Unbelievable! Creating a Desert Empire! #Minecraft

Video Information

I like an animal like an animal like an animal like an Animal Okay W Okay Okay Okay Like an Animal Bre Blood like an animal like an animal like an animal and I okay there we go hi hi it’s Wednesday and we’re back going to the desert cuz that sounds oh keys that cuz that that that’s what sounds good on a Wednesday just found my car keys in my pocket sorry hi hi everybody hi bad hi random known

User hi flower hey Primal sorry about your hardcore world that sounds absolutely terrible and I relate I’m sorry Hi Grizz hello hello hello the Earth turns and or’s Minecraft crashes to consistent things this this is all of the truths all of the truths all all of them

Compiled into to one sentence those are the two things that you can always be sure of some people you know some people say death taxes and other people say the Earth turning in orie’s Minecraft crashing you know they’re who can they’re maybe it’s all of them I

Don’t know yay desert because it was definitely us that chok listen listen listen Griz you can go back and look at the polls the desert most definitely won by viewers Choice silly silly Grizz oh my goodness I am not exhausted at all I don’t know why you would think such a

Thing the yawns mean absolutely nothing what poll okay maybe it wasn’t a pole but it was like a no there was a poll there was a poll that was like hey what world should I move into or what not world what uh what thingamabobber should I move into and the answer

Was oh jeez the answer the answer was that one desert so sleepy also not sure why I it’s in the air it’s in the air we were definitely not up late doing things hey Myck yay listening to me oh that’s I walk by these candles and you

Can’t see them because I have on like low particles or Graphics or something I think maybe if I turn I think I can turn them off with the resource pack hold on will this make it happen nope that didn’t do it it’s um qu uh particles Maybe

There we go it’s particles so I walk by this every time I go to leave my house and think that my house is on fire because I hear the the Flames oh jeez oh that scared me even though I know I’m in my house hi black belt what

If we do do now we’ll go ahead and do minimum let’s not get crazy and oh no there’s two vanilla tweaks oh no there’s only one we’re good you’re sore today oh no is this from the footballs did that make you sore hey black belt hello we need to name my

Fish of course I I I mean we’re not going to name tag him because what would be the point it’s not like you could like you could read them anyway wait maybe could you oh I don’t know but they need to have names we need to need to name them but yeah

So no my weight training class Poseidon fony Andor I forgot I Forgot I forgot I forgot that that was there it’s it’s fun it’s just a giant Bullseye because ory’s so good at oh jeez it’s it’s fine that’s great if she name tags them then we won’t be able to see the tags because of the glass okay that’s what I was thinking black belt

Okay good good good good good good good good Grizz Grizz decided that I was so terrible at mlgs that he put a giant [Laughter] Bullseye oh my goodness but look hey I added two more palm Trees look see there’s okay this palm tree is is like hold on hold whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay this palm tree needs some some Leaf trimming it’s it’s hanging a little low okay let’s see if that looks better that’s why does this side look not hold on and okay maybe that’s

Better oh we need one over here right uh okay that’s good is that the leaf placing sound yo hi chat that’s the that’s the leaf pling sound right one of these days I’m going to just as a joke maybe like on April fools or something I don’t know I’m

Going to recode all of the Minecraft sounds to ridiculous sounds that I make but yeah so we have some more we have some more palm trees what do you guys think a to get off the witch hat sorry my cat just stepped on the girl’s witch hat that’s on the

Floor thank you Dad but yeah so we have pump I got to I’m going to have to shrink the bamboo it’s a little it’s a little call tall tall and carried away I would pay for that resource pack your internet is being a toad well that’s better than a tur snail SL Turtle

I don’t know but yeah I don’t I don’t know I feel like now that there’s more the palm trees are okay I definitely did not complain about the palm trees yesterday I definitely did not do that wait what you lost all your Oreos you did lose all your

Oreos I’m not watching your video at 14 well that’s about what I look that’s what mine looks like that’s what it looks like for me anyway [Laughter] fad yeah Primal bad Primal all right so what we need what what I want to finish this we need to

Finish the the water down here it looks gross not the the water but the ground there’s a lot of fish down there there’s just there’s a lot of salmon in this one particular area still waiting on my stack of diamond blocks for my redeem see yo I went back and I

Looked at the stuff and you redeemed challenge mode and challenge mode literally is just that I walk around in third person so ow I don’t I don’t really know what that’s what what what diamond blocks you’re talking about hi art how are you welcome to the

Stream or Taran maybe I should say Taran and not art look at my cool sign that g put on my building because I said this is borgan and Burks because okay he said it was borgan and burgs because he said this was nocturn alley so now we

Have a borgan and b sign there we go yeah it’s a challenge for you to get well I I have the diamonds look there’s a stack of diamond blocks right there so I completed this challenge that you [Laughter] said oh I forgot that was there look it’s a

Cat that that doesn’t fit go away redom appearing hey flower bruh don’t bruh me can we have anything here that would look good we should have a majestic beardo just hanging out oh me obviously that’s what we need perfect whoop excuse me all right uh I need string Roblox

Waving do I have I do have oh I don’t know if that’s enough string hello there hello there hey Sean how are you I’m looking for string in all of these random chests oh nope no string here let’s go get string from out oh my that was strange now there’s two ob’s I’ve

See they’re just popping up everywhere did you notice that the breeze has many similarity to bra Blaze if the breeze is Just Wind Elemental version of Blaze I have heard that Alder also hi welcome to the Stream I am fantastic Sean absolutely fantastic I think 15 string is oh let’s get some scaffolding I am fantastic ow I have hiccups hiccup hiccup hiccup hiccups Okay we are making the bamboo less bambooyah break and replace then it’ll grow and it’ll look pretty I can’t wait for the autoc crafter so I can red stone what a cool world this is a really cool world Grizz oh jeez except for the random explosions Two pandas and a pig um one more seems sufficient and we put the string and then we clear this and then we break and replace yay I don’t know where it is now but it’s fine let’s go I won wait what you did win seeing people Win Slots is hilarious

It’s just I I just don’t ever expect anyone to win the slots oh so funny yay okay let’s go here this seems like a good height for bamboo and we break and we replace and then we gather all the loose ones all right maybe we should do some maybe I should do this

There actually you know what let’s put this one short oh no Perfect Look at that precision I am so close to 2,000 subscribers I have fun things that I want to do at 2,000 subscribers I’m 11 I’m 11 people away no no not not a face reveal at

2,000 it was a face reveal at 20,000 I mean come on there’s some people that aren’t doing it until a million so at least I’m doing it at 20 Chris is like close enough oh no there’s a squid carcass over here it’s okay I cleaned it

Up all right now this one let’s go but oh no I can’t climb up that oh no I can’t get up there we go let’s go here Boop and then boop boop Perfecto numbers are hard for me you’re silly oh my goodness black Bel I went cave diving way too early and got

Modificated in my hardcore world oh prival that’s so sad I’m sorry I know you’re telling black belt but I’m still saying that it’s sad um I’m a Potato I’m a Potato I feel like this area right here needs something and I don’t know what so you guys can give me some suggestions of

What could go here the random noises are on point this morning I have to keep myself awake somehow random noise as it is and that’s my oh I forgot no there’s only one left I Forgot or guess what today marks the one year since I first commented on your stream so it’s been a year since I found your channel what honor that that’s amazing how bananas is that thank you for sharing that information with me that’s awesome there we

Go let’s do this here that seems like a good height and then we do this and then we do this and then we do that there we go now I just need him to grow so we know what it actually looks like I can’t believe it’s been a year I no guys that

Is but that it was a very poetic version of Macho Man I don’t know why that’s stuck in my head and that’s the song that got sang the sound that got sang but that’s what it is that’s right you guys join about the same that’s so banana bananas I’m a

Potato I don’t know if I heard I’m a Potato I probably heard it and just it’s so engraved in me that it’s just part of my thingy there is a hardcore stream tomorrow and that’s right the hard I never perished on the hardcore world I just wanted to start doing some Nations

And Nobles and then we did we started the hardcore with that and so I was only doing one hardcore at a time potato I’m a Potato sound guys you guys know all about those sounds right oh gosh honestly I don’t remember when I started watching your streams I

Don’t oh it seems like it’s been year wait why is this I don’t like that why was that like that where’s the rest of it it’s okay we’re fine we need lights we need lights so you’re saying it’s dad’s fault hi Dalia how are you the Dalal I’m terrible yay you won black

Belt I still remember Raiders Dynasty Island Survival yep all the all the Old Worlds Raiders where I was a spaceship and you were you I made you a robot Alder do you remember that I what did I come down here for oh we have a lot of nope nope not

You no stop that stop it all right put the string back o I have an ink sack um what else what what do we want what do we want sorry I got to nap napping is good napping is good so you’re saying it’s dad’s fault it’s always thad’s fault I don’t know what

Um I don’t know I don’t remember what was thad’s fault but it’s that fault uh Island Survival was fun it was it was it was what am I doing oh to lights lights lights lights lights lights lights lights we have a lot of pink lights we’ll just use pink ones they’re going

To go under stuff anyway so it’s F oh no it’s dark and scary outside and Yo’s not sleeping not streaming hardcore was thad’s fault oh yeah 100% one 100% ow so I have a I have a pet mouse I don’t I don’t know if I’ve I’ve mentioned I’m pretty sure Mouse

Before but so I have a pet mouse her name is Eve like from olly and right now she’s running on her wheel and it’s very distracting cuz she’s a white mouse so her name is Eve Eva from [Laughter] w-e pop ory do you remember that you can’t sleep on Hardcore World black

Belt I will never forget that I can’t sleep I sometimes forget I can that I can sleep on this world when I’m streaming I should join this so I can sleep when you need someone to sleep no other reason that’s true that is true I miss you helping me you know by

Sleeping cuz it’s such an it’s such a rare occurrence that we’re allowed to sleep if I had to pick between a dog and you it’s going to be the dog every time oh nice fin thanks how are you getting so many why are you mean so many

Whats are you a miner because you mine I’m the best at mining sometimes I forget that I’m allowed to sleep in real life sad sames Sams I forgot this last night actually you need to pick the cat the cat the cat cats are the best buying a laptop as a Minecraft streamer what

Unexpected costs might I find trying to get set up the way you have yours like services and stuff okay the number one expense that I did not take into account when I started streaming and gaming on a laptop is the cooling pad thingies like the laptop stand that I set my laptop on

That has fans on it that blow upwards like to cool off my laptop I have gone through so many of those because I I just my computer eats them because it they just have to work so hard to keep my computer cool oh someone just got character development in minutes I don’t

Know what that means I need a new computer too one of these days I will get a new computer and then oh boy we’ll be streaming all of the things all of them all all the time you guys will be like oh my gosh ory could you please stop streaming I need to

Sleep or something I don’t I don’t know that sounded like a good thing at the moment to say um this this one okay we’re good there oh here no not that one this one there all right now we have some what are all these in one line okay no they’re Not nope I use all the free streamlab stuff I don’t pay for the stream any of the streamlabs these thingies I just need a new computer juice juice is back tell your friends oh jeez where is he that’s a squid Did The Squid shoot me I don’t know where this pesky yo

Is is he up there no oh there’s string there where did he shot me from I remember when my old phone gets so heated I have to use a we oh my gosh Alder my phone is I’m lucky enough lucky enough to not have a super old phone and

It still overheats like way too much oh it wasn’t yo it was Van hey Tonk how are you yevo I apologize for blaming you for shooting me with an arrow it was a 100% a van thing not you you took too long to notice my present fair

Fair not being personal but how much you earn from streaming just curious um it’s fine I haven’t earned anything yet [Laughter] so what are you holding in your hand frog lights they’re froggy frog lights I was putting them I was lighting up my watery ways meet you in the courtyard I’m in

The courtyard oh oh I’m I’m muted though now I’m not muted van yo hey van everybody Tell Van hi uh does this complete it yes should we go bother him yes let’s go bother [Laughter] [Applause] him looks like he’s AFK though that’s not important here you actually can have half of these

Back oh I did some more mining last night okie dokie because it’s fun Finn go be weird oh god well you guys will find out what’s going on in a moment love that of course you do Myrick uh oh we have we can take the the

The van express way oh no I don’t have a you have a boat yeah I always have a boat that’s right you always you’re very prepared you’re like a Boy Scout let’s go I’m going to do this in F5 silver snow Speedway for the wind silver snow Speedway like that alliteration or is

That alliteration silver snow I mean yes it sounds like alliteration to me He’s a sloth Scout that’s true oh it’s feels like we’re not moving but we are so fast you sound like you’re speaking through a fan for me oh no oh is it is it because you have think it might be because of the speed but I’m not entirely sure do you have the

Like there’s that better yeah yeah oh oops I think it was like the the server was like having a hard time keeping up where you were compared to me so oh oh yeah no that makes sense where is he AFK so if I were a yo where would I be

Somebody look prob iron farm there’s a beacon over there I’m a game developer would you like to explain what you like about m CFT yep hold on I can catch up uh where’s dynamap dynamap let’s go spy on him hopefully he hasn’t learned to hide himself yet he

Hasn’t he’s at the iron farm it is self yep knew it self so what do I like about Minecraft I like Minecraft because is Minecraft for views are fun probably both I mean if you have the views then that’s a good reason to stream it if you

Don’t then you know do something you enjoy I love streaming Minecraft because Minecraft just it is a game that I feel like almost anyone can enjoy cuz there’s something for everybody there’s if you like building if you like adventuring if you like fighting things then there are there’s the possibilities and the

Availabilities for all of those things if you like you know game developing then you can build mini games and make maps and stuff like that yes in redstone oh the flexibility is a good one too I mean I play lots of games but Minecraft is the one I stream

Because you can just hang out and where is Van van man I’m muted he can’t hear me anyway there you go there you are yeah I I forgot uh the Northeast South West so I I I was kind of going east and then West for a

Bit nice here you go I see we just box him [Laughter] in okay how many do do you have at the moment I gave you half okay so I got to split into 32 got it oh I’m out this is definitely not part of the plan

But well yo you wanted six stack of diamond blocks there’s your stack of diamond blocks so yester challenge complete yep yesterday yo challenged me to get a m saac of diamond blocks and while that actually isn’t a diamond block I mean that’s not actually a challenge Thingy me and Van figured why not so with the power of friendship like my little ponies and other things we he now has a stack of diamond blocks yeah like Midstream I basically like messaged Orie like you know he’s not actually expecting us to do it wouldn’t it be really funny if

We exactly exactly hi Razzy hi Panda but yeah so I think this counts as a win I can’t wait till he is no longer AFK and then and then he just I don’t know what what is he gonna put in the chat who knows he probably say something

Like about time or your deliver is late because it’s yo so hi a I’ll let you get back to what you were doing just had to do that real quick yep nope thanks van and I just realized we’re both going the same direction oh no it’s that

Awkward thing where you go the same direction I got cut in the thigh with a German long sword oh my gosh B that sounds terrifying how are you Razzy I am fantastic random World Generation ability to create your own story World creations all of those things are

Great not just any long sword but a German one oh yeah I know right that there’s Lo laa there it’s dark okay what did I miss I don’t know did I answer questions if I did oh wait no no no I saw Alder say something like you know oh or’s just

Being humble clear I was say a thanks Alder I mean it was it was but still I mean there are people who put in effort and hard work and still don’t have that capability or POS or you know ability to get things like new phones and stuff

Like that and I am aware of my privilege that I was able to there there’s the thingy my bobber I’m late to the stream what did I miss not too much Razzy uhoh I don’t have a boat or B can I catch a ride back with you sure I actually was just thinking

About that I should probably catch up I got here and I was like I don’t have a boat that’s right you were in a sword fight pan what oh my goodness hi pumpkin King that’s the kind of sound you listen to when you’re in a ice boat right sure let’s be fair I always listen to Indiana Jones music just you know everyday kind of thing I’m going to jump out ready oh you did it too where’s the boat wait the boat

Just that actually works M curved mine curved mine curved by fan I just did for I disconnect for a second what happened vroom vroom that’s not boat music Boats don’t save room though what is Yo talking about I’m a Potato I’m a Potato I’m a Potato sleep what is happening uhoh what’s uhoh that was weird oh he left yo broke the server everybody see that he broke it the server all right Mouse stop that I did too me as well speaking about old video game doky DOI literature Club has got to be one of

The saddest video game ending ever right below little nightmares too oh I know Yo’s always breaking Things it’s a creeper oh it’s more than one there we go doy doie literature Club all right let’s see our bamboo is growing do we like the height of the bamboo I mean it’s not actually the right height yet I need more dirt I

Think I want to get rid of all of the stone and clay and stuff we’re going to go get dirt wait I think I can use grass and it turn into Dirt oh look there’s regular dirt too Perfecto I still need to play little nightmares too it’s on my list it’s just something I think would be really good to stream and I cannot streaming Yet now this I don’t think you can have grass underwater so I think this is going to turn to dirt that’s that’s my idea anyway we’re going to stop though just in case it doesn’t I don’t have so much to replace is it turning to dirt yet I can’t Tell I thought about streaming fortnite but then people would see my horrible PVP seals but they love that people love it when you’re terrible at games right right I mean can excuse me um squid man I mean they watch me play Minecraft so they obviously don’t care about skill [Laughter] Level okay good it is it is it is indeed turning from dirt to sand I mean grass to dirt I’m going to have to go get more sea grass cuz oh I could just bone meal it such a silly goose I am there look it’s already looking more

Dirty I feel so humble towards people who work hard for their stuff because I never did for my stuff now I’m not Wy any but I still feel humble knowing I have stuff that some people don’t that is a great realization to Have well you’ve seen my fortnite it’s not exactly I mean you seen mine also bad you know that my fortn iting is also nothing exciting oops what did that why didn’t that do that we get the sunand get the sunand get the sun okay I’m going to break that there we

Go but for some reason it’s funny when I play look at that dirt I know right good job being dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt look at all the dirt man this is going to look so good and [Laughter] dirt who what was that there’s a noise Calvin thanks for

Subscribing welcome to the Orie world the or yo Nation what are you thinking in terms of PC stuff are you planning on upgrading soon is that more of a distant future thing um it’s more of a when I get M the monies I would like I would love

To um get it but there’s also lots of stuff that I need to you know spend money on besides a new pc the joys of having children I thought about slowly trying to put one together like building it wise but I’m good kind of a noob when it

Comes to those kinds of things I’ve talked to Yo about it a lot people who put effort to earn stuff they own is really inspiring to me for example those of those people as you or a thanks Alter oh I’m out of dirt again there we go um thanks thanks Fad oh there’s a I forgot there was a thingy down here we’re just I think I’m actually going to leave that I think it’s kind of neat having it there zombie villager groans where is a zombie v Viller I guess there is a cave down here some Somewhere there we go all right this whole section is now dirt it needs green makes sense I had to build my PC in two parts unfortunately the motherboard came in the second [Laughter] half maybe the brave great Brave handsome y was a good call well I don’t know since now he’s

Decided he is my mortal enemy he might not help me with PC Building oops I accidentally I dug up dirt all right let’s see let’s pick up this stuff uhoh um Okay Oh whoops that’s not what I meant oh wow were you using an old PSU or were you just not able to use it oh wait hold on what I messed up a lot um I just build mine at the beginning of the year and waited forever for my PSU it

Was annoying wait what’s a PSU processing special units potato streaming utilizer power supply [Laughter] oh well that’s a little bit more boring than I was expecting Look at all that dirt it’s so wonderful bu bu Bu how do people who have children 5 years old and living below them not constantly want to H I’m a Potato oh trust me that’s why I can only stream when my kids are at school or this week it’s gymnastics camp that’s why I can’t I can’t I can’t

Stream when my kids are home because they’re just so cute until they just wake me up in the middle of the night never stop talking then it’s a little different because I’m like child I haven’t slept in years please let me sleep the PSU is definitely the boring

Part but one of the most important to get right and basically the only thing you can properly future proof yeah no that makes absolutely perfect sense I am ridiculously en envious of the people who do not require caffeine to function I’m just I just wanted to throw that out there as I’m draining my third caffeinated beverage of of the day I’m jealous I just stumbled upon you and find you pretty entertaining like the singing and all a thanks

Multi-dimensions I appreciate you being here I’m glad that the singing is in tining not streaming is worth it if you can squeeze adorable babies I am I I have been told that sometimes I am entertaining oh no oh no I’m out of dirt oh no I’ve resorted to

Grass because I’m too lazy to go back to my base and get more dirt but I don’t actually want to use the dirt because I need the dirt to make coarse dirt I can’t make coarse dirt with grass so it’s probably it’s a good thing uh-oh it’s a good thing I’m using

Dirt is what I’m going to say excuse me there squid Py how are you p no wonder why your friend is caffeinated owl I know right we get along great because of the caffeination Requirements dang I was running on low power for a while had to use some old Ram to get it working but it did it Welcome to our stream mul Dimension a year from now you’re going to have many memories in her stream just like me it’s the best kind of self-centered

Alder all right let’s oh no what have I done oh I’m I ran out been doing less shooter content more Pokémon Pokemon and it’s been blowing up used to open Pokemon cards packs on stream that’s awesome pogy I maybe might just I’m I’m I might have a a cobble Monon

World which is like where Pokemon it’s it’s a it’s a Pokemon Minecraft world it’s I I also like Pokemon that was my whole point of this I like Pokemon also so I understand o that was hiding that little sand block unrelated to the stream please can you name two countries for an edit

Like New Zealand and Norway my old computer was having issues so I decided to build a new one good lessons for the kids I was pulling old stuff from the old computer and the motherboard literally fell apart oh my gosh oh I want a good Cobble Monon server I

Couldn’t find one so I ended up just I I mean it’s just a solo world that I am on currently but yeah it’s it’s a whole thing I’m I’m I’m going to I’m I’m making my I’m being a gym leader is what it is so I have to build a gym and stuff

And like train up my my Pokemons I don’t it I think it’s fun I’m excited to finish working on it and get it out and edited and all that good stuff our birthdays are one day A Part Alder it’s why we’re so awesome give me all my sand back yeah I

Just pulled the second rarest card in the palet of set a special illustration Magikarp nice very nice pug That’s so exciting yeah finding a Colin one server is kind of hard I found one that had voice chat but the staff were unal yeah I get really nervous I don’t I’m okay

Actually it’s not even I get really nervous I just don’t join servers with people I don’t know it’s not that I get nervous nous I just don’t do it then I don’t then I don’t get nervous all right just for the record I’m not going to dirt this entire River

We’re just going to go a little bit farther just you oops to the stuff that we’ve done stuff W whoops oh or until we run out of grass SL dirt obviously give me give me give me give me why does it feel like there are more salmon now that I’ve dirted this

Area do you know how long it took her to talk to me on the igniter server it’s true it it it is it is true Oh no Sandstone oh wait is this oh this is what I Bo boxed up I don’t like talking to strangers I’m sorry I think I missed one yep there we go and that one oh get this okay let’s see what we got here almost 20 likes already sweet and

You know get much Stranger Than Me this claim is come to be negative wa one thing I’m so curious about is why many US states names sound so fancy um if I’m not mistaken they most of the US states got their names from like the colonies and so like the

People who founded them or discovered them Europe be americ you know American wise like I know Georgia which is my state was came from like George Washington I might be 100% wrong all of a sudden I’m doubting that with all with everything that I am someone smarter than me and better at

History will uh get help about [Laughter] geography oh nice neighbors that’s awesome um I think I’m G to get rid of that oh let’s put these in here okay I would like all of this the the the the clay balls Ace Ace how are you I feel like it’s been

Years there are a ton of Native American name type places too that’s very true like if I didn’t know any better I think the state’s full of rich people with big houses no do you do you just out of curiosity Alder do you have an example of one in particular that you’re thinking

Of whoops oh wait why didn’t that work there we Go um hi renol I probably butchered your name I apologize welcome to the stream Georgia has got top five fanciest names ever I can promise you that Georgia is not full of rich people in giant houses oh it’s dark see if only there was someone on the server that would sleep Bad sorry I haven’t answered your questions yet oh no no you’re fine you did you 100% did Alder no worries how are you Ace Dang it I’m singing it again oh I don’t know what just happened Thank you I know it just feel like a long time since we were hanging out on Nine Lives I’ve been busy with life and Rocket Craft season 3 that’s right it did start I’ve been seeing random people’s episodes that’s awesome it looks like you guys are having lots of fun I’m

Drowning I’ll take this Granite Calvin is a fun Minecraft Youtuber nice Calvin who just subscribed is that is that who you’re talking about moss did you s did you did you send someone here just G to get rid of all the granite mainly because I like granite

And I would be okay with having it to use later give me gr it there we go California Georgia Carolina these just sound fancy to me okay so California yeah that’s like Hollywood and stuff I get that one he’s been making spooky Minecraft videos and I see some people making

Their their own very similar that’s why I mentioned it oh nice I’ll have to check them out that’s cool whoops oh oop oop I didn’t mean to do that there we go I think oh um no no I still got to get some time to switch the last two episodes of the

Perge Min series and then the nine live stuff and some rocket craft stuff too awesome Ace that sounds fantastic Carolina derived from the Latin word for Charles was named by King Charles II of England to honor his father King Charles the first yes I knew I knew somebody would know

More than me thank you PUK but yeah that’s probably why they sound fancy cuz they’re named after royalty like hundreds of years [Laughter] ago like pug am I right on Georgia I feel like I should 100% know that but I history is just not a strong suit for

Me but was it named for King George King George or George Washington one or the other I don’t remember see I said George Washington but that was silly because it was 100% King George and no one corrected me you guys are very kind you just were going to let me wallow in my

[Laughter] silliness the name California derives from a 16th century romance novel written by a Spanish author named Garcia I’m going to butcher that ordz dealo it was titled lo I ran a room for nice do you wish we were still paying taxes to England and didn’t have any representation no taxation without

Representation that’s all I remember let me get to Georgia okay okay okay sorry PUK sorry sorry the name Alaska comes from the language of the areas indigenous people and is derived from the you upic work ales alesca meaning great land or that which the sea breaks against ooh that’s cool I’m learning so

Much just please forgive me for butchering anything I butcher names it’s not on purpose I promise and languages I mean come on I butcher English so you have to expect me to butcher other languages also W jeez underwater creepers thanks black belts on the other hand Texas I’m not

Sure that’s say or not sounds tough and strong well that would be Texas Texas would be tough and strong compared to the other ones named by for King George yes the second one I I was right The Colony bore this name in the charter grand Ed by the king to General James oglethorp

Yay I know right did you know the sun revolves around our planet and that’s how that’s not true Grizz you stop that that’s science I know that stuff science I’m good with it’s the uh the History part that’s not my strong suit we are out of dirt and I think that

Is a great place to stop dirting now let’s go get some other stuffs you said you picked correctly sweet that’s probably the only thing I’ve said correctly this entire Stream all right I want o gravel I’ll take you and coar dirt and and dust KN dust KN nope oh I can put sand here and these other thingies no no you stay with me rooted dirt I don’t think I want rooted dirt though course dir

Sweet it did it did Black Belt thank you for the creeper all info brought to you by nice a giant elephant who’s standing on the back of a giant turtle there you go fun fact in my country there’s a town named buurt but we Malaysian I think it’s too

Much of a mouthful so he pronounce it bfort nice I don’t don’t to fall thege oh my gosh can’t believe my Pokemon shorts granted me 60 new Subs in the last 20 years that’s awesome hope you have a great stream I’m going to hop off and get ready for adult

Oh Ace you and your adulting just kidding have a great day Ace thanks for stopping in and saying hi I need um what’s that the the bone the bone mey stuff that’s what I need I’m going to need to go get some what’s it called if I don’t have

Any kelp is it kelp kelp kelp kelp kelp I’ve SE grass I will take some of this glow lkan um I don’t think I have any kelp I do not have Kelp sorry I couldn’t hang out with [Laughter] a bye Ace Nine Lives was interesting for sure it was a lot of fun sometimes most of the time it was a lot of fun come on it’s almost time let’s eat I’m a Potato I’m a Potato delicious caffeine actually technically I’m not drinking caffeine

Right now I’m just drinking something with a lot of B2 or something one of those vitamins that is supposed to give you energy you know you know one of those I feel like I need to get rid of some of the grass I feel like the grass

Would not go all the way up to the to th this to the water so we’re going to add some some dirt Yo’s on right now super lame with his girlfriend oh gosh fun fact in Malaysia we have this belief called I longer believe in it it’s a

Believe if you desire food but you don’t get it you’ll experience Misfortune oh oh snap oh 100% I do the same thing pug any chance I get that’s why we’re mortal enemies there I think that looks a little better a little less green against the water there we go TI hisy

There saying you do when you meet Y St let tell me the guy okay okay the only way to break the curse is by either eating the food or to say see ipun preferbly by touching the food or the container at least interesting if I don’t get the food I

Want people around me experience Misfortune it’s G angry that oh goodness gracious it’s probably pretty similar when I don’t get the food I want Whoops I’m always Desiring pizza and chicken [Laughter] wings Oh I could always have pizza this is this is a fact this is a cold hard truth or fact I will almost never say no to Pizza oh no I’m falling I’m falling again I’m so glad I saw you streaming a thanks P I’m glad you saw me streaming

As well decided to come hang out I appreciate seeing you either here or in a yo stream or Something I like that yeah that’s good do you have your own Discord I do it is a nice peaceful quiet place but it’s mine my own my precious It is believed that if you got the curse bad things of tripping and falling and getting stung by venomous

Insects oh my goodness that is one heck of a curse all right um thanks P hi unknown gamer how are you welcome welcome golum golum let’s throw some of these down here too much SE grass whoa whoa whoa calm down sea grass is so peculiar

Like you have to be careful or just whoa calm down Duck just I’m extra scared of bees when it’s because people told you that bees are harmless and You’ be like I thought tasty food and desire the bees will come bite me oh my gosh that is very interesting thank you for sharing this Alder I don’t know

How I don’t know how to make this more green but like not too green cuz it is a desert whoa that’s too Much there I think I need some lily pads I’m allergic to be so I stay away from the butt Stingers the Poke balloons As if the bees somehow had telepathy this kid wants ice cream but he doesn’t have it so let’s bite him exactly the bees are in on it and you you know It I’m in time to take over with memes oh God nice can’t wait stop Bouncing oh probably that person what what is happening right now what are you goobers doing oh no I got rid of seagrass the garbage truck is outside doing garbage trucky things I think that that is going to work out swimmingly do I have lily pads

Connor hi Connor how are you I am super fantastically fantastic Obviously good job doing your homeworks bad job doing them during my stream I’m just kidding it’s totally fine dang it I don’t have lily pads dang it I needs I needs the lily pads uh by the way the fact that little

Kids can have headaches is so cruel and unfair oh it is it is in it’s not cool it’s not it’s not it’s not a good thing it’s not nice amazing but I can’t be here long well obviously you’re not that amazing Connor if you know that you can’t be

Here long it’s obviously going to darken your day just kidding I hope your day is absolutely fantastic even if you’re not here going to spawn to go find a swamp because I need lily pads and this is something that I have to do right Now okay okay I’ll allow it then um where is uhoh I forgot where this swamp was it is this direction I’m looking on Dynamite right now if you guys are interested I can show you a link hold your hold on hold let me let me do that really

Quick oh it’s going to be weird for a second don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t okay there we go here is the dynamap and I think I can oh no that’s the wrong button I can’t do it it won’t allow it pin message there we

Go now it’s pinned I’m going to a swamp where is a swamp swamp swamp swamp swamp swamp oh there was a swamp down there by me I didn’t know that so I’m going here I’m going to 117 okayga 117 oh good it’s night time luckily I haven’t left yet

Ow one of the characters I want to hug the most player okay1 negative that way this is the correct way I need to go more this way I need a portal to the swamp that would be a good thing to have I go to the swamp a lot I mean I guess I

Don’t go as much as I used to because I used to go for slimes but now we have the super obnoxiously pink slime farm so I don’t actually actually have to go to the swamp that often but I am about to steal them you could it’s pretty fantastic I love

It then I’m about to go pillage all of the lily pads from the swamp now uh oh I forgot the cords I was going to uh how do you feel knowing you live in one of the most fanciest sounding States ever I think it is ironically H

Oh no I’ve gone I’ve done something terribly wrong where’s the Swamp is that it right there I have to play vanaheim again ah oh I can click I can I can look on it here I should be close oh I’ve flown over it whoopsie I need to go East thank you what is

Valheim I said vanaheim what’s valheim there’s the swamp look at all those beautiful lily pads that we’re about to pillage thank you thank you thank you what is that oh pause we’re going to go invade it we’re going to go pillage that too it’s survival Builder crafting Viking game oh that sounds

Awesome with a good co-op sweet I’m I’m going to have to look into this game I have never heard of it or maybe I have and I just didn’t realize that oh this is my swamp indeed whoops I forgot the cords to my own swamp honestly that’s that’s not that far

Unbelievable I forget the chords of everything right That yes yes she does so on one of um on an SMP that I was on I don’t it might have been ccraft I’m pretty I’m 90% sure it was ccraft I opened a shop that sold lily pads well you can’t Farm lily pads you

Can well mean you can get them with a fish farm I guess but that’s not an autom IC Farm the only way to get them in Supply like bulk supply is to go pillage them from a swamp and so I went to someone’s base and stole all of their

Lily pads and then sold them in my shop but like I mean all of them they lived in a swamp and I took every last Lily Pad like the most like like like like a shulker of lily pads there were no lily pads like left I mean granted no one bought lily

Pads that wasn’t the point the point was just to take all of their lily pads because I’m evil but it’s okay they don’t it’s a one-time Source luckily this isn’t anyone’s this isn’t anyone’s thingy that’s I built that oh look there’s a guy there let’s go talk to that

Guy no one no one lives here look it’s cursed Vines so you feel it’s ironic um yes because I don’t feel like it’s fancy but I completely understand what you’re saying a diamond deep slate ore that would have be cool I don’t have any diamond deep slate or I don’t have any

Emeralds so I don’t know why I’m looking but it’s cool cool thanks guy I have I’m let’s get a two even Stacks bye Panda man if I had a boat that would wait do boats bre break lily pads I feel like they used to I don’t know if they

Still do I feel like they don’t still or maybe it was a Bedrock thing Java boats don’t break lily pads probably because they’re so slow Java boats are very slow they do break lily pads let’s go get a boat Fly Away uh this looks like a great

Tree we don’t want it to grow back look at all these cursed Vines that’s fun um we’re g to zoom around in a boat whoops I don’t know I did thato four leg wooden tower has got got I want or signature building it’s my it’s my spa my my spawn

Farm I mean my slime farm I I didn’t I didn’t have a spawn chunk so I just made a tower so that I could stay up there when on a full moon and shoot all the and wait for slimes to spawn so peaceful just running over lily pads I missed one

Boop I feel like there’s some just floating somewhere besides this one oh there they are I knew I left some floating would this be easier in third person wrong way boom boom yeah you can see how bad I am at driving oh well that’s all of them that was my two

Stacks I’m going to leave my boat over here in case I need to you know get whoa that’s close to my face cuz I need to come back all right um I have retos we need to go this way going home oh I forgot I was going to go do do

That thing of a bobber but since I know where I am now and I actually am up my swamp I’m sure I’ve already done it let’s go this way obligatory JJJ comment do you understand how Gojo’s power works I I don’t know probably not not really I am nervous about

The upcoming weeks when it comes to jjk that seemed like such a shorter time to get here than it did to get there you combine two primary colors to make a third even know how power that tertiary color oh yeah red red and blue to purple is thatan that’s that’s actually kind of

Funny that’s pretty funny I’m sorry s i was rubbing your Back sleep I’m color blind oh no oh oh they’re both afking silly gooses the path of six eyes doesn’t have that that’s true he doesn’t have that issue oh twice Gojo you’re not wrong oh I didn’t make that one you know I was going to like the information that is Gojo sorry I

Just that just D that just popped in my head my small distance infinitely making that short distance X like it was infinite like how there’s infinite F fractions between one and zero oh Kido yeah trying to oxidize copper not much I can do okay that’s fair van that’s that’s fair I

Need more of those those thingies the drip leaves I want more of those how many is too many I think I think this is too many I just I’m rethink I’m I’m I I don’t like where I put these we’re getting rid of all of

Them I was going to put boats here I can’t put boats here if there’s lily pads there we go okay the little grow alres over here can have lily pads and like this little area can have some lily Pads but the main Waterway cannot have lily pads that’s the way it’s working I feel like that makes sense right blue adds a negative number to distance reducing those distances causing things to be pulled in red adds a positive number to space adding distance causing pushing effect Hamilton R yep Hamilton armor is

Coming how exciting okay that makes me that that this uh lily pad placement feel feels better look at those guys gross what bullies so exactly what I said there you go exactly I see no difference not me not You oh no they’re Coming oh my wall doesn’t work I mean it works my tower doesn’t work I can’t see the bad guys oh gosh oh no welcome back now I don’t want you shoot no why are you so much faster than him shoot shoot ow shoot shoot him shoot him

Why is that oh he’s shooting the wrong guy oh he shot now he’s going to run ahead of him no dang it perfect come on shoot your friend shoot him oh he got ahead of him oh wait no that was right dang it how is that guy still

Alive if AA were to teleport himself to J would curse energy work on him not on his sword yay Black Clover he cancel out cursed energy just like he would other magic not sure I’m familiar to Black Clover I guess we could apply verse Equalization dang it why is it stuck in my my head AA is Fantastic okay I need more green on the bottom when Yami was like I need you oh yummy Team all right let’s throw this stuff in here I need ideas what there’s that area ow that hurt that was a pain oh right I need more small drip leaves that’s what I wanted

That’s right that’s right o sorry hi I’m San cat well hi welcome welcome to the stream apparently AA trained so much that he got superhuman strength and speed even before he got anti-magic 100% that’s why AA is amazing he’s well I was going to say he’s like

Yugi he was just super strong but that Yi Yugi still had help power stuff the phone though what Welcome um what am I doing that’s what I want and then you go here I want some more sea pickles let’s go get sea pickles sorry I mean the phone doesn’t work so my brother will buy oh okay my gu with eight Gates opened in

Naruto oh see I can’t help with Naruto I I haven’t watched I’m not familiar with Naruto yet no Jiu-Jitsu just pure hard work I’m I’m lacking I don’t have Naruto knowledge Naruto All right oh go down is that a dragon fruit in your inventory it kind of does look like a it yeah oh actually I yeah it’s uh it’s supposed to be a prickly peir cuz I live in the desert but it 100% looks like a dragon boot I’m excited it’s shoya incident

Because they’re going to see meab be’s trump card oh meab bee yeah I I only I’m only I’ve only I’m watching the sub I mean not the sub I’m watching the dub the jjk dub but I know I know terrible things are happening I like to see you suffer oh no hey painting

Thing oh no I’m not manga but I I know a lot anyway cuz spoilers are a thing anyway um all right what we doing Myrick I did see the mob boat I’m excited I am excited for those the ground the floors the ground oh my gosh oh hey there’s a thing here okay so I can’t be on the ground but I can I want this and I want this oh no not that I want

This where is this guy oh there he is there we go okay I’m not touching the ground I’ll stick to jobless reincarnation that one’s good too how about that new episode of or the new the new chapter of my hero Academia that that one that one that’s a that’s a

Thing not that one that’s terrible go away doing this without touching the ground is a little bit harder than I expected I finally started Shield hero oh that’s on my list Shield hero is on my list I haven’t done it yet I just started fire force actually Yeah no it’s just I didn’t realize that uh fire force was not I I can’t watch that one with my [Laughter] kids so far I’m halfway through second part nice is this did I already get them all I can’t let me in oh oh no no I can’t touch the

Ground is that wheat no it’s a hoe go away oh I need air I need air fire force is O fire force opening is so good is that one that’s connected to Soul Eater um I know that they’re made by the same person so I’m thinking it might

Be I’m one of the somebody I follow okay so it is connected I knew they were made by the same person didn’t no whoopsie stop that I didn’t know if they were connected oh there’s another one here I didn’t even see This one day I saw in my dream 2 biomes the sunrise forest and the night sky Forest oh that sounds like it could be really good I’m addicted to call me our fanmade Dragon Ball Z I’m not even into the real oh I just finished Tokyo Ghoul that was a

Ride that was I was not prepared for those emotions I did not like that I was I I was I was cheering for certain people there’s so many of these right here how did I not know this oh that’s not anything I hear a baddie where is

He oh he might be in that House I watched the first season Tokyo Gold but after that I just kind of St yeah I heard I have definitely seen that the first season is the only good one it was all right it was definitely different I required help I’m not going

To lie like I had to look up a lot of stuff it skipped some a bunch of stuff I need blue lava now the kinchen reboot has been really good oh birthday party I want to have a Creeper cake oh that sounds so good I like that a Creeper cake um oh I’m

Drowning of try gun oh went on vacation months ago I found a rose bushes and it reminded of you a that’s awesome aler thanks is there a guy in here I can’t touch the ground oh that was a thing whoopsie ooh I want that Yes what’s that what’s that it’s a stinky hoe no don’t go there I can’t touch the ground stop it it’s trying to get trick me okay let’s go but where’s up there’s up up go to the Savannah please oh the new the new mob’s not in it

Yet and this server is not updated it’s on 1 point 20.1 so all right I think the bad gu is in Here yep there’s the bad guy he got sted how sad o I see something it’s weat go Away coal gross honestly any rose pink red color reminds that’s awesome I’ll take it who don’t go down or I have found out this week I only need 5,200 that’s awesome painting thing that’s that’s that’s that’s a a lot that’s a lot better I mean it’s

Still a lot but that does sound a lot better than 8,000 I have not seen an armadilla yet hi Sean besides what they’ve show what they’ve shown us I’m underwater and I still react to the thingy a Bobbers all right so is there nothing here I can’t

See oh there’s one there can we swim down I still need the other 2,800 just neck oh oh okay well that’s better I think oh there’s another guy in here hi come here thank you all right oops s daisies you turned around underwater that’s epic he turned around underwater

I I might have oh jeez I might have done that chaga don’t yell at me my younger sister was helping ID she didn’t know they’re evil that’s awesome mid 2024 okay show me your Minecraft skin my Minecraft skin pink hair and space buns blue eye green eye and right now

I’m doing some pig overalls where have you been it’s an emerald please yeah I thought I saw another one just then but I don’t see it now I think I’m going to head back where’s my it’s 300 3,000 so this away oh jeez water [Laughter] Warden oh hi

Guy go away stop it puffer fish I want some more thing ofab Bobbers these Things did I pick them up I guess I Did quick very unrelated question how long does it take to get 1600 ancient debris H you know just a just a little bit of time I still haven’t made my outline for my talk I’m supposed to do for work in 25 oh my gosh dad that’s why I’m a better boss I don’t

Require outlines and things like that can we fly please thank you improv I am dying Minecraft Mobs but they are human and they are girls cool that sounds fun I land oops AR Hamilton is fantastic pink hair pink nails blue eye green eye yellow shoes and yellow suspenders I said I don’t have yellow suspenders on right now okay I’m going to listen and M diamonds Okie doie painting thing thanks for hanging out and Listening oh I should I need to do something with this area back here it’s kind of not amazing okay we have sea pickles let’s throw some sea pickles around light this baby up make it all pretty sea pickles make everything better except for okay I thought that

Guy was about to perish and by that guy I mean that squid what’s a suspender um a suspender is it’s uh it’s a thing I’m a Potato I’m a Potato it’s the thing that my my person wears they hold up your pants apparently that’s what they’re for instead of a

Belt One does not simply walk in what happened there what One does not simply walk into Mor what is happen happening that was weird now will it work there we go how Strange they’re elastic bands attached to the pants that go over your shoulders to hold your thank you there we go they attach at the back and then they go over your shoulders and attach again at the front and they are an alternative to pants there’s more of those

Guys what’s their dealio why are they here they need to book it they’re not welcome in my desert village um okay I need leaves I’m so silly leaves I need leaves whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what are you doing what are you doing you don’t belong

Here what the heck is happening why are my camels escaping it’s dangerous out here there’s Cactus and stuff that could you know hurt them that’s why they’re in their special little jousting Sanctuary oh camel camel camel come here come on did you see the raid I didn’t know if

I oh and you’re all good come on come on camel how did you get out come on come on I don’t know how he got out I tried forever to get a camel out of here the other day and couldn’t I should name my camels

We need to come up with names for these guys hey it’s me Among Us hey Among Us welcome it’s good to see you I forgot what I was oh leaves that’s what I was doing there’s Hamilton Hamilton come get your face out of the wall goober Hamilton Hamilton there we go

Oh he wanted to get on his bed you want you can sit on your bed come here or maybe he just really likes fish oops what are you doing you crazy Pig Hamilton do you want to sit here oh gosh I can’t oh Crazy Pig

Hello pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig come here tater tot what is with this pig scooch over all right come here that’s a window get away from the window I don’t know what that one is what it’s supposed to to do Among

Us I remember watching something on T female car kiss a dead flower plant and it reblooms an original avatars look so much like a flower that I imagine she could do the same nice that would be pretty awesome all right can you come over here Hamilton can I pull you with the lead

There we go sit there we go now sit on the pig bed in the pig bed there you go look now you have a comfy bed to sit on you’re not sitting on the floor you’re welcome b g to post a short like 10 minutes of lurky Okie

Doie oh yes welcome to the ory stream where pigs sit and they’re the best pigs are friends not food um nope nope nope this one oh yeah we got new ones we got some more shelters and some more snorts that’s the we’re going to have to

Have like a bajillion of those I wish there was a camel one there’s a wolf one and a creeper but there’s not a camel one my favorite color ooh scian is a good color I like pink obviously all the different shades I’m looking for leaves that’s what I’m

Doing let’s get some of these just cuz and mang Grow yeah we’ll mix some of those in all right she just goes to like a dead sunflower cuz then it blooms back to life that’s adorable you have neat storage thanks Moss I think our little thing ofab bobber right here is starting to look pretty all right if I do say so

Myself so let’s put some leaves different places I’m a Potato actually that’s fine just have some leaves I’m a Potato Whoops I didn’t mean to put that there that wasn’t what I meant can I there we go Perfect oh I’m a Potato thanks V I feel like drawing one of those would be pretty awesome I feel like you are correct Alder that sounds like it would be pretty awesome all right so let’s go this way now um I like that And we do some leaves over Here I’m a Potato oh it’s night time I’m still a potato it’s just night time also oh right I want more thingies I feel like that added some green I still want to put some I want to build something here what should I build here like a little tent Maybe I like this maybe I should put some I think a little bit of stone would be okay like some oi ouchies some rocks the aelia leaves do look like underwater pond plants good I’m glad that worked having superpower so so fast that would be cool my superpower that I would always want

Is um telekinesis that is always the super power that I would choose or can I challenge you please what do you want to challenge me to uh put a space between Gamble and 50 please make a tour oh you want to tour of the village okay so this is my market Village so we have my little cave entrance where my portal is and then you get the village and there’s a big wall around it and there’s a walkway and you

Come in and there’s some little stands which I haven’t done anything with this cart that is empty but that’s where I’m going to be selling things and then we have the well which is also the beacon and then there’s piles of stuffs everywhere there’s another stall there

All these shops that my friends have claimed so they can put their stuff in here to sell because on This Server we each um are in control of a set of resources specific to the biome that we have chosen I or that it’s been chosen

For us in my case I’m the desert so I am in control of the desert Nation and so I’m in control of sand Cactus llamas bunny hides things like that things you find in the cactus plus slime and gunpowder and then like for example example silver is in charge of the Badlands and so he’s terra cotta things like that and yeah so he’ll sell the things

In here that’s just my storage room um up here there’s more shops this shop hasn’t been claimed it’s just like an open air one that’s my Watchtower excuse me this one hasn’t been claimed this one is Vans it’s super cute he’s doing some fancy Redstone that one’s imp

There we won’t talk about that that’s Obie he does jungle stuff um there is oh and Van does the ocean stuff all the ocean stuff is all van there’s a little Hut I haven’t done anything with that that’s Obie shop he does all the books and jungle stuff this is beardos he

Does um dark oak And uh frog lights this is Grizzard and he does all the tiger stuff uh and that Shop’s not claimed and then we have my cute little chicken hut over here for a second I thought there was an egg floating and I was very confused okay let me catch ja up um have

You seen my two comments above yes and I said that it sounded adorable do you think wolf armor can be trimmed I do I don’t know I I I don’t even know what the wolf armor is going to look like I hope that it can be and I

Hope it looks like stuff some things um like it looks like regular armor but then I’ve seen things where it literally looks like an armadilla shell and I really doubt that it will be trimmed if it looks like an armadilla shell Claus’s superpower from Umbrella Academy would

Be horrible oh my gosh I would not be a fan of that power at all I love clouse but I wouldn’t want his power it’s no wonder he’s as Ecentric as he is um I’m back and pig is definitely food no pig is not food piggest friend with

Copper and gold both being in the game rose gold is a possible alloy oh my gosh I would love rose gold oh geez uh fancy a AK I made an iron door needlessly complicated and barely made it work B it works okay you it works I want to challenge you to not get

Hit by a single Monster or anything uh yeah I can do that base bacon and pork chops and pork grinds no well I mean you can have uh turkey bacon pork Chops and while I do live in Georgia I’m not a pork finded person I remember inhaling them when I was younger but we don’t talk about that um let’s put leaves doop doop I have a gold nugget where did I get the gold nugget oh from the thing ofab

Bobber yeah we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good all right what else we said a well maybe is there an LA oh yes yes there is an LA um beardo has an LA to work his shop for him in here there’s an LA in here

So oh there he is it’s so jeez beardo Bert who was that it was Sean yep and then Obie has two OTS Oscar and Oswald and then I have a parrot which is also a vulture I did I did I said that sounded really cute Alder no lion onesie today

Nope just back to my pig overalls oh I was going back over here all right what what what what what else what else what else what else um I don’t know what else to do with this oh I was going to I said I could do some stones and do

Little Rock piles underneath the water that’s all I know to do I don’t know what else to do with this thing do I have stone okay wh That’s the door stop that this is the door Obie has an adorable personality it is a known fact that Obie has an adorable personality it’s

True let’s see if I can whoa that was creepy see if I can make this work if we do something like oh no no no not you I didn’t like that like this Maybe just a little underwater rock pile that could work right that’s okay and we do I think those are okay just add a little color I’m a Potato I’m sharing the stream like crazy to try to get those few Subs oh my gosh my your bananas oh I appreciate you so much thank

You oh that’s so funny oh my God apparently I’m two away okay okay I don’t even know what to do with this Information okay let’s get some more Stone slaps jeez Louise all right whoa whoa whoa that’s not the Door all right let’s see so we like the Rocks we think the rocks are okay I think I like them let’s hear it let’s hear it among us um we’ll do a uh here here looks good oh jeez underwater uh whatever they’re called underwater creeper apparently is that okay do we like

That what about if I put one there o maybe not there that’s a big rock the rocks are great I need constant gratification or constant not gratification constant appreciation no what’s the word what’s the word I’m looking for I can’t think of the word constant something can you just download crafting

And building it’s a cool game I’ve never heard of that game I’ll look into it there are awesome worlds pets find sky Sky Block void land way to under I all these are fun okay cool that was the joke appreciation that is the word no you’re totally fine you’re you’re I’m happy to

Have you in this channel in this live thing thank you it’s my first time you’re good copper is nothing at all it is about to be pretty awesome I need to sleep I’m so excited about all the new copper blocks that they showed on Minecraft live especially like the copper

Grading oh that one looks fun I’m going to have to figure out a reason to build with everything Copper all right do you like how I got rid of everything and turned it to dirt and then added rock and stone it’s pretty awesome that’s true I me I need constant appreciation that does so crafting and building is only on phones it’s free okay awesome when will you be streaming Lord

Thaddius will be streaming a Thursday evening for us at 8 Eastern Standard Time 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time which is 12 hours is from when I will be streaming not actually 12 hours it’ll be less than 12 hours because I’ll stream tomorrow morning at 9:30 p a.m. sorry

9:30 a.m. and Thad will stream at 8 p.m. I love chat I feel like I’m talking with you that’s awesome good that is what I like to hear I’m excited for the tough breaks oh my my gosh me too Moss I love tough and I’m so excited that it’s getting extra

Love Is it bad that as soon as Orie said rock and stone I immediately thought of Deep Rock [Laughter] Galactic oh man ah yes crafting and building the game I play before getting real Minecraft oh so it’s like Minecraft fun yes Dad you will be you don’t have a choice in the matter

You’re going to have to string something chill that’s correct okay we have 12 minutes before it will be time to gather the necessary nourishment requirements for me you love Birch and Cherrywood oh yeah I definitely have been using a lot of birch with this all this all this Birch down here

All right all right all right all right um let’s build some I’ll try to be in the next stream it’s just 9 is at night my bedtime but it’s day right now yep no I understand I understand watching the crafting and building players to see the real fun okay yeah yeah yeah I

Will um I’ll see I’ll watch some some stuffs on it um oh I have a lot of decorated pots oh we could put some of these around it will be awesome when we can like get these back like get the clay back back cuz right now you know you I’m a

Potato I’m a Potato just put it right there I don’t like that ow that hurt that hurt Charlie the thing that makes me angry is some people saying Birch is ugly and Anda is cool I think that there is a great use for all of the different I’m a Potato

Woods I don’t like that I actually liked it better than it was it was put it over here I’m a Potato there now we’ve added some clay pots charlie bit me should I save my points or spend them save them black belt save them for tomorrow

All okay yes van all of the different logs that are not stripped thead door looks like a present spell doorf oh Jeez Acacia looks really awesome steampunk wise I think I am a potato I’m a Potato what am I doing I don’t know I like all of the woods except for one stripped variety oh all right I was gonna do so I forgot what I was doing I do not like stripped jungle logs at all at all they’re the worst don’t ever suggest such terrible things to

Me we’ll take this and I want this And I need some boats let’s do some jungle boats let’s surprise people and an oak boat that works two different boat no we should do the same color boat they should be the same boats where did those jungle logs go there they are I made too many

Boats I wish I had Cherrywood in my building game but I don’t a make sure that stop that no you nobody nobody stri jungle dogs ever it’s the worst it’s the worst Block in the whole game all right we’re going to do let’s see if I can make this work boop boop

Boop boop it’s not working there we go that didn’t work maybe that isn’t maybe that didn’t work like I wanted it to um do this wayo do do you have made your grand return did you get your homeworks all done and we do can we put this here we can it’s

Amazing I do not know if this will work though it worked it worked it worked it worked uh-oh there we go and uh oh uh oh it’s not working now there we go uh oh too far no we’re good I’m trying to make a a a boat rack for

Boats I got to get to the meeting boss Okie doie fad thanks for hanging out and doing awesome mody things we love you there’s your there’s a shout out for that because he’s amazing everybody I did indeed get my homeworks done good good regular jungle logs are

Way better yes yes they are Moss strip jungle logs are the worst they are the worst they’re super gross you should use bamboo rafts oh I probably should you are probably correct let’s see how this looks though Tada it looks like there’s I don’t know if I like that at all can I

Get a shout out in the next stream of course oh no oh wait no only members get shout outs I shall we um it’s not too late to try it that is true I think I have some B boo oops big yawn what did the strip jungle logs

Ever do to you they existed in my presence painting thing you don’t understand they’re the worst they’re mean to me me and they kicked me and they put hot sauce in my Froot Loops so I don’t like jungle logs trip jungle logs the N bamboo is so pretty

I’m working on it I I’ll probably scrap it all together and build something else only members of me I’m very cool I just get one for being here oh um oh I need more I need more but four Perfecto that’s too many but it’s okay it’s getting

Dark I saying Minecraft is life and Roblox is the but I like Roblox too oh man I was playing this game yesterday on Roblox and I got so yeah no I played it for a very long time I don’t remember the name of it I knew I was Finding cat carriers I was

Finding I was a cat and I was in like a cat store pet store thing and I was Finding cats cat car cat cat cat carriers to free cats that’s what I remember no idea what this game is but it was wonderful but see can you turn please it’s not going to

Turn jungle boats are mean uhuh Roblox is bad what I literally play Roblox me too no sleep Challen I’m not doing a no sleep challenge black belt I’m doing that on Hardcore let me sleep here but maybe mainly because I can’t control what other people do if they wants to

Sleep I mean who am I to deny them of that right oh I don’t do we like the the bamboo boats I think I’m going to turn the other I’m going need to turn them the other way also got my science say back the other

Day I did awful but passed and now I have argued that because I did this one thing and I believe I should get it full Mark oh how’d that work do you know you can put bamboo WPS on each other what my Wi-Fi no Wi-Fi today wait what what what what what what

What let’s take this one and we do this so if we do this way oh that didn’t work oh Goose Feathers go scoot your booty in there be careful on robloxia Robloxia there we go H maybe maybe I don’t know I got to think about it remove the trap door oh I see realistically I should get full marks because I am so cool I mean obviously Connor 100% you mean like this Raft Wars got to go have an awesome stream I

May be back if you’re still streaming I’ll be back ground oh no I’m about to end it also black belt so you’re good to go I got to eats Wi-Fi please Wi-Fi today I don’t know what you’re saying God van I knew it gross so gross why is van so mean to

Me oh oh my gosh why do you why do you do this to me it’s everywhere it’s an infestation it’s an [Laughter] infestation it’s a jugle Lo infestation I can’t I can’t even been kicked out of my own house my own town guess what chicken foot oh I got hacked from my first

Account on Roblox so oh I’m sorry that’s terrible all right guys it is 1201 I have 1,999 subscribers that’s fantastic so I guess tomorrow I better get ready for 2000 right right right can I say that can I be like super positive about that I’m trying to be super positive because I

Don’t want to go back over there and deal with all the stripped jungle monstrosity that has happened in my Village van oo but yes van okay guys guys so wh wh wh something’s happening I was checking just in case it’s still 1,999 I will a creeper just got shot by a

Skeleton blew up and broke my tunnel board oh no painting thing oh my gosh special talk show time today to make everyone subscribe yep I’ve still i’ I’m one away but it’s okay guys we’ll hit it tomorrow and it’ll be amazing and glorious and so everybody should be there if you haven’t

Please like the stream it would mean bunches to me I built a ton of Minecraft I didn’t finish my a that’s okay that’s okay ay but yes if you haven’t please like the stream it makes me super happy and feels like you guys like me and that’s important Hi boir how are you

We are ending the stream but that’s okay I hit it what do you mean I hit it are you sure I hit it I did hit it 2,000 whoop whoop who I hit it yay I don’t even know what to do with this oh my gosh well we’re going to have some fun

Stuff tomorrow all the cool announcements that I have to rush and get done because I didn’t expect to do it yet my last three rockets yay I I facing the wrong way yay we hit 2,000 that is awesome you guys are the best oh my gosh thank you so much starting in five

Minutes Grizz are you going to you’re going to be doing the special 2K stream it worked Connor [Laughter] oh guys thank you so much for everything I will be back tomorrow and we will have a blast 2K we’ll have to do something crazy maybe we won’t do hardcore tomorrow maybe

We’ll do something even crazier than hardcore we’ll see I don’t know I’ll have to think about it maybe we’ll do a poll I’m going to shake my head a lot because now I’m super excited and I don’t even know what to eat because I’m so excited because I got

2,000 thanks to everybody who shared and just sent people my way and I’m going to do an exit speech thank you I want to thank my want to I want to I I want to thank my friends and my internet provider and the person who introduced

Me to my I’m just kidding I gotta go thank you guys so much for everything I appreciate you all bunches and bunches and let me walk everywhere oh gosh I will see you tomorrow on Hardcore and we’ll have some awesome announcements to celebrate 2K we’re gonna have all the fun stuff my internet

Provider yeah but guys have an absolutely amazing rest of your day and if you are still wanting to watch Minecraft you should go tell gz High see we love hardcore oh sorry hey Haniel not Daniel I’m going to go be hanging out with Grizz while I eat my lunch and go pick

Up my kids from uh uh gymnastics camp that’s where they are yeah yeah so yeah let’s all go hang out with Grizz and tell them hi and yeah I’ll see you all I see everybody tomorrow thank you for 2K have an amazing day [Laughter] bye oh my gosh I’m in all bye Guys an animal like an animal and I To like an animal like an animal like an animal like an animal Like Okay okay Okay Okay Like an Animal Okay

This video, titled ‘Building the Desert Nation! : Nations and Nobles #minecraft #live #livestream’, was uploaded by Oraios Kako on 2023-10-18 17:06:18. It has garnered 169 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:35 or 9755 seconds.

Let’s work on our market village river! We also need some sniffers, and a bunny farm, and… okay we have a lot to do!

This is an awesome Minecraft SMP server that will be similar to the concept of the popular and famous Empires SMP!

Join me in this interactive Minecraft adventure where your choices shape the story! Watch as your decisions directly impact the gameplay. Let’s embark on a journey together in the Nations & Nobles SMP, as we search for the perfect home and navigate the twists and turns of this interactive series.

Become a channel member TODAY for some awesome, exclusive, new perks and support the channel! Click Join! or follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzLQO_D5ZtrIl_wCTDtPhhg/join

Ori’s Discord: https://discord.gg/TB6hCU74Vd

This stream is a safe place for people to hang out and we won’t be talking about body shapes and sizes, sexuality, ageism or race here.

My mods are very protective of me. They can and will ban people who they feel are causing me or anyone else in chat problems. I won’t unban. Thadd’s word is law.

Possible chat commands: !discord !lurk

I use Loyalty Points (called OREOS)! Here are some fun commands associated with those: !top – !oreos – !heist – !slots – !gamble – more soon!

and these are available redeemable commands: !redeem potato !redeem sus !redeem roar !redeem hellothere !redeem vader !redeem creeper !redeem oof !redeem harrypotter !redeem fluffy !redeem boom !redeem honk !redeem molly !redeem shrek !redeem yoshi !redeem quack !redeem warden !redeem ghast !redeem dory !redeem mario !redeem disgusted !redeem ew !redeem chest !redeem mordor !redeem grr !redeem whopper !redeem friend !redeem danger

— NEW (and Nations specific) — !redeem lava !redeem dig !redeem sayhi !redeem nice !redeem nicetome !redeem beetroot !redeem respawn !redeem ban !redeem challenge !redeem name !redeem home !redeem color !redeem rainbow !redeem armor !redeem trade !redeem story !redeem mlg

Check Out The Other Nobles! @YevoYT @BeardoMax @vanthesloth @obiwisekenobi @CopperRaven @Janerieta @CountGrizzly

#minecraft #nations #nationsandnobles #survival #java #live #livestream #girlgamer #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftsurvival #nationsandnobles

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  • “ホロライブ 切り抜きあじまる! Akutan’s rage in Hololive finale!” #clickbait #hololive

    "ホロライブ 切り抜きあじまる! Akutan's rage in Hololive finale!" #clickbait #hololiveVideo Information せっかく なら えっとえ 申し訳バカがよ お前なんで来たんだよバカマジで危ねえ だろお前どっから来た よこわ えマジで 危ねえ防具してなかったら死んでた ぞ普通に This video, titled ‘ホロ鯖ハードコア最終日のハプニングにマジ切れするあくたんww #ホロライブ #shorts #湊あくあ #minecraft’, was uploaded by ホロライブ切り抜きあじまる!【hololive】 on 2024-05-20 03:00:08. It has garnered 10322 views and 301 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #hololive #hololivecutout #hololive #MinatoAqua #Minecraft #HoloServerHardcoreMinecraft ▼Click here for the original video▼ #8【Minecraft】HoloServerHardcoreMinecraft! Final Episode!!![MinatoAqua/HoloLive] https://www.youtube.com/live/YJhhYn1xnnM?si=1ECh3xBfm3GLJod6 ▼Main Channel: Heppoko Striker’s Monster Strike! URL:https://www.youtube.com/@heppoko ▼Official Channel▼ ・hololive Official:https://www.youtube.com/@hololive ・hololive DEV_IS official:https://www.youtube.com/@hololiveDEV_IS Read More

  • Shivam988’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Tips! 🤣

    Shivam988's HILARIOUS Minecraft Tips! 🤣Video Information टम फ्रेश भाई मजा ही आ गया सो भाई मैं तो एकदम नीचे डिग डाउन करने जा रहा हूं देखते हैं क्या होता है अरे भाई कोल मिल गया एक सेकंड गोल्ड भी है ओ माय गॉड आयरन एंड भाई देखो डायमंड भी मिल गया यार आज तो मजा ही आ गया अरे एमसी लाल सुनो हां क्या हुआ बोल तुम तो क्रिएटिव मोड से सर्वाइवल मोड करना ही भूल गए अरे भाई रिकॉर्डिंग जल्दी बंद करल This video, titled ‘Minecraft funny🤣 #shorts #minecraft #funny #subscribers #viral #trending #tips #gaming #shivam988’, was uploaded by shivam 988 on 2024-05-07… Read More

  • “Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂” #minecraft

    "Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂" #minecraftVideo Information मछली गई पानी में छपक छपक इसको इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं आपको पता है इतना नहीं पता आपको इसको इंग्लिश में कहते हैं मथ पानी में छपक छपक This video, titled ‘Chapak Chapak🤦🤣 #minecraft #funny #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by Lunar Gaming on 2024-04-10 01:34:38. It has garnered 559 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Chapak Chapak🤦🤣 #minecraft #funny #shortsfeed Ignore: minecraft parody believer animation life 1 minecraft parody viva la vida captainsparklez minecraft parody wellerman minecraft parody shape of youminecraft parody animation minecraft parody animation life 1 minecraft parody animation… Read More

  • Prism SMP | Semi-Vanilla | Whitelist | Discord

    Welcome to Prism SMP Hello there! Welcome to Prism SMP, where we offer a unique twist on vanilla-survival gameplay. We believe in a community-oriented approach where every member has a say in shaping our server. Join our Discord server to connect with fellow members, make new friends, and enjoy seamless communication between in-game and Discord interactions. Family-Friendly Environment Our server is family-friendly, with a focus on maintaining a PG-13 atmosphere and promoting respectful conduct from all members. Community Events We regularly host community events open to everyone. Upcoming events include thrilling PvP tournaments and exhilarating elytra adventures. Joining is Simple… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5h

    Minecraft Memes - Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5hLooks like the creeper’s fate is in the hands of democracy – let’s hope they don’t blow up at the polling station before the deadline! Read More

  • Thrusters and Tables: April Fool’s Potato Update!

    Thrusters and Tables: April Fool's Potato Update! In the world of Minecraft, a new update has come, With a Poison Potato that’s no longer just dumb. Now it has hooks and block thrusters, oh my, Even the fletching table is functional, give it a try. Join the fun, download the resource pack, Explore the new features, no need to hold back. Become a member, get rewards galore, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more. For more games and vlogs, check out the channels we share, For questions or queries, we’re always there. So leap into the verse, let your creativity sing, In the world of… Read More

  • “Blow me up, creeper daddy” 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Blow me up, creeper daddy" 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes Imagine telling a creeper to “arise” and it just starts breakdancing instead of exploding. Now that’s a party I’d like to see in Minecraft! #creeperdanceparty #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures! Are you a fan of creating unique portals and exploring new dimensions in Minecraft? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in a world of excitement. Forget about the ordinary and step into a realm where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From epic builds to thrilling PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on this dynamic server…. Read More

  • Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon Break

    Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon BreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-12 20:00:11. It has garnered 10363 views and 479 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:55 or 1855 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyZ0Eihh8Q&list=PLgBu0fvAd3cvSxMfnY7Emj9CYgRTXkX9g&index=1&t=17516s STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2 #SoloLeveling #MinecraftSoloLeveling #SoloLevelingMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft… Read More

  • Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZ

    Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZVideo Information This video, titled ‘never try this game💀(@badxwarriorZ6526)#yttrending #horrorgames#viral #moyemoye#minecraft’, was uploaded by BAD X WARRIORZ on 2024-04-18 05:14:10. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:50 or 410 seconds. #yttrending #shortvideoviral #shortvideo #minecraft #viral #carparkingmultiplayer #howtoviralshortvideo #memoryreboot #moyemoye #myyearonyoutube20 That sounds thrilling! In your game, are you exploring haunted locations, using ghost-hunting equipment, or solving mysteries about the spirits you encounter? Ah, I see! So, you’re looking for a game that combines the intensity of being an exorcist with the atmospheric fear of phasmophobia. That would make for a truly spine-tingling… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!

    INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!Video Information This video, titled ‘15000 Days Minecraft World Tour’, was uploaded by Hoef on 2024-03-14 17:00:06. It has garnered 11009 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds. We finally did it! 15000 days in my Solo Survival world! With entire towns, massive decorated farms, and much more, all in one big video! I hope you enjoy! Build inspirations: Villager trading hall by fWhip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79RqWcLuyRg Custom birch forest by fWhip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qHJt9JYr9g Austrian village house by Bdouble0100: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-HvYAddQKI Hall of fame by linkzzey’s hardcore world: https://www.youtube.com/@Linkzzey Build designs: Custom oak trees by MrMattRanger: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lywD6V9U9Xs… Read More

  • Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShorts

    Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hacks 😱| #minecraftshorts #shorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Lemon OP on 2024-01-06 03:07:02. It has garnered 8 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. 🔸ABOUT ME :- Hi Guys! This channel is made for gaming 🎮 In this channel you’ll be able to see gaming videos and so much fun too 😄 Subscribe to see all of this 😊 💠 Instagram 📷 :- https://www.instagram.com/the.zeno.op?igsh=M2VwbDN0Y3U1eDI2 Your quires minecraft build hack, minecraft build hacks on bedrock, minecraft create mod above and beyond, minecraft mod create above… Read More


    EPIC FREE VIP SKYBLOCK SERVER with CHALLENGES & DUNGEONSVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT: SERVIDOR de SKYBLOCK ONLINE com VIP GRÁTIS, DESAFIOS e DUNGEONS para MINECRAFT PIR4TA’, was uploaded by Alisonsz on 2024-04-24 16:19:02. It has garnered 587 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:34 or 214 seconds. #skyblock #minecraft #minecraft server the server recently opened has several active players, sweepstakes and events every day! MINECRAFT JAVA – VERSION: 1.8 to 1.20 IP: healtzcraft.com DISCORD:https://discord.gg/mk5kUbvabT video recorded and edited by: @MrLuizBR1 Tags: skyblock server, skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, pirated skyblock servers, skyblock br server, brazilian skyblock server, pirated skyblock br… Read More

  • Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #Shorts

    Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘#Shorts #minecraft#mine #valorant #subscribers #minecraftmeme #punju #fyp #bgmiindia #pubg#viral#bts’, was uploaded by Fireboost_viper on 2024-05-04 06:32:58. It has garnered 407 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, #Minecraft, #Cute, #Funny, #Short, #Videos, #Daily, #minecraftdeutsch, #deutsch #funny #minecraft, #minecraft #hindi, #minecraftespanol, #espanol #mrbeast, #top10, #hot #minecraft, #cute #minekraft, #cute #minceraft, #2b2t, #gommehd, #minekraft #shorts, #minecraft #shorts, #gaming, #fortniteminecraft, #minecraftfortnite, #warzone, #Monsterschool, #Enderman, #creeper,#pig, #nether, #sky, #beauty, #crafting, #cutebuilds, #Minecraftsongs, #Cuteminecraft #Cuteminecraftsongs, #Minecraftbetterfortnite #hola #minecraft #minecraftmemes… Read More

  • Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!

    Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】It’s been a while’, was uploaded by Jurard T Rexford Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-04-30 12:06:38. It has garnered 18505 views and 1760 likes. The duration of the video is 06:46:24 or 24384 seconds. WE’RE BACK IN THE MINES!! AGAIN!! Thumbnail art by: https://x.com/eysudes/status/1745360007921872947?s=20 Thank you for the Minecraft skin!! https://twitter.com/16DearAi/status/1726104199631393016 This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms) Big thank you to Xwitter user Beeturle for the widdle gremlin animation! https://twitter.com/beeturle/status/1725796861800571050 BECOME AN HONORAWRY SORAWRITY MEMBER NOW!!! JOIN JOIN JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTVSOgYuSWmNAt-lnJPkEEw/join Birthday Merchandise can… Read More

  • Tornn – Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #Minecraft

    Tornn - Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘360 Combo On 500ms #mcbe #minecraft #pvp #mcpvp#zeqa #combos #bedrock #freshsumo #shorts’, was uploaded by Tornn on 2024-05-13 23:00:25. It has garnered 473 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Song: I dunno it’s non copyright Kb: Wooting 60he M: Kone Pro Dpi: 800 Sens: 30 Cps: 14-16 butterfly Fov: 80 altered on Keybinds in bio sub Read More