Unbelievable Goople Glop in Stardew Valley & Minecraft! Ralsei Gaming

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h [Music] [Music] [Music] a all right why is Rous just done in the thumbnail uh he felt like it man he’s he’s not feeling up he’s not feeling up to you know how you doing Mr Myster stranger how you doing how you been Hey Na story how you doing how you been read your comment by the way congratulations on touching grass you made it further than I have all right made it much further than I have all right I’m currently waiting for uh you’re camping over the weekend how was it how how’d that go I hope you enjoyed your camping right it’s kind of boring not going to lie I don’t really enjoy camping that much either it’s not my thing I appreciate it for what it is of course but it’s just it ain’t my thing you know I’m going to like get on with all this garbage all these uh other two nerds swatchbox and booger sandwich that is a Monday or Sunday for y’all it is a Sunday evening for me this wasn’t that interesting oh fair enough now I’m not a camping fan it’s a nice Sunday evening I forgot my farm looked like it’s been a while is indeed Sunday I I like me some Sundays I think they are quite nice actually all right are we both in Canada since it’s evening too I’m in Canada I’m a Canadian I think we’re all Canadian actually it doesn’t necessarily mean uh cuz you can be in the same time zone as us being the states too I think uh we’re Central cuz I know Mexico some people in Mexico are in the same time as we are I think I think all my clocks are actually set to it’s Mexican time just because I didn’t want to bother looking for a CST on my phone clocks and whatnot I’m a Canada a singular Canada I enjoy living in can Canada you missed uh us beating Dark Souls 3 by the way napkin story that was pretty hype it’s it was a good time no more Dark Souls though I think I’m going to start a secar row cuz I’m going to make that uh mod modding guide for Minecraft public and then I’m going to ask people would you eat snakes or be scared of women well I’m already scared of women so I might as well do the ladder I’m going to water all these guys’ stuff too cuz I’m a cool guy actually I shouldn’t water I’m only going to water SWAT boxes you know I’m not that cool of a guy booger sandwich can fend for himself I was told to go into a femur Breaker by a tf2 player that’s not that’s average TF2 player it adds up honestly haven’t thought about that in Forever all right let’s get rid of all this Gunk water all his plants booger sandwich can fend for himself I haven’t thought about the the femur breaker in Forever that is such a um so old I think about it into the femur breaker now I got home and imported my full album music files to Spotify the one the only reason I wanted to keep on uh I wanted to go back to Spotify when I was using Amazon music was oh I guess there’s two uh a you can’t have more than one person uh listening to it at a time but and like any like custom music you have will stay there I need to like I’m going to upgrade my axe I think so I can break this guy’s a think I’m a jig send a photo sick dud I need to like uh I need to make a like a random photo Channel I don’t want photos in General no more it gets kind of messed up a little bit clunky after a while he got mad cuz I killed him with the classic I don’t know i’ be mad too dude classic kind of embarrassing to die to that I’m not going to lie unless the person using it is goated with the sauce perhaps and in which that case it’s less embarrassing but I guess that would just be someone who’s really good with the Ambassador where someone play a lot of TF TF2 one actual TF2 class I hey uh Booker sandwich welcome how you doing I didn’t water your plants by the way I only watered Swatch boxes send photo sick once this day is done I’ll look at it where’s Penny I need to figure out you can fend for yourself booger sandwich oh your dog was oh did you find him did you find your dog damn dude maybe I will go water your crops please tell me you found your dog dude no oh holy [ __ ] dude uh would you rather like just post I don’t want you to like Place stardew Valley in into finding your dog dude I can postpone stardew valley I really don’t mind she probably fine though go find your dog man you love that Pooch I love that Pooch and I haven’t even met her I went over to maruse the other day and she showed me a new Gadget of hers that darn thing charred my palm oh that’s new I don’t want your poor little doggy man okay it’s back to uh I was going for Prime Cuts advancement I haven’t done like any of those um old tracker stuffs hey Pam how you doing yeah my dog was lost I hope you find your dude all like holy [ __ ] it’s [Music] [ __ ] I mean like does she have I’m I’m I’m hoping she has like a general area as she follows that was very laggy for a second by the way what the hell just happened oh all right we’re we’re back on the sturgeon hunt by the way we need have a sturgeon by uh the luow a golden one by the way there he is the man is here I have no stamina anymore oh the fishing stream it’s back I was actually really looking forward to this I I’m very tired a little bit fatigued perhaps I think that might have been a sturgeon I just [ __ ] up I centered the Nirvana never mind album cover and my friend said it was the most cursed thing ever well I mean like isn’t the normal guess no never mind I think that Spotify release isn’t censored you right more I think about it it’s such a funny uh why would they do that kco b didn’t the uh didn’t the baby when when he grew up he tried to sue him I’m pretty sure he tried to sue him right know on Spotify doesn’t [Music] yeah I swear to God the baby when when he all he was all grown up he tried to sue a Nirvana or whatever for using his likeness or something or embarrassing him or something cuz it like followed him yeah he did yeah that makes sense you know what I’m honestly really sad about right now I don’t have any more Dark Souls to play I I want to play more Dark Souls but maybe I will just play sto all the DLCs are done I Breeze through Dark Souls 3 way too fast it’s my own fault I’m almost out of stamina that is my be I regret it except I don’t cuz that was fun as [ __ ] yesterday that was a I really enjoyed the Stream yesterday the baby in the photo tried to sue them after taking multiple photo shoots recreating the cover what what was his what was what point was he trying like what was what was he trying to like uh what was his main point of suing that’s how Nirvana won oh sick I I’m okay with Nirvana winning in that case because they it’s like it’s [ __ ] Nirvana no they’re not really some like big conglomerate didn’t we need a gold sturgeon that’s what I’m doing right now dude I’m farming for a sturgeon but I’m I almost out of stamina we need it for the luau to get Max friendship or the max reward I have a silver one on me still now I am going to eat I think which one gives me the most this Bullhead I think you do you know you sell for more I’m going to eat a raw fish see what happens [Music] I am currently sturon farming I’m sturgeon maxing FES yeah dude I have these River jellies too hey fuzzy Q how you doing how you been e one of these bad boys too yeah look at that doing good that’s wonderful to hear Fuzzy Q fuzzy K where did you get a hat from oh you went to the house the mouse sales didn’t you did you find it in the trash actually I’m going to imagine you found it in the trash cuz you’re a bit of a bit of a trash gremling booger sandwich that’s a sunfish I’ve ever seen one or carp sorry there who would have thought I was right play a little bit of stardew Valley fuzzy just to relax from the previous Dark Souls streams so the I said it ear like [ __ ] five minutes go but I’m going to make the uh modding guide public and then for for Minecraft I’m going to make the the manual modding guide public cuz we’re going to do a manual installation of the mods and then I’m going to ask everybody to send in the average uh how it runs on average like frame rate and whatnot I have a spinner okay cuz I want to I don’t want to do that if the majority of people can’t run it comfortably you know that’s just bait I want everybody to have a wonderful time playing Minecraft again vks you’ve burned your hand dude are you okay you got some like uh lotion for that or some U burn cream I guess damn dude got to fix that up real quick real real quick all right no damn dude how bad is it yeah uh I am the booger sandwich the one and only yeah this is booger sandwich right here the guy on the left you only have pain I mean like your dad did too I’m sorry to hear that on handy YK got to like check that out man I’m I’m assuming it’s like if you’re not like immediately going somewhere it’s it’s not like horrible horrible like U injury wise cut yourself with an apple peeler that’s an ouers have you perhaps consider that you are not an apple in the napkin story and you in fact a a human you are not meant to be cut by an apple cutter I was talking about that uh I think Friday right getting cut by a cheese grater is the worst thing that could ever happen to you I stand by that by the way any predictions on Ultra kill fraud uh no honestly I was I’m kind of I’m done with ultra kill until we get like new new content personally the apple peeler slipped chair chair Emoji bro no if uh if we end up doing a a realm instead of modded because people can’t run it I’m going to play second row while we wait for a Minecraft 1.2 1.21 to come out then we’ll just do a Minecraft oh never mind it’s just not a sturgeon cuz Cole wanted to watch that one too last one then I’m going head to bed mean booger sandwich I just got the [ __ ] Ultra kill dude I I played that like months ago Dude I destroyed that game I just I don’t I want to wait until before I like do like all the hard [ __ ] again I want to wait until uh Ultra kill must dies is out and all the all the layers and stuff before I play like do all of the hard stuff again that made no sense but you know I have a feeling like you can put two and two together what I what I’ve said ignore all like the little visual glitches by the way I have a mod on that just haven’t rein uninstalled yet it’s a recolor and the recolor ain’t compatible with the newest update I don’t know if they have updated it yet it’s not a big injury it’s just it’s really annoying and pain oh the I I get those it’s like uh that one time I think I was taking like hot dog buns out of the oven cuz we were warming them up like you do and uh me being the dumbass that I was when I was think I was like 13 I was still in elementary school so like probably 12 12 or 13 go God damn it I put the I put my sturgeon in the godamn God damn it man I’m I’m a fool I burnt the [ __ ] out of my middle finger it hurt might to fight Das V2 too on violence V2 isn’t that bad I’ve learned that it’s move set I’m going to place down a chest as well all right more chest for this guy probably being overreactive but I want to amputate I I probably say that is that that’s a bit much if it’s like if it’s not like if it’s like superal go to bed you to man I’m put I’m making room so I can like fish more efficiently or drink something a 43 minute long album so I think I have a short album that’s how long the album is I don’t want the hand to just get rid of it did your parents ever do that to you when you were a kid it’s like if you were complaining about an injury or something he like all right let’s go to the doctor and cut it off why is it green this is new why wait does this water my plants does doesn’t look like it watered my plants booger sandwich why is it green what is this stuff that’s grown it’s Moss got to get rid of the Moss Man why why are you green I don’t like it it is watered at least I have the water Swatch box of stuff today has the color what what color is it for you what are you perceiving right now booger sandwich forgot oh I I’m sorry not St I I have time to spare what I’m not I’m not being like I’m not being fous B I’m I’m I’m actually asking like how how do you perceive cuz I’m curious and if you don’t want to answer that’s all I won’t push anymore but but still it’s green oh okay which ones are the ones you can’t see it’s it’s Reds right what the hell was that what what is happening over here why is it what with these lines red and green oh it’s right I don’t care okay i’ actually particular got bruis they said that to me yeah why do parents got to do that [ __ ] man oh [ __ ] I can I can buy a bouquet now if anyone wants to take shelter in the saloon I’ll keep it open oh the the saloon all day today I see that’s kind of cool I need to go buy a bouquet and give it to my loving wife she is my wife and I love her booger sandwich you could never holy [ __ ] there’s so much G oh my God we’ve been overrun why what is this event man there’s so many trees so much green there an attempt to get me to shut up sad why I got to that like that his parents oh my God everybody’s in here I want to see this new dialogue are you all right we’re all wondering what’s going on yeah dude I’m all right I bought some medical supplies just in case be careful out there it’s a sign from the almighty we’re doomed it’s just green rain dude what are you talking about I hope these weird rains don’t bother the fish it could ruin me for life I just get got off the phone with the governor apparently this rain is supposed to be completely harmless just unusual on sorry for saying shut up people are using ask when they ask that no no this I get I get it I imagine it’s an knowing after a while I saw the weather report last night really gave me a scare no it’s just green weather dude po around drinks to settle the nerves I don’t think I’ve ever put in this place it’s actually kind of crazy and not worried about the rain I’m sure it’ll pass there must be meaning behind this nature is trying to tell us something no it really isn’t Emily I don’t like you that situation looks this where the person’s true character is put to the test I’ll keep him I mean I’ll keep everyone everyone’s safe from the toxic rain I’m going to go step in the toxic rain dude didn’t work I could imagine so back off Emily I don’t like Emily dude she’s kind of annoying for real for real I think she annoying as Lord I need to go buy bouquet remember I need to go uh this is actually the perfect time to like ask a penny the whole bouquet thing because it’s like it’s a crisis you know it’s like asking someone to marry you when you’re going to never mind they’re not open today [ __ ] I cannot no girlfriend for me today sad as [ __ ] anyways sturon time sturgeon time dude Leah likes the green R is she out have you had this before I’m assuming you’ve had this before right oh my what is this there’s like a thing here yeah de Demetrius you are [ __ ] up oh my God that is what is that p n u what the hell okay I need to get rid of this these mods I got obviously they are not working no more he’s a cube he’s being all cubed up dude that’s what happens when you set set foot in the rain now beat V3 congratulations un handy elk congratulations on your Victory back to fishing with the boys is there a special fish we can catch today if any my water bottle gets stuck to my lip and it makes a funny sound all right what am I catching willly dialog seems to say so all right is this going to be a chub feel like this is going to be a chub gunfish and that’s just a chub all right maybe they’re all golden so if you catch a sturgeon today it’ll be Peak that all the treasure is moss what is moss even used for besides being [ __ ] delicious in every single aspect that’s a normal carp oh it’s an aridium carp dude oh my God I’m starting to get aridium fish I’m moving up in the world he look like a cube on your what what does he look like on your screen dude oxygen yeah but like I don’t want to I want to eat it special type of plant that go in shady areas Welcome Back N story he’s has MC guy okay I think I have like a resprite mod on for like custom like seasonal Sprites so he’s [ __ ] up I need to remove all my mods I might actually do a reset after this day if that’s fine with you just delete them such that uh I don’t have all those these glitches no more cuz they ain’t pretty to look at I just keep on neglecting to get rid of him all right I was really hoping they add like a slime fish man well I guess there already is a slime fish but not no that’s how youut a carp no like an actual slime fish then yeah I want my fish to be a little bit slimy even though that probably mean has gone rotten you can’t eat it no more that would probably be a doo for the chef right bro’s got a largemouth base most fish are quite slimy yeah but I want mine to be green slime you know kind of like a largemouth base but like even slimier and greenier just like made out of pure green made out of the rain that’s falling out of the in the sky right now that’s what I want it’s a it’s it’s a b a i know man it’s Bas I know I’m saying it correctly all this is a sturgeon for sure I can’t [ __ ] it up I’m [ __ ] it up currently no no oh I [ __ ] it up they got Rowdy hey Liberty how you doing how you been this game reminds me of 4D Minecraft 4D Minecraft huh how’s that work how you doing Liberty how you been I don’t know if I I said that like twice in a row without realizing but I you know it happens like I’m not locked in right now booger sandwich I am like my eyes are half closed that lump in my throat is gone I think I’m happy I’m having a good time why are you fishing right there by the way that’s like the worst fishing spot common boogers sandwich L bro’s got the worst fishing spot in the game booger sandwich caught fishing in the an unoptimal spot in stardy Valley ask me how to do a me off with him did you Moog him bro did you show him who the true skid slicer is one of my [ __ ] co-workers named a knife and the skibby slicer thought like oh my God I’m going to ear what the sigma like come on now you’re going to break my edging streak if you Mog on me bro what the sigma I like how you just stop you just stop fishing for that stop um bro asking me to stop bro ceasing s Valley really should let you do like custom emojis I think that would go over really well let me add that to my Wy flare that’d be sick did you did you participate napkin story or did you just like tell him to [ __ ] off like what did you do I have three aridium Carpets By the way you could never Booker sandwich except you know what that’s a lie you could I I forgot I turned over a new Leaf I ain’t that guy no more you went on a hike was it a good hike did you get to see all the the things you wanted to see I probably won without doing anything damn dude that’s true did you get to see the sights Liberty he proceeds to stab him with a dull bread knife repeatedly I feel like getting stabbed with a bread knife even doll would suck ass because like it’s it’s like it’s like serrated or some [ __ ] right I I don’t know what describe it’s wavy a I automatically I don’t know about that one dude all right I don’t know about that one but you know I appreciate nonetheless doll knives worth hurt worse yeah cuz it’s not a clean cut all right last one just made a cheese quesadilla that sounds delicious I want a chicken quesadilla actually yes I was the only person out there so I took my shirt off which is very rare for me to do that must have been nice I want to go on a AIT nature walk but I’m too lazy for that man gather up the boys go on a nature walk go down to the By The River take a dogs there let them enjoy the the water I’m not stopping until I got the sturgeon by the way I don’t care if we have to reset like a 100 times going to leave now already fuz Q thanks for Dr by dude enjoy your quesadilla my nose bled at work today it was kind of weird I was expecting it cuz it was um I think I’ve said it before but my nose bleeds twice a year uh the change from Winter to Spring and then fall to winter my nose is guaranteed to bleed at least once in those two times and today was the day it’s it took like 5 Seconds to like a little too much coke yeah dude I’m [ __ ] up you know how I am you know I’m like that I definitely TR take on all of the drugs you know how it is I am getting a lit with it as the kids would say no it was was [ __ ] I blew my nose and Bam instantaneously the blood clock came out was amazing our humor is random or a joke about horrible death I don’t want a joke about horrible death man that’s I don’t I don’t know how I feel about that one I don’t feel like I make horrible death jokes all the time why is the TV green by the way took a Delta 8 one time got so scared I hated it I have no idea what that is right I’m going to do a reset to get rid of these mods real quick Boer sandwich if that’s fine and K is playing Terraria playing t- loader Terraria and then t- mod loader wow can’t believe the Veggie Tales predicted modern internet humor real for real all right I’m going to go to a private scen I don’t want youall looking at my files common where’s start Valley common uh not content I want some mods star Blue Valley Delta eights are gas station weed gummies is that what those are man I don’t even smoke so I don’t I don’t know what any of that’s like I think I’m the only one in my family that doesn’t yeah I think about it I’m I’m quite literally the only one in my family that doesn’t smoke drink or do any of that I I’m I’m the odd ones out gas they can just sell them at the gas station now how far we’ve come holy [ __ ] that’s [Music] loud they just felt like I was constantly falling and I hated it I don’t know I want to be sentient all the time that’s my main goal besides blowing up and acting like I don’t know nobody the sentience I don’t want to be inhibited all right all right Booker sandwich remember to watch your television check out the new rods bro is selling a new Rod today I’m going to buy actually don’t know if I can afford that today I need to save up for to upgrade my house for my beautiful wife of course already next story this game is so yellow without that uh recolor I don’t like it I don’t like how yellow this game is yellow is my least favorite uh what is that secondary [Music] color I’m pretty sure yellow’s a secondary color right kind of like purple what if it was purple I probably I probably enjoy that you know I’m a purple enjoyer [Music] God damn it I [ __ ] this one up real bad you know what I didn’t [ __ ] it up [Music] yet [ __ ] that one up though what am I doing I need to lock in I need to lock in for real and also we need to like I need to feed these chickens man there is a not an egg around here actually I need to fill I need to give them their their food I also need to water Swatch boxes um plants can’t let my man [ __ ] go to [Music] waste so I know booger sandwich ain’t going to do it he’s selfish inherently right there you are oh said you were going to do it well I mean like you could always we could always be like a team effort Booker sandwich like it doesn’t need to be like onean job you know swatchbox we’re talking about wow I’m going to tell swatchbox that dude won’t even water his plants kind of cringe we play Terraria when 1.45 comes out uh I’d only play Terraria if it was me and my buddy Aiden Aiden would be a mandatory all right and a Cole I don’t want to play with friends I guess is the uh the what I’m trying to say so I don’t think Aiden wants to play Terraria anytime soon probably not actually probably not unfortunately my mouth is very dry right now I don’t know I don’t know why I don’t like it all right by the way I am telling your parents uh booger sandwich your parent of course being SWAT boox this what you get for misbehaving you should have thought thought about your actions before committing the crime you know I have no stamina left now how am I just catch a sturgeon at this rate all right I’m going to go put a hot pepper I’m going to go talk to my loving wife I’m actually I’m going to buy a bouquet and give it to my loving wife then and only then and am I going to go start fishing I have priorities today oh that’s what uh-oh something about your comfort character what happened to your comfort character bger sandwich you got to let me know there’s my loving wife there there’s my bouquet for my loving wife all right where is she what is she doing on a Sunday morning huh a Sunday I guess it’s still morning it’s not evening I’m the afternoon yet I blew up a house is Super Sonic what you don’t really have a comfort character how about your little lip guy man I’m assuming that’s your comfort character little lip man that’s actually that absolutely is your comfort character lip guy I don’t even know his name I don’t know if that’s like the booger s I’ve put him through so much pain he’s still your comfort he could still be your comfort character man you just have to apologize to him occasionally I saw my loving wife walking over there ising my nose my loving wife hello oh she’s so happy all right I’m getting rzy dude yeah we’re over here I told you my loving wife is now officially my loving wife oh can you God damn it booger sandwich I’m stuck in this cut scene too now that was bad timing you’re getting girls that did the bundle you think I’m not doing the bundle either dude bam hot pepper the [ __ ] you think this is I’m a working man and I get women all right you could never my nose is so [ __ ] itchy right now I don’t like it now it’s fishing time I love the description of the stream yeah dude I’ve been trying to change it up for for every stream now I might be real I think I’m call him lip man from now on though Lipman let’s i’ I’ve named him accidentally that’s great I I love that congratulations Lipman Lipman like a superhero Litman isn’t like jacket your your comfort character wouldn’t that be don’t talk [ __ ] about Penny yet dude holy [ __ ] that’s a sturgeon locking in currently this thing is going crazy right now oh it’s golden y I got it we’re good I don’t know if it’ll do it for all of us so uh i’ probably look that up before we uh use STP by the way right I can start doing other things now I don’t have the stamina for this I locked the [ __ ] in I got the golden sturgeon hard carry by the way hard carry we’re the only reason I’m we’re gold Rank by the way change my mind change my mind all right give me that give me all that [ __ ] platinum or whatever I don’t remember what OverWatch was I think I like the [ __ ] diamond in OverWatch when I still played that shitty game in the original release I think I like the high diamond before I like this isn’t fun anymore 3,400 me thinks can I stab the odly looking device on the other side of the room uh I mean like if that’s up to you dude I I would recommend against it though that seems like it would be dangerous for your health and other things what with it looking odd I I need these uh what we got I I need I also want to get rid of those uh Whatchamacallit I’m going mining tomorrow I think I need to get more copper hey TCH how you doing how you been I’ll say gaming yeah dude gambling gambling gambling addict in stream gambling all you you call you had me at almost gambling all right Peak Peak Peak Peak what what would actually would there be like an a national outcry if I if I finally remove the Rous gaming portion from U my titles I feel like i’ would be publicly executed yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s warranted honestly spending lots of time with your brother I’m glad dude I’m very happy you have a good relationship with your family it warms my heart to the soul to the bone or something pipe bomb are you throwing a pipe bomb at me dude all right I see how it is hey unhandy what’s up have you made any uh yummy foods with your brother I feel like your I feel like you have the type of like family where everybody’s good at cooking te I’ll be real you sound like you’re good at cooking that picato you made the other day you sound less sick yeah it’s just allergies now it is what it is I got my golden surgeon dude no but we went to Taco Bell what you get from Taco Bell dude get your usual your order your your box or whatever I don’t I remember what I don’t remember your order anymore it’s been a while yep hell yeah was it everything you wanted it to be if it wasn’t I’m be a little disappointed not going to lie through all that trial and tribulation for nothing all right it was more awesome my my uh my Taco Bell order Has Changed by the way it’s a it’s now it’s a Cheesy Gordita Crunch a beef burrito and a uh a fry and I guess like maybe a drink but I usually have drinks at home so it’s it’s either a uh a do or or don’t I love that beef burrito dude I really wish they would go a little less less uh a little lighter on the sauce you always order the same thing everywhere I go I mean like that’s what your order is man that’s normal I’m not going to judge you for that I also like the five the the five lay the five layer burrito or whatever that’s that’s yummy it’s really cheap though which makes me think it’s all just the leftover [ __ ] they have at the bottom of the barrel know but you know I’m a trash compactor so I’ll eat it your family gets to the box that’s kind of ominous dude not going to lie the device is flashing blue come on all right I feel very satisfied with this day by the way I’m the one that caught the golden sturgeon common Mew I I’m I’m a national hero at this point does Taco Bell still do still do Baja Blast Apple watch Farm has earned 50 Grand hell yeah yeah is Taco Bell the only place that does Baja Blast I feel like I’ve never seen Baja Blast in like a little in a in a in a plastic bottle you know maybe if you were a bit more humble I’d tell you good job I mean like I got to be like this man I can’t be humble how can I be humble in today’s society it’s in the Box what Baja Blast it it only comes in like cans is that what you’re saying or am I just being stupid right now it’s probably the ladder is that a dog can I pet him I I think I’ve already pet my dog today I believe so it’s in the Box I’ve always wanted like I don’t know break into sorry I guess I could have done it when I worked at a the movie theater but I’ve always wanted to just like steal the Pierce teup they have for uh for all the drinks and just make my own cuz I mean like you know that [ __ ] 90-year-old Diner makes it Coke the oldfashioned way you know but I mean like what do you think drink machines do do you think they change the way they make it no do drink machines just do the mixing for you it makes your life easier you don’t need to like add the syrup and then the carbonated water uh separately the fools the only thing that that that 92-year-old Diner does is add ice cream that makes it a float not Coke by the way ice cream floats mid change my mind I hate them they’re gross I think they are icky here Penny my Ling wife suddenly the world looks a lot more beautiful don’t you think yeah dude yeah now you’re crazy I’m crazy I am crazy but like I don’t they just never did it for me I think they just come too foamy maybe maybe I’m not drinking them fast enough but like rip your Floats or goated just I don’t like I don’t like foamy maybe I just had like bad floats though I don’t know maybe it’s been a while too I just i’ rather just have a milkshake or just drink a drink or some root beer you know is know what’s also pretty goated root beer just in general all right I need I need uh copper oh there’s a slime with a star on it I don’t know what that means hopefully that doesn’t mean that like they had a baby or something cuz they’re dead now and I also have a magnet ring all right any of you ever do those things on like grade eight where they make you like set up like little food food stands in in the gymnasium cuz we did that in my grade eight you agree with tech it looks like I’m the odd ones out it looks like I’m taking the L this stream all right extremely rare L on my own stream oh also I didn’t message Cole today cuz he’s uh he has classes on uh his class next set of class start on Monday for him cuz he’s taking summer and spring classes so uh I didn’t bother messaging him cuz I want him to relax a bit and I told him if like ever needs time to relax just ask and I can like set up a stream or something if he wants to play Dark Souls or something so I don’t think Cole will join the VC today but he might be in chat room if he sees me streaming I don’t know how he does it I know if I don’t think he’s subscrib I know he is never [Music] mind definitely no coal gaming though sad it’s been a while I feel like y’all are going through like withdrawals coal withdrawal haven’t seen that guy in a while either I haven’t seen it since finals sad sad sad sad oh also did I tell you what grade I got on that [ __ ] astronomy final I thought I flunked I feel like I’ve said it 100 times and I’m going to say it another one another time I got like I thought I flunked it but I got a 97.2 it felt really good I have a 97 overall that class that felt good it’s like damn apparently I picked up more than I [Music] thought the greatest astronomer to ever live back add it again they just don’t build them like me build them like me anymore oh I got door scroll one I actually need that they call me the astronomy man man because I like I follow the instructions they laid out for me that class was really weird like all the assign assignments were like kind of just like suggestions cuz they weren’t really assignments they were more like tutorial walkthroughs that just if you just followed the the wording in the assignments like one to one you’re almost guaranteed to get 100 which I thought was really weird so it’s more of just like a um like a camp ex like a like a fun camp activity you they have at like a like summer camp or some [ __ ] it’s a good class though the professor was really funny I liked him professor Daryl janszen I recommend him if he like moves away from youask crazy I was crazy once locked me in a room rubber room rubber with rats and rats make me crazy crazy I was crazy once they lock me in a room rubber room rubber room with rats and rats make me crazy crazy I was crazy once they locked me a room rubber room rub with rats and rats crazy crazy I was crazy once I can’t I I can’t keep on doing that that hurt have you found out what your favorite planet is uh yeah my favorite planet is uh Saturn I love me some Saturn I put a ring on it and everything you know that was me actually that was me a few a few hundred years ago I know it might be hard to believe but it’s true all right no no no no more spam in the chat please get that white alga need mix seeds my topaz are these banana seeds while I like your put it sideways ring on it please okay thank you all right yeah I want to get rid of one Hardwoods nothing I got summer squ seeds Okay I can start making eggplants I have never seen a ladder on the wood before that’s kind of weird there you are I have plenty of uh what I want now let’s go melt me some iron bars so I can upgrade my axe so I can get rid of all those logs don’t be mad what did you do you broke your fence I mean like are you going to replace it otherwise you’re paying a fee that is a that is a fine you know it’s a fine of whatever is in your bank account if you do not fix it how the hell did you break my fence yeah [ __ ] out of here yeah he’s you think you are breaking my [ __ ] hey swatchbox how you doing how you been you joining today I’ve been Watering your crops by the way execution manslaughter well I mean like this guy breaking my fence that’s a criminal offense you know we’re with martial law out here man ex man good one I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore dude I I have a dwarf scroll one for good one I don’t even know what I said but apparently it was a good one I don’t know if I’m the one that was that said it but apparently it was a good one he said it was a criminal offense oh my God apparently I’m accidentally the least funny funniest man broke offense a criminal offense yeah okay I see yall are Lamer than me that’s [Laughter] why I the summer squash contines produce after first harvest okay I want to I want to PL these right y’all are Lamer than me in that on that that regard I thought it was a funny joke I well I didn’t even try to make a joke dude that’s what that’s what I mean it’s like I I’m sorry swatchbox I I’m sorry you’re right it was a funny joke you should not slap yourself dude today was a very lazy day oh got enjoy those every now and then right I’m hoping that’s a good thing I didn’t really do anything took a nap I’m envious dude I am envious nap time sounds good I’m very tired right now I got home from work not too long ago Doo I have not watched the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure oh oh was it like one of those cold sweat naps where like you wake up and like you don’t know what time it is your mouth is dry as [ __ ] like you’re just like sweaty for no reason I hate those naps even though I don’t really nap cuz I I don’t I just don’t as like a principal right oh oh oh owie ow yers yo oh all right booger sandwich aren’t you in bed booger sandwich I I don’t know why you’re screaming about Leah about am I going to have to like file like restraining order on her behalf no it was the it was a good nap that’s that’s wonderful to hear it was a good nap then you forgot to give her a gift well there’s always tomorrow booger sandwich tell my my my my amazing I guess technically my girlfriend not my wife yet Penny right right you could never booger sandwich you’re still you’re still lonely forget about Penny man who’s the one you know who’s the single one right now huh that would be you I can make a mushroom log that’s pretty cool all right day nine of Summer can you rain again no God damn it what my blueberries going to be harvestable dude I want I want my blueberries I need blueberry it’s blueberry season these sell for a lot then I can build my house so I can marry my loving wife when the time comes oh my God we would only forget about Freeman don’t forget about Freeman dude that guy’s kind of like Gordon Freeman and whatnot he’s cool we like him we like Gordon Freeman in this house we are all for [Music] him he put on like a orange hvv suit and that’s the reason he’s good at stuff I would say that Gordon Freeman actually cheated uh he’s not actually that good he’s not actually goated with the sauce it feels like L of a waste now bro could not do it we’re not for that suit but maybe I’m just like a salty combine Soldier gordang Fremont I I’d like to see you do it well I mean like isn’t the whole point of like Gordon Freeman just being some like dude that like it could it could be anyone could it could have been anyone like you know what I mean I thought that was the whole point like the whole design philosophy behind that or hcu I love that video of the htcu uh describing like words or Freeman or whatever he’s Gordon [ __ ] Freeman well yeah he was just some dude before he didn’t have any like intense gun training I don’t think unless there’s some lore I’m not I’m not a first a formost allore lorist on a [ __ ] halflife he didn’t yeah that’s what I thought okay what is up with this huh what you doing to me game thank you unless you consider the training course Canon I’m not considering no training course Cannon which I don’t yeah are you joining today by the way swatchbox bro is not a uh bro is not a training grounds uh training course believer I feel like that I feel like that gets you singled out in the in the halflife uh Whatchamacallit the halflife lunch table it’s brave brave stance I think that plant’s dead by the way I keep on watering it though I feel like shepher was g man’s number one till he saw Garmin Gordon Adrian shepher what about his brother from uh hunt down the Freeman what about that guy huh what was his name name I need to go upgrade my Axe and donate this uh what should I call it cuz youf followed Shepherd since boot camp yeah but it’s Gman man hunt down the gording Adrian all right hello my my loving girlfriend you’re right the tow Canon is introduced later in the game you have hunt down the Freeman I don’t believe you dude are you a hunt down the Freeman fan I personally uh I’m not too uh keen on hunt down the Freeman I’m not going to play it anytime soon all right also I screen shared it in the public VC one time that’s cringe dude why are you doing this to my uh My Stream room dude some British fella join some British fella how’ you know he was British dude they thought it was Gmod dude you see that [ __ ] Green Goblin art D oh my [Music] God who’s the Green [Music] Goblin let’s Green Goblin real quick did you see that post on Twitter about Ral having a uh a British accent I did see that a while ago and I am personally offended by it green goblino and so is that art yeah dude it’s [ __ ] it was the goblin beater it’s the goblin holy [ __ ] Twitter sexy manry Goblin I am personally offended by a Ral say having a British accent that that offends me how much more do you plan on playing we we’re going until uh probably Saturday this week so wednes Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday four more days which is probably accounting to another like hour or so I’m assuming you don’t want to get uh all uncomfy which I respect wholeheartedly I’m going to go fishing by the ocean I think actually I’m going to fish right here I’ll join sfe I don’t have to water your crops no more when was this waterfall added you’re already your computer I see I [Music] see I might play something else after stard you I haven’t decided yet though uh-oh he booger sandwich will move his farm if if this is bad he didn’t think it through uhoh what did you do booger sandwich kind of like rash decisions are you making this time fat fish cannot be uh caught portal uh I’m not I don’t want to play portal I don’t even have portal actually what is something I can just like pop up you know what I can play a little bit of that Minecraft mod pack if it’s still launches it’s to show it off show off what I want to do I think I might that my world and then uh then that’ll remind me to a uh to unprivate the uh the modding guide I I’ll also have to make another server to put on your like a little little reports welcome Swatch PX I have I have two pikes now I don’t even got no portal dude that is not within my steam Library my library haven’t played hell diers 2une forever dude it at least it feels like forever ever since they like made that uh that horrible decision I don’t know if that was Sony or them sad that game went from like a 97% review rating to like I think it’s like below 50 now right Sony was Sony yeah probably Sony yeah it was probably Sony but I feel like I read somewhere that one of the community managers said uh that they they knew this was going to happen but they hided it to boost sales but you know I’m just going to blame it on Sony does not himself the like that wamp wamp on Sony’s end well I mean like they just shot their best selling by far that was Game of the Year material now people are are not going to game of the year that [ __ ] man [ __ ] hell divers 2 was like a [ __ ] phenomenon and they just ruined it like they doubl down on it recently didn’t they it’s like why would you do that like it’s not it’s not even that like most countries in the world can’t make a PSN account it’s that in some countries you can’t make a PSN account without having a PlayStation so it’s like you’re removing accessibility for like pretty much probably I want to say like half of your your player base right if not more shy shot himself on the balls they K it in the back they really just like take Hever two out back and like shoot it I love third party systems which is sad dude cuz that’s such a good game I I just want it to be popular so people keep on playing it so I can continue having fun with it because that game definitely requires hundreds of thousands of people playing all at once old yellow style not with revolver no does anyone know how to upgrade your pickaxe like axe there is a blacksmith in town you need to bring them five bars of whichever tier you need you’re upgrading to next so for you it would be five copper bars [Music] Buckshot yeah like that one scene of uh I think it was like wol d The New Colossus or some [ __ ] thank you yeah I’m upgrading my axe right now so I can get rid of those logs for you SWAT box I won’t be able to get rid of the the I’ll be able to get rid of the stumps but not the logs I think so those guys drop hardwood which we need so I would hold on to that as long as you can for like house upgrad and stuff not the buck shot double barrel firing both barrels kind want to play Doom now like Doom 2016 I tried playing Doom Eternal on stream once but I ended up not playing it I ended up uh stopping like really early in I don’t remember even remember why we already have all of these none of these fish are needed I’m going to save the alj just in casee I want to make some uh fish ponds which I do want to make eventually put you away no my standing geode oh also it’s like I think it’s like two grand for uh the first upgrade swch Box by the way you do need to pay Sony is one step below Nintendo they really are like they release Banger after banger but they just shoot themselves in the foot with the worst decision possible the most U like uh customer what’s the word consumer uh [ __ ] consumer unfriendly [ __ ] I don’t know do maternal story was too in yourr face the problem I the only problem I have with doom maternal is it feels like you you’re just thrust into it halfway through the game like it feels like I missed half of a game I think Nintendo are worse because how they are with copyright yeah yeah Nintendo is definitely worse it’s just [ __ ] you got to think about your consumers bro not the shareholders [ __ ] shareholders when I think about the shareholders I piss on them youon we won’t have nothing to hold if nobody’s buying Sony products anymore if everyone’s refunding their game cuz I know steam’s offering refunds for uh 2 now [Applause] right that’s got to hurt you mark your territory on them yeah dude all right the Lua is tomorrow good thing I got the golden sergeon by the way I do I marked them it sounds really weird now that I think about it but it’s funny so it’s fine like L dog d d you th a story away from you and the turns like Samuel Hayden is the sarapin well I mean like I don’t know I like Samuel Hayden more when he is a robot rather than just some like guy like some God guy I thought that was nicer I haven’t played the DLCs though I don’t have them maybe when we do eventually play Doom Eternal like fully on stream I I’ll buy the dlc’s out that’s definely one of those I play on nightmare that’s one of my games you know one of my uh my goated games or whatever what type of game I’m good at all right I need to fill my my watering can oh and also SWAT box don’t upgrade your watering can unless it’s going to rain the next day cuz it takes 2 days do it so you just won’t be able to water your crops for like a day you love the games where you move around really quickly and shoot at people I love those types of games dude those are the games I’m good at I like movement Shooters dude yeah so true we are in desperate need of hay but I don’t I don’t think uh Mar’s open today unfortunately you like bad games true I like card games that is also another I like Souls like and movement Shooters and stuff hey Aiden how you doing how you [Music] been Nintendo shoots everyone and gets mad when people are like bro what the [ __ ] true for real for real oh no she’s open all right I’m going to buy a bunch of this I have 20 hay now hay is for horses oh heart event by the way heart event with my loving girlfriend all right I I don’t actually care about this I just need the the good thing I watched a stream in Discord VC it was like 60 other people that’s nice that sounds like fun playing entropy 02 like the Canan Lynch 2 dog days I love too I didn’t I did not read that by the [Music] way who were you watching Aiden knowing you was probably like Ultra kill [Music] related what a natural resources yeah I thought so was someone doing like p-2 or something trying to like pick up some tips all about farming some veteran Quake player playing for the first time well that’s [Music] fun delicious vegetables yeah man some veteran Quake player I always find I find it so funny when people use veteran for uh for gamers yeah I’m a [ __ ] veteran OverWatch 2 player a veteran TF2 player it’s just so funny to [Music] me 50 years 15 years of Quake speed that’s fun [Music] must like him some [Music] quick all right it’s a lot of work to take care of these kids but I don’t really mind I enjoy seeing them learn and hopefully I can help them grow up to be good people hey K how you doing how you been I saw you playing a Terraria earlier do you ever want to be a parent Jack uh I actually like IRL mean is kind of like H it depends on who I’m with but for [ __ ] video game I want a big family get out of my heart event dude get out of here [ __ ] out of here y some friends got me into it I don’t play it on my own it’s fun with friends I’ll give you last time I played Terraria it was my buddy Aiden that was fun that was a good time I I streamed it that’s some of my first streams nobody watched those though ain’t nobody dropped into my stream at that time there wasn’t even a Swatch box there that’s how old it was I don’t even remember those days man I don’t want to remember those days Dark Times dark times I apologize that was icky I don’t want to rename mea dude Terraria is pretty fun I want to do an actual playthrough because the last time I did it I was on Journey mode what the hell’s Journey mode I think me and my friend played on like expert mode or something I don’t remember I know I made like a large world and he likes to yelled at me to remake the world the Dark Ages the pre- Swatch boox ages before the Renaissance happened or whatever sort of like a creative mode I don’t want to be I don’t want to be on no creative mode also SWAT boox you missed the the green rain event I I don’t know what that was all about but it was raining green for a while and people were scared super Mossy all over the place that’s why everything’s super Mossy all right all right we that sounds scary it wasn’t so bad we went fishing it was great everyone else H inside the saloon cuz they’re cowards I booger I caught booger sandwich crying actually it was kind of weird don’t like it report me like that come on come on is it like story mode I don’t cry I’m a man real man cry changed my mind for being for real for real right now I think it is infinitely less masculine if you if you don’t cry like what are you are you afraid of crying are you a little [ __ ] perhaps there ain’t nothing wrong with crying crying is quite healthy if we’re being a for real for real imagine being unable to cry for your Sorrows come on now I need some grapes there’s some grapes right there should we get rid of these tree stumps that’s why I’m upgrading my uh my axe for so I can get rid of the hardwood ones I can’t get rid of the giant logs but I can get rid of the hardwood I can [ __ ] get rid of him then man I don’t want to tell you let you get infinite of an item as long as you collect enough of it to save it what lets you get infinite amount of an item as long as you collect enough of it to save it does anyone know where the mines are there are do you see the if you open your map Swatch box you see where like the lake is on the top right the entrance is right there it’s like next to it’s to the left of the little green house you shot a man why would you shoot a man man I’mma go on Lim and say he would not he did not appreciate that in the slightest 100 of a certain item you can dup it infinitely oh that’s fun dang why that’s what I’m saying man that’s what I’m saying why would you shoot him in got 30 summer seeds don’t don’t don’t don’t shoot a man I was with friends and I immediately summon the the torch of God the torch God the slime God slime King no Terraria is only playable if you have Calamity torch God is fun is that a new boss I’ve never I’ve never uh fought him before I haven’t heard of him four men tried to [ __ ] up my numbers on my perks I’m a combine what the hell what I should do we’re playing Calamity right Calamity is so fun dude it’s so [ __ ] hard though he cheesed it too hell yeah I want to gather some friends to play with through though yeah I want to play Terraria again but I want Aiden to be there cuz that’s who I played it with the first time and I also want Cole to be there because you know can’t have a stream without Cole nowadays right Co I I consumed him you haven’t really noticed an increase in difficulty wait until you get to uh hard mode is where where it starts hey yo yeah don’t don’t don’t think too hard about that man no I say once you get to a hard mode I’d say the I’m trying to remember the bosses it’s been it’s been a long time though you consumed him yeah dude just like Bros do you know I canum him so I can respawn respawn him oh also Swatch box if you go to the mines go every five level every 10 levels there should be a a chest or something there which gives you items and better weapons and stuff so I would uh make a point to stop by those on the elevator if I were you you just as a heads up you trying to tell me you don’t consume your friends K I think may maybe perhaps you are the weird one in the situation for not consuming your friends of course all right can drink some water I play Clowny after rain world trying to commit to a game for longer than a day fair enough I I have a hard time committing to a game right now cuz I’m actually you know what I committed to Dark Souls 3 pretty hard I’m I’m not going to lie I maned to uh I managed to commit to that which I’m what did you say Cole was doing H Cole is Cole’s taking spring and summer classes and classes start tomorrow for him so I’m just I didn’t message him today because I just wanted to relax spend time with his girlfriend tell him I said good luck why don’t you message him dude come on now come on are you not bros or something thought you had like a bromance going on all right hardcore a bromance all right what am I doing that’s what I’m doing it’s the Sleepy the big sleepy time can’t even lie how we feel about sleepy time boys you’re I’m not weird dude you’re the weird one I keep a uh a cloned copy of coal right next to my appendix at all times all right just in case something bad happens all right it’s called looking out for each other you know we’re Bros that in blood packs we need to get Aiden on this Blood pack actually he’s he hasn’t joined it he has no uh Insurance in that in that sense if something bad happens to Aiden we won’t be able to bring him back through black magic and dark spells if everyone had a little cold the world would be a better place that’s what I’m saying man then you have some of the Miis it balances out the good in the world you know there are too many m in the world and not enough coals I’m dumb lol you’re not D nobody no ain’t nobody dumb dude no such thing don’t call yourself dumb positivity and what not I’m all for it two out of three you’re going to pass out swash boox you’re going to pass out in the caves and lose all your money uhhuh you ate a bomb why would you eat a bomb dude come on now don’t eat bombs it’s not good for you very bad for you actually perhaps yeah Swatch box you are not making it by the way you are you’re done for bro does not have enough time rest in peace he may have to run to your house he he can crash in M he like throw up on my floor like he did yours you know that’s fine I’m cool with it bro you know you’re not beat oh you did make it to bed oh my God I had no belief he had like 10 minutes left the timer was about to tick guy is spending too much time in the salon again intervention will have to be soon all right there we are oh my melons are almost grown I love my melons oh all right got trapped in a cut scene about lenus eating trash I know exactly which cut scene you’re talking about too Gus gave him some like pepper poppers or something you didn’t want to cuz you’re scared of me something no no I got it I got it dude I understand if you’re playing the game for the first time you watch those cut scenes you enjoy them for what they [Music] are the only reason I’m skipping is cuz I’ve seen them before and I feel like if any any stardo fans Dro in they they I’ve seen them before as well so uh it’s not a huge deal you know what I mean you know what I mean my water dude give me this [Music] there yeah nice even number back at it again I’m going to go get my axe anyone here eat plastic oh I mean like half the food we eat nowadays is plastic so technically yes we’re all full of microplastics or whatever kind of funny plastic bag in the mirana’s trench where we at where you at where you at you already got 62 hardwood don’t don’t even dude oh the L [ __ ] [ __ ] I forgot [ __ ] I need to go grab my sturgeon I’m going to be the Savior all [Music] right [Music] [ __ ] it’s at the [Music] beach hey everyone [ __ ] get your [ __ ] bring your bathing suit man it’s it’s swimming time we’re going to luow actually one of my favorite uh Whatchamacallit events right next to the uh I think my favorite event is definitely the uh the spirits Eve Festival that’s just so fun when I played this game for the first time that one just raptured me I reset that day so many times I was transfixed by the maze that’s an experience I wish I could have white for my memory so I can like do it the first time it’s at the beach it is at the beach this guy [Music] you’re jelly I’m not jelly dude oh yeah you’re jelly oh why would you look at this huh yeah what’ you think golden sturgeon by the way do you believe you failed to catch one of these you know all you had to do was cut down some trees get rid of some stumps I I had to use some my skilled labor all right [Music] here we are all right where’s my loving where’s my girlfriend don’t hang out with Sam lady come on we do the special every year to give the governor a taste of everything the valley has to offer mayor Lew hopes it will get the governor on our good side that’s why he’s so neurotic about the way the soup tastes you have no money common L governor who cares why should I care about some random old [Music] guy a slow continuous rotation is key to achieving the perfect roast all right I’m going to let uh you read these on your own Swatch box I’m I’m going to stop reading them aloud a I don’t want to read them aloud hello governor [Music] if I’m going to read them aloud I need a voice changer for that you know good soup Shane that’s why I like Emily cuz she dance not she’s not very good at dancing man why is she shaking her booty back off no dude I’m going to tell Leah about this [Music] dude how dare [Music] you don’t want to get sweaty all right the Wizard’s down here man people they become comeet when you L into the ocean all right tell me when we’re good to go so I can throw the fish into the thing and like start [Music] everything must speak to this about purching a vacation home here yeah all right once we’re all good to go I’ll throw the fish in the potluck and we’ll be good it’ll be [Music] grand talk to all the people all right I’m going to throw the fish in the thing there are all right we’re going to start this communal soup yeah dude if you brought something for the potluck make sure and add it to the soup cauldron should we move forward with the Lu the Govern seems a little hungry let’s start all right I don’t know if we have to do this per person but I I put something in so it should be perfect he should love it well folks it’s time once again for the potl ceremony did you put a raw fish in do me like it’s being cooked right it’s it’s a it’s currently being cooked I trust that you all put high quality ingredients in the pot this year we don’t want the government to regret his visit to the valley I like how swatch Fox is standing far away from us feels kind of bad well Governor would you do the US the honor of tasting the soup chus I’ve been looking forward to this all year what’s he going to think huh it’s missing something yeah there it is we each of us have to put something in did everyone in town contribute an ingredient to the soup I feel like it’s missing someone’s unique voice yeah there you are we all have to put something in there I see the more you know you’re right it’s a little Bland well thanks for joining us this year Governor I’m sorry the soup wasn’t anything special I did my part now who else wants some soup guess we all need golden surgeons next time see is blam the Lu was still fun time to head home oh well it is what it is uhoh cut scene oh never mind I thought we’re getting like a witch I thought a witch was going to appear curse our farm take my chickens turn my Mayon and the void mayonnaise I don’t like void mayonnaise taste like burnt hair you going to go take a shower have a good rest your stream r k nice shy bye dude I hope your shower is very uh Shower full I guess very very warm very very cleansing have a good time dude void mayo and banana sandwich oh gross burned hair burned hair and banana sandwich huh that’s what you want have wonderful night care what’s going on here huh there you are oh my copper ax is done this is wonderful all right tasty I would not say that’s tasty on handy ALK unless of course you like eating burnt hair in which case then yes that would be tasty technically that’d be very very tasty if you’re a burn hair fan I personally am not a burd hair fan but you know that’s just me my opinion should not overshadow your opinion well if it being my opinion not what not and not yours oh all right let’s finish up today and tomorrow and then we’ll call it quits we’ll move over to Minecraft so I can show off the mod pack I want to do Skyrim yeah usually I’d be using a game capture rather than uh just display capture but uh for whatever reason stard Valley doesn’t uh doesn’t get recognized by my game capture so I have to do display captures which why you’re seeing the steam notifications that is the sole reason you are seeing them so I do apologize oh I don’t I want any other ear all right I’m going to go mining today I’m I’m going to go mining for diamonds banned I don’t to be banned dude I do not want to get [Music] banned all right are you here you are here today my mother used to to drive the I read that one before oh wo oooo why are you oooing in my chat room dude there’s a time and place for that today that is not the time place right this is an oooo free zone yeah I running directly of dehydration thank God what are you thanking God for booger sandwich might I ask is that not too personal of a question the wo free zone now this is definitely a Lenny free zone I’ll give you that is definite it’s only an ooo free zone for today by the way just for like the next like 24 Hours by the time we stream Metal Gear it’ll be an oo Zone again it’s cuz snake will be on stream we’re snake fans here I should probably go to level 50 no Lenny okay back to 55 all right I love the snow area it’s my favorite area I got the monster compendium what the hell monsters have a small chance to drop double loot okay I I’ve learned a new power Lenny’s the OG I don’t know nothing about Lenny dude I don’t want to know nothing about Lenny I don’t like to look at cut of the guy that guy’s jib you know what I mean I don’t like the cut of that guy’s jib oh no oh he don’t even talk I don’t like his face dude every single person Lenny is not that guy Lenny is not that guy you’re that is correct Aiden common Aiden the onion W by the way just common Aiden takes the dubs constantly oh get out Mr ghost stop taking one damage and ding please yeah 12 is more like it I don’t want to keep on doing this this is annoying Mr ghost he voted realm so he’s a w in my book too you never lose for real for real that’s not okay perfect thank you video game for real for real I’m actually kind of looking for I’m looking forward to Metal Gear tomorrow I want to see if I can’t beat it be done eating snakes Aiden versus Cole when no I N I don’t know about that one I don’t know about that one right Cole’s got special powers no BR got the hack abilities I’m going to run a stamina down here I’m going to die I have any I don’t have any c carots on me either bro got the hacks abilities and the Feats all right I once saw that man do a wrestling competition and only get one point uh taken off of him you know only I saw him only get one person scored one point on him once he got he won that he got gold man that [ __ ] was insane common coold W doesn’t wrest on anymore though I’m pretty sure he’s on his way to go to like Junior Olympics which I thought was really [ __ ] up then Co happened sad when I’m telling you CO’s that guy CO’s that guy I didn’t know Co was like that that’s not what I’m saying man bro used to have a six-pack now he does m Tha he’s in Thailand for uh I think he was yeah he was in Thailand for the the summer last year neither had to be okay maybe okay okay maybe I would lose you you know Cole may seem all innocent but know behind that that that killer smile there there’s a fighter a master of his craft even I am running out of stamina I am not going to be able to finish this is this sad I should have brought like those sea jellies with me ah yeah instead of wrestling now Cole uh does computer science he does he’s in he’s in engineering now like he hasn’t I don’t remember the last time we took an engineering course come on Cole all right I’m going to going pull a little dirtier there you are you you didn’t see nothing man all right there’s my door there’s my ladder oh that’s sick we we made it we made it you know we’re so back new sword please thank you oh no God damn it’s just the [ __ ] dagger I hate the dagger how much damage does it do 4 to 10 it’s still better than this thing somehow it’s so funny though it’s like bam I feel like no wa like just stand still just like stand there booger sandwich just stand there stand like right here stand where I’m standing standing like right here right here on I just feel like it’s those videos that dude’s like walking up to random fruit and there like you know what I mean have you seen those on Tik Tok that’s funny as [ __ ] get jumped holy [ __ ] there’s a lot of dudes down here oh holy [ __ ] actually there’s a ton of dudes oh you just found me some cave jelly and don’t eat that dude that’d be bad for your health get jumped dude yeah that’s like the triple past oh you have a super store don’t you Booker swi you got one in like a a treasure where you’re fishing right lucky bastard this goddamn that away from me how do you kill a ghost uh you smack its Soul so far out of its head it’s gone crucifix or a crucifix alternatively swatchbox would know he’s he’s an expert in all things Supernatural is that like actually something that like H is that like actually biblically accurate does somebody kill a ghost with a crucifix in the Bible does I found the thing it’s in the bottom left by the way does Jesus pull up to the ghost convention crucifix and solo them all I need to read the Bible one of these days man [ __ ] would go so hard the ghost Arc the Ghost Hunter Arc oh sick there Faith the Unholy Trinity I think I’ve heard of that game before it’s more so about defeating demons that still goes hard as [ __ ] dude he’s [ __ ] me could you imagine those are ghosts right no I wouldn’t say a ghost is a demon cuz a ghost could just be some random guy that’s upset that he didn’t get his ham sandwich on time so you have to to appease him by getting him a ham sandwich so he goes to the afterlife right those are just Restless Souls whereas a a demon is somebody who wants to like kill you you know so like could you imagine Jesus the Demon Slayer bro walking out there with his crucifix slaying demons one by one I feel like his theme song would go so hard too a out of here here Jesus the Demon Slayer the crucifix gun isn’t that just like a steak gun they using something like Adventure Time or something uh oh God has his own theme I thought I got a first example you thought it was a man Angry about ham sandwiches just Suzy dude it’s just SU I think my oh my I got my tomatoes over here I think my blueberries will Bloom tomorrow not the crucifix gun this is the last day you know what I think I’m just going to spend this day relaxing I’m going to play some uh I’m going to play at the arcade on the thing image who’s who’s messaging me Cole is it’s Aiden’s birthday today wait what am I a bad friend holy [ __ ] oh my holy [ __ ] all right another tough days work at the mines bad friend alert I for Gore hey look I don’t I barely remember my own birthday my dad’s birthday was on the 30th and I forgot that I don’t remember no one’s birthday all right we’re going to the mines I guess hey look if three of us are working on the mines it’s it’s going like a breeze right your birthday is January it’s January 16th yours is January 15th right adding it to my calendar yeah it was next to yours you know you know what you know you want to know something you know something I’m a little peeved about you know everybody gave a booger sandwich a happy birthday on his birthday but no one gave me a happy birthday on mine I’m not peeved about at all peed about that at all like actually but still you know how it is what level in the mines are you swatchbox you like level are you going are you going down level by level I’m at like level 65 there’s an elevator there man I am a fave after all you’re banned dude get banned where is this damn M shaft this damnable m shaft here oh dude one after another straight for it happy birthday Aiden um it’s a i d a an for my friend Aiden um Aiden the onion is a different person FM actually all right I actually do feel kind of like a dick foring his birthday though I for Gore [Applause] oh I’m jumping the Slime dude he stands no chance stuck in the corner dude only I’m Only Human After All welcome back story I’m Only Human After All don’t put the blame on me we all make mistakes all of us all of us unless your name is like I don’t know Jose then you never make mistakes never met a guy named Jose in my life who’s made mistakes before had the ideal life should to say that I’m going to sleep and up your be like I na story you have a wonderful night dude sleep well oh all right all right you might be a furry you might be huh you’re in my stream of course you are your sleep Jose never loses Jose only takes W’s oh oh look at Bros profile pick for real I don’t know a Jose either ow hey look that artist still hasn’t read my Tweet actually I’m going to check that right now no still hasn’t read it I’m going to get peeved dude I’m going to get peeved I’m going to make a I’m going to make a a twit longer whatever expose a I’m going to get angry you won like me when I’m angry keep on thinking about that [ __ ] up like uh I think they died Cole’s dead maybe your patience is being tested hey look all right if you say if I’m wrong but if you say 4 days like I I’m very lenient when it comes to that like I don’t care if it’s been 20 days as long as you say like hey this is going to take a little longer I have not gotten any of that right I don’t care it’s just communicate you know what I mean much like anything else in life you got to communicate it’s part of healthy any any kind of relationship a little bit of communication it is key and he’s been very communicative before so I don’t know what’s up you know I’m assuming it’s just school or like some like family stuff that happened yeah going to eat this tomato you know what this is the am I really going to lose it on this one I feel kind this is kind of sad wow valve communicates more he’s been very good about the I hope everything turns out well I want my art man I want to refund one or the other one or the other I don’t care which cuz if not I’ll just [ __ ] make doing push-ups uh my profile picture on Twitter and I’ll donate to angle [Music] I feel like you should at least have your money back let me SLE dud don’t know what it’s doing with the whole daily R Tak but I’m enjoying it they’re they’re very uh wonderful artist I don’t know how they do that [ __ ] daily it’s got to be exhausting oh should I killed the ghost eat this tomato all right I think you follow that you think you follow them yeah he’s cool they uh I don’t know I don’t know how in the [ __ ] I could do that for you if you’d like you don’t have to Swatch box only if you’d like oh don’t draw or like donate I don’t I don’t I don’t want you to donate man don’t give your money if you want to draw it absolutely go for it dude I want to see more of your art I demand to see more of your art demand no longer asking nicely putting my foot down even all right come on get me I need another cave carrot where the hell is this entrance these first those like first two levels were like really lenient they gave me them like immediately bop bop there it is sick yay what do I get got a slingshot that I’m never going to use I’m demanded better at teaching animation than I am at animating well I mean like you can be good at animating not really good at like art you know at least for Badness combat style like that is very possible there are many such cases Templar blade is kind of cool I ain’t buying it though all right you almost died holy [ __ ] dude you have to listen to me I’m going to listen to you dude how many hearts don’t go in there don’t do it I was already in there man I came out there I lost I lost 9 HP in there and I have my my dinky little dagger want to see you want to see something where’d you go huh huh you you want you stand right there give [ __ ] oh you still have that sword bro just shanked you Thousand Cuts dude Thousand Cuts what does Swatch ever do to you nothing man absolutely positively nothing and this game really scratched the itch oh purple quartz sping I’m going to I’m not I’m going to put nothing in there I’m going to like going sort through all my stuff today was the last stard Valley day but I do want to see if uh I think the the blueberry should Bloom tomorrow so next time we play we should have plenty of stuff to sell you’re back with some Mini Wheats Mini Wheats solid SE tier changed my mind why do I have my work keys on my lap have how long have they been there eight tier for [Music] you if I wanted to eat uh pure wheat I would just go to a to a farm and eat like a cow they just give me splinters dry as [ __ ] even with milk ba [Music] all right I feel like by not dying much though they only died like once per act in the VC hey look he’s just like me for real who who is oh I have I have the host Advantage booger sandwich you can’t even get out of here holy you’re stabbing my dog that is uncalled for you get out of here you’re stabbing Miss frubes get out of here oh my God I can’t believe you do such a thing you instantly lose that fight don’t sleep in my bed man what the [ __ ] [ __ ] up that’s what I’m saying now I know who would commit a murder all right can I sleep soon no clop is better you should go to sleep if you need to sleep dude you should go to sleep if sleep is needed do not let the stranger on the internet keep you up yeah my blueberry is a bloom sick all right all right let’s uh let’s do some switching let’s do some switching around all right let’s uh let’s let’s launch something real quick let’s see if it still launches actually Minecraft who is Norman huh all right this is the if it launches this will be the mod list I want to use but you know there are options let me unprivate the modding guide what is this new Minecraft launcher what the [ __ ] that’s weird I don’t like that they’re putting more effort in the the launcher than anything permissions not a private Channel anyone at everyone can view but they cannot send messages they can’t do any of this I think that should be visible now the modding guide there’s a new launcher Minecraft more like Minecraft dude you’re cringe it was just a loading screen I think when’s the Doom stream uh probably I don’t know far into the future I should actually change my they have a homepage setad of news now you turn on the settings oh where my Minecraft man I think it launched where is it let me go offline invisible I request the next thumbnail for the next stream is Ral say smoking uh I’ve had that before I’ve had that before for that was my uh I think my my spooky stream thumbnail anyways when is the swatchbox streams uh Kingdom Come Deliverance what be getting that that’s what I’m looking forward to the big doobie you associate that one with TF2 fair enough fair enough I associate that one with the alien isolation actually who’s [ __ ] up and scary you know his heart was heart was broken okay this is going to take a little while to load I to launch I think yeah there it is once I feel better fair enough sounds good still not feeling good dude sorry to hear it probably later this week sounds good hopefully no you take your time dude take your time to to rest up all right game is launching once my name turns blue I will turn into a true booger sandwich clone I ain’t modding nobody all right tell me if this is being captured by the way I don’t think it is but you know I could be wrong nope okay I might have to switch to uh desktop capture again I’m just going to keep on pressing the button though will never happen who knows yeah chances are not no there it is sick I for I switch my skin to Commander Shepherd is it Commander Shepherd be your own what skin yeah okay am I using no I’m using the Chris skin still why is it Commander shepher all right this is the mod list I uh am wanting to use if we end up playing modded Minecraft let’s listen to the song that I found I love this song by the way I haven’t played this in Forever [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I love this song dude doesn’t really get that Minecraft feeling though it gives me that Minecraft feel what are you talking about you even like Minecraft dude what are you talking about [Music] this looks really yeah yeah I built in a flower field which I I got want to [Music] do oh this part’s [Music] Peak I so much [ __ ] in my uh my inventory I have a better bed I remember that [Music] what was I doing I think I was trying to do the space stuff all [Music] right was this the mine exit where was I I don’t even remember what I was doing let’s go to the nether we got any options in here this is a little little preliminary all right what the hell was I doing all right there’s like a there’s a ton oh this is not good oh that bad that could have been even worse don’t no oh oh oh other looks a lot different that’s just one of the biomes dud I was not prepared for that please don’t tell me that like okay I think we’re good yeah we’re good all right I remember I was doing I had I had f f paded chain mail it’s cool my power level is this Dragon Ball Z I see yeah here’s so many new nether biomes so many new structures too there’s bosses and everything there’s more boss does look like black mesen it squishy like it too you know what I’m saying go animal this like a rose field yeah poppy fields oo look at the look a duck it’s chicken sorry Mr Chicken kind of hurts my eyes so bright here I’ve showed off before but this is like basically the gist of what you’d expect if you were to install all of this so uh this should I think if you press P I don’t remember what the social interactions oh wow [ __ ] you game I don’t remember but there’s a there’s a Minecraft yeah dude this is the mod list I’d want to use Cole I I it is now public so if you can like it’s it’s you are one of the people I’m most worried about not being able to run those modist Co so if you could like install it with that guide I showed I have in the the Discord I would really really appreciate it and tell me how it runs cuz if it doesn’t run well for the majority of people I don’t want we’ll just do a normal realm cuz I have a feeling yours won’t be able to run it if it could barely hun vanilla about that one sound effect in Black Mesa I remember that man now tell me how they get that sound effect there there’s like a there’s like a I don’t remember what the button is but there’s like a skill tree or something FR sword oh my backpack there it is and here’s my skill tree dude I having trouble with Linux when I try the guide I’ll do boots soon sick you and your Linux all right oh the guy his wife one yeah dude at least you know his like wife like they have a loving relationship and everything right it’s kind of a bonus for them mystical black flower huh Sky of beginning pick up a mystical flower from the world Lexica botania okay those mods look crazy telling you man you need to I need also I think you sound more sick it’s cuz like my throat’s all [ __ ] from coughing so often it’s just allergies at this point my eyes are itchy my nose bled today it was rough it was a little bit rough oh this now this is definitely like like a like an adventure type of mod pack and I would really like to have an adventure with everybody so like I said again uh I’m going to hop off the Minecraft soon here if if we do end up doing a realm I’m going to wait until 1.2 221 comes out for Minecraft that update and then we’ll do the realm if it and in the meantime we’ll play searo but if we can end up doing the modded uh modded list uh we sure we we’ll do it as soon as we can otherwise I don’t you know how it is all right any rers Aiden how you doing Aiden happy birthday Aiden Aiden would you like to join us if we play Minecraft uh Realms do beware I am streaming it there are going to be random people that you don’t know in there right so happy birthday my man it’s not your birthday what oh I thought what is your birthday man I guess your old Snapchat account yeah your old Snapchat account says it’s your birthday that’s how I remember anybody’s birthday I’m being real uhoh here I felt so bad too XD rful pone oh okay so you’re not a bad friend after all that’s what I’m saying I felt so bad thank you happy birthday Aiden my man my man all right all right let’s save and quit all right so of course like I said I posted the the modding guide it’s all here it’s in depth I tell you why you have to do certain things just so you think I’m not [ __ ] over your computer all right it’s it looks really long but it’s only 12 steps my Snapchat is still a thing I haven’t used it in like a decade I don’t use Snapchat anymore I just have it just in case Cole sends me something it’s good for birthdays all right install list is here I think the uh the Google Doc is still should still be there the Google Drive sorry should still have it yeah there it is so uh install let me know how it runs and if it runs poorly on your computer if the people who do try it who did vote for uh modded if you can’t run it I’m going to count your vote as realm and whatnot and of course Aiden if you if you want to join us you’re going to have to join the Discord server again I know it’s going to be it’s going to be scary for you man you and you’re what you’re 21 now right happy birthday man how’s it feel how’s it feel to be one of us who here eat blenders I don’t eat blenders dude I should probably actually had anybody everyone Minecraft modding guide is now available under Minecraft here look I’m I’m what the [ __ ] was going on okay yes send now you’re about to mention 50 plus I’m sure dude I’m sure it’s my Discord server I’m allowed why you sending who’s doing this in pets man don’t don’t send your stuff pets man I forgot about this look at the little doie [Laughter] why would you do this to your dog like come on now why why bro is the Thinker bro is confused oh my God anyways uh it’s getting late relatively so I’m going to end it here the H face H H General I also need to add had a meme category for Planet oh Cole good luck with whatever you’re doing I keep forgetting Cole’s start Cole starts classes on Monday that’s what he’s doing bro was taking spring and summer classes common coal L but thank you to everybody who did drop by today a booger sandwich a Swatch boox unhandy elk my main man Aiden driving his Corvette Cole Aiden the onion uh napkin story was here earlier vks was here earlier and Tech k I think there’s somebody else right anybody else who did drop by I do appreciate I hope you all have a wonderful wonderful night and I oh my the flam oh my God I hope you all have a wonderful wonderful night and a good sleep bye

This video, titled ‘stardew valley! and minecraft: Ralsei Gaming’, was uploaded by goople glop on 2024-05-06 03:29:48. It has garnered 58 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:11 or 8051 seconds.

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  • Ribman Craft Mystery: Eggs + Armor = ??? #Minecraft

    Ribman Craft Mystery: Eggs + Armor = ??? #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What happened after minecraft all eggs and armors combine? #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Ribman craft on 2024-05-10 21:00:14. It has garnered 1269 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. What happened after minecraft all eggs and armors combine? #minecraft #gaming Minecraft, Zombies, Warden, Battle,Brute, Action force, Showdown, Survival, Epic, Horde, Adrenaline-pumping, Clash, Resilience, Suspense, Intense, Heart-pounding, Underground caves, Open fields, Open fields, Spectate, Tactics, Adventure, Ultimate, Gaming, Video, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon,… Read More

  • Ethan Winter’s INSANE Minecraft PvP & Drama!

    Ethan Winter's INSANE Minecraft PvP & Drama!Video Information This video, titled ‘LETS talk about the MCRP Community, shall we? (Playing minecraft pvp, chilling and chatting)’, was uploaded by Ethan Winter’s on 2024-06-20 03:15:34. It has garnered 263 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:19 or 9559 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔥 Welcome to TheRealSenpaiYT’s Live Stream! 🔥 📌 Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Nc3mWkdY7d 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRealSenpaiYT ✉ Business Email: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📚 COPYRIGHT NOTICE 📚 “Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ‘fair use’ for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is… Read More

  • Elartrios

    ElartriosElartrios.net is available for the Minecraft Java Edition and also for Minecraft Bedrock Edition! IP Java: Elartrios.net:25565 | IP Bedrock: Elartrios.net:19132 | Website: Elartrios.net Welcome to Elartrios, where adventure and excitement in Minecraft await you! Our server offers a collection of self-made minigames that promise to inject a refreshing twist into your gaming experience. With a variety of unique gamemodes designed to entertain and challenge, there’s never a dull moment here. Experience the explosive frenzy of Generatorwars as you battle it out amidst thrilling explosions. Show off your skills by conquering the molten obstacles of Lavarun, a true test of… Read More

  • Introducing the new Civilization SMP – vanilla

    Join the Civilization SMP Discord Server Complete the whitelist request form to gain access to our Vanilla Minecraft community! All ages are welcome here, whether you’re a new player or a seasoned veteran. Rules: No hacking No X-ray No Stealing No racism No homophobia No ableism Join our Discord server, fill out the whitelist form, and start exploring our world today! Don’t miss out on our events, build contests, and community gatherings – join our Discord community now! Civilization Discord: https://discord.gg/HVgKNF68sR Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – What in the Minecraft world is this?!

    Looks like this meme is a perfect 5 out of 7 in confusion for you! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod 🔥 When you spend hours building a beautiful castle in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it and now you’re just stuck inside like a real-life princess waiting for someone to rescue you. #minecraftproblems #realisticprince Read More

  • Playing Games with Max Level Kid!【Minecraft】

    Playing Games with Max Level Kid!【Minecraft】 Minecraft: Weekend Fun with Max-Level Kids Playing Games!【Cube Pavilion】 Welcome to Cube Pavilion, a channel dedicated to providing child-friendly content, avoiding any elements that could potentially harm their health and safety. Hello everyone, I’m Cube Pavilion, a creator in the world of Minecraft. I make funny and humorous Minecraft animations to spread joy. This channel is the only official channel for Cube Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are pirated content and have not been authorized. Every day, I release exciting original videos. If you enjoy them, remember to subscribe! Let’s spread happiness together! Content Categories:… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft SUPERFLAT World

    Surviving Minecraft SUPERFLAT World The World of Minecraft: Exploring the Superflat Terrain Embark on a journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this unique world, players can shape their surroundings, battle creatures, and connect with a vibrant community. Let’s delve into the fascinating realm of Minecraft’s superflat terrain. What is a Superflat World? A superflat world in Minecraft is a terrain devoid of natural features like trees, hills, and bodies of water. Instead, players are greeted with a flat expanse that serves as a blank canvas for their imagination. The default… Read More

  • The Joker Found in Minecraft!? 😱

    The Joker Found in Minecraft!? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT | BEDROCK | SAPIXCRAFT | CO-OP | PC WIDESCREEN LIVESTREAM’, was uploaded by The LOST Joker on 2024-06-23 02:24:17. It has garnered 41 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:00:58 or 18058 seconds. #minecraft discord — https://discord.gg/R5kcvFjdkU – – COME PLAY WITH US! Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/thelostjoker Multistreaming with https://restream.io/ TheLOSTJoker LIVESTREAM! Thanks for watching! Please remember to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! I love feedback so shoot me any comments or ideas! Please show your support! JOIN THE DISCORD COME PLAY! Read More

  • Strange World in Minecraft!

    Strange World in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Everything Is Weird… #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Asura DAvil on 2024-06-07 06:30:14. It has garnered 10339 views and 163 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Minecraft, But Everything Is Weird… Minecraft but minecraft but i have to sing minecraft but if i stop singing the video ends minecraft but players can upgrade minecraft but if you scream you lose minecraft but i join dirt civilization minecraft but everything is random minecraft but i can’t say the letter minecraft but villagers trade op items, minecraft but everything is… Read More

  • Insane Survival Challenge: 100 Days on 1 Block! 🤯

    Insane Survival Challenge: 100 Days on 1 Block! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in 1.21 Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by CoffeeFuelledGenius on 2024-07-16 13:04:19. It has garnered 97512 views and 2300 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:37 or 12097 seconds. INTERESTED IN THE NEW RED MAGIC 9S PRO? CLICK THE LINK AND FOLLOW THE STEPS: https://bit.ly/4bJacFa (Complete all the actions for a chance to win the new REDMAGIC 9S Pro, 50% off coupon for 9S Pro, or a DAO 150W GaN Charger (Dragon Edition) Watch as I spend 100 days on ONE BLOCK with new 1.21 additions such as… Read More

  • INSANE Medieval House Build in Minecraft!

    INSANE Medieval House Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Medieval House in Minecraft:Timelapse’, was uploaded by TubeRecap on 2024-01-17 14:35:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Medieval houses are not always that easy to build, in this short timelapse tutorial for a medieval Minecraft house, you will see … Read More

  • Lama King DOMINATES in Minecraft PVP!

    Lama King DOMINATES in Minecraft PVP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mob PVP|Minecraft Live Deutsch|520abos’, was uploaded by Karl das lama Gaming on 2024-01-26 04:28:18. It has garnered 43 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:36 or 1176 seconds. Hey👋 my name is Paul🦙 and I mainly play Minecraft with you😊 #minecraft #gaming #german Read More

  • Insane LakeSquid Encounter in Minecraft Walls!

    Insane LakeSquid Encounter in Minecraft Walls!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Revisited: The Walls’, was uploaded by LakeSquid on 2024-06-16 20:00:09. It has garnered 246 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:27 or 2127 seconds. Originally released on June 29th, 2012 for version 1.2.5, The Walls was a Minecraft PVP game that would go on to be the predecessor for some of the most influential Minecraft minigames of all time. Four teams of two go head-to-head, gearing up in their identical quadrants and preparing for the walls to fall, after which the combat will begin. Intro footage used: DBLgaming: https://youtu.be/oELm8tXEAQ0?si=wyTjzXNtEEzptmAe Achievement… Read More


    INSANE MODDED MINECRAFT WITH LULUCY MERYVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing some more modded minecraft!’, was uploaded by Lulucy Mery on 2024-02-06 23:45:51. It has garnered 103 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 04:30:24 or 16224 seconds. HELLO lets have fun in minecraft 1.20 WITH MODS!!! oh how i am so happy that this day is here now!! #vtuber #minecraft 1: english and norwegian only 2: stay posetive in chat 3: don’t complain about me not replying to your chast message i do love that someone is talking in chat but sometimes i can’t reply. my Twitter: https://twitter.com/LulucyMery my Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lulucy_mery… Read More

  • Firey Minecraft: 24 HOURS STUCK with My CRUSH! 🔥🔥 (ft. Firey Minecraft)

    Firey Minecraft: 24 HOURS STUCK with My CRUSH! 🔥🔥 (ft. Firey Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘STUCK with My CRUSH For 24 HOURS in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Firey Minecraft on 2024-07-08 16:03:22. It has garnered 868 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. STUCK with My CRUSH For 24 HOURS in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft) ————- ★★★★★ ————– ⭐ Welcome to Firey Minecraft ⭐ WE LOVE YOU ALL ⭐ Thank you for supporting us ————- ★★★★★ ————– 🔔 Subscribe us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@FireyMinecraft 🎮 Firey Gaming stories: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdsuajtZPkqan6Ap1z96WpKgwmz8Vh61q ————- ★★★★★ ————– ► See More: Firey Minecraft ALL VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdsuajtZPkqan6Ap1z96WpKgwmz8Vh61q Newest Minecraft Videos:… Read More

  • Unbelievable Bedrock Bridge in the Shadows 😱

    Unbelievable Bedrock Bridge in the Shadows 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘BEDROCK BRIDGE 😮‍💨’, was uploaded by sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ! ! ! on 2024-07-07 06:20:33. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Tags – minecraft,minecraft mace,minecraft update,minecraft 1.21,minecraft facts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft speedrun,minecraft challenge,minecraft seed,minecraft how to,minecraft rarest,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.19,mace minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft 1.20,minecraft 1.18,minecraft memes,minecraft but you,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft manhunt,minecraft tutorial,how to edit,how to edit videos,how to edit youtube videos,how to edit videos for youtube,how to edit like a pro,how to edit faster on console,how to edit… Read More

  • XYZ Servers – Vanilla Skyblock

    XYZ Servers - Vanilla SkyblockSupports 1.8-1.20.X Minecraft Skyblock is a gamemode which dates back to 2011, now once more players can explore the original vanilla style of gameplay in the latest versions of Minecraft. With custom challenges and end game goals mixed in, your next Skyblock playthrough promises to be a fun one! play.skyblocks.xyz Read More

  • Legions MC – Factions

    Legions MC Announcement Legions MC I’m excited to announce the launch of Legions MC, a brand-new OG non Pay-to-Win factions server, opening its doors for the beta season in just 2 weeks! What is Legions MC? Legions MC is all about bringing back the pure, classic Minecraft factions experience without the pay-to-win elements that have plagued so many servers. We believe in fair play, skill-based competition, and building a strong, engaging community. What Can You Expect? OG Factions Gameplay: Relive the classic factions experience with well-balanced mechanics and thrilling PvP battles. Non Pay-to-Win: Everyone stands on equal ground—no overpowered kits… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – New Minecraft dash funny haha

    Minecraft Memes - New Minecraft dash funny hahaLooks like this meme needs to level up its score in the meme world before it can unlock the DLC content of being truly funny! Read More

  • Minecraft Village Night Secrets: Lofi Ambience Unveiled

    Minecraft Village Night Secrets: Lofi Ambience Unveiled In the Minecraft village at night, lofi beats take flight, As the sun sets and darkness covers the sight. Join us on this journey, relax and unwind, With calming music, let your worries unbind. Explore the hidden gems, secrets to find, In this tranquil world, let your imagination grind. Study, work, or simply chill, Let the peaceful ambiance give you a thrill. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your love, For this Minecraft village, peaceful as a dove. Lofi tunes, chill vibes, gaming at its best, In this serene village, let your mind rest. So dive into the night, with… Read More

  • This spicy nether portal leads to…? 🔥

    This spicy nether portal leads to...? 🔥 This secret nether portal leads to… a never-ending supply of creepers waiting to blow up your hard work in Minecraft! #minecraftproblems #watchout #boom Read More

  • Pig Prank Gone Wrong!

    Pig Prank Gone Wrong! The Hilarious World of Minecraft: Funny Moments and Fails Step into the whimsical world of Minecraft, where unexpected moments and hilarious fails await around every corner. From pigs unexpectedly landing on players to epic reactions and funny memes, the Minecraft community never fails to entertain. Unforgettable Moments with Friends One of the most enjoyable aspects of Minecraft is playing with friends. Whether you’re exploring vast landscapes, building intricate structures, or engaging in epic battles, the camaraderie and laughter shared with friends make for unforgettable moments. Who knows, you might even find yourself in a situation where a pig unexpectedly… Read More

  • Sneaky Ways to Add Music to Minecraft 1.21+

    Sneaky Ways to Add Music to Minecraft 1.21+ Minecraft 1.21+: Adding Music Packs for an Enhanced Gaming Experience Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft gaming experience with some exciting music packs? Look no further! With the latest Minecraft 1.21+ update, players can now easily add custom music packs to their gameplay. Let’s dive into how you can enhance your Minecraft world with the Vanilla Music Pack and more! Adding the Vanilla Music Pack 1.21 One of the most popular music packs for Minecraft is the Vanilla Music Pack 1.21. To install this pack, simply download the zip or mcpack file from the provided link. Once downloaded,… Read More

  • Granny dominates Minecraft with insane mod pack!

    Granny dominates Minecraft with insane mod pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft Java Mod Pack Survival: A ProjectE Superflat Challenge ep 5’, was uploaded by ukGrannyGamer on 2024-06-26 17:28:17. It has garnered 99 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:50 or 1070 seconds. Reimagining Survival: A ProjectE Superflat Challenge Tired of the same old grind? This pack throws you into a unique Superflat world with nothing but ProjectE at your disposal. Embrace the Alchemy of Existence: Your journey begins with a Transmutation Table, the key to transforming your surroundings into a powerful magical currency – EMC. Unlock the Potential of… Read More

  • 24 Hours in the SCARIEST Minecraft Modpack!

    24 Hours in the SCARIEST Minecraft Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 24 Hours in the SCARIEST MODPACK in Minecraft! (From The Fog)’, was uploaded by CoffeeFuelledGenius on 2024-04-05 13:00:13. It has garnered 59072 views and 1955 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:45 or 3885 seconds. Watch as I tackle the CAVE HORROR PROJECT Modpack with a few new ones added. Ill be facing the man from the fog, herobrine, night stalkers, cave dwellers and even goatman in this minecraft survival challenge. Can I do it? Find out in todays video. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/SrXZUKTqVb Join the discord to find out the modpack & shaders!… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hardcore Survival – AkaNumbers Ep. 49

    EPIC Minecraft Hardcore Survival - AkaNumbers Ep. 49Video Information This video, titled ‘Lets Play – Minecraft Hardcore Survival Ep. 49 (AkaNumbers)’, was uploaded by AkaNumbers on 2024-05-05 18:00:07. It has garnered 28 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:57 or 1557 seconds. SPONSORS Proud Sponsors Of – @JCSPokemonCards support me by shopping here – https://www.ebay.com/usr/jcspokemoncards PROFESSIONAL CALL OF DUTY / HALO PLAYER FOR – ASPECT GAMING I hope you enjoyed and if you did make sure to slap that like button, And even subscribe if you would like to see more! Thanks For Watching! : ) My Links: Twitter-https://twitter.com/AkaNumbers Twitch-https://www.twitch.tv/akanumbersTwitch Music – None… Read More