UNBELIEVABLE! Discovering Secret Mystical Block in Minecraft – Episode 11

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All right hey kids good day welcome back to another Minecraft stream we are back in mystical block with some goals today we got some things to do uh so today was mostly just me Gathering resources um I did partake of some dark matter pedestals and watch of time to help feed seeds through

Faster and I did go ahead and add an entire row of just awakened draconium uh and then put a few watches down here to speed that up as well so that way we could jump into you know stuff today without having to worry about it um so I didn’t do a

Whole lot of converting stuff into EMC but we can why is that in there that’s weird uh let’s see what else uh we’re going to work on that uh but we’re going to start with working on some infinite storage I’d like to get that done uh because now that I’m speeding stuff up

Uh it’s creating stuff much faster than it did before so uh got to get it done so infinite storage uh is one of the first projects we’re going to start working on today so it should be actually pretty fast since all of the storage parts are EMC um this should actually go pretty

Pretty quickly so let’s see we’ll start with refined storage uh what’s the biggest one you can make so that’s going to be the 64k storage part which we already have in here which is great so I’m going to 6 well let me see 64k I would need three

Of these to make the next step up so we’re going to go over to extra discs that’s this one and 256 says we’ve already got it so oops that’s not right wrong spot there we go so we’ve already made 256 so I don’t even need these so we go

Right to three of these see if we’ve got the one above that uh extra there we go all right so that’s this one the next one is the 1024 which we also have techical difficulties no is something not working other than my throat Okay so we’ve already got the

1024 good one two three of those again we’re just trying to find the largest one we’ve got that’s the largest one we’ve got okay so I just needed that to be able to make a 4096 and I’ll need three Advanced processors and some quartz andrich irons

Okay so let’s grab some ADV spelled that wrong can’t spell for nothing all right there’s that hey Steph and Gerald how’s it going guys got some goals today we’re going to get infinite storage really quickly because it should be very quickly and then I’m going to need your

Help I need your help to do something I’ve never done before uh but I have I have a feeling you guys will know how 4096 that’s what I’m making right now there we go so I want to make that now we’ve got three of those pull out two

More oh I already had the it’s stored in a disc I didn’t realize that okay well that’s still fine um that’s the 4096 so now I need to make a 1638 uh which should be that okay we’ll put that in there let’s grab the 16 two more of those again this is worth

This is why it’s so much faster now uh 65 that’s next excuse me it’s one of those talk to you guys about some other cool stuff that I got into today all right so there’s that one so let’s see 655 grab two of those and after the 655 is purple next

Is the red one aha we’ve not made withering processors yet so for that I’m going to need these things so all I need now is some silicon let’s see silicon the good ones okay uh that’s this guy that’s this guy make it the right order here I guess technically I’m going

To EMC this but I’m never going to need it in that form thank you processor there it is and now pop that in there let’s grab a stack of those Kink what’s this oh that’s the Raw One Okay cool so now we’ll step over here

And we’ll make the two oh I need I’m g a redstone I see look at me so I got my 3D printer set up today and I printed my first first thing very excited about it I can only imagine all the different things I’m going to do with it 262 all

Right need three of those and the next one is the 1048 which is that see how much faster this is this eliminates a huge amount of grind obviously which I guess depending on how you look at it good and bad right does make it pretty simple a and

Then after that is the infinite storage part which technically I only need one of those actually technically I need two kind of I’m only kind of because you know we need the infinite part to make that infinite thing we found yesterday so I’m going to need a dis drive an advanced

Storage housing oh I need some improved okay improved there’s two of those okay and just just in case there we go and then I’ll do that my own personal inventory okay that didn’t work do I have to do it in your inventory why you know work oh lord well

Then I was unaware of that development to make the infinite storage disc you have to do other things how interesting but that’s okay though because I mean I can just pull them out of there whenever I’m ready now okay that was one of the other things we were

Going to work on today so that works out perfectly I honestly don’t mind that puts some grind back into it okay here’s the other thing I’d like to try to do today I would like to figure out how to do autocrafting in refined storage I’ve never done it before uh I feel that

Something that I would benefit and people have asked me so tutorial would be beneficial so I need to figure out how to use autocrafting with refined storage I have a feeling some of you out there may know how to do that and might be able to help me figure it out today

That’s not what I’m going to do first I’m gonna do this first because I want to do this but uh that’s next on my itinerary yum but refined autocrafting only because I’m sick of sitting here spending hours every day turning Essence into stuff so I can feed it into here I

Just want to just you know eliminate that I’d love it to automatically be ingots that make my life so much easier um but real quick well nobody’s looking I had a I bought a 3D printer a very nice 3D printer I paid a lot um but I

Made a Beni because everybody says the Beni is the boat that’s what everybody makes first and I think it turned out pretty good I didn’t have any of the webbing issues no cracks the only Spar there’s a little tiny little tiny angular line on this one side up up uh

Right about here a little but which is not real bad and then the little square in the back you can see the little Corners have a space in there those are really the only two things uh because I’ve been watching a ton of videos about this stuff everything else really turned

Out well considering I 15 minute setup out of the box ready to go so that’s my first thing I’ve ever 3D printed I have so many things to do RF tools no I don’t think I’ve used those but I know that there’s autocrafting within refined storage itself so I’d like to figure out

How that works but first we need to do ultimate crafting what mod is this extended crafting okay let’s do that extended crafting oh it’s our friends the singularities ah memories all right what’s this crafting core I feel like that’s going to be important all right so we’re going these

Are all emble so this should be a pretty hopefully relatively quick process so we’re going to go all the way up to the fatty mcfat table which is the ultimate right why would we not but let’s start I’m sure that you have to build upon them every time you do okay so we’re

Going to start with this guy so I need to make all these things so I need crafting tables and blocks of iron okay grab some of these crafting tables and we’ll grab some ironn yeah luckily with project e though it’ll be pretty easy to put most of that

Together okay so now I need to make a basic component luminesence where do I get that oh from this stuff glow stone red stone and gunpowder okay we could do that glowstone red stone and gunpowder I did the thing again didn’t I I did do the thing again no not that I

Hit a button underneath instead of hitting the there we go okay fix it kind of maybe all right we’ll go with that all right so that’s those I got an extra one in there but that’s okay Lumin Essence shwin that’s an achievement excellent uh so there’s

That and are good for it easy setup well I want to stay with refined specifically and I’ll tell you why for a tutorial point of view uh this would be an extension of the refined storage tutorials I’ve already done and there’s always a chance someone looking to AutoCraft with

Refined storage might be playing in a pack that doesn’t come with RF tools so I’d like to learn how to do the crafting within the mods first before I look at external components that would also help if that makes sense just cuz that those both of those mods may not always be in

The same packs is my thought process anyways okay so I’ve got that done now I need to make these what’s a black Iron slate black Iron Ingot oh I don’t I don’t have that iron and black dye wait what am I doing I can make that super

Easy black D I have Essence for that and it’s one of those Essences that don’t go into uh EMC I can’t do much with it so I’m leaving it in here for die purposes because I don’t turn into all the dieses I mean I could I guess that would have

Been smart all right let’s get that out of the way now I feel stupid all right let’s see we’ll do this I need the black Iron and the iron and the black Iron all right there’s the black Iron William see that I’m g go black number one

That is typo negative wonderful band one of my favorites oh yeah I gu still got to make these okay give me one of these and I’ll make that oh another achievement excellent uh we’ll grab a couple stacks of these I agree die seeds are wonderful and I I very much overlooked them the

First few playthroughs of Sky Factory just even for myself I was like ah what important is die it makes things so much easier you use die so much more often than I thought you would good stuff all right so we made we’re making the little

One and I need to make a big one which requires four little ones four okay so real quick let me do that and then big one is that okay and then let me get a stack of both of these these called basic basic because I’ll again this take a few

More steps and some some of the other things we do but it should still work so there we go we got one of these which is what I really needed and that’s a basic crafting table and I will need two of those in order to make the thing we’re making uh wouldn’t

Start for you I had to reload the page oh I’m sorry it’s all right Gerald no worries buddy uh what was your Thanksgiving what you what did we eat uh Thanksgiving went to my wife’s aunt’s house which is where we always go uh Classics turkey ham mashed potatoes

Dressing which is not stuffing those are two different things if it wasn’t stuffed inside somebody’s hole it was not stuffing um and that’s it there was all a lot of other vegetables but I don’t like cream corn or green beans or any of that stuff

So that’s all that I had but it was enough I just give me a plate full of meat mashed potatoes and dressing and I’m good all right so now I got to make the gold ones which shouldn’t be that hard there’s that one let’s make I’m

Gonna make them all because I don’t know for achievements two three four and then we make the big one make that one these are advanced advanced two stacks just so I can make the gold thing make the gold one oh block of gold forgot

Gold block of gold but it was good I had a good time I enjoyed it then I came home and ate my fluff salad uh which is something that I make which is very delicious and my her family loves it loves it I tell you and so they asked me to make it

And I made a great big thing of it did I not EMC that I didn’t um made a big thing of it and then my wife and them forgot to take it with them but so it’s more for me right dressing and stuff is easy dressing is

Over like clothes so yes I agree stuffing is better I find it to be more moist uh and it has more flavor but dressing is still good stove stop stuffing is a lie cranberry sauce yeah I think they may have had that too I agree I don’t like

It I’ve had it freshh I don’t like like cranberries I can do cranberry juice on an occasion especially if you ever get a urinary tract infection cranberry juice is the is the tits I clean you right out highly recommend it all right we’re going up to Elite just like Draven elite

Elite and then we’ll make two three four then we’ll make the big one Elite and we’ll make that stack stack just because it’s easier do it all there and then the elite one well forgot a diamond block actually I I could have done it right there but that’s fine

Diamond block of diamond there’s the elite one grab a second one get rid of those um yeah down here everybody’s green bean casserole also known as ass it doesn’t taste good I don’t understand why people eat it it’s gross but people are crazy for it down

Here I live in I live in a state where people eat some really weird stuff though so like biscuits and gravy gross uh green one let’s grab that more achievements for Draven Draven likes to see it and I’ll need two of those no I won’t I’ll need the elites

Uh is that an elite oh it’s ultimate oh I’m already Ultima how awesome is that ultimate Funk Funk you’re European that’s all right some of it’s good some oh there’s autocrafting for here too I I thought I make all these it turns out I didn’t ultimate crafting table complete

We’re already done boy that was fast all right so we’re gonna put this guy right there Now we just have to make all the stuff in the world all right extra disc oh extra didn’t put the disc in okay so to make the infinite storage disc add that up here I’m gonna need all of these things right here so right off I need an advanced storage housing and

Then I need improved and advanced processors okay so let’s let’s start with those there’s the no I need the empty one storage housing and then for processors I need that and that okay let’s get started let’s get crazy let’s get nuts okay so I have everything I

Need for that okay let’s put that up here where we need it it’s more than enough to handle it I can’t AutoCraft it till I have everything in there or you know hit the plus thing won’t let me hit the plus until I have everything so I need 16 16

16 so we got 16s 6 55s 262s and a 1048 basically I need a stack of all of them and looks like the weakest one is the 16 so we’re going to start with the blue okay easy sauce uh what are these called again part

Okay so I need the 16s I need one of those I need 655 I’m going to need the 262 and I’m going to need the 1048 that’s not the 1048 that’s not the 1048 which one wrong green that’s the 1048 okay was that all of

Them one two three 1048 is the last one okay so I’m need some more of these housings real quick two three four okay let’s do this set those in here one of these one of these one of these one of these okay now we’re g to go that

That that and that and these are diss so we’re going to go dis we’re about to see how bad we hurt ourselves here that that that that that oh it only did one of each oh that’s horrible it didn’t give me a stack of them sad days okay so uh we

Know we need 104 how many the 1048 do I need I don’t know why I keep going over there I can look at it right here can I yes 1048 in the corner so I only need four of those let’s go back to that did Disc disc 1048 how many do I have I got one two three four of those and then for the next one I’ll need eight 262s I’ve already got one in here two three four five six seven eight and then I’ll need 369 12 6 55s already got one two three four five

Six seven eight nine 10 11 12 see it’s not I’m going to have to put them in manually because it’s not going I don’t have enough storage space to do it myself so we’re going to have to start putting some of these in manually just

So we have room so there’s that uh we said the 10 these ones go in the corner that’s Parts in the corner and then 262s we’re on an angle in the other corner uh there’s the other ones down here what this okay and then the next one was the

655 we got three of those at Each corner two three one two three one two three okay that that should be all the room we need because I need 16 of which number uh 16 16 38s of which I have one already three four five six seven eight

Nine 10 11 12 4 8 12 16 think I have an extra one there but that’s okay now if we click on this if I have enough I’m one short of a 1048 oh oh I put the wrong one in the wrong spot ex somehow I did not get a 1048

Drama uh Louisville Kentucky fears go the saashi graen B was phenomenal disgusting Boop infinite storage disc my friends we’ve achieved all there is to achieve not really oh that one’s not EMC I have to make another one later but that’s okay this will take a little bit of time so I need to

Put that that that that and pull all these out for a minute put that in first and let’s see what do we got zero on that one there’s nothing in that one nothing in that one nothing in that one 3 million okay we’re going to try something I

Gotta be careful not to put ones that are not zero in there or I’ll lose everything uh let see this might kill my power for a minute but should help get the job done I should help speed that up and that one and that one and this

One is zero z z z z so there’s no parts in those ones so we can put double check it again yes all those can go away and these will clean out and go into our system again it’ll take a few minutes but it’s going to get there uh I

Can always pull things out as I need them all right so we’ve made that which is good what should have been in storage right let me see what do we got for storage now you’ll notice I didn’t get credit for any of those discs cuz I didn’t make the little

Ones which we can go back and do that all right so here’s crafting here’s where the iron crafting comes into play with it and then these things me gross we’ll continue with these so I need to make the Crafters here so we can figure out how to do crafting which I

Think some of you probably know and I will need your assistance because I’ve never done refined storage crafting so that’s look at an iron crafter which should be right here what do I need I need iron and a oh I just need there must be a not a colored

Crafter that’s refined storage itself oh okay so I go back to refin storage to make that one okay refined storage all right let’s see that is a crafter let us make one I’ll need quartz the things and and a machine case okay let’s grab ourselves a machine case which for some

Reason I doesn’t want to either there uh then we need processors I don’t remember which one so I’ll take a stack of both and then it needs cores we’ll take a stack of both I know I’ll need quartz enriched iron too many qu noises in there and where’d it go craft

Make it crafter achievement no achievement for that I already had one when did I make that why didn’t you guys tell me I already made that damn it okay I already have that now now we can move on to the next one back over to extra Read All About It iron is that

Plus a chest and some iron okay we can do that chest oh I’ll need regular chest and some iron I’ll take a stack of that please folks thank you and we’ll make an iron crafter iron crafter achievement gold crafter oo neuro processors I don’t know what those are boom I got big purple

Dumb noises for that one that’s pretty cool see gold grab a stack of that better see if I’ve got neural okay I don’t how do you make a neural a neural needs all sorts of things okay good news I have none of it um and I don’t

Have Pro I don’t have the stuff for the processor oh it’s because it’s still moving everything over that might have been a poor choice for me to move them all over at once uh let me see let me we take this one and this one that one’s still

Moving this will still give us access to everything in those discs it just won’t put anything in them wait a minute why is my infinite storage only have 189,000 it looks like nothing happened like nothing was moving I am very confused by that but okay throw it all in there for now all

Right gold uh neurals so neurals so I still need everything so I need obsidian crafting tables quartz start with those obsidian regular obsidian crafting table and quartz without the extra W and then I needed to make one of these I need silicon and Redstone okay silicone Redstone throw those in

There so now I need to go back into the thing I was trying to make which is this this I need one of these and I need the other one Shor you know I would help if I remembered those names I don’t remember what those are called now I have to look

Them up again they process they’re processors okay whoopsie uh we’ll grab a stack of those and stack of those now make a neural make a neural make a neural all right so there’s the raw neural it’s raw that’s how Draven likes it cool now I don’t need these anymore

So then we’ll grab neural that’s mural neural uh do you have a higher dis manipulator most mod packs have faster ones uh not that I’ve seen no I haven’t seen a faster one in this pack and refined doesn’t have one either there isn’t one in extra discs or refined storage that I’m aware

Of uh mobc Crusher does kill Dragon okay not really that useful okay hey want know something that happened to me today I don’t know when and I don’t know where but my wither popped I just looked over here I was it was game was on AFK all day I had it

Minimized and I looked over here and the thing that holds the Wither in place place and the rest all of the M The Miner was gone the tank was still here but uh yeah my wither popped at some point oh these look full hey they are full

Finally grab that grab another one of those okay put that in here and this my goal is to put tank of this I’m gon put all three of these tanks once they’re full over here The Ether gas I guess the ether gas I have is all I’m going to get

Because I don’t really need more than this really and I’m not going to go through the trouble to get another Wither in there when I don’t need it so that’s that one and that’s probably enough latex to laugh last me a lifetime excellent so now I’ve got the

Three tanks are the things that I’ll need for this disillusion chamber should the day come that I need the disillusion chamber the three fuels delicious nurl which I I don’t know how many of these I need I’ll take a stack okay what was I making oh yes this gold crafter woohoo

Chaing s shot the dragon so it’s no trouble killing him gotcha uh I mean I’m going to go all the way up to netherite uh Diamond I need four blocks of diamond that’s it that’s good diamond diamond crafter kwink yet another achievement keep them rolling rolling rolling rolling four blocks of

Netherite Don’t Mind If I Do uh compressed one two three four all right I has a netherite crafter now to figure out how it works I’ll need to connect it to this I don’t know if I can put it on top of that we put it on there oh

Huh how does uh what do you there’s nothing in there well this doesn’t help this does not explain to me how to use it we’ll go with just the most basic basic thought here I’m gonna go like this I’m grab a netherite Ingot I can’t put anything in the netherite crafter ignore redstone

Okay so there must be there’s nothing else in the pack it’s the only machine in here other than Advanced importers which that themselves is cool I never realized there’s Advanced importers and advanced exporters how do you use the crafter let’s go back to refined storage maybe I

Need something that’s in here and the crafter is just a better version of it uh crafting grid no pattern grid fluid grid relay security manager well I trust you guys crafter manager okay that sounds like crafting monitor crafting grid crafting monitor H those are different things I wonder if I need a crafting

Manager and crafting monitor that would kind of makes sense let make those why not I got nothing better to do with my time uh plus I’ll EMC them in case I need them later so what do I need patterns patterns okay where are patterns oh there they are oh I can make those

Cool boy I hope they stack they won’t stack I want them to stack so they won’t stack hey they stack okay cool uh now I will make a crafting monitor there’s that and a crafting manager oh I will need a Crafters okay well luckily we got those now uh crafter there they

Are crafting manager to manage my crafting what else is in here storage monitor why I would need a storage monitor isn’t that what a grid is really what’s this detector what am I detecting I don’t know manipulator crafter crafter man okay uh let’s see here oh got some chat

Things what’s in here you’ll need a pattern grid I made that pattern pattern grid I need one of those too okay uh what do I need a regular grid here me grab a grid uh grid and then you said I need a pattern grid okay right now let me EMC all three

Of these real quick so I’ve got them in here well I want to I’ve never done it before I’ve never messed with autocrafting in this pack is it me or is that look like it’s sideways okay hold on that’s bugging me I think that’s sideways don’t think I

Put that on right no no I guess that’s right okay and I mean yeah these do but we’ll get them all up here see what they do good all right so pattern grid oh look at all that stuff and then netherite crafter okay so this manages my netherite crafter and crafting monitors

Very confusing okay all right let’s see how does this work process pring exact exact well let’s see uh I want to make netherite that sounds like what I’d want and then just put this in here and click the button pattern netherite Ingot okay and then do I put that in the in the

Crafter is that working well it’s not making any still have 61 uh hello there Matt man place the right so I’ve got the pattern but how do I make the crafter do the actual crafting see is it in is it in here size there that okay I can just

Pick it up and pull it out do I need to is this what’s this for yeah it’s not crafting I’ve made the pattern and I want to be exact which is correct move all the nether okay okay now one’s in here it says craft how do

You wait what if I want it to make it forever is it yeah leex you G have to tell me how to request it to for that to be useful man okay it didn’t make any so I’m not sure what good start start oh oh that sucks that’s horrible crafting

It won’t let me type a number in there either oh that’s that sucks I got to click for stacks of 64 I might as well just be making it manually I got to do that anyways it won’t let me type a number in that sucks that that’s not useful in any way

Whatsoever because if I’m clicking it to add 64 every time I could literally just be I could literally just be clicking to add 64 every time that’s that’s not useful at all no it does not let me type it does not give me that option pull the netherite out of there again

Okay now it is it wasn’t a moment ago okay that’s better if it’ll let me type it that’s better okay so I did that now I have to go in here and hit start somewhere again where was the start button how did I how did I start that

Oh I bet it has to be in multiples of 64 start so if I just put 64 and a hit start then it gives me this screen let me see how many digits we got one two three four five six seven 8 nine 10 calculator four five six seven eight nine 10 ided by 64 see if that works out right 156 249 999 156 249 99 multiples of 64 nope still won’t let me do it because there’s not enough Essence in there okay here we go available 29182 okay 200 9182

Yeah Stephen but I want to figure out how this block works first I need to know how each of the blocks work individually before I look for ways of going around the block because again the big part of doing all of this is so I can figure out how these things work

With you guys so I can make tutorials for people who’d like to to learn how to use the machines so I’m not trying to go around a process to get a better result I’m trying to get the best result from the process that I have so that’s what

I’m looking to try to do here is to figure out how this works to the optimum before I move on to something else uh let’s see Joseph Brown thank you very much for the tutorials you’re very welcome glad that I can help Joseph and Jacob as well thank you so much for

Coming by I appreciate it oh it’s by eight that might be one thing why math was off see I’ve got two million right so let’s just say we’ve got two million so two three one two three divided by 8 equals Okay calculator reset for some reason 2 million divided by 8 it’s

250,000 okay so let’s see see uh 250,000 see if it’ll let me do that start okay so that’ll work so that’s that’s really what it comes down to then it’s just doing the math so this will work you just have to you just have to divide the s and first

Really you have to see what your components are going to be yeah yeah I see it’s only going to be for specific amounts granted that still works I mean I could still say hey do all of that and come back later and I’ll have 250,000 that’s still useful by all means

Uh it’s still 250,000 less times that I have to hit the click button but my question question is does can this crafter make more than one thing because this crafting manager would imply that it connects to multiple Crafters which if I’m only going to need the one this could be useless so let’s

Just see if I could do two things at once um I need something that I only have a few of rubber okay what’s rubber do what’s the okay so I got it’s eight of those right yes eight of those and I have 11,908 clear clear

11,900 ah can’t use 900 no I’m hit the wrong button 11,908 ided by 8 equals 1,488 okay so then I need to go back to the pattern thing and go like this to get my pattern okay put the pattern up in here okay and I don’t think I have any rubber

In here but let me check I don’t okay so then I want hit craft and the amount I said was 1,488 start start and netherite is still crafting so that crafter block can do multiple things I just have to math it out each time right right yeah that time I

Rounded it actually the 1488 I put in was actually 14885 so I just put in the the maximum I could there so that will work even even if I came back once an hour and reset the things to make whatever was done that’s still much faster than the time I

Was taking taking to click it so that I need if I’m only using one crafter I don’t need this uh and this is M okay so that’s actually showing me everything crafting that one I like I think I’ll keep that one uh because that one is showing me

Everything I’m currently crafting or no it’s not it’s just showing me one thing it’s not showing me the rubber okay well then it’s useless I don’t need it it’s not going to help me why hang on it so let’s see here so if I wanted to

Do this with a few other things right so uh let’s see let’s do one I’m just going to do it for a couple of things that I make the most so that’s Diamond an Emerald diamond and emerald I make those a lot and then those will’ll make this and then those will make oops I forgot one more of those those will make that and then is this awakened actually oh it won’t let me actually pull it out of there okay I actually

Have to make nine of them actually I could just do this that would work okay go back over here do nine of these would make these are the ones that I’m using the most lately so I did diamond block not Diamond did I really okay well I mean I guess diamond block

In there is okay but let me make the right one thank you for catching that I appreciate it and Diamond Essence diamond block and emerald block also something I use to pull it out faster okay so as I so this is just going to

Help me later on like when I’m if I run out of materials like I got 8,000 in here if we run out I can make more I don’t like that I can’t make any it doesn’t give me the craft option as long as there’s some in here that’s irritating I can’t get ahead

Unless I clean this whole thing out that I feel is a is a mistake in design but that’s okay still it’s going to serve a purpose and that actually what I wanted to to learn to do with that so that that will work oh is it it’ll do that conversion

For me well I’ll have to calculate how many nuggets worth of ingots how many nuggets worth of essence I have in order to calculate how many ingots which it’s just two maths but I can do that control shift plus click wait hold on control shift

Click I mean maybe I need to be on an empty spot control shift click doesn’t do anything ah there it is you got to click on the actual thing even better excellent you solved that problem well done excellent that makes this very useful now you have saved my day I again I’ve

Never messed with either of these blocks and all so that helps out a lot and I appreciate your guys help with that because again I’m trying to trying to math it out because I use I made this one but the basic crafter I’m sure works the exact same way I’m assuming as

Netherite crafter it just give me a larger grid to make more and if I had patterns and all of these I would then have to make another crafter which is what the crafter manager then might become more useful for so it all kind of dominoes down now

Delicious are you not done yet oh God these things take forever what you gonna do though right what you gonna do oh yeah I forgot it’s always going to show zero whoops um yes oh you know what I wonder if I had more disc manipulators

I have three going at once but I do need some of that stuff you can add speed upgrades oh to the crafter you’re correct I didn’t think about that I wouldn’t need a stack because it looks like it does a oh maybe I want do I want

A stack in there at the same time I I grabbed 64 I don’t know what I was thinking I only need three and one of those so if I go up here to the crafter and go okay won’t take a stack okay now I know so I get another

Speed ASP boy that was bad spelling grab another speed speed okay so hopefully that will process that even faster we’re already at 120,000 this is infinitely better look at that count going up I love it I love it okay so now that we’ve done that and thank you all again very much

Because I I I had no idea where to start with that so I appreciate it um I did go ahead and bump these up to tier eights today which we made yesterday and the last tier that are EMC uh cuz I wanted to make sure that my

Input and output now that I was speeding some things up wasn’t going to be too much it is still increasing at a pretty good rate so I’m I’m increasing but I barely put a dent in how much this can hold which is kind of hilarious but still putting in more than we’re taking

Out so we’re in good shape there draconic time all right so we have all purples right and I made uh now we’re we’re going to do all sorts of other fun things we’re going to do draconic now we’re going to get those up to a higher level and for that I’ll need all

Sorts of things and stuff so I made a bunch of draconium we’re good there but I used all my oh my Gold’s probably in one of those other ones okay I put some gold in there but it’s in the one that’s being unloaded probably no I haven’t played with the

Elevator directions yet you’re correct I forgot about that I yesterday we found uh that new Zone at the end of the stream and that became the uh this thing here yesterday when we learned how to get to this Zone which I still want to spend at least a few more minutes in

Today uh that was lots of fun and I enjoyed it a draconic generator yes boy those things are tough to get going I’ve tried building them twice and you’ve yet to get it to 100% successfully work sadly uh what am I looking for all I’m going need some some of

These I’m going to need a bunch of them that’s a good start okay so to move on to this I need purples which really isn’t that bad I can make purples all day and then awaken geranium blocks I have those all day too so really I just need diamonds and

Purples so I would need 22 purples okay I made 34 I’m a rebel like that and then we need four stacks of diamonds one two three four and I think that’s everything right four oh no the awaken draconium I need the awaken draconium which is this is drastically more than I need

But it’s enough to get the job done so first of all let’s get the diamonds done diamond diamond diamond diamond and over here you get the purples purpose purpose and the awakened goes over here and we pop that boy in there and click and then we’ll swap them out as

They get done this should not take long at all uh so while that’s doing that what do we need for chaotic oh we need things large is this the thing where I can’t figure out how to get these again I can never remember how to get these they

Just it doesn’t ever tell you it just Cycles in a circle of shards I could never figure out how to get those things if anybody knows how to do that please tell me I don’t remember how to get these give me give me that we’ll start with this

One here on the end because there’s nothing in it delicious get you in there chaos Dragon they’re not EMC so that’s a lot of chaos Dragon I’m assuming must kill the Chow Dragon you say that’s not good for me we’ll get there though oh hang on it’s getting night it’s night time I’m

Solar powered here because I want to make stronger solar I want to move up forward want to go forward with the solar give me okay I’m going go ahead and do this one too just because gra I’m going to do the ones that don’t have anything in it right now get those done

First I got that one here next and then I’ll do these three I got the power some CNC Music Factory for some of you who may be unaware of that tune Sparkles they’ve changed the visuals and I think it looks much nicer now all the craftings I will never use these again

Probably this going sit there forever unused oh uh we I finished uh leveling up the what was it we were working on yesterday uh the shulkers and I realized when we were fighting the dragon i’ killed enough Phantoms to have it to base so that’s going in there right now

So that’s pretty pretty cool yay more stuff okay so let me pull the diamonds out of this one slap slap slap at a base next one delicious I get shocking here I’m just kidding it didn’t happen again if you weren’t here at the beginning of the stream I did add a

Whole new row oh what do we got there hey Sean thank you very much sir $25 donation to extra life that puts us at 1335 I appreciate that very much thank you so uh yes all donations made this month goto extra life uh that puts us only

$165 away from my wife ripping out a wax strip of hair from my chest on camera yum we still have to do the world’s spiciest chocolate bar which I’m going to set a special stream time for that uh what I was saying is I did have these

But thank you very much Sean I very much appreciate that thank you sir yay it’s nice to see folks are still still participating it means a lot to me I appreciate that it’s a wonderful cause and it is my favorite things we get to do here on the

Channel is to support such a wonderful cause oops forgot to put these back world’s spiciest chocolate bar and it says to only do one of the little squares at a time I’m G to do half of it and we’ll see how that does me and I don’t like spicy things I don’t like

Taco Bell mold sauce it’s too spicy wax reminds me the 40y old virgin yes that’s somebody whoever W I can’t remember was recommended that as an option I think that’s what their inspiration was was that movie which I’ve not seen but I know I know the

Scene I’ve seen the scene but not the movie diamonds kwin craft yay we’re making Headway only four more to go after this one we’ll be done we’ll be done we’ll be done so yes we’ve got that to do um I think that’s oh yeah oh yeah that’s

Another thing uh remember you guys get to vote on what colors I dye my hair this year um in our Discord Channel link Discord is down in the description of the streams all my streams there’s the extra life thread uh please vote for your two favorite colors uh and we are

Going to unless you there’s a couple in there that if you choose like white or silver I’m that’s going to be the only color I do because for head damaging purposes uh but other than that I believe right now red and purple are winning we still got two more days to get your

Vote in there so if you’d like to vote for your color choices you go right ahead uh I did red and green last year so I think people just by themselves are trying to not pick red and green this year because that’s what I did last year it was very christmy

Um but right now I think red and purple are winning uh and I I may just do like I did last year which half red including the beard and then half purple uh somebody recommended doing purple on the sides with a red streak down the middle I haven’t decided yet had some

Suggestions I get to pick the pattern but uh I am up for for suggestions it’s got to be something that’s not crazy because I’m going to pay somebody to do this this year I think so uh I it’s got to be something reasonable that I ask

Them uh let’s see here how long was the last one oh wait I skipped some uh your tutorials have really helped me getting into modded so I appreciate that and I love ex life so happy to donate oh awesome well thank you and I’m glad that

I could be help uh I have a lot of fun making the tutorials I started making them because I couldn’t find them and I got tired of watching somebody’s three-hour let’s play to find the 10 minutes in the middle I needed so uh started putting them out and people have

Really really uh responded well to them so I thank everybody who’s been supporting me all these years and are still watching my tutorials and as soon as as soon as uh skya Factory 5 comes out I’ll be be back in Black doing it again with all with the five uh how how

Uh how much sorry I can’t see the screen uh how much the last one it last on you how long did it last uh let me see I did it the first week of December and I want I think last week no first December and

I think I wrote it out for a good 48 or 48 weeks it was it was pristine by the time we got into New Year’s after New Year’s it started to it still kept the colors it just it’s then my natural colors were underneath of it right uh

But I wrote it out for a while it looked it looked all the way through the holiday season it looked pretty awesome um all right last one uh I have a picture of it it’s slightly uh it it has it’s slightly a Christmas filter on it mind you uh but

It the colors are still as accurate it looks a bit more yellow than green that is not the picture here we go here we go so that’s the pattern I did last year it turned out the the filter made it look a little more yellow so I’m

Thinking about doing the same thing but with red and purple I haven’t decided my Beard’s not quite as long this year because I you know I cleaned up a little bit for the uh job interview last month try to look a little little more presentable I guess grab that that that that

That and that okay all righty put away the stuff I can put the other stuff away in here okay how close are you still have a very long way to go boy I wish I could speed that up I don’t think this is helping I don’t believe the watch is

Changing the speed of this in all sadly but that’s okay all right so uh now we have these up with the extra one so I have one to start changing over to chaos when the time comes um let’s take a quick look at the not that of the draconic over

Here forgot to get the achievement I have to pick up all 10 of them hold on a minute that happened last night too there we go achievement thank you very much achievement achievement these back okay now where was I rudely interrupted um so there’s two dronic tabs for some

Reason make a dronic reactor energy core I’m not sure we’re going to do that uh yes I have three speeds and a stack so there’s this one but there was ALS that was the draconic evolution one but draconic was also under another one as well which one was it the

Energy we saw it under another one yesterday the end yeah it’s also under the end this is the one because I was trying to move forward for solar but I can’t make the next solar because the next solar is chaotic and for chaotic I need chaotic cores which require those Chou things here

H uh you ever end up creating tutoral about the tronic energy core in Sky Factory 3 um no I don’t think I ever way back when I did Sky Factory 3 I never got into any of the reactors beyond the bigger reactors which is the name of the

Mod um so I never really got I when we was doing uh what was it uh stone block one was the first time I tried to build the draconic reactor maximum sized one uh and we couldn’t get get it to work uh looking at it everything was built the

Way it was supposed to according to all the guides we looked at several of them but it just wouldn’t fire up yeah and the dis manipulator I’ve got them in there I got three speed in a stack inside the disc manipulator yeah it be before that it

Only went one at a time was very slow this is increased the speed but that’s still the fastest as it goes no I I already had them in the manipulator from when I was using it earlier I didn’t have to add any of those because remember we had really

Small discs to start out from and so the same thing I had to no damn it hold on a minute it’s putting him in the wrong one why would it not put it in the one at the top oh that’s so frustrating I’m just going to put him in

There and have to run without materials for a little while I guess frustration oh because I pulled all the stuff out it stopped all the crafting all right hold on a minute yeah I mean I guess I could leave them all in the drive I mean it wouldn’t

Really matter it’s just me being picky I guess maybe I shouldn’t mess with it at all yeah you guys are probably right I probably should just leave it alone and just leave them all in there not what about it I need things okay we’ll just do that

Then you’re right it’ll just go in there as it is I don’t need to segregate them now I got to reset my crafting Dam uh let’s see so you said this I don’t even know the amount I’ll math it out later I got enough in there to last for

Now that’s all that matters all right so I’m as far as I can get in solar I could make way more draconic solar which kind of need to do eventually actually but uh we got all that done that next puts us into making the tools okay a wyvern chest piece again

Irritating that there’s only the chest piece now just to I will I will mention that regularly because it’s irritating wyvern chest piece okay Basic Energy relay crystal that’s new never made one of those before but okay I’ll do it that’s what you want for me uh need a draconium core and I

Need two pieces of draconium and one of the Wyverns two pieces of draconium and then what else uh two of those crystals okay so that’s all the stuff on the left is this this this and this this this this and then get down there this this and this and then I need a diamond chest plate Diamond chest plate crafting

To take it to the next step I need to have a wyvern core why you may ask it’s because it says so uh I only need one of those four netherite to awakened okay two awakened let’s put those up there two awakened don’t think I need those right now wver

Again oh this wait what am I looking at oh I need one wyvern core and one draconic energy core okay so let’s make that real quick there’s that I got an extra one of these by accident then netherite two 34 is that right two draconic got it okay

So on the leftand side I need two netherite and wait what NE and draconium okay not a smart man but I know what love is it’s your Force Gump quarter the day hope you enjoyed it one of these one one one pull that out put the top craft

Okay I want to go there that’s the orange one uh what’s the chaotic chaotic energy chaotic ore so I need the chaos Dragon to be able to do that okay oh did I not get achievement for that I didn’t get achievement for the purple one because I didn’t put it in my

Inventory did I did I do it right maybe I didn’t I didn’t crap I got to make another one that’s frustrating ah I wish it just picking it up gave it to you let me do that that’s way faster than what I was doing before that and

That and that that that and that two four six what am I missing oh what do we got there hey thank you very much the L family I appreciate that and second donation of the night thank you very much for your $30 donation that is greatly very much appreciated it really

Does every dime counts it’s more than a dime that’s many dimes and I really do appreciate that thank you very much that’s awesome well I’d like to think it’s because you like me and not because you want to see my chest hair ripped out but I guess we’ll

See one way or another I still appreciate it thank you very much for that thank you for your donation what says it 1365 good Lord that is phenomenal I actually uh was in touch with Children’s Hospitals what was it last Wednesday before the holiday and uh they were very

Happy they I I didn’t realize they like we’ve been keeping a tally of how much you’ve done every year so far you’ve done this much I was like I didn’t realize we’ve made well over six grand for uh Children’s Hospitals since we’ve been doing this so that’s pretty boss

I’m doing it wrong that goes in here I’m talking not paying attention but uh it is really appreciated very much so so thank you very much for your contribution crystal crystal purple thing go okay put this one in my inventory that way woohoo woohoo bounce

1365 wow um it’s hard to know what to say about that thank you and again as does the hospital thank you as well look at all those achievements kicking in I got three from that for some okay what are you doing not allowed trespasser don’t allow trespassers here okay

Uh so we’ve made that and that and we can’t do anything with chaos yet what is this it’s the staff of power that requires a lot of other things that’s okay we’ll make the other things first so we need to make a bow now we’re going to make all of the

Things the purple bow first it requires a bow well that’s understandable that sounds like something Reasonable and then and it requires two draconic two more of those crystally things which I have to make more of because I just used them all so two more of the crystal things and it takes two draconic two draconic and then it’s going to take a

Which core a draconic and a wyvern okay so there’s the draconic and I don’t know if I have any more wyverns I don’t don’t okay make one of these real quick I don’t have any Redstone okay we’ll make those Redstone why you not give me a stack of there you go messing with me messing with my emotions okay now foolishly I did not put them on the right side so that should be this this and this and this is the right side so left left left left left left right right

Right bow hopefully this time I’ll remember to put in my inventory first Mr the pizza thing oh the pizza thing was rough uh if you didn’t see it I’m going to cut it out and release it as its own video maybe uh I get end up throwing up

First time in a long time I’ve eaten something on stream that’s actually made me gge um but it was it ended up being more than I could handle it was very bad surprisingly surprisingly there were things on the pizza that were way worse than I

Expected them to be so one of the things we put on there was a mistake with sour cream because then we cooked it and the sour cream curdled I should have known better that it mean it just made it bad went bad literally ruined the sour cream

So I just scraped some of that off um the sausage gravy which I thought was going to be one of the worst part Parts was but it wasn’t as bad cuz it cooked down a lot uh surprisingly the peanut butter the peanut butter was unusually hard to get down

Um uh and I wasn’t expecting that I wasn’t expecting the peanut butter to be a problem but it really really was uh okay I need four of these and one of these right so there’s one of those and let’s see two netherite no four netherite two draconic oops four netherite and two

Draconic and then this side needs a wyvern core wyvern core all right that’s the four things right yes um Marmite didn’t have Marmite uh what I did have was vomite the vomite was bad it was bad eating it on toast and it was bad eating it

On uh the pizza because they did someone did donate extra to get it on the pizza as well uh and it was very rough sauce I it was really bad actually one of the saving Graces on there um was pickles I had the uh sweet sweet butter pickles on there and uh

They were they cut through some of the bad stuff like really like a lot saved my bacon I didn’t have any bacon God that had been nice um the cheese on top I thought that might help too and it didn’t but the pickles uh in the middle

Of all that bad flavor the pickles were a Saving Grace gross all right we got the bows done now we got to do a shovel do dig it see that see how I threw that in there was hilarious nobody appreciates me all right so I need that that that that and I’m

Missing something this again one of these oh and then I’ll need an actual shovel which I don’t know if I have shovel in here shovel I do have shovel Delicious yeah it was it was very bad uh I the pizza ended up being too much for me it defeated me which you know so be it that’s what it’s for people were trying to get me to that point gross me out right uh yeah sour cream was on there

The chocolate icing wasn’t good the cheese whiz uh got cooked down a lot so it wasn’t as prevalent uh it really watered out kind of seeped through it uh the pite the peanut butter the gravy those are probably the three worst things on there and yeah the chocolate icing the chocolate icing was

Rough all right shovel achievement that’s a shovel achievement all right so now we need orange shovel which is going to be the same thing as oh draconic shovel what they got a a crystal binder Oh I thought it was a wrench all right so I need one

Of these which means I need four of these one two three four and that’s one of these okay and then I’ve already got the shovel FK excellent pulling it in like that is way way easier what am I missing I’m missing something what did I not

Get 1 2 4 1 2 3 4 do I have the Wy core oh I missing a netherite it didn’t pull an extra netherite and should be four two on each side okay hey Teresa how goes it dinner oh yeah that’s true I did eat Taco Bell before

That never said I was a smart guy I’ve never once claimed it don’t even try to put that on me oh that’s the right hand side that’s the right hand side okay that that that that no no greedy bastard only one of you gets to go on there you’re for the

Other side that that that and that wait did I did I take that out in put my inventory okay I guess I did just checking don’t have to do it twice like I did before H well hello to both of you to be honest that was Teresa’s first thing she

Mentioned I saw her post in there I saw that before your post popped up hey Terry look at my boat that my first 3D printed thing I made it today actually turned out really well there’s only a couple little tiny areas that didn’t turn out like it was

Supposed to uh but comparatively to what a lot of people’s first ones look like uh it turned out exceptionally well sorry I got a 3D printer and printed my first thing today a bendy bendy the boat that’s what it’s called draconic shovel no one shovels like Draven the mad shoveler okay now that

We’re done the shovel I’m going in order next is the axxe we’re making all these so that I can get all the achievements but also so we can make the combined stuff first day back after having a last week off now I’m cover for cooworker off today ah I gotcha yeah we were

Exceptionally busy today as well it was axe right oops I’m gonna need some more of these guys gonna need some more of these guys let me make five so I’m G need at least five so uh probably going need need more than that throw those in there it’s

Everything so you you and you you you and you and then I need a diamond axe and my axe you may have that this is the left and then the right get it going it was to both of you busy days indeed yeah I’m trying to figure out what I want to do

Next and my wife came down she saw it she goes oh that turned out way cooler than I thought and then immediately started hinting that she wants a Hello Kitty like give a million Hello Kitty things in your room you don’t need a three printed Hello Kitty stop trying to

Get all the Hello Kitties achievements set up and calibrated I did um the one that I got uh is out of the box 15 minutes ready to go it’s self-calibrating to the 10th degree but this is my test print yeah this is my fir this is my test print after

Calibrating it um but the one I got was very good I I didn’t I didn’t go for one of the cheaper beginning ones I figured I’m going to do it I’m going to put an investment into it I mean I still didn’t get like $1,000 one or anything

Like that but uh it’s it’s a very good one and one of the fastest ones out there it turns out which I was unaware of which is cool I’ll take it one of these yes I did yes I did I’ve got many idea for cool things that I’m going to do with it

Too including some potential giveaway stuff wonder why it only pulls three netherite and not four that’s the correct thing I forget which side goes on which uh axe this one goes on the side okay so that’s you you you and you and then you you you

And you so make sure I pulled that out and got the achievement okay I did paranoid now uh using colored filament for it or going going to a neutral color uh so it came with green and because I got it uh Black Friday I got $150 off

The thing which was nice uh but it also came with two other colors I didn’t pick them it just sent to me uh gave me three different kinds too but I’ve got this green which I don’t remember what green it is uh I also got a dark blue and I

Got a copper that looks really nice um so I’m pretty pretty pleased with that achievements Yay oh no worries Teresa I said it’s up all year it’s fine if you can’t it’s fine as well not a worry what brand is it give me a second I’ll tell you not good with names I have I have it saved though because I knew people would

Ask so the brand I have is called bamboo lab bamboo is b m b Chinese company I didn’t get it off Amazon I bought it directly from them um and it came very highly rated I did a lot of research on it but I got the bamboo lab

P1p 3D printer so bamboo lab p1p in case you’re wondering uh something like white or gray for mini figs uh potentially again figures the probably the thing I’m going to make the least to be honest I mean I might make some uh but as for The

Minis I don’t paint minis I’m not good at painting So painting them having them would they’d stay in whatever color I make them so I might get like a white or a gray or something like that um but I have some ideas for things like specialty coins

Keychains um holy symbols for d and d and some custom dice that I want to put together so I’m going to be working on designing those over the next few weeks um and it should be cool all right all right so after the axe next is the

PX PX that’s this guy oh God I’m G to make a bunch of these you know what I’m gonna do here I’m we’re gonna red stone no not your button you bastard just give me the Redstone all right so there’s a bunch of redstone that part’s done all right let

Me make a bunch of these I’m out a gold again that’s right gold gold go go go go go Crow figure is definitely on my list 100% I can drop I think it’s like another 200 bucks um to upgrade this one to be able to use multiple colors at once an

Additional thing on top that would feed it through I again still learn I didn’t learn as much about that because honestly I was looking I didn’t realize I mean I knew printers could do that but I didn’t realize I could upgrade one there’s a lot of upgrades for this thing

Available it also gave me all these extra parts in little baggies that seemed important but I didn’t have to use any of them so I’m not I guess they’re for specialty things I’m not sure P all you can pee PE all you can pee I

Agree okay uh I was gonna make a stack of these okay I was gonna make a bunch of stacks of these okay there’s a bunch of stacks of those now what do I need for tier two where’s the purpley ones that would be this one nether Stars okay so I need some stars

Star the cow figure Hey listen I like a cheeseburger I’m not about making I’m not above making myself a golden calf over here we can make that happen um all right so that’s that and then I need to make a bunch of these oh

No I need to make tier two I didn’t have any didn’t have any yeah make some three all right so there’s some of those CU I end up using a bunch of those and then I’m G to make what am I missing why will you not

Work for me oh right I need to make a stack of those and then I can make a stack of these or some of those 16’s enough time for new utterly ridiculous have to clean my monitor again Terry got some acid reflux over there bud okay to the

Pix pickax I still don’t have any of these because I I turned them all into something else that’s okay we’re good I’m still gonna have to make more of these now of uh these because I just used up all of those but I’m out of blue ones and I’m out of gold good

Lord can’t win for losing okay get some more gold in there make some more tier ones okay then we’ll move forward so now to make this guy I’m not making the bow though what am I making next uh it was the a pickaxe pickaxe here we go

Kwin so there’s that guy that guy that guy and then that guy that guy and that guy I believe let me make sure that’s correct that is wrong what have I wait a minute two crystals and a draconic two crystals and a draconic that’s correct lava all over

The field here some reason it was just not Computing for me okay let me see which side this goes on before uh this goes on the left side okay left left left and then right right right pix groovy okay all right so now we’re back to Orange which I should have everything

Except for some reason it only pulls three netherite all right so that’s all those and this goes on the left okay left left left left achievement left left left left right right right right crafting excellent let that finish up we’ll move right into the last one which is the sword all the

Swords oh one of these again okay that should be enough sword go shrink so there’s this and this and this this time I’m going to be smarter about it remember which goes where yes sword diamond sword achievements makes me happy Crystal Crystal you you you go you and then for orange sword

Kwin that and that and that and that and that and that and that and another one of these we’re good purple sword uh I forget which side’s the left it’s not right get out of the way pop up where’s the sword there it is uh this thing’s on the left okay left

Left left left left right right right and right okay make sure I already got that will be very chaotic and funny oh that’s definitely on the list okay so now that we’re done all of these that leaves us the draconic staff of power now I’m assuming it’s a paxel

Right I mean it looks like a paxel is it more damaging than a regular sword cares energy modules to function I mean I’m not going to use it but I mean it’s still kind of I mean well maybe I will who knows um let’s see all right I think I’m going to go

Ahead and turn all these into this because it does more damage than the sword anyways so might as well so okay we get this achievement yes I believe it’s a paxel as well yeah my armor should help with most of it but uh we’ll see so when it

Comes to the staff of power there is no purple version it goes straight to Orange why you know give me anything I need they’re all in here it just didn’t pull the tools out I don’t see which ones it needed so let me grab all these out of here

Um and I need one of it didn’t give me that either there’s one right there so I have I need six of these yes I need one of those which I have and then I need sword pickaxe and shovel so I actually don’t need the axe sword or the

Bow pickaxe and shovel okay so the combo is going to be four and a sword wait what do you put in the middle just a regular draconic core okay let’s get this going there’s one two three four and a sword and then the other side was two the energy core and then the

Other two tools okay two the other two tools and an energy core one two three four five and then all I need left is one of these oh no I have to actually make that in the thing first crap I have to take all that stuff back out again dang

It was not paying attention that’s my own fault by my fault I mean I blame Turtle okay let me set these aside those are for the we’ll come back to those in a minute and then I don’t know why I keep running back and forth I’m holding a wireless

Controller so I need jonic core give me all these things one two three four more of these and a star see if that’s everything should be eight things I need four and four it only gave me three wyvern cores it’s not it’s it’s leaving one thing out every time

Irritating so it looks like two and two on each side is that correct two and two on each side with a star in the middle okay that one at least pretty easy to remember two and two that’s like map and why would you pull the six down why you gotta be like

That make it and then with that I’ll have everything I need so it was sword and four of those goes on the left and this stuff goes on the right and the thing in the middle stays in the middle groovy sword two three four one two three four

Five make sure I have that achievement I’m pretty sure I did craft all right cool that will give us a staff of power it’s like a regular staff but powered speaking of power I should go sleep sleepy time you one of the big things I want to make

Are Holy symbols for clerics from merged World um I’m excited I’ve wanted to make those for years and coins I want to make coins and dice those are the other things I’m interested in more Achievements this item requires energy modules def function now that’s changed from back in the day and I don’t know how to do that what is an energy module and how do they work and do I even want to go through the enough trouble to use this and will

It work for me if I go to another dimension anyways these are the questions I have to ask myself let’s see generator mob generator from resin you can um but the dice I’m making are going to be large they not going to be a regular D and D

Dice regular making a regular set of D and D dice million times I would agree resin would be where I would normally go with but I’m going to be making large specialty custom dice that are not going to be numbers they’re going to be words for different different types of dice

That I’ve made had made for me over the years but are very just generic blunt and not attractive um but people was like oh God I wish I had dice like that so I’m going to make better sites of sets of them um uh but yeah yeah you could even make you

Could even 3D print resin kits although most resin kits are made out of like more of a latex kind of rubber uh I thought about getting into that years ago and uh man it just takes so long and there’s so much once you’re done making them there’s so much sanding and

Smoothing coloring and just it’s a lot of extra work for wouldn’t justify what I want for it okay um energy modules how does this work that it won’t work that’s also very true is also accurate but you can’t really see it on here because of just of the color but on

The bottom of my bendy there’s numbers and letters on there it’s another way of testing out how well it works I would obviously have to make them deeper and they I would make it out of green because the sheen pattern there in there is a little hard to see uh but you can

Do it yes all right I don’t know how to do the power thing so I think we’re just going to skip that and not use that weapon against the dragon I do need to fight the C the Chow Dragon I just what does it need what’s it called Energy modules

Okay well that didn’t help I thought maybe it would pull up modules but there’s a million things here RF tools oh these things those things okay those are modules how do they work now I know what I’m looking for these here so there’s an energy module what does this do

Um yes gem armor does fly just not as well it’s slower um and stiffer is a weird way to say it but it is so that’s an energy module but what good is it like what how do I use energy from it but just putting it in there

Give it energy or I mean you know what I mean I don’t doesn’t give a lot of information on what these are okay there’s a module core there’s an energy module I need another one of okay I got to make two of these and I’m going to go again godamn gold damn it

Gold B of my existence today go I gotta fish around all the stuff I’m making here okay so we’re back to making another one of these and I got to make another one of these two of those we’ll make one of These achievement and I we need another one of those so to get another one of those I’m going to need two more of these to make two more of these make one two to make another one of these so I can make one of these all right

Uh Farming Simulator 22 I I hear Farming Simulator is a fun game I’ve never played it okay so now that I have a draconic energy module the heck hell do I do with it how do I get it to give it power can you just I got just be combined or something let’s

See that didn’t do anything is it a is it a shift based thing I got get that out of my hand just in case nope that didn’t do it don’t know how to put that in there press shift plus C shift plus c shift plus C doesn’t do

Anything is shift C double bound maybe right that’s what it says plus shift plus C to open modu config that is not happening okay let’s go check the old controls draconic shift plus C cons tool modules that’s draconic all right let’s see where there’s another shift C somewhere shift n x shift

B there is no other shift C did I miss it no I only see the one shift I won’t do that shift spelled shift wrong damn it shift well let me put a space in there so plus that also doesn’t help so key shift Plus shift you can’t do anything what in the

Hell shift stop unchecking that damn button plus every time I hit space it undoes it pisses me off shift plus C okay there’s only one shift C but it says it’s double bound it’s orange which means it’s conflicted very confused all right let’s just see if we can give it another one

Then uh draconic Evolution we’re going to change shift C to uh have I done six yet I’ve not done six there six uh tronic staff of power modules okay yeah shift C wasn’t work that’s okay we got to go in here now okay so that’s in there but how does that get

Power dig speed multiply I don’t want to mess with that whoops right well it’s got zero power how do I get power to go into this oh there’s an i button oh that doesn’t help me oh that’s just dark them I do like the dark theme though that’s

Nice okay so it’s got something that would give it power technically but how do you get power to go to that oh it is charging it’s charging right now because I have flux that’s why I have wireless charging so it’s charging just in my hand but my insanium sword does 53

So I still feel like that’s better it’s a little faster with the dronic see maybe not now the sword’s still faster it’s faster I don’t understand why I would want to use this operation maybe there’s more things in here that makes it do more damage that’s probably what it is

Damage modules there we go damage modules hey what’s up Terry you have yourself a good night Sir add damage modules okay all right well listen I’ll do some damage modules oh no I won’t potion of strength I hate making potions potions are the most boring thing in mind they’re not really

But I still hate them I’m just gonna make a bunch of those because I’m gonna need them um God I hate making potions Nether wart and I’m GNA need bottle of water I don’t know how many of these I’m gonna need because to make a tier two so

I’m G need at least two of them tier Three Needs I’m need like a whole bunch of them and that sucks so I need that out of there make awkward potions okay so I guess I need to make like a butt ton of awkward potions right let’s

See make a bunch of these I don’t think that they’re I don’t think that they’re EMC actually I could probably just while they’re in there make the Second Step what’s the second step for a strength potion strength potion is oh blaze powder I’m carrying that convenience oh no that’s the fuel so

It’s more blaze powder up top as well okay so pull that out of the way put one of those in there yes and then we take a nap I will eat a chocolate a giradelli square these are very good I bought them for Christmas present for

Someone and then uh decided I was going to eat them instead well I bought like a whole bunch end up getting somebody else something different um oh God please let that work ah yes screw you I did not know you could EMC potions that makes life way better thre my remote in again

Hello there teny good day over here working on things oh ran out of iron and stuff doing some draconic today I taken everything out of here and put it in here for EMC now I got to put all that one of these two of these probably

Gonna need a bunch of them but we’ll start with what we got wait what why that work what didn’t the potion work maybe it doesn’t pull them out of here oh these are plus three they’re still going to make me do more stuff damn it irritation

So that makes those not as good all right let stuff and things get out of there three of those I got somehow make it stronger how do you make it stronger with Glowstone okay hopefully the next level’s EMC would be nice bad news for you I’m sorry to hear

About that eating candy brought you brought for someone else’s a cause for you to be arrested no no I got them something nicer than candy I got I couldn’t think of something to get them I got them a couple things it wasn’t my wife it’s a friend and I wanted to get

Something else I got some candy but then I found an actual better gift for them so I ate the candy completely different they’re going to like what I got them way more than they would have liked the candy okay so I’m still going to need probably two of

These right six there’s okay all right so now I need to make tier two which I’ve done okay so to get a tier three I need two of those so I need four of the tier three potions okay so I start with this one one of those two of

Those right yes no yes now I need to now I need this we’ll make the plus six so there’s those okay we got the two sixes so now we got to jump up draconic what do you need dragon’s breath aha finally something went my way dragon’s breath oh

64 that’s too many I don’t need that many get in there hard computer died lost all your stuff there including a stone block oh I’m sorry to hear that and it’s not recoverable by any way whatsoever I I don’t know that much about that so I’m not sure all right there’s draconic

So how’ that do for damage made it 23 that’s still less than half the damage of my insanium sword hey Mr Paul hello Mutley yeah I’m sorry about that as well teni that sucks man I know again everything of importance I keep on a a

Backup hard drive I mean I I would I would lose probably some of my Minecraft stuff but photographs and things that I couldn’t risk being lost uh those those would make me unhappy if I lost those as well speaking of loss I’m GNA try and lose a

Tree so there’s a tree that grows right at the corner of my house and it’s like a double trunk tree and one of them comes off on an angle and it’s as it’s gotten taller it’s leaned and it leans right over my car and I’m afraid it’s

Going to break in the cold weather we get any ice or snow on there and it’s going to land on my car so I got a dude coming out tomorrow who’s going to give me a quote on how much it’s going to be to remove that tree i’ like to keep the

One that’s straight up I don’t I like the Privacy I live on a corner lot uh so the little street that I live on is the front and then another little Street goes just one more house and then you’re on a main street so I like the Privacy

It gives me on this side if I want to step out shirtless and put trash in trash can something like that but uh I do want to get rid of the big dong looking one that’s hanging over my car I also am trying to set up an appointment to get an electrician out

Here to fix the fact that half of the outlets in my basement went out like a month and a half ago and I just haven’t had the time or money to get someone out here uh so I talked to a guy today who said he he’s gonna check his schedule

And get back for me tomorrow because he works 20 he it’s like a 24-hour thing he’s open on weekends and I need a night someone to come at night or on a weekend because because I work from home and I know he’s going to have to shut the

Power off to work on stuff and I can’t be without power and do my job so trying to find someone who can come in that schedule is a bit more limiting and he’s also going to put in the new ring doorbell that I got but he won’t do the

New wireless thermostat I got because he doesn’t do that I got to find somebody separate so many things uh let’s see here I never G keep anything on my computer unless I have no other option gotcha if it does then you get a new car not necessarily not if you have just

Basic coverage sir you would have to have full coverage for that basic coverage only covers you if you’re in an accident and it’s your fault it’s the other person’s fault then their insurance has to cover you I do not have full coverage on my vehicle because it’s

100% paid off I own it and you know worst case in I can get another car um so that did not help I’m not a fan of this draconic staff I would have to make a whole bunch of those and I don’t know if you could put multiple in something makes me think

You could put multiple in but I don’t know ionic Shield I guess that’d be for the chest recovery wyvern flight mode oh God if you have to have that to be able to fly does not currently work with chest piece okay so it sounds like you have to

Have flight in your chest piece just to be able to fly now uh so yes I believe draconic sucks now I don’t like any of the changes to draconic they’ve nerfed the hell out of it all right we’ll stick with what I got it may take forever to kill the dragon

But I’ve got a sword that will slowly Do It um I haven’t put any enchantments on it either I should check do I have any books of enchantments I do have Tombstone and silk touch that’s it really maybe it’s not called book let me on the cas something it’s not a

Book uh where are all my books where are all my books there should be is it me or there no books in here these are all single Stacks there it is there’s the silk touch okay so there’s the book I was looking for the other one that’s a stack

Of four will be up in here okay sky factor 4 Prestige points to Temp me hey there you go there you go look at you find in the uh silver lining in there uh so they’ve nerfed it just like they nerfed mystical sad days very sad

Days but yeah Jump On In get you a brand new sky factor foro try starting with one of those new worlds that’s what I’m going to do next different starting base maxed out draconic armor well there’s not even full draconic armor anymore there’s just the chest piece I still have to wear different

Head Pants and foot because they’ve got rid of the other draconic pieces at least in this pack I don’t know if they exist in any other one what do I use that for interesting okay uh worst case scenario I’d lose my insanium gear or no I mean I’d lose my gem armor

Which I’m not worried about because let me put this in my sarcophagus I I would lose my weapons that would be sad but I can replace them pretty easy as for Gem gear I just have it right here gem armor is slower I don’t have

The speed that I have and I don’t have all the other perks that I added to my or Buffs that I added to my insanium armor this sword will probably take forever oh wait can you take those modules out of a Thing Once I put them in there

You can okay well that’s not that’s not as bad because the draconic bow is still better than a regular bow that I’d be using so um a second it’s only doing the staff I’m the staff six so I could probably won’t take the sword one but at least I have power in the

Bow doesn’t do anything do I still need is it still regular arrows I thought it did powered arrows okay use regular arrows wait there wasn’t maybe there was an arrow one yeah there’s arrows projectile velocity module well that doesn’t seem to be oh God more

Potions H maybe we’ll try it just as it is who wants to see dven get killed by the chaos Dragon uh because that could happen right now very likely I know Teresa hates to see that type of thing but you know she may have to avert her eyes put away stuff I don’t

Need not going to need let’s take off the old backpack because no sense oh I forgot I have a fire charm on I don’t even need that that anymore what is this oh that’s my repair Talisman hang on a second I’m going EMC that real quick to make that

Again and I can EMC that which I don’t even need anymore EMC the backpack that’s pretty good okay so I’ll I’ll keep this on because now I can get another one and the backpack I don’t need to wear because it’s not going to do much for me you have to

Change it in the GUI I I didn’t see a GUI button that used to be one of the abilities but it seemed like they changed that from the old stuff when they added these things um we’ll see if there’s a GUI button I don’t I thought from the looks

Of it they got rid of that draconic tool config maybe that didn’t do anything it literally doesn’t do anything it just switches it to slot five oh I’m hitting the wrong five I’m an idiot uh HUD oh don’t know what I did there conic bom modules wait what is what is that Shield

HUD no I don’t want to that was that’s weird okay uh no it doesn’t give the ability to do that anymore I think now it’s all of those other things you got to put on that’s just the Light Dark theme Advanced config mode regular config mode yep they’ve nerfed it I don’t like

It wish these things were EMC but uh they are not so I guess we’ll figure it out um yeah draconic oh again they Nerf stuff I guess I don’t understand why they Nerf it was there somebody complaining they were too powerful was there someone out there saying hey man

This stuff’s really good you should you should fix that we don’t like good stuff in this world that’s horrible you should get rid of really good stuff get some hang on let me fix my cake before I forget we’re gonna run out of slices don’t you have to fly like a

Really long distance in One Direction isn’t it like 10,000 blocks to get to a chaos dragon I think that’s what it is I think it’s 10,000 we’ll go east this armor is so much slower than my regular so this will probably take us a while it’s going to be a very boring

Trip although we’re at 500 now will’ll be there any hour kind of thought we’d come across some Land by now is it 10,000 I it was long it’s 10, 20,000 I knew it was a lot we’re almost to 1,000 oh oh at least we’re getting some scenery all of a

Sudden that’s better than nothing Lando calarian we’re going straight East I’m following that east line right there shift and control do not make me go faster with this armor give that a second to boot up there oh that is sped up never mind that is as fast as it goes okay uh

1,700 the end looks prettier I will say that I’m going to need every single person out there most importantly Teresa to root for me not to die as we’re flying one-handed oh I hit something okay I goes tall I’m GNA open up some cheesy bread to munch on I

Didn’t get to eat what why are you putting tall things in front of me can’t you see I’m trying to fill my fat face I need an insta run button I did not hang on I’m G get a second to load in I’m have to go way high I think give

Me open this cheese bread I didn’t get to eat dinner before the stream today because I was messing with that 3D printer so I’m gonna eat afterwards how high do I have to get I’ve never asked that before should be high enough to miss everything now about to hit 3,000 we’re almost a

Third of the way what do you guys think 3D printed odg keychains or coers things like that on the I’ve got a store many of you may not know that on my website onlyd draven.exe know a lot of times there’s like 30 different colors available um

And I can always add another color on there the tank tops are popular I need to hop on my my uh drop ship company that I use that make stuff and see if they’ve got any new products out for the holidays they usually had a couple things around Christmas

Time all right we’re about to hit 5,000 we’re about halfway there Living on a Prayer oh that ball was awfully High almost hit that these things are sturdy like I couldn’t squish this if I wanted to it’s very hard I’ve never actually physically held anything that’s been 3D printed before

To my knowledge I guess I could have bought something somewhere and not realized but uh this thing’s really hard like in a good way like it’s really sturdy and then one of the one of the filaments I got is specifically the blue one uh is a type of filament that’s

Listed as tough that it’s harder than normal I guess that’s for like maybe maybe things that are maybe like flat thin but tall things that need that ex that are more likely to snap Hi Puffy hi sweetie you doing I’m going go get killed by a dragon you going to

Watch you’re hungry okay she’s licking her lips one moment got to call my lady wife and see if she’ll bring some treats down one moment she’s coming Lord knows I had time we’re at 7,000 that was high I forget fighting this Dragon what’s the what’s the problem what’s he

Do do I have to break healing crystals and stuff again I don’t remember where the chaos Dragon like hold on B she’s coming down so she can get you some treats hold on a minute we’re good yeah an extra affection of this week one thing um oddly enough as many

Of you know last Monday our cat midnight Mr midnight uh unfortunately passed away um so now it’s just Buffy and patches who just happen to be walking in as I mentioned this mignight was twice their size and at times could be a bit of a b

Bully uh so we’ve learned that over the last week without him being here patches who’s super skittish um is being more open like she rarely ever came down into the basement where I’m at was mostly midnight and Buffy spend all their time down here she’d

Come down once in a while for a snack or to say hi but then she wasn’t out down here long uh she and she would never come into my bedroom midnight slept in my room almost every night um but since he passed she started coming into my room and playing with I

Have a bunch of toys in there and string I lay in bed at night like all these strings and ribbons on sticks I can play with them and things um oh that was high uh and now patches is starting to come into my room know you can’t have whoa

Buffy hold on listen you greedy girl listen here you’re being greedy you can’t lick my cheese bread I don’t even want to lick my cheesebread just kidding come on she does not like getting picked up unless she wants it okay we are at 9600 it’s one reason I

Had to move her out of the way cuz we’re about there all right we’re at 99 really there’s a pearl SP home from here um uh we’ve broken 10,000 are we sure it’s 10,000 it seems like I’m going slower because I’m looking down I’m actually

Not I’m going the max some the speed I can go um all right we’re about to at 11,000 there’s 11,000 I thought it was every direction you went there would be one was I supposed to go the other direction H dilemma we’re about to hit 12,000 uh Gary said orange fat boom King

Henry gotcha yeah we uh adopted all three together two little girls and a boy um is uh tore me up I’ll be honest I took it very hard still them still not I did put a couple little uh I I have a Tik Tok don’t post on it

Very often but I did put up a couple videos of the kitties here lately because that’s all I ever posted on there were cat videos there’s a slime Island okay Crystal Craig well maybe we’re not going to fight a chaos Dragon today I may have to

Go find one off camera and just save the Waypoint so you guys can see I won’t fight one without you guys but if we don’t find one by 20 I think it’s safe to say that I’m going to have to pick a different direction I’m hoping it’s at

15,000 all right that’s the first noise I’ve heard thought that noise meant something for a minute there give me a second for things to load in case I happen to pass something no continue on chaos dragon is hold on one second sorry wife had a quick question I mean that’s part of draconic

Itself is it not we’re about to hit 15 I wonder if I missed it back at 12,000 that growl was it maybe it was more to the left or right maybe it wasn’t a a direct angle you know what I mean try this so there’s 13,000 was right around 11 it was right

Around I want to say 13 or 12,000 somewhere around there is when we uh I heard the growl the dragons are the only thing that would growl should have switched direction right then and there which is what I was thinking about doing all right so now we’re under

13 am I more south than I was no doesn’t feel like it I maybe a little bit was a manly cat making the noise it’s possible Mr M was a growley boy well I guess no CH chaos Dragon for US unless I keep going from 15 to 20,000 what do

You guys think want me to look forward off camera and you guys don’t have to watch me fly around and do another and go back and work on other things or do you want me to go back to the 15 point and at least push out the 20

Because we’re about to get 11,000 then we’re g to it definitely wasn’t that low go home or keep pushing on give me your thoughts 10,000 KX and 10,000 KZ J I’ll be honest with you I don’t know what that means man I mean 10,000 I get but I don’t know

What the Z what the x and z for at the end oh wait you’re saying oh wait I know what you mean now 10,000 each uh I understand now took me a moment I figured it out sorry good Lord so I actually had to go not a cardinal direction an angular Direction okay

Well my bad we’ll work on that but at least now we have a gold to shoot for if we don’t find it there then I’ll search for it off camera you know took about five six minutes to go that far yeah I know it’s not the most I try

Not to do this stuff on streams I try to find things like this ahead of time because I know how boring it is for you guys so I apologize for that but I didn’t make [Laughter] it so what’s having I’m flanking them you see this is all part of my master plan

Sneaking around and come around and surprise right in the butt never saw it coming like a ninja fat Canadian ninja well you’re winning there my friend I’m just kid it’s already been a pretty good week this week my job I had a good day at work today productive day

Um so at my job you know uh now I work in admissions for University so I don’t have quotas or anything like that it’s not like that but you know part of the goal is to try to get people signed up to go to college right go to

University and uh I had a good day in that regard uh especially as a newer person I had a good day for someone who would be there was like a long-term person so uh that’s pretty cool yeah I want to do a good showing my first few weeks on the floor then I’ll

Slack off I’m just kidding I’m not like that but no I really want to do a good sh I see that they they hired someone capable of doing the job right you want to walk right out of training and suck totally last oh almost halfway if I had my insanium armor on

We’d be there by now not a fan of the gem armor but I’ll wear it if it’s for these big fights if it’s going to help whoop speed bump I know I had full draconic armor in what was it was it stone block one and the chaos Dragon like one

Shotted me even with fonic armor on so it does not bode well for my chances but we’re going to give it a shot because why not there’s nothing on me I can’t afford to lose except for maybe this I should have left this at

Home but I mean it’s not that big of a deal oh found Little Village there cool compressed shelare that sounds like a bad day um see what else I got to talk about I feel like it was something I wanted to tell you guys about and I’m

Not remembering what it is it’s making me mad ever since beginning of the stream there’s like something I wanted to mention not sure so over on my twitch Channel I only stream over there every other Friday this past week uh myself and some friends bunch of the mods here

On the channel uh we fired up a Conan Exiles server two little kides just ran by chasing each other um they’re being a bit more playful now they have the run of the house um so I don’t know if you played it Conan Exiles fun game fun

Game H not a fan of the battle pass system but I think every game in the world is going to that now but aside from that the game itself a lot of fun I have many hours in that game I’m losing a little X I still on the angle there okay thank

You I don’t know if it’ll be exactly but we’ll get close uh and then in my personal time I’ve been playing Starfield I haven’t played it in a couple days I’ve been working with a 3D printer and yesterday I had to put together a whole shelf I bought for

The printer tomorrow I have to get I bought a regular printer like a month ago and had nowhere to put it so the 3D printer Shelf has a shelf underneath of it and I’m also hoping that the print weight of the printer will um help stabilize the Shelf a little bit because

That 3D printer gets a moving um but I got a really good regular printer that is Wireless it’s also got scanner it’s got a fax but who the who the hell fax is anymore um but it’s got all that stuff in it so that’ll be nice

Because I have a lot of old photographs I’ve been wanting to scan for years and I had a very the printer I had was probably 14 years old which 3D printer did I get I found the book while we were chatting it’s the bamboo lab p1p 3D printer hope that’s not too close

There’s a delay so there’s that um and it’s uh oh you’re fine mle it’s actually pretty pretty well rated and not not that cheap but it is on sale right now you can save like 150 bucks if you buy it on uh Black Friday Black Friday sales still going on

All right we got 500 to go uh yep yep there it is this is the beginnings of it shouldn’t shouldn’t it be here what are those stalker what do you do you give me stalker meat get a little bit of that I feel like that’s where he should have

Been that’s the 10,000 10,000 basically not exactly but I mean close enough you have to summon them or something now well no now I’m over 10,000 let me go this way make sure I’m exactly yeah yeah 10,000 okay I am confused this is where he should be but there’s no obsidian pillars wow

Whoa guess I had to get to the middle oh snap doodle hold on hold on hold on okay guess I gotta do this well I did not do anything at all um ow ow okay he’s not hurting me um this is not doing anything all right ow ow ow ow ow

Ow stop laser facing me he’s laser facing it doesn’t doesn’t hurt me actually oh maybe I got to get him to blow it open okay maybe that’s what I got to do okay laser face this open okay I’m me go and break the other ones well I’m

Waiting I gota wait for him to laser face okay can’t do anything to that still can’t hit him I may have changed you you didn’t hit it hit it better come over here laser face it not miscal come break that just so it’s not blocking his laser face come laser faces damn it

Whoa he’s sucking in meduses he pulled me down to the ground that was rude stop pulling me in ghosty Dragon trying to get up here so he’ll zap it he keeps pulling me to the ground I’m fighting a vacuum Dragon he’s a Hoover stop it let me go this way

Oh you went red again well now I just I don’t know what to do to fight him mine that well that didn’t help that’s Bedrock underneath of it well he didn’t explode it either anybody have any idea what to do against this thing he’s doing his Hoover thing again

Ha I’m hiding in the hole Guardian Withers really unexpected unexpected what in the hell well that Shield’s durability got to be going away I can’t get out of the hole he’s got the vacuum thing on I literally can’t get out of this hole [Applause] [Applause] the thing is I’m the withers’s thing is

Not hurting me who I’m out I’m in wither hell if he wasn’t pulling me down to the ground I can’t fly up and hit anybody cuz he’s pulling me to the ground all right you want to pull me in you prick come here come here I’mma smack you in your ghost

Face out the way Withers I’m trying to eat a dragon yeah the nothing’s hurting me but I can’t hurt them either I’m trying to get to the dragon I can’t he he pushes me away anytime I get close I can’t get in range to hit him Withers appear to be

Healing where’s that red line going where’s this why you you zapping over here what’s down here what’s in this hole what’s underground said I’m going down we’re going to find out I got a quest for getting endstone that’s strange we’re going to see what’s under this what do you zaen oh

That can I break this going to be well he can’t hurt me and I can’t hurt him this does not have a durability I can’t break it it won’t let me land either he’s pulling me up still yeah this is the thing you break it’s just like it’s not letting me

Boy those Withers would really like to come down here and hang out some of those wers I think are taking damage from something other than me yeah I was going to try to get the one above it I can’t get down to the one below it cuz every time I try it pulls

Me up again what’s that is that anything good what I what did I just pick up anything good break it break it break it everything went quiet real quick okay I tried to Vin mine it but it didn’t get rid of it no that didn’t seem to do

Anything he’s still up there all right he’s red again let me get in there and see if I can just hit him come here if anybody has a moment to Google this I’d greatly appreciate it modernday chaos Dragon what are you supposed to do nope passed right through him didn’t hurt him at

All he’s doing that pull me in thing again so that area down underneath is yeah I’m not it’s not it’s not hurting him at all thanks for the big explosion sir we are immovable Force type kind of situation here can’t hurt you you can’t hurt me I

Don’t know what we’re going to do for eternity thought maybe trying to knock those back at him that didn’t help whoop shot me way up though yeah see it still says 14 crystals we have to figure out how to break these this is the problem but they’re immune to this they’re immune to

That immune to that get a little hold to standing so you can’t pull me forward I’m gonna have to pause it and Google it you guys have to bear with me here see if we can figure it out Crystal active so if you shoot him with your Tinker crossbow don’t keep shooting him this being said make sure you don’t miss if you hit a crystal but don’t kill it it gets a shield for a few seconds the only thing I came across is it says these things can glitch

And it says leave the end and then come back so we’re going to try that it says it’s really glitchy now I remove these deaths here uh I don’t have a Teleport right home I need to make one I have to go to the mining Dimension and then home ow oh

That’s there I have to move that hang on a second all this stuff I got oh I forgot gem armor won’t let you do the shift in midair thing the one of the main things I hate about it um here put a Wither Rose in there some of this stuff might go

Inside got some insanium there for something so the bows and arrows didn’t do us any good okay first of all let me create a waypoint for home that’s not an H that is caps lock okay so let’s come back give it a minute or two and then go back in

Again I got rid of all my arrows but guess I’ll take a few extra just in case very confusing very very confusing I was hoping I was standing there taking it hoping his breath would blow this up it’s blowing up the obsidian underneath of it well he’s doing that suck you in thing

Again and there’s a million Withers again well until we can find out how to beat him I’m I’m we’re just wasting our time there I’m not going to stand there all night and just get whack on nothing I’ll have to try to research it and figure out how to beat

Them if if it’s even possible I have no idea now we’ll switch that out did I put my armor in here like I meant to I did I just set those in there for now uh so we’ll do something else we only have 15 minutes left I I feel bad that we

Just wasted 30 minutes for for nothing um yeah it wasn’t affecting it at all what I was doing wasn’t have any effect on the crystals at all give me a moment you may hear sound by accident um let’s see all right this is somebody fighting the chaos dragon in a different

Pack all right let’s see they have arrived at the chaos Dragon I can’t see chat for a minute so bear with me look like they are going in as as a group here they’re oh they cheated they teleported in okay so there they are there they are the pillars popped

Out all right they broke it Swing Your Weapon at it they’re deal with a vacuum thing too one moment why are you not breaking he’s not even trying to break the crystal he’s just hanging out inside the cage with it take a whack at it idiot

Oh they blew one up how’d you blow that up hang on a second this guy’s just dancing around it hasn’t swung at it once I don’t know what this guy’s doing he just hanging out in the cage watching the dragon pull him against the bars and now they’ve teleported out they they

Edited it they cut a part out what good is that I think they may be having the same problem again I apologize I can’t see chat while I’m watching this so bear with me lots of laser faces at Them if I was watching the stream I’d rip my own hair out okay his red breath thing look like it destroyed it I don’t know how to trigger his red breath thing looks like he was smacking at you I don’t I don’t I think it from what I could see it was the

Red breath thing but uh I don’t know how to make that work I may fiddle with it this week and if I can figure out how to break one of the crystals I’ll leave so we can do the rest later but uh yeah that’s that’s I

Guess what we’re going to call it for the day I only got 10 minutes left don’t have time to do anything else that wasted half that Wast almost an hour of our time I really apologize I feel bad about that I legitimately do I’m sorry I failed you holy smokes that’s the creative

Controller that I want to see but I need ultimate singularities oh you know we could take a second to do that that’s there’s something we could do extended crafting extended crafting we could uh get the things ready so I could start making the singularities right because I need a Quantum

Compressor let’s make one what do I need Elites we can make some Elites Quantum compressor oh I need a black Iron frame okay one of those okay EMC that in case I need that again and Quantum compressor a thank you achievement all right now I’m Fe the that should just need

Power a lot of power but Power nonetheless so basically I just have to pull 10,000 ingots out of of the intended ingots out of the transportation table and slap them in there and I’ll be good to go usually it needs is it I think it’s an ultimate

Component in there for it to work don’t hold me to that but I think it does at least that’s what I believe it was in skya Factory 4 wasn’t it you have to have one of those in the left spot me see if it’ll do iron that’s an easy one to start with

Iron uh yes well that didn’t work sorry Teresa it’s not that I didn’t want to okay oh it’s it’s the other one okay that I can do and basically I can feed those in why are you not going in now oh now it is

Delay so I just got to hook a chest on there so I can uh I can put those together off camera that’s pretty easy uh because I should have all of the I should have most of them if I’s anything that I don’t have the material for I won’t make it but

It’s just a matter of pulling the stuff out of here and moving it into here so it’s pretty easy uh breadman hey there hey man I watch a ton of your tutorials with friends let’s get through Sky Factory without getting a headache we have a good day hey you as well thank

You so much for coming by I appreciate that let’s get the uh get the iron one done at least uh what do I need I need uh cable item item item I’ll need a wrench wrench and I’ll need a chest chest I think we feed in through the top

Not this is one downside of having it in the table and not having it in the uh regular system is because now I can’t uh just pull it out with a remote I guess I could make the remote tablet I haven’t done that yet we may put one of those together next

Time wonder why it wasn’t loading turns out I set the ram 7,000 yeah that’ll do it I bought two new sticks of RAM for my computer I think I mentioned this yesterday I bought two new sticks with the intention of doubling my Ram from 32 to

64 but when I put both six in the computer would turn on but the monitors wouldn’t register the keyboards nothing would light up so I took out one of the sticks and it worked fine so I have what 48 gigabytes of of ram right now um oddly

Enough it feeds in way faster that way um so I don’t know if I got a bad stick or if the slot I’m trying to put it in is bad we’ll do some troubleshooting with that here this week see if I can figure it out oh God

See what’s that put is at oh 920 I was so close what am I doing all right it’s a doing so we’ll get one Singularity done today are these emcal they are not that makes sense sucks but it makes sense so we’ll have it at least this the

Show for today as well as we made uh we got our draconic I mean talk about we got our draconic all bumped up to draconic uh level here right we got that we made all of the weapons and tools uh we also made infinite storage that was

Pretty cool uh we got ultimate crafting started both here and now with the singularities so that was cool so we still got a bunch of things done and that’s all right laptop when start when I put in one stick it worked and then I repl it with 16 it

Work yeah it’s it’s weird how those things get all flippity floppity I don’t know if it’s a again bad stick or not well we’ll figure it out I guess and ah poop it out there we go onion iron sing I said onion iron Singularity one down I’ll go

In order from this point I’ll make all the ones that I can I don’t know if I have electrum I don’t think I’ve made any electrum yet uh I know I have uranium is that in here okay yeah we have uranium so I should have everything electrum I might not

Have so I’ll make everything that I can have if I haven’t alloyed or made it yet I won’t cool uh so that’s going to do us for today uh next stream of course is next Sunday so be back here again for that uh Sunday Monday every

Week uh at 8 o’clock Eastern uh then the December schedule actually that’ll be out by next week uh December uh the Minecraft streams are going to stay exactly the same couple other things might flip around a little bit but the Monday Sunday and Monday streams here

For um Minecraft are going to remain the same um I’m not going to switch into any Christmas packs this year because I looked and I didn’t find any that were new or enough to entertain us for multiple episodes um I find that most of the Halloween and the Christmas and the

Holiday ones I’m lucky to get a couple hours out of them uh so we just may build something in here that’s Christmasy right maybe we’ll see I’m watching all of the streams for the series oh excellent let me hopefully you’re enjoying them and goodbye Teresa thank you all for coming and hanging

With me I appreciate it if you haven’t already please remember to click that like button and uh most importantly if you’re new here be sure to subscribe and if you have any cool ideas for things that I should 3D print uh put those down in the description as well if you’re a

3D printer and you know more about this uh give me some recommendations uh also of good places safe places to get good patterns for 3D printing that would be cool too uh yeah thank you all for coming I hopefully we’ll see you soon enjoy your week I hope you had a good

Holiday and hopefully I will see you again soon all right thank you very much for watching have a great day E A

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Mystical Block – Episode 11’, was uploaded by Onlydraven Gaming on 2023-11-28 04:09:59. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds.

This is a playthrough of the Minecraft modpack Mystical Block.

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    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – simplexmc.com Discord Link – https://discord.gg/jd68FYNs4C Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

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  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

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  • Minecraft’s Parkour Master

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  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

    Allizzles' Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 #fairycore’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-10 02:15:40. It has garnered 1268 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:14 or 2534 seconds. the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 In today’s filler episode, I show off some house expansions that include a cozy kitchen and pantry. I also do some decorating, loot bag opening, go back to the dragon lair, and expand the spawner room a little more. 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘relaxing #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-29 00:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Kid’s Base on 2b2tpe

    Unleashing Chaos in Kid's Base on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trashing a kid’s base – 2b2tpe’, was uploaded by Void 2b2t on 2024-06-18 17:31:12. It has garnered 32 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. dsc: voidfx2 #2b2tpe #minecraft #anarchy Read More

  • “🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds – SHOCKING Tips! 🤯” #youtubeshorts #viral

    "🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds - SHOCKING Tips! 🤯" #youtubeshorts #viralVideo Information हा टू इंप्रूव योर बिल्ड सो उसके लिए तो भाई आपको ये सब ब्लॉक्स लगने वाले हैं और साथ ही साथ ये कुछ इस तरीके से स्ट्रक्चर बनाने के बाद यहां से अपने को थ्री ब्लॉक्स ऊपर के साइड में बिल्ड करने के बाद टोटल फोर ब्लॉक की हाइट और यहां पे अभी अपने को छत बनाने के बाद डोर लगाना है और देन स्टेयर्स व लगाने के बाद कुछ इस तरीके से फ्लोर चेंज करने के बाद अपना रूम दिख जाएगा गाइस और देन यहां पे अपने को थोड़ा बहुत डेकोरेशन के लिए रिया लगाना है और… Read More

  • Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!

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  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

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    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More