Unbelievable! I Mastered the SCRIPTING API in Minecraft Bedrock

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e for for sh [Music] oops whoops e [Music] oops for just quick test does it work yes I can see my own desktop it does indeed work was it was Maps lunar next then under that if two [Music] then run command yes run [Music] command wait no no it’s uh TP s 200 10 200 actually no I’ll make it like 3.5 scale factor then then 1,50 then under that then there’s oh okay so that’s the main of it oh is [Music] confusing now go make the YouTube One work wait so oh yeah yeah so now we got go this line here function oh wait I have to go one one line down no no hashtag needed why is it going there all right YouTube function YouTube Hey Day plays welcome to the coding stream player dot wa no it wouldn’t be well yeah it would be play do run wait no play do send message and then the message will be it chares YouTube Char just YouTube is I’ll do back sln for new line um I got find the now I got actually get my uh oh no now go actually grab my channel link wait can’t I just do your view your channel wait is it like could you do yeah you can okay thought so okay so I don’t need that anymore YouTube is and then color I’ll just make it like blue so it stands out no meant the other link there it is nine like okay no that has to be this one there we go that looks absolutely horrid but okay what was the other button exit okay that just exits exit just exits yeah this is all the functions I have so far I mean apart from the absolute TNT stuff apart from the goofy TNT stuff there pretty much nothing else here what if I make it like 2.75 so this is all this what else should I make I think I should make like I mean I could make images onto it but so what else should I add so this is main this is basically all it let me save all of it saved saved right let me go Minecraft now launching Minecraft all right now my fans have decided to go crazy now let me actually make it um scripting live okay now scripting live stream live stream yes create oh no I have to use experiments beta API on he packs scripting test scripting is fun let me join now now there shouldn’t be any errors if there is then it’ll come up there okay there’s no errors right now let me get my feather let me get all the stuff so here’s the compass get the TNT very destructive and the feather so this is what the feather does it justs you in different directions I guess like why why wouldn’t you not want it so anyway um here’s what the TNT does it just spawns like a million TNT which makes the perfect circle of course right let’s make this perfect circle actually perfect oh that looks so good good now I can actually make circles okay anyway Maps Ender will be here lunary doesn’t work Mana doesn’t work YouTube is not defined exit is not oh whoopsies I forgot to do [Music] something wait what okay so something like cod ain’t working let’s see that’s debug so YouTube doesn’t work let me test again so YouTube it doesn’t say that it exists exit doesn’t exist Maps lunary doesn’t work Mana doesn’t work this should be it just work the [Music] button what no map’s coming soon Ender Works YouTube doesn’t exit doesn’t lunary doesn’t Mana doesn’t YouTube’s right here it should work yeah this is just a world right now yeah I should put my YouTube chat there true anyway um what’s wrong with my code function YouTube oh I can add like that’s howest spell action form data under that I got to do title title I’ll just make title um what it’s supposed to be so let me grab this real quick and put YouTube and that’ll do do body oh yeah yeah I can do that I realized yeah I’m just trying to make my code work right now cuz right now we have Maps Ender Works teleport is says teleporting it shards to Ender if I try and do lunary doesn’t work if I try and do Mana doesn’t work if I try and do YouTube it says that YouTube doesn’t exist if I try and do exit says that exit doesn’t exist either so I’m just trying to fix it cuz like YouTube is right here and right here the body I I’ll just make the body and see what happens body write this into chat and paste it in your brows right let me send this e geek hello right does any of maps work no does YouTube work no cuz Mana no exit no this is Javascript not uh thing wait does print actually exist let me check okay print does exist actually it might not though yeah it’s pretty hard to learn me personally I I prefer Jason to j s cuz this is what you have to do for JS and this is what you have to do for Jason it is insanely hard last time I just gave up doing it so it’s not saying it’s declared but it’s value is never read so if Maps is read maps here then maybe I put this wrong you button zero button one yeah YouTube so why is it not oh not that maybe is that red now no yeah Onyx does onyx does use lure but this is coding into a behavior pack this is built into the Minecraft game like you don’t you don’t you don’t need Onyx but I just use Onyx cuz yeah it’s still just says YouTube doesn’t exist oh did I reload yeah it just says YouTube does not exist how did I do this one if I do function Maps again then it it just grze itself out anyway oh that’s why whoopsies let me cut this is it control X yeah I need to cut it oh no what have I done so I’ve deleted this that should cause no errors right so underneath this and this so under here is where I needed to put it function YouTube is it being red no out and then so I have but I still don’t know why this isn’t working either maybe I should just watch a tutorial three cuz the other person cuz I saw someone else do this like the same thing and they just had it just perfectly work and there was no errors at all but it just says YouTube doesn’t exist function Maps exists cuz it’s zero function YouTube exists it’s one maybe I’ve typed it out wrong let try reload yeah it just says YouTube doesn’t work anyway um so it’s saying I know why it’s not working it’s because what if I do Quick Fix okay it just says doesn’t use any maybe maybe I have to do it here I don’t know yeah maybe here yeah here oh yeah that would work I could try it if I tried four well no I could just start from zero again and this would be I still don’t know why this isn’t working though if all that selection is zero use that if thingy yeah makes no sense zero then so if it opens up these Maps then this is Ender to no not encode URI Ender Ender a a a and if I do that and then I could do that and I can just copy and paste this changing each time there’ll be three maps on selection one on selection two each map will change I’ll probably just break everything doing this but oh well that’s all this model for data isn’t being used all right the what did I have to write the maps oh yeah I’m blind lunari manual okay so there’s no error I can still use that I can’t use any of the buttons but it doesn’t show up with an error YouTube doesn’t work exit doesn’t work so it’s gotten rid of the error that does nothing for this [Music] oh yeah I’ve tried I’ve tried all the functions for all the maps but it just doesn’t it doesn’t read any of it it say Maps functions Maps so that means that when I press Maps it opens up this menu but then I need a menu so that I can click on if if I click on Ender so if I quickly go down here if I click on Ender it TPS me up here if I click C on lunary nothing happens Mana nothing happens YouTube tells me that there’s an error then if I try this is an error you’re calling a function that didn’t exist yeah I know cuz the function does exist because YouTube is here because if Maps is here YouTube’s there I change YouTube through YouTube I still don’t know why these aren’t working though then if I go under here for the last one why are they not over there oh well if I go what if I just go back here function YouTube see it Grays out because it says that it’s never red so it’s it’s trying to call the function but it never reads it from here so if I’ve also tried that before um for the show player then that so showing Maps is the first button so yes Zero YouTube is the second button so one yeah two exit exit then if this is here oh it’s reading these R selections up here that’s why I think it’s reading those R selections oh so when it so when I click on maps it starts if I try and click on one then it will work but if I try and click on two the second button which is one here then it looks for YouTube and then it does nothing so how do I make it to that maybe if I set it to like four or something okay if I’m just going to add more R selections then oh selection equals 3 then you do lunary what lunary fire ly I go under here f r do selection equals equals [Music] 4 then manual player so for lunary three man four so what I’m trying to make it do an MC wait let me check it still doesn’t work so basically what I’ve done is that hello hum so basically right click on the compass hippo pra map YouTube of course it doesn’t oh wait I forgot to reload okay right Maps doesn’t work Mana doesn’t work Maps Ender does Work YouTube doesn’t work but what I have made work is if you right click a feather you go absolutely flying if you right click it enough times and if you right click the TNT well um it spawns a bunch of TNT and you get flung flying so basically you get flying you got absolutely flying if you do that so I can just teleport to Ender back here casual gold Bridge can you please print our selection okay I’ll try I’ll try want to see the value if I if I just do print I bet this is not going to work yeah it says there an error it’s expecting oh it’s cuz it’s expecting there we go yeah no it’s just wrong that doesn’t work yeah you can you can do it on servers I’m just coding and behav pack right now which is certainly not working wait did I not save it how do you print to chat I don’t really know oh I forgot to save it don’t I always forget to save this stuff there go I’m honestly really annoyed that this is not working cuz all I want is just to make a working thingy that you can just teleport to Maps oh no it’s JavaScript plugins are PHP JavaScript is what I’m [Music] using um so play tag this from buttons okay so this is the buttons this is selecting here so what if I take this code I I keep it keep my clipboard but jeez where has all that code g right let me let me just delete it from here I delete it from here what happens when I delete all of this yeah JavaScript is quite hard to learn okay now there’s no errors but we don’t want this so if I delete this there we go that’s better under here now we’re going to make a separate R selection guys oh yeah yeah this would work this will work all selection = equal 1 then this would be Ender no Ender no and E there we go that works then you just got to delete this yeah but now you aren’t showing it yeah I’m just I’m going to add that code back in a sec I just got to make this oh and me and star found out flexo uses C cheats yeah I know yeah he does use C to cheats he just doesn’t admit it oh whoopsies JavaScript Counts from zero up so you just recoding something that never worked in the first place yeah so I was making this like minutes before I I I’m making this minutes before I started live streaming so I’m just fixing it now whilst I streaming cuz someone cuz do just said that yo bro you should stream it wait it wasn’t Lizardo it was my brain so I just streamed it and I’m streaming it now exix it player so now I got to do was it I think it was oh there we go form dot show fler dot then R equals right arrow boom and then this has to just delete here and I’ll put it like right here there we go and then if how I can just delete the spaces here there we go so now I got all the forms well really I only use one tutorial to like look up what the apply knockback was for the feather that’s literally all I did that was literally the only one I’m just I just coded all of this by hand so if I do this right now it doesn’t work I just reload it may have a chance never mind oh it’s do show I forgot I forgot now let me try lunary wasn’t defined yes yes true true and that wasn’t defined and now Ender isn’t def F so now Ender doesn’t work at all oh wait I didn’t even set any of it to work right let me so now let me make a new function function Ender player yes it’s being red now it’s working Christ it’s working what am I doing it’s actually working it’s actually working let’s go Source do send [Music] message Yay it’s actually working now I wasn’t expecting this to work but I’m just too smart then okay right I’ve Master JavaScript JavaScript I I did it wait what if I go in oh that’s the same thing wait whoops manifest that’s Jason so this is Jason and this is Javascript basically the same thing but not really teleporting to Ender Source wait no it’s result. Source whoopsies no there we go result dot Source dot [Music] run command but if you do want to like look up a tutorial you can search up Minecraft Bedrock scripting API tutorial I think that works so TP 100 Z 100 I mean 100 10 100 but no was Zero 10 100 yeah 0 10 100 eh I’m just going to use 100 100 10 100 no result okay the result doesn’t work maybe if I do oh if I do Play oh wait yeah I set up player didn’t I I can use player instead undefined oh I have to whoopsies if then I think I got to do player dot run [Music] command brackets and then I’ll just do say hi reference R is not I’m trying to just test it if iction wait let me check my old code no that’s not what I want okay that’s not it there was something here let me just open up a notepad real quick up all right um now let’s find the right one was this on nope what about who is this the one yes wait no it wasn’t wa yes it was okay right so if our selection equals zero Open brackets yep play yeah it should work but it’s show do show players already here I’m not sure what’s going wrong cuz it won’t let me execute it it lets me execute one button but not all the others so there’s this one player Rong command player Rong command if that’s that show player then maybe you have to do show player under here probably need to put fals you are passing in but the function has no argument it has no it has no player to look at it so show data. Source yeah it doesn’t have anything to look at it so if I put thought show does it work here yeah it does FL then R equals [Music] Arrow let me just rewrite them over here there we go oh what I was the opposite way around boom boom why oh so play then what if I put it here I’m just trying to make okay there we go you’re ring Ender player where the function is it has argument oh true what what if I do Ender player Ender data source probably that won’t work cuz here Maps it has no argument to so I was just thinking that anyways I’ll probably should have done this anyways uh let me let me keep this on my clipboard I need to keep all of this and myboard there we go now if I quickly just test this well is this is Fox SC very good no this guy isn’t oh why is it not oh yeah I still do need that I forgot function is defined function Ender it has no argument it’s doing it as the player it should do it as the player okay if I quickly just paste this in that’s not I wanted where is it gone there is don’t do if oh true wait yeah let me try that let me try that please fox go are you genius hey it says testing you are genius genius genius okay it works it works okay thank you fox girl I was stuck there maybe you’re better at coding than me um anyway um all right um right now let me okay thank you for telling me that that was pretty easy you know sometimes I have like stupid times you know you know sometimes I just don’t realize that it’s actually easier than I think it is now hopefully all the other buttons should work all right teleporting to [Music] Ender player. run run run command run command of TP 100 10 100 do multiple stack commands work I forgot to do SL reload do multile let’s go you are actually insane Fox gold thank you thank you all right now I got to go underneath this one and I’ll do it again function lunar I swear if this doesn’t work then I’m going to cry function Lun as player open more brackets player do send message I’m very fast at typing today torting to what did I do for lunary I did and lunary and then underneath here player dot run command I can do TP 350 10 350 then underneath this one I can do function and then exit well I don’t need an exit function because exit will just exit let me save this if this works I am absolutely going to be so happy it works Fork skull [Music] I thank you a ton fo skull you saved my life I was about to delete the whole entire script and call it a day but it works it works wait does that all my other stuff work yep my Elite feather works and my TNT oh no okay right so now I have no no no no no no no there we go all right so does YouTube I haven’t done YouTube so I have to do YouTube next anyway exit exit just doesn’t exist but they won’t know that Mana I haven’t done Mana have I yeah I haven’t even done Mana function manual player oh I didn’t add wait did I not add Mana oh I didn’t what see there we go thank you there we go Mana you’re welcome player. send message teleporting to to Mana player dot run command and then after this I have to go to lunch so I’ll put on my be back scene after this one command TP 1050 10 1050 save it if this works I am thanking you so badly okay right it works so let me quickly just exit out and I will be right back be right back bro let me quickly just close down Minecraft for a sec um yeah there we go right goodbye stream for now you will be back soon e e e e e e e e e e y chat I’m back Miss flexo wants to call hello can not not share your mic sound okay let me okay I turned off mic sound but when I when I showed you when I told you how to um look at if you had har and when it has been done yeah but yeah but you see cuz because people who um people who use horion wor not sure but whenever you toggle something it updates it doesn’t update the um default. H file I think it’s called okay all right so Lizardo guy Sky genen what is this um okay all righty nothing comes up exactly anyway um I’m going to be coding again cuz this is my coding live stream yeah I will but I’ve got Maps TP to Ender TP to lunary TP to Mana YouTube haven’t done yet exit hasn’t done yet so I’m just going to do them now so put it down here then so under here have to do this one first so [Music] function yeah okay okay right function YouTube as player now we’re going to do H I’m going to do player Dot send message and then the message will be my YouTube so my you YouTube will be so let me quickly just bunk this here plop that there I PL that there okay right I’m going to do uh yeah back slash end start a new line and then I’ll put in that actually no it’ll be blue I’ll paste in my YouTube channel link there we go that’s crazy and an exit we don’t even need to do anything with exit so I’ll just delete it goodbye exit and now let me save reload reload there yes it works write the link below in chat and place it in your browser let’s go this this this and exit just exits I completed it this is so cool I no did he just leave the call I don’t even oh no I thought you left the call all right where is it why is it TNT not work anymore a TNT cool down the feather Works TNT oh yeah it [Music] does check what um so you go to your um Minecraft folder you okay then I think it’s roaming State yeah roaming State then it should say like krian somewhere oh here it is says it confidently yay I made something cool yeah you could you can use I un Locker to delete it it works better so that it’s completely gone no but I’m sharing my mic sound okay right let me let’s see watch stream watching bro of course there is but Tech techan hello and I go go there and delete it it’s gone now yes right so I’ve made I’ve made my behavior pack work so now I got well it charge to hipop practice hipop practice Maps Ender lunary Mana my YouTube exit button when you can press Escape or X I don’t know I’m casually wait what if I oh no oh no oh oh I think I just broke my game okay never mind I haven’t all right tell me anything what should I code into the game if you saw my stream bro let me go back to spawn you got to replay that though let me do that again wasn’t that great one two three four it’s it’s my plugin wait let me read how many lines of TNT that actually is that is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 there’s 17 TNT all spawning at once so yeah I have a lot of code what should I code into the game what should I code into the game yeah so what what should I do to make that happen like you right you right click M explosion yeah mhm yeah I’m not sure if I can do that it’s like something you can code into Minecraft like not using like command blocks or anything like you have to code it in yeah should I should I like should I make it so that okay right so I should make a Jeb sheep 10,000 Jeb sheep when you right click um wheat yeah a sheep like stand up what do you mean I mean I could but that that has to be like custom geometry I’m just here to like code stuff like straight into the game let me make let me make this on what video um well I mean I was in dinner H I guess what you mean by that why is it not this is supposed to be underworld yeah like that like that and then this is supposed to be here yeah result do Source dot run command uh probably about 7 to six I’m not sure using my current settings I don’t know uh should I unmute you on Discord okay I un muted you on Discord huh I I unmuted you on Discord for um on Discord for My Stream okay I’ll un mute you again on my stream there we go anyway that’s carry on cing someone sheep there there there there there ABC and then you name it JB underscore there we go oh yes hey bro okay right here are all the lines of of my JavaScript in main.js me just spamming anyways let’s make a million sheep explode from nowhere right let’s get our wheat where’s wheat I chose wheat but I can’t actually find wheat there it is there we go now if I right click wheat it doesn’t work wait SL summon sheep and then ABC and then name underscore exactly it should work like that but it doesn’t oh wait yeah this is delay I forgot oh what I found a glitch TNT well let’s just fishing rod this now there’s multiple there’s multiple I don’t know but there’s multiple I think there’s infinite TNT you are right it’s cuz I’m fishing rod them there’s infinite what happens if I use TNT wait why is nothing working now why is my script not working anymore it’s supposed to spawn loads of jebor sheeps it doesn’t work oh it’s because when I tried doing it last time it said that it didn’t work m true good yeah just just just do that let’s go mhm definitely the chat is not moving at all result do item stack yeah yeah the goat is um the humit [Music] mhm my whole code is wrong now ding now it’s fixed ding let’s see if this works now I have 94 subscribers what do you mean oh what are you doing I think it would just disappear nope it just still stays as a goofy TNT there’s oh I forgot that there’s a delay to when you can use item Scripts scripts oh there we go it works now all right now let me um I’ll I’ll play Tropics SMP again but I’m just going to make this for now what world. after events let me recode it item use do subscribe so you should to the cats came in yay all righty and that means that if result dot item stack. type ID mhm okay okay summon sheep there there there there there ABC ABC d e F3 and then name Jeb underscore save this SL reload now off in time there we go works it works it works best trolling tool out in Minecraft yeah it’s quite a lot all let me bomb let me bomb the sheeps real quick 70 now 90 now okay there we go most of the sheep are now dying which is great now let me run away most of the sheeps are dying now hello Tim bulp I made the best I made the best um Behavior pack ever with scripting and coding it goes a bit like this uh so you can kind of delete there we go now the Sheep how are these sheep still alive okay goodbye sheep okay right now they’re G why does it spawn like 50 million sheep why I’m just oh wait it’s because you eat wheat don’t you uhoh there we go that’s better all right so we’re going to keep the wheat over here feather fly feather let me go game mode survival fly feather you take no full damage from it as well just like a normal feather but you know I should kind of just change that to just slow falling that should work ah I didn’t save it did I there we go I saved it now right here we go oh I did it on the TNT whoopsy I’m flying now all right let me change it to the right one it’s slow falling true let me change it to like two seconds slow holding not 3 three this is my coding stream let’s go slow [Music] falling yeah I got slow Falling For What the cats doing George it’s not my fault you’re duffing up the cats you put one cat on top of the others it’s your fault I don’t I oh that’s why it’s not right it’s 325 5 100 355 now this should work there we go effect clear effect s s c so now you got that the Sheep goodbye sheepies cuz you’re now going to get blown up how did that sheep go all the way over there oh it just no no does it not just Glide yo sheep do you want some friends right sheep follow me follow me sheep sheep follow me follow yeah sheepies follow me yeah sheepies watch this you should come in here I go gamer see sheepies I got to run who I have 15 FPS please please will it work the TNT is not exploding uh oh oh it’s working now whoa that’s an oval what oh it’s gone T not yeah well so in a sec I’m just going to obliterate the Sheep real quick if my game doesn’t crash which it seems to be doing boom boom let’s see how far I go okay yay now um 10,000 blocks in the sky n nah what is it okay I’ll send you it then P me thank you there you go there’s my skin for you buddy [Music] [Music] uhoh where did the Sheep go it disappeared oh tpd okay what oh that’s [Music] why kill that e there we go that’s a lot of stuff okay right so all right so here’s how it works let me go so you open it up you can click on exit it works click on YouTube then in chat it says write the link below in chat and paste it in your browser and then when you click on maps you can teleport through all the maps let me go up let me show you something dad let me quickly just mute e e e e e e I am back all right H oh okay e e e e e e e e e e e unmuted now wait I am not unmuted now there we go done now brosi definitely going to delete this code here because this is caused a lot of Mayhem so I have all of this been stream for about an hour now might end it at two hours it’s 1 hour 40 right now so let me see if I can like add a new file yep I do all right there we go sound pack import World [Music] System wait am iing no uh Minecraft server do the same thing change to server UI change it to action form data modal form data yep then world do I forgot to import it whoopsies made GS I will thought slash sounds pack slash pack. JS okay now I imported it use do subscribe and then it’s result result that that underneath and then I got put if I forgot what it was result result do item stack dot result. item stack dot why are the errors already oh yeah it’s cuz I got it still result. item stack type ID equals equals Minecraft and then I need an item flexo what item should I use to play some sounds I’ll use um what should I use does they even exist in Minecraft you mean a music disc yeah but like that just plays music I need sounds oh wait yeah that’s actually a good idea I could make it so you can right click the item and it already just plays yeah yeah record ch yeah it was result yeah result do sour the Run command play sound ATS play sound I mean record dot CH at s yeah world no I’ll go another line World dot before events dot item stack no item use but subscribe result yes you should if result do item stack do type ID equals equals m m [Music] Minecraft record dot um oh I got one more subscriber yeah wait was it you record andore Mo result dot Source do run command now put the command here play sound record Mo s yep now if I load into the [Music] game’s everything gone why do I only have 40 FPS okay never mind what’s taking so long loading jeez oh that’s why there’s still a million sheep is there why is everything running so slow okay there we go that’s better why is my inventory okay I need a the disc that I used so if I go records music disc chat what okay why is my game lagging so much oh oh the lag oh okay let me check now real quick 110 Ms script SM haa let’s go right does work now give it shance music disc CH ah music uncore dis Mo Music dis CH all righty now slash reload what why is it not working why is nothing showing up oh TNT doesn’t work the feather does but the TNT doesn’t oh yes the TNT does did I do it wrong then item sack yes is that the source R [Music] command has to be in Main music is kind of getting annoying in the background I’ll delete and a sec all let me go there we go save this there we go SL reload what oh okay it’s gone now there we go TNT works but nothing else does yo dve play hello that’s after offense not before okay so sfter after after rent there we go after after events I’m going to do NG okay right so I’m going to do that thing again import slash sounds pack slash sounds. Js follow let me set of script let’s create sounds pack so then I’m going to do sounds. JS and I’m just going to import World [Music] system [Music] from at Minecraft SLS server Minecraft server UI and this will be action form data comma model form data then under here I can do plop that in there save it still doesn’t work does not have required privileges 38 string 38 m. GS probably I don’t have it in there index trash string 38 go Del it again now if i r delete this save it all save that save that it’s already saved I got all of it saved now does it got rid of that [Music] oopsie oopsy I need that [Music] tngt yep no please don’t I mean I’m not really using you anyway so bye there goes flexite ow stop it what are you doing what are you doing what e resume I’m stuck oh there’s a button here stop it what is happening there’s a button here but there’s not I’m stuck dead can’t move I all F4 why not oh on client settings that went on to the here we go we got the settings wa wait did they update they did not update please go away don’t worry it’s just my brother e just argue with my brother because he’s being really annoying so I died in the scripting live stream let’s go back go back in time in the world there we go we’re back in time I did nothing oh whoopsie uhoh for it broke through bedrock n I’ve never seen that in my life TNT can break through bedrock nah N I think I broke the game a bit too much did anything break this time no for [Music] oh whoopsy oh oh no whats so I jump and use it oh you can jump like a million blocks uhoh oh that’s bad that’s bad what just happened one frame a minute seems about good right now let’s go on to the world all right so where is their world competitive Z Bridge there we go that’s what we’re going to be modifying guys let’s download their Bridge map thing competitive Zea Bridge there it is oh whoopsies there we got download best pack folder to end it all that’s cool I want the map though here it is download this real quick continue downloading it’s it should be done downloading by now oh it’s done now okay good no it’s not why is it still not done okay there we go all right now guys now now watch this guys it ports now and now we have World import we have the goofiest okay right now let’s quickly just they have they have errors on the texture packs world edit Bedrock Edition they have errors on it but they have Behavior packs they do you don’t need it anymore though I wonder what happens if you delete it off of the thing wonder what would happen now let’s turn on beta apis that copies a world when it’s stuck on 40% that usually means that the world’s already corrupted so I’ve probably already corrupted okay never mind it wasn’t corrupted so it should be fine let’s delete the old one though right let me quickly make a cool little thingy name all right this may completely break the world the world is completely fine uhoh I pressed the secret button what you aren’t a predus nobody was prosus I can s your game mod to death I didn’t die though let me do it for you then there you go okay right so this is their map I’m just going to be yoinking all the stuff so we don’t need any of this good goodbye goodbye goodbye we don’t need any of this right now so let’s just delete all of this real quick don’t need that don’t need any of this don’t need any of this all command blocks out of sight all right what about the ones that clone stuff oh well testers probably just got rid of most of the most things you do need color codes go back rival cre all righty let’s go over to oh oh is this thing hi I’m O8 people call me Ethan Lun is fine what do you mean what’s this no what did I do oh they don’t have anything in back here okay oh they use those other command thingies oh over here ah I see but I need like oh it’s back there oh for for can I just make a that wait when you spawn here how your school name for so these are just same things over and over and over and over and over that fills it uh orative that shows it if it’s a barrier like just turn that’s needs Redstone I can look under the map anything under here what’s that there’s the portal H where the stuff are like that’s that he is talking not realizing that I am only watching I don’t have I don’t have a view count so oopsies anyway um oh what’s this my structure e are wait so this is just another one wait no I just started this didn’t I Hub you don’t need you can just keep this stuff but I need the one that removes the blocks how do I need how do I make a one that removes all the blocks jeez how do I make it remove the blocks oh like when it starts oh there here it is there it is so but I just copy that and then Jesus Christ forgot they still have the protection against it let me turn this off and now so that it doesn’t just make me go there ah if I put that there wait is that just the one that and how can I just not place blocks oh no you still can then if you go here press this press it again resets how must be executing this block keep breaking the map so it’s executing at those cords if I type that in chat 294 so I need to find 294 294 no 294 no 294 no no 294 there either where is all the command blocks resetting it well that’s that well I can just make it oh well I can just code it in so let me quickly just plop this here don’t know I already have I need to get over this okay I can turn this back on now no no no so there’s what I trying to do again oh yeah coordinates for when you TP do I have I don’t okay so when you TP it got a TP back here now let me quickly just put this here let me let me just cool let call Mr flexo again Mr pank in fortnite pancake in fortnite hello yeah I just need them I just need the maps really that’s all I’m using I’m just using the maps run TP I don’t need to run either I just need to command wait a minute how’s that work h this is going to take absolutely forever to code in CU like I’m also going to have to like add what’s that there a mine cart oh that’s what it is that’s what that’s there’s just a floating mine cart over there why is it just a floating mine [Music] cart how’s this mine cart just float in there oh it’s cuz there’s barrier blocks under yeah let me check my code if you know what it means find or dream come true and I wonder if you now how do I do no oh it’s gonna be so hard to do but I got to do it I I just got to do it I just got to try do do it I just got to do it anyway slime slime M if I can prove oh do they add do they have mine carts for each and every map in front wait did they and take a bunch of screenshots and just use them all I can do is the commands yeah cuz it’s not a plugin it’s just command blocks anyway where is my where is that thingy that identifies wherever the minecart is I should go full screen I was going to make a thingy for it but I just realized it might not work properly yeah so I’ll just make it just with look Compass let me just right click it let me save that I didn’t need to save that cuz no cuz I don’t have him on anything yeah but he’s gone now so can’t then I’ll make him go build a war pack build a war pack world edit for Bedrock world edit for bedrock there’s so much stuff here but I want my scripting as Fun Pack so all right hopefully I haven’t just corrupted the whole world I haven’t hey hey well I haven’t I need to turn up my render distance so I can see stuff don’t run a distance wases that work what is this oh that’s end the map that’s the end of thing what baby mode average insta Miner god mode so Spirit speed they have no way wait do they actually have Bots it doesn’t work anymore there there’s literally a bot practice map here but it doesn’t work anymore yeah there’s a bot on the map but it doesn’t work whoa there’s stuff at the back wait oh there’s no bot door there cuz it’s discontinued but I know SL set block red redstone block it doesn’t work D sad they made it but it doesn’t work that’s sad delicate 16x it’s pretty solid overall um well yeah cuz I just set yeah cuz my packs my favorite well how does it go like this so it’s 150 158 209 whoa 156 where is it maybe that’s command block oh okay this makes more sense no cuz I’m exiting it nothing exactly well cuz we just look at everything I think 158 is what I’m looking for what is this Shadow dery oh oh this might be it this might be it it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s actually [Music] not yes yes this is it this is it oh gosh now here hey here [Music] yeah it does that 128 Stacks one two one one two one two one two there’s four one 2 3 four but there’s not how does it oh justes 384 384 and 128 got to remove one stack from it so remove 64 and then you get remove 64 from 8 84 take away 64 84 take away 64 oopsies 84 takeway 64 no 40 That’s 40 no it’s not wait a minute six yeah it’s not 60 38 4 how can I not do this simple 3 384 take away 64 I can’t do that simple math in my head 320 that’s why it’s 320 there we go so SL clear I [Music] am yes and then it misses a stack where I can put the compass beep he is talking not realizing that I am only watching yeah I already read that out I just read it out again cuz why not what this is the old Mana the old Mana let’s go does it even work does it work let’s see it doesn’t bro everyone can see this big chain Tower does someone here think that you can’t the lobby uh 50 I think I don’t know good for you is this it for [Music] bro 128 joh pickax 384 change this to 320 I don’t know um your pack is madori 16x probably not I don’t know s tashy 32 when no this the button version [Music] 512 we’re gonna we’re going to get a copyright strike for literally just singing yeah oh I haven’t even realized I I was supposed to stop streaming at two hours and it’s been one hour since then it’s literally two two hours 40 minutes live streaming whoopsie probably this one just for scripting no for every single one what now for every single one I got to do slash give what’s the command let’s give at P that’s right give appp [Music] Compass now I just got to grab compass and paste it on every single version here’s Mana I got to do it on Mana as what did they do to Mana wait I know how they they use they use literally just use um world edit to make all this stuff really easy to use here’s a pressure plate so this should be yes and then you add the compass wait no because it has to be the thing yo Jake okay let me just quickly tell you something Jake um uh flexa said that flexa basically said tell Jake that I am not cheating and that he should just stop accusing so yeah that that’s the message I’m just trying to figure out what am I even doing I’m just going I’m not I’m not even doing the script hey y that’s kind of s I did it I did it I did it my YouTube past it in your browser well I need to remove the OA kicks though because then tell flexo my friend nurma is the most Act stuff yes he literally in and said that flexo closet Treats but he hasn’t got enough evidence yet I also got a clip okay yeah I [Music] mean anyways I’m just going to quickly uh make something he probably won’t get banned yeah making a video to send to NG Al righty yeah basically I don’t know if they will approve all righty hippo yeah wait let me just unmute your Discord because why not there we go now they can hear you Flex up yeah Jake at least I have an excuse for it you can’t really tell me uh if I’m hacking or not cuz uh very recently I haven’t told any of my friends that I have gotten a new WiFi you know and basically I I just want to tell you it wasn’t set up yet so you can’t uh accuse me of hacking bro it’s my lag oh yeah I I remember when you hit me from like six blocks when we were playing that was literally yeah yeah your Wi-Fi you lagged like crazy bro and next thing next thing that happened after that game of me and it Shard I checked my ping in the lobby when he was gone my flipping ping was like 25 I think I can’t even see chat I want to see it [Music] is nothing there but there is Festival AR hello archery Cliff volcano maze cave let’s go I got all the T Compass menu see if it loads it loaded yeah flexo is the definition of all skin all of all skill no no ping for real for [Music] real I don’t even get that message honestly and plus he he said he won he won’t send a video to NG until I stop H hacking apparently so I I I’m not I’m not sure he can like tell time or uh you know uh tell the future if I’m going to stop or not I’m just saying I’m not even hacking plus shot can you kind of show show him the proof how you know bring up a screenshot of uh you know last used horion please I don’t have it oh my God Compass menu should have took a screenshot SL structure load Compass menu I’ll Compass menu like this now let’s just quickly paste this I asked Jak for the clip ah jeez structure load Compass menu there we go and then I’ll put four here bro capping probably when did Shard say I was hacking all right Flex on my upload clip and Sh said earlier on the Stream you hack FX yeah he used to hack I don’t think he does anymore I’m not sure like buddy like I don’t even know what closet she [Music] is [Music] what is that what is that what is that what the what the what [Music] the what is this is this like a bridging practice thing well I can Celestial span so oh no what happens if he doesn’t do anything what do let me you here bro yeah let’s go but this Jake kid [Music] [Music] bro that’s [Music] button give that PE Compass n i No be honest if n thinks you cheat then you probably do like four block reach nothing much but still what what is he talking about isn’t a truth what like you want me to you probably want me to share my screen but like just to show you proof I have proof already you just don’t want to like get on a platform where you can [Music] chat yeah by the way sh have you seen the image that I’ve sent you before the muuh haaha one no I said you are nothing what is that what is that you aren’t nothing bro we dead oh my game closed there we go it’s back all righty um work there the mine where did the floor goli long time ago haven’t been forgot I’ve been married a long time ago let’s go why is there no like texture on the W it’s just like played what the heck this is Goofy as heck maybe this isn’t want I have screenshots of all searches like bro shards name name every uh hack client I don’t even have any of them um well I don’t know that much but Orion Iris zire Iris how do you spell iris i i s all it comes up is show Su suggestions in the recommended section [Music] [Music] and then if I search up oh yeah buron I don’t have barion I don’t have hor who else is there hold up let me search up all heck clients for Minecraft what what is the best uh what the bleach hack worst meteor artist okay I’m G to copy paste meteor not there worst not there that’s Minecraft that’s Minecraft Java okay what about Bedrock best CL best cheat client for B Bedrock uh Edition horion let me search up horion again it’s not the [Music] yeah cuz it always it’s always marked with a pressure plate but all the other ones want how do I enable cheats on bed oh that’s in a world what the how to fly in Minecraft oh my God people don’t even know how to double tap their space barall MPCs online bro does Bedrock Edition have cheats question mark on the Bedrock Edition the the process is slightly different create or load into a world and open the menu what the go to the cheat but what cheats you dummy mention a cheat client yeah I I don’t have [Music] hacks well this one didn’t give you the menu so okay I I hello getri I’ve been coding this is just stuff that this is just stuff I need to actually fix it there’s still The Hub here let me go to the hub so I broke all the Hub okay so what did I need to do get trick all right let me go lunary does it work here I’m gopp what where’s my and hey to 69,420 that’s what it says at Le what haven’t I done so that’s lunary that’s Mana I haven’t done Mana have I I need to go to the lobby this is oh this is the old lobby let me still try use it now let’s do top go hippo man yeah you can’t unless you do this yeah it doesn’t work I can’t get it to give you the compass that he wants yeah hey get trck uh I need like that’s why are my commands not working if I go to a create it should ex as let me see creative advaned yeah and I get my hippo menu and then if I right click it it works my YouTube paste it there Maps Ender maps lunary maps Mana TPS me to the middle of nowhere oh yeah and it also says it in chat exit just exits so yeah it’s quite cool okay I am joining the flat world let’s go okay what is this is this the block it is okay command block and then I’m going to place it down here and then I’m going to type this command wait what was the command okay [Music] okay welcome to Minecraft well actually no welcome welcome to Tropics SMP I’m just testing this thing okay generate wait should I make an onjoin function for your for your world so that when when we join your world it’ll say like welcome to thingy SMP copy sucess let me past this in real quick now let’s see if this uh works it never gives you the compass always active go never giv you the compass that’s a bit too much too much bro too much okay yeah it doesn’t work so okay yeah so it doesn’t work on there so all I have right now is just a UI that I can make let me get the symbol for uh uh the uh color changer scripting live stream here it is let’s go all righty and then I’m back with this thing 100 Ms lag Spike uh oh I did it now I died oh no I’m not stuck in this again L yes I’m stuck right now I got all4 my game of course yeah by the way get TR here it is here’s proof that I just can’t join your world Minecraft version 1. 120.62180 [Music] pressure plate let’s go let’s go bro I think rolls Sky gen Elite 1.20 fix it’s not fixed [Music] actually let’s see what this is flexo let me go my scripting live stream again guys right let’s like can not be goofy let’s not die this time and then copy why is it not working what the hell okay maybe it is now oopsie Oopsy Daisy I’m using no texture pack right now there we go and then pin it and then that and then in between that I’m going to do that b oh c wait z k no j h g f d s oh s looks good I like s I’m using it and again L what are you doing wait what two s Works wait does it actually yeah it makes like a teal wait s is a thing oh yeah this one oh I’ve already done that one I you stupid by the way there’s also there’s also n there’s also T there’s also I wait no not I which one was it U there’s also U for like Ender I’m going to try so here’s the Redstone and then it’s going to come out here lunary I mean no mana and then edit this please edit there we go and then Redstone oh that’s why what about wait what are the commands tell no text no tell what how do you do the text where is like on your screen like title oh yeah title thanks bro mana lunary and uh I can make all of this stuff just work even this so get TR if you’re still here say yes in chat if you would like me to be a developer for your server so welcome itard hippo pra I’ve made this all by myself Maps these are all the maps tele click on them to teleport and look when you’re here you hover over it and it says click to list all maps YouTube click on it and it sends the YouTube in chat click on exit and it just exits and I also made us that you use a feather and you fly and uh the most destructive one of all um if you use wheat oh I got rid of the function gosh darn it let me quickly fix it all right so let’s quickly do some coding actually no it’s not wait let me make it like go flying there we go that work he’s not here anymore what okay that feather definitely isn’t what I wanted it to [Music] [Music] do let’s [Music] go um I think I went too hot uh what was it again game rule command block I’m going too high false okay there we go this is what we want to to see where am I oh why is the sky pink the sky is pink and then we go like this no it’s raining where am I okay I’m now um I can’t tell for me it is okay free all of this I’m destroying it who needs this gas gas gas I’m going to step on the yes what should I code I don’t know onjoin function so that whenever you join it like says that you join but in a different way or like it comes up with a menu always active repeat oh yeah by the way what does chain command block do basically if you have a repeating or normal or regular I don’t know what it’s called then if you add a chain always active chain and unconditional next to it make sure they’re facing the same direction then you can have two run at the same time oh okay well I’m not using it then so I’ve done one thing that I wanted to do today okay that’s pretty cool so now I’m just gonna make now I’m going to make a new one so let me remove this Behavior pack and then and then I’m going to create a new one so if I it’s going to be sad but Herobrine so joined and this so [Music] gone all right so now I got to I’m going start streaming now cuz I

This video, titled ‘I Learnt the SCRIPTING API | Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by ItzShardzz on 2024-03-23 16:39:21. It has garnered 63 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:48 or 11388 seconds.

hehe lol hehe

PC SPECS: RTX3060 16GB DDR4 RAM 1TB SSD AMD Ryzen 5 5600H

Random Junk:

Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but thats aight while buckybarr hosts buckytour finals with pavkin and speedtoggled and lmblitz going xin69 on their oof oh and I should probably also put Trycs and Sammygreen and Turtilz and itzglimpse and NotNico and Mellomelt and TapL and Technoblade and Grian and Stimpy or Marcel or Stimp and Hurtin and AreuMadLoL and Derpled and Doogile and Purpled and I am luvonox confirmed I moonwalk and godbridge sometimes and telly bridge but I suck at it and I am playing on Hypixel and it is NOT minecraft man hunt or manhunt and I am not dream against sapnap badboyhalo and skeppy against 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 hunters and its Not Minecraft But Water Rises or Minecraft But Lava Rises or any other but challenge like that This is NOT a speed run speed runner of Minecraft against a killer assassin and Im gonna steal this from areumadlol he responded to my tweet with this Hypixel YouTubers I enjoy to watch in the Minecraft PVP Hypixel Bedwars Skywars Community are Derpled Cooldude951 Turtilz Evakz Purpled Gamerboy80 SammyGreen Astelic Technoblade RKY Guiny areumadlol Zyphalopagus Zyph iTMG Target3DGaming no way Jonah Ryan 1v1 Manhunt Youtubers I can not think of anything else to put thanks bye love you 🙂

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    MINE KRISH - CREEPY SEEDS IN MINECRAFT 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘HORROR MINECRAFT ME SCARY SEEDS 😱’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-04-24 14:34:35. It has garnered 1712 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:26 or 266 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror apk minecraft… Read More


    SHOCKING: HIHA CATCHES BILLY CONFESSING TO KITTY IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘HIHA PHÁT HIỆN BILLY TỎ TÌNH KITTY TRONG MINECRAFT*GIA ĐÌNH HUGGY 😍🤣’, was uploaded by Oops Hiha on 2024-02-27 11:00:10. It has garnered 754122 views and 14795 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:51 or 1551 seconds. HIHA FOUND BILLY CONFESSING KITTY IN MINECRAFT*HUGGY FAMILY 😍🤣 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Hey, I’m HihaChobi :3 Today, in the Huggy world, a super interesting scene appeared, let’s watch it ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join this channel as a member to enjoy the following privileges: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtT5uP2WIGxyP0MYCC_ZHtQ/join ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎬 SUBSCRIBE HihaChobi ►: https://goo.gl/CbZzbe 📰 FACEBOOK FANPAGE ►: https://goo.gl/1SejY7 📰Hiha fan group ► : https://bit.ly/2HmWiiY… Read More

  • Secret Minecraft Cheat Revealed 😱

    Secret Minecraft Cheat Revealed 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 01:59:41. It has garnered 153 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Build! PPL Request

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Build! PPL RequestVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,632’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:52:52. It has garnered 276 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,632 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • The Redlands

    The RedlandsWelcome to The Redlands, a Towny Minecraft server with a large world, in which players can practice geopolitics, economies, and industrialization together! This server is friendly for the more technically inclined. theredlands.serveminecraft.net:25604 Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6! Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: ZynnCraft.fr.to Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win Join the discord: https://discord.gg/QFQDu5rdWu Server Overview: Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server! Experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played, now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join us at: ZynnCraft.fr.to and become part of the ZynnCraft community today! 🌟 Read More

  • Vibe Nation MC

    Vibe Nation MCWelcome to Vibe Nation MC! We’re new around here and just getting started! Come join the vibes on our 1.21 Survival Eco/MCMMO server! Our servers Eco is based around 3 things: Fishing, Crops, and Mob drops. And yes, we also have spawners! Most importantly you can claim your land, so no one will be able to mess with your builds! Bare with us though, as stated we are very new to all this and hope to see some of you join in on the adventure!Here’s our Discord for any further questions: discord.gg/uH92QhCuR2 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Endless glitch goodness”

    “Me trying to explain a glitch to my non-gamer friends: It’s like when you try to count to infinity in Minecraft, but accidentally hit infinite likes instead.” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Gun Showdown

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Gun Showdown In Minecraft, we added guns, a twist so bold, Fire, ice, potions, magic, and dragons, behold! Each gun brings a new power, a new thrill, Changing the game, adding a new skill. Fire Gun, Ice Gun, Potion Gun, and more, Magic Wand and Dragon Gun, what’s in store? Exploring new ways to play, to fight, In this Minecraft world, where creativity takes flight. So grab your guns, and let the battles begin, In this world of blocks, where you can always win. With guns in hand, the possibilities are endless, In Minecraft, where every moment is a new genesis. Read More

  • Villager Spittin’ Hot Fire with New Rail Hack

    Villager Spittin' Hot Fire with New Rail Hack When the villagers in Minecraft start chanting “Oi Oi Oi,” you know they’ve been hitting the minecart tracks a little too hard. Time for a rail intervention! Read More

  • Sneaky Reasons I Joined This SMP

    Sneaky Reasons I Joined This SMP Welcome to the Exciting World of Minecraft SMPs! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft SMPs? In this video, the player joins an SMP in Minecraft Pocket Edition version, ready to embark on new adventures and challenges. Exploring the Minecraft Universe From survival challenges to parkour adventures, Minecraft offers a vast universe for players to explore. Whether you’re crafting copper items or navigating through tricky parkour courses, there’s always something new and exciting to discover in the world of Minecraft. Joining the SMP Community Joining an SMP in Minecraft opens up a whole new world… Read More

  • BobLyn’s Insane Arctic Outpost Build – EPIC Minecraft Adventure!

    BobLyn's Insane Arctic Outpost Build - EPIC Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building An Arctic Outpost – Fjordhaven Minecraft Adventures Ep. 1’, was uploaded by BobLyn on 2024-05-11 19:00:18. It has garnered 412 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:44 or 2684 seconds. Thank you Team Buck Nutty, you are the GOAT! Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/5zybJ3KnYB #gaming #minecraft #smp #survival #building #relaxing Read More

  • Ultimate High Graphics Minecraft Download!

    Ultimate High Graphics Minecraft Download!Video Information This video, titled ‘Download Minecraft game with a very high graphics #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #like’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-05-25 11:08:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft animation pokku herobrine minecraft meme 100 days minecraft challenge funny … Read More

  • Survived 100 Days on Island in Minecraft! Part 2 🌴

    Survived 100 Days on Island in Minecraft! Part 2 🌴Video Information This video, titled ‘We Survived 100 Days On a Survival island in Minecraft in Hindi 🔥 Part 2’, was uploaded by Down To Next on 2024-02-27 03:44:32. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:33 or 213 seconds. We Survived 100 Days On a Survival island in Minecraft in Hindi 🔥 Minecraft PE Survival Series Ep 1 in Hindi | My First Video 🔥 Minecraft: Survival Series #1 in hindi | Minecraft Mcpe Survival Series Gameplay #1 Tags :- #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraft #minecraft100days #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftpe #minecraftsurvivalep1 #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvivalindonesia #minecrafthindi #minecraftpetips #minecraftsurvivalseriesliveinsaan #minecraftfunny… Read More

  • Aphmau RULES all BOYS on ISLAND – Minecraft Parody

    Aphmau RULES all BOYS on ISLAND - Minecraft ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘APHMAU BLOOD GODDESS on an ALL BOYS ISLAND in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL)’, was uploaded by Aphmau Fan on 2024-06-08 15:00:04. It has garnered 1046 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:21 or 1221 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: APHMAU BLOOD GODDESS on an ALL BOYS ISLAND in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL) 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Ein or Aaron? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations… Read More

  • Epic MCPE Mod OP Gameplay in Bengali

    Epic MCPE Mod OP Gameplay in BengaliVideo Information This video, titled ‘My First Day In Language Series (BENGALI) || LANGUAGE SERIES #1’, was uploaded by MCPE MOD OP on 2024-04-02 10:30:00. It has garnered 203 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:26 or 566 seconds. My First Day In Language Series (BENGALI) || LANGUAGE SERIES #1 #minecraft #mcpemodop #languageseries Like Share And Support!!!! ___________________________________________ ♥️ Subscribe https://youtube.com/@mcpemodop 😚2nd Channel: https://youtube.com/@ALLGAMES-pr8xu?si=T9mMDm3XnQtGe4Ga 💜 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1swo2atcp9386&utm_content=q1g6sp6 💙 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090882904777&mibextid=ZbWKwL 😎 Discord https://discord.com/invite/BZFMxYRaKT 🔥 Telegram https://t.me/mcpemodshere For Business Email:- [email protected] ___________________________________________ Don’t Forget To Like, Comment,And Subscribe For More Minecraft Content, And Share This Video With… Read More

  • Foxageddon: Ultimate Farming Strategy Revealed! #vtuber

    Foxageddon: Ultimate Farming Strategy Revealed! #vtuberVideo Information This video, titled ‘Foxageddon //chilling before mining the craft – our farm will be the best! #vtuber #minecraft’, was uploaded by LifuLifu on 2024-07-17 15:43:19. It has garnered 353 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:45 or 13545 seconds. Armenian – Vietnamese Duo just having fun! Welcome to the gaming realm of LifuLifu, your favorite otter spirit queen turned gaming sensation. 👾🦦👑 Trapped in the mortal realm, she’s now ruling the Zen Garden alongside Zen, her bunny sidekick. 🐰 Gear up for epic gaming sessions, hilarious hijinks, and loads of laughs. For your daily… Read More

  • “Sloth of Wallstreet: Monkey D Luffy in Minecraft!” 🐒🌹

    "Sloth of Wallstreet: Monkey D Luffy in Minecraft!" 🐒🌹Video Information This video, titled ‘Monkey D Luffy in th Minecraft Verse 🐒🌹#digitalart #fanart #art #drawing #minecraft #onepiece #luffy’, was uploaded by sloth of wallstreet on 2024-01-06 11:00:56. It has garnered 10475 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Warden vs Mutant Mobs

    Ultimate Showdown: Warden vs Mutant MobsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Warden vs Mutant Mobs | Warden vs All mutant Mobs | Warden vs Mutant Creatures’, was uploaded by Parves Craft Gamer on 2024-04-05 15:57:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Warden vs Mutant Mobs | Warden vs All mutant Mobs | Warden vs Mutant Creatures Prepare for an epic clash in Minecraft as the … Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Join OcchiRosa Live Now!

    Minecraft Madness: Join OcchiRosa Live Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Live Spietata su Minecraft con VOI!’, was uploaded by OcchiRosa on 2024-03-28 22:09:57. It has garnered 290 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:05 or 9305 seconds. • Discord » https://discord.gg/a53EmS8UVj • Telegram » https://t.me/OcchiRosaTG • TikTok » https://www.tiktok.com/@ocxhi • My Mood? » https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2cl24RCTTLPKSATNc7m8v2?si=be7b7e9d41584f0c ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ TAGS (Ignorateli) : Minecraft ITA, BedWars ITA, CoralMC, BlodyA70, DragClick, Hypixel, dargclikc, teammlg, mlgrush, Pet, Pet Minecraft, Survival ITA, Vanilla ITA, Roleplay ITA, KitPvP ITA, KitPvp di Coralmc, BuildingMinecraft ITA, BuildButtle ITA, HyPixel ITA, CrystalPvp ITA Read More

  • ValticSMP

    ValticSMPWe are a determined LifeStealSMP Minecraft server, ready to please and offer everybody a unique experience with a wide variety of things to do within the Discord and Minecraft server. Read More

  • Simply Vanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20 EU No Hacks No Resets

    Simply Vanilla – Anarchy with NO Hacking! We have been online since 2019 with a strong community and active players. No hacking or duping is allowed. Enjoy Vanilla world borders and accessible Nether-roof. IP: simplyvanilla.net Discord: Join our Discord Website: Visit our website Map size: 10 TB+ Watch what escaping spawn looks like: Video Link Can you do better? Join Today! – escape spawn, create your starter base, form alliances, and conquer bases! Read More

  • Crafted Survival SMP

    Crafted Survival SMPWelcome to Crafted Survival 🌍, the ultimate Minecraft SMP experience that takes the classic vanilla gameplay you love and enhances it with the features you’ve always wished Mojang would add. Immerse yourself in a vibrant community where the economy is built on the precious diamond 💎, fostering a dynamic and thriving shopping district 🏪 where players can set up shops, trade, and grow their wealth.Key Features:Shops & Shopping District 🛒: Establish your own shop or explore a bustling marketplace filled with unique player creations and rare items. Whether you’re a builder, miner, or farmer, there’s a place for you to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made custom textures to flex

    Minecraft Memes - I made custom textures to flexI guess you could say that meme is “pixel perfect!” Read More

  • Choo Choo! MK8D Tourney & More Trains in Ep. 2!

    Choo Choo! MK8D Tourney & More Trains in Ep. 2! Welcome back to Build With Me, episode two, Where we craft and create, with a special clue. More trains and a MK8D tournament in sight, For my subscribers, a gaming delight. Leave a comment, suggest what to build, I’ll pick the best, with skills fulfilled. Subscribe for more GO Transit and Minecraft fun, And Shell Shockers battles, when the day is done. In this episode, we dive into the game, Minecraft adventures, never the same. Trains chugging along, tracks laid with care, A world of creativity, beyond compare. And at the end, a surprise in store, A Mario Kart… Read More

  • Who’s the Sculkiest Mob in Minecraft?

    Who's the Sculkiest Mob in Minecraft? Well, definitely not the players who constantly scream and jump in fear every time they hear a sculk sensor go off! Read More

  • Faster Gaming’s Parkour Shenanigans

    Faster Gaming's Parkour Shenanigans Minecraft Parkour Shorts Video Ep 11: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with Faster Gaming Plays in their latest Parkour Shorts Video Ep 11. Dive into the action-packed gameplay and witness incredible feats of skill and agility as the players navigate challenging obstacles and race against the clock. Experience the Excitement In this episode, Faster Gaming Plays showcases their mastery of parkour in Minecraft, demonstrating precision jumps, quick reflexes, and strategic thinking. Watch as they effortlessly traverse treacherous terrain, showcasing their agility and speed in a series of heart-pounding challenges. Mastering the… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21: Xây Máy Farm Cây Đinh Ba

    Minecraft 1.21: Xây Máy Farm Cây Đinh Ba Minecraft Tutorial: Building a “Cây Đinh Ba” Farm in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of building a “Cây Đinh Ba” farm in Minecraft 1.21. Let’s dive in and explore this exciting project! Getting Started Before you begin constructing your farm, make sure you have all the necessary materials. Gather resources such as wood, stone, and redstone to ensure a smooth building process. Once you have everything you need, find a suitable location for your farm. Building the Farm Start by… Read More

  • EPIC LIVE Minecraft DARK RPG with Z3ntusBl4ck

    EPIC LIVE Minecraft DARK RPG with Z3ntusBl4ckVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] Minecraft DARK RPG mit @Z3ntusBl4ck’, was uploaded by Lord Darq on 2024-05-26 23:25:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Surviving Solo on Mysterious Island

    Surviving Solo on Mysterious IslandVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Island Gaming’, was uploaded by Im_APerson on 2024-05-10 03:37:31. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:42 or 8082 seconds. Read More