Unbelievable Horror in Minecraft – Cave Dweller Mod

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this Minecraft mod may actually be scarier than an actual horror game so a friend and I set out on a quest to survive this malicious cave dweller I don’t it’s kind of scary it’s working cuz I’m pretty sure it’s only like night time when it happens okay well I guess we’ll just uh I don’t know kind of see how it goes I got an axe I got a pickaxe oh dang yeah I need to make stuff dude I’m so scared I hate this already it’s been 5 seconds I hate it I need to make a sword oh it’s a bee oh the be scared me I’m on edge I’m on edge come here there’s a cave here oh no all right all right all right here I got this okay let me get let me get a little bit of stone first I just want to make a sword you know you know a a stone sword wouldn’t be a bad idea well dude I can’t see anything wait wait wait there’s some coal here we can make torches yeah you know you know that’s rule number one when you’re going in a cave you need some torches yeah I forgot about that see what happens what what happens if one of us dies you know um we we scream we scream if anything I hope I’m the first one to die we mourn each other’s loss I don’t think we might be just like freaking out for nothing like I don’t even know there’s nothing there is oh my that’s how a ghost hunt is a ghost hunt is the exact same way I would imagine so I don’t think I can do that it’s horrible it’s horrible see all I know wait wait sure that’s a be God dang it I got jum scared by the be again yes he came into my frame it scared the heck out thought I heard something found some iron oh it’s quiet I’m terrified where’d you go I’m getting the I’m getting the workbench I’m coming oh okay I’m making us a furnace for the iron we can make some iron swords yeah you know I need to get some uh I was in the middle of uh getting a pickaxe before I got scared by the Bee or after I got scared I have a gift I’m getting some iron right now oh okay here if you look behind you there’s an iron sword for you oh hot diggity dog it’s your boy’s best day together I’m I’m com with was there something down there I heard I I think it was just a zombie oh yeah you’re right okay no it was this way this way this way okay here’s what we’re going to make here’s what we’re going to make this will be huge first we actually need to go get food now who needs it we’re on a fast we definitely need it here’s that oh dang off hand hold down your hand and press F I need to get it in my inventory wait where’d it go oh there we go I just there you go okay there’s a field over here I’m sure we can find some Piggies and cows oh I found a ender portal down there oh that’s a ruined nether portal okay here’s NE portal the deal bad yeah it’s it’s night time wait come come this way don’t mine at night guys yeah I don’t know if he if the the cave dweller can come out of the cave you wouldn’t think but I don’t know ready you got to trust me okay okay I I didn’t jump but we’re good that’s fine we’re good oh yeah we found all the chicken okay sorry chickens I’m struggling to kill this chicken all right that already shows you how uh well prepared I am ooh some pants pant alone is here I’m going to give these to you cuz well you know you know I need all the help I can get I mean that in the nicest way I got to my gold pants I I’m scared so I just wanted you to know that there that makes two of us so like okay we need a game plan actually for when we do see this thing if we see it yeah I have no game plan here’s what I think we do I think we get blocks and I make us some shovels and we get a bunch of dirt and that way we can build up if we need to yes you know what I mean like just Tower up uh speaking of caves oh we got one oh my Lord watch this watch this ready oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah here come on down go it just almost missed it oh my gosh dang son this is a big one creeper here did you hear that no I heard it no you didn’t yeah I did you’re lying don’t Li to me like that oh God okay so the mod’s working I see it I see it over there oh my God where look over there oh no wait no that see no I don’t you don’t see it where yeah you do yeah you do I see it on your screen right here yes press C on your keyboard oh my God he left no no he didn’t where’d he go dude two seconds dude I got chills on my back don’t do this to me oh my you saw though I did I did I saw him okay I hear him I don’t know if you can hear him ow we we have to go down I didn’t know we could teleport he’s like Slender dude I hear it I’m so I don’t want to go down dude I haven’t heard him yet okay this water’s here we can come back up if we need to what does he sound like I haven’t heard him yet I don’t even know how to expl it sounds almost sounds like a whale oh that was close all right all right all right I feel safer down here I don’t oh oh oh look a cave uh thing spawner a mob spawner a cave thing dude I hear him again I have yet to hear him okay let’s see if we can find anything we’re we’re safe in here now in the spawner okay I here’s skeleton above us oh God I hear him again God now I’m on edge dude dude I wish you could hear him I’m just on the lookout right now I’m the lookout guy I don’t it’s actually kind of scarier that you can’t hear him yeah I know cuz I don’t know what to expect dude is it is it the music no what I it’s getting louder oh no oh I found diamonds dude where where where where where ahead that’s lapis that’s lapis that’s are you kidding me no no no diamond those are diamonds okay we’re going over full diamond armor coming right up oh yeah okay I got the iron pickaxe oh there’s more yeah I don’t got iron pickaxe that hurt that was the loudest he’s been dude oh what I keep hearing him man oh no and it’s like moving he’s not staying in one spot dude he was just posted up like guarding the cave dude I know nice okay oh God you see him no what what I I just heard him I heard him I heard him I heard him oh no no no dude we need one more diamond we need one more look at this we have three we can’t find one diamond in this giant cave I don’t I don’t know what about this way okay we we got to go we got to go we got to try to find diamond oh okay there’s got to be diamonds down here oh yes I see some you do bam yep all right let’s go down uh it’s 11:00 wait don’t don’t jump down don’t jump down don’t worry I got some chicken over this way follow me I found a diamond man I got a good eye for this crap yeah you do apparently take this diamond swords let’s go baby okay all right oh there’s I see him no you don’t yes I do look right there he left oh God where I saw him right up here wait there’s diamonds right here oh my God dude I literally saw him right there oh no oh no dude okay I think we need to get out and reset yeah yeah yeah yeah I I kind of want to get myself a iron pickaxe at some point yeah yeah yeah let’s get out of here I don’t know I got some I’m getting some iron R real quick okay yeah we need to hurry it’s night time outside of course it is oh god dude I don’t feel comfortable I just had like the most uneasy sense like almost like it was real life yep oh what was that dude what was that dude what was that do you see him he’s he’s following me he’s following me he’s following me oh my God no no no no no no please please run Jack Jack run run run he’s mad at me he wants me oh God he’s gone I think he’s gone no he’s coming after you what he’s gone he’s gone he’s gone okay oh oh my God okay dude that dude if we would have stayed any longer we were dead dude I’m going to throw up that was disgusting he hit me a couple times too we need to make beds dude yes that is what I’m going to do dude all I saw with these long strangly legs and it was disgusting it was chasing me man that was so scary here we go we can sleep now oh I was making us a nice old comfy cabin okay we’ll we’ll move in don’t worry all right sweet dreams we survived our first night first night is done that was easy money dude I could do that I don’t know if I use easy but oh God there’s a creeper right here you know what why don’t we just move like let’s just go I know you just built your lovely house but we’ve kind of exhausted that cave a little bit we could go find another one yeah that you know that that’s fine with me that you know let’s get away from let’s try move on guy try to move on after that pretend like we don’t have unbearable PTSD nope I don’t know what you’re talking about yeah no no new game meow meow meow might be worth getting that iron as well okay now on edge you should be fine that’s not I don’t think he cares about that you should be all right no it’s a daytime it’s a daytime yeah it’s like it’s just like uh ghosts ghosts don’t come at it exactly in the day that’s why everybody ghost hunts at night you know yeah I’m I’m just happy that I can’t hear the sounds I didn’t think that would be good thing but you know what if it makes you feel better then worth it it’s like a deaf man on a ghost hunt yeah what you don’t know can’t hurt you right I’m scale 1 to 10 how prepared are you I’m sitting at a solid four I’m at a two okay let’s do it Ain ain’t going to lie ain’t going to lie keeping it real I’m always at a two maybe a three on a good day oh I think I see one oh yeah right here right here right here oh yeah got something here okay we need to make this easier to get out if something happens yeah yeah cuz I panicked I panicked last time we saw this guy here I’ll do I’m hearing them a little bit but it’s nothing too crazy oh there’s a drop here okay oh wait oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God no no no Jack I’m sorry I’m no no no no no no you wouldn’t do this to me you wouldn’t do this to me you wouldn’t do this to me oh no dude dude dude I trapped myself in dude where did he come from didn’t make any sound try to dig up I am I am that’s exact dude I’m coming back dude what was that he didn’t make any sound the oh my god dude he just came out of nowhere oh I think I panick through my axe I didn’t know what to do I just threw my axe on accident you come here oh we’re so close there we go friend okay we’re back I’m back you’re back I’m back slight detour okay we can we can go back we can totally go back down there we got to take the sucker down we got to take the sucker down oh we’re trying to kill it I don’t know if it’s even Poss it possible I have no idea to be honest I have no idea yeah I ran straight down oh my God my throat is like freaking singing right now I hear him again no you don’t yeah I do it’s fine he didn’t care we’re fine we’re cool all right he ain’t real he ain’t real no oh yeah another name tag baby I’m scared I’m scared yeah I don’t like like this I don’t like this all right let’s go you know I I really really don’t like the Thunder it just makes a situation so much worse really does yeah here we go here we go oh shoot okay I’m on to something all right let me get this iron I don’t know why I’m getting so much iron I just heard him to the right oh God that’s exactly where I just went me get rid of this water so I guess we we can go right here guess yeah I haven’t heard him he moves around no he’s down down there he’s down there Conor he’s down there run run run he’s coming oh God oh God oh run run run run run no back move no get out of me get out of my inventory get out of the inventory I blocked him off I blocked him off he’s right here he’s right here come look at him oh you’re so creepy oh my god look I don’t think we can kill him we can’t kill him oh he’s gone dude he’s gone okay okay we’ll go let’s go dude I don’t think we can kill that dude I don’t know I couldn’t hit him I hit him though with my sword when he attacked me the one time oh my god dude he scared the freaking heck out of me he was right down here you saw him yeah he was just chilling he was waiting okay so I guess when I said he left I guess I was wrong about that oh he he heard he heard us he was like he’s like I’m just going to wait I’m going to sit here I’m going to sit here and I’m going to wait I hear him again also we’re like super far down no Escape No Escape in this I see him look to your left there you don’t look to your left you don’t oh oh he he made eye contact with me run he’s after me oh he’s after you he’s after you oh run C it run run I’m coming Jack run Jack run Jack run Jack run I I’m get I’m getting him he’s only on you he only wants you okay okay jump across jump across Jack no Jack get up here I’m going to get him I’m going to get him I’m going to get him coming I’m coming get him get him ow ow ow get him ow let’s go we got him we killed him we killed him let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go oh my God I keep dude you just went right in I was I wanted I wanted to get him I got him I got him jack yes I just heard him again no you did not no you did I swear to God oh there’s no freaking way dude I swear to god dude that guy is scarier than Herobrine he might just be see this is when he jumps out at us this is when he comes out this would be bad if he showed up right now that would be I’d use the word tragic I don’t know what’s worse the end of the world or him coming out in this tight space he’s here he’s here I saw him I saw him where’d he go where where’d he go I know dude I don’t know let’s I don’t even know what to do man oh my god dude I saw him out of the corner of my eye dude I heard him okay it’s all good I think we’re just schizophrenia I think that’s all it is yeah that noise I just heard two seconds ago yeah yeah yeah I mean Ghost Hunters they they just hear things all the time okay okay come on come on this is simple simple parkour right oh this would be bad right now this will be really bad yeah having to wait for the lava to go down yeah dude we have not found diamonds in forever right here oh hey diamonds do you have an oh oh oh God get him get him I can’t I can’t no no oh no all your stuff oh no no oh no no no he’s [Music] gone no no you’re you’re you’re screwed he he knew he was like oh that’s the guy that was uh he came after me last time going after him I P so hard froze you just froze I opened my inventory and then the pause menu oh God he’s right here no he’s not oh God no no no no oh my God dang it I was trying to get out well our stuff’s gone hey how are you well we’re back to square [Laughter] one oh my God

This video, titled ‘THE MOST HORRIFYING MINECRAFT MOD (Cave Dweller Mod)’, was uploaded by Soap on 2024-02-28 13:49:30. It has garnered 263 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:46 or 1186 seconds.

YOOOOO, My friend @konerj and I played MInecrafts SCARIEST mod. This Mod is the Cave Dweller Mod and this slenderman / herobrine like mob is constantly watching us from the shadows… Is this mob able to be slayed? Lets find out!!!


As some of you may know, I am a real Ghost Hunter from the Ghost hunting crew, Hauntings of Ohio. If you’re not, go subscribe to that channel and this channel to help show support! Hauntings of Ohio: @HauntingsofOhio ​ Follow me on X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/S04P94

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    Marvin's SHOCKING Goodbye from Jeffy!Video Information This video, titled ‘Jeffy Says GOODBYE FOREVER In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Marvin Minecraft on 2024-06-03 21:14:20. It has garnered 49240 views and 734 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:52 or 7432 seconds. CHECK OUT THE SML STORE! thank them for allowing fans to make channels of their characters we wouldn’t be able to do any of this without their support! https://smlmerch.hellojuniper.com/ Our channel is inspired by Maizen, Nico, Cash, GEVidsTV, Jeffy Minecraft, Jamesy, MongoTV, Wudo, and Omziscool! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! SUB TO @heresmarvin ! ►► SUBSCRIBE to Here’s Marvin for videos… Read More

  • Escape from Evil Minecraft Prison

    Escape from Evil Minecraft PrisonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Baby Escapes Evil MINECRAFT PRISON!’, was uploaded by Looni on 2024-05-17 15:30:03. It has garnered 1168 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:25 or 985 seconds. Baby Escapes Evil MINECRAFT PRISON! Can Looni Escape The Evil MINECRAFT PRISON? Will he get captured? Watch Until the end to find out! Subscribe for DAILY family friendly uploads 🤩 #looni #whosyourdaddygame Read More

  • Shocking: Baby Cow Saves Angel in Minecraft! #shorts

    Shocking: Baby Cow Saves Angel in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Baby Cow SAVES Angel #shorts’, was uploaded by Mayor05 on 2024-07-12 19:45:45. It has garnered 79361 views and 2507 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Minecraft Baby Cow SAVES Angel Made with Blockbuster 🙂 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mayornaise05/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mayornaise05?lang=en Mayor05 content includes funny shorts, TikToks, and Youtube videos related to Minecraft Challanges, Minecraft but, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Custom, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft INSANE and EPIC Moments, music, songs, and many more! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, 100 days, or any other but challenge like… Read More

  • “Insane Gamer Builds EPIC Minecraft Treehouse” #minecraft

    "Insane Gamer Builds EPIC Minecraft Treehouse" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing tree house in Minecraft#minecraft’, was uploaded by Inthis Gamer on 2024-07-16 01:26:56. It has garnered 577 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Amazing tree house in Minecraft#minecraft Read More

  • Insane Challenge: $1000 Giveaway Every Death on DonutSMP.Net!

    Insane Challenge: $1000 Giveaway Every Death on DonutSMP.Net!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing DonutSMP.Net Live With Viewers (Every time i die i give 1k to someone random)’, was uploaded by JoshTheG on 2024-01-17 10:03:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #gaming #live #trending #viral #fyp #donutsmp #donutsmplive Join the discord https://discord.gg/B26X3VMv DonutSMP … Read More

  • Desperate for One More Sub 🙏 #Minecraft #Shorts

    Desperate for One More Sub 🙏 #Minecraft #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I NEED 1 MORE SUBSCRIBER PLS 🙏 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Pecanut on 2024-07-03 15:27:46. It has garnered 12310 views and 619 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft animations, Minecraft animation videos, Minecraft hell comin with me, Minecraft animations hell’s comin with me, Minecraft animations sad story, Minecraft sad story, Minecraft father son sad story, Minecraft but, But lava raises, Hell’s comin with me animations, Hell’s comin with technoblade, Minecraft wither boss hell’s comin with me, How To Escape Minecraft Traps In Every Age, Minecraft… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Build Hack! 😱 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Build Hack! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Build hack #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by ZK KILLER on 2024-02-25 07:23:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft build hacks minecraft shorts shorts minecraft hacks minecraft building minecraft building hacks minecraft build … Read More

  • EPIC finale of our AMAZING park in Minecraft!

    EPIC finale of our AMAZING park in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival – Finishing our Beautiful Park’, was uploaded by ChillCraftSounds on 2024-04-14 18:33:49. It has garnered 158 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. #minecraft #C418 #survival Episode 149 This is our Serene Survival Playlist, where we play simple minecraft survival mode backed by wonderful music. Make sure to hop on the playlist to enjoy the full series and if you’re not up for the gameplay, check out our Serene Sundays where we compile all the music from a week’s worth of the series in to one… Read More

  • INSANE SOLO VILLAGE BUILD – Minecraft Bedrock Part 8

    INSANE SOLO VILLAGE BUILD - Minecraft Bedrock Part 8Video Information start streaming let’s go kita live lagi live lagi bak Jana bagikan dulu gas lagi gas lagi gas lagi Ayo dong muncul dong gak ada sih ah elah muncul-muncul loh nah muncul gas lagi Nah tadi aku penasaran sama satu postingan tadi tu mana diaareare aduh adaja guys yaah yaah loh kok gelap Wih Oh ya ini kan iya juga ya sorry sorry toch Oke jadi itu kemarin itu aku sudah mengumpulkan Blaze Oke That’s good lah sekarang aku mencoba mencari E mencari ini sekarang nih netherward nih tapi dari segala tapi nih Karena aku punya cobblestone sebenarnya… Read More

  • Project Empire

    Project EmpireWelcome to Project Empire, where survival meets community in the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft! Dive into our immersive Towny experience and join forces with fellow players to build, trade, and conquer together. Features: Towny Economy: Establish your own thriving town or join an existing one to pool resources, protect each other, and dominate the landscape. Our robust economy system ensures that every transaction matters as you trade, buy, and sell goods to build your empire. Regular Updates: Our dedicated team of developers is constantly working behind the scenes to bring you fresh content, exciting features, and gameplay improvements…. Read More

  • Expert+ Hardcore 1.19.4 smp survival vanilla

    Java Server with Customized Gameplay This Java server offers a unique twist on vanilla Minecraft with enhanced mob damage, no enchantment cap, new magic weapons, vehicles, and more. Our server is not pay-to-win, but we offer options to support us such as purchasable ranks and cosmetics. Join our community today at https://discord.gg/brvudgYTPW Read More

  • Voidsent Junior High School

    Voidsent Junior High SchoolWelcome OGs, Tryhards, Noobs, Griefers, and Everything in between! (Except Hackers)Voidsent is a dedicated factions survival server. We have lots of custom items and enchantments for the most enjoyable player experience!We have multiple well built locations like Spawn and the PvP Arena!We do massive loot giveaways at Spawn every few days!If you recommend this server to a friends we will have rewards waiting for you!Hope to see you soon! – The Voidsent Staff team. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Wasted Energy, RIP Ore.symmetric

    Well, at least all that energy wasn’t wasted on trying to find diamonds and getting blown up by creepers! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Gameplay

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing minecraft :D’, was uploaded by Expslep on 2024-07-17 18:05:42. It has garnered 4 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. server is called minewind to find server ip go to: mindwind.com Read More

  • Golden XP Galore: Crafting Farming Fun!

    Golden XP Galore: Crafting Farming Fun! In this game, we’re on a quest for gold, Building farms, our fortunes to behold. XP and riches, we’ll gather them all, In Minecraft, we rise, never to fall. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, Crafting, building, until the day is done. Subscribe, like, and share the joy we find, In this world of blocks, our creativity combined. Read More

  • Slenderman vs Villager: Oi Oi Oi Hot Meme

    Slenderman vs Villager: Oi Oi Oi Hot Meme When Slenderman tries to blend in with the Minecraft villagers but ends up just looking like a tall, skinny Oi Oi Oi enthusiast. #awkward #fail Read More