice ass I mean yeah you weren’t even looking at me hold up I just got attacked by a

Zombie there you go he’s dead trying again doesn’t matter if he’s looking at you he’s coming for you I mean I had my shield up and he hit me somehow [ __ ] magic also thank you for the subscription random always brieing always brieing call me a Minecraft C

That way you enjoying wheat products oh God you know that’s actually pretty good it might be my sleep right mine but that’s actually really good yo call me a Minecraft cow of the wig I be consuming wheat products oh God also I’m not I can’t sleep for some reason like it’s not

Progressing the night it should oh greed he’s AFK I forgot he was AFK is he yeah I thought he was going to bed he is he just also AFK it’s okay I have built myself a little fort hold up sure could use some do not

TP me I want to kill this guy I should could use some more food though okay thank you but I can’t kick him for some reason oh he’ll eventually get kicked kill locate Mage okay he’s dead okay Trident dude is dead I just got to get

My warped logs back because I put them around me I don’t want to lose these and I don’t have my picka it’s fine make X okay go to sleep then you’re almost five hours playing listen that’s pretty standard all right hold up we are going to figure this out

Here Mage particle place place place sound reload return ride say schedule skateboard spawn point spectate stop sound summon tag team to title TP trigger w w water damn it there’s nothing it’s okay I’m in a safe position to be teleported actually I was going to say if you log

Out I can just sleep and make a day yeah but I I was already going to have you teleport me once I got to a certain point yeah good point Thank You Skelly showed up immediately oh yeah here check out one the water wheel oo Oo uh okay I know it’s not that great no I do I honestly really love it it’s all right I’m just saying those oo and A’s were like H they were exaggerated but I still meant them uhhuh here got some lapis for you so you can use the levels right now I’m going

To go get a my switch Jesus Christ I was going to go sleep in the bed actually all right let’s yeah we’ll see if we can there we go oh yeah there we go okay here’s the lapis thank you let me empty my inventory cuz it’s [ __ ] full well I would imagine Obsidian frying obsidian I got some more leather if you need it uh H yes I was actually just about to go and try and get some more books so I can try and get that villager trades to the next tier so we can see if it actually has anything good

That oh actually now here’s a joke for you that’s actually it’s not really a joke a St yeah literally I have and I saw this one time only once I Had A View From a Tesla oh nice like somebody looked at a one of my videos from the computer dashboard of a [ __ ]

Tesla like bro like I don’t know if it was a self-driving one but it’s just the fact of you’re in your car and just sitting there like messing with the console and she like oh yeah let’s take click on this random gamer what the hell I mean it

Happens can you get better so I can give you my money listen you go out there and spread my word the name of my channel so many people have literally said and I really don’t know at this point the legitimacy of it that like holy hell how do you not

Have more subscribers and I’m just like I gu guess debatable consistency and just I don’t know what should I enchant by the way I don’t really have views some days uh make a diamond sword yeah I have an iron sword I’m going go make a diamond One okay I’m going go take these books and I’m going to go trade them can I try to get people to raid you I mean maybe well I’m lagging not sure how well that would work God yeah now twitch has raing mechanics and all that man I Channel I

Don’t want fire aspect well you can do you want me to just trade use it no no it’s fite I’m I’m G look and see what my bow ooh flame is flame worth it though no not really no here kid here here not for me

Huh I can use it which will get rid of the enchantment wouldn’t it I don’t know I’ll just give it a I think so I’ll just give it a shot I mean I got the uh I can just make a sword use one of mine can you pass me some uh

Lapis some lepis LEP than you there you go is it gone let me see no I have to be the one to use it damn it yeah I don’t think it used to idea what you said to me as I’m assuming no I I said I would talk to you in a

Bit okay knock back two and then sharpness to not great not bad though sharpness 2 is kind kind of worth it yep here’s a lav back thank you I’m going to goe and just get the sharpness too cuz I can always do better enchantments later oh [ __ ] what’ you get

Uh sharpness two knockback one and fire aspect one that’s not bad by enemies no and now I need you know power two power two is good y okay okay got that got that that’s my time for now I’m going to go into the base and uh I’m going to call that for

Me yep I will probably do have been more tray then then just dip myself just go tiredness and all that then we come back tomorrow and give her another shed yeah yeah sharpness one sword wooden sword here villager take this defend your to all right debate cutting that pig in half

Want me some pork chaps okay I’m gonna go for now to rest my ears and probably do some stretching yep have a good night y’all bye-bye we can okay what do you got he is garbage screw let’s just push you to the last level get XP though uh okay but a little

Decal yo we’re going to mess up your GB look to America’s worst home makeovers also if I may inquire random why do you want to give me your money crafty Master man how you do I’m going to raid me tomorrow oh God but yes no weapon of choice you in bedw

War you see somebody pull out the enchanted woodsword you know what’s about to happen there is no force on Earth that will see you alive you ever had a splinter before now imagine that splinter is razor sharp have you ever cut yourself with a snake knife on accident or just gotten a

Really really bad paper cut that’s what this thing is worst paper cut you’ve ever experienced in your life all right let’s see okay now where is Johnny no job there you are PAL all right Johnny come on God right those tool SMI trades so debatably not worth

It well I’ll probably use to dig dirt so right now Actually your boy has an idea first we put the light gray wool to soften people’s Falls mine constantly breaking my leg I’m go over here actually hold up you let me do this this this I Turn this confuse the hell out something by stepping on a bomb and we’ll destroy let’s try this one hey buddy want a job people just run away from from the job sad sad okay come on buddy I see you running zoom and just to get that job see what you got nothing Grand

Go go ahead don’t you look at me go efficiency there’s two of you without jobs okay thatly makes more sense plus I was feeding breathing sweeping Edge no nope loyalty nope r no oh God these enchantments I swear what do you think Enderman you going to just take my l N we’ll call there starting to fall asleep myself and well let’s be honest 5 Hour stream I think is a pretty good point of that so thank you very much for watching sorry you came in a little late there crafty man Master man but I’ll be streaming more tomorrow plus

You can always just watch the VOD once the stream completes and I mean there’s plenty of other good content on the channel so anyway stay beautiful people catch you next time another episode or another adventure see you uh hold up there we go

This video, titled ‘Chaos Tripled – The Crew Casually Plays Minecraft’, was uploaded by I Am Heroic on 2023-11-27 05:28:32. It has garnered 52 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:33:52 or 16432 seconds.

The crew plays more Minecraft, so a good natured wandering idiot, a chaotic semi-neutral creature in shadow and a handsomely gorgeous speedrunner kitsune creature play Minecraft. All the while a charming good natured skeleton vibes and plays his game.

#minecraft #live #thecrew

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    Stalked by FANGIRL in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted by My SCARY FANGIRL in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gam on 2024-03-22 13:59:55. It has garnered 2142 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:20 or 1280 seconds. Gam and Flames explore a spooky haunted building when they run into a SCARY FAN GIRL who haunts them! Will they be able to break her curse and set her free? Watch and Subscribe to find out! Inspired by Aphmau Cash Nico Jeffy Maizen Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory Sunny and Melon #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #gam Read More

  • Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #Minecraft

    Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘iron man pixel art || part – 1 || #gaming #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by UP – FLOW GAMERZ on 2024-05-03 03:30:20. It has garnered 431 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. subscribe my channel. Milte he next videos me tab tan ke liye good bye i am UP – FLOW GAMERZ. Like karo share karo Subscribe karo @TechnoGamerzOfficial @CarryMinati @CarryisLive @MrBeast @mrindianhackershorts @MrBeastGaming @MRINDIANHACKER @MrBeast2 @BeastBoyShub @YesSmartyPie @YesSmartyPieShorts1 @imbixu @Mythpat @triggeredinsaan @FukraInsaan @UpinIpinFullMovie @upflowgamerz @TotalGaming093 @VanossGaming d@ASGamingsahil @GyanGaming @ASGamingsahil @sinotalgaming #pixel art #minecraft pixel art #minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1

    Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL :- Building A Best Morden Castle 😱🤩 With Tutorial .#1 ||’, was uploaded by Khyat Caper on 2024-04-08 17:22:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello My Lovely Brothers And Respected Sisters And All Of My Viewers . This Is FlashK here. I Created This Channel For … Read More

  • Join Matt’s EPIC new Minecraft world now!

    Join Matt's EPIC new Minecraft world now!Video Information This video, titled ‘My new minecraft server is LIVE’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-02-28 00:13:10. It has garnered 212 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:27:00 or 23220 seconds. HOW TO JOIN read below… The official FriendsWithMatt Minecraft server is now up and live! Server Version: 1.20.4 ( latest version ) My new discord: https://discord.gg/FESxdGFA9r For Java players: Open up the latest version of Minecraft Click the Multiplayer tab Click Add new Server Put in the IP address: Save and join! For Bedrock / Windows / Pocket Edition players Open up the… Read More

  • INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯

    INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Hide and Seek with Mini Devil Fruit in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Senpirates on 2024-02-29 12:00:47. It has garnered 225274 views and 5447 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:59 or 1859 seconds. 💙 • Subscribe for more: ➡ https://www.youtube.com/@senpirates ⬅ 🤍 • Become a member: ➡ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNvn2JfdylGusS9owkDM0Q/join ⬅ 🎮 • Mods: • https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mine-mine-no-mi 🌍 • Map: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/one-piece-world-project/ 🐦• Follow me: https://twitter.com/senpirates 📧 • Business: [email protected] #Minecraft #mod #onepiece Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!

    INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】異星探索: 路線規劃之亂’, was uploaded by 風珀 on 2024-05-31 15:29:00. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:05 or 785 seconds. Fortunately, I found a way to solve it smoothly later, otherwise it would really have to be overhauled ;-w- ) I mean, if it continues like this, it might not turn into a Hololive theme park wwww Texture Pack: Space Station Texture Pack 『Keyword』 Maikuachuang God of the World Minecraft Fengpo Toast Tea Interlaced World Module minecraft #风波#minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Secrets REVEALED – Don’t Miss Out! 🤫

    Minecraft Secrets REVEALED - Don't Miss Out! 🤫Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftfacts #technogamerz #minecraftpe #funny #ytshorts #shortvideo #funnyshorts’, was uploaded by Kanha Agarwal Gaming on 2024-02-19 13:53:01. It has garnered 8304 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More


    UNLOCKED: ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘TvFamily Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Pixel Pals on 2024-03-05 15:00:20. It has garnered 23449 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft! Our channel draws inspiration from Cartoon Crab, Cash and Nico, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! It’s the most hilarious Minecraft video you’ll ever see! Disclaimer: “Pixel Pals” is a parody channel that creates gameplay videos and is in no way connected to DaFuq!?Boom! – owner of the original Skibidi Toilet Series. This parody… Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Reloaded IP: harmonyreloaded.minecraft.best Discord: Join our Discord If you’re looking for a true vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins and pay-to-win mechanics, Harmony Survival Reloaded is the server for you. Join us for a community-focused, pure gameplay experience. About Us Harmony Survival was originally a MCPE server started in July 2015. After years of success, it had to be shut down. Now, Harmony Reloaded aims to recapture the magic of pure Minecraft gameplay. Features True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean chat and active moderation Crossplay on all platforms Difficulty: Hard World Border: +/- 40,000 Check out our… Read More

  • Noob Citybuild – New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!

    Noob Citybuild - New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!Welcome to our Minecraft Citybuild Server! Here you can you can let your creativity run wild and design your own city your ideas. Our server offers a variety of Ways to make your gaming experience varied and exciting without using real money.Main features:Completely free to play:There are no real money purchases on our server. All In-game items and benefits can be obtained through active gameplay andthe achievement of goals.Economic system:Build, sell and trade with other players. Our sophisticated Economic system allows you to trade resources anditems to gain wealth and develop your city.Building plots and land:Secure your own plots of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness #16

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters!

    Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters! In the world of Minecraft, plugins are key, To enhance your server, for all to see. From essentials to fun, they add a new spark, So here are the top 25, to make your mark. First up is EssentialsX, a must-have indeed, For all your basic needs, it’s what you need. Next is WorldEdit, for building with ease, Shape the world around you, as you please. Vault is essential, for economy and more, Manage your currency, keep your server in store. And don’t forget LuckPerms, for permissions galore, Control who can do what, keep your server secure. McMMO adds… Read More

  • Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme

    Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme “Respect those who have fought for their country… and also those who have fought to survive a creeper explosion in Minecraft. Both require bravery and skill.” #minecraft #meme #fyp Read More

  • Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft

    Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft Exploring the Nether in Minecraft Join Na_Shandra on an exciting journey as they introduce their colleagues to the world of Minecraft. The ultimate goal? Defeating the Ender Dragon before 2025! 🐉 Building a Tunnel to the Nether One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft is the ability to travel to different dimensions. In this adventure, Na_Shandra and their colleagues are constructing a tunnel to the Nether. This dangerous realm is filled with unique resources, formidable enemies, and challenging terrain. Will they be able to navigate this treacherous landscape and emerge victorious? Join the Adventure Follow Na_Shandra on Twitch,… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, just like the YouTuber in the video “Paying Minecraft for the first time”? If so, you’re in for an exciting journey into the vast and creative universe of Minecraft. While the YouTuber may be new to the game, they are eager to dive in and explore all that Minecraft has to offer. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving Minecraft community like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience that is perfect for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MAZE GUIDE!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Noobik Craft on 2024-04-23 13:00:31. It has garnered 389 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:33 or 2913 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving First Night in Minecraft VR

    Surviving First Night in Minecraft VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the First Night – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-10 22:19:36. It has garnered 1698 views and 245 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:53 or 10853 seconds. LET ME WEASEL MY WAY INTO YOUR HEART!! MONEY HERE PLEASE: https://streamelements.com/furiferntail/tip Fuririririririri~! The smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is me, FURI FERNTAIL!! I’m VReverie GUARDIANS’ friend of fur and feather~! 🩹 🍃 BE AFURRAID!! 🎬 CLIPPING IS 🆗 AND APPRECIATED! JUST MAKE SURE YOU GET MY GOOD SIDE~! ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ ⊹ ࣪ ˖≽^•⩊•^≼˖ ࣪… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!

    INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!Video Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но У Меня ПОЛ СЕРДЦА ❤️ ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 11:15:03. It has garnered 1341 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraft

    Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by soft T Gaming on 2024-01-08 07:15:09. It has garnered 2922 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. 🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts #minecraftbuild you will Try🥶 #minecraftpocketedition #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #foryou #minecrafttutorial #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpc #minecrafthack #minecrafters #minecrafttutorial #minecrafttutorial #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuild #minecraftdaily 1. Minecraft gameplay 2. Let’s play Minecraft 3. Minecraft building tutorials 4. Minecraft mods showcase 5. Minecraft survival guide 6. Minecraft adventure map 7. Minecraft redstone creations 8…. Read More

  • INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS – Watch me dominate in Minecraft!

    INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS - Watch me dominate in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I play bedwars in minecraft!!bedwars in minecraft’, was uploaded by MAHAR REHMAN GAMING YT on 2024-04-05 12:05:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars,minecraft bedwars,bedwars minecraft,hypixel bedwars,wallibear bedwars,wallibear lucky block bedwars,roblox bedwars … Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MINI VILLAGE BIOME REVEALED!! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-02 01:37:29. It has garnered 9087 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu how to make easy trep to troll our friends in Minecraft #2 how to make end #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30… Read More

  • “Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!” #ClickbaitHoloLive

    "Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!" #ClickbaitHoloLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘残り2日の世界で生きる理由を見失うトワ様が風真さんと出会い生きる事の素晴らしさを知る物語【ホロライブ/常闇トワ様/さくらみこ/風真いろは/切り抜き】#ホロ鯖ハードコアマイクラ’, was uploaded by 眷属の悪魔的所業【ホロライブ切り抜き】 on 2024-05-18 10:05:32. It has garnered 11668 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:10 or 490 seconds. [Main stream]・[Minecraft]#Holo server hardcore Minecraft material collection[Tokoyami Towa/HoloLive]→ https://www.youtube.com/live/Czy8bl_O0EA?si=lVYo4zq5k3hzZxDc [Tokoyami Towa’s channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@TokoyamiTowa X→ https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa [Sakura Miko’s channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@SakuraMiko X→ https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35 [Kazuma Iroha’s Channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@kazamairoha X→ https://twitter.com/kazamairohach [Timestamp]0:00 Losing sight of the meaning of life 0:44 Questioning the meaning of life 2:08 Being scared of Mikochi 2:52 Kazuma gives me a purpose in life 4:39 Working hard and learning the wonder of life 5:32 Writing in… Read More


    INSANE SHIZO HACKS: AETOS ANAS ZOOM MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘ZOOM MOD in Minecraft Fabric is Insane!’, was uploaded by AETOS ANAS on 2024-03-29 08:37:15. It has garnered 438 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. __AETOS ANAS__ DISCORD – https://discord.gg/Q5YahvHdSJ HOW TO DOWNLOAD FABRIC VERSION – https://youtu.be/xgmEX8uqxcg?si=AhfUbVk34g9ka5f1 Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft Fabric with this easy tutorial. Find out how to zoom in and enhance your gameplay experience! Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft with this easy tutorial. Zoom in like never before with… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182’s All The Small Things

    EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182's All The Small ThingsVideo Information This video, titled ‘All The Small Things – Blink-182 [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-30 20:00:21. It has garnered 210 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Lyrics: All the small mobs Can’t hit, I sob I try to crit But I, will miss Baby, chicken In the grass, is hidden Watching, waiting It’s aggravating This is too hard The chicken’s unscarred Using my sword Trimming my yard Na -na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na Google, wiki Somehow, save me Smaller… Read More

  • Fantasia SMP

    Welcome to Fantasia SMP! A vibrant Minecraft community where adventure awaits at every turn! Featured Plugins: GlobalWarming 🌍 Networks 🌐 Quaptics ⚙️ FNAmplifications 🔊 SfChunkInfo 🧊 and more… Explore a wide range of custom armors, tools, and vehicles crafted specifically for Fantasia SMP. Unleash your creativity and conquer the world in style with our unique arsenal of equipment! Website: https://epicversesmp.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/CCGF2shF98 Read More