UNBELIEVABLE: EPIC Reborne Minecraft Cuboid Outpost pt 2!

Video Information

Hello people of the multiverse and welcome to another story today we continue on our blocky adventures through minecraft playing cuboid outpost as always though the start of the stream’s just gonna be getting everything set up so kick back relax we’ll get into things shortly hey dancer welcome in how are you doing

Panda welcome in how are you oh dee how you doing welcome in oh panda mixed result something going on he dragged orange here well i appreciate that you know even if our friends have to come kicking and screaming it’s nice to see them so welcome in how are you doing

Things not being stream appropriate is perfectly acceptable i understand that hey discord stuff good stuff i still need to do wow okay so that was nim’s entrance and someone hosting hey listen to people hosting and someone trying to get my attention three people hosting hey august thank you very much for the

Host welcome in how you doing Dancer welcome in i know i already said hello but there we go that’s what you get for your walk-on soul that is understandable i’m glad that i do like you know not have to worry about being pregnant i can only imagine panda thank you for the host them were

You just using the new sound or trying to get my attention because that’s what the new sound is for the new sound is there to get my attention dancer thank you for the host him has started to give away which i guess we really do need to be

Talking about more often since they’re shorter that everyone can get in on those giveaways od thank you for the host you saw a new sound you used user fan name so yes the idea like uh i don’t remember where i saw it um but i saw people using sound alerts and thought

You know that you know the navi sounds we know that they’re on blurp and that’s a really good one like instead of people using upgrade or downgrade to get me to pay attention why not actually say something that says hey listen so that one is there now it’s not terribly expensive um

I i i’m not gonna be upset with people using it generally but the intent there is so that if i’m if i’m not paying attention and Like what’s been happening recently that there’s been a bunch of times where i have read something completely wrong and then just started talking about the thing that i thought i read and then looked back and seen that no people are saying uh uh reborn that that thing you’re saying

That’s not what was said in that instance hey listen oh what’s going on oh i’m being dumb yeah no that works uh argus yes um i i am doing much better than i was yesterday um i i put that down to the fact that i went to sleep at a reasonable time last

Night and got up at a reasonable time this morning rather than actual time changiness but uh yeah same deal okay i think that we are good to jump over here i’ve wasted enough time hey dark wolf welcome in it’s entirely possible that that’s where i saw things i just didn’t remember but

There you go okay so stream raiders we got the two good chests yesterday we are now on the the home stretch to the bosses there is a skin chest in between here and there so that there are still rewards for people to be excited about

What quest am i on today i know i’ve still got war based oh apparently i did a thing okay get kills flag bearers flag bearers war based flag bearers war beasts and berserkers okay that’s a significant part of tonight that’s six of the ten battles we usually do warby

Well these are probably going to be good over here okay so Range units there and if nim is correct and nim is usually correct uh putting Tanks in front and then Assassins behind is the way to go with these and then you know whatever and yes i do see the two down there which is why i put the the range all the way rather than just at the front okay okay so jumping into minecraft hi everyone

Um we’ve had a few people coming in recently at the start of the stream and um commenting that we aren’t in the game that we said we’d be in so i’m not sure how to deal with that i’m still trying to think of something as to like how you can explain that

The start of the stream takes a while but oh well so we are back at cuboid outpost um as usual the first hour or so is going to be doing cci stuff and thanks to the lovely dancer i’ve been given um a guide on something that i’ve been saying we would do

Like when i found out how to do it for a long time so that’s the plan the plan is do that thing that thing which you know it might help if i actually explain it is we have a whole bunch of people who have different twitch names to minecraft names and um i

Knew that my skill set wasn’t to the point of being able to sort that out but i would like to sort it out and kept me to talk to someone at some point um but it turns out someone has written a guide on how to do it

I’ve got that guide and we’re going to work through it to get it done at least that’s the plan dark wolf i did see that you had done that i also saw that you said that you needed to revise it i have not had a

Chance to look at it today but i will probably do so soon unless you’re saying that you’d like me to look at it on stream that’s possible because i trust you he helped orange with it yesterday okay uh oh they i am um not a great deal

A little bit but it’s a thing that i do um in fact there’s an idol game that i’ve been playing that encourages the learning of javascript which is before i had to do the move and everything something that i was very much enjoying and look forward to get back getting back to um

Yeah i i’m not an actual programmer programmer but i have an understanding of how coding works revision was not accidentally putting text instead of the video at one point for now okay okay so first off we need to nope that’s that’s in the wrong place and i don’t have my test thing because

The movement thing was causing us problems last time and i haven’t turned that back on yet so if i do test it should say test no it might not because that’s tied in with things let’s see no okay uh orange i have not done the process this is

About to work on the process so the start of my minecraft streams is us doing cci work so that people get a chance to see how it’s done pick up tips and things like that and also have an appreciation for all the people like yourself who have already done the work oh really

It will register that you’ve done a command that doesn’t exist that’s impressive okay so let’s see what this says first um just to give people an idea of what we’re working with this is the documentation i am happy to post the link in places if people would like to see it but

It’s not a lot to be looking at when we’re actually doing things so i figured i’d stay on this screen and you can see as i actually do the in client side of things rather than me reading i don’t think we have player heads i’m not sure i could be wrong but i

Don’t think we have player heads why is macaws making you not stencil okay so the document says one of the commonly asked questions is getting users to convert their twitch name to minecraft name unfortunately there is no online service for people to reference but all of this has to be done by hand

Before we begin i expect you to already have basic understanding of cci and a basic understanding of how notes work do not have a basic understanding of how notes work but we will fumble through oh dancer is this one of the ones that is like those um jingles singles the right word the

Planted um awning style things okay are you Just a sec just a sec i can help with this are you in here yes you are where abouts are you also why have i still got a death point huh oh i’ve got many death points i i really don’t need to be reminded of this all the time

I just have this thing off to the corner of your la your eye that says hey you know you know how you died over there once nope still more okay too bad answers this way um Spawn ah okay ah working over here okay so do you mind throwing me one of those things so the way that these work is a little bit weird in the the block that you’re looking at so i’m looking at the light is where it will go but it needs a space

Just to the left of it and will be sideways so if i place it there it looks like it’s only taking up two blocks but it needs a third block space at the base here to be able to be placed so you can just you can keep placing them

Okay so if i want to line them along this side so you need to be facing Um south look at the block that you want like do you want them like that one in that they are on the block facing out and you look at the block that you want it to be placed on and this side of it needs to be empty you can fill it in afterwards

And it is of course easier to come backwards than to go forwards okay so thank you yeah you’re welcome i’ll just throw these down here but yeah the problem with them is that usually what you’d want to do is not put them on the wall you’d want to have like the wall extend

Out a layer like even if you just put like one block here at the end i know you might be able to plate system on their sides i haven’t tried placing them connected to each other but basically what you want is a block out from the wall

Because otherwise you end up with this corner yeah i’m gonna figure out that corner in a bit okay um the way that i’ve seen other people do it is just what i was saying is that you put a block like on the side so that they’re not actually on the wall

They’re next to the wall and therefore you can get the entire wall the way that you want it to look and then you’ve got to figure out the inside yeah thank you have fun that took i i had an interesting time with madame when all of you were making a house and

Trying to figure that out okay so how it works a summary if a user had defined their minecraft name in the past it gets saved to a note when using their username we look up to see if the note exists if it exists we use the name

Saved otherwise we fall back to their username how it works the long version capturing a chat message we’ll be using twitch chat for this example first off we want to capture a message if the user says something with a specific prefix we’ll be using setmc name make a new config event

And bring it up above the other events you want this to trigger before other events trigger as we will be short circuiting the event flow interesting so i’ll do as it says for now but i may reposition this later because it shouldn’t interfere with anything like all

A lot of these are like these are all chat events and if that breaks things it’ll be interesting and i’ll learn stuff so set off name i’m not happy with this song he’s very yelly and your map turns red and rainbowy last friday stream they got you

269 times before you surrendered oh no um i don’t usually die that many times like the things that would kill me that many times are usually things that people decide to help with so uh that and we don’t have journey map in this pack so we don’t end up with the

Pain both they’re just red x’s okay so we’re gonna need a message condition that message condition is going to have the phrase set mc name your tormentors are the viewers hey nim hello hi nim okay in your conditions make a new string start with condition okay all right because we’re doing string

Manipulation with this so that was wrong i jumped like i i read what was said there and thought i knew what it meant and was incorrect so spring starts with i haven’t used this before but this will be fun at the source to exclamation message no wait dollar sign message

Okay so that’s a predefined um oh great forgetting words already we’re doing well variable there we go thank you the small bits are the most bad what does small bits do for uh well due to you are they a target to set mcname okay so predefined variable of message basically

When you type stuff in chart dci recognizes that as this variable and the target since we’re looking at the start we’re saying if you see this that should kick things off oh yeah i’ve seen those slime towels people must like orange juice orange juice is tasty gotta say uh i can’t handle like

Fresh orange juice because uh i have a texture issue with pulp but uh that space in the target is not accidental most of the time when users trigger the command there will be space between the command and the eye oh okay so there’s meant to be a space here

That is not obvious i’m glad that this sentence exists because that is not obvious okay so we need set mc name faith which makes a lot of sense because it’s looking for an exact set of characters at the start of a message to do this and i’m guessing that the way that it

Works because a lot of these things do is that when it sees the thing that it’s trying to identify it then ignores that um it’s all like possible that you already know this um thing that i have heard specifically to do with pregnancy but like it came up because of pregnancy not

Limited to pregnancy is a thought that cravings are our body’s way of not being able to directly communicate a need so for instance if you’re low on vitamin c or something that your body has identified is in oranges then it uh is very common to get a craving or the thing that

You relate to that thing that is needed so by craving oranges it could be just that you really want the taste but it could also be saying that there’s something in oranges that your body needs you know cool i just find it a really interesting thing because like

As i said it’s not restricted to pregnancy so you know if you’re like if anyone is out there and is like oh you know i could really go for you know a kebab it could be that you’re salt deficient and your body recognizes that there’s a

Lot of salt in the meat that they have in kebabs you know it i just really like our bodies are dumb but really interesting he loved the orange talk keep it going oh i’m sure other people like i know jake is the apple king i’m sure that there’s like an orange

Person out there that has all sorts of facts about oranges oh weird question dancer connotation wise at least hey orange how do you like consuming yourself okay so next you want a sub string of the message to clip out the argument okay so use a string substring condition here okay

So i was right in that we’re going to be ignoring this but it was not right that it does it so automatically down in this section of the string substring condition okay what does this have i’m guessing the source is going to be message again yup is orange that flexible is a good

Question uh the begin index 2 11. so just to see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and the space is eleven so it’s basically saying ignore the first 11 characters at the start of the message which makes sense yep that removes the first 11 characters

In the message variable put the result in name arg name argh which is basically setting up a new variable now we want to trim any white space the user may have left at the end of the argument so we use a string trim condition okay so just in case people leave spaces at

The end when they’re um saying what their name is going to be so this time we’re setting the con the source to the variable that we’ve just created so we’re setting the source to name arg because it’s no longer the original message we want just what they said that their name is name

Argh and results to name arg because this string trim condition does the work so we’re saying grab what’s in here trim off the the white space at the end like any additional spaces that are there and then reassign it to the same variable because that’s we’ve gotten rid of what we don’t want

We just want to keep what’s left you love the look of macaws but it’s worse than s plus in arc for going together nicely oh no ah od i’m i am happy to help so if you’re finding this valuable information oh okay now we want to trim yeah we just did the

White space and that’s it we now have the chat message argument alternatively you could also do a channel point for this but you’re also using this tutorial to teach string manipulation okay so basically what that’s saying is that you could do it as a command like we’re

Doing it there are other ways to do channel point redeems which if you look in my channel point redeems they exist um you can set it up like that if you really wanted to cci doesn’t really care um one of the things that i like about it

Is that the outcomes are not tied to the triggers so if your condition for making this work is a chat message it doesn’t care it’s job we can run with that if it’s bits it’ll do it if like it’s all of these things make the things happen all of

Those things are things that can happen and you connect them the way that you want okay for sanity site wait oh yep forgot to turn on this and it’s probably going to tell me that it’s been half now already i’ve been looking at various mod packs

For the next month so far winners fair enough and yeah dancer as like that’s not a big deal on the plus side if you pay attention to what um what stream this is then if this ever does become relevant you can watch this too or just ask you know because you have

A dozen people that would help you with this but uh you know it will be there Good timing i got it um yeah oh dave that is that is one of my plans um i i’m right at the video beginning stages of figuring out how to youtube um i i plan to do like playthroughs of games that people aren’t necessarily interested on stream uh as well as like

Tutorial videos on how to do things like cci or any stream stuff that i’ve learned or that sort of thing because people like dancer keep saying that i’m good at explaining things um so that that is definitely a plan it’s just a plan that is going to take a bit of time

Cool will do like more people in on the plan means the plan is more likely to succeed what is battle time hey battle time i see a nim who’s looking back at me with that book and dancer oh the the comparative size difference meant that i didn’t recognize the uh the gingerbread tank

As the elite and was like wondering where it was go me hmm did we get many yeah okay let’s let’s give all of you the high ground and say go get him people Oh this is not good will nims book save us Look at it go I am just really glad that there was enough of a meat shield in front of the book for it to do its work oh look two people left standing well done and to all the people who let nim do his work random winners on him who gets a monk

Scroll and dancer who gets some gold and we’re moving along hey flag bearers and berserkers that’s above marion berserkers are not particularly good against any of these so i’m just going to stick it right there as a sacrificial sort of thing um from memory rogues are good against them Was it the bun buns are good against malay you are meant to be muted um Bonus damage versus malay okay so maybe some tanks around them want some range for those ones and sure if people want a place down here they can place whatever they like down there again as always these are suggestions do as you please okay so back to the instructions let’s have a look

For sanity’s sake we should lower case the name of the user make a string lower case condition and put source as user and result as user lc i didn’t i read all that out and then completely blanked it because my brain’s good like that source lower case

Condition so that’s that makes a whole bunch of sense spring lower case condition helps if i read things correctly if i do make youtube videos i will make sure that this fumbling is not included because i want you to have the right information not the confusing information so string lowercase condition

Bring lower there we go and this is basically doing exactly what it says it is going to be making what goes into it all lowercase so the source is user so user is a again an embedded variable like it comes with cci you don’t have to set it up

Which is basically saying whoever used this grab their name okay result user lc okay so we are declaring a new variable calling it user lc so again your username gets captured because you’re the one that has run the command and then it makes it all lowercase and

Sets it up for us to use it in something else so we have our minecraft name for the user in name arg now we want to save it into a note use a note outcome okay so we’re changing from conditions to outcomes and one of those outcomes is a note uh this is

All based on which chat okay so one of the things that you will need to have done before this is made it so that cci can identify your twitch channel and set up like that which you know i know that you have i just uh references sake you don’t need to be

Using a specific bot to make this work it’s just it needs to know where your twitch chat is coming from okay so now we have a note outcome oh it’s in chat it is the highlighted one over here this is a chat event even if you made it a point redeem

With your your twitch points that still counts as a chat event says we don’t need anything special here just set note name to mcname underscore dollar user lc so we’re combining the two things here a note name is what we’re working on your screen overlap fair enough i have no problems answering simple

Questions so ask away if you just if you haven’t noticed anything if anything does not make immediate sense feel free to ask questions okay so note name is being set to mc name underscore so emcee name underscore or user llc so this is making the note name equal

The literal text mc name underscore but then the variable of user lc so when you use this command and we’ve already had it set your which username to a lowercase variable that variable will then be assigned to this note name next we need to move on to note content and name arg

Point is that dollar sign name it is dollar sign name so basically what we’re saying is we’re setting up a note that’s the the name of the note is going to be mc name and then that’s your which name and the content of the note is going to be

What you’ve designated your minecraft name is when this outcome triggers it’ll make a new note with their mc name as the content yep if you want for debugging make a chat message outcome or something to confirm the note was created after the note was created you can

Also check the event viewer to see your notes so i’m not going to do this because i assume that all of these work just fine because we’re following official instructions that other people have already looked at if we run into problems then i’ll do this for debugging okay loading up the note

So whenever whenever before whenever before you want to use the mc name you need to lowercase the user’s name again the consistency sake put it in use uh the variable user lc that sentence is super confusing to me now for note condition sorry now for the note condition note name Oh okay okay that’s what’s going on it’s saying when you’re using a when you want to use all of this information you will need to make sure uh the lower case version of the user’s name Is included like you’ll need to set it up as a con a variable uh so for instance if the most obvious one is when you want something like a mini me to have its skin designated as um this conversion that we’re setting up you need to

Uh set up their minecraft name as part of that so i think that that’s what that’s saying now for the note condition for note name put mc name underscore i’ll assign user llc and for variable name put mcname user that loads up the note and puts the value into mcname user variable

Okay so this but up until this point i found the instructions very clear i’m finding this last bit a bit more confusing because it’s not doing it as an example it’s being vague so that you can use it how you want to use it I guess my my thought process here would have been it might have been nice for this to have an example case like a simple summon command or something like that to put the person’s name on top of the the creature just because it’s easier to understand this sort of thing

When there is something to relate it to than a nebulous topic of do this to whatever you’re using it on [Laughter] the dancer uh i mentioned this the other day but i don’t know if you were there or remember but now whenever you’re starting a giveaway like that

What you list the giveaway for is now listed in the discord and you know we will be trying to uh at least vaguely keep to what you’ve said so this giveaway is for something cool i didn’t say that you’re wrong i was just making sure that you are aware of how that’s working

Now um i had to change it so that the prize was listed in the discord so that when we’re giving away lives that’s listed and you know if we’re if we do a draw for something else i i don’t know what that might be but

If we do a draw for something else it doesn’t get confused with all the giveaways that we do for um you know prizes from the list and that sort of stuff so if if you do win something and you want to have a reference for what you want before i contact you

Because i delete it when i contact you um yeah it it’s in discord you can see what you want okay so let’s let’s have a shot at this we want to jump from here like this is done this is done we can save it so basically just to go over

This again we’re setting up a new event that’s like right up the top here because we want it to happen before anything that uses it we’re starting out with a string starts with condition where your message gets recognized um and if your message has this as part of it which is the

The thing that we’re getting you to use to trigger it then it then takes your message in this spring substring condition and skips the first 11 characters because we set up to skip 11 characters and then assigns what’s left to name arg then we’re coming down another step and

Saying we want to name arg to be lower case so we’re using a string trim condition and taking name arg writing it through that so that it gets affected by it and then taking the output of that the now lowercase username um and assigning that to name and then separately to that

We are taking note of who used the command so oh wait wait wait wait wait no no i did that wrong i got jumbled try again grabs your message and recognizes the command message gets trimmed no not trimmed cut it removes the first 11 characters ignores them sets that outcome as name arg

Brim takes the white space off the end it removes any excess characters that we don’t want the same that assigns that the name arg hey sam welcome in orange you want me to go slower i can do that okay so step by step again just for anyone who’s you know struggling to

Keep up we start off with every message that comes from twitch so The fact that my bot just talked about a giveaway hey sam yeah the fact that my bot just talked about a giveaway that’s a message it checks every single message to see if it has this this bit of text in it the exclamation set m c name with the space afterwards

When it has that we move on to the next step and it says that message that message that has that uh exclamation set mc name at the start we want to grab that message and ignore the first 11 characters because that that is the command part that we don’t really care about after

It’s triggered the thing so it takes off those first 11 characters and we’re setting a new variable that is just you know for this purpose uh it is not affecting anything else it’s only going on in this process and we’re setting it to name arg

You can set it to whatever you like but that’s what we are setting it to then we trim it just in case people accidentally put spaces at the end so that name arg which is the what the person is saying their minecraft username is gets the extra stuff off the end cut off

That’s just what we want and that’s what name arg is then as separately to that it said hey who was the person that used that command and it grabs the username your twitch username to say person on twitch is saying that their minecraft name is something the person on twitch

That could have all sorts of weird capitalization we don’t care about the capitalization we just want it lowercase so it’s taking your twitch username assigning it to user lc as all lowercase letters cool now it’s taking all of that information and making a note out of it so we have the literal text

Of the note is going to be mc name underscore and then that lowercase twitch username is becoming the end of the note so everyone will have their own individual notes and in the note it’s going to be what you said your minecraft username is that’s what all of this does and now

Now we are getting to the point of where we want to use the notes so that’s a bit more complicated and i am going to be jumping over to my stream labs tab because that’s where my alerts currently come from and we are going to go to subscription because subscription

Is where we get the minimize some circumstances outside of cci dancer well d dancer 85 triggers different things from Lowercase d dancer 85 okay just to mark things up it’s mostly for mix it up and other bots not cci okay well no i think that’s i think that what you would need to do like it’s all about pairing things so the fact that we’re taking your which username and setting it all

Lowercase and then using it all lowercase is how that process works so if you’ve set it all lowercase and then you want that to interact with something else that hasn’t set at all lowercase then yeah they’re not the same thing anymore i i think that makes sense to me

So you you’d need to run the same processes in both things that are communicating with each other for them to accurately be able to identify things there are a few bugs you can see that would come up with this if somebody put multiple words in the command like set m

C sound of sock like this it would that the note content is same with sock like this all as one word also you also thought user was all a lower case anyways it display name that is i i’m not sure sam i’m just following instructions so you might be very right though

If someone uses the command badly then i would expect it to work badly so in the instance like you said if someone said you know set mc named sam of sock like this then we’d say no No no just the username oh not sure what you mean dancer like do you mean when you’re getting shouted out or something like do you have an example of because you’re saying something that i’ve done and mix it up yeah interesting i’m curious yeah we would we’d need to look into

That because i don’t i don’t know how joking is set up and i don’t know what i would have done in my bot that would be different to just normal we notice that twitch has data for the username what you log in with or lowercase and

The display name what shows up in chat with capitalizer okay so part of that would be what’s going on with the api um so it would be i i know that you’ve messed around with a lot with csci a bunch are you saying that the two different things get

Transmitted to cci and we could be using the other one okay okay uh events so you’re saying name down here as opposed to display name now the interesting thing is neither of those is what we’re using we’re using user which looks like it is all lowercase and that’s lowercase as well i don’t

Know okay od you wanted me to look at something for you are you talking about the mini-me outcome or something else display name has the capitalization of these the same in mix it up okay minimize okay so this is in streamlabs and is specifically under the subscription event type in that section

Again that’s because i’m using streamlabs at the moment so because my alerts go through streamlabs that’s what’s communicating this like that the subscriptions to cci and the the only condition that i’ve got is that the miniatures mod exists so if if we’re playing in a pack that doesn’t

Have the miniatures mod this part doesn’t happen but assuming that that does exist we’ve got a conditional outcome which is uh complicated so i’ve got this conditional is saying that variable exists uh so just going into this because it is complicated uh if you really want

Details on how to set this up it would take much longer but i’ll explain what’s there so my one specifically if you are on a subscription streak it acts differently to if you’ve just subscribed or been given a sub or anything like that so if street months as a variable exists so

You have to be on a straight for this to happen then we’ve got a repeat outcome which i’ve got set up to do this an amount of times equal to the number of your streak and we’re running the command that summons a mini me for each month in your streak

And then as the conditions not met so if the streak variable doesn’t exist then it just runs at once yeah are they this this setup is not normal this is this is over the top and part of me making it so that uh i get mobbed basically so normally

If you just wanted a mini me to pop up when um someone subscribes then you just have the command outcome okay so i don’t know about the heads i haven’t done the heads myself but my assumption is that you’re summoning a creature and equipping in its head slot the player head

Is that correct or are you just giving your inventory the player head and we will jump into the battle in just a minute okay so in either of those cases it’s just a command outcome you’re basically running a command that says either summon the thing with these details or give this person

The player head in their inventory either way it’s just a command outcome so you don’t need all this extra stuff that is me uh providing incentive to stay on a streak basically it’s just uh if you are doing this thing things ramp up by how long you’ve been on a strip

Which was just a point of novelty really it’s it’s not like it’s a big deal had people still put set emcee name and then it worked once the head is placed okay yeah that that still makes sense because the mc name like that the the name that they

Designate would be assigned in the nbt data of the item so even if you pick it up and move it around and then put it down later that is still there and should be just fine okay it’s battle time and then we’ll finish this off like we we’ve done the most complicated

Part now we just need to make it so that this command that i run recognizes it okay i see one big name on the field over here mp nut has An epic aladdin to help us out today we’re a bit all over the place but hopefully that goes well go get them people oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yes yes helpful um i curse both of these you who aren’t getting attacked immediately and suck for a while go get them Um Eh Well done people fancy you took out both the top spots there were no epics random rewards are going to nim getting berserkers and dancers getting barbarians ooh double tokens doing work oh i haven’t collected today’s onagiri on my streamer side now just double checking we have not hit another skin

So once again i’m going for the endless lovers warrior at the moment ah no luck but we got a level for something artillery to 17. i wonder what that can get at 20. well opening those got me enough to do some more so round and round we go hey hey

There we go a tunnel lover’s skin uh should i red yellow or green next oh sam you can do it in vanilla did not realize i thought the player heads was a mod no it’s a there’s a command for it it’s mods make it easier but there is a command for it

Did not know uh okay at this point i’m just gonna hey two in a row so i’ve now got three of the warrior skins some more rewards up to tier 36 and turians are now 25. okay that took a while but we’re up to the skin chest

Suckers and flag bearers um berserk is out of action so let’s put down let’s see cycle through oh i’m i’m getting eaten i’m gonna be dead when we get back [Laughter] okay i was just randomly trying to find your flag bearer skin since i have to put one down come on

Gonna be in here somewhere there we go [Laughter] wait how did i get here i’m assuming you came with the rage but you probably get that a lot welcome in fry welcome all of chris friends thank you for joining us oh no i’m gonna be fine i’m wearing my

Armor we’re just gonna sit here hearing me get beaten up for a while hey so someone’s come to do something about it no i just gave him a present okay um and yeah really people can do as they please Speak with the host okay so this is this is what we come back to Let me walk you all outside so how are the two of you how was your streams i was there for a bunch of some of them i did a bunch of lurking this afternoon oh good good there’s a ko profile in my house [Laughter] i’m trying to get them to walk away so i can get the rest of them to follow us out without actually killing people because you know i want to do this the amusing way but it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen okay okay we’ll do this we’ll do this

The the less great way by putting my armor in my bag here we go fry surprise friends welcome in you all get to like beat me silly And help me whittle away that food backlog that i’ve got it was roll a new world in seven days to die because the original world didn’t have a town in the snow and you want to live there you’re having a bunch of map problems That’s not creepy just dropping my head on people ah him okay that was unexpected just choosing the worst seeds that happens i mean ask dancer about bad minecraft scenes Ah that line didn’t really last ah no pressing my keys is like not fair and actually fair why is the blind going away so quickly oh the blind is set to have a duration that’s based on the um the counter so if you want the blind to

Last longer the counter needs to last longer unless i’ve set that up badly i have to keep changing directions so that nim doesn’t know which way to push the button or he could just slow me that’s the thing dancer thank you so much for the bits no no no super slow

Yeah see there we go last longer now oh god there’s a blaze right the blaze thinks that you’re hot how long does this last now it’s so tough maybe that’s what i should do instead of having like the startup command that doesn’t seem to work very well just we will automatically increment the

Counter at the start of each frame that seems like an idea now Wait a second i don’t have a ghost why is there a ghost is someone doing chance cubes no i guess i can go get one no that wasn’t an invitation that was that like we don’t want to ghast it could take a little while to uh find one in the nether though

This is this this in itself is gonna take a while because the witch has so much health it just keeps giving itself healing so yes if anyone didn’t know um expo is one of those third-party things uh it is one of those places where you can buy packs of cards

The cards have various effects they include jump scares and noises that you can play oh the witch is dead yep yep that happened um there’s visual effects one of the reasons that i’ve been trialing dicksburg is because it can actually put things on the screen that i can see

Which means that if you do a jump scare it can um it can have a visual effect ah that’s something i really need to sit down and update the commands list we do not have a giant [Applause] so many good things in that movie that’s why i’m pretty sure that’s

Already on my to-do list it’s just something i haven’t gotten around to doing and i always remember when i’m streaming that’s a thing that i should totally do it’s there again thanks thanks okay so we don’t have giants but we do have a nim the only reason i really uh just

Summoned the giant there’s no ai at all Okay so that happened i’m not sure what’s going to happen with that cube do i have an s word command i don’t know if i have an s word command hey we did get no we’re missing a q because dancer also dropped 100 bits so prime to your twitter plenty oh god

Minis are nasty okay thank you so much for gifting us up to say um so just to give an idea uh anyone who hasn’t been here for the past uh little while when we set this up the minis get a strength buff like well a damage

Buff that is equal to the counter i’ve been talking about which goes up with all sorts of things that people do so this mini here with this 22 health i think that means that the counter is now at 12 so it gets 12 extra health and 12 extra damage they hurt

They hurt a lot now i have a bone to pick with this one oh god oh what’s going on party it reborns now i’ll bring this oh no oh no nim oh no how much do you want to play with the minis and this is the street thing i was

Talking about before nim thank you so much that didn’t play your sound so here have a sound um i was sitting on that just looking at it there’s gonna be a good time to hit that share button yeah so yeah there we go um what i was saying before about how we

Have it set up so streaks give you minis equal to the number of the strength that you’re on nim’s on a 35 month strength but now we have 35 minis here we have 35 nims to deal with and they’re all little motorbots they’re not the worst motorbots i’ve ever seen but they’ll do You wonderful horrible person Okay so the thing that i tried to set up did not work and i’ll have to try again uh i set up something so that it would go off when there are gift subs um in an attempt to make it so that that would only play once when there’s a gift

Bomb like that it did not adopt welcome in how are you doing i’m sure that i’m missing stop at the moment please forgive me as you can see we’re dealing with a bunch oh god some of those are like 38. oh dave yes yes i can see why one of your tormentors

Name that’s not okay we have said this before you’re not allowed to benefit from equipment when you’re interacting with the minis so if you want to do that you can’t fly oh i’m just uh keeping them together for the moment and it doesn’t matter as i said if

You’re interacting with the minis you can’t benefit from equipment so basically if you want to take part you have to risk dying is the point with with the caveat actually no sorry sorry i did list the caveat that i’ve just remembered you have minis here so you can deal with

Your own minis how you please and dancer being generous can uh deal with the other ones as dancer pleases and you can coordinate if you want to make things nice and confusing but unless you coordinate it means that you can’t deal with dancers ones and dancer can’t deal with your uh

Basically the point of this is meant to be silly and i think it does a good job of that okay turning alerts back on so that you don’t have to hear the sub alert over and over again it should be done we are almost at level four of the hype train oh damn

Thanks to people being silly and generous um i don’t think the um i have turned your lights off again you’ll still see them but uh you don’t have to listen to that over and over again and so once again thank you so much for the generosity i will go through all of this

When the the train ends which we are now at 150 of level five congratulations you beat the train look at us all there are stragglers all over the place so at least at least for me this seems like people are enjoying what we’ve set up so far

Uh sam if you wanted to overly complicate my um my setup if you wanted to find out where that street value is and how it works then i am happy to consider ideas but uh the way that it currently work is that uh it’s based like on the street variable

So if the streak variable doesn’t exist you don’t get multiples i got a level 4 hype trainer mode we got 12 subs 1 300 bits and next time i die i will read out everything and if i don’t die we’ll read them out once we’re done

Oh god not my name what is that it is too small for me to make out well but uh it looks like it is definitely supposed to be a confused tempo hey there we go oh so many dead um okay okay okay let’s go through this see what has happened

I’m gonna start with the raid because that that’s pretty much where this kicked off oh no it’s gone back far enough that uh i can’t see the raid in chat anymore but i see dancer dropping the 100 to make the counter go up where is the rest of them ko with the hundred

Which i think is where it’s about to start and then the gift the seguran the anonymous hero with a hundred and either one of those kicked it off i don’t know how it works probably the the anon because k on ko does not count as two people i think hey shaman welcome in

Then dancer with wow party at reborns i’ll bring the snacks thank you for the thousand bits nim with the uh the 30 35 month straight sorry 35 months sub 34 month straight dancer with the 10 going to cyrik sparkledon fluxer cornelius lionel richie toxin sweet frequency the suspect at the quality suspects

Gunslinger time and savage savage louie that was literally my brain was not passing that last bit and then dance with another 10 going to crinkle cut fries freezer abyssal zenema book grind amir bk gad the gamer loop hunter dad original sin and pregnant there we go

Thank you all so much for the support it is very appreciated and it helps me do things like the fact that you’ve uh the the bits the bits have uh finished that goal over there and i already know what the next goal is

Meant to be so i may as well set that up while we’re right now because those those goals aren’t terribly hard to set up so i will be doing the new redeem after the stream but i’ll set up the new goal now so that if any more bits happen to happen tonight

They’re not missing the goal the new goal is what we’re talking about the other day in my discord where i’ve had an idea for an alert um but it’s well out of my skill set to be able to make so i want to hire someone to do something about doing gif bombs

I love that loudspeaker emote that’s fantastic and thank you i i i appreciate the appreciation if that makes sense uh 75 7500 i think that seems low but 75 000 seems like a lot okay i can see we can do this all night um it’s a sense and 75 dollars would be 7500

Bits yeah am i getting that right it just seems low sounds right okay because the dollar is 100 so yeah so we would be 7 500 which is always a weird way for me to think about it i my brain doesn’t like doing hundreds like that okay and

We may as well set it to the beginning of next year because it’s not a real timed thing oh set up ready good out of the way back to the slaughter and turning back on the alert so those can happen again these two causing trouble over here how

Was i did i get given more pants is that what happened no i was probably wearing pants using pants as a weapon aha dodged oh that’s another thing that i keep meaning to do but haven’t gotten around to because all of this stuff takes time one of the things that i’m going to

Implement is having it so that the death counter going up will reduce the in-game counter which won’t reduce the strength of the creatures that have already been spawned but will make it so that future creatures aren’t as deadly because you’ve already murdered me however many times

It does it doesn’t work that way at the moment but that is the plan i didn’t say it was at did i say it was enough death i might have said it to not enough there like i was not meaning to imply that there is enough death

But that there is enough death to warrant making it so that it’s less likely to keep happening which can’t hurt them but can totally hurt me you people your boobs i don’t know why people are taken to booping me you okay ma’am yep just getting your own one

Yeah it’s a little hard to do without it accidentally hitting you and whatnot yep that’s kind of the point oh don’t worry there’s a death kit for you still no yeah there is and it did hurt quite a bit getting them in there yup i’m glad to hear that at least i’m not

The only one that’s having trouble i had to go repair my armor wait this armor can be damaged uh i’m not using that armor that’s never i find the city and stuff because you know it has things like thorns and projectiles no i don’t think i need all the extra i

Haven’t actually had to do any adventuring so far ultimately i just like the uh speed of the jet pack more than the other suit joe makes sense so when is everyone else up to like hopefully enjoying watching me get murdered a whole bunch but okay one of them finally dealt with

Were there any others that are out and about there is a quagus’s horse over here but i don’t see any other minis around the place i think we got them all in the uh enclosure messing around with inventory and stripping enchants possibly playing with yourself but you’ll never say nice dancer

Ah almost i almost did a run by possibly stripping yourself that that’s less um less lewd but still there probably going to bed in a bit but when i hang out until you do oh you are always welcome to hang out i don’t know they might be able to get

Out jumping over your grave if my grave is right there we have a battle fight fight fight fight okay did people follow instruction oh okay they went with the flying rogues up here are the blobbers also malay only uh those are um support and the flying rogues will target those first so okay

Okay because i was worried that they may actually be able to hit the flying rogues which would defeat the purpose of having them hang back um but if they can’t that’s fine they might be able to i just don’t think they attack for the first 30 or 90 seconds or whatever it

Takes and during that time the rogues are going to go after them okay so is in with a warpath berserker tiny um i’m gonna put the killing field here in the hopes that you know dealing with those gives these ones a chance to come down to us but uh who knows

Go get him people who is winding down with vampire survivors I need to play more of that i will get to the 30-minute mark i just got the last achievement i needed earlier today well done Hey dos you took out the top spot with chao assisting there were no epics random rewards go to segaran you get a bunch of gold dancer gets two monks and the bard gets a centurion uh vampire survivors is a uh uh top-down horde survival roguelike so basically it’s an interesting little game

Where you get to upgrade your character as it attacks and all you really get to do is choose where you’re walking and what upgrades you get along the way the rest of the game plays itself for you which is difficult because you don’t have control but fun because you don’t have control

Hey and it automatically fires for you makes it so much easier though it does except when it’s not doing it where you want it to like with the with the knives being out to control where the knives fire would be nice but that’s not how the game works

Well the knives uh shoot in the direction you’re facing yes which means that if you want them to not shoot that way it’s not possible okay so we have a choice now do we want the easier boss or the harder boss the harder boss is also the cuter boss

You you want the cute boss i’m fine with this but it may mean we get murdered but then again we are getting murdered a bunch so that makes sense not in stream raiders i meant in this stream in general berserkers berserkers are my berserkers ready no okay so

Flag bearers that’s right i placed the ko felt like bear before we’ve got a gnome this time apparently oh and this is a bit of everything so i’m not going to bother with strategy by this point i’m guessing that people know what they’re doing so you know

Have fun if we lose i’ll try harder next time important thing to remember this level doesn’t tell you that this is a defensive zone you can also place down there ah dancer proved me wrong and i’ll give better instructions when we lose i have to move with the timing and no

On-screen clue to when it fires makes it a little difficult yeah it’s again it’s not a problem not a complaint or anything like that it’s just it’s one of those there are times where i’d like more control and times where i really appreciate that that’s just not how the

Game is made like it’s different it isn’t like other things yeah dancer that is true um actually just let me look at what we’ve got okay so question for people we usually start um chance cube stuff around eight but because the time differences uh eight is later than when it used to be

I have 46 cubes and seven icos on me there’s probably more in my system do we want to do that now and come back to the minis or like how how do all of you want this to work because i don’t want you to miss out on

A part that you’re looking forward to also something’s telling me that i should probably play this pack again Off like away from stream shenanigans so that the pla the pack actually gets played because this is a clear indication that i’m getting nothing done tonight oh yeah dancer 46 they’re a 46 cube okay so let’s do that uh it’s impossible for me to tell how many are whose

At this point none of them are reward cubes they are all like bitten sub cubes two more there and one of those and that’s right i was kayo’s 100 bits happened when i was dead so it gave it to me after my graveyards made but before i respawned

So those go away and that and the zombie head with that sam i’m still using the tools that you made for me oh i’m in a cave that was unexpected and we went through all of my food okay need that stuff i need to restock who did this

Thank you for messing around with dixpo that is the thing that i was talking about earlier so i could see the cave that is not just on um the stream that means that if you do get any of the jump scary type things it’s not just you

Seeing scary stuff it’s me sarah seeing scary stuff as well okay let’s have a look if there’s anything that i haven’t eaten in here oh wait there’s an under section no that is the under section i think i’m up to the second fridge at this point possibly mail if people have sent me

Mail that one’s done That’s all done so many foods eaten oh i’m out of pre-made food except for the things being thrown at me cooked brown ground beef and orange ginger beef i’m gonna go check my mail just in case i mean the alert hasn’t gone off the alert is not automatic

And just so people are aware expo is on the list of prizes on my big list of prizes so if you win giveaways you can elect to be given expo packs in fact i think i think give me a second i think i made a mistake earlier today in a good sense so

Possible but i’m not sure if that link still has a pack in it it might hey oh my my mail is overflowing with food apparently okay so what up we got cherry coconut chocolate bar cherry juice sorbet pasta gardenia cherry jelly berry soda chocolate cherry uh breaded pork chop and a durian smoothie

That’s where i assume that this is you and that you have been busy just a little you’re in jelly durian juice pork rinds pork lo sorry gourmet pork patty ground pork pork jelly pork lettuce wraps uh pork like cooked ground pork by the way that link is a first come first serve

Sort of deal so If someone grabs it it would be nice of them to speak up just so that people know that it is gone because otherwise people will keep going to the link and find out it’s not available hey okay ko got it okay do you do you know about dixpo have

You messed around with it before uh ground beef now try to learn what you’re getting okay so the way that it work oh god thanks dancer uh the way that works is that i set up things in the expo as packs and then all of you get access to it

Uh by buying the packs you get random cards and can use those cards during spring as long as i have dick drop and then this happens is it still there no it’s back to normal serious question did the two of you hear that in discord not at all nope hey interesting so yes

Um i i’ve really got to go through and make those voice changes not broadcast back to me because it’s really distracting and some people are fine with it and i used to be fine with it when i dealt with like it when i had that setting on all the time there was a

Time where i had it for like discord and things so that just slightly i could hear myself um and you get used to it but when you’re not used to it it’s super distracting so yeah basically dipper is a a free piece of software because the idea is that people i like that

The people buying the packs are providing the money and the base rate is a 70 30 split the streamer getting 70 of the money and as you meet certain criteria and basically your rates get better the more you interact with dixpo you’ve got mail i’ve got mail um

So yeah it’s just a fun way of giving people a chance to mess with you while you’re doing stuff and obviously when we’re sitting here just chatting in minecraft it it’s i’m not a terribly jumpy person but i can imagine times where i’m trying to focus and it just getting me

Yeah ko no that’s that’s one of the cool things is that it just it is just a way for people to both help the streamer and mess around and especially with you doing creepy games i can imagine uh the people in your stream loving it okay so cherry smoothie

Fish dinner fish taco brioche bun boiled egg raised onion oh oh oh just a thought uh ko if you like the idea of this and you want to sign up as a streamer would you mind looking at my discord because under the i think it’s other promotions

I think where we’ve got all our like affiliate link type stuff going on um i think i’ve got a dick spill link in there to say that like i referred you if you end up doing it oh dm me and i’ll send you the link if that’s easier uh banana split

No no not bread ah baked vegetable medley is already eaten oh i like rain oh i i like how it’s not just the droplets but how it actually like runs down the screen we’re up to three golems in here ah there’s four that i see i missed one one two Yet there was one hiding behind one i feel like we should probably leave the doors open so that there’s a greater chance of them actually getting to do their job why is that dog upside down okay grabbing like so much food so much food like i’ll i’ll take this load and then

We can uh go to the chance cubes otherwise we’ll never get there uh a blt watcher i i think maybe uh chocolate cake chestnut butter chili chorizo corn on the cob couscous and a cheesecake um i’m a fan of cheesecake oh dude no worries um i will probably

Finish that off next week if uh like i doubt that things will get quiet before the end of stream seeing as we’re already you know two and a bit hours in uh so yeah i’ll probably finish that off at the beginning of next week if you are available at the time

Yeah we seem to be on a similar wavelength fairly often why not come over here i i autopiloted back to the food place kant’s place we need to go to the chance place yes good luck with your real life stuff i’m pretty sure that we would have had a

Shout out but have we had a shout out for od just look at all those banners did you just grab all those from the storage or something yeah i just grabbed them from the storage where is a good place to to we were over to the east last time

Yeah that this looks like a a little piece of devastation oh nem i just remembered that we’re we are now under a month until we get to nuke the server yeah i was thinking about that i need to uh get us an infinite supply of nukes i’m wondering like from what i’ve seen

Would we need more than one new to be able to take out everything that’s been built so far and it wouldn’t hurt i think hurting is the entire point answer you wanted a giant cube let’s start off with a giant cube okay when you’re ready reverse yeah

Okay okay so that counts as a fake here is one i prepared earlier I’m sure we’ll get another fake yeah at this point it’s just fun like i don’t want it being done on purpose but if it if there is an accident it’s not a big deal aikens i saw a thing the other day of like you know how there’s like the rtx

Minecraft sort of thing where they did like fantastic water and leaves and skies and all that kind of stuff um someone seems to have taken that idea and run with it for special effect things so i saw a mod that has an enchantment table and beacons are the ones that i remember

With special effects like on that realistic graphics level sort of thing uh to make them look all shiny okay we have 22 cubes left do we want to just like kind of head over here and keep going you want to do them on top of the beacons

Ah dancer i know that to be a dangerous question now 22 we would need five more for another giant remember you get two for subs this is the thing this is the thing with dancer i don’t know if he’s doing anything or what she’s doing but i know that that

Question could end up with something woot dancer you lovely person um that is that is exactly the wrong amount but don’t worry we’ll just add another one we’ll add another 10. um a thousand is i think one or two above the cube amount and it’s the amount that starts

Pushing me around and last week we found out that that was crashing the game so i haven’t had a chance to fix that yet to do something else but as i said don’t worry we’ll just add 10 cubes i think well there’s another five cubes so thank you very much for that but

We’re still adding 10 cubes now dad said did you want another giant or did you want someone else to open a giant Why didn’t that do anything it probably got absorbed by the armor oh yes okay that makes sense because nine is meant to do nine damage to me no way 90’s meant to do somewhere around 1 damage to me that is that is awkward well nim has done more of this than i have

That’s a thank you 500 bits and then 250 bits um so i like it’s up to the two of you but i would say that uh nimby should have a chance to open the cube i don’t care one way or the other you just paint it fair enough i’ll go

For it now this gives me better camera angle anyway how many are you gonna get it’s usually four looks like we got three well that just makes cleanup easier what’s this ruby or okay so just random thought i everyone knows that i’m enjoying this and hanging out and doing stuff

And all the chaos amuses me but at the same time i do wonder if people actually would like to see minecraft when they do minecraft streams just you know one of those random thoughts like should we be like having actual minecraft happen during a stream sometime

I think we did that last in stone block it’s been a while maybe project ozone okay uh thank you okay well you two have done cubes now so i will start opening random teleport pencil have a thing heresy does feel that way you missed one aren’t you glad you uh learned how to

Use the aoe on that now oh heck yes very much so and once again we have no way of telling if it’s a real one it’s fish i got a nemo see that’s uh gonna be an enchanted nugget it looks like yeah you have to wait for it to get the

Enchant before you can pick it up cursive vanishing brass well don’t die with it in your inventory hey grim welcome in how you doing damn and uh dancer i believe that that comment is directed at you because you know my stream people should be expecting to hear my voice cancer

I’m wondering if this is going to cause a double shout out oh looks like you got an effect that wore off already i got slime i have not had the chance today to set up the auto shout out for um pry and ko i do know that that is there and on the

To-do list but last night to today is my like least amount of time between streams i usually spend monday like trying to catch up on some chores and like eat and stuff like that and then suddenly it’s stream time again that was a fake diamond

So yes that fake that we talked about it happened the lights seem a little weird oh if there were torches here they would be creepy if we were closer to the beacons all that glowstone would turn into creepers so you’re saying we should be opening those of it uh these over there

This is another time i missed the feral flare lanterns because yep those invisible lights are triggered by it too and then you’ve got creepers falling out the sky i wonder if the um the little things that we’ve been putting down would work probably hugs when you can hug a supercharged creeper

As it explodes you know that your arm is overpowered hey creepers want hugs too um No okay remembered in time we are up to icos which means we get to go back to the tower of houses this is one time i miss uh us not being on 112 we won’t have holiday bobs all right well we just need to find people to

We need to find more minecraft modders that can like we can convince to make random dumb mods for us is what you’re saying i’m just like like the miniatures mod got made we’ll just have um festive creepers like a bob mod that is another battle

Okay okay what’s going on here i do not see any big names this time which could be a bad sign it doesn’t have to be but it could be a bad sign uh i’m gonna drop this like there actually just a sec gonna back away from noises and say go get em people Uh You did it [Applause] took out the top spot with barry and barbie assisting there were no epics once again because this this uh this event doesn’t do many epics rewards go to dancer getting a musketeer pry getting a two vampires and labard getting two flying rocks

Okay and now it is time for the cute boss now because this doesn’t come up very often i am going to point out that the demon princess uh it does say an important thing here which is magic 101 mages paladins necromancers and monks are immune to the magic circles and can dispel them

So if you are placing those units they will be helpful mages aladdins necromancers and monks uh i need to i need to complete that quest get that stuff wow paladins are good against everything so i may as well just uh dance and i can double down on those paladins there and

I will encourage people to vibe with us but again you can do as you please you won that last battle just fine tiny fly talking about it before do not like random things in my space okay oh i see another giveaway okay we have eight cubes left

Uh i don’t remember where we’re up to so welcome back face my face welcomes you as well that’s a good last one was you with the charge creeper you hugged excellent then it’s dancer’s turn anyway remember the house spawns on you And now so do the villagers so if if you really want to try and like end the raid early what you want to do is stand still so that the house spawns and then charge outside so that they all fall to their deaths now the raiders will still show up

Oh really even if oh because we’ve got other villages around the place right because there are no villages than the raiders do you want to do your one while the raid’s happening um after this one way he was done yeah So for anyone who might be new here the giveaways happen fairly frequently um they are from your choice of something from a list of things we have everything from like channel currency to game keys um messing with my role-playing game All sorts of stuff That was a fake all you have to do is be a follower to be able to enter and be on my discord so that i can contact you if you win you’re good to go [Applause] uh dancer when you’re ready yeah i run a role-playing game at the

Moment i run it badly because the like scheduling conflicts and uh general enthusiasm is not uh allowing us to run terribly well but it is a long-running campaign people can drop in and out as they please it is a very strange thing um it is not dnd uh

It’s running a system called the one roll engine um and even that has been customized to make it so that the play experience is um hopefully easier to understand but well everyone buried dancer have iko why are you over here i’m moving so that i’m not in the house if it happens

The house will follow you Nim when you’re ready you used to be on four different shows on twitch amazing um i don’t run my game on stream both because the players have never really been that interested in being on stream um and also because the game’s very heavily based around uh player impetus and him exploring a thing

So it doesn’t have the good sort of flow of games are on rails because if the players can’t decide what to do there’s a lot of long moments of letting them figure it out and it would take a a special group of people who can make

Not knowing what to do and deciding on what to do entertaining to make it into a stream oh what was that sounded like a vex yeah we’re a long way out for a vex you are interested in role-playing on my game specifically i know that these things are happening out of sequence so

I don’t know when you said that and yes that’s all my game has a heavy element of exploration the fact that you are exploring a small part of the city at the moment doesn’t stop you from exploring new role play with mondo ah damn um when you role play with mondo on

Stream don’t you don’t follow his storylines and he has to improvise so much my game is based around uh random randomized roles and improvisation and things like that so that’s not a problem for me it’s the fact that uh when the players can’t decide what to do it slows down a lot

Which when we’re not on stream is fine but you want to keep entertainment happening when you’re on stream hey what were the last two results because i was chatting uh chest and wither okay um we are out of chance things we are done unless someone does something about that

You’re so chaotic you haven’t finished the storyline yet perfect now oh this is on fire isn’t it um well teo if you are interested in my game uh i would be happy to figure out things with you and talk to you about it and like i’m happy to talk about it here

If you want more details um but on my discord if you look in the bot stuff channel there is commands that give you roles so that you can see things uh because we hide things that people don’t necessarily want to see all the time um and there’s a role-playing section that is hidden

So you can look at what’s there and interact with people and talk about role-playing and all that kind of stuff if you would like to do so but yeah feel free to ask questions i i am happy to talk oh yeah dancer has a very good point none

Of the people currently play are playing have any inclination for leading the group so the decision making is terrible and it’s kind of amusing and frustrating and frustrating and frustrating okay okay back to the being killed by minis okay just a second making sure that i

Can put away things that i’m not meant to have on me oh them thank you for more sharp pants i will add them to there so that they do not get destroyed when i die i really need to work on those commands as well there are so many things like i have

So much that i want to have in my cci and it all takes time to do and since i want most of it to be done on streams so that people get an idea of it it takes forever what have i missed that’s really interesting still don’t

Quite know how to make your character able to do anything other than set up the mistake that’s happened yeah there’s there’s there’s some unpacking that your character needs to do dancing but i can guarantee you there’s a lot of things that you can do you are not stuck with that character

How interesting question what hate else can confirm embarrassing yourself in role-playing can be quite amusing oh dancer is a winner okay um what happened here i figured i’d make it a little more controlled chaos break an anchor plate and hope for the the best okay

So from right to left we have one two three four five six seven we have eight does someone want to pick a number between like from one to eight oh and hear them moving this one is three nimbs four was three names there are not enough aggressive mobs to fulfill your desire

Unless you add mods that would not be on the server okay i’m curious why you need so many aggressive things like why you need such variety of aggressive things i’m not asking you to tell us i’m saying i’m curious oh you want specific hostile things okay and they’re not in minecraft

That does make it difficult yeah i’m pretty sure we could find a mod without your core so well that that’s the problem that dance is saying is that uh if she makes cci things to create or interact with specific creatures from mods that aren’t in a pack

Then that mod would need to be added to the server for that to function and putting that requirement on whoever’s running the server may not be something that dancer feels comfortable with also oof okay one down someone else pick a number between one and seven well from one two seven

Uh ko i like you’ve got a number of people here that would probably be happy to help you set up dci uh and the only difference i know of and i admit that i don’t know a great many things about how cci works there’s a lot to

It but as far as i’m aware the only difference between running with stream elements and stream labs is that you put in a different token in a different place in the config file and it gives you a different tab on the side but you set things up pretty much the same

I picked three oh okay that that’s a few and now to try and re-chat while fighting this is the best part ah sneak attack on him ah he won that one uh talking to sam about setting up things they use different terminology for bits okay interesting um interesting thing

Uh like if you’ve already got someone else who’s who’s doing this for you um that is fine but one of the things that uh is in my giveaways is a thing called the time vortex it is a bank of my time that is funded by the things that go on

On stream so all those bits and everything that have happened today they all end up adding to the time vortex um as part of the giveaway you can add time to the vortex or use time from the vortex uh down so it would be exclamation time vortex i believe

So see how much is in there or time question mark also works and basically that that’s a way of getting me to do stuff with or for you and is a negotiation i’m not just going to do absolutely anything that people are asking me

But it is the sort of thing like if you were like hey i would like this thing set up in cci can you do it for me that is a perfectly reasonable request i i want my giveaways to have good value for all the people who are entering

And so my time is part of that um i i have helped a bunch of people in the past with setting up like stream stuff um play games with people uh i think hados was uh thinking about using some of the time to set up a well asked me to set up a

Community night oh you want to be surprised by your own stuff interesting oh you want it done in 12 days interesting okay dead again now ko the interesting thing is going to be not only getting this done for you but how your viewers can know about things when you don’t

Like is it surprise for everyone or is there a way for them to find out fun things to surprise you with i don’t expect you to have answers but that is not that i’m just posing curious questions you don’t think that far ahead my brain just does things asking questions and thinking things

About things from different angles that’s pretty much my brain how one of them got behind me 1034 we’re doing well [Laughter] that’s it with your setup it would have to be kind of different because you actively work on your own you would probably need something along the lines of

Um commands that go into your cci with titles like dancer don’t look at this now i like this i really like that it’s uh ao has fun idea for thing that uh she would like to do and everyone’s like yes yes we will do this we will help

Tell us the things we will do the stuff out out i missed yeah i just my point was that it would have to be clearly labeled at things for you to not look at because otherwise it would just be amongst your other stuff and you would be working on things and

Find out how it works out no right a single one out and they always like the rest come and just uh ruin my plans oh this this song is very yellow let’s get past it i don’t have the ability to fight these and stop it from playing again but i can skip past

Oh i’m blind and not looking what i’m doing uh-oh oh good blaze exactly what i need right now oh and i’m slow i’m how am i oh people been helping i was like how am i not dead already [Laughter] i was honestly surprised that i was not already dead oh and uh

Minis can only be hurt by players so that that that golem is just gonna be getting in the way hey bad blaze no biscuit oh it’s got over 50 life fight it off into the distance i can’t fast enough to keep it juggled in front of

Me look how much life i get with that absorption ah it’s such a struggle keeping in front of the minis and hitting the blaze aha thank you for handling that back to punching and reading what is sweet back to luck and sleep no worries seguran enjoy your sleeps and your locks

Those are two different things you can do them at the same time but you should enjoy both hello dancer yeah i have definitely missed what needs a cool down but it seems like you’re talking amongst yourselves so it may not be real like i may not be required to know

I’m getting some of them worn down cool downs for the easter eggs okay it’s an appropriate time for easter eggs i lasted long enough to eat a thing go to me oh yeah that absorption now i can do the risky things to get me killed like that what color even are those absorption

Hearts delay is pretty big that’s not good i haven’t been dropping any frames almost done out it’s one it’s much easier i say as they die which is okay sam do you think that that’s a your connection issue or a twitch problem because i know that i was like the same

Thing was happening on dancer’s stream but i don’t think it happens on every stream how wow just how uh not necessarily your internet them just your connection to twitch oh there’s just there’s nothing in it if i if if i don’t hit them right as they get close enough then they hit

Me and i’m dead you have to restart streams regularly okay so yeah it just sounds like a twitch thing which is not the best okay one more down why are these two just sitting over here lemon sauce who steve’s in a pod Can’t confirm twitch mess you should be leaving soon no worries dan so that’s why we wanted to get those chance cubes out of the way for you well not just for you but for people in your situation fight fight fight fight yep yep that’s what’s happening here

There there is a battle going on aha one down and there we go huh okay battle time it is the boss fight wow look at all of you 95 friends for this one nine and five that’s how those numbers work you just add them together to get the total

you are in with a master centurion crimson down here with the vengeful warrior the azzy with a long shot archer marvinian with a rampaging berserker nim with the necro meowther necromancer dancer with the brima templar labard with the plasma paladin cry with the cyber artillery and ko with the epic artillery

Working as a pair there you two i see what you’re doing yeah no sam that’s intentional the the it is meant to say quest like i don’t know what’s going on because i don’t get a chance to do quests in this pack that’s not how this works is part of the joke

Okay there we go go get him people The boss charged straight in throwing magical balls at us Completely out um Yeah look at all of you Okay okay oh you took out the top spot with crimson assisting le bard the day at the j doge and hados got the epics prizes go to fry and ko working together to get berserkers lobaden hatos getting monks and dancer you also got a monk boss down

That is 100 nice bosses taken care of what have we got this time okay so if we get the skin chest we can’t get the gold chest but we can get the token chest so all right one one two three to there one two three to there so it doesn’t really matter

But i prefer avoiding the question marks because you know we get to actually do the event stuff and sometimes they aren’t the event stuff let’s go here yeah 100 nice i have to replace berserkers and this is let let’s mix it up this time so we’ll have the the flying rogues in here

And wait did i do flying rogues or flying busters i did flying rogues excellent that’s what i wanted once again plans don’t matter but they are there in case you need them now you’re going to lurk and sleep you’re here just for the boss fight we appreciate get good sleeps

I will most likely be in your stream tomorrow unless you do it while i’m asleep but if you are going to sleep now unless you sleep only a little bit i will probably be awake when you’re streaming yeah people should definitely check out ko and pry both ko and prai they stream different

Things that are both fun people to hang out with oh no you’ll be so you’re going to sleep but you’ll be live in a few hours i couldn’t do that i could sleep and then you know have fun with your sleep deprived streaming how did you tell dansel what’s going on

I’m apparently getting regeneration nice oh me talking discord fair enough okay we still have minis to fight uh it is ten past eight so we have you know just under two hours to try and get rid of all of these minis you think we’ll do it someone

Uh pick a number from one to six damn pick six oh that’s a that’s a decent group i’m amused that uh we managed to get the small group first thank you for hell name is that regenerating them i think maybe but it’s kind of hard to hit just you

Yeah but the problem is to pay them getting their health back is so much worse than trying to keep me alive because i’m doing one damage to them when i punch them now i was doing so good though just just around the outside so that i

Can hit them and they don’t hit me oh no no you ah you’ve ruined it my circle of punches boiled again uh i i don’t have a random i mean i do have a random but it doesn’t give me weapons the only thing that would give me a weapon is like uh axe

Like that okay apparently people want me to axe them their career is over as minis and there’s a stone axe as well so it’s not like it’s a a huge help lionel richie’s skin is uh an interesting one and the problem is like because of the timing and how fast they are

If if i tried like jump to do crits oh i saw that it tried to circle i tried to pin someone over me um yeah it if if i try to jump to do crits or like run at them they do so much damage and just like if

You throw off your rhythm just a little bit they will murder me seven seven seconds isn’t bad my stream delay of seven seconds is fairly normal at least in my experience unless you’re not counting in seconds well the easy way to see how much stream delay there is is by looking at the

Video starts it gives you actual numbers uh dancer if you hover over the video you should see that there is like a cog wheel for like options and stuff cogwheel advanced video stats yeah there you go it’ll have about halfway down buffer size and then latency to broadcaster now uh ooh

I had pasta today sam but the thing that uh i liked the sound out of that was buttered toast that sounds good at the moment and i don’t really need to say every time that that is just my preference oh you could combine powdered toast or something why is there another anchor

Over here so i could pull them from baratheon’s front yard i could see that one coming from the side ah from behind them you jerk i’m trying to pull myself away but it’s uh not working it’s hard to tell as well because of all the steve which is something that we were working

On we were trying to have less steve but apparently apparently that’s not going to be in the cards tonight like dip or as the plate okay yeah that makes sense you go off to bed hey broke the ass nim i am impressed by your ability to shout out dancer while fighting things

Okay it’s like four keystrokes still dancer thank you for joining us and your usual like company banter um help like supporting the stream you know all the good stuff and like in again in the off chance that people you don’t know dancer you should be following that link and doing the follow enjoying

Dances chill streams that are for charity i often forget to mention that uh dancer does streaming for charity supporting cat shelters i have a good night guys good night uh well sam the bad thought because i’m pretty sure you don’t have it um my first thought was uh like hundreds and thousands or

Sprinkles whatever you want to call them why is this one just charging off to baratheon’s place i don’t know there’s certain points that they just want to run to fair enough um because yeah sam the the thing that you combined with butter post in bread is you make fairy bread that’s the thing

Um but out of that what else could you combine it with oh out of the other things listed i don’t know because a lot of the things that you listed aren’t things that i really eat oh good that’s that’s just a box full of nuke um yeah i’m testing something so

I i don’t tend to do soup but i can imagine buttered uh like buttered toast buttered bread being a good thing with ramen i can imagine that but i don’t eat it so i don’t know would just be my brain maybe like the beef ramen i think you said beef ramen

The scream said to hydrate okay a bit late but cheers i i meant to do that the other way around but then it was like mid doing it when i remembered that’s you’ll figure it out in the morning i’m sure you will or you’ll start stream and then have to

Figure it out either way uh okay does anyone have a preference between like from one to five and uh yeah minis don’t get affected by nukes what section of the world just disappeared it’s quite a ways away okay the impressive thing is that i didn’t even notice like the server stutter or anything

Yeah i went like 1200 or so blocks away so yeah i i saw which one you did maybe other people did not notice i hesitate to say but i seem to be getting better at this no see i said something but i just saw that one of them still has like 40 health

I still love that we have those commands i should put more things in but again the amount of time that that was not doing anything no back backward not backwards um the amount of time that i spend putting things in there’s only so much stream and i could

Spend so much time just sitting making things for uh for pci i i would definitely not have enough time to do any of the other things look at how still 31 on that one fades into the shadows but then checks to make sure that there’s not a giveaway going

I just got that mental image of like a vampire that like does the big dramatic cake swish to disappear oh that that i’m surprised that didn’t get me mim like that that seemed painful in my mind and then i didn’t get hit um but yes like the vampire flourishing the cape and like

Dramatically exiting and then you can just see them in the background at the valet waiting for their car to arrive well that that’s not what i expected from that i like that no one got me so uh pronounced in the blindness really yeah yeah watching your stream there’s just big red you know

Solid posts in the mix the black okay i’ve been slightly busy i understand not that it went for greener pastures victim tish yeah i really need to think of how i can make these bigger ones more entertaining because i don’t have the reactions like um like some of the other streamers panic a

Lot more in fights like this and you know tormenting the minis is not really my style well at this point like say subby or whatever with uh their level of health that they have and damage that they do even using a sword is true oh that’s what we’ll say like that there

Is the axe command i do have an axe but it’s almost broken and it’s the only axe i’ve got and now i’m using a stone axe i think that that can be a diamond axe or at least it could be at one point but this is why i was looking for

Like buffs and things ow damn oh they’re going for the torches they don’t break them in this mode but they go and stand on them with the microwave running you can’t even have twitch in audio only mode minimized on your phone now you have your headset into the pc via bluetooth There are four things left pick a number no let’s go with one you don’t get to know which order they’re in you do get to pick a number oh i seem to have got the the light on i feel like i should like be practicing insult or something like

There should be interesting conversation happening while i’m i’m dueling the minis but that is not the way that my brain works when i focus on things my brain goes very quiet dick that is that is a big stick figure that would be an acceptable upgrade without compromising stuff fair enough

Well i am fighting you so the problem with the big sticks is that they’re not weapons so they don’t have the cooldown yeah but you’re still not doing a ton of damage to them it’s true it’s definitely true this is this is not like an i win stick um

But it is definitely stronger than my uh my stone axe okay i think instead of doing half a heart you’re doing like two or two and a half hearts now i have run out of food again yeah as one of the things on my streamer journey um

The thing that i’ve realized that would make my life sort of easier and more entertaining is if i was better about picking random things to just talk about like no prompting things are quiet so pick a random interesting thing and just gamble um if if i had that ability

I i would be better off as a streamer like i’ve talked to people about um like having morning streams and like just having chill i’m not very awake let’s hang out and a lot of things and my hesitation there has always been that i’ll turn up i’ll do the stream chart but

If i’m not instigating the conversation and no one else is either then that that doesn’t go down too well ah right nem you just threw yourself at me that was the plan i just didn’t know which video was gonna happen aha two of them have broken three are three

Of them have broken off two of them left you got one coming for you two make this process like just a slight bit more um difficult for some reason my facial hair has decided to just decide to be irritating like facing the wrong direction so i keep trying to

Straighten it at the same time as frightening it is not working derrick broke away not two of them broke away ah one’s down three down frequency i’m coming for you no frequency one i just got the message the soul receptacle broke preventing your death i got hit one

So some of these will do over 100 hearts of health really is the count that high crazy oh my max health is 200 and if i get one hit and it breaks it yeah yeah so frankly it’s amazing you haven’t died more yeah i said i’ve been getting better at this

Though breaking them up like this uh probably helped your survivability a lot yeah yeah no this would be a different thing if you weren’t here i would have been running around through that group right sometimes i think it’s the biggest group oh good oh yeah look at that

I’m gonna take the break during the battle to go and like wash my face or something because nothing that i’m trying is really working here and it is amusingly annoying aha i managed to step away in time this time it’s like popcorn it’s so weird especially since they’re all thieves

I have no idea what which ones are popping up but they’re just like jumping in the pits Better does not equate to good just in case anyone’s wondering are they jumping on my grave it looks like they’re jumping on my grave and i do like that they’re all at different strengths because they all spawn from different events so you never know if you’re gonna like

Cop a hit and it’s only going to do you know like 10 damage or if you’re gonna cop a hit and you’re dead and being out of food again means of course that i’m not really regenerating that much health between popping hits sam is your ramen and toast

Tasty that is the important thing is it good noms or am i a failure of a chooseroff aha ah yep that that was that hit I don’t want to give you too much okay so next death we will do the battle really good i’m glad it’s really good and if i don’t pick up this lot then i’ll be dodging and they’re just coming i was gonna say that sentence badly um they would interfere in an unconsensual manner

It’s true if we had the power of satan i could uh totally do this i was like oh let’s go wrong okay battle time okay okay cool the azzy is here with a long shot archer which is not really the epic i would have gone with for these ones because they’re all 70

Extra defense against uh ranged but let’s see how it goes ellie good morning how are you doing go get him people Is Anything Got most kills nim’s assist and dancer runs away with some money diamond badge and the tcg bomber skin nim i made it to the bonus section congrats okay so we are swinging up that way after i click my quests oh that that’s all the quests i’ve got left okay okay that makes sense

Ramen noodles on buttered toast better than buttered toast soaked in ramen water yup okay good to know no ellie if it was a saturday morning i would not be here what time is it yeah we’ve got plenty of time okay so placing units that are of use

I’m not sure the best ones to use that’s right let’s try one of these no strong plans this time we’ll see how we do hey there’s a giveaway going not have to be up at 5 a.m it is but with the time change it means that i’m here

For another hour and 15 minutes so you’d get a little bit more sleep and still be able to stop him to say hello did you sleep okay ellie other than it being you know very morning are you doing okay as tara would say are you winning oh that was

That was a little bit of lag i don’t know what caught it start just that that bit of stutter to get me killed gotta hit those limbs in the back before they just warm me ah oh that was a good game i’m very curious to see what people are

Going to pick for the uh next playthrough um anxiety i’d say uh vampire survivors but uh it’s not really a long playthrough game no that is more the sort of thing that like well i i probably will end up playing on a like a what the friday

But it is the sort of thing like you could request an extra stream for or like it doesn’t really work as a play-through play-through sort of thing and i’d have to get much better at that conversation thing that i was talking about earlier it is very much uh like it is in fact

Like uh a lazy morning stream thing that i was talking about which i know doesn’t really work for you nim but um yeah it is uh the sort of game that you could just sit there kind of playing and relaxing it’s a perfect uh stream raiders accompany my game yeah yeah very much

Well for if i ever do get around to doing like hell morning streams my thought was going to be uh stream stream raiders with like role-playing development in the background sort of stuff uh talk about like the charts and things that i have and like developing Different regions making characters have like more details to them that sort of stuff oh jury in two weeks ah like i don’t know what i can’t talk for over there but uh summons here and not that big a deal like is that a confirmed

Thing or is that just uh come in so that you might end up being on a jury Shut up hey dolls see a couple over there hey sam you are a winner just so you know him i broke another axe doing all of this oh i’m not surprised aha that’s another reason why i gave you the stick just so you didn’t have to keep using the command yeah okay so

You’ve been summoned nearly every single year and each time you sit from nine to five yeah take your phone charger sort of thing play games look at stuff just doom scroll in case you get uh picked it’s been a few years since i received the summons and then i forgot about it

And i haven’t heard a thing so uh obviously i wasn’t called or if i was called the judge didn’t care enough to put a bench warrant on me i don’t know is that it oh have we have pretty sure that’s it Okay so that was what around six i think uh it was around an hour or so into the stream so two and a half hours of fighting minis uh well no two and a half hours of fighting minis and doing cubes we did do a cube break in there ellie that that’s completely

Understandable um i know plenty of people with social anxiety and yeah completely reasonable and usually you can uh do some sort of deferment or exemption to get out of it and now that we are done i can go and pick up my pants uh do i have my mail i do have

No i’ve just got a faulty mail signal yeah i have no clue why that is doing and the only other thing i could think of uh to fix it would be breaking the mailbox and putting it back down and that’s not something i’m going to do on you [Laughter] Uh well done with the name zach my deak welcome in thank you for the follow yeah i was going to say it’s uh zach medik i’m wondering if it’s because the energy cells here and like um projecting to the other side the wall uh the energy cell is two blocks over Usually redstone signals don’t travel that far through just blocks yeah i mean it wouldn’t hurt for me to just yeah it’s still blinking and i do not know what was i gonna do i was going to work on my tools but i should actually get more food first because we are out

You like options no worries sam i need a mushroom stew i wonder if pickles has grown up yet oh that has a huge growing time yeah yeah it’s uh 45.6 000 seconds for pickles to grow uh normally um baby animals only need like 900 or so oh okay some of these things are

Requiring the things that i’m making so we’ve got some cream of mushrooms some hummus and some mushroom ketchup sam diamond saying need bowl well a stack of wheat got pickles down to 54 seconds [Laughter] okay okay there’s that mushroom stew A mushroom lasagna mushroom risotto I’m surprised you’re not just searching not no i i started like i searched not in jei and found mushroom stew so i put in mush to get the mushroom stew and i’ve just been grabbing the things that uh i haven’t eaten yeah but in the cooking for blockheads

If you just do not it will only show things you haven’t eaten okay yeah apparently i hadn’t done mushrooms too yet either so collecting the roasted mushroom seems to be activating the oven to cook it but then isn’t giving it to me because it is in the oven

Right that is for whatever reason it doesn’t put it back anywhere you just got to go to the oven okay so mushroom stew mushroom lasagna mushroom risotto mushroom ketchup omelette and a roasted mushroom ah pork chop apparently i never ate cured flesh spicy mustard pork so many things that i would not actually

Eat oh enchanted gapple how do you make a a notch apple enchanted golden apple uh you don’t oh okay you there used to be a recipe for it and some mods have added the recipe back in but otherwise you just gotta get it out of like a treasure chest or something okay

Well there is a one in the system oh salmon just so many foods what’s that name it’s just absurd but what is it it’s a golden apple crate okay i saw it in the je i looking up golden apple and it’s like okay i’m just gonna make a crate

Is it a crate specifically for golden apples or is it full of it’s a crate from quark you just basically take nine of any produce and it makes a crate of it right hey very vinaigrette that doesn’t look how i would normally spell vinaigrette so i’m wondering how you meant to pronounce that

Got capri salad citrus salad egg salad fiesta corn salad mixed salad nopalese salad spring salad and sunflower broccoli salad okay oven fish thank you sam i totally did uh my posture has been terrible recently i don’t know i think it’s how my feet’s positioned or something like that i’m just not doing well

Not sure why like do not have concrete thing of why it’s been bad recently as opposed to other times oh right reinforce five which means i need to like ghostly a dragon and stuff uh abilities i think it’s abilities unbreakable there we go so requires reinforce five

And the netherite modifier okay we need to figure out how to do that you have murdered many dragons the right upgrade right 20 durability 10 attack damage temperature mining speed increase the mining level to netherride and makes the tool invulnerable when dropped interesting requires diamond or emerald to be applied a diamond

Yeah another idea you can’t drop it in lava and lose it or have it burn up and fire it just exists okay it’ll still uh fall into the void though okay so let’s move it here and need at least one upgrade slot to add this modifier so does that mean that

You need to add an upgrade slot to it because how many upgrade slots do things normally have uh it depends on the materials you put on it um okay how do i tell that again there we go it’s control so steel steel and steel is what i did let’s look in the book

Thank you good stone flint bone and the chronic bone is tier one got iron copper seared stone bloodstone slime with lead silver and scorched stone as tier 2 tier 3 is slime steel there we go steel okay so it does not say anything about upgrades or slots on those

Where does it explain the slot all right tools it’s based on the tool um all small tools can be created in either the tinker station or the tinker’s anvil they require between two and three parts granting two to three traits most small tools start with one ability slot and

Three upgrade slots as well how would i have applied five levels of reinforce to these uh doesn’t reinforce only require one slot maybe and apply levels incrementally maximum of five levels requires one upgrade slot per level but i would have used five slots maybe because it’s a pickaxe pickaxe

Is a precise mining tool effective on stone metal and ores expanders alternate between increasing depth and increasing height i know that like slot lost things that i could have made writable yes that’s what i did danny welcome in how are you doing okay so

A book and quill i know that i used that i don’t know what sam would have used on the rose gold unless the rose gold itself does the thing which it might so let’s make an end crystal and if you go to your quest book and Go to the bottom for emergency items there is uh missing dragon that gives you four n crystals but when i want those for fighting the dragon yeah aren’t you gonna be fighting the dragon this is to get a slot be able to put diamond on so that i can then do um

Netherrite so that i can then do um what’s it called unbreaking so eventually a bunch of the creative upgrades on it yeah but where’s the point in that and i get to add another pattern to the thing you and your patterns [Laughter] doing all right jenny that is good to hear

It i’m guessing it’s early there like i know that it’s morning in that part of the world it’s 7am forum just after do you have much on is today like a school day hey sam you have 44 end crystals how do you know oh you’re in here right okay i was like

How do you know what why do you just know this number yeah it’s got writable on it yep so now it’s also resurrected and then from being resurrected we add a diamond to it wait i’m actually having to choose things now diamond or emerald better i don’t know

Diamond adds 500 durability one attack damage and one mining speed additionally blows the tall harvest level to diamond or 50 durability 2.5 damage against illegals increases the tool’s harvest level to iron diamond sounds better okay so The rose gold matic takes it just fine oh battle time hey i see labard in uh here with an epic healer i’m throwing down the killing field over here and go get him people Um Oh this did look raw It’s not quite the right combination of things there we definitely had the numbers but uh the fact that those um The cell swords they tank so hard so if you don’t kill the damage deals first ouch oh this might or might not be the last one for the night depending on how we’re doing in half an hour and my quest is for war base so i’m going to throw that one in

So we want like i didn’t want two rows of armor there i wanted a row of armor with assassins behind it and let everyone else do their thing okay so now how do i never write a thing it’s just another writing goods okay this this uses a slot too doesn’t it

Yep requires an upgrade slot okay what is the next requires pretty much any type of head i’ve only got 2 100 zombie heads i didn’t read what the netherright does oh okay so this now also gets to be recapitated actually i could probably just hover honest power of ancient metal making the

Tool stronger and immune to it i did read that earlier and just completely forgot about it okay now that it’s netherrided okay so two netherright ingots that’s easy now two shulker shells and a dragon’s breath uh We have 63 driving oh is oh this doesn’t have the right layout is it done in the anvil most of this stuff is in the anvil yeah unbreakable oh it changes the color of the bar replay software all evening how’s that going okay now i have unbreakable tools also this thing like

Visually tricks me every time the cast chest looks like it’s just like golden outline when the bricks line up it’s not and i know it’s not but whenever i see it for an instant my my eyes are like yup that’s just the outline what it gives as the race you’re working on

Battling for well over half uh okay okay well i hope it goes well for you and now that i don’t have to worry about those tools i guess we do quests no wait you know what we didn’t do oh god the run look how fast the run goes um

I needed to do dances brave and i completely forgot if she wanted a specific material for it and nim we have to figure out a grape for you as well answers at 23. um how many is this 5 9 10 11 12 that would be 24 that’s close enough almost

Actually look better if i take that one okay but nim did we end up having any ideas for your grave uh i i have not uh sam there is a table uh if you come over here like right in the middle area at one end of the resource generators um

You put the module in the bottom left and the armor in the bottom right and it applies it take hey throughout some more globals just to help prevent spawns one of those things if i have to use a global i may as well use the stack hey

Sam did you probably saw i think that we even talked about it uh on dance’s stream but did you did you see your grave it has the requested block unless i made a mistake there okay we need inspiration we need a design to work towards for nime nim who has 67 prestiges at the moment what is a very nim thing uh there was already the dragon’s breath in the system so i didn’t need to i mean i can but the the prestige graves are a thing and the stream is almost up although i don’t know if we’d have enough blocks for it

But let’s see don’t worry sam no i don’t know if i’m going to be able to do this either artistically or with the amount of blocks zombie this is not your sort of graveyard i need something to build between uh not your sort of graveyard oh insistent yep that’s a dragon dying

Okay that was good that was definitely too loud okay now how do i do the rest of this yeah i’m definitely gonna run out of blocks what i was aiming for is basically like the the dragon more so we’ve got like all the teeth and like the nostrils and then i was

Going to build back from there to do the like the eye mounds but there’s only 15 blocks left Looks like a weird face now though it does are you okay with a weird face until you have more blocks oh i’m fine okay so i just mistook the actual global for one of the yellow x’s the go me yeah as always feel free to like swap out blocks and stuff

And the question is where do you want your statue ah that’s a really good question because like standing on top would make sense but then again you could go for in the mouth and yes i know i just named the steve statue to look like steve but

It still has a name when you look at it so yep because i mean like standing there makes sense but just as easily your head gets a bit locked that debug stick does so many things now making vodlogged fire is a bit weird i was hoping i could get rid of the

Smoke entirely but the best i can do is smoke signal it which i think just makes a bigger puff and with breaks in between yeah ah like i i know that it took forever and i should really put more time and effort into doing this but you know ever all the prestige grades

Now exist i need to clear out my deaths again so many of them here forever i started with three minutes until the battle 20 minutes or so until the end of the stream unless people want to call it early that is a valid choice for people if they would like

But you know usually i would stick around until 10 or later unless we had a good reason to end sooner hey where where is this death mark that i keep seeing ah there’s one i think i’m good i guess i can just keep them congratulations you are the

Prestige and have taken the title of haidos your 68th prestige maybe that’s something that i’ll get done this week uh setting up the um actual item in the bot yup yup just a little bit of awakeness for everyone ah subbie rooms it now everyone uh but subby has at least nine hundred thousand

Okay so you’re just hoping to get everyone into the danger zone kyle now no one’s in the danger zone now no but i mean like getting everyone just really close yeah i just like i thought it was amusing seeing uh before i prestiged everyone but me was

Nine hundred some odd thousand that i was like so once you went down that subby popped up and uh is outside the barrier uh yes sam sure hey sam how are you doing i don’t know that i have turned on the integration for my keyboard to work with discord

Because it turns itself off for some reason and i’m trying to place a whale on my grave so that i can put a minecart on it i can’t okay oh because it’s in my zone right i can give you the thing I don’t know if i can place the minecart after you place the rail i just kind of want in the middle i have a shader i want to put on it because it looks cool nope i cannot do that too boop did that change not for me okay

I don’t i don’t know if it’s even books but like that’s the shadow i just like clicked onto it there you go it’s the only masterwork shooter i’ve gotten i even put it on this before nice yeah it looks like like that’s you know pixely but good pixel

It’s actually um according to the engineer’s manual that one’s called ancient if you didn’t notice and it is inspired by legend of zelda breath of the wild okay that sort of ancient makes sense there’s one i really want called eye challenge from which is from destiny it’s another masterwork one

Like i haven’t gotten it because master looks really hot and it’s not easy to spawn in because it’s uh i think they’re all Check this i have a bunch of them the battle is ready it’s all the same item they just have a different nvt tag yup so i could i guess i could hand one to name and see if you can edit it to be callos or name could just spawn in a bunch of

Yep that works yeah i just spawned in a bunch of grab bags and started opening until i found one yeah because this one has like a pulsing orange thing on anyway it battle time so we have lasik joe in with a cerberus war based and nim is here with that uh that book

Again book that worked really well last time so hopefully it will again i’ll throw this down there in the hopes that we can get through that group quickly go get him people Also nice thing about using the garbage It should make it so you can replicate um Um Um Thank you Okay congrats oh congratulations me weird name assistant random winners are nem getting some gold and like carnes assisting so that is it for stream raiders tonight uh we should be back doing that again on friday there’s still a couple of weeks left in the event so could be good

Okay so with the graveyard kind of sorted real quickly born yeah i was just mentioning when you were taking your quick break um with open when you open a grab bag the shader you get can then be replicated using the engineer’s manual and some silver grit okay

Which is handy if you want to have more than one okay except them opened up to grab bags i don’t have it unlocked because they just handed it to me but it’s fine like i have the area that’s like good thing oh you want that colored on that yep

Well next time you get one we have a creative ending you can just uh throw the grab bag on there i could yeah that would be smart you like it impulsive it is vaguely demonic it’s not really demonic it’s it’s actually the arcelo’s weapons and destiny of like high-tech energy kind of weapons

Yeah but pulsing red without any other context tends to be it’s yeah that’s fair just in case i need to fight a dragon yep i can always make more it’s not a problem okay i should probably make a website just put them in or you could just put them

In stores and i can grab them when i beat them yeah sure i should probably make a weapon unless we want me do you want me to go fight a dragon with my pants too easy yeah but like other than my pants i have the tools i don’t have a weapon

If you if you want to fight a dragon with me i cannot use my dagger ah this is your tinker’s dagger what did you do to it okay um yeah if people wanted me to fight a dragon i would have no problem fighting a dragon but really should like punching

It would take ages we’ve already done very slow fights tonight already yeah that would be a matter of i was like you could use my diagon we could fight it together um I guess i guess part of my thought whenever whenever i’m doing things is showing people the process so You can see that i have it on my off hand oh that’s right that you you went out of your way you’re gonna stab someone you do the dual wielding yeah yeah um oh sure we’ve got like 10 minutes until the end of the stream so that’s that’s definitely a way to

Finish the stream have we set up oh well no we put in the did we put in the mod to interdimensional no no um did we have we set up other dimensions i have the end crystals on me though i just picked them up okay uh no i haven’t mainly because

Most of the time we don’t need to be there for an extended period of time yeah no i do things because it’s a thing to do rather than because we need to but that’s the wrong button there we go apparently using the dagger on the thing doesn’t do anything that doesn’t count

As using interesting They’ve actually got crystal holders i’m gonna let you put in the last one i can be the one struck by then you can’t do anything it is very shiny when the dragon dies now god that happens there we go how much did that hurt and not noticeably like my power’s going down oh

It shoots balls at you yep okay there’s a knockback on that yeah ah did you get fought from italy no it’s back into its normal uh how much doc practice does your phones have i guess like yes but nobody knocked back in and applied No success i am almost out of power turn this back on that’s better i have a backup battery just in case uh i need it and it wasn’t on mine has just recharged so i’m guessing something’s fallen through the portal and activated the overworld uh probably xp

Yeah just interesting that that’s how it works is that anything that well something has made it so that my uh stuff is recharging where it wasn’t before i got ancient wow okay i got i just gotta like normally you can get like a grab bag you open and you get

A masterwork grab bag and that gives you the last one apparently he’s just gonna give me ancient again hi i approve don’t you your daggerback uh sure thank you i forgot i had magnet on there we go it’s pretty much time to wrap so we have defeated a dragon we finished the

Graveyard and i got mobilized many many times that sounds like a successful uh thing to me four dads you apparently are a winner okay uh well as usual i’m going to jump out of discord to do the wrap up sort of thing but thank you both for joining me and

Nim thank you for all the help um yeah just thanks i think you’d still be dying if i didn’t put the anchor plates down oh yeah yeah yeah yeah no there’s no question about that the thank you for all the help includes the fact that uh we did not spend the entire

Stream doing just the one thing but amusement though we will keep fine-tuning things over the weeks and eventually get it to the point where it is the right level of amusing but yes for now i’m gonna jump out and do the usual wrap-up stuff hey oh i’m just going to

Get out of the game and shut down things like stream raiders i think that this is gonna be another one of those things that uh whenever it plays it’s just gonna make me laugh headshot hey four dads hey so what does this mean um it is the end of my stream week um

Has been mentioned many times before but uh i stream over the weekend and take my break during the middle of the week um that means i will be back on friday i don’t know what we’re gonna be playing this friday there’s some good choices um we talked about one of them today

I think i had at least a couple of yes yes i can remember a couple of other things that uh that there’s a few choices that we’ll see how i’m feeling towards the end of the week as always if you have suggestions on things that you’d like to see me play

There is a channel for that in the discord and a poll for it as well so you know um I will most likely be in the background of other people’s streams throughout the week that’s the thing that we do because supporting the community is a high thing on my priority list while of course i do all the other things like uh figuring out ways to make this show bigger and better

For all of you um yeah that’s pretty much it i’m gonna see who’s on at the moment so that you all can go on and keep having fun but otherwise we’re pretty done for the day well that’s do you mean that you are doing something with dancer on thursday

Or that you’re just both streaming on thursday hey who is on hey um okay we’ve got a few different maybes no one’s really jumping out at me at the moment so if anyone wants to make a suggestion and here we go again that’s sam um yeah so if anyone wants to make any

Suggestions i’m i’m open to suggestions otherwise uh there are you know there are some a few good choices but no one that really jumps out at me at the moment okay so not streaming with dancer on thursday just book ending the day jay is one of the good choices so

I am happy to do that um there are a few people that don’t really like that haven’t really hung out here but are people that we know about so they are my good choices just not the high choices effectively people streamers that i know are interesting or fun

But not really part of the community collecting sound bites it it makes a difference okay so we’re going to go over to jay for some pokemon action um i hope you have fun i think that i saw that nim has already thrown the rating commands in there i’m gonna jump onto

This end screen to say thank you to all the lovely people who have helped make this thing A thing well put fantastic work me um who’ve made this show possible is what i was trying to say just waiting for the ads to finish before doing the raid thing just in case yeah is it looking good there we go raid started as said i hope that i will see you all

Back here on friday where i don’t know what we will be doing but it’ll be something fun until then take care stay safe and have fun

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Cuboid Outpost part 2’, was uploaded by Reborne on 2022-04-13 03:47:30. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 05:05:11 or 18311 seconds.

Twitch VOD Archive from Monday 04/04/2022 In this episode we work on CCI, get murdered a lot by the community and really don’t make much progress at all. This video includes Stream Raiders, Multiplayer and Twitch integration thanks to the Content Creator Integration mod. Thumbnail is from a previous pack on the community server and was constructed by Austin

Pack – Cuboid Outpost: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/cuboid-outpost Please note that some mods have been added to the pack specifically for this server.

If you enjoy this and would like to see more, follow this link to the Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/gaming_reborne

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  • EPIC Minecraft GORI 99 Survival House Tutorial!

    EPIC Minecraft GORI 99 Survival House Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival house starter modern house wooden’, was uploaded by GAMERZ GORI 99 on 2024-04-19 10:00:24. It has garnered 627 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:56 or 176 seconds. minecraft survival house, minecraft animation video, minecraft install problem, minecraft animations, minecraft house, minecraft anshu bisht, minecraft starter house, minecraft not installed problem, minecraft 100 days, minecraft survival, minecraft survival house facts in hindi, minecraft survival series, minecraft shorts, minecraft song, minecraft smp, minecraft seed, minecraft secret base, minecraft survival house facts in hindi, minecraft survival house tutorial, minecraft survival 100… Read More

  • Minecraft: PE – PLAYING AS GODZILLA!? 😱

    Minecraft: PE - PLAYING AS GODZILLA!? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: PE – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 324 – Godzilla: Screen 4 (iOS, Android)’, was uploaded by TapGameplay on 2024-02-29 17:00:12. It has garnered 11938 views and 317 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:19 or 1399 seconds. Minecraft: PE – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 324 – Godzilla DLC: Screen 4 (iOS, Android) Minecraft: PE Walkthrough Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGtZwVE-T07su3T2mwBybvaoyewrzNrdI Download Map: Marketplace ⭐️Channel Membership – https://www.youtube.com/@TapGameplay/join 🔗Socials, Setup, Merch – https://bit.ly/m/TapGameplay 🎮MoreTapGameplay – https://www.youtube.com/@MoreTapGameplayYT 📺PLAYLISTS Featured Videos – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGtZwVE-T07tr8Sv–yichxVZ6KKyeZ5X Gameplay Trailers – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGtZwVE-T07vFhQZ753ADK2IYrAPQPSLT Full Mobile Games – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGtZwVE-T07vP7aFzZj9jPI-j2OjuW_QD MoreTapGameplay – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuj7d76oqxR-thS_XdETvO8XU5kCTbvEO 📱GAME DESCRIPTION Minecraft: PE -… Read More

  • CornyBreadMan’s Insane Space Adventure in Minecraft!

    CornyBreadMan's Insane Space Adventure in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sketchy Space Travel in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by CornyBreadMan on 2024-03-13 23:19:12. It has garnered 748 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Minecraft and rocket powered flight = New Planet… Read More

  • Insane Chimp VR Challenges: Minecraft Boss Fights & Skyblock!

    Insane Chimp VR Challenges: Minecraft Boss Fights & Skyblock!Video Information This video, titled ‘we played minecraft boss fights and 0ne block skyblock and more!!’, was uploaded by Chimp_VR on 2024-01-04 20:52:41. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:27 or 11847 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/jedidude0 Read More

  • Insane Fireball Fight in Minecraft! 🔥 #shorts

    Insane Fireball Fight in Minecraft! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tourner Dans Le Vide – Fireball Fight #2 – #shorts #fireballfight #minecraft #edit #pvp #smooth’, was uploaded by drxxppy on 2024-05-20 13:19:00. It has garnered 673 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Tourner Dans Le Vide Song: Tourner Dans Le Vide Editor & Addons Used: Vegas 18 with Sapphire, BCC and Universe plugin I’m drxxppy, a new Youtuber who records some videos on Minecraft 1.20 & 1.8.9. Likes and comments are very important on YouTube, so don’t be shy and comment what you want to see more… Read More


    INSANE TANK PVP STRATEGY REVEALED!!Video Information This video, titled ‘my tank pvp’, was uploaded by gtgaming200 on 2024-04-11 08:36:46. It has garnered 26 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:17 or 77 seconds. my tank pvp #minecraft 👍 Don’t Forget To Like The Video! 🔴 Make Sure To Subscribe! 🔔 Ring The Bell To Keep Updated Of When I Upload! ✔️ Sub Count: 27900 ════════════════════════════ ignore #tags #minecraftpvp , #minecraft , #minecraftbuilds , #minecraftpc , #pvp , #minecraftmemes , #minecraftserver , #minecraftmeme , #minecraftsurvival , #minecraftonly , #funny , #minecraftpe , #minecraftdaily , #skywars , #minecrafters , #youtube , #freethenipplemovement… Read More

  • 🟢 EPIC SLIME BATTLE! “Not Giving In” – Minecraft MV [Exit From Darkness E26]

    🟢 EPIC SLIME BATTLE! "Not Giving In" - Minecraft MV [Exit From Darkness E26]Video Information This video, titled ‘”Not Giving In” – A Minecraft Music Video [Exit From Darkness E26 S2].’, was uploaded by 🟢Slime4041-40🔴 on 2024-02-18 12:44:30. It has garnered 3294 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:19 or 439 seconds. Exit From Darkness: season 2 episode 26, season 2 episode 26. ———————————— —————————– model, models: @fatiha95002, @peygerdez381, @Entity3030Animations, @Redslime4040., @bogdan27236, @ golem8803, @lekconAMV, @Michael22823, @Naex_1. ————————————————– ————— song, music:Not Giving In, executor, performer:@NoCopyrightSounds. ————————————————– ————— 00:00 Intro, 04:00 video music, video music, 07:10 the end episode, end of the episode. ————————————————– ————— animation, animation: @Slime4041-4. Read More

  • Antine

    AntineOld school factions server on the Dosaga Minecraft Network. MCMMO enabled for long term progression. Upstanding active players may be recognized and invited to the whitelisted SMP server. More to come in the future to likely include skyblock and hunger games. Join the discord server for more information using https://discord.dosaga.com mc.dosaga.com Read More

  • Primo SMP – Modded SMP White 1.19.2

    Welcome to My Minecraft Server! I have created a Minecraft Server running Forge 1.19.2 with over a hundred mods, including Create, Mekanism, Ars Nouveau, and many more. Whitelisting is easy, just be respectful and read the documentations. The server is bilingual English and French, with a diverse community from all over the world. Updates to the modpack are regular, and you can suggest new mods in the Discord server. Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/E4FnFAYebA Have a great day! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Explosive Pursuit: New TNT Mod”

    Minecraft Memes - "Explosive Pursuit: New TNT Mod"Why did the creeper break up with the TNT? Because it couldn’t handle the explosive relationship! Read More

  • Crafty Injection: Original TeeCraft vs. Zombie Girl

    Crafty Injection: Original TeeCraft vs. Zombie Girl In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Updates and news are always around. From injection girls to zombie lore, The community craves to know more. Original TeeeCraft brings the scoop, With rhymes that make the audience whoop. No need for a start, just leap right in, And let the storytelling begin. So spin those rhymes, with a playful spin, Engage the crowd, let the fun begin. Minecraft facts and updates galore, Crafted with rhymes, always wanting more. Stay fierce and funny, keep it light, With emojis that shine so bright. The essence of gaming, brought to new heights,… Read More

  • Hotspot Hatch: Wi-Fi Wonderland in Minecraft

    Hotspot Hatch: Wi-Fi Wonderland in Minecraft “Trying to decide which Wi-Fi to connect to in Minecraft be like playing a game of ‘Guess the Password’ with your neighbors.” Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video showcasing a Nether Tree Farm on Tinker World SMP. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server like Minewind to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Imagine a world where you can explore vast landscapes, build intricate structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles with other players. Minewind offers all of this and more, with a vibrant community of players… Read More

  • LEGO Minecraft 2024 Steve & Baby Panda Unboxing

    LEGO Minecraft 2024 Steve & Baby Panda Unboxing LEGO Minecraft 2024 Steve & Baby Panda 30672 Unboxing & Complete Build Introduction In the world of LEGO Minecraft, the set 30672 featuring Steve and Baby Panda is a delightful addition to any builder’s collection. With 35 pieces to assemble, this set promises a fun and engaging building experience. Unboxing and Building The unboxing experience of the LEGO Minecraft set 30672 is filled with anticipation and excitement. As the packaging is carefully opened, the building adventure begins. Steve and the brick-built panda come to life piece by piece, offering a break from the daily grind and a chance to… Read More

  • “Unlock Minecraft Secrets: Pixel Builders Guild Reveals All!” 🤫 #Minecraft101

    "Unlock Minecraft Secrets: Pixel Builders Guild Reveals All!" 🤫 #Minecraft101Video Information [موسيقى] [تصفيق] ا This video, titled ‘🔧 Minecraft 101 – Mastering Minecraft Mechanics! #shorts #shortsfeed (106)’, was uploaded by Pixel Builders Guild on 2024-04-11 13:05:51. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 🎮🛠️Welcome to today’s episode on “Pixel Builders Guild”! 👇 Today, we’re diving headfirst into the blocky depths of Minecraft, where imagination rules and creativity knows no bounds. Whether we’re facing the fiery Nether, crafting intricate redstone contraptions, or embarking on epic build challenges, there’s always something new to discover and create. 🏰🔧 In this video,… Read More

  • Lost Minecraft Gameplay House Build

    Lost Minecraft Gameplay House BuildVideo Information e This video, titled ‘Building a house’, was uploaded by Minecraft gameplays found on hard drive on 2024-03-18 12:43:42. It has garnered 24 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:41 or 161 seconds. I found a bunch of videos from my younger brother playing Minecraft in an old hard drive. My younger brother was sure this game was about fighting ghosts, but the only “ghost” I’ve ever heard about is Ghast from nether. He told me that the game used to have a ghost of a very pale girl with a broken neck that… Read More