Unbelievable: Discover the Hidden Secrets of the Blue Biome in Colonal’s 3450+ Hour Hardcore Minecraft World 778!

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what’s up [Music] everybody how we [Music] doing marus has redeemed [Music] first they understand 12 is [Music] here GRE Z nk3 y22 is [Music] here the Jelly Bean 92 is here 97 is [Music] here skin is here shocker box look at that box it has eight [Music] Corners [Music] massive [Music] that sounded good to me I like destruction destruction is the best it’s not about the build it’s about the destruction you just delet oh this is looking good [Music] [Music] destruction destruction is the best [Music] I can hold this mouse better than anyone could hold this mouse mainly because I wouldn’t allow them into my house to hold this mouse but nonetheless [Music] destruction [Music] delet yeah I make great background music wait I’m music oh shoot is my mic I’m music we’ll go with that [Music] unmuted bro how long’s my mic unmuted it’s doing that thing again hold on where I can’t hear myself in my ears but I see it’s unmuted why yeah hold on switch this back to this way is that what’s wrong hello everyone except CJ and this right here all right now I should have normal sounding audio uh um all right can you guys hear me right yeah you guys can hear me I see it I see it going up and so could you not hear me at all like that no it was it was just kind of quiet no okay so goodness dude like every time I reboot my computer the gain and um Audio Level mix on my wave X on my brand new wave XL resets every single time I reboot my computer which I do right before stream every day oh my God this is annoying as hell what am I supposed to do about that actually open up the wavelength software and adjust some dials every single day before I start stream I’m going to throw I’m going return this thing I’m return this thing if I gotta if I if there is no ability to just like save my settings H my goodness Maris GG redeeming first what’s up day R Becca grease bro jelly beans blinks Mrs Ken Miku Hannah and Dusty uh how you guys doing I was taking a nap so I’m a bit late um I actually took a hella long nap um was probably all the way from like 6:00 p.m. to well about 9:30 or so so and then I had to get some time to like wake up a bit magic made cookies so I need some cookies first you know the important stuff so um yeah we’re good goodness I was just uh exhausted but um I think we’re good to get into the hardcore world uh we were about we were going to be starting The 500 Club room uh for someone I don’t have it open right now Becca yeah we’re going to be doing Becca’s uh room right now so let me go get in the hardcore world we already got the materials together we just got to do the room uh and then we have to get uh tmg’s gotten some netherite he wants that’s not a surprise brownie uh if you don’t make uh brownies every single day you have to delete your channel sorry or change your name uh yeah another big Java version update yeah that’ll be cool I’m uh uh I’m glad to I’m honestly glad to see 32-bit support dropped um for Minecraft going forward um I’m of the opinion that like having even having 32-bit software is like annoying right if I have to go to your website and choose the like 32bit versus 64-bit download I’m like bro why do you even make a 32-bit anymore so kind of happy to see Mojang drop 32bit support like obviously I’m not one of the people affected because I’m running the most highest end whatevers I can at any given moment and there might be like seven people in the world still running a 32-bit OS you know that might that might have have a problem but the thing the thing about Minecraft is the thing about Minecraft is if you’re on a 32-bit operating system you can still play the versions that are out now right just can’t play the new ones so no one’s like losing the ability to play Minecraft they’re just going to lose the ability to update their game um let’s get over to the 500 Club and then promptly remember that I forgot something uh what’s up my dudes uh what floor are we going to six I think right 606 606 yeah here’s our stuff uh what the heck Cole that is a heck of a question uh I mean either one of them I can see 360° um I I will take either upgrade um when when when is um neuralink going to reach out to me all right um so today chat like I said we’re adding some rooms to the 500 Club this is for uh twitch viewers that get more than 500 watch hours tracked by Colonel bot uh they get a room here inside of uh The 500 Club uh it is a massive uh taipe 101 structure um and we’re just adding a room here for Becca this is going to be her room room 606 so I marked out those Corners so I I know where the walls need to go we’re going to rip out the Bland walls and put in the ice walls there we go oh your room actually gets like a whole extra block of extra length but we’re going to be using that with glass so uh The 500 Club I got a video on my YouTube channel if you want to learn how to get in it uh but it’s for anyone with more than 500 watch hours on Twitch but Chad I recommend watching the video about The 500 Club uh on YouTube if you haven’t seen it uh great video definitely unbiased review um the video could use some more love [Music] honestly so all right uh right let me let me let me go over this with you guys again uh basically she wants uh me to take the creative Liberty um she wants uh her room to be a room for a penguin family uh she wants four Penguins plus her armor stand she wants it decorated like an igloo with whites and blues um and any woods should be dark oak so I got snow and I got ice variants um yeah uh what do you guys think uh should I just go in first of all with like walls of snow like is that is that too like easy to do um should the walls have a gradient or whatever did I see your post on Discord today most likely I don’t remember it though cuz I don’t have any notifications for Discord um well that’s what I brought with me gron but I just don’t know how to do it for the walls um it was a maple tree oh the M what channel I the the Minecraft movie maple tree did I see that in Discord do a randomized wall will that feel like an igloo I mean yeah that should be fine the ground is going to be like mostly solid snow layers anyway so the walls can be icy let’s see how this looks oh boy I reorganize my macros and I’m lost um nope 7 through nine is what I need here we go welcome in Abron X how you doing it’s like so close to looking like numbers like that’s almost a two that’s definitely an o that looks like a five to me it’s so close to being numbers all right let’s just keep it going yeah it’s supposed to look like an igloo of sorts it is very blue um we could we did bring quartz you’re right we did bring some smooth quartz we could sub out blue ice all right that’s what I get for listening to Grayson uh I’m too tired right now bro it’s whenever I wake up from like a nap dude I have such a hard time uh being awake okay feels like we need another light right here no it’s good it’s just dark okay so let’s try this combo here uh does that look better or worserer what do you think chat [Music] I feel like from the hallway POV that’s going to look interesting um if I if we wanted to go like pure Igloo it would be just pure snow right um I do know that for the window I’m going to do this so like right here make it a little icy right here you know what I’m saying well that’s still very green but it is what it [Laughter] is um good enough and then yeah let’s let’s go with that design for the wall you see the Mob Zoo oh yeah it’s right there mhm oh that’s actually a sick view with all the uh glowberries hanging down in front of it that’s a hallway view though that’s not technically in the room yeah true we got to just let’s just go for it yo was that a YouTube sub we just got big preaches my dudes good good so what I’m going to actually do for the ceiling is going to made out of be made out of just pure snow and quartz slabs um right the ceiling is not going to have any potential ice in it it’s going to be it’s just going to be oh wait I need to do the walls the the last wall first oops uh that’s kind of important I use packed ice right yeah oh we also had a bit of white Wool with me too [Music] uh uh uh no uh I think you’re that’s for twitch followers at the top of the screen if we get 100 new fish twitch followers in a stream we will burn a diamond in the diamond yeting Shrine um all right I can get I can dig this this looks good um let’s get to the ceiling [Music] next we do really got to rethink uh well Grayson it used to include it used to be um twitch and Tik Tok um but something is broken to where Tik Tok hasn’t been able to connect um for like a week or two weeks now uh at this point so I haven’t had like any Tik Tok alerts of like the little Blaster sound um and also the follow goal has not been being updated um but even then we were falling short most even with Tik Tok we were falling short more days than not um I’ve I’ve been thinking about dropping it cuz now it is just uh twitch again so either dropping the the the limit or figuring something new out yeah we need I need to I don’t know yeah I don’t know what to do the only thing I can think of doing is is to unlink Tik Tok and relink it again to the atom software but if I do that every single rule that I’ve made for Tik Tok like every single like sound alert uh the the follow goal stuff would all need recreated and that is not a small task um 100 followers a week so it used to be it used to be every single time we hit a milestone of 25 so if we hit if we hit like let’s just for simple sake if we hit 100 followers 125 followers 150 followers 175 followers no matter when we hit it if we hit it we burned a diamond and we did that all the way up to 10 from all the way from 400 followers to 10,000 followers on Twitch I burnt a lot of diamonds uh and then at that point in time time Tik Tok was blowing up to where we were consistently getting burning like three or four diamonds in a each stream like we were we were because it was linked to uh to Tik Tok and twitch and people could double dip we were we were having the 25 follower goal and for because we burnt one for every single interval of 25 we were burning we were getting 100 plus followers every stream for months so we uh when we hit the 10,000 goal I reconfigured it to where it was if we hit 100 follows within a single stream we burnt a diamond and that honestly was really good for a month or two um that we were we were not hitting it every stream it was something we had to like call out and stuff but there the twit the Tik Tok viewership was there we would hit it regularly not every single stream but we would hit it multiple times a week at least and it was it felt good um and then the Tik Tok algorithm just has not been pushing me and now this goal is redundant and it sits at zero and barely gets the double digit some streams because uh uh cuz I don’t know what changed and then on top of that now the Tik Tock stream is just straight up not connecting to the follow goal um at all so we we’re not even getting double digits because it’s only uh twitch and twitch has no [Laughter] discoverability uh yeah we every single interval of 25 from all the way from 400 follows to 10,000 follows it was a lot of diamonds we burnt um and with 1.20 making diamonds actually have some more value it it just felt right um I’m I was thinking though of make of lowering this down to if I get 25 follows within a single stream again we burn a diamond um but they would again only be twitch follows because right now adom is not working also now that I think about it if if I don’t have a fix for this before the streamon this year we’re cooked dude um oh man we’re done um all right let’s put the ceiling in what the heck oops we apparently used all those slabs did I bring more slabs I did oh I didn’t use all the slabs I used all the snow all right well we got more of this it’s meant to be like uh the ceiling doesn’t have ice in it to signify that like it’s lighter kind of deal like lighter is in brighter and lighter is in like less weight above your head kind of deal cuz you know obviously if you make a ceiling out of heavier blocks it’ll cave in if it’s a made out of snow so at least that’s the thought process behind it um next we got to do the floor and the floor I think needs to be snow packed ice and blue ice like heavier here um the Star Wars trailer I saw you posted a Star Wars Channel or trailer I did not get to watch it um though it looked like you said that it was going to be coming out like in May did they really just like sneak a Star Wars like Show’s entire production and be like hey look it’s actually nobody knew this show show was coming out but we’re actually going to drop it um right now like within a month of the first trailer by the way did bad batch ever finish airing I am I’m not up to date with it or is it still releasing episodes what’s up thick episode 10 and 11 just came out this week how many episodes is there going to be is like next week’s episode 12 the final ones or uh is it going up to 6 or something well what is that oh that’s the roof of a of a floor below oh only four more to go so 15 episodes then um okay I imagine what it’s going to be 3 weeks to get those we’re going to get episode 12 episode 13 and then 14 and 15 are probably going to drop as a multi-art uh uh finale they’re all about the multi-art uh episode releases and I’m genuinely not a fan of it like obviously my like um desire for like immediate gratification likes it in the moment but I would like the shows to it take longer to have more um more consecutive weeks of content to watch and not rush through it I’m really not a fan of shows that um release it all at once to be binged and Disney plus surprisingly um is the best about well the best American streaming service I should say about um actually giving you like normal release schedules um but they bung It Up by doing multiple like multiple sets of dual episode releases like what was it this like episode 1 2 and three dropped at the same time and then we got 10 and 11 at the same time and then you know we’re going to get a multi-part finale drop at the same time like come on dude better call saw proved that Weekly releases still work yeah um well and like all like anime that comes out um is still released in that Weekly format and I absolutely love it um right yeah Andor had the triple episode premiere and and like oh my God [Music] all right next up is going to be snow layers um you can’t put Snow layers on Ice you got to be kidding me oh not on packed ice but you can on blue ice oh whatever [Music] oops I really imagined this being like a floor of almost entirely snow layers and then just like Peak of uh drops of blue poking out but right now it’s not in the state where that can happen so I’m going to rip out all the packed ice basically and replace that with snow goodbye ice I’m not going down there to get you yeah exactly shows when when they get when they get dropped all at once to be binged they don’t get to keep their hype for so long they uh will be forgotten because people finish their binging and then um move on but like if they had to wait for an episode to drop every week they would um oh shoot I forgot about lighting melting snow if people had to wait for a new episode every week like sure some people wouldn’t wouldn’t finish it but if they can keep the hype up then it’s fine all right so this is does anybody know what light level actually melts snow and also does anybody know if um if if snow layers prevent mob spawns like when you have multiple stacked up so anything less than 12 won’t melt the snow and rods be too bright we have um we have candles and soul lanterns um what I was kind of thinking of doing was she wanted dark oak if there needed to be wood so what we’ll do is take the dark oak make trap doors of it and just put little candle stations um so that at most makes a five an eight okay yeah so we can we can very clearly just have some of these also we do have soul lanterns that we could hang like in the center from the ceiling um I kind of like the candle look more I’m going to be honest also is Becca here I don’t think so all right that does make it it spawn proof but like also uh you is here okay good [Music] um yeah that one in the middle helps the soul Lantern in the middle I think is good um I likey do you like I think it’s working out good I oh shoot I had some Blue candles I made I wanted to make like one set of these not be light blue wanted to make it like a darker blue just because we can four candles are only light level 12 so you can place them anywhere oh okay good um good yeah I still put them up on shelves it’s it’s a real Moody like well moody in relative terms this is like default U this is me um all right next [Music] then oh let me put this door down and assign this is room uh 606 and it’s going to I’m Becca oh b3a there we go um do I have I do have dye and light blue let me just dye those up I do hear a zombie now that you mention it whoa buddy [Music] huh I kind of just like toned it out tuned it out yeah the fact that the doors weren’t broken down I had no idea there was a any spawning spaces oh okay well previously had been doors broken down here but this is slit up um uh oh a Soul Sand campfire and an ice fishing scene well we need to get her hold on we still need to get her her um uh yeah her um uh um her um her um yeah um her um yeah uh penguins and armor stand somewhere and then we also got uh I also grabbed a bed to throw down somewhere uh I don’t know how relevant that’s going to be um but then basically unless we want some sort of like furniture or thing in here uh I well we we I think oh goodness with our current setup the only place we could really put a bed is like here we could end up going with like a nightstand on the side and have like uh either more candles or maybe we go get some like light blue flowers or something to put on it [Music] um the thing is putting the snow layers down makes it feel way more like snowy in here but then also that makes it hard to like actually put things down in here yeah we how much light does a soul campfire release maybe if we put one right here in the center we could go for something like that but I feel like it would melt some of this snow uh we also have to put the little penguins in so look at these chat these are the um mob vote penguins that 10 oh okay so they wouldn’t melt nothing then huh [Music] [Laughter] um uh so if we put a campfire here all the little penguins could be huddled around the campfire let’s go get a soul campfire I do think maybe putting some fish in item frames would be cool that’s a good [Music] idea item frames raw salmon they’re more colorful we could maybe put down a Cod um Soul campfire that’s over here um also if we’re going to put down your bed I think we should also maybe use some chiseled bookshelves for like a nightstand and at least one of them should have a flower pot on it with like yeah a blue orchid the other one can have more candles um all right this should be good this will be a good addition Asos nomical is here welcome in homies oh shoot I went past here we go over here so put water oh that would cause an issue with the room below it could potentially um okay good yeah nothing’s going to melt there that is actually just a light source of like 10 underneath it um mhm the room below would get drips if we did that and when we go to put in its ceiling it would like flood the room about putting water in um okay so I remember you said you wanted four of these little dudes what’s up my dude um we’ll we’ll put these two like cozy in right there we’ll have four of these little dudes I like I like seeing their faces when you come in the door kind of deal we got one of them that’s back to the door but that’s fine um they’re all kind of around the campfire and let’s go ahead and I’ll just put down like um one two 3 4 and then I’ll go in one 2 3 four we got to rotate these all a little differently and then we’ll have to make those item stands invisible right here uh we are decorating uh a viewers room oh not wrong button uh from twitch what did I do item frames invisible there we go the red definitely stands out more um but I wanted the Cod just to be a little bit of variation you know the salmon definitely stands out more but it’s good could you use a water logged warped warped slab oh that would solve both the problems I believe uh um okay let me grab her bed that I got throw in a little chisel book ow bookshelf there maybe maybe we do that I didn’t grab books for on the Chisel bookshelf or for in the this chisel bookshelf dang um I got to go back and get books anyway and then we’ll get a slab [Music] too we don’t have room underneath guys like there’s there’s a room underneath here we don’t have room to stack layers of things under here um all right let’s do the armor stand armor stand she wanted to be holding an enchanted book so I feel like it makes sense to have have uh the bookshelf there um where can we put her um we could either go for like right there or like behind or like just just like kind of like back here maybe yeah she’ll be like out there deep in the snow kind of deal honestly that’s oh um no base plate even though you can’t see it yes arms small stand now she Blends in uh I don’t know um um no gravity and who perfect yeah no she’s got she doesn’t need to stand with him she’s good enough like she’s in the same line of sight but just a few blocks back cuz she’s so much larger yeah um all right then they wanted to be holding an enchanted book can maybe I can switch that to the other hand um definitely better in the other hand um good then lock it I just need to go get some books to put in this bookshelf um and then we might be done unless anyone’s got any other suggestions oh wait someone did suggest the bucket and uh warped slab so that’s a good idea let me go grab those too warp slab buckets of water and um books that’s what I’m going here for buckets of water first um warp slab it’ll still drip from the ceiling below well as long as it won’t flood it well the warp slab isn’t going to be visible from below it’s going to have a bottom slab for the ceiling then there would be a warped slab above it there would be half a gap of air and then there would be water logged in here uh it might still drip I don’t know um books is the last thing I needed all right and this will finish it off should you get a fishing rod she didn’t want to hold a fishing rod do you mean for an item frame what’s the fishing rod recipe is it just sticks and string it is [Music] um could always check too yeah um I mean we did the water log slabs in um the whale room so like we’ve set precedent that that’s okay and I did not think about it today obviously because I’m just tired nor did it occur to me to do a fishing an ice fishing hole what yeah like right here we got the water log slabs in the floor let me check below does not appear to have dripping water particles see the dripping water particles come off of there right but they don’t drip then through this extra layer of slab yeah cuz there’s a there’s a ceiling under the floor um see there’s a ceiling under the floor with a full block below it does drip Oh weird I build most ceilings out of slabs at least uh this one’s an exception with the snow blocks are full blocks but then the quartz are slabs so someone’s got a randomized pattern you can hardly tell that water is there oh also we go put some of those down and then all right does that look done to you guys uh Becca you like it any comments questions concerns yeah I like those penguins all right have a good night brownie all right Chad it’s done we’re good uh Becca when you hit a th000 hours you will be eligible to get a piece of netherite put in here whether that’s for a piece of armor or just an Ingot on the wall Etc um just make sure you update your uh Post in the Discord when you hit 1,000 hours and um we will um revisit this uh next up we need to go to tmg’s room who just hit 1,500 hours and has gotten himself his second piece of netherite um so let’s clean this place up and then we’ll go get well actually we have everything we no he wants a he wants a glowing item frame which I don’t have so um I don’t I don’t have one of those on me oh wait Becca we still got to do your room downstairs duh the um the lobby we’ll go do that first yeah yeah it’s a one it’s a onetime thing per 500 hours um oh shoot well I have what here it is it’s just so I’m not constantly revisiting people’s rooms every time they have an idea oh so you’d rather not even put your your netherite in now you’ll just wait okay not confident in hitting 2,000 hours before then all right to the lobby uh what room was this 606 right here so uh penguin head down I assume you wanted a penguin head there uh and we’ll make it the same light blue text uh we go with I’m Becca on 20244 five I believe and oh you you’re already up to 2600 do I owe you another netherite Ingot um if you do just update your post in in your Discord post um about where you want it and stuff like that and we will uh do that sometime uh and you were officially Becca oh shoot I already marked your post closed uh um 24th there we go um cool you got to have 500 watch hours on Twitch link is in the description the light blue really does not stand out on these um uh on these woods but oh you’re not the first person to do light blue Miku does too you know they made Glo Glo ink is such a game changer like imagine having a sign without Glo ink and actually trying to read it like holy crap holy crap all right there’s our dude hiding over there uh let’s go put all this stuff away oh let’s actually get a quick view from the outside to see if you can see it oh wait no it’s going to be behind one of the big old face medallions um yeah it’s behind this one there you could see it for a split second uh there’s only what one more room available now that doesn’t have window access apparently everybody wants to hide their rooms I don’t I don’t know why oop all right all right put those into the unloader obviously we got to get the bucket of water back into there and the vote penguin heads are going to go in here oh okay so goodness excuse me back to the blue biome then mhm sleep just figure they don’t have uh Windows yeah um all right so blue biome uh we just did the giant squid tentacles that engulf the tower um and then next on the list is seeing about doing a Blue Fog pit if we wanted any of those uh um then we got the um coral reefs uh then C pickle pixel art I did haven’t like pre-planned that um then glass bubbles or a pearl kind of deal then pink starfish then prismarine Boulders yeah we got ideas here oh man we got ideas here for sure um chat do we Okay so we write this down every every single time like doing a fog pit but like ah do we need them like what would they what would they represent other than just having a fog pit right we’re going to be giving this like an aquatic theme and we’re going to be having like coral reefs and giant sea pickles and glass Bubbles and pearls and stuff and starfish fish and prismarine like we we don’t have like a little like lava pool or a pink slime pool in here which is why I wrote down the fog pit idea but like at the same time what would they represent you can put stuff between the layers like like what like fish or turtles or Coral Etc so you so you like look down them and see multiple layers of Aquatic Life huh I don’t want to put like real entities in I know that much for sure like I don’t want to add mobs in like people people wanted like pink sheep wandering the pink biomes right like I don’t want I don’t want to put mobs in I could put like player heads in between the fog layers like dolphin heads or penguin heads or crab heads and stuff like that that might be a good place to do those um Turtle heads fish heads but then again once you’re up in the air you’re not going to see [Music] those H I could see myself maybe doing like two or three of those in the biome um like maybe we have like one over on this side one way over there and like one like over here like kind of in the three uh like points of this island you know if this was a fidget spinner you know you’d put one in [Laughter] each one in each spot there uh um of a head biome it would make sense if we end up doing a build in here for all of our like uh Mob head storage and stuff like that like we’ve talked about uh whoa look at the map now now that it’s got the glow lyen on it it genuinely looks like it’s like got like patches of seaweed or something on there oh that looks sick um whirlpools we could put a design in the fog pit glass to make it feel like a whirl poool between blue and light blue oh okay so now we’ve got a now it’s like whirl pools that have like fish heads in them and and like aquatic mob heads being sucked down oh cuz all you got to do is like have like a stripe of of light blue in the blue and then on the next layer down have that stripe shifted over a little bit and then on the next layer down shift it over a little bit more and then when you look down you’re going to see like a tornado effect right uh or a world poool effect and if we’re doing eight layers of glass with with air gaps between it you would actually get a cool effect all right we fin we got a cohesive idea here let’s go get our resources for it um I’m not going to scatter just scatter them around here so we can’t rely on player heads or mob heads to make a biome look good because the thing is is more than 128 blocks away they disappear so basically as soon as I’m in the air you can’t see them um we have see we have one right there on top of here on top of this rock that where the Crosshair is that’s a mini Coral mini block right if I fly over here and zoom in it’s not there it’s just straight up not there it was sitting like if I if I uh Sprint you’ll see it pop in at some point so like if from the sky you were wanting to see these you wouldn’t see it though oh maybe it was just an angle hold on let me go this way okay yeah it’s not there and then when I go forward it’ll pop into existence oh there it is right here see I found the threshold right so we can’t rely on a build needing those to look like something we can use them to enhance the boulder when you’re up close to the boulder but we can’t make the Boulder’s existence rely on the head that’s that’s the that’s the thought process here it’s 64 not 100 I thought okay yeah I I um yeah it’s it’s it’s really small regardless so all right all right so in addition to this I need to get a shulker box of each of these materials but in addition to this I need to get a shulker box of light blue glass to do the swirls in um and then also we’re going to need a shulker box of like mob heads and stuff um that can be that can go within the whirl pool right um all right easiest to actually get a shulker box of is going to be this stuff frog lights we decided to use use yellow frog lights because they are the most useless of light blocks that I have because there’s so many variations of yellow lights light blocks and we have a uh Frog Light farm so um I know there’s no more light blue over there let’s go let’s go check these three so blue concrete ‘s the middle one we have a little bit of it but not much that’s very surprising and then all right so we’re going to have to let’s go we’ll go get a full full Shuler box of blue concrete powder and take that to run later um but NE right now I need carpet and glass to see how much we have this one’s [Music] glass all right again not enough and carpet carpet goes at the very bottom to make sure you don’t see the lights and we actually appear to have a full shulker box of this stuff not quite a full shulker box but we have wool here that’s a full shock all right all right next up is we’re going to go get a full Shuler box of a light or of blue concrete powder the reason we’re we’re doing more than what we actually need to do um is because because the um like really we we we we only need to do four Stacks less right but it it it’s going to keep several Stacks in the buffer so we’re just going to we’re just going to do a full shocker box and that’ll probably get us enough um we’re like surprisingly really low on Blue concrete I only made exactly as much as I needed um which is really really weird because on so many of the biomes I went way Overkill unlik putting in so so much more than I needed H this is indeed okay all right and we’re ready to run this thing now and all I got to do is the right click macro and here we go so this is uh going to I’m automatically placing the blue concrete powder it’s being pushed over underneath the water and turning into concrete and then it’s being pushed into a big block and being uh pushed down and blown up by TNT uh and it is virtually lossless designed by Ray Works pre dude I’m going to stand up while we wait for this get a little bit of stretching in oh what the heck I’m getting some like weird popping noises are you guys hearing that the sign placement right there do you know how many people miss it though when I’m doing this I’ll be like oh whose the farm is this uh like I don’t know if it’s people being ironic or like um or the just like missing the blatant like uh like when I see an ad on a website right I don’t see it I look past it and it’s just not there in my brain right I don’t dude is that what happens for this sign in people’s eyes in people’s eyes Minds it’s just too obvious they couldn’t read it um why did I get some light why did I get some purple concrete powder there must there still been some in the in the dispensers orange on Spruce is not enough contrast well the spruce sign it wasn’t orange at first it was just written as a normal sign I don’t think we had colored signs when I placed that sign down um we made it Orange um after uh the glow squid was added um and be to represent Ray works’ Channel he wears a pumpkin on his head right so that’s his player head as a pumpkin uh for like his Channel logo so we made it Orange um but it was just a spruce sign because uh Spruce Wood was all I had when we built this nov here welcome in graph how you doing cuz you can see above my head is a spruce um trapo [Music] [Music] um I’m going to place this purple um down as well after the blue is done just because I can it mean it might mean that we get a couple more blocks of blue so I’ll take it you know if it triggers one more TNT to blow up that’s amazing oh if you want to be my glow [Music] squid oh man all right we’re nearly we’re nearly done nearly done how can you be nearly done oh chat how is our our sub goal looking for the month of April so far um let me see we’re at 27 5 days into the month that’s not bad that’s not bad 27 out of [Music] 100 exclamation mark exercise and exclamation mark ex or partner plus I want to call the out if someone can put them in the twitch chat uh we’re trying to get the goal of 100 uh sub points to meet twitch’s tier one partner plus uh level uh and I am working out for Subs uh so we’ll we go do some curls uh if we get new subscribers for the number of months you are multiplied by your tier uh so some people could really hurt me link is in the bio panels description Etc if you’re uh wanting to help me out that way this is the month chat I can feel it I can feel it we’ve been steadily creeping up the past 3 months um so we were still uh we were still a little short last month but I uh I’m confident I’m confident all right let’s get down there oh wait I didn’t bring my sheler box with me maybe I should Swap this out for a bamboo sign because we use bamboo here and maybe swap this out for a bamboo trapo even cuz that is the only place wood is used inside this Farm now so do I really have dirt inside the Redstone I do huh maybe I should have cleaned those up um who knows we’re going to take the purple home just cuz oh a bit of green was still inside the block somewhere it’s true I should um all right you think this is going to be enough blue oh yeah that’s enough that’s enough good and and we got some extra colors to um to go [Music] back I always take this concrete home because it’s better for it to be in the storage system for when I need it then need to run over honestly it’ll be easier to move into this box there we go so that’s a full box of that and we can throw this blue concrete into the Lo here Alli welcome in we got dogs in our Mob Zoo um in this world you should check out the mob zuu video on YouTube if you want to see them um all right so we need a bunch of glass and like we don’t have enough we have 51 pieces of glass let’s go do two rounds of trading at the Villager Hall to get two Sher boxes of normal glass and then we’ll die up however much we need um right yeah two rounds we’re not we die in in sets of eight Stacks so yeah we’ll be die yeah yeah yeah we that’ll be enough because we already have some of each so yeah two Shuler boxes a glass will be enough uh I’m doing good uh other than the fact that I took a nap and was was almost an hour late for stream I blame Grayson honestly um don’t ask me why 1 2 3 4 5 he’s just the first name that came to my mind and that’s all it takes sometimes you know all right get some emeralds going over 14,000 15,000 day World Tour is going to be coming up this summer chat this summer coming to a theater near you watch a pink slime place [Laughter] blocks oh my God the action-packed Thriller genre has never been so full I need an an announcer voice effect and stuff like that um now that I have the wavelength I can do more of those things more easily um the problem is is I have not been able to figure out how to make it work um I have looked would be better than the Minecraft movie yeah you know what I’m going to do I’m specifically going to release My World Tour on the same day as the Minecraft movie and I’m going to get more views ah oh what are these why do we have these here I don’t know uh I removed all the grass from my base all right you don’t think you can toggle effects in wavelength very easily I mean that’s the whole point of a wavelength with stream deck integration and just be a button press on my stream deck right I mean that’s the that’s elgato’s that’s elgato’s whole whole thing is have a stream deck control your wave mic right um I’ll figure it out it’s supposed to be like a whole ecosystem of easy peas but I’m having trouble with it if you guys have been here for the beginning of stream my mics like the hardware settings for my mics like um gain and stuff like that is resetting every time I reboot my computer even though every single time I click the button to save this to Hardware or whatever uh what’s what’s the button called um save settings to Hardware is quite literally the button I set to set my game for this mic cuz I have the the wavelink XLR I don’t have the I mean I have I have a wave three USB mic but it’s not as good as my XLR mic so I got the Wave 3 XLR thing um but you can’t assign hot keys to individual ones h we’ll see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I was thinking of just like signing up for voice mod Pro but that costs uh I think it’s like 50 bucks a year or $99 for a one-time license and I’m the kind of person to not sign up for subscriptions so I’d probably just pay the hundo Buck um and get the onetime license for oh I’m sorry buddy I’m S I like I like actually dislike having subscriptions I would rather just pay for a lifetime pass for a thing um but the thing is is like I have to really want it to budget $100 to it it’s not like someone’s about to send me a $100 tip to uh buy uh buy voice mod right now looking at you [Laughter] CH my base islands that we’re working on right now has got to be my biggest project in sense of time and scale all right oh yeah dude the Minecraft movie trees I saw there was more of them that leaked today uh and like it was like a yellow tree or like it was a tree covered in like yellow leaves or something uh it wasn’t like the tree had yellow leaves it was that the the Green Tree had patches of yellow laid on top of it very very Minecraft very Minecraft um like I like yeah I’m very questionable about this movie I don’t like the sake of live action for live action or I don’t like live action for the sake of live action and it it doesn’t feel like it being live action is like I don’t know I know the okay so like the reason they’re probably doing liveaction is because if they did just a really good Minecraft animated movie everyone would just compare it to like fan-made Minecraft movies on YouTube that are only uh you know 20 minutes long but the story’s better or whatever right for it to be a big old Blockbuster that you know whatever they I [Music] don’t you’re not the target audience Colonel [Laughter] just uh yeah where Jack Black is playing Steve like look I love Jack Black he’s a National Treasure all right but like have him voice Steve yeah all right we need blue dye and light blue dye we need three stacks of each cool at least it’s not Chris Pratt no like okay that’s a good one but I don’t have a problem with any of that like it’s ju I just have a problem with like I don’t know five six seven eight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even eight and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even eight okay so I don’t have a problem with Chris Pat playing Mario but I have a problem with Chris Pratt not trying to be like Mario but he did end up doing at least a decent job so like I don’t know I don’t know I don’t have a problem with Jack Black voicing Steve I have a problem with it being liveaction I don’t know I don’t feel like I don’t I don’t feel like it needs to be live action and it being live action like just makes me not want to see it and why am are you guys hearing that popping or no is that just me it feels like when my desk is going up and down there must be some sort of electrical interference in the wave of XLR cuz I hear popping you guys did hear it it was only when the desk was moving down and the other time I heard it was only when the desk was moving up what the heck dude that’s that’s crazy um all right we’ve got our materials oh wait shoot we still need a box of player heads well let’s go take these over there while we while we can yeah I saw Toy Story 5 is getting uh got a release date it’s not like an official public one but it’s the one they use for like casting actors and stuff like [Music] that do I need all these boxes here still I have no idea casting sming all right this is a dump box I can take it to the unloader Mando and grou movie I heard there was one coming I had not seen a date 2026 seems pretty far out um oh so now that I see it Toy Story 5 is 2026 as well but that’s pretty far out because we only just got the the the like actors like casting stuff right um so they haven’t even they don’t even have they’re still looking for actors they obviously haven’t even started production um or voice actors I guess three empty Shuler boxes right so we need aquatic mob heads now Dusty you’re getting there um aquatic mob heads obviously Elder Guardians Salmons tropical fishes [ __ ] fishes a single glow squid Cod dolphin normal squid drowned and turtle this was our aquatic box so like yeah it makes sense I don’t think there’s any else that is relevant oh yeah and then these are people’s players nobody here has like a aquatic head in the game do they nobody here is like a fish as their skin right uh I don’t think oh the crab and the Penguin the crab the crab all right um let’s go buy more crab heads yeah I don’t have Axel heads that’s correct we used all those up how can you see the reserved rooms again when you get the um 500 Club roll in Discord and there’s all the information you need on room selection is in there uh all right we’re going to get some more I’ve been seeing chat so I’ve been seeing a growing sentiment online let you guys should tell me if you guys have noticed this as well okay a growing sentiment online for uh against people content creators and people in general like storing all of their information like in Discord you know what I’m saying like I’m seeing like a lot of people being like man I wish like there was like forums where this information was searchable online and not locked inside a Discord server and you know a Discord server could you know get banned or get botted and and and you know stop being maintained or whatever has anybody else been seeing that does anybody else Vibe with that maybe it’s just cuz I’m on like Tech stuff uh stuff in uh places and th that’s mostly the type of people who would complain about that it’s such an easy and secure way to handle it though like yeah but I think the main thing is is people don’t like that it’s not internet searchable like honestly some of the stuff in the Discord it would be so nice if it would pop up in Google search results if it was like Forum posts or Reddit posts or something um so it was archivable so anybody could like follow it um I don’t see myself having the time to make a colonel Forum any time soon but like I get uh I Vibe with the sentiment like you said the argument um oh I was act oh chat I just got confirmation uh tomorrow’s stream tomorrow’s stream is going to be spotlighted on Tik Tok so 900 p.m. to 10 p.m. of tomorrow’s stream is going to be exclusive to Tik Tok for that first hour um so I won’t be live on Twitch or any other platform so mods and everybody if you want to make if you want to have Tik Tock open uh for that first hour and we’re going to expect a lot of traffic last time we did this we did get no extra traffic um but we’ll see so to it it’s there there their Spotlight stuff is getting harder and harder to get into um so I am glad I actually got into this one yeah that would be nice gron or just like uh yeah I wish that mods had the ability to like view deleted messages and stuff like that we can see deleted channels as an admin I guess as admins could see it like uh I don’t know like there’s there’s a lot of like Discord like plugins that would do that but it would basically like duplicate every single Channel and stuff like that uh it and it just gets messy to um I’m following a channel that includes voting via a Discord Link in each stream and nobody really complains about it it’s a reasonable barrier yeah yeah all right good to know nobody from my community right now cares about that movement um well also okay I think what spurred it on is uh people who are like anti- monetization about everything right they’re like you know they added subscriber roles to Discord and of course I I put that in and stuff and I’m using that for people to subscribe directly within Discord Chad if you do that it obviously doesn’t help towards the partner plus thing we’re doing right now but I do get a larger percentage so if your goal is more money in my pocket that’s a way to do it subscribe in the Discord um but there’s a lot of people who just hate seeing monetization exist on a platform um so like it might be coming from that could be a factor of it uh I don’t know I don’t know all right jeez enough Dilly dalion where should we put these I kind of oh my goodness look at all the entities um um I kind of uh hinted at wanting to split them up equally put three one on each um spoke hate monetization but also hate ads and unwilling and unable to donate yeah yeah it it’s the same crowd of people that complain about having ads on Twitch um yeah so like uh but you have to have monetization for platforms to exist and for creators to exist on them right oh I was literally about to sleep so I could see it in the daytime but the Moon is setting right now um it’s good now though I don’t know where I want to start I’m going to start right here I think maybe somewhere right around there yeah dude I hate the streaming service like um landscape right now I had like Netflix for so many years and then like it just started getting like all right yeah it was five bucks for the basic TI and it’s like oh yeah I can justify seven bucks for the HD model and then like all right well now the basic model’s seven bucks and I guess I can keep 10 bucks for the HD one and then okay now they want 12 bucks for HD I think I’ll go down to to 10 bucks for the for the basic model and uh oh now it’s 15 bucks for the basic model I can’t pay that you know like like yeah it’s just oh my god um especially because I’m not the kind of person to like go and like watch um Netflix enough to justify keeping it every month but also I’m not the kind of person who can remember to end their subscription before it recharges or renew or whatever yeah and they can be removed right I’ve seen a lot of um takes online recently that how right now like you’re able to see like everything and like find Historical preferences for stuff but because we’re not writing anything down anymore we’re not writing like books well we are writing like history books and stuff but like most of our like culture right now is stored online on some private server owned by a private company and it will one day cease to exist whether that be the company goes under the company scales back their operations Google shuts down Google Drive whatever have you and then we’re there’s going there there’s been I’ve seen people thinking in 50 years there’s going to be like a like a blank spot in history where you know in the 90s we stopped recording everything to paper and then you know maybe in the and then all the servers get wiped in 2050 and there’s kind of just like nothing you know um and and then uh like that’s that’s why I save everything but then again I’m I technically am one of those well private people private companies whatever you want to say it with a server full of data that one day will go offline one day I’ll die you know and it’ll and then one day Magic’s going to be like why is the power bill so high and then unplug the server and then it’s done uh or a solar flare too right um uh all right chat how should I deal with this uh whirl poool is what I’m going to call them from now on not being on level ground how should we deal with the whirlpool not being on level ground should the top layer oh should should the top layer just be multiple blocks thick in places where it needs to be is that the move the top layer is just one block thick here two blocks thick here three blocks thick there to get the fog effect and then the fog effect happens underneath that I think that’ll work um why why is Windows got the little circly blue mark sounds like a good plan to start yeah I need a dump chest all right first going to start with the blue concrete um to put an edge in around it okay uh now I need to go get a hoe what am I doing I’m trying to look for a hoe jeez um um honestly now that I put the that in I don’t think I want it in yet also I’m just going to move all these boxes over here it’s just going to be easier having them here with us um so lights go at the bottom wait that’s not lights carpets okay lights go at the Bottom Carpets go above that um blue for the walls then we get glass gles and this goes between the glass and then this is our dump box okay so I think it was actually dumb of me to put this concrete in yet because we’re going to have to build the walls up you know we’ll figure it out okay let’s get the hoe and dig this down I’m good with this like arbitrarily weird shape by the way like it’s fine with me vaguely circular this world has over 3,400 hours all played live on stream dirt that’s unacceptable underneath the blue biome it’s been a minute since we’ve seen this okay next up then we are going to all right if the first glass layer let me grab some let me let me grab some glass to measure with you know what I’m saying um looks just as fancy as you remember it yeah so the first glass layer is going to be um here right so then here the glass is just going to be two blocks thick and then here the glass is just going to be three blocks thick right so that way the first glass layer is always at this y level but we’re able to have it Contour to the ground right that’s what’s going to happen there okay um so then and we need eight layers of glass with um an AIR block above and below so first things first we’re just going to dig this down um to find out so that’s two three three 4 5 6 7 oh my God eight what did we find chat um and then right here um right here would be carpet no here would be carpet and here would be lights so this is as far down as we need to dig a good old fossil yeah right here dude so y 49 is what we’re digging down to okay um let me grab some Moss to help out here um we have some right here that glass I put in actually isn’t going to stay there um because the um that’s actually where concrete’s going to go I I could have used concrete to uh symbolize that spot but it’s fine oh cool so I can get rid of this now I genuinely don’t care about getting these excess bone blocks um and before you ask shil it’s in the way it’s not getting no it’s in the way um all right all right so now we got to dig this funky shape down to Y 49 we said your attention please are there any Polar Express passengers in made of refesh [Music] refreshments let me just sleep because we are taking out the light sources you know you can never have too much Sandstone unless you’re me well that was smart of me ow do I have a reason to grab that coal ore in the that’s exposed in the wall chat or should I let it go like Elsa it’s actually two patches of it here wow nearly filled up my inventory just doing that [Music] we need coal art coal ore for the next map art oh my God uh wait didn’t oh did we need a bunch of coal blocks is that true I don’t recall um all right do it again Master CJ is here CJ welcome in wait weren’t you already here or am I thinking of yesterday oops you got a new label like a record label how do you buy a Le record label dude that’s crazy didn’t know the coffee business was so profitable um all right hop down in here once we reach the bottom chat we’re going to have to do another sanity check to make sure we dug down the right right amount by the way um just a heads up so make sure I do that make sure I don’t forget to pillar back up and count out the blocks and make sure it’s right your chocolate packaging ooh nice I need to try some of that chocolate CJ can you um send me your link again chocolate yeah dude uh CJ’s um coffee shop now sells chocolate coffee flavored chocolate I think one of the at least one of the flavors is how long before you get your own Oompa Loompas CJ that’s what I want to know oh there’s more of that fossil oh we’re breaking some some of it yep chocolate CH this is a big one right here dude don’t nobody tell shil fossil got a lot more rare in 118 you know they used to be so much more common because there was less ground for them to be dispersed in but as far as I know the like fossils the amount of fossils in the ground didn’t change they just got more spread out throughout the like extra vertical height so encountering them is more rare um I don’t think they like increased the fossil spawn rate to uh AC like I don’t think they doubled it because the ground got double thick you know so which is why when I’m in these old chunks dig in you you encounter them way more often uh all whoa what happened here well reloading textures didn’t fix it maybe Rel logging will sounds good CJ the 8bit hearts you totally forgot about that that’s so awesome to see oh wait the um 8 bit like heart-shaped chocolate uh I don’t think I’ve seen the final product of that I only saw the bars is that what he’s talking about with the new with the new [Applause] packaging I’ll take these free Bone blocks but like I’m not going to get the the extras though I do think I am going to go grab the iron the iron ore extras cuz we used up like so much of our raw iron eight bit is still in beta but you am selling you are the IR I replaced the word you or with but with I replaced the word I with youu but I didn’t replace the word um am with um [Laughter] R this was a huge fossil do you think it was like a double fossil no single piece of gravel I’m going to grab these iron out he am selling indeed there we go got it I don’t care about the coal or the bones we are decorating the blue can we get a uh a message in the in the chat pinned about what we’re currently doing in the blue biome with the with the uh fog pit Whirlpool kind of things um if any of the mods were here for the uh explanation when it happened if not I will re explain if nobody knows what I’m talking about um no I’d like more of a specific message pinned about what this about what we’re doing here is um um all right so we got to count it out um blue stained glass also going to grab carpet it we’re also going to grab this um and then I’m going to just grab um Moss to go as an intermediary um right milk chocolate Nest along with white chocolate o I need some of that um all right so we go light then we go carpet then we go glass and then we should get eight layers of glass now so B two 3 4 5 6 78 is flush yep that’s the right depth that’s the right depth uh so what are we up to we are doing the uh we’re decorating the blue biome right now we’re working on the fog pits that are going to also be like whirl pool tools is is their like canonical um use all right so now we got to coat the walls in um blue ter blue concrete um um actually first before we do the walls I’m going to do the lights on the floor uh four Stacks will be plenty um lights on the floor first you’re not going to physically see these so they don’t matter if they’re like all the same direction I just didn’t want to put concrete in the walls I would rather Place excess light blocks than excess concrete right now um cuz these are free 99 like the concretes that’s touching the stone sides are not going to be like they’re going to be covered by concrete that’s fine I’d rather have the the lights covered by concrete than the concrete covered by lights hey and it makes sure it’s spawn proof sooner um woo next week n g you got this yeah four Stacks that was a good guesstimation that is bright that is bright all right uh starting with the blue concrete um honestly I’ll just I’ll just grab a full inventory is worth going up CJ I see you dm’d me if you don’t mind I’ll wait till after stream to respond or to take a look at it I mean now oh my God you’re banned Bang and CJ if I read it now I’m reading it out [Laughter] loud blame gas same actually same I just realized this column is completely redundant but oh well yeah it’s fine NG look sometimes I care about my resource is sometimes I don’t and it’s a toss up basically if the mistake has already been started I’m okay with finishing the mistake but if I can catch it pre mistake it’s worth the effort to do it in the right order dang it I died game over chat see and if I did didn’t fill it in solid though it would have left a spawning space on the bottom so it’s like I can’t stop Midway up um because then mobs could spawn in that Gap um but here good um actually do we need lights over here we do um yeah we got rid of some visible lights okay uh let’s deal with those first before moving on so that we can just have a spawn spawn proof world to live in what the heck I I didn’t click on the ender chests how did they move um right so blue glass and pearlescent frog lights we have two because that’s how many we ripped out of this area so I feel like we could get away with putting one like here yeah and then putting another one like here yeah and now all spawn proofed again down at the bottom and on the top so first things first is we’re going to go down there with carpet it’s not supposed to be Circle if it’s a perfect circle that would be like very lame um it is indeed very blue wow so it took over three stacks to of frog lights but it took less than three stacks of carpet because there is extra frog lights underneath those wall blocks you know okay next up we’re going to go down there with with just glass and Moss again and put one layer so that’s where that goes so that’s where the first layer goes and then two 3 4 5 6 7 8 all right that is exactly where we wanted it to line up good good good good good good that’s where we wanted it to line up um we will have to figure this out petition to put a fifth tentacle halfway down one of the the world pools are as wide as the tentacles are bro what are you on about um all right yeah let’s so all right so what we need to do is start um I know what I need to do I don’t know if I can talk my way through it we’re just going to have to um we’re just going to have to grab some of both and and get through this um ow who did that who was that oh so at the very bottom the world poool is just going to be a single block on the bottom layer the whirpool is just going to be a single block um and the rest is going to be blue no air between air is what um make gives it the fog effect I’ve never seen a design put into a fog effect I’m really hoping this turns out beautiful did you see the Bedrock news uh I’ve seen lots of Bedrock news which one are you talking about you’re probably talking about hardcore mode Yep they’re adding hardcore indeed they are okay so if if you can see what I’m doing here it’s getting a little bit wider going up a layer um I think I’m only going to put like the mob heads in the first two top two air gaps anything lower than that’s not really going to be visible okay um so remind me when I get up to like there to start putting mob heads in okay Miku you’re exactly the same as CJ coming in here with snapshot news after I’ve already talked about it every single Wednesday [Laughter] gez don’t give CJ a hard time for doing what you do [Laughter] best uh um all right um oh is it it’s a prediction night already uh we’re going to be starting the prediction in about 15 minutes or so um so what I want want to do here chat is I want it to stop looking like a solid Circle um what I’m going to actually do is we’re going to go up a layer right but then we’re going to only make it go around like 3/4 of the way um and obviously like well actually right and then the next layer is going to be a semicircle facing the other direction that’s slightly larger and then it’s going to go back and forth and it’s going to look like it’s swirling is the goal right that’s the that’s the goal it’s going to look like it’s swirling as it goes down peace out CJ have a good night um let me just fill in the center here I thought you said have a good evening ban you’re out of here out of line sleeping banable offense we’re lucky and G’s only got a VIP badge not a mod badge no one else would no one would survive all right I’m actually going to make it like the same diameter around this time but just making it face the other way I don’t want it to get too big too quickly you [Music] know to flood for nine more hours straight jeez Darcy that’s looking that doesn’t sound fun I saw you DMD me but I was napping by the way I’m out of blue already yeah we got to start it in about 10 minutes we got to start the prediction do we have any mods in that want to start the prediction today so that’s nine Stacks wow um all your furniture is ruined bro you guys have insur flood insurance it sounds like you need flood insurance you consider flood insurance all right so next up chat we’re going to make it slightly bigger facing the other way but are you guys seeing the vision here now that you can see some fog effect um um we going to make it slightly bigger and Over Yonder actually dizzy Dore TV is here dizzy welcome in it wouldn’t do anything really well they pay you whenever something floods like it wouldn’t prevent the floods but they would would pay you when it floods right in America if you buy a house in a um flood zone uh you legally are required to buy flood insurance yeah look at that another way for America to require you to spend money I know but it could I know because one of the very first houses I ever made an offer on back when we bought our our previous house was in a flood zone I don’t even know if I ever made an offer on that one but like we we we oh fell right back in the hole oh for a renter o Dude that should be on your landlord you should be able to to sue your landlord for damages in America you could have um it wasn’t a flood it was rain damage yeah yeah I don’t know I genuinely don’t know what insurance I have but I know for a fact I have a a sump pump that can keep up with anything and it stays online on battery backup uh for ages right um and just keeps and it it just keeps up all right so this is the last glass layer before we start adding Little Fish Heads um all right how’s that look though oh yeah [Music] dude honestly I want that block there to make it more rounded and I’ll actually leave that little curl in that’ll help actually um yeah actually now that it’s big enough to have a little curl in that might actually really sell the swirl uh my day was uneventful um which is how I like most weekday to go if my week dayss are uneventful that’s a that’s a good weekday um I spent uh several hundred today though on filters for like our water softener and uh our like sink drinking water thing if you guys remember I got that installed last year this is the first year of new filters um for it it was not cheap um but what was actually really not cheap was if I wanted them to come out and install the filters for me um holy crap no I’m good putting my own filters in oh yeah well they want you to have a service plan where they where you pay them and they come out and replace your filters and run a a sanitization check every year automatically for you and stuff um and that’s ungodly expensive or you could pay them CU they would replace your filters for free if you pay them whatever amount monthly all year long um and or you can pay them a one-time thing to come out and and do the scans and replace your filters for you and that’s that they charge several hundred doll to come out or you can just replace them yourself and you’re still going to pend spend a couple hundred bucks on filters ah um so I was just like yep I’ll just buy the filters and do it myself um there’s there’s videos for that um all right so opening oh wait right we got to put in the fish heads first here um the lower level I think I want to have like uh maybe okay chat so if we’re going to have two layers of mob heads one here and then one one layer up should there be more fish heads lower in the water or higher in the water if we’re being like sucked downwards oh you know what we can do we can have the ones on this tier let’s say let’s say we have five heads on each layer right but we have five heads in the middle of this layer and then five heads around the outside of the next layer so then it’s conri it’s it’s giving more of the Whirl poool effect yes yes so same number of heads oh right so uh astronomical the um we have we have a we have like a whole house like filter thingy for the um uh like just a big carbon filter thing right but then we have a like separate thing for like drinking water so it goes through that filter it goes through the soften and then there’s a separate like filter for drinking water that comes out um like it has its own little spout on the sink kind of deal reverse osmosis that kind of thing um and that has filters that only they sell as far as I I spent hours trying to find something for it that wasn’t through them but I couldn’t um all right so let’s say we’re going with five total for this lower level um I’m going to do a crab I’m going to do an Elder Guardian I’m going to do this I’m not going to use the glow Squid on a lower level CU we only have one of it I’m going to throw in a normal squid and I’m going to throw in a drowned uh that’s just how uh yeah yeah so well the the whole home carbon filter thing uh so it basically we have you have the the the water softener and whole home filter thing which that gets out all the impurities from the water and whatnot and that you know and and makes the water softer right um the big carbon filter I bought on Amazon cuz that that was that was cheap right U that’s just your normal water softener setup but then we have like the reverse osmosis thing which gets you like purified drinking water um gets everything out of it so it’s it’s it gets the whole house to be good and then it gets you like actually good tasting drinking water out of it um which way is this spinning it’s spinning this way so we’re going to go one 2 3 four and five look they’re being spun in a circle uh oh shoot i’ I forgot the uh swirl duh all right yes it is time for a prediction I guess I don’t have any mods in now um since CJ left let me um you don’t have to have a septic tank with a well it is possible to have um a well with City with city sewer actually that’s that’s what the setup I had at my old house I think cuz I had a well but but city sewer um yeah it was it was weird it depends on your jurisdiction it’s all uh what’s legal what’s required what’s available you know I think that how that place only had sewer it didn’t have City water but it had city sewer I don’t know um yeah um all right predictions uh first p uh first uh four people to type whirlpool in the chat get to go into the prediction tonight first four people to type Whirlpool um who will do better in [Music] marbles Maris was first then Darcy then Dusty and uh crayon there we go uh 15 minutes on the prediction have fun uh while we finish this up we’ll be finishing it just in time too honestly so what I want to do what I want to see here is I want it to start like right there and then I want it to yeah it’s spiraling in again and it’s slightly larger again yeah septic tanks um I’ve never had to deal with one in my atal life and I’m kind of glad um like my parents have one but like they deal with it I don’t my grandparents had one but then the city mandated that they rip it out and switch to city sewer um uh adulting is very confusing spend so much on so much of your time on stuff that really doesn’t matter um oh yeah oh they actually I I I believe they really got shafted in that whole ordeal like they added city sewer as an option for them like right after they replaced their septic tank and they opted not to do it uh because they just replaced their septic tank and then just a handful of years later they forced them to switch over and probably because they didn’t take their free option to connect had a connection fee um so like yeah they really got if I’m remembering that scenario right they really got shafted so yeah it can it really it really sucks to suck sometimes or sucks to exist right yeah yeah they had that actually it so everybody knows that my I talk about like my grandma’s blueberry um uh blueberry pies are the best uh blueberry pies I’ve ever I’ve ever uh had right her her gray water uh always fed to where her garden and her blueberry bushes were um the blue blueberry bushes do not produce nearly as many blueberries as they used to when I was a kid she would have enough for for pies on pies on pies and muffins and and now it’s like you’ll get a couple batches of muffins if you’re lucky you’ll get one you’ll if you’re lucky you’ll get enough uh enough pies or you’ll get enough to make one pie um in the summer if like of like the good sweet berries right you the sour berries at the beginning of the Season make good muffins but then once in the in the ripest part of the season when they’re uh when they’re the sweetest that’s when you get good pies out of them and um yeah all right I’m going to put in the glow Squid head here and a Cod um but now she doesn’t get those anymore so I’m like I don’t think I’ve had one of her blueberry pies in four years or so and that’s just because of lack of like being watered um she’d have to run a hose out there and run it every day for God knows how many hours and it’s just gray water it’s not uh oh did I actually manage to pick uh 10 unique heads oh no I doubled up on the squids but that’s fine want to go back to being a kid I know the feeling um all right we don’t quite have the effect of that I was expecting of the whirl pool but like it works uh all right last honestly I want it to be one layer even bigger okay I know I need more blue to finish this so or blue glass I mean we’re going to need to go get like multiple more shulker boxes of blue glass and uh probably like probably two more shulker boxes of blue glass and one extra shulker blocks of blue concrete yeah they there’s also the fight against uh the animals and stuff that they that my grandparents go through and uh for for their blueberries um which also plays a factor in nowadays because they’re not upkeeping it the same as they were 20 years ago right and there’s only my grandma uh now I told her though if she ever sells her house I’m taking the blueberry bushes before uh before it gets listed but um blueberry bushes don’t do well for transplanting and we obviously don’t have a a gray water thing in our yard though I do really want to set up a rainwater collection and um make it like irrigate some uh some like INR Planters and stuff for magic she wants that kind of setup and I’m I’m here for it um it’s not the same Frozen’s not the same it is it is drastically better for [Music] um the fresh in my opinion uh there’s like there’s like a drastic difference especially when you’re making a pie out of it for muffins sure for blueberries in your Whatchamacallit in your smoothie sure I don’t know I would probably uh I i’ build a little Greenhouse I get one I just get a little Greenhouse for magic in the backyard you miss your grandpa’s pomegranate tree yeah dude everyone’s Grandparents were growing fruit and stuff and nowadays it’s like too bad you making me hungry nah okay does that look like a whirpool or what chat what do you think is that worth it and there’s a bunch of like mob heads circling going down looks like a lake I guess um it’s like a wave yeah it’s supposed to I guess the fog effect actually takes away from the fact that like it’s a Whirlpool that gets smaller as it goes down um cuz you can you can hardly see I I guess I can make out the very bottom Light Blue Block but like uh maybe the light blue could come out even further at the top it could definitely we’ll do that for the next one I’m not redoing this it’s time for [Laughter] marbles all right we’re going to go take these three boxes to the unloader and um I feel like the whole thing could be bigger um okay from a distance though chil monster 69 from a distance that’s a Whirlpool I can see it all right could fit more than three I don’t want more than three welcome in shil how you doing uh chat prediction is just got a few minutes left make sure you get your votes in um there’s no votes on crayons uh if you haven’t voted yet someone might might be worth just putting a bit on him in case he wins I hate to see someone go in with zero and then be like ineligible if they actually pull out on top someone went on Maris hard yeah [Laughter] dude um all right all right holy crap of the 144k 137 of that is dbom bro it crazy threw an extra zero on [Laughter] there all in huh you’re not you’re not going to match him money to burn all right oh man oh oh wow this is a really good stretch are you guys hearing the popping again why does it pop when the motors go up is it’s got to be like electrical interference so the motor of the desk going up and down which like this is way more susceptible to than the Elgato was I don’t know you hear it all the time I just hear it during this you hear it all the time Miku you shouldn’t can anybody else back that up does it come through in the click in the clips if it’s happening all the time Miku cuz if it’s happening all the time and it doesn’t come through in the clips that’s uh that’s a you problem um all right chat we’re about to play marbles on stream this is a chatbase mini game uh that we play in the twitch chat if you’re on any other platform make your way to Twitch if you want to play the winner gets to put a block on the marble Monument which you see in front of you right now it goes from Bedrock to build limit and everybody has a unique block that is their own uh so if you want to leave your mark on the hardcore world you know what to do uh if we get a new winner today uh you get deep slate tiles oh did I get the drop no I did not I’ve heard it before but your headset is like $5 you assumed it was you um well that’s new to having this new mixer for me at least um okay chat I’m going to put out a general a general uh request if you hear an audio anomaly clip it and put it in the Discord not the clip off challenge um but like put it in like the twitch Channel or something like that and tag me in it uh so that I I can I can know about it even especially if I don’t acknowledge it and and the and because like if you clip it and it does come through through the clip then that means it’s a problem with my audio setup that I’m either not here hearing myself or I am hearing and I’m just toning out so like yeah I’ll get the drop after marbles today shil um I’ll open up a tab um Grand Prix um okay marble select uh oh it’s six races tonight okay so I’m still going to run the race select uh macro that I made and it made us three so now we press six and autofill again I need to have um one of these that just does six automatically um there we go oh wait no it’s it’s oh I need to have a completely separate one for prediction days uh because we need races um all right yeah because we need a completely separate um pool um it’s just as races with no minimums or maximums and we do six and autofill um and they’re standard not Community right um so that’s that’s what we have to do here all right um I need to make a separate macro it popped again I don’t know if I heard it so this is just a general request if it’s popping please make a clip of it and put it in the Discord that’s all I want if it’s popping and any other audio static I I want to know about it okay maybe this wave XLR isn’t as good of as an investment as I had hoped it would be um two death tracks in there that’s great um and it’s better to find out now when it’s still within its return window right um this is why I don’t throw out boxes all right I just pulled this out of the trash can I just heard a pop there too um all right that’s why I don’t throw out boxes I literally had this in the trash can because like I was like going to not save the Box this time God dang it all right timer on exclamation mark play on the twitch chat get yourself in the first race of the night let’s go pin in this message until end of stream something and that trash can smelled though Jesus I hope this box isn’t covered in like food [Laughter] goop uh I never took a break during stream and I need to use the restroom now um I’m actually just going to use the restroom right now while this race plays after I can hit um play one or whatever to watch someone okay sorry chat I’ll be I’ll be back in just a minute but we’ll let this race go on okay um here we go we’re just going to watch blinks is blinks one of the people can I get um uh I don’t know can I get one of the predictions Darcy are we on four for Darcy nope um oh Magic’s in hey Magic we’re on Darcy cam okay I’ll be right back she [Music] [Music] I’m back I’m back thanks for waiting for me GG Dusty on that dub uh oh Darcy got yed we were on Darcy Cam and she got yed rip um I couldn’t win because you won because I couldn’t Jinx you oh my goodness exclamation mark play in the twitch chat get yourself for the second race of the night uh thank you for uh waiting for me while I had to run to the restroom I did not realize that like um when 11:00 came around I thought for a second like maybe I should go to the restroom or something but then was like eh uh I I’ve only been live for an hour I don’t need to um take my half hour or my Midway break and then just now I was like oh well I have to go at least you guys got to watch a marble race right countdown is on countdown is on H oh yeah crayons you’re one of the four make sure you get in it exclamation mark play crayon didn’t appear in the first race oof o or the second now yeah well rip rip crayon voters there is multiple people to vote on so it’s not uh uh I don’t see anybody in the top 10 who are we looking for Maris Darcy Dustin Maris Darcy Dusty crayon uh no it’s you it’s only bannable if you’re if it’s a one V one if there’s multiple people it’s it’s okay to not be in the races it’s not cool but it’s it’s not a ban um wait I didn’t know that Dusty I just was m i it’s just how the flew off my tongue um I’m trying I don’t see any of them in the top 10 right now um Darcy’s in ninth there we go not anymore oh Maris okay we’re on Darcy cam at least um Maris Darcy Dusty Dusty’s in ninth now okay here we go Dusty D season seventh so sixth even fifth even wow all right it’s battable because you bet on him oh my God toxic [Music] um yeah you’re do yeah I don’t know how you did that um all right Dy got fourth um Maris is well coming Dusty and konel Bot got uh stuck um all right G I won oh my god I didn’t even notice I didn’t even notice dude oh Darcy got some points nice nice exclamation mark play in the twitch chat get yourself in the third race of the night there there should probably actually be a list chil maybe there should actually be a list um all right [Music] uhuh well make make a sheet uh Dusty in seventh we can follow him nope I got somehow got on Chile instead I don’t know Darcy in the lead there we go got chocolate ice cream dude I was wanting ice cream the day after dinner so bad but instead I took a really long nap [Laughter] you can figure it out homie oh Maris in second I didn’t even realize Maris was ahead of Darcy there um they’re duking it out though right now Darcy first one out well that worked out wonderfully for you uh marrison like seventh here we go Maris made it to the center um I don’t know if how that’s going to help or hurt you but there you go whoa Mrs Ken that was sweet oh my goodness that was sick uh Dusty’s out too I just saw I see there now in ninth um Maris don’t get stuck don’t get yeed here I mean you’re like dead [Laughter] last I mean you’re going to finish hopefully but like you’re still in dead last not going to get no points for this you’re not even going to beat me oh my God this is a banable offense uh GG Mrs Ken on that dub holy kelbach got points you hate to see it you hate to see it exclamation mark play in the twitch chat get yourself in the fourth race of the prediction night dudes can you predict the marble tonight wow the local record is so much slower than the world record makes me feel like the map’s been updated and we’re going to like be beat the local record right now um oh goodness chil that sounds oh my God you got a little it’s like it’s like a voxel cat oh my goodness that’s cool it was animated too Darcy in the lead first one out again um oh this is a very high yeat rate very high yeat rate um we’re just going to stay on Darcy until um uh proven otherwise because yeah everyone’s just getting stuck on all these blocks yeah the speed picks up and then just it’s not good to be one of the last people in uhoh ah yeated Maris in the lead though oh never mind uh Dusty you’re our only hope eighth place there you go I went into a portal help me Dusty one Kenobi you’re my only hope that was so much pain whoa dizzy jeez dude it’s actually beneficial to be like towards the front Too Fast Too Fast yeah because then you can hit larger pieces with less of a chance of flying out but at least like there’s a good chance you hit a portal if you do fly out and then you get restarted um but dizzy we just got him saw him get yeated into Earth um we’re still on Dusty cam right I think so yeah woo woo oh well Magic’s up there in the lead but it looks like you’re going to get caught up to um oh Magic needed nudged actually magic was like stuck um magic wins not me yes Dusty got third love to see it um Aiden come on bud do a little bit of roll for me huh oh yeah the local record just got dominated uh by like 25 seconds by Magic now has the local record GG um amazing exclamation mark play of the twitch Jack get yourself in the fifth race of the night my [Laughter] dudes [Music] oh oh I’m re [Applause] tired 10 seconds let’s do it I told her about it but she didn’t want it well she wanted it until she found out it wasn’t like it cost real money to get the coins and stuff to get it and then she was like I don’t care um Darcy and fifth here we go we talked about it on wifey Wednesday I think whoa debom with the Boost to Darcy um you should have been boosting Maris dude [Laughter] oh wait I see the Strat dbom boosted Darcy so I would have Darcy on cam so that Darcy gets ye did I see the Strat de bomb we’ll see how it works oh this is actually the target one so like all that matters is how close you get to the center of the target um ah an okay showing from Darcy Dusty in the lead now marrison ninth okay not great Dusty still in the lead astronomical whoa who just got right there right there is that astronomical no that’s the local record oh okay astronomical GG though on the uh is that a new local record I don’t know I don’t I don’t think this one goes by time this one goes by distance um so GG astronomical on that dub du did get second um so that’s good oh that’s points for both of them um and it looks like he backfired uh D bomb Maris did not get points um all right here we go chat exclamation mark play get yourself in the sixth and final race of the night my [Music] dude all [Music] right 10 seconds let’s go I think if I press like four or five I’ll get on Darcy right away five there it is Darcy cam straight off the bat miku’s got a big lead well you’re just the first you’re the first one I can see this race that I could get the camera to follow that is um now Dusty is in um eighth or Maris is in fifth we can follow Maris there we go uh now that we’re out of the funnel round and round we go where it leads no one knows it leads to the Finish Line um that’s where it leads Dusty right behind Maris Darcy oh she’s she’s back there Mar is in like fifth still okay fourth now debom being ahead of Maris is not helping you unless you’re playing defense oh God oh God all right Dusty went up into sixth nope sixth nope third yep all right uh was that a new local record by meiku Dusty got sixth Maris you really got um stuck in that spinner huh uh jeez it was 6 seconds from a world record so definitely killed the local record from James um all right g g whoa I couldn’t hit final it like wasn’t working GG meiku um oh Dusty didn’t even get points though for sixth um all right let’s go take a look at the podium and let’s see who’s going to win uh third place goes to shil with that cat second place me that’s out of nowhere dude I guess I think I did win One race at the beginning and in the lead dust dust see what well I guess that answers that question [Applause] holy holy I’m hearing so much popping right now why um I think I just need to receip everything before tomorrow’s stream unplug everything from the wave and the mic and plug it all back in um all right uh who will do better in marbles choose outcome it’ll be dusty but let’s see first um Maris in 13th um oh Darcy in 12th and crayons uh did not play so yeah let’s pay out to Dusty complete prediction wow 196k go to Dusty and five others can we get some numbers in the chat what you win what did you lose um all right let me take a look here at Dusty’s um uh blocks uh Dusty Jordan 96 there it is he’s got an ender chest with currently eight wins upping that to nine last win was 767 um and today is 778 I believe yes 778 all right let’s go get your Ender Chest up on the monument my dude GG everybody you won 47 you won 25 you lost 2800 o um all right sleep sleep plus seven nice dudes all right worked out good for some of you always bet on yourself yeah I would I I genuinely would never bet on someone else if I was in in the prediction because you’re guaranteed to be disappointed in some way shape or form if you don’t bet on yourself you either win the race race and lose the prediction win the prediction and lose the race or lose both there’s no there’s no scenario of like being completely happy but GG Dusty with your Ender Chest on the on the place my on the tower my dude GG um all right all right yeah recently he has been hacking he had to tone it down today man my chin is bugging me really close to the top um okay okay okay okay uh anything to put away over here two empty Sher boxes okay good stuff we can pick up four more empty shulkers to put in there to top that off and that’s going to be it for the night my dudes uh GG uh let’s make our backup and um let’s see who’s live tonight to send over a raid to um who hey yo Jamal is live I haven’t seen him live at a time I can raid him in a hot minute he’s been live for nearly 12 hours um but he still got probably at least 20 more minutes in him so we’ll send a raid over so here is the raid message for you to copy and paste when you get there if you got my emotes use those if you don’t use whatever you got just make sure you spread some love when you arrive in his channel oh he’s doing a 24hour stream and he’s only been live for just under 12 so you guys should have plenty of time there he looks to be doing some stuff with uh making like Maps like on the ground like huge maps and stuff that looks sweet um I’ll see you guys tomorrow night 9:00 p.m. Eastern with the more massive Hardcore Minecraft um and it oh remember tomorrow’s stream 9:00 p.m. to 10: the first hour of it is going to be Tik Tok exclusive cuz we’re getting a spotlight uh so there should be bigger viewership um and Hyper moments and stuff like that uh so if you’re make sure you’re following on Tik Tok exclamation mark socials um if you want to be there for that first hour mods I would appreciate you being there for that first hour if you can um until then have a great weekend peace out okay e e e PR dude

This video, titled ‘Blue Biome! | Massive Minecraft #778 | 3450+ Hour Hardcore World’, was uploaded by Colonal on 2024-04-06 05:14:00. It has garnered 73 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:37 or 11797 seconds.

Playing Hardcore Minecraft!

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    Brother's Minecraft Debut! Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Embark on an exciting journey as we witness a new player, the little brother, stepping into the blocky universe of Minecraft for the very first time. Let’s follow along as he explores, builds, and faces various challenges in this captivating gameplay. Exploring the Unknown As the little brother sets foot in the vast world of Minecraft, he is greeted by a landscape filled with endless possibilities. From lush forests to towering mountains, every corner holds a new adventure waiting to be discovered. Armed with only his creativity and determination, he begins his exploration,… Read More

  • Minecraft Challenge: Ore Rank 1 vs Ore Rank 999 🔥😂

    Minecraft Challenge: Ore Rank 1 vs Ore Rank 999 🔥😂 When you finally reach Ore Rank 999 in Minecraft and realize you’ve spent more time mining virtually than you have in real life. #gamerproblems #minecraftaddict Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Gaming Challenge!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Gaming Challenge! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minecraft servers, specifically Minewind. Have you ever wanted to join a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience? Look no further than Minewind! With a dedicated community of players and a wide range of exciting features, Minewind is the place to be for any Minecraft enthusiast. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can embark on epic adventures, build magnificent structures, and engage… Read More

  • The Untold History of Minecraft’s Rise

    The Untold History of Minecraft's Rise The Rise of Minecraft: From Sandbox Game to Global Phenomenon Since its inception, Minecraft has captured the hearts of gamers worldwide with its unique blend of creativity, exploration, and survival. Available on various platforms such as PC, iOS, and Android, Minecraft has become a cultural phenomenon. But what exactly has propelled Minecraft to such immense popularity? Exploring the World of Minecraft At its core, Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows players to build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world. The game’s open-ended nature encourages creativity and imagination, making it appealing to players of all ages. Key… Read More

  • Secrets of Enchanted Architecture: Taiga Alchemist´s House Build – Minecraft!

    Secrets of Enchanted Architecture: Taiga Alchemist´s House Build - Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build Taiga Alchemist´s House – Minecraft Tutorial’, was uploaded by Enchanted.Architecture on 2024-07-11 17:00:29. It has garnered 312 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:32 or 1652 seconds. In this Minecraft Taiga Alchemist´s House Tutorial video, I’ll show you How to build a stunning and authentic Alchemist´s house in taiga style. Follow my step-by-step guide to create your own Minecraft Alchemist´s House for your survival world. House includes some alchemy interior decorations. Material list is in video. If you enjoyed this tutorial, please give it a thumbs up, leave… Read More

  • Insane Fan Girl Lucky Block Race

    Insane Fan Girl Lucky Block RaceVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing a CRAZY FAN GIRL LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Omz on 2024-06-23 00:04:31. It has garnered 878700 views and 10911 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:00 or 2340 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Heather are playing a CRAZY FAN GIRL LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft! Read More


    UNLOCKED: EL MODO HARDCORE en MINECRAFT 🤯😳Video Information This video, titled ‘YA TENEMOS EL MODO HARCORE EN MINECRAFT BEDROCK 🤯😱 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #short’, was uploaded by Bleick on 2024-04-05 15:17:12. It has garnered 3343 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets of Desert Nation revealed!

    Secrets of Desert Nation revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the Desert Nation! : Nations and Nobles’, was uploaded by Oraios Kako on 2024-01-08 17:17:10. It has garnered 249 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:49 or 11509 seconds. Let’s work on our desert nation! This is an awesome Minecraft SMP server that will be similar to the concept of the popular and famous Empires SMP! Join me in this interactive Minecraft adventure where your choices shape the story! Watch as your decisions directly impact the gameplay. Let’s embark on a journey together in the Nations & Nobles SMP, as… Read More

  • 🔥 Naveen Reveals TOP YouTube Types in Minecraft!

    🔥 Naveen Reveals TOP YouTube Types in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tʏᴘᴇs Oғ Yᴏᴜᴛᴜʙᴇʀ Iɴ Mɪɴᴇᴄʀᴀғᴛ | Pᴀʀᴛ 2 | #shorts#minecraft #gamerfleet #yessmartypie #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Naveen Is Live on 2024-03-21 01:48:40. It has garnered 6550 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch stepping down and… Read More

  • ChrisWhippit DESTROYS ALL MOBS in Minecraft!! #56

    ChrisWhippit DESTROYS ALL MOBS in Minecraft!! #56Video Information This video, titled ‘JAG DÖDAR VARENDA MOB I MINECRAFT – Alla advancements #56’, was uploaded by ChrisWhippit on 2024-05-11 07:00:03. It has garnered 3687 views and 267 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:02 or 1622 seconds. Welcome to Our series called: All advancements in Minecraft! Do you want to support the channel a little extra? Become a member today! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm4nLrtw4bSYFNUsvHMaP1Q/join Click the link to subscribe! ✔️ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/subwhippit Do you have a collaboration proposal that you want to send? Do this below: 📧 Collaboration Requests: [email protected] Want to buy a shirt or a cap? Click on… Read More

  • INSANE Auction in HrdaCraft Mod Survival! #HYPE

    INSANE Auction in HrdaCraft Mod Survival! #HYPEVideo Information This video, titled ‘HrdaCraft Mods Survival (+ Aukce) | Minecraft CZ/SK Stream #26 | HYPE 780 odběratelů!’, was uploaded by Pan Krumpáč on 2024-02-16 21:35:25. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:55 or 12115 seconds. 👍 Join me on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure! We’re going to have a lot of fun, action and creativity in this stream. If you like the video, don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe with the bell for more epic streams! 👍 ————————————————- ————————————————– ———————— Support us (donate): 💸 https://streamelements.com/pankrumpac/tip 💸 (optional) ———————————————- ————————————————–… Read More

  • Minecraft Update Madness LIVE with Fans!

    Minecraft Update Madness LIVE with Fans!Video Information This video, titled ‘Checking out the Minecraft update with viewers’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-06-14 01:40:56. It has garnered 129 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 06:45:30 or 24330 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support and if you do it I’ll give… Read More

  • 🔥 ARYAN PIE REVEALED – Epic Stampy’s Parkour Part 4! 🤯

    🔥 ARYAN PIE REVEALED - Epic Stampy's Parkour Part 4! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘stampy’s parkour part 4 #minecraft #freefire #remix #music #anime #dj’, was uploaded by YES ARYAN PIE on 2024-01-09 09:07:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Create and Origins modded SMP

    Create and Origins modded SMPWelcome to Steam And Copper; a server with many mods, primarily focusing on automation and exploration. We use such mods as Create, Immersive Engineering, most FTB mods, origins (with all of our origins being custom-made for this server), terralith, farmer’s delight, undergarden, and many more interesting additions which will offer many ways to entertain you and make your stay absolutely unforgettable! s406628.mine.game:29084 Read More

  • OddSMP smp whitelist

    Welcome to OddSMP Welcome to OddSMP, a 15+ bedrock SMP with a small and growing community. Our SMP has some unique features, including simple addons for aesthetics and convenience, a marketplace at spawn where you can buy building blocks using a money system, and a ban on extreme OP farms to encourage active play and engagement on the server. If you’re interested, feel free to DM me directly for our Discord code (specify OddSMP in your message). Read More


    ROBLOX DOORS IN MINECRAFT👁️🚪DOORS🚪👁️For Version 1.20.4It is very fun no lie!!!ogerBanner coming soon….Required Resourcepack:https://www.mediafire.com/file/kn4700je2ewhaxd/DOORS.zip/fileMods Doors Server has (Don’t need to install): Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Cave Noises of Doom 💀

    Why do cave noises in Minecraft sound so spooky? Because even the skeletons are trying to scare you! Read More

  • Crafting Minecraft VR Magic with Python & OpenCV: A Blocky Adventure!

    Crafting Minecraft VR Magic with Python & OpenCV: A Blocky Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, a new frontier, Python and OpenCV, make the vision clear. Control VR with motion, a whole new sight, With Trinus and iVRy, the future is bright. Vivecraft brings the experience alive, With Python and OpenCV, you’ll thrive. So dive into the world, with a new sensation, Minecraft VR, a true innovation. Explore, create, and build with glee, Python and OpenCV, set your mind free. In this virtual world, the possibilities are vast, Thanks to technology, the fun will last. So grab your gear, and take the leap, Minecraft VR, a journey deep. Python and… Read More

  • Minecraft: Hot Ore Portals Ranking #lit #meme

    Minecraft: Hot Ore Portals Ranking #lit #meme When you finally find a diamond ore portal but it just leads you to a room full of creepers and skeletons. Thanks, Minecraft! #shorts #meme #memes Read More

  • Ultimate Nether Portal & Basement Expansion!

    Ultimate Nether Portal & Basement Expansion! Minecraft Hardcore Season 7 Episode 40: New Nether Portal and Basement Expansion On March 20th, 2022, viewers tuned in to watch an exciting episode of Hardcore Minecraft Season 7, where Doc Brennan showcased some incredible new additions to his world. Let’s dive into the highlights of this episode! New Fancy Nether Portal One of the most exciting features introduced in this episode was the creation of a new Nether Portal. Doc Brennan showcased his creativity by designing a fancy portal that not only served as a functional gateway to the Nether but also added a touch of style to… Read More

  • Terrifying Mods in One Block Skyblock! (Ep.16)

    Terrifying Mods in One Block Skyblock! (Ep.16) Minecraft One Block Skyblock: A Terrifying Adventure with Dwellers and Horror Mods! Embark on a spine-chilling journey in Minecraft One Block with a twist! Dive into a world filled with terror as you encounter the infamous Dwellers and other horrifying mods. This unique series features a modpack for Minecraft that includes a plethora of terrifying mods such as The One Who Watches, The Man from the Fog, Cave Dweller, Nightmare.jar, and many more! Map Availability and Mod Versions Explore the eerie world of One Block across various Minecraft versions, including 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.20.1, 1.20.4, and soon,… Read More

  • EPIC World Gen Mods & Custom Blocks Creation! Day 2

    EPIC World Gen Mods & Custom Blocks Creation! Day 2Video Information This video, titled ‘World Gen Mods & Making Custom Blocks | Project Architect 2 Devlog | Day 2’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2024-07-14 16:00:34. It has garnered 9861 views and 234 likes. The duration of the video is 08:26:18 or 30378 seconds. Ever wanted to craft your own modded Minecraft experience? This series takes you on the full journey of building a modpack, from KubeJS scripting to mastering essential tools. Whether you’re a seasoned modder or a curious newcomer, join the ride! We’ll dive deep with tutorials, troubleshoot challenges, and share the real-life ups & downs of… Read More

  • 20+ Terrifying Minecraft Survival Monsters

    20+ Terrifying Minecraft Survival MonstersVideo Information This video, titled ‘HORROR SURVIVAL ADDONS 20+ Terrifying Monster in Minecraft Survival in-depth review!’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2024-06-12 12:00:29. It has garnered 128477 views and 2842 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:18 or 1278 seconds. I’ve uncovered the scariest Minecraft monsters addon that will send shivers down your spine ✅Become Official Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkjxZqW8zRi4rexA3TMvmrA/join HELP ME REACH 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: http://bit.ly/2qptXQy ► Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EcKoxSoldier ► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/eckoxsoldier ► Discord: https://discord.gg/eckodiles ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eckoxsoldier ► Instagram: https://instagram.com/therealecko ► Book Me! https://www.cameo.com/eckosoldier Elemental Ecko’s: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=f8ca8722-bdd4-4b8a-b025-e0420fc8d312 Download: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=a1da6f9b-d454-48cf-b0eb-d140020602d9 In this in-depth review, we delve into… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Base Tour – Insane MANOV Game!” 🎮🔥

    "EPIC Minecraft Base Tour - Insane MANOV Game!" 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥 Minecraft: Mostrando a nossa BASE #ep 2’, was uploaded by MANOV GAME on 2024-03-30 19:01:37. It has garnered 67 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:08 or 548 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░ READ VIDEO DESCRIPTION ░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📌 Help the channel: 🔔 Activate the BELL and SUBSCRIBE to the channel !! 🌎 SHARE. 👍 LEAVE YOUR LIKE. 💬 COMMENT. ♦ 📁 Video Texture: 📌Goal for the video: 👍 50 likes. 📈 And climbing. 📌About the server 🛒STORE: https://loja.redevonix.com/ 👉IP: jogar.redevonix.com 🎫 Coupon: OPENING 90% off 📌About the channel: 📆 New video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Tree House Build!! 🌳🏠 #Power

    INSANE Minecraft Tree House Build!! 🌳🏠 #PowerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Simple Tree House |#ماين_كرافت #ماينكرافت #minecraft #powr_live #باور’, was uploaded by Zaid Entertainment | زيد الممتع on 2024-01-12 12:00:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft movie, Minecraft mobile, Minecraft movies, Minecraft movie, Minecraft 100 days, 50 days in Minecraft, 100 days in … Read More

  • Insane Discovery: A Wild Chimpanzee in Better Minecraft PC Gameplay #18

    Insane Discovery: A Wild Chimpanzee in Better Minecraft PC Gameplay #18Video Information This video, titled ‘I found chimpanzee in Better Minecraft PC Gameplay #18’, was uploaded by Filltrix Sinhala on 2024-03-08 14:30:28. It has garnered 23899 views and 1515 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:17 or 2057 seconds. Subscribe කොරලා “🔔” එක ඔබන්න Friends! ╔════════════════════════╗ Welcome back, fellow gamers, to another thrilling episode of Better Minecraft! In today’s gameplay, join me on an extraordinary journey as we stumble upon an unexpected encounter: a chimpanzee! Yes, you heard it right – a chimpanzee in Minecraft! Watch as we explore the depths of the jungle biome in search of resources… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Battle: Angel JJ vs Demon Mikey!

    Epic Minecraft Battle: Angel JJ vs Demon Mikey!Video Information This video, titled ‘Angel JJ Grave vs Demon Mikey Grave Battle in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Maizen World on 2024-07-04 11:07:39. It has garnered 55571 views and 342 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. Not click Bait : Angel JJ Grave vs Demon Mikey Grave Battle in Minecraft Maizen! 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial Read More

  • “Insane Twist: Minecraft’s Epic End Game!” #minecraft #game #gaming

    "Insane Twist: Minecraft's Epic End Game!" #minecraft #game #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Small End In Minecraft#minecraft #game #gaming #gameplay’, was uploaded by BG_ Galaxy_Gamer on 2024-02-19 04:35:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. active and passive voice in hindi ca r songs bhutiya short ayush video minecraft portal skibdi toilet herobrine charmander fruits gta … Read More

  • Ribman Craft Mystery: Eggs + Armor = ??? #Minecraft

    Ribman Craft Mystery: Eggs + Armor = ??? #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What happened after minecraft all eggs and armors combine? #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Ribman craft on 2024-05-10 21:00:14. It has garnered 1269 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. What happened after minecraft all eggs and armors combine? #minecraft #gaming Minecraft, Zombies, Warden, Battle,Brute, Action force, Showdown, Survival, Epic, Horde, Adrenaline-pumping, Clash, Resilience, Suspense, Intense, Heart-pounding, Underground caves, Open fields, Open fields, Spectate, Tactics, Adventure, Ultimate, Gaming, Video, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon,… Read More

  • Ethan Winter’s INSANE Minecraft PvP & Drama!

    Ethan Winter's INSANE Minecraft PvP & Drama!Video Information This video, titled ‘LETS talk about the MCRP Community, shall we? (Playing minecraft pvp, chilling and chatting)’, was uploaded by Ethan Winter’s on 2024-06-20 03:15:34. It has garnered 263 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:19 or 9559 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔥 Welcome to TheRealSenpaiYT’s Live Stream! 🔥 📌 Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Nc3mWkdY7d 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRealSenpaiYT ✉ Business Email: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📚 COPYRIGHT NOTICE 📚 “Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ‘fair use’ for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is… Read More

  • Elartrios

    ElartriosElartrios.net is available for the Minecraft Java Edition and also for Minecraft Bedrock Edition! IP Java: Elartrios.net:25565 | IP Bedrock: Elartrios.net:19132 | Website: Elartrios.net Welcome to Elartrios, where adventure and excitement in Minecraft await you! Our server offers a collection of self-made minigames that promise to inject a refreshing twist into your gaming experience. With a variety of unique gamemodes designed to entertain and challenge, there’s never a dull moment here. Experience the explosive frenzy of Generatorwars as you battle it out amidst thrilling explosions. Show off your skills by conquering the molten obstacles of Lavarun, a true test of… Read More