Unbelievable! Jacob’s Mind-blowing Minecraft Review

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For and as I take the look in the mle ER I better check myself and my Attitude well M Lords and Ladies Jacob bter speaking if you’re wondering what that was in reference to that was a thing from the previous uh episode from the song that came from our main character the first nestic musical piece in this entire musical Minecraft series and uh that was when we actually

Funny it was revealed to us what the what the main character baby’s greatest insecurity was and that was only being viewed for her abilities and not for herself even though she came to this Art Academy specifically to develop and nurture her abilities in a place where they would actively be

Developed yeah that that was a good plan and also we have don’t know anything else about her apart from that like apart from her dad gave her a bow she likes bows that a personality trait so yeah definitely feels a little bit unfair to classify that right now but

That is on character’s main insecurity which may may not continue in this episode because uh from last time it seems that the Mean Girls uh have discovered that uh Anthony has basic human information about the new about the new girl and therefore she is now a target for them so

Yeah and and yes her name is still baby that’s still terrible but you know what isn’t a terrible name KW yo hello I am here to review the series you’re already in the musical mood kind of your sound a bit musicy hey I do enjoy musicals I mean

Why not because I actually also found like H maybe like a month or two ago or something like that this is like something recently that uh have you heard the movie called Prince of Egypt the one by Dreamworks yes I have yeah I found out they turned it into a musical

Like a bro musical I was like wait what they did that they did with a lot of animated films yeah I already musicals yeah so I was just like surprised like wait what but I’m not mad or anything I thought that’s pretty cool because I mean come

On it already feels like it’s a Bradway musical that’s just been turned into a movie so uh yep certainly does speaking of Music stuff uh Josh sent me the description I did see this by the way uh I just didn’t think it was worth pointing out but

Since Josh has mentioned it here I’ll say this to avoid confusing with the music We Are partnered with epidemic sound and so is the YouTuber AAL that is why we able to use some of the same music that she does she doesn’t own epidemic sound just use the music like

Us uh well I’m guessing that is in reference to people in the comments comparing uh comparing like the work of the foxy sisters to that of AAL which I mean at this point in Minecraft role plays everyone got compared to AAL to some degree that was like the main

Insecurity that lady minia had at this T this point in time with Mystic Hills so I can see why it was worth addressing though the same time if it was if it got to the point where you thought it was worth addressing why continue to use the same epidemic sound music tracks that

Apmau did when epidemic sound has way more to offer I mean I should know because I too paid for epidemic sound in 2019 and that’s where I got the access to the first M and girl song Lifeline that was specifically not actually uh yeah that was yet not not one from

Apmau but it was soured from the same location so if you want to avoid comparisons don’t do the same thing even if you’re partnered with the same people I would have thought that would be obvious yeah like I have seen um there are some videos either you were watching or um

That I’ve been watching I’m like wait isn’t this like a song from uh a mailes like stuff and so yeah you get that a lot with uh with YouTubers avoiding copyright in the first place right so I was just like huh interesting like I heard of epidemic

Sounds because of I used to watch a lot that he would use it a lot to upload like his music or whatever um sadly I don’t watch him anymore due to uh controversies I will not get into uh but yeah okay that’s how I heard heard of it from that YouTuber that is

Fair okay then uh tell not me good for you but I need information I can also sing please get out of my office okay get out oh wait sorry hold on I’ve um I’ve got uh oh I missed out I missed out a line oh okay may I looked over your

Application slightly PL anything oh I like bow that’s why good for you there okay I mean yeah if she wants to call entty for herself or have us know her for something else particularly us the audience just got to prove that so in the episode that is actively

Called Don’t Judge Me we do have one more judge however unexpected return right now please welcome Junior yo let’s go hello can you all hear me hello yes my sleep the vision’s gone to me yeah I can understand that but oh well you get a breather hopefully this series has not been that

Good so far but maybe this one will be let’s find out think I seen like the first that was sick and that’s pretty much I see well here is the third one now so without further Ado on with the review Minecraft sugar over here sugar yeah I guess you missed that part out

She was in the first episode but yeah she was the neighbor that um the baby met on the way to school who just so happened by pure coincidence to go to the same school oh my God who would have thought like oh my did you know that they go to the same

School yeah I mean obviously like from an out point of view of course they were going to end up the same way but it also feels weird to just tell like before they go to school and then treat it like as if it was a coincidence but

Anyway this is baby and TAA my new friends nice to meet you girls Mimi is happy to meet you oh yeah I forgot to mention uh the pacing in this is is still God awful uh because they they leave like these uncomforable between different lines like it’s not as bad as gacha logic

Which we reviewed recently but it’s still not that good and also I’m guessing that I mean again just point out a comparison to apmau here there’s a high pitch character who just referred to herself in the third person yeah I just noticed that like yeah and also her

Name is her name is Mimi which which uh reminds me of necom Mimi which is the words for Catgirl and if you’re trying not to be compared to apmau veering in the wrong direction wouldn’t okay here here’s the thing they could have gone away with it if they

Just had said nothing about anetic Mell and a like if they just kept quiet or whatever and we were just like oh hey we we would have noticed we would have noticed but at the same time it’s like the stri sound effect if you’re try and like you know dissuade people from mentioning

Something they’re gonna they’re gonna mention it more right exactly it’s like the voice what why was it so hyp pit and childish I’m guessing you haven’t watched much my streets or hear my voice I mean hear me I’m not k d I’m kaan who is spending

Time at her house for Christmas cuz they kick me out of the house to fix the Christmas tree because I accidentally scratched the tree too much it’s also because you picked out a pink tree again you got in trouble for that in season one anyway um yeah we have um that

Actually did happen in my season one by the way she tried to I know I know that anyway I just love REM people of season one stuff because they because when people like th about my street they normally forget stuff that happened like early on so it’s like oh yeah that was a

Thing uh anyways apparently Mimi uh gets special approval from Ghost Kitty as far as design goes originality not so much right now but again she but then again she said one line so we’ll see I remember you you were in the tutu in the dance room yes Mimi does B with Kaye

Mimi loves B and dressing cute outfits what about you baby s yeah oh my they say well now you said a couple more lines I can safely say what the heck why definitely not inspired at all to explain Junior so you know the character kaai Chan now right like have we talk

About Al with you right Junior yes I know so I’m looking for a mask oh okay anyways so Kawai Chan would use words like son or Senai or S and stuff like that when talking to she’ll use onor rics for people even when speaking English yeah yeah because like um son if

I remember right means that they’re older than you and then I don’t know Senpai Senpai is a weird term to use in Japan I there I think there’s like yeah I think I think Senpai is like like respected Elder like not say like like majorly Elder but just like any

Amount older than you you know yeah and then like I think like or Chan means that they’re like younger than you or around the same age at least Chan is I think if I remember correctly for um someone who’s younger than you okay there you

Go I guess the one the one thing that I never actually heard kawhai Chan say at all was Sensei as a as an honor ofic which is interesting because we spent two seasons with her in high school so you would have thought of a c at some

Point but it just didn’t I don’t know I mean did she have a teacher she was in high school so yes sorry I forgot I remember what was in my shirt not the high school stuff okay I mean yeah because like she never actually talked about any of the teachers at all

So it never comes up that’s why I hope Mimi isn’t a shipper like kawhai Chan well we’ll see she so far she’s she’s got has got the pretty clothes and and and the cute voice and the honorifics down we’ll see what I swear if they if they say um shipping Shrine of

Sorts I mean that’s very specific to AAU like it’s not even like a character archetype or anything that is just that that would be blatant at that point right the dancer I prefer other things yeah like singing EK BBE someone can sing I love how like in the last episode These the

These two sang a duet like all like well mostly a duet because T was kind of there but they did all the singing they sang a duet uh about like how baby doesn’t want to be known just for her because that’s when sugar discovered the

Baby could sing and that was like a huge insecurity and mean here sugar is after baby just met new people saying like by the way she can she’s an amazing singer everyone praise her like don’t do that right like timing like by all means praise your friend but like time it a

Little bit better than that please right is that Ariel or is that Kiki from yeah from MCD I do remember yeah Brendan’s sister okay thought I thought ghost Kitty said Tiki at first and I was going to be like Tiki SP on yeah I mean

As far as characters with red on them I guess that makes sense but no don’t be so modest baby you were amazing yeah you’re not helping TAA you were there the entire time you witnessed the song Wait Mimi did you call me baby s yes Mimi did does baby not wish Mimi

To call her that don’t worry about imagine that line without it out it’s like oh does baby not want meim to call that like if you just read the script and didn’t know what this was supposed to sound like oh God does baby want to sing a

Weiro song like well she just has a very unhealthy obsession with anime she even talks like her favorite anime character I wonder who that character might be no which by the way is part of Kawai Chan’s back story that she does how can we not talk about AAL or the celebrities to F

Series when you say stuff like this oh my goodness yeah we just learned to live with it oh it’s okay I’ve just never been called that way before Mimi calls all her friends that way were friends Mimi is friends with almost everyone and everything so baby can okay so I’m I’m

Just okay so I have been watching a lot of um I’ve been catching up on like my Netflix list fairly recently and the thing that I’m on to now is uh is Shira the Princess of Power that sounds like I’m the Scorpio would have said if anyone has seen that series that sounds

Like a thing I’m friends with everyone definitely I mean they might friends with me but at the same time I heard that sh was really good I I guess I have to check that out I recommend yeah yes she blew my mind away with her amazing vocals by the way baby yeah you

S you sure sound like she blew your mind away clearly M I feel the enthusiasm oh my God guys Mimi sounds like that character from my street have you heard of that YouTube series like oh my God like such a good YouTube series I am I I am overwhelmed with shock at this

Revelation well it’s something I’m ring at the moment you also is that Tabo and Tommy in it in the [Laughter] background I think it might be a stting too early for them to like hit the mainstream but like my goodness that those look similar oh my God yes guys guys guess

What it’s Tommy and too they just reversed their roles for this series like so you guys would know like Tomo is Tom me and Tomy is Tomo that’s hilarious well baby we can’t wait to hear you sing will you be auditioning for the high school’s Musical musical yeah just just just add

An S to that it becomes a different thing entirely oh yes right I forgot to tell you baby that the school puts on in a musical every year you would think she would know that if this was her dream school and that would be one of the

Reasons that she would be here but whatever that’s awesome I’m sure they would love your voice I’ll think about it okay then I mean there’s also the acting side to consider like I mean unless you’re like just in like the chorus rolls or something that could be fine for

Baby right oh no why why wait wait wait wait wait wait that the guy with right hearing um why did he kind of look like TR yes why I think I said that last episode yeah they’re obis they’re obisk blues from ugu all right then I will take your word

On that one the kind of f also somewhat resembles Aaron but not not really not that much but a little bit God on okay if that guy says like hey baby or something like that I I’m I I’m great here comes trouble I have just staring

That well well going got to love that Minecraft stage blocking you know move your character in position but don’t actually change their head to see where they’re looking somewhere pretty princess dude you called her pretty again it’s a figure of speech now shut it oh yeah she did like call herself

Pretty princess and the song as well as if that was also a thing people saw about her so so so yeah looks and abilities are off limits to baby I was just leaving thank you very much I was just leaving I haven’t I didn’t actually collect any food so I

Should have done that by all means there’s the door how nice you seem to be blocking my path oh wow they actually differently layered sounds they always said I made a Better Door than a window oh my enimy who on Earth said that what what does that even

Mean I’d make a Better Door than a window that makes no sense okay fine not call me no way does the look like lenda why okay yeah by the way those are the Mean Girls number four that want to make baby a Target and of course by pure

Coincidence just so happens that uh you know they’re talking to her man and whatever you oh God award like Silence cut I is just leaving we have some unfinished business to take care of oh go oh that was Business that’s like the worst murmur of a crow ever I know think tough no I don’t but I why do you say like that knock off Lawrence as Garth blond head boy knock off for covering one eye and knock off Travis yeah okay okay I could have done that

Line so much better I could have been like oh you think you’re Tougher Than Me Arya no what what do you mean no that does actually kind of sound like your Laticia voice from uh from drama club spoilers spoilers yeah o spoilers I yeah we got to bring that back oh my

Goodness with this like the rap battle sound effect going to that back I have no business with You you think you’re so tough no I don’t but I don’t think you are either oh shot fired oh my go [Applause] who is making that is that just the sound effect for us is that like not actually part of the scene or is someone like in the background of this cafeteria

Doing that I do not know oh no baby let me come to your rescue very very slowly jeez I did notice something laste I think that they’ve like Turned Down The Walking tick speed a little bit prob reason I think that is because um that is is is because I I guess I

Guess because like even in in in intense scenes they still seem to like keep a consistent Pace even the regular walking Minecraft speed would have been way faster if they just didn’t like press W enough which I think was done so they can actually get The Walking speeds a

Little bit more realistic which I can appreciate especially because like a lot of mine just have people like walking around and like barely able to focus on them but then again for stuff like this I would have just turned that off if you’re clearly able to tamper with a

Tick speed you can put it back temporarily at the very least right I actually forgot that was like a thing or like just didn’t know that was a thing that people can do like change like the walking speed or whatever um don’t know if that’s through via command and M a

Vanilla or you have to get a mod but it’s commands Okay yeah and so like I always wonder like how did they make those walks so slow because I have to like you know carefully tap the W key and everything like that and so then when you were talking about like the

Walking speed orever that like Amma use or whatever I was like oh so that’s how it’s done yeah if we if we ever do more drama club ever again we should we should definitely bring that up the next time yeah I think a lot more people uh

Change the speed to make them faster as a joke and you’ll see like people like whizzing around Mac fish or something like but yeah it it works both ways back off Katie well if it isn’t my ex best friend I can’t believe I even ever trust of you the voice

Acting I mean okay good Revelation these two have history but like the execution of it I mean this definitely feels like well if it is nothing thing we got to catch up the audience on well allow me to elaborate but in a way that doesn’t sound like I’m doing

Exposition I should have done oh look who it is my ex-friend what are you doing here protecting someone who’s weak as you or something I don’t know yeah even that like oh so now you stand by your friends when they need you what was that last year or something like that

Doing what you want and then throw them away I don’t and trust me I speak from experience something like that I don’t know what you’re talking about she seems like she’s so irate right now I think she’s I think that at the front of her face is supposed to be

Like that like you know that that that emote that conveys anger in anime and that’s why her face is but the delivery doesn’t match that intensity at all like she’s not raising her voice even in the slightest just like I’m so very angry at you you can tell can’t you like it

Doesn’t quite work sugar move please I have something to say just walk around there there’s plenty of room you should be careful what you wish for did she just did she just punch someone like this looks like that one knows how to fight you got knocked clean

On your butt whatever she just got left Katie are you okay I can’t believe she did that oh my God mean you won’t just let her walk away like just oh my God can you believe that she punched you are you okay that’s why she sounds like a

Robot yeah when does what the only person who ever gets over with that kind of delivery is uh is Betty from F claw University who somehow makes monotone work even she had a moment but like it was a close call this person way that Margaret I mean how dare she punch

You you should tell the principal I mean how she’s not there she punch you did you see that she stood up to Katie yeah first an and now Katie shut up Marcus I’m not done with her okay that was a funny line yeah so Anthony I give him the

Point for that that was funny okay want to hang out fat chance okay we have a gig so okay I okay whoa whoa whoa whoa wa wait I know this music anywhere this is from like the olden 2013 Minecraft days when like I say a squid area or

Um there’s another mic YouTuber oh God now Samy I mean yeah Samy oh no no DM they would use that sort of music when they’re doing something ridiculous like trying to sneak around or whatever and then you know bad things happen used it a lot yeah no yeah I know does but I’m

Just saying like oh I know this music particularly not because of f but because of other Minecraft youtubers okay fa let’s get out of here dang almost had him come on girls dang oh like I have no emotion or don’t feel anger as far as knockoff Aon goes sort

Of feels the same position as as GTH but also Jean from being sto high like the the the the Arc of GTH with Ivy who of course would be KY in this case but um but Gan is as far as attitude goes wow what was that EK that girl’s tougher than we

Thought yeah she is by the way we should probably go after her to see if she’s all right you know I think I told the story before but during my uh my Spanish GCS uh that they like dur like they like the listening test I understand that

They they leave like a like a bit of space in between when you’re doing when you got like end the the sentence like to write something down you got to you got to think about it a little bit before they carry on uh but what I don’t understand was

Why they left a pause like after they said the name of the the the number and letter of the next part of the quiz uh so a part of the exam and so so so by that point because I already finished writing I just wait

And all I could do was count the number of seconds in between like each each individual each number at one point it went up to 20 before they actually started question number NB that’s that’s engraved in my head and this reminds me of that just like in between these every

Pause just waiting for the next part to come in it’s like I want to do the test let me do the test say the thing you need to say like I get it if they trying to do like some spacing where like give like a few seconds or something before like

Contining like the next scene or whatever but I feel like it should have been done like one to two three seconds like one two three next scene you know not like one it’s not like between SC it’s in between like each person speaking Yeah I think I think it’s

Because they left ample space when they were doing the when they were doing the cinematography it’s like like the actual lines because they they’re doing this they most this in one shot so they have to wait until the next person starts their head bobbing and because they’re

Not doing with the recording so here’s the thing that AAL does actually what I understand um actually does like a preliminary recording with like some of the staff and then well only they Cuts between does do Thing One Shot which also helps but also like and then the

And then sends that to the voice actors and they and they able to to match that I guess another way would be to like record the voice acting first and then try and like and then and then make this either that would just like sink up the footage there’s a

Myriad of ways around this this problem there we don’t know where she went we have to help baby s all right girls let’s split up and find baby but she just left you can just you can catch up to her why did you just split up you know what directions you walked away

Whatever got the oh what yeah even water water is much more passion than this and it’s called My Passion oh speaking of ging for Water that was that was amazingly time ghost Kitty I’m so stupid I could get expelled I could get expelled like I don’t know why I like a diva okay you are stupid my hand it hurts it felt good though but bad but good though I finally stood up for

Myself maybe people won’t judge me before they meet me now uh they’ll probably judge you even more because you just you were violent to somebody you’ve known for two days they’re probably thinking oh my goodness she’s very scary stay away from her or you’ll get pummeled that’s an even worse look than

Before what does baby think it take to like make a reputation for yourself because a day I mean not even like time framing wise but like looks that like you know Jud people by by their looks not the best thing in the world judging them by their abilities a lot better because

That says something about them and she has said in the episode that music is her passion the show is called my passion so you would think that you’d be okay with that but no from the last song that we got so what is left like her interactions with

Other people well so far she not batting a thousand is she like after that display and people won’t judge you they’re going to judge you the people always judge in some way and you’ve made it actively harder for Yourself was that desk severed I feel like like one of the blocks was like in the way of it or something like it’s not not not a desk it was a bench that was it maybe people won’t judge me before they meet me now yeah they will what an oh it’s because like

The block is it’s it’s the block is blocking it ironically okay fine yeah that’s why I thought like the CH render or something or the bits rather just some bits mod looks off for sure yeah I like the window shot though I like it when it’s like a little

Bit of a creative camera shot even if nothing else is happening okay so by the way if people wondering why she came to the music room that’s open to like all students at all times and not the recording booths because for some reason the recording booths even though they’re supposed to

Be soundproof and they are in every other situation because that’s how you record a lot of stuff that’s what recording booths are meant for after all apparently that just like like blasted into the music room while the band which is the knockoff boys from my street uh

They were rehearsing their thing in here which by the way the band is called Midnight you will know the uh the very old FM Lord you’ll know why that’s uh important to mention but yeah midnight rehearsing in here they heard everything so clearly for some reason there’s an

Amplifier that like is connected to the from the music room and not like a tech room or something sound would go to um G Kitty I don’t think it’s just you it’s just like the the people who are voice acting I can turn like

Remember I I put all I put all R stream videos down at like 25% volume because R stream makes everything super loud I’ll put it okay it’s at 43 now that’ll probably be better and I think she about to sing as well so perfect time I should play you a song in the world’s smallest Violin oh there’s still more is there please tell us what the more actually is this time like last episode okay time for me to listen to this song more alone lost in my Okay so we’ve got another anime face there just worth mentioning since you brought up earlier oh

No Okay we okay so in this sequence we’re we’re cutting from like different shots of baby so like all the like I can see why theography would be focused on like the musical moments in a musical I get that but could we like have a few of

Those when the The Walking earlier to keep up the pacing it feels like I mean maybe this was this had to be done this way because obviously the music you can’t change the timing and therefore they were forced to cut between one between different shots of baby maybe that was it

Maybe the real me then maybe I Mye don’t judge me like the cover of a b Okay no Okay I was like okay you know what the same voice is not too bad it’s pretty Disney improving and then when she gets loud I’m like girlfriend just pick a

Tone sweetheart like do you want to be loud or do you want to be soft it’s okay to like go loud like there’s something with that I have seen music AR starts going sovely and it gradually you know go louder and like louder and louder you know having that that’s what midnight

Did last episode by the way they started they started off with like we to cool for this school and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah that’s actually one of the lyrics from them by the way uh and then like we are midnight you know like

Likeus yeah no even like with the um the bur button live stream that you did the other day um with B butter like um I forgot what the music are is called I I’m not gonna try oh the Dr Camila the yeah they did way better than this

Girl honestly and when they like you know scream louder or whatever with their music like oh my God like because all of a sudden it feels like I accidentally turned my volume up that’s what it feels like like it feels like she like yeah Dr Camila was was was very

Was very mellow most of the time even when like making a joke it’s one those like Melancholy performances like essentially essentially what the movie Gem and the Holograms did but just before gem becomes famous like just the Youtube video um and then and then the mechanisms was like I get what you mean

Yeah so what is it Junior me is me as a a gr and Son of a musician my brain in this is like why the heck are you doing all this like it’s not good at all my musician Brain is like I need to like hide from this the

Vocals in general I mean I can I mean I can understand why she’s doing it because again as a character this is her passion this is what she wants to develop and I guess this is her starting point I mean everyone is already telling her that her voice is amazing and safe

To say it’s not but that’s like that’s like that’s an in Universe problem greed yeah as as a Lyricist my brain is also going off and telling me these lyrics are awful as a person who listen to music and like the vocals and see if they actually match up or whatever like

In my brain it’s like it’s on fire yeah I love this like as a grand musician as a Lyricist as a human being who has heard music at [Laughter] once as a Lyricist as a human being someone please with working ears someone make that into a meme

Please like CP it or something this is got to be in the next compilation that Bon does yes cliche got minecra got Minecraft main character gol and SS they sad you know what I wish that were a gacha Trope because that would actually be a little bit more interesting than you know just

Like by the way this is my sad story which I will now narrate to you and then if this be a flashback all right you know what we’re doing we’re gonna make a gacha video that has this cliche let’s do it yeah honestly yeah make make a

Gacha musical I will I would I would love to I would love to see more of them I I I would love to be in that I love singing yes I I also would like to be in musical all right guys if you have some musical ideas for a new Goa musical uh

Movie or series then please put in modern comments modern Rion Juliet e gross awful get away kill it with fire also that’s just Westside Story they already did that it twice that’s the thing yeah an idea so nice in quotes they did it Twice oh voice cracks there something you’re saying there’s something that’s that that’s not there before and yet this is the exact same message behind the song that was in the previous episode this is very much a thing that we’ve heard before when my fear is finally gone this feels like the like an

Imagined Dragon song but the first Draft every song of hers is like I on the stage I’m a different person they don’t know the real me but like I feel when I’m performing and stuff like over and over and over and God oh wait what’s what’s that story ghost Kitty um like

Jacob butter said is a sort of modern version of Romeo Juliet but there’s like more stuff going on too besides that but that’s like the basic idea um it’s really good I I I think it’s really good at least I mean I haven’t seen it or

Anything but I heard uh nothing but good stuff at least from like the original one cuz um there is a remake version of it um but yeah so so if you like I just realized that Teen Beach Movie there’s three adaptations because team mie was inspired by Westside Story which is inspired by

Rome but like hey at least they have a better twist they get suck into my movie yeah like they they ignores the fact that it’s cheesy and makes no sense because that’s that’s the point it’s what gacha Logic the series we reviewed a couple of days ago should

Have been it should have been movie I heard Aiden despise team was like talking about like it’s so boring it’s so bad it’s like this I just got so bored of it and ghosty almost left ghosty almost left off like even even we were almost done and ghosty was like

Can’t take any more of this oh wow yeah I mean I I mean again it’s not as boring as my shimmering husband because that was that that was like over an hour long and like that took four streams to get through like this one it was only it was only like 20

Minutes or so so it was it was it was better by that stretch go KY this SI hold on get out tape snip snip Plus on Dave’s baby’s mouth bitty boo no more singing for you I mean here here’s the thing I I would I would love

To see actually get better like improve the songwriting the performance like everything else because again you’re going to a school so you would think that you would improve over time but the thing is that she’s being told by everyone that she’s already like super talented is probably going to be in the

Musical because that’s been mentioned and in foreshadowing so we’re probably going to to get something that is akin to this level even though there is it does I mean I guess that does kind of come with the territory when like you’re making the show yourself you can’t actively like make yourself worse

A lot of the time I mean you can but then again where would you be starting from in this four adaptations of Romeo Juliet if you K High School Musical uh I don’t I don’t know if I would count that one necessarily maybe you sure I mean I see where you’re going

With that but at the same time I don’t think it quite matches all right how about half half half formula Juliet I suppose but Roman judet is that that’s like Roman judet if Romeo actively wanted to become a Capulet and there was no like family tension like you know the entire

Backstory of Romeo and Juliet again I said just because I don’t like chome doesn’t mean I don’t know the story so I’m not sure I mean if you want a fourth one I guess uh what was it it was it was Twilight it was either new moon or Eclipse that was like heavily

Inspired by I forget which one Jacob yeah uh we know what tech blade said it’s a High School Musical get your guns oh I I’ve not heard techno blade say that but I can I can I I’ve watched every single one of Tech’s videos of course I know it

Y that I heard you were in actually was a technoblade impression that kab recorded so I can understand Savages no can can we SP can we SP a ravenger will all right moving on back to the song don’t we have to yes again this is what I’m talking about

What what Angelic voice was that emanating from the cosmos away like no also where are you going I’m sorry I’ll just be going now wait you know you have an amazing voice does she thank you I get it from my father Miss melody was talking to me

Before about you and how you blew away at the auditions uh think you know sad sadly her audition song might be her best performance thus far in this series which again I guess if these songs are meant to be first drafts I suppose that would that would make kind of sense but

Also she better to be like more comfortable when she’s practicing by herself or not because she she’s so different on stage o I don’t know thank you it disc continued yeah I did hear about that I haven’t looked into it there’s 15 episodes so it won’t that won’t be for

Like a long time we have to worry about that it’s not like YouTuber Academy they only got two this one went for a decent amount of time at least oh and Josh has confirmed it so yeah fair enough I hope I’m not in any trouble I didn’t know this room was off limits

During lunch is that wait but he didn’t he didn’t say that it was or did he did I miss that no it’s not fully off limits midnight and some other musical students are allowed to use it during lunch to practice oh you may use it too if you

Wish I just I guess I guess you could just kind of say you want to use it then and then you can use it that’s the most relaxed rule of off limits I I’ve ever heard wow really that would be awesome you should really think about auditioning for the high this door is

Password protected pretty please well okay then enjoy your stay Miss baby it’s like I do please please can I stay retinol scan complete puppy dog eyes detected authorization granted I’m thinking about it I’m just afraid Miss Melody said you look like you own the stage so why are you afraid

I mean of course you you performed well on a song that you wrote and such you must be great at acting the other part of musicals that people don’t seem to talk about right now I haven’t been fitting in that well give it some time you’re figure

Things out by the way we’ll keep this running our little secret I mean even though nothing happened and you’re not in trouble but also don’t tell people for some reason okay thank you sir you best be heading off to class now okay bye sir and thank

You they just it says I have dance class next oh boy I have two left feed when it comes to dancing then good luck in a musical gosh they call it Triple Threat for a Reason oh I see yeah again I don’t actually know I mean as as someone as someone who has someone who has bro has broken up with two people in one show that I run I didn’t cancel the show yeah so yeah didn’t you just like find like new voice actors or

Whatever uh well in the SEC well in the first case yes because she also happened to leave like a long time before that see she left I was still dating so I had to replace her while we were still were still dating and the second one is still

The main actress to this day I just found a backup oh nice okay yeah all right class the show can continue today thank God baby where did you go I had to clamp my head we will all be learning basic hip-hop moves I’m actually curious how they’re

Going to pull this off in Minecraft like like genuinely because obviously different movement mods they even still a lot of them are restricted okay how they’re pull this off I may not be a professional dancer but I have taken dance classes and I’m gonna let you know

Something hip hop yes hip hop isn’t easy at all no one said it was that they’re not saying this is an easy class they’re just saying that is on the curriculum right no when they said when they oh we’re gonna just learn basic Hip Hop moves I’m thinking what moves are

You thinking that are basic and because for me when you say basic it sounds like you’re saying it’s easy it’s simple because you know it’s basic really okay they’re not saying that the entire genre of dances is easy they’re saying that certain moves are easier than others and therefore they would count as

Basic I guess so but I feel like they should have like warmed up or something get the idea before like you know straight up doing the moves that’s a it’s like if I asked you to teach me basic Japanese you’d know you’d roughly know like some things to do there my partner of Course wait do you partners for this oh no she’s in this class yeah that right in so miss Tango doesn’t mind her showing up late yeah she can hear you and the teachers right next to you as well they can both hear oh my goodness uh Believe It or Not Junior say

Don but in but that’s actually probably if if I were teaching someone basic Spanish I would actually not start with Dona that is what I start with exactly I mean I suppose I mean it’s like one sentence you might need probably like three times in the course of your entire life darling hi

M this is going to sound weird but she reminds me of Kella Deville in the liveaction remake of1 Dalmations anding or I guess Emily’s darling voice is why I call it that oh my God okay everyone go into your groups and make small hip-hop dance routines wait hold on

You’re not even going to say what they are you said you’re going to teach them the basic moves don’t just tell them to make up the routines without teaching them what what I would have left this class of M because that’s not what you’re supposed to do you’re supposed to

Like worm up stretch then go and take a little bit break because you probably worked a little bit hard warping up and stretching and then go and learn like to Su of the dance moves because your body has warmed up and got the idea of what your body

Needs to do in order to dance my goodness it’s a it’s it’s interesting like I I I guess I guess i’ I’ve at some point I’m going to need to do one of these types of shows because we’ve we’ve reviewed a lot of of uh

Series and stuff that are set in a drama school or like a performing art school written by people who have never been to a performing art school and I actually have so maybe I should do one of these at some point maybe that’s s Minecraft

Musical oh no sorry you said a g musical wasn’t it anyway whichever oh yeah we can act we can do actual auditions that are actually original yes I mean to be fair the songs in in these are original too but you know we’ll just if my character has to

Audition then I’m definitely preparing an original song okay so what I was thinking is we could do something like this and then like this that’s the same move that’s good but let me try something better that’s awesome sugar do better also also during dance rehearsals of that you would come up with routines

Normally you have the music either like playing or you’ve heard the music you’re got to be dancing too so you can match it up imagine if they just like throw you up it’s like got your get your routines prepared okay you’re done this uh fun fact yeah I am participating in theater

Class and uh that song I I have experience with theater because of you all so well fair enough then glad we could help that’s awesome sugar sounds F me I don’t know why because the voice acting in this has no Direction it should have been like oh my God that is so awesome

Sugar yeah something like that yeah or no Margaret like this I’m trying but you keep stepping on my feet she do your feet nowhere near her what are you talking about you’re feet aren’t supposed to be there moving their feet how can you step on someone’s feet without taking them off the ground

First Ow like I Know That Minecraft has limitations but if that’s going to be a problem right around it don’t make yourself do like a thing like this otherwise you end up in this situation get out of here I’ll do this myself the teacher said groups

Katie fine what on Earth is baby doing in the background but stand behind me she’s shaking her booty yeah Jac that that that reminds me of of it’s like I I actually they had a roll in exra one time on a comedy show and like and we like obviously my parents being my

Parents they got a subscriptions to the to the uh the site that was going the show was going to air on just to see like that episode that I was in it’s like oh I wonder where you’re going to be tell us like roughly in the scene and

Yeah I was very obvious I was not good at naturalism at this point so all of my movements were like very over the top and stuff and I am acting in the corner this is definitely very natural and of course I’m not being a men dramatic

Person at all but yeah obviously now got way better at that they tried to like blow me out as well I was still obvious safe safe to say I was not asked back right she’s so mean even to her own friends she never used to be like this

There was a time when me and Katie were the best of friends she this actually I mean it’s still Exposition but it feels a little bit more like you know it’s like I com to fill your friend in or something that feels a little bit

Better than well if this is my ex- best friend who is who was my best friend once but is no longer my best friend and we had a falling out you got that people okay moving on back to you baby stay away from my man outway he was so kind and caring what

Happened no one really knows as the days went on she became more and more rude each day okay class let’s see your routines she hit puberty Okay we actually have the Music okay so now we’re cussing things up a bit you can you can tell with with the uh the teacher if you see like the teachers AR movs they do like clip back and forth a bit which is also why there should have been a closeup so you didn’t

Have to see that by the way but actually yeah like that that was done to sync up the routine and again let you focus on it it’s not like that distracting you can sort of get an idea and the PE and like the foxy SS

Know how to blow out uh and like draw different focuses so I would have picked a different shot and just like had these two in the center or something or if you had to have the entire class at least like take the focus away from the Teacher okay there they sort of like changed the wrong time would have thought once again the move the Crowd I wouldn’t call any of what we just saw hip hop but I at least appreciate that there was something there we didn’t just like skip the entire lesson we skipped the part the teacher actually does her job but you know other than that we’ve got the Practical side

Down I just realized there’s like there’s no there’s no like speaker or anything where music would be coming from as well to like where it’s going to be played from oh all right class that was really good next time we’ll be mixing up with the boys class and dancing couple dances

That’s actually a that’s actually a very valid question why is there a girls and boys class I wonder why I don’t yeah I was G to say in the case of here I guess because like I know to I know focus on the drama of like oh

My goodness I’m in the same class as mean girl and whatever but you could have just start that just as easily with a mixed group yeah I mean my guess is you’re trying to say like in the dance world we have to be usually surviv by

The boy so we don’t date or anything like that because we’re supposed to be professionals or whatever but that no that that is a thing you could say you could say that for like any class ever oh you want to be an author you can’t

Date well yes like you want I mean oh my goodness yeah I I actually that’s see I had a conversation with um uh with my parents recently cuz um one of one of their friends is daughters might be uh might be might be coming to to study

Over here for a bit cuz like this particular friend and daughter are from Spain I was like okay maybe and uh if we had like any recommendations of where to go and uh and and clearly like I remember like one example was this this this one boarding school that I know

About but I know it’s an old girls school so I said yeah probably don’t don’t do that because I mean as as for me I’m just not a fan of of like like gender schools in the first place I mean that alone classes but I mean classes is

Like minor thing Small Potatoes but like an entire school like you’re missing out on social with an entire gender and that’s probably not going to be very good in the long run yeah no I’m just saying that iied himself with a cter example and said that the guys that were

Um that were in his class they would not have like done nearly as well if there were girls around whatever but I feel like that’s also if you if you’re going to be like meia girls that entire time you you’re going to get used to it it’s called exposure therapy if

Anything right no I was run that’s what uh the person was thinking like oh in the dance world like girls have their own class and boys will have their own class and their in the Dance World everyone is way more hormonal well it’s a wellknown fact that doers cannot control themselves as much

As any other P person ever in the at least in W cases with the K-pop industry at least in one company no no this this is actually a real thing went for like your personal Dance Experience s like the K-pop in it’s like okay we’re doing a bit of a leap here

But I’ll follow you along I’m sorry I’m sorry sorry anyways I was just gonna say um like like the guys and the girls like if they were like in part of like the K-pop industry or whatever in this particular company they cannot date till like after three years or so then they

Can like date or whatever because they want to make sure they are focusing on being professional U you know music artists and everything like that as far as the K-pop stuff I think the ulterior motive behind that is actually because a lot of the audience um that sometimes

Like the artists will like have to will be told to play into that it’s like oh you know all of my the audience are my boyfriends or girlfriends or whatever yeah like there is there’s that aspect too because suddenly that if you get like take gets that taken away from you

It’s the same thing with I guess like even like Western boy bands and girl bands it’s a little bit of that going on vide about that and such but yeah like lots of ulterior motives there but I feel like in this school scenario they’re not preparing you for like an

Audience interaction there it’s like I mean you can’t be dating anyone inter I don’t really much have a whole lot of dance stories because like uh most like my dance stuff is like I’ve been mostly dancing with girls there’s really any boys in our Dan school I mean that I

Mean I will say there’s also there because like I I I know that from anything to do with like anything performative it’s usually there’s more girls that sign up in the first place than there are boys I mean I I was the only boy in my drama club my After School drama club

For three years yeah so and then and then after that I only I only was not the I was only not the only boy because one other boy showed up and then the assistant director’s son and then eventually we like got a few more like a hand full

After that but like it was only after like the certain few like already joined so yeah no hence why I didn’t really say oh like in my dance scho because like if we don’t really have Boys in our dance school because they just don’t sign up

For any dance okay well in that case that’s that’s like that’s like an elective thing on their part I mean if anything you know that like yeah it’s not like they they’re discouraged from auditioning and it’s not like there’s like a separate class deliberately as is

The case in here no it’s just like like how many people can sign up to per class and like what levels you are and like you know if if any boys actually want to dance like we have a few but just not a whole lot you know like maybe like three

Or four at times yeah I mean also I mean if the concern was about dating also if you’re if you’re talking about theater dating as far as the opposite gender goes I mean statistically you’re going to be wrong more times uh if that’s your approach just saying as

Well no that’s just like a several typical thing I have like no like movies or shows like with like has to evolve with dancing where like oh the girls and the boys are in their own separate class and we’ll have a special occasion like where we dance together and everything

Because we’re not allowed to like date or whatever because it would cause you know controversies and everything I just remember there was sort of an unspoken rule in my um in my drama class for University that like no one dated each other in that particular course because we all kind of knew that

That it would cause like major issues because we always like interacting with each other we’ be put in different groups we wouldn’t choose each other necessarily so we just kind of like all like collectively decide yeah uh not not g to happen but then but again even then we

Chose that it wasn’t like we were like that was like imposed on us I mean it it couldn’t be because it was college so they would not be allowed to do that anyway but still um that we got we got like very off topic uh fi final Point lesbians moving

On also the teachers outfit I think that’s a teacher her Alpha looks more like she used to be in a face club or event not school what I hope maybe I am right to assume this but maybe she’s wearing like an alpha that’s me to represent like s

Or Tango and that sort of kind of not the style that she just taught so which yeah but still like but this this this episode doesn’t make sense okay so like everything just doesn’t make sense it’s like she shows up like like a backwards cap and Chains It’s like who’s ready to

Chaa Chacha real smoo you El doesn’t make sense no go ahead uh hi I am finally showing my face say like your camera lighting does not support this like I’m gonna do that but like you’re compl Shadows right now we can’t actually see oh my God can’t your

Face reveal oh my God yeah we’ve never SE your face forever but yeah I mean are you sure cuz like I I said to you like in the chat that I know you’re Sing Your Face for like subscriber goals and stuff so I didn’t want

To take that away from you yeah I’m just done wearing a mask it’s too hot in it I see okay then all right well for the face reveal we can we can sort of like hey give me a second all right uh there we go that that’s

Better okay I wish it worked like that but it doesn’t all right oh and KW yeah this is the true KW there we go hold it like this welcome to gacha horror stories today we’re going to talk about horror story that happen in Goa told you the story of the Minecraft

Singer who was praised by the masses but everyone knew she was in fact mediocre I’m G to put this down in general oh God I think the cable got tangled just give me a second it’s turn itself off now I’m done okay there we go and sorted thank go all [Laughter]

Right and yes both of those both those are nicknames but they are I I I do know that sometimes they can be names but just because they just because they can doesn’t mean they should I mean there is a FNAF character named circus baby but there’s circus in that name so I don’t

Think that really counts oh yeah because circus is much better and know like I know for a fact that um oh did you WR just hello hello I thought you were about to talk so I said oh go on Jacob I was violently punching the bed why are you punching the

Bed I don’t think Cirus to the name qu that I don’t think C name okay there he is anyways I was just gonna say I know for a fact that um Apple Jack Will Call some of her friends um sugar at time the time even though that’s not

Their name you know in my le Pony yeah does does she say does she say like darling as well I think that’s the thing right uh R Rarity doeses say uh darling because she’s like all fancy like oh of course all right then yeah she’s a fashion designer so

Yeah I know that darling could be a last name too I mean Wendy Darling yeah exactly like the darling from Peter Pan also Kevin darling from blackout Goes Forth Nice house thank you would you like to come in and room for a while Dad feel so rude nice house thank you would you like to come in for a while sure while I don’t know why I sound like I’m so but you know it’s s like you were

Like in a cult like sure let us all all enter the house and and bask in relaxation together welcome to Welcome to the cation Art Academy now you know this is why you’re an outsider you you were not yet in you were not yet given this information anyway and who’s

This hi Mom okay what did she I give the mother a bit of leeway because this is like the actual mother of the foxy sisters like taking part I mean I still I still say that you know she should have been given some direction because soon like no one else

Was given any this is kind of what I was expecting just a very sugar this is my mom D nice to meet you miss that was dot but it sound like d for for some reason hello my fellow Angels today I will be showing you how to oh yeah

That’s right I forgot the sister’s name is Angel also played by the foxy sister Foxy Angel I guess I guess you called I guess you called her fan base of the Angels which is only a step worse than Jake Paul’s so not good Jake pauler oh who’s that [Laughter]

I remember that ear of YouTube All Too Well you want to see that’s my sister Josh why did you say to oh yeah that’s right because because ghost went o that CL yeah yes I’ve seen Toy Story in Spanish I I wonder I wonder story has it’s in Japanese got check yeah why not hello Internet my sister just farted wow get out of my room now I have to why does it sounds like a Tik Tok oh wait oh no she can’t

She can’t edit in post production oh she’s at the beginning of her YouTube journey I remember that those days too what scared from Tik Tok or whatever like geez it it it sounds like they like you know like get out of my room M I’m playing Minecraft or whatever that was

Oh Angel what a nice wall let me just okay w here’s okay oh there is an awesome superhero in the X-Men called Angel okay oh yeah and there is a sweet little girl I mean no no no there is a sort of sweet little girl named Angel because she has cute

Feathery Angel like wng so I don’t know like Angel can be a very nice name but there’s also there’s also a vampire go who goes by Angel and he is uh I mean I mean I mean he’s he’s Vice now but he didn’t used to be uh there’s someone my school named

Angel yeah so like Angel is not a bad name per se but yeah it’s definitely it’s definitely more popular than sugar and baby the little devil next door little devil next door say one just interrupted her music video wa is the room just the room had a yes the door’s a curtain

Yes excuse Angelica I hear more angelicas than I than I I do angels just watch P Labyrinth and after like seven years one my favorite movies what’s that do that did that have to do with anything I mean that’s sure cool whatever I know there’s some movie

Called D Labyrinth but well yeah pan Labyrinth is g with daugh movie oh that’s pretty oh okay it belonged to my father yeah actually Leon t Shea at one point did a video um destroying Pan’s Labyrinth I think was yeah it’s like because he like he like had I forgot

Like what issue he actually had with the movie especially because he hadn’t actually seen it I kept on telling him to actually see it beforehand he didn’t even have to like buy it because like he found the Deb the DVD disc like one of his parents had it I think his dad had

It and so like but then he got permission to destroy the disc to make a statement about like the content of Pan’s Labyrinth without actually like seeing the content of pan Labyrinth I was like could have actually done like a a review of the movie or something like

I don’t know talk about like the final thoughts of it oh no Jacob like like it cut out again I just heard like no like I Want U what are we talking about oh okay so my friend was watching that old um film I think they

Came out in the 70s called JFK or is about JFK or like the conspiracy theories about what happened to JFK or whatever and so like I keep hearing like the UNS suddenly um music from it and I said you know what I realize except like the older films that don’t tend to be

Spooky or scary unless it is part of that genre has this more off Ponting sort of realistic kind of for feel of with like movies and such and I actually enjoy them more being that way I mean even though I kind of will get freaked out

But I feel like I get more terrified and scared of those older films because they’re more interesting and I like that than like something in the newer movies like especially like at like I’m way more terrified of they It clown from like the original film made in 19 93 or 83 I do not remember I oh God I probably got that wrong but anyways um but that L into when I was talking about um polter guys um I don’t know oh I was showing a video to Junior um the there was a video that

I just saw the pop up said everything that went wrong with poter guys and me just dying a laughter because we’re just like what the heck oh God by the way guys I am actually planning to watch the new repter guys movie that in was made in

Around 2015 and just see like if I’m more scared of the 2015 version of poter guys than the original version and by the way guys P guys has scarred me for life like I cannot watch it without crying and if you’re wondering why knows why cuz he’s nning It’s the clown

Toy every single time the clown is moving or not moving it is just like there staring at your face I’m just Like just like no I’m out no I swear if someone like goes hey G guess what I got something cool for you oh what’s that shows a clown from the portug movie I’m out is Jacob do Jacob walk out like he normally does when he start going

I I think he’s trying to get a new microphone Mr butter well I’m gonna mute again I’m eating good job so we don’t hear your munchy Munch anyways um also guys just let you know kai season two script has been officially completed and me and a had reun through it with Junior making

Sure it’s all good and everything and yeah we’re really excited sadly you know call My Season 2 will sadly be delayed just because of gotta life too but um yeah so um we might do voice acting we’re not have yet but like once we finalize everything you know testing out

Got your life too and everything like that we will let you know when we have officially announced being voice acted also remember there is also the character art design for Kai season 2 # CL my or send your videos with the Discord as such because I need help with

Character designs don’t let Aiden win or Emily win because I think they’re also doing the or competition I don’t know I don’t know about Emily but definitely Aiden oh hey guess what Jacob V’s back so that’s all it’s a very good timing yes yes very good what you were saying about like old

Films and stuff like yeah I thought I feel the same way but about like fight scenes there like there’s a movie called portrait of Allison from the 1950s that I watched which has like a really like intense fight scene at the end because obviously they can’t do like any of like

The like the super high oain like bells and whistles and all the stuff that you know became like major in Blockbusters latest they just like had like mostly the ca just fallowing these two like trashing someone’s like entire Art Studio or something trying to fight over

This one painting so yeah felt like way more gruesome anyway that’s all I would to say about that everything else makes sense yeah do the art competition people woo want to play something for me um no please no so you know how I said I wasn’t going to judge for your abilities

Yeah want to play something for me now that I’m in your house okay I have another song I’ve Been Working on there’s you can say that bring me same kind of genre very up your rep I know that’s that’s like musical artists will have like a theme for a lot of the

Stuff that they that they do but even then everything just sounds like so like so the same I’m always TR to friend upside down the love push is all I know yes all that you could you could have just like changed that to like instead of like pushed and shove so I

Really know of if I want to talk with like the people I love all that I know is how they push and they shove that would have been a better lyric instead of like a half rhyme in the and but you got half rhy you have like the full rhyme halfway through and

The half rhyme full the the full way through why would you do it that Way okay so we’ve so far we’ve had two very obvious phrases there sticks and themselves may break my bones and turn that frown upside down how much did you actually write baby because it’s not really seeming very original right Now but a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush again people can do that version so much better I’m gonna over come everything with one final push like literally J just made 10 times better [Laughter] H I can listen to the job saying all day

And Junior just AG advice and I will scream and I’ll shout just remember not to look A Gifted horse in the mouth thaty horse don’t look at that giy horse you have the power to change your course so don’t you look at that horse don’t you look at that horse no you look

At CLS in the CH for jaob butter let’s go don’t you look at that gifted horse in the mouth and softly that’s how easy this is like point out Dr oh thank you yay I gotta leave my you can B you know I’m judging the mod song

Right if you do that I will [Laughter] know anyway what’s the actual lyrics home I can’t even hear what she’s saying yeah I’m actually yeah I’m struggling right now to understand it Yeah gifted horse that’s like the that’s like the instrumental breakdown after the Chorus are you kidding me okay he can you please turn that music down oh also that’s the same song they had before like the like the way too cool for school when I recognized the I recognized the instrumental there s that’s all I Hur yeah what was that I

Couldn’t hear you over us rocking out that was the problem I said can you please turn that down oh uh what was that second part we didn’t hear you cuz you sto speaking loud enough through us to hear across the street oh are we walking too hard for your Widow head to

Handle yes and I would appreciate some peace and quiet all right fine This Is War okay here we go 1 2 3 4 to look at that gifted hor don’t look at that turns up the amplifi SCH I I school I math math suck I can’t count to I can’t count to my

Thre I can’t count to my fours I can’t count to my fours is gonna be talking shout out to Seline this is coming coming soon K’s latest single time the times tables again I will Know yeah closing the gar door doesn’t change the volume oh no what was that all about I get a noise complaint Anthony lives across the street and they always play that crap music they have never once done that until today you only just met Anthony what are you talking

About just they turn up the Imp more the second time like all right we’re gonna GNA make your ears bleed now yeah but that that is the exact joke that did a Good Luck Charlie episode yeah the resolution there was the two bands that came together sounds

Like fun anyways I better head home I have to feed my cat okay see you later sh I don’t want to do the mod song anymore I again I still have I’ve I’ve been busy today but I’ve yet to actually announce the competition you seem very enthusiastic about even though I made it

Public is yeah I said I I said that like that like it was gonna be at some point there gonna be a competition to see like people who could make like a song and G judge a song copies and like the and the winner gets to be a mod on the butter

Bunch O that’s what that’s what the mod song’s all about yeah I have the right mind of throw Sonic at then baby angel come for dinner oh well there’s always later who was she like like yelling that to her mom always later I say be be I have to go or

Whatever this is literally aous outro song orless it was at the time who again you’re trying to avoid comparisons to AAU and you do this no oh my goodness well you’ve made your bed now lying it you’ve made your bed now lying it um are there any pros

Um I think the only Pros that the guys towards the ends May her stop singing I guess that’s a pro for me uh because I didn’t want to hear her singing anymore um I guess another problem that I do like the Minecraft skins they’re not too bad or anything

But I know for sure like some of them is definitely like a run off from like my street and such but still but I still think like the micraft SKS are so nice and everything like you know because I have seen worse and something like the sets building and everything isn’t too bad

But the plot is definitely dry and like the same is just like it’s just like repetitive it’s like the same message over and over again so it’s like really all right uh yeah if for me I mean I liked the occasional moments of when we got distinct cinematography like

That like that shot that I mentioned of B just walking through the scool like refected in the mirrors I think I saw in some Harry Potter movies actually that same that same idea uh those S transitions sometimes and uh and then also like the actual hip-hop routine which didn’t really like which didn’t

End up playing too much at the moment but it does show that they actually are learning things and in that scene it was like about the rivalry that’s still stemming from from uh from KY towards baby and vice versa now so uh so yeah that that that probably

That probably is the uh the best scene there because the other ones are you know mainly one that they Mo the set they one or two shots there the the pacing being abysmal trying to figure out what stuff from apma was ripped off like the entire

C um and uh and I guess I guess the whole conflict of like you know Ivy and GTH and whatever yes KY is over here I’ll just give you like a you know a hug right here it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay don’t worry you’re okay it’s

Over uh but yeah um I I can interrupt I can interrupt the song if you want I could I was playing like doing a stream like of like listening to them all and then like doing like a bit of a review like the same style just like with

Everyone’s submissions also um I am G probably G to guess what our Junior’s cons is like the singing yeah probably I I imagine yeah yeah so again as the grandson of a musician I can see where he’s coming from is this worse than episode two I

Haven’t seen episode two but Jacob uh I have and I would say they’re about the same I think this one is actually slightly worse only because it repeats so much from episode two that we’ve already seen we’ve already had the bands like playing over each other from the first time that we

Heard baby in the recording booth which Al should have happened we’ve already heard babies in Securities with and you know basically every song is about like you know I’m such a tortured person but my songs have me and therefore they might LIF you as well because that’s

What you know that’s just like the one style uh which again I can see that but it’s also like not very it’s not very interesting style anymore we’ve heard so many people do this kind of song that it feels like just like as a protagonist baby just doesn’t seem like that

Distinct at all and we’re only told that she’s distinct because of her amazing voice which is even that amazing we haven’t heard many other people sing We heard sing at one point we’ve heard we we we’ve heard you know top band guy uh you know with ant and that’s really it

Like what is everyone else’s level in this in this school right that’s kind of why I was she’s supposed to be like towards like the end of her of her journey almost as far as like a music goes but then he’s also at like the start of Education even

Though he feels like this is where the starting point would have been yeah that’s kind of why I was asking for you to be part of it you were going to be seeing you were just going to inter I also want KW in it too

Me I mean if you two team up and make a make a mod song I did I did say that accounts like your submission only but yeah like that would be fine I mean just a warning Bond I cannot do exactly great upbeat songs because of

My voice uh is more like cider so more like GL by will probably fit for my voice if that’s what you you fit right in this musical series then because no one projects I mean I can project but not like you know a bead and everything like that it’s more like uh

I don’t know I I’m not maybe you should do some maybe you should do like a similar like like a billy eyh type song cuz she doesn’t really project too much either but that’s like that but but she like makes that work that’s that’s like

Her style as well suits her in that way I really like her uh what’s it called Crown I I actually haven’t heard that one it’s really good you should see me wearing a crown it’s so good I heard it phone locking key in oh it gives me goosebumps and

Chills I see I don’t think I’ve heard like any Billy other songs there no time to die not for a particular reason I just haven’t I also heard doing uh have you heard of lovely it’s like is no that’s that’s a really good song

Like I want to sing that one so bad like do like a cover of it it’s not up song I’m sure you’ll see but you do some dialog can I still it will still count why it doesn’t have to be me you can get anyone else to get like get Junior to do

The dialogue that would that would work I don’t know like anyone else H I love it yeah same here it’s one of my favorite songs honestly I actually also have like I like the original version of myish and there was another like version it’s like I don’t

Know it’s like rock and roll per se it’s just has more Mis instruments I really like and I really love like the woman’s voice in that version it just gives me chills and everything so okay then but yeah s my comination lovely it’s sad but good also

Arcade if you’re looking for sad songs to make a sad scene love and arcade is really good well fair enough assuming you’re not worry about copyright of course yeah well I meant like like if you’re like listening to music while writing you know that’s what I do I listen to music

Fair enough writing or whatever it helps me a lot or just listen to like ASMR type of stuff of that’s like music but also like you know so yeah yeah I mus while editing some times depending stuff with sound because sometimes I have to be like okay I need

To pause the next to hear this like recently because I’ve been doing like I’ve been I’ve been doing the the uh the we3 king stuff I’ve needed to you know pause whenever I’m listening to something or I just like just like have or just like have Shira in like a tab or

Something I have to pause that and then and then you’re like okay fine time to do this thing here all right to copy and paste now I can play it again jaob your voice and yourself and I heard you voice you I would I think he

Meant like have Junior be himself to do it not Jacob yeah although then again I’m sure that junor would jump with the chance do an impression of me he loves doing impr he loves Impressions I mean yeah like every time like every time like we would do stuff together whatever

And he wants to cheer me up he’s going to do some sort of PR that will make me laugh yeah there you go so so yeah but yeah I uh oh wa continue with my last message I am not joking this is gener Bor for me that I

Generally feel sleepy now oh I hate when it happens well don’t you worry because you are you are hereby released we have finished the video so yeah thanks everyone for joining us we’ll come back to this in like I don’t know next year another month’s time

Maybe in March I should have should have stuck with Josh’s suggestion and just and gone with the other Minecraft series he he sent me a he sent me like another Minecraft series to do it was the was one curse which I know I said I was going to do friends first before doing

Curse but I I could have gone back to iPod girl instead but I happened to pick today also do another Minecraft video like I want to talk about my passion G I feel like I feel like reviewing a musical and yeah here we are so yeah I was gonna recommend the haunted series

But that one probably should have fed more into bun buch because um it’s like there’s nothing really bad per se they do they just swear and so I don’t know like how far you’re okay with like swearing on this channel are you are you f to the the the the the haunted

Minecraft series where one of the guys is nam Drake is half Enderman yeah yeah I have known about that one for years because um because one of my friends Fenix Diamond a big fan and Tom me to watch it for a long long time so yeah

Maybe maybe I will put that on the but a bunch then check it’s like hey have you seen more of the hor like I forgot again like all the time yeah I could send you like the pill of like all the episodes are available if you need it oh rest assur I

Know exactly where to find it but still fa enough wrot oh my goodness one of my one of my old videos uh I actually like I I I do a cover like of a song that she wrote If like on the haunted uh fan pages it didn’t like have instruments to

It so I just like made it up on the spot but yeah so I guess there’s like one of a cover out there of me doing like a a haunted fan song that someone else wrote interestingly enough yeah it’s my favorite like her and Bryan series of Minecraft so Junior quick question but

If you if you got the chance to do an impression of me for a song would you do it to do an impression of you for a song yes I mean sure let’s go ahead yeah that’s well speak to Bon about it because that’s it’s their project just

Like yeah why not if you want someone if you need someone to be me that it can’t be me because I’m judging it then yeah oh yay oh my goodness everyone’s like looking to like behind the scenes if you’re talking about like the haunted uh Channel or you talk about Foxy sister

Foxy apparently does got discontinu as well but I guess the haunted Channel okay fine there’s yeah like there was times where like one of the crors had to leave because they went to Military and stuff like that but they also did trying to bring back the series like about a

Year or two ago um like revived the series but they only came in with episode one and they said they’ve been trying to episode two but a lot of people think that they just immediately quit again so I I’m not sure I’ve been like I’ve been and I to invite Fenix

Diamondite back she hasn’t been on my on my channel in years and then like um that great reunion I know one of the original creators is planning to actually make a common book series of the Honda series to like complete it or whatever or that’s le as what the rumors

Are so yeah there’s a lot of stuff that happened around behind the scenes and stuff I remember like following it because I was so into it like I was excited when I heard it was coming out again and everything like that and so I even wrote like my own Aus like what

Would happen if I was in this series yeah so yeah the most yeah before before before like before like a I heard like this like this was one of like the major fandoms around a Minecraft series particularly yeah I just completely ignored it for some reason I don’t know

Why H wait and no the breakup with a partner thing was this channel the the foxy sisters BB is talking about the haunted creators got up now that’s the confusion I don’t know why she she looked up the channel just now but and but I guess it

Was worth mentioning it’s the most r videos where I got myone from okay thank thanks for the update being better I I have to look into that myself it’s been around since I checked on them because you know they were been doing other stuff so oh wait oh wait never

Mind she was actually talking about the foxy sisters okay all right okay I guess was bad timing from the halted perspective right okay okay so I was right about my information baby fire talk about the okay good to know that’s good to clear up on things okay all

Right but yes we did in fact know if talk about for we did in fact know that the continues because ghost Kitty and Josh both talked about like breakups with partners and and such they didn’t mention any terminal illnesses or anything but yes the breakup part was

Mentioned before and we know the super was discontinued we’re still going to watch it anyway because that’s just what we do here because uh I mean why why stop I want to see if this actually gets better or not oh L it probably won’t yeah I

Know but I I I have I have what is referred to as blind optimism sometimes uh keep going it keeps those it keeps the reviews going it depends I don’t know what L optimism is it’s called life fair enough yeah okay I guess we’ll yeah I guess we’ll see what um what what

What process that yeah whether not this improves or not but my OBS will pay off the next time you watch one of these uh see what that one’s about actually don’t know what the next episode is about also keep companying on the butter brunch to say watch The Haunted series watch The

Haunted Series so it happens they need to see it guys it’s happening again it’s been 10 years it’s coming back to literally haunt me again for a second time oh my goodness fine Phoenix if you’re watching this you’re getting wish at last oh my goodness fine anyways for now

We’re done so yeah thanks everyone for watching please leave a like or dislike is your opinion M subcribe already and on that note until next time what is going on now

This video, titled ‘Don’t Judge Me | My Passion [S1:E3] | Minecraft Review’, was uploaded by Jacob Butter on 2023-12-13 12:18:59. It has garnered 59 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:08 or 6488 seconds.

Sorry, Baby, but Judgement is what I do!

Original Video by Foxy Sisters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-RR60SVSlc

Minecraft Review, minecraft review 2023, Jacob Butter, jacob butter, My Passion, minecraft musical roleplay, minecraft roleplay, my passion minecraft, my passion minecraft roleplay, foxy sisters, foxy sisters minecraft, foxy sisters minecraft my passion songs, foxy sisters minecraft my passion, my passion foxy sisters

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    Speedrun Master: Minecraft in 0 Sec The Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Beating the Game in 0 Seconds Introduction Imagine a world where time stands still in Minecraft, where the usual rules of the game no longer apply. This is the challenge that one brave player took on – to beat Minecraft in 0 seconds using the /tick freeze command. Let’s dive into the details of this incredible feat. How to Beat Minecraft in 0 Seconds The player faced numerous obstacles due to the limitations imposed by the /tick freeze command. Unable to break blocks or kill mobs, it seemed impossible to progress in the game. However,… Read More

  • Minecraft Throwback: Epic Fails (#1)

    Minecraft Throwback: Epic Fails (#1) Exploring Minecraft Let’s Plays in 2015 Introduction to Minecraft In 2015, the gaming world was abuzz with the phenomenon that is Minecraft. PanCook, a YouTuber, decided to delve into this popular game and share his experiences with his audience. Little did he know the impact this decision would have on the gaming community. Creating PanCook’s Lovely World PanCook starts his journey by creating a new world in Minecraft, naming it “PanCook’s Lovely World.” This simple act marks the beginning of an adventure filled with creativity, exploration, and endless possibilities. Exploring the Game As PanCook navigates through the blocky landscapes… Read More

  • INSANE POTIONS in All The Mods 9 Modpack! ShigaruFR Ep. 5

    INSANE POTIONS in All The Mods 9 Modpack! ShigaruFR Ep. 5Video Information ah oh [Musique] yes bonjour tout le monde c’est chigarou bienvenue dans cette nouvelle vidéo aujourd’hui c’est l’épisode 5 de notre série sur all the mods 5 the mods 9 excusez-moi je des bêtises on est devant la maison que j’ai grandement avancé comme vous pouvez le voir alors elle est pas finie mais j’ai je vais vous montrer un petit peu ce que j’ai faire j’avais envie de j’avais envie de V un petit peu ces derniers jours mais j’avais pas envie de spécialement filmer juste moi qui construit pendant 5 heur je pense pas que ce… Read More

  • Exploring Vintage Minecraft ft. Poko Rakun

    Exploring Vintage Minecraft ft. Poko RakunVideo Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ba [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] hello everybody and welcome to another Pogo stream yes I have Nintendo in the background will I get copyright strike probably will I take the consequences yeah it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Anarchy Server Build – Linky Blocks #minecraft

    INSANE Anarchy Server Build - Linky Blocks #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Anarchy Server Build #minecraft #anarchy #2b2t #shorts’, was uploaded by Linky Blocks on 2024-05-17 05:57:50. It has garnered 343 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Building a base on the mulriplayer true anarchy minecraft server. How long will it survive? #minecraft #anarchy #shorts Read More

  • INSANE AlainCraft SMP Pre-Launch Event VOD

    INSANE AlainCraft SMP Pre-Launch Event VODVideo Information confirm and go live confirm and go live heck yeah awesome hopefully the feedback of your voice isn’t too loud yeah uh I should probably balance us a little better let me turn let me turn desktop volume down awesome heck yeah is this working is this working are we live are we live is this working is this working heck yeah we are hello everybody Welcome um does your studio show your stream what do you mean your YouTube Studio mine only does it for some reason if I use the stream key let me let me… Read More

  • Escaping School with Crush on Roblox – DaveFromPH

    Escaping School with Crush on Roblox - DaveFromPHVideo Information uy kabisado ko na Yung mga shapes na pagaaralan natin ikaw ba Memories ko na Din Yan alam ko na Yan uy nice one nice one Ang Galing Namin sa mga shapes guys kabisadong kabisado na ba guys alamyo Rin Yon Kung alamyoan ie mo naong video Bilis ie na Yan maraming Salamat sa mag u tog na pala si teacher Oh no ngtahan natin An humihilikya humihil si teacher nak nakigisingin pagalitan tayo Ang sarapsarap ng tulog niya uy anong Oras na ba tingan mo nga naku maglalabasan na nga Talaga Tara umalis na tayo Dito Hindi… Read More

  • RUTHLESS Granny Slaughter in Chapter 30 – Watch Now!

    RUTHLESS Granny Slaughter in Chapter 30 - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Granny Chapter 30 Horror Gameplay Again i will Kill The Granny’, was uploaded by wasad Gaming on 2024-03-04 01:50:50. It has garnered 110 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:18 or 318 seconds. poppy playtime poppy playtime chapter 3 funny poppy playtime 3 horror roblox minecraft scary gameplay horror game granny jeffy catnap poppy playtime catnap huggy wuggy twitch games gaming kissy missy poppy playtime chapter 3 gameplay fnaf stream fgteev minecraft fgteev skit fgteev gaming fgteev poppy playtime chapter 3 fgteev poppy youtube fgteev poppy playtime 3 boss battle poppy playtime… Read More